Planning Commission Packet - 08/05/1986 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. At�,I��IDA 1'ICARp PLANNTNG C;qMMxS�SON ' TIII;SDAY, AUGUS7 5�1986��� 7�,3,0 PM T:�Gf�Rq C]:V�:� ��.N"f'E'R _.. `fUWN HFtI_I.. 13125 SW Hf�I..L �31_VI�, .... '1":�GARD 1 , CFtI_L. TO OR[?E12 7., RQI...I,. GAI..L ' 3 . APC�ROVAL (�F M1:NU'1°E:S C"ROM Pf2E::V:IQUS MEF:1"x:iVG, 4, PI_ANN:IN(3 (�OMM:CSS:CqN COMM:ICAT:CqN a. PUBL:�:� HE:ARa.IUGS 5.1 SUE�pTVTSI:QN a 1A.,..86, LO"f L.1:N�. Aq�'lJ,l"�M[:N"f M ].6--86, VARI:ANC:E V 13•--86 Np0 # 3 �I..BE{2'f Anip V:CR(�INTf� M:��;'T�:RI:K l.ocatec�; 1�42q 4W 11�th Auenu� ("C'h9.s i.tem has k�ecn requested �c� bc s�t �v�r tn l:h� August ].9, 198�i Fi�aring. ) 5,2 PLF�NNE".C) pF'VEI..ONME'NT �Ll 4....g6� SUE3U:I:V?ST.ON S ].2�-86. SENSTyI"I:VE. I..ANl7S 8l. 7•-86, ZQN� (�NAN(�k ZC 7•-86 •- NPO # 7 SI�E'.C'1"12UM PC�C�Pkh7"i"SF'S, :TNC, Request rar � �one change �rom C--12. tca R-•�12 PD (Resi.c�ent:a.a1, ].2 uriits p�r� acr•e, �.lanr�ec� ci�uelaK>mant}, fia sub��ivic�e �I��� �ar•o�er•i�y (6.38 acrps) ir�tu 16 lots frnm 5,pOQ �tn 7,OOC� sq, ft, �ricl fc�r a Sensit:iu� Land� Pe�^ma,t 1:a construct half si:rer�t im�r•ouempnts wii:hin trie lOQ yE�r flonc� plai.n. Locatcad; North side of SW Nari;h Dalc�t� �pprnx�.mat:�J.y 36Q' east ��f SW lq6th Aventae (WG'TM 1S1 3ADA l.ut ].00) , 5,3 ST.GN CQDE ��XC;E�f�l°I;ON SC;E: g.�..8fi DE".NNT:S THqMp�ON IUF�O # 2 A r�c�uest for a second freestandirig sign an a Ap,Q00 sq, ft, si�� znn�c� �:—C3 (C�,en�ral Camm�:�r•ci�J�) . L.acat�d: 12q3ri SW Pacifi,r.. Hi.gNiway (WC;1"M 1��+1 35pD .lots lOQO, 1U01, �.IOQ) , 5,A 7.pNF:: QF2C)INANC;E: AMf�IUC)M�IV'1' LQf� 4_._86 C�"I"Y bF 'I"�GF�RU A r•equet i:n am<znd Sectian I.8,32,b90 of' tNiQ Cammunity pevpl.o�merit Cc�dp tc� �r�ns�'er• �uthnril:y far ar..t:ian nn subd9.uisa.ons fr��m th�e F�lanni.ng Cammassic�n to th� H�ar•ings Off-icer�, 6, qther �3usiness o Knee]:anr� Estat<�s uacation 7, i�d j G�urnmant dj/87 i I T:1:G;ARU K�LANN�:NG C:QMMT.SST.dN 12FGUl_AR Mi:;�'1":CNG �-- F�U(�US'T 5. �.986 ]. , pr�sidE?nt Ma�i�i c�l].ec� i�:hi� m��tiru.� tn arc��r• ai: 7:4q PM. Th� m��i:a.r�g w�s h�1c� �t i:hp 'Tic�ar•d C;iva.c Cer�i:er -- 'Tawn I•�al.l Rcanm -.- 13�.25 SW I-lall Blut�„ Tir�arc�, Orec�on, CtQG,G.. CFll..l.,; F�Ftt::�E:NT'; pr��si.c��nt: Mc��r�; Gammissi.on�rs Qwc�n�, Bu�ler�, Fyr�, Pei,�rson, I._eu�rei�t, arui Newman, �lE3SF:N°I': Commi.ssinnc�rs Vanc��r•wood �r7c) N�wtnr7, 5'1"A1=F, S�nior Plaririer Keith 1..9.c�en, Secr��{�:ary �ian� :J'e].derks, A35J.5�o"lYi� Pl.ann�r Dek�oraPi fi�taart, �' 3 , Af�PRQVAL. OF MTNU"I"l:S Cr�mmi.ssz��ner Pe�:�rsan mou�c� �ncl Cc�mmassi.ori�r Owetns s�cc�rided t:c� ap�arove � minutes as suk�mil��t:pd, M�i;ic�n car•r�it��� k�y majar•ity uf Commissiai'lf?1^3 �a�^�sc�r�i: Cnmmissi.oner N�wmar� ab:>tai.necl. A, n1�F�lUnI:�Nr C;OMM:LSSTpN CaMMIJN:LCA..I..:ION o R�vi.ew�d meniu ta �1:i:end Or�gon f�lani7ing I:nst:i.tute -• Commissiar�er Butl�r wil:l k�� atL-sndinc� Un 'Thursciay anc� �'ric���; �nmmissian�r Owcang wil]. attF�nd on F'ra.day, '�I o E3nnriie Ow�ns wa].l. b� tF�� Plarininc� Commi.sszan re�resental:iu� far thc 'i Trar�spor�tation Cummi.t�:ne. . 5, PUk3LIC HEART.NGS 5, ]. SURC)T.V:1:SI:nN S �,4_..66, L.Ol° L,:X:N[" ApJ'1.1�;TMEIVT' M 16-.,$fi, VF�R�:ANCE: V 13_...8fi NPQ # 3 `I A1.1�1�12T AND V:[RG:C�lIA M:�STHRFK L.00A'IyC�D; 14�20 SW 11Ath f�upnue, `II TP�� a��a].icar�t r�qtacast�cl thi.s i.i�en► be s�t c�v�r� tc� tMic� Augus� 19, J.98fi, �ubl.ic h�aring, Pres S.c��r►t M�en mouec� and �omma.ss ipner Newman secanc�ec� to set th� i.�Gem 5. 7. over tc� tti� AuguSt 19th p].anni.ng Cammission h�ar•ing. � Mation carr•ied urianirnously !�y (;umm9.s�funGr�s �a�^escant, 5,2 ��LFINIUEI') [)E::UE'L.C�PME�IU°C' PD 4�._85. C;UE3p:I:VI�I:ON S 12--•Sf>, SE::NST"I"T.VE. L.ANt�S SL 7�-86, ZONE C;MANGE ZC 7--86 •- NE70 # 7 -• ap�:C"fRUM PRqPEFi"I":�FS, ;T:NC, Rer�ues•t; f��r• � 7_oi�� CN�aric�E fr�cim R.....1?.. ta ft....�.?.. 4�U (R�si.c�entia:l, 12. units �er �cr•e, plannec� c�QU��.nrament), ta subd9.va.c�n 1:he propc�rty (6.38 acrF�s) iritn 16 lats fironi S,OOq to 7,Oq0 sc�, ft. and fnr a ;��nsitive Lanc�s F�ermit to cnnstr�ac�t half sLi^c�et iniprouFam�r�ts wii:hir� the lOb y��r flond plain, L.aratc.ad: Nar•�:h S].CJP c�f SW NortN� D�kot� aK�prnxima��ly 360' east af SW 106th Auenue (WCTM iSl 34DA lo'� 100) . �enior• Pl�nner t_i.d�n �xpl�a.ncd how tFi9.s at�m had been s�t: over frnm t;he '; ,T�aly 8th hearing. 'The sxx Cc�mm9.ssS.unprs whiere split thrpe tc� �hree ar� '; whc�th�r i:o apprnve ar deriy thi� r�qu�st. Disr.ussi.on follawed an how to haest proc��c�, 'The ap�l�.c�n� was not �r�exent and staff P�ad nc�t hear�d fr�om ;. thc�m, ; �: :i' ;; ,, F�LANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 5, 1986 Page 1 ;i i` {; PUC3L�C HE:AR�:NC Ct..QSf:Cl c� bisr.us�ian fc�J.lowec� regarding tr�� i�:ypes af subdivasian whii.ch� the Plannin� C��mmission wn�al.d hear and which subdiuisiar�s 1:hp Hearirigs Offi.cer� watalc� he�r and th� re�snn for th� cN�anc�e, � o Pr�es9.c��nt MUen was cancerneci i:hat subc�ivxsiuns which hav� a major i.m�act ; t�.� a nea.gM�k�orhnod shoulcl sta].1 be h�ard by thi� Planna.r�c� Cammissa.an, F�ar�i�her da.scussi�n fu�.law�d, � Can�missianer Ow�ns mc�uer� and Commassioner Butlar secorid�c� tn fni^war�d a recommenc�ati�n to C�ity t�ouncil to Amand Secl:i.on 18.33 ,U90 uf i:hp Community Deuelopment Coda to all.aw th�e Flearings Officer tn he�r str�ai.gl�•t subdivisa.ans anc� �h� p.lanning Coinmisg9.�n waulc� rca�:ai.n appr�nval au�Lharity � av�r subc�i.visaans with a uari.ance or� � �l�nn�c� deuFl.apment. M�tion carriec� by majar�i�y vote, Cair�missioi�er�s Mnen and Pe1:ersnn unting rio. Commissi.oner NFwman absi:a:ined, 6. p'T'I�If.-�R RUSTIIIC:SS o Knee�.and Es1:at�s No, T_ �a�ements Vac�tions, 30' Rc�adway and 3 -- 5' ' uti].i.�y, ��niar� Planner l..a.cJen Qxp].a9.nec� 1:his rec�taest i.s th� r�su:li� raf a L.at: l.i.n� Ad j ustment req�aest and ��proual , l"h� Owner of T'ax ].ot 7Q� suppa��l:ec� i:he r•�ques�t as he h�as a ].el�ter� fir•om Washiric��on Caur�ty apprauing an acc.ess ont:ta [�tarl��m Ro�ac� , � C:animi.ssi.c�ner•s ex�r�ss�d cos7cer�n f�,r• an �ac�dition�al. �c;c�ss anta Dur•h4�n� Rc��ad, es�aecially sinca �hiis �as�an;ent exists. �ans�ns�ax of �.he C;ommissiun was to I deny thie v�cation of �he ingress/egr�ss, howeu�r, af n�r..essary tPi� locdi:i��n cotal.c� k�� movc�d, The 3 •- 5' tatx,lity ea�s�m4ants may bn uacated, � Commissianer� IVewm�n m��ued anc� Co(nlr�isaiol'tei^ P�tersan secanc�ed to f�arwa►^d � �L-Nie conser�sGis of the CUmmission as a t^ecammenc�ai;ian to (�ity Council. I' a Genesis # 7.. E"as�m�nts .... Lot 48, lq' Sl.c��ae and Uta.l.ity Easemenl:s, Senior• Planner� I..:ic�en ex�lainc�d that he was not famil.iar� with i�h►is r�ec�uest and c�ic� nat h�ve ��ddi.tional. 9.nfar�mati.on, •� Cunsensus of �he Cammission was for� staff to have mar•e irifor�mation availabl.e for the Gi.ty Counci.l and Commi.ssion waul.d suppart Ci.ty Cc�unca,l's decision, � 7, MEk:;'T'SNG F�p;1'qUF2NE:C) 8:A5 PM �` / .