Planning Commission Packet - 02/21/1989 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �, Tl[GAIiD PLANNTNG COMMIS520N FEBR[TAR�' 210 19�9 - 7:30 PM TIGARD CI'VIC CENTER - TOFIN HALL 13125 SW FYALL BT,VD m 1. CALL TO O12DLR 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROV33 ASINUTES FROM FEBR'�JARY 7, 1989, HEARING. 4. PLANNZNG ((�MMISSION CAMA�iUNICATION o Hake recom�►endation to City Council for Cit,y Center F�lan. 5. PLTBLIC FiEF�R2NGS 5.1 �MPREHBNSIVS PI.AN AMENDMENT CPA 89-01, ZONE CHANGE ZC 89-01 GOLDEN REY INN�TESTi�R:S NP� � 8 12EQUEST TO AMMI:ND T� CITX OF TIGARD'S GOIAPREH�NSI\TE PLAN FROM HIGH DLNSITY R�STDEN�IAI. TO GEISEY2AL COMI�RCIAL AND A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-40 (RESIAENYAL, 40 UNI�S PLR ACRE A TQ C-G (CTmM1�RCIAL GENERAL). LACA7CION a 9050 SW SCHOLLS F�R�RY ROAD (WCTM 1S1 268C� T3. 1700). ZONE: R-40 (RESIDENTIAL, 40 UNITS PER AC��,E). � 5.2 5U$DIVISION S 89-f12 LA SELLE/ORR/HERYTAGE NPO � 3 REQUEST TO DIVIDE A 17.59 ACRE PAl2CEL INTO 48 LOTS BETWEEN 8,211 SQUA� � F FEET ATQ19 12,597 SQUARE FEET, AND A REQUI4ST TO ALLOW A VARIANCE FOR A 18 k FC)OT PRIVAT� DRTVE WITHTN A 20 FOGT TRACT WHEN CODE REQUIRES A 24 FOOT DRIVE WITHIN A 30 FOOT TRACI�. I,OCATION: N. SIDE OF BULI. MTN. RD, 23ETWEEN SW 133RD AND SW PEACHTREE (WCTM 2S1 9A T.L. 1400 & 1501). ZONE: R�7 (RESIDENT7AL, 7 UNITS PER ACRE) . Preliminary tiearany oaly, final action will be ta]�en on March 7, 1989. . ' � 6. OTFIER �U6INESS i 7. ADJOURNMENT � � ; DJ/CPA89-Ol/pg8 y �. __ i�ii �:�,f �.., TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR M�EETZNG, FEBRUAR7l 21, 1989 l. Preeident Moen called tha meeting to order at 7:36 PM. The imeeting was held at the Tigard Civic Cent�r - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, �reqon. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: President Moen; Commiss3.onera �3arber, Fyre, Leveret� (arrived 7:45 PM), Roaborough, and Saporta. Absent: Commissioners Cas�ile, Newton, and Peterson. Staff: 5enior 1Planner Keith Liden; Planning Secretary Diane M. Jelderka. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUT�S Commissionsr Fyre moved and Coa�nmissioner Sarber seconded to approve the minutes ae corrected. Motion carried by majoraLty of Commiesioners �resent. Commisefonera Moen and Itnsborough abstained. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATI6N o There wa� no cammunication. 5. PiJBLIC HEARI%iGS 5.1 COMPRLHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 89-01, 20NE CHANGE ZC 89-01 Gl)LDEN ICEY INVLSTORS NPO � 8 REQUEST TO AMEND TFIE CITY OF TIGARD'S COMPREHENSI�7E PLAN FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIPiL TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL AND A ZONE CFYANGI3 FROM R-40 (RESIUENTIAL, 40 UNITS PER ACRE) TO C-G (CAMMEIdCI14L GF3dERAL) . L9CATION: 9050 SW SCHOLLS FLRRY ROAD (WCTM 1S1 26BC, TL 1700) . Zt)IJE: R-40 (RESIDENTIAL, 40 UNITS PER ACRE). Senior Planner Liden reviewed the proposal and. made staff�e recoiamendati,an for approval. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION o Ken Eagon, Patrick M. Neabitt Aseoc., Inc. explained that the purpoae of the propoeal was to even out the property lines for future development of a propoeed offics building. A ewimming pool currently exiat in the area proposed for clhan�e, however, th� apartments have an indoor pool that is utilized by the tenants. Comiaisgfoner Leverett arrived 7e45 PM r PUBLIC TESTIMON'� '' r PLANNING CAMMISSION MINUTLS - F'EBRUARY 21, 1989 - PAGL 1 # 1 I � � ( } � ly �� o No one appeared to �peak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Consensus of the Co�nmiesion wae for approval. * Commissioner Fyre moved and Cocnmiasioner Rosborough seconded to forward Comprehensive Plan 1�lmmendment CPA 89-01 and Zone Change ZC 89-02 to City Council with a recammendation for approval. Motion carried unanimouely by Commissioners present. 5.2 SUBDIVTSION S 89-02 LASSELLE/ORR/HERITAGE NPO � 3 RLQUEST TO DIVIDE A 17.59 ACRE PARCEIo INTO 48 LOTS BETWEEN 8,211 SQUARE FEET AND 12�597 SQUARE FEET, AND A REQUEST TO ALLOW A VARIANCE FOR A 18 FOOT PRIVATE DRIVE WITHIN A 20 FOOT TRl�CT WHEN CODE REQUIRES A 24 FOOT DRI�7E WITHIN A 30 FOOT TRACK. LQCATION: N. SIDE OF SULL MTN. RD, BETWLtiEN SW 133RD AI�YD SW PEACHT1tEE (WCTM 2S1 9A T.L. 1400 & 1501) . ZONE: R-7 (RESIDENTIAY., 7 UNITS PER ACRE). Prel3miaiary hearing anly, final actfoa will be taken on I�a�cah 7, 1989. Senior Plannex Liden revievaed th� proposal and explained that this is only a preliminary hearing to gi.ve the public an opportunity to give their input. A�PLICAIdT°S PRESENTATIOAi o John Brosy, Planning Consultant, David Evane & Aesoc., representing Heritage Development Company, explained that �hey had met with the Neighborhood Organizatians. He reviewed �he proposal and the need for a variance for the private street width. They had no objectione to the conditions staff fa presently �roposing. He urgecl the Commission to approve the proposal. o Discussion followed regarding the private drive and access to the open space area. o Beverly Froude, CPO # 4 (Bull Mountain) chairperdon submitted and reviewed a memo of concerns that the community had regardinq the proposal. o Tom Taylor, 13625 SW Bull Mtn. Road, wanted abutting property ownere to have the opportunity to connect to public sewers. He also wanted building heights to be �aken in�s:7 consideration to protect exieting views. o Jack Schwab, Attorney, 9250 SW Tigard Avenue, repreeenting Robert Deuth and James Rippey, subrn�tted a letter stating their concerns that accees and aewer connectione be made available for future development niE their propertiea. Commiseioner Fyre wanted it to be known that he had a phone conversation with ; Leah Zednik regarding the propoaed eubdivision. � � 9 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUARY 21, 1989 - PAGE 2 , t�'' � ,� � `'� .. '� i o Leah Zednik, 13995 SW Bu11 Mountain, stated that page two of the applicant's narrative was incorrect. They had not approved of �hp location for access to their property. They would prefer to see a road stub provided around lot 10 for a conneation between 132nd and High Tor �I Drive. She felt a holding lane/turning lane should be constructed on Bull ' Mtn. Road, and wanted to be asaure�3 that adequate drainage would be II provided for lot 17. I o Ann and DQan Coy oppoesd the development. They had concerns regarding density, grade of the property, and height of the homea that would be constructed. They did not favor giving that County a pa�rtion of their property for improvements to SW Bull Mountain Road as it would ruin their property. They did not feel the proposal was keeping in character of the land and would ruin the value of their home. REBUTTAL o John Brosy �tated they had nothing further to add. o Discus�ion followed with the applicant regarding atreet stub locati,ons, eewer connectione, etreet connections, and acceae to the common area. PUBLYC HEAFiING CLOSED o Commiesioner Leverett felt consideration should be given for access for propertiea to the east and west. He supported the varianae for th� private drive. o Commieaioner Rosborough was pleased �hat the developer is willing to work with the people in the area. FIe felt that the view is an emotional iseue and should try to be worked out. o Commissioner Barber was pleased to see the larger lota, how�ver, ahe felt acceee ahould be provided to the open space. o Commiseioner Fyre ahared in the concerns of the public and felt viewe of the existing property ownere should be considered. Given the zoning on the site he was pleased with the aize of the lote. o Commiesioner Saporta cocnmented that the street intra-atructure is the main concern and conaideration for street stubs to the east and west. He felt that the applicant had done well with the designated density. He still had concerna regarding Bull Mountain Road and requested that Engineering look at possibilitiea for improvement. o Preaident Moen agreed that their ehould be acceae to tract "A", eomewhere around lote 19 thr.ough 23. Also, that there ehould be aome aort of connection of atrests from east to weet. * Commiseioner Leverett moved and Commissioner Fyre eeconded ta table S 89- 02 and V 89-03 over to the March 7th hearing. Motion carried unani.mausly by Commiasionere present. PLANNING COMMISSION MINU�ES - FEBI�UARY 21, 1989 - PAGE 3 4� ;� 6. OTHER BUSINESS o Discussion regarding a work ehop with City Council regarding the City Center Plan. Suggeeted dates, March 15th, 16th, or 20th. Commisaioner Leverett wauld not be availabl� ior the 15th or 16th. No one elae had conflicts with the datee proposed at thia time. 7. ADJOURIdMENT - 9:30 PM ,�� Diane M. Jel � s, Secretary ATTEST: .f,.�- 1�,'�`-�,�_.�..�`��"`/�-'�,�i'.,:.�- A DonaYd Moen, President dj/PC-2-21 �I PLANNING COMMI38ION MINUTES - FI�BRUARY 21, 1989 - PAGE 4 _ _ _ _ �.. ,ti � PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL HEARING DA'SE: `� � S'TARTIUTG TIME: �i � � COMMISSIONERS � DONALD MOLP1 � ; � VLASTA BARBER �� JAMES CASTILE � I � MILT FYRE � .�2_ DEANE LEVERETT ������.� �e1 cY`"� �� t M I �„� GREG NEWTON w , i _� DAVE PETERSON t � IDAN RQS$OROUGFI � I HARRY SAPORTA i i STAFF PRES73 �'CN/ „ dj/PC—ROLL � 1'1M�S �'�UBLISHIIVG C��II�ANY ._. �e9�� 7-682� P.O.B 70 PHONE(503)684-0366 NOtICB BEAVERTON,ORE�ON 97075 Legal Notice Ad�rerfising � � C7 Tearsheet tVotice � ' CITY OF TIGARD � . P 0 B 0 X 2 3 3 9 7 * ❑ Duplicate Affidavit TIGARD , OR 97223 . ,; �__ � � -��T►�P���� �� ,� �f�a€er swfr�t�.��_ 3 -� �n• ri�c ora�a�ul arn�en t,e�eby�=Ym►t� � ed.Tlte public hesrfog on�-'ajatter��l be e_onducteil in acc.ordaf�se;�si#h AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION = t�e.�ru1e� of:C�agter;l8 32 +�ti��rd�uiucipai Code,�ad��.� �proadur�s ot the P�ain� A F'urther,iafurmatioa may'be� � STATE OF OREGON, )sS fa#ned f��he PIBn�ing����125�SW Hati.�ivd,Tigar�,Ore�pi� COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, ) ' ��,�•��g g���� _ i, ELAINE PE,_TROGEO�?GE P[JB�C�GS ; : - , � ': being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Advertising �����������T�A 89-01,;�ZQN,�CH�ii�If'rE� Director, or his principai clerk, of the �����''��`��� �' ' a nawspaper of general cir s de ined in R 193.010 �� ���'�������T�G�'�`��'�S� �`!'��P�d F�;�� �.�rr ����a�i:�ro c�t��i,,�M�t.�- and 193.02Q; published at in the �y;�������������:�,�IF_(.RESIDE;N�I�4£„4�E1�P�t., �T;; It aforesaid county and state; that the e1CRE} �p =a��t�� ���NERAL) LUC�4TI01� �:,fiC� P U B t T C H F A R t�i G N(1 T I C F S�gp��Ri�IttY�jp $ ��:��TL 1T00) �U�E ;R-40�RS�iy " a printed copy of�rhich is hereto annexed, was published in the g��������������� _ �' _: m. > ` _ entire issue of said newspsper for n n�� successive and °, �� � `� ������"���� -� '� consecutive in the following issues. z ' �� "����������� `� ������-����� F E B . 9, 1 9 8 9 �1�'vAI�IANCE FEfS3t A i$ F�O'f.�►�TE II„R� A.� �Q'T'�'ItACI`WHEI�T�DL REQ�S'A�€.���?�5j���:{?!�� . k�T1tA�$,.L��d� �I SIDE QF BU���,���£N;� , A T�3R]'�,E�+ID-Si�P�:A���W'C1M 3S19A 3�L.I��t5!#Y) �Ot+tE°�? - � �- ��-� � ���Ul�, 7 �ff�1��R �Cl� Pr��r� '���tl��•f� � _ , � � �er�i���ea � �� ' - �t - . _ _ .. �p . . .� -�I r�`�'l—�i� `��. 6�9 ��� � . �- � - � G� � � 91 � `� } _ Suttsc� n to before me#his F E B . 1 0, 1 9$9 " = ��_ x : .;_ - _Y___ _ _ r� x-�<J��.. � �"'�-----_... °_ ��4 ''` " - t ry Public for Oregon My Commiss�ar�.ExQ�res '' 9/2 0/9 2 AFFIDAVI�' _ , ;�:� ';i DATE�_r"��/ m I G A R D P L A N N T. N G C O M M I S S I O N kr NOTYCE: A�L PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAYC ON ANY YTEM MUST SIGN THEIR I�➢AME and note their add�ess ox� this s�eet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTl'ON: r�I g 9-V� •-v � 5- - �� � u� � � � _ �-� PROPONENT (For) OPPOIV�NT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation . � � I i � � ' � i . . . .. _ . . .. .. _ . . .. . � -.� QATE � ..Z/ �� � ' T I G A R A E' L A N N I N G C O M M I S S x O N NOTICE: ALL . PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and nc�te their address on this sheet, (please D�int your name) ITEM/b S�RIPTION-_ � g�`'� � v �g ��3 . ' � ��v _ .�� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation r?^ � � 2�� va � s ,h cJ ��-v s� - �- so�c.• Z 626 t�cJ � �� '�" t'� � Gavbttf �3'77.ot �'�.� �' , . ; � ���s���a �� �' C.. i.� �...�... 1�?!� , 2, �Gt! . • �. ''�'�'� t�i/i.i1��'.� �fsrt�t� i�,_ �'J"` . --- . �I ` �.(�,.�(.Ct� (^•�,-�St;r(,�1,, C .i c�.li `t1�' ~ � �3 � .� � � q� ��� � �',�.��-� � F uF�: ► - � ;1� � 4 � F� 1 �'' I: )f � � I: � 1 i � I � �;. , � �. . . . . .. . . . . � �� ,.� ( �4 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commisaion FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner �?