Planning Commission Packet - 01/06/1987 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TIGARD PLANNTNG CON�MISSTON JANUARY 6, 1987 - at 7:30 P.M. TTCARD CIV�C CENTER - 70WN HALL 13125 SW HALL RLVD. TTGARp, OF2EGON 1. Cal.l to Or�der 2. F20�L. CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTE� FRQM PREVIOUS PIEETING 4. PLANNTNG CO�MMISSTON COP1MUNICATI:ON o Community Deve].opment Black Grant pr�ngram 5. PUB�IC MEARINGS 5. ]. SIGN COpE EXGE�TTON SCE 10-86 OR�GQN KT SOCIETY NPQ # 4 For a Sign Code Exception to allaw A5 square f�et of signage where or�ly �0 square feet ar�e allowed an property xaned C-P (Gammerci.al Professional.) Located: 12170 SW 68th Ave. (WCTM 2$1 :IAD lot 1.�OQ�). 5,2 S�GN �OpE EX�EPTION SCE ],1-86 GROW-�-SPIEKER-NOSfpRD /� HEAl'H STGN CO NPO # 5 For a Sign Code Exception ta allaw a 115 square fapt, 25'2" tall, freest�ndirrg sign whe►^e a maximum of 70 square feet and height af 20 feet is pe�^mii:i:ed oi� proper�ty zoned C-G (Commercial General) Located: 12100 SW Garden place (WCTM 2251 18B lots 40Q and 1400) . 5.3 ZONE ORDTNANCE AMENpMEIVT ZOA 9--86 RUSS KRUEGER / CODE AMENUMEN7 F Request ta amend Section 18.5A.040, 18.56.04Q, and 18,5s.0Ap of the Tigard Cammunity Deve].opment Code tn a11aw Children' s Day Care as a Conditianal Use p�rmil:t�d in the R-12 (Multi--F'amily Residenti.al, 12, units/acre), R-25 (Multi-Fama.ly Residential, 25 ur►its/acre), and R--40+ �Mu1ti-Family Residen�ial, A4+ unats/acre) zani.ng districts. 5.4 ZpNE QRDINANCE AMENDMEIVT ZOA 10-86 CITY QF TIGARD / COpE AMENQMEN�" Request to amend �ection 18.62.030 of the Community Development Code ta allow a resideni:ial unit in conjunctron wit�h a permi�ted use for a caretaker in the C-G (Commercial Gener�l) zone. Also ta �mend Seetion 18. 106,030 (d) to establish a !;eparate parking standard fnr mini-warehause � uses. 5.5 COMPR�HEIU�IVE PI.AN AMENDMENT GPA 12--66 CITY QF TIGARq NPO # 7 Request to amend the Comprehensive plan designation af SW 135th Avenue From SW W�alnut �tre�t ta SW Scholl.s Ferry Rnad fram a major collector to a minar� callector street. b. 07HER BU5INESS 7. ADJOURNMC�IT 281QP dmj "I":�:CFtftCJ PI..f�NNx:NG Ct7MMI:S�TpN i�f=".(�U1:.(�R MI��G'T:CNG �..- �F�NUf�RY 6, 198'7 1 , Vice f���sad�ni: C�w�ns ca],l.ec� th� m��ting to ar�der� at 7:A0 PM, The m��ti.ng w�s hc�].d at �l:F�e 'Tic��r•ra Ca.u:ic (��ni��r^ -- "fQWN WF�I_.�. �2nOM .._ 1312fi� SW Hall E31ud, , 1"igarcl. Oreg�,n, 2. Rql_t.. Gf•11..L.; Rr��s�n�; Vi.Ge Pr•�sidc�rit: Ow�ns; Cc�mmi.ss9:on�r� E3u1�J.er, f'yr�, Varac��rwaud. Newman, and Newton. F1t3s�nt: C�ammi.ssi.an�rs M�eri, ��et�rsc�n. �nd L�v�rett. Si:aff: ��niur I�.lann��^ Kc�f�h i..i.c��n, Ci�y f�r�gin���^ ��ndy Waol�y, AssS:st�ni: F�lanner t�u�ne Ft��eri:s, Ass.i.si:ant Plar�ner 'Tam I�ixnn, �i7d Secr�Pl:ary Di�ne M, J�1c��r•ks. F�PpROVAI. U1= M:�NU'1"l-:.S Commi.ss9,oner F"yr� mc.�ued anra Cai7�mi.ssic,n�r N�wmar� secc�rid�d ta ��prc�v� minutes as >uhamil:tpc�, Mat:i�an cai^i^i.nc� hay major�xty of Cnmmissioners pr�s�ni:, Commassic�ner Butler �bst�i.n�d, A. I�I..AAIN:CIUG CQMMI��:�ON (,pMMUNICA"(':CpiV Uu�n� Rcak>er•t.s ir�trodtaced J'e�n f��r�r�isnri a� tFi� W�shingfi;on Cc�unty k3�.ack Grant pr•agr�am, ^he g�u� a pr�s�n�:at9.on �an t:hre st�tus �zi•id C�OdlI.S l7'F i:M� bl.ack c�r�nt K>roc�r��n� �r�d reques�Led inpui� tc� i.dent9.fy ne�ds a.n �:he �:i��:y nf 'Tic�alyd. F2E.Ck:55 8;q�.i �M RE::CONVI�NE B: 1a I�M 5, PUF3LI:C; HE::ART.IUG� 5. 1 S7:CiN CqDEi: EXC;E:N�"�:qN �Ck:. 1Q....8C ORE::GpN K7: SqCI�::'1"Y NPO # A hcar• a ;i�in C��a<�a f:.xcepi:inn ta a'll.�:,w Aa st�uar�e fca�i� uf signage wht�re unly 3q square f��t ar� aJ.1.aw�cl ciri �roK>�r�1;y -r_on�d C_..�F� (Cammerai.al professican�l) L_ocated, ].21"IQ �W 68th (�up, (WC;'TM ?S1 lAi� l.ut 14Q0) , Seni,ar Pl�nner I._i.d�n �•�ui.ew�d i:h� pr•u�c�s�]. and mad� st�ff's r�ecommendati.on for c�eni.al af 1:N�e fi;ign Gnc�a I�xcer��:i�n �s pr�oposed. I•�� stat��i �LHiat staff wa�al.d sur��c�r�i: ���a�^au�]. of a modifi�c� uersi.an whi.ch wc,w?,�I al.l.c�w �.a frec�st�r�ding sign wa:1:h �.,1 1/2 sq, ft, af le�tPr�ing �nc� �.7 1/7 sq. ft, of si.gn i.f 1:h� �c��:i�i,c�naJ. 6 squ�re i����: CIO�S nat c�ritaan J.�tt�r��.nc� c�r logas. I�154USS14�1 fall,aw�c� r��gar•<�ing h�r�w 1:o c��i:erma.ne the ��.xe uf i:he sic�n and wh�at tNie �ppl.i.cani; cc��al.d Mrau� re�ei.u��i ap�rav�]: for i;hraur�h �N�e 5i.t� p�ue.lt>�am�nt R�view prncess. hI�PLICRN"I"'S F>Ft�:SE:N"I"Ftl":�q(V Louis �lass, Vice pr�esa.c��nt, Qregon K9. �ociety, 81q� �W 5th, Pwrtl,and 97219, �xplaxnc�d �;Ni�t 1:Fi�y wh�re anly rec�u�s�ir�g appi^uval �or 13 1/2 sq. �i:, sagn �r��a �ncl 3U s�u�re foat �ar th� war�dag�, Hnw�v�r, h� wau�.d b� ' willxng ta �.i.mit thn l�i:�erin� 1:a 1�, 1/2 square f�et i.f �h:is i3 1>h� maxi.mum �he pJ:anni.ng Gommi.ssi.nn cau].c� ap�arav�. ; PI_ANN�NG C(N�1M;C5S:CpN M:CI�UT�S �'F�NUARY 5, ],987 P�ge 1 � � ;'. � �' �. r _._... _ ; � F>UG3L,7C; "I`��.�;"f":I:MQNY a IVa c�i7e c1�J�JCac'�il"E?C� �O sw>i�ak , PU[3L..xC. FiE:�1R�:IVG; C;�..C�SE::C2 a f'urth�r di.scuss:tc>ri fc�7.low�d r���r�cli.r�g haw i:a cc�m�ut� 1:Nie s9.x�:� c�f i:h�e sa.gn. wh�t r.a�a.ld Miaue h��n ����arnu�<� h�y i:hie I�ir�c�Ur, d��d whiat upti.ans i:hey had for� a��rc��al. ��r c��ni�l.. �• C�mmiss9.nner N�wm�n rnc�u�d �nd Cc�mm9.s5i.c�i7�r F'yre s�cond�rJ to ����rc�ue w;C:F.:; .10�.-�£i6 wi�l:h i:h� con<�ition 1:hat �:he sign doc�s nnt �xc��d 1'7 1/2 s��uar� f�zet in s9.-r..e ancl tri� ].�i:t�rinq da�s ri�+t: �xccaac� 11. 1./2 squ�re fe�t, bas�d c�n starf' s rpcummc�ru�a�iun �r�c1 i�Nic� fi.ndirig �tM�at: �:his wo�a.l�� I:>e i:h� max9.mum �:he Plranni,ng C)i.r��ct:c�r cc�alcl ��>K>r�ou� 1�Mir��.tiugh tNie �it� D�u�l.a�am�ni: Reuiew process. F��.sa, t'ar s�Laf�F �o pr�raare �Ghe final or�c�<ar �anci fot^ V:ice Pr�s9.��nt: Ow�ns �n sign c�i=f' c�n i:hai: final. orcl�r�. M��ic�ri c�rr�i�d k�y majnr�ity nf Commissi.nn�rs �ar�s�nt. Cnmmiss9.an�r� Newtari vo�i.ng no. � 5,2 SI:C;IU GU[)k" �::XCE::�>'l+]:qN SC,�:: J.:�..m8fi C:f20W.....��I:E:KEF2_...N�S�'OF2C) / M�::A°("F� ��:GN C(), Np0 # 5 �c,r• a Si+�n C�>c�P rxcn�at:ion 1:a al.l.�w a il"a squar•e fnat, 7_5' 2" taJ.l. � fr��est�ndi.ng sa.gn where � max�.mum af '7U sr�uar^e fc�et anci a��a.ghi; of 7.q f�c�1; is ��rmii:tnc� c7n �r•a��r•i:y zdn�d (�.....G (Cc�mmpr�:i.al G�n�r�a1) I..oca�L-Fac�; 121.Up 5W Gai^d�r� P7.t�ce (Wrl"M 25�. 1f3�3 lats 4pU and ].AOU) . ��niur Plani7er reui�w�d 1:Fie hi.stoi^y af pi^eviaus �r•opos�.�].s �nr! �p�rov�ls . H� m�r�e st��f's r�cammendca�tic�r� far d�na.�]. b�s�d on i:hi�:� i'i.nc�a.nq i�ha� thi� incrnasc�c� hPic�N��� �a�nd s:i.z� arc� r�r�t warr•anter�. CJi.scussiar� fnllc�weci r�garclirig wMiei�hi�r t:Mi� i:h� wor^cla 7'r�mmw�l.l. Craw �nd i:hie� �h�on� numb�.!r� shauJ.c� h�aun I�n�n a.nclud�d in �:Ni� maasur�iriar�t nf 1:he sign, G�nd wN�a1: �:FiFa maximum si.:•r..e and r,���r,t i�:ri� F�l�anr�ing C��mmi.ssi.nn cc�ul.d ga.v� �p�r�c.,v�a. far�, (�F�PI..:CCf�N'1"'S PI�C:.;;C�N'1'A'T:I:ON o A1.].�n Cananl;, H��i:r� L;ic�r� Co, , 1'7a NE C;�,J.umbza BJ.ud � , F�a�^tJ.�r�cl. 972�.�. �?x�a.lained i:ha�: th�is s:ic�ri Frad M�c�pn esr��cia.11y ���sic�nec� '�a �cc�mtnt�c�ai:e i:he si-r..� G�nd locat:i.an �,f i�riF± cacu�].npmE�nt: �nd its c�ri�nt�ti.c�n i;a th� fr•e�way. '1'h� �1.�cl:ranic mc�ssac��� k�aard is n�ec�cd laec�us� ot' �:hn li �xi.si:i,ng busin��ssF�� �and Kyosa i.k�l� 3 ac�dS.tx�n�l k�u>i.ness within tNi� c:l�.ave].opm�nfi: thiat canr�at k�� �een �f-r�om i:h� highway. lia r��vS.ewecf what oth�r jur�zsc��.ctians aJ.l.awc�ra i�c�r f-r���way s9.gn�: �nc� r�quest�r� ����r�v�J. as �r•oK>c�secl, Discuss�.an fral..law�c� r•ng�arciirig Niow f��i: i:Mp s9.gri shaulc� cr�anc�e, how i.t wa�a].d chang�, ancl what hea.qhi: wc�uJ.d k�c:� �K>�►^opri.�te i'c�r i:r�� si.c�n k�ecaus� c�f 1:he i:a�aoc�ra�ahy nf 1:Nie ldnd, ca M�rk Ror,kwelJ., �.6A SW Ka.n�sgat�, Lak� qsw�gc�, q� S7'03A, F>i^aj�ct bi.r��ctttir far f�ar�k ?.17, �xp].a�.nec� �LF�a�t �:h�a.r k�ic�u�est prob3.�m is va.�abi�.i.ry. The s],�ctranic sic�n wnul.cl be th� mc�st �ff�c�i,ue anc� t:ast�ful. way �a ac�vpr�is�, Al.so, 1;rie h�ight anc� size is 1:he sit�al].pst �h�y co�a].t� haue and still. b� effc�c�L••iv�. H� st��ed the sa.gn wauJ,d b� use t� prnvide puhal.ic s��u zcns �r�fortna+�;nn .7.5'� of the tim�, Fl.F1NN�:IV� C�MM�:SSI:(7N M:I:IVU'I"�5 �'ANUAFtY 6, �.967 Pac�e 2 , l7iscussian fo.11aw�c� �^�garding incl�ac�irrg �:he d�va].ament' s namP wii�:hin tF» �lar.t•.rani,c messagcz pc�rt�.