Planning Commission Packet - 05/07/1985 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. T:Y:GAFtC) F�L(�NNI:IUG CdMMI:�J�.;1:ON kF.:GUI_AR ��FET':CNG — MAY 7, 19fl5 1. Presi.der�t Mocari c�l.l.ed t{�ic m��ti.nc� t:a ard�r �►t 7;3G.i F�M. TFi� m�!�ting was h�.ld �at �'�wl.�r J�ania►^ I-ligh .... I...t,:C Rnr�m -- 1.t)865 UW WalnGit, 7... Rt)L.L CF�I_I..; F�itE�SE:N'1"; �>r�si.c�er•it Mue�i7; Cpmmi.ssi.r�n�r•s Ouu�in�, Hut].E�r, Fyre, Petersan, t�amrahell, and I..euerett. �E35FNT'; Commi.ssic,e�ers V�nd�rw�r,�d ar7d Bergmann. 3 , A(sI�ROVt�L t)� M:CNIJ'1'�S u Cr,,mr�7a.ssian Ow�ns r��cy�a�gted F��r n�nic� ha� r�mc,uc�d fr•am pac�� �Fuur regarding item 5,3 ragarding rc,nrern fr�r saf�ty. I � Cr,immi.ssi.an�r Qwe�ns maued �ric� Cr.,�nrni.ssi.ai7 F'yre secr,�ndc�d t:u a��ar�r�ve min�.ites �s amended. Mn•tir�n carr�a.c�ci h�y maj�.,rity ��ate, Presid�ri�t Mapn o�nd �rrmntissirant?r C�tm�bel.), �kyst�:i.r��d, 4, Cql"�1�:�.;S:Ct�N Cc�MMi.11U:CC;A'T:CpN Gurnmissa.ain�r Leu�!rE�t�t �rriu�c�, o Di.scussi.r.�n reqarcli.ng Mrs. �ial).' s r�quest �ta hauc� Vi.].].� Ri,dc�� RauinE! acid�c,i •tr.� tMe R�srrurca c�rarumer�t arici ta Cr,1rY'E���t •t:h� 7,r�<;a•t i.can p�F I��d Rack t;r��k, # Cummissi.ur�er OwE�ris n�raved �i�c� Commi.ssi.r,n�r F3ut:].�r s�cartc�ed tra requ�s�t i sta�P•F �tr,� inves•tig��t� anc� �to k,r�irig a r�r��mmpnc�atir.�ri �to �thEa Planna.nc� Cammis:�i.r,�n, Mati.un c�rri.c�d hay unani,mr�u5 uotc� af Cr,mmi,ssi.r,�i�;; pres�nt. 5, p1.1131..�C NFARI:NUS ��, �. Pl_f�NNE:[) I)FV�I...UPM�IU'1" F�C) ;T--85, SUfiC)1;VT.�.;TnN �; 4_..AFa, 7.ONE: CHF�NGf.: "1.;C; 8...�£�5 Mf.:CF2:�FGHT' NPO # � Request fur a Zane Char�iqc frum R--T.. (ftesi.dertti,�l., 2 uni.ts/acr�e) �o ft-2(F�p) (Resi.c�entiaa., 2 units/ar,•re, Nlannec� C?evplapment) �nc� c�etaa.l.pc� �nd prel.imi.nar•y �l.�t a�a�rr�u�7. ta di.ui.de a �.0 acrE parce]. intU 19 ].r,�ts be�ween �.8,5Qp anc� Z3,Q0� sq. �Pt, in si.�p. Pr�pprty lac��tecl betw�a�fl Shadr.,w Hia.l.s ; and Ames prch�ard suk�di.ui.sir,�ry ran thye r7rarth side c�f Eiu].]. Mtn, f�aad (WCTM 2S1 14H�, lot 9qQ) . Assc,ci.ate P],annE�r Li.c�en mad� 5taf�f's recarom�nd�tian far �appru�al wi.tF� tha.rt��n cr.�nditi.ons. Me Y'P.VIf?WP.(� a 1�ttpr f'�^r,,m Nir, esik�r anci a phane canuersata.r,n hca had had wi.�h Mr. F�aul. Whitney , l_engt:hy c�iscussian fr��,lrawEad r�garding �tN7� acc�ss fc,r lra�ts 13 arrc� 14, �raf•fia �aatterns •fr,r ths area, �nd th� requi.r�ment far a nc�i7 r�monstrancF nr� cr,nc�i.�i.an number si,x, WI_.ANN:CN(3 CUP'�1;CS`�:��Lt�N MTNUTES May 7, 1�a5 I�age 1 i'. Y APF►L..TC;ANI"'S PRESE:Nl°AT'�:QN ra�nr�i,s Der�by, 87.ax.er Humc�s, crammented that �t;hr� prr.y�us�d subdisr9.si.an was in campli�nc:p with •the c���le that it is an �xt�nsi.�an r�f th� Shaciraw Ha.11s subdiu�.sa.on. Th�y had m�� witP� �h� IVF�c� �nc� wi.•th other sur�ruunding praper�y r�wners and felt thas pl.an was the best use �F��r �th�� lar�c�, Ni�d COMMENI"� ��af�F s�:��F:ed tM�a�t Hr,�b E�J.E!CISfJE'.i ch�irm�n a�E' Nx>0 # 3 had c�l.�.�d ancl th� Nl�t? supp�.�r��d �the �pp].icati.un, Als�a, Mr, Hl�c�sa� wani:�<� ta �c�c� tF��•�: he f�lt that tP7e z�ccess far lr�t lA shaul,d a��l.y bc�e�n ].c7 feet �c� tM��t as �Fcsw tres�s as �JG5,4I.I��.2 w�.�uld be r�mr�uec.i. Micha�l, �mi.tF�, 1�.6A�� SW C1.c�ud Caiart, �t memk�er af Nia() �' 3, sta��r� tl~�c� N�►(7 h�d vrr��pc� 3 •ta �. a.n fauo�^ o•f �the �ppli.r:�tian, f�s � member c�•F the nei.ghborhGac� I�i� sia�pc�rted thi.s c��v�lc,pm�nt as bea.nc� �tFie k�est pr,�ssik�l.c� us� far thE �rapr�sed si•te, f3�uerly F'rr�ucle, ].2.2�0 �W Eiul.l. M�tn. , CPU Chai.r�csrsan fa►^ �ita].l. Mra�ar7�:ai.r� w�.s crancernQd �For th� acc:es� r,�ntca gul.l Ma�ar�t��.n. 1"hey •fe:tt �kher� shr.��a].ci ar�ly �a� or�� dr•iuew�y ni�tci Ht,ia.l. Mr�wntota.ri, �atM�rwa.s�, �:hey �up�ar�E�c� tM��� prupasal.. p1.1�31_:�:1, TF�;'T'ZMqIVY o WaJ.'t�r Baker�, ].�.92� ;�t� �?ul.�. M�n. Rfa�d wois r7�a.�h7��r for ur against ��he prr�pnsal. His CCJI"ICaY�n�c� Hi�d bF�r� �xpres��ci :in hia.s 'l.et:��r. He w�.s als� cr�nc:erned �tk�r,iut 'tPte ].ack af ���ata.fi.c��tian fr�am NPO # 3 wt7�i°i th7�y had t^eview�d t;his pr�pnsal, kde want�c� �thr accc�ss rarrtr.i Nul�. Maun�t:a3.n to be un tF�e west si.de o•P �I�te pruject. h�:�U'TTAI_ ca Ap�al9,car�t had nra reFautta7,. PUHI...ri.0 tdF(�R�NG ��Lt)SED a L_enr�thy discussiran fa).l.awed reqarcla.nq thE� �ccess onto H�il.l. Mr�untai.r� Raac�. Seu�ral 4:ammissiar��rs felt �he �cc.ess �Frr,,m l�at 13 shcatald �cccpss thrrauc�h l,��t5 19. ar�d �.T.. Gr��tr,� Wal:dwc�ad, Cr.�mm�.ssa,r�ner l.�ver�+t�t falt l�ats 13 anc� 14 shnulc� �,cc�:pss with r�n� r�ri.u�way onfia 8u11 Nltn, tr� mak� 9,t a cl.ewr7er subclavi.sa.ran, •x� C�rammi�ssir�r�er Uwens mrau�c� �nd Cr,�mmissa.ao�r�r P�t�rsran sPC��nc�ec� ta apPruue 7..C; B_...8�'�, R� `l._..85, ari�! S 4--85 wi.tFr trii.rteen cr,r7c�a.�:i,r,n� b��ed rrn staff's find•ings anc� c�nr.lus�.<,rrs �nc� tn autMc�ri��d sta�f t�a prepar� �a fi.rra'1. or�d�r and �Fc,r Pr��siden� Nlr.��n tr, si:gn r�•Ff rar7 th�a� r.,rd�r. Mo#:i.orr fi��i.],Fd faur �ta thr�e, Cc,inmi.ssa.rrners Mu�n, 6u;;ler, �yr�, arrd I.�ev�r�'tt vc7ta.r�c� na. F�L.ANNINC C(N'N'1I:'��1:nN M�IUUl"E;;S May 7, 1.985 F>age 7 I , � � �nmmissiuner qwens mauad ant� C�mmissiui��r P��P.�3t)n sec�nded ta approve ZC� 8--•8�.i, F�D 2_..8 a, and S 4.�..8� wi.th thi.rteen C41'tCll'�lfai"IS addi.ng �ta��t �:he acr.•�ss •Fur lUt 13 wr„�ulc� acc�ss between l��ts �.1 ar�r� �.2 c,nto Wi.].dwaad St, based ran >t�ff's findi.ngs and Cql"ICa.U87.�J1'18 ar�d tn a4i��hari�red st��r�r- ��� pr�ep�re a fa.n�l order and •For Presiden�t Masn trs sign af�� Gn t:hat order. Mata.nn carriecl b_y n�ajori.ty vc�te Cummissi.r:�n Lauerett vatirrc� no. 6. Other 8usi.ness a ReqtaPSt: far si.x mc�nth �i.me �xtensir,�n for Sh�dr,�w Park (S 7-...83 and V ; 7-8A). Ia7.SG41S8101'1 fnllr�wec�, i � �• Commissa.anar �1ner7 mc�u�d artic� Commi.ssioner pwpns sF!conded tr� �ppraue the requpst fa�^ � six marrth t�.m� pxt�nsion. Ma�Eir�e� carr�.er� by � ur�ani.maus uote a�f t;r,mrni.ssa.an�rs F�r�s�nt, � i � 7. MF F'�"�N� RC?Jc)URNF� •-- 8:�.'"a P.�i. ���`_ /N�' �Q�����(/.1/'. ..._....._... .�._.. pi.a�~�e M. Jeld�rks ecr�'tary A1"1"F�T: __.�.._ ..._.�...w _�...�G����... ._ �� � A. Dranald Maen, Presa.den�t " Ti.qard Rl.ann9.ng Cc�mmi.s5i.r�n 13�OP �dm j ill � . I ; PL.ANI�IIVG Cd(�1I�S�41� MTNUI"�.�; May 7, 1.985 Paqc� 3 DATE � ROLL CALL: �� r t � � �� Don Moen lf� � d'�t,,� John Butler `�� tl � ' � `� ���� Mi1C Fyre ��� ��.� � � � Bonili:e �wens ,, }l""�� � 1,��,�" Dave Peterson ....�i - }� Chris Vanderwood � Fl.oyd Bergmann �� � �jf�'' Nancy Campbell _�,�i� :� r + ,,+� f }'9! /�� Deane Leverett (� �".•Y��,�",.,� I � 3 ;: t,'.. �, I,,; i�� }1! f;t k'iy o,. �'j � � (�:. T;[I y;, �' � ���� � � � f'� � �� �.�. �.,��€s��,� �o ?° �� ����o������ ������� �������� P.O.BUi(370 � P'r104�lF_(503)�84-0360 ������`�—��4� U'EAVERTOPd,(�REGflN.97075 ... .