Planning Commission Packet - 05/20/1986 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA � • TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ✓G� ; � TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1986 - 7:30 PM C� � ��-�� 0�0 � FOWLER JUNTOR HI�H SCHOOL �C�� � 10865 SW Walnut - LGI KOOM �� '�""" Tigard, OR 97223 ' 1. Call to Order 2. ROT�L' CALL 3. Approve Minutes From Previous P�Ieeting 4. PLANNIIVG CQMMrSSION CON�IfJNICATION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. 1 SUBDIVISION S 8-86 C7ARIANCE �l 9-8fi SA.MiJEL GOTTER NPO �� 6 Re uest to cli.vide a 1.37 acre P arcel into �ix lots between 7500 � q I Fa '1 � and 9500 sq. ft. rn size on property zoned R-4.5 (Single ma� y ( . n Residen�:ia1 4.5 units acre). A1so, a Variance to allow a cul- � I� . / de-sac of 600 ft. in length where a maximum of 400 is alloweds �j Locatedt Westerly terminus of SW Inez St. , west of SW 93rd { (WC'PM 2S 1 1 1BA lot 1400). � 5.2 SUBDIVISION S 9-86 VARIANCE V 1 ]-86 BROOKMAN / CLAUS 1 Request t,o divide a 1 .66 acre parcel into 13 lots between 5,000 ; and 7,900 sq. ft. in size and for a Vari�ne.e to allow a five (5) i ft. side yard set.back on a flag l.�t wilere 10 ft. is required on � property zoned R-12. Locateds 11345 SW 95th Ave. (WCTM 1S1 35GA 2000) . ? s 5.3 SIGN CODE EXCEPTLON SGE 5-$6 MARTLYN HUDSON/ TOM BRIA.N r 1 Request to all.ow for an 8 sq. ft. e�pansion of a non-conforming sign which is approximately 88 sq. ft. in size on property zoned C-G (Commexcial � General). The progerty is located at 12900 SW Pacific Hwy. (WCTM s' 251 2BD lot 1900). ;, 1;''. i f 6. OTHER BUSINESS �; 6. 1 Request to Change Street name from SW ] 13th Ave. to SW Ga1lo Avenue. �' t; � 6.2 Request for an Administrative Change to Plat of Penn L''�wn Estates. � t � � � � � � � #� 7. AD30URNMENT � �� '1 i k �.. -_ _ _ _:.. _._. .. .�_. ,_. �_:,. , :.- , : 'i"S�F1F2D pL.ANN�:�IG C,OMM1S�:x;ON SF�FCIAI_ ME�F.,I.,:CNG -• May 2Q, 1986 ]., Presic��nt M��n c�1.l.�r� tNic� mc��ting tca c�rder �t: 7:4� PM. Th� m��ting w�s hi�J.c� �t Th� 'Tig�r^d (�a.v�.c Cer�l:er -- Tc�wn I-lall Raam ••- 131?_5 SW W�11 Blud„ `C'igarc�, Or•egc�n, 2, Rpl,.l... C,ALL: PFtE:SFIVI': Pr^es9.c��nt Mc�en, Cammissi.oners Owens, ButJ.er, Fy�^e, I..c�uer�c?i�t, Vanderwon�i, N�wman. f�H�E.NT; Cammissian�rs P�te�^son and E3er•gmann. 3. APf�C2QVAl_ pf= M:CNU'1"FS The C«mmissian pt�st��.�nec� r•�ui�wi.ng tNie m�.nutes t9.11 the end of the mt?eti,r�g. (anmmissioner� VandPr�wcaac� m��ued anc� rammissiariar Butler^ s�cunci ta ap�r�av�d t;Nie minui��s as suhamil;t�d. Matiori c�r�ri�d by majora.ty vot:H, rammi:�sion�rs Moen, Owens, anc� Newman ak>si:aa.ned. '�; ' MMl1NTC;A7:X:QN A, PL.F�NN]:IUG CnMM�.....ION G(7 'Trii.s meeting was s�t nuc�r fr���im M�y 6, 1986, c�ue 1:o a �ack of t�uurum, i noticc� wa�� pl.aced �t: F'owl�r Junior Hagh showing mc�et,inc� 1c�r.�tS.an hac� ch�angnt� to i:he Tigard Ci.uic Cer�ter. ; i z 5, PUE31..,�C� N�:F1F2T.NGS , ; 5.1 fiUk�DIV�STON 8 8_..8fi and VFtRx:�1NC�: V 9_...86 SAMUE:.L. GUT'f'kFt NPO # E� R�quesi; tn �o c�i.v:�r.le a .l,37 ac.r� par�c�l ir��a 6 l�ts wii:h a mina.mum s:�zca of "' 7,5Q0 sq. f�, and to �].1ow a cu1•�-•d�-...sac c�f 60c7 fs�et: in length wh�r� � ; maxiiri�am lerigth uf ?00 fr��: 9.s rec��aa.rpd, l..ocated; Betwcaen i:he w�ster�n end ; of 7:nc�r Si:r���t and 97th Avenu� (WCTM 25�. ].1F3A, Tax lc�i: 1AQ0) . Senxor I�lanr��r� l.ic��n r�viewed 1:he pr��aas�l �nc� m�de s�afr' s r�cumm�ndai:9.on far ���rava]. wi.th 13 cond�.ti.ans, ;; APpI...;�CAN"I"'S I�Rk�{:".N'TF�"f;LQN ' a John p�Jang, 8835 SW Canyc�n i..ane # 405, port�.anc�, QR 9722.5, repr�sentinc� G�oe applic�nt s�a�apQrl:�r� stafif' s r�ecommendation arid was auaxlabl� fnr qta�sti.c�ns . � i'+ r; pUBI_:LC .1.h.5"fTMONY �; o Na nne appear��d tca speak, r c� qiscias;�ion fc�ll.a��e�� r�g�rc�in, thi� �¢�destr•i�n bik� n�th, sidewal.ks, `� rcat�in:irig walJ. fior �enrixs craur•i:s, �r�ci �, fer�r.e for i;l�i� schcaal prc�perty. 5t�ff r�<a1;�d i;Mtai: thc� E:nc�i.neerhMc� Da.vS.sican had dc�ne a field inspectxnns and �t tri9,s t.a.me clic� ricat r<ael. a r��taa.n:inq w�ll wou].c� be r��cessary, k�ut wauld i r�qui.re a.� i.f dur•inc� �taba.i.c i�mprovem�r�t pa,an r�uiew i.t was deem�d k n�c�ssary. Also, ther�� a.s nol:�ri:ng in t:he Code ta requir�p � dev�l.t��aer to �, bui ld � f�nc� c�n an aMautt:i.ng �rc��aer•ty own�r�'s land, ` � 4 f . ... . ....5 PL.f�NIU;CN(a C;OMM:[SS:1:ON M;CNiI`f�S May 2Q, 1986 .�- Pag� 1 i r � i � � Camm�.ssi.nn�r Fyr�e mc�ved �nd Commi,ssianer N�wman 3@COI'1CI�CI �� a�aprc�v� S 8-•�86 �a�r stai'f' s findir�gs �r�d cnnclusi.c�ris wi.i:h candi.tions; anc� i:a dxr'f?C� si��ff tn preparc� th� fanal ard�r^ ar�d far Presid�nt Maen ta si. n raff an the finaJ. � order�, Mot;ion carr•�.�d un�nimausly by rnmmissi.oner �ares�nt, 5,2 SUE3ClIV]:ST:ON S 9��86 VF1F2�:AiVCE� V J.].�-•86 HC�O(?KMAN/GI.AUS fVPQ # ]. Request tn ciivic�c� a 1.66 acr�e par•cpl irito �.3 1<��:s rar�yii�g bptween ra,QQQ �nc� 7,�00 sq�aare fret i.n si.-r..� and tc, �rJ.lnw a fiue (�i) fra�,� sade yard s�tback nn fl.ac� lot wh�r•e iQ f��t is r�quired and fur cr��a�inq rane lo� with 2Q fe�t af frnntage where 7..�'a feet :as r�equir�d. Lc�c�t�c�: 113A5 SW �5th Aue. (WGl`�1 1S1 ��CR ].at 200Q) , �en:ior� Plariner^ L.a.den r�vic.awed i:h� pr�opasaJ. and mad� staff's r•ecnmmenc�ation t'o�^ appravaY with 16 car�c�itinns. F�pPI_:�CAN"0''S P12ES�N"C'AT:�qN n Ji.m CJ.�us, Rt, 3 E3c�x J.64, Sh�rwa�d, OF2 97'iQp, da.strib�.it�d pi.r..tu�^es �f the sa.�e anci r^�ui�wed i:hra c�iffliculties af d�uelap:inc� 1:he si.�e aind cnr�st�^ucti.ng publa.r. impravem�nts , He f�l.t th� �ar•apasat. sh7nulc� be appr�c,ved as Lr�a.s i.x i:h� highast and k>�st use f�r� thp �ar���aer�ty ai��d pub.lic improvemer�ts would resolue traffi'ic sdf�fiy issues , a Discussian fo:llowed r•�garding thp pr9.ua�te drive and uar�iances requir�ed. o ,eni.ar� Planner� L9.den r�cad a ].etter xnta thc� r�ecord from M�!^k Padc��tt su�rpor�tinc� i:hp �arapasal, PURL.T.0 l"EST'�MONY o �lo ane a�ppearec� �a sppak. PUE3L.�C NE:AR�NG CL.OSE::C) Q �7.SGUS51Q1'1 f�a].l.awec� rc�c�ar�linc� 9�ith Auenue b�i.nc� dexi.gnated as a ma.nar� ealleGi�or, but sin�:e it is �aar�tia�.ly c��uel.car>ed <�� a ].ucaX str•c?�t thpy wau],d continu� a�3.th :tocal stre�ai: standard. o Discussion r•��a►^r�ing i:he uar•iar�eca �:a a11aw 15 �t. fir•Untaqe nn lnts 8 and 9 ' arid oth�r c�K>ti�ns av�ilahl�. Commis�i.aner Newman pr•eferred a fl�red � accpss ro�^ luts 8 and 9 i:o allp� mnre fron�age. ,' _ a C�mmisxa.caner f�yre, Vanc��rwooc�, �nd L.�u�r�ett 5uppor�ted thie pro�c�sa.l as suk�mitts�. '� n �r�side�,� Mc��ri f�J.t sfi:anc�ard wa:di;Fi sidc�wal:ks shc�u:Lc� be requzr�t� ori �he � nc�r�th sxde caf the po^iVate stre�i:, ;�'; '1 o Comma.sxianer� Awens fe�.i: the 5 foot si.dc� yard u�ri.anee for l�t i1 shau�ci b� � un i:he nor�th s zde. i� ;; �: ;� ; �. � p�.AN�IT�IG G(N�1SSS�QN MxNUT�:� May 24. 1986 --• page 2 �', �i �% �; � :, ..._ �; _ . ..::: .:...:: ..�.._..:,._. ,..n.��,� ,_: ._..._ -. � GammissiunPr Ow�ns maund and Cnmmissioner RutZe� s�cnnded to apprnup w 9-•••86 and V ].].-•••66 pcar� s�aff's findi.ngs arid canclusians, addinc� canditions numwe►^ li, 7hat i:l�ie 5 fout variance fi�ar lnt ].1 arily be a�llow�d nn i;he nor•th side of the l�t, and number 18, Stand�ard width sidewalks to be the nnr�th sic�e �r�d 1:h� fu11 ].enc�th uf the �arivate dr�ive, Discussi.an �oJ.�.nw�d regard9.ng the sidewalk. Staff nated �P�at Secti.nr� 18. 108,p70 of t�hQ Ca��e �llaw�d �h� rc�mmi.ssican 'Lo r��quired sic�ewaXk an ane side of a pri.vatE? dri.ve, Di.sr.u�sian regarding the var•i.ance for �he frorii:ac�e wic��h s�f ].ul;s 8 �,rid 9 be allawec� by Cade fcallowed. �� Mati.on car�ri�c� by major•ity unte nfi Gamniissiane►^s preser�t, C�mmi�siansr But�.er �ar�d Newman voting no, 5.3 SIGN CODE E:XCE:PI':t:pN SCE a-86 TUM BRIAN/MARILYN HUpSON N�0 # 1 R�q�a�sl: to a.11.ow fior �n ti sq�aare Faot expansi.an c�f a nan--curifarming sigr� wti�.ch is appr�oximately 88 sq. fi:, in si.ce. L�cated: 1?_900 SW pacifac Nir�hway (W(:;"fM 2.�1 28D lot 1900). � Senior� Planne�^ L.ic�en rE�ui�wed tNie pro�nsal. �nd made staff's r•econ9mencl�ti.an for d�snS.al. APpL.:I;CANT'� PRE:SE'N'TAT�pN o No ur�e a�ap�par�d to speak, , ;�r.- � PUE3LIC, 1°�.,. I"IMt7NY o N� one a earec� ta s �ak, K� p p PUBLIC HE:ARTNG CLQSEI� a Cansenstas ot� the Commissa.on w�as to d��y th� 8i.gn Cod� Exr.�aptian, o Commissa.ari�r Ow�ns stal:ed she fal.t the Tamperatur�e sic�n was tn smal.l., and the sign was �l.r���ac�y tu b�.isy. a C;c�mm9.ssic�ner lV�wm�n mr�ued and Commissioner• Vanderwcaod 5�G01'1dP.(� ta deny SC� 5..-86 per si:afi�'s findinc�s and canclusinns ar�c� tn dir•ect staf-f to pr•epare the final. arc��r• �nd f.�r� Pr�esident Maen i;o s9.gn aff on tha�t fi.nal o►^cfer. Motion carr9.�d hy majot^a.ty of Commissinner preser►t, Coinmission Fyre ak�staan�d, q'Tl�l;:lt �USINk�SS 6. 1 R�quest by pro�eri�y awner on SW 1�.3th Avenue to change tP�e name of thieir � ��reet �a SW Gallo Auenue. :y 'i �: �eniar Pl�nn�r Li.den �xp,l�ined that i:h� Cammissi.on n��ded �o make a r•�ccaimnendat:i<�n 1;0 �ity �ouncil. ;; i• i,! � G;II, PLANNIIIIC CpMM]:�S:X:OIV M�:NUT'ES May 2Q, 1986 -� Page 3 1 �;I i;� � 7.: �'," �': PUBI...:CC 'r�5'T'�:MQI�Y 0 7am Fiopki.ns, 1].72t� �W ].i.3th explai�ned �M��t the nex� str�eet to the w�st was SW ].i.3�h P�ace �nd i:hi.s is cr�eating many problems, such as mai.l dp].iuery as wa],1 as �aeopl.� tr�yi.ng ta find their� addresses, o Mike Ver^cruyss�, 1174Q SW 1131:h, su�aported 1:he r��me char�ge hut r�ad nothing else ta �dd, a James Ga1l.o, 11300 SW T9.garcl, sw�>portc�d changing the n�me te Ga7.lo Avenue, which woulc� be ri��m�d after ha.m, as he has been a lc�i7g �ime resident ai: 1:he corn�r of SW 1"igard and 113th Avenue, � •� Cammissioner Ow�ns moved ar�d CUimnissic�ner Newman second�c� to s�a�apurt th� � I"�(�UP..S�: for a name �hange to Gallc� Ave. Mo�i.an ca+^ried u�7an9.mau>l.y k�y � Ct��mnis�ior��r presee�t. ' I � 6,2 Rpview acc�ss r�stri.c�ion far perin Lawn Fxtat�s, Lot 13. , I �eniar pJ.ar�ner Liden �xplai.r��d tt��t i:he applicant �Nas r�qu�sting to �ae allow�c) tn access lot 11. c�n�:o SW J.15th, o Conser�su� of the majar•i.�y of the r�mmissianers was 1�Nia1: there w�re oi:he�^ optiarts that woulc� work wi,thout hav�.ne,� ta acces� onto SW ].15th. � �ommissiorier• Vanderwo�d mt����d �nd President Maen secunded to c��ny the �^eque�t t.o allow access canta 1.],5th, Matian ca�^r iec� by majr,ri.�y unt� af Camn�a,ssi.on�rs preserot, �omma.ssioner I..ever•�tt vnting no. 7, Meeting a�jaurr�ed 9:00 PM. C Diane M. Jelde s, S�cre��r�y ��. �,.�..�,.�5'T': -1-..i����..� i�i��--.�..._' .._...�.. A.� pnnaXd Mac�n, Presic�ent dj/6 I PI�ANN�IVG CANIMTSSTON M�;NU'i"ES M�y ZA, 19�6 �� Page 4 __..._ �._ .... ._ �. ..... .. . ... . _ _ .. ,..... . , � ! 1 I t � a s i' F � i; .,..._. . .... . . . _. . . ...... . . . . . ., ... _...... . 4 R , � Y � � �� � V � PLANNING COMMISSION ROI..E CALL: �' �� Donald Moen � STAFF: � Bonnie Owens � �'' John Butler �.i �' kiilt�n Fyre �i G� �� Ueane Leverett � _ z'i Da�ve Peterson � ;� ;; Chri.s Vanderwood A,� �' i' Floyd Bergmann Will Nec�-man � /�..�.� �� t �. , . ; a;. . f t',! *� . , i; E; � � I ', � � . . � ..�.�.... . f . .. . ..F�.�. ' . . . . �..�..;. '. ' . . . . � .... ��... � . . . . . k'1.... � . . . . .. . . . � ���. . . � � . . . . . . , t��7i' . . . . .. .. � . � ��:� �:e �„ . .,..,..,. .:�,::...:.. . ..:.... . .. :...:.. . ......... . . .... ., .;,.. .,,...._, .'. _ ..Wr . . ... . . . �. �; ��� `��° �� �U �.����� � �A � �'�4 ����u 7—6 6 8 9 �y�� P.O.BO)(370 ?6imN�(503)684-0360 (���d�p [3�AV�R70N,OW€COP1 97075 ����8 b���u�� R,�e����a�ue�� �' C i t y o f `P i g a r cZ � � ���"'�������4A�� Po 0o I�ox 23397 ° T i�;a r d, U R 9'�2 2 3 ° � �asplic�4r� A�f6d�vi� � Q , s�C�9�A�B�" �� f����9���rU�D� S'�AT� tJ� �V��GO�, ) r� �o����v �� ��s�ao���o�, �5�. I,_St��hanie Neubauer _ _ �'J�tF9� ffIPS� t�vOlf 3bM�PS1, d��Oe�s� ��aCd ��y 4��4 ! ��vo ��� �aaiv��4@�i�g �IfgCQOP, OP �195 �P9PBCE��� C��P�4, d}4�1�_�j��1=S�. T�__.__mP.�--- � n�v�sga�er o9 g�:r�gr�a! circulaYi�n �s t�efis��c9 in ��S Y93.�3`i0 ar�r� ��3.�320; g�cc�BisG��� �t _Z'i�ai d_ i�a YP�m �9or�;��ic9 cc�sn�Q��r�� ���R�, 48��4��u� _�'t��_�,.j����,�t1� l�t i �� — — � pri�4ad copy� o� �rtric6� is h,�rata a�r�eu�d, U�as p�abli��e�d ir� t�� entire iss�e� oi��ia n�v��p�pe��or �- _—si�ccess�i�e ane� cora��cuYive in Q��f�11oE�'srs� issa�es: �ril. 24 , 1986 -. - -�- -� -- ---- --- / 'l ' '. � ������'.�r.�f.��_�.- , S�eb�cef�eal �r����raa�rr� 8� �Q�� rn� YV�is_�.g,r_iL2$,._.1.��36 -- �`_�'_ � — — � y Pa�&�6e� �ac �c�s��� 6V�y Cc;er�avais�ios�a �x�ir�s: 9/2 0/8 8 - .xi7H'"�S^� ,�p(���,"�S�'»a��^t-Mx�s.G�wnt ar �r{s�-r n^�rz,rzt��`��.w+. ���8��,0F� ��� > �, °�'�S���iE���l�.��'��`���a��z�t���wA ����� ��u'�#�'.d�t' i�'�p�;��� kka�'��a����,��'�`� ���"`��'���b�t�€�i�'�� r�'�#���"��'.���5%�'�� �a�e�j��$�,'',�{�,rt,g;�s���s�'k`�t���z�����. �►��n�.��'���;,��3t�����:, �49�'����+Y't3�'�3&Y���� ����s�s :� ���s���°�r`��,�._ ��:���'ab��f�k8 0; ���i #�e�Y,��t;�, ���..�.d��b�,�ta��Rat��������a-�`�,. � � �� t ., �,, f %����"'���J����� � � ���5�1�� :,,+�'���`�1�D�'�'`�'�.#�s��>- -, ` ' ; ��'GC�6�p� 6�;��6y��Aplii��¢g`.}��y�y����tqt(�p(�R�S fl���}ye��JFqc�cya��yl�i���'tpt��'5:;�39`"�,,,�p�y��#4�„`��Gp��pT�/y���y�,��'�`*'��{�!Y�y��y�Y�i�`��k��yi qp �+C ",; S�S�Ei�;Fi ♦.6A�I��RM°'�fi�`4�LVKJY� 4R4�eW>M�J TJ�°'S+f�3'i?'i�.�•LM3Li�tAf�SNl�.�wdLJ.� entt�!d°�'v�������� ��i,�s�'#����'`����������,�,��`����'S4`,; ka ��'�;�`��'�!��'$�i���.�&� , . ; y ��§��A�,�L.��1����q'�''+��.���:'��#��i ` r�� '� � �'' �'; . � r1�`ssiri�E�a�'�&'a�f��'�r.or�mtb.9n�t�aest��� g.rd13 t��r�c���3.&�a�,�'.�, t� k��,�I'�k2�,,�a��A��t�`�a���@p�y��t�,���i���}yq�������s �a��ti�e��u�.4�,��r��ra�s,��',�dp���t �+y.���,6n �°„�,�`4F�+a+aP�i��� �e?qp A4`W�"W sr.`�1Firj����X2���"��F�e�s�'�,�R wR*1w'o+efM'+1aT�4d B"�v: �`%'���y�, �p'��1��y'i!�Y��(��,��S«�r���:���,q �������tP����"��� �,�����G�i�tl��,; ��;}SF F�TA��-�9q'7�UI X�.yw �j;hyvt��9�3�cy�1 -�5.d}��p4+�� ���'7!1�y}.��_y�, '� �y�,y�! �. ��'+������'�`y�y ,a����{ �y:y�� ���y� 'ff�liq�R�{��t�����y7-�k+'y��,�2q�+�a��V�ATr)"[`�'�r�wyy��''��ye��7'"�S��R��q���yy��,.y,YYC"I,�W��. H1E7V e1�1�iF�b�F��A�}�i�'�! ��.3,e4+xi�,€F,`��C��°d��'ii�p+l�g aecIDfy7���4!�, �����k�����z�����;��r��'�`�`�����'��p����w'�id����°t ������� y�}3.�k��y �y�g€��r�, p.��kq�y�;a�3���}�,�a���t�g�y���s$'y�� i��.`�'���y� *�y t+�7�� �u+37,���'���: 4�.,Oia�4�4ad'?yF'P4r�7�C�`GS�Y0.p'�,��A�'A���?�P��""i`���4��.�$�1��'�4�3E���7at�f# � �a ���a+a���r�.�; , r i � '" `i _ ' q �7 �'�� � ,,�,if��.t , �a��t+��t���Y������t�s�,��w��;�E���x�'>'��'�u���#a��'�����' ��t�eu�3���'r�r����t�`������r�'��r��,.w���,����a�a�����i���°a���,� �����1x��#�'��t����'��,���'���a���€;'�d���ik;���`�,�''A'�i ���,�.�`��ky��r'{�y,4�,�{�� e � , , , .��+34'"'��'i�.y�5�'!�'. '��,�,�c �,t �,y t "' ' �u •�'�'S ��:r�!'.�'�96a,:h'-�4�f`a:.�:��eG�wi;._,r�a�,�.n;�:��. �'� ! � #�� � T��At� �---_�. . . .__. ..... .. NOTICE: 11LL PERSONS OESIR3NG TO SPEAK ON I.NX ITE�9 MUST SIGN Tt1EIk NAMc: and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ZTEM/bESCRIPTION: V 8 `�� � • •�� / �� �f/�J'"` � / � 9.3�� �ROPONENT (For) OPPONE�IT (agai�ast) Name, Address and Affiliation � Nam�o Address and Affiliation '�7roS.w —`r�lTl,c=_ w�C'� �:C 'r�G �Cd,vV1 FT-� !