Planning Commission Packet - 08/06/1985 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TT.G�R� PLANNxNG C�'p�'1�5S��N '1"UFSpAY, AUGUST 6, '19A5 – 7:30 p.M. T�GARD SCMqOL. L77C51"FtTC'1" .._ HqARi) ROOM �.3137 SW PA�;��"tC H;CGHWAY T�CaARl7, UREGOIV 1, f,;all to Qr�clar 2. Fto].1 Call 3. App7raval of M9.nutes fram J'ul.y 9, ].�$�'a. 4. Planning Gommissipn t:rammunica�tian 5. F�UBL.xC Hk.AR�:NG�; 5.1 GQMWREH�:N��:V� PLAN AMEN��iENT' CPA 9_..8�'r, ZUIVE:: CP•IAfUCE. AIVN�:XAT�C?N 2:CA 11.--�'5 Rt1S;;EL..L KRU�:GER A��rnex 23.2� aCY''AS '�ta '�I9P. City r�� Tigard (`�W 'L3'"a�h anc� Schalls F'erry Raad) NPt� # 7. 5,2 �OIVE t�MANCE AN�fEXA"ftON 7_CA 12�-85 K�.VIN PFRFt:CN/Dt�N;CFI. �Ct1�NK NPO # 2 Request t:q �trin�x .8� acres into the Ci.ty of T'a.gard an�l �:o ch�iar�ge the zur�ing c�esignatian from W�sh, Co. R-�-h to Ca.t� c�f Tigard R..-Q,S. Loc�t:pd; SW Nurth �akota, narth af SW 92nd Ave. (�JCT'M 181 ��'aQB, 1a� 84Qd), 5.� ZON� 4RD�CM1IANC� AM�'ND�IENT ZUA 4.,_£i5 �,:�1'Y OF T';CGAR� Revi.ew tF�e foll.awa.ng Chap•tE�r•s of the Commur�i.�ty Deve�.r��men�: Cac�e; 18.142 �dnme Occupa�iuns; 18.64 t�P (Prc�f�ssi�ar�a'�/t�dminis�c^a�:iu� O�Pfic�s); 18.7.Q6 O�F��-Stre�� Parkinq ai�d Loada.ng Req�airem�nts; 18.1�.A Sigr�s; 1�, ].32 Nr,,ncanforming 5i�:uta�xans; 1�.1�6 Ann�xa�;ians; ].�,13a Es�ablisl�ed Area – D�u�laping Area G].assifa.c�t3.an; 18.A4.pCaq, �-��; 18.Afr.O&iq, Cd-2; 18.48,(35Q, R�._3 .5;, R--4,5; Y8.57_.050, R-7; :L8.54.t�50, R--�.2; X8,56,a50. Fi--25; �.8.58.0�'sQ, R--.4q; 18.6p,Q5n Commerei.al N�i.ghk�orhaod; 18.62,05� Cammerc:a,a], General; 18.64.�D5q Gramm�rca,al Professa.dnal; '�8,66.05Q C;eritral E�IASI.I'�C?SS Di.s�ri.ct;; 18.68,Qa4 ]:r�clus�ria]. park; 18.'70,Q�a0 Indus�trial I..ight; 18.72.Q50 Industrial Mw�vy. ; i i i fi. O�h�r Busi,ness 3 c t a a R�snluta.an pr�par�d b� CQPitT117.S57,U!'1�?Y� F'yr��. � � , 4 o Cunsa.deration u�F NP0 # 2 membership ' t � 7. Adjowrnment, i ; � �.bBAP/dmj , � � _ , �,.: _ , ,._ . .... ; , -- - -- — - _ ...�:�'� --- - T':I:GF�RCl F�t..A1UNx(�C C;c�MMx;;Slt�i� RE:GUL.,AR MF�'1"TNG �- AI1(�U�'r 6, 1�85 ].. Pr�+si.cic�i�r�: Mc,c�ti°, c�l.l.�d tl�i� m�eta.nq tu r,rder at 7:35 P,M, , The m��ti,ng w�s h�].r� �t the 'Tigarc� �chr,n�. Di,st:r•ict; F�ua.l.c�ii7g ..�- Can•Ferenr•c� Rcac,m -- 1�137 �.;W Paci.'Fir. N�.ql~�w�y. 2. ROI.i.. CAL_I..: F�r�s�nt: F�r�sa.dent Nir,��r�i; �ammi.ssi.,:�rier�s E�utl.�r, F�eter�sun, Hyre, t��r�gmani�i, V�nc�srwoc�d, ar►d �wens. Fibsc�w�t: Cammi.ss�.on�rs Gampb�l.l. �i�d t_ccver��tt. 3 , API�Rt�VAL t)F I�:�:NU'1°F:.S K� CQ[�CI11.53].ra���^ Fyr� moue�d and Cumm9.ssa.c�ner� E;ut].�r s�cr,r�d�d t:a adapt •tP7� mii7�dtEy3 as s�abm:i.•tt�d, Mo•�ir,�� r�ar�r�i.4ac� unana.mr�usly by Cnmmissi.r,n�rs pr�sei°it, 4, I�I..t�NN:Z:NG t�t�MM:f.S��:Ct�N t:,Of�M1,1N:LCA1"Tt)N a l"hir:.r� was r�ra commtar7i.c�ti.r.�ri, 5, PIJqI.:Ct� FiFldF2:CNG� 5. 1 �:,()MF�F2�"t�IE:N:,:T:V� f7l.AN AMf.:IVi:)ME::NT' C�F� 9....8�'a �rtd XOI�E: C�•I�iNGF.:: �iIUNFX�I"I:t3N 7..CA 7.1_.-g�.i " Requ�st: •tr, anrrkax 23 .7ci �c:rps a.n�ta ��h» C;ity �.��P 1°:�c�ar<i �nc� �t:c, ch�ng� the Gr,m�reh��r7�i.ve I�l�n d�signati.an frr,m W�s���i,ngtrsr�� C;r,}urrty F��sa.d�ry�i.a]. 74 una,ts p�r acr�: �:r., (aa.�ty c�f 'Tigard MQCiiwm Migh c��ns�.�ty ai�c� •th�E� ��yr�xng fr��am Wa�hi.r7qtr�n Cr.�unty �tesi.dei•it;a.�l 7..4 ur7i.tslacre �c, Ci�:y ��F 1":i,gard R--•:Z.S, l..oc:a�t�ci: �,W �.:35•�h a�7c� rir.�r~th c,f ScMr.,11s F�r�ry Rc•,�d, IUPc3 ,� 7. 5�ni.rar �l.anr7��r� N�wtain r�eui.ew�d the staf�F r���ar� �r�d �x�laa.r�ad that s�taff haci rEac�i.ued �c�da.ti.�an�l r�quests frc�m adjaini.i7g pr�c,p�r���y r,wners: ��hrc��,�h Ry�n Q'��rier�, tu k�c inc].uded wi.th this ar�n�x�ti.ory, p9.scuss�.ari full.r,�wec�, fal�Pi...l;Cf�NT'S I�Rk:sf.:NTA7°T:c�N Russ�].l. Kru�!g�r, 3�i�.F� �;W fi�r�k�ur Fil.vd, Y._..]., F�r,r�].arrd, 977.q],, s�at:ed twc�rt wi•th th� ann�xa�h.ir�n ��f Mis prraper•ty it wr.�ulci make a.t �as•i.er �Pur th� E?Xt:C?I'la].fjYl r.rf Mur~r�y Eil.ud, and thyat th�re wr,ul:d be N�a].�F stre�fi i.mprovem�nts c�r,�ns�tr�ac�h�ad alai�g �:he edg� of Mis prap�?r�ty ].i.ne. ftyar� Q'Eiri.�ar7, 1].:3�i �.,f� 7:3rd Avc�„ Mi.a.],sk�ara, Q�t 97]:T.3, shaw�d a rna� ir�c�ic��t�.ng Krueg�:r's �rr,p�r�ty �nc� n�tP7�r proper•�ti.es 7.Y1�G-�1"@'S'F:f3ci �in �nnsxi�7g ��, th� Ci,ty uf T'a,g�rd. pIJNi...:I:t; '1"F��'T':CMUNY r, Gai,]. �;tG,���r�, itt, ], E3s,x 3H]., �3�auertr�r7, OR 97QQ7, oppUS�d �:h� �nn�:xa�tican, SWiEa c�a.c� nr�t f��l •that •tMe Ci�y of 'Txgarc� sh�r�a�d ext�'nd its C9,ty ].9.nia.t:s b��yGr��d ,;chull.s F'erry Rd, She fel.t annex�.ta.ari �u Ca.ty €,f F���u�r°�c�n wr�u],c� b4} mr,r� appr�apriate because �th�y ar4 in '�h� ; , I i E � � � 1 � ' i E3cauertc,n ScN�ao]. i'Ji.str•ict, thcy wou].d hav� ari o�apr,r�tur�ii.�:y tr,, br:.cr,mE a ��rt I caf th� T�,sa].��tin Hi.11.s R�craatir�n District, Gznc� two af �th� rr�s�.ciprtits w4are al.r�ady ari F���u�rtr.,n w�t:cr, :;he h�d F7r,�a.ed Ni�r• rr�i,ghl�ors whr,, l.i.u� in thc� ar�a arrd four r,f •�h4am Mavp pp�r itic�n�cl thp t;i.ty r�f E�P�tvt�rtan frar annexa•ta.�an. a Ji.m Gr�wl.ey, Rt 7. Hrrx 36F.iA, t3��uerton, Q� 97q07, a�K�ased tl�e ann�xa��ic�n, He wan�ts tM�e �r�� �ta b� �nnexed •�u �a.ty O'F BP.a'lUP.I"'�tJl'1. �iw�u�r-rA�_ ra Ry�n 0'Nrien st:atrd tHtiat mr.,st af t;hre r�si.d�i�7ts whc, ].i.ue ir� tNtat ar�e�a, wi•tMin �the (�i•t:y �rF 'Tigarc� limi�ts, arEa :in •t:he f.iE��u�rton Schau]. fJi.str�a.ct, Al.sc�, i.t i.s nat: uriusia�]. fr,�r� wa�:r:�r CI7.,�i'EY'7.C'C5 tci cr�oss ci.ty la.mit baunciari.es, F�UF3l..�f:l'; HEA�t�(UG C1..0�E:i) C��mmi.ssianer t�wens ar•r�ivad. ' u I)].SCUS57.UC7 'FC1a..I.GWf?d r��qa.rdii~�c� ti��E� Ci.ty Caunci.:l.' s GIa.Y'@C'Y:7.G1'1, wat:�r^ dis•tri��•t.s, fir� c�ia•tr�i.c•ts, r���a.��r,i,� Hills Rper°E�a�:iciri {�i.3tric•t, �tl-�r� sci��uo1 di.str�ic#:<,>, adda.ng �dc�i.ta.ari�l �ru�c�rti�±s tu th� awin�xata.oi7 r•�quest, and w�t�.anc,is. o Comrni.ssi,r,,r�c�rh Ei�a�).�r, Fyr�, V�n�l�rwuod, ai~�c! E3�rr�manr7 favare�l th� anr��xati.c,n, l",r.,mmissa,r�ners Pp't�Y'sr.�n �r7c� t�nsr7 h�d concprns ber,ause vf th� di.ff�rent di.str�icts inuulvc�d. Cc,mma.ssi.ar�er Ma�n cc�ncurred wi,th Mrs. Staver tha�t �Gh� schor.,�. anci r�cre���ta.ona! c�istri.c�: pres�nt�d rFaa1 �r•ok�lems tra r.iti.xr•.r�s in nc�rtH7ern 7"9.gard. � l;r,�mplis5ir��tE?Y' t3er~gmaru� ma�Fac� �i�e� (�arnmi.ssi.r,ner V�nc�erwooci secor�dec� to I'i fc�rward CN� 9.....8�'a ar7d Z:C; J,�.--85 tr, C;.�:y i�.,�•r7ci.1„ ���a.riq tl��� �dd7.t:a.ur7�]. °' pr�r�pprta�s whc, wish7 •tc, bc� wnn4sx�c� •�a �h� t:,a.�ty �.��F Tigard, wi�th a r�ca►nm�nc�a�ti.r,,r7 fur �p�ar�u�al.. �I.sc,, a>k (;9.�y Co�ar7Ga.�. ta a�tempt r i •t icts far �r c� r� rr� �rd i n s l i•t c� s r �c�i.,n t,, mi•i::i �a•te •tN7e cr�n�p i�s 5 9 9 p schurrJ.s, rec:r�e�ti.r,,ri c�a,stri.cts, �rid water� r�i.stric�s. Mati.car� carra.Nd k�y majori�ty u�•tEa r�f l',r.�mmissioners pr�sent, C;amm�ssi.<,riers Mr,�en �nd P�t�rsun ur,ta.rig r�r.,, Cammi.ssic�nr•.r.Qwens ak,staiin�d. r,7 I()NF Cfdf�Nf�E: AfVNF XAT:C:c)N 7C`A �.?_••-{�5 K�V:[:N pF:�Rt2TN/DAiU:CF.:.I. S(:���:NK NP� # 2 A r�quc�st tc, ar�r7�x .8n arres i.r�ta thr! Ci.ty af 1"iqard �nd ta Ghar�ge th�e zoning c�asigr�ati�arr •Frr�m Washington C�cyun�Ey R-5 ta �.i�Ey ca�f Tigarc� R�-4,5. 1"Fie �r�ra�,rrty is ].r,,cat:er� �.,ri fihr r•iar�tN7 si,de r�f 5W Nr�rtN� C)�kut�, nr�rth r,f UW 92rrc� Ave. (Wl','1"P1 �,51 3!51)8 1�at 84Q�) . 5�ni.r,,r• �lar7nc�r New�:an mad� st��ff's r�cr.,mm�rl�l�tian fc,r a�praval u�i.th two a cai��l i�i�ns, � ANPL..:I:CANl"'S PF2E�`iENT'Al"l:QN E I u Keuin Perri.r�i, �4p1 aW 4•th, �ar��:l.and, 972.