Planning Commission Packet - 03/12/1989 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � TIGARD PLANNING CUMMISSION MARCH 21, 198a - 7:30 PM TIGARD CI�7IC CENTER - TOWN HALL � 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TTGARD, OREGON 1. CFiLL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVE MZNUTES FRObI MARCH 7, 1989, HEARING. 4. P7rANNING COMriIS�ToN G�f3MMiTNICdf,TION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE �8-09, VARIANCE V 88-39 DOUGHTY NPO � 4 Requeet to allow the continued use of an exieting freestandinq sign, allowing for an addi.tio�aa,l 25 per cent of height above the conforming height of 21 feet; av:�1 a r�quest for a Varfance to Ordinance No. 88�20, Chapter 18.114 of the City•s Sign Code to allow useage of an existing roc�£ sign. Locatidn: 11674 SW Facifric Highway (WCTM .1S1 ,36DC lo� i�oo� . 5.2 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 85-03 UNOCAL NPO � 6 Requeat for sign code exception approval to allowr a 25 foot high, 78 square foat freestanding sign where the Code allows a maximum height of 20 :Eeet and a maximum total sign area of 140 equsre feet. ZONING DESIGNATION: G -- G (Commercial General). LOCATION: 14030 S.W. Pacific Highway (WCTM 2S1 lOAA lot 700) 5.3 SIGN CODE ERCEPTIO�T SCE 89-04 VARIANCE V 89-U4 UTAH STAT� RETIREMENT BAARD NPO � 8 A request for a varian�e to allow a freeetanding sign to be located within the righ*-of-way of SW Oak Street in front of the Plaza West building. Section 18.114.070 of the Community Development Code prohibits eigne other than qovern�nental aigna from being erected within a public right-of-way. Zoning: C-P (Prafessional Commercial) '�t I LOCATION: 9600 SW Oak (WCTM 1S1 35BD Tax Lot 100) �` ��"'��r,, �. 6. OTHER BUSINESS 6.1 Approval period extenaion - Village at Summerlake Park S 87-08/ � PD 87-04/SL 87-09 ��� ?. ADJOURNMENT �;� � TIG�YtD PLAI�IIiIG OO��SIC1�i RSGIIl�AR MSSTING - M�iRCH 21, 1989 1. Vice Preaident Fyre caTled the meeting to order at 7:33 PM. The mseting was held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulev�rd, �igard, Oregon� 2, R�DLL CJiLL: Present: Vice Preaident Fyre; Commissioners Barber, C,astile, Newton, Peterson, and Saporta. 79bsent: CommieeiAner Moen, Leverett, and Roeborough. Staff: Senior Planner Xeith Liden; Planning Secretary Diane M. Jelderks. 3. ]1PPlbdVl�L OF �0=88 I Commisafoner Newton moved and Commisaioner Castile eeconded to approve the minutes ae submitted. Matian carried by majority of Commiasioners preaent. Commiasionere Barber and Peterson abatained. 4. Pl,�ll�I�ING OQlIIiISSION (�OilII�lIINIC�TIt�N a There was no communication. 5. PIISI�IC HSARII�S 5.� SIG� OODB $ZCSPTION i3CS 88-09, VllRYANCB V 88-39 DOIIGH�Y I�PO # 4� Request to allow the continued uae of an exis�ing fr0�estanding sign, allowing f�:r an additional 25 per cent of h�ight above the conforming heiqht of 21 feet; and a reguest for a Variance to Ordinance No, 88-20, :� Chapter 18.114 of the City�s Sign Gode �o allow usage of an exietinr� roof aign. �.ocation: 11674 SW Pacific Highway (WC�M lsl 36DC lot 1600). Senior Planner Lidex� reviewed hie memo to the Commiaeion and made etaff'a recommendation to approwe the Variance for the roof sign. Discussion followed regarding options available. 71PPLIC�i1�IT'3 PRSSBl1TPiTION � �� o Loren Flo�er, 872C-8 SW Curry Dr., Wilsonville, OR 97070, explained that i they had m�gt with the Building Official and the result was that they j would only t�e attaching a wall to the exieting signs. He fe�t the signs made a better �vall. Fie requested the Commisaion r�con�tider the request ', and gaant approv�l for the Variance. � ; PIIBLIC TSSTIl�IY 4 o No one appeared to speak. y ��`�� i prarrxir� ao�usi�s��x xaxo�� - r�ca �i, 19g9 - P21G3d i � i , I i i � � i � r S� '�,. PIIBLIC �ARING CIASSD o Commisaioners Castile, Saporta, Barber, and Fyre favored appruval of the Variance. They felt adding the parapet wall just to conform to the Code was unnecessary and removine� the roof aigne would not improve the apiaearanoe. o Commissian�rs Newton and Peterson felt a parapet wall ehould be added in order to conform to the Code or th� signa should be removed. * Commiasioner 1Newton moved and Commiasioner Peteraon aeconded to deny Sign Code Exception SCE 88-09 and Variance V 88-39. Motion failed two ta four. Commiseionere Barber, Castile, Fyrs, and Saporta voting no. * Commiesioner Castile moved an�d Cammisaioner Saporta aeconded to approve Sign Code Exception SCE 88-09 and V�riance V 88-39 based on ataff's recommendation. Motion carried by majority of Commi�sionere pre�ent. �ommissionere Newton and Peterson voting no. 5.2 SIGIi (�ODS SBCEPTION SCS 89-�D3 DPTOC,�iL NPO # 6 ][tAqueet for sign code exception approval to allow a 25 for�t hiqh, 78 squsre foot freeatanding sign wh�re the Cnde allows a maximum height of 20 feet and a maximum total sic�n area of 140 equare feet. ZONING DESIGNATION: C - G (Commercial General). LOCATIOIde 14030 SaWo Pacific Highway (WCTM 2S1 lOAA lot 700) Senior Planner Liden reviewed the proposal and made ataff's recommendati.an for approval. He added that sS�aff had done another field inspection and discovered price signe attach�d to Iight poles which meane the applicant has three freestanding aigna. HQ requested that a condition be added requiring the two additi:onal fre�atanding signs to be removed. Discussion followed iegarding rotating signa versue reader board aigns. 71PPLIC�N'�'3 T88TI1�QNY o Rick Fuson, Aregon Sign, 4644 SE 17th, Portland, OR 99242o etated that the price sign mentionew uy the staff where not up at the time the application was submitted and they woulc3 �ave no problem removing them. He explained that Unocal has a standard sized dign that is used by all of their '''�� facilitiea. They are wil'ing to lawer th� exieting eign to 25 feet and to etop the rotation. PDBLIC TSST7.T�IIC o No one appeared to speak. PIIBLIC �1RING CIAS$D o Consensue of the Commiseion was to approve the request. PI.�I�II�iZNG QO�I�SION 2iINQlTES - MPiRCH 21, 1989 - P11GS 2 •�1 * Commiasioner Peterson moved and Commissioner Barber seconded to approve Sign Code Exception SCE 89-03 adding the condition that the two additional freestanding aigns b� removed and that the additional height ie being granted on the fact th�t there will onlg be one freestandinq sign permitted on the site. Motion carried unani.mously by Commiasioners present. ' I 5.3 3IGN QOl!$ S%CB�ION SCS 89-04 VARIANCS V 89-04 DTAH STI�TS RSTIRS!lSNT I HOARD NPO # 8 A request for a variance to allow a freestanding sign to be located within the right-af-way of SW Oak Street in front of the Plaza West building. Section 18.11�}.070 of the Community Development Code prohibita signs other than governrnental signa from being erected within a public right-of-way. Zoning: C-P (Prof�easianal Commercialy LOCATIaN: 9600 SW Oak (WCTM 1S1 35BD Tax Lot 100) Senior Planner Liden revi�wed the proposal and mad.e staff's recommendation for denial. Discuseion followed r�agarding the Gsvurtz sign which had been �ermitted in the public right-of-way, concerns reg�rding utility easements, and other locations where the sign could be constructed. APPLIC�NT'S PRSSB�NTATION o Eric �orensen, Lee/Ruff/G�iaddle Partnership, 5285 SW Meadowa Road, Suite 340, Lake oawego, OR 97035, explairaed tha� th�y were requesting the new aign as part of the numeroue improvemente that they have made to the site. Also, because of the topography of the area the new aign would improve access to the site. He added that the public right-of-way has changed over the yeare which has caueed the exiating sign to be in the public right-of-way. The proposed location could be adjusted to aome extent, however, if it is removed from the public right-of-way �hey would hav� to redesign the sign. He agreed to rerouting the electrical lines to the I sign. I� o Diecuseion followed with the Commission r�garding the exieting aign and other tyges of eigns which could be used. o Senior Planner Liden added that, if the Commiasion approves thie request, a condition should be added to require the applicant to obtain a Street Opening Permit for work being done in the public right-of-way. „�,�, '��:;. PIIBLIC T88TIIi�ONY o No one appea;red to epeak. PQBLIC HS7�AING CLOS�D o Commisaioners Newton, Castile, and Fyre favored allowing the sign in the ��`* public right-of-way. � o Commisaionere Pe�ersox�, Barber, and Saporta oppoaed allowing the sign in the pu}alic right-of-way. PT.1�lNNIriG 170�iIS8I0� MINOTI�S - MARCH 21, 1'989 - P�Gg 3 ,� + �; '� * Commissioner Newto*s maved and Commiasioner Castile seconded to approve Sign Cade Exception SCE 89-f14 and Variaaae V 89-04 with th� following conditions: l. �he existing siqn is to be removed. 2. The new si.gn will be constructed as proposed. 3. The elec�triaal line will be moved. 4. The sign will be subject to a license. 5. _"he applicant will obtain a Street Oper�ing Permit. fi. No freeway orient sign will bs permitted on the eite. Motion failed three to thres. Commissioner Barber, Petereon, and Saporta ', voting noo o Diacuesion followed are wk���her to approve the request, deny the requeat, or to aet the item over to tki� �ext hearing. The applicant requested to speak. PIIBLIC HBI�RING REOPSNSD o Eric Sorensen etated that lthere i� no way another eign can be conetructed except for a pole mourated aign. He also felt that is was unlikely that there woulc� be any ahanges made to the road. Discussion followed regarding placimg a sign on the b•uilding. PDBLIC �lRING CIASSD * Commi.e�ione.r Newton moved and Commissioner Saporta seconded to table the item to the April 4th hearing. Motion carried unanimously by Commisgioners present. 6. OTSgR BQSIAigSS 6.1 SIY 1i011TH 8%TSNSION - VILLAGB ],T 3IIl�+RI,�IRS P!!RR (S 87-0�/PD 87�04/ SL 87-U9) Senior Planner Liden reviewed the request for a six month time extenaion. Discueeion follovaec� regarding the approved preliminary plat. * C�mmissioner Newton moved and Commiasioner Castile ��COna�a to approve the w.;:.,, ai,x month time extension. Mo�tion carrfed unanimously by Commisaicaners � �_�, present. . p� r 7. 1lD.TOIIRNF�NT - 8�50 � � Diane M. Je e a, Secretary �� A1'TL�T: ^��\ Mil � r , ce Fr eident --- dj/PC-3-21 PI.�lDiI�fII� OO�tiSSI� l�NOTBS - �C.E� 21, 19�9 -� i�A�B 4 _ _ _ _ i I � r � � , � ; a I i PLANNI�IG COMMISSION ROLL CALL HEARTNG DA'!'E: r c� r� E � c STAR'Y'lNG TIME: / / �� _+� COMMISSIOI�TERS � DONALD MOEN _� VLASTA BARBER � JAMLS CASTILE �✓ MILT FYI2E (UJ _ !6 � DEANE LEVERETT _l� GREG �WTON � DAVE PETERSON � DAN ROSBOROUGH _��HARRY SAPORTA STAF'F PRESL�NT:� � �'` � .,,,�. � ;,. `S� dj/PC—AOLL � oIiu1�/4#�� I�1�/��serr�IeINV I�/�b'I�1�/Im1��I�/I�/��P/�tlIY�I1�1[!1 �� . � �0 ��� �� � ����0 P.O.�O)(370 PF10NE(503)664-03�0 ������ ��,av�wrocv,or���o�!s7o�� 7-6$51 �,��J�� (���6c�� �c��c��46�6a�� �' CITY O£ TIGEIRD � f�J] ���p�p���yg �9o4a�� PO BuX 23397 � TIGARDD OR 97223 � � ����6��g��,�a����� � � ���d���901f �� ���l��C��O��i ����� �� �[����G�, ��a�o��� o� ���o-�o�����, �$�. �,RT AT�TF PFTR(1('�'i��fa'�' f��u�o� 46P�4 d1�o0� �e��P¢�, �i��mg� ��pol �ffiv 49��4 I �m 4G�� �4c9v�r4i5in� �OP��Q�P, mP G01� �P7P6CO��O CI�P�L, mY 4Po� TIGARI? TIMES �1 �O�W��D���P �ff �J�PO�P�IB ciPCaal�B6�� �� �lePio�u�� iao ��S ��3.090 �GO�i �e�i1�1.�'a��; �QlI��B��V�Q� ffi4 �Ti�'YT%w IBl 401� �l��P(��ffi0� C��]P��'j/ �1PBdI �4814�; 4P6Q14 Q�➢� _ PiTF3T T(' NOTT F � �DUG�1Q�2�I Cm(�Ajp �O ffl/OD8CO11 9� �OQ�JP�40 �iF�P��IC��, ��� paaf�l6eB��� �� °h� �GVQUU� Ut���l� �P ��0� P➢�tR7���1��P gpP ONE ��cc���iv� �,n�] ���o��a�an4ue�� am 4P��a ff��0a�r�r6�og� iss���i�: MARCH 9, 198� �j_ � — - �r-��i F' ��.�/ t/ �/' -�/��� �����PU� [��1 ����� �4�P� uuo�4P�D maz ch 10� 198Q � �� ��1��6�P�P�pm��� R�I����rorro�u��6a�m(���uP��: �/20/92 �f�����6�`6�1' °��� ��➢��w�w� w9D9 b� �����at"�� ��' °�+t+� �B�s����at� �o��p�� , t }���r�9��g�,�.a��cs�9�ysr9Y,a��g�.�p�� ��z{�1q��tya�h�}���q���� }���yp�����.�;+��y/���vjy`�:�'��FaQ�};����y,��[������'�q�,p:�y���f��[ " ; e� ����. 1CA��D dDY�PLLYey,80�WII�8YB��3��40+e.duevf$��b}�/��Sn RXA�'6i5340�F'�6���C`y+wy��,stF+dFF'�P'�N#+A,a� i @f�,`�l��E9�9��Q�B�flSi�'Rl�d�������J�"W�������I���Jd��iTi��A�'�i��4������ ;t�� �?. ��n� Au�� �r c�����e�° �$n3��i ��e �`#�',�ra� ���������'��� ��� ,�1��;�a� ;��m����res�i @he����1'�8�#►���5t�� ��f�� i���"�k1�A�,�m��`,;��,�� �; , ¢/�p�yQqu�aY�eyd Ys�pa��u�dn��p �1��in��0y�¶q��iq�+►���u��E:�;�����"��lt��r�t�x,"��?�"�tr�i�'�,qp� ' � S';a� a7N�4�+gritiAp Qb�4P��W�t���U"'"J�4$kd. 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ALL PERSOl11S DESIRING TO SP�AK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGYJ THEIR NAME arrd note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTIO : � '� 7 � v��� 7 . I . �� / � � PROPONENT (For) � OPPONENT (agairsst) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address an� Affiliation ,_ �,xr.;.:�::, �,,, �:. ,;.y� . , . � __ ..... .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .LA1Li.. . . .. � V./l���.. ... .. .. ... , TIGAg2D PLANN;T NG COMMI SS ION �- , ; NOTICE: . ALL PERSOYJS DESIRING TO SPEAK pN ANY aTEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address on th.is sheet. (please Print your name) �TE�f/bESCRIPTTON: �� � ��'�� � . � �1110�.'� � �• 3p �� � � / • PROPONENT (For) . OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation ' � - �f���1 �^ �Or� . . a: ace4"+.YT-:.. � <$ v�! . �4` �.. . ' � . . . . . � . ���� . . . . ... . .... .. . .. . .. .. .... �� _ _ _ _ u�-a.ii. ,.�rV��~�/ TIGARD PLANAI$,T NG COMMI SS ION 4 NOTICE s . ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPE2�K ON ANY IT4�t+1 MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address an tlia.s sheet. (please Print youx name) TTEM/bESCRIPTION: �' �� . � .3 . / ��oa ���� � . rr� � 8 PROPONENT (For) . OPPONEI�Z� (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation � ,S� 1 �J I//'�tf�'"°� v 1� , '�� .