- �,� �'�j,~� ia"�` ' C����2 fz�ra��a�� �1���rr'�u�o�� �p�'� �� 4��aP�� � � � �'�arsh��4 V�a4ic� F�r :. Cit;v of `Pigai� n PC} Box �339Z � L� Du;�lica�� �3�i�avie Tigatd, O� 97223 0 $ � ..�_��. ��=�°I��l�G� �}�= �sD(;��.8��°�'@�G'FB �____....__.__ � � ���T� €�� ���t�C��, ➢ GC1�16��'h' �6- ti�AS�Evqi��T�'1�q, )�s. � �.------ J�,c��_I�_rs ����_ —�_— � �a�;s€g �'sr�� a��ly s�rc�rrs, �e���e a�r.cP ��v YC��� I s�m Qh� Advc�s�?i�i�� �6r�c�t�r, ti� has pra��cag��9 �B�r4z, c����a�_ Ti�ar�l �L'1Y71@S '; � �a��ar�r���s�r cag g�s��r�t c�sc�i�4iyca �a� d�r6r��c� in t���� i�3.�9t� �;;r� i��.�P�C3; q�csk�li���� at ��l��y°�---- —in ¢�3� ��nJ�'�S�L6 Cc�G9k���f t'l71f�,S��if�F �i9�� $�q� �lX k�.�1 C $lc?�Y"3.T'�-;�_ ------- — � � �3G'P3��0� GiA�3j� qff 9iUQ''';6�8'� {� �]�r3Y�Yt7 �'B1418M�Tt�, vva�s ��k�l��6��u ia� ��e a�a�4io-� as��e� cs4 �€�ie� ���91�g��s�r�r�r__�--;yu�e;�s�iv� �s�d '� �s�n���•a��4v� ir f7��4o{Eootv�aa� i��saos: ---.----A�X'a.l 2.�� 1��5 --- —---- �� � -- ------ •.—..— 7 ` �-- , � �. � t� �, .�:�> � �'_t � - --- A � �tt��Y�PPd � ��9i5 P' Y°11 `�� L �.��� ,� Sas�r�c�o�ie�� ��a '��Pa� �o � ��r � �__ ; � �o4a¢�y �'as�iic��F �r��an 4�y C�r��u���oas� �s��'s��s: ��20/83 �i�f�B��'��°� �+ ' k a;^k�F M�.a �: T.. {_� � ': .t 31�''��t ,�M;x7 �i . ^a r � r � � _tlk` , f ;i tJ _ i i 1d� �. } J�"�,. ���s'�+3 s �� :.�+y.� �f �r«.' ��..�a� s � ..2.4L��ua�a � f �,�.,r��,���MtCkSfi� 4i�'� � � r�} � �..����� 4� �s C°�� _ " � ��'���,,;, � , t?�,, �" ( ' �i � t i rr a =� t 1 t� t i y ������+�����,t���t��a���f���������R���������'���t'���;�����z����a; �'A K �} ,�� �. � ��f�r��� ���������������� �' h� �' ��t �e, ��.���i,�a 4��`�a'�� �� , r�z�`�3 s R It�w��3�'5'��g}�`+�r'��q��+tj�a�r I�v`���`���3s'g��c��y4��`�;��'�� ���p`���t,������'�y�fi����`��,��s ��k��`���»�kt�,�; � ����i�3`°'Rd'�d�..`�`FF��''�rG"*k S'v�R1.�#����1�'°"rN�'�N�6,�R:��gm�������k���a���t�•^`"`�', "� } y � s"3-�i'R� �et�� f $- 1 r i rt ,A ,'�. ,y�4�P4s(�"�y��}�I����z���p'�����r���,�@��`���a�,��a{)�t7r,� �i`�+ry� 4+ ii� hk7"s ' r fi �tF�' ' ,`���������5�����;��'`xr�'� �'�'� � > � ���.�t������ . :. t � � y�5, : lti��-y �y�vg$�`�`' �, q r �j �vw^y,��r„ts1,'��?C.y:�� S� pp��� �y ,�+u�,ij�+t{} t � � . � �`Ni5 �d�d4ikA+'T���ii�.���F����d`,�� �T)°7ty�{F�Y'}3C�X�AyY��.'7� "4y�7'RyL3�f��".e�2�'��uC �� ����1 t 5� "f 4'4 2 f ( N '.,t 3 d 1 �ty� u k �y�y.�^' Yg�1 qg "� jy1 d�� g +,� 1 t Jk �.' � !c � p l G Py� Fkl$�£� �F:4��dd'a�e1��Z��f8r.+�WY��7�rPi.A�'F�� .a�'S^l r�a �-fi7V� '�A1;�c hk i 0.���� f j�� : � ��`4���'�"'��'��,��y�`��, ���'��`���,�;���o,a'#�„��,'�';���g�'���dat�;'�����a�������'������,«�_ U?������tt"�r,��,yk���'�%�€°���7}�r�yX'A3.��?�����Ja�',��� s'�`�.���"���k�1f���m�3*4�4.�A����f� '� �i�'�7�*�.ii��. �'�x��"����'•»����.t 3.�4��`��I� � �kR��$���tRk`f°����$�����f�� �'+'�°��'����k����z���z�����q�i€s���,�#���-��i������ra���y�t����,��'��;�' �`����}��,°,.�,��� ������d����,�rt�.�� ���������� a� �a����;�r����� ��`�,*����ti*',"���'���g�����,���t����1 ��t'��! 1����"�}a �,� ra� r � �ro��fnk�i��i�.�xS` 6' � � 6'�tJ�',4�1.Y� i� "_x1.,��� ci. ��7d� " '� �a��4 ��. t �'��t�..�o-�.agd,!„trv ;u'i�..'t>«"�$� :. £..�w... a,. 1>>k...,... w:..,.,._.t:s..�.hE�4,.�..,-8�.,f��r;'- ; i I D�1TE S � �(J � '�' I G A R D � I.� A N N I N G C 0 M M I S_ 5_I C� NOTICE: ALL PERSQI3S DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR PIAME and no��j �tlxeir address, on �his sheet. (please Print youx name) ITEM/bESCRIp'!'IOI�I: � p�'���,�,_��.� � � ��� � � � PROPONEI�T (For) OPPONENT (against� Name, Ad�1rPS� ar�� Affiliation � Name, Addres� and Af�iliation � � ��r s�U', �/ i�� .,t�ooa� � � f I ,�� %��� /t'�.a��� �s�6 ���� ,1 �j � ,.�.� ;' ,.. ; ,: � i . . , R' � � �W ��K V �!�." ia•, K � .+�� 1s......�`^"'L/ _ I � 1 S i �y� � { *�� 3 ...'��,.�.! tH. 'f.� ,(�,P� ,Y • `, F`.. °� t a�. �n �w a��i � �. �. �� a ; � , r I F' 'c f . . � � . . . . . . . .{t � � t 1 � � I t . . .. . . . . . . . F . � � ( ! c �,-�, . r�r�. Planning Commission �Ieeting . May 7► �9g5 City of Tig�rd i�Ir. Chairman and �Iembers of the Commission: My name is Geral.dine Ball and I am representing DJB,Inc. and mysel�', G. I,. Ba11. F`rom the looks of the agenda of your meeting it looks like it could be a short one, and a.f such is the case, it is possible I may not get there in time to personal.ly appear before you. 1. A�}DTTION I hope you will seriously consider a.dding Villa. Ric�ge Ravine to___vou�r,_�__ resource documezzt. � This is one of tl�e laxgest tributaries to Fannn �ree ye'�"i't"�r�s-'Fiot mentianed in the �iesource Document. Tt gtasts in Multnamah Coun.ty and runs between Barbur and V�lla l�idge Hoad and Atlanta and Baylor on the 'I'i.gard side as you will see on the 1980 and 1984 ODOT maps. 2. COE�nECTIOIV The Resourc� Document statea th�,t Red Rock Creek starts on M-t. Sylv3nia. Red Rock Creek actually s�arts near 72ndxa���a�.ic�xx In checking with tne old-timers I am tnld it starts i�x:t�x�� near the di.p in the road between Villa 8idge Road and Baylor. This probably means that the Vi11a Ridge Ravine water and the R�d Ftock Creek water join together to f°low into Faa�na Creek. g� CITY OF (�IGl�RD �fAP T.he Ci�y of Tigard map shc�ws the Villa Ridge Ravine startin� on Sa W. 66�th which is not Gorrect as it should have a line on the East Sids of I-5 as they have done witn Ball Creek which lies south of the Triangle. I notiaP a water indication at 72nd in the vicinitv of Dartmoutho T.his would be the man-made creek which comes across I-5 in a culvert until it reaches Pollocic's Tax Lot 6E00, Map 1 S 1 3F� DD and then crosses 5. W. 69th at the corner of G.L. Ba11 proparty T. L. 6300, Map 1 S 1 36 DD and goes under the r�ad onto Pollock's property T. L. 7600 and goes on down the hill. This is to be chan�ed when the City of Tigard ohanges over to the culvert which runs just south af �he remaining portion of T. L. 6500, Map 1 S 1 36 DD and • on down the hil.l. �1¢ A_ portion of the culvert was broken in con- struction �ust �outh of the 100 plus yPar old oa,k so part of the water will nat go in the culvert. A�so a �reakage in the cu1v�°°�� �Y��t comes to join this culvPrt w�.s not praperly connected �o some ''�, of that water iscoming under the culvert which is located just to ' the north of T. L. 2800, Map 2 S 1 1 AA, Vasey property. including maps G�.,.� ,�'C�tC+�'�.�.� •� �/ !�y�� I ASK TH.��T ALL OF TFiIS/BE MADE P�'1R�1' OF THE CITY OF TIG K�GORD - and I hope you will make a motion to take c�.re of the at�dition of the Villa Ridge Ravine a,nd the correction of location of �ied Rock Creek. Tf I shouldn' t be around this area in the years to carne I felt it mignt be advantageou� to the City to have this additional information. x���x���xx���x:�xs���x�s��a��c����x�s��x��xx�x���.ie����x�i����ex:t�nx T��xxdx���cm�Ca,�Y�yox��r�l�izx����xna�,�x You may want to ask that t�e ��Pu1atirnbe ch�.x��d on tYie 1984 maP• The 1�80 ma�n shows it at14, -��`� '� fQ � � �� � �� � / � , � � .