Planning Commission Packet - 02/23/1988 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. Tigdrel PJ.�tnniny C;��mm9.ssi��n F°F13RUARY 23. 1988 -.- 7:30 i�.Ni. T�C,ARn CI'C'Y HAI..L.. -.., 7..QWN F•IFtt.,l.,. 13a.25 ^aW H�1.1 131u�. Tic�arcl. Orec�pri, i . t,all �o Or��d�r 2, R c�J.1 C;�].]. 3. FlpK�rav� m.r.riui�es f•'r•�.�m �ar•cau�.��us h��ariric� 4. P.larinin ruinmission Cammian:icat�iun 9 5, Pl1E�L_]:C.' Hk.F�f2x11tGS 5. 1 RE:VIE:W A�F>L..T.C;A"('I:C)N5 F'QF2 F1F�F>O�:IUI"ME;NI.. _f0 NE::X:CyNBOF2Pi0QU PLANN:I:NCy OFtCANI7..Fll"7:t)N�� 5.2 :�:CGN C;UIJE t:XC�.i>'1"I'QN 5rE 88�.-01 0121:CQN �i:CC3N C0121�, / WASH'.C:IUt�"I"ON FE�l'-:12F�1. S�V]:IUGS Fiec{uest La al.l�w i:w�.� 19' highi, 8� squar� fc�a� (�atal) fir•eest�ndiny sir�ns un pr�u�a�r•t:y zuri�d (,F3n (C�n�r�al Busi.ness I]isi�rici:) wh�r•e unly une 9.s a�J.nw�c�, L.��.di:i.c.,n: i.?_7..Ei() SW M�in St:, (WC;'C'M 7..5�. 2AA loi: 49p0) , 5.3 SU(3U:CV:Cti:CQN � 87.�-�48, PL_F�NN�f� I)�:VCL.Qf�Mk:lU'1" i�U $7�•�-04, SGNS:C:"I"IVC� L.ANDS SL_ 6�--Q4 C:X:'I"1:"1_�:IU� SFIVIIVGS F1ND �..O�1N/OF2-•-F�1K CQ�2pORAT1:nN NPO # 7 Rec�uey�� �tu divide a 4A.35 �cr•e �arcel iriLo 190 l�ats r•�r�giny b�t�w��n 560p & 9F.i00 sc{, ft, aru� �o fill. � cirai.riac��w�y. L_pGFl"fT.�N: SGU�F� ar Summ�r Lak� Park, r�ur�i�h� uf Ci�llwuud S�ahadiuisiun (WG'TM 1S1 33D1� ].ot i4Q & M�p 1:�1 �3UC 1u1� 4?..OQ) , 5,A SUEt�I:V.T.S�;C�IV S 86..�-(�1 VARI:ANC;�: V 86--.O�i l"NUR�l"ONSON/WAV�RLY CQNST, PJPQ �# �a Rac�u��st i:u sul�div;ic�e a A,7 �c�•� �o��^c�l. ir�i�u 7_9 luty, i:he averag�? lui: si.xe I� wi.l.l �xccak�c� �.a,440 sr�u�r�� f�ei�:, Al.so, a var�iance i:�,, aJ.l.uw a aQ fo�i: r�di.us � curn�r ur� L-Ni� �ru�au��d laup r•c.��d wh�n i:he Cnmmunii:y 1)�vplu�ameni: Cud� rec{ui►^kas a J.00� f�. raclius. L.00ATION: 15385 5W 79th Rve. (WC7'M 2.51 3.2CA lut �►.100) . 5,5 ZQNE: QRpI:IUANCt:. F1ME:;iUUME:IU't" ZqA 8/....07 Ct�APT'E,R �.6. 11A SxGNS R�q�aest by t.h�.� Cit-y uf Tic�ar�c� t� r•�zvi��w �r•oposkc� �mendm�nL••s i�o Spc:�iun 18. �.1A (C;ic�ris) �,r- tr,� Cc,ir�muni.i:y [)�u�l.c.�pmcni� Cc�de, 6, ql`I•��:12 �3US:�N'L-`��S 7. ADa'OUF2NME;IUT ci j/27h8D f ; `C':X:C;AR�7 PL,�1NN11UG C;OMMISSx:qN ,' l'�FGUI.AFt MI;:w"I":C�11G - f'EBRUF�h2Y 23, 1988 ' ; 1. , 6�c:unc� Vic:� Chair•m<�n Mi.1t: F'yr�� c�].1.Nd �LN��.a mE�c!i�inc� 1:c� c�r•clr�r� ai: 7:35 F�M. ": ..rr,k mF?�i�ir�c� w�s h�.lcl ai� i�Nu� "i"iyar�d Civic C�nL�r •- l"qWN I•�AL_I.. ...- 13125 �W ;: H�►J.1. Ct�.u<J„ _f.:ic��r�c�, qr•c.�yc.in. i el 2., ROt„t„ CFIt_1.,; P���s�ni�, ��c�.�nd Vi.c:�.a Pr•�side�r�l:: F'yr�e; Comt7ifssi��ner.s �I'' P�i��r�un, IUkwi:un. ��r�b�r�. Rusbur�wu�h, C�stile, i Ow�ns (ar�r•iuing 7:39), and Mu�:�n (arrxviny �:Q5 � NM) , { Flbs�nl:: Gununisr:i.aner L�vEr���:i:. i 3 , f�PI�I�OVF�I. OF M:LIUU�TL'".S ; ( Ccimmiysi��r�er� Q���b�±ir• mc�u�c� aric� Cc,mtrixssz��rir�r� R�,shaur•aut�hi s�ccand�c� �c, a��r•uuc� ! t�h�a January 19, �.988 minut�s as sutamittNd. Mai�i.nn car�r�a.c�c� k�y inajur^a.ty ur � Cummi.ssac�ners pr�y�nt�, Comm9.ss9.unc�r•s N�wt��r� and P�ter�san ak�yi�din�d. i 4. pl.F1NNING COMM:CS:aIUN COf�iMUNTCA'1�:cON � o Reva�w�r� n��mn frc�m "I"�rn E3r•i�n r•��c��r�c�iric� Mic,r�7._.qge Sic�n C:�,c�� E:xc:e�a�:ic�r► ' a��r�uu�d k�y C X ty (,aunc:i l. ! ; 5. �UESL.IC F�E.F1Ft]:iUC�S ; i a, 1 f2EU�E::W ApPt..�;CAT'I:qNS F'OF2 APf>UI:IVT'ME:N"I" `I"U N�::I:GE�E3qRF�00D PLANNTNG ORCAN:Z:"1_'A�I"IQNS A�aplicatiur�s w�r•e o^�v9.�w�d for I��riiel Walsch (IUPO # 3); Marcy Noc�lant� aric� D�nis Hack�].m<:�n (N�CI � fi}; RtASS�.�J. NOciCI (IUPO # 7); �ei:sy E�r�irikl�y �nd Mil« ; Fr•icksun (NN� # 8) , (:di:hy rhase was r��c�ta��i:ed i:a hae r�vi.�wed fcar a fi.r�si: ali:err�a{:c� p�.,si.i�i.ur� un NF>U # 8, hc�w�v�r, tFiere was no dK>pli.cai�i.an availahl�, Cununissi��r�er Pei:��•�an muv�d and Cummissic>n�r� Rasborc�ugh � sec;onc��d �:o furw�ar�c� �11 a��l.i.ca�ior�s ta Cil:y Cuur�cil. wii:Ni a r�cnmmenda�:ic�r� ' for� a�apuir�i:meni� i�o 1:NiE�ir� a��r•a�r�iate IVpU, �4:ai'f was c�ir�ci:r�� i:u �bt;a�n�ci a cn�y ctif-� Cai�riy Gr�as�' s applic.ai:i.uri rc,r� i:Pieir rc.auicw k��rur� makinc,� a r•ecummEaric�ai:ion. Mui;iun carr�i�d uriani.muu�ly k�y Cumirii�sS.un�r�s �r•�y�rit. 5.7_ SSC�IU C.qD[: EXC;E:F>l"I:(�N SCE:: 88.....01 qF2EGON S:f.C,N COt2F�IWAS6�I:NG'I"ON FE:;��RAI.. SAV:CIVGS 13AIUK Np0 # 1 Rer��aesi: i:ca �l.a.uw i:w�.� ],9' hS.c�hi, 69 squ�r�� fc.�4at (Lo�al) frc�c�si:�tnd�.nr� sac�ns un �r�uK>E�r•t� zuned GI3p (C�n�r�al Rusin��s Dxsi:r�ic:i:) wh��r^e unly c�n� is all�wec�, Lc�ca�XC�i7: ].2260 SW P1�3.n Si:. (WC"fM 2S1 2AFi 101� A90A) . Seniur P1anr��r� Lici�n review�d i:Nie pr�i�pn�al �nd made �tarP's recumm�ndai:ian i=ur� a��rc�val. wa.1:N� i;Fir•ee cc�ndi.L••a.ans, Discussi.un r�a��w�� r�egar�t�i.ric� 1�:hca uu�r•all sic�n si,;c�s �r�d l:he �zrrpr•en��s k��i:we�n the sic�n c�;cie �xc��i:iori cri.i��r°x� �nc! i:N�� uar•i�nc� aK>pr�aual cri.l�c�ri�. PI._AIUN�NCi (:UMIM;L^aS:C4N MTIUU'1"�.5 I�k�RUARY 23, 19�$ -- Page 1 Ap�yLICAN"C''s �a�:s�.�v�rA�r��:<�n� Rob�rt Byri.ck, nrc�c�un Si.gn Co, r�pr�.as�n�S.rig Washingi:un Fec�er�al S�ui.ngs Bar�k revi.��weci i:hEa hi�i�ar�y �xp].ainir�g huw i:hcy r�ad mcai: a.11 i:he u�h�r r•equir�m�nl:s �.,f tri�.� Cc.,c�Ea. ��� fel.t i:h��i� �:h�r�� h�€� b��n �n ��u�r•si.i�� i�n 1:Fi� Cude i�y nut ailuw:irig a s�c;und 1�`r���tariciiri� �ic�n wh�r� w�rr�antc�d, Di:•�cussic,ri fall,awt�c� r�EC��rc�inc� i:hi� ��ver��ll. sx:•r.,� k�c.�iric� u��d aric� i�hEa dit'fa.culi:i.es uf u�ir�c� mun�am�nt sic�ns at this typr� Uf lucai�,r.un. ;' PUE3L.;I:C 'T�:SI"7MqNY ;: u No ane appear�ed i:n sp��ak. PUE3L;TSC. HE:AR�IU� Ct.Q�E.I) u CansEznsus uf tr�� Cummissiun was rar� arapr•nual. �: � C�.�mmxssi.��ner• Newi:c.�ri ir�c�uc<� arira Cummissi.unar Ow�!n� ��:�canded tc� �p�r�c�ue SCk:: 88...Q1 �a�r si:afr's r��cammt�ric�ai�iun anc� cunc�ii:iuns, Also, fur �t�rr- to '� pr�a�arc �hE fixn�J, c,i^d�r�� �nc� fic�r Uie.e Cr�airman Mili� Fyr� tca sign c7ff an ;-, L•h�i: f-inal or•d�r, Mol:iun c.arr^9.ed unani.mously by rommissioner�s pr•�sent. 5,3 SUB[1IV�:SION w; 87...��q8, pL,ANIUE:[) DEVk;.I...(7F�ME'IUT' pt7 87'-Q4. `;ENSx;'I":Y:V�: LANp� Sl. g6•-QA C:LI':C.�C�NS SAV:�NGS ANn I.qAN/OR AK COI�P, NPO # 7 Rec�uesi: tc� subdi.ui.r�Ea a A.7 acr�e �ar�cel ir�i:u 190 1u{:s r•aric�ir�g k��tw��ri 560p �nd 9500 sq, fL,and i�u ri11 a cir•aa.r��g�way, t.0(�A'T:LpN; auuth uf Suminer- Lake par•k,n�.�r�tri or B�IJ.w�.���c� Sukrciivisic�n (WC;I"M ].S1 33[)p 1c�i: 100 & Map ].S1 33DC lpi: A2Q0) . Cammissiuncr• pwEar�s sL��cd i;k�a� shi�.7 is � pr•n�aer�i:y owncr� �haut:i:ing i:his c�evelaram�nt but c�id nc�t re�1 i:his �h�auld prohibit h�r f►^um pa���i�ici�ai�inc� i.n tN» �rc.�ceedi.riys. Con►n�i.s�S,c�n�r� Bar�k�r�r si�c���d i�a�ai: sN�� 1.avc.as in Summ�a• I...�ke anc� waul.d alsn �artic9.�aate i.n i:hr� ��^nce�dinc�s. S�rii.or� Pl.��rfnc?r La.d�n r�vxewad th�c �ar�upc�saJ. ar�cl �ri�ac�ca stafifi's recomm�nc��ai�ac>n far a�apruu�l with 17 �ondii:iuns, qiscussi.nn falluw�d re�gar^diny the Park land i;o bc? ci�c�ic.�i:ec�/purcNias�d, numb�r af cu1-•-de-sac:s, l�nc�tr� c�r i�he cul�����de-••sacs, si:r�c�et layuui:s �rid i:r��arfic �ai��er�ns, nam�s uf- Lh� s1:r�c�Nts, c��nsity c.c.,ncEZr�na, lc�ca�a.�7n ofi fiaatbr•9.c�c��, di.spc�sa.i�:a.ori c�f tN�e AO' unawnec� si�rip, nwn���ship uf i'ir• i�r•c��s lo�al:�ci un �a�i:ern boundar•y. �nd M�ow the PD �.�vc.arldy a�a�].i�s, AF�PI_TCAIU'T'S F�12�'Sk:N'TAT:CON a C�ar�dc�n Hak�k�s, QR--�AK C�.�r•pc�r•a�:iun, i305q SW �'ur�est M�aduws Way, Lake pswegc�, 97034, st�aLEd tF�ai: i�hey ha�e r�aad i�rie �i�aff t^��aur�i� �r►d acc��rt all uf st�ff' s cunda,i:i��ns, huwever, thr�y wcaulc� J.i.ke a cnndi�:iun r�dt�ed wr,xCr, waul.d gi.uH �:he Pl.anna.rig �ir��ctur �h� auLhu�•i�y tu appr•ove �h� ar�ci�r� a.n Wr,��:n �:r�� ph�se:� wi.J.l devclop. Discuss9.nn fol.lnwec� rE�gardinc� why i:h�e appl.icant as ` �ar'pr)l7a�l'l� L-riis �ari�acul.ar p].an, ri�w pha�inc� wuuld uc�.ur�, trte @�rk ar��a, ;I, and ].c.�� six.es , ,. � ,`� <�, �I ; .1 � PLANN�IVCy CONIM1:5S1<)IU M�;NUT�:�+ F'EBF2UAf2Y 23, 1988 -- Potg� 2 i'' , ,i �� _ � PU13L.IC 'TE:STIMONY U J'. A. WATE".�tSON. 11.fiU5 SW Manzanii�a, s�at�c� hi� h�ad siyria�c� u� i�c� s�eak tc� �riKUre i�hat hi.s �r�ara�r�Ly wuuld hau�� ace�ss f�^um tN�is ��ut�lupment arid rram th� ral�n k>caina prc,�us�c� ��:.r;�s5 wc.�uld b� r�rc�vided by i.h� prup�,sed c�xi:en5i�.�n nf Wi.ri��r l_ak� l7r�i.u�, I-le acir�cad �hai; t:h� majurity uf i:he f-ir� �r•c�p� wr,z�:r, hac� bEa�.an di�cuss�<� cdriS.�r• ar�� nn his �ar•up�ri�y and h� wc.tiul.c� b� sava.ric� a� many uf th�m as pn�sibl.�. e� f�ow�arc� Bani:�t, ].2�'aBCt SW C•;lacx�r t_i.ly Ci,rcJ.r�, sL•dLed he hdc� 4'u7.lawed i;hi.s �rapu��l cl.os�ly arir� r�lt it was a d�ci.c��d xm�aravement uuer� wF��t riad ! or•�.giria].J.y hac.a�n pr,c�pc�sec�, He �nrJur�s�d i:h� prupusat as suk�mii�L-�c�, �xcc��ai�, Nie str�urigly �ncuur�agtad i�hat i:h� �tr��zet nam�s be chan�e t:u ela.mi.r�at� any cc�nfuyiari, u Jini iVi�lsc�n, 12A10 SW 1281�h, Txu�arc�, s�r•r�ngly o�aposed i�h� d�vel�.,piri�ni:. He f�xlt �he (,i�y M�ad ��ac��c� in b�ad fia�.tr� and haci ic�r�ur��d the cuncer�ns aP i:M� cii.i.x�ris c�r� 17..8tN�. N� sL�i:�� i:h�� Ni� riad suN>niii:t:ed a pei�a.l:iuri 1�c� 1�h� City ►^eques�inc� i�hat 1?.,8i�h riui: b� �lluw�d i�o gn i:hr•uu�h. I��e had attenciin� � NC�p m�E�?t9.r�g whE�r•e i:Niay h�d r�vS.�wec� � d�.asign tha1� i�hc� n�i.c�hbc:�r•h4��,c! f��:i: i:hey c.uuld l.a.ve w:iL-t�, urily tu arriv� �anic�N�t i:o find that i:hat pl.an had be�.an scra�pec� anc� w�s r.hanged back �c� �he ur�ic�inal p].an whic.h waul.d creai�c� 9.ncr•eased tr�a�fiic speHds un 128i�h, �� �her�yl. Ncir�^is, 12.815 SW Kal:hc�rin�, Ti�arc�, w�s conc�r�ncd a�aaui� th� i�r�airi�ric��7us inr�.ux uf l-.rarfS.c which 1:he ar�r�a i� alr��cly ex�a�ri�ncing. Sh� su<�c��st:�cl i:h�i� af- i:hr� c�E�u�l.c�pmen�: 9.s a��rau�d th�t �:he ar•�� be h��aui.J.y �aai�rull�d, Sh�e r•�qu�?si:�c� t:hat i�h� c�eu�luper• be t^equircd t�o d�u�lup i:h� dr•E�a cl.osesi: 1�c� Si.rnnr�er L�tk� fS.r•sf:. She was a�1so c��ncHr�ncd t:hai� i:hc� filla.ng �f- 1�r�� dr�ir�ac�e ciii��.h wau�.d cr�ai:e st�a�� slupes in the r��dr� y�rds ufi s�me �xisi�iric� M�cinie �ric� she w�nt:�c� tu k�� cnsur�ec� tF�at c�rai.riac�� prabl.ems wuuld be �c�c�r•Fass�ci. c., Dau� Pat�k�rsan, ]�?:tr�0 SW 17,.6tri, T'ic�ar�c�, si:aLec� hc� hac9 al:�enc��d i:h� J'�nu�r�y i 2Qth NF�O mc�et:i.n� and fel.i: i�h�at i�h� dtzvEal�yper� was will.ing to work w:ii:h i:he neaghk>�.�rh�uud, N��w�:�uer•, h�e f�lt �h� C9.i�y dic� th� u�pasai:� �nc� toc.�k a u�uod �1an and �ur�ned ii: into a h�7w1 nf spagh�i�i:a., Ne felt i:hua major�i�y uf i:he tr•G�1=fixr. w�.,ulc� use �.2.8tN� i�c� Walr�u�: and n�.��: �he access�s nteni�ic�n�c� by stafir, Ft r I�U'T'"f A L o Gc�rdc,n F�Icabbs suc�����fi;ec� cc�nc�rns fur 1?..A1:F� mi.ghi� b� r�sc�lvec� w�.th s���d Faumps, r�a.licir�c� ufi LNi� ar��a, c�r fc�ur� way si:ups , F�e �tat�d i:hat ].35th is scriec�ul.ec� i:ci k�� c�F+ucl.ca�a�c� i.n Qc.tok�r�r, 19se, whieh w�,ulc� c.c,inci.de wa1:h i;heir c�evelo�am�r�t and wu�ald dr��w p�o�ale L••a access in tFiai: da.�^e�tiun. H� ex�lained i�ri�t aJ.l. cut anc� ri�.J. wouJ.c� ha� dp�rc�vec� by the r.it:y which sh�.,u�.d ensur�e the pr�ul:ect9.uri uf a�aui�la.ric� pr�uper��i:y owners, Fur�t:her discussxon fu].J.uwec� r•�c�a�^clairic� i:r��.a si�r�ec�i� l�yc�ui�s, F�c�w �hasinc� wr�ulc� �,ccur, aric� wriat: i�npdct: r�egui�;iai�iony fur thi� Par•k l�r►d wuuld have on 1:he de�elupmertt, PLANN�:Nr C()NM11:�fi�:qN M�IUUT'�;� F�BRUARY 23, 1966 •- Pag� 3 f�UBi..:LG I��F AI�IIUG t;Lq:�w D l7 L)J.SGI.ISa7.Q1'1 fc�ll.c�w�c� r�cy�rc�inq 1:r�an��c.,r��t��i.c�n CUI'1GF?P"ns; h�.,w �h� Cum�ar�h�nsiva P�.�n �E�si.c�r�ai:��s ].2��L-h t�� k�e a call�ctur� str��N�i: �nd huw a �! C'..Glii�,7i"E?IIE?i"ItiJ.VE' P1�n Hm�ncim�nt wa�aic� be rc�quir•c�d ia chang� i:nis ci�.asiqna�ic���; why i�he �a�.an was chari�c�d f-r��um i:h� what i:he 1�Si�h n�i�i�ik�urhu��d �ar���er�r��d; ari� wNi�i� c.. ..• .� . ...� ln �ai.a,�.ris t'�.ur way si�ops coul.d k�� us�d, n Camtnis�ian�r Fyr�� wa5 conc�r�n�d �hauut i�he Pp ov�r�lay and huw il: �p�a�.S.�d, wh�t i::h� no�xximum �I�.an�ii�y al..luwed is, wha� l�ncl wuulc� b�� c�c��a.c:ai�ec�, whai� ` wuu].ci b� r�ur�chas�ci k�y Cii:y for Rar�k l.�nd; arid whei�h�r i�N�e a�apa.ic�nt shuulc� b� alluw�.ad � d�nsi.i:y trari:�fc.ar� fc�r Park J,�and pur•r..t��s�d by i�h� Cii:y, Ftl.so, huw puk�lic �aar•kirig wa�ald be �ar���ua.c��d wiL-h ac�pss tu �Lh� �ar�k. ' �.� Commisaa.ur��r N�w1�an c�ic� na�: r.ar� fctir� th� lay�tiut, hiuweu�r�, wnulr� pr��bakrly vui�e rur a�pr�uva].. �� C;c�mmis�i.c>n�r• E3ar�k��.�r� w�s symp�i:ri�i;i.c: wii�h n�agN��aar�s and f'r�l.i; increase �aolicing wc>�a.ld h�lp. Fiaw�ve�^, �ny K�lan wu�a.lc� incr•c�ase i:raff'a.4, i:h� i.m�aurtant; is�ue is huw �:he gr•ea�:esL numl�er c�f �a�u�al� c�ri h�zue acc��s i�c� ,� i:he Par�k, SFi� i'avar��d �:he pr•upusal, a C;ummis�iciner Pct�r•s����� was cnrrc€��n�c� th�i� i�h�� c�euc�].u�am�rit: aK�pear��c� n►ar�� lik� a st�andar•d suk�c�ivisiun i:h�an a Nl.ann��d D�ur�la�mNani:, c� Commissa.anwr� Rc»hac�����uc�r� w�y conc:.�r�r�kara ak�c��at 1�Mi� i:r•�rfir. fiJ.r�w �enc� t�FiE� numk��r� uf cul_..t��_..sac, h�w��er^, ai15 wa�al.c� c��Pwr� i:a si�af-f �arid thc� f'�.�^e Distr•i.ct rHC��r�dS.ric� c�in�:�r�g�ncy �c.c�sses, H� was sympol�he�:ic w�.tPi �h�� n�i.r�hbors r�eyar�di.n� i:rdrfic canc��•ns, N�uw�v�r^, i;N�e prcapu:tal is cunsisLc�ni� wi.i�h t:h�e GaniK>r��hi�risi.ve F�lan sc� h� fauur��<� i�N�e prupasaJ. , u Cummissiurinr ��wearis c�x�lainc�d �o Lh� �udi�nr.�� hiow Niad b��.t>ine irivvlv�c! with tN�� Cii:y pl,arrnin� �rc�cess , She cc�nLi.nu�d t:hai: �h� Gl'11'1Ck'?K)�lAial�. �aJ.an fc�r i:r•anspor�tation has r�emaa.n��c� i:h� s�ame zn t�ha.s �r�ea sincE Lh� ori,gir�al NPO pl.�ri w�s ac���t�c�. 5h� enc.c�urac�ec) indxv�.du�ls tc.� find c�ut wh�t is gai.ng 1:c� h��p�n tu vac�r�i: 1Gxnc� which is in the ar��� becaWSe ynu r,an b� assu��td i:ha� ii� wil.l. riui: si�dy vacari�. E.:xcFp� ror• i�he nun►k�er• �.�f c.u1_."d�--s�c she fr�l.t: that i:his wa� a �aud prapns�l, �, Cummissi.nn�r Casi:ile f�l.i� 1:N�� cua,..._d�-ws�c �r•�.�vic��d � s�r�c:tu�ry fnr� i:riusr� luts , i�� hiaci riu p�^e>bl�m wii:h th�e r�esic�n ar�ci rpcc�mmend��d ap�aruual, 4� Commissior�c.�r• Fyr�� si:���d thai: r•euiewiric� planned DeuwZo�>merii.s is i:uuc�h �ince i:h�r�r� is r��� cl.c�ar� defir�ii:i.ons rur Plarined D�v�l.upm�nts. He su�pnr�tec� ac�c�inc� a cui7dii�iun whar,h wc�ul.c� aJ.;luw tri� Plarining Dareci�ar 1:u i:ak� tw�r�i:y.--ri.ve ].ut and cleci.de wMiat wuu:lc� b� Pha�� :I, I�iscussa.or� fc�1.lnw�d r•ec�ar�di.ny � mc��:i.uri, �' C;uitnni s 5 xt>ner� Uwens muveci anc� Commi,a s i.cari�.ar E3�trbcr� sea�7rid�ci tn apprauc S 87�-q8, PD 87�-04, SL_ �7•-09 Faas�d un st;aff-' s fi.nc�ings arid recaimn�ndai:iuns ac�<�in� tr�e ccanc�:iti.c�ri i�h�t �l:Fic Pl�nriin� Dir�ec�ar� sh�7.]. haue tNie a�atht�rity �:a ap�r•ave Nach �ha�e ar►d tN�e urciE�r� uf �ach phase. A�sn, �ur� si:aff tu pr•�par�c� the fii.ria�. nrdcr� dr�d far� Vic� C��air�man �'yr•� tcti sigri c�f'if an tr�e rir�al ur•d�r. Mution carrz�d hay m�jnr�ity ut' C�inma.ssiur��rs preser�t, Commiss9.aners N�wtan �nd Pwt�r�sUri vo�inc� nu. z: PI_ANNxNG C;OMMISSxqN M:CNUT�S Fk�RUA12Y 23, 19R6 - P��e � �I r: L �: Commissi:em�r Moa�r� ar•r�iu�d i���[��S 9;5G FiN C2E::C:qIVVk::IUE: 10:05 PM �.i,A SU�t[)IV:X:S:I;()N � 88...,�p1. VF�F27:F•1NCE: V 86--OKi l"NUFt�;�`OiU:�pIU/WF1V�:Rl_Y CON"+"f". NPQ # 5 R�c�ueast i�u surac�iu:ide a 4.7 acr•� par•r.pl. irii�c> 29 loi:s, a va�^ianc� i�u a.l:lc�w a ', 50 fuc:�t si�rc�1; c.urri�r� i^ac�ius irist�d�l c�r 1:r�e r�eyuir�ecl �.�q fci�.7i� r•adi�as, �nd I t:a al.l.uw adjusi�incr�L••s uf= taie �9.c�e 1u1: l.in�s uf i:he plati:�d �.ai�� ur a � m�xiniur�� nfi 4 reE�i:. Senxor• F�l�nn�r l.a,c��r� reui.c�wecl th�� �arca�tasal. arid m�c�e si��ff' s r�c:omm�rtd�t9.�.7n rur a�apr•uual wiL-h canc�i�iur�s , {�PF�L,:Z:Ch1N.1..,5 PkC:SC:IU'1"�l°C':ION E3i.l..l M�Mon�tgl�, Har�ris.�.MGMonac,�].F, ].7_''a�'a SW N�3.1 E31vr�, rE��r��enl:irig th� awn�r arid a�a�l.ieant, h�ad r�c► caraject�inr�s �u �i�aff's cunc�ii�ians , H� explained Lhat i:he lni� li.ne �djustm�nLs ar�k� tr�e s�mc� as i:Ni� �,r��s �1lowec� fc,r Bund Park, pUBI.,:�C; 't"�ST:�MbNY �,, Nr� or�E appear•ed t:c� spEaak , PU131._IC HEf�f�TNG {�G_(7S�U a Dascuss9.c�n ruJ.].�awEac� r�•�:�r�ar�c�a.nc� i:r,� rr��{��ir�cl r�c�i�a:: anc� wh►y i:Pi� u�r�ianc�:� Wqul.d k>e iACCF'?rJ�:F�I��.l�, �• Cammis�i.ari�r� Pet�r�sc�r� mc.���kae� and Cammi.ssie.�ner• Mu�n s�eune��e� i�a �K�pr�c.�u� '� S 88...��01, U 88..._Q5, �aric� M BE.._03 �aa��ci ai7 si�arf'� fiindaric�s �nd ' rEG.ommcanc�ai�i.c�ns , Alsc�, fc.,r�• si:af'f i��.� pr�epar�e �:h� fin�al. c.�r�der• �ncl i'c,r Vi.c� �hair°man Fyr�� i:u sic�n uff uf- �:he f�inal. ur�ci�r. Mot9.un c�r��^a.cd unan9.mcatasl.y i by C;oir►missa.un�r•� pr•�serii�, C�,5 "I.OIUE Of71)INAN(aE AMLNDMI:�IT 7OA F37..-U7 CHAI�'1°L'-:R 18. 114 S:LGN�� R��ucsi: k�y t�h� Ci.i:y c.ii' T'igar�•c� �e� r�ui�w �r�u�usec� ai7�er►diria�nts i:a Seci:i.an �.8, 114 (Sic�ns) ut= i:he Cammuni�y Qnv�ln�>mcant C�de. �enior� P�.r�nn�r• Li.c�eri zr�i�r•aduced F�sKisi�ani: pl.anrier� Si�uar•t I:c� reuir�w tN�e r�►^apa��d ame�i�ic�m��ntis, Asssisi�arit Pl.�tnr��r• Si:uar•i� r�vac.awcac� hc.ar m�ma regar�din� prc�pus�d cN�anges. u I�isr.uss9.un f��5ll.aw�d r��garc�iric� dif-f�r•er�i: i:�rminaluc�ies, i:h� use ur b��.l.oeans k�eS,nc� limii�ec� i�u c�r�and �,K>�nin<�s, th� c�9.frcr•ent si.ze sic�ris k�ei.r�� pr�uposec� rur �irrpr�ni: ;�unes, Lhe iase uP mun�am��nt sigr►s, and what cuulc� k�e al.l�.�weci fur g••a.s st�z�ictirts. l'1 CC11T1C(1].SS:I.OP1F?I" Mc.�c�ri fr��.L•• i:h�ti� �ar�c�hik�ii:�.rig t:F�e u:>� of �.,bsr..eniti.es shiau�.d r�maa.ri in i:he (�od� ar�d suc�gast�d cNi�ckirig wi.i:h i:he At:�urney i:u s�e if i:his waul.d ha� permS.i��:�d. PL.F�NNIIVG C(7MM]:Sfi1pN M�:IVUl"E:S F'E:BRUARY 2�, ].�86 — Page a ; � PU131_IC 'T'k:S'TIMqNY 3 o L.,�r�r�y B�,ss�i::t, 7..QQA NW �:r�vanc� si����r.l 1�Fi�i: h� h�d r•�ui�wec� i�hi� �ar�uK�cis+�d am�ndmeni�s and f�li: i:h�y wcre ��>�r^npri�te. He relt Lh�at i:he amcaunL afi sign��e {�hta�: �:Ni� G�d� allc�wed far w�J.l sirE w�as shc.�c.kinc�. We w�� cuncer�n�d ir �r�uvisiar�s w�r�� md<�e in the C�>c�� wh�icNi wuu].d allc�w �xi�i�ing riun....ccirifc�r�ma.nc� si.c�ris i:c� k�e gr�rii:c�� �xc:��ti�ic�ri:� ui7c��r' Sw>(aC18tI. G],N'CUIT15i:�nr,�s. f�S.scuss9.un ralluwc�ci, �� R�nc�y MawFti.r���r�, L.�ama.rii�E± Si.c�n Gc�m��ny, h�d �^�ac� thr~c�uc�hi �h� �ar�c�K>uscc� am�nd�n�ni:s �nd fi�l� i.1: was c�nc�d cum�ar��ad tu ui�her jur�isc�s.u9:iuns . i�i� f�lt� t;h�r� shc,ul.r.l k�� � sK>ec.i�l xan� fur M�an S�:re�L•• b�c�casw �,r i.i:s unS.r���� situatiun. Alsu, th�r�� i.s nuthing xn i�he Ce�dp acidr��essiny lighii��d �wnings or s1��3rici�r�c�s i'c�r� nE�c�n di,��lays , He f�J.1: munun�eni: si.c�ns w�re a�a�rupri�l�e �', a.n :Lnc�usi>r��.al @�rk �ri�r•anc��, howeu�►^, in luc��ion� like Main St:rta�i�, i:his typ� c�fi sigri vi,sah�i.li.ty wu�aJ.d be b1c.,ck�c� hay uHhicl.�s , u Bub By�ick, Oregun Siu�n Cuinpany warit�d i�he Cc>mmissiun t�a knuw i�Piai: sic�r�ac�� xy v�.ary exp�r�siv�a. Fi� au�r•eec� wi.tF� Mr•, M�whi,r�i��r tPiai� il.J.tan►xr��t�?d �wninu�s n���c��ci i�u H>e �c�dr�ssNd. He c�uNSi:iun�d if �llowir�c� a hi.c�h r��rcEZni:age t'ar w�aJ.l si.c�ns �nd r�esi;r•S.c�inc� i�h�.� si-r.c� �nc� n�nnk�er• c�f fr•ecstdndS.ng sic�n a.s , whai: �ff�ct the (�ii�y really war�l:s, F�e fiPli: this wutald caus�� an inc^easec� us�.� cif lar�•c�e 1�..I.1.11T11Y1'ci�t?4'I c�k�i.n��y a5 wa17. sign wh�ir.N� ni�y be l.ess ; at�r'd(i�J.VE� �hld�t 1�WQ QI" 1:�'lt^t?N Silld�.�.�?M' rl"Ct?��:cxl'1(��.I'1L� Slt�l'18 , ���� CXUE��3�1U1'1�(� ��'12 , si.ce al.luwec� f�.,r• �a.c�ci:r�ani.c. signs, st�.ati.rig �:h�t i�h�y ccitald nc.ii� bE� cansi:r•uci:�c� wii:hin L-he :�a.;•r.� aXlow�d by CUC�e; nntir�y �hai: i:h� Par^k 217 anci Landin�r•k F'ur•c� El�ci�r�nriic sxyns w�r•E largr�r• tNian per•n►ii�i�cc� k�y C',arJ�. u Disuussiun fulluwF�c� un huw i:u p�•�ace?�d, �� Cammissioner� P1aen mc�v�ci arid C:omi�ixssi.on�r• Fyr�e s�ce�nc��c� �a se� ZUA 87—Q7 uu�r tu �r�e Mar�ch Bi�M� i�].annxrig Cumm9,�siun Ni��r�ir�g, Mntion Gar•r�i.ed � uriani.m�ausJ.y hay C;c.�mmi.ssi�.,rier�s �r�s�ni�. 6. UTML'-:R BUS:CIVk�S o C�.�mmissi<>ner Ow�ris q�aFasi�ac.�n�.ad if i:ti� Piqf> secfi:ion c�f tNik� Cor��� c<.�uld k�e br�ouc�r�� up rnr� r�v:i�w aga9.n. Di:�cussiun fulluwr�d. Cnnsensus was th�i: i;h� Cc�nnnis�ic�r��r�s r7��cl�c� i�u c��r�t�ci� i�hi�: City Caunc.a.l di.ree.i�l.y �Lc� se� ir LP►ey wa�ald be wi.119.nc� t�u ac�c�r�s� tri�zr• cun�:�r�ns r�eg�r•dinc� i:h� Hume Occupai�iun Set:t�i�n �,r �r,�a Cc�cl�. �. �r�;rau�NM��u-r; �1:�n �M � �r�.a.c.�.lkl//'�... � �> �''�.f..��T�...i�'..�..�'r�_..�....._._.. piane M. Jel�ws, S�cr���i:ary ( �,�...�..r_s.r.: ���^—^�� M:x:_ ._aric�.._Vicp Pre�ici�nt..�._.,.........._w c�j/33 5p ; F>LAIVN]:NG CUt�1�:SS7;ON M�:NU"I"E� F'EBRUARY 23, 1988 -� Pac�e � �' � �; �— - --- — __ _ _ _ �- r `,�" STAE'F ATTEN�DING ( W �' �� ; � DONA"LD MOEN " `3q ' � B�NNIE OWENS��'�' "- � '� C � �X d-�-- / (,�� MILT FYRE �� ' � 17AVE PETERSON �L AEANE LEVEEtETT _� GREG NEWTON _�� VLASTA BARBER �� UAN ROSBOROUGH JAMES CASTILE i � � � r j; `�I � ����I�HI�l� �OM��N� ����a ���-�.� P.O �OX 370 ?HONE(503)68�-0360 ��tlCg� BEAVERTOPd, OREGOP�i 97075 ��g�� F�ota�� ���a�P������ 6�E������ e �`� �" 1 � c�..� � � ❑ teaeshe�t Notice J� � � N � � i9�� ��,��; 3��`°""� � ❑ i�upficate A�vidr�vit � �__._.--. v�� � �t� � �+�i� 1 � � t-, � ���Z3 AFFI�AVI� OF PIJ��.IC�TI�I� _ . COU��v�oo wAS�iN��aN, jss. �- � - � � �" ; s, ��� �--��—.� - �� � : � ; being firs4 dudy sworn, depose an� say th�4 ! ar� 4he A�ver4isieag �irector, OP h6S �Ptf1C9��I CIC^'f�, of the , t���� ��a�� `,�� � ne�s�apee of general CPPCtlI�$iOPi as definecl i� ORS 193.090 — — �esd �93.020; pub0ished a8— ��y�'�' in 4Fa� �te f�t�?�!f!g�$11� ct►�t�sm�d��i�e�'a�����t��n afo ai� couraty and st�te: 4h�t Yhe ��g���, g��t 7:3�4.F�I.��'i�axd �� ���ff'���,°� . � � � F S.�,�1�v�„'�'�s�,6e�rn,�it�p� i �'��adt�t��8�_� � printed copy of tivhcch is hereto as► xed, ra�s p�ab�iish�a 9n Yhe ���.�tt��atbd'a��t��*���� ��$=��`����+C�f9�d�t� ' � wa�t��*a�al�oE��p��48.�2 0�ttae . - ��E�e,���3t��d. f entire issue of said nevvspape�for succe�sive and p�ed�s ef E�ae ���� •� - �� '� �°sa�a �y �e cora�ecaativ� ire the fo9la�ie�g issaaes: ��ed �r�� the �� e�,, ` l�5 a,�l. t ��d<. �td, ` ��3��-";o�.���.E�et�6 Y� � . �'�� �i o��� r f ������� ' ���: �o �������� �:�:��-�a�- - �� 6� d t¢a r� " w pra�at�e�3 at�e�eaaffi����ta� ¢��� flp8�.pYf1t�4( . f. �s� (yyv��€i��° .YMwd � Sa�a'Va:!s�'. �� .. �. <� �,°1.PS�y_ . .. "' .:.�, '. . :.. . S���s� tS� �-� � � " � � � ���� . . S�ab�c�ebed 4o b��ore ur�e �his� T.,, �����'�' ��y�tab ��pl �f a�E��t s€���ie�a to�e�de;��-a�sr ,. / �e��as�E���s pBTr'�f I�lz�Ef��#ffiatT+t�e$�����?�sT€��: �. � ��,.,� �, ��t��xa�E�td��5.�;A��d,��.���f 2����493a��.�48). �J a'7�6��6—�1�l�h J��y�,�. otaey ff�ubpic for O��r�on My Corrrmissioro Expires:�-�, �� . . _ ._ � ���l��lVl� �� �� �� � � �� Y ����� �-/ %� ,� P.O.BOX 370 PpiOiVE£5031 684-0360 �w�@�� l.(�CL�y' SEAVERTOfd,OREGOF!97075 �+������� �.���6 N�t@�� ��v���i���l� � ��` �G�� ��� 16 15�� �' l�� � ❑ 'Ye�r�he����gec� t �� , �B_ - e '�%"- '• � �I��'��� � ❑ �aep�ecaY� Aff�i��ba¢ ° �'��� �,� � ' ��� "- ' � � ���� �"" • ��' Yt�i�oa . . ; ✓� �ay�g ���g�Q��p�!p�q��j$����pa`��qfi���p€�r��e ��,ptte�`f�$�5' y�y� ����q ��$��,�yp yq`�p� , . ��bl8�Sy5��yy �:@8y�,gY.$17�g9��!�8.4Y�4qD�d'.'.tlEe!&���A}�p�, EyB.,p�e�a���de�'d.��9D.°��LLP}aycyFL5�S8¢Q��itl°tScs,E�!&�tG � a�.3�8E�8��¢lE�op.�A��O OdE.�'MUea;�l'�P3��H98�b.Y&�.�1.� 7d88l.6"eII 6�iea8�6x� i��$���,���83�3�������H3���1�$� Y°`w�"�?i�€,'���d�it,'�,�3!E�������b ���;���P$�_�D��[4����"a'�������...�:IS���P¢�"° '���F'8��i� A��IDP+�1&� OF �U��o���9�� �� ���� ��_` �.am�, ����i������T���� ����a ffi���i��i����a a�➢�-��,�1.�a@��1�do9°����la€a��� S�ATE O� 0�3�G�N, ��s. �39���do�b� � �i��4�g� CO4�tVT� O� WASH@N�T0�3, 9, �U�/�� �c`��,�L�C"'�"��!'�J'�" ���%C �G� : beie�g fiir�4 d�ly �v�ore�, ��pose �wd ��v 8ha4 6 arr� 4h��d�r4isin� � �����O�S ��� ��� �� �°O T��� ���� �irector, o� �aa� �rincip�l cl��k, og�F�e ,iSC'r�.1� //��� , � �i���la��`�°Y�I�S a new��a�ee csff ��:ne��l ci�c�l�gio a� i �c� Bn OF�S ���A10 saad t�3.02�; �a� • t�e� t�t s/v`— i�a Y�r� � ��Y����Z�iR9� a°��l��.�� P�3���4;;. - �foPes�i� co�sat a� e; � the • � �,E9dt� ���.���S ��#�t���:� =.' � ���&�1 . #�`! � pPin4ed copy off wh's�h i� �ue�e4o �aaraex �, ��s �aablas��d in �he `����a�i����:�4����' � ` ���Q����� •l�:t�e����} ������.������������ � � � �PHtlP@ 8S^90�� Of ��d(� �1�'M6�����f$OP � sa��ce�siv� ae�d ��54��:� • ..��� ���,��.. `��,t�sa�a Co���caa4'sve is� the g�r88oevaeoy Bssu��: �������,°���"�����"���' � ���. �� �. 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"�..� �� / PROPONENT (For) • OPPONEyT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation . , NOTICE : ALL PER'SONS DESIRING TO SPEAlC ON ANY ITEM D�UST SIGN THEIf! NAtiF . � •and note th�i� address on this sheet. (p],ease Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: 0 � � � � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation , • Name, Address and AFfiliation � ( - , � T� � . 1Jti'1'L' �� � T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C 0 M M I S S I O N - NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DE5IRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THETK NAME and note their address on this sheet, ( e�se Print your name) �� ITEM/bESCRIPTION: � "'� •� s� ��i/��y� � � . '� ' • "C �J j^� � �� V J �� '� � » `� . '� ti`� ----- � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliati �.�� � , f�u-�-ec s U✓�"'1/ba i'S�c lyu K:���4 ��i I �.�%/� /l/l CLSEI�I TGC U_Si,t1 �Z� � � z�9�1� �1E' �C �7'-i�-` d�.l .�--� ��p.S� `6 U S � • �a,, `� l 2 Fs�� b GU l,y't fr r�,�. l�` �j`-�"�'' /O�-(� w` ' V-'�'� t� r� � �� �J O `J��--� � Z �' �., o.;�`��„J � '�� q- D C c��-, k� � � .5 I�) I�s Sw �� �r L I i �j Ut�l'L j �I G A R D P L A N N I N G _ C O M M I S S I 0 N -� I NOTIC�: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME I and note their address on this sheet. (ple e Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: � ��� . �' � ---'" .3 S " PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation \ .� _ �7R5 s �vc� Ry d �.s��v v L�-�- `' � i' , � i' � s' � �: t' i � r:. �'. i: �' n s ! � � 4 ut�l'L_� f� �+Z'3/�'-v'v--- mIGARD PLANNI NG COMMT SS I_ON NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN 7.'HEI�t NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your n�:me) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: � . . ....- —o��.�_ PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation ,�� �z. �4 5,�: �C�� I 7 � DU h/GU, lf2c%,�.rG �7 ��z1 � C� ��2f/i��'.s <, ; � �/2 , v.....�--- ,����-u�,r� ; ' a � ���,� ; � .; � � ' � 5� � � � � , ` � � � � �', ;:. ,a ,. ,� z � ; � ; t � : _ _ � ,. ; . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . j i - { � f 5 . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . ... . . ; � � � , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � AGENDA ITEM 4. FEBRUARY 23� 1988 N1�:M(7Ft f11U Ll UM (1:I'1"Y �F�. .1`:CC�(�RL7, 0{�1=:f�ON ..C'Q; 4�:��rii�ii.n� Ce�irima.ssi.c�ri F�k>ruar�y 7.., 1��8 1=f�pM; 1'um 13r•:i�n, M�yur �-✓'�`— SlJ�3J'k:C`..1.., f�i,i:y C��urir.�.l. ftc:i:a.tii•� nn :1'�ni,i<�ry �.1., J.�86, �Lhc� Cc�ur�r.,�l r•��ui,�w�.�c� �n �K>K>�:��J. c�fi � F>1�anr�inc� C:�.�nnriiysi.ori C�k?f::IS:LUYI r•tagai°•c�ii•ic� :.;ic�ri t��a���a I::x�:n�>i:iuri (;�i�l:: 87.,.q2) rur� I...c�c.khi�r•t, 'TNic Cuinmir>::i,�7r� �K�F>r�au�aci i:h�:� hi�.aa.yl•i�: r•��c;�u�.asi:�a<� k>y i:hik� ���J.xc�anl� (�?_ r�aFa1�) ha��i: anly a]..lciwe�c� 87,5 scx�a�r•N ficae?i� �ae�r� si<�e xr�si:�a�ac� af i�Fi�a ].1A sc�u�r•k� r�Ht L••r��at w�s Y'@C:(l.lE!fi{:E?(a, "C'h�:� C�ci�.inr.i.J. �a�aw�•c.�uEara �h� ar•car� r•�:�t;�t�Easl:c�t� k�y 1::r» �rK>l.:i,c�ni: k>�+t:ac�c� �.i��.�ri i�h�E� cunclusi.nri �N�Ga�� �c�c�i.i�:iar��z:l sac�n ai^c?� :i� ju�i�irie?c� a1ur��� :L.-.5 �ric� 217, "I"h� Cc�taru:i.]. al.su i.r�si:i��u�,1:�c� 5i�:�fi' i�cti ��r��.aKarar��� s�>�.ac:ial si::�nd<�r•ds f�r° fir�.a�way nr•i�i•►i;e�c� sic�ris i:u h�a irir.ludcad with i�Fia �r•k�s�n� 8iyr� tr��c�E� rcavisi.an E�fific.�r�i�. "fhc� C;c�unc:.i.l. 1:c�c�k E�xaE�r�i:xc�n 1:u �:r�c� C:c,c�ka c.r•ii:�r��.a r�i:i���r� i�P�an i�hE� Cc�mmxsyi.c�rr � I c���c.isi.ur�, xi: :i� i:N�c� t��aur►cil's irii��ril i�n �c�u�� a (;c�d�� i:N�di: wi..11 �ar�aui.c�e? � ac�E�c�u�t� flk�x:i.�a:�l.i.i�y fc�r° fiu�:�ar•�:� C;nm�r�assi.c.in anc� C�uur�cit dE�r.i.5i.�an:> i�a ac�c�r•�ss un9.<�u� sii�ua�i�ai•�s , N�i:/2�J�>�iU AGENDA ITF,M 5.1 FEBRUARY 23, 1988 MC�MUf2�lIVI:�l1M l�:C:"I"Y UF '1":�t:�,f�I�IJ, p17Ff;,ON '� "1"0: C',i.i�y �.�f "f'iy�rc� P].�rir�iric� t;c�tnma:�;si.c�n �'�r�u�ar•y 7..fi, :1.988 F�120M; J:i.l,l Muriley, Cummur�ii�y :+ei��v:�r.Eas lair•�ci�:�,r SUE3J't::(:,l"; Mayc�r•' s f�K�rac�i.ril�mE!rti;s fle�vi.:s�.�i�•y Cc�mmxi:i:�:�� Rc.ae:c�mni�nr�rai��.c�r�s ..f.h�� M�yur~'s F�r��ui.ni:m�nL-s (�<iuisur�� t�ummi�i��ca ir�<ai: ;T�nuar�y 20, 1�f38, i�t� intiaui.�tu cii�i;cEans irit;c�r•k�sl:�c� i.i�i s��r�uinc� �,,ri � E3c�dr�<� c�r• C:c,mm�.i:i;eEa, As a rka:���aJ.i� af 'I:I'iF�'af� ir�t��r•ui�ws, i;he fol.lnwar�g pc�rsuris ar��� k�c�inc,� r�acamir»ari���d fur� � pc�si�:iun uri th�.a9.r• r��ap�c.�:iu� N�ir�.hNac�nc�7c.ic� �lanrtarieJ C)r�cry�riir�atie�r�s: NPO �R 3 I)ar�it�:l W�l.sh N�0 # 6 M�rc�y N�:�dJ.�ru� I)�nis I-I�ack��lin�n NPU # % R�ass��11. t��:!�:�c� hP0 # 9 F3e�sy 13r�:irik.lc7y Mikta E:r•ic.kse�n C:ai:hiy Chase (fir•s�: �uaiJ.�F>l.Ea vac.anry) We h�ve noi��ad C;atNiy (:has�5' s n�me �s � fiir•si� aXi:e?r•nai�e f-oi�� NI�Q # £3 b��.�ias�� it� is cur•���nt;ly f�al.l.. l`h��rt� may k>�:� c� u�c:�r�c.y sn��r� �nr� �ur w�.,ul.d 1.:i.k�� i:c> b� �ak�].� i�n �p�uini: h�r wher� 1;Fia1: �accu�^s wi�houi� cumir�r� k�a.^.k t:u i�lar�r�inc� Cc�i7un�.asiun, Y�y�a wiJ,l. firic� i:h�i.r� ini:er•c�s�: a�K�l.r,c.ai�iuns �1�1:ac.hec�, 7:f yaca hav� any c�u�sti.ur��, ral.t��stx �c��l �fr��a� i:u c�ivkx me � ca�.l.l. Thariks , c�c:2.9t:�7q • . . � \�e'12 �"� . • . , • • • i ' . . . . I GI1Y OF TIG"A RD CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION - OREGON NAME: � wT � . DATE: . . ` ' • �•: ADDRFSS (RES.)z . q . . RE5. PHONE i���5383�� � ADDR.ESS (BUS.)s 138/.s 5.�1 o PA .1�7' _ 6�t��,�,Q� BUS. PHONE: j,�34r $&L?S• U�✓ LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN�TIGARD:.� �: ' ' � SUGGESTED BY: � WEiERE DID YOU LIVE'PREVIOUSLY? . . � �. . • EDUCqTIONAL DACKGROUND; a..�. � �/�./O Lo G���O C'a A'b� i�) Rt5[ IYIAA�iA6Ei�1E�XL� ' . OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND:,�_,����'' �: A�L.S'��'� '�N�': e0�� ' ` 13 'VQ.3 . �uA��w1� j w� `I-N� TnlS u Q-QnJC� �'iu n u.�•• 1 wl :1�A21�u,5 �� � i .s HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? 3- rv►oS: � IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA �NPQ �APPLICANTS ONLY)? ' PREVIOUS COMMUNI.TY ACTIVITY: (,t)�,�i ��C;p�Jp .1�A1�,j� •�LCjCNbDaJ�loe� . �9Sw/," ., I���2 � � 'bo� �e ev�.m�Q C i�f�� C.�.u� e� �27�L�A� nf, ���►d�2 0�� � �� lo�m�s�� `7'.�t�-'L. � � ORGANIZAxIONS AND OFFICES: �Q.i�'S_ - W�5'�' PDR.`�'GAw)A PA6Z,IC__1fJt.�qubrmJ�e�aL 'S-S / _ OTHER INFORMATION (GENFRAL REMARKS): QS�t I�L� M V , �i3�. ��A�A6�'1'YY87JJ`6' � . 6 ra e�c �tz t,�,...�e� C.��J b�s a�' c�,4.� �(A L..t,.� . , BOARDS, COMMITTEL�S OR NPO INTERESTED IN: �Q�,�/5�o R7�'A`�-t r J Date received at City Hall Date Interviewed � � �p b ' �.O � Date Appointed ��/ / �Q Board, Committee, o� N_PO� �,,3 Inside City Outside City cs/4772A ' 13125 SW Hall 81vd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigord,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 . � CITIrOF TO�ARD CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION OREGON � NAME: � �. vATE.: . ADDRFSS (RES. : ' � '.RES. PHONE:,". _ � t��9°5,�� ADDRES$ (BUS.): 0 � F3US. PHONE: �` -]�l�►� � ?��-1 � � , ,�ENGTH OF RESIDENGE ZN TIGARD: � � �,���y �� � UG�ESTED.BY3 T�nnrc+� ���t�L'' WHERE DID YQ1T LIVE PREVIOUSLY? . � ' ' - . \.. , . .. , . EDUCATIONAL BACRGROUND: ' . ' �: ' ' ` � -� . . � � W�CA t) �,�, r�h Q g • �3nSll Y�,annc' �PM � OCCUPATIONAL STATUS .AND BACKGROUND: . � . i• ��2.1� ' HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WTTH T�iIS FIRM? � ' ' "'' � - '' l S� IS THIS 'COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA •(NPO APPLIC,ANTS ONLY)? ' PREVIOUS COt�i[JNITY ACTIVITY: ��,r��� Q� �,,���p y�'�- �Sr �,'.�o��''-°�-- ' � ��'y` , �� ` � �� ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICES: � ` `� �- ° t� - .� . OTHER I ORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS): � � c�.- ` — � 1 , � - - . �� � - ��J� . �0 S, COhB�lITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: ` � 4 � � c�. Date received at City Hall Date Interviewed _�a O �� ; 5 D Date ��ppointed �.� � ��{� Board, Committee, or PO _ �-�, Inside City Outside City c�/4772A 13125 SVVHaII Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,'RAard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - t ' RFC::�IVED � . �A N 1 � 198$'. CITY O� TI�ARD �ITY�FF' TI�A RD CITIZEN COMMITTE]E INTEREST APPLICATION OREGON NAME: �en � ���(G �fYlCC, � . DATE: �- � ADDRFSS (RES;): �}� Q� SV�I �� - �tqov�� ', �'").a2� RES.. PHONE: ���. ')S�I v ADDRE�uS (BUS.): a�j NI.J �!P.✓- iJ��l-f�,.r� oR �i��r o BUS. PHONE: �Q�-��(p� 'LENGT:I QF RESIDEIdC� IPJ.TIGARD: ` � �.U-AGtr.S . SUGGESTRD BY; � WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLH? . � I SS • � V� .1 t a;,tCQ .�IC � . , EDUCATIONAL BACKGCtOUNA: P�;S,- C'�f . 2 l>(1 ivQ(S�( � � v � �E�S � � � nS � �� . . OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: 5.5 t Gt.�C�'1 0.. - M I I CcS�Y�J o-�ol-�.� HOW LON� HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? �i��2. Tz?ut�5 • IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR NPU AREA (NPO APPLICANTS ONLY)? ' �, . , PREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY: - B�tc� .�rJ�a��r �(Jro��f'a�� A-�./��,F•r lL^ C'.oAcN � OFi��CAz.. — — T • � S.UG}P•r1P,��Ocr( f5 •�f�Afu,rJ�. . ORGANI7.ATZONS AND OFFICES: �1a (�E OTHER INFORMATION (GENFRAL REMARKS.): �% ��/Yf ��'/�/ r/� :�PS �F �• �� �yP-i� tAG� � it�l�l�i�'�� i� -{��l�S COMmun I ��, -t-u���115 Q.nc� �v�.��e�PST cr✓e �r�rv�ar� `H / . �,✓� -��e �c���5 � 6���r•P4 i r,n �i Q��1 . BOARLIS t COMMITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED IN: �q(��� ��(P�i 1 YY1 Date received at City Hall Date Interviewed i � a 0 � ; �o PM Date Appointed ��g� Board, Committee, or�'�`-/ Inside City x Outside City � cs/4772A ' 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 2339�,ligard,Oregon 97223 (503)b39-4179 � - __ . , ' . ' ' . . ^�^?' � ' 1�$7 . ;�`` CIIYOF TIG',�4RD �. �\� CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION ��� OREGON 25 Years of Sern'ce � 19b1-9986 i NAME s' ��L�S�L L �� � 1�1C A`� DATE: �/p � - '1J AnDRESS (RES.) : I���� S(� �ti.. �'� ri �� . . �'122� � • RES: PHONE: .'Lo�'f4•�.4o1-�k�% �J .�y ADDRESS �BUS.): '�01 �UJ �,�•;L�1•..:�,�,� ���a;�`� Qt'�0 �loQ. ��'2_dS BUS. PHCINE: ���,3 a9oo �` ' LENGTH OF' RESInENCE IN TIGARD: .� �M(in'��S SUGGESTED BY: : � WNER� �ID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �l��v 1C�a�� � W�FW EDUCATIONAL aACKGROUND: C�-e;,o��� 'V„v..�A�: � �,t''�� �o\;-�cr,.Q 'Sc�.st.v.c� 1�1�33�0 _ � �. �cc�os�.� .,�. .�v.s.ne�s (��.�• Q�;� �•- '�\o��IC � axoC�.SS � � OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: m�_�«�v.v��t �, ��a� -�r rN�C\ j2�ecew���< <�1S (�o�\:•`� �-�.c.�.u.S�v�l.� w ��-r�i.Qr� ..�a� L�r- 'GCCn��r�^� �nn Ore � i Q. 5�•�� � ���Rvc.`�eS �T¢.� �ar�c� 1�.� ��P�e.►.L�r�O 4� • . HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOY�A WITH THIS FIRM?� ,�j �� . � IS THIS COMPAtdY LOCATED WITHIN Y�UR NPO AREA (NPO APPLICANTS ONLY)? �/p PREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY: �Etv�,� pr �� � 1�,..�e.,� '�.�..,%�"A ►�+,e.�a�Z.�. C��;,�i�,-1'�'�-�. _ j� �.�,,�\L�o..v�t� w� ��ar•� Sl�-���Sa�. '�A°- 1��.L �. ' rti�ra,x �5c�.,���, �.�.,e:� cr. �- �yr�(\G�v�c� �`��S 1��P� ,�J,SCx� C c�crwv��"�'RA- . . ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICES: J�=�'�T�C;._� o� Ov��� �•�� O-�iZ� . C��*��,-' ���' �v.i.c.��C'� CL�-rc..rv�wvJ."G�. 0.�.�tv� �R�.-c...-���'SZ} C.SS�`��-v��� �-eJ� SQCK.�`'^'` 'RY �� \L ��xvY'C\.-. ���:._.c•^^-Y��lAcME�SZ �)�S�'�1C� OK�D� Y�- OTHFR INFORMATION (GE�ERAL REMARKS): �,h.�.�e�s+.� ��n. �'v.vw.)._ . e,-..-�- "h'�c� � -� . , .ir�c a''�� �.J. 'N o.,�•,..�e i v� , �l,-� .,.�o.�\ 1� �,. ��yTQ:�� S�tt�v�e -�o w �.nn��f5�r�� �D Sl`���-��e �.,5'�����✓� "�'�h2 C.c.'`'l, oT �.4`R�� BOAQDS, COMMITTEFS OR NPO INTERESTED YN: C�cor�o�� ��e�k-.����� , ��C((.4=5 a. P�G � �Y,�.,r(� Rw�vt.�..s;��Y�, lv�;`.�V..�C�f�1AU\`_ P F.hn,v�� o P_c�(i+v;t��.�o v�. � ` 5 L�ate received at City Iiall Aate Intervie�aed � � " ' nate Appointed a � 1 � �� Board, Committee, or P � � Inside City �( Outside City (t172W) 13125 SVU Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)�i3�'-4171 �j�x:i � '-- ���� ' . . , - . ..._ - _��a _. --_- '- '_ _ �� CIIYOF TIG'�4Rt� CITIZEN COMMITTEE INTEREST APPLICATION � OREGON cc��. . � � NAME: t..