Planning Commission Packet - 03/03/1987 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TJGARD PLANPTING COMMISSION REGULAR ME�TING - MARCH 3, 1987 1. President Moen called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM. The meeting was held at the Tigard Civic Ceizter - TOWN HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: President Moen; Commissioners Owens, Butler, I Leverefit, Peterson, Vanderwood, and Newman. Absent: Commissioners Fyre and Newton. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTBS Commissioner Vanderwood moved and Commissioner Butler seconded to approve minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 4. PLANNING COrIIriISSION COMMUNICATION Staff stated that Commissioner Newton had requested that it be made a part of the record that he would not have been able to participate with agenda i�em 5.1 as his law firm now represents the applicant. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 VARIANCE V 29-86/LOT LINE ADJUSTMEN`.� M 14-86 WAVERLY CONST. NPO � 5 An appeal of the Planning Airectr�r's approval to ad�ust one parcel of 1.84 acres and 12 parcels (58-69 Bond Park �� 3) ranging approximately 4,200 to 6,000 sq. ft. in size into one parcel of 0.54 acres and 12 parcels of approximately 9,100 to 12,Q00 sq. ft. in size; and for a Variance to a11ow 1ot de�aths up to 4 times the width of the groperty where 2 1/2 times is a'llowed. The property is zoned R-12 (Multi-Family Residential, 12 units/acre). Located: Immediately west of Park Park 4� 3 lots 58-69 (WCTM 2S1 1@CC lots 100, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3400, 3500, 3601, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000, and 4�101) . Commissioner Newman stated that he would be abstaining from the procedure but had been out to the site and could provide technical informat3on. Senior Planner Liden re�viewed the Uirector's decis:ton and made staff's recommendation to uphold the Director's decision. Discussion foZlowed regardin� the status of SW 81st Avenue. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION o Chris Carpenter, 8070 SW Churchill, one of the appellants, representing the applicant, Ken Waymire, explained the different options that they had �eviewed and why they had chosen to add the additional property to each individual lot versus a common ownership. Discusaion followed regarding the condiiion of the property, access, possib].e future development, and the easement for SW 81st Avenue. PZANN:LNG COMMZSSION MINUTES MAR.CH 3, 1987 -• PAGE 1 NPO COIrIl!�IENTS ' o Crai�; Hopkins, Chairperson NPO 4� 5, explained that they had worked with the property owners since the beginning and were in support of the proposal as being good for the neighborhood and community. PUBLIG TESTIMONY o Marsha Enright, 8020 Sr,� Churchill, supported the proposal as it would provide an excellent natural buffer. o Mark Corigliano, 8030 SW Churchill, supported the proposal. He stated that common ownership will not work because of the legal problems. Also, they would not be able to individually use the property as they ' wish if it is in common ownership. , o Julian Kaasa, 7914 SW Churchill Way, supported the proposal as being the last opportunity to keep the property in its natural state. o Dorothy Gage, 8000 SW 54th Portland, representing herself and two other property owners for Lot 200, was in favor of the proposal. She questioned the status of the easement for SW 31st Ave., which is located on their property. She explained that at the time the easement was given the property was takea o�f the tax ro11 and now has been put back on. She also requested that the Commission waive the fee for the appeal. o Jim Breakey, 8040 SW Churchill, explained �hat they were try3ng to preserve the neighborhood as well as increase the size of their back yards. He felt this proposal is good for the buyer, the seller, ad3acent property owners, and the City. He strongly urged the Commission to grant approval of this request. o Penny Love, 8060 SW Churchill Ct. , supported the proposal. She questioned the intent of the 2 1/2 times rule. She did not feel they were viol�t3ng the intent of the Code. o Pau1 Widerburg, 8090 SW Churchill, supported the proposal stating that the e�isting yards are only 10 feet. o Discussion followed among Commissiuners and staff regarding the background of lot 100, the easement for SW 81st, access to the area, description of the 1ot, responsibility for doing public improvemen.ts, the typea af improvements which would be required, and the possibility of future partitioning. PUBLIC HEAR.ING CLOSED o Commissioner �utler asked why they �ust didn't set it up so that each property owner would have twa lots. He v�as concerned about the easement £or SW Slst, otherwise, he d3dn't see any probl.em. o Commiss�.oner Peterson was concerz�ed about the pro�lems which m�.ght be created, but if you h�ve 12 property ownezs who all agree never to d�.vlde their property, it migh� wark, PZANNLNG COMMZSSxON M1.NUT�S MARCH 3, 1,9$7 - PAGE 2 � o Commissioner Owens was sympathetic and understood their desire and reasoning, however, the Code simply doesn't allow it to be done. The only criteria .for a variance that might work would be criteria number 2 dealing svith special circumstances. o President Moen had concerns that if SW 81st was improved with the development of lot 200, than we would be left with a 3/4 street with no way to require public improvement abutting lot 100. He felt that ' variance criteria 1, 2, 4, and 5, could be applied to this proposal. o Commissioner Vanderwood opposed the proposal as being poor planning. i She felt the land is develo able and does not meet an of the criteria P Y for a variance. She was also concerned that lots would be partitioned in the future and enforcement problems could result. , o Commissioner Leverett favored the proposal. I * Commissioner Leverett moved �nd Commissioner Moen seconded to approve Variance V 19a86 and Lot Line Ad�ustment M 14-86 based on the findings that the proposal meets criterias 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Motion failed 4-2 � 0 B r P r V Commissioner wens, utle , ete son, and anderwood voting no. Commissioner Newman abstained. * Commissioner Vanderwood woved and Commissioner Butler seconded to uphold the Director's decision based on staff•s findings and conclusions. Motion carried by maiority of Commissioner present. Commissioner Moen and Leverett voting no. Commission Newman abstained. RECESS 8:50 RECONVENE 9:05 5.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 87-Q2 AND ZONE GHANGE ZC 87-02 CITY OF TIGARD NPO•s � 3, 5, and 6. Senior Planne.r Liden reviewed the history of the proposal and what is being proposed �or each individual site. He expl�.ined that staff had been trying to contact the School Distr3ct rep,arding their comments as they felt the School District misunderstood that this is a trade off situation, moving densities not �ust increasing densities. He reviewed the NPO comments. He continued that all the proposals are consistent with the Tigard Municipal Code and staff is recommending approval on all sites. Discussion followed on how bes� to proceed, how many units would be added if all sites were approved, and how this is a trade off situation. Further discussion followed on how t�hese particular sites were chosen and what types of recommendations could be made. � NPO COMMENTS � ; o Marge Aavenport, 15100 S'W 109th (Member of NPO �� 6) oppoaed the � Albertsons' dev'elopment. She wanted to go on record as being opposed to increasing the densities �.n the NPO 6 area. �. i T' � � i !:� �LANNZNG COMMISS�ON MINiJTES MARCH 3, 1987 - PAGE 3 � �' )° , _ __ _ . o Craig Hopkins, Chairperson NPO 4� 5, 7340 SW Varn�, stated that NPO �� 5 is not in favor of. any of the proposals. They did not feel that these changes are in the best interest of the Community. He questioned why there st�ould be a compromise and what do we owe Albertsons' . o Sue Carver, 10155 SW Hoodview Dr. , representing NPO �� 6, reviewed the priorities of the NPO. First choice would be not to ha�e Albertsons` located at nurham & 99W. Second, would be to concentrate densities around the Albertsons' development. Third, is a list of sites they would recommend increasing densities on and what that increase would be. � PUBLIC TESTIMONY �� � � t o John Shonkwiler, 5750 SW Carman, Lake Oswegm, Or 97034, representing �; A'lbertsons' , reviewed possible alternatives which would allow for the ? needed density increases. He explained that it was his understanding ; that the City Council wanted a priority list from the Planning Comm3ssion, which they could choose from, to increase densities. � o Steve Enright, 8020 SW Churchill Ct. , in Bond Park I, opposed increasing j � any densities. ' ; i o J�n Limpo, 15270 SW 79th, expla3ned that the area had not changed since { Cify Council deni�d a zone change request for the same general area back � in 19$5. He was concerned that the City Council was defeating its � purpose to protect the downtown core area by allowing Albertsons' to k' move to the south end of the community. He stated that they had held a S nei�hbarhood ffieeting and were concerned about the traffic, impact to the ¢ schools, and the character of the neighborhoods. i o Beverly Straub, 9425 SW Inez, submitted a letter opposing the rezoning " of the proposed Albertsons` site to �eneral commercial and increasing the densities in NPO 5 and 6. i PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED ON GENIItAL COMMENTS � SITE °'A" Sen3or Planner Liden reviewed site "A" and made staff's recommendation for a zone change from R-4.5 PD to It-7, maintaining the planned develapment overl.ay. t o Discussion followed regarding why staff is proposing R-7 rather than '_,' R-12 or R-2S. F�urther discussion on wrhy they shouldn't �ust increase the entire site to R-40. � PUBLrC TESTIMONY ' ��� o Mr. Annand, 146Q0 SW Pacific H3.ghway, state� he owned about four acres ` of site "A" and has lived there for 50 years. He �avored �he R-7 zone change. It was hia understand3ng that the property was or3gina1ly zoned � R-7 and he wanted it to be zoned tha'C again. � o Discussion followed regardinp how the zoning designations had changed ; with the adoption of the Gomprehensive P1an at�d that R-4.S now is the � � same as R-7 use �o be. � � � # PLANNrNG COMMISSZO�T MTNUTES MARCH 3, �.987 - PAGE 4 4 i ; � o Oaasa Otto, 14200 SW 97th, opp�sed changing the zoning to R-7. She did not feel it was appropriate to have single family residential zoning along Pacific xighway. She favored a higher zoning. She felt the site was more suitable for apartments and that more trees could be preserved if_ the site was 3eveloped at the higher density. She added that she is not a praperty owner but has power of attorney and is speaking for the Peterson's who are part owners in two of the parcels. o Steven Heuser, 14938 SW lU9th. He stated that he is a realtor with Caldwell Banker out of Lake Oswego and is speaking as a realtor as well as a Tigard resident. His concern is the lack o.f inedium priced homes in the Tigard area. He favore� maintaining the R-4.5 zone on site "A" and increasing site "B" from R-3.5 to R-4.5. o Charles Barr, 14992 SW 109th, explained that his was an emotional plea to save the trees and the great horned owls which live in the area. He lives ad�oining site "A" and "B" and he would also be affected by site ..G�.. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED FOR SITE "A" o Len�thy discussion followed regarding what would be the appropriate density for Site "A'" and how increasing the density to R-40 would rePlace the needed housing densities. * Commisaioner Newman moved and Commissioner Leverett seconded to forward CPA 87-01 and ZC 87-02, Si�te "A" with a recommendation to rezone from R-4.5 PD to R-25 PD. o Further discussion followed regarding how many units would be gained. Whether the site should be zoned R-12 or R-25. * Motion failed five to two. Commissioner Moen, Oarens, Butler, Peterson, and Vanderwood voting no. * Co�issioner Bulter moved and Commissianer Vanderwood secanded to forward CPA 87-01 "A", and Zone 87-02 "A" to City Council recommending a change from R-4.5 PD to R-12 PD. Motion carried by ma�ority of Commissioner present. Co�missioner Hoen, Owens, and Newman voting no. o Commissioner Peterson asked if it would �e out of order to make a motion to deny sites "B", "F", "C", "E", and "D" without a�cepting testimony Lengthy discussion f.ollowed. o President Moen a�ked if there was anyone who had signed up to speak who wished to teatify before the Comm3ssion made a motion for denial. Na one choose to speak. * Commissioner Peteraon moved and Commisaioner Vanderwood seconded to forward CPA 87-01 "B" "C" "D/Ew wF" and "R" and Zone Chan e ZC 87-02 > > � r $ "B", "C", "D/E", "F", and "R". to City Council with a recomm�nd�tion far denial. Fur�hex discussion foll.owed regarding tihe 1egal.i�y of the pxocess. Pres3dent Moen again asked the audience i� anyone wish Co apeak before the Commission tiakes acrion. Furthar discussion regaxding the mot3on. PLANNING CQMMISSION MINU�ES MARCH 3, 1987 - P.AGE 5 o Discussion followed ro add the provision that after the Commission had revi�wed the remaining sites tha� they could have the oppo�tunity tn go back and look and these sites again. Commissioner Feterson agreed. Commissioner Vanderwood seconded. o Commissioner Newm�n requested that the names of the opponents be placed into the record. (Sign up sheets were forwarded to City Council.) * Motion c�rried unanimously by Commisaioners presents. SITE "G" Senior Planner Liden review Site "G" and made staff's recommendation for a zone change from R-12 to R-25. I NPO COMMENTS o Sue Carver, NPO �� 6 representative, stated that they had already reviewed a pro3ect for this site and were in support of the R-25 ' designation. o Discus�ion .followed regarding the type of facility being proposed, the condition of the land, and what would be appropriate zoning for the site. j E � PUBLIC TESTIMONY 1 o Bill Sanders, 23256 Bentz Road, NE, Aurora, OR, owner of site "G" favored the proposed chan�e. ; o Ken Cheely, 15390 SW Alderbrook Ct., Committee Chairman for Summerfield, � stated he was prepared to speak against "B", "F" and "G". However, ' since "B" and "F" were denied in the previous motion he is no longer � opposed td increasing site "G". He stated that they had original opposed Albertsons' until they found out that the property could development to 40 units per acre, so they felt Albertsons' would be the best of two evils. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED * Commissioner Owens moved and Commiasioner Newman seconded to forward CPA 87-01 "G" and Zone Change ZC 87-02 "G" to City Council with a ; recommendation for a clfange from R-].2 to R-25 PD. Motion carried by 4 ma�ority of Commissioners present. Coanissionera Moen and Newnan voting � no. I SITE "H" Senior Planner Liden review the site and made staf.f's recommendation for a i Comprehensive Plan Change from Medium High to High Dens3ty Reaidential, which �, would allow development up to 40 units per acre. PUBLZC TESTIMONY � o No one appeared to speak. ! � i � } PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 3, 1987 - PAGE 6 � PUBLYC HEAR.ING CLOSED o Discussion followed regarding where they were as far as calculations and ' how many units could be developed on the site. * Commissioner Vanderwood moved and Commissioner Newman seconded to forward CPA 87-01 "H" to City Council with a recommendation for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Mediuffi High Density Residential to High Density Residential. Motion carried by ma�ority of Commissioners p:resent. Commissioners Newman and Moen �oting no. o President Moen requested that findings be added to Commiss3oner Peterson's motion .for denial of site '�B", "F", "C", "E", and "D". * Findings for motion to deny Sites "B", "C°, "D/E", "F", and "K" are: 1. Inadequacy of transportation in the area, lack of bus service. 2. Need to preserve R-4.5 zoning. , 3. Non-compliance with applicable locational criteria. 4. Reduces the livability of the eetablished areas. 5. Impact on the schools would be greater if the above sites are increased in denaity. Mot�.on carried unanimously by Commissioner present. o Further discussion followed regarding the Planning Commission's position regarding the Albertsons' Comprehensive Plan Amendment. o Commissioner Leverett wanted to go on record as not opposing Albertsons' location but is opposed to shifting den�ities into the neighborhoods. * President Moea moved and Commissioaer Newman aeconded that the Planning Commission feels that it is an inapp�opriate use of the Compreheasive Plan to change zoning, greatly eapanding a commercial area, and then try ; to find other areas in Tigard to relocate that residential �roperty. ; Motion carried unanimously by Commissiunera present. ; i 6. OTHER BUSINESS o Vacation Portion of SW 67th Avenue. Planning Commission consensus was } for recommendation of approval. ;. 7. Ad3ournment 11:30 PM ;! �,_=� � � Ui e M. Jelder , ecretary ;' ATTEST: i; (��' � �G��-+��� i�����-�-�- i; A. Donald Moen, Fresident 3053P/dm� '' � �'; �,:� i-' 3;� :PLANNTNG GOMM�SSZON MY'NUTES MARCH 3, 1987 - PAGE 7 �, i �. ' _ _ =..:;.,..„.J � PLANNTNG COMMISSTON ROLE CALL: —�."`? � j�'r G�`;° �/,(} Donald Moen 1 ` STAFF: �v Bonnie Owens � ( � Jolhn Butler Milton Fyre ��� (/}�''Deane Le�erett 2� 0 �2,/ v�y-r/'�Dave Peterson E1 �' Chris Vanderwood--� � Will Newman Greg Newton�� I � � � ; . � � ,, � � � � � � i' F: � � �', �:, �, f. TI i::, t' f<` i' `_,;, r r:; �7. �� i l; r^: t' x'. �; ��` DATE � � _ � IGARD PLANNI NG _C_ OMMI SS IO_N, . , NOTSCE: ALL PFRSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME I and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM E CR P.TION: • � ` �� . �� ... - • - �;,�•..�..-..-+ � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) . Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation � ��.uSiti�C.,�,,c�hi li '�'"lria.c-d g,D v , `St���Y��c:C�LGc2/tI(/ -yyJ'' 'T�� �GC.�. '1C D�i � 'i 4�.h�0 ; 0 � / � _ , ,. �'r�su 5 c.�;<'kt.cr.k i( ' � � Y ct.rcf �aQ.�� r� `d Y o . 0 �a � �� � . C .� � — --=�, q 1 �1 �I,c.,� �t,c�-��c�..�.f`��r��� �''D b r - �.G G�'�l1 !�� ,�� � ,:-` . / L � � � .�� �. � , . l�UD .�—J -� , -� - � _ � - . ) ./ r=- 3 ��� � � i/Yi �Pa P t, ''4/�P �`° (/ �3 � % /� � �, r'� / �a"�c��0 s��J G h Ct- � U ��' �' � % �� �3qu� LU;pEk�u�� ✓ � � '� ' - oc r � `-.� ..��e.�t.�l,3�s� ` 1 �a ..i' . l ` _ _ �, DATE �^ �� �� T S G A R D P L P. N N I N G C O M M I_S 5 I O N NOTICE: ALL PFR50N� DESIRTNG TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN 7CHETH NAME and note their adciress. on 's sheet, (please P,xint your ame) ITEM�bESCRIPTI0I�7: � __ / � ,r Q � • � ' . IL�1'��.`,� S�0 , a- v � �, .. PROPUNENT (For) OPPO NT (ag inst) � Name, Address and Affiliati�on Name, Address and Affiliation 7 o a�K oY.m. �►.4�o3y ���.✓ti. � .,Y, �,�. �;.���a �c�, c�r��<�/ c-f - f_.. .�,� � �/ '-L L L k '� . `�n a ��, ��; �� f..��..'� �v��'. '�!�'� =-_ . 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(p],ease Print your name) ' e� �,i ,,, ,.. �. ` � � � ITEM ES.CRIPT:ION: yµ .~ ,+��� . ,_ a � �� #� �r"CSYY'� ��.,'r' �• � �_.� � / � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Na�me, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation ��n� -f.S'390�S'cv C�'`` �,E'.C:�Jfu� � r �� c�i f,.�!� U V✓ `O Q'� l ,���t- ��,, +� ti. �' a � , :A� `� .�' 'kr ���Z•'Y L C..[. �� .� t �.�i..,�� . - rr �p�p�,� �.,,, ' �, ��.., �� � .;{�»...,H ���VV��{C� ��`,/ .. � y��_Cr�- � �'��.wdy �} �i ��.-C...t l, 4 ��... , � � . .. . . .. ��� 1 � . � . . . . . .. . . . . .. �.... r DATE � � I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I_S S I O N NOTICE: ALL P�RSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIK NAME and note their address. on this s eet. (please Print your name) { �39���"m1 f � { f f4 ,P�: ITEM/bESCRIP.Z°ION: ' • • , �� - ..� s � �� �, 1" PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) � k t� N �ne, Address and Affil.iation Name, Address and Affil.iation ; 1,�,'�.�t�., '' ?c�a , [, j�/ -° ,� �? 1.53�'�S!e"]Q�a✓ta.�O-ticrs-'fc C�� � � . i ;' : i � � ; i 0 i I : _ _ 1 DATE �I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N NOTICE: ALL P�RSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUBT SIGN THET1�, NAME and note their address, on this sheet.• (please Print your name) � . //, t,� ITEM ESCRIPTION: � _ .... � �� �` ��.�.+ � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) � Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation �x.C���2�- /s 3 9'd $ClJ �- � c l 'i"� i i 1 , � � . F .. i i i � � � 1, � ; � . � � r _ _ DATE T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M � I S S I O N NOTICE: ALL P�RSONS DE5TRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIB NAME and note their address. on t2xi sheet (please Print your name) • �, +� � ', � ITEM SCRIPTION: � �� ' ����� ° r�:h�t`,_ , . . PROPONEi1T (For) OPPONENT (against) � Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation r,�^� .°��y�.��a+.�,.� �� �c:�`.� i�*�'�--�1`��� I � � ,-�'. �'�s � .,� 1•�� , t, :r.,�. �-^�2,.�;;::�" „f. ��r!' ,^;.t�.f�'°' Y t, { �:� ij I � ' �. . . . .. .. . . ��,:'�, DATE ' '�` IGARD PLANI�TI NG COMMI S S ION E t NOTICE: ALL PF,R,RSONS DE$IRTNG TO SPEAK. ON ANY ITEM MU�'1' SICN THEI.F�t NAML � and nate their address; on this sheet.� (p�,ease Print you�' name) . ....... , �;., � ITEM/bESCRI'P.'TION: '� ., ^': _ �' PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation �tJ�AU�.C i.J �'+�Ave._ el� '� c���v f's . ,� `= _ sw �ehl'�L� �--�: , � t�- +�. � � 4��r� � ���'��c� S � ,�����r-= �- �Y1 r i � fi t.J,, L�l t.v-ch,(.f C-. C�,�� �c �.�r �r��- s�w r�.,� ,�irEw �r�7`'� '7 8S0 �'h/ GtN�yvaca�s . � � i fi ; ;. ;i. � i ;s ;t 'i ,� ;� ; i , ' i i i - i 1 i; f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,i sa �i 5( i , �, _ _ , t; � ,; S1 D�'PE__� ,J . I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I 0 N ��' �"` NOTICE : ALL PLRSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN 't'k1t:11t NAME and note their address on th's sheet. (please rint your nam�) °, %� �,,� ITEM/bESCRIPTION: ' '" . . � •� ..5— „�c i�- � ._._ PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name , Address and Affil.i�t.i��c� t�^—° —� 4 � �-C Ub�.� f� � � ���''��.� .». ��� � I S ` ""`�'�`�'��t "�""""���1�����"°µ'�'ti�°� �- . pE-�'��"�-'" ' azrz s�,�2.�-�, �r s w ����T� � � I � 1..,t�v��.pc� t sz.�7Q ��t��. ��t�'" �}-v-e � ��� !:,�'�t��`�`G��n3�!.� cv� c ... S�vT �� �o�✓r 5�.�o �✓ �j/ ►-r C't', I J ; i ; ; ��� ; i. ; i . . ,_w .. _.. _ .. ..._. . �. f ;. .. _. .. 1 � ; {. . ���rE ...3 . ...� M I S S I O N �� � � I G A R D P L A N N I N G_ C 0 M NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN 'L'N�11: NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your namG 1 F, ��. ��.. �� �� ITEM/bESCRIPTION: ���'~��'`"^a, ��� , ,', _.. �--_� _.._ � � 'L"+'� � _�__ PROPONFNT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name , Address and Affil.i�t.i���� f2o ._ ��.-��S� S i�v , � _ � � � 4� /� r�s c�.d:�.d2 �� ��....�,.,� �..8r .3�c �l�� I . � ��..�..�S" S w �c.� c#-- �.n�.-�./ '_T.� _.v. CX:"C'Y QF' "!";I:GR�t[) NO"I";C(:k QF' I)I�:(�:L a�S:ON F'INf•1L OC2pE.H N(7, 87-.. 05 pC �'�' �CC: r� �:�niA�. ar�i�F.r� .c�u��i._uux�ur r-x�unx�urs �n�� ro�ur.,�.us:�c��us wHxc�H n.r-..ni:��=.s r�n� r�i���:��. <�� � DIRE.(;l"UR';; DE�Cxw;�:qN RE::(;AR[)71UG; AN Af>PL.:�C;F�T':T:QN �'qF2 Ft L.01" 1.,7:iUf: An�'US1"M�:IVT ANI7 VA�t:C(�Nt�F (M 14.--86/V 2�.--86) I�[�Q111::5'T'hD RY KE;NNE:T'I�I WF�YM:CR�, FT. AL.. '�"h� T'igard P1�nning pxrectnr issued a nat9.ce �f �rnenc�<�d d�cisian dai:�d 7anuary 6, 19�7 a�pr•nv9.rig � m�ajar l�nd p�r�tation (ML.F� �.1_..86) but d�nyi.ng tNi� ].ot J.in� �c�justment and var•iancP pnr•tians of the a�aplicat9.on (M 14-•-861V 29��-86) . An ap�a�al nf thi� dE�ni.�J. w�s s�ak�mit�Pd nr� J'anuar�y 20, �.987 �nd � �uk�li,c h�aring w�s held befar�e the Pl.anning �ammi.ssinn on March 3, 1�87. The (;ammassa.on bas�c� its deci.si.on �.,ri th� f�ci:s, fa.nc�inc�s, anci COY1C�.1,157.C.1YtS noted b�:low. API?l_:[rF�'T':�ON: I��r�uc�st by Kcnneth Waymire, I::T. AL. �:a �djust c>rie pai^cP.l of 1.6AT �c.�^�� anc� i.?. pr�rr.els (L_�ts 5Q_._69 E3ancl P�rk #3) rang9.ng approxima{�al.y 4,20Q t�a 6,qOQ sc��aara fe�?t in sa.ze :iritn �r�e raarc�]. <>f Q,!5A acr•es and 12 pa�^ce].s of approx9.mat�l.y 9, 100 to 1?..,OUO sr�uar�e fe�i: ari s9.x� ar�d for � Variar�ca �o al.lnw lat da�i;hs uf iap tta �+ �L;imes 1:1•�n w;i.c�th nf �Lhe �r^a��r�ty wh�rF 2 1/2 ti.m�s is a.11owec�, The 0.54 ��r�e �arc�l. a.s then tca b� diui.c�ad a,ril�o i�hr�c� �ia�Y'C2�.8 af A,pQO to 4,��00 sc�uare f-c�et in si,•x..e. 'Th� {•araperr•ty is zonc�c) R._.12 (Mul.ti--F�mi.ly f2�si.deni:ial, 1?. un:its/ar.r�) �nd is l.�catet� imm�c,iiat�l.y wEast af Eiond I��rk #3 I_cats !38..._�i9 (Wf�`fM 2S1 ].2(aC lc�ts 1.Q0, 3qOp, 3XGp, 3?_Q0, 3300, �400, 350Q, 3601, 370U, 3800, 39C1U, h000, and 4xC1�.j . �' f�. F':CNUxNG OF FAC,T �; 7. . E3ack<�r�ound Fl C)a.rertor's c��r..isi.on was r�leased nn U�cember 19, 7.g86, "C'he c�ec9.sion ct�ni:airi�d an er�r�ar rE�c�arc�:tr�g the app�al c��te ar�d i;he pr�.�p�::al. desr,.r•ipti.on, l"his amendecl c��ci.sinr� has hae�n issu�c� tn cor�r�nct j:he er•rors , ALso, nat �l.l i,hp proper•i:y 4W�1P_i^S sigr��c� �:hp a�,pli.c:at:ic�n �s requi.r�cl k�y CodF�, Band Park :C:CT s�alac�ivasfan was apwr�au�d in 198A (F:l].� S 2--8A) . 7hc� w�st�rn �nri:i.on of thii.s �hase af th�e deueJ.apm�!nt (L.ca�s 56..-69) �re inva�.vpd i.n 1:M�is �arapasa�., '1_, Va.r..ina.�y ];rifarm�i;i.an fldj�c�rii: �r•a��.ar•1��.�s {:c� tFi� sc�utr�, �as�, and west �r�� zcyn�d F2_�..].2 (Res9.c�eri�ial, 12_ UI'l7.'��3I�CY'P_� and i:h� R--7 (F2Easadential, 7 uni.ts/acr�) ;r.an� ].9.c�s �o �ha nar•L-ri, "I"he ��xi:�ri7 �aar�l:�.on af E3c�nd Park :�::CT is immec�aa�ely �ast and 1:he remai.ning abufiting rJa"ll"C.P.�.5 ar•r� M�amc�sii�e:� that r�anc�� in si.-r..e fram a�praxi.mtately c�ne ta ].9 acres. sand Str�et ends at i:hP soutFieastern carri�r� �f i:he I prapc�r�•ty �nd � Aq fc�oi: access e�semc�nt r�urts alone� its west:ern boundary (81st Aveniae) . � � �xn���. an��r� Na. s� — 05 �c — pA�� � i � � 3 . �itca :Cnfarmal>i.on �nd �i^c�pnsal �PSCr�.pt::��an � Thas a��la.c.�ti,pn iriv�].ues a 9qq k�y 90 fcaot v�cal�t p�rcel �nd l.nts I� 5g..�..69 of �3ond p�rk .T,.T.:C, °("he �pp�:icant pr•apas�s tn �bsc�rb the �� nc�rth�r�n arEa� af th� u��an� tract: by exfi:endi.n� the W2S'�E?M�n k�aunc��ry nf 1:h� SU�7f�1VA5,1.Ufl �.ots 90 f�et to 1:he west. `TNt� s�7tath�r•n ser..ti�n nf tFiis uacai7� �ar�ceJ� wi.l.]. k�� c�i��ided ir�ta thr�� lc�ts �arid Rorid Str�pt wi:1l. exi:c�nd �ppraxi.matPly :L00 fic?pt f�ar•l�:h�r west i:ra pr�nua.c�e �acr..ess, 4. A.�ency and NI�O CUir�ments The �ngi:ri�c�r•ar7g pi.uisa,Un has I:he fc�].l.awi.ng ccamm�rii:�; a, '1"h� cr�atiori of i.,at 3 �ar�ac�.uc�es �:he saul:herly canti.nuat;�on �.7f 81s1�: Av�nue t�.� �rouad� �eces5 to Tax L.ats ].9Q0 �nd 2QA0 ta i:h� snui:h. Praua:caus r�euela�am�nt �a].ans f�r i:he ar�a h�ue sh�.7wn an ext�i��sion of 6�.st F�v�r�ue and nc� adc�a.tional �ccess ta hurP�am Fto�d, l;ar•g�.ly b�eause c�f restric�L�d srght di.stanc� xn this �.c�r.al:iarr. b, T'P�xs �cc�ss C(1.1�5'I:IOYI ni�y k�� r��sol.ued by inc�i.r:�i�:xnc� � �e�si.Fa].� ali�errial�e m�i:hac� for �ar•auading 51,11�:i�lla�:P_ b1CCE?55 for tl°�cas� soutNi�.ai^ri �a�r���J.s, c, Th� prta�osec:) ].at ].�.n� �c�jus�:m�n1� �nd res�ali:in� la{�: d��tFis c�f ,:' up �:G 20Q fc�et wi�.l pnt�riti�l:�y cr�eai:e prak��.nms rk��.ai�:ing tn �.. ace.�s5 if i�:h� eriJ.r�rged l�ts a�^e to b� parti.tion�d in the fiuture. °I"he Bui.l.c�ang InspF?�tian piuisi�n ar�d tr�e "fua�.�tS.n Rur•al F�'are Pro�ectiun I]ist:t^�.c:t haue no caNaj�ct:inns to �he r�c�ue��. Na other• cc�mmerit� h<-.au� k���r� r�ceiuec�. B. F�NAI.Y�I� ANq CpN�I,.US:�01V TN}� pr•op�sed m�jar� ].�nd �<-.ari:it�.an c.alem�r�t af tha.s aK�pli.c�ti:an as ccansxstcn� wi1:h Cammunity �evela�mc�rtit Ca<�e stanc�arc�s fur lnt s�.ze, dim�risi.nris, �nd �c�.�ss, Th�± lat ].i.n� adjustmer�t (i .e. , the �xparision af I..ot h8-,-�i9) c�a�s rtot m�et �.he s�:arid�rd far .l�t d�pth wh�,ch may nat �x�erzd 2.,5 ti,m�s tr�� ].at width. A vari�nc�z has b�en requ�gtec� and an �naJ.ysis of �h� rel�uarit cri�era.a is c�a�sc�ass�d ha�law, 1"h� �ctllc�wi.ng cr�it�ri� ar•� given i.n �ection 18.].34.Oa0 nf the Cade For � gr�an�S.ng a uariance: 1 3, ;, 1. l"he prc�pa�ed u�r�a.ance wal.l. not be mat�ri.a].l.y d��rimental. ta ; �:he purpases af this rade, be xrt confl.iet; with the policies � af �ha Cc�mprehensiue Plart, ta any oth�r a�ap�.acabl:e poli�cies and s�andards; and �Lo ptf�Fr pr�aper•tS.�s a.n th� ��mQ xona�ng r , dis�r��.ct or vioir��.�y; , �.. : i i �',CNAI» c7Rt7�� NQ, g7 -- 05 PC � PAC� 2 ` � � � � � . . •, . .. ....__ ... .. ... . .. .. . ..... .. �,_.:...., ,W ��-....Wr�-F 2, 1"h�.�r� �r� ypEac;.1'.�+i.l ci.�^cumst:anc�� �h�at �x3.s1� whicl7 are p�cul.i.ai^ � to �:h� ].r�t si,re ar shapa, t�pngra�ahiy, or o1;h��r� r.i.r•cumstancns ouFar wha.�:h i�hF ���l.a.r..ant: ri�:> n� r.c�ntr�c�]., anr� whi.cPi �r•�� ncat a�ptic.ahal� i:a othEr prcaper•ta,�s; 3 , "C'hc� u�:� �,7N'p�)C)Sf?S� wi.l.l. Y�n th� same as ��rmii:,:�.a� 41YiCii:'r` �:P�i.> Cr,c�e �r�d (�i�:� st�ric�ar�r�s w9.11 bc� mairil:aa.r►HC� i:a i�he gr•ca�i.cast � ex1:�n1•. t.hat is reasc�nabl.y K>ossik�l�, whi].� ��r^miti�:�ng som� ar.onam.i.c �asP �f i:he ].<�nd; 4. k�x9.st:i.ny �hysi,c��J. �anc� ri�ai:�ar��J. 8,�f5C:f�i715, such ��> bi.it r��.,t ].imited tK> �Gr�affi.c, c�r�ir�ac�e, car�m�i:,ic ].�and far•ms, ar ��r�ks wi:l.l nnt bF �adu�rs�J.,y �ffcact��!d any mc�r� tNi�n wc����.rJ or.r.Gi�^ af �:h�e d�uQ.lo�amcant wFare l�r.�i:�d �s sp�r.ifind an �.he (�c>��e; �nd 5. "i"hi� h�r•d�aFii�> is nc�1: ��J.f_..a.mp�s�r� and i:h�� u;�r:i�an<:� rcar����<>i:�cl is 1�he mi.na.mtam u�r•9.anc� whiGh wc���.ld �lx�uiata th�e riar•c�shi.i.p, (�n� pui^�os� c�f LPi� C;tam�r�ehi�ri5i,u� Pl�n �nd triE� �camm�ani.�:y C)���El�pni�nl: (,UC�� i.s 1:o prnmai:� efficierit c��ve.l�aranicni: uf �.and wii:h:in i:he C;a.ty. The Cac�e st.and�rcl i:r��ai; r•�ra�aa.r�.�s J.o1: lenc��:h not tn exc��d 7.�a ti.mes lat w:ic�l:h is inl:�nc�nc� ta maxima.zp �ffiicinrit us� t�f 1�nc� �anc� ��.1aw fnr �n �nh�nc�c� abi.J.i.i:y ta r��c��uel.o� pr•�pF�ri�:y . :In •t;Nie �.c,nc� r•�an, i:he r�i^Q�,708P..CI 1c.,ts wi.l�. he uridesir�h>.l� la�c�use of- th� �a�:�r• ui�:i.l.i.z�t:i.c�n nf 1�nc�, �wkw�rd J.c�t confa.c�t.ir•�a�:i.on. �nd dif'fii.cu�.tiE?s assac.i.a�:�ci wi�:h f-i�tu�^� ��r'�i;i�:iuning nf �Lhic�s� au�rs.i.xed ra�rc�l.s, �k._ p�rt�.c�.il�r�ly frczm i;Pi<� sfi:�and�an�.n1. �7f acc:�ss, Tn a��r�it::i.on, a.f snm� c�f �:Nie �ro��r•�::i�s ar� siahaset�u�r�i:1y diu9.c�ed, i:Nin �r•iEar�i:ai�ioi� uf htai.ldirigs may �ni; k�� c��asir��ak�].� wi.1:h J.c�ts h�vi.ng <� r�anc�on► ��a�:t��rn of a,k�uttinc� f-rorit and rnar� yar�ds , Thi� ��^a�aasal. w9.].l. �].sa cr��at� ��rok�lems r•E�].<ati.nc� ta tri� J.�c�a�a.c.�ri c�f fui:urn st�^c�c�i:s nn �:he adjairii.r�g �r�c��>car•i:y ta i:hn wcast. Cii:y �al.icy c�J.l.s fc�r• K>r��va.si.or7 c�f' sui.i:�ahyl� �e.c�ss fc�r� ac�jac�nl: �rc�per•i:�.E�s dtar�ing �:17� GCaIAM'�� o�F c�eu<��opm�nt. Wht�ri �:h� r�i�•op�r•�:y to t:r►� west t�P.Vf-?I.D�5, sc,mc� �cce�ss i�o i:h� r�ear c�f tNik� �rrc,��sec� lats sF�u�a1d k�� r��.���aa.i7�d �n �ar.ccammr.a��ai:c� f�ai:�arP raari:a.i:iuni.nc�, f�r�ranging a i°uncl:i.orial s�L�^c��t sysl:tam on this pro��et^�Ly wa.J.l. �a� 1•.rauk�l�>�m� wMien 1:F�e rium��r• �rtc1 timiric.� f'�.�t^ fitai:ui^e c�a.uisi.on af the �xpandc�d ].a�:s w9.11 k�e im�a�qala:le tca �ai^��c�i�.t, l"Ni� P.l.�riri.i.nc� Cc�mmi.ssac,n unr��rsi:ancis tM» clesi.r•es c�f i:h� lc�� owners in C3canc� F�ark :C:C:C �:a esi;�hl.i.sh a haui=fer ar•n� hn�we�n 1:MiEaxr prap�r•i:�.�s ar�c� ful:ur� d�u�.l.c��m�r�i: ta i:he wFSt, F�lthough t�i� crea�xon of long, n�tr�row r>arc�l.s wa.l). achaeue: i:l�as Ubjactiue, it wi�.l �fifac:�iuely 'FOM'P_C�.USP_ fui�ur� a�t:i.ans rar utilS.;r_atinri c�f 1:Fi� �r���r•ty. ,7ai.nt pu+^crias� of th� c�nt9.�^P i.raci: �s cc�mmor� o��n sr��cp arn� wou�.d a].�a achi.�ue i:he <�esir�c� r•E��.il.i: anc� r�t.�ai.ri �h7c� opti.an f�r c��ueJ.a�7.ng th� prn�a�rty ].�t�er^ as � coh�sa.ue unit. :�f p�r•manen� a��n space r�maa.ns as a goal., futur-e sa]�e or• d�c�ic�t9,un tn tha C9.ty for� ��rk pur•pos�s may al.sc� b� � r>assilaS.l.a.i:y. :Ct shauld hae nu�;�d i:ha� a,F �h� "camman �rac�" o�i:ron is ptarsu�c�, the p�r��i.i�ion pr•opasal. wou�.d n�ec� 1:o be modi.fz�d si.nc� �his �'� wn��lci �s��bl.xsh a �ourth parc�l, �nd a m�xi.mum af an�.y thrpe m�y he ��" cr�eat�!cl tNir�c�u ri tr�c �ss an orte c�l�nd�r^ year. g �ar^ta.��.nn pr�occ. {=�NA1.. qal�hR Nn, 97 -- 05 PC -- �ACE � � _..,...� ..._._.�... _. � The Gammission alsa revi�w�d the p�ssabx�a,ty �f anly exp�ndzng trie ��` l�ts to the w�st by 1Q to 20 f�pt, This actian watald hau� � ' d�trimenta.l �ffr�r..t upan tr�e. d�ue�.apnienl: �at�nti,a7, fc�r i;h� r�m�i.nin� 7q 1-:n 8p fnot by 5aG faut par�r,�l, The r�nc�uctaan a.n width waulc� mak� i.t vir�tu�l.iy impass�,b�.e t� develca� irtdc?�eric��ni:ly, C. �F'(�IS�UN Th� pJ.anrii.r�g C�mmissaon uphoJ.r�s i:h� �arect�.,r�'s qeai.si�n ar�d V 79-._86 anc� M 5.4....fl6 are I:)�IU:[F.:p. It i.s f�urther� arder�c�d tFia��: th� a�a�a].ir..ant be nati.fS.�d i th� eni�ry of tttis order. � PA�SFI�; Thi.s �� .,.. day of M�r�ri. 19fl7, by tr�a pl.�rinanc� C;ammassic�n of L••h� (�ity af 'Ti:gar�d. ����Z�r .��!i��+c.� �on Mnen, presi�l�nt ? � Tic�ard P].