� IF c �Z �epartrr�ent caf L a�d Conservatio,n a�a'Deve%,arner�t ��oTOR,,TneH 1175 COURT STREET N.E., SALEM, OREGON 97310 �HONE (503) 378-4926 �� �pri1 9� 1985 � Mrse Geraldine Ball � 11515 S.W. 91st Ave. Tigaxd, Oregan 97223 . Dear I�Irs e B�11: ' I have spoken witn Liz Newton a� the City af Tigard ,ince � your agpearance before �he Con¢nission in March. It is my understand.ing that �the City plans to review your i�form- ation about Vi1la I�'.dge Ravine and Red Rock Creels. They wi11 mak� needed changes according t� post-ackn.owledgment - , procedureso Thank. you for bringing these matters to our attention. ' Sincerely, � /`°°'""'�.� , �'�.Jame R. Sitzman F"i:eld Representative , . � . . JS:LS � <I Portland Fielcl Offico-320 S.W. Stark, Rrn. 530- Portland; Oregon 97204- (503)229-6008 �p^ST �e_ • U� y9\,*uEU011111Lf O LJ �r90 I��ay11 t����p5~ C� LJ`/ J��� �Y / �LJ U�0 ,�I J U �i I J I� �tlr. /�c[A ���� � K Si�ND � \1 ��y �I�� �� ; ���� �� _ ` �� _. �� �����a:L M•o �o y��;, �<, "_ ,�_�. �,.,�,« : .LJ���� ; � Z 2 ��r �a Pl � ��� � <� � n � �TT� Ct�y p FERRY a� RD .S ��� fE `� � \ � /' p n uUGLE• S�a �I 4 ' t p �' �`2 Z � Cv� J � TAYLORS � � OP� O O 1 . �sI Q r II PS- Y '"� �a�i y t�(` 4� /. 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F ::�.iu :r. 00 1• o�C � � �o� I m ( Y8�, � j+: ^ RPUSC ' CIIYI' l • i 'PJ� «� �� `a y �• ' ` ^ � �I�MA Cf. t )■ ! ly j Y[�OO ; b ..�, MOV«T4 i[w Ln t W t ^0. r � � �Y C � q �. r`�-r b �p' Cqq ? e,j \\ at 'a r t ,('�. 1�.v't�'(�r.,. ��G� a 0P� TfA � �p � °�,< < $ .,�/ � ��Jl�l�� ;� •'' earv�r• no•o � ooMn� no�o � 9a�.�� ��.���,� � c1. — - � ° � � ...u,. 4 �HCO���,�. �'` ' ,.qn,00K r'> a r �� � • N�NVlV ��� � � «�c.. G�� c �.. L _ r �� U .. � i I `� � / '�s �e�uw 6 eaiur.t w�v ` �R�A' • � MIMe�I� �ARN NRT�. � � ;���� _ `�u�°� +��.�� ^ i � �[os ""'""^% �' io �f/�//7 2 ' OUIIM� 11D. ! v�' LA3 /�� �' ar� Mc�� � J � 1 rr ww�c�ovi w�r[--._-YI�J� :I ��� qii� l� y� � �u � w ENAKEYfARE I1O. M�M fCNr. �. y� � j L[IN[ ` � �� � :� ,I • ft. �1 : � •nS� J � P'�Q�ST. IM01�wC11v1 � 7 i�.s.1 i[v W� _u *u ��, ('`�� W `� s�. <�. Aovi �i�iN(�� .. . I_.-....������ N Q \a J ` P`aF,` .wvN u�� �i . . .. i�i rV- - � �I I °�I � �° . . . ;" ' ., . II:. � � �°�C' "�'% � �. . �.�Yr�� '•y :._,. �.-„ ••�..;.. � . . .,.,•��, . ' . . .... •�';� �� .,', .: •- . - . _Nr�...�.-...�.' -... w:......�...:..�.�..�....t:.�;:�.�.:-,�+...3.:..r..,.�.�:.:...,.,..�,�....- �;J:,.:...:,� :�}:..,�.:..t:.....'.. +.M!Y...a►..1K'!:��. sr... ' �' .�. ..� . Y�:....�^_' -.r,•!��. ...w�.i.►.i� _ _ �—� • - . ..... . .. .... . ... .... . ... . . .. � . ,r. ..., � ... . . .t . .. . . .. . • • { � � � t t ' ��� 1 . , S. j '�F���K.�i�..� .. . • . � :r•� �,W_' �{ .. r 5 .. .. -r�� � . .�... .. � �s��.�m1�y�1.�.:�s.�+'_..--. I ..... _.... .�.. . .. , . ..... . . ._ . . � " �. .f'S:9 � . _ .._. . . .. � . . ... , ' a'.'J ��� �_I,./,.V,.,,Vr r .�. . ... . �... . .,._, . .. � . .. . . . . . . . . .. . • ' . ; ' .. . , . � .. ,... : . . . • � • . � � �'� Ci,ty of T'igard N].anriir�g Gommi,ssi.r�n Final Ord�r Na. 85•-/D F�C A FINt�L. QF2QE.:R �:INGL.U��N� �"7'IVQING� ANC) CONCI,I.!SIQN�a, WM�C;H F�I�f�170VE;S AN (�pPI..T�;A"f:CQN f"c7R A ZONE CMF�Nt:;E (�l". 8•-�5). SIJI�I�:CV:CS:CQN (S 4...-85) 1�Ni� Cal_ANNFD QEVELC3PME::IV'1" tP{3 2�•85) F2F.QUE��Tk�:IJ E�Y KEN�"ON ANl7 �t�YLA PICCRTFGM't", Thp Ta.gard F�l.anrji,ng Cr,,mmigsion revi.ew�d tP�e �k�uuc �;�p1a.�ati.on �t a publ.i.c F�kadtr�:ii-�g r�n May 7, �.9�5. Th� Cpmmissir�in basec� its t�ecisir,�in �rr �the fac�t:s, fandinqs, and cranclus:ir,r7 nut�d bel,ow; (�. �'Al';'1"S 7.. General Tnfarmatian CA`�;�::: Z.�ane Charrg� (Z:C 8._..�5), Subdi.�i.si.�sn (�; �+•-S'S) 1�7.�r�r�ed ' ��?uc?lc.,pmartt (!�D 2..-85) � RF'QUE'ST'; F'ur a Z.r,,i~�� C;h�r�y� fr�am R_..2 tr, R•�2 (P[7) (Ftesi.d�rrti,a]., T_ 1Jr�i�ts/�cre, �1drmE�d c�4?velap�l'�4�r�t) a►nd pre].��.mir�ary �r�.at and cunc�K�tual. pl�r� �p�rou�]. for � 19 1ot subd�3.��i.s9.on. t�t�MI�RF.:Hf::IU�:IVE PI_(�N 17�:�:C:t;Nt�'1"Ic�l�: I_aw i)�r�si�ty Rc�,sic��rr�ta.al 7.QN�:NG CIESTGIVAI"I:ON: H_..7.. (R�si.d�i°rti�l., 2 urii,ts/acr�) � t�I�Pi..ItaANT: gl�azer Hr.�m�s c��lN�:R: K�rrtran & Cay].a P1r„�;,ri�c�Nr� ].969% 1?i.ver� Ruri Re�ac� (�t 1 Eiax 92a��3 I..ake Qswego, c�R 97't��4 Beau�rtan, (�� 970t)5 i._qCAT':1:UIV: B�twe�n Sl�i�c�r.�w FI9.l.l,> ai7d Ames Orcharr� suk>da.ui.sians or� �tl~i� nr�r•�Lh si.de c.�f 8u11 Mounfiaii� (W(�;1'�9 2SX 1t3F3q, ..fl.. 90�}) . 2, eackc�raur�d � : The prr�pE�r�ty w�s anr�ex�d t�., thF; Ci.ty ar�� Se�at�mk�cr ].]., i97'8, A ��rtiti.c,n was a�a�rr�uk�d in 1980 (MI..P ].1.._80) wha.r_•h res�.�l•t:ec� i.n �Clne c:r���t�.a�n ��f a r,�ne acre a.o� an �u].1 Muur7ta9,r� Rc,�d and a.n uric��uc�l.aped �.t�+• �a�r�c�]., A xone ch�ng� aric� par��:i�tir�r� app].a:ca�ir.�n (lt::, 1..�•8T. �rrci MI� 2.�-82) �as r�cea.�r�d re].a�i,ng tr, the ].arq�r �a�rc��a. but w�s wa,tMrdrawri bc�f�are fa.inal �►c:ti,�.�r� was �tak�n by tlhe �,ity, 3 , Va.cini3:,�In�'armatian Single �Fami,l.y r�si,t��l'l'�I.�a. SI,1�)CI].V].S7.Q1"IS con�a�.ni.n� 1n�ts ranq�.r�g i:r� siz:e frram 2�3,00(3 square fe�t tr� r;>nt� a��re 1�.H �.r� �tlhQ �aas� �nd wpst. "fhe �r�as to tt�e r�ortM arid s�uth Gr�nsisfi: af acrea�e ham�si.tes ar�ci und�v�],op�d �i �tr��cf:�. W:i'Eh thre ex���t�ir�n of seu�ral sma17. �aar�c�ls •�he �.arrc� nor•�th nf B�1a. M�,uritai.n Rr,aci a,s withi.n tftie Gzty �nd i.s zc�ned R...2 anc� R..�.1 (Resid�ntial, 1 unit/aGre). �� �. fIIUAL Oi2qEft Np. 85-•�O PC �.. ZG 8�_.8�'�, S p..�85, pp 2...8!� .µ, pAGF� �. ,I ;;; �, .. _......: , ._ __. _._ .,�.�,..��:. �._.: -. ,�:-,N,,,..�..�,�M-�.._.�...�� 4. Si�e Informatian, � Pr�ert_y I�escri tion { . T'he �r�o�ier�ty haa z�U fe�t: r.�f frant�g� rar� ��],l. Ma�ir�tai.n Rn�d which is d�siyna�pd as a major �rrllec�tor aric� is pr�sentl.y Ginder Wo-t5�'ll�lc�'�C1p Cr�urt�y juri�da.cti.on. Only two 7.rrts (13 & �.4) are pro�rascd tc, c�air� di,rEGt accesK t� t�u11 Mrrunt�i.n R�a�d. "fM� remainir�g ].ats wi11 h�aue •�rrrntagp an a laap street th�at wy.7.1 conr�ect McFdrlaryd t�lvd, and Wilc�wuad Stree•t which presen�tly end at the westerr� bo«nd�ry �f Shadow Hi11s subcli.vision. The lot5 wi.].]. u�ry betwer�n �.4,6�0 ancl 29.!SOQ 3(�Wbll"@ fe�t. The �Y'U�GSG�+CI 7_�np Changp al.lr,ws �For l�t sirPS belr.�w �t;h�� 7_O,OOt� sqi,�are fr,,�a�i: minimum, bu� tF�� c7v�r�11 dengity uf th� d�v�l.r,,pm�nt ma.y not �x�:�ed wh��x�t wn�a).d bc� a�.lawfld undpr a nr�r•mal SWI�CIIU].S1Gi1 �roce�lure. A�f�Ler stah��ra�ting the ar�� cammi.t�t�d tc� str��ts, tNi� n��: acreage di.ui.ded tay 20,QC10 squarP feet (mir�imum lot size •f'r,r• �the R-7_ xr�ne) estak��.is1�PS a maxi.mum of 1� dwel.l,:irig uni,�s far the prup�rty, 1"he developr�r iridica�:es that i.n addi.ti,an tr� �Fr� ext�r�si.s�ri af McFarl.and B�.ud, a��d Wil.c�w��r,�d Str�et, •th� Wti�.ity lirips �.n Sha<ic�� Halls s�al�divi�a.ran wi.l.7. be C?f11�7�.Uy�G� '�ra serv� this dev�l��m�rit. 5. Ar�en� ar�d f�i�4 Cnmm�nwts The Engi.r7e�rir�g pi.visi.rrn has the �all.r.