Planning Commission Packet - 01/10/1989 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ��`_ �:�. , . Tigard Planning Commission � JANUARY 10, 1989, at 7:30 P.M. Tigard Civic Center - Town Hall 13125 SW Ha.11 Blvd. Tigard, Oregon � 1. CALL TO ORDFIt ' i I 2. RbLL GC'�LT � 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS HEARING I 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION � � 1 o Master Flan .review by Senior Planner Elizabeth Newton � ,� 5. PU�LIC IiEARINGS 5.1 REVIEW APPLICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT TO NEIGHBORIi00D PLANNING � ORGANIZATIONS. � G � 5.2 SUBDIVISION S 88-09, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 8$-06 OTTOMAN/BRISTOL HOMES � NPO ��' 6 Request for a detailed plan and preliminary subdivision plat � approval to divide a 3.15 acre parcel i_nto 16 lots of approximately � 5000 sq. ft. on property zoned R-7 (PD) (Residential 7 units/acres) . !I LOCATION: 15195 SW 98th A�re. (WCTM 2S1 11CA lot 11�0). :��I 5.3 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 88-09, VARIANCE V 88-39 DnUGHTY NPO �k 4 Request to allow the continued use of an existin.g freestanding sign, allowing for an addition 25 percent of hea.ght above the conforming i''' height of 21 feet; and a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 8$-20, ;� Chapter 18.114 of the City's Sign Code to allow useage of an existing ;! roof sign. Location: 11674 SW Pacific Highway (WCTM 1S1 36CD, tax 1ot 1600). i i; 5.4 SUBDIVISION 5 11-86 PLAT .AMENDMENT FOR COTSWALD �� 3, LAMERS/PHILLIPS �- NPO �� 7 Request to delete a 15 foot wide pedestrian easement between !! J.ots 107 and 10£i of Costswald �� 3 subdvisi_on. This easement is located between the west end of Crist Court and the vacant property to the „ west. (WCTM 2S1 4BA, rax lot 2600, 2700). n. � 6. OTHER BUSINESS �I� 7. ADJOUItNMENT C' 3 � f: dj/8363U E� , i i , r � } �. � s r � f . � � __ �. . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 10, 1989 1. The meeting was aonvened in the Tigard Civic Center - Town Hall Conference Room at 7030 PM with Community Development Director Ed Murphy; Senior Planner Elizabeth Newton; Senior P]Lanner Kelth Liden; Secretary Diane Jelderks; and members of the Planning Commis�ion. Community Development Director Murphy reviewed curr�nt iseues and time lines, role of the Planning Commiesion, and an agenda for the workshop w�th City Council. Senior Planr�er Newton reviewed proposed improvemente foz Summer Lake Park, C�ok Park, and Fanno Creek Pa�k. Preaident Moen made announcements regarding memberehip to the APA and the upcoming hearing by the State Highway Diviaion far improvements to Scholla Ferry Road. 2. President Moen called the meeting to order at 8:15 PM. The meeting wae held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigardo Orec�on. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Preaident Moen; Commiseioners Sarber, Castile, Fyre, Leverett, Roeborough, and Saporta. Abaent: Commiasioners Newton and Peterson. Staff: Senic,r Planner Keith Liden and Secretary Diane M. 0.Telderks. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commiaeioner Barber moved and Commiseioner Fyre seconded to approve minutee ae subnnitted. Motion carried by majority of Commiesioners present. Commisaioners Fyre gnd Rasborough abet.ained. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 REVIEW APPLICATIONS FOR APPOINTrlENT TO NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATIONS. a Discussion with etaff on how procedure worka for proceseinq applicatione for appointment to the Ideighborhood Planning Organizatione. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 10, 1989 - PAGE 1 �; � PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED * Comiaiesioner Fyre moved and C�ommiesioner Rosborpugh secdnded to forward all. applicationa to City Council with a recommendation for appointment. 5.2 SUBDIVI�ION S 88-09, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 88-(9b OTTOI�AN/.B12ISTOL HOMES NPO � 6. Requeat for a detailed plan and preli.rninary subdivision plat �pproval to divide a 3.15 acre parcel into 16 lote of approximately 5000 square feet on property zoned k-7 (PD) (Residential 7 umits/acre Planned Developsnent). LOCA�ION: 15195 SW 98th Ave. (WCTM 2S1 11CA, lot 1100). o Senior Planner Liden reviewed the propoeal and made ataff°s recommendat3.on for approval with 10 conditions. Discuesion following xegarding drainage, aize of lots, and minimum lot frontage. APPLICANT°S PRESENTATION o Bill McMonagle, Harrie-McMonagle Asaoc., 12555 SW Hall Blvd., i representing the applicant and owner, addressed drainage concerns, the Planned Development Overlay, and minimum lot frontages. Diecuseion followed regarding the "eyebrow" cul-de-sac. o Dan l�ittelstedt, 9880 SW Sattler St., had questions regarding the right-of-way dedicatione and hooking up to the �ewers. Staff responded. o Wo E. Laurena, 9735 SW Lak�side Drive, felt that the existing houae ahould be connected to the sewer ]�ine. Mr. Mc2�ianagle stated that it would be. o Arthur Johnson, 9740 SW Lak�eide Drive, felt a four way atop ehould be required at the int�raection af 98th and Lakeside Drive. Discueaion foll.owed. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commie�ioner Leverstt stated that he does work with Bristol Homee and would be abataining from the vote. o Eom►niesioaxer Barber had re��reation� regarding the development. She dieagreed with etaff's analysis reqarding throuyh traffic. o Commis�ioner Roeborough favored the proposal since the PD wae already in place. o Commissioner Fyre had cancerne regarding the PD overlay and parking. o Commi�ss�ianer Moen favored the propoeal baeed on the scope of the area. Lengthy diacuaeion followed regarding Planned Developmenta. o Cocarniaeioner Saporta had concerns reqarding the mini.mum lot width of lot number 15. PLANNTN� COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARX 10, 1989 - PAGE 2 ; _ ,�. .�. ... .. ..,ww _,� ._..._. __ �, � — . __ . ... _. . . . t' � �,. o Coma►issioner Caetile suggested that a aoncrete barrier be constructed in the cul-de-aac. Discueeion followed with etaff and applicant agreeing that construction of a bar.rier would not be workable. * Cotami�sioner Rosborough moved and Commiseioner Casitile s�conded to approved PD 88-06 and S 88-09 based on sta�f'a findings and concluaione including conditiona from the staff report. Aleo, for condi�ione to include an asaurance for the property owners of lots 500, 6U0, and 700 that dra�.nage would not have a negative impact to their property. Motion carried by majority og Commiesioners preaent. Commiasioner Leverett abstained. 5.3 SIGN CODL EX�EPTION SC� 88-09, VAItIANCE V 88-39 DOUGHTY NPO # 4 Request to allow the continued use of an exiating freeetandinq eign, allowing fo� an additional 25 percent of height above the conforn►ing height of 21 feet; and a request for a Variance to Ordinance No. 88-20, Chapter 18.114 of th� City's Sign Code to allow usage of an existing roof sign. Loc�tion: 11674 SW Pacific highway (WCTM iSl 36CD, 1600) . o Senior Planner Liden reviewed the proposal and made staff's recommendation for approval of the 25 percent increase in height for the frees�anding aign and denial of the roof eigns. He stated if the Commission wiah�d to allow the roof aigns they would need to eetablish findings. APPLICANT'S PRESLNTATIOPT o Loren Flomer, 8'320-� SW Curry Dr, Wilsonville, 99070, 2�.greed with the staff report, howsver, the building wae deeign�d with thia type of roof aign and to remowe the roof signs would have an adverse and d�trimental impact to the building. �.lao, 3t would create a financial burden to repair the roof. iie rec,gueated that the Planning Commission qrandfath�r in the use of the roaf signs. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Staff read minutes from NPO � 4 supporting the applicants request. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commiseioner Caetile suggested constructing a parapet wall ar eome type of false front eince the signs already look like wall signe. o Commiesioners Saporta, Fyre, Rasborough, Barber, and Leverett aqreed with Commissioner Castile. r o President Moen wae concerned that allowing the roof sign would be setting a precedent and he would have probleme granting the requeet. � o Diecuseion followed regarding alternatives. Conseneus was to table the ; item and for etaff and the applicant to see what could be worked out. � PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 10, 1989 - PAGE 3 �: ��,, * Preeident Moen moved and Commissioaner Rosborough seconded to table SCE 88--09 and V 88�39 until the riiarch 7th Planning Commission hearing. Motion carried unanimously by Commiesioners present. 5.4 SUBDIVISION S 11-86 PLAT AMENDMLNT FOR COTSWALD � 3, LAMERS/PHILLIPS NPO � 7. Request to delete a 15 foot wide pedestrian ea�emen�k between lots 107 and 108 of Cotswald � 3 subdivision. Thie easement is located between the weat end of Crist Court and the vacant property to the w�et (WCTM 2S1 4BA, tax lots 26A0 and 2700). o Senior Planner Liden reviewed the prapoeal. Ha stated that staff would have no objections to the removal of the easement. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION o Bill Lamers, 13916 SW Crist Ct. representing himaelf and Mr. Phillips reviewed a letter he had submitted to staff. o Aiscussion followed regarding how the problems had been created and how to protect against future problems. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Thomae Sullivan, Attarney, 12900 SW Pacific Hwy., hi.red by the Title Insuranc� Company, explaineci that the right-af-way had not apgeared on the Phillips° deed. He fel� that the right-of-way ahould be removed aa the pathway is not a part of the Bikepath Plan. Also, there are other alternative� to the eit� and the exiating property owners should not have to suffer from a mistake made by the developer. PZ78LIC HEARIIdG CLOSEA o Conseneue of the Commisoion was to approve the re est. I � I * Cs�mmiseioner Leverett moved and Comcnissioner Fyrce seconded to forward the request to City Council with a recommendation for approval. Motion carried unanimously by Commisaionere preaent. 6. OTHER BUSINESS o There was no other businesa. 7. ADJAURNMENT 10:20 PM Diane M. Jel r e, 3ecretary ATTEST: � ���G��.�'(`/l /v"/�'�-- A. Donald Moen, Preeident dj/PC-1-10 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 10, 1989 - PAGE 4 !'; � j'°: i' �; PLANNTN �OMMIS3ION HEARING DATE: (/ _ } � ROLL CALL: STAFF ATTENDIN� : �. DONALD MOCN I���� � � . � �,30 � ���,� � ��� V(-" MILT FYRE -' " -v- ': 4 �. DAVE PETERSON - � DEAI�E LEVERETT �� GREG NEWTON � VLA�TA BARBER � DAN ROSBOROUGH _�JAMES CASTILE ` ���r� -��-�„ .. ; r . � � I � , ; � , ,, , , , ; + , i ; � � ; I; �' I � I � j; � _ _ , _; , l'i;.;.�.s e::�.�?�•k:W _ i ���� � � ���� TIlIAES PU�LISHING COMPANY �ega� P.O.80X 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 �totice 7_6 7 9 6 BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075 �, ,�R�l Legal Notice Advertising ' • O Tearsheet Notice City of Tigard s P 0 B o x 2 3 3 9 7 • ❑ Duplicate Affidavi.t Tigard, OR 97223 --- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIOfd Sl'ATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, )gs' I, F1 ai na Pc�trpgppr�?