� ., . . . . . . .. . . . f { � . . . . .. . . . . � t . � � E i � . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . . � n u � . . . . . .,�. 1 7. . . . _ . .. .. _ .. . . . . . � F G {: • .. — �; . . ;: i; ;. s: �:i �j �; ;� , ,i �=� i:{ ;; � � �� �'S M; ;1 � "' c� `s: . . . . . .. .. . . M .{I �„ il i� . . . . ...4�� . C . .�,`. � ���:. . . . . . . . �/. . . . . . � � � �: i. u . . . . .. . . . . .. . . � . . i, . � � � . . �� . f�. �� . . . . . . . . . ....0 , . . . . ... ... . . . , . :.C� . . .. . ... f� . . . .. . . . tt` . . . . . . . . . .. . � .. . _ . . .. ' ���i .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .� � . . . .. � . . ... .. : ,� .. . .. . ..� . . - . . , . . __. . .,.�.a.��e.....y-.....:....._...._ �. ..«..i_..�::.�. ...i� :,::, ...«. ...-�!:il �,, CITY OF TZGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COI�SMISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(e): SCE 88-09; V 88-39/DOUGHTY 2. Name of Owner: J. PAUL DOUGHTY 3. Name of Applicant: SAME Addresa: 10150 S.W. CANYON RD. BEAVERTON, OREGON 970J5 4. Addrese of Property: 11674 S.W. PACIFIC HIGHWAY Tax Map and Lot No(e).: (WCTM 1S1 36CD, T.L. 1600) 5. RequeSt: A REQUEST TO ALLOW THE CONTINUEB USE OF AN EXISTING FREESxANDING SIGN, ALLOWING FOR AN ADDITIONAL 25� OF HEIGHT ' ABOVE TFiE �ONFOF3MING HEIGTiT OF 21 FEE� AND A REQ(TEST FOR A JARIANCE TO OR. �88-20, CHAPTER 18.114 OF THE CITY'S SIGN CODE Tn ALLOW USEAGE OF AN EXISTING ROOF SIGN. 6. Action� Approval as requested X Appraval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspap�r, posted at City Hall, and !, mailed to: I � The applican� and owner(s) � Ownere o:E record within the required distance The affected Neighborhood Planning Orqanization Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON April 17� 1989 UNL�SS AN F►PPEAL IS FTLLD. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and atatemen� of conditiona can � be abtain�d from the Planning Department, Tigard City Iiall, 13125 �W �. Hall, P.O, Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal; Any party to the c3ec:ision may appaal this deeision �n ac�ordance with 13.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appea.l may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and s�nt. d dl ne for filin of ar. a al is � The ea i g ppe _g,pril 17, 1989 10. �ueati�ne: If you have any questiona, please call the City of Tiqard Planning Department, 639-4171. f� t: i; �: _ �:_ . _.:; <___. � _._ _.�.:: .__..... ,:. .���w�,.� .�; f., �. CITY OF TIGARD PLANNI,t�TG COMMISSION FINAL ORDER Na. 89-05 PC A FI�TAT� ORDER INCL(IDING FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROVE� AN APPLICATION FOR A SIGN CODE EXCE�^TION AND VARIANCE (SCE 88-09/V 88-39) REQUEST 1BY �AUL AND LILLI AOUGHTY. �he Tigard Planning Commiesion reviewed the above application at a public hesaring on January 10, and March 21, 1989. The Commission baaed itg decieion on the facta, findinge, and conclusions noted below. A. FACTS l. General Information . CASE: �ign Code Ekception SCE 88-09, Variance �F' 88-39 (Givil Infractian Case 88-53-Z) Ry UEST: A re eat to allow the continued uee of an exiating 33 foot high 4 �N freeetanding eing, allowing for an additional 25 percent increaee in eign height above the conformi.ng height of 21 feet. ' � 7�lso a request for a Variance to Code Section 18.114.070(h) to a11ow rPtention of an existix�g 600 sq. ft. (estimate) Yoof eign. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (Comcnercial General) APPLICANT: Loren V. Flomex OWNER: J. Paul & Lilli Doughty 8720-B SW Curry Dr. 10150 SW Canyon Road Wilsonville„ 9R 97070 Beaverton, OR 97005 LOCATION: 11674-8 5W Pacific Iifghway (WCTM 1S1 36DC lot 1600) 2. Backaround Information No previous applicatione have been reviewed by the Planning etaff with reapect ta the eubjsct property. Building permits were fir�t iesued by the City Building Division in November, 1966. �x<,.. 3. Vicinitv Information �� �. Properties in all direction are also zoned C-G. 4. Site Infarmation and Proposal Deacription 'rhe aite is z�a�ently occupied by an r�pproximatel�+ 4320 squgxe foot `� commercial retail �vpliance buainess and a stnrage building at the �� southeast corn�r of the praperty. A 33.1 foot tall freestanding sign stands in the front af the property; it ie eet back approximately 7 feet : from �he riyht-of-�ay (uti.lity pole)a The applicant has me�eured the siqn ` FINW� ORDER NO. 89-D5 PC DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-09/V 88-39 - PAGE 1 =� � �< � 1 k to b� 31 feet high. The aign consiete of a 2' 6" x 18' 6e" blue Dough�y's eection totaling 46.25 �q. ft. per face or 92.5 total sign area. It also has a 72 sq. f�. (36 eq. ft. per sign face) General Electric appendage and an arrow with no sign copy (about 9 �sq. ft. per face). The applicant is proposing to remove the arrow which would result in a sign measuring 82.25 square feet per face. Tatal aign area for the existing �sign is �]..25 sq. ft. per faae or 182.5 eq. ft. . It therefore exceeds the base aign area requirement, � fact not noticed by staff while in the field laet winter. Atop the roof �f the main buildinq ie a metal grid. The grid run� along the front (north) wall face and some 15 (estimated) feet along 'the east and w�stern wall frontagas but perpendi.cular to and above the roof l.ine. On this grid are some 7 additianal appliance signs and logos, �etimated to be 4 feet high. Therefore, this roof eign includea approximat�ly 480 square feet of additiona�. eignage along the front of the building and an eetima�ed 60 �c�uare feet along each side for a total of 600 square feet of additi,onal eignage. Staff notes that virtually all interiox window space has been used by the businees £ar additional signage. No permits ha�re been ise�.ied for any of the eubjec� eigns. BuiTding Division filee contain a drawing of a similar roof sign from 1970, but the existing sign is subetantially different and so ataf€ concludes they muet be different signs. 5. �qencv and NPO Commenta The City Building and Engineering Divisione have reviewed the proposal and have no objectione to it. NPO � 4 reviewed the requ�at and recommended that in order to administer tF�e Code cc�nsistently, the roof sign should be removed. It should be notec3 that a quorum was not preaent. No other commenta werg received. B. ANALY3IS AND FINDINGS Thie report coneiate of two parts: a Sign Code Exception request for additional height and a Yariance request to retain a roof eign. Each �equest will be diacuased individually below. �� l. 3i�n a:ode Exception (Freestanding Sign) " Section 18, .114.145 of Tigard's Community Development Code contains the �� criteria whereby the Planning Commie�ion can approve, appr�ve with modification or deny an appl3cation for a Siqn Code Exceptf.on. They ares (1) The proposed ex�eptiun to the height limits in �he Sign Code is neceesary to make tha eign viaible from the street becaueQ of �he � topagraph�r of the eite; P'INAL ORDER NO. 89-05 PC DOUGHTY/P'LAMLR - SCE 88-09,/V 88-39 - PAGE 2 � !?I ,. ; _ ...... �- . ,,,. .��..__ �-..-__ ' � _ _ _��_�. .�:. _... �.,__�.,....w �� (2) A �econd fr�estanding aign is neaessary to adequately identify a bu�ine�� or premises that is oriented towards a primary atreet but whase main acceeg is from a secondary street. (3) Up to an additional 15 percent uf siqn area or height may be permitted when it ie detezmined that the increase will not deter from the purpose of thie Chapter. This increase ehou�d be judged aecording to epecific neede and circumstances which necesaitate additional area �o make the sign sufficiently legible. The increase(s) shall riot conflict with any other nondimenaianal standarde or zeStrictione of the Chapter. (4) The proposed sign is conaistent with the criteria eet forth in Subsection 18.114.130(g) di this Chapter. (5) The propoaed exception for a second �reeatanding sign on an interior lot ie neceseary beGause all of the followinq apply: (�) The combined heiqht of both signs ehall not exceed 130 percent � of the sign height normally allowed for one freeetarading eiqn in ii tt►e same zoning diatrict; however, height eign shall exceeci the height normally allowed in the eame zoning diatrict; (B) Height sign will poae a vision clearance problem or will proje�ct into the publia right-of-way; (C) Total combined sig� area for both aigns ehall not exceed 150 percent of what ie normally allowed for one freeetanding eign in the same zaning dietrict; however, neitii3r shall exceed the height normally allowed in the same zoning di,stzict. (b) In addition to the criteria in subaection (a) of thia section, the Commission, or in the case of an Administrative Exception, the Director, shall review all of the existing or propoc;�d eignage for the dev�lopment and ita relatioanship to the intent and purpose of thie Chapter. Ae a condition of approval, the Commiseian or Director may require: (i) Removal or alternation of nonconforming signs to achieve compliance wi�h the atandards contained in the Chapter; (2) Removal or alter:�ation of conforming siqns in order to establieh a consietent eign deeign ttaroughout the c�evelopment; and .; � (3) Application for sign permits for signa erected without permit� or �'' removal of such illegal �igna. The applicant in this case ie requesting approval of an increaee in sign height baeed on approval criteria contained i.n (aj (3) above, which �rould a11ow far a 2fi,25 foot height (21 .feet p�ue� 25�). The applicant is request�ng a maximun► f��"'°'� r�i n hei h� of 25 feeta Commiasion sees no e '�° 9 4 peCial ox extenuating < ��� circumetancee in thie caBe necessitating a taller sign ot�er than the fact that thie sign is undex Commisaion scrutiny as a nonconforming eign. The sign ie FINAL ORDER NO. 89-05 PC DOi3�HTY/FT,OMER - SCE 88-09/V 88-39 - PAGE 3 ��� � :;'l �'"�� �' _... ._ ._ _. ._..;_ ... C;� i not blocked by and other sign or business. The neare�at freeetandix►g sign to the west is a 20 foot high Spanky's freeatanding eign sta�f estimates is some 75 feet away. To the east i.s the Pizza Cab�ose freeetanding sing, also several feet away. Nonethelee�, Commiasion finds this amall increase to be consistent with the intent of the Code, particularlyr since the applicant is will to reduce the sign height by six to eight feet to a maximum height ot 25 feet. One concern, however, ie that once the aign hae been reduced in height, the clearance distance fram the pavement to the lowest portion of the sign will only be 6 feet, 6 inchee. Although the Code doe�s not require it� a clearance of 14 feet to the bottom of the sign is usually recommended in order to prevent sutomobile and eign collieions. A Sign Code Excep�ion to the eign area requirements also appears to be necessary. The sign is at least 7 �eet away from the Highv�ray 99 right-of-way. Without the benefit of � survey, the precise property line is imposaible to determine. The propoeed 82.5 square foot sign wouZd be per.mitted with a 12.5 foot setback. The Commission finds that the maximum deviation from Code ' standards is approximately 5 square fe�t and that a Sign Code Exception for thie �ma11 additional area ie coneistent with applicable criteria. 2. Variance (Roof Sign) Findinga: a. The property wae annexed ta Tf.qard as part of our original annexation in 1961. b. �h� roof sign has be�n up since at least 1970. c. The roof sign ia situated on a flat roof and probably exceeds the area normally allowed for a wall aign in the C-G zone. c3. No other exterior wall signage exist on the property. e. No record of a aign permit exi�te far this sign. f. Several amortization periods have been included in the Sign Code and have expired. g. There has aZways been some type af commercial zoning for this property. A roof eign is defiried in the Code as "a sign erec�ed fully upon or directly above a roof line Qr parapet of a building or structure." One exceptior� ie a wall aign attached to an existing architectural feature. A rnof line ie defia�ed aa "the tnp edg� of a roof �r buildinq parapet, whichever r�'��"" ia higher, excluding any cupola, chimneys, or other mynor projectione". Since _ - the aubject aign hae been mounted on a grid which, does not reaemble the wall � below, the Commiseion concludes that tne grid was erected not aa a building parapet but rather as a support for the aigns. Section 18.134.050 of the Code contains c_itseria wh�sreby the Com�=se�ion can approve, approve with modifications or deny a variance xequest. Tr�ey are: t},� 1. The propoeed variance wf,ll not be �naterially detri►hental to i:he purpoaes �• of this Code, be in conflict with the policiea of the Compreh�ansive Plan, to an�► other applicable policies of the Compreheneive Plan, to any other FINP,L ARDER NO. 89-05 PC DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-09/V 88-�39 - PAGE 4 �� � r Ik. }'. applie:able policies and atandards, and to other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. 