Planning Commission Packet - 05/02/1989 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. '44.. '...,i TIGARI� PLANNING COMMISSIOPT MAY 2, 1989 - 7:3� PM TIGARD CIVIC CEN�ER - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 1. CALL TO ORllER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVE MINUT�S FROM APRIL 18, 1989, HEARING. 4, PLAAINING COMMISSION COMMUNYCATION 5. PUBLIC fIEARIPIGS 5.1 SUBDIVISIOId S 89-05 BEIdCHVIEW ESTATES JOINT VENTURE/MUELLER NPO � 3 Benchview Eetates Joint Venture/MuelLer To delete a one foot wide "non-vehicular acceea r�servation etrip" �long the Benchview T�rrace street frontage of lota 18 and 19 of Benchview Estat�e Subdivision. ZONE: R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acrej. LOCATYOIV: 13643 SW Benchview Place and 13483 SW Clearview Way (WCTM 2S1 4DC, tax lote 1800 and 1900) 5a2 COMPI2EHENSIVE PLA,N AMENDMENT CPA 89-05 & ZONE CHANGE ZC 89-05 CROW AREGON, INC. NPO � 8 A request for a Carnprehensive Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to Profesaional Commercial and a Zons Change from R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) to C-P (Profeesional Comnnercial) for 9 parcels totalling a�pproximately 1.84 acres. Also requested is an amendment to the Metzger-Progr�ss Community Plan to revise the alignment of Lincoln Street. LOC2ITIONs 9220, 9260, 9330 Lacust; 10175 92nd; 9225, 9255 Mapleleaf (WCTM 1S1 35AB, tax l.ote 700, 701, 702, 500, 501, 600, 900, and parts of 280Q, 1002) 5.3 COMPREHENSIJE PLAN �NLIMENT CPA 89-04 HUGHES/POSCO Y,ANDS NPO � 2 A request for a Comprehensive Plan map amendmen� from Professinnal Commerci.al to Medium High Density Reaiden�ial and a zone change from C-P (Profeaeional Commercial) to R�25 (Residential, 25 unita/acre) for 1.75 acres. Also, a Comprehenaive Plan map amendment from Medium-Denaity Residential to Mediu�m-High Density Residential and a zona chang� irom R- 12 (Re�idential, 12 units/acre) to R-25 £or 3.02 acre�. The subject parcel� abut each ather. 5.4 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 89-10 BISSETT NPO �2 A requeet for a Sign Cod� Eacce�tion to allow retention of an overaized (148.5 equare foot per ! face) and a.n overheight (30.5 foot high) freeetanding eign. �he Code s�tandarda for freestanding eigns in the C-G zone allow 70 sq. ft. per sign face and a maximum height of 20 feet. xONE: C-G (General � Commercial) LOCI4TION: 11989 SW Pacific Tiighway (WCTM 1S1 35DD, tax lot 5102). 6. OTH�R BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT � __ -- - � - --- - � . _.-,_, ___ .�.__ . . . .. _ _ . . _ � a . 'i, TIGll13D PLllHl1ING (7�II�IT33IOH i R�GGIII,.�tt l�STI1fG !!2!Y 2, 1�89 ' 1. Vice President Fyre called the meeting to axder ati 7:30 PM. The meetfng II was held a� thE '�i ard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 S g W Hall Boulevarel, Tigard, Oregon. I �. RAI,L CAL�.: Present: Pxesident Moen (arrived 7:33 PM); Commissioners Barber, Fyxe, Newton (arrived 7:35 PM), Peterson, Rosborough, and saporta. Abaent: Commissionere Castil� and Lev�rett. 3taff: Assietant Planaer J�rry Offer and Aaeistant P�.anner Deborah �tuartp City Engineer Randall Wooley; and Planning Secretary Diane M. Jelderks. Preaident Moen arrived. 3. li!lPPROVAL OF tiINQTSS Commiseionar Basber noted two correction�. Commissianer Rcasborough m�ved and Commiesioner Petersan s�conded to approve the minutes as corrected. 1�3otion carried by majority of Commiss�.oners present. Commissionera Fyre, .Moen, and Saporta abstained. �I 4. PLANi�ING COMl�ISSION C70l�lUNICl�iTI0A7 o There wa� no communication. � 5. �UUBLIC HBARINGS 5.1 SiTBAIVISION S 89�-Q5 BBNCAVIBW $STATBS �OII�1'r VSNTOR$/!lQI�LLRR NPO # 3 Henchview Eatatea Joint Venture/Mueller To delet� a one foot wide "non- vehicular accese reservation atrip" along the Benchview Terra�e Street frontage of lote 18 and 19 af Benchview Es�atee Subdivision. ZONE: R-4.5 (Residentia]., 4.5 units/aare) . LQCATION: 1364� SW Benchview Place and 13483 SW Clearview Way (WCTM 2S1 4DC, tax lots 1800 and 1900) Aseistant Planner Offer revievaed the proposal and made ataff's recommendation for approval with two conditions. APPLICP►NT°S PRBSSHTATYUN o Louie Fasano, 2455 SW Gregory, Weet Linn, OR, Benchview Eetates Joiaxt V�ntur�, supported a�aff�e recommendation. They cv�re requeating the modification becauee of the steepness of the slopeso Aleo, the eeti,mated traffic would not warrant restricting access to Benchview Terrace. Diacuesian followed regarding driveway accessee for lots 15, 16, and 17. PE,F�NNING �SISSION HINUTSS - PlAY 2, 1989 - PAGB 1 i � i ( . • � o Jac3c Schwab, Aictorn�8y, 9250 SW Tigard Stre�t, repreaenting Edwia & Sharon Mue]Ller who hav� purchased and designed a home for �he site would lik� acceas to Benctaview Terrace. They feel this is a viable alteraative and will minim3ze the impact to �he site. PIIBLIC TSSTIM�NY o No one appeared tn speak. PIIBLSC HS�ING CT,OSB�D o Comimiesfoners Peterson and Saporta ahared the CPO'a concern regardinq traffic eaf�tp with future development. o Commissioners Newton, B�rber, Rosborough, Fyre, and Moen a�.so ehared the CPO's concerns regarding traffic, hoc�ever, they suppor�ed staff'a � r�commendation as bein a viable solution. 9 * Commissioner Rosbornugh moved and Comsni�sioner Barber se�onded to approve , S 89-05 based on �taff s findings and conditions. Motion �arried by majority of Commiseioners preeent. Coc�tni��iones� Sa�gc.�x�a and Petergon voting no. 5.2 (X�PRB�iSIVS �T.i�il�i AMgNDMEHT CPl� 89-05 & ZONS CHANGB Z� 89-05 CltOW ORSGON, INC. liPO # � A request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low Deneity Residential to Professional Commercial and a Zon� Chartqe faco� R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 unite/acre) to C-P (Professional Commercial) far �even parcels and portiona of twa others to�alling appsoximately 2.21 acrea. Also requeet�d is an amendrnent to the Metzgar-Progress Community Plan to revise the alignment of SW 93rd Avenue. LOCATYON: 9220, 9260, �330 Locust; 10175 92r�d; 9225, 92a5 Mapleleaf (WCTM 1�1 35A8, tax lA�s� 700, 7Q1, 7Q2, 500, 501, 600, 900, and parte of 2800,1002) Asa3.atant Planner Deborah Stuart reviewed the proposa]., noted changes in the staff report, and made staff's recomm�ndation for approval of the Compreheneive Plan Amenclment and Zone Ch�nqe for lota 900 and lOQ2; denial of the Comprehenaive Plan Amendment and Zone Change for the aix re�idential lots; and denial of th� request to amend the Metzger- Progr.ese Community� Plan. Discuasion followed regardinc� the proposed development. Fiandall Wooley, City Engineer, addreeseci traffic concerns atating that the proposal could reeult in major changee to Iiighway 217. Discussion ' followed regarding who would bear L-he c�st of a etudy, alternativ@ accessea to the area, traffic circulation, traffic capacity, surrounding I zoning, accee�s ta 217, and signalizatian. PI.ANNIY�IG OUMMIaSION YdINOTFSS - l91�Y 2, 1989 - PAG$ 2 ;` i': � _.. ,.- -- -- -_ ,:_ _.,... . .�..:.:__.,. �__. _.._,_. ...:.::. .__..,.,;.;. ♦ < �� APPLIGANT'S PRESBNTATIOId o Dav�id Blake, Partner, Tramme�ll Craw Compan�r, 10260 3W Greenburg Road, Portland, OR 9722a, revi.ewed the exiating site and proposed structures whicta aould be constructed v�ithou� the, proposed Comprehensive Plan Amenc1ment. He reviewed the layout of exi.sting traffio pattern�. He reviewed the proposed �tructuree if the Comprehensive Plan, Zone Change, and Metzger �- Progre�e Community Plan were amended. He revie�wed the proposecY road alignment, adding that the proposed alignment would pravide a better collects�r atreet and that the school would benefit by additional parking and better ecreeni.ng. Discu�sion followed with Commiaea.oner� regarding what wauld be psrmitted, what ia propoaed, and the xoad alignment. Commission�r Newtan left 8:35 PM o Cathy Chaee, 8365 SW Steee, Tigaxd, OR 97223, atated ahe is a member o� NPO � 8 and a member of the Parent Facility Aeeociation at Metzger School, She read and eubmitited written teetimony regarding meetings she had attended and the regults of those meeti.ngs. She wanted the Commieeion to know that she ha�d talked with a number of geople in the camanun,ity and the people f�vc�r the applicant's proposal with the Comprehenaive Plan Amendment. o Andrgw Sn�si�r, 10175 SW 92nd, Tigar.d, OR 97223, tax ].ot 501, hae lived in the area for 20 yearse He felt tlxe �raffic problems were created by the i shopping center. He supparted the appliaant's r�quest. I o Ann Creswell, 8775 SW Locust � 13, Tigard, OR 97223, favored the proposal. � i o Jack Steiger, 18436 SW Sandpiper, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, eupported �he � propaeal. i o Mrs. Mork, Daughtex-in-Law far pori.s L. Kleinpell, 9220 SW La+cust St., Tigard, OR, 97223 supported the proposal. o Marty Presley, 9260 SW Locuet, Tigard, OR 97223, tax lot 700, favorec� �he propo�aal. o Michael Presley, 9260 SW Locust, Tigard., AR 97223, favored the proposal stating that he did not want to live next to a six story parking structure. ;' o Brian Bean, 9225 SW Mapl�leaf, Tigard, OR 97223, Ao� 600, supported the proposal for the following reasone: 1) Aifferen� grou� already eupport th� proposal. 2) No on� �aan�e ta live next to a six story parking atructure. 3) The new road being prapoeed wou].d b�nefi� Metzger Sehool. � o Rick Rogere, 9140 SW Loauet, lot 202, stated tha� he ie t�he closeet resid�ntial property and ie in support of the prapoaed develapment. He stated that the existing roads �re in ehat�by condition� A1so, the � addit.ional parking for the �chool will incr�ase �afety. PLAIdNING C(�II�ISSION I�INDTBS -- MAY 2, 1989 - Pl�Gg 3 ' t ' i E I o Mark Vander Yacht, 9125 SW Locuat, Tigard, OR 972Z3, lives in the Gounty. �ie basic concern is traffic created by Washington Square. H� felt Trammell Crow's project would have a limited impac�. o Berry Helm, 9255 SW Maplel�af, Tigard, OR, 97223, tax lot 702, supported the requeet. o Brian HaLvereon, 10180 SW 93rd, Tigard, OR 97223, tax lot 701, has the only home which faces the Trammell Crow praject. If the six story parking structure were approved he is clase er�ough ta count the bricks. He aupported the proposed request with the ground level parking atructure. o John S. Blomgren, 4960 SW Oak, Tigard, OR 97223, opposed the propoeal. F3e felt traffic concerns ehould be taken. care of prior to deve.Lopmento REBUTTAL n David Blak� �ta�.ed they recognize tF;3t ther� ie substan�ial traffic in the area and supporta urban renewal; however, improvements �,rill not happen i.f dev�lopment is �rohibitec�. o Discuaeion followed with staff regarding approval of the Comprehensive P1an .Amendment requiring a deed restriction on the residential properties and improvemente to SFi 93rd Avenue. PIIBLIC I�AItI1dG CI.OSBA o Conaeneua of the Commission was to �upport Trammell Crow'� proposal, especially sinae they have the support of the neighborh.00do The Commis�ion also felt a deed restriction should be required for the reeiclential propertiee limiting development to a parking structure as prog�oeed. They recognize that traffic problems need to be addreased. * Commiseioner Fyre moved and Cornmis�ioner Barber seconded to forward a recommendation for approval to City Council; furthex recommending that City Council impose a deed rastriation li.miting the development on the residential property to a two single s�ory parking etx�ucture (top story at g�ade level) . Motior� carried unanimoualy by Commisaionere present. RECESS 9:15 PM RECONVk,NE 9:25 PM 5.3 (DO�REI�NSIVB PI.�IIf �lMENDlI8I�i1T CPA 8�-04 SLTGH83/POS(70 LANDS NPO � 2 A requeet fox a Comprehensive Plan map amendment from Profsesional Commercial to Medium High Density Reaidential and a zone change from C-P I (Profesefonal Commer�ial) to R-25 (Reafdential, 25 uni�s/acre) for 1.75 acres. Also, a Comprehensive plan map amendment from Medium-Deneity Residential to Medium-High D�neity Residential and a zone ehange £rom R- 12 (Reeidential, 12 unit�/acre) to R-25 for 3.02 acree. �he aubject parcele abut each other. PLANd�YING �0�4iISSION IiI11O'dBS -- li�Y 2, 198� - PAGS 4 i �� _.. � -- � _ _- �� Assistant Planner Jerry Offer reviewed the staff report and made staff's � recommendation for approval. , APPLICANT'S PRgB$HT�TION II o Phil Hedrick, applicant°s representative, 111 5W 5th Avenue, Suite 3850, Portland, OR, explained that th� lot preeently zoned C-P has visibility problems and is not marketable far cQmmercial prof'�seional use. xhey teel that multi-family i� � alternative use that ie maxketable because of the site's location to traneportation and shopping. The lot zoned R-12 ia curren'tly dev�loped vrith a nonconforming use and th� increase to medivan high density would bring it into conformanae. PUSLIC TSSTIMiONY o Dan Gott, NPO � 1 Chairpereon atated that they had diacuesed thia requeat at great lengths and were at a quandary ae what to do. They did not have a quorum at their meeting so they did no� vote on thie requeat. n David Hughee, ltt. 3 Box 27�E, Sherwood Or, etat�d he hae owned the vacant �ita for 10 y�are and has �ried tn have the eite dsvelcrped. Hnwever, because of the visibility problem he is not able to compete with the other arese in tawn zanect C-P. He has now found a residential develoger who is willing to wark with him. o M�ry Brazil, 11463 SW Ha11 Blvd. , Tigard, OR 97223, was concerned about txaffic congestion. 5he felt Hall Blvd. needed ta be widened before any development takes place. o Richard Murray, 11440 SW Lomi�a, Tigard, OR 97223, stated that the �xisting vacant lot is in such a mess that he is tempted to support the reque�t. However, he is concerned with the problems that euch a development would create, auch ae noi�e, whiah he wouldn't have at night � if the site ie d�veloped commercial �rofeesional. He raas aleo concerned becaus� existing agsar�ments in the ar.ea currently have drug prablems and the police are constantly having to respond to calls. l�PPLIC]�tiT•S RSBIITTAL o Phil Hedrick, rei��rated the Engineer�s report which stated that the apartment would create less of a traffic impact. He stated �ha� there would be a 30 foot eetback from the residential area with 6 foot cedar iencing and plantings for sareening. There wi11 nat be any windows conatructed on the west side of the development. PIIBLIC TBSTIKONY o K. M. Brazil, 8834 SW �ohman Parkway, Tigard, OR 97223, asked if he could teatify, he had not ai�gr�ed up to s�ak. Chairman Moen agreed and added I hie name to the sign up ah�et. PI.ANNING C�O�l4lISSION MINU`FSS m MAY 2, 1989 - �AGB � i i i 1 f . `: .. o H. M. Brazi]., dieagrsed with the traffic report. He fe�lt the whole area ehould be left ae one zone and lae developec� as commercial profeseional. 1�PPLTC�iNT°3 RgBO'1"rAT. o Phil Hed•ri�k atateci that they had no probleme with ths rest of t,he arQa developing as aommercial profesaional. Howev�r, Mr. l�ughea would like to '� develop hie property now as multi-family raeidlen�ial. PiIBLIC H�7ilRING CI.bSRD o Coneensua o� Commission was for denial. They were concerned that this would create a spot zone making it difficult tor abutting C-P properties to develop and they did nc�t feel �. �2-25 zone ehould alsut an R-4.5 aone. * Commies�oner Fyre moved and Commissioner Peterson, seconded to forward a recommenctation of denial to City Council based on the following re�sone. l. Thie is creatinr� a apot zone� 2. The change wnuld czeate probleme for ad�acent proper�y Qwners. 3. R-25 zoning ahoul.d not be adjacent to R-4.5 zaning. 4,. Lot 330Q ia cLrsently developed c�osg to the R�-12 designation. Motion carried unani.mously by Commiesionere pzeeent. �I� 5.4 �IGN c�Dg SS��IU�i sCB 89-10 BISSSTT NPO #2 A requeat for a Sign Cod� Exception ta allow retention of an oversi.zed (14�.5 �q�:are foot per f�ce) and an overheight (30.5 fo�t high) freestanding sign. Ths Code st�ndards for freestanding signs in the C-G zone a11ow 70 sq. ft. per sign face and a maximum heiqnt of 20 feet. ZOIdEa C-G (General Commercial) LOCATION: 11989 SW Pacific Highway (WCTM 1�1 3SDD, tax 1ot 5102) . Asaistant Planner Stuaz�t reviewed tha proposaZ and made �taff'� recoaamendation for denial of the variance and sppraval of a aign code exception for a height of 25 feet and sign eize of 87.5 gq. ft. par side. �lPPLIGANT'8 PRBSBNTATION o Larry Bisaett, 2204 PIW Irving` Portland, OR 97209, explained that there ie rio v�.eibility to thei.r buil.ding as they were required to have a 30 foot aetback from Pacifia Hiqhway wh�n the building was conetructed in 1969, Setback requir�mente were changed �o tea feet and then agaimm to zero feet. Currently the eign ie obscured by �he Hank building and the Theater. He felt that etaff's recommendation would make th� sign unusable. o Mark Cushing, Goodyear Repxesentativeo 11989 SW Pacific Fiighway, Tiqard, OR, 97223, etated that the sign is crucial for �heir bueineas and decreaeing the height and aize would not b� viable. PLAI�IN�NG (�O�lgIISSIG�N lIIHOTBS - PIAY 2, 19$9 - PAGS 6 �. � ; � . FOBLIG TBSTIIiONY o No one appeared to speak. pus�zc asu�ix� c�gn o Conseneus of the Commiseion wae to su�port s4:aff'e recommenda�ion. Dieauaeion followed whether additianal height or size, aPoove staff's recommendation, ehould be permitted. * Cnmmiesioner Sapor�ta moved and Commis�i.oner Ro�barau�h eeaanded to deny Variance V 89-16 and approve Sign Ccsde Exception SCL 89-10 p�r etaff's recommendatioa� and conditione. Motion carried unan,imously by Commisaioners preeent. OTHBYt BQSINSSS o Assiatant Planner Jerry Offer explair�ed that there ie a 5ite Development Review proposal that the applicant fe81e will b� app�e�led to the planning Commissian and they would like to have the Coinmi�sion revisw the proposal inetead of the Director. Mr. Offer explainecl tha�t thie can be done p�r Section 18.32.090. Diacussion followed regarding hearing the item on May 16th or on June 6th. Consensus of the Commisaion was ta hear the item on June 6th. 7. ADJODRI�NT - 11:00 P!1 � l�i-r�� ����� : .. Diane M. Jel ke, S�cretary ATTE�T: __�) I�j� ������� ����"/ _��-2-�.i A Dan�ld Moen, President i'' dj/PCM5-2 PLA,NNING (70MtiISSIOP l�IN�TgS - !!AY 2', 1�89 - PAiG� 7 s � �. E f� i ;i i `� �._ • PT,ANNIN� CUMMISSION RQLL CALL IiEARYNG DATE t � G'" STI4RTING TI�+IE e ��,�_ C01�5MISSIONERS � DQIdALD MOEP7�' /`�� _� VL.�lST2� �ARBEIt 1'� JAMES CAST�LE � MILT FYRE . I�0 DEANE LEVERETT � �3� 11� GREG ATEWTON °��� � DAVE PETERSON � DAN ROSBQRO(7GH _1�� FYI�RRY SAPORTA i STAP'F PRESENT: � ���''.."°�--J � � ;;' ;' ,,; i`' ' , dj/PC—ROLL t ; � � � ,: f+ � c�` �'���� ���������� �� �� � �.���a P.O. BOX 370 PHQFIE(503)684-0360 G���g��7-6913 �3EAVERTO[V,09EGOW 9707b ����� ������ ����P�a���� ���� � ��� 4 CITY OF TIGARD ° � ���rsh�eY u�ofic� ��� `� � PO �OX 23397 � ���� TIGA�D, OR 9727_3 ° � ��p4oc�4e RWrool��i4 ���� o Q " �'�e Po9&������s��c�s�������`�i�€3�"������s�°�'s�saa IU��yL �g�,9 ay�S�rQnc��.�k.,��:30�t��y�� '��y,������w�t��.€q��pnde..��,5n.��s����, A��AgL�v,y�b�?7��p.� FJ%�65.y R��gC16Pdj����?Su'x'����.x:sl�.dL-'S��.i'_�'°S�$da��Z�����$�9 A�tl&L�.�LB�. _ �a���a� ka��ia��s� tPa�s ��s ��ii b� c��z�aaeke� �as �¢:caar�3��e� �ai� fi�a� _'.._ �e���f������.��e�f 2��°��d��ea��aa��,���s������e- � A��9�,,�l9�� O� (P���BC,��SG� �a�r�s s��a���1���� �� ia��,��t��e��ase ra��-�e�o��a����°�� .��Y��� �� ������, ���..�fl° ������ `����`�c8�3a�13.�3b�'� �4� $�JWd.�'��7��@ CS'$�2�I't�$L3c.x"'7��el�' �����€y ���€;IQ��aze�at ��� �a° �ar��reia����e �i�a �� ��e� �. ���a- �04��'��' O� 0�f�eS?�9�9��0�1, ,s�. a�t��'� i� ��#� p€���€�� ��a ��� ��� o� t��t �s�e�or�. �t�e� 9 EiAINE PETROGEORGE i�ys��,�i¢�t��t,��y��/�eA a�b�]�a]cp�ep��]���g���t�lage9 ����ca�,��ya9Dy?�i��s�a�g31�����al� B2��.g����q V�b{jY�.7S6InC79��68�v�.SaE9:�g 6�`�1/S. �a�Srag ffoPsY da�Bb samo�n, ci��os� ana s�y fha� i �rr� fihe �,d�mPYisierg �LT�F..?t;��2��I(°a� Ili'sPeetca�, or hss p�6�aci�ai cEe�k, r���9ae TIGARD TIMES � �o��s�a��e� o� geea�P�! ciPC��&�oA..�s dr��9�ae� ir� ORS 993.0�0 C�f��������'���°I�F3�Na�PA��fCS����E;��3G��C ��� ��3.(�2�; paeb9as��d at in thc �9d��a'3'�e���1�,I?VC,�;�'�!�8�.fe^qt�e�i�o�a���S�r����e..����E�+ aUma�es�i�9 ccsu��8y a�r� s4��e; ��a2 tP�e �?����'��'����e��r�e�ide�ti�1 tsa�of�io��a��e��i�.€�d p�J-�T�. uF'dJ��-��`�I�F� ��3���$$�g�t���:3 Q�e�A��ddt1£�,�S.g9 1fl5�B�4,$���SB�°���1°Of�E�� ��2e� a�)���€s�.�°�e�i��st�ag agr��oo�e��1�1.��ac��,�o�ec��� a ��a�atE� co�y oG �shae� 6s her�Yo a��exec�, �aas �a�bBished i� the ����a��s������a`i�e1���°��g���mrra�aa��a�@y P��t t��e���t� �aaQa�e ossaae o¢sa�c� ea�e��as���e�Vor—��� s�accessive anc� ����'� �� ���� �'e�. ��,A�t��i. 9��l, �2��§, ��3� ���; ED�rS �2��9C2�9 9�55�a���te&�f�3C'I'�'i 1����.��lm�c�t4��3ifl?,941�,�4�E,aflfl, C08B�u@��9$Ub�' 9V4 $�'9@�OIIO�sTJ9�0f,j iSSfl9�S: ��'r,A64,a�d��S�����rfE,�43�2� ��E3���i�.Yd��9�i���I�3���J�A�.Y��'V�'J�"t���i�i���� n D�-r� �29 19�Q ����'�#��e���id�a��es.�c�tt��!�e�tEia�,t���99���°a�d�a�:���e 8��t w�r��`°�������ct�a��c��e�v�f�o�s�ip':��ar�;E�sr".���v�:e�i�es��e ��3�'�9i�2 wf s¢s� �8 S�� R9������Ji�:�������i��t3g�,ft��a.�Cl�: _ -. �-�,S Q�_ �. 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NPO NUMBEIt: _�,___�_ �ATE OF FiEARING � � �'� � F PLEASE PRIN'� YOLYR NAMFa. ADL►RESS, AND INCLUTOL YQUR ZIP CODE � N' PROPONENT (For the prnposal) OPPUId�NT (Aqa�,nst the proposal) print t3�e/Address/Zip & Affili�ation Print Name/Adrirese�/Zip � Affi,liation 2�k'S5 s_�..>_ C,rr e.r� o r� w z s�F- c-• �... , n•f �� c')V r S �C� 5 c:t v� a ��.�.��.4�.,�c,.s Es�-��+--es - J�i.n� J�u,-ti'✓✓Z �, �,s� . fc �C 4(w q'LSa �cv r i,. {"I �!. �� ,.. ;, d1 �; �:. i �:: f', �: E: �'��, �� ��i � � I G � R D F L A N � I F G C O H H Y S S I O N NOTICB: AI.L P8f2SONS DSSIRING �'O SPY�AR ON ANY Y'TSH M[TST SIG�T THEIFt �is!!B .F�NI) 1�OTS THBIR ADDRESS ON THIS Sffi�ETo (Please PRINT) AGTNDA ITEM: , �s�rC CAS� %JiJAiBER(S): ' � �� OWI�TER/APPLICANTa �L� L�C�D •�/i�. LpC.ATION: A w I I�1I�d NUM$ER: � UATE OF EiEARING �� PLEASE PRINT YOUR IdAME, ADDRESS, AND INCLUDE YOUR ZTP CADE PROPONENT (For �he proposal.) OPPONENT (Agairnst the proposalj Print Name/Addreae/Zip � P,ffiliatiion Print Name/Addresa/Zig & P►£fil.iation � hP�la�r` . Lc��e� ,•C >. ..o�,�... .G� �P �'� � ����t, � �r_,�,,, � � � � �;ii' ~A/(?D , � �;�;,,�; � � �� ' � �: �n1�1� �L.O �G�F `' /' �-, /D�� s V �.-�;�}C'���'w� � fl� ('�"�o� �;�t,tiJ '7�r� ��1�"j'� ��P �il� �� C1G� � ,/' d � ►�'" �/I ���T'�'"F>d t�c�,j��`:�.�`-'. �'. .ci,�',�"e t� {�/' _ ������p ������ ��� �i�7 v 3 s"' `i'� �G��.�'1'<. �'f"-L"!.x t'��, /�'c/;�(� .f�.l �rwr n!�'�c.. L.�� � �� ` � . �r � I J-ti 4 �� �,..�1.�.' ��,! °..i''-&'�.� !dZ...2, .�::�L`':r,ra, ' ),�j � ��, ��t �RJ�'Ly!'I� �T.,�1_ ! �%,I.i�� (�CS' k"'.!) 7:TF �.✓�.{d'�°t"� �� � 'l!'ZGO .St���r.�.;f"' ---.. . � H ,l•��Ce �.�.Gt t-'"t "' . '` `.t�EI� '�'1'`��a.k';.a�� , ic- ,r:' :� c��I C��1 � � .r � t.r� �, sw. (���,��s�-��, �� ��f � m� � ���,1 e,r� � G� !'� .��i�P���-----4 rl,�.''�"7�a;.>.,r. ,� r:�,n. � �'�� .� , �" .,;����� � ..�, �d;����<_�� � � '.�� �� �`��"� ��;��. ��,���;: �. - < �'-- " J �-' f..�1 � .�'.� ��.`�.� ;��G� ;., ' . x°�.'... 1,/� ` � i �� �..�....�� �.��_`:c��� O/�c� � ��-�'l��.�'ft/ � . TIGl� RD FL � NNING COl� HI3S EON NOTICBa d�iI.�L PSRSONS DSSIRING � SP�1l1C ON 1�1�IC xTSlI L�IUST SIQI T�YR lil!!� A1�D !�E THSIR ADIDIt$SS ON THIS S5�8S"P. (Please PRIaiT) P�GENDA ITEM: S•� CA&8 NUMBER(S):_�/ � Q 7'�V� OWNER/APPLICANT: //���� S�'��� ���.� LOCA'TION: ����`� �,�.��� �� �JLI��l ���l�j° °"� NPO NUMSER a DA�� OF FIEARII�iG � PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME. ADDFYESS, AND INCLUD� YOUR 'ZIF CODE PROPONENT (For the propoeal) OPPONENT (Agains� the proposal) Print Name/l�ddrese/Zfp � Affiliation Print N�ane/�.ddxese/�ip & Affiliation �o , ,n-z � � ,;� ' '/!cL. � --� ° , , � ��; ����.� �i�� �-��' ���c�.,�..« ' r�+i�d��� i r��,"�-' . l �� C.��� ���� /' ��� a��.�,�.4�=�i,.��... , �.-� �• (`�v 2 2�-v� � l y�� s� �o m�i / ' � �+ � �c.3-�-� � �� �l�-.�xa Q�° ,�,c.,�._r!�r��r°;�P� , , �T. '3 ��-x ��P'r°'--� `,.Slt,�c,�-�� G� �[i.+u�+:Y411.NY�•Fw�ulK.JIY.G'IYiA.U�1K1fi4kaU./Jr:lY1wN1W"�M1yy'+qr.lY4AM1*:.Y:•Y.!f1tlb:¢WWttu%iWMl.�1'1Wi-'•��:.,.y . . ' N"+iKo ' ' I �(N' ..�'� //'✓..r .�� �4 S d/ f�" Q� � � 1l"J f"�I � �/ �+ d�r�,r � �'� �t'�'� �' �: R�P— '^�•,,,w,.,,., „� �„�y�,�a�°�"""°�"' :w..FOw.�x�a.wncw� . . . � .. . . . \ t � r" •�. ��R+�;;F �d`� .3��c� � j � ` , � l���'-1 t�. . � FS � 3� S �f3�ffr�ir�i�� ��it�'� i `�` ��-� - I , � r � ; � -- , _ � � `` I i � I G � RB PLL � N Y 1( G COliHI S S I OH Y10'PICSz ALL PERSONS DSSIRING TO SPBAR ON ANY ITSlI lStTFT SZC�i THEIR � AND AiOTS �TR 1�DRBSS OAi TSIS S�ST. (F'legae PRI:NT) AGENDA IT'EM: a1•� CASL NUMBE�2(S)t /�D � OWAIEIt/APPLICANT: �{.�! J�� — --- IACATIOId: �.�_.lJ / `�s VLJ ���/���.r_�� • ----�-----� NPO NLJA�iBER: � DATE OF HEARYNG � PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAI�SE. ADDRESS. AND INCLUDE YOUR ZIP (X>DE PROPONEN'r (For the propraaal) OPPONENT (Against the proposal) gr3.nt Name/Addree�/Zip & AffiZiation Print Name/Aeldre�e/Zi.p & Affiliation � � �����rN���� ' �- /��e S��z7� it/lz//rZ,r/<.c/�J—r � �M� C��r��- ��qe� � �- W� ��� . _ ,. , ; ,; j' . . . . . (','� Y Vf. 4i5 . � . . . . .._. . . . _. .. _ 1':,. Y � i .a • i L � 4 . CITY OF TIGARD Waehingtan County, Oreg�an 1�C�TICS OF FINIlL ORDgR - BY PLi�iIl�G (7�I$SIt'�f 1. Canc�rning Case Number(s):S 89-05 ; 2� Name af Owner: Benchview Estates Joint Venture/Edwin & Sharon Mueller � � i Name of Ap�ali.canta Louis Fasano , 3. F,ddre�s 8925 SW Beaverton-Filsd. Iiwv. City Partland State OR Zxp 972�9 4. Address of Prop�rtya 13643 SW Benchview Pl. & 13483 SW Clearview Wav Tax Map and Lat No(e).: 2S1 4DC tax lota 1800 & 1900 5. Request: To delete a one foot wide "nnn-vehicular accesa reservation strip°' alona th� Benchview Terrace �treet trontaqe of lots 18 and 19 of Aenchview Es�ates Subdiviaion. 6. Action: � Approval as requested X Approval wi�h canditions Denial 7. Notices Notice was publiehed in the ne�apaper, poeteei at City FIa.11, and mailed to: 5C Tlze applicant and owner(s) X Own�rs of record wi.thin the required dietance X The affected Neighborhood Planning Organizatioz� X Affected governm�ntal agencies 8. Einal Decieion: � DBCISION SF�lis BS FI�I. OH NLA_y 25, 1989 IINLESS AN APPRAL IS FTLSD. The adopt�d findinga of fact, decisiQn, and eta�ement of conditiona can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, 7.'igard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeals Any party to the decision may appeal this decisi.on in accordance with 13.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which pxovides that a written appgal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sentm The deadline :Eor filing of an a�peai ie ,�nx �K r ],qga 10. 4rieotions: If you hav� any que�tions, please call the City af Tigard P].anning Department, 639-4171. bkm/589-05.BKM . TIGARD PLANNII3G COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 89 - 12 PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDI1dG FINDINGS AND CONCLUSTONS WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A St3BDIilISIOI� (S 89-05) AMENDMENT REQUESTED BY BEPTCHVIE�n1 ESTATES JOIPTT VEIdTURE AND MUELLE�t. The Tigard Planning Commi�sior► revzewed the above application at a public: hearing on May 2, 1989. The Gommission based i�s decision upon the facts, I �inding,s, and conclusions nc,ted below: A. P'ACTS 1. Gpneral Information CASE: Subdivigion S 89-05 REQUEST: To delete a one foot wide "non-v�ehicular access reserva�ion strip" alang the Bench�*iew Terraae street frontaqe of lots 18 and 19 ofi Benchview Es�.atee Subdiviaion. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE�IGNATION: Low DensS.t;y Aesidential. ZONING AESIGNATION': R-4.5 (PDj (Reeidential 4.5 units/acxe, Planned Develapment) . APPLICANT: Louis Fasano OGINNER: Benahview �etates 8925 SW Seaverton Hillsdale Hwy. Joi.nt �7entur�j�dwin & Portland, Oregon 97209 Sharon Mue11e� (same ad+dxesey LOCATION: 13643 SW Benchview Place and 13483 SW Clearview Way. (WCTM 257. 4DC, Tax T�ota 1800 and 1900) . 2. Backaround Information Subject property wae annexecl to the City of Tigarcl in 1986 (CPA 16-85/ I ZC 15-85) . The County zone designatior� of R-6 (Residential 6 units/acre) I was changed R-4.5 in conjunction with the annexation. The Planning ' C�mmiasion approved a subdivision propasal to create 50 lots on 17 acres on April 21, 1987 (ZC 87-01/S 87-A2/Pll 87-01/SL 87--04). 3. Vicinitv Informatian Large garcels ranging between 3 and 40 acree surround the Benchview Eatates Subdivision. The Tigard Comgrehensive Plan designatea the northern and eastern propertiea far low density rssidential, one to fiv� unita p�r acre and the Coun�y R-6 zone applies to the remaining propertias. A 40 acre �ract, whi.ch ie in the City, is immediately eaet af thie subdivision and is zoned R-4.5 (PD) . FIN1� ORDER NO. 89- PC BEDiCHVT�W ESTATES S 89-05 PAGE 1 �� The subdivision is on ths north eide o� $ull Mountain and th� terrain alopes down to the northeast. Access is provided via 132nd Avenue and Benchvi.ew Terrace which connect to Walnut Avenue approximately one quarter mile to the north. 4. Site Information and Pronas�l Deacription Thc� public improvements for Benchview Estates subdivieion have been ; installed, but at thi.s time none o£ �he lots have been developed. Lot 18 ' (tax lot 1800� �nd lot 19 (tax lot 1900), which are the subject of this � ! application, ara located a�G the w�st end of �enchview Terrace. Thie street ie intended to cantinue further weet when the adjoining property developa. Due �o the eteep grades on both lots, the applicant ie proposing �o have ? driveway entrances onto Benchview Terrace ae opposed to BenGhview Plaae and Clearvf.ew Way. However, the r�corded plat for Ben�ehview Est�tes subdivision � no��s a one foat wide (non-vehicular aecese reaervation stri.�) that paralle�.a �he Benchview 7Cerrace right-of-way. The intent of this atrip is to prohibit any driveway acceas onto Benchview Terracee The applicant ia requesting that this restriction be deleL-ed from the plat for lota 18 and 19. �. Aaencv and IdPO Comments � The Lngine�ering Divi�ion has the follawing comments: a. Benchview Terxace was const�ucted ta m�.nor co�.lector street standards due to the lack of transportation planning for th� Bull Mountain area. Typiaally, a driveway access tca collec�or atreets is disaouraged, eapecially in new dsvelopments to provide a eafe and effi.cient road network. Wi�h the pot�ntial ¢ur development weet of this aubdivision, is was con.cluded that an east-west collector street ma�y be required and that Benchview T�rrace would be a logica.l location for such a street. b. Currently, the City and Washington County, through a seriea of public meeting�, are evaluating the need and location of future collector rau�es throughout the Northeast Bull Mountain Area. This study is in progress and no definitive resulta have been obtained� ' The study has evaluated the traffic impacts of fiv� possible alternative route scenarios. Each scenario has thi� oast-west rou�e as a aompanent with a reaul�ing traffic level projected to `� be 50 vehiclee per hou� at th� peak. Thie l�vel is not large enou.gh for the route to be clas�ifieei ae a collector, but would be a buey atreet far a local claseification. t Since the study is not compl�t� at thie tiame the scenario actually implemented may difEer from the five evaluated. Therefore the ; traff3c impacts may aleo change. � „ f FINAL ORDER NO. 89- PC BENCHVIEW ESTATES S 89-A5 PAGE 2 , _ (, �� �� � ��' � R l' � c. The topagraphy of this aite io verg steep. Ae a result, the amount of earth work required �A build an adequate road system wa� subetantial, therefore, the elopes of driveways to individual lots were not fully addreaeed. In the two lats addresaed bg this applxcatiori, the driveways will be very steep uti�izing a large portion of the lot for �he drivewaya d. Due to the steepne�s of �these lots and the low projected traFfic level, it is recommended that the propaea� revision to Benchwiew Estatea plat be approved to a a11ow acceee ta Benchview Terrace for iots 18 and 19. Washington County Department of Land Uee and Transpoztation and t�e City �uildin Ins ec�ion D' ' g p ivision have na objectioras ta the ro sax. P Pa CPO # 4, Bull Mountain, indicatee that the subdivieion plan adequa�ely addressed the circulation of traffic within the aubdivision and there ie aclequate proviaion �£or drivewaya on the emaller etreete connecting with Benchview Terrace. The CPO indicates a concer�n that sight di5'��n;ce problems aould result in c�njunction with the future exten�ian o� Benchview 'ru.rr�ae to �the west. Any driveways at this looation aauld be dangerous at a curve �fter future development is completed. No ather commente have been r�ceiv�d. B. FINDIPIGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in thia case are Tigard Comprehensiv� Plan Policy 2.1.1 and 8.]..l; dIlCI Co�cnunity Tlevelopment CAde Section 18.108.060. The Planning �nmmiseion �onclude� that the proposal complies wi�h the zelevant Plan policies and Code criteria baaed upon the find�:.ng� not�d belnw: l. Policy 2. 1�1 is sat isfi�d becau�e the NeighbGrhood Planning Oxganization, Community Plannimg t7rganization, and surrounding property owners were given notice af the hearing and an opportunity to comment on �he applicant's proposal. 2� Policy 8.1.i is eatisfied because the anticipated traffic volumes do not warrant the implementation of �tringent accese controls as originally contemplated. The allowancP af two clriveways onto Benchview Terrace will not adversely affeot the safety ar ef�icienay of the street. 