�' I RE: Workshop with City Council and Utility and Franchise Commit�ee DATE: February 15, 1989 � This memo ia to remind you of ths upcoming work�hop involving the City Council and the Utility and Franchise Committee regarding aurface water manugement iesues. The City Engineering staff will make a presentation at the February 20th City Council aneeting starting at 7:OOpm. Items to be discussed i.nalude surface water management, regional atorm drainage, and Tualatin Ytiver water quality iasuea. Cammiesion membera are enaouraged to attend. Please call me if you have any c�uest iona. i L),� 1?t': 1 �. �. � Fj MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, ORE�ON TO: Memt�ers of the Planning Commieaion fi P'ROM: Liz Newton, Senior Planner �ij�Zj� DATE: February 15, 1989 $USJECT: City Center Development Plan Resolution Ae a follow-up to the presentation made ta the Planning Commisaion by the City Center Task Force on k'ebruary 7, 1989, the commission ahould take some formal action making a recommendation to City Counail and the City Center Development Agency. Attached is a reaolution which, if adopted, would recommend that the City Counci]. and City Center Development Agency adopt the City Center Development Plan. The xesolution cites epecific compreheneive plan policiea that the City Genter Development Plan ie in conformance with ae a baeis for the favorable recommendation. A copy of the City Center Development Plan will be mailed to you on Friday February 17, 1989 under separate cov�r. i �: � � t= I � � � 4 / f !' , A` (/ t � 4J . � �� '� � f, ,� � r � r �� 4: t� r�a �� � �� �;�. r� � #?I' '�I ,I i{4�,ll Y�'« ��. . . ... .� . . . . . ... .... � . � . � . . . _... ... . ... .. ..:.- ` _....' . . . (� TIGARD PLANNING CAME�SI�SION F2�SOLUTION NO. 89- O1PC A RESOLUTION FORWARDING A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY CENTER DE�7ELOPM�NT AGENCY OAT THE CITY CENTER DEVEY,OPMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, the Gity Center Plan Task Force made a pxesentation ora the City Center Development Plan or� February 7, 1989; and WHEREAS, ORS Section 457.095 requires the Planning cammi�sion to provi.de a recommendation to the governing body on plans prepared in conformance with ORS Chapter 457; and WHEREAS, ORS Section 227.090 grants the Planning Commiesion �he authority to recpmmend to Counca.l. plane for regulating the future growth of the city; and WHEREAS, Section 18.32.090(c) of the Tigard Muniaipal Code grante th� Planning Commission the suthority �a make interpretatione of the Comprehensive Plan if requeated by the Director or other intereeted persone; and WHEREAS, the following policies contain�d in Volume II of the City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan apply to the City Center Development Plan: CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT 2.1.IL. The City ahall maintain an ongoing citizen involWement program and shall assure that citizens will. be provided an opportunity to be involved in all phasea of the planninq proceas. PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 3.5.3. The City ehall designate the 100-year fZoadplain of Fanno Creek, ita tributaries, and the Tualatin River as greenway, which will be the backbone of the open-epace system. 3.5.4. The City ehall provide an interconnected pede�trian/bikepath throughout the City. 3.6.1. Individua], park sites, as defined by the Park� and Open Spaae Istandards and claesification system slhall be developed aacording to the following priorities: b. Parka should be planned to insure maximum benefit to the greateet number of local reeidents. For this reaeon, acquieition an� development of , I community level parks ehould b� given the highes� p�iority. ECONOMY � 5.1.1. The City ahall promote activitfea aimed at the divereification af the ' economic opportunities available to Tigard reaidents wi.th particula� �mphasis placed on the local job market. 5.1.3. The City ahall improve and enhance the portions of the Central Business Dietrict as the focal point for commercial, hic�h denaity reeidential, businese, civic, and professional activity creating a diversified and ecanomically viable core area. RESOI,UTION NO. 89-01PC Page 1 t _ - --- ___ _ _ tY HOUSING 6.1.1. The City shall provide an oppoi•tunity for a diversity of housing deneities and residential types at varic�u� price amd rent l,evels. TRANSPORTATION 8.1.1. The City shall plan fnr a safe amd efficient street and roadway system that meets cusrent n�eds and anticipated future growth and develcpmenta DOWNTOWN 11.1.1. The redevelopment of downtown shall be a�ecompli�hed in order to make it complementary to newer ehopping areas. Conveni�nce, appearance and the neede of the shopping public ehould be primary coneiderations. 11.2.1. Aeh Avenue shall be extended across Fanno Creek, enabling access to the neighborhoods and cammercial area without using Pacific Highway. Design features ahall be used to slow tra£fic and make the etreet as eafe as poeefble. Aeh AvenuQ eha11 be deeignated aa a minor collector in conformance with the Master Street Plan. Design featurea and mitigation measures ehall hold tr�ffi.c volumes to the middle limits af a m�nor collector; and NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard Planning Commi�sinn that: Section 1: The Ci�y Center Development Plan complies with applicable Goonprehensive Plan policies lieted above. Section 2: The Tigard Planning Commiseion recommende �hat the City Council and City Center Develapment Agency adapt the City Center Development Plan. � PASSED: Thie da�r of , 1989. � Viae President - Tigard Planning Commiesion ATTEST: Diane M. Jelde.rke - Planning Commiseion Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 89-OlPC PA�E 2 f �. STAFE' REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.1 P'EBf2UARY 2.1, 1989 -- 7:00 P.M. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HP.LL BLVD. TIGARD, UREGON 97223 A. FACTS l. General Information CASE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 89-01, Zone Change ZC 89-02 REQUEST: For a ComprehHnei.v� Plan Map Amendment from High Density Residential to General Commercial and a Zone Change from R-40 (Reei.dential, 40 units/acrej to C-G (General Commercial) for 3700 square feet. �IP�LTCANT: Patrick Mo Neabitt d�asoc. Inc. OWNER: Golden Key Investoxs 8625 SW Cascade Ave. PO Box 1132 Beaverton, OR 970Q5 Tualatin, OR 97062 LOCATION: 9050 SW Scholla Fsrry Itd. (a portion of WCTM 151 26BC, tax lot 1700) 2. Backaround Information The Golden Key Apartment complex, af whi�h the subject area is a portion, wae develog�ed in the early 1970s. The adjacent Embassy Suites Hotel was developed in the mid 1980s. Both developments ocausred �rhile their reepective parcels were still under the �urisdiction of Washing�o�n County. These parcela and adjacent parcele were ann�xed to the City of Tigard in Apxil, 1987. No land uae applications regarding these parcel� have been reviewed by the City since annexation. 3. Vicinity Tnformation The area aurrounding the subject area is zoned C-G (General Commercial) and is developed with a variety of commercial ixsea except for the remainder of the affected parcel which is zoned R-40 (Residential, 40 unite/acre). The remainder of the subject parcel ie developed with the 83 unit Golden Key Apartmente. The parcel immediately north of th� aubject area is developed with the Embassy Suitea Hotel except for area abutting the aubject area. Thia portion of the Embassy Suites development is currently vacant. 4. Site Information and Prouosal Deecrivtion The 3700 square foot area involved in the propoaed redesignation currently is developed with an in-ground swimming pool aervi.ng the Golden Key Apartmente. The pool area ia eurrounded by a wooden fence. The applicanta STAFF REPORT CPA 89-01/ZC 89-02 GOLDEN KEY INVESTORS PAGE ,1 V � requeat a Comprehensive Plan Map amendm�nt from High Density Reaidential to General Comm�rcial and a zone change from R-40 (Residential 40 unite/acxe) to C-G (General Commercialj for this area. The atated purpose af the redeeignation is to allow a subaec,�uent incorporation of the affected area with the parcel to the north with development of an office building to follow which would require City review through the Lot Line Adjuetment an� Site Development Review procedures. It is important to note that use of this area would not be limited to the stated proposed use as an office building site but rather should be considered available for any use all�wed in the C-G zone if the redeeignation ie approve�d. 5. Actenev and NPO C�mmente Th� Engineering Diviaion, Huilding Division, Metzger Water District, and Washington County Fire Distriat #1 reviewed the proposal and offered no comments or objections to �he proposed plan/zone amendment. All reviewing agencies will have an opportunity to r�view any subeequent development application affecting the subject area. No other commente have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 9, and 10, and City of Tigard Comprehenaive Plan policies X.1.2, 2.1.1, 5.1.4, 6.1.1, 6.6.1, 7.1.2, 7.6.1, 8.1.1, and the locational criteria for General Commercial designated areas (Section 12.2) . The etaf£ concludes that the propoeal is consistent with the applicable Stat�ew.�de Goala based upon the fallowing findings: 1. Goa�. �. is met becauae the City hae adopted and followe a citizen involvement program which includes review of development applicatione by the Neighborhood Planning Organization. In addition, all public notice requir.ementa have been met for the aubject application. � � 2. Goal 2 is met because the City hae applied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Campreheneive Plan policies, and Community ,I, Development Code requiremente in review of the application. 3. Goal 9 is met because the proposal would increase the City's developable con�na-rc�ial land base thereby increasinq economic opportunitiee within the City. 4. Goal 10 is eatiefied because, although the proposed action would reduce the amount of residentially designated land in the City, the area to be redesignated is greatly affected by the eurroundi.ng commercial development and thus ia probably not well suited for expanded residential uae. Redeeiqnation of the area will not affect the City of Tigard's compliance with OAR Chapter 660, Divieion 7 - the STAFF REPORT CPA 89-01/ZC 89-02 GOLDEN KEY INVESTORS PAGE 2 �� �` Metropolitan Housirig Rtile's .requirements for npw const�uction mix and minimum reeidential density for new constructiox� since th� parent parcel containing the Golden Key apartments ia preeently d�velop�d and theref�ore is not considered buildable land in the Comprehenaive Plarn. The r�taff concludes that the propoeal is consiatent wi�h the Comprehensive Plan based upon the following fir�dinge: 1. Policy 1.1.2, Implementation Strategy 2 is satisfied because the poiicies of the Compreheneive Plan are eatisfied as deacribed below and because significant phyeical changes in the neighborhood, as ev�denced by the gr�at amount of commercial development aurraunding the subject area, have occurred �ince the site's original residential deeignation. This growth in cammercial development, along with traffic, noise, and other associated impacts, has likely reduced the suitability of the Golden Key Apartments for further residential expansion. Implem�ntation stategy 2 ie aleo etated as Code Section 18.22 040. 2. Policy 2.1.1. is satisfied because Neighborhood Planning organization 8 and eurrounding progerty nwners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant•a proposal. �. Policy 5.1.4 a.s ea�isfied because the rQdesignatian would not result fn commercial encroachrr►ent inta a reeideratial neighborhood other than a amall reduction of the Golden Key Apartment'� site. It is unlikely that the change would affect the number of realistically potential dwelling unite an the site although the rsduced reBiden�ial ar�� would dearease the theoretical potential by three dwelling uni.ts. The apartmenta hav� already been adversely affect�d by eurrounding adjacent uees and highwaye� and therefore are probably not well suited for expanded residential use. Encroachment of commercial development fe therefore not a significant issue. 4e Policy 6.1.1 is satisfied because the proposed redesignation and eubaequent lot line adjustment and office developatent i.e not anticipated to affect rent levela or housing opportunities in the Golden Key A�partYnents. 5. Policy 6.6.1 will be eatisfied upon future development of the area. Site Development Review provieions wi11 require that buffering and screening be provided between any future commercial development on the area to be redesigaated and the existing apartment�. 6. Polici�a 7.1.2 and 7.6.1 are eatisfied becauae adequa�e public facility (i.e., sewer, water, storm drainage) capacities exist to aerve th� site. A�y further development will be required to connect with thase syetems as a conditian of approval. Public s�rvice providing agencies will be given the opportunity to review any proposal for further development on the site. ' STAFF REPORT CPA 89-01/ZC 89-02 GOLDEN KEY INVESTORS PAGE 3 %' � �` i s� �. . �k 7. Policy 8.1.1 ie eatiafied because additional traffic generated by the range of uaes that would be allowed on the aite by th� C-G, General Commercial, zone should not exc�ed the traffic capacities of Hall �oulevard, Scholle Ferry Road, and Highway 217. Theae arteriala will all serve future deaelopment on the subject parcel and adjacent properties. 