Planning Commission Packet - 02/17/1987 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AG�;NpA l"ICiARU PLF�NNINC COMMT.Sa7GIV FFBRUA�tY 17 �-- 7,30 I�.M, T3:CARD G�V:TC CE�IVI"E'R _�. �"OWN HAI..I.. ].3]:25 �W WAL.L CiqUl._EVAf2D 7�GARC), Of2EGqIV �72.7..3 ' 1. CAI�L '1"p QRIJkR 2, Ftql.l.. CAI..I._ ' 3 . AI�I�ROWE M�NUTES FI�bM JF�Nl1ARY 2U A, PLANNxNG COMMx:�SIQN CUMMUNT':CAT�:(�IV 5, PUBLIC I•�E�I�INCS 5, 1 SZGN CqpE: �:XC:E:E7_f.TON SC�: 12.-�86 OF2[::GC3N S�C;N GUI�P/EQUIT'IE.S NW/BURGE:R K:CNG IUpO # ?. Rec�u�st 1:� aa.law a raof sign ��prnximatel�y 7.' x ].7' on � Burger� King r�staurant. Par��r•ty is xon�d I.,.-P (Indtastrial Park) . Located: iq].05 �W N9.mk�us Ave. (WCl"M l.S]. 34AF1 1at 190q) , 5.1 pLANNCmD pEVrLqpMf.:lUl" I�D 87-01, SUF3DIV�5:�ON 5 87•-Q2, and ZQNE CHANGE ' Z.C, 87-�Q]., PAUI, K. BAR"f'NqLEMY (RE;NCNV��::W ESl"ATES) NPp # 3 R�quest ta subdiu:i.c�e a �.7 acre p�rapl. inta 50 lots b�tween '754Q and i.7,500 sq, ft, i.n s�.;r.�; aJ.sa far� a pJ.anned q�u�lopmerit and a xane chang� fr�c�m R--A,S (singl.e famil.y resider�tial, 4.5 units/ac>re) �n R--4,5(pD) (Pl.anned qeu�].opnient) . l.ac:atec�; Sauthern end af SW 13?nd Ave, south r�f Wa�.riut Str�c�at. (WG'i"M 2S1 4 porti.on c�f ].ots 4Q0 and 120q) . 6, Q'TMkR E3US:C�Ih SS Planninc� Camma.ssi�n/Cii:y Counc9.1. Wnrksha�a 6. 1 Proc:ec��ar� frar app�al. and recUmmendatiohs tn COUYIG�.X (�nd� v. E71"SlC�:1 G k�� , 6.7 5igri Coc�� •-- Sign Cac�e Exr.e��aan cri.teria and general issues, 6.3 M�r•ch 20, 1968 d�ac�l.ine far r�moval nf nan•�confnrming signs. 6.4 City dir�ect�.nn regdrdang pl.�n�c� deueJ.am�n� espec9.al.,ly densa.�y issues, , 6.5 Dawntown plar� uraciate, i 7. Ap�qURNM�N"i" i (29�a�.l�) i i � � J I a _ . _ � �. TIGARD PLA�INING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING — FEBRUARY 17, 1987 1. Pi^esic��rit Mc��n c�].l.ec� tMi� m��t,iny 1:a �.�r•c��r^ ��: 7;40 C�M. l"h� m��t:i.nc� w<a;� Fi�:ld a�t i:h� '1":ic��rd Ci.vic (;F�ritc�r .._ "i"C)WIU I-IAI,.I.. f,�ONI"F.17L:N(,'L-' I�qOM 13�.25 '�W Hal.:l �3l.vc� „ -r'ir�rarc�, qr•�r�nn, 2, ROLL CALL: Preser�t: F�r•��s9.cl�nL Mc7�n; C;an�ma.ssinn�rs qw�ns, F3ui��.er, l...c�vc�r�l:t, 17�t.�rsan, V�rtcaer�wac�c�, �nd IU�wm�an. Absent: C:cimmi.ssaar»r•a F"yi..� ancl IU�wi:c7n, 3, APPROVAL 0�' MTNUTES C;��mmi.ssi.an�r� N�wm<�n a�acl�cl i:ki�t i:h•r:.r�E� n��r���c� 1;�., k�� scam�ttii.nc�J in tN�E� m.i.nul:es r�c�ar•��r�c� easi��ak�.lxsha.ng s��ai�tc�ar•c�s far d�termi.n:ing whai: si.;r� a s:ic�n is �nrJ what; cc�n�ti.i:�a�5 1:PiE� s�.gn v�:�r�ias �LhE? i7c�ri.....si.gn K�c�ri�ic�n af �:h�� s�:r•ucLur•n. Ce]mmissa.orier N�wman mc�ved aru� Cc�mm:issi.c�n�r f���t:er•san sec;ur�c�nd tc.� a�a�r��u� �ni.nutas as an��nd�r�. M�t3.c�ri r.arri.�c� k>y major•i�y of i �ommisgian�rs �ar�ser7t, C;cammi:>sionc�r I.��uer��:t �hast�irt�c�. ' 4. PLANNING COP�M�IISSION COMMUNZCATION a Scariiur pl�ar�npr I..i.c��n s1:�i�:cad i:N��t a .l.t�l���cr h��d kx��n xric.l�.u�cad Xr� th� C;ammi.ssi.on�.�r�s p�ac.kel: fr�m J'ramc�s Fc�::•h:�r� �ricl s1:r:�ff�' s rcas�xaris� ta tF�a1: l.c�i:i:nr rEac�ar•c�ir�g 1:he ��c��ai.i:ins Nurl:hw�s� ��r•aj�c�; at �he carnc�r� af Nimh�us an�:l S�N�c�l.J. ' s Fei^ry Ro��cJ , 5, PUBLZC HEARINGS 5,1 SIGN CODE �XCEpTION SCE 12-86 OREGON SIGN CORP (BURGER KING) NPO �k 2 R�qtan:�t �a �ll.aw �t.he insi�a�.l.ai:ic��7 of a 2' x 17' r•cauf s:ic�n wNi�r�p s�ach siGans �r� s���.ific�l.J,y K>rahab:it:�c:l i.ri 1:FiE� Cocl�, 1�tt� K�rc�p�r�i:y as -r_Uns�c� :z;--C� (:fr�c�tas�:rial Par^k) , I..uca�nd; 1Q1�.� �W 111a.mb�as �ua, (W(�TM :I.al �4�A 1�0(7) , Seni,or P.l.<ann�r L..i.caei•i r����,c�w��� i�:h� r�.ar�u�si: c�ric� m�ac��� st.aff' s r•�can�m�nd�fi:i.c�n �for deni.tal, I)isc�aasian fa.11nwc�d r�c�c�ar•c�a.rig �I:h� s1:al:�as of 1:h� r�c��h:a�.l. ia:�ps th�t had l.oc�i;�<a 9.n i:he Nimlaia> C;c�ni;er•, APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION , o J'aseK>h Flru.�J.�, �ic�ata�ar�n1: Manay�mE�ni: IUc�rthw�st, shnw�c� c��i�s nf th� s1:�in�a�d a��r•c�ued h>ui.:l.d•a.ng pei^mii: plaris wM:i.chr incl�.id�d �L-he r•uaf k�r�ar.es ta �cr..omm�c��ta �:� i^c�of si.r�n. N�� nai:�d th�als 1:here w�s noi:Nii.nc� i.nc�i.r��t�c) on tN�e K�l.ans j;ha� i:h� i�•oa1= si,c�n wauld N�� �ar�UMik�a.i:�d. W� reuataw�d p��ss�.k�le oK�1:2nn>, s�ach a3 br^�ckinr� up � wanc�ow i:o giue triaam mor� wal.J. area f��^ a sac�n. H� �xpla:ii�c�d �l:Nia1: �xisi:�.ng s�.c�n�g� is ulastr^uci:ed k�y th� gra��� of �r�� sa.i.� �nc� k>y a s7.gnaJ.iz�tinn bc�x J.ar.a��c� on ��hc�l.l� Ferr•� �o�ad �tnc� SW Nimhus. I�I� sts�l:pd �ha�: 1:h� r•c�of �igri wo�a.lc� bp law�r �han cal:h�s^ s x�ns i,h thc� �r�r� ancl tr�<ai: �rie roc�f is an�,y � fr�w d�gr���s t�ff pa,tch oi;Ni�rw9.�e i.s coul.d ha� c],assi,fa.Fad �s a wa.lX , Alsa, i:h�y c�o r�c�� havp a dir•�ct �cc�ss or71:a 5criaJ.�.s Ferr�y Ftc��c�, Fiow�uer, th�re en�4ir�e haua�.danc� fac�s Sc;hc�ll.s : 1=�r1^y Rc��d, o p�,>c�a:�s�:art f<�J.�.ow�c� rer.��rc�i,nc� �hie an�arove�l k�iaaJ,d�,i�g ppr�mi� pJ.�ans and �:h� uisib7.�.i�y of 1:ha r�pst�ur•artt frram wG1�raZls �er•ry Roac�, Pl.AN111�NCy CqMMx�iSxq111 M�:IVU"I'I:.w F��3�lUA�2Y �.7, �.9$7 — pAG�: 7, � � ��_�_a._. �,�,x. � _ _ .. _.. _ . -_ _ PUBLIC HEARING C�OSED o C�mmissi�r�nc�r• L..�u�r�i�t. 5W��77(.11"'L"f?CI th�� r�qu�>1:, hl� stal��r� hc h�ca driu�n k�y anc� h�.�l c�ifificuli:y recngni,rinc� the si.te, a C�camniissaon�:�r N�wman, hac� no pr�abl�m w9.fi:hi tF» r�c�uest, howeu�r, di.d not,' f-��1 1:h� siu�n cnul.r� b� a�a�rnu<?d tarider th� CCJ(�P_, �� Comn�a.sqi.on�r� ��et�rsc�n f�uor�c� �M�� �r'C�po5i+1J., a (,nirimissiUner Vanc�erwaad suppnrtHd 1:hn rec�uest. fihe fp.lt the s�.gn h�d th� ; a��earanr..F c�f a w�l.]. s ign rai�h�r� than a r•nof s ign, ! a Cc�mmissianer Mu�n s�:ai:cad h� had donc� d surun�l nf i:he Bur•c��r Kings in th� a�^�a �ricl h�ca com� i:o i�hE� r.nr�ctusaon th��t: th�y al.l. �.c�ak tN�� same ancl mnst c�f i:h�m c�id not hau� r�o�f s ic�ns. a C;amma.ssa.nn�r OWE?I'15 nat.�c� th�t: th� C;od� dn�.�s ncat per�m9.t r�.7caf sa.c�ns, �hF cari�irn�nd 1:hat i:h� nr�i:ire c��v�lapment was nat c�asignpd f-or rEa�Laa.l use, i�ior• wGa�a ii°. d�sigric�r� ta ai�.:i:r�ct str��.�t tr•�ffic fr�c�m Schc�l.l.s f�'erry, Sh� f�J.t 1:he s9.t� had �dpquat� ui.sibila.l:y ai�d 13urc�er� Kir►g coulrJ be aasily id�nt�.fa.�d. �., Cammis:ai.on�r• E3�,il.t:c�r• fE�J.t thE� �xc�K�t.i.c�n sl•ipuJ.cl b� c�iu�n �s :i��, a�p�ars i:a have lan�n approvc�d an i:hp buil.ciinc� �a�rmit pl�ans , � Cammi.ssi.an�r Variderw��c� move�� and C;nmmi.ssioner l..au�refi:1: s�r.and�c� tc� a{��arova ;.;C�E_ 1.?..�_86 ba:s�d on 1:N�� f':iru�inc� �hat cr•ii:�r•i� .l , b. caf secti�ri 18. 1].A, ].A5 aK>pJ.i.es. F1l.so, k�c�caGtse the si:ruct�ara]. �c�rtaon of i�he sa.�n ��a��a�^s i:a have huanri za�a�r•nuec� h�y •l:he Build.i.r�� piuisiun. L+�aff is (��.Y'4�C�P..(� to �r���arE� i:h� fa.n�a. orc��r� anc� far Pr�s9.rl�nt Mn�n ta sXc�n off an {�hat fa.nal or•c��r•, Mol:ion car�ri�c� l��y major�ity vai:e of Commi.ssinn�:�rs �rEasent, C;ommi.ssinner•s Mo�n, Owpi7s, and Ncawm�n ucai:irig r�a, 5.2 PLANNED 0E'IdE1.