2. Thar.e are speci�l circucnstances that exist which are peculiar tn the lat size or shape, topography or other circumetances over which the applicant � has no control, and which are not applicable to other properties in the same zoning district; 3. The use proposed wxll be the same ae permitt�d under this Co�de and City etandarcis will be maintained to the greatest exten� posaible, while permitting some economic use of the land; 4. Existing physical and natural ayetem�, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forma or parks will not be advereely affected any more than would occur if the development were located ae specifiec� in the Code; and 5. The hardahip is not self-imposed and the variance requeated is the minimum variance which woul� allekiate the hardship. The roof eign represente an additional 600 �quare feet of signage. The sizea, definitions, and locatione of roof eigns and roof lines have varied over the xears; however, it appears that eigne located on top of roofs have been proF�ibited for some tim� (at least since 1975). Under the current Sign Code, there are three possible ways to consider zoof eiqns: a. Signe which are entirely on top of the roof; b. Sign which partially project over the roof line; and c. Signs erected partially or entirel�r on a roof witch an angle of 45 d�grees or lese from horizontal. City uf 3'igard ordinancea have historically g�rohibited roof signe, primarily for Aesthetic reasons. The Commiasion conclud�s that this variance request is unique and Bhould be approved based upon the followinq findings: l. The key reason for the general prohibition of roof eigne is to avoid the construction of signs that project above the roof line or the silhouette of a building. The view of eupport members is al�o typically associa�ed with this type of sign. Since the sfgn is deaigned at a continuoua he3ght along the entire front and a portion of each side of the buildinq, it does not appaar as a projection ;� above the flat roof of this building and na supportinq atructurea are visible. The eign has every appearance of a sign on a parapet wall. �' Thia sign type is allowed hv the �',ode a9 a wall sign. If ineaeured as a wall eign, the total sign area on each wall would meet Code etandards. y{ 2. Becauec� of the design of the sign and the buildinq, the eign has the `'�� aQpearance of a wall sign. Aleo, because o� th� low height of the k", building, the large amount of window area, and the preaence of sutnmobile parking in front, �he only euitabl@ aign locatfon appeare to be the pres�nt one. �: FINAL ORD�R NO. E39-05 PC DOUGHTY/E'LOMER - SCE 8�-09/V 88-39 - PPIGE 5 1�` � � I 1 I i � `�: , 3. Physical and natural syatems will not be affected by this requeat and the hardehip was not self-impoaed. The eiqn w�s erected prior to the prohibitian of roof signa and the variance application wae neceseitate�d becauae of a eubsequent change in City regulatione. C. DECISION Baeed upon the above diecueeion, The Planning Comnaieaion approvea SCE 88- 09 and V 88-39 eubject to certain conditione. 1. The applicant ehall obtain a eign permit for the existing roof eign. STAFF CONTACT: DEBORAH STUART, PH. 639-4171 2. The applicant shall obtain a sign permit for the freestanding sign which ehall be reduced in height to a mgximum of 25 �eet high. The arrow shall be removed in accor�lance with the eign p].ane. STAI�F CdNTACT: DEBORAH STUART, PH. 639-4171 3. This approval is valid until May 15, 1989, at 4:00 pm. Failure to meet all conditione of approval as stated herein shall resul.t in a cftation to Civil xnfraction Hearing Court. It is further ordered that the applicant be notifi�ed of the �nt of this order. i �ASSEDs This day of April, 1989, by the Plannin se' n of the City of igard. � n re, i �i ent� Ti rd Plann g is ion I �.,1 �, � ���,� � °•w� FINAL �RDER NO. 89-05 PC DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-05/V 88�-39 - pRGE 6 "'rr '{� �_ �... Agenda Item 5.1 TrlEMORAPID[.tM Tc�i: Planning Commiasion �'ROM: Reith Liden, Senior Planner � °-- REt Doughty's Appliance Sign Cade Except3oYi SC� �8-09 DAT�: March 14, 1989 On Janauary l�, 1989, the Planning Commiesion reviewed the above application which includ�d a request tQ retain an existing freeetanding that exceeda Code standards foX height and area and an existing roc�f eign which i� not permitt�ed. The Commieaion mad� a preliminary finding that the applicant's propo�aa3. pertsining to the freeatanding eign wae approprfate, but a conclueion waa not reached regarding the roaf eign. The Commiesion requested that staff further investigate the optione available for dealing with the roof aign i.ssuo. The applicant met with Brad Roaet, City Bui,lding Official, and me to dieauas poe�ible alternatives for accommodating the exieting roo£ siqn. In accordance with the ���nnunity Development rode and the U;niform Buildinq Lode, a parapet wall could ba constructed on the raof ot the building with the sign in turn mounted to the parapet wall se a wall sign. Provided the total eign area on the front huilding elevation doee not exceed 15$ of the total front wall area, only a Bign permit would be required. T1Ye agplicant hae provided a letter with illuetrations sh�wing profi..lee of the exietinq aign and the sign mounted on a parapet wall. The aign/parapet wall option wnuld meet Code etandards; requiring only building and eign permits. Also attached ie thR ataff report that was presented to the Coamaieai�n on January lOth. It ie the opinion of etaff that denial of the Sfg� Co�e Exception would not � , cauae tl�e removal of the sign but would merely cause the applicant td construct ,� ����"' 'I >..a,. a parapet wall to support the sign in the eame location. It does not appear 61i", that any seeth�f�ic benefite will be realized through the provisfon of such a �, wall �:nd therefore it fa recommended that the Variance be approved. The staff , �''��:, will be prepared to discusa findinga for approval or denial at the public ' hearing. �� . � . . . . .. �.. �4 �' . . . � . ..� � . . . � � . . .. �� �� ' . . . . .. ..�.�� ti � � �ITY OF TIG1�iRD Washington CAUnty, Oregon NO'rICB OF FIIil�L ORDffit - BY PL�IIiG OqfII�TS3I0� 1. Con�erning Case Number(s) : SCE 89-03 2. Name of Owner: Unacal Name of Ap�licant: Same 3. Addreee 3131 Elliott Ave. City Seattle State WA Zip 98121 4. Address of Property: 14030 SW Pacific Hiahwav Tax Map and Lot No(s) .: 2S1 lOAA lot 700 5. Requeet: Rec7ueet far a eicLn code exce»tion avvroval to allaw a 25 foot hiQh, 78 sauare foot freestandina eiqn wi�ere the Code allowa a maximum heiaht of 20 feet and a maximum total sian area of 140 scTUare feet ZONTNG DESIGNATION: C - G (Com[nercial General) 6. Actinn: Approval ae requested X Approval with conditiona Denial 7. Noticc�: Notice was published in the newepaper, post�d at City Hall, and mailed to: X The applicant and owner(e) X Owners of record withi.n the required dietance X The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization _ X Affected governmental agencies 8. Fina1 Dec�.sion: T� DSCISION SH71LL B8 FI1�L ON April 17� 1989 p�,gSS l�N �PP�L IS FTI.SD. TYse adopted findi�gs of fact, deciaion, and statement of conditiona can be` obtained from the PYanning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, ""`"`'"��"'''�" P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. '�`�'�., 9. Apueal: Ar�y party to the decieion may appeal this decisi.on in accordance with 13.32.290(A) and 5ection 18.32.370 which provides that a wr�t*en appeal may be filed within 10 day� after no�ice is g.4��ren and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is April 170 1989 M *�, , j;} 10. Queetionse If you have any quegtioms, pleaee ca11 the City of Tigarci. Planning Department, 639-4171. , djJSCE89-03eDJ 9 ,� ' � �a. °�3. CITY OF TIGARD PLANN�NG COMMISSION FIN]AL ORDER IdO. 89-04 PC � A FINAL ORaER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIVNS WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A SIGN CODE EXCEPTION (SCE 89-03) REQUESTED BY U1dOCAL. The Tigard Planning Co[nmiseion reviewed the above applicatian at a public hearing on March 21, 1989. The Commission based ite decieion on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below. A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 89-03 REQUEST: For a Sign Code Exception approval tc� allow a 25 foot high, 78 square foot per face frees�anding eign where the Code allows a maximum Rign height of 20 �eet and a maxi.mum sign area per face of 70 aquare feet. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING DESIGI�ATION: C-G cCommercial General) APPLICANT: Unocal OWNER: Same 3131 Elliot Avenue SQattle, WA 98121 LOCATION: 1403Q S.W. Pacific Highway (WC�M 2S1 lOAA lat 700) 2. Backaround Information The sub�ect site was annexed to the City of Tigard in 1965. A permit to connect to city sanitary sewer was iesua�d in 1967. No development review applicationa could be found by staff; staff asaumes it was developed while in Washington County and later remoceled following annexation. 3. Vicinitv Information „*,,;�.,,,;�: Immediately aurrounding propertiee in all directions are aleo zaned and ��. developed C-G. Pacific nighway, which i.s an arterisl etreet, abute �he subject to the weat and McDonald Street, which is a major coll�c�or, liea to the north. ,, 4. Site Information �� The site is preeently occupied by a 1,120 square f�ot Uni,on 76 vahicle fuel salee bueinese. The subject sign sits at the nortriwest corn�r of FINAL ORDER NO. 89-04 PC - UNOCAL SCE 89-03 - PAGE 1 � �� �n;', 5 . . . � �. ._. .:-�-�. .._.:._:....,..� �_�_.. . ... .L._..,.,,_,�.:.. ,.,..,.....___....EF:� ` � . _... ' ��._ �_�:... — . .....�. _ ��. . the property and has no landacape island around it. No other freeetanding signs are on the property. Of all of the caaes affected by the amortization program now under way, eix of them relate ta an excesaive number of freestanding eigns at eervice atations. A 1972 eign permi� indicatea that the eubject eign waa to have been 27 feet six inahes high. Thia sign used to rotate but after the City's notice last year, the rotation ceased. The subje�t sign was considered nonconforming as of March 20, 1986, and thg property owner wae notified of this in Februar�r, 1988. The property I and busineae owner were cited for the following nonconformities: 1. Too high freestanding eign, a violation of Section 18.114.130{c) (1) (Dy. 2. Rotating aign, a violation of Section 18.114.070(i). A voluntary compliance agreement was aigned indicating the willingness on the part of the owner to take some action to rectify the nonconforming sign once �he City notiffed him of the adopti�n of new eign code regulations. Notification waa eent in September, 1988. The applicant proposes to reduce the sign height �0 25 feet so that it conforms as much as possible to Code reqixirements. �he ball will be secured so that no further rotation can occur. Two price signs measuring four feet by five feet each, at a minimum of 10 feet above grade, are propoaed to be added to the freestanding sign for a total sign area of 78 equare feet per face. The applicant ia therefore requeetinq approval for a Sigr► Code Exception for r�ign height (20 foot maxim�.un) and sign area (7� Sq. feet maximum) . 5. Aq�ncv and NPO Commente The City Building and Engineering Diviaion� have reviewed the prAposal i and have no objections to it. No othe.r commente were received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Section 1$.114.145 of Tigard�a Community Development Code containe the criteria whereby the Planning Commiseion can approve, agprove with modifications or deny an application for a eign code excaption. They are: „�,t.-..-,,,� (1) The proposed �xception to the height 13.mite �.n the Sign Code is neceasary to make the aign vieible from the atreet because of the �' topography of the eite; (2) A second freeatanding eign i.e neaeeeary to adequately identify a buainese or premises that is oriented towarde a primary street "� but whoae main access is from a aecondaryr streetj FINAL �RaER NO. f39-04 PC - UNOCAL SC� 89-03 - PAGL 2 (3) Up to an additional 25 percent ai eign area or height may be permitted whe'a it is determined tha� the increase will not deter from the purpose of thia Chapter. This increase ehould be judged according to apecific needa and circumatancea which necessitate additional area to make the eign sufficiently legible. The inc�ease(s) ehall not conflict with any other non-dimeneional standards or restrictione of the Chapter; (4) The proposed sign is conaistent with the criteria get forth in Subs�ction 18.114.130(g) of this Chapter;. ' (5) The propoeed exception for a second freestanding Bign on an interior lot is neceseary b�cauae all of the following apply: (A) The combined height of both �igns ehall nat exceed 130 percent of the eigr► height narmally allowed for one freestanding sign in the same zoning dietrict; however, neither eign shall exceed the height normally allowed in the same zoning district; (B) Neither sign will pose a vision clearance problem or will pYo�act into the public right-of-way; (C) Total combi�ed eign area for both signs shall not exceed 150 percent of what ia normally allowed for one freeatanding aign in the same zoning district; however, neither shall exceed the height normally allowed in the same zoning district. In addition to the criteria in subsection (a) of this section, the Commiseion, or in the case of an Adminis�rative Exceptian, the Director, sh�ll review all of the exieting or propoaed signage for the develapment and ita relationship to the intent and purpose af this Chapter. As a condition of approval, the Commiesion or Director may require: (1) Removal or alteration of nonconforming signs to achieve complianc� with the etandarde aontained in this Chapter; (2) Re.,mova:� or alteration o.f confurming signs in order to establish a consietent sign design throughout the development; and (3) Application for sign permits for signs erected without permita � or removal of such illegal eigns. �� 1. Exception to Sign Height The applicant is propueins� to reduce the eign height fzom 27.5 feet to 25 feet and is concurrently requesting approval for a Sign Code Dxception based on the criteria given in eecti.on 18.114.145 (a) (3). The applicant "� states that the additional eigjZ height is neceesary in order to be able to place tme price signa sufficiently above grade �o that a ten faot clearance can be achieved to maintain adequate vieion clearance at the ciriveway and FINAL O1�DER NO. $9-04 PC - UNOCAL SCE 89-03 - PAGE 3 1 �. , k.. etreet intersectione. The Planning Commiasion finda the request for the additional 25 percent height is justified on this baeis. 