Planning Commission Packet - 03/08/1988 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i AGENDA TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 8� 1988 -� 7:30 PM TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD OR 97223 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call: MOEN BARBER CASTILE b'YRE LEVERETT NEWTON OWENS PETERSON _� i ) ROSBOROUGH 3. APPROVE D1INU��S FRaM PR�UInUS MEGTTNG 4. PLALINING COMMISSION COMMUNCIATION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CHANGC ZC 8$-01 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT M 88-01 SEAPORT ASSOCIATES NPO � 5 Request for a zone change from I-L (Light Industrial.) to I--P ( Industrial Park) for a 0.92 acre currently developed parcel located at 8205 SW Hunzike� (WCTM 2S1 1BC, lot 201) . Also, requested is approval of a previousl.y recorded lot line adjustment between this parcel and an adjac�nt parcel (8295 SW Hunziker, lot 200) . The lot line adjustment resulted in a roughly equivalent exchange between the parcels of approximately 3�950 square feet. 5. 2 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 87-07 CHAPTER 18.114 SIGNS Request by the City of Tigard to review proposed amendments to Section 18.114 (Signs) of the Community Development code. 6. OTHER BUSINESS } 7. ADJOURNMENT i i' � a I � TIGARD PLp,NNING COI�4IISSION REGUI�AR MEETING - MARCH 8, 1988 1. President l�oen called the meeting to order at 7s40 p.m. . The meeting was held at the Ti�arc� Civic Center - TOWN HALL ROOM - 13125 SW Hall Blvd. , Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLZ CALL: Present: President Moen, Commissioners Rosborough, Peterson, Barber, Castile, and Owens (arrived 8:07). Abse?at: Commissioners Frqe, Leverett, and Newton. Staff: Keith Ziden, Senior Planneri Nancy White, Office Assistant. 3. APPROVAL OF MIN[3TES Commissioner Rosborough moved and Commissioner Castile seconded �to approve minute� as submitted. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMM[JNICATION o Ther was no Planning Commission Communication. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE QHANGE ZC 88-01, LOT LINE ADJIISZ"MENT M 88-1�1 SEAPORT ASSOC. NPO #5 Request to change the zoning from I-L (Light Industrial) to I-P (Industrial Park) on 0.92 acre currently developed. site. Also, to approve an already recorded lot line ad3ustment between the sub�ect parcel (WCTM 2S1 l�C, Lot 201) and ad�acent parcels (WCTM 2S1 1BC, Lot 200). The lot line ad,justment results in a roughly equivalent exchange between the parcels of areas of approximately 3,950 square feet each. Senior Planner, Keith L3den, reviewed the proposal and made staff's recommendation for approval with one condition. President Mnen stated that he worked for a company that is a competitor of the Irvington Moore Company, however, did not feel it would create a c�nfl3ct in this proce�d:Lng. • APPLICANTS PRESENTA.TION Joe Kaufman, Box 660, Wilsonville, OreAon representing Seaport, stated that Seaport currently has a buyer for this property who would like to use the site as their heaci office, however, this 3s not permitted under ' the current zoning. He requested that the Planning Commission grant approval for this zone change to enable the buildin� to be marketed as it was constructed for. He apologized for the lot line ad�ustment being processed inaPpropriately. This was processed by the property owner who � is lorated in another State and was not familar with the coxrect t� procedure. �� t f" ti;: PLANNING COMMISSTON MINIITES 3�8/88 PAGB 1 �: i�< � � PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Mr. William C. L�udders, 218� SW Crest Drive, Lake Oswego, 97045 (Owner of rental property near the Seaport property), had questions regarding the hours of �peration and the exchange of the land between the two property owners. Mr. Kaufmaii responded to Mr. Ludders concerns. o Discussion followed. regarding the landscaped buffering and what approvals would be required for occupancy. PUBLIC HBARING GZOSED Consensus of the Commission iaas for approval. � * Commis�ioner Barber moved and Commissioner Peterson aeconded to approve Zone Change ZC 88-01 and Lot Line Ad�ustment M 88-01 based on staff's I recommendations and conditions. Also, for staff to prepare the final order and for President Moen to aign off on that fi.nal order. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.2 ZONB ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 87-07 SIGNS Senior Planner Liden explained that Assistant Planner Deborah Stuart had prepared the proposed amendments and would be available for questions later. He reviewed the changes which had been made from the previnus draft. He explained that the first sign conformance letters had been rnailed to bring signs into conformance by March 20, 1988. Letters where distributed which had Ueen received from Doctor John Weber and William Frahler regarding specific sites. PLTALIC TBSTIMONY o William Frahler, Frahler Electric, 10730 SW 85tti Avenue, Ti�ard, 97223, summarized. his letter which had be distributed to the Commission. He requestin� that an amendment be included in the �rd3nance which would a11ow si.�ns to be grandfathered. He explained that his roof sign mets the Code requirements in all other ways except that its located on his roof. He added that the sign had been 3n existence for 2,9 years and was basically used to help delivery people find thei.r location. He felt converting the sign. over to a pole sign would be less attractive. o Discussion .followed regarding the process and how this hearing deal.s with the entire City 3n general and not with individual cases. o Roger Anderson, Attorney, 10120 SW Kable, Tigard, Oreqon representing `' Hobart Vermilye, Health Habit, stated that his problems were similar to Mr. Frahler re�arding roof si�ns. He reviewed the history of the Heal.th Habit site and distributed pictures of various roof top and billboard signs. He noted that billboard signs have n�o value except to sell particular products. He submitted proposed language changes requesting that roof sign be given the same ammortization pex�od as staff is proposing for the billboard signs. He added that Section 18.114.110 could be modified to include a portion of Greenburg Road wh3ch woald include Mr. Frahler's site. PLANNING COMMISSION MZNUTES 3/�/88 PAGE 2 +. � o Gerald Ko1ve, owner of Canterbury Shopping Cent�r, explained that he had approximately twentq tenants, ten of whom had conforming signs and ten who did not. He raquested that the Planning Commission consider some flexibility within the code where common sense could be added to the strict definitions of what is a roof sign, what is a wa11 sign, what height it should be, how many square feet it should be, etc. xe added tha� the shopping center was constructed below grade and if the signs are lowered they would be located below grade and almost impossible to see. He reviewed difficulties that s ecific tenants were havin and asked that P g sign located on manserd roofs be addressed as to whether they are considered roof signs or wall signs. o Jerry Fuller, 11440 SW Pacific Highway, owner of a number of gas stations in the area, had several concerns. One, he would like to have freeway-oriented section amended from a height of 35 feet to 50 feet. Two, he would like to amend the total area from 12D square feet to 150 square feet. He suggested that the freeway-or3.ented signs have an distance of 1,000 feet from the freeway to be considered freew�aq-oriented. He suggested that increased height could be approved throught the S3.gn Code Exception process. o Ph31 McCurdy, representing Chevron U.S.A. was present to discuss th.e special needs of service stations. He added that he given staff a copy of the ORS which governs signage for service stations. His concerns were that the sign code should be amended to incorporate the use of two free-standin� signs when total sign area could be decreased or it would improve the aesthetic value. He also expressed his concern for freeway-oriented si�ns and the need for service stations to have their signs oriented toward the freeways. � RECESS 8:40 P.M. I ; RECONVENE 8:55 P.M. Commissioner Peterson left 8:45 P.M. o Discussion followed with Mr. Miller regarding his location in relationship to the freeway, height of his existing sign, visibility of the sign from different directions, and when the sign was erectEd. i' o Larry Bissett, 2004 NW Irving, raised concerns for more flexibility in ? the Code to allow certain desi�n criterias for build.ing sites that would �`' be more appropriate to the site than what 3.s already permitted by Code. He suggested that section 18.114.130 (g) be modified to allow more than one free-standing sign, provided the height of such si�n does not exceed (example, 8 feet) and the total area of a11 signs shall not exceed r! (example, 70 percent) of the total area of a11 signs that would be �i permitted by Code. i:. i'. ; !; , r r �:; i' I ;. PLANNING COI+II�iISSION MINUTES 3/8/88 PAGE 3 � _. _ __ _ _ � o Assistant Planner Deborah Stuart summarized changes that had been made since draft four. In response to Mr.. Anderson's proposal for amortization of roof signs as they are proposing for billboards, she wanted the Commission to knew that ataff is taking a stricter view and that they are not in support of permitting any type of roof signs. She added �he would be rewriting Section 18.114.130(g)(5) which should ad�ress Mr. Bissett's concerns. o Discussion followed r�garding the Sign Code Exception that had been approved. by City Council for MicroAge, the size of freeway-oriented si�ns, if any signs wi11 come into eonformance with the language changes � being proposed, the maximum height veraus combined height if two free-standin� signs are allowed, corner lot requirements versus interior 1ot requirements, tieing number of signs permitted with number of accessea, using monument signs as much as possible, allowing two free-standing signs for all lots, what total square footage should be allowed, what signs should be allowed as permitted uses and what signs should be require an exceptions. o Consensus of the Commission was that two free-standing signs should be permitted on corner lots and interior lots would require Sign Code Exceptions. The Commission request�d sta.ff to investigate the use of monum�nt signs by other 3urisdictions. Discussion followed on the bi]_lboar� signs amortization. The Planning Commission requested that staff investigate a shorter amortization period for billhoards. o Aiscus�ion followed regarding freeway-orierited busine5ses, what distance should be permitted, what distance should require Sign Code Exceptions, and what kinds of criteria you should use. The Commission request�d that staff expl�re what signs are permitted on state highway/freeway signs and to s�pply definitions for painted signs. o Lengthy discussion followed regarding proh�biting or permi.tting roof signs. Consensus of the Commission was that administrative decision procesa should be made available for existing roof signs. Also that special consideration should be given to Main 5treet and Canterbury Square because af the topography. o President Moen requested the public give their rebuttal before he closed the public hearing, ; o Rnger Anderson sug�ested that the �lanning Commission review existin� � roof signs using the existing Sign Code Exception criteria. Also, that the roof sign should be given the same amortization as billboards. o Mr. Erahler drew a picture depicting the location of his roof sign ',I stating that it is a neat, clean, w�ll-taken care of sign, and its been ;; ,�. there for 29 years and he would like to keep it. ;1 � i � ; E: > S PI.ANNING COMMISSIUN �INIITES 3/8/$S PAGE 4 ' � t . .. . .. ... .. . .. .. � .. . ... . .. . .. .. .. . .. ..., , .... . .. . . . . ... . . . ..... . . . . 4 �, o Larry Bissett felt that his proposal could be revised ta a�.low flexibility anci encourage the use of monument signs when there is more than one tenant and the site does not qualify as a shoppin� center. He suggested modifying his proposal to read that when more than one free-standing "monument" sigri not to exceed six feet an.d maybe change the percentag� not to exceed "sixty percent" of what would be permitted under ;; ,., that zone. ;_ PUBLIC HEAIZING CLOSED �; o Further discussion followed reqarding roof signs, possible alternatives ; to either eliminating roof signs totally, allowing an administrative ' excepti.on for existing signs, an.d specifying specific areas to have special considerations such as Main Street and Canterbury Square. o Senior Planner Lidon explained that the downtown (CBD area) is being F.� reviewed by the City Genter Task Force and that they were in the process ;� o.f putting together a plan, consequently, no enforcement is being done on � s; dawntown signs exc�pt for compliance agreements requir:Lng signs to be ?� t�rought into conformance when the downtown plan is completed. ' o Further discussi.on on roof signs and what would be the appropriate language to use. The Commission requested that staff provide language ', that would eliminate roof signs but would allow signs on manserd roofs �''. with possibly a 60° angle. o The Commission requested that staff come up with definitions for sign area that would not include the manserd roof area but would allow the sign to be considered a wall sign. The sign could be mounted above the gutter but not to exceed the roof 1ine. " �,. o Discussion followed regarding how to continue, what issues needed to be covered and what issues had already been resolved. Further discussion on the use of balloons, how often, consensus was to allow once a year and ; not to limit it to new businesses but f or everyone. o The Commission requested staff explore the use of monument signs and how their use might be encouraged. * Commissioner Moen moved and Commissioner Castile seconded to tabie the Zone Ordinance Amendment 20A 87-07 to March 15th to deal strictly with the Sign Code. Motion carried unanimouslq by Commisaioners preaent. 6. OTHER BUSINESS o There was no other business. s' �_: 7. MEETING ADJOURNED 11:45 PM , �29GQi � . , Diane M. Jelderks, anning Commissiana i'; Secretary ATTEST: ' �'",�,��' %�,,,� � A. Aonald Moen, President �. �: ,: d�/3785A i PLANNING GOMM�SSIDN MINOTES 3/8/88 PAGE 5 F _. �__..� �,�,_.� .... .,._. ,,,..�. �.,..�.� ....�,.� _ . _ _. , , j I f''; � i �''' �- f ' r i` r �.: �....�. . ... . ._ .. .. . . .. .... ... . ..... ... ...... .. 5.:. � �f��';:'�. ^ ! .� �^ / � v, �,, . STAFF AT ENDING ` �� � � DONALD MOEN "� �...P.I�GC�����V i ' � �ri1 BO ' ,( )vL l`=.�— (, , —� i ��n� g _v m M��'�..�-n � �. i,'r � ''� s DAVE PETERSON � ' _ /:� — I s t' r � �t�� . . � �: t. � .� VI,ASTA BARF3 ER � t . i � ' DAN ROSBOROUGH �� z: � �,,� t JAMES CASTILE i' I' � �. �'. �� � r : :;, ` R`; i ' f", �.;� �-: �,. `,- �,, �` , e i:': (:' �f:-i.. . ;�.�-�.�.I. i"' �,.j:l�'^, �" � 7� �-. ': S�' . . . ._. .. ... .._.. ._...._. ..._.......__._.__........ ._..._ .__..,...,. ...... ..._.. . . . , .......... ..._, �. ._. ..., _ .... _ .. .... .._..._ . . � Lt�1't_. � 1 � T � G A R D P 7� A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DE5IRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) 1'TEM/17ESCRIPTION: �(:. '� , '�+ � w � V • / 1 $'��� �� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) F: �: Name, A dr�ss and Affa.liation Name, Ac�dress and Affiliation I: �"� ��� � �'�'r��„��� W. �. t�u a d��S — a � �� S.c�, G NPS��J �, � �y>..�-��.���. � - os �-y�, � . y 0 v W t�-rr o'� y�� �v l°� s d,� �re,� � � �e �t S�l�✓J 5 0� . ; i , I , � I , LH l�L' T I G A R D P L A N N T_N G C O M M I_S S I O N NOTICE: ALL PERSON5 DE52RING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST 3IGN THEI� NAME and note their address. on this sheet. (Please Print your name) ITEM/b�SCRIPT N: �� �� 0 � � � / � � :tAI� /� �1�-�--T - - - PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (agaY,nst) Name, Address and Af_filiation Name, Address and Af£iliation j , r� 7 (' r �-a /q �"'`` I.t/ �. �yl-'��+ ���)i`- f G� 6 i! �-'�(J . �.s,,; ' � t3 f�"�� �"`�C:-r"C�Q'✓ I \h1 �":�' '�� 1 Q � G " .J �-.�1�r44�3`4' � �"`i.t. ��l C,��f�" i`- �`'"��^ ` ��_� -; `r �i"-yJ+ �7'� f�.aw�?r.;��M,.�`�j ,�' � � ..r � � �) �,r; �Gar'�o�,e�::,� 1/�t�Ytv 1�. � v ' ? , a � t i ,�'"'�9 0'�.'iri C.� ���" � �U �'" � , i ,d • I t�.._ t�/� ��r'� � GI����f�d s�.,� (l �a�.. ���2�2 5�4-��-7� , ��� �,��u f�f✓�,J� �0�22����� � Z ,; � � ,'. . � 2.,, �: . ..,� . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . �.', CITY OF TYGA�D Washington County, Osegon NOTICE OF FI�AL ORDER - BY PLAIi�I�G COt4lISSION 1. Goncerning Case Number(s): ZC 88-01 M 88-01 __ ___ 2, �iaa►e of Owner: Seanort AssoGiates 3. Name of Applicant: C�� Address 133 Oueen Anne Ave., Nort� City Seattle State WN Zip 98109 4. Location of Property: � .Address � 8205 & 8295 SP7 Hunziker -— ' i Tax tiap and Lot No(s). 2S1 1BC lot 200 & 201) 5. �iature of Application: Zone cha.�e from I-L to I-P for lot. 201. : Also �Ar;. an a roval of a reviousl recorded lot l�ine ac3'ustment between this esl and an ac7-iacent parcel (tax lot 200 , resultinu in exchanae of at�roximately 3,950 sq. ft ` 6. Action: . Approval as requested . . each. , �_ Approval with conditi:ons • � Denial 7. ��lotiice: Hotice �ras published in. the nev►spaper. posted at. Ci.ty Ha�l and mailed to: P: � xx The applicant & owners � xx Owners of recocd wit�hin the required distance � xx The affected �Teighborhood Plannit►g Organization xx Affected governmental agencies � 8. Final Decision: _ . THB DECISION SHALL BE FIDIAL 08 Marnh 2ti. 19�8 U�iLGSS !Ui APAEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of ' Eact, decision. and statement of condition can be . obtained froca the Planning Department. Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 9722�. , 9. Appe81: My party to the decision +aay appeal this decision in accocdancaa With 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal � may be filed within 10 dsys after notice is �iven and sent. . The deadline foc filing of an appeal is 4•�O rch 26, 1gg8. 10. Ques�ions: If you have any questions� please call tt►e City of Tigacd Planning Department, 639-4171. (0257P) i• TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER N0. 88 - 05 PC A FTNAL ORDER INCLUAING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONE CHANGE AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (ZC 88-01/M 88-01) REQUESTED BY SEAPORT ASS�CIATES 4- The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public I hearing on March 8, 1988. The Commission based its decision upon the facts, f°! findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1. General Information — -:i CASE: Zone Change ZC 88-01, Lot Line Ad�ustment M 88-01 REQUESTs To change the zoning from I-L (Light Industrial) to I-P (Industrial Park) on a 0.92 acre currently developed site. ;, Alsa, to approve an already recorded lot line adjustment between the subject parcel (WCTM 2S1 1BC, lot 201) and an ad3acent parcel (WCTM 2S1 1BC, lot 200). The lot line ad�ustment resulted in a roughly equivalent exchange between the parcels of areas of approximately 3,950 square feet each. COMPREHEN�IVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Light Industrial ZONING DESIGNATION: I-L (Light Industrial) APPLICANT: Seaport Associates OWNER: Same 133 Queen Anne Avenue N Seattle, Washington 98109 Representative: Richard Ligon (682-7272) k � W LOC.ATION: 8205 SW Hunziker Road (WCTM 2S1 BC, Tax Lot 201) ; 2. Background Information i � The building on the site was constructed in 1974 as an off3.ce building � for tlie ad�acent Irvington-Moore Company. City records are not clear re�arding the zoning at that time. The area was zoned M-3 (Light Industrial) in August, 1977. At some time following that, the building I was leased to GTE (General Telep'lione) and used as an office building. Although most office uses were not a permitted use under that zone, GTE's office usage was allowed because it fell under the classification public utility, a permitted use in the M-3 zone. The zoning ordinance FINAL ORDER N0. 8$-05 PC, File: ZC 88-01 Seaport Associates - PAGE 1 was comprehensively revised in 1982 resulting in the M-3 zone being rena�ed the I-L zone. The zone was revised to exclude public utility uses and office uses as permitted uses. Utilities were then listed as a conditional use but no conditional use review was required of GTF �ecause the use pre-existed the restriction. GTE moved out of the building in approximately 1985. The building has since remained vacant. 3. Vicinity Information The subject parcel is bordered on the west by residentially developed properties zoned R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre). The rear yards of the 3mmediat�ly ad�acent properties are elevated approximately 12 feet above the parking lot of the sub�ect property. A 30 foot wide buffer of tal.l evergreen trees further separates these uses. Properties across Hunziker to the south are zoned I-P and are either vacant or occupied by houses. One house is occupied by an architect's office. Properties to the north and east are zoned I-L. Immediately west o.f the sub3ect property are the Irvington°Moore Company industrial buildings. To the east is the Knez Building Materials Company warehouse. 