8. The appl.icable locati.onal criteria for Gene�al Commercial development are eatisfied for the followirsg reasone: � a. Spacing and Location The property► ie not adjacent to other r�sidentiaY property. The locational criteria �tate that a maximum of two aides of a commercial site may be adjacent to residential districte. This criterion cannot be eatisfied in thfe aituation becauae the residential area is already aurrounded by commercial uees. The proposed redeaignation would not alter this situation. In additon, the proposed redesignation would reault in an ev�n boundary between the commercial and residential areas which ahould facilitate development on the adjacent parcels to their maximum potential without needing to provide an inordinate acnount of area devoted to buffering as might otherwise be required. b. Access Commercial developmeni� on the site will not likely create unacceptable traffic congeetion as discueeed above with regard to Policy 8.1.1. A traffic ana].yeie study will be required as part of any� future Site Dev�lopment Review for thie site. I�teasures to mitigate traffic impacte of aray proposed cdevelopment may be required. � Acceae to an arterial, Scholla Ferry Roado is available for any development that may ocaur on the affected areae The area is aleo served by Highway 217 and Hall Boulevard. i Public transportation to the eit� ie availal�le on two accees roada leading into the Washington Square Shopping Center. All ' acceae criteria are therefore satiafied. � c. Site Characterietics ; ': The size of the site, when corabined with the adjacent property to f the north, ehould be adequate to acco�rmnodate most usee allowed by the proposed General Commercial designation. The eite ie highly ! vieible from Scholls Ferry Road and Highway 217. �'he site 1 characterietic criteria are ther�fore aatisfied. ; �� ! F. � t STAF�' REPORT CPA 89-01/ZC 89-02 GOLDEN REY INVESTORS PAGE 4 '' � �', +`: �. , ; _. __ _. 'I �I, �.c.. �. d. Impact Assesement Without an actual det�iled development groposal, it is difficult to assess wheth�r the acale of developmen� on a property will be compatible with adjacent uses. However, in the present aituation, the eite is surrounded by major roadways and commercial development and therefore it ia reaeonable to conclude that usea wrhich might develop on the aite would not be incompatible with the area. Review of any proposed developa►Qnt for the eii:e through the Site Development Review praceas will ;;; assure that compatibility with surrounding uses will be aseessed ;; prior to development. ;`' In conclusion, the staff finda that the proposed Plan Amendment from High `' Density Residential to General Commercial and the pro�,osed Zone Change �` from R-40 to C-G for the subject 3700 aquare feet are�a are consistent with �', all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City of Tigard P1an polici�s, and '� I' the locational criteria for Ceneral Commercial development. x� �i i.i i' C. RECOMMENDATION � �i To forward CPA 89-01 and ZC 89-01 to the City Council with a �� r�commendation for approval baeed on the abov� fin.dinge and conclusions. ;; � ,. �; �i � o pi i � � P D : y Offer APPROVED 'BY: Keith Liden �� iatant Planner 3enior Planner ;: f: �; jlh/CpA89-Ol.JO ' �' i E ;' b j: (. f h i: i; i, j'. � f G: k t STAFF REPORT CPA 89-01/ZC 89-02 GOLDEN KEY INVE3TOR8 PAGB 5 � , , � � . ► � . � . � ., , ' � � . ��: . � • � ; - �� � , � � .� w �.. ..• � ��a.i�r�1� ► �� .,� � '� � �- a� � � : ► ■ ` ��;;� �� � � � /�/Ir� � �� . ► ' �► u � . ►.�` � � �. , _ �. ���.■.. r- . .. ,/.��� � 1111 � /slll�i� ',i�a� ,�.��. �/► ���1 1� _ .�- _ ♦ � • _ r...,,� � �►� �i , ► yl�� • . .� � � �. ��► : • � � � �i��► ���� ,;�r� :��� : ., � � i ■ : �,, , , .■ ...� .• ; � ►��; : ��►,, • -' ••����i���������. :�� � � .,� , .,,� �� ii�' •�p A!'• = - • . � : �. - /��i �_���. ./ � � .,,, �� � .����`�► ■�' �'�;:� r � - - - ` � �. ..A ��:ili: . .. r � .�,; ���1 � ����R!�' � :. � •�r�� ■ �/ � �, n�.�/ .■. . b .�•, � r � � /���� ■ ,� --- � �� ..► �:�. � �-.�4 ��_ .�, �■��e_�_ �.� = p:t-. � �. . ���u���u ; � . = *� i,!` l�v` ��" �.�'i Ti i ■ / '�� �. : ` � � ,� ,' � ••'� / � �. . i � � ,i I ���� �. .' — ....�.� , � i � ��� ,��� I �■ �� � /� i � " , � � �� _� . �. 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'T _.' ...^ .�. T�MOEI \�; .. � / � \ I TO City of Tigard Mayor and City Council Plarming Commission Planning Staff � FROM Ken Eagon, Project Manager One Emba�sy Centre l�ffice Building Patrick M. Nesbitt Associates, Inc. anci Steve I�alton Golden Key Investors, Ltd. PO Box 1132 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 I�ATE January 25, 1989 SUBJEGT APPLICAT'ION FOR COMI'REHENSIVE PLAN AMENDNIENT/ZONE CH�NGE Attached is a plat map showing the locatian of the Embassy Suites Hotel, the proposed site for the One Embassy Centre office building, and the Golden Key Apartments. The Embassy Suites Hotel (Tax Lot 1500) and the proposed office building site (Tax Lot 1504) are owned by Nesbitt Partners Portland Venture, Ltd. (Nesbitt) The Golden Key Apartments (Tax Lot 1700) is owned by �olden Key Investors, Ltd. (Golden Key) Nesbitt and Golden Key are negotiating the purchase and sale respectively, of the 3700 square £oot area of Tax Lot 1700 shown on the attached maps. (Subject property) , The subject 3700 square feet are cunently zoned R-40 (40 residential units/acre) and are designated High Density Residential on the comprehensive plan. IInclusion of this 3700 square foot area in the Nesbitt office building developmemt will necessitate that it be rezoned to G-C (General Commercial) and have the comprehensive plan designation changed to General Commercial. It should be noted that the sub�ect property is landlocked and would be unable to stand or� its own as a developable site. Therefore, the narrative portion of this ap,plication tends to deal with issues as thev relate to the proposed development of the Nesbitt�ro�erty and how inclusion r�f the subject property in the Nesbitt development fits tl�e neighborhood development trends and improves trie confi�uration and characteristics �of the unpacted properties. I �. NARRA'IfiIE I Based on a pre�application conference with the City Planning Staff it was determined that the following item in the Tigard Ca�nmunity Code should be adc�ressed regarding the subject Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone change. 18.22.040: Tax Lot 1700 is the site of the Golden Key A.partments. It is apparent I in looking at both the zoning map anci the comp plan map that the property was , designated for residential use because the apartments were a pre-existing use at the time the zoning ordinance and coYnp plan were adopted. The surrounding uses on all sides are of an intensely commercial nature and have all been developed subsequent to the constructio� of the Golden Key Apartments in 1969. The proposed change is therefore deemed to be consisten� with neighborhood trends. II Based on a pre-application conference with the City Planning Staff it was determined that the following items from the Comprehensive Plan are pertinent to the proposed amendment and zone change. 2.1.1 The subject property is located in the City of Tigard Neighborhood Planning Organization District #8. The chairwoman of NPO #S, Ms. Marjory Haglund, h3s been informed of our propc�sed changes as well as the proposed office building and planned remodeling of the Golden Key Apartments. We will be attending the NPO #8 rneeting scheduled for February 15 to present our propasals to the full NPU #8 committee. 5.1.4 The proposed change merely xe�oves one of two swimming pools from the adjacent apartment complex and straightens an odd property line making each remaining site more symmetrical. It in na way eff'ects the number of housing units. 6.1.1 '�'he propo�ed change will not effect the rent levels nor the number of units in the adjacent complex. Furth�r, the Golden Key Apartments are not in the City of Tigard residential unit inventory and are only in the City because of a recent annexation. 6.6.1 Inclusion af the subject property in the proposed development will allow for a uniform setback and landscape strip between the apartment complex parking lot and the proposed office building. Although a landscape plan has yet to be finalized the intent is that the two sites will be separated by a line of trees which will provide screening in both directions. Note that current screening consists of a dilapidated fence and overgrown blackberry bushes. 7.1.2 Public water, public sanitary sewer, and storm drainage are all in place on the proposed office building site and are capable o.f adequately serving the proposed development of which the subject property will be an i.ntegral part. i a i � r ___..__ _ __.�...__ . _. _ , ��: `�, Narrative Page 2 7�2.1 .As a part of the proposed development the subject property will remain at or very near existi�g grade once the pool is demolished and backfilled. 8.1.3 As a part of'the maste�site plan which inclnded the Embassy Suites H�tel and the proposed 80,�00 square foot office building the develaper participated in construction of a signal and widening of the intersection of Washington Squar� Drive #2 and Hall Boulevard. In addition the developer has deeded a 15 faot strip of land for the improvements to the Hau Blvd./Scholls Ferry Road intersection and agreed to participate in the L.I.D. funding for said improvements. A copy of th� traffic study do�ie at that time is attached to this application, The proposed comp plan/zone change will have n� impact on traffic flow or volume. Here again, the subject parcel is unable to stand on its o�:�n as a developable site. However, as a part of the Nesbitt office compl�x it wil� b��rder a residential zone on only one side and ac;cess and traffic flows to and from the proposed development have already heen provided for �see above and attached traffac analysis). Also, in co�junctinxi with the Nesbitt property, the subject parcel will be part af a highly visible site vvhicl� is large enough to accommosiate the proposed development. Addition of the subject parcel to the 1�Sesbitt site will have a positive impact from all aspect5 ie: The praposed development is compatible with all surround uses. Also, the landscaping between the office building and the a�artment conlplex, of which the subject property is an integral part, will improve the buffer zan�e between the properti�;s protecting privacy and limitiiag the impact of either development on its neighb�r. KE/akp � � ; i a , j a � � 4 1 w � 1 � � f � � t � _ � ,,_ _ • Q • , ry! r''\. '•o\ y . J. ` y� � J __ �- {3 � _ ��' , "ry e � �� � � � t, � . :�a ;� m .� � , .� � �:�ri z, - � 1501 K -.s " � � ' / `�3. y\ „� b y - - ' � �? filyt �aw.3/Ac_ a� `,� i � � '�• .� �^� oc'� �J�0 �. �ti 1` = p � ' � ry �' 345.cci o �:a_+s � � � � sw S�.z � ra�.?s�L ss r e_�o� ti3C !J SSX qb � 9?��i . __'^ f� , � . .y: s� � . 2p !\•e' \ry ' , S''', \ - - - -a _�'"�� � � ' ' �r •� . �' �� . e �p 9'� '�~ '�. � � � � � — _ _ _ _ '_ — _ __� � '�O �J� Q� m��d1E�. . 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F1G;k:NC)fl ]:"I"�'P1 'i.2 i=i:k312Uf�i7Y 21, ],h 8�3 -•- 7;30 I�,M, __..�..__..__..._ l"I:{af�f2C:i f>L.f11U111:X:111G C:()MM:1:;:�,�'.�:I:C)IU '1":C(a(�RD t:,:�"i"Y hiftl...f.. -- 1"t)WN I••fF�l._I_ 131?_'i ;;W I•�hl�..l_ C31..Vf:t, ..f:C(�F1Rf7, c71�k:(�C)IU a7;'?_23 A, f�'F1C"i°C; 1 , C;��:�n��r�•r:�J. :I:nfc�r��m�a�:i�:�n Cf�;�f-�; :'�U131J:�U:C:�:1',ON fi E39...•02, Vf�i�:Cf1N(;;f'r V E3��03 �E:t;�UE:t;;..�..; I��;�r �;>r�•�:�1:im:i.i��rar��Y I�J.�:�i:: e�z�ar�r�nu�xl. �.c� cai.v:ic�k� 4a :1.7,C;�+ c�c.r���a �r����� intu �8 .l,a�s, r•�ric�iric� k>c�twtac�n 8,2.81. arx� 1,7.,!3�7 5c��,i�ti��Fa fcaH�i� 1P1 al"l..'H?, i.�flla l.'1Ylt� � .�% i.^�C:W'k? Qt:li:�.t]� �::A }'Jk'? Y"F.!:;F�Y"UF?C:) i:�d8 r..oirnr►c�Pl �7�;�c+n s�,�ac:c�. f�.lso i��Fa<�iaca:�si�4<� i.� a v�ri�ric:c� Lu �l.l.uw <�n ta fo�7i:: tair��.! pr��a.�r�1:c� r°c���cJ w�.i�ri:iri � 20 fi���:��: wi.cl� i:r•r:�c.t: i:a s��r•�vw� 3 l.ui:s whic�r�caas i:hiF? lauinmur�:it:y fJez�rc�l�:iramc?ri�: (�oc�c� rcac�ui.lr��s {�i��iu�zi:c� t^�:+<:zt�:�; s��r°vS.ru� � j:ca 6 caw�al.l.a,n�� ianii:::> i:ca k�E� 7.� f'���i� w.i.cic� wxt�Fiir� a 3� rooi: i:r�r�ci:. C�QM17f�'CI•il:�IiI:;:C:VI•" F71..�11U C)E,;3:S:��IVFIl"�:0111: t1c!��i.�,iii� [)c�nsi.i�y I'2eai.r.IF�ni:i.�1. "I.OI11:C111(a f�tw:.;:X:taIU(Y'I`1.qIU: R....7 (i�ca:t:i.ci��nt:i<a.l, 7 �ar�i.l:s/�c:i••c�) �li�f>L.:�C:FiN"C; 1-It�r:il:��c:J•r•, r)H�ut�l.c:��me�i7t (�c�ro�;>�xrty OWIUk::I�; [3�ar�N��:ar<:� & (;c��.ii�l:rtF�y i�y I)�v:i�� I:v<�r�s i:ll'1C� n5:'iO4".Liil�:E?8 I..�ssc?l.lc, `l.��t•() C'.�7i^k�i�{:t: Mr��^jc:�r�y C)r°r� I�ur�i:l.ai�icl, OR 5�7201 12175 SW f3�,i.11 Mt, Rt� .f..i.c�,:�r•t:l, C)C� �722� l_O(:(�"f"TON; fliai^i�h of- ��W I'3�.�.1.1 Muc.irit<�9.r� 12�7�ci h�kai:w�aF�r� :L'33r�ci �nc� I���ac:hii�rc�cz (WC"I"P1 7.:;:1 nF1, 'I"�x 1.c,�:y J.�()G <:�ncl 15C�1) 2, i3�ckc�i��c��;��c�....