<�n af tFie sign tc� d�cr�as� the sax� af 1;h� sign, F�UF3l..TC; "I"E'.;S"I"I:MqNY a Na nne appear�c� i:a spFaak . PUHLIC; HE;Aft]:IVC; C:C,.qSk::l7 c� Cammi.ssi��riers N�wmari, �"yre, pwer�s, �and E3utJ.�r su��art;�d a��rc�u�J, of a 90 squ�re foat sic�n wi�i:h a maximum h�i:�rit ufi ?.Z f�et, if 1:he sic�n is s�� b�ck 20 fe�t from the prc.-��er��Ly 1,9.ri�, o Ciummissinner V�nc�erwanc� f�lt i:he �r�apasal h�ad merit anc� Cammissinner Newtcin su�port��� tk�� ].tF.i squar�� fc�e1:, hi�w�u�r�, f�lt th� fl�shir�g wc�ul.d k�� distraetirrg arid a pnss;ibla safpl�y hdzrard, fa C)15CU55XQt'1 f�.,1J.�w�d r�g4�rdi.nr� th� �K>prou�l cr-iteri.a. �� Commissianer But1�r mUVC?d <�ric� Caimnissiar�er� Nnwman s�cont���c� ta �pprove SCC� 11.•�-86 with i;h�e fallnwang r.anditaons , 1, The sign f�c� wa.11 nat exc��d i:he m�xxmum uf 90 square fcaet. 2, "C'he si.c�r� h�i.ght wil.l na1:: exc�ed i:ri� maximum h�a.c�hii: nf 22 f��i;, 3 , 'Th� sic�n w:i.11. hae a�t k�ack a miriS.m�am of 20 fi<?r�t i r•um i:he praper�ty 1in�, 4, Th�re wil.1, h��:� rio ].�tt�rir�q ur� sa.c�nag� allc�wec� ori 1:Fi� ca].umn �f i:h� sic�n. Also, for si:�ff i:c� �rP��re i:M�� f9.na]. c�rder� arid fc�r Vi.r.� F�r�si.den�: Owenx tc� sign off on i:hat f�.r�al ni-�c��r. I { Mo�i.ar� Gall^Y�i.e�d hy m�jo�^i.ty vat� of Cc�mmi.S57.0Y'I�I"5 pr�seni:. Cammassa.oner� � N�wt�n �aric� Var�dprwaac� vut:iric� na, Cammissianer Vanderw�aod rpc�ues�:pd to be pui� in thie ra�cor�d �s k»in<� in fauor� of th� K�r�c�pasaJ. as s�.sbma.tt�cl, 5.3 ZQN� qllq:lCNANC;H AMFNDM�,N"f IQA 9-..86 RUSS KF2UE(aEl2 / (;OpE AMC�NDMI'r"_NT R�quest to am�r�c! 4 c�ci:ic�ri �.8.5A.q4�J, 18,a�i,0�+0, �rtd 16 ,�'a8,�AO af tri� 1"i.gar�d Cc>n�muni�y �evel��pmc�nt Goc�e i:o a]..lnw C�hil.dr•en`s nay Car�e as a �anc�itianal Use p�rm�.tted i.n �he F2..-17.. (MuJ.ta.._F'amiJ.y R�si.c��nta.al., 17„ units/acre), �2--.2�a (M�alti—Fama.ly RHSic�Hr�t9.a1, 25 uni.�s/acre), and R�-AO�- (Mu�.ti�•�-Fam9.1y I�esi.d�nti.al., A0+ uni.t.s/�acr�) xonirig d9.str9.cts , S��ninr Plaririer I..a.d�n m��ie ��:�i�r-' s recumm�ndati.un fiar a�aprova�, f�iscussinn fnll.aw�d reyardi.ng whia� �fifec� •LP�xs �ar�apas�.J. wowld ty�ve an L,.C;C)C;'s hiausing gaal, F1F�PG...T,CANT'S P�2ES�:IU1"A"I":I:(7N Ftuss Kr�aeg�r, �.33ra �W 66th Au�, #407., F�arl;l:and, 972.75 ex�]:�aa.n�ci that ther^e { is a ri��c� fiar cha.l.dr�n' s c�a� car� �n �t;F�e ar•�a af X35�h anrl Schall,s Ferr^y i �to�c� �r�d 1:h��L �Mia.s wc.�u,lc� bc� tp�� ma�i� ].cagi.c�l. way t� �tJ.l.�w fnr triis type of I use. rUul.:S;C "i'�S°f'«��,I"�NY I n No ane a�ap�ared �:a s��ak , PLFtNN�:IVG C,OP1MxfiS�qN M�:NU"f�S �`ANUARY 6, �,�87 Page 3 ;: � _.. ,.._. _���-- � I�1181._:CC I•�F.:AI'tTNG CI,..G;ili:L7 �� Camm�,�sic�n�r• V��nd�rwc�ora mov�rJ �rira C;�mm9.ssi.nrier• fyr•� s�r.nridc.�ca 1:o fc.�rwar�cl "1_pA 9�••-86 i:o C.'�1:y Co�ar�cil wi�Gh� a r�cammenc�ai:inn fur �pprova.l, Mni:ian car•r�9.�c� unan.i.mc�u:�].y hay C:on�nia.ssi.ari�rs �r•�s�rit. ��,A Zp111F 0121):LN(�IU(�E f�Mf::NpMEIV'T '7_OA 10..-$6 (:;:�T'Y QF '1":LC�RIJ / Gql)l:. �ME.NpM�N.��. R�c�u�st Lo �mend ��ct:ic�n 18,67.,030 of �M�e Communi.ty D�ve].a�m�nt Goc1� tc� a11aw a r•�si.dnrii:.i.a]. unit xn cc�njunctian wii:h a �aermitl:ed �asp far• a c��^et�ker in the C_...G (Gommercia]� C,�r�er���.) ronE, AJ.sa, tc� am�nc� Secl:i.an , :18, 106.q30 (c�) ta �si:abJ.ish � s��ar��t� par�l<:irig stahciard fiar• mini......w�r�hcitase us�s, �eni.or Planner t..i.c��n ax�J.ai.ned i�.r,��t: Wr,�nPU�� an ��pJ.icatian for� a mini•-••warEah�us� rias M��nn a��li.�c� for 1:hey alsn h�c� to apply fnr a u�r9.�nce tc� th� ���rki.nq +�s t:Fi� C:od� c�o�s nnt h�v� sp�caaJ. p�rki.nq rec�ui.rement f'or mini.--warehouses. f�lsn, i:rie Coc�e al.laws fc�r• a caretak�r in i�he (I..-I_) I..:lc�ht T.ndusi:r•i.al. -r_c�n� k�ui: not in th� C�--G (C3�n�ra]. CamniercS.�].) ran�, �u�n wh�ri � r.onc�ii:i.unal usn a�apr•uual r►as �(?P.I'1 c�rantpd, �iscuss:ian follow�c� un 1;h� ty�es of v�h9.c].�a wMi.ch r.oul.c� h�� lc�ft �arkinc� <:�ru� wri�t:h�r• r�i:�i.l �a>E�:� ' cUU1c� n�erata aut of a mxni•-••warehouse unit, F�UE3t_IC l"E��"I":I:MUNY o Na one ���c�ar•ed to s�acaak , ��UE3L.I:C; HG:�R]:111G CI.QSEC) �� C;c�mmi.ssi.an�r Newm�ri mou�c� �nca Cummission�r E3utl.er� secaricl�c� i�ra f�rwarcl 10�1 10•--86 to (a:ii�y Caunci 1 wii:Fi a �^ecc�inm�nc�at:ion 1"at^ ara�roual, Mai:ic�n c�rr•:i.�r� ' �.inani.ma�asJ.y hy Commissinners K�res�nt. !:>,5 t:,OMPRf,�WI�RIS:CV� PI..F1N f�MI:AIqMI`N'r C;I�A 1.?.--£36 (,:C'T'Y qF `f:CGARD NNO # 1' R�qu�st �.o �m�nc� tNiF Com�reh�naiu� P.l�n designata.an af SW ].351:Fi Auei�ue f-r•am SW Walnut Strcant �:o SW Schal..ls Fcarry Rc�aac� frniri a major coll.�ctc�r tra a mi.nor c�1l�ctor str��t:, C;i.ty E�rig9.neer• R�i�dy WouJ.ey mad� st�ff' s r•ecommendata.pn for• aK��arouaJ. �o cNianc�e �l:he ca�sic�nafiion of �.3!��h fr•G�m �:he Murray f31vc�, Rxt�ns:i,c�i7 to Schol.ls Ferry Cto�ad fr•om a m�jar t� � mi.nnr col.lect,nr, H� explainec� that thas r�cainm�n<�at9.an hiac� r�s�a].1:��� ri��om war�kinc� w9.�:h i:h� pr�a�cr�ty owrt�rs i.n �.h�at ar•�a to form a L1:C). 1.7iscuss9.on fol,lawed reqarc�i.n� rc�ad stai�d�xrds for• 135�1:h, the Mur�ray R.l.vc�, ex�:pnsion, ai•u� i.mprou�m�i�ii:s a� 1:hP cur�n�r• �f 135th and Scholls ferry Road. PU13L:CC "I"f�Sl':CMORIY o Nn ane a��p�<;�r•ec� 1:o sp�ak. I�lJ�ii..IC W�AI'2:CN� CI_pSrD �• C�mm�.ssic�ner• Vr�nci�r�waac� mav�d and Comm9.ssa.nri�r [i�atl.�r s�cnnd�d tn far•wa�^d C;17A ].2•-�6 to C9.ty Council wi1:h a recomm�nda�ian �o change th� c��signal�ian af 13ath fram thie Mus�r�ay �3].ur.l , ex��pnsion to fichnl��.;s F'crf;� �i�:��n a m�ajo;^ t;� a minor co�.�.actor. Mni:inn carried unanimously by Cnmmissinner�s presen�. PLAIVNxNC7 COMMx��IQN M�NUT�� J'ANUARY b, J.987 P�ge 4 , _ __ _ '� 6. Qther F3usi.ness a S�ninr Pl.anner� C.ir1�n introducec� tN�e new Assastant pJ.anner 1"om Da.xnn. n Sena.ar P].ar�ner� I:�a.c��n rev�.c�w�d specific cancprns rr�ram �he Ci�.y Council r�gar�dang amc�ndn�ents tn th� f�ome Or.cupati.nn sectaon af th� Cad� i.n arder to get a�lditi.onal in�aut fnr �he January 26. City C;aunci.l meetang, 7. Adjour�nm�nt 10,45 PM � �••�-•m.�i�:C/��� � �... .......�.:J�.�... . i�iane M. ��ld� , Secr•etary . A"('TE�"f� � . .._..� .._.:...�_.....__.__..._...�_.....:_..:._�...._....._.�.....�....._.....�..W_._.�.. [3onnie Owens, Vice•••-Presi�ant 281gF� ci m j PL.ANNxNC CUMM��S1:qN MxNUTE� JANUA�Y 6, 1�87 P�ge 5 � ` ` � I � � � � � - PLANNING CONIMISSION ROLE CALL: Donald Moen � -" STAFF: O Bonnie Owens John Butler - Milton Fyre Deane Leverett �(.� Dave Peterson �� ---� �� Ctiris Vanderwood ' , �„_,,..✓ Will Newman � Gx�eg Newton ! � � � 1 � � 1 � l f � s � � � � � � � t � � r _ _— _ ._� �.�� ���. _�.o�.��.._ _-- � � _� . , �� �� �� �� ������� �� ���� �Q��a P.O- BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 ���86� 7–6 8 9 5 BEAVERTOPf, OREGOfV 97075 L�.���Q ������ ��€��P������ � C i t y o f T i g a r d � � T�arsh��Y R9o4ic� PC, Box �3397 � ° ❑ DupllC�4e Affid�viY Tigard, Or 97223 a � - ' ' `. _ _. _ .. '��e 8�4�o�ag wa�l be ��s's�s1 t������d ��a�i�Cs,�►���; ��/� �JARpe�Jg�;1(v4�R'8�y papt��p:30gp y�Q:��$$.aryt�'�'�S'a _����y,,¢�y�..P g-d�'Og�gCt�T � """.u�c.A�9 %ttli�� e9� 38CJ•-s..75�a6FJ.9 B���D O�Q�OL�. $':�¢C�65CC'¢'�8 ' . F,$Q� '. ���.4�i��ct����Che'�q t . �a�s'ss��a�1�12�S�/ �3Y.�., 4�,��GB7Alf i�' O(F 6����1���60P�9 �'�'�9��,gci$��?�,aP b�c�t�g�3€�41��. � c���1G� s���P� �� o�a��o�i, s������� ���s�t�a �O�1T8�Y (7(� bY�s�-d@�9(�YO6�, jss. � ��i�� � #4 ��°��➢���.� �ta���w 4��qa�f��i�a sv�e�o��y 9, A n n e J e a n �fl��£��#�3���0������pexty�n�e���d���egci�&'�f� ��a�ag 9ars4 c�u0y .a�o�n, de�ose ��d s�yT���E��� F&��i���r4isina G���),£�m�=fl�378��6'��w�(��2-�1 !P���t i4t30.) �a���4oP, OP G9i5 �Df86�C���E C���Gi, of 4he �E����� tI�TF�l��86 8 w����ap�Q Qf ge�er�l circula4ion as defi��c9 in Q�iS 993.��0 �������� .; ,��.,��'S��I�d°�. �� ��sd 1�3.�20; PiaibBisFa�c9 a� T i�a r d ir� fhe ��ra �S$� ��"����� ��w a ld?s ���, ��P �n� �j�p aff�resai� coaaao8y a�� s4aYr�, Yhat 4�� a��°����_ s�'�f 9��a�f����i b8�i8 P,i�,1--��sT��a r i�a �a��:�4 � �'� s�'e�.