4. Site Information and Proposal Description The parcel i.s presentlq developed with a 42,700 square fuot, two-story building designed for office use. A paved driveway including 42 parking spaces encircles the building. Access is provided through the Irvington-Moore Company parking lot through an access easement. The parcel is Weii landscaped. Landscaped areas include the before- mentioned buffer to the west, low evergreens and fir trees in the area that slopes downward from the street to the driveway, and landscaping between the driveway and the building. The applicant requests a zone change .from I-L (Light Industrlal) to I-P ' (Industrial Park) . The building has been listed for sale or for lease for some time without success. The applicant believes that the present zoning designation discourages potential purchasers or leasees beca��.se of the limited types of uses permitted in the I-L zone that could utilize an office building. The I-P zone allows a greater variety of uses that would typically utilize an office building than the I-L zone allows. In addition, the applicant asserts that the existing development is more typical of I-P development than I-L development because of the quality and quantity of landscaping on the aite and because the types of uses that could be anticipated to occapy this building if zoned I-P would have lesser impacts than uses that could occupy the building under the existing I-L zoning. The applicant also requests approval af a previously recorded lot line adiustment. In 1984, an exchange of rou�hly equivalent aized areas of approximately 3,950 square feet each occurred between this parcel and the ad�acent tax lot (map 2S1 1BC, tax lot 200) upon which the � Irvington-Moore Company is located. The sub�ect property was enlarged ', eastward and decreased in size on the north. The pur.pose of the property exchange was to conform the lot lines to the areas used for � parking by the two propsrties. x � � FINAL ORDER N0. 88-05 PC, File: ZC 88-01 Seaport Associates - PAGE 2 ' — £ f. � i 5. Agency and NPO Comments I No comments were received i B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS �' � l. Zone Change i The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2.1.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.4, 7.1.2, 8.202 and Chapter 12, Locationa]. Criteria. The Statewide Planning Goals need not be addressed since the , City of Tigard's Comprehensive Plan has already been acknowledged. � � i The Planning Commission has determined that the proposed zone change is � con�istent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based � upon the findin�s noted below: l. Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because NPO ��5 and surrounding 4 property owners were given notice of the hearing and an ; oppnrtunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. 4' � � 2. P1an Policy 5.1.1 is satisfied because the zone change will allow � development consistent with the City's desire to diversify its (. economic opportunities and to promote the �rowth of the local �ob � market. i� 3. P1an Policy 5.1.4 is satisfied because the proposed zone ` designation amendment would not alter the Light Industrial Plan designation, and thus no additional encroachment upon residential areas would result. 4. Plan Policy 7.1.2 is satisfied because adequate service capacities are available in the immediate area. 5. Plan Policy 8.2.2 is satisfied becauae Tri-Met offers regular bus � service along SW Hun�iker Road. b. The Locational Criteria in Chapter 12 of the Plan are satisfied �; for the fallowing reasons: " �: � a. The site 3.s vegetatively buffered from the nearest residential area which is located west of the site. ;' Additionally, the residential area is topngraph3cally !`� separated from the site. ;= i b. The parcel has access to SW Hunziker Road, a ma�or collector !' street. i; t c. Publ.ic facilities have adequate capacity to serve the � property. The existing building is connected to the public ; sewer and water systems. ! � (. ! , f. i h i' , i FINAL ORDER N0. 88-OS PC, File: ZC 88-01 Seaport Associates - PAGE 3 ?. — # i I d. The site is an appropriate shape and grade to accommodate � typical industrial park development. The parcel along with i parcels located across Hunzilcer Road presently zoned I-P f orme an adequately sized area for industrial park I� development. �I e. The area is already developed with a type of developmen.t typical of the I-P zoning district and therefore 13ttle or no impact upon ad�acent properties are foreseen from changing the zoning of the site to I-P (Industrial Park) . In addition, more than 25 percent of the site is currently ' landscaped as required by the I-P zone. 2. Lot Line Adiustment The already recorded lot line ad3ustment conform� with the lot line ad�ustment approval standazds set forth in Chapter 18.162.060 of the City of Tigard Development Code and with the City's Comprehensive P1an. Both parcel meet the dimensional requirements of the I-P zone. S•tructure setbacks on �oth parcels are also satisfied. The applicanta have not submitted evidence that a �oint use and maintenance agreement f or the shared access to tax lots 200 and 201 has been recorded. Such an agreement will need to be recorded. C. DECISION Based upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission approves ZC 88-01 and M 88-01 for the Seapart Associates property at 8205 Hunziker Road sub3ect to the following condition: 1. Within 60 fday� of the final decision date for ZC 88-01, M 88-01, a �oint use and maintenance agreement for the shared access for tax lots 200 and 201 must be recorded. It is further ordered that the applicaion and the appellant be notified of the entry of this final order. PASSED: This ,� � day of March, 1988, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. � <-/Q''i-•� i���'t�.- A, Donald Moen, President Tigard Planning Commission ' - ke/3647D ; � {" ��� ;; ,.: � FINAL ORDER N0. 88-05 PC, File: ZC 88-01 Seaport Associates - PAGE 4 � � i.,. �: _ _ _ _ k � . � ; � ,_., SEAPORT ASSOCIATF.S , b'�� . ._ 133 Queen Anne Ave. No. ' �'` °� ' Seattle, Wn. 98109 /'G��� . �—��� I �TOE KACDlEMAN W C LUDDERS BOX 660 2180 SW CREST DR. i WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 L� �1FF�GO� OR 97045 ' i , �- i' � � ,. . . . . .. , . , .. .. . f� , ... • . .. .. . . . . • . , S� '�� ;af.k..,�,,..s ike�o� ,. .. . � � i i �; �,,, , y: . , i, , , , � r�; � � ; � �: , + ;; >: ; .<,.', . :;r��.�.. ti� . . }t, � f. �JS.,i'i>':���i;f;•:�>e�� ).� •f•y��..� ��f ..r. .?;1��f„S=�i ��3�i�'• .:i�'• ; � .� �.l�f�)+Wr � ���4 35�;i.;i;i}3ss's�HS�rF:��1��3�3#§,,�ss,si, ha.Ffis4#�?s t�s i,s. ;:uM�.tw 3. �. �ni s£, as;s s s,�j���i��zi,�s.s.-n.,�#hs#`,r;kt:�;ts�P}ft�,;s.�lHi li y ,.€�.,li,#3,,.t..��y};t ..�.P,. �, ,��#.� �a�:•,�:�..�'�l.s.s s ,s � .....:�i�� ��:{.��.��r�i .5<1�ie��...f .t �.. � . �...nKl�t.......��i . . .rfr5...-1-�.r�.� ..,���4�'�� ��. .. . .. , ... � .. ..i.. � . �� �1.�.�.<�,{., � �.��.�.(.i.�.}.��{:�..�t, r t �. ... . . .. ' � j'���tt ' . r . .. � , __... � . . . . . � � {p , � .�.. . ; .'.+' ._ ..� li ;.' ;'. i' � r � , f'. s°,I l; j:: Y i' i. . �':,.�'�.. L � �: � � . . . . .. . �'. f �� ?. � �' j; �t � � �''. � ��, �yC'Af"F' R�:�pF�.1.. ACk:;NI�A I:"I"k:M F5. ]. MF��2CH �2, 1989 •-- 7:30 P,M, T�:C3f�F2D PLFINNSNG; C;QMM�:tiCa�;()N "i`:LC�,ARD C;:C"fY I•��I...L. ... "I"OWIV NA1...1.. 1312.5 5W FIAL.I.,. E2I.�VL1, ..I"ICAFiI�, 017(�C;UI11 �'7?,.'7_3 A, F'f1C1":: 1 , Gen�r�l :I:nf��r�iri�tic.tin C:AS�::; G��rif� Ch�n�� "l:C 88_..�Qx, t..c.�1:: l..i.riE� Ftdjc.istm�nt. M Q�w..Gl 12�'pU�:;'T, °fo cr�anc�H LhEa ;cunir�� fr•um :C...L (l..iyrii: :Iriclu�i�r��.�l) t:r� :[--P (�:r�c�usl:r~:ia.l P4ar•k) �iri � 0.9?_ ae.i°�� ccar���eni:ly d�uc:�l.c�pc�d si.i��.�, Als�,, i:c� �appr•c�ve �an �l.r°���c�y r��cor��c�t:�cl 1u1: ].i.n� 4adjustmE�ni: b�i�w��n �:h�� subj�r:l: p<�r•c�X (WC"I"M 2.�Y1 1E3C, lc��: 2U1) artd �ar► �t�jac�r�� �aar�cel (WC'T'M 2�1 �,f3C, 1Gtii: 2.qp) . '1'he ].ui; li.r�e acijusl:m�rii� r�eyul.t�:�r1 iri a i^c�uc�hil.y kc�i.i:aw�l�rii� c?xchanyk� H�H�w�a�n i:h� H>ar•c;��.s af �tr�c��s uf ar�pt��oxim�i:��ly 3,�!a4 :�7t��a<:�rk� �@£��': f?btC�'1. (�QMI�I��.I�ikIU�IVF C�I_F�I� 1�1=:i:CGNA"i"TON; l..ic�Fii: xriclusi�r�ial. Z.(7N71UG; DE.'�:Z:C�,IUA"I'SQN; 7;--L.. (l..ic�N►�:: �nclt�sl:r•i.�a.l) f�F�F�I_TC�N"f; S�a�apar°t ASSqCicx�cas OWIUN�R: ��r�uz 13:3 Quk��n AnnE� Aven�afa N �iE?iit�".{".�.t?� Wi�8N111'l��';Orl �8�.�9 Rc.a�re;�c�r��::afi.ive; Ftich�tr�ci l..i.g�.in (687-�7?7'l.) LO(�f�'7":I:ON: 6205 '<,W H�anc9.k�i^ Ru�c� (WC;"fM 2S1 I�C. T�:ax Lut� 2p�.) 2, Bac.k r;c.,unc�_]:nfic.�r�ni�i:iun ' _......._..�._. ._. _ _._..__..w.._..._.__..._._._.. l"hi�:� k�ui1.�S.ny ��n i;N�e� sx�t:e w�s c.�.,n�i:r•uc1:�t� i.n 19rA �� an c�i��'it:�.a k�u�.l.cli.n<J rar^ i:he �ac�j��,a�ni�: :Crvin�i:c�arr—Muur��� C;plTl�ii!My. taxi:y r~E?c.ut��da �r°ra r�ai: �:a.c�ar• r�.ac�ar•c:linc� i�:h� zc�n9.rig �1: i�ha1� �i.in�, "fNi� are�a w�� z��r��.ac� M_..3 (L.�.yhi: :�nc�iasi:ri�.l) i.n Au�uyi:, t�77, f�i: �um� ti.me fi��].�.uwiric� t:ha�, i:h� Macai.l.�;inr� wzay lca�sk�� 1::�.� C;'i°k:: (GF�i•�Far�al. T'�].�phur��a) �nrJ u:;�c� as �ri c�ff.xc:�.a bu�.l.di:ny, F�l.thauc�N� masi: urr-�.�,e us�as wcr~� nc>L- a ��t��mit:t:�d us� uncJ�r~ i:riai: zun�, GT�::' s 4,fit'i.c�a us�ac�� was �J.J:uw�d ha��c:<:��aska i� fr:.l.l. urtder i�;riE� c].�ssi.fic:�t�i.un �ubl.ic uti..li.ty, a pNrmi.i�t4zd us� a.n i�h� M.._.3 -r.��r��, Th� �aninc� ur�din�anr.� w�a� c:�.,mpr•eh�r�si.uc�l.y r�u�.sed in ].9E32 r•ey�al.{�:i.ng i.n i�h�a M...�3 zort� ha�!in� rFxn�m�xd i:h� :L--L runr�. '1"he run� was w•�ui:s�d i�a �xc�.u�e raubl��.c uta.�.a.ty usE�s �nd nfific:c.a u:�cs �as pcar•m�.���c� u��s , Ui:i.'l.i,ti.�� wc���� tric:!r� li.si�ct� a�t a c��r�c�ii:iurial u�N F>�a� nu cundil�ic�ria�. ta�� r��u:��w was r�<X�air�=Nd ui= t�l"�: b�.�r.�us� th��.� USf� �r��..N�xist,ec� '�h��.a r�Easl.r��.ci>iori. CT'E. muuc�r� uu�. c�fi i�hE I:�u�.�.c��.ng in a��r�uximai:ely 1985. 'Th� buildin� rias si.nce r��ma�in��d uac;ant. STAF'f" f��'POF2�" "l:(� BB...(71 Ska�pc.�r�i; Assoc�.ai�cs — p�C�. 1 3 , Vfcini��_Infu�ma�iun Thc� suk�jFa�.t �ar�c.�l is bc�r�c��r��r� c.�n i�hi� w�:�si: by r��id�ni.i�ll.y c�eUC�l.up�c� �ra�.��r•i�f.�s ;ran��d R�--4,5 (Ftfa�ir�c�nti<�.1, 4.5 un�.�s/acr•p) . Th� r•��t^ yar^ds of i;N�� i.miric:�caa�i:ely ac�jac:tni� �>rupc�r•i:i�.a� ar�e �l�±uat�d apH7r�c�xxntal:�ly 12.. f���1: t�ha�yva i:h� par�kinc� 1ui: caf i:he s��k�j�ci: pru��r�i�y, A 30 fuui: ��a�.�� bui'fer ufi ta:tl �uc�r•<�r°r�Ean �:r�eta� furtkt�±r• s��ar•�I:c.ay tFt�ska uy�s. Pr�a�a�r�i:i.�s acrtass Hunfik�r i�u i:hp suut:h ar~e ••r,c�ricad ]C_.,P and ar�� pii�h�r~ var..an� ar� oc.�.:upi:��� k�y Ni�auS�s. qn� haus� is ncc.u�ai,��l by ari �rc:hrit�c�`s uTfi.c:�, Pr�ca��r•�i�s i�u tNi� nur�l�h �ric� �asi�: are run�d :[:�-L. Tinmec9i.at.�ly wes� �.�f �hic� s4ihject: prc,�acar�i�y �r� i:hi� Iruinu�i�un--•Mo�r•� Ce�mparty inc�ust:ri�l. k�ui.ldi:nc�s. To i:he Eaa�t is �h� Kn��x Buil:dan� M�i�eri.al.s (�an��ariy war�•ehi�.�us�. 4, Sii:e _7:nro��mal:inn�,anc�,_Pru �,sal�esc:r��i:ic�n THte parc�.l is pre�F�rii.ly c�r�v�lop�d wa.th � 42,IQO squar�•e f�ut, twu.._s9�ur�y bui�.dang cl�signed fc�r �.�ffic:.� usE�. A �au�d clr�i.u�way irir.J,uc�ir�g �t2. ��r•ki�g s�ac�s �ncir�•c:l�s 1:Nt� buxldiri�. AGC�ss i,s pr•�avi.c�'�d Lhr�uu�h i:he Tr•vinr�i�c�r►�_,Mac�r�� C�,ntK>a�ny p�rkiric,Y ].cai: �:Nir�cauyMi �ar� aer.�ss e��ent�i7i�. l"h� ��rc�l. i� wc�ll. .lanc�sca��d. i.,ar�t�su���d ar�iaas inelcac�e th� b�fnr~e— mc�n�ic.,nEad bc.iffc�r t�.� i:r�� w�.asi:, l�.�w Eau�r•c�w�a�ris anc� fir� 1:r�k�c?s in tai�a ar•�a tr�at s1u�NS downw�tr�d firum �h� ��r��i: i:n i:Ni� t�r�9,v�zw�y, �rid lanciseapiny b�i.wec�n i�h� dr^ivcaw�y and i�Ni� bwix.d:inc:�, The �raplit:.�ni� �^���u��i�s a rar►� change rr�c�m I.._l. (l_ic�ht :LndusLr•i.al.) i:u :I.....p (7:rid�a:>�:ri�al Park) , The k��ail.ciinc� h�ta b�k�n l.i.sl:�c� rur� s�lc.� or fcar� l�ask� ficar sum� i:iin� wii�ha�at :�ucc�s�. TNie ap�al.ic�r�� Ma�l.z�ves i:ri�x� i�he �r����zni: -rc�ninc.� de�:;ic�nai:�.�.�ri c��.��.ca�arayws pr��:�ni�aa��. pui^cht�:tscars �7r leasc��s k�ec.atas� u� i�he J.:imii:�.ad tyK»s c>f u;��s p�rmi.i:'t:�d in i:h� �—l. ••r_one i�hai; caulci ui�:�li.r�a art �.�ffiice haui.�c�iny. Tl�a� I-•�> rcan�! al.�uws � �r•�ai:�?r� vt�ri�i::y �:�f usc�s i�1�ai: woul.d i:ypical.ly ui�ili.;r�a an urfice k�iA�.l��inc� 1:Ni�n th� �..-.I� xcin� all.aws, �r� �ddil:a�.,n, i:hr� a�a�li.c�ni� ass�r��s Lha1�. tric.� exi�>1��.nc� c��?velu�am�r�i: i.� mui^a �y�ai,cal uf :L._.W c��vpl�pm�r�i: i:Ni�n I.��_�. c!�?u�ln�tnEani: b�.ar;au:>�.a ar i:Ni� qual.i.l�y �ncl qu�ni:ii�y c.,f lanc�scapinc� ur� the si:i�e �nd k�eu�us� i;h� i:y��s ur uses i�F►<�i: c��auld k�e ani�i.c:ipal:c�c� �:o c>�.cu�ay i�his k�uil.r�i.ria� afi :runcac.� I:--r> wau1�� h�tue �.6?�5k?M� ir�►paGi:s 1�N►a�ri uses �Nidi� c.�.,u].d occ�apy i:h� biaS.ldir�c� urider� the �xis�:irig :C--�L xuninc�, T'h��,� ap�ala.c:�r�i� �l.sa r•�q�aesi:� ���pr•c.�u�l, c,r a �rc.auic�u�ly r��e.ar•dec� loi: l.i,rtc� adjustan�ni:. :Tn 1984, an �xcl7�r�,e af rauc�hly Far�u�.valcar7i� �a.;r�d ar�a� uf a�aproxim�i:�.aJ�y 3.9'>0 sc��aar�� T�.a�1� ��.c:h uc:cur�r�c�d k�ta�:w��.ar� i�Nixs p�r�cel anc� i:he �d,�a�:�ni: i�dx lat (map 25i. lf��, t�ax 1���1: ?OQ) �apac�n whi.c.Fti I:h� 1:rvin��i�orr-�Mc�ui��c Campany is ],ucai��d, Th� subj�ct: pr�up�r�i�y w�� enlarc��c� �a�►si�war~d and c��ci^�a:t�c� in sa,;•.r.�� un tNi� nur�ta�. 'The �ur•pu�t� nf i:he prrap���1:y exc.h�nc,�� was �o coi7fc�rn� i:h�c� 1u1�: 1in�as 1�u �hisa ar�eas uscad r�r� �ar�kS.ng by i�N�e i:wo �r~ur�e�•i:i�s. 5. A<�ncy and NF?0 ,Camm�.ari�s No cumm�rii:s w�r•e r��<:�iu4�d STAf�'F REPO�T' 7.C; BB-.,0]. Seapnr^i� Assuc.a.at�s _.. F�AGE 2 ,.. _ 4 � , i r r. J, Li, f"TIVp:CN(�S F�Nb CONCIrU��qNS ;' �� �. . It�n� Ch�ric�r� �' ;! "f"h� r�]:av�►n1� c.r:ii�er�i� i.n i:rtis cas� arc� t"ig����d Cc�n�pr�h�nsi.ue Plan , ;: po3.a.ci.es 2, 1. 1, a, 1, 1, 5. 1.4, 'T,1,2, 8,2,2 ae�c� Ch�tpi�er 12, l._�c:a�ic>rial i' Cr�:t�r�.xa, The ��:ai:�wi.t��:� Plannkr►g Gc�a]:s neaacl n�i: k��� �a�c�r��ss�d sinc.e th�,? '' Ci.�y ur Tic�a�^d's Cum�r°t�her�siu� pXan has al.r��ady b�en acknawl.edged, ' �: Thk� Pl�rina.ny ���rr h��as dei��r•mined 1�h�a�1� th►� pruposed t�n�z ehan�� is ��' cc�nsis�en� wii:N� i�h� r~�1e�ant pu�^ta.ans uf i:h� Cumpr��h�nsi.ve Pl.an baspd ;.' upun i;:he finc�irigs n�.�i:�c� haeluw: ;' � 1, P1an Pc�l.iuy 2., 1. , 1 ia sai:isfi�r� b�cau$e N�0 #5 afld �r�r;uundi.nc� �± prap�r°1:y uwn�r•s w�zr�� giv�n r�uLi�� ur �Ghie heari.n ar�d an o�pnr�:un.r.i;,y i:u camn►�.ani: un tMi� a�a�a�.ivan�'s prupo;�al.. �' r� ,;, r� ?_, P1�n Pulicy 5. 1 , 1 is :�ai:i:sfi.�d b�4aus� i�h� ;runH ui�iang� wil]. �11uw ; deue].c,pmeni� c.ctii7sist�r�i� with �:r�� Cit�:y's d�s�r� 1:�., dxuersify i�5 '_ �c.unumi:c �7ppnr�tuniLies arici l:u pr�umni:� i�he gr�owt:h ur Lhe lucal jub �a mar�•kel:, ;;' i: 3. Plan P��].icy 5. ]. ,h is sal:isfi.ed b�r.a�as� 1:h� pr•caposc�c� ���ri�a d�sic�n�tinn air►�ndm�ni: w�uJ.c� nu1: �1#��r i:he L.i.c�rit �ndu�tl�rial. Pl:an desic�rrai�i�.�n, �nc� i�hus nn ac�dxi:ic,nal errcradehiri�i7i: upan r�sic�a.�r�i�i.al ; ��eas w��u�d r��zsult. ;; A. F�lan Pc�la,cy 7. ]..7.. i.5 sai:isfaed Y��cause dd�.�q�aa�:� s�r�vic.e c:anacita.es �r�e �uai.lable a.n �r�e immc�c�i.ate ar•�a. ��; ,; �:; 5. P].an PUlxcy 8.2,2 as sal:isi°icd k�ecdu�� Tr•i-•M�i: ��fi=�rs r�r�ular• k>us F; s�r�vi.ce al.ur�g SW Hurizik��r R��d. Y' ''' 6, Th� Lc�caLi�n�l. Crxi:�ria in Cha�1��.�r 1?.. af' i:hi� plan ar�� sai:i�fi�d f=u►^ i:hie �ul.l.uwir�c� t^easuns: ;�' 4:i- a, "C'h� �i.1:� ia uc�c��i'.�i�iv�ly btafi�'ered froni I:he n�ar�s1� ; � •:�- ue:at�aci w�st: ai� i:he sil>e, ,� r�esid�r►t:ial dr�.a whi�.h is 1 • rc- xs i�u c� r•a hi.c�a�.l Adc��.ta.c.�nal.l.y, i::Ni� resid�nl:i�al. � � p � p �I �fapar��i:t�d rr�am i:he s i.i:e, ;';:; b. Thi� p�rc�.�1 h�s acce�s 1:ca SW F�ur�zxk�r� R�.�ad, a m�jor� 41��.�.�C1:�7Y' 8�1"t�E?�:. ; � c. F�uhalic T�cxlS.ties h�u� ac��quai�� r.a�a�c.il;y 1��.t s��r•v� i:r» �ar�•u��r^i:y , Th� �xis�ing builda.r�g as c.unneci;ad i�u i:h� publ.9.c scwer• and w�►I:�r syst�em�, �' E' i`'. I'-; i'�• �'r 5'TAFF F2�pOF2'1" ZC H8--01 S�?aport AssuciaLes - PAG�' 3 i',, ti � ,,: � � � � �� � � �� �:; }z: ■ � i � d. l"hi� sii:� is �n apprc.�pri��:e sr��p� and gr�edH i:c� ar.cnmm�.�d��e � i:yp9.cal. indu�i:��ia�. �aar�k d�velupm�nt. The par•4�1 �1ung wi.th parcels l�ac�ted �c.rcas:� Hunz�.ker• Ra�d pr��s�ril:ly zuned 1-� f-ur•ms �n aci�c�u�i�el.y si.x�d ar•ea fur iricfusi:r�ial park ;j d�zuelc�piri�ni:. `' e. l"he ar�ea is �lr•��c�y dc�uc�l:oped wii:h a i�yp� c.�f deue7.u�an►�r�� L-ypic�l uf i:he :�.._P xanin� c�i.��rici: and th��^�for•e l.itii�le uo^ °' nu impaci� up��an ac�jac�r�i� �arup�r�i�:ir�s ar�e f'c�reseen fr�•um chanc�ir►g Lhe cunxng ��t° th� sr�� tu I•--P (�:ndustra.�l Par~k). In �c�r�i.�.i.c�ri, mar� �Lh�n 25 ��rceni; uf thi� site is c,urr�nt:].y 1ar�c�sc�pkad as rEqui�^�d by the :L-P x�ne. ;; �, a. 1..��i: L.a.ne Ad j uxi�meni: l"he alr�e�dy r��carciecJ l.c.,i� lin�.a ac�j4isi:m�i71� c�roficarms wi.th the 1ut lin� �djustm�nt a�a�rrc�val si;anciards s�t fu�•i:h i.n Chapi:er� �8, 162.b60 uf i�he Ci.i�y uP Tigdrd q�u�lapmr�rit Gade and wa�h the Cii�y' s Cumpreh�nsiu� Plan. Bu�h par�cE�l m�at�i: i�h� c�i.mensiurial w��uir•�m�rits of 1�h� :L••-p cune, S�r•ucl�ure scatk�ack� un k�u�h par�c�lx ar�� �l.s� sai�i.sried, Th�e a��l.a.cants h�avc� not submi.l;i:�.ac� �vid�nr.e that a jai.nt u�e arid maint��riar�ee �gre�ment f�ar i�ri� shar�d «�cc�ss i�c� t,ax 1��:� 20� anci 2n1. has be�n r•�cur�d�d, Such ;:' an �gr��ment w9.].1 rieed i�o be �^ecur�c�F=d. C, RE:(:OMNiEIUpAT�:(�N �� �: Es�sec� upan th� �bnve fiir►d�.nc�s anc� r.c�nclusic�ns, �he P�.�nning si:afr r�•pcumm�rids appr�c�ual �f- LC 88�--Q1 and M 68••-pl Tnt^ 1:h� S�apori: Rssuciai:es prup�r•ty ai: 82t�5 Hunzik�r� Road subjecl� �La i�hc� fc�llowir�y cc�nc�ii:iun: 1 , Wii:hin 60 rci�ys of= Lhe final d��:i:�i.un c�ai�e fiur� 7C; �Q�-01, M 88•-Q1, " a juini� u�e and mai.ni:enanc� agr•��.air�cni� fc�r i�Pi� sh��rec� �c.cess fur j; tax lu�s 2q0 �nd 2Q1 musL- be r��cur•dcd. d��G��j�r". � .. _.�.�...._...__._..�.._._.__ _ __._..,,..._ ......�.._ .._. . _M._,._ �. ..�._______..�.._ ' PRk.P "D BY, e�^r r�r AF�P12QUk.p BY: Randall R. 4�J�u�.ey Ass •• nt Plar�ner^ Acti.ng qirecl�ur� af Cnmmunil:y Deuelo�amearii: � i �n�:�a�n�za> ; ,, l E � ; 3 i � i , i i S7F1F'�' F2EPpRT ZC 88....01 .;eapt�rL Assacxai:es -• PAG� A , _ _ j , _ ; �, . ,��� � . Q �.� .• r.XHIgr'� .NK~ � � �►� ��1. i, . � � ' tiy�• � , � ' i ` ti•��rl � , , V IY 1 / �fryl l" �• �e\Il� 1���,J"�' � : L��n�+� I O i.. O �v�`J�I�IG . . . � �r � ��. � � � � . � .� �% f7 :� ��' . 0 4; s O , ;'; � \ �i O � � 4};. � Fj ti � p � .� . . �� ' 'S � ,'r• 72&S � ` ` �� i �.�' � �3 S � J;�W � � � � � �� �� � � , �� '��,,��, _�,�, � 3� E � � ; � 'vt�,��F - � � � ��,��,� • � b Y �t / � - � • � 3 �'1�,`�k�+�<� 9 � ,� �s " '�it�`s'k�`� b.$ 7 � � �° '° > '�u a:` 2 � ` . �' °''•Fi��; . '���,�r,Y�,�.� � � ��' q^` �n ��.��{y ` -, j MS �� i .. � � �1 vM� `�����y \ �.: � „ � q � ` ` � `' k �µ .�� ��tL .., f \� �1 1 `` ` � I S �(�a �< � '� I .S ' �`• . '��y \ . �\� f R"Yq� ..�� � � �� , _ . .�� =� . � �✓'�: �°� �� '� . � � ,/ � �\� �.;, '.i^,i� A�� ' '� \C �` A �f } ` .� ��• � / � . 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T �,.,� . � , ;� _ �, G _ „� , ---__. _ _ ...��.��. . , ,: —---, . .---- _ . .. � � ;. �� j ''�. �.: - • _._ . , � � \��� _ � �� ` f ' f'M�o��._.�. _ ._.__ � � �I -1 �, i , 1 __--�. . �' �'�-`. _1 � p � �I r` s� - � � I � ;�o�, ;' 1 , � 36 '� �\\ '''� '�: � � V ~.�►�oui�. i r_:ar��r�iw p►�� y�,�o� ..,,.•, j� � ,., � �I: i �(PD _ ������ -- � ; � T�' I � —�--'� ..j. � . .+ 4'' " '.+� 'i1- ^-� � , .. C � .�. � 'd. � �'� � ' ��, � I . Va � �\ li- I • _ .� t � � � I� � � � .� � ` +� t�r ��� � � ; i • L �f ; �� C � !'j A � j •� i'r--� F�. � �, j ---- ---•-� •�., l c I ` i � \ �,, � � � T f�� .. � s .� '�'� `'� -•-t.._T� t_�w � v +y,� ♦ ` r►�. �cvnt ' .�'�•�`_"'' � a� tLCM[NTAfv � , � ,:;•- � �.lJ � �a�oa : r-i—T--,--,; �� , • � � . � 1 • `��1� C ti '\, .'_�.�.. � �ti / �. �: j , ! f � . ! � �� ./ __..1 , .�' / .��� _ � . -- � , /�� p�- � � •r .. � � � !�.. � � .-- CENTE_R � • ••�•••l R..� �eno �c� . R '�'_T"` .�.. � ,� �_p . ! � ! .� • .. .\ , ,,� . C,✓ (�'t`S, 'i i _. .---- "` n.__� �11-�:_ �!•� • � . , .'i � I �� _ � � � �=—� �.--li._.__,�ti"'. .. � ._., � „� ,, . ,. , �.. � .—,_-r-T --- �`.� --- ..- , ~ o... � ; I /��/1�/y��. � J -- �• -~- � r . . .� . . •� ' '�"„ ..1,_1...� � �/M` \\� �. .L. . . , � • w. . a. . , ; , �:_._—; .._ <, ��` -�-�; , T-T-, . I.,...P ,� _. - - - - � , , i., ' � , � . . . . . . . . , -_��_T_!.._ / �•�, •� , ., __ ' . , �, _�- \\ � • �; �. . � . � � . , � .. ,��.�,�. , . . ... , _ -- -�-•---- ��\�` � ' ' � \ �� � . ' � •• , • , , . ._;T,"'�_ � i � i� � f , ._ f`�� � '� __�..____. � .\ • ��CM O�M/U MIW� _ � � i 1 _��� . _�.. ` �—i 4_-1._ �. ., .. ..� y��_ i ___�_� . .._. .. .... _ .. . .__... \\\\ �\� ' •�•, \\.,;,' �. R~4..�. �;�� : ;� �., � , �, ., . � �. , . . . I . � .. . .�� � . _ ��1 '1 .._ . " ,{' . • ' ' : ` .... . _.__ . .�-' � . ' � . - . . . n � -., � . � ! r: �, ...,..,.r F , ,_*.., . . : . . . , ' .. �4�. ;,-. �., � - I , ,,, , . �•. ..y ;; . �' _ _ AGENDA ITEM 5. 2 " PLANNING COMMxSS�ON MARCH $� 19$8 TO: TIGARD PLANNIN'G COP9MISSION MARCH 3r 1988 FROM: DEBORAH STUART� ASSISTANT PLANNER RE: ZOA 87-07 ATTACHED I5 DRAFT 5 OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS T� SECTION 18.114 (S�GNS) OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE. i ; �i � S ti i F 1 k � 3 � � � I f � ... . _.__ .:.:. ...:.:. :...1 �,�::x��a�.�:x:-r• ��� 1�, 114 S:Lt3NS 1&. 11A,a10 Pur,�G,.sc (�) 'The �ur��rust� c�fi i:his (�ha�i:�r is; (;l) .7..�.� �r•c�i��c:i� i�:ri� hc.a�a].�:Ni, ::�f��i>y, pr'c►�c�r�L,y ai��c� wF�7.far•� c,f t�h» K��ak>l.ic; (2) T� i.iri�r��.�v4� �hk' n��i:, e.l��:an, csr•derl.y �ric� ai�1>r•a�°ti.uc� �a�a�>caar�arice uf th� �:uminun:�i:y, C3) CI"�� xmK�r�c.�uE� �N�� �rr��c:i::iuen�:�s �.tifi sa.gris in ic�k�ril~.ifyxnc� �ruJ � a<�v�r�i:�.s.i.ng k�ia5irc�ss�s;] T'�.� �l.l.aw �rid �rumulr�!......pcasitive., c�7nc�ii�ic�ns,_fc�r�irtia��ing,�,..s,i.c�..rt. ,.�.�. ..�....._..�..__._ u5�rs' r���ds while ai: .th� sam� time auuxdinc�__ nu,isan�:es_..ta ri e�.r�b!L_,...�.'.������i�s,, _..._._....,..�..._. __.._.._�..._.._ (4) "fu pr'QV�.(�k:? rar� sare cc.�ns1:�•�ac:i:ic�an, l�.ticai:i.c�n, er•�r..i�i��n, t�ri� m�irii;��r�ar�c� nr sign�; (5) Tu pr�r�v�ri�: �ar�ulirer�ai::ic.�r� �.,fi sir�ris �nd sic�ri �:l.cai�1:���; ai•id (6) 'Tc� inir�imx.;r� ac�v�r•:�� uxsu�l sar��:y factars t:c� raiak�lic hic�hw�y �I"'iStUE?7.E�t"S, (b) Tn �dcaii�a.ui�, a1: i.5 i�h� pur•����� nr 1�hiis Ghi����:��r� i�c� r��yuJ.�t� i:hc� c�e�:ic�n, c��aa�.it;y ut' iri��,�r�•i.als, ear�sl:r��aci�xon, loc;at�,un, �1c�r:i:r°:i.fi.r..�i:i.on, il.l.umznai.ic�ri anc:1 ir��aa.ni��+n�r�cc c�fi aJ.1 si<�ris vi�:ik�l.c� f��um ra�ak��.i.c pr��c�per��t�y or fir�am r��abl.