�Cnf'car'ITliilt7.011 Tn W�a:�l��ingt;c.�n Co�,inl:y' s ES�.iJ.l. MI��Gini:��i.n Ccamm�.ini.t:y E�1r:ari, i::hk� `'aU�]k�C.� �ar�ur�ci^t�i�s �ir�<a c�r:.sic�ri<zi:c�c� I'2._�F (12�:��:i.c��ntfral, 6 urii.t�s ���r acr��), wr�ach� a�.l.�,w;; r�:�r ;ai.inql.E� f�ami:Gy r•�k�:'iJ.C{k?Yl'I::1ia1a. G'Icn.Uk?lc.,�m��n�:: wi.i,r� �a mani.nium J.c.,i: sixe of 'i3OU0 s<;�u<�i��e fca�i;. "i"i��c? �r�c�wc�rti�s wF�r��s �ai•inc!xta�� ini;u Lh�E� City c.�f yl`i.yrar�c� in .tr:anu<:�r~y 7.�A� (F'i,lt� 7..C;�1 fi6_...15) , "I"hka Ur�hGan f7J.r�ni•�i.n<� Ar�E�a f�c�r�c�mczi�it �a��i�wr?�ri W��sl•�ir�r�i�uri t�ouni:y aru� tFi� CiLy or "f'ic�ar�ca �ar��7vi.c�e� i�Nr,��: �r����;�c�r��:i.��s r�nnt�x�cl ray t�Ni� Cai:y wi�.l. r>E� r�7n�.�ca in ca m��nriE�r° cai��sistFxni: wa.th 1:hr t.am{�rc�h�taris�.v� N:l�r� ca�sic�n<�t:i.uns �ar�c7vic���c� Yay i:h� Cc��arii�y. "f'hr� c.:t�.�s��at: C;9.i;y rnnF� �.n 1::N�is> c:<:���:� i:a I�_..�7 (h�:�a<�w!i•ii�i.�:al„ I � una.i:/�zcre) whi7.ch hias tF�E� :�tam� m:ii��a.in�am ].aL si.z� r�ncXtaircain�i•�t �af �a,t�00 ' 5f:�1.li+lY'E! '�'t3l?'�:, ���Mlk? K)Y"11�;)k!I"�1.�:1;3 W��i^F! Ll?YlF?Ca W11:�'1 �',:�'lr) C;:I.�:�f� 5 �^°'� 7C)P161 i cc7rict.ii;.i.,car�� with �rir���x�i::ican, S7AFF REPORT — LASSELLE/HERITA�E DEVELOPMENT CO, — S 89-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 1 . , 3 . Vic,xriit:y....:Ln�j_�r,n��t,i.,ui•� Fyl"l:l�)�I'"�:J.k?:"s �::Q �::rlf? E?i;�Fi�� JC.11.l�::�'1� WF�:3j::� G#I'1(a Y101"�:.�'1Wk:?:i�: s.�l'"G? W7.��'1J.1'1 Wzasrti�le�tc�ri (�e�tariLy aru� �►i^� r�Ea:sie�r��ate�c� �2..._6 (i�F>>�.t��'�ni�i.�1, 6 �ar�:ii:s (a�r� ac.r°�) , ..rr,k�:,�, �a�w�t:�:�J.S ��r°E� K��^imc�ri:l.y �Ir���c�l:�.,r�:!r� w:i�:Ni rE�:�ai.tiE�nc.��:� ��n �a�r�ct?1a :�st,t};>:�st:ar�i:i.n�,l.ly l,ai�•yr• i:h��r� i:h�c� ITI11'1:LITll.11ll lui; sr.;r�a c�f tM��a t�ci�ar�t:y':> f2.....f., z:�c�rt�� �.�r� t�J.:�tc�? �ar•k! :ar�tral,:l: r:zr,Jr°it.:�.iJ.l;iar�l. �ncl wc:�c�cilr:�rx:l (;)<�P"C:Fa.I.S, 13Fanch�tri.F�w f::ai:<�.i:��a� SUI'JC�T.V7.Sll'�I'1, whic;h ia w:�i:l��ir� t�rt<� C:ii�y uf .f.:icJGar^c� Gar�cf wh."xch i:> ,rc�n��� C�-...h,�a (f2��sic;I��ni::Gta1., 4,5 GIni,1�;;i��:.r°Ea). 9.s .1�7e:<�t��ca 1:�.� �:hk� r�c>r��th, "I"h:'ts sta�>��ivis�.ur� i:� r..urr�c�ntl,y tar��;lcar c�c�vc�l.u�ainNr�t wi.i:h� rrca hc�in�s y�:�i:: r..c�n�i:r•u�.i,�!c;l, Fl w�.�<�t���� ,1�c��p r�����.nfa, 1c��::��1:�;�c) c��'t 1::!'i�:� r�r'c.'��t.��:�c:l t7t,�'l'::I.pi, eaf i:h�E� �a�arc:c�l. r.ur•i^c�r�t.ly �ar���raust�c� rar• siahac�iva,t�iric�, scar>tar^��i:r•�s 1�Nic� �r�•c.�pci:•;�cl :�r��kx�i.u.i.sic�n fr°um R��i•�c:.hui.kaw E::��:���1.��. , �. SitH :r:nfar•m�li.un ancl I�i��o�aua.�.l._.la�s.cripti,c�r� `I°N�t;� �r°�����r°9:y i.a ��r�c;lt�uf�:l.�,�a�u�, mc,s.;�J,y ��r�c�n ].4�nc:l slc��i.ric� ��c�i7Eair��z7.:l.y i:�a �:hc:! �?<�si: a�7c� nui^t�r�ca�:���, f�ri c�r�c:h�ir�c� i� lac:at�c� ir� the sc.,ut�Hi�t�si: <;car.,i�i�i�� qf= thi� s i.i��, F� sm<-.�J.J. n�:urtinh�ou:a� i.� 1�>c.ai�c.�ca c,i7 �:ri�.� w�.�si:F��^n �ac.�i�°txt�r•i af l:h�.� l.c��, "fh��:�r•c� is c�an�ir�t,i�acas t:r°c�� c:atic�i^ c:�n�.y e�ri i�hi�? k?xt:rE�iric-a riari:h�c�rn K>c�r~�Lic:,n ufi i:h».� pr°��nc�:�;E�c� ;�rut�rai.ui.:}�.�.�ri w�.t�l•�i.r� i�Miw ;3 , 3"1' za�:.r�•F� �r•�c,��c.,:,�tca c7ui�l.ut. "f(•�i.s wae.�c;le�c� Gxr��t�t h�� h>c��?r� ic�t�r�i�.i.f`i.c�t� in Lhtc� F3t,i.l.l Mc�i�r�i�<�in (;cammur�i�t:y N:l�r� <:�a Fli^�:!<a c:�f S�»:�ci.t�t:l. Ccir�i:.e�r�n ���t , °I'�h� C3��11 Mi�i,int:��.i,n f�l.rar� in<iic:at:�s t�h<:�L- i:f��i.� ��r�c•�a sh«�,i.l.c� ha� r•^ui.c�w�c� fi�:ai�� ���ai:4�r�i:i.ral. r>�r°k �ai.�r•ch�<:zsE7 dnca al.�>c� c�zJ.J.:s f�,r i:hi� pi�•<�::,ar°��r:a�i.�,i�� �.,fi 1:r°t�c�:s i:e, i:Ni�.� mr:�xim�.mi �xi:E�ni: ���assifalc� rur wil.c�l.:irca h<:xk>i.f:Gxi:, ��:i,�aar�i.or� h��h�ii�t�t, ��zincf sce�i•�ic rx.tr,.r>u:>c�s, E3�a,11 M�i�,in��.�ain C�o�ac�, wh�:i.ch �r3�ai:t; i:h�� aGtk>jEDt:1: N��^+a��F�r°i:y tc� 1:rih� ::caui:r�, is cl.a�aifir:,c;1 �a:> a iri�jai�• co:i.:l��ci�c�r^ :��i:r�•r:.e�i:. :It� is e.ur•i^c�ni:].y i.it�r�r�au��a� ws.tMi twc7 t:r°auc�l. 1.<:�nk�:,; �xr�cl �:x cJr°��uE�l. sh�.1�.iJ.ca4�r�. [3�,i7.1. Mc,uni::raii7 i�c�r:�c:l i.:•> �.irit:l��r�. th�c jurisc�i�i�i.can t�f Waahi.ru�t��an Cc��.�nL-y. "i"hc� �:z���l.ic�ni: �a�^a�;��:�:�c;; dk�v�!1.�aK�ir��i�i� c�fi ca �+8 lai. ;�>�ik�ca.i.��i.hi.e�n wi.1:N� :I.c�i: �i.:r_�s i���ru�:inu� t°i^um 8,:1f31 t:o :1.2,h�'l :�tc��.<<�r•n f�c�i:, fi 3 ,37 <�c:t^c� Gc�IT11T1C11���.y h��tcl c.7u�La.a1:: c�.�rts:i:.�:i.nc� ni' i:htF� t:�r°�a�:� ��f i:hta� wc:�acJc?r.l r��:�virt�:? .i.s �J.s�.� �r�c�po:�s�c�, 'Tf7� �r�c�rau5c�<� r�am4a f=«r i�h�� s�,�}•�c�iu:i;tic.7r� i.� .1..h�^c:�r-_ M�at�r�i:ai.i��5 �5i:tal:�a:3, C�rr� sst�^eE�i; ini:�!r^;;��:.i;i.c.in wi.1:h� 13ta1.1. P1t>t.tnt�i.n ��ar�c� ;i.s r>r'l?�71.1Sk!d ��n �}'iE� . . ... . c7�:stc�rri sxcie at' '�M�c� s�Ya�<�ci: rarnF��r°i:y, f'M�� :�rit�c�r�n<�1. a�r•ckat �y:��L�m �ar'r�vi.ele�s r� lataH� sys1::�.aiY� ,:;k�rvirt<� i�N��:� �ar•G�p�.�s�.�cl �+6 lca�::>. Ft :>i�r~F��1� slrt�k> wo�al.c� hc? r,�r��ui.c�c�ca 1�u Gi��c wc�:�tt, i:c7 �ur�ri�c:i� w�.i:h f�.�t.ui�•� c���vc��.��pair�carii: an ac�,j�c�;�ni: ��rc�nH�rt:i.E!:a . Fl �rau�:x1:E�, 1f3 fc.��.�i:: wacat� s�:r°�.a���. w�.1:hi:�n �� ?C) fi�.�cai� wi.c�� i�r°act: i� �arar>usrac� i:�� ���xLe�rxJ n��r�tNiwarc� rrc�iri th�e 51:u1� nn t�hie wr-_�t:��r�n s7.r�� c�f �:h��� N�r•o�ak�r•1�.:y, "I"Nii:s �t��i.v��i:�� >t�r�w�r�t w:i1:t w>r~cau:ic�� �x�.�:.�.ass �:t, i::hi����� r�ar•c.E�.ls , Th�� c�p��l�.c.�ni: r�lacxia�st�:> a u<:�r•;iar�c� fr°�;iri (��7miru�i7�.�:y I]c�un,lo�iT��ar�t: C�.�c�ae r�erauii�•emeynta whac:Fi r•�c:fuir�k� ��i��ival;�.a s�:r°�fa�L� ��ar��u:inc� 3 i�c� fi <�w��1.J.a.r�� unit�s t� h>Ea <� �r�in�,irium c�f 2� r��r�G wi.d� wii�Hii.r� <� 30 ruut� wic��a t��°�:�c�, "I"h�;a �r~c��rc�:�yecl s�.IJ;}i;I�.U;I.a1C11'1 wot�tc� k>e :�aE�r•v�c� �ay 1:HiF:� 'I"acJ;�r~cl W���:c�r Gi,:;�.r�i�.1: i�h�r���ta11•� c.c>i•�i•ic�<:i::iur� t�o a :l6 �.rict�� wat:E±r in��.i7 ],c>c:ai��c� ��;I.ur�c� f;3c,i.11 Muur�i:<:�i.ri �c��:�r� r:anr:l F3 inc:N� n�Gai.n a.n i;h�� nc�ir�l:hiwF�:yi: �:.��r�i�i�i�� caf i�hiE� si.1:w�, `I"ha� c�rvEaJ.c>����i^ w�x.�l.ci �ai^�aui,c�c� � .lc>ur>r-�c� w�i:E�r� �.ir�e± aysi:�aiY� Lc� �arou:i.t��� a�rvi.c�a i�c.� �Ni�� 1�:�i:sy w9.t.hxn 1�Nt�� :auk�c�xvasi.c>n, C3�^<aui.i�y t'l�,w scanx�t:�r•y aF?Wf?I`•s wa.t�Niin th�e c��!uc�lu��mtar�i: wa.11 uorii7�u1: t:u �n ��xi;�fi:ir�c� s��w�r� i:u t;he nea���h whx<:h s�:i^����� E3��nc.hui,aw Cs1:r:�i:4±:,, C�1:c�r�iri c�i^�a.r��g� wcawlci be �ar���.�uic��d k�y � r��i�wUi��f< uf �1;ar•m �hawear�;� c�r�ir�a.r�c� tu aui�f-a.lts wii;l•iin i:hie r°avi.r�� :in t:h� STAFF REPORT -- LASSELLE/HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT G4, — S 69-02/V @9-03 — !'�AGE 2 � _ ..,._�.,..._.___ . � �ru�aus�cf nu�.lu�. inc outt'•a13. w�at,�l.c� a.ncl�ac�� �;n c�i7�ryy caissa.r�a�n�� in ord�r i�a r~e�luce �F�� w>��i:c.anl:i.t�1 fc�r� �rc�sic.�n Ft �rriu�ti:r� st;<�r�m sawEr� wc.�Gild i�e .luc.at�;c�c� �lai7� i�h�e kaa�i��rn ec�c�� uf �he �rr•apusf�ci suhaciiviyi,un t;n i���c��ace runoff` ani�ca �clj�cEani� �ar'•���4ar�i::i4�> whxchi ar"e dawn sJ.t��E fr•om i:h�.? p�'��ti��.�sE�d �t,�k�div9.si.nn. 5, �,�nc:.y_,.�ric�.Nf?0 Gs?mn�erii�,� .�..hk� �:;nr;�ir�r�r•inc� C?xv:iai.c.tin, W�ashiirrc�i::��n C;u«n1:y's C)e��r��t:ir�karti� �.,f l.�nc� U>�.� �nd "Prar�spor•i:al�:iuri, �1170 # 3, ar�d t;PO # 4 hav� �r�1S,mir�ar�ily r�taui��w�d thc:a K�r���a��,:•��t k�ui: ha,r�� n�,i: y�i'.: �ukNr�i��:e<� �:�, �:r��� �ai�nr�in<� [�x�r�,���n, � "1"h�� F�c�il.t�inc� i�iui�a,un i��as �:umm�ntE�c� tr�<�at caasF��r��nts rvr• �r�ival:ca �t�r°uin dr���an l.irtFas mi.i�t: kaa ��r��.�uid�cl. Washi.nyi.uri C�,uni:y Fare l7istr�ir.1� � 7. c;.c.,nime�ni��rJ �Pi�at i�N» �r�c��x>s�c� wr:�i:�r� systc�m c9u�as rtiut: ir�ciic���.a �ar°���u:��c� h�yc�r��rit 1oc:at:ini�s. Th� rir�al plat,'s , w�ai:er :��r°vi.�:.�� �l.an mGisi:: rar�,uad� fc.�r� hyclt��r�i:s i.n c.c�m�alaG�nt:.�.� wii,h llnif��r�m Fii^e Cud� rc�c�«irram�r►i:s , '; � l"r��� Ti�ar°cl W�:�i:�r�• Dxstr�ic�: Ni4a� r�va.�.awac� i�h� �r���7�c���1 �nca ti�a:�i cc�mmE�nl�E�c1 th�t a ].6 anch� w�at:�ar m�in <a:long ;�W H�al,t Muuriti�i�7 Ru�<� i� �v<�zlahl� tu s�r�vc� i,hE� p�^�.,p�,;�ecl suk�clxvisi.cm. 'I"N�c d�uEJ.c�p�r� mu:�i: in:ai;al.l. � J.2 inc:h in<�zn r.unr�eyct�,nc� t�h�i.s mair� ta ��n Eax:ist;:ii7c� 8 i,r�c:h iYiai.r� lucai:�.ad iri i:h� nor,i:hw�s1: uait•n�r� ��f- t�hE� pr��.,�c,::ecl d��uF�l.�,pm�nt�. ft six inch� m�in m�ast �a� �r•au'cc�ctid k71sE�whtr-.i�•� wi�h�i.n thca c�c7uc��.o�air�c�rii:. Feai�r far�E� My<ir��ar�ta ITI(,iyt .\ •.a,. ..1 .,. ..r, - , ..� al.;,a k�e w>i^�.,vi.d�c�. 'I"Ni� Wai�E..i� qisi���ir.1. s �.amir��iit� ��r� �i�i��a�:hc.d i.c. i:ri�.s rHpuri:, F�Ctik�., C•',"f�., ��nrJ IU����i:htw�.��j: N��:tar�:a1. C��:�s h<ave� t��r�vi�.!w�c� i�hE� �>r°�:��c�s��J. �rtcl h<�uF:! r•Fa�ut��te��c� nu uf�j�ctiur�� u►^ commc�rita , E3, F�R[:LTM]:NAFtY f"xNC1:1;t11U�; FlND C:GIUCL.UC��:()IU:t '�Ni� r�1F�uGarii: ar�pr•c�ual. c:rii:�r•ia xn t:hia.� casa ar•e Tic,�rar�c� Cc�m�ar•cahi�r�:��i.vc� pl�:�n F}i�lic.i.�!:� 7... 1. , 1, 3,4,2, 3 ,Ei. 1, 7, 1 ,2, 7.3 , 1, 7,A,�, %.6. �., E3, .1, 1, 8. 1 ,2, arid 8, 1,3; t:h� f:3ia�.l Maurit��xn Cammuni�y F�l.�n; �.anci Cummtanit� pev�l��pn��n� Cod� �;ecl;i.c�ris 18..5�, 1B, 1fiU, anc:l ].8, x�iA. C�iri�r� i�riwas� p.lan� hav� �lr•ca�,cly N�c1�n �c,knuwlc�dc��d, �hE� st:atc�wa.c�e l.anc� usE! <,�t�al� no loi�ic�er�• haue t:a k>k �cl�lr��sssc�c:l f-c�r nnn�_.].�c�i�1�1�iv� land u:��:� c�p�J.icai�:i�7ns , Thi� i�larinir�r� �1�afr cc>ncl.uei�s th�at L-h� �aru�usal, wiLhi me�cii.i'icata.uns, ia cc�nsiat�!r�fi: wi.1:P� ��r>ax�.�ra:�� ��.�r�i:i�an:�t cai� �hie '1"i��r~�J (.;��n�K�r��ha�n:�a.�rF� Plan b�s�c� upun i:he fiir�c�in�s i7u�tad be:Law, Y , F�nlicy 2, ].. 1 is s��i�i.sfiec� b��.�usE N�.aic�h�k>c.�r�hacad f>1r�nriirtc� Qr���aniz�ta.un ��3, ruinir►ur�ity I�.l�rir�iric� Or�c�arii;ration #4, <�Pit� sur°r�o�andang �r�c�aK��ri�y awriEar� w�ar•e c�i.v�n r�ul;i.c� �.,f t�hw hr�aring anr� �.n a��aur��unii:y Lu �ommc�r�i: nn Ll�ika �r��r�.i�:ar�t's pr~���u�al.. ' � STAFF REPORT — LASSELLE/HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT C0. — S 89-02/V 69-03 — PAGE 3 � a I� t t 2. F>c>�.ici,��s 7, 1 ,2, 7,3 , 1, 7.4,A, ar�c� 7.6, 1 ai^e s��xsf�ic�(� IJf?(:.ial.IS� �d�c�uat�.7 w�a�:�r, s�wer, ancl s�c�r•n� c�r°G��.r�a�;�e f�r.ili.i:ie:>, �a wEal.l. �s i°ir�� �r�t�t�c.t9.on :�sE?rvi�:c�s, �rc� ur• w�,11 l�e in�cJ�a Gauailr3h�.lEa �o i:Nie c�k�vE�l�.��m�:�ni�. "I°h» G�r>�7,i.c.�n� h�a :indi.��:a1�E��J i�hia�: �he��:� f<:�c:xJ.ii�:a�.�� wS.11 I:>� rar�uv9,c�eaci wit�hin t,Mia :'s�afar,livia:�ur� <�s r••�cYuir��c� t�y (�i.�y ' si:4xncl<:�r^d:>. Ft wrat:E�r^ di.:�ai:r•ibui:a.�.7n ��].��n i.ni:lir..z:�1:i,nc� �r•i:��s�.i;,EarJ hyclr•�rt1: l�:a�ati.c�r�s �h<�i1.1 h>� siaram:it:i:�ac� rur� f=:�i��ca f�isi:r��ict i^c�ui.c�w <;�nd �K���t^uvr:xJ. pri�.�r, �:a �p�r�:�u�1 c.,f i�h�a firi�al �J.rai:. 8. I�ulicy 8, 1 , 1 calis f'ar a saf'�� r�r�d �rPx�::i.�rit s9�rc�c�i: sysi:cam t:h���: me��i:y c.tar�i^��rij: rancl �at^�,j�r.i:�ca r�F��ar1�:; , l"h4� K�rnK��:�s�<a ini::�:!rnal ��:r~��i: SysLt?�l► a�i�isf�a.�+_s �.l.l a�apZic<�k>lc� (�ac�� tarui f�.lari �1:reac�t si�anc�ar•�is, T'r�� �ai^���ac�:�>�ca K�1�i� <al�.c>w;; f��r• f�ai:ur�� ;��i:i^��:�L c.c,nri�ci:ian:> �c� i;F»� wc�st wxLFi � puaa7.r>].Ea c:ui�ine7ct:xan i:o t:hc� r�ur�i�hi if t;hc� �r•c��ac�ti�c9 pr�xv�i:�.7 atr��:?4!�: i:�s w:ici�nE�cl iri �:h� f�,ii�ur•E� 1��.� �uk�l.ac. �i::r�F���•l; stanc�<ar•��s , :In a<�t�itic>n, Ch� <�c�u�l.u�aki^`s a���ri� h�ras i;i�ici�.c.<�i:rac� t:h�t a r>att;�r�1�i�1 ,�;i:r�.�c.�i: ��:«b t,:� �:hi�:� c.ac:�r�i: a.s K�r~�:!;�;�.�rii�J.y r�c�ir�u� c;lisr�a���ca with� ac�j�cEar�t �ar�o�>er�ty �5wners ,"f'ihe a.nt:�ar�na,l si�i^���at �ya�F!m wilt 1�� r�.a�:�uir°�cl 1:c� k�e cc�nstrur..t��ct i::c� C;i�:y d�si.cryri si:�r�clr�r^ds. :Cmr�r�auF?m�ni�s i�u t3c.i.11 Muurii:a:in I�c�acl wi.]..l he r�c��air��tac� i:n k�� GOYI;i'�I"'I.IC�.�!Ca �:�� CC1l.11'lt:,/ Eij:cdi'1C:�Fatf^(a5 , 'I"I�i<� r^c�yu�:��t;Eac� vai^ianc� �u i�Nx� �r�i.u�t�e str~t�c�t wic�l:h sL••ar�t��r��t� is ju;�;ti.fiecl b��r..a�asw�: 1} �11�:�wt�n�:.Fa afi i:hE? n<ar°r�t�we.�i^ pr•�ivc�i��! str��4�i: w7,l..1 al.luw i;Fi� cic�uE�lur�irx�rit ur thir°��� 1ai�s i:r��at in:i<�N�t r►nt: i�e ci���at�:�ci :if 1:r��:� c�c�vw�1�7K7E�r� wc�r°� �:c.� k�t� r��yGi:i.r°�c:l i:c� cl�r.v�l�.��� i�h��� r�i��iva�l:�a strcac�t� <�t- fic,ill wic�tHi; 2) tN�� �ut:c�nt:i��. wi.l.l �!xi:�t fiur• rac�;':.;i.Ma1�? l,ai���r w9.�at�ni.riq u�f �::hE� K>r•iv<�1;H:? s�1�r°��rl; t:a ���.ik�J,i.�:. r;1::r�c•+.���:: :��anc�tai^cis ai��c� t:l•ie�se :im�rau�m��r�i:s, i:hcar�Eat'c�i^c�, w�:at,il.c� H>p i7c��r°l.y equtal.ly �rau.i.c�car.l f'ci�r• k�y k�ath �ai^<����ri:y clk�v�J.i�K��-�w�> wh��� wS.1.1 kx=n�fi1: rrum t:hc� rxah.lic sti��c�c�t; ranr,f 3) hac��.au�� tMic� u�r•i�nc�a wi.1l. nvt: N>e c��t:rimk�nt:r�l. t:<� �>uhl.i.c. i.ni:�:!i���:�si�s iri h�E�<�1.�:ri, sr:xf�.ai:y, z7i^ K�u�al..i.c wc�1 f-<�zr�, 4, F�c�17.ci.�� E3. 1 .7_ ��nc� E3, 1 ,3 wi..11 k>� sca�:isfii�c� k�E�c.au�� �:h�? �a��vr�1�.ti�wr� aru� tN�e (;9.ty ar "t"ic��i���c� ar�c� W��M�inc�t;un f�c�un�y wi.l.l 1:>� war•ki.nc� i:u+::Jr�th�.