Planning Commission Packet - 04/16/1985 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENRA TTGARU P�ANNIN� CqMMIS��ION • TUESpAY, APR�L 16, 1985 - 7;30 �,M, FOWLER JUNIOF2 HIGH SCH04l. 10865 SW Walnut 'figard. Qregon 97223 1. Call ta Or•d�r 2, Roll Call 3, Apprav� Minutes fram April 2, 1985, Meeting 4. Planning CUmmission G�ammunica�ic,n 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SU�DIVTSION S 3-85 RUSSEI�I. KRUEGER �IpO # 7 s,2 �OMPI�EN�N�IVE PI_AN AMENDMENT CPA 5�-85 AIUD Z(�N�. CHANG� ZC 6•-85� �;��'Y OF i"TGARD NPO # 5 !'s.3 VARIANCE V 8-85 ��TY 0�' "fTGARD/NQVAR� c:,QURT" NPO # 3 5,4 CU(�1RREHENSIVE PLAN � AM�NDMENT CPA 6-85 AND ZO�IE CHANGE ZG 7-85 City.of Tigard JIM GHA'1'TERLY NPO # 5 5.5 ZQN� GHANGE AMENDM�IV�" ZOA 3-85 City of Tigard SectYans 18..68.03D, 18.68.�A0, ancl 18.42.020. 6. Other Busin�ss .--------�� o Time Ex�ensa.on f 8� hado u >di.v9:sian'� `'�`F 7. Ad'ournment �K1 � ) 12(?6P d►n j , ... _'__ _ . � __.._._�.r_.._ ,. . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING ° APRIL 16, 1985 1. Vice President Owens called the meeting to osder at 7:38 PM. The meeting was held at Fowler Junior High - LGI Room - 10865 SW Walnut. 2. ROLL CALI.: PRESENT: Vice President �wens; Commiseioners Butler, Fyre, Vanderwond, Bergmann, and Peterson. ABSENT: President Moen, Commissioners Leverett and Campbell. 3. APPRUVAL OF MINUTES o Cammissioner Butler noted spelling errors to be corrected. J B Bishop requested changes be made to his testimony as reflected in the transcript. j ; * Commissioner Peterson moved and Commissioner Butler seconded to approve the minu�tes as corrected. 4. COMMISSIQN COMMUNICATION o Vice E�resident Owens statad she had received a call from David Or3ngdulph prior to the meeting and would mak� her comments at the li end of item 5.1. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SUBDIVISION S 3°8S K RUEGER DEVELOPMENT C0./OR-AK CORP. NPO �1�' 7 Request to divide a 10.7 acre parcel into 63 lots ranging f rom 5,000 to 6,000 square feet. Located west side of 135th Ave. between S.We Morning Hill Dr. and S.W. Winter Lake Drive (WCTM 1S1 33C, lot 1000) Associate Planner Liden explained that the applicant, after receiving the staff report, had submitted a new proposal with only one access. He made staff's recommendation for approval with 16 conditiona. A1so, he explained that Engineering would like to see an LIY3 for 135th, however, the applicant was willing to put an 2" overlay f rom the pro�ect to the inter�ection of 135th and Scholls Ferry Road. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION '� :� o Gordon Hobbs, OR/AK Corp, 13050 SW Forest Meadowa Way, Lake Oswego, Ore. requested approval for the single family development. They concurred with the staff report and were available for questions. o Russell Kruger, 3515 SW Barbur Blvd. Y-1, Portlancl, 972Q1, submitked �.' an aerial photo of the area and noted where the sewer and water was : available. Discussion followed regarding the overlay the applicant had offexed to place on 135th. �' Y ' �! PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 1 � �: V _ _ n � _ _ PUBI�IC TESTIMONY o Mildred David, Rt. 1 E�ox 378, Beaverton�, had questions regarding the traffic impact this development would 11ave. She opposed the development. o Gail Stover, Rt. 1 Box 381, was also concerned about the traffic impact on 135th and Scholls Ferry. She wanted to know whPre the proposed �35th/Scholls Ferry/Murray Blvd. Extension would be. o Evelyn Karls, Rt 1 Box 382, Beaverton, was concerned because she had never been no�tified of this development or the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which was heard on April 2nd. Also, the property whicY� is being proposed for the Commercial Neighborhood site is swamp land six to seven months out of the yeara o Discussion followed