� being first duly sworn, depose and say that I a the,Advertising Director, or his principal clerk, ot the Tzgarmd Times a newspaper of general cir�ula�tazn,�s defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at in the i aforesaid county and sfate; that the Public I3earin� Notice a printad copy of which is hereto annexed, �,vas published in the entire issue of said newspaper for 1 successive and consecutive in the following issues: December 29 , 1988 .. '� / - ;/,t�n� � Subsc�nd sworn�'d� efore me this D e c emb e r 30 , 1g 8 8 Not Pubiic for Oregon MY..�unission.E�Ai�es:q �./.2 p./9 2 AFFIDAVIT °7�('dp���ffQe}a�Cny��dy��p��y���I��,q �'�{ff}r��.��$��������;'���j�a��fley�e ���g�p��yp�y�r��n�y[.����nr-, 4.pd'0k6d 80$9.AG��i Wi€rli1�#11�'����;'�����}�i�° 4����YAqf7t St7�,/.��Y-�Ctl ��uu�fl�,�.,°���:� ������tt ,���`����r���a����sa�r���,���a����. ec9.�'Be@���ab$�leB�1P@��OT!fE��s�t�r��!��Cd'e�lBs�c�dl i�a a�€�'�11���W�$6t 4�aa=�9t�;bt��ha�te�r�,:�€�,�12��f"����'�al'g�a°d,�a�c��H �c�e;,��ri�.,�eie� ��a��da�a+�wf�h� �l�t�iln$�oahrirais�➢o�a. �'u�a�er€�siorercetioaa'�rt�,r�ie ob- �i�►����a��@�e ff�A���it�g;�B9visfl��p��.➢.��2"��'Ps��s�9��9v�.9°dt'���dia Or�a�om ��2239 oa'fl�;y�1Rit��3�+@A71. 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SAJBH'IVHSY�N � �1�86. I�3[�'II' �,114�1�1�14IEI'3`T �t4&t �OTS66►`At�' it3, �.AA�i�RS/P�t�L¢.�PS �1��#7 �equ�st fi�d���te�a b� root wlde;�ee��sr6a� ��ssm�tlt��t���BUt�t &f17 8ad fl08 04 COt94v&ilCl���ubdivL�i�DrB.`��e�,�.� �rse:eQ is Yoca�ed b��wee��e�rest��d o���lS��u�p��i¢hc�vaca�t����ea�tyy �+������`nR,d�'+�+12�i�l��,!�c t��«�s;���. . `�'B'€�7'�6•izafb,Ht�,��,Y�89 DATE '`�( �—�9 T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O �I _ . `� NOTICE: . ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK fJN ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their addr�ss on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: . ' r 1 . � . � PROPONENT (�'or) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Nfame, Address and Affiliation � ; � � � � s , i i i i � t 'r t �, � I tIJ 1 I I t � f DATE , f��'9 � IGARD PLANNI N �G COMMI S S ION ����-�- — - � NO��CE; ALL PERSONS DESTRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN TIiEIR NAME � and note their address on this sheet. (p lease Print your name) � ITEM�bESCRIPTION: Ss. � • , • e tT"GJ � _ //S'� �Su� 98 � �#. (� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, .Address and Affiliation �,�t����.�r�������.�� ����� �,w, �.c�.�L � Cv� l,!�t3 P'✓S Y,l,�:�".;�i�v''s.:�� .'r��'°�c�:� ✓ � ' � r,..,... � �,.,..� ,,,,..,�.�,'�_.,G/ 9' �G� �� �«� R.�r'R,.....�Q,a r ,,,�''", � ; a 1 i i � � � � _ r f � i i � i i r � .. . . . . ��� � t � � t t � � � . ... �'. � �. � I- . �: DATE _� T I 8 A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N _ � � lQOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITE� MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and nate their addres� on this sheet. (please Print your name) I7CEM/bESCRIPTION: �� gg_ _ .5.3 � . � � � l �-�� � ,�, � _ -�p� � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and �ffiliation Name, Address and Affil'iation - ii. = .. . ; a . . �I i I� II • ji � ,. . �, i �t I 1 _ , DATE �'~t�'^��� T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S Z O N ----- _ � � - NOTICE: .ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON APYY ITEM t�dilST SI�GN THEIR I�IAME and note their address on this sheet. (p lease Pr.int your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION:_ � I I "'� Ip I C�� Lc�a..�� �-- `� , , - � i LL.. . . �11'`S '{��-1- t �� � ��P� �� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation J, �.t,,1�����a — �'��.��lL� S r'.,/l V"°._ "'.�r�lr"�J�^ � G . ' i / � '\ . .. . .x . . . . � Agenda Item 5.1 � January 10, 1989 ME:MGf�F•1N[)l.►M �t'1�Y U�' "i':[G�1217, OI'2F(;�ON ..i`Q; I�l.�ai•iniric� C.��inmz�:>iuriers F'f2AM; punnd Ct�rk��i�, f.:x�ci,ii�X�rE� S�crEat�ar�y � f')A"I"�': :i'��nta�ry 5. ;L98� SU�3J'E(::"I": IUPO f1�Kx,i.n�ni��ni::� Thc Mcayor��' s Ft�a�oini:n�c�r►i::y Ftd��a.:>c,r�y C;�.�mni�.i:t:�� mFx1: an Nc.��r�mbe�r~ 3C1 4ar�cl D��:.�mbc�r� 6, ],988, t�u ini:c�r•uic�w cit,iz�rts wh�a are ir►tc�r•��t:ed �.n ap�aini�me�r�L tu ba�r�c�s �:�nd c�mmi�:l�e+�s, Wa1:h �h� Pl�nnirxa C�ammi.�si�.,ri�r��s' �a�Pr�.,v�1, trie fc�l.l.ow9.nc� pec�pl� ar•�� k>�ir�� i^�cummNnc,l�d f'ur� �{•a�auiritn�car�i: Lo i:4�eir• r��spwcf:9.vc N�rc�ht�ur�Fua��d Pl.<�rininc� Qr�c��nirr:��.i.�.�n�: ni�o ,#: F�F>a7U�:N"I"ME:N"I"�; • T�:RM CXF IRE� ...�...............�... .._�......................................�.._..... ..........«..........�.....»....' .....r«� �.°-� f..IYI(�i� :.il!Xi:0Y1 �.����.��� �r M�zr�y f3urti�;xr� 1.2/3i.192 ,. W��Y�c�z i�it�w:lcay 12I3]./9?_ fi K�n C;c>t1.S.b 1?_/31/�2 StFapar�t�nip Mi1.eh�c�11. 12/�1./92 La.:•�� .;c.hmil:t 1?_/31/92 7 I'=r•�xr�k E3E��i<r•�r� 12/39./92 � J'�amcz;�s E3�.tiyl�n 12./31/�?.. Ftir.har•c� Kr~ariew�.ti:�r 12/3],/�2 Lar°r•y Mr.Gl,anchy 12/31/9:?. 8 Mat^i�.yn Piar•L-;r.�l]. ].2./31/92. dt;:83'S3p •r, CI1YC�TI�ARD CITIZEN COI�4MITTEE INTEREST APPLICATIO�i ��E�� NAME: _� t 1��c"�. �. ��P �r -f'C� DATE: //� �' �� ADDR�SS (RES. : q�,, � L�L_JO S.Lt�. M 1i".Q h �; RES. PHONE: ,��Q-60B�� ADDRESS (BUS.): �� �S./.1. I-I Ad1A7�/��tl,Si�i 7�'0 �f�t S BUS o PHONE: -/SC� .LENGTH OF' RE�IDENCE IN' TI6ARU: �, �a ry�On�,�, SUGGESTED BY: WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? S ' • �R' /� ' ''�� .. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: �� — 'i OCCUIPATIONAL STATUS AND BACR�ROUND: ,P �' ,,, , � � HOW LONG HA`1E YOII BEEPT F.MPLOYED WITN 'THYS FIRM? � � ryjQ, IS THIS COMP�lNY Lp�ATEp WITIiIN YOiJR NP0 AREA (Np0 ApPLICANT� ONLY)? PREVIOU3 COMMtJNI1'Y AC�I�I1'Y: � /'�n�� ' � . , _�.('nr�U t y � 7� �h, �� �' . , � , �� . - -: -__---_— l9$h� — /98� � o�.caxizA�xoxs ArtD �oF�ac�s: � . . OTHER INFORMATION �(GENERAL REMARKS): g _ � X . _ /A'i �'�' � Yb-mQ�.�oc� i.n Cv�-�c� �H�'1 -�'Ir� Hc� d� ��n�l���rrn . BOARDS, COhIIYtITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: �• ��,� �r, J����Q � ����, N �I ______----__M�M_�� -------------------�'iQd_4 _�15����?-� � ------------ Date recetved at City Hall.11 -Q- Q 8 Date Intexviewed ( �I � . Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO �j) , -- � • Inside City �( �(J p� � — a, Outside City cs/4772A 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 47223 (503)639-4171 � ._.. E . �� CI'T1(�TI�r4RD CITIZEId COI�AtITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION � QR��70N —y� / / NA�IE: /G - � .�. 2� ' DATE: _ ��_ ��. ADDItESS �RES.): ��</sl /,v RES. �HONE: ��_ yU� ADDRESS (BUS.): / � ' BIJS. PHONE: .��'�� 5��� LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARDe _ ,/ �yL�, SUGGESTED BY: WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVTdUSLY? ED CATIONAL BACKGROUND: ' 1.a.e-��j']J ' - w "` _ v _ A OCCUPATIONAL S ATUS AND AACKGRO . �� ie�'��71�C. �,� ' . �. , � .P�cy , � .r-- HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH HIS FIRM? � - -�'- " IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED WITHIId YOiJR NPO AFtF,A (NPO APPLICANTS ONLY)? .� PRFVIOUS COI�IlritTNITY ACT�y; ' ` ` ) � � •- —�--f ..e�+c�t.c� . � � ORGANI?.ATIONS A OFFICES: � `�r' ' �sc.�-G t,/ � . c � , � � � � � OTHER INFORMATION (G RAL �EMARKS): � � • . . � � BO.ARDS, COMM T S 0 NPO INTEREST D IN• �� �_.�.�.����:�= _��_ ��� , �� �` - - =-.�aa-.���_ � Date received at City Hall _�— �a -Q � " Date Interviewed Date Appointed � /�/��#',�' Board, Committee, or NPO � �J p S�" Inside City Outside City cs/4772A 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639�4171 �, , RE�EIVED OCT � � �98$ RECEIVE� OCT 1988 � �o�r�To��r� CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION OItEC7ON NAME: WQ1DI C. HAWLEY DATE: ADDRFSS (RES.): 14790 SW 79th �nB� 17th. 1988 4 7��� RES. PHONE: 620-5056 ADDRESS (BUS.): 14790 SW 79th �US. PHONE: 620-5056 LENGTH OF RESIAENCE IN TIGARD: life minus thr�e yrs. SUGGESTED BY: i�THERE DID YOL' LIVE PREVIOUSLYi EDUCATIONAL BACKGROiJND: Schooled in Tigard• at PSU (2 vrs.) OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: Owner�Manatter. HAWL�,'Y QONSTR(ICTIpN, g yrs; Office • [Nanager for WARDMARK 00: 1980: concurrentiv enroloved by SBd, I,andscapa.nR. � HOW IANG. HAVE YOU BEEN F.MpLOYED WITA THIS FIE�M? ��,'y �j�p�� 8 �S, S&L 9 mos. IS THIS COMPANY LOCATg,D WITHIN YOIIR IdPO AREA (ldpp AppLI�AI�rS ONL'Y)7 PREVIOUS CO?�RiUNITY ACTIVITY: Unifozm Airector. T' ard Little LeaQUe, 3 s; Active in 3 - ' the fi ht to save and e nd Ikirham Schoal• Educational vol�mteer at Durham 2 ea�.s: � � ' ' rd ovei OItGANIZATaONS AND 'OFFTCES; Former Board member First C�►urch of QZrist Scientist Ti ard; , Board of Directors Ti ard Little ue° Me�nber American Diabetes Assn; All-City C�oix, Ta.t�ard; �THER INFORMATION (GENERAI, REMARKS): I have a �ood warkin,� tmcnaled�e of the need for lanni l e��rience in w�orkin with zoni r irements HOA's and other ro s of � __ adults; mv bacl�zound in construction and business is substantialy d�c�.sion-making fran . . n 'bilitv is fami7���-� a�� T �1p �na� �,� Veac BO.ARDS, COI�iITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: Planning Cqnmission -----------�--------------=-- Date received at C3ty Hall ��? �U --�8 Date Interviewed � a.�� Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO n/ �� � Inside City � � �p#��' Outside City i � � � cs/4772A � G i 13125 S1A/Hall Bivd.,P.O.Box 23397,Ti�ard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 � . F �r. � CITY OF TI�A RD► CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST �PPLICA�ION ARE�N NAME; Ken Gotlib DATE: 11-10-88 ADDRFSS (RES.): 8835 S.W. Scheckla Drive RES. PHONE: 639-8111 ADDRESS (BUS.): Same BUS. PHUNE: 620-4782 LENGTH OF RESIDENL'E IN TIGARD: 2-�/2 months SUGGESTED BY: ' WHE"icE DIA YOU iIVE PRECIOi75LY? New Jersey, Eugene, OR and Los 1�,ngeles � EDUGATIONAL .BACKGROUNDs 3 yrs. U of O �- Political Science � � _ , . , . . .. .:, � .,. , ,..,. .., . , :,.. �. • OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND �EAQCGROUND: � Sales Management: �•Regional �S�les Matnager � � of inedical instrument�distribution. Responsible for �alss repres�entatives �� and a 2 to 3 mil'lion dollar sales budget. ' . � HOW LONG �HAVE�YOD �BESN :EMPLOYED iiITH. l'RiS FIRM? _ 6 years � . � � � IS THIS C01�lpANY,LOCATED :iTZTHIN YOUR, NPO �/�REA (NPO' APPLI'CANTS ONI,Y)t ' Nb•• . � ' . � PREVIOUS ��Ot�ltJNIT'Y �AG"�IVTT�s None� . � . � .4 . � , _ ORGANI7.ATIONS AND OFFICES: None � � ' - w OTHER INFORMATIOY� ��SNERAL:�RBMARICS): Considerinq the fact that T am new. ta the area, I would like to get iri�iolved with the community, and feel that the Citizen Coinmittee would be th� best way to get �started. BOARl��, COt�iITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: .pl'an,ni�,g; budget � Date received at City.Hal.l• //-/c/-p8 .Date Interviewed . Date Appointed � Board, Committee, or NPO i(I��Q ,� Insfde City � .,(J P p �� Outside City ` � ca/4772� .