�DIP4lIEl�l�' PD R?-UY„ SUBDIVISION S 87-02, Zld� CHANGE Zl� 87-01 PAUL BARTNOLEMY/MARTIN ZEIMER BENCHVTEW ESTATES NPO � 3 ' R�ra�a�si: fc�r a 7..c�ri�.� Chcanc�� frnm R.�"4,5 to R...4,5 (RIJ) (Rcs9.�i�ri�.i.�a1, 4.5 un9.i:s/acrR, P].ai7n�d p�v�l<��m�nt) �nd a Subdi.ui.sion/P].�nned I��uel.apm�nt to da.uidEa a ].7 r:�cr�e pnrti�.�n af �a 35 acre �ar�c�l. i.ni:c� �iq ].a�s r•�nc�irtg b�t:we�n 7,50p arid 17,50� srauar•e fnet :in sX;r.P, l_ncatnd: Sn�athern terini.nus nf SW ].32nd Flu�n�ae haEai�w�er� �W Wr�l.n�.it ancl 5W E.;�aJ.l. Mountain Ro�ad (WC;l"M IS:� 4, Tax lai: �00 and ].200) , Seniai^ P1�nn�r• L.9,c��n st�i:ec� that; th�re w�s^� seueral issuc�s whii.ch neee��c� 1�a h�e ac�dressec� s�achi as i�he transpari:at�.on anrJ S�nsi{;iu� l.ands . Ha �M��r�ested �hat thi� Cammissi.oi7 oK>en the puk�].�.c hearanc� aricl �ak� publ.ac t�sl:imnny i:h�n 1:aM�le 1:h� ii:�m �L-o 1:h�i.r next h�ar:ing k�pfare m�ka.ric� a d�casar�n. c� Di.scu;�sic�r� foa.l.owec� rer�a�^di.ri� �aking p�abl�.c t�sti,many. Th� g�ner�J. GOI'1S�I15US nf the Commissaon was �Fiat thiey wanted to hHar eu�ryi:h9.nc� at ari� ti.me rancl woul.d prefer ta wai.� ta t�ake �uk��.ac �Gestamony, NI_f��IIV�NG COMM:Lu�S:LON M�NUI"�S 1=C13�UARY 17, 1�87 •� PAU�. 2 � Cnmm9.ssi.c�rier• E3ut.1Fr mc�u�Gl �and Conima,ss�.aner• V�r�d�rwc�ad seconded tca t�b1� ; agenc�a a.t:�m 5.2, Zone Cnangp 7_C 87...Q1, �ulac�iuisa.an S fl'7--Q2, and Plannpd D�uel�.�pment PD 67'-•-0]. t� i:F�e Mar�ch 17th Plann9.ng Cammassian heari.nc�. Motian carr•i.ed by majar•ity of �ummissianers present. Presider►t Ma�n �, uati.ng nc�, 6. Other Business Th� Camm9.ssi.c�n �djnurnc�d at 8;30 ancl w�nt arita � workshap wi.i:h trie Tac��rd ; (�ity Council. (Minui:as w�r•e 1��kpn r�y (�i�l:y �auncil' s s�cr�tat^y arid will be ' av�i].�k�le ai: a l�ter d�te. ) 7. Adjournm9nt 8�30 pM, _..... _._��?����. ` ,., �._, ._.�._..__....._. ; ' n9.ane M. Je�.d � s a�Cl"P_'I:clY'y � � �,.�.».I„H���: .,,...-LG-.-:..,�.[G.�`.e[t„..�' �e�!.„.�.��._..___._.__ A. qarialc� Moen, Presic�ent 300AP c�m j pI,F�NN1:Ni� CqMMxSfi1:01V M�:NU1"kS �'�BRUARY 17, 1987 -- PAGE 3 - .:., . _ _ .E, i r t f; r 4 �'. r � � � �� � PLANNING COMMISSION ROLE CALL: �,(� Doaald Moen (✓ STAFF: � Bonnie Owens l �t-f' �� , ��� �Il� � � � � f�-� John Butler " U Milton Fyre �� ri U�JY Deane Leverett �� ��,y,� Dave Peterson ,I � Chris Vanderwood ! i I Wi11 Newman ; Greg Newton i I � i I i r� ; l , � , � i i � 1 � II I � _ _ _ . __ _. _... __ .. J �� � �� �� �� � � I��I�I� ����0 7-6941 P.O. 30)(370 PHOfVF(503)684-t�360 ������ �EAVERYON,OREGOfV 97075 [���I�6 G���ac�� ��e���ft��o�� . _... . . �..� �, City of Tigard � � � Y����9���4 �oQo�¢� �;;C�l PO �o�� 23397 ' a T i g a r d 9 0 r 9 7 2 2 3 � � pu�[tnVocs�4� A�9oo����8 :.:�a�:� "�;° '�Q���� � � ��I�VI��A9�1°l �(� �aD�����e�"��f�l ����'� �� �����D�I, D ��a���� o� ���a�o���r��, D��. p l�r�ne J�an Q��9P0� POP�Q dIQ�O�/ ��119�PP1, �l��o�� r�uo�l ��y 4,��4 � �evo 47a �,�e+e�4u�i�a� (D}BP'��Q(DP, �P a09� �DPOPdC0�810 CO�PI}�, �ff 4C�� 1 g�r d �zme 5 r� uo�v���as���a� �ff ���o�rffi� C9P��ll0�Q90P9 �s ���i��d iur �R s 1�3.0�� ��� 9��.��tD; �nr�f�Ue�7u�� �4 __T,�P a r d _ i¢� Qh� ��m����i� �o��o&g� s��o29 �4atg�; glh�4 29�� �' �'-A3A-3�-?�-�.��-bb ---T—i«ari�r�cf.r�r-'�-- � �6�POQ�Cfl �Cm��1 �V tR3GViCPi V� P9�P�40 d$6�P1�J1��, wa,� �a�k�lisP��tl iee 4�� �ur4ic� a��an� �V �ffi6d ��vv�����Q��oP succ���iv� �n� �o�r���aa4oes� aua F�a�4�B0o�mo�p 6��ae�s: ---�-��-0 5-9--��7 - � � �--� . �an���Pa��� ��o� �e� �4� l��t�a �� 41�d 8 —��' �- V'VI�Y�Pv .0 �OP�4°���Pl I��o ��u�ouuoo��d��n (�x�'sP��: , �� ; ���� ���. . �� � � �. 9-20-88 �� � �� -. °�� . �f�I�a���9Q� "��f�1�s�it����'`�� �,�� �,���� `t`� , � � . � �eb�u�'�'�;'t��r����e��`i���t�.'��Cs�'�v�,�l;��'7C'�:���;�'��9 5PJ. ����iw�'#,�'� ��9� �t'�+t�'�� m��r` ��� � #���13�t�d���3�f'���,��3T������hvd�.,��� '�., ������'b�+' . ��t7�r 3 i,� ' F , , , �5���.���t3�����fi�� "`, ���i����!'��t���$��� '� � � � '� • �Ak���[�Y�i��3����t��.t'�I���r°� ��������rT ����k �������x�����s���r����"�'�����,���� ��t���`m�������.i'�-��i;��^C���ea��'����`..�����r;:{ ��r�#�d�����!'d�3t�.��x,��,'��.�,� ;; � `, �' � �����'��.�'�" �""��'�������#��'�����t�� �. � ���tk��,���'�.�+t�� '���►���z����;�.'�' ��#�3�' s '���� �������.��t�� ��`=�`� . , ; „ > - �[!�7/y���Q,!��.,,.��y � �Y,�71�lat�;#�,TJ�� YEUi1F�@,la{�'(.b�.: �`��.'f�� �.�'�`��,�'�dar�._�,�?�!�vr���:�e�'4 ���.���.�� �r #�y �„uai�tar�sa�� a►�.t�����z� ' �'. , .,.. �. . � ,...s .,�+�t�t'�+�d�t'��Y At[� ' . <;.�,x������t�,�,�A�',��C��.��:tt���4�,��).'• ���������� . ��"4,Si��#�i t"�"'�".e°'�+�}��. 4 �il �;'� �+e�,�4,�. �-�,_�=--_,�.�_�, , _.��. . �w. DATE �� _ �� _. _ _ . T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I 0 N NOTICE: A�L PERSONS DESTRING TO SPEAK ON ANY TTEM MUST SIGN 'i'Iit:llt NAMli and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your nant�) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: ` J� • , � � � � . . PROPONENT (For) OPPDNENT (against) ~� Name, Address and Affiliation Name , Address and Affil.iiti.�i1 'I � ' N �I - _ �--- iM�►� ' ►��1. _ ._ _ , , � ...._..u..r._....._.._.�:.� : , DJ1TG � /� �� T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N � NOTICE : ALL PER�SONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN 'CH►:.11: NAR1E: and note their address on this sheet. ( lease Prin your n�m�) ITEM fbESCRIPTION: � ; '(/I � ��'0 ' .� C �7 OI � • _.. ! �.►��. - PROPONENT (For) OP NENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affilizti��n .�r���C��,. ' �-- �Q�P�` �n�.. ����--�.�c.�d�?�, �?.Q,, ^�=� (��.,�t ,��,"'' �r ,+'�«..�s ,.. � . ..ry:�,w'"r` _..... _ �,+ .+G� S Y . . .. . r��� . .. . y�-., jfq( �;^-- ��N l/�/ . ��I` ' �;�1 `, t . 4, . . . . . U-'�..II.2_'� F �`. A./ � l''���� '!d;' � L' � I f��! '� a,.:,,,x,..-.,...K+. /�J�J���'-�"� ����d"Z�� ���..++°". .. _ i�!�e..+"�� A.`°��!' R U,e�� d/�„"���. ���'T l:�C:..�C�" I Ch �7�' �-._.-.._-..._, . _ II � . . .. ..... . . �II � . . .. . . -_;'�.. ..I .. . . � �. . . . . .. � ����... {' � � . ....... ,.. . . . _ ...-,., }. �'. i' � � . . . . . .. . . �... . «„ �... . i � . . . .. . .. . . .... . . .. ...-..-.�. . ��,.. i. . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . w««.+..w«...... a.w,�..r�.._.��..:�....-�� .�. � . . . _ � ......�. . ....�.._,. ..._�,. .a..:,..., _.,. I �~���� 'f�'k���'T ����t':j'���� � C�^� , ' `� i�.r� �i�t�..�..s i.�.�,�� � i , y�� �, �. � ., .� � ,��:,�, _ ����1 .�� �.,, ,, ._. City of Tigard ��-�� p� 1"IGah� Plenning Commission ��.A�J��RN�► ���rM 1�125 SW Hel l Bl v�. Tigerd Or. 97223 Dear sir�: i om writin� ta yau egein concerning the Equities Northwest pro ject ot the corner o� Nimbus and Scholt's Ferry. This is the project thot includes the Burger King restourent. ,4 dozen or sv neighbors met with e representativ� ot Equities Northwest last summar end we thought we had worksd aut our ditterences over the pro ject. It turns out thot this may nat be the cose. Aftsr our meeting last surnmer the neighborhood wos essured of the tailowing. 