2. Exception ta Sign Area The eub�ect eign coneiste of a sphere which has a circumference that yield� a aide view area of 38 BcZuare feet. The applicant proposea to add two price signe that eaeh have an area of 20 square feet per face. Tota1 sign area per face will be 78 equare feet or 156 square feet total. This area exceeds the Code size atandard of 70 square feet per Ride. The applicant indicates that this is requeated for adequate advertising of gasoline prices and to accommoc�ate the standard sign sizes availabl�e to Unocal. Staff recommended approval and the Planning Commission approves the sign area request based upon Section 18.114.145 {�) (3) above. The service station ia required by state law to not post any pricea or to post, prices for a�.l the typea of gasoline that are eold on the site. The applicant wiahes to advertise product pr3.ces without erecting a aecorxd aign. Since the property is on a corner, the service station would be eligible for a second freeatanding eign through the Sign Code Exception process. The Planning Commiesion finds this proposal as a mare deairable opti�on than having two freestanding signe and therefore recommends approval of thie request. C. DECISION Based upon the findinge and conclusians noted above, the Planning Cammiseion APPROVES (SCE 89-03) subject to the following conditions: l. The applicant shall obtain a aign permit for the fr�estanding sign as proposed with new dimenaions of 25 feet in hefght and a tot�l sign area of 78 aquare feet per face. 2. The sphere on the top of the siqn shall be secured so it will not rotate. 3. Sign construction and remodeling work must be completed within 90 days af the approval date on the aign permit. 4. Thia approval is valid if exercised prior to 4 p.m. April 21, 1989. It is further ordered that the applicant be notified of t ry of thia �;;' c�rder. ��`'�� PA�SEDz This day af April, 198�, by t e ann mm s ion of � the City o� Tigard. 1 0 . e, c dent � Ti ar Plann3, sion FINAL ORDER NO. S�J`-04 PC - UNOCAL SCE �9-03 - PAGE 4 ' � STAFF REPORT Agenda Item 5.2 MARCH 21, 1989 TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIG3�RD, OREGON A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 89-03 REQUEST: For a Sign Code Exception approval to allow a 25 foot high, 78 � square foot per face f�eestanding sign where the Code allows a maximum sign height of 20 feet and a maximum eign area per facQ of 70 square feet. COMPREHENSIVE P.LAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (Commercial Gen�ral) APPL3CANT: Unocal OWNER: Same 3131 Elliot Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 LOCATION: 14030 S.W. Pacific i�ighway (WCTM 2S1 lOAA lot 700) 2. Backqround Information The subject aite was annexed t� the City of Tigard in 1955. A psrmit to connect to city sanitary aewer waa iseued in 1967. No �levelopment revi�w applications could be found by etaff; staff aseumea it was developed while in Washington County and later remodeled followinq annexation. 3. Vicinitv Iaformation Immediately surrounding propertieB in all directions are also zaned and developed C-G. Pacific Ha.ghway, which is an arterial etreet, abute the subject to the west and McDon�lcD Street, which is a majox collector, ''I l�es to the north. � `��"^^:� �m 4. site Information The site is preaently occupied by a 1,120 square foot Unian 76 vehicle ` fuel sales business. The subject aign eita at the northweat corner of the property and has no ].andscape island around it. No other freeetanding siqna are on the property. Of all of the caees affectec3 by �`�, the amortization program now under way, aix of them relate to an excessive number of freeetandfng eigns at service atatione. '�t' STlA�*F R$PORT SCS 89-03, UNOC�L (DNI�i 76) PllGg 1 t� , <�. �'%;: �%` �: � �; � _ : . . . ., �.__..... . .�. .. _..� ,. .....��,;...._..�� ' 4 { 4 ��. �. A '1972 sign permit indicates that the subjeat sign was to have been 27 feet eix inche� high. This sign used to rotate but after the Gity's notice laet year, the rotation ceased. The aubject sign was considered nonconforming as of March 20, 1988, and the property owner was notiffed nf thfe in February, 1988. The property and bueineas owner were cited for �the following noncanformities: � l. Too high freestanding sign, a violation of Section 18.114.130(c) (1) (D). 2. Rotating eign, a vialation of Section 18.114.070(i) . � A voluntary compliance agreement was signed indicating the wi.11ingness ! on the part of the owner to take aome aet3.on to rectify the nonconformia►g sign once the City notified him of the adoption of new aign code regulations. Notificatioix wae sent in September, 1988. � The applicant proposea to reduce the aign height to 25 �ee� so that it � conforms as much as poseible to Code requirements. The ball will be j secured so that no further rotation can occur. Two price eigns measuring `i four feet by five feet �ach, at a minimum of 10 feet above grade, are proposed to lae added to the freestanding sign for a total sign area of ; � ti.n a roval ' 78 square feet per fa�.e. The applieant is therefore reques g pp for a Sign Code Exception for �ign height (20 foot maximum) and eign area (70 �q. feet maximum; . `' 5. Aqencv �nd NPO Comments — �'. The City Building and Engineering Divisiona have reviewed the proposal i and have no objections to it. Nn other comments were received. I B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Section 18.114.145 of Tigard's Cocamunity Dev$lopment Code contains the criteria whereby the Planning Cotnmission can approve, approve with j modificatforxs or deny an application for a sign code exception. They are: (1) The propoeed exception to the height limita in the Sign Code is , neceseary to make the sign visible from the street because of the ; topography of the site; � ��w; (2) A eecand free�tanding eign ia neceaeary to adequately identify �`'° a busi.ness or premises that is oriented towarde a primary street but whose main accese ie from a s�:condary atreet; (3) Up to an additional 25 percent of sigri area or height may be permitted when it is determined that th� increase will not deter �'� .{ from the purpose of this Chapter. This inc:rease �hould be judged according to epecific needg and circumatancee which neceseitate additional area to make the sign eufficiently iagibl�. The ST!►FF RBPOR'r SCS 89-q3 IINAC�L (iA1�ION 7!6) PA�GS 2 a . � a �. increase(s) shall not conflict with any other non-dimensional standards or restrictions of the Chapter; (4) The prol�osed sign ie consistent with the criteria set forth in Subsection 1�8.114.130(g) of thie Chapter;. (5) The proposed exception for a second freestanding eign on an interior lot is necessary because all of the following apply: (A) The co►nbined height of both aigns shall not exaeed 130 percent of the eign heiqht normally allowed for one freestanding aign in the same zoning diatrict; however, neither aign shall exc�eed the height normally allowed in the same zoning diatrict; (B) Neither sign will poae a viHion clearance problem or will project in�o the public right-of-way; (C) Total combined sign area for both signs shall not exceed 150 percent of what ie normally allowed for one freestanding sign in the same zoning dietrict; however, aeither ahall exceed the h�ight normally allowed in the sarne zaning district. In addition to the crit�ria in. subsection (a) of this eection, the Commisafon, or in the case of an Adminietrative Exception, the Director, ahall review all of the existing or propoaed eignage for the developm�nt and ite relationship to the intent and purpose of thie Chapter. As a condition �f approval, the Commiesi.on or Director may require: (1) Removal or alteration of nonconforming signs tn achieve coanpliance with the standarde contained in thi.s Chapter; (2) Removal or a'lteration of conforming signe in or.der to establish a consistent sign deeign throughout the development; and (3) Application for sign permite for signa erected without permits or removal of such ille al si na. 9 9 1. Exception to Sign H�eight The applicant is proposing tt� reduee the sign height from 27.5 feet to 25 feet and is concurrentl re `'�"'�"`^�"`"" y questing approval for a Sign Code Exception based on the criteria given in section 18.114.145 (a) (3) . The applicant �'``�°> states that �the additional si�gn height is neceseary in order to be able to place the price signs sufficiently above grade so that a ten foot cleara�ce can be aahieved to maintain aclequate viaion clearance at the driveway and etreet intersections. The request for the additional 25 percent height appears to be juetified on thie baaie. .t�.. ��;,,� ST�FF R13POItT SCS 89--03 IINO4AL (DNION 76) P�GB 3 � . _. , _ . _ �,. �'; ;', . r,. � �� �, �i.., �` 2. $xceptian to Sign Area � �; The eubject sign coneiats of a sphere which hae a circumference that yieLd� a side view area of 38 equare feet. The applicant propoaes to add �wo price i signe that each have an area of 20 aquaze feet per face. Total sign area per face will be 78 square feet or 156 equare feet total. This area exc�eds the Code aize atandard of 70 square fe�t per side. The applicant indicates that this ie requested for aciequat� advertising of gasoline prices and to accommodate the atandard aign aizes available to U:,�cal. Staff recommende approvml of the eign area requeat based upon Section 18.114.145 (a)(3) ' ,� above. The s�rvice station ;s required by state law to not poet any prices or to post prices for all the types of gaeoline that are sold on the si�e. The applicant wfehea to advertise product pricea without erecting a aecond aign, Since the property ie on a corner, the service station would be e�liqib].e for a aecond freestanding sign throuqh the Sign Code Exaeption procese. Staff views thia proposal as a more desirable option than having two freeatanding eigna and therefore recommends approval of this requeat. C. RECOMMSNDATIOId S�aff recoarmuer�de approval of both sign heiqht and sign area exception requests (SCI: 89-03) eubject to the following conditions: ; l. The applicant ahall obtain a sign permi�c for the freestanding aign as proposed with aew dimenaione of 25 feet in height and a total sign araa of 78 square fee� per face. 2. The sph�re on the top of the sign ehall be secured so it will not rotate. 3. 3ign constructfon and remodelinc� worl� muat be completed within 90 daye of the approval date on t.he aign permit. 4. Thie approval is valid if exercieed prior ta 4 p.m. April 21, 1989. PREPARE s b ah Stuart :ATE � � /� �� � APPROVED BY: Keith S. Liden DATL i: �` _ �;�:. Y �`' �'^�,,, r', � � i s\l� K '�� , � �'. ir 9 � � . . � . .n., . . � 8'1'� RBPORT f�CB Sg-A3 UliOC�L {IINIOl1 76) P1�Xi$ � � ' �� � � � �� �,l� ������ � � ,� �� � �-•�•�,�'�11L�,�,�:� . . _� � . � � , . - ����■ � r . � ■� . . : ■ .�.� �- ���� . '�� � ■ ■ � � ■�� �. � ��r� •.,.: �� � ; • � �� ��� � � /► ili-� �� � :��� �► - , �� / . '�i ��� �71�.r'� :e�il�� ■��111�], ■�� �a� � ���� � J, . . �r� �a.��, ,. ,� ,� . .�.o � 1r.�� ., . .. ..• � ... �--:�;��,;,�j,<.� ��I'j � ��� �.11.: ,�. : ■ �.r� � �• . 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Box 42527 Portland, OR 97242 � Februai^y 21 , 1989 I' CITY OF TIGARD RE: SIGN CODE EXCEPTION FOR UNOCOL STATION - 14030 S .E. PACIFIC HWY, TIGARD, OR Please consider �,his application for acceptance for the frQestanding pylon an the corner of Pacific Hwy & McDonald i� reading: "76" and adding two (2) 4'x5' price signs . The existing sign is non-conforming in height (27'6") and it I rotates - the sign ar•ea is 38 square feet . ', Unocol &, Oregon Sign proposes to do the following : I , 1 . Reduce the height to 25' to conform to code Z . Secure the ball sign as to not rotate to canform to ' code 3 . Add two (2) price sign5 4'x5' � a minimum of 10' to grade , to the existing pylon sign having a 38 square ' foot ball sign giving a total of 78 square feet . The square footage will end up being the only issue for a cad�e exception . we would apprecxate your approval on this matter . As you know from past locations , price �i�ns ar� a vital part of service station identiFication . ;.��. � Thank you , i�-. ��, OREGON SIGN , ��� Rick Fuson ��� Operations Manager RF/hp - , t .o...w �A4�`C•"`'Y► �c`�" "'� �'r i�� .:. .r`�pV.1�% �L'n°%•� � r�� '•'+�� n � !� • �� . , ' A'Pl.�itoTto lyr)17'�1 �'" � (C� ` Srl. � a . y • « � •� OY...�_../.�'......W.�u.�'I�� ..� CUW.3�t.'4�L:.���p.Q.��..«�'. ` ����..... O�f�T[R 1':0.,�.�«.G�._.� ,, CKtI�. tJt��..�.._.t�A7Q.....�.�'. .F.�/St'�.1��.aatr��„��w�P��i�}�.»..,».. � JOD�...���iJr.�»C'�.r � �. ,, . . ,,8/J R'Gc:�` fT�77 � ,. �• �. i. ' .., ..��'� �;• .�. •7!�"�iA• . . � � �: t � � ,., t[-'j�, . .s�►rc � � � DES�i�/ A�ci;t ' . , � '� : � • � . /• �/�v�lsQ2�;! /e1C/�'6A/iK� Gom�'•/9G4 d�• ', ' .. . , ' . .. � � . � �.�.V/ir.7/1�"l �/ON GOOLr —/9G4 ��' • 4 . � . � �.Lop�o�r.:a'[�' c�ly �caa'Go+arQ -/9co . � . . . . . � .. • . . �� � ¢ sTGGG:— � . ; , • • . • • . � • ...1°�..Zn,G'�►•1� � :� . �syo. 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" �' �{ � C�� ; � ��� '.�Sbl • _' ��:P 11�WI �[iW�v - � �,:p aas r... . .�e�y s-:�ar�i.c - ..v.^_'T�.. - Gu_�siG . � , -- . .wra . _ �..� �.:- : . �10.:TA . . .. � ' ` � ric rr a» r mrww watw�e � ' .+�a�e �w.• � ..r.a �.,_ � � �� . � : a . ..'