�.c ric�r�ts��-uf....w�y. (c) I:� i.a n4�i� i:hie �>�,ir��as� nf- i:hi.s Ch�p�:er• i�ca ��r�irii.�: �:Ni� cr•��.:i:iun c�r�� iri�.�.r�t�rianc:� ur ��ny si�n ai: �ny ��l.a�,e or i.n any m�rtr�er~ unlawful urirac:�r any u�:hi�r• nr�clir�ance nr� s1:di;ca 4,r• fi�dcr�1 l.�w, (c�) '1'his C;ha�i:f�r�_...�dupi;s .�� r��r�r��rtee th��r��vx�runs.�.c�f_,_,i�he Or;�c�nr� ..�._........._.._..,. ..._,.�.._._......._........_.m.... Mc�1:c�r�asi. Ini'urmatx��r� Ac:i:�._.qF2�._,377�7pp--377.�92. iB, 1rA.01h pefiinitiuns (�) f�'c�i�• i�h� �ur•�ac.�s� c.,fi �hii.s C;h��a��:c�r, wcar�cis used �.n i�h� pr�Ea�c�riL i:�riyc� xnc.lud� i:h� Pui��ar�e, i:h�� siric��al.ar nuir�ha�r inc.l�ac�e� 1�h» plur°�1, ��sNi�ZJ." a� m�rrc��i�c�r�y �nr.l noi: c�9.r~cac.t:c�r�y ar�c� "k�u�,�.c�inc��� inc.luc��a ���1:M'l.l(:�;UY'EN3� 4�XCt?rJ�: ��51�1'1 3�:p'l,i<:�:UM'E?3. �� (ha) A:.; usc�c� in i�N�:�s i�ii;J,e, uriJ.�ya i:he cc�r��c�x{: r•caquxr��s ul:htcar�wi.se, tN�� f�all.awinc� wur��is aric� �aFir�as�s ariall hav� 1>h� m��nin�s s�t furth xn �:r,�� c,n�r>�:����, (c) Th�:� cl��fi.ni.i:icari� i�c.� bka usec� in t�his Cria�ai:er� awiz ir� addi.i:iuri t�:� Cr�api:er �.8.26 (�kF":�IU:(:'1":CUNS) �nd ar�� �s r-�lzuws; �ON�:: qF2C>ZNf�NC:E� AME'NUMEIV"I" 7.(>A 87_._07 DRAf�.l�. 'i .... PAC�: 1 (3/2/B8) _ _ i � � � t � (1) Ar�a. See:Sectiun 1B�r1A�p65 fur d��ini�iun �r sic�n a�^e�. [7h�� entir�� ar�a wii:hi.n any type uf R�a�rimei�er whi.ch �nclos�as I:he aui�cr� lxmii:s ufi any wr�ii�in�, rerare��ni�a�iun, �mk�leir�, fi.gure c�r� char'cAG�E?Y�. T'hi� a�r�a of � sigrt I�auirig n�.� such p�rim�i:�r or bu�^cic�r sha�.l bp cuir�pui�ed by �nc].asir�g i�h� �n1:ir•� sur•ra�c� �r•�� wxi�Ni�.n a �a�r�alJ.�luc�r�ain ar i:rianc�l�a, i�h�n �.c>mpu�ing i:h�e ar��a i:hGr�•��uf, 'Th�� �r��a or all sS.c�ns in exi.stencc ai� th�.� date �,f �drapi�aun af i�h�is tii:le, wh�ther• cunfor�iYi�.n� or r�uncunfor�mir�g, sh��.l k�� couni:ec� in esi:�bJ.i.shing thEa p�rmi�i;�d sic�n are� ur a].l. si.gr�s �1l.owed � far• an indivir��aa1 husin�s� un a pr���rri�es. Wh4�re a �icyn is � ufi a i::hr�ce-•d�.mensxon�al. c�r• r�uunc� or� ir•r��gul,��^ sc.,l.id sh�pa, 4 i:he l.argest cruss-sc�ci:ion shall b� us�d in a f.lai: p��rajec:�ic.,n fic�r� i:h� pur•�aus� c�r dci�er~ir�ining sigi7 �ar�a.] ; (2) "�." Cioard �,y�. Cterer•s i:a any c�uubl� face i:empr�rar�y ric�'xd sa.c�n. Cwr,i�.n d�,c�s ncai:, exc���c� tw�lv� squar•e fiec.�t p�r '' si,d�, ] i �,3.�_ Ab�nd�.�n�d �, 'x�r,_,n.Y......�A�,sign s�r•uc�ure nut �antaininq a... si.�C,n.. f'or k 90 continuuus d�s �e?r a siqn_ n�t in use fur 90 cont.inuuus da�s, w ... . T . �_ Awr�.in�c __�ign. A si r� incc��urat�d intci�r� attachied ta an awninq, ��wni�siqi�s ,ir�� noi�__.�xtend , abuve 1:he u�,per sur�;fares �aP thc awr�in.g.. s�ruci�ur�e. ._..1�'h� may�k�e_..hung�b�law i:he awninc� ir, �he _ sic�n clears the sidewalk_by _ai: l�ast 8 1/2.Yfc�et,,. __ 4, (5� t3al.loon� See ��c��fini�:i.nri__T..�anc�er__,._. T�m �r•a�..�.�M Si.c�n. 118�1,1A.p15 A5� M� �.6�. Ciarin�r,. �ee derini.i�a.c�ri under 'f��'ra:r�y _....5i.c r� . ::. __.....,.._...__.___._._..____....___._...�.__.__..._.....__.�.....�..__.....,..._...�...._.,_._._ 18.. 11h,015 A5,Z 'II .�_ [(3)] B�nch �ic�n�_ A ber�cr� cl�si.c�riE:�d tn s��t p�upl.� wtiir.N� carri�s 'I a wrii�i:en ur c�raphic m�?ssac�e. G$�_ C�4)] Ba.].1bUard.,. [Se� "Oui�dc�ur• Adu�r•i�isinc� �i,u�n."] BiJ.lbaar�d ,',II , shall mean a sic�n i=ace su �r•ted by a billbnard st��uci:ure. ._._._�. _ 9 Bi�.lba�rd Structure, B' �ructure ��'���� 5,,,�., �,.. , �._. x].lbuard s shal l n►ear� th�. str�uc�ur�al f-ram�wur�k which_��urts a billbc�ar�d� �'' z' �1� [;(5)] Business ,, All af �he �ctivai:a.es car�r�iec� ��n by i�hy� sam� l�c��l���ni:i�y an the ��m� �rema.s�s dnd incluuies ;` eleemc�syr�ary, frat�ernal., r•e�.igiaus. ec�ucai:S.�7n ��r• sacial. ; urg�znixatiuns. °l.ec�al eni:ity�� inc].udes, but is nut ].imii�ed �:, i�u, indivielu�l. prc�K�r�i�i�ur�shi�as, �aat~tri�t�•sM��,�a;;, r.c�rpt�r�a�i;iuris, nanr�r•ufit cor�arai�a.uns, a�suciai:xuns, u�^ jaint s�nck � cc�m�dna.�ss. "�'� k. �`: ,�1.1�. C(b)] Buildinc�� Offici.al. pfific�r� c�r dr�;si.c�rie� af �he Gity �ti �mpuw�r�d Lu �ni'�r�cN the Unirur�m �3uildinc� (.,��de. �; �` � �:. f� 7qIUf: QC2n��iflNCE:; AMENUME::N°f� ZpF� 87-�01 qt7AF'T' S -- PAGE: 2 (3/�/8B) ,` i 4r �' t;• u. i C(7') F�usines� �f_Ou�:c�uur Aciver�tisiric�. ;Cnr.l�ad�y i:he b�asine�s ur ccinsi��^uc.�:a.nr�, �r�ec�l�ing, n��r��t:irig, using, m�air�tdinir�c�, ar� a.c�asS.ng uui�r�uor ad�er�tisirig sic�ns.] `., I 12. C(8)] C:��nsi�r�uci�. E.uer•y i�:yp� ar c�S.spl�y in �Lh� ���rn� of' 1e1:t�r�s, ;` ' f:�u�ur�s� .,_c:h�r'olG{:�!"5, r�zpr�s�nl:ata.uns. �.1� [(9)] Cui:nu�, E:uery �:y�ae ��fi cii,s��.dy ir� i;ri� farm afi 1�i;i:er•s, fic�ur��s, eY�at��a�i��r•s, r���areseni:ai:iuns or� ui:hi�r�s in cul�uut ur� ir•ir�egular i�ur�m �1:t:ach�:�d i�c� or• super•impus�e! uKaan a sigr� ur� aducr�i:i.sinc� sic�n. � �i.A�_ [(10)� Rr�veJ.u,�n►�nL _Revi.ew� �h� sii:e deuelu�m�nt_ rcau,iew pr•uccss � s�i: rur•�h in Chapi�ei^s 18,�.20 ur_ 18, 130 nr 1�.�0. [(1i.) Dir�ectic?nal fi.i�,n�. Ret'�rs i:n dny si.n�1� ��r� duuk�J,� ' far.c.ad, .....� ____ ��r•iriarient�:��r• tkmpar°ar�y si��n c���ign�c� i�a c�ir��acl: or• to gu�.de p�dcas�:r9.�n c,r� ueh�i.c.ul�r� i�r�at=fic.. i: ; , (A) Str�eei:--urienl:ed direitiunal siqns� Any direr:tiunal ' sign 1.�.�ca��d �1.�.,ng i�k�� str��1� fr�un�.ac�e or� n�±ar an �;; acc��s ur ��r•eas �uint un a pr•aper�i;y, Suc:h signs c��ch rcac�uir^e a sign ��rir�i�t �nd payment c�f assuci�i�ec� fcas. �, �;:: (B) On—site �di�^ect:iunal si ns� Ariy dir�ec�iun�l siyri ��•eet�d or l.aca��c� ini:er•n�l.l.y on rE�a]. pr�aperi�y. N�.�+ �ic�r� �a��•mfi: ur fi�e yhall k>� r��c�uir�k�d fur� such si�ns , ` ��a.l].A,a�a(�)(�)) •1. 515� p.irpcf:ional,,.._�.�.n•_......�A_P_?rmanent sign whi.ch i_� desic�ned and �rectcc� _.salel..�... fur the_....�ur�se af _�raffic_, o_._ r ,�destriai�►, dir�eci:iur�_an�laced an the pru�erty Lu which �he,_,�ub:lic., is d x rccl�ed. � �1.6� C(1,2)� Da�,pld.�._...Surfac�.. TP�e �r�c.a� inac�� a�va�.l.�hal.� by �h� sigr� si:r�ur:i:ui^e fur� i�r�n �ur���usc� uf di��layxnc� t:Fie �du�r�ti.�ing or i.d�.ar�tifie�i�ie�n n»ss�c�e, �.17.� C(:13)] Fl�c�runic._....tnf-urmatiun S'x�c n� �nc:].uc���s sS.�ris, c�i��l.ays, devac�s�_. a� pc�r•i�i.c�ns t�;h�re�.�f wi1:h ].i.c�hted cr►�anc�inc� m�ss�c�es i:h�►t char�g� at iritermitl�:pr�i: int�r•uals eacri lasti,n� murc tr��n two .,securicis k�y �J.c�ctr�ariic pr�c�r.ess or r�camui�r� cc�ntrn�., ; �l�ei:r�ur�ic .inf'or�matinri signs ar� nut ic��ni:if9.�d as '' r�c��di:inc�, r�cvaJ.uin�, c�r� m�uxnc� sigr�s, Alsa krir�wr► as ar� j'.s automatic ch�nga�bl.e_.,cu�.._......sx. c..�...n.. °r E?�.QC�:MµtUn1C ,Va�,1P'le3llal.� messa e G�I'l�kt". � .. ._.�_..........._,...w.....�.. ,�18�.. [(14)] Elpctr�ical �igri^_ I:ncludes any sigr� utili.ring �l.eci�ri.c.al wir��.nc�. � � [(15) Exi��rna�1.:�_._];1.].umi.naimc�c�..,�,Si.ar►• Tncl�ades � si,gn i.l,l,utt►a.nat:c?d �<' � E'� fr•um an exl�er�n�l ligrit sour��;e.] �. �s;, �19� C(16)� F_;,.,_ace or a__Buildin � f�ll. wind�w anc� wa1�. arc�as nf �t �� buia.ding iri urie or� ni�r�e �arallel plar�es. `' i ;''. �. j f:: 7qN�' ORC7xIUAN(.",E, AME:NDM�N°f' 1:QA 87--�07 DRAF'"I" 5 —• PAGE. 3 (3/2/88) E I;; �, �� � �Q� [(17)] �lashinc� Siqr�� Hny sign which is xllumiria��d by an � intermi�L��ni� n�^ sr�c�u,entaal f1a�Fiing liu,�h� suurr:e whuse ini:erval is two second� ur le�s in duratiun, ur� which is in �ny c��h��� �e�y_. anim�l;c�d s�., �s tu c:rr�a�� fi;he i.lJ.usi,on of muvc�mer�i: withuut actual physical muv��m�rii: or� �:hp il..lusinr� uf d flash�inc� ur� irii��r�mii:i:�r�i: lic�r�i: �,r� lighit su�irc�. [Fla�hiru� sic�ns du riut inc�.uc�e elect��ur�i� �nfor�mat�S.on s9.u�ns .] .�.t.�_ Flush.,.f?itcNied "Rac�f!' �Yt�.Y1.W.�.... A si,c�n�,a_ttarN��d.._tu a mans�rd or• ai:her^_, t,:,�pe nf �uuf., µ The r�oaf�n le is�equal,i�:u u�pa�er� th�n �ixi� �0� c�earee� fr��m har�iznntal� �uch sur•facex m�, be cunsidpr�ed par�t af a waJ.l su,,,_rface in i:N�� calculatian of total wall area, __All Gode�r_•,avisirans a�plicak�le ,to,_wa11. �_. .. .. si�s sha11 alsr� hae.�apylicabl� i:�q this i:l,�e or sic�n` _... - , ,�2� [(18)] Fr�;ee-•stdndin Si n,_ A sic�ri erec�:ed ancl mc.�urit�c� or� � ...___. _,_, .. fr�e--si�anciing Pram�, ma�t nr� �aole and noi: ai��ach�d to �ny buzlding. ': � 23 _ (19) Fr��way--�rientec� Siqn. f� sic�r� prim�rily d�yi.c�n�c� i:c� b� ';�I r�aad h�y a moi�or•ist i;r�auelin� nn a ha,c�hway dnsi�n�ted by i:h� A�•egon Si�ate Nighwc�y Depar•tm�nt as a fr•r�c�w�y or expr•essw�y; � s��cificall.y, 1:h�sa shaJ.l be Tni�ers�ai�� a, and Ot���gun Si�ate Hiytiw�y #21.7[, �nc� shaJ.l. na1� i.riclude U.�. Maghway 9�W] . L(20) Froni:age_ 'The lengl:h uf i�he pr•u�a�rty linp �f any une pr��miye al.ung a pwbl.ic r�odc�way.� L(21) Icieulogical Sign, Si.c�ns which cummunicai:e a po.l9.tieal, , mur^a]., c�r pM�i.J.nsoprza.c:.�a]. r.c�inn►cnt ear r•�J.i.c�ic�us st�l�cn►�nt which dues nut prumote �ny cummer�c9.a1 9.nt�r��si: ut^ r��rer spa?cifical].y i��,� a �aari:iru].ar k��J.7at me�tsur�e i:u be vnt:ed on in i:he n�xt �leci:ian,] 524,� C(22)] I:mmediate_ or Ser�i.c�u� qan�r. Thxs i.ncluc�c�s; (A) Wheri�v�r� any par•i:ian of 1:he str•uci�ur�e c�amac��c� by fire, �ari�riqu�k�, winc�, fluud c�r� ather caus�s; and mE�mk�er or� .'� appur�t:c�r�ance �hai� is likely �u Tail, a�^ beuume I de.t.ach��d ur c�isl�odc�Eacl ur �u r.��ll�pse and th�ar�k�y injur� p�r•sc�ns ar� c�ainage �arup�rt�l. (B) Whc.ancv�r any pur�i�iah a� th� str�uc.i�ure is nnl: oF surficicant si:renc�i:h ur staba.li�y ur i5 nqt so anchor�cd, ai:i:�r.r��d ur� �asLer�ed in �].ac� sa �� tu be . capab�.e uP r��sxs�inc� a wi.nd pr�essur��a uf one•-half- uf i�hat specified in i�he Ur�if�r�m Bui.].ciS.nc� Cude fur �his i:y�a� �t:r�uc:i:ur�� ur� simil.ar si:rwct�ur�� ar�d wi].l. n�t exc:eec� the warkS.ng si:reas�s pr�rmxtl:ed a.n tri� U.B.C, for such s�ruci:ur�s. i ' �;';: �,; ZONE" QI7DINANC� AMENUMEN�" ZQA 87-q1 �F2Af� 5 w.. F�F1GE A (3/2/B6) � ' i'I 'r:;.:: �, �: . _ , , ((a) Wh�neu�r� t�he lucatiun uf i:he sfgn si:r�uci:ur�� uhastr�uci:� 1�hc ui�w of mc�i�c�r�isi� i:r�av�J,iny an i�h� ��ablie si:r�Ea�ts ur� any place, �rid i:rius ca�ase damage to p�^up�rty c�r tP�carek�y irijur•c �kar�sc�n5. [(7.3) 'T.ncid�ntal Sic�n. L;i�ns dc�uertisfr�c� ur• ic�eni:ii�yinc� ___.__.........__._...._..._....._. assoc;iai�E+<� gc.�ctids, pr•c�d�ac.i:s, ser�vac;es c.�r� faci.lii:�.�s avaitable c,n i:h� �r°an�:is��, xr7eludir�g, k�ut nui: limii:�d i:�, tr��di.rir� stamps, r.:r�c:lai� c.�w�ds �c:c:c.��tec� ur k�rdnd nam�s . ] [(24) .��1CUIT1I�4.IS�:IIJJ�P.WMb7l�:P.p�ia1._ Any m�tcr�i�l wNiich will nu1: a.gni.te at:, or• k��l.aw, a t:em�er�i�ure ofi i:weJ.ve Niunclred d�gre�s �an�k�,r,��.�: t�uring �n eax�asur��e af riu� minui���s ar�d whieh wiJ.l. nai: c.c�ni�i.nu� tc.� k�urn ar� c�l�.,w �t� �hiat i�em�c�r•ai:ur� wh�n i�e��t?d ir� accnr���r�c:e wii:h �i�andar�ds esi:abl.ishkd in i:he Urixfor��ni E3ui.l.cli.ny Cc�cl�,� (7_5) �ndustr•ial par�k: A par•c�l uf larid wriic.h cuir�r�lic�� wit:h i�h�� requir•em�ants s�i: fari:Pi iri CNia�>i:�r• ],8.66 of this C�.,dr�. C(2.6) :Cnternall� Illuinina�ed S�n� Si�ns wi�h �ri ini:er�nal saur^c� afi� il.l.uminai�xun wh�re �ri� 19.c�hit sc�ur�e� is nc��: vi.sik�le firr.�m th� �xi:er�iur uf i:he si.c�r�.a ,�2f�a� L:awn Sic�n:_......._�;�� dcfiinita�.�n urider� T'r�m�ur•arwx_.. Sic�r�, . _........__._.._.....__. ._...._..._._......._.__.....�.._.__.._.__.._�..._...�__._..._.__ _ .18. 11A�n15�A5)�. �,27� l...i�N�t:in�_.niethic�ds... �.� Direci�. E'x�asc�d�.19.c��i,rtg.��r��n�un__tuk�es , an thy�:.___si..c�r�. i �......___..,,..____....�._... — _ _.. � face. _........� � (.2.�. F1asM�inc�;_..._ Lic.�r�1;s, wMiich_..k�link ,_c�n .�ric� aft' rdr►dain��Gr•. ; i n s e�u e n c e_ .._...._.__...�...._...___....._._.. f .�3�_ Tndirecl� nr �'xi�ernal,_ The _ 1'�.�c N�1��nur�ce, is se�arate. ; . . __�__.__,r ....W.. __._ _ _� _ , rr•um �he sic�n�„rac�_ur�....cabi�net and is ciir�cted, su as,_.._tn '' sh�ir�e un�the, sign, .._. A I:ni�er�nal, l"h� li hi. suurce � .... v_..___.........�.._.._._...�.......__..�...� i.s c�ric:�al�d w.r.i�hiri trie _..W____,.._____....._�......._....__.._....._._w _....�._.....__—___ siqn and r�ui� visible.,fruin�he exter�iur�,uf .the,_siu�nW C(2��) M�,xr�tain, Tu pc.armi.i; � sac�r�, sic�n st�r°�ac:i:urc c�r �a�r�t i:Hi�r���f tu curii:intae ur� i:a r����a�ir• ur r�fut^raish a sic�n, sic�n s�r°ucl��are or� ��r�i: i�F��r�r:�c�r, � _ 28� Maint�n�nce. Nurm�l car�e ne�ded i:o kr�ep a_si�n runctiunal F� _ _ .___.� ____..._._. _ r su�h �s r:leariiriy.;_.�iling�._..and rhang,ir�c�,and ,r��,�air of „1'x,�c ht i' k�ulk�s�._�ar�d _ s�n, race�, Dn�s not includeM ��tructur�al � ---- _ __.___._.. . . � ali��rai:�.nn. .�'_ �29 Nr�ncnnfar•mi.n �' _..._..�.. ...._:.._....�......_.._...__._.5 ��..�:........,._.�.�x.�i�c�r s i qn��i�r�u r.tu re 1 awfu 1�. ' er�cted and_�r�erXl�_u�aini:ained Lhat wuuld nut be alluwed — .,. .w ur�der t;h��. sx r� r�� u7.ai:zaris r�s�ntl d ]�x�:abl� tt� thp site. '' ._.......__..___�.'...._.W....�..._.__._'�.......__._._...__._.�?._..�.._.._....11...._.�.�..__._._.._ . .. _ ;', ��„�.O.Z L(�9)] Nuns�ructural Trim. 'Trie mulc�irigs, baLtens, uaps, ri�iling ; si:r�i�s ar�cl l�i:�ici.ng, let:��r�s anc� w�tkways whi�.h� �r� ai�tach�d to a sic�n si:ructure. 7QNE: ORCI]:111F�NGE:: AM�:NC)MENT ZQA 67-..07 DRAF'T 5 -- PAC�' 5 (3/2/6B) 4' � i , I : __ } [(30) Offµ:,�.remises _5ign,� Any sic�n ineludiriy, I�ut ncxL 1ims.�ed t;o, a paini��c� s�:gn. I:�m�aur�ar�y si�n, �ermanc:�n'L•• s�.gn c7r� uul�c�c�c,r '� ad��r•ta.sing sxc�n, whic:h sic�n ac�uer�i�i.s�s guc�ds. �ar�ducts or�• <� ser�vic.�s whicHi �r•� nc��: suld, mariufac.t�:ur�cl c�r <�isl�rsbutcd ��n ar frum i�he pr•esmisc�s ur a si�n whieh advpr•i;i.s�s a busi.n�ss or fac.ilii�iers r�c�t: lacai��d an i�Ni� �ar•emis�:� e�r� wha.c:h �hr�� si.�n is �.�.tir.at��d,] C(31) put:do�r�w Advertis�n�, ur�u E3altbuar�d .��__ Sir�r� a�,nsi�r�uc.ted, �r�eut:�ci ar�d inainLairtNC� by � p�rson li.c�n���d �u �nc�age in tri�.a bia:;a.ri�ss c�f uui�c��.,c�r �c�vc�r��:xsinc� ;�nd Wr,xGr, sa.c�n is �ri uff•--pr�mxs�s s�.c�n;] sup�aurLr�d k�y � subst��arii�i:�l per�man�nt sic�n �i�i^uci:ure with a da.s�J.�y surfac� ur c�i.splay surf�c�s pr•i.marily dasic�n�d fur� 1:Fi� �ur��ause c�f pai.ni�ing ur pasl�anc� ac�uer�i:ising m�:sadc�� �:hic.ar•�c�n ��: �a�riud�.c ant<�ru�►ls, anr� wh��r•� cu�tumar�ily, alih�u�h r��t �xclusiuely, t-.hre �ase uf i:h� dis�lr;�y �ur°rar.c� is 1�!asec� �c� u1:Fic.�r pc�rynr�s. ��.�me�:;im�s r��i''er�r•�d tu as "Bill.buar•ds".] 31. ►tiain�Hd 5i n._�Means_either;.. �a� Painted Wall f7ecuraLiun�. , paint�d _wall d�c�r�i�ian� �r•e ., dis�,l..�....�,s �,.�anted d�r��ci�l�,nn a w�1.1 and ar�� ..�.�.__...._....._. ..__.�.._._.... ...._._ d�si n�d and intenc�ed,_�s ��d�c:ura;�i�e ur urnam�nisal fe�tut�.e�wl�eco�atiuns ma1+ alsa irir.lude .lic�htinc�,_� .� .�b� Pain��d Wall Mi hili,c�ht:s.� Painted wall h.'xc�hli hi:s_..ar� �airi�ed ,are�ts whii.r.h._._..._h.i.c�hlighl� ___a.._.._,bui,l.ding's ......�__,,,..,_._.._.. architectural or� sGruci:ur��l featur�s. (32� i?er�snn._ I:ridi.vidu�ls, c.�7r^�ae�rai�S.uris. �ss�cial:iur�y, firms. � raar��nershi�s a�rid juint: st;uck ccampanzes. I C(33) F�lastir Mat••erial. "I"F�c�s� m�i:�r•i�ls niar�� wh�cal..ly c.�r� ��rti�a].ty �, 1'r�u�n si�ar�c�ar•cii.z�d plasi:ics listt�d a�rid c��scr�i.k��r� in the I, Ur�afur•in Bualdinc� Ccic�� �.�r• a�pruved �al.�s�ir.y wr�a�sh ha�ie br�n I a��r•av�d k�y �r�e Under•writ�r�s I�ab�r�a�ur•y far u�� i.n cc�nstr�uci:xon nf elec.tri.r.al. sigr�s ,a I [(3A) Political.�Siqns_ Si�ns prumui�ing a�^ up�au�ir�� a canc�ic�al:� ' or• m�a�asure i.ri a sp�c9.fi.c� c�l�c:i�i.on,] ,�33.�. L'.(3�)] Premis_es . One ar• inur•� lui:� un wFaich ar•� cans�r��aci;�d or an wr,�Cr, a�•e 1�c� bca ec>r�st�ruci��r� a builciir�� ar� a gr�aup of bu9.l.c�ings ciesigned as � uriit. [(36) pr•�.7;,�c��in S. xgn�. Sigr�s ��tri�r� thran a wa11, si�n wha�ri p�^oje�:ts frain a lauilc�xrtg,] �,3"�,�, F�raj,�ci�_in�:...,Si..,grL;...,,._F�..sign ,atLachtd tu a k�uilciinc,�rai�her._thari a_µwa].1 sic�n in wh9.eh i:h+� s�n,,�face��i� not ar�all�l:i:o th� .�.._._�. _ .�. .... wall. 5uch si n shdl.l,_n�� pr�r�je�i� abuv�the wall of ��hr� buildin tu which it i�_ a�t�ched�;exce�here there a.�s, an �xasti.n,�ara�ei�,,, � �q�lE OF2p;CNANCE AMENDM�NT 7_QA 87�-07 pRAFT 5 — pAGE 6 (3/2/88) . _ . ..... . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. ..... ... . ... . ... . .. ....,.. . . .. .. .. . . ... .. ... . .... . .. .. .. . . . ,. . � � � .� t�>,i t`? j:' P: �G::r ,'. �3fi,� C(37)] f�rc��c�iur�:.. T��� dis��ric�.a by wh9.�F� � �r�ujecti.ng sic�rti s extenc�s frum a hauil<�inc�, ; �3�',�. F�uk�l�c , Sz.c�ri�._.�,�_..�xyr�s ...., 1� al,�:r�r�cted fur� traffic t�r ,_._. ..,r.�..�.._�..�..._..�.. S.n�or�iiiatxunal. �aur��as�e:�...�,._b.,�,�.,ur� c�n�;,�„�„�eh�lf- ,of a�quv�rrnn�rnt �!, ag�n�;��� � (38) Rcade�r� B�,arcl ti�n.. Ftny sic�n wi�hi chi�n��aYa7.e �::upy �� me�s�ac�e, �xc�pt W�].ecLruni4 inrurniatiuri szgr��. �3��„ Roc,f L.,ine:_. T:h� t�nP.�_�d.c�e .�,uf.^,_�a�,rnuf eu��, sian facia�.,._wal.l. sur�racet or~�_,,,,builc�,inc�.......,...P.a..�;.,....r�pet�_ whichsv�r i� h'x,,,,�c,her,1 ��xc.ludin�"�,.a� eu.polds.. chiininE�s�r;_nther� mxnc�r �a,ru�r.i:inns,:, ,.�qo� C��g)7 Ronf S�n, A sign �r��ca�i:�d �a,��^1�ially ur� full� upur� ur _.. ciar�ectly ak�c,vc� � r•c»i' �:�r� ��:ra��ei� uf � �uilding c�r• , str�u4i:ure. �xce,�,tiuns, ,�„�pr�ovpd i:�mpurar�„ballouns and { '' si ng_„s__��r^eci::�d .�.u�.��n_.w exa�t:inc�_..,...architectur�al�, featur�s ��^ .�ara e1;s, ^ ._�....�.�..._..__._ �4...1.:� C(40);J Ratai:in�,�,..�evo,lvin_g_,ur• _M��ving�Sic ri�. Any si.c�n, �,r �nr�ticin , ; uf � Sign, whi�:h muv��s in �ny mar�n�r. [(41) Si.,c�n. Ari �dv�?rti.sinc� si,gn, �.�utc�c�ar ac�ur�r�xsinc� sign, [on--pr�►rii.��s si�tt,a C�is�alay,] ��m�aur•awy �i�n, �em�ur•ar�y `� sic�n c�9.sK�l.ay, m�ss��€�, li.c�Ni�: (oi:her i�han a c��v9:ce usec� �r^imar�i.ly 1��., i�.lumS.r�aLe � k�ua.l.c�xrig ur� a pr�mis�s), embl,�m, d�ui.c�, f-i.gur�� e.,r� manri�r�«iri. �aairtl�i.ng, c�rawing, plar.�r•c�, posi��r nr ui:hr�r� thing i�P��at a.s c�esigr��ad, us�d ur i.r��enc�ed � � ' fur� ac�ue�^�:isi.ng p�ar�ac�ses, ur� tc� irirUrm ��r �:u �ti:r;�ci: i�N» < attc�ni:i��n ar i:hp �aubli.c, and 1MG�U(��5, wh�r•e applicab.le, �he siu�n str•uc:�:urca, c�i�p�.�y sur�faacs �nd d11. ai;h�r com�ann�r�t �ar�ts of the si�n,� �2� �.ic�n...._Ma�erials .�l.ac�c�, or��canstructed,�r•im�r..i�,�t�c:c�nvey_ i ` a messac��ar��i:her c�is�la,� ar�d which can_be uiewed from„ a ri�Nii��raf--•wa� riv���...Mraac�way_ ur��riUther� propert� r�r fr�om � ' the air�•. .���. �4...3�. C(42)] Sic�,ri.�tr�ucture, Ar�y si�r��.ic:i:ur�c whicri su�pc�r~i:� ur a.s cdpab].� �f sup�aar�ting �ny si�ri as descri,k��d in i:h� Unirar�in Bui.ldi,ng Car��. A si.u�ri si�ruct:ur�ca may ka� a si.nc�J:e �ac�.l� aric� may ar~ ni�y nut k�� an ini:�c�ra.l �aar�i: of a �aui�.c�ing. ' � �Q...��_ S�:ruc�:ur�al F�ltera��:c�n. Mc�difica�aon af the size.� shap�, u.r Hiei�Muf-. a si�r���i:�ucture. Alsa includes r•��l�cesnent, o� , �.,____... ;, si,c�n _.,sl:ructur�e.� n►aterxals� with�, otrier .trian cn��rable ai:erials for exam lp metal. ar�s �e laci.n wuud ar•i:s, m ____�____Y? ...�...�._ :.��. ._..�..,._.w.�...._..��..�..._.W.._.t�._. . ,......... ;<; ZQN�: 017U�IUANCE. AMI�'Nt�M�.�i„f. ZQA 87..��07 U12F1F"�" 5 ._. pAt�� 7 (3/2/68) � ;, [;,' ��:: . x.;-. �' .. . . _ ,. _. _ ...._.__ . _.�,._.. (AS.� �(h3)] "f�m��^a�..�Si,c�n,� �ny �ic�n, ��F��� k�par�d rr•�me, bdnner, lawn,� __.... c�r ball.ucan [or• ac�u�r�isinu� di.spJ.ay] wha.cF� is noi: ' _.._.....,......,,.___.._.__.__. rac���manent.ly �r�ci:�c� or �erman�ni:Zy affixNd i�o any sign s�Lr�uct�ur�, sxgn L••aw�.ar, i�r�e c�ruu.,,.�nc�.�, �r� bui.�uinc� �ricl wPtich is na� an �l.ectrical s�.yn ur an ir�i��rr►aZly i.l:tumin�ir•aci �ign or• un� w�.i;hi cNiaric�e�k�lca mr�ss�c�� chara4terist:ie.s, �a� MI"em�ar�,_,y,�1Y',�, Riaid S'x.,�,cn�, A temp.ur�r,y si n „�u�hr�r• tNran � lawri sa�, madc �f._.._r•i id materiaJ.s such as w�t�c��. .C?�.:L..�.��r_..�.5i:ic. WS�e��c�ion 18. 1].A�100�c,� M .�.k��. E3all.aan._... An_ i.nflai.,�k�le t�mpcar�army sign��nr.h�urc�d_..�?Y '' �nme means i:n a str�ucture un the�ground. �Cnclud�s sim�l�_r�hxldrens'�k�allau_,,:_rist. rirat dnc� culd �i� k�a1l�,ari�, blim s,� and _. other._.� cii.riq.ibles.�._ See_. . Saci.a.an , m�.. ..,..__._....._. ,,....._.. : 18��lA.090.�e_.�.� �.�, l3�annr�r•�..... A _sa,�,g„r�_ made �f fabric , or ut:her_ nnn...r�i�.�'ad� niai:er9,a1 w9.th no enclosi,n�, fram�wurk,.�,_Se�Seci�,zun ' 1 B�1„1 A:_l OQ..�.�..�..���� �w �. . . . .. _C,�.. l..awn S�n:.�...A_ ..tcm�,ar�r�.Y..,.�f'ree-...stand,9.ng���, wr,�Cr, i.s , --......_._.._.._,ti. __..._.._ .....�..._ �xe.�t.__.rr•am_. s,ign_.,_.�a.erm.it.�,regui_,remerii�s.,._._... SeN S�ctiun ,.�.�.....�._ 18..:..114;06q..�b..�...�.?.�W,. _ ; .,(A6� Tenarit Siqri......._.. A _s;,c�.n ._�.l.aced in _cuntrol nfi_a_cur.r��nt tenani: ar�� __.W.....__.._._......_. ..�........_..__..._..�.... �r��,e r�ty__owr»r�.. (47.).. C(4q)� llnafcit^m . E3u,xlc�in�.___,C�nd��:.. T'h�r� mc�si� r��ceri� �i�ruc:i:ural. aric� ` s�a�cia.lLy�.nr�•egun Unirur•m Bui.ldin� (�udN as ac�u�at�d by th� Or��c�ori De�dr�Lmeni: c,f Canur►�rce, and wFiichi Ur�i.f�.�rm fival.c�inc.� Cuc�e, h�y �:his rE�fer•enr.�, is incur•�au►^ated xn i�his i:itl� �Lo th�� ex�enl� ur s�a�cifiic cii:�i�ic�n� i�her�ufi in Lhi� i:ii��.�, '' .(h.8� C(45)] Wall .._Sic ny Any sic�ri �1:i�aeNiEd 1:0, paini:ed un, or �r����ct��d .�._......_ agairi�t tr��.a w�l�. e�f � k�ui].cii.nc� c�r• s�r�uc.�ure, w9.tNi i�he c?x�aus��ci fa�;e ur i:he �ic�n S.r� a plane �ar�al�.�l i:n th� plane c�fi �h�.a wra.l 1 , 18.. 11A.024 P�r�mi.ts_F7equir���d (�t) Nc:� sic�n sh�1l. hi�r�afL�r� Paca er•c�c.i;�t�, r•�-...er�ecl:ec�, cc,nst:.r•uc.tcd, si�ruc�ural,� a.lt��r��d or �^�l.oc:ai:�d withiin �N�e <,i,L-y 1.9.mii:s �xc�p� as p��uuic�ed hay t.hi.s t9.i::l.e, arid a pNr�nii.i� fc�r• i�Fi� s�me h�s ha��n isau��l k�y �:h� f�ir�eci:or� and c�E��ignl�e, f,. (b) A sep�rai:wa per•ma.t sh�].1 bc� r�er��ai.r•cd ror� edch [;a] si.c�r� �,r• sae�ns ficir ��ch husa.riHSS �ri�ity ar�cl a s�pa��ate �aer�mii: sh�al�. hae r�c�uir��d f-at^ eac�N� cyraup of signs on a si.nc��.e suppc�r�ting str•uctu�•��. (c) r� s��ar•ai:� pE�r�•mit shal.l b� r�quir�d wl•i�n it zs �ar�o�usad tu remavc� a si,gn rr•um i,l:s suK��ac�r^�:i.nc� s�r•uc.