Planning Commission Packet - 04/04/1989 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �.:, t TIGARD Pz�aixG cQrsrsavsao�a APRIL 4, 1989 - 7:30 PM TIGARD CIVIC CENTER - �'OWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD� OREGON , �I 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL �ALL 3. APPROVE MINUTES F'ROM MARCH 21, 1989, HEARING. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 89-04, VARIANCL V 89-04 UTAH STATE RETIREMENT BOARD NPO � 8 A request for g variance to allow a freeatanding sign to be located within the riqht-of-way of SW Oak Streot in front of the Plaza F7est building. Section 18.114.070 of the Community Development Code prohibit� signa other than gove�nmental aign from being erected within a public riqht-of-way. Zonings C-P (Professional Comme�cial) LOCPITIAt1: 9600 SW Osk (WCTM 131 35BD Tax Lot 100= . This item was tabled by the Commiesion on 3/'21/89. 5.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 89-02, ZONE CHANGE ZC 89-02 SAPIDERS (PLANNING RESOURCES, INC.) NPO � 6 Requee� for a Compr�henaive Plan Amena.ment fr.om Medium Density RQaidential to Medium-High Density Reeidential and a 2one Change from R-12 (Reeidential, 12 unita/acre) to R-25 (Residential, 25 unite/acre) for approxitnately 4.27 acres. The I� remainder of trie parcel is deaignated Mediwa-High Den�ity Residential and ie zoned R-25. LOCATION: Laetern half of 11165 SW Naeve Street (WCTM 2S1 lODS, eastern half of tax lot 200). S.3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMEPIDMLNT CPA 89-03, VARIANCE V 89-03 DWALL STREET (RIVERWOOD PROPERTIES) NPO � 4 A requeet for a C�mprehensive Plan Amendmex�t fram Low-Denaity Reeidential to General Commercial and a Zone Change from R-3.5 (Reeidential, 3.5 unita/acre) to C-G (General Commercial) for ap�roximately 6.4 acres inaluding propertfes on either �ide of Duvall Street weat of SW '72nd Ave. LOCATION: WCTM 1S1 36DC, Tax LOta 60D, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, �9(�0, 2000, 2100, and intervening public right-of-way. , 6. OTIiER BUSIIJE3S � � � 1 s 7. ADJOURNMENT � � , F � . � � .. . . � . -{ . _ . �: � TiG�RD PLi!lIIIIlfG OQ�ISSIO� �i/LlilR �I11G - AP1tT� 4� 1389 1. Vice President P'yre called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. fihe maeting was held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon. 2. I�OLL CALLe Prssent: Vice President Fyre; Commisaioners Barber, Castile, Leverett (arrived 7:35), Peterson, Rost,orough, and Saporta. Abnent: Commiasioners Moen and Newton. Staff: Senior Planner Keith Liden; Planning Secretary Dians M. Jelderks. 3. 1lPPltdV1�L OF MIIiOTBS Gommiseioner Barber moved and Commissioner Peterson seconded to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously by Commissionera present. 4. PLlilNNING OO�IIiISSI01� OQ?II�lIINIC�TION o There was no communication. 5. PIIBLIC HS�iRINGS 5.1 SIGN OODB FYCSPTIOH SCS 89-04, Vl�RIANCB V 89-04 IIT1�S �TS RETIRSl�IiT SOARD NPO � 8 A r�equest for a variance to all.ow a freeatanding sign to be located within the right-nf-way of SW Oak Street �.n front of the P].aza Weat building. SQCtion 18.114.070 of the Commun3.ty Development Code prohibits signs oth�er than governmental aign from being erected within a public right-of-way. Zoning: C-P (Professional Commercial) LOCATION: 9600 SW Oak (WCTM 1S1 35BD Tax Lot 10�) . This itear was tabled by the Commission on 3/21/89. Commiseioner Leverett arriYed Senior Planner reviewed the proposal and made staff's recommendation for denial. He atated tha� eince the Commission had reviewed this a� their March 21st hearing and different members are present the �ublic hearing ehould be reopened. PiPPI�IC�NT'S PRB�gNTXTIQN o tda one appeared to speak. YIIBLIC TSSTIlfOIiY o No one appeared to speak. PL�lNNING �O�iI33IOH lIIA�UTBS - �PRIL 4, 1989 - P21GS 1 PIIBLYC HSARING CIA3RD o C�mmieaioner Caetile favorced the proposal with conditions proposed at the previous hearing. He felt that this was not a normal right-of-way. � o Commission�r Saporta had previouely oppoaed the request, however, after visiting the site he felt it would be difficult to aonatruct another �ype of sign. He favored the proposal with conditiona previously proposed. o Commissioners Rosborough, Leverett, and Fyre agreed and favored the proposal. o Commissioner Barber and Peterson oppoaed the prapoeal. They did not feel a sign should be p�rmitted in the public right-of-waye * Commiasioner Castile moved and Commiseioner Saporta seconded to approve SCE 8�-04 and V 89-04 with the foll.awing conditions: i 1. The exieting sign is to be removed. 2. The new aign will be constructed ae proposed. I 3. The electrical line wi1:1 be moved. 4. The sign will be subject to a license. 5. The applicant will obtain a atreet opening permit. 6. No freeway oriented sign will be permitted on the eite. Motion paesed by majority of Commissioners present. Commissianere Barber and Peterson voting no. 5,2 C�l�R�TSIVS PI.�IN Ati6Ai19MB1iT CPA. 89-02, ZONS CHANGg 8C 89-02 S1�NDSRS (PL�1�iNING RgSODRCSS, INC.) NPO # 6 Requeet for a Comgreheneive Plan Amendmen�t from Medium D�neity Residential to Medium-High Denaity Residential and a Zone Change from R-12 (12esidential, 12 unita/acre) to R-25 (Residential, 25 units/acre) for approximately 4.27 acres. The remainder of the parcel ie designated Medium-High Density Residential and is zoned R-25. LOCATION: Eaei:ern half of 11165 SW Naeve Street (WCTM 2S1 10DB, eastern half of tax lot 200) . Senior Planner Liden reviewed the propoeal and made sta�f's recommendation for approval. Adding that the primary concern was for traneport�tion and the effect it would hav�e on Sumanerfield. Diecueeion followed with Commissioners regarding the history around the rezoning of the Albertsons' site and haw the property ended up with a eplit zone. 19PPLICIiINT'3 PRgS�NTATION o Bill Sandera, 22362 Bents Street NE, Aurora, OR 97002, explained that their representative had not arrived and they would like the opportunity for him to lbe able to speak. He �tated that they had purchased the property in 1950 and had operated a nureery businese until 1975 when the State took away their water righte. Now they were trying to aell thR prope�rty and findi.ng it difficult because of the split zoning. PLl�NNING (�O�IISS�ON MINUTSS - 11PRIL 4, 1989 - P�GB 2 PII�I,IC TBSTT!l�NY a Dave At�sinaon, 10460 SW Century Oak Dxiv�, Tigard, OR 97224, a Summerfield resident, stated he had been involved in the denaity planning process for eleven years. Hie primary concern was for traffic. He atated that Naeve �oad at 109ith had been intended to be block off to p�otect the residential area o� Summerfield. He es�plained thait Summerfi�eld is unique and because of the golf cart traffic does not have normal traffic patterns. He disagreed with staff's eeti,mate regarding traffic. He questioned why NPO � 6 was required to abeorb the increased deneities resulting from th� rezoning of the Alberteons' development, o Jane Miller, 10920 SW Highland, Tigard, OR 97224, agreed with Dave Atkinson and added that both she and Dave had aerved on NPO � 6 when the henaive Plan wae first im lem�nted. She op�osed increasing the Com re P P erfield. She read a rtion of the traffi c im act to Summ P� deneit because p Y of a letter which had been directe�i to Phil Paeteris, former NPO � 6 Chairperaon, fram Randy Wool.ey, City Engineer, regarding traffic concerns. She read and eubmitted into the record a petition from the residente of �he Fountains opposing the density chanqe. o Rick Givens, Planning Resourcea, Inc., 3681 SW Carmen, Lake Oswego, Or, 97035, representing the Sandere, reviewed the proposal and difficul�ies they were er�countering with the split zoning. He atated that their goal was not to increaee deneity but to allow for homogeneous development. The roade are designed to handled the proposed density. He added that the adjoining property had b�en purchased by a church which indicat�s that it will probably be dgvelopment as a church facility. He concluded that the density requeeted is compatible with th� surrounding area and requssted tt;at ths Planning Commiesion recommend approval. o �iscuas3.on followed with staff and the Commi�ssion regarding the split xoning, approval criteria, �pproval based on specific plan, and blocking o£¢ 109th and Naeve Road. PIIBLIC HB�iRING CI.OSgD o Consensus of the Commission was to leave the zoning ae is. Diecusaion followed regarding the poesibility of allowing the site to develop by combining the densities, which would allow 15 to 18 units per acre tor the entire site. Diacuesion on the type of recomm�ndation that could be made. * Commissioner Castile moved and Commiesioner Leverett aeconded to recommend dsnial of CPA 89-02 and ZC 89-02. Motion carried unanimously by Commiaeioners preeent. * Commiseioner Caetile moved and Commiesioner P��eraon seconded to recommend to City Council that eome typ� of inethod be worked out to average �he density and allow develnpment of 15 units per acre over the entire site to allow for a uniform devel.apment. Motion carried bx majority of Commisaionere present. Commieeioners Barber, Rosborough, and Saporta voting no. pL�l1�TpYNG t7Q�QII3SI�DN li'iINUTSS - l�PRIL 4, 19$9 - PAGB 3 RECESS $:50 PM RECO�NE 8sb5 PM 5.3 (70l�R�NS3VS I�I� 1lt�NDl�NT CPA 89-03, VARIANCE V 89-03 DIIVl�LL STRA3BT (��VSRWOOD PRpPgRTISS) NPO # 4 A request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low-Deneity Reeiden�ial to General Commer.cial and a Zone Change from R-3.5 (Reaid�ntial, 3.5 units/acre) to C-G (General Commercial) for approximately 6.4 acres including propertiea on either aide of Duvall Street west of SW 72nd Ave. LOCATION: WCTM 1S1 36DC, Tax Lote 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, and intervening public right-of-way. Senior Planner Liden xeviewed the proposal, the hiatory of the Tigard Triangle, and made etaff's recommendation for approval. ?IPPLICaIiT'S PR�S$NTATION ; o Gordon Davis, 1020 SW Taylor, Portland, OA, Riverwood Propertiss explained that it has been clearly recognized that the Tigard Triangle will development with commercial and office uses. In 1986 a propoeal wae made where a portion of a neighborhood requested rezoning and it was made clear by the City that an entire neighborhood needed to convert at one time and this ie what they are proposing. Regarding the NPO's concern if the deal falls through, he felt �he City would initiate a chang� back to resadential. PIIBLIC TS3�IMiUNY o Dick George, 7435 SW Duvall, one of the propertiee etated that all of the neighbors are in favor of the change, however, they do not want to be left having to pay commercial assessed values on reeidential property if the deal falls through. o Bill Horne, 7160 SW Baylor, oppoeed the requeet. He stated he wae already having a problem with cars parking along both eide of Baylor. He wanted his neighborhood to remain reaidential. PIJBLIC HSAAING CIASBD o Consensus of Commission wae for approval. Commissioner Castile was concerned regarding the trend that individuals would have rlifficulty in aonvgrting their property to commercial and that outside big developers would be the only onee who would gain from thia procees. * Commissioner Barber moved and Commiaeianer Caetile moved to forward a .' racomtuendation for approval to City Counci.l, aleo r�ecommendinq that a �; condition be added whi.ch would allow for the properties to change b�ck to re�idential if the deal would fall through. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners preeent. PLAIiNIN� COlQSISSION 1�IINOTSB - APRIL 4, 1989 - PAGB � i; k `� 6. � BYTSINS3S o Registration for a Planning Commiseion Training Program ox� Saturday, May 13, 1989, at the Red Lion Inn, Portland Center. o The Commiegion requested ataff to inveetigate the poaeibflity of having a atudy seasion prior to the gublic hearing. I 7. - AD.70IIR1�NT 9:25 P14 �, �,� Diane M. Jelder , Secretary ATTE f re, Vice resident �� dj/PCM4-4 PI.�NHING OQlII�lISSION lIIN�'1'SS - AP1tIL 4, 1989 - P!litig 5 i f� pLAATNING CONl�IISSIOAT ROL3, CP�LL IiEARING DAZ`E: � / � STAI2TING TTi�E: / �� v COMMISSIONERS ,�O DONALD MOEN VLASTA BA^ �R JAMES CASTILE ___��'� MILT FYRE _� DEANE LEVERETT _� GREG NEWTON �DAVE PLTERSOId � DAPI ROSBOROUGH _!�� HARRY SA,PORT�i ' ( � I i ST'AE'F PRESENT: .��fJ,/� ���v i �1`°-`�c-- -- ! _ G � i 1 4 s ! � ! dj/PC—ROLL f t { � t _ _ _, _ � TIMES QU�LISHCNG COMPANY ���, PA.BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 Notice �_6868 BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075 �������� I � l�egal Notice Adverfi�ing �IR�R. 2'� 1Q8� + ' CITY OF TIGARD ' ❑ �'esrsheet Notice C9iY�r 76�1�� � PO BOX 23397 • ❑ Duplicate Affidavit TIGARD, QR 97223 • • �• . ,. - �-�,� . ; Tlie 3oilowT�►B vvill be�esic�'���;�d P�B�'•�a8'Co�miss►o�l��pril'. '�t�n�3,1�?25 S�'H811 AFfID�►VI� OF PllBLtCATION 4,1989>'at 7:30 PM at tlie Ti���C���� -� _ Bivd.,Ti;ard,0�8�Hoth pi�b"t�c oral and w��tea test�cnon3�is invcted Th� STATE OF OREGON, ) pub}ic he8zit►8 on th�s=ma�r`ahli be condasted in aceoFda�ice wai�+ E�►e GOUNTY OF WASHINGTON, )gs' rWes ot(;fiapter 18 32 oi the Tigacd-Muntctpsi Code.a�td����pFQ�=� �ur�oi the Plsaning C�i►mmL�i°n-Failuse to raise a_,��e in'�+et�nn or bY �, ELAINE PETROGEORGE !i�.precYuc�es an,appeal,,and failure'io specify the critarl�f���� Developnient�de o� C.oinW'ehens►ve P�n at w3ic11�s�- bei�g first duly sworn, depose and say that i am the Advertising ���� based;on that'cntesiu�. �w�l►er Director, or his principal clerk, of the T I G A R D T I ME S ����t�_�'�� ������ �� Div�si q n at k31�5 S�� :iniomoaiios_maY be�aed:ifom theP�onlp8 a news pa per of generai circula t'� n defined in ORS 193.0�0 �7Z2s,o�by calling 638-l1�t _ TQIG�D ir.the � .�iv�:TiBaTd;'0�° - - and'193A20• ublished at .: � _; - aforesaid cou ty and state;that the P���G MENT CPA-89 tl2,��I�SE�t��`'�� . ` P�i�T�G „�' ���T6 �i9=�C,� CAMPR�HENSIVE PI:At3 AMEND , _ �88-02.SA,NDER� (�'LA�iNiN�.1t�50U.R�CF�,INC�Ni?O#6 Re��.•��"� _ a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the �p�e�ive P1sn L�nen�ment f�n M�d� ���'�°�� �iea4it�r�A�at�ifi�ana a�on�C'.t�a�t��i���d�n- entire issue of said newspaper for ONE successive and >= ��� �.u�ts�lacne���a���' consecutive in the following issues: •� �`�a�������(�����t d+er�fitT►e.������ � �?.sixes o��8��sc�P�r The'�° °�R 25 Lt3CA'i��i ���6� xe MUec�t����°R�a�.4���� f. � MARCH 2 3� 19�9 ..: ��Tse¢e ��M.��i�i�1B.�•,���`��lo��) 4 � �i:i����TD�'����ZAN���8;�� '�_ ; 88��03fi?f3V�t.�.ST1����IIt'VdO�H"�Rt3R������r�. :; ibr'a t�Pt�et�i1��'Atine�t�dment ir+am�a�t�i����'�1�° ' �,�" �0�-� � ��3.5 �[iag�t'��1''"�3 ` ��oae Clo��►S��'or ro��mate`I�-��,��c�s.� = - �� '� ° unit�l�+e�-°�c�-���ner� C�tnn�er�i�t� �p ��t����1�e `' LOC,�i�It� �'�of�-ei�he'�rt side aji 73�v�t1 Stre�f' at Subscrib nd swo to befor�me t • �CH �4, 1989 ` (V�I°1�F��1 36�-����'��'g�`�'�-���'`1'tQ4,`���1����+ 1vF $900 2�� aAd-Iafe�en3�g�, ��0,�� I�t�Q. 3� ��BU. , + -�_ . � � - ���� : y ' i • � � �� �ra�!�- ?$� �' A �• ;,���sa�1�+Ct#�'��!�N�',�DMENT CP.3�89-A��G����'< � No ry PubEic for Oregon : ��,�or�;��P�����������at�rot6��'� : -�.��aClieu����t Residenti�3•and�zt�ne����' �r�,�i} �r.,��5 :�Reslden#fal�, ���d�����'Ar �'15 My Commission Expires: 9/2t�/g 2 ! ��,�'�t3lst�°t15t15=3.���5��� �vil. ('����L��35�t�fi��'��� - AFFIDAVIT � ' -�` ` "" ` �t , � �-,�pu"1��tu�c7►�,� �_ _ __ .�,� _.:.,, ,_ : _ ' t� '-� - ` � : � _ .:5, - -� - .. - w - � - - .. un y u � T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N _ � � � NOTICE: . ALL PERSONS DESI22ING TO SPEAK ON AN�' ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address on t�is sheet. (please Print y'our name) ITEM�bESCRIPTION: ��� � ��� �� ��C� � ���"��T-.�._��7-/l'�!�')C�t)T'" �• ' . � ` , PROPONENT (For) . OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation . „ �i � . _ _ _ _ _ __ .. _ .._. _._ — 4a S �"cr.�-s � �� ,�� � �� • ,� � �t j ���1,5 _ ...-�j �' / /L ///�'G7�/�L'�� /. .��� .r.._�. lr -�., �-�' �G�E�G�i �/lr�re..�e�,. .�. /1%U�� �I�2�v� /�L�U/t'�� /Y!.-i/1��. �/l��- �/,�oy��`�i-<'7�9 v --� �--� 6�-�T�o�y�. -.�-.������i� ����'�r�� �—�' 0«t,�.�n� G�,,��/�� .--� ��� � ��"�`�� ���' ' _w._ , � �, ` � c�q�C�l�J'UYt'�� lJ�2/���5 � �l?'777��G�t-/�/-� ?cil�l�o v��G"!'/,�i� � ��c�G�`9 ///,(Er��c�("-_ ��7 �G'7,7:�/�'��J'" _ . , � �--j¢���G�/C C�'Yi !�� d �'1li1� � =-�J�.'l'�--�-� � �l"/d� � ? ��r r�m�f/���°l� �-��S � � .. . . . . .. .. . . . . � .