Planning Commission Packet - 09/02/1986 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � AGE:Ni�� T':CC�F�RU F>I..ANNx:IUC C:UMM�:��101V C;kP'1"�:MF3C:R 7., 1�86 •-- 7;:30 PM T'I:CyAR[) CxVT.0 C�:NT��2 -�� l'C�WIU HFtl.l_ t�J.25 SW H�11, 131ud, l..ir�ard, Qregc.,ri 1, CAI_�. �"0 0121:)H R 2., ROLL. GALI.. 3, AP�F2QVE. MTNU'fE�S �`F2qM PREVTQU�; ME:�:1°�:fUC; 5, NUf�I._:CC I-IEAR:[NUS 5, J. ZOIUE Of2u;1:NANCki AM�I11"i"MEI1i'1' ZOA 7-..86 C;qMMUN:I"'I"Y qki.Vf::I.OF�ME".Nl CQ[]Ei: CN�IPTE:R 16,1k2 R�quest iay C�.t:y nf Tiya�^c1 to revinw (�hapl:er 18. 142, taUME OCCUPA'1":CpIUS, af th�a l"i.gard Munici.�a�l Cad� and i:c� cc�nsader am�ndm�rits �nc� r��ua.si.ons ta Chaptew� �.8. 142. a,?.. ZQN�:. OR�7T.IVFIIVCE: AMf:IUDM�:IU"I" 7..qA 6-�86 C;QMMUN:I:..I..Y L1�VE".l.,Q��ME:NI" CpC)F:; C;HARI"ER 18,$0 A r•equcst by i:l7e C;i�;y �f 'Tigar•c� ta r�vi.ew Cha�a�er 18,�p Pl.(�NIUF.D Df.::VF..L,C�pM�:IU'1° of i:h� Tic�ar�d Muna.cS.p�J. Cade and to cansa.der• amE�ndment:s �r�d r�pvis�,r�r�s �:o Ct�ap�l:�r 18,80. �i. QtM�er k3usxnes> �1c7lGi�l�1.Ui'1 RP_(�UE?S't o �W E:.leci:r�ic Strecat -.� NFar• T'ic�arc� Arco o Pa:ne Str�et .... �W Off9.ce Su�apl.y Par•kinq Ar•ea o Colc�ny Gre�k T.V fiubdiuisa:an o Genesis :LT Subdiuisican o �W Burnridm �tr�et djlXA3 rx���n PLANNT.�G CqMM�:w sx�� (�I:GUI.f�R MwH.I":I:NG •-- ahN'1"L:MIiE:R 2., ].986 ]. , Pr�sac�arrt M�c:�n c�lJ.�d tNi� mc�c�l.i.nr� tn c.�i^c��r� �t 1':35 PM. "1"h�:� m��t,ir�g w�as h�l.c� <�t i:i�ie 'T'i��arc� (;ivic rcar�fi<a�^ •-•• T�awr� I-I�11 I�«om •- ].3�.2!5 SW I-lal.l F31vc�„ "I"ic.�arc�, Or�gar�, 2. RqL.t.. C;AI�I_: F>res�nt; Presadent Maen; C�omm:issic�n�t^s qw�r7s, E3utl.�r, f=yrp, Van�ier•wac�c�. NewL•t�n. Newman, I.,.�ver�zt:1:, �nd PFi:ersan, �;�4�fif; S�nicar Pl�riner� K�i.�Fi L.idar�, Assistant PJ.anner• i�Pbur�ah �tiaar�t;, a��c� Sacr�c�l:ary D:i<a�i�i� M. J�l��r�ks, 3 , �iPPROVF�I.. Of-M.T.NII'T'�S Cc�mmissinner� Qweris r�c.�u�c) r�nc� Commi.ssa�i7E�r� Vanc��r�waacl sFG:oi�c��d i�o �a��7raue minui:�as �s s�ala�nit;�:�r,l, corr•c�r.i:ing ty�>irig hrror�s. Mcai:iun car•r�.'�cac� by � majority af Commi.ssi.onk?r�s pr•�s�rit, Cc�nim:issi�.,r��r �etersc�n anc� L�u�rett + �bstaa.ned, A. PLF�NNI:IUG CUMM75�;I:qN CQMMUN�C;A"I":C:C7N There was i7u cc7mmunit.at:ior�, i a, �UF3L_TC; HF:AR'T.IVC:� 5, 1 ZpIUE" QRL>11Uf�NC;F: �Mk.N[)M�'IU"{° ;t:q� 7...Bfi CHA�Tk�R 1f3, lA2 Ra�u�st by �:hp (:,ity of 'Tigard i:a r•�uS.�w ch�r>tcar ].8, 1A2, WOMF QC(�UPA'T'TONS, nf th7c� Ti,g�r�d Munici.pal Gc�de �ricf i:i� cc�nsi.c:l�r amerrc�m�nts <:�nc� r•E�u�.si.ai7s ta �:r,��: �r,�����, As ais�:ani: P1<:ann�r• Stu�r�t reviawec! ni�i7ic� suk�mat.t�c� to �].anni.nc� Gc�mma.ssic�n. pa.scussion fs�lluw��l r•t�gai�•c�ing fe�s fc�r the I-luma Qccupal:'�an ari� F3tasinpss T'�ax, f�URI.:C:C; 'TFS'1"TP101UY c� Rc�ha �31.�cl;>c,E, J.1.800 �cW W�alnut, �x�J.a�in�d h� w�s inuaJ.u�d i.n tPi� nr�ic��.rraJ. rJl"OCCa35 and f�11: i�h� hic>me QCCIA�Jc1�:lOn rngu.lat:i�ns w�rc� nut haeing handled pre�perly, He su���>c�r•t�d al..lc�wa.ng F�c�rr�e Qcc�a�aa�taon i�c� �xi.st:. witho�.i� c�c�i.ng thraugh 1:h� �prma.�; �aroc�ss if thiey m�t cer�tain crit�ra.a, :Cf th� I���7me Ocr..up�f.iori did nat m��t i:h� cr•9.t�ri�a tF��n th�y wc�uld h�u� th� c�pti.c�n af gninc� �r,r��r�r, the �acar•iriit �ar�c.�ss starta.nc� �t i:hat pc�ir�t, � F'er•d Mt7r�Eana, ].A430 C;W Mc:f�ar•7.�and E3�.uc�, , stated na h�r� ha�ei� i:hrawgh thi�! F�q�� prracFass �and 1�her�e w�ar•� s�u�wal. ��a�arc�u<�1 crxi:er9.a h� c��.c� nat 5uppor�. He � ; c�i.c� n�.�t th�i.nk i:Nrer•� shc�u].d Ma� � ].a.mit�tic�n an fl:oar� space, 1'hat the ( r�caq�air4�mpnt i;h��: �L-h�a �ar�imar•y �asca b� r�si�i�nti.al sha�al.d n�ai: k�� an isgue �n� <;I shu�taJ.d be �l.i.mi.riated. Mc� �u�:�ti.�ned wP�at was m��nt hay ��se�^uic�". N� fe].t i a Ham� pccupatian shaulc� bn alluwc�c� t�a h�u� em�a].ayFaes. 1`hat �ark:ing and ' v�N�icl.�s us�ra sPiowlc� nat �� �ri :issue sa.nce tNi€� G:ii.y c�a�ar�'t .li.mif: ar � r��g�alate r�sid�nt:i�l i:r�aTfi.c anc� �aar�king, A].so, res�.c��nt:xal car�a �arila.t:i.�s shiauJ.d be el.a.ma.n�ated fr•am th� HOP pr•acess �as they �re currQntly ; r�gu lal:c�c� h�y i:hn s�a1:�, � >,� °�i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - SEPTEMBFR 2, 1986 - Page 1 ,� 1 . _ � � '� ,: _ �. ,•- .—,�:.._ .. . ... :__.. _...._ . _. ':. o l_Pr�c��hy da5cussic�n fo�.].owed r��gar�dan<� r�sidenta.�l. care faci�.ities, child car�e and adul�: fam9.ly carn fa�ilities. �ur•thi��^ discussion f�allaw�d on other �yK>es of c�p�r•�t:ians whi.cri dc� or c�a nat requir� a Hc�m� pccwpati.c+rr P�rmat, a 'I"he m�jority of Cc�mm:issxori��rs suppart�cl k���ainr�. r.rxt�ri� whach r�c�uire r��� r.ustumer�s, sic�ris, or• oui:ward ar�p�ar•anr.e of a"l I�1.181Y1P_SS aperatczci witha.n i:hF h�me 1:a �i��es�ru� 1:h� ci��r�actE�r• af th�e resir�ential ar•ea, n "fhe major:�i:y uf Cummassioners su�apor�ted a i;wc� l�vel pr•c�cess, 7he f�.r•si: leuel w�uld erii:ai.l. autc�m�t9.<: issuanc.� c�f a permit; if tha f��me Qccup�ataan m�t �11 �p�a►^uual �:riter•ia; i:hie s�car�d ].�ve.l wauld i^pquxr�e r�ui�w ancl nata.ca t�., sui^r•uunc�:ing �araperi:y owner� to ii•isur� tryat: the Home qccupataan wo�ald not hau� a n���at:a.ug impact on the t^exi.c��ril�:ia1 ar•c�a. o Gonsen>us w<a�; �c+r� s�wafi� ta K>r�ep�r•� sp�c:�fic am�ndments tc� tFi� Cod� for� th�c.� Cc�mmission to r�v9,�w and act an. RECE:C�S 9:Oq PM Ft�.CdNV�NE: 9. 