�ure fur i.ts r�pair anc� ir►airit�nance. �:. (d) SeK>ar��e str�wc�ur�l. p�rm:its uricier i�he UniPar^m Bui].di.ng Cude shal.�. a�.sa a�aply. xplU� ORpI:NF�IUCE�; AM�:NpME'N"I" 7.UA 8'7__.01 pRAF"'I" 5 — PAG�. 8 (3/2/88) '` ii;, (e) :In addii:iun, an �l.ectr•a.cal ���ar�mxt shal..l Nae abl•:aS.nc�d rur a1.1 i1,luminatec� si.c�ris, fr�um t:Nie erif'ur�ci,rig ac�ericy, subje�.i; te.� t��c� pr•uuisiuns uf L-he State El�ci�i��ical C��de. 1_R. �,1 ti.nu.n. r1G�i�il Pi3.S"'i'.i"c+�i:iC�il bli'1Gi f1.[J"�iF�lul/pt.1_h'.r`IiC:E�S� (a�) '1"he a��a�.ic:ani: ror sic�ri ��r�mit [struutur�e] �ar�opn�a�.s u�w_sian cad� excc.!�txuns shiall. k�� th� r�E?CC1Y'(�N(� uwrier af tNi�.a �rn�a��•�y �,r� an �qeni: au�f�nr•�.••r.cad in wr•itiriy k�y i�he «wri�r•. (b) A Pr�r�-A�ap).ic�tion Canfcrence w9.�h Cil:y si;�ff- is r�c.aquir�ed, S�c� S�ci�ian 18,32,n40. (c) D�a�z i�c� �c�ssi.ble �.h�tng�±s an Si�ate stdtutes, ur� r•kgit�nal. c.�r• 1�.7ca�. pol:icy, inror•m�i:ian givc�n r�y s�aff tu i:he appliudrii: during thp Pr��-��A�p�.i.cai�xi�r� C�nrer��ric.�.� i.s ua.li.d fur• nc�i: mcire �:r��n fa marithis. (1) An��i:her pre..wA���alicai:iun (,unfar�cnce is r•�quir��d ir any �r..cessor�y �as� ur str•�aci:ur•E ap�J,ir.�t,iun is suk>mil:teci E� moni�hs arter i:he Pr^e--A�plica�ian Conferer�ce, (2) Fa9.l.ur°� �.,f i�Ni� [)�.r�.actc�r t:c.� �ar•au�.de ariy c�f tr��.a ini't�a�m�ai:x�,ri requir�cd by i:N�is CF�a�ater shal.l nui: cansL-ii:ui:� a waiv��^ ur Cr�a si::ancl�rd, c.r•it�r•i� �.�r r•r�c�uir•em�i•�i:s ��f i�hie aK>{•alica�:ic�ris. (d) T'he Dir��c�ar sha].1 a�aprpue, a�apr•uve with candi.i:ians ur� c�c?ny any a�aplic�l•:i.an fc�r a s3.c�n p�r��mii., �"hc� C�ireci;ur sFi�tll. a�a�aJ.y t:he st:andar�ds s�i: f�yr�th in [��ci:iuns 18, ].].4,nB0, 18, 11A.09b �tr�c� 18, i.14. 13C� ofa t�his [Cudc:�] CM����i�� wheri r��?vi�wiric� an �K>plicai�i.on ; fur� a �xc�n, (e) l"hic� de�:ision ��fi i�he Darectc.�r m�ty k�e �tK�p��alec� in �c.cc7r�•d�tnc.� wa.i�h Sr�cl�ion 18,32,310 (a) , �The Polluwin 5ha11 ua1xP tu havE ' �. m_,._._�....._..�.." ._�1._..__.�._..�.!__.,..._.,....._.._......' ; st�ndinc�as a...�-ar�..;_. (1) Any per•sc�ri whn ri�s k�e�!r� c�rcler�d k�y tNie pi.r�c.i�ar i:a r�muve a sic�n, a.l1�c�Nd Lo �ae i.n uiul.�ti.c�n uf i:r�xs Cha�ai��r; (T_) Any p�rsc�ri wN�c�s4a p�.arnii.L ��.ti r�r��ct �,r• a1i��r a sxc�n ri�s b�eri r•cfused ur �^ravokcad unc���r i:hi.s (�ha��l:c�r�; (3) Any p�r�sari se�.akiriy ari �xc:�pi�i.un frum i:h� pr��vi.si��rts af- this (ahapt�r; (A) Any pE7rsc�n ac�v�r�s�.ly arr���:��� k�y a c��i��.�r•mxr��tion uf nur�cunformity by th� Dir�taGi�ur• uru��r S�ctiun 18. 114, 1].0 r�f i:hx s Cha�ai:er�; (�'�) Any p�arsari c�i�her�wi:�Ea �cau�r��ely aff'er..i��ci k�y a cl�i�eririin�►tac�r� ` maci� unc��r i:his Cha�i�Ear�, � ::' (4') Nca hear�iric� k�efiur•c i�tie Gummxssic.,n shi�J.l k�e gr�arit�d rr�um a cl�c�.si.�.�ri by thic� qi�^eac��►^ un�.ess i�he ap�a�aal is fa,l�d wii:hi.n 10 c�ays ur i:he deci s iori, 7:QNE;•; QRq�NANC�: AM�.Nt7MEN'T' 7.qF� 67--07 qRAF"I" 5 _.. PACE: 9 (3/2/89) ': I, � ; (g) A�aplicat�iun rUr� hNar�ir�g sF�all nut �i�ay �h� actiun ut� trin I�ir��tur~ unl,ess i�hc� a�aK>1ir.�rii: r��u�:�si�s a �t�y aric� �fi��r• �p��r�c��ariate r�ul�ic� �r�c� hc��r�ir�c�s, Lh� I�:ir��.i�ur^ <��te�^inines i�hat. sp�r.i�ic �lAk/�].r s�f�ty cc�nsicl�r•��:�.c�r�s c,ui�we�.c�h i�hE� c��l,�y c>f L••h� ar.Lian fiar� 1�hFa h�e��r�9.nu� and r�vi.�w �ai^uu�ss. (h) l"hE� L7i:r'NG�CII'" is �ui�Mic,ri:-r_�c� �rid c�xt^ee�ec� 1�c, er�far�c:c a1.1 c�fi i:rika pr•uui.siuns uf 1:his Ch�a�al��r. (].) A1J. s�.yn:� fa�• whtic;H� �a��r�mit�s �r•r� rer�uir��d sh�.11 k�� i.ns�>�ci:cac� k>y the [F3u.i.lr�iric� Offi.c:ial, ] 1�ir•�cL�rw (2.) Upc�n �r�E�:terit:atiun c�fi �ar�u�c.ar� c.r•ec�eM:i�a].s, t:hc� [Buil.dir�c� Ofifiicial] C7irpc.i:or� n►ay r?nt�r at r^�asort�bl� �iiri�s any _.�...�...,_.....�. k��axlc�ang, str���aci�wr�c� ur� �ar��.amises in i;h� Ca.i::y tc� pc�ri'ur�m ar�y ci�aty im�aus�d up�n i�h�e rausiLiun by i�h:is (�ha�at�r. .�_ S.�x�..n�...�'.Ear�mi�L._.anc�...sic�n_ r,�od��xe��pi�i.�:�ri.f��s will be set � _rr�salutic�n �f 1:ri e C x t��Cu u n c i 1� .------._......�.....�_____�...._. ].8. i.lA.0A0 E:x�i►^.atic�n c�f A�a��ova1 ��1�:and�ir�ds fur E:xi��nsiun t�f l"xnt� (a) Sic�n ��r'�mit appr~cival May �:N�� L79.r•�?�ui:ar^ shaXl bN Nfif-�e:i�ivE� i'u►^ � p�r•ac�� c�f 9t� c��ys fr�nm th� d�at� c�i= ��aK>r�c�vaJ. . (b) Th� si�ri K>�ir�ini.t a�spr•oual by i�h� �ir�ci�nr �ha11 �.��as� if; (�.) .;uk�si�arii�i.a1 caristr�uc.i:i,e>r� c�i= �h� a�aK�r�cau�c� pl.�ri h�s nc�i�: k��c�uri w�.i:Niin t�he �0-•-day �a�r•ic�d. (2) C��r�ai:r�ucl::i.un urt tr►E si.�c? i.4 � de�K>ar•i:�ar•c f'r•c.7m i:h�a ���K�rc�v��l w�1 ari. (c) `l"ri� Dir��c.i�ur• sh�l.l, u��c�n wrii�i��:�n r��?q�aest by i�he aK��a:l.i.c.�ni�, c�r•an� an �xi:��n�S.nn ar i:hP ap�r�pual �aNr•iue� r�ui: t�u �xce?�c� 90 �ays pr�ouie�c�d tht�t; (i.) Nc.� ch�anr���s ar�e m�r�� c.7ri 1�MiP �.,rxc�rri�]. sic�r� ��r�mii: pl.an �� a��►��uu�d hay 1:h� i�ir��ci�ur,' (2) +I"h� a�a�al�.c�ri�: c�n shuw in�:�ri�L ofi i.niti�at��.nc� cG�nstr•uctic�n c�f � the sic�n wii:h:iri the 9Q-..�c��y �xt�nsiun p�riud; ar�d s z ! (3) "C'hcre have� bcac�r� ry�� charrc��s ir� th� a��al.i�:�k�la �aulicies anr� ! qr•c�iriancc� �arnuisi�ris aric� Unit`ur°m Buildi.ric� u��t�e pr�nuis9:uns � ori whr.ch thE a�apr�uv�l. w�s b�s�d, ' 18. 1].4,054 ._._..xnsCaa�ci:xur�s (�) G�nr�r�al. . Al.l. cc�r�si:ruci�i:ur� wai^k fiur Wr,�Cr, a �akarmil: i.s r��c�uar�r� �ha�.l. k�� subjkc;t i:a an xns��c,t:a.nn by i:hie Bu�.lc�a.nc� Ofri.cial �aer i:h� Uriafc��m F3ua.lt�iny Cc�c�� ari�l t:his ti.tJ.e, i 'i LUNE ()Rp:CNAN(�E AMENpMk:IU�" LpA �7--07 QRAFT 5 -- f�AGE 10 (3/2/88) i; i � _ _.._. _ � (].) Fl surv�y cai' i�a�� ].4�1� t�t^ preape�rs�c� Tc�catiurt fc�r� sic�n �r�cci�auri inay h�e r��q�a:ir�=d k�y i:h� f3ua.�.ding Offi.ci.a�. tu v�r�ify campl.i�en<:� af th� str°uci�ur•� wi+�h a�p;^o;;:�t� �a�aria . (2) N�ii:h�r� i:rie �ualc�a.ng prfiaa.al nur �k�r� jur'isdi��:XUn sF�all b� li�bl� f-c�r� �xK��r�s�, c�r� ai�h�r• r�bl:ig�atxc.,ris, �r�•caiJ.�d a.n i�.:ri�� rern��v�.l ��r r�eplacciri�n� �r �ny iriat�rial r��c�uirE�d t� al.luw inspec.tic�n. (b) Tn�ec��iun R�ests.,, �:t sh�al.1 Yaka tri+� clui:y af �:Ni� ��i^sun c��.�inc� trik+ wur•k awthurzc�d by a p�ripit tu r�u��.fy i:he �3uil.clirsy Ot'fic.i�l 1�hai: suc:Ni wur�k i� r°�ady fcsr� xns�aer.t�i.cirt. �"ki� Bui.tciinu� Official; m�ay r��quir��� i�hat �v�r�y r��qu�si� fur ir�speci:iun be fil.�d �t lea�t cane warkinc� day k��fc���e such iris�a�ci;i:an is desir�d. (c) Requir•ed �Lr�. spectioris� Reir�rarc,i.nc� �t��l c�r si:w•uct�:ura1 f'r�m�wuir�k ��f �ny �>ar•i. c�fi ir,� ����p�,��� stru�:�wre shal.l. nc�i: ka�:� �:��ucr��d �,r � cc�nceal�d withaut rir~�L u�tazr�ir�c� a�aproval. �f i;he Bua.l.c�in� Of'f'icx�l, _(d� Fnund��i�an _, i_.,_ns�_e<:i�iuns sh�ll b�,_�, mac�r�, afi:er �all , r�e uirr�d �_ ..�.� ..... , excavai:iuns�fo�m work, bolt _settin s ar�,e sun_,�leted _and r�ea�..,to rec.eiu� concr�ete. ,�e,� A11 anchoi^ac�es sr�a11 k�r�l�fi�e�usecl.,, fo�in�cti�n�, ,�f� �1eci:rical ins�ectinn sh�ll......... bp ,�mad� �,b�the�, ac�,enc� issuin� elec�ricdl_.�ermits ,, -- ° �,�.. Fi.naJ.:Tnspec��icans._ F'inal insp�c�iun_ shal.l. ,b�c.a11�d fa„�.r�,_� the. applr.eant wri�n all wor�k fs cu_,,,�m�lei;ed, This i:ns�ecti,un shall �over all items _, required.,_�, th��uildi.nC!_. Officral. und�r Stat� 1aw ur� Cit� u,..rdinance such as th� lucatiuns�.,, ].andsca ina_,it` r•e�c ui��d and qer►eral c:o„_m�,l.iance ...with.._th�Ma�apruved_,�,laris �nd���q,u,�,i.rements� oF, i this title, M � .._._._..�....w._.�.._.,....__ � 5.8�114.06Q.__. Sic�.n �,�xen�tiuns � __ _ . (a) 1"h� fc�ll.awir►� si.gns aricl c��a�rai;9.�.,ris �sfiall riut r�quir�c� a si.c�n permit i; �ada� sF�al.l cortif-�rm t:a all uth�r applicable rec�u.latxuns of i;ha.s i: Ch�pt�r an� i:he pr•ouisi�.�ns of subsec�ic�n (�a) Fa�luw; x ;: C(1) Sic�ns a�iver�tisir�c� exclusi.ur�ly i:he sale, ►^�r►�a1 ur l��s� �f ` pr�emises un whic.h the sxgri� are l�.tic���c�;7 :; , G(2) Me�nnr•S.al sxgris ur i:�blHts, na�mes af ha�.axlc�inc�s and da�4�s ut° j:.' ereeti.an, if �ii:her cui: i.nt.c� ar�y m��unry sur•fac� ar� ;,! cunsi:r�uct�d uf- k�r�ar�z� ur^ ai:h�r i.ncumk�usti.bl� mai>erial; ] ;�; ;> [(�) �i:c�ns c��r��.�i�i.riy �:h� arcrii.tr�ei:, erigin��r�, cc.�ntr�ac:trar•, arid sxmil.�r� irif'orm��ian concernxr�g � subdiu�.�iun ur d�ael��m�ni: `'` anc� plac�d �,n the ccensl�r�uct�.Un sit�;� ? � ;:! ,'`; . �: �� `r,' ,. IUN� QRp:CNAN�� AMEIUpM�N'1" ZOH 87--07 DRA�'T a �- Pf�GE 11 (9/7./66) (:: I j;! r,. k _ . �; C(A) �i.�ns d�na�:i.nc� on� tim� cl�ar��rtce sa�.�s ur huus�riuld g��a�r�� (e,c�. a �ar•age sal.e);� �(5) Si.c�ns K>r���m�al�inc� c,r• ���pusi.nc� �a �andic�ai�e ur ni��swre ir� a sp�cira.c �l.�ci;xun:] [(6) �;d�c�J:r��i.c.�1 si.gr�5;] C(7) tiigns c�f t�m�aur��r•y r�ai�ur�� �c�u4ar�ising �uents ur~ �ar��c�uci�s fur s�],e fur nuript^uri1: ur�c�aniz�tiuns,] I (1,� C{6);� Si.gri�: �.,r � t�mp�.,r•ar�y r�ature whi.r,h m��.at a1J. afi i�:h��.a f�ui�.c�winc� l':I'"X�;f?1"1 i�: (a) "fh�er�� is n�.� n►ur�� i�:han une tcmp�:��^ary si;gri un i:he� p�•�mis�s; rur �acki i:�mpur�ary sign in exc��� uf L-he une exen►�al::�c� si.c�r� � �empc�rary sx�n ��:�r�mi.i: 5P►aJ.], k�� r•�c�uir•ec� as �rc�vid��d in S�ci:iun 18, 114. 1p0, and (b) Wal.l �agns c�r wa7.1 barin�r•s wr��.Gr, d� no�: �xce�r� eighi:c�en squdre f4�� an area ur Pr�e�.._st�ar�ding �i�ns Wr,X�r, c�o nc.,i� exceed a�,tni�al nf th;a.r�t,� [twe�.u�] �c�uar��� f�e� in ar��a, �_ �. �.... (c) 'I'h� t�mpur��r�y sigri wil.J. k�Ea �r•ectec� f'c,r� a �a�r°i.ad riu liyny�±r� t:han sixty c�ays; �2�. �i,�r��. �,_.r�at�.�,ari�nt�d �ur'w_.ini��wr�ded�tu b�_...�.i.ble_ �f'r~um _,a r�i ht�._ur;--way�._.�ar•ivate r•uad ar nth�r��,.uate�ruper�i:y; .�.�.. S.i�gns._,iriside a build,zn .�_ exc.���_fur strc�be�.li�i�s, uis.ik�l� frnm a..r^�hi:•�uf�--w.�.,.�iv��p t^aad or �ther„�r'ival�e ,�„r�o,,,�t,�, �4�.. Pai.ni:�c;i, wal7�.U�c:<�r~ai�ic�n,� .{5Z Pain�ed_wall Hi�hli.ghi:s C��.. I�awn C;,igr�s �7� �i.,gns_..�aff�cted�hay sti�ulat�d '�uc�, m� eritr�, tu, wPiich th� Cii: ��s a�ar1�.�_� e�ni�er�d_by�„�:uur�`s c�f cumpetent.lur�isdictiu;n� .� l7ir��ctional _�igns. �g.�_ C(tU)� Nc�i;hinc� irr �Lhis �itJ.� sY�;�l.l pr�uer�t th� �r•�ei;i�.,n, �,oc�►t;iun ur uoristr•uctiun �f- dir��c:i�;a.unal [ur• in�i:r�acti�nal] si.gr�s un '�, pr�ivaL� pr�op�rty wheri surf� sic�ns ar�� so].e].y design�d tu �ii.r�r�ct: ur� tu guide ur 1�a ir��i:r�u�:t p�d���r�iar�s ur vehicul,ar� tr�ffac: wh��.te un �he p�r�r:.��. uf �eal pr��.,�er�i:y an wriicri fi;Fse signs arp lacaL�d, Nu si�rt �r�rmit ur f�e sh�X�. I�e �^�t�uir°ed far� suc.h s iu�r►s. �pIVE qRpZNAN(aE AMG�:NpMk:NT 7pA 87�-07 URAFT 5 •- PAGE l�2 (3/2/88) �;,.: � ' �. �];(7.�. ;�9)] Nc,itNtiany i.ri i;Hiia ',fii;l.� sh�a�.� �r•�uerl� ;;l��� er�c:::can, 7.acai�3.an ur cun�i�ruci:iuri a� sa.�ris un priv�i:e pruper�ty whpre such er��c�Liun, cc,ris�:r�ucl:i.�.�r� ar• lac.ata�rr is r�quir�ed �y ar7y law ar nr�dinarica r�ar- shal�. ariy pubXic ac�ency ur utilS.ty be �ar�c�hi.hs�.tec� fr�nm sr�ci�xr�g signs nn �ar�9.v�i�� pr•uper•ty wheri ui�r��r~wise ��r'�mii�t:�c�, (b) FlJ.1 si�ns �xempt: fr•am p�r�mii: �•�qua.r•eon�ni�s ur�c�er subsect:i��n (a) above sh�ll m��t tNip f�lluwi:nc� r�ac�uir��menLs: (1) 1"hc! si.�n sh�l]. k�� er•�ci��d on pr�iva�e prcipe�^i�y wii�Ni �:he cun��nL ur th� lawrul �a��ssessuo^ uF i�he �r��up�r�i:y and shall nut-. k��.� pl.�cHC� c�ri ui:i.laty �acal�s �.,r� an i�Pic pubJ.a� r�ight-of--way. ;,��� (2) E.xr:.�pL aa c��:h�r�wa.s� si�at�c.ad xr� C��ci�i�.�n 16 , 11A,Q6p(a)(8) abuue, i:he i�n�al dr•�a uf- Zawn ur� tem�orary �igriage �er par•c:el �n�i� n��i:: �xce�c� 6 sr�uar� f�et �r� face in singl� f�mily r��sic�eni:ial, [�.2] 6 sc�uare f�r�t �r• Pace in muJ.tifanii�.y �ar��s. Ci.5] 32 squar�e Tec�t per face in C--N ronrng disLric�s, and [70] 32 square FP�1: �er f�c� in r�i�her• z�,tinin� di:�tr3.c�s, r�egar�dl,ess c�f �he numk�e�^ uf si.gns. (3) At l�as� une sic�n sF�al.l �ae p�rmitted per �aarc�l uP Xand; adcl�.tion�l sagn� c�r� such K>arc�1 shall. b� s�aced a�: le�si� 50 feet apar�i: in rasid�ni:a.�l zuning cii�tricts and 3Q r�aet apar�t in n��r�resi.der�t�i.al, zcani.r�g disi�:ricts, f'` (c) Sic�ns ex�mpt r��am p�r~inS.t rer�uir�m�nts unci�r subs�ci�ion (a)(1) and �;:. (3-5) sha11 bk� r�muued wil:hi.n i.0 days c�f thei.r initial display ; , [fr•um the �nd ur the �au�r�t di.splayaci.] unless�oi:her�wisg�►�ovidr�d i.;` for�• in th,is Chi-a�ter,, i' ��� E�,�, (d) Th� si�n per�mi�: pi^c>uxsic�ns uf thi.s S�ction shd11 n��t a�p].y tc� s<'. repair, mair►t�nance, or change uf- eapy (including, �aut; nut limi�ed �ra th� chanc�inc� ofi a niessagt� nn a sic�n s�ecifiiral�.y desac�n�ci fur� i:he use of r�plac�ak�l� cu�y), ur unlawfully C�1"P.l:�',:k(� ar maini:ained sic�ns. 18. 11A,�Q7q _�t;ertain Si ns Prohibite�� (�►) Prohibited Uispla�__uf �'la,g.s arid Banner•s, I� is a u�.alatiun ur t:his Ch��i��r to er�ec:t ar� mairii:a�a.n str�inr�s uf pennants, h�ann�rs ur str�eair�ers, fi�stoons c.,f 19.ghl;s, cl�asters �fi flac�s, strings of i:wir•l.er�s a�^ �r•upelXer•s, fla�hing or blinking lic�hits, f�.a�^es, � � ba11n�.�ns, arid si.milar� deuir.�x nf car•nival. �haract�r. Exce�atior►s: ti'; (1) Natianal, stai:e, arui insti�ui:iunal rlags pruperly dispXay�d; (2} S�a�c�na]. decurai:S.ons� [and g�an�r�],ly r�ec�gnizc�d hc�lidays;] (3) Siqns [Penriar��s] ar�d banr��r�s ���pruved as Lempurar�y sic�n�. �_ Ballaan� as allawed ir� S�c�ac�n 18. 114.090 c . F h.. LONE pRD:tI�ANC� AMENqMEN7 "LOA 67�-07 �RA1=T 5 •- PA(3E l.3 (�/2I88) ;. �,` , i', 6- �-:' �.a . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. ... , . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . - _ )'�.�. f. . . . . . . ., .. .. . - . (b) Unsafi� �;i�ns..,.,._ur_ Tm,�,ro�a�r�� Ma,int�ined Sa.c ns:_ Nu �ac:�n sr��ll. be CUI'15�:M�uct:�d, er�ci���d or� maini�:azn�d ur�l�ss Lhe sic�n and �ign si�ruci�urca is sc� c�,�nsi�r�uG�:�c�, ercr.i;ed anc� m�aant�in�c� a� te� b� ak�J.c� i:n wii:hsi:ar►c� the wa.nd, seismic and uther r�Nquir�amenL••s as s��ci.�ied in i�:h� Unifc.�rir► E3uxlc�a.ric� Cc�c�e, c�r� i�his C:�adE. (c) S�ns a�_._:Cni��rs�ei�iuns� Nu si�n sNial� be er��ci:�aci at in�ersl�ctxun� �.�r �rty si:r•�ei�s iri such a m�anri�r� �s tra n�ai�eri�J.�.y <,bstr�uct fir•�� and c].czar� uisinn. All signs,_.shall be cunsistent with Ch_�pt:er 18.�,02 t�f thxs GudE�. � (1) Nra sic�ri shall ha�± er�ci:�d ai: �r�y ].oc.atic�n wher��, �a,y r•�asc,n uf th� posii;ion, shapca or� cal.or, 1:N�aL ini:er�r�r�s wi.i:h, nb:��:rwc:i� �h� ui�w c�f, �,r• �c�u�.d b� confus�d wi.i:h, any a�athue^i.zed tr�aff-ic sic�nal ar cieua.ce; (2) Nn si.c�n sh�].1 k�� car�er.t:Eac� whxcNi m�kes us� c�r i�h� wc,rd ��stup�� ��luak`�� ��c�an��r•��� nr� any uth�r s i.mi.lar� wor�d, , pt�r��as�.a, syirihac�l. c,r c:har��r.t�r i.ri such ni�nr��r �� as r��ascanab].y ,, likely to in��rfere wa.1:h, mas�.ead ur conFus� m�tur�isi:s. (d) OFase.erii�_,. Nca sxyr� sr���J.l, b�.a<�r ar cantai.n stai�en►c�n1:s, wc�r�cis c�r^ __......_.�._...... �axci:ur�es in which i:he dumi.nar�t tr��ine nf i:he m�i:�ria1, t�ken as a wh�71e, a�aK>�<�J,s t:�., thE Kar�uraeni� in�e�est ar� sc�x c�r• is ��ai�erii�.ly ` off�nsiue beuaus� it af-frunts tr�� cont�mpur�ar�y cuinmunity si�ariciard r�e.lai:ang 1�c, �h� d�scr�•ipi:i.uri car r���ar�eseri�a�a.c�n nr s�xuaJ. m�al�er~a��. � whiich is ui:L�r•ly wi.i�huui: r�d�a�rnirig sucial. value. (e) �°r•aft'9.c Ok�strur.i�i.ncL._..S�n�,v Nci sxgn or sic�r� si:ruc.l:ur•� shaJ�l be . __....___._....._....,.__.....__..__.._..__._. coristr�ucl�Nt� iri suc:h a martn��r ur ai; such a lueai�a.on i:hai� it will ok�:�i:r•uc� ac:�:.�ss �a any fiir�.a es�.�K>� c�r c�i�Fi�r m��ns c�r inc�ress �:sr �c�r'P_55 t=r•om a biaildir�g ur �ny exi.t c.ur�ricior•, exit ha.11wdy or axit d�c�r•w�y. Nc� si.c�ri nr s�appnr��inc� st��uctur� sri�7.l. �:.�.�uer•, whul.l.y c�r�� pari:ially, any wiric�uw ur� duai^wa,y xn any in�nner� i:hat i� will subst�ntx�a�.l.y limi.t acc:ess �c� �hie builcii.nc� ir� r.ase of fir•e, [(f) Off,;;�,.,remis�^Siqn�,�, Nu uff-ra►^em9.ses si�n shall lae �e►^mi.Gi:�ci in ariy _..._._.. cc�mm�r•r.XaJ. �.,i�� iric�us�:r�ial rurica, �xr.e�a1� c�utd�.,ur� �e�v�r�i�isi.ng si.gr��, as r��e�ulated a.n uther �ar•i:s ufi i:his i:itl.e. Orf•-pr�mise si�ns may onJ.y k�a ��a�ar•c.�vec� k�y �ri�a C;�.,n►n►issi.c.,ri thr�r�ugN� the exc��atic>n pr�ace�ur�c� �sl:ahali.ah�d by S�ci:iun ].8.114, lA0 uf- i�his Chapi��ar. ] ,�,� Ak>and�nec���ic�ns� (g) E3are _L�h� Bu1bs. Si:r�iriga �.�fi bar� lic�hl:s sh�t11 nc�L b� ` construct�d, er•ect�c� a�• n►aintaS.nc�d wii:hi.� u9.ew af ariy p,rivate....ur public: stre�l: c�r� C�aublic� r�ighL_..af....way �xe� t i.f _desiqn�d as �ari; ;''' nr a �tr�ucture's, architectur,�al desi.�c r�.� 'This subs�ci:9.un shal.l riut �pK�J.y ..ta lz�htirir� di.splays �s describer� i.n i.8. 11A.Q7a (a)(2) , (h) Rouf S�ns.� Ruuf signs uf any kind a�^e pruha.b9.i:kd, includinc� t:�m�a�.�r�ar�y sx��n�[.] wi1:h t;h�__..su1e_ �xr.e �:ion af..._.a�r•ou�d�„_„tem ura� balluuns. T � �nN�: ORC):1:NANC�: FlMENUMEN"I" ZUA 8J'--p� pC2AF"C' S ..� pAGE:: 1A (3/7.186) ; ", ,- , ; _:.. ...�.�..__F :; (i) Revulvi,.n�.. Si:gn...�,� Rcvulvirig, r�ui;a�Ling qr� moviny sic,�ns of any kinci ar•e �ar���hibil:erl. (l) F�lashi�.na,�S_:.ic�ris:.. F�..,.�ic�n whxr.:h das lays flashi:n �,ur._inl;ermii:��nt ur segu�ntial .lic�ht ...u��_l.:i�ts. uf„��har.,,_..igin„g_deg�ees��?r, ini:�ens_it�, w,xth ea�.:h in��ru�l in , the�c�cle. .,.._l.�s�ir���wo, µ�(�2�,��s�c�nds :�r less�, ._......._....._..._....�, ..____.,._.� L`.x�a+���d r�f�:��tive•--i�y�ae P�ul,bs, str•�abe li�hts, r�ui�ary k��a�.ons, �aa�^ sK>�.�ts, zap lac�hi�s ur�� si.mil�r� dfauices spr�ll. ha� prc�riihax.i��r�, (k) Te„�_;.,_m�ur�r.y S�ns. :wii�h,�,,,,�lluminai,ic?n., nr� Ch�ric��abl:r� Co��.� A sign nUi� p�r•m�nerii��:y er�±r.ted e:�r� �rrix�� i:o��rty si�,�n str�ur.i�:ur�`e, si.grt t�aw�r� ur bui.ldinc� wha.uh i� an �lnc�ric:al ur inter•nally il..l�amir►at�d �ign or a si.gn wi:i�h� cNiar�g�ak�l.� m��yayr� chiar�act.�ris�i.c.s, �.� f2ic,�ht°'r�f'-rW���_5�ns ir�_i>he �uk�i.ic ric�h��.uf-way_. in who,l� in�par•ts ��� . exce�_siqrrs�..l�ally�err�c�.ed , fc�r�infurma�ianal._.pwr:Pus�s�,k��_ar,��n _�._ b�half . � a ,c�uver�nmeni.� ac�enc,y� _(�. ��ns.c�n Vehrc:l.�. An.Y.., s�n _,p.7.�ce��ar� car•_._..pr�.arttec� _un a mnt�r y�hicle u�r tt^ailer��_.a�_defined b�,QRS 805,560.�...�,�56�,., and .� 59n ._ ........___. ... .�_...�. wi,i�h the._.,.�r.i.m��urpc�se uf'�ravi.dir,i,g_a sic�ri:nr�t ath�rwis�all.c�w�d fnr�,�,b� this cud�, .�. 16..,1].4.OB0 „�._5i�c n T:_lumiriation, (a) l_Pi� surf�c.e br9.c�h�:r��ss of �riy sigri saial.l. r�c��: exc.e�c� th�t pruducec� by Lhe diffu���d uut;��at t�i�tairi�c� rr�•uin 800 mi.119.air�per~e rl.uqr°esc��r�t li�ht sour�c�s �ac�d nui� �.:1.<,sNr th�ar� 8 inc.hc5, Lc�n] r.ent�r'.C,] nn. c�nti�r, . ._.... (b) E:x���7s�c� inGandesc�nt l.�amp whiicM� �xccr�ds 2.5 w�a�:ts shaJ.J. nc,t k�� us+�d un the �xtcr�iu�r• sur�f-ac� uf any si<�n sa as i�u ex�ase �rie face u� suc:.h haulb ur• lamp tu �riy puk�:l.ic s�:re�� ur puk�lic r�i�rit....raf-µway wi.l:P� t;F�e �xc�pl:XUr� ur elc�ctir��nic irira�•inata.an sic�ns. ].8„�9.,14µU85 _,.,�. S.'�,�c...n._Measwrem�n� �,a,�. prajectin �nd_�r�ee-•�stancfing,� 'fh� area uf a f;ree�standing.._.ur' ,�rr��.leGtrn..g.._.:_._sx�L?__..,�haa,l ,.includ� a17. sign ..._.t'aces,�_ cuun��d , in calculatin�.._ii:s area, Rec ar�dle�,ss c�f�he number uf sic�n .cabine�s or sign faee� the tutal all�wable. ar�a shall nut be_t�xceedtd� Thr� arQa ���F i�he , s„ic�n.,;srial.l_..be m�asured, as.follows i.f�trie , sic�r► i.s � .� � � cum�c�sed ufwun�or mar� individual cabine�s: i� ._._... � _ � .�..__.__ ...._ `I .�i�_ 'C'he ar�a arour�d�artr�,�,�nclusi,..��._,��he ,�e_,rinteter,_uf� each � Golbll'1��� 5ign ._fdG� nr muciul.� sha11 be �u�nmed and i.f���,r� tui.aled tu _ detprmiri�_, t��dl� drea. Th�per�im�tcr uf � �. � measurable .ar�a�shall nut include embe].lishments �uch as G �J.e _c over�.s�.._, framing,,�, decur��ttiue r•c�afirig,� etc,..,,,.,� r�,,nvidr�d � ther� is nat written advertisir� c� �,._ un such �mbe l.l i shni�nts, � ; , 's i � i , R i ZpNE hF2p:CNANt;E� AM�NqM�N'T �QA 87.�.07' qRAFT "a �-- PAfaF 15 (3/2/88) � � � , __..... -- _ i i i � i �.x� lf tr►e sic�n_ is c�mposed uf mare than twc� si r� r.abinets� sxc�,n...__facia ur inudules, i:he a;r�ea enclusinq the entir� per;,im�i�:er�_ nf _all cabinets and/c�r• neodul.�s wxthin � sinc�].e..�, cun�inuuus eametric fiaur�� shall be Lhe area�„uf thP sir�n, pal;e rave�s aMnd_ui:he�,,embel.li.shm�nts_shal.l.,,nat k�e included 1 in thP, ar�,na of the s i�n,._„measuremen� zf th� du noi: b�a�^ writt�n �c�uet��tisinc� ea , �i i� The uv�ral l he i ht caf a „�f�^eeµst�nd i,nu��s i�n ��^,,,�,_s ic�n si�ructur�e is n►easured �rom i��he c�rade dir•ect.l�,_b�l.uw the sa. n to_the h_ iyh_est�,oint of the ..sign.or _sic n str�ucture �nd sr��l.l.,,a.nclude architectur�al,_and structural emh�ellishmeni.s;, (b� Wall Siqns,,;�,�The�r�ea_, shiall be within a si,nc�le�_ cantinuuus " ��rinieter� cum��used ,�,c�f a.nY...,_strai��_line_.�e�m�tric i'°,�,g'x ,ure __,whi�h, enclu�es i:he extreme lim�ts uf the ad�rertisinqy co � , If the siqn xs, eon�os�d_of individual letters r�r� syn�bc�ls usinc� 1:he wal�. as,_the backaround with ur withoui: added decuratinn. i:he �otal si n a�^�a shall be calculatecl��meas�ir�i._n�C_the dr�ea within i�:he per�xmei�ei� u'f i all s�nbols and lei�ter�s �r �th�r decur�ati�n includin lu us,� 18, 1.7.4.Q90....�._.W.'�,e.cial_Condii:ian 5igns S�pCla"il CunciiLiun Sic�ns shall have s�a�cxal ur�_._ur�i ug� dimen�sinn�l� lacatiUnal�ilJ.umina�.iun� m�ximum nup�kre.r�._ar u�hew� r�,__ye�_uir��_ments i.m os�d u.p�n thr�m in addil:iun 1:u the re ul.c,� ai:iu,ns contain�d in this Chap�er�� (a) [(7ui:door� Adu�ri�isin��i,�ns;. Oui�c�u�r ac�uc�^tis9.ng] E3i.11.board. ; Billboar�d� sic�n r�r�u.lai�ion� srial.l be as follaws: T (1) Z��nes f��r�mi.t�:�cl, [Qu�dciur �c�ver��i5ing� gi.l].boar^d, sic�ns shal]. be �e�^mitted an�y S.n a G-..G cmm�ner�ci.al zone ar� :L-�-P, T--•1.., �nd I_..