��(�€E�d'F�e�$� �:�.,5�3��• a �On4�� co I��O� �� ���#��s���t�t�������'�i➢.�' � � � �Y og ��fia9� os h�rc��o aeanexed, �rsas �±ieb8is4ac� i� 4he ����I���` ��,es�8�", � ��aCase �ssu� of cD�o� ea�rwspa�er�o� 1 succ�ssid� �nd �� �/t��lK����' � � co���ca�tq�r� iao itVve folGo�aieag Bss�a�s: � 8�'��}pgj-�p _ ,�<�,Q�£6;♦��8et : ,�t�ey g�� '��;eR;i��a?,`.��� �e . . "+y�^�'+, 313 � lr1E8�gc�'��Le�.4�.�f��. �� � 't �_$i� �t�fl�' �1_�4�a� i ��d���, �� D e c. 2 6 „ 19 8 6 �.�#���`�5���' lt���e�° l����>��fl+ : ���' ��. ���X��3���g �: ���J��t�114�", . , � .. `.. � - t��� ) � ` � �:6�fl�b:�� : �� �g� . .�. t� � . tFt1�1�3€3F$t£�� ���t3 8 4��'d4T€� ._�" �i'�II���� ��1 )�7IPro��Q � q ��.���:��)Q�+ :� �_ �#�r���,. �QD��C�B�D�� �@B�I 6BWOPCO lO AffOf� PP9� �S T)P r _ 7 F, 9 1 �R Fi - �,:..: � �� � ��� � .�.: �' �h��.. � ' ' �ti , �F�`&�s� �ti . 2a�y P�ksBac goP CDPego� ��a�� ��d t€t��p ����g�€��f�l I3�f� _ ����aa��€�a���l��s���r�4�t�9�t13�����.�����r���3[� 1M3�C��ases�i���oeo �����e�: c�g�asg��i;s�a����s���, 9–2�–£�8 , ���a69�3��>�F��3�. _ A��9�A�t� {� ;... ., -. . , . .._. . � � , �� .����,�� — _ � DAT�. � � {Q �� � , TIGARD PI,ANNING CnhuNISSION SIGN UP SFIEGT tvOTICc : ALL PERSONS DESIRING T� SPEAK ON AI3Y_ ITEt�I AIUST SIGN THI;IIi Ll�[i� and note their addr.ess on this sheet. (please Priltt our name) ITEHl/bESCRIPTI�Ci: /Or . . � � �� � I � �th P1� -�� � a� � 1�c� � ►y� . . . ___:� PROPO[1FNT (For) OPPONEVT �against) ' -"'�i, Name Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and .A£�i.liatian � � I . . � L ,•-csa o4 _ _ , : ._ , �;�u/cS . LD'Scj Z v£ T� Tl e r, � � , . _ i z . . . � � . . . - .... . ........ � � ._- , . } i / NOTICE : ALL PERSONS DESIRIt1G TO SPEAK ON AI3Y ITEM D�UST SZGN THEIf! NA�IF �.���. and note tt�nir address on this sheet. (ple�.�e Print your natt�e) ITENi/bESCRIPT ON: /" � • ,/� r � �, ` ` I"� ' � PROPONENT (For) OPPOIVENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address and Affiliation ye a , ,. /�//�9� �,�,�-,,� � � �s- �, � �,r � r ------- . ..,� --._. ,��,���G h� �' : c..�,..�...��u- � i DAT� TIGARU PI,ANNINC CO[�IMISSION SIGN UP SEIEG'I' hOTICc:: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY YTEi�I _NIUST _ SIGN TtiE:IY. NAfiF. �', anci note their addr.ess on this sheet. (ple�se Print Your nam�) �; ITF.r 5CRIPTIO��: -�n� `7 +�/ � .� ' � � PROPONENT 6For) OPPONENT (against) me, Address and �,ffiliation • Name, Address and Affiliation ' ,� � �) � `� S. (.�..�. (� �� ��' ��� P ���. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRZbTG TO 5PEAK ON ANY ZTEM rtusm SIGN THEIf! NAFIE and note tt,�ir address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEti/bESCRIPTION c ' , _ � � •a _, r�es�aP�►�.�`�f/� V�.�,t-�{.����c1 �_�+ � �,�. �.�o? G�30 . . �.,. / , l n L'�,�u�v��,v+��wd�� t,tros�. / � • •� o � • �-� ;��„n ��Db 3 -T tcw� �. �.��S . �,,,� �v r Irr+i n� w�l'�Q �'""�' PROPONENT (For� OPPONENT (aqainst) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation -.---�------ ;; , _..__.... ._ .. .. . . ..... .. . . .. ... .._. ......_._..._. _._.. ...�__..,_.... _ ..�.�w.. . ..�.�� I�� .. . �AT�. TIGARD PI,RNNINC COtdMISSION SIGN UP SFIEGT hOTICcc" ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANX ITErt AIUST SICN THL•'I1; NAtIF. � 4 and note their addr.ess on this sheet_ ($lease Print our name) ITEhl/bESCRIPTION: /9 � � ; ° � �` _ , /�j - . � � , r rnrhor. �o,l�et,�+r PROPONENT (For) OPPONEyT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Af£iliation NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK UN ANY ITEM r�UST SIGN THEIf! NADIE and nate tt-,eir address on this sheet. (p:lease Print your name) I ITE�S/DESCRIPTI'ON: i PROPOIVENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address and Affiliat.ion MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, 0�2EGON TO: Planning Commissiore December 31, 1986 II FRONI: Duane Roberts, Administrative Planner SUBJECT: Block Grant Presentation : This memo .pertains to item number 1 on the 1/6/87 agenda. The Washington, County Office oF Community Development is in the process of updating the County's Community• Uevelopment Plan. The plan provides criteria for projects and activities eligilale for Cammunity Development Block ' Grant funds available fr.om the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. The attached memo to City managers provides more detailed information about the plan. � An informational presentation regarding the block grant program will be made by Jean Harrison of the County. Follawing the presentation a questionnaire will be handed out to citizens who wish to identify needs irr their neighborhoods that can be addressed by cnmmunity development programs. An announcement regarding the presentation will be published in the 1/2/87 issue of the Tiqard Times. To be noted also is that Willamette Cable will b� video taping the presentation for a program they are preparing on the county block grant program. DR:bs0313W I � � �. � • i�i , � � � � � 1� a i' i' i'' r � ;. { , � � � � � �, E . ,, . . . � � MEMORf�NI�UM CT'TY OF 'T".[GARD, 012�(�ON Tq; Community Develapment & Operations Managers qecember 19, 196b FROM: Duane Roberts SUBJ'ECT: Request f�r information on needs tha� can be addr�ssed by Cnmmunity peu�lopment Pragram ' Washington Caunty 'Office of Community Dev�lapment is updating the Cammuni,ty Develo ment Flan. The plan provic�es criteria for selecting projects �nd p . . . . . activities eligible For rammunxty Qevelopment Bl.ock Grant funds fram th�e Federal Department of Housirag and Urban Development. '1'h�se funds ara expec�ed ta be madP available between 198$ and 199]. . The schedule c�l.ls for the updated Cammunity Deuelopment Plan i�o be camp].eted by 7une �.987. App7.icatiuns for funds must addwess a ne�d specifically identified in the plan. Proaram Elic�ibilit By law, all program, activities must meet ane of three ohajective: — benefit low and moderate i.ncnm� persons, — aid in the preservation ar elimination of sJ.ums and blight, — meet other community develapmant needs pnsxng a serious and immed�.ate threat to the health ar welfare of the community . For an act�uity to mp�t the first abje�:tiv�, the prnje�ct must either serve�an area where a majority of the r�si.dents ar•e persons o� 1ow .and moderate income, or be a facility whi�h S.s us�d prin�ipally by ].ow and m�derate income persons. 7he attached map shaws the ar�as in Tigard that qualify as 1ow income. For an activity ta meet the secand objective, it must be developec� to address conditions causing the slums and bli.ght. The definition of a� slum and blighted area� is as fallows: At least 30 per cent of the structures are unsafe dnd publi,c infrastructure is xnsufficient to m�et cur�rent or projected needs. Unsa�e structures are in violataon af the standards of buildi.ng, fire, health, or safety codes, or a thrpat to life, health ar s�f�ty. For an �c�ivity to meet �he tha,rd abjectiue of urgent community need, it must be demonstrated that the project wxll acidress a serious and a.mmediate thr•�at �o the health or welfare of the communi.ty, which i.s of rec�n� ori.gin ar recently bPC�me urgent (wi�hin �he past i8 months); and, that �he recipi�n� is unable to fanance on his c,wn and th�t other SOUi^C@3 of fundang are not av�iiable, ♦ 1 Prcgram Cateqories The needs that are eligib].e for funding from the CpBG pragram are defined by the following categories: Nei;ghborhooc� re�italization. Any physical condition which creates an undesirable quality of life. Examples include substa�ndard streets, �public facil.ities or utilities, or� a lack of such facilaties, in an identifiable neighborhnod a�^ea. In order to be included in the CD Plan, 51% or more of the papulatian in the area ta be serv�d must be low or moderate income (see map) . Housinc►. Lacic af decen�, safe and sanitary housing for lo�a or moderate income persons. Special residential facilities which serue a population � graup wi.th special. needs is included within this category (e.g. physically or mentally handicapped) . . � Community facilities: An identifiable lack of a facility or facilit�ies R ' � to provide programs or services needed by a tar�get population that is ' pri.ncipally 1ow and modera�te incame. An example is a facility to serve a , specific lqw income neighborhood. Only capital improvement needs are F �� included in this category. : ; Public services. Essential seru9.ces to low and moderate ancome persons ? which are not currently being prov9.ded from other resources. Examp�.es � may include services r�elat�d to cr�ime prevention, recreation, and energy conservation. :tf Req,u�st for Information ` Your help is requested in identifying needs, which co�ld be addressed b�p � community development programs in Tigard. Previaus �loek grant funds have � provided the money for� construction of the Senior Center and for acquisition } of a portS.on of Fanno Creek Greenway. If you are aware of any possible � � community development needs relevant �o your area of responsibili�y or � concern, please jot down relevant particulars; namely, need, location, project ; to address n�ed; and forward to Duane in Planning Projects by mid—January. i ' � DR;cn/0316W i ,i , . , i� , . , �,^'_" .