�o DAT�: � ,� . �— ADDRFSS (RES.)s l � `j 2� L�1F�-+ RES. PHONE: �'I S"',�Z,IA�v 0�7 Q _S�._. ADDRESS (BUS.)s �i['a,�L, BUS. PHUNE: L54�J LENG,TH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD: 2,, �'1d1O1'V�„S SUGGESTED BY: WfiERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �So•�el'r�� �_ EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: �Q,S'�'t,(S i►n, LQriG�> ��- �P lar►r�A � UM�l�f�l. �- OCCUP TIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: C.�td.1(i^ti+'�I'IM [h. }"�,p�,i±''1D�I=d.� ��D`�.`�C� � � � `PIG�r`u � "�la�nr.rJ SO'lar . HOW Y.ONG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? V3�1 IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA (NPO APPLI S QNLY)? �„ PREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY: �CQ �Y� i1�V 1 rS��`vl �'�1�r�" - , �-� . . _ ORGANI7.ATIONS AND OFFIGFS: OTHER INFORMAaIOtd (GENERAL REPlARKS)t � q,tw�tGf�1 1 �� ��o► ��"�'' �l►r.�C, oyl,� ,�.o� fiU �cx�1 +x.u� c.o►-nw�r�+u �v+r a.� ��-(t,r' vJ� ��i c.-��w _ —iD___ o►vtd k.�..0u�t�d�- � l�a�t.ci;o�ir..t,d. i� u�a-r ►1�i �i, od'hcr t,omtiwr:�u� i�'' BOARDS, COMMITTEES OR IdPO INTERESTED IN: ����/� � --�--------_--._._--------------- -- ---- -_...__�.�--------- - --- ���---- ------ ; Date received at C#,ty Hall _ Date Interviewed 1��p (n ; (U PM ; i Date Appointed �z �/T� �� Board, Committee, or NFO iU�n "� � ; Inside City Outside City � -- . � � + , � i � I �Sr4��2A - . . . � ; _ . . - � _�_ �. i _ _. _._ .. � 13125 SW Nali Bivd.,P.O.Box 23397,'�gard,Oregon 97223 .(503)639-4171--. , _ , ,:I ; � � - l��� . . � . � � . � � � = . � � �a����, . , �w� .-- . I _-_ -- -_D � � � . . _ _ _ - - . .� � . Ut� 1�, 1987 � � � � . CtTY OF TIGAR�D, . �►NM�c�G D �-• CI11(4F TI�A RD � CITIZEN COD44ITTEE INTEREST APPLICATIOPt O�tEGON � � ,�/� r� � N�: 1 I II C�ctE.I �. G �PI C�SO t'1 DATE: - — ADDRFSS (RES.); �p 7 3 S S, W - CU9 �" 5T�'� T�6q�D 3�RES. PHONE: _2�S-U Z�_ " ADDRESS (BUS.): �'�GA-rd Ft"t'd 1'�1��-� ��4[. +1w Y sw,-T*� �-�sAr� BUS. PHONE: d2�(�-$5!]'� ; LENGTR OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARDe SUGGESTED BY: WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �r'�-{c,v�.d � �TV c2�ct�-�n, . . EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: ��-, S. VL. ��� ��� ,��..,�c,�f���Ic��.��,yy�o r' OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND: _��e c�• p1e ye�!Lc_r►���o.^.e e (r,�l2 ��S �"': ��.4'�-��e 7�fs��9-R D ��ed. YV1+e�-,-e r 1-Eo v�e �►�cac�e:w�-�c���cr. ; t.� ;:� � HOW LONG HAVE YOID BEEN EMPLOYED WITH THIS FIRM? �r.,, �'j a,��,�r-.S £ S-�;11 worlu.i.q a�--I'1 D, ;I� - �.}I c, F:', ' IS TH�S COMPANY LOCATED WITHIN YOiTR NPO AREA (NPO APPLICANTS ONLY)? �' .,.� . PREVIOUS COT�iUNITY ACTIVITY: Co'MMut1:�1-y ��laiur,�pc� ��irne.��s �1c`�-i���►P5 ,. ., 1 � ;,;I ' � (• W1 t c�.�e.� Cr9�t4��L. C.�t w.�c,4. ;; }�. S. U - c�� o-F- )�av� - adv�so� boA.�a $(0-87 �; `'I � ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICF.S: S`}"U►c�P�1't- �joc� ,�S �ean.`�'- .S.U. �lo'$] fJA-�-�a►1q ► S�-c�d-•eK,�- `�Zo.��d.�b�� � LJ� S�1" COA�'ST ��Slc�'�N + !GO t 3ckwF5 OTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS): 5-hq-�.-v���a qG,qr,� k �c,Sc,e,�- G �u w.{.�(" C'Foo"�'bq�,� --CQ`r Y"�S. �.o �t'CYW�. g t'J' "" Cl�r . ��e.��•. A-r-��c..l a-1-Q. 4 Yv�o,4�i v�..�e d . j`f��-►c-e.`�-2�s Sca ec� ;� , "' q Gi ft Zw. v't ��^++��ar w� BOARI�S, COA44ITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED : E�oY,o.,,,;`, eJe�o w►e•,-}- f� � fPCr�cq'�-kn�r� ' ------------- ------------ - ------ -- --------------- �-�1------ { �� --- Date received at City Hall Date Interviewed I• I.a D - s;3 o PM. Date Appointed . ��/��'� Board, Committee, or NPO /Ut°�} # � , ' Inside City �C Outside City . ;, . �. r�� � 1� !. � . . .. . . . . . j:; !,'. �' ... . . .. . . 4:'. � � . . . . . ... . . .�..; cs/4772A � , - - _ '. 13125 SW Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23397,ligard.Orepon 97223 (503)639-4171 . �... � � •^- � • •-. [;.'� . . � � � _ : _ . ,. _ _ _ _ _ i. i,; � r Portlanc� State University `' ;� 1'ortlan�i.Orr�;on 97207-Q751 february 18, 1987 ,, i. The Honorable Nei1 Goldschmidt -� Governor of Oregon r; State Capitol i Sa1Qm, OR 97310 �� I` Dear Governor Goldschmidt: �� I am very pleased to recommend for your consideration the appointment 4' of Mr. Michael Erickson to the Oregon State Board of Higher Education � as a student representative. hlichael is currently the president � � of the Portland State University Student Body. He is an outstand.ing ` eader in ever res ect and in m 'ud ment w�ould re resent � studen�C 1 y p Y J 9 P the interests of the students of Oregon in a competent and high quality r manner. C� �� In addition to his student body presidency role, Mike is a punter }' and place kicker for the PSU football team and has great promise 4 of going on to th�. professional ranks. He also works at Fred t+leyer � over 20 hours a week which shows you the type of individual he is. � His academic record as a student in the School of Business Administration, � majoring in Management and Marketing, gives him that complete experiential ` baCkground of maturity and good judgment. Furthermore, Michael is active at the national level , participating ' in the student roundtable in March, a massive effnr�t to insure student ' participation in the final decisions made by the administration and the congress in Washington. ; I can think of no better person to recommend to you. Having had ! two student representatives from Sou�hern Oregon State College on the State Board of Fligher Education, I can assure you that Michael 's contribution will equal or exceed theirs. Please let me know if there is additional information I can furnish you in amplification , of Michael °s qua1ifications and characteristics. � C ' 1 , Natale A. Sicuro President NAS.s UK�c uf chc I'rc.r•iJcn� iU.3/Z?y-��1)I � 1 f ` - � . CITY OF TIGARD . Wasinington County, Ocegon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY P[.ADIB1IDiG COtiMISSIOW 1. Concerning Case Nwmbec(s): SCE 88-01 2. Diame of Owner: WASHING`i�ON FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK _ 3. �iatae of Applicant: Ore9on Sign Corp. Address � Box 42527 City PQrtl.and State OR 2ip 97242 4. Location of Property: Address � 12260 SW Main Street , Tax Map and Lot �io(s). 2S1 2AA 4900 5. �tature of A�rplieation: Request for a Sign Coc3e Exception to allow two freestanding signs where one is a ow on property zon Central Business �District . • . 6. Action: Approval as �requested xxx Approval rritte conditions . Deni�l • 7. �iotice: Notice was publist►ed in the newspapec, posted �t City Hall and mailed to: � � � � xx The spplicant & owners � xx Owners of record within the required distance i xx The affected Neighborhood Planning Organixation . xx Affe�eted govec�►mental agencies 8. Final Decision: '. THE DECISION SHALG BE FIDiAL O�i �� 18� l� U�ILESS A�T APPEAL IS FILLD. The adopted �findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from tt►e Planning Department, Ti.gard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397� Tigard. Oregon 97223. . 9. Appeal: My party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with �8.32.290(A) �and 3ection 18.32.370 which provides that a wcitten appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. iite �zadli:« Fc: f i?ir_g �f an appeal is 4:30 �larch 18. 1988 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, b39-417L. (0257P) � _,__ - � C;�;"i"Y UF" "I°�CA�tI'1 f>L.FINN:I;IUG f;bMM:T:;�S1QN F:CN(�I_ QRf�F R 88_..Q2 I>(,, A F�':S;IUAL OR�iE:Ft I:IVCI�UCi:�:IU� F•':X:IIIC�I:IUC�� �NC7 CqNGI,.U�:T:(�N� WN�:C.H Af>�t2qVE::;� Ai11 FiK>K>1.1:CA'T'I:UN I'=0R A S:C(yN (,QUE E:Xt�•L•'N"I"�CQN (SC;� £38...01) RhQUF�l"ED BY Wf�51�:CNG'1"QN f"!:C)�RAL. ', .....__...,,....._..�....�..�._._._..._.�._....__._�._............._...�....�.�...__._._.....�........,_,....._._..._........_......,_...__._....,.........__....��........��..._..._._............_.�......,_._...___.-_— I The Tig�►r•d Planning (�uminissiun r•�vitawed 1�1�� akruve ar�plical:.i.un �1: a ptab].ic ' Ni���rinu� e�r� �'�k>r�.i•rar•y 7..;3, 1.98�. 1"N�� C�.,imr►issi.eari �a�s�cl i.i�s d��9.sxc�n ari i�Ni� fa�1::>, finda.ngs dnd cuncXusi,or�s nc>i:��c� k�Pl.c�w, �i A. FACI"�; �. , Gent�r�.l Tnfic�rmati��n CA�E:: Sigri C:ocl� E:xc�K>i�i.c,n �C:E:: E38_..Oi. (Washinc�i:an F'�deraJ. S�vings 13ank) REQUE;S"I": l"c� allc.,w i:wca rr���st�nd�.r�g sic�ris whi�r•� «n� is p�rmi.ti:�:�c9, (:OMPR�.NL"-:N'4:LVE PLAN I)FS:C(3NA"I":CON: taanLr~al qusine�s I]i�i�rici: �ONT�IG DE:w;IC�NAI"�:QN; CE30 (C�n�;r•aJ. �3u�iri�!ss C)i.s�r��.r..i�) �I��t..:CGANT; qr�yan �i.�n t,ur°p. qWNr:.R: Washin�l�nn C�4c��ra7. F�Q E3L�x A7.c.i7_% �1A E::, Main P+ar�i:�.�nd, OR 97?.42 Ni],lsbu�•u, QR 9'7'12A LUt:f�"I"1:UN: 12.?.,b0 �W M�in (WC"fM ?.�1 1.AFl, `I"ax L.oi: 49UG) , 2, Backc�r_uund.�Lr�formai�iun l'h� b�nk has h�d i:w�� f-r�eesi:ariding sic�r�s �ir� tFi� K�r�.ip�ri�y sanc� I:h�� e�trl.y �.�3'!0`s , "1"h�e �r��.lie:anL's r�ar•rai:iue c�utlines i�Nie nui��k��r �r�c� si.ze uf s9,c�na �.�n thca nr�c�per�l:y, i 3 , Vicinitwy.,_,Tnfur�matiun A11. yur�r�nuridarig �r�og>�ri�i.c�s �c^� ;c��r�er1 CE3U. .1..Pie 7'r�i..��Me1: "I"w�arisf�r�� Si�ai;iai7/Gr���yhuund t�r•mxnal is .l�ca�Hd tu l.h� s��aui�h, a uac�►r�t rptail buildi.rig is c�n i:Pi� eas� sa.c�e �.,f Commercaal, �;i:r��Eai:, re�ail. k>ua.l.di.nc� li�s nur�tN� uf Mair� S1:rca��i:, a►7ci an urfica builciinc� is iinme��i.�i:ely easL-, 4. £;i.i;e ]:rife�rm�t:ic�ri and F?r�u�osa_1,.qescr�i��Li�.�n. °I"he ara�l.i.cani: is m��c�iryir�g s�am� uf the �ignage i'or i�he haar�k L••u cuiriuide wi�h thie r•�inod��J.i.nc� 1:haL is ir� K�rngr���s. l"wa r��w fr��esi:�ru�inc� si.gris ar�e pr���oscc�, Becaus� i:Pi� GUn►n►unii�y D�:�v�l.u�amc�ril: C�de �J.l�.�ws �.�rie fr�eesLanc��.ric� s:�c�n iri i:his siL-uai:iar�, the secarid sign un Cumin�r��:ial Stt���ae� i� considNr°��d tu be ric�n...,r.�.,r�fc�r�iriiric�, 'i"r�� a�a�ali.car�i: is r��qut��i�ir�q ar� �x�.��ai�xur� i�cti aJ.1nw i:hie r�Pn�.a�.�mcnt uf bu�:h fr���st:andinc� sign�. F'�IUFlL nRC7k:�i 88--�02. PC -•- WASH:I:NGTQN FE,�E;RAL �AVIfVGS F3ANK — SCE: B8•-•�Q1 -�- PAG�� 1 ;;'. 5. Aq�� and NPO C�7inments � .,� II _ !`� Th� E:r��ineer•irig �rid ��ai.ldxrig Divxsiar� N�ave no ��k�jecl;i.tar� t.�, 1:h� prc��rc�sal. NPQ #1 is o�apusE?d �a i:he a���1S.cai:iun, f�ut no r�asons we�^� �ubmitt�d, Na ni:her comtri�r�ts hav� k�e�n rer:ei.ved, B. F:IIV�ZNGS AND CpN(aI..U;iT0111a 5ectian 16. 1].A. ].45 curii:ay.ns 1�.M�e cra.t:er�:ia k�y wrii.cMi Sigr� C�d� Exce�ai:i.ans c:an be gr��ani:c�d. (1) "I"he pr•ap�.,sec� fiign C�.,dp E:xr.epi�inn is ner,essary b�.�cause a confur^mir�g k�uilc�iric� �ar si�n un ar► adjaccnt prupe��l:y wuuld limit trie uiew af a s9,c�ri ercci:ec� �.,n the sa.i:� iri carzfarm�nc.e wi.�:h i�hi� Sign �oc�e si�aru�arc�s; (2) Th� pr�nK>c�s�d exc�pi:a.ur� 1:r:� �hE� h�i.gri�:: 19.mits :in �Pre Sagr� C�de �.s neces�ar^y Go mak� c�ie si�n visible fr�um i:he si:reei: b�cause aP I:h� tnpoc�r�•a�ahy of �h� sa.�e; i' (3) A f-rees�anc�ing sign i�a b� ].uca�:ed �.,ri a secandar�y aecess dr�ivc i:N�at sPr•ves i:N�� subjeci: �r•o��r^i:y fr°um a str�e�t uth�r tr��►n Lhe str•eei: i:c� Wr,��:r, fi:P��� k�usaness is ��r•ient�d, ,;'i (4) U� tu �n ac�dii:a.unal 259� uf si�n ar��a ur� height �nay be p��^�nxt�te� to �adeq�a�i�ely id�nl.ify th� busa.ness wrien i1: is deter•mined �:h�i� i�he inc�•�ase wil.l nui: ciei:�r� rr°t�m i:he purpuse of �his Cr�ap��r. 1"has i.r�cr�as�c �hc.,uld b� judc�er� �cc��rding t�.� sK>eci.fiic S.�ieril:i.f-i.cai:iun n���ds �nc� �ir�cumsf:ancws wh�.cri r��ces�ii:at� adclil�i.c,n�al. �ar�ea i:c� ir��ke tPie sic�n stafracir�ntly l�gik�le, Th►e incr�ase(s) sh�11 nai: cunfl.ict wii:r� �any oth�r nandimensiunal .� �, .� . si:�nd�rds ar-• r•estrici:i�.ri� �f i�his Cha 1:�r. p (a) The �rapa,c�d si.gn a.s cunsist�nt wii:h the crii:eria ��i: fnr��th iri Sect:ion 18, 114, 13q(q) of i�;hi.s Ch�api:pw•. (6) �n ac�ciii�iun tu t��i� cr�S.t�r�ia �buve, i.he �ummissa��an shaYl r��vS.e�u a11 �,f thie �xisi�ing �.,r� K�r�opasEad s9.gr�a�� fc.�r� the d�v�lopmer�i: drid f ts� rc?lai:iunsh�.p L-u t:he 9.ntE�r�L and pur�p�7se uf i:his Chapi:er. A� a cc�ndii�ion of a���^ov��., the rommS.ssi.<an nt�y r^equire: (d) Removal ur� ali:�r��tiuri uf nunconPurmi.r�g sigr�s L-o achi.c�v�� cum�ali.ance wi1:F� tr�e si�aridar�ds cor�i�ained in LF�is Chapfi:er; ar�cl (h�) R�muual ��^ ali�Era�i:a.un uf- cunfae�minc� si�rts S.n ard�r to '' e�t.dk�lish � Gans�.si:eni; �i,gn desigr� tPirougFiUUt i;h�e d�u�lupmeni:. ! (�.) Applacd�i�7n for� si.c�n p�rmits i�ar �igns er�ect�d with�ut ; �aer�ini�� ur• r��muval. of such il.legal signs. ;: ;'. i f �r k. F�NAI.. ()F2DE�2 88-.�02 �C -µ WASFi7:NG1"pN �"E::[)E:17f�1.. ;'aAV�NGS BANK -- SCE 66�•O1 -- PAGE ?. Z _ �� t , f A � Tht� thir•d criteria wnu.ld apply in �his 4ase, The �usinNSS is u�i�n��� �awa,rcls SW M�9.n Si�re�i;, inc.ludit�g � an�-.�way dr�iveway, and yei�; i:F�e primary �ritrance is un SW C:u�r�mF�rcS.al S��^e�t. Tr�e bank wi].1 h4ave c>ne �f-rees��r�c�irig sagn �.,n ea�.h s�:r�e�t fr�uni:ag� �r�c� 1:h� si�ns �r�e riui�: inL-�nded tu be vi�w�d simult�an�uusly. Therei�ore, �here xs c�ne exc��aLinri e.r�i.ter•i.� wh�ichi 4an b� �aLisfa�d w9.i�h +'•�s�eet tu thi.s a�a�alica�iun. C, bE::C;x�7t�N °f`he �J,�nr�iric� Gc�mmiss:i�.,r� aK��arc���es SCE 66�-01 subj��i: �u t�Fre f-u1l:�winc� 4undi,tiur�s; 1 . l"h� aK>K>la.c.�ni� sh�l.l ��k�tai.n a Ci.�y sagn pernri.t �ar�i.or• tu ere�.l�iun uf i:ha s i�n, 2, "fhie ap�J.ic.anL sMia1]. ensur•� i:N��i: i�hie sign :is luca��d as no��+d un i�he sii:� pl�n. 3 . TP�a.s ��prc,val is v�lid if ex�rr.i.sed wii;hiin ane y�ar �.tif i:he final. d�Gis9.un date nu��d belaw. Ii: is rurl�rier nrdcar�d 1�:ha�: the ap�7.a.car��: k�� nui�ified ar i�rte erii;r�y ofi this urd��^, "":'.�- PA";.;E::CI: °f'his ,� � ��, day ��f f"eYaru�ry, 1986, by thie Pl.�nninc� C:c�nimi:�aian c:�f i;he ' i:y P Tigard. l : _.L.., _ � _..._...__..�..._..._,�. � _ _ .M._. . _.�.W.. Mi. � F r•e, Vic r•�s�. t Tig�rd planr►'nc� Contn�9.ssion (N�t/3A6BQ) i I � � P r ���. �. � ; ;; �: �, � €:. � �� �' � �� F�NAt. pRC)E:Ft 86-�p2, PG -- WASH�NG�I°QN F'EC)�;RAI.. �AV�NGS BANK — SC�; BB�Q�. -� PAG� 3 1,j s:=: f{�yy 59 g', � � � � � � 7;�; f ■. . . . .. . . . . ... __ _ ....._. .... .,.., . . ._� . s"r������ r��par��r� �c�::�u�� �-r�;M �.� F�'�BRUARY 73, 1�88 •- 7:30 I�,M, 1"IC;ARC1 pt..f1NN�:lUG C:ONiM]:;,51:QN "i"IGAI�fJ (:T"fY H(��.t.. .._ °i"OWIU Hf�l._L �.312.5 :,W t�AL.L E3L.VU, 'T:LrAI�q, OR�(70N 9'7;723 • A, F"AC:TS ].. Ger�E?ral I:r�fcar•mai:ic�ri CA�E.: :;i.c�r� Gc�ca�.a Ex�.�K>i:X�ar� �CE:; 68.....0�. (W�shi,nc�i�nri f°cacic�ral. S�uirigs ; F3arik) k�qu�s-r�: To a.11.ow twc� fr°�F�st�xridxn� si.gns wr��r�e uri� is p�r'IA].��:�CI. COMPI2CP�'L-"N�:LVE Pt.f�N I�I:S:ItyNAT:IUN; C�ri�r�al 13usiness IJS.str�a.c� i LON�:NG [)E.C;xGNFll":�:UN; C;E3C) (Ccni::r�a1 E3usiriess Distr�i.ci�:) f�I�Pl.�t�f�NT; Or�quri :.,ic�r� Cur�p, pWNER: Washingtun Fed�r•al `'� Pp E3c�x 42.5?..7 314 E�, Main I�car•i:lanc�. OR �t'72�tT. Hillsk�or�u, OR �712A ;I L.pC;A"i'I:GI11; 1?..2fi0 �W M�ti.ri (WC:TM 7_;;1 2��1, l"ax L.cii� 49q{7) , � 2. �ack�r�uur�c�._:Crifc�r•maL.iuri Th» b�nk has Piaci i:wc� fir�e��i�aridiny signs c>r� the �ar•uper�ty sir�ce tMica c�ar�ly 1�I0's , 'The a�plicanL-'s r�ar�ral:a�� uuf�:.lin�as LF�� riumk��r arid s�.re uf ;i sir�r�s c�n i:he prc��er�:y, :j 3 . Vicir�i��y Inf-nr�m�ti.nn . ..... A1J. surr�uundi.nc� K�r•np�r�l�i.Eas ar� rarier� CE3U, The 1"r:i•-M�i: "I"ransfr�r Si:at:inni`Gr��yhuunc� L�r•mirial. is lu�:ai:�d tu i�Fie suui:h, a uac�arit r•�L�►i1 bui,J.ding is c�n i�rie �asl� side c1f Cr�mmer�cial fii�rcet, r�tai.l buiJ.ciinr� l�.es nor�th af Main Str•c�i�, ar�ci ar� uffie� buiJ.ding i.s i.miri�diatHly Eaa�L. ' �A. tiit:e Tnfu,rmat�.c�n and Pra nsal. p�scri�n 'Th�e a�aplicant i.s mc�diryi.ng sume uf �he si.c�nac�e fc�►^ the bank i:o cuincid� °� wii:h� thi� remuc�eJ.inc� �h�i� is xn �r~��gr��ss. T'wu ri�w fr�c�si:ar�diny si.c�r�s ' ar�e �i��opus�ci, �i Becausw� i�hie C;ninn►uni�y D��ve],�.��am�r�i� C�.,d� alluws orica fr�cc�s�andin� sic�ri Xri tPiis situata.or�, �f�i� s�r.und si.c�n ai7 Cumn►er�ci.al Str��ei: is cunsi.der�pd to be ri�ri-..c�.,nfurmiric�, TFip ag>pla.car�t i,s rec{uesl�i.ng an exc:ra�tinn i:a allaw t:h» r��al.aceam��nt uf haui:h fir�esi�anding �ic�ns. ; � , i. S'f�1F'F RE:F>UR"I" — SGF' 88-��1 -�- WA�H]:NGl"QN FEC7E;�2At. SAVxNC;S BANK -- PAG�: 1 ' i i a. A�n� and NPO Cnmmeni;s Th�:� Erigi.n�.��r�inq �nc� Buildir�c� t7a.visic.7n ki�uc� nc> n�ajc�ctiari ta i:h� �ar�opus�l., Np0 1 is o� u��d i�o i�h�e a �a.cai:iun, k�ut n� r•easuns w��•e submii�l:�d. # I�I� r� Nn ui�h��.ar• e.r�mmerit.s h�v� k���ri r��c�ivec�. B, F':IIUCJ:CNt3S ANI� C;ONCI.U::CONS Secti��n 18, i.i.Q, 1A5 c�.,ni�ai.ns th�� c:r•ii�eri� k�y whi.ch �ign Crac��! Exce�ai�.:i.�ns can b� c�rani��d. (i.) 'fh� �N'Clr)OSE?CI C�9.gn C�,d� Exc.e�i:ian is ncc�ss�r^y PJf?Gbll.l5t� a cunfur•mirx� k�uilc�iric� or� sa.gn un an adjac�nt pr�aper•ty wc.�ulc� 1�.mit tPi� view uf a sic�n e�•�ct�?d ori tN�e sit� :ln r.c�nfurm�nce wi.i�h� th� aic�n t,ude si�and�rds; (?_) Th� pr•c�p�.�sec� r�xc��i�ian �u th�� hi�igNii: limi.t3 in tN�� �ic�r� Cuci� i.s ri�GCSS�ry ta make Lhe sign ui.sibla Pr�om i�he �i�r�r-_at b�cau�e uf i.he ' ', to�ugr•a�ahy of i:hc� sii:c; (3) f� fr�ees�anc�ing sic�n t;c� bca lue.ai��d ��n a seGUnd�r•y access c�r•iu�.� t�h�t serves Lhe subj�ct: �ar•u�a�r�Ly fw�uir� a s�r��a�t ui�h�r• �Nian i:h� : str��et tc� wh�:ich i�hk �ausin�ss xs uri�r�i:�d, (A) Up tu an adci9.tic�rial 2596 uf sic�n ar•ea ur� r��i<�hi: may ha� �a�r�mi���d tu �dEac�uai:�ly ideni:�.fy tFi� bu�in�;�� wh�eri it is d�1:er•nii.nec� th�►L Lh� incr•��se will nut c�E�ter� rr•am L••h� pur•�ose ofi t�r►is CN�a��e�r�, Th.is iricr�asE� sr�oul.c� bka juc�g�d ac.c.�.,r�di.nc� t�c.� sK��cifi.c: idcntifa.�aLxan nc?�rds �nd �:ir��:umsi�ances wrixch n�cessii��te ac�c�ii:ic�n�l ar•ea t�� m�ke the s9.gn surfi.cieni:ly l.ec�ible. l"he incr•eas�(s) sNiall riut canr.liet wii:r� ariy c�i:ri�r� riunr�im�nsiur�al st�ndar�ds ur� r��si:ric�i.aris uf tNiis Cha�ai:er�. �5) The �r�u�os�d sic�n is con�istEar�t wii�h t�Nie cr•itt�r^�.a scai: fur•1:ri a.n ����:��,n �s. ���►. �30(�) �r �r,x5 cr►���pr. (6) :i:n addi.ti.ur� i�o i:h� cr•it�r°i� abuve, i:he Cummissinn sh�a�l r�c�uxew all. ofi tP�� existing ur• K>rc��ac�sec� si.c�nage fr�r th� c��veJ.npmerii: �rid ii:s r�lal:iunsHiip 1:u �h� ir�t�r.nt �rid pur�pr�se uf Lr�is Char�ter. f�� a conditiar� c.if a�>�rov�1, tMie Cnmmissi.c�n may r•equar�e; (a) R�maval or� alteration ofi nunconf-ur�ming sic�ris i:u achieur� cuinK>liar�ee wi.i:h thi� s�andarc�s car�tain�d in this CNia�ter; dnci (�a) REamuval ur� alt�r�ai�i�n uf' cortfc�r�mirig sic�ris in ur<�r�r to esi:abli.sh a cc�nsa.stwrii: si.gn dcasi.gri thr•�uc�hr�ut th� ci�ue.lapm�nt, (r.) Ap�lic�tic.�ri far si.c�n p�rmits fc�r si.c�ris er��ct�d wi�hnul: p�r�inx�s or� r��n�nval uf sueh i.11egal sic�ns. ; i i STAF�'F RE:PqRT — SCE s8-�0�. — WASH]:NGTpN FE:�FRAI. �AVxI�GS RANK w.. pf�G�: 2 I i s i i _ _ . � i , 1"he i�hird cr�i��r�ia waulci apply in i�hiis cas�. The IaU511'1�88 as urinr�ter� tawar�d� aW Mairo 5trcet, inc,luc�ir�g a une-�.way driueway, �nd yei: th� . . . _ .. � •� �.s un ,W Cuir�merua.al S��^Get, The Yaar�k wa.11 haue une ��^a,mary pr�i.rar�c _ . fr��esl-.andi,nc� si�n an each si:re<at�; fr�ontage and the sa.gns arr� nnt inl,endec� tu be vi�wed simu.li:aneausly, 1"hr�rEfi��re, t;NiQr•e i� �,i7� exG�K>i:i.ur� crii:�ria wh�.chi cari be sdi�isfied witr� ; r��spect 1:�7 i�Niis ar��alicatiun. �i��►ff r�camm�nd� appr�c�ua]. uf this ` exuepi�iUn wii�h �unc�y.l�icin� , C, 12FCQMM�:NDATTQN 5�aff r•ecamm�nds �K��r�uual, c�f �CE� 8&..�01 subj�ci: tu tPi� fc�l.l.awirig cpnditiuns: 1, "f'hiEa a�yp].i.c.�n� shall c�bl:aa.n � Ci.1�y sic�ri p�rmit �ri.or• tu erectx«n ;'., nf Lh� sign, ;:;: ?.. Th� appl.ic.ant sPial). �r�sure that i:he sic�n ix lar.�ted as nnted nn thie site �lan. 3 , Thi� dp�r�c�va7. is valid if exerci.sEC� w9.tt�i.n un� year ot' th� finaJ. ciecisiari date nu1:�d be�aw, ;i ���ry�'��4 • '. r; G!2� F�R�PAR�D BY: K�ith S. l.id�n.�.__..� .. AP�RbVED t3Y: Randall i2. Wo�xe �' Seriior P1<�nn�r� f�cting Dxr�ctur o � Cuinmunity pevelapmc�nt ; (ht/3'.19?.D) �' ;: t i: j. } i i 8T'AF� RE'f�QFiT -- 5GE 68-�01 -� WASN7:NGT'ON FED�ftAL �AVTNCS BANK — pAG� 3 � __ ___ __ . �_�i � •�'� , , .��!��'.ryl Ore�on Si�n Corporafiion To: City of Tigard, Planning Department I, From: R. W. Byzick, Vice President OREGON SIGN COftPOHATION Re: SIGN CODE �XCEPTION APPLICATION Date: . February 4, 1988 . GTsN.BBAL � Washington Federal Savings and Loan has owned and occupied this � location since the early 197�s. The location with the parking lot in the rear had access only from Commercial St. The drive-thru was strictly one way to iche drive-up teller window, and flowing thru to exit on Comrnercial St. From the early 19?Os �wo (2) pylnn I'i signs were legally installed and, nther than color and copy chan es exist today as originally instal.led. g ' In 1983 the bank ch�,nged their name, logo and colors, at which time all. signs were modified as you se�e them today. Discussions with the planning department and sign inspector in 1983 were held and the pylon in question was judged a legal sign under the ordinance. No permits we.re required for copy change, and one wall sign was reduced from 18" X 50' to 24" X 24' , for which permit #0653 was obtained. Unfortunately, since no �ermits were required for the copy change on the pylons, the discussions with planning, and thei� approval, is not recorded in the files. At this time the bank is being reraodeled with the addition of an "Exchange" machine at the entrance on �ain St. To control traffic and direct clients to the "Exchange" machine and drive-up teller, modifications to the sign program was requirec�. It is essential that the Commercial St. entrance be identified for parking and the use of the "Exchange" machine. It would be disastrous if traffic were to use the drive-thru teller lane for parking or use of the nnachine. To this end, our request to replace the existing sign with a new display matching the Main St. pylon with proper directional information and identity for the bank. 4644 S.E. 17th•P.O.Box 42527•PorHand,OR 97242•(S03)233-9971 ,/, ,` City of Tigard Page 2 Our new proposal in all cases meets the code criteria, Part II , Section �. : ' a) The display is 50 sq. ft. ; we are allowed ?O sq. ft. b) The display is 19' i:n height; we are allowed 20' . c) The display is in a planter area. d) The display is 14' to bottom of sign to clear truck traffic. e) The display is totally on the property; no projection. � TOTAL SIGNAGL ON PROT�BRTY • • Main St. wall sign: allowed 245 sqo ft. existing 120 sq. ft, Commercial St. wall sign: allawed 343 sq. ft. existin� 48 sq. ft. Pdain pylon: allowed 70 sqa ft. existing 5� sq. ft. Coanmercial pylon: allowed 70 sa. ft. existing 50 sa: ft. TOTALS: allowed 728 sq. ft. exi.sting 268 sq. ft. • • The entire bank property is utilizing anly 37 percent of �he total signage allowed under the code. SUI�[ATION � Tn the opinion of the past planning staff, thie sign of 20 years plus has never been illegal. "Only thru the new ordinance w►here one pylon is allowed, and any additional pylons� must be approved thru the exception ap;plication, is this process necessary; due to the fact we wish to struct�urally alt�r the display, and because the grandfather clause on all locations becomes effective March, 1985. We respectfully request that this exceptian be approved for the public welfare and traffice control in, on and thru the bank property. ....___.r�... _�. ..,,�......�...._._... ___..�.._.._._.__._..---- _ .-- __._.____._._,....w...�_�...�._._,___._....�...._._...�.....:.w.�...._._._�___..._ �.�._......�:_.._,_..,. ..,_,,....___�-- _ I �... __._.._,_ ,......._.._.._.. .�� _.._.�.,_......... _.�... _._..._. _�._ __._ .__._.._. ____ � .�._ ..�-- _._._.. _ . ..�_... __._.._.. .�... 'PJ.�w�R . . ._ �._ _.. ____.,. �_._._..__ .�.__ . _..__ _____.�.__� ......___.....__ __.. _. . ._ . ... _ _�____.., ... _ !:..___-�___...�...� . �, . . .�, � _�_,.w�..� _ _. ..�.__� . - __._..__�_w._._ _.___.._. ____....___�.� ...._._._.�._.,. . _..__..__._.�_.�.._._. _ . . _ ..______._ , a� �)(15TINGSp6N MoDtFa p� j X a,-r ' �... ._._.___...�_�_ _.__ _ .�_� _ ._.__ ��A$�►��T_ y. ;_ ._.____.,_..__._.._..__.. � � 'D a N vg� �D�� ¢ ��N� ___.__._...__._ , �..._.,__. ..__,.�. _ , _. -. -___....�_____.._._____.�._.�_____._ �' _�____.__a_____. _._.___.______�.._ ._...�.�.-.--.--__-- .,._.�_._.�._...._, (� � _ � __.. _._ .._�..�.... _ � ii , _. ._...______ __ _..__ .._._.. ___._ .__..___ _ .__ __�_�.�. .W . ._...�_.. ..__ _.._. .--- ._. ---_.�..__�_ _..._�..�__.__.�.._ _..___t. _ _ .. ��. � ;; .. .._.__.._ . .W _.__._ � . ---_ _. .._._..�._...�._._......__._. 4�_...._. .._.� � __ ._ _. _ ____. ._____ _ _.__... . _ . _ _.. ._��._- .__._._._.__....�.�..__ _ __„ �_._ __..___...__._ .. i _ . _..,. ._ _____._._..�.....___.�_�.__.`__r. ___.____.___.._ .._.____.___...__.___ _...._.__.�ti.. ,..�__._._..._�___: . _.._._,__._ ._ i� ,, �..__,_._...�___._.____._.--- .___._ _._..._____._._�_..__. .__��_ _�._,.._.._ . __ �...�...__ ______.. ._.._._ _ i� ._._.._..�_� __. _.v� ..^.___.__..____ _ _�.__. - __._.___� ._...�.___.._.._- ._.___�__.___._, .....,.__._._......._.._..... , �. s �._--.-_...� _.__ _.____. ..____.-.-----�_-.--__._._ .�_ _.._..-----......___. . _....__.__. ... ____. ___ ._____ ____�.__._.._.._..____.....___._._..t . _ I ._.._.�.� � �.__.._.__._��.__.____.._._._-_.___�._...._........ _ � .._..._....._.....__.�_,..._ ._. `.___e __ .. _ _.._ _._..._____._____��_� � �_....___._.._ � .._._._ ____'__. �� Q .__._._ ...__.___ _..... .___..._-- .._......_.,__........_ _..__._ ...._ ..._.__._.._.... � Y � _ � � � _.._ _ _ Q ___. ----__ . ._.. .•.._ ---.____._ __ .�.__________—. ------._._.._. __._.._ .__. ----- ---- m � �, � _._ __ , _._._._._Y „ � � _ _._ --- .__ __ ....__. -------Y �, _._ __..___._- -°- Z'i ' � . _.. _..__-__ -__.___�_ . .�.._._�--'-..... . ... _ �.___..__. _ ._..�_._..�._ ._.... .___...�_.....�..__._.._ �---------._�...._... . ..__ � .__._._____.._..,_ .� ..__..._.. _ Y� � , p � � ' . . ....___ _._ . ..___ __ _.___..__._.___..___�__._ � x �� __......,._.. _ .,�- , -.____e_ .. ---__._ . .. .__ . � ,� ..�_ _f� _! - - �r ..� .�. � �� ...� .� ..... � �.. .�.� -.r� �rF � � � � _ - -_._ _ _ _ _...___._.__----- Xisn "��X�O �✓AJ� �l�N- lND�irt�Dw._ _�. ��.___.___ >_ � _T ___..�__�_ ..i � _._.�____.__11V�✓A�,� � � ' _._ _ _ ..�___ ._ _ . _ .___ _��.__. ___._......�._ �......._.__C_., ; . _ ...._ ___.._ _.._ . .a 4 � • € i� L" i t - � C • ,�}y(��'1 _ ; � r--�- � ;; � �► 1 S N� I�f�d � � PHOTOGflAPHS BEFORE AFTER '��M D_I/� 0�.D � !'GN 4- ����ftG� �- � i � � K i �-��.=_1 ,� ... . .. 1 .. . -�/ �, - � 1+ . ' � I i i i i � i i • i . � t � i - _ ,�_;.y . � .... �� . � _ ,�- � CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon • NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNI�G COI4iISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s): S 87-08 PD 87-On SL 87-09 2. Name of Owner: Citizens Savinqs & Loan 3o Name of Applicant: OR-AK CORP. Address 13050 SW Forest Meadows Wav City Lake Oswead�tate OR Zip 97034 4. Location of Property: Address South of Summer Lake Park, north of Bellwood Subdivision. � � Tax Hap and Lot No(s). WCTM 1S1 33DD lot 100 & lSl 33DC'lot 4200 5.. �iature of. AppLication: To divide a 44.35 acre �rcel intc� T9�lots rangina between 5600 ann 9500 sc�uare feet anc3 to fill a drainac�eway on Qrooerty znned R--4 5 PD (Single Familv Residential 4 5 LnitG,/acre Planned De��elo�nt). �. Action: Approval as requested • XXX Approval with conditions , Denial 7� Notice: DTotice was publi�shed in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and � mailed to: s xx The applicant & owners _� Ow�ners of record within the required da.stance �_ The affected �ieighborhood Planning Organization ,�_ Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FIDIAL OH �� 18� 1� UDiLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and s�atement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard� Oregon 97223. , 9. Appeal: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which pcovides that a wcitten appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and s�nt. The deadline Eor filing of an appeal is 4:30 Mat'ch 18� 1988 10. Questions: If you have any. questions� please call tt►e City of Tigard Planning Department. 639-4171. (0251P) r` Cx:"I"Y pF T1G�RC) Pt..ANN:I;IUG CQMMI;���:(}N w:[N�L. UR1]ER 88�-03 PG AP6>F24VEC, AN FtF>PI.:S:(;fl�"101U �qft A �U�SC)1;V7;i:T:C7N, �;EIV�7:"I"IVE. L,.ANl7. PE:12M�:"t', FlND PL.ANNE�t) I�E:VFLOPMEIUT (a 87...08/�"aL E37.-.0�/I�I� �7.,.,OA) �i�.Ql1E;�Tk,b C3Y t'�.C1":�7I::IVS aAVTl41(yS AND l_OAIV. '1"Pi� "figar�d Pl�nnirig tauiy�m:is�xun r•�ui.ew��d Lhe �kauuP a�aplic:ati.un �1: a puh��.ic he�r•iny �n F'�k�ruar•y 2.3, 1988. T`h�c C;um►r�issic�n ba�r�c� ii:s d�r9.siuri an �:h� far.i�s, rindings and curiclusiuns nuttad k��l�.�w. A, F AC;"I"� 1 , Gen�ral Znfc�r•ma�ian. CASE:. �ubd�.uisit�r� :.; 81'-µG8 �l.anrtec� pkavel.��pm�i�it PL� 67-�OA �tnc� �P_11s1i:i1IP. L_o1PIt�5 SL 87-�.09 R�:QU�:�;'I"; 7c� diuide � 4A.35 acr•c� �aarc�al: i.nt�.� 19Q 1�1�5 ranc�anc� hac�tw�c�n 5,500 arid 9,�OQ sc�uare f��i;, �nd tu fil.l a �r�in�g�way. CbMP�2E:F�EIV��:VE: pL.F�N �1E:�I:C,IVAT�:GN; 1..��w D�n5i.1:y R�sxcl�ril:i�.l j I xpN�NG I)f:.S:CUNA'�"ION; R_._A,5 (PD}(Resici�ni;ial, 4.5 uniL�/acre, Wlariru�d i Devc�l.�.�Knnc?nt:) ' �iNPLICF�N'T; OR•--AK Cur�pnr^aLiuri OWIUI:R� C].�]."I.�1'13 Sauings & l_u�an � 13p''�Ci w;W f'c.�r�ai: M�ac��,w�: W�y A5Q0 �W Krusc� Way St 37q � I..ak� qsw�a�o, qR �7Q3A L_ak� Osw�c�a, OR �703A p, � L.00;A"C']:C)N; fic�uth� af' Summ�.ar• L�ke ;:;ubc��.uxa�:�,ri, E:as1: or Mc�r�n9.nc� Hil). and � Wirit�r• l.�k� c��av�la�ai�n<�r�L�, arici r�ur�i:hi uf [3�1],wc��.,d � Suk�c�S.vi.s�.c>ri, T�x M��a; 1S� 33[l� Tax l..ui; in0, anc� Tax Ma� � 1:.;1 3�1)C, Tax I..ufi; 4200 i` f. 2, Backc�r,�c�und_,lrifurm�l:ion ' � __ . ._. .__...� �� "C'hc.a pr�c,pFri:y wa:•� �nn�x�c� irii��a 1�r►c� C;:i1:y �.�f l"S.c�arcl �.ri 1g7fi, ln M�,r•c;H� i 191F3, �K��araual was gr�aril:�ci 1`ur� a 363 l.u� c�E?utal+a�amczr�t un a 10p aet^e '; �aar�ccl Eaxi��nc��,nca fr��.�m �crtc�J.l.s F'r�r�ry R��ar� i�:c.� i:hEa saul�her°ri k�c.,u�c��ar•y ufi i�h� suk�jca�i: �r�uper�t;y (ri�.� �(�PD 28--l7) , Mus� uf L-he r�or�i:r��r~n �aari�iqn �� �f thw� ci�vc.�l.n��mE�n1: h��; �c�c�ri c:c�ni��l.�1:�ca, huw�auer�, tric ar•e� s�.7u�h c�r �' ,; ��annrrNr l..ak� was n�v�r c�ttiueluwcaci. k�. Tn cortjur�ct.r.c�n wil:ai �}Nias� I;, a l�rc�� ��ur�1:i.�.,r� �.,f Sun►m�r� l..�ke P�r•k wa� !� ci�vpl�p�ci includir�c� �LN�� �ak�, k�ik�/�a�c��5i�:r�.an K�ai�:hs, �.�r�e fuuL k�r•a.c�c��, �: arid a �a].�y ar��a ciri i�hi� su�a�F� �i.<�c� c�f th�:� J.akc.a, f� s�GC.�nd fun�br•ir�g� ai: � i:Ni� taa�� Eai•ic� uf t�rie l.ak� �u�s nuL�c� a:� a c�rid ii:S.un uf- ap�ar•�ual i'ur ,: ZCF�U ?8..,77 k�ui: i.�: w�s ncti�: ins�:�1.�.c?ta. � ;: � s � t � i=':C111A1.. qRl]C:.F2 .,_ 6$•--Q3 I�C w- (�::�'1";CIHNa SAV:��I(�S & I�OAN {OR•..,,AI( (;OF2P� ) S B7m-08 -- WA(�E l. � � , _ � � � 3 . Va< xr�i.l.x 1:nf'carirral�;ac�i7, ;.!. Sunnr�er� L�ak� F>�r•k l.i.�.a� nt,r��r� c.�� i�:h�r� suk�jcti: K�rc��7er�ty �r3c� Mar°y W�<ac�w4�r.c� ' S�Na���al, arid �wu une�cav�lur>�ac� �r�u���^ti:es ar�•� i.�rnri�diat�ly c�a5t ar�� �a�� zur��c� R...4.5 (R��x��ri�i,�l., A.5 urti:t:slac.rr�) . Be1.lw�u� �uk�cixv�:si.�.,n, wh:ichi ;�i i� alsu �'unNd 12,...4,5, xs dir�kc�ly �c>uLh� and Wirti:�r l_ake/13�^itl:�tr�y St�u�r��� `? d�uc±].c�pmcar�ts �rc� imm<adi.�i:c�l.y w�si::, �nc� ar�e ••r.,e�n�c� F2.._12 (RNSxdc�r�ti.�J., 1:?., ' unii�s/a�r���) . Wxr�i:N�r� I...ak� I�r•�.u�. F�1car� I�i,;�t� I�riuc� �inc� :�;ZAi�t� F�v�r�u� ' 1�;�w�min�t':c �zl: i�Nt�a ��rc��E?r1�y k�c��.�rtic���r•x�.?s, F�ls�.�, � �4q.-.fc�ui� wi,c��� s1:ra� ' ' par•r.a7. uf �ankn�awn c�wner•sh�ip ak��ai�s i�i��r� w�stNr•n Ysutandar�y u� i;r��? stabj���i: ;� . �ru�car�1�>y, Or�iyirial.l,y, l:hi.s s�r•i.� w�s i,rii:c.anc�E�c� �tc� in�:luc�� 1.3C►1°h Auertca�, � NauL i� was nNV�r c��ciX�.�i:NCI, A. �xi.e�,�rtif�ar�m�l�iun dr1CI,��Y'C?�t�.5ol�w C)E?5C1"1 _�]�t?t1 "fhN pr•up�r°L� is Cares�rit�:�.y �ar�t��u�1�,7�a�d arir� �.1: �lu�a�s c.�r����aal.l.y c�uwr�hil:l. t�.7war�c�� �u�r�m�.ar� L�kka. A cira�.n�ac�w w�y r•uns �Nirciu�ri i:h� �araK�k�rL••y fir°��ro :: R�llwc>uci ;;ubc�iva.siur� i:u i�F�e lak�, Gr���s �r�d l�arwsh rnu�r i�he �anti.r,e pru�a�r��:y, W��r, ir,Ea �x�.:��tian ui' s�v�r•a�. fixr• i�r��.�s ari tht� �r�r•�.nt�L••er c�f i:he �arc��a�r�•t�y ar�d i�c�ar� i;he c1r•aiit'1c�t�F,Wo�y. TNi� d�.�u�].uK��.��^ i� �a��a�ausi.�7c� � ],9Q J.c�i� suk�dxv�.s�.�.,rt iri 5 phi�s�s, k�ec�inni.ri� �i> i•;r�e nar°Lh cand uf� L-I�c� �ar�uw>�r°�y wii�:h i�ki� laL�7r� �ahias�� �r�u�.NaEac�ir�c� sc�utri. 128thi f�u�?nur� wi:lJ. b�.� ��xt�rtc��c� t.c.� 1:'.hi� nc.�r��h, �arit� F'�le.�in Rasca Dr•iv� �znd Wir�i��r� l.ak� �r^iue sh�l.l k�� �xi:ericl�d i�u �:he �a�L ar�c� wi..l.l ini�r�r�sect. wi.t:hr 1?.B�:h Ftv�rtuca, Winl;car� l..ak� t�ri.uF! wi7.1. dJ.sca caxi�e�rid �ayi� ' Lo t�F�e caas9��i^n �ar�ca�atar•i:y lir�� �rid ��ar��miri�al� �k�ui�i�ir�g t:wu uac�r�t �a�ar�cF�ls �': th�i� �r��� riur�l:Nti afi th� scF7ac�1 pr•uK>c.ar�ty. '1`1�i� (;ii:y r•�au�r�tly �c�ur�t:cac� a cur�c��pi�iaal ��l.an fur Si�ir�m�a►^ Lake f�ar�k wr�a:�ri , i.nc.].ur�Et� i::h�� ac:q�.ii.sii::G�,ri c�f ��pr•c�xima�L�.al.y sEV�r� �cr��s c�ri 1:h�:� sc�ul:h sac��� , uf- i�he l.ake. 1'he a�>�lieant suhamil�:i:�ci d pr�liminar°y �al.ai: a.n Nuu�mb���r^ t:h��i; w�as r�a�L r.unsi.sl;:cant wit�h i�hi� pl�ri. fiinc� �.Prai�: L••iin�, �hi� c�r�uel.c��a��• N��s c�iscu�s�d i�;N�e par�k iss�ae wi�h (�it:y ���tff �rid �he P�ar•k F3uar�d. 'TPu� ` i pr�l.�.ir►ari�r•y ��.at w�i�.c.h as �htk? sul:>j�ci: ufi i:h�i.;� ri�.;ar:�nc� r�efJ,ca<;ts tF►� g�n�ral c:ur�s�znsus r�a4h by i�ha �hr�r�r� par�i�i�s. Ari ar+�� �.�r ��aprcaxiiri�l:�],y 4 �c.r�:> is sNiuwr� k�E�tw�.ac�r� i�:h� rior•1:h hauuncl<ary c�f i:hp �i�avel.U�am�ar�i: and �he sNiur�� �� Sumn►�r� l.ake. °fhr�ee �a�in�s uf K>�c��si::r��.an 4ac.c�s� �r�� �ar�c.��ac�;��c� i�cti i�ric? �i�ar�k J.and, A �ur•i�i�.�n c:�f i�r�is a����a wi11 ha� <��ac�9.u�i�ed �r�d i:F�� r��c�mai.nci�r: will b� pur�c:F�as�d k�y t:Fie (azt:y. 5, ��nry_�r�d...�F'_Q.._C,umni�ni�s l�h� Ru:ildi.ric� ]:n:��»r.1::i.c�n Diva.s�.un ar�ci p.G,�. hau�� ry�� c�k�j�.acti.��n i::a i�ht� s ' �r+�•u�aosal, Wash�xrx,�i�c�ri �;c�unl:y Fi.r�e Di.si�rici; IV�.,. 1 nc.�i��s �:hai� pl.ans fc�r• fi.r~wa h�ydr�ant l.ocai�xun ir►usi: k�� a�a�ar•uv�c� k�y t�hp nxsi�r•i�� �ariur� tn recu�^c�ir�g �r��ti fiinal pJ.�ai�. _ � F'�NAI. O�2C)�:;F2 -� 88...03 PC ._. C1�;"C':z:"1.:�:1U� �F�V�;NGS & L.(7AN (ql�._.AK CQRP. ) � 87.._pg .�. PAG�: 2 r,' . � � � � . . . � � ;�. ■�.. . ... .... .. .. .... . . . .. . ._ . . . . .. ... .. 'The '1"ic�ar°c� Wai�c�r IJisi�r��.ct� is ccarii:�r�•n�:�d ahaatai� i�Pti� nuin�a�ar� uf- ctal.µ.c��--s�ar.s iri r•�.a1�1:y,uri t�,� i:h�� I"I�.:��'er•ic�:s' :.; d�:�sxr•Ea i�c� Niau�.� l.uc�p�d sy�st:�ins. "C'he� i)isi;ri.c;i� r��c�u�yl�:s tNiai: liri� c.unnc�eL•inris h�n pr�uuic9�d k���:w����n SUtt1111k?Y� L_�ak� P1�c.e �nd Wxrit��rl.�ak�.� L)�•iu�:� cas �r�a],1: as i�:hi� i�hr�� �,c.�ui;h�rn c.ul...,d�.�_.�.s�c�, 1�'he Par•k 13u�r•ci r�cacutr�iriE�ric�s i:Ni� rulluwir�g: 4a. L.ut:s 1 �anr.l 7., sh��.�uJ:c� k�� ctinta.i�i;E�cl ur� r�e�lc�e.�ai:ec�, ha, I�at�'ki.r�c� sht>�a:Lc� h» pr�•ovi�i�zd ��t �:Nta �nd c�r �uinniE�r I..akN 17r�iu�?. c:, A ���cl�al:t�•i�an K>a1:h� sric�«l.� k�r� �f;"uuic�k!� k��t:wc?wr� Summc�r� Lakc� F�].ac� Gaeui Wir�i:�r•lak�� IJr��au� Lo ii��pr�tau� p�d�asLe��iar� acc:.Eass L-n i�:he P�zrk, c�, "I hi�� c���ic�in�l.l.y �arc�p�.�s�cl fuc�t;br•i�<:��.a ��; i:hE� e��as1; �nd c>f ;tamm�r I..�ke sF�uial.c� Yae cunsLr�uci�NCi in cunjcarir,i�a.an wii�h i�rii,s d�.a�c�:�1.c��mF�n1:. tUF�b # ! has i�ri� fiallc�winr� cumm�ni>s; �, S1;re���: ri�m��s :>hic,Gil.e� k��.a r��.auis�� �u ��vca�.c� cc.�ri���asic�n ksr�i�w�.��ri simil.ar� r�airi�s, k�, "C'h�ka Ci,1:y s>hciuJ.c� kans�ar�Ea i:hi�1: i•.h�Ea stc�r�ir� c�r•�irra<�� f�r.iJ.ii:xE�� �r~k� �a��capc���1y c�c�5 ic�r�tad. c. L.c�i:: 7_ aHu,u1.ca haE� maued �c� auc>xd �r•c.�b�.�.amti c:r��.aa��.�d hay tr�afific un 1.7.8tri Au�nu� N�caaciir�g c�ir��etly i:uwar�d L••his lut, c�, 8i:ci�i sa.c�n� �are rkac.nmmkandec� fic�r� wc�si�k�c>uric� i�:r�aff'�.c �.�n Wa.ni:�?rl�k� L7r•ivFa and i=alcari Ri�e 12isp Dr�iv� �� �.?.Sth Aucn�ae, l..he Fn�;��.nEatar�iric� C7iui.sic7r� h��s �:ai� feiJ.l:uwiri<� cc�nnn�nts; a, l`r�e ��a�al.i.c�ar�i� r>r�c��a�sc:�s t�:u suraciivi�.�� �4,35 a�:.�•tas �.nL••u 1�0 ].c>�s an�i tt� fil.l. �t dr•aindr�.Et w�y ata sl��awr� an 1�hic� stak�m:ii�i�cc� �al.an sh���i:s 1 Lhr•uuc�h 4, dai:c�d 9._.1...-87, '1"h� pl�r� shF���i:s shuw 1:hi�� �r��upus�ad si�r•����: n�:�i�:we�rk, �axis{�:�.r�y �:c��au�r•��K�hy, �are�la.aian�r�.Y s1�:ar�m skawEar•, i :�sai•��,tar°y �rid wdi:c�r• i.iriprav�am�ni�s , i b. "fri�.a K�r�ag�c�s�<a surac�i,uS.s�,un si�res�al: n�i:wark wi.J.J. h�auc! �c:c:�.as:� fir•c�rn 12gLh Auearnae ta �Ni� soui:hi, Falcun R�.s� 17r��.ue Gu i�M» wN�i; ar�c� Wini�c�r�l.