— ' ��e 1�� Diane M. Jelder� . 5ecr•�tary _�..��..�.. F�'1'Tf S7: �;I ,,..�!��l�,�xLo� i?�G'�--`�-- ..�...._w.. ��! ;,, A. Dc�nald Mnen, Pr�esit�ent ;�� ,{ ����oa F' �.� � !'� ;; ,; si � � ��i �LANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 5, 1986 Page 3 j'� .; � _. ,_ , �� n C;onsensus af thi� Cammissi.an w�s tc� set: tMie 9.tt�m ov�r since the ��pli,carit was nat �resenl: and tNir��a af the Cr�mmissiansrs c�id r�at haue ari npporturii.ty ta he�ar the ��K>l.i.c:�ani:'s pr��s�ntat.ian fr•am thi� w�revi.ous h��rinc�. �' Cnmmissiuner Fyre muu�c� anc� �aimnisxic>nc�i^ N��uma�7 seccanr�ed i:a set :C:i:em 5.2 ov�r t� thie Auc�wst 19t.Ni Pl�rininc� Cnmmissaan h�ar�ing, Mnt:i�ra carrier,) un�nxmatasly by Coimni.ss9.aners pr�c�s�nt, ri.3 S.T,�N Ct717F' k::XCE::�>1":S:pIU C,CE; 8•..Q6 DE:IUNI� T'NnMF��pIV Nf>q # 2 R�c�uest fa►^ a secnr�d fr�e stan��ing sxgn can a AO,Q00 sr�, f�, sii�� zanpc! C....G (G�ner��l �amm�rr.ial) . l.ar.atec�: 1?..Q�S �W 4��ac:a.f:i.c Hi.c�hiw�y (WG;"fM 15�. 35C.1Ca lut 1000, lOQ1, and �100) . 5eniar P].�nner l_i.den m�d� staff' s r�aGOmmer�d�tioi� fnr� denial.. F�F�pL.:LCf�IUT'S pF2�.��'N'1"A"I"l;QN o D�nni� Thom�san, 12475 �W Ma9:ri Str��t, ex�alai.ned �hi�t th�� s�par�t� signage was necessary to be consist�rit wii:h aLher• car washes in i:1•�e ar�a, He stated h� wc�ulc� b� wi,l.l.i.ng ta giue u� a pc�M�ti�an af t:he wal.l. sign�age �vail�bl�� to him for 1:he Tr�ee stan�s.ng sign, PUE3L.�:C T'E:ST:T:MUNY ca Bar�ry Ga9.r�, Gramc�r�e, Tnc, , 1q308 �W Greenhaurc� Rt�. Suite A70, Por�tl�nd, 972?_3, r•��rpser��ii�g th� �wriers of �he pr�a��r•�y suppnr•i:�c� i:he r�ques� fnr th� ac�di,tional sign. He f��.t thra free standany sign wo�al.c� b� m�ar� �t�l:r•act9.ue than i:h� w��.l si.c�n. o [?isGUSSian fc�ll.ow�d regardi.ng tr�� si.c�n wF�a.ch h�d k>��r� ap�>r•oved aur�i.r�c� Si.t� f}euel.opmant Reua.ew ar�d 1:hH ]:ac�tion far �:he spcnnd sign, PUBI..�:C N�"AR:I:N(:; CL.bSE'Cl a Cansensus af thi� C:ammissac�ri w�s th�t thie r•�quest di.d rrnt: nie�t th� Cade r�quir�men�s and 1:hat a see�nd sign on Pacific Nighway was nat npeessary. � C;omma.ssanner• Fyr•� mc�ued arirl C:omma.ssaon�r Ow�ns secc�nded �c� d�ny SCE: 8_..8fi pQr si:�4�f recuinmenciatians anc� Pi.nc�ings and r•et�unstpd s�L�fif to �ar��are 1:he fina]. ar�der and f'or Pre�ad�ni: Mc�en tn sign off an �:hrat fina]. ac^der. Mation car�r�.nci unanimu�asly I�y Cummissianc��^s pr•es�rit. 'a,A LON� OF2�?,T.I�ANC;E:: AMENqMEN'C' Zq� A•._•B fi C:�:1"Y OF� 1`:I:C;AF2� A r�ec�u�st �a amcr�d Section 18,32,09Q af thP Cnmmuriity Deuela�aniGnt Cnc�e �a tr�ansf�r autharity fc�r� actian c�n subd9,vi.si.ons fr�c�m the Plannzng Canimissian to i�:he Nparings Offa.cer, Seniar PJ.anrier l..xc�en expl.ai.ned tl�i.s r��quest had cc�m� as a r�eyulf; ofi tFt� �' June :J.lst Planriing �ammissian/C9.ty Cnwncil Wor•kshap �o hp�.p spr���d 1:he `' wc�rk 1oad. He requ�sted the PJ.anr�ar�g Camm9.ssinn make a rcc<lmmend�t:ian �:a �:hie t�ity rounca.l. PUE3L.,7C TE::S1'IMONY � � a �la o�ne �appe�rpd �o sp�a�k, � � �� f; e?� . � � . � � � � � �� .. ����. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 5, 1985 Page 2 ' � �° _ __ -- i' �, �..-- 5; � � �; � ; � ��: PLANNIN:: COMMISSION ROLE CALL: ;` �, ;ii Donald Moen ^���1.�/ S'�AFF: I� Bonnie Owens John Butler �_���� I Milton Fyre ��' �� -�.`" �`' Deane Leverett e,r , �:< Dave Peterson �.�C.i�` j,,' Chris Vanderwoo ' f:, � Will Newman F� �:. ! F.J �;;'' , �'i 4'.: ;... f ' t'_ ��i li �j �: 4' I!i i� � �' [ � ' ��' � ! r. H „ �.,,. � � � _ � � i i ; � i , i TIMES PUBLISHING G011APANY �ege� 7-67go P.O.BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 Natice BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075 ��gal Notice Advertising � ; �,C i t y o f T i.g a r d � ❑ Tearsheet Notice ! P. o. Box 23397 �T i g ar d, O R 9 7 2 2 3 • ❑ Duplicate Affidavit ; • • i i AFFIDAVlT OF PUBLI�CATION r ` '�; �'j � 3sn��`" x+?;�� i S�'ATE OF OREGON, p � °� ' �'�k' �' '. �r�:`( �gV. 3. S'� �y J � El�x, � COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, ) } E `e� ' � �, � ;F I� ` I� '� ��Si;ephanie Neubauer ��h � ; ��', � ` `� � being fir�t duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Advertising �t��+ '�� t�'� � ' ' �:� i Dire�ctor, or his principal clerk, of the`�?�ar d T i me s , , .-r�.q �. .1 - � a n�wspap�r of general circuiation a�,defardd in ORS 193.010 ~ ''a�� ; }, ' � t,.`?j � end 193A2U; published at g � in the t� �,�� d '��� '� .� ��„ ,,��+�., � � )s l aforesaid county and state;tha4 th� r+� , < , F x � � Zoize Ordinanc� A�nPn�mPnt Nn.tice ?' � Sa �;; ��'"� r �F � a printed copy of whi�h is heretn annexed, was published in the -: ' ►` , � ;� �, �{:�; 4I entire issue of �aid newspaper fnr 1 successive and ; � � � 7 ; � �"f�"� � <�� il '� � �;� consecutive in 4he following issues: � , , , �,; .!� � �, # � � `� -� :'+� �, � Julv 24, 19$6 } � � �� � ��" �` t s ; � ' ..� . ��i � �.`�G��. �� '� . . � � i� � T �, 1 ' �' �� + x �� �,. � ,�i 1�'G � � I �x � � ' . .t. 1� '! � ��j . I � 1 � I ' � . . � �4 �� � i a n ti 7,. � I Subscribec�an o before me this J ul y 2�, 1 A 8 h � '� , ��, �� � � ' . . � � � � � ,�� � �. I . . - . . �'� � . � � �� .' � .�� .� - . . � . Notary Public for Ore�on � ? �� r_ � i , h . Y d � V., JI ��...�.� � � . � ��_�� �. � My Commissio,n Expires:` 9/,20/8 8 n_�-:.. .. ....... .� r . '. .,, -.;:,, ,..:,�., i � AFFIDAVIT , �:...., . , � � � f i i DATE � J �� � I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S 5 I 0 N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DE5IRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIK NAME and note their :address on this sheet. (pYe e Print your na e) ' � ITEM/bESCRI�?TION: / � � /'/ / � ��0 �� � � /��� �SGt.� /1 _ PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and �ffa.li,at'on Name, Address and Affi].iation . � r _ � i i � � �i I - � , f DATE �, �t� T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M_M I S 5 I 0 N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESTRING TO SpEAK QN ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIIt NAME and note their address on this sheet. (ple se Print your r�ame) / ITEM�bESCRIPTION: ; ��c,Gi �/ol �,(� �L- / -�� � �� ��� � ~� � ^ YI � . lI i�/n�....� ! � Gv or��. � a� � �C '__.�a�.':�� ; � �S � ��-� �� 3 - �� � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) i Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affilia-tion ; . A --__.•' r DATE � �_� G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I 0 N NOTICE : ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME �. and note their addr . on thi's sheet. (ple se Print your name) � ITEM ESCRIPTTON: , II ,� � n � �� .� � , � /�a 3 `� � l�s'� °s7.� f�-av; la�1� /��U PROPONENT (For) OPPdNENT (against) y , Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliatioi; ; �� ` I;;�! �� � J � ;. : , ,. -----� �� , . � . . �:. ;, ; ;. _ ('l 6� I t. �#1 !". . . . . . 