� 13125 SW Hali 81vd„P.O,Box 2339T,Tl�ard,Or�po�'i 97223 (503)639-4171 ' \ • _ � , ' � , . i , :; � � C�T1��TI�i4 RD CITTZEN COMMITTEE INTE�tEST APPLICATION pRECON NAME: Stenhanie J. Mitchell DATE: October 24, 1988 ADDRFSS (RES.): ��5 SW View Terrace RES. PHONE: 684-1984 ADDRESS (BUS.): �yaluation Devt PPS 501 N Dixon Port].and, OR BUS. PHONE: 24.9-2000 x238 LENGTH OF RESII9ENCE IN �IGARD: � Yea�irs SUGGESTED BY: Tom Brien. Town kIa•11 Mtg WHERE DID �fOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �resham, OR"t Minneauolis MN � '. ED�ICATIONAL BACKGROUND: M_A. �.dL ational Administration Universitv of Mi�nesota, 1980, ' B.A. Child Psvchology, Univ. of MN., 1976; Co11eAe of S� Benedict, 1966-68 , OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUNDL �,du�Ational PreQr�+m �va�Lator Portland Public Schools, �'k .vrs.: Trainer/Technical Assistance Caordinator, Univ of MN � g yrs , Teacher, 8 rs HOW LONC HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYgD WITH THI3" FIRM? _ p�rt�and p��b7t� S�hoo�s - 3 �vears � ' IS THI3 COMPAN7f I,OCATED 6�1ITHIN•YOUR NPO AREA (Np0 APPLICANTS ONLY)? No . PREVIOtTS COI�tUNT1"5i ACTI6IITY: Co-chair. Neig�liorhood Block Club, Minnespol3s, I�fN 1980 85� _Precinct Delerzate, 1975-81; Deles�ate to Cftv Conventions, Y977 80 .�� ORGANIZATIONS AND 'OFFYCESe America� Educational R�search Assoctat{on ' Portland As�ociation of Central Aflministrative Personnel OTHER INFORMATIOY� (GENERAL REMARICS); I would like to work with mv NPO on nlann{no � isau �s. • . for the future develovment of our neisthborhood and ommu i BOARDS� COC�fITTEES OR NPO INTEEZESTED IN: Npn (}���t T fe�rgriY rhP mimhPr�1 ---���-------------- Date received at City Hall _ //�/G��� Date Interviewed � �I � Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO ��(,1 �n j� - Inaide City _� ��� _ Outside City cs/4772A 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)b39-4171 ��, � �� �e i . I I I � CI11f OF TIG'A RD I' CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION � �REGON �, i NAME: �..,f�� . ��'f� 1�l DATE: I I -�Z —g� �nnR�ss (RES.��I7t.56�/�N °I �� UIE.. �l'7�Z�Q �ES. PHQNE: (oS�-- _ ADDRESS �BUS.): ��f A"j�{ I �� �r�j,,��, — �� LC• � ��X �IL�tLV�BiJS. .PHONEa �Z — LENGTH OF itESIDLNCE IN TIG s�(�hC't�, Ju,�e��T lSUGGESTED BYs �C�'i- �YV`�LE`T'/�j,P� WfiERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �lj�' � ' �M�I���� I �� �DUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDs MM JAI ' � j � ' � � . lVA� .S�l��s� � �- - j � �.�- ' OCCU�'ATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: ��(��,�('��' f- ��/y�-r� � ���,�� �^ . N / C . �.5 %� , o r1�i.�N f ��� � ' HOW LONG HAVE Y U BE ' I�I�YPLOY�D WITA THIS Y+IRM? ��(•p �% � � � IS THJ[S COMPANY LOCATED �IITHIN Y DIL �TPO AREA (Np0 APPLICANTS ONLY)? � a , PREVIOIIS COI�IUNITX ACTIVITY: �O IJ� ' ���-J . n f • - v�Y EvJ T� Ore,�6-an� ° � i ORGANIZATIONS AND 'OFFaCES: C�Jv� O�HE� Ii.'F�RMATI�N (GEN"r.RAL REMARKS): PICr JC.. (,�J � (��,� . �6� 1�1-11 C.tl M,l�u�l✓r7� BOARDS, COMMITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: /V� t' /1��LZ ' Q Y N PC� • Date received at City Hall _ // -cj - QQ j Date Interviewed i 'ZI s' . Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO _�� C� - Inside City _ ,k �(/ p D�fo Outside City cs/4772A 13125 SVV Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23347,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-Q171 , �'��Vl� . .. . . . . . . . .. ... .. t �� t_ • ;,ti. � �������� � . CI�IZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION OREGOI�1 N�E: ��.y,��/a�-�,����'.� � ' DATE: AnnxESS cR�s.): //�310 �S.'!v/��iYi.y6',�/,%/E�'✓�/�' x�s. �KOrrE: �yo-�y�?..�' ADDRESS (BUS.): /��� S;� �f'��✓Q BUS. I'HONE: �/�Q'��f'Q LENGTH OF RESxD�iCE IN TIC�'�R�: /.� l�f�¢,�s SUGGESTED BY: ,y�i� WHERE DID YOU LI�1E PREVIOUSLY? ��jA/ � EDUCATfiUNAL BAQCGROUND: ��,�Q ��jy�� f/C�; � ��� ����, OCCITPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: f 9�fI- �G ��,,,yy/����`tS /�,�j/����- �'��.�i.Ee ,�/,D� ,�.sy/ �c. �?-�ecs�` �'x�� c'�-� GbD E/1�� �40�1�s c?�..s�C. � HOW IANG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? I,��ej'�flfl,` �f"�f . � . ' IS THIS COMPANY LUCATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA (Npp AppLICANTS ONLY)?' ,/1� PREYIOUS COI�IfTNITX ACTIVITY: .♦ ,,�Q Q"�/Q�,��OeC,f� �!CL� G�'.� �¢'t'�:' - /1/E_'ic�'.f��to.��icYl.O � ORGANI7.ATIONS AYdD OFFIGES: _ ,�if,(,0 /1',�,s",if,�fE,,� �� �O�// ����I Q� �.E.s�v.c�.�i� : C�ooe ���s� s�,u-�r� D.�E�.r�, ��d/�c : .4� '�f �D�l�iT��.� - 7i�9,e4 '�/�sS D�GS'" .. '.r�io �G�i�lirl"�� / ., QTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS): C�///¢i���l�e��J/./y E �j�',�?'�D ^ ��/.��-���ood �,�-� .�i,� ys� r��s� �i ��r.rs. . BOARDS, COMMITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: /J�J'�Q �� ~------------ !; Date received at City Hall � —��/���' Date Interviewed � a.,� � Date Appointed Board, Gommittee, or NPO �p� � Inside City � Ou cs�a ieCit )( Al P n � y cs/4772A i �; 13125 SW Wall 81vd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ;; �' ,, �: � ._._.. .. _ _ _::... �..;.....� ... � E�� .� ' • - �'�\/■ ���� CITIZEN COMNlITTEE INTEREST APPLICA.TTON �REGOI�1 NAME: � � � ' DATE: q-I- ADDRESS (RES.): �j, , � RES. PHONE: ,n'�(b,-��� ADDRESS (BUS.): BUS. PHONE: �$l'Z..Z;� ' LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD: ��.5 StJ�GESTED BY: WHERE DTD YOU LIVE -PREVIOUSLY? "�" ' ,a. S ' ' ' EDUCATIONAL BACKGROIIND: �, � j OCCUPATIONAL STA�TUS AND BACKGROUND: � '� � �S � � \ . �'t`e►!-`� � ' �i� 21� � HOFT IANG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED �TH TH • IRM? ,� . . IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA (NPO APPL S ONLY)? , p PREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY: ���� ��,� . ORGANI?.ATIONS AND OFFICES: OTHER INFORMATION (GENERAI, REMARRS): � � BOARDS, COMMITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: �� `� Date received at City Hall Q- /- �"� Date Interviewed � �, � �{ •- � Da.te Appointed _ Board, Coarmittee, or NPO �J pQ `� Inside City X ,U P 0 7 Outside City ' cs/4772A 13125 SW Hall Bivd.,P.O.Box 23397,ligarcl,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 '; � �������� CITIZEN COMMIT'TEE INTEREST APPLICATION AREC�N NAME: iZ 1 GHl�fr'C� �CZIGK� �. 1'�P� fJ W( T � (L DATE: I'Z-�-"'$'� I ADDRF.SS (RES.): t�.c�«� ;���.�;. N �P'Q�-( �?i�l�'iCZ�l/�-� �JL��''f ItES. P�ONE: (���,--�"�G}C`J I nnnxESS C sus.): �Z.S s�w ,c.u�F�s vadJ � f3`Y�t! �r K C.�'�C•�1`�L'�'� �us. Pxor�: _C,�-f�-K.t g'�- . LENGTH OF RESIDENCE INi TIGARD: 5 V11 p, SUGGESTED BY: � �/l�tQ'�D �-. t '�Y WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? 5�E., p-T'LA �u- A��'G--R EUUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: ;, �� ` '„� ��r ,�,����� �.S. d�c��_n�-,Y t� � ! tM c�Ns„�aF-l2�--���E= rt�.<.c��oc,4;as,. OCC[JpATIONAL STATUS AND ,BACKGROUND: S9 g!rj - ��Q���j` �+SQ--�� �4 E�PE�' 4 S 1'4-f.#:,S � _ a �. . _ V t f�l� C-� _ c-��csP� �q�r�.�:�.�E,� c�,���- .v.s t �3a-rr�c--a�c.c... j�u�4,w�r,v�� � rr� , . HOW LONG HAVE 'YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? � Y�''jS ' � IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED.WITHIN YOUF. NPO AREA (NPO APPLICANTS ONLY)? �� • � PREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVIZ'Y: _ �{G�v� f h� 'Tr(1 ) C M�V6t�i4lC-��95 '1°b 'C�E-�'" �-�,C�t SLJ�-���5 RC-= °� �GY'c�D. �t['G-,�.Sb �4-�3D p�-12�C/P14�'"f (h� ��� ��F 4�/ C,oazt�u��.�,� � --�,-�r�S , �i���J R�'YCI�-+� � �� ORGAi�i'IZATIONS AND OFFICES: pP�C-,��1� � ' )� �� �p��r� p,�-(pN 0��� QS --- '3E�r�-r�D vt��wt[3 .� . �C-�P�E C.r.ti-V�c��c-�� c�'-�t2t?r X..a� � �J�C,��..t �� 't�-.�E-.r�Ss F tiJ�w , --- f�FC.'�'r V� tMC��L�2 � CP�tG�-S PC �l� � �^ OTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS): Z�'�C...�,Ec��- ,�� y4�j�t� ,�.t-�C _�t-tf r �9f_�,S t l� F U f�'�''f-i C' r J. � R�(' Y G 4...t �(� r �l�e� �� �!�S 'T-�C•,��-r`.�1� [��-1 (I,..a FU ' i .�9-� OP t fJ r��cJ F�4 P"G t� : ut9�E2t� ���-..t c i.� �PN ��(�=.�R , f4-r�t'� r o c��c � v�-t RF�U -�H , BOARUS, COA44ITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: hf p� � :�c. Date received at City Hall J�,S,� ��� Date Interviewed /������ 7 ffN Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO �(/ �Q '] Inside City ,)( _,(� (�n ') Outside City cs/4772A 13125 SW Hali Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 � �������� GITIZEN CQMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION � OREGON NA�IE: I..ARRY lT. 'MeC�LINCHY DA�E: b ZB AnDRESS {RES.): _j/586 5��. SNEF�IELD Ck. , RES. PHONE: fp�{�-9�f31 A�DRESS (BUS.): �,pl S•W. MU�( �;LV� BEANE�.TCI+�I sus. PxoNE: by1�3151 X18�f`� LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD: 3 �YEA,t.s SUGGESTED BYo . WH�RE DID YOU LIVE PREVTOf3�LY? gE�VE�2TaV � EDUCATIONAL BAQCGROUNA: af�C�E.i.ip2 p F SU 6�GE � Cp�►'4 Pt,1,7�a,C� 5C�� �jy1 IGFF14iM1�1 YOIiNC, NtV�?SI'f�l OCCUPATIONAL S�ATUS AND �AG'ICGROUND: SO F'T'yV�y�t.� �1 G�ti1F�� FLp�Ti�IJG �,N 1' 5�lSTEd►�15 ,1tUG. FO�. 7k-,� PR,EV/DU5 S �',EN�s HOW IANG HAVE YOlT BEEN EMPLOYED WTTH THIS FIRM? S J/EA725 � . IS THIS COIYYP'ANY IACATED WITHIN'• YUUR NPO AREA (NPO �APPLICANTS ONLY)? o!/Q • PREVIOUS COMMUNI�TY ACTIVITY: /►�'Q1/E • . ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICES: TEAC6f�2 !/1� REL/!a/pi�S �NSpnUGT7C�n1 Yl7t�GTTf- L.�AD,�,. � �� _�c�c.,�siqsnc�-� c{qo,�. �.� Ti� c�u�2c� a� U'Fs'us c�2ls r-a�= G�4� � s�t��vrs,/Mve•hv�vs 1 OTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS): _ CONG�Q.^/�Q �Q$dur jJy-� OF�/ /d,ptYls�/�^ OF_71G A21� , F�i42TlCUL.¢2C,Y %}f� Ff34i/D�Y �2fJUJ/iL/G /t/.a�. �C'U,�/t/,�, .T 1.��4LGL4 i}-Ls c7 U K.� 7b FA7M/G/•42/�-E I1'J�!s EL F �cJ/T�7� TtI'� C!TY GDU�2NM�iU� i4-�O ✓TS �U/U�.?T7�.1. ,BOARbS, COMMITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: /I�jOO �°� Date received at City Nall _ '7-/p -��S' Date Interviewed � a/ �, ---w___ Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO _�/ (��? '� Inside City X �(J �j��j Outside City ��/4a�2A 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 � ' , i � CITYOF'TI�ARD CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION ORE�N I � I NAME: �� DATE: J/-S��8' ADARF.SS (RES. : ��gg �,,�.�,�.a � � �-io ,�4-7.��3 1tES. PHONE�c�S-(o�yq_ ADDItESS (BUS.): BUS. PHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IIv TIGAR�: �yf,.S. SUGG�STED BY: W4iERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? {�py--�/ d �pno� lu�'.SQ.lerr, ' EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: �/�-/. ,� � � ,p_��_,,.� �,-;r��� �� 1 �� �.�� � ' . OCC[TPATIONAI, STATUS AND BACKGRO : � � �o�. .n Q rr„n� .� t�l� .w �iv- Q �7S-�„I n�,i d�' / UP�i-�.T 8`UCtr �i ti( . ��dr� ���.•�.�i o�i�.J/ Ed.r�r �,t.;�p �C..6�,,Q�n.tio � a �/�„i��� -- AOW �.OATG HAVE YO�BEEN �lPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? �y��s 1'. . IS THIS COMPANY I.00ATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA {Np0 APPLICANTS ONLY)? PREVYOdTS CQMMUNITY ACTIVITY: (�J-.•,''f A !� , � � nl . �/u� Pa P ��/ ORGANIZATIONS AND 'OFFICES: � . . . ' � OTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARK3): BOARDS, COI�fITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN:���, ��� �� �Q���,on� PlGinni:+.w /1I P� Date received at City Hall f l- Q•- �� Date Interviewed _j�..