� _ �1i„�N G \ , � _ �� �. ,.� .� 8g3 � c�� ,� „�- L � . � �-�� �v�v. �<...- ov.c•,� e v. ; v�v�..�.- �uv. �,� q� -- �� . �r�t..c.,� �I 2� S .�`r)�!� --"T ✓� ' ST :, . � , ..... .... . ... . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Y: I (; _ �l � p+�1'�_. �.._ _.,�_„s--=� �, � NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESY'RINC TO SPEAK ON A[JY ITE�i MUST SZGN THEII� NAM�: a�d note tl�eir address on this sheet. (please Prin� your name) ___ __ ITEM/bESC�2I�TION: ������1� �� ��� �� �rf- � � PROPON6NT (For) OPPOI�TENT (against) . r�ame. Address and A�filiation • Name, Address and Affiliation �: ✓1 (� ' �7�-.(� ��� �( 1^`?� f c�/ ��ir �!� ' , i ��� �� �f.o�,w�a� . a � 1 88?� Sw C�{K���-.L�. c'�.�.ti. :2�..�0 v�. (_�-G�-�� �-e . ��-j 22_ . 1 i��os� ' . � l�^ �m�. �l . � Y, 1 f . . . . . . .. . .. . . . !�. . . . . . ..t�.. . . . . . . . . M1 ,. �1 . . . ' . . .. Sy.. . . . . . .. . i��. . � � .. . �r-.,: . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . -_ .. ._ �.. � �., Pry . . . . . � �. � � . . � (r} �,...._. . ..-.� - ,... . , . .... . , .... . ,. , _ � .. ..... . ....... . ...... �... � ... � . . '... � ��� .. .:-.:'�_ _.._,,. . �_._.,..,,.� :,,n.,,,_ ..;..-� i�,x_:�M:...F. .,� � p�r� � '�'+�'�7 NOTIGE: J�1LL PERSONS DESIRYNC TO SPEAK ON ANY ITE�9 MUST SIGN Ttt�IK NAME: and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) � �ITEM/bESCRI Z`ION: . �� • `'K.� '°" IPROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) I �ame, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address and Affiliation �----- � �-i 3��S G�J �r,i fi'l1�Gx�l ____,o__� ,.✓ .c-.Y�-�- ��: i �,�a s� �/� �� �3v . L- .� C._ • cr ��, .� ' '� QATI. �"��// ' � TIGARD PLANNING COP•L�lISSION S:IGN UP SEIEE'I` fvOTICc: : ALL PERSONS DESIRiNG TO SPEAK ON AIJY ITEtiI AIUST SIGN TIiI:IY, NAI�iF. and note their addr.ess on this sYae2L�o (p�.�as� PY'ilzt oUY' name) TTENI/bESCRIPTION: _ � , ,/ - � �� PROPO[JENT (For) OPPODIEyT (against? Name, Address and Affiliation - Name, Address and Af�iliation �h� k.lh� 1�7�o s�v il��. ��eS �ilcc j/�-72e��c�ss� �(7y� ,�iJ �/�---- . �'t� � ��/ �o � � ` ` � - NOTICE : ALL PERSONS DESIRII�G TO SPEAIC ON ANY ZTEDS b�UST SIGN 7CHEIk NAkiF � � and note tl-,nir address on this sheet. (please Print your name) . ITE6S/bESCRIPTION: b � � _ PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and �,Ffiliation • Name, Address ar►d Affiliation � �%V'1 �', �)�r:.... 2�p0 2�,� �,.,ou C'.o i�I. (��i� � i•�� S' � 1 U��L��'!Ur/� n -- --_ ____� .----,_.._.— ..__ _� �_._....____--•--_._�._�._�_._, _ _ 'I C7:"i"Y OF 7'IC3F�RD PLANN�:NG CQMMI;SS�qN F:CNAL_ OFcDER NQ, 86--_/�..__PC f1 f��:lUF11.. ORCI�:R :�:IVC,I_.U[)]:NG �':T;IVC�IIV�S F1Nl� CONf.;I...115I0NS WH:I:C;FI AF>f�RpVE:� F�N AF��7L..T.CAl"T.ON FQR A SURI):I:V:�S:IbN (S $•--86) f�ND VAR:Lf�N(;E (V 9--86) REQUES'1'k�D BY SAMUFI. GQ.1....i.T._R, Th�e '1'9.gar•c� Plann:ir►g Gc�m�nission r•�ui�w�d �ha ak�nve ap�Xication ai: a publ.ic h��r�inc� on M�y 7..0, ].986, The Cammxssiori b�sed its d�cisian on tNie f�cts. fa.nc�a.r�gs, and conc�.usions rintcad be.low; Fl, FAC;T'S 1 , GenEral I:nfarm�tion rf�S�; Suhac�iv i s Xon S 8-•-86 & Variance V �--86 REQUE:4:l°; "I"o di.ui.c�e a ]. ,31 acr•� K��rc�l. in�:c� 6 l.c�ts wii:h a mini.m�am sa.r� of 7.!a0Q squat^� f-net ar�c� to al].pw a c�al-.�<�e--s�c of 6q0 f�ei: :in lc�ng�:hi wh�rc� �a maxi.mum ].�ng�h� nf 40Q fee1: 9.s requi.r�d, (�UMF�REI�iI�NS:CVE PI.AN 17i�'�:[:(aN�l"fION: I..uw p�nsi.i:y Res9.ciei7t9.a1 7.Qf�7:NG D�:S�:GIUATSUN: Ft--•4,5 (Res9.d�nti.�al. 4,5 uriits/ac�^e) (�PPI...TCAIV7'; SamuPl A. G��:ter :[;:f.:C QWN�R: Same 7710 SW t,er��:lcawoocls Dr. Tigar�d, OR 977.24 I..00f�l"�CqN; E3etween tPie w�stern �nd of T:nex Str•eet ar�d 97tti Avenu� (W(al"M 7_S1 118A, 'T,I... 1�t00) 7.. Dack r^aunc� _.._._.�......�.._...<� F� simi.lar' �JY'C�rJC)SbI.L ta cre�i:e a s�v�n l�t subdi.vi.sic�ri ori ti��� subjeG.� w�rop�rty was dcani�d by Plarinirig Cnmmissian Uri March 4, 1986 (S 2•••-96/V 1•��-86) . 3 , Vicini�,. Ir�fc�rmation "fhe ar•�a �.�n 1:P�� �as1: sic�e nf �'7th Avenu� :is zon�d R,A-••5 and S.nc].ucies simi].ar sma.11 acre�ag� �aarc�ls 1�o i�he nor•i:h, single family res9.t�eric:ps on 8,000 to 12„OOq sq�aar�e fc�oi: ].�a1:s t« th� east �nd Tw�l.a.ty Juniar H�.gh School. tn th� Sntath. The 1�r�d un i:he w�st s�.ca� uf 97tM Au�nup is zpned R•--3 .a (Residential, 3,',i uni.�s/acrc?) ar�d i.t cor�sists �f a Gc,mb3.n<•.�tinn af sma1J. acreay� tr�c.�s �nc� si.ng,le fam9.ly rQSic��r�ces . A, .ite ,�!;nfarmati�n .and_ Pro�osa]._pe�cr,_i�tian 'TI•u� r�rca��r�i:y is uru��velo�»c� and �xc�pt t'ur• a numk��r of lar�c�e 1:r��s n��ar• the ea�t�r•n Kara��rty li.nc, a,t i.s couer•sd wa.t:Pi gr�ss arid a gard�n ar•ea. i'h� i:er�r�aa.n slog>ps dtawn gradually i•'r�am w�si� to �as�, A t�n faut wide str�ip pr•�avides L-Ni�.� anly fr•c�nt�c�� on 97thi Aven�a� and �Fie sc�ui:heastern carner� af t:he ` r�ar•c,el abui�s the term9.nus of Iripz Str�e�t. �,�. F7:IVA1., q�'C?�:H Nq. 66�-.� �.� pC + g-..86 +� V 9.��..86 pACE: 1 The �pplicarit �rapas�� to ext�nd �n�z S�re�t, ��rm a 600 f�at lUng cul-d�_.••s�c, and creat� si.x lats fnr• sin��� family r�sidenc�s. A portann �f �he str•��t �xte�s`�on wi11 utilixca an exis�ing hQ raot wide strnet right-.�of_..way whi.rh J.a.as befiwe�n tN�� suhaject pr•op�r�ty and tNi� jun9.or high schaal. The rFamaining r9.ght af way wi.11 be vacat�d. 5, A e,g�nc�.and NPO C�n�ments 'T'he Engineering Diuisi.an Pias �he fal�lowing cumm�nts: a, l'he eagtit foot wir�e pedestr•i�ri--•bi.kc.a p�xth shauJ.d ka� i.nstaJ.l.ed fr•c�m �he pr�nposed CUI.°-CC:IO--`3i�C ta g71:h Auenue, A tw�nty f-aot wide pub�.ic rice�„h�-�of-�w�y shau�.d be res�r�ue� for the path ar� a publ.a.r. ea�ement sh�aGild be cr^�atQCi, b. l"he appJ.i.c.ant shoul.d k�� r•�sponsab].� fc�r i.nitiating pracedures far vacai:i.ng ar�y rc�mainir�g �anr��i.nns uf �:he In�z Str�et rS,ght•-af•--way. c. Due tc., th� �tmc�un� of school ac�e childr�n needing safE� acc.ess, the absanc� of a side��alk an �:he sauth si.de of :�r�er is nut rt�cn►nmenc�ed un�es� an a��ropri�t�e al.tern�ti.u� c�r� k�e deu�J.aped wi�h �ttie school. distrxct. "i"he B�ai.J.ding Snsppc�ic�n Divisian inda.c�i��s �;Prat th� m�tN�od �For �rouic�i.ng sar�xtary and stnr•m s�wer fi�Cl�.l'F:1@8 shau.ld be clari�i.�d, NPa #�i has ric� nh�ject:i.nns tc� �he pr•rs�a�:�<�1, � 'The Tual.ai;in Rural Fire Pr�c�i:�ctic�n iJxsi:r•ic�t hias na abjec�iwn ta 1:h� rec�ue at. IVa athe►^ camni�nfi:s M�ue k��en rec�i.uac�, 8, F:INCJ:CNCS AND (aONCI�USIC�NS "f"he rel.euant c.r•iter9.a in this c�se ar� Ti;g�rd C;amp�^�hensiu� F�'lan �c�].i.cies 2, 1 , 1, 6.3 ,3, 7.1.2, 7.3 ,1, 7.A.A. 8. 1.1, 8, 1 ,3, �nd 8.4.1 and Chapt�rs 16.5Q� �.8.92, 18. 1a0, 18.160, and 1a, 1fiR of the Communa:ty t�evel.apment �ode, rr,� Pl.anr�iri� Cominission CU11C�.tAS�23 i;Niat 1:hip �rapnsa� is consi:stent wi�h �he relev�nt pn�^ti.ons af t�i� Comp�^�hens9.u� P1an based upan th�� �9.nda:r�gs natEd b�.law: a. pca].�.r:y 2. 1. , 1 is s�rtisfzac� k��G.a�us�? t.Ni� IU�a�hbarktoad Pl,annanc� Orc�anix��ion and sui~raundi�7g praper�1:y owri�rs were u�iuen notice ofi the h��ring ar�d an o��ac�rtunaty i:a comm�nt or� tFie applicant°s pr�npnsa]., ha. Pal.icy 6,3.3 is m�t because 1�he sa.ngl:e family resx�i�ntia]. developm�r�t �.s cc�m��at:�k��.e witai th� ch�r•ac�er of �hi.s "�st�b�.ished ar�ea" . c, policy 7, 1.2, 7,3 , 1, and 7,A,A ar� satisf�.nd because adequat� water, sewer, starm d�^aa.i�age fae.i.l:ata�� ar� avai.].able to the d�veJopm�n�:, The a�plicant alsa iridxcat�g i�'M��t th�gc� faca:l�iti:�s wil�. b� p�^avided � w9.thin th� subdi,visic�n as r�c�ua►^�c� h� tNte Ca�y standards, 1 F':�iuAl. QR17�:R N0, 86•-, /�5�,,,�PC S 8�-$6 & V 9--86 PAGE 2 _ cl, Palic:y 8, �.. 1. is s-a.tisfi�d k�cacaus� trie praposed cul.-•••c��—sac wil.l r�rouic�e r�ar• a safe and effi.cier�t i:ranspar•tatzon syst�m by pr�ovi.c�ing a ��rmi.nus af tMis partion af ]:ner ��:r�et which m�ei� Ci.ty and F'i.re � District si:andarc�s, except fnr cul�-de-�sac length which is di.scussHd beJ.ow, �:n ord�r^ tc, prav9.c�e adequat� a"ICCQSS tn the r�esidenta.al ar��a nor�i:h of �Lri� scho�.l, �F�� (�ity has foZlaw�a�� a pnlicy nf hraua.rig Irie•x_, Vic�w 'f'err•ace ar Mounl��a.n View Extended west �c� 97tNi Avc�nue when c�pvelc�pmFarrL- nccur•s. Frum a �r�ffic circu].ati�ri stanc�poxril:, at l�ast ane of th�se str•eets sh�auld r.onnect with 97'trt Avenue. Th� a�aplicarti: F�as �r�avi,cied justffi.catinn fc�r a cul—de•--s��c an :Lnez 5tr�e�i: whiach is basec� �ar•imarily u�nn two factars. First, there is a shor�, haut rel�tivaly si:c��p slapp immpdiately c�ast c�f 97th Au�nue which wau].d requir� a si.gni.ficant amaunt of cut �an�l fil.l. The ext�nsior� of Vi�w Terr•ace c�r Niountain Vf�w would nut �ace this difficulty, Also, a pr�eli.mir��ry pl.�t appr�n�al, wMiich Nias si.nce ex�fr��c�, incluc�ec� an extensiun uf lWaunl:ain Visw ta 97th. Second, ar� ].1'1'I.P.I'�section af 7:nez anc! 97th wo��1d occur in clase pr�ximity tcz a mai.n c�ri.veway far i�hie j�.�nior h�.yh schaol whieh wc+uld res�alt :in a tr��fic: safety hazarcl, e. Pnlicy 8.1 ,3 wi].l. kre s�tisfi�d when ttie canditians af ap�r^nval relating to s�r��et imp►^avc�m�nts are cc.�mplei:�d, f. polacy 8.4, 1 calls fnr tM►� ��r�vi.sian af safe �nd conv�niartt bicycJ.� �i7d �a�desS:r�:�a�n access 1:o a�.l por�tions of i:h� cit.y. A bi�,ycle/�>�cl�str�ian lar�e is i.n p.lace on tNie west gide of 9'7th Aver�ue aric� euentually 5UCI'1 a facilzty wi.11 k�� in �].ace on i:he Qast sic�c� as ( �+�el.l. Th�e bicyr.].e/p�clestri.�n patwi shiown an the plat is cansisttn� w`��h this policy �nd is appra�r�iate giveri �l:he signific�nt amaur�t of bicycle and perJ�str�:idn tr•affi� c��n�r•�at�d by Twa7.ity Junior {-li.ghi 5chaul and 7empletr�n El.�mentar-y Schoal., "I"tie Planni.ng Commi.ssicm r.oric].ude� �hat �:hi� propcisdl i.s GQ�15]S�f�Yi'I: wi.ti•i thE� r��l.evant �aar�i�ns of th� Cummunity D�upla�m�nt Coc�e basPd upnn tM7e finc�ings noted Yaelow; 1, Chaptr�rs 18,50 (R-�.4,5 zc�ne) and 18,92 (Dens ity compwtations) ar�e �atisf ieci M�ecause each lUt cam�l ies wi.th the minimum lat :�zze st�nc�ard c.�f 7,5qQ square f'eet, 2, Cha�ater 18. �.50 ('Tree ��moval) r�quir•es that City aK�proval musi: b� grani:ed ���.afare any trees wi.tF� a tr�unk diameter of 6 irich�s a�^ greater, Sr�me af 1:he �rees at �h� eas�ern ai�d of �he prnperty wS.11 need �a h�e remav�d �aut is expFCted tN►at t:h� maximum number� of tr���s will be r��ained for bufPera.nr� purposes, 3. Ch�apter• ].8. ].6Q (L.and L7�.vision--•�Subdivasi.on) i.s satisfiad inc].udi.ng SQC�3.on 18. 160, 12p which cantaxr�s 1:he foll�wxng cr�iteria for� gr•antzng a uarianc� to thi� maximum I.engtFi of f;he cul--de--sac (40(� �'eet). a. Th�re are special cir�cumsi:�nces or• condi.tion� affectinc� i:he prop�r�ty wha.ch ar�e unusual and pecul.i.ar �o the ]�and as compared i:o ather lan�s simil.�t^ly situatpd; �� �'INAL. 4RDE:�' N0, 8fi—.,.�� I�C S 6-�86 & V 9_...86 PAGE 3 b. The uarianc� a.s n�c�ssary fior thp �rop�r� design nr functinri afi �r tPie subdiva.s9.on, �. c. The gr•anti.ny r�f th� vari.anc� w9,J.l. not hae d�i>rimer�tdl. tc� �he piabJ,ic h�al�l�, safety anc� welrar� ar� injurious tn the r�ic�hi;s �f athier c�wr��rs af prap�rty; and c�. 'TMe uari.anr.� is necessa�^y far� the �r��s�ruai:i�n and �rijoym�ni: of � substani;�.aJ. prap�►^ty ri.gh�: bec�ausc� c�f ar� �xtr�orc�inar�y hardsMip which wauld res�alt fi^am Ktr�ict cumpla.ance with the regul�ti.an of this OI"CllYlill'1CP., When Penrc�s� Terr•ace sukx�iva.sion was clev�lop�d, x1: �+as appar�ntly intend�d �h�t �:ne-r. Street wnul.d b� extended into the subjec� proper'ty, passS.bly to �7i:h Avenue. Thp lenc�i:h nf �riez St:r•��t from its i.ntersection with 93rd Avenue and th� subject pr�aperty is 330 f�et, 'Tha pra�a��sed fib0 fQOt lcang cul�--cie--sar. is necpssar�y to provide pr4�per� ar.Cexs t�� �Pie subdi.visi.c�n. A street cann�ctic�n �a 97th Avenu� ' is a secnr�c� ali:ernatiue which is nat as �es9,r�xk�le because of the I reJ.ati.v�ly sfie�p grade adjacent fi:o 97�:h Avenu� �nc� thc� clpse �I prc�ximity t:ca a driv�way ta i:he sau�h whi.eh S�M'V�8 �:he juninr� high I schaoX , �"he subdi.visi.on wnul.d �r�Ubah�ly functi,on pr��.�p�r�ly with �ither a GUT--(�P.•--Sr'1C or �hrc�uc�h str�et, Naut fa�^ �:he r�e�scans nu1;ed abave, � cul..-.d�__.sa�r. is pr•efP►^able, Al.so, a�prc�pr9,atc� emec^ganr.y r'�GC�88 c�an b� providnd. 7he variance wi.�.l riut k�n dei�r�i.mental in ariy way and the �dditionaJ. 1�ngtFi au�r r�c.�c�wi.r�d �IOQ foot standa�^cl cc�ntained a.n r Sectian 18, 164,030(k) is justi.fiE?d. 4, Cha��er� �.8.i.6A (,trP�t ari�l Ut9.l.ii:y Im�rovem�nt 54:�ndar�ds) is satisfi�r� excca�t �o►^ Section 18. 16A,030(k) which is 'the subj�?ct of �h� v�r�i.�ance prapc.�sal nc�ted akiave and th� 6qq fUC�t l�ngth is a�pro�r•iat�, �n summar�y, the prop��,�l. subdiva.saan wa1J. b� consisten� wi�ki Gi.ty �D��.AC].�S and stand�rds if modifi�d as �iisc.ussed abave. It is essen�i.aJ. �h�at th�e d��veloper wo�^k closely with the Ti.gard ac.h�oJ. pistra.ct to provi,c�e a�propra.ate bicycle anc� �apdesi�rian cunn�ctinns b�f�we�n i:he schpal. and adjaininc� neighk�arhaad. C, qE:G�S;�(3N B�sed upan th� 1"zndi.r��3, artid cc�ncJ.usa.an al�ave, �he Rlarinang Cammissi.�n approves S 8.�..8b and V 9�...86 xuF�ject to the following cariciil:i�ns: 1. UNLE��:S OTM�,F2WTSE: NO'�Eb, Al.l,. GQN[��T1qNfi �NAI..I., RE� MET PFt�OR TO F2ECQR�ING TO�E F�TNAI.. pLA�'. ?... Stand�rd street imprav�ments inc],uda.rt� base, pauement, sidc�w�lks, cur•bs, r��mps, s�r��tligh��s, c�riuc�way a�arans, s1:��^m drainage �nd uta.li�:i�s sha11 be i.nstal.l.ed alang the prnpos�d cul.-d�-�Rac ro��9��y. Said improv�mEants sha1J. be bu�.1t ta city lacal str�et �tandar��ls and conforn� t� the aJ.i.gnment of existing adjacent i.mpr•ouem�nts. � F:LNAL ORDI:R N0. 86—�Ls�._�,.�PC S 8..�86 & V 9-•8Fi PAGE 4 � 3 . Seven (7) s�1:s c�f pJ.an--profilc �wb].i.c i.mprav�m�nt constructinn plans 'I and one (1) it�mizec� can�tr�uctian cost Psta.mate, stamp�d by '�, � aRegi.ster�ecl Prc�fessianaJ. Ci.vi.l. �'ngineer, detai.li.ng �1�. K>rapased II publ.ic impr�nu�ments sha11 b� submitteci to �h�e �r��in�e��ing Sectian �or appr��u�l, ' A, Sanitary sew�r c�am�stic w�ter and starm s�w�r� sys��em plan....prafile " c���ail.s sFiall be �r�aui,c�eci as �ar�� af the pwblic impr�aer�ment pl�ns. 5. Constructi.nn �:�f prc�pased publi.c i.mpr�auemcnts shall. nat camm�nc:e unti]. a�t�r �:he Engineering Sectror► hias issu�d �pproueci publXC imprQVement p].�ns. T'he Sectiona wi.].1 requi.r� pc�st9.ng of a 1(3QX Per•formance k��nc�, {:I'iP, �aymerit �f a �ermi� fen anci a si.gn installation/s�i^�etl.ic�ht fc�e. Al.s�, the �xecutic�n a�F a r.ons�ructi.c�n campliarrce �gi^eem�nt sh�all accur� prio�^ ta, ar concurr�r�tly with 1:hp issuanc� �f appr�aved puk��ic im�arou�mE�n1: plans. SE� 7'ME ENCLOSED NANDpU7 GI;VING MORE� �PErIF':CC :CNFORf�AT:LbN RE(3ARb7CNG FE�SCHEDUL.WE, S�.BOND�NG ANb A�R�EP�EI�TS, 6. �tre�t Center•lirie Manum�ntataon a, In accnr�dancp with QRS 92,060 subsec�Xan (2), i:he c�nt�rlin�� nf al.l stre�t anc! raadway rxghts_.of-�..wa�y shall. ha� mcariun��nt�d befor°e the City shal.l i�GC��� a si:r��t �.m�rovpm�nt. b. A].l. center�lirie manG�ments sh�l� b�a plac�d a� � manurnent box ' confar•mi.ng tc� Ca.