�nrii.ng Comm�a.ssic�n ? ; K�L,bs3Q55p " ��,� !'i � � � ; t F'xIVAL pf2UEa NQ, 87` �— 05 PC �- pAG� k i � 1 _ _ AGEMDA ITEM 5.1 PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 3� 1987 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD� OREGON TO: Planning Commission � �� S aff � FROM: Plannin t � � 9 lj � � SUBJECT: Appeal of Variance V 19-86 and Lot Line Adjustment M 14-86. Bond Park III On January 6, 1987 the Director of Community Development denied an application for a variance and a lot line ac3justment in conjunction with a minor land partitxon request which was approved for a 1.84 acre parcel and lots 58-69 in Bond Park #3. The variance was requested to allaw lot depths of up to 4 times the width of th� property. 5ect3on 18.i64.020 (�) (2} of the Co�nunity Development Code s��tes that "The depth of all lots shall not exceed 2z times the average width." The lot line adjustment was requested to adjust the 1.84 acre pa�cel and 12 parcels into one .54 acre parcel and 12 9,000 = 12,.OQO.s.quare.�oot��e±oe].. Staff's justification for denial of the variance and lot line adjustment is outlined on pages 3 and 4 of the attached Amended deci.sion. Also attached is the Notice of app�al which contains the pro�erty owners reasons for appealing the Director's denial. STAFE' RECOMMEND.F�TION: Staff recommends that the Planning Co�nission uphold Staff's denia], of the variance and lot line adjustment requests. � � i � � � � . . . • ' . ; ..� �.. . . ) Exhibit nDn ' • ' :r„ 1 . �.. :I I ' ' ae s• eeM�Xa2t s�.o� � '--DORBU�� _ yZB9o!6'Fy,�; `r''r 3oUO 2��00 2h00 0 . � V � I200 � 100 _+ _ S� \v 57 ° 56 � ?5'Rc I W �.oti Ac � ; ��e°� '?6 � � �\xe se ,� 2���a i . .. I Z %3100 ����' � ° _ > � W ��� �'� a �° • I a - -r. i. 62 04� ♦A p.�� e 73 V� � 3??�,,U !� �2600 � � � � 60 Ns "' S4 � ^ � 9u 1j � v'�k.N �y S6_ � � n �-- - -- 3300 p�24 eo 0 2500 "� i a\.� 6� � ^(7 °i t�53 � I � � ° - - - --� eaez . "'_ � esee_� � �S 3400 ^ a� e2400 � : „-� 62 " .il ,�, .'j 52 w° � `_ � � \ �-,eeii � - " � � � Y � 3500 ti ? �+�300 � �;, � " 51 -� � � ^/' fi 3 o n =� .. ��_� �tl�H � r ��OL67 "! � �'�^ •ti 3501 �, 0 2200 0 � � ., .: � °' F4 g N 5� „ . .. ��a4�� "� I _� 2 �,^) �-L, 9�26 .I �..I- ���� y 92 9� A � ���^ �" t�:i Jtl o c. � ;» 55 • �►s INITIAI►1• � U --'��---- ^ nz z• " .,, d9 m �° I � � =38�� �� �� 09 v. " I � ^�,-1 66 `� u `I �._�._. __ I 2!1 2 3 �.7'�' � S ; ' � � a��o „a p..:�� �iyV : ^—. s7 „ , ,o•° R . j ' � �——�— — — �_�Z�a_ - ���kq y�CC I I .. y r ;�`�4401 M1�'� A.���� I �.�4�nn :i" L�/P^^ 72 � ( ' — _ , ^L )6Ei 3� � � 91 i.�� 4400 SEE �dAP �� 9,3"� �o HIUI�— a ` 4501 � -�-igOq �.`� I IG^.(1 I � I „�L�� F9 � � , 7�M1 �, .'�1� 6 96 y.� � %_ • � I y8' ._ �2oo9C o O 4so�� � �oz � �o ., ao n 74� � 3 \ V i IC� g� S� 91 + � N DO� = � 4300 v � P 4700; „ � � 71 (n .� 75 ' � �, ea i i p.roy�� �s���c s�ae r Ne.q�sH r +osi z���� z« — - 's S.W.^ BOND „ ��-/.��, ~ STRF�-T .Zy2 s� ea s• e+ 2q622-�2 ssz. ���v �.�� �� Q� 5200 5100 5000 49!lC1 48G0 � ��{�iL � \� //���`.\7 qmp n ti . . (�r V; Pu OO 7�J �8 � 7� w �6 10 � a` n O` = Nn0°�2�3d°W /!D {`Q, 94 99 'f• !1 �• 1 1900 2000 � lC5 �O,;a,N) � ^ � /�/Ar /03Ac � : � FOn ASSE�SMENT P�IRPOSES ONLY.00 NOT RELY ON FOR ' ANY OT�IER USE. � 51 T0.9♦ IN—J2 �� �IQ��I ; . . Cl.:.lf o °i,/SAC ,^n a � , IOI 71lL NOY°i6�E , 1i�9] �8J-S�TI 2M ITO.• • . . 210Y{ . -y . . .. �.. DURMAM �� � -` l ROA� -'a _ • .� _ �(GlJ S7ATE HIGHWAY 217) ,Zti�is����"�i{..�1,` �` 1_�?�s��. �, r�.�_,c.3`r���1t.��_-r`�+�...�,u�..W��1�Yil�....u�_r ._ ,��_..., • ' .... ..._.....-.+�+� . . . ....� t�ror..�.{^Y�IeTY. . , . .. . .�..�. � � . . . . .�. . �. .S.a».%M"...t�.a..,!:�...a(�. .a. . ,. ... ,. 't�. zS.�. � . � CZ7Y OF TIGARD NOTICE OF AMCNDED DECTS�pN MINOR LAND PA'RT�T'�QN ML.P 11-86 VARTAN�E V ��-86 LOT L�N� ADJUSTMENT M 14-86 APPLTCATION: Request by Kenneth Waymire, ET, A�. to adjust one parcPl of �.8� acres and 12 parcels (Lots 58-69 Bond Park #�) ranging approximately A,2QQ to 6,000 squarp feet in size into one parcel of 0.5A acres and 12 parcels of approximately 9,10Q to 12,OOQ square feet in si�e and for a Variance to allow lot dppths of up to 4 times the width of �he prope�ty where 2 1/2 times is allawed. Th� 0.54 acre parcel is then to be diuided into three parcels �f A,000 to 4,900 square feet in size. The pr^operty is zoned R—].2 (Mu1ti--Family ResS.dential, 12 units/acre) and is located immedi.ately west af Bond Park #3 Lots 58-69 (WC1"M 2S1 12CC lots 100, 3000, 3100, 320Q, 330Q, 3AC10, 3500, 3601, 3700, 38p0, 390Q, 4000, and 4101) . pECTSION: Notice is hereby giuen that the Planning Director for the Ci.ty of Tigarc� has APpROVED the aboue clescribed Partition applicatian subj�ct to certai.n conditions and DEN�ED tl�e aboue described Variance and Lot La.ne Adjustm�nt appl.ications. The findings and conclusiong on whieh thp pirector based his decisa.on are as noted belaw. A, f=TNpIIUG OF 1=ACT - 1. Backgroumd A Direct�r's deGision w�s r�eleased on December 19, 1986, Th� decision contained an er�ror regarding the appeal date and the praposal c�escr�iption. This amended decisian has been issued tc� correct the errors. Also, nut all the property awner�s sigr�ed the applicataon as required by Cade. Bond Park I:C:L subdivision was approved in 198A (File 8 2-8A) . The western portion of thi.s phase of the development (Lats 58-•�69) are involued in this prnposal. 2, Vicinity Information Adjacent properties to the sauth, east, and west are zaned R�-].2 (Residential, X2 units/acre) and the R--7 (Residential, 7 unxtes/acre) xane lies to the nartFo. The eastern por•tion of Band Park T.:LI is immedi�tely east and the remaining akrutting �arcels are hamesites that rang� is size from approximate9.y one to 19 acres. eond Street ends at �he sautheastern carn�r af the praperty and a 40 foot acc�ss eas�ment rur►5 along its western baundary (81st Auenua) . 1�07�CE OF AMENp�tJ D�CxSxQN — t1LP 11-�86 -� PAGE 1 �_. .. _�_. � ..__ . . .. �,..�.,. ��.�.. ;� 3. Si.te Informa�ion and Froposal D�scription `'j This application ll'iVO1V25 a 900 by 94 foot vac�nt parcel, and Lots 58-69 af Bond Park III. The applicant propasex to absur�b the narthern ar�ea of the vacant tract by extendinc� th� western ' ion lots 90 feet to the west. The 'vis boundar�y of the subdi ant arcel will be diuided into three southern section of this vac p lots �nd Band Street will extend appraxima�.ely 1Qd feet further west ta pr•ovide access. rl 4. Agpncy and NPO Camments ri� 7h� Engine�ring Division has the following comments: �i a. The creation of Lat 3 precludes the southerly continuatinr-i `' nf 81st Avenue to provi.de access tn Tax Lots 1900 and 2Q00 � to the south. Preuxous development plans far the ar�a have f shown an extension of 61st Avenue at►d no additional access i; to Durh�m Road, largeiy because af restricted sight distance in this lacatian. � � b, This access question may be resolveci by indicating a r: feasible alternate method for providing suitable �ccess for these southern parcels. i,. c. 7he proposed lot line adjustment and resulti,ng lot depths ' af up to 200 _feet will potentially cr�ate problems relating � to access'�i.f the enlarged lots are to be partitioned in the �' Futur�. '' � The Building Inspecti.on Divisi.on and the Tualati�n Rural Fire Protection District have no ob,jections to the request. No other comments have been received , F; B. ANALYS:LS F�ND CQNCLUS�tON 7he proposed major land parti.tion element of �his application is consistent with Community Developm�nt Code standards for lot size, dimensions, and access. The lot line adjustment (i,e. , the expansion nf Lot 58-69) does not meet the standard for lot depth which may not ; � exceed 2.a times the lot width, A variance has been requested and an ' analysis of the relevant criteria is discussed below. ' The following cri�eria are given in Section 18.134.054 a� �he !' Code for granting a variance: 'r 1. The proposed variance will not be materially dQ�rimental to { the purposes of this Code, be in canfli.ct with the policies of the Comprehensive P1an, to any other applicable policies � and standards; and tU other propertiQS in the same xoninc� �. district or vicini.ty; I � ' i NOTrCE OF AMENDED pECISION — MlP 11—�6 — PAG� 2 ? �,. ; ; � � 2. Tt�ere ar� special circumstances that exist which are ' p�culiar to the lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances ouer which the applicant has no cantrol, and which are not applicable to Uther proper•ties; 3. The use propased will be the same as permitte� under �his Gocie and City standarcis wi�.l la� maintain�d to the greatest extent that is reasonably possibl.e, while permitting some , economic use of the land; I 4. Existing physical �nd n�tural systems, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramat9.c ].and forms, or parks wiJ.]. not be adversely affected any more than wauld occur if t e devel.o ment were lacated as s pci.fiec� in the Code; and h p P 5. The hardship is not self-impased and the uariance requested 'I 9.s the minimum variance whieh would alleuiate the hardship. One purpos� af the Comprehensiue Plan and the Community Developm�n•t Cnde is to promote efficient deuelopment of lanci within the City. The Cod� standard that requires lot �length not ta excepd 2.5 times lot width is intended to maximi,ze efficient use of l.and and allow for an enhancecl ability ta redevelop property. In the 1on run, the ro osed lots will. be und�si.rable because of �J K� P . . i:he paor utilxzation af land, awkw�rd lnt �configuration, and difficulties associated with future artitionin nf these p � oversized parcels, part�.cularly frum the stand�aoint of access. In adc�iti�n, if some �f the properties are subsequently divided, i:he orientation of buildings may not b� desirable with lots having a ranc�om patter�n af abut�ing front and rear yards, The pr�oposal will also cre�te prablems relating ta the locati�n of futur� streets on the adjoining pra�erty to the west. City policy calls for provision of suitablp access for adjacent prnperties during the cou�^se of deuelopment. When the property to the w�t develops, some access to the r•ear of t:he propased lots shoulc! be retained to accommadate future partitionxrig. Arranging a functional street system on this property will be troublesome when the number and timing for future di.visian of �he expanded lots w9.11 be impossible to predict. The Planning staff understands the desires of the lot owners in 6ond Park :C:[T to establish a buffer area between their praperties and future development to the west. Although the crsation of lang, narrow parcels will achieve this obje�tive, it will effectiuely foreclose future options fnr utilizatidn of the prnperty . Jorn� purchase of the entire tract as cnmmon ppen sp�cs area would also achieve the desired result and re�ain the option for developing the property later as a col�e�ive unit. Tf permanen� open space remains as a goal, fu�ure sal� or dedication ta 'the Ci�y far p�rk purposes may also be a possibility. rt shauld be noted that if the "cammon tract" option is pursued, the partition praposal would need to be modified since this would establish a fourth parcel and a maximum oF only three m�y b� crea�ed �hrough the partition process in one ca�endal^ year� NOTICE OF AMENDEq D�CISxON - MLP 1.1�86 - PAGE 3 $ � i I _ The staff alsa reviewed the possibility of only ex��nda.ng the lnts to the west by 10 to 20 fe�t. This action would have a detrimental effect upon the development potential for the remaining 70 ta 80 foot by 650 faot parcel.. The reduction in width would make it virtually imposs9.ble to develop independently. C. DECIBION The Planning Director approues MLP 11-86 subject to the conditions � noted belaw ar�d denies V 29-86 and M 14-86. ' 1. UNLESS OTHEF2WISE NQT'ED, ALL CONDII"IONS SNALI., BE MET pRIOR 70 RECORDTNG THE PAR'TTTION W:C7H WASHTNGTON CQUNTY. 2. The partition survey map and legal descriptions shall be submitted tn i:he Planning Director for revi�w and approval PRIOR TO RECORpING. The partition m�y be modified �o include the creation of a larc�e nor�thern parcel to be purchased jointly by the adjacent lot owo�ers. A maximum of 3 parce,ls shall be p�rmitted. 3. Standar•d full and half-street impr�ovement fr�nti.nc� applicar�ts proposed l.nts including sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprans, storm drainage and utilities shall be installed �J.onc� the extension of SW Bond Str�et stre�t frontage. Saic� improvements along SW Bond Street sha].1 bQ built to City Local Street � standards and conform to the alignment of exist�ng adjacent improv�ments. A, Seven (7) sets of p].an-profi.ls public imprauernent constructian plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil �ngineer, detailing aJ.l propased �ublic improuements shall be submi�ted to the Engineerin� Section � for approvaJ. . 5. Sanitary and storm sewer plan-�profi.le details sha11 be provided as par�t af the public improvement pl.ans. 6. Construction of praposed public improvements shall nat commence unta.l after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improu�ment plans. The Secti.on will require postinc� of a IOQX Performance sond, the payment of a permit fQe and sign instal.lation/streetlic�ht fee. Also, the exec�ation of a construction compliance agr�ement shall occur �riar to, ar concurrently wi�h the issuance of approved public imprnvement pl.ans. SEE TM�E ENCLOSED HANDOUT GIV:LNG MORE SPECIFTC INFORMA"fION REGARDING FE� BCHEDULES, BONDING, AND AGREEMENTS. 7. A nne (1' ) foot reserve str�p gran�ed to the "City of Tigard" sha11 h�� �rnvaded at �he terminus af the propased SW E3ond street street extension, NOTICE QF AMENDED pECISIQN - MLP 11-86 -- PAG� 4 8. Right-af--way shall be dedicated to the Pwblic along the �W �ond Street ext�nsion frontdge to provide right-�f�-way af 25 feet from centerline. The description for sa:id dedicati,an shall be tied' to the existing right-of--way cen�terline. Th� dedication document shall be on Ci.ty forms and approved by thp Enga.neering SPCtion. DEpICA7TON FORMS AND IIVSTRUCTTONS ARE HVAII_ABL� FRGM TNE ENGINEE�iTNG SECTION. 9. Lot #3 of applicants proposal shall not be allowed tc� obs�ruct snuther�ly extensian of (commonly known) SW BSst Avenu�, said '; extensian h�ving been pt^eviously pro:posed by the a�plicarrt (B�nd � Park No. 3 preliminary plat submittal) to serve as the primary � future accessway �or T.L. #1900 and #2000, unl�ss a al.�ernate ! routp is proposed by the applicant whieh is acceptable to the ! � City. s a 10. Street Genterline Monumentation " i' � a. In accordance with ORS 92.0:6Q subsection (2), the � centerl.ines af all. street and roadwas� ri,ght-of-ways shall � be monumented before the City shall acce�a� a street � improvement. � ! � �; b. All centerline monwments sha1J. be placed in a mc�nument bax conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument �j boxes sha11 be set at design finish grade of sai.d street �r �' roadway. ;' . . ;' c. The following centerline monuments shaJ.]. be set; �� 1. All centerlinp-centerline iritersection. Tntersectidns created wi�h "c�llector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alagnm�nt of said "collectar" ar c�ttier stree� has been establ.ished by or for the City; 2. Cen�er of al]. cul-d�--sacs; �`o 3 , Curve paints. Aaint of intersection (P.I, ). when their position falls inside the J.imits af th� pavement otherwise beginning and �nding pai;rits (B,C. and E.C, ) . A. All sanitary and storm ]�ocations shall be placed in ° , positaons that do not ir►terfere with centerline , '� monumentation, 11. °fhe applicant shall pt�ovide for roQf rain drainage to the public stormwater system, 12. The appl.ic�n� sha�l provide For c�nnect�on ta propQSed buildings ta 'the public sanitary sewerage system. A connec��on permit is ; rQq�i 1^ed. ` ;'" y NOTI�C6 OF AM�ND�p p�CxSTON -- MLP 11�-86 -� PAGE �a ° [, � � � � ���� ;; ;: �� � 13 . All property own�rs of Lats 58•-•59 of Bond Park �3 involved in this decisian shall sign the ap�lication farm an file at the Planning ofFice or submit a letter acknowledgin� permission to submit the application prior to apppaling this decision. lA. This apprava� is valid if exercised within one year of the fanal decision date noted below. D. PRQCED�RE � 1 . Noticec Nntice was published in the newspaper, p�sted a� City Hall and mailed to: XXX The appl�can� & owners XXX Owners of record within the requir•�d distance XXX � The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XXX Affected governmental agencies - 2. Fina1 Decision: 7HE UECISTON St�IALL. BE FTNAL QN Januarv 19, 1987 UNLE6S AN APPEA� IS FxLED. 3 . �pea1 Any party �o the ciec9.sic�n may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.37Q of 1:he Community Devel.opment Cade which provides that a writter� �pp�al must be filed wi�h the CT?'Y RECORDER within l.0 days after notice is given and xent. I The �leadline �For f:ilin af an a g ppeal is 3:3Q P.M. 1-19-87 4. uestions: If you have any quest9.ons, pleas� call the City of i 7igar�d Planning Department, Tigard City Nall, , 13125 SW H�11 Blvd. , PO Box 23397, Tigard, Qregon 97223, 639--4171 . � PREPARED BY: Kei�h S. Liden, Senior Planner pATE � -� _ /�� � �7 Wil i A. Monahan, Directar of Community DQVelopment DAT� APPROVED (KSL:bs28�3P) , � � � """" � V�� -- •-- �, � y . � •. � �, �� u. � .r � � r i . ��. � / � W.• �1 �"� • •� fP�IION-'t � • •• \• / „ . . .'\ . .. 1�7 �1 �/• � N(iTTCE OF AMENDED DECISIQN — MLp 11�86 — PAGE 6 �,� �'� /��o��� 1 / �6/$7 � �� r---; �ity R�corder �o<s��' cu��� ��,� ��(, � ,���� gG '' City of Tigard ,/ ��, � ,� n �, 1 312 5 S.W. Ha 1 1 B 1 v d. K�-�' �-�Q-" (�-��� � G�Q `e- Tigard, OR 97223 ( l�� r,�, ��. �_V� � � 1 � • 1 � a aS, - �� ��.�-- !9�3 ; i9 6 �/ ! To whom it ma}► concern: (.,v�� r��-�- V Variance V 19-86 and Lot Line Adjustment M 14-86 was submi�ted �o the City of Tigard by Kenneth Waymire . We the homeowners r�f lots 58 throu h 69 in the Bond Park 3 subdivision in the city of 5 Tigard have just recently been informed that our signatures were required on the ap�lication for the above mentioned Variance and Lot Line Ad3ustment . As directed in the first paragraph on the top of page 6 in the Amended Decision approved on 1 /6/87, this letter is to acknowledge our permission for the submission of the application. We the undersiqned property owners of lots 58 through 69 of Bond Park #3 grant permission for Kenneth Waymire to submit the application for V 19-86 and Lot Line Ad�ustment M 14-86. Please append this letter to the original ap�lication. Respectfully, Paul & Calla Widerburg Mark & Barbra Corigliano ' 809 S.W. Churqh�' ll Ct 80 0 S.W Chur�¢hill C —�—�,2—.�,�,,��'�'c'.�'c^= -- ��1��',��1�C1..Ll'1,,l�C1 Gary & Helene Bic{�f rd 5t e & Mar En ie�ht 80 -_�W�-Ehur il t 8 �W. --rch -_-Ct , Chris & Julie Carpe er Ryan & Leslie Grant 80 S.W. hur ill Ct 80t S.W. Churchill Ct -,�2Gk-��� --------� -��=�=�f_ •G� G�� Tom & Penny Love John & Niki Goodwin 806C� S.W. �urc.�,�iill-Ct 15 3 S.W� _nd Ave� ��Ly....,.� �:(,Y._ Don & Alice Kisslinger M cheal & J�nnie Nitso 80 0 S W C�i l l Ct ��. 5765 S.W. Bond Ave .�•�_ A��� `�—:.���e_.l,��� _.. , Ji Con ' r key Dave & Eileen Brook�ns 8 40 S.W. rc ill Ct 157 5 S.W Bon Ave , ' . ' i /16/87 - City Recorder City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. ' Tigard, OR 97223 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the NOTICE OF AMENDED DECI�ION � on Variance V 19-86, and Got Lina Adjustment M 14-8� from � . BOND PARK #3 PROPERTY OWNERS (Lots 58 through 69) This letter constitutes our appeal of the denial by the planning department staff of Variance V 19-86 and L�t Line Ad3ust-ment M 14-86. The original decision of V 15-86 and M 14-86 was signed 12/ 18/86 to beco�ne final 12/28/86 . This dea,ision has since been am�ended and signed 1 /6/87 to become final on 1 / 19/87e � ` We qualify to appeal this decision by being the property owners of the lots ad�acent to and east of the 1 . 3 acre parcel described in the application (WCTM 2S1 12CC lots 100, 30QQ, 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3601 , 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000� and 4101 ) . While we as r�sidents and taxpayers of the city of Tigard understand the need for efficient land use a�zd planning, we believe the Planning Staff has overlooked several factors in their analysis of the proposed variance and lot line ad�ustment. Our grounds for appeal are that we finc3 fault in the following �ustifications used bp the sta�f to support the denial of the proposal . REFER�NCE: Notice of Amended Decisian - MLP 11-86 - Page 3 paragraph 6 . "Ir� the long run, the proposed lots will be undesirable because of the poor utilization of land, awkward 1ot configuration, and difficulties associated with future partitioning of thess oversized parcels, particularly from the standpoint of access. " 1 i 1 . City Recordef Page 2 Gity of Tigard Natice of Appeal Deci�ion Statement: "poor utilization of land" A�peal : The lots created by the proposed lot line adjustment would not be oversized. Ten of the twelve lots would remain under 1A,000 sq. ft . , a common size for a residentia:l lot . We do not believe lots of �his size constitute poor utilization of land. If the property in the proposal were d�veloped, the result would be a verp crowded and undesirable neighborhood leading to the overall reduction i� our property values . Decision Statement; "awkward lot configaration" Appeal : The 2 .5 times the width rule may be a good guideline for general development o� property however in this case it a�pears we are being unfairly penalized foY^ our narrow lot widths . Since all the affected lots have existing homes, the only area a£fected by the proposed adjustment would be our backyards . The a�erage �ackyard in our neighborhood is now less than thirty feet deep. The average backyard following the adjustment would be 50 x 110 ft . (5500 sq. ft . ) . T�is is neither oversized nor awkward. Decision St�tement : "dlfficulties assoclated �ith futur� � partitioning of these ove.rsized parcels, particularly from the standpoint of access . In additian, if some of the properites are subsesguently divided, the orientation of buildings may not be desirable with lots having a random pattern of abutting front and rear yards. " and, "The proposal will also create problems relating to the locatlon of future streets on the ad�oining property to the west. " Appeal : We have taken steps to alleviate the problems associated with future partitioning of these parcels. The sellers and the buyers of this property have agreed to add a stipulation to the sales agreement to prevent future partitioning for sale . An exception to this will be made for the northernmost lot whfch is the only truly aversized lot and which has access via both 81st Avenue and Dorburn Way, With the stipulation that will prevent future parit.ioning for sale, a�cess is not an issue ; our lat lin�s wauld be fixed and the Gages, who own the adjacent parcel to the west, could develop their property as they see fi� . Gity Recorder Page 3 Gity of Tigard Notice of Appeal The Planning Staff has suggested that the twelve affected lot owners purchase the property as a common tract . In the staff's opinion this would allow for future development of the property as a cohesive unit . While this is an option we will explore shauld this appeal fail , it is. less desirable for the following reasons: i . Owning the property jointly will hamper our plans to expand our backyards . Our current backyards are as small as 25 x 43 ft � W� would like to enlarg� them ta a reasonable size but this would be difficult if the property were jointly owned. 2. Joint ownership of the land would create the need for a group organization ta resolve ar�y liability issues that may arise as a result af property damage or personal injury. For the protection of the property owner, this organization would be in the form of a Neighborhood Association or a Corporation. Substantial legal costs are invalved in creating either af these options . If we are allowed to purchase individual parcels as pxopased, we will be allawed to expand our yards to a reasonabl� size and at the same time preserve some of Tigard's mos� beautiful trees. Our neighborhood will maintain its charm and our property values will be sustained. We are good citizens of Tigard and anticipate remaining here for a very long time . We wish to create a ni�e peaceful neighborhood in which to raise our families . We have submitted this appeal because we firmly believe that the original proposal is the best alternative for the C? ty of Tigard, the surrounding property owners, and the involved property owners. Respectfully, Paul & Calla Widerburg Mark & Baxbra Corigliano 8090 S.W. Churchill Ct 8030 S.W. Churchlll Ct �=��-1,���- ------ i��.�L2111.�--��� c��.�' � � � � � .� i � . .. City Recnrder Page 4 City of Tigard Natiee of Appeal Gary & Helene Bickford Stev� & Marsha,.Enright 80''S,W. ChurskLll t 802Q S. . Chu c 11 C � ;`` ,; G��' ------- ---- .� �- �2 ----- --- Chris & Julie Carpenter Ryan & Leslie Grant 80 0 S.W. C rchill t 8OIA S.W. Churchill Ct li , /� -- —� �l�iL ----- — i i Tom &"�"�'enny Love John & Niki Goodwin ` 806 S.W. Churchill Ct 1573 S.W. Bond Ave � _.� .-e _�r� ---- -- — — ---------- � — -- � i Don & Alice Kisslinger Micheal & 3annie N.itso i 8050 S.W. Ghurchill Ct 15765 S.W. Bond Ave � ; i�N�t�R�Gt�_ /�r�ci• ___ --- �--=e.f�'��'�r�-� � �� 4 � � � � J' & Conni Br akey Dave & Eileen Brookens � 04 S.W r ill Ct t5'7 5 S.W. Bond Ave ,�c�,-�--r � � �: ;: � i' 1'; s � �. � ; i � � 4 k � � 1 . � € � {i � I 1 f � i i W� '�he undersigned , wi.sh to express �ur support of the Bond III ': residents ' petitinn to receive a variance from the Tigard city � regulation limiting lot depth to 2.5 times the lot width . � Although we will rF�;eive no direct benifit from their opportunity to purchase the additional 90 feet behind their homes , we agree with their desire to maintain the natural beauty of the neighborhood . A� residents of the City of Tigard and Bond Park, we are in favor 1 of preserving the enviroment that attracted us to this neic�hborhood . Therefore , we petition the Plannir�g Director �to grant the variance j requested by our neighbnrs . � 2. f ^ ��� �.� • �' � c�-x" C�c.,V.l.a..� 3 . -�` G��i� ��3.5 -�'w �'h�«k�l I c.°�' . l_. � � � 4 . � .���� .�.���.�(� , 5. � �/'� ��ir�i�rz�Ni�� �7", 6 . �csct,��-e, �-e.9.o��czirv �0 7 5 51,1� Ch,c,v�c GuQ.Q,, Ct. 7 . _ (,�� �_� gD6 S S�-J C'.�..vr c-�,.,�� C� , , 8. ____^�� . ��- __��f"X/�-, � �1U12C�U.- � — ��- � 9. --Qf�-S� C���_�l,y�-r�,..:,�t �--�- . ' -, � ����3 s�� ���+vll U� io . �- � �� . V �9 71 S 1�' C��n,r_�XA M/Sry r , C. ✓,� � � I 12 . l l ���� �?��r—W—��-- � „ . 13 . L,(iv-- •_ - ��l.t,L�p�'._ --�c�r����LU �..:��vv�,t,4�u.( �� ����Y� � � J I �4 . S ` �' _ � �/^ ..�,�l,y � , � � . I 15. ^ ����C-� . / `l...� � -S`� :4� .t'� �.t.. 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Co�c.�c�e�U�S diii'�.� !� � L�t.",��s ��? �� � / �� �f� ��--/U� C�iv %/� �-r��"c�-�v�,� '"TC�a� ��r� �it/ �oltJ�c'G'si�'�i' Lf/�- �z�-'� �� �► U l�t!(�� �H� �"=IU 77(�C f�CE� �,�Tti I 2, �'� j U B�/�-I�'�L S ��F�'- l�U t-b �� ��7'c"�tJs<O�tJ S �/C �f-fE J���F��c K.'�,.I�'-5, �����r- �'� ����-� �s /�- ,��-�T' �''�T��ili G'(� '�ES F�GTFC9L.� y� ,����;'c"' TH�4�' �F' �A�v.(//�G �~�.����s'�,�-�c , ..._.'� �l u�-7CJ�F.�.� .�vr�oi�p_' Dviz �i�t'%4� � _ _ � �c�:n�UA �c°r�M �.� pL.AN�i:LNG COMM:LSS:�ON . MARCH 3, 1967 MG�MO(ZAnIpUM G]:"I"Y �F' T':X;C;F��2C), ORE:C;QN i � "f0: Pl.anning Cummissian r�k�ruary 26, 1987 'I FF20N1: 1"c�m l�i.xon. A>sistant pl.�nri�r-� SUk3JEG'T; Stai'f r��ar�ts, com►nants far C:I�A 6--�6 (Ai..BEF7'T'SpNS' 7 Enr..lased ar� th� �tafi� r�parts �nd r��commendatians fur each c�f the separ^at� si.i:es unc�er cuns:i.d�ratic�n fior re.._xt�r�ing as �ar•t of i:he A,lbertsans� Campr�eherisiv� �J.an Am�ridm�nt (GF�A) . I:nr..l.ud�d wat:h th�se r�ports a.� a capy af an Engirieering m�mor•andum anc� a r•�qu�ast fc�r• cumm�n�s shc�et fr�t�m the 'Ti<,�ard Schoal. pa.s�r:ict, E3ath h�u� bc��n arie,c�r•paratec� i.nto a1.1 staff reparts haut it was f�l.t the or;igina]. r�es��nsps shnu�.d hae mac�� auail.able, A1sn, a memor�anduni fr•cam Wi.1.l.i.<:�m Man�h�ri 1�:ca NF�a Chai.rp�r•sans i.s m�de ava�zlab�.e which provxdPS r.lar•ifii.cai:ian uf #:hP C�i�y Caur�ci.l's fxnal crrc�er r�ec�arc�ing �:he Alber�.sar�s' C�F� and speci.fii.c i.nfarmata.on ak��wt e�ch af the sitc�s under� consid�ratian. :Cn �ac�c�a.tian, ai�i:ach�d tn the end of e�ch staff r��part �r� an �nl.arq�d ma�a shawi.r•ic� �:he s�ah�jec.t site�, surroundir�g prc�per�ti.�s, and I"E?S�J�G�:],VE? �aning ciistri.c:ts. 1=allawi.ng 1;1•ie ,�,��as �re capz�s aF any le�i:�rs ar cnmm�nts we rer..eiv�d frc�m NPq's, �rap�.ar•�y awners, near�by resir�erit�s, and atMi�r a.nterestec� �aar•i:ies. �01.2f� dmj ,_._--_._ _ _ _ � � " flGENDA TTEM 5:2 PLANNIIUG COMMTSSIOI� MARCH 3. 1987 MCMURANUUM CITY OF TIGARp, ORECON TO: planning CommS.ssian Febr�uary 26, 1987 FRCiM: Tom Dixon, Assis�ant Plann�r-� , SUBJE�T: Staff r�epnrts, comments for CPA 6-86 (Ai_BERTSONS' ) Enclos�d are the staff reports and recammendatians for each of the separate sites under ccvnsideration for ►^e—zoi�ing as part of the Albertsans' Comprehensiue F�lan Amendment (GPA} . Included with these o^eports is a copy af an Engin�aring memorandum and a request fnr comments sheet fram the Tigard _ ._ Sehoo�,. FDistrict. Both have been incorpnr�ated into all. sta�f reports but it ._ was felt the original responses should be made available. Also, a memorandum from William Monahan ta Np0 Chairpersons i.s made available ._ whi�h provides clarification of the City Cc�uncil's final order �^egardS.ng the Albertsons' CPA and specific informata:on abaut each nf �he sites under � consideration. In addition, attached to th� end of each staff rQport are an enlarged map showing t;he subject site, surrounding prope�^ta.es, �nd r�spective '�, zoning �istricts. Following i:he maps are copies of any lett�rs or comm�nts we received fram NPO' s, properti,y owners, nearby residents, and other interested . parties. 3012P dmj I� �. ,� . , � MEMORAIVDUN! GITY QF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Randy Clarno, qevelopment Services Manager Fel�rwary 17, 1987 FROM: Ftandy Wooley, City Engineer , SUB7ECT: Albertson's CPA Eight areas are being cansidered for rezoning to higher residential densities t� satisfy conditions of the Albertson's CPA. You and I have briefly reviewed eaci� af the ei.ght pr�posed rezonings for potential impacts on sLreet and utrlity systems, It is not known if rezoning will change the de�►sity of actual future de�elopment of the 'properties. However, to evaluate potenti.al "worst-' case" . its maximum density. ' 1 develo to wil cts we assumed that e ach area I� im a , P � flccording to the Community Development Director s memo of December 17, 1986, the rezoning could result in up to 560 additional r^esidential units in the south part of Tigard. Additional residential units can be expected to generate more traffic on nearby streets. We can reasonably estimate that for each additional -- single—family residence, there will be one additional vehicle trip during the evening pea�C hour. 6ecause the eight proposed rezonings are spread ovQr a wic� area, it does not appear that the rezoning would have a major impact ore any one street. The additional traffic could be accommod��ed by the street system current'ly proposed in the City's long—range planning. Some additional street improvements, such as additional turn lanes at selected locations, might be needed as a result of the add'itional traffic. It appeat^s that the systems development charges from the additional residential units would ba adequate to fund the additional street improvemPnts thai: might be needed. Additional residential units would create some additional flows in thQ sewerage system, but it does not appear that any increases in pipe aizes wauld be necessary. In general, in residential areas, the size of sew4r pipng is determined by minimum sizing to accommodate maintenance equipa�nt rathQr than by flow requirements. Higher residential densities would probably result in slightly hfghQr storm runoFf volumes. In �ome areas this may require increaaes in the aize of storm drainage piping. • ThQ systems development chargea generatai by thQ additio�al I units ahould be s�dequate to covQr any resulting additional coats to the atorm drai�age system, Inpacts on thQ major drainagewaya would be hQgligible. - .,�,y,,, So, from an enginaQring ata�ndpoint, I sQe no oF�jQCtions to a�y of thQ rezonings being suggestad, /br29b6P 1 . -� � . 0� ����� _ Qu Ts FoR oorw+Enn's F E B 17 1987 TO: ( . , OAl'E: C�N pF FROM: Ti.gard P1annYng Uepartment P1.ANNINQ ��' RE: CPA 87-01 CTTY OF TIGARU The properties on the arta hed mana (ah�,w, in yellow) are presently beinq considered for re-zonina Please-_svnnlv our office with any cam�ents vou miqht have reuardina anv of thP4p �ha��PS, , . Additional information is included in the memoranti►�m on A16Prt'��+na' ���.-phensive Plan Amenciment. Attached is the Site' Plan and applicant's statem�nt for your review. From i�formation supplied by various departments and age�cies and from other i�formatio� available to our staff, a repnrt and recomm�er�datio� will be prepared and a decision will be rendered oro the proposal i� the near future. If you wish ta comment on this application, we �eed your comments by Februarv 17th , 19,�_. You may use the space provided below or a�tach a separate letter to return your comments. If vou are unable to respand by the � above date, please phane the a�aff cantact noted below with your coma�e�ts and � confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions regardireg this matter, co�tact the Tigard Plan�ing Oepartment. P.O. -- Box 23397, Burnham and�Ash Ave. , Tigai^d, OR 97223. Phone: 639-4171. STAFF CONTACT: Tom Dixon P�EAS� CNECK TF1E FOLLOWING ITEMS TNAT APPLY: >�� ._. We have reviewed the proposal and have no o�jectio�s•to it. Please contact of oui� oi�icE. Please refer to the enclased letter. X Written comments: The ac,hool district kaowa the Cit�► is aware of .the problem ive are facing regarding overcro�nding in our schoola. � The Board of Diresctors tue aa�ed us to comrey to theCity the district'e concerae �bout pcopaaed chanRes in the compreheneive plan which would increase the density tn area►s where ve ar� already � experiencing considerable enrollment presauree--Templ�to�n Elemeatery, for exasnple. Making suGh chengea in the Comprehenaive �lan casn aend Cha signa� to the public that ua�;�: servi�e� sr� ±.