regarding the notification. Staff explained that an error had been made, however, the parties not notified were in attendance, also staff would be postponing the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Hearing from Apri1 22nd to 1�Iay 6th, s� that another notification could be set to a corrected list of surrounding properky owners. o Vice FresidenC Owens, explained that she had received a call from llavid Oringdulph, who was unable to attend because he was aut of towns He had requested that a wall or fence be placed on 135th to proteet the back yar�s of the prapo5ed lots. He also felt there should be full �rreet improvements rather than just an overlay. REBUTTAL o Gordon Hobbs stated they were proposing 62 homes and that the Murray Road Extension is not a part of this project. The development is onlq on 10.6 acres of kax lot 1000, and the rear access was for future development of the property. They would be willing to install a fence, if required, along 135th. Also, they would be glad to cio full street improvements througYi the LID process with the help af Mr. Oringdulph and that LID would also deal with the 135th/Scholls Ferry interchange. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Discussion followed regarding the 135th/Scholls F�rry intersection. Staff explained that Scholls Ferry Road is a State Highway and that �, the intersection af 135th is high on the State Highway Division's priority list. Lengthy discussion regarding the LID and overlay followed. * Commissioner Bergmann moved and Commissioner Vanderwood seconded for preliminary plat approval of Subdivision S 3°�i5 subject to the conditions in the staff report based on sta�f's findings and conclusion. Also, to authoxize staff ta prepare the final order and for Vice President Owens to sign that final order. PLANNING COMMISSION MlNUTES April 16, 1985 Page 2 o Commissioner Butler stated he didn't like condition number 10, he felt th� City should require a 100% bond. Also, he didn't like condition number 11, he felt it should be amended to say "the northern boundary of the property to Scholls Ferry". * Commissioner Butler moved and Commissioner Fyre seconded to amend the motion to change condition number 10 to require an 100Y performance bond and to amend condition number 11 to read "the northern boundary of the property." o Turther discussion followed regarding amending the motion. * Vice President Owens called for the vote on amending the motion �s made. Motion failed three t� three, Commissioner Bergmann, Vanderwood, and Owens voting no. * Vice President Owens called for the vote on the original m�tion made b� Commissioner Bergmann, and seconded by Commissioner Vanderwood. Motion carried by majority vo�e, Commissioner Butler voting no. 5.2 COMPREHEHSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 5-85 AND ZONE CHANGE ZC 6-85 CITY OF TIGARD NPO �� 5 A request for a Plan Amendment from Commercial Professional to Light Indust�ial and a Zone Change from C-P (Cammercial Professional) to I-P (Inc�ustrial Park) on the following Washington County Tax Maps and Lots: 2S1 1DC� lots 1J.00' 37Q0� 3701� 3702� 3703� 3800� 3301� 3900' 4100; Map 2S1 1DD, lots 100, 101, 200, 300, 400, 401, 401A1, 500, 600, 700, 701, 701). Associate Planner Liden reviewed the history of the properties and explained tl�e different concerns which he had received, Staff felt the best compromise was to change the zoning to IP, how�ver, several different options wouZd be appropriate. He read a letter form Pacific Western, whom opposed the zone chan�e. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Steve Finney, representing Hyster, 7000 SW Sandburg, Tigard, explained that they were s:lready an industrial use. They had complied with the Code at the time of construction, now with current zoning, they can't expand. o Larry Miller, RFD Publications, Inc. , 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, would like to expand, but was concerned that the code required 25% landscaping. They were not even sure if the existing property is in conformance with the Code. o Lengthy discussion followed regarding ti�e landscaping requirements and the possibility of getting a Variance. o Discussion followed regarding which properties should be rezoned and the options available. "I PLANNING C0�4IISSION MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 3 � _ _ _ � '! , PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED * Commissioner Bergmann moved and Commiss3oner Peterson seconded to forward - - I CPA 5 85 and ZC 6 85 to City Council and recommend that the following be changed to Industrial Park: Wash. Coe Tax Map 2S1 1DC, lot 1100; Map 2S1 1DD, lots 100, 200, 300, 401, 701, and 702. RECESS 9:15 PM RECONVENE 9:3U PM 5.3 VARIANCE V 8-85 CITY 0� TIGARD NPO 4� 3 Request for a Varian.ce from section 180164.070 of the Community Development code which requires that sidewalks be constructed to City standards. The variance, if approved, would allow the requiremFnt for sidewalks in frcnt of lots 39, 40, and 41 on SW NQVare Ct. to be waived. Director of Community Development Monahan reviewed the history of the ? variance and made staff's recommendation for appraval with one condition. Discussion followed regarding location of sidewalks. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Dennis Stolarski, 11160 SW Novare Ct., lot 41, asked who had opposed granting the variance. Staff stated that Mr. Saylor had opposed. o Irwin McCuen, 11170 SW Novare Cto, lot 40, stated they were the first people L-o move and did not know that a sidewalk was requireda Discussion followed. o Commissioner Vanderwood asked why there was oppositione Staff explained the co�cern was for the safety of children. Discussion followed. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commission�rs Bergmann and Fyre favored and Commissioner Butler, Vanderwood, Peterson and Owens were concerned for safety. ' * Commissioner Vanderwood moved and Commissi�oner Bergmann seconded to approve Variance V 8-85 with one condition based on staff's findings and conclusions. Alsos to request staff to prepare a final order and have Vice President Owens sign the final order. Motion carried by ma�ority vote. Commissioner Butler voting no. 5.4� COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 6°85 and ZOPIE CHANGE ZC 7-85 CITY �JF TIGARD - 3Ir2 CHATTERLY NPO �l 5 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and a Zone Change from R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) to R-7 (Resid�ntial, 7 units/acre). Located on the southwest corner of Bonita Road and SW 79th Avenue. (WCTM 251 12BD lot 29Q0). PLANNING COI�iISSION MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 4 � ''r,' �' ,. � _ _ .. . _._ __ �: Associate Planner Liden review�d the histnry of the site stating that the property owner had a letter from the City verifying that he would retain his 5,000 square foot lot zoning. A1so NPO 4� 5 had reviewed the application with only three members and had no objections. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Les Balsiger, PO Box 3�8, FTilsonville, Oregon, Barron Construction, had a copy of the letter staff had referred to. He would be bringing a subdivision application forward 3.f the Commissian approved the change requested'. PU�LIC HEARING GZQSED o Commissioner Vanderwmod had some concerns about ' rezoning the praperty. She felt it was the intent c�f. the NPO to have the property zoned R-4aS during �he Comprehensi.ve Plan process. o Discussion followed regarding the expired subdivision plat. * Commissioner Petersan moved and Commissianer Bergmann seconded to forwarcl CPA 6°$5 and ZC 7-85 to City Council w�.th a recommendation for agprovale Motion carried by majority vate, Gommissianers Butler and Vandex°wood vat3.ng no. 5>5 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 3-85 COMMfJNI"t'Y DEVELO�M�NT COI?