Planning Commission Packet - 03/07/1989 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ _ _ _ , _ _ 'I � Ly , .I TIGARD PLANN'ING COMMISSION MARCH 7, 1989 - 7:30 PM TIGARD CIVIC CENTER - TOWN HAI,L 13125 SW HALL BL,VD. , TIGARD, OREGQN 1. CALL, TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL i 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 21, 1989, HEP�F2INGe , ', 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATIdN i � 5. PUBLIC EiEARINGS � 5.1 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 88-09, VP►RIANCE V 88-39 DOUGE�TY NPO # 4 Request to allow the continued use of an existing freeetandinq sign, allc�wing for an additional 25 per cent of height aliove the conforming height of 21 feet; and a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 88-20, Chapter 16.114 of the City�e Sign Code to allow useage of an existing ' roof sign. Location: 11674 SW Pacific Highway (WCTM 7.51 3GDC lot 1fs00). 5.2 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 89-01 TEXLAPID PROPERTIES (7-11 STOREI NPO � 6 I2TsQUEST R.'O ALTAW AN EXTSTING 21 FEET 6 1�2 INCHFS TALL SIGN TO REMAIN WHEN CODE PERMITS A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 20 FEET. LO('.ATICEN: 10650 SW McDONALD (WCTM 2S1 lOAA TAX LOT 600) . ZONE: C-G (COHI�RCIAL GENFRAL). 5.3 SUBDIVISION S 89-02 LA SELLE/OR12/HERTTAGE NPO �3 REQUEST TO DIVIBE A 17.59 ACRE PARCET, INTO 48 LO'PS BETWE$N S,211 �uQU�iRE FEET AND 12,597 SQUARE FEET, AND A REQUEST �°O ALLOW A VARI.ANCE FOR A 18 FOOT PRIVATE DRIVE WITHIN A 20 FOOT TRAC'T WHEN CODE REQCJIRES A 24 FOO'P DRIVE WITHIN A 30 FOOT TRACR. LOCATION: N. SIDE OF �.ULL MTN. RD, ' BETWTEN SW 133RD AND SW PEACH[TREE (WCTM 2S1 9A T.L. 140Q & 1501). ZONEs 'I R-7 (RESIDENTIAL, 7 UNITS PER ACRL). � 6. OTF�R suSINESs r 6.1 City Center Development Plan and Report Preaentation 7. ADJOURNMENT �, € i t � � �,,.,., � ;�. . �IG�1RD PT.�lPl1I� OQ�lIS&IOB R�GIILl�R !�'STI�G - M1lRtt:H 7. 1989 1. President Moen called the meeting to order at 7;35 PM. The meeting was held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL -- 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL c.�I.Ls Pr�sent: Preeident Moen; eommiesioners Castile, Fyre, Leverett, Nowton, Rosborouqh, and Sa�arta. Absent: Commiseionera Barber and Peterson. Staff: Senior Planner lKeith Liden; Senior Planner Elizabeth Newton (arrived 8:00 PPS); Planning Secretary Diane M. Jelderks. �3. APPIidV4lL OF ![IliO'1'SS Commi�s.ioner Fyre moved and Commissioner Rosborough aeconded to approve �he minutea ae corrected. Mo�ion carri�d by majoxity of Commiseioners present. Commiesionere Caetile and Newton abetained. 4. PI.�►NifING O�?IIiISSTON Q01�lIINf1�CATI�ON o Commisaioner Newton atated that he h�d been contacted by Gary Steel regarding the Bull Mountain Transportation Plan and they had dieausaed the proceee the Plan would ga through. 5. POBL�C BS�RINGS 5.1 3IGN L�ODB BYCSPTIOId SCS 88-09. VARIANCS i1 8�-�39 DOIIGH'.!'Y UPO # 4 Requee� to allow the continued uc�e of an exietirag freestanding eign, allowing for an addi�ional 25 per cent of height above the conforming , height of 21 feet; and a request for a Variance ta Ordinance No. 88-20, Ghapter 18.114 of the City's Sign Code to allow ueage of an exieting roof a sign. Location: 11674 SW Pacific Highway (WCTM 1S1 36DC lot 1600) . i � Staff requeeted that this item be set over ta the Maxch 21at haaring. ; * Preeident Moen moved and Cammissioner Fyre �econded to eet SCE 88-09 and V 88-39 over to the March 21et hearing. Motion carried unanimously by Commiesionere present. PL1�1�iNING COlQIISSION NINOTSS - MPIRCH 7. 1989 - P�GB 1 �� 5.2 SIGN WDB 8%CSPTION SGS 89�-01 TR%LA1�YD PROPBRTISS (7-11 STORSI NPO # 6 Request to allow an existing 21 feet 6 1/2 inches tall eign to remain when Code permits a maximum height o£ 20 feet. LOCATION: 10650 SW McDonald (WCTM 2S1 lOAA Tax Lot 600) . ZONE: C-G (Commercial General) . Senior Planner Liden review the propoeal and made etaff's recommendation for approval wi.th two conditian�. APPLIG�1'P'S PRBSBNTATION o Don Brenneman, Blaze Sign, PO Box 25357, Portland, Oregon 97225, explained that �he �cign had been in use for 15 years an�1. the request is minor. PIIBLI� TSSTItl�NY o No one app�ared to epeak. PUSLIC �ARING CIASBD j o Consensus of the Cosnmisei�on was for approval. Cammiseioner Newton felt a � condition shou�d be added that if th8 sign is deatroyed and needs to be replaced that the sign b� brought into etrict ccanformance with the Code. * Commieeioner Leverett moved and Commiesioner Rogborough secanded to approve SCE 89-01 based on staff's �inding and concluaion and to add a conditi.on which would r.equire the sign to be brought into strict canfurmance with the Code if the aign hae ta be replaced. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.3 SosnmSZOx S �9-0� i.A.s3�s/Onx/�xa��c� xPO # � Request to divide� a 17.59 acre parcal into 48 lats between 8,211 square feet and 12,597 square feet, anei a reque�t to allow a Variance for a 18 f�ot private drive within a 20 foot tract when Code requires a 24 foot drive within a 30 foot track. L�3CATION: N. side of Bull Mtn. Rd., between aw 133rd and SW Peachtree �WCTM 2S1 9A T.L. 1400 & 1501). ZONE: R-T (Resrdential, 7 units per acre) . Senior Planner Liden reviewed the proposal and conditione which have been ro sed eince the last hearing. He made ataff's recommendation for P P� approval with 23 conditions. He noted that condition number 13 needed to be modified to require the pedestrian acceee to the open apace. l�PPLICllNT'S PRBS�NTl�TION o John Broey, Planning Consultant, David Evane & Assoc., repreaenting Heritage l�svelopment Company, etated that they had no objections to staff�e conditiona including accese to the open epace area. He felt PI.�ItNIN� OQIlIIiI3$ION MINDTBS - M�RCH 7, 1989 - P�LGE 2 i �: i � i i r"`'' �.. `� bec�uee of the grade and densi�y of the project that views would not be deetrayed. Improvemente to Bull Mountain would be detercnined by i�aehirigtnn County. They would accept etaff's determination re ardin the 4 g atub street to the weet. They preferred their west street stub location to Leah Zednik'e. He submitted a revieed drawing for the proposed stub atreet, to the east. He requeated that condition number 19 be modified to exempt the filbert trees from being lacated c�n the tree cutting permit. A�so, sanitary sewer would be prnvided along Bull Mtn. Road with this develo�xnent. He urged the Commission ta acc�pt etaff'e recommendation for agproval with the modification to exempt locating the filbert trees on the tree cutting plan. Discuesion fallowed with the Commisaion regarding ownerahip of the pedestrian path, whether -the path ehould be paved or gravaled, and drainage concerns along the private drive. I�IISLIC �'SSTII�N3C o Beverly P'roude, CPO # 4 Ctaairperean, concurred with Mr. Broey regarding the view for the home acroes Bull Mountain, however, ahe was still concerned about th� view for Mr. Taylor's home which ie located on the eame eide of Bull Mountain Road. She read and eubmitted into the record c�ncerns of the coa�umunity. She requested that a decision not be issued for thie props�sal until a reaommendation could be received from Washington County regarding road improvements to Bull Mountain. Also, she felt the systeme development charge iseue shoulcl be addreaeed. � � 1 o Discussion with gtaff followed regarding the syatem development charge. � , 3 o Bob Deuth, 13279 SW Bull Mountain Road, was not aure that the east street c�tub proposad by the applicant ie ths moet prudent. Fie was concerned that ; the adjaaen� property to the narth of the eite would have aecess to the sewer. Anot�ner concezn was for traffic safety on Bull Mountain Road. Commi�sioraer Newton sta�ed that hie law firm had repreeented Leah Zednik in the paat, however, he did not feel it would impact hie decieion. o Leah Zednik, 13995 SW Bull Mountain Ftoad, read and s�ubmitted into the record a letter regarding her objectione and concerns. RSgD'i"r1�1L o John Brasy oppoaed deferring action, eince Waehinqton County has final approval, pos�poning the approval would qain nothing. He reviewed the location for eanitary sewer connectiona. They would agree to whatever location staff approved for the west stub atreet, however, he felt Ms. Zednik's propoeal would put the etreet to close to Bull Mountain Road. � t PIIBLIC �iRIN(i CIASBD PI.�lNNII�IG �IS3ION I�IIiOTBB - M7�RCH 7, 1989 - P2liGS 3 ;� (- 1:� tS. }.'i j!r t; t�p � . ..., ��1' '- _ . ��.. .._� � ��. o Conseneue of the Commiseion was �to favor approval. o Diecussion followed regarding sending a reoommendation to Washington County regarding improvementa to Bull Mountain Road; whether etaff should make the final decieion for street stub locations; removing the filbert orchard from the tree removal permit requirement; location of the pedestrian pathway and allowing staff to determine the type of surface to be uaed. * Commiaeioner Fyre moved and Comcr�iesioner Sapc►rta seconded to approve ataff's recommendation for S 89-02 and V 89-03, modifyn.ng the followir�g conditions: Condition 13, add that this route ia to include the public access to the open space area and ataff is to determine whether the surface will be graveled or paved. Condition number 19, add excluding the existing filbert orchard as noted on the plat map submitted by the applicanto Motion oarried unanimously by Commisaioners present. o commi�sioner Fyre asked that a statement be made to Engineering that they ' take into oonsideratinn the steepness of the slope when determining where the street stub will be l.ocated. * Commissione.r Fyre moved and Commissioner Castile seconded to have staff d aft a letter to Washin on County Land Use and Transportation r 4t recomrnending that a turn lane be required in the area of the access to �hi� subdivision. Also, for considera�ion ico be qiven ta problecus creat�d by school buaea picking up and dropping off childsen. Motion carrfed unanimouely by Commiesioners present. 6. O'1�R BiJSIa1SS5 6.1 CIT9C CS�1'�&R DSVSXAPlIBI�iT PI.AI�i �lND RSPOR'� PR�SBNTATION 0 3enior Planner Newton di.etributed copies of Tigard City Center Development Plan, the Development Report, a draft ordinance, Strest concept plan, and the City Center Plan Taak Force vision statement. She reviewed the background, obstacles, traffic (atreet concept), design plan, the developoment plan and report, tax increment financing, and what ia involved for the remainder of the process. 6.2 DTILITY 81lS�T Vli►C.�TIONS iiITSIIT TSCH CB1iTffit BUSI1�3$ P71RiC (IAT 2) 1�ID SWPINSON'3 GLSN SUBDIVISION (I,OT 62). o Seninr P1�nnex Liden rev�ewed the areas being proposed for vacation adding that at thi.e time they have not received all the comm�ents back from the utility c+�mpaniea. Discussion followed. PI.�NNING �O�t4IISSION MINUTBS - !l�RCH 7, 1989 - P71GB 4 l�s 4'' �: 4, � �Fr � � ��. * Presiden� Moen moved and Commiesioner Newton seaor�ded to recommend that City Council proceed with vacation easementa €or Lot 2 of Tech Center Busin�es Par}r and Lot 62 of Swaneon's Glen Subdivision based on information received from etaff and for st�ff to forward all commentg from the utility compani;ee to Ci�y Council. Motion carried unani.mously by Commisaioners present. 6.3 UISI:QSSION ITBMS a Adop�kion of �the Community Development Code o Syetem Developmen� Charges and cross jurisdictions. � 7. 2lD.TOIIRI�iT - 10•15 PI�S � � � /� �/ a . / �� � Diane M. Jelderk , ecretary ;; ! • Y,� �� 1�TT�ST: ' ��� �c� %�����y7�,�-Y"" L� -,� ./ A Donald Moen, President dj/PG-3-7.DJ t �; ` t � � r. �;. I.. t ' PL�1NNIl�G 00lII�lISSIO� MIIiD'PBS - M�lR(�i 7, 1989 - PIlGE 5 ?; I;.; �s I;l ��> �" � �,' �. � '� PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL HEARING DATE: � !Z STARTTNG TII�o �� �S COMMISSIONERS _��DONALD MOLN � VLASTA BARBEEt V JAMES CASTILE ll � MILT FYRE � �✓DEANE LLVERETT (1 �GREG NEWTON ; _�_ AAVE PETEI2SON i j DAN ROSBOItOUGH ; � __��I�HARRY SAPORTA � � 1 z � STAF'E' P 8�N, : �� �� L �1. .�� ;I' h�.�i-v �Jv���-` � r ; ! ; ; �� F al dj/PC—AOLL � � 1 1 I Z �� �� ���������NE(5�>sB��A�� ���a� 7--6840 p,p,� 170 BEAVERYON,OREGOIV 97075 ����� 1���6�� G�cdle��a°�u���� � � Ya�r�7�me4 �1o4ice �' CITY OF TIGARD P� BOY 23397 m � �u(�foca�4c� Aggmt9a�vi4 `� TIGARDy OP. 97223 � � �I�(FD��a�90�' ��' ��D(��flCAY@OBt9 S�d��� (�� �I�lEG�4�Pd, �ss t;CD�lb�9'�� '�� Pf�P+S6��8S�hGTCJ6�, 9 � � ELAINE PET_ROGEORGE 8��ing ViesY ��aly swore�, ��6�os� a,n,d s�-�� aP�B�T�� P+�Esr--v�,r4is�ng �o���qmP, oP V�is �rencip�l cf�rk, 04 4V�� a n��rs�ap�P ofi ��n�rml circa�O�Yio TIGARDir��d ic� C.�RS 1�3�0�� ��,� 9�3.020; �au��9ost��d �� ��c�r�s�i� coun�y and s4e��; th�R$h� r.r T�'n u'G'�T?T i�T(' -- � ��iu�4�d co@y of w�hicfi� is 7����40 �����c��, w�� �ubRi�h�d in 40�e ��v4u�� iss�a� 04 sa�id n��nrs��p�e�or ONE succ�ssive �r�d c������4iv� in 4h�followring i��u�s: FEBo 23, 1989 __ — -- — � _. Y G -'! �`�!— �/ �� S �:eif��c� a�►d �vvoPn k���mP� a'�� 4F►i� rr�___,�� y ,c�an - o4�Py P'�a�6o� Po� �P��m�o , . �N�! COd�9P§'tl9SS9Of1�X�9&T��: 9I7�;Q 2 �f�1�6���0� .- '�'�� ��a���v��ag au�t� t� �4�`�.+�,�.��a�`�d ���1� �mmt�s��n � ,�, �arc�a 7,1��g,�t 7:�l���f���ti�"�Igard CS�ic�nt�r-`�ow�e Ifa1Y,ll 3�8�SW ��9Il fl3➢v�.,�°m�ara�,�e°���+�.����p�bNt�a�ral�tld v9e'lQd�n Qestlmony 6s lnvlt�. �d.°g'9a��u9�t��flaeas�n���a�his rr��dQer wbfll be��nducte�i��cc�oa'�d�le� aa 4�ae �°u�e5 �f �GZa�ter fl�.32 ���e �'C�ar4 11��ueaflctlR�►9 ��d�, ��mc���a�e� �ff t�ae &�fl��aatm�Go�is�4Rn."�ue��r 9nioi�ti►atlon mt►y be ol� @�t�ed fa'man B�te Plari[e�e,g ID���s�oea At��9�'�5�1E�019 �!'�d.,°I'Ig,��°d�e�l'�gOrn �7���,��������������nau, � ���d.6��EARiN�S 51G1�1 ��II9E E7fCEY�'II'IIOPd S�� i48+� 1'1�,__��!►I�A �.RQI��[3TII�'.5 ;('�•AD.. �a�� �v���s ��Q��s�����.�w a��v�xIIS�ca�r�2a 1�E�s x ��tVCt��S�Att.st�r� °�dD��Ma�IIPd�vIIi�Ai G�TbE T�R�'�S A 14��ul�1�T#��GHT���Q�E7�, &.00A°�'I�D1d; flOgS� SW MCDAN�1 �WC'9�"1� �S� &OAA �AX �.t'}'� +$D�1). `' 20I+1�:�-2's QQ:tDI"�IVIER�"�At�.(.�r��',r��•, ,, . °II"4'6�8�0�--�Fa�b.��fa.��.!"A�8'�, . .` 0 , _ _ , , . _ . .��y.- 3/7 /rs 9 T I G A R D P I: A N N I N G C O M 1K I S S � O N _ �'_ °�.. NOTICE: . ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME ; ' � i � and note their address on this sheet. (please Print ycaur name) � _ ITEN!/bESCRIPTION: � � ��g � "'3� � . I �,c ��� � � / _ � , PROPONENT (For) � OPPONENT (against) =I Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affifiiation �� � ;; �� � Z._.� �- G����/ .�Z/'C./� �� `� /G��C.,� �� ,i � � � � � :� ;; , ; y ,. .. ;; , � . , : r+ � � 4 .,��� 3l �/d� T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N . � NOTICEo . ALL PERSONS DESIRING Tt� SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: —' �-' � � e _ , � . ./r � ° �i P� � - 6 PROPONFNT (For) • OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affi�.iation � `2 Vl 1�.Q_�c�1,1�.- _ �/�2,� � ( C�r� , d CSa�c 5�3��? t�--�� ���z� . � � � . a � � , -- . _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ . , . aic�i a. 3�7�� . T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N �.- � � � � � � � � NOTICE: . ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM�bESCRIPTION: � �� ���v � , � �- l�l2 f2 ,r � � �. �o , .; r N�� ,j° ��� . � � .�.� PROPONENT (For) • OPPONENT (against) Na�ne, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation - .. .r- .:�v E.!( �r•'�;�L{���`.�� .� r> CJ-fi�4. - _. d � .,?u F '"C_ ;�,w/ .9'�,� r�.� ��-�� l��a� 4��n., � ,.� ��'�� �� �'�.�� ����� t �; i �;.,. �„ � ���� ��; � � � �A e �-, �� � .� a.. . �� �� �l � �� -� � � S ' U ,�r ��.� ����9 �v �� ' 3 5 V � � �., _ �,_ CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon N(Y'PICB OF FINAL ORDER - BY' PLANPIYNG C�OlQiISSION l. Concerning Case Number(s): SCE 89-01 _ 2. Idame of Owners Texland Properties Name of Appl.icant: Blaze Sian Co. 3, Address PO Bnx 25_357 City Portland State OR Zip 97225 4. Addreas of Praperty; 10650 SW McDonald St. Tax Map and Lot No(s).: 2S1 lOAA, tax lot 600 I 5. Requeat: TO ALLOW AN EXISTING 21' 6 1/2" TP�LT, SIGPT TO RET�tAIN WHEN CODE PERMITS A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 20 FEET. LOCATIQN: 10650 SW McDONAI.D (WCTM 2S1 lOAA TAX LOT 600). ZONE: C-G (COMMERCIAL GENERALI . 6. Action: Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notices Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall, and mailed to: X The applicant and owner(s) X Owners of record within tF�e required distance X The affect�d N�ighborhood Planning Organi.zation X Affected governmeaatal agencies 8. Final Decision: � DBCISZO[d SHALL BB FINAL ON HARCH 20, 1989i IINLSSS AN APP�AL IS FILLSD. Th� adopted findinga of fact, deca.sion, and statement of conditions can be obta�.ned fr�m �he Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 5W1 Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Apx�eal: Any party to the decieion may appeal thie deciaion in accordance with 13.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 daye after notice is given and �ent. The deadli.aie for filinq of an agpeal is 4:30 P2� IiARCH 20, 1989. 10. Questiona: If you have any queetione, please call the City of Tigard Planning Departaaent, 639-4171. dj/SCE89-01.DJ �. i"TGFlRU PLANNTNG COMMI:�;SI:ON I'=INf�� ORI)1:=R AIO. 89 -- 02 PC A F'TNF�L QRD�f� TNCL.UU:T:IVG F"TlVU:LIUGS f�NC) CONCL_U�;IOIV�; WI•1TCH AF�PRpVES AN ftF>F>LZC:FII":I:QN 1=0R (� alGlif COL7C 1=X(��F>"I":CQM (SCF B�--Q1) RCQIII'-".a°fl=l7 t3Y TEXLAND PRO�LF2T':�kS ([31...A"LC �;IG;N� C�f AMEh1CA) . Tt�rti Tzc�ar•d Plaririir�g Cammissi.un r�ui�w�d LhE �h�au�? appYicatican ai: a puhlic he��arit7r� ��n M�arcr� 7, 1989. Th� Commissiur� h��sed ii�s decisic�r� upc�ri tric fc�r..t:�, rindir�gs, arid conclusiuns nut:ed k�kl.aw: A, F'AC7C� 1 . General Ir�fo�^ma�ion CASE: Sign Code Excer�t:iun SCF £��3--�1 REC�UF�c"f: 1"ca r�tain ari exist.inc� 21 ,6�i (?_1'7") f����i� i:�].l r�anr..c�nfnrming Fr��stanc�ing sign wh�re thu? Code al.lows a maximum si.gn h�ic�Nit uf 20 f��.�t, COMr>RE��ENC�TVE PLf1N L�ESIGNATTON: Commer•cial Gener�l ZONING DGSIGNf�TI01U: C--G (Comiri�rcial C�neral) APF>L�CANI": [il�tze C�igns of Am�r^i.ca OWIUER: l"�x:Land Pr•op�r�ies p,0. Bux 25357 2828 Narth Hask�ll Portl�nd, OR 97225 Dallas, Texas 752Q4 IAGAT'ION: 10650 SW McDunald StrEet (WC°fM 2S1 lOAA lut 600) I 2. Backc�round TnFor•mation The subject p�^operty w�s annexed t�.7 the City of Tigard in 1965. IUa recurd of a building p�rmii:, builciing plans or any kind oF development reuiew applicatinr� cnuld be fuund by �i:�ff. Staff ther�fore assumes Lhat the site was develnwed whixe it was in W�shinc�tnn County. Nu sign permits fnr� either the subject freestanding sign or a wall sign cauld be found. 3. Vicinity Infor�matiun Properties ta the north and west are alsa xareed C—G. Properties ta the east and south are zoned and developed R-12 (Multi—family Resider�tial, 12 units per acre maximum density) . 4. �ite Ir�formation and Propasal Description The site is currently occupied by a 2160 square foat cnmmer�cial. foud �nd beverage r�tail sales business. FINAL ORDER N0. 89�-02 PC — TEXLAND PROP. (Blaze Signs) SGE 89-01 — PAGE 1 ��... ��� The subj�ct �ign cun�isLs c�f a 2-3 fuut hiic�h I�asc, a whit� �ulca su�>pur�i�iriy �� 7'1" by 5�7�� r^�ci�ar�gui�►r �even--EJ.ev�n l��g�� sic�n. Ai:u� th� s igr� 'x s a v��r�y lar•ge r�ar�k i rrg lut 1 igh�t. The s ign s i t;s at th� e�:�sLern �ncl �,f i:hr� �;.W. M�°:t7�an<31.d �;tre�i�: �ntranr.k� �nd ia ar•iw7ni;�c;) ���w<�r�c�s �ast ar�d wc�sthauur►<� z�•ar-rx� ��, S.W. McDur�alcl. Tht� sS,�ri r�t�i.�h�t has k�k�?��� fI1�e1aG1"l?C) ��, b� 21.6a fieE� hi.c�N� wi�rt �n ��rk� ��f �pF�r��.,xi.m�i:.c�l.y 39 �c�uar�? f'ee7t, Th�� subj�c:t si.gn h�s b��n consid�r�d nonc�.�nfo�inirig a:� a Mzzr,c.h ?_0, 1�A0, �nd the pru��rty awner was nutifi.�d uf thii.s iri F�k�ru�,r•y, 1y8E3. (� va.luni�ary ccimpli�nr..e �.�c�re�n�Ent w<�, sigrli�d indic��i:in<� i:N�� wil.l.ii�c�n�ss ��n th�e �a�rt or t�h�� c�wrr�r� to ��ke �una� �ctiun to rt�c:tify tl7e nc�ncunfurir�ir�c� sign ��nce th� �ii�y nc�tifitd ham c�f t:hEa ��dc�pl:ic�n ��f n�w sic�n c.�.�d� r�r�ulatiur�s. ThF? �ar<,�E�ri�y �nd k��a�:.:iness c.,wn�r^s wer�.� �:.i.t�c� r�,r� th� fc,ll.����ir�c� riuncUr�f-ui^miti��s : 1, T'o�, hic�h f-r~e�st�rnc�ir�� sign, � ui�.�l�ti.c�ri <,fl .;Eacl:acan i8. ���. x3ot�)(�)(�) • C>rdXnanr.e 66-2Q incc.lr�•pur�atkr� numr�r�uus new rE�gul�ztic�rrs i.ntn th�� sXgr� cod�, SincE �ep��mk��r uf last yt�ar busin�ss and pru���rty uwners hav� c4�rysuli:ed wii;r� staf-f- as i�ca ri�.�w thear• indiviclual signs might b� br°c.,ugM�t iri�o uompli.ance. Durinq une stach discussion, staff was c:h�allengec! as tu the �c.tu�l. h�ighi� af tMe suk�j�ei� sic�n. Th� 21.65 f��c.�t Meight wG�s verified in the f-ic�ld. Unfartcanately, the additiur�al i.nehes in exc�ss j ofi wh�fi; is all.c.�wed r.��dald n�tiC� qu�la.fy f-�r• an Adminisi:r��tive E�xce�ata+an � � and so this apralicatiun was g�raer�al>�d. # � 5. Ac�ency and NPO Camm�nt.s � s � Npighbor^huad plarming Organizdtiun #6, the Gity [3uilc�ing and Engin��ring D'zvisiuns and Portland G�npr~al El�ctric have all reviewed �', tNi� pr��pasal. and have nu abjectiuns tu a.t. ; Rto other cumm�nts wer•e recexved. � �; n �. �'I:NUING�� AN[) �ONCLU.�IC7Na i:: � Sectian 18. 114.145 of' Tigard' s Gammunii;y Development Code contaxn� �r�e �' cra.�eria wherPby the Planning Cummissiun can appro�e, approue with � mocliPicai:ions ar deny an a�plicatian fur� a sic�n cude exc�ption. Th� ; are: �.. ;: (2) The prupased exception to the height limi�s in the aign Cade a; is necessary to make the sxgn visible from the stre�t b�cause =' of the tapogt^aphy of the site: � ,, �:,' (2) A secund fr�estanding sign is necessary to adequately zdenti.fy � busin�ss or pr�emises that is ariented towards a p�^imary street but whuse main access is from a secundary str�et; � �; �i J: �'. FINAL OROER M0. 89-02 PC — TEXLAND PROP. (Blaze Signs) SCE @9-01 — PAGE 2 ` �_ � _ _: __ _..,_.�.-- E�,. � (3) Up tu r�n �c�diti��r�al. 25 {a�rcF�nt uf si.gri �r�a ur• heaigh►t may k�� ���rmzi:tec� wh�n it is cletermink�cl i:hat: i;h��? incr�r��k will n�ai: c���car~ fr•um the pur�7��sc� uf this (;ha�>t:�r. 'This incr•�ase st�ua�ald k�e jucJc�ed �z<�c:.orr�i.rx� i�:o s�e�cific nek�cJs <:�nc� �:.irc.�ams9:anr.�s c��hich n�a<:�ssii:raLe addi.ta.unal arFaa ta m��►ke� t:he :�ign sufPiciE�ni�ly l���ib3.�. Th� ir�c�^��aae(s) shr.�ll n��t:: c��nfli�:.i; wi�:h any c�t:hi�r rion<iimcnaional sL-arlc�ar^c�s ur r�si;ric:tiur�s or tr��� Ch�a�t�r; (4) l..hcz pr•c.�pc.,s�d sign i:�s cor�si.stw�nt wii�h t�hc� c.r'ii;�ri�� sEaL f�,r�h iri SuNaSection 1$. 114. 130(g) ��f Lhis Gha�>t�r; , (r�) "fNi�� p�^���os�cl Exc:,�pi::ic.,n i'oi�� � s��:ond fi^��.a�1:�r►di.ng sic�n ciri �an iritc�rz.ur lot is ri��cns5ary b�c:�use a.11 uf i:he TaZl.awing ar�ply; (A) ThE� c.c.�ml�incd hE�ighi� of' bi�Lh �:..iyn�� :iI'1cil.I. 1'1Q�: E?Xt:k?E?(:I 130 ��i^ccnt of thira sign h�e�ic�h�t nurm�l.ly a.il.owc�d fur une fr�c�st:�nding :�i<�n iri i�he s�mc•+. �_c.�nir�c� distr•ic:.i�; huw�vc�r, ne'tthier si�n sr�all eaxcc��d t:hi� h�ai.ght normally al.lowed in 1�ti� s�m� zani.n� c�isl:r•ici:; (13) f1t�iL-her sic�n will pc7se a viszon cl�ar�nc:e pr~ublcm or� wi 11 pro j Eac�i: infi;o th� �uhal i�. ric�hi.--o1=-..w�y; (C) Tutal combir��d sr�n �r�ea fur k�ai:h sic�ns sh��ll not� excek�d 15Q ��rr.ent afi what i:> n�.�rm��ll.y �l.l<iwEad fc:�r• nn� rreestandir�c� sign a.n the sam� zuning distr•ict; hawevee^, nPii:rie�^ sh�l.l excpad {�h� h�!ic�hi: nurirrally alluwed ir� the same zur�ir�c� c�istricL. In adcaition to t:he c�^ii:eri<� in subsec.ta.on (�) c,f i;riis section, th� Cummissian, or in Lhe case of an Acimir�a.strative Exee�tiun, 1:h�� Dir�ctor, sh�11 reviEw all af tr�e exis�:ing �.�r� pri:�posed signage For the d�uelo�m�nL- �r�d its relati.onship tu the int�±rit �r�ci pui^r�osn uf tr�is Chapt�r. As a cond9.ta.can oi' appra�v�.l, the C��mmis�ian or• Direci;��r^ may ���c�Giir�; (1) Removal ur alterdtian of nonconPorming signs to achi�u� � r.ompli�nc� with the s1;�nd�ards ce�n�ainecl ir� this Chapter; (2) R�moual. or alteration of conFormirig si<�ns in urder t�� �st�blish a ce.�nsistent sign clesic�n i:riruughout; i:he ciev�lc.�pmeni:; and (3) Appl.a.cation far sign p�+^mits far• sic�ns �r^ected wi.thaut p�rmits or r�muval oP such illegal sic�ns. l"he subj�r.t sign exceed the 20 f�.�ot maximum aJ.lowabl� heigh� by 19 inches (21 f�et 7 inches ur 21.65 fpet) . 'fhis amuunt exc�eds the f-ive pe�^cent which si:aff cc�uld gr�ant administr�tively as prc�vid�d in Section 1Q. 114. 148. I-lowever, it is far less i:han what sL-aff could qrar�t admini.stratiuely had the appl.icant fur the urigina]. si.t� develupm�nt r�vi�w request�d a 25 p�reent increase zn sign h�ight as provzd�d in Sectian 18.].14. 130(g) or what the Rlanr�i.ng Cc.�mmission could gr�ant uncler Sign Code Exceptinn crxteria (a)(3) : 25 percent Pur a max9.mum height of 2�., fee�. Planning �ummission firids that i;he proposed Sign Code �xceptiun tu be cunsistemtn with Sectiun 18. 1A4. i45(1)(3) �af �h� Community Deu�lc.�pm�nt Code. FTNAL ORDER N0. 89-02 PC — TEXLA�iD PROP. (Blaze Signs) SCE 89-01 — PAGE 3 � I _ _ x �I � ``�, I C, CIE:C:I:.�IC7N 'T'h�� Pl.anning Cammissic�ri ����arc�ves :�+CE 69•-01 s�ahj�ci: i;u i:he followinc� cand i i:iuns: 1 , Th� �pp:kic�r�t shal.l ohai:arn � sic�n perir►it fi��r 1:h� subj�ci: sfgr� �nc� �:11 ui�her� sic�r�ac�� un the si1:e �r•i.ur� tu 4 �.m, , f�rar�i.l 7, 1989. 2, Tn �he? eu�n1: th��t thc� sigr� i.s de>t:r�cayEd and/ar r•e�l�a�ed, the n�w i'r��c�stanciing sign 5r��x1 cunfur•m with st�i�idar�d Cc�mmunil:y D�velupm`nt Cocae r^equ i r•emEnl::� , 3 , "I'his x3ppr�c.�u�l i� ur�li.d ifi �x�rci��cl pric>r t�� 4 �.m. , Flpril 7, ��Sa. :It is fur•tM��r ordc?r�d th�t th� a�plicant k�� nutiPi.ad uf i:he �ntry oi� L-his F'inal Or^�1�r,. `:� Pf�.+��E.U: "i"his __,.�� day or ____March�, 198�J by th�� Rlanning Commission af ; tl�i� City of Tigar•d. ~� _�_(.�_._e��-[.«.G�f^�!�/E-Gr� (�, pur►ald Muen, Pr�s id�nt Tigard Planny.ng Cnmmissiori ,i E� ��/91roo � �� u� � ,, :� i' ;� ,;: i: j... f". } �(` i �. � j: C �i {<'. {;i 1= f' �;; t; [' �' i t. €I, �i FINAL ORDER NO. 69-02 PC — TEXLAND PROP. (Blaze Signs) SCE 89-41 — PAGE 4 �. , STAF'F REPORT AGENDA ITEM b.2 TI�GARD PLANNING COMMISSION M:ARCH 7, 1989 TxGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON A. FACTS 1. Genera� Information ', CASE: Sign Gode Exceptian SCE 89-01 REQUEST: �o retain an exieting 21.65 (21'7") foot tall nonconforming freeatanding sign where the Cod� allows a maximum sign height of 2� feet. COMPREHEN3IVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING DLSIGNATTONs C-G (Commercial General) APPLICANT: Bla�e Signe of America OWNER: Texl.and Properties P.�O. Flax 25357 2828 Nosth Haskell Partland, OR 97225 Dallas, Texas 75204 Y,OCATION: 10650 S.W. McDonald Street (WCTki 2S1 lOAA lot 600j 2. Backaround Information The eubject �roperty waa annexed to the City of Tigaxd in 1965. No record o£ a b+uilding permit, building plane or any kind �f development review application could be found by etaff. Staff therefore assumea that the sit� wgs d�veloped whiZe it wae in Waehington County. No sign permite for either the eubject freeatanding aign or a wall sign could be found. 3. Vicinitv Information Properties to the north and weat are also zoned C-G. Propertiee to the ea�t and aouth are zoned and developed R-12 (Multi-family Residential, 12 unita per aare maucimum density) . 4. Site Information The site is currently occupied by a 2160 square foot commercial Eood and beverage retail sales business. STAFF RBFORT SGS 89-01 TS7�lND PkOPgR'PIBS (7-11 STORR) PAGg 1 t � � � The subj�et eign consieta of a 2-3 foot hiqh base, a white pole supporting a 7"1" by 5°7" rectanqular Seven-Eleven logo eign. Atop the eign is a very large parking lot light. The sign site at the eaetern !I� end of the S.W. McDonald Street entrance �nd is oriented towards eaet and weetbound traffic on S.W. McDonald. The sign h�ight ha� been measured to be 21.65 feet high with an area of approximately 39 equare � feet. i f i The subject sign has been coneidered nonconforming as of March 20, 1988, and the property owner was notified of this in February, 1988. A � vol.untary compliance agreement was signed indicating the willingness on j the part of the owner to takQ som� action to rectify the nonconforming sign once the City notified him of the adoption of new sign cade + regulations. The property and business ownera were cited for the following nonconformities: l. Too high freestanding eign, a violation of Section ; 18.114.130(c) (1) (D). Ordinance 88-20 incorporated numerous new regulatione into the aign code. Since September of laet year bueinees and property owners have consulted with staff as to how their individual gigns might be brought inta compliance. During one such discussion, staff wae challengc�d as to i the actual height of the subjsct sign. The 21.65 foot height was verif.ied in the field. Unfortunately, the additional inches in excesg of ; what ie allowed could nat qualify for an Administrative Exception and so thi.s applicatior� waa generated. 5. AQencv and NPO Comments Neighborhood Planning Organization � 6, the City Building and Engineering Divieians and Por�land General Electric have all reviewed the proposal and have no mbjectiona to it. No other cammente were received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Section 18.114.145 of Tigard•s Community Development Coda containa the criteria whereby the Planning Commiseion can approve, approve with modifications or deny an application for a aign code exception. They are: (1) The proposed exception to the heiglat li.mits in the Sign Code is neceseary to make the eign vieible fr��m the etreet because of the topography of the eite; (2) A eecond freeetanding aign is neceeeary to adequately identify a businese or premieea that ie oriented towarde a primary atreet but whaee main acceas is from a aecondary street; �T71FF RSPURT SCS 89-01 TSZLPi11D pROPBRTI88 (7-11 STORE) P21GE 2 i`2 {; � t�\_..� .. . (3) Up to an additional 25 percent of sign area or height may be permitted when it is determined that the incre,ase will not deter from the purpoee of this Chapter. Thie increase should be judged according �o specific neede and circumetance� rahich necesaitate additional area to make the sign eufficiently legible. The increase(e) ehall not conflict with any other nondimenaional standards or restrictions of the Chapter; (4) The propoaed aign ie consietent with the criteria aet forth in Subsection 18.114.130(gj of this Chapter; . (5) The propc�eed exception for a second freestanding sign on an interior lot ie neceesary becauae all of the following apply: (A) The combined height of both signs ahall not exceed 130 percent of the eign height normally allawed for one freestanding eign in the same zoning district; howeyer, neither sign shall exceecl the height normally allowed in the same zoning district; (B) Neither eign will pose a vieion clearance problem or will project into the public ri.ght-of-way; (�) Total combined sign area for both signs shall not exceed 150 percent of what ia normally allowed for one freestanding sign in the same zoning district; however, neither ahall exceed the heigk�t normally alloraed in the same zoning dietrict. In addition to the criteria in subeection (ay of thie section, the Commieeion, or in the case of an Administrative Exception, the Director, shall review all nf the existing or proposed signage for the develogment and its relationship to the intent and purpose of this Chapter. As a condition of approval, the G�mmieeion or Director may require: (1) Removal or alteration of nonconforming aigns to achieve compliance with the standards contained in this Chapter; (2) Remaeal or aZteration of confornning aigns in order to establish a consistent sign design throughout the development; and (3) Application for eign permits for aigne erected without permita or removal of such illegal signe. The eubject sign exceed the 20 foot maximum allowable height by 19 inchee (21 feet 7 inches or 21.65 feet) . Thie amount excseds the five percent which etaff could grant adminietratively ae provided in 5ection 18.114.148. However, it is far leee than what staff could grant administra�ively had the applicant for the original site development review requeeted a 25 percent increase in eign height ae provided in Section 18.114.130(q) or vahat the Planninq Commiseion could grant under Sign Code Exception criteria ST21FF RBPORT SCS 89-01 TSII.�lND PROPSRTIBS (7-11 STORB) PIUGS 3 '�.': � (a) (3) : 25 peraent for a maximum height of 25 feet. Staff recommends approval of thie sign code exception requeat. C. RLC0�4SENDATION 3taPf recommende approval of SCE 89-Oi eubject to the following canditione- 1. The applicant shall obtain a aign permit for the eubject sign and all other aignage on the si.te prior to 4 p.m. April 7, 1989. 2. This approval i� valid if exercised prior to 4 p.m. April 7, 1989. " 7 / �/ / � //� 7 �/ � ` _..�,L� �''�! �_.. '.% .. ///�/7 /`/[�(/ l/� ✓//".L'=� G� �:�[[J �y PREPARED BY: D�D�orah A. Stuart DATE . PROVED BY: Reith S. Liden DA E I ST111�'! RaPORT SCa 89-01 TEII.�D PROPERTIES (7-11 S�RS) PMiE 4 � � y�f-� -r��;� � � ,, ,: �4��.a� �, � CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTTGB OF FI�L ORDffit - B% PT,�l�iNING �SSIO�i 1. Concerning Case Number(s): S 89-02 and V 89-03 2. Name of Owner: Barbara & Courtnev Lasselle; Mariory Orr Name of Applicant: Heritaae Develo�xnent Comnanv bv David Evana & Assoc. 3. 'Address 2626 SW Corbett City Portland State OR Zip 97201 4. Address of Property: N. side of Bull Mtn. Rd., between 133rd & Peachtree I Tax Map and Lot No(s).: 2S1 9A lots 1400 & 1501 � 5. Request: TO DIVIDE A 17.59 ACRE PARCEL INTO 48 LOTS BETWEEN 8,211 S4UARE FEET AND 12,597 SQUARE FEET, AND A REQUEST TO AI,Y,OW A VARIANCE FOR A 18 FOOT PRIVATE DRIVE WITHIN A 20 FOOT TRACT WHEN CODE REQUIRES A 24 FOOT DRIVE WITHIN A 30 FOOT TRACR. ZQNE: R-7 (RESIDENTYAL, 7 LTDiITS PER ACRE . 6. Action: � Apprr�val as requeated X Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice waa published in the newap��er, posted a� Gi�g Hall, and mailed to: X The applicant and owner(s) X Ownere of reGOrd with�n th� rsquixed dist�►nae X The affected Neighloorhood Planninq �rganization X Affected governmental agenciee 8. �'inal Decisiona T� ABCISIOB SH1�I.L BS FINAL O�i M�ItCH 20, 1989, ONLS88 �N PiPPS1�lL I� Y+'IL�D. The adopted findinqs of fact, decision, and etatement of conditions can be obtained from the Planning Department, �igard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Apveal: Any party to the dacision raay appeal thie decieion in accordance with 13.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 daye after notice is given and aent. The deadliae for filinq of an appeal ie 4:30 Pti, !�t!►RC� 20, 1989 10. Questione: If you have any questions, please aall the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4171. dj/S89-02.DJ �:I �.I � F I � ��. �,.. � a "f�GF�RD PLf1NNING C(7MMT�L;I:nN ' F"INA� ORDFR Na. 88 - 03 PC ' _.._ ; Fj 1=IIVAL_ Of�'C►f.�C� IN('1LlIL1�:NG FINDIIUG:a ANp CONCI_Ua�QNS WNxCH APPF2UVEC� AN APPL.ICFlT'1'ON ; (=0R A SUBnIVTSTON (S f39•-02) F�ND VARIANCE (V t39•-03) REQUE�S"fLD BY LASSCLI..L-/ORR/ i. r AND H�:f�Il"AGE UEVE'LO��MFIUT CCNIPF�NY. ! Thp Tigard planning Cumniission r�viEwEd th�� �buv� applicatxon at a pu�alic � hecrririg 4�n March 7, 1989. Th� Ccammissi.on based its dE?Cisiort upun i:he f��c.i:s, � i riridings, and conclu5iuns nu1��d belnw; � � � A. FACTC� i 1 . Gene�^al Tnfa�^ma�i�in s _...... _.—_.�.� � CASE: SUBD:CV:LaION S $9-02, VAR:I(iIUCE V £39-03 �I REQUE.,'"t': For �r�liminary �la� �p�roval i;o divide � 17.5A ac.re ��I �rc���rty inCu A8 �ots, rarigin� b�i�w��n 8,281 and 12.597 4,I sc{uarta f�et in siz�, �nd anN 3 .37 aci^e parcel t�� be ;', r•es�rvk?d as coirimun nperi space. Alsu r�qu�sted is a ?�' variance ta �al.low an 16 ft�a�t wide �riv�te rnad wit:hin � 2Q �I, foot wide trac� to s�rve 3 luts wh�reas 1:he Commuriity h; DeueJ.��pment Cad� �^equi►^es private r��adc�s seruing 3 ta 6 ir' dwellir�g units i:o be 2.4 feei: wic�e within a 30 foot tract. '� i CQMPREHENG�:UE PLAN GESIGNATIOIV: M�dium D�ns�.i:y Residential '� �i ZONING DESIGNATTON: 12-7 (Residen�ial, 7 unxts/acre) �'I APPLTCANT: Heritage Deuelopment Cnn►pany 4WNER: Barb�r�a & Couri:ney �I' by David Evans and �issociates Lasselle, � 26p0 C��rbett Plarjut^y Orr� � P�rtlarid, OR 97201 12175 SW Bull Mt. Rd il Tigard, QR 97224 ; , LOCAI"TON: Nurth nf SW Bull Muur�L-air� Ruad betw�en 133rd ar�d Peachtree �. (WCTM 2S1 9A, Tax Lo�s 1400 and 1501) i; i 2. Background Tnfor�mati.on �; + In Wash9.ngt��n County's Bull Mountain Community Plan, th� subject �' properties are designa�ed R-6 (Residential, 6 units per acr�e), which � allows for sxngle family resid�ntial develo�ment with a minimum lot ' size uf 5,000 square Feet. The properties were annexed into the City i of Tiga�^d i.n January ].969 (Fi7,e ZCA 68-15). The Urban Planning Area `' 'is 1' �' t � � r: � FIN�iL ORDER N0. 