^. pl.acs s�hen.� tu ��.��� �hool,' nlarsroa�s throuRhout tha district are reaching capacity. Schc�l clistrict patroas w�.X :lt�v� �+�n. o�po�+twit;�Y to apptove additfonal construction fundeL�rry9g U til tt►at t,i#�� and a �ucc�esl�ul bond election, Name of PQrao� Go�nmenti a�6bar� , . � nc!:_ - . . . tha district :��nriot guarentee a qwXfccy educacionai.program �or lacreased �aQro��eiata , . Phv�e .No, .b20-�620 ; „��i:Cho�st addi�ienal �cla�sroow�.4paci,`.D�i� svailable. . (KSL;pm/035f►P) ;' i � . � . � � �. Councilor Johnson requested that staFf report on the Beaverton portion of Murray �ouleuard as 5oon as that information is ! �vailable. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - ALBERTSON'S - CPA 6-86 and ZC 10-86 (NPO No. 6) Request by James & Emma Je�n White; Nerbert & B��ty Dayson; N. C. and Amy R�ndall; Gary & Nadine Raridail; D�n�1� & Jc�Flnn Randall; Health Resources, Inc. , ; and Wil�iam erownson (ALBERTSON'S) for a Comprehensive plan Amendment from Low, Medium Nigh & Nigh pensity Residential to Gommerc9.a1 General �rid a ZONE CHANGE from R--4- (R�sidential 4Q units/acre), R-25 (Resi:dential, 25 wnits/acre) and R-A.5 (Residential, 4,5 units/acre) to C-G (Commercial t�eneral) on property located south af Durham Road, ea�t �f Pacific Nwy. and west of 1].3th Av�nue. (WCTM 2S1 15BA, luts 100, 200, 300, A00; & 2�1 15A, lots 2800, 2802, 2900, 3OOQ, 3001, & 3002. (Continuation of Public Hearing - from November 3, 1986) a. Public Heari.ng Opened. b. Councilor Eadon declared a canflict of interest cancerning this agenda item and, therefnre, will be abstaining from the discwssion and the vote nn the issue. c. Councilor eri.an declared that he has had a large number of peop].e contact him by telephone and in person regarding the land us� ~ proposal. These contacts are split just about euenly before and against the zone change. People h�ve expressed con�erns about � traffic and their preferences of one type of traffic over another, preseruation c�f tr��es, the need and/mr t4�e no' need for this type of development. The general information was basically opinian and he sti13. has an apen mi.nd on considering the facts of hear•ing and arrived at no conclusions. d. Community Development qirectc�r assessed the hi.story of this agenda item overall. 7wo memoranc�ums were sent to Counci.l on this issue and included in their packets. In the memorandum dateci November 7, 1986, si;aff �ddressed the housing density issues and what Council' s apti.ons will be. If Cauncil decides" ta J make the Comprehehsive Plan change, there are a number of issues concerning how the City cauld make up the lost housing opportunity througtiout t;he community. Thi.s bur�den of responsibility can either rest with the Ci,ty, with the applicant, or a combinatian of bnth. The Community Developmen� Director advised that in the applicant' s proposal, �hey pointed out i:hat there would be in excess of 600 units of last housi,ng apportunity, A memorandum, dated November 17, 1986 prepa;^ed i�y the (;a�}munzty Develop�ent Director reflects calcul,ati.ons wherein he proposes tha� approxxmately Al2 units will n�ed i:a be made up. 7he Cammunzty DQUelapment Director then ex�lai.ned hc�W he arrived at this . cal.cula�ion diffarence, � Page e -- COUNCxL MZNUTES � NOV�MB�F2 17, 1966 . � C� Commwnity Development Director� advis�d that there have beea� twa Compretiensive Plan Amersdments that totalled an addition of 42 ? units with no change in acreage. The Cpuncil may decide to allow , these a2 units to be used as a setoff when considering the need for the additional 412 units. This would mean that the bottom line w�uld state that 370 units will need ta be re�ouered. Community Development Director referred to maps to illustr^a�e the actual bui.ldable land currently in tt�e City. He also referred to a map included in the Cowncilors' packets which highlighted those areas whicfi may be nominated to make up the densities should this rezoning take place. If Council so directs, s�aff is prepared to present a uariety af inethods for the recovery of the howsing opportunity. , e. City Engineer reported that he has reviewed the Associate� Transportation Engineering & Planning, Inc. (ATEP) traffic analysis. He stated that he would feel comfortable with the analysis if the property were zoned for the proposed development today and the Gity was looking .at a site development review at this poir�t. The traffic analysis is quite adequate and points out the types of improvements that would be needed on Durham and Pacific Ni�ghway to accommodate the development the applicant Mas proposed. The City Engineer has received revised pages missing � fram the earlier traffic study and said he is quite camfortable with the calculations which also resolue questians the County had % concerning the traffic projection. The NPO questioned the adequacy of the tWrn lanes on Pacific Nighway. This is something �hat shou�3d � be reviewec! at the time of site development review if we get to that point. The Gity Engineer noted that this would be quite easy to resolve. The City Engineer commented that the traffic report contains the data which would be needed for evaluation at the .time of site , review. The City Engineer advised that tY�e Council m�y want to review the impacts o�F all. of those Comprehensive Plan changes -on a the long—range traffic generation in the area and whether these changes should then be tt^ansferred as revisions ta the ? Transportation Map in the Comprehensive Plan. �, ! F. Pub19.c Testa.mony � , , Plropohents ; 0 7ohn W. Shonkwiler, 5750 S.W. Carman Dri:ve, L.�kQ Osweqo OR ; 97034; was present representing Albertson' s and addressed the y housing i.ssue. Mr, Shonkwiler explained how they calculated ; i i � � � �f i ,. � I; Pag� 9 �- COUNGIL MTNUTES — NOVEMBER 17, 1956 � � � __ .�_...,. .. � � �_ � � ; � the lost density which was somewhat different than the way C:ity si:aff had done th�ir figuring. . Hawever, Mr�. ShonkwiYer ' n�ted th�t the final figure was A1� and, if the 42 unats a�lded � thro�agh rezoning since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan are subtracted, then the net units to be added would be 370. Mr. Shonkwiler pointed out areas on a map whicfi he and his staff felt would be gaod candid�tes fior planning change tu accommadate higher ciensities. Mr. Shnnkwiler recomm�nded Ci.ty Council approval for this project conditioned upon the 370 units being made up. Ne suggested that City staff c�uld be directed to start tP�e legislativ� process to accommoc�ate the transferring of density through rezoning. He also requested that City Council grdnt conditiorial approval to allow AlbertsAn's ta go forwat^d with the s,i�e devel�pment re�iew so that thEy do r►ot lnse time in �Me process. Mr. Shonkwile�r noted th�t in their 1"raffic Engineer's study, that an additional 453 units could be added on Durham Road. Therefare, there is still is capacity left �QVen after Albertsan' s change to cammercial. � Richard W�elk, ].6016 S.W. Boones Ferry, Lake Oswega, (�R 97034, Trafric Engineer for Albertson's also testified. Mr. Woelk explained this Al.b.ertson' s'project will be adding 177,000 ~— square f�et of commercial space which then will produce an •� incre�se of 6,500 cars p�r day (24--hdur period) . • Mr. Wo�lk summarized the traffic c�nditions whieh now exist and therr explained how the additional traffic generated by ..- this project wauld impact the area. Substantia� trafPic improvements ar�e ne�ded �n Durham Raad as w�ll as modifications to the access to the Summerfield at some point �ast the Summerfield deuelopment,, A traffic signal will be needed at the Summerfield intersection and in order to accommadate a traffic signal, revisions will be necessary ta the Summerf-ield access, i.e. , multiple lanes out by removing ' the c��ncrete i.s land. - Mr. Woelk reviewed some of the optians presented in his report detailing how the increased traffic coul,d be hand].ed. He also noted �hat major improvements would be needed downtawn before a deuelopment such as this could be placed there. Tn response to � question pased by Councilor Brian, �1r. Woelk reported if high—density residential (for which xt is presently -r_c�ned) were placed oh �his site the amount of trafFic U,:���alc� be virtually the same �s�would be created by this comm�rcial developmen�, However, the peak houra of usage wauld be diPferent. Mr. Woelk alsa poin�ed out that if �his parcel were t� k�e developed as residential, �here could be up to fivQ �dditi�rlal dt^iveways �n Qurham Roa� as opposed to the ) one l�cation for the cammercial praposal. Page 10 — COUNGIL MxNUTES — NOVEMB�R �7, �98b , - � �� � o Don Dwncombe, Real Estate Man�ger, Albertsan's, Inc. , 10230 � S.W. Hall Boulevard reitera�ed if Albertson's is grantec! the ) right, through zone change, to develop the property they would pay for all of the improvements thereby making the traffic . situation better than it is now. Mr. Duncombe said Alb�rtson's is committed to make this a sfiowplace Por Tigard. He believes �his development could captur�e a large share of the $9-12 million of dollars per year leaving this area. o G�ry Thornton, (engineer), 4806 N.E. 26th, Vancouver, Washington said he was hired by the Willowbrook people to uiew the traffic study for this site. H� has found no problem with the traffic stud� and it will work for Willowbrook. o . Steve Ward, Westech Engineering, 7000 S.W. Varns, Tigard, Oregon. Mr. Ward is th� civil engineer._ on the pr�oject and � advised he was at the meeting to answer questions �oncerning the site develapment access. � o Jane Tye, 156�50 S.W. Old Orchard Road, Tigard, Oregon, signed in as a pro�onertt, but wish to address the Council on concerns she has regarding the development. Ms. Tye asked that the Council take care to see that the developer follaws through with what has been promised if �his prdpasal is appraved. She is concerned al�out the change proposed for the entrance of Summerfield and wants to be assured that it wi11 be done " properly. � � Opponents o Phil Pasteris, NPO #6, expressed concern over the traffie study and what he perceived as lack of projections for future tra�fic impacts on Highway 99. o J.B. Bishop, 3604 S.E. Oak StrQet, Portland, Oregon 97214, 9.s a commercial property owner in the Tigard area. Mr. Bishop addressed several concerns including the lost density issu�, future build—o�t of the area as it relates to the transporta�ion study and off—site traf.fic impacts.. - Mr. Bishap contended that the downtown area could handle this proposed commercial development. Ne citeci the recent �IO improvements off Mai.n Street which wou].d facilitate commercial grnwth of this type. He concluded his remarks by saying the Co!.�ncil should heed the Comprehensive Plan, growth managemen� policies and economic p�licies which are naw in place. g, Communi�y Devslopment Director recommended that the City Counci.l �irst make a detQrmination whethpr or not the Compreh�nsiue P�.an Am�ndment is justiFied i.n accordance wi�h thQ criteria within the Comprehensive Plan. From the pr�senta�ion given on November 3, � Page 't!1 — COUNCxL MINUTES — NQVEMBER 17, 198b �°' ',r" the Ca munit Develo nnent Director, at this y p poiat, still acihered to the r�commer�dati.on far denial. Tf the Gity Council determines � that a Comprehpnsive Pl.an Amendment is justified, then housing � density issues must be addressed. h. Councilor Johnson askec� the Gity Engineer if he was comfartable with the traffic study as tc� wh�ther or not it addressed future traffic projectiuns aciF=_c�uatply. The City Engineer respanded th�at he was satisfied with the trafric report. i. Public Wearing was closeci, j . Mayor Caok said th� first item to considar is whether or not the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA)is justified. There followed considerahale discussic�n on this paint. , o Councilor Fdwards said he had no objections to the proposed CPA as long as the Griteria is followed. o Councilor Brian saicl he supports the proposal. Qne of his key conaerns was tFi�t if the land is changed to cammer^cial usage, then it shoulci not a��d to to traffic that otherwise woulc� have been experienced with the pro�aerty as cuc^rently zoned for . high—density residential. 7he traPFic study indicates that the incr-ease in traffic will be negligib�e. Councilor Bri.an � naL-ed his desire to ascertain if i:he density transfer is feasible, -- o Councilor Jahnson b�sically agreEd with Cour�cilor Brian. She � commented tha� time would be needed for each NPO i:o consicier the zone char�ge �nd re�aort t�a the Planning Commissian. a There was lengthy discussiore on the density transfer issue. At th�e conclusion of the discussion period, Cauncilr�r Brian went thrnugh the density ntap and outlined some possible changes which m�y bF p�ssibl.e in order tU accommodate �he lost density if this property is to be rezoned as proposed. k. Motion by Cauncilor E3rian, seconded by Councilor Edwards, to give tentative approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment - as proposed contingent upon density transfers approved through the land use applicai:ion process, with na density transfers abu�ting Durham Raad, eand dir�cting stiaff to prepar•e findings of fact noting conditinnal approval for Council actinn at a future meeting. The motion was appr�v�d by a A-0-1 vote o'F the Couhcil present; Councilor Facior� abs�ained From voting. B. TIGARD TRIANGLE STUDY REPORT a, Ci.ty �ngi.neer wer�t over �r�e report �h�� was deliver•ed t� �he Ca.�y ' Council. ' s , 1 1 } t i � 1 Page l.2 — COUNCIL M�NUTES �- NOV�'MBER J.7, 1986 � � � ; r 't ! �' � . . . r . . , . . r ��.. . ......... . . . . .. .__, __.....�_... _._._ . ( �.. MEMORANDUM CI'TY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Phil Pasteris, Crai.g Hopkins, k3ob Bledsoe December 17, 1986 s FROM: William A. Monahan, Director, �2�-r' Cummunity Development SUB7ECT: Albertsan's GPA , On December 8, 1966, the City Council took final action on the CPA for Hlbertson's at the corner of Durham Road and Pacific Highway. The approval gr�anted is conditi�nal on the rezoning of sufficient residentially zoned land to gain an �dditi�nal A00 ar more units of housing. Several groupings of property wer�e identified for close review by the staff, NPO's and Planning Commission. If all were approved as identified by staff, up to 560 units could be gained. The Cour�cil directed the staff to initiate the camprehensive plan amendment process as soan as possible. The staff plans tn prepare staff reports on the proposal revisi.ons for re�iew __ by the Planning Cammission in February. We expect that the reviews will be divided for hear�ing on February 3 and 17. The Council should hear the items on March 9 and 23. These are the areas presently under consideratian shown on the attached maps in yellow: ' POTEIUTI A L MAP N0, OF TOTAL PRESEN7 POSSIBL[ UNIT GAIN 2DE9UTIFIE(t PARCELS ACREAGE ZONING ZbNING BY REZOIVE NPO A 10 2A.94 _ R-4.5PD , R-7 62 6 B 9. 29.24'z1,*.`� R-3.5 �2--7 102 6 C • 8 33,29 R-7 R-12 ' 166 5 Q 3 5.64 R-4.5 R-7` 14 5 E 2 7.52 R-4.5 � R-7 19 5 F 2� 16.57 R-�A.5 R-7 46 6 G 2� 9,5 P-12PD R-25 124 6 K 1 11.00 R-2 R-4.5 27 3 Thase areas shown in blue were proposed by the applicant and staff as options for reuiew, however, the Council decided to exclude thAm from consideratian. Please s�t meeting dates f-or your NPO so that Keith Liden may discuss this issue with yau in 7anuary. YoGir comm�nts and inpu� are encoUraged so tha� �he Planni.ng Commission and City Council may take appropria�e steps to complete �he process. SF �he Councrl action does not create an opportunaty for a� least 400 more housing units, we may have to initiate further reviews. Thank you far your prnmpt at�en�ion to this m�tter, WAM;�n/28QOP ,� ! - �i:�►� -- �� . � . ,.. __-_�--..���� � /�'���� �C� i �'��� 't�-����1�► ��, "!�!!� -�7����'--�'; ,.. �`�� �� � ,., �:., _ ���c�r�r����������fl= . � \� . �.`�: �"' , � , —. �_ •. . �����k� 'i�L' �__� :�.. �;.��, i�� ro�;;, �:�1�Y�i1 . = .. ...a�..►1 ��t !�•`�:�1:�.� \� �'.�� ,.• �.�' � . .an� :�=+�-- � � \ �����u. ��:a!��' �,��� ,�, ° �i � �` ���. ; ��► t,�ti-u��.cearnir� �� \ � :� G'iC���� � �:: Z ` I^► ♦ u� �/—��11.� ��,,���V�i;- ��n �� `. �!rsa ir '�` � ■�� ��■ i .n �._ ..: _ - _ ■:11���►�\� \�U�= ■ "'��r: �:'. �� ::% j :i.... �':'��. _�: _�:��t i �::= • `::!����R E � =-=P�a-�w� �b�r� �:..�m�wo� JI'!"Q ��► _ .�, ��UA■ ��/Lr` �` :�,, =�� pa �J G��S! 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E3 L,.V C), "I":CGf�l2a, pF2EGQN �7�23 A, F�C'I`S 1 . G�n�r�al. :Inf�rma�Li.on c��;a�: t�a7� s�•--ai (r�), rc a�....�z �R� RE;t�UE".;.ti..l": C�,m�r•eMi�ris�.v�.a Plai�� Flmenc�m�rii� frc�m L.�w L)E�i7sity Resi.c��nt.�.�], i:o M��ii�am penKity RF?si.c�c�r�l:i.a1 and a ���np Charic�e �fr•om R.._A.5 (SangJ.� f'�mi.l.y F2�59.c�eni;i.�]., 4.Fa un:i.i:s p�r• acr•�) ta R_...7 (�xi7g:le 1=amily R�sic��r�i�:iaJ., 7 units p<�r acr•�) , ( CQMPFtE:I°lE::IUS:Z:VE' F�L.AN [lF.::;TC;NFl�I":C:ON; L..ow d��nsi.i:y r�sir.IE�rii:i.�l. ZQ�I�CNG I�h�;:X;CNA.1°�UN: R�-A,!� " �r �l.ic.aa. cr,u�cr, � OWIVE:f1: '1"i ar•c� E.0. i ,i.t ofi �I"i arc� � AF �L.IC;F�N°I°: C y g � J'c�hn & C���:hc�rinn (�r�r��anc� Fl��ri.<:an d� Anria �chu�tz r.,ar•�.1� si:okke SMirarnri Pr•.i;�rs«n Wi.lcnx f-_'r•a.cksan Wpst, (;orp. �J.i.-r..aN>�tP� F�ric�F�r•s�.,r� L_qC(��I':LpN; F�st ofi C,W Paci.f:i.c I-Iic�F�way <anc� w�st t�f SW :1.09�1:ri �pprc�xim�l;�l.y 1/?_ mi.:i.� riori:h of �Inl Durh�m Rc�. (WC;T'M 2.:�1. ].QAC luts 100, ?.UQ, 300, 400, 500. 60O, 1Qp. 80�, �QO) . 2, �3ackc�rc�und__ln�armati.on I:n J.9Q1 1:hF P].�ann:ir�c� C;c�mm:�ssi.an a��pr•oueca � ComK�r�hensiu� Pl.an Reui.si.�n (C:1�12 1-81) L-o allow a zoni.rig c��s9.gn��Lian uf f�-20 (Wigh f��n�i1:y, 20 �ir�:its per ac���) wi.l:hi a i��Er.�n�m�nc�a�L:ion �L••h�t al.l. c��u�J.c�K>n�<:ni: or7 tNi�s� 1�1:s be bra�i<�ht bpf-ar•e �L-hn F�lanning C;Umma.ss:ian as Plar�r�ec� Uriit Ueu�loK>m�nts (F�UI�) and thai: th� der�si.ty i.n eacP� case r•�vi�wecl as � �aort:inn nf i:r�e r•c�view �aroccass, 7h<a Ci,i:y CoGinc:iJ. rEUa.ewed CF>R 1--81 ar�c� remanc�ed i:he i.ssue k��ck to tHi� Planninc� Cnmma.ssi.nn for c�ens9.ty r�u9.�w �f-�Ler c�i.uii•ig 1:he opxrri.an 1:Niat twerii:y (7.Q) una.�s ��r• acr� w�s �xcFass�.u� in rcl,ati.c�n 1:a �rcaF7�r�a.es 9.ncl.�ac�ec� in i:he rPq�a�st. U�aan r�evi.ew, an f�—].2 (Urt�an Mec�ium ��nsity, ].2 unii:s per acr�) wG�s des9.c�nal;r�ca fnr tNie ar�e�. A Pl.ann�c� Deue],oprnen�L- (!�p) auer�].ay was a�:�tached �:o th�e x.arie c�esagna�:a.an, STAFF' REPq�T — CpA �7-01(A) — PACE 1 I _ _ 1 Wh�n tti� "C`igar•d C;c�mN�r�r��nsi.ue F>l.<�n wGa:: acknawl.�dr�.�ca k�y t_(:;C)G i.n ].983 I...i.��:l.p B�a11 MUUni:a:in, as i:Mp sit� is kn�wn, was �.c��nl:ifi�d as ��n ar•ea of 1aw c�e�i7sa.ty rEasi.c���nt:�.�J. ar�c,l wt�s gi.a�n a cc�rrea�c�nc�i,nc� z�rii.ru� desic�nata.c�n af R•--A,S, .T,n ar�dx�i.c�n, i�he F�D was .left xni��ct wh�.ch wi.11 r�qua.r•�� any d�?veJ.o�m��rii� �r•c�pc�s�l. tc� go i�:kiauc�h �a r�tvi�w �rnc�ss witMi t:he� pl.ai•ina.ng Cammiss:ican. Tn pee:�mk��r, 1986 tr�� T'a.yard C;i.i:y Ccaun�:9.1. g�u� corir�ita.un�J. �p�rc�ual. to i�he A:lbnrtsan' s Cumpr�h�ns:�ve P�.�n F�m�nc�mcant ((�I�F�) i•'ar chan�:lrig 1�1�e Cnmpr•eNie�isiu� F>J.an drsi.gnatic�r� �f sEU�r�al �ra��rti.�s ].ac�t�d ��t; tPre southc�asl; curri�r af Dur•h��m Rcaac� <ant� F�ac:ific Highway. 'Thia.s pra�asal rec�u�a��ra r•E�-r..cani.ng tri��s� �r���i^��.:a.E�s fr•am M�i.c�hi d�ansi.ty r��sa.d�nti.�l. tc� comm��^r,aa.l. l"f�� r�sul.t �.,f i�:hi.s df�c�isi.ar� �u�5 th�� r•c�mrau�al. of �k�c�Git AQq �ot�nti.�.l housa:i�� unxi:s f-r•om 'T'ic�ai^d's :inuentor�y uf var.ar�t huxlt�ab.le :l�nd, 'The Mei:ra��.�1a.i:ari H�,c.is;�nc� Riale ac�Gtiptcac� k�y 1:hE� L�nr� C;ans4r�uati.an and D�vP].nw�m�nt (�c�mmissi.un s1:�tes t:h:��-. �"ir�arc� must �rovir�e f�r 50 pprcenl: sangl.�a f4ami.].y anrl ai� l�a>i:: F.iC� p�rc�.arit s�.rig.l� fami.ly ai:�ach�d or° muli:9.�le family units with a ma.n:im�am nf 10 uni�s 1:0 1;h� n�t aer•��, 'Th� P1�1:r�o f�c��as9.ri�,� Rul.� ��p7.a,�.as i:a on].y vacant bua.J.r��bJ.e ]:and wa.tFia.n Tigar•c�' s Urh�an Pl.annzng f�i�•�a, �i�<� cJuc�s ricat affi<a<:t est:ala.lXSNit�c� �nd d�uelc��aera r�.�si.c�E�nti.ral. �r•eas. � .�..h� Al.b�r•i:son's C;���l w�s gr•�ni:�ra c�r� 1;h� cc�ndit:�c�n .. af rE?rc�nanc� of suffic:a.Fant r•nsa�i�ntia.l..ly xc�r��c� lanc� ��a niakn �.ip far i.he �hcar•tf�l.l cr��.t�<� k>y tF•�is r�c�casion. l"h� Ga.t;y C�C:�GIr1Ci�. I'li+ts ici�ntifi.�cl s�v�r�1 si.i��s i:hraughout 1�he Ci.i:y fi:a !ae cons:iu�c�r�d �far• incre<�Snc� r�esid�ni:i.al d�nsil:y . Th�se �ar•�.����r�i:�.�s �r�� s�mt� nf i�has� ic:l�nti.fi�r� ir� thi� (;i.ty' s ai�i:�ir��at to ma:inl:ain cam�ali�.ance w�.�:h i:h� M�i�r•n�c�l.ii�:t�n I�Ic��asing Rtal� of- 10 resi.dc�nta.�tl. uni.ts t:c� th� n�t �crE�. 3 , Vicinit`J._.�Cr�farmat-inn '1'h.i.s �re� is surr•aundE�c� hay prop�r��:i�s �c�nec� Ft_...].2 (Mu:li::i�].� famil.y r�sid�n�:i�l. 12 unii:s per• acr�) un �1]. s:Gt�ps P_XCP.�>I: LU the w�st a�r•ass �ar.i.f9.r, E�a.ghw�y , On th� wc.��i•, s.i.c�� c�f t.Fie rii.ghway ab�a��i.r�c� :ron�s, fr�am nor•th i:a s�tai:h, are (a•--G (G�r�r�ral (:�cam�nerci.al), (a--P (Pr•cif�ssi.c�ri�aJ./Flc�m7.r�:isi:r��i::ive Office C;ammerci.�tl. Di.strici:) and R�-4q (Mu.1tiK>].e fama.ly res:i.d�nl:ial, hq ur�i.�:s ra�r �r.re) . The city .limit� af King (:�.ty <�r� acljaceni: t� tN�� southw�51: cc�i^ner� of th�es� pr•o��rt:i.��s, The c�evalapm�rit �aai;i:�rn ai^c�ui�c� ��hese �araper�t�.es genera�.ly consa:st:s af ap�rtir►en1./mul.i:i,-..�famal.y r�sid�:+nc�s fi;a tH�e nor�tFi, ��st., �and �a�a�hwest. Cummerci.al ��ev�l,nrait»r�� occua•s act^uss I�acxfia.c Wi�hway (�a i:he wes�:) , � Sc��ath af �Nres� K�r•o�>�r�i�s are mcast7.y unc��u�lc,��d p�rc��.s cauer��c� wxth �'� �r�es and unc��rbr�ash w9.i:h nne szn�].e rdm9.�.y resa.c�wnce. A. �ite_�:nfarmai;ion and Pr;oposa� U�scr�ti.on __. .� , ThesP �ropFZr��:i.�s �r� comra�sc�ti of a caup:l� of Xar�Q par�c�].s (auet^ 2.5 '! a�r�s) �nc� s�u�ra�. sm�l.l.�r �a�rc�l.s (und�r �,5 acres), a i'ew of whach I� N7av� hom�s an 1:hem. I-lawev�r^, c�auala�am�n� z� g�nera�.x�l s�aar�sP and ],9,mit�ca, ' S'TA1=�' �L�C7i2T' � GPA �7—{�i(A) -� pAC�� 2 . _ , 'T'hi�a ��.arr�ain a,> sl.c��e�d, dEasr..�i�c�i.nc� iri <•a sca�ai�Fi�r�ly anr� ��:�1:E�r•J,y c�irEaci:iori, I-ir�auy un<�nrk�r•ush �><ar�mta��l:c�s much Uf 1�he �rcaa wi.th l.arge tr���c�s 1r�c�tE�r� �al� �:MiF� i:a� c�f F�.i.c�l•��i�• c�r��as, C;9.u�n �rEa:�c�nt Cl.lYtCll'�1C,1Yl;i, acc�ss i:o i�hes� ��r�opEart:iF�s a.s .l;imi�:cad r��sr>i.t� i:he fiaci: �:I•iat a.11. h�ut. �wa h���e fror��.�c�� �al.oi�c.y F���::Lf:tr.. fii.c�r�w�ay , !3, F�gpnc...y..,.and_NE�O (,ammants "fh� 1"ic�ard ";chi�.��7J. Di.:s1:r•ic.fi: hras reui.�wE��a th� K>r•�K��.,sral. �nd m�l<�> triE? fa:l�.nwii��c� ccammt�ni�:s; �"h� scN�c,c>]. cii.si:i^ici: kriaw� t;N» Ci.i:y is aw<�r•� c�f i:Nie rar�ok�l.�m w� �r•� fGacii7g i^�c�ard:i.ny uucar•crawciing :i.n c>ur• schicaal.s , '1"h� F3a��^r� c�f I�irec.•t:c>rs h�> �s>k�c:l us tra c.c�n�r�y i:c� tNiE� Ci��;y i:hic� c:la.si:ri.c1:' s r.<�nr,.�r�i7s ak>aui: �rapc�s�c� eh�riyns :in �Lhe cc>m�arc�hc�ns:Lv� r>.l.�n whi.c:h wt��alc� incr���e 1�,ha ciE�risii::y �.n a�E��s wP�car�e w� ��r•E� �zJ.reac�y ax��i�•i.�ric.i��ig GC71'1'a7.<�F�Y'&1J;),I.� canr�ol.lmc�nt �arc�ssur��s -....— "f'camr].F��t:c�n Fl.c�mc�n�:ary, fUr• nxam�a�.e. M�k�.i7g SIAGI'1 ch<anq�.a a in i;hi� C;omw>rehiEnSi.v�:� F>].ran c�n s�nc� tri� s:ic�n�J. t�., tNi� K>�.ihaJ.i.c �;h�i: nec�c��d s�ruicns <�i�•E� :in �1.<�c� wF�c�n, i.n f�ct, sr.Hio�al c�.a�srcx�ms thi^our�h�c�ui� th»:� c�i.si�:r�ict� a��� r�F��cha.n� c:�K>ac9.i:y, .;c.tiaal. di.>1�.r�ic.1: ����:r�c�i�s wi11 hau� �ri ca�K>ur•i:unil:y ��o �a�>��ruue �ddii:ic�nal curisi�r•uci:ion func�s iri ].�f36, l7nta.1. tN�a1: �:i.m� �:�nrJ i�t :>I.IGGE?5:>fu.l k�anr� e].�r.i:i.r�n, thi� c�i.si;r•i.c�: c�ni7u� gi.i�r��ni.�r a c�iaal:i.l;y ����ac.�i::ic�nal �rac�r•�m fior ir�c.rn<�sed enr�nl..lm�nl�s wa.thiout acic�i.t:i.�riral cJ.assr�a�m s�<ac� bE�i.ng avail.rxh�1E�, The �nc�inc�er�ing Divisiun l��as rr-_vi.rw�d l:he �ar•c���.�sal <and makas ��hir� fn:�].owang comniFnl�.:s: �:t �.5 nai: knawn if r��x�riinr� wil..l. r.hian<�� t:h� d�ris9.i:y c�f t�ct:ual f�.ii:�ar� ci�velo�m�nt: of i:hp r�r•c��er•ta.�s. H�w�u�r, i:a �v�.lua�te �ac��:�riti�al "wor^s�t r.�5e" i.m���t;s, w� a:>s�am�c� i:Nt<a1: eacMi ar�� wi.].1. cl�u�l.np i:a a.�.s n�axi.mwm dei�s:i�Ly , f�r,cor��ing to l:h�a Commuriii:y CJ�u�?.lonmc�nt I�ir�ctar' s m�ma af D�c�mFac�i^ ].7, 1986, i:P��± rE�zur�9.ric� ca�al�a r�:>uJ.t i.n tap tn 560 ac�rJ.i.t:i.on�l. res:i.c��rit:ial unii:s :in i:he soui:h �aar�t of- 1"igai^d. Adcaa.t:i.c�n�al r��i.ra��nti.�aJ. �ani.ts c��n k�4� �x�eci:ed tc� ganE�ra�� mc�i��e. i�:r��ffia.c on r�c�ai��b� si:i^e���s. W� G�r� rc�asoi�aN��.,y nsi:im��:e �t:ha� fnr c�acM �c�cii�ic�n�1 sa.ng7.� f�niS,l.y resi���r7cp, thier� wa.J.l. k�� one �acac�i.i:i.onGa]. v�hi.cl.� i:r:i� r�ura.ng �l:h� eu�n�.ny r�r-.ak hc�ur, F�C�Ci+ll.15P, i:l�� ca:ighi: rar•��aU>c�d r��zoriarigs �r� s��r•ec:�cl ouE�r a wi.��� ar•�a, i�: dc��s nn1: �K���ar� th<�t, i:hi�� r•nrcan.�nc� w�.��.iJ.c� Ni<�u� a majc�ar imraac�: c�n any an� si:rc�et, The ac�diti.car7al. �r•�f•fic cc.�ialc� be olGCOCi}Itl�1Cli�'L"�CI Pay i:h� s1:rE��i: syst�nf c��r�i^ei7l:ly �ra�c�s�cl i.ri i:f•�� City' s l.ong—r•�r�g� ��.anr�:Lng, Som� a��c�:ii:9.ana1 strc�c�t :Lm�aro�i�m�r�ts, s�ach as ac�c�i.ti.�.7in�a. �urn l.an�s a�� se].�c�;ec� �.ar.al:a.ons, m�.r�ht: b� n��r��d �s � res�a.l�: of �:hp ac�<ii.i::�ar��l i:r�a�ff-i.c. :C1: appr�ar�s �:ha� �l:h� sys�:�ms deue].�pm�nt ch�n��s fr•om the a�Ir,lat:9.anaJ, r�sS.ra�ni:a,�1 unxt5 wotaJ.d k�� �c��r�uat� i:o i��.�n<i tl�e adciii:aarial si:rec�i: impi^ou�mnrits 1:Fi�t mzc�h7�� he i n��c�eca , Ftdra:i,ti,�.7i7�1 resi.denti�]. uni�s wo�.il.c� cr•��i:a son�e �ac�c�a.ti:on�a�. 'f'�.CYWS i.n tri� I S�WP»Y'c'��P_ sysi��m, k>u�: it d�es nat ��a���r tha� �ny xncr���ses y.n rai�� i � sS.:.r.es waGi�.r� k�e nec�ssar�y. �n g�rie��]., i.n r�sa.clsn�a.r�J. ar�as, i:h�� ��,r� ! af sew�r� �a:��ing is c�a��r•mxnHd by mxni.mum si.;r.a.ng tt� �acon�mo���� maan�k�n�nce �qui.pmer�t r�a�her than by fJ.aw rcr�u�,r�emc�n�g. I STAI°F RCP(?R7 -- CPA �7--Q�.(A) -- PAGF 8 ; f�i.gher• residenti�al. d�ris:it;i�s wa��J.c� pr�,�k�ah�l.y r�sult i.n s�.i.r�FitJ.y higher ��turm rur�r�ff volumes. Irr sume ai^c?as i:his inay rPquirP 9.ncr�asps in the si:•.r.e nf s�:c�rm dr��xn�y� �api.n�. T'h� ay5l.ema cl�u�lupmpnt c:Fia►^ges c��n�r�at�d I�y i:h� ac�c�:i.t:ic�na.l un:ii:s shoi.il�� k�� adeq�aai�p •l•:a <;�uer any re�uJ.t:a.nc� �dcaii;ic�nal r.c�sfi,s 1;0 1:t�� s1:c�rm dra9:nac,�� tayst�m. Tm�ar.4s nn 1�h� majar ��r�ai.nac�eways watald h� n�g].iga.M>1.�, <a N�>p #f h�:� r•f�uiewed th� �r�n�as�]. �r�c� �r�.�vic��.�s th� fa1.J.cawinc� camments: W� c�is�raprove uf �l:his proptasal for� �h�� fo.11c�wing r��astans; ir»d�c�u�acy af s1:re�1: nefi:w�rk�.nr� �n� r��u�],apm�i7i: fi:« h�ridl� i.ncr��s�d t:r;�ffic; incan�istnnt appli.catic�n, by Ca�ai7cil, nf cr•ii:er•i�.tin far -r.can� GI1c-lil'1CjP. (re: C�rm�n C:�n1��r�J; ar�d GqCI'F:Y'i�CI7.C�.:].C1Yt c�f pr�E�ui�us d�r�i.sian hay F�l.�nninr� Cammissinn regarding ;.r.une chtange rc�c�uc�st I�y Ma �ndr�iss (r•e: R�..-7 to R...�.2 an �idY'GE3�.5 �t �ar��r•axim�t:�l,y SW H�aJ.1 �nd �t�1 Rass) . B. F°TNqTiUGS ANq COIUGI.�US:I:ON� The r�l.�v�r�t: i::ri.t�ri� in tha.s Gi�la�! ar� �tat:�wicl� F'lanni.nc� Gc��J.s 1, 2, and 10, and 'Tigar•d Cam�rehensiu� P.l�n pn:lici�s 2. 1. 1, 6, 1 , 1., 7. 1 ,2, 7,6, 1. 8, ]. ,3. 6,7...T.., anc� C;hapt�r� ].7.., l..acatS.an4aJ. Crii:�ria. 'Thp Pl�nning si�aff r.anclt.�c��s that i�:he pr�u�aasal is cc�nsistsrit w;ith �Lh� a��K>lirabl� .t�i:ewid� F>].anni.rig C7a�.ls anra Cua.r��l.i.n�s �a���c� u�an tFie followiny fi.nr�ii7c�s: 1 , GU�]. #1 is m�1: k��c�use i�hi� C,i.i�:y hi�� acic�K>t�cl � Ca.tiz�ns :Lnvolvc�mE�r�t pt^ngr�m :inc�.�a��:Gi7c� r�view ��f ��1 c�evel.opm�rit a��a].ic.��ic.�n5 by thca Nei.r�riborhancl planrii.nc� Qrgani.z�ti�n (NF>q) . 7n a��c�itian, a�.l. wxabli.c nui:i.c� r�c�uir�m�.ani:s are m�t, 2„ G�Ga�t #2 i.s m�t: k��c�ause th� Ca.1:y aK>�1i�d d].l. a�pxi.c„abl.e S1:�i:ewic�� I�lann:ir�g Gc>als, C:i1:y (�c�mpr•eh�nsi.va FJ.an Pola:cies anc� q�u�lc�pm�n�t C,c�d� rEa<�ui.r�mcant5 tc� tNie ap�l.9.cat:icar�, 3 . Gaal. 1�].0 ;is satisfia.ec� bec��as� �:hr� pr�c��nsal wa.11 prauide for• ho�asinc� ��s c�.�ntem�latc:�d by th�! Cai:y C;�m�r��ai�nsi.v� F�lan and thi� Matrapal.ii:an I�iausing Rule, TFi� P7.anninc� s�af�F Mias d�t�r�m�.ned i;h�a� thE� �ar�c�pc�sa]. is ac�n�a.sten� witPy i:NiP r��.�uant raar•ti.ons uf 1:he Cumyarpher�sive P�.ar� Naasnc� u�an i�:h� �Findir�gs r�at�d be�low; ' ; i 1 , Pl.an PoJ.i.r.y 2. �. , ]. is ��ati.sfied b�r.a�.ise tha N���nb��r,��� ���n��x�,� �� qrc��na.xation arid surrnur�dS.ng pro�a�rty owrt�rs w�rp c�i.uen nca�ice of � tF�� hearanc� and an ��7�ortuni.�y to cr�mm�nt nr� t:Mie a�pli.cant's � propnsal. 2, P1�an �'o7.acy �i. ].. �. is 8r��7.3�14?CC;I I70Ga1iAa� th� rnn� Ghanc�� wa.].1 aJ.],ow fUr mul.i:i•—family d�uplapm�rit. �TR�'�' Ft�'I�OR"I' � CpA 87`�01(A� -- pAC,E 4 ` f ;. ; }� t ..,.._..,. . ._.,,_ �: "I"h� C9.1:y �.,�f '�"ig�rei i.s ak��.ag�t�c� tr��^ou�h 'the M�trc��aal.a.tart Housi.ng Rule �:a rarcav:idp fc>r an �c�ual mi�x c�f si.ngle f�ma.ly �nc� attac.hec� un�.ts wii�ri �rr avera].l. d�u�J.apm�nt dc�nsi.ty �f �.Q �ar�ats K>�r �cre. The (.i1;y must �nsu►^e i:P�at sufifici�r►t hic�h�r dnnsii:y ar��s �re av<-.aa.l.�abl.� sn th� int�r�� nf tri� hc�tasing ru]:e can be m��.. 3 , Pl�n p<alicy '7. 1,2 c.an b� s�tisfi�d b�catas� adec�uai:e serva.c� aap�r.ai:i.�:> �re au�i.labJ.e in t:P�e i.mm�di�t� �r��. ►Jta�.i.ty �xi:ensions (nc�. sew�r) wil.l k�e nec.;essar•y i:o serue 1:hp �rapEar•ty and �.Ni;ia c�zn be �caonipl.i.sFied a> �a cc�ndi.t�.an af d�u�l.cti�iny thF �r•ap�r•t:i.as. It is rEac�.,gni-r_�c� th�� tr�;ffa.c uc�lum�s h�au� i.ncreas�d on F�acif:ir. Highway . Fiawpv�r, ��dil:a.nnal c��v�lu�amcan� can k�p ac9aqual:�ly seru�cl wi.tMi the �x9.si:ing f�c.9.l.ati�s. It: is ani�i.cip�t�d tk��a�t ��t^�ffic waul:d 9.ncr�z�ase I�y ahac�ut fi2p ��u1�o �r•ips p�r c�ay, 4, F�l:an F�ol.icy 7.8, �. is sati,sfieca bc:�cause the 'T'i,c�ard 4r..h�al. l�a.striat w�s xnfnrm�d uf i:his �roposal �nd m�de camm�arr�s al�nui� avnr•- cr�.�wdi.nc� in p4ik�J.9.c scriool.s �and tri�.� pni�eni:i�]. prablems inc�^��sed en�ol.lments cou.ld have fur i:he c�uality of �.ac�uc.at;iUn in �:hn ].tacal SC{'1C�C�.�. 5�a'�:k!Itl� 5, K�lan pnli.r.y 8 , 1. .3 wi.l]. bEa sati.sfied as � ccanc�i.i;ic�ri fc�r• ci�uP�.o��mcant uf i:he pr•o�a�r•�:y, When c��velc�piriEaxit occurs ii: w<a�a1d i fi�^st �^cc�tairE� Ci.ty ��a�ar�ou�.l thrc�uc�ri the 5i.te D�u�].c,pm�nt �2�vx�w ; �r�ac�ss , '1`he nacessar•y ric�ht—o�F....way and str�Fa�� im�r�c�upmer�ts ' wc�«ld be rec�ui.r•c:�c� ai: tri�at ti.mc.a. i t 6. plan p��licy 8,2,2 r,�n hae sata.sfied becatase Tr�i.._�1nt offcars r�eg�alar� bus s�r�vir.c.a nr7 Paci,fi9.c Nxqhway, � ; 6 7, The I..acatiarial (�riter•:ia :in Chia�atnr �.2 of i�he Plan ar^� satisfiec� � for th�.a fc,].1nw9.ny r�ra>c�ns; a. l"hi� proK>�ri:icas ar� wit:Miin a "p�ve�.apm�nt Ar��" wh�9.ch is na1: cainmi�:l:ed 1:d low d�risi.�:y c�c�vpla�am�n� �nd 1:he nc�r�i:h, east, anr� s�,utFi bo�andt:�ri�s af tha.s sat� ar•e pr�s�ntl.� -r,.aner� R_...1�. b, "1"he �aar•c:�].s �aatenta.al.ly F��va acce�s nrita Pac:if-ic Hic�hway whi.cPi i.s �ari ari:er•a.a]. �xnd Canterbu�•y l.r�n� ta tN�� ncri:h wha.cN� is a minor ca:lleai:ar. c, "I"ri� proK>�r•tif�s da Miaue soma d�u�l,a�mer�t X�m�.t�l,xcans dw� to slra�ae aru� terr�ai.n. WOWP_1/f?I", sxr�gl.e•—f�m�.ly r•�sic��ni:a.al. de�tr•_l��a�ment c�n k�e ar.h:i�.�ued giv�n sur.h 1a.m9.tata,ans, d. Ptak�l.�.c serv�.r.�s �r� avaa.�,�ialP �:a 1:h�s� prap�rti.ps �nd s�rvxcca cc�nri�c�xon wil.J. be requa.r�d a�s a c��ndi.tiar� o� c��velopmFar�i:, e, Ccanu�rii�nce rel:axl ��rvx,ce i.s au��.l;abl.e ��.ctir�c� p�c;�.f�i,r. I-lic�hway and g�nera�. cammarci.a]. anci lausaness c�r�tars are J.�ss t�ian � mi�,� away. ;. STA��' ��p0�'T � CpA 87�—Q1(A) -- hA(�� 5 � , � � 9 f. The tre�s nn I..it�Ll.� B�aJ.I. Moun�ain prova.de a natuc^al fed�ure nf scer�a.c val�ae �:o the citi.zens c�f 'Ta.garci. f�riy d�u�lopmcant on th�se pr�c��er��i,es shirataJ.c� b� �nec�u�^ac,�ec� tca m�ant�9,n as many trnes as possi,l�le, Th�refare, i:he P.l�nnnd ��velopment (P[)) overlay shauld b�.a m�ani:ai.ner� ta �11aw c�►^eater� fl.�xi.laalii:y far pr�c�sei�•uirig c��apn srrrace �rid i�:r•�c�s. Publ.ic apc�n sK��cc� is l�cking i.n th� imm�diatEa ar~ea but: pc�t�ntia�. dec�fcata.nn cau]:d be c�ained frUm future c�eu�lo�m�nt. C. R�(;OMM�IVDA'1":CON B�sed upc�n trie ak>ciu� findings �nd COY1GI.1.15].OYIa, th� Planni.nc� staff recammends a��araual of CPA 87•--01(A) and ;'C.0 87�--U2(A) . -�------� �;�"�,.�. _.�.��_,__....._.. -�''��'������''G.!�!!S"`-� f�12EpA • BY; Tn p' an APPRQVI�q f3Y: Wr 1]:x�m A. Mran�F�an AssiStant 'Plar�ner Dir�ctar of Cammuni.ty D�velapmc�rtt (7'D;Pas06�'7W) STAf�F' FtE�(7F2"� — QpA 67-0�.(A) �- PAGE 5 �•; � � `,. �� �-�� = � c�r v ��. � ♦�. , � � ��� ���► , ♦ • � ` ' - ♦ ♦ ♦ � 11�. ,�,� ��� `, ' _� ` �� ., • ♦ ♦ �►► �I � �� s, ,. �,. . , ■ ■■ � �i���i ��� � �� _ �, >����: . �• �,� �� i� , � ♦ � � �/ � , #- � ,e ,�.ii. ■ ; � � •.` ' — ��a �, , ��� ■ �i1. r�� �. � � , ` „� - ... _ ..