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . ... ... ... . ... . .. . . . .. . LL7 1 L� T/�// � (����. TIGARD PLANNING COMMI SS ION -'�'7T'T ,;,.. - ��i `•� NOTICE: . ALZ PER�uONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUS°r SIGN TAEIR NAME and note their address on this shee�. (please Print your name) I'�EM/bESCR3PTI�ON: ��" ��"v� Z� Q � "��' . , � h �PS� . ��� � / (� � St�c.� `��a,e��e.. ';i � PROPONENT (Forj • OPPOI3ENT (against) � �. Name, Address and A.ffiliation Name, Address and Af�iliation ��� � � � - ��os� � �'� �� ° ��,��`- a .��' �r7` �'�� � �l``� �J�, k , y , . . ^ �°� � ...; �, / s3 7�' ._s r.�J ���rt C"�f��l�� lC-I�� -�I�'�'C-. l`� l" ,4!'�9 l��`!� G— �°.� �c.�a-�� �.> � �. _ /• �.-�L�,n.fG� ��,., n S �. ' � � � �,�� �-�� G "z_��°�� ;; ,. � . ^„�,'�.,,�:,,'�a�';m,-.�.rl+✓�'�„� -.�S ......�, ,... «,�.. , � _. �,, - .,.�..,.,,.,,. .�l ���`- j�- _.. "' �r-1"� t-���.4�/C� Y`�,+...,`��.....�r y!�� � ��`¢6 I��. �cu:f:';:&Ye•X,:^°"" '"..,�n.w. _ �"�:sW»in+.�,._,. •R�.(�-� '� , lJ""'�6'� �„� `�-N ���%,�a� �. � . � : i 3' c .•�r'��/C.:� ��' � �r ✓/ r�. t _� ' � . l --�`I��Jr�'t-� ; � . � � ��.� .. �..�.�� f � � 7� S'�c�,���i��^�'l f � ' � _ , � � -° -� [ . - ,,. `. f-/�-e �,�'��k�,:� k � ��L l o � .�G�. l��� ��-�'� /� 1 . � � ; I 1 � . ,:,,: : �..- .� �:..�, . . .. .�� ....�....., �.:..� .. ! .. . . .. .... .. , � ' . .. . . .. . . .... . ... .. ... . - . . .... . .. .. ...:. ...„ .. ... :i �JA1L T I G A R D P L A. N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N - i r �. . FJOTIGE: . ALL PERSONS DESIItING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST STGN THEIR IdAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Pri.nt your name) ITEM/bFSCRIP�ION: -� Y �� �V_3 .� � . � PROPONENT (For) . OPQONEN� (against) Name, Address and Affili.ation Name, Acldress and Affiliatiora ► �cK � - 7 � r.�1"D�l � i L.L ,�'�,,�°"J � �/�O � � � .�/Z �i'�..n i� {. . . .; `; . ,, , k.� . CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NO�I�B �F FIl� ORDffit - B% PI.2lNBIlAG (d�A?�SISSION 1. Conaerning Case Number(e): SCE 89-04 and' V 89-04 I 2. Name of Owner: Utah State Retirement Board Name of Applicant: LeeORuff/Waddle Partnership 3. Addrese 5295 SW Meadow� City Lake Osweao State OR Zip 97035 4. Address of Property: 9600 SW Oak Tax Map and Lot No(s). : 1S1 358D lot 100 z 5. Request: A reauest for a variance to allaw a freestandina sign to be I located within the riaht-of-wav of SW Oak Street in front of the Plaza West buxldina. Section 18.114.070 of the Communi.�v Develonment Code i nrohibita sians other than aovernmenta]L sian from beina erected within a public riQht-o�-wav. Znninas C-P jProf�ssional Commercial) 6. Act.ion: Approval as requested X Approval w�th conditiona Denial 7. Notice: Notice wae published in the newspaper, poated at C3..ty Hall, and mailed to: X The applicant and ownex(e) X Ownere of record within the required die�tance X Tk►e affected Neighborhood Planning Org�r�izatian X Affected governmenta,l agencies 8. Final Decision: T� D$CISION Sffi�LI. BS FIlf1�L ON n�il 2R� 1 g$A �FII.SSS AN APP�AL IS PILBD. The adogt�d findinge of fact, decision, and etatement of conditione can b�s obtained from �he Planning Department, Tiggrd City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Bnx 23397, Tigard, Oxegon 97223. 9. Aptaeal: Any party to the decision �nay appeal thi� d�cision in accordance with 13.32.290(A) and Section if3.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 daye after notice ie given and sent. The deadline� for filing of an appeal ia April 28, 1989 10. Queetions: If you have any quastions, pleaee call the City of Tigard Pl,anning Department, 639-41'71. dj/SCE89-04,DJ 'ay CITY C1F TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 89-06 k�C A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CQNCLUSIONS WHICH APPR�OVES AN APPLICAT'ION FOR A SIGN CODE EXCEPTION (SCE 89-04) REQUESTEA B�C THE UTAH STATE RETIREIKENT BOARD. The Tigard Flanning Commission reviewed the above applicatxon at public hearings on March 21, 1989 and Apxil 4, 1989. Tlne Commis�ion based its deciaion �n the facte, findinga, and conclueione notecl below� A. FACTS 1. General In£ormation. CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 89-04 Vari.ance V 89-04 REgUEST: For approval of a siqn variance to allow a freestanding sign to be located within the right-of-way of S.W. nak Street in front of the Plaza Wegt (Un.ysis) building. Section 18.114.070 of the Commun�ty ]Development Code prohibite signs other than gov�rnmental eigns fro� being erected within a public-right-of- way. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial Professional ��NING .DESIGNATION: C-P (Commercial Professional) APPY,ICANT: Lee/Ruff/Waddle Partnership OWNER: Utah State Retirement 5285 S.W. Meadows Road Board Lake Oawego, OR 97035 540 East 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 LOCATIONa 9600 S.W. Aak Street (WCTM 1S1 95BD lot 100) Z� Backaround Information The aubject parcel wae developed in 1981 or 1982 while it was in Washington County. No other applicatione have been reviewed by the Tigard Planning Division ataff for the subject property. 3. Vicinitv Tnformation FTNAL ORDER NO. 89-06 PC UTAH STATE RETIREMENT BOARD PAGE 1 y E�. Properties immediately to the north (Lincoln Center) and east are alao zoned C-P (Commercial Professional) and developed. Highway 217 lies i.mmediately to the south of the subject parcel. Southweat Greenburg Road abuta the property to the west and the land on the oppoeite side of S.W. Greenburg Road (Washington Square) is zoned C-G (Commercial General) and developed. 4. Site Information The �ite is preeently occupied by a 70,000 aquare foot office building with Access dir�etly onto S.W. Oak Street. State Highway 217 borders the pr+�pe�rty to the weat and south. The applicant proposes to erect a one- sided �reestanding aign approximately five feet high, eight feet wide, in the public-righ�-of-way along the south eide �f S.W. Oak Street, approximately 68 feet west of the exiating fareestanding sign. This �ign faces directly onto S.W. Oak Street and will be removed prior to the 3 erection of �he proposed aign. Since this existing sign is within the � Oak Street right-of-way, it is coneidered an illegal sign unless it ; received County approval. The applicant etates 'that the exieting eign is not vieible from the ; etreet until a motorist approaches the access drive apron, thereby � making it difficult far motorists to slow down sufficiently to turn ; immediately right into the parking lot. The applicant concludea that the ! relocation of the aign further to the west as proposed would give � motoriets more time to slow down and safely make the turn into the parking lot. The �ign is proposed to go in the public-right-of-way for greater viaibility from the street and b�ecause of a slope which extends from the oak Street right-of-way south down to the parking lot. The applicant contends that if the owner were to locate the aign on the elope ox within the parl�ing lot below, it would iravolve a more expensive and taller eign. 5. Aqenev and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a,� The Development Code prohibits inatallation of private signs in the public right-of-way. It is department policy that variances to allow inatallation af signe in the public right-of-way should be approved only in extremely rare situationa in which no other alternative ie practicable. Thia policy is intended to protect the rights-of-way fAr the intended uses of public streets, aidewalke, and utilitisa. Where rights-of-way are no longer ne�ded for publlc purpoaes, it ie appropriate to vacate the unneeded right-of-way rather than allc�wfng signs and other privmte development to intrude into the puk�lic right- of-way. FINAL ORDER NO. 89-06 PC UTAH STA7'E RETIREMENT BOAR1) PAGE 2 " ' �' �'4 b. The request for the Plaza West building does not ahow any reaeons why a sign could not be inetalled outside of the public right-of-�ay to serve the Plaza West building. Therefore, it is recommended that the variance request be denied in accordance with department policy. c. The public right-of-way of Oak Street where the sign is proposed ia not currently being uaed for public s�reet and utility purposea. However, i� is very likely that Oak Street will be modified in the future in conjunction with improvements to Greenburg Road and to the Highway 217 interchange. Suc� improvem�nte are needed to i.mprove capacity and to provide better acceas between Oak Street and Greenburg Road. Currently, plans for these roadway i.mprovements are not available; however, preliminary discussions of possible improvementa lead the Division to believe that aIl of the existing right-of-way of Oak Street may be needed. d. The presence of private underqround utility lines in the public right-of-way creates conflicta with public utilities and other construction activitiee. Private underground utilities frequently do not show up on the plans of the utility companies and do not routinely get marked se part of the underground locate services. As a reeult, private underground utilitiee in the public riqht-of-way create potential conflicte and potential hazards for future conatructiona, including minor underground repair work, installation of street signs, and other rather routine activities. Therefore, if the aign variance request ie granted, we recommend that the underground power aervice be routed outside of the public right-of- way to the maximum extent possible. e. In casee where eigns have been alZowed in the pubLic right-of-way, it has generally been with the understanding that the sign owne� would relocate the eign ae sueh time ae street revisione required such reloaation. Therefore, if the sign variance requeat is granted, it should be aubject to a license agreement clearly atating �hat the sign would be removed �t the owner'e expenae if so direct�d by the city. The Metz er Water District has reviewed the � 9 propoeal and notea that there are water lines in the area which ehould be considered prior to placement of the eign. Northwest Natural Gae commente that a two-inch steel main lies on the 20 foot line approximately five feet south af the property line and a :', aervice lin� to the property line is located B60 feet east of the eastern property line ehared with S.W. Greenburg Road. ;' The City Building Division and the Consolidated Fire District have reviewed the propoeal and have no objectians to it. �' No other commente have been received. �: i FINAL ORDER NO. 89-06 PC UTAIi STATE RETIREMENT BOARD PAGE 3 �- t, i,. ; � �� � �; � ` ,.. _ �i � R `4 S B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Seation 18.1340050 of the Code containa ariteria whereby the Commiseion can approve, approve with modificationa or deny a variance request. They are: (1) The proposed variance will nat b� materially detrimen�al to the purpoaes of thia �ode, be in co�flict with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, to any other applicable policies and atandarda, and to other propertiea in the same zoning district or vicinity. (2) There are special circumstances tchat exiet which are peculiar to the lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to other properties in th� eame zonix�g dietrict; (3) The �se proposed will be the same ae permitted under this Code and City standards will be maintained to the greatest extent poasible, while permitting some economic use of the land; (4) Existing physical and natural syatema, �uch aa but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forme or parks will not be adveraely affected any more than would occur i.f the development were located as specified in the Code; �and (5) The hardship is not self--imposed and the varianoe request�d is 'I the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardshig. The applicant arguee that for reaeona of eafety, topography of the aite and the expense that will otherwise be incurred by the owner, a sign variance should be aoproved. The Commideion concludes that the req�xest is consietent with the above criteria for the following reaaons: l. The proposed sign will not deter from the purpoae of applicable City standards because the sign ae conditioned below will not interfere with the use of the right-of-way for etreet and utility purposes. Also, the loeation of the sign will not cause any sight obstruction or hazard to the public. 2. The slope of the property and the configuration r�f the eite improvemente represent special circumstances tha�t warrant approval of the variance. It appeare that the applicant could meet the Code criteria for a freeatanding sign but the terrain would dictate the use of a tall eign which would be aeathetically unappealing and contrary to the intent of the Sign Code. 3. The eign will conform with the dimeneional requirementa of the Sign Code. 4. Aa conditioned below, the proposed variance ehall not interfere with the intended u�e of the right-of-way an@ the applicant will be required to FINAL ORDER NO. 8g-06 PC UT'�H STATE RETIREMENT BOA,RD PAGE a ^ Y �..... � '� move or remove the sign at hia expenee if it is later deemed necessary by the City or a public utility. C. DEC73ION The Planning Commiasion approves SCE 89-04 and V 89-04 subject to the ' following conditiona: I 1. The existi.ng freestanding sign shall be rem�ved prior to the inetallation of the proposed freestanding eign. STAFF CONTACT: Deborah Stuart, ph. 639-4171. 2. Prior to installation of the new freeatanding sign, a sign permit shall be obtained from the City. STAFF CoNTACT: Deborah Stuart. 3. The new sign shall be conatructed as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Commiseion. STAFF CONTACT: Deborah Stuart. 4. Prior to installation �f the new sign, a licenas agreement, approved by the City, ehall be enacted. �TAFF CONTACT: Randy Clarno, ph. 639-4171. 5. Prior to inetallation of the new sign, a str��t opening pea-enit ahall be obtained from the Engineering Diviaion. The electrical line to the sign shall be plac�d on private praperty to the mascimum extent gossible. STAF'F CONTACT: John Hagman. 6. No freeway-oriented eign shall be permitted on the property. STAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden, ph. 639-417:1. 7. This approval is valid if exercised within 18 monthe �f the final approval date noted below. It is further ordered that the applicant be notif�,�� of the entry of this order. PASSED: This day of April, 1989, by the P a ng Co ission of the City of Tigar�. ' 1 o Fyre, Vi e ent � Tiqard Planning eion FINAL ORDER NO. 89-06 PC UTAH uTATE RETIREIdENT SOARD PAt3E 5 ■ _ _ _ - - --- -- - - - - - -_- `,, � � Agenda Item 5_3 MEMORANDUki TO: Planning Commiesion FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner � RE: SCE 89-04/V 89-04 Utah State Retirement Board DATE: March 31, 1989 The Planning Commiaeion reviewed the above case on March 21, 1989 at a public hearing. The Commiesion was split 3 - 3 as to whether the application should be approved. With the conaurrence of the applicant, the Commiaeion tabled the request ta be re-heard on April 4, 1989. A copy of the March 21et etaff report ia attached. If Commisaioners are present who did not hear the March 21st testimony, the Commiaeion ahould proceed as if thia is a new item. � STAFF REPORT AGEND.A ITEM 5.1 MARCH 21., 1989 TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN H.9I,L 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON A. FAC7CS l. General Information CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 89-04 Variance V $9-04 REgUEST: For approval of a sign variance to allow a freestanding aign to be located within the right-of-way of S.W. Oak Stree�i in frcxnt of the Plaza West (Unyeia) building. Section 18.114.070 of the Community Development Code prohibite aigns other than goverrunental eigne from b�ing erected within a public-right-of� way. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DFSIGNATION: Comme�cial Profeeaional ZONING DESIGNATIAN: C-P (Commercial Prof�aeional) APPLICANT: Lee/Ruff/Waddle Partnership OWNER: Utah State Retirement 5285 S.W. Meadowa Road Hoard Lake Oewego, OR 97035 540 East 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 LOCATION: 9600 S.W. Oak Street (WCTM 151 35BD lot 100) 2. Backuround Information The subject parcel was developed in 1981 or 1982 while it was in Washington County. No other applicatione have been reviewed by the Tigard Planning Diviaion ataff for the subject praperty. ; 3. Vicinitv Informati�n Properties immediately to the north (Lincoln Center) and eaet are also zoned C-P (Commercial Profeseional) and developed. Highway 217 lies iiamediately to the south of the subject parcel. Southweat Gr�enburg Road abuts the property to the weat and the land on the opposite eide of S.W. Greenburg Road (Waehington Square) is zoned C-G (Commerrial Gener.al) and developed. ,I ST�FF R$PO�RT SCS 89-04 IITAH RBTIRB�PIT BOARD PlliGg 1 i:' ,;, i;' ,;. f �•: . . ;, .. 