�N indusl:r�iaJ. zanea , (2) i-I�ic�ht. 1'hc inaxa.mum heighL- c�r an [aut.doo�^ adue��i:isii�g] bi,J.lk�o�r�c� sa,gn sPi�1J, n�.,t: exca.��±d 35 fee� fr�um tM� grc,urid l�uel at its base. (3) Si;rH. �-�� (A) T'he maximun► sigri dimensicar�s ��f [ari ou�duar� adv�r�tisinc�] a .._bill.boar•d sic�n sriall be 12 f-��� ir� '_' heigh� and 2�feet in ler�gtF� (excluding suppurl:s and ` f��uridai:iuns) ur a �ui:al maximum sic�n ar^�a ur 300 sc�u�re fee� �c.�r• facE. - � cr�ased � 1:isin Billbo �r�d si ns ma k��. in B Qui.ciuur� adu r� 5 y � ) � �� „ .. , a i i�r� nr� h�: �nd A6 fr��i: in ler ir� ar�a I:n lA f��i. in hei. � � ; a 1�ui�al. inaxiir�um si n ar�a �r 575 �quar•e fe�i: per raee l: � wNi�r•� p�rmiti��d as fr�ec�way-..c�rieri�:ed sic�ns, �� � , �' ,, i� i' �; i; �ONk 0�21�:�NAN(:E AMENI7M�:N'1" ZOA 87M-A7 qRAFT 5 .�- PAUE 16 (3/2/�8) � �,; �. C(C) Ori rr°c�ew�y._..�.,r�i�nt��l s�:c,�ns, r.u�nut�s may pruj�4.t k��y�and , Lh�a d9.splay sur�race anc� ir�ay ac�c� up i:�a c�n�.._i:hiir�d acldii�:X�.�rt��1 ar•e� c�fi �aerm�.ti�r�d displ:�y sur•fac� �nd fur•i;h�r n�ay exi:�r�ci 5 1/2 Fet�t ah�uv�, 4 fi��t k�eluw ur 2 fc�.a�: 1:�� �i.1�:Ni�r sir�� cif �M►e da.sp�.a�/ sur•f�c;�, prc�u�.c��ci i;h�t tri� �5 fiuut max�.mum hNigi�rt �.i:mii: is nu�: excr•:�ati�d hay s�ich c�atuu�:s,� (A) I..ca��a�:iuns F?�ar�mittc�d, (A) [�u1�:da�.�r acav�r��i�isan�;� E3i.11w�ard si:�n� sh�l]: [c�nJ.y] b� r»r,mii�t>��� t� ].u4a1�Ea un ar�c� wii:hin 10d f��t nf [ori�nt tc>� pr•er�c�n �i��Lc� �:xpr��ssway Nc.�.�..�7.11� and and/ur� Inter�statc� Fr•ia�way Nu. 5[.] r�i hts�uf•--way.�� (E3) [out�c�c>c.,r• �dv�r�:i�inc�a Bil].br�arc� signs �h��J.l. nut M�av� mc>r•� t>r�ari onn �ispl�y xur��face f-aci.rig in i:h� :same tr��affzc. d�.r•�c,:i�iur� ari any c�r�e p�°�ma.ses_, ��� ror i�t�» pu�^K>ase +�f i�his pr�uvisS.un and Fur~ Lhe r�urpusest ��f ��aw�l.yir�� th� s��c:i.nc� 1ama.i�ai:xG,rrs c�r� dertisS.i�y limita�i�r�s wr�9.et� f��lluw, a �ir�c��e [c,t��tr�uur adu�rl:isinc�� bi,,,llbc�ard si�;rur.i�ur�� an whxr..h 2 daspJ:�y sur��races �r� ai�tacNi�d h�ack__�;�._.�ack shal.l be cun�ic��r�d �s c�r�� [uut:dc�u�^ ac�v�rti.sing] bal�.baard si.gn �nd wi�h une r�isplay sur�sac� facinc� une i;r��rr'ic c�a.r•�e�iun. �D� If a �r•�a,sr�d�k�i].lbuard si�,n,�s�..w.xs.w.wil�Fiin 660 fee� �f ._ __..�... . �..:.,M ...�._..�..._.._._ ._._..�_.. Lhe �ub.lXe r�ic�ht•wur•Vway__,.uf._a._ Si�a;�e _hic�,hwa��then�,anx ._.._._._. necessa_.r�__,�er�mi.t�,s�_ fir�airi.._{�hc �i.at� Hic�hwa�_pivisicm shal l_..�be uW�ained, ..�.. ..--...~~.~-._.._.�_ (5) [put;c�c,c,r• ac�u�r•t:ising] E3a�llk�uarc�, s:ic�ns sh�►].l. nc�i� bc 1c�c:aG�d wii:hin 300 r��i: ur� anutN��r [uu�dour adu�r�i�i�inc�] bil.lbuard si.gn c�n i:hie c.����:�sa.t� sx��c c�t' the s�:r�a��: ��r• hi�.c�Niwa� ��r� wii>hin 500 ��a�i> oT di�ic�LH��r [uui;ciour ac�ver°tisirig] billbuard �icyn c�n i�he s�me sa.�e �,r �r,� Cs��p�a� ur•] highw�y. . (A) f"ur� �aur��ans�s uf ��pl.yang i:his �.imi.i�at�inn, di.si:�►nce:t sN�all. k�� fflk?o1$UY'f?4� as a r�c�ius frum � si.gn. (k3) Wl�r�?��e 2 ur� inur�� s:ir,�ns ar�e a.n uial.atiun uf 1:N�es� ypac:inc� pr�c>vi.siaris, �:Ni� f-i.rsi� l�wfully c�:,ns�rue:��c�, ', ��eci��d �nd maini:ain�d sriall be p�r°miti�cc� i�o rem�ir�. (6) Cp4t�cie.��.�r� ac�u�r�tisi.ric�� F3il.Xk�aar�d si�ns �kiaJ:J. riau� a�.l. met�l �i s�ructu►^�s: provid�d, huw�u�r, ��:h�at i:h� diypl�y �urf'ace or^ I di�play suri�ces aric� �h� si:rinc�ers used far• �rt� suppur�t c�f ,I, i:h� ciz��t�y �urf��.�s �agei:h�r� with �utuut� m�ty h�e in�ade �f ' at:M��r• m�ter�X�].s, (7) COu1�dt�c�r �duer�i:isi,riu�] �illboard, sa.c�ns ar�� nai: p�r•miGi��d as r�uaf s igns. ;�qNE:: QFtp�NAIVGE: AM�:NDM�IU"I" LQA �1'-�07 qRA�'T 5 -•� PAG�: 17 (3/2/66) (B) All sXC�ris, i���i:her wxi:h all uf i�Ni�ir� �up�u�•i:s, br•a�.es, guys �nd anchui��s st�aJ.J. bka k��at: i,n g���,c� r���air•• anc� xh�x.J. k�� maini�ain�d xn a saf� cnndi��.on. (Ft) F►].l. sa.gns dnc! th� sii�� upc�n whixcNi 1�Fiey ar�� ].nc�t:�d sPiaJ.l be maintair��d in a n�at, cl�an and ai:i�r�aetiu� ccindif�ior�s, (B) 59.gns shal.�. k�e keKat free frc�m exe�ssi.ve rust, cor�r�osinn, p�elin� p�int ur ul:her� suri"ace , � de�:eric.�r�ai�iur7, ' � i (C) 'C'he disp].�y sur�i�'ar.�s c�fi a17. si.gns sr�aJ.l k�e k�p1: neatly �aainL-ed ur �anst��d. (b) Bencr� 5iarrs•. BencNi sic�r�s shi�ll anly b� prrmitted ai� d��igriat�d i�:ransit stups iri cuminer°cial, industrial, and inultiramily ce>nes wh�.are n� bus shc.ali;�r exasi:s, (1) T'hc�r•e sh�l.l� be n�.� m��r�� i:Mi�n un� benc.h sagri p�r� al.].awabl� i�r~ar�sit �top. (2) Pl�tcem�ni� of` L••hie bench sic�ri shaJ.1 n�.�t xr�Gcari•'er� wa.i:h �ed�si.r�ian tr�afric ur [t�r�ai'f-a.c uisiun.]_be lucatec�,_within_ a I visinr�,clear•ance_area �.�r� a_,�auk�l.ic right--•uf�w_ �y. � (3) �ippl.icatiun rut^ a b�nch sa.gn sha11 inc.luc�c? 1:he �ign�tue°ca or I the af�ect:�c� pr�c�pEar•i�y awnEr �nc� pr��.ti�fi c�fi 19.a�ba.lxi�y insur��nc�, � "I"he sac�n area is J.imi.ted tn _a ,toi�al _of' faur•i�cen 14�,_.s�c uar•� f�c�t. W .--. _� ._�..___ [(C) T.ricideni��1 Si_gns, T.nc:a.c��ni�:al sic�ns sr►�1.1 n�.�t exe.�ed 12. inch�!s i.r� h�iyht and 18 �.ncr�c�s iri w�.c�1:h ar�d shiall be lim:ii:�ci i�u A sz�i�s a�i,ached 1��� a per�miti:cad frea si:anding sign. (1) �Lnciden�al siyns as c�escr^9.�and abavr�, ar•e p�r�ir�ii:t��d �s wa.11 sxgris , (2) The to�:al c�nib9.r�ed �r�a sh»].l. r�c,i� exr.ecac� 6 s��aar^e i'�c�i�,a [(d) Puli�ical Signs. �iyns r��lai�i.ric� tu i;he numination arici pleci:9.un uf �rry inc�auic�ual fur� a pn],a.tacal �rrrGp ur ac�uur.acy caf` ariy ►r�E�a�ur� i:a rae uui:�d u�on at an �±l.eci�i.on shall k�e �l.l��w�d �andkr i:he follawinc� condii:ior�s; (1) Such sic�ns sr�al.l be i�em�ur�dry in natur�•� �and sh�l.l. bc.a remaued wii:hin 10 days af1:�r Lhe election, (2) Suc:.Pi szgris shal.�. nc.7t� exr.ec�d �.2 sc�uar•� �'c�t 9.n resi.c�r�n�:�.al runes and 32 squar� reet in �].1 other� ar�as. ZONE•.: pRC)�NANGE� AM�NpMEN�I" z0A 67--�07 pRAFl" 5 -� F�AGE: 18 (3/2/88) (3} Nu pulii:ical sign sh�lJ. b� er��ci:�d wa.i:h9.n nr� an any �ubl�.c prctip�r�l�y ur� r�ic�Mii:-•�.,f_..�way rar �rryX�� �u ar�y p�.�l.e, pc�si� ar� sl:aru��r�d lucat�d w:ii:hin ar� un publi�. pruper�i�y ar r•iqh�t_...n�_..,W�,y,� �..c� E3al.louns. ,.__.Qn�.,_.infl.ai�abl�,�._._s1:�tionar�, ball�on ur . cluster�s,�_ af .. ....,___.._...._...__, ,........ ._._._.._._..__....._.....,..._. childr�en's balluons fir�m� L-i�ci c��wn ancl une banner� nut to exca��c� 30 s�gua�r�e ,f�et _i�ri_area�aer�ar�mises sri�all �i��:�l�w�d .esnl��r.f all of�_tFje rollaw._inc�.. cyrir�i.�iuris.are_satisf-iedW .W.._. �1,�_ A C;it,y c�fi 1"iqarci_si r,c��,�r�mit is e�btained far each_ �2� The ba).luun and/ur bannar� shall be allnw�d un„__ 1�,du�ing a �r�it��l���n►menci.r� w�.�hiri._3q c�a�s ai�ter the cnmmencemeri� ar chan�c e in uwner^shi�.{ .�.ussessiun� ar�cuntrnl. o��ru��ri:�.....,t� which ,i:h� are attacFi�d.;. .,(3,� 13oth types_ur..__sic�ns.._ shall.,, k�e_allowed ,.tu remaxn up fur a ��ri,od �f nn, laru er_�han 3q da�s,; .�.�� �4Z Balluuns ma�b�,�p�r�mitted as_ ruuf signs with�. c��si�r� �,�rmii;; �,5,�. .�..hie_..sa••r..e c�f a�baJ.luc�n sha11_ ricii� ex�eed_25,_feet in hi�i.qhi�.� ,�6� 'TN�e balloon shall b� i:ied nr muun�ed dir�ctly ta a st:ruct.ure or, the rc�und _and shall nr�t k�e �l luw�c� tn f loai� in_the ai�^ highe�th�n ]..0 feet above the bui.ldinc��oofi�lir�eW �d,�. �1�ci�r•onic_M�ssac��„ G�nters,_ E:1r�ci:r•�nic M�ssaa� CentEr S,variable messa e sic�n r��c�ulations�shal.l be. as follows: �_ "l.�raes_ Per�mii�ted , E.;.ectr�c�nir Mess_ac�e C�n��r� sic�ns._sha1J. b� I per�mitted un�in the C...�G and�,CBQ cones. ; , � ; i (2�_ Hei�.,...,�and ,�tr��a.�_�,.l..he,�n►aximum hei�c.ht_ and�ar�a �f an i el.ectruni,c m�s�aqe CP_1'Itpl"� �1� shall_ be_ that_...which �is s1�_i. ulai�ec�in suk�secLxan 18. 11A. 130 c � ..�_.._.�._...._.__.._........._....___ ._..�._._....._.�._.Z:.. � ; �3� L��catiuns Per�mi�t�d. m �.... i �A�.. Elec�:rc�nic niessa,c��..,�centers shall _ be al.lc�wed tu ! substitui:e fpr urie_free,�,st�nding sign or one w�ll_ si.,,�,n, i �8.� One..__. electr�aniu_ ,mess..�e _,_......cenl:er., ..si....c�..n....�.�„� eii�F�er � fr�e••-standiri� or� wa11,_shall be allowe�d.��r pr�emises.� � �4.�. �:.�.ht�,F>atterris � � "C'i^av�linc,�la�t.,._.,�at;.��rns "chaser• Hffeci;",��shall be f �I"'�UI'17.�'J1�Pt�� ( �Et� M�ss�,��zs and_..ani.matao�,ri„sf�all. k�e dis ].a ed ��ir�i:erv�ls � u�reater• than i�wo secunds in duratiun. , ._.._....__ ...._..._..._..�...,, ., , i , � r � � �' ; , , �. �QNE:: qRpINANCE. AM�NLIM�:N'T Z4F� 87--07 DRAF'T' S — PAGE: 19 (3/2/8B) � 't. _ r ,�e,� 1=r�ewa,�ur_i�nted Sic�r.is4M_,..__I�r��wa�,y�._orieni�ed sicln r�aulawtioris shal.l k��_,..ds, fiol�lnws�._.._. ....... .,....�_... ..�....._... ....._�. (1).. ��ries_.,P�rmii^�e� Fr��wa� urx�rtl-�c� s�rts shall k�� �a�rmxt�:�d an� xn:a_C•�wG,µt�umm�r^cial Zori� T t.. and S H iridus�r�zal .._.�._.�. ,,.,.�.._. ._�._,,.:......�,,.�.c. ...,....._..�._,...___...._.__._...�..�....�..�..,,,..,.,..._ "C.C1f1P_S, '�, .���, W�i;,gh�..:..._ 1h� mdxx�►�,n� r,��r�w..+=:µ.._�r_T� fr���wa.Y,:..c�rx.erii��d_..��:.�,� • .._._. .._........ shal.l nui: exce�ci 35 fe�i: frum �h� r•uund leuNl at ii;s bas�. _.....�...�..�._._.....�._.__ .........,. ..__...___.....,...._.�.._____... ._�.....�..._ _wM..___.�.. ...�. ......._._..__....,...__. �,�„ l..r�i::al, Area. A i.c�tal, tnaxiniwm sx.c�nµ..;�r��a .c�:f.�,120 sc�u�re_fieet ......_......_..__._ ,�._,�.. ......,__...._...�. . ..,„._ �r•:r��.� zan � ___- .� ..�..,�:..M .� ____.._.� ___�..a�� f�!�� tuta� shall be alluwed. �f thi� ___. __ .._,.�.�,.�: sxc�n is_a k�illk�uarc�.. i��ir�n . th�_.�r'uvxsxc�n raf 18 1�.A 090 a ._.,_ _......_. _ _.._..�....:�. �.��.�.�.�..._s ha 11�p.::�?1,�...� ..._._..............,._.. ..w _ �.._...., �4� L.uc.atic.�ris P�rmii;t:�d. ,f°r�ewa�urmieni�ec� sigris.___.sh�l.1 k�� . .._._ _._._._._.._..._. .__.. �rma.ttpd tu_lo�.ate nn anc� wii:hxn lOq f�ei, nf'� Qr� r�n 5tate ..._.. ._........�........ _.� _..._. ,..,..,...Y hlx�c hw�,�2�17 and/nr,I�nterstate F'r�ewa,�Nc� 5 r x�Fi�s �c��fmmMwa�.:_ �,.5� �re�w��ur�ient�d,:sic�ns shal7. nu� havc inor�than un� dis�.l�y surfae.e facir!gN..xn ..�he _sam� _�Lr°afric_darecta.nn c�ri an une, ,._._._._.. � " ,.�G..._.:..._._. r•e m i s� ....._,...._.._.�._.,_. P..._.._._...._._:�. .�d,�.. On firEar�wa�µc�r�ierii��d ._.s.i..r�.:.n� c:u�e�ui�s ma,..Y..._�!'�.����c:t bc�anc�..._.�N�c� ___........_.�_..._._... �. ,..___..._. di.s�1�.�_..surt'ace and m��add�u,� tu un��...i:N►ird aci�<�i�iunal area _.._. u f e r�m i i:i:e c� c�i� 1 a� s .�.__..�......__...�..........._....,_...�.....�_..._..,,.,..._. ..-..._.....,�...._.__:__.._._.._..._._.:.�..._.�._..'urrace and fur��:hie�^ m�y�xtend 5-�7./2 feet abave q rent beluw:_.ur�.z.�feet•• to._eii:hi�r side uf�the r __r_....__.__...._...._......_.__._....__�.�.....�..._...._....._..`.._,..�.._...._........._...�.._...,_.,., dia�a_1�.,�.._s�arfac�,_.,..J?r:�u_ic�ed ..�hi�t i:hi� 35 fuo�L•• maximum Pi�ic��1�. __..,. _... .,�...._._...._,.._.._._._.__._..._.�....__.__..�..._....�._,..__ limii: is nut ex���ded ha.�.....�uch_.cutauirs..� _. S7.). Fr•eewa,y-�•c.,r,xen,ted _�i�ns..._ar��_not per�mal;ted �s r�oof i�cri�n�L _.,_..._.__._.., i:e m u r�a r� .�......_._.......__�.._........_..w......_.�.....�__:...__.�..m..�r. __.__.:.�____....�.�.balluun,� and awni..n�.. si�ns , .�.�. K>�rm9.�:s r���quir.ec�, �"r���wa�,r�.i,en�ed._.�i�r,r�.s shalJ. be allnw�c� . ___--_.___..,.__.._._. ___....,._,_.._....__ ....� ._..._..........,.._..._._...,...,M__..,_...�.�a, c?nl,��b�an adinirri�trai:,iv�_.�.�r.aval....ofi..__�_....�,it�_d�v�l�n�n�: reuiew ot^ b..�.,a�.p..r�aual_...c,�fi a s'�.,�c n_„ruc�E.._..exc��ti�ri.....k�.X..._. {;hc� _.�__...._.._._..__._.....__ .._._._._.......__ ._..umm i s�i.un� (9.� S.,'��C ri..__.permits.__..sha1.1..._b�` .r�ec�uir�d ,_fcar:_�11 fr�r��wa�-�ar�i�ntFd s z c�rt�v . �.._._..w.._..�...._.._ 18, 11A. 10Q l"en�nr�ar,Y.....Sic�.ns (a) F1u.•�hor•i.x�t:ic�n� T't» C7ir�ci.ar sh�l.l. k�c� ei7i�c�w�r���c� �:c� �iat:h�,r•ize t�irtpur�ar�•.y sir�ns riui: ex�m�ai��d h,�y Se�:tiun 1�. 1].k,Qfid uf �:his Cuc�a, Thw Direc.�ar° shall. ai:t�a�h suc:h cc�ric�itions �ca 1:hEa is�ia�r�ce ufi � ' �a�r~ir►ii: rur a i:�m�aur•ary ;�ti.�n �s iriay k�e ri��es�ar~y to as�ure 4 discantinuarie� c�f �P�� use uf th� sac�n in accar�danr:� wxth� i:hie t���ms �r i�:N�e au�hur•izai:x.cyn, anc� t� ��sure �ubstarii:i�tl r;Umplianc� wi�ri '' th�sa pwrpc��� c�fi 1:his tit:l.�. � (h) Tssuar��.e. Authurii:,�� ` (1) "I"h� Cti.reci;c�r� m�y issue t�mpor�ary sagn per�m�,�:s wN�a.chi sh�l.1 �:er•inir�ai�:� wi�hin 6p clays fram i>Nie date uf a.�suarice. �; � "l;OiVE: ORC7]:I�F�NGC:. AM�NC)Mf'N'7" ZqFI 87.,.Q7 L��2AF"T' S -.� PAG� 2(} (3/2/8�) �" Q _ (2) Nu �.��r��mit sNial.l ha� issu�d fur a �era.ud lur�g�r than 60 days, bu� a p�.ai^mii� n►�y k�� r•�n�w�d by thr� pir�ci�ur� up�n a shnwir�g uf c�uuc� �:au�� r�r^ i:N�e cuni:ir�uai:S.ari uf- th� i��inpur��ry p�rmit. C(c) Re.guirr�d ,Cand,r�i�ns.�. F1pK71ir.�trits fc�r t�mpar�ary sxc�n permii:s sha11 sula�ma.i: such �avi,c�f�r�cr� a� may I�e r•�quir��d tc� eriak�l� i�M� pireci:�r� i�u dr�t��rmin� i:h�� c.�n� r.�r mc�r•e c�f= i;he fcill,�.�wi.ng �canc�i�i,�.,ns �xi.si�s: I I (1) 'Th� r���d fur• i�he teampurary si�n is 9:he cii�^�ct result of- a casu�li�y l�tiss; (2) T'h�� a��lic�rtl� Ni�s lasi� le�ascFu7ld uecupane.y righi:s; (3) "f"he n�a�c� rar• � i:�m�ur��a�^y sic�n S,s tu b�^ins� i�:u tk�� a�i�eni:iur� af i�F» �aubli.c a sK��caal. sa1e, a speca.�J. s�r•vice, ar• a ; 5pecial �verit which i.s �.umr�atS.ble wii:h 1:he business:] I �� C(�)a �',Yp�'s arid lcicai�ic.�ns ar i:empar•ary signs shi�.11 b� �s fiallaws: _��.� C(p)7 �rne i�u�al numF��r uf t�m�urar•y �i�ns s�a11 nut �xc:eed I 4 far• dr�y ane busin�ss ai: any ane peri,�.�d ai' time. i S .(2�, 'i`h� i:u�al... area of une rree•-si:andi. nW t�m�aorar�y shall nc�t ° exceed: ._._._. . , ; .. r sl �� .;a.x sgu�r�feei�: per�_.fiace in residenti.�l zones. �'� � :! 4; xi 1"hx�^i: i.wo 5 uarE fee� er� 1'ace i,n cammNr�cial zones, � .5.....,_..,Z _.._..__:..�.`�.�...._...�::.�.�.:.._.._'..:...,..__�...L_ ' C(E�);J [l..hie 1:uL•aJ. �ar•�a af on� �ree—si�anc�iric� siqri shal.l. nc�t: "4i �xc�a�d ].2 �quar�� f��a�i> �nd rur wal.l ;�ic�ns 18 sc�uar� `° f'ea�t,� i a� i;', (.3..�. C�C)� Se� [cipfiinii:i.nr�J Seci;i�rt. 16. 17.4.C�1'�(�:.)L�a3)J �q5.,.�.. �''' (l"CWMPURARY ;.;:CGNS) fur typ�s e1�rJl^l)VC,G'�. � �� "C'r�mp��a�,, waJ.l _si�c ris�shall_nat exceed 30 s uare .feet,_ in �r��?a, ..._.____. 5 Banners. B- �� �._ ._ ann�rs_ may be,__.al.luwed ��s t�n�c�rar�, signs . rouided .... w ;; ,�.,,_ „they„_„i..neet the dimensional requirements ror� ,II i�em�a�,wall���s .�30 _squar�e r�et n�axin�um �rea and a s.i�n per^mit has be�n c�ranted where re�qui_r�d� . _ �� A haallc.�an and a,.banner as �aravidec� in �+ecti�r� 18,. 114.090�c� '' � _...µ..�..� ._ r.� r �� �.�.� Ctp)7 Lucai:ion shall k�e as a�a�roved by Planning�,Directur's �'. desi,�c ne� [E3ui.ldin� Ofific.aal ,� [�ign clui�ter, bJ.arikei:i.rig, `' and shafaby ap��a��ar�ces of �xyns �hall kae auuid�c�.] }:; C(i) F'�undai:i��n ansp�ci�a.uns shall b� madp atte�� al.l. � rec�uirad exc�uatiuns, furm wur�k, balt s�ttinc�s a�re ;.' comp�.et�d and ready tu reeeive c�ncr��i:e.] �; c; I !, L �, S'' �; 7' ?t` ZqNE qRD:CNANC;E AMkIVDMENT �OA 87--07 URAFT 5 �-- PAGE 21 (3/2/88) �;; k:; i;, � j_ .___. c: [.(ia) A1.1 �ri�hur•ay�s �h�l.�. k�� �.�fi: �x�a�s�d fc,r ir�sp�r.i�9.un.] [(i9.i) C-:.l�ci�r�ir.��. i,nsp��:i��.an �hal.l b� iri�c�� k�y �:h� ag�r�cy is�uxrig �l�r:�:r°ir..a1 �aer^n�its.] [(:iv) 1=9.r�a'1 Tns��u�iuris. F'ina�. ir�spe�t�.ur� sh�ll b� ca;lled fcar� hay i:h� a�a�>1ac.�n�L wNiaan a11. wc�r°k xs cc�inpl�ai��c�. Ti�xs �.ns��cti+an shall cuv�r all. a.t�ans r�NZquirr�ci lay i:N�� E3ui.J.ela.n� qffie.ial. und�.�r�� S�:�t.e l.�w �,r Ca.t:y urdinance such as the luuai�iur�s, �:andscapirig if r�quir�ed and c�E�r�Earal. ectim�li�nc� wii:h Fta� a�prc�v�d plar�s anc� r��cXuir�mani:s of this ta.i:lc.� a � °a �e�.. Ai�i:ac.hn►�nt. 1"�.m,�c,r�a� ,s.�...�r.ns._n►a`L._nuL_ hac. _per►nan�ni:l:�i.watt�e�cF�ed._.i. ! �.�..�...�.,....�_._ _......_ ._ ...,__. , ' the c�ruund,�bu�.l.d,inc�.s_.ur�uth�r� str'UG�UI"�5. J : ......�.._�._._ ._............._. I 18, 1 f A. J.1Q Nar►confiarminc�_S a.,r�ns , (a) E:x�:.�pi� a� pr�c,ui�l�c� in �.his Chapi::er, �xgris in k�xis�enee 4�n March 20. 1�18, in accurdance wi,i�M [a�.cuwdi.r�� i��] prc�i.rianaes i N�.�. 7y_..89 anc� N�.�, 7R-�1�, whi.c.h dc� na1; cunfurn� 1�u i�rie �r����vi.si.c�r►s c�r �il i:his Cria�ater�, but whXCh w�re cunsi:r~uc1�:�c1, �►^ectc�d c>r maini�ainE�d in �' cc�ni�li�nr.� withi �l.l �rev3.uu� r�c�wl.atic�ns, sr�al:l. b� r��garc��d �� {' nuncanf-nrmir�� siyr�s which may k�e curitiriu�d ur�i:il M�r�h 20, 1�88, � (b) Sxc�i•�s in exi.si�Nnc� �i7 J�r7u�zr•y 11, 1971, wN��.Gh d�� nc�� c:c�n�fc�r~m i:a i:he �r�ouisiur�s ur �his Char>i��r~, k�ui: which w��^� cansi:r�uct��d, �; er�:!ct;cad or• m�ii7�:�in�.�d :in ccimpJ.a.�ne.� wii:h� a�.�. pr�ev9.clu� r�gtal.�t�xc,ris, w�r�e r•��ar•d�d as nc�ricunfor•�ming �ic�ns �nd cuu].c� be cai7i:inueci fr�r� a per•iocl of Yt� y��r•s frc�m J'anuar•y li, 1971 . Fl1]. such� si.�ns which wkr^e r�at brou<�ht i.ni�o cum�al.i�ance w9.�h th� si��anc�ar�c�s in Qr•dinar�c� Nn, �7w•89 and Nc�. 7f3._..16 ar�c� thiN extensi.c�ns gr•�rit;�c� ar�� n�7w in ,', uinlai:iun nf� �:Niis Chapi�Nr�, �i (c.) Sa.c�ns lur.ai��d ��n �i^�n�i,s�s �nn�x�d ini;�.� i�hca Ci,ty afi�c.ar Jar�w�ry 1�., 1�71, wh;ich c�u n�t cumply w�L-h th� �rauisiun� af thxs (�hiapt�r�, sti�J.l be br•�.�ughi� ini:u r.c�mp�.i.�r�c� wi.th th;is Ghia�ai�:er� wi.i:hi.n a per•i�:�c� Uf 10 years af'i:e� i:he �f-r�ci:iv� date uf �h� ar�n�xai:ion. ``` (d) Ar�y si.c�n wN�i<�h is [si�rucl��a��a1J.y alterec�,] maini:ai.ned,, r�el,nc��:�c� ot^ r•�plac�c� shall imm�diai;�ly be be^uuc�ht ini:u cump:li�nce wi.i:h al.l uf tNie �r•c�u�,si��ns nfi �riis Cha�ai:�r•, exccpt: i:he r•epair�iric� �nd `'I re��ur•atiui7 uf- a sic�n uri sii:e ur �w�y rr•nm I:h� si1�:e to a �afe ccar�c�i�ioi7 any �aa�•t: c.1fi a si.gn �,r sigri �i;r�uc.i�ur� f�ar� nc.�r�maJ. �r��int�narice ahall be p�r�mii�i:�d wif:hout l�ss c�r nuric.unfiar^ma.ng st�1:u:;, C.d�. F'or�,�?.iar�ases.,c�fi. triis C�_:_od�..r a_�..�?__�ac� ��r m�ssac�,e c:Nian �...shaJ.l�, k�e. ` �eter�•min�d�k�,�,.,th�_falluwinc�,� �i.�_ A ..sic�n�fdae ur messd.ge...._rhan.c�_e.....nn a norir.�nfrar�mi.n �,,,~_i�ri, is >. nut�alluwed as�an,�yµalter�a�iun when th� arfe�.ted_�r��p,�r�t� wil.l��e sold ar•._ �ransferred , dnd �,th� busihess, wi11 r��a„�„t� r�main.�he �ame�.w _ _ _, - ;:: fr 4� 'I..UN�:' ORq�:NFlNC�E' AM1E_NC)M�".IU"I" "Z,�F� 87-�•Q"1 pRfl�"T' 5 ..- PAGE: 2,2 (3/2166) � E � , __. _. ._,n, .....�,, �...�... ....,_.,. --- �� i . _ _ ° {; M; �„. E: :�xx A si n fac�ur messa �chan e sh�l.l th�r�fure be alluwed a� ' ..�..�.� _ �.�...._._ . �.... .9. _._._.:.�......�.._._..._._.._._...�,..._._..._......._..��..._._._ an al��r�i.i.c��n �,n��.i°ar �x�,is�i.r�g confurm�ing�,,,_si ns ar►d far nuncun�urminr��si�ns��ior�tu L-r�eir �mart9.zatinn expira�i;,ion dai::e�,. . �iii� Na, px,c�:.n_...p�r�nii�.s;hal.l� b�a ,required t'c�r_ allawablu,�.s�n face ntw ,. : m�ss.ar��char�c��s, ` ,! 5�.: SN►�a,u1d „ a._�r�uncc�nfc.�rmir� si,gn ar si�rr , sl�rucLur� a�^, nunconfn�^min ,,; por�9.un�uf si�ructu�� be cl�str�u �d or� re�ai.red b _an m'1....._.._.�an...�..s..._.tn,..an extent�: af nic�re i.han 5q��.rcent_�.�4�_,�ts �J.acentent c�us�__.it shall not be��pcc�nstru4ted__pxcept in cunfor,�mitv with the _�rovisiuns�...uf i:ha.s Gad�,�, � M •. _ . . �'� t' �f.�. ({e)] S9.gns iri exis��r�e� un i�:Ni� �f�er.i:i.ue d��e af triis Cria�ai:�r wM►iGh c�u �A, r�ui: r:um�aly wzi:h pruvisxuris r��gulata.ng flash�in� si.�ns; use uf- �aar ; s�ni>lxghts �.�r r•c��a�irtc� k�eac.�tiris; r•u��t�i.rig �nd reu�.�J.virig sa.c�ns; � f'���s, k�anr�ers, 5i�reaiY»r�s or� s4r�ing� uf lighi:s; (ur i:ei��pc�r�ary 4�r� ,:� incid�rii�aJ� signs) sh�].]. b� m�c�� �n cc.,nform wi.i:hxn 9q c�ays t'rc�m th� �i �t'reci.ive c�dte uf �his Gha�1:�t�', .5.�:�_ C(r)3 Cautdc�4�r AdvHr�:ising] E3il�:buards, tiic�ns in exisl:�nce �tin �h� �rf-��:t�iv� ciai:e uf i:ha.s ChapL�r whi.cr� du nut �.uirt�aly wii:h t�he , ' pr�.�visi.ans c�f 18,114.090(a?(4)(Fl) sNt�3.). b�.a K�er•r�ial�tcc� tc� r•emai:n al.unc� U,S, Hi��r�way �9W unlyj..r..� until Ntar�ch _31�_199�`��,._,�at whiuh.�i,m� sui:ai sic�ns sh�a_].1 b�_ k�r•c�uc�i;_...ini.n cc�rifnr�r�►.i.�.�� ...� z, t8 , �14. 120_ � Si�n 12�muval Pruvisic?ris--Nuncurifur�m.rnu�,.and Abandoneci_Sic�ns ' ' .._ ._ . _ .. � _ .. . ., ,. , a Fl11 si�ns erect�d af-�:�r• i.h� �ff�.�ci:iue dai�c.� uf 1:his i�ai�:J.�, which � ) . ar�e in viula�:iun ufi any �r�uisxnn of 1:hi.s urdinanc�, xNi�l.1 be r�inovk�c� c.�r• haraughit ini�ca c:cinPurmance, upnn writt:�n nu�i.c� k�y t:he Directur [�r c��siu�nke] . (b) A1J. signs wh:icFi dc� i�a1: cc.,n7�ly wi.�:M� this Ct�api�er•, bu� wr�r•e er•eci:�c� �ara.ur i�u i:he �1"f��tS.v� c��t�a af tr�is ur�dir�ar7ce, sha11 �ae r•emuv�d ar br�c�u�hL i.nta c�7nfc�r�irianee wi�ha,n 6U days frc.�m wr•ii:i�en ncii�;ice by ce�•tit'i�d m�a..l c�iven by t�he Dir�e�i:u�^ [,ur c�u�.y aui:huri;red repr•es�ni��ative]. (c) :If i:h� uwner ar sigr�, bui.l.dinc�, s�r•ur:tur�e ur^ premxse faxls t�, cumraly wi1�h the wr�xi�l��n ur�c�er, i�h� pirecLur [a�^ desic�ri�e] may i�hen ci.l:e �he uwner int�� cctiuri� s�ak�j�c.{: �:c� Gh�pt�r ].8 ,2h (�Nf�'OF2C�.ME:N"C') uf' thi� Cuc�e. '1"he fcal.luwing �xc�pi�:iuns applyc , .; (1) S�c�.tic�n 16. 11A, 11Q, (N�.,ncc�nfurminc� '�ac�ns), pruuid�s rctir• c�r�l:ain i:a.ihe limits ar�d ui�h�r c�ndx�iur�s rur c�r�i:ain siyns as de�r.rihaed tF�er•ein. � :: (2) F�ny sic�n i:h�i: k�y rt� e.�tinc�itic�rr ar l�,�ca�:i�.in �r�senl:s �n immediaLe ar skriaus d�ng��r• 1>u �he public, by �r�der U� 1:h� Bu:il.ci9.ng 4ffii.ciaJ., it stiall b� r�emnv�c� or• r^�paired wi�hir� the ti.me he may sp�cify. i>P� ;, ;.: xQN�. ORpTlVANC�;: AM�.IUI�M�:N"C' �:qA 67.�.0'r DFtAF'T a -�- f�AGE: 23 (3/2/88) �` {� �<; - ��: iill _ II Tn i:he �v�nt i:h� uwn�r ar such �9.gn r:�nnui� be ruuric� ur^ r•cfusey i�a c.umpl.y wii�h i:N�r� urc��r i:a r�mc�v�, i:h� E3uxl.dinc,� , Official �hall i:h�n N�av� i:he cianc�wr�uus �ic�n r�muv�?d �nd i�he awnN�r c.ii��c� fur rioncc.