� �� '�� �. _ �� v�, ��� .. ;� _ • � ■ - ----1n: - -- , � ! . ' _ : � �%I �� � � � � � * % /' � t � � ; , .. _ � �.� a, - � .� ; � �,// ,. —� ��► � _ —� � -�� �� .�.� �. �" -�' �/i � �'' � ��� �j � � I`i��� �� � � � 1I � ���:� ��i - �����/ � r i � , . • i , . , �1 . � • .. .�� � � � : � .� �►, . ■ I� ► :. I ♦ � �1 �/ � � � � • • � . .� \ . �- i ' • � � � , • �►. � - s � ♦ ♦ I ♦ � _ . . , / �i : ; $� ►•,�� � ; . � � _ _ ,,� � , � _ .�� _ ► � � , � . .. �fi� ...�,� i � � ��.��� �� � � � �i _ � - ��■ �0 � � � , � r! . . � - �� ; j : :; � � �■ �� �� � � ��� � �._. � , i � � _ ■ �� � � � � � � � � �• :� � � y■ �� 1 .' • � � `■ � � ����=' � ii�'j � ����� � ■ ; - : . ��: ,� . �� ■ �� � �' _ �:. � . � . . ..� � , ���■ �� � � �r • � •��■ ii �s;, ��� iE a.� ■���. . _ _ 1� _ � i � _ ..�� � ��� F.i..�F�f� ����a�t�r Flc�k::�ur.�� x..�.,f;M �,�,� MF�F2CH �, z���� .... ��:�a �,M. -rxc:;F�RC:� ��..��un�:z;n�c r.;aMr�:��c,:z:«n� .�.,:r.c���ti �:;:���rY iar�i..i.. .... ��i��wn� i-i�i._i.. ��ta� sw F��i...t.. �i...vu, ..i..�.c��r�r�, ��i:�:Ya�u ����z� ' A, F�'F�C;T';; ]. , C�n�r��l. I:nfar��7ial:i.nn r��F�; rr>� ��.....o�(�), t� t3�.._�2(�) R�:(�UE:;.f., C;an�rar•�Pi<�r�si.vE� F�t�n Ftm�rx:lm�r�i�: fr•c�m L..c�w C]�ri5i.�t.y �2�>i.c��?r�t:xal. 1:c� M�<�i.�am IJc�ns:ii:y R�si��Eani;:i<a.l <�n<� � Ic�rie (�h��r�g� �i'i�•c�am R�._3 .ri (^airt�l� Fan�:i.J. �7ca:�:it��r��:i�1, 3 .�i tariai:::> �r• �crEa i:.c> f�_...7 ;;i.rir 1� ��ami.J. Y i� ) � .� Y REas:ic�Earii:a.a.l, 7 uni�t:s �;»r aci^a) , C;QMF��t�'I�iC::N::;:I:VE: �>L_F1N �E;:S7:C31Uf�1":T:nN; l.�w C.l�n�,i.ty F2�si.c�E�riti.�l. zon�:ciu� ra.r-_;;C(?,NA'1":C:C1N; 1�.....7 Af�NLTf,:F•1N1": C;:i.1:y c.,f "I"ir��r�cl QWNF:h2: Alhaei•�1: & Verl.�nc� E.i^irksan 13. f�, Mcl'ahi.7.l.:ir�s C,��.-,rr�� l..aw / F�ur.ir�a J'ahinsar� Br�aca & J�nc�t I..�w I._QC;A°(�:CQN: F�st o�P ;;W 1p91:h, sau��N� uf (,anl:criaury Waac�s f�rats „ riort;h at� SummE�r•fi.�.?ld SGiI•ad:i.v:i.5:i.on, �n�� w�>t o�f k>c��ri SW F�aad Vi�w L7r�ive, rai7d L;W K�hl.� S�;r•ca�t: (W(�"!"M 251. :lQf� I..ot 1.00, 200, 2�1, 2C�2., 300, 4Q0, AU]., 4U7_. �403) . 2_, F3ackqrUUnd _Infcar•mata.c�i� No �r•c�ui�.�Gis J.�r�r.l i.is� �p�l.i.c�i:i.ons h���r� h��ri r�ui�wec� k�y thF� Cii:y r��l.�ti.ric� i:o 1;h�sa �r•ca�r��•i::i�s , xri �c�cemk>�r� �.9E36 i:hF "I"i.c�ar�a C:i.i:y Co�.inr.i.:l g�u� cai�icli.l:a.an�J. �r�Car�aur��. tc� t�t� f�:lbc�rt:son' 8 CUITI�JM'C?I'1C�1'1 aiv� P.lan f�m�ru�mc�r�i: ((�laf�) fG�^ GFii�l'1�7.Y1(,� i:he Ca�rt�r�riensiu� F�1.an c:l��:>i.c�nati.on c��f s�u�r•�l. �r�c�K��r•i:�.�s J.c�c�at�c� ai: �Lh» sn�,rt:h�ast cai^i�ic�r� u1= laiar•ham Rc,�c� anc� f�ac:ifi:ic I-I:ighw�y. 1"his pr�r,�pa�al. r�c�ca�a�5>t�c� r��an;i.nc� 1:H�esF �ai^aM��r�i�i.es frnm P�i.gh cl�nsi.i;� r�.�sicl�nl�a�J. to cc�inmFr•r,a,a�. , l'h� ���uli; af i:h:is c�r•_ri.>a.an wa� trie r��m��v�J. nf ah>c�u�: AUO pat:er7�i.a]. ho�asing �ari:ii:s fr•am "figarc�' s :inv�rii:�.�ry uf ia�ai.l.c��b.le 7.�nd, 'Th� Metr•opcaa.xl:an I-Inu:�ii7c� �2uJ.� �a��oK�1:�ca k�y the L�n<a Cansc�rv�t:i.an anr.l Deu�lopm�ni: Comma.ssi,ari st�.��5 1:h��t 'T"ic�a�^ci m�ast �ravi.c�e ficar� a0 �ac�i�•c�r�t a:ir�c��.e f-�mz�.y �tru� ai; 1Fa�s� 50 per�cenl: si.rigl.e fi�ar�ii.J.y a1:�t;<�cNie.a ar^ mu].�i.p.le fan�a�a.y ur�:�ts wi��;r7 a m�.na.mum c�f lp uni�:s �:o the ri�t acre, 'I'he Mai:ra �-IousS.ng Rtal� �pp1.ips i:a only uacant k�wi.l.c��ak�J.c� J.�nd w�.�N��.n l'ic,�arc�' s Ur�k�ari Pl.<••�nrii.nc� Ar^��, aric� dc�e;> no� �i�fe�t �s1:ah.lash�ci and d�v�:tc��a�d resa.c�entaal arc�as, TFi� �1lbertsan' s CPA wa� c�rant�c� an �:h� cancli.tion c�� � r�rani.ng af su�fici�nt r�si.c��r�i:i.aJ.J,y ;r.an�d a.anr� ta niake up far �:hp shar�tfia�.Z cr�al:�d k�y 1:hxs deca.s�.c�t�. T'he Ci.i:� Counca,�. Ni�ts idC��a.�a,ec� ss�v�ral STAf=F I�kpqR1' — CpA �7—Ux(�), ;LC 87�q2(B) .W PAGE �. . . .. . . . . . . . sii:�s thii^c�ughic�ui: 1:Pie cii:y i:n b� cc�ns�,der�d far' 11'iCM'E?als�c� r�sida�nl;i.�J. r�ensii�y , '1"he?se par•n�>er•1:i.�s ai^� srame uf �:hos� i.c�eni:i.fa,nc� i.n i�;h� cii:y's �t1:E�mp�. 1:a m�ant.�a.r� cc�n��>].i.�nr..e with tPs� Me�t:ra�o].itan f�causi.ng Rul.� af 10 II res:G<�c�r�ti.al units 1:ci i:hP n�t aci^�. 3 , Vici.nit�I.,.,;�T:nfarmati;an Ger�F�r�.l'J.y, s�arr��urtc�:inc� prnM>�r•i:i.�.as 4ar�� xc�r��.ac� k.�..J.7.. (MuJ.t9.p1.� fan�il.y r�s9.d�nt:ial. ].2 un:Gts �anr� acr•c�) 1:a �t:ha nar•i:h and w�st, F2-•-3 ,5 (Sinc�le famiJ.y r�sideni:i.�l. 3 ,ri unil�s K��i^ acr�±) ori tM�� �a�at �nd R...-'7 (Sinc�].F 'I f-amily rEasicic�nti.�l, 7 �an�.ts �er aer�) �:a �h� soui;h aind scaui:h�ast. Qn� of tPiese �ara�Eari:i.es algo abuts �n C2--�2G.i (Mu].t:iK>le f�miJ.y r�sid�nti�]., 25 units p�r acrn) ;rnrie at its soui:hwnst cor�ri�r�. T'htea C�ant�rk��ary Waocis a�at^t�m�r��L comp].ex as si.tuafi�d nar•tr� af tM�9.s si.t� and �Ghn Summer•�i�l.d plannnd dav�lo��m�rit li.�s ta i:h� soui:h �nc� so�.ithi�.a�st, Rpsi.c�enl:i,aJ. d�v�].apm�ni: aJ.so OCC.IAI^S on tPi� e�st: sa.c�� (nort:hi of SummerfS.elc�) althc�ugh i:he iril:ensii:y is .l�ss i�:F��n the p.lani•�ed I deuelapmEani:, On tN�E� w��t s9.dF, iAGM'OSS fr•am SW 10�t:M�, pr•ap�r�ti.�s ar� � caver•nd wii:h ��r��s anc� br��ashi, 4, Sit�_Informai�inn.ar�c� F>ro�t��al. [)escripti.an These �arup�r•i:i.�s rar�gn i.n si.�� fi^om 0.75 1:0 9,7 acr��s. Sinc�1� family rE��id�nta.�]. <��u�.lopm�rrl: is local:EC! mtas��ly �lang SW 1t3�th, � gr�u�J. rn<:�d ', �I•iat slawes st�c�r�ly c�c�wn fr�um nor�l:h ta soui:h, Th� hamns �r•e tyr�ic�,lly on parcel.s wi.th J.ar~r�� lots w9.tMi a satath�i^n �x�os�ar�e as t:Ni� l�nra s].apEas ' c�awnw�rci i:oward i:he Stammc�r�Fi�ld c�c�vcalo�ment. A nur•sc�ry is ].ocai:�c� a1: ' thi� l�c�t:tc>m �,f th9.s s1c�K>�, carr�sK�oi7cl:iric� tc� th� 8pl.l'�I'lE!1^ri masi: ��arcel of �, �Lh� suhaj�ci: pra�eri:ic�s, Th� �ra�os<ad zane chai�ge catalc� r•es�alt in a �I pc�teni:ial. n�i: c�ain c�f 1Q2. resadeni:ial. unats on 7_9,7_Q �c.r•�s, 5. Aqenc�_and_NPO_(�nmmpr�l:s �I Th� l"ic��r•d C�cNiaaJ. Di.si:r•i.ct h�a re��i�wer� i�hw pr•n�osaJ. anc� m�kes i:rie fc�l.lawi.ng cUmm�nl:s ; iThc� sch�o�.,�. di.si�ricl: knaws �LN�� Caty is aw�ar•� of tP�e pr•ak�].em wr ar•� fac9.nc� regar•c�ir7g auercrawd�,ng in n�ar schoals. 7he Baar�c� of t�ir�ctcars hlo�s ask�c� u> i:a coi7uey �n tNiF Ci.ty the disi:ri.ct' s concerns abaut rJM'4rJp8E?(� char�gc�s in i:l�e cc�mpr�Mier�siue �1an wh�ich wca�ald incrFaase t:he dc�nsii:y i.n �r•��ss wP��re we ar� al.r�eady expe►^i�nr,9.n� cons9.c��rable �nrall.m�n-t �r•nssur•es •-�--- Tcmpl.�i:on kXemeritary, f-nr example. Making s�ach chi�ang�� a.n i;h� C;nmpreN��nsa.u� P7.an can s�r�c� th�� signal tn the �a�abJ.i,r. i:hat n��c�e�i serva.c�s ar� �.n pl.ac� wh�n, an fact, school c].assroams tr,►�pu�na�.��r {:Fie di.si:ri.ci: are reaching c�pacity� SGI'1C10J. CI].a�rict pa�rnns wa.Zl h�v� an a�a�arttani.ty �n a�a�i.,oue addil:ianal cnnstructi.an funds in ].9�8. Unti.J. th�t i:amr� and � SUCC�S5�t.i.� bc�nd e].�ctian, the di.str•a,ct caririat guarant�� a qu�a�.ii:y educational progr�am far incre�sed enro].J.m�r�1::� wi.�N�c�ut additi.ana], classraam s�aac� being avaa.l.abl.e. 57A{=F 12�pC7RT � CpA 67—Q1(�), "LC 87�Q2(B) — i�AG� 2 � � 1"h� Engine�ri.n� [)a.vi.si.an h�a r��ui.�wecl i:h�.� pr•<�pas�l anc� m�k�s tFi� following c�mmani:s: It is not: knowri if rc.�:raniny wa.1.1. chiarig� �NtE� cl�nsi,ty �f �r..1:u�1. ful:ur�e <i�uQla�amEZr�t af 1�hP prUpnr•i:xes , Hcaw�uer, i:o �ual.ta�te pai:�riti,�.l "wc�r�st c�s�" impaci�s, we assumc�d i�hi�at �ach dr•�� wi1.1. deu�lo� tc� it:s m�xam�am d�nsi�y, Accarc�ing L•o i�he Cnmmuriity I�c�ve.loK>mcan•t 17i.rec�Lar' s mt�mo af p�remka�r ],7, ].966, tha r�-r.,cana.rig cc��a].c� r�ESta].t in u� 1:c� 56q a��di,�,i<tina]. t^�sS.c��nt:i�l uriits 9.n i:hp sca�ai:h part nf '1"i.garci. Adcla.ti.c>na.l. ►^Easic��ntial. unats c�ri k�� �x��c�L�ca tca c�E�n�r•�a{�� inc�r�� traf�fic II un n�ar•by str��i:s. We c�n r��asonak�ly esi:�.mai:� that �for� ��ch �c�r�itic�r�a]. I si.ngl.F� family r��i,c�enc�, th�r�e wiJ.l b�.a on� additi.�n�l u�h�.c].� i:r�i� ci�.irinc� �:he ��c�ni.ng r�c��k hcaur, F3c�c�us� 1�Ni� �ic�M�t pro�aas�d rezariings <�re s�r•e�d nv�r• � u�id� ar•�.a�, a,t d��s no1�. �r>��ar �h�at tMi� r��:raniny w<awld h�v� a major ia��aact on �ny c�n� si;rcant. "fhe ac���iticinal. i:raffii.c COIA�.CI J�� accan�mnd�l:ec� h�y thi� sLr��.��t sysl:�m cur•rc�r�i:].y pr•opc�sec� in tr��:� City' s .lc�nc�...-ranye �J.anriir�g, ac�m� �<�caii:iur»1 s�Lr��t :i.mprnu�m�rits, stach as �idc)9.ti.c,rial i�ur•ri l�n�s rai: s�.l�cl:ec� ].�cata.ans, migMii: haca n�ec�Ead a;a � resuli: uf �the ac�dii;ianal traffi.c, :�t app��rs 1:hiai: •l:he sysi:c�ms deucalc,�m�n�L ch�n�E�:� fr•um th�.� �c�c�:�i�i.c�na�. i^FSi.d�nti.al ur�its would k�� t�c��c��aai�.c� i:o f�arid 1:h� �<�c�itic�naJ. si:rcac�i: iin�ai��av�i7�cr�ts i:t��i: mic,�a�t k�e nec�deca, Ftdc�itic�nal. �^�sid�rii:i.aJ. urii.t;s wc�uld cr�a�.Ea same adca:�ta.c�nGaJ. flows iri thi� s�wer^agp sys�:pm, la�at xt c�oes nat �rar���� �hat �tny incrEZas�s in ��i,�a� siz�s waulc� b� n�cexsary, In c�eneral., i.n rESidPril:aa]. ar��s, t:Fi� si;r.� uf s�wer pa.pa.r�c� is <ac�tc�i�•min�c� h�y min:lirium s:i-r_:iric� i:o accommnc�<:ate maant�nar�re �c�ui�m�i•ii: r•�thier th�r� k�y flaw r��caui.r•�m�ni:s, HigFie�^ �^esi.d�ni:ial c�ensil::ies wauld �robably rc�su.l� in sl.igNitly hiyher• st�.�r�m i^unofi' uc�l�am�:t . In 54111E rar•�a> tNiis may reca�air•� ].1'1GY'E'!c15E?8 i.n th�e sizp oi� s�;orm c�raa.r�age �7i�>ing. 'T'he syst:c�ms c�nv�.la�ani�rii, charr�ps gen�r�i:ed by 1�Pi� �c�rJi.i:9.c�nal. uni.ts sric�ul.d l�� araEac�ur�i;� i:a cov�r any � r•�s�ali�ii�g ac�c�il;icanal cnsGs ta �:he si:arm cir•airiac�e sysl�:�m. .T.mr�ac:�s nn tti� m�a�or dr��i.nac��w��y� wauJ.d k�� n�gli.gak�l.<�, IUnO #6 F�as r•evi.ewnc� 1:hP �r•o�asal anc� r�r'OV1t�P_S 'l:�l� fullawi.ng cumm�rits: W� di.;;���>rau� af tM�9,s prc��as�]. fnr 1:Mi� foll.owinc� ra�asans : �:nac��r�u�c:y uf si:re�t n��twnrkS.ng an� <��ue�nr�mpr�t i:o hand.le i.ncraasec� tr•affic; inr.�r�:si.si��ni�: �r>w>�.���tinr,, by CaunGiJ., c�f cri.terinn fc�r• •r_one ch�nge (r�p, Car•m�n Cer�i:car); anc� car��:r�ac�ictir�n �f �rc�ua.�7us d�r.xsian by Pl�a�nr�i.n<� Can�massaon regardi.ny -r_c�n� ch�nc�e rer�u�st Fay M� .T.nc�ris> (r�: h2-7 to R-17. nn r�arcels at a�proxa.m�i:aly SW Nal.l and wW 12ass) . �3, F1:NpING;� F�NI� CONCL..US�:ONS ..C'he r�l.�vant cr:ii:er�i� i.n �I'l�.S ca:se ar�� ct�tc�wi.c�c� planni.r�c� Gc�al,s ]., 2, arici 1Q, ai�ci Tigarc� Compreh�nsS.ua P�.�n �ra�.�.ca.�s 2., 1 , 1, 6, ]., �, 7, ]. .2, 7,8.1, 8. 1.3, 8.7.,2� and Chap�er 17, l..acati.ana]. Cri.�eria, STAF'F RkPpRT — �pA f;7—Q�.(g), ZC 87—U2(�) -- PAG� 3 1"h� �l.<�nninc� si:�ff car�c�.iadas tFi�t tFi� pr^u�c�sal is cansastcant w9.th ttic� a�apla.�ahl� �i�:a�:r�wi,c�e Planna.ng (ac��ls and ��aid�l;i�7es k>�spd u�aun t:he faJ.l.aw�.nc� finc�a.nc�s; 1 , Coa1 #1. i.s m�i�. bECau�� �hte Ca.ty h�a �t�o�it�d a Cita.-r,.�ns :Lrrvolvem�r�t pr•agr•am incluciinc� r�v:i�w c�f �].�: c�evel.a�am�?n1: aw�l.ir..�tic�ns by the N�±a.c�hk�car•h�.7�c� C�larini.ng prg4ariiratxc�ri (NF�O) . In ac�c�ii�:ian, a.11. p�abl.ic notica rc�c�ui.r�ments are n1pt. 2. C�a,l #7_ is m�t b�caus� tF�e Ci.ty �i��J.i�c� �1.1 appl�ic�ble fit�t:�wide Planr�ing Ca�ls, �ii>y �om�arei�ensive Pl�an pal.ici.es and I�c�v�].a�rinc;nt CcacJF requi.r�m�nts to thi� ap�li.c�atxon, 3 . Cual #10 is satisf;i.ec� I�P.GbllA52 i;he �ar•opasaY wxl.l provi.de far� hau�in<� a� r.�.�ni:empl.at�c� Fay tP�� C;i.ty Com�ar�ch�nsi,v� F�lan and Metrapo�.il:an I•iausi.r�g Ru1e. The Pl.�r�riin� si��ff Nia> d��i:erinin�r� th�t the N�rapt�s�J. is r.ansistent witki �the r•�l.�uarrt �aorl:i.ans af the Cam�ar�hensa.vc� I�l.an k�asc�d �apor� th� fii7dings not�d k�elc�w: 1 , Plan �alir..y 7.., �. , ]. a.s s�tisfi.�c� be<:aua� thia Nei.ghbar�h�cad Planni.nc� Or�yani.x�i;i.un and s�ar�rc�und:ing �arc�per�ty owners wera giu�n no�t:ice of th� h�ar•i.nr� �nc) an c���ort�uni.l�:y tc� �c�mm�nt c�n tht� aK�pl.i.cant:'s �arta{ac�sa�. 2, Pl�ri F�oJ.i.cy 6, 1 . 1 is s�l:asfi�c� ks�G�u�e tti� zone r.hanyc.� wxJ.J. ; �arnvic�� an nrar�ar•tue�a.�:y fnr grE?a�.er� d�.versii:y uf hiousxnc� c�ensil;:ins anc� resid�nti.aJ. �:yp�s. +C'ha Cai;y n�F' '7"i,c��rc) is ��hal.a.<�at�c� thr•augh th� Mel:rapc�li.tan Mausinc� Ru:le i:o r�rouida fnr ai� �c�i.�al m�.x uf sin�.le fam9.ly �nc� a1.i�a<:Nipci uni.ts w�.1:h ari ouer��al.]. d�u�J.a�>m�ni: d�nsi.i;y of ].� �anits per ac:r�e, 'The C,:ity must ensure i:Niat sufficae�r�t hxc�N��r c�nnsxty ar•c��s <�r� auc�i.l.��k�l.e sc� tNi� 9.ni:enl: of the F�c�us�,ng rul,� can bc� m�t. 3 . F�lan Policy Fs,3 ,2 can b� satisfi�d as a canc�it�.ai� Uf ap�arou�l. 1"his r�quir•e;� a c��n�i�Ly �rarisa.txun whereby incrEaased r�sidenti�J. der�sxta.as ac�j��r.�r�t 1�0 �stab�.9.shed ar�as must hEZ c�eualop�c� in I.h� fnl.J.nwa.nc� m�nnpr�; �, 7"N� [7kNSx:1"Y W�:"!"W:I:IV 1QQ FE::E:"I" p�' EACH PROF���7TY L..T,N�: �HAL.I.. NQ�" LXGi�.I':.p 75% UVLR TI���. pC:N4:CTY SMOWN QN TI-IC (�pMPF2�;HE.NS:CVE Pi.„AN HOFt TN��: F�[7�'AC;�N"f L.ANC? UNl��SS TNF:C2E' .T.S AN T�I'I"k:RVENZNC ROA� (MA;l'OR (�pl._L.F'(a"I"012 0�2 F�kTF�R:�AL) 1CN WHICH CASE 'TIi;C5 PRpVI�:CQN L;HF�L.L.. IVUT AF��>LY, b, WFiF'RE: "I"H� F>f2pC�p^aFC� C�E:V�.I..QpME=1�1" AE3UT�i AI11 E:X�;51"�:NG HqUSxiVG IJ�Vk:I_qPf°1�.NT, TI�1E I-lAUS:LNG TY1��5 SHAG_I� B� COMPAT:L�1_F. a, p�- an polxcy 7,i..2 a.s s��t;is�zed ber,aus� lami,tec! servic� capdci.��.�.�s i are auax�.ak�l.� xn i:he 9.mm�da.ai:e ar•ea at �W Napve •a.nd Sw 1.09th. Some u�i.l.i.�y c�xt�n�ion (e�. , sew�r) wx�,l. b� nec�ss�ry ta seru� 1 1:N�� proper�y, �aar��icu��r�.y i:a i;hc� nor�h but i:his can be II ���omp:lash�d as a cond�.ti�n af d�ue�.api,rrc� �he sa.t�, s-r��� a��0�r -- C�� e�—Q�(�), �c a��az(s7 -� �A�� � ; _ . � _ _ _ 5, Pl�an F�nl.ir..y 7'.�. 1 is satisf�.�d b�ca�as� th��.a l"i.c�arcl �c:kinoJ. Di.s1�:r•i.c1: was :inform�c� af �:Niis �ropc,,�l arid m�c�� camm�i��1:s �bcaut av�rcrt�wdiny iri �uk�].�,r.. schiool.s �n�� tNi� pc�i�:c�nl:ial pr°�Fa1�ms i.ncrc�asc�c� anr•ollm�r�l:s co�ald h<�ua f-ar tNie q�a�lxty t�f ed�ar.atiuri in tFi�a lt�ral scMiac�J. sy>tem, fi, P1an pc�J.icy 8, :1.3 wi.l.l k>�.� sat.i.sfi.�d �.> �a ct�nd:iti.nri far c��ualn�m�ai�it afi �:he pr•capGr•ty. i�ialf str•caet :tmpr•av�m�nts �re cur�reni::l.y bc�ndcac) fr�r• tPie sc�uth sic�� c�f wW N��.auc�. AJ�sc�, ric�hi:...,uf.....w�� �xists far caxt;�nc�ir�g �W 1Q9th narl:h �:a mecat up w;�th �F»a s�cti,on araj�c�nt tc� C.�anterk�ur•y Wc�c�ds , F�r�es�nl:ly, both� s�:rc�cal:s are gr•au�l ar�d cl.ass:ifi.c�c� as lacal, '1"he nncessary si�r�ca�t ex�:en�:i.o�� �nr1 amK>r•c�u�.am�r�ts wil.l. k�� rer.��.iir��c� wh��.�n d�.�v�l.c��ment QCt:IAI"S. 7. Pl�n p�.�:i.i.cy f3.'1...2 can be sG�zi�isfi��l ai: thas i::im� �l.i:ht�ugh T'r�._...M�t cin�s r�ot a�ff�r hus s�ruir.p i:n �l:k�esc� rar����aEar•i:ir-..s, IU�ar•�st haias ser�vic:� a.s cin F��.acaf�.c I�ii.ghw�y wh�rc� l"r�i,—•Mc�i: �r�c�u9.d�� r�gul.�r• ser�uice �o bc>i:h �riqard anc� 1:he mF?trapoJ.i.i:�n ar�c�a, 8. l"h� l..c�r.a�.ianal Cr9.i:�ri� in C;ha�tc.�r 17.. of 1:Fi�.� P1�n ar•� s��:a.sfi�d far �Ni� f��]..l�.�wing r�nasar�s ; a, "C'h� K>r•c�w>Ear•ty is wai:h9.n a "[)E�u�l.�pi.nc� Ftr�:!a" wFiach i� nc�t:. c�i7�mil�tFad tu l.��w c�ensa.ty c��v�lapir�nrit. b. 1"h�.a p�r•�e�. h7�as iric�irect �ceess i:� F��r..9.fi.c Nac�Niw�y uS.�3 wW 1.O��:h ar�d SW Naev�, whach is a m9.nc�r Cp�.1F?C1:f)M' si:r�ea�at. c, [levc.alopm�n�l; 19.ma.t�a�i.ons �r•c nui: evi.ci�n�: �nd p�abl9.c fi�cil.iti.es haue limited earaaca.fi:y �Ga s�r•u� �.h� �ar•op�rti�s. d. Puk�l.i.c i;r•Gansi�L i.s avaa.l�k�l.� �ar�e>�ntly al.onc� pG3r..afxc Hi.ghiw�y al.i:hc�ugh i1: is unl.ikc�J.y mai^� lucal s�ruice w<>ia.lc� I�e pr•t�vidE�d :i.n �:Fi� for��se�<�hl� i�ut�.ir�. The �r•E�s�r��: s�r�vace is wxi:han r�ne..-half mi.�.e of �:17:is si�:e, e, Cc�nut?rii.�nc� i^Ei:aiJ. s�r•ui.c� is �v<��.�.�r�:�e <�l,cang �r�cific I-lac�r�way �rid yenpr•al comm�r•c.ial �r�c� k>usa.r��ss cent�rs �r� wi.1:F�9.n a m�.l� ar�d � half. f. l�tak>1a.c o�an spar.e in 1:hEa va.ca.nii�y �.s �.ackinc� ai: �aresc�nt. f'uttar�e cl�ueJ.��amarri: shauJ,c� �r•c�ui.cl� for� �<ar•k/up�n sp�c� c�c�ciica�:iun ar�d presnr�u�i�ian of as many �Lr•�as �s ��assi�al.e. (,. I'Z L.COMMI:N l7 A"I":LQN I B�;a�t� u�aan i:h� ahc�u� fi.rtda.nqs and cc�ncJ.usaons, i:h� PJ.anniny si�aff r�commc�nt�s a�a�a�^ov�l af CF�A 87...p1(�) anci "1,(� 87—Q2{H) . �/ ��m,.�.. . G / ��� �..�.._. � � � '? .,�__._"� �R�, .. �Y; 7t� �axa F� ROVEq �Y; W�iIX�.�m A. M�an�h�i� � Assis�ant �lann�r^ pirector� c�f Commuha.ty p4ve�.�pn�t�n� (�"I�;cn/2����) �"I"A�'F' �2EpqFtT - CI�A 97-�1(�), �C f31�-02(q) -� pAG� 5 c , . � _ _ . . . __:. ;_..... , ■>Il�� �'�, _ , � i�� _ • . „ ,, •� � � _ , �.: � � �.� ■il��. �i �� � �..� �` � — o — " _ � �7 �� . ���v� - / i 111111�� , ■ .. �, � � , � . ' - : ' ' '� ' � � � 1 � . _, ,_ �, � , � ; , ,I � � , �� - ;'■ � � � ♦ � _ . � �i i �� � : �� �I .1/� - � � � • � � I �►• , �. : ,�!;:, ��i. - \ � � , ����■►�� � ��1 - � � . , . -�i� •�. .,�� � �� � ■ � I/ � � � . :': � \ � � '■ � � . � , �. � � , � .- ' \ � i � , ,�� . �►. . . . � ♦ . . � . � . � � • � . / � � = ; .. : ;- ,. � � . . � 1��� � � ` • � �� - - ` - = { i► � �, �� � � .'� . , � �- � _ ., �.�" �� � ��u,■ �� � ,?�i � �� ! � �I■ �e � r . � i -� �� ; � . _-; i • �■ �� ��� I = �' �— � .' i� !; ' : ■ �� � ���, .� . . � ■ V � � � �? \-�r �_ � ���1 �� h��= � ■ - � �� . r� ����, � • i �� y� • �� � ,��■ � , � � i � • ��� �� � � � , N ��e'�1` �11�� �I� i� � ' � ���■ �� �;` � ��+�� � � � �� � . ♦��i � � �i�� ���'"� ' � � � . �i �� �� _���� .. � : ��i� �/�1 �� ��i . ��, �' � � �.-���. _�__.�......�_� _ , �� �►. . � � << ► :��� �: ■� �� ■ � � � � 1 � �I�� _�, y� �� .�. L_ �IL� ��II■�� �� ��. �,� �• ' — i� � .� � ■ �� � � � � � ±`�/N; - �I�� � � �� 7� � �� � �� �`�� : ��r������ � L 1 � � �� : � � .��. � �`���� � �i ',■� ` r�. 1� t•� � � !1� �.� t� �• �/ �� � �� ������� � ■ ����� �� �� �� ►`�1� . . /� ► I � ' t ����' ••• ���1• � �� �/���� ��� J� �� � ' �'►�,�,� �� . ��'' �� � �� �. � � ■ ��� ��� _ �y ` �'''" . �.w„�.. • � , ,, ,..,.... .. . ._. ,, . .. " �.-�A . .,.. �. �� � �r � �. ., ; ��� i��� . � ; � � �� � � � - � G ' . ��/!a�'��,'C�� .� � � y �` ��c� ' � �� �� ���9 / � ���� . � � �zG��-c�� � , 0 C T 31 19'86 ; ���, c. � % C1TY OF T�pEPTM ,' p�ANNING ���,�.-� .,-L-t,'��-�,���M-'�LGt..�c.-� .'?��.t9-� ' ; , � , .��?�� �� � �--�� �� -2� f �; i � � � jl 7`� r /�//�0 N ��Z��-Qi !�'Gf�-�!'L� G s� J 7' y� w �. �.il�nL,pi� _. /�� � � `'����� ' '" � back for �` I L.�i�.,,�, � �i!/'yL��. 1 � ;� � y� ,� � � ��- �� ��� � � �� r �(s/ � �..�:��� G�ti� �s✓ � . ,/l2-�'..� ' ��� �- , ' � , . � � , 4 � � � � � .� `„j,Y' M . . M'. � r � . 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F i� +ti i..'. � � ���Sa� S+ r5"'�t� � i 1 � 11 �r�r r +,�y `�� t " � � ,� �,t v t,r' . � � r yit( � �l . � . ;r j ,�4e'hw"t�. ��._w t':1 � . ��r � � t r� � f � Vl.i' �i 3 R v . a y��:�.� �•c 1'� � '� � rF�.:,,X� �fi.�� t r =i7 _ . �_,����i,j� �i�„�i �?�3�� �;;t�.� �. `� ra + �; , tp '�S�w��1, . �'•. `i.+h '",M,: �'� ir,�s,.� �,' j �..�"�,1' � ` . ' F. i . . - - . . ` " . .. � . , : . . . . S}'. .�. . � � . �. . . �. � �`s , . , � . � ; . . . � � �� �w Wl . i x , . . . ... �% . . - ' , �� ' � � , � , . . • � • ' �� • N ��:`�t � .. . . . . . '� ',' . �.�s.. . .4•1� . . ♦ . . . . . L'r.° ' . . . �J . . � . � ., . � . . . .. . � � . . . 1.'. . . _. . -� . . � � . � � � -J ` . . . . . . . � � , � . :. . ,. , ,'. � � � ,�r����F� ��:.F>nr�-r� �ca�:n�c�a x-i°�:M ��.� c Mf�RCI�i 3. 1987 ._. '7:30 F�.��, l"7:t;yF1f2C:� F�I..,ANNI;IUG C;�MM�:;+L��:C)N '1,.;I:C7Af2p (a:�'TY HAl_l. — 'T'pWN I•�f�i,.,l_ 13�.7..5 ��W a�ftl.l.. E3L..VC), ����:�r�i7�, or�i-:t;an� �'r;r..�� A. r�r..-r�: 1 . C;enpra.l �nfarniatiUn � (�ASE; CPf� �7....q1 (G), '.7..(� g7....,p� �G� RE(�UE:w"f', C;nm�>r•eF��?nsi.ve P1r�n Am�riclm�rii�: �f�r�c�m M�c�i.�atti p�nsity Res�,t�nntial i;o I•i:4�h 17nnsil:y Rt�s:i<�ential �nc� a '7_t�na Ch�a;i•ige fr�.�m C�_...1?., (Muli:a.,_.���miJ.y R�sic��n�:i.�al., 7.Ca uni.l�:s pE�r ar..r•�) . (aUMl�i'tI:I��FN�:CUG� I�1._AN 1)Ffi'.C(yN�'T':LqN; Mc�c�9.um ucan�ity I'Zc�sicicnl:ial ZONIIVG; qk:.�;:s;C;Nf�T'I;()N; R..,1.2 F•1PF>L..7C;F1Nl"; Ci.ty af '�'i.<�ard UWIU�::h: Wi.l.l.a.am & C].�i.r��:� ;3�nelEr�s t�h�lm�r� I...�� G�c�r��c�, :tr, l..Q(,A'T:fON: I��st uf �,4J haci�f:i.c I��wy , , nc�r��t;h af SW IUac�u�, aru� �aK>�roxim��t�l.y 5UQ f�t:, wE�si: ��f SW l���h (W(:.'1°M 7_�1, 10� ].ot 'TOp arir� �ar•t o�F 6U0) , I, E3arkg,r�«und_rnfarm�txan l"h� prc���rti,es an tNiis si1:c� wFr•�.a c.�nsicl�r�cl f�ar• � CcamKar•�F��.ansiue E>J.an R�ua.s:ian xri 1�8]. ((�P12 1--81) . C�r:iur� i.o tNizs, �thcas� �arUperi:ic�s w�re ar�nex�t:l a.n1:o �M��� Ci.1�.y wi.1:Mi a Washa.nqi�c�n Ccaunty -r..c�ne c��si.griration af ftU-�•A (Rpsi.deni:i�l, 4 un:il:s �;>er acr•e) . (�I�R ].�--81 �ro�ac�s�c� 1:n ch�i��ge i:he �om�ar��h�r�si.u� F�].an fr•r.�m 1cw ta mEac�i.um density r�>ic�er�i�i,al �ncf � zan� char�g� to R•-12, f� Nl.�r�nt�c� I��u�l.c��nrcnt (F�p) nverl�Y was i.ricliac��c9 in 1:Ine fin�l aK�pr•nv�al. wha.ch� wou].c� r�.�c��aire a�.�. d�u�].oKsme�n� c�n tNi� sa.i:e tc� b� }�r•oughit k>c�fore 1:h� Pl.�rining Cammiss9.nn arui �:hp densi�4y to b� rc�vi.c�tupd �.s � K>�rt; af thi� �pprav<aJ. proc�ss, :Cn �ecEamk�er �.5�86 1:h� Tigard City Ca�ar�ci.l c��ve caru�i.�iun�l a�pruual �ra tN�� F11b�r�i:s�an' s Cc�m�rFh�risauc� F�].�.n f�m�nc�ni�ni: (C;f>A) for• cNtangi.ng tPie Cumpr�ehensi.ue PJ.an ���signa�i�n af sev�ral �rcaperti�s 1ar.ai:c�c� a� the scauthFa��s�: c«r•ner a� f�urr��m f2o�d arid P�ci.fir. NigPiway� This �r•apnsaJ. ' r�equp�l:ed rp�nt��irig 1:F�ese prap�r�Lips fii��om h�i�h dertsi.i;y rpsi.den�:i.a]. to cammerc 9.�1, l"hca r��u�.i: o� i:has d�casi.on w�aa �h� remca!ra�. nf �bn�.i�: Aqp ���E�rrti.aJ. haus:ing uni�s firam Tigar�d' s a.nu�r�tary nf bui].c�ab�.e �.�r�c�, "I"h� M�1:rc��al.xl:an Hausi,ng Ru].e adap��ca by �.h� �.and C�nserva�ian and �TA�'F R�p01�T � CpA 87�-U1(G) & ZC H7--p2 (�) -- PAG�: �. Deuel.opm�nt C:�.,mmissa.ari s�:�t:�s tH���L 1"ic�ard must pr�ovi.de for• 5q p�rceni� sir�c�l.� fami.,ly <�nc� a�t ].��st 5Q �ac�rc:cant single fami.ly il'�'I:a�ICI'1P.C) nr mul.ti.�1E family una.i�s wi.i�Ni a mi.n9.mum c�f ].Q units 1:o th� n�t a�r�, Th� M�ai:r•o I�iaus:ing h7�al.n a�a�li�s to anly uac�nt bui].c��k�l.e l�i7d wil:hiin T'ic,ar•d's Urra�n F�J.r�nn:�nc� Ar•ea. �and d���s nat �aff�ct: �si•.�b].a.sh�d anc� c��v�lnpnd r•es:ic�eni:i.al arnas , Th� Ft:f.k��r•1:s�,n's CF>Fl w�s c.�r�n1:E�r1 c�ri i-.h� c�i7dai�;i�n of a r��;�ani.nc� c}f suffiici�nt rc�sic�enti.axly zc�riFac� 1�ru� i:a m�ke up finr •�he shortfa�.l cr�eai:c.ac� k�y th�is c�e�i.sinn, T'I7� Cii�:y Counr.il. h�s 9.cl�ni:ifi.ed seu�ral, s:i�:es �LH�r�auc�hout �l;ha Cii:y i:o han cansi.c��red for incrc�ast�d r�sic�c�nl:i.a1 � d�nsi.i�y, rhes� �ar•o��r•�Li.�s arFa som� of {�hos� id�nt9,fi�d in th�? Cii:y' s att�ir��1: i�o mair�i.ain camplx�zrice wii�h �Lh� MPi:rnpa�.ii:an Housxi�g R�al� of 10 r�,a>ir��n�ti�]. �anii:s 1:c� thi� nei� �aGr��, 3 . Vicinii:��'.Infarmati.an Th� praperti�s tn i:h�? nori:Pi ar�� pr•es�nt:l.y zon�d R..-.Q,S (].ow d�nsity rc�sic�eni:ial, 4.5 urii�s �a�r aci^p) h�ut are naw unc�er c�nsic��r�ation far• a rer�on�.nc� i�n F2-...7 (mc�c��.�am r��ris�.ty res9,d�rit9.�a�., 7 un�.ts pc�r acr�) , 1`h� cii:y limits c�f Kir�g City ar•e tn the west (across Paciffc Highway); (�.._G (G�nei^�]. C,ommE�r•ci.�].) and F2.•••2'i 1:� the soutF�, and R.•••�.7 ta thi� east are �he oi;her ;rana.rig c�isi:ricts i�h�at sur�raund i:Nip si�:a, 7'h�.� c�en�r���l. uicinii:y i� mc�si�].y ui�d�u�7.ap�d witPi tMie �xr.e�ati.or� af 7'ti� Fauni;ains at S�ammnrf-a.eld �xi:�nsian which r�ach�s nar•i:h al.mnsL L-o S.W, Na�v�. Fd�1f'__str����L im��rovem�ni:s ori S.W. N�e��� �r� 9.n pr'QCE1a3 as p�ar� nf i:ti�:at c�c�velo�ament ara�ai^aval. A, 5ite :T:nfarmatian, and P,ra�asal�_�ESCripti.on ..._ . __. 'fh� o -� . prap sed ;•r_an� chang� affc_cts al.l af i:ax 1��t 7Q0 (1:he westczrn most pr•�:�per�i:y) k�ut: anJ.y th�e west:�ri7 r��lf c�f 1�ax l.at 60q (appr�oximatel.y 4 i acr�s) , This amouni:s �:a a i:o1:a1 of 9.a acrcas. Tf7� rc�zoning ca�ald pni:eni:a.al.l.y �cJd 12.� resi.c��n�:i�l units to thi.s, a� m�xim�ani �1].ow�Fale c��u�l.op�m�ni:. '1'he I�17 ouer•l.ay wauld rem�in w9.i:h thp rane char�ge. Pr•�.as�ni:l.y, tri� s9,te Nias orie sine�l� family resid�ncet sc�t b�ck about 7_�C.► i=��t 1=r�am S.W, Naeve, Nearh�,y is an a].d, unused c�r•eenhause �r�d uacant ari�--si:or•y bwa.lc�in�, k�catF� of wh�a.ch ���ar•�ni:J.y w�r� onc� used fi�.�r• a nursery r�us9.npss. 5. �en� and NPQ Commen�:s "I"h� Ti.c�ard School. Uistri.�t h�zs review�c� ttie prapos�l and mak�s th� f-al.lowirig comm�n�s: "I"h� schaoJ. di��r•ic�l: knaw> t:he C;9.ty is awar� afi the problem we are f�ar.:ing regar�dxng au�r�crawc�i.rig in nur schao:Ls, 'T'h� Baar�d of I�ireci:ars has ;�sk�c� u� i;o conu�y ta tFie Ca.1:y th<a di.strict' s cancerris �k�nut {�rop4s�d changns in �he compr�hensiue p.lan which wou7.d 9.ncre�se •l:he d�nsii:y in �r���s wFi�re wc� ar•e aJ.ready �x�erienci.rig considerab].� STAF'F R�POftT — CI�A �7—n].(G) � ZC 87-�02 (G) — pAGE ?. enr�al];m�nt pr�ssur•e� _...,.�.. T'�mpleton E1.�mE�ritG�r�y, fc,i^ exr�m�a.l�. Nlaka.n� s�ach� rhiar�g�s i.n th�� Cc�m�r�h�ns:iv� W�.�n c:ar� s�nd �hn sic�n�l i:o �h� �7uhalic tM��t n�cac�c�d ser�ui.ccas are in �J.�c:� wh7F�rt, 9.i7 i'ar.t., �c.ha�l c].assrnoi��s thr•aughpal: 1:h� r��.stric�t are rc�aehing cap�cii;y. fichool c�a.stri�.t p�ai�r��ans wiJ.l. hav� an ��K>c�r�i�:�.inii�:y tc� a�pr�c�v� adc�i.t.a.c�n�]. rc�nstr�uci:i.c�n funds i,n 1�Q8. Uni:il i;Niai: i:a.ma �anc� a succ�ssful I;>cai7d �lec;i;it�n, �hta district carii7ol; gu�ar�nt.E�� a q�aalil:y ecltac�a�:ic�n�l pr•c7�ran� f'ur• arrc�^��s�d cnr•a1.lm�ni�s wi�Lhnut �sic�il::ic�r�al, c.lassrnum s�ac� bc�ing av�a:i.l.�abl.�. Th�a E::ngi.ri��r•irig Di.Na.sic�n has r�u:i�w�.��9 1�Pi� prc�pos�]. �nr� m�k�s thiE+ fa.l l.awing ccammc�r�i:s ; I:t a.s nc�1: kn�.,wn ifi r�r�ni.r�c� wil.l. cNi�nc�� t.PiEa cl�nsi.ty �� ar.tua]. fufiur�� r��uplo{am�r�t of �:ht� pr'Q4J�1"�::LF?5, Nnweu�r, ta eua3.uate pal:c�i�ti:a1 "wca►^st case" i.m��cts, w� GaSSUm�d i:N��1: �ar..Ni �r�Fa wa.J,l. GIf?UE?�,l�p tn �,i:s m�xi,mum c��nsi.ty. F�cc.ordirtg Lc� i:hP Cummur�ity I��ue�c�pm�zrtt qxi�•�c�nr' s mcamo af p�r.emb�r• 17, 19�6, i�ri� r�zc�ni.nc� cc��a].r� r�e5ta].t i.n u� �0 5Ep aclda,t:ioi�a.l r�sic�ential uni�s �:n �t:he saui:h ���r�t t>f Ti���rc�. Fldr�il:xcanal. r�sic��.anti.�]. �ani.�;s r..�n b� �x�ect�r� tc� q�n�r•ai;� mt>re tr•affic �n n�ar�by strcaci:s , Wp c:an reasor�ably �stima�:e �Lhat �fur� �ach �c�d:it�.r:�nal. sxric�l� f�mi].y �^e aa.dE�ncE�, th��r� wiJ.1 k�E� or�� �dclita.onal. veh9.c].� t:r�iK� t�uring i:hie �u�riing �a�ak haiar, I�FdGc'�IASE? i�h» c�i.gh�t �ar�apcasad r•�tc�ri:inc�s �re spr�ac� ou�r a wid� �r��a, ii: cloes nai: aw��e�r• i:Nio�1: �h� r�caxana.nu� wc�wl.c� hiau� a major .'Gmraar.�� on any onn streaet, °fhe �c���iti.r�nal traff�.c c��talc� be ac�r.an�mc�cl�l:�d hay �:hc� st:r•c.a�t s�yst�m cur•r��n1:J.y �r•cypns�ra a.ri i:hE� C�.ty' s lc�ng_-r�ange p.lar�n:tng. :�ume �a<ac�itic�nal si�r•��t :impr�avramer�i:s. s�aeh as �racai.ti.�n�:i. i:�ar�n J.�n��s �� sel.ec:t�t� �.car.ata.an a, mi.r�hi: k�� r7��d�d �s <-.� r�s�al�: raf �l:h� �c�c�ii:a.an�.l trai�fic, :�1: a��arar°s �l:P�at fi:h� systams c�eu�l<>g�m�r�t ch�nges frorii t;hi�.a �c1c��.i:a,an�.l r�si.c�E?rri�:i:�J. �ar�i.ts wa�al.d k�� �d�c��aat� i:a f�anc� 1:h� �addii::ional. si;rc�et 7.mpr�avemc?nts �l:hat mic�h�t k�e nec�decf. F�dc�i.tion�l. r•e:sid�nti.<-.�1 urii.l:s wc�Gi].d c:r�ai:r� s�.,mc �c�c�9.taari�al, fl<aws i.n tPi� s�wcar•agp sys�t:em, �aut it daes nc�t ap��ar �.hat any i.ricr•�.a�s�s in ��i.p� s�.xE�s woul.cl ra� nec�ssary, �Cn g�n�r•�1, 9.n r�sidc�i7l�i.�]. ar•aas, th�� sa.xa of scaw�r pi�>irig is dc�ter•mii�ca<� hy min:imum si.-r.ing i:o �ccommac�at� maintEar�aric� �c�ui�menl: �^ather tF��n hay flnw rc�quirements , i-lighi�r• r<�si.der�i:xal c��nsit�.es wnuld �r�aMaably resul.t xn slic�hitl.y hic�h�r s�:arm r�i.inc�ff voJ.�amE�s, I:n snme �reas th�i.s may r•equ�,r�� ancreases ir� tMi� sizp af si:c�rm c�r•airiage �i.�aing, `fhe sysl:Gms c�au�].n�,>mer►t charc�es g�nerat��a by th� adcai,ti.orial. un:its sr�c�u:ld bca �d�qu�i;c? tc� cou�r �r�y r�sull:ing ac�c�i�;ioria]. cns�s to �:he stor�m cir��:Gnage syst:�m. :�n►�aGts �an thEa m��or� dr�airragcways wau�.d be nec�lxg�.bJ.e, Np0 #6 h�s rEZUiew�d �rhe proposal and pr•auad�s �he fa�.J.owa.nc� cumm�r�ts: � W� di:;�p�rau� af �N�as proposal. �ar� the fal.l.awa.hr� r����c�ns: xnadequ�acy of si:r�c�e� n�i:wqrkirig and d�v�l.n�mcr�� i;n h�ndl.p :incr�as�d �r�arfic; i.r�consasi:�ni: �K>pl,a.c��i.c�n, by Council, af cri.teri.�n far z�ane �r,�n�� ���: C�r•m�n ta�ni:er); and coni;radicl:�,on af �reua.ous c��cisxort lay P.l�r�riartg i Camma.,sx�n r�g�tr�d�,nr� ;corfe ch�ric�e r��qia�s� by Mo �;ndra�s (re; R-7 �c� R�-12 arti �arcels at appraximat�pl� SW Hal,l dnd 5W Ra�s) . �1`F1Fh R�pQRT µ C;PA 87�U�.(C) t� �� 87�(?'l. (�) � PAC� 3 i � ._ . . . , _ ��� B. F':C:IUD;CNGS ANQ (:qNCI_U;7:COIU� The re].euanl: cr•i.��?r�i� in 1;h�.:> ccase ar•E! fitatewac�e F�l.�nna.ng Gc�als 1, 2., and 1Q, and 'Tigar•d C��mpreh�nsa.ue PJ.�n �aolici�s ?.., 1 . 1, 6, 1. �., 7. ]. ,2, 7.B, 1, 8 .1 ,3, 8.2,2, and Ch��i:�r J.?.., I..oc�ati.c�n�al. �ritar�i,�. The Plannxng si:aff GOflCI.td(��S triat Lhe praposal 9.s cnnsist�nt with the a�plicabl.� w;t�t�wa.c�� Pl.anriin� G;oa1s �nc� C;�aid�lS.n�s based u�an thie foJ.lowinq fa.nc�irigs: 1 . GoaJ. �1. xs m�i: b�c�use tPi�.� City hzas aclapi:�d a Citi-r..ens Tnval�c�mc�nt �rac�r�m incXuc�inc� reui.�w nf all c��velopm�nt ap�liC�atiims by th� N��.griha�r�h�aoc� F�ldnr�xn<� C�rc�an9.r�fi:i.an (IUF�O) , Z:n ac�r�itxun, all pub.lic nni:ice rnc�uir•c�m�ni:s ar� m�t, 2, Gn�l. #2 is m��: b�cdus� the Ca.t:y a�F>la�d �11, ��p�.i�dh��.e Sta�:�wi.c�� Pl.ar�na.ng (aaal.s, Ci1:y Camprehpnsiuc� p].an Po19.r.i,es and DavQ:topm�nt : ; Cc�d� reqtai.�^ements tn i:h� �p�l.ar.�i:9.c�n. a 3 , Goal #10 is satisfa.�d be�aus� tFie pr•opasal. wall prauide for hou5ing a� c�rttemp].atec� wy th� Ca.ty Gnmpr�r��ns�.ve Plr�n and tFie Mei:rapalitan H�using R�alp, Th� Planni.n<� sta�Ff ha� dFt�r�min�d i:h�i� thc� pr•npoaal. i.s consist�nt wath i:he r�elc�uant por•tians of- i:Nie Cnmpr�h�r�siue plan b�s�d upUn 1:he f�.ndings noi:�d b�1c�w; 1 1 , P].an PoJ,i.cy T.. 1 , ]. i.s gati.sfiec� b�c�us� th� Nei.c�riba�^h�od Planrii.ng 0�^gan9.zati.an �and starr•ounc�i.ng �ar�op�r•ty uwn�rs wer� giu�n na�ic� of thi� hear•i.nc� arid an o�a�ori:uni.ty tca comm�nt on the applicant' s pro�asal, ; 2. Pl�n pnlicy 6. 1 . ]. is satisfxec) bec:aus� the zon� GFianc�e wil.l al].aw for multi--f�iniZy c��velopmFant. 7he Caty r�f T'ic��rcl is obli.c��t�d thr�nugh the M�i;r•apalit�n Houai.ng Rul� to �rou:ic�e far� an �qual �m9.x uf sing�.p f-amil.y and ai:tachc�d uriits wi,th an auer�J.l. d�veJ.opm�nt d�nsi.ty of 1q uni.ts p�r acr�. The �ity must en:��ar�e i�hat suffica.E?rtt hi.gher c��nsa.�Cy arP�s are av�i�.�bl.� so thc i,ntan� of th� riousi.nc� rul.e can be m�i:. 3 . P�.an po].9.cy 7, ].,?_ i.s satisfa.�c� b�c�use adeq�aat� servi.ce capacii;S.es ar�c� avai.l�ble 9.n i:he immedia�e �rea, Util.ity ex�ensa.ons (e,g. sewer) w9.11 be necessary to serve the property, Thas can k�� accpmpl9.shec� as � canditian af deueJ.npzng the site, A. P1an pa�.rcy 7,e. ]. is Sa`L�7.5'F1(�(j I,7�CdlUSP_ the 'T'igar�d School Distri.ct w�s ir�farmed af 1:hi.s �rnpa�al. dnd mac�e comments ak�out avercr•awd:iric� in puhlic schao�.s and �he pat�n�:i.al prab�.�ms incr���ec� 4nrall.m�nts co�al.d haue for tr�e qu�J.i�y of educataon in the �.��cal. schaal. sys�Qm. STA�'F ���OF2T � GpA B�--01(G) & �C 87-0?. (G) � �AG� � 5. Plan P���c.y A, 1.3 wi,�l b� satisficd �� a can��t�un for cJ�v�J,ng>m�i7�: c�r �:h� pi^�.�p�r�:y. 'T'hiF n�c�ssar�y r9.c�h1:..�.ofi'....wa,y and a�M'�''(�t :4111�71"UVC?I11F?I'1�;5 WQU�.(� �(? i^f?t�t.i].Y'C�?(� ial� �:�'lc7l� �::I.ITI('_� 6. Pl�n f�c�l.i,c;,y S,1,7 can br sai;�sfa�d ai� fi:his ti.ni� b�c��as� 1°ri_.�.M�t Uf�far� bias s�N•vice un Pacific i•lic�Niway, 7'. The� L.c�cat:i.on�l. C�r•a��r�x� a.n C;h�a�i:�r �.� Uf tNi� F�1�n ar� sal:isfi.�c� f-�r ��he fallow;in� r•�asoi��s : a. T'h� prca���^ty ia witha:n a "C>eve�,�ping Ar�a" �uNiirh xs nc�t caimnii:t�d to �.aw r�ensil:v c�euplarairicarit, i b, �`h� (77iall"Gf?�.S hau� c�ir�c:.t acc.�ss to a P�c.if'i.c:. f�9:gFiw�y, ari art�rial and IUae�e St. , a mxi�ur cn�.l�c:tor, c, D��i�1�.7�m�n�. la.nia.�atic�ns ar�E� not evi:el�nt ar►c� pub:��.c far.i.lii::ias ean be prouS.c�c�d to s�rue i:he prap�r•ty if i:hey �ar�.a �xtend�d, G d, Wuk�lar.. �Liryansa.t is au�i.l�ble far the tw� �ia1Y'C2�.5, �. �UI'1V81'1].P..1'iGP_ I^E?'�:a�].� 5�Y'VIC� 7.S c'�Vc'd1�.cX},7�,P_ i91.�.�1'1CJ Qa"LC:L'F7.0 F�ighway c�ener�aJ, c�amm�rc.i.al. �ncl lausi.ness cEanfi:e��s �r�� 1 tc.i 1.5 mi.l.es �way . C, I'2E(�OMMCIVDA'1':LQN E3�aed u�on thc� aaanv� finr�i.n<�s ancJ c�nclusinns, tM�c� Fylotnninc� staff� rpcoinmenc�s ���rnval uf CI�A 87....0].(G) �nc� "LC 67�.._q?.(ta) , � _...�...._ . ...:_.........._._ �. .. �..__.....___. _._......_.._... -�"':�..._ ....�..... PF71:�AI .: 13Y: To ' nn AC�F� ...._ �D HY: � i l:l.iam�A,� Mr�nahan F�ssa ��ni: P1�nn�r pir�r.l:ar� of Commun7.i:y I�avalnpmc�nt ('1"D;cn/2976P/qp13p) ; 1 ; � ( k S`I'A�'F R�I�(}�2l` — C�A �7�01(C�) & xC 87—p2 (C) -� PAG�. 5 � � � ; ,�`�;,'� S ��,���` � ` �� � ,-�-�� , , � ��ii=� -_ _ �' `� ,, ,`� ' • � �� 1 ��� !� � �. ' � � � s �- �� �s �� •r�.�� � � �, � ' f•t�1/i�111 /111111111111 1I/1�11 �►,� ���� ���i� � �� �. . �� ��1� • � ,� � ��.� •�� ��1 , ,., .. .. � ., � r ,, ►.�� ��1 � ` ;.•'-•, �'�::�� •Ii !� : : `� � •.•,� . � ���. t>►� ,�.� � � � ���� ���` ` �� �i��� �� • � � �,,' _ ,j��1 �,�,� `��� � _ _� � �j�� �� ��! • , . �� � ������ ��+• ��i.� ' ` �, . �.� , � � \ . �_ ' � �� � � ��� � ■ � ' � � '` ` � � — � � � .� ■ IIl��. �� �� � �.� ,' • ■ �v� .► � � � � , ■ 111111�� ■ .. �, ., �., � _ `� ,, , � , � —. ., � ' - ' � , ' � ' • ♦ ��. � . i► + � � � � _ i _ i � .� �' � ��� � r 1 � �. . ��� �� � � � �►�� � . . �� �j �� _ . � . -� 1 , A ; ��!�� '�,, - �■���ri� � � �ij/1 � �' ,_�� � .��. ' .��� - � ■ � � I� v � ■_ ._ ► : I � �1 �� ♦ !