�.9, ex�l.aa.ned tM�a� tM�y wowlc� � la.k� �tr., ar�nPx �tc, th� C:ity so s�wer wo�a].d be available to �the pr�rap�rty E� tra make i.t sal.Eabl,r�. i '� P�1HI..T.(. 'T'�:S'1"TMc)NY a k��atr�ice Ei. 5h�wmaker, 1].2.7� �W 97r�d, �ap�as�d th� annexati.arr, She did nc�t �f�pl �he prcap�r�ty was b�ailc�abl� be�awRe a�f �h� wat�r problem, G St�vc� �.;earr��tt, 9i.F�.i 5W Nr.�rtF� �7akat�, oppased tl��e ai7r�r•.x�rtir,n FJ2Co1U5� a•F the cr.�nc�itiun c�f •�he r�aac� ainc� •th�� water �rrab].ems, Also, l�ts 79(}t� �rrd 810t� N�ad k��en bui.l.t r,,r� �r7d tFre h7�us�s hauc� br:.er7 uacan�t for• twa y�ars, f�9.sc�assican follawad regarc�ing the c�nditi.�,n af the r•c��d, a J'an �c�zr�ratt, 9�.fiF.i !�:,W Nr�r1:h C)al<at�, oppo�ed tFie aninex�ti.un. ;;he fel.t �th� �arrrp4ar�Gy sha�alc� b� 1��Ft as a�en sp�celgr��nway because o�F �uh�e w�t�r E�roG�l.�ms, a A].�r� C)�Rosi�, 97„0�'a SW IUr,�r�thi C)akota, a��os�d tti� ann�x�ta,r�r� ���c�use h� f�l.�t •th� lr.,t: was �anb�ail.c��ble bpcause �a�F �he wa��r prab�.cyms. Ne was tal.c� tl��� st.reF�� woul.d k�� i.mpravc±d wh�r� I�� purc:hased Pti.s pr�ag�erty anc� nr,•thi.i�g ha� NJE?E?i� ciane. Disc�assi.r,n fa�.lowFC� r�gar�c�ing the cira:ir�age prr,bl.c�m. REHU'1"TAL o Kavi.n f�er�rir�, sym�athii.��d arid agr�cd wi.1:h th� sur�rr,uridi,nq �rr�F�erty awnprs. f�le f�l.•t if he was annexed, sfi��s cou�.c� bc� �tak�n �t� �lleuiate the rc�ad and c�r�a.naq� �ruk�l.ems, I�IJI�I...:�C ti�AR:Z:Nt� l:,1.0�3FIJ c� �7i.sr:ussi.art foll.nw�c� rr:.qardi.ng anr��xi.ng thc� s�;r�r:.t, �anc� 17r�w to ei�sur•k� �tF�n��t thp c�ra9.r�age prr,�bl.em wr,,�a1c� bP resr,,l.apc� pri.�ar tc� dr�u�l.�pment r.�f the �rr��er�y. r, F�res�.dent Ma��n, suqgest�d triat th�e �c�joi.nin� �r�aperty uwners wha wc�r�� irr •thcz l:r�tanty mfgh�t jpin in the �i�inEaxa�tinn, as he fa1�L• th�? Ci•ty wauld b� mr.,re wa.l.l.9.r�g ta r•�>ul.ve the9.r� K>rahal.a�m:>. �' �� l��mmissiar7�r• Flutler m�auc�c� anc� Cr.,mmissi.c,ner Petersun sec:anc�ec� ta � farw�ard ZC,A i.?...85 tu C3.ty Caunci.l. r�r.ammrr�idi.r7g a�rproval., dcir�i,r7g tMat as m�ich nf IUGr�th �akuta be ai�rnexc�d as passibl.�; anc� modi.fying candi.ti.r,n riumbcr• twa sr� tN�at tPr� dra9.nage concerns be addr°essed �r�i.c,r •ta d�u�].c,pm�n�t r,�F �th� �rc�p�r�Ey, Mata.nn car•ried unanimr,usly by . Camma.ss9.r,r7cr�s �r�sErtt, RE:t:,FS!�: 8;5Q RE,.Cc�NVE�NE; 9:44 �.i.3 7tJA 4-...ga C�"I"Y OF 1"1l'�ARC) Ct�UN�:I"Y L')E:V�:I.UPMC'.Nl" COGE Reui�w raf lah�ptE?rs 18.5ti, x8.58, '1.8.Y96, 1A.�.42, �.8.64, 18.'ix4, 18.1U6, 18,p8, ].8,�a4, y.8.6q, y.8.62, 18,68, 18,7U, ].8,77, �ena.ar Pl,arin�r N�wtan reui�w�ci s�taff's propaspd chat�ges. PUBL..T.0 "I"E:�.;TIMONY u Ger�].c�i.n� E��l.),, NF�O # 4, cummented tP�at tMey were cance�n�d wi.tki c�irpe��ir�nal signs allr�wing the nam�s ur lagr� ta be c3��.�played. F�UE3L,TC fiE"AFiING Cl.b!3�:C) Pt.t�NN;C:Nt� (:�7�"IT��I:QN d��CNU'1"ES August C, l.9#�5 I��ga 3 cs L_EYngtN�iy CI7.5CU8S1.(7t"I fr�J.l.awed regardi,ng �.8.].36 Ar7nexati.ana. C�i'13P.1"IS415 u�f •tl��e Gummission was tr� hau� the request frar camments sc�rrF tc, all U1ar7ni.r7g Gr�r�irni,ssi.c�n�rs ar7c� th7at th� C;ramm3.ssi.un sM�,ul.d M7av�� th� abi.li��y �Ca call �the ann�xa�:�.Gn up far r��vi.ew, ca l�i.scwssa.ar� fo7.].nwed r�r���.rdi.i�g 18, ].42. Hame nr:cu��ta.r.,r�s, Cammi.ssi.or�ers uat�c� 4 �trJ 3 •tr,, d�1et� (b) (1), whi.r.h wr����.d reqi.ia.rP � nari ccyr�fr�r�mirig Name OccuF��ti.an trs cc�me i.ntr,� cc,rtfor�manc�a wa.tP�a.n fi.u�! y��;rs. r,� I�isc�assic•an �P��].].awc�c� regarding 18,iX4 Sic�ns. Cr.�mmiss9.raner� �crk�d 5 ta � �a ].i.mi.t da.r�ct:i.anal. si.gns tr,� � sq, ft, ar7d rx��: a].l.aw crapy rar� ].r,c�r,�s <,n �thF c�:�r�c•tinn�l signs. o L)7.scussic,ri fa].J.�wed rec��rc�i:ng �.8.1Q�i �>arki.ng and l.r.,�di.ng, Cranser�sus c>f •th� C�ammi�qion was r�rrt: �:a al].r,�w a gr�auel si�rf�c�e •f�.,r stc.�rag� arEat�s frar rc�cr�zati,c�n v�Fia.cl.es, n�r�....ag�c±rati,nq u�l�7icl.es, and f].e�t VPI'17.Ca.�3. �x� (;r,,mmi�si�.�rrc�r M�aen m�.,u�ci �nc� Cc,mmissi.c,n�r t�Prgmarn7 s�cc,nc�pc� to farward 7..OA 4....85 ta Gi.ty Cc,unci.l. rr�camm�rida,ryq ���arr,val. wi.tl7 �:h� Cr.,mm�.ssa.r�r�'s mr•aciifica�:ions. M�a•ti�n r•�r�ried unanimausly by c;;rammissir�ri�s^s pres�nt. � � fi, OTF�f::R �iU�;I111E:�:;�.; . r � C�ammi.ssi.ar7er � re. aluta.a�i re �red k� m'ss'c,r•i r�v;i�wed th�e res . u 1"F7� �,c�m �. �. � � � �J � Crrmmassian�r F'�r� mravE�c� a�7c� Cammissiran�i^ V�T1c��Y'Wr,14c� sec�anc�4ac� t;o adopt . _ . . . th� r��sr�luf:i.ar� as K�r�±�ar�d �ncl t:o f�,rwarc� � cr.,�ay ta tl���� 5�t�t� tli.qhway . . . . .. . I�iuisi�an, W�sh�xng�c,7ry f�r.,unty, Ci.ty oF 13c?a��r�:un, anc� tha Tigard City Courrci.l., Mati.ari car�ri.�d unar�9.mr.�us],y h�y C:hmnti.s�a.r.�n�r�s �r�s�nt, c, I�iscussiun r�g�rding NPq # 2 nc., lc,�ng�r hauing �ny m4an�b�rs. ; � C;r,mmi.ssi.on�r 0�►�ins mavc�d ai�d Cc,mrni.ssi.c,ner Eiwtl�r s�cur7d�d tc� r�cramm�nd tc, ('.a.�ty Counci.l �h��t IV�4 # ?_ bc� p�rmc�n�nt].y c�assr�l��ci and i.n�r,r•pc�rat�d ii�tr, IUf>t�'s 7, ]., anc� 3. Mata.c,rt c�rr�•a.�d by ni�juri,ty ucate, t�c,mmi.ssi��ner F3�r�gmann vntirig nr�. 7. M���#:9.r�g adjaurr��d i:0:0�'� F�.M, .: Di,an� M. J'el.c� r s, S�r_r���ry__.�__..._....�.�...,... `, `'i AT"TE:ST: ....,.:�.�.�2_�-��%?�� _.� � A. Qr,nalc� M�>�n, Rresicient i;' ],7�3�� dmj �; . .. � . . � . .�4 � . � . . . . � ���: �i._�n�N�;n�c c�r.ssxc��u w�x�ucrr�E�� �u�u5t 6, zsa� F>�g� a � ,; �� �� ,:... . _ �.� �._. . ..._. ..._.. __�:_ -�,�.r��.. ..,. �_:�e�� �k _ i , AATE � p � �� � � ROLL CALL.: . s D'on Moen-' , ,; John Bu:tler � ° �i M19.t �E•JI@ '.,�°� .' � �� /�f -� rre � Bonnie Otaex�s . �1�D �:�/ � l Dav� Pet:erson. �; � �. Chri:s vanderwood '' � �.; Floyd'Ber�q►ann �� , � i Nancy C�mpbell �� �` �j Aesne Leverett _� �' _ E . .. .. . . . . . . . . . � . � . � f,� �1'.�. i�:i ��R�� .. �x . . . � � , . .. . . �.;'- . .. . . . . . . . .. . ., . 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S�./ ���a�'� d�°� � PItOPO�'ENT (Fora OPPONENT (against) e, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address �nd Affiliation '�„ r ��u (e S�t�ver-� V A��e lZ�r�� ' � � � b2f I t.�o ��s � / � ' 1?�.�U v-e,r-j-a� CU r � v o� , � r . � . �.� . .. . . . . . . .� �, . . . . . . 1 . .. . ... . . . . � . � . ,5 �. . . " � J �. .. ... � ' : �. . .. .... . �� ��I . . . . � �� ��V '�+�' � T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C 0 M M I S_ S I O N I' t NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN TtiEIR NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please P�'int your �ar�e) � � �Gi'�'9 /�- �'�' ; ITEM EuCRIPTION: . � , I , . �� n� �1Or �� , ; PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and ' liation � N e, Address and A�filiation _ _ l f �� ,, n i �� . ( .J rJ � ��--� �� � Gl� �' � Ge,�, � � � �� � ��-�w `,�Z � 1 '. 'k� ' � /C� ..�. � 1 ��`a . Z.C�5 ��,c:� (� �' . :t , . � �, _ . . ,;'I ��. ;: . , t.; ; ;; , ,, . � � . . . ..� . . .� 4.r.: • ��,.: � . . . � . � � �� ���,. . . . .. . .. •: . .. . . � �. � 1„ . . � . . . .. .. . . . , i . . . . ... .. . . . �.. . . .. . . _ .... '; T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M 2 S_S I 0 N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and nate theix address on this sheet. (please P�int your name) ITEM/bESCR .TION: ��� 7"' ���„2�' �' il . � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Af�iliation �; . ..� .} � i � ; . � �� , . � � I � . .. . . . � . . .. . ... .. .� J � .... . ... .� � .