�kfa C)r�.v� i�.n �hic rx.,r�i�:hiwcast. Wi.r�i:�r�l�ke Ur�iu� as al.sa s�l:iaHak�tad to Lh� c��sL ru�^ fui�u��e �i�u�l.u�anier►L-. A11 1:hr��N ur i�h��se �xis�t:i.i•�c� s�:r�E���::�t �r•� d�si.c�n�tt:c?c� �;> mxnur �:.ul.l�ctc�r� si:r�c.ac.at:s , F�.l�:c�r� 12:i�� Dr~zue and 1?_S�rt F�u�r�ta� r���� �a�ufzir►Eant wicil•:hi� uf 34 fie�1; wai:nir� a 50 fi�.,c�i: righii:—c�fi�-w�y. Wxrii��.arl.ake� C�r�xuc� h��a a 4q `� i�uut r�a.uc�ir►c�nL w:i.<�i:h wii:hin a 50 ruu1: r3.c�ht,.,up—�way, '; i� c. SW �.3Gi:h� Auenia� r���ar Sc:h�c�l.l.s F'�r•r�y Rcaac�, fiW 1?.��h F�u�riucz aaui:h uf i�N» st�bjkzc� sit:�, �;nd Fa1GOr� Ri�� nra.u� w�x� uf t:i�te subjeact s�.�� >< ar+� �►l..l d�s9.gri�i::c:�d �� miric,r• c.c>l.l�ctur si;r'f?f?�:i c�n 1;ri� Ci.i�y's ;:;! Cc.,m�r�e�h�arisa.vp Wl.�ri 'i"r�•aris�auw�di�ic>n M�p, 'TV�e 'Tr�ans�aur�i�dti��n Ma� i:` caJ.l,s far. ��a cur�r����.1:X�.�ri b�t�wcacari £;aH�o�,1s F'Ear�r�y R��c� arid ].2.81;hi f�ucriue �nd I'=alcun 12i.s�� nr�i.ue, " :�t a�>p�ars tr��i; tri� map irii;�nds � �h��i� 1•;h�k c�:�r�ri��:.i:i.�.�r� ha�� i:c� � m9.nar� �:.t�].J.�c.:i�:�.,r� si;�nc��rd with r.unn�?ci�i.uns Lu i:hc �xxsl:9.ng iriirtar� cu�.],czcGur• si:r���t;s , F7NF1L (7F2D�'f'2 --� 8H—•03 PC; -µ Cx"1"x7�:N� �AV1:NG5 6 L.nAN (pR--•F�K GpRP. ) 5 87.,.�4� -- PAGE: 3 �i �� �:; . _ _ _... .__ Exis�irig Wir��er^l�.ke CJ.ra.ue i;u i�ri� rtar��Lrtw���t uf th� subj�c:t si.L-� has kti�:��n cc�n�i�::r•uc:tet� I:c� mi.nc�r• cuJ;�.�r.tc�r• �1�ar�t�ar�c�s arid w�s a.rii:�rx��d L�a s�ru� as K>�r~t u� 1�N�e? ccar�r�cct�xun i�u S�hulls 1=�r•r�•y Rc,a�i vi� �W 13Oi�Ht �u�nu��. Th�.aye �xisl::a.nc� n�inc�r• c:c�lJ.�.ac:i�r�r s�:r��i:s (W�.ri�:�r•J:akc.�, �alc:c�r� 12i.se?, �ric� �.28�h) �r°� �11 c�EaualcrK>�ad wxi>h �ir�gl�--faini.ly r��sid�ni:a.al, ur�iLs hauirr� ela.rcac;l: dr�:iu�w�y �c.t:��;� �:c, �:kr�:! cc�J.J.ec1::c�r st�:r�c?�i:, 1"h�.as� �i�r•caN�s ar�p ir►�:f7ru��ad �:u pr�nvxr�<a �cecass fr�um �h� r•�xsic��nt.i.al neigNik��.7r�h<�ud Lei th� �cljc�xrianc� e.�.�l.l.ectar• and a��terial si�:rc�c.at�:s �ys��m. '1"h4as� si�r�4�ts al�a �ar•c�vi,�� acee�s t�u �umir�er�.dke Rar�k, pr�c��c�s�c� f-Ur� d�:�v�l�,pni�.ani, ds> a ���mmunity �a�r�k in thc� Cit�y's par•ks ; Plan. 'T��r�uuyh tr�at'fie �h�auld k�E� c�ise�ur•ag�ci un i:rik��� si�r�e��s. � i"hr°uuyPi i::r•afifxe. c:an mcrr•� a��re.�pr�ia��.a]:y b� dc>cc�mm��c��t.�d c�n ].35thi ' Au�nuelMurr°ay F31uc�. . 121�i�: AuNr��a�, Walnut S1:r��i:, and S�:hul.ls r �'crry Ra�d, � Th� prc�pc�s�d 5i:r��1� ].�yuut ap���r•s tc.� sai:i.sfy th�.� rc�quir�ni��ni: i'car � minur• cnJ.].�ctur� str�ca�1: curiri�ci,i,ons xn i:hi� neightk��r•huuci wha.le disr.��ar���irig 1�hirc�u�Ni tr•afit'ic. T'hr� �a�u���s�d str���i:: syst:czm �ar^avid�s �utac� ac:cess i:a Siamm�r•]:ak� I�ar�k , z �� d, 1'h� �ar•u�a�.�sec� c�wavE�l.u�>iri�nt wi,J.l xr�cr•����.a tr�aff'ir.. v�.,lunt�s un �djuini:ng stw��i�s , Now���r�, th� i>r��aff'ic �aati<Nr�•ns ar~e �:ansS.si:Ean� with� t�he Cniri�>r�herisiv� F�l.�ri Tr�ans�ac�r~i��1�:xun M��. By cii�c..c�urac�ing �! i:hr�uu�h i�t�•af-fi.c, �N�e �r'U�USfal� si�r��a�t laycaut ai�i�:�m�t�t i�u minimire ` thica �r�•di'Ti.c. �.mp�ci:5 an 1;hi� �.ax:isl:i.nc� ac�jcai.nany s1:r�e��i:. syst�.�m, "I"hk� ;i �r�ca�a���d siabdivi�xan ki�s a d��uPl�,�m�r�� c��nSfL•y l�ss tHian t�ha� `.i all.aw�d kay i;h�� �xa.si�iny :���r�ir�y f�,r• i�h� �ar�<�F7karty. �. E:xisting 1=al�un 12isd� I)riu� �r�ci �.�SL-h Av�nue h�ve r��v�mE�r�L arici ,: ric�h�....c�f—way wi.c�i�krs �eti lnc�l 5tr�e€ai� si:�r�c��arc�s r•ai�h�r i:riari mir�u�• c�>.11��i:ur �t�aridar�c�s , Zt ��a�ae��ai�•s ap�arcapr�i.ai:e La r��t�zri Lhr� k;� y�.�' exi.si�r.r�g widi:Pis can t:Mi�:��.a t�N�.� s1�r•Ea�1:s whcr�� �LF�ey �r�� c:!xLcndr�cl irit�.ti i�N�e r�r^c�pu:aeci subciiv�.szun, si,nc�a thie si�r���L••s ar•e r�ut zrti:car►��d �u carry i::h�r�c�u��h �:r•�ffiic:. 'C'hi� �JiiiUF?1'f►Fal'1'L" si:r�aG.�:ur�al s���i.ur� shiaul.c�, h�w�u�r, b� tu i:Nie usual minur ua].iNUtur� si:�r�c�arc�s . Tn th�aa fui;ur��:�, i�hesr� nar�r•c.,w�r�...�i�har��-..s1:�i�idarcl s��^�c�ts caui.c� b<�cumc� '; a �ar•uk�],�m zf �xi�:�nsiv� un..-�i�rc��1: �aar~k.'xi•�g ucc�ars iri i:h� rrei.ghk�c.�r�hiac,d. T:f su, thc.� �arc�k�J.+�m ccsul,c� b� r�c.asc�luec� k�y pruha.ha:it:irig ��ar•ki.rig ��an une side �r Lr�� si:r����. f. E:xasti.riq Winl�c�rl.ak� Dr�i.ve i.;� c��risi>r•uc.tec� 1�c� mxnc�r• cu�.l�ct�.�r� �tanciar�ds , Tri� miriur cal.l�ci�ur� si��r�c�at��cis �riutalr� k>e rE�tairi�d uri ' ' Wirii���•J.ak� w��s� af 128thi Av�nu�, l°o {�hc� eas1� �tif 1?..6i;hi Au�.ariu�, , ' Wirii��rl.ake wS.11 k���umr� a I.uG�l �i:r��at. '�"he minur callEZ�.tur• w9.dLh ari Wzr�ter�l.ake� is suffxc�.eni: t�c� �1�1.47w twc��..�way 1�r�afric r�uen i.f car•s '� ar�� �aar�kt�d alar�g bwi�h sici�� af �H�� str���t, as ir�ay r�a�a�a�n i accas:�t�.uri�lly, dur•inc� s�a�cial eveni:s at S�ammcar].�►k� Par•k. 'I r' ;I F;TNAL. Ol�qk�R — 88--U3 P(� -• (�JL'1`:[xE".NS SAUxNC�S & L_pAN (OR•�-AK C012P, ) S 87--08 �- PAGE A , ; x;;: r;: . . . . tf`,... ��.'.. . . , � . .. .. ... . .. . ..-_... .......,._.:.....;�...: .. �_�_.�... S �. "I"N�� r��airi�irii.ri� s1:r•Ea�:�t n�i:warl�, cii:h��� LNiar� i�Nie minur' CC11�E!C'I':l')Y'5 . , .. . . . .. . ., , . . . . . , . , , , . , :a a iA _ i,s r �. u i.r i.r� 1.x51,c.d a�auv�, �r��ll ha� c�esxgriai.�d a�s lu�al ��r�� , c( g 50 fo�.��: r•ighi;_�c�f__�w�y �ncl a 3A f'aca1� �auem�ni: wxdth, ' h, All �N» �r•apu:��d str��a�i�s sF��ll b� eurtstr�uct�d i�u c.ur•r��nt t:ity uf _f.ic�ar�d sl:�r�c��r�c�s . i.ric:l.�adi.nc� c�arhas, sic�r�w�tJ.ks, si��^ccai:l,ic�hits �r�d uta.lii:�.es , 'The cur•b r�i�ur�ris �t lac�l. si�r���t ini:er�seact9.nns shu�a.id k�e 2� fcao�: r•�r�iias �ncl mxrinr cal.l�r.i�or• �c� m9.ncar• c�,1:l�ctar� irii:car�s�a�i�:iuris sF�all Ya� 30 i=c�u� rac�ius, i. , l"M�� si.�LE� curr�E?r�i:ly h�s d �ecl�stri.�r� ��ir, dncl pl.ayyruund s�:r•uci;ur•� adjacc�ni: t.� tF» lak�. 'T'h�� s�al;nr�iti�al pl��ris shiuw pr°upc��s��c� acc�ss ways c:cinr�kacl:a.nc� th�:� �axi.si�inc.y w>ai�h tc� i�N�� si�r•c��1:, 7'hesk! p��c�pc.,sEad aec��ss w�a,ys sh�ll ha� pau��d i�o ar� 8 ftaut wi.ciL••h �nd i�N�e �xisi:ir�c� p�i�h imK�r�ctiucac� �Lu cur�r�ni� starid�ar�c�s, j , 1"he �ax9.stiriy c���ai.n�gra sw<�.1.� i,s pru�<�s�d tn hae r9.].l.ec� in coi•i,�ur�cti.nn ws.�h ��r•i:hwc�w•k ac.i:ivi�i,es r�r� i:he si.i�r�, Sincc� i:h� fi.l.l wi.11 ha� l.nc;��t:�ad uric�er� i�h�e si�r���Ls �arid pu��nti�l rtnm�ysii:czs, °' an enc�ancaE�r'E?(a fi,l.l. wxl.:t b� r•�c�wi.rc�d, ancluc�i.nc� a s«al.s �n�ly5is, cumraac�a.un uf succ�ssi,v� 1XPL••s uf t`9.).t arid ins�eci:i.an/t�esi:iri� ` ob�eru�i:xG�ris aric� re�c�r�:s, � k, l"h�.a �r•�.ti�c�sr�r� �ar�l�i.mi.r�ar�y :;i:arm c�r��ainac��.a sys�e�in r.c�ne���:�a��.J.y d��a�a�^s �:u k�� :'satisi`actor~y. Ac�cia.tXUrial cai:ch basins, r^�al.ignm��rit `,' of sc�mc� �>i��.�1.:inE�s al�.,ng K�r��.ti�ar�ri�y l.iri�:�s, �nc� r•�.�l.u��zi:iriy r;truc:i�ur�s ;' un ���iu�L-� {a�^u�a�r��t�:,y w.i.11 he ri�c,��s��r�•y �ur^ i:h�e final plans. A1su the d�•ainac��:+ c�f r•c��.�f-s h�s nui� k�eE�ri �c�c�r•�sseci cari i:hi.s K>J.�ri. Any pip�lir►e un �ar•iv��:� �raper°L••y wi..11 k�� r��c�uir��d i�o k�� wii:hin a �.5 fc�c�i�: wic��a puhaJ.i.c �.aas�ir�Eai�i1::, "I"h�c� c�r�a�.riac�� t'r•ain i:he exisi:i.ric� '' Win�:�r.l�k� 17r�:i,v� �anc� ��lcc:�n �isa I)r^a,u� h�s also nul bc��n acic�r��s Ec�, l., �`he prc�pc�ye<� �ar•�J.imir»r•y sar�il:�r•y ��:�wcr• sys��am u1:�.J.i.:rF�st �n c�xis�ing main l.ir�e. '1'r» �x:i�tar�c� lirie r•Nquir���d r•r�alxgnmEarit iri i:h�� sc�ui:h Er�d c�f �h� sat� haut. wa.].t r�n►a:iri ir� plar.e ai� a].1 othEr ].ae:a�iur�s. F� iF� raut w:ic��? ar��a. ��ntcr•�c� au�r� i�Fi� �ai�7e is '' r• r��qua�•c!d f-c�r mai.r�i�:�naric�Ea, �:f° ihis �rc.aa a���rl.�ps c�ntc> �r•xu�t� pr�•c��er�y a K>ub�ic eascam�nt wS.11 k�e r�eq�air��d, m, l"h� pr�a�>as�c� 5i�,�•e��G sysl�c.am nc�r•i�h c�� Wi.rii��r��.ak�� Dr•i.u� ir�ay Na� sli.ghi:l,y �cij�asi.�d ��r�d:ir►c� tNie negui:iai�iuns uf- i:h� �a�r•k �r��ca ad j acF�rit tu i:h� 1ak�, n, l"hfa pre�K>asac� �al�i: cla�� rx�t: �hc�w an cx�.�i�inc� 4Q fctic�i� wid� �r�e� �lurig 1:Ni� w�st �r�ap�r°i:y a.iri� which is c9�sic�riai�HCi as 130i:h Av�riu� an tF��a r.urr�en� as�cssar' s maKa. T'h►xs area is ir�i�er�c�ed i�u br� acc�uir•�ac� by t:hu� ap�lic�ni� k�ut N�as riut k��zc�ri f�r�m��ally com�lwi:kac� at this i::am�a. A skei:ch� wa� 5l.I�JIT17.�{:E?d wi.l:hi the aK��].i.cal�:ian sriuwi.nr� an ali��r•r��L-e pl.at confic�ur�atinn, shiftxr�� th� pr�opc�;ted 130th Averua� tc� +LF�� �.�ast: AO fi�c��, T'his al���r�r�aLe x� acc��ai:�bl� 9.i' th� v�ca�.iun rias not nccurr��ac� �a��iur� Ln I:Pie cc�nxtr�uGtian uf l:Fiis �ar�ase Uf �h� >uk�c�i.ui.si.�.�ri. ; FT.NF�L Uf2pE'CZ -• 86•-(73 F�C; -- C7:"C'�:�'k:NS SAVTNC;S �C LOAN (OR-AK CQRP. ) S 67--08 -- PAGE' 5 �'' ;': i` , « (� �3. f":CIUI7xNtaS AND C;OIU(wI..USTON� 1"hre r•tal�uarri� ct^ii:�r•ia in trr:i:� c�s� ar� 1"�,g�rd C,c,ir►grr•�ht�nsiv� i�lar� ' P��li�xps 2. 1. 1, 3 ,2. 1, 3 .5.3, 3 ,5.4, 3 ,6,2, '7.3. 1, 7.4.4. 6. 1. 1, �rid , 8, J..3, and C�.�mmunity qc.av�l4ipmr�ri� Coc�� c:ha�ter�s 18.5Q, iB,Bp, 18.8A, 1B,92, 18, 160, �nci 18.164. Sirrc:e t�h� Tic�ar��d �umpr�Htensiv� P�.�n rtas b�c.ari 4ac.knc�wl.NC�c��c�, i�hi�� ���ai:�wi.clE� PJ.�r�ctxr►c� rc���l:s anc� Cua:r��al.i.r��s ric> ].�r�c�c�r n���d tu k�� 8l(�t�l"k?$5lac�. Th�� pJ.�nning C�,mmissa.c�n c.unctuc��s i:hc pr•��pas�J: c;c,iY��>lies wi.thi �r wi.11; cum�aly wii�Fi, t.h� r•�leuar►t plan �ul.ici�s drid (,uc�e cr•ii>�r�ia k�ast�d u�on thi� findinc�s nai:ed k�elua�, 1 , Pralaay 7_, ]., 1 as sati.sfxr��� k�e��Gis� tNi� rrr�ic�hiburri�c�c� �al,anr�irig nr�ani;•r_atiur� �and th�� sur�r•uwnc��.r�g �>rup�r�L-y �wncr�s wwr�e given nui:ice of- Lhi� hE�dr�i.nc� �ar�d th�y had an up�t�rtuni.ty i�r� c.c�irin�E�r�1: un i�:Fic� ��p�.i.eani:' s pru�aus�l. 2., p��licy 3 ,7... �. is sa�:a,sfii.ac� b�c�us� n�� lanc� fc�rm a�.tc�r��i�zc�n wi.tFiin the 1Q0--y��r rl�7ud �alan i.s antie9,�a�i,�ci and, i�:h�er��fur��, nu n�ac��tive im�aci;5 wi].1 uccur. �, pc�l.i.cy 3 ,5,8 ca1J.s rur• thca desic�r�ai:ir�n af 1�he 1t7C1-�y��r� f1��ud �al��.n �s Gr�enw�y. 'The ar�N�a witFiiri i:he �).uuc� �l.ai.n shall b� <�e�r�x�.�tteci as , a c�.�rid9.�S,c�n c�f �hr> ci�v��.capm�ni; aric� i:P�� Ci.ty anc� �ki�� �ru�aer�y �.,wn�.ar� ar�� a.ni:candirig tu n�gai:i�t� i�h� pur�cha�e uf i�he �ddxtional �wap�r^1:y sPiuwn t'c�r• �� p�r•k in �:has �ar•c�KxasaJ. , Sir��.� Nl�i�se I wil.]. XI'1(:a.lAl�� i�h� ��r•k �r��aa, �.t is ��s��ni:a.�l i�h�at thEa �ar�k ��c�ica�:i.ur�/�aur�r.Mzas� be f9.n�].i.•.r.�ac� K>r�ic>r• tc:� r��.�c.c�r��r�znc� th� fan�l pl.at fur� t;riis phase, 'Thie uui:came af i:h� r��gai:i�i:ioris haNi:w�aen i�he appl.a.e:.ant �nc� �h� Ci.�:y n�ay r•eq�a�.r� m;iriur mudi.fic�i:ic�r» i�c� thr� �l.an �r�eseni��d k�y �:F�p applic�nt, G3�c�use a cunc�ptu�1 ��r�k��m�rit t�ras b�can r��dched, wii:hi th� cax�.epl:ic�n c�fi l�i:s 1 �nd 2, ru� sxgi�xr9.c:�nt c:har��a?s ar•� ant�:ici.�a�i:tad r�c�a�^dirig th»± strE�t alic�rtm�ar�t ur r�umk��r !, and si.re G�f l�.�ts riori�h c,f Wi.n�r�rl.dk� driu�, I Ur tri� 4 ��-/-� acr�e ar��a �a M�e �cic�kad i�u i:he pat��k, �hp Cii�y wi.l.l. I�I cnnsa.c��r �h�.a fc.�llowi.n� ds a mi.n�.mum amcaunl: uf lai�id tc� b� d��<�i.r.a��c� r�►i:h�r i:han pur•uhas�d. I a, AI^E?i�ta wi{:F�in thic� 1QQ y�ar� fJ.uuc� �al�i.n. b, R�garc�l.�?�� of I�he par�k sixe ui^ cun�ic�ur•aLS.on, a 15 f�ot wid� right:_..caf•-•�way v�c,�aJ.d b� r�equ�:red wS.tri al.l bik�/pcades�ri.an �a�:fis. "fhi� is �aar�i�icul.ar•ly i:r�u� because aci�c�ua�:� :�pac� x� c�en��r�x11y nc�i� availab].E! I withiri i�he r�.uud �X�in ar���a un tPi� s�uth �i.de uf i�he lake fc�r �ht� p�i.r��. c, Th� parkinc� �r�a rFC�uc�Sttc! by �Pti� P�rk E3u�r�d wcauJ.d k��a �ar•t uf �he Summ�r� l.dk� �7ri.ve si�r^�?�r� rxght-�-��.._wdy and m�ant:azn�d k�y t;Nic� C�.i:y. I'=:CNAL. (7�tpl:l2 ��- 88--03 I�C •-- (aI'T:CI;FNS SAV�N(,S & I.qAN (OR�-•AK CpRP. ) S 87�U8 � PAGE 6 � , ____.. . v __ _ - � 4. PuJ.ic�y 3.5,4 r��qui,r�a ad�?cgu���E pedastrian ac�cca�5 arid cireul.�i:iari. This �ulicy will ra� hai�isi'iE�cl if Four muc�ifieai:i.�r�s are m�de; a, Thte �.axa,si:9.nc� K��i:hs shuuJ.d be r•r�pair•ed as nr�cessar•y ancl wic�pn�c� tu 8 frzHt ta cumply wi.�h Cii:y standarc�s fur two--way k�ik�/�yer�c�si:r9.an pai:his, ThEase paf:h5 alsc� shaulcl be ex�:�nded to Wirii;Hrlake Dr��,�e in th�e uicinity uf lut 3, Lu i:he �umm�r l.akc.a [7r��iu� c.u�....,d�._,sac, and frc�m i:Nie c�an► �a th�� Sur�im�r� L.�k� la lac� e�a 1..-.ci�M�s�ac, b, Ari B fuc��:: wa.c��.a ��acies�r•i�n patri and ].5 fc�c��: wic�e easc.amEr�i: sh�c�ul.d hae �ar�uui.ci�d bei:wr��n i�he Summ�r l,�ke P1ace cul�-�le�-�ac and Wxr►i:erlak� pr�iu4a. c, A simil.�r pa�Fi anc� easemer�i: �4�c�ul.d aJ.so b� establi.sFied bfxtwc�c�n ].c�i�� �6 arid �7 i:o Mar•y Woadwar�d Scr��ol, Ali�hau�rti tN�9.� c��velc�pmerit i.s r�ui� wii�hin i�hr� Tigar�c� ScriuUl �i.sl:ri.c.t, i1: du�� f-«nci�a.un �s a r»ic�hbnrricauci f�acilit;y far 1�;P�e �ur�acese uf r�c:r�e�i;a�c�n, F�l.sa, disi:r^ic� k�r,und�ar•ies ar�e subjer..t i:c� ck��rig� drid si�aff �^c�coinm�ncis i:hat a p�c��str•ian access k�e pr��er�ued, Pr•aor• i:u i.mplemc�ni:i,ng 1:r�is cc�ndai:ac�ri Lhe Tic�ard Schoc�]. I�isi�r•ict mu�t a�pr•ove the erc�ai:i�n uf 1:his �ai�h, d. As na�ec� abc�ve, th�e oric�i,n�tl. apprc�val. fc�r• this c�evelupmr�r�i: cun�ain�c� a cor�c�ii��.un r�e�quxr�irig �h� cur���:r•uctruri uf � ��ear�c� ped�si:r•i�n hr�ic�<�c� �i� the r�ast: enc� ��fi i�he lake. This k�r�xdge r��ar�escni�s rxn iinpurtant link i;u al.law t�ur full �a�±c�e�i:r•�,an tas� nf tr�e par•k �nc� c�r•eenwa�y a�•�as and sP�auld hae pre�vic�ec9 a�.c�i�q wxin �:n� uth�r• ���h impr�uv�ment;s , 5. F�c�li,cy 3.6,2 wi7.1 k�e soti�i.sfii�d ber.aus� i:h� Cx{:y Cc�unc.il �nd Park Boar°d sl'��t11 wui�•k wii�h i:hie pr�n�er�i�y nwn�r� i�u <��t�w�miri� t�he ex�ct bc�urid�a�^y c�f �:h� riew �a�•k, 6, Pol9.ci.�s 7. ].,2., 7,3 , 1, anc� 7,4.4 can k�� sa�:is�S,ec� b�caus� �dequ��� wa�er, saw�r� �ru� si:ur°m <�r•airiac�p racS.li.i�i.es wS,ll hae r•e�quir���d to sHrvE i:hi� d�u�l.�,Krm�nt �rxar t�, i�h�e a�a�r•c�u�el of thie fixnal pl.a1�. Thie applicant indicai��s i��iat i�h�s� faciliti�s will be pr�uvicied wii:hin i:hF� suk�c�avi.sion as r•�quS.r��c� Fay Cii:y st�ndar�c�s, l"he a�a�.licdnl; mus1: i have Lh� d�asic�n uf i;hi� waLer sysi��m �ppruu�d h�y "fic��w�d Wai:er Disi�r�ici: �ar�ic�r• t:o r•�c�r��c�irig a fan�l plai�;, 7. F�ulicy 8, 1 , 1 cdl.ls i'ar• �he �r�au9.siur� af a safe arici r�rf9.ca.�nt si:r�e�xt syst�m wh�XCh ac:c:c�irim�c��i��s pr�sr�nt �rid futur� ri��d�, 7h� Compr�r��rysive Pl�n adopi�ed in 1983 aeknuwlpdgNd i:F�e fiaet tN�at 130i:h Averiuw, as c�rx�i.r�a.11y ��.ai:�:ed wauld riat be an �c�vi.sabla r•outc.a 1:u use. The Winl:�ar�l�k� t7r�iue/].28th AuNnue cniribinai:i�n �huwn h�re is cnnsi;�al:ent wi1:h i�he Pl�n, F1 5� foc��. r•ighi:-.af-�.w�y �ear 1?.8i:hi Avenu� i.s c�7nsa�ier��d appre�prS.�te k�eeausr� 1�h� �xS.stir►g s�cta.an fr�c�m i:h� sou�Ni �arcip�r�i:y k�uunc��r•y i�c� WaJ,nui: Si:rec�t ul�alxx�� � 50 fau1: righi.•-of-way. Appr^upr�9.ate tr^afri.c �igr�ing will be det�rmir»d by tPi� �nc�ine�rS.ng st:�ff d�ari.ng r•cui.ew of- c�e�aa.�.ec� cunst:r�uctian pl�ns and irisl;al.l�d as cievelu�ment occur�s. FTNAI. OF2DE:R - 68....t�3 PC -- CIT'1"l..kIVS SAV�NGS & LpAN (OR...F�K GORp, ) S 87--q8 -- pAGE 7 8. Policy 8, �. ,3 wi.l]. hae �ai�i�fic�d whNn i�Mie curidi.i�iuns of ar�praual r.�lai:inq �e, str�e�i� i.mpruvem�.arii:s �r�� r<c�mpl�i:�d, T'h� aK�K>r�up►^ia1:� �i�r�et s�ci:i.uns w9.11 be �um�letNd wxth �ach phas�, 9. C;h►i..���E�r' J.8,5t� is sai:isfx�d �a�cau�e i;Ni� �arc,�ac�s�a]. m�.��Lw �:he ��apla.r.�ab�.� �nd� r��c��ai���m�nts uf th� R--A,S zune, 10. C:hi��a�:car� �.�.80 ar�r� CP�a�ai:�r� 1:8. 7.6(7 c�f i;h� C��c�� are s��:isfa.�c� b�cause tNi� �ar��au:�s�]. I'hl�k?�5 i:h�� r�caquir��m�nts ar�t i'ur� i:h� starami�sic�n �nd appr°c�u�a.l nf a �ar��J.imin�r�y p1a� and c��tail.ec� plan. T'hie pr��paserJ �h�sinc� pl.�►n m���ts �a<�e r�c�uir�F?in�r�iLs k��cause �aublic i.Inpr'01/F?IriCaf'1�5 wil.1 haP �pK>r�o�ri�i�el.y pr^c,vir�eci wi.i:Mi ea�:h �ha,s�, 1"hi� p1�r� and iridiVic�ual prta��s assume tN�a�t i;h� AO r�aut wide x3Othi Avenue r�ar��.el wi1.1 hae ac.c��airec� ar�d int:ur•��ur�al:�c� iritu t17� dev�.alupmeni:. A r,un�inu�er�cy pl�n N�as k�c��n subinii�t��d k�y �tiie ap�licant i.�.lusLr�atxr�g i:h�H n�r.c�s�ry �J.�n am�ridm�r�ts i�� h�� ni�d� xf i�his lanc� �tcc;�ui:s�.tic�n dr.»s riut U4CU1". 1"he si:r���t alic�nm�nt in Phase V wa.�.l be am�ri�i�d s�.i.qhi:ly and i:wn lc.��s wi11. b� d��:�t�c� , ].i , Cha�i�:�r� 18,64 i5 sati�t'i�d k►�r.a�ase tr» rec�rading �r�d fi.].Zi.o�ig uf th� dr•ai.nag� w�y has 1�:�ker� iri�c� �tr.c:�.�ur��: �:he antir.�.pa�ec� stc�r•n� wa��r �w��r-r �r�u���ciing nur•i:hi tuwdwd Summ�r� l�ake. ;[t N�as b`�n ci�i��r°mined �h�� r�t� ac�v�r•s� �frc�c:i:s wil.J. be feli: ari �c�jui.rianr� �r��iperi;x�s ur� wa.i:h9.r� i�h�e sul�diuisiun itsalf. Tr}e cr�it�r��i.a in ��ci:iun r8.84.CtA0(c,) wa�.J. be met, 12. Ch�apt��r� 18.92 is s�tt�.sfi�t� b�r.aiase i:h� �r�upus�:�d c��nsi�y i.� ; curisisi��r.rit wi.th t:�.�c�� �•�1�u9.r�rn�ri�:s, R maxi.iruam uf ;?.p5 unii:s are j per�mi�:t:ec� ari �his sit� arid iJU unii:� ar•�.a pr•t�pos�c�. � ; � 13. Cri��ai�Ear� 18, 16q w�.11 k�� satisric��i cluriric� i:he ar>�ruual. rJl"pG4�55 fur• i the firi�l p.l�t. � ; s, C, L7�(a�SION B�as�c� u�un L-Ni� �k�avc� fi.ncl�.r�c�s, tr��! �l��zr�ninc� Cc�mma;�sa�,n a�aprc�vc� S 87....q8/SL 67�-09 and ci�Laa:�.�a�i p.l.�n ap�aratral uf PD 87�--0� 5{,II�,J P_f:� rl7 th� fallowang cc�nda�:.i.��ris; �., Exc�aK�t fc�r �i�reei: a�.cess, nc.�n� c�f �h» ar•ea i.r�cl.ud�c� ari the A0 ru�.�� wi.c�� 13QL-h Au�nua �aarc:�l ('T<�x lai: 1S1 331�C, �+200) �h�il be wi.i�hin ariy final pl.a� ur�i�i�. �i� h�as k�c!�n J,egali.y ac:r�ua.r�d k�y iahe ?' a�apli.carit. �i;r��a�t accc�ss �cr��>ss this p��^r,el to Wini>er~lak� pr�iae ,; ar�c� F'a1c��n Ri.s� Driv� sh�1�. b� ��pr��.�ued hay j;rie Gi.1.y prinr tra r•NCUr�ding F�hase I and Phase V re��eci>iu�ly. (Cuni�:�ct R�ndy f��.arr�o) 2. LU�:s ], anr� 2 shal.l be umii�i��d or m�.�u�d tu anui:h�r� ].c�c:a�i.r�rt sc�ui:h uf �'i Wint�rlake 17riue, (Canl�act K�i�h i_a.ci�?r�) I,, f;' c, �,: F'�:NAL. OF21�E�2 -- 68��b3 PC --• C:I:"C'�:��::IVS �AV�IVG� � L,qAN (qCt�-�AK CqRF�, ) � 87>-�pg -. C�ACE. 6 ' __. � t"i };:• F;-; s �' y;i a , �., _ _ ...,_:..._.. 3 , '1"N�� r��l.luwir�g p��c�esl:ri�n rae:ilii�S,es sFial.l F�e CUYt3L"1^UGI::�CI in ccinj�anci:iori wii�h i�he develapni�r���, F�uk�lic im�rc�v�amerii� �1�rrs s�Yial.l. hae :suk�a►ii�t�d as d�scr•fb�d in Conc�ii:iuns 13 and 14, A11 items b�low sh���].l be a��rr�c�vecd aricl cc�r�atr•uc�i��d ar guar•dn�.�c�d �ar�iur tc� r���.ar•c�ir�g i�P�t� firial pl.at fiur t�r�e cur�respnndirag phase. All. pai�ris sh�11 be in��r<�ved wii�Fi �n 8 faul: wide �sphaJ.txc Gql'1C1"@'��! surfia�ee. (Cnntae.t �aw�,y �lf�ur�) a, �;xistxrie� �a�aih�s an 1:Nie 5uui:Mi sid� ar th�.a lak� ahall b� wit�ened � i�o ari 8 fuot wi.c�� as�h�l�ic cuncrei:e �ur�fac�. : � b, 1"�� w��1:E�r•n p�i�N� sh�all ha� exi:r�ridPC� t�a Wi.ntEr�lake priue iri i�N�E� ; vicxnxt:y uf l.ai; 3 with i�r�e luc�tiun �o be a��ruv�d k�y i�he ; Enc�i.nc?Earir�g [)i.visi.or►, ; � , � c, '7'hi� pai:h t:hia� �nc�s a�: i:ai� ex:is�xng �lay area sNiaJ.l. b�:� � �xi.c�ndpd tn tN�e Summer I..ak� qr�iup cul�e�-s�c. � , c�. Th� �a�1:h� ne�r i�he d�ni wa,J,J. b�� �xtend�.ad s�,ul�ri I�:N7r�uugNi i�N�� ' � aec�ss si:r•ip i:o the Summkr� l,ak� Place GU�.••-Cl2�•-SdG. i e. A fra�.,t k�rac�g�, wi.�h i�r�� s�ir» widi�h as the �x:isi:ir�g br^i.dg�, � shall be pruvic��d ac�^uss the Nast end uf i:he lak�. � f. Ari 6 fie.,n�. wzc�e �ai�Fi witPiiri a i.5 fuc�i: wic�c� ��a�seiricri�: �hal,]. be � ���^ovi�ic�d k�cai:wc��n L-he Summ�r I�ake Pl�ce cuL--<��.•-�<ac �nd 4 ini�erlake C7rive ar�d b�i:w��n l�i:� ab ar�c� 5'r c�7nn�ct:ing Falcc.�n r 12ise wi.th Mar�y Waodward �ch�uul, "fi�ar��d Suh����l I�isi:r~i�i� appruu�a.l sh�l.l, k�� nec�ss�ry fic�r i:he s�c:ond p�th i:�., b� i^ec��a i r��5d, 4. Phota�? :X: �h�al.J. r►ai: r-a�cea.ue f9.r��1 �a].ai. a�a�are�uaJ. urii:il. i:hc:� b�.�unclari.e�t uf �he �aar^k ar•�a i:o k�e ci�dicai��d and/ur pure:ha��d r�as kr��n d�t>�r•nii.r»d �ric� �gr���d tc, by �:h� Ci.i�y anc� i:h� ap�aa.i,c.ani:. (Cc�rii��et � Kaii�h l.i.d��n) At a mxnim�.im, i:h�c� fallc�wi.nc� i�cm� sriall. be dedi.cat:�cl: a. Ar��a wii�hin the 1Q0 ykar• fl.uud p�.airi. k�, la fic�ot: wi.c�e r•ighi:_..c.�f�_.way f�.�r� �J.7. pal�:hw�ys. c. Ric�ht•--uf�-way ne�.psssary t�� accumrr�c>ciaL� �h� parki.ng ar�Eaa `!. at 1:he erid c�fi SummE�r LakH Drive. (Cunl:dct �'on Fe�.gnn s��—ai��� . 5. Par•kinc� sK�ar.�s shall. br� pr��vi.d�d at �he Summ�r• I�.ak� Urive cul...cia�...�ac k�e�w�z�n lui:s 9 and lp. Th� numk�er anc� d��ic�r� �N►all hae approu�ci k�y i:hie �nc�i.nc.a�r�arig Divisac�ri. Adequa�:e buffer�i.ng shal.l. hak� �ar^ovici�d k��tw�en i:r►e parkiric� �xr��a �nd adjacerit l.uts . (�unta�:t Gar'y Alfsc�r�) i<li t�I s;l i'' �;I:NAt. ARU�".F2 -- 88�-•03 f�C; - C7:�"�1�::NS SAV�IUGS & I.QAN (OFtµ-AK C(��2W. ) � 67�-08 -- �AGE: 9 (� �il f'I ;; �,. I� l• 6. ;;,W, 12�1:h AuEai•iuEa, Wi.n1:�r�l.ake Driv� fr�nm 128i�hi Av�nue wc�si� �:« i�hie caxisi::ir�c� ai�r����i�, �nd F"alcui•i F2i.sn I)r�i.ue fi°.um ].2BLN� F�uNnu� wEasi� i�o 1:h� �xi�;i:ii�ic� ;�:�:r��.��:�t: sPiaJ.:C haE� cc�i�►si:r•uc.i�ed 1�ci mir►�7r� c:cal�.�.ar.i:c�r• si.arirlar•ds, �xc�rai� thai� F�l.cun F2i:t� I�r�xu� arid 1�8th Au�nup sh�ll Ya� a11.uw�.ac� i�u k�E� r•�clGic:E�<� iri wicll�:hi i�c, � �'ap fiactii� r�:t�r,+:_..��.�f---w�ay and 34 f=c>ut raau�mwnt w�.c�i�r� t�u match i:he Nxisi:�.ng raaueirieni:. WS.rii:�rl<�ke Driue shi�11 k�wa �1.1�.�wed 1:c� haca 1:a�a�r�d fi�•t�m 4Q f�e�1:: �a � 3Q fucai: r�auczir►carit wic�tM� �±<�st ar �.28i�M� f�v�nu��. [Staf`f (�arii:aci:: Gar•y Alfisur►] 7. 'fh� r��nainii•ir� si�rEa��s sha11. ba c:u�•�s�ruc:�FZ<� i�p ].c�ca]. s1:r•e�x� si:�r�t�ar�r�s, ��.�i:�tff runL-aci:; t�ai�•y Alfsui�i] 8, Si:re�t Cani:erl.irie Mc�num�n�at.ic,ri sht�ll b� �arc�uidE�d as fir.�ll.�.,ws: A, :Cn accnrc�ari4�a wii:h OI�S 92.06Q sub�taci�iun (2), i:N�e ��rii:�r�lin�s afi al:l st:r•��1: arid r•�adw��y r�ic�hi�:�....c�fi...way sri�l..l b� ntc�num�nt�d k��f�.,r•e i:Nie Czi�y srialY accN�at � str��?�7i: im�ruu�m�nt. i B. Ftll c�rii�erl.i.ne mc.�r��nti�rii�y shall b� �al.ac�d iri a m�tiniam�ni: hac�x curirnrming Ln CiLy sl�anc��r•d5, �:and �hie tup uf a].1 munum��nt k�uxes 5 sh�11 �ae set a d�sagri f�.riish e�r�a�ie af saic� st:r����i� 4�r ruaciw�y, � (,. "I'N�e falluwir►g c�ni��c^'ine marium�nts sha�.l k�e s�t: (1) F�].1 c�rii:er•lari�.....cer��:�r�lane inte��seci��.c�ns, Intc.�rseG�ic�ns ; cr•c�a�:�c� wiL-h "cull.eetur••" ar u1:h�r �xisi�ir�c� si�r��a�i;s, �hall be ' se1; when tr�� c�ri�.er•l.in� �).:i�rin►r�riL•• uf �a�.d "e.<�11.eci��,r•�� c�r i; a�h�r str�e�� ri�s I:>�en �st�ahalishec� by ur far� i:h» Cii:y, (2) C�ril:er� c�f �al.J. e.u:�_..�c��—•s�ac�s. (3) (�ur�ve raaini�s, I�uint uf iril��rs��:1�:�.un (P,:C. ) wN»n th�i.r� pnsil:ic�n f�l.J.s insi.dE� 1:h� J.i.m�.�:s af thc� pau�meni� c�i:h�rwis� bcc�innir�g arui can<�irig raoirits (k3.C. and F,C:, ) . (4) Al.l. s�ni.i:�r•y �ric� si��.�r•m lacal�xans shal.l. ha�:! pJ.ae�c� i.ri pc>sii:itar�s 1:r►a� c�u .nc>t inter�rcar�� wit:h c.�nte�rlfrie n►�ri�am�.�n�:aL-i.an. [Si:�fii'yC:an�Laci�; J'c�n F'exc�ian] �, A gradirig plan shal.l k�ca suk�inii�t�c� shawing pxist9.n� anct �ar�u�aus�sd cani;c�urs , �l sc�il�; re���ri� shi�11. k�e prauic��c� c���i:�S.linc� e.c.�mpac.i;iuri rec�uir�am�ni�s. [Si�af� Cuni��c�: (3ar�y Alr�un] `' 10, Sani.tary �i•id st��rm s��wei�� clE�i�aa.l.s shal.l. hac K�rc�uic��c� as pari� uf th� Puialic �:iri�a��uv�inkrit �al�r��, (:alr.u�.atiur�s ar�c� a i�a�ugr�aph►ic irrap uf '' the dr�ai.nag� k�asin �nd servicca �r•�� shi�.11 hae Ka��c�uid�c� �s � suppl�m�r►t tu i�ri� Nublic :Cir��ar�uv�ir�czr�t plans. ralr.ulai�ioris sP�all k�p bayed nn fu�.l. c�kav�±].c�F>m�nl: ser•vxceak�iJ.il:y. 1"hi� lucal�xuri �nd c��acity u� �xisting, pr�a�ac>s��d and rul:ur�� lines shall �a� acic�ressed, [�i�ai'f� Curii�ac�i�: Gary Al.fison] �, 11 , 'Th� ar>�li.c�ri�: sria.l�. �aruuide rar� ruuf r��air� c�r���i.riage t�u LF�e �aubl.ic si:ar•mwai:�r� dr�ai.n�c�� sysi:e�r� c�r� � c�rywc.�l.]. i:cti pr•eveni� r�un�.�ffi c�rii:u adj�c:�r�i: pr•c�p�r°ties. [St:afif (�ani�a�cL: Gary Alfsun] ';' FTNAL,. ORDE".F2 86-03 pC -- C:1:"C']:�:L"-'NS SAUT,IUG� & I,.QAN (OFt-�AK CQf2P. ) S 87-_pg ..- PAGE:. ].q ;, �. i" i 1 _ I'; 12, Th� a�aplic�rit sha.11 pruvide �ur�n�ci:inn or �ac:F� lui: L••u Lhp �ublic sani�ar�y 5�.awer�ac�� 5y:i1:�i11. F1 r.c�rinectic�n �er�nri� is r�c�c�ui.r•�c� l-.c� cunn�cL tu i�he �xi�i:iric� �aubla.c sar�xt�r�y sawer sy�tem. [Si:aPf Cc�ni�a�:.i�: J'ohn N�gm�an] 13. Scuen (7) sEai:s af K�l�ri--�arc�fiil.c puk�l.xr. im�ar�uveln�rii: ct�nsl�r•uei�iuri �alar�s �r�d ar�e (1) ii���nxz�d coristrw�tiuri �;�a�t estimai�e, si:anrwskad by a R�gi.st::arc�c� F�r�ur�ssa.uncal Ci.uil E:nc�i.neer•, c��i:ai.l,i.nc� �J.1 ��r�.,��.�sec) p�ablic iir►pruu�m�rits shal.l be submi.ti�cad �u i�he �:nc�in��r•inc� wec�:iun fr�r� a�pre.,val , "i'�wci x�ts shall, b� K���c�vided for• a wr�eli.miri�ry r��vi.ew �►t 95% pXan cum�l��iun. [Si�aft' CuriLaci:: G�ry Alfs�n] 14. Crarisi:ruci�inn a1' p�^upc�sed p�ab].ic atripr�ucm�rii:s �ha1l� ric�t r.�.�mmer�c�a I ur�i:il af��r th� Er�ginc�tr�ing ��ctic�n h�s appr���v�d public S.mpr�ou�m�rit I plans. The secti.�.�ri wi.J.1 r•equi.re � 1q4� �>er•formanc� hlssur•anc�, the pay�r��n� �f a p�r�mit r�e an�i a sic�n installatiun/�tr��etlight f�p. Al.s��, thie �xec.ui:xan c�fi a si:r�r��i: �ti�aenir�c� per�mxl: c�r• cc�r���ruc�xari cuinpliance agr��emer►t sha.11 uc:cur p�•iur tu, ur� iancurreni�;ly wiLh t�he issuance ur a�>pr�.�v�cl puk�l.a.� impruvepi�.ant pJ.�ns. [�taff Cani;��i�; Jurin Hagman] 15. Afi:er r•tview arid appruu�J. k�y i�hie pir�eGtur• ufi Gun�munrty D�vel.c��mer�i: �nd i�he City EnginEZ�r, i�he firial. p1ai: shall k» r��cor�ci�d wa.i:h Washirtgtc.�n Cauni�:y, [;��dff C�ni��aci:; J'uhn Hagman] 16. "I'he Plannir►g nirtxcl:or may ap�rav� am�ndm�nts i:u i:he Final ralat and d�tail�ecl p1�r� in acc��r•c�anc� wi1�h �h� fall.awing crii:eri�►; a. Al.l pha5es sr��ll r��L•• P.X4'F?l?CI 190 lu�:s. b, 'f'h� si�r•eei� sysl�eiri design is nat signific:�ani:l.y �J,�cred. c. Am�nc�mer�i:s i:u i:he phasing plan, incluciing 1�he ar�c�er i.n which ph�s�s ar� pl�i�i:c�d, will pr�uvic�� fur i:h� aK>�raK�riat� �r�uvisiun ur l.and d�dicai:iun and public im�r�v�m��r►ts as�uci,at;�d wii�h e�ach pFiase. d, Th� 13Q�h Au�nue r�arc:el c�rtiriut k>e accXuir��d �r►d i�ri�� appli.cani:' s al�erriai::a.ve plan musi: hae imp�.c.ameni�c.ad, � 17. 'TN�� fir�st hase musi. b� a i p �prou�ci rar� fxrial �alat wiLhin urie year�� ut" i�he firi�l ap�rc�ual d�ai:e, A11. subsec�uen� pha�es must b�! plai;i:et� wii:hin five y��ar,s uf ir,� f-i.nal �ppr�uval dai:e, ]:t as fiurth�r c,r�c�er�r�d 1:Fi�� �he a�plic�rr� hae noi,ifi¢ad �r thr� eril;r•y c�r t�:hi,s ar�d�►^, PA�SE:C]: °fhis "� � � day of F�brwar•y, 1988, by the Nl.anninc��.Cc�mmission n� c� i:he C'�y � Tigard , - ,��..�'�i'r�� �- � _.�._.___�......._^.�._...,�._._...�. Milt � re, i �pr�esi�en. 7igard P7.anr 'nc� Commissxori (rit:/3A74D) F':I:NAL pRf]E'�2 88-..p3 PC � CTl"I:"1..EN5 SAV�NGS & L.OAN (pF2--F�K CORp. ) S 87--Q8 -- PAC� �.�. S�AFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.3 February 23, 1988 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION TIGAR.D CITY HALL - TQWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Subdivision S 87-08 Planned Development PD 87-04 and , Sensitive Lands SL 87-09 REQUEST: To divide a 44.35 acre parcel into 190 lots ranging between 5,500 and 9,500 square feet, and to fill a drainageway. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential , ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (PD)(Residential, 4.5 units/acre, Plann�d Development) APPLICANT: OR-AK Corporation OWNER: Cifiizens Savings & Loan 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way 4500 SW Kruse Way St 370 � Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Lake Oswego, �R 97034 LOCATION: South of Summer Lake Subdivision, East of Morning Hil1 and � Winter Lake developments, and north of Bellwood Subdivision. Tax Map: 1S1 33DD Tax .Lot 100, and Tax Map 1S1 33DC, Tax Lot 4200 2. Background Information : The property was annexed into the City of Tigard in 1976. In March 1978, approval was granted for a 383 lot development on a 100 acre parcel extending from Scholls Ferry R.oad to the southern boundary of the sub3ect property (file ZCPD 28-77). Most of the northern portion of the development has been completed, however, the area south of Summer Lake was never developed. In con�unction with Phase I, a large portion of Summer Lake Park was developed including the lake, bike/pedestriar. paths, one foot bridge, and a play area on the south side of the lake. A second footbridge at the east end of the lake was noted as a condition of a�proval for ZCPD 28-77 but it was not installed. I , ;`. i STAFF REPORT - S 87-OS/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZEN$ SAV. & LN. 1 � i' E _ �.., 3. Uicinity In£ormation Summer Lake Park 13es north of the sub�ect progerty and Mary Woodward School, and two undevelnped properties are immediately east and are z�ned R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre), Bellwood Subdivision, wh3ch is a],so zoned R-4.5, is directly south and Winter T,ake/Brittany Sqttare de�relopments are immed3ately w'est, and are zoned R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre). Wint�er Lake Drive, Falcon Rise Dr3ve and 128th .Avenue terminate at the property bounclaries. Also, a 40-a;�o� wide strig parcel of unknown ownership abuts the western boundary of the sub3ect property. Originally, this strip was intended to include 130th Avenue, but it was never dedicated. 4. Site Information and Proposal Descri tion The property is presently undeveloped and it slopes graduallg downhill towards Summer Lake. A drainage way runs through the property from BeJ.lwood Subdivision to the lake. Grass and brush cover the enti�e property, with the exception of several fir trees on the perimeter of the property and near the drainageway. The developer is proposing a 190 l.ot subdivision in 5 phasea, beginning at the north end of the property with the later phases proceeding south. 128th Avenue will be ex�ended to the north, and Falcon Rise Drive and Winter Lake Drive sha11 be extended to the east and will intersect with 128th Avenue. Winter Lake Drive will also extend east to the eastern property line and terminate abutting two vacant parcels that are north of the achool property. The City re�ently adopted a conceptual plan for Summer Lake Park which included the acquisition of approximately seven acres on the south side of the Lake. The applicant submittec� a preliminary plat in November �hat was not consistent with this plan. Since that time, the developer has discussed the park issue with City staff and the Park Board. The prelim3nary plat which is the sub�ect of this hearing reflects the general consensus reach by the three parties. An area of approximately � acres is shown between the north boundary of the development and the shore of Summer Lake. Three points of pedestrian access are proposed to the park land. A portion of this area will be dedicated and the remainder will be purchased by the City. 5. Agency and NPO Commenta � The Building Inspection Division and P.G.E. have no ob�ection to the proposal. Washington County Fire District No. 1 notea that plans for fire hydrant location must be approved by the District prior to recording the final plat. � STAFF REPORT - S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 2 ` The Tigard Water District is concerned about the number of cul-de-sacs in relation to the Districts's desire to have looped systems. The District requests that line connectians be provided between Summer Lake Place and Winterlake Drive as well as the three southern cul-de-sacs. The Park Board recommends the followin�: a. Lots 1 and 2 should be omitted or relocated. b. Parking ahould be provided at the and of Summer Lake Drive. c. A pedestrian path should be provided between Summer Lake Place and Winterlak� Drive to improve pedestrian access to the Park. d. The originally proposed footbridge at the east end of Summer I,ake should be constructed in con�unction with this development. NPO �� 7 has the following comments: a. Street names should be revised to avoid confusion between similar namesa b. The City should ensure that the storm drainage facilities are properly designed. c. .Lot 2 should be moved to avoid �roblems created by traffic on 128th Avenue heading directly toward this lat. d. Stop signs are recommended for westbound traffic on Wtnterlake Drive and Falcon Rise Rise Drive at 128th Avenue. The �ngineering Division has the following commenf:s: a. The applicant proposes to subdivide 44.35 acres into 190 lots and i to filZ a drainage way as shown on the submitted plan sheets 1 i through 4, dated 9-1-87. The plan sheets show the proposed street network, e�eisting topography, preliminary storm sewer, sanitary and water i.mprovements. b. The proposed subdivision street network will have access from 128th AvenuP to the south, Falcon Rise Drive to the west and Winterlake Drive to the northwest. Winterlake Dx�ive is also stubbed to the east for future development. All three of these existing streets are designated as minor collector atreets. Falcon Rise Drive and 128th Avenue have pavement widths of 34 feet within a 50 foot r�".ght-of-way. Winterlake prive has a 40 .foot pavement width with.in a 60 foot right-of-way. " c. SW 130th Avenue near Scholls Ferry Road, SW 128th Avenue aouth of y: the sub�ect site, and Falcon Rise Drive west of the sub3ect site are a11 designated as minor collectox streets on the City`s Comprehensive Plan Transportation Map. The Transportation Map ca11s for "a cannection between Scholls Ferry Road abtd 128th �` Avenue and Falcon Rise Drive.'° It appears that the map intends '` that the connection be to a minar collector sta►idazd with connections to the existing minor collector streets. � t ;. , STAFF REPORT - S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 3 �` ; � t �r. _._ _ ......, �..;. Existing Winterlake Drive ta the northwest of the sub3ect site has been constructed to minor collector standards and wa� intended to sexve as part of the connection t� Scholls Ferry Road vla SW 130th Avenue. These exist3ng minor collector streets (Winterlak�, Falcon Rise, and 128th) are all developed w3th single-family re3idential units having direct driveway access to the collector street. These streets are intended to provide access from the residential nei�hborhood to the ad�oining collector and arterial streeta system, These streets al�o provide access to Summerlake Park, proposed for development as a community park in the City's Parks Plan. T.hrough traffic should be discouraged on these streets. Throu h t raffic can more a ra riatel be accommodated on 135th g PP P Y h lls 121st Avenue Walnut St reet and Sc o Avenue/Murray Blvd. , , , Ferry Roaci. The proposed street layout aPpears to satisfy the requirement for minor collector street connections in the neighborhood while discouraging through traffic. The proposed street system provides good access to Summerlake Park. d. The proposed develc►pment will increase traffic volumes on ad3oining streets. However, the traffic patterns are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Transportatian Map. By discouraging through traffic, the proposed street layout attempt& to minimize the traffic impacts on the exist�ng ad�oining street systew. The proposed subdivision has a development density less than that allowed by the existing zoning for the property. e. Existing Falcon Rise Drive and 12�3th Avenue have pavement and right-of-way widths to local sLreet standards rather than mi�or collector standards. It ap�ears 2.ppropriate to retain the existing widths on these t�cao streets wt►ere they are extended into the proposed subdivisi.on, since the streets are not intended to carry through traffic. The pavement structural section ahould, however, be to the usual minor collector standards. In the future, these narrower-than-standard streets could become a problem if extensive on-street parking occurs in the � ne3.ghborhooci. Tf so, the problem could be resolved by � prohibiting parking on one side of the street. f. Existing Winterlake Drive is constructed to m3nor collector '; standards. The minor collector standards should be retained on '� Winterlake west of 128th Avenue. To the east of 128th Avenue, Winterlake wi11 become a local atreet. The minor collector width on Winterl.ake is eufficient to allow two-way traffic even if cars ! arP parked along both sides of the streeta as may happen oecassionally, during special events at Summerlake Park. STAFF REPORT - S 87°D8/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. �i g. The remaining street network, other than the minor collec�ors listed above, sha11 b� designated as local streets, requiring a 50 foot right°of-way and a 34 foot pavement width. h. All the proposed streets shall be constructed to current City nf Tigard standards including curbs, sidewalks, streetlights and utilities. The curb returns at local street intersections should be 25 foot radius and minor collector to minor eollector intersections �hall be 30 fnot radius. i. The site currently has a pedestrian path and playground structure ad�acent to the lake. The submittal plans show proposed aecess ways connecting the existing path to the street. These proposed access ways shall be paved to an 8 foot width and the existing pat� improved to c�rrent standards. j. The existing drainage swale is proposed to be filled in con�unction w3th earthwork activities on the site. Since the fill will be located under the streets and potential homesites, an engineered fill will be required, including a soi�s analysis, i compactian of successive lifts of fill and inspection/testing observations and reports. k. The proposed preliminary storm drainage system conceptually appears to be sat�sfactory. Additional catch basins, realignment of some pipelines along property lines, and relocating structures on private property wi11 be necessary for the final plans. Also � the drainage of roofs has not been addressed on this plan. Any pipel.ine on private property will be required to be within a 15 foot wide public easement. 