� a . _� --�------� �� . / i1.. � � . � � � � :� j�►. �• : � � ♦ � ♦ � - !��`� : � � ���, � ; - � �"� - ' • � = � i�� � ' - .'� .��� - . � �' � � ., � , � � � ��..�■ �� � t� �i . ! � �I■ �e � r . . � � • i - . � �1■ �� ��� � � � • . � �� � � �� ��� : �� i; � : �■ �� ' � � �, :' . . � ■ _ p ' i �� :� = y■ �� ��■�` . � ■ � � � �:'��-,`; ���1 ■ a _ s�; _ . _ . ,��'� . �("�%; (�'�- ;1�{� ,ti �.r:?'•!lr�J t;,;-. � ✓9,y . I� �? 9 January 198? Cit�r of Tigard, Community �evelopment Dept. Ti�ard� Or. 97223 Attn: Keith S. Liden Dear Sir, We undErstand there may b.e some density chan�es in our area and would still like to get R-20 back for our property ati 11165 /SW Naeve ST 2SI -].OD-o060o Key #497377 Sincer ` y. . �/ W. B. Sanders ! 2_3256 B�nts Rd. NE Aurora� Or. 97002 , 678-z327 � l i Y ' l. ' �, ' 4;�. . - .... rJ�i"{',. . ` ' ' ' . ' ±�.".�.. •.�^ .� y . .. 1�� � ' p . . ¢�:' , . . ��}1���. y.�`• .a� i� , ' 4 �'� �� g.. ..{ �.�i. � . '# � ,. . ... .., � +{��f x � � `,�4 � . � • ,A�.�f ' � +, � .'r �' � k P�� • :� i k �"'�.��,� �¢E. �;n.� . .+ a„ ��y�c � 4_Y��. �• . . ��t � �,. :���, � �� , ,�. ��.. t � . ��� `�4 �.�N ; ^�'.�.. 4r��� Y � . � -4�,.: , .1.v} � : e'N� P ��} . N'�. • it. � {�A? `� �i 3 , - e �� x -p r .'Yy� .. . � . . $ .. . . ,trx�r?'�. .. . ._... . . . ' . S'1"AF�'F" �tE.F�qf�"1" A�E:;111C1A �°1..k�M �.2 F M��CN 3, 1987 ..._ 7;3q I�,M. ........._._....._._ Tx:f7f1RC) PL.FINN3;NC C()MM�:;.;;I:UN .1..:L(�(�Rp (;;C:"f'Y Hf�l...l.. ,-- °I"qWN I��f�L.l_ 1�1.?..5 ^W Fi�ll.,l_ RI..V[), 'T':�:(:�A�21�, OI�E:(aOfV �7223 A, F'FtC"f:; 1 , CFnera�. I:nfarmati.an c�u;�: �w� �r...o��F) & �r arW-n�(F) ftF.:(�UE"{;"C': C;c�m�r•eNi��n:�i.u� F>�.�n �mEanc�m�rit fr�cam l..ow D�nsi:i�y C2�:>i.deriti.a]. tc� M�c��:um I�cansity C��sic�nritial �nc� a 7.ur7e Ch�a�rigc� fi^nm i2,�..4.5 (Sir�c�l� Fami.J.y R�sic��nti.a]. A,Ki un�.�:s �c�r acr�) tn R...7 (Singl� F'anii.]:y Resic�enti�l, 7 ur�its par acr�e} . C:OMF>REI��Ei:Nw;xVH F�LAN [)�:�:TC;IVA7T:ON: l..�w d�nsi.ty res9.c�eni�ial LqN.T.NG nFS:CGNA"i":C;�N; R..-Q,5 AAF�LTC;F�1111"; t;ity c�f '!"i.qar•c� OWN�:Fi; �:�Iw�trd & l..a.1:1.�.�n �a1:i:l.�r• Knr�ri�i:h & F�c�ncas Mi.1.1�r Lp(,A'T':CqN: Sau�.h of :.;W Sai:t:ler�. Gast uf ;W �l.c�e?rbraok, nor�i:h �1= SW Haml.�t� and �a��roxi.m<:�i�el.y 6p0 �1:, w�st nfi cW Hal.]. (WC°I"M 7,.�;:1 1].nA lat ?qp anci �art of iqQ) . ?_, E3ac.kqr.c�und,._Infarmatian, No �ar•euaaus l�nc� us� ar>�lar..atic�ris hG��ie b�.3�ri rev:i�wed k�y tr�� Ci.ty r��l.�tine� to thpse two r>arc�ls. xn Uec�mha�r �.9f3f thte 'I"ig�trcl C9.i:y Cc��r�ca.l c��ave cr�nditi.e.,ri��. a�K�raual to th� A1N�c�r•t:sun' s Com�ai^2I'1(�Y15:LVC� I�lan f�menc�m�nt ((�I�A) fnr char�ging 1:h� Gt�tOpr'eFl�►'�:iJ.v� Pl.ari d�asic�nai:ian of sfa��er�a1 �r•ap��^ti.�s ].ar.at�d �t thie soui:h��st cor•rinr• of IJurl•��m Raad a�nd PaciFxc I-ligM�way , 'Tha.s �r�opc�sa]. r�cau�si:ed re;.r.nrai.rig th�s� �arap�!r•1:a.�s fr•cam Pi9.c�Fi d�ns9.t� rc�si.dantiaJ, tn camme�c i.�l. 1"Fie r�sult. of th9.s d�ci5ian w�s �he r�mcava�. af abc�ut; 4pU �ot�nti�l hausa.nc� uni�:s fii^am 'T'ic�arc�' s :iriuEaritory nf I�u9.lc�able 1�nc�, The M��:r��poli�.an 1-1ous'Gng Ftu:�e ada���c� k�y th� l.and Cortservai:a,an and [?eueJ.apm�nt Camma.ssi.on states 1:hiat T'ic�ard must �rov.i.de fa�^ 5q p�rc:�r�t sir�gle famx].y anc� at ].�as� 50 p�rc�ni: s�.n�l� famil.y dt�achec� ar• mul.ti.�l� fama.J.y un�.�s w�;th a ma.na.mum af 10 unx�s ta 1:he net acre. 'The M��rc� I�lot�si.ng R�a1e applx�s �a an�.+� vacant k�ualc���aJ.� �.arid wa,1:h9.n "fi ard' s Urban Pla i.n Area �tr�d c�es . , . g nn c� , d . na� affc:.ct es�at��.i.sh�ci anci r�eu��.nped r�s:idpr�tial �r�as , i � �1'AF`� REPp�i`I" �- CPA 6I--n�,(F') � �C 67�-q2(F) -� pAGE �. � _ -�.,�_ ;: "f'h� Fllk�c�r��t;5c�ri' > C;F>Ft was gr��ni:�ca ai•i th� cc�nclil:9.an c�f � rc�xcaninr� c�f s�af-fS.c:i�nt r�sir�eni�i.a:l,ly con�c� l�ric� 1:o mak� tap fca►^ t:he sMnr•tfi�ll cr•�a�:�d k�y i:hi�.s c�E�c;as7.c�n, l°Nu� Ci.t.y Ct�u1'tC�.l. I'lcis acl�i�ii::i.fi�ca s�v�r��al. si{:�s �L-hr�c�uc�hnul: �t:i7e (::ii:y �o Nap r.onsic��r•�d fnr� inc�^eas�c� r•�s9.c�en�:ia1 d�ris9.fi,y, Th�:�� prciw»i��i:i�s arc� scam� af th�c�s� ic��,ant:i.fa,�c� in t.h� Ci.t:y's attem�at �L-o main�L�i.n campl.i.�nce wi�Gh �Lh� M�trapali���n I•�causing Rul� oi" 10 r�:>a.d�nta.<a.l tarti�LS i;c� thtFa n�.�1:: �cr•�. 3. Vicin�.t�_Tnformatiun "I"hi�s� �r•c�per�l::i.c�s rar�Ea sur•rouncl�ca lay suk��la.uisi.t,ri dEav�J.o�m�nts or� al]. si,c��s pxc�r>t tn Lhe caast wh�ic.h� :is mc�stl.y ��si;urp l,and, 'The c.urr�cznt znni.nc� ��f a�arr•�unc�inc� suk�raavisaoi�s arE� as fc�l.:lows: R-•••A,5 (Si.nc�lEa FG�mi.ly Rnsi�Pni:i�l, A,5 ur�xi:s �er� <�cr�e) c�n ��he nnri:h ai��d south si.c�c�s, R_._7 (Mul.t:ip.l� F'�m:i.ly R�sidE�ni�:.i.�aJ., 7 units pc�i�• ��:.re) t�� th� wFSt and R..-12 (Mul.ti�l.� Famaly R�sa.c�ent:i.�l., ].2 �ani�s ra�r �cre) i:a 1:hiP ca�ast. 4. Site Inf�arm�l:ion and Pr�o�c�sa,l_D�scr�t;.?:on. � _...._.._.__.._._.......:_.__...._._........__._...._.._._........ ...._...... 'The �:wo pr•c�w>�r•t:ins ccansist ��f 1.:ax lost 2Q0 (.lA,.':i7 aar�ns) <�nc� a �nr�l:ior► � of tax lot ].OQ (1?...fi5 acr���) , C�r�s�nfi:].y, i:�x J.c�i: ].OQ is sK�lit -r_nned w;i.�h a�a�rnximai:�ly � �r.r•�s k��ing ccansic�e�r�cac� fi�r• rc�ztar�:inc�. "f'I�e r�maininq 8,fiF.i ar..r�es is currentl.y zc�nec� R-•••17, Prora�r•ti.�s Un Si1:c� F are curr�nl:ly N�c�iric� iasF�c� �for� t^ais�.rig .L1UP_SI;pCI( , 'f'Fi� enl:xr��a ].�ncl h�s ha�.��n c1�ar���a fio�^ �<�si:��r•�, i.1: i.a sur•roui�cl�r� k�y laarla�d w:i.re f-c�ncing anc� a farmho�asn �nd k�arn ar� locai:c�c� nnar ;ati:.l�r I �tr��e�:. "t'h� �rc��o:s�c:l chi�nge oi' :�un� wo�.il.ca al.:l.ow a m�xi.nuam :incr�c.��se af A6 r�sidnn�:a.�l. units f�r• Sii;� ���: �� , 5, Flc�.�±ncy. .anc�_NpQ CommEants ;I', "i"h� 1"a.<�Gar•cl C;chnc.�.l qa.si:r•i.ri: hi�s rc�vi�w�c.l thi� �r�apns��. anra ni�k�s thi� �allowing commer�i:s ; Th� schaal. di.si;ra.c�L knaws the C;i.ty is �wGar•� nf tFie prob,lc�m we are ' racinc� i^�ac�ar•c�ing ovEar•crawcia.rig 9.n aur• scN�aols. 'Thc� 13c�ar•d af f�ir�ee�:ors ! ha� �sk�c� us i:n conu�y to tNie C9.ty the da.str�ict' s conccr•ns ak>aut � pr�o�c�s�d Gh��i��ges :in �t:h� GO171�Y'(�?I'1P.1'18�.Ut3 w>�.�n wh:ich wnuld i.ncrc�ase �:he I densil:y i.n ar��� wh�er� we ar� al,reac�y expet^:ienc9.ric� consi.d�rabl.e i, enro.lJ.mGn•t K�r�essur�s -._ `C�cm�al�al:on �1FZm�ritar•y, far Eaxamp].e. Makzrig s�ach I ch�r�gc�s an 1:M�e Cam�:i^�'riens:iue Pl�n c�n send th� sic�nal. to tF�� p�ak�lic 1;hai: rie�c��c� s�ruices ar•ca in p.lace wh�n, in fac�, schaol classra��ms �h�rou<�hota�� {:Fi� caS,si:ract: ar^� r�achi.ng c�paci.ty � Schcao]. di5tr•ict pat:rnns will hau� an a�apar•i:una,i:y 1:a appr•nue ac�r�i.tianal car�s�r�act:ion f�ands i,n 1988. Urit9,J. tF��t ti.m� arid a sur.cessfu.l band eJ.ectac�n, the di.s�ric� carynoi: guar�arii:ee a q�aalil:y educatxor�al �roc�r�am for li'1C1"QialSOC) enr�alJ.meni:s withota�I; �c�clatiorial cl.�ssronm sp�ce k���.ng av�;i].�talc. `fh� Engir�e�r:tr�g pi.u�.s:ion H�as r•pui�wc�c� �:h� pra�os�:l �rid makes th� fo:l.lowir�r�. commerits: S"fAwF REpORT �- C4�A �7--p].(h) � ZG 87—p2(H) -� pA�� 7. �t is nr�t ki7awn if r��cirii.ng wi.l1. chiang� ��» clEar�si.ty af acl:ual. futur•e c�e�i�l.n�anu�rit af �.he rra��?r•1:a.�s, I•iow�?uer, i:a c���al�.iate pat�nt:i,�l "wni^st case" im�rkuts, w� �ss�am�d tPi�t ��r..Pi �ar�� w9.1.1 <�c��rel.��a tc� ii:s m�x9.mum densi.i:y. According �o thp (�c�mmuriii:y I��vel��amc?nt I�zr�c�ar' s mc�m� of Uecemb�r• 17, ].986, th�� r�xoninc� caul.d r�sult iri u�a tc� 5f�0 adc�9.t:ian�]. r�s:id�ntial units in �he so�al:h �aar�•r uf 'Tic�ai^c�, Adc�9.taan�J. r�sic��nl:i�l. uni.ts c�an b� �xw�er..ted to c�en�r�te m�r� i�r•�ffar.. an n�ar•h�y streFats, WP r.ari Y`P.c-ti 5QY1&lI'J�.y c�st:imat� Lh�at far ��ch ac�c�iticnal !� 5iI�g1F? fami.ly r�:�sic�ence, �LhE�r� wil.:L N�� c�n� ac�d9.tzunaJ. v�hir.l.� �ri.� ' ��ur�fng �l�h� E�ver�ing ��c�ak hour, RP.C.c'�I.ISP_ the ea:ic�Hit �r•u�anscad recunirigs �rp spr�ad �.7u�:�r � wi.c1� ar•��, i�: c�o�a n��� �K>����r� i:hiai: th�.� r•�rani.nc� wc��a:�c� hi<�vn a majar imp�c�: on any on� strc��t. "fhe ac�c�itic,i7�l. i�r�ffic c�.��a],c� b� acc:ammadrai:ed b�l i:h� s1;r•��t sysi:�m Cl.11^I"E?YYI:1y �rc��osEd iri th� Ci.ty' s lor�g..._range planri:ii7c�, Sama a��c�il:ianal strc�e� impr�ovF�m�rits, s�ach as acldi.t�,c�rt�1 i:iar•r� ].anes �1:: sc�lect�cJ lor..al�icans, might: k�Ea n�±caded as � r�sult uf 1:h� a<�<�a.tior�al 1:raff:ic, :Ci: ��a�>ca�rs �h�t �l;ha �ys�l:cams d�uFl<��mE�nt ch�r�c��s fr�om tPi� ac�cai.l:a.�.�naJ. r�si,r.l�.�r�t:ial, uni,t:s wn�a],d b� �d�qu�t� to f-und i:h� ac�c�it�.onal str��t 9.mprav�m�ni:s �l.h�ai: mi��ht be ne�dec�, Adrai�i.<,nal. rc��;iclE�nt:i�l. uni.i:s wc�uJ.cl r.r�<�i:e sanic.a �cicli.t:��n�aJ. fJ.nws ir� th� sewc�r�age sysl:c�m, k��at :it c�caes ncat ��a�>c�ar �:Niat any xncrc�a�c�s ii7 r�:ip� si,x�s wo�aJ.d b� n�c�ss�ry, 7:n c�En�r�l., i.n r�sic�entia.l rar<��s, t:Nic� siz� of st�wpr pip7.ng is c�ci:ermir»d I�y m:iriai7��am si.;ring �:a accnmmo<��t� m���.nt�riaric� ec�uipmeni� ratNier� than hay fJ.nw r�ec��aar�meri�Ls. Hi�h�r• resic��n�.9.a1 c�erisi.ti�s wc�u:ic� ��r�aha�k�ly r<�su1t iri stighitly tiS.c�hei•, starni r�unc.7ff vaJ.�am�>, xn som�:� ar��s t;P7i.s m�ay rec{�,iar�� incr��<�ses i,n thi� a�.LP_ af sl:arm c�rairi�ge pi�aing. Th� sys��ms ��au�lo�amc�nt char�c�ps g�nerG�tEC� k�y tH�e adclit:i.c�ri�]. un�.t� sFiou].c) k�� ar1�?c��a�tEa to cau�ar any resuli:ir�g ac�c�i.i:9.ari�1 costs i:a i:he s�:or�m c�r•air»c�e sysi�Gm. ;Cmraacts on tMi� m�a�jor• dr�S.r��c�ewG�ys woulca k�e r»c�7.9.r�ik�l.�. IVPO #6 has r�ui�wec� the �rnpas�.l and �arov9.cies tha fo�.l�wii7g ee�mments : j We das���>i^c,v�� af trii.s �ai-•c�K�nsa1 f�r i:Fr�:? i'o.11.owinc,� re4asons; inadequac.y nf si:i^cac� r�el:wn�^kinc� �i7d c�c�uelnK�in�i�ii: i:a hi�nc�le :�r�cre�s�ci �Lr�affic; i.nconsi.si:�ri1: a�K>J.a.catic�n, k�y Caui•ici.J., of cr�,�erian for -r..on� chany� (r��; Garm�n C;�nt�►�•); �nc� cnr�tr•�c�iction af pr�u:i.��as c��c:�saon h�y P.l.anning C;c�mmissi.an r�c:�qar�c�inq zone ch�nc�e recau�st by Mo ]:nc�ri.ss (r��; Ft...7 i:c� R-12 un r�arcel.s at approximat�ly SW Fial]. arid �W i2ass) , E3, �"]:Nn:I:IUC�� �IVL� CQNCL_USI:QN,ti The r�J.au�ni: cri.�:eria a.n �r�a.: casr ar� wi:�tewxc�� Pl.�nni.nc� GoaJ.s �,, ?.., ar�d 10, �nd "I':igard Cnmprehensiue i�l.an �>alica.es 2., 1, 1, 6. 1. ]., 7. �. ,2, 7,E3, �., 8, 1 .3, 8.7_.?_, �,nd Cha�i:er �.2., Lc�cataona]. Crxteria. TNie Pl.arining sl:aff corticluc�es �l;h�t �l.Fi� pr•a�ns�]. is cansistent wi�h �l:hc� �p�].icabl.� St�ai:e.wac�ca Pl.annin� Gc��ls �nc� CuS.d�J.in�� b�sed u�on t�ri� fall.awing fir�dings; STAF'F REF�ORT — CI�A 87--01.(F') & �C 9%—q7(r) — pAGE 3 1, (�ua1 #�1 :is i7�ca1: ha�c�us� i:hp (�i.��y has adur>i:c�c� � (�iL••i,zens �:nvnJ.v�mE�ri1: �royr•�am a.i7cl,ur,lan�� rFaui�w t�f° a),J. cic�v�].apm�nt ar>�al.i.cai:a.�>ns hay �.hi� 111�;ic�hlaorFic���c� I�l:annirig pr•r��n9.ral:i��n (NI�O) , '.Ln acicait:ian, a1.J. K>�.ibli.c rrcata.ce �^Ear��ai.r•c�m�r�1:5 ar•c� mefi:. 2. Gcti�l #2 i.s m�t ha�cause 1:h� G9.ty ar>��.i�ad a1:1 ��p1ic<�k>ln S�:atrwi.<�c� Fy].�nrrinc� C3�.��1.s, Ca.�t;y Cc�mw>rc�ht�risa.u� Pl�an Pa].a,ci.�s �anrJ p�ue].o�m�nt Cc�d� i�•�cytair•emnr�ts i:n i:h� a�p.l:i.cai;a.an, 3 , Cn�l. �#].C1 is s�atisfi�d k��.ar..a�as� �Fi� pr��:��c�saJ. wa.11. w>r•auid� fnr• Niaus:iny �s c;nr�i>�n►p.lai�:c�c1 �ay the (;ii:y (�am�arc�hnris;iue P�.an arit i:he Metr•c���c�J.i.�.�n f�laiasa.r�<� Ftul.�, , 'ThP Planning si�afif h��s cl�i;�r•m:i.t��aci i;hiat t;Nie �ara�asal is r.eansi,sl:<ant wii:ri ttr� r�J.�u<ani� �c�rta�ris ofi taica C;�m�i^�Mi�nsiu� �lan k�as�d upon tFiEa firic�i.nc�, �,��:�� ��i�W; 1, Pl.�an Pc�li.cy 7.., :L. �. i.s s�1:i.sfi.�c� k��c�au�� th� N�igh�t�rNu�ad F�l�anr�i.nc� . . . . . . Or�ani.x.at9.can <ai7c� siarrcaui���:ing �rca�erty awnEars w�r•e g�,uc�n nntic� uf tFi� h�.�ari,nJ �ricl an �.,��anr�:�ani.t:y i:c> comn�E�nt c�n the a��].iaarit's rar�pos�.l, 2, F�].�n C�c�J.i.r..y Ei. 1 . 1 a.s s�1:i.sfi.ed b�c.��.ise tr�� rc�n� criarrr�� wi,;ll. �J.l,aw gr���:er �Fl.nx.i.k�il:ii:,y �fc�►^ hpusiric� c:t�oiC�s :Cn 1�8A �:hc� City ap�rou�d � ;r�.,n� c.N��nye fr�om F2--12 ta f2....7 on �twc� p<�rc�l.s totala.r�c,� a�a�ar•nxi.ma�:el,y 20 �cr�s ��L �Lh� carner uf I�iall 13.1ud, and I�ui^N�am Rotad. A].�a, Bc�nd C�ark s�abc�i.vi.si.an, ].oc�t�d nc�r�th ��f C)�arP�am C2�ti�c� an ei.l:hier� si.c�� af 7�i:h Avcznue, :is a sin�le family rnsir�pni::ial d��relc�F�m�n1: c�cc�arririy an ].�n�a wh9.c.h as zc�ne f�.-.1'l. �ncl �J.i.gik�l.e f�nr� mu1t9.�-family r�siden�::i.al. c�cau�le��mc�n�t, "i"NiS.s �art�posal wiJ.l h�lp s�a�pl�menl: t:ha a.riv�r�i:ory oi' lr�nc� in th9.s �ar�a of i:hi� C;i.i�y wNia.r..Ni a.s <av�ilahle for m�.il.�:i._.famil.y ���uelnr>meant, T'h� Ci.t:y of 'I'i.c�zarci i.s abJ.i.g�i:�<� thr�c�u<�h thi�:� Met,r�c��c�li�:�n F�aus9.r�c� I Ru].� to pr�av:ic�� ��ar an cac��aal ma.x of s�.ngl.� fiai��il.y and at:i:ac:h�c� uni.�LS wi1�.Pi c�n e�u�ra.l.l. d�vc.�l��m�i�t dcansil:y c�f 1() ur7�.ts ��r ac;r•e. I "fha C:i�t�� must �ristare 1:N�a1: staffa.cx<?rit 1�igl��r d�nsity �r�as �re ! av�i7.<:�k>].�:� so i:h� :ini��ri�: of i:he ri��asanc� rul.� cart b� m��:. 3. Nl.an Pol.i.cy 7, 1.,2. can h�� sai:isf:i.ed IJf?Gc'1llA8P_ n`t(��(�tAia11:P_ s�ruic� ca�r�Gifi:xes �r�e a���9.J.�k>3.� a.n t:l�ic� immedi,al:� ar•ea, Uti.�.ai:y �x�L-�r�sians (Fg, sc�wc�r) wi.11. k�e r��cassary to serve i:Mi� pr�p�i^ty wh:�cl7 r..a.n be accomw>].S,sNi�cl �s a canc�i,ta,on �f c��vE�l.c�pi.ng thc� si��. :Ct i.s r�cagna.xec� •t:hat traffic uoJ.untes have i�cre�s�c� on Na�.X t3J.ud, . Hraw�uer�, ac�rJ9,tiona1. d�v�l.��m�nt r.an be arlc�c��aa�F�l.y serucd w�.i:h 1:he exisl:i���g faci.l�.ti�s. At max;i.mum d�uPl���m�i7t 9.t a.s anti.caK�a�Lac) tM��t tr°affi.� wi.:ll inr►^ea>e by 46q �:ri.ps per^ day. 4, �l.an Pc��.�.cy 7,8. 1 a.� sa�isfi.�c� b�?cause the Tic�arr� ScMioal qx�tr•i.G� wa� a.ri�arm�c� uf tN�:�s pl"C�K)t)soi7. and m�de cc�mmen�s �tac�u� auercrowd:ing �.r� pub�.�.c �chaaJ.s �;nd i:he ����r�i::�al pr•ak�l.��ris irrcre�s�c� enro�.l,m�r�ts cou�.t� hau� far� �r7e qua7.a.�y a� ed�ar.�tian �.n thr� local �crraa], sy�i:�m. �TA�F �E��pR'I" »� C�A 07-�G�.(�') 5� �C �7--Q2(F') -� pAC� A 5, @lan palicy 8, 1 .3 wi�l b� satisfia� �s a conc�i�i�n fa� dev�lc��ni�ni�: of' tF» pr•�.-���t^ty, "fh� nEacE�sSar•y rigMit_,.nf-...way �artd s�reaat i.mprauPmants wi.11 be �^�c�uir�d at i:h� t�:me o1= c��ua].a�a�t��n�L. 6. Pl�n P�la.cy 6.�,7.. can bc? ���Lisfi�cl �t tN}i,s t:int� b�r.aus� Tri-.,.M�t �fft�r�s r�.ish h�our hxas s�rv�.c� on I�I�I.I, F3l.�d. , As suhs�qu�nt �I�velnpm�nt c�ccurs a,n thii.s �r•��. Ha].J. k3�.ucl , w�.l..l b� � ],c�gicaJ. ' chc�ice for r•e<�ular bus ser•u�.ce, 7. TFIE? l..c�c:o�t:i.nna]. C;riter�id in Ch�apt,�r 12. c�f th� P].�n �r•� s�ti.sfxed fUr �he fa�,lnwirig 1"P.a"11SC11'la; a, l"hca p�rc�l.s hiau� di.r�c1; �ccess tc� SW S�a�Lt7:�r wh�.ch zs � mirtar� callar.�:Ur. b, D�u�lc��meri{� l.imi.tati.c�ns ar�� nc�t eui.dent �r�d pubJ.i.c. faci.l�.ti.es can k>e �rova.ded i:n s�rve �ha �arapP��1:y, c, R�r�ul.�r� pubJ.ic tr°aris�.L i.s eiat �u�i�.aFal� ��r��seni::ly, bui� Ha].1. 13.1vc�, is a likely rou�e fc�r fiai:ure s�r•u,ic�. d, Coriu�naenr..� retaal. s�rvace is av�il�tbl.� �l.c�nc� ptarN�am/Pid�.l i.ntersectian �nc� ni:h�r cammer�cia:l anc� l�us:in�ss ccn�ers ara �. .5 tc� 2 mi.J.�.a> awa,y, �. Publ.ac Gp�n s�a�ce i.� s�v�ai.J.�bl� n�ar•k�y a1: Cac,k P�rk, qur•hani rlcamer�i:�ry �chc�ul, and "fic�ard Mir�h ScFiao.l. (�. 12F:(�qMME�NpA"f:CON Based upc�n th� ak>ou� findinc�s ar�d concJ.usions, tF�e PJ.<anr�a.nc� st�aff r�ecumm�nds appraual af CPfl 87._.pl(F) and "I,C 87--q2(F) , l _..��.___..._..�__-�_.__w...�......_ ��.. :....�%�-.�.�:�. I�h2C:PF� -p !�Y; 1`om Da xUn f�PpR4V�:� HY; Wa.��iam F�. Mcar�ahan �� F1s�isi:�ani: F�l�r�n<�r C)9.r��c:tc�r of Community I��vela�am�nt ('1'p:k�s'1_9 71.P) i f } i a STAFF' ��pqRT � GF�A 8�'w�Ql(F) � �G B7'-0�(�') -� pA�� 5 � � � �� �� , � ...., i �� ■ �� =i��,����,��,, i : �� 1 , (���� �� ����t`�.�`"� _ �� ! ■1��� ■ • � - �� ��c�;�� ���� r 1�� + G .�: �� �? �d ������ � � " ,. a . �,� � ■ i��� � �� � � � � �'�•�� - . � ■�������■ ��� ����� � � " ���� . � � i � � � " , ► .�� ■ � �►A,� . - � ■ , � ■ ��� � , � ■ � � ■ � �; � 8����� ■ � � � !� .. � ■A � . � �� . . � ��������Q ���■ �,��� � �� � �� �I ■�■ �■ � . : � . �� ,,� . � � . �•� �� ��1 . .. � �� _ ■ ■ : �� 111 \►� . � tL �i� i - '' !� r,� �rl�-� ��r.� �r � ■� �■ i: � � l. •� . :• .�. � � �� . r �• i,i J� �� � � � �� . � �� :: ���� ■��►�7� :►�ti ' .� � - ■ �� ��►. . . . r � � � , �� � '� �'�� . �' , �i� � �r � .. .� . � ■ I� � ' �� :i�: : r _ _ ����Illillllil � � �� � ,� ' . . � � . : ;. � ,,�.;1= :; � � �.. : �� ��►��: �- �� : � 11�il,'' a r�� �� � ■�H \II: ' ��� :� � `� ��►I� � � � � � � s ����H■���._ � � � �� - �''� �• ■ . � - �►� . ♦_ �a ����i,. 1,, �� ^ • � � � ■ �r►j� ,� ;.• '� �: ��t a� `�♦ .�� —■ .. ., � � �1�.. � ��.•� ° •� 1�� �� �►♦j�ii � � ���� � � �� . ! � � � � � �Ille�! 1�� i . ►�i � � �j..� • ��III ����� � 't ;��� � u��i� � 1 � i�����1����� �u�1 : ��j ���� ■� ■, ��s �� ��' � .. � �.�///11111 ■.���� III � 1���� ■� ■ ��.. ��! �� 1� � __-.-� ,..1 � ■ �• �.N�� �. . -, a :� =r � ° � � ����. 111�� _ " � '�,r�1_ :.,: . - •, 111111� ' � • �.,���/.i . �t ��L � - ..� I � ,: �� ,. � � .1�►� ���■ � . ` Ii ����� • i= ���� � . s 1� �. . � ;��� .� _ - � .����i , : 1`/ _ . _ S"f'A�'F�' �2E�PqF2l" FaG�.IVC►A I:`I"�;M 5,?..,H MAF2(�W 3, 198'1 ..._ 7:�4 I�,M, 1'�:(;3F�RC;� I�L,.ANN�;�I� COMM�:�S:X:ON .'i":CCA17q (�:L'rY I�{Al.�. ..�. "C'OWIV HF�I..I. �:3 J.�S �;W MFli.l„ k3L.Vp, .7";CGARq. URF{�QN 97?..?3 A. FF1C'�'� 1, Gen�r�l. I:nfor�ma•ti.on cASF: ca�a(� 87._.n1 (�-I� RE:(�UE::;;'1"; C:�m��rehEansi.uc� P1<�n Flmc�r�c�m�rii; fr•c�m ME�c�:i�am Nxr�t� pE�nsafi:y Resa.d�nt.ia.l i:o Wic�h I�cans:�ty R�si,<�er�tial. COMF>FiF:.HC�:NS:I:VE� f�l.f1N DE'•�;�:GNAT'!:C)N: M�c�i.iam F•ligh l��risa:�:y ION:CN(� r)[�S:[:(�NF�"I":LQlU; 12,....24 (Washir�y'tc�n ra, ) AF�F�I..IC;�N'1"; Gi.ty af Ti.c�ar^d OWNE:I�: �toy C Cer�i�rud�.� G►^ay ;Jr�hn & ��rcy �r•�dpr�:�ck L_q��'T:CON: �ast ufi �W I�ar.i�fir. Piwy , , nar•�l:h of i;r,e �ru���t:xn R:iuc�r aru� ap�rc�ximat�l.y 100 f1:, st,�.rl:h nf SW Grau�ri:� :�.. (WC;l"M 251. �.SC; loi:s ].q0 ar�d 130Q) . ?... E3ack�rauncl.....1�nfarmati.on These pro��r�l:i.es �r•e p�^Ea:>�n1:1y ].acatec� a.n unincor�c�r�i��d Wrashi.nc�t:c�n Caurity k�ut ar•e wxi�.hin �l.hc T:ic�ar°ci plarining F�r•�a. 'Tha �r�serit �aro��r•ty awner•s rE�cata�si:�c� a Gc�m��r��hc�ns;iv� Pl.�n Am�ridnic�r�i: a� p4�r�t c�f th�� r�-x,nninr� nf r�sa.deni:i,��. �ar•<��>�r�ties assaci,a�Y:��d wxth t:h� Alhapr�l:son' s p>raposa.l. xn pcar..��mt�<ar 1�86 �hr "i`ig�rd C:i.�:y C;t1i.lY1C:l.a. �idVF? cc,nc�i.t:ic�n��. �p�r�oual to �;he Al.k>�r�sar�' s Cc�m�ar�hi�rrsive I�l.�n Am�nclmk�rit (t�f�f�) fior chany:ing �t.h� C�mprc�Pier�:si.u� Pl.an d�sxgri�at;iari of s�u�r�r�]. �r•c�p�ri:i.��s J.nc�t�d �t1: i:he saui:hc�asi: rurri�r• ui� purh�m 12u�ad ar�d Pacir:�c Wighway. 'T'Niis �ar•apa;��l r�c�uest:eca re�z�niric� the:s� K�r�n��rti��s fr•om hxc�l�� dE�nsity r•�.asa.d�nt9.�J. t<i �:ammpr�c a.a�, l'hca r��sul,'h: c��f' 1•.h9.s ti�aci.s�.or� w�s> th� i^�mc,val af abc>ut: Aqp pc�t:eni�9.aJ. haus�.rig wria�i�s i�r•am Tiqarc�' s ir�ueni:ary af ha�i.ld�ahl� l�nd. '1"M� Mei�ro�nl,Gi:ar7 W�taai.n� R�a,l� acaapt:�c� hay i:r» �.4ar�d Cons�r•u�t:i.or� and ' f7cauelnr�mpn� Ca►nm�.ss:�an si:ai:es i:hi�t Tic�ard must pr•avide fnr 5Q per�<ar�t si.ngl� f�mi.J,y �ric� ai; 1��a� 5� p�rc,�r��: sinc�le famal.y a�t:ac:h�d c�r• mi�X1:i.�>1e �Fani7��.y �ar�7.L-s wi.i:h a mi.na.mum a�F �.0 ur�i.�:s to 1:he n�t iICT"P.. "I"h� Mcai:ro Hn�aS�.ng I�uJ,� �:�p�li�a t� c�rt].y vac.ari� b�ai7:r.lak�7.e :L<�r7d wi�Fiin 1'S.c�ard' s llrh�n Planna.ng Ar��, <�.nc� c�o�s rio� af•Fact �s�abla.sNic�d �nd d�ueJ.a�>ed res9.�i�nt.i,�]. ar•�a>, �T(�1=1= R�PUI2T — CPA 6t�-pl(N) � ZC 87��2(H) �- PF�(.;� 1. l"h�? Ft.lk>�r•�Lsc>n' s f.;F>� wras cyr•�r�1:E�cl �n i:hi� cc�ndi.t;a.c,n nf � r��••r..c�ni:n<� c,f sufi'f-i.cierit rcas:ic�n�taally ;rar»r� lanc� to i�takp �a� fai^ �In� shnr•tfi�ll cr'E?nl'I:F�C) ha� i�:h:i.s dE�c;].5:I.C)Yl, "i"h� C;i.1:y C;atanc�.l. has i���ni:ifi'i.�cl s�.av�r�7. siL�s i�hrnur�ho�at i:he (�:i.i:y tn bn r,cansir�c�r�c� �fcar� :�ricr•��s�d i^�sic��n{:ial d�nsil:y. Rl.i:N�c��.ic�ri �LhF�s� 1•.wo �r:�r•G.€�J.s w��� nc�t s�l�c.tc�c� k�y t:hie Gaty (�otar�ci� fior cans:ir�car•at:a.c�n, :i.t was S�I�r�C�?5'l:4?c� to �h� Pl.ann:iny qi.uzsiUn hay bc�i:ti �ar•c��er~l:y ciwr��i^s arid hay 1;Mr�:ir• r•�pr�s�ntza�::iu�, f'c�r tM�:i:; r��!asc�rt th�:�� prnpnr•i>a.c�s ar� ic�car�ta.fi:i,nc� in �Lhn C;i.t:y' s a�:t�airi�t ta maint�.�in cc�mpli.�ric:e wi.i:k7 1�:Fi� M�?t:rci�>ol.a.�;an Haus:i.nr� F2u.l� ofi r() r�si.ta�nti�.l un�.ts �n i:r,e r,Gt �a�r�, 3 , Vicinitl!.. lnf;�rmati�n. "C'hEas� �rap�r�:i,�s ar� k�c�r�d�r�c?ra by th� l"ua]:a1:i.n Ri.ver• 1:c� thi� south anc� n�cifi.c I-ligh�way �l.a 1:Nic� west, Unancc�r•raor�i��c� W�shii�ic�tc�n Gaurity znn:cng ' distr�a.c�t;s i.nr.l.ucac� H.....� (Ft�si.c��ry�i�l., 9 ui7i.t:s ��r �c:r�) tc� t.Fi� nar�th�. TFi� subjc�ct raarc.Eais hcaur�d i:he ur�ha�n c�r��wi:h k>nur�c�ai^y to i:h� sc�ui:h and w�sat, 4, Site_,I;nfCrm�tion...and..._pro�o:s�1,_.l��.scr.i.�tic�n, '1"h�e sau�herl.y pra�er•i:y af 1:hE�se t:wc� K>ar•cals haor•c��rs an i:he Tual�tin Ri���r i:c� �Lh�.� s�-��atMi, th� nc.,r��LNi�.�r•n �art c�f thr� prop�rLy i.� c�n ha,gh gr�oGind wii:h a w>ar•t1y boar�c�cac�.�-�ap I'1C)U5G lacatnd ri�xt t;a I�acit'S.c H:ic�h�way ancl a c.�.,�aK>J.a of sh�d� si,i:u��:��c� ahaoul: r.i(7 fee�: frc�m the mairi strur.tiarc.� and fr•um �ach c�i;h�r�, A .la��•�e si�i^�ac�tare, ap�ar�nt�.y a bar�n, 5ats in i.Mea snut:h��rn ht�1f of �l:l�ie l.a�t., l"hxs �ur•1:a.on c,f th�e �ar�aK>tar�ty i:> sic�ni�fi.c�ni:ly lower �L-h�an i�h� i�or�i:h<arn h�l.fi� anci :is wit:h�a.n i:Fie 1n0 ye?�ar� flc.�ad hJ.��i.n, ��uc�r�al. sm<�zl.l. fl.�.,cac! pc.�nr�s w�r�� oN�s�ru�d ai�c� c�r�ai.n�c,�e c�n 1:h� �.ower �ar•�Li�n af 1:h� r���c�r��r•i:y is r>aor, Beraac��.�s 1:h� bui.J,•t: �c�ri�:ton of 1':hiis .la•t:, i;Fie ].�rua i.;s K�<�r•i�i�ll.y w�nd�cl w�.i:h sEav�r�1 si:r�n<�s o•F fir�, ccac�ar, <:�nd �u�argrcann tr•�as scai:�er��d �k��7�at, "f"hP cl.��ti^�c:l �ar��l:a.ans of J.r�nc� ar•� use�l �as � caw �astur�c.a, "I"he s�cc�nd �r•o�anr�i:y (�t.he mc�st nor•i:Hi�rly) cUntair�s a singl���_.f�mily dw�1J,a,r�r� �ei:k��ck aF�ai.it: 300 fi�, fr•am C�acif'i.c Nic�Piway , T'ri� r•�sic��nr� a.s siarr�aunc��d hay uari�aus s�cac:i�s ��f bai:h canif�rs and (�E?CJ.C�IAC)lAS t:rc��s. "I'r» fr�ont: ri�li� �.�fi 1:r�� K�r•apEar•1;y h�� Fa�c�r� c1Far��c� ��nd i�r�ec� tra.mmanc�s and si:iainps are K>ilc�d up in s�vnr•al �.lacps , 5, Ag�ncy and .N�?0_C;amm�nts "I"he Tic�arc� �chi�r�l. C�i.s1:r•:ici: h�s reua�w�.ac� �:Ni� �ro�as<�1. and maG��s tN�E� fiollawir�g cnmmerii;s; 1"h� Sr.haca.l di.s�ri.c�: knows 1:Pi� C;i.i:y i.> �w�r� o�F 1:hi� �rak�:l.em we ar�� facing rcagarciing auercr�nwc�i.ng iri �aur schaa�.s, 'Tfhn [�nard uf I�xreci��rs h�5 ask�ta us i:n conv�y �c� th� r"•i.t:y th� disl:rS.ct' 3 CUnCP_M'P1S abaut �>i^apas�c� GN��ar�c�c�s :in �:he c�7m��^�h�rtsiue �:>1an which wa�ald increase 1;i�e densii:y i.n ar��xs wher�� w� ar� �J.r�ac�y �xp�r•ic�r�cinc� cansiderab�e �nr+�ll.ir�c�nt �ar�essurns ,�,..— T�ntpl.e�on I:l.�meritary, fnr hxam��.�z, M�k;ing such r.hanges i.r� �he ComprsNier7:�iv� p].�an car� send �h� si.gna�. ta thre �ukili,r. i�h�t ���ec�ec� s�rui.c�s are i.n �i�.ace when, in fac�, sr,haol cl�ssrat�ms �hrouc,�h�ut 1�Fi� �la.�tri.ct: �r� re�c��a,nc� capacity. SchaaJ. di.si:r�9.a� p��r�ans wal.J. Hi�u� �an a�pc�r��;ur��.ty tn a�a�arcaue �dc�x��.an�l cons�r�uc�iUn fur�ds 9,n �1'AF'1= R�pp�t`I� �- CPA a7-0:1.(H) c� �C 8�'—p2(N) —, pf�G� 7. 1�88. Uni.il f:Fiat i::i,me and a s�acc�sst=�1 J�aund al.�ction, thP r�istric�: carinol, c�uar•�n1:�Ea a q�a�al.a.ty ��i�ac�t:a.c�n�l K�r•c�c�r�m fcir inrr�dsarJ c�nr•al.,lm�n�:s w:ii�h�ut �dr.liti.anal c.lassraum space ba:irig auail�k�le. Th� E:ngi.n��r•:inc� Di.u7.sion has r�ui.ew�c� tM�� prc�postaJ. �r�d m�kEas tPi� fa�.l:cawing cc�mm�ni.s; It is nc�1: kriown if' rc�;�oninc� wi.l.�. r..h�nc�e i:Ni� dfansi.i:y of �r.t;ual, ful:�are c��upl.ar>m�nt af i:Fi� �ar•aperties, Wcaw�uHr, to Pva.lua�e p�ten�i.al "u,�ar•s� ca��" impacl�s, w� ��>��um�c� th�i: �s'ach ar�a wi..11. clEauelap 1:c, ii,s maxxmum t��ns7.i�y. Ar,card:ing ta thn rc�mm�rii•!:y I�c�u�J.a�amFant �i� �ct�;�'s iiic�POu �f p�cem��r• ].%, �.986, tNi� r-�-r.,c.�ni.ric� ac��aJ.d r�esu]:t i.n u� t;� 5�i0 adc�i.l:::ic�n�]. r�s:i���rit:i�l units in thp sauth par•t nf Txc��rd. Adcli.t.�.ctin��. rc�sa.r��ari�:S.al. wni.�s c�ri b� �x�aec�ecl tr.� gen�rat:E� mc�r� traffi.r.. on n�ar•by strc�c�i:s. We can rcaas�n�hly estimata that for nach �c�c�iti.c>nal si.ng.l� f�tmil.y r•�sad�ricca, th�:�r•� wi.J.�. b� an�:� addi.tic,n�aJ. u�hicl.e tri� tiui-�ing 1;17e evcan:ing Kxa�k haur, 13e<.atase 1:he eic�l•it �a�^aposc�d �^�;zor�ings are spr�ac� au�r• � wir�e area, 9.�. does nai�: apK��ar thai: th� r�ror�inr� wc�t.i].c� i Fi�aue a ma;jor• iin�aar.� un any r>r�e sLrcact. 'Thp adc�iti�an�1 1:raffic cc�ulc� b� accommadr�t.�c� k�y th� str��t sysLem c:urr�ntly prc��os�d in the Ci.ty's ].ang__ra�r�ge �aJ.�nnirig, Sc�me ac�c�i��ianal. strc�c�t a.mpr�auE�mc�r�t>s� 5lAGI'1 as adr�ifi,a.c,n�l turn �.ia1YlE?S �i: s�l�ct.ec� ].oc�ti::ic�ns, ma.grit: k�<a n��c�Eac� as ra rFasult c�f �;hc� adc�itianal 1:r�affic. ;Ct aK��aca�rs 1:N�at 1:1•ica sysi��ms c��ue].c�pm�nt: c.h��nc��s fr•om tNi� radc�i.ta.on�J. r•�sad�nta.aJ. ui7il�s wc��a:l.d ha� ac�c�quatc� to f�arir� i:hie �c�ditiunal si:r'Cak?�; a.m�r•av�mer�ts �:h��t mayht lae neHadec�, Adc;li.tic�nal r��>i.c�E�nti<al. uni.t;� w��ul.c� cr�E�at� sc�m� ad��i.tac�nr�J. f1c�w<.> in thF snw�r��c�� sysi;c�m, h�ut it c�a�s i��ctit �{��a��r �:hat any �.i�c�i^�asns a.n �:i.pe si-r..c�s watal.d k>e� I'16!C4?aSEl+l"y, 1:n r��n�r��7., a.n rc.asicaeni�a,<�l. �r•eas, t:N�a si-r.� of sc�wer pi��.r�c� a.s c�efi:ermir��c� by mS.ri:i.m�am si.;r:ing to a<.,r.ammoc��t� mai.nt�nar�ce �c�ui.�m�.�nt rat�i�r• 1:han k�y flow r�qua.r•�me�n�ti, I-ligh��r r��si,d�n�:a.al c��nsit�a.es wotalci ;�r�«k��k�1y t^esul� in sli.ghi:ly hic�her starm r•uru7ff va7.um�s. :Tn sc�mEa �r•eas t:M�i.s niay rec�ui.r�� ir�crc��ses in �Ftc 5ize of yi:nr�m c�rainar�� pi.ping. T'h� sy��L�ms c��uelo�itierit r.hai^c�ps gen�r•��ted by i:he <�cicl9.�l:ic,n��. uria�s shauld k>� ac��qu�1:Ea tc� cav�r �riy r•�su.li::ing �.c�c�i.tinr�al. cosl:s �a i�hp starm c�r•ain�c�� syst�m. rmp�cts on th� mzajnr• r�r��i.ri�<�ewG�ys wa�al.d k�e ner�l.i.r�i.k�7.p. NPU #5 �ric� #6, a jair�t mn�ting an rPbr�aai^y �.8, ].9£3/, inc�ical:ad i:hey wo�al.r� au�)ppM'1: i:hiE� rexai7i.n� nf �N»>r•_ i:wa �a�rc�l.s. �. i=;��uu:�nic�s ��uo �;an�ciwus;ra�us Th� rca�.�u�n�: cra.t�t^i.a :�ri tr�is cas� ar� 51:�1:�wi.d� Pl.�nn�.nu� Gaa],s x, ?_, and J.O, �nd '1'igard Gompr��hensS.uP �l�n �JQX�.GxP_S 2. 1 , �., fi, 1, �., 7,1 .2, 7, �, 1. 8. 1 .3, 8.2,7.., anc� Cha�ter 12, L_oaa�i,anaJ. Criteri�. 7hn �1ann.ing s1:ai=f concl,udes �hat i:he �ar�opasal xs c�ansi,si:�rit with �Gh� apr�].i�abJ.� C,i:�t�wide Pl.anni.ng Gaal:> �rid �u;ic���.ar�es baset� upan �Ghe fol�.awing fa.�7cixn�s: 1. Coa�. ��. i.s mr:.t b�cause trie �i.�y h�s adap�er� a C9.�izens Inual,u�mpn� prnc�t�am �.n�l.uda.ng raua.�w of aXl dau�l.�pm�n�: apK�7.i,c�ti.�ns by the Nci.c�hbar�hoata l�I.anna,nr� Qrr��niza�9.ar� (Nt�Q) , �n addS.�9,on, al.l. publi.c Ma�ic� requ:ir�m�n�s are mH#:. �-�a�� ���n��r � c�A ��—o�(N> � z� ���-a��f�> -� aAC� � � _ _ _ ..� �... _ � 2., G�aJ. �7, i.s m�t k��caus� th� Ci.t;y ��plaed aJ.J. ap�lic�bl� �t:a��wi.d� P.lanni.ng Gaals, Ci.1�y C;c�mpr�hensive plan Polic7.es and Dr�u�lc�pm�nt Cacle requ�.r�m�nl:s ta thc� a�p�.ir..ata;c�n, 3. rcaal #iG is satisfin�� �G�Gca1l.15Q �:he prU{�US<�tl w�.11 {•arnuide fnr hausin� a� cc�ntempJ.al:�cl k�y th� C;i.i:y Gc�mpr�ri�nsa:ue p].�n. The pl�nnirig si:drf h�as det�r�minec� �hat i.hP propa�al is cc�nsist�nt wi1;h ' thc� r�l.ev�nt porti.c�ns af i:hre C:ampr�h�nsi�r� Pl:ai� b�5�d G��c�n 1;:he� findinc�s nc�t�t� b�law: 1. pJ.�n pal.icy 2, 1. , 1 i.s satisfi�d Ma�cause s�arraunding prop�rty awr�ni^s w�r�� given na1>ice uf �Nt� h�arxng and an o�partun,i.i:y to cc�mm�nt ori tkie ��pl.iaarit:'s propc�saJ. , 2. Plan pal�.cy 6, 1, 1 is 5q1�7.3'F:LC?r1 bec�use 1:hie rui7� ch�rtge wi.11 si;ill, p�rmit; muJ.�:i......famal.y d�ueJ.c��ant�n�t, l"he �rc.ip�rta.�s ar� �lr��dy znned far� in�c�ium high c��nsit� r�sa.c�nn�ial c�eueln�mer�t so �h� �, ch�ng� wi.11 �ermi.t yr��i:�r d;iuE+rsi.ty in hi;qh d�nsity d�u�lapm�nt, 3 , P.lan i�ra].icy 7, � ,2 is i�ioL- satisficaCl IaE?Gi�tU5P_ ad�quai:� seruic� r.a���cii:i.es ar•� na�: au�i�,atal� .i.n th� imm�di,ata �r�a. f�s a cunditi.nn Uf d�ue�.a�am�nt, servic.es (�..e, , s�wnr�) �x�:�nsians ��ii k�e neces��ry. 4, F�1�n F�c�li.cy 7.6.]. is s�t:isfiecl k��r�Gise 1;hie Ti.qar�) uchiac�l �:i.s�rict: was infor•m�c� uf 1:his �ar•o�aosGal inac�e r,ommer�ts abt�ut c�ver c�^nwdang i.n �>uk�J.i.c sr.tic�a].s �rid �P�� pat�ni:9.aJ. prak�l.�ms i.nGr�ased enrallm�nts cca�a.ld haue fnr� i:he c�ua.li.ty Uf ec��acat:i�n i.n the lacal schoot system, 5, Plari Pol.a.cy 8.1,3 wi.l.l k�� s��at�.sfi�c� as a candit�.�n fnr� d�ua].opment uf the pr�p�ri:y. :Cf an a�aar•tm�nt cmm��.ex c�aps ma�:Er�.al.ire, i� wou].d fi.rs�L r�quir•� Ci.ty ap�rava]. thrc�uc�h th�� Site I�evplopmcarit Rcv9.�w procpss, 'The P'1�GP_55c1Y'y rie�ht--�af...way �nd str�eel: impr�,veni�nts wauJ.d b� requi.rec� at thsat i�i.n�e. 6. Pl.an Pal:icy 8.2,2 car� hae sal:isfi�c� at i�his t;ime hecause "fri...�Met off�rs k�us service an pacific Ha.ghway. 7. 'The i�ar.a�9.una1 Cr•i��r�.a in Ch�a�al:c�r t2 nf �he Plan are sal:a.sfiad far th� fc.�J.lc�wing re�tsar�s; �, "C'h� pr��p�r��y is not w9.tNiin a "Ueu�l.o�a.n� Ar��d" k�ut i.5 wii:hir, the Ta.c,�ard NX�nr�a.i7g Aw�ea anc� 19.k�1y �;a k�� ann�xpd sametinte i.n the futur��. b, qevpla�mer�� lxmita�:xans ar� pva.d�n� due tc� pur•�xans uf bnth �raK>er�ti.�s be�.r�c� an the ].00 year �~7ood �l�in, Tnnova�G�.ue s�te c��si<,�n cou�d �cr�inxt: a �r�ansfer of c�nnsi.�.y �o �he b��ald�k�].e pc�r�i.an� �� b�,i:h praK>�rtx�s. c, Pub19.c sPwer i.s r�ot currer�tl.y auaz]�abl.e and w�.X]. ne�d tr� b� ex�Qndec� to �eruac� these pr�per•�xe�, S'TA�"F Ft�pp�T — GPR H7�Q1(M) � �C 87—Q2(N} �- pAt�� A d, �;c�nveni.�nc.� re1:�i.1, sE?r�vac� xs a�rail�ble �l,nnu� Pacafic HigMiw�y a�nd gen�r�al r.ummer•r.i.al and busir�pss center�s are ab�,ut 7.....,3 mi.�.�s �way. e, F�tabli.c c�p�r� sK>ac:� i.s avail.�bl.e alcang �ac�rti.ans c�f i:Pi� '�I '1'�aal.ai:�.n R9:uc�r�, �I C, R�COMMf:�1l7A'7"�(7N �I 3ase;� u�c�n . tkir: ahanv�: �x��r��.f��s �i��cf car�c.l.��sic.�rtis, �:ti� Pl,ann�.ng st�aff r�pc,ammends appraual af (;PA 87�_..pl(F�) and 7.0 87,._.q2(N) , _...----�-��, �� .,,,,. _,��'�`re� PRl•�Pf�l7_I]�aY: o �i xnn ..�.�'._._,.�_r_._...._.._...._.,_...._._._... PROV�D BY; W9.].X i�m A. Monahan F�ssistant Plann�r� pi►^ectc�r af Community qeuela�m�nt ('TO;bs2983P/U07.1P) � i E � i � t. }: ;: � ;I ; STAfF F2�f�qC21" � GPA s7'--01(F�) � ZC 87'-0�(N) w. F�F�CE. 5 ; i k �. t �. . .. . �. . ..._. .. ..�. .:�_'--_.. . ....,.. . . .�,... �� '� 11� �1% �, �� � �� •, � ��H ��1 �' �� � ��1 ♦�,�� ��/ � �. I�� .. I� ♦ ♦ �� �� �11 �.�.� �� �11 �C � �i • �11 ' � �� �ii �D C �■ 1 �: ii� M� C/ � � �■c� ' � �: � �♦�i�t�� � � " ��i■ �` 11� Ii,� �j � �� I'1��.■ �� �I � ���,� '��i � � ��� � ���� �: � �i.��, �/ �� . � �� � �I� � ,: �� � /� '�' � � ,��11 1� � a �� �`���� i%���■ � - � ;/ �i i l�f�►.T.77�� � - � i'��1111��1�1� � � i ' ����� r ' , ' . , � . � ■�����■ ,�1 � ■ - , . � ,/////// . . . ___ � . � . ,. , . ■ ♦ � � r � � . ■ . . . ( -� ,� .� , � � . , f ,: �.,,} ,� b � �, t, � ' f � �,�..;. ��' �I. y � , �� �,.�, �'.Iy�.�1' t•�•(t . ,a?t 7. ,l,r J. � �` � ��� �Orbes �. �'�� p � ,1AN 23' 1987 � ��� CIT1f OF TIGARO . pLANNIN4 DEPT. January 26, 19&7 Mr. Keith S. Liden Senior Planner CiCy of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Keith: In our recent conversation you stated the City would consider increasing Che density of some multi-family sites to replace that lost in the A1berCson ; development. I would like you to consider incseasing the density of Tax ; Lots 100 and 1300, Section 15 T2S, R 1 W, Map C to 40 units per acre. The � two parcels are within your urban growth boundary. Due to their location � on Pacific Highway, an increase in Craffic caused by the increase in densiCy would not impact the citiy's streets. I am enclosing letters from each ' of Che owners requesting the same. ; � Your cooperation is appreciated. ; I Yours truly, ; MACADAM FORBES, INC. i�G�?+-'' �6�c��,' � I;W. Vern Galaway � Assoclate Broker � WVG:hlm Ij : enclosure � ; _ cc: R.E. Gray ' John H. Frederick i' t1�; '1; ;: ' ;1 i� � R�ALTOY • 1800 S,W, FIFtST/1VENUE • f'OFITLAND,OREOON 9T201 • i (503�227•2500 i l�(( �.'� , JOHN H. FREDERICK & AS�OCIATES I r SPECIALtzING IN MOHAWK BUILDING ,loen H.F'�hnr:k►c� I GROUP P1,ANS 708 S.W.3rd;Suite 400 MANCARF,T 7.A116F:N Life insurance P.O.Box 570 Dbability Proteclbn Portland,Oregon 97207 Na1t6�nd Accident Telephone 299-4349•299-4348 Sehool&Sludent'Programs Pensioa&Prufit Sharing Dental Coversge , ►/�!�' BUSINESS SITUATIONS .('� �;��� ! Retirement PtvRnms � U�.�L� a� � Key-M�n Indemnity �I Buy-SellAgreemedls 1li� `�� �n0� Slock Redemption J �i J � ESTATE ANALYSIS � c��Y u►f rrcARo PLANNItVG DEP.�: January 8, 1987 Tigard Gity Council Gity of 7igard 1�755 SW Ash Tigard, t��i 5�7���3 kE: Tax Lot 13aU �ection 15 �si �fap C Dear Council �temtrers: It has been brought to our attention that the city is laoking ta increase the hau�ing density caused by a zone change in the Tigard area. We would like yQU to consider increasing the d�nsity tn farty t40) per acre on the above d�scribed Rroperty. Thank you far giving �this matter your attention. incere y � � ���:L.L%�-- � ��� � John H. rederick Darcy F. Frederi�k A Dl�vir{oo af G�inpbell, Galt, � ;Newl�nds, lnc. AFFILIA'TED INSURAIVCE 3ERVICES IN � R CI'TIBS UNITED STA GI,NA M�UO TES! pA � ..