�wing cumnoe��ts: �. ACf•P.58 fnr I_a•h x� is r��ot i.den•tifi�:d, M�u•t �.t �hat,ilc� k�e CI7.i^�G't@CI '�G �1�,(�UlUfj(� $'�p`�F:'�. �. b. Th7e rigtit.._of�-��y ��tar�c�ard for H�al,l M�a��n�tain Rr.��d 9.s 35 f��� frnn� c�nt�rli.i�e. Ftdd•�tinnal riyht_..afw..way cl�c�a.c�ti.�n al.u��g �th� pr�o�aer~ty �Frr.�ritag� wi].1 ha� r�quir�cf, c, fJu� to th�� ].oc�tac�n af •th� pr~up��rty a,r�d th�� na�tur� raf improv�ments �that will iac� n�cess�ry an Htal]. Matan�t�in Raad, Mal.f str��t i,m�>rr�uem�nts �r� rir,�t a.ppr�r,�ri.�.t� ��t •thri.s ti,me, A ncrn--remarrstrar�ce agrapmerrt was a car�diti,on of apprnual fur ML.F� �.�.-•8p. Tf tN7i.s was r��r,yt �rrap�rly rer:Grd�d, such ary agre�m�nt shauld be req�aired at �this ti.me. 1"he Hu�.lding Irtspect9.r�n Office has riu objer.ti.an but ir�da.cat�s th�� s�rua.ce ].a�terals ai�d e�s�m�ri•ts �Fur ���•hie sou�thern lea•ts (13 and �,4) should be pruuided, Np9 #3 has na abject9.on ta the requ�st, '1"Fi� Tualati.n Rur•a1 F�.re f�rUtection f�i.�tr�i.ct irrdicatQS �tMrat al.]. struct:ures must be withi.n �00 feet c�f � fire hydrant and the water main sizes and lr�c�tic�ns sh�uld b�e u�rifa,ed by •th� 'T'igard Wat�r Distric:t. t3. FTN�T:IUGS AI�C) Cf�NGI..USI4N!� l..he releuan� cri.•ter�i,� in this cas� �re St�tewi,dc� Nlarrniny Go�ls 1, 2, � and 1Q; Tigar�d Cr,�mprehensiue Pl.an p�a].icies 2.1.'1, 6.3.�, 7,1.2, and I 8,�.,3; and CFr�p•t�rs 18,A6, x8,&0, 7.8.160, and ]�ti.92 af tF�� Cammunity DPU�1�apm�rit Code. l, i F1:111A1_ QFtC}�F2 N(), 85--/�_„_PC -• ZC 8-•8�i, S A.�.�B"�, PU 2.w.�85 �-• WAt".,�; � �I�'i E � . . � .. . � � ..�P� . ......... .. .. �.... ...,.�...�4. ...�.. ...: .... ._:.'. ..J�..} �;.A�% ... .'Y ,! ... . . .. . . ... ..... . . . . ....... . .._. ..... _._._ __..... . �..... ....___..:......� _,___ _ The l�lanr7a.ing Cnmma.ssian canc:].uc��s �thi�t the prr�paK�l. is Cra�iS7.8'�E?1'lt withi � th� a��licable Statewi.d� pl�nnar�g Gr.�als �n�t Guidel.i.nFS basec� r�pon the fallr,swing firidinc,�s: a. Goas�. #7. is met b�cause the Ci,ty h�s adr��te.c� �a G9,ti,xens Invulv�m�nt pr�agr�m ineludii�g revi.ew r�f a�.l c��velrrpm�r�t app�.icatir.,rrs by �the Neti.ghk�arhybad P7.�nnin� Org�ni.x�ti.on (NPO) , ln adda.ta.r,�n, �.1�. p�krl.i.r. noGice raquir4;ments we�^e mnt, b. Gnal. #2 i.s rnEt b�caGise tPti� Ci.�:y ap�rli.�d �1). �p�..i.ca,bl.� Statewa.d� Planning G�aal.s, t,�:i�y Crampr�eh�nsa,ue Pl.�n Pr�lica.es �i~�d 17pu4].�apm4=i��t Cad� requa.r�ment:s ta �th�c ��pl.i.r;�t�.on, c, Gaa1 ,�r0 �,s ��tisfi�d because •CFr� pr�.�pas�l will. prnui.de fr}r hausi.ng aa contem�l�.�ter� by �th� Ci.ty Com�rehensi.v� Nla�n. �'he C�l,anna.rrc� Cr�n�missir.�ri hias c��t�r�mii�.a_d •tha•!: thp prr�po�al as aubmi��•tr�d, �rr wi�th mznor� madifi'ica�tians, i,s co�nsi�t�rit wi.thi �th� r�levant parti.uns o1= the Crymprehensive Pl.an F��s�c� u�c,i�a the �Findings nat�d below: a, f>c�li.cy 7.7. , 1 i.s s�tisfi.�d k�e�caus� t{�� NEiqhburl~iaod f�l.�nni.r�g Organixati.ran aihd surrc�undi.ng pruper•i�y �wnc�rs w�re giuei7 rra�ticca of the hi�ari.ng �nd an r�gy�ar�t�ar�a.ty t� z.umm�rit rar� �th� app].�.c�n�'s �,rrc,�posal. b. Po].icy 6.3.3 is s�ta,s�i.ed b�c��se the c��ve].apm�nt �r•opased i.nrl�adps singl.e �Famaly r•�si.�ei�ac�s r.�n �.arc�e lots. 'This is r � L'4M87.S�:L1'i'� with the cF�iarac•Q:�r uf ac�lj�cent d�uelra�cnr��t �►nc� �:'�i� rc�c��a a.r�E�m�n��s of tMQ R...? zr�n�. c, Pala,cy 7,�..2 is m�t I:�ecaus� �rl�qua�e w�t�r, sew��r, ar•id storrn s�w�r ��cilitie> arr� auailaFa�.e. d. F�ola.�y 8.�..3 wi.l.]. k�� s�ti.sfa.ecl by ].�.mi.ting direct �r.cess tc•., �u�.), � • � r � M�aurr��in R a�c� to one 1�t �nc� b �l>Me cunditians af a� r�ual tFrat Y �P , , a ° r s. wi.l.l, rc. ui.re thE subdi.va.si.an str�ets tr� be bui.l.t t C:�fi: s��nd� c� q y !; T1�e P3.anning Commi.ssi��n h�s deter�min�d �th���t �the �ropr�sal is consister�t wi.�h th� r�leuan� �rarti,ans r,f the Cranmrunity DFUel�apmc�nt Cir,de based u�K�n �he �fir7dii�gs c,+atli.nec� bel.raw: a. Chapter 18,A�i a,s s�ti.�fied k�eca4is� th� �rc�pusal is corisi.stent wa.tl� tl�e us�s �r~�d resi:c�ential. densa.ty pPrmitted in tNre R�-2 zr�r�e, b, Chapt�r� �.8.�0 �rid X8,16U �re met because �F�� �r��l.i,nii.nary p7.at/ciet�i.�.�:d pl.an a.s ;in cc,n�F�.�r�mance wi•tM Cc,de r4�c�uir�mPrats. c, Chapter 1A.92. i.s sati.sfi.�d b��a�a�� th� numb�r uf ].ats �7rra�ased i.g c�ansis�ent wa.�:h th� na.imb�r al,l�w�rd a�Fter �he dens:i•ty cal.c�al.atiar�s ar� ��>pli.�d. �, pk:�;:C5:Cp1U ��,. k�ased u�c,r� the fi:ndi.nr�s and GU!"ICa.A�ISIGI'IS ak�rave, tl�i� Planna.ng C�ammi�ssian apprnups of �C �--85, S 4,...g5, ar�d PQ 2•�85 �ub j�ct t� the f�rllaw:ing cr�nt�Itinr►s; F'�CNAL. QKqEk NQ. AS--��Q�,PC — ZC 8-�85, S 4--8�'�, PD 2-85 --• PAG� 3 � i?; ,r u ;�;� � � . .., �, ..,:._�_ __�_ , _,_.� ,.. _ _ ..:....... .. ..... .. .._ , . . _ ]., UNLF SS c�"fMF RW:C�� Nt�'1'f D, AL.I.., (�qND:C:'1"�c7N� �HAI...I.. H� Mk"C Pt�:C0�2 TO � R�:Cb�2qT.NG T'FIE. �'�NAL. NLAT'. 2., 8even (7) se�:s �,�F pl.�xn_..prufa.l.e puk>].ic i.m�ruv�m�nt ccanstru4ti.rsn plans �nd ane {1) i�h�mix�d GG118'�1^Ur�j,pn cas� �s�::im�te, s•t�mp�c� by a Regi.stered Prufessiranal Ciui]. E:ngir7��er, detai.li,nq a],1 prr�pos�c� , publi.c :improu�m�r�ts sFral.l k�p submi.t�k:�c� tra �k:he Enr�i.n�ering Sec�a.pn far �pprrrval. 3, Sanitary sewer and strarm s�wer �lari-�prafi�.F �I�t�il.5 sh�l,l be prnuided as �a�rt nf �tl�e p�ablic impr��uempnt pl�ins. 4, Cons�rwcta.ori c,f propased pub).i.c a.m�rr�uements �F�all. r�ut cammenr� wn�il. a�fter tM� Engir���ra.ng Sectir�n has issu�c� ��apr��ec� �aub�.ic im�rovemen�t ��:�ns. TMe S�cti.c�n wi.l.l req�a3.re pa�ta.ng c�fi' a 9,40"� P�rfar�mancp 6and, �the paymerit af a per�mit fc�� �i��� a sign install.ati.on/street],i.ght f��. Al.sa, th�� �r,�cuta.on r�f a �c�r��tructi.on epmplianr:e agrQ�merit sh�l.1 orr.ur pe^irrr� �ta, ur cancurrently wi.th the 7,SSU�11'10E! c�f apprr�ved �iubl.a.� a.mprouement pla�ns. SFE TF�E ENCI..OSEO NANOOUT GI�lTNG f�(2F SPECI�:LC .INF4RMATION REC;�RDING ,F�E�^SGN�pUL� E°S, _HONUT.NG AND AGFIEEMENTS. � 5, Ad�l�.fir,nal right�._of�•-way sha�.1 be ded:ic��t;�c� �try �thP pa.ik�lic al�ng �he ; SW �iull Mr�ur�ta�.n �ran�ags� tr� a.ncrease �h� rigt�t--of-��vay tr, �5 f��t ' .Frr�m cei��erline. '1'h� descr:i��ta.an •f�,r saa.c� c�ec�icati.u�� �ha11 be ti.�d �:a �he exi.sti.rig ra.ght�•�f--way centee^li.ne �s est�k�l.ished by W�sha.ngtr�n Gr�unty. "fMe CI�?CI1Cd'�1.ra� dcac�um�rit sh�11 Ea� �n t";i�ty fr�rms �� �nd a�proved hay �hc� Er�igi.ne�ring Ser.ti.r�n i.�' r�c,t �ccUmpl.i.shed r�r� tM� _ final plat. 6, A nc,n--remanstr�nce agre�m�r7t �,r� C;i.ty �Farms shall. b� �rr�vad�� regarding fr�tur�� im�r��vc�merrts o�7 Bu�.�. Nlra�ant;�in R�aad i r 3�ach an agrer�ment was nat recurd�d as � carrcli.ti.ari o�F ML.� �.�.--8c�. 7, Asc�:ss for i�ot 13 sha�.1 iae �Y'raU�.4�E�GI by a �.5 fr,�cat �wn�rsh�.