'Phe d�rainage fram the existing Winterlake Drive and Falcon Rise Drive has also not been addressed. 1. The proposed preliminary sanitary sewer system utilizes an existing main line. The existing line required realignment in the south en� of the site but wi�l remain in place at all other locations. A 15 foot wide area, centered over the pipe is required for maintenance. If this area overlaps onto private property a public easement wi11 be required. m. The proposed street system north oi Winterlake Drive may be slightly ad�usted pending the negotiations of the park area ad�acent to the lake. n. The proposed plat does not show an existing 40 f.00t wide area along the west property line which 3s designated as 130th Avenue on the current assessor's map. This area is intended to be acquired by the applicant but has not been formally �ompleted at this time. A sketch was submitted with the application ahowing an alternate plat configuration, shifting the proposed 130th Avenue to the east 40 feet. Thie alternate is acceptable if the vacation has not occurred prior to the construction of this phase of the subciivision. . <,x STAFF REPORT - S 87-Q8/PD 87-04/SZ 87-09 OR-AK COR�./CITIZENS SAV. & LN, 5 t1 ,. � � _ __ .....: . . ..:... v ., .._�.��.�� ' _ . �<, [: �. � ,. t:,. , � � � ,: B. FfiNDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ; ' The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Gomprehensive Plan Policies 2.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.5.3, 3.5.4, 3.6.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 8.1.1, and 8.1.3, and Community Develnpment Code chapters 18.50, 18.80, 18.84, 18.92, 18.160, and 18.164. Since the Tigard Comprehensive Plan has : been acknowledged, the Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines no '` longer need to tae addressed. � � i', The Planning staff concludes the proposal complies with or wi11 comply ; , with, the rel�evant plan policies and Code criteria pased upon the � t finclings noted below: i;; 1. Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the neighborhood planning � � organization and the surrounding property owners were given notice �,�. of the hea.ring and they had an opportunit� to comment on the ` ' applicant's proposal. �'' �:! ,_: t, 2. Policy 3.2.1 is satisfied because no lan.d form alteration within F the 100-year flood plan is anticipated and, therefore, no negative ` ' impacts w311 occur. � , 3. Policy 3.5.3 calls for the designation of the 100-year flood plain `:" as Greenway. The area within the flood plain shall be dedicated as },'; a condition of this development and the City and the property owner �, are intending to negotiate the purchase of the additional property shown for a park in this proposal. ! i: � Since F'hase I will include the park area, it is esaential that the k park dedication/purchase be finali�ed prior to recording the final plat for fihis pha.se. The outcome of the negotiations between the ; applicant and the City may require minor modifications to the plan E � presented by the applicant. Because a conceptual agreement has "' been reached, with the exception of lots 1 and 2, no significant ;: changes are anticipated regarding the street alignment or number !' and size of lots north of Winterlake Drive. `, Of the 4 +/- acre area to be added to the park, the City will conaider the following as a minimum amount of land to be dedicated �;.� rather than purchased. ` a. Areas within the 100 year flood plain. b. Regardless of the park size or configuration, � 15 foot ;;:�. wide right-of-waq would be required with all bike/pedestrian paths. This is particularly true 4; because adequate space is generally not available �'� within the flood plain area on the south side of the � lake for the paths. �`' c. The parking area requested by the Park Boa.rd would be � part of the Summer Lake Drive s�reet right-of�way and ! ` maintained by the City. �'�' !';: 5,,, {.> i��': STAFF REPORT - S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITZZENS SAV. & LN. 6 �; �� _ r� ■ _ 4. Policy 3.5.4 requires adequate pedestrian access and circulation. This policy wi11 be satisfied if four modifications are made: a. The existing paths should be repaired as necessary and widened to 8 feet to comply with City standards for two-way bike/pedestrian paths. These paths also should be extended to Winterlake Drive in the vicinity of lot 3, to the Summer Lake Drive cul-de-sac, and from the dam to the Summer Lake Place cul-de-sac. b. An 8 foot wide pedestrian path and 15 foot wide easement should be provided between the Summer Lake Place cul-de-sac and Winterlake Drive. c. A similar path and easement should also be established between lots 56 and 57 to Mary Woodward School. Althougtr this development is not within the Tigard School District, it does function as a neighborhood facility for the purpose of recreation. Also, district boundaries are sub�ect to change and staff recommend� that a pe<lestrian access be preserved. Prior to implementing this conditiun the Tigard School District must approve the creation of this path. d. As noted above, the original approval for thig development cantained a condition requlring the construction of a second pedestrian bridge at the east end nf the lake. This bridge r�presents an important 13nk to allow for full pedestrian use of the park and greenway areas and should be provided along with the other path improvements. 5. Policy 3.6.2 will be satisfied because the City Council and Park Board shall work with the property owner to �etermine the exact b�undary of the new park. 6. Policies 7.1.2, 7.3.1, and 7.4.4 can be satisfied because adequate water, sewer and stor� drainage facilities will be required tu serve the development prior to the approval of the final plat. The applicant indicates that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by City standards. The applicant must have the design of the water system appraved by Tigard Water District prior to recording a final plat. 7. Po13cy 8.1.1 calls for the provision of a safe and efficient street system which accommodates present and future nee�s. The Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1983 acknowledged the fact that 13�th Avenue, as originally platted �ou1d nut be an advisable route to use. The Winterlake Drive/128th Avenue combinatiori shown here is conaistent with the Plan. A 50 foot right-of-way for 128th Avenue is considered appropriate because the existing section from the s�uth property boundary to Walnut Street utilizes a 50 foot right-of-way. Appropriate traff_ic signing will be determined by the Engineering staff during review of detailed conatruction �lans and installed as development occurs. ' STAFF REPORT - S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 7 ': ; � � � 8. Policy 8.1.3 wil'1 be sa.tisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements are completed. The appropriate street sections will be comple�ed with each phase. 9. Chapter 18.50 is satisfied because the proposal meets the applicable Code requirements of the R-G.5 zone. 10. Chapter 1$.80 and Chaptex 18.160 of the Code are satisfied because the proposal meets the requirements set for the snbmission and approval of a preliminary plat and detailed p1an. Tb.e proposed phasing plan meets Code requirements because public improvemeiits wi1.1 be appropriately provided with each phase. The plan and individual phases assume that the 40 foot wide 130th Avenue parcel will be acquired and incorporated into the development. A contingency plan has been submitted by the applicant illustrating the necessary plan amendments to be made if this land acquisition does not occur. The street ali�nment in Phase V will be amended slightly and two lots will be deleted. 11. Chapter 18.84 is satisfied because the regrading and filling of the drainage way has taken into account the anticipated storm water i runoff proceeding north toward Summer Lake. It has be�n determined � that no adverse effects will be felt on ad�oining properties or ' within the subdivision itself. The criteria in Section 18.84.040(c) wi11 be met. ; � 12. Chapter 18.92 is sat3sfied because the propoaed dena3ty is � consistent with Code requirements. A maximum of 205 units are ; permitted on this site and 190 un3ts are proposed. ; i 13. Chapter 18.164 wi11 be satisfied during the approval process for i the fj.nal plat. � , r C. RECOMMENDATION ;li i Based upon the above findings, the Planning staff recommends approval `' , of S 87-08/SL 87-09 and detailed plan apgroval of PD 87-04 sub�ect to the following conditionst ` � 1. Except for street access, none of the area included in the 40 foot } wide 130th Avenue parcel (Tax lot 1S1 33DC, 4200) shall be within ; any final plat until it has been legally acquired by the � applicant. Street access across this parcel to Winterlake Drive and Falcon Rise Drive sha11 be approved by� the City prior to � recording Phase I and Phase V respectively. (Contact Randy Clarno) �' 2. Lots 1 and 2 sha11 be omitted or m�oved to another location south of ;; Winterlake Drive. (Contact Keith Ziden) ; : f 3. The following pedestrian facilities shall be constructed in ? con�unction with the development. Public improvement plans shall i be submitted as described in Conditions 13 and 14. A11 items below ' sha11 be approved and conatructed or guaranteed prior to recording � the final plat for the co.rresponding phase. All paths shall be � improved with an 8 foot wide asphaltic concrete surface. (Contact � Gary Alfson) � STAFF REPORT - S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 8 f r � a. Exiating paths on the south side of the lake shall be widened to an 8 foot wide a�phaltic conerete surface. b. The western gath sha11 be extended to Winterlake Drive in the vicinity of lot 3 with the location to be approved by the Engineering Division. c. The path that ends at the extsting play area shall be extended to the Summer Lake Drive cul-de-sac. d, 'I'he path near the dam will be extended south through the access strip to the Summer Lake P1ace cul-de-sac. e. A foot bridge, with the same width as the egisting bridge, sh:all be provided across the east end of the lake. f. An 8 foot wide path within a 15 foot wide easement shall be provided between the Summer Lake Place cul-de°sac and Winterlake Drive and between lots 56 and 57 connecting Falcon Rise with Mary Woodward School. Tigard School District approval. shall be necessary fox the second path to be required. 4. Phase I shall not receive final plat approval until the boundar3es of the park area to be dedieated and/or purchased has been determined and agreed to by the City and the applicant. (Contact Keith Liden) At a minimum, the following items shall be dedicated: a. Area within the 100 year flood plain. b. 15 foot wide right-of-way for all pathways. c. Right-of-way neceasary to accommodate the parking area at the end of Summer Lak.e Drive. (Contact Jon Feigon 639-4171) . 5. Parlcing spaces shall be provided at the Summer Lake Drive cul-de-sac between lots 9 and 10. The number and design sha11 be appr�ved by the Engineering Division. Adequate buffering aha11 be , provided between the parking area and ad,jacent lots. (Contact Gary Alfson) 6. S.W, 128th Avenue, Winter�.ake Drive from 128th Avenue west to the existing street, and Falcon Rise Drive from 128th Avenue west to the exiatin$ street shall be constructed to minor collector standards, except that Falcon Rise Drive and 128th Avenue sha11 be allowed to be reduced in width to a 50 foot right-of-way and 34 foot pavement width to match the exiating pavement. Winterlake Drive shall be allowed to be tapered from 40 feet to a 34 foot pavement width east of 12$th Avenue. [Staff Contacts Gary Alfson] STAFF REPORT - S £37-08/PD 87-0k/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 9 7. The remaining streets shall be constructed to local str.eet standards. [Staff Contacts Gary Alfson] 8. Street Centerline Monumentation shall be provided as follows: I A. In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway rights-of-way shall be monumented before the �ity shall accept a street improvement. B. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box co�forming to City standards, and the top of al1 monument boxes shall be set a design finish grade of said street or roadway� C. The following centerline monuments shall be set: (1) All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, sha11 be set when the centerline alignment of said '�collector" or other street has been established by or for the City. (2) Center of all cul-de-sacs. (3) Curve points. Point of intersection (P.I.) when their position fa11s inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C.). (4) Al1 sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerZine monumentation. [Staff Contact: Jon Feigion] 9. A grading plan shall be submitted showing existing and propoaed contours. A soils report sh�11 be provided detailing compaction requirements.[Staff Contact: Gary Alfson] 10. Sanitary and storm sewer details shall be provided as part of the Public Improvement plans. Calculations and a topographic map of the drainage basin and service area shall be provided as a supplement to the Public Improvement plans. Calculations shall be based on full development serviceability. The location and capacity of existing, proposed and future lines shall be addressed. [Staff Contact: Gary Alfson] 11. The applicant shall provide for roof rain drainage to the public stormwater drainage system or a drywell to prevent runoff onto ad3acent properties. [Staff Contact: Gary Alfson] 12. Th�e applicant shall provide connection of each lot to the public sanitary sewerage system. A connection permit is required to , connect to the existing public sanitary sewer syatem. [Staff Contact: John Ha�man] STAFF REPORT - S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 10 ,.._ _ _ _ . . ' � I ��� (;'i ;'. ��:� �, � 13. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improveuaent construetion � � plans and one (1) itemized construction coat estimate, stamped by a ; ,� Registered Profesaional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval. Two sets ahall be provi.cled for a preliminary review at 95� plan completion. [Staff Contact: Gary Alfson] �:,� i. 14. Construction of proposed public improvements �shall not comm�ence i., unti7. after the Engineerin$ section has approved public improvement , plans. The section will require a 100X Performance Assurance, the � payment of. a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, fihe execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the �; issuance of approved public improvement plans. [Staff Contactt �; John Hagman] (� il ,� 15. After review and a�proval by the Director of Community Development 7 and the City Engineer, the final plat shall be recorded with �; Washington County. [Staff Contact: John Hagman] �"' k 16. The Planning Director may approve amendments to the final plat and �;: detailed plan in accordance with the following criteria: I` �'. � a. All phases sha11 not exceed 190 1ots. �� b. The street system design is not significantly altereda t c. Amendments to the phasing plan will provide for the f' appropriate provision of land dedication and public �.'� improvements associated with each phase. d. The 130th Avenue parcel cannot be acquired and the applicant's alternative plan must be implemented. ' �: 17. Phase I must he approved for final plat w3thin one year of the �,, final approval date. All subsequent phases must be platted within . ! five yeara of the .final approval date. i; 7 i l � � �� �",l/�� Gti'" i ,�"" �ti��.-- ��%���--�:�. PREPARED BY: Keith Liden, Senior Planner AP OVED BY: Randall R. Wooley i Acting Director of i Community Develapment ? f (d�/3236D) � i STAFF REPORT - 5 87-08/PA 87-04/SL 87-09 OR-AK CORP./CITIZENS SAV. & LN. 11 CITY OF TIGARD Washington Countyr Oregan NOTICE OF �I�AL ORDER - BY PLADTNING COt41IS5ION 1. Concerning Case Number(s) : S 88-01 V a8-05 & M 88-03 2. �lame of Oamer: EUGENE �HURSTONSON 3. Name of Applicant:_ WAVERLY CONST. CO. I Address 8735 SW Cu�,,ry Dr. City_Wilgonvill�tate OR Zip_ 97070 4. Location of Property: Address_ 153$5 SW 79th Ave. (WCTM 2S1 12CA lot 4100 Tax Map and Lot Dto(s) . 2S1 ].2CA lot 4100 5. �lature of Applieation:_ Request to divide a 4.7 acre parcel i�ato 29 lots, a variance to allow a 50 foot st�eet corner radius instead of the required 100 foot radiu�, and to allow ad-iustments of the side lot lines of the platted lots of a maximum of 4 feet. 6. Action: Approval as requested � Approval with conditions , Denial 7. �Totice; Notice wras published in the newspaper, gosted at City Hall and . mailed to: The applicant & owners Owners of record within the cequiced distance The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization L►ffeeted governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ODT MARCH 18. 19_$8. UDiLESS AN APPEAL IS FILBD. The adopted findings of fact, decisios�� and statement oE condition can be obtained from the Planning Depactcaent, Tigacd City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard� Oregon 97223. 9. Avpeal: Nny party to the decision easy appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is March 18, 1988, 4:30 PM 10. Questions: If you have any questions. please call the City oE Ti��cd Pl.anning Department. 639-4171. (0257P) r: r C]:l"Y OF� .t.];G�RD F>L.ANiUT.NG CUMM�:SS70N F"xiUAL ORI�kFt 88•--04 NC; Ap�>ROVE::S AN F1�FyL.�CCA'I";X;qN f�qFi A 5UE3[)I:VT.SIUN, VARIANC�;, ANp L.AT' L.�:NE:: AD�US"1"MEIU"r. (a 8&--01/U 88--05/M 88--03) REQUN'S't°kD BY EU(aE:Nk 'TNUF2S'TQNSON, Tri� Tig�r�c� P1�ririxrig Cairunis�i�n r�cuinwwd Lhe �buv� a��li.cai�:aun at a publie he�ring c�n F'�bru�ry 23, ].98�, 'fhe CummiKSauri bas�d ii:s dHC:.is9.on ��n ihe fiac�s, �indirigs arid �ar�c.lusiaris n�.�i:ad belc>w, A. F'ACT� I!� 1 . General Infurma�Liun ...__....�.....,�..,..__..._._._..,____..__._. , i CASEi:; Suk�divasiari S 68�Oi./Var•iancr� V 88-05/Lat L.i.nH ACI,JUS�:Ip�YI� e� se--aa ��que�y�r�: �ru divid� � 4,7 acr� p�r�c�J. ini:u 29 ].ots, a varianc� tc� a1�.uw a 50 fiuut str�ra�t cc�r•ri�r� r�adius insi��ad aF i�h� requfr��d 100 f�.7ni: radius, ar�c� to all.aw ac�jusi:m�nts of i:Pi� sa.de lut link�s af- i:he plai:i:�d luts af � maxi.mum nf A fae�. COMPREME:IVST.VE. F�LAN DE::SIGN�I"i"�:C�N: M�di.um d�nsil:y r�sid�ni�:i�1, lQN:CN(� phS;C(yIV(•1"f'�qN: I��-7 (R�sa.ci�ni:ial, 7 unS.t:s/acr�) APF�LIC�AN'1": Wau�:�r•ly Gonsi:. Cn, OWN�:F2; E:ugei•�� 'C'riur�s�c.�nsnri 8735 SW (:ur�•ry Dr. 1538a 8W 79�h Ave, Wi].sunvit].e, Ui� �7U70 1"igard, Or 9J'22.Q I_O(�A'1`:COIV: 153�5 ;;W 79i:h F�VE (W(:TM 2S1 ].?CA lut 4100) 2, E3a�:.klround �:r�far�mat�ian . _ _ Na pr^evia�as ].and use deci.si,ans Fiau�� be�n r•eu:iew�d rel.ai�frig �ci i�hi.s pr•upert�y, 3 , ViGi.nity�nfc�rm��wac�n F>r^�.��eri�i.�s r�.,ne<a Ct.��..1' lie l.0 1:h��� w�si� �nd s�.�u1�h, and �ar��,��r•ti.r�s z�.�ne<� R•--A,!i lfe Lo i�he N�st and 1�he norl:h, Pr�liminar�y p].at appr��ual t'ur Par•i�ridg� Hil,l C;ubdiuisi.an (fiJ.e Nc�, C, 87'-a�i) was c�ran�ed fr�r pru�ri:y un i�he east �S.de uf- 79i:h Rvenu�. � 4, �.ii:e_ lnfur•ma�ian and�Pro�aa.sal Uescri�ian ' The �ar�aper�i:y cu�^�^r�n�ly rias une residen�e whi.�:h is inL-�nd�d ta r�main. ; "fw�� ar..r.:essory b�ailclxnc�s ar•e i�t� be r��movEd. 79�h Auenu�, wriich is a ; mi.n�r� cul�.�ci:ur, abuLs 1:he proper�L••y an i:he �ast�t^ri buundar�y. 7he # �ar���a�r~i�y slupes dowriward fr•am w�.a:�t tu �asi� with w�l:er runuPi' fr�m �he � pr�•uper�i:y dr�axria.ng �u 1=anna Creek, � �: �: F']:NAt.. (�RQE�:Ft ... 88�-�p4 PC -- 'fHUR�l"UIUSON (WAVE�2L.Y C;QNST, ) S BB...�p1 ... PAGE: ]. � .__ � 1" `i . . . . . . .._ . . ____._...____..._.. ._�_._ ... ...__. ....... .. ....�._.�.� --...._._...._._ y 'T`P►e appli.c.ant is prcapu�inc� tu �iiv.i,c�� i�ri� pr�u�aer��l:y a.nto 29 singX�--family re�i.der�c�s witN� ar� �u�r�c�� l��t si.z� t�f� ap�r�uxim�l:�l.y 5,Op0 squar�� f��t, �t will cun�ist uf two s�r��i:s, ur» �xt�nc�in� e�st i:a wwsi: alung th� sau�h side c�fi thi� �rt�pc�rty wi.1�;Mi a d�acl encl ad;j�c�.ent tu the la�~c�er parcel zur��d R--7 L� Lhe west. rh�e east�r�•n t�r•minias uf- i�he str���t wa.11 b� ai; 7y�F� Av��riu� �nd wiJ.J. b� direc.i:ly acrr,ss fr•c�m th� futur�� si�re�i: pr�upusNCi with i:rip f�ar�i�rici�e HiTI Subciivi�siun, TMie s�c�nd �tr��ei: will serve �M�� r•�s�. e.�f trt� ].ut-:s narth <�r tN�is si:reet: artd xi� wi.J.1, ini:�rs�ci: 79i�h Au�nu� n�aar i�h� na�~i:h enc� uf i�N�� pr�u�erL~y, Ths.a ���J.ic:ani�; i.� al�a r�c�uesi:ing � vari�anc� tc� �J.l.aw fe�r a 50 fue.ii� r~ac�itas cuwve an 1�rt� riur��l:h�r~n str�a�� as up�us�yd I:u i�he 100 fuufi r�ad'a�s that as al.i.owec� iri thi� Cc�de, °r�H�e ap�lac:.an1: rias pr�senl�:r�d sc�m� �u�i:ii~ic�t:ian fur �his a.n �h� ai�i�ach�d submittal. Finall,y, 1:Nie apK>.l�.r:�rii� is pr�.,�c�si.nc� i;a get aK��ar�avaJ. tu haue J.c�i� lin� �c�jusi�:merits u� �ap �� 4 rc��t f�r adjusting i�he wic�i:h e>f i�he pr•up�ased p�rc�].s i:�.� acc.c�mn►nc��a�� s�e�ifxe. r�ause c�esi.gns, l'`his prc�p�.�sal i.5 s iini lar� i:u ur��s �:h�i: h�aue br��n ap�ruv�ti f-ur• Bund i��r�•k, 5, A�...c e�ncy_and N�0.Cun►merii:s �nc�in��r�ir►g C�ammPr�ts : d. Th� suk�mit�t:��d �reliminar�y �al�i:, d�1:ed ��tnuary E�, 1�8a, sFtaws � �arup�s�d 39 lu� su�adiui.sion wiL•h t:wu acce�ses uff '79Lh AuExnu� ���d i�he pr�upc�sec� i.ni:�rna]. si:r•�ets, s�n�.�:ar�y sr�w�r, s���rm dr��znac�� arid wa��r dS.stribul:iun systc�m, ' i � ha. 7�tF� Avenua is designai��d as a Minur• Cu1�.r�ci:rar r�ad whi.ch ° r�y�air~�s a 6Q fuut wfcie r�ighi�_-af.._way and a 40 ruui: wi.cle �aav�mtzr►i: with ; cur�bs, si.dew�lks, si;r�eei:la.ghts, ci:c. �cc:arcfing fi:c� �:hi� Camir►unity l7�vel.apment Cu�e, � � c. %51i:h Av�nue is ��•es�nl:J.y a r�ar�raw, pau�c;l si:r���!i� wi�F�in a 40 fac.,1: wa.cie right—af..._way, Tr�e veri:i,cal �rnril� du�s r�nt cunfiur•in i:u cu�^r�r►t cc�].J,ec.tur• si:r���.ai: stanc�arda fiar� sighi: di,starrr.e al.nnq th� subj�cl: sit� rruni�ac�e, The �xisi:ing sL-r�akt 17�s a hill arid twu c���r��±s�ions which would rec��aa.re f-J.ai:i�er�i.ng i�u mpet i�hc design criteri�. Uev�J:c�ni.nc� tNi�.s str°c�c�t wuu.ld r��zquire the �ni:ir~e wi.c��h tu be r�ean�i:r'UG�taCI and wuuld imK>aci� pru��ri�iEtis can i:h�p �.,�pc�si.te sa.d� uf 79i.h Ave. l"h�refure, halr--str��et xm�ruucaments wuul.d nut b� �raci�i�al at this t9.me, c�. An a.ri�ernal str��i: is �aru�a�.�seci w�.i�h a 5q t'u�.,i; cen��r•li.n� r•�di�a� curv� wiLh an acij�u��r►t kriuckle wh��r�e i;N�e Gammunii:y I��uE�1c��am�r�t �ude � r�r�ui.r�ps � lU0-•�i•'c�c�� mir�9.mum ceni:r�rl.i.ria radi:us cur•u�, f, e. Tha prupusk�d �1:urm dr•a9.riac�e Sysi:c�m cul�.�c1:s rur►aff witriXn �h� 5UkX�1V:l.�'ilt?11 �rid disch�r��5 c�n i�rie ���fii: si.c�e ufi 79t�F� Auc�nuc� at ��r.h access driu�. f. The �arc.��aos�c� sanii:c�ry sew�r• sysi��m cunri�ci;s tc.� ar� �xisti.r�g system ��apraxi,mat�ly 65Q f4��t L-a {�;Pie suu�h a].nnc� 79Lh F�uer�ue and pr�uvi<�es � �' ser�vicN �:c► t�;Mie prap�.�s�c� l�i:s and i�u futurr� deuc�lapn►�nt i�a i:h� wes1:, f���IAL URqER -� E36�-AA PC .-. 'fNU125TONSON (WAVk.12�Y (:pNST. ) S 88`•-p1 � PAG�: 2 ;� ` ,, �. ,_ _ .. ._. , .._.._ �ui].ding Ins��ecl•:ian p�pari�m�nt i,r�da�c:al�HS i:htiat sturm and sdni.i��ry s�wer� � facil.ities rur• thp Eaxisi�inc� c�w�ll.ing wS.l.l have i:o be ��rifi�d. �Lf the �ar.i.lii:ies r.r°ass ovcr n�w pr�c��a�r�y li.n�s, i::he fiaci7.il.i�s wi11 h�tue i��.� b� mudira.�ci ur� c�as�am�rii�s wi11 n��c� i:u be r�r��n1:�d, Thie l°i.gar�c� Sch�;�cal 17isi�rar..i; ti�s n�, aFajer.�ic�ns i:a i:h� pr�p�s�al. and th� I�� c�S.si:r�9.ct ii7c�ica�es i�h�ai: s��^vi.c.e lc�uel is �c��c�uai:e i:n s�r�ve i:he �r�upcased �rujec.l�, GeriEaral 1"eleph�ane indic:�ai�e� nc� uk�jec:�:i.ur� t�.� tMie prop��sa]. arid t��al: th�c� ci��ualu�ar�r wi�.l h�u� i:o �r�nui.c�e all n��c��sar�y trNnchir�g artd 4-�.irich PVC ra�►d c:.russa.r�gs, l"h� Ti.garc� W�j:c?r C�i;�tric.:�:, �GE, arid "C'u�l.�i�in Rur�tl Fir•e Prc�t���:�.on Disi��^ici: have nu objeci�9.ari i:a th� r�c�ue�t, Wil.:tam�tt;e C�ak�le 'I"V requ�si� 48 hc�ur�s r�c�i:ice pr•i.c�r 1��., uK��nng n� utili.i:y �i�•�nches ar�d �Nidi: i�wu 7__..ir�ch WUC cor�c��aii:s b� insi�al.l�d di: �ach yL-r��et ' crr�ssing. No ather• commc�ni::� have k���n rec�iu�d, B. I'=:1CIUl)IIU('aS AI11Q COINCLUa:C4N5 � "fhc� r�l.�►reanl:: r.r��i�er•i� rr� i:h� i:riis �r•� "I"ic��r�d Cum�r•eNic�nsi.u� Plari Palici.�s 2, 1, 1, '1, 1,?., 7,3 , 1, 7.4,4, 8. 1 ,1, arui 8. 1.3 and Cuirunur��,Ly pevQ].4��m�:�n1: C'.c�c�� c.hia�at��rs 18.52, �8,92„ J.B, ifip, ].6, 162. and ].�. ].64. Since i:hQ Tiu�ard Com�>rE�hensiue Plan H�as been acknowledg�d, i�he S1��i:�widF� P1�nriinc�. Gc�a].s and C�uidel.i.nes rio 1�.,ng�r n�ed i�u be addr•e:�sed. 7'hie Planninc� Cummissiur� �:nncluc��5 th�e pr�uposal cumplies ar wiY1 cumply wi.i:h� i:ti� r�levcan�: F�lari �>u].icies �n<a Cuc�� cr•iteri� k��s�d uK�on tfie findxnc�s nui:aci k��aluw, 1. Polacy 2, t, i i.s sai:isfi.�c� I'JQCi:1l,l5� I:hi� neighbc.�r�t�ncac� �l.�ar�rixny nr�,�arii��i:a.un, surrounding pr•uper°L-y uwn�r�s wer�e c�iu��n n+ai:S,ce uf the h�arai7g aricl �tri �,�rpcartunii;y to c�.,nimeni�: �,n �'rie a�a�].ae�tni:'s pr�apos�l. 2. Pal.ic�s %, 1 ,2., 7,3 , 1, and 7,4.A can bE� satxst=ied bEae�usc ad�qual:� ��w�r, wa��r� ar�d si�ur°m dr�aina�� faciliti.PS wS.11 ha� r�equi�^d L•o s�rue i:hca dF?ueJ.c.�ppt�aY1�: �r�ic�r L-c� a�proval of tNie fin�l. p�.��, l"M�e app].5.�:�nt inc�9.ca�e� i:hF�se f�c:S.l.iLi�s wil.l be pravic���d wii�ha.n i:he suk�di.ui.s9.c�n as r�equi.r•ec� k�y cii�y si:andards. 3 , Po1S.cy 8, 1. 1 calls fur i�F�e pr�visiun uf a �are �and �rr-r�x�r,� s�r�ee1� SyatE?Ir� wh�ichi ac.cc�mmcac��i�es �ar•c�senL arid futur�e needs, As disc�ass�d in t:h� cunnnen�Ls fr�um i;he Eric�ineer�.ric� Divisiun 1:he va�i�nc� r�c�ues�. will be acc��i:able. 1"hiis is pr�i.mar�i.ly bec:auxe uP i:rie luw i:r•arfic ualumes ani;iGipai:ed an th9.s s��^��t seci:inr�, F:I;Nf��_ C7RpE::I� --� 8B_�.04 F>C --� Tf�UF24�1"UNSqN (kJAVE:RL.Y C;QNS"C', ) S 86--�Q1 — F�AGEi: 3 , � i i i 4. P�ali.cy 8. 1.3 wi.11 b� ���:i�r��a wh�n i:��e cur�di.tians uf �ppruval + r�el�txng i�u strek� in►�r•avemerii:s are com�J.ei�ec� in c��njunr.�ian wii�h ; i�he rir�al plai:. ! � �. Ch�a�i��r• 18.F>2. c,f i�h�e Cc�dc.a c�n hae sai;isfied if i:w�i am�ridments �r�� ; made L•u t�he pr�upu��d �1a1:. Fi.r�t, appr�oximatpXy sev�n of i:he � pr���pnsec� 1�,�.s �r•e l�ss ir,�r, the m�.n�.n►um 1ot si-r..� c,fi 5,Oq0 sc�uar� { r��t, Th�re a��r��ars tu la� sui'ficiEaxti: ar��aa wii:hiii•i i:he c�NU�lapmcnt to r���rr�ang� th� par•e.�1s sa t�h�i: a1.1 wi11 b� ak��.e i�c� me�i� i:h� � ma.nimum lut si.ze. Secund, �he ex9.sting huuse duas not appcaar� i:o ; Mia�e i:he minimum s�tk�ack r•ec�ui.r•�m�nt c.�r 15 f-eei� f'c�r a r�ear� yar�d, ' �Cn acic�i.i:iur►, thp a�aplic�r►t shtuulci M�e aciui��d th�i> a 5�--fuui� sit�� ! yard requarGmer�i� wil.1 al.s� hae r�c�ua.r�ec� ficar• i:he exisi:i.ng h�us�. i 6. Ch�pi:�r 18.�2 is s�i:isf�i.ed b�cau�� �he pru�uy�5d d�nsity is c.orisis�enl� wii:h� Gudca rcquiremc�n�;s , 7, Charal��r 18, 160 is saL•isfi�sCl I�P.Cc'�U9C� i�he pr�apas�l m�c�ts Lr�tx requi�•�mer��s sei� Port�i f�.,r i�hie s�abmi.ssiun �rtic� ��a�ar�uvaJ. c�f- a pre.lfmir�ary plai:, �. Chi�pt:er 16, 162 r.an be cc.�mplied wi,i;ri ifi cer�din e.c,ndii::��.,ns �t^ka �n�t, '1'Nie Cairnnuni�y D�velu�m�ni: Code p►^uuid�s a twu�-s{:Fap t^evi�w of l�ai� linc adjusl:ir�cnts. Fl p►^e].imin�r^y ap�alxcai�i�.�n is fir�s� �yua�uat�d �nd a d�cisa.an is made. :Cr �P�is pr�lS.min�ar•y a�K�lic.ati.�.�n i.s ap�r�u�d, a� fina]. aK>K�li,c:.atic�r� is i:hi�n suhansi�:i�ed cuni:aining the fir�al 1nL- lin� acijusi�mer�i: �rid�a a�nd l��al descr�.pta.on, f°o7.lawii•ic� ei1�y aK�K�r��v�al, 1;N�e m�p �nc) lec�aJ. cl�scripi:i�rts ���e r�t�cur�dec� with W�shinc�tun �nuni:y. A fina�l. 1c�� li.ne adjusi:m�n� map anc� l�c�al. d��scripi:ion shi�J.1 hac.a requir^ed 1=or aach adjusl:inE�n� tr�at uc�ur�s uncler the pruvisic�r�s ur thas K�r��limin�r�y �p��r�ovaY, Th� ma� drid cl�sc:r�:i�ai�:iuns spie�ulc� incluc�e inru�^m�ttia.an r•�garc�iric� i�h� pr�eca.sp lac��:inn uf �xisi;i.ng ui;ili.i::i�s and dr•a.v�wdys. A c�rtiri.c�i:ic.,n fr�c.,m �n �n�i.neE�r• shc�ulc� be provic�ed which inc�zcai:�s i:h�i: the ac�jusi:m�nt wi11 r�Ut �dver•s�ly �frec:t. �xisi�inc� �a1:il.il:ic�s or tNiat �he f�eil.i.i:i.es wall. k�e r•�lucai:�d i:� i:r�e sa�isf�c:tion ur 1�h� ui�ilii�y uain�aany(s) irivalvec�. Any €xp�nses p�rt�i.riin� u�:a,l�.i•;y r�el.ucai;i�ari wi:l.�. b�a � bur•ne by �he d�unlur��r, 7L• shc��al.c� alan k>� nut�d i�h�� �Ni� R-._1 ���arte h�s � nianzn►um au�aragN lui: wi.d�h r�Eaquir�m�rits af 150 r�E�t. M�►riy ui' I�h� l�.�i:s wii;i��in i�h� pr•upased suhac�i.vxsi�,n hav�� � 5� fooi: l,at wa.di:ri and 1�:ri�refor�, wi.J.]. riut b� ealigible r�r an aeijuxi�m�r�t withuut i:hr� arapr�uual uf- a var•iance. Also, i:hie ',i fici<�t s9.d� yard r•�qui►^�in�r�i� sh��l.l r�c�ma�ir► ir� �rfeci: �:as w��ll a� the 5 f•'caui: dr�ivNway s�atback r��c��aa.r^emr•?r�t cori�.din�c� in tP�� l"igard Mui•�xc.ip�l Code, �ec:i:ion 15.U4,Q6q(b) , Var�i.an�.es ur waiver•s uf th��s� r���tair�meni�s shall be uiew��d wiiL~ri di sfav��r�. F'�:IUAL C1fZp�C�t -- 6B--OQ PG �- _f.HURS"f01�SON (WAVE;:t�L.Y CONS'C', ) 5 88�-OJ. -- PAGF: 4 9, Chapi��r i6. :1`fi4 ufi �he Cuci� �wi.I:t b� sai:i�fa.�d <iut��ir�� �r►e �rapr�uval �rc�ces5 fi��r �:he fir��l. �lat;. Min�.,r• m�,difi:c�t:iuri wal]. Piau� i;� b� macie �u lui�s i� ar�d 15, su i:hai: buLh wi.11 Mi��rta a mi.ni.mwm uf 25 i`e�i: c�f fr•�.'�r�ta,y� u�ac�n i:NiE� si�r•�ei: t�., m�e�: ac�de r•ec�4ixr�c�n�cnt:s cuni�ain�d in Lhis chapi:er (fi�c. 18. 16�t,q6Q(b)) . r. i��t�:c�xo�u B�s�d uK>�.�n 1�Ni�? �k�4�ve fir�c�a.nc�s. �:h��a P.l�tr►riir►g C��mmissa,etir� a�apruvc�s � 86_...ql subj��ct �:u i�Nt� ful.l��wir�� cur�c�ii:ipns: (ai;aff cur�t�c;t K�i1:h L.S.cic�n c�ridii.i.�r�s 1, 2; CtiGary �llf��.�rt r.onc�:i�.:i�.�ris 3 --�13 63�...A171) . 1, A7.1 1c,1�s Sh�ll. Na��± a mi.niiru�m uf 5,Qt7U ���a��� r-��� w�.tr, a mi,nimuin ' ��erac�� .lc�i� w�.c��:h� afi 5Q f��.�i�. F�1]. lc.�t� �hrall. h�ue a mxri�.inun► si:r��a�� fr•ur�ta�a uf 25 f��t, 2. Wi.i>h �:ha �xc�t����;i�.�n c.�f l�,i:� 7.3 �rtd 2�i, a�.�: loi�s sNialJ. �,nly h�uc ac�.ess ta i;h� irii:rat�•ndl suk�c�ivisiuri si�:r•r��ts , 3. Ari �c�r�ck�a��ni�:: shiall b�.� �.ax�rGil��c� �iy �h�e� aK�pl.it:an�:, un �fur�ms p�^uvic���±ci N�y i�he Cii;y, wh�.�h waiu�s 1.he rai..u��?r��y uwn�r•' s righi:s L-u ' remcan��.r�i:e �gaxr�sl: � rutwr�� l��c�l: im�r•uuem�rtt das�r�aci. fcarmed i�;a airipr�au� /9i:h F�v�nue. 4. Adc�ii�ia�r�aJ. r9.c�h1::_..ur..-way sha11 b� d�c�i.c.<�i:�c� �c.� i�hie pub].a.c. �lc�ric� i�h�e subjc��:1: s7.i:e �r��opNr°Ly r�°�:�r�i�a�t� i:u irtcr,�yase i�r�� ri�hit..�_�f-�way tu �n f��{� rr�c�m c.Er���rl.i.n�, t°Pic� descr�i�>�iun sri�1J. be i�:i�<� t.c� th� r=xistai�i� r^i�hit....��f-•-way a�nL-�r�.in� �znd shall ha� ��ap►^u�i�d by Lh» Er�c�i.nta�r�a.r�g w;ec:ti.can. a, "f'hie i:w�.� �rc�K>c�s�cl acce:�se.-��:; i�c� 7�1t:Pi Ftu�.ar�ua sh�l.�. k�e r..nnstr�uct�d t�.� mai�ch i�he rui:ur�� gr��a�� af I�i:h Au�nue. A �i^ofi.l� uf 79I:h (�uer�u� sh�ll k�� requi.r��c�, �xi��ridinr� �t1Q f��i�: �i.�:hi�r sade afi 1:h�� �arc>K�asNd sulac�iui.siun, sh��awxr�� trie ��x:i�i:iriy c�ni:�r�lin� �r�ac�a ari�i a pr�upos�d fu1:u��Ea g�„Gad�!. 6, 1"hie prc.��ac���r� c,� f-��1; r���zd:i«s c�arv� �nc� acljae.�ni: kr��at�.kJ.e sh�all. k�e a�.luw�d as a v�r~a.anc:� tu the Cuininun�.i:y qeuelupmen� Ccacle, 7. l"hic ��rc,��,:a�cl i.ril:er�rial str�e�i:� sNi��.�. be caristruc.l�,ed i�c� 1��ca1 �tr��ac�� SLanr�arc�� r�s sNuawn c�n t�N�� �uk�mii�t�kad �arc��:imiri�r°y pJ.�►i: ac�cc�r�cianc� 1:�, tr» Cc�nnriunit;y C►�v�J.u�amerii: Gnr�� a�r�r� C;zi:y �f "f3;gar�d ��zsi<�n Sl:anr�ar•�s, 6. l"hka ���K�l:it:�ar�i� sh�a17. �>rc.,vi�E st;c:�rm dr�ai.r�ac�e c�l�ulai�i.c�n, � haasiri map and 1�N�� n�a�ssar�y ii7�pr�•��avNm�riLs Lu conv�y ufr.._sz�:e and �7rt.._�i:t� r�urinff a�:.r�ca:�s i�htE� ::it� ar�c� ��, eli.schr�rye i�ri� runuff inta �x9.si::inr� c�r�a:nayc�ways wii:huui: si�n�fi�:an�ly imp�c�ing pr�.,p�r�1;z�� duwn streani, �tu<�f- r��aan dr�in�c��� sha7.1. �lsa k�e ��r�.,vi.deci i:c� i:hi� pub].i.r:. si�car��m c�r�ain. sysi:tam c�r �h�ll hae �ruvid�d un si.i:e �u as nut i�n dr�ain c�nte� acl�ac;r�r7i� K�ra��er��:a.e�, F�:�NAL QI�f7G:R - 88-�-p4 I�C �- '1`I��Uf2S"C'ONSpN (WAVf RI_Y GC1�iST. ) S 88-q1 .,.- pA(aE 5 9. The a��'�l�.cant sht�:tl: �r�nuid� sani{:�ry s��W�r ser�vi.cc:� t�.� 1:he ��+a�aus��ad loi:s, �haxl prnva.de future se►^vice i;o i�:he adj�cNnt �r~uK>erty �Lu tP�e w�st; �s shuwri an th�.� s�bmit�ed prE�lamxn�tr�y �a).�i�, ar�ci �hal.l alsu �x1;��17c� t:he sanii.��y sew�r pipeliri� al.��n� 19�h Av�nuka t�� l:he nur�i�Pi �arap�r�i�:y ].ai�e i:u �rcavide futur� ser�uic� t:�.� �a�^�y�a�r�tic�� Lu i�l�» nu�^i;lti. F� curmeci:iun p�r�mit sha�.l be r•c�quir••�d �c� cariricac.�: �:ct i�h� �xi.si�xnq sariiis�r� sew�r sysl:�m. 10, ai;r��et t.�nt�r�lin� Munumeni:ai:iun yh�ll be p►^uvi.c�Nd �s f�all,uws: 1. l:rt acc:c�r�<���rrc� wii<ki QftS �2,Q6q subsec.ta:�,n (2), th� ccnl':pr�.ines uf all. s�r�a�� artid r�adway r�•ight3._.uf.�_w�y sh�11 k�e mc�nuni�r�i�w�cl befure thH Ca,1�y �Nta11 ac.e,e�i�: a st:re�t im�r�uv��merit�. i � � 2. Al,l c�ni�er�lin� mc,�riwm�ri�� sh�l�. k�� �a].�c�d iri a nianum�rii� k�cax ? cunra�mirig Lo Ciity st�nc�ar�t�s, an�l l�he i:up ur �l:l munumcriL # bc�xes sh�ll hae set a d�sign fiinisN� c�r��d� �:,f s�id sfi:r•e�1: ur � rc�ac�way. !" �: � � �� 3. TF�� f�.,l.l�,wa.nc� c�n�er�l.i:ri� mc�r�umf�ni:s sFt�J:.l b� set: < r.. ,�. a. f�ll c:�n�:�r�lir�e�c�nt�rline int:p�•s�e:ti.uns. ?' ]:rit�rs��ct:S.�:�ns r.r~�at�d wii�h "ca�.lect:�.�r" ar u���r� �� �xisi:ir�� �i:r�c��ts, �hall b� sei: wh�n Lhe cen��rla.ne �` alignm�±ni: �.,f' said "c�.,llr�cl:c.,r•�� �r cit:her• si;r�ee� Pids 4;' b�en ��i�;a�blXSh�c� by nr fur i:he t,xi:y. b. C�n�:e�^ af al.l. cu1_de•...sac.s. t' c. Cur^ue �aaini:s. Paini: af i.ni�er�s�cti.un (P.:[. ) wri�n 1:hieir� K��,s,r.i:ion fall.s ir�sa.r�e i:hie 1i.►ni.i:s o� i�:h� �a�u�in�r►t c�ther�wise bc�ginr�iric� �xr�d �nding �auinLs (B,C, ancl E,C). } d, �.11 sanitar�y and a�c.�rm l�catiuns sk��tll. be pl,aced in �usii:icaris i:hat cia..,_.nu� ini:�r~fk�^� with �:.en�;�r�l.in� r ; mcanum�nt�t:ic,n. _.._. ._ �r, li. Aft�er r^��vinw arid appr�uval by Lha pirec.�ur� ur �ulnmuniLy D@U4?�.C)�,71T1fa1'l�: �nc� �he Ca:1:y E:r�c�i.rieer, the Pir�al. plat srtdlJ. kre ' ' recqr�t��d wii:h Washfr��tun C��unL-y� , 1�. yever� (7) scts ar �al.an pr•c�fil.e K�ublic impr•uu�ir�enl: cun��r°uci�ia�i ' �1��ns arid ane (1) ii�Hmi;rk�d 4anstr�u�tian �:u�t e��imatp, si:ain�a�d k�y ,,U;f a Regxsi�r�w��cl F>rc�fess�.�,,nal Ci.uil En�irt�car•, c��tai],ing all �ar~ap�.tis�d publ.fc intpr�uu�air��rr�s shal.l �� suramii:i��d L� LN�e Engin��r�ing �k�c�iun ; fc,r• a�>��r�.�ua]. , �'.;',', _ ;r;;':: �'IIUAIM QRU�:I� _. gg._�04 PC —• l"NURS'I"(�NSqN (WAVERL.Y CqN�I", ) � 88—�q1 ,-� PAGE: 6 ;I' � i:?; ;;: A .' ��..� ..: _ � _ ,:. �__;: ���- �.,.,. .,.. t _ ._._ __. _.�..- - 13 . Cansi:ru�:t�.c�n af pru�us��d ��ubl.ir, a,inpruu�mer��s sk�a1]. nut cc�mm�nc4a unt;i.J. �fil:er• i�Py� E:nqir�eer•ing Seci:inn h�y a�apr�c.,ued publi.c iir►pr�uv�in�ni: K>lans. TY�� s�ci:iun will r�quirp pusi:ir►c� uf- a 1q0'� Perf-�armartce Bar�ci, th� �a�ym�ni� �f a K��rma�t fe� a�rid � si.gn inaL�llai:iunlsi:r�eL-li�'�ii: fc�e. Alsu, i:h� exeeui:zun uf' a s1:rc�Eat o��.�na.r�c� K��r�mi�L c.7i^ cur�s�ruci:iun cc�ir��>li�nc� agr�eeir►�ni. sti�].J. occur�. priur� i�U, ur c��nc�.ar~r��r�i�ly wit:h �h� is�uaricp uf a�pruuNd �aub:lic 9.m�rov�mer�� �alans, ].A. T�Piis a�aK>ruv�l. sMal.l Nax�azr�e wi.thiir� ariE� ye�ar afi thie fi.nal d�r.9.