�� � �, �� , � �:>. / M/��d .�<<...c.�, � � � �� , _ � , �r��� �4� 9 7'.��� . J ► � , � �qa�r� / �. � ' C� . . � � . � ..�:���.�.�. , 1��._ ��.�.� � �.. -� �� r . � y �� � �.. � `�'�" `�-- , �o!� -�-.�/ ✓ l.� . � � , i� � v ��-�.- ��J � (-.� 1,l v � ���►'� �.�.,u /� %��� �� ,987 � ; � JAN 27 rl I D � 4 � \ �.'� � �y, a pF tiCD►R�, _ �_._. �._.,z/�:I ,� , i' C�TM �IIN� ' � PV►N t � ���� � ' � . i ; ; , � ; ; 3 s-i-�M��� r��F>a�-r �cal:;lUC)F� :�"i"k::M �,,3 c March �a 1987 -- 7;30 I�,M. T7:t:3Af�C:► PL.FlNN:I:IVG CQMMT,::;�;�:ON ,1.�:TC;F�FtQ C;T:TY P�F�i..l... _ .1..UWIV I-IAI._l. 13 J.25 :;W fiAl..l... �I...VC), ..r:�c;,r�rin, CJItF.(:,ON �72?_3 A, �'F1C�"� 1. G�neral 7nfarn�al:ian c��;�r: c��r� e�--ci� �r� x.c �7--nz(c�) (.i�� c� F2E::(�U[:;.;"I"; 7..ari� C;Pirar�c��:� fir•om R....I (SiriyJ.E� FGam�.].y R�4id�nt.:i.ral., 7 un:i.�Ls p<�r• ac.re) i�o R..-1.7. (M�al�:i_..F�ama.ly Rc�si,c�nnt:ial, 1,7_ un:ii:s �c�r� acr•a) . C,OMPRt::I•iE::NSI:VE". F>1..F1N C.IE�S:X:��IVA7`:xUIU; M�<�i.�ani cl�i7sii�y r��s:icl�riti.�]. "1_0111:CNG I)L.S:I:G;Nf�.1°:I:bN: I��._7 f�PF�I..T.C;F1N"I"; (:;i.1:y �f 'I"i.c��arcl QWIUk::f�, Fi^r:�nk & F2�bE�r,.c.�z E::�arh�r�L- Iw�.�geri� 7hurs�l.an Ben S{:ark & ;J'�an� Fla�l.e ft:ichi�xr•c1 & (�ayle 1�1ogc�an Lyriri �G Mc�n9.c�a Mr.C)on<a].c� I��r�wish :�:c�r:�ss Eclwar•d � L.i.].liai7 �4a�:tl.�r 1=rank & rar•net Nor�l.e F2icP��rc) �C Mar•�hi�9.ta Car•1�y I..O(�Al`:(:ON: C;ast �f- �W I°la.11, soul:h ca�f ;�W I��.�ss, wc�st af ;;W 7�i:h and nc�r�Ll�� uf F3c�nd Park s�.iP�di.vi.s9.nri, (WC�i"M 7..w 7. :�?..(;hl ].c�i:s �OQQ, 41.(1q, ar�cl 751. i.7_(�� lats SpQ, 600, 800, 1000, 1.100, :L7_Q0, 13Q0, 1AQ0) , 2. E3ac.kqr,uund I:ryfiar�mat:iun � _ ..._. Sn 1.9E3�'� D�arwi.shi �:c�r•:is� ���1a.�r,1 far � zc�i•iE� �:hang� (Z� 7_-�65) �n twa p�:�r�cPl,s o•F l.�nd zonc�c� 12�-7 (M�c�;ium c��risil:y residenl:9.al., 7 uriits ��r acr•e) . i�eqia��st was m�cle �Lo hau� the zone des9.e�nal:a.on chi�nc�ec� tc� R—].? (M�c�i.�am dcarisi�y r•esi.d�ni:ia:L, 12 unii:s �a�r aci^e) , F�1: 1:Fiat i:ime s��aff rpcnmm�r�clEac� ap�rc�val of i:h� -r_c�ric r.Mtianr�e k�u•t: �:Hie F�].<�nninc� Corm7iiss�.an d�ni.�s� it. �'hie recau�st w�:> �a�Kxzal.ec� �l:o ��Ni� (;:i1:y Co�arici.l whicri c�nni<�d �hi� zane cFiai7ge, R�?�s�ns cii:ed foi^ cl�nyi.nc� th� -r..an� chanc�� 9.ncJ.iac��c� �.h� i�nad��{u<:�cy of traris�artatS.can racxZii:i.�s i.n i:he ar�a, l:he �.ack af haus serva.c� and i:he fiact i:hat R--7 zoninc� woul.c� remain on thr•ee si.c��s of- 1:hi� �rnper�Ly , 'Cn I)ecemk>er, 1986 •l:l7e Tic�ard Cx��y Coui7cil c�av� cai•u�ii:iorial �rapr•aual �:a �h� Al.k��ri:sun' s Compr�hensive p],an F1mFndm�n9� (C;PA) far r.hianc�i.nc� tN�e Comr�r�hei7sS.ve i�lan designai::�nn af s4�uc�ral praper•�:i.�s locat�c� at 1;he sa�a�heasi� cc�r•rier� of Durham Raaca and f�acif9.G Hic�hway. `I"his pra�as��]. r•ec�u�sL-ed rnznni.r�g i:h�se properi:ic�s �ft�am h:igh .�ensii:y r�sid�n�a.�l to camm�r�c.i.�J.. STFIFF Ft�ppFt'I° — CPA f3�-�01(C) & �C 87--02(�;) — F�AGE 1 'The r•�siali: af- 1�:his (�PG].51.01'1 was �:hF r�maual of ala�aut 4q0 �t�l:erti�:i.a:L hr��.tsi.ng uni,t.s f'r•c�in Ti.c�ar^d' s anu�ni:�,i^y af u�acani: bua.:ld�tb];e J.<ancl T'he MF�i:rc�pa;l.i.l:an Waus:irig I��al� �ac9c�ratead by 1�he I._artc� (�onsPrvatian ��nc� D�ue].n�m�ri1�. C�mmissi,c�i�i s1:a1:E!s th�at 1`i��i°d m�ast pr•c��ii.c�� fc�r 50 �a�:r�cEaril: singlp f�mily �i•id �1: 1.��:asi� 50 �anrc.<ant sirig�.e f�mily attac.hnci ar mu�.ta.�l.� fi��mi.].y unXi:s w�.tr� � minimum af 1� uni�s tc� �Fi� net �cre. �'Me Mn�r•a Mausinc� 12tale applic�s �;a cai�ily u�c�nt bua,ld�k>1e laric� wi•�Mia.n 1'ic�arcl's Urr��i7 f>1.4anni.n� Ar�a, �ncl da�s nc�t �ff�ci. �st�b7.ist7�c� �nc� c��veJ.ca�a�d r•esi.c��ar�t:ial �r•FZas, l"h•r•. F1J.k>�.�i�••l�sc.�r�' s CP� was gi^�anl:ed on i::h� condita.c�n of r�znni.nc� c�f sui'fic:��rit r�<�s'�d�.ar�tia].�.y zurinc� larid ta mak� �ap fior� i•.he shar•i:f�ll cr��a1.�:�c� Pay �:Fia:s c��cisi.c�ri, °I"hi� C;a.ty Cnuncil M►�5 i.cl�:�n�Lifi'i.�d s�ucr�al. sa.�l:c�s i:hir�uc�h�caut j:hp (aa.i:y to k�� c��nsic�c�r�ed 1'ar• incr•�as�c� r•�si.c�nrii:a,al �I�nsii:y, T'h�s� p�•<,��ri�i.��s �r•e somc.a of t.has� 9.d�.�nl;i.fa.�d in tN�� C�i.ty' s ai;tc�mr�t •�o maini;a:in c:amplx�r�c� wi�l:hi �l:hP M�atrcapr��.i.t:an Piousing {�ul� ofi 10 r�sa.d�ntx�l. wnits tci tri� net �cr��, No ui�:hnr 1��nc� tas� aci:;ions M�<�ua b<�c�n r��vzcawEa�� hay 1>he rxty can th�?s� pr�c���:�r�:�.�ts , 3 , Vic.ini„L�..,:Lrtfor�mai:inr� l"h�se �rnp�.arti.�s �r� c�.�ner�aJ.l.y �iarr�c>�anc��d by �:Mie fnJ,l.awing xcani.ng distra.cl:s ; �ta 1�h» saui:h ar�ci wc�si;, 12...�.2 (M�c�i.um c�ensS.i:y r�si.���nti,al, �.7_ uni.ts ��r• �ci^�), anc� on thFa nc�r�thz �nrJ �c�st, R_...A,S (l.ow ��nsity resic�entS.�.l, A.5 units �ar� acre) . 'T'h�se �rop�rfi:ies ai^e a�.l. wii:hin the d���i,c�n�atc�ca "t)�u�1.oK�inc� Flr��a" ir7 the C�.�mpr^�hEansiu� P].�n, 4. �it� �nfarmation and (�rapasal_ppscripti_on 'fh� c��uFaJ.�pm�n1: p�1�:'��rri nn the>� pr•np�r��ic�5 is �xclusa.v�].y s9.ng].� fam:�ly I'1G1171P.5 nn bca�h sma].1 �rid .larc�e 1�7i>s r�anc�ing frUm 1 to 20 acrps in si.r�, S�uer�7. c�f i:h� larq�r J.ots �ar� pr•as�r�tJ.y uac�nt as wc�od ].ats ��^ lying a.c�le as r.lc��r•�d lc�ts, N�n� uf th�sp �raper•ta,�s �re pr��serii;l.y s�r�ve�1 by s�w�r. 'C'hn �ro�ased r��-r..or�i.nc� cctiu�.d r�e:au.lt in a pciterita�]. � r�t?sit:IE?r�i::i.o-�1 c�a:in af :1.66 housii•ic� un:its an 33 ,7.9 acr�s encamp�s5ii7g i:his si.i:�, 'i, A��nc�l._.�r�cl NPO....C�mm�ni:s The 7acryar•c:l L;ch�,�.,1 DisLr•i.r,.i: h�s r�uxew�c� tFi� �rcapn>��1. �rid ni<:�k�s 'GF7� fol.l.ow:ii�g c��amm�r�i:s: "I"he sc!•tc�oJ. �la.at�^�,ci: knaws i:he Caty xs awa�^� �f 1:hF �robl�m W� ar� far.ii��g ragart�ai�ig over�cruwc��.ng a.n aur schoc7ls, The 13o�rd af D:ir•sci��.,rs h�s ��sk�c� u� i;�,, cc�nv�ty i:a th� (:ity tFi� clastr•xc�'s �anc�i^ns �k>c,�ai: rarnraaspd cr�ang�s i.n i:he cam�rehensive p;lan which wa�al.d incre<:�a� th� clensity S.ri �r��as wh7�re w� ar�e atr�ady ex�a�ra.�nc:�t7g cans�.der•ak>1� nnrul.lmen� pr�ssure..�-�-TPmpl�i:on E�.�men�l:at^y, far ex�m�].�. M�king such shi�r�g�� a.n �Fic� , Cam�r�hensiue P�.an can s�r�d i:he signal. �o �h� p�abla�c 1:h��t neFa<�ed seruz.r..�s care 9.n �lace wh�r�, ary fa�t, schaol cl.assrooms tFir�auc�haut 5"fAl=�' 121�pQRT — CpA q7—�Q�.((�� �G Z� g7--�2((.",) �- PAG� 2 �''� � _ ---.. _. .....__. . _. ._,...�_,_ thk� di.str•i.r.fi: ��r� r��criinc� r.�ra�aca.t.y. �chan). disi:r�ict patrUns wi.J.J. hau� �n uppor•tun:ii�y 1:a ��pr�aue ac�c�a.ti.unal consl;ruc�.i.an furic�s in 1988, Unti.l, that i:i.m� �n�l � succ�ssf�.il k�and e].�ctiUn, the c�isi:t^ict c�nnot guarant�:czc� a c�ual,ity F?(�UGc'�'�],C)1'la'1�. pr�ac�r•�m for ancr��ased �rii^n�.l.m�rit.s wi,i:hto�at dddxl:icarial cl�ssr�,am s�ace ha�inc� �u�9..lak�7:p. The f::i�gine�ring Diu�.sian h�as r�vi.ew�d tN�� �rc?pas�.l and m�l<�s th� fallawing c.Ummer�ts; I:1; 9.s nc�t kn4tiwr� :�f rFax.c>ni.ng wil.�. cN7�nc�e tPt� d�r�si.ty af act;ual. fu��are d�vc�lo�n��ni: af 1;h� �arc���r•ti.es. I-laweuer, to �ual�aate pnl:ent:ial "warst cxas�" im�a�t:s, w� a>swmc�d ttr�t each ar•e� wi].]. c��upJ.ap i:o i1:s maxa.mum r,iensi.l:y. Accar•dir�g i;o i�he Cam�nuriity p�uElc���m�n� [1i.r�c.aci�e�r�'s mrmc� �.�f t��r..emk���r 17, 198fi, the r�rcani.nc� (:qlA�.(� r�su�.t ii�i up i:o �aFip additi.ar�al r�sidential unii:s in t:he south c�f "C'igar•d, Additi.t�r7�tl. ►^�sa.d��7t�.�]. uni.t.s cari b� expec:ted ta g�ri�r•�t� mc,rEa -t Lr�af-fi.c un n�ar•k�y S'L"1"P_P.�S. We c�n r^�a�onak�ly es�iiriatc� t;hiat fo� ear.h addi.tic�nal sing.l�-�i��m:i].y resid�nr.�, there wi].]: b�:� ari� adc�i.�a.unal uehi.cle i:rip dur:inc� th� t�u�riiny �>r�k h��ar. E3pc�tase th� ei.c�ht: pr��.,�c�s�d re-r.,c>riinu�s ar�� s�reac� au�r� a wic�� ar�e�, it da�s 11Q'� a�a�a�ar �:Mic"1'� '�Nle Y'Ca�pi'1].11c� WOI.I�.(� �� c.'�CGUI�11110(�i%'l:F?(� }�y �':�'1G S'�i"t�?@t system curr•�n�:l.y �ro�ans�c� 9.n �.h� Gi.t;y' � larig_...r•�nge plzanninc�, �ome �ddi�iunal s�r•c��1: xm�rov�mer�i:s, �uch as ac�r�ati�7na1 �:urn lanes ai� S�J.�c�:ec� J.oc�atinns, mi.�hi: be ne�d�d as a r�sul.� nf thi� �ddii:ic>n�1 traff-a.c, T1: a�ancaars i:h��i: �:h� sy�l:cams dc�ue�apmc�nl> ch�rgc�a fr�om thE� �ciclii:a.oriz�l r�csi.�i�ni::ial. unats wa�lc� be? adec�uate 1>o fund the �c�c�itiurial s�Lr�et 9.mpwc�u<ameri�s that mzght bP n�n<��c�. Additi.un�l r��sicicni:i.�l. ur�:tts would cr�ai:� s�m� adclit;i.ona]. flaws in 1:he sewerage sys�.em, k�ut i�: <�aPS riat a�a��ar 1:hat any incr�asPs in pi.K�� si.r�s wcaul.c� b� nE?cE�ssar�y , In g�ri�r��l, in rrsid�r�ti,a1 are�s, i:he s�.ze of s�wer pipi.ng is dptermin�c� by minim�am siring to ac.cammc,cl<at� mG�i.n�.�n�nc� �c��a9.pment �a�r,�r• tr,�n by flaw r�qu i r•�mar�i:s, Ha.gher• re�sic���nti�]. d�nsi.i;i,�s woul.d probably r�su�.t in sl�,gh�l,y I hic�hier sj:ar�m rurtiafifi uo�.umc�s. Tn sc�me arPas 1:his may r•pquir� I anr..rea>er in •thi� si,:r.� nf si:ar•m draa.na<�� �i�anr�. 1"he syst�ams !� ��evelnpir��nt cN�ai^gcs c�ar�eral:�d by the additiona]. wr�ii:s sh�u�.c� be ad�qu4ai,e i:p cnvEar any resu�.��.n� adc�i.tianal c�sts tn tN�e str�rnt drain<�ge sy�fi:�m. Zmpacts an �.he Inajur c�rainagew�ys wn�ald be ner�Xigibl.�. NPO #5 waa n�iti,f�.ec� o� i:he pr�apas�l �nd m�kes tNi� foJ.lowa.nc� cc:rmmc�nts: "f'Ihe IUPO �ananimausly �c�r�nc� Co c�o on record appns�.n� �hnse ch�n��s art densS.l:y t�c,r� the �Foll.owa.ng r�e�sons ; �.. "I"he �:r�ns�aar�l:a�ann bo1:t1�r7nck Urt�o Hall, CJur�t��m and Banx�a wh�.ch w� sough� tca cant�i.n wou�.d bU ��I+��r•s�].y ��fect;ec�, S"�f�{=F Rl:{'Q�T -� Gf�A 87�01(C) fi� �C H7—q2(C) �- PA(�� 3 � . 2. t:he qur�l.i.t;y of 1S.f� f�r..#�c�r• whic.hr w� w�r� in fauar ef �rexer•ui,ng fiar Lh� c�xistirig rinighYaorhaad woul:d' rtot b� maini:�a.i.n�d, and 3. �ta� apg��l�la.n� 9.ncai��s�.stE�ncy in consiclE�rati.c�n c��F -r_c�n� ch�r��F rec�u�s�:s arid disr��ar�d fnr citi.r�n iriput. �xamples r.9,t�d w�r~e i:hi� Nf�q r•�camm�ndai:i.�.,ri on � z�ne cFi�nge far C�rm�n Cen�:er�, c��nial af i:hp pr�uicaus zUn� change un �:he xdr•iss prci�er��y, ancl tPie lack ni' suK��c�rt tc� tkie CJc�wntawn 1"xg�rd pnue.lo�amc�rit, B. 1'=:CIUI�:LN(�S F�IVp (:pN(;L.Uw:Cpl11w 1"h� r�e),�v�rtt cri.tc!ri�a in th:i5 case �r� �tatewic�e pl�rining Gr�a].s 1, 'l., ai�d k0, �nc� "I"igar�d Cr�mpr•nh�er�siue WX�n policxes 2. 1 , 1, 6 , 1 . 1, 7.1 ,2., °a • .ational. Grit�ria, 1?. L.c�G �.r . - d Ckia i. , 7,8,1. 6. 1 ,3. 3 .?_,7.., an � 'The nl,anning s�:�ff GC3YIC�.U(�P.S 1;hat i:he �r�n��sa1 9.s r.urisistent with �h� ap��lic.ab].c� �tal:ewx�l� F�l�nnanr� E;c�a].s and GW].CI�a.J.l'12S b�sec� u�ari tM�e fallawa.ng finciiri�s: 1 . Ga�]. #1 is m�t bc�caus� thta Ci.ty h�s ad�.7�1:+�d a Ci.ti.;��ns Inualu�mnn� pr•a�r�am ir�cluding rev;i�w oF �11 c��v�].n�amc�nt a�pJ.i.cati.�.�ns by thc Nea.c�Pibo�^riaacl �lanning Orgarti;��t;ion (N�'0) . I:n ; ac�c�ita.an, all publ.ic nc�tice r�r�uir��iY�prits are m�t. ?., �a�a]. #7_ ia m�at: b�cause trie City a�pl9.ed all appli.a�tal.� Statewide P].anning GUa�.s, Cii:y Com�reh�risive Pl.an Policies and D�vplo�amnnt �ade requir�m�nts i:U ttiQ appli.r..dta.ori, � 3 , C,�aal �lp is sa�isfi�d k�er�use i:he prapasal wa.l]. �raui.c�e far ; housiri�,� �s c�antempJ.�i:ed k�y tFi� C9.ty Compr•�h»nsiu� P].�n arid thca Mei:ra�a�.a.�:ar+ I��om� R�aJ.e, The P:lanning si:aff' h�;� dei:ermi.n�d tria� trie pr�posa]. is consastent witNi •l:he relevant �ortians nf i:l7e Cnm�r�hensive Plan b�sed �ap�n thie fand:�rigs nated k�e 1 aw; 1 , PJ.�n PaJ.icy 7., 1. ]. is s�i:isfi�d because th� Nei,c�hh>carh�aod Planr�anc� Organizai:i.an ar�d surra�,inciing �rUper�i:y owners wer� c�iuen no�ic� of tPi�.� hi�<�ra.nc� arx� �ri ��pori:uni.ty to comm�nt nn 1:he �ap�l.�.cant's pr�apos�].. 7, F�].an Pc�].i.cy G.:G.1 i.s sa�i.sfied bc�r,aus� thca zar�e chartge mai.ni:�xns allawancp finr muli:i•--family d�ve].c�pmFZnt. Th� Band P�rk Subdivi.si.on, lor.ated tc� thp sauth af �hrse pr�ca�,�r��:i�s anc� zonpd R--�.2, has p�.aced prntpci:i.u� cnv�nar��s an tru,sE lo�:s tc� Y'�S'�M':lG'� deuel.a�ment �o one d�tach�d si.rir�le�wf�ma.ly dw�].ling. Alsa, 1:he Chessman qowns and Mi.X].mant subdiv9.sa.�ns ' �.oc���d i:n the sa�a�r�w�st n� �f��se pr�perties, w�r^� pr��uiausl.y r�zoi��c� fram R--�.2 �o R--7, Th� rp�anxng n� sii:e '�Cn wiJ.l com��r����:t� �ar� a"fA�'�' 12H Pql�'T — CPA 67--Q1(G) & ZG 87-�-q2(C) -� PAG� A , ' d�ns9:�:�.�s ].os1: fr�on► 1�;h� �ar��ui.a�a� dc�wn_...zt�nin�, T'h�ii.s ic�n� cMi�ng� wi..11 a]„l�>w gr�at�r �ppvr.tunit:y �for ho�as�.rig chai��s ar�d diu�rsi'ty in an ar�a af tri� c.i.t: Wr,�rr, i.s �r�s�ni:J.y iancl�r�c�c�9.r� rawthi, y g q 'T'he (��.i:y u�F 'Tic�ar�� is c�k�lxc�a'l:<ad �:hr�ou�h �.he Metrapo14.1:�n I•ir;aus;ing Rua.� tc., praui.d� fcar� �n ec��a�l. mix c�f s�.ngle famal.y ��nd al�tachc�d �arti.l:s w�.i:Ni �n over�ll: c��u�lc�pmc�nt d�nsi.ty c�1= ].0 unz�s ��r ac.we, Th� Ci.ty m4�st �nsurt� tNi�t sufficiE�nt haghr�r� c��r�saty ar�as �r•e auaX.lal�le so the in�.nrit taf •�he huusing rul� can be me�:. 3 , plran F�al.a.cy 7, 1.7.. as s�ti.sfied k��c.:ause ad�quai:� s�r�ui.ce capac�.i:i�s ar�� auai�.ak>tc� in i:hp imm�c�iate ar�a. Uti..lity exl:�ns9:an� (E�g, sEaw�r) wil.l k�� n�!e.essary to 5�r�v� thi� pi^ap�r�ty wh�i.ah can be acec�mpJ.isH�d a,s a cca��c�xtinn �f d�ve].a�inc� L-hie si.�:�. 7t a:a re�r.ngnx-r..E��l 1�.:P��al•: tr•�ffi.c uc�J.um�s hi�av� i.r�cre��ed ari H�al.l. Blvd, h�aw�uar, �c�ditian<�al t�r-..vP�.o�amc�rit can be �c��quat��.y ser�����c� wi�.h 1:Ni� existi.rtu� f�cili.ta�s, i�reua.aus zone char�g�s �nd rec�uc:t:ic�ns in �^psi.c�er�i�ia1 c��nsil:a.�s (i ,e. , (3and P��r-k, Ch�ssman arira M:tJ.l.mani� 5uk�da.�rS.si.an>) Pi�aue rec;luc�d tr7e oueraJ.]. d�nsi,ty tFt�fi: was nr•iy9.na.l.ly plarin�d rnr i:his ai^�a, The �arapas�d r�raning will brir�g tMii.s c�u�r•aJ.l. el�nsity k�rar.k 1�:o a J.�v�]. �ntici.p�t:er� for� res:id�ritial c��v�lapmprit, { 4, P,l�zn Pa].:icy %.6. ]. i.s s�i�isfa�d ra�:�caus� tNie l°ic��r�d �chx,ol C�i.st.:r•i.c:1: was infor�m�d of 1:h:�s rar�ap�-�sal �i�d m�de ccamm�.?r�ts akac�ut ou�rcr�uwdi.ng an �ui�la.c sc.hools �and thie patenti.�]. �rab].�ms :inr.r��s�d pnr�al.l.me�nts c�.��a:ld hau� fur i:h� qu�lity af �c�ucai::ian in trra 1c�caJ. scr�c�ol. syst�m. 5, P].�n p�ali.r..y 8, 9. .3 wi.].1 b� s�tisf9.ed as � candii:9.c�n for c�eue�.u�am�n1: af i�hn �ar•o�a�r•�t.y, Wherr c�e�nlnpm�nt accurs rt wc��a�.d first rec��ai.r�� Ci.ty aKaprou�l tNira�agh tFi� �;it� p�ve].apmc�r�t Ftrui�w �arc�c:ess. Th� n�cessary r•iga�t_.�f_._way anc� s1:r•caet :im�at^ouemc�rits wo�a ld h�c� r�.ac���i.r•ed a{: 1:h�i: 1:am�, Tt a.s an1:i.c i p�t�c� 1:ti�t acic�a.ta.c�nal �:r•at'f�.c g�nerai:ic�n wi.1J. amaun�L i:o 16bQ i;r�a.�s K>�r c�ay with maxi.nium d�risii:y d�uc�].opm�n�. 6. Pl.an �u.l.icy f3,2.,7. caririt�� hae aa'tisf':i.P<� at i�his txm� k>er.aias� "I"ri.--•Mei� claes n�.�i: nffer� r�c�ul.ar� k�us s�r�uic� on H�l]. E31vd, , i�iowev�r, r•ush F�oiar ser�vxce is available and f-ui:tar�n r•egut�r ser•uic� migh�l: c�cr..�ar• wi.th mar�� d�u�.lapn��nt, 7, The L.aca�:ion�l Cr•i�er^a.a a.n Ch�.p�:er ].2 c�f the p.l�n ar� sa�i,sfieci fnr tFit� fa7.J.c�wanc� re�asans; a, �`h� prnperl:y :is withia,n a "peu�J.apment Ar��" whi�P� as cammi,l:fi�d �:n ].ow density d�velopmcr�t. b. Fl�.l, {a�ar•c�ls h7ave streei: �Fr^�ritage and g�ad access i.� �rau�:t��ci •Go Hal.]. 13oul.evai^d, an artera.al and 79th Av�n�ae, a m9.nor c�ll.�ci:or. s�`��F i��.�aa�r �- cpA ���-n��c) & zc e7--az(c> — a��� � ' i � . .: _ ... ._. _�....__ _. ,:i c, peu��a�ment �a,mitatians �r•� nn� eua�ent �nd public faci.lii;ips c�n be �r•oui<��d to serue the pr•oper•ty, d. Rec�ular p�ablic trarisi.t a.s not audil�haJ.� presen�ly, but H�J.l. Blud, ar�d Durh��m I�oac� are lnc�ical r•au�es fpr future ser•vi.c�, �I e, Conver�ianr.ca r•et�i7. sei^vxce is auailabl.� aJ,c�ng �urhani/HaJ:]. �� ini:er�s�ctian �rid o�h�r cammer•c9.a1 and busiri�ss centPr^s are 1,a tc� 2 miles away. f. public apen spacE� is auai.l.abla� neai�by �i: Cook Pa►^k, purhtani FJ.�meni:ary Schaol, �nd 'Tic�ard High Schaol.. �. 12F:COMMI"NDA'1";CQN Ra:�er� uK>�tin tNi� abc�v� fa.nclinc�s and c�ncl.u>i.c�ris, th� �tlranr�iru,� si:�afi' r�cammends approval of C;PA 87--�Q1(C;) and !C 87--•02(C) . ��! `��/ � �?` �. _ _....���___._.._._..._._w..,..._.... _.�- _. �-.� __..�..._._ W12f::F�ARFD ; Tnm xon API�RQVC_Q F1Y: Wi].li�m A. Mnnahan Assis��an�: �l.�ariner C)ir�r,.tor• af Cammunii�y �7puelc�pmeant ('T'D:bs?_969P/b013P) sr��� rt��a�7� - ��A a7�-nx(�) � zc; ey--o�(c) -� �AC� � . i � � ,`■ ' . . • • � �^�' ' . � � � � � ��'�� i � ; y ,- ■ ■���■ ����i�� _ � '!� ������� ° � - �fl1�D1�111���t■ �j i=�$ ■ ■� �$ �" • � '. ;� � J` � � �� . � � . E�!'� � • .. ►^� � . � . � ����� � � � � . � � ��'� +I� �� ■ � �� � �� e � ' � �� d;`J ; _ � �1 � ��� ; � �. - / .�/►'11\� . �� I�i� _� . ��� ..■ .�� ■ ,. > � � .�,_ _ �� _ ■ � � � `;� � � � � c�m -; � , �I� , . - . �� �. ` , . : �111►� `�_ � �\ �\ - . - .�r►� .. � �; �� ■ , " 'c � � � g , �'�,�� � - � , - _ \ � � ' J : .+� � � ,�, ����� � � . �. � � '1�._ � 1�',��=� .� _ _ � . s ��,�,�,• . . . • � : ,��11'�� •,a �► �1 , I�� ~ �iLi�► �� � : � �A ' � I . . _ - - --- -� �r� � _ '• � � ` � �) � � ` � � ��� � � I � ■�— . �. 1 � � , _ s�. . , _ �_ � �.. . ,�,_ , .. � - • � ' ' ��' � . � � i! � ,... � " • �``;'' � . � . � � `, = � � �.� �!���1 _ . __ - �� - - _ ■ � � ,� __ , � - . � . -` ��: . ;/ . ,. . �i _ _ � __ �. ,. � -- -- ,: Neighborhood F'lanning Org�ni�ation #F5 The J�nu�ry ii , ],987 meeting of NF'0 #5 was called to order by Chairmari Craig Hopk:ins at 7:'� p.m. In attendance were members Esiek:er , 5aporta, Schmidt and Tak:ahashi . Guests included k::en W�ymire, Mel Waymir�e and Mary Clinton. Minutes of the September meeting were circulated an� approved, We had na October meeting due tc� L�oardsmanship Wor4::- shops. Nav�mber and December were also nan-meeting montl�s. Presentersy F'riv_ilec�ec Albertson Proposal . E�eca��se this item needed staff clarification , we elected to place it fir�t on the agenda. A=� e;;plained to �.�s, Albertsons is proposing to l���ild �:� super store at the corner of Durh�m and F'�cific Highway. This wi 1 1 be a 18�:�,�����:� square f oot retai 1 proj ect wi th two possi bi�� ar3�hors. F'revi�usly, the planning st�ff has recommended a denial on thP bzsi=_� of land use �o�ing and the potential imp�ct qn the Downt�wn Tigard Development F'lan. Hawever, the City Council appraved the proposal on condition that the residential �factor lost by the recessary �one change on this parcel is reclaimed by changing den�ities on other parcels in Tic3ar-d. (aur impacted areas are l�beled C, D, and E on the informational maps. After m�.�ch di scussi on and queati ans rr staf f , the NF'0 unan i mous- ly agreed to qo on record opposinr these changes in density for the following reasons: i . the �rans�portation battleneck onto Hall , Durham and Bnnita which we sought ta cantain wauld b� � c�dversely �ffF�cted; 2. the quality af life factor which w2 were i n f avor af preservi ng f or the e;:i sti ng nei ghborha��d woul d na�t tae m�intaineci; and �'. the appallinq inconsistency in considera- •�• ` ._ �ion af �onP change requests �nd disreg��rd for citiaen inp�tt. (W� cite a� e>;amples in support of item •T nur recommendation on � �ane ch�ng� fc�r Garman Center , our denial �f the previous �ane change on the Idris property, and the l�ck: of �.upport to the Downtown Tigard Development. Old E+usiness: A. Carman Center 's zon� chang� was denied. B. Waymire land partition: An amicable agreement w�a reach�d with residents regarding the land strip which was un build�ble at the bacE: of their homes. Unfortt��nately, the city praha.bits lc�ts having that depth. Sa, the agreem�nt �nc� �aossit�l� sa1� had �t�� be nullified. New E+usiness: A. Esond F'arF:: TV Dev�lopment. The Waymir� 's I �aresent�d tl-�e 1 ot map and devel r�pment sct�eme. Ther-e wi 11 be 16 lots and a 4�=� foot s�reet. IV� objection was stated and Hoplcin�:; thanE;�d k�oth for attending. ' E�. Land p�rtiti�n on 8��th and �+onita was oFi�ty• C:. MLF' by Hartig , GerlacE:: and H�tn�iF::er was oE.aY• D. 5igr� Gode E„c�ptionc no problem E. ZOA by F:uss f�.:ruger, Commit��� recamm�nded tha� the zone , ardinanc� am�ndm�n{: be left �s i.s so kh�t e�ach petitioner� �ot_�ld be considPr�d r�n a condikion�l u�e basis. 1=, h�CJ�' �f r�r' �:.amputer bu�S.nPSS: no prabZ em narch 30 1987 Tip�rd Planninp Commieoion Tigard City Hall 13125 SV Hall rtaard. OR Filo Numb�r GPA 87-01. ZC 87-02 Ths propos�d rezonin�. �e s reeult o! the Alberteon's pruject. aovld havs an undesirabYw attsct on the quality o! lile in our n�iphborhood tor the lollowinp reaeone. Th• proposal i. aontrary to+ and would detract trom. � th• building o! tho city aore. �� T�e r�rultin� tra!!ic inor�a�es would only lurther � oonp��t Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita Road. and • 7�th Street. Th• lsrp• intlux o! now lamili�■ would ov�r-burd�� ah • �t.m and inc�eaA• olasrro om ■iz� be ond th• s ool y Y d�airabl• levelo. V• l�ol tha proposal io mads �triatly in th� int�r��t ot bip bu�in�ss. and ait�out regard !or th• citiz�n• o£ Tipard. Sino�relyr r d'` � .1� . � ' � � ,,....� � j � ��� , ,� , s _ ,� March 3. t987 Tips�rd PlanninQ Commieeion Tigard City Hall 13125 SW Hall Tigard. OR File Number CPA 87-a1. ZC 97-0� Ths propoeed rszoning. ae a reault of the Albertecn'e pruject. aould havs an undoairabl• attect on the quality o! lile in our noiphborhood tor tho lolloainp reseone. Th• propoAal is contrary to. and wou�ld detract lrom. tA• building o� tha city cor�. Ths r��ultinp tratlic incsreaees �aould only lusther oonp��t Hall Slvd. Durham Rood. Bonita Road. and °� 79th Street. Th� lar�• intlux ot nea lamili�� Would ov�r-burd�n the eahool ey�tom �nd increaee clas�room •iz• beyond d�eirabl• l�vele. We teel the proposal io ma�ds strictly in th• intere�L o! bip bu�Sn�ee. and aithout rsqard for th• citiz�ns o! Tieard. S narrely. � � March 3, 1987 TiAard Planninp Commieeion TiAsrd City Hall 13125 SW Hall Tigard. OR Filo Number CPA 87°Oi. ZC �7-02 T�• propossd rszoning. ae a reeult of t�e Albertson's pruject. aould havs an undeeir�bl• attect on the quality o! lile in our neiphborhood !or thp followin� reaeo�s. Th• propoeal is contrary to. and would detract 4rom. th• buifldin8 0! thw city aore. Ths r��ultin� traftic inarsaaee aould oniy turther aonp�ot Hall Blvd. Durham Ro�d, Boni�s Road. �nd � 79th Street. Th• larp• intlux o� nsw l�milior aould ov�r-burdan the echool eyst�m and increae• claofroom siz� beyond dwair�bls levele. We leol the propoeal i■ mad• strictly in th• intere�t o! bip bueineee. and without re�ard !or Lh• citiz�ns o! Tipsrd. Sincerely. U � I j March 3. 1987 ` � i p 4 ! b Tigard Plannine Commieeion � Tigsrd City Hall 13125 SV Hsll TiAard. OR Ffle Number CPA 87-Oi. ZC 67-02 � The propos�d rezoning. se � reeult o! the Albertson's pru�act. aauld h�vs an undeeirabl• �ttoat on the quslity ot lite in our noiphborhood tor tho l�l �oainA reseane. Th• propoeal is contrary tn. and would detract lrom. th• building o! the city aoro. Ths r�sultinp tra!!ic inor�a�ees Would only lurther oonp�ot Hall Blvd. Durhas Road. Bonita Road. and � 79th Strwet. Th• larp� inilux o! n�cr lamiliw� aould ov�r-burdrn the �cnool eyst�m and inarear• al���r�om ■izo beyond desir�bls levwl�. We leal tl�e proposal io �ad• etrictly in th• int�re�t o! bip busineee. and aithout rsgard !or th• aitiz�n■ o! Tieard. Sinc� rel Y . -- � y� .�, �. ' G���'c., ; � s � �. z i. i 1 i � narch 3. 1987 Tipard Plannin� Cowmieeion Tigard City Hall 13125 SW Hell Tigard. OA File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 97-02 Ths propo�e�d rezoning. ae a reeult of the Albertson'■ pru�ect. aould hav an undoeirable attect on �he quality o! lita in our nriphborhood !or tha folloWinp reaeona. Th• propoeal ie oontrery to. and would detr�at lrom. th• b�ild,�.nA o! tha city core. 'Chw re�ultinp tra!!ic inareaee■ Would only �urther aonp��t Hall 81vd. Durha�m Road. 8onit� Road. and � 79th Street. Th• larp• intlux of now lamili�■ Would ovor-burd�n the eahool eyetem and increaee cYaa�room e�z• beyond d�eirable l.velo. W fe�l the propasal ia mads s�rictly in ths intere�t o! bip buainee�. and aithout regard !or th� citizwn• oi Tig�a�rd. Sincerely. , ""t/ ��,� t � � f __ � narch 3+ 1997 Ti ard Planninp Commieeion a Tieard Ciby Hall 13125 SW Hnll Ti��rd. OR File Number CPA 8'7-01. ZC 97-02 The proposed rsaoninp. as a reeult o! the Alberteon'� pru�ect. aould hav an undoeir�bl• altAat o� the quality o! lite 1n our noiphborAood !or tho lol3oWinp rea0one. Th• propoeal i• con�r�ry to. and would dotrect fro�. th• bulldine o! tho city aore. Trie r��ultinp tra!!ic inor��se■ aould �nly lurthmr � oonp��t Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita Road. and =� 79th Street. Th• larp• inllux ot n�a l�milis■ would ov�r-burdan the echool ■y�tem and increaee cla�sroom ■izs beyo�d d�eir�ble l�vele. We topl the propoeal i■ mads etricrZy in ths int�r��t o! bip bueinoe�. and Wfthout regard !or th• citiz�n■ o! TiOard. Sinaarel . �������f� ; � i , i � i March 3. 1987 V Tip�rd Planninp Commi�aeion Tigs�rd CiLy Hall 13125 SV Hall Tigard. OA �i F i 1 e Numbe r CPl� 87-01. ZG 87-02 ' Ths propo�ed rszoninp. a■ a reeult o! the Albert�on'• pru�ect. would haw• an und�sirabl• atieat on th• quslity o! lite in our noiphborhoad !or th• tollowinp reseone. Th• propo�al io aontmary to. ane� Would dotract lrom. th• buildinp ot tho city core. Ths r��ultinp tra!!ic inare4aee would only lurther oonp��t Hall Blvd. Durham E�oad. Bonita Road. and 79th Str�et. Th� larp• intlux o! n�W lamili�� would ov�r-burd�n tha echool eyst�m and inareae� cl�,eeroom siz• beyond d�eirebl� l.vslo. We t.�l th� proposal io mad• strictly in ths i.nt�ra�t o! biQ busin�e�. and aitMout rsgard !or th• citiz�n• ot �'ipard. Sincerely. 1 �. C3...�..Q..P�, `t},__,��...�*�a--`��._�,..r � �-�--"'�, i 4 � I tl�rch 3. 1987 TiQard Plsnninp Commieeion Tigard City Hall 13128 SW Hall Tigard. OR File Number CPA 87-01, ZC 87-02 The propowed rezoni�A. se a reeult of the Alb.rteon'e pr�s�ect. Would h�v� sn undeeirabl• attect on thd quslity o! lile in our n�i�hborhood tor tha lollowin� reaerons. � Th• propo�eal i■ contrary to. and would dotract lrom. th� buildinA o! the city aor�. Th• r��ultinQ trattic inaroaee• Would oniy lurther aonp��t Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita Road. a�nd 3� � 79th Street. Th• l�rp• ir�tlux o! nea lamili�■ would ov�r-burda�n th• �chool ey�tem and fnarase• clav�room eiz• beyond d�eirabl• l�velo. W lw�l the propoeal ie mad• s�rictly in thw int�rert o! bip bu�in�s�. an� aithout regard tor th• citiz�n• ot Tipard. Sinoersly. /� ,� `,t.----�-- � � � � i i i i �arch 3. 1987 Tip�rd Planninp Commiosion TiAard City Hall 13125 SW Hall TiAard. OA � File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 97-02 { Th• propo�sd rszoninp. as e reeult o! th• Albmrtoon'■ pru�act. � would �aavs an undenirabl• a!leat on ths quality o! lite irs our � noighbarhood !or tho lollowinp reseone. Th• propo�al is �ontrary to. and would detract lrom+ th• bulldin� at tho city oore. ' � � The r��u�tinp traitio inar�aeee c�ould only lurther conp�ot Hall Blvd. Durhas Ro�d. Bonita Hoad. and 79th Strest. Th• larp• inllux o! neW 4amili�■ aould over-burd�n ° the ■chnol sy.t�m and inor�ar�• ala�0oroom aizo beyond d.eirabl• lavelo. We 4eel th� propo�al i• mado ■trictly in th• intera�t ot biA bu�inees. and aithout r�eard !or th• citiz�n■ o! Tiga►rd. ; � x � Sincerely U� � <� � � � � (SZ7o S, w � 1�r��` `�c� c�i � . �722� I � ,,, , � � -_=- , March 3, 1987 Tipard Pl�nninp Commieeion Tieard City Hall 13125 SV Hall Tigard. OR Fil• Number CPA 87-01. ZC 87-02 Th• propossd rszoning. ae a reeult of the Alberteon's pru�ect, Would hsve an unde�irablo atlect on the qu�li�y oi lite in our nviphborhood !or the followino re�eona. The propoeal is �ontrary to. and aould detrsct lrom. th• buildine o! tha city aore. Th• r�sultinp trattic inareaeee w�u]d only lurther aonp�ot Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita �oad. and '� 79th Strest. Th• larp• inllux o! new l�mili�■ aould ovwr-burd�n th• eahool sy�tem and inoreae• al�a�room •iz• beyond d�eir�ble levele. Ws teol the propo�al i� made etrictly in th• intere�t o! big busines�. and aithout rseard tor ths citiz�ns oi Tip�rd. Sincerely. � �' i March 3. 1967 i ', � � 1 � Tipard PlanninA Commieeion TiAard City Hall ?, 13125 S6�T Ha 1 1 , Tigard. OR File Number CPA 87-01. ZG 87-02 " The propos�d rezonfng. ae a reeu'lt of the Albertaon'■ pru�ect. would havs an undeeira�blo a!lect on tha quslity o! lite in our nviphboshood !or the followin� reaaone. Th• propoeal is aantrar� to. and ao�ld detraat lror�. th• building o! tha city core. i Ths r�ruitinp trattic inare�eee wou�d oniy lurtB��r aonp�st Hall Blvd. Durham Ro�d. Bonita Road. a�nd '� 79th Street. Th• larps inll�ax o! new f�milis■ would ovsr-burdun tha Achool ey�tem and inoreaes cis�oeraom ■izo beyond de0lrabls levele. We feol tho propoeal io made strictly in th• intere�t o! big bu�ine�es. and taithouL rsgard !or tha citiz�n■ o! Tieard. Sincerely. �. ���^`�. �� � � � ; I narch 3. 19e7 Ti.pard Planninp Commi�aeion " Tigard City H�11 13125 SW Hall Tigard. OA File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 97-02 The propo�ed rszoning. ae s reeult of the Alberteon'■ pru�ect. wo�ald have an undosirabl• a!leat on the quality o! lite in our noiphborhood !or tho following reaaone. Th• propooal fs contrary to. ared would datract lrom+ th• buildine o! tcho city core. � Ths r��ultinp tra!!i� inarsa�eeB would anly lurt�ier oonp�st Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Banita Road. and s° T9th Strewt. Th• larp• inllux of noW tamili�r� would aver-burd�n th• eohool ry�t�m and inoreaea claeeroom •iz• beyond d��ir�bl• l�vele. W• lo�l thq proposal i�a mads etrictly in th• intere�t o! bie bu�in��s. and aithout re��rd !or th• aitiz�t�■ oi TiAax�d. 51nc�rely. �, � %�J�� GZ�r�(� lN � + i // � �,,�,r� __ _ __ _l,��/Y��/_ L�/1/`/✓(�Y_ ��it�'G �-�l +� � '� �7 ' - . . _ __ _ _ _ _ _>� _ . . __ . ..._- .. _ _ 1.�5_ - J_�S�G�� �"�_ ��O ��P�r�_ __�?-- T�l�',-- ��:_.�.. _ . -- -- _ . .. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..� _ _ _ ��9_sT' �,��_.,�' . .t�`�c-.S (�� J�' ���►�. .:._._.��/oS�-- - � � _ _ . _. _. ___ __ __ _. . __ _ __ _ _. _ . . r� _ __ . ..___._. O �y - -- - �� _ �+�t�[��TJ. - .y�_�1'_ _- . �_.__ ., . _.. �.n//.�/¢ . y ���D�.✓C�,�f ;__._.� �/ d'r � _- --_ _ _ _ ___ ___ -- _ _ _ _ _ ---_. .. - - _.. _. .__ ---_ �i� /�.-__ .�o _ Q_r_rr��- lC�'tso� _�'� �"'�-__.`�%c�� __�rJ_ �----- -:. . __ ._ _- -__- --__ __ _ _ __ .__ _ _. ___ __ _. _ ._- --�-� � -- ,?'�'v.vD ___/�v'�- /��'ic_ ��"Pz�? _ 7�. �._._ �i'_f !�:.__. /�'_. __ . - _ _ ---- _- - _ _ ___. _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ __. �_ __ _� � /��`G,�f__T_"�v__�_ _�p%��" _ �� /f/_�' _ ��_vvr�.�e.. __.S�rr�,�,�" ._�i�_ _v_ _ _. ___ _. _ _ _._�_u._2.__.___�'�_ ,_ ____ _ _ _ ___----_----------- _._____. _,____ ___ __._.____._�_____. _.,_ ___.___W.: __- --- _____ _ __- -_ __ _ . _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _._ � _ ..� _ ___ .__ ._�i✓ _..�c�i'!ti�.,�-y_ f _ ��.�_T_?�%�_._ . /�'�i�_- 1.'�l_�..�______.___.._.�.... ..: d` � _ _ _ __ __ _ _ --- __ . __ _ _ .. . __ __.�a�si��._ `S - -��_�_._�-__ �,�r�...o__�. .. ,/�TD....10 _ ___ �eG��,�_.,�.._ �',� ,___ .�_._. . _ _ _ _� D ._ . _---- __ _ ,.._ _ _ . _�. _ _. ._ _ _ .. _. __�/`'' ..�.+�. � _'�`�'�__ .. �/./IVl�t v b / E?. . .��... .. 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P�larch 2. 1987 GitY of Tigard Planning Gommission 13125 SW Hall : Tigard , �r. 9?223 Dear Planning Gammissian , This letter is written to express our grave concerrr ower the proposed zaning change an site "G" of the attatched map . Our ne#ghbarhaod , though close ta the city has a distinct cauntry atmospfiere . The area i� qu iet and verY candas i+,►e to ra is in9 a fami l y . ' We mo��ed here fGr .iust that reason. We belie�e that changing the zoning ta allaw for a large multi-family de�el4pment will seriawsleY undermind that qual ity af l ife . L� bel ieve the ar•ea is better suited ta single familY dwel l irrgs , and asK that you Keep it as such . Rs City aff ic ial s it is imper it iU� that YQU Iteep #he r ights and ap irr inns of the peapl e 1 iv ir�g in these affected at-•�2��. at the TDP of y�our priority list . We trust that yau caneure . ThanK y�au for your time and attention to these mattera , VerY tru Y Yours , � ill � Lynn TracY 7961 SW Churchill Wa Tigard, Or 97224 , F' . �°��:�"r "��,'� �� ! f � � � `�'������ ����1� ����' � ��� ��� . r--�-.,.�..��.�- - �� GG-� � �Y���J �� ' ���� � ��'�'��� _ /��r%%"° ���� �5 ;►������' ra��� -��� � - �,�/�-/� ���, :� i _ tr � � >. . . � � � � �p.j�, j 1 C�f�(Z� 4��4N N�N6 �,pMNt I 5 5167U 4� %�ne..1 _ � ��..L�•�l �VV�C.i� � ��.. I � iZ�: �5E c�>4 8�-oi CC� ��. 8�-c�2�L> Cs�Te G� � I � I I ; �- Ae�t 5v3M t i T►N� �T1-1 t s w4Z.lTT�-� �'�S r�M�/��/ � Tv l��M�4 fvD ►H C 17 EN(A 1� D`=" �"-T�-i� ,�i�l� d"��3 i l�1�.1 ( 2�GZ�c ST �F=�'(�., �4�t'1�.1C� G�-�1�t�SC�C, i H I`5 'PfZd r�b5 ; S rlo v�D �3 c 'P�►���:� c�t..s �� r=vc.-c�o w i N� "3�S�s : I _ ' c,�. � ' f �� I�C�c�r- c�e-✓�-�- "i�. t�(g 5 d e�n.�a.Q �� I .r w�s1�. �r i 5S� �2:'T-1'T'i`o r�1 -�'o r c-ktiG,.�^'�-2- ' C r T�.c� � '�'eu-�o►�.S � �✓�'�P� Uat�� C� T!'aa�.S�r'Tcvl.'^i.o� - j k.i S �0.� T-C-H�/�tGEA ��la►Ce' �`�85. � de_vts 1 Ty/N v i►'1I,3 Elr'Z o�-- ti o u5�5 I-� A�5 o I�J�.Y � I C2Dc.��1 5��rc,� rHi._.�N --`� e� ��STr�a.¢:� o� i /�-�o�a�a�ax2. l�r'P�.mS " r�2�r��� �QaX- � i aax2 � �, i �"�u�. d-� v r'�l.c�.�-.�� S 1 rP.�T'S I i � (.�aG�. b us 52r���c.e —.. j�1n.,i..S SiT�� In c�..s c�b r s�✓t. t.�.a,'Tt�..I 1-�C:� �' I�$� c�,� ��o-�- ��Z�- M�T'S �`!3 h�, 5o v i►L O� (,l.'Ar'ariiN�T(,N �'j��t.f�. ' (� l��K'-��r"�' L� �y'2.vCous��1 'j"ur�.¢� dou��. 1�2cc„�.�se. ��7 �n��.- woUt� rew�,�v�. ov� 3 S?c��e.s-- i 1'�-i� la..��„- cu�e.c� ua��l� �-� �r"� '�I� �'1� ft W. 5 To ?1�a- ��j o�.� R-12 ��L-�2 d e.�e�vv� o�' ��7 `T'o i�.e. s �'TL►. �%�-�S i� �.N i�AC i� (.