� "_._ . n . .. _.0 �...r.a,r o.+ wre-� e . �"`u.°..e°'�..:°`r ' �� _ . . --- ..'. . �Y!'.s'• . , * unNn SS- 4889 -;-- ; _. .� , � -� � , ? � _ _ , � _.. —_ __:_.�c:��:..: .c . � THIS CYJG �CC�DES �4YG Ft7A-44 QA7FQ•!4.'�O;i - � - ' . -- . -- � . -- - 4 _ . . . .. . . . . � . .. . � STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.3 P�IARCH 21, 1989 TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON , A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 89-04 Variance V 89-04 REQUEST': For approval of a sign variance to allow a freestanding sign to be located within the right-of-way of S.W. oak Street in front of the Plaza West (Unyais) building. Section 18.114.070 of the Community Development Code prohibits aigna other than governmen�al signe from being erected within a public-right-of- way. COMPREHENSIV� PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial Profeasional ZONING DESIGNATION: C-P (Commercial Professional) APPLYCANT: Lee/Ruff/Waddle Partnership OWNER: Utah State Retirement 5285 S.W. Meadows Road Board Lake O�wego, OR 97035 540 East 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 iLOCATION: 9600 S.W. Oak Street (WCTM 1S1 35BD lot 100) 2. Backaround Information The eubject parcel was developed in 1981 or 1982 while it was in Waehington County. No other applications have been reviewed by the Tigard Planning Divi�ion ataff for the aubject property. 3. Vicinitv Information �;w.; Properties immediately to the north (Lincoln Center) and east are aleo 4�.,,, zoned C-P (Commercial Profeaefonal) and developed. Highway 217 liea immediate'iy to the aouth of the subject parcel. 3outhwest Greenbur� Road abuts the property to the west and the land on the oppoeite side of S.W. Green�urg R�a� (Waehinc�ton Square) is zon�d C-G (COmmercial General) �nd deVelOped. `,,d.<. STl1FF RBIPORT 5CB 89-�04 L1Tl�H RBTIRB!lBNT Bt�lRD PAiGB 1 , . � � 6 � � � 1 � �� 4. Site Information The si•te ie presently occupied by a 70,000 oquare foot office building with access directly onto S.W. Oak S•treet. State Highway 217 borders the property to the west and south. The applicant propoeee to erect a one- sided freeetanding sign apprcximately five feet high, eight feet wide, in the public-�ight-�f-way along the soutY� side of S.W. oak Street, approxfmately 68 feet west of the exiating freestanding sign. This sign faces directly onto S.W. Oak Street and will be removed prior to the erection of the propc�sed sign. Since this existing is within the Oak Street right-of-way, it ie considered an illegal aign unlesa it received County approval. The etaff will rsaearch County recorde prior to the heax�ing. The applicant statee that the existing eign is x�ot viaibl.e from the etreet until a motorist approaches the access drive apron, thereby making it difficult for motori�ts to alow down aufficiently to turn � immediately right into the parking lot. The applicant concludea that the relocation of the aign further to the weet ae proposed would give ; motorista more timo to slow down and safely make the turn into the parking lot. i The sign i� proposed to go in the public-right-of-way for greater visibility from the street and t�e�cause of a slope whi.ch extende from the Oak Street right-of-way south down to the parking lot. The applicant contende that if the Awner were to locate the sign on the slope or within the parking lot below, it would involve a more expensive and taller eign. 5. Aqency and NPO Comiments The Engineering Diviaion hae the �ollowing commenta: � a. The Developanent Code prohibits inatallation of private siqns in the public right-of-way. It ie dspartment policy that variances to allow inetallation of signs in the public right-of-way should be approved only in extremely rare situations in which no other alternative is practicable. This policy ia intended to protect the riqhta-of-way for the intendod uses of public straete, sidewalke, and aitilitiea. Where rights-of-way are no longer needed for public purposes, it is appropriate to vacate the unneeded right-of-way rather than allowing signe and other private development to intrude into the public right- of-way. ,:,F:« b. The rec;uest for the Plaza West building does not ehow any reaaane why �r a sign could not be inetalled outside of the public right-of-way to serve the Pl�za West building. Therefore, it is recomraended that the variance requeet be denied in accordance with department policy. "�.� c. The public right-of-way of oak Street where the eign is proposed i� not currently being used for public atreet ar�d utility purpoeee. STAFF RSPORT S�8 89-04 DTIlH RBTIRB�IT BOPiRD P�GB 2 `i_ , However, it is very likely that oak Street will be modified in the future in conjunction with improvemente to Greenburg Road and to the Highway 217 interchange, Such improvemente are needed to iaiprave capacity and to provide better accese between Oak Street and Greenburg Road. Currentcly, p�.ans for these roadway improvementa are not available; however, preliminary discussions of poseible improvements lead the Division to believe that all of the existing right-of-way of oak Street may be needed. i d. The presence of private underground utility linea in the public right-of-way creates �onflicte with public utilities and other conetruction activities. Private underground utilities frequently do not ehow up on the plane of the utility companiea and do not routinely get marked as part of the underground locate eervices. As a result, private und�rground utilitiea in the public right-of-way create pot�ntial conflicte and potential hazards for future conetructions, including minor underground repair work, installation of street aigns, and oicher rather routine activities. Therefore, if the sign variance request is granteci, we recommend that the underground power aervice be routed outaide of the public right-of- way to the maximum extent poesible. e. In caaes where eigna have been allowed in the public right-of-way, it has generally been with the underetanding that the �ign owner would relocate the eign as such time as etreet revieione required auch relocation. Therefore, if the eign vaxiance request is granted, it should be eubject to a licenee a��eement clearly stating that the sign would be removec3 at the c;wner�s expense if ao directed by the City. Tho Metzger Water Dietrict has reviewed th� proposal and notes that there are water linea in the area which ahould be considered prior to placement of the sign. I Northweat Natural Gas comments that a two-inch steel main liea on the 20 foot line approximately f'ive feet south of the property line and a service line to the property line ia located 260 feet east of the eastern property line shared with S.Wo Greer�burg Road. The City Building Division and the Consolidated P'ire Diatrict have reviewed the prr�posal and have no objectione to it. No ather commenta have been received. +��. S. FINDINGS AND CON�LUSION3 �� Section 18.134.05@ of the Code contains criteria whereby the Co�nisafon can approve, approve with modifications or deray a variance requeet. They are: �. STAFF RBPQRT lSCS 89-04 II'�AH RSTIRSI�NT BOARD PIli�S 3 F,.. �.. � (1) The proposed variance will not be materially detrimenta�. to the purposee of this Code, be in conflict writh the policiea of the Compreheneive Plan, to any other applicable policies and �tenaara�, and to other propertiee in the same zoning dietrict or vicinit�. (2j There are special circumstances that exist which are pecuxliar to the lot eize or eh�pe, topography or other circumatancee over which the applicant hae no control, and which are not applicable to other properties in the same zoning district; (3) The use pronoeed will be the same as permitted under this Code and City standarda will be maintained to the greatest exten� � possible, while permitting eome ecanomic use of the land; :, ; s (4) Existing physical and natural systeme, euch se but not limited '� to traffic, drainaqe, dramatic land forms or parks will not be y adversely affected any more than would occur if the development � were located ae specified in the Code; and E (5) Th� hardship 3,e not self-imposed and the variance requested ia the miniaaum variance which would alleviate the harde;hip. � �, ii The applicant arguea that for reaeons of eafety, topography of the si�e and E the expense that will otherwiae be incurred by the owner, a siqn variance „ should be approvaci. The staff understande the app�.icant's ra�ionale for the 1, prnpoeal but doea not find it to k+e totally consiatent with the above variance %1 criteria. After reviewing the eite plan and visiting the property, the staff concludee that the pr�perty is not sufficiently unique to justify the ;: variance. The sic�n code allows one freeetanding sign with a maximum height of � 8 to 10 feet and area of 32 to 52 equare feet per side, dependinc� upon the setback from the property line. There appear to be several locations available on the applicant�s property wh�are a sign of these dimensione would be quite vieible from Oak 3treet. Aleo, directional eigna with a maximum area of four square per face are permitted to �dentify driveway entrances. Ae pointed out by the Engineering Division, the propoeed sign and electrical canduit will potentially interfere with future use of the riqht-of-way for its in�ended purpose of accommodatinq public street and u�ility improvements. Allowinq the uee of publtc right-of-way ae an alternate location for �he convenience of a private party will set a precedent that is of concern to the , staff. !"' ��_< .�-.; ��: � .,;`i,.. '�. . � . . . . . � �k'G7, . � � . . . � 'tp.., � . . � . . .. , . '�� 1 � .. . � . � � � . �.�.t�.� .. . . � . � � . � '�.{ sT� xs�on�r sc� 89-04 o�r�e Rs�ri�r aaa�n p�ca a � � �' ��; . �._,: ,..�,.. ■ ,_ _. ..:.:__r.._: . � �-._ C. RECOMMLPID1�iTIONd The Planning Division ataff recommende denial of SCE 89-04 and V@9-04. �PREPARED Y: Deborah A. Stuart, Asat. Planner DATL � /S ��' APPROVSD SY: Reith S. Lirlen, Sr. Planner DATE i � i � 1 � { a �� a ji � � a i:. �� � � :��,','""„,�A`� �, i � � �l 1: � ti '� \ I � , i ; STl1F1� RBPORT SCS 89-04 DTAH RBTI&t8lBNT HOARD lP]YGE 5 ; i i i ; l _ ' ._„_ . , � . G Ci� F �... �,�� _ ` � � � � PLAZA WEST OFFICE BUILDING MONUMENT SIGN PROPOSAL SUMt;�ARY .� The current sign is not visible from the street until one reaches the point of entry into the parking lot,thereby making it difficult for motorists to slow down in dme to turn into the parking lot. Location of the sign further to the west as proposed would give motorists approaching the buildin� more time to slow down and safely make the turn into the parking lot. The proposed sign is sited within the right-of-way botlt for its greater visibility from the street, and because of a steep slope,beginning within the right-of-way and running downwards to the parking lot. To locate a sign on the steep slope or within the parking lot below would be much more expensive for the owner,as it would entail a more massive structure. A more massive structure would in turn be 1Pss harmonious vcvith the site,anc�the surrounding context. For the sake of safety,the general context of the site and the expense incurred by the owner to do otherwise,we believe our request for a variance has great merit and is worthy of approval. i ;�._�,.,:. � <�: ����k.;. '°h, � �� LEE/RUFF/WADDLE PARTNERSHIP,ARCHI'TECTS 5285 S.`7✓. MEADOWS ROAD,SUITE 340,LAKE OSWEGO,OR. 97035 (503)684-4747 : I ;'i .� _ __ _ .._.... . _ ... . _. .,__.� .. _ �.,_. . ., �� . ��'LAZA WEST OF'FICE BUILDII�t� � MONUMENT SIGN PItOPERTY OV`'NERS LIST (OWNERS WITHIN 250'OF PROPERTY) ISI 35AB lot 1003 CROW-SPIEKER-HOSFORD#117 87 TRAMMELL CROW COMPANY P.O.BOX 5396 PORTLAND,OR. 97228 3400 LINCOLN CENTER PHASE IV LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 10300 S.W.GREENBERG RD. #200 PORTLAND,OR. 97223 ; 3600 � CROW-SPIEKER-HOSFORD #117 1030Q S.W.GREENBURG RD. i SUIT'�200 PORTLAND,OR. 97223 1S 1 35AC 3200 JOHNS &PEARL M. BLOMGREN 9460 S.W. OAK METLGBR, OR. 97223 3300 CHARMIE CULBERTSON 9420 S.«. OAK ST. TIGARD,OR. 97223 3400 CLARENCE E. &LOIS M.THOMS 9400 S.W.OAK TIGARD,OR. 97223 3100 , PAi1L BURTON BRAXMEYER 10560 S.W. 95T'H PORTLAND,OR. 97223 3000 BONNIE MOYES 21206 HUBBA>.�ZD CUTOFF IV.E. AURORA, OR. 97002 .�� =--�, 2900 IVINA(i.RANKIN ��..,� 10620 S.W. 951'H PORTLAND,OR. 9?223 2800 . FOREIGN MISSION FOUNDATION "'��::.� 4550 S.W.LOMBARD BEAVERTON,OR. 97005 LBE/RUFF/WADDLE PARTNERSHIP,ARCHITECTS '� 5285 S.W. MEADOWS ROAD,SUIT'E 3�0,LAKE�USWF,GO,OR. 97035 � (503)684�747 � � '° ,, i; �,� ;,s �� '; t, __ _.:... ._� : ...._ _ ;._ ; � . _ _ _ ,. _ _ _. .. _ .::.� ., 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. �$�(V�S� '�'Q�( (;'ECE�P'�' �' _ NQ. p00�3S76 , P.O.$OX 23397 TIGARD, UR 97223 TYPE UF CI � ■ ���A� BUSINESS: R�,G U L A R 8 i1 S I N f S 5 NAM6: ANNUAL FEE: LEE/RtJFF/NtA�DLE ARCHITECTS �SS.t70 ADURESS: 528� SW MEADOWS ROAD SUITE 341� BUSINESS PHONE: 503-6£54-4747 LAKE OS�iEGO� OR 47035 . THIS RECEIPT MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICliOUS PLACE AT THE BUSINESS ADORESS.NOT TRANSFERABLE. ; �•�--- �v,.,`1� � � � , '",�,,; � r„ . . .. . � . . . . i . . . � . � . . � . � �. . . .. ���� : . . � .. . � � . . ��,��� . � . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . � . � . .. ���� . . . . . . . . . . . .. � . . J': . � .. � � . .� . �. . . . .. � . . . . . . .. i.,�. . . � , �. � . � � . . . �� ✓V Ov' � � � � ,+" '�d 0&'�E 008 ' � , � . OOZ + ,,� � � ,� � "' ., �...�,. = - � o• s r � ''/ � �i • " ;, ' � �- _ h�> r' „�:' �" .,,.. '�• �;' ,� ;'/ /` ; � 1 , ' : -:; �� �S �.�: �:'� j � , �. / / � '`: � _ s 3N'd � � � ,,u� .•• N �wa, � � � o►� �K•o►� �,�µ,'� i r � ,_,__ _— � � t � ��i�c� �- ___. 