� : tb' /.,�c ; w �," �""'"' I i �.) ! � � l�"1�c t..tx(�(,�� �' u;,;r}� 1 %r , �!_. ' •�' � <'' l , .�f i� ��. , � �.�r„'� �?,�.. ; '�' N i 1 � , ; . -< <.�.° .` o,,' ,,. � ix � .> `�� •� � I v .�+`� "' , �•. '��a,�,M,�„w,i�(� , '� + �A: . '� `' ,,�� ' �'� � ........_.._..... ��..�.._...._..... ......�..x... ... ti"�y�, ... � � ..y i �k: , . .. , ;'�; .r/",. ; . ........i t c�.{) .,�:r ; ;• ,..� 7 .` � ��' ' `•7 �rykiy �u'fa:>t . r'7�� 1 ' �.5 a �� '��'. s � ° � • . �3 ;+.' ..�:y s::)�'J • !� � ���' �Urt(l `.. fr� ,� o" I 'C''' � / ;L,` � t:t'C7)�'t!.��l �3nl�n y� .. '. .. ::• ...i .... �"�� � t> �(1(.)l;� ..( `�:r,,:v �.i./-�K'{;��• , ; .. ;: .1 ,,> ���• . �._.�,. '"., ��f:, ` '.(JS ' '' '`'�� ' '' � E(7 •� , "� ��7`� ; .:,s " ' � yt .� i � r:;�• '%" :�� � -�/ �� � ,...-� � .,� r./..:• .4 .; ,:v� .�; �� ''�� , � ... ..� � �� i . . %`•? /, �/1 '� •ti�---........ ...... r p1 a ^I.: '��� %/ � .!„y�:,...... ..... .......... /�1/�;/� � r� �Mf�Vi % i.�� � ��,,,(� .. �Xtll.i�i ��y�� '��?fi , t9 '` �3E/�v�'�?�'{�IV.� �����, n'. �yif~ � � ?4l � 3aney I % �'`�%'�//ti' �'� � ,. ��� 33 � � �.w. Nrrrt� � /j,�� � . �Q�E �� ,,,�.:/ r i: �: � %h' ��� 1 ttdr:.��r; f?,�n�� � � Fti rC- ' .'�j��. .w „� 1 ,, ' ................... ..__ �,,. ......:�.. ,�. :,+.. r� ' �t. � .... ... , ,��••w �. -��T / : ��', . , �ClEY�t j �� ,�~� (�.... ,/.� Y'�. C, j���✓ ��?,•Z{��c�'a C. s�. I { K� / � � ./ ,� '//•• < . .t /•;,�/ � �c;� � �� � /� �`V�� J��K7� !! ' �f'!7(:(C?'�1 JY3 ,�: /. i ; t7;1 "'t � Ker �r ��c�� ��fi // � •'.�: /�:; r � � � � �Y�E.".��{jC:� �i..... n�r " �y . ;:j � ,,:,Y; �r. j�,,; .' x• � I .. 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' �/� ,, ,G�. �i'R� Corn�r �/�� y ,�� � �/�1�� //' �� � ( ...."C<''ii��'�,�✓� � flf.t il'Y s �/ ►. f �'' j J'� ��,� � �� R�sck rr{;,�7 . ; n ,,�� � •: i .� ','� `f'`'+'��� ` �' 'V� .� � , , . j . . , ..� ........... � 1� i � n;y���.. r `t . ♦ , ��.... �.i..l __ar� //, �� . ... �� -..r � F--^ �"�.'C�C1� ;� G 1.���' ' � ,.�'',' � i • w � , �" F-- 3 F� 'L,.1�; �'t ti,��, !y� .. /��"�� �..��}� !v' `� 0.� ' ,x 3f� tl.J �,..�3 /� r..�s::.�:� ; �.��•'�s�. � � Y EL/ ,� � �?; R<I YVily�Yt (lt�'�i . :."�•iR°Y f � C� � i �C� � .,�.. I f /�/��j � GTi 1 ..(..... ;.a( .. .!� i,.:V�,s... ..... . ....q� _...... F'ral��Se �f" ' :�'�i 0(�() r�....:,i��k, / , l �� ,x. aK,,�,, ` 5 . f�' C;:Y:"I"Y qF" °I.'I:C•;Al2U PI„.ANNI:IUC; C;OMM7SS�(7N F;CNAI_ ORL7C�R Np, 87--q1 I�C S<N�� .�..W. �`� Ft F�7;IVFlI_ OR[)E':;R T.IVC;I..,l1qTNC7 F':I;IUC)7Nr� ANC) CQNC;I..U�;�nl1lS WFITC;H Af�F>aOV�:� F1N F1PF>L�CC;Al'IQIU FOR A S;C;(�N (�pl7E EX(,k:F�'1":CpN (S(;E �.n...86) RF(�lJh�'1"FD BY ORFC�ON KT Sqt:;:C;F'1"Y, 'Th�e 'T9.gar•d I�1<�nn:ing Cc�mm:issa,an reva.ewed 1:17e �l�c�u� a��J.i.c��iori ai: a puk�.lic hierari;ny c�n �'anu�ry 6, ].987, Thi� Comniissian k>�>�c� i.t� d�casian on th�.� fac.i;s, fin<1inc�s , ai�c� GUYIC�.US7.01'15 nut�d b�l.aw, Fl. �'�Gl"� ]. , C7c!ri�ra.l l:nfc�rn�al:ian C�;I:; �;ic�n ��c�e I;:xcFa�al:i.can �C;C: lq.._g6 Rk:QU�;�"I"; 1`c� �a].J.�w A3 .5 sr�u�re f�a�i: �,f si.c�n��e wh�rE� only 30 squ�r~e f�.a�?t ar� �1lowcac�, C,QMF>RE:I��E"N:�1:VE: �LF�N n[:S:I:(31UFt°I":Z:QN; C;�mm�i^ci�l. Pr�af�s�inn�J. �:OIUTIVC I)C:.'S:I:t:,IUf�'1°:T.QN; C....P (Comm�rca.al F�rUf-cass:ional) F�F>f�I..�:CFtN.1..; Or�c�c�n I<i. �;c.�ca.Eat;y QWAIk::�t: l"h�l.m� ar�d t.�r�� H��n�li.ne F�0 0ox Q?..(725 and (3�rald and Jc�an Cach f�ari:l�nd, OR 972Q7.. ].2515 SW M�zin Str��t �k �rigard, oR 9�;?..z3 l.0(;�'T:fON; 1,2'71.Q :;W GEtPi Avcanue ?_, f�ackc�rnund f�n r��K>].�.c�a1:9.an far a �;i.1:e C)�v�l.a�m�nt R�ui.ew (ti[)C2 22��6) i:o �l.l.ow cor�structior� af a 380p sc�iaare fc�n1: n►ar•i:7.�.1 �r•ts schaol, was a�a�aroued by tPt� Pl.�rin�.ng Dxrect�,r suk>j�ct ta r..�r�tain cc�ndat;i.�ns and w�s mad� fan�al. on l�er.c�mber 29, 1�f36, 3. Vicini��...xnforniai:i.an ' f>r•t���er�ki.�s ii� a].]. ��arE�cl:9.ons ar� x.�aner� C....i� ((;animerca.a]. Prc�f�ss:ion��].) . A. Si�:e :Informatinn 7'h� suhj�ct K>ro�»r�i:y ia currer�l:�.y occu�a.�c� I�y � si.ng�.� famaly Y'�5�.CIE?�iG� �ri a 1.Q0 x :LO� sc�u�►^e fno� :I.anc1 �aarcel. As �a�rt af �:he >Xte �c�ve,lnpin�n� Ftcu9.�w pr�ur.�ss, i:hi� �a�a�>l.i.r.ant: pi^a��.,s�s 1:� d�mol.i.sh �h� c�x9.sting str�wctu�=°e and cons�r�act a 3,SpQ squara foa� bui..ld:ing. 1"h�.� aw��J.ic<ani; K>rc��o��:s �a c�r7:�tr•u�� a on�--�aded 25 sc�ua�^� foot fre�si;aru�a.ng s;ign and pl.acr a � squar� fc�at J.ac,�o p�.us 14,5 squa►^e ��e� of >� ; sa.r�n�,c�� �r� tFie froni: w��.]. face of the k�ua;].di.r�q, 1 �l. � I � 1=:CI�AI. pl2q�� �14, 87�q1 PC°�SC� �.p--96 — PAG� J. i � � � �� ■ _. __... _ . 5. Age,ne�w�nd .NPOMComm�:�,nts �' "Ch� Rui.l.ding �ris�e��t�.on Di.ui.sic�n hi�s r�vi.ew�<� i�:hi� �aw�c�ptas�xl �anc� h�s no `, ahaj�ct>it>ns ta it. Na c�tk��r r.nmm�nl�:s w�re reae9,ved. 13, F";C:NI�:TN(y5 an�� c;a�vci.:uszon�s ,�cti.c�n �.8. 11h, �.3Q(d) ni' i�hF Cnmmur�aty U�uel.a�mer�t Cnc�� al.l�ws ftar � tc.,�:a]. uf 3Q sc�u�r•p fica�t of sic�n�g� ar�i a maxim�am �ign ar�a of 1.5 sc��aar•p fr�Eat wa.l;hin 1:he �i-..�> z�.,n�. Zn cc.�r�jiancl�9.�n with � Sate [7eve],o�ment: R�uiFw a�plical•::iUn, �n �cic9�.l:iarta]. 5Q �ercent af "bl.ank" si,�n ar�ea ean lap �cldad if "�:h� si.c�n' s visu�J. ��pe�l and overal.l. d�sign quali�y woul.d b�? s�ruc��,�� Th� pr�a�ac�s�d wall. ss;Ggn stai:inc� ��C�regan Ki Saci�l�yn is 14.5 sc�uare f�pt anci thr�refurEa m���ts C;ode cr•a,ter•i�, 'Y'h� fnur squas^� fi`aai� wal.l. l.ar�� is r�mc�v�d .. . .. . . . . , ..COMICI sx n. 'This � s a sa fr•c�m the oi.hier� wa.11. s7.gn �nd shnta�,ci he cons�.c�er d a g wi.11 1�<�ue a J.y. ,S sc{�.i�re �aat �J.l.ow�nc� far �ny adc�a.tic�n�]. s�iqn�g�. Th� . pr�npos�c� 2!a sr��a�r� faot �r�esi:an��irtg sic�n pxcc��ds th� maxi.mum �a.;ra af ].5 sq�a�r�� f��t �nd th�c r�mai.na,nc� sa.gn ar�a aX.low�nr.� of 1t ,5 squ�re i���t (�ssuming the wa].l. signs rc�main �s prapnsad) . S�cti.r�n �.8, i..lA, 1A5 c��.�cusses tFo�.� app].i.cak�1F cri.ter^ia fUr� gr��znti:nr� a Si�n C�uc�p �xc�pi:iun. Thp Planning Commissic�n shall a�a�aruue, apprau� with candita.�r�s, or• d�ny � i^e�u�st for ari exc:eptac�ri to tki� Si.gn Cad� basPC� Qn Firidir�gs that �at l.past one af trie follawS.ng c:r�iteria are satisfiFa€�: �` ' �. _ (1) 7he pr�c,�os�d fii.gn Cad� E�xc��ta.an xs r�er.e�sary bec�usc a canforn�9.ng bui�.c�ir�c� or si<�n on �n adjacf�ni� pra�aPr•�y would ].i.mii�: the ua.ew af a i s9.c�n erec:ted an th� sit:� i.n conformance wi.th the Sign C�c�� sl:andards; ; � (2) 'The pro�aas�d exc�pt:iun to th� h�ic�ht la.mi,ts :in �he 7ign t�nde is r��?c�ssar�y tc� mak� the si.gr� visible from �he st:r�eet b�caux� o� th� uopagra�ahy af �he site, E (�) 'C'h�re is �n �cc�ss cirive whxch servi.c�s the busin�ss ar s�ruic� fram a str•eet oth�r than the s�re�i: which it is lacated an. �:. Upnr� r^�viewing Gh� ak�UV� cr�.��r•ia, th� excapti.on dc��s no� �pp�ar tcti k�� justi.f:iad because 'Gh� visual access to the sit� is nat hinc��r�d. Si.nce thas �pw�J.ic�,tion was suk�ma.�ted cancurrently wi�h tFie Sate pev�lapment Reui�w appJ.icat�.on, an incr�ase af wp to 50 p�rc�nt af si.gn ar�a m�y b� grani:�d far^ sp�r.e �F��t daes nat i.nclude lett�r9.ng ar ].nc�as: �inc� �hr� Si.tp ppuplUpment �nua.ew decisa.on has been r�eleasE�c�, approv�l uf a 1'Z,5 - ua � fec�t a.s max3.mum ].