3. Section 18o108.Q60 of the Code is sati�fied because the two pro�nsed driveway locatiane on Benchview� Terrace will not represent a ha�ardous situation. Street openi.ng permite will be required to est�blish acce�s ; onto Benchvier,a Terrace and adec;uate vieual clearance will be maintained. � � Thia request only involves twa lots of the 50 lot Benchview Terxace Estate� subdiviaion, and the applicant is aeking for an amendment to a pravi�ion which appeare on the plat, which requires recording a new pl.at. The FIIdAL ORDER NO. $9-� PC BENCHVIEW ESTATES S 89-Q5 PP►GE 3 i I' �� � � �i �', t .. . . .... . ..... . ... --__ . . . . . . . � . � . ....... . ... .. . _. . . . . . . . . . . , �-.: i. i: n . � ° � � �.,.; �. ��:.;�s.. Commission finds that thie new ox amended plat ahould be identical to �he exieting, with the exception that the r�fereno� ta the non--vehicular acceas reservation strip be deleted a�long the Benchview Terrace froatac�e of lots 18 and 19 and that it remain in effect for tlxe remainder of the eubdivision. �e ��cxsaorr Planning Commiesion apprc�ves Subdi�iai.on � Sy-05 subjeat to the fallowing condi�ione: � 1, The one foot wide non-vehicular access res�rvation strip alang •t-�•!�_. i Benahview Terrace �treet frontage of lot 18 and 19 ahall be delf�i , An ame�ided plat ehall be aubmitted fur City approval prior �o reco�:��:..��g wi�h Wa�hingtan County. Thig plat �hall be idlen�tical to tl�e preserat:ly i recorded plat with the exaeptian of �he above mentioned revision. S'PP.FF CONTACT: 30N FEIGION - 639-4171 ' G 2. This approval ia a valid if exercised within 18 months of the final approval date. �� i � It ie further ordered �tha4: the applicarat be notifi.ed of �tYae entry of thia fina]. i order. � 1 PASSED: This �3 � day of May, 1989 by the Pl�nning Commi�sion of the City � of Tigard. i I L/ Cl�1��a-w..�� r��•�--- � , A. Aonald Mo�n, President Tigard Planning Commiesion dj/S89-05.KL �"�NAT� ORDER NO. 89- PC BEIZ'CHVIEW �STATES S 89-05 P1�GE 4 , • � 3TAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.1 May 2, ��89 - 7:30 PM TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL , 13125 SW HALL SLVD. A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Subdivision S 89-05 REQUEST: To delete a one foot wide "non-vehirular access reservation strip" along �the Benchview Terrace street �rontage of lots 18 and 19 of Benchview Estatee Subdivisian. COMPREHENSIVE PL�T DESIGNF�TIdNs Low Density Residential. ZONING AESIGNATION: R-4.5 (PD) (Ttesidential 4.5 uni.�s/aare, Planned Development) . APPLICANT: Loui� Fasano OWNER: Benchview Eatatea 8925 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. Joint Venture/Edwin & Portland, Or�gon 97209 Sharon Mueller (eame addreas) LOCATTON: 13643 SW Benchview Pla�e and 13483 SW Clearview Way. (WCT1�S 2S1 4DC, Tax L�te 1800 and 1900) . 2. Backaround Information Subject property was annexed tn the City of Tigard in 1985 (CPA 16-85/ � ZC 15-85) . The County zone designation of R-5 (Residential 6 units/acre) was changed R-4.5 in conjunctian with the annexation. The Planning Commisaion approved a eubdivision propoeal to create 5Q lots on 17 acrea on April 21, 1987 (ZC 87-01/S 87-02/PD 87-01/SL 87-04). 3. Vicinitv Inforcnation Large paresls ranging between 3 and 40 acree surround the Benchview Eetates Subdivision. The Tigard Comprehensive Plan designates the northern and eastern properties for 1ow density residential, on� to five units gaer acre and the County R-6 zone appl.iea to the remaining properties. A 40 acre tract, which is in the City, is immediately east of thie subdivision and is zoned R-4.5 (PD). The eubdiviaion is on the north eide of Bull Mountain and the terrain alopee down to the northeast. Accesa i.s provided via 132nd Avenue and Benchview Terrace whiah connect to Walnu� Avenue appraximately one quarter mile to the north. ST� I{SFORT BBNCHVI$W BSTATSS S 89-05 PAGB 1 ' ' �- ��.y 4. Site Informatiora and Proposal Description The public improvements for Benchview Estates aubdivision have been � installed, but at thie time none of the lots have been developsd. Lo� 18 I (tax lot; Y800) and lot 19 (tax lot 1900), which are th� subject of thie application, are located at the west end of Benchview Terrace. This atreet ie intended to continue further weet when the adjoining property develope. Due to the eteep grad�e on both lots, the appliaan� is propoaing to have clr3.v�way entrancee onto Benahview Terr�ce as oplaoeed to ��nchview Pla�e and , Clearview i�Tay. However, the recorded plat far Bonchview Estate� �� subdivision notes a one foot wide (non-vehicular accese r�eexvatian atrip) �' �hat parallela �he Benchview Terrace right-of-way. Th� intent of this I� atrip ifl to prohibit any driveway acceas onto Benchvi�w Terrace. Th�, a�pl3,cant i� requesting th�t thie reetriction b� del,eted £rom the lat for P lota 18 and 19. 5. Aqenav and NPO Comments The Engineering Diviaion hae the following comments: a. Benchview �err�ce wae chnatructed to minnr col.lector atreet etandarda due to �he lack of tranepc�rtation planning for the �ull Mountain area. Typically, a driveway acc�s� to col]Lector etreets is diacouraged, especially in new developmen�s to provide a safe and efficient road network. With the p�tential far development weat of this subdivision, i.s was Goncluded that an east-wes� collector etreet may be requized and that Benchview Terrace would be a loc�ical locatinn for euch a street. b. �Gurrently, the City an� Wa�ahington County, through a series of public meetinge, s,re evaluating the need and lo�ation of future collector routes throughout the Northea.st Bu11 Mountain Area. This atudy is in progrese �nd no definitive reaulta have been obtained. The stucly has evaluated the traffic i:mpacts of five poseible alterna�i.ve rou�te ocenarios. Each t�cenario hag thie east-west route as a component with a resulting traffic level prq3ected to be 50 vehicle� per linur at the peak. Thia level is not large enough for the xaute to be classified as a colleotor, but would b� a buey etreet for a local claasification. 5�.nce the etudy ia not complete at this tim� th� accan�rio a�tually implemented may differ from the five evaluated. Th�refore the traffic impacts may alao change. c. The togogrcaphy of thia site is very ateep. A� a reeult, the amauaat of earth wnrk required to builrx an adequate road sys�em wa� aubstantial, t2aerefore, th� gZopes of driveways to individual STA.FF RBPORT BSNCHVISW 88TATB3 S ��-05 PAGS � �� _.,._..._ I � • 'N.. ��'v�.. �I lots were not fully addresaed. In the two lote addreseed by this appli�ation, the driveways wil]. b� very s�eep u�ilizing a large portion of the lot for the driveway. d. Due to the eteepnees of th�ee lote and the low projected traffic level, it is recommended that the propcaeal revision to Benchview Eetates plat be approved to a al].aw access to Benchview Terrace for lote 18 and 19. Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation and th.e City Building Inspection Diviaion have no objectians to the proposal. CPO � 4, Bull Mountain, indicates that the aubdiviaion plan adequately addressed the circulation of traffie within the subdiwision ancl there i.s adequate p�oviaion for driveways on the smaller etreets connecting with Bex�chview Terrac�e. The CPO indicates a concern that sight distanc� problema oould result in conjunction with the future ext�nsion of Benchview Terrace to the wee't. Any drive�waye at thia location could be dangerous at ' a curve af�ker future development is completed. No other comments have been receivedo B. FINDINGS ?�TD CONCT�USTONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.1.1 and 8.1.1; and Co�nmunity nevelopment Code Section 18�108.060. The Planninc� staff concludee that the proposal co�nplies with the relevant Plan policies and Code criteria based ugon the findings noted belowa 1. Policy 2.1.1 ie satiefisd b�cause the Neigk►borhood Planning Organization, Community Planning Organizati.on, and eurrouxxding property ownere �aere given notice of the hearing aafl an apportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. 2. Policy 8.1.1 ie satisfied because the anticipated traffic volumes do tri ent acce�s aontrole as t e i lementation of e n not warrant h mp g originally contemplated. The allowance of two drivewaye onto Benchview Terr�ce will not adversely affect the �afety or effici�ncy of the street. 3. Section 18.1O8.Ob0 of the Code is satiefied because the two proposed driveway locatione on Benchview Terrace will not repreeent a hazardous eituation. Street opening prarmite will be xequired to eatabliah accese onto Benchview Terrace and adequate visual clearance will be maintained. Thie requsst only involves two lote of the 50 lot Benchview Terrace Eetates aubdivision, and the agp�icant is aeki.ng �or an amenelment to a provision �� which appears on the pla�, which requires recnrding a new plmt. �he ataff + recommends that thi.s new or amended plat be identical tn the existinq, with ; � the exception that the rs�erence to the non-vehicular acce�as r�eervation ; strip be cieleted along the Benchviev; T�rr�.ae frontag� of lote 18 and 19 and � ST,AFF REPORT B8l�CHVTRW BSTA7l'SS S 89-05 PAGB � _. . ''I r�". . , • � ���_. that it remain in effect for the remainder of the subdiviaion. C. RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends approval of Subdivision S 89-05 aubject to the following conditions: 1. The on� foot wide non-vehicular acoe�s reservatian etrip along the Benchview Terrace Street frontage of lot 18 ax�d 19 sha1T be deleted. An amended plat shall be eubmitted for City appro�ral prior �to recording with Waehington County. This plat shall be identical to the presently recorded plat with the �xception of the above mentioned revieion. STAFF CONTACT: JON P'EIGION - 639-4171 2. This appraval is a valid if exercised within 18 months o£ the final approval date. , PREPARED BY: Keith S. Liden, Senior Planner > � i �--- � � � �e a �� � � T . �.W. TPVRT PL.�.�. K. s.w. ` w > < �i i 9 RMf pi � I � • � II P JA ■ ` SW' , ' N R- 4..� - � 3 N SMl y� HONGT ISLA D W w�r a � � y �� `'� tE � �HVIEW�' 5'N' w I � s�e V _ (PD) - � 5.w. 3 � N � $W � 9 10 �q A t 1 STAFF RBPORT B�CHVIEfi BST�TES 8 89-�5 P]!� 4 � i ....� . ... ... . .. . ... ... ... .._.. _..... . . .... .. ... ... _.. _ . . . ._ ._.. .... . ... _.. . , . .......,. .. ..., � �J � M j! i' APPLICANT'S STATEMENT � APP�l�ant is seekin to " S amend the condition attached to the a �he plat of Benchview Estates which precludes acc from SW Benchview Terrace, ess to pPxova�, of Lots 18 and 19 � I �� Lot 18 rises v e r y q u i c k l " 'I at the front of the lot s fxom SW Benchview Ct, and the huildin `' '' � The to o ra h �aZl because the lot is $ ,rpa��� I P g p y of the lot makes it diffi�ult to build�theetp ln the back. whACh is appropriate for this Zot unless end of the b ' acc YPe of &Qme uil ' es d s in is Terrace. � pad` This necessitates a drive� �ted at rtle tog I Y off of SW Benchview Lot 19 rises 8 feet in the first 35 feet behi�td th I'OOP• This steep slope, alon e curb on SW Clearvie ` to build on the lot without cutt nh a�,,$r�W �rAn�ge° °�k�'s it impossible would convert an outstandin g Y hundreds of g lot to a ver yards of dirt. This � solution is to allow access £rom SW y undesirable or�e. '` Benchview Terrace. The simple i ' At the time a preliminar y plat is processed it is dif€icult to fu�.ly visu- alize what the finished Iots will look like when the ori ina� much slope as Benchview Estates and must� be do So muc • g site has a n t� s e • To preclude some alteration af the to ' and i�� a-elativ po ra � c el h nndi m' 8 P - tions once Y lnor ad 'ust y I hardshi �he x�prove�ents ar� complete cannwork a�he plat t1�e two accesses requestedewty create no a x�al , ppreciable problems. Allowing ould create no hazards as each has adequste site distance in either directi,on'on ! �+► Benchview Terrace. As i[ iS � I 1' �� 3� 4, and 5 all have access from simply a�king for the seme t�eatment fo��S 181a�d T�9race and we arelots ; � I, illi I I � _ s. 'I ;: ;, s i:,' i'. ` ' i`' t. , ;: Er � . yf , �. �. I: �^ CJ' z:- *,,: � ky�' t; _ . . _ . . , . . . ,. ..:... ._., �r �.. � {..����.��. �EI��H�I�W ESTA.�L�'� •„"I� SE 1/4 SECTION 4, T.2S., R.iW.j W.M. . � " su"E"'o'�rcs rw.L�-r, CI�Y O�' TIGARD � Q S�TV.��.SCV•S"• „o� "'-_`°"' WASI-IINGTON COUNTY, OREGON -�E.�S<�5, a.�...0u�RC��R..._� � ' g , ses•zsoYe 'rro,vr r • � � rer tcvrr � owo reou tn.c co�, g Q �0 31 32 Q O . ' 2E Z� 73 ;In ^ �� g•3 SI-IEET 1 OF 4 ('� y M e �.l�� . � ��C� A�' ' �ECEMBER,1987 ineerpoulea � ' . . SQ'r yE 34 0 ' 1��..........�..�-.�..,..o-ti�... . _ _ y •ia:.n.K�+wc: n�..x....�.�...�ry 25 � � 3Y iwev�xac .,.».,.�.....�... .�u. �� 40 60016J1 E ' I, � 35 - 2< 44 � �SNyi 3[W 9EC� 23 41 'J8 �OW�� � N`\y SU0.VC1'OA7Cf.A71i1CAS[ 5J • � .,e � MDIVi11! 22 47 � 1,IOI1N A.CARI30N,O�iNG f�RSi OVLY SM'.70.N.UF.i'OSE ANU�`�++^ ,5 � � i SAY TIIAT 1 IIAVE COFRf.Ci'LY SURY�YFU ANO NAAKED 1'ITF _ .jt Q�t g �Z 3T 7� � fROPER AfONUMENTS TI�E LANI>S RE�0.ESENfEU ON TIIE � ANNCXEO 1U�OF'�LN6111'IEM LSTATCS',TIUT AT TIIE �NITIA4I'OIN70f SAIa SUA�EY I SET A GALVAHIiCD I0.0N �Q� PII'F.l INCIILS IN OIAMETf.II,)f WCUCS LONC..6 INCIIES . E• O ` N ( .ol T S �� �j G �B OCI.ORTItESUFPACEOFTi�EGROVNU.SAiDINITIAL �9 � �S �aB \ OZ IIGNGH.01•7f77'E�IM.TiFEETANOS�I•1171'E.SI7.�aFE[t ZT (�o $����� FNUMlt1ESOUS'lIW[STCf1RNCR()ft11G30UT)14A5lUNU 2O s� � �/' •N' �ry TA�LC OF LUNRN�S QttARI F.A OP SEG7'ION�,l'Ow'NSlflf 7 SOUlII,RANGE i NEST. � � _ .{ 3 -�. -' S/ 4246 ' � w'ILI.AMF.TiEMER101AN.Y•ASIIINGTONCOVNTY,OFEG4N. sy , ��� � 559' h� � f0.0AtSAlO1NITIALlOINTIRANN.«'II'lt'V.ALOH011IE . � L 1 511[�T UHC Nt�R fll I,INE OF TIIE StlUtil t0.0 ACRf.:f]F TIIf.50V111 WEST � . G�Y / C G7z L'Q�js V „VOT�YO%'S CER1107CATE S[!['liOti�211.�0 FEE�f TO TIIE M'[ST IINE OFSAIp OF SAIO _ 7 . n • �0�: / �� SOUSIILASiONE�QUAR7ER;TIIEHCEN.01'SG')7'EA4UN65AID �A- -� �� .� `L j .t. ►'CSf�UNE,ilfl.11 fEET lO T11E 50V7'11.I.IN[OFl1iE NO0.T1i _ � / � �y6 SIILCTTM'O TfNA�ItFSOF7IIESOUTIfONE-IIALF�PTIIE�'ESTTIIREE � ` �S� S \�M1.� L0151•IS Ql�A1tTERSOFTIIENORT11WE5fONE•OUARTCIlOFT11E � j• TItAC75'�,'D'.'E' SUVf1IEASTONEQUARTER063A1D.3CC110N<ASI.00ATEOIN i S� q � CURVE DA7A TIIAT 3110.YEY RECORpf.0 AS RCGIS(F.II NV4111CR�I3f iN TIIE ? a �S WASII�t�GTON COVttTY SUitYf.\'ORS OI�fICE 11i[NCE '',. F✓_ .� • 3 . S�t'16b]'E A4�NG S�ID SUUTII LINf.,iT0.60�F.tT TO TIIE ` � . 5111:ETTIIi1F.E , x'f�T{.INF.OFS.W.I77NUAVENVG;71IFNfFSOi'06'00'P'. i i NOTES LOIi 19•71 hI.ONG SAIO WFS(LINE,11!!0 FLGT TO TIIF.NQR771 UNE OF N ���- S5� TAACTS'A','!','F 1'11E50VTI1WfSTONE-QUARSEROFl11E5(IIIIIIfASTONE- .5 � b � � � T � Oj'MI Z OUARTF.ROFSw105ER10NJ;T1IENCEAlt'ICSI'EAI.ONG . . h �{ 1, EASIS OF HEAIlING4IS CITY OF TIGARU CONTROI OOIHT SAID NORTII l(NE,e0.07 FEE7 TO A I'OINi OF NON-TANGEti7 . $'E, N0.�7 70 CIiY Of TiGARD CONTAOL fO1NT NO.�C S�ILLT FOU4 CU0."Ai VRE_TIIENCE SOUl11EASTF.CI.Y ALONG T11E A0.0 OF � S N.IT4I':I'W.(i'ER G3.if.fa]} O[OICATION 710.a0 i 00T RAb1US CU0.V E(TIIG RAOIUS 1'OINT OF M'IIICii - , T� �T � � ACKNO%'LEDCCMEN7 OEnAS M.IT<3')f'Ei T��ROUG��A fLN2RA{.ANGLE OF I7'�0'IT, '� ^� i i00.0Ui00VHUS5URVCY,SEE5V0.�EYRFGIST[ANO. AtlRO�AI.S Ila,�91'CET{CIIORUUEA0.3S.I1•11'))"E�t}eA6FfEi�T11f.NCE - � 3 � B �:� YASIIINQTON C6UN7Y SURYEI'IIECOFDS. INTCRIDR MONUFf[NTwtIVH CLRTIFICATE 51)'01'1�'W�60.00�EC!7'O A fU1Nf�)F NUN•TANGCNT w S N6YA fVRE;TIIENCE'N00.T�Ir'CSTtALY ALUN4 TIIE AIIC OF A Y 1 S1161ECT TO COYENAN7,CONDITIONS AND RES7RICTIONS ItM1 PO()f RADIUS CURYE RIIE RAUIVS fO1HT fiF x•�IICII ' � � �Q ZRpGS� h RECOFOEU AS UONI�IENT HI11.InER � OH I�fA1t53.03'C2'�e'w�T110.btlGIl A CENTRAt.ANf.LE Of�3'N'JI'. WASIIINGTON COUNTY RECOFDS 7611 FCET(CIIORII OEARS N.fl7�'tl'W„l��0 PEETk TIIEKCE . � 5.6�•Jl'+6•V�])1.9�F[E7TOTItEi'OINiOPCVRYERIG1i70F � � � 9 �. TIIEICE SIUIL f1E E101it FOOT M'IUE fI:�LIC UTItJTY A 713.00 fOpT RAbNS CUkYF.;711CNCF.ALVNG TIIE AAC OF � � [ASENEHTS ALONO ALL l0T LINES ADU'f7IN01UUUC AND SA�U CU0.�E RIGI:T T�INOUGII A CENiRAL ANGLE OF I1•77'il'. • � x �RIVATESTREET3,VNLESS aT7iER"�'ISE SIIOWN. . I07.7J FE£T([IIUAD 6EARSSi!'2�'72'N�IaL)I Ff.ETY.TIIENCE . 15 � SJ6'tl'Ib'M_1])JS FE£T;TIIfNCE 56�•1t91'R'�71500 FEET: � � � 33' 7, TIIEIIE S�IALL 7E FIY[FO07 WIUE.1'VOLIC UTIUTY TIICNI'F.5.o791'Sl'x•_]y11 FF.FT;.TIEENCE 5.7<49'70'Wy i72.10 �-� � . }, W �� MO EASLMENTS ALONG ALL S�bE AND REA0.LOT lINE3, fF.Ei;TIIEHCE 5.01•17'Pl'M'�1�5.7J FER T[�l llF.1'OINT OF . • ` V .'p� UNLESSOTI�ERWISESIIONN. BLG�NNING.CONiMH316A)ACMES,MOREORLESS. � � 14 h � j. i, T0.ACT5'E','C.'O'ANO'E'AREIIEREEYRFSE0.VED � R/ �UBUC SANIiARY SEN'GA,STORAt U0.AINAGE,DOMES7IC ' � . " �1 � WATE1l UNE AN�UTILlSY EASEHENTS. 7�S lE0.O.IIS!].11)(7},I,lOI1N A.CARISON,AISD SAY TIIAT TIIE 1'OS7 MONUMENTATION OF TIIE INTCRiOR bfONUMEKTS 7. 7AAR5'A•TIIROUGII'E'AIIE TO BE OK'NED ANO M'ITIIIN TII�S SVODIViSION SIIAtt uE ACCONfL�51�ED KITei1N f0 � MAINTAINEO OY 711E'OENCIlYIFY ESTATES IIUMEOwNERS ULENUAR DAYS FOLlOM7NG T11E GON�LiTION OF PAYiNQ OF . - � ASSOClATION',OR ITS ASSIGNS. . tA1CA0\'E1.tEN73 ON%ITIIIH ONL VEAR 1'Of LOK'ING TIIE � SCALE:1 ��DO� URif•INA1,fLAT RECORUAt(UN,�'iiIC1iE�l A CO�tES PIRST,IN ' � J, fROH TIIC INI fiAL I'OINT O�Tlili 1'LAT,CITY(1F 71(iAHU FCCORDANCE M•I71t O.IIS.f).060. �;`w� " } fOHI ROL 1'O�NI'MO.�7�EAllS N 1a'�6'll'F 717t lv fl:�:. • � I�II�J�I Snll�IHI I IAL�41N i.CI fY OF t Sf•AHI�CUHI NUL ��N=. � _ � e fUIN7 NV.1�UEARS N.I3•S)'7�'F�7711.Ti I�tilT. SVRVLYOR NU0.30��SSItINAL LAHII . E o�o: ' ; t, = K��Er.aKaCr . . �.= s.�.uy K���x�� . SU6SCIlIBEO AND 91'ORN TO eEFORE AIE Tii13_OAY OF - 1 �KB8•7IJd°1i; 2238� �� `-MT�.LL roMtT .. � S.q�G XT 2'�)i'W.M/Si�'.SO':R XiYQtOM, � x v1��. /IISIK CJ'ZTYV[0'OTY�OG'Yi�p[, . y�� �E�S M CI'%�Li_)3p2 fQT u0 Zf1'�I]Ot !t]l�fE[t FIIOY TIC f�[O�t 1(Ii�fCG( g rzs.a�..,tx �. 'r.sr m��sC�/� 3[G�,T.2S.I11x,1eil - '`n10 f b - CDLL,0�7E �._ _ i � � � � � � Y}�yYiiY%iWl�}}}yWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWii}WWWWWi�XYWtW ' O ?�� i�1 I�V I h';, N W �. �:. � � � n � ��.��«oo:n« I � � � . � , . , ...�o��.a� f'�' � �wxennxrnNwnNxzeurzzznwznnNwzzxzrnMprr.srrzszzzzrw W V n ° ��__...,�..� � ��~^�a��:so����r���«a:?a��a���:ro.,���„ I ��oodo�:oo�c:,:� ; � n�...�n� .. .. � ..w " .»«N�Nn��«�h^ni.,..«�.v��«..n� I ;0°080oo°o°e000°o°000°000°oSSoo°oSo°o°000SoBo°o°°oSo$Sooe0000 ��o „ ... . .. . . . � ..���««,. . 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'�. i _ _ y • ., � ������--�r-��T�^�- -�--q������ SI-I[ET 3 OF 4 ��{��(,(�w� �/ W ,j� DECEMBER,1967 ���.,��'tit` SE 1/4 SE�TtON 4, 7.2S., R.1W., W,M. .. �NII����w1M.1�rw..wMVS.nao�y � �,.,,,,.�_��,�m GTY OF TIGARD a-�-��----��-w WASHWGTON COUNTY, OREGON . i . .s��cu�o�c �wuvir n i�to�,ou�, I � '. �y�r 'sVx�]/�MwV�sEW 'wKw�wo w • � i M�6`SL01�w,0�0 r SEC� IE�CS�Ef j .—ti0 3 0�"2i' 1'E S�0 LO , � �I�.S} ,� .9i 9]Oi {]00 �0 00 tt�0� i0 00 / qW ' � �� 1� � 20 20� . � y'! 31 32 `,,° �a >' . °s°' Z9 �� n�o c! o' :u�tr �° Q " � �^ lg r.��.F =� �y. y 33 '� �� nr �t ,.,.... K 4� .:...,. �,F.>. '.. . . . ' '' �N�t�u,sr �iax pi� M;t` 1, � ��� � �^ � , . ° ,� �7 `o cxo �s�. ,��� ��ei.` � $� � SCALE:1"�6Q . werrosao c �. . �J� 11����F `21 ����4 Y � �a���• �� . t� � F .s. a�„�w �,v�� 3¢ N. SR�'A��`F . . . h��5�10 J Z�J ���i^ `�o� �s �l�ib so.�3 4�; o��.�t ��a�sr V� : . . .� 3J�p ift�i/l C=� �% O V�f� �+ N �22121��J x A91V�! � ye i t• `4y'a `�PCO V .�.,• $.n 39 �� 5 6' 0°u ' �i�• �r.o�y[ . i . . .. a� �� a L�O e 4�217F i ; � a � : 35 see�s rc: ,+� I ° 25 � _. o�'. �: u' w �- . 9 �� rari�f �i��t 1 ,' sJy s�i . ; �..a v' �eo'i.�"' o �i e� rs.�av �.s J . i �.NInC S»Vi SEW YC< _ . � B � � . o} . �•'�S*•" ��e�t �^�d 6!� .�����a� b e� j6 A . - 1 ,l, ��J.J- : � �: � 7 � f 1 e'� �i . eo''��e° 1C�T�� 30 � � 24 �,�,. • 46 �.zcx:`��� ``• ���'9: 56+'` �.� y0 Rv� o . ..uw tr • �+P a eR �i�a�r aT���4' t,:N 4� i,$: � ' � � ���Q S . � ���'�y� �o a (f.r i ��t�� yi�tP s 2e't'E YF 4p r�a�sr 'o rw��r o .o y 35 's�N; o, o �t �y . . 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EASfl+ExT � 04 ba 5� � �� �.iQLt l � „_3�o�5yi•.io E i- . t��sr c�s . '�)t.il . �,.i` �.� ,e�2''•• Ya" . � � � - u� Cf�' Z�bJ� �9 , ;•�., �_ � �.,n„_ ,�� �1'•. . . .eu�nf� .�� �. � . . � � . . da4 Vy�/ . ' � `'� � �� L[GWO � �,^ Yf. �77•��.5 . i ` • OENOTESMONUM£N7FOUNDASSROWN. � �� e /• � !I DENOTES S/1•7C]C�RON A00 NIT4 YELLON,1L.t5T1C . ��'_ i . � LA�STAWEO'07.1K,lNG'fET. !i� �� O DENOTf1 S/d'X]o'iRON ROD%'1T1t YEILOM��,ASTIC CA! - . STAM�ED'O7AR.INC•TO EE SC7 xIT/1IN 71IE TIME ' StELIFIEU�IN TIIESL'1lY£TOR7[EATIFIGTE ON SI{EET . ONE OF THIS fLAT..SEC 01t . STAFF R$PORT AG$NDA ITS�S 5.2 MAY 2, 1989 TIGARD CITY HALL p TOWN HAI,L TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSIONT 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGONI A. FAL�S 1. General Information C�1SE: COMPREHENSIVE �LAIJ AMENAMENT P.�PtB ZQPTE CkIANGE CF�A 89-05/ZC 89-05 REQUIEST: For approval of a Gomprehenaive Plan Amendment anfl Zone Change request to change the cornprehensive plan designation fxAm Low Density R�sidential t� Profeeaional Commercial and to change the zoning designation from R-4.5 (Single Famil� Reaidential, 4.5 units per aare) to C-P (Commercial Profe�sional) far 6 parcels tota�.ing 1.49 acres. �,lso for a comprehenaive plan amendment �o change tax lnt 900 ancl the northeaetern portian of tax lot 1Q02 (about .74 acres) from a Medium Deneity Reeidential designation to a Commercial. Profesgi.ona3. d�zs�qnati.an and to change the zoning on it fxom R-12 to C-P. Finaily, an amendmeafc has been requestecl to the Metzger-Pxogress Community Plan to r�vise tY�e al3.gnment of Lincoln S��eet (93rd Avenue). COMPREHENSIVE PT,AN AESSGNATIOYd: Low Deneity lteeidential, Mediw�r► Deneity Residential ZONING DESTGNATTON: R-4.5 (Single F'arnily Reaidential, 4.5 unite �:3r acre) and R-12 (Medium Deneity Residential, 12 units/acre) APPLICI�NT: Crawr-Oregon, Inc. OWNER: several 1026Q SW Greenburg Ro�d (eee �ttached exhibit) Tigard, OR 97223 LdCATION: 9220, 9260, 9330 SW Locust Street; 10175 SW 92nc� Street; 9225, 9255 SW Mapleleaf Street (WCTM 1S1 35AB, tax lot� 70Q, 701, 702, 5000 501, 600, 900, and parts of 2800 and 1002) 2. Backaround Ynformation The subject propertiee were annexed to th8 City of Tigard in late April, 1987. Prior to the annex�tion, two land uae applicatione (�ompreheneive Plan Amendment, Speaial Uee Permit) were filed with Waahington County. Also, it was agreed at that ti.me betwe�n the City and County �hat all applications in pracese at the County would continue ev�n if the f3.nal decieion occurred after annexation. STAFF REPORT - GPA 89-05/ZC$4-05 - CROW OREGUN - PAGE 1 A Comprehenei�e Plan Amendment and Zone Change (Case No. 87-73-M) to change the land uee de�ignation from R-5 (Reaidential, 5 units/aare) and Iaetitutional to O-C (Offic� Commercial) on paraels located immediately north of Oak Street and west of Linaoln Street extensi.on wae approved by the Basrd of Commis�ioners on May 19, 1987. A Special Use Permit �or a parking lot (Caee No. 87�122-SU) was gran�ed by the County on May 13, 1987, for four reeidentially zoned parc�ls located at the southweet cornex of Locuet 5treet and Lincoln Streete The resfdences on these propertiea were removed and a parking area was developed. The conditions of approval ianpased by the county remain in �ffect. Also, eince this property has been an�exed and the City does not allaw commercial parking lote in residential zones, this portion of the Lincoln Center parking lot ie a nonconforming uee. On May 18� 1907, the Tigard City Cauncil approved the rezoning of the annexed area in Metzger from Wdahington County deeignations to City I designations which most closely resembled the County zonea. This ordinance (No. 87-22) became e.£fectiv� o� June 1�, 1987. Sub�equent rev.iews utilized the City Community Development Code rather than the County regulations. A Site Development Review (SDR 87-08 and V 87-07) was c�nducted by City etaff in June, 1987 for an approval to conatruct a 12-story office building. It was approved subjeat �n 15 conditions. In June of 1988, the Aearings Officer for the City of Tigard approved a Conditinnal Use permit reque$t to a�low the conetrucL-ion of a rooftop helipor� atop the newly constru�ted Lincoln Tower offics building. This application was approved subject to 13 conditians. In March, 1989, the Director's designee approved with conditiona a request for several lot line adjustments and a minor land partition creating a new tax lot at the southweater� carner of the Lincoln Center property (M 89-06/MLP89-05). 3. Vicinitv Infarmation IPleaae refer to the zoning map, attached to thie report as "Exhibit B". 4. Site Information The Lincoln Center gro�erty is pres�n�ly dev�laped with eix office buildfnge with a gross floor area of apprQximately 530,000 scyuare fee� and two parking structure� on a total of eeven parcels. Tax lot 900 lies at the northeastern corner of the property and ie currently znngd R-12 (Medium Deneity lteaidential, 12 unita per acre) . Immediately north of it 3s a portion of tax lot 1002 which is alsd zoned R-12. Botli }�arcels are i.mmediately weat of Lincoln Street and the combined area of tax lot 90A STAFF REPORT - CPA �9-05/ZC89-t15 - CROW OREGON - PAGE 2 and the portion of tax lot 1002 (appr�ximately 3250 sq. ft.j is proposed to be redesignated as C-P (Commercial Profesaional). The applica�t alao propoaes to change the comprehensive plan and zoning deeignation of eix residential parcela (approximately 1.47 acres) immediately to the east of �incoln Center, consistinq of the block bordered by SW Locus� Street to the n�rth, SW 92nd �venue �o the east, SW Mapleleaf to the sou�h and SW Lincoln Street to �he west. These parcels are all currently zoned and developed as R-4.5 (Low Density aingle Family Residentia�, 4.5 unite per acre)o The applicant stat�e that these changes are needed so that a new, 125,000 equare foot office building, called Lincoln Cen�er Five, can be constructed at the northeagtern portion of the Lincoln Center property and meet Ci�y of Tigard Community DQVelopment Code requirement� for a sufficient number of on-eite parking epace�. It is anticipated that a two-story parking structure wi.11 be constructed upon the Iand bordered by SW Locust, Linaoln, Mapleleaf and 92nd Avenue�. �inally, the applicant ie requesting an amendment to the Metzger Community Plan so th�t the lacation Qf Lincoln Street can be changed so that it would be aligned �ith 92nd Avenue at Loaust Streeto 5. Aqencv and NPO Comments The State of Oregon Highway Division comments that although the Trammel Crow proposal addresses projeat 2 of the Metzger/Progrees Circulation Study (�W Lincoln Stzeet/93rd Avenue propoeed extension sauth), t��re are other traffic problema, i.e. congestion, that the ch�nge in zoning wi�l add to. The Division suggeets that Washington County have the opportunity to comment on the impacts (of thie propo�al) on SW Greenburg Road and Locust Streets. The Waehington County Department of Land Use and Traneport�tion haa reviewed the �ropoeal and has no objectione to it. Schoal District 23J has reaiewed the proposal an� hae no objections to it. Staff notes that an agreement has been signed by the �chool diatrict and Trammel Crow which authorizes the Metzger echool to use th� parking structure during evening hours. The Trammel Crow Co. has agreed to cons�ruct a security fence along the entire length of the Lincoln Street exposure to Metzger School. In the agreement, th� Tigard School Hoard supporte in principle thie comprehenaive pl�n amendment and zone change and the rel�cation of Lincpin Str�et. Neighborhood Planning Organization 8 haa revi�wed the propos�l and hae no objectione to it. The City Engine�ring Diviaion hae revi.ewed the proposal and has the following comments: STAFF REPORT -� CPPi 89-05/ZC89-05 - CROW OREGON - PAGE 3 . ' �� � a. Th� primary traffic accese to thie eite is via Greenburg Road. Greenburg Road in this vicinity is experienciny subatantial traffic congeetion. It ie unlikely that the �raffic conqe�tion in this I vicinity wi11 be resolved merely by adding traffic lanes and �ignale. Inatead, it will lik�ly be nec��sary to provide new roadways or revise the alignment of existing roadways to provide adequa�e capacity between Highway 217 and t�e commercial deveLopments alang Greenburg Road. b. There currently exieta in thia vicin��y aubstantial prop�rty with C-P and C�G zaning and �atential for subst�ntial develapment or redevelopment. Devslopment or redevelopa�ent of �these existing C-P and C-G properties could eubetantially increase the traffic demands an Gresnburg Road ne�r Aighway 217. As mentioned abowe, �he street impravements typically required as conditiona of development may not be adequate to provide the additional traf�ic c�paaity needed for full deveZopment vnder the exieting zoning. c. The C-� zone provides the potential for development with much higher traffic demande than the exiating R�4.5 zoni.ng. d. Curren�ly, C-P zoned properties between Oa}c Stre�t and Highway 217 have very poor access to Greenburg Road and Highway 217. Due to conflicte with the nearby freeway rampe, traffic exiting from Aak Street is prohibited from turning left (suuth) onto Gr�enburg Road. Therefore, traffic from the C-P propertieg hae no legal access to Highway 217 except by driving �hrough the adjoining resider�tfal streets. The Metzger-Progresa Circula�ti.on P1an adopted by Washington County in 1986 proposes to provid� a new accees fram C�a3e Stzeet to Greenburg Road by extsnding 93rd Avenue south fro�n Locuet StreaL• to Oak Str�et. Traffic from Oak S�z�eet could then rea�h the freeway by drivinq nor�h on 93rd, w�e� on Lacu�t 5treet, and th,en south on Greenburg Road. This would etill require the Oal� Street traffic to go approximately a quarter of a mile out of d�rection in order to avoid ma}cing the illegal left turn fratn C?ak Street onto Greenburg Road. The applicant propaees to realign 93rd Avenue, moving its interaectiQn with Locust Street further east. The proposed reaZignment would increase the out of direction travel for Oak Street traffic attempting to reach Highway 217 via Greenburg Road. e. it appears that any zone change from low density reeidential to commercial would further increase exieting traffic prnbYeme. It further appears that under the exieting plans, it is unlikely that the usual conditions of developmen� on such property could adequately addrees the traffic p.roblems. Therefore, the Citv Enaineer recomrnends that the zone chanae be clenied at this time. f. It appears that the proposed realignment of 93rd Avenue would further increase the diff.iculty of access between �he Aak S�reet properties currently zoned C-F and Highway 217. The likely result would be increaeed traffic through the residential areas ot oak 5treet. STAFF REPORT - CPA 89-05/ZC89-05 - CROW OREGON - PAGE 4 . . S. Therefore, the Citv EnQineer recommende that the vrouosed amesdment to the Metzaer-Proarpss eirculation Studv be denied at this time. g. The propoeed new a].ignment of 93rd Avenue does not meet City standarda, as the curve radii are too short. If a new a�.ignment is approved, it should be rec,�xired to comply with existing City d�sign standard� for a minor collector atreet. h. Additional Engineering a�d Planning review is requireci to resolv� the traffic problema of this area which are inherent in the existing stxeet layout. Such a review should go thr�ugh the aaormaZ compreh�nsive planning proceas and would likely reault in adoption of reviei.nns tn th� existing traffia cir�ulation plan. Aa � part csf such xeview, the potential for additional C-P xoning and potential street realignm�nt cauld be invest,igated. A poseible anint funding of such a atudy haa been discussed with majnr property ownera in the area; how�ver, to date, auch a review ha� not been irritiated. i. The exi�ting sax�itary sewer eyetem in Locust and Maplelea£ Street� appears to be 3dequate to accammoc�ate the propoeed zone change. j. There is currently no atarm drainage sy�t�m to serve the proposed zone change area, except for minor roadside ditches. If the eite is r.edeveloped, it wi11 be necessary to provide an adequate storm drain system extenc�ing to Ash Creek. It is likely that the etorm drain would be installed in canjunction with the extens'ion and imgrovement af 93rd Avenue. Reaommendation of Enaineerina Division: 1. Deny the request for Comprehensive Plan/Zone Change until an adeq�xate traffic plan ia developed to address increaBi.ng traffic problems. ; 2. Deny the request for a revieion to �he propoaed alignment of 93rd Avenue (Lincoln Streel:) until a plan hae been identified ta provide better access between the oak Street C-P properties and Highway 217. No other comments raere received. B. FI1�lAIHGS AND QONGLIISION� The relevant criteria in thie caee are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 9, and 10 and City of '�igard Comprehensive Plan policies 1.1.2 Implementation Stxategy 2, 2.1.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.4, 6.1.1, 6.6.1, 7.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.6.�. 7.7.1, 8.1.1, and the Locat.ional Criteria for Commercial Profeasional designated area� (Section 12.2e3.B), and the general design elements of the Metzger-Progrese Community Plan. The etaff concludes that the prapmsal is c9naiat�nt with the appliaable Stat�wide Goale based upon the following findinge: ' ' STAFF REPURT - CPA 89-05/ZC89-05 - CROT� OREGAN - PAGE 5 �� '`;`,� L't y;, j,,. Fr; �„ �;.. N . � � . � � .��..� . - � 1. Goai 1 is met becau$e the City has adopted and follows a ci�izen involeement program which i�cludee review of development appliaations by the Neighborhood Planning Or�anization. In addition, a11 public notice r�cjuixemsn�s have bsen met for the �ubject app�icationo 2. Goal 2 is me� becauae the City has dpplied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan pol�ciea, and Community Development Code requirements in review of the application. 