4.� 4. Site Information T'he site is presently occupied by a 70,000 aquare foot office buildinq with access directly onto S.W. oak Street. State Highway 217 borders the prcrperty to the west and south. The applicant proposes to �rect a one- sided freestanding sign approxirnately five feet high, eight feet wide, i.n the public-right-of-way alang the eouth aide of S.W. Oak Street, appxoximately 68 feet west of the �xiating freestanding eign. This sign faces directly onto S.W. Oak Street and will be removed prior to the erection of the proposect sign. Since this existing sign is within the Oak Strest right-of-way, it is considered an illegal sign un].ess it received County approval. The staff will reaearch Coumty records prior to the hearing. The app]Licant atates that the exi�ting aign is not visible from the street until a motorist approaches the accesa drive apron, thereby making it difficult for motorists to slow down sufficiently to turn i immediately right into the parking lat. The applicant coricludes that the relocation of the sign further ta the we8t as proposed would give motoriste more time to alow d�wn and eafely make the turn i,nta the parking lot. The sign is proposed to go in the public-right-of-way for greater visibility from the street and because of a slppe which extends from the Oak Street rigtxt-of-way sav.th down ta the parking lot. The applicant contsnds tha� if the owner were to locate the sign on the slope or within the parking lot below, it would involve a mnre expenaive and taller eign. 5. Aqencv and NPO Comments The Engineering Diviaion has the following comments: a. The Development Code prohibits installation of private aigns in the public right-of-way. It is department policy that variances to allow installation of signs in the public right-of-way should be approved only in extremely rare situations in which no other alternative ia practicable. This policy ie intended to protect the rights-of-way for the intended usee of public etreete, sidewalks, and utilities. Where righte-of-way are no 'longer needed for public purpoaes, it is appropriate to vacate the unneedeti right-of-way rather than allowing signs and other private development to intrude into the public right- of-way. b. The requeat for the Plaza West building doee not ahow any� reasona why a aign could not be installed outside of the public right-of-way to eerve the Plaza West building. Therefore, it is recommended that the variance request be den�.ed in aacordance with department poliGy. c. The public right-of-way of Oak Street wtaere the sign is proposed is not currently being used for public street and utility purposes. STAP'R �PO1tT SCS 89-04 IITXH RBTIRB�lSNT BOARD PPiGB 2 ,; � � s, I',"; ;'.,< ■ . , + I 1, ', Ho�±ever, it is very likelx that Oak Street will be modified in the future in conjunction with improvemente to Greenburg Road and to the Highway 217 interchange. Such improvements are needed to improve capacity and to provicle better accesa between Oak Street and Gr�enburg Road. Currently, plana for these roadway improvements are not available; however, preliminary discussione of possible improvements lead the Diviaion to believe that all of the existing right-of-way of Oak Street may be needed. d. The preeence of private underground utility lines in the public right-of-way creates conflicts with public utilities and other conetruction activitiee. Private underground utilitiea frequently do not ahow up on the plana of the utility companies and do not routinely� get marked as part of the underground locate services. As a result, private underground utilities in the public right-of-way create potential �conflicts and potential hazards for future conetructione, including minar underground repair work, installation of street signs, and other rather� routine activftiee. Therefore, if the sign variance request is granted, we recommend that the underground power service be routed outside of the public right-of- way to the maximum extent possible. e. In cases where signe have �ieen allowed in the public right-of-way, it hae generally been with the understanding that the sign owner would relocate the sign ae such time as strest revisions required auch relocation. Therefore, if the sign varianae requeat is granted, it should be subject to a license agreement clearly sta�ing that the sign would be rernovec� at the owner's expense if ao directed by tk�e City. The Metzger Water District has reviewed th�s proposal and notes that there arc� water lines in the area whieh should be c�nsidered prior to placement of the sign. Northwest Natural Gae comments that a twa-inch steel main lies on the 20 foot line approximately five feet south of the property line and a service line to the property line ie located 260 feet east of the eastern property line shared with S.W. Greenburg Road. The City Building Division and the Consolidated Fi.re District have reviewed the proposal and have no objeationa to it. No other comments have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Section 18.134.050 0� the Code contains criteria whereby the Commission can approve, approve with madificatione or deny a variance request. They are: 3TAFF �PORT SCS 89-04 DT]!� RBTI�IT BO�RD PAiGS 3 t ""� (1) The proposed variance will not be materially detrimental tu the purposes of this Code, be in conflict with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, to any othor applicable policies and standards, and to other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. (2y There are special circumatancea that exist which are peculiar to the lot aize or shape, topography or other ci.rcumstancea over which the applicant has x�o control, and which are not applicable to other properties in the same zoning dietrict; (3) The use proposed will be the eame as permitted under this Code and City standards will be maintained to the greatest extent possible, while permitting eome economic use of the land; (4) Exieting physical and natural systems, such as but not licaiteci to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forma or parks will not be adversely affecteci any more than would oacur if the development wer� lacated as apecified in the Code; and (5) The hardslxip is not aelf-imposed and the variance recyuested ie the mininnu►ii variance which would alleviate the hardship. The applicant arguee that for reasone of safety, topography of the eite and the expense that will otherwiae be incurred by the owner, a eie�n variance should be approved. The staff understands the applicant's rationale for the proposaZ but does not find it to be totally consistent with the above variance criteria. After reviewing the eite plan and visiting the proPerty, the staff concludes that the property ia not sufficiently unique to justify the variance. The aign code allowa one freestanding sign with a maxi.mum height of I S to 10 f�et and area of 32 to 52 square feet per side, depending upon the , eetback from the property line. There appear to bQ several locatione available i, on the applicant's property where a sign of theae dimensions weulsi be quit4 I� viaibl� from oak Street. Also, directional aigns with a maximum area of four ' equare per face are permitted to ider�tify driveway entrances. ' As pointed out by the Engineering Diviaion, the proposed �ign and electrical , conduit will potentially interfere �aith future use of the right-of-way for its intended purpose of ac�:ommodating public street and utility improvemente. Allowing the use of public right-of-way as an alternate location for the convenience of a pri.vate party will set a precedent that ia of concern to the staff. ; C. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division etaff recommenda denial of SCE 89-04 and V 89-04. �LG� �L„ � �/ � PREPARED BY: D borah A. Stuart, Asst. Planner DATE APPROVED BY: Keith S. Liden, Sr. Planner DATE STaFF R$PORT SCS 89-04 iTTAH RSTIR$liSA1T BA�iRD PAGB 4 ', _ _-� �.� t h�LAZA WEST OFFICE BUILDING MONUMENT SIGN PROPOSAL SUMMARY �� The current sign is not visible from the street until one reaches the point of entry into the parking lot,thereby making it difficult for motorists to slaw down in rime to turn into the paridng lot. I.oca i t on of the si n further to the g west as ro sed would ive motori sts a ro P Po g achin the buildin more tim �to slow down and safel PP g g y make the t�un into the arkin lot. P g The pro�sed sign is sited within the right-of-way both for its greater visibility from the street,and because of a steep slope, beginning within the right-of-way and running downwards to the parking lot. To locate a sign on the steep slope or within the parking lot below would be much more expensive for the owner, as it would entail a more massive structure. A more massive struc±ure . would in turn be l�ss harmonious with the site,and the surrounding context. For the sake of safety,the general context of the site and the expense incurred by the owner to do otherwise,we believe aux request for a variance has great merit and is worthy of approval. LEE/RUFFf WADDLE PARTNERSHIP,ARCHITECTS 5285 S.W. MEA7�OWS ROAD,SUITE 340,LAKE OSWE�O,OR. 97Q35 (503)684-4747 �,r)y!.'4Cai'.��.:,:4-;ii'.t�iYYY:YfyiK'fll'IQIt70M1MJ1iY�.tM�l{ydPA9�fLK1oNi;'MPtl0iY6ixiKHa�filr . :- � .m�a.� or..qu.mc . . . . ... ',i [ A,kS;:`R 9f A t::fi i6'�� I v�M re�t r��. 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AURORA, OR. 97002 2900 NIIVA G.RANKIN 30620 S.W. 95TH PORTLAND,OR. 97223 2800 FOREIGN MISSION FOUNDATION 4550 S.W.LOMBARD BEAVERTON,OR. 97005 LEE/RUFF/�xrADDLE PARTNERSHIP,ARCHITECTS 5285 S.W. MEADOWS ROAD,SUITE 340,L,AKE OSWEGO,OR. 97035 (503)684-ri747 f'; 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. ' ,,SINESS TAX RECEIPT �.., NO. p00a3576 � P.O. 80X 23397 E TIGARD,OR 97223 TYPE OF CI1Y�F TI�ARD � ` BUSINESS: REGULAR dUSINESS � C; NAME: ANNUAL fEE: `` LEE/RUFF/WAODI.E ARCHITECT5 �55.00 �` . ; ADURESS: BUSINESS PHONE: (;; i�$� 5W MEADOwS ROAD SUITE 340 503-6�4-4747 LAKE OS�iEGO. GR 97035 � �; THIS REGEIPT MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT THE BUSINESS ADDRESS.NOT TRANSFERABLE. ; F F. i �. �': } , �::. r� j' �, �. � k � � ' 1`��l oN �`�, i.�U t�, G )REG �� (,�, � l�.;.�7�y.iN,:iQi i•Ui:,^vs',ri � �....,_: � ca �:ar rt�t•; :;;s r�::.n n�r.=� usc � SEE MAP � i S 1 35A8 �� \ . � � Si 3� \� ' ._... — -- R�"T � ..._. SW T _._.._- —_..-�� � N ,_,�,,,_ . 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JR. -------------------------------------------•----------------------- ; ......................................,...........,._................._............................................................................................................................................. II ------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------- �� .......................................••••-.._........................_...................................................__.............._......................••••...............................Grantor, --'' conveys and warrents to the UTAH STATE RETIRII�IF,I�Tr F'(7ND ------------------------------------- i �, .................................................................................---................_...................................._........................... ;�! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........................................................................................... .....�---.............-•---•--._....-----.......................-�---......................._.........._................ �T, i ..--"-'--'°-"---"-'-"'-"-""--"'Grantee the followin described reel ro ..............................................................•••••....._.......... , � P Perty free of encumbrances �� except es speci(rca!/y set forth herein situated in...................... Wash111gtOi1.,_.____.._..__,.,..,.,...Counfy, �te�on, to-wit: ................. . I� ,-,11� See Exhibit A attached k�ereto and made a part .-,� hereo�y t�i s reference. .� �� ���'•�h�. WASHINGTON COUNTY '' , w � � R£AL PROPcRT!' TRANSFER TAX � , < , ; �:, . s 7�1D �� Q-,S_• 8'S � ��•e�.k. FEE PAID DATE �If SPACE INSUFFICIENI, CONTINUE DESCRIPTtON ON REVERSE SIDE) • The said property is free from encumbrances except t�70Se eneta�ranees identified U[1 EXt'llblt A W attached hereto and made a part hereo� by this reference. , J H—; ._. F-- . � The true consideration for this conveysnce is :.7,2�.U.QQ..QQ(Here compJy with the requirements of ORS 93.030) Q ..--.--.-----.--.--.---.--.°--..-.--.---.--.-----.--.-----.----...-------.---°-.--_-----.-°---,--,----------,--..... � ..--.--,--,---,--_-----,-_-----_--_-----,-------_-----,-------_-------.----°------------------o.°mm_�.... W .,--.--.--.----------------------------�--------------------------------------_--.-:----.-----...-- ...................••----.........._.....---•-�---�---�--�---•--��--•---._....-- --•--......................_..................--•--•-••---.. y ' Deted this....�.N.....day ol.....$�.,P.�E��'-.r.---......,19..$S ;� THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY ......................�.. ...........�......-_...... ..�...- -•-•-•-•---......... ...._.....__. �' PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF TFIE PROPERTY ' � DE�CRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A �UYER SHOLII.D ••°°•-•-°•°°°° • ,.•• • - �•'�-��-- -••••• •---•••-•----- I' CHECK W,ITH THE•/�PPROF�RIATE GITY OR COUNTY � �lge r. � PLANNINi(..` DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. ....................................................................................................•- �, ;, . . , !, STAT��OF.OREGON,Gaunty of-•----•----------Washi�on--•---------�..-�,ss. �� ..1"h'rs instrument wss acknowled�ed-before•me on•._:�1�:__-_.__=:S�C-.Qf:S�G�?4r.�.�__���__.�_�=19:85_: r � ............... . by_��i�,I�IIC F. 4�IC�E.;: ;7R.. �� � _ . . . ��ti, s����_ . I� (S�L) �� �� ' ' ���`` Notary Pu �c or Ore�on ---...-•---••--•••••••••••----••.................... ..... �� z/y��� . ' My cornmi ' n ezpires .......................................•••••--••••••••-•----.. � WAItEtANTY DE�D F'RAi�]1C_F.....�IGQ.1•-..]R,,••-•-•••....._...._...._...._..._...... STATE OF OREGON, �i ��i' ������ �� (IRANTOR � ' ..............._..T..�...__.._._.._.._._..�............_............."'_'........._............ F L C�teS' tl11ANT[[ County of .......................................... . .-a:...$ox� . .................._...._.----....__.__..._..... .... • • I certify thet the within instru- . ameizto _. i.£O�,v.a......�586�5.. ..••••••-... - , • �IIANT[['� ADDIIEf6,ZI� Sse r ment wsa received for record on the A(t�r ncordMS nWm N: ..........dey ot........-•---•.............••-...., 19........, Chax�les L. Ma.3k, ESq. at................o'clock.....JIS.,end recorded . .. ....... .... ... ........ .............. .._ t►AC[11[f[IIV[D T85� 5outh ��:a�e 5treet'�' ;n book/ree�/volume No...................•--.on .................................'_"'.�."'_""_"-'_'•"-""_""r.�._ FOR Suite 1300 pe�e ........................ dr ea/ee/file/instru- .................................._...._..............._...._...._....__�...__�...._..._. Reeo�oie•� usc .511.�..La:1c�....Cr.it�j'�....I,TGr'�......��.�.�......_.........._._.... ment/microfilm/reception No.................. NAM[,AODR[fi,zi� Record of Deeds of aaid�ounty. Unlil�chany�it nqu��bd,all tax s1al�m�nM WitneSS my hertd ant� SCed Of s*h�al.lAbv.wn�f.t�h.pf.11ewinp addr•.�: County affrzed. .U 11Y7...!�ic�+c!..11!'!�T.......�.....�..�.'..'_�.F�..�.•_••••---..._._... .�l.o..F,Z.�.....•.4sss����es..._..._---_..�__....___. ..............._....._..-----._...--••--._._.........._.....---..._.-- . NAM[ TITLC .P.�Q....&!�..�.S�.4UQ....._...._....;...._...... . _ Sacramazto Californi.a 958G���-��`�� ../��� ..................,..................................._...*.��A y� �(..�.�..,. r � By..---.....-•-.........-•--•.....-•-•--......