89-03PC LASSELLE/HERITAGE DEV. CO. (S 89-02/V @9-03) - PAGE 1 ; �.._ �'• Agr•eement k�etween W�shingi:on Caunty anc� i:he Ci.Ly �.�f l°igard pr�auic��s �H�at prup�rti�s annexed by the City will b� zun�d in a manrier cansisteni:: witPi �he G�m�r•ehensi.ve �>lan desic�n��xun� prnvrded by �he County. 'T'he clasest City zone in this C�SP_ is R•-7 (Residential, 7 unit/�c.re) Wr,��n has th�e same minimum lat size r�quit^�m�nt c.if 5,OOU s�uarp f-��t. 'The pru�aerti�s w�re zuned wiLh t;h� �ity's R•-7 zune concurr•ent with �nnexat:ian, 3, Vicinit Informatfon ; � .� I Pra�er�tiFS tu i:he �ast, souLh, w�si:, �and nur^thwest are wiL-hin �I Washingt;un Cuurity and are designat�d R••-•b (Residential, 6 units per ar.r�e). l"hese par^cel� are pri.ma�^i.ly deue.l����d with resid�nr.es on pai^cels substantially larc��r than the minimum lot size of th�c� Cc�ur�ty's R--6 z:onE� or� elsk ar�e small agricultu�^al and wc.��idl�nd p�r^ceJ.s. Benchview Est�tes subdivisiun, which is wiL-hin the City uf Tig�i^d and which is z�n�d it-4.5 (Residentia�, 4.5 uriits/acre), is located tu the north. This sub�iuision is currently und�r devel.upment wiLh nu hames yet c.c.,nst�^ucl:e�i. f� stee�, w�,ad�d r��uinc, locai:ed c�n the ps^�,pc.,sed outlot uf the r>arc�l curr�ntly prupose�d fur subt�a.�iding, s��arates the prc.�posed suk�di.vasa.nn fr�om E3anchview Esi:�tes. 4. �ite Znformatiun and Proposal Desci^i tiun Th� pruper�ty is undeu�loped, m�stly c�pen l�nd sloping general].y tq the east and nur•theasf;. Ari orchard is located in �he southeast cnrner ar th� site. A small pumphouse is lac�t�d uri th� westea^n �ortion of i:he lot. Ther� i.s continuous tr�e cuv�r unly on tr�e exL-reme nur�hcrn portian of thie pi^�.�pased subdivision within the 3.37 acre prapr�sed uutlot. This wnoded area has been ider�tii=ied in �f7e Bull Maur�tain Ca�nmunity Plan as Area uf Special Concern #3 , The Bull Mauntain Plan indicates that this area should be reviewed fur potenti3al park puc^chase and also calls for the preservation uf trees to the maximum extent possible for wildlife habitat, riparian habitat, and scenic purposes. Bul.l. Muuntain Raad, which abuts the subject property to the south, is classified as a majnr collectar street. It is currently impr�uved with tw« travel lanes and a gr�vel sFioulder. E#ull Mauntain Road is under the jurisdictiun uf Washington County. The applicant prop�ses develapment of a 48 lat subdivision with lot sizes ranginy from 8,281 to 12,597 square feet. A 3.37 acre c�ammonly held outlot cansisting of the a�^ea of the wooded ravine is also proposed. 1"he pruposed name far the sr�bdiuision is Three Mountains Estates. One street inter^section with Bull Mountain Road is prapased on the eastern side of the subject pruperty. The internal street sys�em pr��vides a loap system serving the proposed A6 lots. A str�eet s�ub wuuld be prnvided to the west to connect with future development on adjac�nt properties. A pr^ivate, 18 foot widp street witriin a 20 fnot wide tract is proposed to extend northward from the stub un the western FINAL ORDER NO. 89-03PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO. (S 89-02/V 89-03) - PAGE 2 �... ����..... . side uf i:Ftc pr�p�rty. This pr•ivate Stre�t will pruvi.�e ciCCC�35 to tH�r�a� par°cels. l'h� applicant requ��ts � var9.�.�nae from Cc.�mmunxi;y D�v�l.�.�pment Cud� r�c(uir�mants which r�quir�e �rivate str��ts serving 3 tu 6 dw�lling unats t� be a ma.nimum af 2A f���: wic�� wit:hin a 30 f�.�c�t wid� t:��ci: �nd tu inc lucl�� a s i.d�walk un <an�? s ic��. Thr� K>rn�c.ised subdivisiuri wc.�ul.d k�� �erv�d by th� T'igarc� Wafi:Er [�asi;�^ici: thraugh cunnc�ctXOr� to a 16�-9.nc:h water mai.n .lucated al��r�c� �ull Muun��.ain Ru�d and an Q--inc:hi n�airi in i;hra nc�rtriw�?�t c.c.,rnEr^ of' trt� sx��. "1"h�! �evelu��r wuuld pruvide a 1c�apE�d wat�r line syst�m i:u �r•uuid<7 s�r•uice to the lats wii;hin the subc�ivisian. Gt^ava.i:y fl��w sanitca�r,y s�w��^:� wi.thin th� dk�velupm�nt will curin�c:1: to an Eaxi�ting s�w�r� to LFie nurth whicF� ser^v�s E3enchvicw E:si:�i�es. .;tor^n� cl�^ainza�c�e wc.�uld b� �rc�uided h�y � � tc�r°m sew�rs drainin tu �n uutfal�. within t-hs ravi.ne in th� n�.twurk uP s � pr��.,pnsEd a�atlai:. T'he c�ui:ral.l waul.d inc.lude an �ner•qy dissip�t:�.,r in urd�r to r�duc� the �uLent:ial ror erosiun A pr�iv�te si:urm sww�r woulci be lae.at�d a�.�n� the easi�et^n ec�g� �.�f tt�� prup��s�d subdivisxi�n t�� t^edta4e rc.�nuf-f ontc� �djac�nt �ru�ae�^Li�s which are di�wn slop� frum tMe prapuspd s�ubdiva.si�.�n. !�. Agency and Nf�O �c�mm�?nts Th� Enginc±er~ing Divisiun has reuiE�wed triE� �arupcas�l and pt^uvided the rul.lowing cummenl:s: 1. The subdivisian is shown �:u access Bull Mc�unt�in ����d, ci Washa.nc�tun Cuunty major r.oll�ctur ruadway. Currently, Bull Mountai.n �oaci a.s � two ].4�ne, p�vad r^�.,adw�y wii:h no curbs or^ sid�walks. Bull Mountain Ru�d is desic�nat�d to b� a 3 lan� r�oadw�y within a 66 foc+t wide right�--of--way at ultimat� develupment. Washington Cuunty has preliminarily r�eviewed this subdivisiun thruaagh a prior 52 lut subdivisiun traFPic impact statement dated J'uly 9, 196Q, The traffic impaGt statemeni: ►^epar�ted th�t add'ztiunal right-uf--way dedicatiun ta 33 feet frum cent�rline, � stc�rm d�ainage i.mpr��vements alonq Bw21 M���antain Rc��d, and � sidewalk tu be cunstruct�d alung the ruad would be the minimum improuements necessca�^y if the property was t�� be developed. € 1 A sight disi:ance study was conducted by Washingl:on Coun�y on �' 7uly 21, 196E3, which ccancluded th�t the p�^opased access ].ocatian � ;: has a sight distance uP over 500 feet bo the east and 425 feet ta � the west. 7he A25 feet sight distance shnuld p�^ovide adequate � stopping dist;ance fur a 50 mph d�sign spe�d according bo AASNTO ;'' stand�rds. Bull Mountairi Raad has a pasted speed limi.t af ` � 40 mph; thQrefore, adequate sa.gNit distance is auailab�e at the � pr��posed access locatiar►. j s i Washington G��unty has now request�d that the applic�nt pravide � approved plans, financial assurance, and ob�ain a Facility pet^mit '¢ pr�ior �� �constructian af halr street improuements alang the site ` I' ( FINA� ORDER N0. B9-03PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO. (S 89--02/V 89-03) - PAGE 3 �� — � � frcani:�c�e, The h�l.f streeL impr�.,uemerits ar^e tu be cc�ns�t^uc.i:�d ta inajur coll�ctar st�nc�ards with curla, sidewalks, drai.nage, streetliy�tits, �tc. An Access Re�c7rt wa� als�� r��queri�ed, �rior t�� appro��l �f� the acc�ss an� issuarice uf a facility permit, to det:Hritian�:� if' ��a l�ft turn lar�F c�n t3u11 M��un�airt Rc�ad is w�rr�nted. ?_. The Gumpr�eh�nsive plans uf Tic�ard �nd Washirigtun Guunty call fur cullect:�.�r si:r��ts Lc.� b� c�lnsl:r�uci:ed betw��n t3uJ.]. M��unt�in R�.��c�, Walnut St�~��t, and � fuLui^� ext�nsiun of Gaarde Street, N�ither pl�n is s�eci.fiG. �tlaoui: tr» exac.i: l�,c��iun nf t:rie n�w cc�lleci:or� i " st;reets. Th� City has S.niti�ted a prc.7j�ct ta define the pc.�ssik�le cur•rid�.�r� fur fuL-ur� coll�ctt>r str�e�ts in i;he nur•thea�t area uf k3u11 Mc�unt�in. P��t�nti�l �l.ignm�rit car�idors a�^F currently b�ing reviewed and c�mpared. It is ex�a�cted th�at a p�.an will be fur�mally �dc�pi;�:c� ].e�ter i:his year• fnlluwing completic.�n ��f � public reuiew �racess. This subdivxsi.on is n��i; lar.at�d within any of th�se cc.�rridors �nd therefure wuuld nut restrict th� alignmer�t u1= the Puture caJ.lector s�:re�ts. 3 . Taie pr��posed intern�l st:r�et syst�m meets r.urreni: standards for . lc�cal str�ets and pruvzc�es a street stub tu the west to s�rve futur^e d�uelc.�pmenf:. l"he lucation �f this extensiun shauld b�: cuur�dina�ec� wi1:h the adjac�rit pruperi:y own�rs. An exten�ion tn th� n��rth is n��t feasibl� du� ��� the steep ravin� barder�ing the site. An cxi:ension ta tMee east has been requestec! by prupprty awners t� the east. 7he site plan dues not show �ny extension ta the east. An pyebrow is luc�at�d at the appo^nximate ].ocatiun caf a I passibl.e extensi��n indicated by the adjacent property ��wn�rs. �I The ,properties t� ti�e ea�t consist oP several 1 to 3 acre parc�ls � with single family �^esi.dences on mast af them. Alternate access �OGd�I.qY13 are available for these parcels to the east to the prc.�posed phase T of the ME3 D�velapment, ta the north tc► the propased phase TI uP the 8enchview D�velupment, and to the south tq Bull M�untain Road a�ang the joint access dr•iveway which serves a ma►jurity uf the parcels. It is our recommendatic�n that access be pravided to �he east ta alluw circulation between subdivisions to decrease �he traffic impact anta Bull Mountain Road. The lucatian of the aecess should be mutua�.ly agreed upun brztween the applicant and the pruperty �.�wners ta the east. q. 1'he pra�nsed storm drainage impruvements within the subdiuision a�pear t�� adequai:ely collect stor�m drainage runoff and discharge it into the existirig ravine on the ne�rth end nf the projec't. Due ta the steepness oF the sturm drain pipe discharge into the ravine and uf the ravine itself, erosiun oF the stream channel is FINAL ORDER N0. 89-03PC LASS�L.IE/HERTl"AGE DEV. CO. (S 89-02/V 89-03) — PAGF 4 ��... ��_.: � uf- cunc:ern. Tha� improucmc�nts shuul.d c�5nsist uF an �ner•c�y di.ssip�ti��ri clevice tu �r�uent tt�is erc.�siun frc.�nt ���:c.ur�ring. Ft 15 fuc�t wi<!e publi.c eascam�nt is rpc�uircd tu alluw aecess tU the pi�Eline c�utsid� t�;he public t�ighi:-•of-w�y. [1eu�lopnr�n� c.if th� sitF wi,ll incr�ase runufP c�ue tu cunsi:r•u�tiun uf imper•viuus ruuf ancJ paved surf�c�s. l�his incr•e��secl run�.,ff ni�y imp�c:t �he �xistinc� drain�ge uhannels c�own5trw�m. Th� st<�rm di^��i:n�zg� system sh�.,uld k�� �.axtc�nd�d 1:a thE� �erminus ��f i:he w�st strc��t ex��nsiun tu a1Zuw fur futur� c��v�Iupmc�nt uphil.l fr•c�m t;�e l•?Xt.Esl'15101'1. 5. "I"he pr�o�c.�s�d ;�ana.t:�ry s�wer� improv�m��nts pr"C.1�'Jl.1R� �:p �xtEnd t�, an line fi^am �n �xisL-ing s�w�r in the F3enchview Esi�at�s suhadivi.siur� to pr^c.�viclEa ser•uie.c� i.�� th� deu�l.c��ment. l"h� s�wer extEansi.on ruris u� the buttom ��f thE rauiri� and up �ut �r- tir�� ravin� t.o the subdivisi.�.,n. F�nch4,r w�lls n��ds �� k�� cc.,ristr'ue.tcd alc.�ng th� p.ipe r�oute i:o pr��uen� the tr�nch k�a�kFill from w�sh�in� uut and t�a hold tht� pipe in plar.�, �x��nsic,ns ��f trt� pr'Opl.15Et� s����r� tt� the west at t:he stre��: sGuk� and �uL- i:� Bull Muuntain Rua� at lhe road ir�tc?rsc�ctiun ar� rec.ammend�d t� pruvide s�►��vice 1�n areas u� hill c.�fi tNiis subdiuisiun. Access to the s�we�^ ex�ensic�n within �rupc�sed tr�c� F� beyc.7ncl the street ric�hC�-uP--way is riec�ssary fur mainter�ance by Cii:y crews. Access requirem�ni:s include crn 8 fcaut wi.de all•-•we�ther c�r�avel ' sur•fac� alung the extension. A 15 fout wi.de eas�m�nt is also I r�equi.red �ar the extensian c�utside the public right-of-way. { � 6, We have nu abjpction to tMe var�i.anee rer{u�sted to reduce thE ` privatc� r�.,ad wid�h tn 16 f�et. The v�rianc� is r�equested in i ur�der tu limit the impact un the existing trees. In urder to al.low two-way c"1CC@85, no parking sFiuuld be permitted alang the ',; str�eet, The turn around at the �nd of the private street shauld � allaw f�r emergeney vehicles tu twrn ai^aund. �'h►e pri.vate driue r` sh�auld be curbed, as required by the d�evelo:pmer�t stanciards, tu � co�.ler.t drainage Prnm the pavement and dischat^ge it inta the ravine which it crosses. The sid�walk requiremer�t can be waiued �; to r�educ� impacts an existing tr�ees. Adequat� walicway area will �; be pravid�d if parking is not allowed alor�g the rt�adway. il �� 7he Crossang of the ravine will �^equire fill to be placed �n i` elevate the roadway. The fill. embankm�nt should be accompanied by an easement and should have adequate er�sion cantrol. �' � �� An aptiun fur Putur� development to the w�st should be retained !': ta al.low the private street tn be widened and impr�nued to a { public lncal street. Therefore the 18 Fout ��a.de pauement showld f' be constr^ucted at � slope of Q.5 fe�t in 17 feet witre a standarci �i curb. �: �: � �. ,: �: �t FINAL ORDER s110. @9--U3PC LASSELLElHERITAGE DEV. C0. (S 89-=02/V 89-03) - PAGE 5 �rx �� . �� � . ;.: . .4_._.:_� . : _ . ��\,.:. �\. . � . . YJashingtun County`s D�par�m�nt uP f..arid Us� artcl Transpurtation has pr��tividwd tNi� f�r>l.lawing i�ec�.imm�rided ���c(uirements p�ri��ining ta the pr•up�s�d 5uh�c�a.uision`s pat�ntial im�ac�s un Bull Muuni�ain Ruad: 1 , ['Sedi�.at� aclditianal t^ight:--�.�f---way tc, praviel.e 33 fE�et fr°um cF�nL•�rline ur :..W Dull M�unt�irt Ruad f'runi:ag�, incluc�irig adcqu�t� car�ner° �^�daiu�. 7., �,igrt � waiuer rrut te, reinunstr�a�e ac�tain;;t; triE fur�ir�ai�ion �,f �� l�,c�al im�ruu�m�r�t c�istrict ur a1:h�r mech�anism t;u zmpruu� �W Rull Muuni:�in ��,t�ad, bei;ween :;W la�thi Auenue ��r�c� F��r.if-i.c Hic�t�way, ��� County standarc�s. 3. E:stabl.9,sh a an� (1) f�.�oi:;, n�,n--�access re,er~ve str•ip a.l�.�n� £tW E3u11 Muunt:ain Ro�d rr�nt�g�, c�xcEzpi= �t thiz ap�rruv<�d acc�ss. 4. �ubmit pZans, ��btain C��ur�ty Engin�Er�ing �iyisic�n c�p�raual, provz.c�� rir�an�ial assurance, �nd obtain a facxlity peritiit fur the cc�n5tr�uci:.ian uf the folJ.owir�g in�pruv�mE�n�s: t�. A une�halP str�et im�rouement alung ��W Bull M��untain Road fr�ni:age ��.� a Caunl-.y m�jur collec.tc�r $t�nd�rcl, with curb, starm dr°aanage, and cancrete s ic�ewa�.k. B, .tr��et l�ghting te� Gaunty stand�rds at� the ac•cess un .�W Bu].1 Mauntain Road. 5. Submit two cupies of an �cr.ess report t�., Washi:ngtun Gounty Pc.�r revi�w priur i:u obtaining Pinal approval ur access Lo 5W Bull Mauntain Road. Further� requirements, such as a� left—turn refuge lan�, will 9�e determin�d upun the Gounty's review of the access repor�t. The access rep�rt sFiall address the requiremen�Cs �f Wa�hirsgton Cuunty Resolutiun and Ordar Nu. 86--95. A capy caP t�i�s� r�equirements ar�e enr,lc►��d. C'p0 # 4 review�d the prupos�d subdivisinn/variance r�quest and has pr��vided cnmment� whichi are summarir_ed below: 1. Trasrzc safeL-y un Bull Muuntai.n Ruad is a significan� issue in reviewing th�is �r�oposal because the road at this location is already dangerous because of a curve just west uf the property, a power pol� and tr'�ees near the road just eas� of the property, �and the amour�t of traffic nn Bul.l Mountain Road. The CFO requests that the develaper be r�equired to pravide far a center twrn lane and a schoal taus turnout un Bull Mountain Road. 2. Roads within the subdiui;sian should provi;de acc�ss to servp Puture develapment to the east �nd west. The developer mwst work with the adjacent pr�operty �.7wmers regarding placement of road connections tc� the �dj'acent properi:i.es. , FINAL ORDER N0. 69-03PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO3 (S 89-02/V 89-03) = PAGE 6 �i. ��. . 3. A nossibl� relucatian uf- the sL-rcaet; stub on the w�st�rn �cige of- i:he �ra��r�t:y tc� a lc�catian further �o sauth may nFC�ssii.ai:e� i�h�t i�hn �r��pua�c� private r�uad H�� a c�r•�at�r ciistancc� 1:hi�n is cu�^rentl.y pr��pused. �'he CPO urges i;hai� a d�cisi��ri c�n i:he v�ari�nc� r•�qu�st� b�a c��fcrr�d untit this pussible sLr~Eac�t st�ub r�lucatiun issu� is r�e:;o].u�d. Tr�� C�PQ alsa .°iU��E?.�'i�$ i:h��i: ��arkinc� on �he pr•ivai:e road �e pruhik�ii:t�d. 4. All. ser�xce c.cannections (i .c.a„ sew�r, storm dr^�i.naqh�, wat�r•) sF�uuld e�xtE�r►d i:o tf�e �r�operty lin�� un all sides �f thEa d�v�lc�pm�arti:. 5, "fNiE �xisi�ing dr�in�g� r.hi��r�i•iel �ac��ass prc��c�sE�d ].c.,� 1% mus1: bka m��intain�d. Ther•� inust k�ca r�o c�amac�� tu LN�� �xistirig c�:har�nel resul�:in� fr•om th� inr.r•eask?d st��r•m dr���.riagea fl��w from I:tie c�rvr-_].o�ament. b. Pr•cti�ei^ty own�r•s in trie a�•��a �,f th�e cltavelopm�nl� riaue expr'essed �oncarns tr�at the propased n�w dc�uelopment wi.l.l b�� at a higher � d�nsity than existiric� dev�l���ir»nL- and Lh�as wi11 uh�nye �h� charactcar oP the r�eiyhh�urhuud, :Cn ac�ciiti.un, deuelupm�ant wiLhin th� p�^��p�.�sed :�ubdivisiori may bl��ck vi.ews from exi.sting homes. 7, :Ct is not cie�r huw da�eia�m�nt imraact re�s fr•om this pr��pos�d develc�pmer��. wil.l be c�till�r.ted and used, l"his situ�tian exi�ts I��cause the suhadivisiun is witr�in the City nf Tigar�d and subjeci: tc� Caty systems cieu�lopmerit fees but the develapmeni: alsa f-rants on a Wash�ingtan Cuunty Ruad �nd ther�erore sh�ould be subject �u a Ci�unty tr^�ffiic impacL fund fe�. Th� City and Count:y curr�ntly , have r�o agr•eemerit an how tu appor�iun i.mpact fees in this surt o� sii:uatinn. Th� community hi�s n�.� assur�nce thiat the impaci: fe�s collected will be spent on xmpruuements n�cessary tu addr�ss act:ual impacts of this dev�lopmeni;. i3, The Planning Commission sh�uld cunsider this propusal in relation ta the needs of �he entir^e Bull Mountain communii:y, esp�ciall.y with regard ta the n�ed for additional roacis to reduce traf-fzc on Bull Mauntain Raad, P�^npPrty own�r^s ��f tax J.uts 1�U0, 12GT., ].300, 1341, and ib44 i:a the II east have suh�mit;t�ct a request that the d�velo�er of the proposed stabdAUisian be r^equi.red �o: 1) pravide a stub street to i:h�e east to serue Puture d�velopment, and 2) �t� alsu provide an ex�ensiun of the sanitary sewer to the eastern prope�^ty line of propused tract A tu allaw for future sewer extensiuns to serve proper�ips ta the Cd5�. Otrier neighbar^ing pr�aperty flwners have submitted letters echoing the : CPO`s cumments regardfng traPPic anc� a request rur a cer�ter turn lane ` and bus pull--��ut; about future houses in the propased subdivi.sian j` b�.ucking vipws fr�om existinc� hnmes; and about the poi:eni:ial impacts uf ��, al.l.o��iny a h.igh densi.ty �.�f development in an area primar3.ly dev�laped � with large lot humesites. 7he uwner uf adjacenl: tax lot 1500, lacated to the s��utriwesi., has requesi:ed th�i: a sewer extensian be pr�vi.ded tu his parcel. E �' FINAL ORDER N0. 69-03PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO. (S 89-02/V 89-03) — PAGE 7 � � �':; 4� i -. �. . W�shingtun County Fir•e District i�u. 1 camm�rttc�d th�tt i:he prapusec� water sy5t�m ci�7�as nui� inc�ir.ai�e pr�7pc�s�d riydr�n� 1�7eca#:i�arts. T'he fxn��l pl�i:'s wat�r, s�rua.c:e �a�.an iriust pr^avi.c�e ror h�ydrants in cumpliance wii:h Unifurm Fi.t�e C�de r^�Guir��meni:s. "I°h� l"it��r�d Wrater D9.str�i�.t h��s r���iewe� the �ai^�,p«�al canci has c.omir�ent�d tha� a 16—in�h wat�r mazn aluri� :iW Qwll Muwntain Ruad is audilable to s�r^ve 1;h� �ar�c�p�.i:�ed s�ahdivisic�n. The d�v�l.��p�?r� aiust install a iz--inrh main c�nn�cting this main tU an �xisL-iric� t3--ir��;h main iucat;�ad in the nc.,rthw�si: �.ar^n�r� uf Lh� �ar�,��,s�d dEVela�nieni:. A six�--in�.h main musL- b� pruvidt7ci elsewher� wii;Mix� the d�vplupmcnt. Fe.�ur fir� hydr�ani�� must- al so be �r�uuic��c�. PGE, GTE, �.�nd Nor�thwest: N�tur�l G�s h�u� r�uia�w�d thE� pru�ac.,s�l and h�ve rPpurl:�d no ubj�etiuns or �ummar�ts. NF�Q # 3 dir� nut pr��uic��a c�,mmeni:s c.�n t.he �rup��s��l. fV� uth�r c�amm�nts were r�r.�iv��d. R. �'TNDINGS F1NU C4NCLUC�IQN£� ThE r�levani: appr�caval c.riter�ia i.n trii� c�se ar~� Tig�r•d C��mpr^eh�nsiv� P2an Policies 2. 1, 1, 3.4.2, 3.5. 1, 7.1.2. 7.3.1, 7.4,A, 7,6. ]., 8.1 .1, Q. 1 .2, and 8.1.3; the E3u1.1 Mc�uni:cain Gomm�.�ni.ty Pl.a�n; �rid Cc�mmunity ! Oeu�lupment �ode Sections 18.54, 18.1b0, anc� 1B. 16A. Sinc+� t:hese plans ' have ��lr^eady been ackn�.�wledged, the statewide 1�nd use go��ls no l�.�ngc�r^ have to b� addressed Pur non--l�gislative land use applications. ' I The Pl�nriing Commissian cancludes tha,t the pr��posal, wi,th � modiFicati.uns, is cunsistent witht a�plieable p�ar�ions u� the Tic�ard Camprehensive Pl.�n based upon th� findings nated below. 1. Poticy 2,1. � is satisfi�d because Neighborhond Plarminc� �, Arganizataon #3, CommunS.�y Planning Organiz�ation #4, and surrounding property owners wer� given notice oP the hearing and an oppurtunity to comenent c�n the applican�'s prap�sal. ?. Policy 3.4.2 is satisfied because �he steap, wooded ravine area will �^emain in a natu�^al. stat� through establishment of the ; prupos�d commun apen space tr�ct. The Bu11 Mauntain Cnmmunity =. Pl�r� identifies the wildJ.ife habit�t vdlue of this property and }' those adjoining. The Plan calls preservation uf s�reams, water ` courses, and trees whenev�r pnssible. The staff cuncludes that a the proposal is consistent with this palicy. � E 3. Palicy 3.5.1 is s�tisfied I�QCdU8Q significant opQn space will be � preserved by pr�ivate means thr�ugh reservati.on of tract A under ;` � the common awrtership ��f all prapet^ty awne�^s within the � development. In the future, �ract A may be dedicated to the City, � 4: ; � i FINAL ORDER N0. 89-03PG LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO3 (S 89-02/V 89-03) -� PAGE 8 ± t; !' j , � k � , � � . I 4. P�alicies 7. 1.2, 7.3, 1, 7,4.4, ar�d 7.6, 1 are satisPa.4�d bc�causc� � ad�quatEa w��ter~, sew�r, and st��rni di^�ina�e f�cilii:i�s, as we�.l as Pire �roLectian ser•vices, are �r will be m�cie available Lu the ' d�vela�mEant. l"he �pplic�rit� h�s indical.ed th�ai: these ft�cili.ti�s ��, will b� prouid�ci wii:hin the sub�iuisiun as r�c�uir•wd by C�:ty �� st�nd�zrds. Th� G�.�m�•�ission finds th�t tri� ��aplicants mu.i: extend the sanitary s�w�r�, stur�m sc�wer•age, arid waL-er lin�s L-o the I we�t�rn �dge �,f i:F�e subjeci. K�rc�per�y anc) sanii:�r�y sewer� i:�� Rull �'i M��untain Raad u� L-h� sc�uth, It will be �ossible f'ar r-up•tr��r �xt:ensioris c�f s�anil:a��y sEaw��^s i��7 the was�: al.on<� E3u11 Niouni:�i.n Road tu I�e made Prum this puint, including an exLcansiun to tax ! ].ut 1�,Od, WatE�r^ ser^vic� sriould �lsc� b� ��^uvi.d�d i:�� the sit�?'s i �as��rn boundary. Sanitary sewer s�rvic� c�nnc�t k�e extend�d to i� those pre.iper�i.es tc� th� eas1� from withan i�he pr�.�pc�s�� deuelapmE�nt � because LNre ��ast��^n parcpls arn lueated at a lower �l�vatiun. F� I w�ter distributiori p��n ir�dicatin� �ro��.��ed hydrani; lor.�tiians sh�all be submitted fur Fir^e f�isLrict r�view anct a�pruval prior tu a�aK�roval. L�f the f�inal �lat. I 5. Pulicy 8. 1 . 1 calls for a sdP�a �nd eft=ici�nt str��L syst��m t�:hat I meets c.urr�nt �nd pt^oject�d ne�ds. T'he prc.7�osscl in�errial str•eei� systc�m sati.srit�s all a��plieable Code arid Pl.an street st-andar•ds witPi th� exce�ati��n of the �riv�ite i^o�d stariclar�ds th�t have be�ri requ�sted to be vari�d as discussed beluw. The prupos�d plat allows far future stt^eet e.annectiona to th� w�st. 7n additit�n, i:hp deueluper's agpnt has indicat�d i:hat a potential stre�i: stub ta th� e�st is beirig discussed with i:he ownerx ofi these �djacent pr�pprties. The Cummission Firids that a street cunnkction tu both the e�st �nd west shauld be r^equired as a cunditi.on ��f approval uf the praposal, with the locations of the street sfiubs ta be w�rkEd out between the developer and adjacen� p�^oper�ty awners. The inter^nal street system will be requir�ed to b� canst�^uc�Pd ta City design standards. Improvements to Bull Muun�ain Road will be required tu be constructed to County standards as specified in the Cuunty`s cumments. Whether a center turn xane ur bus turn out will be necessary will be determined by the Gaunty aftet^ reviewing the requested access report. This issue need nu+c h�ld up Cammissiar� action an tr�e prapused subdivision. The Commission Pinds that the requested variance to the privat� streei; wi.dth standard is justified because: 1) allowance uF the narrower private street will allow the develoWment uF three lots that might nut be ct^eated i� the developer� were to be r�equi.red tn develup the private street at Full wi.dth; 2) the potential wzll exist for� possible later widening of the private street to public stre�� standards and these improuements, there�nre, would be nearly equally prc►vided fc►r by buth property develaper�s who wil.l benefit Prom the public street; and 3) because the uariance wi.l,l not be detrimental �a public inter�ests in health, sa1'e�y, or FINAI ORDER N0. B9-03PC LASSELLE/IiERITAGE DEV. C0. (S 89-02/V 89�-43) — PAGE 9 � . r� F; public w�lfare. Haweuer•, tri� C:c�q�mi;�sii�n fii.nds �h�1� tNi� tr�r.i: on which thE ruad w9.1.1 b� a.ocatec� should b� requirc�d Lu b� wid� enaugh t�� include tti� sidEs 51t�pes of i�he fiJ.l m�terial u3ed tc� constr•uct th�e driueway. Thtis cerl<airi�.y will b� lar�ger than the 2Q fe��i: widtF� r�equ�stecl by i�he 4�ppli.r.ani:s �nd m�y k�e c�r��ater• i:ti�in th�e 30 r�E�t wicie tir�act stan��arc� rpc{uir�d k�y Lhe Ccade. Uei�er�ia�3.n�ti.c�n ��t' �he r•�quir�ec� wi.dth ��f i:his ar�ea .:hc�ulc� bE� calculat�d by the applicar�L`s �ngine�r k�as�d un their• fill and rciad cunst:ructi��n plari ��nd sr�all bE appr�oved by the C;ity' s ' Engine�rir�g diuzsian prior L-o rt�corc�irig the firial plat. 4. Polici.c�s E3. 1 .?_ and t3.1 .3 wi1l. be satisfied bec.��use thc:� City of- l"ic�ar°d and Washinc��pn CouriLy will be wurkinc� tugethHar Lo r�sulue str^eet: im�rouem�ril: anc� l�c.�tic�n issu�s irivulved ir� thi.s c�se arid the gr�aate�^ F3u1.1 Muuntair� ar�a. 'Th� pr�up��s�d suh�divisi�an's str^eet: improveittenl:s wi11 b� c�.�ristructed t�� Cii:y ni^ Caurity constructiun st:arrciards as �pplicc�bl.c� anc! will be constructec� at trie deuelt�per's ex�ens�. Suffir.ient public right-of-w�y will b� dedicai:ed tu the puhala.c <alunc� 13u1.1 Muuritai.n Raad and witha.n i:h� subdiui.s��r�. 1°he Pl�nnang Cc�mmissi�.�n conclude� that i:h►e prop�sal is c.onsi.st�nt wii:h the Qull Mount�in Cummunif:y i�lan b�s�d upun L-he followi.ng Pindings: 1. 7he dens9.ty af th� pra�os�d subdivisi�7n is within the li.mits coritemp3.ated by the Plan. A].1 lots will k�� w�ll abuve the 5,000 squar� f��►�.�t mznimum of i:h� r�.�rmE�r• R--�6 Caunl�y P1an d�signai:iori. 2. The pr�s�ruatian of tr•ees is view�d as an important cc.�mponent af the F3u11 Mcaunt�i.ri Pl�n's Gc.�nr.erns for wildlife hcabitat �nd aesthetic b�nefits. Pres�r�ation uf- the majarity of th� tr��es nn the si�e will be pro�n��ted thr�ough the establashment of common open space uwnership of the wuoded ravine on tMe north end uf the site. This action will �rc�m��te th� objective� of thc Bull Muuntain Community Plan's Ar��a uf Speci.al Concern # 3• Staff nates that access ta this open spac� ar�ea shauld be pr��vided tc� the subdi�ision's reszdents. This access shuu�d Folluw the path of the sanitary and si:ur•m sewEr lines k��tweer� luts 23 and 24. 1"he gravel surfaced access road required to be pravided f-or mcaint�nanc.e aP the s�nitar�y and st�.�rm s�wers should pruvide sufPici.ent pedestrian access to the common upen space. The Planning Cammissiun has deter�mined that the prop�►sa2, is cansistent with a�rplicable purtiuns uP th�e Cummunity Developm�nt C�de based upon the findir►gs nnted below: I 1 . Chapter� 18.52 uf the Code is satisfied because the pr^oposal meets all applicable dimensional requirements for the R�-7 zoning district including minimum lot size (5,000 square feet} and lat wxdth (50 Pee�) standards. The subdi�ision will be developed at a lesser^ denaity trian is allowed by the zone. In additiar2, proposed lut shapes and sizes should be sufficient to allaw residences �o be built in canformance wi.th setback requirements. FINAL ORDER N0. 89-03PC LASSELIE/NERITAGE DEV. C0. (S @9-02/V 89-03) - PAGE 10 ' J ��....,. �,.. 2. Ch���t�r 1Q. 1E0 c�f i�:h� C�,cl� is satisfied b��:��use th� pru�c���l m�Fts tNre r•�?�uzrrm�nt;s s�i: fur•Lh fur a�pr��ual af a �ar-��limi.n�ry pl��t <:�r�d fc.�r� a ucari<�nce r.��n:id�r•�d a:: ��rt af a subdiuisic�n a��pr•uval r�cXu�st. 3. Ch��t�r 18. 16� of th� C��de s�ts st�ndards fc�r str��t �anc� ui�:ili�y im{�r�avem�nts , �fh�ase r�a�Yuir��m�nLs shall be satisficd ��uring t:l�� d�1�ailed r�eui�.�w �,fi pY'���osed �aubJ.i.�: air�prc�u�?m�ni:s t�:� ��c.cur• cluring tr�� a��rnval pruc�ss Pur the fir�al p1��t. C,. I]E.C.0 J Ic�N ti�s�c) u�c�n thc� disr.�a�.;sion ��bc.,v�, th� Pl�nriing Cc,mmissi�.,n ��pr°��v�� Suk>divisi.an :� E3�3-�-02 fur� thc� �r,u�usc�c� Thr�e Maur�tain ESt;at�s S�aladiuisxon anci V��riarice V (3�-•-C►3 t:o a].law th� r°o��d st.ir�f�c:N ��f i;h� �r~c�K�c.�s�d �riv�at:e roac� tu k�e �i�ht��n fe�et �uide. Th�� r�qu�st fur a varianc� i�u d�zcrt�ase thi� widt:h �7f t;he i�rt�ct; r�c�uir•ed far the �riv��te r^�.7�d is d�ni�ci; irtstead, th� Cummissic�r� alluws tt�ie C�ity Enginncr tu dE�termin�� h��w wic�e a r�oac�way tr^�ct wi11 be ri�ceusary �iased t�n tF�e a��lie..�nt:'s r��^�diriy �nd r���d c:onst�ructiun �lar�s which will bp suh�mitt�d priur L-o t^pcu�^dir�g the final �ala1:. "fhis d�cisian is subject t�� the fal.lowing condxti�.tins: UNL.EcS Ol°N�RWI�3� NUTED, Al..l, CdNCJI'r:C01VS SHALI. 13E M�l" OR AS�URk�D PI'2IC7F2 l°0 REGQRD�NG QF '('HE FIIUAI. PLAT, 1 . Th� a�>plie.�ni� ::hal.l �,bt�i.n � f�ci.li�ies per^mit Fr��m th� Depar'�tT1E�i'l� of l.anrl Use �nd Trans�aort�tiun of Washingtun County ta per�fc�r��m w��rk wiL-hin the ric�ht—�.�f—way �.�f �Etull Mc.�unL-ain Raad. A copy shal.l k�e provided i:o tr�� Ci.ty Enqi.n�ering Office prior� to iss�sance ��f � PubJ.ic Impe~��vement permit. STAF�' CON'TACT': J�ahn Hagman, CiL-y af Tigard Engineering Divisiun, phone 639--4171. 2. Lots 1, 2, and 3 sh�ll r�c,t be per�mittec� �u access directly cantu Bu11 Mauntain Road. A one fuut wide, nnn�-acc�ss reserue strzp alc.7ng the SW Qull. M��uni:�i.n R��ad fr�ntage of th�se lots b� g�^ant�d to the City of 1"igard. S7AFF CONTACT: Gary Al�sun, Engineerzng ' Division, Pttun� 639•--A171 , • 3. Additianal ri�ht—uf--way sha1J. be dedic�ted tu th� public �along the 13u11 Mountain aoad fruntage to irtcrease tht right--oF—way tu 33 feet from tY�e r.enter�line. The descriptian shtall be tied t�� the existing rzght—uf�-way centerline. The dedicatiun document shall b� approued by Washing���n Gnunty. STAfF' GCINTAGT: Cliff Hamh�y, Washingtc�n Cuunty, phone 6A8-8761, ext. 2854. 4. Standard half—str��t imprc�vements, including cane�^�te sidew�lk, driveway aprun, curb, asphaltic concrete pauement, sanitary sewer, stor�m dr^ainage, str^eetl.ights and undergr�und utili.ties, shall be install�d alur►g the Bull Mountain Road �ruritage. Tm�rovements sh�ll be designed and canstructed t�.� Washingt�n County Majar Collectur street standards and shall cunfurm to the alignment. afi exis�ing adjacent im�aravements. STAFF CONTAGI': Gary A1Fsun. FINAL ORDER NO. 69-03PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO. (S 89-02/V 89--03) — PAGE 11 �. . "4. 5. A non�-remonstrance agrPement sriall be executed by the app2icant, can far�ms �r^c�vidEd by the C:auni:y, wN�ichi wai.ves tri� pr�op�rLy uwner's �^ic�ht ta oppos� ur remunstrate a�ainst a future local impravei7i�nt district form�d t:o improu� SW E3u11 M��uril:air� �oad k�etw���n 5W ].SQth and F�acific P�ighway Lo �ounty �tandards. ;;T�F"F CONI"AC"i": Jc�artin� Rice, Washinc�tt�ri Coun�y, phc�ne 64f3--6761 . b. Standarc� local stt^�et im�ru��ments, including concrN�tc� sidewalk, driueway �apr'on, c.ur^b, aspr�alta.c c.�nc.r�ete p�uement, sanitar•y sewer, st�r�m drainac��, si:r�etligF�ts, and under�round utiliti�s, shall be inst�ll�d wii�h.iri the subdzvisic.�n. Tmpt^c.�vemEnts sha11 be d�sic�r�ed an<� cunstruc:teci t;o City uf '1"igard local stt^��t st�ndards I� and sh�ll cc�r�fo�^m tu th� �lignmer�� �:�� shnwn on the subn►ifi:t:�l �lar� rxc�pt with� re�ar�c� to str��t stubs Lu th� east ar�d wesL, The loc�tion ��fi th�s� str��t stubs sh�tall bw d�termi.ri�c� thr•ough d'zscussions withi adjac�nL- �arap�rty owners �nd shall h�e a�pruv�c� by thE� City Enc�ineer �rior^ to r^ecar^dinc� the fin��. p1aG. The applicant shall pruvi.de ��i.ther a cunc�ptual strEae� plan f-ar adjacen� pr��.7pet^ties c.�r• wr�itten �eriPicai�ion frum �djaceni: prup�rty owners i:a the �ast and west that L-he str���t c�xtpnsions ar� ad�quc�t� loc�ted, ;cTAFF' CONTACT': Gary Alfson. 7. TM�e praposed �rivately uperated �tnd maintain�c� ruadway plan-pr^ofile and cr��ss seci:ian detaa.ls shall b� pr�.�vi.ded �s pari: uf the �ublic impr�vemer�t �lans. The �avem�ni: section and �ast side cur�b :�hall. conForm tc� ].�c�l str�eet st�ndards. ��TAFF" COIV7ACT: Gary Alfson. Q. A joint use and mair�ten�nr.e ac�re�ment sha17. be executed �nd recc�rded on Crty standards furm for the pr�iva�e driueway and �ract on which the drivew�y will be lacated, The agree�nent shall be r�ferenced on an becume par�t uf a12 applicable parcels Deecis. i"h� agreement shall be ��proved by the Enc�ineering Division priur to reco�^d. STAFF CONTAC:1": Jan Feigiun, Engineering Divisiun, phane 639-A171. 9. A g�^adir�g pl�n sh�ll b� submitted shuwing existing and proposed cun�uurs. A sails repca�^t shall be pruvidpd detailing the suil compactiare requi�^emerots and methods far stabilizing and reveg�tating cut and Fill areas. STAFF CON7ACT: Greg Berry, Engine�ring Division, phune 639-4171 . 10. The applicant shall provi.de Por roof and pavement rain drainage ta the public starmwater dr^ainage system or by an an-site system d�siqned to prevent run�ff onto the adjacent property. STAFF CONT'A�T: E3rad Roast, Building Division, phone 639-4171. 11. Sanitary sewer• and storm drainage details shall be provided as part of the public impr�ovemer�t plans. �alculations and a �opugraphfc map of tMe storm drainage basin and sanitary sew�r �ervice are� shal.l b� pr�.�vided as a supplemen� ta the Public FINAL OFaER N0. @9-03PC LASSELLE/HERITAGE DEV. C0. (S 89-02/V 89-03) - PAGE 12 t � �..- ``�, _ ' i Sm�i^ov�ntent: ��lans. C�lr.ul�i:ie�ris sh�ll. b� based c.�n fu.11 d�velo�am��nt of the servieeah�la ark�<x, Thp ].ucatian an<i capaci.ty �� � � �ss�d. C;TAFF . . �I.Yl2a S�'l�all. b� c�C�t�l`� uf exastinc�, �r�.�poa�.d and Tut�ur� CQN"f(�C:T: Gr�c� 13erry. 1?. . 5tar�m dr���inay� runoff sN��1l. b� di.scriar•yed ir�t.o tMie exisai.ing dr�iriageways with�out sigriiricantly imraacting pr�ap�rti�s c�a�ansi:r�e�.�m. C;TFtFF' GONl'FlCT: Gr�ec� E3�r^r.y ; 13 . Acc�ss to stur•m ancl �aniLary s�wnr pipelzi•i�s uutside tF�e ���r,t--�,r-�w��y shall be acc��m�aniec� k�y �� 15 f�.ticai: wid� e�:�em�nt �nd an 8 fuot wide all weatr»r �ccr-_s� r•oad. Th� Engin��rir�g Staf� ; sti��ll dE�termirie wh�th�r ���• n�ii�: �c�ving ia n�ces.ar-y. 6TAF"F �; CONTA(a i"; Gt^cag f3er•ry. ; 14. Ar� �c�r^eeineni� arial.l k�e �xecutec� by th� ap�aJ.ican�, an fiurms � pruvid�d h�y Lhe t,ity, which waiv�s the prup�?r'•ty uwntr'� righit i:u ':;I o��ose ur� rem�ristrate ayainst: a f�ature l�.�cal impr�c�verner�t. district `� form�c� tu impruv� the duwnstr•e?am st:urm clrair�ar�e syst�m. STAi�� CON'TAC"I': Gr+�g E3�rry. ; 15. "1`he �a�nl.ic�n� shall. pr�ouir�e s�nit�t�•y sew�r•:: �nc� s��.,rm sE�w�rs t;o ;:i tM� w�st fur futur� cur�nectiun of- LM� adjacer�t property. N; �;anit�r•y sewers sh�ll also be exi:ended ta th� inter^secti.on af t;he i� �ru�ausc�d 1uca1 sLrfi�t wii;h F3u11 Muuntain Rc�ad. �l'AI'=F CONTAC7: �j Gr�g f•.ier�ry. �j 16. ��even (7) sets of p].an �ind prc.�file �ubJ.ic im�r�auemertt cor�structir�n plans and une {1) itemized cunsi:ructi�n cnst: r�stim�t�, stamped by a Registered Professinnal. Ciui1 Engineer, dei:ailing �11 prupuseci �ublic improvements shaYl be submi.tted to r th� Enginee�^ing Sectian f��r ap�ruual. T'wn (2) sets of plan and �' pr�ofi.le pl�ris shall be submitt�d for^ preliminary review prior to i; submittal �f final plans. STAFF CONTACT: Gary A'lfsun. > t 17. Constructiun uf prupos�d pub�ic improvemer�ts shall not commence � � unLil after the Engir�e�ri.ng Section has appraued publ.ic :: impruv�ment plans. The section will require a 100�, Perfurmance ; Assur�ance or Letter� of Cammitment, an develop�r--engineer• ; agreement, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installatiun/ � streetlight fee. Also, the executi�n of a street opening permit � or construction cumpliance agr�ement shall occur priur L-o, ur � concur�reni:ly with the isswance of approved public impravem�nt plar�s. STAFF CONTACT: Gary Alfs�n. I 18. Street Centerline Manumenta�i.an shall. be pr�ovid�d as follaws: i , a. Tn accordance with ORS 92.060, subsection (2), th� cen�erlines of a11 str�e�t and r�oadway rights—of—way shall, ; be monumented bePore the City shall accept a str�et im�arov�ment. FINAL ORDER N0. 