3. Goal 9 is met becauee the propoeal wauld foeter the City's commeraial bueineea community thereby increasing economic opportuniti�e within the City. 4. Goal 10 ie eatisfied be�ause, although the progased actiara would not eignif�.cantly reciuce the amount of residentially deeignated land in the City, it will not affect the City of Tiqard's compliance with OAR Ch.apter 660, Division 7 - the M�tropolitan Hous.ing Rule's requirements for new conetruction mix and minimum residential density for new construction. This ie becauee the eix parcele containinq the single family dwellinga are preaently developed and therefor� is nat can�idersd buildable land in the Comprehensive Plan. The eta£f concludes that the proposal is 4nly cone�istent with the m�jority of the applicable Comprehenaive Plan policies based upon the following findings: 1. Policy 1.1.2, Implen�entation Strategy 2 (aJ1so faund in �ode Sec�ion 18.22..040) requires that applicatione of this type be consis�ent with relevant policies of the Compreheneive Plan; not have an adve�se affect ths health, saf�ty , �nd welfare of th� comanunity; be conaistent with statewic]� plannin� goals; and ahuu�r that there i.s evidence of a change in the n�ighborhood or a mistake or inconeietency in the Comp�ehensive Plan or zoning map. The applicable policiee, etatewide goals, and the health, c�afety, and welfare of the community ar� addreesed in the die�ue�ion that follows. A number of phyeical changea in the Metzger School neighborhood, as evid�nced by the commercial conatruction and accelerated commercial activity immediately to the west and on the periphery of the subject area, have occurred since the adoptian of the Metzger-Progress Community Plan in 1983. Thie growth in commerci�.l development hae proceeded as envisioned in the Plan, however eeveral changes from residential to commercial zoning � designatione were appsoved by the Caunty aince, 1983. Although recent develop►nent hae gerhape created a desire for rezoning among the property ownere of the aix residential parcels, it does not appear that sufficient changes circumstance have occurred to juetifx the propueal. since the adoption of the Metzger-Progress Comnnunity P1an and the development of the Metzger-Progrese Ci.rculation Study, few STAFF REPORT - CPA 89-D5/ZC89-05 - CROW OR.EGON -• PAGE 6 ' ' v� `'�. improv�ments ta th� area�s etreet gyetem have been made. Thi,e iesue fe discussed below. 2. Policy 2.1.1 is eatiafied becauae NPO �8, CPO �4 and aurrounding property owners were given natice of the hearing and an opportunity t� c�mment an the �pplicarat�s propoeal. 9. Policy 5.1.1 is satieEied 1�ecause th� additional commercial larad area added to the City•a land base as a reeul� of thie propnsal. will foster the creation of n�w employment opportunities £or Tigard reeid�ate and carreapnnrlingly booet the Gity�e economy. 4o PoZiay 5.1.4 indicates that cammercial and induatrial. ueea should not encroach inta reaiden�tial neighborhoods. Thia propc�sal will result in an �r.ea aongd C-P whiah will abut land �oned R-4.5 to the north, east, and south and would represent enax�oachm�at. Howev�r, in thie case, there is only residential develop[nent on the north sid� of Locuat Street and the Metzger School property is adjacent on the east and eouth. As p�actical mattex, this requeat will nat encroach upon any existing residences in any significant way becaus� of the physical aeparation provided by the school property and Locust S�reet. The six rssidential properties �ast of 93rd Street are uniqusly suxrournded by commercial and institutional land uees on three sides. The ciwellinge have already been adversely affected by the adjacent coromercial uee and are somewhat isolateci from the neighborhood by �he school property and Locust Street. Tha ree�esignation of tax lot 90Q and the northeastern portion of lot 1002 will baei�ally convert land which is �resently being used a� a raonconforming p�rking ].ot into conforming aoanmercially zoned land. Other compreheneive plan amendment and zone change apglicatione have been approved where a pre-exiating uee cauld be identifi�d to exiat in the City thereby establishing precedents for this cas�e. 5. Pcrlicy 6.1.1 ie eatiefied becauee the Ci�y�a divereified houei.ng etock will not be signi.ficantly affected by the lose of eix eingle family residences. The City continuea to authorize building germits for aingle family residence� at an average rate of approximately 200 -300 per year. The loes o� 4 residences occurred on tax lot 900 and the northeastern portion of tax lot 10A2 when this area was still under Washingtan County juriediction. It fa now committed to a parking lot use. 6. Policy 6.6.1 is aatiafied upon futurr� develnpment of �he area. Site development review provieions will require �that buffering and acreening be provided betweer� any fu�urg commeraial development on the area to be redeeignat�d and the exiating singl� f�mily reaidencee eaet of SW 9�nd Awenue. STAFF' REPOR� - CPA �9-05/ZC89-05 - CROW OREGON - PAGE 7 i.' . � �'.+�.._ �'`�..... ���f 7. Policy 7.]..2, 7.3.1 and 7e6.1 are satisfied because �daquate pubic i facilitiea (eeg. sanitary sewer and water) exist to aerve the site. Any new dsvelopmeiit on the Lincoln Center property or on the six resi�lentially zoned pro�erties would be required to connect t�o those systema as a condi•tion to development. Public agencies �ro�riding theee facil.iti�s will be notified and given the opportunity to comment on ang future developm�nt proposale on the affected parcels, ther�by also eatisfying p�olicy 7.7.1. `! 8. Pol.icy 7.2.1 must be addre��ssed at the time of development be�ause adegua�e atorm drainage facilities do not eacist to serve the site. The Engineer�ng Division 3�ae comm�ntad that storm drains would need to be in��alled and that the installatian cou].d occur at eurh t.ima when SW 93rd Avenue is extended aouth to SW Oak Street. 9. Policy 8.1.1 ie not e�tiefied becau�e it appea�a unwias and untimely to allow further commercial development in the area withaut ; addre�sing the already exieting tra:Efic canc�estion, circulation and � accses problems affect�.ng thie neighborhood. The Engineering Divisics�. has comm�nted that an improved traffic circulation plan be adopted before additional commercial development is allawed �to occur. Thie plan would then satisfy policy 8.1.�. which requir�a the City to plan for a eafe and efficient etreet and roadway system tk�at meete �urrent neede and an�icipated future development. t i lO.The app3.icable lacational criteria for Commercial Profeseional development are sa�isfied for tkee following reseons: ; , a. Spacing and Location i, The locational criteria atate that� a commercial professional area � may not be bordered by r�eidential properties on mor� th�n two sides. The affected parcele are adjacent to other reaidentially zoned parcels on one side only -- to the north. The six ? residentially zoned parcels are already surrounded by comrnercial i profesaioraal and Tigard School District land on thre� sides. The proposed redeeignation would not alter thie aituation. Moreover, it would re��ul� in a more even and conaistent boundary between the ; commerciai and inatitutional zones to the aoutlx and the residential properties to �he north. Jigeaw puzzle-canfigured zoninq i boundaries, as ie now the case in noxth Tigard and in this sp�cific ! case, resulta in an inadequate bufferinq between us� typee and could i result in variances tc� buffering reguirements. A clear and s�raight demarcation between the commercial and in��itutional ar�ese to the eouth and the reeidential properties on the north aide of SW Locust Street might ultim�tely involve less l�nd used only for buffering �nd fewer variancc�a to these requiremente. Therefore, thio criteria hae been met. STAFF lItEPORT - CPA 89-05/ZC89-U5 - CROW OREGON - PAGE 8 � ' � �. b. Accese The traffio study aubmitted by the applicant assumes that the property which is the sub3ect of thia application will only� be us�d for parl�ing to accommodata a proposed 125,000 scsuare foot offioe building on the Crow-Oregon progerty that ie pree�ently zoned C-P. Th� report indicatea that this proposal is neaegsary to provide foz� a pref�rre�l parking arrangement but that the office project could proceed withaut �he zone change. The ataff agreee wi.th the trafgic etudy conclueion rel.ating to the prQj�ete� amount of traffic which will be generated by the prop�sed ].25,000 aquare foot affice development. However, it do�� not addresa the potential for addxtional tra£fic being generated as a r�� llt of the rezoning. Although not currex�tly envieinned, further redevelopment of the property would be posaible with subeec�uent trafEic impacts which h�ve not been anal.yzed. Commeraial development on both of the eites is likely t� further exacerbate the alreac3y strained tx�affic sy�tem in th� area. The specific impaats created by ths proposed office building muat be evaluated during th�s Site Development Review proc�se. The Metzger-progresa Circulation Study recommends a nuimber of street improvement� that would help e�lve the present traffic problesns. Fou� project� affecting �raffia circulation near this prop�rty are: 1) The eouther�� extensian of 93rd (Y,incoln) Avenue to Oak Street 2) Improvement of Locuet 5treet east o£ 93rd Avenue tn SOth Avenue to full major �ollector street etandards 3) Improve Greenburg Road to five lanee narth of Locu�t �treet 4) Provide aa additional northbound lane on the Greenburg Road/Highway 217 c�verpasa None of theee projects have been completed or fully funded. However, this year, the City will construct a portion of the Locwat Street project with the proviaion of half-street improvementa, inclu+3ing aid�walk, on the aouth aide of the etre�t between Lincoln Avenue and Hall Blvd. . '�he concern of the ataff reg�rding this requeet centere around the adequ�acy of �h� street aystem to accammoda�e the traffic generated from existing commercial developmenta ae well as future projecta on undeveloped, commercially-zoned properties in the immediate vicinity. While acceas to the subject parcels can be faund directly ' on Loaust Street, a major collector atreet, necessary imgrovenients have not }�een made to addrese existina tran�portation issuee. It ie the opinion of etaff that solutions muet be found to the �raffic access, congestion, and circulation problems not only affecting Lncust Street, but for the en�ire Hal1 Blvd./Washington Se,�uare area before additional rezoning rer;uests are approved which would cause further adverse traffic impacte. STAFF REPORT - CPA 89�05/ZG89-05 - CROW QI`tEiGON - PAGE � � ` �. With resgect to the realignment of Lincoln Stree� (a minor callect�r), an area-wide traffic plan shauld be adopted prior to determining wheth�r this modificatinn to the proposed exteneion, identif ied in the Metzger-Progrese �irculation Study, is appropriate. It is inadvisible to change thi� alignment prior to analyzing its poaei.ble affeats upon traf.fic circulation. c. Site Characteris�tice The site characteri.atics oriteria require that the aff�cted ait�� be of a size whic.h can accommodate preeent and proj�cted needa and that ttae site have high vi�ibility. The northeastern corner af tax lot 1002 and tax lot 900 have alxeady been committed to a parking lot uee. Howevex, the Tigard Community Aevelopment Code do�s not consider parking lo�e ae a permit�Qd uge in the R-12 zone n.r any of the residential zones. This area of appraximat�ly 3250 sq. £t. is large enough to a�ccommodate a very small commercial development; however, th� lot aize would be noncon�orming. It is more likel,y that this area will continu� to be u�ed ae a parking lot or even as a building setback area for a larger development i.n conjunction with the Lineoln Center. The aize aF the six re�identially z�ned paxcels is large enouqh to accommodate a commercial prafeesianal development (1.47 acres) . d. Impact Assessment Without an actual detailed development propoaal, it is difficult to aseeas whether the scale af development on a property will be compatible with adjacent usea. Both o� the eubject areas of thie report are small ennugh ta prohibi� scame extremely Zarge �oale development and during develo�ment review it can �Z� required that �aae noscthern property lines of both areae be screened with tall vegetation or trees such that the privacy of residential propertiea can be maintained. There are no unic;ue �ite featuras of either �ite which could be incprparated inta a development plan. However, adjacent land usea euch as the a�chool and nearby reeidential properties could be well served by adequate buffering and screening. The site development review process can beet address related off- eite impacts of any commercial development on these parcels euch se ; noise, glare, and la.gh�s. The City is also in the process af ��, drafting new n�ise provisiona far aommercial development that is to abut residential areas. il. The Metzger-Progrees Community Plan The Metzger - Progregs Community Plan contains general and apecific guideline� for the ar�sa bordered by SW Hall blvd. to ths eaet and north, SW Greenburg Road to the west and H.ighway 217 to the eouth. The plan etates that "Offi.ce Commercial Uee� (now desiqnated ae Commercial Profeseional usee) are planned mainly at Hall Blvd. and Oleeon Road and alang �he east aide of Greenburg Road ta eerve both in aupport of and aa STAFF REPORT - CPA 89-05/ZC$9-05 - CROW OREGON - PAGE 10 � � � �.:: a transition from the major retail uses to tk�� weet." General design e,lemenfcs mentioned in the plan which are regevant to this propasal, including b:Lcycle parking facilitiea, limited h�oura of operation of noise and lic�ht-generating commercf.al development, and pedeetrian pathwaye can all be implemented at the time of ai�e deveTopment review. It is imgortant to note that the plan etatee that °transportation planning ehall be seneitive to the integrity of the Metzger reaidential community." "Truck traffi� and non-lccal traffic �o aind from commercial develop�►ent shall be rocat�d o�sto the arterial road syatem and not tY►rough the residentiai, r�eighbo�hood." The plannirag and engineering ataf� think that theee poXiciea t� coneerve th� re�:identiai integrity of the n�ighbo�hood and rauting of traffia onto arterial atreet� are sufficient mandatea to �etpone thie �omprehenai�e plaa am�ndment and zone change until further pla�nn�.ng far improved �raffia circulation can be undertaken. C. It�(70iT4IS1�1D2lTION �taff recomseiende approval of L-he comprehensive plan amendment and zone ahange for th� portion of tax lot 1002 and all of tax l,ot 900 to change from Medium D�neity Resid�n�ial to Cornmerciab Profesaional and the zoning from R-12 to C-P. Staff recommends denial af the comprehensive plan amendment and zon� charage affec�ing the aix re�identially zoned parcela until a revieed traffic eircul�tion plan has been adopted for the are�. F'inally, Staff recommends denial af the request to amend the Metzqer - progress Camnsunity Plan to allow �or tY�e realignment of SW Lincoln Street (93rd Avenue) at thie tim� for �he same xeason. i > /J/> I (/L'�j� ' ../� w\ �( /'LL:'f �4'" Jl�( . �- / /[/ � PREPARE Y: Deb art, Aset. Planner DATE � APPROVED BY: Keith Liden, Seni.or P�.anner DATE $TAP'F' RE�QRT - CPA 89-�5/ZC89-�D5 - CROW OREGON - PAGL 11 � . � � . � � • �� , � ° ,` � . �i "" � �1 � .� :� .. � �s ■ � , �, ►�r ��.. � � � � . , � � ���1, . �. , r , . �� .. n � . � 1 _ ": ;/ ■ �/ � ��� � � �i�� ■ :.-, . �. .. . - - � ■■ .� 1111�� �I 1.. .. , ., . : :�1: �: 11�/ � .� . 111, . � . Isii i�`: ��� :111 111/ �� - , , .. � •• .. 1� �1� ■ .. ■■ ,������i1,, . ; � . ��� �.'��,•��'���I /r �-�-^--��_ • A �,V �������� • I_ - �ir►� _. , � ,��■ ! �i I �-! ���/,'�' �- � ,. � -,r� �1� �. �� � � �I ��� � � ' �. � � �� � �:� � � � � � � ��I'� � � . ''.,� `� �i� . " I � '� � � : . �ii1i � � . _ 111� � . ■ � � -�, „�, , , . � „ �■� .� � .��i,i r. .� . � .. � , � ��.. � - ,. . � .. . .�. � - .�li� ��: � — � `, e, �� .. � .. ,■ �■ . : � •� � ,. ■ ■, 1 ,,,�� ,.. _ r��_ . . ... ��� � � :��ii��� �� - � � � ..■...� :� �� �. � ;. �� w� � ` �� � �' li�.� � � . � - �` �a ,�„� � � ■ � � •� �i'� � � �i i ri'1 �i � .� � ■ � n���� �� �� � ■■ � � ". � ��- �:� a� .. �� � �-1 � �� .� � �� � � � �, • � �iiTY �F �°IGARD , �REG�a COMPRF�F3ENSIVE pLAN AMENDMENT/ZONE CHANGE/Z�NE ORDINANCE AI�fENDM�NT APpLICA.TI013 CITY OF TIGARb, 13125 SW Hall, FO Bog 23397 • Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (S03) 639-4171 FOR STA.FF USE �NLY CASE N0. OTHER CA.SB NO'S: nLCEI�T N0. APPI,ICATION ACL'=PTED BY: DATE: 1.• GBNERAL INF'ORMATION Application elements subm3tted: FROPER.TY ADDRESS/LOCATIAId See attached Exhibit B (A) Application form (1) ' State of Oreqon, County of Washington, Ci�ty of Tiga d (B)�Owner's signature/written T� MAP AND TAX LOT N0. 8 000 ft. of lot 7.002 lot 90 , authorization � i��ts 700. 701 _ 702 500 501 600 nart af 2800 (C) Applicant's statement SITE SIZE approxir�ately 92 500 square feet (pre�-a — pp c�eck list) PKOPERTY OWNER/DEED $OLDEEt* S`PP arta�.hP�l Fxhih;r R (D) Filing fee (� ' "•) ADARESS PHONE � ° - _ Adcl�tional information for Compre-� CITY �r;¢ard ZIP ' 97223 _ '' sive Plan Map Amendments/Zone Changes APPLICANT* _ Crow Ot^eqort, Inc. � (E) Maps indicating property .ADDItESS _10260 S.W. Greenburq Rd PHONE • 245-9400 locatiAn ( re—a p pp check list) CxTY _ Tigard ZIP 97223 (F) List of property ownera and *When the oc�.er and �he applicant are different addresses within 250 feet (1) , people, the applicant must be the purchaser of record (G) Assessor•s A4ap (1) oi' a �easee in possession with w�ritten authorization (H) Title transfer iastrument 1 fr���m � ) the owner or an agent of the owner with writtea I suthoriyati�n. The owner(s) must sign this � application in the �pace provided oa page two ot subrait � written authorization with this applicatioa. DATE DETERMINED �0 BE COMPLETE: . a. PROPOSAL SUMMARY . The owaers of record af the subject property 17INAL D�C7SION DEADI,INE: request a �Comprehen�ive Plan Amendment (if COMP. PI.,AN/ZQNE DFSIGNATION: applicable) from to �nd a Zone Change from R-5 �� • ��P ' ' N.P.O. Number: •' OR The applicant requests an amendment to the Plannin Commi�sion A following sections of the �Cou�prehensive Plan � g PP�oval Da,te: or Community Development Code � City Couacil Approval Date: 0737P 23P Rev'd: 5/87 �.._. t�. �, � 3• List any v�ariance, conditional uses, or other land use actions to be considered as past af this appZication: ' 4. Applicants: �a k�ave a complete appllcation qou w�ill need to �ub�nit attachments described in the attached information sheet at �he time you submit this application. � . • S. THE ��,PPLZCANT(S), SIiALL CERTIFX TIiAZ: A. The above request �oes not violate any deed reserictioas that may be attached to or imposed upon �he subject property. ' ' B. Tf the applicatio�r is granted, the applicant wiill exercise the righ[s grant�d in aceardanc� with the terms and subject to all the conditions and � limi[ations of the approval. ! i � i C. All of the above statements aad t�ae statements in the plot plan, ' .attaehments, and exhihits transmitted herewith, are true; and the applicants � so acknowledge that any permit �.ssuedq based on this '; appli�a�ion, ma}r be revoked if iC is faund that amy �uch statements are � false. f D. The appl��cant has read the entire conten�s of the application, includi.ng + the policies and criteria, and understands Lhe xequire�aents for approving t or denying Che applic�tion. � i' . . . . � � DATED this � day of _ 19 i � � 3IGNATURES o£ each owner (eg. husband and s��:tfe) af the sub3ect property. _ ;. _ CROW-OREGON, INC. . D aniel J. Bo den, President �. - r; i`, ;;. „ - t:: �: E;! fr �,. �'. , €;, (KSI.:pm/0737P) . t� � � . � � ��� . ['; �!: ii. k;; . r �'�.' �� ,� �, f:i �„� , �:: .. . . . . ,.,,. ; a I � I I II� I I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRC�POSAL II This i� a proposal to amend the Metzger-Progress Community � Plan, and to change the correspoading zoning, for eight (9) parcels next to the Lincoln Center office project. The subject parcels are curren�tly designated "Residential"; the proposed designation is "Commercial Professional". The total area affected is approximately 1.�4 acres, and incluc�es Tax Lots 700, 701, 702, 500, 501, 600, part of 2�00; 8,000 s.f. of tax lot 1002� and lot 900 ar� included as a hnusekeeping measure to align the current use with thP current City of Tigard comprehensive plan. This submittal also proposes to sadify the I�Ietzger-Pragress Community Plan tca allow Lir�co3n Stree� to be modified according to iche a�tac�ed Exlzibit �i. The owners of the pr�perties in question rrave authorized Trammell Crow Company to submit an application f.or a zone change for their property (see attached E�hibit B) . This proposal will addr+�ss the C�prehensive Plan anc� zoning . issues with respect ta the proposed c�ange. A subseguent Development �eview process will address ��he speca.fi.ed site design issues a�nd the relationship af ��a� pzoject to existing . development in the area. At this time, specific plans for t�he project have nn� been completed. Aowever, it is anticipated that Five Lincoln Cez�ter will include approximately 100,000 feet of office space with a sinqle story parking structure. It sYaould be noted that, although the property under consideration in this proposal will enhance the development of Five Lincoln Center, it is only a partion of the actual land needed, as indicated by acGOmpanying vicinity maps. Several ad'acent arcels also owned b 7 F , y the Trammell Crow Company, an� designated office commex•�.ial, will also be inG�uded in tlae development of this phase of the project. This proposal taill also address the rerouting of Lincoln Street to show why the relocation of the street will nat only faailitate the construction of Limcoln V but also enhance the . ultimate purpose of Lincoln Street, i�e, to enhance the traffi� access froan the currently undeveloped lands south of � oak Street. The following narrative will address the criteria for appro�val of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, and will show .that the px�oposal is aonsistent with the applicabla stanc�ards for approval. . i `, _ I�i � I TI. COMPREHLYdSIVE FRAMEFIOR� PLA1�I I' I A. Plan Amendment Criteria ��, I The Community Development Code provides three cri�eria, one of which must be me� by a praposed quasi�judicial plan amendment. In this cas�, the criteria must be reviewed both with respect to the property currently designated 12esidential, and with respect to th� adjoininq Institutiona� portion. With respect to the parcels currently designatea Residentia:L (Tax Lots 500, 501, 600, 700, 701, 702) , both cri�eria i and ii apply. i) The change is cons�stent with applicable pZan policies. a.i) A change of physical circums�anc�s has accurred since the original designation. Criteria i) is appli�able given that the praposed cYianges are necessarx to allow the continued development of already zaned property namely Lincoln Center. In view of these critexia, it is �.ost irnportant to recognize that the suitability of the site is a function of its relationship to the existing Lincoln Cente� project and the other parcels currently designated Office Commercial, which will be part of F'ive L�ncoln Cent�re This is pa�•ticularly important, since these properties will be combineci with abutting parcels currently designated Office Commercial that wi11 be redeveloped for Five Lincoln Centes. The land under eonsid�ration would be used as parking for the ' proposed 100,000 square foot building to be built on properly zoned land. Criteria ii) is applicable given tYie natural growth of the Lincoln Center development. Oriqinally all of the l�nd east of Greenburg Road was zoned Residenti�l. The o�fice community known as Lincoln �enter has grown as a natural result of the economic growth of the Tigard area. The area�s proximit�� to Washington Square, Highway 217 and most importantly, the critical mass of other office tenatits has made Lincoln Center the heart o� the office market for the suburbs of Portland. The change in xoning for the area has been accomplished in a • piece meal �ashion, one building at a time. Therefnre, the criteria of a change in physical circumstance, i.e. that the area is now the heart of office development versus the original residential �aature of the area wlnen the Residential designation was applied is applicableo The proposed area is one of the last commercially viable pieces of property remaining in the City of Ti�gard for Class A office . . . . . . . . � . . _ _ � , . . . �� . . . . �-- • .., .. ; r �. , . . development and the expansion of it� parking lot is necessary to accomm�adate th� build�.ng's construction. B. The Comp.rehensive Framework Plan of Washington County pravides ' the following statement to describe the cl�aracter of Office Commercial areas: "Characterization: The purpase of this district is to provide for office comple�c development to house professional, institutional., medical, dental, governmental space needs in organized complexe5, rangir�g in size and intensity� �ro�a small to high rise development, depending on site characterzst�cs. Office Commercial developments are emmployee intensive. Certairi accessory commercial uses to serve the employees af the complex and high density r�sidential us�s may b� permitted �h.rough a Planned Deve3apment processe" Th� Lincoln Center project meets this parameter, based upon its overall master plan, charac�ter and sizee The inclusion af the subject parcel,s will allow the implementation of' �he next phase to fully take advantage c�f the positive atmos�h.ere which has been created. The Framew�rk Plan provides the following locational criteria for Office Cammercial areas: '"I,ocation Criteria: This district may be used to buffer commercial and residential, vommercial and indus�rAal or residen�ial and industrial useso Th� precise location of these uses should be determined by the �ommunity � planning process taking into a�count the popula�ian and employment projections. Generally, Offic� Commercial uses shauld be located at Collector and Arterial intersections for visibili�y and auto �ecess. The avai3ability of pedestrian and transit access also of great importance." . As noted above, Lincoln Center, as a whole, meets these criter:ia due to its size, pxoximity to S.W. Greenburg Road a�nd Hig�.way 217, and location between Washington Square and the Metzger resid�n�ial area. The subj�ct parcels, being west of the future revised exter�sion of i�incoln Stre�t, complied i.n : the past to the Washington County �rovisions as mentioned • above and will continu� to comply under the Ci�y of 'rigard Commercial-Profe�sional designation. _ � � � t fi � �:,. � , t � "I �%. PO�1C1,eS � The City of Tigard has identified a number og Plan policies which may Y�e applicable to this proposal. Each is �ddr.essed ' as follows• � r; 2.1.1 THE CITY SHALL MATNTAIN AN ONGAIIF� CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM AND SHALI, ASaURE THAT CITIZENS � WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPOR'I'[JNITY '.�O BE INVOLVED IN �' ALL PHASES OF THE PLF;NN�NG PROCE�S.. ;! ; Trammell Crow Coarpany has consulted with each of the ;, affected parties involved wi�h the change an� ha;s �' recsived their �upport. Trammell C�ow Company will ,; continue to work with the affected parties �o insure �a that citizens wi11 be provided an opportunity to be i� �nvolved in all phas�s o� the planning process. :; i? �:. ' S. �. 1 THE CITY SH.�1LL PROMOTE AC'TIVITIES AIME1� AT THE �� , DIVERSIFIGATTON OF °I'HE ECONOMIC OFPORTUNITI�S , ij AVAILABLE TO TIGARD RESIDENTS WITH FAR`�ICULAR �i EMPHA.SIS P1.�ACED ON THE GROWTH OF THE LOCAL JOB MA�t�ET. ;:; ,�.; The inclusion of the subject parcels in the Commercial-Professional ar�a wi11 facilitate the ` fifth phase of Lincoln Center, thereby r�inforcxng E' the viability of �he entire project and the ?�usiness activity in the areao �ne, �undred plus jobs wi.11 be �reated by the constr�ction nf the bui3ding. When camgleted the building will serve as a work . place for 350 peaple. F'. 5.1..4 THE CITY SHALL ENSURE THAT NEW COMMERCIAL AND '' INDUSTRIAL DEVEIAPMENT SHALL NOT ENC�tOACH INTO RESIDENTIAL AREAS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN DESIGNATED FOR �' COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRTAL USES. � ;! The subject p�arcels zoned rasi.dential are surrounded k j � on three sides by Commercial-Professional and � � ' Instituicional propexties. The change in z�ning af ':� � these �roperties will be consistent with the ';j " tacansitional phase the area is' experi�n�ing. k�! ,;;� r' i; 6.1.1: THE CITY SHALL FROVIDE AN OpPORTUNITY FOR A DTVERSITX OF HOUSING DENSITI�S AND RESIDENTIAL TXPES ?". AT VP.�RTOUS PRZCE AND RENT L�VELS. i,, f�;'; �.; �; �' � �'.". , . t�� .. ., � . _ . . . . . �� .. _ .. , � � �� ti , T�ne subj ect parcels that are cu�rentl�r ds�igxaated � for up to 5 �units per ac�:e total 1.37 acres in si.ze. Z'herefore, the opportunity for approxima�tely 6 uni�s will be lost with this chan�ge. This is insignificant in terms af the averall housing stock in Tigard. 7.1.2 THE CITY SIiALL REQUIRE AS A PRE-CONDITION TO . DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL TIiAT: a. Develapment c�incide with the availability of adequa�e sez°vice capacity including: 1. Publie water; 2. Public sewer (nera� development on s�ptic tanks shall not be allowed within the Cit�) ; and � 3. Storm Drainage b. The facilities are; le Capable of adequately s�rving all intervening properties and the proposed , • development; anc� 2. Designed to City standardse � I � c. A11 new development utilities to be placed ; �anderground. � The development shall comply with all service j , requirements. � ' 7.6.1. THE CITY SHA.LL REOUIRE AS A PRE-CONDTTIOII OF 1 DEVELOPMENT THAT• � 4 a. The developm�nt be served by a water system � having adequa�e wa�er pressure f�r fire � � protecti�n purposes; A b. The development sha11 not reduce �he water , pressure in the area below a level adequate for fire protection purposes; and � EI c. The applicable fire district revAew all ' . applicatians. S r , � Letter.s of service availability will be requested � from the M�tzger Water Qis�rict, Fir� Uistrict Noo ? 1, Unified Sewage �gency, Tri-Met, Washingt�n County {; , Sherif�'s Office and the Washington County � . � , i t � . f �. \ � � 1 � � Depaxtment of Land Use and Trax�sportation (Traffic � Impact Statement) . All necessary services are currently available �r will be provided as � determined through the Developmental Review process. 8.1. 1 T�IE CITY SFIALL PLAN FOR A S�FE AI�dD EFFICIENT SZ°REET AND RdADWA� SYST�M TIiAT M�ETS CURRENT NEEDS AND ANTICTP'ATED FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. The relatio.nship of the proposal to the P�Ietzger �Circulation �tudy, and overall transportation impacts is addressed �low. A detailed �raffic �tudy will be campleted as part of the Development Revieca proc�ss. Z'(y. OTHER CO2JSIIIiERA'�IONS A. Traffic Issues . The Metzge�-progress �irculati.on Study was adopt�d by the � Washington Caunty Board of County Commissioners in Niay, 1986, as a part of the overall Metzger-Prog��ss Community P1an which. was adopted in 1983. The purpose af the ; • Metzger-Progress �irculation Study was to address ' specific t�affic a�nd pedestrian problems idei�tified j during Plan adoption, including a traffic c�.rculation � � �tudy of the Greenburg Road, Oak Street, and FIighway 217 intersection area. � � z � The proposed projects, programs, plans and policies � ,, recommended in th� staxdy, �s a result of an area-wide ; traraspartation sux°vey questionnair� and Fublic meetings, � include three major elements: " *Neiqhborho�sd traffic management ,_pro'ects and P programs, designed to reduce through traffic on local residential streets, improve north-sauth auto ;, : cixculatian and improve traffi.c safety. . *Acc�ss and Capacity improvement �roi,ects and � policies, d�signed to alleviate exi�ting traffic ;' congestion and provide for increased capacity an ' � existing arterials and collectors; and , *Pedestrian, Bic�cle and Transi�k Ymprovement Gi proiects, plans and recommendations, designed to $! provide viable alternatives to auto travel as well � as ta increase the �afety and convenience of these � alternatives." �; , . ' � �� �J Four �ieighborhood Traffic Management Projects �re identified in the study which are proposed in the vicinity of the subj ect ; ,. I . 4: �' . �, . � �' . .. . . ' , _ , '.,,s'' � , . . ■ ; � � , � , sit�. Projects #2 aiYd #3 ar� propased to reduce th�ough � traffic un local streets, iffiprove north-south circulation and improve traffic safety. Projects �9 and #13 axe propased ta alleviate existir�g traffic congesti�n and provid� for increased capacity on existing arterials and collectors: "2. Lincoln Str�et (�3rd Avenue) revised �xtension Ym�rove traffic circulati�on in the vi�ia�ity o� j Greenburg Road, Oak Street and I3ighway 217 bX �xtending Lincoln Stre�� (33rc1 Avenue) from Lacust l Str�et south to Oak �treet." I a � �� "3 . Reduce tr.affi� o�n Oak street� by improve L�cust Street to County major aallector standards between ;�, Greenburg Road and 80th A�venue and signali�ing �he x intersectic�n of Locust Strept and Greenburg Road." t; �: "9. Greenburg �oad improve�en�s �•' �i ]:n�rease capacity on Greenburg Road bX adding 2 lanes from Washington Square entranc� #5 to �i Washington Square entrarace �6." ��, F1 "13. Greenburg Road/Highwa� 217 Interchange Improvement �, Increase traffic capacity ar�d alleviate traffic f�; congestion at the Gr�enbuxg Road,/Highway 217 `_ interchange by pr�vidi.ag �n additional n,orthbound ' lane (restriging �xisting lanes or widening the �" Greenburg Road structure over Highway 217) ." � Specific t� the subject request, the study recommends that =' Lincoln Street (93rd Avenue) be r�classified between Y,ocust Street anci Oak Street fxom a local street to a minor collectar ;' " by rerouting, extending and improving Lincol:n Street. The ?' purpose Af the reclassification and extension is to reduce ;�� through traffic on neighborhood streets, in addifi ion to �� �;; increasing pedestrian and bicycle (i.e. , sidewalk/pathway) *,' 5ystems. � ,. �� �.1� � � � � 1�'� Y:�.' � ��� �,�� � . � � ��;� �,a ,:;a . i'1 i' S�:t�i ���� � s �n� �u� �� ti, , , , . ._, . . . , � . . .. ...,. _ f9AR 14 '8'3 15�1F3 WE�TECH ENC. INC. 57P,-5��-390� Fo� , i ._...