�. .... ... i � { r i STAFF REPORT AGENOA ITEM 5.1 i AUGUST 6, 1985 ' TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRIC7 BOARD ROOM 13137 SW PACTFL�C NIGHWAY 7IGAR0, 4REGON 97223 :: A. FACTS , 1. General Information CASE: ZCA 11-85 & CPA 9-85 . REQUEST: A request to annex 23.26 acres into the City of Tigard and to change the Comprehensive Plan de�ignation from Washirtgton County Residential 24 units per acre to C�ty of Tic�ard �' Medium Fligh density and the zoning frUm Washi,ngton County Residential 24 units/acre to City of Tigard R--25, '' s, .'� CUMPREH�NSIVE PLAN DES�GNATION: Wash. Co, Residential 24 units/acre ZONIN� DESIGNATTON: Wash. Co. Residential 24 units/acre . APPLICANT: Russell Krueg�r OWNER: �rgery Kr�ueger 3515 SW Barbur Blud. Rt. 1, Box 792 Portland, OR 97201 Bea�verton, OR 97005 ' ,; � LOCATION: 2. Back round `'i . ?; No other applications have been filed with the Ci.ty �n this property. ' 3. Vicinitv Information '� All of the surroundi�g praperty is designated and xaned in the County as residential, 16-24 units per acre. Most of the property is devel.�ped as large lat home sites. 4. Site Information The site under consideration .is fairly flat and the majority is planted with berries. The applicant wishes to annex to obtain building permits a�nd to becom� part af the Tigard Community. ! 5. Agencv and NPO Comments No written comments were received from NPO #►7. ;,�;„ Tho City of Tigard 8uildirig Department ravi�awed tihe prapo�al a�d ha�d no objections to it. �:7 School Qistrict �i48 h�►d the followi�g comm�nts: � 'h,�I 51 51'AFF R�PORT - TCA 11-85, CPA 9-85 - PAGE 1 t� a�,��; , _ ..._,.::..:��. � �. .,�_.�,u _: . — --__ "Annexation of this praperty to the City of Tigard wauld not have any student impact on Beaverton Schoal Distr•ict until such time as the property is develaped. Although the praperty will be in the City of Tigard, it will still remain within the B�averton School District. Please advise us on plans �ar development." The Washingto� County Department of l.and Use and Transportatian had the follawing comme�ts: "The Washington County Qepartment of Land U�e and Transportation is concerned that annexation of this property would create an illogical boundary between Tigard and Beavertan, would decrease cammunity identity and may adversely affec� the propased f�urray eoulevard/135th extension." The City of Tigard Engineering Divisian has the following comments; "An Urban Seruices Study for this area has not been done. Transportation - Property will be served by Plurray Blvd, extension an the west and Scholls Fy. Rd. on the east. Sanitary Sewer -� Service will be pravided by ths� City through the Scholls Fy. trunkline�. Water - The Applicant shall pravide the City with a s�atement from the appropriate water service agency �hat servic� is � � available. 8torm Drai.nage - Qrainage runs into Summercreek which is part af Tigard's starm drainage master plan. G�sneral U4ilities -- Written verification from all pertinent utilities that ser�ices can be provided shall be � provided to th� City," A copy of a letter received from the Tigard Water District is attached, B. FINpINGS AND QONCLUSIONS . The relevant criteria in this case are Statiewide Planning Goals 1, 2, and 14; Tigard Comprehensive P'lan policiss 2.1.1, 8.1.1, �1Q.1. 1, 1Q.1.2, and 10.1.3 and Chs�pter 18.136 of the Community Develapment Code, and the proVisions of the City of Tigard/Washington County Urban Planning Area iigreement, The PA�nning Staff concludea that �he propo�al is cor,sist�ent with th� a�pplica�ble Statewide P1a�nning Goals and Cuidelines �ised upon the . following findings: a►. Sta�tewide Planning Goal N1 is met bQCa►use the City ha�s a►dopted a Citizen Involvement program including review of all develapment a�pplica�tiona by tMe Neighborhood Nla�ning Orga�izatio� (NPO), I� a�ddition, all public notice requirsmants wQra �QL•, STAFF R�PORT - ZCA 11-85, CPA 9-85 - PAGE 2 b. Statewide Planning Goal #2 i� met because the City applied all applicable Statewide Pl�nning Goals, City Comprehe�sive Plan Palicies and �evelopment Code requirements to the application. . c. Gaal �14 is met because �he City and Washington County have ' adopted an Urban Plannir�g �re� Agreement which pravides policies for annexa�ion of praperty from Washington Goun�y into the City. The Planninc� Staff has determined that the propasal as submatted is consistent w�th th� relevant partions of the Comprehensive Plan based u�on the findings nated below; a. Plan Palicy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Plani�ing Organization and sur•rounding property owners were given notice af the hearing and an apportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. b. Plan Policy 8.1.2 is satisfied because the Cities of Tigard and Beaverton and Washington County are actively working towards resolving the Murray 9oulev�rd/135th Avenue extension alignment. c. Plan Policy 10.1.1 i� satisfied because the �ervices required for . urban development can be adequately provided tio the site. d. Plan Policy 14.1.2 is satisfied because th� annexation will not create an irregular bo�andary or an island, �he Police Department n�s ��er� r�otified and the land is lacated within Tigard's area of inter�est. ` e. Plan P�licy 14.1.3 is satisfied becaus� upan annexation, the lar�d , will be zoned the City zoning de�ign�tinn which most clasely conforms to the zoning designa��ion. � The Planning Staff has determined that the propasal �s consistent with the relevant portions af the Community Oe�elopenent Code based upon the findings noted below: a, Chapter 18.136 is met because the applicant ha� met all of the approval standards, b. Chapter �18.138 is m�t because the land meets the definition for buildable lands as defined by OAR 660--07-000 and shall be designated as "developing area" an the Oeve�opmen� Standards Area Map. The City of Tigs�rd has an Urk�n Planning Area Agr�eement with b�laishington County. 'The agreement allows the City to co�sider annexations in thQ City's Area af Interest. Thia pa^operty ia wfthin the City'a RrQa� of . Ir�torQSt. ThQ City of 9aa�v�rton Also shows this as an Aroa� of intorest. Qh 7uly 10, 1985 thQ City Councila nf BeavQrton a�nd Tiga�rd met a�nd ago^eed to split thQ Ar�a� of Intora�t betweQn Old Scholla Fy, and � Scholls Fy. Rd. at a 1ir�� which woul�! QxtQ�d Murra�y Blv�, aouth. (SaQ atta►ched N1a�p.) In a�ddition, the City of �aa�varton City Gouncil, intenda I �o adopt a� resalution to be aubmittod �o thQ Bou�da�ry CaMnissio� 'I supporting this annexation, I � STAFF REPO T - Z 1 -8�a CPA 9-85 - PAGE 3 I R CA 1 , I� _ __� � C. R�COMM��DATION - Based upon the above findi�gs and cc�nclusaons, �h� Rlanning Staff M'@G41tM11@I'1dS approv�►1 of ZCA 11-85, CPA 9-85 subjec� to th� following conditions: ];. The proprerty sha11 be dgsignated as a "developin� area" on the QevQlapment Standarsl Areas �o�ap. 2. All future development on the property shall be reviewed and , approved by the City of Tigar1d. 3. The City of Tigard Police Depar•tment shall reaiew �the p�oposal.., . , a r � .� PREPARED BY: lizabeth . IVewton APPRO D 8Y: WilTiam A. Ma�nahan � Senior Planroer , Oirectar of Commwnity Development (EAN:pm/1685P) , &1"AFf REPORT - ZCA 11-8�a', CPA' 9-85 - PAGE � c 'h. ' RYAN O'BRIEN �� Planning Cons�ltant 1134 S,E. 23rd Ave. • Hillsboro,Oregon 97123 • (503) 648-40fi1 4 ZONE CHANGE REQUEST ' — � Date: June 10, 1985 Applicant: Russ Kreuger Prop�erty Owners Margery F. Kreuger Legal Description: Tax Lats 601 , 1� 00, 1101 , and a portion of 1000, Map 1 S1 -33C. Area: 23.26 acres. Location: Between New and Old Scholls F'erry Roads, east of Murray Bl vd. Request: Re-zone from County R2l� to City R-20. INTRODI7CTION This zone change is required alon g with annexation to the City of Tigarda No specific development plans have been pregared fb r the property. This zone ch�,nge ar�:x annexation is only intencled to make the property ready for d.evelopment. LAND USE The subject property is fairly fl.at and in agr�.cultural production. There are a few mature trees and a couple of d.rainage swales that � transverse Tax Lot 601 . TY�ese physical limitatians will not inhibit development. Surrounding property is agriculture or rural �residences. A large apartment complex in the City of Beaverton is planned for development directly west of the subject property. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES Polic.y 2. 1 . 1 . - Citizen Review - This applic�.tion will be reviewed � by a Citizen Group. i Policies 3. �,. 1 and 3. . 2 - Protect natural habita-ts of plants �nd animals, �� and require F'UD� s in designated timber areas. These policies will be � applied durin g site review process. 4' Polic.y 6. 1 . 1 - Diversify housing densiti�s. This zone change will help provide density diversity. �.� �"! �it� � . .. . . .. . .. . . . - . . . � . . . x . �;t�, i . . . . . . . . .� .... . _�. . ...._.:. r.:�....:..:. . . ..:�:.:.. . �...:v-..-. ,_....,_.�,.. � � � � �� � � . Pa ge 2 " Kreuger Zone Change Pol.ic.y 6. 1�. 1 - Encourage flexible and efficient development. Policy 7. 1 . 2 - Development sha11 be conditioned fln availability of public services and facilities. This p.roperty has sewer �.nd storm drainage facilities. Water can be easily extended according to the Tigard Water District. Policies 8, 1 . 1 , 8. 1 .2 and 8. 1 .3 - The City shall provide a safe and eff'i.cient transport�.tion system to meet growth needs. Adequate trans� portation facilities are available. The property has access to both new and old Scholl s Ferr Roads. Thia site i a e Y s v r im ortant link in Y P the Murra�r Extention. Poli cy 8.2.2 - Encoura ge transit usa ge by lacatin g intensive uses next to tran:sit rautes. Transit is available to this site. LOCAT.IQNAL CRIT�RIA 1 . This axea is not committed to low density urban housing. 2. This si te can be buffered from existin g uxban low �.ensity development to maximize privacy. 3. This property has direct access t� a ma�or co].lector and arterial roads. /�. This sit�e is not subj ect to development limitations. 5• Utilities, services and. facilitiss have adequate capacity. 6. Transit is within � mile. 7. Commercial is planned within � mile. 8. Private open space will be provided when'development of the site occurs. COMPLIANCE WTTH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE � �, This ap�licati�n fully complies wit.h this code. ; ; s LCDC GOALS Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement - will b� provided tlarough the hearing ' process and the NPO program. r � Goal 2 - Land Use Plannin� - this application complies with the zone F chan ge procedures established by the City. ; Goal 5 - Preserve Open Space 'arid �Natural �Areas - This will be provid�d. � � £ , f f � 4 f , � , -;.._ :«�.,.,� � .: ,�__�-.._�� I� » i%j ' , ' �, � . • k Pa ge 3 Kreuger Zone Change Goal 7 - Natural Hazards - None exist on the property except for the drainage swales. Goal 8 - Recreational Naeds - Adequate recreation and open space wi11 be provided on site. Goal 'i0 - Housin� - This application will help provid� a needed housing typs in the general area. Goal 11 � Public Facilitie,s - All are available to the subject property. ' Goal 12 - Trans ortation - Adequate facilities are available to serve this property. e ailed t�a�fic studies will be prepared wh.en development � occurs. �,- ;.: �'�: ' i:. it t: 7. 7'`I f',:� .. �:l {,,, I �; i ' i-I �. E • �`. 1' 1' h: l t; t,; ' f: t, }! !:: i� �i f _ �'i �1 � . . . . ., . 'h, . . . . :. l:��I ',i' -a , . . � .. , . � . . . � . 1,;�I yF:; .. . � . .. � .� f�.�. � . .. . . �..�� �� ��'. i: s, . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . � � (: � �. ... ... . . . . . . . , . - . � . . . . . , . . . .. . ... . � . . � � . . . . .,.. . �'. , � � - �� • ■ M� �r _ � • �..� - � � `� w���w : . . . , . �,�: � � ..�- r y � �� � � _ , � �•�, F . . . �.�����' . �� �'�'-�;•�` �+'�� .. � � � ���� Tr'.��." �,"�I�R�"R /� .. �ii■�r����•4:•. �� ` • � :1 � � �!�! l� � y �;���.. `. ,� . . � . . , .� ` . � ���� � � � - �� � � a� �`. , • ' ,,�., � ' 1 �!��� � ' •. . � � � . , � � ` . __ � � _ _ _ . _ r 4�-�� ii= rF �:' "S - I T I G�R D V�/A T E R D I S T R I C T _ee4, S. W. COMMERCIAL ST. '� TIGARD,OREGON 97223-.6290 I PHONE 1503) 639•1554 , I ���� � � JUL 15 1985 � CITY OF TIGARD pLANNIN(a DEPT. Ju�y 11, 1985 4i Russell Krueger . �; 3515 S. W. Barber Hlvd. -- Y-Z � Portland, Oregon 97201 " i; Re: Water Service in Northwest Tigar_d ;:: Dear Russ: , In accordance with your request this date p�rtaining �to wate�: _' �ervice w�.thin the '°island" between old and new Scholls Ferry Road, �' west of S. W. 135th Avenue, please be advised that Tigazd Water �:. Di:strict is capable of providing such service. F` It is .my understanding that the hydraulic l�vel (af nearb� . � xeservoirs) of both the City of Beaverton and Tigard W�.ter Aistrict ; is identical at 412 feet above sea level. Accordingly, �he same i water pressure would occur at any proposed site fnr developments Of course, the dev�loper would incur the cost of extending all ;; mains whether the provider be the city or water district. ;; It should be understood that the water district takes a neutral ' position on which entity should s�rve this area. That decision is �� Xeserved for the respective city councils of Beaverton or Tigard, ' with approval of the boundary commission, based upon all i5sues, k , not just water servicE. � ':; Sincerely yours, ''� f::� TIGARD WATER DISTRICT ;,;;' {;' � � � ;' Robert E. Santee • $�` Administrator �;;�: r':�. cc: Fortland Metropolitan Area Local '�' ��: Government Boundary Commission 4` . �, �!: �°- ��; �;. ("�, ,; F ,e @ � 0 �"." �$. r � � m � `; _ o � � . a_ � m � � . � 6 . e . � . . ° : • : � ,e e � ° � � _ ` e _ .' ♦ a 1 + ` ! '�� � � • ' I , _ y. — � �s , � ; . � �:. �#� � .��•- • . � -— " ` � � � � -�� ��`����Qi : �_....� .� -- � ♦ � . ♦ - '� 6 ♦ _ ' . �: � � �-� � . . . � f' � ;; ' � 9 �l `>' � ,:. * _ �- , . 'a ^ . � . R .- + e �, i a � � -� °� ° � ��I � �• e a a � 4 e ' �� • e , J ' � . �A: � s � � .iJ � e .� m� 9 m . S 0 � �. .�'. s ° � : • � o ° — . ,. '�I /� r � RYAN O'BRIEN �t �, Plannmg Consu c� t The Old Library Building . Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 • (503) 648-4061 � 209 '�r?' Lincoln Street Sui te ''B" r • Liz IJewtan august 2, 1'•35 City of Tigard F�lenning Department. . P.O. Box 23557 5U8JECT: Annexation �nd Zone Chznge of property betwe�n 135th Avenue e�d Murrny [�oulavard, south of Scholls Ferry Road. On behalf of the property owners on the attieched map, we ars .reque�ting that �a� Lo�.:� 600, 604, 602, 7p0, 301, 80Q, 13f10, 1309 , and 1302 be edded to the Krueger Anr�exatfocs and zone ch�nge. These lots are 3hown un the atteched map. Al�o, Tax Lot 40Q e�nd 300 may also �ant to ennsx. W� indicated to all th�ge praperty owner� thnt �e ne�d th�ir �iyned p�tition b�for� the� l'lanninG Commiesian meeting on August 6, 1995. We �r� hoping tha� thi� informe�i�n can be� presanted to the Plenning C�mma.