��o R`�� 'T`t-{�4 N TN� �8 5 �/w�r`TiOnS '�' ��' 13� ""��4F�IG 5 fTV�??ON- l`?"�-�� �v s on�d D�rl�.1.��N�Z �- i ev�c.� ' «�s� cc��n9�� o� �v��wc l back'�' u ; �-°� --� - - ,� r � ` onTv �f 9 �-- • l�a-t-c-�a-r" 19 ivor Na�c, �o�t { �j�i �.�CPe.�j�` i u c�.IGaor k� i'v� i J'w�i'�.-�s�¢,c.i � j --�r�,�n- o�- a►"Te. �.r -�c'o,�. /v1a�r' CAS�l�l� � �i�TETZ th�..'S. i � � , � � � � : � . a _ _i � ��� �� ��� a' L `_�/ �-./'ln����R�`�.1 y v,��^-u�s• �:;� �:� i�¢_ P�Grpa�c.k.w�e.w O-P �-1� �UN�I� Af2EA�5 ��NTD �j'�. rv�.�;o1 gT v-P (�. N.'S�l2.�7 a�a..S t.�i(I 52�1er1�' ' � �e�cr�a.� Z� v�as�.�-��? � cur�.-�n,i i�� b�;1T !-�� � o..s we�Q,a..s Tev�o� 'To cji scov��a.�.� -t-o cc5n.�"►�n�e�� : a�.V e�.w�Q�n"�. p-� ov r cx..loove-a�.v�e,cr.�.s�,v.. 'c'es�erv��C c�va�.Q.t;'G� r�.e,,�'��orr-i�.00r�s s�ln..as Gev�,Tle.wodc�5 � : U- 4�or�a �PacZ�S I �2�3 • ', � ►uco91n-1�-�c� E;.l�.�c.T�er— I I i �v��►1 t,�.>ksix�. 7_oN�'D -fcsr- i2—IZ � `f l� c1�v eQe' �c��i�a� T�� i►�. t 1a�2 C�l-�ove..-�o�v��'�e. . ,,ry ' ' Si.��- -��.�-. `J . �� -7'L.�v-� �s sor+�a. � a.bca��T- 1�.Q. cl�o�a�c��'- � vc�u��.,,;�.�-� i`��.c�,i.. S �e.0 -� � otd�er r�.p W1�2-5 � (� ('b��i v�-� �•1..��.�J 0.v� 0... S��L�f2Jf' �F ���• j �T1�r� �c��sro►� � a��r►�o►�.�1 `�--�-L j � -�r�2r, ��.r� ► S 0.i'�. Uv��"tec�s ►�-\rusiort ivfS'D � �Ha�G t�c�J1� o1�r��S�. h.e�o��onQ oQ wi.c�ST ; �, r�.�itiborl��s i�v� a..� o-� I►C��ifi2.7- j�n.�..15 r�S 0. ✓��or�ac� w hax'e. �P�Qt�. 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I 5c1�►r�o I S /��y _ " ' C3�✓e ��C.. c#�T o r' �v�r GoyOa.G� ; � ► -,--� �-r-,� �.� �,w�,e� 3� ��e-,) ���-�'�-,.�- r�_ � i 4-� r1�^�- /9�8 ��i(��`r�.. 1.Pa/'/ wi!( �ov���2 o.o��v�2_ � �'Gl�(,t,�, 4 -Fa.c.r`�r'.1.�12,�1 ! w��. 0,���s ,--��� �o►- o{ s�t�i �; � GlUSvrP�S 9�-?j�1�6�1(L!� �Y+'�"^��r�1�.5 a��o1�.'S 7d�.t�ro�� � %TS Sc-�t�� o��reGa`..a�t �,� ..1:._ woc��C� S�r�cLr� � �ou�T ?�- 1q(�8 1�,r.� w i�� la� �s�r � I i , �c'� G�,q,��e- r1M�•- G�al�-t�'S �ucaZ'irnn.� U � � , . � I KAJV��o�,s�S j'�-3 �, . Sv M�'►�i�r-i�� �� I�. neenc� -�` iL�..s �,-t2 c��,ne �,,L�oi- h.e.. il>�1��1�� �Vt ��`��� �'^�' �`Q_ �Q�I`�rv`+c-''`'�-� ;�a.C-�s O✓L 1�L�Q. 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G�c..¢._ _�?'�2'�..pir f�� GZYC� .�C/�O_D� d��r/�-7� _ _. . � , __. �-r.�.,`L2'�� .�IGLi�_--l.a- .Gv� �� �?� . ' _ � /�G�� CCc�JG��� 7� � . . . .�.r . �.�.[/(ii,/�/ �/'^ � J� /C_.-�/� �/.G�--! . . � ✓�p � G/( � vI G�C-// . . /��c.� - �Y"1 C/1�/C..�.. .�. .. ...._._. ., / C� G�oZ�e.o�� �j I'1.��vi h ��ia'"ct..h c�. �'ece,c�� G�`jGf `/ �� C' tz�� .OG�o �h �i a..`x-��. h-ror�e ��e� � Z`_"f�2...�,� 7�i h-� ,. 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I TO: PLANNING COMMISSION AND C1TY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, TIGARD, OREGON RE: P�ZOF'OSED ZONE CHANGE FRO�t R-7 TO R-12 OC' THE PROPER'TIES DESCRIBED BCLOW: t� �� ��1��_ �> Lc�cali��n: ratil uC S�V I[all, sc>ulh c�C SW Rc�titi, wcsl uC SW 791h �incl nurlh uf 13oncl 1'ark subclivi�ic>n. (W("1'IV[ 2S 1 12C�n lc>�s 4O00, 4100, anci 2S L 12C13 Ic�l� 500, <O0, 500, 1000, 11.00, 12U0, 1�OU, 14Q0). We ihe uncle.rsign�c( prup�i•ly o�vn�rs in lh� itnm�cliale vicinity c�i' the ab�>ve ctescriU�d I�re����rlics clo hcrcby p�tilic>n lhe 1'lani�in�; C'c�mmissic>n ancl C'ily C'c�uncil uC lhc Cily c�l' '1'i�arcl, '1'igarcl, Urcgun, tc> cicny thc r�qucslccl u�ne C�li.l11�TC an th� abc�vc cicscribccl prc�perties. Wc hcr�by �xpr�ss c�ur c�mpl�t� unwillingi�ess to scc �he chai•acter ol our neighbarhoocl tugcthcr with th� valu�s ol our prc�perlicti rec(uced by tiuch zunc chang� aclie�n. �ZI:S��I'.CI.�U��y �llVlI11L�t2CI: NAMC ADDRESS �� ' ' 7 7GtS SCt���P��/ri,.l�z�s �r� ' � ` O 1;�.� ���'� � ..���-�..� � 7�� .� � � � a s� ��� �� � � , , .. s�� r�.� d� � � �/''f� � /� ` � / � � u Y� � (l�'i _ " �` r - _y �V , � � � � �� / � � "'/� /'S"o�/S �':G�,'. ��r.�t C�.�E'-t�v�'S �+�t_�' �S�./l ��� �� �� r��`' . ��: i TO: PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, � TIGARD, OREGON '� RE: FROPOSED ZONE GHANGE FROiVi [�-7 'T'O R-1.2 OF THE i PROI'ERTIES D�SCRIBEI� BCLOW: � ;�! I�>cati��n: Gast c�C SW 1lall, sc�ulh c�l' SW Itc�ss, w�sl ��C SW 791h �iiut i� n�rlh uf 13c�ncl t'ark subclivisiun. (WC'I'Nl 2S1 12C'!\ luts 4U00, 41U0, !' ancl 2S 1 12C13 luls 500, <OO, �O0, 1000, 11.U0, 1200, 1:iU0, 14Q0). }li � We the unctersigne;cl �ruperly uwneis in the imm�e(ial� vic;inity <>I' the ab��ve jl clescrib�d pro��rtics cto l�ercby p�lilic�n thc 1'lanning C'ummissic>n antl C�'ity (� C'c>uncil uf the Cily uf '1'i�arci, 'l'igtu•cl, Urcgc>n, tu �Icny lhe rcquesl�ci zcme �! Cllilil�TC an th� �tbav� cicsc:riUccl prc���crtics. Wc hercby ���press c>ur compl�t� �I uuwillingn�ss to sce tI1L Cllill'1Ctl'1' UL UUl' i1CI�TIII)Ol'�lUOC� tU�l;tS1C1' W1tI] Ylll; valu�s �. ol our propertics r�ctuccd by such zcmc chan�c actic�n. � 1 Resp��cllully submiU�cl: �� NAME ADDRESS =�' �� �- . . �7. �1� (,(J /� < //� �lJC�.G C�; � !�,'��l/V ,1.�2�t�/�- G =II /1 � I�/Y/�� (J \� v v�-� ��. Yl�,'�„�tsd+"—J � I �'C D S�V /..>O N CX ��� i- ! o S.r,�✓. 7y� , � � �d r � J;� � �� G'� G8.'l�t'�.�` `S�o�i` s°(/�!� ���`� �u�' i ;1;��/�-,/�►� < . l � �7 � �C��� �... � s'�" �.�"` ,� cc./� `� 4 ��, �- ��� ��s%-1_,/� / � 4� / U � (.�� � C � �� � i � � � � r j; 't' . `�, TO: PLANNING COMMISSION tiND CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, TIG�RD, OREGON RE: PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROyt R-7 TO R-12 OF THE PROPERTIES DESCRIB�D BCLOW: Lucatiun: G'ast c�f SW IIall, tic�uth c�C SW Rc>sti, w�sl c�C SW 791h ancl nurlh uL 13c�ncl Park tiubclivitiic�i�. (W("1'NI 2S1 12Cl1 lc�ts 4000, 4100, �tncl 2S1 12C1.3 Ic>ls 500, 600, 500, lQQO, 11UU, :120U, 1�OQ, 140Q). W� ihe unctcrsi�nccl pre>perly e�wn�rs in lh� i�nm�ciiale vicinity oL' the tiU<�ve cl�scrib�cl ��rc�p�rlics cic� h�rcby l��lilic�n th� I'lannin� Cummissic>n ancl Cily C'c�uncil c�f llie (.'ily c>f 'l'i�arcl, 'l'igarcl, (�rcgun, t�� cicny th� r�c�ucslccl zc�n� chan�;c c�n lh� abuvc ciescrib�cl prc>perlirs. We h�rcby cxpr�_sti c�ur compl�t� unwillin�ness to sce tlie charact�r ol our neighborhood tog�thcr with th� values oC c�ur prc���crtics r�ducccl by such zone change acliun. R�sp�c;tl'uily Submiltecl: NAIVIC ADDRESS ' ,D���.�..?�'��.� o ,2�- .� " ,D,e V',r,.e ��iv�als o,., �._S.2�J� �, �J 7Jc��r �! Q✓�� f . ���� . � ��a�r.�� 7R� �. ,,, � �`,' ,(/. I / ,�� �S'''a' / ✓ !4cc.✓`� �r'. , �l,G.�if. .����c� �'��. �7�'��L�P �� CQ, rl.,E;�� �s�-�-u.�-r.- I S��.S .s'� �'� � r ��.`'./ , �. . . • 4t.. �..:. .� ,, NAM� �,nnacss ( ,,'' � ,,_,.' ,�.,, 5 ( � � � �l� ��`.�- + � ��'�' .� 7 s f 1{l� G�/ � �(� E r 7� � � �� � �� 4 �,�-Y-_._ '7�1 y!� �w Ch�.����.i I I ��� � t�.-4�_ �i Dr � � � (� 1 07 �"` �, � 1 `77�5 SUJ ('o�EN7"L���Oc9-�-S � �, � �, . r r � � a � Cr c.� � z S . 7 "7 � �� � u I��3� � �� _� �52�o � � , -� o� � "� ,ti�.��,1�- t�/�-,� �, �9 �3 � � Cti� . ����� r�h�c.��,,��; 7���G�' ��.c.�-c.�.��-� � _, A � �' r'` ��, � � .�'�� , � .���,�t� g3 d s� ��'�:�-�� _ ��,�� ��3o s� �,����-� � � 7 � t5"u/ ��� I I• • ��'' N A YI�C �'+�D�DIt�SS " � � ��SG� � G���°�� � � � -� �� � ��, C��� �� � '/��� �1.�� /���� ; , - �D �'�s" Sw ��k, ���i/ �r � � r � / ` �, �-� � � a�.S� �,t,�.� , �l °t � �c��. � . �h ��-�z� s.�. --��.�w � ����% �� �� �� �,�,.�,�r w ��f-� �8so S�v �„�✓-���'�. ��. �� �7 • ,� , -78�o aicc� ���2� �o „ � �� �%'dL-v �;G; �yLG��i f/ �" -� /.� a�-.�-d S.�.r�. 7 9 � �2 L �� /Y v�-r-a� L S'G�� f't� 7�Y/� �i S,Gt/f � � /�`� �d ?� J> T 'I i ; ; ,; ; � �� � . . _� _. � ` � NANI� ADDRESS � ��� � /'c�J �-�d �,�' c� .7�'��. � � � �, f f 7 G _ ��,�i�, l��/;�_ �, r �{.-- ``�'l rf ���G��V 9�-! • 7'�'j� n � �.S'W ��l1rGh/✓l �' - _� ��� � ���� `��1. ,���. � 1 � ���5 � , (.,�I � `1 � --��— . ,�,1.��,.�,�._ f ���.-- �cl��S �C.�v� C'i���.r���� �C� ,� ' �� �1 �. c.� C� � ; � ►M r �.�(YL��. �-l�c�..V'a�A�_�da.� =�a�,�� ��Ll i - �� . ; � � . ��'°�`�3 �.t� ��+�I� Ll.� � � �c.,, Su� �.��-�.� � ` � � �c�l�J �� �P�.s S!,✓ I�O�✓D � J - «--��s- s�� �� � �s��s- w �� `� ^ �,�..�" s I(YZr � �r5.G�-�� �r 1.� --- �-t-��t s 5,w, `�� 5:�- T J � � . � a ' � ���:: ,� N�,m�c �nnacss �---, ' �,, ' ' `� ��S� S GL� C�ti�.h'm-r_-�. � - - % � � % '' ��� � ) � e WQ d� G� ��� ���J� .S-�c/ �ii2���-�l�G� ; � , i' � I � � � _ l � ��/��- ��� �� �.� � � ; y � ���e�' �� ��� �s���s" �: �1 G.�wf�e �,6� C'�/ w./I F � ; ` Z,�� ��` lti� _�G��`S�lic� C:�/�Zt.</L��tC.G/C�G�l�i2� f . � � .�� � � �..� �i���� � ��Gf�/,.f���� C=�:/'� � i � � � � � � i i , „ 7 �' NAVI� ADD'RCSS � �,�� .��1 ��- ���9z, � �- � i �5a �� � � `7 � ; r�-�_�_ ; _ ; �. � ; �ug� �, � r�s�o � �'c,✓ C9e�1�L�we�c� � � � � — � 1' �' ,�� ���.�a ��J � -� 4 ��.f��- � � , �.H� ��.A � ,�. �' 1 �^�,,,,,, . . �''}"'""� ✓"�� �� �'x,�."]�r���,..�.,,":.�6*M'��.�'�,�lJ,�.-„��,� !� J � ��` �' .. ,..�-,.' - C �A�`�1�o �c� ��1 o S�. t: � l o y 3o Sw k�l�l� .5�= ` d ��� ��� ���� � . 7�9c� Su) �,�f e Gt1o��5 , � `���5 �.� �� S ; ; ;; , — �� ; ; z, � :� ; f� , . . . .. . . .. , ..._.__. _ :..___. ._.._.. .. ..... __ .__.,...__...,.:.'_ f Y1a�r c,k, _3� � �l �`i `' � 1 O�cArA ���nr�� � ` �L7rnmiss lLZw J J ' �e�rd�n�j "�'he. Y-e�an � n� n�c- �� S; �-�.G�� �r�rY-� o� S;�c.�1a., �'at.m;\� R�s�c\er�:�..1 �O a `�`n�..�:tk` '�a.�-�\� �e5 i cte r�i a� : �.Je- �u.v c..>., acs�a o v�v-- tp ro�c�r�t--� � Cks� Sv,.v,�'n'�e'Y' � `� �,n �.a. �ark S�e c�� ��c o,\�� b,e c c�..,�..� �� �s c� � S� ,-.oJk.. �cx.r.-�', 1� re s i c�e r,��a` c�.r e c�.. W e w c'c.r.�-e d� � �1�.�. :�. o�.� Q r'Gu.. W�r�.6�c'� C-�f°c � �c e`f� C- b�`� �., �� � �. �.� �k s�r�e�r s o..��. c._\�s� � � � '(��'-�c�ln�crr-�n c�t�. S c.h�c�`, =k� -ac�-.cz. Y-�2.��r-,:,-�� .'�-c��e,s- c�`c,.c.._�. � S,l�J '1 q-µ` C„� W o w\cSl b�c.r»��a.� �- ��..�� --�'�n r��c�� �cA-�e. ��s a..�e- ��--c- -�� e_--�'��a�e�. 6.�- �-He. o,r e ci � C��S e�ve.� � v ,5, � �'�e�.r �C�� e�c�.s. J�.�.r�,a,�.� S�"h e al ta.�o�....� � r.��- b e.. o.bl� -�o �c.��.. c�1.� -��..e, `.r�c.v e c���d�- ���v��.�.-���� . "��^� �, r c��� � -�1� Q r r��,e��-� v c�\�s r.�4 r3�-,�.d� Q�.r k �r.c��m c S w��d1 c�ro� ��'�.5� � L«.\\ �S rnos� c�.�1� c�� �c'� -r-�s; �e v�-� S p�.. �cs,r�.b� �1ar�k, � w� �e;e.� '� �..a.-� `�.�a�^ �'r�e-- Qir�.r�r�'�r,� '� °��-�.-e. c�woz� �� U�..r� -c-ea.Sv,r-� Uu� �..ve. �"Y��J e cQ �r�� `�C"1�,�S �Ca.r��c�..\�..Y- � c�o �r-i c> wti o.k:e -�r�n i C`s�.re�,, e��~ �� q�-r�. ���as e. � .3 J �,G,�,� G�.r�e. S� n�e.�cl�, 1 � \U-.f qaYC.'`' b- �rt c� ��� r�-�- ��I L�Jr S•�� �O(�tS7 ,�'�'. ( ( . + ,, �' ; � �< ; 2':' P': ; , c,. �'ecn.�.H I �9 g �`� � � ' 7 i i �t' -rt:+� � ' 'i �+ ��n-r►�..r..�,�.�, - 4 , � i. �.1 5 r !! d�� ��� � �!� � � ���� JG�� CC���:�C�'�. i i Cry�l�t.Gi i, �i�. R-'1 �O Q j z . � � � , i r � , (°.�►�w�ir,c.�vv� c� c�u.n�,.,�e.k:r �,�v�,� � (,si�� �,��- ,�'� t.Tt� i G� � l.c�.. �' Uy�.4,���-, (�„�� � ! w,��er � l�c.E.L Gt.� C.,tt,c.�i-� �'t��'C �U C-���„ = 1 ����� � �� G:�...�C ; L ,,��.�-.. I ' "1��3'S �C_I �� �' ( - ; I�' �� ��7z2�{ � 50� ��- � ' �- 3� � ,: I� �� �� �; � ; I � i j�l I March 3. 1987 Tipard Planninp Commiesion ' ifi Tigsrd City Ha11 13125 SW Hall Tl�ard. OR File Number CPA 87-01. ZC a7-02 The propoe�d razoninp. a�e a reeult o! the Alberteon'■ pru,ject. aould hav� an undeeirablo attect on ths quality o! lile in our n�iphborhaod !or tha lolloWin� reaeone. Th• psapooal is contrary to. and would dotract from. th• buSldin� o! the city aoro. Th• rs�ulting tra!!ic inoroase■ Would only lurther oonA��t H�11 Blvd. Durham Roa�d. So�nita Road. and 79th Street. Th• larp� intlux of n�w lamilis� aould over-burdan tho ■cnool eyst�m and inarease als�v�room sizo beyond d�eirebl� lavalo. Wo te�l the proposal ie made strictly in ths intere�t o! bie bu�in���. and Without rsgard !or the Citiz�n■ oi Ti�ard. Sinaerely� l / ,, ��` �Z ��s��-- \�S>' S� ���.C�..� � -� ��� i -� ,�,�.�.-.� c��..� ��-�- �� ; , �. � � � � # , t , � � �, } I , March 3. 1987 I � TiAard Plannin8 Commieeion Tigard City Etall 13128 SW Hall Tigard. OA File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 87-02 The propored rszoning. a�e s reeult o! the Alberteon'e pru�ect. would hav an undoeirabl• s!lsct on ths quslity ot lite in our noiphborhood !or tho tollowinp reaeone. Th• propoeal is contrary to. end would detra�t lrom. �the buildine o! the city aoro. Ths r�rultimp tratfic inor�ases would only lurthar conp�rt Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita Road. and '� 79th Strset. Th• l�r�• intlux of nsw lamili�• aould ov�r-burdMn the ec?�ool eyete�n and inarea�e olao�roo� ■iz• beyond deeirabls levelo. 41e teel the propoeal i■ mad• strictly in th• intere�t o! biQ bueineee. and without reeard !or th• citiz�n■ o! Tieard. Sincerely. -- �-z: �G� /� � � � S� ��. ' ��-` u.r-c,- � � � ; k ; narch 3. 1987 Tiga�rd Planninp Commiosion TiAerd City �sll 13125 SH HaYl Tiga�rd. OR File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 97-02 i The propo�ed rszoninp. ae a reeult o! the Alberteon'■ pru�ect, '', Would hav• an undosirabl• attect on tha quslity o! lit• in our , n�i�hborhood tor tho iolloaing reaeone. 'i TA• propoaal i■ aontrery to► and aould detraot lrom. ',, �h• buildinp o! th�a city oore. ' Th• r�sultinp traftic inorsasee would only lurthmr '� oanp��t H�11 Blvd. Durham Road. Banita Rosd. �nd = 78th SLr��t. Th• larp� inllux o! noa tamili�■ aould over-burdrn ' ths •ohool ■y�t�m and increaee claooroom ■iz• beyond ', d��irabl• l�vdle. i1s feol tho proporal io mads etrictty in th• intor��t o! bip buein��s. end aithout r�eard !or th• citiz�n� o! Tie�rd. Sincerely� � �:�Cy'L.a/�� ��-o�-�--- � � � �� L � �. c�l . �7 �i � u�---� r`� ev�-� 0 � �� � � � 7 �---�-- � � . ___�. � March 3. 1987 Tigard PlanninA Comwieeion Tigerd City Hall 13125 SW Hsll Tigard, OR Filw Number CPA a7-Oi. ZC 87-02 The propo��d rszoninA. as s reeult of the Albertaon'� pru�ect. aould hnvw an undaelrabl• a�ttect on the quality o! lits in our n�iphborhood tor tho lolloainA reaeone. Th• psopoaal ie contrary to. end aould dotreaL lrom. th• building a! tho city core. Ths r�sultinp trsitic inareaeee would only lurthmr oonQ��t Hall Bivd. Dur3�aa Fioad. �onita Road. and � 79t?� Str�st. Th• larp• inllux ot now lamilis• aould ov�r-burd�n the eahool .y�tem and increaee cla�sraom •iz• beyond d�eir�bl• lavele. We feel the propoeal io �ade strictly in th• intar��t ot bip bu�inwe�. end aithout rw0ard !or the citiz�n■ o! Tipard. ainovrsly. � � , �-vf�Ci' I �i ._--c�- u rc r/ 4 7�'�* ky C� � J �/y 4,' 1 ` � , � � �r � ��� ;; t ; ; � � , � ,� ; f; � _ ; ;� i 1 i 'I i tlarch 3. Y987 r Tipard Planning Commieeion Tigard City Hall 13125 SV Hall Tieard. OR File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 87-02 � i: Ths proposed rszoninp. as a reeult o! tA• Alberteon'e pru,ject. �' aould hav an undoairabls attect on th• quality or lile in our ` n�i�hborhood !or the lolloWinp rea�one. Th� propoeal i■ aontrary to. and would datract lrom. th• building o! the city oore. ` i � The r��ultinp tra!!ic inoreaseo would only lurther ? oonp�st Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita Road. �nd � � 79th Strest. ` i. Th� larp� intlux o! n�a lamili�� Would ov�r-burd�n the ■chool sy�tem and inareaei ala��room siz• beyond ! dwelrabls level�. i Ws l��l the proposal i� mad• striatly in th� intere�t o! bip bu�iness. and aithout rse�rd !or the aitiz�n■ o! Tigard. ; I Sincorely. � � � � ��`�� � ��..ze/ , �. � �,� ���, ' � °�'� ��.�.�y �'-re�.p�sv ..._. ���' �r�� / � l►`o�s�coc,My-.r /�.f.5�� Karch 3. 1987 Tigard PlanninA Commieeion Tigard City Hall 1312� SW Hall Tf�ard. OR File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 87-02 The propo�ed rezonine. ae a reeult o! the Alberteon'� pru�eot. Would have an undeeirable a!lect on the quslity o! lile in our n�iphborhood !or the lollowine reasone. Tri• propo�al is contrary to. and would d.tract lrom. �he buildin� o! the city core. The r�sultin0 tra!!ic inoreaeev aould only lurther aonp��t Hall Blvd, �urham Ro�d. Bonita Road. �nd '� 79th Streeto T�• larp• inllux o! new l�mil ��■ aould over-burdwn the echooi eyetem and inareae• al�oaroom siz• beyond daeirable levele. We teel the proposal ie made �trictly in the intere�t o! big buslneee. end aithout reeard !or th• citia�nr o! Tigard. Sincer�ly. , �--� i�l, , i� , � � 7i'l'/ � ���" � , S r� �3��� � -}-- ---;- � �� _ � �o � � � _ _ _ . . . , I _ I � I Clarch 3. 1987 Tipard Planninp Commioeion Tieard City Hall 13125 SV Hall TiAard. OR File Number CP,� 87-01. ZC 87-02 The propo�c�d r�zoninp. ae a reeult o! the Alberteon'e pru�ect, aould Aavs an undosirabl• a!leat on the quslity o! lite 1n our naiphborhood !or tho lolloain� reaeone. I Th• propooal i■ aontrary to. and would dotrsct lrom. ' Lh• buildihp o! th• city core. � Th• r�aultinp tra!!ia inoreaee■ Would only lurthmr aong���t Hall Blvd. Durham Road. Bonita Road. and � , 78th Strest. I Th• larp• intlux o! neW lamili�� would ov�r-burd�n the eahool syet�m and inoreaee cl�aeoroom ■iz• beyonct d��ir�bl• levelo. Wa feol the propo�el iv mad• etriotly in th• intsr��t o! bip buein��s. end without r�eard !or the citiz�n■ oL Tipard. Sinceroly� < �J l�—�7 (/` , � � � � � "� � ` G��LS � , w � ��'C'wr.c�i � � � � `l �c�.��) v.,� . . � March 3. 1987 TiAard Planninp Commieeion Tieard City Hall 13125 SY Hall Tieard. OR File Number CPA �7-Ol. ZC 87-02 The propo�od rezoning. ae a reeult ot the Alberteon'e pru�ect. Would have an undoeir�blo a!leat on the qusi�ty o! lils in our noiphborhood !or tho lol3oWin0 reaeone. Th• propoeel is �ontrary to. and qould dQtrsot lromo th• buildine n! the city core. Ths r��ultinp tra!!ic inare�eee would only lurther aonp��t H�11 Blvd. DurhAm Road. Bonita Road. arid 79th Street. Th• larp• inllux o! nsa tamilisa uould ovsr-burd�n the �cnool ayttem and increaea claewroom siz• bey�nd d�eirabl• levela. W te.l the propo�al iv mada strictly in th• intmre�t o! bin bueinese. and aithout reg�rd !or the aitiz�n� ot Tipard. Sincarely. ��� �--- �� 1�U�>��7,�. ' � ���- .�, (��. c�.�, ��.��dn 9 �.. ��� � � � � March 3. 1�67 Tipard Planninp Commiaeion TiAard City Hali 13125 SW Hs►11 TiAard. OA File Number CPA 87-01. ZC 67-02 The propo�sd rezoninp. ar a reeult o! the Alb�rtoon'• pru�eat. Would hav an und�ae�rabl• a!lect on th• quality o! 31ls in our noiphborhood 3or the lollowinp reae�ns. The propoeal i■ contrary to. and Would dotraat lrom. th• buildir�Q o! th• city cora. Ths r�sultinq tra!!ic inar�a.e■ would only lurther oonpeot Hall Bivd. Durhas Road. Bonita Road. a�nd '� 79th Street. Th• larp• intlux ot noW lamilis■ would ov�r-burd�n th• oahool ey�tam and inorsa�• als�e�r�om sizo beyond d�eirabl• l�velo. We te�l the proposal i• mad• rLrictly in th� inter��t ot bip buein���. and Without r�gard ior th• citiz�ns ot Tip�rd. Sincer�ly. ���.��,u-�,,..� `'� , lf �' Gf �. w , 7 � �-- , L�-„i� c� � 9 7 1 � y March 3, 1987 To whom it may concern: We as a neighborhoad, strongly disagree about the the zoning change which has been proposed. We believe that this:�would damage the quality and peacefulness of our neighborhood. Regarding our existing traffic situation would, of course, not improve either, only get worse. We would not mind single home dwellings because it would not increase the neighborhQOds population tremendously. As a concerned neighbor and a Tigard inhabitant, we would like to see this neighborhood a high quality area so that the city of Tigard can be proud of. Hopefully, we will see positive actions taken ta resolve this matter . Thank you for your time. Sincerely yours, ��.. ti Mr. and MrN . Rady � i � I � �} f c � f � ! } � �. � i s 1 —J `l�l'l S W GHV�c.►{►ti� WMy � TI G��� , o iZ q��.zy S. � s'US ��a9—o3 8�4 � r !: i �;1"F1F�F�' C2F�N�F2�" f1GE::iVI'l�l 7"i"k::M ...a..:,.7._C)/E�.. M�rch 3, 1.�$7 -- '7;30 N�,M. l":I:(;;AF2C;1 C�L..f�NNx:IUC C;qMM7:�:axnN '1":�GAFti� (�:C..f,Y I��(�I,.l. �... .1..qWN P��L..l. 131.7..�a w;W Hf1L.l._ F3LVC), � ••�•1.A.�71'1R�7� V���471.�1Y 7/(1� . A, F'AC"I":.; ]. , Cener�a]. ]:nfcarmafiion Cfa aE: (;nF� 87.....01 (p/lµ) i:.117c� IC; f3 i�._.Q2 (I:)/F) C�E:(�UE:;�"f., C;om�r�riE�risi.ue F�J.�n Rmcandnif�ni: fr•�m l..�w qEans,i.l:y �t�;�i.d�nti.a]. t<� Me<�:�um I)��i�sii:y Resic��nt..i.al. �nr� a xcan� (�h�1•�ye �fi^um R...-A.5 (�ir�c�l�.a F�nt9.ly R�ss9.ca�.asii:i,�a1.. �+.':i �an;i.ts ���r �c.r��) 1�:c� F2.....7 (�i.nc�).� �"am9.].y Resi.d�n�t.i.a1, '1 iani.l:s �Hr ac.i.,e) C;OMF�It�:I�iC::N:;IVE" PL_F�N C1E���:C•;Nfll°;x:nlU; t..<�w C)�nsi.t:y R�si.c��:�n1::i.��. LUnI:CNC 17�.:S:I�NF�.T..T.nN; R..._�+.5 Af�Fyt..7:C,F1nll°; Ci.i:y af "I"i.��r�c� OWNE:�2; 7�Hiri & N�c�mi. Ln�wE�r� I�ich�r•d & �arka�ra {3r�c�l.ey WaJ.tei^ & ;J'oan E3i^t�oks G�ar�y M�rk I�i^ey L_i+tWY'EYIC� � M�r,y �chnii.dl� l.t)CA"f:CON; Wcasi: of �W 7fi�:h. 5QlA'�:.I'1 of Gc�nt:l.nwcac�c�s ��al:x�iui.sit�n, r•aast o1= '�W ! 75�1-.h, �nc) nc�r�i:Mi o�f f3��rid �>rar•k ;auk�c�i.uis:i.nn (W(:,1�M 7..<;]. i.2.(�Fl l..c�i�.s I 700, 3!a00, �nd 36q0; 2�;1 1.2t�q I_uts 2Qp «tr�ci 30Q) , ! 7.., E3ae.,kcLr;c�ur�c�._I:nfior�ma�ion Na K�r��u9.c��.is land 1,18E? aK>K>1i.r..ai:i.on� Ni�v� Ya��r� r�ui�w�c� hay tN�<� Gi.t:y r�].ati.ri<� �:o �l;h�se two {�arc�.ls , Tr� U�c:F�mhc�r 1986 th� �I"a.c�arc� Ci.�Ly Co�anr.:i.J. c�a�i� r.nnda.ti.cyn�]. ��K�r�c�u<aJ. 1:n th� f�.l�anr•tsor�' s Cc�n�prnh�n�:i,v� Pl.ar7 Am�ndm�nt (t�I�A) fcar chanc�irig �t:he GomK>r�hen;aa.u� K>J.�r� c�c>>ir�r��ti.nr� of sc�u�raJ. �r�o��r��ti�s lc,c�at�d ai: 1:F�E� sa�a�:hc�ast cur•riPr r>f I��ar�Fiam 12a�ac� �:ar�d nacxf-ic Highway , This pr�n�nsal reraue>tc��� r•�-r,ani.ny i:Ni�se �r�.,���^ti.�s fr�um hii.gM� c��nsi.i�� r���i.denti.�l. �a crammprc�.a.l. 'I'h� r�sul.i: ofi t:F�is c�eca.sinn wr:�s thie r�m��va�. nf �k�ou� 4U() ��.,tenti.al. ha�asanq uni.ts from 'Tigar�d' s i.nu�nl:ar•y af bux].d�b�.a l.drid. Thp Mt�1:rc�pal,i{:an I-lausinc� R�a1� �c�a�l;et� k�y �N�� I.�ar►d Canser•v�l:a.c.�n anc� U�uE�J.opmeni: C;ammi:>sac�n S�bit:E?S i:hat "fic�ard must prnui.c�� i�or �a0 p�rcnnt s9.i�g�.e famaXy and �at l,�as� 50 per^cer�1: si.ngl.� fami,7,y �i:i:aGhed or multi.ple fami�.y unii:s wath� a m�.n:Gmum n� 10 �ai7i�:s i:a 1:he r��t �cre, "fhe Mp1�:ro Hous9.ng RuX� app].�.�� i:a arily va�.�xn� Faui.lc��ta].� ].anc� w9.i:M7in "I"i.gard' s Urk>�n ��1<�nnin�� Area, and dc��s nat affe�� esi:�h:la.shad artd (�P_UP_�.O�JJP.(� rasi�ler��:ial �,rc�as. Tti� F�J.b�►^�s�.,n's CpA w�� c�ran�.�c� nn �h� co�nc��.�i.on nf � r�:r.onxng c�f' sta��fa.ca.�r�t res.i.der��:i.al�.y xan�ci l.and �:a make up fnr� i:he shnr•1����.1 cr��l:ed by �hi.s d�casxar�, The Ci.�y Goun�i.l. has iden�afi.ec� s�u�r�a�. ��.�es �:N��^atac�H�out �LNie c:�.ty �;n b� Cqi'1�].t��l^f�CI frar �ncr�e�a�d �^psa.��en�:�a�. 5`I"AF'F �2�Pqf�1" ,»� C�FI f37'—01(q/E) — �C 67--02(p/E) ... �AC� �. � dE�nsa.•t�.:y , rr,�5� pi^ohE�r•t:i�> ar� 5c�m�.a of 1:N��:�sca i,c�anti.f:i�r� in trtc� city� s ���:Eam�ai: i<c� �r��:lrii��in cai7i�a].i�ncP w:it:h �l.h� M�1:rc�ran:l.:ii;ar� I•ipusirig R�ale pfi 1Q r�.a>i;cl��ni:i.ra.l una.�s tca thi� n��t �c.r�, 3 . Vi.cinity__�nfnr�ir�ati.ori l"h�se pr�op�.�r�L9.Ea;s �r�� �ui^r�.,unc��ra k�y th� foJ.l,c�wi.i7y x��rixr�y d:is�:r•icts; R.��.12 (Mncli,um d�nsxty r•nsi.c�c�ntiat.l, 12 uria.l�s p�r aer�) �:o the sa�a"L'h �nd sotatN�w�st, f�--7 (�i.nc�].Ea fi�ntil.y r�sic��rit.i�l., 7 urii.ts p�r� ar..r�) nn �ht� �aast �nd wFast sa.cl�s, and R..�..4,5 (Sxngle fami,ly M'E�5:1(�P_I'1�:li3lY, A.5 un:its p�i^ ar..r�) tn tFi� r��,rth, I �;uk�rJiu:i.sic�ri d�uE�J.r�pmc�nt hi�> �J.r�.��r�y or.curr•�c� an hanth tPie nc>ri�:h ,arici sc��ai:h s:i.c��s ai' 4I�tE�e pr�capar�i.a.�s. f�ar•t of �3c�nd Park, a �ah�sec� d�ve].�� mE�ni: wl7:icF� i.s sfi:i.11. i.ri progr�e�ss, i5 ].oc��i;�d tci 1:hc� so�afih c�f � t�hcas� rara�c�r�t9.c�s. A1i.hnuc�h rc�r�Ead �2.�..].2, al]. phas�s af i�Mi�t sukx�iu9.si.on haue prc�l:ecL�.vr r..av�nGan�:s r��s�rici:i.nr� ��ch lai: tc� or►� det:�c.N�cac� sxng�.� 1=ami.l.y c�w�J:li�•iy, (,kantlnwac>c�s wiahac�iv:isiari, situ��Lc�d �:a i:he n�r•i:h of th�s� pi^���ert:i�s, i�; ful.l.y bui.].i:. The Mi.11m�:�nt �nd t�h�saman qc�wns suk>c�iuisa.Uns i.n i:his ��a,cir�ity w��r� pwk�vic��as:l.y xc>i��ra 12..,17_, "I'h�.� r�erc�n:inc� �.,f tP�E� s�aF�jc�c1•. �r�a��ar�t:i�5 9.s i:hc�r•efur•e <.onsa.si;ear�t w:i��h �t:hc� amnui•i1: of r�si.c��ni�.'i�l r��ansi.ty ur�i�;�inal..ly ani:i.ci.�al:�c� iri 1:rii.> �r���a c�f i:hi� cii;y, A. 8i�e Irifarmation and Prapos.al__D�gcr.i.xati.Un l"ri� l�,i: s:i;r_�:: c�f thi�s� prarGe].s rar�c�� frc�m ju:>t: �aricl�r� 1. ac;rE� up tca 5.6 a<,rEas tui:a.l:ing 7.3 . �.�i acrc�s. M�St c>f �l:hp lots h<•�ue hamc�s h�ai.lt ii•i a sE�nii--s�cl.�adc.�d nr�nn��r ��m47ng s�L�nr.l�s c�f i:rer� , l"h� lats �r� alsa 1�c�t�c� �way frUm h��va..ly 1:rau�l.��r� si:rr-.c�i:s. l'he tFarr�ir� :is c��nc�r,al.ly uar�,i.nd w�.t:h s�v��r•al. �r•�.a�� hi<�u9.nc� sligFit: :�l.o�a�s ��r�c� swtal.c�s �nd triEar� is �n ah�undance af i:r�r-.�s i:hir•ouc�h�atai: 1:h� ar•c��, 'Th� zanc� cNian<�e i.s c�ps:ir•�c� to aJ.J.ow far• si.ngl�__.f<:�nii.l.,y cl�ueJ.�,�mEan1: r�quiri.nc� sm�,].1.E�r� l.ot si,-r..rs (5,(Dq() ma.nim�am .lut si.-r_�) 1:Hi�n i:h��t r�c�iaii��ed in �:he R...-A,5 Tf)1'1P_ (7,!:iOQ miriim�am lo� s:ix�} , TI•ie�� �r�oK��ri:i.�5 �r•� a:1.1 wa.fi:r�i.n a d�si.c�n�tE�c� "[7E�v�],a�i.nc� F�rc�a" in �LNin C,om�►�•ehnnsiu� I�].an, 'TN» wr�apas�d rane ch�nge rotal.d pnt;er�l:i,a7.7.y r����al,i: i.n a n��t; c��in af 3� rEasi.d�rttic�l una.ts, 5, Ft�a.nc�and. Nl�q C�mmeni;s Th� T9.�dre� w;GHicaol I�i.si:r�i.ci: Pi�� r�uiew�c� i�h� �r�a��s�1 �nc� m<:�k�s thi� fQll.c�wing cammHr�i:s; 'fNi� S�r,��a. �;.a�.r�a.c1: kriaws tri� Ci.t.y �,s �w�zrca af th� �rak>].c�m we ar� fiar.:ii7g r�gai^c�a,i7g overcraw<�xnc,� in a�ar s�hool.s. Thn C3c��r•d af G�ir�ecl:��rs h�;s �zsk�<� �as 1:ca convey tn �ri� CS.i:y tMic� cii.s�r•i.r..i.' s canr.er�ns �k>ctiu1: �ar•o�US�d cMiangFaS �.n 1:he cum�ar<ah�n:>i.ue r�:lan i�h:ich wou.lci incr•c��,se i:h� d�ns�.1:y i.n �r•e�s wh�r^e wc� �rE� aJ.r�e�ac�y rx�a�r�.�ricanc� cnnsiderabl.c� pnro�..lmnni: �ar•ess�ar'P_5 ..—,. TFa111��.H�:O�I �:l.emen�ai�•y, far �xam��.�, Making s�ach ch�ng�s i.ri �.he Cam�r�H�r:.r�ai.vE F�J.an c�ri senr� tNi� s�.c�n��. �a thc� �ubl.a.c �:hai: n��c��d :��r•v9.c�s ai^p an p�.ace wh�n, in fact, schaot cla:ssr•c.�c,ms �N�►^auc�hatal: �:he d�.si:riel: �re r��aching ca��acii:y. Schoo]. di.stt^ic:�t: p�a�rons wi..11 h��u� �n c�p�r,r�tur�a.�:y ta a�a�rr•au� a<�c�i�icarial consl:►^ucl:ic�r� func�s a.ri 1988, Until that i�a.m� �nc� a �.�ucc�ssf�aJ. k�ond �lec�a.an, �h� d:��tr�x�� �ar�not guarai��L�p <� qu�lil:y ec�ucal:innal prngram for anar•e�sed erirn].7.men�s wa.thaul: ac�di,�L-i.anal cl.assranm sK>aGe bei.i7c� auai.].�bJ.e� s�rAr•r- ra����t-r -- c;i�r� ��-�a���/�) -- xc �y-wa�(�a��:> — P�c�� � 1 1 _ � ..�.__ .... .. . i "f'h� �:nc�a.n��r•in<� C)avi.sa.an h�s r�va.�w�c� th� �rc>N�c�s�l. �i7d m<�k�� tFi� follawing cc>irimprii:s: It: a.s no�: knnw if' r�.a-r..r�ning wa.J.l. ch�nge thF d�.ansit:y of actu�al fui:ur� CJGUC?.�UrJfI1Ca1'1'r: af 1:F�Fa �r•a�aerti.�s, I�iow�v�r, tn nva.l�a�te �ot�nt:i,al "wur•si: c���" imra�r.t:s, we ass�am�r� �h�t: e�c:h �r�a wi.l.;l. d�v�lc�� tc� i1:s m<-,aximtam densil:y, Acco�r•c�9.ng to i;he C�minunity I�eueln�amcarii: IJirec:t�r•' s mramo �f U�r,.c�mF>c�r� 17, 1a�6, thi� �^�r��ani.nc� c�ul.c� r����J.i; in u� tc� F�60 a<�c�i.ti.c�ria]. ,�, residenta�,l unx,.s in the soul:h par•1: of '1'i<�;�rd. Adrai.taan�J. r�s9.c�enti�l uni.ts can bE� �x��c1�FC� to gen�rat:� mc�r•� tt^�ffic ciri n��r•I�y sl:rnets , Wp can r�asc�n�hly esi�im�t� i;hat far caar,h �dda.ticar�al sa.ng].c� fami.l.y r�si.c�enc�, th�ar� w,il.l. YaE� on�:! �c�ci9.tinnal v�hi.c1� i:ri.� during i:ri� �v�riing ����k hia�ar. C��c��ase tl�e �:igh� �i^apas�d razonirigs �r� spr•eac� c�u�r � w9.d� ar��, 9.1: dc��s nat ��pE��r� �.h��t: th� r�:r..Unirt� wc�ul.cl hiave a n�ajnr i.m�aact on any ar�e s�tr•�Eat, '1'h� ac�c�9.l:ianal. tr•affic ct�u�.c� b� ac;canmmmoc��tc�c:l hay �.r�� st:r�a�t: sy>fi:r-.m r.�ar�re!ntl.y �rc��c�aerl iri th� �i.i:y's long--range �alar�ning, ;ame adc�ii:�.c�na1 s�r•c�et iir�arau�mprits, siach as a�ir�it:ic�nal. i:ur•ri l�n�s ai: s�.�7.ect�d ].c�r..�a�::i.ons, mighl: k�e ri��?d�d �s �a r�?su11: ai= Lh� ac�c�itiaria.l �raff°9.c, :Lt �p�at�ar•s �.hat i:h� systeams d�uelc�K�m�nt ch�nc��, fr�c�m tMie �:�c�r.li�Lional r��sic��nti.�J. unii:s wou].d k�e �c�Pquat� to f�and �1:17� �c�c�ii:a.c�nal si:r�c�i: impravE�m�r�ts i;hat miyh�: k>e nE�r�dec�, F•ldraiti.c�n�a.l rFSi.c��nt:i4�1 uni.ts wc���lca c.rEa�te s�mc� �rlc�ii:ic�r»l. flawx 9.n thEa spwer•age sysi;em, laut :it c�a�s riut appcaar �H��1: ai7y increas�s in r��.pe sixes wc��.i].d k�� n�.�c�5sar•y, Tri c��ri�r•al., in r�si.deni:i.al ar��as, thie si.z� o s�w�r• i in is c�p�:ermin�c� Ea mini.�ruam si.rii� tc� acc�mmUC��ate f � p �J Y � maini:��nancH �c�ua.�m�r�t r��h�.�r 1:rian k�y fl.�w r�r�uir�m�n�LS, I�iyhier r��i.dcar�l:S.a1 c��risi.i:a.c�s wn�ald �r�UMa��k�ly r��suli: in sl:ic�htly hi:iyh�r� star�m ►^unaff uaJ.�ames . Sn some ar•�.a�s �Lriis m�y reyui.re :incr'fdi:lSE?S i.ri tr�F� sizEZ ofi si,�r�m c�rainac�e p:i�Xng. 'T'he sysl:cams cieupl.aram�rii: char•�es gen�r��i:�cJ by th� �c�c�i.i:i.onal. uni�s sFiotal.r� b� �ac�����aatc� ta cau�r• any r�psuli:iric� �c�c�ii:iari�l cnsts ta the stni^m cir�in�c�e sysi:em. :Lm�aaCt;s on tPiEa mrajor• cir�aan��c��w��ys wa�al.c� k�� n�.�c�].i.c�i.k�l�, NPO #5 was no•L••:ifii�d nf i:he �aru�aosal �i7d iiiaksa �LPin ft�l�.awir�g ctamm�nts: Tt» NF'q unarii.mc+�,isl.y ac�r��ec� to c�a �ri rF�carc� op�asi.nc� th��e chianc��s i,r� c��nsity for 1:he f-a],1c�wa.i•�g reasc�r�s: 1, "i"he tr��ari:�pcar�tat9,on haai.i�l.�n�r.k nn1:n F��l,l., Durham, �r�ra E3an:it� wh�i.ch w� souc�ht i;o cnntain wo�ald k�e �c�uersp�y af-facl:�d; 2, "flhe qia�].ai:y c�f 1.i.�Fca factor whacN� we w�r•� 9.n fau�r• of preser•ui.riy for i:he exisi:a.rig npi.ghbarhUad wo�a].d na1: be maini:�i.n�r1; and 3. TP�e ara�a].l.ariy incnnsa.stericy ir� cons9.c��rat�.on �f zc�n� ch�nc�� r�ec��aeas�:s ar�d c�a.sr•PC�ard far ci�:ixen inraut, �xam�lES �.i�t�d w�r�� tPti� NF�p recommenc�ai:a.ar� an a zon� chan�� for Garm�zn G�nter, deni.�tl o�F �L•he pr•c�uiaus xorie chanc�� on �:he :Cciri.ss �raperty, and 1:hp l.�ck of su��ori: ta the Downtown "figard Dev�lnpmeni:, STP1=F l2EnQ12T — CPA 87�OJ.(D/�) -- LC 87—Q7.(p/F) �- PAGE 3 �. ��:ni��riur� F�NC7 GC>NC;i,_u�z:c�n�� ,T�h� r�l;ev�i�t cr:�1�:�r�i� i.ri this c���>� �rc� �tat:�wa.c�e f>].�arinii�c� GaaJ.> ]., 7, anr� :lQ, �nc� 'Txc�ar•d C�nir��rehensa.u� Pl.�n rp.L1,G7.Ca5 2, 1 . 1, 6, 1 , 1, 7. 1. .2, 7.f3, 1, 8. 1. ,�, a.7,.,7,,, �i•�d C;ha�t�.�r• ].2., l..c�c�i:it>ria�. Cr9.�:�.ar�i,a, '1"h� I��.�i7n:i,nc� s�:��ff GUI'1C�.tA(�n8 1:hGat �l;he {•aropc�sal. is CqYIS].S'I:4?I'l� w:�thi th� a�a�lit:�k�1� r;1:�1•:�awi.c�� F�l.ann:lnr� Cyc.7a.l.s �and Gt.ii.c��l.i,n�s k��as�cl �.i���n 1>PiE� �Fax:�c�wing f�.nc�i.ngs; 7:, Cn�7. #1. i.s itlFat: k��c�au5c� t:hE� C;i.t:y h�s> �c�c��1�;�.�d � C;a.ti:rens :Lnvolu�iri�nt �rc�c�ram incluc�ing r�eui�w uf al.l c��vel.a�mc�rit a���li.c�ata�,ris k�y i:Mic� N�aaa�a�c�rhiaocl F��.�ann.i.n<� Ory�an:i:r..atic�n (NF�4) , �:n �c9c�i�i�7n, �]..l �uk�.lic nui;ice r•�c�ui��m�r��l:s ar•e mezt, 2, Gc��1. �#?.. i.s mE�t b�c:�use tNi� C;i.ty �aK>K�J.i.�d �al.]. <��F>].ica�al.� �t�tewic�� Wl.�rin:ing Cc��1s, (%a.ty Cnm��r�F�h�nsaue P.lan I�nli.r.•x�:� ar�d p�velc�pmtant Cc�r.le r�q�air•�m�.ants �c� th� ��p.lic�t.i.ari, 3 , Gc�a1 #:l0 i.s sat:isfied k�ec:�us� i:he �r•o�USa�. �.�i,�.� �rovi,d� for• ho�asa.nr� a:> cc�ntemp],�a�:�d by thE� Gity Cani�rePtEan>9.u� F�].an, 'Th�� Plarinirig si:af-�f hias c�F1:Frmi.nec� that i:h� �ra�aacs�l. :is cunsi.st;E�nt with �Pi� r�J.�u<-.ant pai^i:i,ans of 1�M��.a C;��nt�r•F�hi�nsiu� P1�n k�<�s�d u�ac�n t:Nie finr�anr�s nt�i:�c� haelow; 1 , Pl�n f��.7:l.icy 2, ]. . 1 i.s s�t:asfi.�c1 k��c��as� th� IU�i.c�hk>arha�t� P].arii�ir�c.� Qrg�niratic�n and sur•r�oui�u�irig �ar•���r•ty uwn�r•s w�r� gi.v�n natic� af tNt� Mi��r•i.ric� ancl G�n n��a��i:uni�ty 1:o ct�mm�rii�: ai•� LNi� ap�J.ic�r�t's proposa.l, 2, PJ.<an pc�li.r.y 6, 1 , 1. is s�tisf-i.�c! k��r,.�us� thi� -r_arie ch<�nc�� wil,l al.l.�w r�r� m�alti..-fam9.ly c��unlopmc�rit, :�n 198A i:he Gi1.y ar�prnu<ad a xc�ne cNi�ri<�c fr�am R_...].2. i:n F2--7' un twa �r:�rc.e�ls tc�t�alinc� apr�rc�xi.m��L�ly 7..� acre:� �i: �:M�e cor•rifar af I•�<al]. f3.lud. and pur•h�am 12c�ad. F�:lsa, C3c�rid Park swk��ai.va:ai.an, 3.oca�:�.�ca nor�i�h c�f L)�arM�am Ro�r1 c�n �a.i:Fi�r sar�� �1= 7��:h �vean�aca, i.s � si.ng�.� f-Gama.ly c��u�lo�men�: c�ccurrin� c>n l.t�nd wl7ach as zon�c� R-•�.2 and el.i.y9.k�J.c� fc�r� muJ��l:i.--f�mi].y d�.auEaJ,c�pn��:�ri1:. T'h:is pr•nposal wi,:l]. hnl.p stap�lc�ment �:h� inuEani:ur�y of ].anc� i.n �L-h�i,s arc�a ofi 1:he ra.t:y whi.cMi is �u�i.J.�ak�].� for• m�.ili�,�._..f�ami].,y dE�v��.o�m�nfi:. "fhe C'ii:y of 'T.i.���rc� is �,h],igai:ec� 1:hrnGi�h �l:he "9�tr•c���.li�an I-In�asiri<� RuJ.� i:a ��raui.c�� fc.,r� an �c��a<�J. mS.x �f sxngJ.� f�mXl.y �anca �1:1:acher,l I �anii:s wiLh an over�aJ.l c��uelo�;>i7tnrit c�ensi.i:� of �.Q un:its �a�r acrp. , Th�:� C:ity must ens�ar�� 1:h��1: s�affi.ca.ent r,�.qr,�r� c�ensii:y �raa� ar� ' auai.lak�].� i:n i:l�ie znl:ent of 1:he hausii�g ru�.e c�n k�e mt�1:. 3 � Plr�n PoJ.icy 7, 1,2 as >r�t:aafi�d k�ec��ase ar��ca�a��i:� 5�1"V�.Cf? c��aar.i.t:��s ar�e �u�9.1.�1�1.� an �:hp a.mm�di�l:p ar�a. Som� �ati.lity exi:ensi.on� (e,g, , �ew�r^) wi�.l, be n�c�ssar•y ta s�r•ue th� �raK>c��^i:y f�u� 1:I�:is cdn k>� r'�GCOIiI��.].SI�k`<� as a cUn<iitian af d�ue.la��.rir� 1:h� s i.i:e, ]:t �.s recac�nx;r.�c� th�i: tr�r�tf�i.c ual,um�:� haue 9.n�r•���ec� �n burh�ni Ftoac�, �he nearesi: arter7.�]., Haw�uer, adc�i.i::ic�r7�l, d�uexc�rampn� �.an b� adequ�te�.y seru�d wa,l:ti th� �xas�3.nc� �dca�.i��.es. :�t �.s S"I"A1=�' REN(�I�T — �pA 87--0�,(I�/�) -� ZC �7�-q�(p/�} �— pAr� �t �nti.ci.��t:�c) �:h��: mr�x�.mi.im �I�:�u�1.c�K>rn�n�:,� wc�wl.c� r�aul.�: :ir� a tr•�ffi.�� iricrc�asp c�f 330 i�riras ��r day . 4, P].<••�n �c�].9.�:y 7.�, 1 i.s s�t9.sfi.�d k�EacGata�� i::hi� 'I'i<��rcl ScFic��,7, t)i.�tr�ir,.1: was infar•mead uf i�hxs rar~o�c.�5al 4�nr� m<���e G411111f1Ca1'1�8 ia�I:)C)lA'� ou�rcr�.�wdi.nc� iri pubJ.ic schiUals �n�� �N�F� �c,i:enti.�l. K�r�ar�l.