1:���. f,� �j; 1'- Y� ;; ,<� ��; . (, --- �;' - � � �', DATE � �� T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C 0 M M I S S I 0 N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS. nESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM �UST SIGN THEIR NAME ' and note their address. on this sheet. (please Print your name) j > ITEM/bESCRIPTTON: ��� L�� �j ,---, �' ' —"` I � ` `-� _' •� C✓ , _. ��-`� ' PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (agai.nst) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation - r � ,I --y-,' ,��_,r . ��MaR�NauM c;:��rY or- �-x�A�a, o��co�u TQ; M�mbers uf thie �l.ar►na.r�c� C�mmissi.ori August 1, 1986 FROM: Wil].iam A. MonaN�an, pa.rectar uf Cc�mmunity I�eupl.u�m�nt ��� �U� � SUBJ�:C"I": Tran�portati.nri G�mmitl:e� F2�pr�es�ntati.ue Qob J�an l�ias advispc� me tha� Milt f yre has incii.ca�:ed tNiat he c�n�s nat wish tr� cantinue �as 1�he plannar�g Ccammissiar� re�resent�tiue i�:a th� Transportatican Commii:tee. T wou�.d appr�ciate r•ece�.vi.ng so�ne directiuri from yau inc�ir.a�ing if MiJ.t �r �nather Cammission�r would like t� fill this rnl�, l"h�nk you fc�r your ass9.st�nc�, i i dj/87 ' 3 :� i :i � � -', b; i,' �. ;` �; } � i' � i: �:: il #� � . � . . � . � . � F� � . � . � . . !`I . . �. . � � , . � . .. . . . �1 .. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . �� e � � . ,, . . . _... . '_ . . , . . ........ . .. � � � � � ..:� MEMQF2f�NnUM C�C'TY OF TIGARD, OR�GON �'n: Memb�rs af thie F�l�nning Cammissac�n A�aqust 1, 1986 I�RqM; Wi 11 iam Fl. M�rtahari ���!1� ��� SUBJEG"f', Qregon f�l�nnang Ir�sta.tu�e � �ar�]:ier i:hi.s summ�r� :C sent yau a pr�elim�.nary nutice an the Sept�mber� xnsti.tut�, l"o ci�t� E3annae Uwens is the only C��mmissi.on memtaer� who has indic:ai:�c� an int�r�s�G in atteriding, I am er�cl.osing a cnpy uf the final ag�nda f'ar your reuiew, �f yc�u ar•a i.rrterested i.n at.t�nd9.ng c�n T'hursday ar�d/o�^ Fri.c�ay, please nntify Diane prior 1:o August 25�h so that w� may s�nd in a reyastra�:i.an form. St�ff inembers will. be d�^iuir�g �n E:ugene on bo�th 1°hursrJay ar�d Friday. We hio�ae to be able to cr•eate c�r paala L-a accpmmod�,te any inter•�st�d ��rti.cipant�s. dl/87 ;: MEMORAN�UM C�TY OF TIGARD, pR�GON TQ: plannang C�mmassion Flugust 1, 1�86 FROM: Plarining Starf ��� , -. _ SUE3JEC:T', Sectic�n i8,8q Pl.artnsd p�ve].a�ament l"ic�ar�d Munica.paJ. Cod� 'The Pla�ning staff is c:urr�ently conducting a review crf the f�lannPd D�uelapment and Density Calcul.aticans Sections of the l'igard Municipal Cad�, 7hc staff has schedulc�d a revi�w session wii:h the pl.anning Cummixsian fo►^ �tha August 19, 1966 meeti.ng. qur•irig that dascussion staff wiJ.l. addr•ess thr�i.r c.nncerns withi ac�mir►istr�tion af �the Plannnd D�uelopinent and �c�nsity (:al.culatiuns r�quar�ements , Ple�ase tak� sam� txme k�Htw��n now cll'1CI �i41�l.1:i'I': 1.9 t� reuiew tl�as� sectians of the Cocie. 'The discussiun on the 19th wa.11 giv� you an opp�rtunity to raise issues whi.ch �re af caneern. dj/87 i , August 1 , 1986 Agenda Item 5.1 To: Planning Commiissione�rs Fromc Planning Staff �/(� Sub�ivision S 14-86, lot line adjustment M 16-56 and Var.iance V 13�86 wi11 be set ovex to th�: August 19, 1986 meeting at the request of the applicanto The item should be set over to August 19, 1986 by the com- mission. MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM 5.2 , � I � ��zq . August 1T 1986 �i�rrtcs��'I To: Planning Commission �/'v rn �� y.� ��. `' . � From: Keith Liden, Senior Planner Re: S 12-86, PD 4-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7-86 Spectrum Properties On July 8th, the Commission reviewed. tl�e abave application, but a11 motions for decision ended in a tie vote. The Cammission decided to continue the hearing to August 5, 19$6. � '� 5TAFF REpORT AGENDA IT'EM 5.2 TUESDAY, Aug�s�,5, 1986 — 7:30 TIGARD PLANNING CUNiMISSIO� FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL — L.GI 10665 S.W, WALNUT TIGARD, OREGQN 97223 A, FACTS 1 , General Infarmation 'i GASE: Subdivision S ].2-86, Planned Development PD A-�86, Zone Change ZC 7-86, Sensitive Lands SL 7-86, REQUEST; To divicle a 6.38 parcel into 16 lots 5000 to 700Q �square feet and a common open area, to change the zoning designation from fi--12 ta R12PD, and to allow far the installation of a sewer line and str��et impravement� �withS.n the 100 year flood plain, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONTNG DESIGNA7ION: R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) APPL�CANT: Spectrum Properties OWNER: Same . 'l11 SW 5th Ave, # 650 � Portland, OR 97204 LOCATIQN; Nnrth side of SW North Dakota Street, immediately west of Fanno C�^eek (WCTM 1S1 34DA lot 1Q0) . 2, Background On Februa�^y 26, 1979, the City Counci.l adopted the NPO # 7 Plan by Ordinance 79�-11 whi.ch designated the praperty Urban Low Density, This designation was modified on May 9, 19�3, when the Council adopted Ordinance 83-2� which �pplied the Mediwm �ensity Residential classificati�on to the property. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA 6-83) Frnm Medium Density Residential to Medium Migh Density Residential and a Zone Change �ZC 7-83) from A-12 (Res9.dential, 12 units/acre) to A-20 (Residential, 20 units/acre) was proposed in 1983, The request was withdrawn prior to action being taken by the City Council. Tn 1985, a praposal for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment ancl Zone Change (CPA 13-85 & ZC 15-85) to rezone the property from R-12 to R--25 (Residential 25 units/acre) was denied by the City. 3. Vicinity TnPormation - � Properties to �he narth and east on the opposite sic�e of Fanno Creek are i zoned I—P (Industri�l park) and are partially develo�aed. The property f immediately to the west r�emains under Washxngton County jurisdic�ion and � it i� developed with duplexes. Windsor Place subdi�ision (formerly ; � r , 1 � STAFF REPOR7 — S 12--�6, PD 4-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7 86 --• pAGE 1 4- _� _ . .. I i - y. Rosebud Subdivision) which is zon�d R-7 (PD) Resid�ntaal, 7 units/acre, planned development) is located to the narthwest. A small acreage homesite zoned R-12 i� on the south side of Nor�h Dakota �treet. The subject praperty and the parcel to the south are identified in the Comp�ehensive Plan as being within a Oevelapin� Area. The subject praperty as well as the residential parcels �a the west and �he industrial properties to the north and eas� are considered to be Established Areas. Q. Site znform�tioh The property is p�esently undeveloped. The parcel contains 6.38 acres and approximately 2.