�q Date Appointed Board, Committee, or NPO � - Inside City �� �} P � �g Outside City r " cs/4772A 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 �.. �. C,I�Y OT�' TIGARD � Waehington County, Oregon NO�I�E OF FINAY. ORDER � �Y PLANNING CONiMISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s) : P 88-06 ANB S 88-09 2. Name of Owners NORMAN OTTOMAN �• Name of Appl.icant. BRISTOL HOM�S Address: 21545 SW JOHNSON RD City: WEST LINN State OR. Zip: 97068 4. Addrees of Property: 15195 SW 98TH AVENUE Tax Map and Lot No(e).: WCTM 2S1 ilCA TAX LOT 1100 5. Itequa8t; F'OR A PLANNED DEVEL�PMENT DETAILED MAP AATD pgEI,TMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL TO DIVIDE A 3.15 ACRE PARCEL INTO 16 I,OTS OF APPROXIMATELY 500f� S UARE FEET ZONE• R-7 (PD) 6. Action: Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice wae published in th� newepaper, pca�ted at City Hall, and mailed td: XX The applicant and owner(e) XX Owners of re�cord withia► the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decieion: THE IiECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON P'EB�UARY 10, 1989, ' UNLESS AN APPEAL I3 F`ILED. � The adnpted findinga of fa�ct, decieion, ax�d atat�ment of conditione can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. B�ox 23397, Tigard, Oregan 97223. 9. Appeal: Any party to the deciaion may appeal this decieion in r' accordance with 13.32.290(A) and 3�ection 18.32.370 which providee that a written appeal may be filed within 10 daye after notice ie given and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal ie 4;30 PM, FEBRUARY l00 1989 10. eatiane: If you have any questions, pleaee call the City of Tigard Planning D�partment, 639-4171. ;? 4�, � j {' i: �; ;,. ■ _ _ . _ �' i. ��.. � TIGARD PLAIdNING COMMISSION F�INAL ORDER NO. 89-OlI9C , A FII�AL ORDER INCLIJnING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS FOR THE APPROVAL OP' P� PL�lNNED DLVELOPMENT (PD 88-06) AND SUBDI�IISION (S 88-09) REQUESTED BY NORMAI�T OTTt)MA�i BRISTOL HOMES . , � ) i The Tigard Planning Commission rewiewed �he above application at a publi� h�aring on January 10, 1989. The Commission baeed ite deciaion on the facts, findings, and conclusione no�ed b�low. ; ' A. FACTS ; 1. General Znformation , CASE: Plann�d Development (PD 88-06), �ubdivision (S 88-09) � I2EQUEST: A request for a Planned Development Detailed Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plat approval to divide a parcel of approximately 3.15 acres into 16 lote of approximately 6000 square feet. GOMPREHFNSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Deneiky Reaidential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-7 PD (kteaidential, 7 units per acre with a P�.anned Development overlay) 1�PPLICANT: Sristol Homes OWNER: NORMPa1V OTT�MAN 21545 SW Johnaon Road ROTJTE 3, BO]C 260D West Linn, Oregon 97068 SF�RWOOD, OR 97140 LOCATION: 15195 SW 98th Avenue (WCTYYi 2S1 11CA TAX LGT 1100) 2. Background Information On December 20, 1988, a request by Norman and Patricia Ottoapan to adjuat two parcele of 1.23 acres and 2.31 acree into 2 parcel� of .38 acree and 3.07 acree reepectively was approved by the City of Tigard's Planning Diviaion. Th� property wae and still is zoned R- 7(PD), (Residential, 7 units per acre with a Planned Developnent overlay) . Location: 15195 S.W. 98th Avenue (WCTM 231 11CA, T.L. 400 & T.L. 1100) . Thie proposed subdivieion involves the 3+ acre parcel. FINAL ORDER NO. 89-OlPC - OTTOMAN/BRISTOL HOME3 PD 88-06 & 3 88-09 PAGE 1 �. '�. 3. Viainity Ix�formatian The property directl.y ta the north of the applicant°s parcel, T.L. 400; is zoned R-`7 PD, (Residentfal, 7 unite ner ac:re wi�h a Planned Development Overlay) and is develaped with a eingle family ho�ne and an accessory structure. Properties to the eaet, south and weet are zoned R-7(PD), (Reeidential, 7 uni�e per acre with a Planned Development overlay) . The parcel north east of the aubject property (T.L. 1100) ie undevoloped and t�he parcele to the east are paxt of Swmmerfield and developed with aingle family homes, The area south of subject parcels ie partially developed with a church and assor.iated parking area. Propertiea to the west are� developed with eingle family homee. 4. Site Information and Proposal Deacri tion Currently, Tax lot 1100 ia approximately 3.15 acree own�d by Norman and Patricia Ottoman. Tax lat 1100 servee as open pasture which k�aa white board fencing around its perimeter. An open storm drainage sys}e�m �rants the parcel along S.W. 98th Av�nue. S.W. 98th Avenue ia f�lnctionally claseified aa a major collector. The street ia paved, approximately 25 feet wide with no curb or eidewalke along the site'e fronta�ge. The applicant propoeee to divide the property into 16 single faatily reaidential lo�s. Rable Street, which abuts the west property line, ia to be extended to form a four way intersec�ion with Lake Side � nrive and 98th Avenue. 3ix lote will have access via a semi- circular, paved addi�ion to 98th Avenue which will provide parking and maneuvering are away frnm the main travel lanes 5. Agency and NPO Commente The Engineering division has the fol.lowing comments: a. The applicant propoaee to construct a 16 lot aubdivision along the west side of 98th Avenue. The submitted plan ahows tha proposed atreet, storm and sanitary aewer improvements. b. This application followed a prior applicatian for a lot line adjuetment to the parcel conta.ininq an exieting house at the corner of 98th Avenue and Sattler Street and the parcel along 98th Avenue. c. SW 98th Avenue ie a major collector etreet and is curxently a two lane paved atreet. Right-of-way dedication wae acquired through the pri�r lot line adjustment. Exietinq improvements to 98th Avenue, eouth of the afte, include pav�ment widening to 4Q feet with curbe. FINAL ORDER NO. 89-OlPC - OTTOMAN/BRI3TOL HOI�S PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGE 2 6, d. Half etreet improvementa �n 98th Avene�e , as ehown in the submitted preliminary plat, are typically required for a subdivision development and are recommended for this application. Improvements for major coilector streets are 22 fee� from centerline to the curb with eidewalke, streetlights and underground: utilitiee. e. The proposed internal etreet, ehdwm to connect Kable Street to SW 98th Avenue and to align with Lake Si.de Drive to the east, appeare to meet the local etr�et etandards. f. The eyebrow groposed off of 98th Avenue appears to meet current standarde. The ey�brow allowe b�tter use of the site while limi.ting accesa to 98th avenue. Enqineering staff hae no abjection to the eyebrow. g. The proposed storm drain improvementa to 98th Avenue are shown to intercept the exieting ditch sauth of Sattler Street and connect to �n exieting 12" pipe at the south end of the site on 98th Avenue. The drainage area aontributing ta this etorm drain sy�tem has not been addressed by thia submittal. WTe recomaaend that the pipeline be sized according to the drainage baain upetream from the site. h. The proposed eanitary s�wer improvementa connect to an exiating manhole in Lake Side Drive ta aerve the site and is extended to the north for future extenaion. The�e improvemente are satiefactory. The Buflding Division has ther following commente: a. A public or private storm drain line should, be provided for connection of roof drains and, if needed, surface water drains, also. Anything 1ese, we are adamantly oppoaed to the praject and will not take responeibility for future problema that may ariee with atorm wat�r. b. The exieting struct�ares on Lot 14 & Lot 15 will n�ed a demolition permit for �emoval. c. It would aeem appropriate to provide a s�nitary s�wer lateral to the exiating houee on Tax Lot 400, at the north end of the aubdivieion, to make it eaeier to connect the house to sewer if its drain field ie disrupted when constructipn takes plaae or inform the ownera of the $3000 "in ].ieu of aeaesement" charge if that property does not participate in construction of the se�er. The Tigard Fire Dietrict hae the fo7.lowing comments: a. Provide development plot plan for review and approval ahawinq locat;ion of fire hydrante, both existing and those to be ineta.11ed. FINAL ORDER NO. 89-OlPC - OTTOMAN/BRI3TOL HOMES PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGE 3 � `� b. Th� south weat 1ot line of Lot 15 appears questionable in ' relati.onahip to the exie�ing atructure, unless said atructure ie to be removed. Tk�e Tigard Water Diatrict ha�s the following comments: ae The 6-inch main through the developm�snt appeare to be adequate to eerve the propoeed number o� housee. The dietrict Frill require that two fire hyd�ants be installed aa followg: (1) at the weeterly terminus of the development, and (2) 30� feet south of �he intersection of SW Sattler and SW 98th Avenue. NPO #6 has the following comments: a. We would like to see a minimum frontal footage of 40 feet per t. lot. b. We have serious concerns about on,-atreet parking, especially since aome of �he parking would be on SW 98th, a major collec�or atreet. c. The design seems poorly done in that some of the lats are directly off of SW 98th. Tigard school District No. 23 J, Portland Gen�ral Electric, NC� Natural Gae Company and General Telephone have no objectfone to the propc�eal. No othex cAmments were received. B. E'INDINGS AND CONCLU3ION5 The relevant criteria in thfe caee are Tigard Comprehenafve Plan Policiee, 2.1.1, 7.1.2, 8.1.1 and 8.1.3; and Community D�velopament Code Chapters 18.54, 18.80, 18.92, 18.160 and 18.164. The Pl.anning Commiseion hae determined that the proposal as eubmitted, or with minor modifications , is consistent with the relevant sections of the Comprer.enaive Plan based upan the findinqe noted below: a. Policy 2.1.1 ie satiefied because the NPO ar�d aurrounding property owners were given notice af the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant�s proposal. FINAL ORDER NO. $9-OlPC - OTTOMAN/BRISTOL HOM�3 PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGS 4 l. ,' � i I � `�. _ b. Policy 7.1.2 ie satiefied becauee adequate water, aewer, and etorm drainage facilities are available tn the de,velopment. The applicant will need to provide faailities vaithin the subdivieion as required by and to City standarda. c. PoliGy 8.1.1 ie eatiefied because the development will provid� for the connection of KaD�le Lane to 98th Avenue �nd improve the trafffcways in the area a� cont�mplated by the Gomprehensive Plan. The propo�ed extension of Kable I,ane will provide for improved accese and n�ighborhaod traffic circulation. Several nearby property owners have �xpressed concerns to staff regarding the street exteneion. �his street is designed and located so it eerves as a local street and through �raffic ie not anticipated now or in the future. The NP O noted that arkira c ould be a roblem on 98th Avenue. P 4 P The proposed conditions of approval will no� allow direct acceas to 98th Avenue with the exceptian of the semi-circular a3dition to 98th Avenue. Parking should occur on the driveways for each lot and to a limite�l extent on the semi-circular area. If problema do occur, the City could reetrict parking by nrdinance as deemed appropriate. d. Policy 8.1.3 will be sati�fied when the conditione of appXOVal relatinq to street improvement$ are completed. The Planning Commisaian ha� det�rmined that the propoeal, as eubmitted or with minor modificatione, is consistent with the rele�rant s�ctione of the Crammunity Development Code baaed upon the following finding�: a. Chapter 18.54 is satisfied because the application meets all the requirementB of the R-7 zone. b. Chapter 18.80 and 18.160 are aatiafied because the proposal meete the applicable requiremente for the submission and approval of the detailed plan and prelimi.nary plat for the project. c. Chapter 18.92 and 18.164 are satisfied. The development more than c�mplie� with the maximum number of unita permitted on the property (21) as derived by the denaity ca.lculationa. The configuration of lote