1. The top of the building would be painted o derker color to cut �down an g�are. 2. Evergreer� trees wauld be plonted every ten teet ocra�s the beck of the building. This woutd help hide the ugly well th�at foces aur neighborhood. 3. Arb�arvitoe would be planted ot eoch end ot the buitding to prevent the heedlights ot cers irom shlning into our neighborhood until lot� at night. �i. Equities Narthwest woutd consider adding additionel screening to the t�ap ot the building on our side tv hide the air conditioning units, vents, and treming tor the front screening. 5. T�rere w�uld be no signs piaced on the beck oi the building. I � , Most ot these promises were repeeted ed� e planning commission meeting ! la�t August. A couple at months aga they did so some landscaping but only pert of whet was promised. The trees acros� the back are 40 teet apart not �he 10 th�t was promised. No arborvitae hedge was created and just as expected the � lights shine into �nur neighbor's houses os people drive into the Burger King i, GEORGE FOX COLLEGE/NEWBERG,OREGON 97132�(503) 538-8383 I ■ _._ . _ ,._. ,�..,.........,. resteurorot. In additimn ther� is cansiderable constructian debris in the gr�enwey behind the project. They hove apporont�y rejected our request tor screening ecrass the top ot th� building and recently ploced e �ign (Or��gon First Bonk� on the bock of the building thot will glow ali night long inta our neighborhood, We prot�ested to Equities Northwest ebaut the sign on the back ot the building ond their response wos thet they heve a legol right t� plece a sign there , end that the decision was made efter the neighbors were assured th�re wvuld be na signs. We then protested to Ore�an First 8ank. They �►ere mare sympathetic ond the Yic� President ot Operotions, Mr. W�elker, �ras not �ware of the promises mode by Equities Narthwest nbout no backwall signs ond odditional lendscaping. The purpose of the trees wes to cader the bockwall and in so daing they wou�d eventuoliy cover #he signs enyway. Mr. 4Velker hes ir�dicated thet the sign will be moved but Equities Northwest te11s o ditterent story. And this brings us to the nex#, problem. Equities Northwest has e signed ogrgement with Hi Tech Sight and Sound thot prevents ony signs but theirs �n the end ot the building. Ore�on F�rst 8onk hos on ogreement with Equitiss Narthwest ta provide edditionel signing t� be seen tram the roed. Equities Northwest has promised the neighborhoad that no signs would be ptoced on the beck of the buiiding (sig�s here don't �ece the raod onywoy). Equities Northwest seems willing to pramise enyone enything to c�mptete ond leese their pro ject. Now Equities Northwest is going to request e sign varience etlawing more sig�s olong Scho11's Ferry. We believe tt►ey ore going to use °the good ot the neighbarhaod" as an argument tor odditivnal road signs. White it would be preteroble, trom the perspective of the neighborhood, ta heve additionol signs nlong the r�ed insteed oi tacing the neighborhood we dlsiike being forced into such e chaice. This project wns illconceived from the� beginnir�g. The lond they bulit on wes too small tor such o project. �omehow they maneged to get additionel tend out af the greenwe� and o varience tram the city to aliow tewer parking spaces thar� narmnll� required. �Ihen we reised our �oncern thet the insufficient perking would leed to mar�e equisition of greenwoy we were ossure that �.he parking wes more then sufticient. One dey lnst wesk, at tw� in the etter-n�avn, there were only two empty porking spaces in the entire lot, and the building's spece isn't even oll leesed yet. The piece �ut lerud they seiected for their project is zoned os on orea to pravid� suppor# s,ervices for the Koll 8usiness peric. Every business that hes leased spece so for relies almo8t entireiy on off street treftic. The [ i - ._: ..__ 8ur��r King d�mands tarae ama�nts of trofti�. ! Alsa, they were oware ot si�n cade o-estrictions and yet dssigned o project th�� sits diagonelly on the l�nd sa thet the frant ot the buitding con only be seen trom one direction on Scho11's Ferry. Then they pla�ed e Burger King in frant of the building ettectively moking the business in bock of it invisible irom the raa�d. This meens thot if the businesses ore to get the of� street traffic they r�quire {but should not) they wi11 nee�J additior�el si�ning elong Scha11's Ferry. They fiove hod ong sign vorience turned down, , 8�urger King has one in prace��, ond Equilies Northwest is going t� try far anather. Finoll�, #he pro��ct was buitt �►ithin e holt mile oi three other helf empty shopping meiis 4tour it you count Lohman's Pteze). Equites Northwest is j opporently trying to compete by promising the sky to on� potentiol tenent (remember the rrorionce request to ollpw a Deli into the pro ject). White i em nat sure at the extent ot the plonning comm9ssion's outhority this is whot we believe will protect our neighborhood. _ 1. Require Equities Northwest to compl�te the tond$�oping os . promised to the neighbarhood. Including the odditionoi evergreens ecr��ss the back ond th� orborvitae hedge 41 believe they posted o bor�d tor the tendscoping). All at tr�is ho� been promised. 2. P�rotipide screening ecross the back to hfde the ugly trnmework ond eir conditianing equipment. 3. Cte�n up the debris lett in the greenway. 4. Req�iir� Equities Narthwest end the Burger King to live within zoned sign restrictions. 5. Peir�t the top ot th� building a darker cotor as promised. • 6. �ut no signs un the back ot the buil�ding os promised. 7. Den� requ�sts tor odditional greenwey len�. I don't think Equities Northwest took the zonin� restrictions or the city ot Tigard seriously. Thsir repeeted ond pertially successtui ettempts to obtein verionces is evidence o! this. The peaple of our n�ighborfiood most direct�y eftected by this project hove invested w�il over e holf million ■r _ LL __. _ �__._ _._ .: _ i dollars end ha�e produced o nice stable neighborhaod. Most af the veriances requeat�d or ellow�d in the zaning ere detrimental to the neighbortroad in one wog �r onother and the entire pra j�ct daes not re�lty sui� the zoning. 8eceuse ot o camedy ot error$ the neighborhoad wo� nevsr invaiv�d in the design review tor the pro ject. While it is too lote ta redesign the pro ject it is nat �oo lo#e to minimize the dam�g�. i epologize tor the long letter but I hope that our experiences with Equities Northwgst might help the plenning commis�ian and other neighbarP�oods in the future. Sincer�ly, ,-� --� � .� ,%�i f`�� �...