�a to Wi].dwuoci Stre�t, Said �c:cess shall k�� be�we��n Lcat� 17. and 12, 8. An ac�:�ss p�r�m:it fr{�m W�sh�.i�gtrrn t�c�unty wa,ll be r�quired fr�r �.rat xa, 9� Jp7.1'1'� w�e and m�i.nter��nce aqre�m�nts sh7�,1 b� �x�cut�d and recor��l�d r�n City s�and�r� •Far�ms for all crammon driueways. Said agreem�r7ts �hal.l. b� re�fer�Er�tsd r�r� and beGamc� ��rt of a].l, app�.:icable par�cel. f3r��ds. Sai.cl agre�m�nt sMal]. be i�1�77�1M'pVf?CI by the Engin�eri.ng S�ctic,�n, �'OIIV"I" U�E Ai�[2 MAZN"i"�:NANCE� ACR�:E;MF:fUT �'URMS AR� F'N�I..q:�;F",D. 1Q. Str�et Cent�rl.i,rr� Mr,numentat9.or� a. :�rr accar•dance wi.th c71dS 92.AtiQ sul�sec�iun (Z), the centerli.r�es �,f al.a, stres� ar�ic� r�,�dw�y r9.ght--af--ways �ha1]. b� � m�.,rrum�nt�d befare the C�:ty shala i�CC�+�i'� a street improuemerit. � �. ;�, �: FTNf�L. QRp��t N�, e�_�.,�/Q��c -- x.c a-�,85, S Q-85, Pp 2-�85 _. �AG� 4 �.�; - ;: x. ;; �_. �; � _ �,�,, b. All cen�erlin� monuments sh�l.l b� pl���� in � manume�t box � co��farm�ng tr� C�ty standards, and th� trap a� al� manument boxes sha.11 be s�t at desigr� fin;�sh grade of s�i.d str�et r�r roadway, c. The fu],l.owing c�n��rli.ne manuments shal.]. be s�t: 1, A�.1 r.�rrterli.ne�-eenterl.irae intersections. Intersections cr�a��d wa.th "cr�lla�tor" ar c�ther �xisti.rig s�r�e•L•s, sha:tl, b�r ��t wh�n ��h� centerl.ine al.i.gnm�n� rr'� s�i.� "cc�ll.�c:tc�r" or� u�ther street F��cs k��er�� est�b�.i.shed kry ar �far the G:i�y, z. G�nter Gf a7.1. cul--de—�;�cs; 3 , f,;urue p�irits. Poin� �f in•tersecta.on (P.x) when thp:ir �asi�i.nrr f�a.].s i,risi.d� tMe �.i.mits uf tF7� �auem�n�t vtherwise b�girar�ing ar�d c�:nding pv�.nts (H.t„ and �.C.) . 4. A1�, san�.t�ry ar�d stnr^m lcacatiGn� sh�x7.�: b� �laced :in �q��.��ians that da_ nc�t int�rferP wi�th cen�:erlanp ' i mr�numer�tat i,�an. i r �.1. Yhe "basa.s af b�aririgs" for t;ti� F�l�t �h�el.l. be Ca�wnty �urvey i 19,947, which i� a part a�F the 'Ta.garc� �i.eld Suruey IV��wc�rk. ; � � 12. �lfter r•eu9.ew anc� apprGU�l by thc Planni.ng Di.re�c�:nr� ar�d ! .- P�,ib].a.r• Wc�rks Dir�c•tar, the fin�l P�.at sha�.l. bP r�ccrr��d wi.�th ; Washi.rag�arr C�un�:y, i 13, l"he �p�rr�ual i.s val.i,d a.f ex�rci.�ed wi.thin ons ��ar r,f �:he j final deci.s�.c,n clat�. ' y � ' It a.s fur�her ordes�ecl tW��� i:he �ppl.i.��.n�: b� rrG�a.�fied of th+� c�rrtry c�� thi.:� ; � Grc�er. j �� day nf ].985, by �h� P1ar�ning Cumma.ssion af the ° PASSEq: T'ha.s , ,, �;ity �f Tigard._ .......�.. �.. a ,l'/. ���..a� � A. Qon�.�.d Mo�n, Prps�:dent � 1°i.qard Planna,rig Camma.ssiar� a t , r (KSi_:bs/13Q�p)) ;, � l E;. � �� t •, i i �;,� �'T;NA�.. ORQ�ft IVO, 85....��PC �� Z.0 8.."8'S� $ q....85, Nb 2-�85 -- PAG� '� , � ;.s , ,. ....: ... ; ..ir .�, ._.�, .� .� , ,. ���..: ::. I CITY OF TIGARD PLANI�TNG COMMISSION �` FINAL ORDER N0. 85-10a PC : � � A FINAL ORAER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS, WHIC�-7 MODIFIES CONDITION ��7 OF FINAL ORDER 85-lOPC llATED MAY 9, 1985, THAT APPROVED AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONE CI�1NG� (ZC 8-85), SUBDIVISION (S 4-85), E►ND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD 2-85) RFQUESTED BY GAYLA ANll KENTON MCCRIEGHT. �'HE MODIFICATION TO CONDITION �� 7 ALLOWS ACCESS FROM LOT 13 TO BE ON EITHER SIDE UF LOT 12. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above request at a public hearing June 4, 1985. The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusion noted below: A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Zone Change (ZC 8-85), Subdivision (S 4-$5) Planned Development (PD 2-85) REQUEST: For a Zone Change f�rom R-2 to R-2 (PD), Residential, 2 Units/acre, planned development) and prelimina��y plat and canceptual plan approval for a 19 lot subclivision. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low DEnsiry Residential � t ZONING DESIGNATTOIV: R-2 (Residential, 2 units/acre) APPLICANT: Blazer Homes OWNER: P.enton & Gayla McCreight 19697 River Run Road Rt. 1, Box 925B Lal�e Oswego, OR 97034 Beaverton, OR 97005 LOCATION: Between Shadow Hills and Ames Orchard subdivisions on the north side of Bull Mountain (WCTM 2S1 lOBD, TL 900). 2. Background The property was annexed to the City on September 11, 1978. A partit3.on was approved in 1980 (MLP 11-80) which resulted in the creation of a one acre lot on Bull Mountain Road and an undeveloped ].Q+ parcel. A zone change and partition application (ZC 1-82 and MP 2-°82) was received relating to the larger parcel but was withdrawn before final action was taken. by the City. The klanning Commission approved the application with conditions on May 7, 1985. 3. Vicinit� Information Single family residential subdivisions containing lots ranging in size from 20,000 squarr� feet to one acre lie to the east and west. The areas to the north and south consist of acreage homesites and undeveloped tracts. With the exception of several small parcels the land north of � Bull Mountain Road is within the City and 3s zoned R-2 and tt-1 � (Residential, 1 unit/acre). FINAL ORDER N0. 85-10a PC - ZC 8-85, S 4-85, PD 2-85 - PAGE 1 f,' �;. ,i :: `i 4, Site Irifarmation � Trie prc�per~�y has �,�0 fec�t r�f fruntaq� r,yn f.iu].l. Muuritai.n RUac� whi.cFi is dc�sa.gr7at�d as a majar cnl.lec�:r,r anc� is prespnt].y under W�ashingfr,n Caun�:y juri.sda.r:tic�n, Or�ly tu►r� l.ots (13 & �.4) arc� ��ro�rasec� t�.� gaa.r�i di.r�ct access tra Hu1.1 Maurrtai.n Ruad. �"he r�maining lo�ts wi.11 Mau� frur�tagp r�n a l.aaK� str���!t tF��t wi.l.l Cr�r1Tt�G�: McF'arland f3].ud. �r�d Wi.).dwaad Stree�t which presentl.y end a•t the w�stern baunciary af 5hadow Hil.ls subdi.uision. T{�� J.ats a►i.l,l. uary bPtw��ri ].4,6p0 and 2.9,5QQ squar� •Feet. The �ra�ras�c� Zrane l:,Mai�gQ al�.r,�ws fnr lot sa.r�s I��:lnw •the 2�,nQfy sc�ta�r•P foat ma.nimum, bu�: tF�� auer�aJ.l. c��r7sity af t:he dc�ve).upn��nt m�y nG•t exc�ed wt��xt wowlr.i b� allnwpd undEar a narma�. s�akx�iuisirrn proc:ec�ure. A�Ft;�r� suk��rac�ti.ng �Mc� arFa cpmma.•tt�c� tra �trc�e•�>, the nE��t acr��ge c�i.vided k�y 20,Q(70 sq+�iarE f�r•.t (miri�.mum 1r�t si.;�� for the K—Z �une) es�t�k�la.sh�s � max•i.mum of 1!� dwel].i.ng wni.ts for th� �.�ro��r�ty , T'he de�vel.c,�,�er inc�i.r.�tF�s t17at i.r� ac�di.ti.�ri ta �hc� c�xt�nsi.r.�ri at� Mc;arla��d 61vd, al�cl Wi1G�WGr.�c� S�rFet, •tPi� ut•il.a.�ty lii�es i.n Sh�cirrw Ndi.l,ls s�abc�iuisiran wil.l. b� em�.�lny�c� to s�rv�a tl�ii.s cl�v�l.r��men�:, 5. Ac�Qr�c�and iUPQ Cammpnts Th� Enyi.n��ring l7i.ua.si.or7 F�ias �he foll.r�wi.ng cramm�rrts: a. Acc��s fur 1_rst ].� :is nra�t ider�ta.fa.ed, but a.�t sho�ald F�e dir�ct�c� ta Wi.l.dwr�r�ci ��treFt. r. � b. 'T'he r�i.c�ht_..r,>f--way sfiariciar�c� fr.�r f3ull. Mauntain R�as� is �S f��t fr�rn cc�rrt�r•l.i.rie., l�dditi.ona.l ra.gh7t--.af-•+,�ay dE�di.ca�a.ar� a].nng �the �ar�up�r•�:y frc�rifiayP will k�� r�quired. c, Due ta ��h� a.pCdl'�7.UY1 af th�: ��rap�rty arid th� rra�tur4�� uf :�mprr�vem�ar�ts �t:h�a�t wi11 k�e t'I�CP_SS�Y�y c,�r� Bul_�. Mrsurrt�in Raac�, ha].f--s�:rc�t i.mprravem�nts �re r�ra�; ��proprid�t� a•t th3.s ti.me. r� •,'a af �a roual �f�.