•••••... Deputy ('l,l j. ; NAM[,A0011�7t.21/ LL7�G{.. l�lC�l lds r • � - �, EXHIBIT A, to . Warranty Deed Executed by FRANK F. WEIGEL, JR. , as Grantor, in Favor of the UTAH STATE RETIREMENT FUND, as Grantee. The real property conveyed by sa:id Wa�ranty.Deecl consists of the . follow�ng-described realty �ituated in Washington County, Oregon: A parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of Section . 3S, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, in th� Cc�unty of Washington and State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows : COrQ�SENCING at the Northeaat corner of Lot 5, �n � ASHBROOK FARMS. a duly recard�d plat in the Washington County Plat Records; thence South 07°17' West along the centerline of S.W. 95th Avenue, 20. 19 feet to a point; thence South 89�22' West 20.19 feet to a 5/8 incfi iron rc�d� said iron rod being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNYNG; thence South 07°17° West along the West . right-of-way of S.W. 9Sth Avenue 339.10 feet to a 5/8 inch iron sod; thence South 34°00' i�les� 135.57 feet to a point, said gQint being on the North right- of-way of the aeaverton-Tigard Highway No. 217; thence North 45°54' West along the North right-of-way of rhe Beaverton-Tigard Hi,ghway No. 217� 406. 3b feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 38°38' 36" West, along the North rtght-of-way of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway No. 217, 167.70 feet to a 5/8 inch iron xod; t hence North 34°00' East 28.86 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; th�nce North 89°22' E�st 92.53 feet to a � 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 04°34'07" West 5. 94 ! feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod, said rod being on the wl South right-of-way of S.W. Oak Street; thence North � 89°22' East along the South right-of-way of S.W. Oak �� Street 406. 60 feet to the TRUE POINT dF BEGTNNING. • EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of th� herein-described premises conveyed to Washington County, a political � ' subdivision of the State of Oregon� by deed reco�ded ` June 3, 1982 as Recorder' s Fee No. 8201388$. �, �� � �; F Page 1 of 2 � , �� �� I _ - _ _ _ _ . i . . . _ a .. , << _ � . b � � - � SUBJECT TO the following encumbrances: (1) The above-described realty is within the �' boundaries o£ and is subject to the stat�utory powers , including the power of assessm�nt, of the • Unified Sewerage Agency. (2) Access restriction� , including the terms and provisions thereof, contained in the following three (3) Deeds , each of which said Deeds is• in � favor af the State of Oregon, by and through its Statg Highway Commissa�on: (a) Recorded June 29, ' 1961 in Book 446 at Page 47; (b) Recorded March 30, 1964 in Book 509 at Page 321; and (c) Recorded Mareh 16, 1972 in Book 85$ at Page �47. (3) Rights of the respeetive Tenants ! as (but only as) tenants , under th;rtee� (�) [unre- �ord�d] Leases affecting portions of t-Tie abowe- descxib�d realty, which said Leases are referred ta and identified with particulara.ty in that certmin [unre�orded] "Assignment and Assumption of Land- lord's Int�rests Under Leases" which coneurrently with this Warranty Deed is being executed by Grantor, Weigel Development Company. and Frank F. Weigel� Jr. Investments, collec�ively as Assignor� and by Grantee, as Assignee. STA7'E OF ppEApq coumr a w.,�,qoon � ss i.oon.�d wc '.'`"'°" ' .nd T �Aa.onr,oi�scbr a As� axatlori and Ex�pMk.yp,:Reooidur d G�t- ���cowa..do hwrb�r pryy Ih�t �d rooat0sd In boak aI t�M�� i - - 'c�a w �o,,, �« a � � �r a�""a°�'. �- ' ,•. ° ' � � 5 SEP=5 PH 2� 34 19� Page 2 of � • �;, `� .�i.1..F1Ff'' 1���6>Qf�"f . f1GiF:::1111:)A �"1"k::M 5•2 (i1�1't:Cl. 4, :L'.�8� .... 1;30 f�.M, T':I:t;•;ftRC:� I�LFtNN:I:111C; t::t)MMI�;.;:I:C)tU .f..:�G,F1R� C;�"I°Y hif�f._I.. ..._ ..f"OWf1t h�If�I...L :1.3:t:1..�:i :�;W F•i�lt_I.. E3L.V1�, .f.:C(;,f�f2C), 01'ZI::(�QIV 9'77..23 hl, F�'f�1C"I°.i :� . C�Eari�r•�1 :s:nf�a��i�r:x�;i��n .._....,....._....__.......... II'I (:;Ft4;k::; C',oi7�Kai��E�h�i•i�i.u� �'�l.r�i•� Ftm��rxai7itxni:: C�Fyt1 E3�..�..C)2, L�:�i•i� Gh��anra�� Zf� i3c3....�1 i2FQlii�.47,1_, �,c�iT�{arc�l•��:�t�i.siu�� f7.l�u�i Ma�> flinc�r�c�me?r�t rrc�m Mc�c�i.cam C)�ai���.i.i:y T���sarJt:?n�t�.i.�1 i.c� M�?cai.«irr....P.l:ic�hi C7c�i�:�>a1:y t��:!:>ic:l�.�n1:i.<�1. �i��c;l <:x l�>n�a C',H��r�c�k, f:i.,um i2.....:12 (fal)) (M�al,t:i�--f-<ami.ly I'��ay7.<�F�r�i:i.a�., 1.:T. �ar�ita ��i�� r:�ci^��, F7l.rann�r,l C1F?11t�J.Q�)IT)F�i'1{"� 1.�a h..-1Ki (f>L?} (Mi,ili;i....C�'Gain:G1.� 1'2ca�i.c���r�t:X�1., 7.Fi c�ri:it�s �>cai^ �cr'C?� I�l.�r�ncac� I�ca�rEa7.ur�mF�rit) Tur• a��rir�axi.i7iat.�l.y �,1� r:x4.r•�:�, (�i�>I�l._;CC�f�iU"I`; !>l.�i•�ninc� 12Ea:�sc,��.ii�•r.�as, Ii•��. �Wi111�'R; Wzl,liam & (,].�ir•�a S<�n�ac?r�:> 3fif3:t w;W C;r�r°�7ir:xri C:�i�•].\!F? 2�36 �t�ni��:; :;i:r°t���1: NE: t.al<ia �sw��yca, �R �7U3!� (�ui�•ui^�, ql'Z 3'70(?2 I..00�1.1..:I:01\I; Wc�:>1:c�r•i•� h�a1.f �.�t� :ll:lf.,!:� <,W I11r:at�ut: ;�;1:r��E�r•�1: (WC'T'M `l.:a:l :i.()t.lE3, �:r:zx .lut ?.QQ) , 7.., C3Gx�::k.c�rµ�.7uruJ...._]:r�f����tt�rat:it>r� .f.hi.s; ��<:arc��:L ranta 4xcij�:xr..�ni: N>c�r�<.c�l.:> wc:?r•�� �ni•»:�xE�c� 1:t� i:hta C�i.l�:y i�f l"i.���ar�ca in 1.9£il wi.th � YJGash7.i•�c�ton (�uui���y xr,>r�i.i��y G:IC-?`�1G�Pli��:l.17('1 �af I�U.....q (Rc�yi<�F�rit;i<x.l, 4 uni.l:s/r:zci���.�) , C;ii:y uf "I"it��i��cl C;om��r��hi�:�ri ai.ti� f�:i.�n t�cauisxan C;f>� :t.._.81 <:z�;>�r•e�uc�c� rcac�r-.yic�riati.c�ri e>fi i:hFa Ea�•tt;:�r��a r�ar•c.Ktl t'rr.�iri L.c.�w i]tarr�a.L-y (���;�>i:d��nj:.i.�a1 i:c� Mkcai.u�7� t7er�s�i.i:y ����ic:l�ani:.i<�1 �arir� <a z�c7n�.� c.Mita�7c��! i:c� f�....:1? (Rc�Si.c��r�t:i.a:t, 1.2 c.ir�i.ts/�cr��a) , '1"r�� F>l�arii��ca<J i7�at�r�lu�amc�ni; (1�4�) uuear�l.ay cc.�nE� ws�:; r:�cacl�c;l 1,:c� i:hF� r•��c��a��rt�k�td C�.....12 cl��:�si,yi•iGx�:XC�n s;�� 1;rt<:�1: <:�1.:G ��cauta.l�a�:�m�rii� �ai��upo��l.s fur t1�ir rar�uNx�r�ty wu�al:c� k�c� r•�c�uir�c�c� 1:o haca i��c�uic��weari k�y 1:Mii� K>1r�r�ri7.i�<.y C�c;�mir�i.s;�>ic�r�, :I:ri 1:]c�t:�amr>�.?r :t�k3fi. 1:Fi�� .f.Xy�:�N��a C;i.i�,y (;+��ur�cX1, e�;.��r�! c:�>i•uai.i;XCari<a.l r:�N7��ir�uu<:a.l t:e� t:hk� f�l.�>�r•�1�:��:>r�' :> f;r.�irt��r�c�Fic?i�is:i.u� I�.l�ari hme�i7cJi7�h�ri1: fc:�r° cM�aric�i.rx� �h��a 171,r�n c1�a;;it�n<:�1;:'t�.�r� e�f' ;'�f?��E�i^iil.I. rJYIJ(;)F�I�'1::i.E�:� lt�r<a1'��c� i.�i 1.:Hi�� :�;e�tal:ht�.��'s1: �.�,�r^rt�.?Y �ii' i)�,ir�h�airi I�uac� arir� k��zc:if`:�c I•I�.�N�w�y, 'Thi:> a�a�.>rcau�7. r'F?<�f?S:lt�t'1<`a1�:6�c� thc��� �ar��e>K�E�r°1::iFa:�; fir�am P�icyHi I:)H�n:>�:1:y CZ��s:ica�.�nl:ir:�1. 1:�� C;E!r��ar•��1: C.cairtm�r��.a.ra.l , .�.'N�ca , r���su.lt ufi t:hi:�:> r�Eac:i.siur� w�s t�:Mita r•e��n��udl af� 1:hi� u���aurtic.irtit�y rur aw��>r•c>xim<al:�l.y �C1C) K�c�t:F�ni:i�], m�a1,i:�....�f�ii�a.ly hc,u:>;iri� �an;ii�a 1"r<airi "C'ic�Gar�c�' a ii��uE�r�t:ur�y uf v<�c;<�rit., kit�:il.t��.ak�l.� ].�int�. l"h�ca M��ru�a�a,l,ii�an 1-fr,��a�;iri� i2ca�.� ((7r~��yc�ri F�c�mi.n:ist:r"rai::i.u�� �i�alt�:,, C;h�aKsi>t�r�� C;fin, [:ixu�.;si�,ri 7) ���qt�xr��.a:a ihi<ai�: �1-i��r�c� prcavi,<�N r� Nuautii.rtc� �a�aw�ar�tur�:i.l:y fur� at l.c���t� !i0 Kx�r•���rit mul.i�i.....famai.y ��r�:ii::�s r:�ri�a �� r��,!�: m:inxim;rni Pic�u;�azri� c�t�n:�ait:y c�f iq r�w�a,lliric� S"f"f�1=F' f�I::I�01t"f` .._ f;l�f� £3�,....t�?/�:r £39...�p? (�f�lVC)l"•.:12:i) ..,. f7(�(:;� t taria�s ���r• �cr���� �ri v<ar.�ni: k��ai.:l.cl�:aN�l.t� .l�nc� wi.�;ni.ri i:hiE� C:it:y' � Ur•N�an F�lannirx� Ar��a, "I�hc� �lhacai��tsur�`s (,I�f� wa:�s gr�ar�tfac� pn th��a curit1i1�9.ur� ur r�c:ra�5it�n�i.iar� c:�fi :a�affi.c.a�arii; r��>>xcic�rN:i.<a1 ].<•.ar�r1 1;�, h�au�hwar� rJh+n:a:iti.E�:� 1:n make Gip Tor i�Nt�� huu�ting o�g�ai^t�arii�y sh�ui��Lf�J.I cr•c�atc�d r�y i�Nie c��ci.�iur�, Severr�.l :>i.i;cau i�hr•c.7tayt����.i1� t:hu C;i1;y, anr..l�ar�iny �.N��.? yt.�k�jE��.•l: K>r�r•�:c.al., w�?r�E C:l'11'IS�.(�F!I^(aG'� fUY' ].I'1C1"k�iilSF?(� Y'l•?£f;l(�l'-!I��Li�al. c�F?r�sY.t:tt�:i t:U ITIc�kC! t.l�'J 1°l7Y' ��'If? ha�.isany c.�N>r><>r�1:�ari:i�:y shc�i^�:f�:�.11 cr°k!r�1:�?ca k�y 1:rit� Fl.lk���r°i:�:,i�n' s cl���:.ir,i�ar�. 'I"hi� w��:�atF?rn I�i<�1i= uf th�n suM�j�c;t �r�u�>��r'��y �ru� Lh�n r>ar�c:c=_.l i:u �M» wF!si; w���r,�, �r��K�ca:;E��a f�.�r� f>1�zn/r��n� ���ar�ka5ac�rit:�i:S.t:�r� i�i��c�m MEarli�.im [l�?nr�:ity Rc!si.d�r�ti�l/F2—:k2 (I�I)) to M�dium—I�i�hi I)t�i•�:si�y REa;si.��Fan�ir�1/I�...-Zh (lal�) ((;17F1 Q%...�.Q7((:•;}l7..(; f31.-.C)7..(G)) , N�.� cri��n<�E� in clk>>i.<:�nr:xl:i.c�n w�a;�� �ar^c��>c�:�se!ca t�G�r• i:Nx� c�ast;c�rr� hial.f uf i�hie M�arxi�r�s' �ar•c:Fa.l, l"1�ic� �ar�u�usHC� rcacJ�si�nat:ion uf= t:hc� w��:�;i:�r°n r�<�lf c>f �:N�E� ��r��cipk�r°i�y �anal i�Fit:� <acaj<a�:.��ri�: �ar:xr�t:.E�l. w�,�:•s z:��aK�r�cav�aca ray tHi��? t�i.i;y t,uur�ci.l ar� Fl�r•:i1 1.3, 19�7. Na c�i;ri�r 1�nca �.i�i� r�r�K�l.i.�.<-.�t:i.c�ns r•��c�c�r�cli.ny 1�hi.s K>�ar•c:a:a1 h�au�� racaeri r•E?Ulk?WEa(:I r>y tr,� c�;.ty. � 3, VXCanii�_.7nfc�r•mr:�i:i��n "fh�! C;<anca�t^:�' �r•c7K�Ea+��1:y i.:> :>ur•i��ci�anc�E�c� hay 1:ri� f-�all.uwine� •r..c�riiriuJ c:l.i.st:��•aci:a; R...7_5 (f>I)) (R�:>it��nl:S.r�.J., t5 un:ii:s/�acr��?, N>l.arir�c�c� I)c�v�a.loramerit) i:u t;1�i�! wc�sL aricl h�,u�:Ni; C.>...e� (F>U) (C�,en�ar•�:l C.��mir�t�i��c:�.r:�t., �al.<:�nn�:�ca t��:�u��1�,�>m�:�ni:) 1:e, i:ri�.� sauthwest;; C�•--?_5 i:o i�Mi� Sc7u�ric�ast; �r�d I?--�.2 (I�I?) (F2�aic�c�i•�t.i.<�]., .�� UYI,I�:"a�i+lGi"�� F��,i:1Y1C14?f� ��F?1/i�11'1r)�1F?�'1'�:��:f,l {':�'1F� 1'll')f"j:�'1� ��idY'l'.:H.�a {:Cl �:�'1�:1 WF?:i'�:, �ast, �xr�d noi^th ar�ca �.ir�c��vcal.u�»ac�, trr-.�._.cr.>ue�i���c�, aric� t�uc�c�i�r�Nr• with� th�� suk�jF?t:1; ��trcE�.l i'�ii�•m i�r��� s���a1:h�!i^ri :��1caK��� c�f I_.i.i�1:7.�� 13ia11 Mc�tar�1:<:ai.i�i, "I"hk� huur�i:ai.ns <�t �3umirt�r�f�ic�.l�i canr.loma.ni«ms r•xr��± 1uc�t:�±<i c�it��r�c.�l.y sc�tath� of �h�= L;ran��r°:>' (.71"l.'1�?t�l"i:y. °i'a {:hlf? SpU'I:I'iWb!5'l: i:�l"H'? Sl••?11F?P"i�.�. UI'1f:�f�IfF!.�.11�;1F�(a K)F�i"Gt�a.:i i:aFi wca.11 as Pi�t:l�ur•`s Nur��cry wr,ti�:r, t�runi:5 c�n i�<�c.iri.c; i-IieJr�wt:�y, "I"�ii:� 4;rancJE�f^s ��r°c�F�t�i^l:y h�ta:> r:��a�7i��cixiirical:��J.,y 7..2C� f+aa�i: iaf fir•�ii��i;rac:�t� c�n f11�a���rE� . 5i:r•ca<a�:� IVi:lf?VF? Str��?t is c��signcat�ci as �x m:iriur� cu.11c�etor� s1:r�c-��t hay thc:! Cat:y's .�.i„<�n�:,�c.�r�i::<�1;:i��n �>l��n MG��a. Nc��u� �;1;r•E�E�f° i:�> c�k�nE:�r��:�].J.y :aul:�:�i�.�ric;l<:xr�ca in wi,r�th Ganc� in :st:ai:ca c;af- i,m�ar�ut�ciric�r�i;�, wii�Ni tN�� �:!xc:c��tican ur �h� i'��rint��c�E� �af i:h�� F�'ciiani�r:ziris ��1: C;tamm��rfie:ld c�ii��E�c.i:ly �ar.r�u:>:�s fi��e�ni i�ri�:! Sanc�E?r�s' wr��7��r..Gy, hi�lf :�Lr��4�at i,iri�ar°aucairtc�r�ts i.ricl�ac�:inc� 3q r��Eat: or �at�u�m�ani�, c�ar�k>�, ea :>iel�.�w�alk, an�a s�:r��F�i�li�h►i:s r����rF� b�:�wn ir�si�all�ra G�1�.�nc� �h�a f-'e,urii:a.i.r�s' Srur�t�:��c�, "fh�� ��e�u��.c>�<�r°5 uf th�� I'=�aurit;aa.r�� Hiavc-a a1sc� �.Yt:'i�:i�.�.�E?C� i;t ZC1 �'C)�1{; Wj,(��? i.nt���r'J.ill I"l')ri(a fil.lY'�'i:1Ck� 6Jf?;i�:Wi11"t':� �"-p �`l�<".+lE?1/E:! St:i�•�aE�i:`s i.rit��rs�ci;iui7 wiLh r>��:�rr� I-I:ightway, F��i:.:ific 6�i.t�r�w<�y, a �f�,ur�._..lc�an� di.virJ�<1 ��r�i��.�rir:�l, i� .lucat:k�d �a�aK>r��:�xainr:�i��al.y ' !a0� f��F�t w�:�>i: uf' thEa Saru�t�rs` r>r•a�ac�r�ty, (� �.c��rt Lur�ri �.�ri� c�ni�u N<�c7vFa Str•ka�i: i:> ��i��avi<��cl fcar• s�,ui:hik�aunca i:r�cai��ic., l"hi� irit��r�s>��:.t:i�.7n ��fi �14��u�.a �;'Li��ca��L aric� I�<:x�if'ic WiyF�w�ty is r�c>L- �i�rializeac�, t:�W :�Ot.�th f�ve�i���a� 9.s aK>K>rnxim�i::el.y 4°i0 fEZ�t; �.a<a:>�: c1f i:h�� h�r�:��a�ri�y, ����ui�Hi af �:rz� irii:H�r•scac:i:;iun, .�aW 1.O�Lhi f�uEar�ufa :�a � fu.11y a.mpr•uu�c� si:i^ea�i: lca��dir�c,� i.riLu tHiFa C;�an�n►��rfie�J.ca pJ.�nne�c� c:G�mmtartii:y wii:h� cc�riri�ct;i,c��ns> Ea<-.�st; �aric� w�;>1: l���arl:ir�c� tu IJ�arh��m C�u�.rd, :3W 1bS�th Au�ariue, n��r�th uf th�a iriL-F�rs�cLinn wi.i:N� �I<:�fau�� :,i.r�t�c�i�, a� � s1:�:���K> c�r'iill/t'?J. r�ciracJ k�xt:N�n��xny ��K>��r�c}xim�i�c�l.y 1.,7,.C1C1 fa?�t 1�u a dc�ac� c�n<�. SW ].Q9thi f�u�ariu� Gont:ir��acaa a�a�aroxim<at:��.ly ?.00 fca�� ;;'f'f1F"F' �'F'f�U�t"i" -... CPft E��i--•0?_/`1.C; 89�..U7. (�;AI11[)E.h:.;) ..�.. PF�GC= 2 s: � , r 1 • f�.�r�Ll���r nur�t;h ��f tN�e rac��c� c?nc�, "fhis rior•th��r�� s�ut�inn uf �W 1C79th Au�:�nu�.� �x�:caricls ru.,r�i:h�+�ar~cl Lc:� C.;an�:F�r�haiai^y t..<ari�, l"ri�! C:i.i:y' s "I"r��n:aK��.7r�t:��ta�.�n Plan Map c��1.1a r��r �I'1F? two ��c�ir��arii�s af- �w�W :tq�th t�u N�Fa curin�ci:c�d in �h� fui::ur��a. 4, •^aii:� ]:rifiorm��i:iar� �nd Pr�o�t�.�c�l._,�t�,:�c,w.,i�at.i.��n 'T'ax 1ni: 7_00 i.s �ri Q,ry7 �cr�Fa �;���r•�.�:t ��r•Eas�nt;:Ly C:IE?Vf?�.Q�)F?<� wa.th c�nt� s:i.r�c�l�:? �amily r°easit:f�riR:�a r:anc� :sc�v��r�l. ��i.itkx.i:�l.c�i.nJs, "f'Ni�:� pr•c�Kyt�i��i::y :�1�.�K>ea:: c��anFar�al,.ly �a thc� suuthi <�nc� w�s1: wi.th �n �vcr��c�e c�r•ac�� uf 17 pEarc�nt. 1"h�.a g>r"�7p<aI^ty fc�i�•ir��r~].y wz�:�> �a:�k�cJ a:� � rnar�s��r�y. "I"h� :�i�;t� i.:: mc��i:ly wc�c�d��c� wit�h� � cair�hain�ti.c�ri ai� <�v���^c�r�c�c�n ai�u� c�cacx.c�uuus i:r���c�s. ThiE� l.�r����1: i�r•�ak�s ar~�.a c;�n 1::hc nc�tr'th�t^rtmu�i': p��r°1:ic�n ar 1�ht� �r�rapc!r•t:y, "!"h� 5ot,ii�rt�.?r'nm��;>t: ', �aur•t;a,can uf' i�Ni� ��i��u�a�r�Ly, b�?t�wc�i7 t�h�� h�auyca �.nd Nae�vc�? �3i�r�e�at, i.� must�.y a�a�an, .�..Pi�� K�r�c��ak�i^1:y is pi^E�s�:�n1:1.y ;;f�r�u�c� k�y sa s���afi:ic sy:�i:tam G�nr1 �� wE�J.1, A sarii.i��ar•y �GWt?t^ �nc� a �t,or•m af�WE?Y• �r�c� .lac:<�tc��� ric�<'�r��ay �ti: i;h� irit:er;��c:t:i.un �.�f C,W N<�E�u� �;�:r�Ea�:a1: ��nc� �,bJ 1.C1�i;r� Av��nufa, F1n fi�.�..an�:.h r�i.<am�l:Far� wc�i��ar� ir��aan .i.s lucat�c� �1�.�r�g Naka�� Sti^cac�t, Thc:� C;war�ra�a��s' �ri^c:���i^i:y rar•Ea:�a�nt:J,y �i<>�� �w�lai: F'1.�:�n c�r�t� .��cananc� dEa:�:ic�na�iar�s, 1�h� wc�:�>tc�i�•r� h .0 acr���s is dH!siynaL�ac� Mrr,li.«m�....Ffic�h I)Eari�ity 12�;;id�nl:i�1. k>y i:h�:� Cc.�m�ark�h�ri:aivaa �l.�n MGaF� �ruJ i.:> rc.�n�ta 12—•?..�; (PC)) . l'"hc� caast��r�n A,2"1 �cr�es i.� c9�s:�c�natc�d M�cii.um 17ensity 12E�sidtarii:i.a1 ar�d is Z�I'l�(� �-..�.� ���C)� , r�'l�! i.�1�7�).�J.Gi:�Y1�S N"k?C;(1.16!yt: �:�'lcd�: �::�'if� �)ntFi�':F!N'I'1 �F� �� i�IC:M'k?�3 �77k? r�e�d�si.c�nat��c� Mc�di��m....l..li.c�h� I���i�isxty 12���fc�car�tY.al. �nc� ha<� r��t�zunc�c� i2�--25 (I�i)) , Th�.a ra��li.c�nt� c.ai��� ca:�ffic.�.iJ.�:i�±� �.n m��r�kE�t:anc� thiE� �ar•cti�wa�^ty ficyr� devc�l.c>�>mF�r�i: r�ui����>usc�s k�e±causc� uf tf��ka :�>�a:f.ii: c1e�:ic�riaLian. 'TM�� f�.l;�,ririi��c� Diuxsi�,i7 hi�:a Kar��ui.�.,u:•sl.y r°F�sra��rira�ca t::c, •�h� c�wn�.ar�:>' aric:l K�e,i:cn�iti�aJ. c�c�u�la�a�r•s` iru;��t.i.r�i.c�s r�c���ai^c�:ii��c� tHi� r�u:>s:ik�i..l.iL••y nr <�vF�r���c�iric� Lh� al:l.�.�w�.ar� r1E?n:'>i.i�i.�s fc�r� 1:NtE! i:wc.i �eir�i�i.��r7:� �.�fi {:Ht�.? pc�r'<:E�1. wii�Ft 't�rt ini;�ar�pr�E�t��ric�r� Lh�at: aur-_r�a��ir�c� w�as riut �acassi.k�l�, (kxh�f.k�xt 1 , J��.ly 11, 19�3a, ].���.i:E�i^ �Lo W9.1,li4air� C;anca��r�s fr�c�ni ;)'�r�i^y Gfi'�!w�. ) 5. (�c�er�c,�..ai�c�.._Nf?�_.(�uir�m��r�t� ThEa E.nginEae.?r:inc�J 17:it�i.3i.�:�n h�a:> t"E!V7.EaWF�(�I 1:h�� �ar��a�a�.�s�a1. t�ruJ c7fr�r^E�ta i::hi� fol:tc�wii•ig cumm�.�ri1::;: .f.h�a :��ak>,��c� :';i.1:�� rr��.�n1�:� ��n�c� �,W IUd�:�vEt wi�r•�a�i:, a 1aryHly uri�.m�r•oved mir�ur ce>t1.F�ci:ur str��aNt, :�m�r�avc=±mcar�i�s> tu N��avca C;i:r��eei� w�.,ua,ci bFa ����<:��aii����c� a� �a 1:.c7nrJitic�n c�r ��ny �I��ua?J.capmEarii� of i:Mi� �ar�op��rty. TN�c� iir��ar�ovHC� raac�w�y 5�'IOU.�C� �ara��.d� acl��tarai�c� vE�hac�a:��r• ��:c:E��,s fi�.�r� i:he :3ii.� �� �:F�� anc,r^�<�s��ra dF�nsS.i�y. S��r�it�ar�y s�w�r� �an�a s1:ur•n� cli^�a;in�y� imrar�c,uEm�ni:;•s wuul.d N��v�.� t� h�� EaxL-�r�d�ci t'i��uir� �x:isi�:iric� iri�;r�ric�].cs a.t wW Na�auc Str•����� artc� C�W 1()Wi�Ni �lv��nu�, "C'h� st:�ri�.l::aw�y ��w�?�� sysfi:�m is c���>r�k�1� uf �i��uvi.c�ii7c� th�� ri�c�:�;sar•y s�r�vic� �i� thc rer�ca�st��d aric:r��rasc�d t��.arisi.i.y. '1"Mi� �5xi:3i;irir� 8{:17t`�m c�i���iri�ar�e :;ys�:�n� woutd k>�� r���c�uirEad ta bH� Eavr�l�aai�cac� a� � �anc�a.tian �f' c1�:�vEalc��in�ar�L c�fi i:h�� si.i���, T:ne.i^c��a�ca ca�n�il�y wil.l i�ypic.�lTy xr�cr���!ask r�unuf�f sl.ic�hf:ly but t�h�� nuer�all ��r�ra�c� un r•ur��7ff fr•c�m i::his sii�c� shic�uJ.�l b+� minim�tl, S'1"(�1=�" F2FI�OI�T .._ Ci�(� 8���n2/LC F9...�q2 (SF�Ni�k.RS) ,�.• nAG�� 3 � '•` "f'h4� C)w��c�c.�n �;i:�i:tx P�i.c�hwr:�y Uiui.;�si.c�n rrc�:> e�ffiE?r't�t;l 1`tt7 c�k�jt?C:i:ac�r�5 ��� �:���ruri�ni::•r r�c�c�ar�dii�ic7 th� pr�upu�aJ. k�ui: h�,s i��ui��±c� tN�at fGtt:ur�E� c�EV��.lu�amc�r�t uP thc? s:i�.