�fiter^a.n ar��a af li, ,5 s r� sq�aar�� fnot sa.�n wath d g q ��p►^opr�S.ate as par� �f �ha,s �ppli.cation. �. +{' �. Fi � 'I �� F�AIAI. Q�tpFFt N0, 87-�01 pC-�+CE, 1QW88 — PAG�: 2 { � � i � _ . .. _ _ .. . .. .. :,..e �,:. I C, fJ�Ci�:�pN '� B�sed uppn tNr� CI�.5CUSSlIqi'1 abnve, the C�l�nning Cc�mmissi.ar� appraues �., �C;E 10-•-II6, s�l�ject to 1:he fol].owing condi.tinns, 1 , f� sagn p�r•mit sha11 be �Fatained pri:c.�r ta sa:gn installa�i,an, 2. The wall signs sha11 nnt exct?ed a tatal �f 18.5 squ�r� fept, 3, �"he fr�Fast�ndi.ng s ign sNial.1 taaue a max�.mum �rea of 17,5 �quar�e feEt w9.th l�tter9.ng and lac�os nat to exc��d 11.5 square f�e�.. A. Th9.s apprnual i.s v�li.c� i,f' �x�rcy.s�d witNii:n �ne year af the fi.naJ. apprqval date r�cat�c� lae.law. 1� i.s furtFter arc�er tNi�� thre otI�I5�.1Gbit'lt JJE? nc�tifa.ed af the entry af' �his arder. PA�SF�p: This �,�� c�ay af January 1987, by th� pl.armi.ng �ommissian of the Gity c�f 'C'ic�ard, i i .. ,�... ��I.(i�-u---�.ti��.._...__..�._.,. Bonna.e qw�ns, Vice pr�sic�ent Ti�arc) W1�nnxng Cammi.ssi.c�n � � (DAS:cn/283tiP) �:v � FI�IAL dR��':Ft NQ, 87--01 PG�SC�: 14��96 •W PAG� � ;� ; f-. ;; � _ .. �ir+ s-r'�f�f� ra�:�aR�r �c�:�vr�a x-r�:r� �, � TU�SqAY, JANUARY 6, 1�87 �-- 7:30 PM T:C:C,FtRb PL.ANNxIUC CqMMT.�:�IC)IU 'T:CGAC2� c,�IV:LC t�ElU..f.ER ..� "fOWN HAI...I. 13 i.25 �W NF�L.L. f3L_Vq, '1":x;(:,ARD, QI�EGqN t.�'7223 A, FF1C;T�+ 1. G�n�r�a]. I:nfarmati.on CASF: Sign Coc�e Exc�pta.on SC;E lq...86 R�::(�U���"; 'To a].l.�,w 43 ,5 sqiaar� fe�t �f sic�nag� wh�re anl.y 30 squ�re f��t a'11"P. c�t�.�.OWP_CI. COMpftE;HE:N�xVE PL.AN DE:�IGNA1":I:ON; C;�mm�rr.i.�J. Professit�na�. ZON�NG qESIGNA�":I:UN: C;...•P (Cammerci.�l. pr•uf�ss;ianal.) F�4�F�L�CAN1": Qreq�.,n K i. �nc i��y QWI�E�R: The lm�a ar�d L.en�t Hane].i.n� NO �ox p?�25 arid rer°ald and Jo�n C�ch Pa►^tland, bR 972p2 1.2525 SW M�in Street 'Tigar�d, OR �77.23 l_UCA'1"T.QN; �.2710 SW 68�h Avel7ue 2, Backaraund An ap�>lacdta.on for a S9.t� Ueu�lcapm�nt R�vi.�w �sra� 2?..-•-�6} i:a a].].�w canstruct:ican nf a 380p squar� foai: martial arts schaol. was a�prouec� by the Pl�nning Dir•ector� 5UI�J8G� tn certain canc�i.tinns and was mac�e final an �2CP„Illk?P.M' �9, 1�$f?. 3 , Va;cin.it�_formation _, _ ...� prupc�rl:ies in a11 clirect;ions �r�e zan�t� C_..F� (Cammercial Pr�ofessi.anal) . A, �ite :[nfnrma�9.on .�.._...__...�...._ ....,_... The su�jer..t �arap�rty is curr�ntly occupi.�c� hay a si.ngle f�mily resic�er�c� an ; a 1QQ x �.QO square foot l.arrd p�rc�1, As par�t qf the Si1:e �evelopi7►�nt Reui.�w pruc�as, the a�apli.cant pro�os�s to d�mal.ish the exi.sting s�ructure �r�d c�nstruct � 3,800 square foot building. Th� app].i.c�ant propases �a canstruct a an�--sided 25 squar� �oat fr��esi:ar�ding sigri and pl.ace a A squar�e faot 1Ugo �lus 14.5 square �F�=_��t of si.r�nac�� on the front waJ.l. fac� of �he bu�.�.ding. a, ,A,gen_� ancl NPd Comments "fh� Rui.J.d9.n� Inspec�i.nr� p9.uasian has revi,ewed the pra�ac�s��. and h�s rrn QI'JJ�C�101'1S '�.Q lt;, No a�her� commen�s were t^er.�iu�d� ; �'TAFF' R�Pp�2T — PAGE �. i � ■ _ " B. FTNDTNGS AND CqNCLUSIqNS � Section 18.11A.130(d) of tN�e Commun��y Deuelopmant Gode all.aws fn� � total uf 30 square fca�t �f signage �nd a m�ximum sign ar•�a of X5 square feet within the C—� zon�, T.n conjuncti�n wath � Sit� Deu�lapm�nt Reuiew a�aplicati.on, an addita.ar�al. 50 perc�rit of "k�l.ank" s:ign ar�a can be adc��c� if � "th� sign' s va.sua�. appeal and averall d�sigri quality would be served." I The proposed wall sign s�a�ting ��Qre<�an Ki. Saciety�� is lA.a square f�et ar�d I th�refore me�ts Cada cri�eri.a, T'he four squar�e faat wal.l ].ago is remov�d from the t��her wall sign and shauld I�e cnnsidpr•�d �s a secnnd sign. This will leave a 13 ,5 squar�e foot allawance for any addati.on�al si.gnage. 1"he propnspd 25 square fnot frpestanc�ing srgn exc�eds the m�xa.mum s.i,ze of 15 square fee� and the remaininc� sign area alJ.aw�nc� of 13.5 square fe�t (ass�aming the wall sic�ns ►^emain as proposed) . Sectian 18, 114, lA5 digcusses the a�p].ic�b�.e cr�a.teria fn�^ gr�anti.ng a Sign Cod� Exception. The Planning Commission shiall apprn�e, apprave wi.th conditians, ar deny a request far� an exr.eptian �o the Sagn Cade bdsed an findings that at least one of the fo].].owing criteria are satisfi.c�d: (1) The �rnposed Si.gn Code Exceptian is nec�ssary because a confnrming building or sign un an adjacer�t propc�r•ty would la.mit the uS.�w af a sign erectec� on the site in can�nrmance with th� Si.gr� Code standarc�s; (2) 'Th� prnposed exceptiUn ta the heic�ht limxts in the Sign Cod� i.s ; n�cessary to m�ke th� si.gn visi.bl.e fr•nm th� stre�t beca�ase of th� tapography af the site; (3) Th��^e is an acc.ess driu� whi.r.h seruices th� busaness or seruice fr�om a str�et other� than the S�I^E?P_t whxch i.t is lacated an. Upon reviewing th� above criteria, the exc�p�inn does nnt apG�edr �o be justified becau�e the visual. access to i:he site S.s not hindered. Since thi.s applic�;tion was submitted cancurrentl.y with the Site Deuelopment Review application, an increase of up to 50 perc�nt af s�.gn area may be grantEd for space that daes not includE 1�tterang or lOC�C1S. Since the Site DeveLopment Reuisw cieca.sian has bc?en released, this provi.sa.nn for adc�itianal area of this type could be addressed by the Commiss�.an, C,. R�CQMMENDA'1°:CON Based upan the discussian aboue, the Pl�nning sta�f recomme�ds denial oF SCE 10•-86. � �� .. PR�PARFD BY: Keith S, l.i.c��n A� Q BY: Wi.11S.am A, Mnn�han Senior� Plann�r Director of Planning & pevelapment (pAS:cn/2838P) ST'AFF R�F�nRT — PAGE 2 „ � j ( �.IGN CODE EXCEPTION APPLICATION Applicant's Statement Ground sign will provide major portion of �ublic namc ex�osure because �ign space on front of building is limited. Trees and brush on neic�h- boring lot to south will obstruct visibility from that direction. Letter-ed sign space will not exceed the 30 square foot limit. This sign code exception will provide blank space around lettering on the qround siqn. Th� ground sign has approximately la sq. ft. of lettering and 15 �q.ft. on the builclin takes u 18.5 sq. ft. All e in P of bl ank s ace. Lett r g 9 P . .5 s ft. . e i.s 43 lettering equ�ls 28.5 sq. ft. and total sign spac q. All letters will be dark blue and the sign and building light beige. Lettering style will be Helvetia Bold. Th2 building letters will be made of wood, and ground letters carved out of the wooden sign. The ground sign will be 1 ft. 6 inches above the ground. � i ` i ! � t � � i �' � � � � . . . �'.. #�I . . � � � � � � . � � . . . ��� . �. � . . � � . � . � � .. . � � I C7:"I"Y OF" l":I;C3flRU �LF�NN:I;N(:ry C;pMM?S�;:I:QN F:CNF�I. O�2CJl•�R N0. 87,-;Q2 PC . ..._._ �fK.. � �1 F�':�:IUF�t, QFtG1�::R xNC;I..UCII:IVG F':l;�l[):I:NC;S ANC) GqNC�..l15T;qNS WH�;CF� F�f�F��20VE:�: Ani AP�>L.7:C;F�T:Z:OiU FpR A C;:Ct;;N (�QIJ� C:Xt�l'�W'1":C�N (fi(,,F.11....8f>) 12t�QUFS'1"FD t�Y C;ROW�....SP1.=.:f.KC�R....�1-1Q�f"ORq #6'7. 'The "i'a:��rc� Nl.�nning Cummxssa.�yn rpvic�w�d �:h� �k>av� ��a�I,a:cat:tt�n �� a puhS.ic he�arir�ig �ri Janu�ry 6, ].987. T'h� Commissi�n ba��d its d�r„isiai7 an thr� fa1�;s, firir�zngs, �nd cnr�cl.usinns natec� bFl.aw, A, F'f�GTS 1 , Gen�ral Infc�rmation rAS�'; ^aic�n Cade CxceK>t:inn �CF �.1--8fi f2F:.(�UE.;�"; l"a �1,1aw a 19.Fa sq�a�r� fac�1: p�r f'ace, ?..�'>'2" t;�.11., fr•eestand�.ng s:i.gn whic�n a maxi.mum �r'Cac1 uf IQ sqcaare f�at per^ racn anc� a maximuni hEa9.grit ��f 2n f�ct is p�rmi.ttec� an �ar^ca��r�y zon�d C-G � (Ger�er•al Cainm�r•cia.l) . CUMF�RE:hiC"NS�:Vt� PI..FtM DC=.�I;GIUFt"C'x:ON: G�n�r�a]. Cc�mmE�►^ci�J� 70AI:CNG 1')lw�;C(�NA'7°:CON: C._.C� (G�n�ral Commer•ca.al) �PK�I_IC;F�N"I': F�I��tFi �,ign Co. qWN�::Ft; Crow....S{�i.eker•....Nc,sfUrd #fi7 �r 1'75 N� C�l�ink�i.a Blur�. t030p SW ��I"C?P..rll�Ul^c� Rc�, Pc�rtl.�nd, C7F2 3721]. Pc�r�t].and, ari 97223 I..00;����ara; ].2.1d� SW Gar�d�n Park Pl�ce (Pa►^k 217) 2, E3ackc�raund "I"h� Park 2�.7 �r•oj�r.t rc�ceav�d C;aty a�ara►^oval, in 1978, Phase �: af tF►� , , . _ . pr�a�c:t was cainplai:cad in 198q•-8]. and Ph��sP :�:I was approued by the (;�.'ty a.n . . _ . . _ _ .. ... � a f Ph s� � an off r�em�.s� • t, cQm .leti.an o � � As a �ari, nf hic. , I� ].9f3A ..