��ioa+ at �ha'� meetinr� � so they a^� awaze of the �ann�xati.on support in ti�a area. We ar� ��qu��tine t��• `��GJE ' properta.es be includ�ed .fn �h�: �dv�rtixing for the City Council meeting so �:�:y . an be i . p�ocessr�d with �h� Krueg�r �nre�xation. These propertiy owners wer� eontactwc ira th� past r�garding g�.nsxation tea the Ci�y, but these didn't seem ta be �ny �up�art, .No� it a�pp�ar�i � thet ther� is Bign�fic�nt su�part. . ! . . � �' We �r� hoping tha� mu� pr�poaal c�f �dvertS.zing these n�w prop�a�tfe� fnr ttro C��y Cmunc�l ' �n��ting uroa�ld be nppropacb�te. I krraw th�t :h� City of Tigard has elone thi� in the, pa�t. i In fact, meny pro�aer�C�oe have be�n ic�cluded in ann�xat�bhs by the �ioundary Commis�io� � . et �h�ar hensinq. b�e e�x� eleaa hoping �heti the Krueger n�naxation not be held up bec.�use ; he i� vgry anxiou�. to begin p�.nnning 9'0� devel�pment of the propertye If you have eny ; questions, plaes� give m� a G�11. � i . � � � . ; � S erely, -- ' / ' 1 . l� ' � '`~Z. ��� ' . Y� 0'8rien �.+ ' . ; .. � ./'S. � S�kli4 SEC7IGN 33 T I S R IW Yl,M. , t -� _�, . ,�.:SMiYGTON C..,�'i O�LGON � '/r�f i � �� i• a'v ,� 7T/�< ��� SCAIC i�,200 . �:�f�. �� t � �'���• /�� ���^? / ' 30 O :� ,a✓ ,,,� ly A'P .; �'.. , z« �.. � , ;,� , . .. �s , 3 , CC.. � �►„'► y�e� IE � fJ\ , ♦;• "� `�� �i.. � y• �.u�� ..r. 1 i r �� / t'� " �i .e,�. '-r- � ,., ... � 1 ,���' ` .{' �c: O , � - { dp : �/� � �NF.�C��D�t ��� - � -�� � � ,� . , � � � , ��.� .� , �(��. , SQ� �� ♦ �� / " � I II�� � ��• Ir� 1 I � ����� . IIY/,� � I/ 0 cJOO � w/ !J � � \ �~� � / �.f �• j9� � i . � , � ,,�`,.°�`.-�°° �l� a � �� , � �� - :1 --;�;� � � � , 6 / ,r ,,i� ,�" :;7'=-_� �� �,- fJl �(�. . 'L 4 /. IP �� t ,`f� ...�y� O� �'� i�r w ' \ � ' '� � r .�Oj b: � � � / � f� \ 'P:..` �.� / .� 1{`i !� ItI .• �� o� t:. :-,�.� .t �1 . / ��•.a� ..� � . i .,��0y,i0a0 KOw/ . �/�.rw� � � I / / . '1 �� r s 0 ' . / � � / � / v . ,, � . C � . ' / ' x � i �� �✓ / / r i � ,r' i / � , : ti1 ' �• � o� I / •� � 13e1 � ,�'// / � / � , � � �'� T� �/ ' ' : � - - - - - 12Oo - - - 1` � z �/� � ,� ,-��.a f�;y N�;�r"�'�T��� ^�� ' ,-' .� � � . ; �,� o , �` . . :��y���� � a' , o � �, . . . _ �.�/ " ' `` �+ „ �o � ,� ...r ..�. .. . �' � �M � � , 2; �/ .� / / r , pi. � /� � �r� 4 � % /r ♦ �/ I �u � ' - ?8 �� ' ���,yCC'1�T���'� �C��D ,' �'� ` ` '� � '�n���� I � 'f�Y i,� .5..`.T� � . i" ,� . :' /� T c'S R��:' �Y.. ': .,, ;'`'� , ��� �� ,���,� . , , f, i. 1 -• .� ;� • ..' �'', ' � � li � ,• ,� `:� � �' -� , . // •� /� ,4 � . . �� • � ,�� ,�. �•. .� :. • , . .o� ., . , . � ,- ,• 7 . � . _ . ,, , � ;� ��„� l �'t�►� 'i"�r��. �Gr • .�' �' . � . � ✓ _ � A • � a�� • � 7�AR�:RAl..�a, .�i� . il� . ♦.�. . ' i , . . . . ... . .. �, . . . . . . . . .� . _ ..... � s�r�ra�� a��aa�- �c�;.n�c�� x�rk,r� �.z A+auusr �, ��s� TIf;AFt� pI,.ANOUI:Nf.; G(7MMx:SS1:qN T:CGAf20 �(,,HOOI. D:CBT'R:CC'f — B�ARD Rt3pM 1�1�7 �W P«cifi.c Miqhw�y 'C':CGARQ, c)RFGt7N �7:723 A, FACTS 1, G�neral. 1►�formatinn I,AhE; 7_rA 12-8 5 RE:c�U��T; A r�qu�st �Ca arrr��x ,8Q �cres intrr tt�E Ci.ty uf 1"igarc� and �tc� cN���nge �r.h�e ;rariing <�esic�natir�n �Fr��am W�:sha.rrg�ton C�aun•ty R�--S •ta Ci.ty of T'igard R--4.5, t�OMpRF�HFNSI:VE pi...AN IJF'�;:I;GNA'1";COfU; l.�w I�ansity Resider�tial ZON7:NG DE;�II";NAT'I:ON; Wot:�h7i.ngtr,�n Coun�;y R-•-5 t�PPI..:LC;(�NT: Kevin I�, f�er•rin qWNE:R: same paniel J. Scher�k 94Q1 SW G�th Avenue Par�tland, OR 972�.9 L.QCA"f'ZqN; Nor��th sid� af 5W Nur°th tl�kat�., nor��l~i af SW 92.nc� AvP. (WC�TM 1S1 3508 I..ot BQQQ) �. Backgraund Th� �;i.�y h�i�s r�iot �,rac�ss�c� �ny other larid usE a�a�l.9.cations ur7 thi.s �roperty. �' 3, Vir._ini�__t�.Infarmati.an The pra�aerty ta tP��e nc,rth and wrst a.s d�si.gna�ed 9.n �thie caun�:y fr�r res:iden�tial de�elc��mr�nt — 5 uni�Cs per acre. The proper�ty •ta �M� east aric� �crras� uW Nrartti �akr�ta to thca sr��ath ig develnped �s r�5a.derttial, and zaned R—A.S. 4. Site Tnformatiun The �r~aK�c�rty i.s u�cant �ri�l sloya�s grad�i�1].y ta �he northr. 1"herE are sr,me oak 1:rc�es an �Ehe propa.rty anc� �the si�:e is quite ouergrown wa.th blackha�rr•ies. There are na i.mmedi�,�e �].ans ta dc���el.a� bu�h th� d1�:7��.7.Cis�1'1'f: wish�s to a"tl'll'1P.X 'rq be able to abtain sewer serui.ce at the time nf d�vc�l�spm�±n•t, 5, A.g,ency amd NPO Camment s No r.;r�mments were r�cei,ved �ram NF�O #2. yTAF"F F7�NQkT -•- ;I.CA 12�-85 -- PAGF 1 ,'"' �,� �F,I ud �.. ,,... ... .......... . ......._ ,�,... .. �... . .� ...,. ,....,..... .. . .... . : . ,_.. . ....�. .. ... ..,._. ._ ......: ...._._�.._. ...._._..__. .. � : � .. .. ... a 1"h� Ti.gard �ul,i�ce ne�>�rtmc�r�t r�ui.ew�d tF�e �ropr�sa�. and had na akrjFCti.ans. Sr�hc,�l Distrir�•t #23J has reua.ew�d the prrypasal �nd has na abjecti.r.�ns. Thc± Ci.ty's Engi.n��!ri.rig �i.vi.siran ha5 the fal].uwi.ng cammerrts; "'1"hp sani�tary s�wer line ].c�cated within SW Nor•th Uakata Stree•t was a p�r�t af tP�e "a1d" MF�•t:xc�er sew�r systF�rn; sai.d syst�m haui.nr� b��n �cqui.red by U,S.A. While U„�.A, s�ys 'A11 �.a.nps ur�der 24" D�A. , wi�tMa.r� the Ga.ty, ar� ths Ci.t:y g' , thrc Ca.ty has n�v�r� ackn�,wl�dged sur•h, , . Mai.ntenance res�rrr�sibila.ty beir�g �h:he canrern. "P�.licy" n�pd be made Mere." Nn ati~��!r written comm�r�fis h�ve beer7 r�ceivcac�, H. F:CNI�IIVGS ANI7 COIUt�L1,1S:LONS 1"h� r�l.�u�rit cr•i.t�ri.a i.ri thi.5 cas� �r� Stat�widc F�l�r�r}i.i�g Go�l.s 1, 2, anr� 1�1; Tic�arc� l�om�reh�r�siue Pl.an pc�).:i�i.es 2. 1, 1, 10, 1,1, iQ.1,2, and 10, 1.3 and Cha�t�r 1A.].36 af �he Cammuni.t,y p�uel.upment Cc�de. The Planning S�ta�Ff cr�nc:'l.uc�es tha•t the �rr�p�5:sa1 is cunsis�tei�t with the ap�lic�bl.c� S�ta�tE�w9.dE F�l.�nr�i.r�g G���l.:� anc� Cui.c�elines basad upon �:h� foll.pwing �P:�i�dings: a, atatewi.d� Pl.�nni.ng Gaa]. #X i.s t�iet: k�FCaus� th� Ci.ty h�as �dapted a ��it�l.zen :Cr,�;nlv���c��t p�oc�ram a.nc7.uding r•aui.ew r��f a].7. davelopment �p�)J.'l.Cr�'t:].UI"15 by tl°ir:. Nc�i.qhk�orP�raarl F�'.Lar�r7a.r�iq Qrc�ai�tir�ti,�n (NPO) . In addi�i.un, al.l p�ak�lic noti..r,e r��cJi.ia.r�men�ts were met. k�. Stat�wi.d� Pl.�nni.ng Go�l. #2 i,s rnet k���:�usE tl7e Ci.ty �ppl.i.�d �l.]. applir:abl� �•to-ttE?u►:ide P1ar7nirrg, Gnals, C;ity taramprehensi�e N],an Po].i.ci.es �nd DcueloF�mEnt Crad� r�q�ai.rr•�men�ts ta the �pp�,ica�:a.on, c, �aa1 #lA i.s met becau:>P �:I�e C.ity �nd Washington caurrty Maup adr,,pted �n Ur{a�n Planna.ng Are� (igr�en��nt wMich prouid�s pol.a.cies �Far �rin�xa�ta.ran C7'F �7Y'f�j'J8Y•ty frc�m Washa.ngtan C�rur�ty into �h� Ci�y, 1'he �l�r�ni.ng �t�ff M7as cie�er�min�d tM�t tF�e prr�pasa]. as suk�mi��pd is cor�si.stpnt wa.��h the rele��nt porti.�,ns U�f �thp Cr,mpr�hensive Plari based upon the fi.ndi.r�g5 natec� k��l.aw: a. Plan Pol.i.cy 7, �.,i. i.s sa�tisfi.ed be�a�ise thQ Nc�iyhborhoud Planning Organixatiun ar�c� s�arrnunc�inc� pruperty awn�rs wcare given na�:ic� nf the P7e�ri.ng and an r,���yor�tuni�y to c�mrnent ��ro tF�e a�a��l.i.c�nt's pr�•rpus�l, b. Plan Poli.cy 10.1.7. a.s satisfied because the requi.red servi.ces pither cwrreritly ar� pravided ur can be adPqua�tely prravic�ed tn the si.te. c. F��.an Pa19.cy lp,�..T i.s sati.sfi.ec� k��ca�ase th� ann�xatinr� wi,],1 nat cr�a�t:ca an irregialar� bound�ry rar an i.sl.and, the Palice Depar�m�nt has commc�ntE�d a�°i �:h� �nn�xatic,ra �nc� tM� ].and is ].ocated wi�hin Ti.gard's areea r�f in�:�rPSt. BTAF F' R�:PQRT _... ZCA i.7...g5 .... PAGE:: 2. F'`'' �` � _ _ _ ___ _.. ,. , , _...._. � ._ _..__� ._�..._.. �-- -- �`!� i _ d, Plan �ul.i.cy 1p, y..3 is satisfied �ec�use upran anrrex�ti.an th� ].anc� wi11 be xc,ned �thp t;ity xnnir�g design�ta.nn ��►hi,ch mast c1ps�!ly corafurms tA the Cuunty zani.rig desi,qna�ian, The Plann:ing ��:a�Ff h�s determa.ned thiat the pro�r,s��. is cnnsistent wi�tM thE r�].evant pr�r�i�ns of tF�� Camrnunity Dev�lo�ment Cr�d� bas�d up�n the finciings nc�ted b�low: a, Chapter 18.136 ig met because •tF�ie ap�la.cant has met all r�f the I, appr�ual s•tandards. b. Cha�ter• i.8.].38 is met because the ].and i.s r�ot desi.gnated �s d I� ��deuslapa.ng ar�a" r�n the peuela�am�nt �:,tanc��rds Ar��� Map sa i.