�... �s�°��������`� ���� � :!I �.James D. Foster, PIa.D. ;� Associete Professor . ; , �. t. << �, G �. l � � CITY O��TI�A RD January 23, 1987 �RE�A�� 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 Dr. James D. Foster George Fox Gollege Newberg, OR 97132 RE: Nimbus Center Dear Dr. Foster: I have rece�ved you letter regarding problems related to the Nimbus Cent�r ' located on Scholls Ferry Road. Tkiis letter will be copied and presented to `: the Planning Commi.ssioners at their Februarp 3rd hearing. A Sign Code ; Exception for Burger King restaurant will be reviewed by the Cammission on r this date as well. � I would like to briefly addreas the points you raised in your letter. 1. Develonment is permitted within the 100 year flood plain for �; commercial and industrial properties. The applicant did receive Che --v necessary approvals from� the City, U.S. Arm}r Corps of Engineers, and Division of State Zands following two public hearings. 2. A variance was not granted for the number of garking spaces provided. However, City standards were only exceeded by one or two spaces. Since our requirements are minimums, parking availability may become a problem for tenants and customers. 3. A landscaping bond has been posted for the completion of the landscaping t� the rear of the building. The approved landscaping plan has tree spacing of 10 to 40 feet. Before the bond is released, landscaping must be completed as shown on the plan (attached). " Naturall,y, the City has no ob�ection to exceeding what is illustrated on the plan. 4. Screening of the xoof and HVAC equipment and choice of paint colnrs are design iasues which are not covered by City ordinances. , 5. We have sent our Code Enforcement Officer to check on the debris. If they are still present, the City will order their removal. 13125 SW Hall Blvd�,P,O,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)b39=4171 , � � f'h " �v . . .. .. . ... . . .... ,..'.._. ...�. ..... �'age 2 6. The Planning staff interprets the Sign Code to prohibit a wall sign on the rear of the building as in the case of the Oxegon Bank sign. As yo�x know, the sign has been removed and I do not anticipate an application to allow such a sign. 7. If additional flood plain or greenway area is requested for development, a Sensitive Lands application and public hearing would be required. I have received no indication that such a proposal is forthcoming and I would suggest that it will be difficult to obtain an approval. I appreciate hearing from you and Commission will be interested in �eadiag ' your letter also. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, � ��� Keith S. Liden Senior P�.anner KSL:bs0486W µ .;} i 1 j ; w j j 1 I d i il t t i � I I i i 1 If 1 i I i �< � C:I;"I"Y QF" T]:G)Fl12C) PLf1NNI;NG; CqMM:I:��,�:nN ` I'=:CIUF�1� p1217f;;R N0. 87�-QA I�t� �� Fl F�'�:111F11.. qRC)E:I� I:IU(:I..U1:�7:IVC•; F']:111L):�:I11G5 ANC) CQIUC;I...U;.;];QI11S W�d�:C;H Af�F>RqVE"�; AN �IC�F�I.:�C;�l�":I:OIU I'°pl� A S:x(aN C(917E F:XC:k:I�..f.:f,ON (SC;E ;12,�.86) 17hQt11tiS"I"F:.p !3Y OF2F'.GON ;:Cf3N (�qMf�AIUY, '�"h� T'i.c��rc� P.lanriii�g Cammissi�n r�vic�w�d th� �tk�c�ve a�pli.cal::iUn a�� a �auk>l.ic h�arinr� cin F"�k�r�u�ry 2Q, 1�Q7'. The Commissi.ari b�asec� its d�r..i.sx�n on th� fact:s, �f�:inc�irir�s and ct�rir.l.�asiaris r�o1:�d b�law, �, ��r.;.r.,� 1. , C�en�ral T:nfc�rm�i�:ion Cf��E: ;a.c�n (�oc�e C:xcer>t:ian 1?....6fi RE:t�UE:.;"t'; To �aJ.J.ciw iri:>t�J.].�i�a,nn of � 7..' x J,7' rc�c�f sic�n wh�re st.�ch s:ic�ns are sp�cificaXly �aruhila:it�d in th� (ac�c��. C;nMf>RE::i°IC::N�;T:VE F�L.F1N �k:.,I:C,iUAI":I:QIU, L.i.yh1�: I;r�clual:rial, (7:...-L) ':l,Ul�:[NG I�I;�S;f(31U(�'�":T:ON: :Lnc�usti^i.al. I�ai�•k (:C.._p) AF���L.I:(:;AIU"I": Ur�c�c�n C;ic�n Carp. OWNE�F2: E:c�uiti�:�s Nnr��:rrw�st �?'7n1 Sf.: 1.Ath Aue, 1543!i0 �:W Mac�dam, S�ai�� 32Q �'�z::� F>ar^t7.�ric�, OF2 9%7..4?. Pc�r1:J.�nd, qFt 9'7'2C�]. I_OC:A'T:CON: ].017.5 SW Nim�aus AvH. (WCT'M 1�1 3Af�A L�t J.�JQO) 7_, k3ack�raund.,]:nfarniatian F�er�mis�a.on i:o c��u�].ca� the sul�jE�r.t �ar��p�r�ty wi.i�r� an i.ridustri�l bua�.c�a.nc� was gr•an1:c��� in 1�.�75 (CU 6•--75) anci �n a�aprava7. to ac�d w�.�r�hatas� sra<�ce was gi.v�n iri 1�7� (CU J.M-78) , In March, 1�86, a Si.t� D�vel.a�m�?n� R�u;iEw a�plicai::ion far r.unst�rurt:a.on nf a ?.2,I'75 sr�taar� fc�a� busin��ss/r^�i:�ai.l. b�a.i..ic��.ng �anc� �r��.a 370Q squ�r� fc�ot E3urc�Ear Ki.ng r�si:aur�r�t was ����ar•ovt�Cl :3ldIJ]�C'� 'L'Q cer•L-a:in cr�ric�atit�ris , A w;ign C�.,ca� E:xr.ca��ti:c�n �K>pJ.icati.c�n tc� ��.11.ow 1:wa fr��s��t�•�di,ny signs wh�rE� or�� �.s �l.low�d w�s d�na.�c� h�y 1:Nip P:lann:ing Cnmma.ssxun :�n J�an�, 1�86 (�C;E: 6-�•6Ei) . Th� a�K�a.acar��: prapasec� ana 36 sc�uar�� f'ant, 9 ���c�t t�J.l mc�nurn�ri�h sign f-or �4he rFasi:aur�ar�t and i:NiP spcand sa,c�n w�s xn�t�artci�d as a ].5 fio�>t hi.c�Mi, 77 sc�ta�r� foa� t�n�ni: sa.c�ri. 3 . Vicxni�Informatian Pr�.,�erta.�s �o th� north nf Sr.ha].l.s F'�r^r•y �aad ar� xr► �3caau�r�on �nd ar�� zanr-.d (�a�n�aus—:Lndusi:��i.al (GI) , F�r•a�er•t�a,ns �:a i:h� east �nd sau�:h�ast �rP -r..oi7rd ]:-� (x;ndustr�a,�]. Par•k) , Prc�p�rti�.5q so�ath a�F F"�nno �re�k ar�e zan�c� ��--4,� �Single F�mi ly RP_B�.C�G1'1�].a��., 4.a un�.ts/acr�) , Properta.PS to the �'�R w�5� �are ranc�c� R-�].2 (Mul.ta.--f�tmily Resa.d�n�a.�al., 12 uni,ts/acr��) � F:CIVAI_ qRI��R �7�-Q4 �C -- pR�GqIV S;�:CN Cq,/HURf��'Ft K�NG SG� 1.2-�86 — PAG� �. A, �,ite T:nfarmatian and Pra�a.asaJ._,��scri�tian �� • � 'The Burc��r Kxng rasl�aur•ar�t is situa��c� at �Lhe nc�rth�ast�ern cor•ner of th� prc�p�rty, l"he bwi,].dinc� daes �7�at dir�ctly fdc.:e �i,tfi�r^ SW Scholls F�rry Rd. ar• fiW Nxml�us Ava_nu� haut rai:her it fc�rms �n angle w:ith N,�uth , streel:s, Burg�r� Ka.nc� wtas gr�nt�d a �agn permit far a 3f� squar� foat wall sign nn i:hP saul�hern laua.lding facp i.n Parly D�eemk�er, 1986, t.,ast week � 71 5c�uare faot Rurg�r Kirig t�n�nt �zgn was �r�ctecl a].�ng �W �challs Fer�ry Raad (SN 1p3....g6) , The a�p].acan�: nc�w r��c�wests a �ign Ccid� Exc�pti.can to a1]:aw the er��cti.on o� a 2' x 17' r•oc�f sign whi.ch will k�P 1t>catGd an the frunt �aori:ion of th�e rc�caf di.rec�t):y f�ci,ric� the a.v�LerseGl:i.nn, 5. Aqencx.and .NI?0.Comme�n;��s The fit�te Hic�hw�y [)ivasion and tF�� E:ngine�rzny Da.ui:si.c�n havE r�vi.�w�d the prapnsal. and have no nb�ections �Lo it, J Thr� Bui.lding Diuisi.�n has r�vi�wed i:he prnpasal. artd has th� fol.J.ow9.ng comm�rits; ]:f c�ther �ppl.icartts hau� been d�nied a permat fc�r similar sa.gns, th�n 1:he �ity shnu.ld be consistent in its ap�lir.atian of the S;ign Code. Np0 #�. r�vi.ewed tNiF propos�l. and vat�d to rer.amniend deni�].. �:: No a�her cammeni:s wpre receiuPd. E3. F�:NDI:NGS ANC� CONCI..U�;1:qNw 7'h� a�pli.c.ant is r�questang an exc�pi�9.an ta 5�ctian ].8, ],].4,4I0(h) whick� stai:�s: "Rnpf signs o� any kind are prcrha.b�:l;c�c�, inc.luc�ing i;empnr•�ry signs. " rhe appl�a.c�ant natr�s tha{� s�ac.Fi a sign as customary far� Bur�ger King rastaurants. Th� r•eleu�nt aK��r��val cri.i:er�i.