�r i:c:� r�E�:���1u�� si;r��:�F�t�: imK�r�.,u��m��i•ii� �rica l.c�c�ai:ic�n i�sta�:�s inu�alv��<� xn th�is c.�.as�, 1=ur•th�±r 'cri�Fc�r�ir�at�ic�n �ar� tr°ai•i;>��c�r°L<�1:r.ur� is::,�a�:� r�E�±l.ai;�ca i:<a l-.h�i.s K��^c��>as<�1 wi1.J. bc �i��c,vi.c�E�cl i:c� i:rit� p1��nn:iric� �c>ir�missi.or� �ar��.or to tN�� f-in<;�1 Cc>mm�.�tsi�r� 1��caa��ii•�c� un tNii.s rar�c��au:•><:�1, "fNi�.� F�1�anni.nc;� :ai:�fi�fi cc.�i�ir..l�ac��:�s �.M��ai°. 1:hca �rr��.,��,�s<:z]. as c:�.�nsasi:�n�. wi.�:hi �h�.a 13�,i11 Muunt.r�in Cumm��nit�y Pl.an haa:>c�d �.�r�un the r�7l..lowii7c� Finc�ii•ic�s : 1. '�I"h� d6?Yta7.i::y c�fi i:hk Kar°u��asec� ��ahcli.uis�.an i.s wil:hin i:hc� la,►nii::s cani:��mr�.lai�e�<� hay i:hc P�.�n, F��.1 l.u�s wiJ.l 1�a� wc11 a��7uE� L•NiN 5,Q00 sra�a�r^�:� fc���t irii.r�a.mum �,f �N�� fc.�i^me!r� F2..-Ei Caur��y f�lan clF��i.G,�n�i:a��n. STAFF REPORT — LASSELLE/WERTTAGE D�VELOPMEN7 CO. — S@9-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 4 �i ,ti 2� �r�f'If� �1f^l!tiE!I`Vi+l1:Lt1Y1 l7f' �:I'"k?l:!a J.:3 V:I,&?W�ta cl� i+ifl ].III�:ll7N'�:iatCl�': Cq111('JC1Ylk?Yti:: t.li" i�he f3t,tl..l M��urit�az.n I�l.�tn`5 ean���r~ns f-ur wi.�.c�l:il=e h�k�xtat �a►�d a�:}i:h�ai�S.�:. b�ari�fri�s. F>r��s�.arv�i:ion ��fi i:h� mz�joi^iLy �,i� thw� i�rta�s �.,n i�h�� si�:� wi.l1 h�F �ar�c��r�ui:Fac� i:hr°au��h thte �SLar>17.shmc�n� uf c�ammon u�u:�ri ��>ac.�� c�wn��c��:�rh�a� c�f i�ri�� wc�uel���� r��avir��.y ��ri i�Mi�:� n4,i^�:hi �nc.l ar l:h�E� sit�, Th;is aci:i�n wa,�.l r�i^umcatH� th� c�k�jeac4;iucas uf- i:Mi�a I�ca1,1 M«tanL��:in C;c.,mmuni.i:y PJ.<-�ri' s A���d c�f w;��r..a.<:�1. C:c�nc:.er•ri �' �t. C;�,mmcan ' c>wri�r•�hir� wi..l1 l.xk�?ly ��r���c,.l�acie t�i:�ar �ac,il;�.li.4 aK:c�uiisi.i�ic�r� ufi i:hc� ', �ii::� f�.�r• p�r°k �aur°K�n:acs, k�ut c:.i�mmun �r•iu�t:�� c.�wn�.�r:�:hiip ►n�ay k�F� � ,, M�c�i:i;e�r in���an� eaf K�r�nir�cat:ir�c� wa.lc�lif� pr�ot�!�;t:iun c>r�,�ae:i:iv�s th�ar� ' r��ar°k d��U�lc��am�n�: ka��c.G�u;;ca ���ar�k cicavc�J.c�K�m�nt c.a�.il.cl 1���;�ca t:c� t:c��.� mGic.ri I� h�air�Gar� «Je uf th�e Gai�•�a�, �� , Tht� �>1�nri�.rig si::�zff' hi�s r�����.�r�irii.n�cf i:Ni�� i�ha� �ai.,c,�>casa7., wi1:h� tnuc�if-ic�tiuri5, i� c:nnsiat:Ear�i: witFi a�a�a�.ic�halFa raur��ticaris �af i;hc Gc�iruriur�i�y I p�tir�lci�am��i7i: Gcadc:� ha��;�;carJ G�K�c�n 1:Hi�.� finr,l:iryc�:�; ncii::c�c� b�J.t�w; 1 , cr,�r,i.er 18,5?. uf t;h�� CC7C��? is £ii�Y.J.SrLC?d k�cac;ac.is� tNi� {ar����u:><a1 ir�tacat� ��.1 c�K��li.r.ak�l.r di.itiEansi,c�n�l. r•�ac7uir�m�:�rii::> fc.,r� i:hiN R.��.7 r��.�nanc� <�istr�ict ir�r.luc�inc� mirtimum 1ui: szr� (�i,Qpq �cxia�r°� f�ca�i:) �nd .1<�t wac:li•,h (5C1 f�rai;) st�ncl�r��a, ]:n acic:lxt�.�.tin, g>r�u�a�7>�.�c� J.�.7t: ah�a��r> ��r�c1 y7.i•c�s shc��.ilc� H�� ;Ur-r-i�.;.�r,� �o all.aw r�casiciE?ncc�� i�u b�� f��aY,.li: i.n c�,r�f-or�n►r�n�,� wa.i:h s�1;k�ack r��c�Giit^�izu�ni::s , ?_, Cr►�r�t��� 18. :Lfi0 uf Lhk Cc>c�e is s��zt:isfie7d bat:�usH? i;h� �r•���acasat m�!�i�s i;f�k� r�c:�uir��m�n�:t; ��1: r��r~�:h f-c�r° �a���r�.��<al. c�i� � �r�•�].:i�7i:i.n���•y r>>.�i: uai�ir� fc�r• a uar•i�ncc� �car�ai�lri^F�cl as r�ar�� uf � at�hac�i.v�.�:iur� a�a��r���u<�l. �����c<<ars�:. :3 , C;ri��i�car° if3. ].fih G,f Lr» Gc�cl� se:�1:::> �i:�zr�rar:ar•cl� fi�.�r s1:r�•��r��l: canc) u1:i.l.:li::Y im�ai^u�r-.mNi��Ls , "f'hcste i^��cY�air�Eamc+r�i�s sN�a.11 fa� s��t�isf'S.��ci caur•ii�ic� i�h� dei:cll..I.�?CI i^�u:ic�w afi K�i^�:���os�cl K>��hJ.i.�:. xir���ri7v�am�±nt�;� t�� nc.c.�ar� cl�.ir�ir�y 1:h�Fa <:��a�ar•ou��. �;>i^uc:��s f-ar i:h� fir��1 r�lat. C, PR�'t,.TM�:NFIRY CdE�:UMM�.N�II"I"I:GIU � E3�a:;�c� unc�n �LNi� �i.sc.u:�sx�.�n �r,�ov�, t:hi� �1<:�nrianc� si�r:�fif r•NCC�min��r��as: ��a�a�i^�.���a1 e�F ::���lac�ivisi.ur� S F39..._q2 ��r�cl Var�.i,r�r��:p V £3�.._.0� suNajcac:l: t�u t:h�� i�ul.].r,�winc� car�cl a.i::i.c�n:;; UIUI_F.;:S� U"I`I•iE:i�W:x:E.;L'-': NO"I"�:C), FlL.I, CnNU7;"I'�GN4; ��E�IFII_l.. �3E� ME:"I.. UI� Fl��C;ur�r.t� �r�a:ar, �rc� i�hc�c�izi�xn�u oi= -i°�����: f=xn�r�� iai_�-r. x , "i'h� ��N>r�J.a.cGari�. :�h�1.1 c.�k�t�ain � fi��cil.ata�:� K��±rmii: i'i^c,ni �:hi�� pF�raar�i�tnkari�: c�r I._�and Us� artcl `fr�n:��ac���ta�a.on nf- Washii•�<,�i;<�ri Cuur�Ly to p�r•for~iri w�.7rk wi�:NiS.n l:h� r�iyN►1�_..��f._..w�y of EluJ.1 Mc�untGai.n Ra<:zc�. Ft cn�y �rial.l k�Ey �r'puidtyt� Lu i:he taii:y C�ngir���ririg Urfa�ca �r•XOr� tu is;�;uar�c�± oi' � i>uk�lic. �:mK�i^c�uc�irtcarit K>�r�mi�, (.;t�fi� Cani��ac.i�; GGai^Y Alrson, Fr�c�irir�c�rii��c� f)iuzsi<>r►, r�Miorie 639...4171. ) 2... F� c�r•cac�:inc� �at;:�n shi�a].J. N�E� s�.itamil:i:c�ca sN��.,win� exi.si:ir�y �anca �rc��c.i:��d cuni�u�irs. f� �c�ils r�E�g>ar�: �Ni�l.�. hP rar•ouid�±d d�i.a�.l.ii�c� i:H►� aail. c�.�m�ac.tx�.,n r�����air�k�mc�rits3 �tr��! m�i�riac�s fc�r� stabi�.azxnc� �tnc! r°�uc�c�cat�ai�ii�u,� cut arid f�9.11 ar•ca�s, (�taPr �uni�act; Cary F�lr�c>n, ) STAFF REP9RT — L.A$S��LE/NERITAGE DEVELOPMENT C0. — S 69-02/V 89-03 — PAGE 5 3. I...ui�s r��.imhE,�i^c�c� t, ?_, al•�i� 3 SN�ra.l1 r�ut� Y�ti! �a�r�mitl:c�?c� t�U a�c:�ss ci:ir'��:.t.ly c�rti:c� E3u.l�, Mt>�int�Xrt f�cy�ra, f1 pn� i'c��:�t wat��.a, nt�n;.�..iac..c.:�:>:>, r��a�e�r�� 5i�;r�Xp ��:ur�y th�r� �:�W 13G�1�. Mcaurit��in rr�uni��u�n t�f t�h��:�ac� l��ts sh��a11 b� ��t:�a}aJ.isht�.�c�, (:.:i��:�zff C,cini���:.�:: G<:���y Fllf':��c�n, E:nryi.n�E�i�~inr� l7ivY,5i.an, PhcartEa 53�•—h;l.7t , ) A. Fldtai,'Gi<ar�a:� t^iyhi::....uf.....wt�y sh�a�.l G�f:? c�iacli.c:r:���:�d �:�o i��ic� K>ubJ.i.�: �l.c�ny tHiN I��aJ,1 M<>u���i:a:in Ru�d i'runi:�c�4a i�ra iricir�E�<�s�� 1�Ntr� riu�hi,.�..uf....,ivay tu �3 f��:�i: fr'���m tr�� c:k�n�:E��^1xnF�� "I"NtF.a cl�.asc��a�i:xan sh��z11 k>F� i:a.�d i:�.� i:hF� �xist;:irir� r•iyhL••..�.ut�.�...w�y c:cant.�rtin�. "I"hi� t�c?tii.u�dtii��r� c�nt.Giir��ant sN�<:�1.], be t��>�i^��v�.acl k�y W�as;hi.n��i:c�ri {:;ci�.in�:,y, (�;i:a�t� C.;c7r��:<�c.t:; r1:aff 1-fGarnhay. WaShi.n�tan Ccsuri�y, �ah�ur» 648w..8'7�it, c�xi:. '�E354, ) 5, Ne.�n��..�r��maristt��cane:,E� f�c�r�k��.!n�a�rt�: f�:�i^ l�i�c.tial. Tirt�P'�c�ve?m�.ai��i: Cti.�i�:r^i:c.�: I::e.� imr�r�uu� �W i3�a.11 M+�car�t;�in Rc��at� bc�i:w���n !;W 15Q <�i�it� I�acif�:ic I•fa:c�htway i:a C�.,unt,:y s�::<�n<:I<�r�cl u , (�ti,G�zi'i� C;can�c��i::: ;.I'c�ann�� I�i,c:�:!, Wr�:�shinr�i�c>r� (;uur�i:y, lahun� 6�+8...87'�i1) 6. "I"h� �����li.c.ranl:: shi�7.1. �i^c�v:ir�E� f��r� r�c.7c.7f rain e.l��c�ii•��a<�� �tc� �.r�c:� �uNal.i.c. �i�ar�mwal���r• c9r•airi���� syst,�am c�r• k�y ��n urr_.ait�� ;iy5t:t?In ci��iyn�r� t��� �ai^��v�n�L r°urx�f-f c�i�i1�;�:� t:Ni� �rajG�c.�:�n�: H�i^a��.!i�•i�:y, (,;i��ff C;c�n1>4x�:,i�: C�;<ai^,y f�lr5ur�. ) 7, C;anatdr�y �:;�:�wc�i^ �nc� s1:c���m �r��:�ir�cacJc� cl�i:�:a:i.l.:a �:;h��;l.:l. h�t� �r°��ui.c�E�cl �:s r>�r�i� of t:hEa �a�,�N>l,ic:. X�r�wruv��mc�r��: ral4ai�s. (a<�.lc:�al�tiur�s �rzci a tc��uc�r���anhi:i.c:. ir��:xra c�f �GNi� :at�.tir•m clr~<:xir7�c��� b<�z:�s.i.ri �1nca :��xr�i�:�:�r~y a�:�w�r~ s�r��uzc.c� ar�c�a �h�a.l.l h� �ai'�ou:icic�r� ��:> �a sc.t{aral.•r•_mE�nt t:�7 i�l��t? ruh>l.a.c xm�ar•o���m��n1: r�l.�:xr�s, C;<�J.c�a.l<�i:ic�r�:�s �s���al.:t k��:� r�as���c{ �.�r► 1"�.ill cie:�uca3.c�r>m�7r�i� uf Lh�� sNr�ui.c:c�al:>.lF� �ar~r-_d. `f'h� .lacr�i�ioi•� <�ru� c<:�r�ac:.:i1:y t�f �xisi�.incj, Kyr�a�a�.�:�ct:i r:xnr,l fui:�a�•� 1.iri�:�; ;�F��J.1. hca r+�c�c1r�H�:�:���c1. (;.�i��ff �pr�Lract, G,i�•�c� 13E�r°i..y. F.:i•��.i.ric�c�r•ir�� fJavr.�7.on, ��f��tarie 63f:)....�1.71. . ) Q, �;tc����Y� �1r��r�ai�i�y� i^�ar��.-�f�F ShG:�1.J. b� clisr.hr.�r��:��±ci irit:c� t.h��� ��xi,sl:irir� c�r•�iria��ways wzth��cai, sir�r�t'ir.i.ar�i;.ly a.�ura�ci:tr�g �a����ar>Hr��:i.�s cl��wristr°e<:��t�, (£;�:�rf� C;c�n�:r:zi:.i�; Gi����r� �3�!i^r�y, } �, f�r� ayr��rmcant sh�l.l 1ac� E�xi��ri,ii��<� ray t;h� �rara:l;ir.xar�t, ean f�e�rma ��^uui,dktGl r�y i�ri� G9.i:y, whi�.c.h� wr:ai.u�:•1 i�h� �r��.,�aF�r.,i:y pwr��:�r•'a riyh�: i:c., araracasa nr r���mc>n:>tr�raf:� ��<��ii��st a rut�ur°c� Lc>c�.l :Cm�r•nu��ink�ri4: l7istr�i.ci: ficar°m�!�� i�c., i.�n�r�c.�u� i�h�a r��,wn��:r�r�m :•>�c�r•ir� dr°�z7.n�c��.� ay.1:E�i�i, (::;i:�:�zfr Cnnl.act: G,i�•eg 13E�r"r�y, ) iC�, .I..ria� �ranl.9.c.��ni� sf7�J.J. Kr��i,ui�l�:� scani.i:�r^y s�we�^ ,��r��r7.t�t� i�i:� I:h�ca w�;yi: f��r• fiutura <.unn�aci:i.un uf i�N��� <:�dj�c�r�t �ar�np����i:y, (���fi= (;c�n1��t:t; Cyr'�;ag E:ter�i^y, ) ; 1.�.. w;�uFan (7) ����;� �,f �7.�an G�ncl K>r����afa.J.E� K>uk>1i� iin�>i^n���m�.�ri�: �nn5l:r�uc�t:i�n �1Gar�s �rx� ar�c (1) it�iYi:ir�ad c.uns�r�ur.i;i.ur� c;ca�� �si:iin��i��, �i��mK��.�c� �iy �a I��a�asi�er��c� F�w��.�f�a��urial C�.��a1 E�n<�irt����, ci��:a��.l,i.n� al�. �ar�r��scar� raca��l.:tc: i.m�ar"UVk?IYIr;?M1L$ �r��.l.l Ma�a �ulairiii�i:ac� tu th� Eric��,nk��r�.n� C;�<:i:a.�.�n rc.�r• ���Fyr��7v�1.. "I"w<� (2) yr-..i.s �.�fi �a�.�zn �r�cl �ar�ufi].F� ��.ans �haXl k�� �uhamiLi:�c� f�ar wr��l..'xmar�ar•y �^Eaui.��w rar^a.�r� tu �uk>ma.l::i:�a. u� fiir��l �lans (��i:�.waff Ge�ni���:,i:; C;r�r•+� F1�.f':•�cin, ) STAFF REPORT — LASS�LLE/NERITAGE DEVfLOPMENT C0. — S@9--02/V 89-03 � PAGE 6 � 12,. t;�,e�;;i:i^�a�i.ti.�.�n afi pr•ca�ac�:���cl �iab�:it: ini�ar^c,u�.an��rat5 sri<:a.11. nc�i: r.c,mm�anc::c:� iar�i:il. ari�E�r thi� �ri�i.r7F�cr•a.r�c� S�ci;i.un h�s a�a�ar�•r,>vc�d puhal,i� xmr�r�.�u��n��r�t: �kl,4an;'>, �"r�� aeci�:icai�i wit:l. r�u{ui.�r c� ].qC)9�a i>�.�r�•fc�r�m�an�:� �:iFil.11"'o1l'T(:l'� UY' (:_Ey�:t:E?Y' Uf Cl'11r1111].�I11E?1`1�, i�Yl C�F?Uc����N>E�I"....,(?i'l�Lrll?E?M' ayr'��em�ni::, i�hiFa K���,y�nt�ri�: �.,f � �a�r�fnit f�±Ea ��r�ci a sxc�n irt:�l:�a11.<atic�n/ str•�aezt:�.:GC�N�t; �ea�, f�.lsa, th� �x�:��:ut:iur� uf� a 5tr�aE�t car�tai��irx� p��r�mii: car•� ue,n�i::i^uc.t:i�,r� ��:1iri�.li��anc.�.a ��ac�r�a.a��m�.ani: �ha.il �,�.c.ur� �ai�,:i��ar° t.c.7, �.�r• r,<�i�i4tai^��e�r�i:1y w:ii:M� �f•te S.�st�anc:.�! uf �ar>�ar'•uuc�c� �tabl►.c iiri�ar'�uuc�me?rit �t<:ar�s . (;;'I"Fl�"N�' C;CflV"1"FtC;'i": G�ary f�1f�c}n. ) 1.3 , titr•e?w�i: t�canl:c�r.,,li.ri� Munc.iirtc�ni�<�ti.un shia:ll ha� �ar��uui.r��ci �s full,c�ws : <•.�. �:ri ��c,.�.:�:�r��clr:xr�c.�:� wi.tM� O�tC; �1.Q�0� auk�a�C.l:iun (1), i�h� <,Eant:����t:irie�s uf <�.l.l �i:r•�ae�L anc� r�u�ciway r•i.u�Hit>s.._af.-��way �f�u,x.11 haE� n►c�i7Gn��f�r�1:�� k��rc�r�� t:Ni�� C�.i:y sh�l,l. ��:c.ti:��>i: ra �i:r���1: :im�7r�cau��mEarit. b. All. ci�n�:er°li.n� mc�YUamiaril:;�; ::ri�l.J. hca pl<ac.E�c� ira � n�<�rttam�i�t k�tax . , a t°• l.l inc.��7uir�c±r�t 4ur�fu��mi.r�c� t��, Ci1�y atanciar°ds, fhc. ..Ura of a bcixt�s sh�ll k�i� s�i: cai:: �h�� d�sx�art firii.s>hi c;�r�acl�� �7f trii� si::r�f�t., c, "rhe fic>ll�:�wi���g c�r�tcar•.line� m�>riGtir��nts sha.l]. b� s�i�, �, , FtJ.1 c:.a�nL�.���l�.nE�.._.c.Ean��r�J.:�n� ini:��M•s��c�:ic�ris , :Zr�1;�ar•sEac:i:iurrs cr�c�atF�c� r.e�•ossi.r�g �xisi:i.i�i� ��r�����c�i:s sN�all. b� sc�i:: whr�n 1:h�.a e�:�ri�t:�r•].i.n�� �al.iynmE�r�i� caf �.h�:� �xi,ai:i.i�y sLr�F��ai: h�s hataNn cas�.a}:�l.:ishi�c� by ur fur' i�h� �;ii:y, 2, t��ni��r• c�f <�1..1 t:ta1.....��,_...���:.. 3 , Ct.trv� �ac�ii�ti�s. i'a�7�.Y1t �>f :irtL"car�:>�a�:l:i.c.�rt (la,:[:, ) wh��r� ii�:'> �usi�i.c>rz fr:zl.J.:a in air�� i:hN limi.i�a �.�f �:Hia� �rxu�m�:�n1•. c>t:hcarwi�r-_ k�c��iriniru.� �r�c� c�ru�inc� poi.nts (F3.ta, G�i7r� L'-:,Ca, } , �+ . E11.1, s�xnitcai^y �ncf �t:�:�r�m :af:r�•Gi�:,t�.i�^�aa 5h���].J. 1;��.a �a:l.ra�:.k�ra ir� pc�sit:iuns that c�u raut iriL�r^fc�re w:ith c:�r�i:�i^.linE� ...._._....M.,.._...._. nie7nuni�an�t:�1::xnri, 13 . I�r~�.ur• t:u cc7inm�nc:c�m�arii: u1' �sii:e c.l��r�a.i�ig <�ric� c�r�ac��.i�ic�, a �:1.�n fiui�, �:h�� �r"�.�t�:�t;i�i,c�n �.��' 'C:t��t��.�:, �.�v��o^ 6 i.nr.Nt��S :irt °ia.<�m�.ai�w�r^ :'aht�l.l. h�:� dr>r��^�vcad k�ay L-hre f�l.�riin:irir� f�x.uis9.un, 1"h� r�camc�va]. uf <ai��y tr�c±�as c�vcar~ 6 ir��:.h7F�s ir� �Ix�n��.�1:er~ shi�.l1. bF� justi.fiie�cl �y �t��� c��:�uHal�.i��r•• c�r r:� c�c,i<�].iri.r-_c� �r�•l�aa��ist:,�. (:.;t�ff- c;unt�ci�: �Earry qff��r. 1�.l�r�r�S.i�c� piv:is:ic�n, prion� �i3�._.�t171 , ) 1�. fa m��i:h���d sur� m<�ini�E�riar�c:ta, such as � humcauwn�ar�s �as�ac:i�at':ian, �r�al:l k��! �r�c,u:GC��cI f�.,r� _f.���t:t ���1�� Saa.d K>1�ri �ri�l m��i::ri�.�c� fi�.�r� m�xi,ni:�.nzanc.� �M�.11 h�� �ra�ai���auka<� r�y i:h� l�l�nr�:ir�c� Uiu�.sx.e�n, (St.�f�f l'�uri��c.�; ;le�r~i^y C)ff��r�, Fy:l+�rin�.nc� C7a.ui.�i.r;.in, Ph�.tirika 63�.""A].r�,) . ) 1!:�. 67ri.or to GC)IIIIYIk?PiuFam�rti: uf �iLFa c].�tiar°ir�g �r�r� �r�a���.ri� <� r>'.�n fur., r.a�aK�i.nc;l 1::17� w�.�7,�, in cc7n�H>.li�:anc.�� wai�l�i �ny si�ai:� �,�r�� c:.c�ur�i�y i^�r�ul<��Y.uri� mu�i� 1��� ap�r���>u��c� N�y L-h� I�a.�rin�.r►c� I�xvi.s�.nri �rid �ri,y ui:l�ie�^ ��c�t�ncy G.hary�.�d witNt suc.h clui.i�s. �C�t:�ff C;ani:�ac.L; :l�r�r�,y arr-4ar, l�tarir�iri� I��.vi�iari, b�9-••A�.I1) STAFF REP4RT — LASSELLE/NERITAGE DEVELOPM�NT C0. — S 89—Q2/V @9-03 — PAGE 7 i , , _ , �' A.' �..' ,�.t?, Fl ]pll'l�: �t�:31? ii1.11C� Illal7.l'1�F�1'1<�YIC:F� i:'�lt;�l^k?l'�ITIF?t'l�: ��5��`lc'�.��: �'JP. F'?Xk?l;l,:J�F?<� iAC1C� r�c:c��~dzac� +�,ri Ci1�y �tc�nd�i°�cl fc,rir���; fc.�i�• thi�.