� r:�1:: �:!ii::ri��r� t:hH� �xi:�tinc� �.,i^ K�r�4�pc>>�ra dE�ns9,i:i.�, m�y n�'!�.E�:'>>9.t:4ai�.� imraruv�m�i�ity tt� N4a�uw �tr��at's frii:�r�:>�ctiun with� 17ac�.fic Mi.�hw�ay. �.fi1�.11^I�UE?CI14:?Pl�::i WC)U�.(a Yl��t?(a �".t> k7F� C.C)rlYi�:P"UI:�Ea(� <:1�: �.:�'16! (�k?U�.�t?F)F?I^�1� k?X�;16?i'l;it�. "fHic� "fic�ar�d W�t:e�r• f)i.si:i�•i.ct� r��s c.uinm�r�i�e�c� tri�at its wat���r sysi;�am hr�s t:Mi� r.<�p�:��:.Xt:y t.�.� t;�.�i^v� 1:he�! c��vc�l.i7pnt��nt. I��i,w�av�i^, �:ht� W<ai�E�r� Di;at:���ae.i: �cicl�r.l th�t it m�y }at� rt�cc�asar'y �c] s�rv� t�Me.? ta���i^ �nr'ta.urt af� t;ht� 5it� fi^c�aitt � �GOn�a���a wral,�r• l.ane fr°�.>m C<aMi:E�r�lau�•y L,<:�n�.� �rua 1:�, >�r�u� tri�:� J.c�wc!r�� K>���•i:ican ui i,Mi� s:it� t'i��c.7m � iti�in :knc:a�cad <�.luri� SW lVaEauc�? `iLi^E��t I'JE!C:iiltASf? �a� dififii:.�al.i::it�:�> wi.1:h w�at:E�i^ r�r���s:at�r��, �u�a �s r,�a� ���r,���r,�t,� �.r,��: tn�a Wk?:i�N��, r,�►�r Ur �n� ��������� SI'1pU.LC$ ��a d����n—:rc�ri��r� 1:c., 1�....12 r•�tF��!w• 1:hG�n hiauxny �:r�e ��rai:�.ar�n ria.lf �:�� i•.hiE� pr�•c�p�.�r�ty u�•�-zun�cS L-c� F2.....15, "fh�a NF>� r4a�J.s �Fiai: i:hi.s wuGi�,c� m<:�k� 1�he ra�r•c�l a iru�r�� ', h�.�niogt�ne�.�i,ia, c��.a���l.t,�<ak�l.� �ai�.c��>E!i^i�y i:r��i: w�:,ul.d haE:! c;am�a�l�i.ka1.� wXt:ri i�Ni�� �xistiriq riHaiyhburhacaci, 'T'i.c�ar•�:I C,c:Nioctil. t)ist:r•i.G.1: 23;P �rua Wa:>F�i.ric�i�c�r� C�.��ar�i:y F�'i.r��k� C)i:>i:r�9.�.�: ��;k rPUicawE�c� the �arc��c��al ��r�r� hauc� af'fFxr�e�c� no c:omm�i•ii:s ur �ahaj�ctions , Nn c�{�h;��^ c:amm�nt:ss wt��^E� r�:�c�!i.u�r.ra , 13, N�:CAIf):INCaS f�NL7 GONrt.U�a:�UNS . . , , , , � � .. 7��'lk? I^l:a.�.E�11i�t1'lj: t:.i";l�:E?1"1F+1 J.I'1 1:�'iJ.3 Gi.^iti6! <:�I"k! :��;iA�:E�W:lt�k! f�Zi+ll'tl'1�.Y1G�f Citl<:la.:i �.� :�� �rx� .I.t�; "f"i.c.qai^<� C;ampi��ah��n:>iu�� i�.lan �aalica.e� ?_, �., �., 6, :k , t, 7, i„2, "1.8, 1, a, 1. ,1, f3.1.<�, t3,2,1, �n�a C'.hc�x�1:�:�r• :l?.., t..��c:r:�i:ic�n�a.l. (::i�•:ii'.:�r�•i<:�; r:�rita i:h�.� ch��i��yc� ui�• mi�i:<:ak�� cYi,��s:i•—juGli,t:it�.l. iti<��a <�ir�c�r�c�m��rit: c:ril�Far°.i,�a ofi Maca�hi i.htE? Con��i^�ah��!i�i;;i.uf, f�l�an �rpel Cc�m�m�ri:ii:y Llf!v��:t��K�mE�nt: C���clk�, ..i"H�� P�.Gar�rti.i��� s�af�f c.��nc::lt�cic�s th�tat tF�c� rai^u�>a�<�1. i.a c:urisi.:•�L�:r�t wi:i:h i:M�t:? a�a�al.:ic..r:�h�:l�� �;i::��1:�w�.c�E� fylrani7i.nc� ��aals <:�nc� Gua�J��l.in�.�s k�r��.;Eacl ur�rai� i:h�.� f�al.:GOwiihc� f=z.rir�:�r�gs; 1. C;o<a1. �!1 as m�i': hF!c�ta�� i�rt� C9.i:y hGa;�> acac���i>�d �� Ci.�:XrF�n� Irivn�.ve�m��i�it �ru�ram inel�ar�xric� r•�va.ctiw uf �.11 ciE�uelc��airicarii� awyr�li.�::�:atic�ns k�y i:h��:� N��i.c�hk�c�rh<a�:�d F�l�nnirty 4r�c�canix��:i.�.�n (IUf>U) , :l:n �tfc�:iti;i.un, ��.lt �auk>li.c nc�tic� r•c�t�ui.r�amtar�ts haue k�ta�an :>i�l�isf'ie�c� t'u�• tri:ih G���.li.cal.a�>rt, 2, Gc��i. �:� X� n�t�i; ha�c:r��a a� �:h� C�ai�y N�<:�s ���rl.z�.ac� ��1,1 ���>��l.a{:�iYa:E.�! �t.at:caw.i:t�t? F�larin�.i��u� i�c�als, CiLy Cu�t►�ar�h�r�siu�a I�l�r� F>ul.zc�.NS anc� Cc�n�m�artil:y k�1t:�s»�1.��K>m��ni� C�c�ei� r�zr�u�r��irie�inl:a L••e.� i:ti�a r��ux�w ���' i�r�� �ar�u�c���1, ! 3 , G;�:�al. #�,1C� i� s<:�tisfic�cJ k��<a<:�u;�ac� t�h� pr<:��>�.�s��►1 wxl.1 �>r�uuid� f�.ir� �r,lc��.t;'carial hie�catiih� ura�aurt�>unii:i,�y as �aralri�atF�c� k�y th� (aa,i:y`� Cc�ir►�ar��?h�rr��;au�:� Plari an<� t;riEa Mwal;r�o��.�1.i.1:�n 1•�«usir�c� C�u]:� (nr��.?y�.�rt Ac�mir�i,str�<at.�.vc� i�u�E�a, t:Pi��at�Hr 660, f7�:uS.si+�n 7) , Ar>r,�rc�ual ur t:hc �r°i���a�;<:�J. w�a�aJ.c� ini�r•�?��� Nie�u��.ny ��K�K>��a~i�unii:i.Ea:a ��n 1:Ni� c,i.i•:y'� c�E�u�1e>r�<�:k�,lca r�c�tii�carifi:ia�. :lanc�s l�u t0,'l.l c�wcall.inc� ur�a.t� �>Nr�� a�.r�E,, ����'1l;? �;"I°Ftf"��' �t::N(�C�"I" ,,,. C;fy� f3�1....C1:7../X(:'. Et�,...,07_ (;;f�Nl7E:l�w�) ..... �Fl�[� �+ � M�i�r�c���ac�X�,�ar� Fi�.��as:irig I�ca.le r��c�ca:ir��s tMi�t°�' LMiFa iaS:i�y m��.rif:ain <:� m:inimuiri r�c�u:>�.nc� ���>racai^i::�artit:y i^�a�:k:� fcar c:��!���lc����ak>l�a l�nt�a tai� 7,(:� uni.l:s �a�r� aei��Fa �:�i•id � mir�x.m�ai►� �3t�/5U ca�>�aur�turii.ty �ri:Gx f'or sr.r��.71� f�i7ifly aricl inuli�;i..•.f��nri�.y� rtc��a:ainuJ. �i"he Pl,annxnc� st�t"f� h1<-tia c�c�tkr��r�iri�ac� i�h�at t:hEa �rc.�r�c�sal. ia C171'1a1.8�F?I'1� wa.LHi i�ri�� r��.aJ.c��i�n�: K>�.,�r•i�ican:; «f i;ri�� C;t,m��r•E�rirn;>:iuF� F�1��•� k+<�:;ec� �a�ar.�i7 thiE� fia.neixriy:�: rial�c�d k��:low; 1, �:l.�an f�cti:l.x�.y 2. 1 , �. i.5 s��i:i:;fi�c� be���a�.is�:� IU��i.e�hk�c>��hc>c.�d F�l�ar�r�i.ric.� Or�,��nirai�ic�n �f iilYlCa 8UY'I"c)UI'1(�:LYIC� rJY'UrJ�Y'�.�f pWY1lyY'S Wf?Y'f� t�XUk?1'1 I'IUtS,G'E? nf �Mik� ri�.a<�r•ariy c�ncJ r�ri ca�a�ai�r•�:�ariai�.y i�a c.cimm��rit c�n i:h�� �ar•canc.isal. 2, f��:�r� Pu1�.cy b, 1 , 1 ia s�a1:i.5ri.Fac� b��e;au:�� i:he �ar•�:�{ac���l wucalc� pr•,��uici� i:h� c,Ka�ac�r•i::unai:y fcii�• aciraxi::ic.rna.l n�Gil.i:i._.fic�mily ra��v�1�.��mt�i�i�: �:anc� w�,c�J.rJ ii7ci^�aas�a i:he r�Eat huu�ii7r� up�aur�tar�a,ty c�n hrui.lt�<�b1e �.anc�s iri l.N��a Cii:y, "t'N�is is rJ��i:ai..lf�c� in i;ht� c�i.:�cia>>�.ari fc�r• f,�,ca<�l. 1,G ak�i�uc�, "C'hc.� (�ity u� 1"�.c��i��r� i.s c>h�.:i��atFC� tN�r�u�ac�l�� t:Mie Mc�tr•�.�pol.ii��an hiu��:�i.i�ig Rcal.Ea i�:c� pr•�:�vic�t� fc�r� an Fafiatd�:tl. NtC�us:iYtc� c�K>�rc�r•1;ur�i�y mi.x i�f :;in�:f.�a fcamily �xnci m�aJ.i:i.._.f4�am:il.y canits wi,thi <�.n c�v�r°al,.l ti�velca�,�iri�.lrit c�Fans:ity uf 10 urtXi:s �a�!t^ �:�i°.i^�, "f'h�:� Ci.�y mta::,1: �n:>t,ir�c! i.r���i: 5t,1'('f'Xt:::i.E!P1j: hi.c�h��• c�ensxty ai�•���5 �i^ea �ua.i.�.aial.� su �h<� int�nt uf th�� Fio�asinc� i2u,l� r.�xn ta�� m��i:, "I"ht! pr•u�aas�:,c� i���acl�:�;�iqnal:�.c�n ki�.�u:lc:l fi�ai^t:ric�r� t:rr�+ Gity';; r.�.7m�l.i.�rica wi.th� �h���s�a r���c�cai.ir•k�iri�±rits , 12cac�ueir�c� tl��e al.luwc�c� ���=ri:�tii;y an i�h�:� �ar,c��c:�r°1:y, r�:: i::ri� i11F>U r��a:� i^i?GOfittTtE?flc:If�C�, w�:,�al.c) br�ii��� 1:hF� Cii�y c:luser i:� nan,...r.�am��l.i.�aric� wii�h i�M�Fa Ffc.�usi.r�g It�al� r�r-..c�uirEamc�rits , i ; �. ��.��,+lYi �l'1,�:I.Cy �, �. ,.r t:3 :3iatt:�.Fi1"7.FaC� k)P.Ci:�1.1:3E1 CIC�E�C(t,li:��:E! �.1Uk).�.7.C. hk!I^U1C;F? c�a�aGac:it:i�s ��r•ca <�u�il.�hal� t�.a 5��r�uE� �ant���rit:xal. c�c�uNlu�am�ant: e�r� th� si1:� r�t� 1�Pita �ai"a�>ci�E�cl arii:.�•a:�<:x;�s�ac� �1r-..i��:aat:y ��.; inca:i�:.Gx1:k�ca �ay 1:N�� cummeni:> Or SF?Y'V:(.C:f? K)Y'Q1/:LC:�G1"� � �tt�l"fll SI�WE?Y" idl'll'� Eiiall'1:f.t:aY',y :it�WF?N• . .. , i exi::ens:aari;, wil.l. b� nk�c:.�.�:>:�r:ary i;c.� :��r•vt� 1;Ni�� �r��a�E�r1:,y, I"has c.4�n k�t:� accamp.li�hFac� Gas a c,ur�c�it.iun uf dc�vcal.u�>irig L-hi� sit��, 4, F�l.�an F>c�.l.i.c:y �.43. 1 :ls s<:�1::isfii.tara k��c:��u:a� 1:hc� '1"ic,��r�c! C;c•hctia�l t)xsi;r'xc:i:: w�s ii7f�ur°mrac� uf �:N1T.5 p�r•�����c�sal. 'I"h� 8chc�c�.l 17�.yLr�ie:t i� �rr•��s�r�tly cunstr~uc1:�.n<� Gan �r.ica:iLi.c�n �:c� i:rt�? Dwwh��n E:J.ca�7�kani:rxr�y w;c.N�ci��l <�ncl as alsa r���vicwir�c� N>r�c>�aeas�d c:h�anc�E�S tu se:�t�ao1 �tt:t:�rit��ricEa �uundara��s, i l`r��:as� <�c�:;iunt� rar��� �.nt.enc��cl 1::e.� �,l,l�uiatEM �.�uH:!r�c::r�c�wc�i.nc� i.rt �xis>t:iric� cl.a:�ssrcac>ms ai��c� t�� �at^n�i.<�e ��ct�it9.ur��1 caraat:i.�y Lc> �Far^ur� t=ut:ur� � yrc�wth in tria �r�N;�, ci, �lan F>c�l:i.c.y (�. �. , 1 c�:�mm5.t:;�t i;h�t� C,a��.y ti� �al.�n �fc>r'� c� :>rafka �an� ! �affi.c:i.a�rit sti^FaFat: <�nd r���auiw�y syst:cain tN��t: tnFaFat:� c:ur�•r��rit nk��c�a ai7d 'i I�' ant:ir,i.p<�t:+��ca fui:�ai^� c�t:�v�a11��>mE?nt�:, ..f'N��.s pralic:y wa�tal.c� ka� >tat:;isfafaca ,; r�k�c:a�.�a� �<�dii�iar�<�1 �nLic:i.p�t:E�� tr��t'f��.c i�•�e�tutt;ii��� rr�eam t:h�� ;i iri�•;re,,as�el r�unik>kar� c.�fi c�w�.�.l.lincs unXi:::s �h�i: c.�.,u1ci kaa� rJ��r�:�l�.,���cl �an i:h� sit� w�zu3,c9 r�ut e�usEa �;tJ Naeve :i�f"k�E?t �nc� �dja�:erit. str��kats tu '' �xc,ee�c� n�ar�•itiaJ. tr•i�tfif'�.t:. l�auk�'is fic.�r� i::h�xr�• funr�:i�:�n�a.l c:.l,a�s�.fi�.ai�iaris, �3W N�;�uc� ,i�r�e�E�t �i�►d ::�W Sumnier••f'i.E�l<i f�t^iv�, wNi:ic:h is lr,c.<�i;k�r� 1�c:� i�hi� s��ut.h. Gai^� k�c�i::h f�ancti.�n�lly �.�.as:�si.fic�rl �� mi.nur� �a1l.�r.i�ur �trF?�i:�, SW �.b9�h Au�?nuc� �nd utr�Nr ytr��7��ti:s irr tFi�a �a���r� r�t^� fiuncl:ic�n�ally �,�.z�as�fix�r) �a:� 1�.��:.��. �irw��?r�i:�, ,� �"�.�f,"F kE:I�UI'2"I" •-- (�I�(� f?�..,.,Q2/'1,:�: �5�...07. (Sf�NI�k�RS) .... I�F�G� 5 i: �. �-. � ■' _ „ a � `�,... �'`L..:. .f.t�w ���>].i.�:�r��::� Nu:�u�� �iak�mii�i:�:�d � �ar•�l.aman�r•,y i::r����fifir.. c�nal.yai5 pr���a�r���d h�y Ruh��r•�i: Kc�cacH� ai�id �5suc.i.atas, cc�r�sultiric� tr��rric en1;�iM��ak�r•a ���xnxr�x� ?..). "I"has �n�lys�.� �:.i:�ncl.u<�kas th�i: i�Ni�! K���up��s4ar� i�•r-�d�sic�r�G�tiur� w���a.lcJ �a� E?X�JE?Cf:k�d tu r•H�sul.t :ii�� an <�;c���it:�.unal :320 u�hxcuJ.ar° i�r�ip:•t p�r• r1��y fi�•«m i�h� sifi::� ka�yc.�ncJ wh<:�i: wc�uld ra�� h�x���act:t�<� ui�x��i�� fia:i7. c�rve�l.�ar>m�ar�t wii�h i�h� �xist:x.ric� zcanir�c�, "t"H��.a '' tr•�:�fi'ir.. ��nr�l.yt>i.:y ��r^c�jt!�.i�s t:hca�: �tE3 �>�!r°cc�rti; c.�i� �.Ni�>� i�r��iK�;�r, c.��• :l2?.. Lr�i�p:� ti���r° c�ay, woul.ci k�� ar�t::ic:ip�ai��ad t:u tr°�vk��. :�c�uth <�r�c� c�<�>i� thir���.�u��hi i:Ni� i;�airim���^fi.�,lra �l.anne�l cc�mmtariii�y �:�.� [?ur�hG�m ���c�ad. "I"F�e �n�ly�ih �ar�oj�e.ts �2 ac�c�ii::iur���. t:r�i�� w�a�alc� i:ir��u4al. wc�aLNaaund ur� ;:iUllilllf?i'"i'�.E?.�C,� C)V"1t/f� <".�lf1Ca ��) F?i.tS.ij;�tll.lYlCa j::l":i�?5 l7Cl :il.II111Tlf�l^f:i.k.?�:t;� �)I^:LVk:!. f�l.thuuc�l� �ny �t�t�i.i:iur�<:�1 i�r•�,t'f�ic ��r� Su�TUnc�r�fie;:ld lariu� w9.l.l h�� caf ' cc�ric:�r..n i::ca P"�.?3J.C.Ik?Y1�8 �.�fi �:hu� �,iarmnt��^fa.�:!1c� c�.�mmi.ini.i::y, 1::ri�.� p�,i:E�rii;a.<:�:I. <�c�ciiLic�nal. i�i^<�arfic sh�cac.�ld r�ui: r�t�sult iri tha sGi�c�c��t��r� t�i^ai"f'ic r�rtge uf ��W �;umm��r~fiic.�ld C?r•i.fr� k��.ain�y �xcF���c��r�, "I"r�Fa auu�e�E�stF�c� tr•afi�fic r^��ric��� uf mir�c>r c,a1,1.�cLui^ at��caets, �� :�s�a�c:ifiiead h�y t:h� 1"r4�ns�st�ri:ral:icsr� :;�acl�.icar� c�f 1�hEa Cc�mpr�h���n:aiuta ��:i,ran, i.� u�a i��7 3,(.lUp v��Hricl.e 1:r�.ras F>�r• <�G�ty. 'Thr� acic�it�i.e�n�l t�r~<•.af�riu �laa shota.lc� nat exc:��:��:1 t,ri�.a �i.igr��:a�i:�.acl i:r•�ff�.G. ran��� f��r~ ;.�w �a�i:M� �lu<?nu�a wh:ic.h i.a , fui�ic.i:a.orial..ly C181S51.r1.1?r.l k�y th�ca f��.ar� �s a l.a��l �tr�c�Mat. "fhrca f�l.ar� '� s�:�.;�i:e;�: 1:h�;�t. �:hi�a s>�ac�cJ�:�i�Eac{ t.r��ffii.c;, r��anc�e c�f i.nt�>i^c�urad 1a�:G�1 a�::r��aE�1�.> i.s u�a i:o �.,�:i00 u�aNizcle Lr�S.�as rac�r� cf�y, "f'N��:� 1:r~Gaffi.c. c�n<�l.yai> �ar•i,jf,c�::s thr:�1: �i�i ��cac�i.�::icin��al. 1.�R ueh�:it:l.k� tr�zr�s wF�:��i�war�c� ear� N<:�wuea �;i:i�•ka�t wncal,d Mac� arii��.ci.�aat;�c� Fr�uin ficall cl4!v�:�J.tir>m�rtt c31: 1:r�� �ar�•�a�>�.�ac�cl dt!n:>�.�:y �s3 c:.car�i�ai�'�ca 1:u fi�a11. c��u�lu��ir���r�t: <:�t; th� <:ur•r•Earit c�car�si�:y ca�a�ac>r�i:uri:ii�,y <a��l.icahl.e t:u t:hE� Scanr���i^ra' rar•���er•1:y, "C'r�i:�; acldil::i.c�ri<�l 1:r•t�t�{'ic. i.:� nc�i: z�n�:i.c:aK>�:�i��:�c� i::c� r��st,�.lt ir� F�xc4?�a��ir�� i:hi�� al.((�f�E?S�E?cl i:r•�f�fi� r°�zr�c��� uf' SW nlac�vc� Si:r°�:��i::, r:a mxric�i�� cc:�l.lc�c:.i:c�i�� st>r°��•�i:, c.�i^ F><•.�c;7.�x�:. h�:iyriw�y whac:hi i.:; f�c�nr.ti.ar�al,l.y c1.as�:it=:i.E�d �as ��n �r•t�r•i<�1, Ii: �.a rtcai;�t�, M�ciw�v�•ar�, �ri<ai: r�ny c�r�vc�i.�;��m�.�r,�; �.�f i;h�� w;<and��r;>' �r�.�K>c�r��:y, ��i.i.Nit�r� wi�:Ni 1:Nica c���riyity l.i.irii.i:s u1= thta c,ui��r•�r�t: ur �ar�npaseac� ruriir�<�, wi.11 lik��al.y I"E?f:(l.l1f"t:? l.'1�'�'.....,a7.�':k! :4f1�:E?i"l.fl) fij:l'"E?F?� l.fOK)1"OVE!ITIk?Yli:� 1::11 Ni:1F�UF! tii�1"F?f?�; J.I'1 �aa�h da.r��!r,t:iuris <�s w��.l <�s ►.iri�r�uu�inEarit�s t••o thH irii;��r�atactiui� ��f� N�t�;av� :51��•e.?�1: an�i F>at:.ii'a<: P•Iic�M�w<�y. 134ac.�c.�s� th�a r>i^o�atas�ci r•c�e#��s�.c�r�atxe�n w�at��.c� rie�t; ra��a1L- iri riar�•mal� i�r•��fifiac: r��<�ncJ�.as �:�f G�t:lja�:�.ani� y�:r•�?E?1�s b�!if�r� w?xc:��.ad�!ca k�y i:�^<�►i'i''it:. c�cantar<�t;�?ci May i:h� acir�`ct:�.�an�a1 <iwH�.l.znc� uriits i:h��t c��al.c� k�� r����relr�r>c?c�, <:�nd <:zl.sc7 k>i:�c;a�a:;� ti�E� ��r�c�a]. i.:> ,���ar�uEac� �y an �cl�?c�u�ai:w n�ai:wc:�r�l< r>r iria.nur c�ull:cac,tur str�c��±ts aric� an ar�t�r•.i.a.l, Pl.an nc>l,icy �, 1. .1 wc�ul.cJ k>c:� :�3��i�i.;�fi�.ac� if i.tit� pr�c����.,�;�ra r���c�E}ai.yri�ai;i�.�n i.:> a�a�aruuk?c�, 6. F�1G�r� Fyal.i.t:y Q, 1.,3 w:i11 k�� s�ti.afiS.tac� ��;> � 4c>n�la:�:i,c.7n G�f 4apKar�ciu��:l. ur ariy fu�u�r`�y c���v4�.la�am�n1: uf �:hi� pr^u�a�?r��y, N�c��±:�ssar,y ri�hii:.�..�uf�...�way d�caic�ir:i�.�ri �nc:l ai:r��.a�i� i.n►K�r�«r��.ani��nt.a wr.�ul,r� N>ta r���q�,rXr��ci �t: i�Ni�t i:X���a. -rr�� Ci.ty`s F:ri�ir�c�far�in?� pi.�rx:s9.an �I'iti �Hie Or�NC�un �i:.�t� Wa<;JriwGty C)ivi.:>�.c}rr w�:11. ���?u��!w �any �Iwai��l�>��rnE�n1: ��r��7K>t>ss��l f�.�r� i:h�.a �7.t:�. :;�-n��r-� r,�:►>Gr,..i.. .,,,, r.:F>� a�.,...az/z�:° ea,...o2 {c;�n�[,�::k�;� ..... �>�c�; �, i � 7. 17].uar� 1�c�.1'i�y i3,2,2 is s�ti,5i'�i�ac� k�fac:au�� 'T'i^xwM��t urf-c?r�s h>u� SEar•ui.cc� un �>�cai�i.r.. N�li.yriw��y 1F�s� th�<�n an�� r�u�r�i:�r� n►i�.�a fr�c.�m �:hE� �ar�c�F���r�i�y, 8, '1"rin I...uc�taun�l. t,rr.LF�r�.'xa ��ae�cxfi�cl in �;h�<�rai��r ].2 c]f Lh� f�J.�ri f�i^ M��I:i�.irrr....Mi.gh L)c�n;�t:i�Ly ��sar1�?n1�.i.<:z:l. �as�� �r�t� a�a�:i�fiita�i f�.�t^ i�rtt� fal,lc�wir�c� r�ca<�aur�s: Ga. .1..ki�.� �ar^caK>wr••1:y i.;; wi.l:r�in <� "U�.�u�l.apXric� Ftr�e�ea" whir:h� i.h nc��: �ainmiti:F�c� t:o .low <��r�s.i.�y ca�aue]lca�mcai•ii�, b, 'I"ri�:! p��.c.tiK>F�r�:y i a �agy�r�c�ximr:�l:�±ly At�E:t ft�t:�i: fr^�.�m 1:Ni�.� r�e:�r:ar��Ea:�r1� �ara�ac�r°i::ips d�si:�n�aLc�c� k�y i:h� F>}.ari t°c�r�• ;�iric��.c� fi�ina.ly r��:;it�kari�Li�al urta; fut:�.�r��� cl�.auel.ct�nt�ni: c�ri i:Hi� si1�E� we.�uld th4ar•�rur•Ea h�e rac���cYu�i:��.ly sEa��i��<�1:Eac� fr�um .luw�...c9Fansity dc����l.c:��mk�nt i;h�i��4ak�y m�.r�.ima�i.ny i�ri� �at;�.anti.�tl. fc�r• c.c�riflXC��::�;, c, 'The ra�r�c:�l. h�as c:fir�r.t: �xcc:�ass t�u N��u� 91�r�ca�t, a mi.riur t:.��J.J.c!r.1:pY' S�N"k?k?�:, i.�l'i WF,!.�.� ct5 XYl(a].Y't:?C.�': i:d'l'.(:f�f3tt �1,1 �i.i1C.1,�°7.0 Hxc�h�way, r�tn art�r�i.�l ytr�caFat, a� c���si�r�ai�E�c� hay i:h� C;I.�fTlpl"F��'1�.?I'18l.11k? ��:<:�Yl� ;i ��I"i.�11'1Fip<1t"�<:1�;J.t)1'1 ��.i.lYl Nli��?, �����'1F� �)i�tY'C.E?7. � i,s t�a�s �t7�n 15oQ f���t f'ru�i F7�cif�,'�r. hix�hw�ay. cl. .:�er°i�,u:�> ci��u�l.�.,pm�ni�: 19.mxi:��i:i�,n� r:�fi�H�c:�iric� �:ri� sit:� �:���c� r���i: kav�.c9E�ni: �nc� �auh�li� ft�c.ila.�iN7s �ai7 M�� ext:Ear�c�eci �Lo sFai�•u� thc !, pr'c�K»r~1:y. c�, F��ak�li.c i:r��ri:•s:ii: i:> r:�vra:il<�k>7.� �an K><�r..ifi.c Hi.c�hiwt�y wi.i;Niin <:a c�u��i^f:��r mi.].� uP tri� tiii:�, �', �;C1111/l•!Y1:I.F.?YIC�:? 1"E!�;iA1.I. 3k?I^l/:IG.E? l:3 i�1Vi:1L.�i:�l�'J.�.6? Y1k�i:�Y'NJ;y c.��.t)I'1� i�acifXC; I°lic�hiw�ry. (�uirimcr•c:i.�7. �ar�<� h��asiri��ss uH�r�t:��r°a <:�rc� 1�7�,��t�.�ra -�K�K�r��.>;�im<:�irE�ly C�,F,i i�n 1. mi.lca f'r���m �N}� �4a�^�.�:�J., <�, F�i°•car�car�i�y ri�ar��H� uf� 1�HiEa sc:i.t�! has S,Lc7�)FxS ari E�xcc�:>s eaf 25 pEtr•c.��nt: t:ht�i: wi11 k�� c�afficuJ.1; 1:�� cl�au�,l.a�r �ncl i�rt�.a�'�:tf<.�r•�� wi11 .I.lI<f?�.y r��m�fi7 as �ar�iu�L� a�a�n �t�>�c�, Cummun u��n .riw>i:aCO iAl'lC.� Y'�t:l"f?<.+l�:J.Q1'lc"�1 t'iall'.l.�l�:lt}a �Nli^1�: t:tAFiClltli:ll^l�.y/ i9Y'k? �r••c,uic��d wil•:h mtalt:x_..family r��u�l.c�pm�rit wa.l.l <�lsu �.ik�l.y bE! prc�u:ir�k�c� R�s �:hi� �GrYajE�t.i> �ar•e:�p�r�:y is r��?uelc��aNta. Na �uk>1�.� upen �r>ac.e i� ].�:>c.<�tEa�� withia.n 1:hc� ui.c'criii�:y ur i:M�� par�c:tal, X:n �.�r�d�:�r� t:c., GaK���r�c�u�� �a c:�ta�;ai...�jucl:ir..i.r:�.l �mwarx�m�nt, t:�, i:h�:� K�1Gan �nc.�) "l.t:�r�9.ri�,� Ma�as, th� Cx�y mGist �:Lsa ra.nd t�hai� th�re is �uic��r�c�a c�r � cM��rtg� in thik n��ic�hkacar�hi�.��.,r� c�i�� c:�,nmiunit:y wr,xr:n ra�i'w�.i;5 tri� s�ak�j�.�c.t ��r�•1't:�zl., ��.�:1-?I"Yli:��zV61�.�/r tNlf? t:1�1f lTIUS�: �'].Yl(� �>Mliil� �HIC!Y'4? �'1"0l5 �)k!F�I'1 n"l IT11SLi;+I{CE? UI" inc:un:,isi;�.�nc:y nt<•:�daa ir� �:h�� c>i.,igi.r�a�, r�a�:�ign�i::iun ��f i�a��� �a��r�•�,�.a:l.. ((;c:�m�rtah4ar�siv� P.lari, Vu),wn�� 2, f>ul.icy 1 ,�., 1, ;I�ti�SlFatn�ni��t:iun �tr��tc�c�y 7.; C�ammtanai;y D�.aueJ.�a�m�ni� C�c�taka r��?G1.aan ].f3,27_,q�hU(A)) . ;;i��aff c.e.�r��.ur�> wr�i�:rr Lhka a�a{��i.�;arit`s ��sFa��t�iuri �Ni�i� a aixstake wf�s m�cl�a in c�F�:�igr�at9,i�tu� Lhiw (.;�anda�i��s' K>r•ca�a�ri:y wa.tri �:wc� f>.l�n �and "l..c�riina� d�>i.c�n�i:Xt�r�a :�pl.i.tt:;in�;y i;:N��� ra<�r•c:r:]: :f,ur�c�i.t:uc�in�l..ly, "fhi� cari�•€�n� spli:t: r��sic�rii�tl;auns ir�ait<?s �rr� raar"cF�l vGai��y �laffii,�:.ial.i�: i:c� t;l��vFal�,p k��ar..