� in thxs case �r•� cont�a.ned in Sectiarr 18, 11A, 145 of i:h� CnmmuniL-y I�F?UP_�.U�ITIf?I'l� Cade. Tn or<�er i:a justi.�y an �xceptann to th� sic�n code, on� af tPiE fo�.lowing thr`ee r.riteria (CUC 18. 114, 145) r�ust be satisf�.�d; a. The pr�.�pos�c� si.gn c�c�� �xceptic�n i.s ncacessa►°y Faec�use a cnnfor�mi,ng builc�ing or sign on an ac�jac�r►t pr�ap���ty wauld l.imi.t �h� vapw c�f a si,gn �rect�d c�n th� site ir� canformanc� wxth the si.gn co�e s�andarc�s, b. The pro�rc�s�d exc.ep{:i�n tc., the heic�ht li:ma.ts in �rie sign coc�e i.s neGes�ar9l ta m�ke the sign uxsi.bl,e frnm i>he s�r�et because af �Ni� �ppc�graphy af fi:h� site, -�` � i ; t H;�IVAI� bl�qk.R H7-�QA PC �- nh7FC;QIV S;LGN ('4./HUF2G�R K;CNG aCE �.2w-95 �- PAG� 2 ; t �. �: � __ , .., . _. c. "I"herca is an acces� dr•iue which s�rvi.ces thi� busxn�ss or s�r•u9.c� fir•cam a strn�t al:her than the str•eet an which i:he � IausinE�as is lc�c�ted. At'1:er revi�wing this appl.9.r.a�ion, i:he Planning Cnmmi,ssian canclud�s that the propos�d sign is justifi.ec� �car 1:wa reasons, �'irst, tP�e applic�nt i�nc�i.r.at�d that drawings for^ the propased sign wnr� incluc��c� as part of 1:he bui,lding �al.an submiti:ecl ar�d tPi� bui�.di.nc� pl�ns were sUbs�c�uent].y �p�roved by tha� diu9.sion in A�ril, ].�8f,. 'Th»refa�e i�he applicant rnterpr�i:�d this �o m�an i;htat theY cauld p4it: a si.gn on thi� r�onf, Second, th� Planning Cammission be).ieued tNiat i:he prnpas�c� excP�t:ian �o i:he height .lim9.tatinns in i;he 5:ign Cade is necessary ta make 1�Fie si.gn visib].� from tti� s�re�t: k��caus� of tha topc�c�r�aphy af the si.te as a�.lowed by cr�iteri.a b, abouP. C, p�.CI�7;QN E3a��d u�an the fi.nda.i�c�5 ane) GpY1Ca.l.la7.ql'15 ak�au�, the Pl.anning Gc�mmassi.can apprnvps SCE 12-•-86 subject ta the follow9.ng cnnditians, 1, Th� sac�n H7."I_2 sh�11 not exceed 34 squar�e f��� i.n ar�ea, ?.'. A �x�Ly of Tigar•d...-�pproued sign p�rmit shall k�e ubi�ain�d �rinr tc�a er�ecti.on c�f the sign. 3 , The sxc�r� wi.11. bE� et^�ct�d �x�c�:].y a5 shawn c�n plans submi.tted to 1:he �ammission on �he nor'thtaast ranf f�cp to the ric�ht of i�h� driue•._9,n canapy. �r .: 4, This a�aproual. shi�l�. expire i.f not �xercised witNiS.n one y��r of the final d�cisinn date notpd b�1aw, I:� i.s furthier ar•d�red that the app].9.cant b� noi:i.f9.ec� nf the entry of this nrder, ' PA��SFt), Th9.s �a day of �'ebruary, 1987, by tF�e P].anninc� Comma.ssion of the City of Tic�a�^d. . � ��-�����i�//`e`..—" bon MaPn, Presidpnt Tigard Plr�nning Cammissi.on I�AS;cn/3p�£3P I i i �� � i F'TNAI, QRpEl7 87--4A PC — bREGqN SxGN CQ./BURG�R KxNG SC� 12-�8F -- PHG� 3 STAFF�' �2EPOR"I" ACENpA x3"�:M 5. 1 f-"E13RUARY 17, 1987 .�- 7;30 P,M. ���� l"IC,FtRD PI..WNN1:l�C CqMM1�C;1pN '1"xGAF2D C'C'TY 1-1F�I:�L -- TOWN F�F�LL 1317..5 �W fdAL_l� BL..V�, '1'TGARD,, GR�.GON 972?_3 A. F'AC"I"� 1. Gener�al. In�Formatian CA�k; Sign Gode �xceptian ].2•�-86 � � i R�:(�UEw�'I"c T'� �a].l.aw i.nstalla�aan caf a ?' x ].7' rc�af si.gn wh�r� such siyins are 5�7QC].�].Gi��.I.y �aroh9,�a9.i�ed i.n i:he Coc�e, i COMF>REP�ENSIVE pl.hll� DESIGNAT1:Qi11; Li.ght I:ndustri.�tl (�--•l.) � LONING pES:[GNA'1"T()�1; Tndustra.al Park (�-•-P) APPLIC;ANT; Or�gc�n Sign Corp, OWNF:.'R: E:qa�iti.es Northwest 2741 SF 1Ai:h Ave. 5550 SW M�c:adam, Sua.te 320 portl�nd, O�t 97242 Portland, OR 9720]. LpC�'1":�C�N; iq115 SW Nimlaus Aue. (WC7M i.Sl 34AA L�t 1900) 2, Background Infarmatian, permis5ion to d�velap thie subject property wi�h an i.ndwstr•i.aJ. buil:dinq was grar�i;ed zn 1975 (CU 6•--75) ar�c� an appraual t:n add warehc�use space was <�i,uen i.n 1q78 (CU 14-78) . In March, 1�g6, a Site Dev�lopment Reuxew applicatxon fnr c�anstrwctian or � 22,7'75 sq�aar�e fcaot business/'r��t�a.l: bu9.lding �nd tFte 370p square faot Burger K:ir�g restaurant was approved subjec� to c�rtaa.n c�andxt9.ans. A ��ign CUde �xcep�i.c�n ap��,icdt:ian tn dllow �wn freestandir�g si.gns where �n� is a1lowPC� wa:� deni.c�d by i:he Planning CUmtniss:iun iru June, 1��6 (SC;� 6--86) , rhe appl.acdnt pra�aased one 36 sqwar�e fr�at, 9 fnat t�J.,l monum�nt sign for� i:h� resi:aur•ant arid i:he sacarid sa.gn was i,ntended �s a r 15 fa�.�t hagh, 7Z sc�taar� fuat t�nant s9.�n. 3 . Vici.nit .Tnformal:inn Pr�.�per�i.�s fi�a the nor�th af Scho].ls �'erry Road ar•e i.n ��av�rtan �nd ar� zanac� Gampus�-�ndusi:ri�l ((rT) . proper�ties tn the eas� and south�ast a1^e xoned �-�F> (Industri.al� Park) , Praperti�s sou�h a� Fanna Creek ar•e can�d R»�.A,S (Sing�.� �ama.ly Resi.d�ntial, 4.5 una.ts/ac►^e). Pr�aperties �o �he wes� are zoner� �--12 (Mu�.ta�.,�ami7.y �esi.dentzal, X2 una.ts/acr�) , ST�FF' �t�pC7F2T -- �C;E �,2�A6 �- PA(a� 1 � � _ _. , . _-__�_. .�._..,,_ A. �ite Infc�matiar and Propasal p�8Gr14�XQn The Bur•ger Kinq restaurant is situat�� at the nartheastErn cnrner• of �he prnpe�ty. �he bu��ding d�es nat d�rectly face eit:h�� �W �choXls Ferry Rd, or^ SW Nimbus A���nue haut rather it farms an ang.la with bnth s�reets. gurger Kiric� was grant�d a sign permit for a 35 square fnnt wa�.l sign an the snuthern builc�ing '�a"1CP_ in early pecember, i986. I_,a�t we�k a 72 squar•e foat Burger King/�enant wa� erectec� aJ.ong �W Schalls Fe►^ry R�ad (SP 1p3�8b) . "fh� appla.cant now r�quests a Sign Cade Fxce�tian tn al]:ow the erectaan nf a 2' x 17' raaf sign whzch will be lacat�d on �:he frnrit partian of the ruof directJ.y facing the intersectian. a. Ac�,en_�and NPp Comments The St�t� Mighway Divi.sion and th� fngineerinc� Da.visi,an ha�e reva.ewed the prr�pasal anci have no objectians to it. Th� Bu:ildi.ng Divisaan has reviewed the pr�oposal and has the faXl.awa:ng cnmments; Tf ather� applicants hav� been c��nied a pr�rmit for si.milar signs, �i�� the Ci�y sMaulc� be consist�n� i.n its applacatian a� the Sign Cnde, NPQ #1 review�d the pr�o��osal. and voted ta recomm�nd den9.a1. � � Na ath�r cqmmpnt� we�^e recea.ued, B, FTNq�NGS ANq CONC:Ll1SrON� :� The a�pli.cant i.s rc�c�uRSting an exc�ptior� tn S�r.ti.an 18.11A.OIp(h) which states: "Raof signs oF any kind are prcahiba.t�d, including temporary signs." The a�aplicant notes that such a xign is custamary for Bur�ger King r�staurants , The relevant ��proval �crit�ri.a in this ease ar� cnntained in Sec�a.nn 18, 114, 145 nf the Communxty b�uelopmerit Code. , The Planning s�aff conr.l.�ades that trie releuant Community Develapmen� Cnde requir^�ments P�aue not be�n met t�ased upon the findi:ngs b�1�aw: t 1, �n order i:c� justify an �xceptian tn the sign cod�, one af �he fol].owxng i>hr�ee criteria (CDC 18, 11A,145) must be s�tisfied: f'. a. T'he prnpnsed si.gn code except�.on is necessary because a I cor�forming building ot^ sxc�n nn an adjac�nt prnper�y would limit �h� va�w o� a sign �rected an the si�e in can�Farmance ,1 with 1:he sxgn aode s�andards�. b. The prc�pased excep�ion ta th� h�ight limits in the sign 4 coci� is necessary to make �he sign ui.sa,ble from the str�et t bQC�use of tFie �opogr�phy af the sit�, 4;'. STAF'F" R�PQRT' -- SC� ].2w86 �- PAG� 2 � ti ;- Z, r ,. , __.