� �ar~i.vr:xi�;:� r�c��t� s�r•uiric� 1cai�s , :l�a, �.fi, ar�d 17, f�c�r�cain€�r�ts �r,�i7. r��� r�•c�f��r�c�i•�c�ci uri �r�ci b��:uin� �ar^i:: �,f �11. �p�lac��la.l� �ar�r�•�:.�1. da:��c9;a. "C't�� ��<�r•��.�m��n�� �h�xJ.l b� �rapi�uu�ac� h�y 1:hF� Lnc�iri•r:.t?r.'xr�g qitli.sxon �ar�y.�ar tu r�car�K�ir��. (�taff C�ri�:a�:.i�: G�r�y f17.fac.rn. �,n�i:n�k��^�.riy Ct�.�ii:��.��n, �'hc�nk 63�_..4].%1} . '1"I•t:CS F�f>G>f�OV(�l. 8)•�f�l.,f... i�k V(�I...:C17 :Cf'= EXl�i2t,:I�F:U W;C'T'Fd:LiU qNl:: Yf::t�l2 QF" �I"1-fE F':LIUf�L A�>��'�OVFtL C)F�`C'E:;, pht�;:�A E'SY �r�y :r�, F�sai:sl:�n1:�f�J�<;�r�n�a�r� ; . ,� � � _�—�- ,.__.. __ _ F /� � �. : 1 ..1p�p _." �:M�X� Y . . . . ME4 � -�i � � . . . T!" � ..�,�� .. � . .. � 3 � �� e (Q ,(j . . � .„_: .. '1^^�'yr' �4 ' ' ` i� �e. �v� . . N � , X' � 1 + �� , � � .. /.Il 101 �> - � ;� . . . •', s � . . . _ . � Sw �fln . . � . ... . i �/. V\ s � .. .. . �Tr �f'AlY _ —sy� � . N � 1! . SIY 1.1 1 pt �L MS j � � t �� � . . �� 1 !I• y � � . .. y Z � . 4. .. .. ..:.. .... ._.. A . �• ... . �Y ' . . .....�.. . . � .. .. . . . . . . � � � ... . .. . . � . ... . � . . . �. . . � . ... . ' I . . .. . . � . ,,�i STAFF REPORT — LASSELLE/HERTTAGE DEVELAPMENT C0. — S 69-02/V 99-03 — PAGE B .:; ,, >,; ,; i' �; . , , �_ SUBDIVZSION NARRATIVE Three Mountains Subdivisaon The following narrative suppor'ts aur application for approval of the Three Mountains subdivision, located on the north side of Bull Mountain Road in the City of Tigard. We represent Heri.tage Dev�lopment Company, who h�ave contracted to purchase the property from the owners, Barbara and Courtney Lasselle and Marjory Orr. � The proposal includes 48 single family lots, public circulation and utility systems, and preservation in common open space of a large, wooded ravine on the north edge of the site. The subdivision is named after Mt. I�ood, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Jef�erson, all of which can be viewed from the property. r-�., ,r--,.�---� , ' �� 1(���� The property was approved for annexation by the Portland _ Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary Commission after a public hearing on January 12, 1989. Th� Tigard City Council adopted a resolution favoring annexation and provisional City zoning at its December 5, 1988 meeting. The required pre- application conference was held for this �ubdivision proposal on January 6, 1989. All lots within the proposed Thr�e Mountains subdivision meet the requirements of the City of Tigard R-7 zone. The homesites are much larger than the zoning code minimum size, and average over 10,000 sqe ft. per lot. Alsa i.ncluded in our proposal is ' a request to vary from lot access standards for three lots in the extreme no�thwest corner of the site. These homesites would be served by a 20 ft. wide tract and pri.vate access road. A response to variance �pproval criteria for this request is included i.n �Yais narrative. ; Description of Praposal � Included in this application are �hree plan sheets showing existing features, incl�xding topography, tentative subdivision plan layout, anc� proposed utility layout for the 48 homesites. The property is currently vacant of development improvements, and a portion of the site is now �used as an orchard. The site is adjacent to Bul]. Mountain Road, homes l�cated along a private drive paralleling the site on the east, a deep, wooded ravine on � the narth, a�nd the Zedni}c farm to the west. Street S�stem The street system is designed �o provide the optimum location for access onto Bull Mountain Road. A traffic impact statement was requested of Washington County and signed by the County on � ; 1 l�•1��in E�nNS:\NDASSOCLII'FS,[\'C, !iV(�I\f;tiRti,Sl'R1'l.�'ORS.I'[.,1\\fiRti,L1\I)tiC;11'G.1RCIf[7'f(:l'S �,: ; l,- � � �; , _ _ . _.._. ._......_.:_. �. ' Jul�r 8, 1988. An additional traffic study was requested in order to ascertain the best intersection location along the property frontage with Bull Mountain Road. Washington County condLCted that study on Jun� 21, 1988, and both studies are attachad to this subdivision application. Our design utilizes the best intersection location from the standpoint of the sight di.stance study conducted by the County. That point has sight distance to the west of 425 feet, and sight distance to the east of over 500 feet. Street Extension The existing development pattern along the site's eastern boundary preclu�es the possibility of extencling access to the �—, �--� -� east. Moreover, those pxoperties appear to have adequate �)�� opportunities for access. The stub street location to the west has been reviewed by the ; o�rners to the west, Leah and Mary Zednik. They �rave no ' �/ opposition to the location. They have no street plan far future ��1 ,�@ development of their site, but the terrain leads them to believe ��,a� that the stub street from the Three Mountains subdivisian will be at a satisfactory Iocation for future development of their �� property. The extreme terrain precludes stre�t coatinuation to the north. � In fact, the Benchview subclivision designers came to the same conclusion, and have provided nq street system in whiah to ; connect, in any case. The designa�cion of this steep ravine as ' an area of special environmental concern by �he Caunty°s ` Comprehensive Plan further reduces the desirabil,ity of street extension to the north, at least across the Three M�ountains site. The original Bu11 Mc�untain Community Plan had a schematic connection shnwn to link Bull Mountain Road with S.W. 132nd Street to the north. Since the connection would be physically extremely difficult to make across the Three Mountair�s site, and since the street sys��m �hrough the Benchview subdivision enables the connection to �e made across the Zednik site in much more favorable terrain, the County transportation planners have since modified the mapping of that future connec�ion need. The �edna.?t's are fully aware and supportive of that connection being made through their property when they choose �.o sell or develop. Sanitary Sewer A public sanitary sewer has been extended through the Benchview subdivision to a point on the northern boundary o� Tax Lot 5900, showr on our utility plan. That line runs in the bottom of the 2 l�•\1'IU E�'r11VS;�NL�A.550C:4�1"ES,1NC;. E\(�I\f:liRti.til'R1'Il'ORti.('1�1\\fiRti,f.1\DSf,:11'I:.1RCI117'IiCl;ti � � � ravine on the Benchview site. The owners of this site have contr.acted to purchase Tax Lot 5900 for the purpose of extending sanitary sewer into the Three Mountains subdivision. Due to the extreme topography, future use of Tax Lot 59rJ0 will be limited to sanitary sewer easement and line only, until access can be prova�ded, most likely from the west (future Zednik develogament) , Tax 7Got 5900 was approved for annexation in the same petition as the Three Mountains property at the January 12, 1989 Boundary � Commission meeting. ' .�ccess Variance VARIANCE RE¢UEST ;�,,�'�/`-�� ' . ;� ,�,���UU A variance is requested to allow an 18-foot private street wi�hin - a 20-foot tract to provide access and egress to Lots 15, 16, and . 17 of the proposed subdivision. The three lots are lc�cated at the northwest corner of the site. The 20-fe�ot tract will connect to a 50-foot right-of-way at the southwestern corner of Lot 18. Access to Lot 18 will be provided by the standard-sized east-west street on the lot's southern frontage. The va�iance is requested to reduce th� width of the private street from 30 feet to 20 £eet. The reasons for the variance are: 1. The 20-foot traat is suffics.ent to serve the thr�e l.o�s (Lots 15, 16, 17) which have frontage an the private street. 2. The 20-foot tract has been designed �o minimize disturbance to the natural environment within the Area of Special Concern. 3. An identical aacess de�ign was approved in the adjacent Benchview subdivision to the north. Benchview is within the same environmentally sea�sitive area and is char�cterized by a similar terrain. The following discussion addresses provisions of the Tigard Community Development Code as they apply to the proposed variance request. SECTION 18.108 - ACCESS, EGRESS AI�iD CIRCULATION The Dev�lopment Code states, The purpose of this Chapter is �o establish standards and regulations for safe and efficient vehicle access and egress on a site and for qeneral circulation within the site. 3 1�11�TD E�i�NS rWD,�15SCK;L1['ES.I;�'C. Ii\GI\IiliRti.til'Rl'r�'ONti.I'1.,1\\GNti.1.1\1)SC:II'G:1RCI11"I'ECI;ti � : . � Section 18.108.070(a) specifies the minimum access r�quirements for residential land uses. A minimum access width af 30 feet and a minimum pavement width of 24 feet is required to serve from three to six dwelling units/lots. The proposed reduction in the tract width serving the three northernmost lots within the subdivision is sufficient to provide for safe and efficient access and would not create hazardous traffic conditions. A 20-foot width would also allow the preservation, tn the maximum extent possible, of an Area of Special Concern, which is adjacent to the site because it ends in a "modified hammerhead" turnaround accsptable for emergency � vehicle needs. Additionally, the proposed 20-foot tract is sufficient for emergency vehicle access. � ) C�� � Section 18.108.150 states, � �UUU The (City) may a�prove, approve with conditions, or deny a requ�st for an Access Variance based on findinqs that: (1) It is nat possible to share access; (2) T�ere are no other alternative aocess points on the s�reet in c�u8stion or from aaother street; 3 The access se aration requirements cannot be metp ( ) P (4) The request is the mtia�imum varianee reQuirec3 to provicle ad�quate access; q5) The approved �c�e$s or access approved with condition� will result in a safe access; snd (6y The visuz�l cleara�ce requi�ements of Chagter 1�.102 will be met. A private st�eet with a 20-foot width would provide be�ter access to these three lots than would shared access. The purpose of the variance is to nnini.mize distu�bance to the environm�nt while providing suFficien� access for these three lots. There are no other access al�ternatives �hat c:an serve these lots given their relative isolation from the rest of the proposed subdivision and all other possible access points. Twenty feet is the minimum width for a road to provide safe access to Lot� 15, 16, and 17. Additianally, visual clearance recxuirements will be met. SECTION 18, 134 - VT�RIANCE Section 18. 134. 050 establishes five criteria that must be met in order for a variance to be granted. These criteria are stated and discussed below: ' I (1) The proposed v�tri$nce will not be materially detaimental �o 4 D���'ID E�:1:�5.1.�'UA.55CX;L11'ES.(NC;. li\'(�I\I?IiRti,tit h1'I:1'URti,PIJ1\\IiRti,i.l\UtiC;IPfiARCllI'PE(;l:ti i l'. s'i ■� � �� . r' � the purposes of �his Code; be in conglict with the policies og t2�� Comprehens'ive Plan, to any other appl'icable policies and standards; and to other properties ix� the same zoninq dis�rict or vicinity. The proposed 20-foot access tract width is c:onsistent with the purposes of the Code and the Comprehensive Plan. The variance would allow sufficient access to the three northernmost lots in the subdivision while minimizing the disturbance to the surrounding natural environment. The variance would not have a detrimental effect on other surrounding properties. On1y Lots 15, 16, and 17 would be affected by the variance. The 20-foot access tract width is sufficient to meet the access and egress needs of these future property owners. � � ,� . ����� (2y There are special �circ�umst�nces that exist which are _ peculiar td the lot size or shapeo topography or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to other prapertiea in the same zoninq , distriet. The topography and vegetation of thi� portion of the site are considered to be environmentally sensitive and are identified in the Bull Mountain Community Plan as an Area of Special Concern. The natural environment surrounding the site is considered to be a �pecial circumstance. The reduction in the width of the access . road to these lats is r�quested in order to minimize disturbance to the natural environment. The 20-f�ot width also allows the homes to be built farther tc� the west to avoid steeper terrain. (3) The use proposed will be the same a� permitted under this Code and Gity standards �wi�l be maintained to the qreatest extent that is reasonably possible�, while permittinq some economic use o� the land. The use praposed is the same as permitted under the Cade and City standards. All lots and homes will meet all other development requirements of the City of Tigard. (4) Eacistinq physical and natural systems, such as, but no� limited to, traffic, drainaqe, dramatie laad forms or park� will not be adversely affected any more tban would occur if the d�velopment were located as specitied ia the Code. It is the primary purpose of this variance request to maintain the existing natural features of the site and to minimize adverse effec�s of the proposed development. (5) The hardship is sat selt-i.mposed and t�e variance requ�sted 5 ll;��1��E��,��.LU�Assoc►�r�s,iNC:, [i\GI\f'.liRti,til'R1 L•�'URS,1'lu1A\F.RS,Lr1\I)S(;r11>E:11t(;1117'I;C7'ti f i �; j. cr � � ['„ �, � .