� �te�uest to amend secta.Qn 18.68.030, 1€3.68.040, and 18.40,020 of the Cnmmunity Development Cr,de. Associate Planner Lid�n r.eviewed changes being propos�d and recommend�d forwarding the changes ta City Council. PUBLIC TESTlMONY o Larry Abel, 502 SW College, Portland, 97201, supported amending section 18.42e020 as proposed by st�ff. Discussion followed regarding painting and repair shaps. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commissioner F�re was concerned on how to control Auto Body Shogs vexsus Paint Shops. � Commission Vanderwaod moved and Commissioner Peterson second�:d to �I forward ZOA 3-85 to City Gouncil supporting staff recammendation. ' Motion carried by ma�ority vote, Commissioner Fyre voting no. � Commissianer Fyre requested concerns be far�ard to City Council PZAIJNTNG CO�fh1ISSI0N MINUTES Ap:ril lb, 1985 Page 5 6. UTHER BUSINESS 6.1 o Associate Planner Liden stated that he had received a request for a time extension for Park Place Phase I, (S 8-83PD). Discussion followed. * Commissi.on Butler moved and Commission Owens seconded to approve a six month time extens3on for Park Place Phase I, file number S 8�83 PD. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioner present. 6.2 a �B Bishop requested that changes be made to his final o��er. Staff explained that this was not the appropriate time or place tn correct a fin�l order. Amendments could be made to the final order at the City Council hearing on May 29, 1985. 7. Meeting Adjourned 10:45 P.M. Diane M. Jelderks S cretary �TTEST: Bonnie Owens, Vice President ;' � ; i 1269P ' � � ; i � s ; j Y � Y I: � ti E � �' � t z � 1 ; ' i i 1 � � PLANNING CO2�iIS5IqN MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 6 � ; i � i _ _ __ ,.,, � � ��/� �^� DATE ROLL CALL: Don Moen � � � , � John Butler _�f;� � Milt Fyr� l�/�✓� �l � Deane Leverett Bonnie Owens _�� � Dave Petexson ���"" � Chris V'anderwood F1Uyd $ergmann � Nancy Campbell �� �� ���������� �� �� � �..���� �-���� P O BOX�76 PHOfVc{�a3?684-0360 ���lg;� BE/>VEP i OFd,OREGOr�97075 ����6 ������ ����e������ �=r:;�.;, � Cit� �f Tigay°cf � � �e�r5hce� �atiez � P ,O, �sox 233�'� . .� � � � �U�Eic���.` ��SdiiN9� �. .Z' "� , �� x } i 33 x,- �, t` Tigard, Q�. 9'7�23 „ . ; r., . 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' I �� � ��. }' yi: I'. . i, . . . . . . . . . . . �� }�, f ! ��� i .. ; � � �.... _ �-16�,�--______ TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SH�ET NOTTCE : ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SICN �C-i�:TEt NAM� �� and note their' address on thi.s sheet. (pleas� Print your name) �/ o �� I'' ITEM/bESCRIP.TION: • � /�(�E�/�" S- ZC'. � •8�0- , �-- • v ��� �,� � � ���:. PRGPONENT (For) OPPONENT (againstl Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation ��2 v�2 �1 v��e �l`I� �Gf� C� 1,,, ,r, / / � . � �'��� r� �C�(ID l I Cc�I�D y��y c-.= i !J� S�' �GI��O�J� ° " � �`��O D S c�(.� 5c��'w�c�,A�'�T'�� 78�-5 NOTIGE: ALL PERSON5 DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEtd bSUST SIGA1 THEIIt tJAMF : and no�e �heiz addr��s. thi.s she�t. (please Pra.nt your name) . ITEM/�ESCRIPTION: v ��- . c�r _. Pv #3 PROPUI�ENT (For). OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation �//�o s �� � �S 7�0�.�2 'N c�v C��� � � �� � � � ' 7U ��e ��� �v �- �u�� � � � y. �C ��.�- L`�"E�-zr>� �� d ��i C�' U�G�D/2 �// y0 �S/�� /yG�'l�i�i�'L- � , i:, , �; r; !; —' _ ._.. (:. ✓a�.� _ �� /V_ / l �__'_"._.._ _f.G_ TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP �HEET NOTTCE: AL'L PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THETFt ,'1�te�C4� and note their a3dress on this sheet.