1F� I�M Commi�tqian Ne�tc�ri l�fit 9:Oq f�M 5,2 "1_OIVE ORp;CN(�fU(�� AMC:NDMC�NT ZQA 6��86 t;HAE7'1'C:R 18.8p A r•k�quest k�y the C9.i:y o� "f'i.g�rc� to r�uiPw Ch�pter 18.80 PL.F�NNE�U I�EV[:l.pF�MEIUT of 1:t�e 'Tigard Munic�.r�al Ccacie anc� �a c�nsic�nr amendmer�i:s and reuisions tc� that C:hapi:�r�, Sena.ar Pl�nn�r t..ic��n r��vi.�w�d i:he m�morandum s�ak�mittc.�d �n pl�rming (�ammissiun, I�ascussinn fallowed r�egar•ding the pur�pose af �:he ouerl�y and wh� cer�ain pi.�ces of property wer•e d�signated witri pi� ov�rl�ys in conjunction wi,i:h i:he Compr�h�nsxue Plan, o Lenr�thy discussi�.,n fnllowEd on rxaw i�Mie Coc�c� shnul.d bc� w�^itt�n i�o ident�:fy haruis c�ff arras ar�d �ar'OVICIP. incentiuc� fiur cr�e�t9.ue t�P.V�I.0�7111�i'i�:. Al�o, sam�taiin� sN�oulcl k» incar�a�ated intc, the Cade wF�i.ch xc�entific�s why � 5�J�Cx'r'1C pic�ce uf .lai�d has a PD design�tiUn. o Uiscussi.on fal.].awec� an wl�at was ta b� acha.�ued wi,tN� a PC) auerl.ay ir� a :Cndusi�ra.al a�• Cc>mmprc�.�l arHa as thP Cc�c�� is haasica�.l.y furmu:latfad for reaaclenti.�l. �ar�aj�c:ts, O DIFiGUS£i].QYI �ful.lowec� r�cgar�c�a.n� densil:y fi:r•�nsf��r. Cansensus was tR�at d�nsi�:y transfier shc�uld be for� �asabl.e ].anrJ c�i�ly. '1'rac�� r�ff finr• fluc�d pl.�aan sha��l.d b� �^�ducecl c,r• �a�r�Fiaps nc�t �lJ.owed. Also, trie d�naity calculatiun shuul<� be ci�fi:nnd ir� bath s�cti�ns uF �h� Coc�e, with density tr�nsfer• ��nJ.y b�i.nc� a1J.aw�c� in th� F�D se��.ic�n, c> biscussa.or� foll:owc�d r�garc�ii��g al�.ow�.ng pub].ic a.mprovem�n�s wztFiin thp f].00cl �J.�a.n �s i,s aJ:lnw�d a:n th� Cnmmercial and Tndustri�l xanes. o Staff wa.�.l. �arepar•e sp�ci.fiic am�r�dments to the �ade far the Cammi.ssiUr► �a r�vi.ew, PL.ANNING COMf�ISSION MINU�ES - SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 - Page 2 fs. Otk�er Busi.ness Reuiew�d uacati.on request far 6W Et�ctric ��reet, Pin� Stree�:, Ccalany Crc�ek :LV Subc�iuisian, �enesis :�I Suhadivisian, anr� SW f��:ar�r}ham S�reet, � Cammi.ssa�an�r Peterson me,ved and Cc.�mmissaon�r� N�wman ;;ccnnr.led �c� far�w�r�d Strc�et Vacatian requ�st fnr Electra.c Strnet, Ainn Str��t �nd Burnh��m S�r�eet: ta Gi.ty CounGi.], wa�ti a r�cnmmend�ti.can fa�^ a rov;�l. , Moti.an e�r ' p� rx�d un�nxmously by �c�mmigsi,aner pr�sant, �� Ccamma.ssianer Ow�ns mavec� and Ccammassa.nne�^ �utler sacc�nded t� fcarward vacatinn requ�si: far� Cc�loriy Cr��k xV Suk�ivisinn ane� �;ene:�:is ;CI 9ubdivasian to �:�.ty Counca]. with a r�comm�nc��tS.an far �p�r�pval. Motiori carraed by majari�y vai:e of Cummi.ssa.oriers �r�esen�. C�omm9.ss�.oner N�wman abstai.n�d, 7, Meeting ac�jaurn�d 1,0.2Q PM 1,--� ���j ^ //� �` ��� w__»._. � ,...._w..._._.,__.. ...... piane M. Jelc� • , .�cr•�tary ATT�ST: , �.�',���/���.:�_.�...� A, pan�ld�Moen, PrPSid�nt dj/177 i � . � � � f s 1' �. is {: ;� fi � � � f, i''i �> �'�, k.. �I 4i �'; ��� i'. r: �: �: �, €r l� PLANNING COMMISSION MZNUTES — SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 — Page 3 �' �s ■', : ; � ��. � �.':: ; �;. (i I � ; � ;:; . � I z� PLANNING COMMISSION RQLE CALL: `% , �'I Dbnald Moen _��� STAFF: � . • a Bonnie Owens '� John Butler r Milton Fyre _ Deane Leverett �� Dave Peterson t ti Chris Vanderwood � �' I:: � �; Will Newman �; 1�N"lvrl k� � ( r�, I � , �i �, €`�. f i(' f�; , 4: �: �. r: �,`. i; {: 1 d;, fi j: {; �f, �i i �'' ; y };! � �i �. � � � y � _ _ . __. , _ . , _ . , . . ,, . ,. . ���� �� �,� ��� �� ���� �.��,�u 7-6812 P.O BOX 370 Ph�O{VE(503)684-0360 �I�Qp�� B�AVERTON,OREGON 97075 �,.�CdJ�� i�i�$�t�t�' �1Q��c�P{$U�d�ll�j � C i t y o f T i g a r d � � Te�rsh��4 6�do8ic� � P. O. Box 23397 � Tigard, OR 97223 � ���f6c�Q� A�id��iY � e� ���U�a�VB�` �6� I����.,OC��6��I ����'� �a� OU�G�O�, ) C�&lt��V �� 4��O�6�VBdC�TO�.f, �ss. p Kell,y Gallagher _ _ fo�fi�ag �i�s4 ��ly swoPe�, d��as� �nd say 49��4 i a�n 4Pr� Ac9��rei�i�a �o��c4o�, ca�7ai� �pPOncapaE cfePCc, o�4h� �'�-�ard Time s _ � Pi@SFJS����P 01� Q�90@P$I circuf�4ian as d�4in�i� dn O6iS ��3.O�G �,�od ���.02U; �a��9dsP��d a�8 _T��ard in 26a� tdPor���id coun?y ffind s4�4�; 4hm4 QP�� Public Iiearing Notice _ __ a� �PUeo4�d co�� oP w�,ic� is 9��r��o �r�n�x�d, was pu�aisF��d in 4h� �a�4i�� B�su� or sair� roews�,�p�r�oP 1 _ �ucc�s�iv� an� con��ca�4i�✓� in 49���olaawing i���e;s: �,11.g �l � 1 ��h ---- — — �� — �IAI(9��Y9��� �tEUQ� � � P4 40 ���OPI'3 PYI@,YP�is A � 21 1 8G . ��UG.��' ___� ,,,_J��'"'- \y af�ry Puk�6ic Por Orm�c��/ �y&;��n�oo��90� �x�i��s: 9�2 0/�s 8 �I�IF'U���9�� . �R j d�4V•:1 �����,.��ry. '��a�qy#t�. . , �t'�' � �. . , �yg��y�pp�,s 5pg�y(�'��w"{fJ1�y���,1p�rqq'kt�I���b�i�c��f��Yt.,,��.��q y`y.' �`, ¢��°�4y.�y4��J,A�g��)q fj��l.;�.q�L,.,g3{Tpc... ��: 3Nd'dY�rA�.�b &kYE§4t�'AS�s�1ffiR4�C��aT�O AlS���D�i.ss'�a0/i+'�AF�+k. SBS$41��7L9�4�'6� �� 1'.�. �ftIlffi�'d�4�3����:�H'�$.��3.��4�;�fDg d4�.��r�.��:����'���.�i'�'������ �; ��t'��n���l��y��;�x�g�aa�a�6�����'€�����E�3���>' . ������ ��k�����'F��+Y��a'�k�Il�24��� '���� '` A ��a�3@ �y �� �� s+t °��m� �t`�'��9� k�sp&��,1�.$i����tt� ��v��pt�i�$9b�'d�1� A��4�i�fl�t���n alfld�4A��P��FF::t"���l,3Y.�b a����a.��rrt�l��t� �F��'D��D. , �jpi ,�+�g�q�,�p����4pe�e� ���g����V�L!r@ �,q ir pp �" e� p49 kf4 � I i t�' ..n�y r� n1 ;�;: (iipP��aDb�4d�p8�EAR�6m:ya CA&�4G',eA'M�A�!'�3�7� ISi�E`u5F ,. � � �,6$ ��/;r#���"�`��"��t,�i`� '�i�������' '����`�F�����`j;;,; ������o.`���' ��°���r�a���M,�g ��e��� g��s��E���'.����� `�� '� $�.'���,�Ps�a 1�����'���.�����',�ck�i���'a*� ��. ` r�' h �, �(�,. �;AtLiA��Bn��ek�9�Y�°..�� Pa ,� ��:r � r X^ ?� � ,. �r �� . � t r��#'= %4�' °� r p� gt '14¢�;�,.