�y si:andar�ds, �ncl i;h� tap u� al.]. monum�nt box�s shall. be se�: ai� desi,c�n fi.nish gr�ade of' sa�.d str�eel: or roac�way. ' ( c, 'Th� fal.lawing Genter�S.in� manuments shal.l be s�t: 1) �J.J. centerJ.i.rie-••c�nterla.n� in�ersecti�n. Intersections , crea��d with "coll�ctar�" ur ath�r exi.sfi:ing streei:s, sh�ll be set: wti�n the cFn�er•lxne ali.gnm�nt af sa�.d "cal.lectar•�� nr o9:h�r �tr��t has been established by a�^ For the City; 7..) C�nfi:�r of all cu.lw-de-�••3ac�; �I 3) Curu� pairits. �ai.nts c�� interse�t9.on (P,T. ) wher� therr ', pc�si.ti.on falls i.nsidc� tF�e limi�s pf tNie p�vement at{�erwis� beginning and enc��.ng paints (B.C, and E,�, ) . 4) Al.l. s�anit�ry and starm 1ac�ti.ons sFial,�, ha� pl�c�c� in I� pnsi.i:a.uns tha� da_,�n�>t xnterf�r� wa.Lh c.en�.�rlxne �I monumE�n��t.ic�ns, 8, An 8 faot wi.cle k�ic.ycle/p�destr�aan path, �nd acr,�mpanying 20 foo� wide publ.ic �^ight.._�,�__,,�ay ar� easemer�t, shall k�e �:nstall�d kaetw��n thP end ofi th� �ul....,Clnr.-...5c�iC and 97th Av�nu� whir.h m�ets CS.ty st�andarc�s as �nt�r�mzr��� !�� +�l�p Fn�a.n���irg I�a.visi�n, ' 9. A s9.d�waJ.k sM�all b� i.nst�l,lec� al:nnq thie sauth si.de af ]Cner Stre�t whieh mer�ts Cifi:.y si�aridarc�s. :Ln lieu af this C001CIl�ldl'�i, an alt��rr�a'�e ' method af termi.nat:ir�g tr�� �xisti.ng soutMer�rr sidewalk, whi.rM is � acc�ptable �� i�he Tic�arc� Schnal District, may be approv�d b� the ' Pl�nnin� Da.rector•. �TNAI. ORDER N0, 86��- /v� PC S 8--66 l� V 9�-86 Pf�UE 5 .. . . ......... . ..... _. �. : .. . ,.,.,w .,..,. ._ ,. 1Q. 1"he unusec� pc�rti.an of tM�� exasting ?rr�r. Str�ee� right.....of-��w�y sha�.l k>e vacai:Hd and s�ic� vacatinn shall 1ae initiated by tha a�aplie�ni:. See l.ar�en Wi.lsan at City NaJ.l far faar�ther ir�farmation. 1 11.. �t trea cui:ting permit shall be �btain�c� pr;inr i:o the r�emoual of any �r�e�s wa.th a trunk daam�t�r af � i.nches ar� greater~, 12. Ai�ter revi.�w arid appr�qu�l by i:r�e Planning pirector� �nd (�ity �.ngin�er, th� F'in��. Pl�t �hdll. be r•ecor�ded with l�ashingtan Cc�ur�ty, 13 , This appraual is vali,d if �xercis�c� wa�hin nne y�ar• af th� �inal� decisaon datc� nc��ed b�l.ow, It xs fur•th�r ord�r•PC3 Lt�at �he ap�l9.cari� k�e natif:ied af i�h� ent�^y a�F i;Mis arc�er. � PASSE�, 1`his �,�� day af M�y, 19g� by th�� planriing Cammi�si.�n of the Cit:y af Ti�arc�. _.w� L'1' ri� �,jCr-L'-° �-�-_-__�._._......_-___(@�...�:�._____._....�......._...,,. A, panald Mc�era, P�^nsid�nt 7ig�rd Planninc� Cammassi,on (2563P) � � i � 'i i ,i � 4; 1 ��' � . .. . . � . . . � . . .. . .. . :�..:P;.. �'�;IVAI.. QRI�E;R Np, 86�-, /.� PC � E3»-86 �, U 9�--�6 PFirE. 6 �� .._.___��__ i;?, � ��`:� �. . .... _.... . . ,. : .:_ .,. . .:w. ___,. .... , I \ ,, t 1 1, �� STAFF REPORT AGENllA ITEM 5. 1 Mt3Y 6, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. i TIGARD PLANNING COMMIS�aION ' FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SGHOOL - LGI _ 10865 SW Walnut i Tigard, Oregon 97223 ; r A. FACTS l . General Information ' �_-_ __ . _. _ j � CASE: Subdivision S 8-86 & Varz�nce V 9-85 � REQUEST: To divide a 1 .37 acre parcel into 6 ].uts with a minimum size of 7,500 square feet a�d to allow a cul-de--sac Qf 6p0 feet in length where a maximum length of 400 feet is required. � COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATTON< Low Density Residential i ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (Residential 4.5 units/acre) � I � APPLICANT: Samuel A. Gotter III OWNER: Elizabeth Butler ! 7710 SW Gentlewoods Dr. 13080 Sw Howard Dr. � Tigard, OR 97224 Tigard, �R 97223 t i LOCATION: Between the western end o£ Inez Street and 97th Avenue ' (WCTM 2S1 11BA, T,L. 1400) � 2. Back�round - ,I A similar proposal ro create a seven lot subdivision on the subject property was denied by Planning Commision on March 4, 1986 (52-86/V1-86) . 3. Vicinity Tnformation The area on the east side of 97th Avenue is zoned R.4-5 and includes similar small acreage parcels to ti�e north, single family residences on. 8,000 to 12,000 square foot lots to the east and Twality Junior High School to the South. The land on the west side o£ 97th Avenue is zoned R-3.5 (Residenital, 3.5 units/acre) and it consists of a combination of sma11 acreage tracts and single family res�.dences. 4. Site Information and Proposal Description The property is undeveloped and except for a number of large trees near the eastern property line, it is covered with grass and a garden area. The terrain slopes down gradually from west to east. A ten foot wide strip provides the only trontage on 97th Avenue and the southeastern corner of the parcel abuts �he terminus of Inez Street. STAFF REPORT S 8-86 & V 9-86 PAGE 1 The agplicant proposes to extend Inez Street, form a 600 foot Zong ! cul-de-sac, and create si� lots for single family residences. A I portion of the stxeet extention will utilize an existing 40 foot wide street right-of-way whieh lies between the subject property and the junior high school. The remainin� right-o�-way wi11 be vacated. 5. A �ency and NPO comments Ths Engineering Division has the tollawing comffients� a. The eight foot wide pedestrian-bike path should be installed from tk►e proposed cul-de-sac to 97th Avenue. A twenty foot wide public right-o�-way should be reserved �or the path or a public easement should be created. b. The applicant should be responsible for initi.ating procedures for vacating any remaining portions o.f the Inez Street right-of-way. c. Due to the amount of schoolage childzen needing safe access, the absence of a sidewalk on the south sisle of Tnez is not recommended unless an appropriate alternative can be developed with the schoo). district. The Bailding Inspection Division indicates that the method for providing sanitary�.and storm sewer facilities should be clarified. NPO ��6 has no objections to the proposal. iThe Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District has no objection to the , request. I � No other comments have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1 . 1, 6.3.3, 7. 1.2, 7.3. 1, 7.4.4, 8. 1 . 1, 8. 1 .3, and 8.4. 1 and Chapters 18.50, 18.92, 18. 150, 18. 160, and 18. 164 of the Commuaity Dev- elopment Code. The Planning statf concludes that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehenvive Pla� based upon the findings noted below: a. Policy 2. 1. J is satis£ied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. STAFF REPORT S 8°86 & V 9-86 PAGE 2 i i 3o Chapter 18. 160 (Land Division--Subdivision) is satis£ied including I� Sertion 18. 160� 1�0 which co�tiains the followi�g critexia for granting a va�iance to the max.imum lengtYa of the cul-de--sac (400 � feet). , a. There axe special circumstances ar conditions affecting the I property which are unusual and peculair to the land as compared to other lands similarly situated; I�, b. The variance is necessary for the proper design ar funetion of the subdivision; c. The gr�nting of the variance wi11 not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the rights of other owners of propertq; and d. The variance is necessary for the greservation and enjoyment of a su�stantial property right because of aa extra�rdinary hazdship which would result from strict. complance with the regulation of this ordiance. When �'enrose Terrace subdivision was developed, it was apparently intended that Tnez Street would be exte�ded int� the subject ' property, possibly to 97tta Avenue. The len,gth of Inez Street from its intersecti€�� with 93r�1 Avenue and the subject property is 330 feet. The propased b00 f�at long cul--de-sac is nECessary tp provide proper access to the subdivision. A street connection to 97th Avenue is a second alter.nafiive whieh is not as desirable because of the relativel,y st�ep grade adjacent to 97th Avenue and the clnse groximity to a driveway to the sou.th which serves the junior high school. The subdivision would probably funotion properl.y with either a cul--de-sac or through streety but .for the reasons noted above, a cul-de-sac is pzeferable. A1so, appzopziate emergency access can , be provided. The vaxiance will not be detrimental in any way and the aciditional length uver reqwired 400 foot sta�dard contained in Section 18. 164.030(k) is justified. 4. Chapter 1$. 164 (Street and Utility Improvem.ent Standards) i.s satisfied except £or S.ection 18.164.030(k) which is the subject of the varia�ce proposal noted above and the 600 foot l.�ngth is appropr.iate. In summary, tl�e proposal subdivisi.on will be consistent with City policies and stand�rds if modified as discussed above. It is essential that the developer work �1os�1y •,aith the Tigard School District to pzovide appropziate bicycle and pedestrain connections between the school and adjoining neighboz�c�d. STAFF REPORT S 8-$6 & V 3-86 PAGE 4 b. Poli.cy 6.3.3 is met because the single family reszdential development is compatible with the character of this "established area". c. Policy 7. 1.2, 7.3. 1, a�d 7�4.4 are satisfied because adequate water,. sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development. The applicant also indicates that these facilities wi11 be provided within the subdivision as. required by the City standards. d. Policy 8. 1. 1 is satisfi�d because the proposed cul-de-sac will provide for. a safe and ef£icient transpoztation system by �roviding a terminus o� this poxtion of I�e� Street. which meet City and Fire Di�trict � standards, except for cul-de-sac length which is discussed below. In order to provide adequate access to t.he reside�tial. area north of the school, the City has followed a policy of havzng Inez, View Terrace or Mountai� View extended west to 97th Ave�ue when development occurs� Erom a traffic circulation stand.point, at least. one of these streets should connect with 97th Avenue. The app�icant has provided justification for a cul-de-sac on Inez Street which is based primarily upon two factors. First, there is a s�ort, but relatively steep slope immediately east of 97th Avenue which would r•.equize a signiticant �mount of cut and fill. The extension of View Terrace or Mountain View would not face this di�ficulty. A1so, a p.reliminary plat approval, which has since expired, ii�cluded an extension ot Mountain View to 97L•h. Se.cond, an intersection oF Z�ez and 97th would occur in close proxi.mitp �o a main driveway fo� the j�nior high school which would result in a traffic safet� hazard. e. Policy 8. 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions o£ approval relating to street improve�ents are campleted. fo Policy 8.4. 1 ca11s for the provision of s.afe and convenient bicycle and pedestrian access to a11 portions of the City. A � bicycle/pedestrian lane is i� place on the west side af 97th ' Avenue and eventually such a �aeility will be in place on the east side as well. The bieycle/pedestrian path shown on the plat is consistent with this policy and is appropriate given the significant amount of bicycle and pedestrian traffic ge�erated by Twa�ity Junior High School and Templeton Elementary School. The Planning sta£f concludes that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code based upo� the findings noted belo�a: 1. Chapters 18.50 (R-4.5 zo�e) and 18.92 (Density computations) are satisfied because each lot compZies with the mirii�um lot size standard of 7,500 sq,uaze feet: 2. Chapter 18. 150 (.Tree Removal) requires that City approval must be granted before any trees with a trunk diameter of 6 inches or greater. Some of .the trees at the eastern end of the propery wi11 need to be removed but is expected that the ma�imum number of trees will be retained for buffezing pruposes. STAFF REPORT S 8-86 & V 9-86 PAGE 3 C. RECONII�IENDATION Based upon the findings, and conclusion abave, the Planning staff recommends approval of S 8-$6 and V 9-86 subject to the .following conditions; 1 , UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL GONDITIONS SHALL BE MET 1'RIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAZ PLAT. 2. Standazd street improvements including base, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, ramps, streetlights, clrivewa_y aprons, storm drainage and utilities shall be installed al.ong the pzoposed cul-de-sac roadway. Said improveme�ts shall be 1auilt to city local street standards and conform to the alignment of existing adjacent improvements. 3. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile publ.ic improvement construcYion_.. plans amd one ( 1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by � a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing a11 proposed I public improvements sha11 be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval. � 4. Sanitary sewer. domestic water and stnrm sewez system plan-profile ? details shall be provided as part af the publ.ic improvement pl.ans. � x 5. Construction of proposed public improvements sha11 not cummence yi until aftex the Engineering Section has issued approved public imFzovement plans. The Sections will require posting of a 1Q0� Performance bond, tl�e payment of a permit fee �nd a sign !� installation/stxeetlight fee. A1so, the execution af a ;� canstuction comp:Liance agreement shall occur prior to, or �' concurrently with the issuance of app�oved public improvemer�� � plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDCIUT GIVING MORE SPECIFIC INFORM.�TION R.EGARDING FEE SCHEDUZES, BONDING AND AGREEMSNTS. � � y 6. 5treet Centerline Monumentation � ;i a. In accozance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of a11 street and zoadway rights-of--way sha11 be �"I'� monumented before the Cit sha�.l acce t a street ' �� y p improvemen:t. ,I fI b. A11 centerline mo�uments shall be placed in a monument box t' conforming to City standards, and the top af all monument ;; boxes sha11 be set at design finish grade of said street or �' roadway. #:� (; c. The following centerline monuments sha11 be set: ,' 1) All ae�terline-centerline inter�ection. Intezsections � t; created wit-h "collector" or other existing streets, sha11 �' be set when the centerizne alignment of said "collector" , or othex stzest has been established by or £or the City; ��I (� 2) Center of all cul-de-sacs; �;! 3) Curve points, points o£ intersection (P.I.) when their - �,;I� position falls inside the limits o£ the pavement otherwise beginning a,nd e�ding points {B.C. and E.C.). STAF'F REPORT S 8-86 & V 9-=86 PAGE 5 �� t,.a : � 4) All sanitar,y and storm Zocation sha11 'be placed in positions that do not interf.er.e with. centerline monument.ationo � 8. An 8 foot wide bicycle/pedestrian path, and accompanying 20 foot wide public right.-of-wa.y or easement, shall be instaltied between t.he end of the cul-de-sac and 97Ch Avenue which meets City standards as determined by the Engineering Division. 9. A sidewalk shall be insta.11ed along the south side. o� Tnez Street whic� meets City standards. In lieu of tizis condition, an �I alternate method o£ terminating the existing so�thern sidewalk, which is accentable to the Tigard Schcol District, may be approved by t'he Planning Dizector. 