- (�lease Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: - �., � -7 �S'� _ � �� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation r-- �'�! �� � � u `�v� ��L--�ri(/��l � �� ���� . ���v�,. Co,�sr rd�v�—� �,� . kTOT�CEs ALL PERSOIaS AESYI2ING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM b1UST SI'�t�Y '�,�����t iVAMF': , and note ttneir addres�. on this sheet, (please Print you�r name) i �TTEM/bESCRIPTION:_ ��� ( �/�'(/�,�� �;����°�"- ► _ 2�f� �— ��" .U.�� , a o � . c� a PROPONENT (For). OPPONENT (against) � �� Name, Addres� and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affilia�ion i � � Id"j Q ! � , � _ . _ � i � 4 I �� ��`��; �i �.� 'I, ..� � M�P1qRAiVUUM � �;l:TY 0� 'T;CGARO, t�RFty4N I I I i 1"0: Plarrnii�g Commi s�inn/NP� Members Apri 1 11, 1985 FRGM; Wi.11iam A. Monah�n, Directar r�f Crrmmunity D�vel�pm�*r�t I SUBJECT'; W�,rksMa� with tF�e� Ca.t� Cauncil Rec�r�tly 1C infarmec� yau of �he (,ity Cr�ur�r.,il wnrksl�iop schedul�c� for Manday evening. April ?_�, �.985, Due to a change i.n scpyeduling, the meetinq Pias beerr I set back �t:u �the next week, Monday. May 6, 1985. I hc�pe 1:t�a� this change daes nat create an i,nr;onuerri�nce �or you ar�d tF��t yUU �ill be able tn att�nd the wurkshop. 1198P dmj I C1:1"Y qF' �"1:CAFtQ t"�NAI.. ORDF It N0. 8�7--.,_Q�PC- � A F':I:NAI. ORl7Et2 T.NC;I..U�7t;NG F7;NC)I:NC� ANI� CqNCI..US1:UlU5, WE•1IC;H Af�C�RqVE�.; A PFtE'�.�M7CIVARY �IJHI�:CVISxqN PI�AT (S 3..�.85) 1�EQIJ�:�'1"FD t3Y KRIJFGFR I�N�VFI..(7l�N1�NT Cq. The 'Cigard Plai��riing C�iininis�i.on r��i�w�c� �t��e abr,,ue a�aplica�tirrn �t�t a public hEariri� r�r� April. 16, 199�'.�, i"hE Cammi,gsa.r.,n based its c��cisian ar� th� fa�c�s, finda.ngs, and canclusi.an nrrted belnw: A, F'ACTS ].. �eneral Infurmatian CA`iE: �iac�ivision (S 3•--85) REf�tl�".5'1": T'a da.ui.d� � 14,7 �r.r��± p�rcel. i.ntr.� 63 lats rangi,ng fram 5,Qq0 to 6,t?Of? squar� $'��e�t. GC�'ipRE;FIEN�;I;VE PLAN 13EST�N(�T'I�>N: ME�da.um Hi.gh Gl�nsi.ty Resicienfi:i.al r "l.c�hi�:NG I�H;.i:C(�NA"I°Ic�N: R�-25 �Resa.d�riti.al. 2.� units/acre) AF�F�LIt"ANT': Krueger� ��ve].opmer�� C�,/ OH....f�K �arp. 4WN�R: aussell A. Kru�?yer �. �.30�a0 SW Farest M�ac�r�ws W�y 351Fa SW B�rkr�.ir B].vc�. Y-�•1 f..�ke Oswega, OR 97t�34 Ppr�tl.�nd, t�R �'7;1..f31 L.00A'i"7L4�1; Wc�st si.de of 13�a�Mi f�ve, between S,W. Mornirrg Hi.l.7, 17r, and S,W, Wi.r�ter I..ake Oriv� (W��;'fM 1S1 �3C. '1'L 10Q0) 7.. 9ac_ kg.round The prrap�rty was �nnex�d ta the Ci.ty Un J'une 12, �.983 and in Aug�is�:, 1983, a P1eda.um Fiigh I�ensi,�y Pl.an desigr�atir•ari arrd R-2Q ;�rrne was �ppla,ed ta �h� prc,p�rty . Tn c�rder tu camply wa,th ths Nletr•apr�3.i.tan Mousi.ng Rw].P, �tMe �,ity changed the R--2p zone ta R..-25. On F'ebruary, �.984, tM�! �i.ty �p�ruv�d �:h� r�7,oca�i.ari of a, C.„��I (N�ic�Mbr�r•hc,r,�d Gr�rnmerca,�l} �ane �;ra be wii:E7irr tl~ie SIAI�]PC� prr,,p�erty. �n Apr;.l 2, ].99�5, tMe Camniissi.ur► recUmnt�nded ap�rr�u�]. �r� Ci�:y Gounci.l. af a prpposal tn shi.ft i:he C.,_iV ;cune �ram 1�5�th AV4?PtblE3 tn Scl�ca].'�s T�rry R�ad (CF�A A�85/Z�; 4-�85) . T'hi.s request w�.11 ha� c:artsa.�lered by the �auneil on April ?.2, 1985, �a.nee r�sideri�:i:al uses ar� not ��v�mit�c�d in the C•�-N xane, �ha.s request mu�t b� a��rr�v�d k�c��Fare t6~��: subd�vi.si.�rn tn�y bc� c� plat:�:ed. 3. V9.cinit Infarmation �, �:xcept �Fr�r s�uera]. sc�t�tered Momesites, th� ar�a b�tw�en 135t1� Auenue and Schol],s F�rry Ro�d i.s undeuc��.ap€�d. The land wes� af 135�h t�u�nue that abut:s �:h� prupas�d sukydzvisa.ain ga.t� as al.so xoned it�m25. A mi.xture af �ievelr�p�c� and uacarit ]�and (including e�^a,�l:�i:any Squre, Wi.nter I_�ke, �ncl Morning Hi1l,}, wi.th a u�.ri�ty �f r��sid�nf;a,�l �or�e dr�s�.gr���i.ans 1ie �:�a •the ea�t of '135th Auenwe, FrIVAI. ORUEl2 N0. 85_, OS(aC _.. (8 3•..85) -� PAG� 1 _:_,_. . . . ::.. .. ...: _..._ ... .... ■ :,::� ; F 4. Site Infarmation ..,..