�u;>� tri� Ga].;l�.,w�k�l�� ci�n�i.1:�;�a� e>�f 1�:hF� i�w�7 rurica> carir�cat k>� av�r•ac�c�ci �,u�r �hie E�r�ti.r�, �>;�r•c:�l, 'TFte� yt���'`t' haFa.li�au�s �N�ra�: �.t: w�:�ulra haEa k��1:i��.ar• t,�:� c�ast:r�xk>tai��a t�:h� unii;� �k1r��uc�Ptc��ai> �h�.� ��.1�� i i ;�1°Ai�`1= i2�.PUl't'T ���.. �i�f� £3�.��.,02/IC 89��•U7. {SFiN1aE�2�) .... �A(.,E: 7 �I i .. � Y wi.i:h rr�.��.�c:i•; i`' 4an;� <3r.i:ur:�1 dEav�l.���m�rit c�ansi,r��iinl:s �.�r ���apc�r�tunita.�a inhicr�nl: a.r� th�e sii�� r�ath�i^ tM�ari w�.i.h o�����aE'�c:� �u �r� ar°k>i.i:r�ary �;uriS.ng diatr�.i.r.t bcaund<�r•y. .f.h� �arc�pc�s�d r•�adc�:>�.qnatic>n �c�ulr� cti7r�r��c1: thta mi.si:�k� th�at was m.�c�e in i�hc� urrc�i.na1 s�la.t d�sic�n�t�ian ur �h� par��;pl, C, 12ECt7MM[:;NC)Fl"C'�:n111 l"he? F>1�nnanr� st�.:4afifi r�.ac:.�.7mni�ncas i�h�t i�,ric� f�J.annin� C:e�mmx:>sac�n i'e�r•w�ar�d �� j r�cumm�r�c�ai::ian fur a��ar^�aua.l. uf� �:C>f� a�.....f)7_/LC Q�.�..U2 ror th� ���a�i::c�rri � p��r��Li.�an of- �Nika ;<�n�l��r�a' �r�.�F>�i^1�:y (:t�.l�i5 �;W Rl��u�.? �,i:��•r.a�.at, WC`i"M 2;;'1 �.Ql')E3, ! tax 1c�1; 2Q0) tu M7CI7,4.(ITI�....fiic�h �car�yii�y Rasir��an�ial and F2-7_5(I�I�) . ,i .,...__,._....,....._.... _.�......... ... �.. . �,... ._.....,......�........__........_.........,_...,...._.,....... _ � ... , _ .M....�...�,.__,,....... f�I�F�P F"D B`f �i^r .•fk�r� f1f� PRc�VF..D �Y� If�Xth I..,a.��n f1�s *� �ani� F>1<ar�ritar• �;E�n:�ui° f>l�nr��:!i^ k�r/�4�.2� `; ; ;C'f1F'F` R`�'NC}Ct�l" .�... CF>Fl E�,.�.�02/IC ��"�,02 (�;F1NUE::12a) ... PA(:7Ei: 8 ;, � n. i,; � � � _ t July 11, 1988 W. B. Sanders �'�O� ����� 23256 Bents Road NE OREG�N Aurora, OR 97002 RE: Zoning of 11165 SW Naeve Street You have asked whether the density limits imposed by the zoning designations applied to your parcel at 11165 SW Naeve Street (WCTM 2S1 lOD, Tax Lot 600) may . be averaged. The eastern half of this parcel is zoned R°12 (PD) which allows a maximum residential density of 12 units per acre. The western portion of the property is zoned R-25 (PD) which allows a maximum den�ity of 25 units per acre. The zoning on the western half of the property was changed from R-12 (PD) to R-25 (PD) by the City Council on April 13, 1987. Mixing or averaging of allowed densities on the different portions of tax lot 600 is not permitted. Density averaging would be tantamount to a rezoning of the eastern half of the parcel without the benefit of public review of the � intensification. Density averaging could conceivably result in impacts upon � properties adjacent to the eastern portion of your property or upon systems, such as transportation or drainage, specifically related to the eastern portion of the property. Because any increase in density on the eastern half of tax lot 600 would result in a density greater than 12 units per acre, a plan amendment frctm Medium � Density Resi.dential (6 to 12 units/acre) to Medium-High Density Residential (13 to 25 i:inits/acre) would be necessary, as well as a zoning designation ; amendment. The Cit}c .Council is the deci.sion-making body for plan amendments. The c�.ty Council will consider plan amendments nnly at its October and April meetings. Applications for plan amenciments to be heard in October need to be filed with the Planning Division no later than August 12. Application for a ; plan amendment to be heard in April would need to be filed by mid-February. A pre-application conference with C3.ty staff is required prior to filing an application. The purpose of the conference is to allow the applicants a�nd staff to discuss the application requirements and hearing process, review the criteria for a plan amendment, and discuss specific issues that would need to be addressed for a particular property. Of particular concern with your property would be the af_fects of increased density upon the roads in the area. Please contact me if you have any further questions or would like to schedule a pre-appl3.cation conference. Sincerely, V '� erry 0 €er Aseietant Planner 1312�5VV�lvd.,P.O,Box 2a397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)6'�9-4171 � NI�; � . Land Us�u �° P LAN N I N G Site S'erVice� RESOURCES, INC. 3681 S.W. Carman Drive Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 (503)636-5422 March 7, 1989 Mr. Jerry Offer, Associate Planner F.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: The Willi.am Sanders Comprehensive Plan Amen�ment and �one Ghange Applications Dear Mr. Offer: The applicant is aware of the concern regardinq the potential traffic impact this application may have on the adjoining neighborhood, therefore a preliminary traffic analysis has been completed and is submitted to you, The maps and documentation resulting £rom this analysis are attached. The �otal daily generated traff.ic resulting from the current zoning wou�d be 876 trips/day. The total daily �enerated trips resulting from the proposed zone change would be 1195, for a difference of 319. It is the professional judgement o� the consulting traffic enqineer that approximately two-thirds of the traffic w�:ll travel to the north on Pacific Highway and the xemaining one-third of the traffic will travel toward 109th Avenue, dispersing to the east and southwest. The difference in impact on local streets between the project developing under existing versus proposed zoning is 42 additional txips on Summerfield west-bound and 80 additional trips on Summerfield east-bound from Highland. Because this traffic is dispersed over several streets, the overall affect of this proposed �hange should remain within th� normal r'ange for local streets. Of the total number of trips generated from the proposer] Zone Chanqe and Camprehensive Plan Amendment, the major�ty will travel toward Pacific Highway and not through th� existing ne'ighborhoods. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contaCt our office. Sinc�rely, ' r ����: ��a��a�--�L�=�- Lori Mastrantonio elanner : LXI�UBIT � � p � � � j : � t�14.� I .-.! Z $�Np ROAD (oZ,�e ���� � ,,^_. I i__�ITE N�RTH � S D , � r � I i � 5'�. ao 3� s� ��� � SATTL�R � � ,y � � STREET 2 ��`c�\ � U S,J' D . � � � G,r ND = a `� � D m __._._ �'��° �' zo/, DURHAM ROAD ' ITE .- o ert SANDER S S S,TE T���,� �,STR,��ra,� KEECH ASSOCIATES, �INC. , � COI�SULTING TRAFFIC ENGINEER , �� Nw�u�ar �w., POR1lAN0 OREGON �1229 5Q3 641-s� : - -: . . . _. . ,��. - ._ � _ , * t i 4� PROJECT SITE TRAFFIC GENERATION Ulorksheet SITE NAKE: Sander Property �As Zoned) I SITE USE: Apartments (ITE land use code 220) SITE SIZE: 151 units tJNADJUSTEU DAILY VEH.ICLE 'TRIP GENERATION RATE: 6.1 trips/unit ESTIMATED TRAIVSIT USE: 0.05 ADJUSTED DAILY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE: 5.8 trips/unit TOTAL DAILY GENERATED TRIPS: 876 trips/day PERCENTAGE OF TRIPS OCCURING DURING AM PEAK: 8.7% AM PEAK HOL]RLY G�NERATED TRIPS: 76 trips/hour AM ENTER TRIP SPLIT; 0.18 in/totai AM TRAFFIC VOLUME IN: 14 trips/hour � AM TRAFFIC VOLUME OUT: 62 trips/hour PERCENTAGE OF TRIPS OCCURING DURING PM PEAK: 11.0% PM PEAK HOURLY GENERATED T13IPS: 96 trips/hour PM ENTER TRIP SPLIT: 0.68 in/total PM TRAFFIC VOLUME IN: 66 trips/hour PM TRAFFIC VOLUME OUT: 30 trips/hour Source: 4th edition "Trip Generation" ( ITE, 1987) �. 1. PROJ�CT SITE TRAFFIC GENERATION Worksheet SITE NAME: Sa7der Prmperty (As Proposed) SIT� USE: Apartments (ITE land use code 220) ' SITE SIZE: 206 units i UNADJUSTED DAILY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE: 6.1 trips/unit I ESTIMATED TRAHSIT USE: 0.05 ADJUSTED DAILY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE: 5.8 trips/unit �OTAL DAILY GENERATED TRIPS: 1195 trips/day PERCENTAGE OF TRIPS OC:CURING DURING AM PEAK: 8.7X AM PEAK HOURLY GENERATED TRIPS: 104 trips/hour AM ENTER TRIP SPLIT: 0.18 in/tatal AM TRAFFIC VOLUME IN: 19 tripslhour AM TRAFFIC VOLUME OUT: �5 trips/fiour PERCEMfAGE OF TRIPS OCCURING DURING PM PEAK: 11.0X PM PERK f-iOURLY GENERATED TRIPS: 131 trips/houi PM ENTER TRIP SPLIT: 0.68 in/total PM TRAFFIC VOLUI�IE IN: 89 tripslk�our PM TRAFFIC VOLUME OUT: 42 trip�/hour Source: 4th edition "Trip Generation" ( ITE, 1987) z � ,• .�i�.r ! � � z B�NQ ROAD � ���F- � ,.� � S I��E NORTH � D � 1 I r-- I � Q s � � � � � �,� � � � SATTLER STREET (c0 � 2 9F�'t��� _ � � sT � D � . � m �_ � G�LAND = 4 `Z`� � D ;' Z ����`��D cn SvM�ER �h� ' � DURHAM ROAD 239 ; �ANDER ' S S1 �E _ o ert � s,;E T�FF,� �S��a��T ��s �����.. KEECN ASSOCI A TES, I N C. � ' DK1�I.� ?l��� FLo� CONSULTING TRAFF(C ENGINEER 1225 NN� NURRAY BLVD., PORILANO OREGON 91229 5Q3 641-6333 � � Ni4 r � � � a _ �� $�Np ROAD N 0� . � � S (��E N�RTIi � D il S I I � � X3 I � � 00 r Q S � � ? �,` �� � � SATrL�R STREET `�'`} 2 ��`c����,3 = g � �� 3 A a�o �. �\G��AND � a � � D "�' 2�q �p c�n V�MERF�� _ ``� 5 DURHAt� ROAD t"15 SANDER ' S SITE � � o �rt s„E ,.�,� ��,�a�,�- ��� ��;�� KEECH ASSOCIATES, INC. .��� .�� ��� CONSU�TING TRAFFIC ENGlNEER 1225 NW AIURRAY BLUD., PORNWQ,OREGON 97229 503 641-6333 � ' � �� - � - � � �■j� ■ � - �" °' .. _ •� .il - . ■ ; -� � � - � � . , .� � = . ;�_ . � _ � . -- �_ ; �� � � � � / � ♦� +� � � i � � � �.� ��r� . � . : � ,�•�� � � R�� �� •=�.' 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" � ` _ � �-- --- 1 14 ,�a -� '�i� ----�, � � i � • - ' Figure 2 o�.�: ��. -� Com�rehensive Pla�i �-......___._,.- '� �. � � �,,.,.4.. �c �,L��G(. (i���ti� 5, ? FOUNTA I NS � �ly_�yl _ P.O. B��x,23713, Tigard, OR 97223 Apri13, 1989 Planning Commission City of Tigard Tigard,Ore�;on 97223 We, the undersigned, do not want the Planning Commission to approv� a density change for the property whose laoundaxy is along Naeve Road from R-12 to R-25 Most of us rnoved to the Summ�rfield area because it was quiet and we felt �afe walicing around our neighborhoods. If you approve this density increase there will be a �ot more traffic through the Summerf'ield area headed towards Durham R�ad and vve feel tt�is is unsafe and unfair. Tigard has already approved many new apartment complexes alang Durham Road which have had a negative impact on our area and we hope you will have concern for the residents of Summerfield and not approve any additional increase in density. � ��.`L ���-�. �� � . Thank you. � �� r Fountains Condominium Associarion Unit Owners �r. .a..�..y�.,,.aJ Gc.c•�-y.� ' Gls,�.u•��5` /��� � �� `� / � ; �� ,. � �3 ✓ ..,f � � GG� �..-��u.a.��,�-�,,i �-/ � ` � ��� .., �� `� ��a�-� - �l� �:i �� � �,,�e.,d�e,, � �-,'o' , r , `� /�� i �����.,'��',��.,� ��.����-' ` �-� ���,� ��-��.. �.,� � �� �� � U�. � � , � ��.� _�..r .�5���`�..�--- �°Z % �r�'�.���y ; � � � =�-;� �.�, �;, � l� ,,��-�,�-���c`.' . , �-��y ` , .�� D �� � $ �� �w.�� �..-w- c�, 4 �_,___ � ��L ! � , r ��'�� . , � �0 , ,.�. ����r�.e���,�,�{/ /� �/�S' � � �� � - �� .,�,,,,,� ��.� ,��� � � �;. ��� � � � �� �. ��� � � , ������ ��* � ��y �-�,� �G5 ';. �� � ��' � �.._ . FOUNTA I NS P.O. Box 23713,Tigard, OIZ 9'7223 Apri13, 19�9 Plancving Commission City of Tigazd Tigard,Oregon 97223 We, the undersigned, do not want the Planning Commission to approve a density change for the property whose boundary is along Naeve Road from F.-12 to R-25 Most of us moved to the Summerfield area becaus�it was quiet and we felt safe walking around our neig::borhoods. �f you approve this density increase there will be a lot more traffic through the Summe�eld area headed tnwards Durham Road and we feel this is unsafe and unfair. Tigard has already approved many new apartment complexes along Durham 12oad which have had a �egative impact on our area and we hope you wi11 have concern for the residents of Summea�ield and nat appxove any additional increase in density. Thank you. Fountains Condominium Associarion Unit Owners � f �'�'' � r„� ����,�.L .�/�.�.. / d.�-�z, ,/�', -��-�--��.��.�G- �-� � � � ��� � �� � � � � ,� �� i �-,;���. �`' 4' L � �-�-_ � ' � � ` !1-Gv�-..�, I ;nw � � �' �r�� -�� .`; �,�'c� � -� � � � r .y� { - / / � � � . �a��. �u° a-u.., �, � J � ���..,---� � G�� , �U�6�� �:%/ � G„ > ����� � �c, ; ��1 _ , : �� ��� �'� � 1�y� � ���� d � � 5 / /i/ G��j �c�,—c.���9 J���.7� �`f� ,� � —�' ' � ' U ,� � ,� � ��.e�� C��,�,�- -�� h ��-r'.�2�-car,...� P,,,�''��=�-g.�.`.�.�'' -��.� �'�� Q-t�.��,2�.a-�.s �� ��a �/�� /,.�'�G.'�_",,���. � -�-- `(f U'Y�if� 1.:��r-i-C�-Q -� / � �,,r�-�- �"l-I ���� �� _� - ��..�� � :;�f. �- 3 � ��� � � � �� r �� � � � Z� � �-'t����I��o� 5 � G�,e� � ��- �6� ��� �`3 � .w-���..,�..c.�-� � � � � _ _ r" � , 1 � I��. ., . COMPREHENSI�E PLAN AMEN�MENT & � �ONE CH.A.NG� REQ'�EST Naeve Street �'igard, Oregori Prepered For: Mr. 11'illiam Sanders i Prepared By: Plenning Resouces, Ina February, 1989 ��, , . �� �� INTRODUCTION This application involves a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Medium-High Density Residential and a �one Change fxom R-12 (PD) to R-25 tPD) for a 4.27 acre site located east of Paeific Highway, north of SW Naeve Street and appr�xin►ately 450 feet west of SW 109th Avenue. The subject pzopezty is described as pazt of Tax Lot 200 of 1�ssessor's Map 2S1 lODB. This site and the 4.0 acre parGel west of and contiguous to the site is undPr one ownership. However, the adjacent �.0 acre site is desiqnated in the Compiehensive Plan as Medium-High Density Residential and zoned R-25 �PD) (Multifamily residential, 25 units per acre, Planned Developmer,t) . This application seeks to make the zut►ing of thP entize pLOperty owned by Mr. Sanders consistent. In 1987, Tax Lat 300 and only part of Tax �.ot 2D0 were r�zoned from R-12 to R-25 Residential with a cortesponding Plan change from Medium to Medium-High Density Residential. Having part of Tax Lot 200 zoned R-12 and the remaining part zoned R-25 makes raarketing the parcel a difficult task as evidenced by the attached lettez fLOm Paul K. Baztholemy of Columbia Equities, Inc. dated November 21, 1988. One of �he peasons given by Mr . Battholemy for =escinding ar, nffer to purct►ase the subje�t groperty was the sglit zoning. This zeport has been prepared on behalf of William Ba Sanders, owner of Tax Lot 200, 8.27 acres. Tax Lot 200 has been used as a nur�ery fox many years and it presently contains a residence and several outbuildings. This repor' will dem�nstrate that this application is consistent with the policies of the Gity of' Tigard's Camprehensive Plan, locational �.. 