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F�7C�I. JR. ------------------------------------------------------------------ � ......................................,...........,.............................................................._.................................................................................................. { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grantor � ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... , —�' conveys end warrants to �e UrAH..S'TA:T..E..1..�,TIRII�TT FUND ------------------------------------- , .................... ..........---........................._......_............_................................................. - � -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- •�. � .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ------------------------------------- �i ...........................................................................................Grantee, fhe followin�described ree!property free of encumbrances �� except as specificelly set forth herein situated in...........................Wa.ShlllgtOT1.,,,,.,,_,,,..,,,..,.,,.,..County, Ore�on, to-wit: I I ,-,-1:i See E.Khibi�t A attached hereto and made a part .-,-�, hereo yt�is referen:c�. ti .J toi��. � ��. • WASHINGTON COUNTY �--� ; �� sE,4L PROP�E/,RT!' TRANSfER �X �:, , 7�/D -s s' •.• . �`..c��.R. . FEE PAID DATE (IF SPACE INSUFfICIENT. CON7INUF DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE SIDEI • The said property is free lrom encumbrances except thOSC'. enet�rances identi.fied an Exhibit A �,,� attactied hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. . J .' I--- �. H" , �"". The true considerafion for this conveyance is s_7,2�..�.QQ..QQ(Here corr�ly witPt the requirements of ORS 93.030) Q ..--.--.--r..--.--.-----.--_°-"--m_mm�m.mm._o__eeaom_�----------------------^---------------------..... � „----.-.....-'.--........-------------------------°-------------------------__-__---------.--.---..... --------- -�---- ................... .............�-------..... ......_..._...................._.....---......_...$5..............._._..........._.............._....--�-��----�--�--------------�-------...... -� - �� Dated th;s..--��-•---day of-----$�..P.��eT.----•---•,19----•-• iI THIS INSTRUMENT DOE� NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY ..........-•-•-.-•-•-•... ..............."--•..._... ..�.-•- •---._......_....... ............. �` PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY ' • DESCRISED IN THIS INSTRUMEIVT. A BLTYER SHOULD •••-•••--•°-•••°•-•• • .... . ... ..... .. .. . ' . Weige r. ! CHECK W.ITH THE /�.PPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY � i� PLAIVNIN'U` DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. ---------------•-•-•............................_.......---........._..---..........._................ , ;• ,. i, STAT�E�OF.OREGON,:Gaunty of.................Washingtq[?.----•-•---.S,r.}-ss. 19 85 � •7'his irrstrument was acknowled�ed before me on.._.�1�.. ..�.Q�..�.����r............................ ......... I� by �'RAI�IIC_F,._.�IC�f., ;?R.----------_-----.--° ---.----------_-----_--.--.-----_-----.--------------.--. ; ! . ��. - ' J, GVisr�.��- � (S�L) �' �� , . .�`;, Notary Pu ic or On�on...�.....••-•-•-•-•................. . ................ '� /?�l�'7 � ' My cor»mr ' n ezpires-•...............................................•-••--•--.._. WABRANTY DEED F'RAI�IIC F. �I(�. .7R...._...._................_. _..._...... STATE OF OREGON, ................_.........._....p...._......-•-------- �7�'m ... _ �,`� STAT�' i�� r Ul`W OIIANTOA � . s. ...... � .......�...__..�... .... ."' "' ...... t F I.��C��P..S OIIANT[[ COIlAty Ol .........""' _ �,w- "�"�'� ...,.. _..._... .._.. . ....� .'_ '• .. _..... ��• ��X��� I certify thet �he w' 'n snsta�- . �tA _.. s.£ozn�....... 5 • . d�.N•c�•. �ooR�ss.z�. � �"������� r ment wes received for noord o the AN�r ncerdiny nlYm te: ' ....--•-.�dey ot-•••-•............................. 19---..:... CE'larles L. Maak, E�q. at-----•------....o'clock......M.,and recorded ' . .. ...... ..... .... ........ ................_..._ . SrAC[ Ild[11V[D . � �. 185 South Sta�e 5treet in book/reel/votume No............ .:��,....on ' _ . $tllte 13�0 —-......• ••_••._...._ .. �oe page ........ ..•-•-•-•-or e�fee/li/e/instt.�?- ....... . . . . ..._.._............. 11[COIID[II'f YS[ .S.a..1.� �1�.Gi�Y�...U��......�+�.�.�......_...._...._.----� ment�microhlm/receptaon No.. ............. NAM[,ADDRpl,zi� Record of Deeda of aeid county. � � Uelil a chony�i.�.y�..�.d,ail iaz�tat�m�nh Witness my hand and sea/ of ��h*arll�bvr wnf!�Ih�hllowiny addn�c: COUt1fy eIIiYCd. .V,LL'1[l..h?a.c�?.i!..�'�.u�{!.!!1.1A:...A:.`!AW...__...__�...._..M. ' .�LoF T A, A.sSA�i��eS. -�---•----....._.................•--•---...._......_............_...... ......A...A...A....... �.�...�_�..�.....���....���. P O �Y ^��,,'^M,.,1 , NAMC TITLC .....I.. A 1 � Lry�/ ...•- •- Sacramazto California 9586�'� � �� ./���}�' .... ...,..... ........ ..._...�.„ y� �y{�r� �'' � BY---_.........._........_......._...._....,......._. Deputy �7j},. . NAM[.AODR[ff Y�/ Lla�el. •+�+a•�•g. X � � ��. . _ -�, �� I EXHIBTT A to . Warranty Deed Executed by FRANK F. WEIGEL, JR. , as Grantor, in Favor of the UTAH STATE RETIREMENT FUND, as Grantee. The real property conveyed by said Warranty Deed consists of the fdllowing-described realty si�uated in Washington County, Oregan: A parcel of Zand in the Northeast quarter of S�ction 35, Township 1 South� Range 1 West of the Willamette � Meridi�n, in the County of Washington and State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows: CONiMENCING at the Northeast corn�r of Lot 5, in � ASHBROOK FARMS, a duly recorded plat i�n the Washington County Plat Records; thence Snuth 07°17° West along rhe centerline of S.W. 95th Avenue, 20. 19 feet to a point; thence South 89°22' West 20. 19 feet to a 5/8 i h �. nc �ron rod, said iron r�-i 'being the TRUE POINT OF B�EGINI�ING; thence South 07`�7' We�t along the West � right-of-way of S.W. 95th Avenue 339.10 feet �o a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence South 34°00' West 135.57 feet eo a point, said point being on the North ri�ht- of-way of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway No. 217; thence North 45°54' West along the North right-of-way of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway No. 217, 406. 36 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 38°38'36" We�t, along the Nnrtk� right-of-way of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway No. 217r 167. 70 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 34°00' East 28.86 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 89°22' East 92.53 feet to a '°�'""�`` 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North d4°34'07" West 5.94 ``-��, feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod� said rod being on the South right-of-way of S.W. Oak Street; thence North � �9°22' East along the South righ�-of-way of S.W. Oak Street 406.60 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, • EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the herein-described premises conveyed to Washington County, a political � subdivision of the State of Oregon� by deed recorded June 3, 1982 as Recorder's Fee No. 82013888. Page 1 of 2 � s . . _ . ;. : � l �, , , , SUBJECT TO the folloraing encumbranc�s: (1) 1'he above-described realty is within the boundaries af and is subject to the statutory powers � including the power of assessment, of the j . Unified Sewerage Agency. � � (2) Access restr�.ctions , including the terms and ; provisions thereof, contained xn '�he following ` three (3) Deeds , ea�h of which said Deeds is� in � favor of the State of Oregon, by and through its State �iighway Commis�ion: (aJ Recorded June 29, ' 19h1 in Book 446 at Page 47; (b) Recorded i March 30, 1964 in Book 509 at Page 321; and (c) i Recorded March 16, 1972 in ]Book 858 a� Page 447. � � (3) Rights of the respectiv� Tenants , as (but onl� � as) tenan�s, under t}„rreen (�) [unre- ; corded] Lea�es �ffecting portio of t�ie above- � described realty, which said Leases are referred to � and identified with particularity in that certain. z [unrecorded] "Assignment and Assumption of Land- � lard's Interests Under Leases" which concurrently r with this Warranty Deed zs being ex�cuted by � Grantor, Weigel Development Company, and Frank F. i Weigel, Jr. Invest�ents, col�ectively as Ass�gnor, `' a�ad by Grantee, as Assignee. , ; n ,� ,; � � �� � �j. �,� STATE OF OREGON � �, CouMyr of�Nashinpton � `� j' 4 Donald WC •.�sa•yet .�.� .�.�* �On,s Olref.y0►01/1s�1�ss�i�t �.��..,`�-� and Tauatlon and'Ex�OMIcIp;.R�oader• � M i�'���•`d°her�th►°s�1iy i and►ecorded in book d �� � �°d M'4 i , , . r000nOs of saW oounty, i _ , _ .oona�a w. Mason �Y� �, �I�dD C01x1tY Clefk��' � �$`>:,i �, ', \ , ,.• - , ; s�t�� � � 1985 S£P -5 PN 2� 34 , Page 2 of 2 u..:a 1i.r .�.; sua, � ; � � . � . . t . .� . , . i ; � _} �.. .. �___.. ... ___._. ... ._ .,.,. __._; .�..._. ..� __ ...� , .. , _ , . _._. , ' i. ; _ :. ., � � ' � � � , i � , ja, . � __ _. . , ' ''% � ..._ .. _._ �... + �. _.. }. . � .1 . , , � � � , � j � , � ._. _. .l._. .� ; __ : . i f ; i' ' �_. � � , . �� � K_._ __ ___. .._ _. . __ ._--� _—_- . � , . ,_ _ , ; '� � � � � ; I � , _..� _.�......_ __........ .k. _. ,. i � I � . �. � , � �. i � { . � , , , �.i�:�,� � ' ; � �....__i �.. .. � ; �.. .; � � � r , . � I � � ; ; � � � , ; � , ; , . . , _ _ � � � ; � ; � , ! � , , ; a _. M__ ; _ _ . , ` � r _ , � ' ' ' ' �.. t. ; . j .�_.._�I � .__.�. , , , _...., .� . . � . r . . , , , , . ; , , , � p. �._....`._ �. ._,..� � _.... � ... � .. _ . � .�__ . .. _. . . ; . .. ..� , . _. ._. .. ! i ' . �.. ' i. : . ... } .. ' 1 � � __. _.._ � . 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RP'1�� �'4 [� �� r �, �, � "f[1���Y 1`r�� �� �5 itl�i a�' Ja 4 �`�'_ � �'p���,��■■. .��� ' . �.\���■��■��. . �' !. „y 3.4. �i `, � . ��� '��� ..� � � fb A . �.� � ' i Ih ��':a � � � ��it��.� ��+ '' �� !9 � f�r,$ v 1 �,z�r f���+.� k' �-fit.W illl �, k K3Y k Z ' '� . �,.yt;��;?ar'�.y�a r;xht�'ws:,_.1i '^ w�t� ����7'w"rYt�;��lC(���+�,�"�S,Yy;:r�'�5'�;y��'�',���'Py at�;r�'41�'�t�r.�'R�F���dt!�u!`�.`:f �ni c r wRTT r en c�r r�nn�rT n�.m nn���no Sf1°1_h�T 11 17 � Agenda Item 6_I MEMORANDUM I TO: Planning Commiseion I FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner � RE: Approval period extenaion - Village at Summerlake Park DATE: March 14,1989 On March 18,1989, the Planning Commiseion approved a prel3Lminary plat for Village at Summerlake Park subdivision (File No. S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09). The develcsper ie prACeeding toward completion of the final plat but more time is needed to sa�iefy all the conditions of approval. Section 18.160.040(b) of the Community Development Code allowe the Commfesion to grant one six-month extensian i� the following criteria are satisfied: (1) No changea ar� made oa the original preliminary plat plan as approved by the Commission; (2) The applicant has expressed written intent of submitting a fina]. plat within the six-month extenaion period; (3) The,re have been no changea in the tacte ox applicable palicies and ordinance provieions on which the approval wae based; and (4) An exteneion of time will not preclude the developmant of abutting properties. The �taff finds that all of theee criteria are eatisfied and it is recommended that an approval extension to September 18,1989 be granted. A copy of the I appl�cant•s r�quest ie attached. ��,:� ��:. � __ _ _... � __. _ _ _ _ _ ` j, , ',.. �: �_. `�_.-� r'� �;� O�R-AK CORPORATIC�N ���;���� OREGON—ALABKA LAND DEVELOPMENT CO. � i? POST OFFiC� BOX 2302 E:I LAKE OSWEGO, OR�GON 97035 503-684-6541 �I C' }' �' ,: E ������ r� MARCH 9, 1989 MAR � 919�9 ,, � i KEITH LIDEN SENIOR PLA�tNER CZTY OF TIGARD �� P.O. EOX 23397 f:;. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 �; RE: S 87—OS PD 87-04 SL 8'7-09 I`='� �::, , �: ��, DE�R KEITH, 1? f ra; CONSIDER THIS LETTER OUR FORMAL REQUEST Ia'OR A SIX MONTH �'� �:kTENSION ON THE �.90 LOT SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS VILLAGE AT �' SUMMERLAKE PAIZK, PHAiES 2 THRU 6 . ��` �.� (. W� HAVE SUBMITTED CONSTRUCTION pLANS AND WILL SUBMIT THL PLAT OF i PHASF QNE (VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE PARK NO. 2 ) BY MARCH 15 , 19$9 . i f; THERE ARE NO CHANGES IN THE PROJECT SINCE WE RECEIVED t FINAL PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL ON MARCH 18 , 19$8. c I IF YOU HAVE ANY Q'UESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 684-6541 . �� � YOURS TRULY, ;�. ��-��=� � ''° � GORDON HOBBS, PRESIDENT �i I.: �. PLEASE NOTE OUk NEW PHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS �, ,�,' _ ��'' � � �. f �. 4 . . '�R^. .� .�.. � t, G+. k' . � . . . . . � �1.. � r �; ,. r �'`; _ �NOR'P�IEAST �ULL. M�1JN'TA1N . T�I�ISl�OI�T�i'T101ii �TUDY ` � , Notes from neighborhood meeting of � � s I , , ; " February S, 1989 � ������ �e, ` �t. � . . 'a',�.. . �. . �,r : 4 , .. . . . ��� �. . � � � �� . � . . � i:. . . . . . . . � . . . . � � . � � . .. . .. . . . . . . . y . . . . . � . . . . . . . � .. � k . . � � . . . . - . . .. . . � � . . . . . .. . , � � . . . . . . . . . . . � � .. .. .����1{. . ... . . � . . .. . . . . . . . � � . � ;.� .�.! . . . .. .. . . ...�.. ...