�a��t�a�,. . e�Y'��y�'�E'��q���*D��, p�y���}�v��.y��1������'r�c�{�' �'���A� Ab'�.�a'°�R���y�} ��ye ��x' ',; �P�0&'p 1L�aF'c Y«�t4�%��?'�'�k°'!S ���� ., �j�� '�^���!A�,��4.b��r,�y,. ; ��������Rh�l�,�`��`�E��������?. �e�; �F��'#� �q�.�c89�y��,�r���,y��� r�i "���:���.,����M+t,` rv� 1���U"`:k ���t,j� `9r,t RB�i��yCa F:i&6�[���kk�L `J,`'���� ,�,�; ��` .�' � ��. f .r,.:' �� �y r L �:,� �. .d ? . �'.�1.�, �.,.,-.;esLh... `t � . �. ,k:..T .+,rS?R3;8 ' - ..DATE_____'�'" !� m T G �1RD PLANNING COMMI S,_S__I0N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TC1 SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIF2 NAME , and note�� their address. on this she�t. (ple�se Print your name) ITEM/bESGRZP,!'�.'ION: iC:.i�� �� �„� � I ' ��r,a... �°f.,��'� PROPI�N�NT (For) aPPONEN� (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation / o- � �Sc� � I � Q --�`11 I,�—'� ��c-�� �` �, � . � '� Y�- t� �' L�1 `� � C% ,7 CG/ ��: � k- �� r C�. .. ; � ; . ; � � , �'' , i . � ; � � . ; . I � � � �' ) ! � � ; � � � � � �� i . . , ...: .........��,:_., M.m.�.�.r�.,.�..:-�--_ � � DATE --� 07 mTGARD PLANN__ING COMMS 55�1� �° NOTICE: �ALL PERSONS DE3IRIL�IG TO SP�AK ON ANY TTEM MUST SYGN THEIR NAME ' � _ _ ._ _ . _ � and notef their addresss.�on thia Bheet. (�please Print your name) , ITEM/b ESCRIPTZON: °. ' i � .. i � • . . i ! � �ROPOPI�NT (For) OPPONENT (against) . � Name, Address and �ffilia�kion �� Name, Address and Af�iliation ; � h, ;. I ..4 ''' d' , i ; i , i t I � . � � . . � .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � . � . . " . � . . .. . , . . . . .. . . :, � :�. . . . . . . �. .� .. .����Q .' . . . . . . .. . � � . . . - . :i . .� . . � � � . �:� I. ' � .._ DATE` . TI GARD PLANtJI N_� CQMMT 5 _S_,�' ON _ r , . N07'ICE: �1LL �,F�R'SONS AESIRING TO SPE�1K ON ANY TTEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME �' ' - -.: . . _ _ . «.. � and note� their address,..on this shee�.' (,Plea�e Print yo.nr nante) { �j � � ��� � �. j ITEM/bESCR21?'TION: ���?�'`�+/� ���;� � '"��I��I `�� i . • � ; � � S�v � ' g,�. . � �� : . , � �-,►o--.� �' � a � S�v �n ha�rn �°. �i , ; � : _ ; PROPONE�iT (For) OPPONENT (against) I Na�^�, Address and B�fili�tion � I�ame, Address and Af�il.iation i � � � o .. . - ,. . . . . i t ti . . . . . . . . .j; ,1. a �. r V i -. i i ' . � � , : I I i I } i ��Y �, � � � � � � � ; j ' i . . , � Ac��ncl� I:t;�m _..,....�.�.�:............�...._. Planr�ir�g Cairuni.ssi.ari ���tc�mt�er 2, 198fi ML•".MORANC)UM CI:"I"Y QF' "('x:C7F►Rl7, qF2k:C30N ..I"0: F�l.arir�:inq (;uinmi.ss:ion Se�ai:emHa�r 3, 1�86 FF20M; �c�k>aral�i Fl, St,�a�r�t ��"" � �UF3;;�:C;"f: I•ic�m� Occ�araal::i.rans x0A 7...-86 Th�� f'c�J.lawing �r•�s�r�i';s ar� out.l.i.ri� f�.7r• c�i.scussiari of Gh��t:er� 1.8.1.�4� of t:hi� Tic�art� Cnmm�an'�1:y �au�l�Knnc?n�: ��,c�e ._._ I-I�time Qccur>�1:ians, 'Th� olatl.i.ne :GS c�iuic�ed � int� 1:hr^e� s�cl:i.ons: 1) i:hi� �xi.s�:arig r�c�tal.�ti.ar7s �ru� �asamani.str•ati.c�n c�f ham� � c�cr.u�at:ic�ns; ?.) majur• 9.ssiac�s or �:u�i.cs �for c�isc:l.I88:I.C�1'1� �i•�c� 3) si:�ff recomi7��nd�:�t.i.4,ris . I h<au� tak�n 1:h� 1.ik��rLy ��f �k>r>r•�ua,<�i:i.ru� hc�m� accuK>�tiar�(s) to "I-10(s)�� �nc� h���me occun�i::i.nn p�r•mi.ts to "I-101�(s)" . . � r� / i. � �\ ; �- � � � ��� J ..�•- „�.,�,�„ ' --*-" ..:::-. —_ _--i I �6 ` . ���� �Fille; "�1 `I t � AW�GKT I��Y,��� ��.K• � � .� ��. - ° TnRcti'J�U�?ttosE NEEDl�S ArID CoMEOUt --'' ,;k I _ ', ._ � � s , �.: � Ar;D P(O.ONE WIL� GET NURT�� �� C �1- t;-` �� ��� �� f11E WEED of CR_I�IE BEARS �- ��.,yv�, �, _,:' �— fi�1TeRF�UiT! �~ � � � _��,c-� 1— --- ��� � �.� `�i�i� .....�.�� ��' _'V�� CU�IER ME � � ;. r�� GoiN'�N. j ' �,fsf" � t „�,_„_.—,r—�"' ' i ,t � s' �y,�' �� F,� / . I �. ,.^� .l1' .� � xti �' 'f �/ ' �— � Zr.�l oF �,,�''i�` � �,�,�--�''� 1' //' ..�5 9�PA�R .�81�!(o y� � ..f / �//Y . �����`'litJG Hf(a�ES �" ���y.�.-`� --/ .��`� . �� � —, „���,iF��*`;=1' �A�'� � f N��14 �. F+.�iui i�i��� ' ' lih'�c,•:i�.�•, n ,� :�1 E��.�trl� betu�ec>n the Ll.a. �����tnrh!�e�it of Labor, the Internatiaial Ladies Garment Wc�rkers Ll��ion, the f�v���i.ii ,�,,;ut•; ��n�l rt+r�rl Verni�>>it I,•�ri!�rrs first proliit�ited aricl ther� �errnitted l�orii�?-hnsed s��ort.c�i�enr•ki�itti�r�. T. NQME QCC;UpAT�:pNS AS WR�..f..l'E:N A, Purpcas� Ta r�gul�te hame �.7ccupatanns in r^�sxdpntial, commer�cial and ir�dusi:ra.al zon�s in a manner that will ensur�e �he use i.s: ]., A secanc�ary, lawftaJ. use to tr�e primary r�esidenti.al uss. 2, Not d9.srupti.ve "an the r�sidentXal area," 3. fitandar�ds are antended t.n assure that the Nq wil.l b� cnmpatihale and consistent wii:h residential uses and will r�ot hau� a detrim�r�t�l. effect un n�i.gh�aoring prnp�rti,�s , � 8, Ex�mptians 1 , Garage gaJ.�s 2., Sd1e af produce ar• ath�r fc�ad �roducts, r. Administr�ti.an and Appr�oual Pracess 1. Pra�er�t� c�wncr me�ts with Ci�y stafif in person or• by phone for a pre•-applicatxnn cor�fierence. 2, F�p�lic�tn� submi•ts applir.atior� anc! fee, 3, St�f-f reui�ws application �xnd fl�.P_S a r�e�ar•t to Seri�.or Plann�r, Qir�r,tc�r•' s c�esigneE, 4, Senic�r^ Planner reviews, then signs a fVotice o� Decasinn. 5, Noi:ice of D�cision 9.s mailed out tu all surra�and'znq property awner�s within 2�0 feet, wha �hen haue 10 days to f�.le an appeal. 6, App�als go �o Planning Cc�mmrssian. Ifi no appc�al, i:hen the apprc�va]. 9.s mac�e fan�J. and is u�l.id far ar7� year�. 