�5 ac�es situated in �he soutwestern portion of the property are above the 1p0 year flond plain of Fanna Cre�k. The applicant is praposin� to create a 16 lot ��bdivision with the majority af the flood plain area to be dedicated as part of �he City greenway syst�m. A planned develapmpnt is also requested in conjunction with this prayect to allow the followzng features: a. Private street and comman dr�veway to serve all parc�ls. b. Flexible building setbacks including zern faot sideyards with a minimum af 10 feet betwee� buildings, front yard setback far house and �arage oF 15 feet, and a rear yard set�ack of 15 fe�t. 5, Aqency and Np0 C�mments The Engineering Division has the fnllnwing comment�: a, The fire dist�ict should b� allowed ta camment upon the prapased private street �nd �riveway. b. Tt appears that fill may be required giv�n the way in which the lats relate to the lOG year floud plain. Since fill canno� be permitted, the applicant mu�t take care �n the final plat to c�eate build�ble areas on each lot withaut the need fnr fill. c, The Tigard Comprehensive P�an requires tkre canstruction oP a bieycle/pedestrrian path al�ny �anna Creek. This path should cannect with �he path at the southeast: corner of th� Windsor Place developm�nt �o Narth Dako�a Street. d, "Tract A" which will cant�in the p�ivate street shauld �e const�ucted in a manner that clearly delineates a �oundary �etw�en it ar�d the public s�reet sys�em. A�so, a 5 faot wide sidewaAk should b� provided along �ne side of the street betw�en North Dako�a Street �nd the driveway within T�act "B" e. The applicant's engxneering or surveyor mwst locate and cleardy mark the boui�dar�y of the lOQ �ear fload plain prior to and dur�.ng cohstruction. These marker�s should be m�inta.ined and uisible at .� all. ti.mes un�il the construction of the resid�nces is completed. � � s } � Sl'AFF RERORT — S 12--86, PD 4-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7-86 — PAGE 2 ; � _ ; c . • � , I f. The City Master Drainage Plan recommenGS the replacement af �he �flrth Dakota Street b�idge and for maj��r channeT improuements nearby. �he applfcant has expressed a willingness to construct a portiian af these recommended improvements. Also, NPO # 7� has suggest�d that a aulvert be placed under the street ta �lleviate flood'ang probl�ms until a new bridge can be xnstalled. It is the opinion oF the Engineering Divisian �hat cons�ructin� a culvert would not be beneficiaL and perhaps may have� detrimental ca�sequenc�s abaue ar belaw tMe North Dakota Street. �hough the concerns of the residents regarding the fluadi�g are fully appreciated� This issue will be bes� addressed by replacing the b�idge and making channel imp�ovement concurre�tly. The City has applied for financial assistanc� to replace the �arth Dakota Street b�idge. Since the elevation of the new bridge will be higher, it will not be practical to requi�e half street improvements along the en�ire street f�ontage ta �anno Creek. The east�rn extent o� the s�reet improvem�nts shauld be datermined during the rewiew of �he st�eet design. The Building Inspectian Diuision nates that the driueway seruing �ots 5 t�rough 10 may be to narrow to adequately handle vehicular traffic. Some mechanism should bP p�ovided fa� prape� ma�ntenance of the private st�eet. The Tigar•d Schoal Dis�rict has na objectian to the praposal. I�fashin�ton County Fire District Nn. 1 indicates that a hammerhead turning area with each leg being 40 feet i� length must be �ravi�ed. Since the driveway will only be 2Q fept in width, no parking is recommen�ed, Finally, fire hydr°ar�ts must be within 5Qp feet af all structures. NPO # 7 has na objectian to the pro�osaY, but conce�n was expressed reg�rding the flood plain a�d it was sugges�ed triat a culuert be .plac�d under North Dakota Street near the bridge. No other comments have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSTONB ' The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensiue Plan Palicies 2, 1. 1, 3.2. 1, 3 ,2.2, 3,2..3, 3.4,2, 7,1.2, and 8.1,3; and Commun�ty Deuelapm�ht Code Chapt:ers 18 ,54, 18.80, 18,64, 18. 1b0, and 18. 164. i I,'� The Planning staff has determined that the proposal as submi.tted or with minor madificatzons, is consisten� wii:h the r�elevent portions of i:he � Comprehensive Pian bsed upon the findings noted belaw; ? � a. Policy 2. 1.1 is satisfi�d because the NPO and surrounding property awners were given notice of the hearing and an o�portunity to � comment on tMe applicar�t's praposal. -; ! � � i � STAFF' REPORT — S 12-66, PD 4-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7-86 — PAG� 3 I k � r : _. .. ...,.._ __.._�.,...._......_..�... ,.__._.. �r . �. b. Palicies 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and 3.4.2 will be met because Sensitiue Lands approval eriteria have been applied to this praposal. Th�P development will nat require any fil.l or land form alteration with the 100 year flond plain. Also, thr•ough the praperty deeds, subdiuision plat or oth�r appropriate means, the lot owners will be made aware af the prof�ibition of filling within th� flood pl�in. c, Policy 7. 1.2 is satisified because adequa�e u�ater, sewer, and storm drainage faciliti�s are available to tMe d�eve�opment. The applicant also indica�tes that these facilities will b� provided within the subdivision as re uired b City standard�. q Y d. Policy 8. 1.3 will be satisfied when the canditions of approval �^elating to street improvement5 are complet.ed. Th� Pl�nn9.nc� staf�f determined that the �roposal as submitted or with minor modification, 9.s cnnsistent with th� �^elevant porta,ons of the �omonunity Development Gode based upon th� following findings: a. Chapter 28.5Q is satisfied because the application meei:s all the reqwir�ments af the R--12 zone. b. Chapter 18.84 is satisfied because the a�plicable criteo^a:a for constructi.on within the 100 year fload pl.ain can be met. Na filJ. will occur within the la0 year flaad plain, the dedication of the 100 year flood plain will be required, and tt�e pedestrian/bicycle path will be installed in canjunction wi�h he subdiuision impr°ovements. c, Chapter 16.80 and 18. 16Q are sa�tis9.fied becau$e the proposal me�ts the applicable r�equirements far the submissi�an and appraval. oF a dei:ail.ed pl.an and preliminary plat wi�th an� exc�p�ion. Secti.on 18.80.080 (a)(4)(c)(i) states that garage s�tbacks must be 20 f�et from the str2et. The ap�licant must amend his p1ar� according�y. d. Chapter 18.16A is satisfied because the �tablic impravemen�s w9.11 be installed as required by the Gode. C, RECOMMENDATION Based upon the abave findings and canclusions, the Planning staff recommends approual of ZC 4--8b, S 12-86, PD 4-86, and Sl. 7-8b subject to . th� fallawing conditions: 1. UNl.ESS QTHERWISE NOTED, ALL. CONDITIONS SNAL.L BE MET PRTOR TO RECqRO�NG TI�IE F:C:�AL PLAT. 2. Standard half—street improvements including sidewalks, cu�bs, streetlights, strom drainage and utilities shall be installed alang the SW Narth Dakata Street fo^antage. Said improv�ments sfiall be built to City mi.nor colleetor� street stand�rds a�r�d can�F�rm to the alignment af the exi:stang centerline. STA'FF REPORT — 5 12-96, PD 4--86; ZC 7-86, SL 7-86 - PAGE 4 3. The applicant`s engineer shall pravide an existing centerline and future design centerline profil� fo� a mini��um of 300 f�et each way of the plat boundaries along S.W, Nor�h Daka�a Street far final determination of the extent of installa�ion of half street improvements. Criteria for the finaT design prafile shall include utlitmate chord elevations fo� the SW North Dakota Bridge as specified in the City's Master Drainage plan. 4. Seuen (7) sets of plan�p�o�ile public imqrovements canstruction plans and one (1) itemized construction COSt e�txma�es stamped by a Registered P�ofessional Civil Enginee�, detailing a11 p�opos�d public imp�ovements shall be submitted tn the Engineering Section for approval. 