__�._,b. _._�� .__._.� .�_,� �. � , �. is the minimwn variance which woul�! alleviate the hardship. The variance is requested to allow development that is consistent : with the requirements of the Development Code and the Camprehensive Plan. The reduction in the right-of-way is the minimum that would provide safe and efficient acGess to these three lots. The narrower access improvement is encouraged by the Comprehensive Plan for the area, raith its area of Special Concern guidelines. Conclusion of Variance Request As discussed above, a variance to reduce the right-of-way of a private street from 50 feet to 20 feet is consistent with the � requirements of the Development Code and the Comprehensive P,lan. �)�� The variance would a].low a right-of-way which is sufficient to meet the access and egress needs of the three lots located in the northwestern corner of the site. The variance would minimize disturbance to the surrounding natura7. environment. Finally, a similar right-of-way was approv�d for an adjacent subdivision loca►ted within the same enviroiimentally sensitive area. Summarv The proposed Thr�e Mount�ins �ubdivisian meets subdivision and zoni.ng requirements of the Ci.ty of Tigard, constitutes a logical extension of streets and utilities, and will provide the City af Tigard with 48 high-quality single-family homesites while protecting the steep, raooded ravine to the north, ; � ; ; s ' �,, !; 6 �< U�\'ID�1'AfvS,�WL�Ag5CX:L�1T(:S.INC;, �; ''�lll."'.I:�,l,�l�,l\1'�����11.I��21\\�:I�,l,�.`\'�+)ll:,'�li:1f���"11'�i�l',l � . �a 1�, +1 1; � � �� � . . . . � � . . .�r i.� �� . . . . . ....� s. . .. .. . . _. . . ..,..,., __. _..... .���,.��,�, HER015 . ,. . � � �, �"'� PLFASE TYPE C PRINT IN INK. '� WASMMIi3TON COUNTY � pEpAqTMENT OF LAND USE ANO TRANSPORTA710N App��CAT10N �ATE 4/�5L$$__— �,".�^ 60 NORTMLFIFt9THAVEHUE�Eg �Nt910EV ��� KIlLS80R0� OREGON o7�2a a4e-87a� ApP�1CANT Neritaqe Develo�ment Com�anv 16850 S.W. UpQer Boones Ferrv Road 'TRAF�aC IMPACT T;aard Oreaon 97224 STA������. PHONE NO. �39-3339 OWNEA REQUEST AND C€F�TIFiCAT10N LasaTle - . PHONE NO. ' F� FOR STTE INSP�C.T�ON �`_ .. PROPERTY DES 2R11T10N at EYAWA'r1OT� ' TAX MAP $56.00 �oTc� � 1400, 1501 D. 'Gree�n � � srre s¢s i� �g ��rA�— . �ooRess - RE C;YED 61' LOCATION north of SW 8U11 Mlourlta�n R�ad aOPOScD DEVELOPt�IENT ACTIONsubdivision between SW� 131st and 133rd. arianu� Ptiror Ptrtition, etc.) . . XISTIt.� IISE � ., f;: ^, :a ,� . . • , :�, _. �OPOSFD USE � . ��': . . . J..` i �f: ., .�,�,� . ��� . . , y -` � . = � ' . F RESIL�ENTIAL: no. OHELLIM6 UtiI75 ' ' ,;,,. ' . w� ' ' . SINGLE 2 f�anILr DIRECT ACCcSS TO SITE � ��, FA�IIl.T . � " INDUSTRIAL/ No.sq.�.GFA ROAD i�At+tE ' � 7 , S.W. Bull Mountain Road CUN0�1E RCI AL: yo, �:pYE�s � = INSTITUTIOt�AL: No.so.�'r• z ' No. sru�xrs� 3, EMPLDYEES/hE?BERS - T4 BE CQMPL�TED BY STAFF aNLY . iYPE OF USE single family residen�ial TRIP RATE 10 trios/unit � AN ACC�SS REPORT fS REQUIRED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT PRIOR TO APPLYING rOR ' .DEVELOPMEN7 ACTION. � THE STUDY SHOULD CONTTURNEDF�INAREVIEWEQDBYCSTAFD,�ANOH� ATTACNED FORM. WHEN THE ACCE55 REPORT IS � ACCEpTED, AN APPLICAiION MAY BE SUBMITTED FOR A LAPdD USE ACTION. . � SI f�yATURE DATE � � AN ACCESS REPORT �S N�T REQUIRED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. AS OF�ICIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR TWE DEPARTMENT OF LAtJD USE ANO 7RANSPOR?ATION, I HEREBY CERTIFY TNAT SUFFICIENT ANO ADEQUATE DATA IS AVAILA8L, TO MAK� �INDINGS FACj AND OF FACT AND RECOMMENOATIONS REGaRDING ROAO IMPACiS FOR TNE DESCRIBED D�t��OPMEyT. � � /`��,.� ,,._..�� � � ^ f � ,. . . . .... ... . .. -. - ._..: .. . . . . ... . .. . ... . .. .... ... . ... .. .. ....... ... . . .. . ..... . �. .� . . . ... . . . - . . .i: .. ry F�1C lMPACT STATEk_ .NT � THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL FEE FOR A STAFF REPORT WILL BE PAYABI.E AT 7IME OF SUBMITTING A�PLICA7ION: $.i-06•.D11. TNE FOLLOWING ARE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE' AN0' TRANSPORTATION. THESE REQUIREMENTS, SUPPQRTED BY FINDINGS OF FAC7, WILL BE THf BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE REVIEW AUTHORITY OR HEARINGS OfFICER REGAROTNG YOt1R LAND USE APPLICATIO��. . 1 . The property owner sha11 sign and record a �vaiver not to remonstrate against the formation of a Local Improvement D�strict (LID) or other mechanism to improve SW Bull Mount�in Road between SW 150th Avenue and Pacific Highway to County standards. Waiver form will be issued by County Survey Division. 2. 'The property owner shall dedicate additional right-of-way to provide 33 feet from centerline of SW Bull Mb untain Road adjacent to the site. 3, Gonstruct a concrete sidewalk at �ltimate line and grade along the . frontage of SW Bull bbunt,ain Road ta County standard. 4. Sight distance at proposed access B is acceptable. Sight distance at proposed access A is unacceptable. 5. Roadway drainage is unacceptable. Pr�oper drainage will have ta be provided in conjunct�on with front�ge improvements along SW Bull � Mountain Road. • � . 6� sWaBinl standard Rsal0A5feetafromcaccessApointseoneeachesiden f�thecroad. . p 9 ' 7. Submit a neighborhood circulation plan with the subdivision application which demonstrates ho� adeR�aet� nefgk�borhood circulation will be . . provided to this area an�d hoa access may be provided to adjacent ' � ' � � � - '"'�' properti es i n accordance wi th the a�cess spaci ng and si ght di stance � ' ��� • • � �� �. ' ":requi•rements of the Community Development Code. Existing access poin�ts + ' " � on SW 8ui1 hb untain Road within 500 feet of the site shall be shown on ti � • "= thi s pl an.. � � � � � � � ' ermit from De artment o�' Land Use and Transportation � - � � g. ' � Ob�tain a facility p P for right-of-way improvanents. 9. Additional r�equir enents may apply to specific development at the Development Review stage and/or upon completion of Traffic Study. If ` the property is dev�ioped within the City of Tigard, a Traffic Study, prepared in accordance with the requiremenics of County Resolution and Order No. 83-219, must be submitted for review. Final requir enents will be determined upon r�view af the Traffic Study. , • � heri tr r/ a A TRAFFiC ANAL�YS�iS WILL BE DONE �ND 3HIS SiTE WILL BE REVIEWED • FOR REQUIRED TRAFFiC SAFETY IMPROVE�VIENTS WHICH MAY RESULT IN ON- OR OFF-SiTE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BEING RE�UIRED OF THIS DEVELDPMENT. 4/87 � ii.�yc�l 1.�. nGuUC,Jl' 1� �, ,�. � � s�c-,�-�r 7tsT�kn( c' C 5-rv�Y , � " � ��, k J ,.�.�. LOCr'1TION: �l �1�.�., M,'I�II , �t�� �S I '"� �yDO .� �-�D ! REQ.NO: �U 7.�c�. REQUESTED BY: SO A fJ'N�i �! L� TEL. rro: a fn�_ ; � � ADDRESS : ' REPRESENTING: � DATE RECEIVED: .S�/�/� BY:�.,S PHONE: LETTER: OTHER: ��. REQUEST: SiGh�T' � iSrA,l1 C��. � �CJ� �/ Pos7-�t� s���.0 � y0 M D'H __ ASSIGNED TO: �S / / / DATE: -S/�/� INVESTIGATION: Sl�f�'T' ��s r�A �vGF. ��� L�,s� GD/VIQ'�.�TA� ��e2/'��,,, _tn�v 7-.`—��' ' ��sr �go ' ��s :- sso > � � � N'i' � � � AS i .-�. 50 0 � U.� �S` � -�� � WORA ORDER: PROJECT NO. UTILITY CHECK / / , _ y ' ��� U t'� �ty � ���� �� � .JA(� 1 � i�':,� �..�' t���►.,�r����� �.':v �.��..` ACTION TAREN: GOMPLETION DATE:�,/2� /� TIrIE s BY: S�GN CREW: TR�:FREQ r ROAD I,OG:,� _ ' .. ,;',- ,r ( % / /�'� / � / w� //, /, I ' s. •. �.r.� � ' . �... - .. + . � .VJ' M'�� {�Y�^/'"� / � .., • .� � � /� �� � �/ -� � , / �/ � . / ,, ,„ ..,. , .;,.,;-� ' �� f�- �� �' ' / � �'� �� I � i //�// � / / / � � / � / %� �� � � / � / � �— � / • / / �_� �, // , ,�t��_.� � / � � ��� , �'` � // ,r ' \�� �� �'-\\\�,1`_1 �� j J ( -'- .�`�_��"��\�` �� `` / . ; --�� \ �. . . _ ._-, � j � ...., —�.,.�,� .rv "`�`� - � �`'� �^ , Q �� I 19 � �_1� �: . Z,. Z�v . .� -� . _ �._._. i. --� � � � . .�` ,. M ';�_ " .. -M� _ r,.� 2�- - \�\ • ; �; ;� \�,� � = 2� , �?� ,� • � �15 14 •, � • � � � \ . t . �. . � . I � ..��.. .. 3 � � � � ��� �. � ���. . �� � 3 � � �-� J , � �. 3 � �� 13 � C� t Y � , � k! � , , :..�.. , �.�/ � ; . . � . �, ���..,..� �,0 9� �2 .� 1 ; 1 � . 3� . . � , � � � :� 3 . � � � 1 � � , 41 , '• OR�HhRp � Q i � i . '/ \ Q ,, �� / w I 'S �� ) ,' .. ' � � �o� ,. .. � 1- • ' • 3' I 3� '1 � J ' � . � ' � / �n £ I Q^�(r ' � �g2 , � 3�0 Is� � ,36zs ,� . .._ .;�. � , _ 1, :� �s� � �w' � (� \ '`, n �3" . `l,r�'( � � "�' �J � • ; ._`_lz�o�`..� '� , . /------—- 380�� Z� � � . '� �.:�::�...::.: .., -. . . . : .: . / ' , ` a:�: I ' (' � �� " � ;� � s",f--���' , ; � � ' \ � ' 13 9S i `� � \ �OCd-T►�l�l. s �� CJ , � � p r�Pos�d -Fo G�o� -��� ����tl `�'�� � .� `` 1` � __..._ ��:��'-� 3 a '.� �-�.- �/,,,. �/� \ 1 `-j `' �,�j r `�`, K \ ��` U� \ �\ ` • ` ` 1 � I o � ��.. C � � � � �� � i SIGII'?' DT�T;IdC� STi.JDY ° PHO'I'OGRAPHS C.R.# BII/1372 ��1^: JU1dL 21, �988 , LOCATIOid:S.W. BULL I�ITN. RD. 2S1•-9 #�1400 & r•'k1500 1) LOOKIPIG WEST Oid S�l. DULL F1TW. FROI�1 POINT 'D' � �..x.,i;T..,..,. . -_� . .. ' I � � r i � i. ,� � �pz� ` /�,` � , , �, �e f`��W���� - � ~ •- ..• ;�`.. � .r�►..i►..•_- , k$7G,M.-`,',.,�-'�r.,':_..�r. , 'j�;1� •�r , `• .'r � ^- � �•,��'���y1r � *��� y,����'�r . . � �'�,'�4', « .r , .�E..'" � �u�. � ���. � , , ���� ,r :G'1. :!'y-'�t�'����t�� q.z' ,,. .. ,�v i4,��;, �r: . `: ,,�x � -� ,,. '. .',,.:���t ,�ti� �� „•. -:t� ,...:�,�...; ' , �n.r �. ..r. .. . . �� - . c��v , ..tx'i ''�' � �d u 1 . . •r . �r-' 'i �. `�ti.:i�.::...._.._.._.7�x....�..�ryF7s.: '� .. • . i�b: �2) LOOKING �AST ON SW. BULL P�1TN. RD. FROI�1 POINT 'B' .I • s ... -- � 4' : , _ � '. . �' j i �-. a-�- .Y i t � 1 � •,L, i ,,_.+� ,,� ' '`'"'';,�r�y ,=�z; 'z: ~4'; �:�i��• I '�`. :;.,. �. :, � ;}.rs;:. COPIPIENTS: SzGHT DISTANC� TO iI�ST: 425 FEET STGIiT DISTANC� TO ��ST: 500+ FEET ■rr �. .., + . ''��, �. TIGARD 'V(/ATER DIS"TRICT 884, S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. TIGARD.OREGON 97223-6290 PHONE (51�3) 639-1554 January 30, 1989 Re: Lasselle Heights Subdivision Water service tc� tY�e Bull Mountain. area was recognized as a major problem in the mid-1980 ' s in view of the huge developments that were being propased. Enclosed is a study by Consulting Engineer Gilbert Meigs in September 1986. This stu�y predicts that $7 million must be invested into the v�rater system to �de- quately serve this area within the next 20 years. Some of this predicted amount has been spent an a parallel 16-inch main along S.W. Bu11 Mountain. New pump stati�ns have � been built in two locations: S.W. 121st and Gaarde Street; and S. W. 132nd & Walnut Stree�. A11 water to Bull Mountain must be ; pumped at least four times, beginning at the intake at Gladsicone on the Clackamas River. � The district propose� to construct a 1-million gallon reservoir at Hi Tor in 1992 (estimated cost: $590, 000) . Five other reservoirs must be constructed within the 20 year period. All of these costs are placed upon the existing users with either a band measure or increased user fees. Therefore, vae expect the developer to pay his share by install- ing adequate mains so that the district can pump water via his or her development. Thi� means additional costs to the developer. For �xample, a 12-inch water main is required through the entire � d�velopment from Bul.l Mountain Road to the most northwesterly corner where th� district owns an 8-inch cast iron m.ain (on a 15- foot easement) . A 6-inch main is adequate elsewhere. Four (4) fire hydrants wa.11 be required. The distra,ct does not require the developer to pay any por- tion of required reservoirs, pump stations, increasing capacity of exis�ing mains or for major transmission mains to acquire additional wat�r, new treatment faailities, etc. However, so that there is no misund�rstanding before the developer or owner starts down the road t� development, they mus� be znade aware of the additional costs to install larger than normal water mains, The water district does not possess tunds to pay f�r the over- sizing nor does the Baard of Commissior.ers deem i�t appropriate to incur such expenc3i.tures ta }�e p'lac;ed up�ri alI exis�Ling usei:s. Si.n ely your , � obe�t E: ntee Admiinistiator � I ;. �: � _ __ . __ FEB 16 '89 14�3� WASHINGTGN COU�aTY 50� 648 889� F.� `;� �', . '����J�����d� L.+9,J 1..71 V 1 1 y �� C3�tECrON FE8 .�6 �9� abru�ry 16 y 19$9 Washington County° s Comm�n�s for Subd�v�si�n S �9-02, Tigard, 4regan 'Tax. Lo�s 14(30 �nd �501 , Tax Map �51 9A, 5�W. �ull ND�unfi�it� Road 1 . Dedica�e addit'inr��l right-o�'-way to provid� 33 fEe� fra�n center7ine of �W Bu11 Mauntain Raad frontaqe, including ad�quate corner rad�us. 2: Sign a waiver not to r�rnon�tra�e aga�nst the formation of a k,o�a1 Impwovement District or other mechanism to 3mpriave 5W Bu11 Nbuntain Itoad. ��tween 5w 15uth Avenue and �aCi fi c rti ghway, to �ounty st�nd�rcl, �. Estabt�sh a one (l ) faot, non-acces� reserve strip �7ong SW Bult Nbuntain Road frarEtag�, �xc�pt at �he a�pproved access. 