�mp].i.ance dnd r�E�cuucrry af- �any dama�e c.�r• �xp�ns�. (3) l.�c.an►�ur��r�y Si.c�ns; A�l, i:em�car���^y si.cxns sh��a,l. k�� r•�in�.,u�c� [or� rc�pair�d] �s �ruuid��d S.n Sectian 18. ].14, 10p,�b�.�1.� af' i�his Ch�pi:�.ar•. (d) Any pE�rsc�n wha c�wris or� l�±ases � sxgn str�,uci�ur� shi�lJ. r�en�c�u� sucr� — sic�n [and sign] str�uctur•� wh�n eith�r L-he �ausiness i:hat ii: aduEri�is�s Nt�s c�a.se.��ntir�u�t� k�usiri�ss [in ti:r» ci�y ar l:h�� k�usir�es� that it a��v�r��Lis�s is nu lunc��r cnru�uct��d in or upun th�a rar���mis�s up��n whie.N� suchi sagr� is lnca�ed] . (1) If 1�hc� �er•s�an wNia awns nr lta�s�s suc.h si�n rails i�U rNmou� ' ii:: a�s �ar•c�vic��d i.r� i:h:is Sec�a.c.,n, the Uir��c:i���r� sNi�J.I. c�iue thi� uwner uf tMie N�ua.lding, s�ruutur•e ur pr�iriis�5 upun wN�ich sue.h 5ign is l�c:���c�, faCl c��ys wr�ii:i:cri n��i�ic.e i:c� r�muv�! i.t, "; �' (2) Tf i:h� sigr� has riot b�aen r�c�mou�d ai: i:he expir•atrun uf trie 6o days nai�ice, �tN�e Dir��ci�r.�r [�.�r d�si.gr�E��, may t�•�mnvE such si�ri at cayi: i:u Lhe own�r• uf the hauilding, str°u�1:�are ur� pr��mi,ses, (3) ��ic�ns Wr���r, �r�� , in fiu7,1 cump_liance with, Git:�..__.si.c�n . _ r��c�ulai:iuns wNii.eh �he �ucc�ssur~ tu a per�:�un' � �ausinr±ss agr��ees to m�i.ni�:ai.n �s pr•uvid�c� xn �:hiis C;h�tpi��r^ n�+�d r�ot b� r��mnved in accurdance with i:his S�ctiun, I�, (4) Cosi:s inr:urr�era k�y i�h� C9.Ly du� �:c.� r•emau�l, ni�ey b�� n►�d� �a l.i�n a�airis� i:he �.and nr pr�mises on which su�h sigri i� lc�c.ai:�d, �r1:er nota4e and h�E�r�ri.ng and m�y b� ca1l�r.i��c� ar roreclasec� in i:h� s�m� ir�anntar• as [la.rie�] lic�ns ui:h�r�wis� � �nt:�rec� 9.n th� [l.in�s;j lien,s dockei: c>f Lh� Ci.i�y. � w... _ , . 18�11A..,130.�. Zu_ n,xng_ pisi:rici: Re uc�_latiuns (�) No si.gn nf any c:h�araci:�r shal.l k�� per�mii�i:ed in an �-I, R-A.5, ,I R-3 ,5, R--2, �r• R�-1 zone 4�xc�pt 1:he f�tillowinc�, [(1) N�mca�>l.a�es , Sign b�.aar•i.nc,� c,nl.y prc��c.�ri:y numk>Ear�s, n�in�� ur �.�ccupant� nf i:he �r•c�mis�� ur• c�i�her� identiricai:iun uf 1:h� �rr�mises not hauir�c� a cc�mm�r•r.ial cc�r�n�,i:��ion nai� exeeec�iny a camk�in�d a�^�a ur 4 sr�uai^� re��L.] .�.. Wall s,i n s �....,_ Md�nut .c�xceed a c�mbined 1:c�i:�1 ar�e� uf four � uare fe�L, __ _ ._� _ �t ._..__..�..,__..._ i'. C(2) Rea:� �.sfi:�t� Signs. Qne an...�site i;empar�a��y sign fc�r� each strc?�t rruni:agp urfc�rinc� i:he �remisks fiur sale, lc�ase ar inspec,i:ir.in by i:hH publ.i,c �ar���vic�cd th��i� �ri� i;c�i:a1 �rea c�t' :tuch sic�n c�ues no� excc?�d 6 si�taar•� r�k�k ;.�� �r'�a. :uch sic�ns n�ay al.so b� modifiec� i:n indXC�t� thai: the pr•caperty Hias be�n suld.] "LONE;: OC2DI:NANCE: AM�NDMEN'T' ZpA 67-�q7 DRA�"T' S -- PAGE 24 (3/2/6H) ;' {-. i _ s' i _ j. �,i 4, 1': F.: f:' i, �2� [(3)] [P�r�in�n�ni: hc�usinc� cumplcx id�r�tii�i�:;�tian signs,] Ev;ery r�ctiusir� cani�>1ex�sh�a11„�.be a1luw�d an� �ern►anent fre�standin,g, [c�r�uund] s�n� ai:� ��dch �nLry puin� tu �h� housir�g c�mplex fr��.�n� fi:hE� pub].i,c. ric�Nii.-�-��f.,,,w�y, wi.{�Pi �F�e sii;r� prope�^i�y landscap��. [c9�nol:ing i�he deVelupir��rit name] and nuL cxc.w���la.nc,� 32. scit.iar�� ree�. in ar�ea, 1:�.l.umi.n�tie�n m�y k�� i, appr��v�c� as lun� a5 zt r�u�s nu1: cr�aL-� a publ.ic c�r pr�u�te ' nu:i�a�t�e, �:� determin�.ac� by �.he D:ir•�c�.ur� ccinsiclering tFi� pur•puse uf thie rar��. S�� C�4)� CF>�rni�n�ni�; subdsuisi.con id�ril:.ifir.at:iur� sagns, One] Eve,� �la�ted _ suk�c�iui�iun shal:l _be �llow�d �n� ,permanent. frr��st�anc�zn.,�c. C�r�aunc�] . sagrr, ai� e�er.h �ntr�y p�.�i:nt t�, �he : subdivisian f'r•um i�he public right--uf•�-way, wxi;h the �ite pr~u�er�ly landsc��ec�, [denc�l:inu� trr� d�v�!J:c�pment� name] and i` nui: �xc��din� 32 sc�uar��� fc��t in ar�?a, :�1luminaLa,un may be ap�roved �s :lcanc� a5 it: d�,es nai: ereai�� a puhali.c. pr� pr•ivai,e nui3arrce, as c���er�min�c� k�y tr�p pir��el;ur curis9.r�er�a.ng f:h� pur•pas� af i:kre r��ne. �4� Nonr.esxd�ntial s:i�r►,s� One i.11.umin�i�ed a�^ nU�n�il.luminai:ed _.. — ;;' free•-standin .,s..i..c�n._nut ,.ex�ce�ding 6 reet in heiqht and..._.32 ._.�...�... .,._... , sc�uar�. fe�t in area �er si n face�,fc�r uaes a�, r•�aved und�r �` th� sit�_,�deuel,u�m.en�t t^eview r�r� cunditianal us��,,,rucess. Wal.l yi n;s:m���n� �±xwcr�,�ed_,fi.v�_�erce�nt�of the �r�oss area nf _ the wa,ll fac�nn whiGh�i:he_ s�n is muunt�d. �� [(5} Cte�l. e�tai�e c�ir��c�xc�nal. si.gns. 1"emp�r•ar�•y r~ea1 esi�ai:c? sagria �ciuee�i:ising �n upkn ha�as� an<i 1oc;ai�r�d nff th� pr•e�nis�s, li.mi.ted i:c.� � siqn ar��a �.�f 6 sc�u�r� fie�i: ar�d a maximuni dimen�ion uf 4 F��� ma� b� er�acl:�d �r�d mairttained, pruvici�d . . a gc. hc�ur•s � s , c�uri.n L-ha, � th�. display uf such sa.gn �hall k�� c.nl.y g i:he prup�r�i:y is av�9.lable fu►^ a.n��aec.t�iun,] [(A) Nc� c�i:he� urf_.pren�a.ses direcl:i.c�nal sic�ns ariall b� allawnd. Nu per�mii�s arp rec�ui.r•�d fur su�:h signs, but �1��e Dar•��cf:cir in�y esl:ab�.i.sh r•�as�,nak�lc r°u1�s and r�� ulai:i�ans i:u rohi.bit sic�n cxuir:�r�, er�ci:i.on uf � � unsafe sic�ris, c.,w• c.,i�he�^ �aruk�lcmta i.n c��nn�cti�.�n wi�h �he er�c�iur� nf r�eal e��at� dir��c�inr►al t�igns.] C(E3) Sur.h r•�ul.es ancl r�c�ul.atians shal,.l ha� un fi.l.e with th� Cii: Recur•c�e�^. y 7 ��� [(6) Re1.a.gic�us Assemk�ly. � ' (A) Free-�•sl:andi.ng si.c�ns rc�r• rc�l.i.gi,c�us a�s>sc�mbli.es anc� ," � s sh�tll �.c�ucati�nal in�t:itui:iur�s ir� resi�i�ni�ial rune k��a linii.�ed �.�� 16 fr�e1: �n r�p��r,� and 65 square ���t in a�r�+�� p�r sic�n race. (B) R�laga.c�us a�s�rnk>1x�s �rid edus.afi;a�:�nal: insti,tu�:iuns are ��rmil:��d t�a haue read�r b�ar�ds bui: r�u� in ,; exr.es:� ot� the aJ.1t�w�ak��.� si.gn a�e�, ��'' �:;.: �!", ��'; i,, ZOIU�: qf2pINANG� AMENDM�.NT' ZqA 87.,,q7 qRAF'T 5 ..�- PA(;E 25 (3/2/�8) i..` i;, i , (C;) W��J.1 Si.c�ns. Wal]. sic,�ns shi�ll nc.,i� exc.ee<9 fxue ra�r•c.csnt �f i:he frarit v�al.l area ari�i r�ot Ya� per~irixi�i;�cl uri sid� c�r° r•�ar wa11s,] ; � �6� qi�e4i�xonal s�r�s_,_nr�_pr�ivai:�.�.r. u��r��wh�n �uch, si_gns,..awr�� snl�l.� d�signed., t�� rd�ril:it'� drivew�Y._._�ritrancr�s,�,and _exits rur moturists_,a�n adjoinxnc� publi.0�i>reets� One sic�,n�w.ith an,...ar�a �.�f f�.�ur�..�.A...�._,sc�uar�,r��feet�er. fac� shall be ��e^m,x,l�i�ed, �! , er c�riv_�wa�.���.5aid sx ns shall be con�,sist�nl, with Cha ter� � p .......`l.:_ _..�...:�.._....�......_._..�._...�: _ _. ....�..,:._._ 18..r_102.�Vi,su�.1 G1�a_ranc:�,. Ar�eas��.. (7) yi�ns �x��m�i: t'r��um per•tnii:, Th� sic�ns sp�cafi.�d ir� ��c;.�i.ori 18, 1].4,qfi0(�) sha].l. k>c:� �t11.�.�w�c�, suk��ect tu �r�y r~�si�ric:i:iur�s impus�d k�y thi� i;ii:l�?, �,8�.. '1"�m,por•�ar.�y_.sic�ns.was._�a�r' fi�eti.c�ns 16, 11A.09Q �nd 18. 114.iQO. ' �9� Lawn siqns_as_p�r��Spci�i.an_ 18�].1A.060��S��and�b�(2Z =,� _.__..�.�. .._.�.. 1 51...U.�. �La�wc,ial�,�ar�d:i.i:ic�n�i,�n;s,as�r�_��ci:i�n 18 11A t790, ; .......... ..,_.__._... � (11� Addil;iunal alluwed si�n�,.�,awnin,g_s..ic�n�s�.�T_Laint�dw_�'x�n�s�. mc,riumPnt._.signSs��, � µ (b) Mu,l:tifiami�l� Residential._.,X�,rres,� IUcti si.r�n shi�l.l. b�.a �a�r•n�ii�i��c� iri �►ri R.--:l?., R--La, ur R_..AO ;rone c�xc�pt fiur i:h� rulluwa.r�g: ; ' [(].) P�r^man�n�: r•esid�ni�a.�a]. n�mc�pJ.ai�:�!� ic�eni�:ifyinc� 1�hi� �ar�mi.se�. ! 'Tui;al si�ninc� un a �r��mis�s �Nia].1 na� �xcca�d car�� sc��aar�� fucat c�i� �r•ea p��� dwc�l.ling ur7ii�,] 1 Wall ar r� s Ma not ex�.��d a cotnk�in�d 1��tal. ar•�� c�f- ure� _�..».� ._..�......_....r......�..��_.._.....�._.»...,_............�.�._� . ,....._._._»_.. ._.,. _ .... ._ ....�. �.�.._.... u...»�..�....__.._..._....W.. �...._.. ! s uar� f�.,cat er_...dw�llxn.c�__unii:,,.ancl__ma�,n�,�._.�?:r;c�.,j,e�t rr�c.�m ti�e : ; . �1.....___..._..�.....:.._.._.�? wal l i=ac�, � [(2.) :I:nc,i.c���nl:al. s,ic�ns . Swcri s:igns sh��l.]. �,nl.y k�� �a�r�y�iit�:ed whi�r� � ai:i�ach�d Lo a ��r°ir�ai•�ar�i;ly �rr�x�d sa.�n si�r��u�i:ure ur fi:o i:h� , w�l.l. of i::h�� k�ui.l<�inc�.] L(3) R��al esi:ate s iqns. Qrie outs�:c�� s ic�n uff�rxr��� i;he rrr•�ma s�� fc�r• s�:l.e �r•c>vicai.n� i:h�i� Lh� 1�4tii�a,1 a��•ea oi' sut:Ni si.c�n (�l.'1�,?S �' � nu1: �xc��ci �w�l.ve squar�e t'�ac�t, Such si.�n� mdy k�� m�difi�c� 1:u iridic�i�e i:Miai� �k�e pt^up�.arl:y has b�en s�lc�,] ' :< (2� kv�.r��G..� huusin� uum�l�x.�w.shall be alluwed une, �,rmaner�,i: _... ...�.._.�.w.,._.�.._._. freesl:andi�.� sr.�_......a�..each.., en1>rY.._,�n�_..µ��,_.._�h��.h�usirt� ,' .....�...�___.--_,._ .....�...._...._ cum�alex .,�...from_,��he��ublic ,r�i�qh��-nf•-�,wax�.__wii:h..._..the s.itc� . .___ .�.. .�.. , , �arnper•1��L.....1�ric�sca.ed�,.._ cienntinc� trie deuelr� n�a,,,ienL ..na►rie�,and_ nu� �xc�edinq 32_ squar�e fpei:�in _area. Tilumina�.i�n m�.�,k�e a�?.�yr�nved as._.lanc� as it;, d�e�,s nc�i: cr•eate �..puk�liC ar�,�ivai:e nuisan_,_.,:�es, as_rde�er�min�d�._b`l_.._.th� Direc�ur��cansider�ing „�h� �ur��ose ��,thew,cone, � .._._ .. —.�.._ ;�, t'.`` Gq�l� ��2qINAN(:�F AMkNI�MLNT "L(7A 87�-•n7 pRA�'T a ,._ I�AGE 26 (3/2/B9) ;: i`: s� k' ji j; .�3.�. E:uer�l.�.,�1a�..,i:ed,�, sul�di.vfsion sha11 be �llnwed ar�ew_.�er�m�nent rrees�anc�i:,.c�.....s_i.�.r:�.�i.�T each ent,�,ry�oint tu the subc�ivisiun fr�am thr� �uk�].ic r�hi��,af,�wa.y,��. with� the si1:e �roper•l.,y ` lanc�sca�ed�, d�nu�inc�th�_de,�vel��ment,�nam�.,�nd nut ,exeeedin� �3?___s�are �ee� an ar�a.� I11un►irtatiarr may be apprnved �as .�..._ _.�. .....�.� .�.. ...�._ l�n._cl, a.s it dues not cr�ate a �ubl.ic ur_�r^iva�e nuisance as .�._....._�.. ,.,„._ ,. d��ermi.n�c� � tF�e_Clir�ctn� c.unsideri..�ng_.µth��„�au;rp�se ai~ th� ; zune. ......_. �......, ..� �. (Q) Nnnresxd�rrt.ial sic�ris, pne il:.lumi.n�ted ��r� nc�n--illun►xn�t:�d free�-si:andinc� sign r�u1: exc��d'ang 6 ��aNt ir� heic�ht �rid 65 squar� f��i: in �rea p�r� si,c�n fac:� �id�ni:ii�ying any t' nunr~�sidertii�Xal ws�] per�mit��d �,n a piul.�:i�le family ` r�c�id�nti�l -r.une, i� such� use ha� k�e<an ��pr��.�u�c� under� i:;h� site develu,;�e..,n,�t reuiew u��^ cunr�i�iurtai us� �aruce�s. W�lX : si:c,�n�s. m..a�l.�„nat� exceed fa�v��ercent af i;he grass wa11_arEa c�n , which the sic�n,.,is ta be muunl:!�d�. [(5) Re�1 e��ate direcl�i�.,nal sxgns and �te].ig9.�us s�.�ra�, in ', �ecor���nc� with subs�ctiun (a)(4) anr� (5) abaue,] ' ,`;� ��. C(6)] D.i.r•ec.t;icanal [or• instrwc:t:i.un�l] signs un pr°S.v�1>e pr�u�er�l:y when such sic�ns are s�l.�l� CIf?51�1'1�CI tu id�rti:iry drive�way en�r�anc.e:� arid �xi.ts fc.�r ma�c�ris�s can adjc�ining puha].ic si:�'NN{:8. On� sic�n wii:h �an ar��a of four (4) �q�aat�e fra�� �aer fa�:,e sr�a1J. k�E� pEar�mii�i��ci p�r c�r^iueway, Sai� sa.gns shaJ.]� be cansisi�e�nt with Chapl:�r 18. 102 (Vi.s�aal t,1�ar��nce Ar���as) , �6�.. [(7)] Siyn� �xem��i� �w�am per°itiil�. "C'h� sic�n5 s�aecifii.ed in 5er.i�ic�rr . I 18. 1�.4.Qb0(a) shall k�e �11uw�c�, subj�r:t i:o any re�tr�ictiuns im�as�d by tr►a.s t:it7.r�, _�7,� 't"�.,._�,a�a�^� sic�ns as p,er�._S�ctiuns 18.11A�090 and 1@. 114__,__100. , ��_ I�awn si,_gn_s as ,�erw���ction.._18w�114.06���6� dnd��..(2��,_ : �9.� �.ecial condi.tiun. 5___..�n�..��g..l.er��8ectiun ],8�114�Q9Q, ', �1.q� Addi,i:innal ,allawed signs':T._.._Awning�si r� s��aair�ted s_i.gri(s�,. inunuinen�.s.i.g.n.Ss�.., (c) Camm�rcial Zr�nes� No sac�n sria�.l. b� p�r�n�i.fi:t:�c� in �► G-•G and CG�[) �xce�t rur� the 1=u11uw�.i���; (1) F'r�e,�-standin�_signs. I (A) F'r•ec.a_•st�anclariu� signs sh�ll h�ve c�r�i:�in J.amxta�ians aric� cundi:�i.uns wher� p�rmii�l:�d un pr��n��r�i:9,es zuned con�mer�cia�, and indwsi�r•ial. � ,; �UNE ��tD:LNAN(�� F�MENI�MCIVT ZOA 87-�07 qi2AF'T 5 -- PAtaE 27 (3/2/88) s � �, ,. �� �. .. ..._. ._.- -_.... . ;. . � .. ... ::... .....� ;�......, , (S.) On� mulLifiar.ed, free_..si:�ndang si�n [i,clen�ify9.ng i�he principal gc�ad�, p��uciuct.s, faci�.ities ur� servic:es �av�ailak�le un the �ar•emises,] sha].1 ha� �a�i�•mi1:i;�d [un i�h� �r�emi��s,] subj��.t t�a cc�ndi�iuns and limi.tati.oi�s as si��ted itiar�in. (ii) A r��ader�bu�r�d ass�mbly may be an integr~al par�t �.�r th� fi're�-ws�:�ncii.nc� si.c�n. (F3) Ar�eaa L.imits. 'TN» maximum square fuut�c�e ufi sign� sl•�all be 7p squarE f�et per f-ace c.,r� a tc,1��7. c.,r 140 sr�uar�e f��t fur all sign facES , No ��r�i: ur any fr•r�e-�si:andinc� sigr� sFia11 extend over � prc��er�Ly lane I ir��u pubiic r�xc�hi:-�f-�-way s�aace, I (C) Ar•�a t..imit Inr.r�as�s. "t'ri� sign ar��ea may be S.ncreas�d un� �c�ua�^e T�ut rur� �dch lin�al fua� i:h� j sigri is mc�ved k��c:k fr�om the frani: pr•up�r�ty ].i.ne the sic�n xs �djac�nt i:.u, Tf L•h� si�r��t is cur•�a�d ar�d p�uec� thr� measurem�nt n►ay k�e taken fr�um a paini� i which is 15 f-��t t'r��um the �av�menl:, 'This incr��ase ; ir� si.yn ar�ea is limii:ec� to a maxi.mum af 90 s�uar•e re�i� per t`ac� ur a �ui:al uf 180 sqta�r•� fe�t fur all ! fai:.es. � a (p) Hexghl� Li.mi�:s. F'r�ee-s�anding s9.c�ns l��cai:�d next ta � �he puk�.l:ic r�zc�ht-�uf•�-way �r�al.l nut exc��d 7.0 f���� in r,���r,�:, Heighii: may h�e iricrEased one fuc�i� in hcight fiur e�ch .l0 r��1: uf ��L-back from the pr�uper�i�y lin� o�• a ���an�: l�i feei� fr�am th� �c�gc� of- pavem�nt� whi.ch�ver is ].pss to a max:imum u� 22 r��i: in h�ighi�, (2) Wall. Si ns . (A) Al.lowah�le Area, Wall sic�ns, inc�.uding S.D.J.uminated � �caa�e►^ boar~cls, may be ��•�cLwd ar� maxntain��d k�ut fl'', sNia11 nai: exceec� in c�r•uss area 15% of �ny buiJ.dir�g f�ar.e Coccupa.ed by i:he i:eriani�] un which_ t;he s.,i_g_n. _is ta_k�e mouni:ed. (B) WaJ.]. sagns may n�.�� �ar�c�ject m��re Lh�an 19 inr.hes frc�m i:h� wall ur Ex�Nnd abave the wall i�a which L-hey are at:l:ached. (C) lri buS.].dangs wNiere �.�ne �r m�yr�e t�n�►nt�(s) OC.CUpa( a ; �cari:ian ur a bui],ding which daes i�iui: iriclude any par{:i��n �.�f an �xi:eriar� wall h�avin� exp�.7sur•e tc� � �: pub.li.c si:r�et, allowable w�ll sign �tr�ea wi�l b� i cc�tnpui�ed ir� i:he f-oJ.].owing manner: i i i i; { � c �4N� ORq�NANC;� AMENDML"NT LQA 87-�-07 qRAF"T 5 -- PAGk. Z8 (3/2/88) i' � . _ :;1 (i,) Each t�n�n�: nc�1: h�auS.rtic� hau�..ld�.rtg fir�t�n��<�e m�y have� a wal.l sS.c�r� un i:he wal.l. riavir�g s�r��a�i: ex��t7s�are (fr•arri� w�l.l) pr•avi.c��c� ii; c�a�s n��t exc��c� �.�7 s ign ar�a i�hai� pur�t�a.an uT �9.c�n ar•�a pcw�mii::�.ec� i:r��t fr�.,n1�; w�J.J. i;�n�nt h�va.ny i:hi�:� sma.l�.�st �r•a�ac>ri�iean ur alluwabl� sxu�n arcaa. (i9.) l:n i�hi.s l;ypE? of' bui.]:c�inc� i:hi� al.l�.�w�bl.e pr•�pur•i:inri uf rr^unt wal.l sic�n ar���a �h�ll: b� e.oiripui;�cl �s ir,� c�f �:h�e t�7i�:�1. k�iaa.J;di.rig t°aG.e. (i.iX) A wa.11 sx�n �ruc�r��m sha11 bc� �7�i;�tYali�h�d fu�• aJ..l nu.ilti�_.i:r�r�4ani� k�uiJ,dinc�s, nc, n�w �t�rm�.� sMi�l.x he isstac�d uni,il �uch a pr•uc�r�•am as �s1:�blished , ; (i.u) On prc-...�xisl:ing b+.iS.l:dxn�s, ca4h new t�r�ant wx11 '' aeih�r� L-a i:N�� 4aesi:ab�.ished �a��u�r�m, (p) 1f 9.t is d�:�i:�r�mxnkd und�?r� i�h� c�E�vwJ.c.ti�m�n� r��.aui�w j pr•uc.�ass i�r�at i�h� wall sic�n`s vi�ual ��apF�al �nci ov�r•a1J, c�eti�.yn c��aa].a.i;y w�.�ul� b� ser•v�c�, �n �c�ciil;iur�al 50% uf- th� al.lowak�l� si�n �r�a may b� p�rmil::�:ec�, IVc� cn�>y will. k�� pern►i.�t�:�c�, h<�w�uer~, i.n �h� �c�c�i�iur�al �r°c�a �a�rmii:1:�d. I�ur pu►^�aus�s af i:his subs�c.i:ian, ���.�,py" i.ncluc��s syir�Ma��ls, J.c�g�.��, �n<� .l�i:i:ers. (E) P�9.ni�Er� Si.c�ris . Wal�. si.yns �a�aint�c� c�i.r�r.�:).y i,n1:c� �:hra wall sur°fac:e yh�a11 nui: �xc��t� in �r�uss watl ar•�a �.5?� of i:ri�.� fiacc ofi i:hic hauilding tr��y �r�� �a�ir�i��d u�a<�n, �nd �h� ucri�i.c�xl cai.i�iensi.un c7f the �i�r� cannui: exc�aec� III zo� �r �r,k� nEa��r,�: �,r �:n�� w���. ' L(F) Rc�al f�i:ai:� `�iyns . One f�•��—stanci�.nc� ur wall sign w:i].1 k�� ��rmi.i:i:ec� �,frer•i.nc� t:hiEa �r°�mi��s rc�r• s�a1e c.,r r^cznt. "ful:al ar���a ufi su�h sic�n sN��l1 riut �xe:cc�d "/0 squ�r� f���.] (3) C�i.rkaci:ic�naJ, [ar� a.nst:ruc�S.c.,nal.;] sir�n� ��n �r•iv�i�� pr��.�p�r•i�y wF��n ��ach sir�ns ar~� so.l�].y de�a.gn�d i:u i��ntir,y cir°ivt�way �ni::rances anc� exii:s fc.�r� mc�l:c�r�isl�s �.�n �djc�i.riinc� pub].i.c st�r���ts . On� si�r� wii�h a�n ar��a uf fuur� (A) s�uar�e f��1: ��r fac.e �ha�.l b� �E�rmiti:�c:) pE�r dr�iueway, C���icl si<�ns sha11 k��* cansisi��ni: with Chd���er� 18. ].C12 (Visual C].�ar~dnc,� Ar��as) . I' �q�, Elee�r��.;�nir.. M�ssa� Geni:er�s as �r Seci:iun 1B, 114.09Q�d,� .(�,S.Z [(q)7 �i�ns exHni�i: 1'r�um �er�mii:, The sic�ns sp�cira.ed in Sec�i.un i.8, i.14,Q54(�a) sh�ll. ha� aJ.�.�wec�, stak�j��t tc� any r�sLr'ici:iuris i.in�used by �his titlk. ' �b�_ l"en�ora�� s�is a�,er��,Seci�i.nns ].6, 11A,U90..and 18.114. 1Q0. �plVk� UI2U;CNANG� F�MkNDMk.N'T ZOA 87-�G7 I��2AF7 5 -� pAG� 29 {�/7_/88) ; �' �7� t�.�awn.,..sx.c,�._as .�a:��. 5c�ctian ].8, 114.064..S...a.�.�.6..�ar�d_.�,b,�,TC2�.:, I �8,� 5pecial cunditiun s�ns a� �_Sectinn 18. 1].A_;,_090. i �9 Addii:iur�al A1luwec� Si ns Awnin si n s flush itched � ....�. .�...�...._..:...._.__ ..�......�..�.�..�....�...z._.____.�...�...�...P__..�... ��rT,u�r"� si n sZ,,�,rr�eew�y,���?r�i�nted �si n s), ten�r�t sic�n:�.�..s j �,-a,iritw�c�.�.._.,5��!.C,S..�..r..,...mc,�nun►�nt_si..�?..�..�'�...r�r��ectin.�..Sx.�,n�.�...:. i .,.w (d) C�mmercial--Pr�nf-es�iunal Zune` IUu szc�n shall be K»r•mii�i;�c� in a C�--P i zt�ne �xc�p�: ��or- �h� ft�l.l.uwinc�; � � C(].) 'Th�ra �hall k�� nui: ir►ur�� i:han une sc�uare fuui: ut' si.�n ar��� ( fc.��� ca�cFi 14Q squar�w fr��i: af filc�ar ar�ea wi.i:hin t�h� b�ai.lc�i.nc� i nr� k�uilcii.nc�s i�u be identified. All sic�ns shall nut ex�.�aed � Y5 sq�a�r�� fi'��i� p�r�� fiac� e}r a i:c�tal ur 3q squ�r•� f��t rt�►^ ! a11 si.c�n f�r.c�s if bui:h faGes ar�e u���.] k . � C(2) IVu sic�ri sriall p�^uj�ci: dbuvka tr�� r•a��f 'lin� c�r ex�c�ricl ouer• a E ��abla.c �i.d�walk ur r•ighi;-_up...,w�y, All 1=ae�s uf siyr�s sr�all b� par�allel �a the fac� af �h� k�uil.dinc� upc�r� Wr,��.r, i:Fie sic�n � is lucai:eci �nd i:u which th� sign �er�tains.] f [(3) Si,gns may be p�inted c�r c�therwise appJ.i.�c� dareci�ly i��.� a wa11 �r•uvic�ing sucr� si�;�n is an ini:��r•al �ar��t u� bu9.l.c�ing ? d�sa.qn �rir� apprav�J. i� cik�tained frar sucr► si.c�ri ur�d�r• i:he ` deu�lupment rc�ui.�w pr�ncEass.] ; � C(�►) No ba.l.].lac,�r�cis shal.l. k��� pfar�mi.i::t:ec� ,] � � [(5) S�eci.al ty�a�s ar �iyris ra�r S�ci�iun 16, 114.U90 i:his Chapter� i ; tt►�y bk a�prc.�vec� unc��r i;he d�veJ.c,pm�rti� r�uiew �r�uc�ss.� r 1 C(�) Sic�r�s wa.�hin a �,l.annc�d developm�nt disi;rict fur� i:he ` S�.1F,?G1�'].0 pur�aus� nf �dv�r�ti.sinc� the pr•em�.s�� rc�r• sate o�• ; r•�ni:, site identificai:i�n, buildir�g ir�enl�a.fii.catS.un, t�nan� ' € ic�er�i:iric�i�ii�ri �nc� tr•affir. dirHCtinri may b� �aEarmittec! ; wii:hin �uch plarined d��vel.upm�nt as �►ppr�uv��d in i:h� d�taa.I�c� � d�vcl���men1: �l�n subjk�ci� t�� appr�,vaJ. by th�� Dxrecl�ur�, pr�uuiciing 1:hai: an in��c�rai;�ad sic�ri tr�cyme i� carri.�d uu1: cc�i���adt:.r.r>lw wiL-h 1:he ov�r��a.l d�velapnteni� �nd r.nnsisteril: wii�h the appr�ov�d c�erie�^al �alan and pr•agram,] � [(7) Di.r"C?(:I::J,UC1i+lJ. �7r• insLr�uc�xc�n�]. s�.gns an pr�ivat� prc�p�ri�:y wr�eri j such si�ns ar�e sul.ply clesic�n�d tu ic�entify driu�way i eni:r�ances �nd exil�s fur niui�c�risi:s un adjcai.ni.ng pub].ic � �1:ra�i:� , qne si�n wa.�h an a�ca uf Tuur (4) squar•� fca�t per� ;� F�ic:r� �h�d1]. b�.a �a�rmii;i�cc� p�.ar dr•iveway, Said sa.c�ns sri�ll bc � �unsi.sti�rit wii�h Chapter 18. 102 (Visual Cl�arance Ar�eas) .] � � C(6) Signs �x�mpt: t'r•c�m ��r�►�9.t, "fhe sagns speci.ri�d in Sectic�n � 18. �.14.060(a) shall be alluwed, subjF�ci: tn ar�y r�es�r�icti.�ns � 9.mpc�s�t� k�y i:P�xs 1::itlr�.] t � i � ; �qN�. pF2U:CNAIVtaE AMk.NpM�N'T �qA 87--Q7 DRAF7 5 �•- RAGE 30 (3/2/86) ,l � 3 � ,�.Y.�.. F''re�-�si:ar�din�_si ns� (� F're��stand___irig.__.,sig_ns�shall Piave cer•�ain l.imitati�ans anci r.undii:ion� wh�n permiLi:ed ar� �p„ru�erl;ies C�p. �i,..�,. Une mul,i:ifaced�, fr�ee-�•standinc� ,i ri_,_per ,a�rr�mis�s shall �a� �perinii:�i:e,�_subi.ect i:u �:und.ii:iuns �and limii;�i:ians �zs_ stai�ed herein�, .�.f.i� Fe�e�—standirti si ns, in th�C�-S?cun�.._�hall unly , k�e �1l.ow�d as fre�--si�andi.ria�„c�r�„i�ho.se exce,�txans ', ._...�.....�.._,_._............_....,....�....., I listedMunder subsc?ction 18. 114..13Q�d�.�,�4Z. ........_.__ _ �B�_ Flr•ea Limii�s, .Thi� maximum sc�ua:rr�_..__.ruo�ac�.,e___.of ...__.,__,,...__-�__.�........_.,..,...___._...............__ ,...._._w �r��e—star�din�_s iqns shal l be 32_,sq,u�ar�e, feet, p�o^ fiac� ar a �.o��l. afi 6A sc�uare t=e�t i=or a]]. sign fiac�s Nc� pa��t ,of any,wfr�eµsi�andinq s.ic,�,n shiall ext�nd ove�_ a �r��_�aet^_t� line ini:o�ublic r�tit�af.�..wa...�.._s.pace�_ �C� Ar�ea l.imi� _Increases,� The , sign_�re� in.�L.....,_.be inc:reascd ane__sc uare _fant., fo►^ eacri _].inr�al. fooi� tFie sic�n is rouved back frnm the front„�ro er�� line the si. ri is ad.,jacerii: i:a. 7Cr the stre�t i.s �:.u�bed_dnc� .�aav�d�the measurement m��.Wbe� taken frum a„�„nint whiich is�15 feei: frnn� tMe�pa_u�ment. 1"his incr��se i n s ic�n ar•ea _i s 1 im i i:�d ta a max imum ,uf a0�uare I feet per fac�_or._ a ,Lntal, af 100 squa.re ._f-eet for_al.l faces. ..._.....�.......___�. .,... .._�.....�_._ �D� Heighi:__,LimitTs�_,_.F"ree�si�anc�ang�signs ,�lu_r_.ai:ed nexi: tn tF» publi� _ric�ht-�or—w� shall nn� exce�d 8�f�et in N�eighl:, Heiqht .may,_b�increas�d_ nne �aa� .in hc�ic�Fi�. fu�^ �ach 10 t=eet of setfaack from the.,..�p.rc�,�eri:�]..ir�e �.�... ,. .� nr• a �oint 15�eet__rrun� i:h� ec��e___af�au�menL whichever_ is less i:a a maximum uf 10_reet i.n h�l;i9:�, �,� Wa 1_1 S i._gn,� SA,� Alxowat�le Area.w. _Wall_ signs�,.,includin�c__i].luminat�d r�e�derbnard� m� be erectecl nr� inainl:ained but sha,ll nai� excred 9.ri rass ar�ea_ fiive �?���rr�r�t afi a� bui.�.din�on„W,whi_�.h�he siq,n is to be muunt�d�, �� .�8.�. Wall �i�ns shall be ara11�1 _t�u, i�he , f�c��.�fi _i:he buildinc� upun which the si.gn ,is_located,, � _(C� Tn k�uildinc�s where ane or n�nr�e i��n�nl: 5 C1GC:u�7y ci. par�tion uf „a__huildin.q_ which due��n�t i.nclude an� �ti�n uf an �xt�riar w�ll having,_,��x�sure t�� a publi� str�eet�al.luwablP w�ll__ s.,'x�n area_ will .b� cc�n��a�ed._in_tFie...followinc�mar►ner�:.,� LpIUE QRl7INANGk AM�NpM�.NT "LOA 87�-b7 pC2AFT 5 — PAG� 31 (3/2/86) �i;�. �ac:h, i:enari� nut� ,hav ir��,.