and public facilitiea is coneiatent with the requirements of the Code. The applicant's site, after right-of-way reductions per Chapter 18.92, cQntaine approximately 109,850 square feet which would allow for 21 lots in the R-7 zone with the minimum lot size requiremente of 5000 equare feet. The applicant's plan, which proposee 16 lots, exceeds thc� above requiremente. FIN'AL ORDER NO. 89-01PC - OTTOMAN/BRISTOL FiOMES PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGL 5 I �� r; , � � C. DECISIOPT ; �I Hased upon the above findings and conclusione, the Planninr� Commission approve� PD 88-06 and S 88-09 subject to the following conditiona: UNLESS OTTiERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE DLVELOPMENT'S FINAL PLAT 1. Standard half-etreet improvemente, including concrete eidewalk, dri.veway apron, curb, a�phaltic concrete pavement, ean.itary sewer, storm drainage, streetlights and underground utilities, shall be installed along the 98th Avenue frontage. I Improvemente shall be desiqned and construc�ed to major collector street atandaxds and shall conform to the existing alignanent. The pavement width shall be tapered from 22 feet at the centerline of the new Kable Stzeet intersection to the existing curb to the eouth. (Staff Contact: Gary Alfeon, . Engineering Division, 639-4171) i 2. Standard street improvemente, includfng concrete sidewalk, I driveway apron, curb, asphaltic concrete pavement, eanitary � sewer, �storm drainage, etreetlighte and underground utilitiea, ` I shall b� installed within the subdivi�ion. Improvemente sha11 be deai.gned and constructed to lacal street etandarde and shall , conform to the alignment as shown in the eubmitted pr�liroi.nary I plat. (5taff Contact: Gary Alfson, Engineering Diviai.on, b39- I 4171) i 3. Sanitary eewer and etorm drainage details sha�Yl be provided as �II part of the public improvement plar�s. Calculatioas and a I topographic map of the storm drainage basin and e�nitary sewer II aervice area ehall be provided ae a supplement to the public improvement plane. Calculations ahall be baeed on full development of the serviceable area. The location and capacity of existing, proposed and futur� linee including the needs for ' tax lote 500, 600, and 700 to the northwest aha11 be addreased. (Staff Contact: Gary Alfson, Engineering Divisian, 639-4173) 4. The applicant ahall providc� �or raof and paved area rain drainage to the public stormwater drainage ayetem or by an on-site syaten� designed to prevent runoff onto the adjacent property. (Staff Contact: Brad Roast, Building Division, 634- 4171) 5. The applicant shall provide conneation of exieting buildings to the public eanitary eewerage ayetem. A connection peraait ia required to connect to the existing Qublic aanitary aawer eyetem. (Staff Contact: Brad Roaet, Building Divieion, 639- 4171) � FINAL ORDER NO. 89-OlPC - OTTOMAN/BRISTOL HOMES PD 88-06 & 3 88-09 FA�GE 6 ' 4 i' I ,„ � ��. ���-� � 6. Lotg ehall not be permitted to acceas directZy onto 98th �lv�nue. (Staff Contacts Gary Alfson, Engineering Division, 539-4171) 7. Seven (7) ee�s of plan and profile public improvement construction plana and one (3) itemized eonstruction cost estimate, stamped by a Regi�tered Profec�eional civil Engineer, detailing a11 propased gublic improeements shall be submi.t�ed , to the Engineering Divis3on of approval. Two (2) sete of plan and profile plans sha11 be aubmf.tted fo� preli�ainary review prioz to submittal of final plans. (Staff Contact: Gary Alfaon, � Engineering Diviaion�, 639-4171) 8. Conetruction of pxopoeed public i.mprovements sh�ll not cott�aence until aft�r the Enqineering divieion has approv�d public improvement plans, The aection will require a l,OD$ performance assurance or letter of ccmmitment, an developer-engineer agreement, the payment of a permit fee and a eiqn installation/etreetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening perma.t or construction compliance agreement ehall occur prior to, or concuzrently with the issuance of approved publ.ie ianprovement plane. (Staff Contact, �ohn Hagman, Engineering Divie�ion, 639-4171) 9. Str�et centerline monumentatinn shai.l be provided as folZows: A. Csnterlin� Monumentation 1. In accordance with oregon Revieed S�tatutes 92.060, aubsec�fan (2), the centerlinee of all atreet and roadway rights-of-way �hall bo monument�d before the City accepte a etreet improvemient. 2. The gollowing centerline monuments ehall be eeta a. Al1 centerline-centerline intersection poin�s. j � i b. All cul-de-sac cente� points. ; i � c. Curve pofnts, beginning and ending points (P.�. 's j and P.T. 's) . � B. Monument Boxes Required � � 1. Monument boxee conforming to City atandarde will. be � required around all cea�terline interaeation pointa and i cul-de-eac center pointe. i � ; 2. The tope of all monum�nt boxea wi11 be set tn finf.ehed � pavement grade. (Staff Co,�tact, John Feigian, � Enqineering Divieion, 6�9-4171) 1�'INHL ORD$R NO. 89-Q1PC - OTTOMAN/BRISTOL HOME3 FD 88-06 & S 88-09 P!�(�E 7 �. � . 10. The exi.ets.ng structures on Lot 14 & Lot 15 will need to be removed prior ta recording the final plat. A demolition permifi. is required fAr re¢noval. (S�aff Contact: Brad Roast, Building Division, 639-4171) THI3 APPROVAL SHAIaL BE VALID IF EXERCISED WITHIN O1�E YEAR OF TIiL FINAL DECISION DATE. It is further order that the applicant be notified of the entry of this final order. PASSED: This J p �day of Jan�ary, 1989, by the Planning Commisaion of the City�af Tigard. U� (/lh-�� ��C�'-�— A. Donald Moen Tigard Planning Commiseion ; � I � ; { f s 1 � i t F � i, i. �. � � 4! � i FINAL ORDER NO. 89-01PC - OTTOMAN/BRISTOL HOMES PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGE 8 � _ � � � � � � .. ,.,. ._-.-,� _ -. _ __ . _,___.. �- _� _ ��L . � � AC�IDA I�i�M: 5.2 ,TANIIlARY 10, 1989 TIGARD PZAi�J:LNG (7C��NIISSI�I TIGARD C� I��, - 'IC7i�T F11�T�L 13i25 Sw �, �w. 'i'IGARD, �RDC�CN A. FACl:S 1. General Inforn�atian CASE: ]Planned Developr�ent (PD 88-06), Subdivision (S 88-09) RDQ�[JEg'T: A �est for a Planned Dev�l�nt Detailed Plan and Prelamir�ary Subdivi.sbon P1at appLro�val �rc� divide a parcel of appmxi.mately 3.15 acres i�rlto 16 lots of 1�mY�*�tely 6000 square feet. C�R��II�.'NSIVE P7�Ai�T DESIC�IATIC�i: Mediimt Density Residential. ZONING DESIC�TION: R-7 PD (Re�idential, 7 units per aCre witpt a Planr�eei Dcvelap�ent �rlay) APpf.TCANr: Sristol H�o[rres C7WI�;[t: rX)RI�lN OZ'i1Cri�iN 21545 SW Johnson Road �7IlIE 3, BL1X 260D West Li.nn, �n 97068 S[�OD, O�t 97140 I4�'ATICN: 15195 SW 98th Avenue (W�i 2S1 11CA TAX I� 1100) i 2. Backq•rour�d Infonnation � Dec�ex 20, 1988, a Y+eq�est by Nornian and Patrici.a Ottoaan to ad just tvao parc..•els of 1.23 acres ar�d 2.31 acres into 2 parcels of .38 acres and 3.07 acres respectiv�ely w�s appx�ov�ed �y the C.ity of Tiqard's Plaru�ing Division. The property was aryd st.i.l,l is zQned R- ���?, (�siciP.ntial, 7 units per acre with a Plantyed De�v�lopaent avpxlay) . Location: 15195 S.W. 98th Avern�e (WCIM 2S1 11CA, T.L. 400 & T.L. 1100). This piq�osed subdivisirnn i.rYVOlv�es the 3+ acre parcel. 3. VicirLi.ty Ynfornl3tion The Froperty directly to t�he north of the applicant's parcel, T.L. � 400, i.s zoryed R-7 PD, (Resic3er.:ti.a1, 7 units per acre with a Planr►ed Develaprn.nt Ov�erlay) and is ci�v�elo�ed with a single fani.ly hare ar�d � an accessory str.ucture. P�roperties to the east, sauth �d wes� are STAF�' REPQRT - O�I'II�N/BRISI�OQ. F�S (T�I�II PAl�EC) PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAC� 1 ! i i i i � � ��G:.., ��. zoned R-7(�), (Resiciential, 7 units per acre with a P],.an�ecl De�velc�a�ent overlay). � garc,�el north east of ttye sub ject prope.rty (T.L. 1100) is unde�laped and the pax+cels to the east are paxt of S�m�xfield and dev�loped with single family 1xYnes. Zlye area south of �ject parcels .i.s partial.ly dev�elo��ed wi.th a church and. assocciated '', P���ri9 area. Pro�perties to the w�st are c�velo�ed with single ' familZr hanes. �. ; 4. Site Infoxmation and Proposal Descrip�tion G�rrentl.y, Tax lot 1100 is approximztely 3.15 acres awiyed by Nc�nnan ar�d Patrici.a Ottanan. Tax lot 1100 sexves as c�pen �asture which has white board fericing amund its perimete,�. An open sto�n drainage systen froazts the parcel along S.W. 98th Averu�ea 5.W. 98th Avern�e i� functionally classifi.ed as a major collector. �'he street is paved, approximately 25 feet wicle with no curb or sid�ewalks alanq the � sit2's fs�ntage. Tt�e applicaa�.t proposes to di.vi.c3e the property into 16 single family residenti.al. lots. Kal�le Street, which abuts the west prap�x�ty li�e, is to be ext�,rxled � fornn a fo�ar way intpx�section with r�ak�e Side Drriv�: ar�d 98th A�nue. Six lots wi.11 have �s vi.a a sani.- �4vr��,lar� p��red addi�on to 98th Avenu�e whi.ch will pravic�.' I�arkin9 �nd maneuvering are away fram the main trav+el lanes 5. Ageric.y and 1�0 Carments Tt�e Er���cing divisian has tYye followi.rig ccmr�nts: a. T4�e appli.r.ant proposes to constn�ct a 16 lot subdivi.sion alo� the w�est side of 98th Avenue. The ��ubmitted plan slxxas t�e p�o�OSed street, storm and sanitary sewer imQro�vemQ.nts. b. Thi� application folla�ad a prior application for a lot liu� ad jus•�anent to the parcel containir�g an existinq house a� the cora�er af 98th Avenue and Sattler Street and the parcel along 98th Av�enue. c. SW 98th Avemxe is a ma�or collector street ar�d is currently a two lane paved s�tx�eet. Right-of�vay dedicaticm was acquired thraugh the p�r.i�r lot lir�e adjustment. E�i.sting i�mpravs�nts to 98th Avenue, south of the si�e, ir�clude pav�anent widening tc� 40 feet with cuz�hs. d. Half street imprcniana.nts on 98th Av�enue , as shaan in the sutm:itted prelim�*�� plat, are typically requix.�ed for a subdivision dev�lc�pr�ent and are Y+ecamn�nded for thi.s application. Iir��rovearrents for ma jor collector strc�ts are 22 feet fran cent�xl.a.ne to the curb with sidewal.ks, streetlights ar�d w�dQx�grauxl utiliti.es. STAFF REPO�'P - 0►I'ICY�N/BRIS�10� HONIF'S (T�1�II PARK) PD 88-06 & S �38-09 PAGE 2 � __ __ . .__ ..,�... .. . .�_,. ��.._.____ �. ti, e. The propos�d internal street, s2xxari to connect Rable Stre�� to 5W 98�kh Avenwe and to alic� with I,alae Sid�e D�ive t�a the east, appears to meet the local street st�r�dards. f. Z'he e�iaw p�raposed of f of 98t,� Averwe ap�ears t� meet currP.nt stanclaxds. Z't�e �mw allaas b�L•t�x use of the sit� while lamitirbg access t� 98th av�ernie. E'ngivaaering staff has r» abjectbon tA tt� �aw. I g. TYae p�+oposed s�nn drain imp�ov�anents ta 9gth Avern�e are slxx�m to int:p�rr.�ept the �xisting ditch sauth of Sattler Stre�t ar�d connect ta an existixvg 12" pipe at the south er�d of the si� an 98th Avern�e. 7.9�e drairiage area contxil�s�ing to� this stonn drain. systein has r�t been add.�+essed by this �ulmittal. We r+eca�mnend that the pipelirye be sized acaonciing to tY� drai.riag� basin t�pstrea4n fran the site. h� The pro�osed sanitary sewer .