10. The unused portion of the existing Inez Street right-of-way sha11 be vacated and said vacation shall be initiated by the applicant. See Loreen Wilson at City Hall for further information. 11 . A tree cutting permit shall be obtained prior to. the removal of any trees with a trunk diameter of 6 inches or greater. 12. After review and approval by the Planning Dizector and City Engineer, the Fin�l Plat shall be reao�ded with Washingtan County. l�. This approval is valid if exezcised within one pear of the final de�ision date noted below: • ____,..,,.w� ' PREPA D .: Keith i en OVED �Y: William A. Manahan � Senior Planner Direetor of Planning & Development STAFF REPORT S 8-86 & V 9�86 PAGE 6 _ _. _ _ , ;; � �; r APPLICA.NT'S STATEMEWT � ;, Tax Map 2S1 r16A ' • • Tax Lot �1400 Applicant is proposing to subdivide ]�.37 acres into b singl� family lots, located east of 5W 97th Avereus and just northerly of Twality Junior Migh School. The � site is generally open with no significant wooded areas. The land slopes to the east with appr°oximate slopes of 6� to 10�. � ;, The planning staff of the City of Tigard has indicated t� the applicant a need �; for one of the three exi�ting stub streets from t6�e "Penrose Terrace" subdivision, � � located east and north of this site, to be extended to°SW 97th Avenue. This wo��ld " provide for some addi�ional v�hicular circulation througfi the exis�ing neighbor- ��i hood. The applicant prvposes SW View Terrace or SW Mountainview be the street �I that is extended through tn SW 97th ra�her than SW Inez, because of a mueh more - g�ntle terrain to deal with. Secondly, if SW Inez is extended to 5W 97th Avenue, `{ the existing' primary-entrance and exit access to Twality Junior High 5chool �' ' would be located less than 30' from the proposed intersecti�n of 5!� 97th and �,; SW Inez, which woul� result in a real safety hazard. f� �, Because of this safety hazard the applicant is proposing a cul-�2-sac of SW Inez. i' This �u1-de�sac would be approximately 600' long, which is 2d0' longer than ci'�y '„ �Qd�s allow, therefor�e a variance fr�m this standard is requested .�tcXd�X�t�K�X� �; x��c�cx4�9cz��cc�kx�ci��ck�cx�c�cx+��cv�i�cx�t�c�c�c��tx�c�tr�ac�sc��cx�ca��x�acxa�cx,�� �, z�c3c�x�9c�R90�z�c�x9�c�tx��Chcx�ud�ca�xaucl�cxb�rx�a�c4�xb�c�cocb�cx��Kg�acdcdtx�c�ix�cxocic���c�cu. f Ttris prel�minar,� plat will meet or exceed all of the c��y �odes and stand�rds, ex- �j cept for the variances inclicated above, therefore the applicant req�ests that the !i City of T�gard would approve thas preliminary plat applica�ion. �', �: (," ; �; �� ;'1I � �1� ;' F �' �.' i- !'J �;I �j ° � �.� �, i: k 1 i F u E �; I: f'. �: � � CITY OF' T�:GARp PL.f�NN7NC COMMS��IUN �-xn�A�. a�Q�� �ua. s���-.1..�_ pc �. A �'I:NFIt,. QRG)E:f: �NGI..UC7�NC; F"11UC7:T:NCS ANL� CqNC,I..US:I:qIVS WM7CH APPRC�V�:. FlPF�L7CA?'l:QNS FpR � aUt31aIV:CSIQN (S 9�.-66) f�ND VAR:CAN�E (V ].1..�.86) f2FQUF'S'TE.D k�Y W�51..�:Y k3R00KM�N. Tha 7igard P�.anning rUmmissa.ui7 r�evi�wpc� tha �taove ar�pli.r,ati.t�n at a puk�l9.c h��ring on May 7..Q, ].�66. Tt» Cammi.ssi.an b���d its decasxor� on th�e facts, fi.n<�ir�c�s and cnnclusions na��d bPlow. A, F'ACT� 1. General �nfar�ma�9.an CASE: Subc�i.uis9.on S 9.._8&, Variance V 11.�_86 RF'qUES`f'; Ta da,u9.d� a 1 ,66 acr� parc�l. i.nt�a �.3 lots ranc�ing b�tw�eri 5,Q00 �nd 7,�30U squarP feei: x.n sizc� and to aa.J.aw a fi.v� (5) Tuot side yar�d setk�ack ori a flag la� whc.ar� i.Q fe�t i.x ►^equired and fur• creating onP ].ot with 20 f��at c�f fror�fi:ag� wh��^e 75 rP�t a.s r�c�u:i r•ed, rQMPRFFIENST.VE: PLAIU DEfi]:GNAT:�pN; M�dium [?�rtsi.ty Res9.d�n�:i�1 LqN.T.NG I��:S:L(yNA'i'TON; Ft...12 (Resid�nt9.a1, �2 ►an�.i:s/acr�) � AnPL.ICAN7; Rabcr•t: Cl.aus QWNE:f2; Wesl.ey Br•ac�kmari Rt. 3 Box ].69 �i.26 SE Gladston� St. Sh�rwood, OF2 971A0 Part].and, OF2 97202 LQCf�"I"TON: 13.345 SW 95th Av�. (W(,'T'M 1�1 35(:A lat 2440). 2, C�ackc�raund, On Septemk��r• 17, 19HQ, th►� Planning Gommissiun �pproua�cl a prnpos�l. (S 8••_8A} 4�ar� a ].3 ].ot s�ai�di.ui.si�n on 1>he subj�ct p�^oper�y whicF� is eSSE?rlt].c�a.J.y tF�e sam� as th� preli.minary plc�t pra��secl in thii5 �pplicat:ion, A ua�iance was also grani;c�c� ta all�w a fave (5) roni: sa.c�e yard s�tk���k �n or�e sic�E� af a f1ac� J,ot (V 11--SA) , f'ollowing dK�r�rnu�l, th» a�a�alicant c�id o��t c�mpl�te the final plat arid �he a�pr�oual has sxpir•�ci. 3. Vicini�: _Irtifa�matian "fhe pr�perti�.as ta i:he west and SOI.I'�I'1W�8� dre xoned Rw..i.2 �and ar�e accupied i hay a m9.xi:ur� af singlP �nd multi�-fa�mily resi:dences. Thi� area �n th� nu+^1:h sidc �.,f N�rtNi Dakota S�:reet �re pr�es�r7tl,y wi�M�in Washxngton Caunty and are a ciesi.�yr�al:�d fnr• law d�nsi�y resideni:ial c�evelopm�rii; �.n �:he T'igard Compr��tiensiu� Plan. �ingle fami].,y resa.denc�s ari �he R-•A.5 (Resic�en�xal:, A,5 units/acr��) rane ar�e loc���d to 1:he �ast and south�ast. � �.. F�]:NA�_ QRqE:R 86.... ��7 PC (S g....86 & V 1�..•,86) Fage 1 , .:.. ... .. _ . ..:...,. _ _. . _ _ _ _. : T� Y. : ,.�-..�.<<� - - -::. _.._ . . ..,._ . .��,�.. , �. � _—= 4. Site Tnformataon and_Pr�asal Des�ri tion � The prope�ty con�ains one singl� f�mily r�sidence in Lh�e sautheast co�n�r arid i:he r�maar�d<ar• of i:h� parr.el is uric�PUeloped. Thae applicant intends tn diuid�� ttie prn�a�r•�y intc, 13 lats. Exght af thie hamesites wi.l]. h�u� frant�ye on Nari;h Dakc�ta 5tr��et �r� 95�h Auenue �nd 1:he remaining five wa.11 be clepend�nt up�n a camman pri.vat� driuew�,y far access tn 95tti Avenue, Tr�e ��cisting hause shall r•�main and will be situai;ed within lot 12. 5. 6�aenc�_and NPQ Camments The Engin�erin� pi�isian has th� following canm�nts: a. 'The existing dweJ.li.ng unit sha].1 be connected ta the sani.tary sew�r sysi:em. All s1:�^uc�ures which stradcile �3M'A�OSP.(� �r�opert,y bounciary 19.n�s shal.1. b� removed. b. T'he sani.tary sewer• main wiLhin �W 95tFi Avenue shal,l b� exter�ded tc, the sauth baundary af the �r�apas�d subc�ivisian. c. 'I"h� exasting raadway fr�anting "f,l_, #2100 & #7..20U shal.l. be recon�tr�uc{:�d ta prnvic�e fur a p�uement wid�h of 24 f�et, ta mitir�ate tMiQ i.mp�ct ��i� �.ntensifi.ed uxe af SW 95th Ftv�nu�. The existir►g �auem�nt wic��h ar�d vertical sigN�t (I13�bl1'1C(y at said 1nca�ian is h�;.r.arc�c�us, . d, A11 raof rain—c�r�aa.ns, fc�oti.nc� dr�ai.ns (etc. ) sha].1. be ti�d to a �u�aJ.ic � s�arm water� sysi:�m n�^ sh�11 b� corfn�ci:ed ta cur�b whep holas an is � ��pr�c��r�iate, I e. E:�cF� lat shal.l ha� canrtect�cl s��a�ar•ai.aly, �c� the public sanit�r•y sewer� � sys�Eam. �. l"he GIAi^I� cuts for 1at #6 & #13 sha11 nat k�e all�awed �djar..ent to the Tra�ct "A„ cumman ciriue cGit un�o ��ith ^Avenue, Curb cut� a�� the inter.:ectian af 95th & Nnrth Dakc�ta ahaJ.l b� a minimum nf 3Q f�et fr•nm the intersecting ric�ht��of--way J.ines of said raadw�ys. g. The Cam�reh�r�si.ve Plan ic�en�i.fies 95th Av�nue a� a ma.nc�r collectc�r, hawever, the �xisting iinpr��uem�nts acr�oss the si:r�e�t camply wa.th ].oeal s4;r�et s�andards, 7he City E:ngi.nee�^ h�s eualuated �P�� existing �'' and ar�ticipa�t�c� traf�ic va�um�s on 95t:h Au�nue anci r�commends tt�at �� local s�r�es�i� stand�►^ds be appJ.ied in accardanc� with Secti.nn 18, 164,02Q(b) af the cc�c�e. The Buil.dinc� Tr+sp�ctinri qa.visian nates tkiat ad�quate widtti sNuauld be ''; prov�.d�d 'Far i�he pri.uate cirive, " r; P.C3,�, ha� rra caha j�cta.an tc� the rec�uest, xt i,s noted �hat f r�nt yard easem�nts wi�h a mina.mwm wac�th uf six fc�et should b� provi.derl along all �rant yar�ds far util.i.ty wse, plans should be submittrd to �il��. Heath at P,(�,E. t; ,. �. ,, ,; � � F'xIUAL. ORp�:F2 86..�. pC (S 9_.�.86 � V 1].--86) Pac�e 2 � ..,.�.��?....__. � ��r NPO # 1 and the 'Ti�ard School Qistrict have no obj�ctions �a the p�nposal. �� The Metcger Wa�ter District has no objpctian to the requ�st but it is noted that a shor•t m�rn extensinn will be �ec�ss��y to serue lats 7 � 11. �. F1ND�NGS ANn CqNCI.USIONS T'he ra].evant criteria in thiis ca�e ar� Tir�ard CamprehPnsi.v� Plan �nlicaes 2, ].. 1, 6.3.3, 7, ]..2, 7,3. 1, 7,4,A, 7,b, 1, and 8, 1.3, anc� Chapt�r�s 18,54, 18, 134, 18.160, and 16, 16Q of the Communi.ty Development Cade. The pl�arinirig Gnmmissian concludes �Fiat �:ha �rapasal is cansistent wi�h the releu�nt por•tioris of the Campr�h3�nsiue Pl�n based upan the fi.ndings nated below: 1, Pal�icy 2, 1.7. is sati.sfx�d bec�us� i�h� N�ighbc�rhaad R3.�nnang Organization and surraunding pr�aperi:i.es were given nntice uf the hearing arid �n ap�or•tuni.ty to comm�nt on tr�e applicant's �rc��:osa].. 2. Pol.icy 6,3 ,3 is satisfi�c� becauxe the appXicant' s requPSt af sa.ngle fan�ily c^esidenti.�l una�s is comp�tible with the exa.sting nei.ghhaorh�aad. 3 . Polici�s 7, 1,2 and 7,3 , 1 are sati.sfi.ec� I�P.Ca"tUS� publac facil.ities and Reruices ar�e ac�equat� to seru� thie s9.te, � 4, Policy 7.A.A is s�tisfx�d b�aa�as� 1:he subdiuision rJeup].o�ment I �. proposal. includes pl.ans to conn�ct to sewer in 95thi and Nar�h f�akota. 5. Pnlicy 7,6.1 9.s sal:isfic�d because therP is adec�uatp watew� pressur•n in exi.sf:i.rig water^ ]�ines ta ser�vice the sate. 6. Policy �. 1 ,3 is sal:isi':1ed because ttie c�ev^1.oper will make impravements to str•eets as requar•ed by C�.ty Cade, Th� plarining Commission concl.udes that �:he r�l�uan�t port�.ans of the �ammuni.ty D�velopment Cnde arr� satisfii.ed basec� u�c�n th� findings nn�ed bp l.c�w; 1 , Chapter 1H,5A is sati.sfi�d becaus� the propasal compli.es with a].1 of i:he re��uir�ments o� i:he R-�-12 rone. 2., Chapter �.8.7.3A (Var•i.ance) stat�s that tF�e follawing cri�eria must be sa�isfied in urdet^ to approve a v�r9.ance far 1:he pr�npnsed r�ec�uction in tMe side y,�rd setk�ack. a, The praposed variance wi11 nat be materialJ,y detr�imental. to the purposes afi this Ccade, be in 401't�.L�.G'� with thp palicies nf the Campr�hensive Plan, tc� any o�her� app].i.r.able p�►1i.caes and standards; ar�d to ni:her� pro�e�^ties in 'tN�e �ame xc�ning distr�ict OM' V7.(:7.1'1].�y: � H�lVAL �RI�ER 86•- ����PC (S 9-86 & V 11•w86) Page 3 b, Th�re are sp�ca�l r..arcumst�nces t�h�t exi.st whi9.ch ar�e p�c�aJ.i�r to ,�` �he lot s9.;r.e ar sha�e, tc>poyraphy or oi:h�Hr� ci.rcumstanc�s ou�r� �. whiach the apK�].i��r�t has nc� cnntrol, ar�d ��hich are nnt aK>�licabl.e to oi:h�r praperti�s in the same xoning dxstric�; r.. Th� us� pr�nposed wil.t be trie sam� as p�rmi.tted under this Cac�e ar�d City stand�r�ds wi.11 be maintain�:d ta the grP�t�st exi:ent �h�t is r•easc�t�ably pasxibl�, whil.e �ermitti.ng same �cnnnmic use af �he l�anc�; d. �xisti.ny physical ar�d ndtur�]. Syst�m, sur,F� ax but nnt 1im9.ted to traffi�, drain�ge, c�r�amata.c .l�nci forms or par�ks w�.11 r�ai, be �CIVE?I^a�ly afPectcad �r�y mare 1:han waul.d occur if Lr�� d�v�lapn�ent were ].ocat�d as specifi�d in the Code; and e. The har�c�shi� as r�ot s�l.f-�imp�sed and 'th� va�^iance r�eq�aes�ed �.s i:h� mirrimum vari.ance which would all.�uiaf:e th� har�cisha.p. l"he (�Wf"rJC152 0�' �h� s�tback pr•t�uision i� tc� reduce tPi� pc�tenti.al. cnnflict betwnen esl:ablish�c� rFS7.CI��ICP.S anc� n�w c�euelapm�n� an fl�g l�ts. 'The ].0._.fo�t �ide ya�^cl setb�ck i,s a.ntendec� tc, prc�uic�e sam� additi.c�n�3, sp�c� between n�w r�sic��nc�s and adj4ining prca�aeri:�.es. The sethaack reduct:xnri al.ang the southar�n h�aunc�ary af lat 11. could adu�rsely ar�ect the c��velapm�nt poter�i:a.a]. Ui= the prapPr•ty to tha sa4il:h by establishirig �, r�esidPnc� tFiai: �.s 5 f�et ;�w�y, A si.mi].ar redwr.tian c�n the nor•th side will. be ir�t�rria7. and the c�euel.�p�r wa�a.ld be �bl.e ta adjus�: i;he � la�at9.c�n c�f c�t:her bui.l.di.ngs to nii.ti.g�te �ny �rc�b].�ms cr�a�ed by tN�� 5...fon�t sei�back. L.ot 11 is 5c.i Fe�t wadE and ap���,rs to be af sufficien� w9,dth �� �ccnmmr�c�ate a singJ.e family hame witho�at setback variances an bntl� s�.c�cs. Th� h�rdship i.s s�mewhat s�l.f_..i.mp�sed becaus� t;h� applicant could rec�e�i.gn th� l.ut or i:kie hcause, 1�lowev�r, the P].anning Commission dnes acknowl�<�ge th�at small. �arc�l.s such �ts trii.s ar•e diffzcuJ.t to deuElap whi.l,e meeti.ng all City si:anciards. The r�qupstFd var�iarir.� to al.lcaw 5�-fant sic�e yar�s only app�ars tt� be a�p�^apr•ia�:e c�n the nartPt s ide of Lot 1 A. t The secai7d variance rel.ates ta �:h� mxnimum stre�t �rnntac�e requir�men� of � 25 f��t for� subdiuisitan la1:s (�ec�a.an �.B, AbA.060 B. ) . The fal�lawi,ng ° � appraual criter•ia frc�m S�ctian 18. 160, 120 apply; � t� l. There are sp�ciz:-:1 circumst�naes affectang the prop�rty wt�ich are unusu�l anc� �eculiar tn tMe lanc� as compar�eci to cather la�nds simi]:arly si�uated; 2, 1"he vari.anc� is necessary for� thi� praperty d�si.gn nr furrction a� the al.l�7.V;I.S1p1'l; i; > I', 3 . 'The gr��nti.r�g nf the vari,a�r.e wi]:1 not b� d�t►^im�ntal ta thc public `�' health, saf��y, o►^ welfar°� ar injurinus to the rights aF nther owners }` of pra�erty; and �. }, � � � � � � �. x F"�NAI. ORD�:R 86M- ��,,.,�.pC �S 9„..85 & V i 1�-86) Pac�e A �� � � � . � -.. . ___._ -.-�„^_, A, The var•iance 9.s necess�ry for the pra�ervation and enjayment af a substantS.al pr•opar•ty ric�ht I�ecause nf �n �xi:raorciinary hiar•dshi.p whach �- wo�al.d result from strict compliance wi.th the regulat�.ons of this nrd irianc�. T'he prc�p�r•ty is r�latively small. far a subdi.vision and because a�' its c<>nf�.guratiUn, �Lh� crpation of a puk�.li.c s�r�e�t or GIAX--�Cl2—Sc�IC is not desi.rable ar� par�Li.cul.arl.y f��sibl.a, T'he private str�et has created the n��d fnr� recluceci frore�age an 1._a�:s 8, 9, and 1].. The vai^iance wi.1J, nnt hdve a d�trimental effec�, T'he fran�age reduction a.s mini.mal and prr,per•I:y a"tGC�SS i:c� 1:hP latx as defineci in ChaK�ter 1�, 1�6 of the Cade will be maint�i.necl. Stri.ct campli�nce wi.th �he Coc�� cauld be acha.eued, but it waulc� result i.n awkward pr•aw>erty boundaries �nd woul.d also cause an unnec�ssary wasta of s�ace 9.n the case af L.ot 1]. , The pr�o�ased T..Q�...foot wi.d� access strip to Lot :L1 is mor�e i:han aclec�uate to accummnd�te the requi.r�ed 10�•�font wi.de dr•9.veway, 3, Chapter ].8. 160 �nc� ].8, 16A ar•e s�t�.s�fi�d b�cause thie sukx�xvi,sinn wa11 be devela��d in a mai7ner i:hat is cunsist�nt with City s�andar�ds f-or diuidi.nc� J.and anc� pr�ouidin� tt�a necessary public f�ci.liti.es. 4, Seci:iun 18. 160, i.20 a�praval cr�iteria ar� met because 1:he prap�rty is �^el�t9.uel.y smal�. for � :�ukad:�vi.s9.an and b�.acause of 9.ts canfiguratian, the cr•�atiori nf a publ.ic S'�M'P_�t nr cul--de-sac i� ;iot desirable or �ar�ticul�arly feasabJ,e, �n add:i.tian, thi� var�ianc� wil,�. not haue a detrimeri�al effect, The f�^ontage reduction is ma.nimal. and prapearty access ta the Ints wa.�.l. be m�ai,rifi:ai.ned. C, pk(,ISxON Based u���n the ah�nve f:indi.ngs �nd c�nclusions, tF►e Planni.ng Cnmmissian approues S 9�-86 and V 11�-86 subject to the fa�.lawing cnnclitions: �., UIUL..�::Sti QT'NE::ftWISE IU()T'E::U, Al..l_ Ct7NDI1°�:QNS SHAI..I,. BE: M�T P�tIQFt 7'0 RE�f�pR1�TNG THE 1=:CNAL PI.A'T. 2. 5tand�rd haJ.f-•-str��t improvem�r�ts inc�.uding sidewalks, curbs, si:r���Xights, driueway aprons, st�rm drainage and utilities shall be instal.J,ed aJ,ong tri� SW Nai^tFi Dakota Si:reet a�nd 96th Avenue frontage, Said iinprov�m�ni:s alang said r��adways shal�. be buili: ta City local street sta�nd�rds and coi�farn� �c� i;Pie al.ignment of existi.nc� adj�Gent i.m�rovemerits. 