7, p�^e�c�r�t prncessxng �e¢ is $75,00. q. Permi�: R�r�ewal 1. Hqps must be r�enewed ar�nually a�: a c�st af $?O.QO, 2. Noncc�nfir•mi.rig y�t pr�-1983 a�proued HOF�s 5haX1 be rer�r�w�d annually. 3, pre-..1383 Fips withaut: val.a.d permi.�:s m�ast apply far� anc� reriew p�r�mi.�s, I ,.. _._ __. _ : _ ,...._. ._ _ _. . . .�. ,._ ,., .. ._.. .. .... _ .. ,, � __�,_� E. Approual Criteria 1. TPie us� sha11 bF a xawful us� which shalJ. be cdrried on by the occupants of �he �wellings; 2. 7h� Flome Occupation 5M��� �P_ ope�ated en�a�ely within: � a, The ciwell�.r�g units and the use and thie storage af materia�. �nd p►^oducts shial;l r��t accupy mare tPi�n 259� of th� r�ross flanr area; 3 , The usa shal l. b� a s��c�ndar,y 4ise to tP�e pra.mary use of the house as a dwPl.ling; 4. There sP��il. be na �xteri�r• indi.cat:ian of th� hnme occupatian; no exterior signs sh►a11 1�e used; na nther an•--site aduertising visikrle frnm the ext�ri.c�r sha11 bF us�d whach infar�ms th� public nf i:he usa exc�pt of t,he ac�drQSS of th� hrame nccupation may b� di.s�layed; 5, T�here sh}a11. be nn autdc�c�r stnr�age af matpria�ls, u�hi.c�,es or products nn i:he premises. Inc�nUr s�arage of material or pr•odur..ts shal,l nat QXG@E?d tM�e li.matati.ons impnsed by the prouisa.ons of the �u�.ldir�y, Fir�e, M�alth and Housing Codes; 6, The use stiall nnt ir�cJ.�ade any rei:ai�. sa].es ather• th�n �a].e�hane salps; 7, Th� use sh�all, nat i,nuolve d�,rect s�l.es or s�rvice fr�am thie proper�ty n�c�ssitating customer traffa.c to the r�sic�ence; Q. The Hame Occu�atian sh�].J. not praduce ar�y naise or' pk?YlOX10U8 oc�ors, vibratinns, c�l.are, �umes, ar� electrica]. iriterfewenc� detec�able ta nurmal. sensar�y perce�ti.ari outside the structure; 9, Th�r�e shall be no uther �a�id �mplayees on 1:h� pr�emisps other than those whn are �ar•mar��nt residents af the dwelling; and 10. The �ase shall ria� require any addi.ti�anal parking n1;hP�^ than tl�at which as �^equired f�r tFi� residence. F, �iusiness I..icense 1 , An Appli.canl: for � NQp must ho�ue must haue a ua]:id Ci.ty of Tiga�^d business license. � 2. Na business lacense will k�� issued �Far• � HO ur�til the HOP is � �p�raved and made final. � i � i ; i i I � � G. Anplicata�n Submissian Requirements Only a ists 3 items — yet s�veral ar�e lisi�ed �►nd re<xuirad as �aar•t of �L-Nfe ar�pl9.cata.on. 1, A�plicatiun fnr^m 2, Uwner's signature(s) 3 , 7it�:le i:ransfer instrumer�t 4. Floor• pJ.�n d9.agram of hc�m� 5. Qu�stion sheet 6, List of praper�.y awnFrs a�F r�ecor^d withir� 250 fe�t of the subj�ct �r•oper•ty 7. �iling f�e: �75.00 :[T, TSSUES A, 5hnuld w� di.fferentiate amang uses7 Ther�e i.s no stratification or� di.r�Ferentiation betwe4n high intensity and low int�nsity uses. All mwst m�et ttia s�me cc�nditions, Th� fe� alsn is nat d�.ffer�nti.�i:ed. Exampl�s; rcm�nt cnntractor vs, ward �>rocassnr• W�1 • d�r vs, ar�tist �i e. �hnuld we allaw a few customers o�^ clients to visit the h�ome7 xf sn, how frequently7 --Numbet� per day7 ---- Numbet^ per w�ek? ---Na more tN�an? C. F�e Sch�dule 1 . Shoulr� i1: be modified to reflect intensity of use and, therefore, tha 1Hnc�th �f tim� required for appl.icatxon pr�c�Ge s s i ng? 2.. Shauld fees be modi.fied to raFlect shorter� staff �i.me d�uated to them (as a result of s�reamlining) ar so �ees are comparab].e tn o�Ni�r juri.sdic�anns' charc�ex p. Accessnr�y 5tructure — Should they b� �llawed in conjunction with a f�OP7 1, Fc�r star�age only? �, Should �a Hq be aJ.lowed ta b� conducted par^tial.].y ar entirely wi.thin an n"lCC�8801"� structur�p? 3 . �:s �n accessory use permit n�cessar^y7 ; l 1 E, Shou,ld we devnlop perForm�nce sta�da�ds far n�isancas? �. Shauld we �equlat� bed and br•�<�kfa�ts in �esidentia� �re�s �s Hqps or tr•ansient lnc�ging7 If 1:he �.ati:er, ac�d transi�ni: �.c�dgi.ng �o .l:isfi af permi.t:ted or c�and9.ti.onal uses in residenti.�J. xnning da.st:ri�t:s. G, Shuulc� resid�ntial care faczliti�s h�� excuscd Fram obtaa.r�ing home c�ccuKaatian permits7 F�. Should w�rdin� be inserl:ed wPiicFi specafi.ca.11y indicates wh�th�r a i•�qP "r�uns w:i�:h �hp ].and" ar whQther/h�uw � MOP (anc� fee) may lae transferr•ed ta anather Tig�d residerice? :�:;C:� STAFF R�:C;OMMFNI7A'1"I0111S 1 . Pu►^pose _.�. Nec�c�s i:o bc� ��beefed up�� a, Include sp�cit`ic mentaan t:hiat a WnP dc�es noi: regu].ate hnbiaa.es and tFr�t a r�ome accup�ti.or� is Lra be for� Fin�ncial gai.n. b, Defi.ne "c�isruptiuFa ta a].so zric].�ar�e traTfic, h�at, ar�d c�ischarg� �f mater�iaJ.s, c��ses nr fluicis inta s�n9.t�ry s�wer� syst�m. (18. 142,050(b) � c. Fldd suhsectinn (�) to K�urpc�s�; "�fh� st,�ndards cc�ntaned in tF��.s chapter� are intenc��c� i:o pr��rnc>te i:he c�ffi.cirant use of public set^uir.es and facilities k�y assuring th�se s�rvi.ct�s ar� pravid�d ' to i:he residenti.al no�ulati.�n fr�r� waiich i�hey w�re pldnried �nd ; constr•ucted, rather th�n commer•c.i�1 c�r andustr�.