�mprav�e�zts caru�ect to an existi.a� manh�le in I�kie Side Dirive to s�ve the site and is e�3�d to t.h� n�orth for future e�cter�s3.an. �� �mp�nv�nts are satisfactory. The Bui.lding Division has the follawing car�nents: a. A public or p�rivate storm draan l.irye shw].d be prvvicied far corax�ction of xnof drai.ns ar�d, if neecl�er3., surfa�ce water drains, also. Any�t,hing less, we are adamantly o�posed to tt�e pm ject and will mt talae responsibils.t� �or future prablems that may ari.se with storstt watex. b. The exi.stang �txwctures on Ipt 14 & IAt 15 wi11 r�eed a d�mliti.on pearmit �or ramval. c. It would s�em app�op�riate to grovide a sanitary sew�x lateral to the exi.sting house on Tax Lot 400, at the �.rth end of the subdivi.sion, to make it easier to connect ttye hau�e t� sew�x if its drain field is di.srupted when constnyction tak�s plaae or infornt the awner� of the $3000 "in li.eu of asses�n:t" cY� if that prq�xty does r�t p�articipate in canst�uction of the se�er. The Tigard Fire District has tY� followinq camrents: a. Pro�vide develapment plot pl.an for re�view and appm�val shawing location of fi.re hydrants, both exi.stinq and tlx�e to be ; installed. b. The sauth west lot lirye of Iat 15 appe�rs qu�estior�ble in relationship to the existiryg sttvcture, unless said stnicture is to be rario�red. STAFF RII�tT - OTIrOMAN/BRIS'P0� ��7N�'S (TAl►II PARK) PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAt� 3 `ti�` .. The Tigard Wat�x District has the followi�g camients: a. Tl�e 6-irych mairi thraugh the d�elop�exit appears to be adequate to serve tl� �ed rna�ibPx of h�o�uses. The district wi.11 require that tw� fise hyeirants be installed as follvws: (1) at the westpxly t.�rntinus of the dev�logrn.nt, ar�d (2) 300 feet sauth of the int-,ers�cti.an of SW Sattler ar�ci SW 9�th Av�enwe. HI�O �6 Y►as the follawing c�nts: a. We would li]oe to see a minim„n �ntal footage of 40 feet pex ! lot. b. We hav� serio�us cor�cerns abrnit on-streE.t F��T�lo �L��lY since sarie of the parkinq wauld be on SW 98th, a major �ollector � street. c, The design se��s poorly cbne in that sonoe o.f the lots are i dix+ectly ofiE of SW 98th. Tis�ard School Distxi.ct No. 23 J, Paatland Gen�xal Electric, NW Natural Gas Cocnpar�y and Ge�nPxal �eleplx�ne hav�e ran c�b3ections to the �o�a1• No other ca�ts w�re x�ec.�eived. B. FII�IDIA]GS APID �IC�TS The �le�rant criteri.a in this case are Tigard Canpr�hensiv+e Pl.an P�licies, 2.1.1, 7.1.2, 8.1.1 and 8.1.3; and Camuni.ty Devela�xr�ent C�c�d�e Chapters 18.54, 18.80, 18.92, 18.160 arxi 18.164. The Plannix�g' Staf f has deteYmityed that the praposal as suYmitt�ed, or with m�r modifications , i.s consi.ste�nt with the relevant se�.^tions of the Ganp�re.he�.nsiv�e Plan based upon the fir�dirx� ax�tsd belaw: a. P�licy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the I�0 and � �ng Fx�xty awr�rs wp.re given ryotice of th�e hearing ar�d an o�pl�ortunity to c�t on the applicant's pro�osal. b. Poli.cy 7.1.2 is satisfied because adequat� water, sewer, and stornt drair�age f�cilities are available t:o the d�lo�nent. The applicant will r�ed to pravicle facilities wi.thi,n the subdivision as required by and to City standarcis, c. P�licy 8.1.1 is satisfied because ttye d�velopmexit will p��ovicle for the connection of Kable Lar» to 98th Avenu�e and i.mQrav�e the txafficways in thie area as conte�lated by the CompY:p.hensive Plan. The p�ed extension of Kable Iar�e will pravide fos STAF� REPOdZT - OTIC�IN/BRISI�, F1G�'S (T�II PAR[C) PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAC� 4 s, � �� __ .. . : __.,.. .. -...... ._.,�_..,.._._.._:_�.._. __ , _-. i;:, ` im�rav�ed a�cess and neighbortaood traffic circulation. Sevpxal �Y P�Y awn�rs have e�ssed coa�e�ns to staff �1�9 the street extension. This �treet is desigryed ar�d located so it serv�es as a local street and thr�augh traffic is r�t ant.i.cipated nc�w or in the future. The I�U npted that parking could be a problem on 98th Av�nu�e. Tttie px�posed conditions of appraval wil.l not allaw dire�t access to 98th Avenue with the e�oeption nf the gani-cfs�cular adidition to 98th Avenue. Park.inc� shpuld oecur on the driveways for e�ach lot and to a limi.ted exteat on the �ani-cix�cular ar�a. If problem� dp occur, the City cauld restxi.ct Par}c�r�c3 bY Orr1"�,a,�r''A as deatied apps�griate. d. Policy 8.1.3 will be sati.sfied w�ai the corYiitioa�s of app�al. �+elating �o str�t im�rovarrents are ccmpleted. Z'he Planning staff has detpxmined that the p�raposal, as sutmi.tted or with mi�r modifications, i.s consistent with the relevant sections of the Car�nu�ity �lc7pnent God�e based upon th�e follawir�g firyaiix,�: a. Chapter 18.54 is satisfi€� because the �1i_cati.on meets all the reqaaiz�ement.s af th�e R�7 zone. b. Chap�:es 18.80 and 18.160 are satisfied beca�se the propasa'1 meet� the applicable �l;r��n� for the submission ar�d appmrval of �he detailed plan anci preliminary plat for the PY'o7ec�. c. G't�pter 18.92 and 18.164 arF satisfied. � developnent maxe thari car�lies with th� maxitmnn nwnbe� of uxLits petinitted on the P�P�GY (21) as deris�ed by the 3ensi�ty calculatians. The configuration of lots arad public f�ilities z.s consistent with the require�t�ents of the Cocle. The applicant's site, after right-of�aay red►�ctions pex (�ap�ter 18.92, oontain� app�roximately 109,850 sc�aarn feet which wvuld allaw for 21 lo�s in the R-7 zon�e wi,th t,t�e minimum lot size ,��;�*,t� of 5QOQ square feet. The applic�nt's plan, which prr�poses 16 lots, eaoceed� the abov�e requir�nen�s. ; C. (�i i a Based upon the abave f.i.ndings and corrclusions, the Planning staff reccamr�rids approval of PD 88-06 and S 88-09 sub ject to the following d conditions: ti�S OTHH�]ISE I�, AI�L O�oIDITIC�IS SEIl�I.T, BE MET PRIOR '10 Fm(70lRDING THE UL'VF:GQP�Tr'S FIl�i, PLAT STAF'F REPO� — 0►i'LCi�N/HRIS�, KQME, (�A�II PAR[c� PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGE 5 ; f � ; t: '� 1. �tarx9ard hal.f-str+eet improvpments, i.ncluding c..or�crete si.de�alk, driv�way aPron, curb, asp�altic cor�crete pavc�ment, sanitary ' sewer, stonn drais�age, �treetlights and ur�rgaround util,itxes, shall be installeci along the 98th Avenue fmntage. �ro�c�anents shall be designed and constnbcted to major collector� st,reet star�dards er�d s&�a].1 confonn to the exi.sting aligrment. The pavn�nent wi,dth shall be tap�red frcm 22 feet at the oentnxline of tk�e new Rab1e Street int.ersection to tlye e�cisting cuurb to the sautn. (staff contact: Gaxy Alfsora, Engi.�,ring Division, 639-4171) 2. Standard street improv�nts, i.�cluding concrete sid�walk, driv�eway aFron. cu�, asp�al.tic co�c� pav�t, sanitary sewpx stonn draina streetli � 9e� qhts and utilities shall be i.nstall�cl within the subdivision. 7mpravetnents sha11 be design�eci and constnlctsd to local. stree� s�;�.;b ar�d shall conform to t.he aligr�nt as shavn in the suYmitted grelimir�ary plat. (Staff Con�ct: Ga�y Alfson, En,gineerinq Divisian, 639- 4171) 3. Sanitary se�aer and stonn drainacJe details shall be pravxded as part of the public impmav�rrent plans. Calculations and a tapoc�raph.ic m3P of the stornt dra5.r�age ba�in ar�d sanitaYy� s�wer service area shall be gravided as a suppl�nent to the public i�mpra�nea�t plax�s. Calculat:ions shall be based on full develo�nent of the serviceable area. Tt� location and capacity of existing, Pz'o� arrl future l.ir�es shall be ad�dressed. (Staff Contact: C,ary Alfson, �gineering Divi.sion, 639-4171) 4. Tt�e applicant shall pravide for xr�of and paved area rain drainage to the public storniaater drainage system or by an on-site sys�ean desigr�ed to prev�ent narr�ff onto the adjacent P��-Y. (Staff Contact: 8rad Rpast, Building Divi.sioiz, 539- 4171) 5. The a�pl3.ccant shall pravide coruyaction of existing builciu�gs to t,he public sanitary sewE�xage systan. A connection penmit is requir�ed to connect to the existing public sanitary s�w�r system. (Staff Contact: Srad R4ast, Building Divi.sion, 639� 4171) 6. I�rts sh�1.1 nat be penr►,itt�d to �ce�s disectly onta 98th Avenue. (Staff Contact: Gary Alfson, Ec�gine�xir�q Division, 639-4171) 7. Sev�en (7) sets of plan ar�d pmfi.le public i�a�rov�er�t constn�ction plans axxi one (1) itaatized constn�ctian c�ost �stimate, sta��pe�d bY ,a R�e9istered Professioi�al civi.l Engirre�+x, detailinq all Propos�d Publi.c i�mp�ro�r�e�ts shall be sui�mitteci to the Engiryaexing Div.isian of appravai. Ztao (2) sets of plan aand profile plans shall be sutYnitted for� pmeliminary rev.iew �' RE�O�'� - O�I.�.C�lN1BRISIC�, F�'.5 (TAMI PAl�it) PD 88-O�i & S 88-09 FAC� 6 �;'� � _ _ _.__ _._.. ..... u_� ... r'` �` , ,,�> ,;� i: �� '� grior to surmit�al of final plar�s. (St�ff Cont�ct: Gary .Alfson, �I E'ngir�xi.ng Division, 639-4171) I 8. Con�t�cvction of prop��ed pa�blic �mp�.rnnar�nts shall n4t comme�ce unt�.l after the Eng�.r�xi�g division has agp�+o�ed p�lic imp�anent plans. The section w�ill ��se a ].00� perfonnatrce �ssurance or letter of camm�itznent, an de�relo�r-engi.neer agres�nt, the payment of a pea:mit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. .Also, the eaoecution of a street apenin�g pennit ar canstna�ction r.arQlianc� agr�nent shall oc�aur p�ior to, or concurrently with the issuan,.�e of appti�aved public iimp�rav�ment plaris. (Staf f Contact, John Ha4nan. Er�ineex'in4 Divisian, 639-4171) 9. Street �ent�xlu�e m�x�entation shall be pL�+avie�d as follaas: A. Centerli�e Mc�nwnentation 1. In acco�r�dar�ce with Qreg�n R�vised Statut� 92.060, subseation (2j, the centerlines of all street and r�y rights-of-�ay shall be mon�anented before the City ac.•cepts a street i�mp�ment. 2. T'he follawing centQrlirye Yran�mients shall be �et: a. All centerlirie-centerli�e inter�ection points. b. All cu1�1e-sac c�nter points. c. Cuzv�e points, begiru�ir�9 and er�in4 Points (P.C. 's and P.T. 's). B. l�brnmient Boxes ReqtLired 1. Mo�uarnnt boaoes confonning to City starr]�� will be required around all ceanterline inte�sactioa� points ar�d cul-de-sac center points. 2. The tflps of a11 �tarn�uaent bwoes wi.].l be set to fini.shed pavement grade. (Staff Conta�ct, John Feigion, Engir�eering Division, 639-4171) 10. 'I'he existing str�ctures on L�t 14 & Iat 15 will ryeed to be ��ed p�rior to r�cording the final plat. A dedplitio� penait is x+equired for i�non�al. (Staff Cont.act: 8rad Roast, Huilding Divisi.on, 539-4171) STA��' REPQiS - O�i'IC'[�ld/BF�IS'ZC�. FL�.S (TAMI PARIC) PD 88-06 & S 88-09 PAGE 7 -»:- .�, � ��:; Ri�� 11ArP'PAWAL S'HAIL � V'ALID IF EXEEiCIS'BD WI�3IIJ C� Y�AR C�' � FIl+Ai, DL�ISION IaATE. . �~ w / PREPARED • �� � . °—f— — 1?►� . LIDEN� SIIdIQR PI�d�I�IIdEEt i �; STAFF REPORT — OTTOMAN/BRISTOZ HOMES (TAMI PARK) PD 88-06/S 88-09 PAGE 8 rJY': l .� . . . . . . . �"�in . . . .. .. . .... ....... .. . . ... ... .... .. . . �.. .... . : . . ...:.. ..._....,. , ����'��' 4. � � aAGENDA ITEM 503 STAFP' 1tEPdRT TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSY�N TIGARD �ITY HALL -- TOWN IiALL 1312 5 SW HALL BL't7D. TIGARD, OREGON JANUARY 10, 1989 A. FACTS l. General Information CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 88-09, VARIAPTCE V 88-39 (Civil Infractiona Case 88-53-Z) REQUI:ST: A request to allow the continued uae of an existing 33 foot high freestanding sign, allowing for an additional 25 percent increase in sign height above the conforming hsight of 21 feet. Aleo a xequest for a Variance to Code Sec�ion 18.114.070(h) to allow retention of an existing 6Q0 sq, ft. (astimate) roof sign. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (CommQrcial General) AP�LICANT: Laren �J. Flomer OWNER: J. Paul & Lil.li Doughty 8720-5 S.W. Curry Dr. 10150 S.W. Canyon Igoad Wilsonville, OR 97070 Beaverton, OR 97005 LOCATION: 11674-8 S.W. Pacific Hwy. (WCTM 1S1 35CD lot 1600) 2. Background Information No previous applications have been reviewed by the Planning staff with respect to the subject property. Building permits were firet issued by the City Building Division in November, 1966. 