3. S�u�n (7) sets of pJ.an••••��rUfile puFaJ.ic im�ravement cc�nstr�uction plans anc� one (1) itamized cans�ruction ca�t est9.m�te, stamp�d by a Regisi:cared prnfe�sic�n�l Ciui]. E�nr�i.neer, detaal.ang a]:1 propased puk�li� impr�ouemer�ts shaXl be submii�i:ed to tF�p Engineering Sect�on far� appraval,. � ! � ! FINAL. QRDf:R 8�•-- ,,,,,,,,,�,,(?�,PC (S 9--86 1S� V ].�.--•86) Potge 5 i I I I � I 4, Sanitary anc� stUr�m s�wer �l.an..�-profile details shal.l be pravic�Eaci as � �;" p�r�t of th� publ.ic i.m�,rovement pl�ns. �, 5. Cnnstructi.an uf prnpns�cl public imprUVemcnts shall not eammence until �fter• tPie E,ngine�ring Secta.can has issued appr•aved publ.i.c imprcav�ment plans. The Sectinn will require �post;ing of a 1q4� Performanc�± Dand, thic� ��aym+�nt �,f � p�rmit f�e and a sign instal�latiari/str•eetl.i:gh�t f��. A�.so, the executian oF a str•c�at aper�ing permit ot^ constt^uction ; campli�nce ac�►^�ement sha].1 accur� pri.or to or cancurr^ent7.y with the issuancp ur a�prou�ci puh�lic imprav�inent plans. SEE 7F�E ENCL4��D � NANI]OUT' GIVING MURE: BPECTFTC 7NFORMATIQN�^R�GARD7NG FEE SCHEDUL,_w£S,� BONDING AND_AGREEMENT'S.M~� 6. Additional. ri.ghtMaf--way shal.�. hae declir.at�d t� tPie Publi.c a).ang the SW Nnrth DakGta frontage i:o incr�ase rigF�t•-of-way to 25 feei: from � centErl9.ne, The c�escripti.on fnr• said d�da.cati.an shalJ. be tied ta �hie existing right�-nf-•-w�y centerli.ne as �stablist�pd by Wash9.n�l:on Coun�y. T'he de�ica�i.c�n dncum�nt sh�Zl be �n rity i�arms and appr�aued by �:ha Fngine�r•irig �ection. CJI=�D:L�A'T`CON F"ORMS �iNC1 :LNS'rRUC'1"TQ�IS ARE ENC:I.QSF:D. 7. Additinnal right of way shall. be dedic�ted tn th� Public along th� SW 95i:h Avenue f�^nntac�� tn incr�eas� tF�e i^ic�ht��-of--way ta 25 fe�t 1�r�m center•l.inc�, TMe clescriptian for sai.d d�da.cation shall be tied tn the existing ra.c�ht••-oP--way cerrter�line as establisMe� lay Washi.nc�ton r• Ga�anty. 'C'h� dedic�ti.on dr�cum�r�t shiaJ.l b� c�n Caty fnrm� and ap��raved b th� Fn ineer:in Section. DF.CJTCAI'�ON FqRMS AND :LIUS'TRUC�"f"IONS ARE y g 5 ENC;L.00,Ep. �:._ 6, 7oini: ug� and m�xi.ntenance �gre�m�nts sl�al.1 be ex�cutec� and r�ecor•ded k�y City stanc�ar�d fnr�ms fiar• all common driveways. Said agreements sh�l.l. be r��Ferenced on and becam� p�rt nf �11. appl.i.cable parcel. 1 Deeds. Saa.c� agre�mer�t sF��l.l b� a�aprov�c� by i:hie Engi,neer:ing Secta.c�n, JO:1:�UT USE: ANq MAT.NTE::NANCE RGRE.F:ME::N`i" FORMS ARE EIVCL.QSEU. 9, The exi.si:ing dwelling shall be connect�d to sanitary s�wer. 10. All structur�s on tMie subjr�ci� property shal�l meet City setback rpquir�ments or they be remov�c�. 11 , The sarta.�ary sEwer maan wit�►i,n SW 95tP� Avenue shall be �xtended tn the sauth taounciary of the xuladXUisa.nn, 12, T'he �xi:st9.ng r�oadw�y frUnti.ng T.L. #2100 & #�74n shall be " recansl:ructed to prov9.de for a pauement widtF� af 24 fc�et, to mitic�ate I th� impact of intensified use af SW 95tfi Avenue. The desi.c�n sha].1 be approued by i:he City Engir�eer. 13, All roc�f r�a:in--drains, fnot9.ng drdans, shall be tied tn a publi.c starm wai:er system or shall be cannected to curb weep holes as �ppropria�P. ;j a �.4, Each lot shall, be r.annected separ�a�ely ta the public sani�ary sewer 'y syst�m, The cur�b cuts fnr l.at �6 6� �I13, shall nat be allawed � adjac�n� tn the 7ra�t "A" aammon dr�ive cut anto 9�ith Avenue. Curb ;! cuts at i:he inters�cxion of 95th & North Uakota sha11 b� a minimum of ,', 3(? fe�t from th� intersectian right--of-way li.nes of said ra�dways, s� �a F�INAL qR�LR 86- ,wf�C?.w,�,�PC (5 9�w86 & V li�-86) Page b S� �l � 15. Af�er reuiew and ��proval by the Planniny Darector and Pub].ic Works pirector, �he Final Plat shall be recorded with Washingtun Caunty, �., 16. A 10-�foat sid� y�r�d setba�k shall k�e requ9.red along thre xauthern boundat^y of l.ot il, A minimum side yard sei�:back of 5 feet shaXl be rec�uir•ed on the nar�thi side af the lat. 17. A sidewal.k sha11 be pravided a].nru,� �he entire ],�ngth af th� north side af th� common dri.veway. 18. Thi.s appr�aval is valic� i� exercised wii:hin nne ynar of �he final I a�proual date b�l.nw, It is further ord�red th�at the applicant be notif'ied af the entry of this orc�er. PA�SEU; This �� day of May, i.986, by the Pl�nni.ng Commassian of the City of Tigar�d. �� ���.�-�--�i��.��.,�., A. banal.ci Mn�n, Presi.dent 7ig�rd PJ.anning Commi.ssi.an (2552P) � � F'TNAL. ORDE.R 86-- _� _pC (S 9-�.86 � V 11-•6fi) Page 7 I STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.2 TIGARD PLANNING COP+IMISSION FOWLER JUNTOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI ROOP� 10865 SW Walnut TIGARD, OR 97223 A. FACTS 1. General Informati.on � � � CASF: Subdivision S 9-86, Variance V 11-86 i REQUEST: To divide a 1.66 acre parcel into 13 lots ranging between 5,000 and 7,900 square feet in size and to allow a fi.ve (5) foot side yard setback on a flag lot where 10 feet is required anci for creating one lot with 20 feet of frontage i where 25 feet is required. j 1 COMPREHENSIVE PI�AN DESIGI�ATION: PRedium Density Residential { ZONING DESIGNATION: R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) 1 i � 1 APPLICANT: Robert Claus Oj��NER: Wesley Broolcman f Rt. 3 Box 169 3i26 SE Gladstone St. � Sherwood, OR 97140 Portland9 OR 97202 t ! i t k LOCPTION: 11345 S[a 95th Ave. (WCTM 1S1 35CA lot 2000). i 2. Background 7 On September 17, 1984, the Planning Commission approved a proposal (S 8-84) for a 13 1ot subdivision on the subject property which is essentially the '� same as the preliminary plat proposed in this application. A variance was ;� also granted to allow a five (5) foot side yard setbacic on one side of a �I fla g lot (V 11-84) . Following approval, the applicant did not complete the final plat and the approval has expired. ; F� 3. Vicinity Information 7 : The properties to the west and southwest are zoned R-12 and are occupied �� by a mixture of sin.gle and multi-family residences. The area on the north ; side of North Dakota Street are presently within Washington County and are �I� designated for low density r.esidential development in the TiJard Comprehensive �� Plan. Single family residences in the R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) `I, zone are located to the east and southeast. � �1 �'�I (� �i SUBDIVISION S 9-86 VARIANCE V 11-86 Pa�e 1 � � �� � � � � � 4. Site Informarion and Proposal Descri.pti�n The proper.ty contains one single family in �he southeast corner. and t�e remainder of the parcel is undeveloped. The applicant in,fends to divide the propertq into 13 lots. Ei�ht of the homesites will have frontage on North Dakota Street or 95th Avenue and the remaining five will be dependent upon a common private drivewaq for access to 95th Avenue. The existing house _ sha11 rexnain and wi11 be situated within lot 12. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the £ollowing comments: a. The existing dwelling unit sha11 be cAmzected to the sanitary sewer system. A11 strucfiures which straddle proposed progerty boundary lines shall be removed. b. The sanitary sewer m�in within SW 95th Avenue sha11 be extended to the south boundary of the proposed subdivision. c, The existing roadway fronting T.L. ��2100 & ��2200 sha11 be reconstructed to provide for a pavem�nt width o£ 24 feet, to mitigate the impact of intensifa.ed use of SW 95th Avenue. The existing paveznent width and vertical sight distance at said location is haz�irdous. d. All roof rain—drains, footing drains (etc.) shail be tied to a public storm water system or sha1X be connected to cuzb taeep holes as is approprzate. ' e. Each lot shall be connected separ.ately, to Che public sanitary sewer il system. ,I � f. The curb cuts for lot ��6 & ��13 shall not �e al�,owec3 adjacant to the !I Tract "A" �' common drive cut onto 95th Avenueo Curb cuts at the inter— �I section of 95th & North Dakota shall be a m-inimum of 30 feet from the ii intersecting right—of--way lin�s o£ said roadways. ;i g. The Comprehensive Plan identi�ies 95th AvEnue as a minor collector, �1I i� however, the existing improvement.s ac�oss the street comply with local , street standards. The City Engineer has evaluated t�e existing and I'j anticipated traffic volumes on 95th Avenue and recommends that the i; street standards in accordance with Section 18. 164.020(b) of the Code. jl ,. I i The Building Inspection Division notes that adequate width should be I provided for the private drive. i P.G.E. has no objection to the request. It is noted that fxont yard easements with a minimum width of six feet shoul:d be provided along_all ; front yards for utility use. Plans should be submitted to Bill Heath ; at P.:(;.:E.. � � � i NPO �E 1 and the Tigard School District have no objecti.ons to the proposal. ; ; The Metzger Water. District has no objection to the request but it is noted � that a short mair. extensi�n wi11 be necessary to serve lots 7 •- 11. � � � a 8 A SUBDIVISION S 9—$6 VARTANCE V 11-86 P9GE 2 � _ _. _ _ _ .. _ .. _. ..,. . , . � _ __ ,; . . .. .. ...... ..... ... N � B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1. 1, 6.3.3, 701 .2, 7.3. 1 , 7.4.4, 7.6. 1, and II. 1.3, and Chapters 18.54, 18. 13r;, 18. 160, and 18. 164 of the Community Development Code. ' � The Plannir�g staff concludes that the proposal is consistent with the relevant I portions of the ComprehEnsive Plan based upon the findings noted below: i 1. Policy 2. 1. 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planniizg Or.ganziaticri � and surrounding properties were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to couunent on the applicant°s proposal. 2. Policy�.3.3 is satisfied because the applicant's request �f single famiZy reside�tial units is compatible with the e�isting neighborhood. 3. Policies 7. 1.2 and 7.3. 1 are satisfied. because public facilities and services are adequate to serve th.e site. 4. Policy 7.4.4 is satisfied because the subdivisi�n development groposal includes plans to connect to sewer in 95th and North Dakotae � 5. Policy 7.6. 1 is satisfied because there isadequate water pressure in )' existing wate� l�nes to service the site. u �'. 6. Policy 8. 1.3 is satisfied because the developer will malce improvements � 3 • to streets as required by City Code. ; The Planning staff concludes that the relevant portions of th:e Gommunity � Deve].opment Code ar•.e satisfied b.ased upon the f.i.ndings noted below: j,j 's; � 1. Chapter 18.54 is satisfied because the proposal compliES with a11 of f; �� the requirements of tl�e R-12 zone. ' ,: E' 2. Chapter 15. 134 (Variance) states that the following criteria must be rt+ satisfied in order to approve a variance for the proposed reduction �: �� in the side yard setback: "' �, �' �; a. The proposed variance �aill not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this Code, be in conflict with the policies of the �: Comprehensive Plan, to any other applicable policies ancl standards; , and to other propertie� in: the same zoning district or vicinity; �', b. There are special circumstances that exist which are peculiar to �� the lot size or shape, topography or ather ciscumstances over which �� the applicant has no cont_rol, and which are not applicable to other properties in the same zoning districC; �'' , �, c. The use pro�posed wi11 be th.e saste as permitted under this Code and ill be maintained to the reatest e�ctent that 'is � City standards w � reasonably possible, while permitting some economi.c: use of the ].and; � __ _ . . __ _ ..: .. . .. . .>� .. . . . . . � . . � . . .. �My .... . � � � � � . . � .. �� ... �:�.:�.'i . � . . . . .� . � � . ..�� � SUBDIVISION S 9-86 VARIANCE V 11-86 PAGE 3 � � - ( : � . .. _. .. _. �. . . , ..... ,_,._ _. r_. . , , . , ..;: ... _.. ;,�...._.�,�, .,. d. � Existing physical and natural system, such as but not limit�d to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forms or parks will not be adverse�y affected any more than would occur if the development were located as specified in the Code; and e. The hardship is not self-imposed and the variance requested is th�.e minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. The purpose of the setback provision is to reduce the potential conflict between established residences and new development on flag lotsa The 10-foot side yard setback is intended ta provide some additional space between new � residences and adjoining properties. The setback reduction along the southern boundary of 1ot 11 could adverselq affect the development potential of the property to the south by establishing a residence that is S feet away. A similar reduction on t.he north sid�,wi11 be internal and the developer would be able to adjust the location o� other buildings to mitigate any problems created by the S-foat setback. Lot 11 is 55 feet wide and appears to be of sufficient width to accommodate a single family home without setback variances on both sides. The hardship is somewhat self-imposed because the applicant could redesion the lot or the house. However, the Plannin� staFf does acknowledge that smal� Parcels such as this are difficult to develop while meeting a11 City standards. The requested variance to allow 5-foot side yards only appears to be appropri�te on the north side of Lot 11. The second variance relates to the minimum street frontage requirement of � 25 feet for subdivision lots (Sec.tian 18. 164.060 B.) . The followin� approval criteria from Section 1�. 160. 120 apply: l. There are special circumstances affecting the property which are unusual and peculiar to the land as compared to other lands similarly situated� 2. The variance is necessary for the property design or funetion of the subdivision; 3. The grariting �f the variance wi1� not be detrimental to the public health, .safety, and welfare or injurious to the rights of other owners of property; and • 4. The t�ariance is necessary for tlae preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right because of an extraordinary hardship which would result from strict compliance with the regulations of this ordinance. � The property is relatively Sma1r for a subdivision and because of its configuration, the creation of a public street or cul-de-sac is not desirable or particularly feasible. The private street has created the need for reducted frontage on Lots 8, 9, and 11. � The variance wi11 not have a detrimental effect. The frontage reduction is minimal and property access to the lofis as defined in Chapter, 18. 108 of the Code wi11 be maintained. .y SUBDIVISION S 9-86 VARIANCE V 11-86 PAGE 4 _ __ _ _ . _ _ . . _ .: _ . ` Strict complia.nce with the Code could be achieved, but it would result in awkward property boundaries and would also cause an unnecessary waste of space in the case of Lot 11 . The proposed 2U=foot wide access strip to Lat 11 is mare than adequate to accomrnodate the required ]0-foot wide driveway. ' 3. Chapter 18. 160 and 18. 