�i�,n dai:e, �st;drr- t:ur�i:act K�i�h G..id�r�) Thi� Planni.nc� CG�ITt1y1tS5i�'�Yt �K�pr�uv�s M 86...,p3 ;�uG7j�:�c1: t�.� tNie �u].l.owinr� candii:S.uns: 1 , FtLt. �ONi��:'C'�:C>N� �HAk.I... E3L ME:"I" FyFi�:t)R 7'0 RECORC)7NG RNY LCt�" L,l:IVf:: �qJ'Ufi'TMLN'1°:.� WTl"1-1:CN THI� SU�31)TV;C,^a:CqN W�"I"li WASN;CNG'1"ON (aQUN"I"Y. 2, T'h� final. .1�.7i; 1i.ne adjusi�n►�nt ���aliccai:ie�n(s) shi�11 k�e r�uar�wed ar�t� ar�pr•ov�d M�y i:Nu� I�l.annir�g Dir~�c�or, :In ac�t�ii:iuri tu i:he requir•�ir�en�� �fi �eci:i.<�n ].8, 1fi2,C�8Cl c�f {�;,h��.a C�ad�� (�;.�.,py encJ.c.�sec�), t;hie applic�nt shal.l pravic�e a.nFo�°m�i:ian a11u�i�raLinc� i:hp lcicai.iun of all. ui�i.lit�y racali�:i�s ari i�he vicii•�ii�y c.,f I:r» pr��,�er�i:y lirie(s) ta be ad,�usi:�d, (cani�act K�i�h i...i�i��n 63�..._47.71} , 3. A r�egisi;ered engirieer• shall c�r�i�ify t;h�t ear.hi fanal 1ni: J.a.n� acijus�m�rit wi.1X nut h�aue an ac�v�r�se impa�t u�aur► t:h� ui�iliL•y sae^vi.�.�s wi.i:hiri thi� subdivi.siun. (Can�ae.i:: Gat^y Al.fs�.tin 639_...A171) , 4, Any r•klucai:inn nf ui:ilii�i�s shall b� ���rav�d k�y t;h� arapru�ri�i:e I �atil.9.1:y c�.,mK�G�ny. F�13. CK1SI;�a ir�c�ar•r•ec� sh�l.l. k�r� k��r�n�a ray �:htc� deve].up�r u�^ lai: ownNr�. (Curit;ac:t: G�r�y f�lrsun 63�--A171) . 5. Vari�nc� ur~ w�iu�r r�c�u�s� �:c.� �r�� sir,i� yard �et:k�ack iYiin9.mum lcai� s�,�e nr• miniinum int wicii:h r�equi�^ein�ni�s o1= i�he R-•-7 zuro� i�r^ i:he driveway s�1:b�ck si�andarc� in 1:hre 7MC 16,A4,U80(b) sh�l.J. be ui�wec� wi�h disravor, (Cuni:act: K�iLh 1_ici�n ur Jerry Off-�r 639•--4].71) . 6. Orie ur� mcar�e rin�l lot lirie adju�i�m�r�t appl.a.c�i:i.c�ns may k�� fil,ec� rur� lui:s within i:F�e suk>divi.sian as pruuicied by 1:he abav� car�dii::iarrs, 1"his a�a�aroUaJ. sNiall. �x�ire wxthin �.,ne year c�fi th» fi.r�al c���.i.sian d�i:�. 7f:t is f-ur�i�h�er• or�dered thia� �hc� �a�a�la.c:�rit k�� rit�t�ifier� t�fi i:hca c�ntr�y af �F�is urci�r. �A�SEC); "P'Niis �� ...�!!>a�y �.,r F'�bruary, 19B8, by 1�hc� pl;�r�ni.ng Cumix►.'s� a.nn af L-he C,i'ty i� Tic��r�d. �>- :� � C � .�. µ____.._... Milt Fy� ; Vice r i. erit Tigarci�planni.r�g ssiun (r��/����u) F�NAL. ORpE:F2 -.- gg..-QA, p(; — 7F�URS1"ONSON (WAVEFt�..Y CQN�iT, ) S 88-�Q1 -• PAGE: 7 'it�^4-. ��� �`r•���� ��.��r��° Ace:nin� a:..i..�:M �,n F�br•uary 23, 1�88 •�- 7:30 {�,M. T1:taf�RK1 P�..F�IUN;T:IVC; t;�MM�;S,�,�:�t)N I ..i":CGARp (a;C'1`Y I-IAI..L. w- "fqWN Mf�l,..l. I 13J.�'5 �W f�ALC.. F3L..VU. T:Ct�flh2�7, 01'�Ft3QN 91223 A. F'F1C;I"S 1. G�n�r�al �nfarn�a�ic�r� CASE�; Subdivi.s�.<>n S 88--�Ux/V��r':I.i�r1C:f.? V 88••••�p5/Lni: l.,ir» Adjus�m�r�t M 88�--03 F2E.QlJE;�'1": 'I"c� c�i.uicl� a 4.7 acr•� ��r•c�l i.r�i�u 29 ].c�ts, a uar•i.ance tu a].lnw a !aq r�oi: str��i� car•rir�r r�ac�i.us insi:�aad �f 1;N�� r•ecauir��c� lOq fo�.,1; radius, ar�c� 1:u allc.�w adjusi�iri�r�ts ufi i�ri� sx<�� 1ut lznfas nr i�h� p.lati��d luts of a maximum ur 4 r��Fa1�. CqMF�RE:P�E:IV�;I:VF �7L.AN UE::;;�:GtUFt"C'I:nN; M�c�:�un� clknsit;y r��sidc!ritial, ZpIU:[NG iJ1:.SIGNA"C';CbN: R•-7 (R�sic��ntial, 7 ur�a,ts/acr��k?) APF>I..IC;AIU'1+; Wr:�u��•].y Consi:, C��, qWNF�t: Eug�:�r�n Tr�ursi��.,r�sc�n 8735 SW (,urry qr, 15385 SW 7�th �ue. Wil.sonva.11�, Of2 ��070 "fi.g�r�ci, Or 9722A �.00A'1":Ct�N: 15385 :.;W '79tF� AVE (WC:'T'M 2S1 ].2taA lui� Ai.00) 7_, E3ackc.r�auncl,_..I:nt�urmal:iun, Nu �>r��v9.ous l.�ar�c� u:ae d�ci.sic�n� '��u�.a k�ec�n r��vicw�el r��l.��:xny 1:a i:rii.s p�"�I��?�'�Y� 3 , Vir.init�.._Tnrt�r,m��i:.iuri. �ru��rLies �c.�nec� ft--7 lz� i.a �:P�c:� w�st and soutNi, anc� pr�uK��rti.�s -r.un�d R•�-4.5 l:i.�a L-u i:H�� ��asi: and thk r�nr�th. pr�eliminar�y �l.ai: a�aproual rar• Pari:ride�k hl:i.l.:l. Suk�r�ivisian (F'�i.l.e Na. S 87--•U6) w�� grani:ec� fr�r• ��r�c�pr�L-y un i�h� �yas t s�.cie o1= 1'9�h Av�riue. 4. Sii:e 7f:nfi�.�r�iri��:iun and �>,ru�aasal.._U�.sc�i:i�.�n 7r�� pr�op�r•i:y c.urr•Nri�ly rias arie resi.d�nce wh�c:Ni xs i.nl:Hrir����i �u r��n►air�. Twc� c1C.C:E�Fiat)Y•y b�ai.l.di,ngs �r�� i�c� k�� rcam��u�d, 79th� Av�riue, whi.chi i.� a m9.nur cull�ac;�:ar•, a�aGii�s the pro�cari�y ori th� easi:<?r°n buuncfary . 'T'he ���e��a�ri:y slc.,pes dawnwar�d i�r•um w�st; t:a easi: wi.i�Fe wai:er• run��arfi �r��,m th� �rup�r•ty c��•�iriinc� ta Fanno Cr�ca�k, sT��� k��or��r� ,... s ee�_,q� _�. ��c�� � ; _ _ ��'h�� aK>�al.ic.�an1: �.s �r�c��ac�yxnc� �Lca clr.uXd� 1::N�k� �ar�U��er•i:y int:c� 2.� :�i.r�ic�l�-Mfiamily r^�s ici�nc�s wi.�hi an au�r•a�cy lc��: s i.r� ui� a�aprux iir�atNly 5,Qt70 KcXuar�e fc�c�i�, Ii•: w3.1.1. curisist �.,f i�wc� si:r•r�c�i:s, c:�n� exl��ridxng ��yi� tc� wc�st; �J.e>ng t�k» se�ut�h sic�� uf Lh� pr•np�r�l:y wii�Fi a d�ac� cnd �djacczr�t� i�:a i:h� ],ar�•Gy��^ �ar�c:eJ. ccan�c� R�...y t:c.i �Lhi� w�:�:�i�, -rr,� eaai�:�rn ��r•mirius �.,f �hc.a s�r���:�t wxl.l. k�� �t 79t;h Au��nuc� �ar�ci wi.l.l. I;�e c�xr�caci:ly ac�•�ss rr�c>m �N�e f�at:ur�e SLr.raet , pr•uposECa wii:N7 i�:h» Par��r•idc:�� fial.l. �i1.1�1t�J.V].57,01'l, T'h� SE?C;fti'iCI �tr�c?�t will. serv� i:Nt� r��+st uT Lk�� .luts nur�i�h uf� this s�:r���t aric� �.i, wa.].]. 9.i�ii��r�s�ct 79i�h► F•lu�r�u�a ntaar� Lhr� nc>r�t:h� eric� �.7f �N�ka rar�o�a�!r•i;y. "fhe �p��i.c�nt is �I.su r�<ac�u���ir�r� a uar��.ar�ce to all�.�w f'ur� a 50 f�ou�: ` rarla.�a�:.: r.ur•ve c�n �:Fre� narthEr�ri s1:r•��i: as c�K��ac�s�d i�u th�� 1q0 f��u�L r�c�auy thd1� is al.leaw�d in i:k�� t�cad�, 1'h�� �r�w>����r�i N��s �r•ps�nt�ci st>me ju;�isit'i.ca�:i«n fcir�• i:hxs in i:h� di���N,��cl swk>init�dl , ' �inally, 1�hca ��a�alacar�i� is pr•opusir�c� i:u c��i: approual tu have lu� lir�F� �e�jusi�m�ni;s c�f- up i�ea 4 f��i: fur �acajus�ins,� i�ri�.? wir��:h� caf i:he �ar�n�>e.�s�c� �. �ar~c�ls L-u acc.nmmuc��i:� sp�c:ii�i:c hiacas�� d��ic�ns. 'Thi� �ar�,�aosal is ; s i.irii l�r�• i�c, una:; i:h�i� h�u� b��ri a�a�rc,u�ac� f'c,r� Barid P�rk, :' 5. ��n__c,�_ and NPO._Com►ner�ts Encairi�a�ring Cc�mm�i�i:s: �, T'he sukama.i�l:�c� �r��.Xtnin�ry �],�t, d�i:�c� Jania�r•y 5, 1�88, shuws a wr•u�us�ci 39 .lut subdiui.siun w:ii:h i::wu a<:cess�s uff- 79tr� f�uc�r�ue �i•id i:h� pr�c�p�.7s��d in��rna1 st:r�ei�s, s�nii:r:�r•y a��wk�r, si:�.irm c�r'iallYlbl�k�! �r�d w�1;�r c�is�rihaul:ic.�ri sysi:c�m, b, 79i;�� ftv�r��a� i.s dE�i.c�riai:�rJ a� a Minar C�.�1.1.�r..tc�r r�aac� whicht r•�qui�•�� a 60 fiuc>� wic�� r•r�ht..-uf�....�way an� a AO fi��auL w,i.<�� r�au�iner�i; w9.�r� � cur•bs, �id�.aw�alks, si:r����l.i.c�ht:y, w�c, �ac:c��i��c�xr►q i:c� i:r�E� Cantmuni,i�;y I.�@?Ul?I.l'.1(;?I11Ca11�: t:l')C��, c, '7��:h� Avc�nu� i.� K�r��sen�:ly a n�rr•c�w, �>dv�c� si:r�c��i: wal�hin a �+0 fioc7t w9.de r•a.r�hi�—uf-...way, Th� ucr�i:ical �r•ura.te c�a�s nui: cunfcar°m i�o cur•r�r�t cull.pc:i�or• s�r�c��1: s1:�n�l�r�c�� fc�r• sic�Pit das�:aric.:� ale�nc� tr��:� �uk>j�c� sxt.e? : rr�an1:at��, 'TN�a �xisi�ing si:r�c�ei: h�s a hill and i�wu c���ar�s�i.i7ns which wuu].c� r•�qui.re rJ.�i:i:�nairiy i:o m����: i�h� c���sa.c�n Cp�ii:eria. C7c:�uelc��inc� �:hiy sLr��t wca�alci r•�quir•H i:he cni:i.�^� wicith i�n k�e r��cr�ns�r�wci:t�d and wuuld im�ac�: K�rc��a�ri:i.Eas c�r� t�h� o�>K>c>si.�� sic�� r�r 19tF� Ftu�!, "I"rier�c�rur•�, half....si�r�et im�ruucam�ni:s w�.�u�.d nut k�e �aractical at i:hii� 1:S.m�, <' '' c�, An ini�:�►^r�a�. str•c��1: is �ar�c�K�G,:�>r�c� wi.f�:h a �Q fuat �Earri:�r�liri�:� r���c�i.tas cur•ve wi.i�r� an �dj�c��nt knuck�.� wr»r� i�N�H Cuir�murii�y I��vN�.apmtr►t C�de r•�c�ui.r~�s a lUq-...fc�ai: mirra.n►um cEtr�i:er°l.inE� rac�i�as curue, ; a. The K>raraus�d sturm c�rair�ac�E? sysi:�m cu�.1�t;Cs runuff wiLhir� th�E� s�.ik�di.vis9.c,n �nd dis�.h�rc�cas an i:h�� ��asi: s9.ra� ufi 7��1�h� AvF�nu� �i: ��c.hi acc��ss dr•�u�. f. l"Fi� pr�c�posf�c� sanii�ar•y s�w�r sysl�c�tn c��nrieci�s t� an �xix�:i.r�g syst�m d��r�uxin►�1�4a1.y 6'ap 1=eet i:o i:h� saui�Fi a�.uny 7�thi Avc�riue and �r�uu�.ci�s sFruic�.a t:n i:h�� K�rnpusec� l.c�ts �r�d tt� fui:ur�e deve.lupn►�:�n� tu thc.a w�:�t. STAf"F Ftk�F�UFtT -- S 88..�01 •- PAt:,�' 2 , �.r"�. ..a _..,. ., _.__.,._ - , , i [iuil.di.ng Zris��ecti.<�n D��aar•tmcani: indicates t�:h�i� star�m a�nd sariitary sewer� racS.li,i�ies �ar• 1:h� exisi:ing dwel.linc� wi11 have to k�e u�rif-aPd. :�f i�h� f�c:ilii�ies cr�c.,ss c�v�r� new pr�,��ri:y li.n�s, i�he faci.l.:iti.fas wi.11 hau� �u � k�� ma<irri�d nr Eaa�nme�nts wil.l r�E�d i:o be c�rani:�d. ' � 7he 7'igard fi�.hua7l. [li.si:rici: hds na c�bjeci:iuns �Lo 1�hr� pr�upc�sal and th�e ' disi:ri.ci� inda.c:��:c�s �h�t sc�rua.ce 1a�u�1 is adequate tu s�r�ue the �ar•u�useci pr•uj�c.�, C�eneral. T�l.c��ahon� inc�i.c�tes nc.� ubjer.i;�.an �a thie pr•npc�sal. and i�hat th� ci�v�lnper� will hauc� tc� �rauide a].1 necess�ry i�renGhinc� �nd 4".S.nch PVC r•a�c� crossings, l"he Tiqard Wai:�r• Dis�r•ici�, PC3E: dn<� "C'u�J.ai�xn Rural F'�.r� Pr�c�i:ec:i�i.c.�n pistrS.et have no obj�ci�i.on i:u i�he i�•�qu��t, Wil.lam�l;t.� Cab].r� l"V r•Hq�aesl: A6 huur•s nc��:i,c� �a�^iar• tc� u�c�nnq af ui:i.].i.ty trenches ar�d that twu 2--inch NU(, concluits h�� instal.lr�d �i: each str��z�t crussinc�, No �th�r^ c�.�mm�.an�:�t have b�c�n r�er.eiv�d, B. F"II11�7�N(35 AND taqlUGI.USIUN� The r�l.�van� �:.rii;er•i� :in thi� Lhais ar��.a "I"a.c�ar•ca C;c.�mprehensiue Plan Paa,i.caes 2,1 , 1, 7. 1 ,?_, 7,3, 1, 7,A,�, 8. 1. 1, �nd 8. 1 .3 �tnd Caitnnurizty pc�uel,�.�pm�ni: Cc�d� c.ha�t�r�s ].8.57_, ].8,�2, 16, 1fi0, l.8, ].6?„ �nc� i.E3, J.fi4, Sa.rice i:h� Tigard Cumpreh�nsiu� Pl�n has hc-:�n ac�knuwledged, i�h� St�t:ewi.d� Pl.�nni.ne� Gual.s and Gu9.d��l.i.n�s nc� l.onc�er• rie�d tc> �a� addr•esy�d. The planr�ing si�arf- c��nc�.udes i:h� �arnraas<�]. cumpli�s ur• wY.�.l cca�r��ly with th� rka�.F�vari� Pl�ri �aali.ci.es ancl Cnc��.� cr�ii;�r•i.a ha�sed u�c�n �:h�� fi.ndi.ngy naLed be�.c�w. 1 . Pali.cy 2., t. ], is sai:i.sfi�d la�.acause th� n�ic�r�h�arhnad �l�nr�i.nc� ur�c��nizai:iun, sui^r�uur�c�irig pr•up�r�i:y awr��r•s we�^e yiuc?n not�icc nF th�.a h��:��r�:iric� and �n o�K�uri�uni,i;y tu r.��mmerifi: nn tr�e a�>�l:i�ar�i:'s pr�u�u:tal, 2. I�UI,a.Ces 7, 1.7.., 7,3 , 1, �ind "I,A.A c�n b� sat:i.sfied k��c.ause �dec�4i��e �cawer•, wai:�r• and stur�m dr•air�au�e faci.lit9.es wil�1 be recX�air•c� to ser�ve i�h� d�velc��m�nt �riur• �:�� a��ruval of �:h�� fiir�a:� �l.at„ TP�e ap�licant i.ru�ic�tes i:hies� f�ciliti�s will. b� pruvi.c�F�d within the suk>c�i.uisic�ri as r�ec�uS.r��r� by ci.l:y si�andards. 3 . P��l.icy 8. ]. , ]. e��ls f-nr 1�hp �aruvisi.un uf a safE� and ef-ric:i�ni: sl�reet sysi:�m wh�xcMi �c:c��ir�m�,c�a�c.a:�� pr•�?:�ent anci fut:ur�c ne�ac�s. As discus��d i.n L-Ni� cumm�rii:s fr�urn t�k�e En�in��r�ir�g Divi�ian i�h� var��iane.� r�c.ac�ue3i: wa.11 b� ar;cepi�ak>1.�, 7his as pri.ir►�►^ily b�t.�us� of tFie low tr�aff-ic vUl.umes ar�l-,ici�aat�d an i:his si:r���t sec�iun. �aTA�'F' RE�POF2°I" -- S 6�-01 _.. K>AGE 3 �+. Pu].icy 8, 1 ,3 wi�.l b�� satisfied wh�ri i:h� cundii�ic.�rts uf a��arc>val r�l.ata.nc� tu yi:r�ca�t a.mp;�our•am�ni:s are eum�l�tpd iri c�njunctXUri wa.tl� th�a fi.nal. �1ai:, 5. Chia����^ J.�,52 nf i:Nia C�,d�.a car� k�Fa sai:a.sfiied i� �wz� an►�nc�i7i�ni�s ar�e inac�� t� i�h� prapcas�ad pl.a�i:. �'ir�s�, a�proximaL••�ly sev�n uf the pr��pns�c� lo�:s ar�.? less thi�n i:h�� miriinuam J.�i� sice c�t' S,qqQ �qu�r�e fe�t. "fh�r�e �pp<aars to be sufricxent �rea wii:h�.n i:he d�ue.l«pmenl: tu rear•r�angr� L.P�� parr.el.s scti thai: all. wz11 b� able tca mec!t �L••h� minimum 1��at sice. Second, the �xisLir�c� r��.,use d��s riot ap�>��±ar to have i�he mxriimum s�i�k��ck r��qui:r�m�ni� ar 15 fe�t fur � r�eat^ yard. i, :Ln adc�iti.un, i:he appl9.cant shulal.c� be aduis�d i:hi�t a 5--fuat side 'I yar�d r•ec�uarem�ni� wi.l,1 �l.sc� b� r�qui.r�ed for i:he existing hc��ase. ' I 6. Chi�K>i:er• 16,�2 is s�ti�rXcad b�caus� i�hie pr�n�r»�d c�ensi�y fs � car�sisi:�rii: wit:h Ccad� r��qu�.r��m�r�i:�. 7. (1r�a�t�r 18, 160 is satx�fi,�d because 1:he pro�an�al mECi:s �h� r��u�air•Eam�ni�� �e1� for•1:Ni fiur� i�hie s�ak�niissiun aricl appr�ual of a pr�liminar�y plat. B. CMi��>t�r• i,6, 162 c�n k��:� cam�aJ.a,�c� wi1:h ii' eertdiri e.�ar�ditic�ns ar��� met. Tha t��mmunS.ty D�ueluK>ni�rit Cucie pr�uvic��s a twu....�i:�p review c�f lca�: J.9.n� ac�justm�n�s. A �ar�eJ.iirii.nary a���l.�.c�i:xun is firsi: �val.uai:�d aric� a decisiun is macie. If this �r�liminary a��>].i.c�ti.c�n is aK>K�roved, a final a��alic�t.9.an is i:hen suk�mxti��d cuntaini.ng �h� f�irial lai: line adju�i�merit map and l�c�al d�>cr•a.K�i:i.�.,r�, Fu].J.awii��g ci�.y a�a�>rc�u�J., th�ca m��a anc� J.ec�aJ. d��criptS.ons ar�e r��c,or�d�a wS.f:h Washinc�tun Cauni�y. A fa.nal l.c�i� line ac�jusi;mc�n�: maK> and legal, d�scri�ai�ion shall b� r��quir�nc� for Faach adjustm�ni: thi�t acc.urs ur�d�r the pruvi.siuns uf th:is prr�l.i.minar�y dp�r•ova]. . l'he md� and d�scr�i�n�i�ns shuuld inctuc�e ir�f-ur�matic�n i^ec�arding i�he pr��eise lucal�inn af ex9.sting u�ali.�9.e� an� cir•iveways , A ceri�iPi.c�tion fr�um �r� enc�an�er• shnuld k�� prauid�ci wr�i.ch indir:aLes i�hat the adjusi�m�nt wi.l.l noL- aduer�s�ty arfr�ci� exis�i.ng u�i.].il:i�s or thi�t i�he facil.i.ti.�s wi.].1 r�� r•�locai:�d �u �he �ai:isfaci:ion �f 1�he utilii:y com�aany(s) irivulv�cl, Rny exK�EansHS K��r�i:�i.nirtg ui�ility relur.ai:ian will. b� bur�r�e Fay th� deu�lu�aNr. It: sh��ulc� alsa be nu��ci t:hia� tF�c� R•--7 conc has a min�.mum aver�ac�� lut wic�i:h r�t�uir�ements uf 50 r�ei:. Many of the laLs within 1:he pr�a�c�sad suk�d9.v9.sian hiau� a 50 fu�1: lot widLh and �h�r��fore, wil.l not be �lic�ibl� rar• an adjusi�in�nt wi.�hou� �h� �ppr�oval uf a v�riaryce. Fll.s�, tFi� 5 fu�7� sic�e yard rec�uir�emeni�: shall r�►n�in in eff�c:t as w�ll as i:r�e 15 rua� driv�way sei��aa�ck r��c�uiram�nt contained i.n the 7i.garc� Munici�aal Code, Secti.un 15,QA.QBQ(b) . Var•ianc�s u� waiupr•s of i�hese r�Pquir�ments sha11 be view�d wfth d3.sfauor�. S'TA�F l2�.PO�kT -- S 88-•01 -- PAt3� 4 . 9. Chap�car• 1�, ifaA of fi:hc� rc�dc wx11. hae satisfx�d c�Giranc� i:Fie a�prnu�]. ' �ar�ocess fur i�hie final p�,a1:. Miriur mudirie�txur� waS.l riave i;n be mac�� t:e.� 'lut;s i.A and 15, sc� tN�at: bc7i�Ni wi.l.l h�v� �a inirtiiiriuni uf 2�'> fiEa��i: car rr�nni:�c�e �apc�n i:he :ii;rcaEai� �:a m��E�i; �cit�e i^�.�c��air~��m�nts cc�ni:aS.n�d in i:hi.s ch�a�i��r (Sec, 18.1fi�+,Q6p(k�)) . (�. REta4MMkIUDA'r:CQN Baxed u�acar� i�h� �k�a,v� firoc�inc�s, thE� pl.arininy si:�afii' rcue�n�ni�rtds appar•�.�ual. ` ur ,^� 88•��.01 suh�j4a�:i: �o i:ri� fal.lawir�g cundii:S.ons; (�1:aff con�:ac:t K��ii�hi L.i,den c��nd�.i:i.ans l., 2; C,�r�y F�l.fs�ar� c��nc�it:ic�ns 3 -...].3 639.-�A17�.) , 1. Al.l ].ui;s shal.]. hae a min9,mum uf 5,000 square fe��t wii:h a minimum au�r�zg� lcai: wi.cltri �:�f 5q fe�i�, Al.l l�.,ts shall have� a mir�i.mum str��ei: r��aritac�� ur 15 i�F�ai�, 2, Wii:hi i�h�c� �axcca�a�i.c,r� ui' l,ut:s ?,3 anc� ?..5, al..l lo�:s sh�ll. c.�+nly havEa acGess i:o tN» ini��r�r�al. suF�divi,siur� si�r�.�eLs, I 3 . An dgr•e�menl: sh�l.l. k�� �xEar.ul;�d by �hc aK>�a).i.car�1�, un far�ms I �rovid�d k�y i:Mie (,ii:y, which waivF�s i�he pr•up�r�i:y awn�i^'s ric�hits �:u �� re�7�ar�si:r�i;� �gai.r�st � fiui�ur� lacal ampravem�rii� c�S.si�r�.ci: far�m�r� ta impruvP /9i�h Au�?nu�, I�, 4. F�ddi.t�.���7d.1 r�ighi�_..of_��way shal.]. k�� dw�c�:ic�tHd i�c� �hr� pubJ.ac. a).c�r�_ry. i:h�e suk�jFar.L sii:� pr�upEar•Ly rr�oni:�c�e i:�� a.ncr•�a�s� t:h� r•S.�hit....of...way tc� 30 feFai: fir••c�m c�r�t�r•].i.r���. T'h� d�scr•iK>t�.un sh�d1J. k�E� i�ied i:c., tri�.a �xi�i:ir�g righit--ur•-way c.enter�liri� �ai•�d shal.l Fa� a��aruucad lay i:he E.r�c�inEaE�r•inc� �cci:i.c�n, 5, `('h� twc� prc��o5�c� �ec�ss�s i�:t� 79�h Aur�r�u� :�hiall bc.a �:�.,r�sl�r�uci;�.ac� i:c� ma�:cri i:he fut�ur�e gr•�de of 79LHi AuEanue, A �r�afil.� uT 79th Au�n�ae sha].1 k>e r�c��air•k�d, exi�enc�iric� 3pp f��i: �.?xt:Nicar sida? c�f i;hie pru�ca��d subdiu9.5ion, shawirig i�h� �xi.si:9.r�c� ceani:��^line c�r�cie �rid a pr��u�acased futurc� grad�, 6. T'he r�c� c�s�d �iU reE�1: r�ad9.�as curve and ac�'accani� kriuckle sN��l.l b�.� p p J allu�a�ad as a uar•i.ar►ck tn I;hn (auiriinunii�y i�evela�am�n1� Cuc�e. 7. Th� pr�u�a�.�scac� inl:kar��na]. si�r�e�i:s 5I'ici�..L b� c��ai�is�rur,.�c.ar� i�o ].ocal si�rc�c�t s��nci��r�c�s as sNtawn an i�he submi.i:�:cad �ar�pl9.miriary plai: acc:ar�c�i.nc� i:c� tN�e C:�.,miraianai:y Deu�l,upment: C�c�e and Gai:y c�f l"a:r�ard Desic�ri Si:an�iards, ,� . '. ia r� c�t�.culatx�.,n a basxri 8, TNie a �.ican� shaJ.J. rc.u�.c�� starir� clra�r , i 9 �� K� ' m�►p ar�d i�he ripcess�r�y im�r��auE�t�eriL� i;n eunu�y ui'f--��.L� �rid un•-�iLe ' rur�ofir acruss �rie s9.1;�.� �nc� tu c�S.sc.Niar�g� th�� ruric�ff ini�o �xi.s�i.nc� cir•air�ac�ew��s wi.i:P�nu� sir�riifi.c.ar�tly a.mpac:tirig �r•op��L-i.�� duwn str�ram. Roraf- rain dr�i.nac��.� shal:l a�.su b� pruv9.d�.ad tG� tN►e pub�.a.c �tr�r°m cir•a:in sysi:�m ur sr�aXl k�e pr�uvit�f�d an sxt�e �a as nut i;o dr•�i.ri an{�c� ac�jacE�ni� pruper�i�i.es. ti'1'AF"F F2�PQF7T •- S 88-Q1 -- PA(�E 5 �. ■ 9. "C'hi� a�r�li<:�r�fi, sh�3.1 �r•ouidc� sani.t�ry sewer• . s�rvi.ce i�u the pr����ausc=d l.uts, sh�l.1 pruuxd� t°ui;ure seruice tu the ad jac�r�t pr•u�»r��y i:a i>h� wes� �� shiuwri ui•i i:hic submi�i�ed pr•�li:min�ary �J.a�, �rid sh�ll alsu axi:r-..nd i:h� sanii�ary s�war pipc�.lin� �lUr�� 7�tNi f�u�riuE� tc� t;hi� nur�i�Mt �arupc�r�ty 1in� 1:a �rc�va.c�� fut.ur•e scruice tu pra�:�c��1:i.�s i;u i.hc� r►uri:h. A cunneci:i.un per�mit sMa11 �a� r�quir•pd i:n cUrir�ec.1� Lu thE� �xxsi:i.ng �dr�i,tar�y sewer sys�r�m. ip, Si:r�r�c�t Cenl:er•li.ne Munum�n'�ai�xun sh�ll b� pravi.ded as f�l].ows: i ], . 1:n �cc��r�clahcEa w�.tF� OR�� 92,Obp suhas�etic�r� (2), 1;F�� '. c�ni:�rl.'�n�s uf al.l. �tr����t and r•uadway ���r,t�.--ur�.�,W�y shal.l, � b� nti�r�un�E�ni:�:�r� ;aefur�� t.h� City shral�. �c:e�K>i': a sfi::r�ect � imp����?stFairt�nt. , + �. All cent�.ar�li.rt� mc�r�um��ni:s shal.l. b� Krlac�.�c� in � mur�ument k�ux � curifwrming i:u City si.andar•ds, arici tha i:op u1= all inunuir��nt h�c>xes sh�ll. k�� se� � desxc�n finisM� grad� uf said si:r•e�t �.�r r•u�atiway, � 3 . Th�� fc�l.lawinc� ceni:��r�J.inc� murium�nts sh�1]. k�� s�i�:: � � a. All c�ni:�rlinp—cNni:erl.9.ne ir�t�r•se�:tiuns . � 1n1��r�s�cti.c�ris ur�ea�ed wii�h "a�.,l.�.r�c�.�.,r•,� ur• ut:Nier� � exi.yi:irig str•i=��s, sha.11. be s�at wh�n Lh�� c.�n��r•l.in� r al.i.grnrier�i: caf >�i.c� "c�:�1],ec�or•�� or• uth�r� s1:r•�ei� h�s � � k��en ��i�abli.sh�d by ur• fur• �he �;ii�y. � b. C�rii�er• of a1J. cuJ._..r�e--s��s, c. Cur�v� puXn�s. F�aint ui' ir�ter�ecLian (P.I. ) wMi�r► ii'; ;, i:h�i.r� p�as9.i:9,�:�n �'alls ir�sad� i:h� �.S.mi.ts nf �h� � �aduem�n� ai�r��rwise k�ec�inning ar�d endinc� poxni�s (F3.C. �nd E:,p, j , �_ r� , AJ.:I. sariatar�y anc! si�:ur~m ].ucai;i.uns shal�l� �ca �l.�ced a.r� ' pasii:ioris Lhat cia.�nut inter�f�►^e wii:h ceni:�r�ine '`� mc�num�ni:�tl:iari. �1 , ATi:�r rc�ui.�w and app��uual k�y i�h� I�ir�c,tar• uf Gummunity �'' qev�].apir��rii: �r�c� th►� �;zi�>y E�n�i.rt�er, the f'�.naJ. p1�i�t sho�1,�, b� x� ,' r�ecurded with W�sha.nc�tc�n Guunty. ` a:: r: ,� 17.., Seuen (7) s�i�s of �a�.�n �ar�ut'il.� �aubl.ic im�rouem�n� ccanst:ructi.un �: p].�ans �and une (1) ii:emi.;��d cunsi:r�uct:iun c:ust �s�a�mai�e, si:ani�a�d k�y �' � Regi.���r•�d Pr���r�ssi�nal C9,ua.l. Fngi.neer•, clei:ailin� a].1 prra��sed k; public im�aroveir�carti:s sha].�. k�e submit��d i:u the Engin��rir�g ;ect:fun � fur� aK>K�r•c�ua�.. ;, c , ;. ;, �, , i t r , STAFF 12EPqR'T �-� S 88�01 �w Pt�(�E 6 � i t i�3 , Corrs�r�uei:9,c�r� c�f �ar•�pa;��cl raGiblir. �.mK�ruuem�ni:� shi�aJ,l. nui: c.��inm�:�n�.� unt9.1 af1:�r� i:hta Fnc�inr�er�a.ng Sect�iUn hias appr���ved p�ak�l.ic im�rnuEam��nt p.l�ns , 7hc� s�ci:xuri wi.l.J. r•�quir•� K�c�sl:ing of a ].q49'o Per•rormanr.e E3und, i:he payment af a p�r�n►it fc�� anc� � sign ins��aJ.lai�a.an/si:r�Ei:l.i.ghi� f��, AJ.sa, �:Hie execu�i�.,n af a si:re�1: a�a�i��ing p�r�mi.t c>r cansL-r�uci�ion cc>mpliartce a�r•�ement shall c�c:cur� pr•ior �a, ur� cc�ncurrEr�t].y wit:h� i�:Fir� i.ssu�nc.� uf ap�pr�c�tile�l puh�l.ic a.mp�^uv�am�n� p).aris. 1�. Thxs ���r�r.�ual. shiall exK�irE with�iri ��n� y�ar� of i�hi�.a fi.nal d�?c:isiur� dai:e, (Si�aff coni:ac� K�ith I..,S.c��n) Tha F�l.anriir�c� Da,r�c.i:nr• a�>K�r�cav� M 8�.._.q3 suk�jF�ct tu t;P��� fullawi.nq cundxtians: 1. AI..L. CONL7]:1"TC�NS SHAL,I. E3E: ME"C' P�214R l"O REGOF2Ct1;NG AtUY Lb1° L1;IUE: F�D'TU�1"Mt�:IU"I'S W:C"I"t�IN 7MI8 SUBIJTVTS:rqN W�'TH WASM:IIV(s'1"pN ("()UN"i'Y. I 2. 'fFie firial. l�.�i: linc� ar�jus�:ir�ent ��>��1.ic:�i:xon(s} shiall bca revi.ew�d � �nd ap�ruu�ac� by �h� Pl�nning I)ir�ctur•, xn adcizi�iun i:u t:h� ' rec�uir•�nir•ani;� nfi S�c:{�iciri ].6, ],62.,q8� ofi 1�hc:� Cc�c�� (c.c��ay er�c,.losed), ' tl7e ��apl.ic.dnt shal]. �arauide ini'ar•mati.un a.l:lustrai:in<� i:hc� 1uc:ai:i.an � of a11 ut�i.la.i�y fac.:iJ,a.i:aes i.n i:P�e vi�:ini.�y af i:Mic� pr�up�r�i�y line(s) , tu be �djus��ci, (cnntact Keith l.i�i�n G39•-41/1) . '� i 3 , A rec�xstEar•ecl en�9.near� shaJ.l. r.:�r•tif'y �::hai: 'eacri fir�al 1ui� 1in� i adjusl�m��n� wi..11 nut hiaui� an ddu�rsc im�a�ci: u�aon i:he ui:i..lity � ser�vic.ks wii:hrn th� suk�c�ivisican, (Cani:a�i�; Gary �lfsur� 639--A171) . i A, F�ny relucat�ian af ui:il.ii�iE�s shal.l ha� �ppr�auwr� i�y l�hc a�a�ra�r��.a�:e II ui:il.ii:y cc�m�aany, A1.1 cc,:ai�:� i.ric:urr•�d sha].J. bk� b�.7rri� Fay i:l•i� ciEauE�l.ap�r• or• ].ot uwner~, (Cunl:ac�:: Gary A11=sun 63�•--A171j . I i 5, Var��ianc:F ar waxv�r� rec�G�es1: ��> 1:h� si.c�� y�r�c� s�i�b�r.k mi.n9.mum l.ofi: II sizc� u�^ minimum lut widi�h requir��m�r�l:s ar the R.._4,5 cane ur� th� I dr�.iveway sei;haack sLand�r•d irr tti�+ TMC; i.8,QA,pBp(k�) sF►al�. b� vi.ew�d wi�h disf-avur�. (Cuntact: K�i�h L_ir�en ur J�rry Uff-er 639�-4i.11) . 6. Ori� nr mc�re f=ir�a1 1«� la.n� ac�ju�i:m�n1� �K>�>li.c�l:iur�s may be fa,1�d I , rur l.ots wiL••hin i:he suhadiuisiun as pr�avided by �h� abuve curic�ii:ioris, T'hiis ��K�r��u�l shall. �x�ir� wii:rixn une� y�ar� af th� II 'in t�ecisiun ci�1:�, , '� ' .._.....___ _.___._.�- !:-�'`"`--�-���� �Zi!.ri�-�=�- I N12'L-"PARFa BY; Keii:h Li.c��ri AI�nRpVkp BY�__Rancia].l� R. Wauley , Scani.or• Plarir��r� Aci�ariN par•�ci:car• nfi i, Cainmuna.l:y �eveln�amerit I ii (c�j/319E3u) I Ill�i �I ST'F1F'f� RE:F�QRT ... S 88.�_.Q1 -� f�AGE 7 ' � - . _. _... _ _ _ I � 1 . � �� f ( i NARFiATIVE FOR TRUDY PARK SUBDIVISION k A. EXISTING CONDITIONS � k 1 . The site i� Tax Lot 4100, 25-1-12CA and is comprised of Lo�s 21 and 28 and the south 136 feet of lot 36, Durham Acre Tracts . The �rea is 4.70 acres. � � 2. The comprehensive plan shows this land as medium k � density residential , with the zoning as R-7. � i i � 3. The site is presently being utilized for one single �i family home, which will remain on a lot in the proposed 1. subdivision. The txact slopes gently southeasterly to ' the natural drainage course near the southe�st corne.r of ' the property, as shown on the Preliminary Plat . The r. drainage continues easterly under S.W. 79th Avenue and ,;' to Fanno Creek . � � •i; 9�� 4. All utilities and drainage facilities are available or `' can be extended to the site to make the proposed pr�,iect �' � a full service subdivision. �;' .i. 5. Service availability statements have been requested from '' the School District , Water District and Fire Di.strict . : They will be provided to, staf.f upon receipt . B. PROPOSED DEVEL.OPMENT ;;�'I �� 1 . As shown on the preliminary plat the development will contain 29 lots which is consistent wi.th the existin� zonin g which would allow 33 lots. . �: shown on the reliminar lat, the most southerly 2. As P Y P street will be constructed in the existing drainage way. The drainage will be intercepted at the west propertY line o� �he project and piped through the project to discharge' fii�'ere it pr�sently does on the east side of = S. W. 79th Avenue. ��� �: r. 3. Sanitary sewer will be made available to the site by ;:'; extending the existing sewer at the north line of Bond Park No. 2 north in S.W. 79th Avenue, a distance of ;' approximately 650 feet. �`' ;I 4. Water will be supplied from the existing 8-inch lin� in � � S.W. 79th Avenue. � 5. It is requested that minor lot line adjustments of up �o f four feet be allowed to accommodate future home buyer� `I specific needs as to housing style and size. The lot !:. t; �.; � �;; � 1'. }. l�, I y lin� adjustments that may G� pr���sed will b� eubmitttd ` � to staff for approval along with an engineer "s ' evaluation of the effect upon the existing utilities . 6. A variance is requested from the subdivision code �ection 18. 164. Q30 STREETS - M. Grades and curves , t� allow a center line radius of 50 fee� rather than the required 100 feet in the proposed loop street. Supportive data follows : a. The current Washington County Uniform Road Improvement Design Standards , which were adopted July 22, 1986 and agreed to by a �emorandum of understanding by the City of Tigard on the same date, allow a street to be designed in the same manner as we have shown. In £act, the County 's Standard Drawing NO.M-405.5 requires an inside curb radius of only 25 feet and an eyebrow curb radius � of 36 feet, our proposed curb radius of 33 feet and eyebrow radius 42 feet exceed this standard . b. The City's required curb radius at an intersection , is 20 feet. The proposed 33 foot radius will � increase the ease of traveling around the corner . � ' c. An estimated 50 to 70 trips per day will access to S.W. 79th ave. from the lots that would most likely utiliz� this portion of the street. It is ' ' reasanable to expec,t that one-half o£ these trips � will access to S.W. 79th ave. at the south ! i intersection which will result in a low traffic count on the curve. � ` t r ['° .�. . ;', i;`,`. . z � ;:` �; . � k • � : . �, i". � ;`� . _ •, . . oF DOCIJMENT AC;E:NDFI x:l"k:M 5.5 pt.ANNTfU(y (�pMM:CSS;LbN 1=E:E3RUFtC2Y 23, 198fs M[:MOf2AlUDUM Cx:"I"Y C.�F� 'T7:C,F1RC), QRE�C7UN �1,b: 'TF�e I�lanriiric� Cummi�siur� f=��ar�iaar�y 18� ].988 FF7t)M; C)ek�car•aM S1:�aar�1:, ASSist�ariL Pl.ar�ri� SUF3:J'l:C'1": ZOA 87�--q1 STCN CQI�� ItEV:C;3.T,UIVC, — Dr��r� �+ A1:1�ach�.ac� ar•� the laL�si: r•evi.siuns i:� Cha�a�:er 18. 11.A uf i:hi� Communi.i:y p�u�lc��amEi7i: (���de wNiicFi tiisc.uss�s sic�ns , 'Tri� chi�r�c��s �.n�luc�ta; ; 1 , Inser•i;i.un ��f ri�w c�i.mensa.c�ria]. cr•ii:�r�ia fi�tir• fir�e:�i;anrlin�,� a��icl wal.l. si.c�ns a.ri the C.._N anci t�....P zanS.ric� distr•ici:s; 7... Remav�l ar �1tEar•�i;ii�ri cif pr��vxsi�.7r�s wh9.cr� r.u�aJ.d b� int�r��r•et�cl as ��g�a�ai:S.nq sic�n c:urii�c�nt, :���r-r- cuns�alte�d wiLh i:he C:�i:y f�i�i�urr��y �ai: sum� J.�ngi�Ni, 5ecta.on �.8, ].].A, 130 s1:S.].l. ne�ds impr•c�u�m�!n1: wi1:M� r��3�J�?C:� 1�ca curii�c�rii: iss�aes; 3 , A c�istinctiorr is nc�w m�c�Ea ha�1:w��n i��m�>arary si.gns ar�c� (t�irip�:�rary) l.awn sic�ns. 1"h� 1�at:L��r i���K>I.acN �ruvisiuns fa►^ polit'GC�1, ].Cal•?r'.l�.U�].C:cl�.. I, re19.c�i.caus, et:c„ signs whS.c.hi ir►���rc,�ar�i���.al.y r<�gu].at�d sic�n c�.�ri1:�r�i;. I_�wn i �iyns wi.Xl be caxk�mp�i: fr•om �er�mit r�quir���mEani�s; A, Seci:a.��n 18, i.].A,Q7q(1) K�r•uuac�es n�w r�eguJ.atians fnr� sa.gns un vF�hic].HS; 5, .�aP.C1:lUl'1 18, 11A,085 now s�>�lls ��ut h�7w starf w9.11 measur^p si�ns; 6. Scaufi;i.�.,n 1.8, J.�.4,p9U al..luws a kxa��.r��ss ar• busi.n�sses i�u d9.��aJ,�y c.�nc:� b�1.J.nari � <.arid un� NaarinE�r u�a��ri i:N�� inii:ial c�p�nirsc� of t:hai: business <�s per� (;c�unr.i.l i c�ir•ect�:aur�. A si.gn �a�r�mi.i: will. k�e rec�uir�ec� fur� bui:h; , �, �fm�nsions for^ i:�m�aur�ary sic�ns hav� be�n incr•�:as�d tu 30 scXuar�e �f�Ei: far ` I w�ll b�riner�s �ncl 6�► sc�uare fiec.at rc�r• A-�•�i=r�an�� �i.c�ns, ]:m�>rc�v�mE�ni�s fic�r� r.ans9.si�ency �u �his s�acl:9.un ar�� si:i.l.l n�c�cied; g. Nf?W I"E!�W�.cl�:].OYISi �'lalU4? I.7E!Eal't ].C15EY'�:4?(a fpY' E?lf?Cj:Y'UYl].0 (IlE!S�i�lC�i! C�I'1�fdY'3 J.CI s��t�i�n �.s, �ia.a9o�d) , r��/a�z�� � t.�, ;`'`'i j;:;� 1 r.' IIC:.Af��.��.��� I'ill 1A. 11A .,...__.. ......_SICiIU� 16. 114.Q1G Pur�ca.5�:� (�) Th� pur��ans� uf i:his (�r,�r���r• is ; (1) "I"c� K�r•c�i;�.�c�: i;hi�a I�i��al.i:hi, safic�t�:y, K�r�uper�t:y ar�cl w��lfar•ca caf 1�h�E� �tah�.i.c; (7_) Tn im�aruv� i�Pic� nE��t:, cl�an, urc��t�•1y and �t:�r•auti.ve ��a�a�ar•�ric:ra u1' i;N�e i:c>irimur►a.i:y; (?) Cl"a im�rc�v� trie �fifiet:i:i.u�n�ss afi s�.c�r�s in i.d�r�t9.t'yinc� �ric� �civcr�i:isir�c� businEasses;] 7c�.... altcaw and �c�m��te ..�ausx�ivc _conditioris_�f�r� meei�in�_.sirc,�.n .._....___ _.._......._. us�r•s' needs whi.l� at the same i:ime �vuidinc�_nu,i.sances tn ._._._._......._..__._..._.,_._.._..�___._....__....Y..............._........�..,........._.,__._...�........_..�. rieark��._..�ru�rtie5� (A) 7o pr•c�uiciEa Tar• s�zf� e.ansi�r�uc�Lxur�, 1c>e.at:iuri, er��?ci:iar�, �rid mairi��ri�nce uP si,c�r�s; (5) To K>r�eu�r�1: pr•c.i�.a.fkar��i.��ar� ni� sic�ns anr� sic�n cl.uti��.�r•; aric� (b) Tu Iil1�lt.iT11.�'0 �dv�r•s� va,sual sat'��ty f-a<:i�ur�s tu puk�li.G: riic�hway i:r�av�al.�rs , (ks) �:n ac�c�ii�aun, it: is �hi� pur�>c.�sc� uf 1�Pii.s CNi��i:�r Lc, regu7.�ate i:hic� <��asic�n, <�u�lii�y af matErials, curisi:ructiuri, lnc:�ai:i.ur�, el.�actr�i.fic:a�:i�.,n, iJ.lum�.ndi:i.�7ri anc� mai.r�t�nanc� c�f �1� sa.gris ui.siblc� i=rum p�ablic �ara�a�r•ty ur rr•um ra�ahalic r�ic�Mit:c.--ufi.._way. c , � , ( ) T.t xs i•u�t i:he pur•�aas�. af t�P�is (.,r�a�a�:er� tu K�Earnii.i�: i:he c:�r���c:t.iun c�r � m�ar�i:�r�arir.r nr any sir�n at any K>lace c�r� 9.r� any mar�rier ur��.awful unc��r� any ai:Nier• <�rc�inari�� ar• s1:d�e ar fied�r•al. law, 1_8. 11�►,,d.15,�,_p�f i i�i i�:i.o r�s (�) Fur tI'lfa �aur�>a:�>�:� nfi this Ch���<ar, wc�rc�s us�c� an i:hc� ����sen� 1��nsc.a iricl.iad� I:he fui�u�•�, i:N�c sinc�ul.ar numb�r xncJ.uc�es i:h�s plur•al, ��srial.l." xs mancla�ur�y anc� r�oi: ciir�ectur�y ancl "k��aildinc;�� i.rir.ltac��s "str•uctur��s' exc�w�t "sic�n s�r��aei�ur��s." (la) As us�c� an i�his f:ii:le, unJ.�ss i�rie cuntcxt r•cquir•c�s ni:rier�wis�, t�;h�.a �c711uwiny wurd� ar�c� �aha^asEas sh�tll haue the mear�ir�gs set fnr�th a.n tr,i.s c;P�a�>i.er�. (r.) 1"hic� c��fa.r�ii:i.nns i�u k�e use�<� iri tM�as Chapi:�r� ar�e iri ac�c�a.1:i.�.,r� i:u CP�a�i:�r 18,7_6 (U1�1=':I:IV:C'1";CpNS) arid ar•e as rulluws: (].) Ar�ca., Se��ectiun M18, 11A,085 for ci�f.�riiti�n c?f s�n area, C�=r�� �r�i�ir�p ar•Na wii:hiri any �y��� uf- per9.m�i:er� which ericlps�s i:hic� uu�er• limits nf` any wr�i�i.ng, repr�sent�ttxun, F?IT1k1�.F'1'fl, fi�ur�e ur� cr�ar�aet�r. TFte ar�a uT a sign having no suc:h �car�.iriet�r ur bc�rdcar sN�al.l b�a c�7mNuted I�y encl.asing tM►c 1QNE t�F2U�NRNC;� AM�Ni�M[�NT LOA �7--07 I�RAFT 4 -- PA(3E 1 (Q7./�,9/88) ! Fni;i.r� surf�ce �r��?a wi,i�hxn a pdr�allr�l.cagrair� nr 1:r•iangl�e, t�icn cnmpui:ing �:h� ar���a �r,�►����r-. Thi� ar�� uf a11 �i�ns iri �xiyi�E�r�c� ai: i;h�r� d�a1::H c.tii� a�c�c��ati.�i7 ufi this titl.ca, whei:hEr• '�I, r.urisar�mii7g ar nancar�furming, shiall k�� caur�tt�c� in est.�b�.ishixng i:hi�.a �c�rmii�t:ed sa.c�n ar�a af a1.3. �i.gns al�.aw�d fur� an ir�dS.vic��a�l. r�usir��ss un � pr�emisns. Wh��^� a �i.gri is af a tr�r���_..�c�a.m��risxc�rial. ur� rc�unc� ur� ir�r•�c�u],ar� sc�l.i.c� sh�K�e, �he lar�c��si: erass...seci:xun shal,l b� us�d in a fl.at pr•e�jer.i�:ic�n fc�r ,'i� pur�Kactise cafi determirian� si.gn aw�ea,;J (2) ",�" k3uard ;'�, [R�4��±r•s to �ny c�uuWl.e f�ce i��mpur�ary si.c�n whxch dc»s nu� exc��d tw�l.u� sq�aar� f�et per sid�.] See c�,ef i.r�itinn und�r�Tem n�r�. Si�n 18. 17.4�100_ �.3,�. Ftb�ndnr�ed .��n��A s,ign structur�e nr�t c�ntaining a s'�.__,�__rn fur� , 90 carttirtuptas d�s��r_.�si n�,nnt_, in use fur 90 continuous ...._._.........._...�.......�.......w.._ . ...�.._ ....�,...._ .�......w...__�. .....,,..._.._..�......._._......._._._....... d a�s, .�A ftwnan 5x ri A s�. ri xricur� or�atr�d :�ni:c� c�r� a�:�ach�d �u an r ...�. ...._..._.�_.._..:.�_. ..�.....�._..._,_.__..__..�..._ __ _ _. . awni,ng..� Awnin.c�._._.s. '�.,�c .ns _ m� not ._extenci,� abuve the _.u:pPer sur�faces nf 1:Me awninc� si:ructtar�,.�,.....��h.e.,�... may_..b? .,hung__b�.l�w r .__.._. ....._.,._�_._ __...�._ �he awnin xr i:he si n clear�s the sidewalk b ai: least 8 ' �.._......�.....�........�..._..�..�...._._�.._.�....�._._...__�..__�.,�..._.�......�.._.....'L...._.�...,�...._........,...._ 1/2 i'��t, 5�e definii:iori und�r 1"r�m ur�a�r 5�. n 118 1].4 tpq � �_ �a 11aan.:_.._ ..._._.._._..._,.�.__.,_.._.,_._..�...__�..,:..�..[?.._...lL...�.�.�_.�.,.,....__....�.._..�....r,_,._._....� � �6� Banner. S�e derinitiun.und�r Tem�orary.�x�,.n,...w18�11A,�.100� .�?).. C�3)1 E3�ric:Mi_Si;c�r�.__ A k��rich C:IEati1.4�C1f,?(� i�:c.7 se�i:. p�:�c��].Ea wha.cM ca�r�r•ies a wr�ii�i:en c>r gr�ar�h9.c inessage. .�8.�_ C�4)] Bil.lk�c>ar�c1. �Se� "Oul:duc,r� Adv�r•Li.si.ric� Si.c.�n,��� ��Bi�l.haaar�� Shall mean a s_iqn._,faca._�.up�or���d ��a billb�aarci �tr�,uci�ure_ ; _ .. _.. _ _ ._ } � �_ Bi.].lboarc� Str�ucture.�, Bil].bodr�d si:.ructure ., shall_,.mean i�Mi�, strMuci�ur�l�..fram�wnrk WI'11CI'1...S.U�9�Jt71'��:s a h�xllk�ua��d__.µ. µ . �.1Q.�. C(5)a E3u�ines�..;. F�11, c�f t:h� act:�viL9.e5 ca�•r�i.F�c� c�n by tr��a sam� lcc�al, eni:i.ty uri i:Pie same prc�mis�s �nd 'zncl�ac�ps �l.eemc�synary, fir•ai��rn�al, r•elag9.c�us, ec�uc.�i�iari ur� sucadl ur�g�na.x�i�i.ans, "l.�cyal enl:ii:y'� 7.{'1G�.lA(�f?�, M�u� is nut :l:iiriit:ed i:o, xnc�i.uic�Gi�l K�rupr•i��:urshi.p�, �aar�tn�r•shiips, cc�r•parati�7ris, nar�pr�ufi.i: cur��aar•d�iuns, assuci.atiuris, u�^ juirit �i�uck cc�nt�aari i e:s. �.].�. [(6)] E3ui.ld.ir► .._._Uff:icial_,_ 4t'fic:�r• cr� c��.a��.gr��� c�f i�r�� Ci.i�y F?ITI�I'1WE?M•�d ta �nfcar�c� i�h� Urii�ar�m Rui,lc�irig (�cade, [(7) �3usiri�ss of _pul:doar� Ac�ver�i;isxn�CT �ncl.�ac��s i:M�� busxrics� of curi�i�rur:i:ir�c�, Nr��ctiric�, arae�^atir�g, usir�<�, iroaini;aa.r�iric�, r�r� ' 1c�<asin� �.�ui�d�7�.,r ac�uc�rti.�inc� s�.gns,] .,�1.?.� [(8)] Car�str�ucL, �u�ry i:yp� uf �iispl.ay in i:h� rc.r��m uf- lei:t�rs, fi.c�ur�es�._cN�ar�acter�s, r���rc�sent:a�i.uris. ZQRIE URIJ�NANCE AMENDM[;NT �QA 87•-U7 1712A1=T A — pAGE 2 (Q2/].9/88) .�..?:��..�_ C�9)� C;u1:,uu�L� E;u�ry typ� ut` di.spl��y ir� the far�m nf letter�s, t::xgur•es, char^acikar�s, rnpr�sc�r�tat�.urr� ur� ui�h��ar•s i.n cui,��ai� ur ir�r��yul,ar� fc�r�in �at:i:�r:h��c� i��.� ar su�er�i.mK>��se<a upari � >igri �r �du�w�l:i.:sinc� s:��r�, .�.��.�_ C(�.0)� �?,�u�1�.�,�>iri��n.t , RE�vi�w. l"h� si.�.e devel.u�men�: _r•cuiew �ar�c�c�ss �._._.�..�.,.._ _.w...�... � ,..._....._ s�i: fur�Lh in �hapi��ir•s 18 17.0 ur 18 130 or 18 8Q, [(�.1) p,ir;�e�iunal__ 5.�x�c...n.._ Ref�r•� tu any si.r�c�lca ar• cinub�.e fac.ec�. per•m�ar��nt c�r• tempur�r�y si��r� c��sic�n�d tu �ir��ci: nr� i;a y��de p�.arl�sl:r�i<an �ar� v�hi<�ular tr��ffxc„ (A) ai:r�e�i:_..ur�X�nt�ci c�ir�eci:iur�al si,�c risT Ariy r�irt�ctiun�l. ..__.____.,.,_.�...._._....___.._.�..._...�....�...._.. ._.._.........� �iqri lc.,cai:��d �J.�:�rtg i:he ai�;r�.aei: fir�c,ni:ac�� ur� r��ar• ari a�.cc��s ur• tac�r���ss �o�.ni� nn � �arup�r��ty, Such sic�r�s �a�cri r•ec�uir•�.� � sic�ri K��.tirmii� �rid K��yn»r�t c�f �ssuciat�d fi��s, (g) pn.,-sit� dir�cti�n�J. sic�ns,� F�ny c�ir�eci:iunal si�n �._.....�._.�.,w..._..__...,�.._.._..__._......m.._... ar•eci��c� ur lc�r.a��d int�:er•n�].ly c�n r•r�a]. pr��K>�rty, Nc� si�n pHr�mi� ur• f�e sha11 be r�e<�uir��d far• sucFi s3.c�ns (x�.�a.n,a�a(�)(9>) �l �15� Dir•EZCi�iun�l. Si.c�.n:�.. A �,rman�nt�,..s�r� whicN� is d�sic�ned_.anc� � _ .._..... _..._........_.._._......._.,......�......_. �r•�c.f�eca sr�l�. . f��r�._.the _purK>a�E„ ...uf-._i�raffirw...c�r p�d�strian ? _.......�..__._�....w.�._.. ._�.- dir•eci;ian and_pldc�d _un th� .�..r.o1���...Y.__�a which tN�e_,public,...i.s I, c��i r•�c i:�c� .......�....� ._,__._......_.._ .�16�,. C(12.)a Ui�al.ay_.__.�urfidc�..... l"F�E� �r°���t mac�a �u�ti.:��ab1� k�y th� sic�n ; si�r~uc�:ur•E� far� the �aur•�aus� ur ,��.5pl�ya.ric� i:hip �du�r•t�is�.ng ur� " idarii:i.fic���.un m��sdc��, � (1..1� ('(].3)] El�ci:r�oni.e :Cnfiur�mation ., �ic�.n,� :Lnc:l.uc��s si�ns, �ispl�ys, �; dE�t�i.c.�s,.�.,r• �ar�l:i.c�n��thr�r�uf wil.h lic�htc�c� aF��nc�in<� m<!ssar�e� i:h�t ch��ngc� �1: iril�Hr�mi�:ttant in1��r•uals each lastinc�,two '. secr�r�d.s,_�.-�r• m�.�r� by �l.�ci:r�ona,c: prc�c.�ss �,r� reinul:� r:c�ni:ru].. E'�.�ctr�uniu i.rirur�ma�:ican sic�ris �re r�at S.c��ntiri.e�d �s roi:�i:i.ng, r�uc�lvi.nc�, c�r� mc�u�.nc� si.gns. F�lsa_..knuwri _as an '' __— . _ r automatxc cMia�c�abl��_.cup,�!.. ..._s_i�_n nr Hlec�runic uari�bl� .._.........,._..�.,..�....�....._.__.,�... ,_._.._.,.._.........�...._..�.._._._.___-�___._._�......._._ m���a���__c�ni:�r�.�,. .�.�8.�_ C��4)� E:].�.�ct:r•ic:al. 5i,�ri. :I:r�cl.uci�s any sign ui�i].S,;ri.r�c� e1�ci�r�ic:a7. " w i.r�:i nc� _...__w_w.__ C(1.�) f�xt�r�n�a� ,.��l.l�umi.rtai�ed.,..._5,�.�n�, 1:nel.�ad�s a sic�ri il�.um9.n�1��c� frum an �xi�er•nal lighi: sour•ce,] �1.9.�. C(a.5)a F�ac.e afi a Bu�.J.din�,g,�, A�.J. wind�:�w ar�� w�J.l �r•�.aax ufi a . haia�.lciirx,�.�xnW�..ur�e car mcrr•� �aa��al.l.e1 �laries. �1C?.�.. C��.�),I ��;�sP�trt�.....��.a.,�n,� Any sic.�r� wr,��r, xs a:ll.uir►a.nai:�d k�y �r� zrii��r^mii�l:�rit ur� �,�ec�u�r��ial f�l�srtir�g lic�ht suur•c�� ur• wk�icri is in ariy �.��.rier� way artin►at:ed sa as i�:a cr��ate the i.l.