�,. — � t; 1 � , :: � � ' � � Exhibit A LO�l�ST �T f���T� . . , N . I. �i' 6p' R(�W , 50`R 44' Sl'R��'C � �a�� � , �ao R . . ��.' aTREET M A P L E L EA F� . , i ao � . . �p° R 3a'R . '. � NEW ROW LINE � QLD Ral� UNE � � � � � . � � . • � , s` . E' . �; . ,,� E �; . . . � � TRAM M ELL CR01N r . ; �3RD R�ALI�N Nl E�JT � � ; . � fi ' 4' 4 �i �. EXHIBIT R � ' �,a M . e. x I Mr. Ed ,Murphy City of Tigard 13125 3W Hall Blvd. P.Q. Box 23397 �igard, aregoz� 97223 Dear Mr. Murphy: This le�ter is my authorization for th� Trammell Crow C�mpany ta subanit an applicatio� fnr a zone chang� o�x ny p�op�rty from residential to profPssional commercial. Thank you very much. � X , �-�' �-c�l G-� �Z�G �� � Owner �� � °� � ��r����,�� ,�-" - Address ( � �_" �'��4 C� ��L-. � 7Z7� t / �7 � ..� D e Location: 10175 S.W. 92nd Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 �� ,/ �r i� / t . ,,. .., _ _ . . _ .__ __. . .,_,__ . _. .. , . , . . ,,.... . . .,. . ,. _. . .. . . •m:z —�_ __ , .._ , _._ e- �. „i Y II I I Mr. Ed Murphy City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall �lvd. P.O. Box 23397 Tiqard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Murphy: This letter is my au�thorization for the Trammell Crow Company ��o submit an �pplication for a zone change oi1 my property i from residential to professional commercial. Thank you very much. i �l, � � �'��f'�� ner /D/�'��`��� �:����� /�� �� � �� Address � � � D e � � , . .. . .. . . � r � 4} � y Mr. Ed Murphy City of Tigaxd �.3125 SW Hall Blvd. P.O. Box 23397 � Tigard, Aregon 97223 Dear M�. Murphy: This lettex is my authorization for th� Tramm�ll Cx�ow Company to submit an applicatxon for a zone change on my �roperty I from residential to professional cammeraial. ' '� Thank you very much. ,I I . � � Y II til Owner . �, - �I . � . . � � I Address � �/�/sr9 Date i r tL i ,} i . Mr. Ed Murphy Citq of Tigard 13125 SW Hall. B1vd. P.O. Box 23397 7Cigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Murphy: This letter is my authorization for the Trammell Crow Company to submit an application for a zone change on my property from residential to professional commercial. Thank you very much. � �4 .� ! �"�', � —` , _ ��1��C�<Z��� T--�f.'�Z ��C�.� �l��G O�J1 a s.c,n L.�/�i � , O ner /� �/, J��/' .S%r� ��i7r'..�r� Address � G Da e . j,.�;, } '.!; +'' k'; �;'`:i �;'; {. . . , , . . . . . , ... . .. .. .., , , . ,.,, � • . . . . , .. . , . : �,,�5 � __ .: ..�.: G �a. ` y,o 6 Mr. Ed Murphy City of Tiqard 13125 SW FIall Blvd. P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97�23 Dear Mr. Murphy: This letter �s my autharization for the Trammell Crow Campany to submit an application for a zone change on my prop�rty from residential to professional comanercial. Thank you verg much. � Z Owner �'� �' ��S S�,- �P � �� ��� Address : .�� 1 Date :` 1 , � 6}"� � �� �� I Y Mr. �d Mur�phy , City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. P.O. Bnx 23397 Tiqard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Murphy: This let�er is my authorization far the Trammeil Cror�v Company to submit an application for a zone change on my property from residential to profes�ional commercial. Thank you very much. � � 'i /1��-�--- , - C wner ' �Z � � �W ��c�(R l���� Address ���� �2/ � ���� � 7 U Date `` . , �s i; � ;. q; � � • �{ �'. �. i r; . �` 1. t . . . . , . .. _. . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . ' .... . ,. . ..5�� 1; • . . � . . . . . �. �' . . .. _.. . . .,. �__.._.._ ___--_ . . . ... ... . . . . .. _. . . . � � . . . . . . . . . �,,:'. �i . I _ , _ _ . . . . . �� � . . I • i . o f �'..:iii/�iii�iJi �ii/iii/iiifi/i/////i//i/�i//iiiiiiiiiiii/.i/I////iiiiiii/iiiii/.iiiiiiiii//oi�iL�i/���///i//ii/.�i//i///////////////i///i//i/ii////////AY/1i//i//////////////////!////////1//!//////////i'HiY//////////H////////////////////////////////h1/////!///!if!'liY•Y/y'.!�!////Y//////////�'� � M �, (CR 753-sos w��rH) '_ .� ,.. ,��,.._ 50 SO 30 � SO 50 50 �'.Sp�A� ;.SO 330 x ,r..50�,,;_ ..50,�,.. . .-,80,... 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'o ' / �,,;' . t�~' r�� {«•! � ,M£TZGER ELEA/ENTARY � � � —' :.:•a -b- g0 -�- „ -� �- � .s» m�- -a- � � �� � � � ioo ioo � �,,,.�� too � io ° �'� ioo` �J '/� I Z n� U'„�,�, I� �J � (2 N n i°n 5 _ '� �' y j p�� SCH�L !?/STR/GT 23✓ °n� -.�N j n �J �7 � �._ � 5 � �! � � � 17 =.�. r �t -�- ' t• � -¢- � : -o�-- -� N e9°30'S7"E w•-gza' L•...w -(�j 260��� ���=«�n 6 �� h n 6 �� ,�� i�N 4�� J 0� n� °'~a�n 6 V d�U �9.63 � � ��,�� 1 � � � M�'� � � '•N�1� � aii.�i r ! .;... . " 7 �� n� �n �m 7 IQ N � 7 �� i°n� C:�� �� 7 �� n� �e�i 7 O �,ac. -� ''s� ¢- i� -¢- � -� �.." �- �- -¢ �- -¢- � 9 °� �" � 8 9 , ° U) � 8 9 n� a� 8 9 �� I� S 281.96 T.93 � T.86 Z6�) 100 !00 ��s ar,1703 _ � 5 23� 100 � �203.OS �00_ 50 i00 100 SO f00 100 SO ��/��///�Y//�i1f�////%/.�i�////f�f%��i.� �i%/,� //%%tfh'i///.�%i , - % ' '� � ' '� � ioo �oo � 7.50 9.50 300' � � 100' f00' t� 232.42 4.22 CNS. , f 4.22 CHS.� N 8 22� E 4.22 CMS. `7�201 •a� 3ZO3 9.48 CHS. 3300 3 � � � i .95Ac. 3401 320� ./B.�C.� .30.4C. . � � .4.�su: � .re,ac. q9� �'` - , . � � '. � i � • Post Office Box 5396 10260 SW Greenburg Road Portland, Oregon 9722.8 Portiand, Oregon 97223 503l245-9�00 April 25, 1989 Mr. Ed Murphy Community Development Director Ci�y of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.Oo Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 D�ear Ed: Enclosed please find a draft of a deed rest�iction which upan �he closing and purcr.ase of tax lots 35AB700, 35�B500, 35AB701, 35AB501, 35AB702, and 35AB5A0, wYl]. be voluntarily pl.�c�d upon �he a�ea of the properties. This deed rest�iction will Xnsu�e that the property sha11 be used only for parking. The eff�ct of �he deed restrictian will be a reduction of the potez�tial tra�fic valume ve�sus if the property is left as residential and the parking for Li.ncoln Cent�r Five is self-contained on the property that is currently zoned Commercial-Professional. ' I trust that this �ssurance will mitigate any concexn� abaut the effects on t�e local traffic systems beaause there wilZ be � n�t decrease in traffic if the zone change is mad� wi.th the deed restrictions. Thank you for your assistan�e. Sincerely, TRAMMELL CROW COMPANY _ u�C.� David C. B1ake Partner DCB/ac Enclosures ;� ,� . _ --.. -�..� .__. .,�.�.�... _.�:t_ .. ::_ .. ,. . .� ... I . , � _ DEED RESTRICTION WHEItEAS Trammell Crow Company ("Owner°') has acquired a parcel of property (��Property1°) more fully described in E�chibit '�A" attached h�reto; WIiEREAS Owner wishes to use tk�e Property fo� parking purposes , to servi�e adjacent property also owned by Owner; and WH�REAS the City of Tigard (°1City") has agreed to a11ow such u�e of the Property upon certain conditiaaxs; NOW, THERE]EORE i� is agreecl as follow�: Owner �grees to limit use of �he Property to parking in suppoxt ag Owner's adjacent property until such �ime as aIl other prope�ty bordering the Property, including property bordering any road, street, or highway sepa�ra�ing the Property grom other property, is zaned for commercial or other non-aresidential us�, or until such tim� as City may otherurise specifically permit other use of the Property, whichever occurs first. TRAMMELL C12QW COl�'IPANY i� C � � • By/ � I .1 .� _ . _ . EXAIBIT A n NV►' I/4 NE i/4 SECT"ION 35 71 S R I W W.M. ''"�"�' IS I �; WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON �� SCALE I"=100' !� c.rvctutu �o, Itiui�iiro°,iii�;i•�. 16DO�II00�110���. O i0G0�ti�Jj[)ii. � I�l)�l�C:.�:.: Q '.� �ioi�noa��uri �. uoon,�ioo�:n � oq��od wa � SEE MAP � � iOOO�i-�o'.�ii�. IS I 26DC ;y?e�� . � vW �N� � 23 7 I °'Z W �Q � L . ° �W LOCUST g .,�.«»�»�«�».»»,�»�.�.�»»»�»,�»�»,«�,»�,,.�.,��»�,,..���»�^»�SYREET'R �,:,,���„e�„ , »»,V,�.,.,.�,»,»,».,,�.�.�,,.,,.,��,»,,,..w,..�...,�,v„»�,m.r..,�,.�,,...�,,.�.»..�,�,.v,��,�.,�.�,,�.,�� �., ,»�,«,�.,�«.�,» �ia� ��a� ��R (CA.763•�o`norxl t' �a,�o eo �a o a � ao eo o m� eo' eo eo ea � eo a eo ea � eo ea eo � w eo e. �a.ao' ����+�'� I 700 500 /�ll 400 �202 203 204 100 � � �� I�JP�C. 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",/1�'n�?�j�''�""/,.•�%GL"�ilA�iY;�//�' , .R ./i�"t�� � . � . . . � . . ., � � . . �..i�s.. �. iw ioo ao xm mo (oo ieo ieo �� ioo aa p� � u+u......, �.0 cn�. �� ae:c�ni � �::cxa� x n eP e 3300 �.0 mu. 3401 3200 ���01� `O 3203���oN�. ^. . U- � I Q ¢I � I I �9dAc. .ISAL: .7/A4 /SA4 r �.fO.�G `�! �\ I I rl r) (� r I( � I I � a I r' /\ r) � I . �3205 � ITl :J rJ J _T l J J f 1 I _1e _� !� f'1 f 1 ��� 3202 /6 AC. > . r �„ —I� � sl � --r N1 �� _, : ��,.���+�, ;� \ . �,,� 4 .., � ; i "�^ x ,, � �?• ��� I g =I^ 7 � ��I � 8: 1 "—� � 9 1�6 6A 10 n e" 4Pe`� �•S.' � � � L 4� /� �.1 I ^ I -is tn te rs ioo 'a° 1�� I I Ig .� a� 3302 • 33�3 3304 'J403 I e �� . O � o,'s�cl I I � �N I I .P2AG .LPAG .PPAC. �.P9AG '�,, ��'O\.P�/. '' � � I �R - � a�, O�g,* ��'. I � �f3600 � I 33tl1 N I 4�e�'C>, 0�� � `-"� ���.�� N�LfJtlL ' i y�'OBA. '. i�N��Y�r .02 Ac. t�r•y�• �'b, p' �.. �.. M�N lt'[ t�'y� / 1e 1�tt;MR �1��10 �' 1 p •�.u��i -�-~ . * �- a S.W, -� .1.i .� 'UAK n.e�-���o,H� i i .l.l. STREET 3� �° � � �n.LL . .j WASHtNCTON Li�r�. ' pi� I111.AH1AIM�1 � A551.lSAllN�l A f1\\�� L SEE MAP SEE MAP ti, � IS I 358D IS I 35AC • � iGC 15�Fr,; FOR ASSESSMEHi PURPOSES ONLY � � � � � . DO N07 RELY ON FOq A�NY�OT'�MER USE �01 "�����M�"�r61J .. . . . � ohir-�u nci�i�n . � � � � loti'Ginl� wl . _, _ � � a f�+ �` .',. . ., . .♦ Y s 1 4r . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . 1 Post Office Box 5396 10260 SW Greenburg Road Portland, Oregon 97228 Portland, Oregon 97223 � 503/245-9400 ` • April 25, 1989 �' �, i' RECEII/ED }� Mr. Ed Murphx � f� � Comm�nity Development Dire�tor ppR 2� 1989 - t Ci�ty� of Tigard � 1312 5 S.W. Ha 11 Blvc�. ,I��t�i�������t ! P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 � t' Dear Ed: �' b � ; • Please find enclosed a copy �f the agreement between the Tigard 4? � �School District and Trammell Crow Company, confirming the sch�ol's �' support of the Tigard Comgrehensivp Plan change, for your 4 information. `� �; If you have any questions do not hesitate to contac� me. ;' �, Sincerely, � ;. , ,; TRAMNiELL CROW COMPANY ' _ � �/�E�c�.� �; Davi.d C. Blake � Partner s i:; DCB/ac i: �- � �� Enclosure s; ?; �': ;; 'V • � (. � i i � � .� c '`r � �` � ,. }; � � � � � < � AGREEMEPTT BETWEEN TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT AND TRAMMELL CROA GOMPANY March 14, 1989 Trammell Crow Company is currently in �he process of requesting a change in the City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan to change the location of Lincoln Street. The paroposed Lincoln Street �s shown on the at�ached Exhibit A. Trammell Crow Company is also attempting to change the Tig�.rd Comprehensive Plan to allow the construction of a parking lot or� ---- --� ------ - --- the land ibun�diate�.y to the wes� of the�relocated Lincoln Street. . Trammell Craw Company hereby agrees that if the Comprehensive Plan is �hanged �o allow the use as proposed and the pa�king lot is constructed, then Trammel Crow Company wi.11 allow evening use of the par}�ing lot to Metzger School. Trammell Crow Company also agre�s �ko include in the specifications for �he proposed Lincoln Stre�t a security fence along the entire length of the Lincoln Street exposure to Metzger Schaol. The fence shall b� included as a cost of the street i�nprc�vement and shall be c� included in the Local Tmprovement D.i�trict that will be fox�med £or the co nsfiruction of �he ro ad. The Tigard School Bnard hereby supports, without obligating itself to any financial responsibility, the necessary change in the Tigard Comprehens.ive Plan that would allota� the relocation of Lin�c�ln Street and the use of the property west of Lincoln Street as a parking lo�t. Agreed and Accepted this lY �- day of March, 1989. David C. Blake Dr. Russ Joki .h � ��� _ artn�r uperi endent Trammell Crow Campany Tigard School District .. . � ; � , ` . • � ' :/' '� p • Post Office Box 5396 10260 SW Greenburg Road Portland, Oregon 97228 Porlland, Oregon 97223 503/245-9400� April 25, 1989 4� RECEIVEU Mr. Ed Mur_phy ApR 27 lggg Community Development Dire�tor City of Tigard �'��'`r��'���tor��rt 13125 S.W. Hall �1vd. � P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 972�3 Dear Mr. Murphy: Trammell Crow Company, represented by Crow-Oregon, Inc. , hereby agrees to participate with the City of Tigax�d and Winmar Corp�ration in a study to evaluate ways to enhance the trafific systems in �he Greenburg Road/Hic�hway 217 and Hall Boulevard ar�a. We look forward to working together with the City of Tigard in this endeavor. . Sincerely, TRAMMELL GROW COMPANY • / ' �ii�-�-� David C. B].ake Partner DCB/ac � 1 � � � C:3 i°i bd r:.;s:1 r��r;::!��;�::i r:t��� (�t�:a r••:i. :(. .i,�"•i:..!r :I: <:t i::�1..c�:�ri c::l c�;;r�::1 fli;' •E°:I.1"?az i;. f'i i t^i?ie?"�:.:l.I"1�rJ �.:c��i°7c:::•r.•.•;r•.�...�a.rr�� •I::.I...�E•.:� �::,:l.-:�r� �k.:s::, �::,r:��°;i�rc;rr.�.i:: �:,�.-,;�..c:l l:a�-a�t:.a�ac:::��.��°i l...c:ac:,:�..��s�(:. ;,ai°i��l (:::i�,ii; i .. . . . . 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Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Kei�h: Please find enclosed copies of petitions that have been signed to approve the h�ight variance, the comprehensive plan cY�ange and the zone change for th��e property adjacent �a Lincnln Ceaater. Alsa find enclosed a map highlighting th� pre�perties that are in agreement to the aforementioned. Thank you for your consid�ration. Ple�se call with any questions. Sincerely�, TkAMMELL CROW GOMPANY 1�� ' David C. Blake � 1 Partner j � DCT3/aC ; , i t � � � � � � � s:� � � � � � ��i � � ,� 4l �I �; � �'I� 4; �! �, �; j ;;� l' �'� i; �;. . . . . � � � .1(� l,, { 1', . � . . . � . � � k�. . � , ... . t{i.. , � � .. ... . � � . .. . .. . F.��. � ... . . �. . � . . . . � � .. d}r���� � � . . . . . . . . . �'� �f . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � .. � , . � . . . . . . �.11i . . . � . . .. . � � . . .. . . .. . . .. ... . „ . ., . ... �.. ... . � . . 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Without financially obliga�ing �yself or my pr�perty, I � support the canstruction of t�ae bu�.ldin as ro g p posed and the chan e of the Comprehens�ve Plan �that will allnw the parking lot to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Str�et collector str�et as shown on th e attach ed exhibit. Sincerely, � � Date: � ` �� .- - ,2 7 S- �l.e�� �cus � � � � � , � � i I I � .. . .. � . � , . . � ... .. . . ���{ . . . . �. . . ... . . � � � . : � ... '��f . . . . � . . .. . � � � . . . . � �� 1 ' ;,x, �,�4 �r � f,�� �� T� Whom It May Concern: 1 understa�d that Trammell Grow Company is pxopasing to �auild a s�ven-story office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center affice park. Withoaat financially obligatinq myself or my property, I support the construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the g�arking lot to be built and allow th� relocation n� the proposed Lincoln Street collector str.eet as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, al-i'.G"�c.�t.- � ���,��.��.� By: Address: �� �`�„p g�_ �,�,��,� pate: �f���'/,4� ; i � , ; , ; ; � ; ; � i i ; � � , , , � ,• ` ,� � To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing �o build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially obligating myself or my property, I support the construction of the building as proposed and the change af the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking 1ot to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, i ---� V .�� �` By. Adciress: �2 Z`� �Lc� //l��.e� �).z ���f y���2� �� r7 7�?3 , Date: _�/� �Gf �: �; � �: r ;J i; f,i 71'. I". i�i �` �4d 1, I'. ii �'f �': �: y, i: F! � � v i : ��'� � fr� §; - �:: �..,. To Whnm It Nday Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is propo�ing ta build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existinc� Linc�ln Center office park. Without financially obligating myself c�r my property, I I support the construction of the building as proposed and the change of th� Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking .lot to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincc�Yn Si�reet collectnr street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely` f f �'_�c�..�`""— � /G''' ,E-,2�-���'�-�� By: ` � v. � �S�cl �1��/�1� . � Address: �,/ � Date: / �/ � ,� _' � � � � �, �.. To Wham It May �oncern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing ta bui7d a seven-story office buildinq adjacent to the �xisting I,incoln Cent�r �ffice park. Witk�out financially obligating mmyself ar my proper�y, I supp�rt the aonstrttction of the building as praposed and the �hange of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lat ta be built and a].law the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collector street as shc�wn an the �ttached exhibit. Sincerely, ��?� �� Bye Address: ��% (� ���� �lJ C� Da�te: ��/���'9 , __ r 1 � f�, To Whom It May Concern: I unders�and that Tramme].1 Crow Campany is propos�r�g to build a se`�en-�tory nffice building adjacent �o th� existing Lincoln Center office park. i�lithout financially obl.igati.ng myself or my property, I support the construction of the builciing as prog�osed and the change of th.e Comprehensive Plan that w�11 a11ow the parking lot to be built and a11ow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Stree� ' coll.ector street as shown on the attached exhibit. ;; Sincerely, ;; {: By. Address:�'f�.� �:W ` �����sr-- � Date: �f�y'�,�ff-' �;� .;'� i,li },, r,, �; ir i;. r;; b,, i%" �:. f,. lc r,; �`�; �:� . � 4 . � . � � . ��t' .. . . . . . r'�: . . . . � . . . � . .. � � . . � . . . . � �. .� . � � �,�+? � . . � .. � . .. .. � � � � . � � �:', .. � . � � � � � . � .. . . � . . . . di� . . . , . � � . � � . . . . . '. � . t... . . . . . . . � . � � . .:... . . ..�. .:�� ... �. __ _ . i � � , � � � , � . � � i :! 't r 1(` To Wham It May Concernz I urtderstand that Trammell Crow Company s.s proposing to build a s�:uen-stary office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln 1' Center office park. k! �i,, t Withput financially obligating �yself or my praperty, I support the constr.uc.tion of the building as proposed and the change i:' of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be y� built and allow the rel�cation of the proposed Lincoln Street j: collector s�reet as shown on the attached �xYxibit. $,� Sincerely, ; � +1 �� � � � � k a Y= / �i /� �j/� /� �- � �. `—� -, r� � Address: l�'�G`' �l✓",/��lC�/ �r�, // ����-��� ' ' � I ` � Date: �� ��� " ;i:i i;. z,Y t:;^ i±l �{; � . � '������:I ;i r:. �""; �� � �; .. � ��i'`�I i.;', . . . ��';�'��' � � �. .:•:'i .. � . � F;�.�. . . . � ���':�:. . . . . .';'i'. .. � .� �4'.� � . . � . . . .�,,: � . � � � ..i=,`,": Ui; � � � � . . ���,,� � . � � . � . ..��{. . . . � � . � � �sx . � � � �. � � . � ' .. � ���aj .. � . �Y,{'`''� . . . . . . . . � . . . . � , .���`�i� .. . . . . . . . . . �� . : � . . . . . � ,, ... ..i ...�,. . . `, . � . . � . � � . �. .._. �. : . . . .... , _. ,........�, ,,.,...� �.:��..r � �� ,, , ` ' � F LL... To Whom Tt May Concern: I understand �hat Trammell Crow Company is proposing �to build a� seven-story office buildirag adjac�nt to the existing Lincoln Center office park. o rt I Without financiall obli atin m sel�' or m pr e y, Y � 5 Y Y P support the construct.�on of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allaw �he parkin.g lat to be built �nd allow the r�locatic�ri of the praposed Lincoin Street c�llector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, BY= Address• � � �-^✓ ��ti�� Date: _ u �° L� ��� � i ! � �I, ji , a i ; E "'r � i i i ! � � � �i � ; � , � i i � , i J ; � , i , �- _ 1 .` ' a, 5 �. , `4., � i � a � To Whom It May Concern: � T understar�d that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to bui,ld ' a seven°story office building adjaceat to the exa.sting Lincoln � Center office park. � Without financiaZly obligatiz�g nyself or my property, I support the corrstruction af the buildirng as proposed and th� change ot the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be built and a11ow the relocation of the praposed Lincoln Street collector street as shown an the attached exhibit. Sincerely, ,� � BY� � ,,� . , Address: 6 J ��� �J� � � !�1� , /( ``' Ct ✓L%L � � z�� Date: t� � � / � / r _ � , ,' ' 1 t . . � �� � �Y', ������ � , � T� Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-story affice build.ing adjacent to the existing Linr,oln Center office park. i Without financially okaligatinq myself or my proper�'cy, I ; support the eanstructinn of the building as proposed and the char�ge 1 of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be built and allow the rzlocatian of the proposed Lincoln �tree� collect�ar �treet as shown on the attached exhibit. ; Sincerely, a � � . i� D G �.? � �; Date: / �'�1�� � 9��� ��,.� GYee���.-�� �. E ; ; , ;, , ;, z �; �. �� 4: � � �. L1'" , t C. �.. '! k )i�: f" . . . .. � . . . � � � . . . . � . � � . . � ���. � . . . . � .. . � � . �! � �� ' ,, , � `�s To Whom Tt May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a se�ven-story office building adjacent �o the existing Li.ncoln C�enter office park. i�Tithout financially obligating myself or my property, I suppart the construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan tha� will a11ow the parking lot to be built and allow the relocation af �e proposed Lincoln Street cnllector street a5 �hown on the attached exhibit. SinGerely, �'�_-�� -`-�,� , , .��- �S� �� � �� ���� aat�: _ -�i-- �s ---f �� _� -` - � . . . , . ,�._ � . �1 � , • '` � ` � �a. �... � , To Whom I� May Ce�ncern: . I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-stozy offi�� building adaacent Lo the existing Y�incoln Center off�ce park. ,Without financially obli atin s �el g f or 9 m r . Y o ext Y � � P support the con�tru�cta.on of the builclin as �� g pxoposed and the ch�nge of the eamprehensive Plan that will allow the paxking lot to be built and a�low the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collactor street as shnwn oa� the attached exhibit. Si�cerely, • . � � ,� - te:. --� -� � .-- $� t�o�6 v �..� �� ��. � � � L w I . � . . . � . . � - . �.�.i � ' . . .. . . . . � � �.. .f� � . . . . . �.. � . .. . ��( S �.. � � � � � � �. ���: . . � . � . . . . . . .. � .. . . � � � . � . . . � . � . � � . . . � .h d . . . . . .. . . � . . . .. �� �u • • � . . , • . � • � ��.t . �„. � . L �: �.:: ���� '.�.. .. . . . . .. ..�: . .. .. . .. .... . � . . . . . . �... . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. .. ....... ... . .... . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . �...�.. .... .... . �.....,�I . � J 1� F' ' lf� ' \. ,�.....� . 7�o Whom It May Concern: . I undex�stand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven--story office building adjac�t to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially obl�gating myself or my property, T support the construction af the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensiv� Plan that will allow the parking 1ot �ko be built and allow the relocation of the �rc�posed Lincoln Street collector street as shawn on tY�e attached exhibit. Sincerely, Date: 3 a�-8 9• �a�.��C� �o°c�� • .. I � , i ' I '{� �� ��" 5 � �. To Whom It May Concernc I understand that Tramme].1 Crow Company is proposing to buil.d a. seven°story office building adja�ent to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially abligating myself or my pxaperty, z support the �onstruction of the buildinq as propased and the chang� of the Com rehensive p Plan that will allow the arkin lot to be . P g built and allow the relocation of the praposed Lincoln Street collect�r street as shown ori the attached e�ch�.bit e Sinaerely, . � �• Date: _�._��/, l�'�� � 9 �l� .S, w , ,� . , �`� J 1��P1 9' �.z �. 3 . . . . . . _ :_ - . � _. . :::_. .�._._ ._y_�� : _�.__ � �.M �,.:��� i �, � � � � ., : i � � . ; , ; � i � ; i i To Whom It May Goncern: I understand that Trammell Crow Com an is ! g y propo�ing to build a seven-s�ory office building adjac�t to th� existing Lincoln � C.ent�r office park. i i Wi�hout financialZy obligating myself or my property, T f support the construction of the buildi�g as proposed and t�ie cY�ange ; of the Comprehensive Plan that will a11aw the parking lot to be built and a11ow the relacatian of the proposed Lincoln Str�et col4ector street a� shc�wn on the attached exhibit. i Sin�ex�ly, � cl //{/[/,/ � �I J� (� FII al �ate: �1/!� `�-� 0 9�� � � i, 9335 S.W. Locust Street �i ;� ;II ,: { j ;i � �� � , �, d . � K� , f+' � , _, ', , I Commercial Post Office Box 5396 10260 5W Greenburg Road Portland, O�egon 97228 Portiand, Oregon 97223 Apri 1 12, 19 8 9 503/245-9400 Mr. Ed Murphy City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Ha1.1 Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Ed: Please find enclosed cop�es nf petitions that Yaave been signed to . a rove the hei ht var a e a. n e t h e G o m r e h e s'v �. e l a n c h a e n P P 9 , z� n a d t h e � F g zone change for the groperty adjacent to i,incoln Center. Also find enclosed a map highlighting the propertie� that are in ag�eement ta the aforemen�tion�d. Thank you for your cansideration. Please call with aily questions. Sinc�rely, TRAMMELL CROW COMPANY s��1� David C„ Alake Partrier DCB/ac � fi , " � . . . � �� . � � �i �t � _ . y . � � � . . :..��� ��1 ` ' ` } � 4 t' � .u . . . ,. �. � � �� ... i . ^.,�`�Y- � . . �� .���* � � ��� � � . i�� . � . . . + '��,�,{�fi S .. � 4/ �� ' , • S .�. . � � � r,dkkM;.A�}1�i"f. . 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'E t�, 4 �� y �. .� _ . :� : : �' j . t �"*'r'�' d� u.,X a �,lJ . � . � V f � J } x �E(is'F�� ' ft'��L�}',' y a.Z;2 f�"4_I.a < . - � *��-1 '��w�'i. �t�i��.�o;.� . t p .'+ �M� ', �y �r`��°i�."''+ rr�}tiT !" � 7 fi ,� �,� .t�"��,,I �•� �{�' ���, ¢4 �' s��`{`t��i��77. ..J�t `r�. . �! .:,� r�' 71�yt,� I T .., �. _ �, k�� �y � '. j�:� t 1 yI iS,rt� ��4 . � t ����A � u�a� J �,1 <;' '"� �rY.. ,S .I�� 7i�' q�!{ � ��� �. �b - f . . t ;. � ���'._.' .+1 { �-` �� � �'k 3� 1 k��r �-•JUl-n+<. Y :�ti �+ . i`��1�,, �i� `e�� ''Xa' i"' y , 4 `�,,i' '' � � � i +�.. , �. F� r r��+ � .; � T�� } F. � ����� f' , ' ir t� ��1'�;� �mJ'„ ' �1 �C': L i>�h,� L �r � � .)1 .4'Y ' r J_ �,Y y''"r' I � �:, E: 'r�= �� +�'. 6 •�, 5 . �!�:.�`��y�'?'*!r*. � 31i+� .�a 7�( ����-- :�i . �� �41 , ' }r �� - '� . _ l� z�, d 1� lt,r ;t� }t�q�,. , � f �)� .�{ �e. '�a.,� u �.�. `�r d � t,+w ;f]t;��� ;, s xG*4�,'�'.�S�F u�'a �`� :k:. f t"�4'�! i ' " � � ���Cf'.''LL,�.`i'�^ ( .. Y �� a F� �k , { . i*�:.R1'�'�,��,+�e1�3'y�r.<,, . k`��,�'���y' 7 i x�, x� � ��., �i�.��f �u� f �, �h gf,�,;;�"�•, :' #. t#'�1 i.'. �' � 7 :' r2 ..'r•i �y��' ����3 r� . �j �t •�� �,. " IK �,' f �?cl {�� � ' v�rt '1'�11 I i ..T V � .t . ' . _ Yi�g'�,M(v�y�� r, � . t t, �F Yf � . , t �J ��. "� s . r h, " y� ��, t�� ���a$Tr�. ' ._ �Y�Y } ' : '�. h.i Sy. �f 1�1d �. t'r� 1 1 y 1 +Y � 7$ft ' �+iF iJr]i e�I.hH4{' '' s� ��yr � F }" ��'7 'S�e� . ifl[.` ii n1,ylF�' r�, ../ ,� Za�4.�t� j� �7 P. F -`�J ,�ji�..� � � '� ,j.4f�5��T.} .,` ,�- �� �. II ��. . . . ��C3!'is,�T,{Yy�''k ^ '�'�`.tC.n ,ry';. �Io- t p � . r,..,, `�`.tii✓'+.. I . . ., I i a. .. � r � I _ �'� s I To Wham It 1Kay Concern: � I understand that Trammell Cro�ra Company is proposing to build a seven-story office building adjacent ts� the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially obligating myself or my property, I support the construction of the building as proprased and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lat to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collector street as shown on the attached exhi.bi.t. Sincerely, � �� Date: � � �y .. �,� 7 � �1..�.� D«s � � _ , � �, �`� k �1._ To Whom Tt May Concern: I under�tand that Trammell Crow Gompany is proposing to build � a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without �inancially oblic�ating myself or my property, I support �he construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking �ot to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street coll�ctor street as. shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, oV.,O'tc..�- aS• �..���r�.� -- By: Address: y�� p�_ �,o�DCct..r�,� Date: ''��u���'� �: „ : r „�� •• �_ �'_ To Whom It May Concexn: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-story afficP b�ilding adjacent to the �xisting Lincoln � Center nf�ice park. Without financially obligata.ng myself or my Pr�P��'tY� I suppo�t the constxuction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be k�uilt ar►d allow the relocation of. the proposed Lincoln Stree� colle�ct�r �tre�t as shown on the att�.ched exhibit. Sincerely, � � � � By� ' �" � �w� � j����n� �� `� ��3 � Address:�2 Z�J �J LC� !��` 7��`--� 7" / y � ' Dat e: / �. '' ;i '.� i; ii k; z f �i ; S i : �, ,� t , t . �;,. ',._ To Tnlham It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company� is praposing to build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center office �aark. � Without financially obligating myself or my property, I support the constructian of the building as proposed and the change of the Coanprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lat to be built ancl allow the xe].ocation of the praposeci Lincoln Street collector street as shawn or� the attached exhibit. Sincerely, �"�,l��.G :;i F/J �.�jlr(J,� By: �� � Address: �y�,��j �j v�/ ./j G�_' ��1r�� Date: ' / � � � � - ,k � . 1 !A 1 1 `'?� .,� \ Y' To Wham �t May Concern: I und�rstand that TraXnme3.1 Crow Company is proposing to bui.ld a seven--story office build�.ng adjacent to �he existing Lincoln Cent�r office park. Without financially obligating myself or my property, I supp�� t the construction of the bt�ilding as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that wili allow the p�rking lot to be built and allow the relocation of �the ro osed i,incoln St eet P P r collector street as shown on the attached exhibit. sincerely, ����� �� � By: ' Adcix�e�s• ��/ D ��(� � lU C�� ; i , Date: ��f�� I i � �� i. u i �: I �; t� i; �I F t �' �, ¢ t i F �( if . �" Er . . . . .. . � . � . �)�. . . � . � i�"('� � . . . � � �. .... �p 4 � � � � � . . . � � . � �.. � ��i � . . . -.. , . � � � . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. ., . _ .. ,. ::, : . . .:.,., ' �b ir i(� : �1.. � . To Whom It Ma Concern: Y I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing �o build a seven-story offic� building adjacent to the existing Lincaln � Center office park. Without financially obligating myself or my proper�y, I � support the construction of the buil.ding as proposed and the change ; of the Comprehensive Pl�n that will a�Iow the parking 1ot to be ' built and a11ow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street `{ collector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, By. :i Ac�dress: 9.2//J S:W �� ��r- _ . Date: ,�/�y,�,rr'f-�' � i� ;; � ; s r � � i I ( I � ; � Ia FI �., L To Whom Tt May Goncern: ? understand that Trammell Crow Company is praposing to build a seven-story office building adja�ent to the existing Linaoln Center affice park. Without financially obligatfng myself or my prop�rty, I support the construction of the building as propased and the change of the Comprehensive P1an that will a11nw the parking lot to be built amd al�ow the relocation of the p�oposed Linc�ln Street coll�ctor street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, � � f �l�L � � ' Y� / — �—._ � /' Address: �����`°� �C�/,/��/rG�/ r'/!/� // ��/�C.���� , � Date: ��f . � � � ; ! � k i, i' (il }t: ft Y! I: �i `,', �i 4'. �p°., .. .. � . . . . � � rM1+� ' . . . . . . .. . . �. � � .;� ��'. . . � �. �. . . �. � � . . � � , ,, �. ., � �. To Whom It May �oncern: I understand that Trammell Craw Company is proposing t�a build !I a seven-story office building adjacent to the existi.ng Lineoln Center office park. Withaut financially obligating myself or my praperty, I suppe,rt the constructioil o� the building as prapos�d and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will a�low the parking lot �o b� built and a11ow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collector stree�t as shown on the attached exhibi�. Sincerely, By: Address° � � ��/ � ����? Date o � _ L� ``�� ,� ' , �a s � '�. � To Wham It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow CAmpany is proposing to build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing L�incoln Cent�r office park. Without financially obligating m�s�lf or my property, I support the constructio,� of the building as proposed and the cha.nge of the Comprehensive Plan tha� will allow the parking :Lot to be built and allow the relacatian of the propased Lincoln Street collector street as shown on the attached �xhibit. Sincerely, ' �.i°��0`�G � �� a,y: � , Address: 6 � ��✓ , l��'l, I � ' Ct ✓� / � Zl.5 Date: � � , � �. / t . ;� ;,i k S'' �',, f.`', i', y;; I' r E;! Y" �' F �:: � ��;e �', �e }, �S . . .. . . :.f�k_-.., . . .. . . � .. . . .�. . . Y 1 � � • A.i Y/ �: ��� .. � `� . �•L: . . �/�;,C� � � To Whom It May Concern: . I understand that Trammell Crow Company is propo�ing to build a seven-story office buildinq adjacex�t to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Withou� financially obligating myself or my property, � . support �he constru�tion of �he l�uilding as proposed and the change of the Com rehensive Pla P n that will allow the parking lot to be built and allora the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collectar street as shown on the attached exhibit. 5incerely, , ,� C-� �-r ' Date a ���� j� ' 9q�� s� �Gre��a��� t''�'� ���I �I _ � ; . . .. . . .._ ; . . . . .. . .. � ... . .. .. . . , .. .. .. ... .. . .... ... . . ....... , .. ... .. ._... ..., :r� r� � � V. �� !� �} (; . �.... � d�. ,L {: t i To Whom It May Conc�rn: � I understar�d that Trammell Crow Company is praposing to build a seven-story office building adjac�nt to the exis�ing Lincoln i Center office park. Without financially obligating anyself or my property, I support the construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will al�ow the parking lot tc� be � built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Str�et i collector street as shown on the attached exkaibit. Sincerely, � i a ; _��%z���', y'�yso ,�1.