�u i lc�i�n,c,� f rc�rrL�e n►a hau� �,.�.. wa11, s'xr�ri un ,th�_,wall_ hav�,ing�,�str�et ex.�aas'ur•e _ .:�,frc�r�:i�._ wa,1,�1��,..�?r•ouided ii, due� nat exc�ec� in siar��r�caa i:ha���urtxun�r��a,�,�'x�,cn�r�.g� ��rwrnxl:iFd_,_ i.hai: rr•�ant wall �enant .h�uir��, i�he � .�. .,.� . .. _.. small�st �ar•��?ri�iun�ar all�wabl�_s�n are�� �.i_�. l.�n , i�hix�. tyl��,�.,..�.,..of k�uil.din.g.....i�:,�h�+ a1l�wabl:e �r��urtiun��ur r�^ont_, wal.l. s i��r�_ar�ea�w, shall _,be cctim�ui;.ed ..as fxv��ercr�nl� uf i.he �o�.al. k�uxJ.dinq fac� ,..�..__ ,..W..... ...,..�._r �,�,,,....,,�,....w._.__ 5.:.�:_a.x.�. A wa 11 .�i.�n.�.a�.r,n�c ram,�. s_h�i 1.�.be�.�s t:ab].i s h�d f n r� all��muli.i�-t�rtiant build,_,ings�_r�u,�,new,�,p�rmrl�: shall be i.ssuecl uni�rl such, a ,�rnc�ram i.s establzshed�._ _�._.._._..__. ...___,..... , .... � Siv.� Or�_��x:isi;a.nc�_buildinc�s�.�ach�n�w.._t�nani: wi:,ll � �dhwar•e i:.o �he��si�abli.shed:�rn....�c ram:._ ; ,� :Cr ii: is dra�er�n�inr�d under l:,h�,� d�velu„�m�nt reui.�w t Lrt�c�ss i�ha�. 1�:he wa11 si r�'s ui5ual a ea1 dnd ' . _ ._.... ....�.._,..,_... _,y._._...�._._.�... ;.__...�......�...��_.w....._ .�...�.. i uv�rall d�si r� �c ua�lit�� w�uld �be�,,,, s�rued,_ ..an ; _ .__.�.._.�...._...�..w adr�ational 50� �.�fi i�h� al:lawak�l� ���,ar,ea�� k�e, �i _ ...�...._._ �....._. ..�..... .._�..�...W.�.....�.�..�.�.�...._ _..,. , �er�m�,i�i.�d. IUo�cu.�a.�....wi 11 b.�e_���r�mi�i:�,�..huwe._..._ vr�r�.t.._zn ..`._.� . ,.; i:h� ac�cla.tiar��zl. �rea ,��rmii:ted. f�ur�•�ns�s_.c.��f �his ;� 5uk�sectiun.�_._"c. u�a.�',.w. includes �mbul;s.�. lu,qos��rtc� lei�:�e��s. : 'I �E� Pair��:c�d 5ic�ns:__..Wa11 signs �,�.int�d c�ir•ec�:l� anto Lt�e f" wall surfac�sha11 nnt �xc��,ed i.n��uss wall area faue ��rc..cnt ,.nf':i;��� �face nf th� .buildinc�...,�N�e�_„ar'e. ;; �i..ni:�ed�u._..�iu.,n�._anr�__i:he v�rtica�_climensiun af,�he sir�n cannut exceec�....2p� ��f._1�he he.ic�hrt�Ur, �:r,�wall..:_ `, ��„� Billbc�ar�d sic1ns_., shall bQ.__w.allawed , un�� as �r�vided i,n S�ectiar� ].8; 11Q.090.,�a�,....uf_ this ,Crta���xr,..�. .�.. , _�4� pir�ec�iunal _sic�ns,_un �uat� pruper•,�whr�n swch signs ar�� ; sn�.e�, desi�•ned �i;o, identi�w dr.ivewa en�ranc�s and �xi�s ?` fnr� mutnri,sts un �dj,uininq publa:c s�r�eei:s. Qn� sic�,n w.i�h ' an arwaa �7f�f��ur �i s �u�r�� f�et er� �ace sMhal l.µ b� ermztted !'' ..� ._.�._.�..._...�__......�...__ti.....�.�..,. �....:_..�.._.._.�.....' �, ,Ler d�^ivewa� S�id �x ns shall be 4onsistent with �s ._.. �.�...__...,Y..�.......W..�....._...�.,�.__..�....._...,...�...... :, ��;, Cha�i�er�. 18�102._ �,Visual C].ear�ance Areas� �5,�. .1°�mpur�r si ns as ,.�er� S�ct,ions 18.11A��90 and 18. 11Q. Y00. ...� _..._.... ._ _. . _ _.._. � L.awn s.__ryir�_.n�s..a�er��eci�iun�;18.�11A�060.�.�(.6�,and ..�.b_�2.�..... ,�1�. S ecial cundi:i:iun, sa.�s asTpe�Sectiun ].8w114,490. .��.. Addii:ic�rial al�awed_, s�ns;.,,�,.:.Awnina sic�n�,�,�rceWdY--�ur•iented . si�,n.�s..1:�,..,paini:�d_..,�..s:i.c�n.�,,.��tenan� si nS�.. mc�nument si r� s;�,ri .: �2; �:. ;:: �QN�: O�2�INANC�. AM�.NC�M�NI" �pA @1--�t37 �ll�fl�'T' S ._. p�1G� 32 (3/2/88) ' �,�. 7: (k) Neiahb�r^hoad Gummer�cial Zane. N� �ign shaXl. Fa� ���r�mi�t�d zn a C•-N rc>nc.a exc:��a� fnr� �n� r����wi�;�: C(1) Th� ar��d �P a].1 sic�ns 5r,�iz r�ui: excc��ci :l5 sc�uar� f•'�el; ��r� sid�, ai�� � 1:ui�a1 of 30 sc{uarH f�r�i: f-ar a1.�. sign fdc:es if- mur� i:Nian orte f�ce is u��d. ] [(2.) F'r�e si;�nc�inq signs m�y k�� perm:itl:�cf in l:ieu of buil.da.ng mauri�:Hd signs, subj�cl: i�u sp�cirfc �ppr�uu�1 und�r i:he c�eW;ic�ri rcaview pruces5,] �(3) S�eci.�al �ypks uf- sic�ns p�r SNCLior► 18. 114,p9Q i:his (�hapt�r�� may k�E� �a�pr�c,v�c� suk�jsci: 1�a d S�kG].f1G a�pr��.,val ur�d�r� i�ri� deuelopment r�vi�w �r�occass . ] [(�) Dir���ci�iari�l c.tir i.n�i„r•ucl.iuna]. signs nn pri.v��e pru�a�rty wr»n ��a�;h si.c�ns ar�e �oi�iy d�sic�rt�d L-u id�nti.Ty driu�way �nLranc.es ar�d exi�s far m�.�i:orists un ac�jc�i.ning publ.i.c si:r�aeL�, Or�e sign with an ar•�a ur rour (4) sqtaar� f�ae� per far:e shall k�c� �aermiti:ec� pkar dri.ueway. Said signs sh�1J, bc.a �onsistcnt with Chap�er 18, ].Q2 (Visual Clparane� Areas) ,] C(5) 8igns exWmpi: fr•c�rn pHrmii:, The sic�ns s�ecii�ier� i.n �Faci:i�.�n ].8, 7.14.460(a) �hall k�e alluw�d, suhaject i��� any r�si:r�a.c�iuns ampns�c� hay i�F,is �itle,� �YZ Fre�.--si�anding�..sig.ns.� .�A.� Free-�•stanc�anc�,sic r�s shal.l. h�ev� , c:er,��ain li,mii��i�aans and eondii:iuris wh�ri per�mi�t�d �on �r�er�i:S.es zoned cnmmer•cial anc�_indusi:rial, � � ; ,�i,� On� multif��ced�, frr��—�tandin si n.Wp,er�rpmise� ! sha].1 b��permiti��d suk�ject �u cc�r�di�inns and � ,limitaLians as stated herein. � l .� . �ii� Free--��anc�inq sic�ns in Lh� C—N cnne sr�a11�n� � be allow�d as free•-standi.ng siqns ur exc� tf�ns lisied under� subs�cl:ion 18. 114.130�q�� ! (B� Area Limit:s._ The maximum s uare Pnotac,�e uf fr�e—si�anding s�ians shall be 32 square feet: ,�er��,f�ce `" �; ur a tu�a'1 uf� 6A sg_,uare feet fur all sxqn fac�s, No i �art uf ari �r•e�-�stand_ing siqn sha11 exi:end �ver• a '� .. � .._..�..___.M._....___-._:-- - �! ru erty la.ne iritu publ.ic r�,ic�h�—of�-�wa s ac�,� �.� E:. f! ,��. Area L.in►i� 1ncr�eases�, The si.gn ar�ed may be � iner•eased une sguar�z f-not Por�ach linealT Puot the s? siqn is moved back fram the front propertyM line i:he I s i.gn i s adlacent _,Lu, If the si:�^eet f s cur�bed and [. �aved.....the measuremen,�t,_,ma,��b� taken from a ai.nt, i which is 15 feei: frc�m the p�vement. This incre�se �, xn._si n drea is limii:ed to a maximum of 50 squo�re ;" feet er Pace or� a totalMnf 1p0 squ�r� feet For a11 i faces . ' i' _.._.. .. , �. j. ��.�. � '7_qNE ORpINAIVCE AMFIUDMEN'T' ZqA 87•--p7 pRAF'T 5 ��- pAGE 33 (3/2I88) ;.� �. fr` �C�� Ha_a.�,h�_L.imii>s. �ree standinq swic�,ns ].acat�c� n�xt i�:a; i;he��,ublic ri�h_�µof•�-wav �sha11 not �XC4pCI 2Q f-eeL in h�ight. He„�'xc ht rnot�y._.be Wincrr�a�c�d ane funt in h�i.,,�qhi: fur...weae�,h 10 fer�t o�i' s�tback rrom �{�e pr'u�„erty line r�rw d...._�u.ini.�15�f�ei: fr�am ,_i�he��dgYe�_af_ avemeni:, whx�hev�r a.s l�ss i�:u � maximum uf- 22 �r��L- in hei�r9t. �2� Wall Sic�r�s �A)._ Allowabl� Rrea..w.._ Wa11.�$X..:g;r):s.c_...xnc,ludxn,�µ. i:lluminated r�aderbuar�ds,�.�.ma.Y... b�.,.e,r��ct�d ur m�ini:airr?�d but shall nc��exc:eeci in�c ra�s_.ar•�a 1�erceni� af- an� buildin�, f'ac�, on�,whicN�the si.gn is,�t.0 be mau,�,n�:ed� _ w.... . ...� ..�.. �_ Wa11 �i:c ris sh�a�.].�be ar�al�.e1 .i:n t;h� i'ac�e �af �:he k��ai,ldinc� u an_which i�:he si�,n._.is,�laca�ec�� � 7:n k�uildings .wh»r.,�...� ,._c�nr�,,�ur mor��i�endni�: s uccu�, a. por�i:iun o� a buildinc�_.whi.c,�h daes� nc�t_ i�nclude an� o�_;rfi:i�..n o�� dri �xl�erxur wa11 havin�ex�a,a�ur� tu a ublic__ str�e�t�...._.....�1,�,,,.luwable�wall�u..s.i.�n. ar�ea ,�,will_...be cc,m�ute�l .in ,�:r�e__fnllowing�mar�n��r�,'� ...^ ,�,i� ka�:h tc�n�nt r�nt hav�in�_ builc�ing frc�ni�aqP. ma� ......�...._.._._....._..._.:._....�.... hav� a wal.l s__:..i,g,_n_Tc�n_ i:he ,...wall.._.�iauing......_str�eet, �,xpus_ur•r� (r�ur�i: wa1�,1,�.,pravid�d .._...it dn�s.�not exceed ir� si;g,n ar•ea i�hai:_�c��^�i.�.�n uf s��,area ��rirsittad._w.i;ha1: f~r�ont wa11 tenan�: havirt�the . �. .�.� .._.____ ._ _ . smallesi�.�ru�ur�ion uf all.c�wable s.x.g.n.._area.. .�,i.i In i�his ��ae..._ nf .._ buxlc�inc� �he al.l�wable .�..__.._______�._..�.. _..�.�W..,,...._.,...�.�...,___ �r�ur�:z�ri. Uf __firunt .wallµ__�__sic�r�_ area _sh�ll bc.a, cum�ui:ed as t�n�,r�e�ni:�n,�f .�the. is�utal ,build.i� far.e. �. �iii).. A .waJ.l sic�n... pru<�r;an�_ shaJ.l ._,ha� es��bJ.ished fnr ..._.._._____..____ .,_.....,�_._.�..._ all mul�i--�enar�t buxldir�a�, nu new.,��r�,mz1�,,,sh�.1Z .__._,..�._.....____.....�._.. ......_____,,.._ ha� issued unta.l. SUGI') a �r�,ram ,is,_�stablrshi�d� .,....�....��._...�.M._._...._......,.�..�....._. i Siv� �n�r��,-�xisi:,inc,�buildi,n�s_� each_n�w _tpnant wi.,l.l � �dh��r�e ,�n i�t�e �s��ablishpd ,�ruc�.ram.. , _...� _.,_._. ..._. .... ' �I �q� If- , i,�_.is. deter�m,in�d under� th� _ deueluMpmer�� review �' �r•uces5 .�ha�__.i�h��,...wall �,_sT'gn's .�visu�l. .,,..a,p�eal _. and, ; uvar�all ..�d��x'.�n_.�.c�.ualii:y w�uld_�be�, ws�r��ved, an � adc�itxurial. 50X c.�f th� alluwable si n �r•�a ma b� k � .W.., �.�.__.._ .........lL....._..�.. ;; �ermiLted, �NaM cu;,��. will be _.permii:ted,,.._huweuer�, in =, i.he additior��1 „a�ea._.,p...ermii,ted.���r �ur��uscs uf' this, � subsec.tiun� �"cu " ir�cludes s mbuls 1n os �nd '` .cV..,_.__........:�.?al._..�....ry..._.______�...�_.'1.�..._.�.....t....M��.�_:.c....._......,....._ w �,f��:'�i�:l^5� . } E � � S l �, i �qN� ORI�:CAIANt;E AM�NDMkN`T ZOA 97��b7 DRA'FT 5 — PA(a� 3A (�12/88) �: ; � � , � �E�, F��ir�ted., �ic�ns,�Wall signs_a,�-aint�d. dire��Lly c�ntu th� wall�surface sFiaxl nuL- exc�eed in c�r�uss wall dr��ten �erc enl�uf tN�e_�ace of the, buildin�th,, 2y ,a.rc painted u�i�n,,_,�,and �he v��r�ti.cal di�ensiun of the�, si�n r.annut exc.eed 2��„af th� hei,�,ht_u_i•' i:he wall.,, � _ . _ ��I:..Z i'2�a1�Fstai:� Sa.c�n�s,.�.._On� fr�e•-�tar�di..�� ur wal,l xic�n i � ~r�ma.i:ted c�ffcar�ir� �e r'�11115�5 'FO1" 5011@ �r 1 w r,l�. bs � h ....�......_..___.�.�_.. ._.._--�'___�....�._�.�..�... .,.....5_..,. �..__...._.� � �^�nt �, Tui:al ar��a:ur sueh� s�n sha,J.,l r�ut ex�eec! 70 i 5guare reei��� � . i � �3 S ec:.i:a1 t es nf s9. ns as er SectiUn 18�11A,090 caf ttiis 3 ;....�. L.. . __...._.`��... __,w _.�_�..�.__° ..�.�. .T :�.. .�:..�.m # Gha,�er,�, ma;,�,__b� .�,pr�oved ,_,wnder�i�he � develu;�,m�ant �review i �,r,�.,e�.��,s._. _.__ s i �A�_ pirec�i4�rtd.1 .,si,gn_s�.�n�rivate ro er�ty when.such:si�c ns:arr.a ; solel�y, de_.._si.r�ned tu a.cienl:ifj�,�dri�ewa,y eni:r�anees and exits ; __._ . .`.__. r fc.?r,., m4ti�or,�is�s on ac��ninc uk�lic streets. Qr�e siqn:witri #' an. are� af four (�4) s�ua_rc� fe�,._.et�,er fac�shall_�be ..,C�►e_rmitt�d ' �r� c�ri.v�wa.«Y.:.�., fi;�id._sic�ns_ shall be ear�sisi:en�_witki Ch-a�i��r� ?'. _ ..�� ;, 18.102 Visua�. Cl�a�^anee A��•e�s. � . .�._. ..�......._....._.._...�. .�....�.._.....� .�.._ ,, �5, l';en►��tt^1'_..sigwns as��acr�er�inns 18. 1�A�Q90 and 1:8. 11A:100,.. � _._. ,i �.': ..�6 �awn si ns as er �eci:iun 18.].].A,n54 a 6 anci b 2 t; ._Z .�...._.......�...�..�., .._... �. __.:.....�.__.�.�._.._.��.......)..5._.Z ,;, i'; �7� Bi.7.1k�c�ards as,��r ,Sec:i�io►•�_16�].14.090 �►�, � _�8 S �cfal condii:inn �i n� as er S�ction 18 114.q90. c; ...� __�?__.�.:_..___...�..._____._.._..�....._�__.�_�.....____...L__.........._._.r_....._.._._...�...�_ ;; ri 59 Acici.ii:zana_l� all.uwa�ale si n� Awnin si ri s a�.ni;cd "� .....a.. �._ _ .,__.....'�_......:...._..___._._....._.....�..._......._....g...s.._.Zc..._...,.J�:_�..m._......... s i.qnS�,.�Qnant, s�...qn�s?.,�inonuia�ent, s i n �_�,_ (f) Industri�l rari�s. No si.u�ns shal.]: b�.a permai�i:ec� �.ri a 7._.�, l...l. oE^ : :C•-N ;r_nr��__.�xee�at fur �rr�-� ra�.l.�waric�: ;'. (1) Fr��e--stotrtd i.r.tc�,._.s ic�r�s. (A) Fr���-.si�anc�inc� s�gris Sr,�i� Fiave cerl,�tin 1�:mi.t�i:i.ar�s ! �r�d conr�iticans whcr� �a4r�•n�i.i�i�f�d un �ru�a�ri�>S.�s �untyd cammcr°c.i.�J. arid irtdus�ridl. . � �e.._�i;anc�irr �i n it��n�:ir ir�c (i) On� multifacFd, frr> � g C y .� �:Nie prxnGi�aaJ. c�c�uds, pr�aduci�:�, r�cil.il:xes �7r• � services au�i.labl� an ttie �aremis��.7 sh�l,l be �' pe1�•rni�:i:cad [;an Lhe prc�mis�s,� s�ak�jc�c� 1:�� ` c�nc�it:iuns and l.imii��tiurvs <�s ��at��d h�r�in. ',` (i9.) A r���ac�c.�r•bu�rc� a:�s�n►k�1�t m�y k��.a ari ir�t�:�c�r�al �a�ar�� ,';, us i:he fir���..,si:anding sign. t�' �' �;; �;,; ;, �>, �-, t ,;; ,; xp�tE:: OC2C��IUh1NC�' AM�:NpM�N"C' Zqf� 87-�pJ' pRAF'.1.. 5 ,-. PAG�; 35 (3/2/88) ;'� i:: y�' . . � . . . . . ���';: t: . . . . . . . . . . . _. .,.. . . � .:.....n.� �n�a� ��.. t . . . . .. .. . . . ... . . . .. „,....:..: ..:.::. ..,��..�.�._ . .._.�.. (B) F��•�a 1_imi�s. 'The maxin�um s�uar�� �u�>i�a�e ur sign� shaJ.l be 7q squar•� f��L �aer� fac:e �r a tu�:dl ofi 1�0 squar�e ���1: fiur� �11 sic�n fiac�s. Nu par�i> ur any rr�e�-ai;aridiric� sign sPraJ.� �xt�r�d r.�u�r a �arc��a�r•�y ].in� irii�u raubli.c ri�hi��-uf.-.�w�y ���c�. (C} �r�ea Li.nti.�: �n�.:re�a�c� , "1"Ni� sa.gn �►�ea m�y k�e incrHaswd une s�uar•e rout Tur� �ac:h lin�al fu�t i;h� sign is muvec� back fr��.�m �.tie f-ron� pr•�.7pc.sr�ty l�ne ti�ic sic�n is ad,�aG�r►t tu. If- Lhe s�rr��'i: is cur�k���d anc� p�au�c� i:hr�.� mea�ur�men�: n��y b� t�ken fr�unl a pc�arii> which i.s 15 r���t fr•um Lh� pav�m�ni:, 'Tt�is incr��ase an sign �r°�a is la.mit�d ��a a m�ximum u�f 9p squ�r�.a I f��Eai: p�r� race u�^ a Lu1.a1 ur 1Q0 sc�ua�� r�cai: fiar all faG.ps. (Q) Fieighi: t_i.mit�, Fr•e�-•s1�:aridxnc� sxc�r�s l.u�.�i;ed n�x1� i:u �r�e r.�wblic r�ight..._u�.....way shaxl. nu1: �xc��r� 20 i�r•r,�i� a.n ti�igNii:. HeXC�ht may b� xricreascd �,ri� fueai: in h�a:ghi; rur• each 1A f��t afi ��i�haack frum the prup�r�ty ].ine or�� a pc�i.ni� ].5 �f��t; rr�um th�� c�dgc.a c>fi K��vem�rii: whiicl���u�r� is l��s i�n a inaximum ur 22 f��i: in h�igh�1:. (2� Wall._S�.�ns . (R) A�.�.ow�k�l� Ar�ea, W�J.1 s�.gns, ir�cl.uc�inr� iJ,1um�.n�1;�c� r•aad�r� 9�aar~�is, may ba �r��:fi:�ad ur maini:airi�r� haui: sh�lJ. nc�t: exce�c� in gr�ass ����a i.5� uf �ny �aiai�.c�anu� f�acc Cuccu�i��c� hay i�he i��riari9:] nn which th� s.i9r!....is tc� be niaunt�c�. _.._.._._..,._.......�.... (�) Wal;l si.c�r�s may noi; pr�,j�ci� mc�re �ri�n 1� ir�ch�s f'rom i�he wall ur ext�ric� �buue i�he wall �u wr,i�:r, i�h�y ar� at�i��ar.:hfad, (�) I:n bui.�,c�ir��.�s wHic:�r•� ui��� ur mc�rEa i:cananl:(�) uce.u�y a� par�tiun ur a k�ui.lciing wN�ich dues n�71: iric�.ud� �r�y K>crr�i:ie.in ufi an ext�ri�.ar� wal.J. hauing �xpasur� tra a puk>l.ic si:r��i:, ��.�.uwable wall si�n dr�a wx�.l k�� cc�mpui��d in �N�� ful�.uwir�g niariricar; (i) �ach t�n�rit nui: hauing k�uxlr�inc� rr�unt=a�g� may hduc? a w��.1 si�n �n �he w�l.J. h�ua.ng si�r•�tt� ��x�ausur�� (rr�ur�l: wall) pr�uv�.c�kac� it du�s n��i: excecc� :iri si.gri arc.a� 1:hia�: pc,r�i:xur� ��f' sic�n ar•�a �� p�rrnii�i:ed i:hai: frunt w�11 t�nar�t roauiric� i:he small,�5t �ar•o�ac>r�:i.c.�n n� aJ.lowak�lc� sa.c�n ar•ea. (ii.) ;Cri t:hXS i:y�a� uf buil.dirig i:h� allawaiale prc����r�.ion c�� rr•urii� w�l.l sic�n dr�a shal�. br� cuin�ul:�d �s 15% ur th� i;ui:al k�ui.l.t�ing t�ac�, ZpN�: OR[)T�IANCE;; AM�NC�M�N"f' 7.OA 87-�01' DRAFT` 5 w., pAGE: 36 (3/2/88) (iii) A w�11 S1�Y1 r�r�a�r���m sha11 be �:stabl.ish�d ro�• �J:l. mu.li:i._...i��riani: k�uildi.ric�s, nu n�w r��r^mit sh�l.�. be issuead ur��i,1 such � pruc�r�am is esLabli�h�c�, (xv) Or� �ar��.....ex:isi:Xnc� k�uildiriys, eaeh nc�w t�r�ari� wi.11 adher�e i�u i�ha �si:ak>lish�ed �aruc�r•�m. (D) �f ii� 9.s ci�i��arn��.n�c� uricl�r i�h� c�ev��.u�mc.�n�: reu9.ew pr�ucc�s i�.hai� i�r�e wall s9.c�n`s vx��aal app�a.l G�ri� OUk�I"ial�..L c���yi.c�r7 q�a�J.:�ty w�.,uJ.c� b�:� s�r•ve<�, an �dc�ii:iunal 50% af- i;he allaw�bl.e si�n drEaa may b� �c.ar•ir�ai�t�ca, IVc� cc��ay wi].1 Wk per�tt�ii��:�ad, M�c�w�v�r�, in �h� ac�diti.��ndl a��ea �t�r��inii:t:eci, Fur �aur�pas�as uf Lhis subs��.tic�n, ��rci�ay" ir�cluc��s symk�c�.ls, l�,gos, ar�d 1�i�i;Nr•s, (E:) F�airit:��� 5iyns. WaJ.I signs paxn1:�r� clir�ci:J.y ur�1:�.7 i:ht� wa�.l sur�i'�ce 5rialt r�ut �xce�ci in gr�u5s wal.l. a�^caa 1'S96 nf th� f�c� ufi i�Mi� k�u9.l.dinc� th�ey ar•� ��i.rii:�c� upun, �nci i:he v�ri:ic.a1 dim�nsiuri uf i�P�e si�n canr�at ex�:��d 2.UX afi th�a h�kic�Fii� ��f 1�h� w�11 , C(f=) R�a�a. Cst:ai:� S:ic�ns. Qn� rr�ae.._�i:aricli.nc� ur wa�.l :�ic�n wi1l. k�� �a�rmi.t�Led ��i'f=�r•iny i;r�e pr��mises fc�r� sale �r� r•�nt. Tc��al ar��:�� uf �uch 5ign sh�al.l n�i� exc��ec� 70 5c��aoit^N fi�?ka1:.� (3) Uii����ct:inri�l. s�.c�r�s [;car� ii7st.ruc.Liundl] un �ar�ivai�cz pr�uK>er��Ly wh��n such signs ar•n sa].t�ly desic�ncad i�o ic�c�r��ify c�r�i.v�away �i7l:r�nces anc� w�xi�;s fiur mc�i.c.�r•isi�s c�n adjuir�in<� �ublir. str����i:s , qn� si.c�n wii;h �n ar��a uf fuur (A) sc��aar� f�►at per• fa�:.e ahal,l. ha� K��rmi.ttcd ��r� t�r9.veway. Said si.c�ns shall b� curisisi��nt wii�h (,haw>�cr�� 18. 1Q2 (Visual C1Faar�anc� �r��aa�) , (4) �9.c�ris ex�?m�� Pr��m ��ririit, l"hie sigr�s s�a�r.ifi�d in ���i�iari 1f3, 11�,060(a) sh�l1 hae a1luw�d, subjc�e:'� t:o any r�c�s�r�ie.i��.cin:> impas�c� by LF�XS ti.i�l.e. ..�5.� T�in,�ur�ar�...,s.i�ns as�er S�c,l�iuns. 16. 114,090 and 18. 114, 100. .�.�_ Lawn sic�ns a.s_.��r'..�;�c�i.ons. 1�. 114�n60 a 6.�__�nd _.�.k�.�...(2�._,. ,�7,� Sp�cial, cundii�ion sic�ris a�r�r Sectinn 16. 114.090 ma,�,be �rt�v�d_und�r_i;h�e dev�lu�n�er�t r�,eview �rc�cess.� .� Addii:iur�al�Avail�ble Sic�n�,�_ Awnin�_, siqn��t�riani: si�..�.�..�...._.��.freeway���,uri�ntcd .......�..i�'.n...�.�.�..G._..._.�inted , szg_,.n.��.���. �r�uieci:ir�u�w s i. n s � monumr�nt_s i n s __......_._. (g) Oi�her,�, Rec�u�.r��men�,s Wh�ich �ha11_ App�_tca Commercial �nd 7ndus�ridl Zunes. Tf ii:�a.s �pter�mi.ri�d und�r i:h� develo�am�rit r�v9.kw �raeess tr�a�i�N�� siyn's ux:sual apK��al �►nd c�ver�al�l dasign qu��.ity wuul.d k�� seru�d wha.le inain�aininy i�hra ini��n1: anci put^�nse uf i:his Criapt�c�r, ar� adciS,i�a.un�J. aq?G of i:N�� a1J.t�wabl.� s9.gn ar�a and 2596 ot' sign h�aic�ht may N�� �aer�m�.i�t��d. Nu copy will bca �a�rmii�t�d xn L•he additS.nn�t1 area or• he3.c�Nii::. Fc�r pu�^pases �r tti9.s subsect�.or� i:h� wur�ci "c��ay" incZu�es symbols. �.uc�us, �r�d fic�u!^�s, �s w���, �s 1�L-ter��s. ;�ONE. O�tDTNAN(;E: AM�NDMEN"C' "I:GF� 87•-�p7 I�RAF'T' 5 — PAG� 37 (3/2/86) � ; �,, � _ i } ,: (i) F�cr� fr�F�e,.:-standing siyn shal:l b� surr•uunc�c�d �ay �n �rea s�i: :' asid� tu pr•4,t�ct the si.c�r� fr•�.�nt v�Fii.c�:es n�gc,�:a.ai:i.r►c� in i:h� �`s {adrki.r�g ar��aa u� i�he �ausime�s [i�;u whia.ch �h� �ic�n r�el:a�c�s,] �tr�d i:Ni� ar�ea set dsx.d� s�ialJ. tae landsca�a�c�. ,: s (�) T'I�te �ize �rid shaK�t� �f i:he ar•�a ��i� asic�� �and thF� 1anc�sc:�K>inc� shi�J.l: b� r•��r��.�sr�r���c� ��n 1:hc� �J.oi: �al.�tn r��quirec� k�y p�r^iTZif: and sha�.l r�� s�ab,jec.t �� the r�va.ew �nc� c;uni,r�u1 c�f i�:he t7a.r•�ci:ur� �r ri.'x� ac��nt. und�r t�he d�u�l.c�piner�t r�view prc�c�ss. 4: (�) On �xi.sl:ing sii�ey wh�:r�� a l,�nc�scape is�.�nd �.s nca1; ,;; �"k?'a715�.k?�P., th� i��inimum c:�.�arar�ee bei�wc��n i:he 1uwN�t ;` �a�irti�:in ��f � fr���s�andinc� sign ancl th�� grt�und SN��].1 � , be lA f�et i.n ar�y u�hicle man�uu�r�ing ar��a. �'; i, (2) Nc, fr��:t�:�--si�ar�di:nc� sic�n, nur� ar�y p�ar�:iun c�f any 1'r•��-_si:andarig ; �iyn, sN�al l hap luu�i:�d ur �aru j�ct �u�r �ny puri:iun o� a << �tr^eet, sid�wal.k c�r a�:hier puhalic right-.:nf-..way car� �arnper�ty ``; unl�ss an �xc:��atiun h►ds bra�r� gr�ani:ed. x' (3) WNi�.�n a �r��:�m�.s� c:ontairi� mu�•� i:ti�n a sirigl� �I:enani� bu� is i' r�u� c���in�d a� a �hu�ping Geni:er, i:he �aruuisi,�ns uT a '' fr•�ar�—s1::�rid�.r�g sagri st��ll �dk� ini:�� cunsic��rdl�.ic�ri i:hc neer� rwr� pr��e>vic�i,r�� a �ie�r�ing systkm wN�i�:h :is hiarmuniaus in ' �' apr�€sar•anc:� ar�d le�iblc. �, ;;;; (A) 1"tic k�uil.dxnc� �.�wnc�r• shi�l.1 �r�>ui.cic, ai: his nwn `:'. �xpHn��, a cammun suppurt f-n�^ a'�1 t�r�ant sic�ria��. ` s'� (B} Up i:c� ar� ac�dati��an�l 5Q� of sxc�n cc�py arr�a m�y k�c� p�r^mitttac� unr��r~ the ci��ic�ri r•eui�w pr�u�.c�ss su as Lu ac��qu�a�:el.y i.dcar�i:i.fy �h� separ�at:� 1<Ean�nl�s wh�n `i d�i��r•inined �ha�: th� i.ncr�a��d sic�n ar•�a wi.11 riai: dci:Er fr�cam �h� K�ur�ans� afi thxs Chap1:�.�r�. 4''.' (4) Shap�ainc� cNnter�s Ur ir�c��asi:r��.�1 par�k�, ciefin�d as �r^Nas e�r nc�t 1��ss tr��n 6 k�usin�ss uni.ts and cc.�nsisti,r�c� ufi r�at ].ess ' r+ i�han 4 dcr��s, shall est��blish a si.ngle siyninc� ror��nat. `; C(A) Tht sic�n sNi�l.l, i.nr:l.ud� th� cumpJ.�x n�m� �r�c) str•e!cai�: r�un�br�r, ;] �.. [(Q)J U�a i:a �n �c�c�iti.c�n�tl 5U% c�f- aic�n ar•e� m�y k�c� �aer�mi.i�t;�d wric��r th� dr�vNla�►n�r�t ►^�ui�w proce�s t:o adec�u��:eJ.y ider�i�:ify th�? ccam�].�x wricri d�t�r�ma.ncc� �:riai: tN�e incr��a��ci �i.gn ar�ea wi.11 nui: r����r fr�um and wr �os� c,� tr,is Gr,a t�r. ` ' � P K p �-j .�8� [C(�)� 'This ir►c,�'���:�� �haul.ci be judc��d acuur•c�xng �� uniqu� i.d�ni:xfir..�tauri nc��cis and cir'e,unistanccs wr,x�n necessii:�t�� addi.tiurial ar�a i:o inake i:h� sign 4 sufricier�l�ly legable, �,':i . i'�'�.��'', I� {.-':. S,�, j:!:. `LqN� pRI�xNANC;E AM�NDM�NT ZpA 87�-0'7 pRAF'T' 5 •M PA(�E: 38 (3/2/8@) _� � � ��:� ��� � _ :::..... ..... .�:. . . r..... ....� ._�, .:.v,.::.;: �,.C...�. C(D)� WN��n a shi��ppxnc� cerii�ei^ c�r• i.ndusi�:r•i�1 park h�� mor•e tN�an ur�e �r�ain �ntrar�c� nn se�aar•a�e rrc�rii:ac��s, a s�c:Unc� fr•ee--star�c�inc� si.c�n m�►y k�e a�..law�c� und�r t:P�e d��ic�n r�evicaw prac�ss, 'Th� t�w� allawable �i��ns shi�l.l. fa�:,e sEp�rai�� fir•ani��g�s artc� ar�� nut> ini��rid�c� tn lae vi�wed siiriuli�ariee�tasly. �� Bus.�.r�e:,�sses wr�rch ar;�n�.tii�_,in sho.pp.ing. center�s and whachi ar�e c�irestl.�....�_1uca�ed or �are pr��posed �� b� lucai°ed�nn a cammerci�_1���,nd_,.ir�du�tr�idll�,�urredWr�rner,_pro,�er•t -;�i��.��, on� u� m�re i:�x . cantiquous luts located ai: the .�..._._. �.....__...._._ inl:�rsec�i.nn ar two �.�r mure ublic sfi:r�eei:s ,�.�„ shall.__b� ..�..�..._....,,..�.....�....._....,,,..„......._..�...�......��.,�...M......�...�..�..�:�......__.._�......w�.._...��.....� allaw�d tu have one f-r�essi:andin si n alon�c , each _ streei: fr.unt�;ac�e ,�ccc.�rdir�...i�o the follawi.__r�_:� �_ .�A,� A _s.ig...n_ per�miL• �hall b��^e u._g__fr�d. fur each si n r�iur�� to �ii:s er��ci�ic,n. � � �8�.. Th� t�.tital r.ambi.ned Fi�i.c�ht .uf_ tw�, freesi�anc�inc�_._sig_ns on�the ,pr�emises�,shall n�t exceed 35 feei:V..��.�.. (C� 'i'h��, tntdl, cumbined�r�a_ af twa f�^e�s�andir�s,.iqris on �h��r�mises shall not �exceed�68�s�uare fe�i:� i �D,�. lf a�remxs�y alre�a��r�as fi:wa freestdnciinc�._.s�.s�_,a. , third sic�_n,..,shall ,nui: b��er�mxttec�.� k .�.�_ A11„ ather .�,r�uui�ir�ns uf_tN�is_Cha�ater�_ shiaJ.l ap�.�: � �� 1B, 114. 140 Exc_.e�t..a.uris i (�) The C;ommissiort ur�, nn rEauiew, t�he Caur�cil m�y c�rari� �xce�ti.