�.usa.ur� uf muvHmcrit wi.tFi�aut a4L�aa1 physx�al mav�ir��nt ar� i:h�a xll:u�i.un uf a fi1�:thxr�c� ur� xr�tc�rnii,tl�c�rii� lxghi: �.�r J.�ght ��7ur�ce, [C�lashing �it,�ns dn riat inc:luc�e �l.��tr�unic inr�.�r�m<�ti.�n sic�ris.� 7QNE OI�IJ:LN�Nf�� AMG�NpMCN'T ZOA 87��07 DRAH"T 4 ��- pAG� 3 (q2/19/B8) I` +; �� f�u�,h Pitched "Ruc�f" �'i.cxn.__� siqn a1:i:ac:had, tu a mansa_rcl ur other ��,�„_,nf- raof.� The r�dof anc,�le_,is _�ual,�to c�,r ,�reater thi�ri-----.�y.xx�.S60Z_degrees from harizantal. Such surfaces ma be c�nsici�ar•ed �art of � w�ll surrac� in� �he calculai:ion of ...._.. .._._..... .,._.._ to�a]. wal.l are�, A11. Cade �rnvisic>r�s �„;��zir,�;�wb1�,e„ ,to .wa11 _._..._._...._...___... .._._.......___.._,..__...._.._._�.. si,qris,W,shall:alsn be a�l.icabl� to this ��e..�P s,�!:i, �?2..�. C(].8)� Fr�e�:st�ndinc�5i,�n. A �igr� Er�r�ctec� �r�c� ir���unl�ed �r� �a fr�e,...si�anci�ing t'r�me, tt��si: nt^ �ule ai7ci nui: �t�.�aeh�d tu any buaJ.danc�. �23� (19) Fr~.eewa�-.oriented Si�n.. Fl sign primar•iJ.y d�s9.gr�ccl tu bE� r•�ad by a matur�i.�t �:r•auelrnc� ar� a highw�y desi.c�nai��c� by i�he Or�gc�n Si:at� Fiighway De�aa�^1:m�nL- �s � fir•�ew�ay ��r ex�r•essw�ty; speciTically, �hc�se shal.l be Int�rsi:a�:e 5, arid Or��gnr� Si��i:e Hic�Fiw��y #217�, �nd st�a11 nUt incJ.ude U.S. Hic:�ht�ay 9�W]. C(20) Fr��ntac��� 'Th�a J.engi:N� uf th� pr�o�a�r�Ly lin� af ai�y ur�� pr�Hmi�e al��nc� a pubJ.ic r�a�clway,� [(21) Ici�ul��ical Sigri� aic�ns wh:ich c�mir�unica�ta a paJ.it�.r,al, mc.tir��l., �.,r �hil�a�caK>ha,c�aJ. cumm�ni: nr� r��l.a.c�iaus s�a��amen�: whach c�a�s nut pram��t� any Goirnner•r.i.�l in���^�si: ur� r�af-er� � sp�cifi.cal.ly ta a �ari.icul.ar bal.l.ai, mea�ur� �u b� vc�i�:�d an in i:riE ri�xt �l.eci:i.ur�, ] S?A,�. C(22)� �irim�diateWur�_�ei�,ic�us. D�n�„�r. `I"his iricJ.uc�es, (�) Wh�nnu�r ariy pur�tiun uf i�h� �tructur•c d�mac��ad k�y fire, ��rthir�uak�, wirid, fil.c�ad or• a1:hi��� c:aus�s; aric� m�mber� ur• ��a�urtr�ri�rir.e i:N��t �.x likely ta rai1, ur f�c�r:c�m� d�i�ached �.,r• di.slu�gc.ac� u�• tei c:ulla�s� and i:hi�r�c�k�y irijur�e ��r��uns ur c�amag� �rc>�cr�l:y, I� E3 Whcan�:�u�r• an c�ri:i.c�n ctifi th� s�.ruci:ur�c.a S. n��i: ( ) y �a s u T sur-r-z�:��,r,� �i:r•�nc�i:h or si:abi.].ii:y ut^ is rini: so anc.hnr•ec�, at�:a�.ri�d or fasi�ened in pJ.�c�.a sc� a:� tu b�� ca�aak�l� uf r��sisting � winci pr�essur•e nr ane—Ni�lfi o� th�t a�acr:i.f'ic�c� in i�Pie Uni1'c�r�m B�axJ,dinq Cude f�r this Gype struui�ure ur simi].a�^ str•uci:ure �rid w�.11 not exc:�c�c� tfi� w�.,rki.ng s�resses p�r�mit��c� iri �Pi� U.�.C;. f-ur sucr, �tr^uctur•e�. (C:) Wh�.anav�r the l.«ca�i.�.�n Uf �he sign st�rucl�ur•e ak��tr•u�.ts i�he ui�w ar motur�ist l•:r��tu��.irig ari i�h� public :�tr�ets c�r any placc�, �rid i:N�us e��as� d�may� i:n �aro�aerty ��r, i:h�r�k�y injur•e p�rsuns , C(23) Inc,adentaJ�..m_5z�ri. �iqns adv�r�i:is�.nc� nr i.d�ni�ifyi.ng assuciai:�ed c�uocls, p�•c�c�ucts, s�r�vxc:�s or• f-a�i.lii�:i.ps au�il�able an i:Ni� K�r�emxses, incl.udinc�, bui: r�afi: limited tu, t��^adinc� si�dmps, er�dit cards a�ec�ptad o►^ k�rand namr�s� � ZQNE: ORDINF�NCE' AMEIVDM�:N"I" Z,qA �7--07 pRAF'"C' 4 —. PAG�. A (A2/l.9l6B) [(2�) In�..umbu�Lib�.e...Ma�e�^ialµ Ar�y mai.�ria1 wrii.ch wi.11. nut ir�rii.t� at�:, ar bt�luw, � t.emner�al:ur�� c,f �welu� r�ur�r�r•�ci c��c�r4z�:� F�hr�karih�it r�ur^ing an �zx�casu��� af t~i.ue minut:Eas anci wh�icr� wx1.l. nc.�� c:aril�iriu� 1�c:� bur�r� c�r� �l.uw �i: i�P���: t�xm��r•�I:�ar� whicari �psi:�c� in ar.uor•c��r�c.� w3.i�h standar�ds �a�i��tbli�h�d ir� L••h� tlr�xfic>r�iri ��ai7.c�Xnc� Gca�:l��,� (25) �Cndustr�,i.a,l I?ai^k� F� r>ar��:�l nf 1�nd whiicNi cumpl�.��s wi:th thu� r�c.(uir��nt�ani:s s��: fic�r•t:h in Ch�pi��r ].8,68 af thi.s Cc�dEa, [(26) :[rzi:er�nall� II,J�um,inai:ed �iqn.T �ic�ns with an i.r�tNr��nal su��r�c.�? af.�.i�7.l�umir�a�i.c�ri�whi��r,� i:h� l,ic�hi� scaurc:e i� r�ufi; visi.k�l.� frc�m �.r,� ��X���:��� �� tn� ����,.� , �,2fi�„ Ldwri �.x.c�rt.�..,_.._A i:�n���r;ar;�,fr�e���stariding_si.�r�wt�i.rh�.is�xem_pt. fr•um ._. sigyr��„�...._...a�e,rmxt._ _._....!"ec�uirem�nts..._:_.._�....w,. a�:�_....�._Seci�iun i e,:�.��a��:o�o��a,�.�.2._:.. _. ..�_ .�27� t�zc�hti.nc�...metrioc�s� S1� pir•�r.t, Ex�osa.ad,,_._1,i,�htir,_,�,_or,�_neor�i�uwbes�,...ur�__..�F��._��. ' r�G�__.___.._.. �.;1.� F'lashixn.�g_µ..,Y...i_ighf�:s._..which, b�.xnk , ur� anci uff r�;�neVoml,�ar�. rn...s� u�nc�, ._.�q.......__... ...� S3� Inc�,�.r��±ct.��,,r External��, �1"N�� l.ic.�ht_sraur�c�! is se,�-arat� �_ ....__.. ... ...___ ..._.. t'��um._.�he ,sic�rr__r�u� ur� cak�xri�rt and xs di,a�ected so as ta _. M_ ..._.._.._....._. ..._._�.,.,__.._..�... .....m.........�.____...._ sr�ine_...�,n i:,he ,:�i.gn:._ �.4.�. lrrt:ew•na]„ l°h�� lic�hl�saur�ce.__isw_curic�aled_..wi�hin µ�h� . __.._......._....__,__....__._.._..M....�....._. sic�n_anci,�ncat visible fr�um i:N�e cxterior of- th� si�rt, [(27) Mai.r�l:�.in. l"�.� p��r�m�.i� a si.yn, sic�r� si:rur.i�ur�a c�r� Nart �h►�r•�uf �u car�i�inuEZ ur� �:u r���>air� ur r�fiur'bisht a s�.�n, si<�r� s���i.�ci:�ar� or• par•i� i�Ni�r•�eaf.] �28Z Mol].I'1i:F?I'1cxP1[:Ca., Nn_rmal .ca►^� naeded to k,_���_,.,a si,c�n.. Functa.una� .._.......�.._..�......._._.....�..�._.w._....�...._..._.._._..�....,...._._..._.. such �a c,la�riir�r�..�..,4,.il,in.��._and.__chan.yin�.....,anc1 r�e�air�a� ligh.t II __....,___..�.__. ., bul.k�s anc� sa.�n_ .,fa4e5_.._._ pnes nut include structural ...._.._._.�......_�....__w_.__....__, ._.___.._.......�.._................._._...__ .._..____....�.._. al��r�at�inn. �29,_ N�r��.ar�ftar•nlinc�^�ic�n.� ..._..A_.�,si n _�r ..,�.�.n.., si.:rucl:ur�e , l.awful� �r�eci:�d anc�w.�?:ru.�.r?�._..iria�ni:ain�d,._i:hat wuuld nnt�be �llnwed ur�der'_.i:h�e_.sign. r•��yu�at�x�an�,�r��ser�i:.l��alxcak�le. �n I�:he 3ite.w. „�,30Z C(29)] Nanstrucl:u�^al "frim, "I"hF'� muldXnc�s, Faatl:�ns, caps, naalxng .�....��...._..,._M..._.�._...,_..,.._...�..........._ si�r��.�as �.a�ric� lai:l:i.r.7.n�, 1r�i:i:ers ar�d w�lkw�ys wri:GCh are a�:i:ar,h�d tc� a si�n si:r�uctu�^�. C(3G) ()fif-:lr�mi.s�s_,S,i,�n,� Flr�y sic�r� iricJ.ud9.nc�, b�at nut ].s.mited tu, � painl;ed sign, i��m�anr•ar�y si�n, p�r�mar►�nt sign �r uuttduor adu����:S.si.ng si.gn, whir,Ni sign aduer°t�.s�s gaud�, pt�u�iuc�� ��r :t�r•ua.c�s whicFi ai^� no1: s�ld, m�riufa�.t;ar�d ur tiisi�r�ibuted on ar fr�.�m i�he pr•enia.�es or� a si.gn whach aduer•tases a bwsiri�ss ar rac:ili.i:ies nat ].uca��d on the pr•emis�s an whieh �h� sic�n 9.5 lar.:aL�d.] lC7AlE aRI�:CNANGk AMl-.".NnME:N'T �OA 87•--0!' pRAhl" 4 -- PAGE 5 (q2/19/88) [(31) Oui�daor, Adver,�tisin�or� BilJ.bc�ard 5_'i�ri•_ �igi7 cuns�r�uCt��d, cat���ci��d.., arid inairii:ainecf k�y a p�r�s��n lic�n�t��d to ei�t<,�age in tP�e k�usinEaSS Gi' c�ui:duc�r ddu�r�tfsi.ng �nd wh�ich sign is an ufir...�ar�mi��s sS.c�n] s��ppc�r�i;�ci k�y a suk��i�ani;i�l p�r�mari�ni; sicJn s�ru4.i�:ure w�.1:h a c�is�l.a,y surfac.e �.,r cli.spl.�y suri'�c�s pra.marily c��sxc�r►�d fa�^ �h� purpose uf painti.ng nr� pos�ing acauerl��.sing me:�sagr� �h�r�enn at: p�r�iodi� i.ni:�r�val.s, and whcar�c� cus�ontaril.y, altk�nugh nut: �xcl.usiv�l.y, i:he us� af th� di.�play sur•rac� x5 1�as�d 1:0 otPier pc:!rsnns. S��amei:im�s ref�r�r•pd tu as "Bi�.lbua�^ds" ,] , 3i. Pai.rited �ign�, Means ea.ther'�.. ._ � ,� Wall q�carai:ions. Painted wa11 _d�cor��ti�ns �r� d_xsP.J.a�s. pai.nt�d direci:], nri a wal,l. ar�d_ dr�e d�sigi7�d and intend�d as,� a decorative or _ornam�ntal f-�ature,. Decnrai:iuns ma� �als� incluc�e 1i�ha �:in,.,� ��� ,�b,� Painted ,Wa11 Hic�hlic�ht.�s�,_.. P.�.aint�ci wa11 hic�hl,i�hts_ arw �.intedrv ar•eas__ whichi h�'�c hlic h� a__„buiJ.ding's architectural or si�ruci:ural features. � (32) Persun,, xridiu9.du�J.s, corp�arati.ons, �ssuciai�inns, fi.rms, pari:ner��hips and jr�int stock c�mpanies. C(3�) Pl�asi:xu....,Mai�erial� Thas� m�i��ri.als m�ad� whiul.J.y c�r• ��arti.�l].y fi^um si:andar�d9.;red plasi�ies li�t:�d �x�d d�sc�^zl��c� in the Uriifarni E3uiJ.di.r�y Cad� ar� a��aproued plasi�ic:s which h�ve k�een �pp�^uu�d hay tria Ur�d�r�wri��r^s I_a}aur�t:ury r�tir us� �.ri cansi�r•uci�aun nf elec:tri.cal sagns.] C(34) Pu�.il�ical _Signs� Sic�ns �aro►nui:xnc� or� n��ausrnc� a c�r�dic��i:� or�me�sur� in a s�ecafa.� el�cl�icln.� I i �3.3� C(35)] Premises� On� ur ir►ore lui�s �n wh9.�h a►^e c:onsl�r�ac:�c�d u►^ on whicF� ar�� i�u be ce�r�si�rwc.i:�c� a builc�ir�g ur• a gr�uu�a rafi buildinc�s ciesic�n�d �s a uriii:, S3.4Z. [(36)] F>r���'ectin��5ign, Siyris al:h�r• i:Piari a w�l.l sigri which �r^ujects i=rum a buiXdiric�, 35 , Pru,jecti.n,q S'x�c_n._ A siqn attached , tc� a buildin oth�r than a,�wal�,l_ s_�n�,in whicri _ thr� s_ i,gn,,, race is nc�t parallel to �he wa11, _�uch sigri_sF�all n�at_�r,a�'ect aboue i.he wa11.._af- I:he _._,.___ � ..._ buildinc�_1:u which „it_is ati:ached,,W,_exc��t wher� i:here:is.._,.ari � exa.�tin arapet, �.36�. [(37)J Pr;u,jectiun�, l"h� da.st�nc� hay wh9.ch a� p�^cajec��.ng si.gri � �xi:er►ds from a building, i ;. 37� P�ak�lic , 5'zgn, .,.. S�n.�_._ .le al.l,y�, er�ected rur� �rdffin ar� ; informational ur ases b or� or� behalf�nT� a overnment ' . .�.......�..�..._.P...�...,.___.,.....,ll_.�..._......, �., �, �.!'.�(.�., i , (�8) Read�r.._ Boar�d „S�gn� Any si,gn wii:h changea}a.le copy as � message, except �lecl:r�nic infur�mal:i.on sic�ns. � LqN� pRC)�NANCE: AMENDM�'N"I" ZOA 67--01 DRAFT A -� PAGE 6 (02/19/88) I � � �39� Rc��f t in�� The t•�a _ed.qe _of���roofi or buxldir��a,�rapet�, whxCh�uer as�,...rrxr�her,�,,,., �xc:luci_ ing.,, ar�y��r.��olas��himney�,s or �a�hk��^ inanu�^ �,r��?,L.,�ctxr�;ns� �,AQ�.. C(,39)� Rucaf:.�;;ign.., A sic�r� �rc�c:�ed �a�ac.,n ur dir�c;�ly ahauve a r•uuf �ur �;�arar>�ai: uf' a hui.l.c�xrig ur str^uc�ure. kxc�,�tio_rt.,,�..__.�Temparar�{ bal].nc�ris. .: .�41.Z C(A(�)� Rc,�i.a1:i��.. Rev�lvin�.c.�r M�vrn.g.�,�xYg.n:.. F1ny sxgn, ar� pnri;a�ari uf a �ic�n, whicfi mou�s in any mann�i^. [(A].) Sign� An ac�v�r�i:i,;:inc� sic�n, aul:duc.�r adver�i�isinc� sign, [urr:.�areinis�s sxc�n.] Cctis�al.ay,] t��mpurary sic�n, t�mp�r•�r�y �i.u�n �i�K�lay, iy►�ss�g�, �.a.gh1� (ui�:Fier� i�:Fran a r��vic� u��.ad pr�.mar�i.ly 1:u i]..lumin�i<� a bui�.ding ur• a �r�m�.ses), t�mb��m, deuic.�, f�.gu��� �.�r� m;:�nr�E�q�aan, pa�.ni:�:nc�, dr�awi.n�, pl�c�rd, pasi��r ur• u�;l�i�r �h:ing tN��L xs ciesign�d, us�d c>r interir��ci fnr ac�uew•t�is:irig �aur�>c.�s�s, ur• �r� infar�m c�r i�c> di:tr�ac.i: i�Nt� a�i:Nni�iun uf i;he �ublic, and inclu�l�s, wh�re appl,icak�le, i:hika sigri s�ru�:.t:ure, d�.s�al.ay surfac�s arid al.t. �,��Nier ccam�aunent �ar�t� uf i:he s a.c�n.] �A?,� �ign.�_.. Ma�er,ia.J.s�p_lac<ed <,r cr�nsi:ruct�d .primar•il�_tu cunv�y �._.. ........�.,.�._.. ...�.�....�.�..._. a mESSac�,e ar uth�r dis�l.� and ;which can be ui�w�d frum a __�........___.�.. �....._.�.. w........�.._ .._�... ri. h�-:°�.�f-��wa.��.r,..p.riva�e raadw�, ur a�noi:her _�arwa a�ert� or__fr�am ; i;he a i r^, �....�_..�.._..�.. _.,�..�..____......_�. j �43� [;(A2)� �ic�,n��ruu�4ur�c, Any si�:r�uci.ure wN�ir.h su���.>ri�:� ur is ca�aablEa i uf su�a�ur•txnc� an� sic�n �s r��scrs:�aec� in �:M� Ur�ifo��ns Buil.c�ing � C�d�. A sa.c�ri st�r�ucl�urr� m�yy b� a singl.� ���1:� arrd m�y ar may j nUt hae an in�:�c�ra1 par�t uf a builc�ing, � � �4�A� �Lr•uctur�al _AXter��tinn;_. Mradificatinn uf�h� six_e_�._,s�d.L.�,e...,�'�' � he�ht.._of.�a s. 'x�C n.__si.�^urtur��, Alsu inc.xudes s�e�al�cem�T,nt or i' sx:c�r?___.s�r�ucturc __..._m�t�r,�ials w:i1:h �ther� �,i�:�han ct�mpar�,abl.e. ' : . Y, mat�w�ials.,_._for.._ex�m�le m�ztal,�,�rts r�lacin�, wgad parts,� s' .�..ar��_ C(�a�)� �rem,�a�,r�d_r_•Y..._S�n�. Ai7y sa.gn, ��A�� buarc� fe��aine, bann�r�, l.awn, a►�� ballr�oum [ur aciv�rtising display;] wha�h is riot pern►an��ni;l.y �r•�c:t:Ed ur �a�rmarient:ly arfixed �� any sign s si:r�uci:u�e, si�n 1>ower, the, c�ruund,� u.r� builc�ing and whxch is ncai� ari �J,�ci:ri.cal sign ur ar� internalJ.y iJ.lumi.ndl:�d sic�n nr� ;', c�ne wi�h charigeak�l� m�sxa�� characi.�ristics. ;? �; �a,� ��F��� Baard �"ran�e. C2efer•s_ta��,.anY,_dnuble �dce i:�m r�rar °` _. ��nw _..w.�._..,...�....._..__.._ , i: ,�.b.,�. E3allc�c�n. An i.nfla��bl.e t�m�ora� s.i�.n�,anchared by � sume m�ans t��a���r�uc:tur� un the q„ruund. Includes � .�._� .. , simple., childr�en�, ball,__ aons,� ho� ar�cl c�l.d air balluar�s,, �` �alim s and�other� diriq,i�bles. �� t �cZ Banner. A sigh ,made , aP f�br�i.e c�r• a�her non-�rigid matHr�xal wii:h no enclnsinq framework._ �` !:' t; J i 1: e: ZONE„ OF2DTIUANC�. AM�:NpMENT' ZqA 87-�.07 pf2AFT 4 -�, pAGE� 7 (02/19/$8) � r: ,�d.Z I,�awn Si.c�n., ._....f� 1:empur�ary fir��e-si:andin..g.T,.s.i�ri.which,._i� . ._.... �x�m�a� fr�ont..w.:si�g.n ,._,.parmi�_r�c�u�.remen�ts .,..._.., S�e �eci>iuri 18�11�t.�060�1�b)� ..�.��..�.�.._.,.�� �Af�.. C(�►��j� Unifurm...._.E3wild.in.g....._C;ade,.:,_ T'h� m�.ti5�: r��r.en1: si>�t��<:ttsraJ. <�r�d s��c.:ial.i:y Oi��cac�nn Ur�irc�r�m Building Codra as �tc�api;t�d by 1>he Or�w�gan D��>arLmEri�l: �.�r C;c�irim�r�ce, and whic:h Ur�ifclrm Buy.l.di.ng �<�c�e, i�y �I'iis r�tar�r•�n�.�, is inr:ur�pur�ated in i:his i�i.tl� tca i:h�� ex�cnt �fi s��cifi.c c.itai�i�.�ns thE�r��af 9.r� i:hias tx�lc�, , .�I.� [(A5)] Wall aic�r�� Any si�n �LL••a�.r��d 1:u, �aaintec� un, ur �r•�ci�c�c� _._........._._.._... ' �gainsl: �:h��.1 w�a�..l af � b�axl.din� c�r si:r•ur.i�ur�, wa.t:h i�h� �xpas��ci i'ac.e af th�± sic�n iri a pldne �aar�ll.�l ta the p].�ne �,r tr,� w�a.�. . 18. i1A,02� �ermits _t2eµguir��d (a) No si.gri sh�a1J. h�r•eafii:�r i�� erect:�d, r�e--�reci:ed, ct>ns�r•ur.:��c�, si:ructurall,� a�.t;Nr�c� car^ r���1c�c.ai�;�d wi�Niin lrie t:ii�y 19.mS.i�s P_XC.EHrJ� as �r�:tividecl by i:h7a.s t:it:t�, an� � ��rmiL Fe�r• i:hi� samc� h�� k��eri is�su�r� by i:h� lJ9.w��e:i:ut^ �anei c��sxc�rt��. (k�) A ac�p�r�al;e K>�rmi.i: sh�7.l. b� r�cXui.r�k�c� fur• eat;h [a] sic�n ur� si.gris rc�r ���ch �usir��=ss cantii:y �arid a ���arai:c� p�rmi.t sh�:ll k�e i^�r�uir��d f�ar• eac:hi c�r�c.iuK� af signs ctn � �;inqle suKa�ac�ri:i.nc� si:ruci:�ar•e. (c) F� s���aaral�e p��r°ir�it sha.11. k�e r~��quir�ci wYian xt is pr�up�s�d i�o r��muu�z a sic�ri Tr•c.,iri ii:y s�a���.�r�t;i.nq struc.t�ur�e fe�r• ii:s i^����i,r� �tric� in�i.ni:�n�nc:p. (d) �c��>�rat�� st.r•ur.l:�ara� �aE�r•mii:s unt��r th� Un9.rarm Eiiai.l.c�inc� Cade �hal.l. alsu apr>1y , (�) �r� �dciii:iun, an �l�ci:ric.�l. K>��^ir��.i: �h�all. be c�k>i:�an�c� f'c�r• al]. i.il�aminai:�d sic�r�s, froir� L-he enrrar�<:inc� ag�ncy, �uk�jEact 1:u 1:he pr�avisi.��ris �.7f �:h�.? �i:ai;E� E�1�aci:r•aca� Cc�d�, .�f.� 1=uunc�atiun in,,,�e.c�inris __.�ha,xl_.,_ be„ ._...made �ftEar� �11 r~equir;E�c� _._._..._�...._._....._..._.._...._..�. _...�.,.._._.__..._.....�.._..._.._..w.... excavatiun.s,, fc�rm._..war•k.r_k�oli:_,seLtin s...,ar•�_c.nmpl�l:ed „and read..,�.._tc� recei�e concrei:e, .��M �g..�. Fl�.l. anr.aior•ar��s _,hal� be_..1Ef�cx�a4,�ec�_for�._ins��ctiunM,. �� Cl�cti^ical i.ns�ec�iun_.__shall .�b�made ,_b��Lrie ._��.�.w�,issu,ir� electr;i.ca_1__,permita,_ .��. Final.......xnspec�ti,ans. F�i.nal ins�E�ct.iun sha11 b� caJ,led far k��._ th� a�icani: wh�n,_,allµwork is.. cumpletcd. This ins�e,�„ctian shall caver _ � _�._. �..,.... _. . . ,. dll. xi��ms r�qux�red_..�....,.�he �E3�aildin.g_, Official_und�r�_51.ai:e l�w ar _�._....___._._.__.._._..._�. �...�...�.�.... tui.i;,y.. ,ardin�nc�such a�,..th�, luc.a�ion,s� land�c-a�inc�,..if r�uir��d and garieral�;um�„liance , wil�ri the a�roved:�,plans _and _re_quir�emen�s �af �h i s t i t 1�. .......__..�..w...__.�. I:QN�:: qC2C��iVAIVC� AMEN[iM�:N'T" �qA 81--•07 URAF"l" A -• PAGE 6 (p2/19/86) 1B�11A�030� Administr�a�XUn and. Appruyal Pr�ar,NSs (�) 7'h� a�K>].ac�ni: f�.�r sign ��r•mii: [str•uctur��] �Sr�upus;�ls ur si�n cad� exu"�pt:iuns shall be the r�ccurdasd awn�r u� i:he �rur��r�i.y ur• �n ag�nt aui�hcw•a.zcac� irr wr�a.i�i.ng by i�he nwrie�. tb) A pr�c�....qpplivai:iun Cunfer�cai�ictx wi1�N� Cii�y �i:af'f is r��c�uxr�4d. Se� Sec�icar� 1E,3?,040. (e) Du� i::a �c�ssxbl�.� ch�ng��s in �1�at� s�.�i�u�ES. ��� r��r�iunal. c�r� ].ocal palicy, inrur�mai;a,an giv��n hy �taff �o the a�a�licar�t duri.n� i:he Pre-•tl�a�lical:i�.�n �urif`er�rice is valid fc�r noi: mc�r� i�han 6 mc�ni�hs, (1) Anut:Ni�r^ I�r��•-A�p;lic�i�:iqn r�anfier-�ncn i.s r��quir�c�d ir ariy acr.essar�y us� ur• si;r•uci:ur�e a�>�1S.cai:xun is subiriii���d 6 m�ni:hs dit�r th� pr���.�_Applfcal�i.un (�urirer��nce. ;2) F'�il.ure af �hie t7ireci:ur� tcy pr�ovi.de any nf the infe�r�m�i�ian r��quir°��d k�y i:l�iis Chapi:�r shall nut coristii��ate a waiu�r uf tNi� st�ndar�d, cr�ii:��ri.� c.�r requ�.r��ir�eni�s ufi LNie ap�lic.ai:ions , (d) The U�.r^ecLur shall ���r^uv�, �ppruve wiLh cnr�c�ita.un� ur c�eny any a�pl�.c:ai:ic.,r� rc.,r � ;�a.gn K>E�rn�i�. TN�e �i.r•a�.i�ar• sha11 ��>ply Lh�� si:and��^ds s�t rur��h in [�eci:ians 18, 114,080, iB, 11A,0�Q �nd 18, i.].A, 1�U] �.,f �hi.s [Coda!J f:ha�er� when revi�wi.nc� an a�>�lical�iun fu�^ a s�.c�n. � (�) l..h� d�cisiun c�r 1�hca Da.r�ci�ar� m�y b� a�aK�e�l.�d iri ac.carc�ance wii:hi Sec:�ion 1E,32,310 (a) , The_ rul luwinq.�hall�,. c�u.a1 i.r�y_ tu have st�ndiru�_as a_1?ar',�.Y.�, _�_.. .� . (].) Flny �c:�r�son wha h�s bc�!�r� c�rdF�r��d by i:he p7.rec�ur 1�u r•emavE a sic�n, a11�c��d to b� in vi�alati.ori nr i;his C�h�pt�r�; (2) Ar�y K���r�sun whos� p�rmil; i��., �r•�ci� c�r a].1:r�r� a sac�n ha5 br��n refus�d ur r�evok�d und�r� i:his Chapi�er�; (3) Ariy p�.ar�son s�cki.rig an �xr���ai:i.��n rr�nm 1:P» ��r�uuisi.�r�s c,fi i:N�is t..'�'liil�1�:ta 1"� (A) Ar�y per�sari ad�i�.ar•s�:�ly arfeci�ed by � cVetc�ritii,r�at:ic�ri �,f nuncur�furmi ty by t�he uirecLur� uncier S�ctiun 1B, 114, 110 uf thtis C;h�K>ter; (5) Ariy �aer��on oi�herw9,s� adverse�.y affec:t:ed by a d�Lermartai�a.un ir�ade under i:his rhapl:�r, (�) Nc� Fiear•inc� k��fare t:he Commissi.uri shd11 be gr��tnted f-r�Um � d�ca.sacin by i:he I�ireci:or� unless th� app�al is fi.l.ed within ].0 days of �h� c�e�:isian. (g) Ap��lic:atiun far h�aring shial]. not si;ay the aci:ion af Lh� Dxr�c�or• unl�ss L-Fie applie.ant r�quests � �i:ay and after a�prupria�e nui�xce ancl h�ari.nc�s, �he Di,rect�r d�i:�rmi.nes thal: speca.f ic, publi.�. saP�ty cunsider�atiuns autw�igh th� delay uf i:he actaion for the hr�ar�i.ng and r�uiew pruce�s. ZqNk, pRU:CNAN(:,E AM�NDMENl" ZOA 87�--07 DRAFT A — pAGE 9 (02/19/8H) (�'�) The U9.r�ci�c�r� is �ui:hor�i-r..�d dnd di.rected tu enfiur�e a�.1 t�f �he provi.siuns of thiis Cha�i;�r�. (1) All, si.gns fc,r� wh�.ch per�mits are rc�quirr�d sh�ll b� insp�r.i.�d by thp [13uiJ.c�ing Orricial.� pirecto�^„� (2) U�ac,r� K�rey�r����i.on or �ru�aer credentials, 1:hze C�3uilding OfPic:ial] 179.reci:ur may �ni:er^ �t r�?asonabl� i�im�s any builcli.ng, si:ruci�ur� or� pren►xses in the Cii�y 1:u per�form �ny c�ui:y impused upon the pusii:ion by this Chap�et^. � Sian permi� ar�d_ sic�n cnde exception fees will be� set k�,�resnlutian �' uf t;he City Guunci.,l_ 18. 114.OQ0 Ex�ir,�at,ion af .Ap�raval�µ_Si;andards_for� Extensiun af,"I�,ime (a) Si�n per�mit appruval by i:h� DirecLor shall be �r-r-��.���� �'ur � periud �,f 90 days rruni the d�t� af appravaJ.. (b) The sign p��^mit a�prcaual k�y i:he Direetu�^ shall taps� if: (1) 5uk�si:antial car�str•uc.tar�r� a� the a�aprnved pl.an has n�t begun w�.i:hin i:he 90--ciay p�rind. (2) Consi�ruc:i�;a.un or� trie s9.te is a depar�i:ure from i:he a�pr•uued �1an. (c) "i`h� �7ir�ecl:or• sha11, u�un wrxi;l:en request by i�he applicant, c�rant an exL-pnsian uf tree appraval ��riud nn� tu exceed 90 ciays pruui,c�ed th�t, (1) No cFianges are mad� nn i:he or�igin�l s9,gn �ermit plan �s appr~avE�d by the Dir�cl:�r; (2) 'f"he a�apl9.car�t can shc�w inter�t af initiati.ng c�.�ns�r•ucl:i.un af the sign within the 9Q—day exi:ensian perio�i; and (3) "fhere havc� beeri no ch�tnges in �he applicable policies and n�^dir�ance provisi.uns and Unirnrm Building C�de �rauisiuns on whic.h t:he approu�J. was based. 1_5,�11A,�050M�, Ins ectior�s (a) General. A1]. cnnstr�uctiori w�r�k for which a perir►it is r�quir��c� shall be subjeet i:o �n inspeci:iun by the Buildinc� Official per� LNi� Unifor�m E3uilc�ing Code and this �3.�1e. (1) A survey uf Lhp lot ur prnpuspo lucatian �or sic�n �rec:�ian may bp required by th� Building Official t�7 verif'y c�7mpliar�ce uf i:he atruci;ure with ap�r�ov�d plans . (2) Neil:her the Bui.lding Offic9.a1 nar th� jurisdir.tion shal]. be liable for expense, ur� other �bliga�iuns, en�ai�.ed in �he removdl or rep].acement af any material required tu allaw ins�ectiun, 7_qNE QRD�NANCF: AME:NpM�N'T' ZOA 67-�07 pF2AF1" A — PAGE lU (p2/],9/Q6) . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. � . .... . . ... . . .. .. .... , . .. . .. . . , . .. . . . . . . . .. �� . Y E !� n ��� t; {! (b) In�ectian Ree�ues,ts� ;Ct shall be i�h� duty af th� �a�r'sur� duing the �'. wark aui:horar�r� by � perm:i�: i��,y nui:xfy i:N�e Buxldi.nc� Official thai: su�h wurk is r�c�ady fiur insp�ci:iun. The Buxlc�ing Offiefal m�y requir~e i:h��: ev�ry r�ec�ue�i: fc��^ i,ns�ecti.on k�� filec� a�: ].edst une wurking r�ay b�fur�� su�h xns�aN�:ta.un is d�s�.r���d. (c) R�g_uir�ed 7ns ec�iuns�, F2eS.nfor�r.:i.n� ste�l. ur~ si:ruci�ur�l franiewnrk f; ,;i af a�►y �sart uf t�he propos�d structure �1'�all r�ut k�� c>avere� ur ,,: cance�l.ed w�.i:hncal;• first ubi:aining appruvaJ. �.�f �he BuiJ,ding Orf a.c ial. ;' k� � 1 B�11 h.060M.._.........5''x.�n.,,,E.x e m�„i un�. ,� (a) T'he fic�lJ.t�win� signs anc� a��rai:xuns sh�J.l r�c,t r�zqui.re a sic�n permit �° k�wt �r,�ia curi�c�r�m to all ��ther� a�apli�able regulal•:iuns uf- t�h�is f�j Ch�p�er� and 1:r�e �rau'xs:�c�n5 �f �uk�;�eG�iun (k�) b�J.�w: }; ; L(1) �i�ns �c�u�r�tisir�g �xcl�.isivr�ly the �al.�, r�rital ur lt�a�e uC F' premis�s c�ri whi.r..hi �:he signs are icacai;�d;7 �`:: C(2) Memur�ial �i�ns ur� tabl.el:s, names uT buil.dir�c�s atrid r�di:es af erecti.tan, if ei.�:hcar• cut in�>a ar�y m�sunry sur�far.� c�r~ t'; r.onsi:r�uci:E�d caf bror�z� ur uther incumbusi:abla m��er��.al;] [(3) �:igns c�wnc�i:a,nr� 1�r�� �r��c.hitEacl:, �ngineer•, cuni:r•dc.i�c>r�, and similar• infur�nai:ic�n cur���r�ninr� a suhac�iuisiun ar• d�v�l.u�air»ni� and pl�a�:,kd ��n i:Fi� c�.,ns�.r�uc.i�ion ��.��;] � �°; C(4) Siyns d�nai:i.nc� ur» time c�.�ar�dnc� sal�s �f hous�N�u1d guads (e,g, � garag� sa1�);1 '< [(5} Signs �aromui:inc� ur~ ��posiri� a candidat� ur� m�asur�e in a s�ecarie. �l.ec�:i.an;] C(6) Id�alur�rcal siyn�;] [(%) �agris �f i��m�c>r��ry r�ai:ur�e adverLisinc� eveni:s �.,r produci:� ra►^ s�].� rur• nanpr•uf�.t �r�gana,xati.uns ,] �11.�. C(�)] Sic�nS c.,fi a �eniK>c.,rary n�i�ur�r� whi.�:ri mer�� al.:� ufi th� fcal�.c�wi.ng cri.l:�rS.a; (a) 1"t�er�� i.s nu niur� thdry an� �:emp�.�rary sic�ri an i:h� � �artainis�as: rur ��4N� 1:kamp��•ary xic�n in t�xc�ss af the un� ex�mpi�:ec� si.gn a �em��,rar�y szgri p�rma.� sriall b� I r�c��ait^�d as prc�uit�ed in Sec�ion 18. �:1A.100, anci ", (k�) Wal.l. sa,c�ris ur waJ.7. banners wFtacht da nu�: excec�d � eighi:ez�ri st��a�r�e f-�Ni� in area ur� fr��e-�-�i:anding si�yns ' which do r�oi: ex��ec� a�...,.ta�al.,c�f thirt [�we�,ue] square `° f��i: in ar�a, � �`, ;'; ,„ (c) "fhw� i:kam�carar�y s�.gri w9.l.J. be er�eci:ed far a perind no ;:I lnr�c��r i:han si.xi>y t�ays; i`' ;: f'. E'' Z.UN�; qF2p�NANC�:: AM�NpP1�lU'T' ZqA 67-��07 DRAF'T' A► _. PAGE; 11 (Q2/19/86) � j>'. ,,. �;; �; � _.. ::._.. .v:._. ,�. - ,__1_�_.... . ,�,,.�..,.w:. ic ns not uricni:ed ar ini�endec� i:u b� 1� ible frum ...� 2 S .. ______.__._._.__.._.�.__�____�__._..,._....._._. __.._.__..._.._....._.._.....��._.._.._....__ .�..._.� _._.�..____.., , -_._._ '. righ��•;�if�-wa��_...,pr•ivai:e ruad_ c,r� ai:her,�arivatp �r:o.�aer.t.Y; .�.�Z Sic�,,.,ns._._a.,i�sid��a_Wbuildi,nc ,,._exce.�...�fnr_si:rol�e lic�hts v_isibl� fr�um a rx;�hii�—�ufiM...waY_�...�r'iv�ai:e t^aad ,or a�LN��r� ��i.v��e ..�r.�n�>er��;_ , � Wa11 D�cur�atinri� �5� Wa�l ,N�igril.'x�c r�i;s ..�6.� Lawn .S i„�n� .�_ �ic�ns �ffeci�ed k�y sti„�u1ai.,.._�,•ed _.j,..udq.mEr,�i:s i�o which i:h�Ca.i�,y_ is, _ . .._....._.......�.�......w..�_ a�a�ri:y,,.{_.�riter��d._��cuurts af cumpei.�ni��ur;isdi,ctxun � .�. Dir;a,ctiun�tJ..._�ic�ns .�9.�., C(ip)] N�.�i:Hiang iri t;his �ii:l� sh�alJ. pr�eu�ri�: �h��� �r•�c:i�ic�n, loc:a�::iun � or cunstruction af directiurial [ur �.nstruci:a.unal] signs on � �r��.va�:� K�i^r�p�r�i;y wher� suc:h� sic�r�s dr�e sc�l.r�].y c��sic�n�c� 1:c� dir��ci; ur� i:u guide ur� i:o insi:r•uct p�dc�st►^iaris ur� u�hic�alar i:r��ffi�.<: whiz].E� +�ri 1:hir� �ar��:.�1. c�f r•eal. K>r�c.�pE�r��:y c�n whi.e.hi �t�E� sic�r�s are 1ocal:c�d. �1t� sic�ri p�r•mii: ar fne shal.l be r��r�uir�ed fiur� such s i ns, g .�1.�.� C(9)� Nc,i�h�i.nc� in tN�i.s tii:le sh�J.l. pr��veni: L-h�� c�r�e�.i:ic�i7, 1ucaLi.cin ur �:��ristr�uci:a.un uf signs �ari pr•i�ai:e �ar�nper~l-.y wrier•� sucri er•�r.t:9.c,i•�, r.unsi�r•ucl:iun c�r• lc�cai�iur� i5 r•a�c�ui.r�cJ by �any l�w o�^ ardiri�nce nur sha13. any public c1lC�Cal'1Cy ur ui:i.li.ty b� �rahik�i.i:ec� fr•c�m �r��c�ir►g si.c�ns un �r•a.u�i�ca �ar�c�pew�i�y wheri u�chc�i^wise p�r•ina.t�i:�d, (b) A1J. ].awrf nr� i:eir�4,rary, sxc�ns exeni�ai:' fr��am par�mii: r��r�u9.r�ir��rii�s unc��!r _.........,.r...._,..._.._._.__. subsec�ion (a) above �hall mc��t trie f-ul.luwinq r�c�uirem�ni�s : (1) TFie sic�n shal.l k�e er•eci:ed c�ri pr•iva�e pra�Er•i:y wil:hi the cunscani: aP �ria l�wfiul �ausses��r� oP �h� r�r�c��ac�r�ty and �Niall nol� k�� K�J.�ced an ui�i].ity ���al.es c�r� in �r» puk�l.i.e. ri�h�i:--i�f....way. (2.) E.xc.�pi: �as ui:Hi�rwi,s� s�al:ed in Sec:l:xc�n 18, 1�.A.qFiU(a)(�) �b�7ue, t:h� ����:al ar�E7a ar sigriac�� �a�ar �ar�c�1 shall not exc��eci 6 sc�uare fi��i: iri sir�r�l.� fair�il.y r•esic�eni:a,a�., L12] 6 scXu�re rta�t i.n muli:ifam�.ly zunE�s, [15] 6A �c�ua�^� i=caet in G—N ••r_ur�9.ny di.sl:r•ici:s, and [�U] 6A sc�uar�e T+��� in c�i�hEa�� ;•r.onxng dxsi�r•ici:s, r�ec�ar��dl�ss nf �hp numk�er uf signs. (�) Ai: �.e<�sl: �tine si.c�ri shaJ.l k��a ��r�mzl:ted �c�r� ��r•ceJ. c�f J.anca; addil:iunal s9.gris on such parcpl shall. b� sraac�d at l�ast 50 fea?i: G��ar�r~i� i.n r�E�ic��ni�x�1 �nniri� di�t:r•i.c:i;s and 3q fecal: a�art S.n nurir,esicien�ial zoning distr�i.ct�. � (c) Signs ex�m�ai: rrc�m p�r�mii: r�c�u3.r�merii:s urider �ubseci:ar�n (a)(1) �rtr� � (g�--5) �hall be r•�mouwci wii�hin 10 d�eys af th�ir ini�i,ral d�.�l�,� [fr�om Lh�� erx� nf thp eveni: dx4playad,a unl.esa nther�wise �avided rur in this Ch�pti�r�, � f ZONF' QRCI�NANC�' AMENDME;N'1' Z.nF� 87—�07 DF2AF"f' Q -- �AG�: �.2. (02/19/B6) s _ i i _ _ __ _ ._ __ .__...... - _ __._ .. _...:_.. �..,....._,,.� (d) ..fhc� sign K>�ar°irii.t ��r��.�uisi�yr» �r L-hi.s :��c.t:iun sM�all r�u1: �a��ly 1�r� r���>�i.r, n�aar��en�anr.��, �.�r� chraric�� �.�f c:c,�py (in�.].�.iciin�, k��a1: nc�� 1�.mii,�d i:u i�:h� �.h�n�a.r��;� af a mey7�ac�� ur� a s�.c�n sp�uifi,ral.ly c�esic�n�d 1'ur tP��.a utiF� c�f r�w��a).4ac�t:�k>1.Ea cc.���y), c.�r� unlawfull:y �r�r.��ra c�r• mti�ini��xn�d �i<,�r�s, 16, 114.q10 C;eri�aa.n w;i�n3w,f?r�uhib:ii;�d. (a) pruh�ik�,i.t�d pi.�?la.:X...u�_._.1�.�.a�,s:�nd,., Rarin€�t^s , I1: i� � viul.�ei:iun c>f ._ _�..._....._... t;F�i:s Chf�a�1:�}r i:c� �r•�r,.L c�r mr�irii�ai.n st rxngs raf �rrtn�ni;s, k��rin�rs or• :'�i:r~�aamEar�s, fi�astc�uns ar ].i<�hi:s, clust�rs �T ri���. 51:r•i.nc�s �r twi��l�rs �.,r• K>r•c�F��.a1.t.ers, fl�:>Niing �,r° b1i.r�kirig lxc�hi��, fl�r�es, k�a.11oons, ar�c� 3iinilar ci�avic�s u� �.ar•r�ival charac:tcr, Fxr.�p�:iuns: (1} lV�I::iu�7�1, si:�i:�, �rid insi�it:�a�:i��n�l. fiJ.�c�s �rc.�perl.y d�.spldy�r�; (2) Sc�as�:�na1 dE�cur��tian� [�i7d gr�n�arally r��cac�n:ic�d halic�aYs:� (3) Si,qns. [F���ni•��nts� and h��anr��rs a�K�rc�u�d �s i:�ntpur�r�y signs, .�A� 13a1 l.00ris as al l.uwad...in �ectinn 18. 1].4,090 c�}_. (k�) Unsar�_,�wic�r�s....��,r�._I:iri�r��7.�'r. l.y..._.M�intair�ac� �a.�,r�s: Na si.�rt sh�ll. k�� carisi:r�uctead� t?1'"t?C:�".l'acl �ar m�ir�i:�in�<� un]:�ss i;h� si.�n anr� sign si:rucC:t.ir�e is sc� c��ristr�ur.�:��d, �r��ci:�d anc! mai.nt:�i.riE�ci �:3 i�a kr� ak�l.� tu wxthsi�and i.he wi.nd, :��i�mS.0 ai•ic� ���:h�r� r�rq�air~Eain�rii:s as spc�cif:iaci in i:P» Unificir�m E3ui.1.c�:Gnu� C:c.,d�, or i�bii.� C;acl�, (c) Si�qn,s�ai:...:Cn��rs�cti,uns� Nu s:i��n sh�ll. b� �r��ct�d at ini:pr�s�cLi��ns ___ �.. � of ariy si�r•�F�i�s in sta�:.h a m�r�i���r• as t�c� m��er•x�l:ly ahasl�r•uc1: fr•�� aric! c1��ar uasiun, A11 sic�r�s _.shal.l._..b�w.cunsist�nt, wii�h,_(,Fiap�rzr_16�.,102 ; ....._......._......_ � c?f, thi s C�a�e,_ (1) 111a :�>iqn shal:l. k��:� �r�c�cfi:�ca ai: any J.c�c.atic�n whi�!r•��, k�y r•�asuri ' ur i:Ni� raasii:.i.�>n, sha�a� ur� cu.lur, i�N�at :int�r�f�ar���s wii:h, uk�st:r•uc�: t;h� u:�E�w c�fi, ar^ �.c,uJ�d b� c4,nfus�.ar� wai:h, �riy ��ai:hur�ir�d 1:r•arfi�.c sic�nal ar c�nvic�; (2.) Nc� s9.c.�n sh��l). k>� �r'f�G1:�C� whixch ni�k�s u:�� cafi i:h� w�,r•d ��S�:Upu� ���.QOk"� ��c�an��r", Uf" btYl� 17�I'1P_M' 81111;I,�.iill" Wl')I'"(�� ;E K>hii��as�, syn�k�c�l �.,�^ char~<�c���r xri sucM� m�anri�r• as a.s r��a:��nahal�y lik��ly 1:u iri��rr�r�n wii:h, misl��d ur r.anru:�� mu�or•isi�s . �+ C(d) Obsceni�y.,� Na sa,gr� sFi�11. k��ar c�r� curii��i.i7 st�al:k�mr�ni:y, wc�r�d� c�r� �ic�ur^NS in which i�Nie ��om�.n��zn� i:hcame uf �he mal:c�r�ia1, i�ak�r� as a wh�tile, ���»��l.s i�c� �Lh�E� K>r��ur�i�ni� i.r�i:�r�esi� i.ri s�x ��r• is K��i:�n1:1y =; urr-��r,�x�� k��c.aiase :ii: �rfir.ani:s 1�h� eani:tairiparary cummunil:y s1:�nciar•d relati.ng i�ca 1�h�� d�sc.r�i.�i�i,�.,n c�r r•�K�t^��ser�i:a�x�.�n c�f s�x�adJ� n►�i:cr•i�l �' wha�:h is ui:i:�rly wii:houi�: r��c�c��ming �oc.ial ual.�ae.� �' Sd.�.. C(�)] "�r�affx�M.._.OFa�i:r��ci�,ar�,�.�i�s.., Nci sS.c�r► c.�r sagn si�r�taci:ur�e �N�aJ.]. �ca ` �uns�ruui:tsd in such a ir�ariner ur �i: 5UC�1 a luc;ai�S.�n �h�� a.i: wa.11. obstr�ar..i� �c:r,.�ss i�c� �riy rir�e c�scaK>e �r� ol:her• m��na of irigr�ess 4�r egr�ks� rr��7m a bui.lciing �r any +�xit cur�r�S.t�ur�, �xX1: hallw�y ur� Nxit c�u�,�r�w�y, Na sigr� ur� su�a�a��ri:�.nc� si;r�wci:ur•� sh�l,�, cuuer•, whal.ly ��r� K�ar�t�ialiy, �riy w,xr�ti�.7w �r• t�uur�w�y in any �ndriri�r� i�Ntai: iL wzll subsi��ni;a�ll.y l.imi.i� ���ESS i:� i:Nie k�uil:c��ric� in c�se af' f'i.re, ;; ION�. 0121YCIUANt�� AME.NDM�N'T IOA 87�,-07 pRAH"T A ��- I�A(3� 1� ((?2/19/B8) ; � � _,-. . - ----- —__-- _ _ � C(f) pft'--�>remis�_....Sic�ris ,_ Nu c.�fr....pr�mi��5 si.r�n sr»11. ha�:� Krermil:�ed in any cumm�rcia]. ur indusi:r�a,a1 cur��, aaxu��t c�u�c�uur adve�~i:is�.rig �igns, as r��ul.�a�:ecl iri e�t:hi�r par•i:s c�fi th►a:s fi:ai�J.e, Oi'f-..premi.s� sxgr�s may unly k�e app��uv�r� by t:h� �umma.ssiur� i�h�^uwgh i�he �xc��al:iun prucac�ure esl:ak�J:ashE�d ;ay ��ci:aun ].�, 11.4, 1AQ af i:his Ch���:�►^.] (e� Abandun�d a�ns._. .���.. [(g)� Bare__,.�l..ig_h�...___.E3ulbs,Y �triric�s nf b�r� li.c�hit� shi�l.l nn� b� �un�1:r^uei��d, �r�ect�d ur maini:air��d wii:hin vi.�w ur any r,p'xv_.ate.,.or publ9.c: sl�r�e�t� ur �;public] r�ight_.ar-.�way exc�t if, des�rt�d as�,�art uf a str�u4l;ure' s a�,�^chii;ectural desi� This sui�s�ci:ian sha.tl. not ,.�., ,.� . _ .. . _ a��].y t:c� 1igFi�i.n� dispJ.ays as d�scr�i:k>ed iri 18, 11A.0%0 (a)(2) . �,c,� C(h)] Rouf Signs^ Ruuf sic�ns �r �ny k7eid ar� pruhihaii:r?d, i,ncl.uc�i.ng tem�ar���y signs, (h) C(i)� Ct.ev�,lvi.nc�._.Si,�cns,. �t�vult��.ng, rutai�ir�c� ��r• mc�vi.nr� tsi.�r�s c�fi arty kind are pruhibii:��u�, y) [(j)� ' •• ' �i n5 A si n Wr,xCr, dis l� s flashin nr� i,ni�:�r•n�a.�ten�. ur i F 1 a�h�._.:::�.1..._m_�.. _......._.�_.._...._ _........._ _._..._.,E�_.....SL......�.." �...�.... _�........... _�. sequential l.iaht_.ur^ _licLhts:uf chan�inq d�c�rees_�or intensxt w,zth each interval in the �c1e lasi:i��,n ,less _than t�wo �,52�, s�cor�ds:.. �;xp�sec� r�t'��ci:iv�•--i:ype h��aJ.ws, si:ir�ube ].aghl�s, �^ui�ar�y b�acans, �aar s�at:�ts, xi� l.i.�N�LS ar� simal�r d�.�vic..es shal.l. bE� pr���hr�.k�i.l:ed. �..1..� C�k)7 Tc�m�o�^�►^y_.._.Si�„ns_ wx�M Illumina,w,_,tiun o�^ Cha�eable t,opy� A si�n nui: �a�r�m�n�nt;3.y �r�r.i��� ar af'fix�c!to �ny sa.c�n st.r�uc�ur��, sigr� i:ower� u�^ builc�ir�c� wr�ich is an �l��ci;ri�.a�l ur� 9.nter�nal.].y a.l.lumi:n�i:�d sign or a ��gn wii�ri r.ri�r�c��ak�J.� nir�ssa�� cFia�^dcter�i.stir,� , �k� R�ht.._uf:�Way.._.�...Sa.c�ns in the�ublic ric hi:••�uf�wway�,.,_in whule in�,art, �xce��t�.:�igr�s �,l.e�l�1,�_�r�ect�d _,rnr inrarmatinnal.�ur�ases by,_,��r„ or� b�h�alf uf.,a�.�c..nv�rr�merit a enG,� �:1.�.. .�'��Cr�s_.�7r�_ Ver�icJ,eµ..�.:A,n..�...,..,s�..�,.._..�a.lacecl ar� or�,._.�?.,r�iril�ed.__nr�,_ a mutar. vehicl� ur i.rail.,_e�^.t. as definec�, b,�l„,,,�ORS� 805.56�7�___�_fi65�and�590� wxi h i.he_..�imar�....�u.r c,s��af�aruvic�i� a sign ri�t..nLF►�r�wxse.,all.�wed fur..�.�this_,cud�� . T ._ ]�8,,�1�i�,08Q_._._.._.5�ri,.1:1 lumiriatic�n (a) 1"Fie surfac� bra.ghii:n�ss afi ariy si.c�r� shal.l nai: �xc�ed that pr•uducec� by i:h4a ciir�us�ad oui:�aut abt:ain�c� t'rom B00 in9.l�.�.am�er� f1uUr^ese�nt la.�hit; sc.�ur^c�s s�ac�d nut cl.c7ser� tP��n 8 in�Nies, [c�n] ceriter�C.� nn ceni:�t^, (b) E:xpos�c� inc�ricl�.��c.eril, l�irip wh�.ch exr,eeds 25 wai:i:s sh��.J. n�� h�r� used on i:he �xt�r�iu►^ �urSac� of any �iu�n s� as tu �xraas� i;he fiac� uT suchi N>t.i7.k� car� l�nip i:a �►ny puk�lxc s�re�i� ar puk�l.a,c r��.glh1:.,.�.,P-,�w�ay wa.i�h the �xc�pi;iun af el.�ci:runic infur�mai:ion sit�ns. ZqNE, qRU7N�NC�i: AME:Nph1E,N"I" ��A 87�07 pHA�'"T 4 ... PAGE lA (q2/19/86) _ . _ _ _ _ _ �; c.;� �'- f=„ 18. 11A.085 �n M�as,wrem�rii: r. (a.� P�r�u'll?C�:ir�,��,,.aric�.,��;Fre���,-s�:andi.n,�;_ .i..h� area uf_.a fr�ee--sl:ar�di.nc�,�r ° �ecl.irr�,._, si..gn_.�,.sha11 ,��.nclud�� a1]. s,i�,n� faces cuuntedT.. in , cal�culatinc�.,._.i,ts ar�a.,_ Re��,less wraf tPi� nun►hrer ufi sxar� cak�in��s ; _....�..._.�..w ur� si n i=ac��;�_th� ��?�al allc�wable ar�a shall nut be �xceeded. � TN» ar�a uf,_i:Fie _si ri s,ha.lZ be measu�ecJ as_�ollaws _af �he s�i is cum u�ed ur ur�e nr�.,,mnr�e_winclivictual cabinet�: �i,�_ TFie area ar•nund artid enclusiroa i�he perimeter�,af each cabinei; l': or��,,,mudule Mshall,�,be summ�d and then tutal�d tu determ,ine to1;:a,�,1W area„�„ l"M�e���rim�ter af ineasur•able area _shaal ..no� inc�.ude e�nbellishments sucM as pule cguers��, frami;ng� : d��c�rative rouf�in etc ruvid�,ed�there is _nnt wr�itter� ` ' ._..g.w._,_ � � _....�... - adv��rtisin� cu y_ pn such embe-llishmerr�s� �ii,�. 7:f �he.._.sigrt:is... G,_..,.o%,�..�sed ;t�f mur� 1>han i�wn s�ql� , c,ak�irrets r�r muc�ules, Lh� ar�ea��r►clusinWqW the entire e�imeter� uf .all f;� cak�i.r��:�ts �and/ar madules wil:hin _� sa.ri lq�,�_,�cantinuaus 4.; �,�umetri.c~ f�ure�.shal l be the area or the s ii�n• Pnle , caverK �nd ��1:her emb�ll.isPiments shall nut�b!� included in ` the area �f� the_ si n�, m�asureinenl. if th�__du not b�ar : . . . .. . d'. wrii:t�r�ac�v�ri:x�si.r!g...�.n:�,Y.�,, .. -- '::; ,�ii� �I'he_ uver�all .herc�hi�_ or a free•--�tanding_ sig,n or _.,�.�x�,..n.. _ _... _...... • s�Lruci�ure is measur�ed frnn� i:he grade dir�ectlx,.._below tt�e, s, i�n tu�the�h�ic hesi:�soirtL-�caf� th� si�n or� sic�,n, s��ructure_ �_ Wa11 S�r�s._...�1"Ni�__.area , ,.sha11 k�e within a sinql....e�_.._roni:i.nunus ; �r�i.meter cum���spd or an,y� straiqht line .,geame�r�ic fi, ure wh.ich er►�lases 1:he extrem� limits c�f tP�e �dvertisiri messa e� Tf the ' ' .. ... _., ..._._ . _ . ._._.._.. .�..., si n is„_cum ��ased of indiuici�u�1 lei:te�s ur� symbols usinu the wall as the haackgr�u�inr��,wii:h�ar�,wi�Lhau�added dec�ratian,u_the�,_totaX si n ar�a �hall b�caleulatr�d h�v mr�asurinq �he area within _the aLe,r�iineter„ af al.l s n_y �bol_s anci�].e��ers o�^ ae�cs ir►cludin�as:. �;; 18w114,090 _�_ap��ial Candition_Sic�ns (;�) COutdcaar_ Ac�uer�isi�� £�i�qris�, nutc���ar �dv�rtisiric�] Bil.lboard. _sillbu�rd sic�n r�gwlatiuns sha11 be as follc�ws: t, (1) Z��r�es F>erir�i.i��ec), [Oui:dnur• adueri;i�ir�g] Bi1lbn�rd sigr�� sha�.l b� per�nii:l:��d un].y in a C..-G cummerc9,a1 xon� nr T.,._p, ,,; :L-µL., anc� �:..._Fd ir�dus�ri.a�. -r_�r�es. (2) I�I�ic�ht. Th� maximum i�ei�ht �f an [au�cianr adupr�isir�g� k�il;,�k�uard sS.gn shaJ:l n�i: exce�d 35 feet fr�c�m i:Fi� graur�d l�v�l ai: its N�ase, ,�. ;; 4; 7qNE URl7�;NANC� AM�;NpMENT lUA 87-..p7 t�RAF'"f A -- PAGE; 15 (A2/19/88) i,` r: �; ��, _ _. . ..:::; ,.,, ��.s F ,..,.<!t., (3) SxrE�. (A) T'Pi� m�xin►um szgn c�iiri�nsiaris of [an uui�dc��.tir. �duc�r�i:isinc�] � bill.kruard �i�ri shal.l bN ].� f��t irt h�xghi: �rir� 7.,'i fi��i� �a.n 1�rigi�Fi (r�xcl:wc��.ng su��c>r�ts ar�c� f�7ur�ciai:ians) ur a �ui�;al. maxi,inum si�n ar��aa uf 30p sq�a�r� fe�i: �a�r• face. (f3) GQui;c�u�,r� �c�a�r�tisir�g] Billbuai^ci sic�r�� may k�c� inGr�c��sed in �r�a t:a lA feet i.n h�i.ghi: and Q8 feti; ir► ].�nr�1:h c.�r� ; a tui:al maximum s:ic�n ar���aa of ti75 sq4t�re f��t ra�r• face ' whi�r� K�er•ma.1��:�d a> freeway_.�orientad s igris. I� � C(C) On �re�away-u�^ieni:�ci signs, cui�uuts may prc�jeei: b�yunr� i�hi� dis��l�y s�arfe�r.� and m�y ddd 4ip �c� ��ne--�thirc� at�c�iLiunal ar�a uf p�r�•mitted dis��.ay suc�ra�:e �:nd fur�i�hier• may E�x1:�.and 5 1/2 feet ak�ove, 4 f�aei: hae].uw ar 2 fc�t i�u eii:her� �ide o1= LhEa display surr�c�, pr��ui.