89-03PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. CO. (S 89-02/V 89-03) — PAGE 13 �:.,_ �. . b. Al:l cerii:et^line mun�am�r�ts sFra�l b� placec� in a munumc�r�L- box confa�^min�� t�.� City s��nd�rd'S. 7he tu� c�f a11 m��r�umEant: k�uxes shall be set at the c�esign finish gr•ac�e uF the str���t. c. 'Tr�� fc�1L�.,w9.nr� centerlin�.a m4�numEants shal:l. be sEat: 1. All cerit�rlin�•�-cer�tF��^lin� ir�rers��cL-iuris. I:rt�cr•s�ctians crc.a�tNd er�e�ssi.ng exisL"iru� str�c�el:s sF�ta11 ha� sc�t wF��n th� cEan{:erlinra alignnrcrit or �ht� �xisi;ii�� s1:r~e�t: h�a� beean �st�blished by �,r• f�.tir th� Ci.ty, 2. C;�nt��r� uf a11 cul_.cte..-sac. 3. Curve K���ir�ts, F�c�ini: af intersectinn (P,I, ) wh�n ii:s r�o�i.tic.,r� Palls inside thn Ximits ��f- th�a pauem��nt ott�erwise beginnin� and �nd�n� p��irtl':s (Ci.G. �anc� E.C. ) . 4. A11 5anii:ary zrui sturm structur�s shtall be pla4ed in �aositions that d�� n�t inter^fer•e wit;h ceni��r°].a:n� munuiaentat�iun. �TAFF �:ONT(�Ci': 3uri f`�igiun. 19. Pr�iar ta c�.�mn►�ncemFnt ��f site cl�ar~ing and gr^ading, � �lan for the prui:E�ctiun oF trees �aver 6 inches in �iiame�er, �xcluding �h� existi.nq filk�c�r1: �.�rcFtard �s shc�wn nn existing sit� �lan, sh�ll be ap�arc�v��d by the Planning �ivision, The r•�moval af any �rees a�er~ 6 incFies in da.amet:er^ shall b� ju��ified k�y the dev�lc�per• �.�r^ a qualiPi�d a�^borist in a tr��� rEmov�l permit r�qu�st r��pur�•t, STFIFF" CON'C'AC"f; :►erry Off�r, Plarining Qi.visi.c,�n, ph��n� 639-•4171. 20. A methud Pur maintenance, such as a humeuwners assueiatiun, shall be �rovided for� �'rar.t "F�", Als��, a 15 f+�at wi.de pruper�ty st�ip shall be pravided as part uf Tr•act "A" to establi�sh ped�strian access from the nortrtet^n E�ast-w�st str���t. 7hi.s str•ip sh�11 c�incide wi�h the location uf �he utility easem�nt noted xn � C�nditior� 13 abave. The plar� �nd methnd f�r n��in�enance shal.l� be s appruved by the Planning Division. STAF� COIUTAC"f: Jerry QFfer, F Pl�tnning Division, phane 639•--4171 , � � f 21. Priur to cummencement uf site clearing and gr�ading, a plan fur^ y: capping tFtie well in cumpliance with any state c�r c�.�unty (; rec�ul��iuns must be appraveci k�y the Planning Di.uision and any t other agency charged wi.th such duties. STAFF' CONTACT; Jerry �' O�fer. !� �% 22. A joint use and mainten�nce agre�ment sh�ll be �xecut�cd ar►d �'� �; r�cord�d un City standar•d farms for the private ruad serving ].uts `. 15, YG, and 17. Agr•eements shall be referenc�d an and become ` part uf all a�plic�.ble parcel deeds. The �gre�ment shall b� �� approued by the Engiraeerfng Di.visinn priar ta recording. STAF'F �` ;� CONTACT: Jon Feigiun Gi �_ ii i: �i t1 !4 4 t FINAL ORDER N0. 89-03PC LASSELI.EIHERITAGE DEV. G0, (S 89-02/V 89-03) - PAGE ].4 {�' ;;, � �, _ __ _. �'' ES. t' , �- '�._ 7..3. f1 w�t�r s�i^uic� �a].an illusfi:rai;i.nc� fiu� hydr•��ni� l.ocal:icans sh�l1 k�� appruv�c� lay W�shingtun Cut�r�ty f�ire pa.st:r•ict tUu. 1. S'f(�F1" ' COlV"I"FlC-f: G�ane k}irc.r�ill, Wastiir�gt�.,r► Gc�unty Fire Uistr�rci� Nu. 1, `. , �hune 6A�--8h77, TW15 F1f�PFC�UF11. C;Hf�t_�.. [3F; VAL_It7 T.F� E:XFCi(;XaE'f.) WIl°HTIU ONf Y�f�R nF "f'HE (=IiUAL ii f�(�PF20VAL DF�'1"'L•". s 1:t is furtr�er� �,�^cJEa�ec� t.hat: th�� a��lic.��nt be noi;ified ��f i�h�� eni:r•y �,f i:h9.s rin�.l ur�d�i^. i � f' PAw;SECf: T'hi:� �,��,� d�ty ai� _M�r�,r..Ni _, by I:he PJ.anr�inq Cc.,mmis>si�,n ofi t th�e City �f 'i"igarci. ....._ .— ; I � i i �c��� ��� A. I�onald Moen, Nr•ca�id�ant 1"ic���rd Pl�nning C:c�mmission dj/9262D I . FINAL ORDER M0. 89—Q3PC LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEV. �O. �S 89-02/V 89-03) — PAGE 15 w� ,�� C;I"�lf�'F' ��I�C�h"I° f1G�;tVl1f� 7:°f"t:M '' , • ...�.>._�....,. Mf�12C;i�i 'J', :l�A� -- '7,3Q I�,M. �ra:t:��nkr.:► f>G_A�IAI:�:IUG; CC�MM7:G:;T:ON .,..;r.car�r�i� �a:x:-r� i��ir�i,.�_ -- .r�wni i�tn�...i._ 1317''a .;W F�F1C.1... E31...VC), .�I":T:t:,(�f2D, �)i'?I�UOfU �I�T3 Fl, f'ftC'fC; :l , G;�!nE�r~�:I. ]f;nf-car�m���.ac.,n t�(�.�I:�; :;1113i)�:U:�t;:CQN S �39....�t72, VnIZ:�Ftltf(;� V 8!�...��Q3 f�G�t;�l1f';;"f': t�c,r�• �ar�c�li.man�r~y �.l<:�i: ��r>�r•c���4i.1 t�, �li.vi.cit:� � 17.�>�► �r.,�^�� r>rc��;>F?r•ty i.r�L�� ��8 .l�:ats, r��arx�:ii7� h>c?tw�+�n 8,;7&1. <:�rid 1.;7..`�97 5C{t.li:lY'k? {'E?k?�: ].Yl :,:I.Ck?� i+11'1C.) C1CiFy 3 .:�j iaiC'I^F? w5"r.1N'l';F?a. �::1'1 �F� I"f?Filat"Ul!(� c15 l':UI11111C1r1 O�;)l?Yl SrJc'll':F?� �.�.:'ib Y'l'?C�i.lf?Yi�I�C� 15 i+l var°i�rtc.� i;c, �1:1c>w can if3 fc�c�i� widc� ��riv<a�t.�.a r�nr:�c� wii:h;in � 7.Q fc�c>� wit;f�� l:r•aci: tc� sPi�•��� 3 �.t�ts wH�E�r�ca�a� Y:Me t�amiriur�aty U�►�t�].c.,�i�»rii; r����ta r��<:{�.iir°e�!:� pr��iu�aL:e r���c�:�a s�ai^vinc� 3 i:t� fi clw��l.lirt� tanil�s 1:u Maea ;��t f��Nt wi<�t wiLhxri a 3� i"n��i: tr��<�c1:. (;QM�'I�FI°I[::RICa:1:Vt� F�L.�1111 �7[::S.T.C�CUFI"I":I:C)N; M<ac�it.im C)��rt�ii�y k��:rat:l�n�.:i��:l �OIUxIUC; I�F.:3:I:CNF1"f°;CON; R-7 (Ft�a:>i.c���rit�.<�.1, 1 uriit:a/ac:r°�) ' . Fln���I..,:I:C.�1111°�': I-I��ri.t:r�c�c� f.?�atr�l.c:�pm��ni: C�c�m�;�<�r�y C�WNk�(�; F.3Gai^k��:�r�:z �C C:���a�•tri�r.y h,y I�ravic� �u�na �i�x� f�s�uc:.i.at:k�s I._assr•�11c?, ' 'L6�0 C',c.tirra�:�tl: M�ar•j�.�r•y Or�r� I�or•i�J.�r�r�, OFt �"17..01 �,2.1'Ih ;:�W 13ta11. Mi�:, 12c� "f'i.y<:ar�ca, C)R �722� f._OCF�"I"ION; IVurt;h car �W I'iial]. M�]urit:�:iri 12uaci hacai:w�a��n i.<33rc� �nc� 1?e��chiLrc�� (WG"I"M 'L':;il �fl, -f.clx 1...�.�1:5 1.�FqQ blP1Cl 15G�.) 2, 13�cfc�r��auric�„xi�if'ur�mai:i�ai�� :�:n W��s>I7anyl::c�n Ca�ani:y's �3�a],1 N1a�ani:�xn Camrn�.ini.l:y f>.l�an, i.hr� rsuk�j��c1: �,>r�ca�:><ai^ti�� �r�� r��:sa.c�r��t:E�c� R...6 (F2�:�a.cira�•�taa.l, f ur�ii:;� r>E�i^ �,acr��a), whicNt <x:tl.ow;: f-car ti:ir�c.,�l.�.� fir�mi.ly r•k:;icic�nl:a<a.l G�F�Vk�,I.l'1�Ilikal'1� wi.�h <:a mini.niuir� �.c>t; s:i.�:� �:�r 5,c700 sc�ua�r�w fcaF�t, "I'M�e �ar��7���ari:iF�s w�r�E� ar�i•��x��d :irii�o t:hic� City �.�f .1..XC�ntr�d ari :J�n�acar^y 1�E39 (C�'il.� l:C�l 88..._:lri) . .�..hi�.a Ur�k>�n f>'lanna.f�►c� �1i^N<� f�gr����!mcai7t k>Eal:wcaen Wa.Shiriyi:un t�o�ani:y <:�nc� t�l•�� (:,it.y c�fi 'I"ic���i^c� �>r��uuic9cls i:N�<:at: K�r�c��>�i^i:i.�;. ��nn�axc�d k�y �.Mi� Cai�y U�al.l ka�a z��r»cl a.n ra irir:�rir����^ �ur�s:ist:��nt wi�:hi th� (,um{�r•tiahens9.v� F�1an ��es:cgriat:iur�� N>rc,v9.c�ca�� h�y i�h� I, C:�.��an1:y, .l..h�+ cJ.n:��:r� �;i{�y zcin� in thi:t cas� �.s C�...% (Re>a.r���ni:.i.�l, 1 uni.G/aci�•��) whicl� has i:rie �i�ITIE? mana.mum l.�;at sa,re r°�=c��air•�mar�t af- 5,ap0 j sc:��aa�^�! �fc��i:, °l"hr pr���K���r1.i��� w��r�� �c�n���a wi.t:h �Nic� C;ai:y' s Ft-...7 :ran�� eui7c�ar�r��i�it witl•i ariri�x�i:�.��n, � I STAFF REPOR'T -- LASSELLE/HERITAGE DEVELQPMENT CQ. — S 69-02/V 69-03 — PAGE 1 � _ =- . � B . Vi�:ir�ii:Y.,...:Cr��..�;�{tiai:ic�ri ` ....,....,_. ,_...., ...._._,......_._ �,... pr�r�K>tar°i:a�!;�; t;ca 1�Nif� er�s�L, �c,�.ii�hi, w�ar;i:, ��nd nt�rl:Fiw�.��1:: 4ar•F� wi.l:ria.n Washin�i���n Cu�anty �rid ar�� d�as7.yn�t��±c� I'�...-b (T��sic���nt:i�l, 6 wrri.Ls �er� arr°e) , �I I'if�Fik? K>�r•c�E�l�s �ar°ka K�rim<�r•�i.l.y cl�v�l,c�p��c:l wa1:h� rEa:�s:Ld�nccas ��n parc�ls �uh�st�riti,��l:ly 1ar•c�rar• tM��n thiw i7►i.ni.muir� :lot �i.;r� af- i:ha �aurity's F2�-Ei rc�rtc! �.�r• �:�1:��.a <:�r��i� ym�a:l.1 �c�r°ic.ul�:tar°�.l aru;l wc�c�r�l.�:artcl K��:�rcc±ls, 13F�i�ic;hui�c�w I:;�i��at�Fas :����harli.v:isi,c�n, whirc.;h is wi.t:l��i.ri t:h��? �i.i:y c�r "I`:ic���rd ��i�c1 wha�.h :i:� z�an�c� F'�...4.45 (R�:yic�HnLi.�l., A,FI una1::>/���•�), is l.c�cal::��c� 1::�.� i:h».a r�ar�i:h, 'TNii� ��ak�c�i.vx5iar� :i.s euN•r�c�n�L.ly uridear r��vc�l.a�airi�an�: w:i.i�N� r�c� hc�me� yc�t: c.c,nta��^�ac.��ca. Fl :�>i�E��p, wc:�<�rJ�ra r�r:au:iri�:�, :tur.�i:��c� ar► i:hr:� K�r���ari�E�r� uutl.c�t aT 1�hc.� �ar�c�c�l c:urr•ently �ar•c��usc�t� rur� suiac�it�.i.di.ri�, s�a�a�:ar'd�:E?5 �;17E+_ F>r�c����;';��c� :;�abclau:iuion f'r•c�n� �t��n�riv:i��w k::s�<:a�:��:�. �a. Sii;e Ii•if��r•matiun �nd lar��asal „�J�scr�:i�>t�iun l"hc� pr~c��k?r�•ty :is �anc�c�u�,laK���<a, m��,i:l.y ����<�n l�nrd �1.�.�K3anc� c�F�n�r•�.11y i:�� �r�E� E?i�lSf; ii1P1(� PiC11^��'Il•?iA91:. �il'1 C5Y'c':�'liSlY"<� :LS �.C)f.ial�la(� 7.1'1 ��1f? Sl7l.ILI'1F?'rAti� CUY'ClE?Y' t)�' t.:�'t�.? S:I.1:F?� F•1 Sir���:l.l. ru�mF�r���uBE? ].;: �.l�t:'r.d{::E?Ca t�l'1 {�N1F? W�!:i1:Ei^Pl �JC)I"l:lt)I'1 C>� 'l':f'1�? .�1��:. r�'1t?1"C? :I.3 CGI'1�:LYlUIa(.I� �Y't?8 Ct:)Vi�Y' Un��l U�1 t:N10 l?X�Y'nliit'? YIUI"LHIt?Y'i'1 ; pc�r'i:ie>n �.7f tFt�? pr�a�t>;;E�ra :>uk>t�i.uis;i��n wii�r�fn �:he� 3. 37 �t:.r•fa �ar�opc�:�E�cJ �au�:l.ai�, �"his w��cac�GCi ar•c�a h�as bk�n 9.c��?ntifiE�d in �h� I���l,l Muunt�i.n �i�ntnt��Yti.i�y �>1,<'art �a:> Fl����a c�f ��,��.��,i.��l. C,��nr..�rn �'3. 'I"rie ��«l.]. M�.,�ani��xin ��l.�:an ' inc��.c:��t.�s i:hrat thS.� ar°��a sh��u�.c� ha� r�E�ui.•r•.wEacl fc7r�• ��at:c�nt:i,a.l �a�r�•k r�urc:h�as�a arir.l r:�l.s�., c�a11s fc�r° �:h� K>r�.aa�r•u��:ic�n c>f i�r•���r> i�c� i:P►� ni�xi.p�um �xt.kn�. pussi.k�l,� fur� w�..1d:Lirc� h�aha:ii��t, r�:i�a�r��i.an ri�k�it:at, an� sr.c�r�ir. p�ai^��:�s�s, E3u11 N1oun1:a9.n ��.,�ac�, which ak�u�:s i:h� :,u�aj�r:t: �ar�c���E��•i:y t:c� i:he :.c.,utr�, i�:: ; �.l�tisi.9=i.ce� <ses <a m�ju�^ cn1.1E?e:i�ur~ :;i;r�a��i:, :Li: is c.ur�r�nl�l.,y :i,it�N�r°t7v�e� wi�h i�wci i;i••�uf�1 1.�anF�:•s Gxnd c� r_.Jr<au�.l shio�a:l.cie�i��. E'SuJ.]. Mciun{:��a.n Rur:�ta i:y und�r• thi� jur•is<�iefi::iori �r w��r,,tr,�i�r, Ccaur�L-y, TN��;a iA�?�.LLCi�PI�; �?f t)N)�78F?S d�av�1�.,K>mt�n�� o�(� � �E3 1.ca1� suk�c�i�ias�.�.�n wi1:h 1c�i� :��i.����s r•anyi,r�c� f`r�um 8,7��. i�u 7.2_.!��7 5<��a�i��E� f��ni:. A 3 ,37 �aci���� ceammtar�.ly h�lcl c.,u1:J.���: cc�ris:is�l:inr� c.,f 1:Ni� <ar••�<� af 1:h� wattic��c� r���ui.nw� i.s ea7.:•��., �r��opus�ad. "f'h�e �r��a�us��?c� r��m� fui�� l:h� �«F�cfi.visiuri is '1"r�r�f�e Mataritdirts �.5�::<l��ta 3 . ryri� si:�������: ini:�rsEaci:ic�n wii:M� E3�a:G1. Mri�.int�7.n C2c�racl i.:�> pr��.������;E�ra ��n i:h�:! ;' e��tc!r^n sa,c�c� c�f 1:r�c� sc�ha.jEact �i^ur��r��t;y, "f"h� irtLk�r����al, �tr��aE�t sy:�ti;km K�r•�avic���s <:� 1����� :��ysi��m .;�r•vany i�hie K�r�:�p�.�sE�c� 46 1.�.�i�s, t•1 s1:r•��i: si:uha wuial.c� h�� ��ruva.c��c,i ta i:hc w�!st i�o c:ariri�ci� wi.th f�at�u��E� c���u�luK>mrar�t an arJjracc�rit nrt����r��:a.�N, A pr�•i,u�t;�, 16 fc.�cai: wz�aE! si:r��!�a� wz�hin <3 2(7 f�.��,t wic�n i;r•ac:t i.s ��ruNnysraci tu �axt:�rid i�ior�i:hiwrai�d fr�am thc� s'��ab uri l:he wE�st:��rn sica� �.�i� t�:h7�� �Sr•G����r�i:y. 'fhit> pr~au�:�1:c�� ;:;1:��!k�t, w:i1.1 �ar�.,uir��a �r,cE�:3�:; i.�� i:ht�•�t� �arc�l.s . 'Th� a��a].xcarit r��c�ue��s <� uar•z�ricca rrcam CairimGirix�y p(aUel,�7(,7111Fa17t G�.�dE� r�•EC{�air•knt�nlrs whic.h r•eqiai�c �i^;i��<�t�,� s1:r���i::� s�r•ui.ng 3 tc� �i ciwE}J::I.:inc� uriii:s tc� k�� � mY.niir��ant ur ?.� fc�c�� widFa wii;hi,ri � 30 fc��:>t wxd� tr�act <�nd �u inc:luc��� a sic��wr,alk c.,n �.,n� sic1��, I. i' ; S1'AFF R�PORT — LASSEL�.E/HERTTAGE DEVELOPMENT CO3 -- S 89-02/V 89-03 -- PAGE 2 ' �. �. t� � F "I"hi� rar°+.7K>�:�;��c�c:l FiCil._.,i:f.t/1.Fi7.t')I�i w��i.ilcl Fa� :���r~�i��ca hy �:t;;� I"ic�ar°c:l W;�•l:er�� C�i.:�t:r��i.c:i� thrr.a�,�yh c:c�i�inF�c.t�:i,�>ri t:ca a ].f....a.rich w�t:c�ar� m<�:in :Lc��atF�ca �1.�.�r�<� f�c.�.11 MuurN:<�i.ri h�,�:�<� r:�ncl r�n E3__.i.nr..h m<�an xn i�h«:� n�7r•1:h�w�st; �:c,r�ric�r �,� �:hc.a s:it�. "I"h� c;lt��rc��.u��E�r waul<� �aruvi.cic� � �.c>u�a�c� w�i�er l.i.nc� sy�1:c!m i�c� �ar~c�u�.<�c� sEaruicca i:�� 1:ri�:? J.c�i;r; w:ti:h:i.n i:h� st.�bCl:iv:i.:>it7Yt, G;r°�vii:y f1c>w :>earii.i:ar•y sc�w���:�a wi.thiY.n t:h��� c�c:�u�l.u�>mc�nt wi.].]. c:�:aririe�cfi; t�7 an cax;i.�i;irtc� s�awei�• 1:u i�h�Ea riur�i�h wYixrl7 ���r••u�;�� f3E�nc.h�i:i.E�w F'si:<:x�::faa. :ji:c,i^ni clr�<:�inac��� we�uJ.ra ha�� K�r��ui.cJec� k>y <:� r�c�i�w�ai^k c�f 5t��i�•m s�wHars �iraii7:iric� Lo �ar� uut:f<all wii�hin t:h�e r�v:ir» ;ir� thiFa �rr..c���.��sc�<� cy�.ii:l.c�t:. '1"hF� +.,ui:fir:x1.7. ��c,��lc� inc.l�ac�� �i•� �ari�i^yy c�7.�::i.��<:x1�c>r� :in 11Y'f,;fl•'?t" �:�7 �"t'd(�f.lf:t? �Mlt? (JC)1:(�1'1�".:Lid�. '�UY' k?Y'L'187.t)I`1 � fJl"].Ui:Jit(�? Fit:Cll"(YI 5<1W(�M" WUb(a.C� Yac! 1oc.��t�;fat� �aJ.�.�nt:� �:ht� �<:�si::�:�r�n �c�c,��� c�f tht�.a pi�•c��at�;;r;ta suk�tJXUi,sir>rt �:ci r'�!r,ltac'a� ' r•ui-��rr- ui��tu ��c�j<�,�:E7rii: �a��n�c�r•t.'r.cas whi.chi �arc� dc�wn 51a�aa f�i^am ��hic� pr�•u�u��d :�i.l�7C,J 1 V:L 5:I.l.'l11, !�, F1c�.�:?nc'J.._.ai��ci....Ni?0, (ratnm�nls "I"r��a E.YtC�1Yll•?F�Y"iric� CJ:GUisi�.�n h�s> r�r�v.r.Eaw�ra t�h� �rc���c:�sa:l. �nca ���^c�vica�cl �hiFa r�:�l.tc�wzi7� c.�amiru�i�ii�s: 1., 'I"h� ;3tdk)t:livi.Siql'� i.:�s .h�7wn i:c� �i:.r�5� E��aJ.l. M�aian�rain �'c���ci, t:� U)�sN�ir�c�i�ori Cour��y majar cu�.l.cacl�oi^ r�u�arlw�,y, Cur�����E�r►i:l.y, [3�a11 Mc��an�L<,aan �Cl<.�l':� 15 i:� �::WC) 1�riEa, �)i�t16?ta I^c1i;4CaWi^�rf W:I.�;NI 1'ICl L:tJI^�;i C5M' si.c���wral.ks , 13�.i1,1 M�.�uni��xi.ri f2r.�Gac1 ;i� t�c�s.i.cyri�a�c�t� �ca h�e� �� 3 1��n�� r�.�<:�caw<ay wii:l��arf <a fifi f-c7��1: wi.r��� riyhl;•-c]r.._.w��y ��: ul.t:iiti�l:c� catuc�lupam<�nL, Wra:�shinu��Lc�n t;c��ani:y N�r:�:; K>����:11.7.i��:in�ara:�y r��F�u:i�aw�cl i�h�aa ruN>cli.�ra.sic�r� thr�c:�uqh a g>�^i.ai^ h2 1.�,,t s�ahc�avi.si.un �i�•�fr:ic Y,m���c.i: :�t:�teairi�ar�i: <�a�i:c�d :1'ul.y �, :L�QB, "I"he �.i�•af-fic. am���c.1: ri:���.�mt�n1: r,4�rx�ri:�c:i 1:I�i<�i: ac�cai.t9.ur��l riyht�-uf--way c�c�c�i.c:�t:iui�i i�ca 33 rc��L fii^c.7in c�ani��7rl.:inn, s•l:c�r�m c,li^r:xin�:a�.��a i�ri�i^l'11l1:?IT1F?�'1I::�; r:a:lc>nc� f3t.iJ.1. Maiani��ai.rt R��<:�ca, aric:) <a si.t9c�.awal.k i:n k�c cai��s�:rtactc�d alc�rig i:h� r�.��<i wu�.il.c1 r�e� t:}•�c� mi.rii.iru�m 1CI1(;)I"l.l1/E?Cilk?I'l�:S I'tE.?C.t:!5;i<�I"tif J.� �:rlk? K?t"t)�)E�Y'���J W"r.l.ri j:l'J �'JF? i��)Uf?�.t.l�£1Ca, A s`cgh�i: c�i5taric.F7 si��ady U1�:�s c:r.�nci�a<.i��c� hay �1a�Hiinc�t�.-,n (aacarity nri Ji.i1y 21., :tt3f3E3, c�hXS.h c:.c:�nc:l.i�<aE�ra i:hi<a1: i,:hF:� pi^��K>a:��rJ �:�c;<:���:� 1i,c,�i;ac�i�� ' h�as � sic�r�t c�i5i:tlne:�� ��ar ouEr 517p fia�t �t� th� e�asi: �r�d �C75 re���: ta i�hio� wF�:>t:, "I"h�� �2�i f�c�1: si.r�l't1: C�:I.ai:r:�nc�� ::hc,u].rJ prc�vira� ����:�c�u��l-.c� st:�7�a�airog c�isl:r�nc� 1'�r• � !�Q iri�h c��y:ic�n sK>iae<i acc:urc�iric� i,u AA::,1•i'1°0 s�t:�ar�c�<ar�c�c;. �3u1.1. M�,,urii:ca�in �a�ca h�:�;� � r��.7s�tari s��:�E�ca J.i.n►:it: t:�fi �Q m�ah,' thi�r��arc�i^�, ac��c�u�t:e s9.c�hit c�a.si:anc� is ava:il.aNal.� �at t:h�� �r��c�p�sF?c� c��.cess 1ou�i:ac�n, Wr�;:;hi,nc�t:Cll'1 �c>uni:y has� n�.�w r���c��.it�:;1:FC� i�.:h�i� 1:N��� a�ap:l.:ic�ani: ��r�uuacac� ����r�uuc-�c� r>�.ans, rin�nci.al aas�ar����ncF�, arui nk����:in a f�c:9.lzt:y ��ir�mii: K>r•a��r 1:o c��r�:>1:r�a�:�Li,c�r� �.�f h�:li•' ;�1:r�E��.ai: 1111�.1Y't)VF?Illk?I'lj:ti r�tl.c.�ri� th� >a�.�:+. rr�nrit�ay�, "I"h� h��lf str•E�c�� i.m�r�ou�air��rtLs ar�� i:o k�� GOI'l:i�r�ucl.�c� �u n�aj�:�r• c.c�:l.).�i:i���r� s;i;��ric��ar�<;la w9.i�N� 4ur�b, :�.�.c��w<aJ.ks>, c�r•��inrzye, ��r�c�a�l.ighii;s, cai:c, llri F�c:c��s� REa�aurt was a�.�a r•c�cX�a�stF�c�, rar�:G��r° i:a aK>rarav�l. �.�f i�t�e i:if:Gf?8s r:�nc� asai.i�nce af- �a f-cac:ilit�:y ��.ar•mS.i:, i:�.7 c�ei:carm�.ne xf a 1Eafii: i;ur•r� l.ar�� an Bu�.l Mnunl;a:ir� h�uad :is w�r�rant�c�. STAF�' REPORT — I.ASSELLE/HERITAGE DEVELQPMENT CO3 -- S B9--02/V 89--03 — PAGE 3 _ � 2, �i'M�� t;c>m�;�ti ��riy i:u�a r�l,n�r�:� ofi 1"i�y�zr���� �:�nc� Waf��, .i•�g1:c�r� C,aurrl:y c.<�11 fiur� '. c.c�1.1�c:i.i>r^ ;�>i:r..��t=�l::�> �l:t.ti bi� c.c�n,�l::r't.ti:t::�t'J h��1::wet�n E3t�J.:t Mc.,uni::<:a:irt I�c�rad, W;�1.riut: S1:r���r�i:, �ai7r,f a f'�ai:cai^<� caxt��n�iur� �5f GaG�r�c�Fa �tr��c��t, IU��ithi�r� , �7�.i:+ll'1 :1.3 :3N74!t:J.'�'1.C: itt};)t)U1: 1::{'1F7 F?XF:�C.'.�: 1f1Ci.d'�Y,I.TYi Cl�' '�::�'1t? I'lt�?W CC�.�.��:!�:'C:Ctp•, S�:t"�?k�t:5 , °l"ri�a (:i.1:y hras; in:i.i.7.r:zi�;�?rJ �t ��rc�j�ac:�: 1::c� c��±fi.r�� �P�� r>c.,:'ssi.r>1� c:nr•i^id��r�:; f�i�• i"wi:ur°e �c�l.l��ci�c�r :�i;r•c�Fats xn 1:hi� r�ar°i:N��ata�r �ar�•F�� uf i3t�].1 Mt��arii:��i.n, f�ot.�ri�.r.��J. <-.al.i<a�7m��rit c:�.�r�r��ac��.7r•:> <ar~� c:iar'•rHar�i:l.,y k�EaXi��af r�c�v�.taw���9 ai�ui t:u�r�raarc�r�, �:� is Hx�a�t;tE�c:l tr�<�t a �al.�ri wi.l.l k�F� f�r°ni�xll.y caciciN�i;��c:i J.rat��:�r� t:h:i� y�<:�r• fic,1.:t�.�wS.r�c�J r.c,innl.k�i,:i<,n e,fi �a �>ulalac. r�v�.c�w �w�ucEas� , "i"h�xs ;:«h��:i�ri.:�;�.c�n i:•> nc�t; 7.�7t:.:a�:��rJ w:�i:hiiri G�ny �.�f t:h��at� c�.7r•r•idc�r~u 4ant� i�F��rc�fcat^i� wa�,tl.cl riut: r..�?si:r�a:ci: 1�hik <�:kic�i�ttnc�ri�: uf t:h�e fui;ur,� ca:�1E!c:'l:or� 5'l::r'�:�t��:t, , � _l..h� �ae••c,pc�s��c� i:r�i::�ar�nG�1. s1;r•e�1� ;��,y:;�LE�ir� i�i���t�t> c,ur°ir•�ni:: :a1:<:�nt�rar�rJt> rc�r�• .1.�:�t:�l st:N•c�ci�s <aric� r�r•otiic�r:> � ai�r�c��t� stt;tah tc> t:hc� wFast: �o star^v�a f�.ii�.ur�t� ��ca�rF�l.<�F�ir:t�r�t:. 'I"h� l.oc:.ral�,:i�.>r� caf 1:hii:> faxt:�:�r7:��i.�:�n :�h�,u1.ra ra� ccaur�rai.r�at;��d w:it�h t�h�� <�djr�ceai��i: �:>r•u�7�r�ty nwi7�r�•s , ftn e�xl:�arisi.��n tu 1:hca i�i��r�th :i:; r��:��: i'��<�:;i.k�l�.� catar� i:�.� i�.he� r>�:4!��x� �•��u:ine� k>c:�r�ta<;ar��;iriy �:NtE� siLFa, An �ax�:canyi.��r� tu i�:hn c��ast: h�as fac?�n r�Fac,��ak�st:c:��� Nay �>r'a�F'i"tiy +awn�r�5 t.c:� �LMt�� �<;ats1.. "I"h�! ts:il:r� K�1ran cica��:> n��i; tihcyw t�zriy F�xi��n5i.c�rt t:c� t:hrca c��a�, f�r� c�y�k�ir•c�w is lc�cal:cac� at i:M�ca ��a��•cax�.m�at� .lac<at:�.c�n ur a pc�::sir>:L� r�x1:��r�s�.�,i� in�lacaj::�.!cl k>y 1:Ni�.� <�c�jGac��nt, K>r•c���t!r�1.y cywrx�r��:�. . ..fh��� {•ar��cax>car��t:i.�?s i;o 1:h�? cast: cc:�nsist� ��f s�av<?r'•a1 1 t�cti � ��cr�a raarr.c�l.s wii::h ���.r7cJ3.e ��iriil.y r��si.ta�:�rt�.4�� c:�n n�a:.i�: c�f' i;N�Em. F1J.�L�r•n<••a�l•:k+ r:��.c:.�.�s:> l.c�c:�i::i�:�i7s �,i^� <au�i.l�ah>1.�� fcai�• i:M�e�S� �;>�r°cc�1.� i:o i:h» c?a:�t i:a i�r�e �ar•t��ao;:,F�cJ �al�u:z:r� ;1: t�f i:Ni� i'�1L� t7�.�vta:l.oraaiE±rii:, i;ta i:r�� n�ar~Lr� i��a 1::Nita �arurac�:�s��<� �ahi�.ase :CT uf' i�h� i3�anch�ui.c�w I)c�uc�l.a�>m�r�i�, <a�7t� t�u t:hic� su«th ; 'GCl �Li.�.�. M�1(,If'1�:i�J.l'1 C�G�i�ta <i��.l)C1C� ��'1G? ,Jt,17.1'1{'. i�1C:<:E:?5T Cal^�.1/�aW<':�,�I Wh1;I.C:�'1 �car•vr�s ta m�a�o��:i.�.y �:�fi i:hi� raarc�:t5 , �:i: is nur~ r�i��.tan�m�i7c:irai:i.�an 1::h'r'xi: i�1(:.C�?:�>:�> k>F� r�r��.�vi.c�M�c� i:n i:hkx �;;�yi: i'.�� a1.lc��w c:ir��:.u:kat�i�:�n ha��w�ac�i7 ;siaM�t�iu:l:�siarts i;c� c�N�c:r��ar���z 1:l�iEa 1�r�af"fi,c im��ci: anl:w F:3�.i11. M�.�un�:�ki.n Rc�rac� , ..f.N�� .1�7r..r:��:i.c�n c�fi i�:h�k� arc:�s, sh�nialci iar a��ai�u�l.ly ayi^cac�<� ur>�r� hc�twca�ar� th�� �.ar���l.i.c:r�rit: and �:h� pr�c:����r.,�l:y �7��ni�i^:> to i::h� t��syi:, h, °I'hc ;�i���7F>c7scc� st��r�m c�r�ai.r�Gac�c? Y.it��i�•uu�iT�car�t:s wit;Niin th» s�ak���ivisa.un <��a�:���zi^ i:c., Gzcl��c�Gi�at:�!l.y ctal.tc�c�•l: �i:��r�i7� c�r�c�ainr���4� r°unai'f c�n�a c�9.;�c:.ri;�rcJ�� it iril�a i�1•�a e:�x�.ai:�.r�u� rGaviri� c�r� �hF� nor•i:h ��nt� uf �r�e� r�r�ujE�ct. I:)u� t�:a, tP�� :';i:�t�C�n�!:rs c�f �hk� yi:c,r•ir� r�r��in nar>� cix:•�uh�r�cJa :ini��� i:r��.a r�aui.n� �rrra of ti�i� r•aui�7� i.t::�s�:lr, c����oszan a�r i:hk� ytr•E�<�m �Ht�rin��J. i� c.�f Ct1YlC:i?I^ri, "C'h�� a.ntr��^av�m��ri�::; :.h�.,�al.c� ca,n:�7.st �i� �n F�ner�cay c�9.ssi.�a<aGi.�an ���a3rit.Ey i:u �Sr•c�v�.5rii: �:his er•as9,��n fr�aw7 c>c4ur�r��.i��g, A 15 fcai:��: �uic�r �«k�1i.c. F�r��em�r�i: if; r��i��ataXr��c� i:a ��l.l,�w ��.�:.E��;�; i:q i�.:h�� �i�a�aJ.ine o�ai�si.c�� Lh� publ.�.c i^i.cSN�t.��.of--w�y. 17�u��.c>�amFarit: uf i:h� sii:c�� tu:i].:I. :tni:.rc��;aa�� ��ui•��.,ft' c�ia�� 1��� cc.�r�:��r��acl�ion �,f :i►n�>��rua�ta:� r�c7ur ar�c� radu��d ��ar•f<lCE?a. �I�I'll:i .i,r��:r�caa��ac� r•unuff m�y �.mp�c:i: i:h� �xa:�i�;in� c#r��.r��r�r-.. cl��r�nc�lt� dc.ti��n:ti•.r��.���m, STAFf REPQRT — LFISSELI..E/HER�TAGE DEVELOPMEN'T C0. — S 89-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 4 R:° _:.:_ ..._:__..,_, _ _. . — -- `�, "I.'h� si:.�,r�ir� c�r��ain<�y� sya•l:Eam ::h�:��.�l:ca };>�� �xi:�ar�rl�ac� i::c� �h�.� �I:�.ar�m�ir�u.; c.�t� �Hie w�st: s1�r�c�cat r:.xt:cai��;•�a.c:an t.0 �l,lc>w fcir� f't�t�,t�r�� c���u��1U�ain�rit: ca{�hii,l.l �'Y'l'J�tl �';rlk? t?Xj:ClYlalc:ll't. "�, "C'he �i^c>�c7:�;tara ;>�ni.i:�ary :;c:�wf��^ :imnr�c7v4�mE�r�i:� �arc:��a���::E� t.�, ��xir�.�nc:l 1;c� �an l.i.rie� fir^�am <�n E�xisi�;ii•�y s�wtai�• i.ri i�h» E3�r�ch�ui.tw F.St�s'��:�s at.ibdi.«i�y.ar� i:c� K�r"t7uic:l�:? ::;c:��'i1:1.CE� i::c� t:hic'! c;le:?�tk1.4�nt�tt?rti�, .�°ht� c';�!w��Y• �ax1.c!nsi.�7n I^uhs �,�ra #:h�ca h>r.>t;tairi af i�h�� r•�vinc <�rtr1 �.rp� �:�iat ��f� Lh�� i°auii°t� i�o thia s�aNa<�a.�r:isa�7n, flr�chc.�r w�a.lJ.:� rt��c�t�s t:�;� �a�� cc�n>i:r°t:�cai.e?r� ral.��i7z� 1:h�.� �a.i���;� ' r•�ut�� �:u pt�t�uE�n� 1:hc� �r•c�r�c:h k���.kf:tJ,l f"r�um w�sha.r�c� uut, ��r�d tu M�ua.c� �I �;}1F� �,77.�E? 1,Y1 �S.�iAt':t�, �::xt:Ear�:•;i.t,ns a�f 1:hE� �aw<���t�SF:!cl 5t�t.�N�' i:tz 1:h�� we�:i1: ��t't: i:l't�? :31.i"�ari: :>i:t.�b ar�d at�t t:t� 13�a.17, Muui•�i;<�in lZra�d ��i: �hE7 r•c:�a�� i.nt:�?r•sc��.:ti:e�n <•.ar� rE�t::��miriE�nclk�cl �Lca rai��c,ui.c�� srr°va�:.t� i:�.� <�r•fz<:�� �.��a hi.l:l c�f i�:Ht:i. s�aha<�iui.sic�r�. Ac.t:�!�t:; t<� tNtt� ;:,f3w�r^ �!xi:�!n;i.�.�n tuii:r�in �?r'�c�K>ci�;�:�cf 1:r'�a�.i: F� bEayurtrJ i:hka ai�r�4a�i: r��.c�f�ii�.._uf�_.way i.� ri�=_GC�:�s�r,y fe�r 1nr�ini:�!riarie:t� k�y taity er•�aws. Acc:,�s;:; i^E�c:��a:ir��mF�rii�;�� ini::l.�ir�f� <:zr� 8 i'c�c�i: wi.<a� �J.:I.....w�:���i:NiHar• c�r•du�a1 sur•faGe <�J.c�ric� �h�� �xi��r�:�7.un, f� :l.'a fie.�r.�i: wici� �aasEam�nt :is �l.sa r•�c�ta:ir~�cl •f-i�r�• �N�c� c!x1:�:�n:;i,�.,n c.�t.ii::�ir,lf:� 1::rie: Kat.ihali;c: r°ir�rit:....���('_...wtay. 6. WE� Miaue i•io uk�jc�c:t:i.uri i�u t�Nte v���°:ianc;k� r�c�c�ta�st�� �a t�•Fa(�uce tMi� pr•i���i�k� i^c��a<� wirai:h 1:c.� �.F3 ft±E�i�, "i"h� ��r�r��i�nc:t� :i;> r���c�uN�si:��cf S.ri ur°c:IHr �n �.S.mit �:he iir��a�zc;i: ur� th�c� ��xi.s>t::i�7c� ti����i�,:; , :T.i•ti ur�caer� tc� al:tow �wc,..��w�ay ��r.cr�ss, i�7c� ��:xr••ki.nc� :;hic:�ul.c� };��a K>e��^mxti:�r.l r:�l,�yi�i<� i:r��.� :�>i�r����t, 1'I��e t:ur°i�i ara�.inc� �i: 1:i�f�a ��rx� uf i:hi� r�r°i.v�i:�a str°E��i: shcatald �1:f.c�w �f'ur., a�mc�i^c:�r•�nc.y �tc�l•ii.c.l��:� 1�ca i:�.ir•ri <�i^�.-��,irti�:l, "I"h�± �ar~:iu�t:�� c�r�:iv�! �hio�.�J.c� r�r� r.cark>cac�, �s r�.ac���a.r°Eaci N�,y i:hi�:� c���u�lu�:�mr�ni: �i:�aric��r°c;fs, t�a co7.1e�,.i; c:lr�i.n<�c�i� fr�c�ir� i�:h� r>�uf,irt�nl:: zai�d c�i.sc.h<ar°c�Ea i.i; i.rti�c} 1�NiF� P"ca111.1'lC? W}'11C.�'1 :I.t; GY'U2iSt�S � ���'iC SilC�I�W<.+1.�{C Y'k?l'�U11^F?1111?17� (:<�Yl }'JE� Wi�1�.U1�(� j:t7 {"F?t:�LfCt:? 7,iT1�C>i�tt:j:::i CJCI t:?X7.Fi�::i.ric� �:i"t'?N�Fi � !�<:�E?l';{t.�i�lt:k.? WF.d.�kWi:djl i:�l^ta�� W:L.�.� k�� r>i�•oui.c:l��c� if r>arki.r�<� i.s nnt <a:lluwtari t�l.arig t:N�ca re��c�t��y, 'i"hca c.r°c�:s;��:ii�u� �:�fi �Lh�� r•���:ine w.i.1:1 i^�.�c��.i9.�^�� fi�.J.1 ��� b� K>1.�c:F��� �:c� �l,e�vai:� i�h� r°u��ciway, �1`h�e f-i.l:k c�ml:><:tnlcm<!r�t� sh�u�.il.�i ��ca �c:c�aiY�raar�i.�d ha,y an �a:,c�mE�ni� �ncl ;>Ni�,,�al.ea Nirxvr �cic:�����Gai::�� �±��°c>:aa.<���i c:,r>ni;r°�aJ. , f�r� opati.ur� fic>r• 1=ut:�ai�•c� r��uE�1uK�m�i��t tc� i:ric� w�?st �:;I7c��.iJ.ci k�� r•���t�i.r��ac� i�c7 ral.l.ow t{•�c� K>r��.i�<•.�i�e :yi:a�•��i: i::a k>e:� wi.c�rnc�c� �rt<1 ;in�F�i^�.,�r�!c! tc:, r� wxa�il.9.c lu�al ytrcapt. "I"r��r•�f-c�rG Lri� lt3 fi��c�� wz�f� {:��auc�in�aini: sh�:�cal,�t k�e c��nsi:r°ur.t:�.�<a ��1. <:� slc��e �f C:,r;, f�ac.a�: i,i•i 1.� fc�tai: wi1:Ni �a �i:<�ancic�zrc� cur,k�, � W�a:�riaric�i::�,n C�,�an�.y'� C:►��p�rtan�ril: of t.�nc� ll:,�� �nc! "i"r���ri axy�tir��i:�i:,X�.�n hr:�:a �>r�nu�,c��c� Lh�e i�ollc�wir►c� i���cairi�neric���<� r�ac�c�i,r•�m�z��i�s ��t^r��:ir�a.rt� 1:u 1�h� K�r�c��c�:ak�r� a�ak�r�avi,s>ic:�n'w �ac.���ni�XC�l. imK�<�e1:� c:�n �3�aJ.;l Mu�ar�i:�an ����zc�; 1 , 1]sac�ica�e� aci��:�i::ie�nal r�i.c�h�t:._p�....wr:�y ��� �����c>��icl�a <33 fcat�� f-r�uir� r.t�nl:carl,in�.a �.,f SW k3�aJ.1. Mc.�uni:rai.ri F�l.1i:�C:I f-r�c.7rrl:Gac�e�, r.nu�,uc�i.ny �<J�r�u<a1:E� cur••r�4ar� r•�c�3,us. STAFF REPORT — LASSELLE'/HERITRGE DEVEL4PMENT C0. — S 89--02/V 89-03 — PACE 5 ::� � ". 7.., Siyr� <� w<�:iuc�i�� i��ui: i:a rc�munstr•�t� <ac��i.r�5� t;h� fur•mai�iur� or <� l.o�a1 I im�r���.,u�.±irtF?ni: clisi:r°:ic.�: �.�r• <�t:N�rr� m��ch�:xrii:�>m �:�.� impr�4�u�� :aW E3�a1,.1 I�IC1G1'1�;z:L:1 �?Ui.�C�, �3t�i„i.it�ur� 4YfAI 14iQ1�h f���r�r11A�? i�l'l�� 17iA1^.Af"YC. i-fi�hw�a�y, tU C;aurit:y :i1:i:�1'1CI<:��^ra:��, 3 , E";�,i:rahlir•�h <:� �.�ri� (:k) fc.,c7t�., r�c�n._.<a�:.r;��ss �^�s�r°u� :;t:r�•ar� �J.c,nc� w4J E3�a1.;1. Mcaur�ta9.r� I�a�d fii^ur�t�yez, caxc:rzrat �ai� �h� ���alaruved �r.�.ra�s , 4. �uk>m�.i: ral.�anr:, c.,k�l:�aii� C;�:��an1:y E:nqar��k+r�in<� L7i.u;G:�sic>ri <ar��i^c.7u�:�, �a��uva.��c� 1'i,riai��ci.tal. <:�ssur~�i7c�, �tr�d tak>t�a9,n a f�cx,lil:y r�Fair•mit rc>r t�hFa constr..�ac:i:�.tirt e�f t:ri�:� fi4�l.l.c.,wi.r�c� im��•c�ut�mt�ni�s: (�, f� ar��a....hiali' si�rE��t: i.m}�r�au�m�ant ��luric� :.�W 13�a11 Meiur►i:<;�ir� r�uacl i�r��r�i:�taJ�� 1�.�.� � Cc��ant:y n���j�r� r.��llcc:t:c.�r• �i:�ancl��r�t�, wal:ri c:�a�^k�, ��air�m c�r�inac��a, �i�ic� c:ur�cr•�t�� szci�awalk, B. :;i�r��r:.1: 1aqhl::i.nc:� t:�.� Gc�uni:y :�:i��rid<:ti��r�:� rai: i:Ni�! i�lGGE33S �.�n :;W f3ca].1 Mo�arrl:�ir� f2aad. `i. ,;i.Ik�nli.t; t.wt� c:.c�r}y.e.?� c�f c1n r:ac:t:.�.�:;;3 rt���ctir�: �p Wc�:�hti.ny�:on C;caun�:y f'c�r�• r•�vi.��w r�i��i.c>�^ tc� uP�t:�inirig t'i.r�a:L r��apr�c�u�l or Gauc�.?ss ta SW f:3ul.l. M�.�uri�t:�,�in l�oc�c�, �'ur•1�Mi��^ r�er,�tai.r°�mE�n�::a, star.h <:�;a � .lafi:.....i:ur�n r•c�fiu��� 1�ai��e�, �ill. k>e r.fet�r'ITI1Pic�d �.�{;>�n the Caurit�y`s rti�uir-_w af i:r�� a<:ccass .., r - 5 r r •� '� � ' � � � rc�!��or•i::. I'ha? �i:.c,�;,;a r°��c.�ri: �hi��1:1. ��r1t�r�..�.� i.hk r�•c�t,{�axr�:n�En�::�s c�f W4�ash�irryi:ur� C;ca�ai•�L-y R�!:>u.l��tiuri <ancf Or�c��r Na, £36.....95. (t �:c��y ur �:�'iti!$F? I^f�?<:(ULY"taIT1E?Y1��8 i:.lM'k? C!C1G�.11�F�l':� , GI�Q �`� �� r�raui�wc��1 i:h�� r�r�nr�ns�c� s�al:>cii.visi.on/v�ar•i.ar�r� r•c�cxuc�si: �nc� ria:�; N>r�.�vi�iH�c� c:c.�ntrn��n�L:; wh:it.h <:tr•� stamm�,ii^:iz�cl 1�c�1c.�w: 1 . °V"r°�Pfia.c: s��r���y uri I��a.l'1. Mt>ur�i:aai�i fZc�G�t� ta � s:iynifi.e�xnL issuca in r•auic�w:inc;� 1:hi:i:� ni^c�n�asr:xl, h�.�c.ra�.i:a�� i.ht� r~�.,��:I �ai: i;hi.> ].��c:.<ai:i.�.,ri a:> alr�<:�ciy <iz�ru�c�r•�a�as i:>�c��.isc� uf a c�aruc� just wcsi� uP i�h� �aro��r•ty, ra raawF±r• ��n1.� �nr� i�r��4s n�rxr i:N�� i^«<ar� jiasi: �4�;��1: �.7f i�r�+� �r��.��c�r�i:y, 4anc1 th� amaur�i: ai' i�r�•af'f i.c �yn Cical.:l M��ur�taii�� R��ac�, 'l�hti GI�O rE��u�+sts thc�ai: i:h� ci��v�:�l.c,n��i�� k>e� r��c�u:ir���d i��, �ar�c�vi,��+� rc�r � rF�rit:f�i^ 1:��i^rz l�an�� �r�d a �cNi�:���J. hac�s tur�i7uut c�r� 13u1.1 Mc�urii:r�:in I�u�c�, 2, Ru��c�s w9.1:Piin �:hEa s�ak�clx.uisi�,n shnt.il�J Y�r�c.,ui.c��� �cc:��:�� to ser^u� rui:urp c�c�uc�Xn�amr�nt �:�� i�h� c�4asL- <ai��d w�as1:. '1'h��a c��ueln��r ITIUSi: wur�k wi.t:h t.h�? ��J j<�c.��i7i: pi^c�pei^t:y awn�rt> r��c��ar•rJirir� r�lat:.wam�?r�t; af r•�.�Gar1 cc�nr�aci:�.uns t:�.7 i:1��Ea a��jac:��i�it �ar�u�car~t:ies, 3 . Fl �os�;.;�.hJ.c� r°ei.oc��t:iai�i afi i:he si:r�e��i: sl:ura c�ri i:h� wFast:�.arn Eclr�� c.,i' �LNica pra�:��rt:y i:o a lcacai:xar� f�uir�t:h�r �u 3ou�Ni may n�cE�ssi.l:aLe i:hiat �Lriaa K�i�•a�i�sec� p�^:tuai;�a rc��d k��� �� ��r~�<�i:+�i�� d:i;;t:�nc� 1:N��ar� i:�� ciar����rti:�y ��r�c>ra��sc�d, l'N�c� C;I�Q ur����s t�PiaL a c��cis9.an an Lh�� v�r•iaric� r��c�u�a�t b�a d�feri�°�.�c� �ani::il. i.hi.;> r�c���xk�1E� :y�.i^���1� :�i��ah r���l.oc�a�:i.�>r� ia>u� a;> i����:�sa7.u�c�, "i"hE taF�Q <x�.su suc�g�tit;;� �ha1: �aar�kir►�� un t:h�� pr�ivat;� r°�tiad �7P.. rl"�1�].k?:i.t:�?C�. STAFF REt'ORT — LASSELLE/NERT1"AGE pEVELOPMENT C0. — 5@9-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 6 ,. �; i [; f ' � , 51;�.,i^m cit°<:�:�n<�c��, w�,l.car") �, A1.1 vt�,�l^11T.4f? f:«Pll'1k�1.1:11'?YIS t:l. �l'�, � til•:.WE_1"� i :i'!.,^.�:.'F: t?{.: �=�'1C :>N��.�u7.ra E�x1•;�:�i�isa �:ty 1:ht� ��.,t�������{;y .t�,rtEa:3 ��ri r;tl.�.�. • c���uk�.ltaramFanL, �rtt �.7;><�r.) 1.��1: :1.� mia:al°. ��e� �. �rr,�� c�xisfi.:i.nu� t1r~airtr:�c�ca r..rzr:�rin��.l r:�urcti�.;;�r r. K� m�ir�i:�ii����1�, .�"M��ai.,�a mt,tst he } l�i t��,���`��� �i^r:xXnc�c��� �` fi1c�♦w�� i°r'<>Il�rt!�tl'�� i^�::;t�11�:inc� fr°c>m LPiF� i.nr..r^�<.�,.�..c cf�u�al�aramc�r�L, �y. �)�^C1K)<?N'�:1f C)WI'tk�Y'a �.(1 �:�'1F? F1Y"k:?i+t CJf 1;�'lk? (at?UF?.�,t)ri11t:?Yl'l: �'1i�1/l? t•?X�)1'"��3�kaC� c.unc.�tP..ns 1:h�<aL 1:f��E� r�i^u�;x�zsrac� r��w ���ni���,<°:�nak,r,i��t.W:��w:���7. `��n<-.�,G.��,1<.���h� <1k?n>�i::y 1:hc�i�i t?xi.:>1 i.ncJ c�E..ur..1.�.Kn c:r�ar•acL<�r uf� i:hi�� �1c�ic;J��b niG,V„r:lp�:k rviCW�ar��V'�'�?K.�a1.�.tt�t,7 l7ht+,yt��a�xt,h11'� 1:p�t:, �>r���K��.,s>�r1 st.ik>r1i.���.aa.c.n . 7 . lt� ia rrci�: c:l.i��:�r� N�c.�w d�u�?l.cir>ir��rit: imr>�ae:1: fita�s fi"��Mia.i.u�:�fi:i.c�i���k�'x�:i.�1'.c� c:I�uc�1.G,r��7u�n�: wi.l.1 h>�.� �:c�1.1.w�c�°��t� r:�nca t.�Cs�ea , `ra.:sl`i. utr�c� G��7c� ataMa7cact k>caeu1ca:>�+ Lh»� aurat�ivisi�an i:s w�:1:hi.n 1:1'��.. ("�.Ly '�' 1:�, Cit�.y :;ysl;�mr �Ia�uG�.la�r�7�<�ri1: �r�c�,yl�hc?rE?�or�,c��!hio�l.�mk>et,:>uhjccL�i:c>j�a c,n <� W<��hir��l:un C���.ii��1�y I�o<a<� i:�.,i�nt,y �r�r�ff ic am�<•�c.1: i��.�ncf (''�,�,, 'I"hw (:��i:y r:�rita t:;c�ta���:y r.u�'r•�.�n1:l.y r�<au� na �ayr���amc�ril: an f��.,w t;�a ra{;>�c�r°L'x.c�ri �r�n��� tp�r:ai.� 1:�r�4�1;����r:z�:.1 r fit?�'f , , , r: ��� <+lt;lt�l"��:>s sa.i:�.ia�::i.an, "1"h�� t:�,mm�an:i.1:,y h<:�;�; na <a.»�. c:p1..l�cLc�<� wi]..l }:�E� s�;���r�i� ui•� im�:�r°oucair�tar�Ga i7c.rG;>.>ai��y ��c.i:�.i��l. i.mn�:z�:1:s cif i:his cl�u�.?].c��;>in�nt':. as �az X�11.y E3 , "I�H�a 1a14�ririii��c� (;umi7�i.5�`iot7i�t:i,��:lcF.'Stal.l."�1�,can1:�:�a.n�Jc.omiuii7i.�y. 7.n ��al;ai��.�:ari 1:o t:hr nE�c�cl;> ��f �.�'�k. wi.i:h rca�<�r°d L••u LI•u� i7�:��a<� ru�^ rac9���.1:i.ur���al. i^v��1s t:o r..k�c�ucc� L••ir•�xff�.r, t:�r� E3�,�J..l M�,�an'l:rai.n h�.�<:��:I , '� � er"�: ��wn<.a�'s ofi l:�x :1���;:� :l?.QC�, �.2.t)?.,, 1.�Q0, 13C)J.. ��rtcl 1�6()A 1:�ti 1:h��? � r'c.K> Y i: 1':�� c�c�st h<�ue a�al:>ir�i1�1;�±c� a r,,<,(�.it� � 1>r,�vi.clLhc�� r��uika.l�7rl:r�t���:f�':�.��rthr-_ ��ar�c�ac�r� st.�hc:li.u9.sic�n kaF r.�r�i.ia.r��<a {.�. � ) K ��r•u� �c�i�ur°�� ca���rel��rait�k�r�L-� �ai7cl 2) Lu ala�a �a�^ouic�� ;�r� �xtEan�S.��ri at� t�h�ka •. :ck�taFi^ i��� 1'.P�� �cx::1���i^i7 �r��w»r"i:y lirt�? �.,f �1�'����tasf�t� i:r�•c:�c.fi: Fi ti� 5<arti.�°.rai^y ' • L�� �.M��a �<:x� °. �l.lc>w Scy�^ f�,iLtai"e� �ew�r �xtcarisi.c�r�s 1�:u s�ir�un �aru�a�ir•���s C��.hc�r n�;i.r�l�ha�,i�i.n�J C�r�G�r�k�i^1.y c>wri��i,..:> hc�v� s�.iN>mi.i;i:�.�sa 1.��1:i�,��r°a c��.hu,iin�.:l r.r,p (,17q` s c:oiY�m�arots i�~���<�r•c�.i.n� i�i^af{'i,�: �i•ic� a i�ec��a���L- fe>r• <� c�r��:�r� 1:ur•�n ,l<xi��k� ai••�ca ry�.is �aail.:l....,�.,�.i1:; ,�rac,�a� fitai;tar°e I�i�,us��s in 1;1��� �;�rc���.,:��c:l ;;�al:�ra:�u:lsa.�,n cl�,tt�7.iz yk��� i�l.ock'�r�q u:���ws fr•niri �xisi:ir�� hu�cic�•>mar►t �i.nU��an �arr��iarLc7nii�r��.'e�J.y�m��<�<:i:y�of �].1.aw�.i�rc� � r�i.c�h c{�n:si.i:y �.,fi c� F wi.1:h lar��c,�E� lut 1•ticamc�sit:�y �� • ��i�caWl:l7�i.��,� ��dW��rG�xi:��n�ac,rit,�><��iq0�'v.i.�accl�i:� t�., i:h4� �n�at;riw���1., h�arr r�.c.(uas l�i� raai^�.�al., f Y.nal K�.la1�'s W�;ah:inc�l:��r� (�a�.�n�l:y C�'i.rFa D�.sa�rc� u�� h�c�rar�rL,�l��c�l�i.uri�1: i;a"I'h�c�yi^u�>ns��� w�..,��r, ;;y5i;`m c�aes nat: irxi:i.crate i � wai;�i^ ��i��u�c� p�r:zn ne�asl: �ai^�,�i'GCa� �'or• hyc�i^ari�.s a.n c��m�1.:i.caric:�� t�i.i;h Un:i.fnr�m i=i.i�•c? Ca�de Y'�acXu:�i^�'m�n1:5 , STA�'F REP qRT — LAS�ELI..E/N�RT.TAG� DEVELOPMENT C0. -� S@9-02/V 89-03 — PAG6 7 �....._� _�._.___. __�:W__� ._..._,.� 6 �rH,a °Cicx���c� Wat��r I:)istr�ict hi��s r•�ui.rw��d th� �i^ub�au�<�1 t�i•�d r�<x:� ��,mmEar�i:�c� i:r��:ai: <a 1fi...inc.hi wrai�.��r� mGaa.n G�li�r�c� �;W E3t�1.1. Mc;,unt:r:�in ��.�Gat1 i:s avai.:i.:�k�:i.� i:ca sH�i��v� thi�� r�ru�ac�<>�ac� s�.th>t�iu:i�iar�, The c:ir�v�aluK>�r must :cnstall. a 1.Z..-i.rich m<�in �:.urinc�c.t:it�ic� �LNii y mr�Xr� i:�� �an �?xi::;1:�.nc� Q_...inc.r� n►�ain 1oc4-�i�E�r1 :i,r� i:hc� nur~i�h�w�5� cur�r��i^ uf i:he K�r�ar>c�5ka�� �i�!vtal.u�pikari�, � six..-�ii�ieMi m�zn must k�c� pr��av9.r��d kxl.:>��whc�rc� ��:i1:Nia.n 1:I�tN ra��ui�l.c.,�an��r���t:, �"���.ir fir��� hy�lr��anl;a nu�;�i•: al.s� la� �:�rnv:ic�r-.c�, j PGE", C;"I"�:, �nca Nari:hw�si: IU<a1:ui^�a], C3<�:� hiavE� r^�.�v9.c:�w+�c� 1�ha:� �r•owx:��r,il �r�ci h�au�? r�Ear�c,i^i��d no uh��c�ctiai7s ��r• cuirim�nts , IUF'C) � 3 c:licl rtc�•l: ��rc�uxt��� cc.�ntntE?rti:s �.�n 1:h�� �>r'c��ac�sal. , Nn ui�h�r c:om�ru�rits wer� r�car.ervk�d, E3, f�'1:IVt)7:1\IC�,;; (tN�t C:()111(::L,IJC�::Y:UNC�+ ..�..h16! I"F:!�.F.?Vi:�Ylt: id�1(;)I"Ctl/<A�. CY"7.j:�1"li+l li'1 j:�'1]:i t';i�2ik? i:111"k? »�..1.C�i:aY"Ca Ccampr'k?Nlk?I'l:i].1/t� 171.an 17o1i.ci.�as 2. 1, :L, 3,�.7_, 3 ,!5. 1, 7, i. ,2, �'1,3 , 1, l,A,�t, 7,6, 1, 8, '1 . 1, E3, :�.2, �znd [3, :1. , 3: i�h� �3t.�17. Mo�.inl�.�xin Cac,miru.inii�y F>1.<an; r:aricl C:<�nimuni.i::y nH�v�.lc�r�m�r�t Cnc�� �;�c�Li.nns 1.8,'a�, 1.8, tfiQ, �ricl 1f3, ].f A. :3inc� �:M�eas�� �l.<�n� h<�u+� �l.rer:�cly �ae�i7 <ac.kriow.lc�r�t��=c1, i:Ni� �1�<a1:��wic�� J.anc� u:�>k� yi,zaJ.s riu J.�>nr.��r , hr�u� �u b� ar.lc�i^E��st�?d fi��r� nar�_..7.��a.s1��:i.u� .lai�u� t,i�e c�t��l.i�.�ti��na . - :a - • ' � •� °- ' .� . � a�; i�h�i; 1:Nir� r�c�.>c��al wii�hi nu�c:lit':i�,.�ai;icans, is lh�.. F�l.<�ni�ii�cJ si.��fi r�.ncl.�.icic.. K� C � CC�I'1SlS��Yl1: wY.tH� �ra�aJ.ic�1a:L��? H7ur�i�ini�is uf th� 1"i���r�c� (;um�a�^cah�n:�iuca f>.l�n Maca>�r� �.i�c�n 1:Ni� finc�a.rira�; i�it�i:�cl h�,law, 1., f�olicy 2, :L , 1. is ��a�a.af'G�c� biacau5c� Ne?:igN�ia��r�hu.�uta l�lartninr� �rc�<�nir,-.a1.7.��n 1��� CqfiiiTiLlYt�.��f F�1<�nnirx� Ur^c�ranir<:x1�ic�n �84, �an��l s��r�i^ourxiinuX �>i�•a�aNr°ty awners wc�i��� c�zv4�n ncai:ic:c� ufi 1:h� h�<�ri.r�c� 4anc� an op���r�i::ur�il:y i:ca c.�>mm�ani� �,n i::riHa �ap�1�,c.r�ni:'�> K>r•a�c�:>�1. ?., f�alic:y 3 ,4 .?_ a.s �a�i�f:i,cd k��c��a��a L-h� si:kaE��, wuura�t9 r�avir�� ar��<� wi.11 r^�am<�:in i�•� � n�i::urrxl s1:�.�i:�.a i�hr���ac�h �:�r�1:�k>l.i.ahm�ril: �.�f i:hN r�r•apos<aci commur� ura�ri 5raa�e i�rac:t, '1"h� Hu1.l Mu�ar�tdS.n (�oinmur�:i�y Pl��an i,derii:i.i'i.�� 1:h�� wxa.�l:l.i.r� N��ak�i.i:�a�L•• u�l.u� c,fi �Fia� �r�nr��r�t:y �ancl tF�oSr-. �c�juii7ir�g, 1"hH P:l�n ua:l.ls rar��s�ru<�tiur� af� a1�r���tms, w��Nr cc.,ur•s�s, <,ancl 1:r���ns whi��nevar� �;aos:;ik�l.�. -rr,� si:�:�i�fi c.c�nc.J.uc�c�s i:h�i: �h� pr�u�as�.l i.s cui�isa.�t�nt w�.t�h tNiis r�c�l.i.cy, 3 . P�lac.y 3.a.i. a.s sr�i;i.sfiEaca b�?i.�ttas� :�ign�.fic:�ni: �,�can ;���ar.� wi.l.:l bwa �ar�s��^uec� ha,y �ri.v�.t� ir��ans i:hr°uGic�h r�es�i^v�t:a.on uf �r�aci: f� unc���• �:hc:a c.umm�.7n awn�r°�hi� c.,f- G�1:1 pr��.,��r�1�y �,wnkw��� wii:Miin i:r�� c�c�u�1��r�iti�nt. :Xn th�� r�atur�e, tr�ar.i: A may ha� ci�di.�:�i:�c9 �u th� (�i1:y, q. F>c�;lici��a 7. :1 .2, %.3. ;1, %.A.�, c�nci 7.6. ]. aa►��<! �raLisfiiNd b�ca�a:a� �d�r��a�1:� wa1:�i^, sew�r, anc� stui^m cirairi�g�a facili.Li��s, as wea].1 as fi.r^e nr��ai�ac�::ican a�rvi.r..es, �rk �,i�� wiJ.l k�� m�c�� �:�u�3xJ.�:�b1+� ��� •L••r�E� cacuF�.lo{am�r�i:. `i"he ap�:�l�.c�ni: hias i.nr�xc:al:�c� 1�hiat �h��:�r� f�r,i.lities wi.l..l k�� K>i^�.�vid�ca wa.i�hin �Lhe stabc�iva.>�.�7n a:> r~�c��aire<� k�y Cxi�y STAFF REPORT — LASS�LLE/HERITAGE DEUELOPM�NT C0. — S g9�-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 8 4 4 � 3�;iilrltai:�l"(aa�; :.'��::iil�'�' I"k�C.CJC11111k�1`lta,�'> '�:r1F:�i: '�'.:Hlt-� C:t)tlllt..,. .:aXl'lYl I"��Ct1.iJ.l'"4? �:�'Tq?�: j':H14! t�raH>1ir.�r�ts� F?X1�F�1'1(� �:�'lf? fic�"1P11t:i�P"� af�W(?Y'� a�::t;)I'"111 S(�l�ll'-�Y'<�C�k?, i.�l'1f� Wi�l�':C?1'" 1ina:a i:t� 1:h�7 w�.�:;1:��r�t� ��cic��.� e�f i:htF� sur>jc�ci: r>r~c:�K>F�r�i:y canc� ts�rta��xr"y :��c�wQr• Lu 13«1.3. Mc>i,�r�tt�ii� f2u<ad �ar� t;hua sc�tai:h, :�t: wi.1.:1 Mac� r>c�:>sih>].� fcar• f�ai^i:he��^ e.�xi:4�i7:si.��n�; �,�f s,:ariXi:�a�r�y :�;��w��r°y i:c, �:17c� w�:�ssi:: <�7.�.�ncry k�t�l.l. �1uuri�:�ain M2c�G�c9 tea i;��.� mr:zd�a f-r�ca�n t�hi:�� r�u`ci<t�, �.nc:l.c�c�:ir�cY <a.r� �xt:E�ri;�a:i�an t�ti i:t:�x 1.���: 1.Ki(:�t:�, W�:xt•.c:�i^ ;�:�ar�vi.c:ca :�sh�a�ii.r.l a7.:r�.� kaE� pr•cavi<��:�ta 1�t7 i::rt�.'� 5:1.�:4!�3 l':?<ilfi�:E!I^I'1 NJUt.II'1f�f�Y',y, �:,i11'll.t:cll•,�f ;il•'?WF?1^ 511P'UIt.:F! f:i�l'11'lOt �.71'1 �xi;�.�rtt��41 t:c� 1;�tt�:;�� �ar,t>F>��w��l:i.��:y t::�.� t::ht� t�r�;ai: fr'�.