�..._...._.._..,.._._.M...._......w_ � 1"he xubject: praperty i.s pr�s�nt],y wnc�evea.oped. 1"he �pp].icant is �rn�aosi��g � 63 lot subdiui4ian w�.�th� �wo stre��ats inters���ting wi�th 1:�5tte Avc�nue, nne str�et is intended tr� extend tu tMe west when tPrca i^em�i.nd�r Gf tMe �i^op�r•ty :is d�uel.r•rped. 5. Agenc�.dnc� NF�O Camm�n�s 'TMe En�a.i��ering Diva.sir3n t�as the frallawing cumrn�nts; a. Sani.t�ry sew�c�e t:unn�+�ti�,�n surchiarg�s for Wedc�ewac,c!-•Americ�n G�arante?e and l.eron heic�til:s :C�ter•ceptar, Tnc. b. Th� stre�t d�s�.gn sha,ul.d k�� mr,di.fied sa tha•t anl.y o�n� strec�� in�t:�rsec�s wi��h 135�th Av�nue. c. A loc�]. im�rau�ment distr�a�� rrar�-,�r�mrrn�tr�nce ��reentarit i.s �j ne��s:�ar•y for� s��r�caet �nc� s��:r,rm c�r�ir�ac�e im�arov�r�r�rrts alr�ng i.��i��h Av�riue. d, I:n 7.i,��u nf cr,nstructi,rr� h�].�F-.�.stree� imprr,v�ments alang th�� �.3!ith Av�ntae froi��Y:age, �thK� 0"1�7}��.7.C�tY1'� s1'7raul.d provir�p � 2�4 �r�rrt w:�c�e as�.�hal,t ouerlay frori� tl~�c south�rn bpur7d�ry af tN��� sul5d;iui.sa.on tu Srhr,ll.s f"c:�rry Ro�d, :Cf tMe SUbt�7.Ui5a.ca1� a.s platt�c� fi:l�is summ�r, tFiS,s im�ro�en�Fnt shau�.d comm�nce no later thar� Oc�a�er 1. 1985, � e. I..r��:s ab��t�h:ing 135th Au�nue wi1l. r7�a�t havp dir��c�t acces� �Gr� �his str�e�t:, , ��'• , _ �s r�ecess ase.m�nts sh�u].d be ruvid�d . Of� si.te draa.na e e � f P 5 g. Parki.ng shn�al.d be pr�h3.bited at tl7e s�,ibc�ivisian eritrance. The Building Tnsp�ctic,n offi.cF has no rrb,ject9.an ta �he praposal. Washir7c�t��n C�o�r��ty i.ndic��es �t:�iat 1�!'ath Avenue is a f:our�ty Rc,�d wnci an access p�!rmit wi.l1 be requi.red, No r)��lpt^ wri��t�n ��.�mmer�ts have bc�en r�cQiued. 8. F:I:NDI:NG`�.; ANL� Cc�NCL..US�ONS T'hr� rPl.�vant criter�i� in �hi.s ci�s� are S�:a�ewi,de Planni,ng Gaals 1, 2, �rrd 1t�, '1'ic�ard ,C,um�r�hensi.ve Pl.an polir•a.es 2,1.1, 7.1.2, and 8.1.3; and Cammun3.�y Deve).apment Cad�! Chapters �.8.56, 18.160, arrd ].8.].64, '1"he plarrn�.ng f.;ra�romissa.�an c4nc'�uc�es th�a�t �t17r� prc�p�.�s�l is cor�sis�t:er�t wi�th thie appli,r,abl.� Statewi.d:� Pl�r�ning Gaals and Gwi:deli,nes baxed upGn th� fc,l],awing fir�c�inc�s: a, G�al: #1 i.s m�t kyeeaus� tP�� City has adapted a Gi,�ix.�ns � � I��uo].v�m�rrt: prugr�am i.neludir►a revieW of a�.l deuelrrpment 0"'1�7F7I.1G8t'G:LGI'IS by th� Nei.ghbr�rhoad Planning prc�anizatian (NF�O), Tn ar�diticar�, al.l p�.ib].ic noti:ce rec�uirements were �aiet. F'INAL_ ORt)�F2 N0. 8�'a-- Of,�, — (S 3--85) -- PAGE 2 k'' � � � � � � � . '?i �, _:_ ._ .,_ _.. .. ,�._ ..._... ..._ .� :.,....._., i i b. C;aal #2 is me•� bPCause �the Cit� appl.ied all. a�plic�bl.� S�atewi.de � i�lanning Go�ls, City Cam�rehensiue 6>].ain F�ali.cies wMd L�eueloprnent Code r�equir�ments to the �application, c. Caa]. #iq i,s sati.sfied because th� prr.��osal wi.l.l. prnvir.ie far haG�sir�g as corrtr�mpl�ted by ��he �;�.ty Cnmpr�hensive Pl.�an. Th� Pl.anninq Cr�mmi.ssi.on ha.s d�term3.ned thiat tMe prrr�rasal as suk�mit�:ed, � ar withi mirir,r madifi�ati.ans, is cansist:en� wi�th �hre rel�vant part:ir,ns af the Compreher�sive Pl.an basec� u�on th�e finda.i�qs nate�l I��l.aw; a. Plan Pa].�.cy 2.�., �. �.s sa�t�.sfi�d I��acaGise �the N�ighbur�Pior,,c� P�.r"al`1P1'li9C� Org�.r�i.-r,ati.c,n and surruurydir�g prp�erty awn�rs w�re ga.uei� no�a.ce af �Eh� h�ar•ing ar�d �n ra�portunity �to cc�mm�r�� an thc? �pp�.a.c�r7t's a prapasal. b, C�l.an poli.r.y 7. 1.7.. i.s sati.sfi.ed ber.�ause �deq4�at� wat�r, sewer, and str�rm dr�in�ge �Faci.litiFS ar� avail.�ble tc� the dpuelo�enerit. The ap�al.i,c�nt a].sc, i.rrdi,c�t�s that tN��sF fi'�ci.l�.ti.�s wi.],l. bE prr�vi,d�d wi.thin •L•he suk�da�isi�,n as rr�quirec� by t,;i�y sfi:anc�ar�ds. c, Pl�an Pola.cy 8.�..3 �►i.l.l b� s�t9.xfied wl�eri tFi�� cui•idi.ti.oris of appraual r�l.