5. 8anitary sewer and storm sewer plan—profile details shall be provided as p��t of the public imprav�ment plans. 6. Gonstruction af proposed public improvements shall nat commence until after• the Engineering Section has issued appraved public improuement plans. The Section wi�l �equire posting af a iQO� Performance �ond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/stree�light fee. Also, �he execution of a canstruction compliance agreem�nt shall pCCU� prior to, or concurrently ith the issuance of appraved public improvement plans. SEE 7HE ENCL�SED HANDOUT GIVING MORE SPECS�YC INFORMATION REGARDING FE� SCH�DULES BONqING AND AGREEMEN�S. 7. A one (1' ) foa� non—access strip for 1ot # 1 and � 13-16 shall b� provided along S.W. Narth pakata Streat. e. Additional right—of—way shall be d�dicated to thp PlAb11G alang the S.W. North Dakota Street front�ge to i.r►crease the right-af-way to 30 Feet fram centerline. The description 1'or s�id dedication shal.l be tied to the existi.ng right-of-way centerline as pstablished by Washington County. 7he dedication shall be illustra�ed an the pla� and approved by the Engineering �ecti:on. 9. Joint use and maintenance agr�ements shall, be executed and recarded an City standard farms for all cammon driveways. Sai.d agreaments shall be referenced on and b�c�me part of all appli�cable parcel deeds. Said agreement shall b� approved by the Engineering Section JpIN"f USE AND MAIN7ENACE AGREEMENT FORMS AItE ENCLOfiEQ, 10. Tracts "A" and "B" shall be designated as gen�t^a1 utility easemen� areas (public sewer, etc. ). 11 . The Gonnection af Tract "A" with S.W. Narth Dakota Stre�et shal]: be designed and constructed tn clearly delinea�e that Tract "A" is a private roadway and is not a �ublic street; a ' standard driveway apron ar "k�omani�e �ype" (flush concrete} sidewalk shall span the entrance to Tract "A". A 5 foot wide sidewalk shall, be prrovided on one side oP L-he street in Tract "A" between S.W. North Dakota Street and the driueway in Tract "B". S7A(=F R�PORT �- S 12-86, PD 4-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7-06 -- RAGE 5 1 12. The applic�nt's engineer/surveyor shall locate and clearly mark the 100 year flood plain p�iar ta actual construction commencement. Said markers shall be placed tMerealong �rom Lot # 1 thraugh # 11, shall be maintained �hroughout the period of cons�ruction activity. 13. No work shall accur within the 10a year flaod plain between Octaber lst and April 30th, unless specxfically authnrized in writing by the Engineering Division. A site grading plan illustrating existing and proposed contours shall be prouided to the City for review, as a part of the pubxic improv�ment drawings, 14, The lands within the 1Q0 year flood plain which lie outsidQ of the boundaries of prc�posed lots (i.e tract "C") shall lae dedicated as Greenway. 15. An 8 foat wide paued pathway shall be installed by the applciant through the Greenway, as proposed in his submittal except that it shall be lacated at as high an elevation as practical. The connectxng path between Tract "e°' and the main patFi ir� �:I�e greenway shall alsa be constructed with an 8 foot wide paved sectaon. An access easement wi;th a minimum width oF 10 feet shall. be pravided across lot 6 ancl/or 7. 16. A deed r�estriction, nntation on the plat, and/ar other appropriate method appraved by the City Attorney, shall notify �wners of lats tF�at are par•tially wii:hin the flood plain that filling or larrdfarm alteration is prohibited. 17. Parking sha11 only be alloweci on one side of the street in Tract "A" and park9.ng shall be prohibited wi�.hin Tract °'�". A plan for markinc� and/c�r signing shal.l be approved by the WagMing�on County Fire D13�1^XCt IUp. 1. ! 18. Except Fo�^ zero foat side yards, al.l setback requ��^ement af the ; R-12 zone shall �pply (15 ft, frant yard, 20 Ft. garage f�^ont, 15 y ft, rear yard, 10 Fi;. carner). � 19. Tn conjunc�ion with the Final P1at, deed restrictions sha�.l be „ recorded with Washingtnc� Caunty which assure that: a, A 10 foot separation between the residehtial s�ructures shall r�main in perp�tuity; �' b. A 10 fao� separation betwe�n the residenti:al structures ;`.; shall. be maintained free from any obstr�uctions other than: ;' (1) T'he eaves of the structur�e; s`; (2) A chimney which may er�croach into �he setback area by ;;; nat mnre than 2 Fpet; : �:; � � st �3) A swimming poal; �� F; �� �;� �: STA�F REPORT — S 12--86, PD 4-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7�-86 — pAGE 6 R"� `� c;, � � � , (4) Normal landscaping; or (5) A garden wa�l or fence equipped with a gate for emergency a�cess and maintenance pu►^poses; and 20. Buildir►g� enuelopes of all 0 foot setback lots shall be app�^QUed by the Planning Director� priar to recording. 21. Easements shall be granted whee^!� any portion of the structur�e or� architec�ural feature prajects nver a �rop�rty line. � 22. All living space floor elevatians shall be over j�9- feet in elevation. 23. After review and approval by the City Engineer and Commur►ity Qevelopment Director, the Final Plat shall be r�ecordeci with Washington Caunty. 