�iyt w:il::hy�,n 1:ht�! pi^�.�r�c�:',r:tc) f�4�UE?,�C)�J111F•)1'1�': }'J�G'r'.lU$� f:f'1F� (!i�15'�:F!P"f'1 �.7olY'Cf��.S i:ll"l'? .�p(:iat;�(� ia1�: ol �.l'.11�1C?I'• �1c:avat::a��ra, ft wr:xi:�r� t�a:;i:i�•:i}acit:::�c�n {�lt:zn xnclir..r:�1::i.���J r>r'�,��ca:;1��a hyc�i^�:�r�t lacal:i.ui��:� s1�i�7.1 I�c� :�3u1��mi�le�cl rt�i^ Fii^� 17itii:�•i.ct: i�'c�ui.�:+w <�rx� r;apr�r^�.�ur,a.l �>i^i.c�i^ j::c:� c�F�F�i"a�ir:�:t ��f �Nia� fir�r�l. �l.�t:, h, l�u.lic.y E3, 1 , 1 c.al.].s fl�r• a ;�s�fc� �ric� e�afif�ic.i�nt, sLr•c�tat: •:;yst��m i:t��t: mc�!1::ti �..ur�r°ki7�: �znca r�ir•�.7 j r�c.t;��c� r�e.?��t�:>, °i"hte F�+^�.��n�rE��� irii�r�r�ru:x:l. sfi:r��:e�i�; syat�m :�Gai;:i:�si.�� Ga:l.l 4a�7K�l.it:t�hl.c? t�c�r,lti� <:�r��t la1<�n si�r.,ca�t: s�:�at7t9ar�•c�s w;ii::hi �:h�:� �xc�a?N��:ic.�r� of� 1:h�? K>i^iv<:z�h.c� rc��aca ;�,ir�n<a�:��^c�:: t'.ht4�t: h�ui� N>c�4�r� i^E?t��ac�si::�ad �u h�ta u�r•i.e�c� �� cii>c:usa�aci k�a.luw, "I`he �r�•u�c�sEac� r>:t�t; a1:l.uwr f�.ir~ fi�al:ur^F? :yt�r°�ai: i:.unn+��.1:ic�n:� i�:c:� i:h� we:y�:. �:n rac��l�.1:i��n, i:he c�rv��l.u��r�`:> ��F�r�t h�<�5 ir��iS.c:�t:��c� i:N��at� <a �>��ai:��ri�i.�1 st�r.,�a��: �i�t,�h� t:c.� �ht� ��:�:��: a� Fari.n�� c�i::�:.u:�s:a�ci wi.l:ht i�hE? �.�wn�?i^;; �.�i' 'l':hte:�:�>h� rztajr:ze.t��'t1: r�r�car��i^ti.�s , �;i�r�ffi r°a�c.uminE�nc�s t:N�<�t 1:fnc� t;c.immi:;:�si.c>r� r�c!txc.�:ir�e thi��: �a si:r°�k!1°. c��nri��ci,�.t�n tc.� i;>��i:h �}'t�� ca<�sai; �nr.! w�:�i� kai� w'E�r.(taar"Eacl �za � ce�ru�i.l�iun uf <a�;>rar°uu�l caf t,he �oi��c>���s�.l, wi.Lh i:�tic� 1uc<ai:ic�r�s uf 1:Ni� si�r•e�t: si::i.ik>:. 1;ca h� w��r•I<�r.l �t.it: k��!i:wE�Eari �:hc� K:Ik:111F?.I.qr1F�P• Garir.l r:zcl j�.ar..c`ni�. pr�c:ar�c�rty ��wi7c�r•s . "fh�.� ini:er°nc�l. :,�Lr°t?�1: :�V:i�E�ITI w�.:lJ. k�c�� r�a�c:��.ii.r��c� i;�� hk� c�.�rt,i::r^�t�:�:�ca i:�� Ci.ty �:I�asi.cJr� ai�<�ric�<�r�<1s . :Lir�wr•ouc�inE�rit:s� t.o 1:3cal..l Me>�anl.4zin 1�pG�ci wi,l.�. la�� rc!c;{�.i:i.r��ci 1:c.� hca �:c�n:�sl:r,t.i�;1:�!ca Lc� Cc�i.ii7�Ly .1:Gzncl<��^ca:•y i�� �Fac��t:.i.•f:iF��a an 1�1���? (,�aurity` s c.c�irur��r�ts , WhE?tr�e�r� a c.Fai��i:�!�• 1�«r�r� 1.�tnEa or�� rx.�s i:�.ti^r� ai.i1:: �:�i.1.:t r>�:� i•i�1.F!:�a:;��i�•y �:i.1,1 k��:? <ai�i::Har•itian�.ac:l hy i�hi<� C;c��artl:y �f�:r?r^ Y'k?lll(?W7.11(� �:�'l� I^l'?C�(.(4�S�1'?C� i�GCFdS.`�i i"l'��7U1"t:� ���'11S :l''a:'iU(? I'1C!Et:� I'1C.lt; �'lC?�.C� Ur) �aOIT11111ti::;:LQY1 i.�G1:ll'1Y1 1,11'1 ��'1F� �?1^t')nGl:3E?(:� 341�7C�:11/t.a].l.'11'l. ..i"he st:affi f=i.i�iras i.N�ai: i;h�� i^��cxuc�s��?c� uar�i�r�r.� �:a i:h�c� wr:iu��i:c� �i:r.,t!ca�: wi.�a�:Ni sl:�nc:l�:�r•cl :i:� j�.i:�i:i.fifac;i k��acca�a:•;�: 1.} �zl,:tc�aw�:�nc.� �,f �:h��� r�ar�i^nw�r• rarivat:� si:r�c�ct: w:il.l �al.l.uw thF �iE�u�:Lc�rain�ai��i: ur t;:M�r�E�c� lu�a i�ri�i: n�i.c�hi: i•t��t� F'�� r..tr't�Gai:�e� ;if i�h� c��v��1c.���t�i^ w��ir��a 1�t� ka�a r'i:�i;(�at.�'t?t� 1�4� cic�u<al,ur� i.h� �a���a.u<�ai:� strE�c�±�: ai: f'��11 wir,li�h; 2) t:1��� ��ut:Far�t:i<�1. wi.11 exx31: f��r•• ����:�>s�.ra.lN ].�i:�r wi.r���riirx� c�f �I:hc ���^:i.ura�� :ai�����c=:�L i:�.7 ryuk>l.i.c sLr�c��:i: yLar�ci<:zr�c�s �nc� th�c�sr-_ i.in��r°av�m�ini:s, t�hc�ir��fcai^e, wou7.c� k�� r»�:ai^1y �c:�i�a1.7,y K>r<>ua.<1�c� i'c�i^ hay k���s1::h� �arr�p�=r°i�y c�eu�l.�,raFa�^;� wh�� wi:�t I;>c�nE�t�i.t ri^um t�Ht�� �;>uk�l,i.c si:i��c�t; �nci :3) b�ca�aSE? �N�� ���i^Y.anc;t� wil.l nca1� ra�� t�wai�r'�am�ni�r,al. Lc� Kxahl,i.c ii�t:�:?r��a:�1:a an hia�l.i:ht, :a<�f�i:y, �.ir� �atak>.la.c: w�l.rai^F�, �i��rf r��commc�r�c�s, 1��uwau�ar, t:h�t t�he i�r�•act un wh�i.cN� �h�t� r•c���c� «il.l. bF� 1.�.�c�����d k�� r��c�tai.r~�cl 1::�, b�.� wacl�� ana�ac�h 1:�, 7.nc].�ac�� t;h� �r.c�ca s.lu.�:��s uf t�h�c� 4'5.1.1. in<�i:�r•i�l us�c� i:u cunal:r�u<:t tha� car�av��w�y. "I"hia,:; c,�r�i:4�iri:l.y wi.1..1 kaa l.�r�c��r i�hr:�n i�h� 2G ficac�i: wi.c�t:h rt�c���es1:�c� F>y tr�e ar>�l.:ir.�ar�1�a artt� may k�n t��^�5ai:�i^ tN�an i:f�►� 3(7 i��oryi: i�ir�� �Li^G�r.i•; si��anra��r�r� r^c.�!ra�ai.i���� ray 1�;I��w CG�c�ct. [)�i:��h�ma,n��i:�.c7n c.��f` i�h�! r~�c�«ii°��!r� wi.t�i.1°� uf' i:h�.s �r�c�� sf7e�ul.c:l Ha� ���.c�,il.ai:�ac� }ay i�N�� a�>r>1.i.�:.�an1,:' � enc�a,n�?�r• h�s�� c.�r� �:h�;ir� f.i.1,7, car�c) i��ci�:�d cc�n�i:r�t.i�.1.x��n ralari ar�r� �N�al.l b�a ��a�araut�c� by i:he Ci.1:y`s I�ric�i.i•��ar�ir�c� <�iuisior� pr�:�or �:o r~�ccai^<a:in� i:h� fan�al. �.l<:�i:, STAFF REPORT - LASSEL.LE/HERITAGE DEVELQPMENT CO3 -- S 69�q2/U @9-03 - PAGE 9 � � t 'K� 4. f>al.aci.ra 3 , 1. ,?.. �ncl ft. ]. .3 w�.:l.l k>E� ><-.ai:i.:sfi.i.Eaca ha�r..�u:aEa t:hFa C;i.i:a c.�f "Pxc������c� Gar�ci W<��hir�c�tan t:�ai.�r�i:y w�.l.l ra� wnrkirig tu��i:h�car� tu r�•E�sc�1u� si�r�e�i:: i�y�nrc�veni�:�r�1�, r:xrirJ lnc�i;ac�ri x:;s�iE�s inv�.,7.v�ca :ir� 1::i�t:is i:.�:xs� <ar�<� i:l��e ��r���<ai:4ar• F3�.�1,1 Mc�uni:�ai.n ��r.r-..d, "fh�c� �i^��rau�ar,l S�efa��i.vY.�ian's ai:r°�ei:: .r.iri�7i��c�v��me�i7i::a wi1.1 hac� �:.c.�r�s�i:r•u�„i:�?c1 i::c� Cii:y c�i�• C'.ount;:y c:caristructi�an st�raru�ar°r�� as <:ara�].i.c.��h>].� <�rid w9.11. r�c c.ur�st�rur.t�d at t:hn;! e�t�vE?1.�.i�a��r°'a �xK��r�;ye?, :,i.�fifi<:i�:�n1� r>�ak�J.i�:. r°:icaa�i:....c.�f-.�.wr�y wi].1. bE� c��c�acat:c�ci tc., t17Ea ���abl:ic; r�.l��rig F.3u.l:l Mc���r�i:�.a:in Ru�ac! ar�c� wzi:r�S.n i:hc� suk�clavis�,r�. l..hE� F�lrani•iinc� :yi��aff r.cai'iC.1.Udf�S 1.h���ai�. t:htta K>t�����aus�l :i.s c:c�nsi;��:�rit w:ii:Ni i:ri�� F3c�:11 Mc>ur���in Cummui•�ity F>.l�n I'Ji+l:'iE?d upoi� the f���.�.�7wirfy riric�.i,i7��s: 1, "I"hie Clt?I'1a:1.1::y ��f' �h�� K�f��.�K�c�s�c� ;>uhcdivi.ssa�:�n i� wii:hi.n 1::h�� l.a.ntit�s e:unt:em��lr:�i��c� k�y t:��e F�1�an. Al.l l.ai�s wit]. k�� w�al.l aH�nve i:h� !�,()00 sr.���r:�rc:� f���.�i� mi.ni.mum afi �LhF� fic�r•iri�r• �-�..6 C;c>Gini:y f71r�n cJ�;�aia�n�t::ac�n. 2, "fhe �r•�:>�ir�uai:i.an uP t;�^c�c�5 a,s vi�wtac� <a� an im�ar�i:��� c:umpari�r�t: af= �h� E3�al:l Mc,ur�i:<:�i.ri I-�].4an' s� c�.�i7c�i^ns fc�r^ wal.<�:ti,f�� h�b:ti:�t, c�ncl <ac�atr,�i::��: ���r,��rits , f�r�c��a�i^vtaL:iun c�f i�h�E7 m�jur�i.ty uf- i�M��7 tr�cac�a uri th�;a :i.t� wi7.J. h�� pi,.c�mc�i:c��c� i:hi^c�uc�N� 1:ha� c�ui::<:xh,�J.i;•:Mini�arit: �.,r c:c,mmc�n ar��n s��<:zc� c�wri��rshz� Us i:hc� wcauc�ac� r°avXnEa an t.hc r�ur°th c�nc� af thE� si1:e, "I"hia.s �ei�i.c}ri will. r�r~c,mc�i�E� i:hi�:� tabje�:.i::i.u�.�s c,fi i:rifa k3�a].1. M�a«r�1;�7.n Curtimcar�ity I�l.an` s F�r��a caf ��raPCial (,an<.�ar°r� �� 3, St<�P1" rtt�i:e� i:hit:�1: ia�:.c�?s�; 1:n i:hta; c1����rt :aKat:xrF �:�rc.a�a shc�t.i.lcJ k�c;? K>P"c�ui.tac:!cl tc� tri� sc,ilacia.uisi.ur�' s i^k���ic��rit�� , "I'r�is acr.F�sa sha�,il.c� fc�l,.lc��a t:riEa �ara�thi o� i:h�a :;�n:i.�:�i^y �nc� aj:pY'�m �,�aw�r ,l:tn�:� b�1�w��:�n 1caL:; 2.3 �rxJ 7.,�. 'i'hc� yt�•�vca.l. st,irfi�c.c?t� access r�c�acl r��a<�ui.i��c�<J tu h>� �i�•uva.c��!d fiar� mai.i7l:can<�ne:� caf �LN��:� �;�.zr�i.l:�ar��y �r�r,l ;at:e�i�~m :>�wF�r�:�� �hu,ialcl r�i���;�v:ica� 5t.ff'r1C.'l.f?Plt. (;)F?C:�F�:'i�l":I.iilYl ii�CCf?�S �:U ��'ll� C()I'(Illlt]PI U(;)E�f'1 SK)t'�l.ka� 1'hk� F'1<�anninc� s1:�zff` ri�:•� clr�ei^ir�in�!r.l i::h�i: i�F�� K��^upo:a<:�7„ is cc�nsisi:er�i: w9.1:h ra�aral.ic.�xf:>J.E? �ur�tic�ns uf- i:f�ie �,camrniai���.ty I�cau�?].ci�amc�i•ii: Cc7�ac.� h��s�<i G���n i�l�ic fia.ncl:inc�s n�,i��ca IaF�J.ca��; i 1 . Ch�pi:�r� '1R.�;2 �>fi i:he C�.�c�� ia sc��:isfiecJ I�E:!l:c�l.lse �:h� �ar�p�a�.�„�1, n�eE��::�y a1]. �ra�al.icafala c�iin�risiuri�l i^�?c�taii�•�irierii:s fic7r i:h� 12.._7 ;r�ori:i��ir� di.:�:1-.r�i4i: �.r�r,.l�ac�i.nr� minimum l.�,i: sixe (�i3OC1p s��a��r�e� fc�i:) �anc� lc�� w;.cJl:hi l''�t7 �c��i:) s��nci�r•cls, `fl7fa s�.it�c�iui.si��ri w�.l,]. Na� c���u�l.ca�;>Ead �i� a 1.�,;�c.�r cl�ansii�y I:h�n i:� �.11.��wer� Fay i�ric� -r..��nc�, T.n <ar;lcl;ii:i�.,ri, ��i^ot:�us�d lr.�i; shrag>e� �i•ui azxc�s sl•�ota:lci h�� �t,lf'`fiCi.tar�� ta a1..low I"�S1(�F?Y1Gk?8 �O k)k �'Jl,17.7.� lYl c:c.�nfur��Clti.tl'1C.�'? W:i.�:rl 3F?��iall"•k I"k?f�UJ.I"'t?Ilif.?Yl1;Fi� 2. Cf���r�i��r t8, �.fiq of i:l�ie Ccide is :�atisf'icd bcy�a`�ta�e th� raro��s<�l m�e�Ls i�hFa rec�ui.t^�m�!ni�s s�i: far�r� f�ar� a�apr��vrxl c.,f' a w>r��limariar�y pl.at �rid f-ur � v�r�:iancta cunsic��i���c� �:> �>ar°t af � s�AM�t�iuz�iori anrsi^�a�rc�zl, r��quF��si�, 3. CF�a�a�.�±r� :I.Q. J.6# uf i�he C�<ir� se�Ls st:andarc�s fc��^ strE?�:�t �ric� ut:i].i�:y imraruu�!m�riLs , "f'V7�se r��c�uir��mer�i:s shta�.l ha� s�ttisfiiE?d r�uM�irtg i:h� d�i:ail,�c� r�pui.<�w �.�i� Kar�up�ast�cl �acak�J.:ic iinpi^�.�u�mwr�t�:; i��, �.,r.cur� �tar~incy t;h� ���raual. �ar'l7Ck?53 for i:17� Pinr�l. ��,�t, STAFF REPORT — LASSELLE/NERI7AGE DEVELOPMENT C0. — S 89-02/V 69-03 — PAGE 10 �► , Es, I�F,COMMI�.AUJF�"1°;LqN `°�,. `� ,, B�s��cl �a�s7rr i::he? c1i.,i:.�.f:�;�;9.e�n c:zk�e�v�,�, t:h� �>lta��riiric� si.�aff r�Eace�mm�n<1s �aK>�?r°<�uG�l uf' :i�aha��iVi.�it�r� 'a $9.•,.��2. f`c�r i:l'�t� pr"c>(;�c:astat� "fh�'�t� Muui7i���iri I;:t�ro�tHs �;uaadivi.sa��ri rarica Vr>xr:i�rri:�� V ��.._,q3 1::c.� r:�J,1��w �:h�� r4�<a�l ;;iarfr��.�:! c.�fi t:h� �ar•c>nu�sc�d rar•iuiat:c� r°ci<�ci i�u f:» �a:i<�N�1:c�E�r� Tc�c�i� wY.d�. u�tafi� r°�ac:c71T11TIf�t1C�S t�P�at t:�'it�? 1"E?C,(l.lt'�,;1: �17P" <.+"i Ui:xl":I:i�C1G.l•.? �:Cl (�EdGI"F�i:�l;iE� 1:�'iG W:IC�t;�t C1{'' �':�'lE? j;C'i;�Ct: Y'4?(�t.I:I.M'�?t'� fui�� i�l�iE:� �ari.v<�i:� i°,e�tac� k�c� eltarii.cryt�; i.risi:�r.�c� :>t�a1"f- r�cuirtmcar�t�> tN�<�►t �:he Gnirimi.::.�i.c>n <:xl.:l.c�c.� 1:htH� C:i.i�y E:rtc��.i�i�:�c?r� t�.i clF�i�.e���m:i�7�.� hc�w wa<�Fa Gx r•c��aclw�ay trr�c:t w�.l.:t I�€� nc�c.��ss�ar��y 1a�z:s�ac� t>n i:hu� ��>F>.l:ic.<�r�i�:`s ��r,G�c�zr►c� ar�c� r�,c>�ac� cun�i:ir�u�:1:�.�.,ri �:I.r:�n:; wNt:�c:.hi wi.:l.1 k}E? :���.ik�ma.�::�:e��:l r�i�°i�,r� 1:ca rec:�:,r°<:IxrscJ i:Ni�.� fi,n<x1 �lrat:. °fh�? (,r,ammisya.un`s f-ir��l c��ci.si.c�ri is r�ac�m�T��nc9c!t� i:�a ha� scihaj�uL tu ti't��? f'til.lc.lt�i.nc� �:«ridi.i�acari;:; �� UNt..�::�;:; 0"t"Nt�RW1:u;E: IUC�'I"t::i:1, f�LL C(:>Nf�:l:'f";(:C)11i:3 .;N�tf1t_l.. C:3E:: Mt::_�.. af� F�:3;;ur,r��� �>{?;T:GC2 .T.C� ' I'�Lt;t�iZf'):LIU(; OF" ..fF�if.= F�'IN(�L I�I..t�"f, 1 , l"h�a <:a���a,li.c:arrl�; :•>h�:f.:l. c�k��:r;ai,i•� �� fca�.at:i�i�:�s ��:�rmi� i'ran� 1:N�E� , , I iac�,<�i'•t:mEani� ai� I...�arici t15�a anc� "f'r°4ar�.> cai��l':�tx��r� uf W�s>hixric�l:un (auuni:y �:c> , .(� K� ��ei^fc�r°tri w��rk watl�iir� �I�hiE� r°ic�h1.....i7fi._..w�,�y c�f k�aa:l.;l M�.ti��ril:cai.n f�c}�r�, ft �:�a�y :�h<�1.1 M�� �i^ou:ic���ci L-u t:h�.a �ity C�r�c�ii�i��r��:iric� Oi�f:icca �ar°XCar• tu i�;::.urartce r��f <� F>ub1.ac� :I:m�i^c:�+re�iYi�:�i�i�•; K>��r�r�it:. C;"i"ftF"��' CC)I11'I"�l(::"i"; ;7'nhn !-1�ac�ir��an, t��.�y caf 'T:i.c�ar�r� W.rr;�in��Fat�•ir�� I)iv:isic.�n, �hnn� fi:3�3�..4:L71., ?.. Lni::'s :l, ?.., �.�ncl 3 srta],1 i�c.�i: k�c �,c:�w•ittx�:l,e�<� 'l:ta �a�:.<.�:�;�:.; cli.r'�.a�:.�:l,y �.�ni�c> F3t.i.11. Mauril�ain �tnac�, A cai�E� i�c�c��: wit�ca, n�n...cxc.cc?5� i����scai^v� �t:ri�a aa.c�ng �he.a C�W k�u3.1. Mca�ant�.din f��.��t� fr��.�n1:r�c�� c�f �LhF�:r<< 1c��1::> ky�� c�r�ar�i::E�cl i�u i�h� C�ii�y uf "fx.c�aa��c�, ;;`f't11�1'= C�UIU"ft�(:;"!"; (�ary (�lf-sun, f::r�c�;i��c��r•ii7c� �: '; Diuisic�n, F�ri��n� fa3q)....�+1.7:1 , 3 . Flt;lclil:ioi�i�l �^i.�hi1:....c�f....wxxy r�h<:�1.1. bc� 4IE�<;IJ.Cct�:t?(,I 'I':c.� �Lh�:� ptaha�.y.c. �a.l�ants! '' i:l�� 13u11. MaGn��t�<�in R���c� t'runi:aK�e 1:a i.ncr�e�SMa t:h� i^i,c�hii�_..ur--way tca 33 �+���i� f�^�.,m �l:h�i� c.�nt�:�rlii•��!. yl"r�� <����.r°xrai:iun �h<:�.11 k�e �::i�c1 1:�:� i�hEa ��xi.st�i.rig ric�hit.....of__.w��y cFanf:e�i��l.iri��. "f"h» rae�:�x.ca#:i,ari <1car.�.iin�rit '' sh�'�.11 r>� a��>r•c.,ti�i�d k�y W�asl�in,r.�l;c�r� Crat.inl:y, C;'!"FlF'f� (:;C11U"I"F�C;"I": C;1iff Ntamhy, Waah:ii��c�i:ori Cc��ar�L••y, pi�iar�e fi�8....87fi:t, e�xi;. 2f3�'a4, 4 , �;1�.��ri��r�r��i h�:�].f--•>i::���F�i� :ini��r'�.'111�!ITIt?Y11�3, i.ncl.ui:l:iric� c:�.-�nc:.r°tai��� :•yir�a.aw�lk, c�i^iv�way a�r•can, cur•h, Ga�r�ria�.t:9.c r.�.,i�ci����t� �a<�u�m�nt. �t�nxt�ry scaw��r�, �i::cari�� cir•t�i.nr:�r��, �;i::r���ai:J.�.�.ah��.:�; ��nal uncl�:�r��i^��ui��c� �ati.l:iti,c�:>, 5r,<a�.�. r��� insi:all.�c� �.lcar7�� i�f7� i��,�.11. Mu�ani:aa.n I��.��c� f�r•unt�c��. �:mrar�uu�:�m�r�t� :3Ni�:�7.7. k�cz c��a:��.u,�nEaci r�rtc! r..c�n:a�:r��uc:t:��c� 1;�.� W�:�,:.;hi.ngi:L�n C;aunl;y Ma�ui^ C,a1l.Faci:ar• st:r•c�tit st�nt�ar<�� �inc� sr��ll CUYI�OI''�m i:a t�:h� ! I� �:�J.ic�n�n��n�; �.�f �xi�a�:;inc:J <�c�jc�c.wari�: :imr�r��auH�i���.�n1::;:, �,"I"F�F"w' C:C1N"C'f�C"f: ICar•y hJ.rsc�n, � "�. Fl nan_..i..tam��nsl::r��r�c:� -����^�emk�r�i: ;�hi�,lJ. ha? �x�c.ta�:�c1 Nay �:�it� ��p.li.<:�r►1�., ' c:�r� fi�ar�ms rar�ou`cc����i ray i�hEa C�uur�i:y, wFii�:.h wai.u�as i:h�e �ar°op�r�ty OWtlf?1"� 3 1"1(,�rl�:: �t� 1.1�;)pt);l? �.'11" i"k?i11C1YtS�:N'<+1{:F! i.1C�.�,t].P'15�: <:# f'l.l�':UI"k'? �.ti.l�ial�. •,. � :� • ist:ri�.t i'nrm�c� i:o i.m �r�aue SW R�,ill Muurti:ain CZc�a�i i > uvc.m�rti, d ..tn�i F , r,.. . . � . . , . . , � r• k�ei:we�r� �,W ].raG1:h �r��i F�z�.if�.c Hir�rtway i:a C;c�un�:y �tG�zncl��r�cl.a , ,C'F�F'�" .� ,� . a t I��� ��+8--£3Ib1 Cl)N'1"t�(d'1'c ;J�aar�ri� l7a.�t_, W�.�r�irt�i:ur� Cutar�t°y, rNu � STAFF REPORT — LASSELLE/HERITAGE pEV�LdPMEN7 C0. -- S B9•-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 11 ,; i: � t) � �ci1:i�1'1t�iA1'"t') ��`r.:JC:aI.� rit:Y't'-�E?t A.ITI�)M�GVC�IIIEaYI�':S, ir�� �.c?t�..:.ri� t'UI'1L1"<?t;fa 4.L('�t?Wial�.�.� tar�i�ra�w�ay �rai^ari, c:�ar•�a, �:>pP���zll;i.c: e:c�r�r..i..�.�i:�:� K><:�v�;�m�.�r��:, s<�nxl:ar~y s�wc�r�•, ;�tcat�•ir� r�r•azriac���, si�r�e!c+.t:lzc�hit�, �rid ur�t��r,r�r•.e�t�ric� ui:i.l.iti.<as, >h�r�al.l. k�e ;i.nht:��l;k�cl t��:i.�::�ti:n thtc� �i.ihr�i�riaic.,r�, :�:nipr•�iav�n►Fari1;:�; �a7ra11 k» r,11��:i��i7E�c� <�i��c� r.cirist�i�•�,�ctF?c� i;u Cii:y uf 'Ti.c�;�i���a lc�r,a1 tii;i^c?F�i� si><aric��r^cis arica t;h�al.:l: c:.cynre�i^m i;c� �Ho� al�ic,�nm�n1: <�;': a�tciwr� �.ir� �l•;h<-� stak�mii:i�;�J, Krl.<�ri 4?XCt?�t�: wa.i:h� I"l•�t�c�li"l:� t:0 tit:Y't?E?� 5�:ldNJS 1:C) �:rlk? k?i�S�". iXl'1(� W�S�. ��ff'lCa l�.�r:r�i��.c�n ta�f 1�,N�ia�r si:�^��:t: �;1:uh:�a ;,ai�;x1J. ka�� �Ic�i:�t^mi.nt�cl ti•ir��ci�.«:�l•t ciisz:c.��s:iui•�:> watri �c�jac.c�nt �ai��ur>�r°�� �wr��i^s Gxr�c� aH��.l,J. �a� ar>�ar�c����ci k>y 1:N�c� C;:G�y E:nc�ant�a�r• grr�i.�.,r ��� ��r.a�,.��i�•t�:ir�cJ �:F�Ea firiG�1 r>1��::. l"hw� �r>�a.l.i.c:ar�1: sh�.lt �air�uuxc�� ��ii;h��ai„ �a curic��r�tr.��t1 str•��Hi: �l.tan t`ur� ar�jtac��:!n�t K>i^�:�K>k:�ri::a.�.�::; �,r� w�^.i.i:i�Fn ar�rafir..4�i:xc�n fr��.�ni <:ac:ij<:a�.�.ari1:: r�re��a�t��1�y �awn�.ar°:�a t�i LF�� ����: �3rit� wt::�t t.hiat i:he ��r�c�c�i; c�xi:�ans�.c�i�ts ar�:! at�Fac��.t4�t:� :l.cac.rat:�c�, ;a"I°�1F��" C:�>N"i"AC't`: C34ar^,y �7.�6'yiar�, 7 . "f"r�� �r°a�acaac�rl rar^ivat��ly r,a�;>c:�r<:�i:�d r�ricf m<�int.Gasrr��r� i^tsG�raway pl�zri...�pi�.c�f:i7.� 4�aricl ci-•�,ss s�:ac;i:i�.�n ca���rai1:> sh<�l..l. k�� �ar•�:�vi.c:IH�c� ��:; K�4�r°i: ut� i:h�� �a�aha.lx�: i.mr>r�avc:�inE�rit �alai•�s, °I'h��:� pa�v�ini�r�t :>�c�i�a.un �r�t� c��xst s:ira�? �:ur•�k> �.,hr�J.l c.on��c�r�ir� i:c� J.�.�r.:�a.l :��r°c.aN�i: ::;i:Ganc;i�r��cas , C�I�.Flf�l�. t�ON`I"(�C:'T: t�<ar•y t�;lf'SUr�, 8. f� jnirit: ia:�F� �ync;l ITl<"11.1'11�t?Y1i:�n(:f? �<�r����am�ni:: yh�l.l, h>�? �xFac.ul:�d wxnca r~<ac.ar�cic7c� �:�n City :>i:an<��tr�c�:� t'c�r��m f�c�i�� thc� F�r•a.u<aL� c�riuc�way <�nd � tr�n�:1: car� whicahi i�:hi� r�riv�awGay �il.J. hk+ 1cac�i:taG�l, l"h�� �xgr"k?C!IflFal'1�F: SI'ti.��..� h��:� t^��r�ar�•e.�nr.�d un �r� k>��.umc� �aar�t� uf �].1 �x���1.i.�.�f�1.�� r>arc:��J.s I)E����s , '; Thi�� ���Jr^��tn�r��: ahi<-�1.1. �a�a arsr�i^��,r�c� }:�y h:h�-:� [:nr�:inF!Ear'�ir».,� l'.�iva>:�c�n pi^i.cat�� i�c� r•a�c.ur•c�. �;"f'(�I�'F taQiU"I`(�(�l"; Jnr� I�"��i��i.or�, i�r�yi.ne�c�t^.'r.r�c� L?�.��:isiun, i �hi�i��.� h3�....�+:t%1 , �. Ft yi^�:�dxnr.� r>1r,an �Pi<�).1 k�t� ��,ihmi.i.i��cl sN�c,w:ing f�xi::;i::inc� ranca r���t:����:��!cl c.uni:uur�:•>. F� saa..ls rc��>ur°i: �h��l,l. I;>�.a ��ruuic�racl dc�i;�.i.l.ii7y th�a a��ail �.��iY��r:a�:.1:::i�.�n iJ�eqiaai^��mc�nt:s 4�ncl m��i:hic�c�s fc.,r• s�:�k�:i�.a;�•3.nr.� c�i7d i^c�uc�g��i:<:�i�:iric� ccaG 4�r�d f-i.l.l �r°�aG�s , ��"I"t�l"1= i�UiVTf�C'f; (�r~�.�c� i?�r���•y. �r�s7iri���ar•xi7c� C7iui:�si.cyn, �yhnnFa G3��.._4:171 , 1.0, l"hc� ��;>{�lic:�i��i: 5r�<�i� �r���va,d� f-ur ruur �ri�;l �a��u��incant r�i.n r�r��ai.ria��ea i:t� t�h�� �car�:ti.�. ,��cir��mwa�:w?r� c�r�iri�qNa sy�:ti;�m or� t>y �ar� ��n..._>a�:�� :.;y at:��m c�ka�ignkc� t:u pr��v�i��t r•�arioff �,,rii:ca 1:h� <�c�j�c.r.ai�it ��r�+��>�r�ty, ;;"ft�i�'f� CGIU"I"FlC�`I"; �3r~Gac� F2ura;��1:, f•.<<.iiJ.��arirl i�a.��.i.siun, �>hic�n� 63�....�i.%1., 1.].. ;:�ai��ai:<�i��y s�w��r• ai7d si:c.�r�m cf�^axr��c�a� <�k�t:a:i].s �h��l.l ha� �ar�oui<�ed �;� p�ari:: ��f LNi�.a r>uha�.�,�. i.m�r��.�uFam�ni�. �7.<:ari:�� . C;ralcu�.ai::iun:� <:anrJ <:a i:c�r>ac�r•<�r�r�ic: m�r> uf tPi� :�>t�.�rm c�r•a�:ir��agca ba�i.ri �rir� :>�na.t:�i^y ���cu�r� s�r�vit:.c� <-.�r���a �hal.], k�� �r�c.�vi.c��d 4�:> a s�a�r�lFtimEr7i: t:c� i�h� F�uk�:l.ac :1Cir�wr����u�m�nt n,lans. C<al.cu7.�L�.uns ah��.1 h>c� f;��se�� un Tu�.1 cl�v�:lc:��m�r�i: �:�f i�h� >arui�.���k��.c� ar°c:�a. "I"Hifa l.c�c..�at,i.�.�n canr.l c<:����ar..�.i::y ar �.�xistirx,�, pr�o�aus��� r�r�d f�atui�•� :l:iriEa� sN��11 k�� cacic�i^e�st�t�, �°rn�=r COI�I"AG`I"; Cyr'�� E#�yrl^y. :1,7... ��i:c.�r•m �ar�ain�cy� r^�ari�.,ff rfria.11. b� da:s�:r��rc��acl in�:ca �N» caxi.;�l:i.n� c�r�<�a.r�ac��aways w's.th�a�ai: ;;zgna.ra.c:�.�ni::ly iin�>a�i�i,nc� �ar�n�;>�r•i:Y.�s �;I��wns�l:i�r���m, 4�l"F1f�l°' C,(71U1"�1C;'1"; G;r��ac� k��r�ry, 'i :� STAFF REPORT — LA55El,LE/HERITAGE DEVELOPM�NT CO3 — S 89-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 12 '� 3': �, _ � �.3. F1c�::ea:; ��'r.�. stc:�riri �ancl s�:xr�:ii�����y ycaw�r� '�,,. �a�:+J.;iri�.�s �.,iat:�ir�� t:tr� riyh�i;.....ur...w�y �h�<�1�. N>e �c.s:c>iti�art:�c�d r�y � �.�"a f���7t wit�� �<�;�cm���tt �.�nd �r� Q fuc�t.: widc� �J.l ��w�<atr��r "r.it.l':E?S2i r•<��:�r.l. Cw.1..Ft��'f�' C:C�N"I"f1C"�'; Cyr�c� 13E�r�i�,y, ].h . F�n ac:Jr���an�ertl:: :;h�<�tl:l. k>ta c�xe?t:tai��c� k�y i':Ht� x�r��>�x�:.�r,i::, eart for•ir�;� Nr•c�u�.c����� 3�ay th�Ea Cit.y, wh�ic;h w��:u�� th� rar°�a��r^i:y c7wr�t?r'`s ricyh�t to ; aF>�sci.;�a c�r° rk�►r►i�n,':fi,r^�at:�:? ��c.7��an�1:: <a t����:�.rrF� 1,�.�c<:�1. :im�>ir��.�uamE�ni: �las�:r��i:c:.i:: fui•�irt��d 1�u itn�r�cau� t:h� c�c�wri�t�rc�<�m :'ij:UN"m t�r��i.rt���� :�ya��m, S..F.F�f_r_ GC)111"►"A(a.1..; C7��c� F.'se�r�r•y, 15. 'i"r►e r:�rara7.ac:.i�nt hrt�a].:L K>r^c���:�raF� r><anii::<ar•y ��:�w�a��r.. �rna :�1;�.�r°��i �;H�w�r°:'i ��'� t:h�� we:�st f"ar• rui�urc e,ur�n�ut:ic�m uf- t:h� �e�j<�e:�ri� pr��p�r��ty, ,�ana���r��y ,,e�w�r�;:; :,Nti�:l.l: ���.3�� bE:? e�x1:�n<ac�cl i�c:, 1•:ht�.a i.ni:��r•a4��.t:i,��n c�i' thi�a prr>�ust�r� 1��c.Ga1 41;r�Ea1: wxth F3ua.t Mc�ur�tain Rca�d. .•i"tAf�'1= t:,C7fV'TAC�'T; G;�^t�C� C3Far•t��y, 7.fi. ";�vt�i�� (7) :z�t:; c.��f r>1r:�rr r:ai7ra ��i^a�fal.t� �tah>�.ic icnK>r~c.�vk�m��nt c;c�nat�•�acL••i�:�n �1.<:�ns rxi��d ear�� (1) ii.c��Y�irc:�r� e.e�n��r•uct:iari e.�a�t es�:.xm�ai::�, s1:'r.dl11C)t?<:I h>y �:a (��.�c�z�1{:�r^�c� E>r•c�fe;>:ic�n�1 Ciui 1, �nqir��Far�, t��t:�x.liru� atl. pr•c��au�cacl ra�ah.l:ic S.rn��r•�uuh�m�rti:s sN�<�l.,l k�c� s�af��mii�t:car! tc.� th�.� [:i•ir�ar����r°a.nc� C�t�G.i:ie�n fc,�i•• ��K��r°c�vaJ.. 'I'wci (1) .�ai:5 �.�f K�l.�,�n �ancl �r^afi.l� �.l�ar�s ahal..l �» �uk�iriitt:e�ci f�>r rar��.li.ir�inar�y i^E�uicaw �r�•ic�r� ta sursma.i::t.<aJ. af finr:�l �al.�rt:, , ;;`I"A1='F�' G�N"I°�1G;"1"; (;,�r�y F11i"s�.�i7, 17, (;�.7ri�1�r�«e:t:i��n uf ��r����7u:>�c� �ubl.xc iin{�r�•t�av�irr�����ts :>Ni���l riut c.u�tiir�Nr�c� ur��:i.J. r:aft:H�i^ i:h�� �::ns,�in���i��9.ncJ C�e�c:.t:i.c�n hr�:�a <:�K��rrciu�.�c� pub:li,e. im�ai��uu�m�ni: �;>1ai�s. Th� Yi�C:�:l.l'�Yl w7..11 i^��c�uii^e� a t17�� Nc�rra��ir�anc� Fts:�;i.ir^r:�nck� c�r� 1..�1::1:E�i^ �,f- Gc�mmai::i7i�.?ri1:, 4a�n c��vt�J.�:�ry�r�_-�nc�in�,��.��� �t,�r•<�e�±in�ariG, thi4� ra�ymE�i�fi� of <� ����r�miL- r�ae <�i�ui � ;�;i4fn :insi:al.l�t:ican/ a1�F°��i::l..i.c,�rti; f'F?k�. F11su, thte c�x�c:.�.i1;i.i:�t7 c�fi � :�i:r'•�.a�t: �.���.a1't:irtc� ��?r'�itit� �ar ce�nsti��car.9:ic�n c:uir�{alian�:e �c�i�.,��cam�n� shr�.11 ��cc:�.i�� pric�r i:o, or° cc.�rtc�.ii��ir•�ni::l.y w.i.j:rt 1:h� i.:�s:���a�ar�c� �.�f c�zr��ar•nv�:!c� �u�alac: zm�i^�.�v�.�ir►Ean�t: r>1<�ns . �3"I"f��'i` C;c7iU1"f�(�T: C<�e~y (�:ff�c�an, :1�3. C;•L~r^���: G�n1��r�J.a.n�.� lNunwn��nL<�1::ic�n :ah���l.J. bt� �r�c�ui.<:1�.��� r:a;, i�o:t;tcyw�;: �, :Cn acce�i��ciaric:e wxi:h c71Z:� �.�?.,UtiO, st���as�ca��.ur� {2�, t:h�� r..�n�car�li.n�:> c.,r ��:�;L ;>�i�•���: �nci ��c7�ciw��y r•�ic:�hi��;.�_...�.�sf.._,wr�y >h�t1�. H�P mc.,rr�nn�n�k�c� �aFar�,i^E� Lh<? Ci1:y sh�a�l.�. <��.ce�{�t a si>r���t :imK�r��.�u�mkant:. h�, Etl.:l. ��ni:�rl.in� m�,n�.init�r�t,;; aNi�a1.1, k�w� �al,�ac�ra in � m<arfuni�rit�: k��.�x c:unrur..mii•�g i:�a t�S.i;y s1�ar�darr�s, "1"h� i�a� �ar a�.l mu�7umH�r�t� Na�,x�s ,h�J.1 k�� ;:�:��: cat; �th� d�ai.�.7Y1 �(�xni5h r.�r�r�c�+� �,f i;ri� ;�1�r����. c:, 'I`h�p fulluwiric� c�ar�t.�r�,lane mur�umF�rii:a ahli��.l ��� s�i�; 1. . �t11 rc!rti:�r��l.in��_.�:�!rtt����J.iri� i.nt�.ar�;��Gtx�,n::, , :Lrit�t^sc�ct:i�aris cr���i;�r� crus�ir►c� �x:isi::ii�ig si:r��t� sha11 k>� >�1: whE�ri �L••h� cc�n�;�r].ar��� ,�Xi�nitti�nt: ��f trt� axi�ti�Xny s�r�c��t hi�� N>ca�ar� ��t�ba.i.she�cl by +�r r4�►�� thica Cit;y, i 1 i ! STAFF' R�PQRT � LASSELL�/NERII'AGE DEVELOPMENT CO. — S@9-02fV e9--03 — PAGE 13 � � �,. ,, {. } � � � �� �, �� C;z�rti�Ear• of �a�.X c.«.1.,...c��..,..��c, �a, �. Cic.ir~v�� �>cii.i•i1:�. N��ini�. �.�f i.n��ir•ak?C:�::�.QI'1 (f?.Z:, ) wMia�r� i.t.;:; �ua:�t:cari fiaJ,ls i.r�si.�� t:h� ,liiriil:s uf t:1�iFa �a�u��ir��nt i�i;rtei��wi.s� k��.acjinrran�,� ��nc� �rtcaxn�J K>�yxr�j•;.:•s (G3,�"„ <aricl E,fr, g , A, F�l.l. s�r��.i>ai^y �:ai7c� stcar�m yt,�^�ic:�:Grr^�s sh<�.13. �e� �.lGa�:pt� i,n �>�.�;;it::ii,n:� 1:Fi�:�t c�c> rt�.�t in�:�rfci��Ea �ui.i�;hz r..ianl���r��.a.nt! ....�. ...... m�.�n�amt?rrt:�t:9.47n. `,I�ll�'H l t7lV"I"F��"I": ;J'uM i�"�.�iz�xun, 19. Far°i.e�r" i::c� c:.e.�trnttFynr..Farnt:�ni� c�f �;i.i:.t? c.J.e�<:�r�xr�q �ncl �1r�ac:li.ncj, Ga K�1.4�ri fi:�r•� i:h� �ir,c>�:cac:ta.ur� �:�f t�r•t�c�:> uuE�r 6 'crtcai�5 :ir� cii.amcat��r shaal.l. b� ��anr'c�u�?c� k>y 1�;h�� i:>J,;;�rrr�xric� I.{J.U1.3Lf)Yl, 'I��I`ik'? r��.�mc�uG�tl, ��f �r►y �L:t^+���:; c:�u�r 6 9.ricr�c!s ir� c�i<�inE�t.c�r° :�h��a:lJ. k�� ju5l:if-�.fad h�y i:hc� c��7v�a;lo��tr• ur� a c��a��lifixa.�c� �r•k��.,i^xs�:: i:n � i�r°�,� �..�i7tc,v�a1 ���r�n�it� r~��cxu�isi;: r���.aKx�r~�:, �;"I"f�N`f" ��C)AF'f"f�C"f; ;t�r�i^y Off'�.�r, 1�lannir�!� I?iu:isi.c�n, �Muan�? 63�...,A�iJi. 2C.r, �1 i7ir�t:h�c�c� fic�r° m�irt��.�i�<:ar�c.t�, :�G�c.hi 4�:y �a hc�rn�c�wn�r~� �assc.�c.i.�ti:.ic�n, ,Ni�ll k>� �a��otri.ci�.ac� f�ar "fr•act "F�" .7..h�a r�l:an �ric� meatsNiuc;i ficar� in<�i.rit:Eyrt�rr�e sh�<:�11 ha�� z�raN�r•c�vc�rJ by i::h� F�7.G�nr�ari<� C��.vx�;ic,n. :';'�'Fit���' (::()111"I"F1C:"I"; ;�'�r°r•y QT'rr-_r•, 17�ai7r�i.nc� l7ivi.siun, phari� 639-.A111. , 2:1 . f�r�a.c7i^ i:<� c:ciiYU�i�?nc.rttttEary�L c�f �.r.t:k� c1e���r�inc� ar�ci t�r�•aclir��, � �l<:art fc�r~ c:a�arair�g tH�E� wc��..l in �.nmpl.iar�c:� with an,y si�r�t�a ur� <.c�ur�ty rcy�aJ.��t.i.�.,ns nu.�r;i: k��.� <:�x�F�i°c�v�cl by fi:hie� f>1.��nnir�cJ Gliuisi��n �ric� G�riy ai�hc�r• <�y��i°�cy c.N�<ar•c��;�c� with sc�<:h c�ui�:ic��, y°rr�i-r- ��t�1�1`�t�'i": �'�r�•r� O�i''�r, .12, F� ,Jtl:l.l'1�: U:3k? i:�l'1(� I�iFxJ.l'i�"•(?I'1'r�l'lt;•[? i�t��"f?f?111t�P1�:: 5r1i.��..� �t� k�XE?Ci.lfi;E�Ca <".�Ytl'a r��car•cir-.�I c�ri (�i.Ly s�:r�rir.l�r•c� rar°IA5 r��r t:r�c� r>riu�:a�t� roa<� ;�car•ufri� l.c�t;s iF,, 1E�, �anci 1%. F�c�r•�+��m�i7i�� r�ha<:�11 b�:� r��f�r�erir:�ca c,n rarira bc��:.�.,ai� �ar°� �af ��1.1. a�:��l.i�:ahale �a�►i^t:el dc=�c�s, '1"hE� ac�ir�����mE:r�t sh����.1 b� aKs�rc.7�»c� ��y t:h� Enc�inr�c��•inc� Diva,ac.�n �>i^�.ar� �c, r•�c:�.�i�•clxnr�. c;.r.�r�r� f�ON"i°A�"f; �'an i'-°F�ic�iur� 2.3, f� w<�t��r° :r�i^vace �lrari 5.1:�c.iyi�r��a�:ii•�c� fiu�:� hydr��n�: l�,c.�1��.��n�., ;�h�:{'�1. k�� a�a�ai^c��.��d Nay Waahir��i:car� C��cir�i:y f�ir•� 17ist�r°a.c:t IU�a, l. , �"f"t�f=F C(711i"i"hC'."f'; G�ri�� C:t:i.r°c:hii.).1, W<asN�ir�<:Jt:can Cc�uni:.y F'i.r� C1a.si:r�i.r1:: N<�, ]., r�r���.� 6A9�•_f35T'7, 'fl•�I�:� FiF>Nt�{�Vt1�. �;i•iALG. k3t:: UF1L�:[) �:E� k:Xk�RG;L�,E.G) WI:"I"�..II;I\I UI11�:, Y�FtFt (71= "f.H�. ��;Nf�l� fii�17120VAL 1�ATF�, � ; � , � ; i 1�121w�>f�R�'� RY.�.� ry :.�,i;9�Fa�^, ..�(�sszstaril: l�.l�ririEt�• � (1 +'� ,. ca j/90ES3D i E. STAF'� REPpRT — LASS�LLE/NERIT'AGE DEVELOPMENT C0. — S 89--02/V 69-03 -- PAGE 14 ?: � ; � � � � � �� � � � _y � � � H ' r t. ♦ �y' ^ . �� 5 4 8 9 - s x. Hrrw rti c� s � j N� ' � . i : —, a I � � � " ` • I � - . I � � � i . Sw f • •K'� � � �y 1 � �-- ,; = -- ��_____" � � � . . i .� . . . f C �J�� r yP' I .)i �4, !. R I t 1 _ �r « � ti !�1 M� � � . k �� � • 3 ►� � { � �nU� � ` — ` . � � I • ► 11 � �� � � I { � 1 7 �. � , • q i 7 � 9 i )""'`► � t �\ i . � f t . j � i i { �_ t4 . .- G/I�Zb. L[� �g8UE2 . . 749oD S'.r1N. 141aE o�{v�. �i9a�, C�zF9on 9722Q-7459 Fe�bruary 24, 1989 ��'��� � FEB 2 g �989 � Tigard Planning Commission ' Tigard City Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, Orsgon 97223 Re: Subdivision S 89-02 Lasselle = Oxr Property on Bu11 Mtn. De�X Commissioners: With regard to the abo�ve mentioned p�operty, I feel. it necessary to reques�, in writing, the need for a center turn-lane anci school bas turnout. I trayel past this propnsed subdivision each day, an,d feel this is imperative. �his is a safety issue and should merit your consideratio�, on that basis. Thank you for your considera�ion. Sincerely, _ l°`"�ec� Linda Reeder • � s E � i � ] � � � � i � ....:... .. • 5�/�'����'� , �� . . %>� �/�iz�,Jv McCLURE & SCHWAB ��t/��� ATTORNEYS AT LAW 9250 S,W.TIGARD AVENUE CHARLES J.MCCLURE TICARD,ORECON 97223 FAX(503)63�J-3447 JOHN E.SCHWAB - TELEPHONE(503)639-4108 February 21, ].989 Tigard Planni.ng Commission Tigard Ci�y Hall 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Lasselle Heights Subc3ivision Subdivision S 89-a2, Variance V 89-03 This office represents Robert Deuth and 3ames Rippey who both own property directly to the east of and as�jacent to this proposec] subdivision. �ir. Deuth is the owner of Tax Lots �S1 9A/1300 and 1604, comprisinq approximately 4.05 acres. Mr. Rippey is the owner of 2S1 9A/1301, 1200, and 1202p comprising approximately 8 .07 acres. (Please see attached map) . My cli�nts support approWal of Heritaqe Development Company's application for the Lasselle Heights Subdivision. Howe�r�r, we do request that provision be made at this time for the future development of the Deuth/Rippey properties. One �roblem these properties have is that the only access is by a �ubstandard width private road that intersects with Bull Mountain Road. Another problem is that there presently is no logical sewer connection to these prope�ties. , My clients do not have any immediate plans to develop these properties, either individually or together, for residential use. But that development may take place in the future. To accommodate any future development, we would like to see Heritage do two things in the preparation of a £inal plat: 1. Current site plans call for a cul-de-sac servxng Lasselle Lots 30 and 31. If the developer would extend that cul- de-sac to the eastern property line, alternate access would be in place for future residential development of the Deuth/Rippey properties. � ' _ , . ' �� � Mc�LU RE 8 SCHW�B � f�.TTOR2>TEYS AT LAW Tigard Planning Cammission February 21, 1989 Pa' e Two 9 2. Current site plans call for sewer to enter the Lasselle property from the north, �hrough tract A. We would request that skub sewer be brought �ast through tract A to th� property line, again, to allow for coordinated future development of the adjacent parcelse My clients have already been working with Heritage and its eragineers in this regard and they have indicated at least preliminary agreement with these requests. The Planning Commission should coordinate Heritaqe's present development v�ith the future growth that can be anticipated to the east, To clo so would satisfy Tigard Comprehensive Plari Policy 8.1.1 which directs the City to plan for a safe and efficient street and roadway system that meets current needs and anticipated f uture growth and development. Sinc�rel.y, McCLURE & CHWAB o n E. Schwab JES/sw Enclosure 5.12 �( 1 cc: Robert Deuth/James Rippey � Heritage Development Corapany ( David Evans & Associates f { � k �i' ,'' {'' �. �', ! � ; � �. �•: 3 fi ■ ' N � � s ` i ^ oi . � .. _ v . � • c � r � : � t � �h w �v �: . N ,w r w 0� � ;.. ; '= . q, �p , . . =o W a, o � _� _ 1 � tGi 7 az.o c � � � ' ;p:, �,.o . '_ "_ i /N,c�oio► M,�z,oN i,a�oc►� 'o r , � ..r�i> n E'z70� , ; . .. , , `� a r � ' Cli MSE OM� e�.� �'i0► .f f01 li3M ' � � + . � l � ` : . . R v ' ` ,. : � � ,� -� o• ;. .- , ,. : � p•' a . � � s � � � � - -aus --- 4 ( ,�' ' r � ,c � P � � � ; � �t � •- •YC , t.�M . 1 K W Q? �/ j ' •� � � ~ w� � !` 3 }��,� y� �i7�t , �: 1 � c�:� � :N $ � • �°,w� "" �+ �'�• � N• � � e w ,., • �.:�' -_ � �w 'tu9 T `� _� . • .YC•�p► CiYt M a. • sc�Q r st � � �(" . _ ; ' . �� _-. � —� tl'iLt ° CO'off � y1091�11Z9E�ON. `� 'K � � L :..t 4 . L'�u � • 0♦ u' �y �1 - - — — — — 7 — — - - - - I • NQ �� : �� r '` ;� � �� , a : � -n . � -�� "1 $,s ` ` !V `=Q. d ' 'saa , !� �c � . . . ��... _ � n w ' . � � . . � � { M y,• � .7N 01 .,�ti Fj M� � ���Q t ��� ..lf/ � Q � 0h ' �� � �� � 1 N �Q� pul Otl � -� p M w �� � Q ' ( i'i91 �tD 4 q y � . . ~ � . �� . ,. . . . .... I � �i vpr V w r�., . _ . j ; _ � ,1C'IOZ M,tC.OS v� �y �° ^ �_ � ' f f f rf f fr ° f ', � J . ' �. ti'f;+Yti:r ,.r fti { tif f� �r{rfti�✓��.r ff'f f{rfr�rv f�r rr f � f}::ti{!. 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Y��• �ti. � .� . �0 f r r f ti ti rf �'~rr tirr tir � f� r f f � f '' ff f �ri~f i:'%�•r�:` r:'r:•..,f, ;?} 't;r ���ti rr { r ti rti f ffti�ti r� �ti tiy ti f�f f �t r r � .,r r ' . �i i�y r, , r f ti ti r f r:•,:%f�••�� � :P Q ti � ti ti f r rf}r r rr}�ti yr.�r ti f}ti r �{ � j f ti } L'- m t � �'f L� ti~f ti f f r ti�.rYfrjj `f � r rr�r `+� .`,.,�}ir '� � Q Q1 . i•��!�,��f tif� ' � f � •r•, rf f} r .,f rrr f i ,.; ...::..... .:. ..tiv: • .�j. +•... ..:•. ..r.•:{ .....:r.....fi..fti�r.�3.}.f � r{.....?.f}f..:�:... f �r•}, � � J � •" � : ti ,. s r r}ti,;L�. ti ` �f '�'"�{.'1'�RI�R�'' r f > ; ': �ti�•'' ti f s� •� ti'�.•�`�.•Yif�ti f}t�'�`.'ti.f •.f..•J�}�'f\,.y f�''�.'ti b f } �f fr f L L� !� + ti y�}; ti ti L `.'.�.�'.ti'Cf ftir}f�r'r f ~.�'ti r{ ti :, tn N i ti ti ti fti s ti �ti tir rs ti rti r ti f�{�ti f r r Q t � ; .��ii.Y�t�,:�}ti f ti r ti�.�.,.ti ^.tif rf,} .r� r'�`°�.ti ., f .,� v �n _ . Q ti. `ti .,ti ti r,r�,'ti�,"r�f tir tif��{Cr., ti {, ?v f:,r f ti �ti �1 N� r ti r' r�rr i . f r , �,r �:iti�.:.:......,:..•..ti..�.}.tiffti'fi,vr �'ti.:rtif:•,f,• f :.•.f . ..ti r...:::,, -M Or , • .. . . ;'16i t � � .�• � � , � � . ': ; ':� a � . i;: ' ' Z� �, ' . � � � � ' ! vti,�; '� . 4i,� � , . w �, � TiGARD V�VATER DISTRICT 884, S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARO,OREGON 97223-6290 PHONE (503) 639-1554 January 30, 1989 Ree Lasselle Heights Subdivision Water service to the Bull Mountain area was recognized as a major problem in the mid-1980 ' s in view of the huge developments that were being proposed. Enclosed is a study by Consulting Engineer Gilbert Meigs in September 1986. This study predi�ts that $7 million must be invested into the water system to ade- quately serve this area within the next 20 years. Some .of this predicted amount has been spent on a parallel 16-inch main along S.W. Bull Mountain. New pump stations have been built in two locations: S.W. 121st and Gaarde Street; and ;� S. W. 132nd & Walnut Street. Al1 water to Bu11 Mountain must be j um ed at least four times, beginning at the intake at Gladstone ', P P = on the Clackamas River. The district pr�poses to construct a 1-million gallon ' reservoir at Hi Tor in 1992 (estimated cost: $590, 000) . Five other reservoirs must be constructed within the 20 year period. All of these costs are placed upon the existing users with either a bond measure or increased user fees. Therefore, we expect the developer to pay his shar� by install- ing adequate mains so that the district can p�amp water via his or her development. This means additional costs to th� developer. For example, a 12°inch water main is required through the entir� development from Bull. Mountain Road to th�e most northwesterly t'f corner where the district owns an 8-inch cast iron main (on a 15- foot easement) . A 6-inch main is adequate elsewhere. Four (4) fire hydrants will be required. The district does not require the developer to pay any por- tion of required reser.voirs, pump stations, increasing capacity of existing mains car for major transmission mains to acquire additional water, new treatment facilities, etc. However, so that there is no misunderstanding before the deve.loper or awner starts down the road to development, they must be made aware of the additional costs � install larger than normal water mains. � The water district does not possess funds to pay for the over- ' sizing nor does the Board o� Commissioners deem it appropriate to incur such expenditures to be placed upon al]. existing users. Sin �ly your , { obert E. ntee � Administrator ` � � FEB 16 '89 14:�� WASNI���TON GOUNTY 503 648 8895 F.� �. k,,. wAS��r�c��arr COL1N'�`°Y, ��� ORE�"rC�N FEB �,� �� ebruary 76, 1 �3$9 � l�ashingtan County's Comments for Subd�vi5iott S $9-02, Tigard, Qregon Tax. Lots 1400 �nd i507 , Tax Map 2S1 9A, 5.W. Bu11 Mbuntaln Raad ] . Oedicate addit�onal rignt�-of-way to provide 3� f�e� from center�ine of SW Bu17 Nbuntain Road frontaqe, including adequate corner radius, 2�. Sign a waiv�r not to r�rno�t�trate aga�inst the formation of a l.oCal � Improvement Distric� or other �nechanism t� 1mpr�AVe SW Bull kbuntain Koad, ae�we�n 5w 1 yuth avenue and Naci�1 c NT ghway, to �ounty standdrel. 3. Estab1isn a one (l ) foot, non-access res�rve strip �7ong SW Bull Nbuntain Raad frontage, except a� the approved acc�s,. 4. Submit plans. ab�airt �ounty Engineering Division dpp►^oval , prov9de fina�cia7 assura�nce, and obtai n a faci l i�y p@rmi� fo�^ �he constructi on of �hp �ollowing improvements: A. A one=ha�f street improvement along S�t Bu11 Mauntain Road frontage to a County major coilector standard, wi th curb, stiorm draina�e, a�nd �ancr�te sidewalk. B. Stre�t l�ghting to Caunty �tandards at the access ori SW "B�u�9 h�untain Road. i �� 5. _5ubm�t two copi es of an Access Report to Wa sh�ng�on Coun�y for revi ew � �prTOr to abtainit�g final �pproval or access to 5W Bull Mbuntain Road. Further requir�a,a�nts, such as a 1e�t-turn refuge lane, will be � determined upon th� County's r�eview of the Access Repart. Yhe Access � Repart shall address the requir�►nents of W�shington County Reso7ut�on � and Order No. 8E-95. A copy of �hese requirements are enclosed. `� ; � � jerofjr . { i i � i I � i � � 1 I Qe�a�tment c�i La�d USe And Traneportatlon,Land pevelopme�t Services Divlsion j 1 So North Fira�t Avenue N1115boro,Oreq4n 97124 Pho�e3503/648•8761 � r . ��.. i ��\�� February 16 , 1989 FE8 1� 198� ' ����� Tigard Planning Commission City Hall SW Hall Qoulevard Tigard , Oregon 97223 � Gentlemen : ; Last night, my husband and I attended a Qull Mountain neiyhborhood ? planning meetirig at Tigard School District AdministratiUn building to h�ar of the proposed 19 acre subdivision to be built on Bull Mountain at about 135th by Heritage Developers. We want to strenuously voice our objection to this development as M untain is in t he rocess is now proposed . We are aware that Bull o P of major new development and that is not to be stopped. However, everytime a developer wants high density , it ' s going to have a signi - ficant impact on every point of livability on Bull Mountain . Apparent- ly, laws pertaining to density were passed with blanket effect to all of Tigard with no thought or exceptions made to areas where high density hon7es would not be acceptable due to topography , existing homes vrith acreage , road congestion , etc . Bull Mc�untain v�as originally developed by people building large, country homes with acreage. These homes have been kept up and Sull Mountain is knawn in the Portland area as an affluent, country resi - dential area , and a very desirable place tn livz. Now come the developers , putting in high density homes of much lesser value than existing homes , adversely affecting the value of the neighbors ' pro- perty , the quality of the environment , and road congestion . And the " laws" give no protection nor concern to existing homeowners. We bought our home on Bull Mountain for several reasons , one import- ant one being the view to the north of Mount St. HElens , Mount Adam, the lights of Beaverton , etc . The proposed subdivision will totally eliminate this view to all but roof tops and wall -to�wall housing. From the plat wP see five homes to be built along Bull ;. Mountain Road where we have one on the south side o� the road . Given the small lots these houses will k�e anly a few feet apart and set back a few m�re �eet from the roaF�. TI'ie Clll�"lI�CGI af th� �e.