��t:ir�g to ��re�� a.mpravF�m�n�t� fur i,:35th l�v�rn�P are can��I.etec�. 1"he P1ani�i.i�g C;amn�issian h�s c�etc?rmir�ed th��t the �,rc,pr.,�al, i.s cr,�i�sa.stc�nt wa.ti�i �the relevant par�:i�ans o� ti�e Crammurtii�ty �euelra�m�r�� Gracie l;��s�d upun the � findings rtated k��].�w; a, Ch�pter �.8,5�i af �:h� Cade i.s sa�tisf9.ed bsr:��.�se the prupasal me�ts all af th� rec�u:ir�ments af �the R�-25 ;crai��. b. Chap�:�r 18.�.fip af the Cc��l� i.s >ati.sfa.�c� �.7ecaus� �tF7e �rc��rr,�sal, mE��ts t�e rec�uir�merits se�t �P��rth frar� •thr� submissiai� arid arapr��ava1 of a prE+l.i.minary p�.at. c. Chapter 18,164 af tti� Cade wi,].], k�e satisfi�ci during the ��prr�v�]. pracPSS �For• �the �Fi.nal {�l.�rt, Tl�a pre].ima.riary p'��t indi4a�tas �hhat all. Ci.ty s��ndards can b� m�t. C, f�F't;�S:CON Based upan �he findir�gs �ncl Cqi"ICI,USApi"I5 abrave, the planni,ng Cammigsi.�n ap�raves �the pr�liminary plat for S 3.._85 subjec:�L t�r �LN�e frrl�.awing cancliti.uns; 1, UNL.ESS 0'f'HE�tW�SE IVOT�:�. AL.L.. �:ONUI:T'Z�I�S SNAG�t. �E�: M�T PRTt7R 1"0 RFCQRI):CRIG TF�E FINAI� PI_AT. 2. Seven (7) sets Uf �].an..�prafi.],e �4AIa�.],c im�rraveme�t cunstructi,c�n ! pJ.ans anci ane (1) i�:emixed cGnstructir�n cnst estima�:e, �tamped by i�'I � Regist�red �rr�fessi.r�nal Ci.ui.]. �nc�a.nner, d�tail,a,ng a�.]. prr�pr�sed ii � publ�.c imprav�m�nts sh�ll be s�alamit�:�c� t;r� the Engine�ri.ng Sect�.ure ' fnr appraval,. F'INA!_ c7RpER NQ. 85�- .�'?,.�@--- (S 3��-85) -- I�(�(;E: 3 ,II ?" + �. _ _ ,., . .. �� ..._. _.... ........._..... . .,.„ ...,..._. _.....�.....,.J4 3. 5ani.tary sew�r p].an�profi��.e de��a.l.s shall �i� �rravidec� as p�rt �af � •i:he public i.mprcavem�r�� pl.ans. 4. C•fJi'1$'�LY"UC'Y.7<Ul'1 of rJY'4�p8EC) �,uk��.ic i.m�rovem�nts sha7.l. not c:r,mm�nce �rr��.�. �fi�ter the Fngin�era.ng aecti:on has issue�l apprravec� publ,ic impruvement p�.ans. Ths Sect�.on wil�, requir�e posting a�� a ].0096 Perf�r•fnain.r,e 8r,nd, �:he payment ��f a permi�L f�e �ric� a sign a:�°�staa.lati.r�nls#:ree�li.ght �Fe�. pl.so, th� execwtian a� � cGns�Lructaon �rymp�.9.anc� agraemerit sha1Z oGCUr pri:ar ta, rrr C41"ICUY'1^�1'1't:�.� wi,th tMe i,ss�iance af approvsd �,ub:Li.c improv�merrt plans. 5. A an� {�.`) fc�c�t resErue 5tri.p gra�nt�d �a the "Ci,ty of "i"igarci�� shall. I�e �r��sui.c��r� a� the ter•m:inus af r��dways abw'i:�:a:i7c� adja�:c�nt own�rships. �r. Addi�:�,nnal ri.ght-�of�-�w�y sha11 b� dedi.c�t�d ta �:he Puia�.ic alonq th� SW 135th Auenu� fi'r+�rr��i:aye ta i,ncr�e��e ttre ric�hit..-of..�-way ta :�S f�e� frr,m cent�r•liia�. The descrip�ian far sai.d dudi.c�tic�n shal.]. Pa� ta.�ci �tu th� existirrg ric�ht..•af...���►ay renterlin�: as �s��blixh��l by 4lashin�ton Caunty, t"f�e d�cti.cati.c,r� c�c�cwmc�int shal�. be an Ci.ty Farms �nd �pprr�ueci by �the Fng�.nFering aectir,n, qp�iration shal]. b� clacument�d or� th� f i.nal p].at. 7, S�treet (�an�er�.ine P�ranwmsntati.an a, �:n aGCOr�darrce wa.th OFiS 92.,q60 s�ibs�cti.r�n (7). th�e '� G@CI'��Y'�.7.I"t�3 rJ'F al.l str��t ai�c� rr�adway ri.gh��s-af-�ay �hal1 be manum�±nt�r� beforr� �h�e Gi.ty sha].1 a�cep� a s�re�t im�rrovenrent. b, A].a. centera.�.r�e anun�am�r�ts sha11 la� p].aG�c� in � manum�nt �ax co�7fi.rmi.ng ta Ci.ty st�ndar�ds, arrd �h� tap uf al.�, maniamer�t braxns shall be set a� c��s�.gn �Fina.sh gr�de c�f s�.id str�e� �r ru�dw�y. c. The �Fol].owi.ng c�nterl.in� manumer��s gha].l. b� sc�t; 1) All c�nterl.ine.-c�n'�erline inters�ac:tions. �ntersectians created wa:�h "cr,llector" ar uther existing str�ets, shal.]. be set when �9�� centerline a�ignment af s�i.d "cm].].ec#:nr" or ather str�eet ha� b�en establ�shed by or fr�r the �i•�y: �) C�nter of a7.1 cut-�I�-•sacs; 3) �urv� points. Pniri� aF inter�s�ct:ior� (P.�.) when their pasitian fa11s i,nside th� l.a.ma:ts ��F th� pavement �ther�wise b�ginning art�d' encizng pQ�ints (B,G, and E.C.). 