24. This approval sMall be valid for one year fram the signing of the final order�. C. RECOMM�NDATION ����� PREPAR D BY: Keith l,iden � APPROVE� BY: Wil.liam A. Monahan �eniv�^ Planner Directrar af Communii>y � Deu�lapment II (30/dj) 57AFF REPOFtT — S �2-8b. PD A-86, ZC 7-86, SL 7-86 - PAGE 7 .: t�� : � i � , _ _ . , . � ROYAL PIEADOWS � - Tax Map 1S1 34DA, T.L. 100 SUBDIVISION APPLICATION � The applicant is proposing to subdivide a portion of the above � described property into 16 single family lots. The subject property is � � presently zoned R-12, Medium Density Residenti�l (12 units/acre). It ; is important to note that the present zoning would allow approximately � 40 apartment units to be constructed on this site. The applicant is ` proposing, instead, to develop a project of 16 single family lots which f is less than allowed and which will substantially lessen the impact � � � :' „ on the site and the neighborhood. , � ' � The site is located on the North side 'of S.l�!. North Oakota Street, . ? approximately 350 feet East of S.W. 106th Avenue. Zoning adjacent to the sit� is R�7 (Washington County) which is developed as Ventura Court to a f the tlest, I�P to the North and East, and R-12 to the South. Approximately 2/3rds of the site is located within the 100 year flooc� plain area of Fanno Creek. There is approximately 2.2 acres above the flood plain '' � elevation of 160rt � The minimum lot size allowed by the R-12 zone is 3050 square feet per dwelling unit.' The applicant, hovaever, is platting into flood plain area to allow a minimum 5000 square foot lot to provide the future homeowner� with additional yard area. Each lot will have at least 3050 square feet ;� outside of flood plain area. Lot buyers will be made aware by notation ;; on the plat as a plat restriction, that there shall be no filling in the 100 year flood plain. • ; �, Because of the irregular shape of the buildable portion of the site, it is not feasible to construct public streets to the City of Tigard ; standards (a 34 foot improved street in a 50 foot right-of-way). 7he ��'I � applicant is therefore submittin� an application for zone change from r'i F!, R-12 to R-12P0 and an application for Planned Jevelopment. The Planned ;; i�, fi r;+ i� :� `i �� t; � � � . � .i� . , . . . .� . . . . .. . �.'1 �k �. .. � . � . . .. � . : . � . . � , . . � . . � � � . � � �..� . . , . �. �j � , .. . . �. . � � . � � � . . � � . f4i . . t � . . � . . . . . . �:,. �.� .. . .. . .:.� . . .. , .: .. . . .. l � � . " � � �. . � . � . .. . .. �_. . .. .. .�.. „ _..._�y.�'( ! � ,. A. � , � ROYA� MEADOWS (continued) • � � , � P�9� 2 . � , Development overlay zone will allow the applicant to construGt private streets within the subdivision. Setback requirement will , in most cases confbrm to the R�12 standard. Hoar�ver, the applicant desires some ; flexibility in setbacks and is therefore proposing the follo�ving: aj Zero (0) foat side yard shall exist on all lots �xcept.� � those lots which have utility easements. ' There shall � be a minimum of ten (10) feet between dw�llings. ��o ' openings in walls such as windows or doors shall be Closer than four (4) feet from any property line. b) Frnnt yard setback for house and garage shall be a minimum of fifteen .(15) feet. c) Rear yard setback shall be a minimum of fiften (15) � feet. ,. . . Access and circulation will be by private- streets as previously , � m�ntioned and as shown on the Preliminary Plat. Tract "A" will serve � all 16 lots and Tract "6" will serv� lots 6, 7, 8 and 9. Ownership and maintenance of Tracts "A" and "B" will be includ�d on the final recorded i p1at as plat restrictions. The private streets wil� also be used for ; i public utilities and the final plat wi11 indicate Tracts "A" and °E" as ; being an Access and Utility easement a�ea. There will alsa be a 1 .0 1 foot non-access easement along S.�id. Nortr� Dakota �o prevEnt direct access . � from lots 1 , 13, 14, 15 and 1� on to S.W. North Dakota Street. Tract "C° ; which is shown a� Comnon Area, will be dedicated to the City of Tigard � � for the continuation af the greenway. Applicant will cnnstruct an eight � foot wide pedestrian/bicycle path in the approximate location shown on 4 the preliminary plat. Final location wi11 be approved by the Engineering � �! Department prior to construction. � , � 1± f� t }: i {; � � . . . . , � � � � � . . � � . � .� . . . . k . . . . . . . � � � � . . � . ���i � - , � . .. � . . � . .. . � i . . . . . � � . . . a . . .. . � . . � �. . i � � . . . . . � . � � . � � "s � � � � � � � � � � � � � . . . . � . . . � } 4 i � i i i � I � ��y '( ... ,. � .. - . � � � •. . . ' • . � ' .. '�f � - � � 1 � / ' � . . � • .� .�� ' . '. . ., i �� ' i SENSITIVE LANOS APPLICATION � This application is a part of a Subdivision Application for Royal - Meadows. The subject site is �ocated adjacent to the 100 year flood plain of Fanno Creek. Street improve^�ents to S.W. ,North Dakota, storm sewer system, sanitary sewer system and a pedestrian/bicycle pathway will be required as a part of this development. In order to construct these improvements, it is necessary to work within the flood plain area. Sanitary sewer and storrn sewer improvements will require trench excavation and backfilling within the flood plain. Construction of the sewers will not result in any filling in the flood plain area. Construction of the a street•�im�rovement on the north side of S.W. North Dakota Street will require widening of the existing street to 22 feet from center line. , Some fillin� of the flood plain area is required for thes� improvements, The flood �lain ordiance requires that f�lling of the flood plain must be compensated for with an equal volum� of excavation. The applicant is proposing to provide this excavation by cleaning �ut a portion of the main channel of Fanno Creek near S.l�'. North Cakota. ,'�pplicant's Engineer will work with the Tigard Engineering Department to ensure that �- the fill-excavation will not cause an increase in the elevation of the � floodway. , � The proposed pedestrian/bicyle pathway will be located above the elevation of an average annual flood. Construction of all improvements within the flood plain will be scheduled and completed between April 30th and October lst, as required by the City of Tigard. • . � � _ � � . � ;,,; - ----_.:. _. _ _ _ . , -_ �— ___. � CT'1"Y p�' °I"7GAR� PLANNTNG C(�MMIS�IOIU FTNAL ORD�.R N0. 86�-�;5' PG � A F�:NAI,. Of2l7E12 INCI..U[�SNG f�71UpINGS f1N� CQNCI..USIQNS WFiSCP� DE:N7:E�; AN AF�C�L.T.CAI"TC1N FQR A SIGN GOpE FXCk.PTIc7N (�C;£ 8•--86) REQUkS'1'FD BY GRAYMORE, INC. 'The Tic�ard Pl�nning �cammissinn reviewed •�he ak�ovp applicataon a� a raublic li h�aring nri August 5, 1986, Th� Commissi.�r� bGas�d its decision nn tPie facts, fa.nc��.ngs, and conclusions nated k�plaw. A, FACI�S '1 , General. 7;nfa�^mati�n �F�SE, Sign Coc�e Exceptfan S(�E 8--86 R�QUE:�7'; 1"a install a second frEestanding sign where one is �ermitf:ed. CQMPR�.Wk�NSTVE PI.AN IJESIiaNA'TTON, Commarci.al Gencaral ZQNTNC3 UE;.�IGIVFIT:I:pN; C-�G (Cammerr.aal, Genera].) • ApPI_IC(�N7: q�nnis 'Thompson pWNkR; Graymor�e, Tnc. ].2475 SW Ma9.n St, 103Qp Gr�snbur�g Rd. S--QUO � Tigard, OR 972.23 Pnrtland, OR 9I2.23 LOCAT'I:ON, 17035 SW Pacific Highway (WC;TM 1S]. 33171� lots 1qOQ, ].001, and 11Q0) , �, Backcjrounc� � � 7n May, 1986, th� C;ity Cauncil c�ranted Site Qev�loK�ment R�view a��r�oual to cons�r•uc�: an au�omoti�e ser�viee center cnnsisi;i.ng uf a buildxng intended for autn niai.ntenanc� and rap�i.r ar�d a secnnd bu9.ldi.n� far a r.�r wash (SDR 6".•q6) , On� access was appr�UV�d f�r Pacific Hic�hway and seeondar•y dri.vew�ays w�r� �p�raved f`c�r Center S�r�eet anc� Greenburg Road. Ftpp►^oval. w�s also giv�n Tor• a la�rg�r si.gn (100 sq�are f��1: Caer side r�ather^ than �:he st�nd��r•d r�qui.rement af I3 Sqt.lal^e fe�t) to ad�c�uate�,y �duerti.