°lopers told us they were "within the law to build two and two-and-one-half � story homes" . Our "view" will consist of a wall of inexpensive, ugly houses . It has always been my understanding as citizens of the United States of America that we have "righ�s" only to the point they don ' t infringe upon the rights of others . Our home has been here 89 years , and now suddenly some greedy developer can come in , destroy our vzew, devalue our property , clog up the roads , pol•1•u�e �he environment, ; and that is just fine-- "we have to expect it" , it ' s called progress . ; ,; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , !' ; . , (' ��,. � l i Page two -- Planning Commission re: Heritage Development The developer tells us these 48 homes are less than could have been � built. That isn ' t very comfortinga And it is misleading as to the ;. real density. Had the terrain on the north been suitable in any way ` possible for building , you know they would have put houses in there �" too. They are calling it a "buffer zone" for potential neighbors f on �:he north . Where there needs to be a "buffer" is . where there are �_ existing neighbors -- on Bull Mountain Road. It is totally erroneous � to allude that they are building on 19-acres when in fact their total ` of 48 homes are to be built on 14- 15 acres including roads. For all �ti intelligeiit planning on 15 acres with roads , no more than 25 homes should be considered. Gi !. We would plead with you to NOT give approval for this development as " it is now proposed. Please find a way to lessen the density. The , present plan does not in any way conform to existing homes or the i type of neighborhood Bull Mountain st.arted out to be °0 years ago ` and that the present homeowners desire to maintain . Let ' s keep the j standards high in the area , not lower them. '' � � Yau elected officials ought to , and we expect you to, represent the �` present homeowners of the Bull Mountain-Tigard ar�as ; NOT potential ones or the greedy developers. It ' s surprising how quickly election P �: time comes up. f� �: t ;:. Sin ,erely, , �� � �' �f, �.I LL� ,%� .1'' �'rl����, �� ,� �'`.��� � : d Dean� Co ' Ann an y / 13580 S_W. Bull Mountain Road � 1 Tigard , Oregon 97224 �: i cc : Washington County Planning and Zoning Commissian ;� !' l �: {.. � `� t , � kl t" i � . � Februar 21 1989 '� �w Y � rl'igard F'lanning Commission Re: 589-02 .Laselle/Urr/Heritage The CPO ��4� BULL MOUNT�.IN had a community meeting to review this sub- divisir�n on �;dednesday, l�ebruary 15, 1.989, which was att�nded by 50-50 p�ople including Jo}Zn Biosy res�resenting the developer as the en�;ineerS. The c�mmunity concerns �ti•ere: l. Safe�ty on BuJ.l Mountain !�oad with a ne��� exit and e�ress to a sub- , d.ivision in this a.lread.y rlangerous location. ;�'e feel a center turn lan� is imperative, . azte distance eas�t and v�est a concern. Uang�rous corner ju��t; �vest of �.�roperty. Site obstruction on east nro,,er-ty at i�ull lVltn. rtd.. -pow�r polc� , holly t.ree , n�b.1e .fir• �L-rF�c� a.t] :�n 3djnin�r��:� r.ro1?�rty. Schoo7. bus turnou�t neecled on Bu]_1 i�:t. �;��. as �aus U;on ' t be �oin� into subd..ivision on any regular basis. �i�us need.s a ` p].acP ta nul.l �ff and let traffic pass after unloading students. 2. Traffic circula.t:�on ���,ithin subdi_vision N:'UST �r•ovide �.ccess to i �roperties to the east and to thP west to CUNN.ECT FUR PUTUtZ1; 1)i;V�?LU1�CVl1?.NT. The developer must ��ror� vaith the adjoining gronerty ov!ners as to place- ment of the roads to adjoining properties for the benefit of a7.1 concerned , 3 . 1'rivate road va�?�ance - ��;hat about parking on this road and th2 availabilit,y of emergency vehicl_es to enter if parkin� occurs. How is this enforced. �.lso, if the subdivisian plat is moclif�.ed and tne main � road to �he ��!est .is mov�d in a s��u'thE:2^7.,y d�recti.on ho:-� v�i1.l this effec� the th�-� l�n�;tll of th�� r�ri.vate ro�c�? Un+i]. there is a �ef irli�;c� 1:1.ar. v:�ith thc: ex.:�c c �c�cat ion ��f t'r�e roads t� thP east and lr�es-t a�reed unon �ti�i.th thn adjo�nin� r�z'O��r"�;�r o;�:n�.r�s , t-re rPquest no va�i�.nce t�e �rantPd for this priva�te street. 4. Uur unc?ers�Lanciin� is 7_47,000 sq. .ft. of lanci u�il.l be ].ef.t as ,��en space in common o�vner•��hin by the home�sners themselv�s - not subject to future develo:pment by the developer. S. Uur understandin;; is tha�; the 2 acres to the north o:f �the propert� cannot b�a developed in conjunction vrith this d.evFlonment anc? l��ill also m��: likel,y b� left as op�n space. 6. A11 service connections, se��ter, storm draina�e , ���ater, must ?�e brought to the prop�ri�y lines of adjoining properties on the north, south, east and zr�est. On lt�� 17 on the existin� plat the draina;e from propert,y to the 1-��est must be adequately addressed so th?s n�.tural draina�•e channs). is left open to drain ��:ith no obstructions and no dama�e to existing channel from development. , 7. The surr�unding d�v�lopment is on large lots, 3/t: aere plus, rhese lots have a vie���l from their property and ho:nes. Ther� is a �reat conccr•n about their vie�•�� bein� ta.ken a!a�ay ��,�ith this ne�v developrnent. Hov� can this be addressed? There is a7.so a concern in the Bull iViountain community' ���hich is addressed at each community mPeting and subdivision hearing about the nev:� cievel.o�ments �vith the higher density allowed being allo��•;ed ta chan�e the entir.e char?cter of the community and the current residents of the area have virtually nothing to say about it. Ho�v canthis be a�dressed? i � � ; � ' Yage 2 8. Vt'e are concerned��:vout the real situation of�`r,aving ane foot in the City of 'I'iga?^c� and one fo�t in the C�unty that is to say the land has been annexed and Bull Mtn. :tid. is in the county. The I3ull n7ounta.in Gommunity i� th� loser in this situation because there is no agreement betuTeen the City and the County r���:rdin� the sys-tem development cha�^�e�TTFF fee. Under the TTFF fee the developer can choose to do Safety im�rovements on the collector street and get a credit against the TIFF fee, and I believe there ia a provision for using the systems development fee in the area of the develop�,en� from the City of Tigard. Becaus� neither oi' these apply, how c�.n our community address this issue and to whom do we turn for help'? `�his safety improvement could be the center turn lane, which we believe is required or other im�rovements on Bul1 P�Itri. Rd. s t is bod to look at this subdivision in relation to the 9. VJe re ue t h q Y entire Bull iVlountain community in its recommendations. All new traffic must use only the one existing �vay in and out of Bull Ntauntain. There need: to be all needed improvements made by each cievelopment to mi_tigate the traffic impacts. There needs to be new roads �lanned to the north and to the south as development occurs, which v�e are beginning to address in the recent town hall meeting with the City of Tigard and which needs to be iMplemented immediately upon approval„ �.�,. ��._ SUBDIVISION NARF2A'rIVE Th�:ee Mountains Subdivision The following narrative supports our application for approval of the Three Mountains subdivision, located on the north side or Bull Mountain Road in the City of Tigard. 'We repre�ent Heritae�e Developmen� Comgany, who have contracted to purchase the property from the owners, Barbara and Courtney Lasselle and Marjory Orr. The proposal includes 48 single family lots, public circulation and utility systems, and preserv�ation in commor� open space of a large, wooded ravine on the north edge of the site. The subdivisian is named after Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Jefferson, all of which can be viewed from the property. c� r,—� , � � �( �' � The property was approved for annexation by the Por�land _ � �"�� Metropolitan Area Loca1 Government Boundary Commissinn after� a I public hearing on January 12, 1989. The Tigard City Council adapted a resolution favoring annexation and provisional City zoning at its December 5, 1988 meeting. The required pre- application conference was held for this subdivision proposal on � January 6, 1989. I All lots within the proposed Three Mountains subdivisian meet the requirements of the City of Tigard R-7 zone. The homesites �, are much larger than the zoning code m�.nimum size, and average over 10, 000 sq. ft. per 7_ot. Also iricluded in our proposal is � ' a request to vary from lot access standards for three lots in the extxeme nortllwest corner of the site. These homesites woulcl be served by a 20 �t. wide �ract and private access road. A response to variance appraval criteria for this request is included in this narrative. Description of Praposal Included in this application are three plan sheets showing existing features, including topography, tentative subdivision plan layout, and proposed utility layout for the 48 homesites. The property is currently vacant of develapment improvements, and a portion Af the site is now used as an orchard. The site is adjacent to Bull Mountain Road, homes located along a private drive paralleling the site on the east, a deep, wooded ravine on the north, and the Zednik farm to the west. Street System The street system is designed to provide the optimum location for access onto Bull Mountain Road. A traffic impact statement was request�d of Washington C�unty and si:gned by the County on 1 D��'ID E�s'4NS:1NDAS�C:L�ITFS,INC:. i;\UI\t'sliRS,til'R1'I:l'(>RS.I'1..-\\\ERS,1:1\I)5Cr11'f::iRC1117'IiCI'S �� 4 I July 8, 1988. An additional traffic �tudy was requested in order to ascertain the best intersection �.ocation along the property frontage with Bull Mountain Road. Washington County conducted I, that study on June 21, 1988, and both studies are attached to this sLbd�vision applic�tion. Our design utilizes the best intersection location from the standpoint of the sic�ht distance study conducted by the County. That point has sight distance to the west of 425 feet, and sight distanc:e to the east of over 500 feet. Street Extensian The existing developmen� pattern a].ong the site's eastern boundary precludes the possibility of extending access �o the �-- � , east. Moreover, those properties appear to have adequate �;���� opportunities for access. The stub street location to the west has been reviewed by the � owners to the west, Leah and Mary Zednik. They have no oppositior, to tY�e location. Tliey have no street plan for future development of their site, but the terrain leads them to believe that the a�t�b street frorn the Three Mountains subdivision will . be at a satisfactory locatinn for future development of their property. The extreme terrain precludes street continuataion to the north. In �act, the Benchview subclivision designers came to the same conclusion, and have p�ovided no street system in which to connect, in any case. Th� designation of this steep ravine as an ar�a of special environanental concexn by the County's ' Comprelzensive Plan further reduces the desirability of stree� extension to tl�e north, at least acrass the Three Mountains site. The original Bull Mountain Community Plan had a sahematic connection shawn to linlc Bull Mountain Road with S.W. 132nd Street to the nor�th. Since the connection wauld be physically extremely difficult to make across the Three Mountains site, and since the street system through th� BencYiview subdivision enables the connection to be made across the Zednik site in much more favorable terrain, the County transportation planners have since modified the mapping af that future connection need. The Zednik's are fully aware and supportive of that cnnnection being made through their propexty when they choose to sPll or develop. Sanitarv 5ewer A public sanitary sewer has been extended through the Benchview subdivi�ion to a paint on th� northern boundary of Tax Lot 5900, shcawn on our utility plan. That line runs in the bottom af the 2 I��VIU E�,�1NS ANDASSO(:L�CTCS,INC. li\GI\Iil3RS.Sl'R1'lil'ORS,PIr1\\IiRS.1.1\DS(;:1Pf:;�RCfll773(,-I;ti _ , � (' � �`�>.,�.� ��� � . ravine on the Benchview site. The owners of �his site have contracted to purchase Tax Lot 5900 for the purpose of extending sanitary sewer into the Three Mountains subdivision. Due to the extreme topography, future use af Tax Lot 5900 will be limited tA sanitary sew�r e�asement and line only, until acces�s can be provic[ed, most 1 ikely from th� w��� (�utur� Z�di�tik u�ve���m�ri�j . Tax Lot 5900 was approved for annexation in the same petition as the Three Mountains property at the January 12, 1989 Boundary Commission meeting. Access Variance VARIANCE REQUEST . ,--, -� .--., �,)��� A variance is requested to allow an 18-foot private street within _ a 20-foot tract to provide access and egress to Lots 15, 16, and 17 of the proposed subdivision. The three lots are located at the northwest cc�rner of the �ite. The 20-foot tract will connect to a 50-foot right°of-way at the southwestern carner o� Lot 18. Access to Lot 18 will be provided by the standard--sized e�s�t-west street on �he lot's southern frontage. `i�he variance is requested to reduc� the width of the private street from 30 feet to 20 feet. The reasons for the variance are: 1. The 20-foot tract is sufficient to serve the three lots (Lots � 15, 16, 17) which have frontage on the private street. 2. The 20-foot tract has be�n designed to minimize disturbance to the natural environment within the Area of Special Goncern. 3 . Ar� identical access design was approved in the adjacent Benchview subdivision to the north. BencYnview is within the same �nvironmentally sensitive area and is characterized by a siniilar terraino The follc�wing discussion addresses provisions of the Tigard Community Developmen�t Code as they apply to the proposed variance r�quest. 3 SECTION 18. 108 - ACCESS, EGRESS AND CIRCULATION ? a The Develnpment Code states, The purpose of this Chapter ia to establish standards and regula�ions for safe and etficient vehicle access and eqress on a site and for qeneral circulat.ion within the site. ?° ;; � 3 S }., D-1Vf D EUANS AND��SSUCIf11'ES.INC. ;' G\c�l\EIiRti.til'R1'F;YORS.PIJ1`\IiRti,!.1\I)S(;:1PE;1RGH1'fli(:1'S =" � t. G; }: �. l' { �Y �. . . . . . ..... .._ ....... .. . � . . ��. � Section 18. 1d8.070(a) specifies the minimum aecess requirements for resiaen�ial l�nd us�s� A minimum access width of 3U feet and a minimum paveanent width of 24 feet is required �o serve from thre� to six dwell.ing units/lots. The proposed reduction in the tract width se.rving the three northernmost lots within the subdivision is su��a.cient to provide for �afe and efficient access and would not create hazardr�us traffic conditions. A 20-foot width would also allow the preservation, to the maximum extent possible, of an Area of Special Concern, whiah is adjacent to the site because it ends in a "modified hammerhead" turnaround aeceptable for emergen�y � � vehicle needs. Additionally, the proposed 20-foot tract is � sufficient for emergency vehicle access. ; ���� Se.ction 18.108.150 states, s The (City) may approve, approve �ith conditions, o= deny a o r��quest for An Access i�ariaaae based on findinqs thate (1) It is not possible to share access; � (2) There are no other alt�rnative access points on the street in question or from another street; �3) The ac�es� �eparation requirements cannot be me�; ;j (4) The xequest is �he minimum varianc� required to provic3e ; , adequate access; (5) Th� approvad acces�s c�r access approved with conditions wrill result in a �a�e acceas; �nd (6) The visual ciearaxace requirements of Chapter i8.1o2 wi11 be met. A private street with a 20-foot width would provide better access �' to these three lots than would shared access. The pur�ose of the variance is to minimize disturbance to the environment while praviding sufficient access fdr these three lotse There are no other access alternatives that can serve these lots given their relative isolation from the rest of the proposed subdivision and all other possible access points. Twenty feet is the minimum width for a road to provide safe access to Lots 15, 16, and 17. Additionally, visual clearance requirements wil.l b� met. SECTIUN 18. 134 - VARIANCE S�ction 18. 134. 050 establishes five criteria that must be met in order for a variance to be granted. These criteria are stated and discussed below: (i) The proposed variance �ill not be materially detrimental to � D�1�7D EU1NS,�NUASSOC;1;ii'C5,WC. t:�c�i�ta;its,�t'H��t.��c�KS.i�iJ1\\IiRti,I:l\Dti(;,�i>H,nttcait�'i:c;�'s ;; �.,. �; � � � � �_ ,:. � � � � � �": �, _ ��. ..,�. ..__ _ �.,: 'k ths purposes o� th�s Code; be in conflict with the policies of -II the Comprehensive Plasa, to any ot2�er applicable poli�ie� and standards; and to other properties in the same zoninq di�trict or vicinity. j The proposed 20°foot acce�s tr�ct width is consistent with the purposes of the Code and the Comprehensive Plan. The variance would allow sufficient access to the three northernmost lots in the subdivision while minimizing the disturbance to the surrounding natural environment. The variance would not have a detrimental effect on other surxounding properties. Only Lots 15, 16, anci 1.7 would be affected by the variance. The 20-foat access tract width is sufficient to meet the access and egress needs of these future property owners. r—, .--� --�.. . • � )�CC���) (2) There are special circumstances that e��ist which are - peculiar to the lot size or shape, topoqraphy or other circumstancss over which the applicant ha� no control, and which are nat applicable t�o other properti�� in the aame zoainq district. The topagraphy and vec�etation of this portion of the site are consic�ered to be environmentally sensitive and are identified in the Bull Mountain Community Plan as an Area of Special Concern. The natural environment surrounding the site is considered to be a special circumstance. The reduction in the width of the access . road to these lots is requested in order to minimize disturbance t�a the natural environment. The 20-foot width alsa allows th� homes to be built farther to the west to avoid steeper terrain. (3� The us� proposed will be the same as permitted under this Cade and City standards will be anaintainecl ta tt�e qreatest extent that is reasonably poss,ible, while permitting some economic use on the 1and. The use proposed is the same as permitted under �he Code and City standards. All lots and homes will meet all other cievelopment reguirements of the City of Tigard. (4) Existinq physical and natural systems, such as, but not limited to, traffic, drainaqe, dramatia �and forms or parks will , nat be adversely attected any more than would occus if the development were locatad as apecitied fa the Code. It is the primary purpose of this variance request to maintain the existing natural features of the site and to minimize adverse effects of the proposed development. (5) The ha�dship is not self-impo�ed and the variance requested 5 Dr�1�7 D E�i�f�i5,��l U AS5(X;L•�I'FS.INC;. I:\(il\I:ERS.S['R1'I:1'ORS,P(e1\\GRti.1.:1\DS(;APE:IKClIPPE(;I;ti / hP`-, �'dw. p`�.,_: is the mi�imum variance which would alleviate the hardship. The vaxiance is reciuested to allow developmex�t that is consistent with the requirements of the Development Code and �the Cnmprehensive Plan. The reduc�ion in the right-of-way is the ' minimum that would Qrovide safe and $fficient access to these three lots. The narrower access improvement is encottraged by the ' Comprehensive Plan for the area, with its area of Special Concern guidelines. Conclusion of Variance Request As discussed above, a varianc� to reduce the right-of-way of a private street from 5U feet to 2U feet is consistent with th� ��� requirements of the Development Code and the Comprehensi�e Plan. � C The variance would allow a right-of-way which is suffici�nt to meet the access and egr.ess needs of the three lots located in the northwestern corner of the site. The variance would minimize disturbance to the surrounding natural environment. Finally, a siznilar right-of-way was approved for an adjacent subdivision located within the same envi.ronmentally sensitive area. Summary The prc�posed Three Mountains subdivision meets subdivision and zoning requirements of the City of Tigard, constitutes a logical extension of' streets and utilities, and will provide the City of Tigard with 48 high-quality single-family homesites while protec�i.ng the steep, wooded ravine to the north. ; ; I � � i I ; I 1 � � � , 1 b I i i 1���'}D��ANS rWUASSC)Cf�10E5.INC. � i?\Gf\I1 RS,til'R1'1:1'ORti,P(�1A'\IiRS,L�1\DSCAI'1:;1R(IIITfCI`S . i I _ . _ . y���,� HER015 . '` .;.., . �:�, �"'��' PLEASE TYPE C:; PRtNT 1N INK. � '0, WASHNrGTON CfJUNTY ',- � pEpAit'TMENT' OF V►NO USS I.NC TRAN3PORTATION APPl1CAT10N DATE_ 4/�5/$�__� ..:. ^ U►NO DEVELOPMEAIT SEAVIC�S DNISION r..;'� tb0 NORTH F1R3T AVElIUE �pptlCAN'T MIILSBORA. ORE80N o7124 64A-8761 Heritaae Develr�oment GomDanv 16850 S W U�per Boones Ferrv Road ~�RA���'C IM�1'1�� Tiaard Oreqon 97224 PHANE NO. 639-3339 _ STATE�ENT• OWNER Lasalle REQUEST' AND CERT1FiCAT10N - - ---- _ , PHONE NO. F� FOR SfT'E 1N5F��'T�ON �,�_ ' .. PfiOP�RTY DESC�tiPT10N at EYALUQTIC)T� ' TAX MAP Z$� 9A�5O� $56.00 �pT�� � 1400, D. Green srrE s¢E » 5,q a�rp� ADORES3 REC.YED BY �OPOScD DEVELOP��IENT ACTIO(V �oca�rtor� north of SW Bull Mountain R�ad —_ ar;�,u, htieur Partition, �tc.) subdivision between SW� 131st and 133rd. XISTIJ�.� USE ' , �' ^� ra . '' .':' . • `' :,; �OPOSED USE • ,`: • . •. . . � .�, ''� �',,,z�''`� , �{�) ��' j � ; _ _ F RES I L�ENTIAL: no. 04►ELLIN6 U1{I15 � • . . =•�� sI"c� �n- DI RECT ACCcSS TO S I7E � w� � � FAaIIt'l 2 fAMILY . ; NO.Sp.F'f.GFA �� r?�� F I N DUS TRI AL/ .� CONQ�SERCIAL• yo. EMP:OYE:s � 1 . S.W. Bull Mountain Road = INSTI Ti.�IOt�AL: No.sG.F't. _ — 2 ' N0. STUDENTS/ �e EMA.OYEES/MEhBERS TO BE COMP�ETED BY STAF� ONLY � . TYPE OF USE single family residential TRIP RATE 10 trios/unit AN ACCESS REPORT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT PRIOR TO APPLYIN� rOR �.DEVELORMENT ACTION. � THE STUDY SHOULD CONTAIN INFORMATION AS DESCRIBED ON THE ATTACNED FORM. WHEN THE ACCESS RUB�R�ED FORNADLA�D USEIACTDONY STAFF, AND ACCE°TEDS AN APPLICAiION MAY BE 5 . . � DATE SIGIATURE ____ --------- � AN ACCESS REPORT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. AS OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE DEPARTMENT 0� LA�JD USE AND TRANSPORTATION, I HEREBY CERTIFY TNAT SUfFICIENT ANO ADEQUATE OATA IS AVAILABI.= TO MAKE FINOINGS FACT ANO OF FACT ANO RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING ROAD I?APACTS FOR TNE DESCRIBED D tELOPMENT. � � p .� (�.,�.� ��' �' . �,��� � r� _ ,. � _ _ _ �.. y. � . . , F��� IMPACT S'TATEl��� ,NT � � THE FOLLOWING AODITIONAL FEE FOR A STAFF REPORT WILL �E PAYA�LE AT TIME OF SUBMITTING APPLICATION: $.������• TNE FOILOWING ARE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS THAT MAY �E REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF LANO USE' AND� TRANSPORTATION. THESE REQUIREMENTS, SUPPORTED BY FINDINGS OF FACT, WILL BE THE BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE REVIEW AUTHO'RI7Y OR NEARIyGS OFFICER REGARDINC YOUR LAND USE APPLICATIO�J. 1 . The ro erty owner shall sign and record a waiver not to remonstrate againstPthe formation o�' a Local Improvement Disen� SW 150�h Avenue�and b tw e . ad e mechanism to improve SW Bull Mounta�n Ro Pacific Highway to County standards. Waiver form will be issued by � , County SurveY Division. . 2. The property owner shall dedieate untain�Road�adjacentWto theps�te�e 33 - feet from centerline of SW Bull Nb 3. Construct a concrete sidewalk at ultimate line and grade along the . frontage of. SW Bull Nbuntain Road to County standard. 4, Sight distance at proposed access B is acceptable. Sight distance at proposed access A is unacceptable. ; 5, Roadway drainage is unacceptable. Proper drainage will have to be ; provided in co�junction with frontage improvements along SW Bull � Mauntain Road. a + 6. SW Bull Mauntain Road is a major collector. The required minimum access .3 , spacing standard is 100 feet from access points on each side of the road. i� 7. Submit a neighborhood circulation plan with th� subdivision applicat�on �, � �- whi ch demonstrates how ad�gaeat� nei ghborhood ci rcu 1ati on wi 1 e � , provided to this area and hvw access may b� provided ta a�jacent �' � : :. � : - `��'�' properti es i n accord�nce wi th the access spaci ng and si ght di stance � • '�requi.r.ements of the Community Development Code. Existing access points � � ' ' � !� on Si� 8ul 1 Nbuntai n Road wi thi n 500 feet of the si te shal l be shown on • - `_ thi s pl a.n.. � � - '.' =� �g: `�� Ob�tai n a faci 1 i ty'permi t from Department u f Land Use and Transpartati on for right-of-way improvements. 9. Additional requir enents may apply to specific development at the I Development Review stage and/or upon completion of Traffic Study. If , ` the property is developed within the City of Tigard, a Traffic Study, prepared in accordance with the requirements of County Resolution nd Order No. 83-219, must eW ofbthetTrafficrStudy, F�nal requirements will be determined upon rev� � heritr r/ a � p �R�►�FFiC ANAL�YS�1S WILL �� ��NE AND THIS SiTE WILL BE REYIEWED � , FOR REQUIRED TRAF�iC SAF�TY IMPROVE3IAENTS WHICH MAY RESULT IN j ON- OR OFF-StTE ROAD IMRROVE1VIENTS BEING REaUiRED OF THIS ; DEVELOPMENT. 4�87 � i . . � � � i t.:i�•i .i.�. t�L'S,,/U G 5 1' �.r "''� ; ' j l C l-1 T i.�l ST�f�( C-�% S°r�1'p`r 3 f � q�� , / M1" � �`�'w..� ! ... V �. �� � �►��. Mr�v , �, �.s � -� �yoo � �so'~i REQ.NO: /87.�t� LbC�ITION: REQUESTEL� B�'': _SO AA7Nt�i �l G .- TEL. NQ:_cZ p�_ ADDRESS • ' REPRESENTINGt DATE RECEIVED: S/�/� BY:� pHONE:__ LETTER: OTHER:__ ��, REQUEST: S�Gh�T �b iSrA��� ��� �,�"U � �f _ : po,�r-�� ��t�.0 � yo ���h' A5SIGNED TO:�S / / � DAT�: --S%�/� INVESTIGATIOIV: S�y'T 17- /S TA IV G L �?"(J L�Y CD/�/7'4'�.� 7-� I) �--a/"'�� --l�n! l�7` �j9 � ` � �A�S7" = :3R0 � u.��s �.� Ssp � � ► iUT' � Q� � �AS i .-� .,SO D � s� � s�� . ----_ . WORR O�tDER: PROJECT NO. UTILITY CHECK / / _ �! �� i , � ,—, � ��:� I�� , � i�,-,3 L.'_� ,)Af� 1 « �� ,x��,,, ����. . �.,, : <sr':�- � l�s:�;��• ACTION TAKEN• COMPLETION DATE:�/2 J /� TIr1E: BY: SIGN CREW: TRAFREQ: ROAD LOG: , ' •. ..,.. 'r l v.vr/„l,,,•• •r,^ r, /� ,7^'�'�Rwlt / 3 / Np '//�• / ��.. �._�-- � . 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FR01�1 POINT 'B' f:,.»�-�- --_-- .. .. ( � I � _ � , . .. ,` } R„ .,r, �"f 1 _ . , , 'r ^� .. «r�. _, . . .. , . . 4..-- �,. •- . �;,, .. �������: . - _ , _ . . �:� �, �,. _��-- .,,..�„ `Y�°�,'.` 'i+`—..�r ��,1�; \i� .,,...�� _ {a, .'" . ��s��•. � �`�,�. :':�y,�t+,..�i�= i'+�Y1yi�{��• ♦ � f . . �\��,���. . :Ll'�� �„�1,��1yt! . '°�':. .�i.; ' 5`j��f� �' . .t ' . '� ��i� {'`��s r;f � . ^(�^'!�� - � ��� � / �� `, w- . • ,.��• �. :�il..� —�i.:...._�:�7:ar>�:.........ir+k:�.: �- �. �2) LOOKING EAST OPl SW. BULL T4TN. RD. FROPi P�INT B' ��� l tc - � e .�q,-r..� 1 1 t � � ?I , ��.. '•.� ' "Ky°^='«r�+b .� ;f�'. �`�rl. w�s' .^; I �'�' �.. I ^.,'; , � �f:Y�,�h�. � corrri�tvTS: SIGFIT DISTANC� TO F7EST: 425 FEET SIGHT DISTANCE TO �AST: 500+ FEET �,�.� �. � �. �'� 5A�1- ���1�- � � W�1�11��`� �k5�. , _,�,.. • �� i � � � � 1 � � � '�0 / r��..--�_.�' � ` � 1 t '�_--�-� � � � .. � '� �� -�---_�. .. .. � � , _ _� .-.., �.. ..______-� � �.x��• �,u�vp�a� � �� � .._----= � .. ; / r_ r_� I . � i i � �._� i ' L_� r_,r ?� " ''". ' ' , �L-__t.a ��: .. � ��1�• ti'f���� --� �L������ .. �l• 1��h ____.. �... .. . —..- .. .. , . . ;; .�.. , / .. , '� �, ot� �NS 5�1 •I g aN �� PI�J�GT yN�ET TiTL� � / Lv'r ��ft5to�1 S [a4ND�pNS ANDAS50QATES,INC. ENGINF;ERS,SUR1'hl'ORS,PLANNERS,IANI�CAPE ARCf11TE(.TS ' OFFICFSIROREGON,WhSf11NGTONANDCALIFORNU 2626S,WCOHBEITAVEMIE O�b No. nl� WN P>Y DE�IGN tJ'�' nATE POR'f1AND,OREGON97201•�2�02 ����� �� �•1•�' (503)223•6663 r"— _ � _ "�a __ C�..,�.�1'�-+�,... 1 �� �„�...� `"_'� �_,,.. r--,��3�(�..Q_�,,� c�J c�...C� � �--t"� � ..------• -� � �;�` ,„�,���,..._�i �c.'M,y;°F�,���`„„�....� �».. .�`""' � � ,6 ,_,�,...-w„�„...,�,...�...........�.... l � l a i � 4 € a � € � f s' ;i i'; ,: "ii F' fi, �;: f' )r' �'' S! �'` �.` t; �" i-; �`: �: f�: ;; �.'. f{' � �: fs 'i . . . .. . � . .. . . . �Vf � ��. �'� March 7, 1989 City of Tigard �lanning Commission Re : Subdiuision 589-02 Variance V89-03 As suggested by CPO letter and testimony at preliminary heari.ng on February 15, 1989, the number one community item is SAF'ETY on Bull n7t. 1Zoad, widening in area of subdivision, center turn lane and ;�ehool t�us turnout lane. The County has not sent their recommendation on improve- ments on Bull Mountain Road regarding center turri 'lane. We feel because the location of the entrance of �this subdivision is so near, a dangerous , corner to the ��rest, the safety concerns must be addressed by both Tigard and ulashington County, and. they must work together for the good of the community to see that this is accomplished. v�le ask that no de- cision be made on this subdivision proposal tonight because the recommen- dation from the County has no�t been a public docum�nt as of this afternoon when I phoned into the City of Tigard. ; , uTe also feel that as part of condition �r13 there shauld be additional I�! ��ording that access to the opPn space should be provided to subdivision r�sidents on the path of the sanitary sewer. lines betu�een 1.ots 23 & 2�-�. � The community concern about how the systems development charge money , could be used for safety improvements on Bull Nlountain Hoad or in the area, ���ere not addressed in the staff report or the conditions of ; approval. This is another area that the City of Tigard and Vlashington County shoul_d have mutual policies in place for the overall good of the community tY�at has an impact, from this and future developments. This will be a continuing ongoing problem .for this community when the land area is ��Tithin the City of Tigard and th� major coll.ector ro�.d is in the County. Uur community expects that the government agencies should be working together for the benefit of the residents, but there seems � to be many areas such as this one that the community is the loser, and we don't understand the reasans. If there is not a new plat plan submitted toni�Yit showing the exact locations of the road stubs to property east and west of this sub- division, we ask that this not be approved until this plan is submitted and approved by our community. This is one of the conditions of approval submitted by the City of Tigard staff. � ; 'i �3everly Froude , CPO ��� Bull D4ounta.in � 12200 S�N Bul1 TVit. Rd. ;. Tigard, Oregon 9722� y l�, � �� , � � � _ _ � A � '" �' March 7, �.989 Tigard Planning Commission Tigard City Hall � 1912s S. W. Ha7.l �31.vd. T7.gard, OR 97223 � Attn: Chairman and Members of the Con�m.i.ss:ion II . Re: The Three Mount,ains Suhdiv�.sion S89-02� Variance V89-03 Thj.s letter is to document our conr,e.rna re�arding the Three t�iountains Subdiviaion as it affect� oizr ad�oa.n3ng 1and. We are not opposed to the subdivision� biit tt�g followin� it,ems are Qf grelt importance and must be addressed. (1) The lacati.on of the interconriectin� stub street to tho {,Ies� is unacceptable due to the se��-ere �;rade o.� our land. HoweYer� a stub street would be workable wri.th a desj.red grade to stub this street within the location of Lot ¢�].Q on the plot plan o.f the subc�i.vision presented to us at the Preliminary Plannj.ng Conunissian Meeting February 2.1, 1989. I spoke at �hat meeting o�zr ob�ections to the placement of ttie stub street between 1.ots �ll� and #18 and requested it be maved to Lot #].0. This sti11 ;ives the developer a varied footage ran�e to place his 1.ots. Now we do expect and .fee1 tve deserve tha� right for the developer to meet with us so we both agree to the exact locati�n of this stub street from Lot ��10, (2) The statement contained on PaEe 2, paragraph 3 o.f the Stab�livision Na.rrative presented to the Planning Commission for the February 2:L, 1989 meeting is absal.utely fa].se. tnle have not i�z Zny wa�• or at any tirne �;iven our a�provale Again we read th�; same in the Staff P�eport packet for the March 7, 1989 before the planning corimiission, present,ed by the Heritage representat.ive, Agai.n, we have not appraved of the locatian. At no time ha� any representative of Heritage DeveZopment Co. contacted ua in regardg to the location o�' the stub street as they lrnew well we would n�t agreP on tYie 1.ocation. At the C.P.O, f�1� meeting Febr�ary 15, 19�9, I spoke ta John 13rosy. He said he wbu.ld work with us. A�aj.n on I+'ebruary 2Z, 19�9 P1.ann9.ng Commission meeting I opposeci the locat- �.on and asked that i_t be moved to Lot ;�1.0. T spoke to him at �he mPeting at which we looked at the map U�it; to date I Y�ave not heard one word from him. l^;e feel this is unfair the way this is handled. �3) ThQ Storm Sewer Dra3.na�e system on the Lasuelle property must be adequate �o take caie of the draina�e from our lands as there is no other p�.ace f or the waters to drain today and when our land is developed. The slibject properties have a natural drainage fl�w to an ea^,terl�r direct,ion to the Las�elle property. Followin� are portion� of the Tax lats �.nvolved and described as Tax Lots f�lUO� 101 ]-02, 103, 10l1, N[ap 2S19� Sec 9� T2S, RWL°lM, and Tax Loi�s �`1000� 1.100� Map 2Sll�� Sec. 1�� T2S, �JWM sitiaated in Flashin�ton County, Orebon (Zt) S�1P req�aest a aewer hook up ii� the ravi.ne to our property li,ne between I,ot ,�17 �, �,, �' � r � q ' �� and I..ot 16 to serve the uphill land; also at the l.ocation in the stub road at Lo� �lp, (5) Atl s�rvice connections� Z.E. seF�er� T,�ater, sto,rrn cirainu a:nc3 �ther shouJ.ci extend t� �he pro�er.ty lines an the Fast, and lr�lest. �' (b) The :im�ortance of the h�lding l�ne is very crucia�. to the Fi�i11 Mt. Area residents, �r anyone travelin� F3ut1 FRt„ R:d. V,iithotit a holciin� lane there wil�. be vezy serious and dan�erous pro�lems from day ane the s�ibdivis�_on is finished as well a� the futtire. Regarciless of tne traffic count, how �.arge ox sma]_l, this is n�t a factor� 4Jhat we c�o have is a very dangerou`s curve 3ust t^lest fxom thP access to the subdivision. � I , A driver goin� East cannot see the accass until they tnake �he c�rner, and w}iat ti,rill ha en there wi.J_1 be a ea.r sittin in the Ea t houn s d ne o ma PP 1a t ke a left hand � � tiir.n comin� .from the West i_nto the subdi.vision anci altliou�h we have a new curve si .n � � 1ately, this wi.11. not stop many drivers �;o3_ng at such a sy�e�d that they wi11 not be able to sfi.op for the car stan�iin� sti1.7.. A].1 we can sE;e is mariy ac:cidents. This c;�rner has caused many acci.dent:� wi.thout any cars st;o�pecl ta rnake a turn. We fee:t each silbd7.vision shoiild hnve a tioldin�; lane as we have property to devel:oP and we want a �turn Tane for the safety of.° the peonl,e using Bull Mt. Rci. and bus turn out. (7) 4�e also think a schooJ. bus turn oi.it is necessary to help �ri.th the tra�fic. � We do have mur,h traffi.c on T3u11 Mt. �td. and anything that can be done to help the traffic hold shoi�ld be dorie. ' Tn closin� we would like to exF�ress oizr wi1:l.:i.n�ness to coop�rate taitk� the developer. Due to the lack of commun3_cation prior to th3.s letter, we f.eel it neeessary to voi.ce our concerns. For. the recorci :i.n wx�itin�, we thank yo�z ala. and feel youz w.S.11 �ive yolir sincere aons�.deration in these matters. Sincerely� . � � �����;� ���� �.�.