[)C� ].3_..g4) , �a � � 5i r� w�s insta].�.�d a�t �Lhie cnr�ner of Pacific Highway anc� rard�r� Pl.ace and a g s�conc� sign wr�s ronstruct,ecl c�n th� F�al.;l. Bl.�d, fr�ntage, �;n ].98�'a, tri� 1�1�nnii�� (aamma.ssiart apprUVC�c� a Sic�n C;nde Cxc��t9.on (�(.;E 1�85) to a�.�.aw a th�,i.rd fr��stanc�in� sa.gn aJ.onc� t:Fi� Hi,ghway 2i.`/ frc�ntac�e and th�� mad9.ficatiori ai� �:he exi:��ing fr�p st�n<�i.r1g sign on Pacafic Highway. Al.sn, th� �k�i.].i.ty ta pJ.�a� an electronic message bnard or� tF�e Nigrtw�y 2.1/ sa�n was ap�ar•ou�c� as p�rt uF 5CE 1-85. xn August, 1�986, the P.lannir�c� Cammi.ssi.on a��rnuer� a �ign God� �xcepti.ori ta dl,�,aw the �nlargement; c�f �n �x9.sta.i�g 37,5 squar� fe�Pt fr�estanding si.gn an N�11 BJ:u�i, ta 51,75 squar�e re�� (SCk 9.�.,�6) . �, 1 �'xt�AL ORp�k NO �l`�-q2 I�C �- 5GE 11.--96 »- PA("aE Z �k i � .. _ � 3. Vi,cin,^it�,._]Crifarmai�ion � 7.h� Par•k 2.17 d�+�el:�pm�n1: i.s an ��L�� sPia��d �aru�aerty whach� �.s ac�jacent ta H�.ghway ;�t'? and 1-1a11 F3l.vd. Qne �aar��ce1, :Lies betw•r•.c��•i the projec:t and Pacific Wa.c�riway, Th� prnp�►^ti,�s tc� th� nc�rtF� �re alsca roned C-�� (General �c�mm�rcial) . '1"he ar.�a w��t nf I��al). B�.vd, a.s •r_nnc�d CEIp (��ntr•al 8tasiness Distr9.ct) �nd i•.h� l.arid tc� i:P�� sc�u�hr a,s xun�d R-..,A.S (�c�sid�nti.aJ,. 4.5 �ariits/acr�e) and T--L. (l.:ight �[ndustr�i.al) , A, �i.te Tnfc�rm�tion l"h� a�plic�ni� p►^c�pt�s�s i:ci rc�mave tkt� olcl fr��standanc� sigri and er�r.t anathnr sic�n a.r� Lhe �ame p.lace wi•t;h larc��r� dimensicans �than ur�i:ginal:ly aK��rau�d �s part: �.�f �C;�; .1--8�'�. l"hie ari.c�i.r��ll.y �pp�^av�c) dini�nsinns w�re 10 fc�cat :in hei�ht �rid 45 sc�uar� fn��l: irt ar��a, The ri�w d9.m�nsiUns wi�.l. I�e 2,5'2" tal.J., i.i.5 squ�are f��t: i.n �r��a per s9:gn f�ar.� anc) ari el.ectr�anic rc�ac�erbc�ar�d wi 11 be adc��d, 5, F1�Qnc�+ and_N�O.TComm�ni;s �"h� E3ual.di.ng Insper,tic�n Ui.ua.s9.c�n r�u�.ew�cl i:hte propna�J. �nca haa th� fnllowing cammenl.3: 'C'he �r�a��as�.�d �i,gn d���s r�c��: ni��.�t: wi.th prior• �i'forts tG� ccyntr•al s i�ri siz�e and heic�ht, l"he E:ngin�erinr� [7ivasi.ari reua.�w�c1 thE� �ra�os�1 �nc� has tFi� fo].lowing � cummEants: �r. We r�cc�mmend t:hiat tP» �t�t� Fiighiway C�iuision hau� �h� o�a�ortunity to ccamment an tha.s �ra�o�al. l"h� �t�at� I-lagtiway Qi.uisic�n r�ui�wed tl�i�± p�^apcas�l arid Mi�as tF�� fol.low9,n� cuinm�rits; ]: do noi: s�a��paw1: �;h� instal�:a{:i,on of a vari�ble mca5s��ge sign uis3.ble fr•um a Mi.�h�•�-ual�ame, hiic�h s��pd ar•t�raal, The maturi.st distr�actian pr�:��Fni:ed hay �.h� uar�i.nus m�ssages ar°� a safety cnncerri (exampl.e: I-5 For�d d�al�rship) . :Cn �ddi.�iun, Par•k 2�.7 N►4as gui.de signagn (dXrectian�l si.<�ns) an Hi.ghw�ay 21?'. l7er�ial i.s rer.amm�nded, No atf��nr camm�nts Naau� ba�n rec�iu�d, E3, F'�N�1:NC;S ANI'J G(7NCl_U�1qN� "I"h� re].evant ap��rnva�. ari��ria iri tM�is Ciai3� �re cont�tin�d a.n ��ctic�n 18. 11A, 1A5 uf the Cammunity ��vel.a��ment Coc�e, Thc� Plannan� Commissian concliades that �N7� r�l.c�vant C:ammunity D�uelapm�nt (�c.�de requa.r�mnnts havca no� faeaen ir�et far i:he sign as pra�ansad b���d upun �h� fir�cii.ric�s bel.ow; � �'xNAL qF�D�R NO 67�-Q2 pC �- C;(�� X1�86 � PAG� � � E _ -__ _ _ _ � �I :I:n or�cl�r• i�c� ,�WS'f:7.�y �n �xce�ati�ri 1�o thi� sic�ri GC1G4?, one of t�.�i� fio]..lowing 1:Miree cr:i��r•a�, (�pC 18. 11A, 145) must lae 3atS.sf.i.ad; �. a, 'Th� prc��aased si,gn c�.�d� �xc.�ptann i.s I'leG�s:ia�l^y b�c�us� � confar�mir�g h�a9.lc�ing ar sic�n an <�i� �c�jacent pr�a�a�rty wc��al.d lamit �:h� vi�w af a sign er�cl:ed an �:Pi�.a site in r.c�i7�c�rmance wi.i:h �:he sign code s�Landar�c�s. b, The prn�as�d �xcepi:aarr tc� tFie h�i.ght: J.i.m9.ts in th� sac�n cade is n�r.assary i:o make the sic�n V157.I�a.P_ fr�am i:he �tr�c�t becGa�ase of tM�� tc�nogr�phy af tP�e sat�. c. 'Thc�r� :�s an access c�r•ive wh�.Ch serua.c�s i:h� busin�ss or serua.ce frc�m a street athier� th�n th� str•�et on whach th� busin�ss is laca•ted. Ther� �r� no b�ai.�.d9.ngs or� sic�ns (k�9.thi tht� pc�ssible E�xcepti.c�n of thtose on �Me suh�j�ct �aro�er•ty) which black u9.sib9.�.ity fram :C--S, The Park 217 prt�K>�r�1:y is lowcar tH��n tPie fre�way (ak�caut: ].q fe�t) but thia s9.gn is cl.��rl�y i u9.s�.h.le fr•�m I-lighway 2],7 in b�th dir�pctians. Th�re is nn 8ign Cude Exceptian ap�roval. cr�itet^i� Si.gn Cade �:xcepti.an tn �l.low an increase in szgn ar•ea. Criteria c. does not a���1y in this case. Thc.a Camm�.ssS.an does sup�aarl: � Sa.gn cc�da Excepta.on to :incr�e�se 1�he si.ze and dpsa.c�ri uf 1:he �xisi:i,i7g siyn which was a�pr•aued �ar�viausly as �aar�t of SC;k:: 1_...85 u� i:o tPi� si.re 1i.mit:s prescri.laec� Fay th� C:ade. An enl.drg�d si.gn w:ii:h a minzn�um :3F_'�I�n'tGlt uf ?.0 f-Eaet and maximum s9.z� of 9Q sc�u�r•e ��et and h�aghi: of 7.?_ fe�t is justifiEC�, � �. I�w(�IS;CON Based uK�an the finc�inc�s anct cancJ.usians abnve, SCE' 1].--86 i.s �p�rave� s�abject to tN�e fall.nwing cnn<�itir�ns: 1, Ft sa.gn pe�^m.i.t sha.11. k�e obt�a.rias� prior to instal.lata.on of tPie new si.gn, 2. 'The sign facp sha�.1 not excaed 90 square feet or 7.,2 fF?et an height. 3 . "I"he sign sh�all hau� a minimum s�t:k�ack of 20 fe�t. 4. Th�re w9.11 be no logos or 1�tl:ering al.lawed an the sS.gn col�amn. 5, T'I�is ap�rour�.l i.s ua].id if �x�rc�.sed wathi.n one y�ar� of the fin�l. ap�roval <�ate. Tt is fut^1:her or•cl�r�d �r�at th� appli�ant be natified af the �n�ry of triis order. pA4SEU: l"ha.s �O�' d�y �� �'anuary 19�7, by the Planning Comma.ssian o�F th� Ci.�y af Tigard. . , �����1/� �� � � -�� ' Bonni.e Ow�ns, Vi.ce Prssident Tigard PYanning Gommissian (qAS:cn/2H36P) FxNAL qRD�:R NQ 87--02 PC — SCE �.],�86 •- PAGF' 3 r . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... fiTA�'F' CtEf�QCt"C' F�Ck�NI)Ft x°I"EM 5.2 JANUARY 6, 1�87 .._ I;30 PM �.��..._.�...��... TT(;AFI[) PL.FINNI:IUG CqMM:Z:;;::;T:QIU '1"rGf�Rp C;IVIC (��IU..I"FR -- ..I"04JN MAI...I_ 13].2.5 SW M�F•1L.G.. E3L.VC), '.I"�:Cf�{2D, 012FGdN �7223 A. FF1CT'S 1 , G�n�r�a1 I:nformatinn CA;F:.; S�.gn Cat�� hxce�>ta.��r� �(�C: ].1�-Sfi REqUE��.f.; l"o aJ.].aw a 1i.5 squar•� fc�c�t �er f�ce, ?..5'2" tall, fr�eestandi.nc� sic�n wh�n a maxi.n�um ar•�a of 7q squar�a f�aet per ftace ar�c� a maxamGim Nieiyht �.�f 2q feei: 9.s p�rmatt�d an �rop�rty xuned C--G (General Cnmmercxal) , C;OM�>F2E:HE"N�]:VE:: PLFlN nE::SIC7NAT10N; G�n�ra1 Cnmm�rci,al ZONINC IJf:S:LGNA'1'IpN; C�••G (Gener�al C,ammer•cial) APPL.7C;AN"I", H��th Sign Cn. 4WNE::17; Crow..,.,Spi.�ker-�-Wasfard #67 175 NF C7].umbia Blvc�. 10300 SW Gr�aenburg Rd, Por�tl�nd, OR 972.11. Par�i�].anc�, OR 91'2�3 ' l_OCA'T:CON; 121U0 SW C;ar•c�en Park Pl�c� (I�ark 217) 2, E3ack.ground Th� P�rk 2.].7 prajer..t i^�c�iuc�d C;a.t,y appraval. in 1978 , Phasp .7, af th�e project was cc�mpl.ei:ed in 1�80-�8�. �nc� PhasH :C:[ was ap�arov�d by �hp City in ].9E34 (SC)ft 13-8A) . As � ��ar•� of fi:h�e camralel�:i.on t�f phase Z, �n aff-..premxs� sign wag instalJ.�d at the corner of Pacifiic Hi.ghw�y and Card�n P�.ace and a seconc� sign was ccansi�rur.t�c� or� t:he Fia�.l. ��.vd. frant�ge, 7:n 1985, the I�lanna.rig �ommissian �ppr•oue?c� a a:ign Coc1� hxcnption (�C;F 1--85) �n ��.law a th:ird fr•e�sl:anrai.ng :�ic�n �J.anc� t:h� Highway ,2].7 fr�ontdc�e and the inUdifi.catiori uf 1:h� existing t�r•ne s�:anc�ing sign on F�acif-i.c Highway, A�so, th� ahaiJ.a.ty ta �lac.� �n �l.�c�rani.c m�sxa�� bo�rc� an th� Nighway 7_].7 si.�n was ap�i^avc�d as �aart af S(;E 1--85, :Ln August, 198b, �he Planning Cc�mmi�sa.c>r� �pprcvacJ a C;i.��n Cocl� E�xcep�aan i:ca a1.l.aw irh� c�nl.ar�r��m�.an�: af an Pxista.ng 37.5 sq�aai^e fc�et freesi:anc�inc� sic�r� on Hall 9l.uc�, �a 61.75 sc�uarc fe�t (SCE 9-86) . � 3 . Vicinit�.Lnfnrmatinn 1"hc� P��r•k 7.17 d�ve].npm�nt; i.s an "G.." sha�ec� praper�ty wh9.ch a.s ad�ac�n� �o Nighway 2].7 and Hal.l. F31ud. Qn� parcel li�s betwe�n i:he pr�aject and pacifa.c Hi.ghw�y , `fhe prape►^ti��s tn tF�e nortFt are aJ.so zan�d C-,C (�en�ral Cnmmerca.al) . Th� ar�� wes� of H��.1 Blvd. is xanad Cs� (C?ntral. �usa.ness ' Diqtri.ct) and the l�nd �a the south is zaned R--4.5 (Resa.denti�l, 4.5 I units/acre) and x--L (Light xndustr•9.a1.) . ' I i STFlF'�' R�PORT -� pAG� 1 � ; �, � �►. 