��ns i�:u Y Lh� r•�c�uir��m�nL-s af- i:his Ch��ai:er�, wh�n i:he �p�lic:�rii: d�murisi:r•��es th�t, awii•�g tc� speci�l ur unusual cirr.umstanc�s relai�ing i�n �N�� c�esic�n, Kl:r�uctur��, ar �a.l�c�m�nt uf i:he sic�n in r•�l�i�iun i�u �i�h�r struci:�ar•�s ur� l�nc� uses ar� i:he riai:ural. faatures ar i:Hie land, i�i7� .li��r�al. xn1:����r��i:atiun uf 1�F�is Cria�ter wuulci ini�er�f�r� wit:h �he ` commuriicdl:S.v� f-unc�:i.c.�n ufi th� sign witNic�ut cc�rr•es��.�ric�i.nc� �a�ak�lac ben�rit, (k�) Wh�n thr� Cc�mmissxc�n or i:hie Caunc:il. a�apr•uues an exc�p�iari �he rfe�N�i:s th�r~�by giv�n i:u i�h� a�aplie;ar►t �h�all curttinue to exi.s� arici tn bchl.onc� te.� 1�F�� a�apli.can� �,r• any ottier• owner uf thia land far� � ( peri.ud ur un� y�ar fr•um i�he c���e of �inal apprraual, (1) Tr, ��t i:he Ex�i.r•�1:i.un �i' �.�ne year� firum tr�e dat� uf ap�ruual, cansti�^ueti�n ��f i.he s�ructure ur ina.i��.ai�i�n c�r ;:�' tNi� us� giving risc t�.� thi� n�ed fc�r the �xce��ti�n ha� no� ;; b�c�un, th� r�ic�hti� u��.u�n by �he exc�pi:iun appr�uval sHiall i:ermin�t� wii�;Nit�iai: furth�r artinn k>y �he C�,i�y, thc� ;;' Cummissxan, or i:he C��unc:i.1. " 1.' �:�: �. ,. ,? l, k,. ?';r �QIV�; 0�2�1NANC�:: f�ME'NqMEI�l" �C�A �l_.�Or DRAF'T' 5 -.. pf�GE: 39 (�!2/88) !' ,, f �.,, �i> j _ ;,: . ... . _._.._ �,. (2} �aici r�;ic�hi�s sh�a�.1 �l�u i:erminatN at �r afit:�r 1:h� �x�air�atiun nf ar�� y�.�ar fr�c�.�m a�a�ar•esva�, if, i�ri�uc�h c:umn�erir:�d wii�hirti e�rre y�ar^, c:uris�e^uci�iun c�as�?s and i:s r�u� r�atisumed wii�h9.n 60 ddys. 18. 11Q. ].45 A�ru�aJ�C,�,r�xi.�ria fnr E:xr..,�1ti��rts:�p_ a...., i.�Y�,..C�t�de ,�a� Tr» P:Larinirig Cair�ntis5iun shal.l ��apr�uue. �ppro�e w�.i:h cunc�itiuns, or' c�eriy a r��cXut�st ftt�� ar� �xc:e��i,c�n tu 1�h� Sic�n Cud� k��s�t� tar� finc�iric�s i:hai: �t lc�a�i: un� af i�:he falZuwir�y cr�itei��a.a are sai�:isr:ir�d: (1) Thi� �ar�n��.,scd '�igr� CWde E:xc��tian i:s n��:.essd�'y b���ws� a cunrur�min� f�uilding ur� sign un �n adjac�nt pra�p�r��y wuuic� l.xmit i:hc� �a.�w ��f a si�n er�s�c��d un the sii:c� in r.�r�f�.�r�mar�ce wi.L-h i:he ;�iu�n Cuci� �tanr�arr�s; (2) Triwa �ar^c�p��secl �xue�>i::iar� tc� trie h�iqht� 1im�.i�:s in �r�e �i�n (:c��e is n�c�ss�r�y i�u mak� thp sign visa.b�.� Fr�c>in i�h� str•��i: b�c:aus� c�f tN�e {:capuc�r~a��tty c�f the si�e; (3) A t'r�n�....st�at7�ir�g sa.yn tn k�e ];ucat�ci un a sec:urtdary aucess dri.�r� th��t s�rues tl�ie suk�ject: K>r�u�er•i:y frum d si�re�1� a�:at�r• i�aian t.he str•eei�: i:� which i�he hu�in�ss is urx�rii��ci. (A) U� i:c� ar� ac�di.i:�.an�z1: 25� nf sigr� are� c�r ki�i:gNtt nray be �a�r~9nii:i>�c� �u ac�equ�a'L••kaly id�ntify i�he busin�ss when ii� is c�et�r��nin�c� i�h�i� �he inc:r��ase wiJ.l nc�t det:�r• rr��c�m �Fi� purpc�s� uf thi.s Ch�p1:�r�. 'This i:ncr��asr� �hnul.c� hae juc�c��d acc.nrdi.nc� i�a s�a�cS.f'�.�. id�ritific�ti�:�n ri�:t�c�s �rid circumsi:anc�s wh�ich n�c�s�ii:�te �dditiunal ar��aa �u nr�k� i:he siyn suffir:.ier��:ly J.�c�ihal�, `I"he incr��se(s) shiall. nut cunf-l.i.c� wiL-h any ai:h�r r�un�-cli.mensiun�l st:andaw�ds w�� r�e:>t:rx�.ti.�.�ns c�f this ChiaK>t;�:ar�, (5) �T'hr� pr�U�acas�ci si�n as consist��ni: wii:h i:he c:.r�itc�r�ia s�t fur�t:h iri S�ci�icar� 18. �.].A, 13p(g) c�fi i�tiis Cha�t�r•, (b) :Ln adc�itiun tv i:he cr•a.i��ri.a �.n suwseci:iun (a) abuue, th� I, C��ammissi.c�ns._.car�__in._.the� c.ase.,. of_ an admi.nisi:r�ai:iue,�,r�x�e�l:ir�n:�„�:h�c 1 IJireci�ut^�_ �h�ll r�uiFaw all of I:he �xi.stiny ar propus�d si.c�rta�e fur tN�Ma dE�uel.c�pm�ni: �ric� its rel:ai:i.unship t�� tr�e int�er�1� arid pur�K�asc� ot' i:his cha�ter. As a carzditiun af a�rpruval, I:h� C��mir�issiun may r•�r.�u i►��e: (1) Ftemcau�l �.,r �l.i�er�t�a�7ri c,f n�yn_..confnr�7�iric� si.c�n� 1:u ol�hicave cumpliar�ce wit�h i:he si:anda�^c�s coni�ain�c� in i<ha.s Cl��api��r; arid (2) Remava]. c�r• �J.�er�i��:an �,f cc.7nf�,rmir�g si�ris in �,rd�r� i�;�:� �st:abli�h a consis��ni� si�n d��x�n th��uuc�Ftuu� i�he c�euel��pmwnl:. (3) Ap�a].i,ca�ic�n ficar� si.u�ri �a�r�mit� fur� sic�ns cr��ci:ed witrinui� permil:s nr� r��muual �yf g�ach il.legal sic�rts , Z()NE;: QF2[ITIVANG�. AM�NpM�:N"f 7..UA 67'-47 I�i2AF'T' 5 -- PAG� Aa (�/2/6S) _ _ .. _ _ _. _ ,; � �. i; j; +; 16. 1iA�14�8 Cri.teria fur^ Apprau�l of�an Adminis�rative �.xce�atiuri F. , �: � sl ��,Z "fhe pur�_ uf ,�kiis .sec�ic�nW zs 1:o se,t far•i;hi�thie,�cr�i��ri� wri�r�eb�, ,i i>H�r� Drr�ectur, zs�uwr�r�pd ti7 qranl: a admfnistra�ivp exce �ion as..� , �r��re uis,x9��_._�a,..�_.yi�n..�r�m�i,t_for� a�us�d new s,_..'x�� r�, ar as a ,' me�►ns to al�luw 1:F�e ca�,ni:inued u�e�af�a ma�r�c�xnall„�,_,n�nconfurma.n,;^g sx.:r�n (clu�r a�r�l�i.n xi:s �im�nsxc�ns.� ,�b,� T'h� �r�,�_pusr�d adminisi:rative �xce,pti�n s ", tn siq,n heiqh� and/or� �; �ic�n area._dr��5/du ur�„,wi11 r�ut exc�ec� ��mar�� than five:,�,aa�,_rr.ent the ,, �xi�ti� si n�he,ic�,h� and_si n ar�ea standar~ds i:Fiat utherwa.se wc�uld k:� b��,a,��1,�,,,ir.�bl.��.in :i�.he _same z�nir��,dis�:rict�far�th�same tyya,e af [; - � — �; si� n� x: 5�.� ��lx ati n���fur a��adm��inistr t�ve��x�,�tion basedt yn�fixr�r�inc�,��h�� ;�, onc or��mar,.e ��f i:he i'al.lowin�rril:�ri.a ar��„� satisfxec�� t+ ..._... � .�..---_. . _ -� . ��, ,, � ThE�,�+~u,�aused„_aciministratY,v���x�ceLtiun:�,s..�..�p�..liw�/a �:tu } ar�existinc�. non��nfurmi��:s�n ar a��rU us�d_new_ si. r�, far:a, j? deu�lu inc� si�e� f�' ,; �. "C'h�...�arn used ,_adm9.nrsi�r•a�ive .__ex. c�tian s�._ wi.11 , n�t _, be. materiall�_ d.etr�imeni:al tc> i:�M�e pur�u.ses uf this C�d.e�...._be,�in ' cUnflic'twwitr� tri� t�lic9:es caf th� G�m reht�nsiv� plan tu `` „�.. ._...L _..c.._.�._._. f: ��othr�r a licable �l.icies �nd standar�d�„s�_„�anc� �u, ol:her� £� �_: ����erwt�c�s in, the__._._san►�rnr�iric� distr�ic:t c�r� vicini� ._. _... � �; ,�3� 'The pra�osed si�n h�i.c�h�_�r �rea administra�iv� exce��i�n � is for i:N��e.c�r�ver�xencEa c�f the ._rec�ior�dl_ar�:c�a�iun�l. bu�siness wh9.ch wishcs to us�a si:andard--sa.zed si n; .T _ �--.� ;;-; � l"he..,..__�,.r•apas�d ,_�dminist�����ive P.XG��,,,,,�",1C11'1__._...W1I�...__ I�1A� be �'. s detrimental tu�blic saF�t��nd____,welfar��s 1' 55�.. T'he �,r�u�USed__,.admir�is�r�tive exce�a�n:wi.11 n��t i.�nv�lve__an. ,: ext�nsion intu the .pub�lic�.r��,ic�h��-of--�wa,ys ' __._ . '� .�6�.. l"h� .ac�nrir�.isi�:rati,v� exc� t� ic�ry wi.11 all�,w�a un.,'x„�,ue si n caf �? unigue d�si n:ur. st 1_y_��_.which wi.11�enhar�ce .th�ar�a ur�will b�....�visibl� .landmark� t;; _ . M ,_ ; S°!Z NuncunfU�mzn.c�,._ s._.,.ig.ns_,_ ma..Y,�... be all+�wed: �o ...,.,nut acl�xev� �' cc�nfnrmance when the Directnr• fincis that�_ � {'' .�... � .___. _ . �, r: .�A,� the pra�used mudified s�n is clospr , �u �unfurmanc� �' than 1�:Pie �.,1�s�� and � �; :. _ ,�. r:: .,�.8� the uv�rall„�vi�ual imPact af all._ siqr�s_Mun.thr�sit� �': hds_ been_.i,ni,�r�u�,vec�. � �;; . } �' �'? y; {" �' � �: �i , "LbNk. 012bTNAN(,E AM�.NDM�,N'1' ZOFi 87•--U7 pI�AFI' S �-- PAGE A1 (3/2/@8) � 1; t, �i �� ;i I �8�, Qne . af the Sic�n..._.C�cide ._Ex�c,e,�,t:,ian_.�_c:r•i.ter�ia in Sectian ' 18.�11 A.045.�._.i.s sai:i s f i ed� . ..�-...._....._....�„...�_...�........_.._.... �c�.�., When at least e�ne ufi i�he ab�.�v� cr�iteria 9.n Seci:ion 18.].14.148(a�. _..,__.�.........��..w.._..,...�.�....._.._......�.._,..._......_M�....___....�.._.,,._....._._.�..�.._...,...._.�..._.,._......�....._...�.._..._._.._�...�...,........�..._...�... is satisfi_�d�, the_Dir,��ctur• shall review all _existinr�...and,�ru�sed sic�.riage,fc.ir_i�:hie_deuµ�lu�meril�as_c�ui�la.ried,�ir� SHG�ic�n 16.114..1A5 k�� 1$�114. 150 �__Si�_(s�,� F,,2{,C�rai:io� A�plicai:iun Submissiun Reg,uir��rier►ts (a) Al.l Si_g,n_....C�ad�µE;xcPp�iwori a�a�al.i.c;�i:ion:� shal.]. b� ioi�ac�e an fiur•ms � pr•uvicied by 1:he �ir�ectur and sriatl b� aecumpani�d by: (].) T'hre� c.c��aies fur rcavi.Ew k�,y th� pir�ect�r� uf i�r» sigrt pl,ari(s) ''. and any n�cessary data or^ nar�r•ai�iv� which �xplains h�w i:he � sic�n pJ.�r� �arc�pc���l. c.ranf��r�ms i�c� tN�e st�anc��r•t�s, F"ifi:er�r� capie�s fur r��uiew by �Nie Plannfng Caimnissa.un of i�h� sign pl.�ns fnr• sic�ri r.ade �xcc�t:a.ori: (A) Sh��et si;r� rur an a�c:�ssory us� ur^ si:ructur°e si�e � plan(s) ancl r�t�uir��c� c�r�awiric�s sr�all �„referak�ly be ; c�r•�wn un sNi�4i:s riu� i:u �xc.��c1 18" x 2Q"; �rid �; (Q) "i"h� sc:ale �f i:h� si.c�n s9.i:e �al.�rt sri�].J. b� [2Q, 50, 100 or 20q i'��i� i:o i�h� a.nch,] an �r�qin��r•inc� sca1�T � ... � '.� (C) Fl1J. dr•aw9.ngs ai' i�hiE sS.gn eJ.�vai�ians ar�c� si�:r•uct:ur•al , c.umpun�rii�s shdXl k�Ea a stanc��tr��d ar�ehi��cl:uw�a1 sc�le, ��I l�eang i./A" or• x/8" , �I (2) 'rM�e rec�uir°��d i'�e. (3) A 1is�: of Lh� n�m�s �r�d �cldr•ess�s e�f al.l. ��r�sans whn are �rap�r°ty uwn�i^s uf r�ecc>r��d wiLhi.n 25Q r�a�ti nf 1:he s:ii�e, (b) Th� �ru�a��s�d sigri sii:� pJ,�r� srtall i►7c�.uc�� 1:hie f'aJ.l�wirig infar^matiun: (1) TFir� local:ian afi �NiFa �aru�ac�sed si.c�ri, arid all �xistS.nc� signs uri i�h� sii:�; (2) Th� l��ca�:�.or� uf- al.l. exisi:ir�g and pru�at�sed k�ua.l.ciings c�n tF►c si.i��; ;: (3) Th� lcicai�ipn t�fi �l.l. �xi.sti.ng �ric� �arapcas�d s�r•c�el:s anc� ��ic�Nits--ut'..���way, incluc�ir�c� nam�s and widi�hs; anc� -' (A) 7'hE 1��ca�:ion af �11 uverh�ac� pc�wer• ar�d �al:i.�.i.1�y ].i.ne� lueai:ed �n i�he s i.t�, (c) l`ha� pr�c,pc�secl �i.c�n �r•cNiitcci�ur�al pJ.ans sha1J, xnc].ude the fo�.luwin<� i n ru r•ir�ai:i un; �; (1) The sac�n c�9.m�nsi.ans; ,' ; (7_) TN�e mat:er�a.als ar�d colurs i:o b� �a��d; i. � � r 7_Ohi�:: ORUxIVANCE; AM�:NCIME:N"I" ZGA 67..�07 I�RAF"T' 5 _.. PAGE" 42 (3/2/88) �; s: o- t � I (3) The h�a.ghi: uf the sic�ri ak�nve i:he �ruund; (A) Th�.� scaurc.� ar�d int�nsi.i�y c�r any i1�.umxnai�ion; � (5) Curtsi>r�ur:t�a.un c�r�awi.nc�s in�a.cdi:inc� sa,c� af f�.�atir��s, �i aric:hor��c��s anr� w�J.d s; and (6) TNi� qir�eet:ar may �^�c�uir� �ric�in�er�s' calculal:ians fur� sign c�,nstr•ucl.i.uri, dneh�cara�� and �uc�tirig r�q�ii�^emcn��, includi.ng wind r�esisi�ance arui seismic f-urces, all xn eunfur�mancp wa.th tN►e requir�m�rii�s af the Uriifurm BuiJ.d:inc� CUde� an aceur�lanc� wii�h Sertiun 18,32..080 (a). A11 s ign st►�•uci:u�^es an or ne�ar� � buiJ.di.nc� sh��.J. cc�nfarm tc� i�h� St�te Fire Life Saf-���y r��quir��m�n�s and th� Unifar�m B�ai].d:ing Cade requi.r�emeni:� �,f i:Fi� buildinc�, strur.ture or� ar�ea whe�^� ii� is �r�ct4ci. (7} �l.l el�ctr�.cal. ilJ.umin�i:ec� si.gr�s sNidJ.l bEaar� i:he Und�?r�wr�ii:c�rs Laboratury lab�l ai^ equival�r�t, ' ; 1B. 11h. 16Q 5iqn �?�r•mit A�l�catian Re wir�enienl:� _�,a� All _„ap.plicatfuns shall be made_on rur�ms �rovide�i:he q_irectu�� and 5hiall k�� ac�ump�riied bv:._ (..1�., l..wn...._cci�s, far�.�.rev_,i�w k>y._ i�he _bi.rect�r~ of �he si,r�n si.�e. �lan s and twn cu ,ies .uf, the s,i�„n ar�chitectural pl'ans� �..A,1_ Th�__,�rra�,as�d _ s,i.gn__site �an ,sMiall._ includ� _ trtc�. fulluwing_,znfar�matiun4 � �i,_) '1'�Nie l��catiUn oi�,., th_��ro�osed _ sian dnd all exisi:inc,�fr�e•�standinc� wa11 ��^ oi:her� external � si.c�ns ±.-�n �he s.it�,� _ �,.x.�.,� :rn� lncai�i.r�n of all existi� and.�p.r�,�us,�d buildin.gs ��tirt�F�e �it�N �� _ ,�i.iiZ l�rie lncatian �f a�l exis�ing._Mand_,_pr��s�d str��ets_,and �ighi�s--of--way� znc�.uda.n,�c _names, and, wiciths; arid�.�_ �iu,� l'h� l.acai�ir�n af a11 aver�h�ad pnwer arid utili� ; 1 ines locatedM an the s i te. ��_�� �u� "I'�he di.star►c�_ufi the sic�n �:o tr�e near•�st.�ublic. r•,.�i.,nt �,Z�rF-�=��� �vi� 7he address af the site where the sxqn�will b� ` .....,. _.,.. .�..�....,,_..___.,_._... ... .... lucat�d,� Svxi , TwFie nain��_.µaddress�,��n_d,_�han� number r�f_,,,the ap„11 i car�t„� ��``����� �UN�' OF2UliVANCE;: AM�NqM�;N.1" ZOA B7'-�-07' DRAF'T' 5 _... PAGE A3 (3/2/88) " ,,: -, rl: �k:,e� ,�� �BZ Th�_.Lr�u.�os,ec�., sic�n ..architec�ur�al,,..,�ilans.�,_�hall inc�.ud� i:he fc�llc�wiri ,infor�matiari�„ .,�.i� '�f h�_s ic�n �r�ta.. d imens ian�.� �ii�, _IWh�_niai�;�r�ials arid�c���.�r•s 1:a k��, us�d; .�i..i i...Z �The Ni�ic�ht_af the s ic,�n. abuv�i�he qr�uund L i �iv� "i�h�__sc�u�^cE�_..and ir�i:�,r�sit�.cif a.. r�..w_il,luir�r.natic�n; I .�,v,� ('.unsi:r~ucti,un d�^awirx,�'.s:__ inc�ica�in�._....__s.iz��.uf .._....._...,._,............_._._.......__�__,..�..._._..,_.. foc�i�i.r�c�s.�,.�ancriurwa..�c�s .and w�ld�„ and S.v.i.�. '�"r�e adc��^es�_nfi,��he sii���wr��r�_thie �Xg.n.�.s� will hae_._l.c�c�teci,_ _.._..�.. . . .._ _.. ..._ v x a I"he riam�.�._._adt�r�e s�,arid_..�inn� numk�E r c�f i;he �,..�. _. ._ _ �li_cani:� Svii i.�. ?.h�' .., t�ar�c.�c�r ..� m�:`1..._.�.....:!'.�?..�.�!'�..?..�.�.�ng_in�et^s _._..__ _ . _..�..: _. calculatiun�� f-ar• s'x�n_ canstruci:ian,�__anch�r.aqe .,..__...__._.__....._...._.�...... .._.._. .�.,.._..._ ...... and fiaot�i.ri�...,,_..re,guir�men�s.�._.._inr.�uc�.ing�wind ._.....,..__,.,_.....,._.,,,..._. resistance and , seism9.c , far^ces,��....�lX ..�in .._._._.._.._._.._...._�.w.__.._....._.._....�. ._�...._...._.�........__. con�a�~ir�ance with th� r�e„�uxrem�r�ts af the _._....._..._...,,.__.....___.�......__...__�._.........�....____._ _..._._..�....._...._..�._..�._ Unifor-m.. Buildin Coc��s in accur�danc� wii�h 8ectic�nw1g�32�0�q a��__ A1].�si,c�n str4uctur�es nr� ur' 1'lE?dY�i�l^ I�t,III.CII.n�;�_ �I1d���onfarm �o trie �St�t� Fire l..ir� Sa�et,y__r•�guiremer�ts and i:he Ur�ifc�rm, F3uildinl_ ,Cod�._. r� ui��meni�s n�.,i�h�e _buildin,� s�ructur��.a car^ �r��a whc�r�� it is erect�d, �x� Fur_�hos� c�sps wh�r�e an exi..st9.ric�,_si n , is,,,�Lu . , . _...� be madifiec�.�.....,.th�,..�?.�l.a�ca�nt „�or_µa_._s�x�n_..peririii; .__.........,M...._._,......___ shall ....�i�u�ide .,._ dncumen�:atiun _�,..u�^,�v�rifiable ..___...__.._. �rc�of_..,of._,when_a sign_was _ereci��d .anclr.,_.whereyer• pussii�lee_...shall�su�mit a cu.p�of ,the or�igir�al si.c�n ..pEarniit_�, �C� I�r�nur uf a cur�r•�n� C� b�sir�ess tax c�r•tif-icate. (...D.). t�rc�uf �,fi a U.L, c�r ec�u��valeni�._.,�lahaeJ. subscrib�r . ._..._.._.�....._.._._....___......_......_....�....._..._.__ ...._.__�..._._.,�,.._..._... numha�r, (E�_ Thc�, r� uired..�,fee�„ 01:her� C:haric�es i�o i:he C�ade; 18.Q3 �fifec.�ive D�te c�f tFii.s l"itle f�l�. r�fer•�r�c�s m�de iri 1:Mii.s i:�,i:�.e i�t� i;N►r� cfi=�ctive dai�e c�f i�:Fii,s i�ii�l.e shiall m�ar� Nov�tnw�r , 1983, unless ui:her�wis� spNCif`ical.ly si�:�te� iri ar� ur•din�nc� revisxc�i•�. .�e,qA...____�.f�ective Dat� uP Or�t�iC�ances r,�/�ex�� 1qN�. Q�2C�I;NANC:�: AMENpME:N"i" ZUA 67--p7 �F2AF'T 5 -- PAG� 4A (3/2./8B) �— --- - ._ _ �t� .i''; •� ��(>.�1��`i>�'< ; ; i � � ! PROPOSED SIGN CODE CHANGES � ������' w � `:��' ��°_�� ��- �� �1 i i. I , � is.1.14.070 �; k � (h) Roof Signs -- [Roof signs of any kind are prollibited, including temporary � , signs.] No xoof signs, including temporary signs, are permitted with the ex-- �'; � ception of approvecl temporary balloons. However; r.00f s3.�ns may be approved �: by the Commission through the exception procedure established by Section 18.114.140 �, , � of this Chapter. �' �' i}, ,;- k' I: {::�, 2:'' �'� �!'� 1_.� �ti'. (',',' �;: :�i:.'::�I 2• P.�. 18.114.110 (h) Roof Signs -- Signs in existence on the effective date of this Chapter which do not com 7_ with the rovisions of this Cha ter shall be ermitted to P Y P P P remain along Main Street and U.S. Highway 99W only beCween S.W. Greenburg Road and S.W. Johnson Street until March 31, 1998, at which time such signs shall be ' �;_;�. brought into conforcnity. ,'I h',,: i"'r �`,: 1 f;'- � l:,,��.,,I {:`,;"I �-;;II, f:.�:�?`II `', . � {�-��:�: �;� � �ii���:.�-. . . . t,t`.1. � . . � Z'�.�:. � . � .. .. ...f'.',,; � � � � . � . .� r.,: �. .. . . .. ..... . . . . .. .. . � . . . . i .. . : . ... . .. . . . . . ... . . . . .... . . .., ��.- : 1��� ; . , : . . . . . : - � "' ����ei�r� �, ' TABLE iB:l1A. 13Q(a) • . � ` PERMANENT SIGNS - R-1 thruugh R-7 ZONE:d R �'� $;; �. � � �'J�;2 �i;+sYin` 6 _ ...,., ! ;, Number of Max. Sign Max. Sign L Siqns _ Face Area Hei: h� ; Wa11 signs Uns�er.ified Q sq f't con►bined N/A � , � Wousing 1 per eni:ry 32 sq ft UnspecifS.ed � Complex I.D. �aoinl: i � Signs ' 0 � � 8ubdiuisi.on I.D. 1 per enl:ry 32 sq fl: Unspr�ci.fi.ed � i Signs point � � Nonresidential �- �pne 32 sq ft: 6 ri:. i' Signs- Condl Uses F Addition�l Signs Allowed: � Special Condition See Section 18. 114.Q90 � Signs • Ui�^ectional One per Q sq ft/�ace Unspecified k driveway � Temp. rigid sigr.s 32 sq ft per r�ce Unspecified � Lawn signs 6 sq ft per face Unspecified { � �: I _ _ _ _ _ __ _.. - -• -- _ _ _ _. _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �. ; Extensions into R.O.W. : Nni: allowed � Lighting: Indi�^ect Flashing Lights: Not Allawed i Electrr�niG Message Ceni�ers: Not Allawec� � r� Maving or Rutating Pari:s: Nut Allawed s Temporary Sic�ns: Allowed i i � i ! I � ; { � � I i Tak�1e 18. 1.�4. 130 (a) Page 1 ' l ' � . , � � : � � �; . � � . TABLE 18. 114.13d(a) ' . . ,`; ~ PERMAIVENI� SIGNS — R--12 through R-40 ZONES G �. . . a. �� Number af Max. �ign Max. Si.gn C� � Sigr►s _ Face As^ea Heic�ht � �� �. Wal:t si.gns Unsp�cified 1 sq ft: 1 sq ft- N/A � i', of dwell.i.ng unit �`! }; s: Hausinc� 1 per entry 32 sq ft/fac� Unsqecified �! Cump,l�x puint 4 �,a Signs �:'. �' Subdivisian 1 per entry 32 sq ft/face Unsp�cified �' fiigns p�aint 4` ._ . �`; Nonr�esic�eni;ial 1 per site, 32 sq f1:/face 6 feet r'_ �igris—Condl us�s 2 if mor� � than 1 street �' - f r��ntage ��' �`i Addii:iun�l 5igns Allow�d: �I ji e';�i Speci�l Condition See Section 18.114.090 ��: Signs �:' C1ir�cti�nal One per A sq �t/face UnspeciPied �'' x;�. dt^iveway "C'en►p. rigid signs 32 sq Fi:/i�ace Unspecified �'' i'', Lawn signs 6 sq ft/face Un3pecified �'`' i1 ..... .� �. �. �.. ... �. �.. ..... ._. � �. ._. � � �.. ... � �. .... .... �?�� Ext�nsionswintq R.O.W._ _ _ _ _ -- _ Nut alluwed ?, Lic�hi�ing: Ind ireci: t`+ Fla�hing Lic�hts: Not Allowed ;; El�ct�^�.�r�ic. M�ss�g� C�nters: Ndt Allowed 's �' Muving ur Rutata.ng P at^ts: Nut Alluwed t: T'empnr�ry 5igns: Alluwed ;i � � i':` �' I,,� r� }+1 �1 {;. ;. F', i-. ,: YI'., 5'. 9 � �`;.' !:. �' TAF�I..E �.6. ].1�►.13Q(a) Pag� 2 � , ;; . �< t-; �:: �;! �F �.. . . . . . .. � . . . . .. .. . - . � . . ,. , � . . .� � , 7ABLE 18.11A.130(c) . ' . . '� PERMANEN7 SIGNS — C—G and CBb ZONES � � Type af Number of Signs Man. Sign Max. Sign Sigr�s Pern►itted F'ace Area Heiqht Single business 1 fr�esi:anding �rnestanding 70-90 'sq ft per 24-22 feeL or� or�e premise 1 wall sign/ face depending depending on face un s�i:back sei:back Wall. 15� aP wal.l face N/A Pr�ojec�ing sign is mour�ted un F�wr�i ng � Pairited wa].1 J.5% af wal]. fac� 2QX of wa].l. - . height Center wzth 1-7 One Fr^eestanding 70--90 ft per 20-22 feei: tenani:s, less See area face depending depending an than 4 acres on setback setback Prajectinc� 1596 or each N/A Wall tenants wa�.l Pace Awning Paint�d w�ll 15� af wa11 20X ni' wall ��Ce r,���nt Shopping Center One Free�tanding 70-90 sq ft per 20-22 feet or• IndustriaJ. Parks fiace depending depending on 8 ur� mur�e tenants un setiback setb�ck Min. A acres Wal]. 15� of wall face N/A Awn i rig Pra j ec�i.nc.� ' Painted wall. �lec:tronic Message One in lieu Freesl:anding 70-90 sq �t 2a-22 fr�c?t Center�s uf fr�e�standing �er� Face de�c�nding on ar ane wall. dep�nding on setb�ck sign per� premise setback Sit:H peue].opn►c�ni: 2 Fre�star�dir�g Fr�estandi.ng U� fi:�� an extra 20-22 fe�t Rev iNw 5096 uf s ign aP d�p�nd a,ng un �r�a s�tback Fasc.ia Wa].]. 'TAk31._k 16, 114, 130(c) p�c�e g � TABLE '16.114.130(c) � � PERMANENT SIGNS — C—G and C�D ZONES (continued) � Nuniber af Max. Sign Max. Sign Siqns Face Area H�i�ht Additional Si�ns Allawed: � Special Cc�ndil:ic�n Signs S��e S�ci:iun ].8. 114.090 'C'emp. rigid sigris up i��� 4 32 sq fii;l�ace Unspecified Lawn sic�ns S�e Gude 6 sq ft/face Unspecified Directianal - . Onr� ��er 4 sq ft/face Unspecifa.ed driveway Extensions intu R.O.W. : Nut allowed Li.ghting; �ndirect, Direct, Internal Flashing �ights: Not Allowed . - Moving ar Rotati.ng Parts: Nat All�wed Tempurary Signs: Alluwed Electr�onic Mess�ge Ganter; A.11awed only with mini.mum mess�ge interval uf greater than two secnnds �'i TAE3l..E J.s.114. 130(c) F�age A � - - , TABLE A8. 114. 130'(d) . . ` PERMANENT SIGNS — C-W ZONE Nune�er of Max. Sign Max. 5ign �i rais Face Area Height Single business 1 32 sq r��r��� 8 , on on� �aremis� 6� sq ft/tc.�tal up �c� a max of l.Q P��t . Fre�standing wp 1:o max 50/t'a�e nr 100 1:ata1 wii:h • setbacks Wa11 5% per 5% per N/A wa l l u�al l $ite Develapmenl: 7.5X per 7.5% per up �0 15 feet Reuiew wall face wa�:l fac� (applies to dll uf above) Addii;iarial Signs Allowsd, Special Condii:iun See Spction 16. ].14.090 �igns pirccl:ional One per 4 sq ft/rac� Unsp�cified dr�iveway "f'eni�a. rigid signs See Cnde 32 sq ft/face Uns��cat=ied L.awn signs See Cnde 32 sq ft/face Unspeci�ied Exi:�nsiuns into R.O.W. : Nut A1luwed L.i.ghtirig: Tndirect�, Direci:, Tni:ern�l Flashing LighLs: Nut Allawed El�ctrnnic Messac�e Center: No� A1lowed Moving �r Ftutating Parts: Nut AXluwed Ten►porary Signs: Allawed 'TA131..E 18. 11 A. ].34(d) Paye 5 . _ 1 . • � , j" . ' . ' �� . . , , . - . ;> ' � � ' . TABLE 18.114.130(e) . � «' ' PERNIAIUEN7 SIGNS -- C—N ZONE � �i � ; . Number of Max. Sign Max. 5ign � f` I�� giqns Face Area ,Neiqht _ Single business 32 sq fi:/�'ar.� ?_0-�-27.. feet � on c�ne pr��mise 64 sq Ft/tuLal �� ' up to a max 50/fac� ut^ 100 toi:al Fr�eestanding Sign Orie p�r �", pr��mises i ` t` : ;:;,. Wal.1 1096 uf 10% uP wall N/A ! ' .. .. W�11 r-�Ge ���� ;;;,;; ;: Site Dev�lupment One per 48 sq ftlface OR 30-32 feet Review �remises ' 95 sq ft/tntal � � �. a (applies to all !' nf aboue) ;', f; s�' Additional Signs A].lowed: ,' 'i' 5pecial Condii:ion See Section 18, 114.090 Si ns }:: � p, Directianal One per 4 sq ft/face Unspecified ; d t^i veway >'. G "femp, rigid sigris Up to 4 32 sc� f�:/face Unsp�cified ' ' i;';, f , Lawn si<�ns S�e Code 3� sq ft/face Unsp�cifi.ed � i.; _ _ _ _ _, _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ -- — _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ ._ __ _. _ _ _. ... _. _ _ _ r _ _ �;; i_' Extensions in1:o R.O.W, : Not Allnw�d ' Lighi:inc�: Inda.rect. Direci;, T.ntcrnal � Flashing l.ights: No� All.owc�d � Electr�onic M�ss�c�e Cent:er: Not Allawed � Moving ur Rntating Par�ts: Nut Allawed �'� T'empor�ry Sa.gr�s; Al lawed i:: �1., f;,. t. I';: r' {`;; li' , �'; �rpsi�� iQ. i�a, 130(e) Paye s f, � ; � l` � ��� _ _ _ .. __ : �:.