�� the faur tenan�s �raposed far �he c�nter, 3, Vicina,ty_In�armation T'he pr•o�er�l:y is surrn�anded by Pacafi,c F�:igtiway, �reenburc� Raad, ar�d Cenfi:er Str•e�t, Tha xonxng an the sauth sa.rae af pacifS.c Nighway is (�sll (Centr�al BU8].1'1@S3 pistract) , The pr�per�ties east af Greenbu�^c� Rc�4�d are •r.nned G-..0 ((,ommer•cial General) and fi:he par�c�].s nnr�h nf ��ntsr Si:r�e� ar•e zoned C�-P (Commercial Praf�ssional) . ��. F"�NAL ORprR $6-- �,5,� pC (SC;E 8•--86) ,�.- PFi(�� 1 a : 4. Site T.nfo�mati�n 'I"he pra�erty is cur►^ently b�ing d�uelc�ped as approu��� in SDR 6--86. The t; 100 squa�^e fnqt s ign approu�c� as part of SUR 6•--86 wi 1]. be locai:pd to i:he el East c�f 1�Pie pacific Highway drivew�ay and thie applic�n� prnpnses to i.nstall a s�canci fr��stanc�ing sic�n nf �ppr•Uximat�J.y 53 square fic��t ppr sid� anc� a h�i.ghi:: of 16 fe�t on the w�st side c�f th�e di^i.veway, 5. Agenc�and NPq Comm�n�s The E:ngina�ring Divisiori ar�d St�tp Highway Div9.sion h�v� nca nk�jec:t�.an to �he prapc�sal, TFie Bua].ding Ins�aectiori Di.vi.sian indicates that tFie stdndards set farth in the Cnc�e shauld be uphpl.c� and the r�quest shauld be denx�d. No o�h�r cammen�Ls have k�een rece9.ued. �. F:�NDTNGS AND rONCLUSTQNS Th� r�e],�v�nt �pprnval ci^ite�^ia in this case ar�e cantai.ned in Sacti.c�n 1$, ].14, 1A5 of the Cammunity Development �ade, The F�lannanq Gammi.ssion cnncludes tFiat tha r�levant Cam,munity Devel.opment code r�eq�airements haue not heen met basad upan the finc�xngs b�low: In or�d�r� to justi.fy an �xceptian tca th� �ign cade, one nf tt�� follnwi.ng I cril:eria (CDC 18, 114. 1A5) must be satisFipd; 1 , "f'Mi� prciK>os�d sign cad� excFptic�n is nec�ssary k�ecdus� a enr�f�rma.ng builc�9.ng ar� sign �an an adjacpnt pr�a�,�r°�y w��1u 1;.���i� t�G v:�ew ur a sign erecl;ec� on tP�e si.te in cc>nformarrc� wi.th he s9.gn code standards, 2. Th� prop��ed exce�ti.nn ta i:he hpa.c�ht limi�s 9.n 'L-he sic�n cac�P is ' necessar•y c� makE th� sagn vi.sible fram th� street k�ecause of the tapogr�phy vf i:hie s i'�a. 3 . There i.s ari a'iCG�5S dr�iue whi.cki services the busi.ness or s�rvi.ce from w s�r�eet o�:her� i�han L-he street on which the bwsiness is loca�pd. TI7e tha.rcl cri.teria �k�c�ve has b��n in�erpr•eted ta �ppl.y tc� car•ner lots. Accorc�inc� to i:h�e Code, ai�e s�.yr� on �ach fr�an�ag� is permissib].e during Site C7ev�lo�ment Reui.ew if the deuel.apment h�as dir•ect ar.cess ta each str�eet. B�th of i:he prop�os�d signs will only be visible fr�c�m Pacific � Hic�hway, � l"he Cammission finds that �Lhe propnsed Sigri Code E:xceptian daes not meet � the rPl�varit cr9.teria far the fnllowirig reasons; 1 , "fhe signs are bath pra�ased to be on thi� Pn'1C].�1C Nighway frontage on ! eii:her s�.de �f the same c�riueway and would be vi.ewed simu]:tane�usly, ' �. l"he bui.lciings can haue adequate wa11 signar�e to aduertxse the ' var9.aus businesses, Als�, the 100 square foot sign was justi�iec� �or �, th� pr�apcisec� busi.n�sses incJ.uc�anc� the car� wash. F;LNAL QRDI-:R 86— �� P'C (fiCE 8._g6) �._ PF�GF 2 ' �� I ... _. < C. DE:GIfiTON ��`�� Based upon th� �baue findings and GOi'1GJ.4151011,''i, the P].�nninc� C�mmi.�sac�n �. I�ENIES SC:E 8....86. I:t is fu►^ther order,ed that th� �ppla.cant b� not�.fi.�ed n�F th� �ntry of thas i orc��r. / 7L`- PA.�S�p; "I"his 1�_ day of A�aqust 1986, by tPie Planria.rtg G�mm9.ssi.on of the Ci.ty of Tigard, I _...,�• �1�'—t���{!i��G�-�- A. Dnnald M��n, President � Tigard �lanni.n� Cc�mmi.ssian (26C5P/cij) ( ; ; ! ,, , �, � � € � FxIUAI. ORl7E:F2 86-- :� PC (�G� $n.�g6� .... PAG� 3 t; S7"AFF' �iE'PQF2T AGENDF� �yC'E:M 5,3 .1..UESDAY, F�UGUS'T' S, ].986 �- 7;3p PM TIC�ARC) �I�ANN.T.IVC COMMI�£.I:C)N ..I";CGARp t�:CV�C C;�:IV'1"ER �- 'T"pWN HAI_l_ 13 J.25 SW HAL..I,. f3L.VU. 'T:I(3ARD, URF.:GQIV 9 i 22.3 A, FACI'C�: ]. , G�nera�. ]:nfoi^mati.on _............�._.........�.....�....__.._.__....... CAaE, t�ign Gac�e Fxc�ptior� ;iaE 8��-8fi RE�U�:";l": '1"a i.i��s�:�l..l. � s�ccnd fre�st:�nd9.nq sign wM�er� on� is p�rmi.tted. COMPRk;H�'N;>:CVE pI...AN I�ES:C(�NA'1":LON: Camm�rc:ial Gen�ral 7.QIV'T.NG qf•:S�:GNf�T�:()N; C--G (Comm�rr.i.a7. G�ncaral) f�pPl._:LCF�NT; ��i7nis 'T'hompson QWNCR: Gr��nnr•P, :Lnc. 17..47a �W Main St, �.p30n Gr�enhau�^g Rd, �--400 � 'Tic�arc�, QR 972.7.3 Purtlai�c�, OR 9722<3 � I LOCF1Txt�N; ].2Q3�.i tiW P�ci.fic Na.ghw�y (WC,"I"M iS]. 33DC� l.ots 1C10q, 1Q0]., � and 1100) 2, Backg,rour�c� On M�y, 198�, the Caty C�unci]. granfi:�d SitE� peueJ.apmer7l: Ftevi.�w �p�ra�aJ. tc� � cUnstrtaci: ar� aul:c�mc�t9.v� sFar•�ice center cUnsisl:ing af a btaa.�.dirig int�ndec� far^ auto m�9.ntenanrca �nc� r•epa:ir� �and � s�corid bui].cli.ng fcir � c�r� wasMi (Spft I 6.._86) , Q���e access was ap�r�ou��� fUr� Pacifie Nic�hway arx� xecundary di^iv�ways w�re �pprov�d fc,r C�nt�r Streei� anc� Gr�enhau►^c� Ra�d. Appraual was als� c�ivpn fur a ].ar�gpr sign (tOQ sc�uar•e fe�at K>er sic�e rathpr tr��n tM� st�nd�a.�^d requa.r�emeni� c��F 73 �quar� f�et) ta adec�u�t�ly �c�uer�i:i;r_e th» fnur c;{ i:anants �aropasEad fur trte C�YI'�P.t", . . 3, Vicin9.ty..Infc�rn�atic�n � : l"h� pr��p�r�ty is surrnunded k�y P�c9.fic Haghway, C•,re�nMaurc� Rc�ad, anc� CPnter StrG�t, `fhe runir�g un i:he sau�;h si.c�e of Pacifia.c liighway is r8D (��rit:ra]. Qusi.ness �i.si:ri.ct) . Th� properl:i�s e�as1: �� Gr�enk�urg Ra�d �r�e znn�d G•-��G 'I (C��inm�rcial (��neral.) artd 1:he raarc��.s nor�l:h uf Ceni��r Streat are znri�d (a-P (C�mmerci.aJ. ��rofe:�s:iurra7.) . ; A, Site :Cnforonation T'he K�r�operty is curr��nt�y k��i.ng cl�±v��c��a�c� as ��prnued in SqR G�..86, l"he ;' ].Op ;�qa�ar•c� f�c�t si.c�n a�>�rau�d as par�t af �I�R 6�-86 wi.l:J. be loca�ed �c� the e�st c,f th� Nacifa.c. t�i.ghiw��y dr•iveway and th� appl.ae�ant {�ra�ns�s t<a i.nstall a spconc� fr�e:�l:anc�ing sign �af ar��roxi,ma�ely �a3 square feet per side and a height afi 16 f��t on th� west sid� af •�he driveway � t; S'1"A1=F �tE:P01�2T •- S(;E 8....86 •- �A(�� ]. 1. i.� i': fui y!�� . � . . . ........ , .._-... .. .._"_-__. .. . . . � . -..... . � ■ 5. �qen� and_NPp Comme�ts 7he Enqis��ering pi.visa.on and Sta�:� Hic�hway Divisian have na abj�cti.an tc� tl�e pr•o�ansal. The Rua.lding Inspect:inn Diuision inc�i,c�tes �h�t tF�e standards s�t farth in the Code should be upheld and the requ�st SIIOUZCI I�8 c��na,�d, Nn other comments h�ve been rece9.vecl. R, F"xNDINGS AND CQNCI_US�QNS 7'he rclevant appraval cri.teria in �Nias case are cor�tained in Secti.on 18, ].14. 1 . ti I 45 of i:he Ccmmunity pevelopment Cod�, i T'he Pl�nning st�ff c�ncludFS that the relevant Cammur�a.ty D�ueJ.opment �or�e I requir�ments have nn�t been m�t based upan the finda.r�gs below; In ar�der tn j�.ista.fy �n excepti.on tr� th� xign cndE, ane c�f i:tie follow�,nr� cri�eria (CDC 18, 11A, 145) must be sata.sfi�d; 1, The �roposed sign code exc�ption is necexsar�y because a confaa^ming huS.lc�xng Ur� si.gn an an adjaG�nt pro�aer�ty wauld lirnit 1:1�e uiew c>fi a sic�n er'pC'��C) on �he site in canfnrmance with he si,gn cade standards. 