�l uses." � d, 5�aacify whethcar� a HOP permzt i.slis nut tr�ansferakal� to '�h� futu►^e rasidents af the h�rn� arid, whether• th� p�rmi.t can/canna� h�e transfer•rec� ta anotrier� res�.dence, ?.., Exempi:i.ons - a, S��ff recammends exem�ti.nn of k�ahayq9.t:t:ers wi�:h SpP.CIf].0 definitions of th�at �term, k�. Wam� occupations in commerci.al. or �.r�dustri.a zUnes, `:: 3. Administrata.r�n and f�pproual Pracess � a, Pr���appJ.ication r.anference. �' b, Fee sch�dulp •-- staff �pc,Ummends o� r•�c�uctit�n in �he HOP ,`� proGessar�g fee so th�f> fer� 9.s cc�m�iar�ble �a otl��r �;', jurisc�ictinns' f�es and �o r�e�Flect decr�ased st�ff input. i,� � � � � � s>r: i� , � �. . . . . .. . .. ..,. .. . .. .. .. .._: ' :�f. j c. Str�atifiecl p��mat pl"OG�5511'1C� to reflect eith�er high vs, lnw intensity, urNaan vs , r�iar�al, majur vs. minor hnm� �ccupations, I e.g, 1 , business ].a.cense, data shieet 2, hausiness licnnse, alak�reviated k>erm9.t. 1I 3, busin�as license, ful.l NQP p].us h�arinc,�ll 4, Simp].ifi�d �er•iy�it renewal. , d, ]:nclude more s�aecific wording as '�n enforcement. (x) Class I Ciuil :Cnfr�act�.csn, (ii.) E:nforcement -•• 1) unwrit�en ru].e; no complaints, no ' pr•ablems7" or� 2) require inspections? k�; A. Per�mit Renewal a, S��acify enfai^cement proc�dur�es. b. 5a�p.lify renewal. form �nc� �a�^c�cess, c. 12et�i.n r•er�ewGal fe� af $2p.00, ;' e 5, f:x�airai�;�can uf A�a�raual No r•econimendati.ons are mada k�y staff to change these regul��ions, ' � 6, Appraval Crii:eria �. Spc.acify that an NOf� G�n be carried on by the occupants of the dw��linc� or i;r�at i�Miere shal.� be no on••-srte employment c� use of l�bar frnm p�r�soti�s who �rp not �t�r�a...fide resa.dents of the dw�lling. C3y remouing "family" term, we c�o nnt discrS.minate ag�inst unr�J.ated indivi,dtaal.s, b. �ignag� -- nkay as is or shoulc� we allow small signs as does Washinc�tan Caunty? c. Ac�c� � clause s�eci,fying that there shall. b� na more than nne ' HOP ���^ home. d, Add a cl�use tha� tPie propri�tar of the business 1i.ves in tMe home �a avoid absent�e landlords who c�a riot car� k�r�ut nuasances, Gamman �xampl�: physicians, e. Ac��i tha.s cl.aws�: "Th�re shal]. be r►o ento^ance or �xit way i S�1E?C1�].Gbl��.y provi.ded in thie dw�ll.i.ng or on the premises far^ i:he canduct nf the HQP therenn. i � i, � I � ! ,, ; f, Set a ce��ing an �he amnunt of starage spaee n� fl�or area oF hump allawed (usua�ly 50b s�uare fe�t maximum) as d�fin�d by those ra�ms th�t are heated and u�nt�.�ated. g. In orc��r t4 discourage pedestr•i.an and vehicl.uar �raffic to the r•�sadence, prahibi.t newspa�aer, radi.c� and TV ac�uerfi�ising i�•� whic:h th� ac�dress is given, h. Add cJ.ause thiatc would restr•act de].iveries by limaiinr� the c��^nss weighi: af uphi�les. � i. Rcicl a cJ.�use that would aJ.J.ow ? number o� cus�om�rs c�r CL1P_�1tS s�err per haur nr numha�r s�en �aer d'ay k�ut no mare �kian � o"l'� ii11'ty qflE �].fllf�?. j . To 19, 1Q2,050(p) add the w�r�d "disp3�ay.�� "There shall b� no autdoor starage or d9.splay of mat�rial�. . , k. Incl�ad� a clause whi.ch r�equires fire distri.�t apprnval �ar storage of �I.ammable ar h��ar�dnus materials. 1. Defiriit�.un of balasi�ters and c�ay r.are useg mus�G k�� �xpandpd. m. 18.],A7,Q50(i) ; mc�dify �a re�d: "Th�re shall be no a�heY� paid �m ].a �es working an i:hp pr�m ises a1:M�er 1:han thase who are p !1 ' permanent: residents of t�e dw�lJ.i.nc�. n. Ghan�es �pplicatic�n submission rec��airem�n�s to only ane cUpy af each it�m. Add ather stand�rds r�quiremen�s. o. Accessnr�y structure ••- as per� CoiiimissiUn racaii�mendations , p, Amend c�rdinance to include the sacial and admi.ria.str�ative histary �hat �.eci to NOP regulations. q. D�y c�r•e r•egulatians far hame accupatinns and elsewhere, 1, 7_ONxNG Rf�ST'RTl';TxONS �, Es�abl.S:sh number arid �ge af ch�ildren �].Towable for each af i:he thr�e types nf c�ay care uses. b. Requ�.re day c�re uses to k�� opeatecl can a r�gu].ar k��tsis and ].�ss than 2A ha.,�r^s p�r cl�y. �' c, Restrict haurs af ope'ratian, eg, 7:�0 AM --� 9:OQ F�M. ���� d, Require l�:cer�sing by st�te ac�encies and public fiealth i'� agenc i.es, e. Qetermi:n� wh�ther or nat day-�care uses no� ap�ratEd' f�r compensation k�y non—prafit sponsors ar�� �tabj�ct to ''� regul,ar day car�e zaraa.ng restric�inns. `�. �;; � � � � � � � � ��;� �., ,; , �`� _ � �.:��:��..,.. �,;�, � 2. S:[:"I"E STANpARDS �. l��velop density st�ndardts, an a per-chiJ.d basi.s, i.n�luda.ng p1�y ar�ea/ahi�.d, incioar play area/child (50 sq. ft. ), o�atc�aar� �I.ay �zrea/chi�,d (7'5 aq. ft, ) , b. f��uelap d�snii:y sl:andards fo�^ lot ar�a fnr� int�rm�di.ate arid I.arge day car� cent�r�s (500 --• 1Q00 sq. f�. ) or 4n00 - 5pU0 sq. ft. minim�am 1at area pXus 1qp -• 2pC1 sq, ft. per cP7i.ld, c, Es�:ab].ish scr��ning and fencing stanciards. d, S�t s�.and�ar•ds far aff-stre�t parki.nc� e.g, 1 ; 400 sq. �t. gross fl.onr� area. �, Establ,i.sh s�ac9.rig standards �a avaa.d locating mcar�e I:hi�n on� c�ay care certi>er un on� black, f, qevalap si.gn regulations, if desi.re by Cammi.ssi.on, g. �eu�.lop se�back r��quir�m�rits alang with �he use nf yard �reas. dj/cn105 i i � i � � k A {� s�� 11 ii � . � �. .: .yi � . . � . .,�.� � . . . �.: �:. . . . . . . . ... �. 4: �t � SY �' � : � (i � � ; � � A�E;NDA �1"E:M 5.7. PLAN�I�NG GOMMISS:�QN September ?.., J.986 MCMqRF�NDl1M CI"I"Y C��' T7:GFlRq, QR�rON 'TQ; Planning �uirimission August 2�, 1986 FRGM: KeitPi Lic�en, 5enior P1<�riner SUBJFCT: Ampndmex�ts to Planned D�up�.npm�rit Char�ter 18,80 (ZQA 6-•-8b) And Density Computati.onR Chapter 18.97. I Fiave 1�.s1:d L-he �QSS].�XP. changes tn Cha�ter 18,92 ur i:he Coc�ca by secti.an. ? Please reuiew thes� suggest�ons ar�d pr•epar� any ch�ar�c�es, del�ti.�ns, e�c, th�1: you f�el wauld be appr•apr9.ate, 18.80.Q10 Purp�s� f:].ak�orate nn this si:atemen� ac�ding such items as: �•- cl.uster•i.ng deuelopm�nt wx1:h cr�mmon u���an ar�as -- protecti.