164 are satisfied because the subdivision wi11 be developed in a manner that is consistent with City standards for dividing " land and providing the necessary public facilities. 4. Section 18. 160. 12� approval criteria are met Uecause the property is relatively � small for a subdivisian and because of its configuration, the creation o£ a I , public street or cul-de-sac is 'not desirable or partiaularly feasible. In addition , the variance will not have a detrimental e.ffect. The frontage reducticn is minimal and property access to the lots will be maintained. C. RECOI�IENDATION Ba:sed upon the .above findings and conclusicns, the Planning statf recommends approval i of 5 9-8;6 and V 11--$6 subject to the following conditio.ns: . _ . 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEB, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRZOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2. Standard half-street improvem�nts includ.ing sidewallcs, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprons, storm drainage and utilities shall be installed along the SW North Dako�a Street and 95th Avenue frontagee Said improvements along said roadways sha11 be built to Ci�y local street standaxds and conform to the alignment of existing adjacent improvements. 3. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one ( 1) itemized constructioli cost estiinate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, deL-ailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted ta the Engineering Section far approval. 4. Sanitary and storm sewer plan-profile details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans. 5. Construction of proposed public improvements sha11 not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public impr.ovement glans. The Section wi11 require posti�g. o£ a 100� Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/stzeetlig?it fee. Alsa, the execution �f a street opening permit or construction compliance a�r.eement shall occur prior to or. concurzently with the issuance ot approved public improvement plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOU� GIVING MORE SPECI�IC INFORMATION REGARDING FEE_ SCHEDULES, BONDING AND AGREEMENTS. SUBDIVISION S 9-86 VARIANCE �1 11-86 PAGE 5 � l � � _ , . . _ . � .::. _ __ :::_ .:.: _.,:::: ...._.._. _.... _y4:a 6. Additio�al right-of-way �hall be dedicated to the Public along the SW North Dakota frontage to increase the right-of-way to 25 feet £rom centerline. The description fo.rsaid dedication shall be tied to the existing right- of-way centerline as established by Washington county. The dedicatian document shall be on City fozms and approved by the EngineeLing Section. DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. 7. Additional right of way sha11 be dedicated to the Public along the SW 95th ' Avenue frontage to increase the right-of-way to 25 feet frora centerline. . The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of-way ', centerline as established by Washington County. The dedication document shall be on City forms and approved by the Engineeri�g Section. DEDICATTON FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. 8. Joint use and maintenance agreements shall be executed and recorded on City standard forms for all common driveways. Sa.id agreements shall be referenced on and become part o� all applicab�e parcel D�eds. Said agreement shall be � approved by the Engineering Section. JOINT USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FORMS ARE ENCLOSED. 9. The existing dwelling sha11 be connected to sanitary sewer. l0e All structures on the subject property shall meet City setbacl.c requirements or they bP removed. I1 . The sanitary sewer main within SW 95th Avenue shall be extended to the south boundary of the subdivision. l2. The existing roadway fronting T.L. ��2100 & #2200 sha11 be recAnstructed to provide for a gavement width ot 24 teet, to mitigate the impact of intensified use of SW 95th Avenue. 7:he design sha11 be approved by the City E�gineer, 13. All roof rain-dxains, Eooting drains, shall be tied to a public storm water system or sha11 be conn�cted to curb weep holes as appxopriate, l4. Each lot shall be connected separately to the public sanitary sewer system. The curb cuts for 1ot ��6 & ��13, shall not be allowed adjacent to the Tract . "A" common drive cut onto 95th Avenue.�Curb cuts at the intersection of 95th & North Dakota sha11 be a minimum of 30 f:eet from the intersecting right-of-way lines of said roadways. 15. After review and approval by the Planning Director and Public Works Director, the Final Plat sha11 be xecorded with Washington county. 16. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final approval date below. ��� � PREPARED BY: Keith S. Liden PPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Senior Planner Director of Community DevelopmenC SUBDIVISION S 9-86 VARIANCE V 11-86 PAGF 6 � ���?� '� ��� D ���� M A`� �-�i: T�-� the Tigard P1 arin in� Commis� zon : ,�I�A�p Ct�CY oF ��,p�. Re : File r�urnber � 9-88 and �r 11-8E; ����N��GI e=tF�p1 icarr� o R�hert Jame; Glaus I �ir�ce I t�iill be una�ile t�, at-ten,� the r�evct�eduled meztin� cre Ma;� 2�th , due to th.at dat� b� ing e 1 ect ic�r� ri i�ht , I am sut,mitt ir,� m;� t�st imon5� in wr it ing . fin alrr,ost ident ical �rc�pos�l �ar• the _•ame par•cel was Y�r•uught tc� my� attenti�n �F�Fr•c�:: imatel�,� two y�E�r� a�u when I was cY�airman of tdPO 2. Rt tha# t irr�e , the hlPCi er�d��rsEd the pro.iE+=t w ith 4�ir•tual �� tt�� same setl�acK �,�ar ia.r�ce . tl��t c�n 1;� doe�. th�is •�ut�d i�.� i=.iun b ler�,d ir, w i-th the �urround ing ne ial-���,r�haod , but it i� i 1 1 Fr•a4�idE an added t�en�f it , Gurr•er,t 1 i : �he . no��tt���ae�t cc,rner �f 55th and t•dor•th Qa►:ata i_• �isEd as a taus stoF� far PY�il L4wi.�. �l�n�erif�cr•y� :.chuc�l . r'tt least lE� �r� iia��r, star�d vn thE cc,rner• iri the str�et r i�t-�t-�f--�aai t�eca�i�.� tl-�Ere is na s idew.�lk ur impr•a�.��ment o-F ar�y k' ir7d . t�.lith = ideiaalF:s put ir� c�r-� the =_•authw�z�•t r.c�r•�er• �-F tt�i�. intir�.ec•t ic�n , the bu,• �tup can t,e mo�.�ed . �•dd in� ta the protect ion and safet,� of the ch ildreri e r�t +.he t zme of thE prev ious r•�q+ae�t , the �^•1P0 rec��mmer�d�d the Plann ing G�rnmis�.ican ��•k,' the Gi�f;. t�, ch�r,�E -the stoF� �i9n al ignm�nt at ti�at corri�r , rrrMk' in� t�Jorth Dakc�tx tt�e tt,ru �.tr•�et ar�d �5th th� �top street . L,iith tl��e �dded r��e=. ider�t i�I imF�ac� tr�i� pra.9 ect w i 11 br in� , th i•�. r•�ques# is more needed no�a than e�.�er• be-Fc�re . r'il.thau�t-� tt�� �est�d limit ur, 95fi1-� is 25 n�p� , th�e a�.�er�se =•pe�d i=_. c,4�er• 4�9. A1 so , rnur� and more trucN:s �r� u�an9 it a.s a.n al+ern�t itie ta Greenber•� . Ti-�� t�e:�t wa'r to reduce �the sF��ed arr �5th is #o �tc��� tt�e traffic ha1fW;�:� tr�rou3h tt�e �.trai�fit 1.�`3 mile stret�h �a ith stop s igns . Th is pr��pca�.�l ha.•a t�een er7dors•�d by� tt�E Tig�r•d 7r-•�nsF�c+rt��ion Fidwi_•ari Cc�n�rnittEe , �f wt-�ich I arr� �lice-chair . I ur�� r'uu ta ir�c 1 wde tt� i_• r•ECC�mmer,dat ic�n ta �hk�e c ity in ;�uur• f irid 'ang�.. r'i-. a prna�r•�i� �wr��r dir•ectiy a�cr•uvs tt�e �tr�eet from the pr•oposed de�..�e1c�F�En7�nt� I want te� r••� ater ate rnr �uppart fc,r thi� project ar,d ask yau tc� �r•�nt wMat I cur�s• ider• a taer;� rr�inor �rar i.�nce . Tl-i a r,k: ;�a u � ��� t�+larK Paclgett 11�7a SLJ �5th Ti�a.r.d 639-7�4u _ _ _ � � • pPpT�IC�INT STATEMENT �mily Park ; . �� i< The applicant desires to resubmit an application on a� 13 lot � subdivision previously apprc�ved as 5andalwood Park, Fa.nal. Order 84-03PG. ;` Emily Park will b� substantially the same as the a�pproved Sandal- ! wood Park with the exception of the incl.usion of the existing � hou5e. This house wi11 remain on lot number 12. �, ,. This subdivision will be completed in one phase. �„ ;, After ex�ensive �:nalysis, the submitted plans provide the most �. effective and desireable design for developing this 1and. ��` . #',' r;i; `ia �`'',' �'i t'; i�;', ti'' �+� !!': !', �;` r; i'a �;� ;i; 1,; �i � � , i; � , � 4�� t � i l I � � �, ; _ . � .,, � � � � � D a � � � �� ��� � : � � ��:���, ��. � P � { � � � � �� �; � � 4, r � � � � � � � � � �; � � �. � �!'. � t' !' w � % � � � I ,,. ;. _. _. ,. . , , �, ;:., .._ ..,.:. CTl"Y q�' "f�:CFlRp P{..AIVNx;IVC C;qMM�:SS;�QN �;�"' F":�NAL 012DCR NQ, 86--,��pC 4� A �'�:NAL. ORU�F2 TNCL.UpING F:I:NUSNCB AN� CqNCI..US�ONS WHTCH DE:N7�:S AN FlW�L.��AT'�:pN FOR A SIGN COfJE FX(:,�N�I"IQN (SCE 5-.-86) 17EQU�.STFO �Y MACt:C�YN B-IUp�QN. The Ti�ard Pl.arining CUmmissi.on reua.ewed 1:he ak�ave app�.icati.an at � pub�.ic h�ari.ng un May �0, 19g6. T'F�e Commissi.c�n b�sed its d�c:S.sxor� an tr�� faets, fxr�dings and coriclusiuns na�ed b�.low, A. FACT� 1 , Gene�^al xnfc�rmation CA�F..: 5ign Crx�P F:xcept�ion S(,� S--Bb RE:Ql1ES`I"; l"o a].],aw fc,r an 8 sqGi�re fcant ex�aansic�n c,f � rinnw..coi�for�mang sign which 9.s appraximata].y 98 square f��t in s�.ze. CQMPFtE�l��E::N��:VE RL.AN C1f�C,TC;NA1'T:qN; Gnmm�r�ci.al G�ri�ra]. ZQN�: qE.SI(�NA'T':LON; C...-G (�ommercial Ceneral) Ap�L.�:CANT: "fom �r�ian Owner; Mar��.lyn Fiuc�san 12950 SW P�cifiic liiqhway :132�'7 SW 13uXJ. Ni�n. Raad �_ 7iqard, OR 9722.3 1"i.c�ard, OF2 97?�A � 1..4CA'1"TUM: 17.9QU SW Pacific Highw�y (WC"fM 2.51 281�, 'T,L. 190Q) i I 2, Bdckqraund, �ever^al. Sat� [1�uelopment Rcava�w �p�rau�l.s haue b��n grani:pd by thi� Ci.ty Tor �fific�/cc�inmercS.a�. �ase an 1:he SUbJP_C:�: pr�oper�ty as w<�11 as �:he par�cel imn��diat�ly w�st (SClR il_..7�'�. S[)R 36--78, SpR 27--•$Q) , �. 3 , Vicini� Tnformati,on 1"h� �ar•a�aFr�ty ac�jains commercial. c�eu�l.opm�nt tr� th� sau�hwest �nd o1;hi�r � �i simi..lar� us�s �re locd�ed an i:he a�pasite sic�es u� Wa'�r�ut P1�ce i�Pi(� Pb1C.1{"].G ;! Hic�hway. A��r�:ments wha.ch �r�e zor��d R-..].2 (R�sidenti.al. ].2. uni,ts/�r.r�) 4: ab�at tPi� pra�er•ty tn the r���r. 4, 5a:t�_.:�nfar�mal:ian and p�roposal �leseri„�tian, � w. . T. �1"Nt� pr����r�y is OCGU�].R(� by a xma�.l. orfice cent�r, As nuGed abave, the ; exi.sti.nc� sign a.s f38 squ�re fe�'� i.n si:r�. 1"he Code al,:laws far fr•ee staneii:rig sic�ns that ar� a maximum uf 10 squ«re fFaHt �a�r sidp wi.i:h an � ac��ait�.c�nal squar�e f��t c�,f s9.u�n area ��.J,owed for eu�ry c�n� foot �f setk�ack frum i:he �ropar•ty lirie up to a maximum c�f 90 square F��t. � i � F'INAL qRD�:I'2 Nn, 86-�•�,.�� PC �C�: 5-�8fi page 1 '- r � TI'1P. �pplic�arii: i.s �ropos:ir�y t�� ].i'1C1^C?iAS� the si�n ar��a by eiqNit square �Fec�t. 7"hi.s wi.J,l k�e accomplished wii�h a one foat by eic�P�t fUOt addS.tion r; along i:h� bati:am af tl�e sign. :L1: is indicatpc� tF�at i�he P.KC��J�IOMI is `� reqw�st�d to a].].ow the r��tenti.an �f' tP�� tam� and t�m��r�ature features ori i:he s ign, 5. Ft.genc�& NPO Comments T'h� Enc�i.n�ering Da.uision and th� fi��t;� Highway Di.vi.si,on h�vc� na c�bjectian to the r�quest. Th� Bui].da.ng In�pec:t:inn qiva.si.nt� inclicai:es i:hat t�i� �ar�a�osal wil.l incr•ea�e 'L-he nnn�-cnrrfor•mity pf �i�e �xisl:in� sic,�n. S�.nce 1:his �aor�tiun uf Pi9lC�f1C Hic�hway has a high per�centaqe af cnnfarming signs, it is recommended that itF�i.s r�c��aest b� c�eni�d. '� NPO #1 is aK>�ased �o tM�� propnsal. b�Co�us6! of th�e �r•ecedent 1:hat could F�� sHt finr esl:aba,ishing nc�w nr� macii.fa.pd signs wh9.ch �xcc?�c� esi:ak�].ish�d City I st�znd�rds, B, F TNq:CNGS AND CpIUCLUS:CqN TN�e a��rc�va]. criter�i� fUr reui.ewi.nc� Si.gn Code Exce�ti.c�n are contai.ned xn SPCtiun 8, 114, 145 of i:he Cnmmuriity Deva3.upm�nt C�c�e. The Planning Camm9.ssi.on concluc��s tFiat the r^e).euant Cammunity Deuelopment Cc�de req�ai►^c�m�rii:s h�ue r�at b�nn m�t i�aspd upon the finc�ings b�low: �, 1 , T.n c��^d�r to justify an �xce�at9.on tc� •the sic�n r.od�, ane nf the faa.lowing thr��e critHr•ia (GDC 16. 114, 1A5) must be satisfi�d; a, l"he pr�o��s�d sign cad�:� excepi:ior� i.s necessary k��caus� a canform:ing build:tn<� pr� sic�n on an adjaceni: �71^OrJ21'•ty would l:�mit thc� uiew af ra sa.gn erecl�ec� an t:h� sate in canfnrmanc� witht thc± s9.gn caeae sl:anc�ar•c�s. i b. The prc.��osec� exc�ptaon to tPi� hight limi.ts in the s9.gn cadP �.s necessar•y to mak� �he s:ic�n ui.si.bl.�a fr�m the street I�OCo'lU8G� of th� tc��>ogr�aphiy af tMie site, c. Th�r� is an access c�rxue which seruic�s th� business �r� seruice fr�nm a streFt ather t:han the str•eet on which th� b�asi.ness is loc:atpci. 2. 1"he �roposed �xc��tion does nat r�late to thie �taoue crit�ri.a becaus� cnrit'or•ma.ng s�r�uctur�es da nc�t inhzbi.� uisik�xlity of the sic�n and height ].imitations and additiona]. dr•iveway access paints ar� not an 9.ssue. The sic�ri is nan••�-canfUrming la�c:aus� zt ciaes not mer�t presen� Code s�otndards. SucM si.gns ar•e tc� be br�aught i.ni:o confnrm�nce by Mar•ch 20, 1�88. '1"his p►^oposal wi].1 only wnrsen the non-coriforming ch�rac�er of the sagn and passi.bl.y set; a pr�c�dent for expansian af oi:her non••-conforming signs alc�ng Pacif9.c HigP�way �nd exsewhere. ; � � � FI�IUAI. QRqE:F2 NO. 66•-_,�7 _PC SGF; 5.�...86 Page 2 ' , ; C, ��G1S�ON Based u�on �F�e� findings an� cnr7�lusions noted �bove, th� plannin� � .. G�rnmissann �enies SC� 5—�6, xt is furt:her a�de��d that �he app�xcant be natifi�d a� tPre entry af this order. PASSEC)c This �,_� � day of May, ].986 by �the Plarmi�ng Cammission of �he �ity of Tigard. �' � ���� A, Dr�nald M�en, Pr�s9.der�t �.�... 7igard Rl�r�ning Commissian (2556P) �. ,. I � � i j i � j ! , 1 , i � . . � . � .. . . . .,�1 � �" . . . .. � . .�. � � . �� �:.. . . �. . . .� � � � � . . . . . . .. .. . i . . . � � � . . . . . .. � � � � � . � . .�:�S F'TNAk. ORDE:R N0, 8b-� l7 PC �CE 5-86 Pa e 3 ! � ; � ; , ,� E r � i � STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.3 ; MAY 6y 1986 - 7:30 P.M. T:LG�AD PLANDTING' COMMIS'SION FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGZ 10865 SW WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FACTS ] . General In£ormation CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 5-86 REQUEST: To a11ow £or an 8 square foot expansion of a non-carrforming sign �' which is approximately 88 square feet in size. COMPRE HENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial Seneral ZONE: DESIGNATION: C-G (Co�ercial General) APPLICANT: Tom Brian OWNER: Marilyn Hudson 12950 SW Pacific Highway 13267 SW Bull Mtn. Road Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97224 LOCATION: 12900 aW Paci£ic Highway (WCTM 2S1 2BD, T.L. 1900) 2. Background ' Several Site Development Review approvals have been granted by the City for office/commercial use on the subject property as well as the parcel immediately west (SDR 11-75, SDR 36-78, SDR 27-84) . a 3. Vicinity Information 'Phe property adjoins commercial development to the southwest and other ` similar uses are located on the opposite sides of Walnut Place and Pacific � Highway. Apartments which are zoned R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) x abut the property to Che rear. � � 4. Site Information and Proposal Descxiption � - - __ _ _. t ;� The property is occupied by a small o£fice center. As noted above, the � exisCing sign is 8$ square feet in size. The Code allows for free standing � signs that are a maximum of 70 square teet per side with an adclitional square � faot of si�n area allowed £or every one foot of setback from the property t line up to a maximum of 90 square £eet. '� i � The applicant is proposing to increase the sign. area by eight square feet. ' This will be accomplished with a one foot by eight toot addition along the ! battnm of the sign. It is indicated that the exception is requested to � allow the retention of the time and. temperature features on the sign. i STAFF REPORT SCE 5-�fi PAGE 3 i �i � S. Agency &. NPO Comments The Engineering Division and the State Highway Division have no objection to the request. The Building Inspection Division indicates that the proposal wi11 increase the non-cont-ormity of the existing sign. Since ttzis portion of Pacific Highway has a high percentage conforming signs and it is recommended that this request lae denied< NPO #1 is opposed to the proposal because of the precendent that could be set �or establishing new or modified signs which exceed established City standards. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION The approval criteria for reviewing Sign Code Exception are contained in Section 8. 114. 145 of the Gommunity Development Codeo The Planning staff concludes that the relevant Community Development Code 1 requirements have t�ot been met based upon the findings below: 1 . In order to justi�y an exception to the sign code, one of the following three criteria GCDC 18. 114. 145) must be satis£zed: a. The proposed sign code exception is necessary because a con£orming � buildin� o� sign on an adjacent property would limit the view of a sien erected on the sitP in conformance with the sign code standards. b. The proposed exception to the height limits in the sign code is necessary to make the sigra visible from the street because of the topography o£ the site. c. There is an access drive which services the business or service from a street other than the street on which the business is located. 2. The proposed exception does not relate to the above criteria because conformi�g structures do not inhibit visibility o£ the sign and height limitations ancl additional d.xiveway aceess. points are not an issue. The sign is non-co�tozming because it does not me�t present Code standards Such signs are to be brought into con£ormance by March 20, 1988. This �zQgosal caill only worsen the u�on-con�orming character of the sign and possibly set a precedent for expansion of other non-conforming signs along Pacific Highway and elsewhere. ; C. RECONiMEND�TION ; u Based upon the £inding� and conclusions noted a'bove, the Plannin� staff f reeomme ds denia'1 f 5CE 5�86. � � �� � , � ,,� � . ��. �_��. i, PREPARED Ye Keith Liden APP E ��: Wi liam A. Monahan �; Senior Planner Direetor of Planning � & Dev'e1'opment � STAI'F REPORT S�E...�5-86 PAGE 2 ` F ' � r� AGENDA ITEM 6�1 MEMORANDUM T0: Planning Commissian May 2A 1986 FROM: Keith Liden, Seniar P1.anner � RE: Street name change from SW 113th Avenue to SW Gallo Avenue Fi�;e property owners on SW 113th Avenue have requested the a.bove street name change. Randy Clarno,.,.Ilngineering Services Manager, has written a memo with attached. information which explains the procedure to be followed. I have also included a map for your reference. The Commissicn should forward a recammendation for City Council consideration. � ' G�-� ME.MURANUUNI �.ITY QF TxGARO, OREGON T'A: , Wi�.liam A. Monahan April li, 199b Communzty Oevelopment qirectar FRQM: Randy C].arno, En�ineerir►g Service Manager �� SU9JECT: Resident request to rename SW 113th A�enue to SW Gallo Av�nue I� On March 2A, 1986 I received a letter signed by five praperty owners an SW 113th A�enue (Gallas Vineyar•d Sukrdivision) requesting that SW 11�th Avenue be re—named to SW Gallo Avenue. Ther•e are currently anlx six homes an this street. The reasan far this request is due to the fact tFrat 2a0 feet to the west is SW iX3th Place, which is really not a cul--de—sac as �he name may ind;icate. Evidently many people are mis-direeted by the signs which is und�rstand�blQ. The current 7.�1.C. d�es �ot provide a process by which to re—n�me streets, however, the ORS daes (attached), anci the pracess is nc�t a c�ifficult �ne. The last �i�e �h�e City r�—namec� a streQt was b�ck in August of 1976. The following is a genera�l outline �f th�e procESS as provfded for in the aRS: h� 1. 6ased an a staff report, the Pla�nni.na� Commi.ssian makes � � recomme�dation ta the Council. 2. S�aff aduertise�s in paper of general circula�tion �or Council hearing. Advertisement must be at l�ast ance wi.thin the week prior to the week which the hearing will be held. 3. Council at hearing pa:sses Resolutian eitFrer to reject, or Ordinance to accept request. 4. Certified copy of Ordinance, only, is fil.ed (reco�^ded) with County Clerk/Recorcier wi,th recorded copies to County Assessor arrd Caunty Surveyor, 5, Couniy Surv�y�� the� makes change, in red, �n original plat, ey this process the change becomes official when the Orciinance is recorded, The Plannirig Divisi.on has recommanded tha� we allow afPected ac�Qncies �o comment on the praposed change prior� ta completing tF�e staff repart. I would agree w9.th their recomm�ndatiun. ,� Given all. �fiis inform�tion, I would �rops�se the following schedule for this particular strpet re-�naming request. April 14 6� 15, 1986 Send request for comments to affected agencies ApriI 28, 198F Deadli�e ta receive camments Flpril 29 & 30 Deadline to camplete staff repor� �1ay 6, 19'86 Planning Cammissian r°�commen�atia�e Niay 12, �9g� Advertisement For Coun�zl public hearing May 19, 1986 Gaunca.l public hearing May 20 �firu 23, 19�6 Reeardinc� of Ordinance and natificatian to a'�fected departments and �gencies. � Yaur appraval, of this propos�d action is requestecl prior ta April la, 1996. Thank you. RSG:bs236 cc Loreen Wilson, C9.ty RQCarder l_iz New�an, Planning �ivi�i.an � , Randy Woaley, City Engineer _ V �, , 4 ` � l f 1 � � � . ._..._ � .�-: �. .. ., . . . . I. , '�� i March 24, 1986 , � I I ,I City of Tigard Engineering Departmez�t Attn: Randy Clarno P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 1Ze: I�enaminq 113�h �,venue to Gallo Avenue W�, the re5idents of 113th Avenue, wish to rename our street . The street next to ours is 113th Place and the close proximity of the two streets is very confusing for anyone trying to locate us . The nam� of our one-street subdivision is Gallo Vir�eyards. Mr . Jim Gallo, after wlxom the subdivisian was named, � still l.iv�s on Tigard S�reet at the top �nd of our street . I Because we al�. think the warld o£ him, and to �ay him some sma11 measure of r�spec�, we �vould like the name of our street ci�anged to G�llo Av�nue. We b�lieve tha.s would end. the confusion b�tween the twa atree�s , Currently �her� are £our families living on the str�et and two other famila.es are sch�dul�d to move i.n within two weeks . To avoid con�usion for the future families wha decic�e to build on our street, the name change �hould take place as soon � as possible. Thank yau for your consideration. � �a�.-� Cade and Julie Lawren�e im an �obyn Ho�kins 11675 S,W. 113th Avenue 11720 S,W. 113th Avenue , - ,;-."" � , • ;z��� � ��.�<.�'LC.�-�C�.. ��� _Z---�---_ � � Pat� and' Michelle O'Neal M�.�ha and Jan Vercruysse 11700 S .W. 113th Avenue 11740 S.W. 113th Avenue - ,� ; ` h . . ;� ;�.�;. ; }�-�.��<< �,�. ..��-- ��:.P �- Lonni� and Linda Hi11 117�0 S.W. 113th Avenue 0425w � C 227.096 � CITIES (h}Do'and perforin'all other acts and things (2) It shall be unlawful to receive or record necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of such plan, plat or replat or deed in any public ORS 227.010 to 227.170;227.175 and 227.180. office unless the same bears thereon the approval, (i) Study and propc�se such measures as are by indoraement, of such commis�ion or city advisable for propnotion of the public interest, eng�neer. However, the indoraement of�the com- health, morals,safety,comfort, convenience and m�ssion or city engineer of�the city�with bound- welfare of the city and of the area within six miles aries nearest the land such document affects shall thereof. � �� �'�''��`'•` �' • satisfy the sequirements of this section in case ' �::? ,•<;'-r�: .. the boundaries of more than orie city are within (2)�'or the purposes of this section: six miles of the property so,mapped or described. (a) ."Incident solar radiation" means solar If the governing bodies of such cities mutually energy falling upon a gi,ven sucface.area. agree upon a boundary line establishing the limits (b) "Wind" means the natural movement of �f the jurisdiction of the oities other than the line air at an:annuEi average speed measueed at a equidistant between the cities and file the agree- heigk�t of.10 meters of at least eight miles per ment with the recording officer of,the. county }lour. [Amended by 1975 c.153§3;1975 c.767§4;is�s c.s7i containing such boundary line,the b�undary tine §s;issi c.5so�e) mutually agreed upon shall become the limit of the jurisdiction of each city until superseded by a 227.486 De�nitions for ORS 22'7.100 new agreement between the cities or until one of and 22?.110. As used in ORS 227.100 and th�cities files with such recording of�cer a writ- 277.110,"subdivision"and"plat"have the mean- �n notification stating that the agreement shall ings given those terms in L1RS 92.010. [1955 c.756 no longei apply.(Amended by 1955 c.756§27;1983 c.570 §28� §51 227.100 Submission of plats for sub- 227.180"Procedur� �ad approval for divisions and plar►s �or street alterations res►�ing�tre.el�; V�Iithin six miies af the lim- and public buildimgs 8o commi�siotn,rep¢�rt. its of uny city,the commission,if there is one,or All subdivision plats located�within the city if nn s�ach commission leg�lly exis4s,then the city limits,and all plans or plats for vacating or laying engineer,shall recommend to the city council the out, widening, extending, paaking and locating renaming of any existing street,highway or road, streets or plans for public buildings shall first be other than a county road or state highway, if in subaraitted to the cornmission by the city engineer the judgment of the commission, or if no such or other proper municipal officer, and a report comr�ission legally exists, then in the judgment thereon from the commission secured in writing of the city engineer,such renaming is in the best before approval is given by the proper municipal interest of the city and the six mile area. Upon Off1C18I. [Amended by 1955 c.75G§26) receiving such a°ecommendation the council shall � afford t�ons articularl in 22?.110 City approval required prior � P Y ��sted, and the to recording of subdivision plats and plats Seneral public, an opportunity t� be heaPd, at a or deeds dedicating land to publir use �lme and place to be speci�ed in a �otice of within six miles of city; exception. (1) All �earing published in a nev�spaper of�eneral cir- subdivision plats and all plats or deeds dedicating culation within tlye municipality and the six mile land to public use in that portion of a county area not`less than'once within�the week prior to within six miles outside the limits of any city the week within which the hearing is to be held. shall first be submitted to the city planning �fter aueh opportunit}► for" hearing has been commission or, if no such commission exists, to afforded, the city couneil by ordinance shall the city engineer of the city and approved by the �name the street or highway in accordance with commission or engineer before they shall be the recomxnendatioa�or by resolutior�shall reje�c� recorded. However, unless otherwise provided in Che reco�mendatiom: A certified copy of each an urban growth area management agreement �uch ordinance bhall be filed for record with the jointly adopted by a city and county to establish �unty clerk or tecc�rder,and a like copy shall be procedures for regulating Iand use outside the city �d� with the coqnty asaessor and county s�r' limits and within an urban growth boundary veyar:'1'he county_�urveyor $hall enter the new acknowledged under ORS 197.251, if the county ��s af�uch streets And roads in red ink on an�' �overning bod,y has adop�ed ordinances or regula- ��ed plat and tracit�g thereof which may � tic�ns fpr subdivision and m�3jor pt�rtition control affected, tog�ether with eppropriate notatic►ns under ORS 92.044, land within the six-mile limit '��ncerning the eame: shall be under the jurisdict,ion of the county for 227.130 �ltepeailed by IJ7fi c.7G7$IC>J thotie purposes, 'L`L'7,140 (Repe+iled by 1975 c.7Fi7§Ifi� ;i•iti ----_. _—_ _ - _ � 6�-:� PLANI�TING CONIM7:SSIC�N May 6, 1986 AGENDA ITEr4 N0. 6.2 MEMO T0: Plannin� Commission May 2, i986 FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner � RE: Access restriction for Penn Lawn .�staccs, Lot ] 1 The purchaser of Lot 11 is requesting thatcondition 8 o.f Fina2 Qrder No. 85-18PC be waived. A.ttached is a copy of the request, the minutes from the suly 9, 1985, Commission hearings Fina1 Order No. 85�18PC, and an Assessoxs Map of the subdivision. The applicant will bE available at the hearing to answer any questions� I , _ _. _ _ _ 1 _ _.__ _.. ._ �.�, ___. .,..:J �� , �V�IIC� el'1C. ,,�szs Sw cor�t Ave. Rort�r,a, oR srzo� . .... (503)223-5269 April 18, 1986 Mr. William Monohan Planning DirPCtor City of Tigard 12755 5.W. Ash P.U.Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: ADMINISTRATYVE CHANGE TO PTaAT OF PENN TOWI�I �5T1�TE5 Dear Mr. Monohan: Devland, Inc . requests an administrative chanc�.e be made to the plat of Penn Lawn Estates in Tigardo At the present time, a "no vehicular access°' condition exists for Lots 2 and 11 onto Southwest 115th Avenue . All access, there�ore , must be made to 5nuthwest Penn Court. We have determined that no adverse impact exists for Lot 2 as a result of thi� candition, however, we believe a seve�e restriction on the development �otential of lot 11 exists as a result of this condition when combined with the physical orientation of the lot and the setback requirements of the City' s 2oning Ordinance. The enc� result is one of extremely smal]L xear yar�s fo.r thP buildinq. i In our review of the final plat of Penn Lawn Estates and the i proposed Penn Lawn Estates II, we find no other corner lots ? are saddled with this condition. Had this eondition adopted uniformly for all corner lo�s, the development pa�tern of the subdivision could be significantly altered from what it has �� become . We believe that the lot in c�uestion will have no adverse impact upon Southwest 115th Avenue when it is permitted access to Southwest 115th Avenue . Th� greatest adverse impact will �ie on the homeowner of the lot. To illustrate our point, we have prepared two potential Plot Plans, A and B, for Lot 11. As you might readily understand by reviewing the Plans, the �ccess to Southwest Penn Court, the building envelope of the lat ancl tihe footprint of the �z propased dwelling combine to create � minimum rear lot ar�a. ;� Plan B, with orientatian td Snuthwest 115th Avenl.