�ied �h��t t�h�� 3�a fic�u� irt�xi.mum h�ighi: l.inii�i; i.s ric�t exce�d�c� k�y scach cuLuut;s.a (A) L.c�ca�i��ns P�r�mxi�i��:�d. (A) [Gutc�nur� ac�uar�tis�.ng] E3illbaard s3.c�ris sl'��11. [t�nly] ka� �er�mi.i�t��d i:a lcacai�e on and wii:mhin 1U0 fieet ufi [ur•i,�nt i;a] Ureg�.,ri �i:aL� Ex�res�way Nc�. 2.�7 ar�c� and/G�r Ini:�r•�i:ai:e Fr�Fa�way Nu. 5[,] r�ights;,�uf::;wa.�s�. . (E3) [Outdu�tir• ac�u�ri::ising] F3:illbu�r�,d, sigriy �i�a17. ncai: h�u� inc>re t;Nian ur�Ea displ.ay �urface i'a�.inc� i.n i:h� :�am� tr�,:;fifi.i clirecl:iari �r� any one premise[s.� . SCZ Fur 1�N» purp�7s�z of thiis �r�nuisiun ar►d ror i�h� pur�u��s �.,f aK>K��.yin� the sp�ca.ng lin►it;o�i;i.c�ns wr� d�n�i.i:y ' li.mitatiuns which folluw, a sing�.e [autduor• ac�uer•1�isirig] k�:i11k���ar�c� str•u�tur�e �ri whrch� T c�is�lay �urfiac��s ai^e ai�achpd back•--i;a.-.back sria.11 be �:.ur�si<i�?r�d �s one [uGil:duur ac�uer•tising] billboar•d si.qn arid wi.tN� ur►� display sur�r�ce racing une i:rafi•'ic directxon. �,1�,� lfi,.,a, _,�,,.ro�,used b9.11b�aard ,s,ic�r��s� as wi�hiri 66A fiee��,af th��aublic, riwght•--or•-wa�, of�a�Si�ate hic�hwa�,., th�n ,d� n�cessar�._permit s _from _the State Hiahw�.Divi..sic�ri shall be ob�ainerl, (5) [Outdol:�r� �du�r��isinga Bi.11bnard si.gns sPiall ncat b� l.acatec� wii:hin 3p0 r��i: or� anui:her C�ut:cl�ur� aciveri:ising] bil�buar�ci sign �.,n L-hc:� a�>�usi,i:e side uf th�e str�et ur• hic�t�way ur� within 500 f�ExL ur anui:her [uutduor aclv�rtising] bil�buard sic�n �,n �he samca sic�e c�i� i:he [sl:rer�t ar] highway, (p) i::or� pur^pus�s or a�plya.ng �his limx�ati�n, di.stdrices shall. be m�asur•ed as d radi�,�s Prom a si.gn, (R) Wh�re ?. or inure sigr�s ar� irt vinlai:iun uf f:hes� s�aci.ng pravisicaris, i�he �i,rst lawfull,y CUn3�l"UC��CI, �r��c��?d and maini:ained shall be p�r�mitted tu remain, I:QN�; QR[)xNF�NCE AME:NqMENT ZQR 87-��07 [)RAF'T' �4 --� PAGE, l.6 (q2/19/�8) � (5) Cbui�r�u�.,r ac�u�ri:�.sa.rig� E3.i.11baarcl sic�r�s �r,���, r,��� a].1 mei:a�. �i�r°uci:ur�s; pravica�ci, howevE�r�, that i�h€� dispJ.ay surface dr• di.��1�:�y sur�fiar..e� ar�ca i:N»� str�xn��rs used for�� i:ri� �up�c�r�t ��f= i:he <iisralay sur�TacEas tug�i:hcr with cui;uul:5 ir�ay bca mac�c= uf �thier� m<��:erial.s, (7) COui:cl�.,c,r adu�r•ti.si.nc�� �3i„llbc�arc� si�ns ar•e n��i� ���rmii:i�er� as I ruuf s ic�ns , (S) All. sa.c�ri�, 1:c�c��.ai�Pi�.ar~ wi1::h all af t�:��eir� ::u�aK�e�rt:s, k,r•�c�s, ; guys and �richc��^s sN�al.l b� kEapt in ynuc� r���aair and sh�11 be mai.r�t:�inF�c� �.r� a safi� caridi�:i.on, (A) fall siyris �rid i:he :>i�e �a�aan whi.ch th�y dr��� lucated shal.J. k�� ma3.n�:�a.n�c� i.n a n�ai:, cJ.ear� �r�c� �i:i:r�aci:ivc� caric�itiar�s. (C3) Siyns shK�.11. ra� ke�t fre� fram �xca5siv�.a t^usi�, �.ar�r�usinn. �ac�cal.S.ng r>�xint ur� ui:h�r �t�ar�face c��1�er�i�,r•�ai:ic.,n, (C;) "fhie di.s�aJ.ay s�i�^fac.�:� of all. s9.gns sh��1l. k�� k��F>1: rieaLl.y �aaii7i:eci ur� �nsi:��d. (b) E3encNi Sigris,;.. E'ser�chi sic�rt� shiall c.�nly �ae permii;t:ec;i a� clesxgrti�t�c� Lrarisii: si�u�as in camm�r•ci.at, inciusi:ra.al, and mul.tirainily zc>n�s wF��xre rio k>us shiel.i:Hr• exast�, (1) "I"h�r•e shaJ,]. k>� ru.� mc.�r� �F��n c.,n� benr.r► sign �E�r�� �l.l,awabl.c� t��ansit si�o�a. (2) �lae�m�:�ni� uf 1:hE ben�.h� si.yn sha7.l. r�c�i� irii�erfc!re w9.th p�ci��i:r��ian trdrfic ur� C�:r�rr•i�: visiun.]be_. lucated withi.r�,� ..__........,_ visa.on clearanc� area �r a raublic .r;.wq.til�-��of�'w�a.�.._.. (3) �pp�.ic�i:iun far� a �a��rich s i�n shal l inc�.uc�� t:h� s igna�urN uP l:h�e �rrE��.i:�c� K>r•a�er•�:y �.�wr�er and K>r•a�,�f af li.abi.].a.i:y insur�ance. �_ Th�_ s�_area �.s limii:ed i:a_a tatal of, faur�een___(_lA�,sc�uare, I r-���� ._ _ [(c) �:nciclen�al 5ic�n,s , ]:ricidE�r�i�al signs shall nc�L �xc:�ec� 12 i.rich�s iri heighi: �r�d �16 i.nchps in wic�i:h �nci shall. k�e lin►it;�d L-u A si�ns ai:i:ach�d i:c� a �ermii:l:�c� fr��e st�nding si.gri. (1) :Cricic�c�ni:�1 �ic�ris as c�escr�iha�d ab��va, �r�� p�rmii:t:�'d as wall si.u�r7s, (2) "I"h� i:c�i�al r.un►k�in�c� ar�t�a sha].1 nut exc��d 6 squar•� feei:.] C(d) Pulx�ical_,5ic ns� Si�ris relai:inc� tu i:he namination �nd eleci:iun of any indiu9.�t��aal. �ur� a poJ.ii:ical ofrice or �c�vocdcy c�i= ar�y maasure i:u be uutkd �a�aan �t an ��l.�ei�iun shall k�e allow�d und�r 1:he foll.uwa.rig candii:i.ons: 7_ONE ORDINAN(,� AM�NpMENT IOA 87••�•Q'1 QRAF'1" A — PAGE 17 (02/].9/88) (1) Su<;h s:ic�ns �r�al.l k�w i;r�m�aar�ar�y iri rr��ur•e and shal.l ha� r�mnue�d within lp days art�r Lhe �l��tian, (2) �wch �ic�ns srral.7. nc.,L r�xreec� 12 sc�uare f��i� in r�s9.d�r��ial. cunes and �2 sc�uare r�et :in al l uther� ar��s. (3) N�, �acilii;ic�l. sign sh�11 ha� ereci:ed wi,1�Ni�.n �,r~ un ar�y K>uk�7.i.c prupet°Ly ur r�igF�t...-uf-.-.w�y ur arr-�xEy� tu �tny pu1e, raost or si�anc����d J.�.�cai�:ed wii:P�irt ar on publ.i.c pr•u�a�r�ty ur� righi:....ur....�way,� Sc�_ E3aJ.loans. Qri� inflatak�l��..__._,s�tatiuna�_k�allaon.��,nr _ c_l.ust�r�s;.�_.�_�f ..:_ ....�. �... . ,._.,.�..__ i chilc�ren's ballaons firm_,1„�_rLieci�down and on� banner nut�o exceed 30_�quar�e fee�_ir��area��remise sNia].1 be all.nwed unl�,,.i^,f all._ nf the _fu].luwiriq, cunditic?ns are .satisf'i�d; .x � �` ' � �1 A Cat e�f :I°i ar�d sx n ermii, rs nk�tairiec� fnr eaah� i .�.. ._._._....W_..�.. ,..�.�.....�.._.�..J._._.P_....._.�.'�._._..�..� .�.._._w..,........,_.. ...�._.�. ..�� �,I`he_balloun an�i/o�^ bann�r shall k�e allowed,. unl,�_dur�i.r��„a � �er^i�d, c�mm�ncir�c _wxthxn 3q da��_.�i'1:er �Pre cum�n�nc�nyeni�,_�r cha�e _in ,c�wnership,_„_�as.session�,ur�,_carii:�rul af pr.a�ri.y., to { whick7 �he� ar•e:ai•�achted� � ...w�....�..w f .�.3:�. Bui:h �y.�es_.uf sign.s... s;h�ll be alluwed ��� r�maii•i,. up f+�r,.� ' � �?ri�.�d���f nci lon er 1:hran 3Q c�a s_...._......._._.....__...w........__,.__w,_...._...W ;; L......__...:....._.�..:�..___�..._,...__�___._....�...;_._.... .�L.�... ;; �; f .�4Z Bal luur�s may be._. ermit�r�d ��_ ruuf,�, .s i�c ns. `- �i l..he si•r..c af a k�al.loan sha11 rio1: �xr.�ed 25 feet in r,�,�r,�,� £; a' �ci� EY�C�Y't�l'11C Messa�qe Ceni;�rs� Electrunic M�ssa��_��nter _.�v_�xrialal,� �; messag�_.si�n._ r�egu1�1�9.�.,r�s _,sha11, k�e a�,fal.laws:_ �1� Zunes Per�miti:eci. klecl:runic. Messa e C�ntpr� sr ns sha11 b� ' . ___...w...._.__._._._-�__._._.�.__.._....__.. ' .._....,,....'�..._._�..:...._.,.�..._�....,...�......:...,_..._...._.....,._.._�.�. ; ��r�ma.�t:ed ,ar�1.�....in I:h� C.W:G and_GE3D zaries�„ , .�2.Z Hei,c�ht and Area. Thc� maximum�,.heic�..hii;�ai�d..�,�rea or ari j;; ._..,......�.____.__._._..�........_._....�...___,_�...._.. _.. .._.,_.........._...._......._.... el�ctrc.,ri�.c m�ssa�g.e.... c�n1�Fr sic�r�,�r���1._..��,�, tN��� wN�xch i� :', �.__....w_.__......._._....._..__-.__-__. _.._..........�.._ ,.._, .._�....._...�....._..._.._.. ,; . ...,_.�.._. sl:ipulaFl:Pd in subseci�iun_.].8. ilA. 134�c,� �� Lac.a��iuns Permit�ed_:. ...� ��...�. . .._..._ �,�. �.A,�., E.leci.r�uni.c mcssa.ge, _.Yc,enter•s shaJ.l. k>e �].lnwed ta , __._.. ..___.�____._ ._..._.�._.�...�.._.�..__..�..__M..� ._�.�....._._.�........ SUI�5�11,6t�P_, r�7M' ane fr•ee.-standi� sxan ar..un� wall si�n� ,; ...._......_.._..._..___...,....�..,._..........�.__.� ...�. �.__...._.... ,. .�3.�. Ur�e .._._...,�1er.i:rar�ic .._.._.m�ssd�.p ....�.._.c�nt��.__.,...��:��.G�.�.�..._.,..�i�hi�r ' .�......_, ..�.�.�.._. fr�e...-stan<i�r�, ar_wall_ shall be alluw�ci,�p�r�r^em,xye.,� ';, ..�__.,_..�...__....._....�__ ]a�.. �l�Nl�:,�?i�1��:Y��1'15. _ .�... .�.. 1 raueJ.lin�q.._.laghi�L �a,dl:terris�, ��chas�r_.µ�ffect"�.....,shiall� k�� �:' _._....._._.. �___... .._....._...._.__.. _ �rc�h�i b i tec�. ;!<� �,;: B M�ssa�es and �nimai�9.�an sFia�J.l be dis la ed a�: xn�.erval.s :i 5�..�. . _..�._�....�...._. _.._.._... ._.___... _. m.::�.....11.�..._.._.�.,.....�.., ...,.�......,_........_, ......... ..._..,.,,.. �....._.. _.,.._ �..,.�.. _�. of._twu �econc�s ur_,l.n�,�,in duratiun,� Sp.�.. F�reewa�,rxented..._Signs.:.,,......�:��eway-._arieni:ed , si.gn.,_.regumla�iuns shall `. be a� f-ul luws; 1 Iqr�e� Perm�i.��d F'r�ewa uriented sx ns shall k�e �rmitted ` �.....�.. ._... ,�...._._.�..�...__...�L::� �....._.._....�..�......__ .�.L._.�.. .u....�..___..,. .�_.._..�.: _.. . ....�.._.. .�.�........_.w.. , o,._n�.�in a C�-C; .Cammercial Zane�I�_P�,I,�l„�ncJ _Iw•H indust�ial znnes , �� ZQNE; QC�C)�;NANC;�" AM�;NQM�,N'1" ZpA B7-�Q7 [�RF�FT 4 �.- pAGE: 16 (Q2/19/6B) ''= ,. �'' �; _ _ _ _ __._.__ :i� �,2,� Hei.c�,H�t.._,....LL..;rn�. �r,ax�mu�ri r,�, i„�n.i uf a fre�w.�Y�Muri�ni:ed �ign _.�.._.. ._. shal.l. noi; exceed 35 fe�1: f�^am �he q,raur�d _leu�l_�t ii�s k�a�e. �3.Z :'I"ui:al_�,Rre�.,� A i:uta.l m�ximwn sYqn area ur X2p s�uar� f�e� __._._... _ . ._ , - �.r.. face....(?..AO S(,�,U�1^,N_.f`E?�t: I;O�:d�. sh��aJ.l. k��,..al.luwed:_ .,.._.,._,...�.. _..�...�.._.. w..._.._._. �A� I_ocai:ior�s Per�mii:t�d. Fr�e�w��uri�nt�u�, si�s sh��ll b� I �rmi��ec�,�tn� lucai:� un�nd wii:hiri�140 fe�t �.�fi Or�qon State ' Hic�h,.wa� 217 ar►d/or Int�rsi:at�,_I=r•eewa� Nu..,._.5_ri.g.h�ts..-uT,r„�-ui�� 5�.. �'reE��urieni��d., si.c�ns,�shall�_noi:_hau�„n�nr�_,1;han ar�� di,�l.ay_ .... .�._.�..._...Y...,..�.......... sur�ace _fac,.in� in �he SbilIIP_ tr�afric ciir�ection nn an`L„une ��m i s�...�.__..._. _.. �6).. On freewa�_::�ur�_xented _si. ris,�..._c�a�nuts µma'L_�roj.eci�.M.k'Fyone�_th� __...,...,..._.._.....__... dis�l�surface and m___a�,_a..,dd u�.tu un�-third �dditional ar�ea nf....�er�mi.tted disp^la�s�ari'ace arir�furtPier m� ext�er�c� �--�/2 �eei: abuvp�A feet _belaw ur^ 2 feet tu either� s:ide af �he � - _„.. dis.�.�.�...._surface�__pruvided , thai� the 35 fant n�►�ximum Fieight, � limit is r►ut exceeded�, sucNi cu�.uuts ,��.._,.�...._........._,.._...._._.�.....__.._..... .._._........�.. Y^ w.. ; .�7 Fr•��wa nr�iani.ec� sa r�s ar� n�.7i: �rn►it�ed as r�nf t�narii: � .....).. ._._......._.___�'..._._..,.._._'�__._._..._.........�.......�_........................_..__.,._..k?._........._....r......._..�.......:_................_..e._..._.__......�...._r � tem�,o rar�_.,,I��1 Yuun�,awn i nq_,s,i�n s,� i � �_ C�er•mii�s , r�ec�uir�ed�_i�'�ekw��-�•orierii��c�_s,i.c r�s _sFial.l k», allnwed un�.�by...an�dministratiue._appruval�af a sfi:e deveZu�mr�ni: reu9.ew or b'L., a��aruva,l.,, .c.�f,_a sic�r� cade . �xc�tiun._..b...�G.._....Lhe. � t�amm i s s i un. + .._._.._ .,..._... .. .�.) S�ri...�a.cr•i7iii�s.__shaJ.l k��:�_.r���c�u.ir�ec� far_ all_ fr�ee�w�,��ar�ien�ed s ic�ns� 1�9,.11A, 100..�w__°fen►�ur:ar.�._.S:..c�.ns. (a) Ft���horira�iun,� Th� D:ir�c�c.�r srtiall be �inpuwer•�:�d Lu aui:huri-r.� ; tem�ao�^ary sic�ns nc�t ex�mrai�Hd by aer.i:iun 18. 11A.p60 u4� i:his Cc.�c�e, Th�Ea [)i.r�ec�•.�r• sh�l]. a1:1��r:Fi such curicii.i�ir�ns t�., i�hi� issu�nce �af a �er�mii: f�r a i:�m�ur�ar�y si�n as inay b� rieces�a��y t;u assure di�ct�ni:9.ntaar�c.r c�t= i�P�� use uf- {�Mi� sign 9.n acc.c�r•danc� wi.�h i;h� i:k!rms af i:h� ��ui:har�i.;cation, ancl t�., assur•� �ubs�.�ni:iaX cuinplianc� with i:hc.� pur•po�� ��f this i:i1:�,e, (b) issuance Autl7ori�,y,� (�.� -rn� Dxr��c�ur rnay issGi� i��mpc�r�►^y sic�n �aer•ini�i:s wha.ch shal.�. i:er�mir�aLe wfi:hin 60 ciays from the ciatp nf issu�rice. (7.) No K��r•ma� sPi�11 hae is>Gi�c� i'ur a p�r•i�.�c� lariger tr��ri 6q daya, i k�ui: a �a�r�m9.i: may bEa r�n�wkaci h�y tHie qir�pci:ur u�aun a �how:ir�g of go�.7d causr far thie cani�xnua�i�.,n uT i:h� i:�n►K�orary p�.armi.l:. ;i �(c) RE� uirPd,_ t'.unciii:ions� A�plic:ar�ts rur� temparar�y �ic�n p�r^mii�s �hall �' suk�nii.i�suchi evid�nc� ;�s m�y k�� rr�qu9.r��d �a �n�k�1� Lh�� na.rectar �n � c��ter•ma.r�e tr�a1: une ur more of the 1"u.11�wir►g cundii:iuns exa.si:s: , �Y� ��'�� i'��h.� ���f^ {:��£' 1w'c�!!l�'Jl7r�%ar�� ci�!'1 1'� t•�'tn rliY�a{;i�,• r�p��:�],� nr �1 �; �, casuali:y ].c�ass; I, ZqNE: qRqINANCE: AMEIV[)M�N'1" 7.QF� 87.�..07 DFtA�"T 4 —� PAGE 19 (02/1.9/88) i � {; i; (: ' c._ (2) 'Th� �raplicant has 1�st lc�as�hald uccupancy r•i�,�hts; (3) Thw� r���.acl f�7r a t�m���r�ary si.c�n a.s i:�7 k�rS.r7g i:a the ai:l:eni:i�n uf i:hi� public a �p�ci�l sale, � sp�t;zal s�ruice, ur� a ` s��.�cial. �vent which is c�.�mpatiF�l� w�.i;N� tFi� k�usin�ss;7 c 4 Ty��s and J.acaL-ions ut� i:�ir�porary sic�ns shall be �s fu�.l�,ws: ; ,c......z cc �� �1,�. C(A)7 �rN,E, i�c.�i�al. numk��r c�� i:r�mparar�y signs sP��l]. noi: exce�d A ror dny un� busxn�ss �t any ane per~3ud af time, � i., � "fhe to�al area �f ur�e fr�e-•stan�i.nc�,_ temparaM,y shall. naL , ex c�a ead: .__._.........�......___....._............_._.,._____ ..Y......«......»..._.... t:.�� .�i� Six sguar�c fee1� iri resideritial zones... .�a.i Sixt �-t'our� � uare f��t in cumm�rci�l :r_anes. ;,-,; ....�...�. ..�.........Y......_._..�......_.q.......�..._.,....._....._.__......_..__.�..w_.m.�___._.....�...._..�....,...�.._ B I'N�e tn�aJ. �r�a af un� fr��--si:dr�din sigri sh�l.1 n�,i� ;';,: C( )a C � i;� �xt:��c�c� 12 st�uar� 1=eet �nd rur wa�.�. si�r�s 18 squar� fe�t ] • r.;� S_�..�_ C(G}] S�� [d�fi:ini.i:i�.,na Sec�ir�r7 18, 11A,p15(c)C(A3)] .��i� (1"�MPOhTARY STGNS) f'o�^ [For� �:y�aes �ppr~vu�d.] d��firii.i�i.�,ns, ?` r.;, �1?` i. 5A 'T'em urar wal�. sa. ns sha11 nr�� exceed 3Q s uare feFd: �.n �` ......�. .�?.._,..�.._..Y......._._..._..._.�...:�_ ' __... . q._.�...__._..' ._..,......_.._.._ ar�a. �. C3anners.� Banr►ers,.._ may , k�e a�.l�wed as _tem�orary ,s,__ic�r�s provid�ci____th�.me�t� the dimensiunal re uir�q__._.ement�„s for tem�orar� w�ll siari�30 sc�u-ar�e feet maximum ar�a�,_ ar�d a, . sic�n �mit has been ranter� where requir�ed� "' r�- �„� F�ball�7un �and,�a k�anner• as,_�r•avided, in Sectian 18�,i1A.09q cZ.. �..d�. C(D)] 1_oe�i�iun shall be as a�pr^uuwci by Planninc�Dir�ctur's des�n�e [�tuil.di.nc� qrfici,al.� [Sign clui:i�er^, bJ.�nkel�irt�, and shabby anpear•ar�ces uf signs sha�.l be auaid�d, � C(i) f°a�andal�ic,n irrs�NCf�iar�s shal l be n►�d� artcr al l requxr�nd exu�uai:9.uns, �arm wur�k, bult s�t.i:xn�s are c:om�a].�ted and re�dy tra reGeive cuncr��te,] �;,. i� C(ii} A17. anchurag�s sriall be le1=L ex�c�sad fur �.nspec�iun. ] �; C(i.ii.) E.lec�r•ic�l ir��K�ecti.nn shall be made by tPie ag�ncy issuinc� el�ctirical 9aermii:a.] ;` . �.' [(9.u) Fina1 Trispections , F'inal inspectian sha11 be ca�.�.ec� �' ,, 1=0�^ by i:he applicant wh�n all wdr•k is cc�mplet�cd. : T'his i.ns�>ectiun srial:t cuver all i.tems r�quired by �I �Nte Buil.ciir�g Qf�i.cial under State ].aw ur CiL'y �; nrd9.rianc� such as the locai;ions, ].andscaping if '- �^r�quir��d and general cumpliance with he appruued k:' �].�►ris and requirements af this �it�1�.] ; t' � �t�Nk pRqINANC;E AMEIUpMENT' ZpA �7�07 DRAE�" 4 - PAGE 20 (0'L/19/8B) �y �� � _ 5�.,�., i�i��ac.hmeni:, T'en�o�ar.�l__s..����...may_�not_ b�__.�er•i7ran�ni:ly a�t:t�c.hed�ta th�_gr��und:,._bui].c�.ings ur� uther� si�ructur�s� _._.....__ 18..114..11p _,Nancunfurmin.y._Sir�ns. (a) Exc:EK>1: ��s �ai�•�auic��cl ir� �:hiis �:hap�pr, 5ac�ns in �x�.si�enc�a e.�r� ', Mar•chi 20, ].�78, i.n ac:curc�ance wi�h [accnr�c�in� i:�, Ord.r,nar�c:ps ', N��. 71—•6ti ancl Nc.�, 78w•16, which dc� nat c�.�nfcirm i:a i:Nie prc�ui.saans «fi I �his (�h�pi:er, h�u� wha.ch w�r� c�ns�ructcd, er�ci:E�d ur maini:ained in com�li�ncE� wai:h �l.l �>r�eviuus rE�gu].di�ic>ris, shall b� r�garc��c� as nunc.unfur��ming siyns whS.ch may ha� cuni�xnu�c� untxl March 20, 1988. (b) Si.qria iri �xisi�en�Ea ori J'�nuar~y 11., 197i., whi.ch da noi: cc�r�farm Lc.� i:he pr��7visions uf i:his Ch,�pi���r�, I�ut which w�ar� cur�si:ruci:�d, er�eci:Eacl c.,r�• m�ir�i:ai.riec� in r.ampJ.i�trice wi.i�h al1 �areui�aus ��egul�i:9.uns, w�r� ►^�c�arcic�i as r�un�.uni'��r�iriinc� signs anc� coul.c� k�e ear�l:iriu�d rur• a pe�~iad �.�f= lU y�r�rs fr�um J'anuary 1]., 1971 . AJ.1. su�Ni sic�ris Wr,xG.r, w�re nut F�r•uuc���� irito e�mpla.anr.� wi1:h i:h� �i�ar�d��^ds in Orc�9.n�rice No. 77-...89 aric� Nc�, 78-..16 and i;tie exi:pnsS.c�ns c�r�ni:�zc� are r�c�w in violatiun ur tr,is Chapi:�r. (c) Siyris ].�.tic.al:�d c�n �ar��m:is�!s arin�x�.ad ir�Lr� i:Ni� Ci{:y �f�er ��anw�r�•y li, 1971, which c.�u noi: cc�m�ly w�.th the r��^ov9.si�ns ui� i�his Chapt�ar�, sF►�.11. k�e br��.7uc�Fit in1:n cnm�>lianr.e wi.1:Pi thia� Ch��ai:c:�r� wi.�hia.n a pe�••S,od uf 10 y�ars afi��r t�he �r-r-��:t��� c�ai:e uf t�he �rm�ax�tiun, [(d) Ariy sign wh�.ch is si�r•�aci:ur�lly aJ.i�er•ed, r•�l.c�cai:�c� ur repla�ed sh�ll iimri�ac�i�l:ely be r��U�,�r�i ii��tu �,um�l.i�nc� wa.l:h all uf i�he pr•civ9.:�3.uns c�f i:Fii.a Ch�ap���^, �!xc.eK�t� �h� r�eN��ar•�.ng an� restor^�i�a.c�r� uf a si�n un sii:p ur~ �w�y i'r�c7m t�he sii:e i�a a s�re concii.ti.nn �ny p�r1: c,r � sign ar• si.gr� si:�^uci:u�^e f�,r� normal. m�:in��ri�nce sha11 k�� p�r•nii�t�d wii:h��ut luss nr naricar�f�r�ming �L�i�us ,] �i�., F'o,r n�r�7��s_ af .�his ,f.;ode�._�._sa,,c�r►_..fac�... nr messa�, cPian�c �.sN�all_..be dei:erma.n�d by�he fullowinc�� I ._._...._._._.......�......._...._,. �,iZ � s,ign _face._wor messa e change,._an a_ nariconf-urminc sign,_.is no�� alluw�d as ari ali:erai:iun when 1:^he �business ta be ...._..._..__ ______.....�..._._..._._... ..._._........_..�..._..._...__...._...__.�.�.._�. .__..._.._.._....�.,....�..._ ac�uer�ised wi.11_.no�, r�ntaxi•i th�same; ,�i_iZ A si�c n.._fac�.y u�messag,e chanqe shall. �:her�fnre b� allowed as _._._..._ .,_..._..._._.__....,.�.____._.,_.�.___....�....._.�.,..._..._._ an, alt�r�a�ion unl�. fcar.W. exisl�in�.�cnrifar•mxn�signs_...dnd , fc�r n�ncur�rurmirg_sic�ns_..priur� i:�i?_their amori�izai:iun_.expirai�ian dal�e_.i. �.µ .� ,�ii_x,.).. No_sigri�erni:i�rsh�,ll_ k�� r�eg,ui,r�ec�_ fnr ,aJ.l,c�w�hale ,sicri, face,�.�r� m�ssa,ge chanc�es� �e� Shc��ald _a riancunfnrmir�c�sigri,_._ar�,_sign_, strucLure .,r�r n�an�c�,riforn�, i�, ��?ri:�iuri_ _uf"�sLr�uci:ur�e be ci�si:�^��d ur� ,r,�pai;red by_.���._._me�n� to„an caxi�eni�...of�m��r�e than S�q �c,r•cent of�its r�lac�m�rii:_,cas�.�..._ii� shall not be recunstructed excc��t_ in,_cunft�rmii;y,�with�,the _„�,ruvxsi,uns,_of tr,i.'s Coci�, � M Z:�NF nitqINANC�: AMfN�M�:NT ZqA 87...q7 pRA�'T A _�. PAG� 2�. (02/i.�/88) �.f� C�t')7 Si�ns in �axistc�r��:c� �n i�Mie �f'f�ct;iv� dat� uf this Chapt;er which d� nnt ccamK>ly w3.th �rc.,uisians rec�ul�i�i.ng fildshi.nc� sic�ns; u�e ai' �a�r• s�aotligNi�s ur� r�oi:ai:ing be�GUns; rui:ai:inc� aric� rev�y.lvir�cJ �ic�ns; fl�gs, k��ar�n�r°y, si:r���amwar•s or� si�ri,r�gs af light�;s; (ur �enip�.�rary ��r i.ncic�c�n�al sic�ns) shal.l. ha� mac�e i:a cunfur�m wit:hin �A c�ays f~r^am i�Me eft'ect�iu� da�� c�fi i�hiis CF���i��r. ,.�.Z C(�")7 COutc�u�ar f�dv��^tising] BiXlbuar�,ds. Sa.�n� i� exist�nce an th� eff�ci:i.ve dal•:e ofi �LMii.s Chapt�r which dc� rioi� cam�ly wii:h 1:h� pravisinns e3r '1'R 18. 11�4.09Q(a)(n)(A) shall be p�r�mit�l:eci i:o r�emain al.��ng t1,4,. f�ir�Ntw�y 49W �nly unti.,l_Februa,r�,,,1��,1998, 7.8,. 11A, ].20 Si�n Remuval pr���visiuns..-Nuncnnfar��min�,ar�ci Abar�doncd_Sf n� (a) A].1 s�.gris er�ci�r�d ai't�r• th� �rr�C�a�� date caf Lhis i:itle, wh:ichi a�^ta in viol.atiun nr any �r�ouisa.an of i:his ur•c�inance, sh�ll be r�n�av�.�ca c,r• k�ruuc�ht in1�u r.c.irirarmance, upun wrii:i��n nc��:i.c� Fay th� Uireci:ur [ur c��sign�?e] , (b) F�l.l. siyns whicHi d�., nc�t com�al.y wii:h i:his Ch��i�er�, but w�re er��ci�ed pi^iur tu i:Fie er��ctivp dai:e uf this ordinanc�, sh�all. be r�±maved u►^ br•��uc�hi� inLc� cani'ormance wii�hin 60 d�ys fr�um wri.i�i;�n nai:ic:e k�y eet^�:ifii.e�d ir�dil giu�n k�y thN i�irectu�^ [�ar c�uly �u�hurired re�are��r��ai�i.v�] . (c) T.f- i�he awr»r c�f si.gn, k�ui.l.c�xng, struci:u�^e ar� �r���ir�i.sc� f-ai.l,s i�:c� cair�ply with th�� wr�i�i:�n or•der, L•F�e i�irect���^ [ur dcasignee] m�y i:hien f c.i.i.� 1:tie own�!�� ini:�, court suk�j�c� tu Chd�aL�r� 16,24 (E'NF'pF2C�:M�:N'T') nf i:his Cud�, "fhe rollUwin� �xcepi�i��ns apply; i � (1) £;er.�i.��ri 16.114, 110, (Nanr..orifarn►ing Sic�ns), �r^ovides fc.�r cc�r�t�ain i:�.ma limx.i:s �nd u�her� �.nridit�,uns fur cer�:ain si�;�ns i as d�scrik>ed i:he��eir�. i � (2) F�riy �9.c�n th�a1:: hay i�5 canc�iti.un �,r loc�ti<an �r��seril.s an imm�diai:� �r serious cianger i:u i�Nie public, by or�d�r uf i:he �uilc�i.ri� Qfifi,cial, ii� shall, br� r•eniaved ur� r��pair��c� wi.i:hiin i:hn 1:S.me tie may sp�ciry, i 7Cn i�ha wuerii: i:he �.,wner cif sur.Mi sign carinr�i: k�� fuunc� or• �•efusc�s i:u cc�mply wii:h the orcier� tu remuue, th� Bui].ciing Offxci�l. shia.11. i:hen h��e �hc dangeraus sigr► remc.�ued aric� t;ri� , uwner cii:��c� rur� nancc�mpliance and recuv�ry uf ar�y ciaa�ac�� or ex���rts�, ;' (8) Teinpur��ry C,ic�ns; A11 i��m��ur�ar^y signs �hall. b� ren►uued [nr� re�aair��d] as �ruvicied in S�ac:�inr� 18, 1],4. 1qQ�,b�1,� af- i�hrs ;;,�, Chdpi:�r, �; (d) Flr�y K��rsc�i�i wPi� ��wr�� or� ].e�ses � sic�r� stri�ctur� sha1J, r�tiniau� 5UC�'1 sic�r� [arid sic�n] si:ruci�ur�� when �ii:h�r the busir�c�ss i�hat it adu�r�l:is�s Fi�s cla�cc�ni�ir�ucd h�usar►c�as [in th� city ar tFi� busin�ss i' i�Ni�t: at �c�u���l:a.scs i.s rio lor�c���^ coriduct:eci in or ta�on th� pr�inises u�un whicFi such7 sign is lcacai:ed] . � !: ZON� ORI)�NFiNCE AM�NpMC�N'1" ZqA 87.�w07 DRAFT 4 •- PAG� 22 (02/19/88) ;`'. I __ � i _ �_.. .__. . �� . ._ _ _ . � t � � � t I; (1) 1f 1>h� K?�r�s��n wriu r�wt�s ��r J.eas�as sur.h sa.grt fai.�.s t� �^�move !' it as �raui<i��l in i;his 5�ci:iun, i;he Qir�ec.�ur shall giue i;he owner of i�hr� buildi.nr�, si;rur.�ur� at^ �ar�roise:� upc.,n wh��.Gh �u�:h sic�n is lu�ated, 64 days wriLi;�n nuti�e tu remou� it. (2) �:f i;ri�:� sic�r� h�ts noi; ha�c�n rr�muu�d ai: tFi� �x�air�ai�iun uf' tNte ' dU days n�tice, the I�ire<:i,ur [�r �esic�n�e], irtay r��muv� �uch sic�n a�t: ccas�: t<, tr» awner �.�f i:t�� k�ui�.din�i, s�ruci�ur� c�r• �; x; �r��mi sps, :, f, (3) Sayrts wr,z�r, ��� in_... full: cc�m��.i.�neeW_..,wi�Nti , Ci�w:sian r�gul;ai:iuns which i:h� stacc�ssur tu a �er�sun'�s busin�ss ac�r•ec�ti tc� mai.nt�iri as pr�.�uided in i;riis �ha�i;�r n�c.!cl nr�i: be r^�mov�d in accu�^danG� with i>I�is Secl:ic�n, r: �. dl (A} Cus�s i.r�curr•�d �y i�F�� Gi.ty d�ae t� remuu�l., m�y k�e mad� d `, lien agaXn�� i�he larir� ur• p��mis�s un wYiach such �i�n is f+ lor.at:�d, af�.�r nc,i:ie� anc� hr��ring artd may bc� f:l'1].�.@C:�:E�CI nr f`ur��clus�d in the s�me marin�r• a� lin�s u�he�wise �n1:�red in ,;} thti� la.r�es drar.k�t of i;Pi� Gii�:y. ` lB, iia,��o _ z�nin�,,,�is�ric� a�gulatiun� (a) Na �ign af ariy r.Ni�r�aci��r sha].1. be �>Ermiti�ec� in ar� �-7, R....4.5, R�-3.5, R•--2, ur R-1 zun� excepi: i:he falluwir►g; C(].) Nam��alal:ES, �ic�n ber�ri.r�g nnly pr���a�r�:y riumk�er�s, na�mc�s uf' �cr.upani:s uf i:he pe~��r�is�s ar ��:her id�nf:ifi�ai;i�an ui= i:he pr•�mises no1; Fi�virig a c.ummercial cunr�ol;al:9.un nc�t exc:e�ding a cair�bined area uP A st�uar�e fc��t, ] '` � Wall s:�n.(�..;� M.ay._.r�ot�xc�ed a_ camk�ined tntal. ar�ea �7f f�ur, sguar� r��t, ' M. _ [(�) Re�l Esi:ate Si.gns. Orie [nn-�si.t�] t:�m�aor^ary sa�gn fur• eacNi st�^eet frur�t�c�� c.�fit`ti�r�ir�g i:he pr�emisc�s t'ur^ sale, l�as� or irispec:i�i��an k�y t;he pub�.ic pr�,vided that tfi� 1:c�ta1 area of such sic�n dat�s nu9: �xc�7��i 6 square f��i: in are�. Such signs iriay al.su hae modi.fiec� �:u indi�.�ni�� i�Ni�zl: i�F►� prup�r~i�y r�as bct�n sald,;] �.2.�. C(3)] per�marient rra�asi.r�g caniK>�.�x xd�nta:fica��:c,n sic�ns, nrte gr�aund sic�n, ai: �?�ch er��ry poini: �u the housing �.uq�pl�x fr��m i:h� puk�l,9.c. ric�h�1:�.-of-••way, witri i:h� s�.t� pr•u�er��y landsca�ar�d, ci�ynot:ing the deuel�a�an��rit r�ain� and nut nxc�edi:ng 32 �quar� fc�wi� a.n ar�ea. 7fll:umir�ai:iurr m�y ha� a�apruved as ].ong as ii: does nui: �reaa�:e a pul�lic ur� privat� nuisanc�, as d�ter�mrned by the Di.r�ector cnnsi.�er�inc� i:hi� pur�ac�se �r- �:r,� rt�ne. ;` ;: {;. �,' r_ ;" �`' �` s ,< , `i; �, �:�� [� , 7(7NH ORn;CIUANrE AM�IV�ME:N'T �OA �7y-�07 pRF11'=T A .._ PAGE 23 (p2/19/88) 1 i' ����'�. ��' �: �3.� C(q)] F�c�rinaner�t 5�abdiv�sa�,n id�.anl�9,fi.c.atx�r� signs. On� r�r��,ur7cl sic�r�, �t �aach �zrii>rq pua:r�i; �u the subdfvisi.un Sr•�m i:he p>cab�.i�:, r�ighl:-�c�r--w�ty, with th� sit� �ar��>�r~].y l�r�c�sc��aed, c�enut�:ii�ig i:he5 ci�:v�z.la�amc�nt n�ir►� �nc� not �axc:c�d"ang 32 sc�uare fe��i� i.n �r���. 7:J.l.�aminati�,n m�y b� ���r���v�d �� lunc� as i,i�: t����as nui: crc�ate a puk�la.c or �rivaL•� nuis�nc�, as ci�1:�r�mi.ri�d by i�h��.� qir��ci:�.�r� c�.�risi.c��r•iri� t:Fr�.a �aur�tisc� ufi i�he run�. ��+� IVun�^�sid�r��ia,l sigris�__ One illuminat�d ur�� nc�r�•�-illcuninat�d f„�„r�e.,�tandir� .�ic ri.. r�ai; �xceedi.n ��.6:fe..et_in_ h�i�hi�: �,and 32 sguare ,_,feet in__ are_,. a_.�er�, si n f�c� iwd�rii:ir,�inc�;a� narire5id�n�,i.a1 use..._�aermitted in a sin le_famil,�l_._resadential. zane�.�.... if.._._:sueh�...use�has been appruved uncier th� � axte ._..._... .........._._ c�euel�.�,�am�r��: r���ui�w_,«r uunditianal use._Lroc�ss�;.. [�5) Rc�al �Si��a1;e c�ir�ci:iunal si�ns . 1'�mpc�r•�r•y r•�al �si:�1:L ��.gn� adv�rl::isi.ri<� �n u��:�n r���us� �r�d 1c�c�ti��d c�f-f i�:ri� pr�m9.s�s, .l.r.inii:�� L-o a si�n �rE�a uf 6 squar•e fca�t �r►d � maxa.mum ciimeri�aon af 4 f��i: m�y b� ereci:r�c� ancl n�ai.rii��ai.ryed, �at^uvi.decl �.M» displ�y ur such sic�n shal.). be unly ciur^a.ric� i�hase huurs � �Fi� K�r��per�i�y is availak�le t=�.�r inspeci�xc�n.] i s [(A) No atP��r ui=f-.�..pr�iai:ises c�ir�c:l:i�7nd1 si:gns sh�ll. b� 1 �lJ.��w�d. N� �c.�r'ma.�.s a�^� r•�quir~ed f��r 5UC.I'1 si.�ns, k�ui; � t:he Dir~�ci:u�^ may es�:ak�lish r•���unaFal.e r��ul.�as and � r�c�ul�i:�.ons i:�� �ar�,Niik�it si.gr► r.l�ati:er, er�er.tx��n af ;� unsat=�� signs, �,r� uGF»r p�^ubinms. in cunn��:i:ian w:ii:h i:h� E�^k�ci:a.�.,n c�f Y'k''c11 esi��ate direci�:ic,n�1 signs,a ' C(�) t�ur:h r•talc�s ar7ci r�egula�iuris shal.l bw un fa.l� with i:h� `�� Ci.ty ftc�c��rc�er, ] ii [.,�b� Reli�S.uus F�ssc?mbly. (A) ��'r�ee,...si�:�ndi.r�g sic�ns fc�r� Weli.c�iuus ��s�mbl,ies ar�cl taciur.�l:iur�al ins�ii:ui:iuns in rpsic��nt�i.al zun�s 5ha1�. b� li.ini.t�c� �:�., 16 fe�i� in hei.ghii� and 6Fi squar� f��i� in ar�ta ��t^ s ign f`a��. (E't) Ft�l.i.qx«us i�tssE��ik)1J.�s �nd educal•,ic�ri�al. a.r�stii�ial�9.uns are �a�r�mil•.i�ad tu hav� r~�ad�r boar�c�s h�ut not in Eaxc.�ss of ' ':� tr�r� �.11.owrablka sac�ri �rea, �,! (C) Wa11 c,ic�ns. W�11 �ir�ns sh�l�l nui: pxcc�rac� f�ive �a�r�.eni: �.,fi th�� t�runi� wzaJ.J. �r�a ancl noi� k�� p�r•mil:i:ed un ;�a.d� or r<=ar wallx ,] � (6,� Uireci:xarsa,l ,_sa.,g_r»ar►�r�iu�►i;e �rc��e.rt�_�w,,.hen _such si�ns are. �ulel,}� desic�neci...tu ider�tif dr�ivew�w entt^anc:es and_.exits for; m�.�i�orist� c�n ad,�c�ir►ing _puk�lic��treets. . pne„�s_ic�,n�wi�h an.._area_gf rour .54.).�...sc�,ua,.re �eet per��ace shall be ��, rmi�i:ecl � �erµ_dr��iv�w.�..:..�_.�axd si nc�.s_ sThall , be , cnn�istent wi�h. C�ia�er• 1,8,, 102 Visual Clear•ance Arpas . W ' ��......_.�.._... �..__._._._.._.._.�..,..�_....� ; f"; I: f'; XUNE:; OR��xIUAIVCEi: RM�NpME�IUI` Z.q�l 87--Q7 DRAF"'I" A � pAG�: 29 (02/19/8B) �; r- i:' l: . � a. ,; ;: z (1) Si.c�r�s exem�l: fr•�,m p�rmii�, "I"Nie sir�ns s�ecifiFC� ir� S�ci:iun ].g. 11A.Q60(�) �ha.l1 h�� alluwc�d, suiajeui� tc� any re;�tri.r.i:i�.,ns xmpas�c� by thi.s �i.t1e, .. � �Tempur�ar sxc�r�s �s�er S�cti�ns 18.114�,090 and 18. ila. 100.. �9� Lawi7 si.c�ris,as._�aer....S�cti�.�n,_16�,11A�Q60.�b.�._(�.�. ...._..,...._...... . ; (b) Mul�ifamil�Res,id�ntial_Zunes. No si<�n sl��all be per�mii:i:ed in ari R_..12, R-2.a, ur F2w..Aq xone exc.�p1� i�ar� ttie fr.�llowing: [(1) Permart�nt r�sid�ni:ial nain�plai:es icientiryiny i�he pr��mi�es. 1"n�al sigriir�g �n a �r•emises shall. nca� ex<:e�d c�ne squar�e foui: uf ar���� �a�r dwelling uni.t, ] �1,� Wal.l.......,_�_?�9!'�....�...5.��;. Ma�,not�xceed a com�ain�d . i:ntal .ar•ea afi nne, �uare fuut�e�_dwell^ing. un.it. W � _.� ,,. ;� [(2.) Inci.denta.l si.c�n�, Such sigris �hall on�.y b� �errr►itted when ai:i:ached �u a pe�^manently �r-r-�x�a sign si:r~uctu►^e ur to 1:he wa11 of t;h�� k�ui.l.di.ng.] [(3) R�a1 c�si�at-� signs, Qn� ��uts'xcie sign �ff�ar•inq the pr•emi.se� far• s�.l� �rcauxding �:hai: tNi�a tc�1:a1 ar•�a uf suuh s�.�ri does riut excesd twelve sc�uar^e f-��t. Such signs ir�ay b� madiPS.ed �: to ir�dic�i�e t•:M�a� �Fie prr�per�i�y has been sald.:l �3�, Permaner�t_huusi��,c,�,_com�lex .id�ntif�.cai:iun sic,�„ns. „Qn���c ,r�ound si..c�r!�._a�_,.each_erii.�...�.oir�t to _the F�ausing,_ ca,m�alex fram the ` L�ublic ri r�t--uf---wa wfi.h the� site ru �rt landsca ed ! ' . g _....._.lL:_...._...__.....". _ �.....�._,k�_�..._`L.._......_..�......_...P.........►. deru.�i�ine� the deuel� m�rit r►ame_,�ar�d nc�t�:__r�x�.ee_�ing_. 32 sgua_rE fe��.in a�^ea, Illuminai:i.un ma.�_k�,e a�►,p�rou�d as lnn�as it . � .._._....._.. � , does not rreate a�ubl,ic or_„�r•ivate nuisar�ce��s determined ,b�_i:F��_Dir�PCtc�r�,c�ns iderin,�„�,c_�he �u�use uf _th�zon�� � �._ � � F?e�^inan�ni�... subdivisiun ic��n�ifi�ati.nr►__, sagns;...,. Qr__ ►� �c,ruund T ___.�. si.�n�._.._ai:_ each entry„ poi.nt i:o the subdivisinn P�^am i:he ;` ,.__.�._..,..,. .........._�._..�. ........��..�.._....._._...�...___. .....�. �uhalic._..,!"_i.Jh!t_.....a�--wa _,with_...the si.tc �rr._a�erl� landsca��d�, d�notin�c ,, i:h� devel�ment name �nd nu�exceedin...,�.c._32 square feet in �r�ea. T1lumina�ion ma be �apqraued as luria as it dues nut create ��ublic ur pr�ivate nu�.san�e,� as determined ;' .�_�. �......w..._.._-___�., ..._.....�..,...._ �Y._.the,._Di�ectur_cnnsiderir� th_,e,_�aur�p,nse ,uf, t:he�xune�,,,,, .�5�. [(A)7 Nonr•esi.d�ni:i.al. sic�ns, One S.11umir►aL�d �r nun.-illuminated f-r�ee-;�s�andi.ng, sign n�� �xce�di.ng 6 f�c:�i: xn hr�i.gNii: and 65 i', �au�►�e�� r�►wi. in ar�a pe�^ si�n racp id�ntirying any , r�nnre�idWr��i�l use permat�ed in a multaple famil.y resid�ntial iune, if such use r�as bc�en apr�ruu�d under� i:he si�e devr�].npmenl:,review ar cur►di.i:i�nal, use pr�nG�ss, r:' [(5) R�al �sl:dta dir�ectiunal signs and Re�.i.giuus sic�ns, fn j;, acc.ord-ar�ce with suk�sec�iur� (a)(A) �r�d (5) �t�ave.� j:�� !.; f: k i'' � xUNE p12pINANCE AMFNpME'NT ZOA 87�-p7 DRA�'T A - PA(3E 25 (q2/19/88) i,� ,�: c � _... ___ . _._.__.. ... , _ _ _ ____..._. ...____ ._ . .. . .. _ . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . .. .. .:. � .I�I ��' I �I (6) t7i.r�c�ian�1 ar instr~ucti.ar�a]. sigrts on �riu�te pruperty when ll su�h� sic�ns are sol,�ly desi�ned to id�ni�ify dra.v�away eni�r�r��.es ar�ci exi1�� fictir� mutarisi:� uri ddjuining �aublic � str°r��i�s, pne sign wxth an ar��a uf r��ur (4) sc�ua�^e f��t per � far:e shall be pr�rmii��ed per c�r�aveway. :aid signs sh�].1 be � cunsxst�r�1: wii:h Cha�at�r 18. 102 (Vis�ial t,l�ar~anc� Ar���s) . �I (7) Sic�ns �xeni�i: fram permi�:, Thie sS.gns s��ca.fi�c� i.n Seci�ion t 16, 1].4.060(a) shall be allowed, �ubject tu any r��si:rictiuns � im�>usE�d by �his ti�1e. � �8� �Tema�ur�a___r��s,ic�,ns as p�r� Sectiun� 18. 114.Q90 arid 18_.__i1A. 100. �� � Lawn, si ns as �aer Sectian 16. 114.060,�b�S_T.��, � i ;� (c) Cammercial Zun�s� Nu sic�n sha11 k�e ra�rmatt�cl in a G•�•G and t�BD �� exce�>�f�,r�� i::h�e fnllowing; j� ' � (].) Free-.-staridina sians. . ._ 6 (A) Fre�-..si:�ndinc� si.gris sha].l. have ceri.�ain 19,mi.i;atinris �n<� `I, conditxnris wh�n permii:ted on pr^operi:i�s zuri�d commer��cial and indusfi:rial, ;I''' ;I (i) Qrie muli:if�ced, t=ree•••.standing sic�n [:id�ritifying ;;�' th� �arincipal gnads, prc�ducts, facilaties or servic�s auailable un �he pr�einis�s,� shall be �; p��^mi��ed [c.,ri th�� prEmises], sub,�eci; ta =�i cnndii:iuns and �imi�at:iuns as si:at�ci h�r���in. ; � (ii) A r�ac��r�k�c�ard ass�ir��aly m�y bc� an integral �art 'i ur i;h�� free—si:anciirig sigr�. � � � � (E3} Ar��a L.i.irii.ts , The m�ximum sc�u�rr� fc.�cai�ac�e or si.c�ns i; I sha11 be 70 squ�re fe�t per� racn or� a tc��.al of 140 j squar� fee� far� a�.�. sign ��e.es. Nu par1: ofi any rr�e•�si:aric�ing sign shall exi��rici aver � prap�ri:y ].ine into K�ubl,ic ric�rii�-•�aF-•way sK>�ce, ((,) Ar�a Limit Increases , The sign a►^ea may be ir►crpasec� ��n� squar•e faai: fc�r each l.ineal. fa�t 4:h�e sign is m�:�ued laack rr�m l:he frurii: �ruperty ].xne i:he �ic�n is adjac�nt t�, ]:f 1:hH streei� is �urbed �nd paved the r�ieasurem�nt may be i�ak�n fr•om a puxnt which is 15 f�et �rum i:he �auemkan�. 7'hi.s inrrease in sign ar�a i.s limited i:a a � i7�aximum uf �0 sc�u�re re�t: p�r face ur a 1:ui;a1 uf 18Q squarc.a fe�t for• �11 faces. i' (D) I�i�igrit Li.iriii:s. Fr�e•-si:ar�dinc� sx�ns �ucal;eci next t� 'i i;r�e puhaJ.i.c. r�ightw-�afw••way sriall nai: �xce�d 2b fee� a.n �' h�iyht, HeigFii: may be a.ncr�asr�c� ane �u�t in heic�ht; r for� ��ch 10 fe�t of se�back from the pro�er�t�y l�.n� or• ; a �aai.r�t 15 feyet Prom the edc�e of �au�ment which�v�r is i less i�cti a maxi.mum or 27.. fe�t i,n h�i.ght. ,' i ; . . � ZpN� OR�INANc,E AMENDMCNT ZOA E7--07 QRAF'T 4 �-- PAG� 26 (02/i9/88) � � Fh f (2) Wall S�ns. (A) Al].uwak�l.� Ar•�a. W�1], signs, inrliadirig i�.l.ureii;nal:ec� r�ac�er buards, may be �r�ect�ed ur m�ini<air��r� bui: sh�ll nai� exc:��d a.n c�r�nss ar��a la% c�f �r�y k�uil.danc� fac� [uectar>i�cl by i:h� i��.anar�t] un �+nich �he si.gn ,,,_isµ,µtu..:b� mc�urii��d. m.�...._..�.... _..�....w (B) W�IJ. signs may nui� �ar�uject mc.�rc� 1:r»ry 1Q inr.h�s fr�•c�m i:h� wall ur Ezxi�c�nd �f�uvc� i;he wali tu which i:h�y ar� a�i;ached, (C) l:ri k��ai].c�i.rigs wh�r•� un� �.,r ma��� t�nani:(s) uceu�ay � pur�i:iun uf a k�uzldi,n� which c�u�s nui: inr.lur�� any �ac�r��ti�.,r� �.,r an ex��r�ior wall �►avirsr� �x�c,icar� i�:u � publ.ic strcac�, al]:c�wabla wall sic�n ar•Ha will be campul:��d ir� �he ful.l.awanc� m�nn�r, (i) Each t�nar�t nut having buil<iing �r�ur��ag� inay hi�ue a w�11 sign on i:rtie w�l.l, ti�uing st�:ree� �x�ausure (t�r�•ur�t wall) pruvic��ci it du�s nut exce�� in sign ar�a thdt p�.,r�:i�n of si._qn ar��a �aer�miLi:�d i�hai: rr•unt wall i:�ariani: h�uS.nc� the small��t K�roK>cirta,can af �llc�wak�l� sign area, (ii) In i:his i:ype uf laui�.da.ny i:h� all.c�wabl.e pr•a�ar�i�.,n caf fr�.�ni� wall. sic�n ar�a sh�tll, k�e Gumput;�d as 1596 nf the ta1:a1 k�uilc�ing fac�. (iii) A w�1J. sS.gn prugram sh�11. h�� est��bJ.ished fur� all anuli:i--i:enani: huxldir7ys, nu n�w per�tinit shall be i.s�u�d urti:i7. suchi a pragr�in is esL-ak�l.ished, i i i (�.u) qn pre--exisi:ing buildings, �ach n�w i:enant will ad��er� ��., thie es�ab].isFti�d prc�gr�am. (1)) If ii: is dai:er�min�d und�r i:he deuel.uramer►t r�vi:ew > �aroc�ss t�:h�t: tr�e w�11 sign's visual. a�apea�. anc� uve�•a11 ci�sign qualil:y wauld be served. �n �dditiur�al 5n� uf the aJ.l.owable �a.gn are�t may be p�r•mxi�t�d. Nn cnpy wi.l,l b� per^mii�t��d, howev�r, in i:he �dc�iti.un�l ar�a perniil;i�ed, F'or• pur�anses �r triis suk�seci�aori, "c��py�� incl.uc��s sy�irib�ul�, lugo�. �nd lei:i:��^s, �:; r���, (F:) Paini�e�c� Sic�ris , Wa1�. signs paini:c�d direcl:ly un�o th� waJ.l �urrace shall r�at exc�.yed in gruss wall area 15� of tttr� f�ce r�f i�h� builciing th�y are �aint�d �apun, and ,; �h� v�ri:ical ciiincnsiun uf the sic�n uannut �x4��d 2q96 ; af the h�ei.gf�ii� af tF�e waa,J:. ;i �(F) R�a�. ���:ai:� Signs. One firee--stanciing ur wall sigr� wy.11 b� K>�r�mi�t�cJ ufifer•ang �Nie pren�i.ses fc�r sal� �r �?' r��r��, "fui:al ar�a �a� such si.gn shall nut ex���d '70 i' square f�c�t.] i: F i: ;. �QN� pRp�NANCE AM�Np�hEN'T ;lOA 87�-07 DRAHT A -- Pf�G� �7 (02/19/88) � �; 1 ,;:,...., . _. (3) Di.��ec�:xc,�7�.J. [ar�� xr�5i:rur..i•:�.ari�l.;J si.c�ns ari �ari.uai�e pr•�.ip�r•i�y wP�c�n SIACNt si�;�ns �re su11�1y c��sic�ned tu id�rit�ify r�r~S.v<�way eri�:r•�r�c:Eay �nc� k2X1.I::5 f�r� mai�urisl:s nn ac�jaini.ng �>ub�:ie si:re��t�s. Qn� si�n wii�h an area uf tuur� (4) squar�� fc��t ra�r^ fac.:e r;h�al.l. k�� ���r�mii;l:ed ���N� t�r•iu�way, 5�a:r� si�ns sh��.J. k�ca corts:isi:��ni: wii�h (�Niaptar ]:8, tn2 (VxSia�l Cl.naranc� Ar�F�aS) , ;�4� E;7��ctr�cina�:: Messac�� G�r�i�er�s_.as.�r.µSQCi�.:i�.7rt 16. 114.q90�c��� .�!�.� C(q)�] Sx��ns �x�:�7i�t f"i�•uin periT�it, l"h►� si��ns sp�cif-i�c� in �': S�.�c,i:i.c�r� 18, ].1.p,C16q(a) �ha].�. k�� a1�.aw�d, subj�ci� 1�� dny i I r^�si;r~ici:a.urts S.mp�.,st�ci �ay i:his i:itl.�. i i i , ; i �,� "I"epi,�urar�.,,�__sic�r�y ..as�,r .�ectiuns ,16. 11A.090 �r►d 18. 11A, 100. { �7 I.�awn si r�s a5 c�r S�ct.run 16. 114.060 b 2 ' ....� ,............._._._..�....._.�..:._:�....�..�...�..._....��..:_...�.__._...__._.__....�____......�..�..�_,..�..a. ; � (d} Cumn►er�cial._:_...,P�^�.�f�ssiun�l 7urie, Nu sign shal.l k�� �aermii�i;�d i.n a C--F> ._.. . ._ _ _... > xon� exuex�ai: fat^ i�Mia 1"ul.].uwinc�; C(1) Th��.�r� sha1J. b�.a ri�.�t: mc�r�� 1�h�an arie sc�uar�e fciu�: ��f sign area ; f�ar �a�ch 100 scXuar� T��i: uf �Flaor� ar�a wii�Fiin i:h� bt�ilc�ing or• b�alc�i.ng�� �c� har.a i.���n�at�ie��, A1�. signs sri�11 nc�i� �xc�ed ',, 1.5 sc�uar�N fc��t �a��r� fac:r� �yr� a tutal ar 30 square f�►�t for :, al.l sXC�r� f�c.�s �.f- kac�t:h far:es ar�c usec� ,] '`, C(2) Nc� >ic�n sk7al.1 pruj�aci� ahauue 1:he ranf Xinc� ur �xi:�nd ou�r � "' puk>1i.c. si.c��w�l.k c.,r r•�.grii�_..cafi—w�►y. Al.l, i=ac.es of si,gns sh�all. '' hae r��rall.cal. i:o i:hc� f-��.� ��f i�he huilc�ing ur�un whieh i:h� sic�n is ].c�c.��:ecl and i:c.7 Wr,�.4r, i�h� si.gn p�ri:ai.ns,� �(3) Siyns mG�y k�� pain�L���� ar� ui�her�wis� app].S.�d c�ir���r.i:ly i:c� � wal,l �a���c,ui.clir�c� sucFi sign a.s ari intr�gr�al. pr�ri: cai' Yaui.J.r�ar�g �i�=_sic�n �ar�d a�pruual is ubi:air»d fc�r such sic�n und�r i:h� :� ci�u�J.c�nm��r�1; r�uic�w K�rc�c�ss.] C(4) Nu bi�.