�n nf sensitiue areas such as naturaJ. �ar wi.l.dlife habatat arPas. _. energy conser�ual:i.on ttiraugh pr�oper• k�uaJ.d9.ng desi�n and orienta�9.on, and l.andscaping, 18,8U,Q].5 Process and ,020 Admi.na.strati.an These twa sectir�ns neec� to be modified i:a be clEaar on the following: {' -- cancurrent app].i.c�tions (ove�^J.�y, canceptu�l, dEtai.l.er�} -- n�ate �:he applications which inust follow �D pr�ocedures when the ? c�verlay exz.sts on th�� subj�ct: pr�a�erty. � s ..- c�ptazlpd �a�.an appr�oval shc�uld includ� a ane y�ar p�ra.qd ta initi:ate i canstructian wi.th Fxter�sions c�raned by Planning Dir�ector�. i -- i� concepi�:�aal ��prnual r��uested, enable C�mmissian to call up det�iled a��r^ou�l for �^�uiew ratN�er tFian the I�i.rector. ; � ( I � 1 � � � � PI.ANNTNC COMNIP1:�SST4N Sep'tember 2, 19�6 (ZQA 6-86) Pagp 1 � — �pp�a1 pracedu�e fcar Dir�c�or's interpretatinns sPi��uld b� ���r�fi�d �prawa.em thraugh�ut 1•.he Code) , �ppe�� �a a�pr�val authar�a�y if preuious ��G15xpn iw inval��ed, ����al to City C�uncil. if no ��evioias �ecision inuo,lvad. 18,80.p30 E:xpir��ian af Tim� -. omat tie�ring r•equirement for �xtensi�n �nd/or• allow D�r�ctar• ta gr�n� ext�nsion, ].8,f3q,OAO Nan-•Camp].i.ance .-. E3�nd ... sta�e the penali:y far nan--cumplaance. `� 'i 18,8p,050 Appli.cability af Zone. — ninit 18.��.OfiQ Planned D�vel.opment A1.l�w�dfDisal].awed �- �olicy :issue 1:o kc�a� as is or aJ..law City.--w�.c�e, -• alsn det�rmine under� what ci.rcumstances r..ommercaal. c�r industr•ial planned c�av�lo�ments are p�rinitted. �a,so.oro -.- sub-•-sec�aon (a) shauJ.d stat� �hat the ].i.sted us�s are a].l.owed zn cc�njunct�:i.on with a p].arm�d daval,capmer�t. �a,a�a.aao _-� nnte th�t the 2� fnot froni: yard ,etback fo�^ a c�arag� onl.y applies with a publ.i.c street, _.. omi.t the refer�nce in sub-...sec•ta.an f a)(4 j�A) t� Chapter ].s, 17.0 shauJ:d be t�el�i:ed, 18.80,09p -- �mit ' ;;; z �. I� _ pLFlNNING C(�'1r1MT��TqN S��t�mber 2. 19&6 (ZQA 6...g6) pa e 2 � `� ' � � � � �� ��� ,.�..�:,. y.... � :�. ... . .�, ,._ . . -.. _, _,. ._,_ __. . .�n.�,�,�_ . . s _ . _ _ _ ..._ _._ 1�.$0, 100 Plannnd peu��o�m�nt _. 7 year phasa.rig �oa long, suggest 3 years as found in Satc� De��ea.npment �ev:i�w cr,aptpr. -•• allaw ext�risi.c�n a� ph�sang under• 18.60,030. _.- requa.re U�cn s�aace d�dication, �rivate cc��:�mnn apen S�JJi�G� as �aart nf- 1=i.rst ph�sc when f�asi,b].F (defiri� f�aszbl�) . 18.80, l.lb — ,2Q0 Reorg�nxi.a� to proui.de the following; �-- sep�rate submissian r�quir�merrl:s ror cance�tual and detail:ed ��pla.cations wi�h them Yaeing cnmk�in�d if detailed a�proual xs saught before Rlar�nxng CammissiUn. _..� s�parate approual standards far both cancept�aa]. and d�t��.lad proposals. ...� for d�tai.lec! �s��prov�� , piat cr^it�ria presently cnntaxned in 18,80,Q20(g) and any add�.tional c�^it��ri� in arip secti.on. _. crit:eria rel.ating tc� distr�ik�utian of c��nsity, dl/A47 ; �� � � ; 1 9 4 t F � ; l � � y ; i � . .. . � . � � .. .. �i . . . � ., . . . ..�.; . .. . . . . . :�. �� { � � � . . � ��� �f � � . . . � .. .. . � ', � PI�ANNZNG GOMrM�1IS�I01V Septemb�r 2, 1986 {7qA ��86; Par�e 3 � ; � ��.� ,��aN��s � 28.92. DENSITY COMPUTATIOIYS g���/�� �. t8.92.010 Purpase The purpose af this Chapter is to implement the Comprehensive Plari by e$tablishing the criter�ia for determining the number of � dwelling units permitted. 18,92.02U Oensitv Calculation (a) Net develapment area, in acres, shall b� determined by subtrac�ing Lhe following land area(s) from the gross acre�L which is all of the land incl.uded i.n th�e legal description of ' ' the property: � (11 All sensi�iue land�areas; (A) 1_and within �he 104--year flaadplain; (8) Lar�d or slopes exceeding 25X; and ���°�S A ��glTf� LA►J� �Vi�L d�A�,'F�GtJ P�taTt.t� (�) Drainageways; f� laA.�.�1�AoJfL- WrCN C�.I�AP'fG'� �' 1�.�� (2� All land dedicated ta the publi.c �For park �urposes; (3) Ali land dedicated fo�^ public right--of-way; 'tNC. AGTUAt. A�6 i, ( (A) Single family - allocate SC�-af e�rc�e�a acresr for public Fac i 1 i t i e s� �Le M rr�.v°i'c� A M AK�a►^UM. O� .�N• �F'�� G�SS Al�tt`Ab�.� ' � d�1'UAt� A!� (B) Multipl.e fam9.ly - alloc�te ]..�X--ef �ewe acrer f�r public facilitiesp L/�1iTG�'To A MA�'f�►'�UM �F /��e �T�� ��+��' (�) A1], land proposEd for private streets; and (5) A lat oF at least the si.ze required by the applicable base zoning district, if an exisfiing dwelling is to remain on the site. p�LwwABtE uuM�ti� NGS N�,S AW`-A• (b) To calculate the,�� units per�acre, divide the by the minimum number of �cquare feet required far each lotyiyf the applicable zoning �istriGt, �e.9t,�u..�►�6 uN rt �n1 ' (c� All d�ngity calcula�ions shall camply wii:h i:he pro�isia�is of Section 18.40.040 Residential Qen�i�ty Trar�sitiut�. 18.92,030 �esidential Oensit Transfer � a� (a) Units per acre�cal.culated by sub'�racting land area� listed in 18.92,Q20(a)(1) From the grass acres ma,� be tr�ansfarred ko the remaining builda�blc� lauid areas subjsct ta �hq following limitatians: �r (�) T'he number a�� ur�ita which can be transferr�ed is limitqd to ' tihQ number of units which would have been a11�owQd ov�' 25X of thQ unbui].dabl� area if not �or these regulations; e+r . :C�[I � 156 . �,, � ..(�j�- T'he number of units is limi.ted to 25X of ttie �otal number ' �M of units which could hiave been c�rnstrueted on tihe � unbuildak�le area if not far these regulatians; and oN zuG►JG� Als�At.�. ��, � The L�ytal number of units��-a�i�e- daes �not exc�ed 125X of the maximum number of units .p� gr�s ..