� �aill I b� desi.gnated as an Estak�li.sFied Ar�a. I, I C. RECUMMENDAl`ION II 9aspd u�ran tM� ak�uv� fi.ndi.ngs and r�oriclwsi.ans, the plani�in� Staff I, racnmmpnds apprrav�l nf �CA 12�-85 subject �o ��Me •foll.awi.ng candi�:i.crns: 1. Ttie �roperty sh•ia7.?� b� d�si.gnated as an "estak�l.xsh��d ar•ea" on the , �e�plapmer�t 9•Candard Ar�as m�p. ' 2, A3.1. future dev�lapment c,r7 the �,roa7erty shal.l. b� r�uiewer� ar�d II, appraved by the City of 'Tig�rd. • ' .(L�!���_�� � ___._._�.._., ___...� �...�.�.____��_.___._ '�� � pR�pAR�:D BY. Ex xxab t N�wton t��Pf24Vf D BY: Wa.l l a.am A. Manahan � SQna.or P1anMer azrect�ar u�f GommwM�.�Cy Dauel.apment I (EAN:pm/7.681P) I��, � � �I I STAF'F REPORT -- ZCA �.2--85 --• PAGE' 3 Agend� Item 5,3 �ugust 6, �985 MFMORANpUM ZOA 4-85 C:T:1"Y dF' T'1:GARD, �I2EGON 1"0: Plani7ing C�mmi.s�i.an Tuly 31, �.985 Ff2UM: planning Staff �I.JF3;��.�'�; Revisic�r�s ta the Cr�mm��ni�ty D�velupment Cr,de Att�ched i.s � pa�cket of a.nfarrnati.un whi.ch autli.nes sev�r�l changes staf� proposes to amkanc� •�he Community Develr�pmerit C:ode. The prnpasals inc�.ude changes tu tl�ie fal�.uwi.r�g Cade ch��d�ters: 1�.�6 ),8,5fl Y8.136 18.7.47_ �.a,64 ].8, 114 ].A, 106 �e.as 18.54 18.60 1$.62 i 18,68 18,70 18,72 Staff wi.l.]. rEUiew each i.tem at th� �ub).ic hearing an Au�ust fi, 1985, 7,QA 4�-8�5 -- August 6, 1985 PC Nt'TG — Page 1 Cha�t:er� 7.8,56 anc� �.8,an On May 14, 1985, thQ (;ity rU�an�il ad�.�pl:ed Urdin�nc� 8�-�-29 whicM s�•L••Fr,rth setb�cks far si.r�gle fama.l.y resi.d�nce�. Thiere ar�e instances wh�re prr,�,�r�ty c,wriers warit ta deupxrap property in the R�--25 �t�rd R•-4q zan�s as gingle family residenc�s, G��rr�ntl.y, �:h�r� �re nrr seth�ack stand�rds �.n th� �ammunity I�ev�l��meret C;ode fr.,r �ingl.e far+iily resic��rrcQS :in �EhP R—�5 �nc� R.._4p xr.,nes. Staff a,rapra,�s that th7� R-•17.. s�tback st�nd�rds k,e �.c�r,,pfi�d �or thj� �w25 anc� R..-4Q zones, 'Tho�e stanc�arc�s are as �fo].lraws: Chapt�rs ].8.56 and 18.58 R�-�Z.�'� and R_..44 -- Sugqc�>tcad SS.ng].� Fan�ii.l.y Resid�riti.al. setb�cks Fron•t Yar�d ... f'c,r SingXe Fami.].y c�well.inys ��he frant yar•d sWial.l. be � mini.mum raf 1�'i feet. Corrter and Throu_�h L_nts -- Frrr� Si.ng].e Family dw�l).i.ngs una.��cs, �he mi.na.mum SL�:�?otGIC far �s�c:h sac�c f�c�.ng a str�et shall bp �.p f�e�, h�w�ver, �he prouisian� uf Chapter� �.�. �.02 mu�t haP sa�i�fi.PC�. Sid� Yard -� F�'ar Singl� F'ama.l.y dw�].].ings, �h� 5i.c�e yard s��:b�ck sFr��,l. b� 5 �aet excep� th��is si�a�].]. nrat �px�ly �4:0 ��t�:�ched ui�a.�s r.�n th� lo�: l.a.n� an whi.�l7 �:k�e unit� are �'L•tached, Also, th�e ��rr�vi.sa.arts af �er:�k.i.ran 18.�.OG. :L3a �8���f�r iNatrix) sha�ll. b� �:�•k:�.s�Pi.ed, Rear Yard •- For �ir�gle F��m•ily dwplli.r�gs, thP r�ar ; yar�d sha�.l b� � mi.rii.mum af 1�'� feet. � Alsa, the pr�visi�:,i�s �yf Sec�i�in ? 18.x.t7p.l�q (9u�Ffer Matrix) shal.l k�E sa�cisri�ci. Wher� t:he side yard ar re�r yard rrf a�t�tached, mwl�t:ipl.e f�mi.:ly ar sing�.e fami.l.y dw�l.xi.ngs abut: a more restrictive zc;�ning cli.s�tr�:c�, �uch setbacks sha11 nu� k�e l�ss than 34 fee�. I . The c�istance be��r�Pn the prr,perty line 'j and the frrar�t a•F �he garag� shall: be a ;, minimum r�f �.0 fi'pet. On Ju1y 23, 1985, the CC�1; reui�wed the ak�uue stand�rds. A]:though tMerQ was riat a quarum pr��er►t, thp t�CI s�emec� �a �or�cur wi•th �ta�Ff �ha� a 24' sptback should b� r�qui.r�d ir� �Ehe frunt yard t�, �h� g�rage, �;:' `!?i 1.672P dm j �y. i`i: ZOA p_...gra _. August 6, 1.98�'� PC Ml"G �-- Paqe; 2 r< . � � � � E_� E�� y.,i . . . . .. .. .. .� � . . ��.�. ... . .. _.> L .. , ._�.._.-,..�. � � . � . �MaN�ter 1�.136 Flnnexatians Cwrrent].y, the Cc,mmuni.ty p�ucal.r�p�n�nt Cpd� r�qiai.r•es that ar7 ap�,3.i.cata.�ri for arrnexatir�ri be reuiewPC� by �the plarining Cc,mmissian pric+r� ta re�ri,�w by tha� t;ity �;c,uncil. Tn �dcii�:3.c,n tc� r�evi.Ewi,ng thc ann�xati.c,n p�ti.tion i.ts�l.f, th� Rlar�z7:ing �r,�mmi:�si�r� a].su recr,�mmenc�� �:he zc�riii7g d�signat;ion <7n th�: prnp�r�•ty t�� �hc C;a.�:,� f..;aur�c•i].. '!"I~�is twr, M�c�ring reqtai.rem�nt msaris thE arir�exat::ir�n applica•�inri yarack�s� r�n �t:�.k� �ap ��a •three man�tMs fr�am appl,ir•�tic�n se,�bmit�:al to City t�n�anci,l �ad�ap�t:ian af �th� r�snluti.c,n. TMe 4r�r�g<,n R�ua.s�d Statu��s <ir� i7r•,��t rE�quir~c� (�ity P].annirig Cammissic.�r,s �to reuiew annexati.�n p��i.ti.ans. St��Ff rec;amm�nds that Cl����tEr 18.136 af �tha Gnmmur7i�:y Deue]:o�m�nt C�aciE� b� madifiec� tr� c�elet� tMe rPqua.rEamerit �that arrnexati,or� pcta.tirrns k7� revi.ewed by th��c� �lar�ni,rig Gamrnissiun. Staff r�ec,mmen�s 4;P��� the fallnwi.ng lan�uage be c�al�•ted: 18, 136.U7_Q ��(d) Wa.thri.�7 45 d�ys after the cl.r�sing af the appl.a.cati,an submi.�tal periad, •the Crarnmissir,n sh�ll h�lc� a public hearing i.r� accrar�cianca wii:h thc� pravisi.uns of 18.3� aric� k����!c� an ti�ie stand�rds iri 1�.36.43U sh�ll make; li) A r�ecamr��nc�a�tir.,ri �to �ppr�,v�, a�prr,ve wi.�h rnadi.�Fa.ca�:i.ons or d�ny the rec�ues��d ann�x��:iran; �nd" 5t�ff reGC,mmends th�t UECti.on ].8, x��i.02� (e) b� maciafi.ecl tu reac�; ��(p)'� Wi•k:hin h5 d�ys wf�t�r �rhe rlosi.ng af •khc� �pplica��,r�n g�abmi.�ta1 �eraud, tl�c� ��ui~ici.l sMal.l hr�l.d � publ.ic F�ie�ra.ng iri a�cardance w9.th �rhe pr�acr�dur�:s of y.8,32. ar�d shall m�ke a ret�ammend�'t::i.on •t:a the Purtl.ar�d Ar�a pra�arid�ry Cpmma,SS].Gn f�,r ��ppr�,vaa., a��roval wa.��r mradificatians r,r c��ni.a�. a� th� anrrexation base�i on 'the :�tand�rd� irr ;.^a.."a2,^v3v, Au �ii� sa�i�� i-i��ring �i�e t�unci.i, snal.i assign �he cieuel�.,pm�nt ar �s��blishec� ar�a r•],aSgifiCa'��.f)I'1 as provic��d by GF�aF�ter 18,].39, th� zani.ng dFSignation as prr.:vided in Chap�er 18.32 and, if necess�ry, �k:he Cauncil shall, assign the Cc�mprehensy,u� Plan desigrtati.r,�n, "' Sh��a�:d •tl�� F�l,�nni.ng Caniniissir,r� sup�art staff's reeommenda�a.an, Sec�ti.an '18,32,09Q(C) ar�d 18.32,09b(d) in the �luasi Judici�l Pi"UCP.c�Ut^�!5 Ch���:�r� 'wi1l n�ed tu be madi.fied tr� reflec� the chang�s, ��t July ?.3, 1985, �the l��a]C m�mber�s pra�cari�t at •the �;t;:� m�eting cancurrpd with staff's recammEndat�.r,,ns, �ti77.P dmj LQ�i A-,..B�'a -. August 6, �,98�'a PG Ml"G — Pag� 3 X8.].38 Es•�ablish�� anci peuplapir7g Ar•ea t�l�ssa.�Pi�ation At the J'ul.y 23, 19A5, CCS mec�ti.n�, staff r�ua:�w�d �:ti� �r.,sga.bi.].i.ty �-af cnml�ining �hapter 18.139 wi.th Cha�a�:er 18.1�6, Annexatians. 'This w�� suc�ges�t�c� by s�aff �o el.im�,nat:� cr�nfusir,,r� amrrng �pplican�ts �Fur ann�xa�ti.arr regarda.r�c� the �stab.la.sh�dlD�uelaping Ar�a a^�quir�emer�t. 1�t was suc�gest:ec.i by �Fhe CGI members �:hat s�aff cla�r�ify th� requir•ements an tHrF a�a�rl.i,ca�i.on farm a�d na� mada.fy the t;od€� Gh�pt�rs. Staff c�ancur�s with •tl•ii.s sugges�::inn and wi�.l, modify �the ap��.ir.a�i.on �Forms �GGQY'CI7.1'1�I.1�, �.Ei77P dmj a ;� i ; � i ZOA A�.,g a �. p�gust 6, 19��a P� Ml"G _. pag� � i : , , _._ ,_ �.. ;__ ,_...:_ .____�� __ � ` y.8,x.32 Nni7canf�rmxng U�es L��ara.n� t:he mast 1"8C�!17'� Hram� Occ:u�ati.an reriaw�l. p�ric�d it b�cam� a�a7a►��ent thi�t �her�� arc� I�ame r�rr�t,ipot'k:iU1� busin�sses wha.ch w�re iss�apc� p�rmits priar tr� •the ada�ation af t:he Crrmmuna.ty L7c�u�l.c,p�r��nt CradF ir� ].983. 5ume r.,f thes� busi.ness�s <��a i�t�at crrnform �tr� �thp pr�s�n�t cr.ac�e recytaxr�mants fnr �•�c�me C�ccup��tirans. '1"h�se b � �� s i.�Yhii.n e 7fu �� °u�� r s. �i s i n e,a s e s �r�e c c,r 7 s 9.d e r e d ��r,n r.a n f r�r m i.n g �.a� w o r r n a,n g s t r �a � 5�t:aff t�as Y"�Vl�WP_G �M . 