1 S 1 � � � ��� l i , ! ��: criteria in Cha ter 12 of the Plan, volvzne 2, pYOVisions of the � P Community Dev�eloptnent Code and the applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines. BAGKGROUND I�iFORMATION In December 1986, the Tigazd City Council gave conditfonal approval to the Albeztson's Comprehensive Plan Amendment for changing the zoning af the southeast corner of D�axham Road and Pacific Highway. This proposaY involved rezoning these prope=ties from Wiqh Density Residential to Commercial. The xesult of the decision was the removal of about 400 potential housinq units from Tigard's inventory of buildable land. In orde� to meet the Metxopolitan HouSing Rule adopted by the LCDC, the city had to ai:tain 10 residential units to the net acre. The Albertson's CPA was granted on the conditi�z� of a rezoning of suf£icient residentially zoned land to make up for the shoztfall czeated by this decision. The Zezoning of Tax Lot 300 and part of Tax Lot 200 were a part of the �ity's attempt tn maintain campliance with the Metropolitan Housing Rule of 10 units peL net acre, EXISTING LA�FD USE The site corrtains a residence and several outbuildinqs and has appraximately 220 feet of frontage along Naeve Street. To the north is Li�tle Bull Mountain, to the South is the Fountains at Summerfield and the pzoperties east and west of the site are currently vacant. The pLOpezties to the nozth are presently zaned R-12. The city limits of King City aze to the west (across Pacific Highway) . The pXOperties to the south are zoned G-G (Genezal Commercial) and R-25. The property �o �; the �ast is zoned R-12. Further east the pxoperty is zoned R-3.5. � 2 l � ,--., � PHYSICAL FEATURES The propezty slopes qene=ally southezly and westerly with an ave=age slope across the site of apptoximately 12�. The site contains deciduous and conifer trees. The more quality tzees are located at the northern poztion of the site. Part of the front portion of the site is cleared. PUHLIC FACILITIES Sanitary Sewezs: Sanitary sewer sezvice is available and can be extended from an u" sanitazy sewer line that runs to the intersection of 109th Avenue and Naeve St*°eet. Water Sexvice: Water service to the site is provided by the Tigard Water Dist=ict, which has an 8" main located at the intersection of 109th Avenue and Naeve Street. The Tigaxd Water Distzict has anc�icated that a watez main would need to be extended to serve �he site. The District has indicated that an easement would neec] to be obtained from �he abuttinq tax lot to the east, Tax Lot 100, ta extend the water main to the site. This would be done at the time the property is developed. Storm Sewers: Storm drainage can be provided by extending the existinq 30" storm sewer line at �he intezsection of 109th A�ienue and Naeve Street. � � , i Streets: The site has a�proximately 220' of frontage along Naeve Street { �, f;; and is approximately 700' from Pacific Niqhway, Partial street ;' impzovements have been completed along Naeve Street as a result of the t' �! development af the Fountains at Summerfield Con�ominiums across from the r' site. At the time the subject praperty is devcloped, additional s�treet ;�� �-� improvements along Naev�e Street will be requxr�d. �' � G.; �,: fr;, i 3� � � � ��:; � � � � � � �:;� ,r � __- _ 1 �. �� �. A preliminary traffic analysis will be submitted to illustrate the qenezal traffic patterns that wnuld occur i� the site �ere developed at the R-12 versus the R-25 density. COMPLIr,NCE WITH THE GOMPREHENSI'VE PLAN POLICIES City staff has provided the applicant with a list of the appropriate � City Plan policies, locational criteria, Community Development Code ' provisions and applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines to be � addressedo These are prRSented and evaluated below. ; ( 6 ) POLICY 2.1.1 �� � �� � THE CITX SHALL MAINTAIN AN ONGOING CITIZEN INVOT,VEMENT PROGRAM 1�ND SHALL � ASSURE THAT CITIZENS WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE INVOLVED IN ` �: ALL FHASES OF THE F�LAAINING PROCESS. � ;i Comment: Part of the application process involves public hearings I beroze both the Planning Commission and City Council after appiopriate �� leqal. notice to thP Neighborhood Planninq Ozganization and surrounding p�; ,, pioperty owners. These public hearings will provide the opportunity for citizen input regarding this proposal. k` "; POLICY 6.1.1 �+ FI ��! THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A DIVERSITY OF HOUSTNG ? DENSITIES AND RESIDENTIAL TYPEB AT VARIOUS PEtTCE AND RENT LEVELS, ;' Comment: Accoz�ing to City staff, the City is obligated through the �'; �; Metropolitan Housing Rule to provide foz �a mix of single family and F; 4; attached units with an ovezall devel�pment density of 10 units per acre. �'� The �ity must ensure tfiat s►af�icient higher denslty areas axe available ` � so tfie intent of the housing ru1e can be met. Providing �oxe acreage � �� � � E. 9 G � � --' � 4 < <. �:; ��`� for higher density housing will result in additional multifamily housing units for those community members in the market for rental housing and more affordable housing. POLICY 7.1.2 , THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRE-CONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: a. �EVELOPMENT COINCIDE WITH THE AVAILABILITY OF ADEQUATE SERVICE CAPACITY INCLUDING: 1. PUBLIC VATER; 2. PUBLIC SEWER (NEW DEVELOPMENT QP� SEPTIC TANKS SHALI, NOT BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE CITY)� AND 3. STORM DRAINAGE � b. THE FACILITIES ARE: 1. �APABLE OF ADEQUATELY SERVING ALL INTERV�NING PROPERTIES i AND THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT; AND 2. DESIGNED TO CITY STANDARDS. c. AI,L NEW BEVELOPMENT UTILITIES TO BE Pf�ACED UNDERGROUND. Camment: As paeviously discussed, this poliey i.s satisfied because adequate service capacities either are available or can be extended to �erve the sit�. Utility extensions (i.e. sewer, watez and storm) can be provided to serve the property at the time of development, POLICY 7.8.I THE CITY SNAIaL WORK CLOSELY WITH THE SCNOQL DISTRICTS TQ ASSURE THE � rt'� MAXIMUM COMMUNITY USE OF THE SCHOOL FACTLITIES FOR T[GARD 1tESIDENTS ��.y� 5 � �`�" THROUGH LOCATIONAL CRITERIA AND THE PROVISIONS OF URBAN SERVICES. I�I Comment: Tigaxd School Distzic� 23J provides educational services for this site. Templeton Grade, Twali�y Junior High and Tigatd Hiqh Schools serve this site at this time. According to the School Distxict, additional classzaoms have been aaded to two grade schools in the district plus a new grade school is undeL construction at Durham. Therefore, adequat� school £acilities axe available to sezve this site. POLICY 8.1.1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE FOR EFFICIENT AlANAGEMENT OF THE TRANSPORTATION PLAAiNING PRaCESS WITHIN THE CTTY AND THE METROPOLITAN AREA THROUGH COOPERATION WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, RE.GIONAL �NL LOCAL JURISDTCTIONS. Cnmment: The subject property is sexved by Naeve Street, a minor co'llector and Pacific Highway, a major arterial. At the time the si�e is developed, street improvemer�ts alonq Naeve Street to Pacific Highway will be r�quir.ed as well as additional right-of-way. Bas service is provided near the site along Pacific Highway. 1�PPLICABLE LCDC GOALS AND GUIDELINES GOAL tl: DEVELOP A CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM THAT ENSURES THE OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS 'PO GET INVOLVED IN ALL ASPECTS UF THE PLANNING PROCESS. Comment: Part of the application proc�ss involves public hearings before both the Planning Commission and City Council after appropriate le�al notice to the Neighborhood Plann�ng brganization and surrouneiing property owners. These public hearings will piovide the opportunity for citizen input Legarding this proposal. ��. 6 � � GOAL �2: ESTABLISH A LAND IDSE PLANNING PROCESS AND POLICY FRAMEWORK AS THE BASI3 OF ALL LAND USE DECISIONS AND ACTIONS, AND ENSURE AN ADEQUATE FACTUAL DATA BASE TO SUBSTANTIATE THQ3E DECISIONS AND ACTIONS. Conoment: `i'his qoal is met as this application is following the piocess and addressing the policies and critezia specified by the City. GOAL �10: PROVIDE ADEQUATE HOUSING FOR THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY, �, REGION AND STATE. Comment: In ozder to provide adequate housing, there needs to be an � 0 oztunit to allow various housing t pes on undeveloped land; sin�le- i PP Y Y , famil as well as multifamily trousing. Allowing a higher density of � Y residential development on this site will allow the opportunity for affordable housing in the community. t The Metropolit�n Housing xule adopted by LCDC =equires a minimum of 10 units per net acre. According to City staff, the densi�:y designations currently in the Plan just zeach this target. Approval of the '�� application increases housing density potential within the City, complies with the purposes of Goal 10 and benefits the Ciky's goal of providinq for a �nix of housing opportunities. LOCATIONAL CRITERIA ;' �� The Locational Criteria� in Chapter 12 of the Plan are 5atis�ied as '� described below. '' �;' Medium-High and Hiqh Density Residential r ,: a. Tha property is within a "Developing Area" WI1�C�7 is not ,° , commit*ed to low density d�velc,�ment. The development south c�f r � , , the site i� designated in the Plan a3 Medlum-Nigh Residential 'r; y. �`} and zoned R-25. _ .. SL0.. � . . . . ��. � � . � .. .. . �'`.�. t � � � .. . . � . . �. . . � . . . . . .. �. .fi. � � � . � .... � . . . �� . . . . . . . .. � . .. .. .: ,.�� ill I ' ' t, �o � b. This property could be buffered from Low Density Residential areas in order to maximize the privacy of established low density zesidential areas through design, however, there are no low density developments ad7acent to the site. c. The Parcel has direct access to Naeve Street, a minor. col.lectoz, and is approximately 700 feet from Pacific Highway, a taajor artezial. d. There a=e no apparent development limitations on this site. e, As noted previously, public facilities including sanitary sewe=, storm and water services are available and can be extended to serve the property. f. The site is we11 within one-quarteL mile of public transit; Tri-Met bus service located off of Pacific Highway, approximately 700' from the site. g. The site is withfn one-quarter mile of an area that is zoned and developed as C-P (Commezcial-Professional) north and west of the property along Pacific Hiqhway. The site is also within 250' o£ an arQa that is zoned General-Commercial which is southwest of the prope�ty. h. Propezty north of the si'te has slopes that exceed 25�, therefore that pzoperty will have the potential for having either private or public open space. The provisions of the Community Development Code will be addressed at �he time the site is developed. ,�' ';I ;, i , ��,. : � 8 s � . �i • � �� ti �\ �W �.. CONCLUSICN ' li , !'i The criteria for both a Zane Change f=om R-12 to R-25 and Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium to Medium-Hiqh Residential have been met. ;II The =equested designation will allow the development of needed additional multifamily housing in this community. �II ,I It is important to note that the R-25 zone includes the Plan�ed t Development overlay. This means that any development will be reviewed � I �� by the Planning Commission in terms of preserving to the greatest extent possible the existinq landscape featuzes and amenities and maximizinq ;I��, the opportunities foz innovative and diversified living environments. k��� � �I This requested plan designation will also maximize the use of available ��. M, public facilities, transit and transportation netwozks. For these ;I reasons, we request that this application be approved. ;� il 1 1 il I � I i �. 9 i J � COLUMBIA E6lUITIES, INC. E 3701 S.W,Carman Drive • Lake Oswego, OR 97035 November 21 , 1988 Mr. Sam Gattex• Sam Gotter Realtors, Inc. � 12995 S.W. Pacific Highway � Tigard, OR 97223 Subject: Sanders Property Nae� Road Dear Sam: Regretfully we must rescind our offer to purchase the above referenced pr•operty. As I indicated it is very difficult to attract an investor- lender partner based on the split zoning. Incorporating a plan reflecting the allowed density seems uneconomical to the lenders. ' The other concern that precluded our financing was the traffic issue relative to the Summerfield� Home Owners Association and the need for a public hearing. It is beau�iful property but we c:ould not overcome these hurdles in the space of time we have been pursuing the property. ' ; Sinaerely, C�Z%6i.w( . �y� Paul K. Bartholemy PKB:dm ; l/l �'f"�i'J`-"..`�'�-° ; .��""' I `��' ' � , ��,, i � I � �.��. = L . -r ■ � � "" .�! `��. � � ■; � _ ■ � � �n . _ I ,. ��!-� = - . ' � __ ■' , �� � "� � � �� •� . � ■ �� �■� r •� ♦ . -� � �� � � . � � � �1�� � � R• � ��,��' ' I • � ����� ��� .,�;�i�� . 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C;�,mmtai^c:i��1 �aricl � l��n� (:',rz��nu��a �r•c�m k....� ,�i p (I�F?i31.C��Cl1:;f.i�1�., 3 .�� Ut'lXi:S�&lCY't!� �c.) �;,...(.i (t.�131'1F?Y'<+1.� CU111111F?Y"Gl.i.l�.� 1"l�i" � � 4aK>r�r•nx 7.m�x�;��1y fi,� ac:r�F�;a , i �f�f�l.:Ct,fliU`I", 12:iv�ar•wuac� f7r•ca�;>kar��l:i.Fa� C)WNI'MI�; :7Fau�yr�a,l = 3�►63 hXti�car• Fi�r�ra N :;���� Ftcirat�ncauni '.t f :.i<'�..�t�lTl, �� ���Q� I..00',�t"I"�:�')111: 1.163C� ���i^�,�au�h �.;1.9EiKi �;W L)iau�xll. C�i:r°E�c!1: (WC°I"M 2C�1. 3Eil�t:',, i::<:ax J.ai�.::a �, �iQQ, '700, �3p0, �t7t�, :I.�QO, 1.1.00, 1.20p, 1.300, 1AOQ, :k.":it7Q, 1Fiq0, '17t:�0, 16Ctt), 1qOq, 7..Qt7(7, �anrJ 2:I.�C�) . 2.., 13�ac1<c�.�r�c>car�sa w�i��f�u��maL-7.un , ;' Nc� �r•��tac��a;a 1.<:ai•x1 u�:.;�� rxx�r>l.i.c.al;ic�r�;�s hra��Ea k�c�e�i7 rE:��r:i�w�!cl hy �ri�.� (:,:it-y ����<��ar•t�i.nc� i:hi�as� ��r��c��>car�t7.E�s , �. Vic�.i.ni1�.Y.....T�rif��r�ma1::�.cir� �: �r�.�r>�r•1::i.�a::; 1:c, �:he nar��•I:hi, wc�Y:>i:, ��ric� :>��ta1�.Ni �.�f 1::hc� [)uv��l.:l. ;�i:r��:���i; r���;i�hb��r�N�uac� �r°� �'uri�a<a C,"..0 (t��7� (C;E�i�i�r�a.l �uiYUn��r•ci:�1 i.r1.�I�i�Eat� q�!u�l.��w�n��.�n1:) , "I"h� nua.l�i�.�.--sc:r�•+�ean "I"ic�<:�r•cJ C;i.i���nu:� c��ti��.�l.<>Kyit�E�nt. i. y �.��tai.:c�ca i:o i:hca r�or�th. "1`c> t:h�� w�ast is �� s�,5 <�acr�? �ar�r°c��.l cUr���xri:incy c.,r�1y <>nr sinc�1.�:�.....fc�mi:Ly r•t?:>adEai•�c��. "I°c� i:h��� r.c�ui:r� �zr�k:� �C:hr�;4� 1c>i�i�{ rt<�i^i��c,w �ir:ar..r..�:�;i.s ;; ai-��� �a fr.iur�th7, sir��l.J,tai^ �aar�cca;k, "I"hi�:�ti� i'���ar� r��rccl.s c�ai�i�<�i,r� Lhr���c� � ai.r�c�l�,..-fi:llTl;l,.�.�f P.•4�51.t;�&al'i4F:1S. H�l.1N'�:�'l�.?M' ;'iC14.1'�:rt GancJ WF�fi�: i�lr'k? Cl���'1E?I'" �arid��v��J.��awd �>ar°e�7�.5 whi�.c:h� ar� <�,lso r�:>r�cx� t�...ta (I�I:)) . �lc�^i��:'; ,;4J 7:�i��ca Ftvc�i7t��� fr•<�m i:hit� ;';wk�,��t:i: �r��r��:��1, �.a <� tac�����l.c�ga�ata rF�sic��r�i:i.<a�. riH�a.�h�k�ur��h�u���� of� ���a�arux:im<aLFa:Ly 15 acr•�s i:hat; is rc.�i�i�ci k,�„3,�� 1 (Ftc+�ic���ni::i<�1, :� .K; �arii�:a/ac:r��.�) , .f.h:is i•i�ai.c�h�a�.i��Nt�:�<tic,l i� elcau�.lc�K>��c� , �>r�•i.in��•�.1y �.luric� �:cW 13�yl.or� �i°id ;;W t.�.�.r�t:urt :7tr����t:s , '1"N�Fa P3��ya.��r...t,l.i.r�i>un n�.aac�aik>c�rh�>�,c� i,s ssur�r��.,unc�kaca ray C....p (pr��.,f�»:��i.t:�n�al. t:;c>rnm�ar��:.�.<��.) K>�^�7K��ar�i:i�:�� ; t:u �1�i� i�tur�th �nca ca�st and C.....(a x��riNZCt �r•�7K>car�ti.Eas t� th�Ea 5c�ui.17 �xrtd wcy�t�. �; .f.P�r �.1�au�J.:l, E3;:�y:l.ui�•, and C,l.:i.ni�un �����kat�i, r�ca�.c�hiP,�c�r°h��c�ci�; �r•� w7:i:h.i.ri 1;Fr�� "fi.���w°� ..I"r•i<ar�c�l.ca. "I"hFa ..fr�•i�r�!�l.c�, bound4=d k.y :Cr�t:�ar���<�.1<Ea � nri thca Ea�aSt, � ; Mi.c,�H�w�y li'1 c�i•� �:k�a� rs�a�at:r�w�a,1:, <ar�<a f�ari.�fic: t�liyh�w<�y c�ri �:ri�� rt�.���1�hwcar;l:, i,:; , z � � :�'f'(�P`1= I'��:1�012'i° .:.. t;i�>R 89....�03 �t'rd xC Sf�..�q3 (F2:LVLRWpQ1? I�I?(7fak:l'2'�`:[E:S) _.. I�A(�k:, 1 � � . �. , . . °�.... . ym�l.]. K)M'F!(aC)I11tYli+t!'1�:.��f <'.� M"���:iAl�. <.�I't(a C>�''�'1C:F? C:l�lY1fT1F.?f"l':X<.�.� i:�Y'E?id, .r.it�Vt?N'iA.�. r�c�sS.�i4ar�t�i.<al ri�ai.gh�k�ar�hic:>uc�s �tr�� <�1sn in�.l�.u��!d in 1:M�ca ..fr•iar�y.lN tar�a. "fh�c� Ci.i:y h�<s ��r•c7�c�:�c�r.l �:.c�n:Yi:��uc.i:ic�n �,ii` 1:hc� [l�r��l:mc:�iatti ";i:r•e��t: �.�xi:�r�:�>7.47ri :in�L�7 i�N�« hi��t�r�t: uf thc� 'Tr�ianc�l.ca 7.n ur��icar �u i.m�ar•uve ac:c:Fass i:u tf�ia �r��.?a, �+. C;i1r��.,_.]µr�fcar;.n�ai�,i,c�ri_.rancl.._F?,rc�pc���:G�l _Uc:!ac..�:.�i.�>�.ic.�r� "I"N» n«u�l.l. ;.�ti��c?cai: r��aic�hilaurh�ac�d i.;� <� sir��al..l, si.i�iyl.c�....ai�r•c���t st,ik�c�i.ui.sic�i7 wit:h 1.3 :�rinylE�_...f<-,ami.].y i"k?:iJ.t;IF)Yit:.k?:> �:�n 1.Fi ].cai�:�y. ;;W puu�al1. "•.;i::r•�.a��L i:� wa r�<�urd 16...t�c>r�t wxc�� str•c�c�t wi,i:hi:in a i3t7-•-rc�c�i� w:i.c�Fa r�:ic�hit-�-uf....way. i::xcc��at fcir° i�hi� f��car� �.ci1:ti w:ii:h� fi�•cir�t:t:au�� c�r� :a4J 7?_rua Flu��ni�e�, ��11 J.�.�t::> <�r•�.� a���ar•oxi.mcat:�ly un�.....h�l.r Gacr°c� 9.n sx���, '1`he I:ru1 (tvkai�icaF� ].c�1�� ��r•N :>l.ac�N�i:.ly sni<�.1J.�r�, T'hE� ��a�>�.ac�n�: r�c;�u�:�si::�s 4� C;c�mx�r�k�h�r�s:iv�:� Pl.�ari m�:��a r��.a���:�:��i.c.�n<:ai�i�an fir�e>m l..c>w I)Far�sity Rkasa,cieni:X<a.l t�u fT�anc?ra1 Cnir�m�ar�ci.r�.l �ai�x� � r•4arunirx,� f�rum R....�,"5 tc.� C;--C3 f��r i�F��.� C)�a�rGaJ.l. :.;1:r�i��ai: i'1f�7,t�I'YI:)C)i^h�.��.,c�, "I"hE� ��yK�1i.c4aril:: h��� �i.�F��!r� Nxar•�ria.s�aci ��r� Hntcr•cad i.���tea ac�rcacamc�rits i:a �aur••ch�a:•>e? �al,l af �hF� 1� �aarek��s iriu�,lu�ra a.ri i�h�.a ���>�>�,i�:c��:1.C111, l"Fi�:! �K���J.ic.�i�ii:: x:y ii•�ur.,l.vEaca an t:hF� raut�ar�i�i.al 4ainm�r•cxal c��av�a;tcarairicant taf �ar��c�K>Ear�t:ic�;'� i�o i:hi��a uie?;�:t uf t;h�� I��.�ual.l. 5i.r°��.ai: r��.�i.yM�k�c�r•h�a��rJ r�ncl wcital.ca :ki.k�a i:�7 <-,acacl 1:H��� :�tuhajEari'. �'�r����� 1::cs i:hi� avai.l.�M1� e:c�mm��r°�:iGa,.l1y cl�cic�lcaraahaJ.P F�r�u�>4�r��:y c�ri �Y.i:h�i^ :t.i.c��� uf t:M�Ea p��taKx.�;,E�c1 �lc�ar•t:nu:�t�l:ri St:r'kt�i: �x�:�aYi:�:ian, 5. t�c�caricy_.�nc� ,lUI�O Comm�i��ts N�'� 1�� N��:xs� r•c�ttx�aw�c� i:hc:� K�r°c7���.�:>r:x:! �:�nc� h<��; c:c�irtn�En�:E��a i�h<.�i: t:hF� ��r�i���c�yt�r1 r��<�c�sign�k:,iur�� ar��c� cor�sY.st�rii� wi.t:h {;�atc�rit:;ira;1 ua�c�E! ur atljr��:c�rii� �r�c�pF!r��:i.Ea� anc� wau:Cc:l nc�� �t��i�r><�r��ta:G:r�! 