�.... __—_—. .5 ti'' � ' x ' M w �tr. CI�IY O� TI�A RD I February 9, 1989 OREGON x � At the neighborhood meeting on February 8th, City etaff prAVided i,.nformation about poteatial rc�utes for roadway connections through the study area. ` Attached are materials that were handed out at the meeting. The hand-outs � provide a brief summary of the information provided at the meeting. ;i �, � N�ighbarhood diecue�ion of optione will occur in �wo public forums next week: ;' t i +; • Wednesdav, Februarv 15, 1989. � � County Citizen Partiaipation Orqanfzation (CPO �4) will meet at 7:30 p.m. in i ` the Board Roan of the Tigard Sahool Dietrict Admini�tration Bldg., 13137 S.W. � � Pacific Highway. t i � t Y�hursdav. F�bruarv 16, 1989. j _ � City Neighborhood Planninq Organication (NPO �3) will aneet at 7s3Q p.m. in Town ; Hall Room at Tiqard City Hall, 13125 S.W. Hall Slvd. ' a a ; , � /br . � ,�s.� _ _ ,„,�.,-,,: �, F. '1 � ;:�t 13125 SW HaU Blvd.,P.O.&ax 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4'{71 � � ROQiD SYST'�IVI FOR I�IOF�'THEAS7' BUL1- MO�l�'�'�N � The City of Tiga.rd and Washington County are planning for new roads in the northeast area of Bull Mountain. Interested citizens are encouraged to ' participate in the planning process. A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for this purpose. " P° a � ! � 4 � jWaMU� y� ' Sr //H Si�. hmSY Neiqhborhood Mee�inq � j� = a Wednesday, February 8, 1989 N � � 7:30 P.M. � r Tigard City Hall se�erk•• 13125 S.W. Hall Boulevard H�,�,�� °o'°"` "`'"" � � M�� IIM1 ! � �R �� � N N `e e�` Whv are new roads needed? Residential development is occurring on Bu11 Moun�tain and more is sed. Develo n t will increase traffic. Additional roads are propo P� istin roads to accommodate the of ex . needed, along with zvidening 9 increasing traffic. Whv do we need a vlan? , We need a plan for the sys�em of �hrough roads in order to assure that new development does not build in the locations where roads are needed. Also, w�ith a plan adopted, the City and County will be able to require , developers to construct port�ons of �he needed roads as developaient occurs. What will happen at the meetincr? On February Sth, tho staff will be providing information about p�otential routes where roadways would be feasible and about the projected traffic impacts of alternative routes. What will happen after the meetincr? With the information from the February 8th aneeting, citizens can begi.n to evaluate the advantages and disadnantagea of various alternative plans. Discuss3.ons are likely to occur in formal groups (NPO �3, CP�O �4, homeowner's aseociatfons) and in informa3 neighborhood groups. A follow- up meeting has been acheduled for Mar+ch 2nd to bring the varioua groupa ta�gether for further discussion. Thes� diecusaions will lead toward preparation of a formal plan to be presen�ed to the City and Cout�ty Planning Commissions €or poesible adoption into the Comprehens3.ve Plane of °`�` �ti�"` the City and County. � �,;. What if Z miss the February► meetina? I€ you wish to participate in the planninq process, it is importaat to attend the February 8th meeting. However, if you are unable t� attend, some materials will be anailable at Tigard City Hall after Pebruary 8th. To get copies nf the materials please call 639-4171, extension 304, after �� � February 8th and ask for a copy of the Northeast Bull Mountain a�eetinq swmmary. ' ,� �. 4, y I �iORTHE�S'1' BULL 11110!!!�I"'1"A1N '�'�NSPORTATION STUDY NE'IGHBORFi00D MEY:TING February 8, 1989 AGE�ND� 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jill Monley Director of Community Services 2. City/County Planning Procesa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Murphy D�rector of Commun3.ty Develnpinent 3. Trar►eporta�ian Pl�n • - Backqround �n�i sche�iule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Wooley City Engineer ' - Potential routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Alfson Tranaportation Engineer - Trafffc impacta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Wooley City Engineer I (sREAK) 4. Questions 5. Sumaaation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jill Monley Dir�ctor of Community Servicee NEXT MEETING IS MARCH 2, 1989 .� �� �;�,. � � � ��� � i w � � � i , � ; � � PROJECT SCHEDULE (TENA2IV`E) February 8, 1989 Information Meeting L•`ebruary 9 - March 1 Discuasior� at neighborho�d level March 2, 1989 Area-wide discusr�ion meeting Ntarch - April, 1989* Additional area-wide meetings, if saeceasary May, 1989 Review by City's Transportation Advisory Committee June, 1989 FArmal report and recommendations from City etaff �uly, 1989 Public hearings by Planning Commigsion and City Council August, 1989 Plan adopted by Council Fall, 1989 Amendmenta (if nece�gary) to Caunty Tranaportaton Plan, Reqf.onal 7�ransportation Plmn, and Urban - Plannfng Area Agreement *NOTIS: It ie expected that the area-wide meetinga will lead to consensue on a emall number of options for further coneid�ration. � . . .,�� , �� �"�` �.�. , �;a, :,� � � �...: WHY ARE NEW ROADS NEEDED? . To provide acceas to developing properties. . To better accommodate increasing traffic volumes. . To reduce travel distances and travel timea. . To better provide alternative routea for emergency acceas. WFiY DO WE NEED A PLAN? . To aesure that new e�bdivief.ons provide a coordinated road sygtem. . To aeeure that new developpent will not block routee needed for a road systeaa. , 7Co be able to require developers to provide portions of the needed road , syatem as develapment occurs. � ;. � I { ��L�'�� � . ...M�"� . ,,�M j , 1 . � � . � . . � � .. , j . . . . . � �`? � . � i . . . . . . .� � � '�t�: � �. . � � . � .. � � � "it.",,. .. � . . . � . . . . . . .. , . . . . .�f j��� r , • • z , �-a. oc a D�� ` ���` � �� � � o� � �� Q Walnut �� � St . /� S�N Fern St '` � 1�7 C1 N — Q N NO�� � ' �' Study Ar�ea / `� � �,o . / �r / � Gaarde St: McDonald High Tor Rd. > ��c, G� � y Mountain Rd. � �ull � � M o3 -N- � � c3�n � a �e�a Rd. �e� � �VE� ull Niountain �K Trans�ortation Study STUDY AREA - . �._�__-�-�__�--__-__._ �_� _-,. �__-� _ _ _ __ _ NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN POTENTIAL ROAD LOCATIONS Currently, Bull Mountain is served by only a few roads along the perimeter of �he study area. There are no connecting roads through the study area. The steep alopea and deep ravines of the north �lope of Bu11 Mountain li.mit the routes available for new roadways. Even so, there are a number of options available for new roadway routes, as shown on the attached map. The map shows corridora where ro�de cauld be conetructed to carry traffic through the atudy area. The individual routes shown could pntentially be aelected in any combination to form a roadway plan. Several alternative combinations of rautee were selected for further study, ae exam les. Each alternative was reviewed for feasibilitg of construction and P for traffic impacts. The information generated from these alternatives can be applied to other alternatives with similar components. No preferred altern�tive has been selected. The final plan may be different from any of the alternatives preaented, but it will likely include componente from one or more of theae examplea. The al�ernativea which were considered are ehown on the attached mape and briefly discuesed below. ' In all cases, it is aesu�ned that im�rovemente to maj�.r roads wauld include sidewa].ka, turn lanes and bike lanes. Improvements •�o existing roads wauld , include minor realiqnment to reduce aharp curvea and minnr regrading to improve aight dietance. "No new roads" alternative Under this alternative, no new roads w�uld be con�truc�ed but existing roads would be improved. "Murrav Blvd. extension" alt��ns�tive , This alternative would e��ctend Murray Bivd. fraa the 135th/Walnut area to Gaarde Street. Thie route invo�vea qene�rally moderate to flat roadway gradee, except for grades of up to 12$ near 127�et Avenue. At the connection to Walnut Street, existing hausee would be impacted. The alternative includea a connection throuqh Benchview to eerve the area north of High Tor Road, using exieting Benchview fie2race. Also included is a connection between the Murray Blvd. exteneion and Bull ,,�,��' Mountain �toad. This connection would have grades up to 15$ and would impact"�`=� the exietinq homes at the Bull Mountain Road connection. ';, "135th Avenue extension" alternative This alternat3.ve would extend 135th Avenue eouthward to cQnnect to Bull ;, Mountain Road near 139th Avenue. The road would have a long upgrade of approximate].y 12$ from Fern Street to High Tor Road. It would be necessary ta "°^�--� remove aeveral existing houees near 135th and Fern, unleee steeper gradee were tolerat�d for the new atreet. = _.::.._ �_.:.:. .. , _ '� This alternative alsfl includes an extension of Gaarde Street to aonnect to Walnut street near 132nd Ave�ue. This roadway would have gracies of 8$ and less. Widening of exiating ].32nd would require recons�truction; of driveways to existing houses. In some cases, reconstructing a driveway might include conatructing a new garage. An alter_native connection to Walnut Street east or west of 13�nd would be feasible but would require removal of eaciating hausea. An extension of Benchview Terrace would provide a cunnection between the two new roads. "132nd Avenue extension" alternative This alternative would extend 132nd Avenue south to Bull Mountain Road. Problems asaociated with a 132nd Avenue connection to Walnut Street are discuased above. In addition, existing 132nd has grades a� ateep as 17�. The connection to Bull Mountain Road would run near existing houses but would not need to remove exiating hnuses. Benchview Terrace would be extended to provide a route between Gaarde Street and the area west of Benchview. This road would have gradea less than 8� except for the exietingi 15� grade in Benchview. Thie alternative provides a north-south/east-west grid type alignment, which some drivera find less confusing than curving etreeta. , "128th Avenue exteneion" al�ernative This alternative would extend Gaarde Street to connect to Walnut Street near 128th Avenue. The roac� would have aome grades up to 12$ near 121st Avenue. Some exieting houaes would be removed at the Walnut Street connection. A direcfi: connection to 128th might encourage additional through traffic on 128th nosth of Walnut Street. Connections to Benchview and to Bull Mountain Road would be provid.ed, similar to the "kiurray Blvd. extension" alternative. "121st Avenue extension" alternative An al�ernative that could be added to any of L•!ae other alternatives fe the extension of 121st Avenue south from Gaarde Street to Bull MounL-ain Road. It ie likely that the road would connect to exietng Hazelhill Drive. If the road was to carry much traffic, it would be desirable to reconstrixet the existing interseciton of Hazelhill Drive and Hazeltree Terrace, to reduce the eharp turn for through traffic. Gaarde street at Pacific Hiahwav ,� �°" �'"' Under any of the alternatives, it appegre that a tr�f€ic eignal i.s needed ati�=.,, � G�.arde Street and Pacific FIighway. If Gaarde could be realigned to intersect ` li Pacific Highway at McDonald Street, it would i.mprove traffic operations at th� intereection. The realignment would require reconetruation of the existing Elmer's Restaurant parking lot and poasibly r�construction of a cornex of the restaurar�fi building. Removal or modificatiom of up to 3 exieting houses v�rould also be r�:quired. �'� I � � � �' � � _ ___ _ _ _ ----- � _: - �A.. �.,.- �_. w EXAMPLES OF EXTSTING ROAD GRADES Bull Mauntain Road - 6� to 9� eaet of 1.39th Avenue 150th ,Avenue - 6� to 10$ south of Bull Mount�in Road 132nd Avenue - 17$ at steepest portion south of Walnut Street Benchview Terrace - 13� to 158 west of 132nd Avenue 103rd Avenue - 11� south of McDonald Street Canterbury Lane - 10� east of Pacific Highway (99W) i � RRW:br � < j � � `"r. � I; �: F � +I i�l }; �� i. (,3 � �},t E;� . . . . ' . i�?� 'i � � T;� _ ��� � � �� t� ����, ".,.�\ � , ,�.�:•�` �3 � �� �; �` i' [a - �' ,:.,,�.._� J.; E: . � . . � � . .. . �;. � . � . . � . . � � . . : :��:. �, � . � � � .. � . . � . . . . �� .. � . . � . � . � .. . . � . . .. .. . . . . � . . . � � . ��,:4,���': � . . � ..� �1 . .. . ..�. . .. .. . �. ... .. ...��:� � , ... ....... .r. "...��... .�..,._. � ..� , . . , , \ �a a a°c �, � ����� � � �� � �� �M��ro `'r� o �Y..'� �, �� Q Walnut v3i St 5�' Fern St ,'." _ � � — -� � // Fonner St. f � ?� � N � 1 � :' 3 .st� _ / ; '� � � �. 1 �' � �°' I � /�.. /� '� � � � � �� �� � • �r/ � � / ,� 1 �' o, � .N� ��� � ,' � j � � ,,r � / �'� Gaarde St. � McDonald N H:gh Tor Rd. � /. , Q � .�.G � �v " --� Rd. Q � M gu�� Mountain - ,c — M Gi -N- � � � a �d Ra. — 0e ��; c�i� 0ee� NE Bull ou�#ain ,e Tra sportati_$n Study EXISTING ROADS s: ti � Q-�• °c � �� + ��L�` } ��� I � �MvrrO M c,Foy \ � ` > � Q Walnut � S�' St _ �. � Fern Sx / � „ , � I Fonner St. N / . + � N ! � > � � �� � j ���- o: �� '� � �' ) . ��� � � � �� /- �� : � �, �� � � �� .�, ���e / �; �� cn. � �'� Gaarde St. � McDorald High Tor /•' ai Q � G��V � . Q � � . u�� MOU• . Rd. } M y � -N- � 3 3 a a Ra. — vi v� e� � �ee� 0 (VE Btilt Moun�ain � Tra sportati ' Study ROUTE CORRI�ORS . � : �_ - � _ _ � -� o� 1 ��. Q D�� ��'�� � �� `�M�''ro M ro� ._.�_` Q Wainut . �° � �• St, 5• / Fern Sx � �� _ ( � � Fonner St. • . �- � I � � N . s � N ` � � '�� '_ y� / > �� � � �� � � ., � � i � � . / �� /� ! �r% ` � / 1 �. � �o� - N` �. / ��� � �' � �°� .� � � � � �' •'� Gaarde St. � McDonald `n High Tor Rd. /�'� ' Q G�\G � � ; N � � "`�. Mountain Rd. Bull L � � � -N- � Q 3 � a � a Ra. ; �n � � �e� 3 gee� �,_ � ; , � = NE Bu11 �_ �ntai n , Transp�rtati� n Study MURRAY B�VD. EXTE6VSION � � �..� _..�. � ._� .._ �. _._r _.�_ _ � . - - _ _ _ _,. _._ _ ._. � .._ � , �. .. r.v�. . �:�� . . _ . .. _ � .. s � ■ : oc \ �� � 6 I � Q �a�' I �C��� �Lj �' - � i ��`r� M o _.