-�� permitted €�'�) the applicable EQmprehensive Flan designatic�n, (b) A1]. density transfer development propasal,s shall camply with the cievelapment standards of �he applicable under�ly'ing zoning • district wnless developed under the provisions of Chapter 18.80 (PLf�NNF'D OEVEI.OPMF'NT) . ; r � , I i : , � � `I � t � � �?, _ i;. +'� i��, } � � � � � � �?� �!,: 4; �; �;i �' . �, i�,:. (; �� , � � � � � � N' :-� s`,' � � � � � � {�4 , �?! �X,x —` 1�l� �; ra` � � � � � � _ � � � . . . .�r�' . .. �.,.. . :. ... .. . s � . . � .....��� .. . ' � � , , .. . , .. ,,...... ,:,.. ..., „.:., ,.. ..., . .... . . .. _ _......._ ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, , ,. ......,,.. ., .,,,. , ,,,,.,,, , ,., �r � ��� ��� , .. , �,: .�." • CTTY OF T'IGARD, OREGON ��nn�rc "�°�����^'� • COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SlM'�MARY ' �.,� • �1 ��� v AGENDA OF: _.5ep�ember 8, 1986 AGE�fDA ITEM il: DATE SUBNE3T"T'En: August 27, 1986 PRfVSOUS ACTION: ISSUE/AGEIYDA TITLE: Easement Vacation Reque�t — SW Electric PREPARED BY: Loreen Wilso Street — Aleao^ Tig�rd Arco REQUESTED BY: City Staff • DEpARTMENT 4�EAD OK: CITY A�NISTRATOR: ' _ _ POLICY ISSUE . ; Ca�u�acil init:iated Str��.t Vacation reques� — conRistent with �Council policy �as adopt�d by Re�olution No. 85-30 �NFORMATIOIH SUMMIARY The City staff is reque�sting vacation of a portion of SW Electric Street near Tigard Arco Gas Station on SW Main Street. This request wowld allow the used portion of street to re�urn to private ownership� and would remove the maintenance requirement �rom the City. Since this vaca�tion is to the adv�ntage of the City, staff would recommend Council initiate the vacation request. The City of Tigard wou'ld be responsible for all fees �ssociated with i the cost of �he vacation process. ' ; 1 If the attached resolution is approved, the publie hearing would be scheduled for 1'0/13/86. The City Recorder will mail notice to each pe^operty owner who woeald normally be required to sign a vacation petition. ALTERNATTVES GONSIDERED 1. Appruve attached resolutiori calling for public hearing on 10/13/86. 2. Take no actian at this time an� require property owner to cirGUlate ' petition. I' SUGGESTED ACTION '' 5taff recommends alternative �1. + ';i7 `.;:� � h`': �;; �, t�� ;:� �:; �; lw/�I 100A i! . � � . � � � . � � � . � . � � � � F a �: � � � . _ ... ... . .. . . � � � . CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ' COUNCTL AGENDA ITEM SUNMIARY , A�ENDA OF: September_8, 1986 _ AGENOA ITEM f�: �4TE SUBMIT"Y'ED: Auaust 27, 1986 PREVIOUS AC1'ION: _ ISSUE/AGENDA TITl.E: Street Vacation Request — Pine Street (SW PREPARED BY: Loreen Wilson _ . Area RE UESTED BY: Cit Staff� Office Su 1 Parki Q y PP 51 I'►q ) DEPARTi"iE�iT F9�,A�D OK t CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE Council initiated Street Vacation request — consistent with Cpuncil policy as adopted by Resolutiore Ne. 85-30 TNFORNlATION SUMMARY City Staf� is requesting v�catinn �f a portion of right—of—way formerly known as Pin� Street wi�ich is curr°a�n'�ly being used by SW Office Supply far parking along SW Main Street. This r�quest will allow SW Office Supply to improve the parking area for� be�ter circulati�n and parking use in the downtown ar�a. Since this vacation vaill elzminate a piece of public s�`reet which is not curren�ly on the maint�nance schedute of tF�e City and is in need of maintenanc� ared r�pair, staf� would recommend Council initiate the vacatio� request. Fees associat�ci with tl�e cost of the vacatiun process will be paid � by the City of Tig�i�^d. ' If the attached resolutic�n is approved, the public hearing would be scheduled �� for 10/13/86. The City Recorder wi.11 mail notice to each property owner who ( would normally be required to sign a vacation petition. ; { , ' ALTERNA�TVES CUNSIDER�D ` . :, 1. Approve at�ached resolution calling for public hearing on 10/13/86. :, � 2. Take no action at this time �nd �^equire property owner to circulate ' petition. ' y � � ; SUGG�ESTEa ACTIOl11 �i Staff recom�mends alternative �1. �` '� � � � S` ;: { i � � . r � t � ,; lw/4099A f ,; � � _ �_...___ _' . � . , ,.... . Y... ... i... . . . . � . .. ..... ..... .... . ...�.. .. . � � CITY OF TI�ARD, OREGON • COUNCII. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ' AGENOA OF: September 8, 1986 AGENDA ITEM I�: _ DATE SUBMITTED: A�aaus� 27, 1986 PREVTOUS FICTTON: ISSUE/AGENDA TIT�E: Easeme�t _ � , Vacation Reque�t - Coleny Cree_k I_V__ PREPARED BY: Loreen Wilson V_�,�✓ Subdivisiu�n REQUESTED BY: Titan F�ropertiQS Cor�. __ OEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMTNI�sfiRATOR: ' � POLICY ISSUE ' Council initiateci Street Vacation request - consisteh�c with Council �cslicy as �dopted by Resolution No. 85-30 INFORMATION SUPK"IAi2Y Tita� Proper°ties Corporation has requested vacation of a 5' aade�Iot ukility easementi within Colony Creek Estates #4 Subdi�isian, Lot 96. Thas request is cre��ssar�y as the home being constructed on the site hag �ncraached within �has easement. (The utility companies have suppor'ted this vacatian by claiming �o irsterest in the Qaseme�nt.) Since this vacation is reqwired to bring the co�struction p�^oject into compliance with Gity statutes, staff would recommenei Council ini.tiate the vacation request as soon as possible. Titan Properties Corpara►�ivn wowld p�y all fees a�sociated with the cost of the va���aon pracess. If the attached r�esolution is approved, the public hearing would be scheduled for 10/1�/86. The City Recorder will mail notice to each pr�perty owner who would ncsrmally be required to sign a �acation petition. .