�ms irir.r�asncJ �nr�al.lm<ants cn�alc� hia��e fear� i:ha c�ut�].ii�y af P.,(�I,ICa"1�;::LQI'1 i.n tFi� lc>c.a�. sch�al sy£i1:F?t�l, 5, 4�l�an F>n].i.cy 8, �. .3 wi.:l..l b�.a >at:�.s�fi�ac� Gas � r.aridati.c�r7 far• ci�uelor>mcarit nf 1:hi� pro�er•ty, �'I�ie r��c�ss�r�y r�:ighit�.�_af�...w�y �nc� str�.ae1: i.mpr�v�mE�nts wil.l b� r�c�uir��c� wMi�:�n sucl�� c��v�J.o�am�nt nc:c.urs, 6, P.l<an Pa�.icy 8 ,2,2 c�nnot k�e sat.i.sf:i,�c� �1� i:his 1':iin� haec�us� •T�ri...•M�i: d���s nat affer• k��as sarui.cc nn [3�ar�P��am �ic>�c�, Mt�w�v�r•, sinr..� a.t 9.> �n arl:�ri.�1 ra�ai:c?, a.t wi.1�. k�n a logic�l ch�;ir.� far• fui•.ur•� Naus� s�:�rvir..e., 7', `I"h� L.nc�at,a.c�r,r�.l C;rii:�r•�.a an Ch��i;�r ].?.. af 1:Fi� i�J.�ri �r•E� s�atisf'9.c�c� fUr 1�Nia fol.lawing r•�asans ; a. "fri�:� pr•U��ri:y as wi.thi.n � "D�uelci��me�n1: Ar��" whi.r,h� is ccammi�:Lc�d to l.aw c�ens:i�:y c�nuplcapm�anl:, k>, �11 p�r•c�J.s hi��v�.a c�i.r��Gi: �accE�:>s i:ci C,W 76�t.h or• £;W 7�t�ch whi.r..i� are m9.n«r co�.l.�ctc�r•s . c, U�u�1c���mFnt; J.:i.m:i�L�ti.ni7s �r•4a na�L- �u:i.dE�n1: �ncl �uk��.:i.c f�cilil:ins h�ave �c�c�c�uai:e ca�aci1:y i:� sHrve �t:hie �rcara�r•i::i�s. d , fivahi Fi�.,ur• k�tas sE�r�vi.r..e i.s �vr�i.].r:�bl.� �.l.nnq fl��:l..l Bc�ul.�v�ard, �s cievnlor>mc�r�t �ccur•s qur•ham I�c�ac� i,s a lugical ra�ate fat^ fu1•:urc.a s�r�ui.c�, c.�, C:onv�ni�nc� r•c�fi:ai.l. s�.�r•ui.ce is �u�al.�N�].� d�l: tN�� �7urN��m/F•I�zl.:l. i.r�i:pr'S4?G'�J.QYI <�and g�n�ral ccamm�r�cial �i7c� husi.n��s canl:�rs ar•�a ]. .5 t�:� 2 mi J.es �way . f, Ptah�i.r, c�r>�n sr>�c� is auai.lak��.P near�by at Ccaak P�rk, I�ur•h�am C].em�ni:r�ry w;chu,c�l.. �rid Ti.gar�c� NigPi SChOC>,I.. c, r�i�c�pMMC�NI)F�"I":I:C)N H�ser� uK��.-�i�i 1:hE� ak��ue finraa.nga �Y1d cc�ncl.�a�aans, th�� p�.<ani7a.ng str�f� II Y'(�Gqlillll�!nc�s ar�prc�val of CI�F� �7•-Q1(U/I:) �r�d "!_C 87--0?(fJ/E) , ` �/ '� .', ,.r"j ' r'� [:...�..�:�.:�`-�,,.:......� � �. , �I��I�A17��t7 �Y; c�m I)ixun �'_ _._.._ ��,�,�OVI�q �Y: Wa.:�l.:iam A �M�nal7t�n Assi��a�fi: Pl�nr��r� [)ar�at.ar• af Comn��ari�.ty p�ue�.��pm�nt (`I'p: sb/2�70p1Qp�3p) � S7"r►�'F' R�I�ORT - CI�A �7-��d1.(p/E) - 7_t; 87--q2(D/�) -� RAG� 5 � _ .-..__ �...b...__.... _ . ; � - , ■� ` � ` �■ �■ , . ■-- ■� �� � : . � � - � �r �.. r . �� .. . � ♦ . = �, . � _ -_ _ ___ • ; i ♦ � � � � . - •. - __ 1 �s - . - ; �r . � ' �� = - - : ----- � ��� - �' :.. 1�'.._ ;� . _ .� � `Z � �' � � = �, _ � _ �� `° - ' _ � � . �� t � �� � 't�l � ,��' �� � � � _ - __ � y�� /- � ./• ..� � � � '�� ; � � � � � �� �� _ . �� -- —� -- — �. . _- � . ,. - � ,� ' ►'a� � -� �- — d�iI . . - �,_ - . a � ,f� I �����1�� �� � . + � . � .�����'I�■ : �. � ='��',� . � � ■ . ��r�,�� � r . �� - ;= � _ � ����= �'d►��l�1� . �Z� _�� �� �� . - �� I/ '���� ��il: " , ' �1tii/ � ► I � � � = � . m� � �_ _ - ■- �'�_ ' _ _ �'�;/ �� �■ ������' ■ I� �� _ �� � � � ■ � �� �� � - � B � 1 � ► ► � . ; �� �����/� �� � ■ �► . i IVeighborhood F'lanning Organi�ation #M5 I The January �1 , 1987 meeting of I�F'0 #� w�� called to orrJer� by Chairm�n Craig Hopk:ins at 7:'� p.m. In attendance were memk�ers L�iek:er , Saporta, Schmidt and TaF:ah�shi . Guests included k::en Waymire, h1e1 Waymire �nd Mary Clinton. Minutes af the September meeting were circulated and approved. We had no October meeting due to L�oardsmanship Work:- shops. Navember arid December were also non-meeting months. F'resenters ' F'riv_ilege= Albertson Rroposal . Because this item needed staff crarification, we ele�ted to place it first on the agenda. As e>;plained to us, Albertsons is propnsing to build �� super store �t the corner of Durham and F'aci�ic Highway. Thia will be a 18��,����U squ�re ioot retail praject with twa possihlf� anGF►ors. F'reviously, the pla�ning staff has recommended a d�nial on the basia of land use �oning �nd the potential impact nn the Downtown Tigard Development F'lan. However , the City Council approved the proposal on condition that the residential factor lost by the necessary �one eharige or� this parc�l is reclaimed by changing denKities on ather ;oarcels in Tiyard. (]ur impacted areas are labeled C, D, and E on the informational maps. After much discussion and guestions of staff , the NF'O unanimous- ly agreed to qo on record opposing these changes in density for the following reasons; 1 . the transportation bottleneck onta Mall , Durham and L�onita. which we sought ta contain would bF� adversely affected; 2. the quality of life factcar- which we were i n �f avor of preservi ng f or the e>;i sti ng nei ghborhoUd woul d not r�e maintaineci; and �. th� appalling inconsistency in considera- •�� ' .� �ion af �one chanc�e requests and disregard for citizen input. (We cite as e:•;amples in support of item •� aur recommendation on a ��ne changP for Ga�^man Center , our denial of the previ�us �one chanqe on the Idris pr'operty, anc� the lacE: of support to the ' Downtown Tigard Development. Old Rusiness: A. Carman Center 's �one change was denied. E+. Waymire land p�rtition: An amicable agreement was reached with residents regarding the land strip which was un buildable at the hacE:: of their hnmes. U�fortunately, the ci,ty prohibits lots having tn�t depth. So, the agreement and I �aossible sale had to be nullified. 'i New E�usine�s: A. E�c�nd F'arE:: I�' Dev�lopment. The Waymir� '� I presented the 1at map and develapment s�heme, There will be 16 lots and a 4ii f�ot street. N� objection was stated and Hopl.a.ncry thank.ed both for attendirig, Es. Land partiti�r� on 8i�th �nd Honit� was ok�y. G. MLF' by Hartig , Gerlac4:: and H�.in�iF.er was oE:��y, , D. Sigr� Code E:;centi.on: no prablem I E. ZQA by Russ F•;ruger. Commi.ttee recammended tha� the :one ; ordinance amendmen{: be left as is so th�t eaCh petitioner° , co��l d be consi dered on a condi ti onal �.�se b�si s. ' F. HOF' �f oi� camputer b�.��i.ness: no probl em I 1 D l�C��� � FEe 2 3 1987 P�ANNINQ��D DFpp, �February 21 , 1987 Tigard Planning Department City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: File No. : CPA 87-01 , ZC 87-02 Applicant: City of Tigard To the Tigard Planna.ng Commission: We are in receipt of the "Notice of Public Hearing'� on Tuesday, rlarch 3, 1987, af the Tigard Planning Commiasion reg�.rding the above noted plan. We are oppnaed to any increase in density in our area for the following reasons: 1 . The roads are too poor (too narrow and in too poor condition) to handle any further increase in traffic flow (traffic ia already a serious problem here) . 2. It is extremely difficult to gain acceas to Durham road under the preaent circumstances and any increaae in traffic within our area would make it almost imposaible. 3. There are many familiea with small children in this area and any inerease in deneity building would make it very unsafe for them. We would appreciate it very much if you would conaider our request, to not change the zoning. Thank you. Since�r\y, � � �. G�� Mr. and Mra. John L. Haqy (�Tohn and Lenia) 7705 S.W. Bond Street Tigard, Oregon 97224 (503) 684-2619 S"I°Fl�'F' F2E�C�Of�"C F10E::IVC)Fl T_f.�'M ''a.7. K M(�F2CN 3, 1��7 ..�- '7,30 P ,M, 1"1;47,F�RC) PI..F�NIU:I;IU(� C;QMM�:�:;:I:QN 'T':CG�I�p (,:L"f'Y I��F�I.[_ ... 'IyOWN I�AI_I.. ]:3]:?..'S C-�W F�At..l.. k3l.VC), 1.:C(aAI�D, q12�(���V �7'1,2� A, F'ftC;l°:.; �. , G�n�r•�1 �:nfarmal:ian (;f�SE; (;17F� f37._.p2 (K) & 7(� H7'....()2 (K) . . , . FtE:(�Ut::�;'I"; "I.nn� Chanc�� fr•om R.._2. (�;a.ng1.c� Famxly R�s�.c��ni�xal, 2 tanxts ', per ac:re) ta R--4,ra (Si.ngl.�? Family R�s:ic�eritial. A.5 uri:its p�i^ ac.r•e) . i C;OMP�tC:N[:NSx:VE:: F�L.�1N L�E;::.�:�:(:;NAT':�:UN: L.aw densi.t:y r�sid�an�:i.�l l { "I.QNIN(� DI�,^,.;�(;N(�'7°:�QN: R_..2 ; AF�PL.xC;FlN.1..: C,a.i;y af T'ic��rc� QWIUE:R: Elsi.� Am�as I..pC,AI":CQN; Saui:hw�st af SW G�,a�^c�� �rid nc�r�l;h af F�m�s Orc.Hiar�c� a suk�div:isic�n, (WC'1"M 7_S]. �.OE3�3 lot 6Qq) , 2. F3ackc�raund_:Information No pr•�.�ua.�>us J.anc� Gisc� ar>�>].i.c�t.ians havEa k���n rc�r�i.v�<� by th� Gi.ty r•c�l.a1:`�ny tc� i:h:is par�c�l, I:n p�r..emh»r 198fi th� Txg�arel Ci�ty Counc.i.l. gav� corid�.tion�]. a�a�rc�val. 1:a �:h� F�lk�ertsori' s Campreh�nsi.ue Pl�n f�m�nc�m�r�t ((�PA) f-ur chang:ii7g �.Ine Cc�►n�r•�hensivc� Pl.�an desi�nal:iari nf 3(?VE?1^�aJ. �raK>Frti�s lac�l:ec� at fi:h� sc�tathcaash: cc��^ner uf D�ar•h�am R�.,�c� �rid Pacif-ic I-li.ghiway , 'T'his pr•apa�sal r�r��a��tcacl r�roniric� tM»�s� pr�opE�r•1:a.�s fr•om high c�E�n�ity r•�sic��r�l:i.a]. i�c� c�mmEarc i.al. The r�sWJ.�t c.,fi �N�a,> der..i.si.un w��s tFi� remaua]. af �kxau� AQq �aa�entiGal ha��s,Gr�g ur�i.l:s f-rum '1`igar�c�'s i.nuer�i:ary af krua.].c��h�l� 7,�anc�, Th� ME�t:ro�>o],a1:an Hc��a:>in<� Ru�� �c�oK>i:�c� by tFi� t..�nd C�rtscrvat.i.t�ri arid I��ueJ.�a m�i•it COI►1f117.aalQl'1 s�:a1:�s i:N�at 'T'ic��r^d must pravic�e fur aQ �aer•cnnt � sing7.� fami:l.y �r7c� a�t: ].��sG ri0 p�rcant si.n�l.c.a fami.l.y at�acri�c� ar m�al.�i�l� famz].y iariits �ui�h a mxnimum af 1Q uni.�s to �he n�t acre. Th� M�fi:rn I-Ic�usanr� R�aJ.� ��p�la.�s �c, an].y vacani: hauiJ.c��b�.c 1<�nr� wi.�hin 'Tic�ar•d' s Ur•N>an I��.anning Area, ai�d c�o�s rint o'l'�fH(:� �stab�,xsh�d �and deuel.t��ad r�!si.dcari�a.��, arc�as , STAF� F2[:{�U12`C -- CI�A H7-�-q1, {K) 5� IC 87—U7 (K) -- PAG� l; 9 � "fhi� FlJ.k�c?rtsc>r�'s GF�F� w�:> �r�anl��rJ on tMi� conclii:7.��ri af � r•c±:r..c��7a.nc� �f sufi��.ci�rit rHSi<�er�1:�.�.�1.1y ;•r_c�ric�d :l�arui i:o makc� u� fic�r �:he shartfal.l cr•�at�ad h>y i�:h�XS c��r..isian, l"hi� �i.i:y Cnunr.i7. P�<a� icJ�ri{:i.fi�d s�v�r�al. 5:i�l;�s i:hirauc�hn�at 1:he Ci�:y ��c� b� c�ns;i.c�car��d finr i.i�creaas�d rexa.<�nrii:ial CIE?Y15:1.'�:y. Thi�sc:� �rc>F7�r•1:i.Eas arc� s�m� af i:h��s� ic��nl�.i.fi�ca in tN�E� C;a1;y's ai�l:c�mpt 1:�� mair��:ain cum�li,�nr,� w:i1:h �l:h� M4�i�:ro�ao.lit.an No�asii7c� I��a.lp of- 10 r��i.c�c�ri�:i.<al. una.i:s �c� tP�e n�t acr•�, 3 , Vicinit�,�Cnfarmatian Prc��a�ri�i.�:�s sui^r•aGincai.ric� �hi,5 p�ar•c�J. �re zari�ra R....]. (�i.ngl� f�m9.1y r�s:i.c�eni:9.�1., 1 ur�i.1: ���r acre) on l:he sau�l:h, R�••-4.5 (Sinc�la f-ami..ly r�si.d�nti.aJ., n,C; un9.i:s pEr �cr�) �Lc., 1�:Pi� nari:ri �nd R_...6 (Ft�±sicl�.�nt;i.aJ., h ur�its �z�r acr•�) on �:he c�ast �ric� was�:, 'T'hi� R--6 ;r�nn is a Washinc�l;an C;a�anty cl�sie�n�i:i.an �: prc�p�r•i�i,es an bat:r� tMi� e<��1� �nra Wh?5'h: si.r�e c�f 1�hF subjeci: r>ar•cnl l.ie outsic�� t:h� '1"ic�ard Caty l.imil�s. Curr•erii: d�v�lo�amc�n� an thi:is Gar�e� is mos�l:�.y 1ac�l:cara te� 1:Fi�.� snuth uf tMiis �arc�l �.t Ames Orctiarc�, an �r•na uf sii7�le f-�m9.ly rGSidni'1C:P_8 h�ai].i: on c�n� acr� ].oi:s. R�sa.c��ni:ia.l c�E+.���].oK�m�n1: c�ri smal.l.�r• lnts aJ.s<� c�ccurs to �l:he n�r•i:h�ast an �aniricorporai��c� Washirig�Lnn Cnur�t:y. "I"he remair�:ing pr•c�per•ty �aro�ancl i:ha.s �a�r�c�1 i.s uncl�u�lop�c� wi1:Ni fiJ.k>c�r•t: ar•ehai^c�5 b�.�i.nc� i:N�e �ar��<9omir�ar�t us�, 4, Sit� ]:nf�.�rmat:ion and F�ro�c�sal C)e.scr.i.,��4ion '1`hiis �ai�•an�r•ty is compl��:�.ly unc�4v�la��nd at 1:his ti.mc�, V��ntat�iue gr��.�wth aricltaca�s k�<ii.P� fil,k��ri: t:r���s, r�r�ss �nc� w��c�s , TNi� t�r•ra9,n i.s gen�r•�11y unnu�n wi.i:h a ��awnw�rd sl.ar>� i:award �:17n sa�ai.h�ast corrinr. Th� or�J.y acr.�ss tc� tM�as prt���ri�y is> �1�: a.i:s n�rl:hiE�as1: rar�n�r� whiEare� SW C,a�arc�e m<�ke �. 90° t��rn from w�si: to ri�r•th �nc� becom�s SW 1?1.st f�venue. Th� �ar���ns�c� rcane cht�nge wauld restal�l: a.n 2'7 acidita.c�rial r��sid�nti�al �ani,i:s �t m�axi,m�.im �11.aw�bl.� d�ueJ.opm�n�, The �w4,5 xc�nc� has a mi.n:imtam l.ut sa,zFa uf 7,CSOp sc��aare f�et r.am�ared i:o a 20,qq0 squar� foat l.nt rec�uir•ec� a.n �Nia R--2 x.c]i7�. 5, Aqency anc�...NPO Cammants Th� l'a.c�arc� ScFioal. Ui.Si;rici: hias r�v9.ew�c1 tri� pr•a�aosal and mr:�k�s i�hi� f-o.11.owing cntnmen�:s; 'fh» sch�ool cli.si:ract knows tMi� C9.ty is awar� af tMi�± prnbl�m we �r•e facing regardir�g avercrnwc�ing in our schaols, '1"he �Uarc� of pi►^�ctcars Ptas �sked us i:a cariucy i:ca tNi� Cai:y tNie di.sl:ri.c1:' s cnncc�r•ns abaui: pro�ased criangPS in 1:he COCt1�JM'P_hP_�151U� �>l.an wha.ch WQIA.I.CI iricr•ease i�hP ; der�si�:y an ar��as wh�re w� �re a].r��ac�y ex�>eri.�ricxnc� c�nsic�erable �r;rollm�nt pr�ssures ...-- '�'emplei:on Fl�merii:ary, finr �xanipl.e. M�kirig s�ach ch�nges i.n �:h� Gom�r•ehensi.ve Plan c�n s�nd the si.c�ri�1 tc, 1:Nie �ub].ic �LH��i: rieec�eci 5�r�uices �r�e in pl.�cp wh�n, i.n faCt, schoal r.l.�ssr�r.�ms thrnu�hau�: 1�P�e cla.si:r�i.c�� are r•��cN�i.nc� ca��ci.ty. Schc�ol. district �atr•nns will hav� an o�por•�uni�L� ta appr�aue ac�di�iar�al canstructS.on furids in 19A8, Un�t:iJ. tl�i�t ti.m� anc� a successf�al. k�and eJ.�c�i.an, �h� di,str�ict c�nrint guar•�r�i:�r� a qu�l.ity ec�ucati,orial progr•am for incr���ed enrnll.mer�ts wi��hout ac�c�iti.ona]. cl�ssrnnm 5�511C4� b�i,nr� auai.].�ble, �TAfF REpOR1" — CPA H7�-01 (K) � ZC $7�-02 (K) -- f�AG� 2 r Th� Engi.n��r�a.ruy D7.117.51.OY1 h�s rE�u9.�w�d thc� pr�c��as��. and m�k��s tFi� following r.amm�ri�s; l:t i.s nai•, knawn a.f r��-r..onanc� wa11 cNi�rig� i:N�� d�risii:y uf actual. fu�:ur•e c��u�l��ame�r�i: of i:he prarapri:ies, I•�aw�u�r, tn Favalu�al:�� �atpnl:i,<�1 "w��r•st c�se" im��ac�s, w� a�sumec� i:hat c��ach ar•�a wa.],1. d�:v�].c�p t� ii:s maximum c��nsa.�y, f�ccnrc�xric� �,p i:h� rammun:ity qnupl.a�am�nt pa.rec:tc�r' s meamca afi U�c�mber• ].%, 19�6, th� r�-r.,t�ning cauJ.c� r�sul.i: i.n up tc� 5�Q addit9.nrial r�sici�r�t7.a1 �anil:s in i:he saul:h part of Tic�ar•d, Adclit:ic�n�l, r�E�si.c��ni�a�]. wn:li�:s c�n bc� �xK>�c.t�d tc� g�ner��1�� more traffic. on n�ar•h�y si:r��i:s. W� can r�asUnabl.y pstxma�e thiat fnr �ach additianal. sxnc�].E� f�m9.l.y rE�sid�nc.�, th�r� wa].:� k�� on� tac�cia.ti.c,nal. v�hi.cle t:r•i.p c�urxng i:he euening p�ak hour�� I�P_Ca'1U5P_ thP Pic�Nit pr�npns�d ra;ranings are sprear� ov�r a wi.dF+ �r��a, ii: dc»s riUt dKapr�r� �:r,�,t tr,� rEa-x.c�ni.ng wciu�.d have a majur im�aac.t on any or�e si:r•caet, 7Fie �additiUnal traffic c4,ulc9 b� ae.r..amm�.,d�a1:EC:l k�y th�:� str�e�t systcm cur•r��ntly pr•a�a�.,s�d iri thc:� Ci.ty's ].ong--range pl.annir�g. Same ac�c�il:ional strca�t improv�ments, such as adcliti.an�J. i�:uri7 ].�nes at s�].ected locai.ions, migNit ha� nc��d�.acl as a res�a�.t of i:he ac�c�i�:xurial tr•af-f�ic, :[t apK>c�tar�s 1:hat ��he syst:cams d�uel�pmEar�t cN��nge� from tFi� a��dati.c�nal r��sidc:�nta�J. uni.ts wotald be '' ac�ec�ua�:� i:o T�,iric� 1:he ac�ditS.nnal strc�et improu�mcarits �N�at mic�ht be '� nendec� , F�dc�i.ti�.,naJ. r�59.d�nti.al units woul.c� cr•�a1:e snm� acld9.ta.c�naX fl.aws in tEie sewer•ag� sysi:am, I�tat i.�: c�a�s nc�at a�pc��r i:hat ariy i.ncreas�s in �,i,pe si.-r..es wnuJ.d b� necess�t^y, I:n c��nEara]., in r�sident9,�al. ar�eas, i:Nie saxe of sewer raip:ing is u�etermiriec� h�y ma.nim�.im s9.zirig �a ar.caimnnc��te maint�nance �c�ui.pm�nt r�th�r trian by flow r�Guar•emeni:s , ' Migher� rasS.c�ent9.a1 c�erisii:s.es w��a.ld probably result in sligF�tly hic�her stnr�n runoffi va].umws , T.n som� ar•�as th�a.s m�ay r~�quar�e i.r�creases iri the 5i�a nf si:ui^m dr•axr��ag� �a.ping, '1`he sysi:Eams dev�lopmen� char�yes g�±n�ratec� k�y i:he <�cic�i.t:i�nal. ur�a.ts sh�nuJ�d bca aca�qu�tc? i�c� r.ou�r ar�y r•esuli:iny a<�c�i.l:ional cas�l:s to �l:h�e sl:arm drainage sysi�c�m, Imp�cts an ' the m�jnr• dr•�i.n�yEw�ys woul.c� k�r•. nec�J.a.c�ik�l�. ' lUpU #3 re�i.�wc�d 1:he �ra�aasal �ncJ makes i:he follnwir�g cummearits : E3y a vc�1�e of 4-•••0 (onca arasterii:ion) NF>U #3 mr.�kes thi� followinc� r�cc�mmei•u�atian i:o i:he Ca.ty Gounca.�.: ��As a r��i��r�aJ. �a�.icy tFi� r�rnni.n<� af d�sic�n�t�c� rcasid�nta�], l.and to cpmmerciaY uses is highly unc�esS.r•abl.e, TI'l13 p�.iAG@S gr•eat str�ess �n i:Fi� Ci.{�.y' s adapl:ed p1an, "i"h� pJ.�nned xon9.ng wa5 ai^rivec� ai: wi�:h difficul�y ari:er m�ach publ:�c in�ut, 'This �rwactace w9,],J. rc�sul.t 9.n �uer i.ricr���sinc� d�risi.i:i.es t�n the r•emaina.ng deue.la�aed resic�eriti.a]. �.and. We da�ahat 1:M�at All�er•tsan's haq estab].i.sF►ed the ne�d for tri� xc�n� chang� i:hey requ�st. �;1'AF"F 12�pQ�2"I" _. CpFI 87—q1 (K) & zC 87--•07. (K) — Pf�GE 3 . ; We appose u�azonir�g ���aarcPl. K" fram R.._2 to R....A.S as a�.so c�aes th� n�<�rMay Ftm�!s Qr•c.har•c� 6�am�c�wners Flssoci�tinn whi:i.cP� r�presents ?.0 homps nn acre �.e�i:s. WE a].>�� �.����cis� 1:Ft� un;•r.,c>rii.ny c,i: ��Narc�J. l.." aricl "Parc�]. M" f�r•i7m R._.Q.5 ta R.._7, We 17avp lc�ng maintaa.n�d �L•N�at 1:he higMier densa.i�i.es shnul.d k�e lor.�t�:�d n�ar•er t:ri� ar••l•:�rials. If the Gi1:y Caunci7. ��a�aroues 1:he rp;coning nf the Alk�er•i:son pr�.�per�Li�.�s from hiic�Mi clensi1:y resid��nti�], tn comm�r•caa�., i.t shnul.c� I makp its f9.rst ai:i:c�m�t w:ith i...(;I�C i:he recc�gnitic�n of cr�ec�zt ror� pr��per•1:i�s li.ke ttiEa Paci.fic Highw�y-�-E3uJ.1 Mounl:airi Road si.tE� thiat w�nt fi^am cammer�cial i:o N�:igh c��nsa.ty r�sic�er�Lia.l (1:Fie ex�ct oK��osi.{:e of 1:h�� �r•c�senfi c�a,�) . T.t shaulc� ba rc.aniemk�er�d tFiat l_C;�C c�;ic� nut r•ecoc�nire ariy I'1C7U5].1'1C� �nii:s iri i:he (a...-P �ones (of whach th� ahac>v� si.1:� was c�n�) ancJ thai: ther�for•� tai� Cc�uncil. was far�c�d to chanc�e {:he R-•-?.0 zanp 1:o R•--2_5. It is :in�ppr•apr�i.�te t�:N�at adjusi�m�ni:s sh�uld b� m�d� c.�nJ.y u��w�i^c�, wi.th n� cr•�dit or• consic��r•ata.un for r..har�ges i:ha1: w�rk in the i^�vers� c�ir'ection," E3. F'IIUC)�:NC7S f�Nf� CONC;C.U��;QN;; °!"h� rc�leuarit r.rii:er•i�a in i:his cas� ar�e ��t�i:ewid�:� �larining Goa7.s 1, 2., �nd 10, �nd Tic�ard �am�r•�hensiup I�:l�n po.lici�s 2, 1 , 1, 6, 1 . �., 7, 1� ,2, 7.?... 1, 7.8.1, 8. 1 ,3, 8 ,2.2, and Cha�{:�r� 1'l., L�cati.ondJ. C;r9.teri,a, 7he P.lanning s�:a�Ff c�ric.l�,id�s i:hiat the �arn�aasal is consi.st:�nt with thp aK��1ic:�b1.� £;tal:�wic�� f>lanninc� Ga��l.s �nd C7ui.d�li.n�s k>ased u�nn the f�7ll.owxng finc�irx�s ; 1, Goal #1 is me�L- I'JF�Gc1l.15E� 1:I�ic� C;a.t.y h�s �do�t�c� a Catixen;� :Cnvo.lu�mc�rit �arogr�am inc�.uc�a.ng rPUi.�w uf �11 dPV�lopmeznt i ap�].ir..�ti.ons by i:PiEa NeigNitaorF�ooc) Planning Oryani.zataon (Np�) . Zn ac�di�:ion, a:Ll �ublic nni:9.ce rec�u:ir��mwnts ar� nirat. 2, Gc��l #2 i.s mca� k�ecaus� tNie C;i1:y ��plied al.l a�pl.i.cak�le Stai:�wi.de Planning Ca�1s, Ci�y Com�arH�her�szu� Plan Po].ir.a.PS and p�v�l.opm�nt Cod� r�quirements to tri� a��:Li.cati.on, 3 . Gc.,al #10 9,s sai:isf:i,�d because i:he propnsal w�.11 �r•ov�.de far FtoUa].I'1cJ a, cantem�lated hay tMi� City Cc�mprehiensi.ue Plan. 1"hi� Pl.ann:�rig sl:aff F�as c�ei:erma.n�d 1:ha� i:he �ropnsal xs c:ansist�r�� wi.th tP�e r�l.ev�nt ��ar�ti.ons af tr�e Camw>r�hensiue Plan based uK>or� the findinc�s r�oted bplow; 1, P1�ri Pnl.a.cy 7.. ], , 1 is s�t�,sfi.�d because �:h� Nei.gF�k�nrhiood P�.�nning qrgan�.zata.on aric� surraun<�ing prnper�t� awnprs w�r�e giuen nn�ic�a af th� hcaring anrJ ari o�pori:unity to commen� on the appl.ican�'s �arapasal. STAF'F� �2LPQF2'C —• CPA 87-0]. (K) � zC g7'--02 {K) — pAGE 4 2, Pl.an I�nl,:icy 6. 1 , 1 is s�t,isTi�d I�P.Cc'1+U3� 1:he ;r.ane chi�r�ge wi.:�.l sta..lJ. proua.d� fc�r sing].e f�m9.J.y res�.cJ�ntia]. d�uelopm�ni� btat: wi.l..l �rnvid� far grc�ai:�r a�por�tur�ity uf hpusing diversi.ty �nc� 1at sa.-r..�s, "C'h� C;ii:y c.,f l"ic��rd is C)J�.I.:I.CJi.d�Eac� �:Nirc�►.ir�h thca M�.atrow>c�li.tan P�n�asir�c� F2�a.l� to �r•uva.de far� an �c�ual mix af sin�le fami.ly �nci ai::l:ach�d units wi.i:hi ari aver�lJ. c�cav�1�,K>m�ni: c��nsa.l�y af J.0 ui�i:ts p�r �cr•�. "fhe (�ity mus1: c�ns�ar�e t:hat suffa.ci.�.�r�t high�r dens9.�ty ar•�as �re au��il�k�1� wc� tPi�± in�eni: of the huusin� ru.l� r.�n be m�i:, 3 . P,lan nulicy 7, a. ,2 a.s sat9.sfa.�c� because ac��r�uai:� ser•�ic� ca��ci1•.i.�s ar�c� �u�i.l.ak�l.� i.n 1�:h� 9.mmcadiat� ar��, Scame tai�aJ.aty nxl:nnsioris (eg. s�w�r) w9.11. k�e necessary ��o s�?rue 1:he prop�r•ty bu1: t:hi,s cG�ri bc.� �r..camp].i.sh�c� �5 � cc�nr�itac�n c�f c��vt�J.nping the sitp, A, Pl.an pc�lacy 7.7., �. wi.�.1 we sat9.sfi.�d �s a �r�--�cc�ndi.i;:inn ta � deu�lo�amFZnt to ensure i:hiat nai:ur�al c�rain�ge ways be rnain�ain�d, i �rc�sfc�ri cont:r�al.s c�n k�c� imw�l.em�ntec� ancl d�u��.���m�n�: wi.l.l. nat GY'C?c'1+�:2 ar�uerse off-.-site i.mpacts. 5, Pl�n Po].i.r.y 7,8. �. i.s s�j;isi�i�d beca�as� the Tic�ar�c� ScPia�l. Di.st;r:�ct: was infUr�med uf �:his �raposal anc� m�cie camments ah�caut ov�r^cr�awdanc� ir� �uk�li,c schoc�l.s and tF�� �c��:erttial, �>raFal.�ms incr�asc�d �nr�ollments CQIA.LCI hav� for i:he quaJ.ity of nc�ucation in th� lncal sch�nal. system, 6, Pl�ri F�oli.cy 8. 1. ,3 wiJ.]. b� satisfi�rJ as � cnncli.tic>ri fc�r• c�evelo�m�rii: of i:Nie �raper•ty. Whc�n c�ev�lo�mc?nt occurs a.t wc��ald first r�equi.r•� C;i.ty a�arr•oual thrnugh tNi� Sit:e p�u�l.n�m�n�L Revi�w rJY'UCP.SS , Thp n�c�ssar•,y rigrit••�-nf•••-w�y �nc� strnat impravem�nts ' wau ld Yae req�.i i r�.ad �1� th�•L- �ime, 7, PJ.an �a1ic� 8,2,2 cannat b� sai:isfi�c� at 1:h9.s t:ime becaus� "I"ri•••�•M�1: dc��s no1: off�r b�as s�rvice an �W Ga�r:�r•de, Th� r7car•�si�: auailah].e seruic� QCGUY'5 nn Pc'1(:1f1C Hic�hway. 8, l`h� Lac:��.S.on�l. C:r•a.teri� an Ch�p�er 12 af th� F�J.an arc� sai:i.sfi�cJ for 1:h� f-nllawir�g reasuns, a. "I'h� pr�.,�er�y is wi.tPii.n a "qevelopment Ar��a" whi.ch is cnmmii�•L�c� to l.aw c��nsity c��upl.or�m�nt. Th� exi.s�ing R-•2 �nd �rapoaecl fZ-•A.5 -r_an� are watNii.r� t:h� ].aw dc�nsity r•�si.c��nti.aJ. cateqary, b. l"Fi� par•ce]. po�eri'ta.aJ.l.y hias access onto SW C7a�rd�. c. D�u�].apm�nt limii:atxons may r�aue to be avercome but puk��.9.c fdr.i.l.i.�9.ES haue aclequat� capaca.ty ta serve �he prc�per�ty. � c�. Cnnu�nience re�:ail serva.ce 9.s auailab�.e along p�ca.F9.c Na.gl�w�ty and otf7��^ c�mmc�rcaaJ, dnd bu�aness cen�er�s �r� 1.5 to 2 miJ.es away, �l"R�'F REPqCtI" -- CPF� 87-•0]. (K) & �C 67--42 (K) -� pAG� 5 � i i , �, Pub�.ic n�>�n spac�? is lackit�c� in �:his part �af 'Tic�ard at �r�QS�n�t, Deu�.lopmen� �r•ca�c�sa].s sNtouJ.d ancl,i.ide �p�n space pr•oua.sians , A�.sa; :.;W raard� is i.c��ntifi��� a� par^t of thR T.ic�arcl ar�c�� p�c�asi:.ra�n/bi.k� ��1;h sysi:�m �nc� ri.ght....af.��..way c�ae�ir.at,:�r�n with be rnqui.r�d, C, RECOMMF"�NUA'1":CpN Basec� up�n thi� ak>�v� fxndi,rigs arid canrlusians, th� Pl.annin<� staff �ecammenr�s a�aprnval af (�t�A 8'7�--01(K) anc� ZC 81'n2(K) . ' ._.._._._....,M__.__... -��.�.---'� . .� .��-�P . __:��_.,. f�PC?RbVE��µ_����tan pR�:Pf�12EQ BY; Tc�m qa.xan �. Assist�nl: F�l�r�n�r [)ir�ci:or� of Communaty pcaupltapmt?nt ('T'p:bsUS 6,tW/].QW) : � �"I"AF�' ���pRT' �- ��fA 6`7�-q�. (K) & LC 87-�Q7_ (K) -- PF�G� � i ; � `I �� ■ ' i i �' ��������L::1 � . ,, • � . s �\ • �� ' �1 • 11 , . . � �ii� , , �, � . . � �, .. �� � � . � ��� , .� ��� r �;�i� �* . E , .'��► , � ■ ■ . � ` � � � � � � � � � � �� � � . , � � �� ■ �r.. � � � � r �� ���� ,. � � , ! � . � a� �r �� ��, I � r► : � ._._. � ■. � .,� � . M • o -� . ��� _��.�� � • � � , ,�. � � �• . ,. , � � � �� � .., •'�, � \ ■ ■■ �� �i ', �� �� >���� �* �Ij �A i► ��w�� V-7' - ,�.► �� �' � ' �-/ �' , �- r�, CI�i�` !�i � � �� ■ � � • I�� � , a .. ■�1■ � ..�l.�o , �r � - � �� �I�1111111�■ �;■ ��� ��� � �� �. Ci'� �l1�IIIi� ��� ' � � `_ . � --- --, ■���i ■�j - ����t - � ■��� 1� � i�v J� � ■ _ 1111.11�� -- -..- � . 1 � �� � . n��o# 3 H�:c,u�..�r� Mc�E�-r:rNC, JANU(�RY 1�, 19�7 'f'igard C;i.uic C�nt;car 1 . (,all to order at 7:35 P.M, � 7.., R�11 Call; Presertt were E31eds�e, Mc�rtc*nsE�n, Porter, Ramsdell , �nd � E3ednarek; starf present was Keii:h 1._iden. 3 , Minut-es of April 7, 19f�6 w�re r�caad arx� �iK�K�r•oved . l..etter ofi Junca �, 19E36 was re:�d and approved, � , E3y a vote of 4-�0 (one abstention) NPO tl3 m+akc�s tFre fullc�u�in�� recommen<iaL-ion to the C,ity Council : "As a gener�l palicy the rezoni.n<� oi' d��sic�n�tc�c� r•��sid��tial lanci tu commercial uses is highly uric�esirak�lc�. 1"his �l�acc�s great strc�ss un the City' s adopted plan, The �>lar�n<�c� zoniric� w<�s arrived at a,ith difficulty after much pukslic input, rhis pracLice will result in ever increasing densities on the rem�ining undevelo�ed resid��nti�l land. We doubt that Albertson' s has �st:�ib.lished the n�ed fc�r th�� r��ri� cFiange they requ�st. We oppose upzoning "parcel K" fr�om R-4 .5 to k—? .0 ��s �lso d��es t.he n�arby Ames Orchard Homeowners Assnciation which r�pr•esents ;�� hc�mNs on acre lots . We also oppnse the upzoning af of` "P�reel l." and "P�r•cel M" fr��m R-4,5 to R-7. We have l�ng maintained that the higher dQ�sit�Qs �huuld be locat�d nearer t;�e arter•ials , If the City Council approves the r•ezoning of the Albertson prc�p�trties fram high density residen�ial to commer•cial, it should m�ke it.:� first attempt with LCDC the recognition oF credit f��r• pr��pQrtiea lika th� P�r.ific Hi.ghway--BU11 Moun�aan Road site that werit. frc�m commfrrz�l t�� high density residential (the exact opposiL�� af Lh� �resent ca�a�) , Tt shauld bc� remembc�red th�t LCD� di.d rial r��rc�griir.a� any h��usirx� units in the C—P zones (oP which �tih abovc� si�e w�s one) ar►d t•I�t �th�reFore tF�e Cuuncil was forc�d to ch�ri�ca tt�c� R-20 zane t:o R-•25. It is inappropriate th�t adjusi;men�s shuul<� be m�de �nly upward; with no � credit or consi.deration ft�r cF��ngcas th�tt. wc�rlc in thr rev��rae � i direc�ion, " �� , ; i i i � _ .. _ , _.... . _.,..,. ,.. ,,.. ,,,, . _. .,,.,., ., � k � _ �V � � � �' � ' � • �,,,,� � , . �i I'#'�'� '; CITY�Tl�r"A R� � ;% � � � k'; January z8, 1987 �RE�� �� 25 Years of SeMce ;'; 1961-1986 t; ,,, � • � � ; � 14�1r11v1 ���Sl�v`, �j Tig d Pla Department !: Attn• K ' Liden �;'. P. 0. x 23397 Tig , 97223 �: ;; Re: Street Vacation - S.W. 67th Avenue & S.W. Atlanta Street �? �'; �: �leli�!!C*blt: i' 4''' The City of Tigard is considering vacation of the area shown on the sttached ;� map. Please respond, in writing, with regard to any concerns you foresee k` should this propo�ed vacation be approved. Also, cite any conditions of '"� approval you would recommend to protect your interest. '�-- �� �.> AREA TO BE VACATED PROBLEMS TO BE ADDRESSED �;f i: o Portion of S.W. 67th Ave. ` ' � � ; . . ,,; :'; Due to time constraints, please return this letter and any queations you have regarding this matter by F'ebruary 11 , 1987 to Loreen Wilson, City �" Recorder, City of Tigard, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, OR 97223, 639-4171. ,, Sincerely, ���. �v,�� Lareen Wilson � ` � ' City Recorder t` CW L Encl.osure / � cc: Diane � � ' �, ;` i' i 4 j- t 13125 S�M HQII 8Nd,P.O,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503j 639-4171 � . ` ' 1 ,, _ --=- _.,.._ ,��� � __ -- °. .y � _...� 1 1: 11i�11: '1■ ' -i � ■:li i� :�1�� �IJ1�! '�ill�: ■L■ ■11��: C�IJ � � . I 11 ■■ ■1111�. ■�111�1 ■ 11��11l�■■ :�■ ,. ���� � ■ i/1� ��111� ; i�� I1111� �II�II 111�1� ':�g ili: � � ■.�■ .�1�11 ill. ..�1. il�l� ■11 1� ,� .., ■� � � ..•■ Slil: 11� �111■ 1111�11111 C ��� !� .1� �II111 �111�� '° �' " � � .. . �11.. 11■11 f��� � ■1,���■ ■ : � � ..• ..1. 01111 ■'1��! � 11:1: ���:'� �III:� ■ !' CI11: !� �� ■I11�� r11� ��E i�i�iiii�� ■��� �il� �� � / �� �� ■■_����i;�■�� ■■�■ ■��=� ���� Z8 , � � �' r� .�►/� !��!!�J� i1 � �■ = :� r :� ��` �!:� :` ��C C �, � :'tte �'� ��!,so►�� �■ ■� � � , ,��, = � :��-'°� C■ � � �� �' / • ' �� � � i� ■■�' i� �� � � � � �� �� �� �� •� i � • � - ■ � � � � �� � � � f �■ E � � � �� ���■ �� �, � ► � : � ■��� � 11� i� � �� i��� I � � ■ •. . 1 �� / � �1 ��J���� � I � 1��� � �� ■1��■ � � � �' , � �� i� / �l i' � � � � . � _ � ���� � ■■ � :� 1�■'■ iI ��� :C S !� 11 ��� �� �� � ii ii� �� _� ,. ��1��� � �� _ ■ �� r ♦ � . ■.���,. --� �■ � � r� :: ��. � :. . L � :� • � � �i� . . s�■ :IIIII L , " �. � ■_ �• . 'f..� - 1 � � ■/ii► � . �� � �.. �� �� . ... �' � 6 s' , � �� � � r '� • �ra �■ � ■► � �� � � ■■ ■■ � � ����� � �■ �� . :: :: ♦ ■ �\ � ����,�� ,' � ' � :� :� � � ' �► �� � �//�//� ` ■■ ■► • ■ ��� � � �/� . � ,� ■��■d �... : �, �I� � � ■�!■ !- ■ � ���r . � I ■ ■� ■ �j ► . //��/� s ■1. � � ■■ �� ♦ ��ii �:�� ' _' :� ♦ � �i '� .� � . .. ■����� �� =�i ��■ ■ ■■ s ���� '�� � i� � i �i i � ■• ■ � ii � � i��► ' ������ , � . ■�� � � � ��� � .�:C ■ ��+ ■ ■■ ��i� . i :s ■•■ ■ ■ �1�� , .� ' �TTY OF" T'IGARD, OREGON RE50LUTION N0. 87—� A RESQLUTION COIVCERNxNG VACATION OF A PORT'It�N OF 67TH AVENUE ANq S.W, ATLANTFI ; STF2�ET, A DEDTCATED PUBLT(: RTGHT-0E-�WAY IN THE CITY OF TIGAI2D, WASNINGTQN ' CqUNTY OREGQN. WI�EREAS, a vacation request has been receiued and filed with the City Recorder for vacation of street right—of—way; and WHEREAS, this portion of �:and was pre�inusly dedicated for street right—of--way purposes, i� has been d�termined to not be needed by tMe City fnr �his purpnse; and WF�CREA�, the Tigard City Council fi.nds it necessary and desirable to i.nita.ate vacatian proceedings for said parcel. NOW, THEREFQC2E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council tPiat: (1) That the Tigard ��ty Cauncil initiates the vacation request wath tM� understanding that thase property owners wha would normally sign a pe�tition shall be notified by mail af the proceedings. (2) That a public hearing is her�by called to be held by tF�e City Council on Monday, March 9, 1987, at 7:00 P.M. at the Tigard Ciuic Center Town Hall Rc�am, 13125 �I� Ha11 Boulevard, within the City oT Tigard, at which time and placr� the Council shall hear any objec�ior�s thereto, and any int�rested person may appear and be heard for or against i:he praposad vacating of said lands. (3) That the City Recorder be, and she is hereby, autr�orized and directed to cause to have publ.ished in the Tigard Times, a newspaper of general circulatian in the Gity of Tigard hereby desagr►ated far such pu►^pose, a notice of said hearing in the form hereta attach�d and by this reference made a pari: hereof, the first publication to be February 5, 1987 and ance each week thereafter for five puk�].ishings in all, The Recorder be, and she is her�by, further directed ta cause tn have posted within five (5) days after the da�e of Firsi: ; publicati.an, a �opy of said nota.ce in th� form attached, at ar near � each �nd of the area prapnsed to be vacated. � (4) That the part9.cular portian af dedicated public rigrit-of-way � proposed i:o be vacai:nd i,s dpsc�^ibed on the attached shPet he�ded ' Exhibit "A" and by r��ference made a part hereof. � N�SSL�: This �,� d�y oF , -J ���..c�r�,, 1987. ' i �l'�/� �� � �. A'1T��T. � Mayor •- City of Ta.gard "', , c���J , ty Rpcorder -- Ci�y oF T9.g�rd -' 7 4 RE..pLUTx01U Nq. 8 7-- /y cw/�+5q3A �� �, ,. � a> , a � ;, �: � _ __ . , ... �...� .. .� , _ ..... ._ _ _ _..... Y , � "" � . � EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTTON FOR SW 67TH AV£NUE AND S.W. ATCANT�A STREET STF2EET VACATION Beginning at the Southeast Corner� of Lot 20, Block 3 WEST PORTI.ANp METGHTS, a plat of record in the Southeast Quarter of Sect9.an 36, T18, RiW, W,M. , Washingtan County, Oregon and running thence North along the East line af said Block 3, 1Z8.80 feet to the Northeast Corner� thereof, th�nce S 88°52'45" alang the North Line af said Block 3, 89.90 feet Lo an Zron Rod on the Sou'therly Right--of--Way of Southwest Naines Road app�site Engineer' s Centerline Station "H" 50+96,81 (at 30.00 feet), thence albng the saic� $outherly Right—of—Way on a 208.73 foot radius curve para�lel with and 30.0 fout distant fram said Engineer's "H" Centerline {the center of whicM bears �outheasterly �nd the �ong Ghord of whi.cfi bear�s N 75°29'45" E, 98.02 f�et) 98.94 feet to a point opposite said Engineer's Centerline Station "N" 49+83.65 thence South parallel with said East Line of Black 3, 151.61 feet ta a paint, thence S 89°59'55" W, 5.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 21q5 square feet, more or less. cw/4503A ?'s _,, . I i ; � � i i i 1 � . _......,._.. , ,,, . . . ,. , ....,., �..... . ... .. . ; ,,; . , , . E%HIBIT B !i , l�' � � . . .. ..— as�.e '� t � � 3s��. �-••--""'_'�-.. . roP ��RO !i N /�� �cuRS ;.;a � / �2 , ,.�:,.s �:�:,:,:::'� \ l - � ' 3t0.(s� :;:;:;: �'` "'ti:' \ 7''ApCtJRA 1,. .. ''..�: ��' •� ::{. ;:titi�� 1 1 �E OATA / �f �':. � ' � �� �: PROPOSEO �4� 17 ..•r:::•::.:.•.:•:•:•::•:•::r : •.•:f::�:• :::... 20 3 �v p i 1 ,x,.,. AC A . n� ewt ::c: Y TI ON � 9 :•:ti•��. t 8.73 p� # ,:� �'�'+'�.�. .�::?::::i:::::';;� gl � , . .:.�....... .... „ / 98 .% 'j � �1 ?�:,� / � �'#i: .� ; / LOY 24 344•z :;;;:; � .24°OAK �4e.4� j' C ;:�;:, F ao�v � , .�49•0 r 7°jO C�REj ! 338 ���.o � � 344.4 ., ` O zs"o.•�c �6 °'°� � N �OT 23 ;:=ti: • ; — I f .#' r ::?� f ; : cp � \ : . t 343.7 LOT 2 2 34 6•`} :�.. • • ' �?:� 3, 24"�a°'K 18"0�.+� .: • 'n 341•e �,� ; . :4` Eoe.� o�� Eo�� I M ��� ' W � 3q4�9 �:?;`. •Ga M :::a � � ..ti: ( 3 4b�4 p�,� ;�` 0 „ LOT 21 f�+0000�N • z • H � Z . � � 34-2.g 3�,' I :Z , t�"C>`d'� � 347.2 ' LO1` 20 3`•.�~•K � �4 s . '.43.5 343•9 --•- - /d�DAK G"fJ-�''� , ' MN �4�.5 ,�) - Rk0000E�+oRON � ~' N 89° 59' S5'� E 100.23 -.. , � . �V �� 344•V LOT 19 34 5 ';;��47..t 24"Cw� �4/. MC1'C/t " 'fi0�!�1 '�T.I ��/. . , Q qy�p t� c���. � , . �*z .:�41 .. � .. ° , � LOT (9 � 1 � ,.r. . � � � I _ �,; � r:; • � . ,., , � ; i F NOTTCE OF S.W. 67th AVENUE AND B.W. ATLANTA S7REET VFICATION The Tigard City Council will hold a public hear�ing on Manday, March S�, 19$7, ,,I at 7:00 P.M. at Tigard Ca.vic Center Town Hall Room, 13125 SW Hal]. Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon to consider the propased v�catian nf a str�et right—nf-�-way at S,W. 67th Avenu� and S, W. Haines Street, in the City af 7igard. The r�equest was initiated by the City Council an January 26, 1987 at the request nf the i'-; City of Tigard. Any inter^ested person may a�apear and be heard for ar against s the proposed vacati.an of saa.d lands. Any written �bjec�ions or remonstrance � ; shall be filed with the City Recorder by March 9, 1987, by 7:d0 PM. '�T Publish February 5, 12, 19 and 26 and March 5, 1987 s; ,. ttr S i"' F: k: 5;,. �., G` t: 1'' i {'' �+�i� . � ;.'��.'. {,,; { j' i i f, i i { l 1 i t 4 r � i ! l. ! i � s . �. � . i �.'+ ,t � . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � . Pk.