�._� ' ,c Q Wainut � 3 St vi S�. '� � / Fern St � � , � � Fonn�r St. �� / � ; N � � � 3 / — / ; �� o�� / . . o� � . . . . ., � i � / � � 1 / �� /� � �r/ ` � � � � o� . N� i•. � /' / � � `r � •L ' � �\ i . � � �' •'� Gaarde St. McDonald High Tor /� � a' / :�`G � �G �.. > ' �' � � Mountain Rd. Q d. M gUl1 o — � a Rd -N- � � �� _ cn c�ii ge�`� c�n �ee� r¢, , ; � � NE B�II M untain ` Tran�portat� n �tudy 135TH AVE. EXT'ENS10N . .�� .T :T �� � ._..: �_ _ - --- - - -- --- -_ - -- - - ` � . , , . � � \ �a Q �c°c \ a�' .� � � . � s � � � I � ��'j�rr �n � �—°�-—� c� r° Q Walnut � � � St 5• � Fern St / � 1 � � Fonner St. �"�� ... . / ( / � ; . N , 1 � 3 .4� N / � "� � � / � � � � � 1 �•. � �� 1 , � � ' �rj \ � / , �l y � : . . N, j., /� /.. � � j �o .� � / � �. / •'� Gaarde S�� � McDonaid High Tor Rd. /•'� � a � �.� � � � , � > `� �° Mountain Rd. Q � M ull s M ; -N- � 3 3 a � a Rd. `� cn ui 0�� ��� � .` c3ri 0ee � NE=;�ull �llo��ntain . Tr ' nsportati' n Study • 132ND AVE. EXT'ENSION ` �a. Q �oc � \�� `�� � �� � � � �c �M�~ro r`�i � � ���—� ai r° Q Walnut � � St � S�, Fern St � � � � Fo�ner St. �=� I � �- / . I � •� N ! 3 , > �� �� � o� ,► /(.. 1 /� : ► / �� /�� ! ;r � / 1 � .! ' . � � . o� �,� / 3 I � _c ��� � / � . �� U,. / Gaard� St: McDonald Hign Tor Rd. /•' ` _ � a f� G�..° / ► � > `� � �. Mountain Rd. Q d- �ull p M Q . -t�- �, � � �a Rd. _ �e c�r.i �ee� NE Bull �llountain �� Transpo�t #ion S#udy 128�'9� A\/E. EXT�NSION 1 �-� Q �Foc I ,� � a ����<� M } �� ♦ 4rr � ro ��.��.....\ ; ��, Q WQ�ttl]t (� �, St , CJ• / ( Fern St � / - Fonner St. ��� �� I . � ; ' N � . t � .4� N f / �i � , � / > � o� ' '� /� 1 � /� � � � � � � � �� � � / � � /L . N�� / 3 j ��� .� ��� i � �, � � � �n. ��� •'� Gaarde St.� � McDonald High Tor Rd. /•'� Q ,��c, � � � � � —�• Rd. ` a' � M Bull Mounfiain } � ; -N- � � � a � e�a Rd. c�ii gee� � , �NE BuII Mountain MURRAY BLV�. EXTE�ISION �Trai�sport�tion` Stucfy Wi�'H 121 ST AVE. EXTENSION � � � � � ��. -•----..v.--._n�-e.—����-.�...,-,e--m�-�---� � ..� -�-�.a��—._.,....p:,. .. . . k. i - • . _ , . , c \ �a. � �° I � Q �a� `� ��` } � I � `�M�rro M o� ��_� s � Q Walnut � 3 $t cn ��, / Fern St / r- , , � � � Fonner St. I I � �- � . 1 � N � 3 a/ N / > �� O)� �, 1 � .�� � , �. i } � , / �� /� I ��, � �'� . / � �� o� � �,� / /� j � I r�' •'cn_- ) \ �`O� � � Gaarde S#. YlcDonald � �` • � Kigh Tor - = °. / Q / V��G _ � ' �; ; Q� ` > N � � Mountain Rd. �. � �.. M �ull � 1'� y -N- > e o 3 � a � e�a Rd. ; � . �� 0 c3ri �e N `° NE Bull Mi�untain 135TH AVE.,fEX'TENSIC�N Transpoi� tion ��udy WITH 1215T AVE. E�CTENSIQN �-� � r.� �_ .., _� - - - - - - - - - - - � . .� _ . ,_ _.. _ _� _ _., ., _.. _ _ _ � . r _._ , -- -------- - - _ �_. ._.,rt_ M �.. :� --- - ,.. r . . x��- . _ _ II . : � . _ � , t c ` �a• a a�'`c� i . �c�'����tii�,. � �� � � ���--1 � r° Q Walnut � 3 St cn ��. :/ ' Fern St / Fonn�r St. � / � � _ / �� � �y/. N . � 3 � y� � . � > '� o� � �� � � ! °� � /�.. / � ► � /� i .� ;�j 1 � / 1 �� Q� .N` �`� / / � � � � .�r� � � / . � ; •'� Gaacde St:� McDonald cn. _ High Tor Rd. /�'� _ Q �. ��� _ � Qo`' i Rd. � � � � �II Mauntain - M Ci -N- . r�.- '� 9 0 3 3 a � a Ra. cn v� �e�` c3ri 6eQ� � NE Bull M' �ntain �,,, . 132ND AVE. EXT�NSION - � Transport t� n Study WITH 121 ST AVE. EXTE�ISI�N _. :� _.. � - - � � � . � . , � �. 1 Q'�• > ���c ?I Q I���`� M � ��a � �rro � �y �._Y..�.� c; r°` Q Walnut � � � �t S ; / Fern St / � _ � -� ` �onner St. / � � �- / . � � '4 N ` / .� , > � os� �v 1 � /� ; � 1 �•. � , / �� �� 1 Jr� � � / � � o� �l J'•\ / / v�i ' `r � / •'� Gaarde St. � �McDonald � � High Tor Rd. - / a� Q � G��G � > = '° '"'�♦ Mountain Rd. Q � M BUII M � -N- �: 3 3 a a Rd, — cn v� �e�` � � 0�''e . . � � µ NE Buii Mo' nt in 128TH A►VE. EXTENSION I �- T�ansporta 'on tu dY . VI/�TH 12i SiT' AVE.� EXTENStON' c I 0 � ��' Q ��F '� ���� � �� 1 �c ���yl��,rq M � �_ ,co . � � Walnut �`' � � St 5. _ � � FernSt / `� ' l .� � Fonner St. � � -- / N I > / N . / .4 1 - � 3 / � .� �� 6 ..�- � � '1 /�. � � � � � �. � 1 _ � � . . � �' /^ -� J� \ � �� � �� � N�` �. �� � � .,a / � _ . l�� / �� � � . � � •� Gaarde St. McDonald � `. High Tor Rd. /�' Q / V�'G � � > N � '�. Mountain Rd. a d- M 6U1! - M � •N- � � 3 Q � �a �a. - � � �e � ��e� �, ,� . N� Bult Mo�nta' . Y 'T�ansportatia�n 5 dy . �►RDE STREET REALIGNM�NT � � � � ; _ . � : : : . , , . , . �� a•� � � Q. o o tid� Q $ a�,F ; � � �� i �1�rr M a� � 740 ' 600 . r� � �Q �o o � � � � ' -� �' Fonner St. Z� � � � � 1� / � � 3 ��� — 1 � � � s � . �; �.. ' � .i� � h� � � / � � � � / - � J , ` � / �� 1 , � � � � � i �� , �' /,�� �,' /. � r � v� - � � Gaard .\ '� /. / � Id � � 9"�O 10�0 700 / /�. v�`�' � . --�, Rd. �70 � h� Ii. u�� Mountcin � -N- I" � �a Rd. ; �e ��e� �,o . `� Traffic Volunnes � } . . � NE BuII Mo�nt 'n � Transpar�at�on udy NO NEW R�ADS � �� `-;,, ■ _ : . :- I , z , ��$, �'a�� > ' �F°� i a � = L � �� � � � � .I,1qU p � 470 � � �� � � 450 �l� p ,�. ` � � � � � Fonner St.2� � # f / i� ->�/ f N �.9° � i � .4 — � / �i .� � .1 ..� � , ��.. .� � � � . �, �. /�, � } 5j � � �/�° � 1 � o � j��� � r�� �, j � � ;r c', � ld • �� / —__ �� 1� �• � 1080 � ; � � . .�`� � :380, � � �� � \ ; � h�y ...� Rd. 6�• '�' gu11 MauntQi� -N- . � a Rd. e� k 0ee� e Al� F .., � Traffic Volumes - NE �ui1 �,Aoun�ain Transportatio� Stu MURRA�Y BL�/D. EXTENSIQ� _ �� ._. . _ ,, ..._ __ ._.� . _ .v___... - -- - - - - - - - - - � __�s,w ._ r : .� ..� . ._ _ . _ _._ � _ _ ,. .. _ _-._ ` t . y ' � �� �a'� o� � Q � �a�,� � r � � �, � M $. � tl'1 9g� o� Q 470 . . � 8� � �(� 530 61� Z�� �� _ � � � � � � Fonner St.� 'i / � ;� N � f � � '�� � - � � � > �� � � � i� � � o / �� �� � I � �. � � / �/' 1 �. o N �'. � / �Q� / v' i •r3 �L � / I� � /. � � � � g '" lO�flO • � / • v 390 � J �� � �`�� !F �0 , Q� �` Ra. � � guli Mountain -N- � � a Ra. e�` �e� � �1� 0 - }�� Traffic Volum�s , ,� NE Bult Mountain � � Transportati 'Tn St dy -- 135TH AVE. EXTENS(ON _ e , _.AU.��. _ -- - - - ----- - 3__�__�._.�.���.._Y.:--� . _. .� , . _.� _ � ,�. __ �_ ___ a� � �� �y a � a��o � � t � ��' � � I � � � � lOSp Q' 470 . . � � � � � `1`1� � _ ' 2�0 ,-- � � � ' � Fonner St. i r / . � a� N lgp � � � 3 � _ � � � Ii / . � �� � ` � o � �.. � � � = o . . / �� /� � 1 . �� �� . . 5 , � i � ' .N ).. � /.. � v3i' � , r�° � � . � � � �n � r Od / � 7°° sso -z��` io2o 35�0 /�j � � c,,`��G , 8� � '� s10 �� Mounta+n Rd. -N- �e�b Rd. 0�'e� �'� ,1, ; . i1 - Tra�ffic Volurnes NE Bu[I �fl �ntai� . . . Transp tation #t�dy 132ND AVEo EXT�I�SION I� : _ Y } _ , > ` c ��o Q,a�B Q � ��Fo '� � s �3 � '� � � � � . 900 �o� �io �' o � � �so �� � ��-. � � � � � Fonner St. Z � ,�"� � � � N i�o � � � � '� � N tD � '� � / . . s � 1 �- �� ,� � o / / �� � � 1 .. � � � :i �° � �� . �- � � �� � � 3 f ° �� ��� � � � � �� c� . � �d � ``� a5o ioi� �,�. � � � io� �50 � �• � ���4 � � ...�� Rd. �io � ..� : ull Mo�ntoin �� -k- � � � . � a Rd. � e� 0 i . ��e�c �,o, . � ` Traffic Volumes � NE Buil Mountain . - � Transportation S�uct�y 128TH AVE. �XT`ENSION � ;: . -� � k, . t-- .._ .,� ._._..,-.- _ '_ _ . ' _ ' ' _- - - - -' _ - _ - _ '__ _ _ _ ' __ ____ ■—_ - - F � 1 2 • e �'l Q'a � ��c i o ,�,8 a Q �a� J s �S � ' I � r� � I� � ' . � � 5`� �� 440 7� r"�` _ � � Fonner St.Z�o _ � � � �, � �, �� / . � N 4� � �. . 9 / � �� � ! �• � �.. � � ,� � � o �� e� � � . J , � � �� � _ . � �. N �.. / /�� ,��o ` N � .`� � � ! id cn / $ � � �� � l050 �� 0 330 � � ���G ..�� �' 102Q � � gull Mou � -N- � e�a Rd. ,�= . ,r e�� 0_�,o � ��s • ��� � Traffic Vofume� , NE Bul1 Mountain �1PIUl�RAY BL.VD. EXT�NSION 4 �'ransportation St�dy VVITH 121 ST AVE. EXTE�SION 4 .� . . . .. . . . � . �. - . . � . . . . . . . ' � � �a.� oc `� tic4 Q $ a�,F L � '� � � I . 1� �� � � � � 5�0 � � . . � / � � �- . �,_.> � � Fonner St.Z� f �o � N i90 / I � '�' � -� — , / � �� � �.. � � /� �� _ � o . / �� /� � 1 � � � � �� � . � � o '�' � \ / � �° / `� � �r� � � i� / � ° � �° � �9° 9a° io3o 31� 350 / � � c,`��° - 990 �o � Moun �'� �u �' �� � -N- �:r<�-± - �a Rd. ee� �e t�l! 0 Traffic Volumes N� �uli Nlountain . � 135TH A�'E. EXTENSION Transportation Study iN��'H 121 ST A�E. EXTENSI�N . � � 1 L • � �a.� � oc `� �$ a, D�� � . � � � � � � � M � :to�o � � a�o . �° �o �' u6o j 530 67�� ,,� ' / � Fonner St.Z�o � � ( � ' / _ 1� / ( 1 � N � � � ai 1� / > � �.. � � /�� . � � o .f / .�� �� � I . ; � 1 � �/�� � . . 1 �� o N J�. / � �•• � �,$ � J r� ._ � _ , / �, � � Gaarde ia � � � c�o �0 9� ` /• N� �.�, io�o �o � � . � ' i000 �'� - � ull Moun ' . 7� -N- ,�: � a Rd. e�, . 6�e`� � �'o Traffic Volurn�s NE BuIL NiQUntain . 132ND A!/E. EX'TENSION Transportatio� Study 11V�TH 121 ST AVE. EXTENSION , � �, � � a �a'� � ��c � � ,,8 Q � � �a� � . . .� . � � � 9�� �l ypp � a� '� � �O io5o �lo S � �o � � � . . � Fonner St. Z � � � � i90 / l � � . � '4 � J � � .� � f , ��- l �. � � � � � � , � �, � �. � � .� � /_ °N' / � / c�ri ' r�b .� ) � / �� / ., �n . / ta . . / 5qp '7pp :g5p n � . 1010 . . �. .. . � ` • •� , , r � 960 C,`� p `� Qp ,�' } , � lpgp : S�o Moun . B d -N- _ . a Rd. ?�e� �ge� �,o . T�affic Volumes , NE Bull Mountain � 128TH AVE. EXTENSION � Transpor�ation Study� WITH 121 S� AV�. EXTENSION� � �... .� NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY Coromentarv on Traffic Impacts 1. The standard improvementa to m�ajor etreete (turn lanes, afdewalks) made for safety reasons also provide adequate cap�city for projected traffic under arry of the alternatives. 2. In residential areas, we usually receive complaints of "too much traffic" at traffic volumes well below capacity levels. 3. On eome existing streete, traffic volumee are approximately equal in all alternatives. These etreets include: . 135th Avenue north of Murray Blvd. . 121st P�venue north of Walnut Strceet . MeDonald Street east of 99W 4. Completion of Murray Blvd. exteneion be�w�en Old Scholls Ferry Road and 135th Avenue will reduce the traffic on 135�h. 5. Substantial through traffic is occurring today on Walnut Stre�t and on 121st/Gaarde. There is alsa through traffic on Sull Mountain Road. I g The route of thia through traffic i� changed under the various alternatives. i 6. Traffic volumes on Walnut Street are substantially reduaed .�� any alternative that provides a new road connection to the south. The reduction in Walnut traffic occurs only east of the new connection. 7. Alternatives which reduce traffic on Walnut S�reet also reduce traffic on 121at Avenue south of Walnut Street. 8. Any new connection to Gaarde Street will increas�a the traffic volume on Gaarde Street. The traffic impacta on Gaarde Street are greatest in }he alternatives which provide the most direct connections between Gaarde Street and 135th/Walnut. 9. Any additional roadway connection between Bull Mountain Road and Walnut Street will reduce the traffic �volumes on Bull Mountain Road weSt of the etudy area. , 10. Extension of 121at A�venue south of Gaarde Street ta Bull Mountain Road I' would: . Reduce traffic volumes on Gaarde Street . Substantially increase traffic on Hazelhill Drive � . Increase traffic on Bull Mountain Road east of the extension . Deareaee traffic on 99W between Gaarde and Bull Mfountain Road . � r� � �` + ' 2.1. Staft ba�.iev�� that alignntent o€ Gaarde 9tse€�t �rith McDonald Street at 99W will have lit�le impact on the future traffic volumes on M+�Aonald. It is aesumed that Gaarde/99W intersection would be signalized whether realigned or not. The attached area map ahowa tha.t there are no aatielactory nearby alternatives to McDonald Street as a through route., For thia reseon, staff believee that traffic volumes on McDonal� would be changed little by realignanent of Gaarde Street at 99W. RRWabr r I . c a ! _ _ ,� . , ,. , A # ' � � � � ♦ ♦ y , � wa�NUT �,P�� � �� �G9�y yvN�'�FR 9 t~n �p� �i' '� r �`G�2► ,�.-_., .v .� v QP GAARDE MCDONALD BULL MOUN'r0`�N x ° 0��� a �` N -N- �(`�G� > J m J ' J DllRHAM � , IVE �ul! Mountain Transportation Study EXI�TiNG COLLECI'OR STREETS .a-��.:y.�...� �_�� :��,� _�._ � _�.� - - �_ �.. � �� NORTHEAST HULL MOUPI�AIN TRAFFIC TMPA�CTS OF ROAD ALTERNATIVES AeaumAtions• Traffic volumee were projeated for the peak evening hour 20 years in the future based on the following aseumptione. 1. Northeset portion of Bull Mountain fully developed, based on the exieting zoning. 2. I�'ull development denaity will be leas than th�e maximum deneity allowed by the zoning (due to steep �lopes and existing larger-than-minimum lote). 3. Regional gro�h will occur ae projected by the Metro morlel. 4. The Westerly By-Pasa wi11 be constructed. 5. Murray �lvd. will ba extended (ae a 3-lane atreet°) to 135th a� planned. �� : 6. Scholle Ferry Road/Old Scholle Ferry Road connection near 135th will be �. removed and Old Scholls will become the throragh route. 7. A road will be conr�tructed between 150th/8u11 Mountain Rcad and 5cho:lle Fsrry Road (near Sunrise Lane) per County plan. 8. Roade will be improved to fu11 deaign standarde including turn lanes, eidewalle� and bike lanes, Traffic signals will be installed a� major intersectione. 9. Th� peak traffic hour will occur in the evening (approximately 4:30 to 5:3U p.m.) 10. A system of local streeta will be developed to provide access from new II, subdivisions to the major roadways. RR@Wsbr t t , . , ..,. r ,..:;,r„�-.� n; _ _ , ,.:_ � _. _. _ _ _.. _ __ _ _ _ _ ._ _ . . , . �, i` ` ;. �. ,.. �< u +t i; �, � {','' I' fi ' i: 7 I. EXAMPLES OF CURRENT PEAR HOUR t i TRAFFIC VOLUMES UN EXI3TING ROADS j:: I� �i All counts were made in 1988 unlese otherwise indicated. �, . ?t il Beef Send Road west of 150th 200 v�hicles/hr. � ��, Bull Mountafn Road east of 150th 280 r r, Walnut Street between 121st & 128th 400 Gaarde Street near Pacific Hwy. 600 (1987 count) � 121et Avenue near North Dakota Street 9U0 Mnrray Blvd. north of Old Schol].� Ferry Road 1,000 (.1987 count) ` Durham �oad near Tigard High Schuol 1,1�A � scholle Ferry Road near ].21at Av�nue 2,000 I Highway 99W in Tigard 2,000 - 3,500+ i ' RRWzbr w �. , _ �