� . ...:..,.r.. : _ _ c, Ther�e i.s �rs a"IGG�S5 dri.ve which ser�vices the busi:n�ss ar seruicp �Fr�m a str�et ather than the str��t an which the business is loc�ated. 'The pr�apG�a]. is riot justi,�Piec� in t>erms nf the fir�t two cri��ri� because bui,ldi.ngs or sagns do not �bstruc� th� view af the r�sl:awrant, ThP additianal hexyht provxd�d hy th� propaseci r�of sign is no� necessary tn be uiewed fram �chal:l.s F�erry Raad, The third cr�iteria above has b��n inte�pretec� to apply �o carner :Lc�ts. Aecess is riot permi.tted ontta �cfiall.s �erry Raad for �raffic f].aw and safety reasons and the nnly driu�ways tn the sii:� �re located nn N:�mbus � Au�nue. Aecardi.ng tc� the Cade, an� freesl;anding sign an eacl� frontage is cl:�arly permi.ssiblp i.f the deualopm�nt has dar�ct access ta each street. T'he applacant t�as anly sxpressecl an i.nter�es� in signage oriented toward Scholls Ferry Road, An ext�ri.or wall. sign is nnt pc�ssibJ�e an the northwest��^n buil:di.ng fac.e because it is mastly c�lass. The �ppXicant daes havp �he optinn of placing signage inside the bwi�ding next to the windaws whi.r.h waul.d be highly visible to passing tr�ffic. Althouc�h the Burger King r�estaur�nt is located at an e].eu�ti.on �hat a:s � few feet ].ower than thQ two adjacent streets, a wa11 sign could be ' er�ected c�n the frc�nt bui,lding �ace an either side of •the car�apy and ( stiX1 be visible. Annther possibility would k�e to Niang � wa11 sign ' ver�ticall.y between the twa brick canapy suppc�r�ts. 'Th� pro�erty al.ready � has a 72 squar�e faot fi�~eestanciing sign an 1:he S.W. Schalls F�rry Raad � frantage which is visibl.e from both da.rec�9.ons. f s � C. R�.CUh1MENDA'T:�ON Based upon thi� abc>ve findi.nga and canelusi.ons, th� PJ.�r�ni.nc� stai f recommends denial of SCk 12•�•-Bb ..,� ; .� � ,�''���" ..;� _ �' ��/�_._... R�PAR�D BY: D�borah A. S�uart G A 0 �D BY: W�. l.iam A. Monahan � Assi.stant; Planner Di.rec�ar o� Communi�y Deuel.api�ient (qAS:cn/2684P/28P) t � i r f t STAPF REPQR`f �- SG� 12-�86 � PAG� 3 4 � �"f'AF"F' f2E��qR"!° �GE:Nl7Ft x"C'E:M 5__.___2 FEL3RUARY 17, 1987 •-- 7',30 �.M, T'TCyARC� PLANN1;IUr CqMMIS�,IqIU '1":���Rb C;ITY MAI.,L -- 'TOWN NAI..L 13125 �W Nf�L.I,. BI.Vp, 'T�GARn, OF2E:GqN g'7223 A, F'AC'T5 1 . General Infn�^matian C;ASE::: Zc�ne Chang�.� (`l.C; 87-..0].), Subdiui.xi.a►n (� 8!_...0�), P].�rmed n�vRlc��am�nt (F�D 87--01) REQUE�I"; 7.can� Ch�nge from R-,.A.�a ta f3....q,r> (PU) (R�si.dential. 4,5 units/aare, P1annHC� I��vp.lopmE?nt) and a S�ahacla.vision/Plannad Deu�l�.,pm�nt ta divide � i.7 �cre p�rt�.on af a 35 acr� parcel i.ntn 5Q lats �^�nging I�E?'�W<�P_1'1 7,500 ar�d 17,5p0 sc�4iare f�et in sa.;,r.e. COMPF2E.f�E:Nw;�VE: F�LAN p�:sr.�n��i�r�:on�: Lcaw D�nsit�l Ftpsic��nl:i.aJ: 7_pNxIU(3 I�I�SIrNA'T:�ON: R•�4.5 (R�sid�nLi.al, 4,5 units/acre) AF�F>L:I:C:F�N'1�; �>auJ. Ba►^thi�.�lemy OWNG:�2; Martin 7..ea.mer 37p1 �W �ar�men Dr, 1928 S� A3r•d L.ak� Qsw��o, qR 97Q34 f�artland, qR 972�.5 l_OCA"I'IpN: Su�atherri i:ermi.nus of ;W 132nd f�uer�ue bei:wc��n �W Walnut and ��W f3u1.1 Mo�antain Road (WC"I"M T_S1 4, l"ax l_cyt; �+Qq and 1200) 2. Backc�raund_Infor•mat�on The subject �rc�p�r•ty was �anrz�xed to 1:he Ci.ty a� "figard i.n 198�i (C;PA 16--8�/"LC 15--85) , The Cnuni:y ;7c�ri� desi�nat�,on �f R--6 (Rps9.dentiaX, � units/acrr�) w�as chanc��d ta R--A,a i.n c:anjuncti,nn wi�h the annexatS.an, 3 . Vicinil:y_;Lnformation Lar�ge p�rce].5 r�nc�i.n� b�i:wec�n 3 �nd QO ar.r�es surr�ounc�inc� ta�P subject �ro��rty, The 'fi.gar•d Campr�ehensxuP Plan c�esignal:es �he nar•th�zr•n and eastcr•ri �arn�aerti.�s for L.ow pens9.ty Resa.d�riti:al (1•-5 uni.ts/acre) and �he rouni:� R--6 znr�� a�pla.es �Lo the remaa.ning prnper•ta.es. A AO ac�^� �ract, whacN� is withxn the City �nd zonr•.d R--4,5 (F>q) as ammeda.atea.y �ast. The subjact prap�r�ty is on the nar�i:h� s�.d� of Buxl Mountai.ri and the terra.i.n s�.opes c�awn t� th� narl:heast. Access is �rouided u9.� 13�nd Averna� wh�.ch conn�cts i:a Walnu� Auenu� which is dp�r•ux9.mat�ly an�-�qta�tr�er mi.l.c� �a �h� nar�:h. l"wo s�ree� exfi�r�sa,ons �t^e praposec� �c�r 1:ha�s �r�ea in ths C:aunty' s RuJ.l. Mouritaa.n Communi.�y PJ.an. 'Th� Murray Blud, �x�ens9.an is int�nded �o canrt�ct; �.35�h �rid Walnu� wi.th �.7�.s� Flvenu� and Caar'de Street, e st f�asible rau�:e wi�,l Pr�xim9.nar�y engxneeririg r�uxews �haw tha� �h rna be nnr��h af �h� subject propt�r�y. STAh�' �EpOCtT �- 7G H7�Q�./S d7�-(32/PD 97-�p1 �- PA(�� �, ; ,r�. The �lan shows a minar G0��2G�0� �t���a� cannection bet�e��n 132nd Av�nu�� and �ull Mauntain Raad. The conc�ptual �lignm�rtt for thi.s str��et tr�ver•ses th� subj�r..t praperty, A. Site Infnr�matian_and Pr•a.,�aosal pesc;r•iptinn On� ak�ar�d�.,necl hc.,us� accu�i.as 1:he nor•th�rn pc�rtian af the praperty and the r�mainc�er is unc�ev�laped. Fxcerat �For a cl.eared �r•�a of ap�roximately six �cres in the uacinity of the hause, the p�rc�J: 9:s tntal�.y wotad�d. Twn int�rmit�tent si:reams flow 1:hr'augh tfie pat^cel tu th� nc�rthieaai:, Th� pareeJ. sJ.c�pes dawn tc� the nar�theast fr•om a hxgta p�.evation nf appraxa.mately 560 fpet to 350 f�et. Th� appl.acant �r�c�pcss�s ta d�u�lc�� 1:hE propert-y in twa phaxes. Phase I nf 1:he prajeet incluc�es th� nor•i;hw�st�rn half nf �he pat^cel wi1>h i:he c�ntr��J. drainac��w�ay ��rui.nc� as th� app�^aximat.e baundary betwe�n the two phasas , The dr•aS.nageway ar��s are to b� designatpd as common ca�er� sp�ce �r�cts. Privat� s�re�ts that �r�e 30 f�e1: i:n wi.dth ar�e intended t� provi.de internal access f-ur the subdivisian. The minar CO�.�.�2C�4Y' strpet id�ntafi�d in thie E3u1,1. Ma�ant�a.n Community P];�n is shown ta extend sauth from the present ter•m�.nus of 132nd F�venue through Phas� :C� af the develapment, Qth�r� i�han thiis r..nll�ctar stre�t, na c�ther street cann�ctions with ath�r prnparties are �rnposed. 5, A--.�c enc and Nt�O.,Comments 'T'he Fng9.neering �iuisinn has the fol].owing commPnts : a, Be�cauae nf tMie stE��� �erraan, th� feasibi].ity of tF�� 132nd Avenue �x�pns9.�n to Bu�l Mnuntai.n Raad sh�ul.d be confirmpd, i.ncludi.ng ha►^izr,.,nt�J. aJ.9.gnm�ni:, gec�m�tr•ic computa�anns, and profi�.e i.nfarmat9.an. Th9.s a].ignment must also be approvpci by Washxngtan Cnunty. ve ue wil.]. k�e necessar n �v� ients c�n ].32nd A J� erim str•��i: im r n ha, I:nt � S ' rovement s et. ,.aid im ean 1:he dpve�.o m�nt and Walrtut Str� p b�tw � inclur�� � 22 font w9.d� pav�d �ectian and 3 �ao� gr�veJ. shoulder•s. c, A grae�ing plan shaul.c� kse submitted including pr^auisions for er�sian cantro]. (pe1^manent and temporary) . d, PUbli.c nasem�nt (�5 f-aat mini.mum width) shalJ. be prouided for all sani.