�fac�at��c�s sh��.l b� K»r�mS.ttec�,] [(5) ��aeci.�1 �:y��s nf siqns �a��r �;�ci;i.�n �.8, 11A,Q90 tFii,� Chiap�wr• may k» a�arar~�u�d undt7i^ i�hp c,ic�uelu�iri�nt r�vi.��w pr~oce?�s.] ; C(6} Si�ns wi.tMiin a K�l.anriad dcavel.upnien� di.stricl� i�ur 1�h� sp��cit�ic �aur�r�ose uf aciuer�i:a.si.r�g i�ha �r�mzs�s Tur sal.� nr� rcrii�, sii:� idkant�.rxc�t�.:ie.,ri, haui.�:e�ing i.d�ni�xri,c:�i:i�.,n, ��nani: :' ic��ni�ifxr,ai:i.on a��d t�raffic clir�eci�iun n►ay be per��mi,ti:ed �; wxth�9.n such �>J.ar�riec� deuca�.���mc.ari�: as a�a�rnved in t:h� detailec� t��vc��.upm�r��t 9al�r� subja�.t 1:u �p�r�7u�1 by Lh<a nir����cLur, �r��.7uxc�ii��c� th��a1: �n ir�i;ec�rai�ec� sigri tN��m� i.� c.�rr�ier� c�ui� �:.airiw>ai.�.k>]:� wii:h i:he uv�?r��ll c�eu�lcapm�nt and c�ansi���nt wXth i:Nie a�a�r�,�uec! c��n�r�a:l K>l�r� �nd prur�r�an�.] [(7) I�a.�^�ci�iunal or insi:r�uci;xur�al signs an �r�iva�� �ar�apHr�ty wh�n c suc:h s�,�ns ar�� s�.,l.e�.y de��.c�ned 1:� i.cieni:ify dr�ueway �ntran�.es �ric� Nxa.i�s f'ar mutu�^a.�i�s un adjuining public � st�>rQei:�, qn� sic�n wi�ri an dr�e� �f fowr (4) squar�� feet p�r� !"ac� sh�a.1 �r w��•iriLL�d �a��^ dri.ueway. S�id sa�ns �hal.l b� �` curtsxsl�ertl� wi.i:ri �:ria�>I.er� 1�.102 (Visual Glear•anr.� Ar�eds) .] ,�; i �QN�. 4Fti)xNAN(,E F�M�NqMCN'T LqA 67�--07 t�RAHT A — PAG�. 28 (p2/19/88) � ,` �� I � , !; i:f [(6) Signs �xem�t fir�iri ��rmxi:. 'I`he sign� s�ec9.ficd in �eci:a.�.,n �:: 18.].1A,060(a) st�i�ll. be allow��d, subject tu any r•est�^ic�ians � imK>osed by i:his tii:J.e.] .(,1,1 Fr�ee-standing s�ns� �.. F'ree-w5i:andinc�„s�ns sha1.�.��aue �eri�ain la�mx�ai:iuns�and ! conditiuns when p„�r�mitted un,�p,�^o�e�ties C���-P. ;;; Si) nne multif�c�c��free--si:ar�dir�si�rt er �,�r�emi.s� �; SI'lo"ll�„_,I���,,,CJJk?1'Y11].��k�,_3UbjeC� tu cunditiuns and limil��ti�ns as sta�ed herein. � � �..._—..._._.._. _....�.. ._.�., �; (iiZ Free•--si:andin si ns in the C�-P zune sNiall un� ` � w_. _.�.� � be,...,.�1lawed as free--star�ding,�or �hose �xce ��iuns ;: ,lrsteci under� subsectiun 18.114. 130:�d.�.,(A,�.._ ' �. � Ar�e� Limi�s� The maximuin square fau�__i;ac�e_ uf � sr��e�-standinq sxgns shall be 32 sc�uare feet„��r� f-ace j' or d total of 64 s u�re fee� for alJ; si n �o"tCE3, Nn ` . .._...�___._.... ,....._...�.._._.... part uf ar�y f=re�•-standinc� sign shall �xt�nd over� a '' r�.� eri��,�ine int,�a�_.uk�lic ri hL-�-of-wa,�,s�pace., ._.._._ �, � Area Limit Incr��as�s, '1"he �iq,n area may be incr�ased ��rre_sc�uare fGa� f�ar �achi linFal fnat th�e si.c�n is muved back fr�om tN�e rrun���ru,�,ert�line the sign�,is ad„�a.cent i �o._ lf= the si:reel: is , curbed and pav�c� the nieasurem�nt m�,�be i:aken rrom a puint whic:h is 15 feet from Lh� � �� . : �uem�nl;. This incr�gase ir� sic ,n�ar•ea is �li.mi�ed i:o�, _ ..� f �t er fac e ar a t��i:al ofi �.QO ma ' um uf 50 s uare e xim a p _ ___._ _. ____.,._..._.., __......_._... �� sc�u�►r� feet for �tl l Pac�s�, �, � Heic�h� t�imits. Free•-standin� si ns lucai:�d n�xi; to ,I', �h� public ri hit-°af-°way sP�all nc�i:�exceed 6 fie�i: in, heic,�ht,�Nei r�t ma be xncreased on Puot in Meir�ht, for� each 10 feet of setback firom_ i�rie propert,y„ line _ or a s�a'xn� 15_ f�et Frum the edqe uF pav�merit which��ve� is � les.s�o a.maximum uf 10 ,feet in heic�ht,�, ,� Wall ^aiqns .�. All�?wabl� �trea�. Wall s'x�„c ns, includi.ria,�„illuminated r'� reader�boar�is,� may ba erected or mairii�airted bu1: shali ;' riat„ excee�l in,.,_gwr�oss area five,..:Percent u�„ a,n�buildinYg, un which the sign is �u be muunted. ;;' .._._..�... . y �.ES.�, Wall�rgn,s_�,,,sP�all be _parallel. to the fa�e af �he � : �. building_ u�on which tF�e sign is lucated and Wtuy which ; — � the si,gn �aertains. � �C,� Tn build,xn�„s wh�re �ne ar morc� �enan� s occu,��,��a i' or�tiun of � buildin which does noL include �nY !' �aUr�tion,�,af an extet^iar� wall hauin ex asur�� to a !' public str�eet allowable wall si n area will be � e�mputed in the f-ollr�winq manner: 1 'r;� 1:UNF ORDTNANCE AM�NDMENT �OA 87•-07 pRAFT 4 �- PAG� �� (Q2/�.9/68) �° ,. ' 1: .�,i,� Each_,...t�nant nut havin,��buildinq�f►^unta�e mav ' have a wa11 s�n an i:he_,wal l havinq s�r�et ' ex�iosu�^e ,� froni�_w�11Z,�rovided it c�oes �not � exce�d ir�sig,n area that�u,rtion uf a_si,�.n.,area ��mi�t�d that fr•ant wall tenant ..havi.riq the i smalle�t,�r•o„�or��iun t�1= all.owable sign ar�a� ', �i.i,�,. I:n .._thi.s.�...ty,pe..µ.... uf bui.ldinq,�the allowable � �rupnr�tion a� rranl: wall si n area shall bQ � cam�ui�ec�,as five �aercent of tPie_ tatal hawildi.nq, I rac�, �ii,:i,) A walJ. si.gr�.._...rir�n�qram sriall be, estak�lished far. all multi•-�ten�nt buildings, nu new permit sh�ll be,,,.issued ,ur�til such,�a_ pragram, is es�ablished. Siy� On pre–existin�,buildin s each new Ler�ant will ac�her� tu th� e�tabJ.ished ru ram,�, D� Tr it is dei:ermined unc�er� i:he develu�ment r�view r�r�r.ess that the wa1l. sicxn's vi.�ual appeal and c�veraJ.l d�s'x�n.�ucL,alit�wuuld _k�e s�r�ved�an �dditional 5�0�,_ of tri� allawabZ� sic�ri„r�r�a ma� k�e „p_ermitted, No_�.�..LY. wil.l ube_,_,permitted�;,, huw�ver,�in thie additiunal a.r;ea �r�mitted; F'ur� ...�aur�oses ...nf �tha.s _ subsection.�....��co.�" inclucies gymbol�,�.,..lu�w,and lette►;�s� ',� Painted Si ns. Wall si ns ainted d9�,rectl,�__r�_nto_�tie wall _ sur•face s��all nut exceed_in c�rnss wall area rive p�r,ceni:_ of tP�e fac� af i:he buildi_ n�_ the..�.._ar�e pain�ed u�on�an..d �:I'1P.�V�M'�].Gu"11I. d imens ian of,_�h� s ic�n c,annut exceed ?G96 a� tn� n�x�nt _ar tn� w�ll�_ I .�3.� ��aeri....a,l.._�t�pes o� si ns as er^ Sectiun 18�11A,.:090 uF thi� Ch���tc?r_.wma�_.�_k�e_T a�,?r�.�ved___under the _d�vel�,�ment __review ,proc�ss� —__. _ �4� BiJ.lk�uard si`gns ., shall_ hae allowed only_ a,s�„�rnuided ,in �HCi:,ior� 18�114.090�aZ�uf 1:his C,, hap�.e�._._,__. �.) Dirkct�iarial siqns un �r�ivate �aropery wt��n SWCFI si ns ar�e sole� de�i ntd �u identi�y drivew�ni�rancr�s,�and exits far° ma�nrists on adjaininq�,ubli_c, 5tr�e�ts. dne sign wi�h ari area of 1'uur �A�, s�t uare feet pe�^ face shall b� permi�t�ed ..�..�.._�..._...�.._..�_._.___ .._.....�.....�.....�_.._.._._.. �e� dr�.iu�wa�T.._� Said s�ns shdll be cansi�tent .wik:hi Ch�pi;�r_18.,;,,].02 Uisual Clear�ance Areas�_. ,�6�_ l",eiri,�,��r��r;�yx;�ns ,as „�er 5ectians ,18. 11A,090�nd ,18,�,114, 10p. ,�7Z I.�awn s.i.q,ris as er 5e��ian_ 18. i1A.0601b�,2,� (e) Nei. hc� barri,r�ud �animer•ciaJ. Zone. No sign sN�al.l be �aermil:ted i.r� a C-�-N ••r.une exc��i: r�r� the fallnwing: [(�.) The dr��a of all signs sh�ll. nui� c�xc��.ad �,5 �quare fe�t p�r side, or a total uf 34 squar�e ree� ror all sign racps if mr�re i:N»r� onE far.e x s used,] ZONE bRD:�AIf�NCF RMkNDMF:NT z0A 8T-07 17RAFT A – pAGE 30 (Q2/19/�8B) . i _ _ _ – _ – - - _- _ _ _ _ : i.: !'; ;' i'; C(2) f're� :si��ndi.ng signs may k�� per�nrit��d 9,n la.�au afi k�ua.ldinc� '' maur�t�c� sic�r�s, subj�ct t� specific a�a{�rov�l und�� Lhe des�,gn reuiew proc�ss,] [(3) S�e?cS.al 1:ype� af �igYls pet^ aeci:i�n 18.11A,090 1:his Chi��ter~ m�y bc� apprc�uc�d suk�j�r.t 1�:o a sp�czfi.c a��rnu�l unr��r �h�e c�nv�lupm�ni: r�v9.ew pr�nc�ss,] �' i [(A) Di.r•�ci�ion�]. a�^ i.nsi�ruci:iunaJ. signs nn pr•iva�e proK��r•1�y whcn i such si�ns ar�� sol�ly d�signed tu i<��ni:a.fy c�r�iv�way �;' er�tranc.es a��c� exa.�s for mai�ar3,sl:s uri �cljnir�inc� �aubJ.i.c ; si:r^��L•s. One sign with an arkaa uf fuur (4) squar� fc�c�t p�r� ,� fac:e �htaJ,l. ha� �ermitt:ed p�r driuew�y. S�i.d signs shal.l ha� ;; cnnsisi:t7nt with Cha�ate�^ 18, 102 (Vxsu�l Clearance Ar�as) ,] E; ;' C(5) Si.c�ris exem�at fr�,m p�rmii:, Thie signs s�acificd xrr �eci�ian �' 18. 114,p60(a) sha�.l k�e alluw�d, subj�G� i:u ar�y reasi;r~ici:iuns t im�os�d by this tii;�.e.] f „�1Z �r�e•-standina sic�ns. . _ __ T � �A F"reew-staridiri si ns Shall N�avr� cer�i;ai.n limitat;xans and � , _r_ ._..�.._..�,_._.....�_ _ . cunditiuris when ��rmitt�d un _....�...r��rti���,xu,ned � r.ammer�ci�l.�,ar�d industria,l w. ( _. ._ ... _.___,. S �i..�. One multi�ac�d 1'`r��e.•-sl:andin si n er r�?tr�is� � ._....._._...s_..._...__._ �-__...�..._...C�.,._._.�.._,.... ( sh��ll , be _a�er^mii:ted suk�jeci:.._i�:c�_M.canc��.tic.�ns and limxtai:iuns as statE�d herea.n, _ M � i __ _ ...._......_._.. , �i,i F're�a--st�ndin si, ns xn the C:--N r.on� shiaJ.l nnl ' ..�._..� ...._..__._.�.._.�..�.M...�.�..,...._..,�.._.._..._......._..w.....____.._..:.,.__:�...�........�.�._......._..�...�._.....Y I be allowed as �re�-standin,�c , sic�ns..or_exc�i,uns !: � listEd under�suk�s�c�ion 18�11A�,13Q(e�,(„4�,�, � _�(3� Rr��a Limii:s. The max9.mum ,�square�„_fuot�ge ,_„ ot� � fr;��-�st�nding_ signs sh�ll k�� 32 sr�,uar�_,�f�et;_,per��ace i ar a�ui:al of 6�± square fept for a11 s ic�n face,�.._.. N� �,art�_.�7��r,� free-staridin _. si�n,_.shall extend_ nver�_ a. ,�r��er.t-�_line in�o public right--uf--��� s�,a�e, �C.Z Ar�a Lxmit xncre�ses. Th� s,'x„�c n ar,��a, m�+� be incr•eased on� ��uare,.fooi: fur each lineal rout the �ic„�n is _mu:ved ba�.k... f�^om i�he fran��u �rt _lxr►e 1�he si.�n,_is adj�ceni:, i;n,�, Tf i:he ystreet is curb�c� and �aveci tH�� m�asurem�n� ma�, hae i;aken firnm.a puin� which _is. 15 feel�fran►�the �,av�m�ni;, This incr�ase in sicyn_area i� ].iir►ited to a maximum of�,�Q_ sc�uare,�.:feet.,....�e.�.r�..,.f'ace �ar a 1�ata1 nf �._..,,....... ._�.._.__..,...._...m_._.�_,..,�,..__... .],,_QQ_sc�uarP�eet Por� �11 r�cesy �Cl,� Hei`ght_.__Limi�s. , F;r�c-•standir��icns lucal�ed nexl�: tc� thi�, puk�lic�^iqht.•�nf�•w,,,_,�,�,sFiall �ui: exc�ec�7Q �fi�eL in h�,xc�tw.__.H�ic�ht ni� be incre�sed une faot__in �h�ei ht fu� each ].0 Peet nf setback ft^am the,�p„r•o�,�r^t�in�ur I ay�airi� 15 f�et frnm�tie ed,��o�F_ avemer��wNiict�ever is, � less tu a maximum of 22 f�et in heiqht• �ONf: 4RC)INANf.;E AM�NQMEN'T zpA 87--07 pF2AF'T' A -� PAGE 31 (p2/19/88) . ,..... . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . _. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . I', i I �2,� Wa11....Siqns �,F�� Al.luwabl� �lrr��,._.. Wa1.1._sx..c�n.s�.___..inc:�udi.n�.._.il.lumir�a�ed. , ..._ � _ _ .�..�.. ...._. __.�.._. r�eaderbuards, ma�k�e�rected._ur�maintair»c� but shaZl 1 ,...�,...,...._..�...._......_.._._._�.._. noi;; exce��in grass ar�a ].0 _percent uf' ar��kruildzr�g, ' face�un Wnx�n.,�r,�__5��,�;_��_t�.w��moun��d� �._.. � _ _. ��3,) Wa],1 __signs sFia11._mk�e ,�ar�allel ._tn, i�hc face af i�N�e I ...�._�..._____._.........�..w..._....�__.....W._. buildin�.r u��n whrch�.Mi� si n is locat�c�. �I SC�. �r� k�uilc�ing.s_, where_..une ur mare ,�tr�nant.Ss..�....,_ucc�.a.py,,.,_a put�i:iun__n1' � buildin__,�__c _which ciues nut_.. include._._.�. �c�w�t�i�.,ri_ u�f��n,_r�x��c�r;iar,�wa).1_ h�avin�,�ex asur��_i>c� a �ublic str�e��,,� al.luwable_.wall „ s�r�ar�a_, will , hae coi7i�ui:ed _.xn...i�:h� falluwi.n manner�, . .(.x.� Each t�nani: nui: �hauir�. _builcia�� fr�unt�.c�..e..__ma ._. �... tiave a watl s.i..r�.n._..on_. the�wall__.haui.r�g._ streei: �, ._...�.._...�.....�_..�....__....._._, , e„ x�usur�� frunt �wall) pruvided ,it dues__,,,_nui: exceed irt s i.c�n area that �urtian._c�f_s i,qn at^ea permit�L�ci _thai: rr�uni� wall tenani: having_,.i:he _�... ..._ � sma.11est ,�ro�,ur;tiur�,c.,f allowable sic�n,area. �i.iZ In_ this typ�_�r , buildiric� th�w.�allaw�ble �..... _ �rc?pot^�ian,_ c�f_ ,fr•oni:,�wall,.. sx.g....n.�,..area_ sPiall b�, 'i cum�ui:�d as ten percent af �he_ tcai�al�,,,,,buildinc� ', fac.e, — . �_ ._..._.. �.., .�xiS. A wall. si ri ra �^ani 5ha11 k�e e�tah�l�sh�d for °I ..�......._Z __.._.�.___._�..�..�...._...�?....�....._......_..."w,�..�..._ .�.._.�..�._._...�.�.�.__,..._.__._:...�.,. all multx�--tenani: Mauild,ings, na new,_�.e��mit sh�11 i ._._._.... _ ..�... . . be__issued uni�il �ucri a ,�ar�uc�ram is estak�lished�, ' ._�._..._.,_..__.._..._.__ „�i.v� On_�re�-exisi:ing builcii_nc�s� eaeh_new i;enant wi.11 , adhier•e_to ,i�h�.�si:ak�lish�d a�ra�am�, ..-..._._ „(D� ;Cr __it is c��i:er�minec�uncier� , the deuel,u�oent, review _ .�... . : _._..._ .._ .._. _ . .... ... ..._. �rr�_r.�ss �Lhai� i:.he.wall_ si n's visual_._�.�eal and overall. _.._....�._.._. � ._.._ . ��si�c�uali��+ _wuulci be served, an addii:iunaX 5096 of I� i .�,__ _..�..� th�:� �,1luwabJ.e si_qn _.area,. ma.,�__b���rm,itteci.�._.. IUa ce�p� w,i.l„l�.�a�_.,_permiti:ed.�., hnwavet^..� ir� the _addi�iunal area �erµinii�i�ec�. _For .Laur ��,a��,s�s af this subsectior_�„_"cup�" ;i.ncludes_s�,.mbc?ls�lu�_and, lett�rs, � �E�,�, F>�inted_ Sa.,�ns.,_,_,_Wall._ si ns �ain�ed dir�ctl,�nr�ta the, wall surfac� �hall nui: exceed 3n russ wall �rea ten .__..�.._..._...._ .....__._......_._..... ....._., ....._._ �e,rcerit- �.�r t;he f�ce �r �r,� k�ui.lding th�„ar•��ainted .._..._...__...w_.._.._. upun�,_and i:hP., uer�,tical c�,imensiun oP thp s�n cannoi: exceed_ 2A�, af_ i:he hei^ghi�uf the,wall. ���M�� �..�� � [,�,F� Real. ��iar:e aX,t�l1��„_,_ QI��., .....�"1"��°..S�binCllnc�___l7f'� Wo"lX7 sign willuFae_...�.e,rmii:t�c�_,.aff�r.�...ing,.__the �aremises , fur sale ar r�erit�. Total area r�f such sian shall nnt exceed 70 s�c.�aar�.. re�t.,]..�..._,. ,., _ �._,.�.. ZpNE ql�q;LNANtaE AMENDME.N'T 7.OA 87--•07 pRAFT Q �- PAGF' 32 �jQ2/19/8g) c';; i i�~ � _ ;. � S��.C.j.;,1y], _���.�'5 „qf sir�ns_, as�e.r� �ect>ir�n 1,�8. i.14.090 af thi� Cha,�ter_.iria�,� bc� appr�uv�d:under the develu,�,m�nt�,�review '�r;�;�,c«e;�s �....�.......__ �:: pir a�ci,aun�l si.�n,�s _nr►;�ri.v�te ,.�r�o �ri: _�wh�n ,._sucr� si.c�ns ar� ..�.. ,..:.... 5ule�.,Y...�c���sxan�d_.w.tu id�ntir,�cirivew�.,_�ni;..rances andw_exxts far_m�y�ar�ists nn ady�.,inin�„�uk�la:c s�r�ets�, �Une siqr!:w.wii�;h an ar��a ur faur A�_.�3 uare f���t�er face shall he nrmii:�ed �er_ d�xv�w.�.�. �W Saic� s,�ignWs shia.lJ�b� cctinsi.stgnt with Cha�er 16.102 _�,isual Clear�ance Areas�� � l"em�c�,ra.�,.signs�s �er�Sectians 16. �14,09Q�nd�16, 11A.10Q._ �6� Lawn si n�as per ��c1:i:un_,18, 1,�1A.u60 b ��� (f) lndus�rial _Zur�E�s. Nu signs sha7.J. k�� permii:i;�d Xn a 7C�..F�. I-L. ur :C:.-H zune exc�pt for• the f-�ll�uwing; (1) F'�„�ee�•stanc�in�si ns. (Aj F•r.�c:,-.�.�t;�ndinc� sxgns sh��ll, F�aue cerl:diri limi.i:�ti.on� und cundih;iuns wFi�n p�rmii:i�;ec� nn pr�up�r�l:a.�s rnneci cnir�mer•.c.i.al arid iriciusi�rial.. (i) OI'18 I11U�.�].fa71C:f?CI, fr�ee.._�i:ar�dir�g sign �icl�riti.f•'yinc� th� K>rin�.a.�a�l gc.�c,ds, pr•uc�uci:s, f'acilita�� c�r• s�r•va.cas �vaildbl� un i�hp �r•�mis��,] shall be per�ini�:i�ed [c�ri �h� pr�mi.s�>,] subj�<:t i:�.� con<iitinris and lzmi�ati�ris as s1:�i:�d h�ar��i.n. (ii) A r•ead�rk�e�ard asr�embly may b� ars ini;egral. �a�r•i�: uf �he frc�e__si:ar�ding sS.�n. (B) Ar�ea L.imi.t;s. l"he n�axin►um squa�•e fo�tii��ge nf sa.gr�� sa�all hac� 70 squar�e fe�t p�r f-ace ur� a i:n�:�l af �.�4U squar� feei� f'ar al]. sign ��cex, Nu par� o�' any free.._�tandi.ng �iyn sh�ll. exi;�rtd uv�r a �rop�r�.y line irito �>uk�li.c �^ighti>_..�r--•way sK>ac�. (C) Ar��a I�imii: Inr.reases , 'Th� sign area may ha� incr��sed �,n� square f�,at f�,r eachi ].irieal fi'c��,� i.hie s ign i s mc.�v�d k�ack f-r•om 1:he f r•ont pruper�ty l in� the s i�n i s ad j ar,.�nt i:r�. If �he str��t is r.urb�d ar►c� p�ued �h� m�asur�merii� ' may la� tak�n f'r��c�m a puirrt which is 15 1'c�et fr•um th� K>�uem�.ant, This increase in si.�n area is �.imi�ad ti., a m�ximum oF 9Q �r�uare r�et �er race ur � i:uLal ur ]:80 sqt.�arka fe�t far �11 faces, (I�) I���iyHit L.imits. 1=re�-�.�tanciing sigris lueai:�d nex� tu i;k�E pub�.i.c ric�ht--•aF-•�way shall� r�nt exce�d 24 f��t in hieic�hi:. Heic�ht may b� 21'iCl"�i�t3P.(� une fuut in Niei.�ht far• eaehi lq feet of se�laa�:k fram the prop�►^ty line or � p�xnt 15 t'e�C frum �he edg� uf pau�mertt which�uer i.s l.��s i:u a ma�ximum nf 22, feet in height. ZpN� ORq�NANCE AM�NpM�N"f �QA 87--07 DRAf�'T 4 - PAGE 33 (Q2/19/�8) _ _ (2) Wal.1 �igns,. (A} A1lowabJ.e Area. Wa1l. signs, incluc��.rrg i.11uminated r�eaci�r baards, may k�e �rected or maintain�d but shall noi� �xceed i.n grc�ss ar�ea 1596 of any buildi.n� f`ace ' [uccupir?�c� by t:Nika i:�n�nL•] nn,, which tNre sign is tu be ', m�,uni:�d, - ... ' (B) Wca11 5igns n►ay r7oi�: �ar�-�ject. mure 1;h�n �.6 inchies fr•um �he wall ur c�x��nd abuve i:he wall i:o wr►ich i:h�zy are ai:i�a�:.h�d. (Gj Tn hauil,di.n�s whi�r�r� �,ne or r�iur�e ter�aril�(s) oceupy a �ar�l:iun c�f a buil�fr�g which c���s nut iricluc�� any �an�^i:ian �.�f an exi:eric�r~ w�1.1 riauinc� exp�.�sur�� t;�, a �auhalic str��Nt, �llaw��a1� wal.l sign ar��a will be compu�:ed in trie f-allowi.ng manner, (i) hach ter�ani: riui: N�aving buildirig rr�uni��ge may have a w�ll sic�n nn i�N�e wal.1 M�avang str�et �xpusure (t°runt wa�ll) �►^avid��c� xi: do�s nc�i: exceed in sign ar�ea that: ���rtiun of sign area �aer�miLtc�d i:hai: fir•ont wall �enant h�vir►g i:he sm�ll.�si: �ar�apari�ian �f al.l.owable si,gn are�. (ii) :Ln this type uf building �he a�.lnwable pr�c�p�,r�i�i��ri af firant wal.l. sign ar�� sFiall be cumpu�Ead a� 15� uf the tui:al h�uS.lding rar,�, (iii) �l waJ.l si.gri prugr•am sh�l.l. k�e es�:ak�lishec� T�,r all. multi•--t�r�ar�t builc�a.ngs, no n�w p4rmii: shall hae issued until surh a pr•oc�ram is estak�J.ished. (iu) On �re—exisi:frig buildinc�s, cach riew tEnarif: uvS.11 i adher�� tc, i::Fir� e:>i:ak�].i.sN�ed pr•ugr•am, (D) :[T it i� cinter�min��ci unt��r th� develupmt�nt r�u9.�w �rac�ss �hi�� �r» wal.l si.gr�' s vi.sual appeal anc� nuera�.l, c�esi�n t�uality would ha� serv�d, an ac�dii:iunal 50� �4� tN�e alluw�bl� sign ar�a mdy k�e permi.i�t�d. Na cu�aY will k�e ra�r�miti:�d, I�uwever^, in i:r�e adciit.ional ar•�a �aa�mit:i:�d. Fnr purK>uses ufi i:F�is subsec�:fc�n, ��capy�� ir�cluc1es symbols, lugus, and �.�i:i:Ers. (�) F>aini:�d Sigr►s. W�J.1 signs pa9.nted direcl:a.y �nto tFie wall surfac� shall n��at �x��ed in gr�uss wall area ].5% of tFie face of fi;he h�uildi.r►g i:tiey are pain�ed upnn, and Lhe u�rtical c�impnsiun uf i:he sign canr�ut r�xc�ed 20X of tPi� hei.ghi� a� i:h� wall. [(F) R�al hstaLe Si�;�ns. On� rr�e�•_�t;andirtg or wall sign wil.1 b� p�rmii:�cd c�ff�ri.nc� 1:h�e �ren�isex fur sal� or r�ni:. TuL�I ar��a u� such sign shal.l nut exc�ed 70 squarr� feet.] 7.ONE 4RpTNANCE AMENDMkNT ZdA g7•-�07 DRAFT A •-- PAG� 34 (02/19/88) (�) Cli.r•eci�:a.c�n�J. sic�ns [or irisi�ruci:i.�nal] c�n privai�e �arc,�a�r•i:y WI'1taY1 s�ach si�ris a�^� sol����.y d��ign�d 4� id�ntifiy c�r^ive?way eni;r�anc:.E�� �nci exxts far m�.,i�ori.si:s un adj�.,�,nir�g �ublic sir���E�is. pnp sic�n wii:h an �r�a nf fiuur (4) sc�uare fe�1: {a�r f�tc.� s>h�l..l IaH K>ermS.t:i:�d p�r� driueway. tiai.c� siyns shia�.J. b� c:.onszsi:��nt wi.l:h (�h�pi:�r� 18, 1172 (Visual Clearance A���as) . (Q) �i.yns ex�m��� frc.�ir► p�r�mi.t, The sic�ris sK��c.ifr.eci in �cci:a.an 1B, ].14.060(a) shall be allowed, subjEaci: t�u an,y r�str�ar..ta<�ns i.iripus�c� by i:r�is i:itl.e, �5,� T�mpora�^y._s i.c�ns.. as�..�r��SPCtiuns _18, 114,Q90 and 1�, l 1A. 10q. ', �6Z Lawn si,gns as�er Secti�ns 18. 114.060.��21:_ (�) O�h�r Rec�uiremeni:s Which Shal.l A�p,l�,�u �ommert�ial._and Tnc�usi:rial 7c�nes..._.._ If it� is dei:�r�min�d � undar i:hiE dcauel.c��am�nt reui.ew pr•ac�ss i:Niat i:he si�n's visual a�a��al and overall d�si.�n c�ualii:y would be seru�d wN�alc� mai.ntainanc� Lh� ini��nt �ncl �ur~pc�se ��fi i�his ChiapLc�r•, an adc�ii:ic�nal 5q'� of i:he alluwable �ic�n ar�•�a �r�d 2':��, uf sxgri he9.c�hi: mc�y be permi.i:i:ed. Na cc.,py wal.l. k�e p�rmi.l:i��c� i.r� �.F�� �c�dii:iUnal ar��a ur� height. C=ur purpuses uf i:his sulaseci�:ian L-he ward "cra�ay" ir�c:lud�s syni}ac�ls, lc�c�as, and fiigures, as well ay lettc�rs, (i.) Far,h free--si:and9.ng sign st�all k�� sut^�^�a�anc�ecl h�y ;�n ar��a se1; �s.i.c�e i:u pratect i�he si�n t=r�um veriicl.�s n��c�ai.i.ating in i:h� p�r�kin� �rea of i�Nika bus�.r���ss [�u whi.ch tNi� szgri re].�i�es,� and i:he ar��a sei: asid� shal.l. be l.anc�scapHd. (Fl) "i"he si-r..� �nd shiar>e �,f i�Fie are� s�i: aai.c�e ancl i:h� lancisc�piny �h�l.l be rnpr�seni:ed can �:he �al.ui: �lan rec�uir•�ci k�y �>er•ir►ii; and sh��l b� suk�je�:l: i��.� i�Ni� r��uiew i I �nd cantr�al caf- i:he I�ir�aci:ur ur his ag��rit, ur�c�H�r Lh� ; I dcuelc;���m�r�i� r���vi�w �rcae.k�ss. (B) Qn �xisi�irig sii:HS wh<ar�t� a landscapa isl�nc� is nui� fi�as9.k�J.E�, i:he mirixmum r.�.ear�nce k��i:w��ri i�h� l��awr�si: raor�i:i�tin ur a rr�ee•-si;anciznc� sign �nd th� gru�arid sri<�11 k�e �.4 reei� in any vehi.c.le mane�auer�irig ar�a. ,: (2) Nu rr~�e•-stanc�ing sign, nor any pori:i.an ur any rr���....si:�n��fi7c� si.gri, sha11 b� lc�c�ted or� pr�aject c�u��� any p�ar•ti.�n �af a str�F�et, sidawa].k ur ul:her� public righi:_..uf--way or� pr•ap�r�l:y uril.e�� �an �xc�pi�iran has been c�ranted. ; (3) Whean a �rk�mi.s� cantaxns mure �han a sinc�le tpnant but is noi: d�r9.n�d as a shupping cent�r•, i:he �rauisa��ris ��f a srt��--s�andfng sign shall i:�ke irifi:o cun�ici�r•ai:ion i:hF� n�ed �; fnr� pr�ovic�i.n� a �i.c�r�ar�g sysL�m whtz,eh is h�rmunic�us iri a�a�ear��rice and l��ga,hla. �;: (A) "C'he buildiri� owner sha11 �rovicie, at ha.s awn ex�Ense, ; a cummon su�apurL- fur all 1:enant signag�. � �? �, 7..QNE:; pFt[)xNANCF:: AME:NqM�'Nl" ZQA 87�--07' URAFT 4 --• pAG�: 35 (OZ/19/B8� ��: :' 'r P- C' (f3) U�> C�.� an addi.�iartaa. 5q�, caf sign ru�y �re� may k�ca �a�r�ma.i�tc�c� under �he c��sic�n review prnc�ss so as �o adnqu�at�ely ideni:i.fy 1�:1�� s���r•��e t:�nant� wh�n cie�i��r�mined 1:h�t the incr�as��d sigri ar��a wa.11 nc�� d�i:er �r•c.�m i:Mie purpc�s� c�f 1:his CFia�i�er. (A) tihupping c�ni:Nar~s ur inc�usi:rXal par�ks, defiin�d as �r-r�as u1= noi� I.k?55 th�ri 8 business ur�xi�s �nd cunsi.sl�i.r�� af n��t lc.ass i:h�n 4 acr�es, sha11 psi�ablish � sing],e signing for•inat. [(A) l"P�e ai.g1'1 shall incl�acle i;h� c�.�it►plex n�mw anc� strr�ei� numbNr,] �.A.�. [(F3)] U� i�c� an ac�dii:iorial 5�� af s9.c�n arr�a may b� permi.�fi:ed uru�er i:he t��velapir��rit r�vi�w pruc�ss to ad�qual:�ly ident�ifiy 1:Pi�a cam�a.�x wh�en d�i:ermi.n�d �Lh��� th�e incre�seci sign ar�7a wil.l nat c�cL-��^ fi^c�m �and purpose ur �:r,i� CF���i�er•. Sa,�. C(C)7 l"his incr��ase shnul.d b� juc�ged acc��rdinc� i�o un9.c�u� ir�E�ni:ir9.uatian n�c�c�s �rid c:ircuinsi:an�es whicM� n�r:,�sai.i�al:e adc�i.i:i�.,n�l �r•ea �c., mak� �he si.c�n surf�iciently legik�.le. �C,�. C(q)] Wh�ri a sh�u��ir�g cenl;er• or :iridGistri.al �aar�k has mc�r� ; �Nian urie inain �ni�r•ai7ce on s�par�a�:� fr�oni�ac��s, a s�cund f fr•ee-•si�anc�irig sic�n may k��:� �l.law�d unc��e� i:he clesic�n a r�view pr�ucc�ss. "1'h� i;wo alluw�ble sic�ns �hal.l. race sa��ar��1:� fr•�.�ni,ac�es arid �zr�:� nc�t i.ni��nded i:c� b� vicwed ' s iinu l.i:anF�uus 1y. � 16�11A,.1A0__� Exce��i-iuris ._.._._._._ __ i (a) "I"h�� Cnmiriass9.un c�r, an revi�w, �:Nr� CnuncS.l. m�y gr•ari1: �xceK>tx�.�ns 1�0 i:he r�=c��air����n�nt�s uf i:hi� t,h��ai�c�r, wh�n i:hH a�aplie.ant <��muristr��i:es tt»t, owi.rig �u sK>eci.al. ur uri�as�a�l. ci.rc�amstances r•�l�i:ing 1:Gi tFie ciesign, structur�a, or �l.ac�men� uf i:he �i�n i.n r•elai:iuri i:o ��:h�r si�r°uc��are� ur� larid �ases ar� tNie nai�ural feai:ur^es c�r i:hi� J.�n�l, thH lii:�ar��al inter�r�tatiun uP i:his Chapt�r woulci ini:erf-�re wii:h i�rie commun9.cai:ive funci�i.on af 1:hEa sigr� wii;hc�ut cur��r�es��rar�cling �auk�].ic la�nerit. (k�) WNicn th� Cummi:�sac>r� c.�r• �:he CnuncS.J. a�apr�uues �r7 �xc.��i:ic�r� i:hk j righi�s th�re7by givcan 1:u i:he applicarit sh�l.l coni:inue to exis� �nd t�:� bHl,�.,ru� to trie a�>pli.carii: or� any c�thc�r� �wr�er� ofi i�P�� larid finr � ' p�r�iod of one y�ar r�^am th� daL-e ur f-inal araproual. (1) I:r, ;�i� i�h� �x�airai�ic�r� c�fi �n� y�ar� fr�c,m i:h�c� d�i:E of ar�p�^oval, carisi:r�aci:S.un uf i:rie structur�� or ini�ia�:ion or Lri� us�� c�iu�.nc� r�.se ta �FiEa r�eec� fu►^ i:h� exceK>i;i.ur� rias r��,� be<�tan, th» ►^ir�hi�s giv�n by 1:hP �xceK�ta.an a�apraval sh�l.l �e�^m9.ri�t� wi.l:riout Purth�E�r acti.ari by th� City, 1:h�� �ummissS,�n, ur i:hn Cuuncil. (2) 8a9.c� ri,c�Fii�s shaJ.l alsu i:ermindtF a� or after �he expiratiun ur un� yc�ar rr��um a�praval. xr, i:h�u�h �omm�nc�d wiL-hi.n une i y�ar, cnnsi:rur.�i.��n ceases �tnd i.s nn� resumed within 60 days, �' 4 7.(7N� qFtl��Nf1NCE AMHNI�MENT 'I.OA S7�-p7' DRAFT A -- I�AGE 36 (Q2/19/86) i 4 18 11A 1na �araval..WCri��r�a_fur. Ewxr.:�ticans to�Si,gn_Gucie �,a� ..f1�ie nlarini.r�g rnmmissian 5r�a11 appruve, a�a�r�c�v� wS.i�h c:c�ric�ii:�,ans, nr~ d�ny �a r•�.�qu��sL 1=c�r� ar� �xcrpt:i�.�n i�i� �rie Sign C�ac�� ba:��c� ��n fiind�.r►�s t:r�a� a� ].�aasi: or�� uf i�ri� fol.lnwirig er•it�r•a:� are saLisri.��d: (1} l"hi� �r����>c7sc�d �:�.gn Cc:�c�� E:xc.��K>i�i.c�n is n��c:�:�ss�ry b�aeause � curifur��miny k>uil�iric� ��r sac�ri ur� an ac�j�c�rii: pe^up4rl-.y wuuld limi.i� l•:hc viEaw uf �a sigri er���c�:�d ur� i�hie si.t:e in cc,nt�urmanee wx�:h t:he �i�n Cuc�e stanc�ards; (2) l"h� ��.upc�sed �xc:�pi�ar.,n i:� thre Fieigt�l� limxts in t;h�� �ic�r� Cuc�e is nr�cNSSar~y i:o ir�ake i:h� �x�n uisibl� rr•c�m t�he si�r��c��i: be�.ai,is� c,f i�Fi� tc�p�.,c�raphy c,f i:he sii�e; (3) A fr�cae.._si:ar�c�i.rig si��n i:a f�e luc.ai:�d un a sc�uar�c�ar�y a�.c.�s� dr�iu� i:hi�i: serves i�:h� suMaje�.i� pr�:�p�rty frcam � ��:r°��i: c.,th�r i:h�n th� st:r�cr�t: tu whi�.hi the bus3.ness ia ur�i.�riLc�ci, (4) Up �c� ar� ar�cli.i�ian�l. 2.596 uf yign ar��a c�r� hei.ght m�y k�E� p�r�mil:i>��i i:u ade<�u�t�ly identify Lh� busi.n�ss wh�n it is i d��c�rmi.nE�c� i;ri�i�: i�tr� i.ncreas� wi�.l. nc�i: d�ter f�•��m i:h� i �ur~�us� or i�Fiis C:hapi��r. TN�is incr~�as� shuta.ld be ju<i��d ae.�:.orc�i.n� �o spec.i.fic. ic�r�nti,fi�.at�:a�an n��ds anc� circ�u�nsi:aric�s wPiich ri�cessitat� �c�d:iti.unal ar<aa i:u m�k� 1:h� �. si�n s�affici�ni:l.y lar�ibl.�, The inc.�•ea.s�(s} sh�al�. ri4�t c�nfl.ict wi.�h �ny ai:N��r� nnn....�imensiunal. �i��nclar-ds ur ; r�str,ir..1:i��ns c.,f tFiiy Ch�pi::er. (5) 'Thp �ar�nraa��ci sign S.s consi5tt�r�t wii:h 1;he crii�eri� s�i: 1"cari:r� �; in 5ecta�.�ri 16, 114, 13q(g) c�f this Chia���r. �� � i, (b} Tn �c�c�i�inn �u L-Mie cr�i.l:tr,ia iri suk�s�cta:an (a) �buvr�, th� C:umi��a.ssi�,n sh�l.l. r•��uiE�w all. c�f i:he ex9.si�iric� �.,r• �ar�op<�s�<� sign�c�e rur� �r» d��vcl��airier�� aric� �.L-s r•�lai�iunshiip tn i:h�� ini:w�r►i� �rid pur�ause `� af thiis ch��l:c�r, As a cc�ndi�ian uf �p�ar•nval., i:N�� Gc�ntntass�,on may recXu i r�e; (1) k�iriova�. c.,r� ali�er�i:;iori uf r�c�n�-canfc�rir�S.r�g signs tc.� acriieue � c.um��.�.�r�ce wit;h i:h» �Gar�dat�ds cun�airi�c� in i:F�is Ch�pt�r; and (2) R�m�.�u�l c.��� �zl.i�cra�iun ufi cc�nfnr�n►irig sic�r�s in order� 1�0 cs�abl.ish a cunsi�i:r�r�t si.gn desic�n i:hruuc�huui: t�he dcuelctipmc�n�, 'a'�, (3) Ap�a�.ie�i:i.un rar• sigri permit5 fnr� sic�r�s �r•ecl:ed wa.�:r��Gi1: per�mii:s or �^��maual uf- such ill.egal sic�ris , 16. 1�.A. 146.._._.._Cri��ria for"mf�N�,�r�g,.val_nf_..an AdmirtS,��rdtiv� �:xc��nn Trie�..a�u.r�as��u��hi�_sect�iuri fs tu..µset fui^th the cr�iteria wh�r;�� ; i�h�_ Dir•e�ct;or.,�,�is em�uwer�d �,,.,Lo �e�ministratively _c���ant ,�a " �dminxs.L�a�ive�pxc�,tiun as a prerer�uisite �u a si�rrnit fr�r,�� �r,�.�osed _ri�w�„sic�n�„nr as a me�ns t�� alYnw tNe cor►ti.rtued,�use af � n►arr�Yri�1.1,� n_un�ari�u��minc�_s,ian _ anl��ue tu its dimensi�ns��„ ;; ZON� nRC1�NANC;E: AM�`IUDM�:;I�`1" ZC�F� 87.._Q7 �FtAF'T' 4 -- PAGE 37 (q2/].9<6e) ' :=i }�; i'." . _. . _., _ .�a� Tr�e Dir�zci:ur shall ap,�r�u�:e,�__ap�ruve with cundii�iuns ur ci�n� ,,.,�n �.__..�... ..�._.... _.._.�..... _._.�.._�..._....._.......�.._�..., ..._..._._. ap�J..xeatic�r� fUr_.,a .�dministr�a�xve �xce�iun k�asc�d .�n_ i_indinc�s _thiat. une ur�_ir�a�e u� the ,follawin�crxi.er�ia�ar� satxsPi�c�,�: 5�.�.. 'f'p�� �a.�c,,�used._..sic�n�adminis�rativ� �xcepti��,�,appl9.es/a,�.1JL tu.,_an �xx�i:inc�nancurif-urmi. ng... si�.g.ri_ur�:_.a ...�ru,pused n�w sic�n .__ . .µ ....._. - fnr'.....�...d�vel.�,��:�i_._i.e..�. .�2� 'i'he ,pru�used. administratiue exce�.ti.xu,n�s.�...T:wi11 nc�t� r�� ....._.._.�._ M........,._. ._......�..._._...._w,.__... ....�........._._._._.. .....�..�. mai�err�l.l�detrimental ta- th�_..,,,�ur;�c�ses uf�thas ;Gode�ha� ir� �........._....�...�.. , ..�...._,_ .,..__..� cunfix�t wxth i;ht,�!_. �uli�iHS of the Cninpr.,eher�sive Plar�s.... to ar� �1:r►er� ..a.�a:�a.lxcabJ.e ._�?alic.ies and 5tandards, and ta utrier. � �ru�,rties�in the�ame zonirg d�.strxcl, ar vi.cinYt;�w �� �3 Thc� ...�>r�.�payed__ac�nei.nistrati.ve exce�ati.an s �c, sign:hei. t�t and s ic r�_ area�„wi 11 nut �xc�ed.�.k�.�y:.._.mar�_.,i:r�an f iv�_,��;r�c�rit i<he exisi.a,r,ig I�»ic,�r�i;_,�arid ar��� �tandards, th►at c��a��rwise wuuld k�ca _._.._ _... ._�.._..�....,.....�....___...........�.._ ,_ ..., ...�...,..._...�.....�..: ��,lxc�ble ir� i:he same ;rorii,nc�,...d�istrict fut,^ 1:he.,samp, Ly�e,o�f s i.t�,�l.r .._._.........___._.. ._._.... __ .�4,�.. lhe �>r.�.,pused _siqri Ni...�i.c�h�t_��r_ a�y,,,ea adwminxstrai�ive exce _�tic�n is far� the...�conveni�nc� nf the r�ec�iunal ur nai��unal._businHSs _......_ .._ ...T .. _..._._. . .. _.._. _ . .w . _ .... whicF� wisNie�s tu �ase d S��nCidl"d_._S1�FC� s�n.� �S.Z. Tri�_._._.�.r•�uscd �administrai:ive �x_ce�tiu,n�,..� wi11 __ n�t__._b� .,. dr��r�im�ni:�l to �uh�lic s��af�t„y_and....welfiar�� �6� 'The .�upus,ec�._ admiriis�t^atiu� exce�i,.un will _, nut�invulv� e x��n s x un,..�.n i.0 .the ..pub 1 i c._r��t-.,�.�fµ�wa�; . � 'Th��dininis�rai:ive exc,�tiun__will alluw,_a_uraique _si,gn uf un_igue d�sic�n ar st,µyl� whacri will_enh�ance_. �h�,.�rea�nr�will be, a visible lancimar�k; �..� � � � .�8.�,. N�ncar�r��rmin..g.__._s�ns rt►�„�,.:k�e__._..allawed ,,..�,_i��__Mnui�„ a�hS:ev�e _....... _ ._._ . cortfiur�mance when �he Dir�ectur rinds 1:hat; SA�.. i�h�...n�ndifi�d sic�n ,i� cic�s�r� ta cunf�rmance _1�h��n,�.1:he. u lct_..s x.�.i._.and.�_ ._ � . ... _ .. ,' i ; �F3Z thic� ov�rall visual. im,�dci�_af al�.l�sic�ns_an��F�e si�e has ; ._.,.....___.._.._....._..__.. ._..�, ._. ...��.........w..��........._.. , h���n � rov�d� i � .�....�.......__ i �9 qne ufi �F�e Si r� Cude Exc� tiuh cri.l:r�r�.� in Sec�:ion � ......�.. ......__..__.. .......:�.....__ _._ .n._.....�..__,.__..�.._.�. __,... m..w.._.�.�...w._._._._.....�... � 18 1.1A 04�a�is satisried� s, .. _. . ... , P �..�. Wheri ai�: l�ast one ��f t:ri� �buve cr�il�er~ia in C,�ci�ian 16. ].14. �48 a�, � ._..........._............._......._..__._._._.�..�._.�..._._,.�.�..__.....�.._...,._.. _ ....�._..�..._ ....._.._�..�....w......... is...���tisried,,�i:h�e, pxreci.ur shall �^�vxew all ex�s�ir� an_d....�ar�u,��sec� 4 s.�ri.'a�e...fnr ,i.,he develc�amer�t_�,�,wc,ui.l..xr�ed..,in....:�ectian 16_ 1].A�„QA..S.�.ka.Z._ � � ; i i ;�ONE Of2DINAiV(�E AMF:NpMkN'T' ZOA 87--q7 DRAf�'T A -- pAGk 38 (p2/�.9/88) , r:j . >��:.���! 18,i 1 A. 150 S.'..''�,.,.�.�,.�i,��,,;;,�,,,_.�.�2.C.i A�i c a t S.n n S�u bm i s s i.o n Ct e.,g,u i re me riw�s (a) All �fan Cude Exce�t..iun iA���.1Cc'1�:�.U�t5 sr��.11 k�e macle un fur�m� �r�uvat�ec� k�y 1�h�� Cli.r��ctur ar�d sh�].J. k�e ac:coinpani.�d k�y: I (1) Thrc�e ca�icas fur �^evi.t�w by �r�� �i.r�eci;or� of i:hie sign pl.an(s) anr� ar�y nec�ss�ry dat� ur n�r•rativE wPiict� expla�.ns h�uw thi� �i• n ,lan �ar~upusal canfnr�m� tu i:h� �tanciar~ds. Fifi:caen � � ca�>iey for r�view k�y i:he Plar�ninc� Ccairintissi�n af thr� siqn pl.aris fu�^ sign cuc�c� exc��atiui•i; ;'„. (A) Shiec�i: si.;�� far� an dr.c�ssury us� or~ structue�e s�.t� � �lari(s) �nd r�c�uir��d c��°awir�gs sh�11 pr^efer�ab.� be ` ,,: ' dr��wr� c.,n she�i�s nut i:a exceec� 18" x 24"; and !' (�) 'The scalc uf i:h� �ic�n si�� p1�n s17a11 k�e [20, 50, 10q f.''I� ��r� 2C10 r���t tc� ttie xnr.h, an en ineerin scal�, ;;:;: 7 _.9.......�.........._.�_ �_..� , �i C All c�rawings ut= the �zgn �levai:iuns arid si:r~uctu.t^al �'� � ) �.�,mK>on�rii�:s sPi�1]. k�e a si�andar•d �r�chii:�ci�ur•a). scale, F �. beir�c� 1/h" ur 1/8". (2) `I°P�� rkc�uir^ed fee, - � � - °ses �,f a1]. ers�.,ns whn are (3) A J,is1: uf tN�e namc.� �r�d �ddr�ea �a y ., �a�^�.,p��i;y uwn�.rs of r�cnrd wii�h9.n 250 fc.et uf the �ite. , _ .. . . (k�) The �r�.,�G�seca s�.c�n sii�� plan shia].l. inc�.ude i.P» �'ol.lawi.nc� i ni'u i^n�a�i ui•i: (1) Thi� lnr.ai:i.on nf tNie �r�npc�sec� sic�ri, and �11 exa.si:ing si.gns nn i:he s a.te; (2) T'hi� l�,cai�i.c�n c.,f al.l. �xistxn� ar�r� �>rapi;�sed haui,ldi.ny� ari thie sit�; (3) ..�.�F�� lnr:ai:i.un nf aJ.l existi.n� and �ar�,�ac.,s�d s�r���s �rid r��r,���--�r-�-wdy, inc.ludS.nc� names and widi:hs; �nd (4) T'h�� l�.,ca�i.an of �11. uverF�ead paw�r and u�:i.l.3.ty li.nes lacat�ac� un i:he �i 1:e. (c) The K�r�u�ac�sed sign �rcFii.i:�ci:ural. pJ.�ris sh�l.J. i.nclude i:F��± fc�lluwar�g ir�fnrmatiur�: (1) T'he sic�n di.ir�ensi.or�s; ;!; �z� -rr,� i�iai:�riaJ.s �nd culurs i:o b�z u��d; (3) T'Yie Ni�zght nf th� sic�n ab�.�ve tFie graund; �. ,' (4) TM�e ���aur�ce �nc� znt;�nsiLy �f any a.11un►in�tiar�; i;;, � (5) Cc�nst;ruci�iun dr�awings indicating sire a� f�c�ti.ngs, arichur�a�es an�i welcis: and �;? , ;i: `k �° ZqNEi: ORU��IANCE�: AM�:NDM�N"C' 2:qA 87--�Q7 DRAF"T A -:. PAG� 39 (02/19/88) ;; j: (6) The DS.reci:ar� may requir•e �ngineers` ca].c�al.a�tiuns f'or si.c�n cc�r�str°ucl�ic�n, anehurag� and fi��uting requir�emeni:s, including wirid resS.stari�e and S�15i111C fur�G�s, a11 in cunror�manc� with th� r�er�uireir��ni�s af 1:h� Uni.furm t3uil.cJing Cc�de:� ir� accur��iaric� wii;h Sectiun 18.32,QB0 (a) . Fi].1 sic�n structur�s on or• nedr• � k�uildi.ng shal.l c�,nfrarin tq i�hie �tate F'ir� L.i.f� Sar�Ly r�c�c�uir�mNnLs and 1�h� Unif-ur�m F3ui.lding Cuc�e rec�uir���mc.ants of i:h� bua.lding, structur� or area wher� ii� is 2 Y"21:1�f?(�. (7) A11 el.ec:i�r�ical illuminai:�d signs shall k�ear• th�e Ur�c�er�w�^a.ters I..abarat�ur��y ],abel ar� �quival�nt. 16. 11A. J.60 Sign i>e�~mit Applic��ic�n 12eau�.r�emeni�s � All applications shall b� made nn.,furms pruvided b� i;he Diret�ar and .shial l_hae accnir�nied ha�_ �� .... �.1�., �fw�.�, cu,a�'xes far r��uiew� t�ie pi,rectnr �f the �ign sii:� plari(s� and twu copie� nr the s�ic n architectu►^�x___1 p_l,ans� �. -fhe ��rapo.sed � si n _site ,_.. lan shal.l� i,nclude,,,�,i;tie fullowir�g_ir�fur�matiun: S,i). The locatiory af the ..�.o�aused, sic�n�_and al1 existirtg ft^e��standing� w�ll ur oi:her ext���na1 si ns ,�,�n the site.� ..w� � ,(i� The _laca�iun ur �11 existin�_, aric�,�rmu�useci � buildir�qs un ih�sit�. ��µ � � _. , �.i� .The locai:inn uf all. exi.si:incl and r�u used h s�reets and ricthts—raf—wa��ncludin n�mes and , widths; and ' ' : � 4 , F �xv.�, 7he lacatian of aJ,l averhead,,,,�nwe�„and utiJ:ity_ ; lines located un the si�e. ; �: �vZ The distance of t�►e s'x�c n i�,o i:he nea��es� ublic �i�r;t(s)--or-f--way, � ; .�_v.i�_ 7he �ddress of the site wher�e 1�Fie sic�n wi11 bE lucated� � '� ;: �: .�vix The nam�, address and phc�n�� ntamk�e�,r__ nf_ the � .._...�.. �.].Ca"�tP1�. i� L. t: !; ,� The�rro,�osed ., si�n ,_archiitectural ._.�..1ans shall include the follawing inPorma�ian: : _ �(' `v�. �?.,� The_.s�xc n area dim�nsions�, ' � µ �:± f zi The materials an<i culut^s i:o be use_d � .�.�......�. ,;: �,i i� The, h_,e ig_ht af the s ign -above ,�kir� raur�d�, !;,; , � �',;` ,,, �QNL pRpTNAN(;E AMENDMENT ZOA 87—p7 qRA�'T 4 — PAGE 40 (02I19/88) �';. t�;; �' i'I rI �', I �iu�, T'h� �ou�^c� and �.ni�ens�i�nf,.an,,;�_Wi].J.uminal�:i.an� ! _..�..._.......�..._._..... ._..�.w........y.W.W. �v� Cunstr�uctiun c�rawir�g,s ir�c�icatir�q 3ire _�uf '��, fa��inas, anr.kiara�es and welds�_and .(,ui� 7he address .of the �ite where t1�� sx n �will �Ya�lucat__�ed� � vii,Z Thie name�__,_ac�dress and hane�number�nf_ i:he a�lycant� �vii� l"he.._Di�ectur ina�rec�,uir� eriax_r►e�r�s,_c�lculai�ians, �. �ur �i n constr�uction, anchor�� e ar�c� funta,ng }' re uc�._irr�me_nt.s1_ iricl.uc��ng,,,.,_,wir�c� r�sis��nc� and � seismic ft��^ces a11 in cor��dr�mance wii:h �he � . ._.�..�.....�.�......_ re uirements of tt�e Uniform Buildir► Gndes..�. xn �: _.....�.._.... _..____.�._M accat^dariGe with �ection 18,32,q8�a� All. sic�n si�ructures an �r near a k�uil:din shi�ll canform '_ tu i;he St�te Fire I�ife SafeL r�e uir^ements and ' .__.....�lL...__...g.•_r�,_.«._rr_.�_.u.. ; the lJnaform E3uildin µ Code re uiren�ents of tF�e ; buildinq,__..st,�,.,�uctur� or ar��a where it is �rected. ,; ix �'or th�use cases whier•e an existinVg siqn is to be modiried�,L•h�e„�a,��licar�t fc�r a siqn per�mit shall �' �r�.,vide dacumentatian ar�_ verifiak�l� ,.1?rnof ofi' whi�n a s,ig„n was_,_erected an���_d, w,h��e�et^,�u,.ssible` _ sh�l.l subn►it a cupy of 1�:he,_ u►^iginaJ.__si,�c_n�?�rniit. � �C� Pr�ouf a�a curt^erit Ci,�,�,,,i:y business i:ax c�rtificate� �_ W�^unf ufi�a U�L.�,_c�r equivaler�t 1abe1 subscriber number. �Z The r�ec uiredwf�e. Oi:her CN��ng�±s tu the Ctade: 18.03 �fi'�@C�].VE pate o� �his "I"i.�le A1Z i^eferE�nc�s m�d� i.n �hi9.s ti�1c� 1:a l;he effeci:a.u� date o� thi.s tii:l� st�al.l mnan Nuu�mb�r , 1�83, unless utherwise speci�9.ca11y s��at�d in ar� ur^c�inance revi.s.�un, 18,OA_�Erfeci�ive Date .��, 01"c��,�_.��. h S���az�� �� � ;: � h j !' ) � �. ! �: l ZON�; ORpT.NANCF' AM�:NDME:N"1" 7.OA 87-07 DRAFT 4 -• PAG�: 41 (02/19/86) F �� __. _ _ _ _ _ __ .. _ _ .. . r [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]