�.,� . . ; I�1"ky ednik Leah Zedn � i �� � . � ; � • I , � . i� . �: ; � , i Pa�e 2 oF 2 . � � , � �. . ' ; , . r�MO�xnuM CITY OF TTGARD, OREG�N TOs Mera►bers of the Planning Commieeion FROM: Liz Newton, Senior P�anner,��� DATE: March 3, 198'3 � SIIBJECT: City Center Development Plan and Report On P"ebruary 7, 1989, membere of the City Center Plan Task Force made a presentation to the Planning Commiseion on the City Center Plan concepts. The Taek Force has just completed a two year effort to develop a plan for guiding the city center ares into the next century. Elemente of the plan included a market etudy, a plan for Fanna Creek Park, a transportation study, a design plan, and a developmen� plan which includes proposed funding methods. �ile developcaent is occuring at a rapid rate in moet of Tigard, private investment in �he city center are� is slaw �nd property values in the area have been flat aince 1980, while valuea ira Tigard generally are on the increaseo Through the various pla�ns and studies, the Task Force has identified obstacles which have deterred and may continue to deter private investment in the city center area. Factors identified as obstacles include: inadequate acaess ta and circu].ation through the area; a wide variety of land uses; under utilized and va�cant parcels which are of ineufficient siz� and configuration for development; lack of positive image and identity; and public facilitiea adequate to raeet future growth. Af�er identifying the obstaclea to private investment, the Task Force wnrked toward finding straicegies to remove them. Recognizing that public investment in the city center area� will encourage private investment, the Task Force concentrated on actions that the public aector could take that would stimulate that private investment. Upon completion af the ma�ket evaluation, tranepc�rtation study, Fanno Creek Park Plar�, and Design Plan, the Task Force aelected the projects and activities that, in their apinion, would be the most effective in attracting private investments. One of the tcaols available to cities for addresaing problems in declining areas is to create an urban renewal district. Under state law, areae may c�ualify to take advantage of urban reaewal if certain conditions are present. The city center area qualifies under the provisions outlined in state law far the formation of an urban renewal diatrict. In order to take advantage of tax increment financing to fund some of the propo�ed projects, the Task Force recommended that an urban renewal district be formed. As the firat step in the formation of th�s district, the City Council, on February 13, 1989, created the City Center Develolment Agency appointiing the Council as �he i�gency. In addition, the City Center Plan Taak Force hag juet completed, in conjunction wi�h a consultant, the City Center Devekopment Plan and Report. These doouments were prepared in conformance with Oregon Revise Statutes as required for urban renewal diatricts. ' On March 7, 1989, staff will presnt the City Center Development Plan and Report to the Planning Commission. Staff will al�o outline for the Commiaeion the current comprehensive Plan policies which are applicable to the doauments. On March 16, 1989, the Planning Commission will meet in a joint sessior� with rhe City Center Development Agency/City Council to conduct a public hearing on the Plan. Under state law the Planning Commisaion must make a recommendation to the City Center Development Agency/City Council. The purpose of the presentation on March 7, is to review the contents of the documents in preparation for the March 16, 1989 hearing. �� TZGARD PLANNING COt9�IISSYON ` RESI�LUTION NO. �9- O1PC A RESOLUTION FORWARDING A RLCOMMENDA`rION TU THE CITY COUNGIL AND THE CITY CENTER D�;VELOPMENT AGENCY ON THE CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT PL.AN. WFIEREAS, �he City Center Plan Task Force macle a presentatiorn to the Planning Commigsion on the City Cea�ter Development Plan concepts on February 7, 1989; and WHEREAS, the etaff pr�sented the City Center De�vel�gnent Plan and Report to the Planning Commieeion on Marah 7, 1989j and WI�ItEAS, ORS Section 457.095 requiree the Planning Commiseion to provide a recommendation to the governinq body on plans pregared in conformance with ORS Chapter 457; and WHEREAS, ORS Section 227.090 grante t4�e Planning Coauaissian the authority to recoannend to Council plans for regulati.ng the future growth of the city; and WHEREAS, Section 18.32.090{c) of the Tiqard Municipal Code grants the Plannin.g Comaniesinn the autharity to make interpretations sf the �omprehensive Plan i.f regues��d by the Director or other interested persone; and WHEREAS, the following policies contained in Volwn� II of the City of Tigard Comprehenaive Plan apply to the City Center Development Plan: , CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT 2.1.1. The City shall maintain an ongoing ci.tizen involvement proqram and ehall assure that citizens will be provided an opportunity to be involved 3.n all phases of the planning process. pARRS RECREATION AND OI�EN SPACE 3.5.3. The City shall. designate the 1Q0-year floodplain of Fanno Crsek, ita �ributaries, and the Tualatin River as greenway, which will be the baakbone of the open-apace system. 3.5.4. The City shall provide an interconnected pedeatrian/bikepath throughout the City. 3.6.1. Individual park aites, as defined by the Parks and Open Space etandards and classification system shall `be d�veloped according to the f.ollowing priorities: , b. Parks should be planned to ineure maxi.mum benefit to the qreatest number of local reaidents. For this reason, acquisition and development of community level parks should be given the highest priority. ECONOMY 5.1.1. The City ahall promote activities aimed at the diversification of the economic opportunitiee available to Tigard residenta with particular eraphasis placed on the local job market. RESOLUTION NO. 89-01PC Page No. 1 f � � �.. f��^. � . 5.1.3. The City shall . improve and enhance the portions of the Central Business District as the focal poir�t for commerca.al, high density residential, businese, civiC, and profeesional activity creating a diversified and economically vialole core area.HOUSiNG 6.l.le The City ahall provide an opportunity for a diversity of housing densities an�i residential types at varioue price and rent levels. TRANSPORTATION 8.1.1. The City shall plan for a safe and efficient street and roadway system that meets curr�nt neede and anticipated future grofath and development. DOWNTOWN 11.1.1. The redevelopment of downtown shall be accomplish+ed in order to make it complementary to newer ehopping areas. Convenience, appearance and the needa of the shopping public ehould be Frimary considerations. 11.2.1. A�h Avenue ahalY be extended acrass Fanno Creek,, enabling access to the neigtrborhoods and commercial area wi�hout using Pacific Highway. Design features ehall be used to slow traffic and make the street as safe aa poaeible. Aeh Avenue shall be designated as a minor collector in conformance with tk�e Master Street Plan. Deeign features and mitigation mea�uree shall hoYd traffic volumes to �2xe middle limita of a minor collector; and NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RE�OI."i7ED by the Tigard Planning Commiesinn thata Section 1: The Planning Commi�sion has determined that the City �enter Development Plan is consiatent with the applicable Com�rehensive Plan pol.icies based upon the findings noted below: l. Plan Policy 2.1.1 ia satiefied because the City Center Task Farce made up of fnterested citizens, spearheaded the City Center Develo�nt Plan effort through nearly two ysars of public meetings and preaentations. 2. Flan Policiee 3.5.3., 3.5.4., and 3.6.1 are satisfied because the City Center Development Plan inaorporatea recommendations far improvements to Fanno Creek Park, a community park, including pedestrian/bikepa�the. 3. Plan Policy 5.1.1. ie satiefied because traplementation of the City Center Development Plan ehould encouraqe private inveetment in the �rea in the form of new and expanded commeraial and office aievelopment which will provide more employment opportunities in the city center area. , 4. Plan Policy 5.1.3. is satiefied because implementation of the City ' Center Development Plan will enhance the city center area as a focal point for the community aa well as a divereified and economically viable core area. 5. Plan Policy 6.1.1. is satiefied becawse implementation .of khe City Cent�r Plan anticipatee the additi�on of 560 multi-family u�nits in the city aenter area over a fourteen year period. RESOLUTION NO. 89-01PC Y `�... �`6,. � i. 6. Plan Policy 8.1.1. i.a �atiafied becaus� one of the pria►ary goale of the City Center Development Plan is to improve accees to and circu].ation through the area. Many af the proposed improvements will make the ar�a mueh safer for pedestrian traffic. 7. P1an Policy 11.1.1. ia satisfied becauee the inter►t of the City Centeg ; Development Plan is to complement shoppi.ng centera and encourage uaee , whi.ch are compatible with each other, are convenient, and p�destrian �' �. , oriented where poseible. " i B. Plan Policy 11.2.1. ie satisfied because the City Center Dev�lopment � Plan reccmmende the extension of Aeh Avenue acrose Fanno Creek to provide accees to the cit� center and adjacent neiqhborhoode. The � recommended alignment ie praposed to discourage aon-local traffi.c � from entering the neighborhoc�ds. � Section 2s Ths Tigard Planning Comn►iseion recomiaends that the City Council and City Center De�relopment Agency adopt the C�.ty � Center Development Plan. � � � PASSED: This day of . 1989• I ' Presiclent - Tigard Planning Com�ai.esi�n ATTEST: Diane M. Jelderks - P1a�ar.Lng Commiaeion Secretary i RESOLUTION NO. 89-01PC � PAGE 3 Street Cc�ncept Plan _ � �'9 FF� �G '�c 9Q r /�qR� �_.-.., sr, y� . s � -�-_ -�.,/__� ���:eses co,o�� �'9� . '��,_._. �" °�s � l �. �' c°�i s�' , . '' � �1 `'�� ��"9 • �,�P� _ �,P�� � c�qE ��r���� •• t� • ��' � : ••� �� hVN='� �,q � �., •�� . F9 sr <HVT G ,L.r- . �� . ST QPG�t^ �,, e••�' eG9, . ':•e�A 1�S►,�� �'�s��i�a�����_���������� ! �� ,�•,_.. i /� ! . � • � � , _ � y� \...��.�,yNO x << �> c > 4� � � `r� -�\.�'� W, ~ -N- r c P OMARA ST. , F,.�. .. ...... � . . � , a CITY CENTER p1.AN TASK FI�RCE VISION FCJR 7'IGA�iD'S CIT'Y GENTER The ViSic�n fur Tic�ard's City Cent�r is a living an�°�! growing downt�wn, witF� a special character and i.dentity. The major ur►ifying ;'e�ture is the imar�e of a "City in the Park." This image has as its centerpiece Fanno Greek Park, a ', large publicly owned area of land dedicated tr, public use and enjoyment �.n the he�rt c�f the Ci.ty. Cuntributing to the image are fingers af green extending throughnui: the downtown in the form of leaTy i:rees overhanging streets, richly plantec� pedestr�ianways, greenway entrarrce points, and the region's only te� test garden. 7his clear and compelling image shows the u�lue that Tigard's citizens gi�e to quality of life. Integral to trie Vision is the belief that the p�st is worth preserving. Accordingly, the Vfsion foresees the preservation and restoration of the downtc�wn's few remaining buil.dings of histarical significance. These contribu�e to preserving our memory of the origin af the City. Co—existing � with histori-cal buildings are attractiue newer buildings set flush with the siciewalk to create a sense of enclnsuwe and place. 7o deline�te the downtuwn� ar�ea, the Vision foresees clearly defined edges and entrance points. eeyond the commercial core, with its predominantly small—scale village center � atmosphere, compa�ibl�e mixed—use of ligh� industries, factory outlet showrooms, land extensive retailers, and offic� developments is achieved. In other areas, high--quality, mul�iple �amily housing provides continuous support for the City Center economy. The Vision foresees improved acceas to cluwntowr► from many directions and, within the area, a grid system of stree�s with sidewalks to increase frontage sites and imp�rove traffic circulatioro. Seen also are sevtrt^al small parking lots cnnfigured to minimize the visual impact on downtown and to disp�rse the parking to serve the most businesses. As attractive as this imac�e is, the Visiun recognixes that it is the pe�ple whu make the town. 7a this end, the V�sion for���sees a multatude of people drawn to the City Center not only by an appealing environmente bu� by available governmental, social, financial, and professional services, and abaue all by a strong retail core, with many unique, one—nf—a—kirx� businesse�, Other elements that make the City Center �live and cor►tribute to �an ample nightlife, such as r�staura,nts, street vendors, a storefront theater, and an outdoar amphithea�er are an important part of the Vision. We believe this Vision statement describes a city center, with its own indivaduality, that is livable and economically strong. k ' 4 CITY �ENTER STUDY AREA • I i 99 . '�4. so o,�� . ••`'• y1. 'yS �ti� fy, �� J`j �C> . �'`�, CO��� ��'J�•. � o�'` '�� S�' b�� •p, sf y Q . •��r���• �' ti� , �' C.. ��'. .y, � P �c �� ��'yi, . •� s� • J / � I x �. � r FANNO � s CREEK ' •w 1 pAR� TIGARD ' i "'°' CIVIC i ' "� TER ' "'<< I cA � I ENIOR>' ENTER � � ; .. ; , � kl il �I �I G;: i6 �:', i' �`'i " li�l F'ur• mar•e ir�fc,rm�i:i�tiri, coni:�c:i; L.ix N�wi:c�n c�r� pu�r�c� Rc�kaeri�s at l"i.c��r~c� C:il:y H�1,1, � 639....A 1'71. � �, �� _ �.�' i ; s ., � TIGARD CITY CENTER DT�,VE'LOPMENT ` REPORT , FI NAL DRAFT . , .� . . . . . .5;;+• `t' . ,'y� � . . . . � . .. . .: �` . . . � . . � . � . . �� ,►�' � . .oo��. � . . . y�' OI� i ' March 3, 1989 � Y i I TABLE OF CONTENTS IN7RODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Section 100. DESCR�PTION OF EXISTING GONDITION3 AND ANTICIPATED IMPACTS . . . . . . . . 1 101. Physical Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 101.1 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 101.2 Floodplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 101.3 Planning and Zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 101.4 Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Existing Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Establishments by SIC Code Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 101.5 Existing Lotting Pattems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 101.6 Street Classifications and Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 i 01.7 Traffic Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 101.8 Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 101.9 Other Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 102. Social and Economic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 102.1 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Development Area Population Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ' Population of Development Area, City, County and Region . . . . . . . . . . . 11 102.2 Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tigard 1979 Hnusehold Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 102.3 Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 102.4 Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 103. Property Values in Development Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 104. Impacts of the Plan in Ught of Added Services or Increased Population . . . . . . . 13 105. Percent of City Represented in Development Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 4 SECTION 200. REASOhdS FOR SELECTION OF CITY CEt�OTER AS THE DEVELOPM'�NT AREA . . 15 SECTION 3�D0 RELJATIONSHIP BENVEEM PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN UNDER THE PLl�N '�, AND EXIS7ING CONDITIOtVS IN TI°IE AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 S�CTION 400. PRUJECT AC'tIVITIES -TIMiNG, FUNDING SOURCES & COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. ' 401. Timing, Description, Estimated Cost & Funding Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 401.A Projects, Costs & Funding Sources: Fiscal Years 1991-1995 . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Period 1995-95 Revenue Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Period 1991-95 Project Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 401.6 Projects, Costs & Funding Sou�ces: Fiscal Years 1996-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . 22 + Period 1996-2000 Revenue Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Period 1996-2000 Project Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 401.0 Projects, Costs & Funding Sources: Fiscal Years 2001-2005 . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Period 2001-2005 Revenue Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Period 2001-2005 Project Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 402. Summary of Funding Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 C' SECTION 500. FUNDS REQUIRED, TAX INCREMENT PROCESS AND YEAR OF AGENCY'S INDEBTEDNESS BEING SAT'ISFIED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 501. ProJections of incremental Valu�s and Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Development Activity Worksheei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 502. Cash Flow, Debt Repayment, and Year Debt is Satisfied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 i �. � ; ; � .. .. .. . . .......... . �. � 1 503. Finding of Financial F�asibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 SECTION 600. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING IMPACTS ON OVERLAPPING TAXING 171S7RICTS . . . . . . . . . 31 601. Taxing Dist�ict Valuations, Levies, and Rates - History and Projection§ . . . . . . . . 3t 7axable Value of Overlapping Distric4s Historical and Projected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Imputed and F'rojected Levies Overlapping Taxing Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tax Rates - Historical & ProJected Overtapping Taxing Districts • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 32 . . . . . . . . . . . 602. Development Area Valuatinn Relative to Districts' Valuations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 603. Analysis and Projection of Tax Rate irr�pn�ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SECTION 700. RELOCATION REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 701. Relocatior� Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 702. Relocation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 703. Housing Deletions & Additions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 SECTION 800. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 UST OF TABLES Table 1 Existing Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 3 Development Area population Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1'able 4 Population of Development Area, City, Cnunry and Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 5 Tiga�d 1979 Household Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Table 6 Existing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 7 Projects, Costs & Funding Sources: Fiscal Years 1991-1995 . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 'Table 8 Projects, Costs & Fundi�g Sources: Fiscal Years 1996-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Table 9 Projects, Costs & Funding Sources: Fiscal Years 2001-2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Table 10 Total Funding Source Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Tab�e 11 Projected Tax Increment Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Table 12 Development Activ'dy Warksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 7abie 13 Projected Tax increment Cash Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Table 14 Taxa�le Value of Overlapping Districts Historical and Proj�cted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Table t5 Imputed and Projected Levies Overlapping Taxing Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Table 16 T�x Rates - Historicat & Projected C�verfapping Taxing Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7able 17 Relationship of Development Area Valuation to Overlapping Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Table 18 Impacts on T�c Rates in Four Most Affected Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Table 19 School District 23J Tax Rate Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Table 20 City of Tigard Tax Rate Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Table 21 Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District Tax Rate Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Table 22 Washington County Tax Rate Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 LIST OF MAPS Map 1 CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Map 2 FANIVO CREEK FLOOD PLAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Map 3 STREETS, CURBS & SIDEVNALKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Map 4 STORM DRAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 MapS SANITARY SEWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Map 6 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ii , , i' � . INTRODUCTION This Fteport on the Ciry �enter Development Acea is prepared to provide esser�►ial �a��yc^�nd fnfomnation on the Area to the Ciry Center Developme�t Agency,the Tigard Planning Conrzmission, th� Tigard Ciry Council, and citizens. It is prepared to comply with provisions of State Law conceming urban renewai plans (ORS 457.085) and is to accompany 7igard's G'ity Center Development Plan and shouid be read in conJunction with it. Section 100. DESCRIFTIOtV C'/F E7CISTING CONDITIOtVS AND ANTICIPATED IMPACTS 1D1. Physical Conditions 101.1 General Uescription The Development Area encompasses some 186 gross acres, app�oximately 120 buildable acres and 165 separate tax lots, all within the ciry limits of Tigard. The boundaries of the Development Area generaily include Highway 99VN on the North, S.W. Hall on ihe east, and S.W. McKenzie and � S.W. Nill on the west. To the south, the boundary is irregular and follows lot lines north of S.W. Omara St. Refer to the following Map 1 for specifics. i 101.2 Floodplain ` Fanno Creek crosses the area from the northwest to the southe�st and separates the vacant 13.4 ; acre SeaFirst property from the remainder of the Development Area. The floodplain associated � with the creek varies in width from �pproximately 20p feet to aver 700 feet. 7he cr�ek and " floodplain create a bar�ier to both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. (See: Map 2 showing flood plain). `' 101.� Planning and Zoning The Development Area is planned and zon��1 CBD (Ceritral Business District). The C�D zone� aA�ws civic uses, commercial uses, and medium to high density residentiai uses. 10i.4 Land Use A wicie variety of land uses exist within the Development Area including both confarming and non-conforming uses. The uses in the area that are permitted in the CBD zone include commercial, civic, and medium to high dens'rty resiciential uses. In addition, the area inctudes the fdio�wing non-conforming uses: industrial, singie family, and mobile homes. The prev�alence of non-conforming uses in the Development Area repres�r�ts improper utilizatian of the �and within the Development Area. S.W. Burnham Street exists as a primary link between S.W. Main Street (the commerclal core) `' and S,W, Hall Street (the City Hail area). Land uses along S.W. Burnham Street include a mix of `! lndustrial, commercial, public/semi-public, anci single family residential. Based on street#rontage, � approximately 37� of the properry along S.W. Burnham is currentiy used in ways which do not conform to Gity zoning and plans for the area. Excluding streets and railroad right-of-way, the Development Area is approximately 136 acres in .2 r s are vaca nt with a roxirnatel 35% size. Within the Development Area approximately 34 ac e pp y of the vacant acres located within the floodplain. Excluding the a4.2 v�cant ac�es, 102.3 acres are developed. Based on an analysis of cu�ent land use, non-conforming uses occupy 1996 of the developed acres within 4he Qevelopment Area. 1 . }: . . . . ...... .. ... ... ... ..... . ...�. ., ......�. . .., . , • . .. . .. ��'... r. .. ._ ._. . ...,._.._ . :�. , ...,.. ."'.._ .._..�_,�:,....... t .. .. . ._.. ..._:.- .. I � . � �.. 4�., .. • � . Map 1 r irF . ilF. VE , ENT AREA► .,�'�'Y .....NT�� ___.��.OPM � ; � �` :� + �`•. ' qc r •. ti , +�'•�' a �'�'"i 'ti� +' �a G t'4`t` �� ro • v� F,� o, ��. +A . . � �1, !{ I: , � I ' S . �t MAP 2 FANNO CREEK FLOOD PLAIN '� � ��, .;.--. ��V�,':��� � . . • ,�`• '�i. � �e . . � �t �� � OO �� � �*,� `� . Q� �� g'� +�' . . .,�. r ��,, . `'' �►.� �P „ ��'�" j! . J / � S / S ' ( ANNO �, CREER .,�,, rARK TIGARO � ^• • qVIC ',�� • -��• CENTER ' �, IGAR I R I ' EMER I r � � � � . � t ( 3 � � , � �. Actual land use within the Develapment Area is shown In the following table. Tabie 1 Existing Land Use La_nd Usg Acres Confiorming Uses Commercial 37.5 Public/semi/public 24.8 Multi-family 91.3 f'ark J.2 Non-Conforming Uses Single family 5.5 Mobile Homes 2.0 Industrial/other* 12.0 Sub-totai Developed: 102.3 Vacant 34.2 Total 136.5 *Note: Some other commerclal�uses do not meet Zone Cc�de requirements for parking, landscaping maintenance and prohibltions on open outdoor storage. There were 167 business estabiishmenis, including public ar►d religious, in the area as of Febniary 1988. The distribution of these establishments by rype of business is shown on the following table: 4 . ..,,,�,�•,�.................. . i ii' :, Table 2 Establishments by SIC Code Type February 1988 S1C TYpe of Busirxss Nn. of S�c. Ft. X No. of Establ. X ' i N �;. ��;;. „_ 9,440 1.61X 4 2.40X � y 15 Gen. Gantracxor 2,030 0.35X 3 7.80X '� 17 Specialty Gontractor 18,175 3.10X 7 4.19X 20 Fofld Manuf�cturing 27,340 4.66% 1 0-60% I 25 Furniture Manuf• 1,730 0.30X 1 0.60X ' 27 p�q�iq�y 20,170 3.44X 5 2.99X 35 Machinery 7,320 1.25% 3 t.SOX 39 Misc. Manufaeturing 4,500 0.77X 1 O.60X 41 Local Tr,�nsit 2,000 0.34% 1 0.60X 43 Trans.i Werehousing 14,400 2.46X 1 O.bOX 48 Camxxsiea4ion 53,698 9.16% 2 1.20X able Goods 2'E 825 3.TlX 6 3.59X 50 Uhlsl• Dur . � . 51 uhlst: Nnrour. Goods 27,500 4.64X 5 2.99X 52 eldg Material Dlrs 23,300 3.98X 4 2.40X 53 General Merchandise 2,950 O.SOX 1 0. bOX ,1 54 Food Stores 3,500 0.60X 1 O.bOX 55 Service Stations 27,8U0 4,]'4% 5 2.99X 3 595 0.6tX 3 1.80X 56 A rol . PPa 5T Furniture Scores 3,750 0.6476 3 1.80X 58 Eating � Dr�inking 23,050 3.93% 10 5.5�9% 59 Misc. Retail 38,450 6.56% 14 8.38X I 19 500 3.33X 3 1.80X 60 Banking . 64 Insurance 4, 000 0.68X 4 2.40X 85 Reat Estate 2,500 0,43% 2 1.20% 72 Personal Services 1b,670 208»X 15 8.98X 73 Business Scrwices 9,140 1.56X 8 4•79% 75 Auto Repnir 25,4DU 4.427� 19 6.549G 27 76 Misc. RePair 1�,950 1.a7X 7 4.14X 79 Recreation 10,000 1.71X 1 0.621X 80 Health Servites 10,4U0 1.77X 8 4.74X L al Servic�s 7 870 1.34X 5 2.99% 81 eg . 83 5acist Serviees 9,580 1,63X S 2.99% 105 000 ».v�z a 4.19X 86 N rofit orp» , �P 84 liisc. Services 18e126_ 3.09X 10 5.99X 58b,159 167 Note: SIC is Standard Itxiustrial Classificatian 10i.5 Existing l.otting Pattems 7he Development Area exhibits an inefficient lotting pattem for the planned CBD uses. The area includes 165 lots with an overall average lot size of 37,730 square feet. Forty-one percent (4196) of the lots are less t3ian 12,500 square feet in stzs. Small lots inhibit new devetopment and require consolidation of properties for new planned commercial uses. Excluding parcels greater than 2.5 acres in size, 39 lats are classified as flag lots, a�e land- iocked, or have a depth great�r 4han twice the width. The lot configurations of these parceis ' constrain dsvelopment by limiting ful! utilization of the entire parcei. ' 5 i� _; ! ' � ... .,. ,.. ,,� . . .., � ... ,,... �4� � _ .,--.. _ _ ,._.....�..�.:: 101.6 Street Classifications and Improvements - Existing streets within the Development Area are classified as follows on the City Comprehensive Plan: St�eet Classitication Pacific Highway 99W State Highway S.W. Hall State Highway S.W. Main Major Collector S.W. Burnham Major Coilector S.W. Commercial Minar Colleaic; S.W. Tigard Minor Coilector S.W. Ash (unbuilt) Minor Collector S.W. Ash I..ocal S.W. ScoNns �� S.W. AAcKenzie ��� S.W. Electric Local Public impruvements along streets within the Development Area vary greatly. Main Street is the only street to Include concrete curbs and sklewalks along its entire length. All other streets lack improvements to fu01 City standards. (See: Map 3 showing loca4ion of stree4 sections with curbs and sidewalks). Portions of S.W. Hall, S.W. Commercial, S.W. Bumham, and S.W. Scoffins do not meet street width requirements for the classffication assigned. The bridge on Main Street is nanow and does not meet City standarcls. These conditions inhibit vehicutar access into anc! through the City Center, discourage pedestrian use and thus inhibit commercial and medium to high density residential development. 101.7 Traffic Safety Narrow street and bridge widths as noted in the previous section create traffic safery hazard i within the Development Area. Additional tra�c safery hazards include: . Lack of tum lanes on S.W. Hall ■ Sight Distan�e on S.W. Hall inadequate ■ Sight Distance at S.W. Main and S.W. Bumham inadequate . Congestion in the post office area . Sharp curves can S.W. Scoffins . T�ming conflicts on S.W. Scoffins . Bus tum movements on S.W. Commercia! . Offset iniersection at Scoffins and Hali/Hunziker . RR crossing surface and signals need improvement In addition, the lack of sidewalks throughout the area poses serious safety hazards for i pedestrians. 101.8 Access Vehicle access into and through the Development Area is inhibited. To enter the Development Area, southbourx! traffic on Highway 99W must use turn Panes on Highway 99W. S.W. Main intersects with Highway 99W at an acute angle which c�eates turning and access problems for traffic entering and exiting Highway 99W. As with most commercial enterprises, commercial uses along S.W. Main Street are dependent upon highway and street access. Access problems from Highway 99W, create limitation for successful commercial development in the area. Access thraugh the Development Area is restricteci by the lack of an adequate street system. Other tha,n Highway 99W and Main St�eet at the edge of the Devefopment Area, no existing streets cross the area in southwest to northeast directlon. The lack of an additfonal southwest/northwest street, limits access and development between Burnham and Commercial streets and limfts access from residentfal areas to the southw�st of the Dev�lopment Area. s ■ � '_ ' , , ; t� 'I MAP 3 STREETS, CURBS & SIDEWALKS ' � � : . i � � �. �. ���, ti�' ys 0 '%: �e, f'� ♦ �c' r'��; c��r� �� s l � 7 i�l . ���t �� ��� s'1�, ��. i `,, Y r � ..�„ ti� 6 � J i C..� °II •� , � i � I o,f,F� �'�i 1� f , ii t / , � �e b• 1• d� I . � y J�,... 1•. C .�� CONqi[T!f10RYALK � CONCIItT[CUII� �—��� • A9�MA�T CUM •••••••••••,, ' , F 7 ! � � � , I. f �.. '°.. i 101.9 Other InfrasYruct�re ,�torm Drainaq@ This map sho�wing the loc�tian of exi�ting st�nr�drafns reflects fhe lack nf fully improved streets which nomnally contain storm drains within iheir�ights-of-way. According to the City Englneering DepartmeM, the major deficiency within the area is created by the raqroad tracks which are an obstacle to drainage from the area ta th�e north tawa��d the creek. MAP 4 STORM DR�INAGE SY�TEM � ,. i .,: ; ; � � � i � � ; � � � .e,., � i ; C.: � � ; / /� � �: � � ..�• ---t-.-- CATCN �AaIN �� MANMOI.[ �""--� C Y W[II T 8 � �`,� , Sanitary_Sewers This map shows th� existing sanitary sewers tncluding the major tn�nk sewer for the greater Tigarci/Beaverton A�whic�fdlo�w Fanno Creek. The existing cdiection system Is adequate to :1 serve exi�ting developme� and wouid be exp�anded withouE major trunk developmc�nt as new buildings were constructed. MA.P 5 � � SANITARY SEWER SYS1'EM ; , . , � ; , . � � � � � ,. � 4� I ,�+:� I I � � I i � I �, � . � i � • � .�. •��i C.. , � ,+' I �, °�' . : ../'� •• • MANNOL[ � 9 � `. Water Distriba.�tiAn Svstem The map below shows the existing wate�dtstribution 16nes within the Development Acea They are deemed by the TigaM Water Utstrict to be adequate for existing development and capable of being expanded in response to new development and its requirements. MAP 6 . WATER ,diSTRIBUTION SYSTEIVI . „- .;;. .:;; .. : ., -.. e, �. I �. 1 r •• . u- u� �� � ' 102. Social and Economic Conditions 102.1 Populatlon The total populatbn estimated to be living within the Development Area as of November 1988 was 571 persons.Thts population estimate i�based on a survey of housing units tn the area and on the following persons pe� unft assumptlons: Table 3 DEVELOPMENT AREA POPULATION ASSUMPTIONS 27 single family houstng unRs x 2.64 persons/uni4 = 71 persons 249 multt-family units x 1.86 persons/unit = 463 persons 37 mobile home units x 1 person/unit = �7 persons Total persons �71 City of Tigard Dept. of Communiry Development 7abis 4 POPULATION OF DEi/ELOPMENT AREA, CITY, COUNTY AND REGION Area Pogulation °,G DevelopmeM Area 571 2.3% of City City of Tigard 24,573 0.296 of County Washingtan County 280,OU0 - Portland MSA 1,307,000 - City of TigarcJ Dep�. of Communit�/ Davelppment I I 1 p2.2 Income �, I Househ�td income data was collecteci fa�the i980 Census and represents 1979 data. Evidence '� indicates that household income within the De�elopment Area is less than that in the City as a � whde. The evidence for this condusion is dravm from the housing types, the pattem of predaminate renter residence, the generally low rent ievels and the low average value of the I single family homes which do exist in the Dev�olapment Area. This info�rnation is shown in the I riext section on Fiousing. I �I I 11 �i I _ _ ' . � Tabfe 5 71GARD 1979 HOUSEHOLD INCOME income Levei $0 - $2,500 1.56% $2,500-4,999 5.5796 I $5,C)00-7,499 5.34% $7,500-9,999 7.90% $10,000-12,499 6.8496 $12,500-14,999 7.10% $15,000-17,499 7.0196 • $17,500-19,�99 8.47% $20,f�00-22,499 8.92°�6 $22,500-24,999 7.10% $25,000-27,499 5.28% $27,500-29,999 4.55% $30,U00-34,999 9.27% $35,000-39,939 5.60°,6 $40,000-49,999 5.17% $5Q,000-74,599 3.31% $75,000 + 1.02% 902.3 Fiousing A survey by the City of Tigard D�partrrtent of Community Development in November of i�88 showed 313 housing units in the Development Area. Approximately 80% were duplex and multi- family, 1296 were mob3l�--homes (al! in one 37'unit mnbile home park), and�896 single family.7hus there is an 8096 to 2096 split between multf-family and single family unfts. This compares to 6496 single family and 3696 muiti-f�mily in the entire Tlgard-QGng Ciry ar�a according to a 1983 forecast made by the Metropditan SePVlce District for Distrlct 12 and cited in the City of Tigard Database (1988). The 1980 �ensus found that 5496 of the housing units in 7igard were orivn�r occupied. Approximately 50'96 of the single family homes in the Development Area are owner occupied, the remaining units are all rental. Therefor, only 4.5% af the housing units in the Development Rrea are owner occupied. The average assessed value of the single famlfy residences in the Development Area is $70,500. However, this is a misleadingly high �gure since ihe land value is abnormally high compared to the buitding value. 