�ary sewerage lines crossing priv�tte trac�s. Blankst �asemerits shauld apply to the private streets. e, All p;i.uate s�reats shoul,d ms�t �i�y struc�ural s��ndards. All �rivat� storm s�wer J.i.nes shauld comply with publ.ic standards. f, un� caf tr�e prn�osed �rivate raadways shau],d be d�uelaped �c� e �ended to the western � ubJ.ic ].ocal street s�and�rcis and x praperty 1a.n�, �T�+1=� i2�PORT -- �G 87--01/S 97--U2/Pp 87--p1 �- PAC.tiE 2 ;. � g. T'he applic�nt should �rauidP xtn�m d�aina�e �alcw�ations and drainage area maps which demanstrdt� campliance with Cnde Sectian 18. 16Q.10� and th�t dnwnstream p�a�erti�s wi11 nn� be adversely a�fected. The B�aildi.ng Inspecti�n pivision and �P�e Ta.g�rd �chanl. Uistrirt haue na objectian to the propnsal. General Telephone �^ecommendx the deda.cati�n nf five faot utilaty easements along the frunt, rc�ar, and side �ut ].ir��s. � Washinc�tan Couni:y q�pa►^tm�ni: of L.and Use dnd 7r��nspor•tafi:aon has th� follawing comments: a. More infarmatian must be provid�d r�ec�ar'dinc� tFie intended � a axt�nsican. If the r•O QSP_(� n i:h� 132nd F�v�nu . alignmeri� f p p a].i nment cduses a shift of the street lacat9.on to o�her g propc�r•ties, a camprehpnsiue plan amenc�ment is r��q�air�ec�. b. Th� existing pprta.an c�f 132.nd F1u�n�ae shoul.c� bc� impro��.wc� ta an inter•im stanc�ard incluciiny a 22 foat pavement width arid gravel should�rs, i NPO #� makes �he 'FOZJ.OW].t'iC�f recnnm��ndations: a, Private rnads shauld haue sic�ewalks on at l�ast one sa.de. b, The dev�l�pment SI'1Q1.1�.CI shaw a fu�.urE public raad gc�ing east fram the subc�ivisiun tn connect in i:he future wi�h the Mur�r�ay Blvd. ext�nsion. This deuelapment should nnt be planned to use S.W. 132nd-Avenue as its only dCC�38. Cp0 #A r•eui.ewed th� appl.9.cation but nc+ for�mal comments were submitted. Nn ather� cc�mments h�ve been rpceiued, B, FINDINGS ANp CONCLUSZONS T'he ralevan� critera.a in this case are Tigard Comprehensi.ve Plan � p�alicies ?..�. , �., 3 , 1 ,1, 3 ,A.2. 7, 1,2, 7,3 , .1, 7.A.A, 8. �. , 1 and 8.1 .3 and Communi�y Development Gode Chapters 18.50, 18.60, 18.6A, 18.92, 18.16Q '� � and 18. 164. 'The Bull Mountain Cammunity peuelopment P1ari is addressed � in cnnjunction with tF�e above c:rater�ia. Since bath the Washingtpn Caunty Comprehpnsive Plan and the 'T9.gard Compr�hensive Plan ha�ie been acknowledged, tNie Statewic�e Planning Ga�1s and Guide�.ines no l�onger nwed �o be addrpss�d. Th� PJ.anning s�dff concludes that the prapQSal daes not fuJ.l�y comply with �he relev�n� Plan pol.3.cies and Code criteria based upan i:he findinc�s noted b�low: a, Policy 2, 1 , 1 is s�ti.sfi�d because the Neighk�arhand Planning Organaza�ian, Community Planning Organa.z�tinn, and surraunding property owners were giuen nc��ice af the he�ri.ng dnd an opportuni�y to comment on �he applicant' s proposaX. STAFF REPORT -- ZC 87-�01/S 67�02/Pq 87-0]. — PAGE 3 b. Policy 3 ,1.1 is not satisfied ��causp the deue.lopment wzll occu� an samp ���as tr�at hdve slopes aver 25�. The Code a,llaws deuela�ment uf hi�lsides that are st�epe� than 25% when en�ine�ring infnrmatian xs p�avided which shows that adv��s� �rtvironmenta�, �rosiun, or slape stahility cnnspqu�nces wi11 not result. Th� ap�li.cant shnuld amend �he ap�a],icati.an tc� revi�w thi.s issu� i.n eanjuricti:on wi�ki tMe deuplopmerit. The analysis far th� ar�as over• 7..5'Yo sJ.ope shoul,d inc].ude a gradi.ng plar�, cut and fill informati.an, slope stabzlizatian and erosion contr�l prapasals. G. Palie,y 3,4.?_ i.s satixfi�d because the dr�ainage areas wxll remain in i:heir r�atur�l si;atP and �.arge buff�r areas will be established by th� pr�a�r�sed ccammUn c�pen space tracts , The Bul.l Mauntain CUmmianity plan identifies th� wi].dlife habitat ualue r�f this prop�rty �nd tNiase adjaini.ng. Th� plan call.s fur� the pr�eseruation nf str•eams, water caurses, and tr�es whenever poss9.k�1e, The stal'f cc�ncludes that the propcvsal, i.s consis�ent with this �anli.uy. d, P011G].f?8 7. ]. .2, 7.3 , 1, and 7.4,4 aan be satis�i�d because ac�equate watpr, spwe►^, and si:ar•m drainac�p facilitxPS will be rec�uired to ser�ue the d�veJ,apment prior� tca apprc�val af tMe final plat. "fhe ��apl.icani: indicates that these Pa"lG1J.1�7.P.S wil.l be pravided wi.thin the subdi.uisa.�n as requa.red by the City stand�rd�. �ilso, 'ti�e stn�^n sew�r sys��m will b� construct:�d so 1:hat the pr�posed deuel.opment w9.11 nc�t F�ave an dc�verse impact upon the draa.nageway ar�eas that run in � nartheasterly directxara from the property, e, poli.cy 8, 1 .1 call.x fnr the provi,sian af a safe ancl efficient street sysl:�m wh�.ch accominUdates �resent and future nepds. 'TMe BuJ�J. Mountain Cammunity PJ.�n call.s for^ a minor ca].lector str�eet bei;ween the sau�h �nd af 132nd Aver�ue and �ull Mauntain Rnad. The �^�s�onse fram the County s�:aff indi.cates that further xnfo►^mation and revi�w a.s npc�ssary ta d�ter�mine t�e f�asibility of th� alignment prapc�s�c� in this dpp].icati.on. In addi.titan to the mir�or cal.lector streei:, xt is trie intent of the G�,ty �o eg�abli.sh adequ�ate ].ocal c:annectians betwe�n developm�n�s to prauide a�.�er�n��e means af �lGCQ3S far the COnU8�17.�i'iG@ af lacal r��sidents and for enhanced access for emerg�ncy servi.ce (po�.ic�, fire, ambulance) . Oppor�uni.ti.�s will be sam�wh�t ].imi�ed or� F�ull. Maurtt�in but a street conr�ection ta �he west aN�ears feasibXe and desirable. 9 f. Pali,cy 8.1.3 wzl.l. be sati.sfa.ed when �he canda.�zons a� approval �, r�lating i:a stree� imprav�ments are complet�d, The str�ee� , i.mprovem�n�s an 137.nd Rven�ae where �he �street abu�s �he c��veXopm�nt wxxl be r�qui.red i.n canjunc�i.on wi.th Phasr� I of �he prc.�j�ct, xnteri.m i.mprovements ta �he remainder af 132nd Au�nue nar•�h 1:a Waln�at wiX1 �lst� be necessary , Th�se a.mp►^ouemen�s will ad�quately accc�mmoda�� �he ant:tcxpated traffac. generated by �h� project. Al.so, the Murray qoulev�rd �xti�nsinn Wil.l collect much c,F the �r�F�ic ��nera��d b� tihi,s dQVel,opment i.n �he future. 'r' �T`A�`� R�P4t7T �- ZC 87—q1/S �7-02/Pp 8'7�-Ol, �- F'AG� A f � � g. Chap�er 1B,5Q of the Gocl� a.s satasfied because taie praposal daes meet the density rer�uirem�nts af the �•-��1.5 xnne. h. Chapter 18.�2 is satisfi�d because the prc�posed clensity is eansistent wii:h �ode requir�m�nts. i. Chapter 18.8(� i,s ��tisfied because the pr�apns�l. is consi.stent with 'the purpose and requirements of this chapt�r p�rtain.i.ng to planned deuelnpments. Planned dsu�l.opments �re intend�d to b� us�d in undeuplaped areas such as �h�s. j . Chapter� 18,8A couers Sensitiup L.ands issues within dr�ai.ndgew�ys arid slap�s ov�r 2596. The ��UO drai.nageways t�n the prnper•ty w9,11 i be av�.,ided k��a� �ome areas witFi sl:a��s over 25X wi.J.l: be d�u�loped � wa.th str�ets, driv�ways on c�uses. Althaugh i.t� appears f�asible to deve].�p �hese are�s i.n an �ppropriate manner, v�ri;fic�tion ,'' should be providpd through a aensi:ta.ve L�rids appl.ic�t9;an. 's k, �hapter 16, 160 of the Code is satisfied b�c�use the p�oppsal do�s � meet i:he reqwirements set forth fnr the submission and apprpual af a prel.iminar�y plat. �'' 1. Chapter• 18. 