` ALTERNAT�VES CONSIDERfD 'I 1. Ap�arove attached resolutiun ealling for public hearing on 10/13/86. 2. Take no action at this time and reauire property owner �to rirculate petition. SUGGESTED ACTION St�ff recommends alternative N1. lw/4098A y' � CITY OF TIGAaO, OREGON CdUNCIL AGENDA IYEM SUMM'IARY ,' AGENDA OF: September 8, 1986 ,_ AGENDA ITEM I�: DATE SUBMITTED; August 27, 1986 F"REVTOUS ACTYON: ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Ea�ement �� Vacation Request - Genesia TI Subd. PREPARED BY: Lore�n Wilson REQUESTED BY: Loreen Wilson DEPF�RTMENT HEAD OK: CT�TY ADMINIS�'RATOR: _ . POLICY ISSUE � � Council initiated Street Vacation request - consistent with Council policy as adop��d by Resolution AEo. 85-30 INFORMATION �UMMARY The First Interstate Bank of Oregon has req�aes�ed vacation of 15' of a slope easement and 10' of a u�ili�y easement within Genesis II Subdivision, l,ot 4g. � 7his request is necessary for satilaty service reasons. (The utili.ty campanies irestalled service to thi� lot within the frar►t 5' of the slope easem�nt and not khe utility easemen� area.) since this vacatfon is required tn bring the sukadivision plat into compliance with the actual construction informatxon, staff wauld recommend Gouncil initiate the vacation requ�st. First Inter�tate Bank would pay all fees s�ssociated with the cost af the vacation processing. , Tf the attached resolution is approved, the public hearing would be scheduled for 10/13/86, The City Recorder wi�l mail notice to each prog,erty owner who � would normally be required to sig� a vacatior► petition. ' ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 1. Approve attacl�ed resolutiori calling for pubTic heara.ng on 1Q/13/86. 2, Take no action at this time and require property owner to circulate • petition. SUGGESTED AC7ION StaFf recommends alternative 1�1. ��� . lw/4097A J CITY OF 7IGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUN�MARY � AGENDA OF: September 8, 1986 AGENDA ITEM M: DATE SUBMITTED: Auaust 27, 198b PREVIOUS ACTION: __— ` ISSUE/AGENDA TIT�E: Easement t Vacation Request - SW Burnham Street PREF'ARED BY: Loreen Wilson REQUESTED BY: Gitv Staff . • D�PARTMENT HEAD OK: _ CITY ADMINISTRATOR: ' POLICY YSSUE ' . Council initiated Street Vacation request -� consistent with Council policy aa � adapted by Resolution No. 85-30 INF�RPIATI6N SUMMARY , The City staff is requesting vaGation of a por�ion of SWO gurnham Street (adjacent to Tigard Arco un SW �1ain Street). This request will allow th� used ' s�reet to revert ta private own�r�hip and remove �he maintenance burden from , t�e City. Since this vaca�tion is requested by City staFf, Ccsuncil inYtiation of the aacation request f� recart►mended. The City would be responsible for all fees asgociated with the cost �sf the vacation process. If the attached r�solution is approved, the pwblic fi�arinca wowld be scheduled for 10/13/86. The city Recorder will mail notice to each propel^ty owner who would normally be required to sign a vacation petition. ALTERNATIVES CONSTDEREQ 1. Approve attached resolwtion calli'►g for p�ablic hearing on 10/13/86. 2. Take no action at this time and require property nwner t+o circulate petition. SUGGESTED ACTION I - Staff recommends aYt�rnative #1. � � � �i � . ��, lw/4101fl � � ��� �V l . , 6•`Z�� v -O�, � • ,o E .��/ ' � N'�9 . . � o •I •---. °�--�� � �� � � ,�6`�%� . • '� � /y i r �~ `,�02 N� � AlpM/� � ✓I ' � �.�c °'a •� � �� � I � � a a�S �� , ' � � � . � � �` � � � � / ; 3oQ�s 9p� g � �/F��'C"J��d� s . ��r� ,� �'S�p� • ���� �, ��\�� - ,.92�t( � . _ . . . . . , 02 � N �`-.,1 . : � ` � � � ' ' ^ \ iss.s .- . . �. �o r ,, � � ' • ��.secH. �' ��wm�►•� ////// iY///!//!.' � �' \ � If�DZ��J.T7.7!!/!77///////!//iYrl,7y!!1n'�///////l7'///!7!'/!//!'.U///l������ �n .� — — — -- � ` \ �4�E�E�/1//////JIIAl�/YiY/�7J77.�7'!!�� I \, - � I _ � !_ _ ., �-I I G H WAY� � � �('E -r-- _ �T�► � =uo__�___- °�, � �r rJ�'�}� '�— -. � � � f�� '° i ��t o r._...� �. �.,• I .� J�� 1� ,, _ , . , . � �.. � �� t�'-�-�,�'� ��—�';'. .����, � ��� � N o r� � �7 w ..ezti_.-. � , g 6. 129� '� ISa.4• : 54 •14W 4� 21.i 90.4 Y' • t� t� ► � � �, — 77.L4 : ��a, ""--'ti �90.8 3� Fo � ,, -_�o . ; 2, � 2 p � 2e -. ,s o o�° �b ". ° � °a' � ° °G '��� 6 ��� oo '' •,, - - - - - _� � �a 9� �� ���� it _'(°�!'p• y " c _ i�`_'�y �- � s � ' � •�'N . � � '� w� � S6p��z, �P��°;,�F o " � 'I `--� � . �Y ,4 1T.b 4� •"� 30 41.6 30.4 . ,�I3.o b � w u�c� ' i _r a • (� � ss� ae . .s ��° Gy„ �n� a��TiL A—�—'�'�'' /�{,- ._ �„ �o-. � �/ � '��-' _ F 6p°12E � � w Y�"yl'�'F�.Y"�,"r1 I '7 � �+� o ' yoO o � TA�` 1 A� — y'4=.eos+�? 4�.a� � L a �g �.T 12 �/ � � ' � 25 Z 4 ` 4 1 ~e 1 38 � �, . - � � �' �r 1° " • o ,, �.�:�-'�s �`. � so� L 4�.a� 4i.a �, = T . . ;�,�:: a� �, o Tj�x IVUI P '�°e �� � so �_ T � �-=';r-:X'.dr�wp,,� � £ Z51 ZA� � ' ��DO 60,� ._ �snO ' � oA:. o �i 4yi • `,.' :., , 4�`9 '''b _p_ _ �0�, w o '��o N ,y ��p��0.. p,� g 4.., Q � Nw O p W c O. t0!,, �� �7 ^ , .. ���� M�; ��� �.. � o u !° � _ . / � � 50 i � � q� i 'N�: AS MS7 g� � � � ),! 4�,p�_ ,'�a a t � q / o u E , . �, �, _ • �� w 4t 1 •� '�I.tt � � iu ,�i w � ; u� u . ,� � � S49°44 W 177.7 •�� ,.ilA� y �' , _ , 3?' 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