7he ratio of buiiding to land value is only .70 (an average of$41,438 foP land and$29,058 for improvements). Healthy single family neighbofioods have an average ratio of 1.3 to 1.6. Rents for both multi-rtamily and single family units are low to moderate in the Development Area. 102.4 Employment There are 167 establishments (including public and religiaus) providing employment within the Development Area. Total employment provided in the Area as of February 1988 was est(mated by the ciry to be 1,169. The major types of employment currently provided in the Development Area are: Communications - 14.3796 (168); Nonprofit Organizations - 12.4996 (146), Eating and Drinking establishments -8.4796 (99), Local Transit-6,7F96 (79), Special Contrector-6.0796 (71), and Miscellaneous Services -5.5696 (65). These employment classffications account for over half of the employment currently provided in the area. �i � 12 I ; ; _ _ _. . .... ____ . __ _ 1 ,� 103. Property Values in Development Area Properry values for ldnd and improvements have been compiled by City Plan�ing Division staff for each separate tax lot within the Development Area. These values are fo�Fiscal Year 1987/88. A sampi� of 22 properties (1396 of total�were chosPn at random from within each of the 10 7ax Biocks within the area to track changes in total real estate assessed values over the past nine- year period. '�his survey shawed a general increase in values during the 1980 through 1984 periai with little change or some decrease in values, particula�iy among residential properties, from 1984 to 1989. The Washingtora County Department uf Assessment and Taxation, Commercial Appralsai Section, is currently (January, 1969) cnnducting physical reappraisals of all propenies within the Dev�topment Area to establish new values as of January 1, 1989. In contacts with the Department it was reported that land values were highest on or adjacent to Pacific Highway (± $6/square { foot); r�ext highest for properties fronting on Main Street (± $4.8Q/square faot); and lowest for industrial-use properties not on either of these two major streets (± $2.80/square foat). � 104. Impacts of the Plan in Light of Added Services or Increased Population Improvements to the street system in the area should reduce the City's costs of street maintenarrce. Similariy, the improvements to the street system should improve traffic flow which should, in turn, reduce fuel consumption, travel time, and air pollution. By encouraging ihe use of vacant or under-utilized land within the area, the assessed value base within the area should increase subst�ntially.TF�is improved ass�ssed value base wtll benefd the overlapping taxing districts when the tax 3ncrem�nt process is completed since they wiil then have a much higher assessed valuation within the Dev�lopment Area upon which ta levy taxes. �ecause the Plan will encourage the construction of some multi-family housing there will be an increase in the resident population of the area. The multi-family housing planned for the north bank of Fanno Creek Park is expected to eventually include as many as 500 units. This should translate to appraximately 700 to 80Q persons. As the Dev�lopment Area is improved th�ough impismen:ation of the Plan, other residential development� may take place in other parts of the area, thus the tntal population living in the Development Area couid easily increase from the current 571 to 1,500 over the next fifteen years. I Since it is expected that most of the housing units developed within the area wil! be multi-family, it is likely that the p�edominate residents will be singie and twaperson households, with fewer school age ch9ldren than the average Tigard household. Thus th� impact on local schoQl enrollment should be minimal. Greater commercial and residential development as anticipated under the Plan will place some added demands on the City of Tigard Police Department in terms of patrol, and property crime and traffic/parking enforcement. Likewise, greater development will mean a potentiai increase in the demand for fire prevention and suppression by the Tualatin Fiu�al Fire Protectiora District. However, for both the Police and Fire agencies, the anticipatPd demands created by implementation of the Plan should not require measurably larger budgecs than cauld have reasonably bee� expected given the overail magnitude of growth and develapment a�ticipated ove� the next fifteen years throughout the entlre City of Tigard and the entire Fire District. Additional discussion of financial impact is included in the section of this Report which details the impact of collecting tax increment proceeds on the tax rates of the eight ove�lapping taxing bodies. 13 {' tt . � l{k. . �,_ . . . 1U5. Percent of Ciry Represented in Development Area The City of Tigard has 6,460 totat acres within its b�oundary. The Development Area has 186 acres w 2.8896 of the total land area of the City.fihe total assessed value of 4he City o#Tigard as of January 1, 1988 was 51.326.114,000.The valuation of property within the DevelopmeM Area 1 was appcoximatety�,35,OU0,000 or 2.6496 of the tatal city valuation: Both the land area a�d assessed valuation of properry withirr the Area are well within the statutory limitations of 25% for cities of Tigard's population. (ORS 457.420) . . �`. 1:; 1.� 1�; 14 t-� �� � , � , � � �,._, '� � � SECTION 2U0. REA�ONS FOR SELEGTION OF CIIY CENTER AS THE DEVELOPMENT AREA The fdlowing defe�ts and inadaquacies as described in Section 100 of this Report were found withtn the Cit9/Center area and a�e the reasons the area wa�selected as the Development Area. 1. The creeic an�d floodplain create a bamer to both pedestrian and vehide traffic. 2.The preva�ence of non-confom�ing uses in the Developm�nt A�ea represents improper utitization of th� land within the Development Area. 3. The Development Area exhibits an in�fffficient lotting pattem including small lots. land locked lots and lots whose shape inhibits development and use fw Central Business District purposes. 4. Most stre�ts dn th�Coty Center area do not meet full City standards incit�ding those for curbing, sidewaiks, drainage and width. 5. Traffic Safety was found to be a problem in many parts of the Ciry Center area. These problems included: nanow street and bridge widths. Additional traffic safety hazards include: . Lack of turn lanes on S.W. Hall . Sight Distance on S.W. Hall ` . Sight Distance at S.W. Main and S.W. Bumham � . Congestion in the post office ar�a . Sharp curves on S.W. Sco�ns . Tuming coMlicts vn S.W. Scotfins �; . Bus tum movements on S.W. Commercial " . Offset intetsection at Scoffins and Hall/Hunziker �` ■ RR crossing surface and signals f. The lack of sidewalks throughout the area poses serious safery hazards for pec�estrians. 7. Vehicle access into and through the Ar�ea is inhibited. 8. Inadequate storm drain placement and availability. x ;' , ;`. i 15 s �, �; {:. �' , � � `�� � SECTION 300 R�LATIONSHIP BETWE�N PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEIV UNDER THE PLAN AND EXISTIlJG CONDITIONS IN THE AREA 'The most signfficaM projects within the Development Area, both in terms of n�oving the Area toward becoming a� real Central �usiness Dtstrict and allocation of �uncis, are improvements to the street syst�m.These projacts improve access into the�vea and ta specifc properties, enhanc� pedestrian and vehic�tar safery gnd upgrade tha general appearance and attractiveness of the Area for its planned use. Full dev�lopment of Fanno Creek Park and Tigard Sqware will creaxe useful public�pen space which will help stimulate higher densiry restdential development, additional commercial development and general�y encourage greater numbers of peaple to use the Area Atl projects are designed to help achieve goais set forth in the Urban Design Plan and the Development Plan for the City Center. SpecKc relationships af each project identified in the �Ciky Center Development Plan to fNe categaries of "blighti�g conditions' are set forth in the following taWe. The fNe categories encompass existing deficiencies and inadequacies with the Ciry Cente� and foltow the categories defined in ORS 457.010 (1). Tabte b Existing Ccx�ditions* Plan Pro�ect Activit A B C D E 1 Mein Street Bridge X 2 Main Street Recoristructicw9 X X X 3 Pacific Highway Ramp X X 4 Ti9ard Strmet (part of Main) X X 5 Burnham Street X X X 6 Ash Avetwe X X X X 7 Conr+ierciil street X X X 8 Nall Boulevard X X X X 9 Scoffins Strcet (part of Ash) X X 10 Pecific High►ray X 11 Fanno Creek Rark Developnent X X X 12 Mini-parks X x X 13 Entryways X X 'c Art X X 14 P ublt x 15 Psrking Facilities X X 16 Tiyard Squar e X X X 17 CamKmity Center X X 18 Ta+ers x X 19 Public Restroans X x x c- x X X X X 20 Pr rera Aciminist�a �on 09 21 euilding Rehabilitation Assistance X X 22 Relocation Assistance X 23 Pedestrian Weather Protection X X *KrY to Existina Conditions: A = An economic dislocation, deteriorecion or disuse of property resulting from faulty planning (lack of CBD devetopmenk, loW land values off of IPacific Highuay and Main St.) B = Laying out of property or lots in disregard of contaurs, draina9e or other physical characteristics of the terr�in and surra�iing condiLions (inadequate drainage, underutitized lots). C = Existence of inadequate streets and other righis-of-Way, open spaces, and utilities (lack of improved streets, useable public open space). D = Existence of prope�ty or tots or other areas Nhich are subjecY to ir�xlation by uater (inadequate storm drainage throu4h railroad reght-of-Way.) E = Gra+ing or total lack of proper utilizatian of ereas resultinfl in a staynant or uiproduccive use af land potentislly usefut snd valuable for contributing to the public health, safety and uelfare (non-conforming uses, vscan� tand, stagnant/declining assessed valuation, poor structurt to land vatue ratios.) 16 j, �- � _ F,,, t� _ . _ Section 40U• PROJ�CT ACTIVITIES -TIMING, FUNDING SOURCES & COSTS Force after o�cts and actNitiies was made by �he City CentOr Plan 'Task ��areas. The selection of pr J extensive revD�C�e e in�tally fdent� and discu�iin Joim meetingsf v�rnh the GcY's n Stfeet rtieeds a P�ol ��n& qsso�iates. Fanreo Creek Transportatlo�Co�►�ittee and its consuitant traffic planr�er. Park d�velopment is based direcdy on the C Recreation Boarc9 andafoPFanno Cr�k,�also n Asssoeiates in cdlaboration with the !'arks and 0 conjunction with the C'���ns�ts BaK�Guthrie �nd Donald Stats ey�i� p esparation of he the Task Force's wQCk y g rivate activity appropriate City Center Urban D$sign Plan. Factors wMch aPe cunentl inhibitin p sitive incenth�es for development to a ce�ral bus6ness district'and steps which might provide po Center Market Evaluation were revle�wed bY the Task Force in their discussion of the C'�ty undertaken by flobson and Assoc��u t & Associateh�r develop g a combtined a ay of hese Task�orce's wrork v�ith Moore B p projects,imProvements�nd activities deemed most eff�ctive in co�recting blighting cond�tions and aehieving the goais of the Development Plan. 40�. Timing, Description, Estimated Cost & Funding Source Th� projects arui activities which are inciuded in the Developrnent Pla� are more fully detailed : acec! into one of three five-year time pe�ic�ds based on (1) their relative importance here and pl their im rtance in providing the necessary support and to achieving Plan abjectives; (2) Po yhe availability of inceMNes for private redevelopment a othe va�ious fundirag sources. Foll 3wing eaeh summary =�, fa.rnding frorn tax increment revenues and of prs�jects anci activities (and their costs and funding sources) is a description of each project ' arxi its major cornponents. ; The descript0�n is th�t of the project as conceivad at the time � �the b i g�fa�h�� ,; ussd as th�basis for estimating the cost of su�h�pro�j�P Oj��I t�retined ta more precisely year r,f �eveiopment Agency actNities is prepa accom�idsh Plan goals in light of then cu�rent conditions• 7his P�oc�ss will, in many cases, I�a�d to some desige� ehan9es and consequent changes tn cost estimates. � i i 17 ' fi `� �y 401.A Tabte 7 Projects, Costs & Funding Sources Period: FisCAi Years 1991-1995 (Amounts in Thousands) ProjectLActNitv F�r�dinq Sourc�� Tot I st 1. Building R�novation Assistance $ 90 Tax Increment $ 90 � 2. Bumham St. Realignrnent to Tigard/Main 700 Tax Increment 400 Special Assessments 1,100 3. Bumham/Hall Intersection tum lanes & traffic signai 130 Dept. of Transp. 13U 4. Bumham St. Improvement (east to Nall) 100 Special Assessments 80 T� lncrement 190 5. Bumham SL Enhancements/�eautification 50 Tax increment 50 6. Entryvway, Landscaping, & Landmark Dev. 78 Tax Increment 78 7. Fanno Creek Paric D�velopment - I & II 500 Parks Levy/Bond 20 State Parks Grant 360 7ax increment 880 8. Hali & Pacffic Hwy Interseciion Improv. 250 Dept. of Transp. 250 9. Main St. Bridge & Burnham Intersectian $700 G.O. Bonds Improvements 170 Tax Increment 870 10. Main Street, PE�ases III, iu 8� V 680 Tax Increment 680 11. Main Street Enhanaements/BeautificaAion 100 Tax Increment 100 12. Parking Loi Dev. - Land & tmprovem�nts 100 l'ax Increment 1QQ PeriaS Totai $4,508 Pe�ial 1991-95 Revenue Summarv Tax Increment Revenues $2,408 City's G.U. Street Bonds 700 State's Dept. of Transportation Six-Year Plan 38U Ciry Parks Levy and/or Bonds 500 State Parks Grant (Land & Water) 20 , Bumham Loca� Imp. Dlstricts Assessments � Total Revenues �4,508 ; 18 � �f 3 1 1t 7 � �... -� FS� . Period 1991-95 Project Descrip4ions 1. Buiiding Renovation Assistance The Development Agency. wr(th devetopment of a low-in4erest loan program, would provide to qualffying businesses ftnancial' aid to assist and encourage structural renavatians and improvements to enhance attractNen�ss and function of the buildings irndved. Money suggested here could possibly be leveraged to pcovide for more sign�cant loan amdunts. 2. Buenham Street Fiealignment This is the realignment of Bumham Street to Tic�ard Street, 1050 lineal feet. The improvements consist of a 44-foot wide roadway with streetlights, a signal at Main Street and realigroin�Tigard Street from Hwy. 99W to Main Street. Acquisition of a 60-foot-wide right-of-way including any necessary buildings is included. Not induded are any modifled pedestrian crossings at Main Straet or improvements to the existing Burnham Street. 3. Burnham-Halllntersection Installation of traffic signal, improvement of turn lanes to provide easier access from HafO onto Bumham. This is a state-financed proJect to be coo�dinatQd with Bumham i improvement and � compatibie with new boulevard design of Hall. ;. "; i; 4. Burnhar� Street Impravement. . This includes improvements to 1,300 lineal feet of Bumham to full wklth major coilector standards. The improvements consist of pavem�nt widening. resurfacing, sidewalks and streetlights to complete the existing roadway. Acqulsition of a 60-foat right-of-way is included. ; �I 5. Burnham Street Enhancement Place ment of features simil�r ta those of Main Street along sections of realigned Burnham near I t v I men. Main to com lement new retail de e op � p 6, Entryway Deveioprnent, Landscaping & LANDM/►RK STRUCTURES This project activlty fdlows descriptions writhin the Urban Design Plan calling fn� special identity features at major entryways into the.Tiga�d City Center. Specific elements rivould be designed, budgeted and constructed as funds become available wfthin the period from July, 1990 through June, 1995. ��I � 19 � � j� ll 3� � • . _ _ _ � � � 7. Fanno Creek Development Description of Fanno Creek park development �r9d its major elements is from the Parks Master Plan as follov+is. A. Aspt�alt Trail (8' wide, 3,270 LF.) B. Bridye Relocation C. General Riparian Planting D. Path Lighting (39 each) E. East Entry ; 1. Plaza Paving (1,250 Sq. Ft.) 2. Display Kiosk & Pa�lc Sign ! 3. �enches (4) �i. Trash Receptacles (2) 5. Riparian Plantings i 6. Irrigation (15,000 Sq. Ft.) + F. Meadow Development ; G. City Hall Water Garcien ' 1. Pond Excavation 2. Weir 3. Arbor and Arbor Pa4io 4. Planting 5. lrrigatian (33,000 Sq. Ft.) � s. Benches (7) t 7. Picnic Tabigs (7) ' H. Main 5treet Plaza and Water Garden 1. Plaza a, , The 'Tiqard Squan' projest includes el�m�nts larflely b, �6NBFd9-{8� replaciny these three from the Parics Mastsr P'�an, C. E}1tt'y-POftl11�-(E1 Isavinq th� Main St. oon�sction as Isss promin�nt. d. Planting I� e. Plaza Creekside Steps and Weirs 2. W�trs (2) ,I 3. Pand Excavatbn 4. Rough Grading 5. Irrigation 6. Planting (VNater and Tea Garden) I 7. Riparian Planting 8. South Bank Asphalt Traii (8' wide, 1,020 LF.) ' Costs from the Parks Plan estimate have been increased to cover inflation, contingencies and obtaining additional land through purchase of fee title, easements or develapment rights. Prnjects described in summary are based upnn two or three annual construction segments beginning in spring/summer of 1990. 8. Hall & Pacific Highway Intersection Improvements This project, fully funded by the State is scheduled to occur in 1989. It includes widening of Hall ' on both sides of Highway 99W to permit added turn lanes plus related improvements to traffic signals. � 20 � ! �• a I .. ... ........ .. ... ..... . ............,...... ...,..,,..,..... .............,.......,... i F�l.. . i.� .. 9. Main Street Bridge & Burnh�m Intersection Improvements. This part of the Main Slreet improvemeM includes bridge reconstruction to full pavement wW¢h with sidewaiks, the reconstruction of pavement from the bridg�westeriy to Pacific Highway and the reconstnlction of Bvmham fro�its itrtersection with Main to the r�ligned B�amham (500 feet , easterly f�om (viainj. Project indudes a 26-foot �oadway on 60 feet ot right-of-way for �umham and indudes nec�ssary properry acquisition, sidewalk�, street lighting and landscaping. 10. Main Street. Phases III, IV & V. Phase 111 includes improvements from t�e bridge to the railroad crossing, 800 Iineal fee� Phase OV includes improvements to the railroad crossing consisting of �elocating the signal and cross arms and improving the surface crossing with a rubberized sa�rface. This phase does not indude resurfacing the two Burlington Nor�hern tracks which are scheduled to be improved by Burlington Northem in the near future. Phase V includes improvements from the railroad crossing to the east end at Paciflc Highway. 19. Main Street Enhancements Placement of architectural and lands�aping eniyancements �uch as benches, planters, pavement texturing, kiosks, along the busier portions of Main. 12. Park�ng Lot Dev�lopment DevelopmeM ot strategically-placed public parlcing lots shouid �ke plac� wikhin this frst five- year period to meet e�sting and new demand for p�rklreg, primarily to serve customers af reta� and service businesses. The proposed exp�nditure of $10(?,A00 miglht provide for up to 40 off- stre�t spaces in paved, lighted and landscapeci lots depending �pon location and time of acquisition and construction. 1 . ; � � i i t i 4 i t. � � l i I i 21 � � f f� � 401.B Table 8 Prujects, Costs & Funding Sources Period: Fiscal Years 1996-2000 (Ama�n�� in Tho�s�nds) Project/Activity Fundinq Source 1' tai t* 1. Ash Ave. Impr. - Walnut to f3urnham 2,000 LI.D. Assmts 3,200 City G.O. Bonds 5,200 2. [iuilding Rehabilitation Assistance 60 Tax Increment 60 3. Commercial St. Impr. - Main to Hall 3W LI.D. Assmts. 200 Tax Increment 500 4. Entryways, I.andscaping, Public Art �60 Tax Increment 20 Private Grants 80 . j 5. Fanno Park Development - Phase� lil I (Maste� Plan H.9 - H.13) 252 Tax Increment . 252 � 1 6. Pac�ic Highway Ramp to 7igard St. 5,600 Dept. of Transp. 5,640 ' 7. Public Parking Structure - 500 cars 3,500 Tax Incr�ment 3,500 � � 8. Tigard PuWic Squa�e Development $1,500 Tax Increment � 1.500 Period Total $16,692 ' *Note: F'roject costs reflect 496 per year inflation cost increase over current cost estimates i Period 1996-200 Revenue Summarv Tax (ncrement Revenues $ 5,652 ; City �,apital Levy or Bond Issue 3,120 ' i Comme�cial St. L.I.D. Assmts 300 Ash Avenue LI.D. Assessments 2,000 ; State Dept. of Transportation 5,600 i Private, State and/or Metro Arts Comm. Grants 20 Total Revenues $16,692 ` Note: tt is �stimat�d thet about 60%of ths Commercial St, improvemants i can b�xs�sssd to b�nN(ttsd propsrti�s. Only albout 449�of th�Ash (" St. 6mprov�ment can !»ass�aa� du�to major expenditure on ` ssctlon btid i Fanno G�sk Pat{c, ('' i' 22 i � �; �.. , Period 1996-2000 Project �escriptions 1. Ash Avenue Improv�ment, Thts t'hase I indudes improvements from Walnut Street to Burnham St�eet, 2450 1lneai feet. The improvements consist o#the signai revisions at Pac�ie Highway and Walnut Street, a separated rc�adway with a landscaped medtan�nd perimeter street trees, streetlights, connectioro to existing Ash Avenue,an elevated roadway over the floodplain and a abridge over Fanno Cr�ek.Acquisition of a 75-foot wide �ight-of-way including any necessary buitdings is induded. Phase i does not inciude the median on the elevated roadway� improvements to Walnut Street at Pacific Hwy, or , a signal at Bumham S4reet. The assumption is mad�that the Cnrps of Engineers' Permit will be grantaci without extensive administrath�e o� engineering effort. 2. Building RePoabilitation Asslstance. The Development Agency, with deveiqpenent of a low-intere�st laan program, would pro�ide to qualifying busi�esses flnancial aid to assist and encour�ge structural renovations and . improvements 4o enhance attractiveness and function of the buildings involv�d. Money suggested . hero could possibiy be i�veraged to Provlde for m�re significant loan arnounts. 3. Commercial Street improvemen4. This praject indudes reconstruction of the exisiing�oadway,except for recent improvetnents,from � Hall Bivd.to Main Street, 1450 lu�eal fee� Improvemer�ts consist ot a 40-foot vu�ide p�veme�t arith sklewalks and streedights. No ri�ht-of-way�cquisition is requlred for a 60-foat wtd� right-of-way. Thi� project does nat indude pedestrian �rossings at Main Stcest o� signal�at Maire Str�x, Ash Avenue, or Hall Blvd. 4. Entryways, Landscaping� i�ubllc Art. Attainment of grants for art in public piaces through the Oregon Arts Commisslon or the Portland Metropolitan Arts Commission is contemplated for parts of this p�oject. Specific sites for sculpture, mosaics, murals or founiains would depend upon future location of major public spaces or buildings most suitabte for such features.Tax increment funds can be used as 'matching" money and for enhancements at entryways and eisawhere. 5. Fanno Creek Park Developmerrt - Phase III. This projecC for completion of the Parks Master Plan projects within the park inclt�des the foliowing elements: H. 9. Tea House and Courryard 10. Amphitheater 11. Water Jet 12. Pump at weil 13. North Bank Asphalt Bicycle Path replaced 23 , ... . ... . . .... .. .... ..... .. ..,...•.. _ � �e i � :� 6. Paciti� Highway Rarr�p. This proJect, funded by Oregon nepartment of Transportatton resourees, would provide west- baund traff(c easy access onto T(gard Street arrd the heart of the Ciiy Cent�ir c�mniecc�l acea. '�he City shoWd work to s�ecure this p�ed as part of the State Highway Sbc-Year Plan so that it rntgF�t be funded and constructed cluring this second five-year period. Improvements to Tigard Street and the Tigard-Main-Bumham int�rsectton undertaken in the iirst five-yea� period of the Development Pla� uvould be degigned to accommodate traffic from this future access point. 7� Pubtic Parking Structure. Construction of a muttl-story public parking facility adJacent to Tigard Square is believed necessary to pravide adequate parking for customers of the �etail and service buslnesses and offlces in the area arxi for persans using 4he community center and attending �vents held in the Square ar Fanno Creek Park facUities. Dev�lopment a�d implementation of a parlcing management program by the City is deemed desirable to achieve the most effective use of this structure and o4her public parking facilities. 8. Tigard Public Square. ; As discuss�d in the Tigard Ci4y Center Urban Design Plan, the public square woutd be created in the area near MaEn� Fanna Creek a�d Bumham. It would be a major open space serving as the foc:al poiizt for co�mmercial, culturai arxi social actNlty for the C'ity Center Area. it would be tied physically or visually to Fanr�o Creek Park, be supparted by adjacent shopping sp�ee. a commtaniry h�ll and a m�jor public parking garage. Acquisition af necessary property and , developmeM of design features and landscaping are induded ln the estimated cosi: 6` ; i ; i: ; l���� � � �: �; 24 �' �,�: ■ . " r a '4� _� �E. . .� .. I 401.G Table 9 Projects� Costs & Funding Sources Period: Fiscal Years 2001-2005 (Arnounts i� Thousands) Pr ect Activitv Funding Source T t I st* 1.Ash Avenue - Burnham to Hall via Scoffins $1,500 Assmts (Phases Ii & 111) 2,500 Tax Increment $ 4.000 2. Building Rehabilitation Assistance 100 Tax Increment 10U 3. Community Center Building 2,600 Tax Increment 2.600 4. Hall Boulevard - Pacific Highway 4,500 Dept. of Transp. to Fanno Creek 2,000 LI.D. Assmts 5, pedestrian Weather Protection 100 Tax Increment 100 2,000 Tax Increment 8.50Q 6. Public Art 29 Tax Increment 5d Grants & Danations 79 `1 7. Public Parking Facilfties 500 Tax Increment 500 8. Public Restroom Facilities 100 Tax Increment �QQ ``; Period Total $15,979 *Note: Estimated costs for projects in this period include annual iMtation factor of 496 over cunent year �{ cost estimates. ;� PPrir,cj 2001-2005 Reven�e Summ� Tax Increment Redenues $ 7,929 State Dept. of Transpor4ation 4,500 Local Improvement Dists.(LI.D.) Assmts 3,500 Arts Commission � Private Grants for Art _� $15,979 � i r i i � � � � I i i 25 . . , .., ..... . . . .. ... .. ..... ... .. . .. .. . . , ;t �0. . Period 2001-2005 ProJect Descriptlons 1. Ash Avenue9 Burnham to Hail via Sco�ns (Phases 11 and Iil). Ash Avenue Phase II indudes improvements from Bumham Street to Commercial Street, 750 lineal feet. Improvemen4s conslst of a signal at Bumham Street, a 44-foot wide �oadway with street tr�es, and streetligMs and a raiiroad crossing. Acquis3tion of a 6Q-foot wide right-of-way including any necessary buildings is included. The assumptlon is made tt�at the railroad crossing permit will be granted without e;.tensive administrative or engineering effort. Ash Avenue Phase III includes improvemeMS ftom Commercial Street to Hall Bivd. and the realignment of Scoffins Street, 1100 Uneal feet. The improvements consist of modifications to the signal at Hall Blvd. and Hun2lke� 5treet, removal of the signal at Scoffins Street, street trees, streetlights and the realignment of Seoffins Street to Ash Av�nue. Acquisftion of a 60-foot wide rlght-nf-way inctuding any necessary buildings is incliaded. 2. Building Rehabil'�tation Assis4ance. This is additional funding for the business renovation and improvement program described in the 1991-95 p�riod. 3. Community Center Building. This project is for a 20,O1�0 square-foot public facility to accommodate community meetings, special events, social activit(es, etc. Building would be located adJacent to Tigard Square. 4. Hall Boulevard-Pacitic Highway to Fanno Creek. This project is a full street improvement of Hail including a landscaped median strip, turn lanes at tntersection�, slgnalization� street sighting, perimeter landscaping and sidewalks. Project is anticipated to receive up to haif the cost from State Department of Transportation funding (not for media� and added landscaping and right-of-way costs); up to $2,OOU,000 f�om assessments against benefitted properties and the balance from Development Area tax increment funding. 5. Pedestrian Weather Protectior�. Assistance to private properry owners in areas of heavier pedestrian traffic to construct awnings, marquees or other roofing str�cture over sidewaiks and other pedestrian ways. 6. Public Art. Added funding for placement of public art in indoor or ou4door public spaced within Development Area. i 7. Public Parking Facilities. ; Estimated here are costs for acquiring land arrd developing lighted, paved, landscaped parking ! lots at locations to serve added parking needs related to future commercfai development within � the Ciry Center. Gosts estimated at �3000 to $3500 per space provided. � � 26 I i i ; . I 4 ��.,, ;�`k,. �. � . �. Public Restrooms. This projec4 Includes fiin�ncing for needed put�lfc restrooms, preferabiy tocated withi� buildings such as shopping malls, communiry c�nter or expanded civic center buiidings. 402. 5ummary of Funding Sources Ovgr the 16 year period in wfiich projects and actNities ara ta be accomplishsd, tax increment revenues constitute the mo§t import funding source - providing �43% of needed project revenues in addit(on to funding interest on bo�owed money and most of the administrative expenses. The following table shows major funding sources by 5 yea� period and for the 16-year Plan period. Table 10 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE SUMMARY t$��'s) ,�ource 1 1- 5 ° � � 2 1 � .�� � 7ax Increment $2.408 53.4% $5,652 �33.5% $7,929 49.696 �15,989 43.0% L.ID 500 11.1 2,30Q 13.8 3,500 21.9 6,300 17A Qept.of Trans. 380 .. 8.4 S,fUQ 33,5 4,500 28.2 1�,4�0 28.2 Other 1.220 z7.1 �.140 18.8 �S,Q 0.3 4 41 11.9 $4,448 $t6,8192 $15,979 $37,319 i � I I i i � i, . i' i � �( 2 � � 4 � i � i � 3 � k f � 2� � � � � � � � I I ', I i4.:,.:'� . . . � 'p. t SECTION 500. FUNDS Fi��UIRED, TAX iNCREMENT PROCESS AND YEAR OF AGENCY'S INDEBTE�NESS BEING SATISFIED. 501. Projectlons ofi Inccemental Values and Revenues The fdlowing table st�aws projected incremental revenue on an annual and a c�mulative basts. ' �'he prajection is baseci an an assumpibn of no growth in valuation nf exigting properttes during i the pentod 1991 to 1�; 39L annual grawth in novv existing propertles irom 1995 1�39; and 496 growth thereai�er. Du� this period the value of n�w p�ivate de�vetopment 6s added as it is projected for c:ompietion.A discusston of the assumptio�s used to project the composite tax rate use�i In the proJectbn is induded in Sub-section 601. uf this Eieport. A desc�iption of the proJected tlrning and scal� of private dev�lopmeM Is shown on Tabte 12. Tabie 11 Pcojected Tax Increment Revenues CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AREA ° TIGARD ;,ppx(to 1999) !3= h.00% other Dist�ist�s TGV Gra+th R�te f9 = 2•0�0%<to 199�.) �M2' Dcv. DistricY�s TCV Grmwth Rate�1 ■ 0.00%(to 199�i) M2• 3.00X(to 1994) lf3: 4,00% � Oripinal Frozen Base TCV = 535,000,000 Net Fisc�l P�o1�t� Prolset 6rowth Ovar Am+�t Y.t. tw�t�tive T.t Estwt�d 9rolKted TCV Y�ar D�v.11rs� YCY VaLues* Froas� d�s� Rewerx�e Rwaxk t/ Tuc Rat� 2/ (Mo YI Y�lue> 3/ .._.._....e.---°-------..�---------�°------.....•°----°-°....................._..------ --1989 s3Se00C�000 0 0 0 0 t24.30 65�9�7�241�000 1990 35,000,000 0 0 0 0 =26.0� 67,266,9aS,t20 1991 36�Sf0�Q00 1�'Sd0�000 1�S60�OQ0 R1�020 41�020 t27.18 68s611�509�536 199t k0,300,000 3,760,000 5,300,000 147,09i 1a8,11S t2d.32 69,983,7S9,T27 1993 µ,x13,000 3,915,000 9,215,000 266,a67 �i55(,881 t29.St 71,383,Et�i,522 � 1944 i7,260,000 3,OdS,000 12,280,000 361,032 it95,913 t30.00 7t,811,�,bt2 1995 42,923,000 4,230,000 17,928,000 527,083 1,342,995 S3Q.00 7<,995,kiSe296 1446 5a.916,000 4,i00,000 23,916,000 703,130 2,Of6.127 t30.00 77,245,Z77,755 .. 1997 65�258�000 i�S75�000 30,258,000 8d9�585 2�935�712 l30.00 79e562�636�06a 1998 71�981�000 4�765�000 36�9a1�000 9,067.2k9 ;�4122�953 f30.00 A1,9i9,S1S�971 1999 T9�090�000 4�950�000 ii�090�000 9�296�2ib 5�319�199 t30.00 84��Od,W0�6Z8 z000 aa,ssco000 S�ifi0�000 52,39+t,000 1s540��d6 8�859�583 f30.00 87o78i�32Qp651 2001 %�2�iS�fl00 S�35S�000 61�245�000 1�E00�603 a�b60�1a6 f30.00 91,295,693,477 2002 105,66S,C00 5,570,000 70,665,000 2,OT1,551 10,73T,737 i30.00 9i,947,521,296 2003 115,667,000 5,77'S,000 30,66P•000 2,371,610 13,109,R7 t30.00 98,7i5,�22,065 200; 126,319,000 6,�,000 99,319,000 2,68i,779 1i,794,125 f30.00 102,695,238,9�i7 � 1137,6Y7,000 6,2dS,000 102,637,000 3,017,528 16,011,653� t30.00 106.e03,048.505 0 0 0 ---- ------------°------------------..._.__ + Se�; Proj�ct�d wildinp llctivity liorksheet for project v�lues detaii. • 1/ T�x Incrwnt R�wtiue attributsble to Tax Rat�, Yalweton, and ta�t collaetion effieisncy. 2/ Esiiw�ted Tax Rst� in City C�nter Dev�lo�a►t Area 3/ Proleetion of Tru� C�sh v�lw excluding incraneat�l v�lw in the Develapa�ent Are�. , ; 28 . � Tabte 12 Development Activiry Wortcsheet City Center Development Arsa - Tigard Oregon Private Develapment Activity Worksheet � Commercial Apartme�t Total Year _ Valuati•on�l Valuation\2 Added Value ' 1990-91 1,540 0 1,840 1991-92 1,600 2,160 3,760 1,992-93 1,670 2,245 3,915 1993-54* 730 2,33� 3,065 - 1994-95 1,800 2,430 4,230 1995°96 1,875 2,525 ' •4,400 1996-�? 1,950 2,625 4,575 1997-98 2,030 2,735 4,765 1998-99 2,110 2,840 4,950 1999-00 2,190 2,950 5,140 200A-01 2,280 3,075 5,355 2001-02 2,3a0 3,200 5,570 2002-03 2,45Q 3,325 5,?75 2003-04 2,565 • 3,460 6,025 2004-05 2,670 3,595 6,265 ' * Can�m�rcial Valuation for 1993-94 is $1,730,000 less $1,000,000 for Tiqard Sc�uare ].and aquisition. \l. Based on 34�,000 sq.ft. of new commercial development over the next 15 years with 145,000 being retail space; 200,000 sq.tt. befnq office. Initial value of $50/sq.ft. for retafl; $80/sq.ft. for Class B office d��elopment gives an intitial weiqhted average of $67/sq.ft. �or NCommercial° development. This cost times 23,000 sq.ft. per year � i� escalated at 4� annually to reflec� in�xeased building � construction costs and hence assessed valu�tion. i \2. Low-rise ap�rtment developemnt of 5b0 new unit� is asswaed { for the area; much of it lnca�ed alonq the �ranno Creek Park. � Initial cost ot $54,000 per unit assumed (average 900 sq.tt. ; at $60/sq.ft.) . Values escalate at 4� annually. � , { � � ;: �: i, i� r �, F �� . �� � � 29 S.. � r . . . . . . .... .... . . . ,. �.. . . . . . � ... . . . .._.. . ._...: ..:_..__... ._._.: _.'...._ ..._.:...... _c,..:..�,4.,•. f ` . ��, `+. 50'L. Cash Flow, Debt Repayment, and Year Debt is Satisfied. Table 13 sF�ows the projected tax Increment cash flow of the Agency. Included are ihe annual tax incr�ment revenues and ceriain interest eamings �s described. Not inciuded are Agency revenues from other sources such as grar�ts, LLD. assessments and Oregon Departrnent of Transportatia�. The table shows the sufficiency of projected tax increment revenue to meet ' proJeCted p�aJer.t costs by the end of Flscal Yea�2004/05. 503. Finding of Financial Feasibility Based upon the ProJect Co�t and T6ming iMormatlon contained in Sec4ion 400, the projection of Tax tncrement revenue in Sub-section 501, and the cash flow projection shown in Sub-s�ction 502, the Plan is shown to be financially feasible of being substantially completed within the fifteen • years of tax increment use. Tabie 13 Projected Tax Inrrement Cash Flow c�rr c[rTeR eEVe�on�wr�u�- nwiw ' . �uuuriu oF: �ORROYIMG AND TAX IMCREIIEMT DE�T RETlRENENT CAPACITT _.......-•""'•'•".............""--.-'....----.....----.................................._..........---•.....----••---"---•---••""..__.............._ . WID fALE iOTAI �. "'p/3 IIEfERYE f1Aq1s '"'•'-IN�of Iro�went....._ �OMY ACMILT�C\S flffJLL iAlt IMTEREfT AMD OTIIER T.A.lOND! /IIOJECT •••..•• •""" DEiT fERYICE ►R06RAM MON•�OqO COVEW�E MLAMCE tEft YEM IMCR[IIEMT EARNIM6f\1 REVEMUE �2 f01.D�3 EX►[MOIIURES MYIIENT /ALANtt ►AYIIEMTf ADNIM. DE{T O6 RAT10\7 rROGRN AD11M. '•"".._._......«.��....""'....._......"""'......................."'...............�..""....""._......_.....""""""""".........__.._....... 19Ef �D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q •- 0 1990 I� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 1991 �9,021.' 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 20,d70 0 -- 21.020 149i Ii7,0V� 1,26f 0 ES0,000 817,000 65,000 a7,SS0 0 50,000 69,000 1�0.09X 50,375 1991 264,7N I,023 0 0 115,000 0 V2,l03 10S,p00 50,000 115,000 25�.067[ 50.165 119t 761,032 1,010 0 1,200,000 9,261,000 120,OOG Ytt.171 105,000 50,000 205,000 13�.t1% 5�,207 �ws sx�,aeA s,zsz o o z�s,000 o us,zsP tev,000 so,000 t�s,000 �vs.s�x so,s�z »v+ rw,�w s,o� o �,soo,000 �,ros,000 tw,aoo �oa,�o� zbv,000 so,000 zes,000 �st.s�z sx,ros »r eer,sas �,�az o n s�s,00u o 6ze.u� soc,000 rs,000 »s,000 �u.s�x s�,tss av9e t,oe�,:<r s,oa� o o s�o,000 0 4s:,00 sot.000 rs,000 s�o;000 z�s.rtic sa,ri� 1999 1,296,2b6 3,167 0 2,150,000 2,612,000 213,000 702,SQP 50G,000 75,000 72C,000 13�.7�X 53,14�i 2000 1.Si0,786 I,192 0 0 S10,Q00 0 7ii,660 96t,000 75,000 510.000 160.13% tq.769 2001 t,l00,f0] 2,9E6 0 0 765,000 0 7E9,3�0 962,000 75,000 765,000 tE7.17% 51,]S9 2002 2,OT1,S51 3,062 0 0 1,070,OOG 0 876,700 962,000 50,000 1.070,000 215.%X i9.991 2007 2,)71,�10 2.999 0 0 1,360,000 0 lE6,102 p62.000 50,000 7,Xfi,000 2<6.33x 52,�00 �� 2006 2,{8�,T79 3,156 0 0 9,675,000 0 4t0,11� 962,000 50,000 i,67S,0011 27l.0aX S3,S34 2005 1,017,527! 3,212 0 0 3,OSE,790 0 49�,523 462,OQ0 50,000 3,OSS,79U (0)\9 ^--'•"-- ----•---- -°--.... .-•------ --------• --------- -^.--°• --....--• •-^----'- tE��11.653 N,622 0 5,700,000 15,9lIE,79E 570,000 8,032,000 8�5,000 10,9Tl,79l1 --...,..-°--._._._ ....--•---'•-----...._.. \1. Internt i��asuned te�ccrue�t 6X per y��r on prix yerr�s b�lr+c�. �2.►roca�ds fras 1�rt1 wl„ in 19--. �3.�ond bruN�n levet deet s�ri�l �t 7.Sx; !t w/terw of 13 ye�ra; 12 Wter��f 91 yNn; MS w/ten�of 9 ye�n; N<w/terw o}6 ye�ro \i. Tot�l prajtet�xpandituns�re net bond proc�a plus rwn-bond d�bt (ke: f.n.