�r A nr,�i�--r�manstr•anc� a�r•��mer�t wag a �onda.ra. n r p Ml..p �.7,-••8b, xf tha.s was riat prrr���rty r��c�ardPC!, swr.hi an agr�:Eament sha�al.d be rpquir�d at tMi.s ti.me. 1"he Hui.l.di.ng :�r�s�»c�ti.or7 Offi.c� hias riu rak�jeGta,on to tP�� rnc�di.fi.cat3,r�n af l,r�ric�itir.�n #/��7. NPU #3 Mas r�r� abj�r,ti.�.�ri tr� tfic� requc�st, F�, F'TNU:�Nt�S (�ND l'�QNCI..U`�.;:Ct�NS The r�l.ev�rrE cri�ter3.� in tha.s casa.. are StatewidP Planni.r�g Gc,als 1, 2.., and �.Q; T�iyar�ci (;�arnprehpnsiue Pl�an poZicies 2. 1,1, 6.3.3, 7,1.?., and 8.]..3; �nd Ch�ap�:ers y.H.46, 7.8.8Q, �.A.16b, and 18.�7.. c�f th� Gammur7ity Q�vel�a�ament C�rde. 1"t7� Pl.ar�r��ir�g C��mmissi.rrn CraplCa.UCi�s tha� the �rapr,s�l i,s CUI'1S].S'�P_I"I'� wa.th�� tha i�j�{��.2G�I��.P_ Stat�wide Plar�nirig gcyals �nc� GU7.CIP.�.11"IP.S h�asEad u�aun th� ��� fr,].lawxng �Findi.ngs: F'IflIAI_ qRp��t Nq, 85--1qa I�C -... 7..0 8�_.85, S A._.85, Pl� 2•�85 --• AAGE' � i � _.._ . . __..� _ � _ _ a. Gaal #1 is mHt becaus� th� Ci•ty has a�ap��d a �itiz�ns �nv�lu�mpnt � �raqr�n� inr.l.4ida.rig r�vi.�w of �].l. d�ue),�pm�nt �appli.u�tiuns by the ' Nei.gMbar•harsd Planning Organiratian (Nl�d?). :�n acidz�inr�, all p�ab�.ic naticc� r�c�ui.remerits wer� n��t. b. Ga�.1 #2 is met �P.C�I.IS�? 'CI'tP. t;ity appli�c� a11 �ppl•ic�bl� Statewi.dp W).anr�a.rrq Go�l.s, C;i.ty Cc,ni�rr��hensi.v� P].�n pnl.i.c�.�s and peue].c,pment Cuc�e r�quit^�m�nts �to �:Me ��pli�a�:ir�n, c. Gcaal #�.Q is sata.sfisd becawse tl�c �ro�r�s�]. wi.l.a. �roua.de �For hnusing as ccan•t�mplat�?d by the Cit� Cc�m}ar��h��r�5i.ue P�.ar�. The P�.anr7i.rig Carnrni.qsir,r�i h���s det�rraa.n�d thrat tFt� �roprasa]. as suk�mitt�d, r�r wi.�:h minrrr� rnr,�ciifa.ca�ki.r�n, is cansisterit witi� fi:he r�l.�var�t pc�rtir�ng n�F •th� Cam�r�l�rEnaiu� F�lar7 basc:�c� u�ac�r� �he •Fir�di.r�gs r�ra�:ed �aF�.uw: a, i�c�li,cy 2, �.. �. a.s satisfa.4ar� b4ar:�.+.�s� �he N�ighbarhraad plar�n�.ng Qrganir��inn ancl :>�arrotar�di.ri� ��^ra�Qrty awn�rs w�r�e c�i,v�n r�c,�ic� raf •h:hc� heara.rrc� �.nd an t,7j'J�GY••tGma.�Ey tr.� cr�mnt�nt r�n t�r� ��pl.i.c:ant°s prra�rr�s�.].. � b. F�ol.i.cy 6,3,� i,s s�tisfiad k»cawse t:i°�� devE�.a�finer�rt x>rra�ar,�s�d � ir�cludes sing�.� f,�mily re�a�c�Qi�ces ran l�rc�� �.ot�, �1"tii.3 is i �arisistent witF� �I�i� chiar�actei^ s�•� �c�,jac��•7f: dev�].a�arncan� �.nd �:P�ic� r�q�airernen�s r��F tMe R••-2 rcarie, c. F�r,l.i.cy 7.i..2 i.> met k�c�r.ausc� a��equ��:� w�t:c�r, sew�r�, �nd strrr,ni ��w�r ? � facilities �t^e �uai7.��le. d. Wo].i.r.y 8.1..3 u�:i.�.�. haP s�ti.sfa.�d by 1a.mi.ting di.rect ac:c�:tiss ta �3Li�.l. Moiarit�ii� Fin�d �c� r�ric� l.a�t �nd Fay •Cl~ic? r�c�nd:��irar7s of apprr�u�l. fihat wil.l. r�qui.re tM� auMaa�i.�risi.r.�n stre�t:> �r� b� krua.ld tn Ci.�y s�ha�ndarcis, Th� Pl�r�riing Gr,,n�ma.ss:ir,�n Ft�s c�e'tar�rnin�ci th�t �the pr•opr��a2 i.s c:r�i��i�tc�nt � with tP7e r•ea.�ua►7� par�:ian� G•F tPtE� �;ommun9.ty �c�u�].o�arn�ri�: Cadt� b�+s�c� t.i�un �tM� �Findings autlir7�c� bQlr,�w; a, �ha�ter• lA,46 i.s 3 JI�7.5'F7.E'!C.I IaE+C,aug� th� prr�pas�3. a,5 CC)1"187.5't:6?1"1'� wi.�:h the uses and residential �i�n�i•ty p�rma.�tted i:n •the f��--2 xone, >i' b, Ghaptc�r•s ].8.A0 �nd �.8.1fiQ ar� m�t b�Gause �:N7� �r��l.�.min�ry plat/c�c��ta:il.ed pl�n is i.n cesrrFormanr•e wi�th Cr�de rPC�uia'E?fll�l'1'�S. ;i c. Cha�t�r �.A.92. i.s s�t�isfic�d b�caus� �h� numb�r r�f l�c��:s prrr�rss�el i,s `i c•r�nsistr�n�t with �h� numk��r �].lr�wec� af�k:�r thre dNnsity Ca"i�.ClA�.dl�::LGI'13 are a�apli.ed, C. (�f:c:�:C!3;CQN Hasad u�r�n �:F�� firic�i.nys arid cancl,usfc,,ns abr,�vc:, twi+� Pl�r�rta,ng Cr,1tI11Cl],sS1.a�1 apprraues t�re req�aest ta rnr�cii�Fy �anc�zti.ans /fi7 as �fn'llaws; 7. AGGC?5S fi'rrr L„c�t �.� sh�a].�. b� �rraui,d�c� by a ],5--foat r,wr�cr�hi.p �c� � WilciWr�ad 5tre�t, �i�i ,,, :':� 4;� F'I:NAL,. qR�F:�i N�. 8�:iw..lt�a WC -- ZC 8�.�8'�a, S 4.�..85, pp 2.-85 -� F�AG�; � �` � . . �. . E�,a . . . . . . . . .. . . .� �:'i . .. � . � .it:..' �.. �. � � . . . � ti�� � � .. . . . . .. . � . ... .... . . , � ,. , _ ._.. �': . .. '.,... .. .. ..,ee.___ aw...«wcw.�:': �� �� a.s �Further r�rderet� tha�t •the �ppli.r�i���; k�e na�ifi,ed c�f tha er7try of •�his order. � PA5SEl7; Thi.s �_._. day r,f --��ir�"".�.__..� �9�5, by th� f>lanninq Commi.ssi.r�n af the �ity a�F 'T'ig�rd. I , �� � �� ...,._......._..�...�......._.._�....__�.......�... ....._...�.�..._T A. acsna�.d fWoen, Pr�R:ident Tiq�rci Plann�.r7g Crrmnii,s�acan (F AIV:pm/�.540P) � � , �. �I j � f'INAL Ai2DE:R N0, 85,-�1(7a P� -- 7.G 8�-8"a, S A--gS, F�b 2_-g5 ,... 4�AC� �0 � �,�A�� a����� ���,��A �,���.� � o Tuesday. May 7, 1985 - 7;3p P.M. T�:GARC) PL.AN�II�Nt; C(yMMISSI:nN FOWI..F R JUN�t�R W:CGH SCNQQL -- IwGT 1p865 S.W. WAL.NU1" 'T'IGARD, ��2�_�ON 97129 A. F'AGT'S ].. General Infaa^m�ti.an CA�F:;; Zorrs Ch��ngc� (7..C; 8-�-85), Suk�cii.vixi.on (S 4...8�) P7.anned Develra�amer�t (�D 2•�-�85) Rk.c�;'' ...,i"; �'ur a 'I,.ar�� Ch��nge fram R--2 �a R-2 (Pq) (Resi,d�nt;i.a�., 2. Unitsla�re, planr•�ed develc,,�m�nt) and pr�±l.i.mir�ary pl.at ar�d conceptu�]. pl�n approv�l far a 19 1at subdi.vi.si.�,n. C�MPit�'W�4'U�:CVE P�.AN i�ES�CNA1".T.t�N; I_ow Dens:i�ty Resa.c�en�i,�l ZOiV�:NG pE�iIGNATT:ON: R....2 �R�31CI�i'1'�7.�1a., 2 wnitslacr�) (�pPI.:CCANT: 8'lazer H�m�s UWNF R; KFr�ton & Gay�.a P1cGri�c�ht 19b�7 River Rt�n Rnad Rt 1 Box 92�� i_ake Oswega. OR y7034 B�auer•�on, �7R y7Q05 L.pGATTON; B�tw��n Sh�aduw Hi).l.s anci Ames f�rchard suk,di,vis9.��ns un th� nnrth side nf 8u1,1 Mounta:�n (WC:TM 2S1 117HD, 'ri_ 90t�) . 2, eack ratand �..,�....._ Tha pruperty was annexFd tc, th� Ga.ty an 5��,tember ].�., 1978, A parti.ti.on was �}�prov�d in 19�� (P11_P 11..�.80) which resul�tc,��i a.rr �he cre��i.r�i� a� a ane acr� lat r�n ��a.l�. Mrat,intaa.n Raac� and an �incleu�lc�ped 1Q+• �arc�l. A xane chang� �o�rd parti�tir�n app].ical:i.an (7'� 3�.�.-82 ar�ci MP 2--8�� was r�rpiuec� rel.ata.ng to the ).arger parc�l bGi�: was wi.�hdrawn b�frrre fa,nal �c•ti.an was taker► by �the �i.�ty. 3. Vi.cin�i��,,,,.Tnfurmation 8i.ng1� fami.l.y resi.denti.a]. sukx�i,visic,ns cr�nt�ti,ni.ny lats r�nging in gi-r.,e frram 20,000 sc�uare fc��t ta r,n� acre ].i.c� �t�a the ea:a� and w�st, '1'Me ar�as to �h� nurth and sautM cUnsi.st af �cr•�eagca hamcsi.�es and uncieu�lap�d �racts. Wa.th •thE� Pxc�ption of seu4�r�1 �m�ll. par�pls t1�re lanc� nar~th of Bul.l MuwrrEaa.r. Rr.,ac� is wi�h�.n th�� C�i.ty �nd i.s �;r�n�d F2--2 and R--1 ' (Resi.c�enti.al. 1 a�nit/acre). 4, Si.te In�Formatinn�_µF!r�rt�Descri,�tian, '1"M� prrrp�r~ty l�as �.20 f�et of frr�ntaye an F3u11 M�untain Rraad wMich 9.s d�signat�cl as a majar ca7.].ector ar7d is presen�).y und�r Wa�V�iing�on C�unty jurisdir.�ian. Onl,y �wo lr�ts (�.3 � 14) are propr,sed to gain diract acc�ss ta �1u�.1 Mawn��in Ruad, The remaining lots wi.].l. Maue front�ge un a lnrrp str��:��t that wi.11. GrJ�IC1�C'� McFar�l.and 91ud, �nd Wi].dwood S�r�et wh3.ch pre��n�:l.y end �t th� w�s�ern brrunciary nf Shaciaw Hi�.l.s subdiuisi.ran. STAF`F F2EPOF71' •- �f� �•-�5, � 4--85, PD 2.