9�.te I;nformation The a��J.a.cani;. pro�ose> ta remav� tkie a1� fr�eest�rtdi:ng si:gn ar�d E�r�ct anatki�r sign a.n t:hp s�me place wi.th larg�r� dimensi�+ns than nrigi.na�.ly ap�r�ou�d �as �ar� <�f �C;E•.: 1-•85, 1"h� ora.c�arialJ.y a��arc,ued dam�.�nsions w�r� 1Q f�c�t in heic�ht �nr� A5 squar•� fc��t in ar�a. 'Th� r��w dim�ns�:ans will be 2.5'2" ta�.]., 11� sr�uar� �e�i� i:n �rea �er sagn f�r..� and an �leci�rana.c reac�erbnard wi i l bp ar�dpci, 5, A.g�nc�, and NPQ_Camments 1'he E3ui.J.danc� Inspectaon Di.ui.sion rE�ui��w�ac� t:he pr�apasG�l �t�c� has i:he follnwing caminents ; T'h� prapos�d sign daes nat mc�et wi.tFi �r�a.or �ffpr�ts to conl�rcal sign size and height. `f'he E�nc�i.n��rinc� pivi.si.on i^�uiewed i�:F�� pr�apc�sal and has i�he foll�wing c�mm�nts: We rec�mm�nd 1:hat i�hi� '�tat.� Mi.c�hw�y C19.vision hau� thr a��ortunaty to camment an this pr•�aposal, .(.he �;tai�� Hi.c�hway C�9.u9.sian r��ui.ewFd t:hic.� �raposal. and has the fc��J.awi.ng cnmm�nts; I dc, nat: sup�aort tr�e 9.nstd].lat9.on of a vari�fa].e m�ss��r�� si.gn ui.s9.ble �r•om a hic�h.•._vo].ume, hic�h spc?�d art�raa].. 'TFie mntor�.st distr�ctiori prc.as�nted b� th� uarious m�5sac�cas ar� a safety ccanc�r�n (�xample: �_._5 Fc��^c� c�ealershi.p) . :Cn �c�di.{:ion, F�ark 217 has guir�e signage (darec.ticxnal signs) an Fiighway 2.1.7, Den9.a1 i.s recc�mmancl�c�, No u1:hHr camments have b�en r�eceiued, B, F'�:IV[)71VC3S f�Nl7 GOIUC;L.UST.qNS "I"he re:teutani: a�pr�ual cra.ter�i.a i.n tri:is case are cantaa.ned xn Secti.an 18. 114. 1A5 of the Cammuni�y �evel�rampnt �oc�e, Th� Pl.anning Camm�.ssa.an GQI'iG�.UCI�8 tFtat trt� rcaJ.eaant Commun�.ty p�uelnpcn�ni: Cnc�a rec�u�r�m�r�i:s haue not be�n m�t k��s�d �apon the findings below: 1. ln ard�r� to justify an exae�ti.an i:a the sign code, one c�f tFie ' a fn.11.owing thr�e criteria ((�pC �8, ].].4.145) must be satisfi�d; f a. Th� praposed sS.qn ac�d� excep�ion is n�c�ssary b�ca�as� a conf-ui^minc� Faua.l.dirig Ur sign on an adjacerit p�^op�r�y woul�� limit �h� vi�w af a s�.gn erect�d on trie s�.�e 9.n aanft��^m�nCQ with the sign GQGI@ stanc�ards. ; �a. `C'ha pr�a�osed excepti.an �G� the hei,ght J;ima�ts i.n �hc� sigr� cade is necpssar•,y ta make 1>he sign uisibXe frnm �h� s�r�et b�cause ; a�F �h� �o�oc�r'aphy af th� s x��. ' t S�"Ai"F I'�EP41�T -- PAG� 2 � � z l; � . ._.�._.._ ., =— � c. 7'h�re �s dn access driue whieh servac�s the business or servic� friam � str�e't ath��r i:kian thte stre�et on which th� buain�ss is laca�ed. l"h�re are no bui.J.dings c�r signs (wa.th tF�e ��ssibl� exr.epti,on of �hase an the subj�ct; praper4y) wha,ch block uisa.bility fram I�-S. T'he p�rk 217 praperty is low�r than th� freeway {ahaau� 1Q �eet) bu1: the sign i.s clearly ' visible fr•am Mighway 217 in bath c�ir�ections. Thtere is no aic�n Code Exceptior► approual eriteria �a.gn C;ade E:xcepti.on tc� dl�:ow an increase in sir�n area. 2. Gri.i��ri�a c dnes nc�t apply in tha.s Gas�. 3. The a�aplicant wi.l]. haue tha w�tic�n nf erec�in� a frc��standiny sign . wi.th 7q squ�are fee�: a.n �rea p�r face �nd 2.p fe�t in hei:ght a�s specifi,ed by �h� CUCie in Secti.nn 18, 114.130(d). Pri:or tn sigr� er�ctian the appJ.icant shauld c�btain � si.gn pern�i�. C. {2E:COMM�NDA'�"T,ON Based upun t�i� fi.nc�ings and can�J.usi�ns natcd ak�av�, t:he Planning staff recummend c�enia�l of C;(�E li.._6fi. ���i%� �� .�:�%�� PF2EP RFp �Y; ebar�ah , St�aar•t �.�..�.__ AppROVED F3Y:� I+Ji.I].iam A. Monahan ._..... Ass�.st��n � P1annEr• narer.t�r• of Planni.ng & Deu��.apment (pAS;cn/2B36P) i � z s �� � ��� ; 4 i , i 1 � i .�i STA�'F' aE�pRT ... pAC� 3 �� � , _ , _ , . I I • � , . ' ; � ,� ; • ;. ; � i , • a . , � i 2. PROPOSAL 'SUMN9ARY s � ) c The prop'erty owners of Trammell Crow request an � � exception� to the Sign Code for height and f�r square , footage. � , j . � The prop:erty's main exposure and market. area is � � Highway 217. At the proposed sign location, the � �' proper�ty is approximately 15' belaw the grad� of � Highway 21'3. We are requesting an exception of the ' height to compensate for the landscape of the property (below grade) . The additional square footage required (115 square fe�t total) is minimal� but needed as the � project 'encompasses 23 acres and has a potential for j 20 separate businesses. There are presently 11 j businesses. � � � Allawing the height and square footage will allow the ! present busineases and future tenants the much needed i exposure �o Highway 217. � I � i � �� jl il . ' � . j , �� �: I'� ' i' f . i ii f � i , 1 1 i; i , I :.��I a MEMQ�ANpUM (,ITY OF 'T':CGARD, OR�:GON AGENpA ITEM 5,3 T4; Planning Cnmmissinn Decwmber 31, 1986 FRQM: Keith Li.den, Seniar Planner �� SUB:l'�.CT; ZQA 9_�.86, Russ Kr�aec�er A. F'F�CTS 1. General Infarmation CASE; Zone Ord inance Am�nc�ment ZOA 5•�-86 REQUEST; Ta aJ.J.ow chi.l.dr•en' s day car� as a cand9.tional us� in the R--�2 (Resxdential., 1?_ unzts/acre), R--25 (Resideni:ial, 25 units/�cr�), and R-��•AO (Residenti.a�., 40 units/acre) . APPLICANT'; Russ Krweger 1335 SW 66th Av�nue, Na. A02 pnr�tlar�d, dR 9'7?_29 2. Backgrnund The R—].2, R--�25, and R—AO zone prouisians w�re adupted k�y tN►F Cit� in Novpm�er, 1983 as par•t nf �Lhe Gity' s reuision of thp Comprehensive Plan, 3. Praposdl I�escri�>tion The appla.can{: is �rc�pasing to a11ow chS.ldren' s day car� facilit9.es as a conditiorial use in 1:he R-12, R•-24, and R--40 zones. The applicant indic��es that ttii.s ar.�:ivity is allawed as a cand9.tional use �.n all othEr res9.dentS.a1 zan�s. A. Agency and NPO Comments NI�O 4 and 6 have no abjectinn to �he proposal. Na otP��r comments riaue b�e�7 r��ceived, �, 1=INqIl�!GS ANn C�JlU�l,�l)�:I:4NS Section ],8,30,120 of the Communa�y l�euelopment Gad� st�tes that ardi.nance amendm�nts shall be consister�� with 5tatpwide Planning G�als, Fede'ra1 and State sta�utes, applicable pJ.ans adapted by M�tra, applicable Cnmprehensiue Plan polica.es, and relevant ordinances. No Plan polica:es . apply directly to this application and none of the i�ems nat�d abaue wauld cnnflict with tMis request. The staff agre�s with th� applicant's justific�tian for the amendment. The allowanc� nf c�ay care facila.�i:es withi.n areas that permit higher resi:dential densi.ties is appropria�e in t�rms c�f cnnuenience, ' compatibility between daq care and morp intensi�e residenl:i.a1 use, and . traffi,c i.mpact. C. RE�QNMI�NDA'1":CqN The F�lanning s�:aff recammends ap�aroval of ZOA 9-66. KSL.:bs2849 Ac�.�v[�� a°�r��:,M �.q pI.ANN:[NG (apMMTSSTqN JANUAF2Y 6, ].987 MI'wMnRF�N�UM G:X:"I"Y QF' 'T':X:Gf�RD, OF2�C70N '1"p; Planni.ng Cummissic�n I�Facpmber 3Q, t986 F'RQM; Kei.i:P� L_9.d�n. Senior Plarn��r /'v SU{�:T�(�T: �QA 1p--8fi -- Sec�:ians 18,62,03Q and 18, 106,p3p Th� Pl.anrii.nc� stdfr is �art�pnsxnq two amc�i�clmants tc� tPi� s�c�ic�ns nat:ed ab�v� to address �xisi:ing pr•ol�l.�ms in �Lhe Cc�mmuni.�y D�velapmEr►t (;ade that reJ.at� �:o mini--•warehause f��ciJ.i,i:ies, Th� am�rirJ►n�nts �a�r•1:a9.n tc� prc.�vi.si.an of resi.d�nta.al c�uarters and sr��aar•�i:e �aarking sl:anc�ar•c�s , l°hca Gi�mmtanit:y U�v�lo�meni: Cod� pr�s�ntly aJ.lows th� foJ.J.awi.ng in th� �:...F> (Tnciustrial f�ar�k), I....I.. (l.a.ght Inc��astr•i.a].), and :L....H (h�eavy :Cnciustri�l.) x.ones: ('i) A singl��...f��m3.J.y c1ei,�ar,hFC� ui�i.�: c,r� � si.nc�l.� m<anuf�c�ur�c�/mcak�a.l� hc�me H>r•ovic�Pd i:h�t th� uses ar�e ].imil:ed i:o the follcawing: (A) Ft dw�l.l.ang far� � c.ar�taker c�r s�apFririt�nd�n1: which is lo�at�c) on �:I�i� s�mn s:i.��e with 1:h� pt�rmii:l;�d ii7d�asi:r���1 us� �nd i.s nccu�>i.ed exc.J.tasi.ueJ.y k�y � car�t�k�r or su�eri.nt�nd�n� of i�:he i.ndustr•ial �ase and family; nr (�3) A c�w�J.l.i.ng far �a kenn�l. nwn�r nr o�»rat:or� wr�i.r.Ni i.s ,lc�cat�c� an �Lhe same sii:e wS.1:h thP k�nnel and zs OCClAn1E?(� exclusivc�ly k�y i�he owner nr� np��^�t:or^ of th� kenn�l and famS.ly. '1"he mini•-�warehiause a�er�ations wiLNtin thuz (�ity anc� els�where ty�aical�.y xnc.lud� a r�sic�ence for• � c:�r�el:aker. A m9.r�i--�facil.i.ty �.s � corid�.i�inna]� use a.n thi� C-�-C (Cnmmercial Cener��l) x.one, �aut a pr•ovisian fiar a relai:aci r�psic�eritial uri�.t is not pE�rmi.t.i:�cl, Th� pr�o��.,s�c� wor�dinq 1��J.ow will. �l..low for• a r•esid�nta.al. unit in conjiar�cLi�n with a cnmmercial acfi:ivi.ty in the C--G zane: Secti.an ].8,5?