�,., > i � Date: � ��/°' �g i i �� i � � i ; � -=-f. �%�' '�' �l � � '� � l `y " > � `�.._ � 1 To Whom It May Concern: . I understanc� that Trammell Cr�w Company is proposing tQ build a seven-story off ice building adjacent to the existing Lincoln . Center office park. Without financially �bligating 'yself or my pr�operty, I support the construction �f the buildinq as g�rupose,di and the clnange of the Comprehensive Plan th�� will a11ow the parking ].o� to be buil� a�nd a1Zow the reloeation of the proposed Lincoln Str�et collector street as shown �n the attac�ed exhibit. Sinc�rely, � • � � - , te:. _� -,3 ► $'�"7 l�36 C� � g~�`.�' �",, , � , � � t. r � � tf � �.:.� �_. � To w7h�m It May Concern: . I understand that Trammell Crow Company is propo�ing to build a seven-story office building adjacer�t to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Withau-t financially obligat.ing myself ar my property, I supporfi the cc�nstxuctio� of th.e building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that wa.11 allow �he p�.rking lot ta be built and allow �he relocati.on of the praposed Lincaln Street collector street as shown on th� attachQd exhibit. Sin��rely, � Date: 3 a�T-�9� ��y.��SCv ��� � i i � . � 1 � � • N r! � � 9 � }� I'. �' �; ! �", �:�' A; � 1:� {`- . i�. �ji . . ' ..�1':':�'. � . . . . .. ...��i ,.. . . . .. ��`:: f, `. t� ' . � . . . .. ��� . . � . � . . . � . �.. � � �t � � . . . . . � � ... � � .� � . . .. . � � . � � . � . .. . ....'4 � � . . . .. , . '. . � . .. . . . . • . . ' � _ . . _ _ _ _ ����. 4 ... .. . .. . _ .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . ., . . . . . . .. ..... _. . .... . . .... ......., ..... . ...6: ��� �7 � I . , ' \.. � t To Whom It May Conc�rn: I understand that Trammell Crow Companx a.s proposing to build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing Linca�.n Center office park. Without financially obligating myself o.r my property, I support the canstruction of the building �s groposed and the chang� of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be br�ilt and allow the relaration of th� propose,d Lincaln Street co].lector str��t as shown on the attached exl�ibit. Sincerely, ; � ' � . Date: _ //Sc�'l��'• "7J �, /'Jc�/ `� 9 '7� �S', Gc� ,.-�2'-�� ,� , ��� �� q � a ;. I'�� � / 7' 3 . j.11 t� i� �,� • !;:'. E; . x': i'.?. �.' . . � . � � . �.�1, }.: V.: ' {';; . .. . . . . [:<. � . . . � � � ett {.:: �;; i... f<, �, (�* � ' . . ' _ ., _ . , _. ,._ ._,.�.'"�' s♦ ' a ' �.... �.. To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Tramme�Ll Crow Comgany is proposing to build a seve.n-story offi.ce building adjacent to the existing Lirtcoln Center office park. Without financially obligating myself or my property, T suppart the construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Compreh,ensive Plan that wil.l al.low the parking lot ta be built and all.ow the relocation of �he proposed Lincoln Street callector street as shown on the attached exhibit. �in�erely, �����-- � ��� --�-�- �� Date: �!/j�.-y� �-�' Q' �'� y' 9335 S.W. Locust Street i i � I , ; � t '. � ,, i Commercial �, Post Office Box 5396 10260 SW Greenburg Road ' Portiand, Oregon 97228 Portland, Oregon 97223 I April 12, 1989 503/245-9400 Mr. Randy Wooley City of Tigard 13325 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Ftandy: Please find enclosed copies of petiti:ons tk�at have been signed to approve th� height variance, the compr�hensive plan change and th� zone change fo� the property adjacent to Lincoln Centero Al.so fimd enclosed a map highligh�ing the properties that are in agr�ement to the aforementianed. Thank you for your consideration. Pleas� call with any questions. �incer�ly, TRAMMELL CROW COMPANY �����-��� ��� David C. Blak� Partner DC�/ac � � � � W . . . , i - . • ;:. f , . ; . ��i � ' t, � � ��� �, , � �� � .;;�.: � . : .. � ' . � � . , • •�r . . . . . .' . � � . . ......... .... . ._..,._..._.. . . ' +;:�� � rt . � . . ; � . '.. • ' � � n:; . : * � a�' r;,' . ,�;. :zt' , ;.;r,. � ....�.. - 7. ' _ .t �, i t . .Ns: .. -�1,;w_.. . .. ; ..,M . _. t; . " t� t';�Yil��;"�_�.. .. . .. . � �.ca�tl._�. • � .. ; r '. ��J�� r.,:,. r., �, w£}��� ,. a _ . ���x9. .. . . .. � w�� .'� , , T�� ` . � ' . ' • �--'-' ,.�.. , ' . :;� , . . ,. . � . � , j' , • •. . . Y i �._ .71...�;"s.. . . . . . . �. ' � � �y' , . . • . ' ' • . . � � � � . - . • • 1:. . .k. � � . � ' �,. . • .• � .. �. f� � �. � . � . � . .. . -i+' i� . . . ., � . . . . . .,. . . � �r sldt�',; t , ;' - , �' , „ . . ',�" : v, � ' . .. . , � „ . _ . . i�' „ • ,• � ,'�`, • � •. . _ ,: �,: • ;�• , ti � � �,t:. . �fi`��i'�"'`! . �>, ,�, ;;i� (�r. • � . , :. `�' r: , ,` � ,� � � � d�� � � � � �� . , +.r:; F ���„ . . . . . .. � j�kk: , � � ' � d! �'Y 1 � rj✓ r . , .,I�� ; � �� Y � � �yjyt� 6'tw� � ��` µ�. `^Z�. ^..,,�� , . t .�4 �. {K �Z :rh�"�y��};�,�"y � . {� m �F�:��� c .� t , � �' r .. �-���k�sll i'.; �': � .��1 � � :� r� +' c '!~'t � . , �•t� F , f �': .i� ! ' � 1 _ '� X�11 „�':-� � 5. � • � � ���j�,' '� 4 , i�5��` y� i . :{.� �4� 3 t, i ��� K #t nff`:.� 1 1�f4 "� +`1�9 YL a',�.h •' i:�� II P}r� Jwl�i.: .�� '. �, �Kµ.,'�a 1 � " � . . • �iFp��lr•� ��5�,;�'y- o . 1;J,iv �+ ie T�y �i • _ '� ..: . . '� �� , � , . � ; ' �: To Whom I� bia� Concern: I understand that Trammell Crrw Company is proposing to build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing Li.ncoln Center c�ffice park. Wi�hout financially obligating aayself or my property, I support the construction of the bu` ildin as ro nsed and the chan e of t he Cpm r , 9 P P . g p,.ehensive P1an �hat �ill allow the p�rking lot to be built and al�ow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street �ollector street as shown on the attached exhibit. :incerely, ����E�� Date: ''� � �� . � .2 7 �� �1�� o��S � � � � � F h I � k 4 t � i � � S 4 r # � � � � � �� . r; � � . � : . � � . - .. .. .:�.� j • e a �.,... {:i�:. �,.. To Whom It May Concern: I understand that T�ammell Cx�ow Company is proposing ta build a s�ven-stary office building adjacent to the existing Lin�coln Cent�r af�ice park. Without financially obligating znyself or my property, I suppart the construction of th� building as proposed and th� change nf th� Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parl�ing lot to be built e p osed Lincolan Street and allow the relocation of th pr p collector st�eet as shawn on the attached exhibite Si.ncerely, oV.,D'tt.a-• �• �.�s� — �y: Address:��p g�_ �,o�pC.u,v�,� DatP: �%�/,4 g ; ,. .. :._: , _._ _ ., , , . �i , I �I III To Whom It May Concern: I und�rstand that Trammell Crow Campany is proposing to build a seven-story office k,uilding adjacent to th� existing Lincoln �en�ter office park. Without financially obligating myself ar my praperty, X support the cons�ructian of the building as proposed and the change of �he Compreh�ensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be built and a11ow the relocation of the propnsed Lincoln Stree� callector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, .�----� i By. Addres s'- �2 Z`� �J 1� !/�/I.� '7 c�•� / /� o � � r <��� �� , f� `�?��3 Date: _ �/y �`� ,I _ ;i , : � i ; ��� y . � ,; �� �� i To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-story �ffice building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially obligating myself or my property, I support the con�truction nf the building as proposed and the change af the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to be built and allow the relocation of th�: proposed Lincoln Street collector street as �hown on the attached exhibit. Sinceiely, f // � c. .��..�-r�� � ��.��/ By� - � I�ddress: ��' � S �S(/�� �jJ�,l�'� � 4- Date: ��''/ / �T' � �,�/ r � � � � � r � V,, 'Ci, I II To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-story offi�e building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Wiithout financially obligating �yself or my property, I support the construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive F1an tl�at will a11ow the parking lot to be built and allaw the relocation of the proposed Lincaln Street coZlector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, �7''12a���.�Q.� � i1/I_�.�,��„p.� Q _.�, By: ���— Address• �� p ���� Q�l,t� Date: �/�/�� �--� � • ♦ P 9 �.�.,,. � . �`'L . To Whom It May Corrc�rn: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-story offxce building adjacent �o the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially obligating myself or my prnperty, I � support the construction of the building as praposed �nd the change of the Comprehensive Plan that wi11 allow the �arking lnt to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincaln Street collector street as shown on the attaahed exhibit. S incere�.y, ' , �y. I Address: � . _����/...�' �u.' ���. ��-- 0 Date: •�'�y��f�'-' ; � Y" r t {����. � �.,. �' . To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Cr�w Com�aany is proposing to build a s�ven-story office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Cent�r of:Eice park. Without financially obli.gating myself nr my property, I support the construction of the buildinq as proposecl and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lct to be built and allow the relacation of the proposed I,incoln Stxeet collector s�tree� as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, �-- � �� � t ' � y' � .---- p, Address: /����`-'" ��/ ��/�1�/li�� /1 '��/�-f'�^L'���+ � Date: �� � t �9 �p �.,�. `l$^;", To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammel.Z Crow Company is proposing to build a seven-story office building adjac�nt to the existing Lincoln Center offa.ce park. Withou� financially obligating myself or my property, I support �he construction af the building as proposed and the change of ttze Comprehensive PZan that will allow the parking lot to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincoln Street collector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, / Ay: ^ Address�• " ( i�...�--� /[�/ /� (��l'I Date: (� _ �'' 4�� � ; �: ' 1 f \ .,.Y ...: ;.�.,., �. �•,. To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Comgany is proposing to build a seven-story office building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center office park. Without financially obligati.ng myspZf o� any property, I suppor�t the construction of the buildi�ng as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive P1an that will allow the parking lot to be built and allow the relocation of the proposed Lincaln St,reet collector street as shown on the attached exhibit. sincerely, . � � `-- _C��— By: �-- , Adar�ss• �� ��� � l�1 G , (( Q �c ✓� � / zZ5 Date: rY � � � � / �� , ,, � _ ..� ,. . , r .; ,� ,� . ���.,,, ��m.,�; �� �� . ��� �� � To Whom It May Concern: I understand that Trammell Crow Company is prog�osing to build a seven-story affice building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center affice park. Without financi�.11y obligating myself or my property, I support the construction of the building as proposed and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that wili allow the parking lot to be built anc� allow the reloc t° o e o osed Lincoln Street a �.on f ith r P P collect.or street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, ,� C� � , Date: /� �l�ii"� �qC1�J S(� �lveehEn��a. ��' ; ,; ; . . . , . � .. : �, ..._ . .. : .:�., _ ,: 9.�,.v._ _ . . . . . . .. . . . ...,. . . . . ... .. .,.� 1 r� r t. � 1 s i ,n 4..' ;�, i �L. a � k I To Whom It May Conc��rn: � T understand th��t Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build ' a seven-story office building adjacent ta the existinc� Lincoln Center office park. ; ; Without finan�ially obliga�ing mysel�f or my property, I �upport the construction of the bu.ilding as proposed �and the change of the Comprehensive Plan that will allaw the parking lot to be built and allow the reloaation of the proposed Lincoln Street co.11ector street as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, �----�'r���.� y��sz� .��i, �;��� ' C Date: _ �3/r �ej J f r, ,:J; , �l ,� _. , : ..:.: , � �.r ,,� w, ( A . � M "ti..�.- �, �� . �i4:i::.-' . . � 4 � To Whom It May Cnncern: I unders�and that Trammell �row Coenp�ny is pr�posing to build a seven-stoxy offi�ce building adjacent to the existing Lincoln Center offxce park. Wi�hou,t financially obligating ayse1F �� m support the construction of the buildinq as proposed and the change af the Compr�hensAVe Plan that will aliow the parking lot to be huilt and allow the relacation o� �he proposed Lincoln S�reet collector street as shown on the a�ttached exhibit. Sincerely, . � � �_-___: te: � '°,� I -- 8e'7 t�0 36 v S� � � �,, :, CT'1� . 4 ' � w (; � �� . �, . � � . . � . �� � . . . � �� I't�: . . . . . � � ���,', . � � � . . � . . � . . . � . � . .. �%'�. � . � . . . - � � � . � . . �.. f . , � � . . , ... .. :.. . . ' , . '. '�. , _. _ . s� , .:,, i� <�,, „„ � , ri �_, ii ,i ;i <; ;� ;, i' l7 f)� F ! To Whom I� May Concern: . G I under�tand tha� Trammel]. Crow Company is pruposinq to build � a seven-story office b�uilding adjacent te� the exxstxng Lincoln � Center office park. t ,: Y Without financiall� obligating nyself or my property, I � support the construetion of the building as proposed and the change � of the C�mprehensive Plan that will allow the parking lot to }ae built and allow �he �°elocation of the propased Lincoln Street collector street a� shown on the attached �exhibit. � i Sincerely, a ( � 1 � j i Date: 3-a��-8 9• �a �s'��SCv ��.v,� . � � � - i � , II '7�. �� *g / 1�' � . . . .. To Whom It I�Iay Ccancern: z understand that Trammell Crow Company is proposing to build a s�even-sta office b ' �ildi , �'Y ng adj acent t�o the existin Li Center of�ice park. g ncoln Without finax�cially obligating myself or my prope�ty, I su�pax°t th� cc�ns�ructi.on of th� buildinq as proposed and the change of th� Compreh�ensive Plan thatc wil.l allow the parking lot to be built and allow the relocation of the propos�d Lincoln Street collector stree� as shown on �the attach�d exhibit. Sincerely, . . � � . nat�: —��. 3 !, 1��9' � � �� �� w � , , ,� J ��PJ 9' 7.z � 3 :, � M �1' "A.:'F(y ` .. , . �.. i �. � To Whom It Ma�y Concern: I understand that Trammell �raw Co�apany is proposing to build ;; a seven-story office building adja�er�t to th� existing Lincaln Centsr office park. Without financially obligating myself or my property, I support the construction of the buildia�g as groposed ax�d the change , of th� Camprehensive Plan �hat will allow the parking lot to be built and allo � t�l w the relocation of the px�opo�ed Lincoln Street ;� collector str�e� as shown on the attached exhibit. `1 S incerely, ;:I, i,;ll � nate: _��-�' �-�' D `�� y' ;i 9335 S.W. Locust St.reet �. '' � ��I '''I ill �i �. ��I r:l �;I, 4'�' r, 1' ;. , � � �k��'� !'. t: �. i.; �: �� � � �� � � �J . . , . . , � � ^ �Y . �b� � I+'ACTS AI�D FIN]DINCS � Based on field r�view and the a bove analysis the following cc�nclusions can be made: , COIdCLU8I0AT8 I , 1• The site will generate approximately 1,622 new vehicle I� trips per day when com�l.ete. ' 2• Th� irst�r�eCtions alonq Greenbur Ro the Hwy 217 interchan e e g ad ln th� ar�a af _ � con;siderable delay cluring the�exi�tine conqestion and g pm pea�k hour. � 3. Th� site distribution indi�ates that this d�velopment will increase the saturation levels on Greenburq Roa�i approximately three (3) pe�cent. This small percentagp will not adv�ersely affect the surrounding str�et system. 4. _ The int�rsection of Gre�nburr� Road and I,ocust Av�. meets � one af the warrants required for �he snstallation of a traffic signal and should be investig�ted in the future by additional warrant studies. � I 5• The existing ramp signals on Gz:�enburg Road and Hwy 217 are currently interconn�cted and operate on a 82 s�cond cycle during the pm peak he+ur. �• Passer II-84 runs indicate that by connecting the Mapleleaf intersection to the Hwy 217 signals, Greenburg R�ad cauld reduce the delay areat�d at the off-ramps. 7. ODOT is currently reviewing several lane use changes on Greenburg Raad at Hwy 217 which s some of the cangestion created at the Hwy 217p offlramps� AuSOCIATED TRANSPORTATYON ENGINEERING & PLANIV'ING (ATEP) PAGE 24 r � .. ��,. ``+�_ , � RECOMMENDA,TIONB � Based on the results of th� t�raffic acces� ar.ial sis described ' Y in t2ais repnrt, it is concluded th�t �the property as proposed can be � construct�c�. with minima.l impact to �he surrouneiing street system. To ensure t�e safe and efficient movement o� traffic �nd � p�destr�ans within the area, the following traffic operatic�nal impxovements are recomiaended. '�� � 1) The existing si na1 at the Gre II�! 9 enburg Road and MaplelPaf i.x�tersectign remain a four (4j phase op�ration. � ' 2) The proposed 93rd L.I.D. constructiorn �rill provide � addition�l 8CC@5S to the site fram �he sou�h and should rinclude the r�alignment of 93rd St. at Locust to ' accommodate the gropas�d parl�ing areas. � 3) The �xisting signal at Greenburg Road and Maplelsaf be ' reviewed for interconnection with Hwy 217 traffic � signals. , 4) The int�rsection of Locus� and �reenburg Road be + restriper3 to provide a left and right turn lane for Locust Street traffic. � ASS4CIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & �I�ANNING (ATEP) PAGE 25 � �r � ' �d. �_ � � � � I � � � � � � � � � � C� RTA TI � N � : �� I N � ERI I� G � � L.ANNI �1 � AT E � � . � � � � . �'.RAF.�'I�' A .1V�AL �SIS , � (JF .LI.1V�CaLN CENTER V T.RA MME.�� CR 0 W CO�VIPANY ; , I f � �, '� �, � ' TRANSPC�RT'ATION ANAL�(SIS � . � TRAIVIMEL CRO�f DEVELOPI�IENT � �- TIGARD, OREGON � _ �_. � . � PREPARED FOR TRAMMEL CROW COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON 5����a N�d���f'P � �� � � � 11, � ��d1RE � ���,G�Yt�, ti°'$���. ' y'�RD L.`N��' PREPARED BY ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINE�RING � PLANNING, (ATEP) i 4 04 0 DOUGLA,S WAY ' LAICE OSWEGO, OR. 97035 I ' 89-3].� M1�RCH 1589 1 i , � i ��'� � tE. .. � �. TABL� OF CONTEN°1'8 � � INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 � EXI5TTNG CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . w + . Y . . ^ . . . . . . 1 STUQY AREA LOCATION 1 TRAFFIC CONTROI, . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TRAF�'IC VOLUMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CURRENT I,�VELS OF SERVTCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1�ROPOSED DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 TRIF DISTRYBUTION . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . e . 13 FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVIC� 0 19 �"' STACI�INC DISTc�.NCE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . s . . o . . 2n SAFETY CONfSIDIERATIOPI�S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 21 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRAPITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 -- TRANSIT CONSID�I2ATION� . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . . . 23 �ONCLUSI�NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 � . R�CONiMENDATIONS . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 � � � { I � C � , � � , , —Y— , � I � �. '�. . FIGIIRES � 1. V�CINTTY MI�F�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I 2. EXISTING AM T�ZAFFIC VOLUMES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 � �. EXISTING PM TRAFFIC VULUM�S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4. SITE GENER�TED I�RIVEWAY TRAFFIC AM PEAK HOUR. . . . . . . . 15 5. SITE GENERATED DRIVEWAY TRAFFIC PM PEAK.HOUR. . . . . . a . 16 6. TaTAY, TR.AFFIC AM PEA�C HOUR. . . , . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 ��,, 7. �OTAL TRAFFYC PM PEAK HOUR. . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 �i._ � � �. � I � . � I � � � � � � � � � � -zi- � , � ;, , r . . . . . . . . � . � � � � . : :.� .��.-�.' -!. � � � t � �_ ! r t �` � � TABLES '' E' I. LEV�L �DF SERVICE DEFTNITIONS (SIGNALIZED IAtT�RS�CTIONS) . . � .7 � 2. ODnT CRITERIA FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 � 3. LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINI�IQNS (UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS) . �9 '. 4. CRTTERIA FOR UN�aGNALIZED INTEgtSECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . e10 r +- 5. EXISTING I,EVELS OF SERVICE AT CRITICAL INTERSECTIONS. . . . . . 11 ;; 6. PROJECTED TRIP GENERATION FOR TOTAL 1DEVEI,OPMENT. . . . . . . . . . .13 �' 7. LEVELS OF SER'VICE AT CRITICAL INTERSECTIONS TOTAL TRAFFIC.19 �; �„ 8. STAGKING DISTAPICE REQUIREMENTS. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 � 9. TRAFFIC SIGN,AY, WARRANTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . .22 10.TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 � �w. � F. �� k. �,. �: j': �_ i' �. �. �� 4tl � I F''li . !%I � �I i l'' �;'' �_ +,; �; � �i �' �. �r I± t,: k2 � �r � � �. : . � ����I�. —YII— �` l� , � � �_ � , _ _ _ ' . ..�,..... .._ .:..____ ____.. _ � ,� ��. '�_ � ,�: APPEATDICES �? ; APPENDIX A - CURRENT LE'VELS OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS ' � , ' APPENDIX B - TRIP GENERA.TION CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C - FUTURE LEVET,5 OF SERVICE CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D - PASSER II-84 ANALYSIS � � �_ � [ � ' � i � l i � { � r ; 7 i i � � -IV- � i i � . I � � . �� � :� � � TRANSPORTA�'ION ANALYSIS OF TRAMMEL CROW DEVELOPMENT � AT LINCOLN CENTER AND GREENBURG ROAI� �, LOCATED IN TIGARD, OREGON � . �' II�TTRODIICTYON � �... �.' This report represents the findings of a transportation analysis for �he canstructian of an additional 125,000 square feet of t! i : �w g�neral office space at the existi.ng Lix�coln Center d�velopment �: located on Greenburg Rc�ad in Tigard, Oregon. �. The purpose r�f this transg�ortation analysis is to a�sess the t! transportation impacts of the prop�s�d development on th� � surroundin road s ste . The a endix for this re or�e contains i; , m , � . 9 Y PP P a summary of all key technical calculations and field data. � , �_ ;:� ERISTINC� COIdDITIPJNB � ;, r; � � STUDY PiR�A LOCATION w: r i The study area consists of the area bounded by Locust �treet on ;; r the noxth, Hall �l�d on the east, Hwy 217 on the south and <: � Greenburg Road on the west. � � The area i� a mix of residential and commercial and high density { retail. Current access to the site is from both Gr�enburg Road and � Lo�ust Ave. I � The sttxdy area for �his development includes those intersections ( adjacent to the development and the specific i.ntersections listed above. Se� Figure 1 E � i � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATIOId ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE a � � . � i �.=' �..� � ��.�/ W d ' � � HALL BLVD � � I � J3rd � W � ����� 95th � � � � � _ � � � � U � N O W , � � � � � � Y = , �� o � � � GREENBURG RD � I WASHINGTON WASHINGTON SQUARE WASHINGTON SQUARE � SQUARE I T00 � j � PHASE V LINCOLN C � NTER ' ; �1GUi�E 1 VICINITY MAP Pag� 2 � i � `�. � � TRI�FFYC COI�T'1'ROL Traffic si nals are currentl loca�ed at Greenbu oad arrd g Y rg R � Ma Iele�af Greenbur R�ad and H 217 on and off ram s. All other P . 9 �►1' P intersections are controllec� by stop signs. � TRA�'FI� VOLq1ME8 � The �traffic volumes useci in this analysis were supplied by the Oregon Department of Transpor�atian,the Phase IV Lincoln Cent�r Traffic Anal�sis dated 1987, where data did not exist, ATEP � conducted manual turning movemen� counts. Al1 traffic projections were based on ODOT's year 2005 projections. Traffic counts taken cluring preparation af this report can be found in the Technical apper�dix. See F'igures 2 & 3. r �;URRENT LEVELS O�' SERVICE � � Level of Service (IsOS) is a concept that was develaped to measure how tha driver perceives the conditian� �uxrounding them as they travel through an intersection or road�aay segment. This degree of � perception includes such el�ments as travel time, number o� stops, � total amount of stopped d�lay, and impedanaes caused by other vehicles. As originally defined by the 1965 Highway Capacity � Manual six grades are used to denote �he various LOS; these grades � � are shawn in Table 1. Using this definition, it is generally � agreed that "D" LOS is the minimum acceptable for an urban area. t For the purposes of this analysis, the assumed relationship between I � the calculated stopped time delay per vehicle and the associated � LOS for signalized intersections is given in Table 2. � Unsignalized intersections require a somewhat different approach � to determine the capacity of the i.ntersection. The 1985 Highway � Capacity Manual offers the concept of "Reserve Capacity" as the � c�uideline for measuring the capacity. ; Reserve Capacity is defined as " that portion of av�ilable hourly � capacity that is not used". It sh�ould be noted that the concept of Reserve Capacity only applies to the individual nYOVements of ! traffic on an agproach to an intersection, either in an i t � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERIYd'G & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 3 � _ _ . �' � � `�..- � individual lane ar a shared lane, raot to the overall operation of the intersection. This determinatian is made after all appr�aches :', ; are analyzed and the LOS deter�aix��� is usu�lly that approach that �' typifies the "Wo�st Case'� condition or wdrst Level of Service. A description of the levels of service relating to the Reserve �' Capacity Concept is shown in Tables 3 & 4. � �: ; �. r LOS analyse� presented in thfs report w��e perfoxmec� in accordance �' � with the procedures descsi.bed abave. For each intersectinn, these �: analy�es estima�.e the overa�.l intersec�iun LOS during the p�ak hour r� f low. %� � �;'' �. > r. 4 �_. i. �8 �. . � f` �. �.- { X� I� P t li ! ±,, r f; i { ' � f 1 S � . � � r � 5 � � � � � 4 C i � � � t ` ASSO�CIATED TR�IIJSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANIJING (ATEP) PAGE 4 ' � � � �ti_ � � . ��� Nl �� t $ 280 2rp5 �. 1 3 � —i f 35 �� �� � � rl N�• � � Z �� � HALL BLVD yf� T� II � � �I� C� 9 3 rd 320 425 �..,. � �'�'���'� �_ �� � � w :::�::::: 95th �. Q . �-- �_. � �, r N� o� �I p J �- N �.__ � �' �� � J � >- 3� 295 � � � 5 �.5 � O � �. � t �.n� ol �n� I�� � GREENBURG RD � � 1~ 4� 05 440 tc� �o �,.- � Jl �. L � � o � 37Q 135 � � �� N� 10 340 5 81 5 �� �r �,�- � 430 �65 � T � � PHASE V LINCOL�! CENTER ' F��uR� 2 EXISTING TRAFFIC - AM PEAK HOUR Pag� 5 � � G, � '� N! �� �a � t_ 4� 486 � � l� �� � N`l �� �f � 10 ' � � I ` � HALL BLVD t� �,� � � 0 � � . �� °�. � 93rd � 152 492 � �:�:�:�:� 429 w ::::::::: �5th � �5 � � � ~ � � � � � � �� �! o� � w � cv C � L5 � � � � 529 471 f1 � y ' �' '- Q Q � 15 � � O �� N� �f?I �I � GREENBURG RD � ( I � � � 115 �' �� N� �{ 736 4— p � �4 L :J � � 485 � 64: � �,? � L �� NI � 502 � � � M� �� �� � 1871 878 < � � , f � PHASE V LINCO�LN CE�NTER � FIGURE 3 EXISTING TRAFFIC — PM PEAK HOUR Page 6 � i _ ;', '� �. `•.. f'. �l Table 1 � LEV�L OI�' SERBICE mEFINI'1'IONS (SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIOPIS) ; � L�vel of Se�viae Traffic Flow Charac�eristics A Average overall travel speeds �f 30 mph or more. � Free-�lowing with no cangestiox�. No signal cycle > �ai.lures. �� r � � B Average averall travel speeds of 25-30 mph. Very ;' few signal c�rcle failuras and littYe ar nr� f con�gestion. ? ; � C Aver�ge overall travel speeds o� 20-25 mph. � Occasional signal cycle failures and associated ,; congestion. t r - D Average overall travel speeds of 15-20 mph. � Freguer�t signal cycle failures and associated � congestion. � �._ 1 E Average overall travel sp�eds of about 35 mph. i � LTnstable flow which includes almost continuous { signal cycle Pailur�s and backups on approaches to 1 thQ intersections. TY�is r�presents the theoretical ; aagacity of the facility. [ F Foraed fl.ow, with average ovexall travel speeds of below 15 mph Continuous signal cycle failure with � backup on approaches going through upstream intersections in �o�ne cases. � Note: A signal cycle failure is considered to occur when � one or more vehicles are forced to wait through more than one green sign�l indication for a particulax � approach. � Source: Transportation Research Board. "Highway Capacity Manrzal", Special Report 209 (1985) . 1 � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGIINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 7 � 1 .... . ....... ..... . . ...... .:.�:,., �.....,�. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .... . � ' � :�. .. .. . .... .... .. r ! ". 1'. �.. � �: y:,:� � �. ;; ,�.� �` Table 2 CRITERIl, Io'OR �I(3NALIZ$D I1�iTERBECTTON�3 : f. Saturation } �s value � (pex ODOT) ' �.. � .AO - .52 !' B .53 - .64 `" � � .65 -- .73 � - .74 - .85 D ` � .�0 - 1.00 F >I.00 �.� �... 5ourc�: Sy�tems �tudies Unit, Planning Se�tion, Oregon Department � , af Transportation "Signalized Tnters�ction Capacity Analysis ; . ��. Program User's Guide", January 21, 198`� ;; i:.; _� �._� �s: f' �.- 4. 7; �� i' y t ' l...� ��:. F E'V p f 5.�-�. � � C�� S1 f; it i; �_ SI r }: G � � . . . . . . . `t� N 1 � � . � i ! � E � ASSOCIATED TRAPiSPORTATION ENGINEERING & ,PLAA3NZNG (ATEP) PAGE 8 � • � :� � �. � TaY�le 3 LEBEL Ok' SERVICE DEFINITI�ON� � (UNSIGIdALIZED INTER.5ECTIONS) Level o� Service Traffic_Flow Characteristics �_ A 1�verage delay per vehicle between 0 ax�d 10 seconds Free-flowing with no congestion. Very few � vehicles waiting irt a queue. �. B Average delay per vehicle b�tween 1�J and 20 � seconds. Slight delay ta vehicles little or no vehicles in queue. C Average del�y per vehicle 20 to 30 seconds. � Occasinnal delay and congestions, more than one vehicle in queue. D Average delay per vehicle 30 to 40 seconds. -- Frequent delay �nd congestion,more than one vehicl� per queueo �_ E Average delay per vehicle in exc�s� o�E 40 to 60 sseconds. This c�ndition exi��ts wh�n the demand is near or equal to the capacity of the intersection � or movement. Unstable glow which includes almost� contin�ous vehicles in the queue. { F Forced flnw, with average delay per vehi.cl� irx � exaess of 60 seconds. Queue is exte�►sive � Source: Tran�portation Research Board. "Highway Capacity Manual", Special Report 209 (1985) . � � I . M � f ( l , � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATI013' ENGIN�EFtING & PLANNIIJG (ATEP) PAGE 4 l I _. _ _ __ � . r �,.„ � TABLE 4 �. CRaTERI� I+'OR ZINSIGNALIZED IId'3'ER�ECTIONS : Reserve Expect�d delay to � Capacitv L05 minc�r street traffic >400 A Lit�le or no de3ay � 300-399 B Shor�. traffic delays 200-299 C Average traffic delay� 1.00-199 D Long traffic delays �_. 0- 99 E Very lang delays * F * �_ & ` �-- * When demand yolume on any approach ox movement exceeds the cap��i.ty of the lane, extreme clel.ay� will be encountered with � queuing wl�ich may cause severe congestion aFfection other traffic anovements in the intersection. Thi� ce�ndition usually warrants improvement to th� in�ersection. � _ Source: Transpor�ation Research Boardn "Highway Capacity , � Manual", Special Report 209 (1985) . �_ � ( i � � . � , f � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEPj PAGE 1Q � � ' _ _ ; ,. � �. `.. �� TABLE 5 �� EBISTII�TG I,EV�I,S OF SEI2VICE AT CRI'�ICAL INTERSECTIOIJS ' Intersection LOS Satur�tion �eserve ' AM PM Value Ca acit � P Y -----------______---------__----------------------------•---------- __-------------------------------------------------------�----------- E: Greenbux�g Rd & B E * 78 � �oaust Ave. �. Greenburg Rd & � F 106� � � South � ramp 217 Greenburg Rd & B E 91� � North ramp 217. � Greenburg Kd & B E 89� Mapleleaf � Hall Blvcl 1� A C 252 Oak St. I ** indicates left turn fxom Locust to Greenburg is at LOS E al�. other mov�ments opexate at �.evel of service C or b���ero � PROPOSED DLVELOPMENT � For the purposes of this report, the development consists of C 125,000 square feet of General Offi�e. While it is apprapriate to � use the overall trip g�neration rates for the entire Lincoln C�n�er ( development which would produce a lower overall trip generatian rate, this analysis will be based on the addit�on of just 125,000 ' square feet of general office thereby creating a Worst Case � Scenario. i The dev�lopment as proposed is to be built in one phase and will , commence in the sp�ing of 1989. The develc�pment �roposes to have �hree (3) driveways located on Lacust Ave anel one (i) driveway from the realigned �3rd Street. ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION EN�YNEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 11 � � I � `��, �� x TRI� Q�NEItATION Est.imating tl�e number of vehicle trip �nds that will be generated �: by the proposed developm�nt is of prime importance to Washgngtan n�.. County,ODOT and the City of Tigard. �., Two basic procedures are av�i.lable to traffic engineer� for i estimating tl�e number of driveway vehicle trips generated by a ; proposed but not -�et -exiating development: � 1. d�pply averages observed through fiel.d studies conducted �_ at other similar facilxties locat�d through�ut the United States. A number oF sourc�s are available �or this infnrmation including Tr3�p Generat�on Manual (�th �dit�on) , which is published by the �... Ynstitute of �ran�portati.on Engineers (ITE) ; and summary trip generatinn reports prepared by the California Aepartment of �t Trar►sportation, the Arizona Aegartment of Transportata.an, and o��er ° public transportation ag�ncies. All o� these sources provide excellent guidance in es�imating t�i� trip gen�ration rate� for : �, various land use�, but obviously do not take into accour�t �he effects of local conditions ar►d unic�xe characteristics of the proposed land us�. �__ 2. Observe through field studies the act�al trip generation ( characteris�ics of ather simila� and existing developments within � the local area. � Procedure one above was used in �he development of this report. The figures shown in Table 6 below,represent the expe���d number � of vehicle trip enels ro be generated by the proposed devel�pment on a daily am and pm peak •haur b�si� based on the mathematical xegression equations found on page 1150 Section 820 of the Tr9.p � Generatior� Manual (4tI� Edi�ion) . � I t i ! � 1�SSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PY�F,NNING (ATEP) PR�E 12 ! � �i. ``;, � Table 6 PROJECTED TRIP GENERATION FOR TOTAL DEVELOPMENT � Generated Trips (H) P M Peak Hour � Size of Land Use Daily --------------------------- Land Use GSF (A) Volumes Tota1 In Out �; pl------ --------�- -------- ------ Office 125,000 1,622 237 38 199 � t � � NO`rES: } l �� A. GSF = gross square feet � �._ �` �. B. Includes both inbound and outbound trips � �r : " Far the purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that none of the � office-related per�on trips wil� be made by mass �ransit. ;A � This assumption ignores the Metro's mo.:t recent prajection that �; 4-6 percent of all home based person trips for purposes unrelated ta work will be rnade by transit. Therefore, thi� assumption tends � to cause the analysis to reflect a warst-case condition, and ov�restima�e the traffic impacts associated with this development. � This zone ehan e would actuall reduce the number nf trips that �! Y can be generated by this development. If the zone �hange dc�es not � take place, the development could still d�velop with the building of a 125,q00 squaxe foot office building and the exi.sting area with a density o� 4.5 units per acre could remain generating an � add�.tional 60 trips per day. � TRIP DISTRIBIITION �, � F The distribution of generated trips onto the roadway system within '. � the site area was based on the as�umptions outlined in the '� Greenburg - Loeust -� Oak Commercial District Traffic Analysis dated �� July 1981 and the Metzger-Prag�ess Circulation Study 1984-1985. �` � t This trip distribution was used to develop the site generated �- traffic for the specific driveway anc� street distributions as shown � � �. ,. i ASSOCIATEI� TRAIJSPORT:ATION EN�S1dEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 13 �; � �_ [ €: � � ��� � � � r �:,: : , .. _ _._ _ __ _ _ _ _. _ ., , � � _ �_ � on Figures 4 through 7. Thes� figures are based on the �hortest path routes between the - site and the sub-areas identified previously. i �,:. i �.� � Q. �.... � , �,. �_ . i � � � � � � � � � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGTNEERII�'G & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 14 � � � ��_ �� � � � � � � Z GI t N� � � �J ��. 3 HALL BLVD ° _� �_ °� � �� L � 3 �n � � �� �. � 93rd �. 42 6 � �_ > Q i !— I (!� � � � U <C `_ � r� o� N� 22 p W N J J �' � L -W.� � �- � Y � 22' � O . ; GREENBURG F�D � � 5 � —� i .- o �n q. ,— � � j �� L NI QI � 4� � �� � .1 l� L �N i 7 �1 64 --. .— i j ,n� 15 62 I � � ; i � E PHASE V LINC� LN CE �ITER � � , -- FIGURE 4 SITE GEN�ERATED TRAFFIC - AM PEAK HOUR Page �5 � _ � �_ �.. � � � � � � � \ f z � �1 �� �� � I 2, HALL BLVD � -- 1 �.,�� a� ! � � 64 � � � � � � 4 93rd � 36 � I � � i � � � � LL r ��� �I O W � N � � 4 (n � L � � � 4 � � � � � GREENBURG RD � ; � �3 ; ��J '�'� �,� � N � 4 � � 4 �� � _`_' S � g r 2 2 —► .-- � �t 131 5 I � PHASE V LINCOLN CENTER l � FIGURE 5 SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HO�I�JR PA,GE16 � � ' � ; � �., . � co cca � � � N� �� t� � 280 205 � � � � � Z TI °t N� � � � i 3 � � HALL BLVD 2 � � �� �� T � L I r 3 0 0I � � �� �4 � �" 326 444 { 93rd ,,._ �� �2 I W l Q .;. i � t � � � �,.--- r �c� Ol � � W � N � � � �72 J � � ?- 3,5; 295 � a = 5 5 � O � I �� �� �� � ' ; GREENBURG RD � , ' 148 L ; � ?_45 '� 8 482 ��-� �l �� � � � � I 3$1 5 � � � ,� �N NI 10 34-2 28 249 ; � � �� �� �5 4 5 f27 �r;� � PHA� E V L� N �OLN CENTER � � Ficu�E 6 TOTAL TRAFFIC -- AM PEAK H�UR P� e 17 9 � � �'�.. N MI O � ��� Nj �� t30 �j 441 486 � � � � � � � � °� �� � 21 � HALL B LVD � � � �I � ; � 4 L� � � I j 64 ,�� c�°vl,, °! i� �� 1238 5a 1 1 ;:� , �__ 9 3 rd 4_7�4 � '., "; W `_ Q '`'� � �' f � � ;; � � x, U w C�l c°o Q � � I ��`� �1 '-�' �� —� W � �- � � 532 475 � Y T C � �-- � Q � � o N� �� M� � GREENBURG RD � 6� 115 ' � .— � � 766 •—° c.� o0 5Q4 u� � � J 1 �I, �s � .-� N � � b�. 4sz � L �� Nr , � 502 18 126 •� Qt �� � 2 2 883 , � ��I I �r ; � � �`. PHA� E V LINCOLN CENTER ' - � � -- - - PM . HOUR P � FIGURE 7 TOTAL TRAFFIC PEAK age 1s � � ; - �, _ _ _ :.:. �...- . . .___._� .� _._ � . �_..._ ._...�� � ��. I � FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVI�E � In order to determine the impact of any deveYopment on the su�rounding street system, the tc�tal traffic generated by t�e � development must be distributed on�o the street system and then analyzed for any deficiency at the most crit.ical intersections. � The levels of senrice for those critical intersections are shawn in Tabl.� 7. � TABLE 7 LEVEL� OF SERVICE 1s1T CRITTCAL YNTERSECTIOPIB � TOTAL TRA,FFIC � `i Int�ersection LOS Saturation Reserve � __________________________�====PM-======Value--==-=Capacity=== Greenburg Rd & B F * -9 � Locust Ave. � Greenburg Rd & C �' 109� � ' South ramp 217 ; i Greenburg Rd & C F 94� ; �� North �aanp 217. � � � Greenburg Rd & B E 94� � Mapleleaf � i Hall Blvd & A C 223 Oak St. . i ** indicates left turn from Locust to Greenburg is a� LOS �' all other movements operate at level of service C or better. ' A camparison of Tarle 5 and Table 7 indicate that the development will have approximately � 3� impact on any of the surrounding s�reet system. � ASSOCIATED 7�RAN5PORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 19 a '� �. � fihis assumption is largely due to the existing conditions at the Hwy 217 off r�mps. These ramps operate at level of service "E"and "F" during the pm peak hour and the a3dition of approximately 257 , vehicl�s during this period does not lower the �p�ra�ting capacity of eith�x i�tersection. It was �ssumed for the purposes of this � regaor�, tlxat the traffic signals along this section of Green}�urg Road are not interconnected and these intersections operate as isolated intersectians. � ATEP used the Passer II-84 (Progressive Analysis and Si�nal System Evaluation Routine) traffic signa]. analysis p�agram produced by th� l � Texas Transportation Institute to review th� existing traffic signals al�ong Greenburg Road. �_ The existing traffic si�nals are currently running betwe�n a 82 second and a �0 second signal timing during the pm peak hour. As � can be se�n from Table 7, several of these intersection operate with a low level of service during the gm geak hour, I t Th� Passer II-84 run5 conducted by ATEP indicated that a 110 second cycle tended to �rovide the b�st timing pldn for the systeme The � Passer program t:�nds to discount th�e green time for side street �, traffic and gives the majority of green time to the arteria]. progr�►s�ion. Th.is moves traffic along the arterial but adds more ' delay to the sicie streets. This type of analysis indicates that all three traffic signals could be intercor�nected and coordinated to provide progression along G��enburg Road during the �m peak i hour. ; See Appendix D for analysis of interconnected traffic signa3.s and ! time space diagram. ; �TACRYI�TG DISTANCE REQOIREMENTS I In conducting the capacity calculations, the stacking distances �': required for the critical intersections were calculated by use of ' statistical probak�ility of arrivals on red amd are summarized in Table 8: � I�SSOCIATED TRANSk�ORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANfldING (ATEP) •PAVE 20 � � �. �j4,.. �,�'... ` TABLE 8 � 8'�L°ACRING DISTANC� ItEQLdYREMENTS � Total Traffic PM Peak hour stacking distances required by intersection � Intersection Movement Stac�.ing Distance � --__=_____=______________________________�____-_____--____�==s�=_ r Greenburq Rd & Mapleleaf NB LT 495' � Gre�nburg Rd & Mapleleaf WB LT 428 ' Greenburg Rd & NR:amp 217 SB thruugh 489 ' Greenk�urg Rd & SRamp 217 NB thraugYi 566' I � Greenburg Rd & SRamp 217 Sn LT 23� ° �l�FETY CONSIDERATIONS � The over�ll �raffic pattern for the Lincoln C�nter development � consists of wide swings in traffic volumes between the am and the e pm peak traffic counts. 4 � Traffic during the am peak enters the site from Oak, Mapleleaf and � LocLSt Ave ax�d �s pre�ty evenly divid�d among �he three en�rance points. During the pm peak the majari�y of the traffic exiting the ! site uses Ma�leleaf drive due to th� signal ]located at Greenburg Road. This concentration of traffic at the Mapleleaf intersec�ion is directly du� tn the large valumes of vehicles on �reenburg Road 1 and vehicles wanting to make a le�t turn from Lincoln Center onto � Graenburg Rd. � Gap studies taken 3uring the preparation of the Phase IV traffic r�port indicates tha� adequate gaps do exist for vehicle� exiting � Locust Ave. onto Greenburg Road. This indicates that while the left turns from Locust Ave. operate at a level of service °E" with a reserve capacity o� -9 during the pm peak houx, those left turns fhave adequate time to make the left turn safely. TRAFFIC SIGNAL W1siRRANTB 1� As part of this analysis, the unsignalized intersection located at ; Greenburg Rd and Locust Street was investigated for traffic signal � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAG�i'� 21 � �. ,�c�_ , . �. �.. � warrants. The two previous traffic reports conducted in the area i�n 1987 both , ( revi�wed this intersection and found that it did not meet traffic ; signal warraants at that tirae. I � Th�s analysis was condu�ted by using the assumption that the eighth • highest haur of the traffic day is equal �a 70 peraent 4f the pm pPak hc�ur traffic volumes. Thi� assumption is ?aased an traffic � coun�s taken by ODOT where the eigh�h highsst hour was determ�.ned to be an average of 69� of ineasured pm peak hour. � Three of the twelve approved traffi� signal warrants were used to determine if any of the intersectior�s m�t the Manual on tJniform � Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. Those warrants are: � 1. Minimum Vehicular Volume 2. Interruption to Continuous Traffic Flow � 3. Peak Ho�xr Volumes � The MiJTCD lists the foll.owing minirnum xeq�xirements for meeting th� ; above signal warrants: i TABLE 9 i Tnterruption of ,! � In�ersection Minianum Vehicular Continuous Traffic Peak Hour Volume �'low 'Vol�me Major Side Major Side Peak � Street St�eet Street Street Hour ---------------�----------------�------�--------------__--------- � � �,ocust Ave & �Greenburg Rd 600 1�0 900 75 250 � . � � M ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 22 � �: �' '� `�. � TABLE 10 � TRP�FFYC BIGNAL WARR�TT ANALYSIS In,terruption of � In�ersec�ion Existing Vehicu].ar Cor�tinuous Traff�c Peak Hour Volume Flow Volume �iajor Side Major Side Peak � Street �treet 5trset Street Hour ---�-------------�----�--------_�_---------------------�•-�----�------ � � Locust Ave & ' G�eenburg Rd 78� 156 789 156 224 ; J � Based on the comparisons between Tables 9 & 10, it is concluded that the existia�g intersection will meet one of the required signal � warrants by the end of construction in year 1989. This analysis only indica�es that the intersection meets minimum aolume levels for one houx of the day and thereby increases th� probability �hat `' � a 5ignal wiTl be required in the �uture. A camplete traffic signal waxrant analysis will b� required to determine if a traf�ic signal � is justified at this location. ;. TRANSIT CONSYDEYtATIONB � � ! This site i� served by Tri-met at a bus stop located on the east side of Greenburg Road north of Mapleleaf. � � � `'' ;' � „}� ;; � ,' � � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 23 t. �. � ;. } � �` i _ � � �. � FAC'I'8 AND FII�TDINGS � �tased on field review and th.e above analysis the following conclu�ior�s can be made: � CONCLOSIOI�Y� , � 7.. The site wil.l generate approxi�a►ately 1,622 new vehicle trips per r1a� when complete. 2. The intersections a�on Gre�nbur Raad in the �rea of � 9 9 the Hwy 217 i.nterchange experience congestion and � considerable delay during the existing pm peak hour. � [ 3. The site distribution indicat;es that this development � will �ncrease the saturation le�els on Gre�nburg Road approximately three (3) gercent. This small percentage � will not adversely affect the surrounding street system. f 4. The inters�ction of Greenburg Road ar�d Locu�t Ave. meets , ane of the warrants required for the installation of a ' traffic signal and sho�uld be investigated in the future by additional warrant studies. ' S. The existing ramp signals on Greenburg Road and Hwy 217 � ar� currently interconnected and aperate on a 82 second ` � cycle during the pm peak hour. � � 6. Passer Ir-84 runs indicate that by connecting the � Mapleleaf intersection to the Hwy 217 signals, Greenburg Road could reduce the delay created at the off-ramps. � 7. ODOT is cttrrently reviewing s�veral lane use changes on � Greenburg Road at Hwy 217 which should help �liminate � sornQ of the �Ungestior� created at the Hwy 217 off-ramps. � � ASSOCIA�:'ED TRANSPORTA'TIAN ENGINEERYNG & PLI�NNYNG (ATEP) PAGE 24 � �,: - - ��._ `��_ � `i RECOMMENDATIONS � Based on the results o� the traf�ic access analysis described in `� this report, 3t is concluded that the property as praposed can b� constructed with minimal impact to the surrounding street system. � To ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic and � pedestrians within thE area, the followi�g traffic operational improvements are recommended. � 1) The existing signal at �he Greenburg Raad and Mapl�leaf �_,�.._����� �.�ma�n a four (4) phase c�peratiori. . 1111.C1 JC�i �- 2 �'he ro �sed 93rd L.Z.D. constructirsn wi11 pra�ide ) P P additional accE�s t� the site from the south and should include the realignment of 93rd St. a� Locust to , �._ accommodate th� proposed parking areas. ��i � 3) The exis�ing signal at �reenburg Road and Mapleleaf be xeviewed for intercdnneetion w�th Hwy 217 traffic signals. � . 4 The in�e sec� o o u d Greenbur Road be ) r i n f Loc �t an g ' � restripecl to pro��ide a left and right turn lane for Locust Street tra�fio. �_ �_ �_. �_ �_ � : � � ASSOCTATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINE�RING & PLFiN'NIPIG (ATEP) PAGE 25: � � . _ � . � �; E � _ � . ._,_,.�_—.,�._ .__ . .:__.�._ - �e��. _ _ __ �� ,.::. . r�_:;, � �„� c ,:. �.. � ��. � � � SOC iA� ED � ANSPdRTATION GeN � i � � � �_ EE �_ ANNING ATEP � � i � APP.�'NDIX A � ; ` C U.�RENT LE V.E'L�' � oF'� t ��� � S.�'R' VI C.� CAL C UL.� T.��NS � � � � � � A �_ � . . . . . . . .. . � . . . � � . . � ' --5I6NALIZED INTf.R9ECTIDN --SIfiCAP-- V�5(21jan87? INTERSECTIOW� TI6ARD�fiREENBURG AND l4APLEL01[('r VOLUMES: AM PEAK � METRD SIZE: 28,888 TO 18B,88B ANALY5T: DICK WOELK. � !PNASE !PNASE !PHASE !PHASE !PHASE !PHASE ! C= 98 G= 74 Y= t6 �_-----�------�-----•-�------�------�------� ' I i I I I I I #}}}{#ff�ff�#�4ff�����f� � I I I 1 I I I � � t ' ! ! ! ! ! ! # SERVICE LEVEL B � ' ! ! ! ! ! ! � 5ATf1RATI0N 55X � � i � � i � � � � � �______�------�------�------�------�------� ���������t������t��t���f�� � � ! APPROACH LANE 6EOMETP.Y ! � ' SOUTH NORTN WEST EABT ! LANE ! MOVE WiUTH MOUE WIdTH MOVE WIDTH MOVE NIDTH ! ' -----�-----------------------------------------------------------� ; 1 ! P,T. 12,0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 RTL 1?.0 ! � 2 ! LT. 12.0 T,. 12.0 LT. 1?,0 L.. 12.0 ! 3 ! L.. 12.6 L., 12,0 ... .� ... .N ! ; ; ! MOVEMENT VOLUME5 ! MDVE 5ATt1RATI0N ! MOVEMENT LDS ! APPR ! LT TN RT TOT ! LT TH P.T ! LT TH RT ! ------�------------------------�------------------�---------------� 50�TN ! 95 340 135 570 ! �oX 55X 55r ! A B 8 ! NORTH ! 85 378 18 415 ! Z;y 55X 55X ! A B A ! NEST ! 5 1@ 35 SB ! 22Y 22Y. 26X ! A A A ! EAST ! 40 5 5 5B ! 26X 26X 267: ! A A A ! APPR! TRKS! !X-WLK!PEDS? NO! ! PHA5IN6 ! ----�----_� �-----�----------� �----------�-----------------..___.._� 5 ! 5.01! ! S ! -- ! ! � N ! 5.8X! ! N '. -- ! !N/5-DIREGTYOM 5EPARATION (C-4)! W ! 5.8r! ! V1 ! -- ! !E/W-DiREGTION SEPARATION (C-4l! ; E ! 5.0X� � E � __ � � � ! APPROACH V/C VALIlE5 ! MOVE ! 5011TH NORTN {IEST EAST ! -------�------------------------------------------� � LTP. ! .1056 .8888 .0008 .0139 ! TR ! .t313 .1856 .0888 .8056 ! LT ! .0B86 .8088 .0083 .8125 ! R ! ,0750 .8856 .8194 .8828 ! R -A�J! .0808 .8888 .0144 .0000 ! T ! ,8944 .182B .0056 .0828 ! ' L ! .8383 .8281 .0079 .0128 ! ! LEG VOLl1ME ! ! TIME AYAIL (SECS)! MOVE STORAGE ! LE6 ! AT LD5 C ! APPP, ! LT TH RT ! LT TH RT ! ------�------------� ------�------------------�-------------�--� � SOl1TH ! 0 ! S�UTH ! 26.3 26.3 26.� ! +�� ��� 0 ' � NORTN ! 9 ! NOR1'H ! 21,1 21.1 21.1 ! 34 182 0 ! WEST ! A ! NEST ! 13.3 13.3 39,6 ! 0 16 24 ! EAST ! 0 ! EAST ! 13,3 13.3 13.3 ! ��t ��� 0 ! � �+�� = CALGULATE MANAALLY � � _ _ __ 1� �. --SIBNALIZEU INTERSECTION --SI6CAP-- V�RS(21jan87) INTERSECTIUN: TI6ARll GkEENBURG AND MAPLELEAF VOLIJMES; EXISTING PM PEAK METRD SIZE: 20,000 TQ 100,000 ANALY5T: DICK WOELK � !PHASE !PHASe !PNASE !PHABE !PHASE !PHASE ! G= 128 6=1�4 Y= 16 �------�------�----__�------�__----�------� ` � � � � � � � ��r�����t�e��,t����������� � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' ! ! ! ! � SERU[�E LEVEL D-E � •' '• ' ! ! ! ! � SAiURATION 85X � � i � � � � � � � � �-----_�_-----�------�------�------�------� ������r������rt�t������� ( ! APPf10ACH LAt�E 6EOMETRY � l ! SDUTH N�kTH WEST EAST ! LANE ! MOVE WIaTN MOVE WIOTH MOVE YIpTH 190VE WIDTH ! -----!------------------------------------------------------a____i � 1 ! P,T. 12.8 RT. 1�,0 R.. 12.0 RTL 12,0 ! 2 ! LT. 12.8 T,. 1�.0 R.. 12.8 L.. 12.8 ! 9 ! L.. iL.O L,, t2.0 LT. 12.@ ,,. ,0 ! � � ! MOVEMENT VOL,l1MES ! MOVE SATURATION ! MOVEMENT LU5 ! APPR ! LT TH RT TOT ! LT TN RT ! LT TH RT ! � ------�------------------------�------------------�---------------� SQUTH ! 502 49B 16 1008 ! 85X 85X 85r ! 0-E D-E D-E ! N�RTH ! 24 643 �8 695 ! 19% 85% 85X ! A D-E D-E ! W'�ST ! 3; � 491 i34 ! ?BX 2�I 85X ! A A �-E ! ` EAST ! 699 22 44 764 ! 85X 25� 25X ! D-E A A ! E � APPR! TkKS! !X-aLK!FE�S? NO! ! PHASIN6 ! � ----�-----� �-----�--°------� �---------------------°----------� � S ! 2.0%! � g � __ � � , N ! 2,07.! ! N ! -- ! !N/S-flIREC:TIAN SEPARATION (C-4)! ( N ! 2,87.! ! W ! =^ ! !E/W-UIREGTION SEPpRATIQN (C-4l! k E ! 2.az! � E � � � , ! APPKOAr,H V/C VAIUES ! MOVE ! 50UTH NpRTN WE5T EAST ! �:. -------�--------------------°---------°----------� LTF ! .1867 .0000 .�BBB .2122 ! TR ! ,1405 .1864 ,A800 .8367 ! � LT ! .1837 .0080 .f9239 .2800 ! R ! .0889 .�156 ,1515 .A244 ! R -ADJ! .0008 ,0A80 .1179 .0888 ! Ii ! ,136t .1786 .8858 .8122 ! L ! .1603 .0138 .0195 .2229 ! ! LEG VOLUME ! ! TIME A4AIL tSECS)! MQVE STORA�E ! I. LEG ! AS L05 C ! APPR ! LT TH RT ! LT TN Ri ! ------�------------� ------�------------------�_--------------� r S�UTH ! 8 ! SOUTH ! 27,2 27.2 27.? ! ��+� ��t @ � I NORTH ! 0 ! NORTH ! 27,2 27.2 21.2 ! 31 433 8 ! WEST ! 0 ! WEST ! 17,2 17.2 44.4 ! 8 61 258 ! EAST ! 0 ! EAST ! 32.5 32,5 32.5 ! �+�� t��t 0 ! � �#� = CALfULATE MANl1�LLY . e' �;t i: ' ', N; ""- t `� �:�,;. :_. . ___,:: .. ,a_,, I � d. --SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION --SI6rAP-- VEP.5(21jan87? ; INTERSECTIDN: TIGARD 6REENBLIP.G AND MAPLELEAf � VQLl1MES: EXI5TIN6 PM PEAK METRD SI1E: 20,800 TO 100,�00 ANALYST; ➢ICY, NOELY j !PHASE !PHASE !PHpSE !PHASE 'PHASE !PHA5E ! C= 90 G= 74 Y= 16 ' �------�------�------�------�------�------� II � � � � i � � t��#�t����t+t�ft��tftt�� ,:� i i � i i i i �F �E �;J �� �� '• ! ! ! ! ! ! � SERVICE LEVEL E * , ' ! ! ! ! ! ! � SATUP.ATION 99X � �i I . � � i � � i � � � I � �----^-�-°----�---___t_-----�------�--=---� �t�f�fi�i�f���4t�Flflff��E#��kfiffiE�f . . . . . . . � ! APPROACH LANE GEOMETP.Y ! ! 5UIJTH NOkTH AE5T EAST ! LANE ! MOVE AIDTH MOVE WIDTH MOVE VIIOTN MOVE WIUTN ! -----�----------------------------------------•-------------------� � i� 1 ! RT. 12.0 P..i. 12.0 k:,. 1?.0 kTL 12.@ ! �! 2 ! LT. 1�.0 T., 12.0 R,. 12.8 L.. 12,0 ! 3 ! L., 12.0 L., 12.0 LT. 12.8 ,.. .� ! �,. ! MOVEMENT VOLl1MES ! MQVE SATIJRATION ! MDUEMENT LA5 ! APPR ! LT TH RT T01 ! LT TH RT ! LT TN RT ! ------�------------------------�------------------�---------------� � � SOUTH ! 582 490 16 1808 ! 89X 89Y 99X ! E E E ! NDRTH ! 24 643 28 G95 ! 23X 89X 89X ! A E E ! WEST ! 34 9 491 534 ! 32r 32X 89X ! A A E ! � EA5T ! 69B 2? 44 764 ! 89X 30y 38Y ! E A A ! APPR! TRKS! !X-WLK!PEO&' NO! ! PHASING ! ----�-----� �-----�---------_� �---------------------------------� �_ S ! 2,87,! � g i __ � � � N ! 2.8�! ! N ! -- ! !N/5-DIRECTIQN SEFAP.ATION (C-4)! I�I { N ! Z 0X! ! N ! -- ! !E/V�-DIREGTION SEPARAiION (G-4)! I �. E ! 2.0%� � E � __ � � � ' ! APPROACH V/C VALUES ! MDVE ! SOUTH NORTH WE�T EAST ! �.. -------!------------------------------------------! LTR ! .186? .0A00 ,0800 .2122 ! TR ! ,1486 .1864 .8809 eB367 ! � � LT ! .1837 .8800 .8239 .2808 ! ` R ! ,0883 ,B1S6 .1515 ,0244 ! ' R -ADJ! ,0000 .0000 .119B .0000 ! T ! ,1361 .1786 .0858 .8122 ! r t- L ! .1683 .0138 ,0195 ,2229 ! � � �, ! L�6 VOLUME ! ! TIME AVAIL (SECS)! MOVE STDRA6E ! � i LEG ! AT LOS �' ! APPR ! LT TH RT ! LT TH RT ! � ------�------------� ------�------------------�--------_..-----� N � 50UTH ! 8 ! SUIITH ! 19.3 19.3 19,3 ! ��* *�� @ ! ; NORTN ! 0 ! NORTH ! 19.3 19,3 19,3 ! 24 338 0 ! � WEST ! B ! 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APPROAGH CODES ARE D ; LANE 1 2 3 4 GRAQE= .BX� ; � A 4 2 3 ; ; B 4 2 3 _I � 6f;AAE= .8X iC 5 ---------------------� f--------------- 4 p 5 C A p ---------------------' ' -------------------- � � �- � fiRADE= ,BX ; ;- ` GRADE= .9Y� ; 5FEED: 35 MPH � � RESTRICTEU SI6HT CODE IS i � MINDk 5TREET AD,)USTMCNT5 - ACr,ELERATIDN LaNE? td0 ; CURB P.A�ItIS OP, TURN AN6LE? ND ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � APPk � A � A � C ; p ; � -----------------------------�---------------------------------------------- � MOVE � AL � AT � AP. � AL � BT � B� I CL � CT � fR � DL � DT � DR � � 40L � 5� 295� 50� 70� 33�� 5� 751 8� 251 5� 8� 51 � PCN � 6� � � 77� � � 831 8� 28� 6� B� 6� ` � LANES� 3 � 3 { 1 � 1 � i ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; STEP 1 RI6HT TURN fP.OM C/� CR DR � CDNFLICTIN6 FLONS = MH = 328. 338. VPH ! CRITICAL 6�P = T6 = 5,0 5.8 5EC5 � POTEtdTIAL CAPACITY = M1 = 865, 849. PGH � dEMAND = 28 6 PCH " CAPACITY USED = 3.237 .�e� r. IMPEDANCE FACTOP, _ .979 .996 1 S SHARE� LANE - 5EE 5TEP 3 � NO SHARED LANE - P.ESERVE = 8. 0. PCH i OELAY & L05 = N/A N/A � ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- � STEP 2 - LEfT Tl1P,N5 FP,OM E/A BL AL ! CONFLICTINfi FIDNS = MH = 345. 340. VPH CRITICAL 6AP = TG = 5.8 5.0 5ECS � POTENTIAL r,APACITY = M2 = 842. 8q7, pr� DEMAND = 71 6 PCH CAPACITY USEU = 9.14 ,71 Y IMPEDANCE FAGTOR = .937 .996 AVAILARLE RESEP.VE = 765. 841. PCH DELAY t� LO5 = A A � ��= �- -.._::._ _ __. _ _ _._. ��.. � � ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 3 THRU MOVEMENT FRDM C/� CT DT � CONFLICTING FLOWS = MT = 735. 758. VPH � CRITICAL 6AF = T5 = 6.8 6.0 SEC5 POTENTIAL CAPAr,ITY = MN3 = 389. 376. PCH ' IMPEDANCE ADJUSTMENi = M3 = 363. 351. PCH � �EI1AND = 8 8 PCH GAPACI'fY tlSED = .0A .@0 X � IMPEDAPICE FAGTOP, = P3 = 1.801 1.801 � NQ SHAREA LANE AVRILAALE RES�P,VE= 0. 0. PC�N ' DELAY � LOS = N/A N/A SNARED LANE IIITH LEFT TUkN - 5EE STEP 4 � SHAREQ LANE DEMANP = 0 0 PCH POTENTIAL GAPACITY = M13 = B. 0. PCH AVAILABLE RESERVE = 0. 8. PGN � DELAY & L05 = N/A N/A ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ � STEP 4 - LEFT TURN FROM C/D CL DL CONFLICTING FLOWS = MH = 740, 783. VPH CRYTICAL fiAP = T6 = 6.8 6.@ SECS , POTENTIAL CAPACITY = MFI = 386. 363. PCN � AD1U5T FOR IMPEDANCE: 359. 332. PCN NO SHARED LANE DEMANU = @ 8 PCH ; AVAILABLE RESF.RVE = 0. 8. PfH �. dELAY & LOS = N/A N/A � WITH LEFT & THRU ' SNARE➢ LANE DEMAND = B 0 PCH CAPACITY OF 9HAREn LANE = 0. B. PCH � AVAILABLE RESERVE = 8. 8. PCH �ELAY & LOS = Fi/A . N1A WITH LEFT, THRU, & P,IGHT � SN�ARE� LANE DfMANA = 111 �2 PCH � CAPAGITY DF' SNARED LANE = 417, �29. PGH AVAILABLE RESERVE = �86. 417. PCH i DELAY i4 L05 = B A � , ( L05 G VDLUMES: FOR LE6 C FOR LE6 Q � UEHICLES PER NOUR 261, 366. , � ( VER J/87 � 1 � P ��, . �,� .: ,�_.,._ _ _ �� �,,_ . �� UNSIBNALIZED INTERSECTION CAPACITY CALGULATION FDRM ��� 4—NAY INTERSEfTION �"' ' CITY: TI6ARD ANALYST. DICK N�ELk ' INTEP.SECTIDN: BREEN9URG AN� LOCU5T ALTERNAtE: EXISTINfi TP,AFFIC METP,O 511E: 28,888 TD 180,R�80 COUNT; PM PEAK. TYPE OF CONTROI; STOP � LOCATIOM PLAN: a APPROAGH CODES ARE p LANE 1 � 3 4 6P,ADE= .OX� � � A 4 2 3 � � � B 4 ? 3 ; � 6RADE= .8X r5 ---------------------� 1---------__---------- � � � A g --------�----�--------� � 8' � �----------�---------- GRAOE= .0X � ;- � 6RAdE= ,OZ� � SPEEO: 3� MPN � � RESiRICTEa SIGNi' CODE tS 1 � MINDR ST�EE'T ADIUSTMENTS - ACGELERATION LANE? NO � CURA RADIU5 DR TURN ANSLE? ND -------------------------------------------------------------------D-------; � - � APFR � A � A � C � ' , ---�-----------------------------------�------------------------------------ 1 IMDVE � AL � AT � AR � BL � �T � BR ; �L � CT � GR � DL1 DT � DFI ! � VOL � 1�� 411� 45� 45� 529� 15� 185� 6� 50I 28� 5� 30� � PCH � 11� � � 50� � � 116� 7� 55� 22I 6� 33i � i_LANESI 3 ; � � 1 ; �. -----------------------------3----------------1-------�----------------- ` STEP 1 RI6HT 'fURN fROM C/D CP, DR R CONFLICTING fLOWS = MH = 494. 537. VPH � CRITICpI 8AP = T6 = 5,B 5.8 SECS POTENTIAL GAPAGItY = Mi = Tll. 683, PCH � DEMANQ = 55 33 PCH CAPkCITY UBEU = 7.673 4.81B y � IIIPEQANGE FAGTDR = .948 ,969 � � SHAREll LANE - 5EE STEP 3 j NO SHARED LANE - RESEP,UE = 8. 8. PCH i DELAY & LOS = N/A N/A � � '} STEP 2 - LEFT TURN5 FRDM B/A AL AL ( . GONFLIGTING FLOWS = PIH = 5t6. � 54�. VPH CRITICAL 6AF = TG = 5.8 5.A SECS ( POTENTIAL CAPACITY = M3 = 699, 679. PGH ( DEMAND = 50 11 PCH CAPAGITY LISEQ = 7.15 1.62 X i IMPEQANCE FACTOR = .95? .990 ; ! AVAILABLE RESER.VE = 649. 667. PCH � DELAY S� LOS = A A � � R� '�. STEP 3 TNRU MOVEMENT fROM C/D CT UT ; CONFLICTING fLOWS = MT = 1833. 1188. VPH `� CP,ITICAL 6AP = T6 = 6.8 6.8 SEC5 POTENTIAL CAPAGITY = MN3 = 232. 227. PGN � � IMPEUANCE Aa,IUSTMENT = M3 = 219. 214. PCH bEMAN� = 7 6 PCH CAPACITY L15E➢ = 3,82 2.64 % IMPEDANCE fACTOR = P3 = .980 .'�8v � NO 5HAP,ED LANE AVAILARLE RE5EP,VE= 8. �. FGH � QELAY t� LOS = H/A N/A � 5HAP,EO LANE WITH LEfT TURN - SEE STEF 4 � SHARED LANE DEMRNQ = 0 0 PCH � POTENTIAL CAPAGITY = M13 = 0. 0. PCH AVAlLABL� RESERVE = 8. 0. PCH � DELAY � L05 = N!A --_________N/A_________ ----------------------�------------------------------- � 5TEP 4 - LEfT TURN FRDM C/L► fl DL CONfLICTING i'LOVIS = MN = 1128. 1164. VPH CRITICAL SA? = T6 = 6.@ 6,8 5EC5 POTENTIAL GAPACITY = Mh = 221. 283. PGH ! AUJLiST FOk� IMFE6ANCE: 199. 183. PCN NO SHAP.EQ LANE DEMANO = 8 0 PGH AVAILAALE RE5ERVE = 0. 0. PGH UELAY & LOS = N/A N/A � WITH LEFT & TNRU � ; SHAkED LANE OEMAND = B 8 PCH ' CAPAGITY Of SHAP.EO LANE = 8. 8. PCH AVAILABLE RE5ERVE = �. 8. PCH � OELAY & LOS = NIA N/A W1TH LEfT, TNRIi, & RIfiHT SNARED LANE UEMAND = 118 61 PCH GAPACITV OF SHARED LANE = 256. 318. PGH AVAILABLE RESEP,VE = 78. 249. PCH DELAY i4 L05 = E C ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L05 C VOLUMES: FOR LE6 C FOR LE6 D VENICLES PER HOUR 112. 286. I -------------------------------------------------------------�-------------- VER 3/87 � � � � r _ __...._.. _ _. � i .� � ;� Uh,J�I t:ihaFiL T Z.I:�T:i I N1"EF:SEi=:T I Q�1 t�:AF'A��,]:l"`�' �.:AL,i;:ULAT'T Dhl Fflh•.'M �--WAY �ra-r�r'SE�=�"f I Ora � ��:Tl"Y: 7'I�:�AF:I) F�hdALYwiI": I}I�.:f�:: WUE:�I...F�:: I hITC�:SFi=:T I ON: Fi�LI_ C-�LV� A1�IT? 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MIN ` MOVEME�T RAtIQ T�TAL AVERA6E OF �UEUE STOP5 llEIAY (X) (LOS?___(VEN_HR1_(SEG/VEH)(LOS)___YGLEAP,_(Y1_!VEH/HP.?('/.t _CYGLE �� -------------------- - Nb THRU ; 91 (E) 1046 54,E tE) 47 q2�, ( 87) LEFT : 51 (A1 4.42 31.7 (f:) 10� 373, ( 74l � S8 THRU : 91 fEl 8.32 43.2 (D) 54 431. ( 6?) LEFT ; 9 (A) .33 34.4 (D7 iB0 25, ( 731 E8 TNRU : 13 !A1 .21 49.8 (D) 10� 13. ( 88) r LEfT : 42 (A) .�0 52,9 (E? 97 3@. ( 89) � W8 TNR� ; 8 (A) .`1 29.6 (C) 180 17. ( 68) "' LEFT : 50 (El 10.97 50.0 (D) 5`i 6B�. ( 87) � NODE 1 : 91 (MAXI 32.42 45.1 ' 2088. ( 7B? 118 � . �N , E �*�� INTEP,5ECTIOPI 2 HWV 217 NRAM OFfSET= 13.4 SECONDS, 12.2 X � ARTERIAL PHA5E SE9UENCE I5 THP.Dt1GH MOVEMENTS FIRST � CP,Q5S 5T�EET PHASE 5EQUEt�GE IS LEADING 6REEN � ARTERIAL CROSS STREET _.. MOVEMENT5 2+6 p+5 1+5 T�TAL 3+g 4+� 4+7 TOTAL 6REEN TIME (SECSI 46.b 18,4 ,0 65.0 45.0 .8 .B 45.0 � BREEN TIME (X� 42.4 16.7 .0 59,1 40.9 .0 .8 40.9 � V/C --- DELAY --- PROB. MIN � MOVEhIENT RATIO TDTAL AVEP,A6E OF QUEUE STOPS OELAY (X) tL051 (VEH-HR) (SEC/VEH)(LOS) CLEAR.(X) (VfH/HR)(X) CYCLE � ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- NB THP.0 : 61 t9i 1.89 7.6 (R1 99 122. ( 24) � LEFT : 9� (E) 4.76 83.6 (F) 38 1B5. t 9A) � 98 THP.0 ; 9t �E) 13,38 38.7 (D) 62 983. ( 79l W8 THP,U : 93 (E) 7,B1 54,1 (E) 39 453, ( 87) LEfT : 31 (A) l.44 25.3 t�? t00 135. ( 6fil 5 � N D D E 2 : y� (M A XI 28,48 38.2 9878, ( 78) 120 i � �� � TEXAS DEPAP,TMENT OF MI6HWAYS AND P�NLir_. TP,ANSP�RTAiI�N � PAS5EP: MuLTIPHA5E ARTE�IAL PP.OfiRES5� - 145101 3.8 J�LY 1986 ; PASSEF II-8a� `'' � = ���� INTERSEGTI�N 3 HWY 217 5F,AM �FFSET=107,8 SEGDNDB, 97.3 Y � ARl"EsP,IAL PNASE 5EQIIENGE IS LP�Gi�ING BP,EEN �'� �P,05S STREET PHASE SEQLIENCE I5 LA66IN6 6P.EEN � AP.TEP,IAL GR055 STREET �' MOVEMEMTS 1+6 2+6 2+5 TOTAL 4+7 4+8 3+8 T�TAL 7 GREEN TIME (SECS1 27.7 43.5 .0 71.2 38.8 .0 .8 38.8 BREEN TIME (X) 25.2 89.5 .0 64.7 95.3 .0 .8 3�.3 � V/C --- 6ELAY --- PROH, MIM MOVEMENT RATIO 1'OTAL AVEF;A6E OF AIJEUE 5TOP5 DELAY ,r. (X) (LOS) (VEH-HR? (SEr_./VEH)(LOS1 �LEAP„{X) (VEH/HP.1(%) r,YGLE �' - ------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------- � NB THP,U a 3� (E) 5.66 40.4 (D1 35 �34. ( 46l 5B THRtI : 34 (A) .91 10.fi (8) 1@0 137. ( 4;? �� LEFT : 94 (E) 11.00 61,4 (E? 39 515, ( 89) � [� EB THP:U : 52 (Af 2.16 31,8 (G? 100 182, t 14l LF.FT ; 93 tEl 1.38 6@.1 fE) 3E 389. ( 88) r ` NDDE 3 : �� (MA%1 27.1� 45.5 1516, ( 711 120 �a._ �._ � �.. ��� PA58ER II-84 BEST SOLUTION SUMMARY - TOTAL SYSTEM PEP,F�RMpNCE ��� � � EFFIGIENGY VEP.SU5 CYCLE LEPIGTH � CYCLE LENuTH EFfIr_.tENCY 90 .30 �- 100 .30 BE5T 5pLUTION I18 ,30 � �_ BAND A 8 c WIOTN GSECS? 38 28 EFFICIENGY . .30 ` SPEEQ (MPH) 38 30 ATTAINAAILITY : 1.80 � � PERF�RMANGE TATAI. TOTAL AVERABE T�'fAL fUEI MAX MIN - 11EASl1RES VEHIGLES �ELAY DELAV STOFS CONSUMPTIUN CVCLE NEH/HR) (VEH-HR? (SEC/VEH) �VEH/HR)fX) t6AUHR) (5EG? ' F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� TOTAL : 1409, 81.9 42.7 5402.5( 73l 188.5 128 �_ � � �, � TEXA5 DEPARTMENT OF H16NWAYS AND PUBLIC TP,RNSPORTATION � PA55ER? MULTIPHA5E ARTEP.IAL PR06RES5�,i — 145181 3.0 JULY 1986 PAS5EF I!-8�� TIME-5PACE DIA6P,RM FDF:: 6REENBUkfi ROAD i TI6ARD UISTRICT RUN NUMBEP, 3 03/12181 GYCLE LEN6TH 110 � �,q NNY 217 SRAM t 107.85 97.3% t---------------------- ---------==_==_===_===__ �' � �` � � � �� . . . . ' * " � ;; ' �: � � . . . �._ � I,», � � ;� , � . . .. s, ��. HNY 217 NRAM � 13.45 i2.2ti � _===--=====--=-=++++++ __=�__====_=__==++++++ � �... � � , . ., � f f �..., � t i'. �.. � . � . . � ' � � : � � ' �. . . � � �..w � t i �: MAPLELEAF � . , .. ._ .BS .0Y tf++++++�+++++F--------- +++++++++t+++--------- '�_ "A" 8AN0 "B' 9AND 38 MPH 30 MPH ':I 38 SEG�NDS 28 SECONDS �-- KEY: ��f BDTH LEFTS (1+S) +++ LEADING BREEN (2+5) =_= BDTN THRlJ5 (2+6) --- LA66ING 6FEEN (1+61 ��i ' i � SCALES; HOkIlANTAL — 1 INCH = 38 SECONDS (1 INCH = 18 GNARAGTERSI � I � VERTIGAL � 1 INCN = 200 �EET (1 t�NGH = 6 LINE5) '��i i,.;I �._ , i "';') '� �� � � �;:� �,.. �,; ;, k, . � ;�. ;::, :a"1"�tf�'1=' f�E:F>G{�"I" Fi(:•;k�lUClfl Z�:'"I"t:M _.....5..3..........._,,..._.�.. M<�y 7., 1�A� .... 7;3t7 F�,M, '1"7(:;�tfilt F�l.FtiU111:s:lUC; (:.'nMP'I:t;;.;;:;:X:C7111 ..f-�Cf�ldf� C;:C"i`Y I�if�l...i.. ..... °f�OWIU I�i(li._I_ 13:!'1..5 .`,•.;W I��F�LI.. E3l..VC), ..I..IG�I�I], 012i�.f�ON 37223 Fl, Ff1C"i":3 ]. , C;ene�r��.l Srifcir�nit�tian CA,;G::; C�amN�i��F�h�n ai.vE� ��7.��n F�ir��ndm•r•.ni:: C;f��1 f3��.....OA, Z�7n�.? ChG�nc�E� "LC; 69..._qq ' f2L:Qt11�S1`; f� r�r-_c�iac�at; rui^ r,t t:,c�m��r���-�1•icarisxu� f�.l.ari Ma� ��in��!nc�iti�nt fi�•c�m �>i��41�"F?:�a:ai.�.in�:��. (:;t�rrun�r�cS,<al. i:c� M4acli�airi....Nl3.�h� C)E�n��;i.1:y �c�s9.c1�n�:i.r:aJ. �xi��c� a ;��can�� c:hGai7y� ri��c�m (�....�a (f�r�ufcasai.r�rir��. t;c�ir�in�ar•�:7.�1) ��u �...a� (I'�c:•si.<a�.�i7�:x��)., 2.�, iani.i:�/c�c:rf�) i'�.,r� ]. ,7�:� ��~r�:s (Hcac�ri4��' {arc��x�r°t.y) <ar�ci a (;uiri�ar~�aM��rtsi.u�� f7:l.�an Map �air��zr�camcynt fr•um ME�rJa.i.i�Yi C)�n:>�.i�y I�e��i.rJk!i7�.i.r:�1. 1:c� Mwacai��m,�...P�li.c��� C3��i�;>i.�:,y I�t�;>:icl��i•it:i.�l �r�cf � xai��e cH�cari�c� fi�•c�m R...:17_, (RHSi.ciFar�tr.<�1, ].? unXi:s/t�c.r�} 1:c� f�.....7...'.i i'c�r' 3 ,Q?. �x�.rE�:'3 (Pc�sc:.ci l.G�n�a:> ` ��i^u����r,ty� '.I`h�c� r>arc:c�a7.s <ahaul� caar:h ai�M�c�r�, Fl��f'1..1GFtlii"I"; E�c�w�n �.1<}���!1.i:�K�m��rti: C,o, QlrJNE::{�C;;Ur'•. [)�:�vxt:l Ht,�r:jl'it:?a 1.1i SW !3th (tv���7u�a Wu��c�rc�w i•iuc�H��a� f>��r^1:1.�:an�l, t�C�' h7.7..U�6 7.1ki6Ei SW I•Ic�l.l. 13:lucl, '1"i����r�r�, C?I2 �7;�2:3 F>c�r��1��.t:�ncl C�:i.J. ::�v�:, C��, Wcasc+a l�<�rirly, Ii��e, fiJ.() �GJ E3�^ca��clw��zy, t;��i,t:� �Ca(� i��7r•�l.tanc�, t7k �.�'77.U4 I..C7Cf�"f":�:ON; I-iuc�}��c?s �:�P'�:>{,7c?rty .... 11hQ'a•-11!a1.5 w�W hia�.]. 13.1ud. (Wl'a"I"M 3.�1 35Df�, �:4�x :LG�1: 1,hC)G) �artt:! ��p:;���.� �t��c:����.,w"�'1� ...• �„�r)JG1 :.;W QE3i�h F�VfaYII.IF� (W(:,"i'M ).t?�]. �517�, ��x ].cai: 33Q0) . 2, [3�r.,kr�r,�,ur�ca ..Tr�f��,i^m�i.icai7. E3ai::H� �rca�rc:E!1.� r:�r� w:i.i:Nii.n 1:hHa ��r°:ia��.r��z;k 1,�fi1 a.nccir�•���.�r��ti�ac�n k����tarit9��r��:it��; fi�.��. i�h�e ��.i.�y c:�f~ '1"ic�ar�cf, I�l�rin:ir�c� IJiva,s�.ur� r��a�.ar��� �Nie�w ui�ily ni•�c� l.��nd ca5�a ur° dc:�uF�J.���am4arit �ar>�1.i.�:.<�ti,�,n a.riuc�l.uari�,� �.aii:h�ka�^ cif �Lh��:� K�4�t���:F�;G:�; .;inr..k� t:�►�ai� i�imc�. :�n 1.�Qii, i:<�x :f.u1� 1.hQQ wa5 thi�� �a�ti^kari� �aai^cNl ;inun.lur?<� a.r� Mii�ic7r� l..r�rir.l K>�ar�i�i.i:�.r.