1:r��:� �t:i<�ka:i,J.i.1:y c:�f c�1:Mt4���. r���i<�car�l:ial..ly cic�vk�.luF>c�c� ar�ca�s a.ri i:Mic� "1'r•i�i�ic�l.c�. fU170 mcamMa�:�r°s f•'����aJ. i:Mi�i� thc;� ���;>r�r�c�u<:x:l c,t' t:h�� �r°c,�ac,:>caca ��:1<:�r� �:�i�itan��mE�rii</����,i7� r.,r�<:ariy� ;�h�uu:l.c:l kr� cui7c�'rt:i�an�ac� urann LNi� a�aN>l,icar�i: E?X(�Y•�:is:in� i:hi� c>��1:i�ari� 1'�ar ��ai^chias�� uf a1.1 inv�,lu�r.l �r•c���a�r°1':].E�S �;c, i:hira;; fi:��r� t�xi.:>1:irir� �r•c�K>har~i:y i�wnr�r•:; ���k� n�>i: s�cicil�:5c� wzth <:e�min�rcS.al. r�ro�;>tir•t-y f�ax ir•at��s on i^�!sidFar�t�i.<al. �ar�c��a�rl:y. -rr,�= E:r�t;Jinac!r�inr� [liuisi,c�n w;ll.l. r•��vi�w t:hca 1:r•��ffic: anca ul:ilk�y �.m�>�ur.i�:s uf �r�y f�,iLui���a �ar�ea�au�al, roi^ c�F�uc�l.eaF�mc�?r�t c�ri i;r�� si.t�?, IVu �71:I'lf?Y� c:��mmt.nl::r w�.'�r��E r•�!c��.ue�ci, 1:3, F:LIUI)�:fU(�� F�i11D (,l)N(�1.I1;:,1:01U� TN�e r�el,Fav<ar�t c.rii;iar•:i<� in i>ha.s i:�;�a�? �tr•�� .;i:��r�wxrJ� f�l�rir�iriy G;��<�l.r> :i., ?, 9, �rir� 1.Q, arx� C;i1�y ��f 'f:�gar�ci (�c�m�;�r��ht�ri:>iu�? fal.�►ri pul.;ici�s 2. 1 . t, �'>, 1.4, 7, 1..2.. !,6, 1, f3, 1, 1,, t:r» :l,ttie�i�.ic�ri<a1 �.:r�•a�€ar�i� fcir� CwrtE�r��J. Gcamm��r�ci�l. c��si.�ria�cac� a������ (,cac,t;iu►� :12,2), �r�<� �ac�c�7,i:.i,c�r��l. t;�.�r��� �r�r� i�lan r°4ac�uxr•em��ril�:s fc�i�� �a c��ar,�.;i.-.�j�at:li.r..i.<a1 K�J.�n Ganir�nclmi�rtt„ _f.h�Ea ;��t,aff 4tal'14",I:I.ICIG?S i:ha� t.hiN �r•��{aus<�l, :is c:ur►sistt�nt•• wiLh �Mi� a�a�al,ic�k��.� S��at:�w�.c��, (:�;c�r:�.l:�s h�;�;e�d wK>urt I�;k�� fc�ll�awi,nc� fiir�c{anc�>; S.T.I�F`F 12F:1�(JFt'1" .... f�17(� 89••�-�3 �rid !G £i!�..,t73 (f2:f.VE::12WQ�1� {�I'tONhFi"I":�F,:�) .... @A(�E� � �i, �� 1 . G;c�<�1. :l i:s m��i ka��:.a��ae.� 1:h�.� C;i�y h�:�; �r�e>�ai.t�r� �� c::il;xrcyr� inucalvE�m�r�i: �ar�nc�r��ir� in�:].ur�inc� w��auS.��w uf c��u�tu�air�c�rit: �x�ral.ic.<�i.a�ans �ay i:h�� riEa�.ghlae�r�hanca KaJ.r:�nna.nc:J ar°c��ni••r..�:ai�.i.c�n�, xn adrJi�:3.e�n, G�l.l. ��ak�1i� nc�i:i<:� r�ac�t.�ir�F�m�nL:y Huau� haFatari IT1E?� wii�h r�k?(�i�ll�•ci tu th►is �ar•��ausa.l. 2, C,�,�t l i> �nN�i; t;��ac<ata:��a tria C;:i�:y h�;, �K>��l.i�cl ��.�. r°Eal�v�ant: ��tai��.awa.cic? i�l.�ai•ir�ir�g Cua:lS, Ci�y C�a�m�>r�cah�nsi.uca 17].��n N>aXi.<.i�s, �ric� Camir�urii.ty �.?F!VE?�.fJ�)filF.?Y11: �;��C�k} Y'E?C(Uxl"E?ITIE?I'l�:Fa lYl �':Ni4:1 i"k?1/:I.k�W l)�' �::rlk� i.�l��Y�.1.t:i�1::I.C1Y1 01:3 ca�sc:r�i.Mae�c� h�r�Fa:ii7, � , G;��a1 9 i:: m�ai: ha�ac�tGi��� th�:� K�wc��ac�s�al. t«��.��,i.lr� inc�^�.��aa� �:N��.a C,it:y �.�f "i.xy�r,�l':> reti�c�a.ly de�u�.lc>ra�Fal.� �:.uir�m�ar�c.ial 1.<�r�d k��sc� i�h�i���by incrF�asirig �cunair�ic og>�ur•t:unai�,�.�.�� w9.i::hxn 1:ht� Ca�y. �4, Gta��l. 10 i.s sati.sf-i�c� b��c,�usc�, ali:hiouc�h� thic pr�c>�ac�>�±c� �c.t:iear� wuul�� r�•��r�t,�c:c� i:H�� �.�m�.,uni: c�f r���yitaE�nl�i.��.J.y c�e�ayn�t:E�d J.tar�cl in i�hW C:i.ty, i�Nik� I . :a �a .. .. . - "t ITik.M'C.L�X . •<• �° •_ci b �d'aCc.rtt �. �m , �. � 1:� �:�� �1 �f�P�.�. arE±a tn ha+� rc,c��aic�r��tc.d xy �c�v�r� y Y J d�4r�l.c.��am�an� �nt:l n�<�r°kay m�ajui^ ri:ic�hua�y:a 4ar7r1 t:ri4i:; is nc,i:: w�.;l.:t sca9.i:�.!ra f�,r•. c�:�ntiriukac� w�asic:far�l�i.<�7. us�. R�c�t�3igr��ta.un nf- i�h�4a <���c��a wi.l.l rxat �f'fca4t i�h�.a �i.�:y �,f "1"9.c���^c�'s ct�m��.:�anrFa wi.�h C��1f�2 C;ha�l:�ai^ fifi(), I°1i.v:i:;3.�.�n � ..... t:ri�:� Mca1�r~c�r>��al.il:ari i-fc>��:�>a.r�c� Ftul�`s H�ucasXric� u�a�ac.�rtcan�.ty r°4��X�xir�rmk�rzt�:> fur• sinc�l�.� f�triil.y �_...._. n�u:l.t:i.--fani:il.y ir�ax �ric:l mi.ni.mu�n r���:�.:icat�ni:i:�l. cl�.ar�:>i.i::y fcir� d�vNl.u����l� r���s►.c�c�rtt:i.��. �r��a��r°ti.�aa tiir�c� i�h� �r�u��r�t:i.cas �tr•�a {�r�d�s�r�t.,ly d�tir�l.ca�a�t1 �ri�l 1:hr�r��.!fi�:�r��� �r�! nai� �:.ari:�icaEar��ra hu:G1��.It:�k�.1F+ l.�ric;F k�y i:h� Ge�m�ar��h�c�nsive F�.l�n, .f.hi� st.G�afi� c.urii.l.�ac���7 th4���, i:t'» K>r�a�o�aJ. is c:c�ns�.5tr�rij: wi�1:Ni i�h�.� C;C�III�I"t�rt��l'18a.V�.� i'>.lan hr�ska<f ��wui�i i:h�� fiulluwir�g firu�ir�c�� ; 1, P�71.i.c.y 2.1. , 1. i;s :;�:�i;i.afi.k�c� k�ka�.ca��:a�a �a�,;.wr,ra�,�r,��,� F�l.<�r�nxr�r� <)�^c��ani:r�ai:9.c�r� �!�4 ai�ic� :�ur�r•u�.iric��.nc� �ru�er°�y uwnEar��S hi�uea k�EaEar� c�XV�n nut�ic:e uf 1:h�� h�.��:��•iriy �ro<� �:�n �,Kawfur•t:ur�it,y 1:c� cumm��ri�. �.m �t�7N ��a�al.i.c.�ant's �r•c�K>ci��zl., 2, f��al.i.cy !a, 1.4 i.s a�t�i.ara.F�ci 1a�cr�uSE� i�N» r>r�c�posc�d r'Ca(�f?Sl�l'1d��.uC1 wuul.�� r�ut w��>ul.i: a�� c:�,mm�r�c:.i�x.l �n<:r�e,a�:l�m�:�nt intc> ��ny r��Easic��.�nl:iaJ, n�a;t�hk���r•kx:��,r.l c��h��r• i�h�ai7 th�a rt47�:�h�k�nrNtuac� �ruposF�c� �ur 1:u1;�1 r���c��u�J.u��m�rt1�. .l.he ncai.c�hkat�r�N►<aocl Ni�:�a k>k���ri ��lu�r�s�l.y �ff��aci:r�cl k�y r~Eac,k?nt c.�,nnnFarc..za1: dFauFal.u�an�arat uf G�ci,�Gac.��n�: �ar�u�a�r°�:i�s G�r�c� wuw�.d lik�ly k�� furi:h�er , imr>r�ci;�.�t9 k�y r��i.ur��:! d�a�rel�a�m�n1: car� r��ar�kry �r�c:.�n�: cc�mm��r��.i.�l�.y t�Fasi�rir�i:c�ci �ar�ap�r�i:iF7s and th�er��afc7r�� i:he rr�ic�hbur•huod is riu �.unc��r wNll >i�it�r1 fic��� �:�.�rii•.,�n�a�.�rJ r�!�a.cl�.�n�::i�.l u,�, 3, I�l).L�.C�.E?S T, t,? <�r�d '7,6, t ar•� s�tiaf~a.F�d bcac:�;use �zd�cY�aat� �auk>1�.c fr.#C1�::l��f �1,E?, � ."rt�WFdl", WiA�:�?I", Fi�:CJi"ill (�N'i�1J:Yl<`:1�E?� t:,olYJi.+'Yl':J.�'::��i i)X;�;�: �':Cl si�r�uc� Lhc� �r•ea �nc� arty futur�� dFau��lur:m�ri� uri th�Fa �ar��a�r•ta.�s wY,ll k�� r^�ra�ai.�^t:��1 i:�, ��cann�t:1: wxi:M1 1�Fu>:�tc:+. sy:�i;�nt� �. �� r,.�.7ndi.i�:x�.�r► �.,f a�7�>rc�uc�l. f�.���� arty fufi�ur�� �a1:e c���uc�l.u�atr��arit, W<�yhi�.ngtun (,uwrt�,y F�ir�c� C�i�tr•X�.t #1 wi..11 b�� �i.u�i� ��.Ft�a c>�>K>�.�rl�car�ity i>c� v��uitaw r�riy pr���.��ac>s�.l fn�^ cltauE�l.capm<�r►i� c�r� �.rr�.a 5 i.i:t� :c"1°Ftf F" ����F'(}�"I" .... ��,� ac�,w,.C�3 ,�r�c) I(:. �9.,,..U3 (C��:1����'WOC�t) P�20�E,�t"f�;�:'w;) „.., f�AGE' � k � 4. pa�.i.cy 8, 1 , i is �ai:a.sfi�d k�ec�use a<�c�i.i�a.ur�al t�ffie gen�raL-�d k�y usey ' i�h��ai: would k�� <allcawc�d c,n 1:r�� �ii�� by the C...G (Gen�r•al. CummFar�r..i.a1) zcar�� srio�.t3.d i�iot r��:�ialt ir� �r<�rr�� <:apae.i�ic�s af wW 77.r�cf f�uFanu�� ai��r� otl����^ Ptec�Y'b,y :>1:i^�.a��i�� k>�:inc� Exce�clHCa, "fhc.a C..it:y i� �l.�nniric� fi�.�r� t:hF= ���u�a:lupm�rit� or tha 17�r•�muui:h Si:i^�Eat f:xtF�r�aic�n, a ri�w majur co,llcactur si::r°e�i:: th�at wau.lcJ :I.i.nk .T,.._'i c:�ric� p�cafic: Na.c�Niw�ay, pr�c�vS.rJi.n� �ac�clatic,rial. trar�spar�tai:ion ct�pa4ity to s�r•uF� thEa 'Tigaw�d 'T'ri<�riglEa �r�a, :Cn ac��liti.on, tht-? Ur�F�yan C)�p�r1:m�!rii� �.�fi 'I"r�nspc�r�;�l:xcan :is �:.c�ri�xc��.�r~iru� �:�thi�.ar hic�hway 1111rJY'OVk?ITI�1'1�5 th�i: will �ruvic�r� im�a����vFac� a4r.�ss ����d c�ar�ar.ity �:ca sF�r°ue i:hiw� T'ic��ar�c� 'I"r:i�znc�.l�a ar�tar�, "C'h�:�� w�r>ssah.l� iiri�r•c�u��m�rii�� inc.].ucJ�.� wr.c�Far7zng I-fxghway 2].'7 �nc� Pac:if��.c Hxc7hwr�y, ��r�d r•<ac:un:�>t�r�«ci:.i.c�n caf thFa T...�'ilHighw�y 2.1.7 ancl fiic�hwr�y 7..].7/�;W 72nci flu�nuE� .'xr�t�:+.i��r..h�nc�fa:;, l"r�� sii�� �huuld i�hi��r•F�rur�� ha� �c��c�u�t�:ly sHru��c� t��y i�hie exi.si�:ir�r� afi:rr-..�i� ri�i:we>r•k aric� k�y s�r°��at: in►�ar•c.tiu�m�ni�s �r�c>�c�s�:�ta f��r i�h� �r���a. 5, "fh� rxp�a.lir..r�k�1c� l.ucal:ic>n<�.l crii��±r�i.a rear� Cc!r���ra1 �:,t?ITIITItaY'(:1.<;1�. rJ�av�l.Urairi�r�t ar~Ea s�fii.:;fi�:�c) f��i^ i::rt�.a f'a1:l�.�wa.rir� r�Ea��a�.in�; a, ��dcirig ��r�c� t.ucaLiun Th� �>r�c�K>�ar�•�.y i., �c.�jac:E�ni� i�.c� ai�r��i�• r��:�>ac�e�ri��a,�a.l r>��.�K����i:y ��ril:y 1;�, i:hta F�asi: acru�s ;�W "J2nc� (�ve.�r�uH. `fhi� 1c�c�i�iur�a.l cr•xtF7r�ia s���te thai� a m�xi.miam r�f' t�w�, sica�s c.�f ca c.c�mm��r�c9.<:�l sa1:�� m<:zy k��a �acaj��:.�.�rii� i:c� rNSic��i��ti.al c�istr:ic:i:s. "fNiis crii�kriun i.s mc��, k�, �c�:.��s F��ai:ure comm��r•c.i�.l tiEUeloK�niF�rii: �,n 1�i'1�?SiF? pr�ar»r•i:i�ti wS.11. r�c�1: 1�.k��l.y cr�E�at�� ur►�ecH�i�abl� t�rarf'ic cai�ig�si��.ari �:xs c�i.seuss�d �haouc withi t^�?�,;ja1Y•d t�7 Pc�:l.icy a.1 , 1 , t1 �I^i�iff'�.(: i:trtw11.y5:i5 :i1:l.lt�y W:i,ll ►;>t? I�•�.?C(t.l:'tY'�.?c� �xs ���.r�t- uf any fui:��r•N S:it:�� 1��±v�.luH�ir��nt RGIUlk?W rur� i�h�is site, Mc�r�sur�k�s i��, mi.i.aycaj:t� 4�c�v�r•s� �.r•�affic i.m���:.i:s c�i� �ariy K�r�ciK�c�s��ra c��uF�l.u�>m�t•it �tiay Maa r•Eat�uir��c� as a c:ar�c�9.�:iun uF c��-�v�lc�ram�rit, f)ir�eci� �cc�:>>;a t:�a r� ni�ajc.�r� c��11�c.1:��r si�;r���i:, f;W 72nc� Fluk�i�i�a�, i� I �vai.lr�k>1�, f�a�:if:ic I•�ic�hway, Piic�hiway `1.17, �nc� T._r5 ar�e �.11 � �ri:er�9.�al,:a ���rxi: <:�1s�.� ��r•ta i.r1 c.1<�:}�.� K>i^�.�xi.m:ii:y 1:c.7 1�hi.� �ar•��G�, P�ah>].ic tr��r�s�ur�t�ai:rari is avaa.J.abl.p un SW 7?_r�d (tvN�r�uka, �11 c�CCP_S5 criter�i,a c�rEa i:h�r�i'�:�r�� sra�isfifad, �,. ;,zi:c� Cr,�r�<�ci�Far:�st:ics "I'he si.•r.�a c,�f i;ht� �re��, �ts�>��c.i.�l.ly t�ht�r� cc�ns;:GCi�:�r�kac� ari curr��a;iri��i::i.c�n wii:h Ga<�jac�rit� (,�..�t� runF�d par�r.�ts, �.s tar�g� fartocayh� i:u �r.cnmmoc��a�� �:1.1 �a;aa�s �al..lc�wc�l k�y �Y�� ��r�ap�.»t�cl C�,�ri�.ar��]. C;4�mm�.ar��:.;ir�l. cl+�a>�.c�n�al�ic�n. "I'hk? sit�p ia Flic�hly uisik�l� fralri :�W 'T7.1'lci �UFariU�. 'TNI�a :i�.tk chi�;���a�:.i:�r•i.si�,ir. ct�•:i��ri.a �r�ka t:ri�r•c�fic�r^� s:��a.�ficaci, 5'Tf�wF� I��C�c�FYT .�_ t,nf� 8�.�..03 ar�ci lC 8�..wp3 (kxUL;I�WU4lJ I�C?OWER,1..:�:k:.5) .��_ (��t3F" � .1. �,� `�:�_ C�� �.i1��14�1,!, f1:3:3t?:>J�7�F��11. With�.,ui:: �xr� ��:.i:ura:l. c��auF�:laK�n��:�ni:: p�^4,���.�s>�1., xi� a:a caifrXt:.u7.i: �:�.� ��r>�>�;>s whc?t�h�r� �:hn s�:�1�� ��f <ie�ucalor>mearii�: nn a �ar�ca�a�r•ty wi.l.l Ma� cnmK�at:il:>].� W].t:Nl i:dt�J<".�C,f?i'l�': t.I;iE"a. F�C.1WE!Vf?I"� li'1 1:�'iE� �)1"E?>E�1'i� a:t�U'r.dj:].1.7f1 �':rlf� :S:I.�::E! J.5 �t�jr�c�rit ��� <a m�Xc�r r�o<�dw�y, i:n c:amm��r•c'cal cic�uc�.l�arairiFar�i�, <�,ric� tc� u�c:ar��: t:ctn�m�:!r°c.i.�a7.l.y clE�s>:i�;Jricat:E�r� �r°c�w���^i:i�;;, anc� i::F��:�r���f�.,rF� i.t; a� r•c��xs��ri�N>1�:� 1:a t.urlc.lG�t;l� tN�ai: ld:'it?a whixc:hi aiic�h�i: t�c�rEal.c��� ari i:h�a yi.l:ca wa�al,d nc,i:: k�F:� xi��c�,i���;���1.:ih].� wij:hi �c�j�ac��ni�, �a:�;t�:y , ��u.i.�.aw �,f �any �r•o�a��:sE�ca ��i���:l.n�irr�r�1: f'�7r• 1:1n� a.'ti:� i:hr�c�u�;�h the :�xL�.� I�Fau�}.opinF�nt R�!uie�u �>r^cacka:�s wi.1.1 r:�s:�tar•ca 1:a�r�1: cc,i7��a,ai:iFai.l.i,i:y wi,1:r� :�ur�•r�,uricairic� uaNS w'sl,l, h�k7 ��:sH�;��7c� �ar•iur• i::u cf��u�lu�am�r�i:, .I.'h� :>�G�ff r�1.:�;ra �:.iai7cl.ca�1F:!:� �LNtrat: t:hE� pr�aw>�.�:;��c) r'2CIF?r31C,7Y1<".�1�:].l'1Pi e.c�ntr>1.i.�:> wa.1;Fi i�h�e (,ummcanii:y 1�c�upl.c��amF�n1: t�c�c9c� <and I�:Lar� i^car�ca:i.r�iri�r�1: <�r>��l.:i�<�ra.l� i:u � qt.ir:xsi.....�uc�ir.i.r:�l. mr.�a �ntc�r�clm�.ani::� 1:h<:at; 1:1•iE�r•�:� k» �� f�.r�c:l:i.n�.y �Lru:ai: i:hi�.�i^�� riGas kae�r� � c���ric�Ea uf� ciir•cc.nnsl�G�i•ic�s affGr9::�ri<� i�ri�a {ar�ur>�rLy ��r'• �:hir�L a mi;�;�;<�k� w��s �riraraF� i.i� �:��� c�r°;ic�i.rirzl l.�nc� �a�s�z c�t�si.c�n��;t:9.c�n fic��• �:hi�a g>r�c>��t����w�y ((;��m�r°��h�Eansi.uc� 17.lGxn, Vc>7.tamt� 2, f�ol.icy 1. , 1, :�m�>1,c�mGantral:ion S1�rdt;�?c�y ?.; CG,mmuanii:y Di�u�lc�{�mr•�ni: C��.7c��.a 5���:.i::i��ri :1.E3,22.Ct�t7(Ft)) . °f'Ni�:� c�z�g�li.r..�ani:� c�tiBE?Y'� ti'li�� i.:Ml(�f"F? �'lialS �.71?F�YI i�l t':�'li�l'1f�E? LI'1 Cti"CUIT1S�:iFxPl(:FaFi iA�'�t?l':�:11'lt,� t�'11S nF?.i.�hrt��rht��cacl t:hit�1� ;�t.iKa�e�i^t.:� 'l'.hF? i'•�t:(taca:�'t: fi�.7r" r���clw:aic�rt4�1::X�.�n ��� a camiY»i��ci.al cxc�sic�ri�i�ic>r�. :3t�ai'P cc�r�c.ur•s Pa<�sc�d ar� i�PiE� t"ul.�.awiric� firit�ar�r�a; ��.�c�i7�: r~i�c��:��rE:!.1.�7ram�.�ni: nf i�h�� r:�c�j��:k�rii: Ti<�r:ar°cJ Can��m<�:> ��r'C1�;)k�l"i;y ��nca 1�h� ��aK>tai��c�rit immii�car�cF� uf c.anst:r�t.ie.i:iun uf thFa I)<�r�t;moul�h Str����t Ex1::�:�ri:�>�.un h<�u� c��>Ha<a�•�ri�:1y r..ri<an��:�rt� 1;h�� c��>i.r�ians> <�fi rat�i.�hk>c7i^ric>cac� rk?:�i.c�cr�i:s i��c�c���i^c�xr�c� t17� .long i:eir•m u.i.ah��.li.i�y caf t:M��a a�^ca<� fai„ �^�a;•;9.ci�nta.<�1. tas�a. �1"Ni�.:> c.FiGanc�� xn 1:h� nc�ic�h�a��i��he,�.�cl':t u�ir�:i�,n cc>ristit:«t:E�ti a c.l•�<��•�c�� iri cii�•t.�an7sl��xncka5 whiich M��al.�;>:> j�ahl:ify Lh�E� pr�aK���;���.ac� r�•c.�rara3ic�ri<��:i.i,n, C)�.ir�i�7c� i:hi� taH����?1.�>�>n��artt. �.tif i�r��� C,ctiin{ar•c�hc�naiue i�l.ar�, tNi�.� GiLy r��t�ar�•ir�ie•i�7c� t�hat i:k�Ea "!'ic,��r•'t� 1"r�iai•i�l.� wr1;; ra��si: :•au:�i:E�el i.n 1:hi�.� l�.,r�c� r°un fic7�� c.�,mm�re.i.ra;i. �,is�.� k>c�c:<:��a�a� ��fi �r��a [di"lX.<�IAE? ilC:�:E?:iS iAVi�Y..�.a1�.�C! �:U i:f'14d i�t"F'?ial i:dl'1(� <��aC) �.7E?C"r.4l.ISE? �:Mlk:1 iill'°Caiil �1ir�E�r:�c�y ���a�.; <;aff�c.t,��<1 l;ay n�.ai.<ar�k>c�r•hirr� c.c�mmr�r�ci��l. u;�s�a� r:ar�ca ri'cc�Fiways, I-fnw��v4r. Xi7 ur�cl4r� 1:u iri�a,n�a:�n i:l�� :�ni�Eac�r�if�y af �xi:>t:i.n�� r��ir�hk���i�ht��,el;a i.n �:h�:� .�..r•ir;anc�l.� t.h<:�1: wrr� i���.,�: i^iK>�� �4,r� r�Ea��F�uc�:lu{atn��rit, t�l��t? (�ii:Y ��a�>.ti4?ci r�esaci�r�l�i,a1 I�].ar� ��r�t! ruriS:nc� cl�r>i�nt�l:i.�.�n:� i:cy c�:�rt.��in ar•�!ras ir� c�rd�r� i:c.� K�r�F?Ukrl1: ahc:.r~cani��n�:<�J. �.omin�r�c:i<�1 irii:rusiar� i.r�tu tr�casEa ri�ic�h�k�urhu�:�ds . "I"M�� (aity, huwwv�r, cc�rnm�.1.1:�c1 i:c� �•�.a{;:anr:icl�.��^ i:hk� ra�:yiyn�t.;iun c,f i�h�:!s� ri�S.c�hk���r�Ni�.�tacl;�� ���: � 1.al�cai�• t:�:rn� wMH�n i�i•i� cc.,mmFar•c�.<�l rFad�vNl�aK>inNr�t c�f 1:hiF±:�s� <:�r�E��s was ', dFai��r�cn:in�,�r1 i;�� b� ��xr>r�c�K�r�X��i:��, �:rr t:P» K�r��a:;c�n�: sa�:tar�i:i.ttn, �� in ir,�:� ; c:��i^l,x,�r :.'�W 7�i:h Au��r�u� r•��c���5i.�n<ati,nn, tFita r�<air�hibur•hotac� h��� ' . � irita:ic<a1v��d it:a r:ass�.ar�t� i::�, i:he r��.xrJtaKagn��at�i.�7ri �:Ni��r�c�k�y pr�uu:icai.nc� ;I 1?uic��r�cca �af a cri<�i�c��� 9.r� circ.um�tariut�s affea�i:a.ricX tP�� invo�.u��t� � ��r~i��N�r'•i��.fa:'a, (;, (abf�C;�l1�:T:t�N (iIUD 12F.:t,UMMI:•:N1Jf�"f"�LnN i �:ri c:.i�ric�l,�asa:�an, 1:Na4=. :•��:<affi f�.ncas i:rir�i: i�F�� �r��a�x���c� ��1r�n F�m�ar►c�mt�ni: fr��:�m l.,�aw : I�F!I'1;iS.��J 12asi,c����iLi.a1 i:c� (y�ric:�r��t C�camm�r�4a.al. �i•�r� thN prc>�>c�sca� Zui•ia f�harigk7 fr�c�i7ti �t....3 .�i i::e� �.....(:; fc,i^ 1:��� [)Giu�:�:1.1, ;;i�:r°���?i: n��ic�h�ha�.,r��ic�c>c� ��r��:� c.c�rt;�;isi:�.ant•, wi.i.h � �a.l�. ��a�a:ti.cr�k�].� �;t:atcaw7.c�-r, f>J.ai•ir�i.r�c� Gc><�.ls, C.it�y ur '1":ic�ar�c� F>,lan �au.liaa,��a, anc� ;Sl"F16"i'= h[:f�Gl'?"I" ..... C;F'f1 `��°..�C13 i�rtd "1..'C: E3�.....Q:3 (�';I;Ut:IZW�)C1C) f�I�C)f�E:l�„I.,x:E::;) °.. pA(:��:: ri t, `., i.M�ta .lc��.at:i.ui���l c.r°:itiFair•�.r� fiar� G;�ari��r��:l ��UITIITIF?I`�<:ia.l c���v�a:Lu�am�ai�i�:, Tri �c�c�ii��.un, '�:�'lka :I.iTl�i+tt:t:;i 'llf' i'"l?Ck�i'l�°: Gl)illllll�l"(:Xi�l.� t;���1/�:1.�,C7�>fI1E�r1�:. c.11'1 �::�'1f�St� K)M'C1�,7k�P"'�::I.E!a bl.�.f)Yl� w:i1:h� �ai^U�;�c�a;>��<� :ii7�ra��uuc�mE�rit�:s tc7 i�i•r:,Gar..h�y r•t�ar,fwG�ys hi�v� al.i:�ar�c?ra r���:ir�h�haui^M�UUC� s�:�r��Lim��r�1::;�> ir��c7r:�r�ca.i.ricJ kr��K>:inc� i::P�x:; riE�i.�,�Nik>urh�,c:�ca c�r�:ai.u�nai.��l fc.�r� ir��:!;�i.rl��rit:i.r:�1. �as�, '1'hia �hi�nc��� in rir�iyrihaur�h�uc�c� sNr�t:im�!r�t c:ur�stil�utE�s a chiai�i�e ir� t:.7.C"Cl.11ll:ii�i:li'1t:.4�:'i wr,;.�r, I11i+tkE?«i ��'1� K)Y'C1rJC>:+F!C� I"f?C��:a],C�YIi��;�.C)I'15 �:�.Itil•�.�1f. `f��N1k�Y"E.?1'{ll"E?� t�h�� �taf�f r�ca�uinmFai��t�> Lr�at i:he? N>t�anna.ri� t:c�imnissian rai^w�i�•c� �;I�F� 8�...�.0� <�rx� ZC an.....U3 t:�, i::ll•iE� C;ai:y C;aun�:.iJ, wi.t•.h� <:�z r•c:�r..�amni�anc;!<3t:ica�� f�:�r� �r�K>i^c�t�<�1. k�G�z:';��c;l c:�n 1:i��E� �aha��ue rinci�.r��s �r�d CC)r1G'.L1.1311?Yl$ . �/ /,_/ ._.....__..........._.._.............,._.. ._.._.». M. . _.F••.�..-••-. ., ....„.....,............_........,_.........._..... � _�......_..._,__.......... .... _.. ... .... .._.....�..»......�_ . (...Y.� i'>121�l7F1f1' C3Y; Y•�•�y ..r f�17l�ROV�.1���3Y; KE�it'h i..:itaH�n ��:si.;��P�i: F}1�:�nn�a�, :;�an�.c�i^ F'1<:xnn�.��• kc�/�E3£37.0 — - ��` ��a� , � sr. a � � �°�e� , QP �i ' � / s.w. A ' . ����` • � � y i e.s r►. � � /� � pueuc � � i W Ro�ow�r e � e � ' s.w eaYL R � ` i o � � D /!L E I � / i / • 1 � ' � � . STR E£7 � e � S.W. CLbNTQN � � � � 1 ��' . ��R � �� \\ .Q���FO t � `" , a``1"� � \' _ O�t . , � , . . ..�� '���RT ,�,�, � : � � � `�a,'O ��MOUTN -- ---,E�tTENS10N�-- . ��� .... 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ST Tzc,�uo, oR 97223 11Q0 2000 RICHARD GDORGE & NETA BUSH ST�VE & LIGLIAN TOWERS 7435 SW DUVALL ST 1173.5 SW 72ND AVE TIGARDr OR 97223 TIGARDr OR 97223 1200 � 2100 RICHARD & CY[�1THIA CLARK LOIS BRINK 7465 SW DWALL ST 11765 SW 72ND AVE � TIC�RD� OR 97223 T.IGARD, OR 97�23 1300 HF,MAP.ALA & LINDA MARAD78E 7505 SW DWA,LL ST' TTGARD, OR 97223 1.400 ALBERT & VIOLA PEFIRSON 75d0 SW DwALL ST TIGARD, OR 97223 isoo JOE�II�i t� CARO�, P� 7450 SW DUVALL ST I TIGAE2Y�, OR 97223 '� I 1600 � �,n�or�D �Juox su�N � 7430 �GV DWALL ST , Trc�n, oR 9�z23 AD�E.N. P�UM �NE , � [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]