_,b3q (4) A singl.�-��fama.l.y uni.t �i^c�videc� that it is locatec� nn thEa sam� sii:� wi.i:h a w>er�mi.i:i:ec� us� i.i� S�ct:iun ]�8 ,62.Q34 ar ,QAO �nd 9.s occ�api�c� Exr...l.usi.v�].y k�y a c�ret<�kFr or• sup�r•9.ntc.�ndpnt of the �er•miti:cad l.ISe �nd fi�smxly. "I"h� s�.�r.oricl pc�r�i:i.c,n caf �Fi.i.s �aro��sal w9.J..1 �cad a sK��cifi.c p�rr•ka.ng stanc��rc� for mini—war�hou�e usns , PresPntly, mini•-•war•ehouse is c�r•aupad �ander^ �:he �asa c�i:ec�nry of whc��.asal.�a sl�orac�E arid c�i.si:r•ik�ui:i.or� which� c�an�em�alatcas emp�.ay��s. A �ar�kinc� s�:�nc��rc� of nne a�i�1CF_ par 1,OQQ square fFZ�t ar' �I11��.UyP»P_ appl9.es to thi,s �ase. Mini..._war��P�c�us� uses riau� fcw em�lc�yecas (usua�.],y one ar twa) �nc� � 1ai^ge amounLs af square faoi:agp, Cus��m�.ars neznc� a Kyarking sp�c� primar•�.�.y to �I bec.�in or �:ermin�te a �.��se anc� ai;h�rwas� p�rkir�g i.s dan� in frnnt of th�� � si:or�ag� sraacps fnr l,aading and unlaading, 5fiaff rc�cUinmenc�s that SP.C'�J�q�l � 18, ].q6,030(d) of- the Cac�c� be �m�nc�ed by add ing the fal:lawing prou i.s ion: � (3) Mini.•-war•ehipuse 1 space f-nr pv�r•y 2Qn squarp feet af grass a�F�ice FJ.aor �rea, plus � s�aces for a car�taker r•asidQnce. K�L:bs;L�37P � ��'itf �^ �S 6� No _ sp�c��:c. � HOME OCCUPATION CODE REVISION Q �(;�,fi,� ccmw�-y-� �,_d- � STRAW POLL - P�ANNSNG GOMMISSION �`P" ZSSt� MoQn But1Qr PQtQrson Newman Newton �.everett Fv�e Owens Vanderwood �� 1. R�yulatio�e of ��lmi�"' (K.-� (/ � � �� I b�b�aittars �' � ,,� r; C� �- �U� �� Gw Z.. Ra�il�ii�ion �f L� _ d�,`car� 3. R�•l�tion of � �.a� �--__ _.. . ._ fi�IiliQS ' �� f'�,(7 � � Y� �� 4, R�9t�l�tion of i� parties 5-. Us�;' qf AccQSSOry L�C.�-°7 Building tor ���_' Type II HOPs ��- � � �.�,�.� � -���.� 6. Si�t�gQ �^,� � ��, � r`tL'�"�� `� : 7. Znc3usion af` . . st�cF�' gara�gQ in. ______--..— cs�culation of gross `—' f.loor arQa �� l - `�- �-� J 8. Psid ��ploy�s ��� � - _ �, �a�ti,�`�� �Tf� ---_._ 9,. Pafk ing; of or� ��,�� �, ��n,,�'�- `'��`i�" ` �ictra� vehi�le � � !r^'~� , z t �- � �'l.e... ��E� 10. tY��r of c�s.�to�ers �" — ���-� or.GliQnts ��� � +� � : �`�� � 11, i��r � �+ir'Q• r-- � r���c�tian of: r :.�+i�l, �y��, , 7Q'� � . 12. R�3�tion af'�bOPa �, f����� �n '�n�tS�Yi� a-�-� `�� t..'�",. 'C arvy,,�,t�C�a�, DAS:cn12852P CcreA S MEMOkF�N�UM (,T7Y OF TIGARD, OR�GpN AG�N�A 1T'EM 5.5 T0; Pl.annxng Cammiss�.on 4�ec�mber 31, X986 �'ROM; K�i,th L.i:r�er�, �eni,ar� planner �v✓ SUB�wCT; R�classification af SW 135tM Av�nue Randy Wnaley, City Engin��r, has pr�pared a repart discussing the pro�aosaJ. ta r�classify �W ].35th Av�nue fr�am a major collectar to a minar call:eetor stre��. His repart is attached anc� Rancly wi1l. be auai.�.ab],� at the he��ang tn answet^ any qupstions. KL; sb/0319W � d � - _ _ � T'�2fif�F�I:C; E'.111CI'Nk::k:F2:T;�IG Rk:;I�O�iI° 121::V:CC�W OF ::"L`I2F'�"1' CI.F��:�I�":C(�A'T:LQNS 5W 135th AVk�IVUE:: I�P„GE?IillDel", ��$b P u r,.�,l,n__�? In r�nsp��nsca tc� rc?c�u�sts fr�m r�si.c��r�t,s �f th� ar��, th� Caf:y Count:i.1 h�s initia�i•,e�ci a r�uic�w af i;he C�.c"t+55�.'F1Ci1'I;;t.Ql'1 c�f tiW 13!"a�th F1uc�nu� bHtwc��n 4�challs F�rry Ro�d a�rid Mu�i�•ay �r�ul.�varcl. Background ��The �xa.sl.irir� Camprehi�i7sau� P1�n "fr•�ns�ur~t�tac�n Map w��s �dc�pted 9.n 19�3 . At:tachment A i.s the �nr�i:iuri uf the M�r> a.n �he uicinity �f aW 135�h f�uenue. Atl;achment E3 expl.�a.ns th�e symbc�ls which a��»ar ori tP�� map. Th� Map desa.gnat:es SW 136th Avenue as a majc�r cal�.pci:nr� str����t. '1"hp Map a].s� calls fc,r anat:her coi7n�cti.on b�t:ween �chnl.ls F�rry Ro�d anc� :W ].3!a�h Av�nue n�ar Walnut Si;rept. In ].966 �n Urban Plannin� Ar�� Ac�r•c.a�m��ni: (UF>FlFt) �.��s �pprovec� k�y 1;h�E� C;i.ty ar�d Waxhinc�i:on Cauni:y , The agreemc�nt k�etl:er r�efir�es i:hP alignm�nt a�F i:he cannc�r..tion b�tw��n Schnl.�.s �'�rry {2oad �rirJ �.35th Ftuenu�.a, "fhe �a].i.c�nmenL d�signated by 1:he UPA(� is shown in Ati:�chment C. Thp �rnpos�d r��w r•oac� zs referr�ed to as Murray E3oul�u�rc� Cann�ction. Tr�aff ic_Projections Th� exi.sti.ng Gom�pr�ehens9.ue P1<�n Transport�t�.nn Map �rnject�d p�ak--haur 1:raffac valumes far �:hP yGar 2pQ0 to haP 26Q vehicle� �aer h�a�ar� on :;W 13"�tht Avenu� �.nd 730 v�hi.cle5 pc�r• haur or� tNie Murr��y E3c�ulFVard C�nri�c:ti.or�. MGr� rec�n�t c���a f`r•om the M�trapoli.i:an S�?r�va.ee �is1:r•zci� '� farpt:asts peak--hc�ur� tr�affi.c� uoJ.�ame5 9:n th� ar•c.aa fc�r tP�� _y��r 2qna. M�C) �ar��c�ici:s peak•--h���ar va].um�s c�r� i:N�e Mur�ray E3UUlavard Cnrmectinn of a�pr�oxisnately 8q0 v�hi.c].�s �er• riaur. F'ar �.35th Avenu�, MSG'l �recla.cts � peak��••�hnur� voltame of ap�araximately 1Q0 v�hrc].ps per haur, :If the Mur°r�ay C41'1�1�C�:101'1 w�r•e nc�t b�ailt, M�D pr�dacts th�i: 135�h Av�nue wc�ul.d c�rr�y a pF�k-whaur uoJ.um� af auer� 6Q0 I, v�hic�.es �a�n c�,ur by 2005. ' Factars �u��c?r�.ir�,Reclassificatian "f'he fUll�wi,ric� f�ctc,rs a�a��ar tc� suppar�t a•ecl�ss�.ficata.an of SW 135th Auenue �Fr�c�m major c:o�.l.ector ta minnr CQ�.�.�C'�t71", �.w_..._..._.._....,.�.....,..,�.�...._....�.. _.�..... . •� �'anuary 17, �,9�6, mc�mn frnm Andr�w rutuc�nq, MSp Tran�por�ratian Dir�ectnr, r�g�r�c�anc� "'T'raf�i.c Impac�s assaci,ated wa�h Murr�y E3ou�.ev�rd �x�ensi.on." � � � _ ��_�� _ �.�.._._......�.� 1. Traffic Volum,as . 'Thp proj�c��� t�affac un.lumes fUr SW 135th Avenue are sima].ar �n the u��um�s pr�ject:ed far other Tigard streets d�si�nat�d as mirior callec�Urs (e.g. . Nor•th Dakata Stre�t, 'Tig�rd Stre�t:, L��ti:l.�r Str��t, �umm�r�field CJri.ue) . A two....l�n� str�e�t as �asually ac��c�uate fnr such traffxc volumes wi1:h a t�ar�n ],ane added at critical a.nter�s�ati.c,na. A mi.nnr� cn].lec�:nr stre�t st�andar�d app�ars t� prava.c�� ac��?quate capacity. 2, UpAA. Wh�n 1�tt� T'ranspc�rtat�.on M�p w�s adapted i.n 1983, i.t; ��pe�red th�t 135tfi Aven�ae mic�ht ncaec� �o fun�tian as a m�jc�r� thraugh str�et fnr� many y��rs. M�wever, sar�ee th�n the Urban pl�nning Area �gr�emc�nt has t�efinec� the alignm�nt far the Mur•ray 6nta]:c�varc� connee.tian and assur��s ttiat the �ann�ction will. be prouadec� a� �Ipvpl:c�pment nccur•s. Canstruc�Linn is b�ing ct�nsidered f�r 1967. Th�refc�re, it; n�w a���ars s�fe tc� p�.an fnr i.35th Avenu� as a mi.nc�r coll.ect:or �rtd to r�l.y on Mur•ray Dau�.ev<�rci Cnnn��tion ta car•ry the major thrc.�ugh tr�ffi.c valwmes. l"he al:�gnm�ni:s s�ecifi�r� k�y thi� U�A�I c�a.scaurage use nf 1�5th Av�nu� as a thr�ough r�oute. 3 . Actual., devela�ment. The act;u�l d�v�].apm�nt accurring al.ang ].35th� F�v�nue has bFaen �t a clens9.ty samewhat lower L-han the densitS.es a].low�c� uncl�r �;he curren�. x.nnang. As a r�esult, acttaaJ. traffic valiames al.orig 13!'�1:h F�ven�ae may be somewhat lawer than t;he pr•aj�cticans i.ndic�te. Conclusions It w�x prudeni: in ].9$3 i:o dFSa:c�nate SW 13''ath F�venu� as a m�jar r.al].ector, as a safec�uarc�, in case fi:he Murray Conri�ctian w�re nat cumpl�tpd c�uri.ng the pl�nning ��r•iUC�. Subseq�aeni: ialt:'f:7.C11'iS �p��r�r to haue made thi.s safeguarc� unnecessary , {2ecommendatic�n E3ased an the far,�:c,r•s c�4it�.i.i�ec� �k>ave, ii: is r•�cammendec� i�Fiat thica 'Tr•anspnr•tati,an f�.ara of i:h� Compr�hetns�.vp P.lan b� amend�c� to show SW 135th ' F�u�nu� as � mi.nas co.la.ectar� la���we�n �;chc,lls F'err•y Raad anc� th� prapas�d Mu�^ray Boul.evard �onnectinn, /'L. , G%��Zr Randall R. Woa]:ey, Gity Engineer /br2E335P �i� `I � , ,I � 7 { � _ . ....,,..... � •' • •' 1 •' ,� .,� � ' • �' � • ' • • • � �• � ' ! �■.�� � / ... ���. � � ■ I .. � / II � � f u i' �E, � II • / � i i• i, � „_ �� ��,� f ,�� 1_ i / / +,I •�R`'��%'i��'-•��� • �� 7. �A1 ���,`�r���I 1 � r � �; !R�� fA,� �`�o���q�E���� .• • � i �� 'i�•a/`��+''��1����t���W�� ` �� •!'.> .l�llf. '�EA�3:W��1� ���� � . � �-.-' ,►Iii�e�� `a�w.�i � � r 11 -��� �►. � �� 7 ��%lis 6=��,r� ���a��e��se�'�� P� �� �� • 11r o.,< � ►- �� ►���• � �F� � • l �,�� .: .. � �un�� .�►�� .t.� � �,�s � ��� ��hq� Ui1 �,ry.=.. .. ��3 ; .i �!...- :��, �� �� ? ; 't��.l.s:i�:��'�i °° ; i�/��������� � � ' � f�; _'��", � �I�l�x&� j � ♦ . � � ' =��� •. � �:��L; �. ,.,��. 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