1 u�a t? in Sec�t:ian 19.137..p4p d 1 iVortcrar��f'�armin Us�s i � an9 9 � )( ) ri y e,,� u'�Y'41CtUi"N5 �ua.th tl�i� Gi.ty At�c,rnFy and c��trrroin�d �:hat the l�rigw�ge i.n tMat � � 'r� ccu atian busin�±ss. The lan ua e is s �:t�, n a 1�i.QS �� nan c:�,nf�ar•min Hom� q I�p �'� 9 p g � a5 fal].aws: (d) IVuncunfarmi�n�_Uses nf Structures.�. (1) 7:f a singl� lawf�al use containNCi irr a sinc�lp s�r�actur�e xnuaXuing �;hat s�truct�are �,r st:ruct�are and premi.ses a.n camk�iroa�:iari (exce�t �Far� a sa.rig�.�, acce����ry �truc:�tur�e) pxis�:�d as r�f March 16, 1983, wr��ald �7at k�� all.r,w�d in �he ��ning di.stra.ct i.r� whi.r•h a,t a.s l.oK:ated, ar which is r�iar�ccynferrming FJEColU54? of rnac�ec��a�f:p o�Ff..-stree�: parkir�g, l�ricisca�9,ng, c,r utt7�r CIP_'F].C7.�1'1Cy, (uncic�r th�� t�rms ofi' thii.s c�r��li.na�nc� or �mendment •ther�tr�) •th�e lawful use ni�y kre �eantis�ued so 3.ong a�s it r�m�ins crtl��rwise lawful, subject ta th� fo1.l.c�wa.nc� �raui.si.on�: (�) Nc� exis•k:ing s•Eructure deuoted to a iasa nr��t ppr•mit�tec� by this Cade �.n th� -r.c�ni.ng di.st;rict i.ri which i.t i.s ].or.atec� shala. k�e enlarg4ac�, extenci�d, cans•truc�ed, r�cAns�truct:�ci, ma�eci, r�r structurall.y altered excep�t to aG�ummoda�� � char�qi.ng af th� wse a�f t1�e strucl:urp �:a a 1A84? p�r�mi�ttred i.n �tl�e �ranc� in which it is �; �.GG�'��Ca; I ; r (�l) A��y i�ar7�cc,r�for�mi.ric� u�e may bE e�x'�erided tF�raughaGit �ny �xisti.ng ' par�t;� c�f a buil.ding whir.•h w�ra mani.�F�s�t�.y arr•ang�d r�r d�sigr�c�d �. for sucl~i us� at �th��� ti.m� a� adripti.ar� car� am�ndrnent af tFii:s Cr�dce, i but nc� such uxe shal.l, be ex�t�:ncipc� 'ta ncr�apy any land ou�t;sa.de ; such bui.ldinq; (C) A change uf us� far a si.ngle use i.n a 5a.ngle s�ruc�ture, may � oc�ur undc�r the f�allc+wing conditians; (i) T'he narrconfr�rma.ng use s�atus was r�er�i.stered with the `4 Pl.anna.rig f�irector :irr the marin�ar pr�uided by 18.132.Q4(? (d) (3) f�r the �urpr,se of castabl.a.shi.ng the us� Gl.assi.fi.cati.ari as list;ed in any c��F' th� P�rmi�:t;ed Uses swb�ecti�an r�,f �ha:s " Gc,c��; and ;� � � �� (i.i,) T'he i7ew wse is witP7i.r7 the regisfiered P�rm�,tt�d Use , classifica�ion; �r, i'� (i i.i.) 1"h�� i7�w use canfar°ms ta the zpr�ing or�d i.nance pe^ov a s i.r�ns. �. �`� , i' �` � ,: � x(�A 4-85 •- August d, 1�85 pf' NI'1'G �- P�g� 5 � r �: 1 ;' ; . •", (C3) When a nr,ricanfarmi.ny us� af a structure and �remi.ses is digr.ontinu�c� or ab�i�ic�r,n�c� �for fi man�ths th� structure and prQma�es shal.�. nat, th�reaft�r �e us�d excep•t �r� f�A7.1 r,�nfarmi.ty witM al.l reg�latians of �he �r�ning �is�tri.ct in whi,ch i� is loca•ted. Far pUY'rJGS�5 af tti3.s Section, a use shall be de�med to be c�ixcnntinupd nr al�ar�cic�nc�ci upr,n tl�e occurrenc� rxf �he first af ar�y af �t�e •t=ol.lawinc� eve.nts; (i} Qn the ciate wh�n thp str�ac�ture or pt"P_ti114p3 are v�catPd, (i.i) On the dat� the wsa c�a�es to bQ active].y invalvec� in tP�e sale nf inerchandise or the pr�r�v:isi.an of services, (�.ii,) Or� t:he date c,f ter•minata.ori uf ar�y l�as� or cvn�r�act under� which tN�r� nc,�nc�r�far�mi.r�g use has OCCU�JJxP.t� �I'1�? premis�s, arrd (iu) On t1�7� da�� a rec�uest far f�.nal readi.ng uf wat:er and pow�r meters is �ade ta •ta the appZa.cable utili�ty distrirts; anei (F) Wh�r�.� � nr.,ncanfarr�i.ng us� status a�a�].i.es to � strwcture �nd premisPS, remaval ar des��r�actic�n of th� struc�ure sh�ll elimi.nwte thie nur�cor�farmarig use s�atus af the land, (i.) ��s�ructic,n far •tl7e purpas� of �this �ubsecti.ran is d�fi.ned as d�m�ge ta ar� exter�t �af reare than 6Q'� af its curr�nt assessad v�lup by �the Washington G�un�ty A88�SS01". �ii.) Any �iah�$equent use sM�].l. cc,r��Fa�^m fu11y to al,l, �rc�vi.sions o�F •ti�e zoning distrxct a.n which i.t a.s lncat:r�d. T�: i.x the c�pinir�n af staff tha� �h��,t�r ].8, �.3T„ dc�es nc�t n��d tr� k�e modi.fi.ed to � ac�cirQSS nancanforming uses fnr Hame Occupatian businessps, LOA 4_..85 �., Aiagus� 6, 1985 i'C MTG -�• P�ge 6 18.142 Hr,�m� Occwp��:i�ans Wh�n �the (;ommuni.t� Devel.apmsn� Cr.,de w�s upd�ted dwri.i7g the CUmprehensi.ve �1�:r7 proc��s a.n �.983, �th� �haptpr ari Fdrrme Occupat�.nn� was mc�di�ied. The n�w r�quircments fur Hame C1ceu��ti.an p�rmits requa.res tl�at a7.1 H�,mE Qccup�tions i�su�c! und�r the pravi.sions ca�F the Cr,r�e be r�new�c� ann�aally. The reri�wal pr��u�i.si.ans hr�w�ver, do nat address rsnewal r�qui.rern�r�ts far Hame t�tcu{aati�rrs which r�xrsted priar tr, th� 1983 adoption a•F �he CFJCIP_. ��ta,f�F prapases #:ha� Chap�er 18,�.�?2 af th� Cammur7ity pev�la�menr Cude be �tm�nd�d as �Fna.].aws t Acid Spc�ti.on 18.14Z.035 permft Ran�ewa]. •-- t�pplicabi.lity (a, ) Mame occupatinn �,ermits issued und�r tM� �ruua:si.rans r,f thi.s cadE� shal� expir� aft�r one y�ar� anc� an a�,plic�tirrn �ar ren�wal a•F •the per�mit shal,l b� fil.ed wi.�h th� City to continu� 7.awful operatiori r,f the Fx,me �ccupa�hion busin�:ss. Th� per�mi�t rc�n�?wal applic:�•�ion sha11 b� a�praved or denied a.n aGCc�rd�nGe wxth �che prnvisia�s �et fnr��Nt in Spcti.an 1E,142,OA0 a�F thi s c+'ade. (b.) Hr,�m� accup���i.an p�rmi.ts which receive� approva], pr�icr �o t�avemt��r 1g83 b�at may be noncon�ar�ming as defin�� ir� Sec�Ci�n X8,'1;:�2.��0(d)(1} shall. b� renFwed ann��l.�.y. Th� perrnit renewa]. a�s�l.i:cata.ar� s�iall be apprraved ur• der�ied in accarc�an�e wi�h the �raui,s:ians se� for•�h in �ec�irrn 18, i.42.0AQ �f this cade, (1) Upon a�apraval ca�F �t;h� 'Firs�t r�new�l fr,r° Hame tDCC4I�38L�7.�"JY18 whx�h � ar� noncar�formxng as de�fr�r�d i.n S�c�iran �.�.13�.q4Q(c�)(1), the Direcfi�r sM�l.l �et as � candi.�3,�n af �p�raval th�a� '�h� k,u�iness mus� b� a.rr cc�r�fc�rr�a�nc� with th� Hum� �r.cwp�t�.an appr�GVal, i crit�ria within 5 y�*�rs. i { � � (c.) Mam� ocrwpa�i,ran busi.l�c?saes which exi.st:ed wi•�{�aut a u�lid Ham� ' qr.cupat9,on permit prior tu N�uember 1983 sh�ll apply �fur a N{am� ` Uccup�ti.ui�r p�rmi.t wnd��r thr� prGUisi.cyns af�ha�ater 18.�A2. 1"h� t ariginal permit shal.l be vali�i frar an� yaa�r �nd sh�a.1 be r�new�d y ar�nuai7.y uh�ier� t��� Nr�:,;;�.s:.:•;:� w� 5ar:t,,'.¢n 18.1A2.0�4. ; On �uly 23, '1983 thp �:�CI discusspd s�:aff' s pr�apr,,sed changex �c� the liome '; Occu�aa�iun chapter. 1"he members pr�sent cancurred with staff anc! sua�yest�d f �t�:N�a�t a �tima lima.�Y, be se� fr,r nr�ncr�nfarming hc�me occupa�tions �o cramply with = ap�.�licable cr�de pruvi.si.r�ns, ; (EAN:pm/1672P) ;i j. fi ; _;: � � s � � � ; � ;' j ZOF� 4--•85 M.. Awgwst b, ];985 I�C M"C'G — Pag� 7 �ty •- ,:.. _ , _.. .. ,._ _.. . _. _.. , - , 18,64 CammerGi.al Professional �n May 6, 1985, •the City Caunr�l ��upte� an ordinance which m�difiP� the Tndustrial Park Gha�fier (18,68) of th� code ta all�w 1imi.ted r�tail and servic� uses in Tndus�r•ial Park �evelo�mpnts. :3�aff prapo�es •th�t •the Comm�rGial prafessir,na�, Cha�ter (18.64) be madifie�l �u al.low the s�me la.rni�ed retail. and s�rvice uses. The reuis�.�n prapased b� staff is as fc�llaws: ].8.64.Q30 Permi.ttecl Uses (2) Garnmer�a.al Use Types ' (A) Animal. sal.�s anc� seruices (i) Gr�oaminc� (ii) Vet�rir��ry: small ariim�ls (H) 8ua.lding maint�nar�ce saruices (C) Husiness ec�ui�menfi: ��l�s and ser�vices (D) �usiness support seevic:es (�) Communi.r,ata.ai� srrvice� �F) Qay Gare Fac�.l:it:a.es (G) . Fi.nanci.�)., i.ns�iranc� anc� rea]. estate seruices (H) N1ec�ical and �len•ta1 services (I:) p�rfi:ici,patiae� sporf:s and recreation: (i) �r�doar (i.�.) Outduor (nat tu excecd 10�6 uf �:h� total sq�a�r� foatage within the o•Pfice compl�x) (�') Per�sr�r�al servac:� faca.li�i.