3. Vicinity Information Properties in all directions are also zoned C-G. 4. Site Information and Proposal Descri tion The site ia preeently occupied by an approximately 4320 aquare foot commercial retail appliance businesa and a storage building at the southeast corner of �he property. A 33.1 foot tall freestanding sign stande in the front of the property; it is aet back approximately 7 feet from the right-of-way (utility pole) .The applicant has measured the sign STAFF REPORT DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-Q9/V 88-39 - PAGE 1 ', . ,... t ---- _ - r �� to be 31 feet high. The sign consists of a 2'6" by 18'6" blue Doughty's sect�on totaling 46.25 aq. ft. per face or 92.5 total sign area. It alao has a 7Z aq.ft. ( 36 eq. ft. ger aign face) General Electric appendage , and an arrow with no sign copy (about 9 eq. ft.per face). The applicant is progosing to r�mov� �he arrow which would result in a eign meaeuring 82.25 equare feet per fa�ce. Total sign area for the exbeting sign is 91.25 gq. ft. per face or 182.5 s�> ft. It therefore exceeds the base eign area rc�quirement, a fact no� noticed by staff while in the fiel.d last winter. Atop the ropf of th� main building is a metal grid. The grid runa alAng the front (north) wall face and some 15 (esti.mated) feet along the east and western wall frontages but perpen�iicular to and above the roof 1ine. On this grid are some 7 additional appl3.ance aigns and logos, estimated to be 4 feet high. Therefore, thia roof sign includes approximately 480 equara feet of additional eignage alonq the front of the building and an estimated 60 square feet alnng each side for a total of 600 square feet of additional signage. Staff notes that virtually all interior window apace has been ueed by the bugine�e .for additional signage. No permits have been iseued for any of the subject eiqns. Suilding Diviaion files contain a drawing of a eimilar roof sign frQm 1970, but the exieting sign is eubstantially different and so etaff concludes they must be different eigns. 5. Agency and NPO Comments Th� City Building and Engineering Divisi�ns have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it. NPA�4 reviewed the requeet ancY recommended that in order to administer the Cade coneietently, the roof �ign slaould be removed. It ehould be noted that a quorum was not present. No other cammente were received. iB. ANALYSIS AND FINDII3GS Thie report consiete of two parts: a eign code exception request for additional height and a variance request to retain a ruof sign. Lach re est will be discusaed individually below. � 1. S2 n Code Exce tion Freestandin ei n 9 P ( 5 9 ) Section 18.114.145 of Tigard'e Community Development Code contains the criteria whereby the Director or hia designee can approve, approve with ;. modifications or deny an application for a sign code exception. They are: ? ;: STAFP' REPORT DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-09/V 88-39 �- PAGL 2 i' � t; �ti � i: _ � � - �� ��,, (1) The proposed exception to th� height limite in the Sign Code ie necessary to make the aign vieible from th� atreet becauae of the topograp�iy of the siteo (2) A eecond freeetanding sign �.s neceasary to adequat�ly identify� a buaine�s or prami�ea td�at is oriented towards a primary etreet but whose ma:in accees is from a secondary etreet. (3) Up to an additional 25 percent of �ign area or height may be permitted when it is determined tha� the increaee will not deter from the purpoge of this Chapter. Thie increaee ehould be judged according to epecific needs and circumstax�cea which necesaitate additional area to make the sign sufficiently legible. The increase(s) ahall not conflict with any other nondimeneional atandards or restrictions of the Chapter. (4) The proposed sfgn ie consiet�nt with the criteria aet forth in Subsection 18.114.130(g) of thia Chapter. (5) The proposed exception for a eecond £reestanding aign on an interior lot is necessary because al,l of the following apply: (A) The combined height of both ai.gne �hall not exceed 130 percent of the eign height normally allowed for one ; freestanding sign in the eame zoning dietr:ict; however, ; neither sign shall exceed the height normall� allowed in the same zoning dietrict; (8) Neither eign wi.11 poee � vieion clearance problem or wi.11 praject into the� public right-of-way; i (C) Total combined sign area for both signs shall not exceed 150 percent of what is mormally allowed for one freestanding aign in the same zoning district; however, neither shall exceed the height normally allowed in the same zoning district. (b)In addition to the criteria in subaection (a) of this section, the Compnission, or in the case of an Administrative Exception, the Director, shall review all of the existing or propoeed signage for the devel�ppent and its relationahip to the iatent and purpose of thie Chapter. As a condition �f approval, the Commission or Director may require: (1) Removal nr alteration of nonconforming eigns to achiev� , compliance with the standarde contained in this Chapter; (2) Removal or alteration of conforming signs in order to eatablish a coneiatent eign deeign throughout the development; and (3� Agplication far aiy., �rmizs for signe erected without permite or removal of euch illegal signs. �' STAFF REPORT DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-09/V 88-39 - PAGE 3 !, ?, f� f' g ii�� [';;. }'':s+ ;y. �, s - = __ i . _ t �.� :� The applicant in thia case ie requegting approval of an increase in sign height based on approval criteria contained in {a) (3) above, which would allow for a 26025 foot height (21 feet plus 25�k) . The applicant i� requeeting a maximum sign height of 25 feet. Staff sees no apecial or extenuating circumat�nces in this caee necea$itating a taller eiqn other 1 than the fact that thie siqn is under Commisaion ecrutiny ae a � nonc�nforming eign. The sign i� not blocked by �any other aign or business. The neareet fre�standing sign to the west is a 20 foot high Spanky's freestanding sign ataff estimates is some 75 feek away. To the east is the Pizza Caboose freeatanding sign, alao aeveral feet away. Nonet�elesa, etaff aees no haxm in granting this emall ir�crease, particularly since the applicant is willing to reduce the siqn j height by six to eight feet to a maximum height o€ 25 feet. One concern, however, ia that once the eign has been reduced in height, the clearance di,etance from the pavement to the loweet portion of the aign will only be fi feet, 6 inches. Although the Code does nnt require it, a clearance � of 14 feet to the bottom of the sign is usually recommended in order to prevent automobile and sign collisiona. Staff notes that a aiqn code exception to the eiqn area requirements may not be necess�ry. Given the assumption that the sign is at least 15 feet away from the Highway 99 pav�ment, the Code would allow up to 90 equare feet per £ace. An Adminietrative Exception of up to 5 percent deviation £rom the normal aign dimeneional requirementa can be granted by etaff as part of the sign permit process as allowed in Code section 18.114.148. The actual aetback for the sign will. be confirmed by the City Engin�ering Divieion prior to the onset of thi� hearing. Should a sign code exception requeet for additional eign area be necessary due to the lack of a 10 foot setback from the front property line, ataff hae no objection to granting an increaee af aign area up to 25 percent. 2. Adminietrative Var3.ance (Roof aign) Findings; a. The property waa annexed to Tigard ae part of our original annexation in 1961. b. The roof sign has been up eince at least 1970. c. The roof sign is eituated on a flat roof and probably exceeds the area normally allowed for a wall sign in the C-G zone. d. No other exterior wall signage exiats on the progerty. e. No rec;ord of a gign permit exiate for this sign. f. Several amortization periode have been included in the aign code and have expired. g. Tk�ere hae always been aome type of commercial zoning for this r property. A roo€ aiy-r, �a �eiiiae� 3.ri �iie �od� as °°a eign erected fully upon or directly above a roof line or parapet of a buildinq or etruature." STAFF REPORT DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 8$-09/V 88-39 - PAGE 4 4'� � �. -� . ... . .. .�..._.. ..........._ ,.:........� .-....:.:. _ ._,..__ .. i � . � , One excep�ion i� a wall sign attached to an existing architectural j f�ature. A roof line is defined as " the top edge of a roof or building parapet, wh�.chever i� higher, excluding any cupola, chimneys or other minor projections"o Si.nce the eub�ee� aign hae been mounted on a grid which does not reeemble the wall below, etaff concludes that the grid was erected not as a building Farapet but rather as a eupport for the signs. Section 18.134.050 of the Code conta�ne criteria whereby the Commiasion can approve, approve with modifications or deny a var.iance request. They are: , 1. The proposed variance will not be materially detrimental to the purpoeee of this Code, be in conflict with the policiea of the Comprehensive Plan, to any other applicable policiea of the Comprehensive Plan, to any other applicable policies and standarda, and tc� other properties in the eame zoning district or vicinity. 2. There are special circumstances that exist which are peculiar to the lot size or ahape, topography or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to other propertise in the same zoning dietrict; 3 The uae proposed will be the same as permitted under this Code and City standarda will be maintained to the greateet extent goasible, while permitting some economic use of the land; 4. Lxieting physical and natural systems, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forma or parks will not be adveraely affected any more than would occur if tYae development wer� 3.ocated as epecified in the Code; and 5. The hardship 3.e not s�l�-imposed and the variance requeated ia the min.imum variance which would alleviate the hardeh3.p� The roof sign represents an additional 600 square fee� of signage, and ar� estimated 1000 square feet of interior window signage which is not regulated by the Code is also viaible from Pacific Highway. This in combination with the 182.5 square foot freegtanding sign provide this si.te with a eiqnificant amount of aignage. The eizes, definitions and locations of roof signs and roof linea have varied over the yeare; however, it appears that signs located on top of roofs have been prahibited for some time (�t least since 1975) . Under the current eign code, there are three poseible ways to consider roof e is�na: ?