�). �S. 10X N Mw boM proe��pplf�d to OSR wAicA �ee�w�l�a+�t 6%per ye�r. Ml�ne�utM b p�y olf bo�d�. �I,f10.965�ltltan in�hert terw debt (project�)p�id fraw Oabt t�tir�ent�ud ritAwt loh•ten berd�. \7. �nquir�d eowr���tie ef oppraciw�ulr 135x tor isswnc�ef nw bada i�nMwd. �6.D�bt strvin h�s finc e�ll m worwy in fud. Rrep��w AANnlstr�tian cosH p�id fraw fud�it�r prwfsion for d�bt wrvin�rwrlly, \9. Ivds in p/�Rererve fud, pplf�d te prwide sufficiMt furd� to p�y dl d�bt�mrlu in l�st y�ar. Moort�reith�upt i A��a. Int. 30 6 1, � SECTION 600 7AX INCREMENT FINANCIfVG IMPACTS ON OVERLAPPING TAXING DISTRICTS 601. Taxing District Va�uations, L.evies, and Rates - History and Projections. A total �f ten separate taxing bc�dies currenUy levy property taxes on properly within the bounda�tes of the City Center Dgvelopment Area.The fdlovving three tables sh�nr a 7-year history of Assessed Taxable Values� Tax Rates arx� Lgvies for each of th�se districts. Each table also shows a t'ivo year projection to the year 1993/94. �lssessec! valwe� are assumed to increase at 296 annually for these 5 years. Levtes are assumed to tncrease at rates based on their historical growth tempered by information obtained f�om interviews with tMe Districts.The indi�idual grcwth rates assumed for each district are shawn in the table. The projections of tax rates are based on the projected assessed values and projected levies - not on historical tax rates. Tax ra4es are shown in Table 16 growing to over$30 per$1,000 of assessed value by 1993/94. For purposes of projecting tax increment and the impact of tax increment financing, we have irr�pased a stop on increasing prope�ty tax rates at $30 per $1,000. Holding� future tax rates at $30 is predlcated on the following rationale: there will be same meaningful property tax relief provided as the State looks to either � channel a greater share of incame tax revenue into basic school support, an alternative revenue source 4o supplement property tax funding of schools is found, or the voters impose some limit on �ates. � Should this ratior�ale prove incorrect, and rates continue to escalat� beyond the $30 composite level, the effect w�l Eae to generate more tax increment revenue than shown at $30. If assessed value growth in the overlapping distPicts increases more rapidly than proJected here, tha effect will be to moderate tax rate increases. Howev�r, ff assessed values increase due to greate� grawlh and development or du� to InflatEon, there will be upward pressure on levies, which in turn creates a counter-balancing push on tax rates. Table 14 Taxable Value of Overlapping Districts � Historical arxi Projected ; 1. iNU�I[VAIU[Of OV[RW►IMC iAXIMG GIfiRlCif-GTt CEMfER OEYELOMIENI ARFA , iliCAl tEARf 1M2lt1 TNIILWiN 9991/96 ii�e�l <VAIUf IM f000�p Te�r l.D.2SJ [f0 C1�1' �IPC WT[R DfT. OOIMT� U5+1 FCC /O�T N50 ..."•"'....."'.................."'............""""............"'..._..........................._..................._.. R/ti 1,173,770 7.�M,11T fE5,1dt 1,�Of,563 11�,9d� 7,�M.111 5,9W,7S7 7,7M,S15 7,76�.t17 7,Jde,fll �3/K t,p/,OfO I,1N,1/0 T7S,72S /,SO�,K1 �K,000 1.�Tt,N� A,31),p{ 7,�7t,Mt I.�Tt,Kt 7,202,W ' K/K 1.Si1.� �,XS,NI lS2,7N 1.�N,1Sf Rf,J1t �,f40,SA �,l/5,17� �,KO,fA �,KO,S7 7,R2.217 �S/Y 1,NO,tl3 1,ri0,70� 101,]N 1.70Q,l7� K7,7S2 f.Xt,tq 7.f7►,�M 1.1{�1,1q �,X1.19I �,Slf,07� WW 1.1St�19 I.Sn,LO �S�,fl1 1,7N,M1 1'S�,4S7 1.�N,72� 1.M,lN 1��90�T2{ ��MO.T2� �,7K,tSf �1/M 1,�S1.S12 1,K�,7S2 1,17�,775 1.N1,S2� 1fi,�lS t0,000.STt �,12f,�T t0,000,S1i f0,000,l71 f„ilt.7/9 !a/M 1,�97,/N f0,N1.11� 1.726,11t 2,01�,01� 1.ON,47� 10,3M,1t� 1.�t6,3t� 10,7M,32! 10,)90,3U 7,NS,OG6 .."-...."""""""............."'......."'.......""'........._..._....."-......."""'......_._.......,.........."' ►reJ�eud GaetA ntr. -te 1991 2,Opi ...................................""'............_..............._._..._._......"".._..."""..�_.............._..._...... !9/90 2,OR,f7f 10,�97,000 1,752,636 2,OS6,13i 1,10e,20S f0,606,295 �,592,602 10,606,295 10�60�,295 9,l07,IiT 90/91 �,07l,�31 10,7W,1W 1,377,fef 2.097,M1 1,170,360 t0,�t�,120 �,7K,�S! 10.�1�.�20 10.�1l,1t0 f0,003,1% •im :.�u,nz a,m,on �,rai,zea :,u�,�to s.�sz.rn ».ox,�er �.r»,n: n,ox,�er u,ax,�s► �o,ms,sec nns :,u�.tu »,�»,soo �.us,u� :,�x.�v� �.in.aoc ��,tss,us r,iu,�s� ��,tss,us »,ns,us io,�o�,�ss 7S/K 2.t0�,fi2 11,]fi,2f0 1,K�,171 2.22S,M2 9,/�9,SfS i1,N0,f11 f.701,1?b 11.NO,Sfi 11,NO,SM t0,�1i,7M ...._...."•"............"'•'•""'..."' C�IIN Yys Nwt N�ItANot t 11�welnw, Ine. 1rr VwM.G.Wpt.M�nrwK�Twtfm►�o�rd�. bt�:WIWiIw IK hrt�1 Nrtl.rd,hrelyd Cawn{q CNI�rd INtnqlif�n Nrvlu�{�tNet d�rrt Inelud�wlu�Har in Nulte�rA rd Cl�eMrr�eantler 31 8 �..:� �... " . . Table 15 Imputed and F'�oject�d Levies Ove�iapping Taxing Dist�icts ll. MIOIOSED R[OEYELOYItNY NIEA•CITI W�TlfiMp � . IMMlT[C MO.MOIE¢IEO lFV1Ef-►ISG1l YWf��19t2/6)TIMdlGN�1993/K Fise�l p��r f.0.21J E9D' CITT lf►0 WiE11.4lT. COIMT�. "'USA" ""►K- �ORi ....1K9.__ . . .�........ ....... """' '.....' ""�'•' '"""" ....... ....... .. Wtl 17,lL7,023 t,f13.11� 7M.2�0 �,W.JO� 76f.�S2 29.62d�.!DN 1,2�f,R9< <�200.OS6 1,031�,W ./,i00�09y . � lSJ64 /0,7/3�,117 2.CZ1�09t 11t,Mt t,K�,72� 2A.7f0 ti,lOL.OSO 3.K3,76i 1.4b7�.SQ t.4K.M1 1,tM;�62 7�/lS 19.1N,2�3 2,1N,Nf M3;�/t S.02f.312 705�.)Tt 11,K7,�50 s,s»,��s t,//1�,104 7.NO;�H 1.t3S,SS5 . .. �S/M It,St2,707 2�310,07M1� 1�Zt3�SN 4,�Z1�,174 27/��SM tl,02�.510� t,19S,ON 2;N],f19� �3,�S�,2tf. 1�,37f,612 . �I eb/af� 1t,�U.SI2� t.79�,MS� 9,�36,�01 S 2f1 391 2Sl�2�2 21 7t/K3 1 17S 7N •21I 1H �K7 013 1 1N,0o1 . N/!!� 2Z.407.�6i i.S1S,1fi t.3Q�,lf3 3 067�7t� 1M)70 t!t01�..fOS 2 Iri:.004 �900-50� 1�00 211 2 70��:tf7 �!/M t!.l10,67�. t.N�.18i t,�21.795 S 01f�K7 15��12� 30 W3 nIS-.1 Otf 273 •SN S02 <Oil�f!1 3 70�.N1 ......_.. ... �....-.........,.""..._.,....'• --•'._.......... . 1�Mn.CfaNtA•• . 8.707t S.COK 22.701C 1.17X -1i.901 0.60% -1�.ZOfF 9<.7DX� 25s7G'R /S.40t . adi�reae �.00R �.00K. 6�.00A t.SOX O.00If <.00% 1.00% 6.00i ' ......... ....... .."'.. ...:.� ...._.. ......_. ....... ""_'. ....... ...:.... ......""... !9/90� 31,1K,172� 2,�6,OK 2.171�,32i 5.091.OE0 159,�2i 31,921�.576 S.O�V.� t0,t�1.S4i �,Q81.f07 3,70�.L91 . VOR1 71,�t�,IW 1.014,W I.Of7.�U 5.167,K7 159;�24 72�19/,397 7.07►,K2 10,150.014 {,061.Sb 3,101,�91 11/t2 K.701.235 ].1t1.M0 1.]OZ.451 S.2i�,1S! .15l,� 7�.52�.333. 1.110,7L2 .11.IVS.Ot1 �,O�I�.Sp 7.70{.N7 .. f't/t7 N.20f,tN l.]N.710 3,l61.�S1 5.727,�.13� 159.929 3S.Nl7.U7 3.1a1�,�70� 1i.071.750� 4,K1,S�7 3-.70t.Nt 9S/% 42�,lit.M7. 7�.St1.091 ).�S1,9Q 5.403,�67 131,929 17.XI,il2� 1.17S,26e �12,WS.t7S I,O�t.Sl1 3.'JO6.N1 � ..........�................."'......""'-" . � ���. Mot�:��sW en AistxiE�4 V�lwtiont Md Raeea � � '�able 16 Tax Rates - HBstorical & PcojecYed . . Overlapping Ta9cing Districts � � s � Ifi.►ROrE�TF\/ilt IIATEt IM MOrOSlC 11tD[YEiMNfMi M16R•CITf O/i�WR� E ►1fGl tEARf 19/2/ltD iMWGN/49109� � 6icpr�sa�d�s t�to per t7,000 e/Aruu�d v�lwttm i��_. iiacd ...................................•"" .O.J�.'- 1.66....-' 0.6/ .....O.S1• .U.t�.......0.17 l2�1.0� t' Yn� s.o.tsa ESO C1iT R/►D WTER DfT. COUNT'f lKJ1 Ki ►ORY MSO 40TA1 ! ................... . �. y�/p 13.Q1 O.M 1.12 7.20 O.S9 �.02 O.SS 0.57 OJ4 D.t� �•�S u/µ 12.N O.ti 1J6 3.iS E4/!S 12.12 0.2� 1.06 3J2 G.T7 19� 0.19 0.57 0.<1 0.16 f20.33 li �SJE6 11.SS� 0.25 1�35 2.d0 0.32 1,93 O.Si O.Si� 0.37 0.1�� fH.Q ; !6/!7 i1.S6 0.25 1.4� 2.99 O.2T 2.l2� 0.25 O.15 O.13 0.1� f21.32 ���. !7/4 12.10 0.2� 2.03 2.N 0.19 2.l1 0�.7� O.N 0.3! 0.2f ft1.�1 �: !d/!9 I��.K O.L 1.W 2�.�9 O.1S 2.95 O.X 0.92 .....O.IS.......o x.....�:�. !'; ...........""""-"...._._. ..._ . ... .... ............. ....... .............. ... �, .. ....... --• City ef Ti/��d '�' fOJ4�ord I�vy �''� �dd�d in 1V09/VO ...�_..........."""""................... ��;: ..,__ �. ....."-""............................. _ .............................""""...... .""»' p/qp 15.31 0.27 2.�5 2.�8 0.1< 1.0/ OJS 0.9� O.0 0.3� M.� �'� qp/y� U.21 0.20 2:f1 2.<6 0.1� 3�.07 O.SS O.M O.A OJ3 tf.1� 91/92 17J� O.r ).0/ 2.45 0.1� 3.i3 O.IS 1.07 O.I7 032 2�.12 f.,•. qzpq] 1�.11 0.70 I.IO 2.4t 0.1� 7J9 O.X 1,01 0.76 0.32 2�.5� 93/K 1�.2t 0.32 3.23 2,�3 • 0.13 7.2f 0.74 1.12 0.35 0.31 3�.� ,;. """.._....••'-....�..."'-"'...._....... ?i �, Ne�r.Ciq�ad leyr fnelud�d In 1N9/�0 1�r�Ae�!wd�Y�h'�P�K���M N M�jKt�Ma�s�V�lw KwitA. Is' S? . �i :j I �', �'` {± i;= ;. �', 32 �' ti �'�, � a $ . . �. _ : �.� . ..� '_ .. . . .�:,.. ,.. ..., .. . �.._:..,_�,.�.�. ..�._ ._., .,�..� I � '� �w 602. Development Area Valuation Relative t� aistrtcts' Valuations. The current taxable value of larxl, improvements, tangibte personal property (that used in a business) and public ut�fty property (gas, electric 8 telephone lines and facilitie� and railroad property) within the Development Are� is estimated to b� $35 miilion. A compa�ison of this , valuation to�the cun�nt valuation of each of the overiapping taxing districts is shown I�elow. ' ' i Table 17 Relationship of Developnent Area Valuation to Overlapping Districts �� District X Vatue within Developnent Area S.D. 23J 1.T6X Educ. Serv. Dist. 0.34 li City of Tigard 2.63 ;i Tualatin Fire Dist. 1,73 Tigard uater Dist. 3.22 !� i 1lashington County 0.33 I United Sewerage Agency 0.42 i� Portland Camm. College 0.33 Port of Partland 0.08 Metroe Service Dist. 0.08 Sou�ce; Moore Dreithaupt 3� Assxiates, Inc. 603. Anatysis arxJ Projection of Tax Rate Impacts As the Incremental valuailon of propercies withln the Development Area grows, there will be sorne impact on th�tax rates of sAme af the overlapping districts. The impaGt will be larger where the ratlo of incremental value to the t�xin� dist�icYs valuation is larger and wher� the DistricYs tax rat�i� higher. For the Port, Metro, 6'CC, IJSA, the ESD and the Tigard Water District, the impact is hardly Tneasurable - less than a cen4 after fifteen years. Estimated tax rate impacts on the 3our taxing district� most lmpacted are shnwn below in Table 1 g. fh t i e ota effect on the composite Tigard City tax rate is about 22� in Fiscal Year 1995, 55¢ in F.Y. 2000, 90� in F.Y. 2005 and a decrease of 91Q in F.Y. 2006. Annual impacts are detailed in Tables 19 through 22. Table 18 ' impacts on Tax Rates in Four Most Affected Districts (Cents per Thousand $ Valuation) District FY 1995 FY 2000 FY 2005 FY 2006* School District 23J 15.34� 38.76� 63.19� (64.04¢) City of Tigard 4.01 10.19 16.71 (16.94) Tualatin R.F.P.District 1.92 4.84 7.89 (7,99) Washington County 0.49 1.23 � 2.p2 Total 21.76� 55.02� 89.78� (90.99¢? * Fiscal Year 2005/06 is the year when incremental revenues are released fo�use by overiapping ;:;; taxing districts. All other facto�s being equai, tax rates wuuld decreased by these amounts. Source: Summarized from Tables 19 through �s. ''' 33 f'? ;, r. �� I;`� i; r � �', � _ _ _ __ __, . ., .; . .. _ _ .._ . _.Y. ..�. .�ww. _..._..�.�:, � .�:���O��e�e�G��e�G�p�t�:a�:x.� � N.�.�.�~~�ON�P.N-p,���V1�V1p�.� �dr i'�(��:���M�?l��MwM:�$Mw�l$�$y �. � op�OO�pOp�p��G�C�pNpYp�p♦pa NpYp\��Q �. u• . �� 9�Y;wM.�1MMM�1w�M1I1iM�M�IMMM� �� NF � 4 �� � ::��asttx�x�s��ss:sx� �+j e . , . n n n �n Y.► � Ay Y1 y.� aSy��RMMMMMMw.A�wM.wMMM�MM . ��.� : J..YYO�NMIVnN����N�0��0/.A�O±N gH ` . Y� VY��I��P���►��PPP�P��� � ��� .m�i �� �MMMMMaM�NMMIIIM�RMMMMM � �� .��,;�, ... L�:�����e��3a:Rex&�:� � .. �� �: .. .. � . .�_ � cc ��,�33��s,r������3�3�:� _ ;' '' _� v :��r�c��fi..�:��:��«s�� � .. �# x :x.,�a.,�aasY£sz€��:� : � s , �``� sy: �M€/y3 �3E�+��I:�c�����sE"s � $ �. 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Q YrY o r�y�iy �.- y�� ^ �ri YZ'�5���&SS���RF�7GFiG.F',•'n��� �:� •i:���^Sr^i6�SS '.�.�n�iw �. ��� �������; . �3� .�: .;�� .. . - I I II , � , a „ i; .;� . SECTION 700. RELOCATION REPORT 701. Relocation Analysis Acquisition of p�i�rate property will be undertaken by the City and Development Agenc��in nursuit of extending or improving streets. in developing Fanno Creek Park� in developing public parking facilities, in assisting private developers who encaunter obstacles in pursuing appropriate new or expanded commercial or residential developments and for the proposed 7igard Public 5quare and Commun'ity Center. Existing businesses and residences (owner-occupied or hou�sing ter9ants) where relocation will be required are anticipated to occur in 51 instances. They will require 8 b�usiness relocations, �� no owner occupied relocations,and 43 tenant relocations. Cas4s for such relocations are included in total project cost estimates. Under payment scheduies novv �xisting in the governing Federal Unfform Relocation Act, displacees will be eligible as follows: Businesses: Actual moving costs plus up to$1,000 for professional assistance in locating a suftabie alternate sites. Tenants: Up to $5,250 (as of 4/2/89) to cover rental assistance and moving costs. Owner-0ccupants (if any): Up to$22,500 (as of 4/2/89)to cover costs and "interest rate differential" (loans at higher rates than on current house) costs. Based on the estimated types and number of relocations that may be necessary in ac�iev6ng goal§ of the Development Plan, an approximation of relocations coscs is as foliaws: 8 businesses at $20,000 = $160,000 (Tigard Square, Bumham Street Realignment, and Ash St. projects) 43 tenants at �5,250 = S22a,750 (36 in Ash - &coffins area; 5 other) 702. Relocation Methads The City Center Development Agency will adopt a resdution, establishing administrative rules relating to requirements far making relocation payments to persons displaced by City publfc improvement projects, and estabiishing eligibility procedu�es and appeal procedures. These � regulations are intended to comply wit requirements of Oregon Siate Law goveming relocation ` assistance to displaced persons and businesses. The Development �gency will prepare and maintain i�ormation in its o�ce retating to the relocation program and procedures, including eligibiliry for and amounts of relocation payments, services availabie, and other relovant matters. 703. Housing Delet6ons & Additions There will be approximately onQ single famiEy and 42 multi-family housing units eliminated through property acquisitions by the City or Development Agency over the term of the Plan withi� the Development Area. No new single family residences will be permitted within the CBD Zone which covers the Area. The construction of multifamily units wiil be encouraged. particularly adjacent to Fanno Creek Park. It is estimated that 500 to 600 apartment uniYs will be constructed in the Area over the next 16 years. � � i 36 � f 1 ! �( 1 4 F, � �. SECTION 800. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The primary focus of cftizen parttcipation setiu(ties in the development of the renewal pian for 3he City CeMer has b�aen the City Center Pian Task Force. 'This six member group was established by the City Councd in Navember, 1987. and functioned continuously from tF�en up to Council adoptior� of the DevelopmeM P�an. There have been numerous public meetings of the Task Force during this 16 month pe�iod wi#h intereste� citizens from bath within and outside the study area in attendance at most of these work sessions.Wofki�g with major staff support from the City's Planning Division, the Task force , developed a thorough knowledge of the proposed development area as It cunently exists and an overall concept for what it should be in the future through the creation of a "Mission Statement," The thrust of'this statement was to have. the Ciry Center function as a clearty ident�able center of Tigard's c�mmercial, social, civic a�c! cultural activity with a stror►g ' orientation to and flavor of the adjacent Fanno Creek Park. As the Task Force proceeded to developed specffics thai would bring about the changes needed to move the Ciry CeMer toward its desired future. it received assistance from consultant studies in five major areas: 1) Market Analysis 2) Fanno Greek Master Plan Development 3) Transportatlon & Street Planning 4) Urban Design Plan 5) Urban Renewal & Financial Plan Development of park and street plans were also accomp�ished in cooperation with two other standing cit(zen adeiiisory bodi�s of the City-the Tigarcl Park& Recreation Board and the Tigard Tra�sportation Advisory Commi�tee. Dur�ng the fall of 1988 the 7ask Force held jaint public meetings with these groups to review pfeser�tations by consWtaMS and to discuss haw features of proposed parks and streets plans related to ciry-wide goals as enr�ll as to goais�or development � of the City CeMer. For deta�s of each plan s�e "Fanno Creek Master Plan," Mirase 8�As�ociat�s, dated , 1988, and Tigard Transportation Plan, Kittteson 8 p►ssociates, dat�ed _. , 1989. Other activities of the City Center Plan Task Force in achieving broader cltizen input intq its �ecommendation� to City Counc� for the Ciry CeMer Development Plan have included: ■ 3 txeakfast/coffee meetings wlth Area business and property own�rs . 3 small group meetings with Area Business owners . 2 JoiM meetings with City Pac{c and Recreatbn Board . 2 joiM meettngs with City Transportation Committee . Prese�atiohs to Water Board, Rotary, City Boards and CommitCees, 3umme�eld ' � , Civic Association, Ciry neighborhood planning organizations ■ 10 newspapeP anlcles du�ing t6-month pe�iod . 2 city newsletter articles . 2 Chamber of Commerce newsletter articles . Informational booth at "Crulsin' T(gard" community event . Half-day community woritshop om Vision Statement and market opportunities i ■ Discussio�topic i�Fanno Creek Conference (annua4 city-wide community forum) . 2 questior�s o� city center development induded in Communiry-wide MaA-in Sunrey . Maintafning a complete set of Task Force records in the local govemme�t section, Ti�arci Ciry Ubrary 37 1 ♦� . . � . . - . . . . .. . ' .. . . .� � . �`.� . � - � . � . TIGARD CITY CEN'�'ER ° DE`VELOPNIEN� PLAN FI'NAL DRAFT ' � . . � . ;�. � ��� � � .. .. � \� �� �y'�. . ... � f�Cf,` ��+ . . co s v` �� �f` ' 1�, Y 9 ' �ST .. � � . . ... March 1, 1989 i � `�. TABLE OF CONTIENTS 100. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 200. DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 300. LEGAL BOiJNDARY DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 400.MISSION STATEMENT AND�,OALS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE CiTY CENTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 500. LAND USE PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 600. DEV�LOPMENT P(.AN ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 700. FINANCING OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN INDEBTEDNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 800. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT REQUlREO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 � 900. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1000. NON-DISCRIMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1100. RECORDING OF PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1200. PROCEDURES FOR CHANGES OR AMENDMENTS IN THE APPROVED CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT PI:.AN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 1300. D�JRATION AND VALIDITY OF APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PIAN . . . . . . 36 i i , ;, CITY OF TIGARD a CITY CENTER DEO/ELOI'MENT PLAM I SECTION 100. WTRODUCTION Tigard, liks many ather small cities near major central cities, experienced rapid growth and development during the 1950-1980 period. Small viilage-type retail ceniers, like those along Maln Street, became just one of several commercial developments as �ew automobile-oriented shopping complexes and `strip coonmerciai" development occuned : along and near major arterial streets and highways. in this process the former focal point or"downtown" represented by the Main Street area has been diluted. Much of the newer development in the Main Street area has not been consistent with retaining or enhancing a"downtown"focus or identity.The ex9sting street system in and around the area has not been upgraded nor maintained in a conc�ition to encoura e�new downtown- businesses or ex se the area to te�tial customers. 9 tYpe po Po The cumulative result of ail these chan es is an area that has b2en designated in city 9 plans and zone maps as Central Business District but which has little of the character of such and too few of the physical facilities to encourage its becoming a Central Business area. City Council, in recognition of this inconsistency, appointed a City Center Plan Task FArce in 1987 to examine the situatian and to recommend to the City Council steps tn improve the area and enable Tigard to again have an Identifiable City Center. The Tasic Force has been aided by considerable staff work plus co�suitant s3udies of transportation, parks, urban design, market analysis and financing. This Ci.ry Center � Development Plan is the summation of the Task Force's work over the past 18 months, and incorporates most of the Task Force recommendations ta the City Council. 1 i � i � i I [ T � ���. `d, TFie Task Force envisions a future City Cerrter of vitaliry and identity with a park-like atmosphere. Ili The Plan has been prepared unde� the direction of the Task Force in confonniry wlth certaln provisions of state law contained in Artide OX �nf the Oregon State Constitution and Chapter 457 of the Oregon Revised Stattdes which enable this Development Plan to utilize helpful taols provided for in state law in pursuft of Plan objectives. 110. CITY, AGENCY AND ADVISORY COMMISSION The Goveming Body (Council) of the Clry of Tigard on Febniary 13, 1989, by Orciinance � ;i No. 89-05, dedared that blighted areas exlst within the City and that there is a need for an urban renewai agency to function within the Ciry. The City Council, by approval of Ordinance No. 89-05, dedared that all powers as provided by law in an urban renewal agency be exercised by the Councll of the Ciry of Tigarcf, acting as 4he urban renewal agency and that it be officialiy known as the Ciry Center Development Agency. The relationship between the Ciry of Tigard, an Oregon Municipal Corporation, and the Ciry Center Development Agency shall be as contemplated by Chaptec 457 of the Oregon Revised Statutes. Nothing contained ir� this Plan, nor the Ciry's supplying o# services or personnel, nor the budgeting requirements of this Plan shali in any way be constn.�ed as � departing fram or disturbing the relationship contemplated by ORS Chapter 457. Further, the Council, in Ordinance 89-05, created a Ciry Center Development Commission. The purpose of the Commission 1s to assist in implementatio� of this City ` ;, Center Development Plan, to make recommendations to the City Center Oevelopment ; ,. Agency, and to help inform Tigard's citizens, partieularly persons doing business, ovorning ;' � property or residing in the Ciry Ce�ter Developmerrt Area, of Plan's co�tent and activities. ` ; �. s' i i , �. {' �� 2 �; � E' �: i• ,� , , '� � � � . ; SECTION 200. DEFINITIONS As used in this Plan, unless the courts require otherNise, the f�llowing definitions shaA aPP�Y• 201. "ADVISORY COMMISSION" means the City Center Development Advisory � Commission—a citizens committee consisting of from seven to 12 members appointed by the Tigard Ciry CounciL 202. "AGENCY' or "DEYELOPMENT AGENCY" means the City Center Development '; �; Agency which, in accorc9anc� with provislons of Chapter 457 of the Oregon ;i Revised Statutes, is the designated Renewal Agency of the Ciry of Tigard. p 203. 'AREA' or"DEVELOPMENT AREA" means the geographic area of the City which encompasses the Clty Center Devetopment Area conceived pursuant to provisions of ORS Chapte�457 and as descrlbed in Section 300, herein. i' 204. "BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION�RS" means the governing body of �' Washic�gton County, Oregon. 'J 205. 'BUGH'i'ED I4REAS° m�eans areas which by reason of deterioration, fau{ty ' ; pianning, lnadequate or improper facilities, deleterious land use or 3he existence of unsafe stn�ctu�es o� any combination of these factors, are det�imental to the ,;II safery, health o� welfare or the community. A blighted area is characterized by ' the existence of one or more of the following conditions: ; �', A. The existence of buildings and structures, used or intended to be used � ;: for living, commerciai, industrial or other purposes, or any combination ` ;a of those uses, which are unfit or unsafe to occupy for those pu�poses ;; , because of a�y one or a combination of the following conditions: t`: I I ;; 1;�' 1. Defective design and qualiry of physicai construction; 2. Faulty interior arrangement and exte�ior spacing; f'I i: 3. Overcrowding and a hlgh densiry of population; �` ,; _ ;; l. 3 �� ia �z`'�, � _ . � i .. , . _ .. . , . � . �, . 4. inadequate pravlsion for veMilation,light,sanitatlon,open spaces and recreation facilities; o� 5. Obsdescence, dete�ioration, dilapkiation, rnixed characte� or shifting of uses; B. An economic dislocation, deterioration or disuse of property resulting from fau�ty planning; C. The divlsion or subdivision and sale of property or lots of l�regular form ar�d shape anci inadequate size or dimensions for property usefulness and development; D, The layout of pro�-,erty or lots in disregaM of contours, drainage and other physdcal characteristics of the terrai� and surrounding condftions; E. The existence of lnadequate streets and other�ights-of-way, open spaces and utilities; ' F. The exisfence of property or iots or other areas which are subject to inundation by water; G. A preualence of depreciated values, iEnpaired investments and social and , economic maladjustment§ to such a� extent tha.t �he capaaity tn pay i taxes Bs �educed and tax receipts are inadequate for the cost of public seroices rendered; H. A growing or total lack of proper utilization of areas, resulting in a stagnant and unproductive eontlitlon of land potentially useful and valuabie for contributing to the public health, safety a�d welfare; or I. A loss of population and reduction of proper utilization of the area, resulting in its further deterioration and added costs to the taxpayer for the creation of new public facllities and services elsewhere. 206. "CITY" means the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. 207. "CITY CENTER DEVELOPM�NT AR�A" means the area as shown in the Map and as designated in the legal description found in Section 300 of this Plan. ' :I t 4 � � t i' i t i, � i , f `n. '� i � �8. �CITY COUNCIL���WUNC��.' means the gaveming�body�of the City of Tigarci. ; 209, "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" means the Land Use Pian of the Ciry of Tigard including al! of its policies, procedures anci ImplemeMing provislons. 210. "COUM'Y" means Washingtan CouMy, Oregon. 211. "EXHIBIT" means an attachment of nanative, map or other graphic, to this Development Plan and contained herein. 212. "NEW PROJECT" means a p�qject that either has a substantially diffe�ent function than the project it replaces or has signfficant economlc, ernironmental, social, or physical impacts not previously considered by the Developmer�t Agency. Minor � � changes in design, function, or cost shall not constitute a " newr pcoject". 2t3. "ORS" means Oregon Revised Statutes (State Law). ORS 457 is the chapter '1 , which regulate§ the urban renewal of blighted areas withln the State of Oregon. ' '� 214. 'PI.AN" or "DEVELOPMENI' PLAN" means the Ciry Center Dev�lopment Pian, an � Urban Renewal Plan of the City of Tigard, Oregon prepared incompiiance v,rith � Chapter 457 of the Oregon Revised Statutes. 215. "STATE" means the State of Oregon including its vari4us d�partments, divislons and agencies. 216. "TAX INCREMENT FINANCING" means a method of financing indebteelness incurred by the City Center Deveiopment Agency in preparing and impiementing the Development Plan. Such Tax Increment method is authorized by ORS sections 457.420 through 457.450 and provides that the tax proceecis, if any, realized from an increase in the taxable assessed value of real, personal and pubiic utiliry property within the Development Area above that existing o� the �. Counry tax rotl last equalized prior to the filing of this Plan with 6he County Assessor, shail be paid ineo a speciai fu�d of the Agency. Such special fund shall be used to pay the principal and intecest on indebtedness incurred by the Agency in financing or refina�cing the preparation and implementacion of the 1 t �; approved Development Plan. � f: 5 ` z" € � � H, . . . � . � �� . . �,'.. � i . _ . ; . . �� ; � � 217. `TAXINC BODY" means any of the public Ju�isdictbns which levies ad valorem tax�s within the bounda�ies of the Developme� Area. 218. "URBAAI RENEWAL LAW means Chapter 457 of the Oregon F�evised 5tatutes as same exists on the effective date of this Urban Renewal Plan or as same may be � amended from time-to-time by action of the Oregon Legislature. ,: 3 I jl ; �' i; iI i` �. ;: ,. E � 1 � ( 4 �. ;; l 6 � 4. t ti � � i � , E,. � �� SECTION 300. LEGAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION 301. The legal descrlption of the boundaries of the Development Area are: A tract of land in the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, and Sectio� 2, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Ciry of Tigard, Washin�gton Counry, Oregon, being described as follows: �eginning at the northwest corner of Lot 28, Chelsea Hill, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records;the�ce North 43°02'31'West, 235.81 feet to the most northerfy corner of Lnt 54, Chelsea Hill No. 2, a �ecorded Plat, Washington County Plat Records; thence South 42°58'08" West, 165.14 feet to the sou�thwesterfy �ight-of way line of SW Hill Street; thence North 43°36' West, on said southwesterty �ight-of way line and its no�thwesterly extension, 684.24 feet to the southeasterty line of Lot 20, Viewcr�at Terrace, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records; then�e North 38°25'05" East on sald ' southeaste�iy IOne approximately 20 feet to the most easterly comer of said Lot ' 20; thence North 43�5'40" West, 455.22 feet to the most northe�y cAmer of Lot 16, said Viewcrest Terrace; thence North 44°10' West, 546.0 fieet to the southeaste�ly end of SW McKenzie Place (a 40' wide roadway dedicated to the public in Book 879, Page 212, Washington County Deed Reco�ds); thence South 45°55' West,26.68 feet to the most southe�ly+ come�of said SW McKenzie Place; thence North 44°07' West on the southweste�ly Une of said SW McKenzie Place and its northweste�ly extension app�oximately 359 feet to he northweste�ly right- of-way line of State Highway 99W (SW Fac�ic Highway); thence northeasteriy, on said northweste�ly right-of-way line, ap�roxima4ely 1735 feet to the most easterly comer of that parcel shown o� �ounty Sunrey #10102, Washington Counry Survey Records; thence northwesteriy, an the northeasteriy tine of said parcel, 20.28 feet; thence continuing on �aid parcel boundary the following courses; northeasterfy 11 feet, and Notth 52°08" VNest, 98.15 feet ta the southweste�iy right-of-way line of SW Tigard Street (County Road 767); thence North 65°49' West, on the southwesterly �ight-of-way line of said SW Tigard Street, approximately 785 feet to the southe�asterly �ight-of-way line of SW Grant Avenue (County Road 1496); thence northe�ste�iy, approximately 240 feet to the most westerty corner of Lot 7, Mariell, a recorded plat, Washington Counry Sunrey Records; thence southeaste�iy, on the northeasterly right-of-way line SW Commercial Street, approximateiy 950 feet to 4he southeast line of the John Hickiin DLC No. 37; thence North 45°1�' East on said DLC line, approximately 300 feet to the southeriy right-of-way line of SW Center Street (County Road 972, being 40 feet wide); thence Soukh 68°20' East, on said southe�ly right-of-way line, approximately 180 feet to the southweste�ly extension of the southeaste�ly �ight- of-way line of SW Center Street (County Roaci 1365, being 50 feet in width); thence northeaste�iy, on said southeasteriy righi-of-way line, approximately 500 feet to the most weste�ly corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Kingston, a recorded plat, Washington County Plat Records; thence South 44°30' East(on the southweste�ly line of said Lot 7), approximately 60 feet to the northe�ly right-of-way line of State Highway 99W (SW Pacific Highway); thence northeasterly on said northerty highway right-of-way line, approximately 1110 feet to the southerfy extension of the east right-of-way line of SW Hall Boulevard at lts point of intersection with the southeriy right-of-way line of said State Highway 99W; thence southe�ly on the east right-of-way line nf said SW Hall Boulevard, approximately 4380 feet to its inte�section wiih the easte�ly extension of the south �ight-of-way line of SW Omara Street; thence westeriy, on said south right-of-way line, 514.89 feet to the east �ight-of-way line of SW Edgewood Street; thence South 3°57'38" West, on 7 �, � i, l �: s.. 1��... � .. said east�igM-0f-way line, 185.92 feet to the easterly e�dension of the south �!gM- � of�nray line of SW Omara Street; thence Nath �75T W�st, on said south tight- I of way line. 323 feet to the southe�ly extension of the east IMe of Cfieise� Hiil, a �ecorcietl pl�t, Washingtc:� County Pl�t Records; thence North 3°3fs'30" East, �I on said east line, 571.12 feet; thence North 65°54'27" East, on said east 1ine. 571.12 feet;thence North 65°5a�2r West�a.22 feet;thence Souch 48°00'32'West, 89.36 feet to the north �ight-of-way line of SW Chelsea Loop;thence,weste�ly on said north right-of-way line, on a 140 foot radius nontangent curvs concave to the south (the chord bears North 78°37'14' West, 167.U6 feet), thence North 62°27'01" West, 149.70 feet; thence South 75°00' West, 90.00 feet to the polnt of beginning. 301. Exhibi�A. Map of Development Area which shows the area encompassecf by the foregoing legal boundary description. `I jl d � 1 � 8 + . . . . _ ... .... .. . . ... . . . . � . , . .. � , f., �.. �,, �' PLAN EXHIBIT A I C1TY CENTER DEVELOPMENT AREA ;:; � �� � ,� `,.,,,, �,,� + i. • ' . co , .�� ;� � �,�� .. ti�. 6 �'f � a�-. G ! f�G`�` �� �� o •• :- o`` t Fyc� 9, 7� �� . ', ill, r i'I i: i' f! i' i i�I C'II dsi (;I �yl {°I �' i�, 9 �I �i �1 ,�l , � !� y4 SECTION 400. MISSION STATEMEN7 AND GOALS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE CITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 401. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Development Agency is to strengthen the economic vitality of the City Center of Tigard by eliminating blighting conditions and to create a sense of place and identity as the "Heart of the City" - a vital center of social, cultural, economic and political activity. 402. GOALS To accomplish its mission the Development Agency wiil implement this City Center Devefopment Pian, the goals of which are: A. To remove limitations to economic growth in th� City Center area created by existing blighting conditions so that vacant and underdeveloped properties can realize their full market potential and be utilized to their highest and best use consistent with other goals of the City Center Development Pian; B. To encourage and enhance opportunities for commercial, residential and select industrial properry to be developed and improved in the City Center with an emphasis on establishing a visible and economically active City Center. C. To encourage multi-family housing in ths City Center to actively support commercial development, anci add to visible people activities and movement associated with commercial, social, cultural and recreational activities in the City Center; 10 �� 'y_ D. To retaln and expand existin� busi�esses in the City C�nter area to b� campatible wiih the Development Plan; E. To provide pedestrian and vehicutar transportatlon access ar�d circulatian systems which support developme�at of the C'ity Center in accordance with the Development Plan; F. To encourage a more efficient pubiic transportation system to support the cesiderrtiai and employment population in the City Cer�ter; G. TQ ensure that infrastructure and othe� public facpities within the City i Center are adequate and timely to accommodate cunerrt a�d future ; 1 development; � � x H. To provide a netwo�fc oi publ`c and private open space�adaptable to � . E a wide variery af uses. �xtend the n�twork of open space ham Fanno � � Creek Par1c throughout the Ciry Center to develop the theme of�the Ciry i i� the Park"; i. I.To create an atmosphere which is attractive and encourages investment in and occupance of business and residential properties in the City ��! Center. � i � S' 1 k [ t � 2 7 � i7�' L 11 � � � � i � � � l �