4. Submit plans, ob�ain Coun'�y �n��ne�r�ng divis�on approval , pravide fi r�an�ia� a��uran�e, and obtai n a fae�1 T�y p�rmi� for �he constructi on of ��e followin� improv�ment�: A, A one-F�ayf stree� improv�ment alang SW 8u11 Mo�n�ain Raad frontage ta a County majar colle��tor standard, with curb, stiorm dr�ainage, a�nd �on�rete �i d�wa�i k. B. Street 7tigh�ir�g to Courity �tandards at the 7CC�S5 f��i SW B�U�'� N�untain Road. � 5. Submi t two copi es a�' an Acces s Repart �a Wa shi ng�on Coun�y �'or revi ew pw�or to obtalning final approv�l or access to SW Su1i Mauntain Road. Further r�quirements, such as a 1e�Ft-turn refuge lane, w91i be determined upon �he Caun�y's r�view o� th� A�ces$ Rr�p�rt. 1"he Acce�s Repa1^t sh�ail address the r+�quir�emertts of Washir+gton County Resolution and Or`der No. $6-95� A copy af �hese requiremEnt� are enclosed. i jerofjr p�pArlment of tand Use And 7ranap4rtation,Land p�velopment Services Divlslon 150 Norfh Firat Av�nue Hlllsbarn,Oregan Qy i 2a Phonet503/648•97i31 �V� February � s , 1989 F�� �6 t�9� ��� Tigard Planning Commission City Hall SW Hall Boulevard Tigard , Oregon 97223 GentTemen : Last night , my husband and I attended a Bull Mountain neighborhood meetin at Ti ard School District Administration building planning g 9 to h�ar of the proposed 19 acre subdivision to be built on Bull out 135th b Herita e Developers , ain at ab 9 Mount Y We want to strenuously voice our objection to this development as is now proposed. We are aware that Bull �lountain is in the process of major new development and that is not to be sto�ped. However, everytime a developer wants high density , it ' s going to have a signi - ficant impact on every point of livabi � ity on Bull Mountain . Apparent- ly, laws pertaining to density were passed with blanket effect to all of Tigard with no thought or exceptions made to areas where high density homes would not be acceptable due to topography , existing homes with acreage , road congestion , etc . 8u1. 1 Mountain was originally developed by people building large , country homes with acreage . These homes have be�n kept up and Bull Ntountain is known in the Portland area as an affluent , country resi - den�ti. al area , and a very desirable place to live. Now come the developers , putting in high density homes of much lesser value than existing homes , adversely affecting the value of the neighbors ' pro- perty, �the quality of the environment , and road cnngestion . And the " laws" give no protection nor cancern to existing homeowners . We bought our home on Bull Mountain for several reasons , one import- ant one being the view to the north of Mount St. Helens , Mount Adam, the lights of Beaverton , etc . 7rie proposed subdivision will totally eliminate this view to all but roof tops and wall -to-wall ! housing . From �he plat we see �Five homes to be built along Bull Mountain Road where we have one on the south side of the road . Given the small lots these houses will be only a few feet apart and se�: back a few more feet from the road , The engineer of the developers �told us they were "within the law �o build �two and two-and-one-half story homes" � Our "view" will consist of a wall of inexpensive, ugly houses . I'� i�as always �nen my unders��nding as citizens of the United States of America tha�; we have "rights" anly to the paint they don ' t infringe upon the rights of others . Our home has been here �9 years , and now suddenly some greedy developer can come in , destroy aur view, devalue our property, clog up �he roads , pollute the enviranmen� , and tha�t is jus�t fine-- "we have �o expec�t z�" , i�t ' s called progress . � � � Page two -- Planning Commission re: Heritage Development The developer tells us these 48 homes are less than could have been built. Tha� �isn ' t very comforting . And it is misleading as to the real density. Had the terrain on the north been suitable in any way possible for building , you knaw they would have put houses in there too. They are calling it a "buffer zone" for potential neighbors on the north . Where there needs to be a "buffer" is where there are existing neighbors -- on Bull Mountain Road. It is totally erroneous to allude that they are building on 19-acres when in fact their total of 48 homes are to be built on 14- 15 acres including roads. For all intelligent planning on 15 acres with roads , no more than 25 homes should be ronsidered. We would plead with you t� NOT give approval for this development as it is now proposed. Please find a way to lessen the density. The present plan does not in any way conform to existing homes or the type of neighborhood Bull Mountain started out to be 30 years ago and that the present homeowners desire to maintain . Let ' s keep the standards high in the area , not lower them. You elected o�Pficials ought to , and we �xpect you to, represent the present homeowners of the Bull Mountain-Tigard areas , NOT potential ones or the greedy develnpers . It ' s surprising how quickly election time comes up. ' i Sin�,�rely, `� ,� .��- � %; .✓ �: ''�r1 � ����-' �C�I L.��2%�"`✓ ��`r "!/'" .s f�- � ` Ann and Dea�� Coy � /`y 13580 S.W. Bull Mountain Road Tigard , Oregon 97224 cc : Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission i b , � rebru�ry 21, 1989 � � 'I'i�;ard �'lanning Commission ' Re : 58�-0? Laselle/Orr/Heri��.ge , The CI'0 �`,�� BULL MOUNT�IIN ha� a community meeting to review tYiis sub- I division on �,'Jednesday, February 15, 1989, which was attended by �0-5� I pcople including John Brosy respresenting the develo�er as the en�ineers. The community concerns �tiere. l. Safety on Bu7_1 1vlountain Hoad with a nev�,� exit and egress to a sub- d.ivision in this already dangerous location. S^�e feel a cent�r turn lane is imperative. Sit� distance east and west a concern. Uangerous corner jus�t; �vest of property. Site obstruction on east proper�ty at i3ull 1Vftn. Rd. -power pole � ho11y t:r�e , nob:l.e :f i_r� trF�c� a.17_ �n ad j o�in in� pro��rty. Sch�ol_ bus turnou-t needeci on .Bu7.l i�'it. t�d. as bl.�s v,�n't be going into subdivision on any regular basis. I:3us needs a p].ac� to pu1.7. o:ff and let traffic pass after unloadin� students. 2. Traffic circul�.tion v�ri�thin subdivision N!UST providc access to pror�erties to thP east and to the west to C�NN.ECT FUft FtJTU�`�1,' llLV��.'LUPfviL;IVT. The developer must ���ork v,Tith the adjoining property ov�rners as to place- ment of the roads to adjoining properties for the benefit of a7.1 concerned, 3. Private road var�ance - what about parking on this road and the availabilit,y of emergency vehicl_es to enter if parkin� occurs. How is this enf. �rced. Also� if the subdivision plat i_s m�dified and tne main road to the west is moved in a sou�thc:rly d.irr-�cti.on hc�;�r w.i1.1 th�i� eff�ct the the l�n�;th o�' th� r�rivate roacl? lln�til. therE� is a r.lef a_rlit� ��1.a.n <<:�ith thc. c.ract l�cation of �;hr ro��i7s t,�? �tre east and u�est a�rc�ed upon ���ith the ad jo.ining nr. cap�r�;y o�,.�n�.rs , ��re request nc� vari�nce b� granted for this priva�te street. �I•, U1zr unders�tanciing is ].��7,OQ0 sq. .ft. of land wi17. bc l.ef.t �s open space in common owner��+hip by the hom��sn�r. s themselves - not subject to future development by the developer, 5„ Our understand.in� is tha�: the 2 acres �to th� nor. th ��f �the propert�r canno-t b� developed in canjunction with ti�iis d.evF]_onment and ��li.11 also mos like:l,y b� left as open space. I 6. A17_ service connections, se���er, storm dr�.ina�� , <<�a�;er, must Y�e brought to the property lines of adjoinin� propFr�ties on the north, south., e�.st and �n�est. t)n la�t ]_7 on the existin�; pl�.t the draina�;e f.rom prop�rt,y to the r�T�st must be adequately addressed so this n�.tural drair,��;� channe7. is left op�n to drain �A:ith na obstructions and no damage to exist,ing channel fr�m developm�nt. . 7. 7.']ze surround.in�; dev�lopment is on large lots , 3/�� �.�re p1us. These lots have a vi���� :Crom their prop�rty and homes. There is a �rca-t conccr�n about �their view being ta.ken a�n�ay ��,�i.th this ne�+� deve7.opm�nt. I-iov: can this b� �.r�dr�ssed? There is a7.so �, concern in �he Bull P�Iountain community' �vhich is addressed at each community mPeting ancl subdivisior7 hearing abrau� the net��� dev�l.opments vaith the higher density al�.owed being al1.o��•red to chan�;e the entir.e ch�.r�.cter of the c�mmunity and th� cur.rent rESid�n�s of the ar.�a have va.rtually nothin� to say abou�t it. Horv canthis bF addressed? � ���, PagP., 2 4 8. �4ie are concerned aoout the r�al si�tuation of h�:ving one foot in the City of Tigard and one foo-t in �i;he County �that is to say the land has been annexed and 'Bull IVitn. :�d. is in thc county. The I3ull 1�7ountain Community is the loser in this situation because there is no agreement betv��een the City and the County re��.rding the sysi;em d�velopment cha��e/TIFF fPe. Under the TIFF fee the developer can choose to do safety improvements on the collector street and. get a cr�dit against the TTFF fee9 and I bslieve there is a provision for using the systems development fee in the area of the develop,;ent from the City� nf Tigard. Because neither of these apply, hoW can our community address this issu� and to whom do we turn for help? This safety improvement could be �he center turn lane, which we believe is required or other improvements on Bull Mtn. Rd. ' 9. We request this body to look at this subdivision in relation to the entire Bull 1�7ountain community in its recommendations. A11 new traffic must use only the one exis-ting way in and out af Bull mountain. There need� to be all needed improvements made by each development to m� �` :gate the traffic impacts. There needs to be new roads planned to the north and to the south as development occurs, which we are beginning to address in the recent town hall meeting with the City of Tigard and which needs to be implemented immediately upon approval. � McCLURE & SCHWAB ATTORNEYS AT LAW 9250 5.W.T1GnRD AvENUE CHARLES J,MCCLURE TICARD,ORECON 97223 FAX(503)639-3447 JOHN E.SCHWAB TF.LEPHONE�503)63�J-4108 I� February 21, 1989 Tigard Planning Commission Tigard City Hall 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. � Tigard, aregon 97223 , Re: Lasselle Heights Subdivision Subdivision S 89-02, Variance V 89-03 �his office represents Robert neuth anci James Rippey who both own proper�y directly� to the east of and adjacent to this proposed subdivision. Mr. Deuth is th� owner of Tax Lats 253. 9A/1300 and 1604, comprising approxamately 4.05 �cr�s. Mr. Rippey is the owner of 2S1 9A/1301, 1200, and 12Q2, comprising approxima��ly 8 .07 acres. (Please see attached map) . My clients support approval of Heritage Development Company's application fox the Lasselle Heights Subdivision. However, vae do request that pra�ision be made at this time for the future developm�nt o£ the Deuth/Rippey properties. One pxoblem �.hese properties have is that the only ac:cess is by a substandard width private road that intersects with F�ull Mountain Road. Another problem is that there presently is no logical sewer connection to these properties. My clients do not have any immediate plans to develop these properties, either. individually or together, for residential use. But that development may take place in the future. Ta ; accommodate any future development, we would 1 ' ke to see Heritage do two things in the preparation of a final pla�: �, ; 1. Current site plans call for a cul-de-sac serving ' Lasselle Lots 30 and 3].. If the developer would extend that cul- � de-sac to the eastern pxoperty line, alternate access would be in � place for future residential development of the Deuth/Rippey � properties. ; � , , '� ,, MCCLU RE 8 SCHWAB ATTORNEYS AT LAW Tigard Planning Commission � February 21, 1989 � Page Two � 2. Current site plans call for s�wer �o enter the Lasselle k. prAperty from the north, through tract A. We would request that r sttib sewer be brought east thxough trac� A ta the property line, again, to allow for coordinated future development of the adjacent parcels. My clients have alr�ady been working with Heritage and its engineers in this regard and they have indicated at Ieast preliminary agreement with these requestse The Planning % Commission should coordinate Heritag�'s present devel�pment with " the future growth that can be anticipated to the east. To do so ; would satisfy Tfgard Compsehensive Plan Policy 8.1.1 which i directs the City to plan for a safe and efficient street and ? �oadway system that meets current need.s anc3 anticigated future t growth and development. Sincerely, ? McCLURE & CHWAB i � o n E. Schwab JES/$w Enclosure 5.12 cc: Ftobert Deuth/James Rippey Heritage Development Company David Evans & Associates . _ . �__--___ . �� � , N � -� s � ` ^ O` � l , � 8 � � Oi � p� : Oh � s �� � 'w r w O Ca� � Q1� � •1I � , o �� ^ � v � . ` ..' W N .r . � � ` � ��f: O � �� 1 A [LZ )�2�CL � ; � :N�: ~o � .� � — ' 1/N,L'Yi01 x,i2•O M 1�pR7i�a b �j �II • � ;.�w- ' i r iti MC£ OM� ��� ` �' � � � L �II � OG't0f ,f fOI li7M ' 1 . . ' � - �� Ra o: . ;:�" .• ... ., , . . .� . � � , �I� _ ; y� '; � � ���� � � 8 � ' `a�_s � v M� ' o� � �. 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