_ Signa which axe entirely on top of the roof; b. Signa whiah partially project over the r�iof iine; uiiu c. Signs erected partially or entirely on a roof with an anqle of 45 degreee or lesa from horizontal. STAFF REPORT DOUGATY/FLOMER - 5CE 88-09/V 88-39 - PAGL 5 _ �,.._,-� _ C������ 4i � . . �- �. Staff do�e �not l�elieve the roof sign should be "grandfathered" by virtue of the sign's longevity owing to the fact Section 1$.114.11Q of the Code haa been law since 1978 and at least two other atnortiza�ion clauses have been in effect prior to March 1978. A minimum of two amortization p�riods w�re adopted �nd have expirecl aince the first one identified by Btaff in 1971. The applicant has had an estimated 18 years to bring the signs into compliance. The aign ie not only in conflict with the Code, but it has been in conflict for many yearg. No special circums�anc.es exiet which are peculiar to the lot aize or Bhape which would prohibit a wall sign, a projecting wall sig�a, or even a eecond freestanding sigm (interior lot sign code exception) . The variance requested� tkaerefore, would essentialiy be the maximum (and not the minimum) variance desired to alleviate the hardahip. City of Tigard ordirtances have hiatorically prohibited roof signs, primarily far seathetic reasane. The coete of completely rearoving this roof sign may well be high but th�tn the applicant has k►ad at least ten years to plan for the removal. Several other sign opti�na for this site are available to the applicant that would conform to the requiremente of the City eign cocie. C. RECOMMENDATION Based upon thQ above diecussio�n, �taff recommends approval oE the sign code exception request for additional height (SCE 88�09) eubject to certain � conditions and denial of the variance request to retain the roof sign (V ! 88-39). i i 1. The applicant shall remove the roof sign completelyv from the existing ± etructure no later than 4 p.m. on �'ebruary 28, 1989. ` 0 M 2. The applicant ehall obtain a siqn permit for the treeatandinr� aign which � shall be �educed in height to a maximum of 25 feet high. The arraw � shall be removed in accordance with the sign plans. � €' 3. Staff sha1L grant an Adminietrative Varisnce to the eign area required to retain the exiating freestanding sign ae is during the sign Fsermit procees. ' i� 4. This approval ie valid until February 28, 1989 at 4 p.m. Failure to meet `� all conditione of approval as etated herein ehall result in a citatiorx to civil infractione hearing court. �; ;;; � % � ��� 2 t� PREPARED BYs Deboratn Stuart, Asst. Planner PROVED HY: Keith Liden ��' Senior Planner �' i' 4 � f �' f f. STAFF REPART DOUGHTY/FLOMER - SCE 88-09/V 88-39 - PAGE 6 � � 1: � � . �� AGQ�IDA ITEbi 5.4 Ja�.� io, 1989 I�RAI�IDLyN! CITY OIF' TIGA�iD TiD: Planning Car�nissi�n I�Ti(M: Keit➢z Liden, Senior Plannex �ATE: January 5, 1989 SqB.7DCTs Req�est to vacate a �edestrian Ease�rient in Cotswald 3 Subdivision (S 11-86) Phase 3 of ttye Cotswald Subdivi.sion in Tigard was appmved by the Plann.i.�g Carmis�ion in July, 1986, sub ject to 13 �orr3iti.ons (S 11-86, Final Qrci�x 86- 20). T� conditions of apprwal w�re � at the public hearing. 7.b Conditi_on #12 was acic3ed "Cri.st Caurt shall be re�ced in lenqth so that it cbes ryot abut the camp.rcial. p�ropert.y to the wes�. A 10 foot wide walkway eas�ient shall be pravided betwee.n tYn cul-�cl�-sac and t1� property to the west.'° Zb Corriition #13 was added: "The minimlm setb�c:k for arry side yards abutting tY�e co�mrerci.al area to the vaest shall be 10 feet." (Camunity Development C;oc� 18.100.130). Upon re�view by the City Enc,�inc�x and the Planning 1DirectAr� �the width of the easemP.nt was chanc,�ed to a standard 15 foot width. T�e Ci�y requireci �the gravi.sion of a 15 foot wide sanitary �r and pedestr.ian pattYway easement (7.5 feet on e�ch side of t,h� lot line between Iots 107 and 108. Tfiese lots are situated at tlye west-.�xn t.enninus o£ S.W. Crist Caurt cul-de-sac and �t.h�ey bo�th abut a parcel zoned C N (1leighborYyooci �cial.). Yt was d�e�ned de�irable to requi�e a pedestri.an �s f�m this subd.ivision to the adja�nt c�armexcial zone. Th� request tca divide 14 �cres into 70 lots was platted in mid-Dec�x, 1986. The p�aperty avners of lots 107 ar�d 108 are reg�esting th�e el�m�*�tion of ttie peclestri.an easem�nt for the follawing reasons: 1. The right-of�aay reflects insufficient planning and consequently places a burc�an ar�i incorn�enie,r�ce on the property awtiaxs. 2. The pravisions of this easesm.nt creates an unrr�asanable burden on 2 praperty awr�xs to pravicle a canm�nity bet�fit. 3. The develo�nent of tt� subd.ivision to date has resultsci in sevpxal. site inconsistencies with the recorcled plat and obstn�ctions to installation ' of the pathway. Staff has r� ob jections to the rear.�val of this easane�nt. Although such an eas�rent wauld be a benefici.al access to the abutting cammercial property, it i.s ryot required by Plan policy. ci�l�"u (s ��—s6} r r �. �.. BiA1 & Debbie Lamers 13916 SW Crist Ct. Tigard, Oregon 97223 641-2252 September 2, 1988 Randy Clarno ' Development Services Manager � City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. ;, Tigard, Oxegon 97223 �; Y �: Subjects Proposed elimination of pedestrian right-of-way at the end o£ Cri�' Ct. in �otswald �3. �; �I � �, Dear Mr. Clarnos The purpose of this letter is ta request the elimination of a pedestrian '` right-af-way. The right-of-way is locatec� in Cotswald #3 at the end of Crist " Court between lots lfd7 and 108. Following is a list of the reasons why we feel that �he right-of-way should be eliminated: 5:� �; A. The 12ight-of-Way reflects insufficient planning and consequently places an �_' unacceptable burden and incanvenience on the property owners. ±` It appears that the "right-of-w�y" was added on as an after thought when �` the subdivi�ion was developed. Consider the following points: 1. The right-of-way is sandwiched between two houses that are very close ; together (15 feet from foundation ta foundation) . 2. The right�of-way is also 15 feet wide (extending 7.5 feet from eaeh z' side of the property line) . Consequently, the right-of-way extends l.iterally from the foundation of my house to the foundation of Mr. Phillips' house. 3. The distance from the property line to the beginning of my driveway is 6 feet and 8 inches. As a result, my driveway is inside the �_ right-of-way. 4. A 7.5 foot right-of-way extending for 111 feet along our property lines , ;' takes 833 square feet out of each of our two properties. This is a E '' substantial percent of both of our propertiese _:: This is 13 percent of Mr. Phillips property (size = 6,477 sq f�,) . Tf ;� 10► n��c�nt of my oror�erty (size = 8,757 sct. ft.). ; ,: �;;=., As a result of the above points, we believe that the close proximity of khe two houses does not provide sufficient room for the �reation of a bike and pedestrian path without severely impacting both of the property owners. i�;;'- �_,. ;;; �, �.;� t � � �_ � � � _ � '� n � �-_ �. B. The insufficient planning results in a situation where two property owners bear an unreasonable burden for provi�ling what shoul� have }�een a conmunity impxovement. We wc�nder why the need for a peaestrian right-of-w.ay was not taken intc consideration when the subdivision was originally planned. if this had been done, additional space would have been set aside between lots 107 and 1PJ8 to provide sufficient space to baild a pathway that would not place an undue burden upon the property owners. If space for a righ�-of-way had been set aside, this would have been consist�nt with a fundamental principle of planning or development; to the greatest extent possible, those who benefit from an improvement should share the cost equally for the improvement. Eor example, developers are required to provide sidewalk right�-of-ways that are not a part of a particular property owne�s land. The sidewalk is a "planned" improvement and the cost is consequently distributed fairly among property owners. Likewise, inconveniences to individual pr�operty owners are minimized because the subdivision is designed with the understanding that sidewalks are required. If a similar approach would have been taken in this case, the land Eor the pedestrian right-of-way would have b�en specified as part of the land �hat the developer proviaes for required improvements before the house lots were plottee3 on the subdi�ision. Therr the burden for provir�ing the rec�uired space for the pathway would have been distributed as it should be, equally among the property owners in the subdivision. C. The de�velopment of the �ubdivision up to this point reiraforces the fact tha� insufficient attention has be�n given to the feasibility of a pedestrian pathway at this locationo Please consider the followi�g paints: l. A street light is currently in place nn the property line, directly in the middle of �he proposed pathway. Presumably, this street light would have to be reloc;ated at a substantial cost to the city and/or the developer. 2. The city water meters for both of the properties involved are located directly below the street light and also in the middle of the proposed pathway. 3. The title report on Mr. Phillips' �rroperty did not identify the pedestrian right-of-way. Without knowledge of the pro�osed pathway, ; Mr. Phillips installed an underground sprinkler system, a substantiaJ. part of which, is within the right-of-way. 4. Due to the shortage of space for the pathvaay, if it were built it would result in a very steep embankment on my property. Some means, such as ' a retaining wall, would have to be used to keep my property from caving in onto the pathway. This could substantially increase the cos� of the '' pathway and decrease the feasibility of building it at thi� loaation. `,, ;! . ;; �: � i'. F' � ' � r�' D. Theze is n� need for a pedestrian right-of-way at this location. We assume that the original intent of this right-of-way was to provide access to the development area west of Cotswald #3 (including the proposed commerci.al area,) 1. Based on the current development plans for the area, individuals needing to go from Cotswald �1, 2, or 3 to the area west of Cotswald #3 will be able to do so easily by using the sidewalks and bike trails on the Murray� raad extension. Th� Murray road extensian will be only 1 block north of Crist Court so there would be no inconvenience in�rolved '� for pedestrians or bicyclists. 2, In ac�dition, depending on how the area west of Cotswald #4 is aeveloped, �here may also be access to that area from Moxning Hill drive which will be extended into that area. Morning Hill is just one block south of Crist Gourt. Concerning point �2 above, the resid�nts in the Cotswald subdivisions are paying for siclewalks, a bike trail, and lighting for the 135th development. 'Pherefore, it is assumed that the Murr�y xoad extension will be held to the same high standards and that these irnprovements will also be required when that road is developed. For all of the reasons stated above, we request that the right-o£-way be vacated. Sincerel.y, � Bill Lamers �,/� ohn p ' lit�� F� � � � � ��,�%�-G1 L--G�'e�GaG��--. '�� ~__ Debbie Lamers Kristi Phillips ,��� ���' ° � �� � , _. � EASEMENT VACATION � ' �� � � ; t20o� �, OOO � NE 1/4 NW 1J4 SECTION 4 T2S R1W WM f �SQQ �aQQ � ' � 'izro� � ssoo ' �' r -N- ��Z�O J800 9700 sJ00 s�N 6�00 6800 T ' i ,"_,��� S.lN. 1111 O F�iU I �I� � 135th. ; h�d'�� DR E �, � � 9� 9100 ' : 960CS 8500 8400 � � i . 87pp 8800 �80d 9200 �500 �` `; ZZ � ' 8600 9300 9400 �00 a . t�.� i � CR��' C'�: � � �0 I 2�0o S.W. W 2800 3soo W ; 2400 � � F., aoo DESCRIBED AREA . a 2� 2900 3800 ?� ' 600 2600 3000 3400 }• � '� 2aoo Z � . isoo p� m 700 � 3100 3200 3300 � I 2100 ° t800 � ' � �� � S•w NtNppN CT S.We . 900 i�oo 1600 1500 1400 �300 1200 I i00 IppO 3 . � S. M� qY BOULE ARD PARGEL NUMBERS=TAX LOT NUMBER ASSI(iNMENT [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]