164 0� the Code will br satisfied dur•ing tFtie approval process for i:he final plat. C, REChN�ME�IJATI:ON Based �apon the discussion abaue, the Planning �taff recc�mmends �Fiat the pranasal be tab].Pd ur�til the str�et type and alignm�r�t a.ssues can be resolved and tFte e�ecass�r�y sensi,ta.ue J,ands app].a.cation i.s submitted as a supp.lement to thi.s proposal. � � --,. ��i%� PREPA{2�D BY: K�ith l.i.den � APPRQVED 8Y; Wa.l.l.a,am A, Mlonahan�.�.. Senior Planner^ Dirr�Gtar a�F C�mmunity Develapmer�t (KL;cn/2962P) ST�1FF R�PORT � �C 8���01/S 87-�02/PD 87-0�. -- PAG� 5 ` ; ,_, s� . r . '11"R� BENCHV`IEW ES?ATES Tax Map - 2S1 4� Tax Lots - 400 and a portion of Tax Lot 1200 , SUBDIVISION APPtICAT'IQN The applicant is proposing to subdivide a portion of the above described , prapert,y into 50 single family lots. ,The subject property is presently zoned R-45 Single Family Residential (4.5 units per acre). The total site area is approximately 17.0 acres for an overall density of 2.94 units per acre, which is well below the alTowable 4.5 un�its per acre. The site is located on the West side of S.W. 132nd Avenue approximately 2,000 feet South of S.W. Walnut Street. The site is heavily wooded and is relatively steep. Slopes on the site vary from 7 to 20 percent tfi rowgh the site and 20 to 30 percent in the creek .areas. Because the sit� is heavily wooded and steep, it is not feasibl� to construct public streets to City of Tigard standards (a 34 foo� improved street in a 50 foot right-of-way). The applicant is therefore submitt�ing an app1ication for Zone Change from R-4.5 to R-4.5PD, and an application for Planned Development. The Planned Development overlay zone will allow the applicant to construct private streets within the subdivision. Setback requirement� will conform ta the R-4.5 standards. The applicant has also provid�d 3 open space tra�ts dzslgr�a�ed as Traets A, B and C. These tracts are steep and wooded and wi11 provide a serene setting to the development. Access and circulation will be by private streets as previously mentioned and . as shown un the Preliminary Plat. Ownership and maintenar�ce of the private ', streets and tracts will be included on the final record�ed plat as �plat restrictions. The private streets will also be used for public utilities There will be a 1 .0 foot non-access easement along S.W. 132nd to prevent direct f; access from lots 33, 34 and 35 on to 5.W. 132nd which will be a public street. � The applicant will construct S.W. 132nd to City of Tigard standards on that � portion which is being developed. The applicant will also construct a 22 foot � wide, A.C. �aved street sections from S.W. Walnut to the north property line � of the proposed development. ; � I . , � � � � 7 � r � {. I �,; k � � j� ; 1: i I` !' � �-� } 7 �'': 't., 1;: �� �: . , . . . (..:�� E . . . . . . . . . �:��. ' � .. . � . � � . � . . . t''81Ji`1:8T`Tj' 1�� ]_y�,r� n_ ,., ' _1F.2.T':! Flc':1�1'.iY?r' liOI''0'��.SS7.CS.'.:: h]JL�1C&I'!', r'c.l:�i rc17'�,.''�t+121i��' �"�j. J'r� i,2�rr::El� LY'. L21iE uSbIB�U� JT'. L,01-�c' ��".�I'.r'c ?'8�7.,L'.�u� .���,�,r, i�+.r „G l��+•r �Y��1 T'e��1��:.r_' � �:tr . ' ..L�.a.. t aCi 2S c.L SC11T.I1P.'�"I. i.B f::_:':liS Ci J�1 ����I'!C' U7" i�02°i.�: .=�2CE3 0.�� 't�l�.� t:�.li. !�E�.WP.P' Jr� i,:li:l;;. .r�i;.. c^,1.G ��� bi.�.l r��Ii:'i. i�4. 1:_p L'`:'w11. 1�.��.:i...:�.=.r_ �1 L� ' 7 . .,��, r�cril. • i:1u��': ,.�.Zti �Y' ' � � c nn . . n4 �or.-1.:,.riT, r' OT��'„1; =.I.. �.Lu �)Zc^�r?I�'il.�,. aren U�=i�1.i 1:, W?S �:?P.E'XP.i�� i^ 2.}18 �'i=� Gi i].F r.I":' .1.: l C's''± . (;•�,:r� ;^;?.�Q�, CO1tCeT'I"1S i35 8 CO.I?1Ts L.?;lt.�• �r� dei:si*,,;- �� -traf"_c circi.l<;�..i�r �'ne rro�,osed ovei^r11 r.'.Gr.s_�;;� is sta�,ed �o bF aGat;i ? t:ouses �ner acre, wizicti is the der,sil�;; i:�:8 ST1bC`]vis_.er.5 7:Ok' l�" ti.iOF=Y'°53 021 �hE 80U;,!^ lc Cz cY`c. l�E:.1;F' C18V°l�pea LU. Tne traffic circulatior. �.r, this entire area i� pui�e ��decided, to sa�� the least. I T�iere ',�ias heer. ��lie iss�,e of :tiurra;, r�lvd. ex;,ens�.o?: sor-.eplace b�twee;_ i+ t?z + coru�ec� with SV; 121st « Gaarde. i�)oi•: is '-he �irr;e :;o d o � f �5 �: �vGlr.u„ to v ecid,. � �r�is is a resl possib�.:�.ity �r wili or�ly ne : lir.e or ar: ou'.,dat,e:� mG��. ^'her� is Lhe issue oi n nropose� r,-,ir.or cUiiector� s:,rea� sr;o�,�; as � se��ies oi' cia�s on t�e �L�11 I��ic�unt�ir: Communi�v ;7�:ap - r,;ie o=F'`cic.l cou.r,t`: r�a,u. `itiese dots represen� 2 stree� CO27IlEC�iCT1 hE?�.wee.'. 5t� :.;1;�]..l_ h'.�. �OaG ?.I",�� �J�,; r1"A�1:L:� ,:�T.T`rc'.. �it2'Oli�;l'1 ��17.5 r�ropea^t,.v we are �isc�.ssin;- :,or-_i�:�;,. "'F;e nrcpos�l before ,�c�t, to.��e doesrf�, ;ncluae t�,is street as it is pro�ose:? �c re :�ai?: o�� U.�ase I1; �,L-;, i„ is �por�a::�. ��a;. tiie issue oi' wriether i;, can eve?^ t�e t-.u:ili ir. an�.- phes� be d�cic�e: re„weer. :..�e �i;;;� �I;d 0o�::,ty as par'.. of the de�i!-�yl;:' �..h,o OVP,2' 3.�i1 C1.T'CLiiFutiOl'. O_T' }Y'ci�1C 1;' ��"!1S 8;^Gcl. I;, 1S c1150 im.portan'�., i,G decicie i�t:o wili �uilc+ rhis rro�osed rr.iror callec;,or. �n�; �SUll I��;�ur:taii: Comniunity suPpor�s a rrinor co?lec�.or f�rOf.: RL11 2�_.,. Rc. ?,o i;�lr.u;, S�, in this area. lt is part or our le.rid use plar� and is rleeded i,o share tlie �r:.°fic load as tne land devElops. il�e t�7�rr, �n^ r.�os�, ir„portG�:t issue relat;irR to ±:�is subuivision pronosal is ir.ter- conne�'�.ir.F r�ei�hbor:-ioct' roaus �etweer sub:;ivisions. v,i,ile drivin�? aro�u-:tt loakiiio a;: com^1ets� sub�i�•isior.s in �i�arc, T be�ieve tl�is is ar, est��lishEn policy as in PicicU Lzr.din�-Copper Creel�:-Y:neel�r,c �,s�a,.es; i�iorr:iri;^ ��11, Genesis I and II. Tnis subdivisior� nroposal as presen�;ed st o��� Co:r;r.;t;.r.i�jr :�ieetin� ori F'ebruary 11, 1987, aoeS T'O� �2'OJ'�ae a s�v.n roaC'. COI771EC1;10I, -.�. ',i�e pronerti,,- to the west �or neighborhood ca.rcu G„�o^ e�,ween su wivlsions. This parcel oS' lard is a ke�T one for developmer�� of polici�s i;hat will be continued as I conti�uous 1ar.d parcels develop. Policies sucic a� er��ergenc�r equip�tient eoutes, schoal bus er.Lrance and circula-tior, ta a11ow er.trance into �ne sub�ivision, police protection in 1riis subdivisior� and 'ae,yond, fire departmeni equiruner�t and other items that go with livin^ ir � subdivisior. h�e reques� t,hat the design of this developrr►ent include a nei�hborhood road connection to the wes� ir, Pnase I, and tne circulation be designed to aecommodate tne oi;her concerns mentioned above. b9e also reques� tha� the overall traffic circulatinr, be looked at in th�.s er�tire area, relative to this deyelopmen� and future aeveloprnents. We support Lhe Planning S�aff recommendation tha�t, the pro}aosal be tabled until all oi' the iasues are addressed� and satisfactor•,� solutions are i'ound. 5incerely, F3everl,y F,,oude, Chairperson � #4 Bull biountain.