�s (K) I�rofessional a�d administrative ser•vices (L.) R�searGh serva.c�s (M) Th�� fal.l.awi.ng �.�s�s, se,.�arai:el.y ur in coa�bi.nati.r�n, sF��al.l not exce��l a •t�atal af 20R� of •the entire sqc�are 'Fracatag� wi.thiin the deuQlapmerrt campl�x; (i) Cunv�r�i.ence sal.�s ar�d persana�. seru9.c�s, (ii) Fating and dri.nicing est�bli.shm�n�:s, ' (iii.)Retai.l. sal.es, ger�eral, nh �utu �a; 1QA5; #;Mc� c'�l".I r�viewed t;he language prop�seci by staf�F �nd, after cliscussing tFi� percer�t��e req�a.rEm�nt, •the. memk�ers �res�nt cancurr�d with s�aff's prupc,sal. Alsa, 5ecti�n iS,6A.040 Caris�a,tior�aa. Us� shau].d be carrectecl by deleting subsec�i.c�n (4) Participat�.an Spor•ts and Recreation. (EANtpm/1672P) Z.OA Q--85 -- August 6, 1985 PC MTG — F►ag� 8 _ za.xx4 signs �n Febr��ry 5, 1985, the Pl.anning Cammission revi�w�d a proposal by staf� to �1.1�aa� directional signs to k�e erec;t�d oM pra.���e prap�r••r� �tb idenfi:xfy driveway entrances �r�d exat:s. ¢uestions wer� r�i.sed <,►s ta �he apprapriate si.ze for �thes e si ns. 'T r . g he .ommissir,n a�k�c� t he s�.aff t;a r�vxpw the size issw� arrd bra.ng thF inatter back b�fare �:i�� Cr,mmi.ssian. Staff h�s madr� fiel.d vi:�its, reviPwed th� sxxe i.ssue and sugg�s�ts th� foll.c,wi.�g char�g�s •to the sign code. Direc�a:�anal. ar ir�5�ruc�i.ar�a1 signs Qn �rivate �ra�r�rty when such si�rrs ar�e sc,lely dpsignHC� tr, idpn�tify driveway entranc�s and axits �F�ar mr,tarists rsn adjui.ning ��ab�.ic streets, c�ne sign wi.th a�7 ar�� of six (6) sq��are fiee� ��r face shal.l k�e permittc�c� p�r� c�riveway, �Said �igns sha11 be c�nsister�t w�.th Cha��er i8,1Q2 (Visual Cl�ar•ar�ce F�reas), 'This stabspr-�ir,n shall be ar�ded ta Sec�:ian 1�.114. 13� as f�al�.c�ws: Mul.ti.fami,ly Ft�sa.dent9.a1 �une5 (b)(�i) �nd change (6) �ta (�) Cumrn�rci.al 7'c�nes {Ck1DJCG) (c)(3) �nd cl�ang� (3) to (4) Cammerci.al Prufiesqaar��), Zune (d)(7) and ch�nge (�j tc, (�) Neighbc,rh��oc,d Comm�r�;i,a]. 7..r.,r�� (e)(4) anci chan�e (4) �:o (5) Tndus�rial 7..ones (x..-I�/I:--LJ1:_..fi) (f)(3) and cl�ang� (3j to (�) At th� J'ul.y 23, 1985 CCI; me��ing, m�mber�s pr�sen� rais�d cr�r�cerris �bou�: �I�e ciir-ecti.rrrial signs becami,ng addi�ianal, ac�vertising ar i.dc�ntific:a�:ian sic�ns frrr businesses, i"M� CCI; �x�ress�d support far th� di.rectian�J. signs i.fi' �Px� signs w�re lzmit�ci to th�t purpase. I� is the apinian af s`taf•f tN�at �he 6 �:c�uare t�eet sixE li.mi.ta�ion wi.l.l l.imi.t �he co�;y �hat r.an be accammndated an the 31�1'1S. Alsa, Secti,on 18,],�.A.130 (b) shau7.d be carr�c:�ed {Onl:�te i•tems in brac:kets () and adcl i,�nderlin�d i.tems) as folluws; Multi: �'amil,� Resi.d�ntaal Zanes, Nc, si,gn sh�l.l. be �er�mi.��ed i,n a R...�17.� (R•-?0) R�2ra, c,r (A�-20) R�4„�Q zan� excc�p� for �the fal�.awa.ng: (EAN;�m/1672P) i � " r - a � I; �':, � � �-� ZOA �l.-.g'Cs -�- Augu3t 6, 1985 PC Ml"G � Pag� �3 4�' �a �; �; �,: . .. . �. �. � . . . � . . � . . . . � � � . � . . � ��l . � � . � .... �.. ... .:.. . � . .. . . � lA.�.qb t�arking anc� i_ra�ci9.�z� Ir� th� past few mr,riths, the at�itfi'f h�s r•�G��.u��d i.nc�iai,ri.es ab��� the pc,�yibi?.i.ty of allc7wing vehicl.es t:r,� bp s��r.,rF���l crn �reas whi.rh �rr� nrr�t pau�c� but �.re im�ruved wa.tM � qr�v�a. swrfac�, S-ta�Ff ha5 r�ui.�wed th� i.ssue and b�l.i.eues t;hat a gr�auel sur�Pace �o��1c� ba �d�c��,ia�te fr,r v�hir.la s�:arag� ara�s, Urtr��r� �t:H�e chiang� pra�ar,,sed. �l.l. rE�qui.red �arka.ny �re�ts �r,r a �a>� shall, k�� ��ved bw� adciiti.an�l ar��s for s�:ar�c�e cif u�hir•lps may be gr�avel. TMe ch�ng�s prr.�pr,Ked by staff �re as fc,llraws; '18.106,c35i} (P�rk a.ng arrc� I_naci i ng) (i.) �?arkin.q....�ace..r.._.Parkin�and._I_oadin�Area �urface R�c�,�uiren�ents.., r�ll ar���x us�d frar• •th� p�rking, star�c�e, or� mari�uuering o�F any v�?hi.cle, ba�t:, ar� �tr�a.].��r sMi�l.1 bc� i.rn�ruu�yc� wi.tFr as�l�al.t or coi7cr��t� surf���s o1CGpY't�11'1� 'Ff:1 '�M� same sl:anc��rds r�eqt�+i:rec� �Far �the ' canstruct9.nn �i7d acc�ptar7ce r�f Ca.ty s�:r��et� exc� far th� i fallawing; (].) Off-..str��et �arki.nc� spaces far• s�.r��ql.e �nc� two_..fam9.l.y , resic��ri.r.�s sha],1 b� im�ruufyd wi�th an aspMralt or r,r�,r�cr�•te A surfar.e t:c� s�,cci.fic�,ti.r�ris �s a��arau�t� k�y �thc� F>WI:1�.].0 Warks �7.Y'f!�:'hQY'. (2.) St�.�rwc�� �r��s fGr recreati.��nal. u�l��i.cl.es, r»,r�-..a��rati,nq uehi�:les, •Pl.�.ae•� vetii.c],�.3s, r•ansl:s^uc•t:ian ma#:�ri.als. �nc� �ay�pn ai.r� strarrac�c (�JMinl.��al.i.r�r�, 5tc�r��.ge, and C>i.stributa.nn Me�.vy) may br� i.mprnvred +rri�t:h a gr��xusl star~Far•e wha.ch mc���s specifi.r.,�t;i.r�ris a���r•r�u�d �a,� �H7� Gi.ty E"i�gi.n��ar. 1"h9.s y � r c ' s r, 71 ta ar�F.as �t at:�l l (�P.V.7�;P.(� tn sub��c:�ti.on pt.r•�:��.n .r y y s�ora �. �1.1 access cira.u�a �hal.�. b� i.nst�].l.�d ar7d rirair�tained � I r�avic�ed in st�bg�c�ti.c�n b�!].ow. �s � t7) (j) Acress _I.7riu�s� Acc�ss dri.vc;> fram thc� str�c��t ta af�f-•-atr��t < rr d and r :i.r ].a��cii.n r.�r q�trar� � �r•�a3 sh��.l b� c�esi. � a k � , J , g p 9 � canstr�act�d ta faci.a.i.�atc� thF� f1c,w rrf traffi.c; ar�r,t r�ra�i.de maximum K� safety fr�r jJP„CIP_4'�i"1�1't and vehicul�r ��raffic r,n •the �ite; �rrd . (7.) l"h� nurnbc�r an�l size ra�F ar:cc�ss drives sh�l.�. be i.i°i ar,cardane� wa.�th the r�q�airements raf rhapter 7.8, '!08 (Atat��SS �IUL7 E�ItF:�;S) . (2,) AccPSS dra.uc�s sh�).l. k>e c•].earl.y and �ermanently marked and �e�Fin4�d ��hrr,�ugh� ua� «•f r�i.1s, 'F4?11GP.S, wal.lx r.�r �a•�;.h�r barriHrs ur mar�kc�rs an fran�:ag� riat uccw�ied by seruic� driu�s. (�) Ac:r.:ess �.�riu�s shall, Nr�ve a minim�am vi.�iran r,1e�r°arrre as �rava.d�d ir� Ch�ptc�r 18.�.4L (VI:SZ:c�N CL.F�ARF�NC�:) . (4) t��r,e�s �riv�s fr�r �inglE� ar�c� •twa�-family residenres shall. b� i.m�raued wi�h an as�h�lt ar cr,ncrete surface ta spe�ifi�.atirrns �pprnu�c� �y �hhe c"it+� fngineer, f�l.l' a�Ch�r access dr�i.u�s sMal,]. k�e i:m�raved witt� an as�hal.t ar concrete sur�Fa�� fir, �:h� s�me s�ar�dards requireci fc,r �the canstruc�i.an ar�d "aiGGE��7'�>ance of G9.�y str�er�ts. On Jul.y 23, �.985, 'l:tie l';t;� review�ci th� conGEapfi prnpa::�c� by staff. Thr� members pres�nt agre�d t:o s����art s�ha�f's prc,�uaaJ. frar str,,rage �re�s anl,y, t�l]. r•c?qua.r�d parking� a"tCCAg3 and l.c�ac�i,rrg areas shal.l b� paer�d. ZqA 4.....gc, ... Augus� b, 1.985 PG Ml"4; _... �ag� 7.lJ ��:' i:; �� _ . .. , . , _ _ .. _ ._ _>.. ___ _ F �'` _ . _. _ ___ _- - �...... _ ._�, -. - ..._:_.. ..., ..._,_. _._ 9UF�F�.R �tEf�UIR�:M�.NTS �;fi has c�im� to th•i� attc�nt3,an uf �ta�Ff that i.n same ca�ps tF7e si.d�yard and r��r yar•d se�backs statad in �the inc�ividual. zor��.ng secta.r�n dimensian�l req�airero�rits may k�e inc:r�ased �y the k�u�'fer ma�rix i.n t�ha�ter 18,1n0. The s�tback requirEamer�� z��c•r�:ases primara.ly wh�re resid�r�tial zc�nps abu•E rammerGial. ar�d i.ridustriaa. zr,nes, Staf�F feels that a re�Farence to the buf•f'er requ3.rem�r�ts sM�aulc� bQ ir�clud�d a.ri ��Me ac�d•'ati.unal, rs�qui.rements sec•ti.r,n raf each app�.icable zai�te. Pag�s fram the �ffected sections are ai��ach�d and m�rked. TMra t;C� rQUipwecV the propras�c� cl�ar�gPS nr� July 23, 1�85 and indicat�cf' suppor� for tN�e change. (EAN:bs/7.ti72P) ..-..._�..�, � �(�A q-85 — August 6, 1585 RC MTG -- page 11 � � � � D � � ��� � ��� ��'����f� `� � `��, ���.:�� �.��„� ����,�� ,,.� ; . ; �., � � � ; , � �� � � � � ; ; � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 J 1 j 1 � 3 . . .. � .. . . : .. . . . . ,... .. _ ..:. .._. ..:.:. ... ...:}�..._. �.�..._.. . ..��'�....._.,wa.,.�.,.;..,,�:.,�.;�.�..�,:,.h.,,f