�-�85 �- pt�(;E �. T'he lr��s wi,l.l. var•y b�tw��n ].A,6QQ and 2.�,5Q0 squar� �F�e±t. T'h� pruposed Zr�ne Char+g� allr.�wx �or l.rat sir�:s below �thc� �O,�qQ Rquare fr.,�.��t minimum, but th�� auera],�. d�nsity uf thie d�vel.opm�nt may nr�t exc�ec� wh7at wau].d b�� all.c�w�ci und�r a nur•mal suk>clauis:i�an pr�cpdure, t�f�ter subtracting •�:he ar�� cumrni.t��d tn str�e�ts, thc� n�t acreag� c�ivi,ded by 20,004 square f���t (minim�am 1.c�1: si.••x.e fc�r �t:he R.._2 :•r_Ur+e) establi�hes � maximum of �.9 dwe].l.ing uni.ts fc,r �h� prupe►^�cy . The de��l.r��aer inc�i,cates tha� in ac�c�i�ti.�n �o thc ex�ansi.ar�i r�f McFarl�r�d Hlud, and Wil.dw���d Str��t, 'the utility lii7�s in Sh�adow Ni.l.ls st.tbdivi.si,r�n wi.].l. k�e �nip).�ayEd to s�rue this devel.rapment. 5. Aqenc,�. a�nd IUPQ C;ammei�ts ThF E:ngin��ring PJi.ui,sa.or� has th� fallr.�wing cammFrrts; a. f�CGeSS 'FrJI^ Lc�•t �.� is n�at ic�Pnti.fi.ed, haut :it shc�ulci be di.r�cted to Wi.l.dw�r,d ;treet. I b. TMe right--af-•-way stand�rc� far Bul,l Mcaurrt:ain Rn�d i.s 35 �Ft��t frum cerrtPrJ.a.ne. Addi.ti.an�l. r9.ght-�af--�ay d�di.cation �a,r,�nc� tM7e prap�r��ty frc�ntage wi7.1 be requir�czc�. c, (Jue to th� 1ac�tion �f th� prrr�E�r�y ar�ir� �:N�e r�i�•t�are �f ' i impr��uemer�ts �t:h�at wi.xl b� i'1�CP.8Sn1Y'y r�n t3ta11 M�urrt:ain Rc�ad, ha].f str��t a.rn�r•nvem�rets ar�e nnt �pprc,�ria�a at tl°ii.s ti.m��. ._ � , ican o�P � raval frrr o str�i�r„�. � r�pm�rlt was a ccand;.t pp A non rem n � MLp 17.-50, Tf �I°�a.s wa:> nr:,•t pru�erly rer•ord�d, surh �r�� agreE�ment sP�o�a1d be required at �tMis •�ime. 1"he 8wa.l.c�i,ny Ir�sper•�a.ran Of�Fic� h�s r�ra ak�j�r,ti�.,n bu�t i.r�irii.cat�s t:h�t serua.ce ].aterals �i�d eag�marrts f�rr• t:r�e south�rn l�.,ts (13 �i7d 14) sl-ia�ald b� prauid�d, . NPO �3 has na objecti.c�n tr., the requ�st, The Tual�•tin R�ar•a1 Fire Pr��tect'ir�n Dis�ri�ct inc�i.r:at�� �thia� all structur�s m�ast k�� wi.thi.n 500 fec�t ra�F a f:ir�� hydrant ar��d th� w�ter maa,n si.zc�s ar�d lraca#:ir.,ns sf�c,uld be vera.fic�d by �the Tigard Water I�a.str"i.ct. 8, FT.NqTNC`�.; pNl7 GOI�CI,IJSIQNS ThE r�l.euarit cri.teri.a i.r� th��is case �rE 8�:at:�wi.dc� Plariininq Ga�].s �., ?.., wnd iQ; �1"igard Cc�mprehensiue p�.an po�.i.c9.�s 2.1,1. 6.;i.3, 7,1.2, anr� 8.]..3; ar7e1 Ch��ters 7.8 .�+6, �.8.8(�, 18.�.FiO, ar�c� �.fl.92 r�f th7� Cc,�mnr�ani�y Deup].capment tJad�, The P].anrti.nq sta�Ff GqY1G�.UCI�S that �:h7� �.71^U�GSbI�. 7,8 c�znsist�nt wi.�h th�� ��p].ic;�k>le S�tatewi.de Pl.anning Gr,als �nd Guidea.a.nas h�spd iap�in •the fa�.l.uwa,ric� findi.ngs; a. Gaal �P�. i.s met bec�us� the Gity h�s adrapted a Gi,�9:;•r..ens T.nvo].vernent. progr��m incla�i�ii�rg revi,�� ��f �l.l d�vQlapment app].i�ati.rai�rs by the Nei.ghbarhuuc� Pl.�nriing Oryariix�t�.ran (N�0) . Ii� �ddi.ti.on, aa.l. publi.c na�ice r�c�u:ir�merits were m�t. Sl"AF'F Fi�;F�O�t"I" _.�. 7_C; 8--8�.i, g q...85, pq 2....85 _.. pAG� 2 � u b. Goal #? is met becatas� the City appl�.t�d al�. applicab�.e Statewi,de planni.ng Ga�l.s, (:ity Com�reMensive Plan pa].i.cies �ncl I�euelopment Cade requirements ta �the appla.ca�ta,ran. c. Gaal. ,#14 is sata.sfi.ecl bec�use the prapasal wi.a.l. �roui.de �For hausing �s cnntempl.ated by the Gity C�ampr�hensi.ue p1an. "f'Me Pl�i�ning Staf�F has d��erma.r►�d �Fiat ��Mc� prr,�aas�1 �s s�bmi.t�ted, or wa�th minnr mpdific�tic,rrs, is COI'iS13'�P_i'1'� with the rel�uar►� pc,r�ians af �the Camprehensiv� plan based upun the findi.ng$ nGte�l b�l.raw: a. PQli.cy 2.1.1 i.s satisfied becauxe tMe NeigMbarhrar,�d P�.anning Organixati.on and surraunc��.nq praperty nwner~s w�re given no�3,ce rrf �he he�ring ai�c� an r,,ppartuni�Ly ta camrn�n�t nn �hp a�plicarit's propas�J., b, f�olicy 6.3 ,3 is sa�isfied bec�use th� d�velopment prr�posed inc].uc�es single fama.ly resi.c��nces an larg� lr���s. Tha.s i.s consisten� wi.th the character af adj�cent dE�ve).�pment an�i the requirements of the R•--� zune. c, pali.cy 7.1.2 is m��t: ber�use adc�quate w�ter, s�wE+r, and siorm aewer facilities are available. d, Pali.cy 8.�..3 wi1l. be sa�i,sfi.ed k�y l.i.mi.ti.ng c�i.r�c�t ar:c�:ss to E3ul,l. Mnur���in Rc,�ci to crne l�t ancl hy �the conc�itinns of apprr�val that will require the xuk�cliva.sian streets �to be bu9.l.t tU Ci.ty st�ndarcls. TMe Alanning sraff has determined •�t�a�t the prapas�l is Cl'JI"1513'��Ylt with tMe relevan•t purtions of the Commur�ity Ueuel.opm�nt Code b�.�s�d u�aon �he •Fi.ndi.ngs outli.ned b�low: a. Chapter 18.46 a.s s�ti.sfied b��c�use tFi� �.�Y'fJ�p3b1�. ].`'a cansist�n�t wi.tl� ��Me l,lSp3 and re�i.denti.al c�ens:ity p�r•ma.tt�d i.n �tl�e R--2 �zan�. b, Chapters 18,8q ancl �,A,�.60 are met becaus� th7e pr�],9.ma,n�ry plat/detailed plan is in cUnfnrmance with Cr�de req�ir�mer�ts. c. Chap�er 18.92 a.s satisfie�l Faecaus� the number of luts prupased i,s consist�nt wi�h ��he numk�er al.lrawer� af��r tM4 density cal.ru].ati�ns , are applied, C. R�.�;ONIP1k:NDA7'TON B�,sed upur� the findirtigs and canclusiuns above, the Planning staff r�cammends apprc�v�1 nf ZC 8�-85, S 4-85, �and NO 2��-85 subject to the f�1l�wirrg conditiuns: � 1. UNLES� O1"f9�FiW�SE NAl"EQ, AL.I._ CpNpI1"�:�?NS �EI(�L,.l,. RE: ME1" PRIOFI TO ltFG01�DlNG TtdE F7CNAL pLA'r. 2. Seven (7) sets u�F p].ar�-prafi.l.e nub].a.c i.mprouem�nt eor7structi.�n ;� plar�s and rri�� (y) itemi�ed cuns�ructi.on cos� estima��, stamped by a Regi.s�ered Prr�fessional. Ci,ua.l Engine�r, detaila.r�g a].l, pr�posed public imprnvemQnts sMal.J. bp submit�:ed to �the Fnga.n�eri,ng Sectir�n for a�proval. i STAFF REPOFlT - ZC 8�.-85, S 4�--85, PD 2�-85 •-- PAtaE 3 �� , � 3. S�ni�ary sewer and starm sewer plan-•profile det�ia.s shall be pravidHd as �ar� of the publi� improvement pl�ns. Q. Cr�nstructa.o� �f a7roposed pu�li� im�rouements �ha11 rta� c�mmenc� urr�il a�Fter ��he Fngineering �ectior� has issu�d approved public im�rauement plans. The Se��ian w�].1 requir� pusti.ng a� � �.�qX Perfar•m�nca Bund, ti�e paym�nt of a permit f�� ai7c� a sign installatian/street�.ight feE. Also, the exer.uti.an a� ;� cr,ns�ru��ti.�n crampli.ance agreement �ha11 acr,ur prir�r• ta, or cuncurrer�tly with the issu�nce of approu�d public i.mprQV�ment plans. SEE THE EN�LOSED NANQQU7' GTV:CNG M0R6 SPECIFTG INFORMAT�ON REGARpING FE:�: �CF{�DULES, 8t?NDING ANq �GREEMENI"S. 5. Ata.liticanal rigfit•--af•-way shall. b� dedica�ed �t:ra the public along the SW B�1]. F1c�Gir►�tai.n fr•ontage tc, i.ncrease th� ri.ghrt--of-•�way to 35 fec�t fr�m c�nterline. The descripti.rrn •Ferr s�id c�eda.catir,r, sMall be ti�d �o th� existi.ng righ�._.of••-way c�nterlir�� �s �s�otb].i.shed by Washz.ngta�� Goun�ty. 1"he c�ec�ica�irrn dacument shal.l be or, �ity fa�m�s and approued by �F��� Fngineeri.ng �.�i�C�7.01'1 if ncjt accamp�.i,shed an tMe f inal. �l.at. 6. A nun--�remans�rance agr•eement un C�9.ty farnis sFial]. be �ruvir�ed r�garding fu�h�,ire i.mprouemer��t;� an 8�.�11 P1c�ur�tai.n Rr,,�d i.