�e, p�ovide more locational flexibil.ity and patential fox a much larger rear lot area. We note that none of the existing six (6) i: dwellings in Penn Lawn Estates could fit onto Lot :ll if y; '!;I `l � f' A I°1���LAJ�� i ;� � ` � i Mr. William Monohan April 18, 1986 �age two required to orient to Southwest Penn Court. Therefore, i� order to provide greater locational fl�xib�lity for this lot and create potential For a larger rear lot area, we request that an administrative change be made to the plat of Penn Lawn Estates. Please notify us if you require additional information or would like to meet with us to discus� the situation in greater detail . Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, DEVLAND, INC. � �. David C. Adair �AC:lmb Enc: Plot Plans A & B i ��� �� , �O `• �o'f 11 �i8 '?/ � �� 704.4 yQ,Pf 8c4 �/ �� . ' !!S �� ' /� � ,�� � 's- /� � � . �`�� � . �� � �\ ti �' 6, ��` / � � � '� ��� � \ ; �' � . ti° �' , � . \ h . . � � �� . � �`'� '� . . - � . $ \ � � L; � . . \ . o� \ � � `a� � � � ��,-�''� . l � '� , �,- � � �, , . � � ,- � '� —a� eo�,.�2 �-1=ZC> A = = O � _.y .�� r ��,�N � . i 1 � r i i (, i � ` 4 � t OF � � t �. C' 1' I' iI il 11 . � � � � � � � � � 4,��� i.r C', S; �i k;l. i+� �? i:,: i;; i,; L% .. ., � . � .. . . . �e . .. . � � � .. . . � . .. . . . .. ' ' �'1:: . �. . . . . . . . , . . l'��' . . � � . � � � � '� 'Q'� �� . . '`4.l05 . � . ..-�--._. �� '• l.o't 11 ��8 S �� 'oa4 ��a�FT '8a �/ �� . ' � IIJ�` c�`�� . � . ,�� pJ�' ''S� / \ � ' '�� // \ N �e ��i . �� � 6� � � y� � ��� \ �/ \ ' ho � , - . \ . • ' • . , • r� � � �l`� \\ , � � � � • • ' . . O t� � �.� �, � \ . \ py � 'd� � . , � ' o ' \ �� •'g � �' � � \ `-� ' '�- �' � � ' .,,� °" �� S+ � � ' .. --�e �p�.'1'� � ��—.7"a`t� ...�— . � � 1 M y .. ALC. . . . __ .�1.��".. �L�°N .�:� . _ , ,` za�e �, ••---�.. • o� t�DT 11 ��a �LV - C� 9�q �. �' � ! �.�'� ' .� . � !$� . / � � �- �• -\. ' ��g�� / � � � � v� - � � � -� � � E� � � � yo � � , / ' � . ��� \� �\• \ � . . . $ � , . ._ �.��> . . \ ' , � �� �� . g .,•� � �, � i� � , �� ��� � � 10'yl��'12 .• �� ' . . ' . . ... : . . � . . , , ' • . ' . •• I . , : I �. � .. _ . .�.� � � � �-���.. . _ - - � . . �1...0�" . A _.� . R � � : . � �..... _.___ � . a... :.� ... . . . .. � t�*� S�. .. . te�• j t�,�3` .. .. �ti:. r M1 i y.''�' F 1 < Y�1`.l:t,�����. . . . �.�.. .. �,��-~x,�. � . � :t:.l a,. .-...j � � . �'1^1 �} ,� '� . .. • . ,:,�e �. .� ... ., c .�.. ;r. ;. � ... . : .. . ,�.. t ' ...�.. ' r •t , ..i r - C.... •V- . . o rk Bonebrake, 13265 SW Falcon Riae, repreaenting the Morning Hill As iation, appraved of the praposal, They cancurred with thQ NP� rega acc�ss. ThQy would like tn see the l�ts whi�h abut Morning Hill Su visian be aligned with the existing lota to make "good neighbor" cir�g e�sier. Also, they would like to see a �igM . placed to show here the intersections are on Scholls Ferry. PU9LTC HEARING C�OSED � o Discussion fallowed rega ing vacating 130t�,s the status of 130th, � Sensitive Lands/W�tlands, eting candition number 13 ta grade and ' nment o lats �o ma�ch Mornin Hill lots, reali the ark 9 seed p , 9 �et edestrian athwa� disadv�nta es for loo str , p hwey, advantages arod g p p I access to the ark. and p � Cc�mmissi.oner Fyre moved and Commissianer Pe rsan secanded ta approve S 9-$a �ased on staffos findings and can sians, with staff's conditions, modifying condition number 18 to rea "Phase IT must be recarded withitn two years of the final decisi�an dat Also, �ddirr� condition 19. Sensitive Lands shall be requir priar ta construction, paying particul,ar attentica►� for drainage bl�ms an lot 65 through 70. Cnndition 2q. A Pedestrian walkway to be provided far access ta the park. Motion carried unar►imdsas ,,.,�by Cammissioners pregent. 5.6 SUBfJIVISI0111 S ].0-85 T'NE GENEL C0. INC. NPO # 7 Request to divide a 2.86 acre parcel into 12 lots between 7,5q0 arrd 8,00� �quar�e feet i.n size. Loeated: West side of 115th A�e. , north of Manzanita Street (WCTM 1S1 34BD, la� 7000) . ;:�ior Pla�nner Lid�n made staff's recoanmendation for approval wnth 9 .snditians. APPI_ICANT'S PRESENTATION Tnc, 1735a SW 9aones Ferr Rd, , L0, 97034, stated o Ken Nelson, OTAK, y they had re�iewed the staff repnrt and had no objections ta the canditions. 1-hey felt the project would enhance the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PUBLTC TESTIMC)NY o Wayne Thomas, 10900 SW 115th, basically favored the praposaZ, they were just surprised because they had thought the property was awed by the Bea�erton School District. He felt the cul-de-sac should be realigned to create an intersectian. a Pat Brownell, 10950 SW 115th, was concerned that the access €�as directly acrass from her driveway. She felt the alignment af Penn C�, shauld be mo�ed. '� PLANNTN� Cf�(�1FIISSIOIY MIAIUTES July 9, �1985 Page A � PUBLT� HEARING CLOSED o Diacuasion fol�owed regarding realignment af Penn Court. * Gonraisei,can�r Laverett moued and �omanissioner �'yre secnnded to s�pprova'- S 10�-8:5 basQd on staff's findings and cun�lus'xans� inc7,uding atiaff's con�itions, atdding condition numb�r 10, fihat s�ccess .for 'l:ot3 2 air�! ` 11 �+311 b� an Rer�n Court. Motion carried unanimoualy by Commissior�Qr p�serot. � � R �a, U9DIVISION S 11-g5 SAYLOR I WELCN / KUCHERA NPO N �7 R ueat �o divide 16.64 acres ir�to 84 lats �f 4,500 to 14,250 square feet i.n aur pha�es. The pro�erty is zaned R-7 (PD) (Reaidential, 7 units cre, Planned Develapment). Lacated: Su�ner Lake D�velopment, s Ferr Roa d east af Summer Lake DriVe, and west �f� �M� oll . south Sch y �lorth Da ta Street ex�ensio�s. Senior Pl�n r Lbden reviewed the history af th� praject. !ie ask�d that cor�dit�on num r 9 be deleted as it does not apply to th� Pd. Staff �' recomm�ended �►pp val wi.th 16 condi�ians. APPL.ICA1�7'S PRES�NTATT o Nlel Stuut, �avid vans ar�d Assoc. , 262fa SW Carbett, 97701, revxawad four maps they ha submitted showir� tne previous, existing, �nd pr��raa�d auksdivision. He concurred with �taff to .delete conditions nwn�ba�r� 9. TheY �ppos conditions # 10 and �i il.� becau'se Qf the de�w�l��arot c�f the� Pl�a creek Apartm�n�, t�ey �ei� th� s�a�u$ of S��^irtic�rao�d D�i:ve shouTd b cha�nged to a local s�t^eet ins�t�ad of ti�e minor co�lector, they wes^e 11ing �m compromise with a 55 1'o�t w3.cith with parking on one side of e street. On condition nun►b�r 14 th�y opposed the common driy�way as 't would m�ke it difficu7.t �o sell �he homes, _ PUBLIC TEST'TMONY a Ncr one appeared to speak. PUBLIC NEARING CLQSED a Di.seussi;on followed regard9.ng the wadth requ ement for SW S.pringwood Drxve, parkinc� an o�e si.de oF the street, th common driveways, the conditions required fram the PD ap�roval and la eaped islands. � �ommissioner 8ulter mavecl and Commissioner 8e nn seconded to approue S 11�85 based an sta�f's findings and conc sians, deleting cQ�di.tion rrumber �; deleting the last sentence in� c itian nwmber 14; modify canditiun num'aer 16 to delete conditiona 6, 12, 14, and d�alete "(deleting them wzthin �he cul-de-sac)" conditior� number 7 from }ne condi�ic�ns af ZCPQ 28-77, Motion rri�d by majority va�e of �qmra�i.ssianers pregent. PLAMNING COI�M�[SSTOIN N1T�IUT'E8 �'uly 9, 1985 Pa�g�a 15 .� � R.,;,'_ \�� �'� ����' , . C]"�'Y 01� TI:GARD PLANNI:NG COMMIBST.t)N ' FTNA� OROER N0. 85-�_ PC . � , i A FTNAL ORpER INCLIibTNG F7:N�ING�:, ANf) CONCL.USTON�3, WHI:CH APPROVfS AN APPLTCATION FOR A SUHOIVTSION (S 10-85) REQUEST�D 8Y TNE GENFL CO. , LNC. ! ` � � � ; The Tiga`rd Planning Commissi�n rc�viewpd thp above application at a public k�earir�g crri 3ul.y 9, 1.985, The Cc�mmissianer based i.ts dccisian an �tie fact�, findings and conclusions �oted bel�w: R. FACT�� 1 , Gen�ral Infarmation CASE: Subdivxsinn S 10-85 REQUEST: Ta divide a 2,86 acre parcel inta 12 lots between 7,500 and � 8,000 square feet in size. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN QESIGNATIpN: Low Density Residential ZONING bESIGNATTON: R-4,5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) APPLTCANT: Arthur 6� A ssociates OWNER; T'he Ge�el Co. I�c, 8875 SW Bea�erton Hillsdale Hwy. 220 N.W. 2nd � Portland, Oregon 97225 Portland, Or 97209 : LOCATION: West side of 115th Ave. , north of Manzanita Street (WCTM iSl � 34BD, Tax Lot 7Q00) , i 2. Background No previous land use cases have been r�eviewed by the City regarding this pr�operty. 3 . Vicinity Informatic,n All of the surrounding properti.es are z��ned �--4 .5. A 7-acre parcel ownec9 by the Oeaverton School Distrirt lies ta the north and west. Si�gl.e family resiuences abut the prr��erty an thc sauth and the east side of 115th Avenue. 4. Site Information � This praperty is a vac�rit grass field. The a�plicant proposes a 12�1ot, � single family residen�ial subciivision featuring �n� cul-dp-sac street. 4 Two luts will have da,rect access to 115tf� Avenue and the remainder will ' be served by the proposed cul--dp-sac, , 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Divisir,n has the following comm�nts; a. T'he rem�ti.ni,ng f�alf-•••str�eet �i.m�>r•civc�mcrit:s �lprig thr 1.1.5th� Avenu� Frr,ntac�e will k�e r•r.��qui.r•c�d . FINAI.. ORl')E:F2 N0. 85•-- ,/`.. F>� _ �a l.O--f?!'� _ ��>AGf: 1 Kl' w• I � 4 b. The private easement P��r sewer servicH to lat 1?. shnuld h�n shown an the f i.nal pl.at. T'�ae f3uil.ding l:nsp�cti�n Divisic,n and Beavertan 5chc,al District Nu, 48 have no objectians to the propasal, B. FINDINGS AND• CONCLUSI;ONS The rele�ant criteria in this case ar�e �t�tewi,de F�3.anning Goals 1, 2., and 10; Tigard Comprehensive Plan p�lir_ies 2.1, 1, 7, ",2, 7.3 . 1, 7.4.4, and 8. 1.3; and Cammunity Development cc,de Chapters 18,50, 18. 160, and 28. 164. The Planning C�mmissian conclu�des that the pruposal is cunsistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Gnals and Guidelines based upan the follawi.rig findi,ngs; " a, Goal #1 is met because the City has adu;pted a Gitixens Invo]�vement program including review of all developme�t applications by the Neighburhood Planni�g Organization (NPO). 7n addi,tion, all public notice requirements were met. b. Goal �2 is met because the City applied all a�pplicable Statewide Planning Gaa�s, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Oevelopment Code requirements to the application. c. Goal �P10 is satisfied because the propasal �ill provide for hausxng as contemplated by the City Comprehensive Plan, The Planning Commission has determined that the praposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the t findings no�ted below: � i a. Polic� 2, 1, 1 is satisfi.ed because the N�ighborhoad Planning � : Organization and surrounding propert_y awner were given notice af the hearing and an oppurtunity to comment un the ap�l,icant's � proposal. `. b. Policy 7. 1,2, 7.3, 1, and 7.A.4 are satisfied because adeGuate water, sewer, a�d storm drainage facilities are a�ailable to the development. The applicant also indicates tF�at these facilities will be provi.ded within the subdivisi��n as r�quired by l:ity standards, c, Policy 8 . 1 ,3 will be satisFied when tfie conditions uf a�pruval relating to street improvements are completHd. k The Pl�nning Commi.ssion has determined �tiat the pru�osal i,s consistent � with the r�elevar�t portions of the Community Develo�amc�nt Ccrde based upa� the findings nuted beluw: a. Chapizr 18.50 of th� cade is satisfied becausc� th� pr•op��sal. mt�ets all oP the requir�ments oP the R—A.S rane. F 1 N(il. ORC)E:12 N0. 85-- 1� F�C - �; 1Q�-S� - I�AGE 7.. �:_..._..:J � �. b, Cha�ter 18. 160 af the Cracie is satixfied bcacause i:hEa �aropr�s<�1 meets the requi.rements set farth fur the submissi.nn arid a��r•aval c,f the preliminary plat. c. Chapter 18. 164 of lhe Code will be satisfied during the approval . process for the final plat. The preliminary plat indicates that all City standards can be met, C. DECTSIVN t . Based upr�n the abave facts, findings, and �cunclusiuns, the Planning Commissi�n approves S 10-85 subje.ct ta the fAllowing conditi�ns; 1. UNL_ESS OT'WERWISE NOTED, ALL C�iVDITTONS Sf�AI.L HE MET' PRIOR TO ISSUAA6CE OF BUI�DING PERMITS. 2. Standard half-street improvements includirig sidewalks, curbs streetliyhts, driv�way aprans. sturm drainage and utilities (delete inapplicable items) shall be installed along the Nar�h Dakota Street fro�tage. Said impro�ements shall be built to minor collectur standards and canforni tu the alignment of exastr.ng adjacent improvements. � 3 . Seven (7) sets o'F plan-profile public improvement construction � plans and one (1) itemized construc�ion cr�st estimate, stamped by a Registered Professianal Civil Es�gineer, detailing all proposed public improvementg shall be submit�ed to the Engineering Section for approval. 4. Sanitary sewer plan-profile details shall be pruvided a� part of , the public improvement p�.ans. 5, Con�truction uf prapased public impravements shall nat commence until after the Engineering Section has i.ssued approved public impruvement plans. The Section will require pusting of a 100X Performanc+e Bond the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetliqht fee, Alsu, the execution of a street opening permit ar constructiun compliance agreement sha11 occur priur to, or concurrently with the issuance uf approved public improvement plans. �EE TNE ENCLOSED NANQOUT GIVIfUG MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDTNG FE:E SCHEDULES BONDING AN[� AGREEMEMTS, 6. Street Centerline Monumentation 1. Tn accordance with ORS 92.060 subsecti�ri (2), the centerlines of all str�E�et and roadway right-of--ways shall be monuarented before the City shall accept a stre�t improvement. 2, All centerline monumerits shall bp p�.ac�c� in a m�nument b�x conforming to City standards, and thie tap �f all monwment box�s shall be set at design fi�ish gradp- �rf said street ar � raadway , i � '� F T.Nf11. c.)RI�F R N0, 85-/i%` F��, -- S 1�.-�£35 . pl1f.,F 3 � ....._�_ _« _ ...�, I � ` :_. _. .._:_-. � � 3 , The folluwa.ng cent�rliri� monumEnts shall be set; a. All centerline—centerline intersecxinns, Intersectiuns creat�d wi.th "cullector" ar ut;her existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment Uf said ; � °collectur" or oth�r street has been establisF�ed by ur . � • f��r the Ci�y, � i ' b. Cent�r af all cul--de—sacs; , c. Curve points, Point oF intersectian (P,I.) when their ', positian fa11s inside the lim�.ts of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending point (B.C, and E.C,) , d, H11 sanitary and storm locatian shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumerrtation. 7. A private easement for sanitary sewer service for lot 12 shall be I illustrated on the final pla�. i � 8. Access for lot 2 and il shall be limited ta Penn Court. �II {I 9. After review and appr�val by the Planning Director and Public 'I bJarks Director, the Firral Plat shall be recor�ded with Wa�t�ington � Gounty. � i iQ. This appro�al is valid if exercised within an� year of the fi�al � decision datQ. � It is �urther ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry ofi this � or�er. PASSED; This 07�day of , 1985, by th� C�lanning Commission c,f the City of T'igard. ��� I C1. ��.�1 ���.-- A. Donald Moen, President Tigard Planning Commission (KSl.;pm/1607P) FI;lUFiL.. UkUE:R N0, 8�i��_/�j E�C _.� S lb.�..8''a — PAC;E 4 [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]