2. Th� �arnpased excep�:ion #:o the h�iqht limits in tki� sign cc�de 9.s nec�ssary � m�ke the sign visible fram the stre�t because af �he �apagr�aphy c�f the s 9.te, 3, The�^e is �an access clri.v� which ser��ices �he busi.ne5s c�r� servi.r.e frc�m f.d a strPet oi:her than th� s�reet on which �he business is loeated. i"he thi.r�d crit:er�ia ak�c,ve h�s been ant,erpretec� ta apply ta cnrnei^ J.a�Ls, , Accnr�ding to the �ode, one sign on pach frontage i.s �ermxssxble dur�ing Site Qevel��me��: �eview if the dev�l�pment has di.rect ia1CG�88 tca eaah st�^ee1:. C3ui:h of i:hie pro�os�d srgns will on3.y be visibl.e fr�7m Pacifie Highw�y, The staff �inds that the �arnpased Sign Cade Exceptian does nc�t meet the rPlevant c:riteria far^ the �Fallowing r�asons; 1, Thc �igns ar•e bnth praposed ta be c�n the Paca.fic Ha.c�hway frontage on eith�r sic�e of the s�ame driveway and Wpl,ll(� I'Jp viewed simultaneously. 2. The buildings can have adeqwate wa11 sic�nag� ta advertise the variaus businessPS, Also, �he 1Q0 square faat sign was justxfi�d for the prop�sed businesses includi.ng the car wash. S7'AFF REPOR7 �- SCE 8�-96 -�- PAGE 2 C. RECOMMFNDA'T'�ON B�s�d u�an tF�� ak�avc finc�ir�c�s �and �c,nclusiar�s, the pl.anriing staf� r�cunnnends r�enial of S�E 8-86 P13EPARE B : K�ii:Fi L;�c��n .�.-.....�._ �..�...�.µ AF� OV�:D BY: illiam A, Mnnahan 5en9.ar Pl�anr��r� Directnr� of Gommunity '' peuPlo�m�nt �I (2b6aP/dj) S7F1FF' R�ppR7' W., SC� H.�_.g6 -_. pAG� 3 ; ,....� ,t�. I� The applicant requests an excegtion to the sign code based on the criteria that there is an access dri��e which services the business or service from a street other than the street the business ar service is located on. The ingress on Greenburg Road wi11 be an access drive for the car wash. The applicant feels that a free standing siqn for the car wash is necessary so as not to limit the service from Greenburg Road. _ _.,m, _ ...;r. . ,-.� I . _ . . .. .. . . . . . . . � .. .. .. . . . _ . .,.....,. . . ... ... ... .... . . . . .. .. .. . f�.. l . I� r'' � � f�, i '. ',.� The applicant requests an exception to the sign }�I code based on the criteria that there is an access ? ;::�� drive which services the business or service from a ;�', �i street other than the street the business or service (l r, is located on. ;�) li t;, �, �'he ingress on Gree�nburg Road will be an acces�s i�'���' drive for the car wash. The applicant feels. that a fl'' ;, s free standing sign for the car wash is n�cessary so as 1j: not to limit the service from Greenburg Road. j'? f{ s� �� 4r, t� �I ;�I fll �'�, ��II �; �I � ,� �� ,. i i � - � � � � .. . _ _ _ _ _ __.. . �' � k t 4 L �_... c� �C21��PL�IL _,_N.,-r.5� �: C�� � "I I !�!, k �. � E�'' , � �I ' �;�I s� PA.CIFIC �'�� . _ _ _ �� R ��� r:� ��� � �� _ � , ;� l� ' � �' _ �!, YI g al 41 i �'� � �I � �� � ; � � i � s 1 � I � .)F�f'�`I:. .� s..� J�:���c'�.G :� � �Z J rF,�E - l��ur�it;l,�r�0 1 � �� . � ; /zo� 5� R�iz«Nwy . t �.� � �_�'21��P}�IC___�_�-r-5t � � i i � � PA. ��1 ; ,� � � � � . ,)�y���..�.�,_ . . . . .� . . . . � � � � . . y _^_. JC�a ct ,. Z I.. .__�j . _._. .___. ._._. � �r1C� - ILLU;r�I;;�;r�r� �zo� s� R�,t+c.H�y, f . _ . �; , --_.... :�_ ..r.�� �w � �__�w�,.� ��;;�d.�}�:� h ' ��` .�. � -.. .._. . .......-p , \0^' � /• " � 'y. / � �'S,.� ': ,f\: _ �� i' f _�p. � � � 55 @ 2 �s~�k11v q� _ s 'Y- � 1 ;� \ t\.: • / l ��'��..�`S aqs E �6Z�F / 5 � t�$E �� ,1y �� ��- � �� � �5°� � � , _N ` �p��� �4�5 � � • . ! / � � / " N �� � `4 �,/ �` ,' �. � \ � 'LY��y ��D� 1 y�l�1� �C � �. ( �p�� N�, � I �'� � `� ¢a"t- -'.�i,ix` R PC�IE �. �C�'� �' �.�.1 \ � �.G. PEk�� � Y �,a a `� � �Ii:u' CITY �. S. � GE, \\ _ ��- �l�pi�"'�"� �,�, s .i� i� ;,a�s� �La �tvi��`- '• U E---"" oF� - t� � . . 11� 6� \ � / \ \N � 9� �5 _� ,vt�� � a�� � / �' 1 , �' _ / 6 �' e� w b: �� l '�E . ��G� i+ �, N 5 5 �sJ - - : - , , � , 5. 5�- � . . �e ss c.o. m `. ' . gtE�p\�"�B� / 25 �.Y e°L� • A�Y ' , ,. �,.¢1C TI CZ7'Y . 40 I // a _ - / .' q61� � / N UST R7M (�tADE � � ��v�� — �1 • ' .o. 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P . � '; � , , I ' CAR WASH - � S' Z � `3 � 55,� S ,� ` „�ti� '\'' . � ' � �� eo / - i � � , / // �, �oID a'� �� :�!3�r:� `.. � . � __ _--- --- t—__� / � �A,NO l ��..�, . � � M ,Z� �3. ._u:�-�:u-�; :,u�_,�.�*t � --- � � - ----- — � ;L �-n; e-�::�:oer '"t�if11 ��8 3 f— � r cc.:r.��z!�/— ^ 1 _ / „ i�r:W._.Ft. _:,,_ S 62•3T� �� �� �� _�—_�--__-_----��- ��' � •,� / —. � � � -- " T IC� - .__ �,_� —_.---- �__ -� �-_ _ --�{._c. : __Sy i ?iLSti b.' CUV�. LJe,=.1�" a :�Fb - � � $�i SPDC -_'_ -- _=�0-i3L�.__V � __ � �`/ _�-���=�'�� '��:3�.+�=_-- — - - - __-_ ----- - --- ---- - -�l----- - .TTCT _--� �_ � � �� � -- - !'!X •V� •_`:�f! �L:'6W?.C. Pi�\'�.r S _-�- - �__� —-- — � --- -� , � . `_ � _�_�-�'-�-� I I r� � � � .7'.^L 4-:..1�n4_ �L' i\S".y:.:. 3 iti}tF-_ELCIi!g o:,,tiu� -' E2ID QJPSL'JC,XC TelNC�2�1P POSN�' �� - / � ^ !j:_rl`.L` PL'R G.C.ti..-. � Y- _�31SESYD���?i-a4��--_ �._V'G •_Y'�C. :'ti�.F :; � - _ , � ___�� "v" cc ISF.D 50'_l� �' _ � 1 5"_'L'ti. a5 titltY.�T3 —_ . . I t.__:�4E'PE [Si.FtiS ^.r.� _•'.v:?'i _.':!t':i---J� x' = � y _! `, i='C _l'=3 :t�l'S —� z:G � ; i . _ - ..�.� --'=Z�r: _�:jkttirl� } �:Eli T=1FIr1' c:R � � ��- � _��:1(.'{.TI � Z l).Q.Q.'.. �1L'� y(J='_-f'".— ' - � HlIVY. 99 � � _ � ' ' _ - ----- � ' i \ _c IT 4 \ \ — � `\ + - �\^:' S- c. _�_:.:I_tiG 61?E 1.D. �. , RF_�YSL- -_'�•.. i�:' Ctr'J � =- - -'0'^HlC�i, lOQ j.F. _ � �i.::i:=:F=--� •°Y_• .:=:C:'r? ?E(,tiI�== 1 . `\ 1}:�...T�t.'E) . ��ROP�D F�6E5-�1��aJ(, 5/6� , . ; . {_ v.��_-- �._..-. -_,____ _ __ __ __ _ _._ AGEMD'A TTEM 5.4 MEMORANqUM P�ANNING COMMISSION August 5, 1986 �TTY nF 'TIGARD, QHEGON T0; Planning C�mmi.ssi�n Ju�y 3, �986 I'�Ft4M: Pl�annirig staff ����r SUHJ'f•.CT; Subdauasian �ppravrAl.s (ZOA 4-86) At th� J'une T.1, ].98�i. City Council/Planna�ng C�mmi.ssa�n wor�kshap, s�aff pr�es�r�ted sume suggpsi:ion� for transfer�ring larid ug� applzcatinns i;U the I Nearings Clffic�r, Aft�r di.sGUSSi.tar�, 1:he con�ensus c�f the Cammassi�n wa� to � tr�ar�sfer subdiuiszon application cansider�ai:ion tc� thp Near�ings Ot�Pic�r. Subc�ivi.si.ons th�t arca prn�c�sed �s P1�ar�r7ed [3�u�l.a�amer�fi; nr which p�^a�ose variances tu �he subc�iva.sS.on stanc�ards wc�uld still b� hearc� by th� Pl.anna.nc� Cammission, I:n arca�r �:a �ccamp].ish thi� ti^�arisfer, tPi� C;c�mmissi.an must make a r•scnmmendatinn to i:h� City Caunc9.1 to �amenc� S�c�i.an 18,32,q90 af i:h� Commun�.ty Develc�pment Codc�, I�EC�7MMC;NDA"I";L'qN; 5�:�aff r�camnimenc�5 1:hi�a1: the C�lt�nnxng rommission fnr•w�rc� a r�ecamnier�c�atian tc� City Ccr�anci.l i:hat �aci:inn ].8,32,Og0 �� amenc�ec� to ga.up th� HE�arings Officer th� au�har•aty t�� cansi.d�r subdivi.si.c�ns wh9.ch anuolve no vari�nc�s �c� �he subr�ivas�.Qi� stanc�ar•c�s �r�d �r�� not �aar�i; of a p�.anned develapmen�. dj/31 [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]