�F sucM �r� agrer�rnE�n�� was not recarded as a conda,tian of MLP 1�.--•84, 7. Accr�ss •F�rr t_o�t 13 shall b� provid�c� h�y a 15 fr,ot ca�nershi�a ta Wi.lc�waocl Stre�t. 8. An access permi.�G frum Washington Cr�unty wil], R�� r�quired fr�r L.at 14. 9. J'aint us� and ma�.n•t�nanc� agreemer�ts shall be executed �nd recor�ded an City s�anciard fnrms �r�r all cr�mmr�n dri�eways. Sai.d agreernents shaa.l. be referenc�d on �nd b��r�me �rar�t o•F aa.l. appl.ic�ble parcel peeds. Sai�l agreement sha17. b� approv�d by the Enga.neering Section. �'OINT USEi; �1Nl� WIA�NT'�'IVANCE AGRE;�'MENT F'ORMS ARE ENCI._c7SFQ. 10. Str•�et Centerline Manum�ntation a. In ac�ardance with 4RS 92.060 subsection (2), '�he �enterJ,9.n�s r�f al.l. si:ree� and roadway rie�Mt-�of--ways s��t].l. be mc�numented befure the �ity shall accept a st�^eet improuemer�t. b, All. cen�erli,ne monum�nts shall tae placed a.n a� manument bux canfarming ta City s•�anciards, anc,i t;he tap of all. monum�nt boxes sha11 be set at d�si.gn �Fi.nish gr�de r�f said str��et �r r�adway. , c, The foll.owing �cent�rla.ne manumen•�s sh�l.l be set; 1. A11 centerl.ir�e•-cent�rline i.nters�ctiar�s. Tnter�ectians created with "calle�ctar" �r att�sr �xisting streets, shal.l. be set wh�n •�:?�e G�nterline �i ali.gnmer�t of said ��call�ctur" ar other street has be�n "`� establ.ish�d by or far the City; .;� ;,i �TAF�' R�:PORT' -- �C 8-�8.5, S 4--85, PD 2--8''a -� PAG� Q :;I •�i �,+� �.-�. _ _ .. _ _ _.__ � 2. �enter af all cul--de.._sacs; 3, Curve �ai.rits, Pai.nt raf 9,nt�rseata,on (p.I) when th�ir pasiti.crn fal].s insad� thQ limi�k:s ��F th� pav�ment atherwis� beqi.nrririg and endi,ng pai.nts (B,G, and E.C.) . Q. All s�nit�ry and storm l�rcatiar�s sMall. be placed in posi.tions that c�u nat interfere with cent�rli.ne mGnumenta�ion. 11. The "basi.s uf b�arings" far the pl�t s�al.l. b� County Suruey ' 19,947, which xs a part af •the Tigard Fa.eld Suruey Netwark. ' 12. After r•evi.ew anc� a��roval by the 6>l�nning Di.rectc�r �nd � Publ.ic Works Director, •the Fxn�l Plat shall. b� 1"@COI"CIP_CI with Washingt;on Gounty. 19. 1"Me approvaA i.s ual,i.d if exerci.sed wi.�tl�in ane ye�r� af •th� 'F].Y11I. (�@C7,47.4Yi c�ate. I � pREPAR�D Y; Keith l..iden ��� 1�I�PRAVaD 8Y; Will.a.am A, I��nah�n Assaci.�te Planr��r pi.rector uf Planr•�ing & C?evelapment (KS!_:bg113�28P)) Sl"AFF REPQRT �- ZC 8M��85, S 4--85, PU 2--85 -�• pAG� 5 PLANNING COMMT4�I�N May 7, x9�5 MEMORANDUM CI;1"Y OF' T'�:GARp, Oft�Gt71V 1"0: plannii�g CQmmissinn May 3, 1�85 F'�iQM: Kei.th S. La.c�en � SUBJFC;�': Extension of pr�l�.minary plat ancl detai7.ed �l.an approva]. ��r �Madow park (; 7--83 and V 7-•84) The �pplicar�t i.s requesting a six morrth ex��nsiran ca�f' �the Pl.anning Cr�mma.s�ian approval. r,,ranted an April �.7, 1984, ar7d th� d�ci.siar� bc�cam� �•��Fecta.ue c�i� May 7, �.�$4. IUo chang�s �i:�7 tMe approueci p7.�n ara �rapased. A•E�ac:h�d i.s a sa.te ma�. 1"he st�ff r�r:�mnr�nds ap�rrsual. af th� rec�u�st �Far �n extens�.an until. Nr,ver�ber 7, 1985. 131�1P dmj � i �/� �I� �i ~ � � •�i�� J ` ..'� v_ � � . . ,� e o /° � �'�,�,y U �J� NALL''.�� ��i' / � ����' / / � . �. i; \� � �` II / � � �� .�/;//, � \ ��l V� �'� �I' ; !�� . � / C,� 1 ; ; /'"��, or�w�A ,; o � � � � �� EDGEWOOD � � � i _��❑ �����oNp�-D � �-�.s---�� � f�'r- � ►� � SGALE; ' =ICoO� g .�Y:.,�;� .�•, . ;�,;:..::' �/ �G, � N I T Y M A�' , .---"---� i�•' �j. ..r.,... I . . .. �� j ,•� �� � I / � 1/ \ 1 ; �% � \ ',� .l ��v�� _ -� / � • s� .o p /�� i � � ��� � � � a „�-�- _ �_.� . � �� �� � /_ \ � �.. � \ // :•t't � � / :.�, \ � / loo yR. F[.00c�P[.Alnl L�wfrT� / ,. � ,�� � �\ � � `�. \� � . ^��\`:�• C�R.��J G66 BMCN'r' � �G7 o• � 1Q--l--s s.��. pEC�G rRi�a��� ��-� �`' �� `� � � � � t t� n�ST � �� ���� � �. . �°wP�TC4Q � � ��� � o ' ��� d: �" .,..---- `�-�. ��asF ,� g -� . ��\ / � �� s ,a \ �� l9y. Y � `�y. � L�\. '1 � ' e�SO s.� b . ,, � ..� � , a -. s �,--: p,� '".� � / ' ,� � �y �b • 2a . i,a a.r� o. r / ' %" `� h - `.��. W M �fi" G. �� ' -r✓ �� '77od�S�\ ' W � �� � 8goo S.F, , ,� �, • � . P�P ._�5f�`t I6°� . 1 pl�i 29 �`��~+�' � ..,,,,, Agenda xt�m 5,.8� MEMURt�NOUM CSl"Y OF' TI:GARC3. 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The Section will require pusting of a 100X Performance 9ond, the payment o� a permit fee and a sign installata,on/streetlight fee. Also, �he executiran of a ca�struction compliance agreement shall accur pri.or to, or corrcurrently with the issuance of approvEd public improvement plans. SEE TNE ENCLOSED HANOOUT GIVING MORE SPECTF]CC INFORMATION REGAROIfUG FEE SCHEDULES, BOIUDING ANO AGREEMENTS. S, Additionat right--of�ay shall be dedica�ed t�� the publ�c along the SW Bull Mour�tain frontage �o increase the right-of-way ta 35 feet fwom centerline. The description for said dedicatian shall be tied ta the existing right-of-way cQnterline as established by WasF�ingtr�r� County. The dedication document �hall be on City forms and approved by the Engine�ering Sectian if not accomplished on th� final plat. b. A ncan-remonstrance agreement• on City forms shall be provided regarding future impraVements on 8u11 MaunYain Road if such an agreement was not reaorded as a condition of MLP 11-80. 7. Access for Lot 13 shall be proe�ided by a 15 foot awn�r�nip �o Wildwood Street. 8. An acce�s pern�it from WasMia�g�on County wall be requir•ed for Lot 14. 9, �'oin1: �se and maintenance agreements shall be execut�d and recorded on City standard fiorms for a11 common driv�ways. Said � agreem�nts sha11 be referenced � on and become par� of all I � applfcable parcel Deeds. Said agreement shall. be approved by the Engineering Section. JOTNT USE ANQ MAINTENANCE AGR�EMEhIT FORMS ARE ENCLOSED. 10, Street Centerline Monumentat•ion a. In accordance with ORS 92,060 subs�ction (2), th� centerli.nes of all street and raadway right-o�F--ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street impro�ement. b, All centerline monuments sha11 be placed in a monument box conforming to City s�andards, anci the t�p af aLl monument baxes shall be set at design finish grade of said �treet or� roadway. c. The foll.owing �;en�ter�.ine monwme�ts shall be s�t: 1. All c�enter�ine-centerline inters�ctions. Intersections cr�ated with "cullector" �r otFier existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment o� said "collector" ar other stree� has been established by or fo�^ �he Ci�y; � STAfF REPORT - ZC 8-85, S 4-85, PD 2--85 -- PAGE 4 '� ,, May 31, 1985 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: i As the owner of the home adjacent to and east of Lot 12, Block 1, ' Shadow Hills II, I have no objection �o a common drive for Lots 12 and 13 on the east side of Lot 12. C� ��u � ------ Al1en C. Edwards • Jr. �,,c.s���? uaca�� ��"°' _ ., _— �� � � i ' � , i , � i � � �� ° i � l :V� � ,��� � �:� <�� � �..�....��.���� � -- �, �..___.�.�.��.�.-�- --� ' ����`�� �. �� , �D�� f,�� ` ��'�_ ��~r � � � �...,w.-�- ��-{ ��z��� �.� '�=�� c tr S .��.�..� � �� ___------------ 1