�r� MI..f} gE3.....Ct]. wFti.cri r•��:�uJ.t:Eacl :in I:ti� cr�k���tiun �7f ���r•cr�l.a afi Q."lA acr•cas (s:ii:c� af� thF� K�r�<��ai�•c��t��Fti t.ca�r�riar�c� C+�i•�i��ar�) �r�<� t,7'!a �cr���� (th�a ; pr�c;a;>�r�i� i�G�x 1.��1: :C�+GU) , ! � a 3, Va.e:i.nit: .Cr�9'uririatiun r .._,........_ ..�...'L,................�..._........__,,...,.._ Pr�r�K��!r��i.�.�:; i;:e, i�h�:� �1:��•i.hi ��n�;l ��r�i� c�f i�Ni� :;wk�jkact �r�c��k:?r�i:zcaa ar•,� ;��c�in�.!d ��� , ta.�._�� •,�r�c� cunt�aie� a m��<la,c:�l urfi.4�a haua7,c�ii�i� <ul��c� � <��y t,�r�� ckarittar� 'j �, t, :;"!"f)f'f° C�F;F>C>C2"I" .�_ N�llt:;ti��w; M- C,�>f•1 8��..Gn!"l;C 6�..,.qh ..., �iF�GE: 1 � k _ ' . . �. . � � . . . i� �, . ... �fi�.��� �' . . . . . . . . .. _... . � .. ' ._ . . . . . . � l• 4 y nn �aarc:cal.s 1=ruri�:iric� un H�:IJ. i�t>taa.r�v�r•c�, i•�c�ric unt"ui��inirir� :�iric�:lEa r�mil,y r�;�>ic�E�nce�� r:�ricl v�c.�ni� �>�ar�c.��l.s wh:i.r..h� �1:y�� N���uH� fr�•���r�i:�ar�t? cari F�Ir�,l:l 13uta1E�v�at��ci, aric� tH�r�c�� uridNVe?lca{aE�c� ra�r°c�!�.s whi.c:h <�r•Ft .l�zr�c��.uckrc�. Iri acar.l:ttac�ri, <:� ni�.�k>al�� hu:��ri� �,�rk x:: 1���:<:��:�:�<a �:���:;i: �,i' i:�x l.i�i: 33qt1 c:,n {ar�u��r°ty ;runcacl 12...1.?, "I'I��� Ti<���i^d i�l,<.�x�a ynUr�r�;.r�� cE�r�i;Eai�� is :kuc�i���r� t:u �h��:! sc.,��t�Ni�a�:;i: c�f �h�� si.ilaj�c.i•, �car•r..�l.s, "1"H�i;> �r�a�a��r�1:y xs� ;r�c7n�c! C:..�..G; (Cc�nr-.i^<-�l Cc�mmNrr.ial.) , 'Th�� I>l�axa (yar�r���ris �raar�i:iric�nt CC1ITI�Y�.I�aX is le,cGat:��c� i:o i:h�:� w��;'st t>f �:�x 1.��t 33nb, l"hti.s pGaw'c.t�:k :i:> :�'t>nc!c� f�.....i�, f�ir'cYF��ari::i�:�:� 1:t:� th� narthiwt�:�i: ��i��c� wc�ht of i:ri�a s�ahajcact� r�i^caraNr•ti.�s c;ant��aro rs:ir�c�:L� f�aini.ly I"k?fi].G'�f:1Y1C:F?Si i�t1(:� (�t.1�7.E?XF!S i:xYl�� ctY°(� i�t'>I'lf?(:� �.....�i,!".i ��E?Yit(:{E?1'11:Xi+1.�� rF�ri l.lYl].�S�iJIt:P"C� � 4. ��ite :z:rife.�ro�ir�t.ie�r► i.dl"1CI �Y'l'1�Glai:J.�.....,L�C?51:;1`�.i.�i�ic�n ..fax lut 1�400 cunt;air�s t:wa sar��.,�1.� f<ami.7.y r�k?�1CIE?i•�c:t�s wh�ic:h� �r°� y4'aL ha�ci< I''i a�ar�r��xim��l.�ly 4C�0 feaE�t; fir�etia� F�14�a.1J. k3c.,�.i:I.E�v<�r��l. Fl :3? f�.���a� k�y ?..�CI f�.�c�t•. �ac:�.ca:>sway, wN�i�h c.e>ri�ains a ,i0 re���t. wi.<ic� ra�av�tid dr�i.vcaway s�r�uiric� faath Ki.ncJ�r�car��e:� <:�r�c) t:M�� F14,Gi:•a�.�s, c:.cannEac.i.:s i��ax 1.c.7t: :GA�(7 wx1::h► Fi��tl.l E3�aul.��v�arrJ. "f�x lc:at 3:300 curil:�aiins th�e A� urii.t� i��i��k f�1.4at;n C,�r�c�t?n f���ar'•1�iti�rots ear� 3 ,U2 �cr����. 'C'h� ��xr°�:��1. is> 1:hE?r�tafe�i^� d��v�a1�:�K»c� t:�i� �a t�t�ri�il:y an �xc:��a:�s e�f ].fi un:its �ac�r� acr•r�, �c:c:�ass tu t:hc� araar°f;mcaril,s Ti^um (��nl:car a;t;r�•c�aai� i,� v�.z� ar� a�r�r�axin�<:z��:�.ly ��:, rc�oi: wi.cl�� k�y 500 f�,c.�i;: l.c�any r�c.c:esa:�> c{riaE� whi.c.h a.:> .luc�t:cac� I,7E7�:WlahyCl t:h�p "i'i��i^c� i�l.�ra ai�x� t;e?r�t:c�r• (:our°x 5r,«r�r>:�r,� �:carii:car�s` �a�ar°kx�•�y l.��iu,;;, °f'hxs �>i�•a.ur:�t::�:! r�a�r1 is knca�r� a� �;W QRt�N� Ftuk?nta�.�, °I"hFa ��>�;�.l:c�.an�y r�cacXi��Sst t:h�a� i�hie c:,utr�rar•�aMi�r�;��iuF? 1�1.�n mrap c�casi.c�n�ttiun 4�c,�r• tc�x ].�a�: :1.4(7G k�e.? r:zm��n<J�cl fr��,ni P�^�.�ft�!:�s�.c�n<�1 C.�:��7uri�r�ci.<:�1. �c} Ml�.atai.�,un....f19.c.�ri l7<!i•�s�.ty Re��i�iNr�i�:ia1 <:anc� th» rcani.ny f'r�oin 1,�..1, t�:c� 12.....2�a (�t�sa.c.��?ri�a.�l., ?.5 unal;s/�r.r•�) �and �a1si7 i�h��i: t:h�:� a�l<:�r� n�a�� c1E�:�;:iynt�l:i.cyn ft�r�� t:�:�x ].�a�: 33UU k>ta amc�aru�Eas� fr•cam Mc?��:itain I�kar�5i.ty 12�as:i.c�car�i:i.�:l t;c� MEaca7.iam•�-Piigl�i f��r�s:ity RE�;�a:ic�t�nl::i�l <:�nta �:hE� ����nxn�� fr��:�m C;��-1.2 �:�.� h....25. .I..h� i^F?i�F�:i:I.G�!•i<:ti:�.c�n:'r �r��.� i����qu47si��<� in ur•c�c�r• i:o al.l.c.�w <-,a�>�r�i�inF�i�L c�r�u�.lu�irrc�r�� c7ri i:ax l.�i� 1�fq0 <�r�c� i�c� al.lcaw �c.7:>;�aik�l.�a i'ui��a��°Ea r•�.aca�ue:�l.�.,�;>i7��rit; c�fi �Gax 1�>i� �3C)C) �i:: �t J.�r�:�>�: ii:� �r�c�sE�rit t��nsi.ty, Fts �;�rHSC?nt:.ly ��ai•�caa�, i;h���� r��a�ar•t:m�!i��ts �ar� �:�x 1nt 3;300 c'+�I"t:! Ct]Yl`.31t:�E!I"l?C� i�t r�<>nc.�.,nfc.,r�'IT17,YlC�J U3C? k?t?C.i�1t.15F! �".�'it� �)i�i'"C.k?a. 7.a <at.?Vf?.�f,l�k?Ca i�� til �i����±atcr deansi.ty thirar� tF�ca zc�r�� �•r•.i��m�.i:s. 5, A���ni;���r�c�._.NfyU G�.�mm�n�:s .r.h�:� E:ri�;�i.ri�a�r��Xr�c� UiuS.;;i.�.�r� r��a t^c:�ui.Eaw�c� �N�� �>r�c��>c}rsr�l. G�n�l ��fi�k�r�•s �I�k� fc�l.a.aw9.ng c;ummFar�t�: 1 , tJnc���i^ t:h<� c:�aw���k!nt r�,ni.ric� �r�i�� i:<:�x 1.c,1: :L40U, th+� ��.�i;�r�1:i.�:�.1 wxi�i�:�s fiar' (�l,aUI�I�U�)IT1F?I•it uf ai�� ufr�.c:c� Maui.].diri� uf �K��r�ux�.iYiGai:e�J.y 110,pOC7 I' sc(taar•i:a f�.a�ai:, "1"hr� �r•a�>a��aca res�7i.Yic� t���?c��?�ic�����t1:xt�r� 1�.�t �...,.7..�'� wi�c.i1.c� �aa.7.��w c�cavca,l�apir�Far�t uf �w�ai„uxiinai�c�ly �t4 araar�ttn�i•it �ar�Y.t;� c�ri i:��x 1ut 14CtU, `fh�� �ac�i�E�ri�ia:l i�r��arfic;. am�c�ac�5 nf �'l.l,��. CIk.?1iF�J,�.,K�ni�:�rtii: ur7cicar� t�hika �r•��au:;c�±c� I�..�.?..5 ;cur�i.r�c� c���iyn�at:iur� �r~� :l�as� tNit�r� 1�:hic� �au�:�ar�t::ia1 inir>aci:,a �,f ftal::l dNU�lc:��mw�rtl: tar►t;l�.�r� 1:Fiw� uur°r��k�ni:. C,.._�? :rc�ni.ri�, Nc� arialy�a,s w�:�a wruvid�c� r��au�4air�c�ir�c� t:h�ca �aufi:��rit:i.�J. 9.iY�ra�c.i:> caf Lh�a r��^c��>a:;E�r) r"�:?c:l�.�t3iyrtt:��::.i.t�rt �.7f t.c:ax .l��i. 3°_iUp. 2, :;ar�a.i:u�lr'y �.r�c� si�ur�in s��wara arca auail.�ral�a t:u :�c�r�u� ft�tt�wc: cl��u�:!J.c.,K�n��n�: c�n i:h�:�s� �r��u�>�r~t:i.�.�M. '1"hi�.� f><�r�k C�:���:ca G;�ar�tat�n a�aar�i�ir���nts arFa �ar~�sHritly s�r�u�ac� by sar�it��r�y �nr� �tc�r�m ���w��rs. "i"Pit-a aclac�«�:�c+� nf i�P►�.�s� fiar.alii:iF�� ��.~� :��a�^v�� f�atwr•tti dc�uc?1c��>mearti. wial. k» �ysHas:>E�d c�ut^ii•i� tN» i���?vi,�w c�f ar�y ru�ui��� c�r�ualupm��rrt �ai^�,��au�<�1, ;�"I"Fti�.'��' I�C::E�C)(�l" .... �:ItIC7H�;;a ..._ (;;f�Fl 6�...�.t7/4/I(:; f3���.�.p� �..., faf�f.•;G: ?.. . , �;� `'��: �'I�Mtt? Orc�c�uri �t<�tc? t-fi<�h�w<:�y f5:tvi.�:ie>ri rc��ra�wcad t:h�a �ai��ca�»�:•s<�.l 4�ric� ufif�ar�ca�f nc� nk�j�r.t:�.c�rt:r �:c� i:h�� K>�^c��>c>s�.��a f^t�ca�a:�si.c�n<ai:i.c�na, �I"h� F�i.qhw�:�y [)xv3.::;i�:�n, I��nwcauc�r, r�ut:r�c� t.hai: ac.c:�ass a.mK���:i:� �.iraun Pi��.l. 13c�«1ka�ar�d wi.l.]. r»�cat� i:c� ��� �cicar•�:�;:>�ci �:r,��,�<�r, i:r�t� r�t�vit�i� fi�.�i^ �ariy i��at.ur°�:� c��au�l,�a�m��n1: �y�•o�a<isz�l. �.�r� 1::4�x lcat 1.Aq0, _f.Nic:a Ma�t�ru��.�r W<a1:�?�^ C)i.:�si:i^i.c{:, W�a:;h:ti��qi���ri C:a�anl:y i"ir��� C:��.ai�r�i.<:i�: ��1., �nta 1:h�.! (�:ity nf �I"ic�ai�•c� k3cai.l<#i.n� i�iui.�i.ure r•-r.u:i.cawead LhiEx �ar�o�:>c�a�l <:�n�� uf�r<�r�Fac:l nU c����r�nertl::> c.7�^ �.�i;>j�!t:.t::i.�7i�t:;, Nl7 q�f'1(?I" l':C1(TI(T1L1'1�:5 WF?Y't� I"6�C:ta1UP_G'�, �, r-�xiu��xiut:�;w; �nir� r.;C�NC�t_�a.;:t:�7n��� �.�..�'1F� M'f?�.k?UiStYI� t:.i":I.�;F?Y':ti� 1Y1 �H11.S Ci:3;iC�? "r.•ll"E? wij:<".�I�FaW7.(�E! F��.annin� CiC)l:��.> .�� �� arid �.0; f"i��<�i�•t� t,c�m�ar�c�h�E�i7si.u�? I�.l��n �>��1:ic.i.c�s 2. 1 ,t, 6. 1 , ]., 1, 1,2, '7,8, 1, E3. �. , ]., 6, 1.3, 43,?..,2., ancl (:',H�<-.a{,�i�r�r� t�, t..��cr�i:icir7��.1 (:',i^i.l:kai�•ic�a; �tnGi {�Ni�.� ;' r.h�ar�c.�c� �ai^ ma.yt:akr-. r,�u�asi.-.juciic:ial in�ra aincaric�iYi�nt cr�:�tEar�i,a cyf M�Ut�hi LhEa .� C��.��r�Kfr��.'�h7�!i7:�avi� Plr:xn r:�ncl C��:�mnuan:ii�.:y G:�i�u�J.i�Hf�n�:�rii: t,i�ca�, ? 7ric� i��.di�inii��c� at:�f�f� curi�:lur,ir-_� ti���t� t:N�Ea �r•u�c�y<al. :i:> cunsi.stc�i•it w�.i:M� tric� `: a�ral.i.c:.rab1.F� ;;tG�i:��w�.c��:� Pl.�znniric� C;�,i�:�1s ��r�c:l C��t.ia.r1�.�.la.r»:�:'; k�4�a:':�+ca u��.,r� �:N�t� fnl.l.uwii��g finr�irx�;;; 1 . G;u��:k �'�1. a:: mEai: krt�c�tussE� 1:hiE� Cai;y h�ass <:�t�o�ai��:�cl � t�i,i::r.-r..�n lnuc�l.u�:�mt�rii� ' K�r•U�r�air� iricl.�ac�iri� r•�auir•�w nf' <�1�. t��ucalc��ame�rit <a�:>�>l.a,c��t::iari� k�y �I�i.c���ka�.�t^hc:�ucJ i�lr�nri.i.i7c� U���;1G�n:i:r.�rzi::i.�.�ri� (11iF?�} . :I:n GaK:ltai.l:a.c�ri, �aJ.;l. r�uhli.c nui:;Gr.c i��c����ai.r'E?ITl(?i'it:S ��av�� hc��ari SCaY::LSf':it'ac� rut� t:has �tK)r)1.7.c°.t�l:i.c�rt, 7., Gc�a1. ��2 a:�a ir���i•: k��.�c.r�i,i:>E� 1::rt� C.,i.t:y hc�a:� �a���7].7.�c� ral.l. <:���K�l.:ie.�h>:I.ka St�i:c�w:cc�c= F�l.r�r�niric� Gu��.s, l',.'G1:� �um{ara�h�ri�iv�? f�l.�n I'ao.l:iczEas ��nc� Cc.�mm�irt�.i:y �1Fav�.!].�.�r>m�.�rit� C.;cixac� i^w��t.ii.i^�!m�.!ri1:r� 1:�� i:hi�a r•�aui:E�w of i;r��a �Ji^U('JOaAAl , 3 . C7c���:l. ��1C� a:; :;�:�t~i.:af'if�r� h�a�:.aiasE� 1:���:� Kar��cax�cisrat wi].J. K�r�•c�vi<aw� t'car�. r�c�c�r.ta.unal f��nua:i.riu� c��raraui�•i�t,�i'�i#:i.�as ��s �ar•airiut�d hay 1�i�u� Cit�y'a Caitipr•karien;�aiv�� K>lr�r� aricJ �:Ni�.� M�:�i::r•����.71xi:<:�ri Hc��a:;i.ncy I'�u7.t� (Or�!c}ari �c�m�.riist:r�<ativa 12u1F�5, (,N�<�x>ter b60, 17i.��i.si�ar� '7) . (�p�ar•uv<�1 c�� t.h�k g�w�ei�zut;<al. wa�al.d ant:.r°e��st? I�it)t,15:tY1G� �.�F��fcir��:tanx.t:i.��� �.�n i;h��:� C;i.i:y' � cic�uc?1�:���b1c� r�c�sic��+rit�ial .laricis to ],p, la r�wel.l.i.rig tana.t:s F>Ear �cr•Ea r�s caniK>�a��•H!e;l t:ca i:h� c�.i��•r•�:�ri�: 1.CJ, tfi aani.i�.:�s ��:�r� �ac.r��, ft�a�;>raval. w��talt� a15ca {;>���.�uic�e aric:r<<a�:>�ac� c��aK�ur~1�canii;i.cas f�c>r �TUal.ti.�.t's�m9,ly d��f�l.c��iYit�rit:, Qnl.y pc�i�4�nt:i.�1. r���u�i.nc� aw�r>��r�i:�an:it:i��:a ��n 1:�x ].�,i� 1.400 �ar°�� i.i7cicac�c5�� i.ri t:}�ti� G:<al.c�a��t:i.uet �ir�cE t:<ax ]:c�i; 3:3Q1) �:s alr�kaacay ra��vk:�J.ar>E�cl ��znc� 1:hkar��:rrc>r��.a i.:a nc.�t anc:1�.��lt�c� :iri l:Ni�.a C;at:y' s h��aa.�.ci<�h.l� laric�, '.fhc� M�t�w���>u:ka.�<�ri h�c��as�.i�ic� I��a].� rFar��air�cas tr�<�t� Lh� (:;ii:y iri<a.i.r�t,<a9,r1 <a min9.mui7i t��.�usiny ������.�r�t.�ari,l:y r^�v1:� f�.�r� ca�.�u�.�J�<��a�l;>.l� ].�ri<�a caf :l0 units �a�ar �c��•� ��ru� � it�9.r�im�,i�n !�Q/'ap �a�>�aor,�(AY1�.1:y ir��.x �ui^ sir���.lF� f�amil,y G�ricl iriul:�.x....i��amiJ.y r}c��as;inr�. "i"Piu I�].ar►na.i��c� :�i:�rr Ni<a� t�etcar�mzri��� t;rr�i: 1:h�Fa �ar�c7�os�]. i.s curisi�t�c?nt wit:,h ` �p�l�.c.;ak�lw� p�.,���t:i�,n:� ��f 1:hk� C;�.�m�r•�!h�risiva.a F�l.�ri k��a��.�r� u�acan 1:h�E� fii:rtc�inc�:�; '° riut��ad h���J.uw; , t, .�. I;` w., �,'TF1�"I� f�E:F�bH"I" .,.� Ht1C,Fa[:::3 ,.. (:;Nfl 6�3.....Q�/7..C; 6�1�....p�+ ..,. f}AC�E:: ;3 t� � � � � .�� V��. . i,` ;l , F71an Nc�l.ic;y 2. i, 1. i.s �at,i.afi.E�d bcac:a�,�ac�.���'iClc�ic.�h�k>ar�N�c.�cad N71ann:in� C>�^cJ�ani.;r..�t:�t:zc.�ri ��7.. <�ncl �Gir•r��ai.tnc�incJ ��r���.ti���ri:y ��wr�er�a wtai���:! c�:�u<�r� n��i:::ic:F� ��f thp hic��o^ii�ic� �ricf <�r� r_��a�7ur�tur�:i�y t:a �.umiYit�ri�L- un tMu� �r��c��osal. . ?,. 'I"r�� �;�tar'�,?t'.1fiF?:.i �7f FJ.tan Nc.�.lir:y r;.1 .<3 wil.l. ka�:� fGir��i�rtc�r•��c� hy 1�h�± �Y'U�l]:3HC� i"(�?(�f?y7.�Y181�:1.C)('1 k71�?Ccll.t:iF il�.�.C1Wp1P1Cla tJF :(.Pl�:l^Esc'+�S(�G'� I"E?:iIC:IE!PIt:J.<'��. i��rxari::u��i:il�i�s wil:hin cJ.�.�;�se� ��r°c�xi.ms.t�y t:ca t.r�� c,:��r7f:r�al. k�G�:;i.r��;>s c�i�t;i^i.c:t, whi:i.c.N� i.s <��ar•c�xi.it�a��.ly ariF� c�ta�r�i:a�i^ �t�i.l.�a :�atath, ira��y mt�kea �:�'lk? C.}aYl�:l'"t+l.� �'Jl.l`3;1.11k?8S C.�:I.Fij:l"':I.(:j;: C(lt)I"� f?f.:t)I'111111�.1:"rd.�.�y UJ.i:��'J.�.'F.} �.1Fjl:ill,lFi'k� f��at:ui^�a r�a�ic��ni:y c�f� t:hia pr��a�acar�t�:i.�s w�aGil.ci F��a ai���i�.z�s�ai��c� tt� ui::ili..��� r��G�r°k�y cc�mtn�:i�•t:.i,<:a.l rancl c:.;iv:ir, �.�w�Kyc.�r°i;t.ini.�l:i�.�:; tNa.i;hi.n 1:hF� cE�ni:r�al h��asi.i�iF�:>s (�7.5�Y'�:ic1;, :1Cri <ac�ciii:ic�i7, r•c�c��ay:ic�n�at:i.an nf- c4��rt�r��rt:i.t:aJ. �ar•c.�K>c,�r�i�:y pt.�l:t;i.eak� nfi, katai: t.l.t.�r�.? 'I:Cl� �h�� c:.�.ani:r°�aJ. I�casiriEass c�:�str•ic:� mray i��cac�ta�ca i�i�c� 1ikl:ihiu��c� t:l���zi: � n��w a01T11I1t�?M��.:i.al �nt:�r�r�•�.:;�� wc,ul.ca k�y�r�a:�.: r:c.�mmc�r•4:i�a:i. cl�+u�l,ca�,m��ni: i�r�x��:�r�i:�,iri�.txFa, w:ii:h�i.n i:N�p cear�i:ral hacayinF?ss c�iai�r��i.ct, 3, f>1�n �?e�l.:GC.y f, 1. , 1 is szai:asfi.f�c� k��.acr:�t.i:�sFa •l:hE:? F�raK>ca:;�al, wc,ulci Ky����.�vi.c:l�� t:1•�N c�����ur�i�unit•y rur• <�c�c�it�:i�ai��<a.l ir�ulti..._�r:xmi,.l.y c�cavFZlra�a�ri�rit: anc� wc�c.�.lc� i.r��::r��r3:;e �ht�:� ncat; htc.�tasan� c��K�c�r��i�tar�i.�y c.in k�ui.J.�:Ira�aJ.F! 1;;�r7clr> ;ir� i:r��� Gity, °I'F�iis as ��E�t�<�i�.��c� :iri i:l�ic� c�i.5cu�5aar� far t�c��a.l 1.0 afa�a��ca. "I"hi�:� C3.i:y c.,f "i"9.<���^cJ i.:•a c�k�lic��i:�aca �:hi^t�tar�h thiF:� M��:r��c��ac�l.i.i:r.irt Pac>usi.n�� C�ia1.E� to �aruuic�c? ror �ri t'?C�IAc��, hiauyii��c� �aK�pc�r�i;c.n�ii.i�y iri:ix e>i•' ;�i.i�ic�1F� f�inil.y arua mtaJ.i;i..�..f'�tnii:ly G�ni.i:s wi.i:h� �ar� c�uc�r��l.:t c�����c?t<�F�m�:+rti: i�a�ncsii:y ai= 1C) '� UI'11tS ('Jt?I" 6lC.Y'f?. ��'lt� ��.t,y IT11,15�: (?f12il.fY'F'? ��li�� 23U�"1'�.C:(.Eal'l� N1�.GJN1f?Y' C�6!Yi5].�:�J i.�lt"'�?iia:i i;�11"k? i:�Vi�lJ.a.i:�N)�.�:1 ;it] j:rt�.? ].C1�F�Yl� l�� �alC? F'�C11.I81YlG( Rl,l.���.. t:.iQYI b� iru�t, l'hFa �rursa�E�d ir•c�cafasi.c�nt�tic�r� wac.otc� f'��r°tHi�ar� t:hp City`s cc�mK>1 i.<:�nc,F� w:i�N� i;h�!s� r�kc{�aa.rF�ma�ni:�. ?�, I�l<ar� �u.li.cic�s 6,3 ,?. aric� 6,3 .3 wa.:lJ. faca sr:�i:i;��ficy�� h>e���a�.is� thca K�i��c��au:sra.l i�ta�a:i.ta raJ.l.ow fic�r~ ir�eclE��t��:I.c.�K�m�n�: c�fi 1::h�ra K>r�c�K>c�r�i:i�aa an w�:�ya th�t may k�+� mc�r�N cutr��ar�ti.�l.� wi.th Gac�jac��r�t ��t��a.li.sh�e±c� r�c�:'�z��car�i:i.��. ar•��aas tr�<:�n LhiE� �:�x:isi:i.nr� us�!:•� ar^ c:t.it^r°�:!ni:J.y �>�:��^iyiit;t:t�cl �a;;�:!;� c�f i�hir� C•-••I� Ican�. F°c�1.ur�ca c�c?u��l.ursiti�ar�� c�r h:hea �a�i�•c:t�:ls w9.l,:1 1:>H ;•sc�k�j4�cL i:o ��h�c�sii:y l.amal�.�atx�.�n:; wii�hin :IOC� f-+�E�1. �:�f l�.�w�!r� cl�.�nri.i:y r�c�:�ic1�.�n�:i.<�l� zurie� arici ra:l�a w:i:P.7. h�e s�ak�j��c.i: t:�a 5���haac:k, M>ui'f�ai��iru�, <�i�ici �.idl'1(�31:.t;��)lPl(� I"��(�t,l].h"k:?ITl6!Y1�:2i �:hli.ili: IIl<"d,y .�.E?SEik?Yl 1.Cf1�)i�G'GFi lll'1 iat(aJt.dCF?I'l�'; �ar•ea�a�!r•t:�.�s �u a c�i�•���tE�r• cax�car�� t:h�<an w�ul.c� a�:cuir� ur�c�Ear C.;e>dc� r•��:�iair�k�lllkl"t�:S �:�r���lacc�N�J.E� 1�t� r�Eauca:I.�.�pmF�ni: �>i��c���c�sal., unc���i^ i�ri�.a ctarr��r�t 1�1<ar� Gar�d •x.ur�� ciEa�ic�r�atit�r�s, 5, f>].�n E7�,a.ac:y 6,fi, 7. w�.l.l, aa4a ���:isf3.�.ara i�r�r•c��ac�N� i�h� a.nt�;>e.�yi:1:i�7r� c�fi k�uff�-�r�xr�c� arui ;>cr�ac�r�S.ric� r°Eac�uzr��m�nt:; of i�hn Cumn►urtx.i:y f)��u�.lc��aniEant C�.7ra� i°.�.7 �ny riai��ar���± r.I�uc.aJ.c�w>m45rrfi: K�r~�.�p�.i:>4a1. fi�r� i�:r�� �>�^c.tiK>ar�1:a.�.aa, 6. I�.l�r� !'aul:i.e:a.Eas 7, 1,2, 7,2.. 1, 1,4,�, anc� 7,fi, ]. ar�ca s�1:i�1'i��1 rJF!C,i�U:iE? c#(ai�C,�Ul�t:k? �l.lk)a.:tC. a6!I"V:I.t'f? C.i.1�)<�1C.�.�XE?S i�lY'4� i�ilF:�:i.�.ra�'J�.6? �l') a61Y'Vk:! p�tE�i�i1:a.Ga:L �c•au��l.urain�i�it c.�ri t:r��a ��r�a���r�t�zeas. 5t�uir•m s�aw�r <•.ri7d ' ; Si:#rl7.L"i^dP"y s�w�.ar' E?X�F?YI��.t)I'l;i W7,�..� �'Jf? Y14�C:�1:"sai�'1",� �;1.'1 :'a4tiY'Uf.? �U�:UN'E? <�k�u�l.o�;�m�n� un t.�rx lut lAOq, "I`h�ia ea�7 hf� G��.cuirirali�hitad a:'s a cc�ndi.i:7.i,n ofi r��u�:!.1c.7�>i.nc� i:ri� �i.i�ca, . ,'� 7. F>l.�ti�i i�t�a.iey "l,�. l is ���t;ist"i.k�c� la�eaua� i�h� "i`ic�����d ar.huau� I):ist:r•ic� w�:•s i.ni�eai��mEac� nt� t:ha.s �ar�K>�.�;;��1. , '1"h� ;;c:ht�.����. C)i,i�r��a.�;:i: a� pr��>>�i7i:l.y r.�>i•isi;r�cac�z�7c� �ri <acic�iL•:iorr Lu i:h�N 17u�"h<�m P:l.�in�rii�ar.y ;chuul an<i x� ;, :;"I"Ftl���' �'C::G'�C�.1" ..� F�l1f:•,H�:.; ,.. C;f>ft E3��....(��i/;L(; 89....,C)�► .... F>�1GlC: 4 ` ;; ., ; , � __ _ � ,..r.r.--_ _ <�l�u i^r•�uie wiriy ��r•c�wc�y�ci ch�ric�E�s i:o scN�c��al �'�ttEai7c��n<,c� hac�ui�ic�ar�i.�s , yr�'lk?5E? i+iCt;1C11'l:; "r.11^E? J.P1�C?Cl(�F�C� j:l') i��..�k�Ildi+lj;F.! C1Uk.?I"C:Y"G(�l(:�:I.Y1C�J ].1'1 G?7(:I.a�7.YlC,f G�.ialSSl"c:1171T18 c�.l'1C� i:c:1 rJl'"t)V:1.(�G� idl�C��.�:].UYIiSI�. C<Sl�c�lC:i.ti� �:U 2iF?Y"UP. �'U�UI"C�? t�l"f.1Wt:�'1 7.11 ��'1�? F�1"Ni�t, f3, p3.<�n F��.�7.icy t3, 1 , 1 c.c,mm�.i:y 1•.hc� C:i�:y i:�.� pl.�n fi�,r� ca s4afca �zncl cffiic.'r.��r�i: S�i"F2l?� idYlC� Y'l)i�t;�Wol�f S,SIa�:F?ITl �}'li+l� ITl4�l•?�5 CI.IY'P"E?Pl� I'1F?(�!(a:i <:�I'1C� �rii:iGiH�<:�i:�c� i'��i::�ai^k� c���u�l.�:��ir���n�:. "I"h�.s K>c�1.7.cy w�,�alc:l r>4� :>��I:i:�fi:�Fac:l h��c.�aG�:'r4a i:hc� {ai�.c��;�c�s��c� r���ac�a�:>�.c�r�<�.tican nf t<�x l,e:,t 1.4U0 wc�ia.lc� r°�!�Ic.icca i�h�c;� cai7i::i.t:i.�>r:at:�rJ 1�r����ff7.0 c�i�1:c� Ni<al.l. Etc:�tal.cvrxr�ra G�:> nc�i�ktr� h>y 1::h�:+ f;:i���ii��4ac�i^i.i��� I�iv:i�:ion anc� h�c�urat�y� ariy �dcazi:i.unal �r��ffxc: t�:hai: mi.�aht: r•E�:�iaJ.t�: fr•c�m i^�.�ca�vc�:l.�.,��m��nt� c�i� i:�ax 1�.,t: 3:3()<i v,ri,�.il.<� rit71: c�ir•r•.�.t:ly :iir��<ac:i� ar� a�^i���r•r.ral ar cu.l:lc�c.t;ui^ st�i�•��a�t. "fhi� f��r�c��nc��r°:ii°u,� C)ivi.sic�r� tn�iJ.1. �^�!u:i�aw �an,y ful�d�rE� ca�au�l��pn�r�n1� �r�uKy�����.ly f�ar• �i.thE:!ir, ; caf �he �ai^u��r°t�ic�s ai��ci ir��y r°cat�uii^�? :tmrai��t71l�?ITtt?1'lt� ta arr-��:i:c�d �x�k�l.ic S�;f"�4?�::5i t:Ct Y'F!C.�UI:.(? 1111�7c�C.�:S N"F?:it.l�.�:::l.i'l+� �'I"l':lipl �"l.l{�l.fl"�? Cak.'�?Uk?.�G��71T1b1Yl�:;i� 7 9. I�l.�r� I�c��.i.cy 8. 1 ,3 wil.1 Na�? sai::i�fi.�c� �:�s sa �.uri�:ii::car� uf ��ara��~r>v<�1 eafi �:any fu1:Gi�^� �a�?���1.�.'�F�ms!i�ii: t,t' �:hc� �r�c.���!r�1:ie:�, �11E�c�;��.;��ry �t:���.�F�i: i.inw�r•cau�?mc�riLs t�o i•f<�l..l I;ir.iial.Eavrar•c� m�y k�4? r��c{«ir��cfi �t: Ll�i� t7.itu� uf- cl����lc�nm�.�nt: �af �:<�x l.ut; 1�(aQ, T'hc� C:ii�y' s [�n�:�in�war.,i.i�}c� C�i.�ri.si�:�n �nrJ 1;ri�a C�ir��ac�or� �i:�xi�c! I-iacli�iw�y Di�7.s`cur� wi,l.Z r�uiE�w any ful.iar•c� cl�va�.�anmc!ri� ��^��F�a:aGxl:> f��r• �.�ai�.:hi�r c.tif �:h� �rr,�>����i�•�::��:>. 1Q, 1�1.<an f�aliGy E3.?,?. :i.� �o�t:i�t'3�=d f�e!ca�a:'�� `fr•i....M�L nff�ars hus sEr°u'cc:ta c�n FS<:ac.i.fi:ir.. I-IS.�hw4�y, lt�:>:> �;h��n c�n�� c:��.ir:�r�i:�r° n�i.].F� i'r�4�m i�h� ��r•c��a��r�i:ic�s, ai��c� an F�I�:�II. 43��u.lc-?visll��c�, or� wH�i.�:h� t:<�x .lot 1�Q0 h�r�:� i'i^r>ntr:�yka, "i"hik�r��fcai^}�, �:h�� K>i��c.�K>c:�:>��t;l i^�.acl��:�iyn<ai::i.c�n we7�a1� 1.c�c�a1:F� �n a.ntk?na�.ue 1:y�:>�a af c��avealu�;�it�car�i� wii:h�in r.l.o�� rai^axa,ir�ity t�t> �xi.st::cric� �ukkl:ic. 1:i^<:�n:s:i.i� r•c.�u�t;�±;>, 1.1, '1"h�:� �..�.�t:ra�:ic�n<�.l f:',�^i.i:��r�a�a a�E!1:.�.f'�.4:?CI xi7 C���r;��t��r 1.?.. �.�f i:h�Ea �>7.<xn f��r~ Mc�c�ium.._i-f:i.yh i�i�i��s.'cty Rc�:�sir�c�r�ti.at. cas� �r� ��t��.yi��.�<� rur t�hc� fcy:t;luwi.rioj r^�<:�:�ona; ��a, "f'h� :��.Rra;j+�c.i� pi^�7K>w��^�t�:x��:, �:ar�•Ea nc7j: c:nnimit�:t:��c� i�c� �.c.�w cl�.�r�:>xi;y t�euc5.lo�>iruar�i:, CJc±nsai:y i:r•�►n�i�:iur�, r�uff�or�ai�i�, <�;i�d scr�t��i�iin� r���<:{�ai.r�c�m�.�n�:a uf t�h�:� C�c�mmwnit::y �a�u�lc,nmk�rii� C;c,r�� wx11. �;.�:�:�� a.ri mai�Y.i��y fiuLui��� c�Fav�a�.UrJIT1�Ylta or� i�h� �ar'•u�a�ar^i�i.�s c��mx><�Li.hal� wi.l:r� n�.�ic�hbar•iny clia��J.�.�xw:•> �anc� y.i.r�r�7.� f��zmi].y r'�k�sac�E�ric:��s �:�� wcall aa wi1:N� c��h�rr� a�aar'�i:iriearit c���uc��.uramki�its. b, �r��x J.�,1: i.4r�U n�x, cl;.i-���c.�, a�:.c.�:�� 1�c., H��l.t k3aw�.�a��<ar•c�, ��zn ��^i�E!�•i,�tl., �1Ytd z.nt�il^�a�:t <�t~.t:FdSS i:p f��4x,f'ic Pii<�h1W�y, whiich� ial�.:i�� xa 1'(.II'iCj 1.t1t1F1�..�1J i:,.�i�FiFi].i':I.k�Ca ��lr <'�il'1 i.+lY'j:�!Y':I.i�l�. , ����i.�iX �.�11: I 33t�0 h<�s iric�xr•F�±ct <�c:r.�ss 'ua haa1:H� i�<��:xfic ilxyNiwr�y �r�r� tc� GiP"+��E?P1rJt.if^GJ �l'ti.�tC.�, "r,d IYIiitJtll'" C���..�k?��::C)M' a�::Y'E?E?�:, �.. t-.;Far�i.uus c�k�uc�l���am�rtt l.�.m7.i:�►�:a.car�:; afrc�ct�.r�� 1�Mie Wa��up�r°i:iHa ! Gar�r ri�a�: �:�t�a.d�:!r��: ��ncl �uk�J.:t�. fc��.i:lit�.�:> 4ar��:� �i.�:ri�:�i^ �i���.a:>��ni� �,r• ! �.��•i hi� �xtencic��i t:n SEaY•u� fcat�arF r�euc-�tupin�rit;s an 1�h� �i�,i7r>��t��i�i�:�:° , . �'Tf1f�'f= 12k I>t�f2'r' .... 1-1Ul�Pif:S .�... t�WF� E3�3.._Q4/xC £i��..�p4 ..�.. I�A(.��: �'a rJ. 6'taka.l.+\i�: �i�•r:�r��:;:il: i.:�s cav�;�i.l.<:�k>tc� �ai�i k�c��:h'-_i•��l.:l E3t>ia1,��uGar�t� z�ricl ��i7 F�Gxc:i.f:iu I°lic�hwz°ay w:il�h�i.n e�<asy wGxl.kXnc� c9x.�t:<�rir.� uf h�nthi �,r°i,��i^�:a.�.!:>, t:!� �;t�nui�nxt�nc�.= P"k.'?�':iA7..� :iE?1•,4/J.l:.k� XF3 i�1Ui.d�..�.<:ik).�t-� Clk?i�t"�'J,y( i.�t�.t:li'iC%� i��c.iri.c: 1-fic�hw<:�y, ��.7mm�r�ci.��t <�i•o<� }'JL(31Ylta:i� c:��r�t:�ai��a <�ir€� lc�c:c�i;��ca wxi:riiri c..l�.>>Ea �ar'•c>ximi.i:y �:c� k>c�i�h �ir•t.�����r"j'.:T.{ati , f, °I`N�c� I>�r•k f�1.�c:H� f;,4�r�clNn (l�a<�i�°1:�ruar�ts <�r••a? r�r•E�a�•�r�t�.ly r>i�•uvi.d��c� W].�;rl i:.l SW:I.fillllXl'if� K)t?t1.�. fdtlCa �:i�:f'1F!i`� c��mi�iari t1�;)t:?I'1 a�)i:aGE?:i. C;l�illlllt)1'1 � f)�)(�t'1 :ir>t�l:l? i(ll'1C� i^@?l':I"C?ia�':1�)I'li��. 1'i.xC;l.�.x�l.E?a �:Nli:+l�: C:USj:UIT1iYY":t..�y i�l^l'? ' K>i�e��ii.cl��cl �ua.i;h� m�.�l.i�.i...-fi�amal.y cl���t�1�,ramE+ni::> wi.l,l. k��:a r°��C:�i.ii.i^�:�ca t>i' f�atc.ri^c� m�alt:i•--rt:�ir�ily rSc�vh�l.ci�i7ir-.r�i� un t�x l.c.�� 1�Et7Q, Nu ��dkr:�ic i�w��.�n :;���c:k! i,s> l.c.��:.�ai�cacl w�.i:rii.n tNtr i,r�tir�e�:�c1a<��:�:� uic::7.nai;y af i:h,e�sEa r�r�ir•c:��1:> , :�:n ��r�cl�:�• i�.o �:�r>K�i^c,u�� r� �:��.i�a:;i.....7tacli.r..a.�a1 ��iriEanca��i�n�t: 1::c, 1:hi� N�l.t:xi�� r:�nca ;r�<ii7i.nc� ir��.�ras, t:h��a C:i1�y mG�St: <:�l.su fa.r�r.l th�at Lh�c�ir•� i.s ��ui.cic�r�cr� uf- �a cMu:xrigH� :i.i•� thfa riEaXyh�k>�.�r�h�c�or.! �.�r^ �:.e>iYimt,inii:y wPi.i.c.h �:�fif��c:t:;; �GH1�y staN�j�c1•: r>t:ar��r.�1 , � (�t1:�r•n��ta.vcal.y, Lh� C;:i.ty musL- f:inc� t:1�u�t t�hE�i^ca h��s I:>c�c�r� ra irii�t.<alt� oi^ 9.nr:on:;7.si::F�r�cy iiti<�r,f� :in i:ri� o��i.c�i.n�:�l. ctH�:�i.c�i�<a�i.c�n �.�f �LN�fa �><�r�cc�1 , (c��am�r•t�h�?r�:�siut� i�.larti, Vul,umt? 2, I�t�l.icy :1, 1., ]., .T.iTIrJ�.IaITII?P�ttai;i.un :,i:r•at�:�c�y ?.% ' C�.�ir�mur�i.�y C?c�v�l.c.���iri�.?ni� (::ocaE� �,�!i;i,i���r� �.f3,'1..2,C1[►C�(Ft)) , f't�ir• 1:h�:? ;>t.ih�jk?c:i:: �r�r�c4�l.s, a c��mhinr�.tzc�i�i ��f a�:itar°ti.can;> af h>c�i�Ni <a n�a.st;��fcE� ��,r�c� <� criai•�c��a nr C:I.1"GUI'i1S�:i.�11'l�.E.?a i��°�f:1t:.j::].I'iC� j:rik.? (;)i+lY'c:.E:?�.5 nti:#1J {"Jk� I11i+t�:�E�� El 111J.F3�::i:.ik�! Ctl'r,�y rii�Vk? };>catan m�t�E� i�•� ri�,1: r��c:u<�rii.rit�c� I:h��� ;�axasi:ai7c� dc�?vNl���incar�t <�t�i���ity uf t!•i� F'�r��l� �':lrac.�� G;ar•taE!n A�r:xr��i:m�i�t.:�> r:�i�. �:h�� i�i.i��F� i;hiF? K���r^c��i. w�:a:} cl�a:yicJr��i:���) wi.�l:a� t�f•�e M�cii.��m I)c�r�:�s.i.t:y 12aa:ic�cnt:ial 17.1an c�h�siyn�l:i��n �nd tMtE7 f2...,1.2. ;run�, t�� '. 5Uf:�'i, '.:�'14? i�l�)l:dri�������i::f's idY'F? c".+l n�.7ric�>rirc�r'lll:i.l'1C� U84? 11'1 1::MiF� �Z.....:�.� :i.Cli'1Fa FtYtt;� Wt:l(.I�.G'� k>c� .liir�i.t�e�d .'t.r� u�;>��e�i^1:c�ri'ci:y Lo i^tac�cavF�.l�ar> 4�G i:hc�ii^ r>rc�acai��L <�E�nsity, °f"i7c, (.7Y'+:.1�7�!I"�y� :i qWYll?i"5 �:�'1F?I"E?rpl^l•) (�'l•?:i;f.l"k! ��'?t":11: ��'16! �.�Z�I'1 i�lY1C� I'l')1'111'1�� d�aic�r�tat:ions h�c� ameandc�c� t�a k�c� �.unsa.aL-a��r�t wi.1�h i:hea r�i^c�r>c�r.,ty' a (aXl2itii��y ra�.?nsai::y cancl �t:�, t:riF!r^�fc�r°E� i.m��r��.�va t:ht�i.t^ c��r�e�i^�:«ni.t:ie�:, fic�i�� r��.arJ�:�ve�l.ca�>m•r•.i•i1: f Or ��'lf? �Ji:1Y'CE?.�.. "I"rax lt}1: :GnQC�' > G.uri��k�i�i: ta�:�saqnG��::ians ��f ('�c�rnm����c.i.raJ. Fkr�nf�.=s:s.ac>rit�l. Ganc{ C....f> !' iilY'Ca YlllL C{'li7Y'i�lC:�'.:f?0"l.l'k!f� i�� f� 1117.titi.a�<l'-!� �;)lA� 1.YI��:E?i:dt� <�.M'E? �.:I.fCF?�:�f �'JcxFil�?G'� c:31'1 CI�?t:7.5J.p1'l;:t WHi:i.C�'1 CC1U.�C) r1i�lUF.! ��c.�l'lt? t?Ylk� Wi:�ty c?I" i:�i'it7l:rt�.?N � i>tYtfa k?�?Ci:�t.1;3�? �.��' t:haric�e;s Yri ci.r�c.«mai:t�r�e,es th�� chu:a:ic�� ruat t�kc�r� ir�ay h���c� �at��uuic��ac� tMi�� k�H�:�;{� clE�uc�1c,K)iri�n�: �.�pK�c>r��t�r�:ii�y i�c�t�� cl��rw!:I.oKmt�.?nt� �.�f i�Hi�:? �i�•c.��>eai�•1:y, ��i��:xff t'ir�c�s th�r�i: ii: is H��:�ssih��.c� i:a maftca f'a.ndzri�;�a rur t�hi� �r����F�i�,ty �ata:�fyiric� �a11 ����a1i.c.�l;al.� f�l.<:�rf �>c�.lx�:i,�:�a c�nta :t�,c.G�t�i.c�nE�l, cr�i.i;4a�^:i� f��r• eaa.t:ri�.ar 1:h�:� t;c�mm��r�:ial. (�r•pf��si.c�r�al or� M�acixum��_f-lic�h� i:)�aria�.Ly I'3t�:tic�car�f:i.a1 I�t.ar� d��ac�n�l:ic�i75, °I"F�a± t.�.�ir�mF�r��:.i.<a.l K>r•c�i��:sa.�:�n�al, c���:ricJrir;��:�.c:�n �.:a i�,h�.a �It�sic�ri��i::i.tan i:hi�t: r�as �ar�au�,uusl.y bcaE�ri �s;>:iyr�cac� ray i:P���? C�:ii:y, .l..ht� � �a�•c��ca��•�:y':a owi•i4�r~�; ri<au� riGacl <:� cli,ffiiciaJ�i:: i.i.���� G�i�.:i�r�Gac:t:i.ny c�c�u�.!].caK>kar�a �.,f ?, u:�>�y ral.lawE�c� in i:he (,....I� xorica L-u 1;h� �aru�aE�rty l,ar^c��:�.ly F>�ac.<�u�� r,�f i.t:� ' �.Fdl:.�: C)f U�.Yi�.�;):f.�.].�;� f'Y't�flt CiIi�JC1I�' P'l',la+7t�Wi+lya , �����'lk? l'1WYlfal"a, 11t?WF?Utat�'� k?F�.�J.EaV� 1�h��i: tMi� p��u�aeai^�y hia:�s <�<������,��i�a ac:�4ass tu ai�ti°�a�t iruat�i.....fairiily " r�k���c!1.����mk�ni� �.�, 1:h�� aai:�:+ r�rirJ i:h�.��; ii:sr 1.�ack c,,fi uissiraxl:i�:y wi.J.l. nat. c�E�1:r�<�c1: i"r•��m zt:s �t:1�r�act:iuknEa:��s f-�ar� i^E?J1CIf�1'1�'::li��. us�. "f'fi�a uwi��Ear�s a;l.su ;? ,:; k���l.i�+.u� �:hi�i: in ��dcla.ti,ori i�i� i:F».a akr�7vE�, i;ri�� c�cam�:xi•tt� fc��� c1k�u�lti�>4ak�;Rfa �: mul,i:i�.._f�mily r�Fa�ictHni:i.r�]. l.<aru� is r�c>w yrcaat�c�r� i�l7�r� f:hr�� ��cam<�rid fur, ;; F>M"Ct�'�?:i rl.<)Yli.4�. l;t)I111Y1�.?p'C].<'.+1�. 7.i+1Y1(� i:aYlC� �:�'l�.:S Cl'IYIS�],tl.I�:V?;i i+1 G�'1<",tYl4;��.1 t;l�' l'.:l Y'G lA1TI S�:ii11'1 C E?S, :.i`��El(°�'� �Z�:��C1�Z�� _... �'��.I�ii'��:..i •-•• �.:f�f•1 ��....a,/F��:G; Q`�...�Cj({. ..... �>f�C'iG�. �7 ;. � �I �I c:;. i�i::i�OMMl:.ilff�(•l..f.:1.UN _�..hi�� f�1�.zi�ii�ii.ricf ;;�,c�ff= i^�:�c.��mi�ic�nr.lsy �:ri�>iP: (:h�� �}J.�nni.ri�;� C;cimmi.saic�ri fi��ai^w�:zi^ci r:z i�•Hec�iruncaru:l�ai:���ai�� f'c�i^ <a�;��;>i�•uu<a1 ��i' t:,i�>(•1 £39�._04/yl� ��.7.�-q4 t'ui�� i:hi�a Pduyr�c!s �;u•ui fyo;�;cc� �;>r•t��;�c�i^1:7.��s t:�� f�1a:�c�it.mr-••�..li.c�h� G)c�i•t;>i.t:y I���;;i.de?riti.t:x7. <:ancl R....?..5(I�L)) , ......_........_.._.._ ���G_. ...._........�.�... ...�i�:-:.....__........_...._......_...........__ ...__......_ . ,..,�.�..._.�_��.��.--...,........_...._......_._.__._......._ _....�.. ..... ..... ._ . .... .. __ .. i�ht::i7�1';,t':' E3Y: , ��r°r..y .. .. ,i�� �l{�F>I'�'(�VE:I:) k3Y: IG�:+:i.1�h i..i.eac�i� � (1 s s i.:�s �a - 17.l ai i�i i�i c�a i�° :i�c�r�:i.u r� f�1.�i�i r��i�. � � .��� . , h>i�•/�JE�►t3� — � --- � � .W. C 3 ` N � � � 0 � 'v w � -3 �, > 7't�:,` �i,,, � � � ` ::i� ........ � � °a � :::::: �'°� w : :�:�.;,:: � . ' s.w. � :��: ; .::::• i � vi :�: ' � � a �. r 0~i ; r � W � � � �i t + � n . t I 4� ' � 4 ti p,G`��� a� a � � = o,� ; J � � �° 0 36 � � �, � . � �o� P . •a•. . � __ ,�' � %'" • • . � ''�, �, „v � � A • • • • � ,��, <.;-rnr-r� i7��F>c7i;'..i_ _.. Hiuc:�P�l�:.; ...- GF>Ft f39.._q�t/I(:,' ac�.....(:��+ _... f�Fl(:,I::: 7 ;:� , ���. � , , :ti � . � : � �._ t; ,;I ,'. ; , s r' [' t. i ��� �' � t HA�.I, STREET APARTMENTS I I. �. , REZONE AND FLAN �lMEND�SEN`r APPIsICATION �: 'r r(- t i. � r �; i: �; • l. i� i! V P � , v i t _ • t k' j � � � S ( � �p f 4 1 � � , ;;:' , , , r. , �� ;� �+! . HALL ST�2FET APARTMENTS REZONE AND PLAN �1MENDMENT APPLICATIUN Appli�able Plan Policies . 5. 1.3 THE C3TY SHALL �MPRQVE AND ENIiAIdCE THE PORTI(7NS OF �HE CENTRAL BUSINE.'SS I7I�TRICT AS THE FOCAL POTNT FOR COMMERCIAL, HIGH DE�ISYTY R�SIDEI3T�AI,, BUSINESS, CIVI�, • AND PROFESSIONI�I, ACT�V]CTY CREATING A DIVERSIFIEA A�JD ECONOMICALLY VIABLE CQRE AREA. The proposed develapment is locat�d .35 miles from the entrance to th�e Central Business District ("CBD01) located on Main i � � ;.; Street in Tigard, Oreg�n. As such, th� d�v�elopment serves to enr_ich the diversity of the CBD while providing an oppor�unity ,l fo�• its residents to take advantage of available servic�s. Residents of the development will look toward th� CBD to satisfy � i ,; t�eir consumer wants and need�, thereby strengthening the economic viability .of the area. Correspondingly, it follows that t !, the CBD sh�uld strengthen itself for increased demand by ; ,: . �: cansuzners for goods and services. In sum, the p-roposeci development should assist the CBD by �roviding additional ` consumers for the area. ,; ;'`; ' i.°' i'`' ,,, �;, ,;.I c:: �, �.' ,.;,. �,,: �;: f:, �_; �': 2 �r � � � � � � � � � ki ��� �'�: '�I 1� /. . 4 . n il 6. 1. 1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A DIVERSITY �� OF HOUSING DENSITIES A2�D RESIDEI�TIAL TYPES AT VARIOUS PRICE AND RENT I,�VELS. { The City currently has allowed R-25 dev�lopment on 3 parcels of land with the latest compZetion of 224 multi-family una.ts on i Dizrham Road. The project has been designated as low income ? housing and thus provi.des housing for individual familie� at a � lower economic scale. The other r�cent development, Ga�ehause � Apartments, located on pfaffle Road, was co�nple�ed in 1987. This ' � project most closely approximates the propos�d development in location and in projected rent level.�. �t is in�eresting to note � the project is fully Qccupi�d with a waiting list. A suYV�y of rentaZ housing in the area suggests that a disproportionate number of low-to-moderate multi-family housing is available when c�mpared to ths availability of modera�e to higher rental income housing for the area. The proposed development will meet this latter need. I Additionally, and of equal importance, the proposed � development seeks to attract small families as residents. As such, the development will include a designated play area for children. The survey referred to above found that few, if any, existing developments had special play areas for children. Recent Apartment Data Center Rent Surveys indicate that the proposed project will be competitive in the market; in a March, 1988 survey 2 bedroom/2 bath units rented for an average of $562 , with a 2. 3% vacancy in the Tigard/Lake Oswego area with total average vacancy for all areas at 4.1�. The Septemb�er, 1988 3 ; � . � , . . sl . ��.. �. survey shows the average rent at $602, wi.th vacancy at 1.6� and ov�er-all vacancy at 3.1� for the same areas. � ; j (,�, ,I �i - i' f- r'; �:.'. r.' I' �; r �;: �' , r �i �' p � �` i; �, . . . � . � . � . . . . �. . . . � . . . � . . . .. � . . � � . . . . .li . � . .. . . . � � . .. . � . �. �. . . . � .. � . � , .. . � . � ..� � �.. � � . . � � .i . � � � . . .. . . � . . . , . . . � �_I �, . ,, . �,. � 6•3•2 WHERE THE PR�DPOSED DEVELOPMENT ABUTS AN EXISTING HOUBING DEVELOPMENT, THE HOLTSING TXPES SHALL BE GOMPATIBLE. TTze proposed develapment adheres to the density transitinn �s established by tk�e �.'igard �ommunity D�velopment Code. To the sauth of the property �here is an existing apartment property known as Park Place. ��x�.s property is located in an R- �.2 zone. The groposed development is fully compatible with this propertya The property to the west is zone3 R-4.5 and f�ur ! single family houses - abut the property line of the proposed r d�velopment. This area can be considered compatihle as the tzse � C is designated for housing purposes. While there is a density r� �', differential, the occupants af both properties are family units. ' The property to the east acrass Ha11 Baulevard is zoned R-4.5. ` i:; There is an apartment community known as Silver Creek West on f' �,`: this parcel: The praposed development is fully compatible with this multi-family property though it is separated by a main arterial (Hall Boulevarcij . The property north is currently zoned '? � C-P as is the proposed development. _ The required buffering of the proposed development between Y;i R-25 and C-P assuie� a distinct separation of parcel use. ;:`:' il �': + ;, � � � �;., t+; �: � 1 ��,� I;;:i_9 i ':� �: � � � � � � � � � � �`� �?��r. ��� � � � � � � � � �� �k�.;� 1,;�,� i.: 4;��. ,.��„ ■� : . . _..__. _ _ _ ,: E,��� �._ �.. I 6.3.3 IN ALL PHASES OF TIiE DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PROCESS IN A RESIDENTIAL "ESTABLISH�D �1REA," ,� I�RIMARY CONSIDERATYON OF TIHE CITY SHALL BE TO PRESERV� AND ENHANCE THE CI3ARACTER OF THE ADJACENT ESTABLISHED AREAS. The proposed d�velopment addresses an established area �that as currently under-utilized and has been of concern to adjacent n�ighbors. Thp development will, ther�fore, address itself to the enhancement of th� area and perhaps could ir�crease the land values of adjacent owners. Therefore, wha.le the area wi11 be p�eserved in its current mixed use between single-family, mul�i- family, and commercial-professional use, the proposed develo�ment will upg�ade the area with new construction that will serve to enhance the surrounding neighbarhood. ThP Regional Director for Kindercare has been con�acted as , well as adjacent property owners concerning the propased development. �hey have taken a n8utral position regarding the issue, but do not appear to be opposed to the development. � r,, i1 .: j;;; i''',, �, {:;r: ',';i . �':; (::,: �_" t' :,! F;�..: 6 ;!'. t��< t;,; 1;;; ��., !,�" �`;: ,,, ��; �—_-__ _ _ _ � 6.6. 1 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE: a. BUFFERING BETWEEN DIFFERENT TYPES OF LAND USES (FOR EXAMPLE BETWEEN SI�TGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND MULTSPLE FANdILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDEN'�IAI, ADID COMMERCIAL USES AND RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ri7SES) ANI� THE FOLLOWING FACTORS SHALL BE CONSID�RED Ilyi DETERMINING THE TYPE AND EXTENT OF THE REQUIRED BUFFER: 1. TIi� PURPt�SE OF THE BUFFER, FOR EX�IMPLE TO DECREAS� NOISE LEVEIS, ABSORB AIR POLLUTION, FILTER DUST OR ' TO PROVIDE A VISUAL BARRIER. 2. THE SIZE OF THE BUFFER NEEDED IN' TERMS AF WIDTH AND HEIGHT TO ACHIEVE THE PURPOSE. 3. THE DIRECTION(S) FFtOM WHICH THE BUFFER IS 3�IEEUED. 4. 2'HE REQUIRED DENSITY OF TFiE BUFFERING. • 5. WHETHER THE VIEWER IS STATIOIdARY OR MOBILE. b. ON SI�E SCR�ENING OF SUCH THINGS AS SERVTCE AFtEAS AND FAC�LITIES, STORAGE e�REA5 1�ND PARKING LOTS, AND THE FOLLOWING F'ACT(2FtS SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN DETERMINING THE TXPE AND EXTENT OF THE SCREENING: • l. WHAT NEEDS TO BE SCREENED. 2. THE DIRECTTON FROM WHICH IT IS NEEDED. 3. HOW DENSE THE SCREEN NEEDS TO BE. 4. WHETHER THE �IIEWER IS STATIONARY OR MOBILE. ' . 5. WHETHER THE SCREEN3NG NEEDS TO BE YEAR ROUND. A privacy fence will separate the proposed development from � the north, west, and sautiz adjacent land owners. Additionally, the required buffer zones to the north and south will be planted with grass with a variety of shrubs interspread. The west boundary of the property, abutting the single family R-4 .5 zone, will be privacy fenced by a green belt with shrubs. Additionally, a row of garages will be developed on the west + i boundary for noise ab�tement purposes. The refuse sites within the development will be enclosed to , . provide for a visual barrier. Finally, the childrens' play area w�.11 bs fenced to promote safety. A green belt around the play 7 . , , . . � area will fur�her serve as a buffer �vithin the developn►ent between the common areas and parking areas. � I � i { i . � � . � i � I . ! I r F M . � . ; i + � E � P f 1 �` i Ii � � �. .1 ����� � ' �' 8 � . , ; 7.1.2 THE CITY SHALL R�QUIRE 11S A PRE-CONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVI�L THAT: a. DEVELOFMENT COINCIDE WITH THE AVAILABILYTY OF 1�DEQUATE SERVICE CAPACITY SNCLUDYNG: 1. PUBLIC WATER; � 2. PUBLIC SEWER (NEW DEVELOPMEIJT ON SEP'PIC TANKS SHALL NOT BE A�,L06VED WITHIN THE CI7�Y) ; AND 3. S'rORM DR1�IN.AGE. b. THE F.�CILITIES ARE: 1. CAPAB�E OF A�E�UATELY S�RVING ALL INTERVENING PROPERTYES AND THE PROPOSED DEVELI�PMENT; AND 2. DESIGNED TO CITY STANDARDS c. ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT UT�LITIES TO BE PLACED UNDERGI20UNB. The development raill be designed to canform with the availability of adequate service capacity. The Metzger Water District has confirmed that water availability is ad�quate for the proposed project; the water district has a 12" waterline that passes in front of this property. . The public sewer �ystem shauld be adequate for a multi- family camplex. with 40 units projected �nd the target market being small families. The stnrm drainage system will have the same lot �overage, so there should be no substantial changes necessary. A reliable and adequate water supply, storage, and delivery systems are presently available or planned by the city to provide s�ufficient quantities of high quality water to m�et existing and future t�eeds of the community. Therefore, the addition of a mul�ti--family apar�ment building should not adversely effect the �capabilities of facilities in place serving intervening properties and the proposed project. To our knoraledge, they have 9 , • . ' � r been desi�gned ta city standards. ' I �. � ZD _ � � . . c � %.6. 1 T�IE CITY SHALL REQ'UIRE AS A PRE-CONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT THAT: a. THE QEVELOPMENT BE SERVED BY A WATER SYSTEM HAVING ADEQUATE WATER PRESSLJRE FOR F'IRE PI20TECTIOIN PUI2POSE�: � b. TI-TE DEVELOPMENT SHAI1Ie NOT REUUCE THE WATER PRE5SURE IN ` r; THE AREA BEI,OW A LEVEL d�DEQUATE FOR FIRE PROTECTION �; PURPOSES; AYJD � (;1 c. THE APPLICABLE FIRE DISTRTCT REVIEW ALL APPLICATIONS. �;,. r; Currently, the City� of Tigard is serv�.ced by �he Tualatin �� Rural Fire District and Washington �ounty Fire District #1. Th� �' �;,� proposed development does no� appear ta be in a congested area 4i �� that would slow the response time to .fir�s. � The development will conform to the requirement that the water system sezving it will have adequa�e water pressure for E; 4. fire protection �urposes, and will not adversely effect th� water pressure level for the area. � . �' ;: �. C !'. r: (C j:: I�, i k: f,' F! � ' h �`'" !'; � �,: j- �, �. 11 �� �� ti 1� _ < _ _ _ __ _ , t„ �:.' . . , . � , {! �. . ;; 8.1.1 THE CITY SI�ALL PLAN FOR A SAFE ANTD EFFIGYENT STREET AND ROADWAY SYSTEP�i THAT MEET5 CURR�NT NEEDS AND F,NTICIPATED FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVEI,C3PMENT. ; The property is ac�cessible off of Hall �oul�vard which s' . � services areas to the nc�rth and south to Hi�ghway 217 and south to � , Pacifi� ]Highraay. Highway 217 conneets to Y-5, the main :Ereeway �, #: running vertically the length of th� state. ;: The ��roperty iv �..9 miles from Washington Squarep one of the �{ ,;; largest shopping malls in the area with such anchors �s Sea�s, F.' �� Nordstram and Meier and �Frank. A private roadway leads to the ;' property off af Hall Boulevard, and the property is .2 miles from `; �, the property to Paci.fic diighway. The present roadway system r� xl �.� appears adequate to service the size of facility that w� are '' �. 6:'i projecting. - f:°' `s;`'' • i . .... .... . • � k 1 y' 4' �P,;I � �.;` � � � �,i �,;� �; fi;? �,,.; s.�: _ �t:� .. .r1 � . � . . . _ `i � � � , � .� kt'< .. ,,� . . . . �.; . . � � �� � � � � ��'`: . . . .. . . .��! ' . . . � 1.�... . . . . .� .. � � :��'�, . � � . � . . . � � . . . . �r°, . � � � � . . . . . . . , �;��. . . � .�.. . �. � . . . . . . �.. . . . . . .. � ����". _... .. . . . � . . � . � . . . ': . . .�.. � ._�..."__.. ...�:..x. .,.n.,.:c._ .....;_.,.�_. .,.�._.._�......�.�_ ....:.. �..�. �_ C . 8.1.3 TIiE CITY SHALL REQUIRF: AS PRECONDITION TO DEVELGPMENT APPROVAL TJHAT: a. DEVELOPMENT ABUT A PUBLICLY DEDICATED STREET OR HAVE ADEQUATE ACCESS APPgtOVED BY THE APPROPRIATE APPROVAL AUTHORTTY; � � b. STREET RIGHT-(9F-WAY BE DEDICATED WIiERE THE STREET IS SUBSTANDARD IN WIDTH: � � c. THE DEVELG�PER COMMIT' TO THE C�NSTRUCTION OF THE �I STRE�'T�, CURBS AND SIDEW,ALKS TO CITY STANDARDS WITHIN 'I THE DEVELOPM�NT; d. INDIVIDUAL DEVEIA�PERS PARTICaPATE IN THE INlPROVEMENT OF � EXISTING STREETS, CURBS AIdD SIDEWALKS TO THE EXTENT OF THE D�VELOPMENT'S IMPACT�; ?I e. STREET IMPROVEMENTS BE NdADE AND STREET SIGNS OR �IGNALS `I BE PROVIDEU WHEN THE DEVELOPMENT IS FOUND TQ CREATE OFt ;� ZNTEPTSIFY A TRAFFIC HAZARD; �(I (i The own�rs wi1T request use af Easement #88-9619, a 32 foot � f ! private roadway leading �ff of Hall Boulevard to the property. � E The developer will cor�form to city standards regarding streets, � �, curbs, and sidewalks to the extent of the development°s impact . � �� and if the development should create a traffic hazard. � � s, . � ; tl; f, ��� ;r,l wl'' i � !; i, j. �j� 4 l(i K: � 13 � �;' �; V�,, ��.. ;; ,� 8.2.2 THE CITY �HALL ENCOURA.GE THE EXPd�NSTOAi AI�D USE OF �UBLIC TRANSIT BY: �. IACATING LAND I�iTENSIVE USES YN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO , TRAIJSITWAYS; ' �� As raoted, public transportation, Tri-Met Bu�, is available � �,_ ,� on Hall IInulevard directly to the east og the project, as well as �� i;' on State Highway 99, i.5 blocks ta the sauth. The bus lines `�' �.. running from Barbux° Blvd. as w�11 as Aeaverton and Lake Oswego '_ ;, i appear to provide the most services. This enables easy access to the downtown Portland core area as well as o�tlying suburban �` i: areas for employment, shopping and other services. � �: �_: The proposed project would improve tYae livability of the � �e� s ' o at'�o� ���� surroundin area in li ht of incr a in ul i n and 9 9 9 I, P _ r, ,, transport�tion requir�ments. ; P; Ij l', .. €'."..���. .. . ?'��j.�. . � . ��._?,,;�,. �.., . . . �'.:':... . . . � }��..,�. .. . .�. . .. �!:�': a,. .. � � � � ll:i!:.�., .. . . . . � . ..f,.,;'...' .. . . . � � i��.�'. � . � . .. . . .��i`. .. � � . .. . ' } ':I . . � � � . .. . � �� . . . . . . . � � �'I,',I f ;� � � � � ��;i �' �, . � :! �+:; � � � � ,, 14 ���i �ir ��'. . . . . � � � . .. . . . ....r( �,. .. . . . � . . . . .. � ., � .. �5 t.i �.1 . ... . . , . .. . . . .. .. . . ... ''.f � .. . .. . . ... . . � �.. . . ., . . :�'� � . �. . nu. `.. 12.].. 1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE FOR HOUSING DENSITTES IN ACCORp.ANCE WITH: a. THE APPLICABLE PLAI� POLICTES. b. THE APPLICA�I,� iAC:ATIONAL CRITERIA. c. THE APPLICABLE COMML7NITY DEVELOPME�T CODE PROVISIONS. The city has provided for a variety af housing densiti,es throughout the Tigard ci�y limits. Ths proposed development wauld help t� balance the multi-family density wi�h single family residenc�s by adding a high density designation. The following factors will be the determinants of the areas designated for high density on th:e plan map: (1) Areas which ar� not committed to low density development. (2) Areas which can be buffered from low density residential areas in order to maximize the privacy of established low densi�ty residential areas. . (3) Ar�as which have direct access from a major � aollector or arterial street. • (4) Areas which are not subject to development limi�ations. (5j Areas where the exist�.ng faciliti.es have the capacity for. additiqnal development. (6) Areas re,rithin one quarter mile of public t�ansit. (7) Axeas w�thin one quarter mile from neighborhood and general comm�rciaZ shopping centers ar business and office aenters. (8) Areas adjacent to either private or public perm�nent open space. The subject area for the pro�osed dewelopment has not been cummitted to low density development. In orc�er to maximize the buffer between the low density zone to the west of the development, a series of barriPrs will be used. A privacy fence forlowea by a green belt planted with shrubs and a row U� garages are planned> This seguential plan provides far a visual barri�r buffer first follawed by a sound barrier. 15 . � . ;� �,_ ��_ i,, . ,.;� Direct access is available from Hall Boul�evard which is: a � major collector street. Zhe site is not on a �lood glane and is relatively flat with a gentle slope north ta south. There are no developmental problem� associated with th� property. Based on a rental survey in� the area, there is a d�mand for this type of housing proposed and a demand For this type o€ housing in the im.meaiat� location of ths sige. Public tra�nsportatiora, '.�ri-Met Bus, is available an Hall Boulevard directly to the east of the project, as well as an S�ate Highway 99, 1.5 blocks to the south. The Tigard P�.aza shopping center is loGated less than one- ' � quarter mile from the site and, therefore, wit2nin �ra3king ; distance. The shapping center is anchored by a Safeway grocer� z! stAr� while ather retail sho�s provide additional specialty services. There are no areas adjacent to the site designated as permanent open space.. . '; � i �; � ;; 4i . - .. S.:':... `,,. k:-,i . � . �;���,�:� . � � '::',�. � K';i Y ,� � � ... , ��k. .. . . . . . . F:.'S . h . . . � ..�� ... . � . �ry(. � � .. . � . . ��$�'•:.:�. . � . . � � . .. �. . . � ..���."�� . . . . � . .. . .. . ,Sw . . .. . . . � ,`� 1.6 t<S . . . . . .. . � . �...tJ%,� � . . . . . � � .���4��'� . . . . . � . . . . �. - . � � � �,.�,�. � �� � __ _ __ __ � t'; t � , n + r i ,� �l _ ` -... r�� 4� i; SUMMARY ;� Rezoning of the proposed site to R-25 would enable the Y devPloper tca builcl a cornplex that would benefit the Central Business District by increasing the number of consumers ; t'. to the area� and would add to the socio-�conomic scale of the 4: �ity of Tigard by providing a higtaer qual�.ty of multi�-family living at moderate to higher rental levels. r; Rezoning of th� site wou3d be significan� due to the direct -? � acce5s to transportati.on, emp�oyment, shopping, and other services offered. In addition, the de�irability and livability �i of the s�p�cific neighborhood would be greatly enhanced by the � { �, q�aality of cqns�ructiorc and land�caping planned. . - s': . �:i 4,, 'i . i'i Ii� t, },<! 11i11 i;<, k":, ,;, tg:? l,:� �::; {;_':i �;:? �,i: �'� i;. ���,��. ��`': r;�� ts. � �;',,' �, a: �,'. . . � . � . � .. � � . � � . � �.:. ��i.. . . . . . . ' . . . . ;;: � . .1.I . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � . � � . . . � . . . . . ..� . . � . � . . . . .�N'A��y4 ..�q-� , d � �,, _ _:::-_:..��.� . ,_. . , ,_.. ..... — — — '`, - � 500 ' $ — � VACATEO 78-358 N � + 2`LOO I � o M .44 AC. - r �� i � :2s Ac. �4 � ,� I 3 � y. • 380� . � \ Z �m c�<.N o �o .30' .Ac. � \ � �so � � 6� ` ' x p� �.��'NC 3 � 2��0 700 a "2 6 A L:y • �� tio •\ M .62AC. 11 1l _ _� p � � J9 o B�K � .��A� � : N E�g � f . t ,� 5�l4� m � N d �O \ W Y1 � � � 3 � �� � � LVQ� 0 16f w . �/� �� � .�fAC. — �15 � eoa , � � � �o' � 800 900 �3 � "'i ��� � � '" � a .39 AC. .42 AG� I p� 0 r �� r M� u0 rn N a �� �,� m = i I `. � � x N I v� ,90 �, � 0 I � � 9ry ' N (�d0 �� � L*; 91.49 6S� 6�� ��— ^ 88-35899 86-35397 5 0 � \ X I � 1 N88 W � / _' � S.W �FQ►��`..� ST. ; � QO o ! � ' � � G.S. 5327 ,� I 100 1000 ./3 AC. .25 AC. /.-- - . � a� 01 f:. � � X � 2( .50 c � y ` �° Z � 19 �oo - -�� `�' � 120 25 2 .96 �70� ' .� ' � e�w � .25 AC. E /�1 5U �� � y�' . � I .S c. � � � `� � � ma° � - 00 . X .. _� . ...m .42 A . � .. W 3 a 22 W° 1400 "' °- �^� � �iv \ � = o o' /.75Ac. p \ aa � Y� .50 AC. '" n � zs 2oa.ee �p° — o J � H88 W ^ � � � I ' 300 M/L a ? ;EASEMEnT 88-96i9 � 1300 I �- c89.B5 p�i 60 •/OAC 24 1401 23 N 0 0 .TP AC. ° � i °c � ° � - — — — 3001t/L � — — — - '� 'Y20 / - e io' 0 w � C.S. 3060 0 n ; � ,� \ / � � 291.77 iO � Z I .h O � 93 -- u �01.9 __ � . . � 589°II W D02.1 . • L_Nes�w• zo9.ts FOR ASSE5SMENT PURPOSE5 ONLY z34.�e DO NOT RELY ON FOR ANY 07HER USE � 6.! �r f55 otj 'SEE MAP IS I 35DD E �9 NOMP o p'!� Q(T ' sZd•�°ajo.e�s . 0 4' � ' . , �,. , z ��L..� .,... GITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon , NOT3iCB 0F IrIlQ1L ORDffit - SY laL�lliNI1�G (�Q?�AiTS3ION i 1. Concernin Case Number a : �CE 89-10 � ( ) 2. Name of Owner: Larrv Biseett Name of Applicants Larrv Bissett 3. Addres�s 2004 NW Yr.vina St. City Portland Sta�e OR Zip 97209 4. l�ddrese of Property: 11989 SW Pacific Hiahwav Tax Map and L�t No(s) . : _1S1 35DD, tax lot 5102 5. Requeat: A reau�st €or, a Siqn Code Excet�tion to allow retention of an oversized 148.5 er.�uare foot ver face and a too tall, 30.5 foot hiqh, nonconformina, freestandina sian. The Code atandar�ds for freeetandincr eicxne in the C-G zone allow 70 sa ft ver siun facs and a maximum heiaht of 20 f�et. 6. Actian: Approval as requeeted __� Appraval with canditions SCE 89-10 �_ Denial V 89-16 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, poated at City Hall, and mailed to: X The applicant an� owner(a) X �wners of record within the required distance X The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization X Affected governmental agencieo S. Final DeGiaion: � DBCISION S�LL Bg FZ1�1L � __MAY 25, 1989 �l�iLBSS AN �lPP�liIL TS FZI.gD. The adopted findinga of fact, decision, and s�atement of canditions can be obtained from the Planning Department, T.igard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Apueal: An�r party to the decision may appeal this decision in ac�ardance � with 13.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provide� that a written appeal may be filed wi.thin 10 daye after notice ie qiven and sen�. s` The deadli.ne for filiiag of an appeal is _ MAY �5, ]AE39 �i 10. Questions: If you have any c�ueetiona, please call the City af Tigard } Planning Department, 639-4171. bkm/SCE89-lO.BKM i t �> P:'�� �• i �� �t v. F. , �,. �, --. .. __.. ._.::: _.. _ ...:_ _ ;:._.._,.._ .,.r� ,.<_...� .,..�-3 _ a ��� CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 89-11 PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH DENIES AN APPLICATION FOR A SIGN VARIANCE (V $9-16) AND APPROVES APi 1�PPLICATION FOR A SIGN CODE EXCEFTIUId (SCE 89-10) REQUESTED BY LARRY BISSETT. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on May 2, 1989. The Commiasion baseei its deciaion on the facts, findinga, and concluaions noted below. I A. F!lCTS l. General Information CASE: Sign Code Fxception SCE 89-10/Variance 89-16 (Civil Infractiona Caae No. 88-101-�) REQUEST: For approval af a Sign Variance to allow the retention of an exiating, nonconforming 30.5 foot tall, 148.5 square feet per face freestanding eign where the Community Develapment Code allows a maximum �ign height of 20 feet and a maxi.mum sign area of 70 aquare feet per aign face. COMPFtEHENSIVE PLAN AESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (Commercial General) APPLICAidT: Mr. Larry Biseett AWNER: same 2004 NW Irving Street Partland, OR 97209 LOCI�TION: 11989 S.W. Pacific Fiighway (WCTM 1S1 35DD lot 5102) 2. Backaround Information At its regular meeting on August 25, 1969, the Tigard City Council approved wi�h conditions a request for multiple� Conditional Uae permits to establish an auto service, auto parte and accesaory sales business on the eubject premises (Case no. CU 12-69). Several conditiona attaclaed to thie approval pertained to the sit�•s signage. One freestanding, non-moving sign wae permitted subject to the approval of a siq�x permit. Ordinance 69-62 specifically requ.ires that "no bannere, pennants, festoos�s of light� or other similar suspended devices used for advertiaing purposes in connection with any sign or commercial enterpri.se ia permitted." Staff notes that thia condi�i.on has been violated numerous ti.mes within the past three years. FINAL ORDER NO. 89- 11 pC - SCE 89-10/V 89-16 - PAGE 1 �`�. `�. In November, 1969, the Tigard City Council heard a request by the own�r of Woolach Tire and Auto Center (Goodyear Tire dealer) to a�tach an a3ditional, 65 �qua�re foot internally illuminated eign beneath the subject sign but euspended frum the same support s�ructure. This r�quest w�s approved in exchange for reducing the amount of wall signage for the business. Th� `Woolach sign haa since been removed. In May, 1970, the Tigard City Council considered a requ�st to amend the above-mentioned Conditional UBe Perznit to allow t?�e addi.tion af an � & Fi Gre�n �taanp sigra. addition to the eubject eign. This request. wag approved; hawever this aign too wae later remoWed from the present aupport structure. The Goodyear Tire freestanding sign has be�n considered nonconforming as of March 20, 1988, anci property and businese ownere were notified of this prior to that time. 1� voluntary com�liance aqreement was si.gned i.ndicatiaag the willingnese on the part of the applicant to take some actian ta rect;ify the noncanforming siqn once the City notified him of the adoption of new sign ordinance regulations. i Qrdinance 88-20 .incorporated nuc�erous new regulatiana into the aign � ende. It became effective on AuguBt 26, 1988. The City o£ficially � notified lausinees and property owner� of the new aign code adoptian in � Segtember, 1988. ! The property and busin�ss ownere have been cited for the following nonconformities: 1. Too high f ree�tanding sign, a violation of Section 18.114.13D(C) (1) (d) . 2. Overaize (area) frees�anding eign, a violation of Section 18.114.130(C) (1) (h) and (c) . Sign drawinge found in the above Conditional Use applic:ation file reveale that the eign measurements are 30 feet six inches high, with a sign cabinet measuring 27 feet long by 5.5 feet high for a total sign area ger face of 148.5 square feet or a total sign area of 297 square feet. The eubject sign has an eight foot deep footing. This drawing was approved by the City Recorder on August 25, 1969. 3. tlic.�nitv Information Propertiee to the east, weet and north are all zoned and developed C-G (Commercial General). Propertiee directly to the northwest are zoned and develqped C-P (Commercial Profeseional). Properties to ths eouth are zoned and Developed ae CBD-AA (Central Bueineas Dietrict, Action Overlay). �. FINAL ORDER NO. 89- 11 PC - SCE 89-10/V g9-16 - PAGE 2 ;° •, {;� ��; F,� � � . . � . . �.�� � . . . . . � . . �� � . �� . . . . . ... � .�',� � � 4. Site Information The �it� is presentl� oacupied by a one-�story, 7500 squ�re foot ,. automobile tire retail buainess ref�rred to in the Code as an sutomotive and equipment: repairs, light equipment us�s. The aite accupies a narrow frantage on S.W. Pacific Highway and the freestanding sign stands at the i southwestern corner of the property. The subjeat siqn standa about 5 fQet away fzom the front property line. i I 5. Acrenev and NpA Comments ! I The City Engineering and Building Divisione, and the State of Oregon Highway Aivi�ion have all reviewed the proposal and have no objec�iona to it. IJo other comments were receiv�d. B. FINDING3 HND OONCLl7SIQ�NS The app].ican� is reqaiesting approval of a Siqn Variance; however in hia statement the applicant argues that the sign i� juetified based on� ths �pproval criteria for a Sign Code Exception. The Community nevelopment Code provides two major categories of relief from its sign atandards, namely, a Sign Code Exception and a Sign Variance. The Sign Code Excep�ion procesa v�ill allow increases with reepect to the dimenaional atanelard� ��f vZ°n� Sign Code withiri apecified limita. A Sign Varian�e analysis can provide an applicant extraor�inary relief over anc� above what a Sign Code Exception may provide. Therefore, etaff will review thiB request based on the variance approval critsria given below.An ana►lyais of the applicable Sign Code Exception criteria will follow. Variance to Siqn Code � Section 18.1�4.050 of the Code containa criteria whereby tlne Commisaion can approve, appxove with modifications or deny a Variance request. They are: (1) The proposad variance will no�t be materially detrimental to the purpc�ses of this Code, be in conflict with the policiee of the Comprelaenei.ve Plan, to any other applicable policies of the Commun- ity Development Code, to any other applicable policies and atanda.rds, and to other propertieg in the eame zoning dietrict or vicinity. (2y There are special circumatances that �xist which are peculiar to the lot size or ehape, topographx or other circumetances c�ver FINAL ORAER NO. 89- 11 PC - SCE 89-10/V 89-1G� - PAGE 3 � ykd. . ���V.... which the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to dther praperties in th� aame zoning c3istrict; (3) The uee proposed will be the sam� as permitted under thie Code and City s�andarda will be maintained to the greates�t extent poasible, while permitting aome economic uae of the lan.d; (4) Exis�ing phyai�al and natural systems, euch as but not limited to t�affic, drainage, dramatic land forms or parks wi11 not be adveraely affected any more than woulei occur if the development were located ae specf.fied in �he Cac3e; and (5) Th� hardahip is nat self-imposed and the variance requeated is the minimum varianc� which would �11.eviate the hardship. a) Sign Height Variance Staft cantende that the proposed Vaxiance aa set forth by the applicant m�y in fact be materially detrim�ntal to �he purposes of this Code. 5taff agrees with the applicant'e desire for a talZer sign ao as to enhance visibility of the aubject eign; however ataff do�s not think it is necessary to have such a tall sign and sti11 maintain visibility to motoriets. The sign also do�e not qualify ae a freewa�-orien�ed sign ae sL•ipulat�d in the Code l�ecauae af its distance from State Highway 217. Exieting physical and natural systems wiil not be affscted by this vari.ance propasal. Staff agre�a witE� the applicant that a lowered eign measuring 20 feet in height would be blanketed by the adjace�nt Joy Theater marquee and possibly the Oregon �ank roof whiah would result in a canfliat with the purposes of the Sign Gode. Staff doe�s not agree that the sign, as i:�. now atands, i� fully blanketed by either the marquee or the bank roof. The hardahip attributed to this caae is not sel.f-impc�sed laut rather is a reeult of the amortization claue�� contained in the Sign Code. The height variance reques�ed, however, is not the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. The etaff recommende denial of the height Variance as propoeed. � t A lower sign would permit City e�andards to be maintained to �he ; greatest extent poesible while still permitting the economic viability of the eign. This option ie discuesed below with the Sign Code Exception ; criteria below. 1I � b) Sign Area Variance The freeatan�ling eign cabinet at the Goodyear Tire atore meaeuree 5 feet '' � 6 inches tall by 27 feet wide. These meaeurements produce a sign face area of 148.5 aquare feet. Th� total siqn area of 297 square feet ia 212 ' percent in exceee of what the Sign Code allowe for a freestanding eign in th� C-G zone (140 square feet totaY). FINAL ORDER NO. 89- �1 PC - SCE 89-10/V 89-16 - �AGE 4 ;� � E i f t r{ � . . . . . . � . � � � . . .. _ .. .. . � � ���..I » „ f'.� r` 5 ��a.,.:�.. {�ti,... As with eign height, the hardship is not self-im�osed. But the applicant has not met the otk�er criter.ia for retaining the larger sign area. The sign area of the existing aign is not the minimum sign variaace which would alleviate the hardshi,p. Because thore is no evidence to euggeat that a smaller aign would n�t be adequately visible, an examination of the Sign Code Exceptian approval crite:ria could result in a compramised sign area. Sian Code Exception Sect3.on 18.114.145(A) of Tigard's Community Development Code containa the c�iteria whereby the Planning Commisei,on can approve, approve with modifications or deny an application for a Sign Code Exception. They are: (1) Th,e propcased exceptian to the height limits in the Si.qn Code ie neceseary to make the eign visible from the street because �of the tapography of the eite, and/or a con£orming building or siga on an ac3jacen� property woixld lirnit the view of a sign erected on the aite in conformance with Sign Code �tandards; I (2) 1� eecond freestanding sign ie neceasary to adequately identify I a busineee or premiees that ie oriented towarde a primary atr�et I bu� whoee main acce�s is from a secondary street; I (3) Up to an. additional 25 percent of sign area or heigk�t may be permitted when it is determined that the increase will not deter from the purpoee of this Ct�aptez�. This increase shauld be judged II accor�ding to specific needa and circumstancea which necessi.tate j additianal area to make the sign eufficiently legiblo. The � increase(e) ehall not conflict with any other nondimensional , standards or restrictions of the Chapter; ;'i (4) The propoaed si�n is consiatent with the criteria aet forth in Subsection 18.114.130(g) of this Chapter;. (5) The proposed exception for a second freestanding aign on an interior lot ie necee�ary because all of the following apply: (�►) The combined height of both aigne ehall not exceed 150 percer�t of t;he sign height normally allowed for one freeatanding sign in the same zoning diatricty howevex, ' neither �ign shall exceed the height narmally allowed in the sam� zoning diatrict; (B) Neither sign will pose a viaion cleaxance prob�lem or will project intn the public right-of-way; (C) Total combined efgn area for both eiqns shalL not exceed 150 percent of what ie normally allowed for one freestanding eign in the same zoning dietrict; how�ver, nei�her ehall FINAL ORDER PIO. 89- 11 PC - SCE 89-10/Y 89-16 - PAGE 5 �: k `a. exce�d the height normally allowed in the eame zaning dietrict. In addition to the cr.iteria in eubaection La) of tha.s seation, the Commiseian, or in the case of an Administra�ive Exception, the Director, shall review all of the exist3.ng or prc�pnsed �ignage for the develapment and its relat-ianehip to the int�nt and purpoee of thia Chapter. As a condition of approval, the Commigsion or Director may requir�: (].) Removal or a�.�eration of nonconfoz�ming signe to achieve complxance with the etandaxds contain�d in this Chapter; (2) Rema�wal or alterat.ion of conforrning signs in o�der to es�ablish a consistent sign de�ign thraughout the developm�nt; and (3) Applicati�n far eign permits for eigns erected without pexmit� or removal of such illegal sign�. Sign Code Exception criteria (A) (1) abave allows additional sign h�iqht in ord�r to prevent other aonforming buildinge or signa from abstructing the view of a nign. The applicant maintains that the Joy Theater marquee wauld block the vier,v of fch� aubject sign by the westbound lanes of SW Pacific Highway and the roof of the 3ecuritx Pacific Bank would block the view of the Goodyear Tire eign by the eastbound lanea if it is required to be 20 feet in height. Several of the Siqn Code Exception approval crf.teria are r�elevsnt to thi� case with respect to sign area. Sign Code Exception criteria (A) (3) in section 18.114.145 enables the Planning Commiseion to grant an increase in sign area of up ta 25 p�rcent, rc�sulting in a sign area per face of �7.5 square feet. 5ign Code Exception criteria (A) (4) enablea the Commission to grant an increase of up to an additioaal 50 percent, which would result in a sign face of 105 equare feet or a total sign area of 210 ec,{uare feet. Hawever, this area may not contain eign copy. The eite could not qualify as a ehopping center or a ahopping plaza, both of which usea are afforded specific opportunitiea for sign area increases in the Code. Staff sees no reaeon why the bueineas owner should be denied sufficient, but not excessive, height with which to di�play his eign. The roof of the Seeurity Pacific bank may in fact block the view of the aubject sign if the sign were r�duced to a height of ZO feet. It appears to etaff that a sign height of 25 feet would be aufficient to di�play the eign. Staff recammencle denial. of the Variances for sign height and area but recommends approval of a Sign Code Exception �o a11nw a eign �vith a maximum height uf 25 feet and an area of up to 87.5 equare feet. Thie would be coneistent with 5ign Code Excsption crit�ria (A){1) and (3). FINAL ORDER NO, $9-11 PC - SCE $9-10/V 89-16 - PAGL 6 �. t.;�� C. IDBCISION Based upon the findings and conclueions noted above, the Planning Cotamieeion DENIES Variance V 89-16 but APPROVES (SCE 89-10) subject to the fallowing conditions: l. LA�SS& O'�SSRFIISS B(�BD, �lLL OOimITIO�S OP' �SIIS 11Pf�tOVlIL S�lI,�. BB I�T PRIOIt T'O 4 P.24,, June 30, 1989. 2. The applicant or hie agent shall obtain a eign permit to redua� the existing eign height ta a maximum of ?.5 fseto STP,FF CONTA�T: DebQrah I Stu3rt, Planning Diviaion (639-4171). 3. The applicant or hia �gent shall be allowed to retain �he esria�ing sign ar�a to a total of no moxe than 175 square feet (57.5 eqo ft. per side . STAFF CO - NTACT: Deborah Stuart Plannin Division 639 4171 . ) . 9 ( ) 3. Shou13 �he appl�can� not obtain a aign permit, the subject eign and aign et�uctur.e ahall be removed prior to the date given abovee STAF'�' Ct�NTA�T: D�borah Stuart, Planning Divieion (639-4171). 4. This apprnval is valid if exarcised prior to the expiration date given gbove. Failure to meet the above date for e3:ith�r a new sign perm�.t or a new or modified sign or compl�te removal of the aign and aign s�ructure ehall render this approval invalid ancl may inetigate ciwil I! infractiona proc�dw�es. I� � Yt ie further ordered that the applicant be notified af the entr.� o:E this nrder. PASSED: �hie � �� day of May, 1989, by the Planning Commis�ion of tlie City of Tigard. ' (�� [�G� i��i'�- Donald A. Maen, President Tigard Planning Commission FINAL ORDER NO. 89-�j],_ PC - SCE 89-10/V $9-lb - PA�E 7 ', � �- STAFIr REPORT AG�G�BNDA ITSK 5_4 MAY 2, 19$9 TIGARD PL'ANNING CONII+IISSION TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVA. TIGARD, �REGON A. FPDGTS 1. General Information CA�E: Sign Code Exception SCE �9-10/Variance 89-16 (Civil Infractions CaRe No. 88-101-Z) Z2EQUEST: For a�>proval of a Sa.gn Variance to a11ow the retention of an � exiating, nonconforming 30,5 foot tall, 148.5 equare feet per face freestanding sign where the Cornmunity Development Code allows a maximum sicyn height of 20 feet and a maximum sign axea of 70 eguare feet per sign face. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commeraial General ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (Commercial General) APPLICANT: Mr. Larry Bissett OWI�ER: same 2004 NW Irving Street Portland, OR 97204 �OCATION: 11989 S.W. Pacific Highway {WCTM lsl 35DD lot 5102) 2. Backaround Information At its r�gular meeting on Auguat 25, 1969, the Tigard City Council approved with conditions a requeat for multiple Conditional Use permits to establish an auto service, auto parts and acceseory sales buainess on the subject premises (Case no. CU 12-69). Several conditione attached to thie approval p�rtained to the site�s signage. One freestanding, non-moving sign was pernaitted subject to the approval of a sign permit. Ordinance G9-62 apecific:ally requires that "no banners, pennants, festoons of lights or other aimilar suspended devices uaed for advertising purpose� in connection with any sign or commercial enterprise ie permitted." Staff notee that thie condition has � been viola�ted numerous times within the past three years. STAFF REPQRT - SCE 89-10/V 89-16 - GOODYEAR TIRE - PAGL 1 � In Navember, 19690 the Tigard City Council heard a requeet by thQ own�r of Woolach Tire and Auto Center (Coodyear Tire dealer) to attach an additional, 65 equare foot �nternally illuminated aign beneath the aubject eign but suspended from the eame suppo�rt struature. This rec�uest was agproved in exchang� for reducing the amount of wal� signage for the busineae. The Woolach sign haa since been removed. In May, 1970, the Tigard City Council coneidered a request to aanend the above-mentioned Conditional Use Permit to allow the addition af an S & H Gre�n Stamp eiqn additian to the subject aign. This r�quest was approved; haw�ver thie sign too was later removed from the preeent support etructure. The Goodyear Tire �zeestanding sign has been considered nonconforming �e of March 2a, i988, and prop�rty and buainesa owner•s were notified of thie grior to that time. A voluntary compliance agreement was eignsd indicating the willingnesa on the part of the applicant to take some action to rectify �he nonannforming sign once the City notbfied him of the adoption of new eigra ordinance regulation�. Ordinance SS--20 inaorporated numernus new regula�ione into the sign code. It became effoctive on Auguet 26, 1988. The City officially notified buainese and property owners of the new sign cade adoption in September, 1988. The prapsrty and bueineas owners have been cited for the following nonconformitiae: 1. Too high freeetanding sign, a violation of Section 1f3.114.130(C) (1) (d) . 2. C)vereiz� (area) freeetanding sign, a violation of Section 1Ei.114.130(C) (1) (b) and (c) . Sign drawings found in the above Conc3itional Uae applicatian file reveala that the eign measurements ar� 30 feet six inches high, with a eign cabimet measuring 27 feet long by 5.5 feet high for a total sign area per �ace of 148.5 aquare feet or a total. sign area of 297 equare feet. The subject sign has an eight foot de�p footing. Thie drawing was approved by the City Recorder an August 25, 1969. 3. Vicinitv Information Propertiee to the eset, weet and north are all zoned and dQVeloped C-G (Commsrcial General). Properties directly to the northweat are zoned and developed C-P (Commercial Professional). Properties to the south are zoned and Develop�d ae CBD-F�A (Central Buainees ►�istrict, Action Overlay) . 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