4) A11. sanitary and starm 1oc�tions shall. bE p):aced in pas�.tic,ns tha�t do not inter�Fere with centerla,ne mar�umentat iai�r, � F:CNtal. ClRp�.R 1110. 8'�- OR`P� -- (S 3--85) - pA(�E 4 8. The "b�sis af b�ari,�gs" far the P1at ar �urvey 3h�1� bE C.S. #�19,947, wh9.ch is a ��r•�e raf�he Ta.g�rd Fie1d Sur�vey Nwtsaor•k. �, 9. An n`1CC@SS permit shal.l be r�k�•t�ined fr�am WasMi.nqtan C�a�sr��ty far th� �tr�e� �ritr•ai�ce to 13��h hiu�nue. 1Q, A City of T'iqard apprau�d nory-•r�monstr�nc� ���eem�r�t for stree�t and s-tts�^m dr�air7age im�arovem�n�t:s r�n 1:�5th Auenue, shall be subm3.tted ta �t�e Engineering piuisian far r�uiew anc� subseq�cn� Ci�y Councal �p�arr�ual b�fore �the final plat a.s recc,r°ded. 1y., A 2�—faat wa.c��, 2 a.nch Glass B asph�lti.c cancrete r�uerl�y sh�l.l. b� p].acpd an 9.�59:h Avenu� b�tw�en Schall.s Fer�ry Rr�ac� �rid the sauthern boundary a�F th� subdiuisi.ran. 1"he averlay shaa.l b� eampl.eted k�y 'n must be a rc�u�d deadlx � Qc�tober� 30, 1985. Any extensxun r�f �hzs I�fa by the Ci.ty er�gine�r, The Ci.�:y Engi:n�er shal.l. al:sn haue th� au�Mc�ra.�y to del�te ���a.s cand:i.ta.can i.f tl�e cr�ns�ru�:tian a•F o�er.essary str�eet i.m�ruvements on 13F.i�h Au�nuP a.s assured by an L.:C.D, or simi.l.ar arrar�g�ment. 12.. The s�reet d�si.gry sh�ll. be madi.fied sa that arie street acc:�ss i.s pr•auidec� urrta 1��'��h Ruenue, 'The s�trnet loc:a�a.an 3�a11 bc� ap�arov�d by tF�e Gi.ty Enga.r���r. 13, �i&�:er r�cui.ew and ap�raval by ttr� PX�nning pir�ctor and Pub].a.c Wc�rks DireGtr�r, anci aF�t�r �the cmnstrue�tior� agre�merr�: an�l performarice bond� arc �acr.e�t�d by the City, or �assur�nc� of �.n �- a,m�r�nc�ing I_.�,p, is �ecur��r� Day urdi.nar�ee crpa�ting said L.:C,D. , th�e F'inal Plat shall bP recurded wath Wash�.ngton Caunty. J.4. P�rane Q�P i:hm saabdiuisian lr,�ts sh�l.l havp cfir�ect acc��� to i.�5�th Aventae. 15, Na par�king Rha],2 b� perma.tted a� �F�i,s ].35tM Auen�a� en�rance to �he suF,x�iuis9.an, 16, This ap�raua]� i.s ualid if ex�rcised withi.n one. y�ar n�E the fi.na:l. ciecisi.on c�ate. I:t is further ordered that th� �pK>l.ican� bP natifa,ed af �h� entry af tM3.s r�rCl�r. PASSE:C); T'his ,�,....,,�„h._._._. day o�F May , i.985, by the P7.anni.ng Commi.ss•i.aw� ', of 'tl�e C�.ty af 'T'ic��rd. �r��'e. �� 1 T C.e - (�/l.e�o. ����:��� Bonnie L. Owens, Vice President Tigard Planning Cammi.ssi.an (K�I..;bs/1�'7'�P) � �T;NAL qRp�'R Nq. 85-� D�� -� (S 3��85) -� RAG� 5 STA�'F R�.F�(�F2"!.. AGF::NC�A Tl"EM 5.1 (�pRI� 16, 198$ - 7:30 P,M. TI:GARU PLANNI:IVG COMMT�SI:01� FC1WI_F R JUN:C�R HTGH SCI-IOOL - I..taI 1Q855 S. W. WA!_NUl° '1`�GARO. ORF�'�QN 97223 A. FACT'S 1. Gener�l 7Cnformation CA�E; Sudivisiun (5 3�-85) RE(�UEST'; T'a di,vide � 7.0.7 acre parcel a.n�to 63 ].uts s^anging �Fr�om 5,000 to 6,000 square 'FkyH'�, CQMP(tEN�N�;IVE PLAlV p�SII.;NAT'I:qN: Nl�di.um Nigh l��nsi.�y Resi,dPnti�l. ZON:�NG DES:CUNAT:CqN: R�-Z5 �Resic��nti.al., 25 un3.ts/acre) APpL.ICANT': Krueger �su�l.apment Ca./ OR•••-AK t�ar�p, UWNFR: Russell A, Krueger 13050 SW f"arest Meadaws W�y 3515 SW k3ar�bur B].vd. Y-•�•1 I...ake Oswega, UR 97034 Par�l�nd, O�t �7;t01 I..00AI"TpN: Wc�st si.de of ].�5th Ave, b�etw��n S.W. Marni.ng Hli.l.l. l7►^, anc� S,W. Wir�ter I..ake Dri.ve (WC;'TM 1S1 :3�C, TL 1400) 2. Backclround The property w�s annexed ta the City on Tun� ].Z, 1983 and i.n August, 1�383, � Medium Migh D�nsity Plan design�ti�ri and R•-?.0 zr�ne was a�plied ta the pro�crty. In arder t� comply with the Me�ra�alitan Wnusing Ru].e, the Gi�y chanc��d •the R�-�2Q zone to R••-�5. On Fek�ruary, 1984, the C;i.ty a�praved the reloc�ta,on af � G--N (Neiyhbr�rMuod C�amm�rcial) zone ��r� be withiri the subj�ac�t pr�oper��y, 4n April 2, 1985, tFre Commiss9.�in recommended a�a�ruval, to Gi.ty Counci.l of � pr��posa]. �U shi�F�t the C�-tU zone �Frnm i.�"ath Avent,i� to Scho11� F�r•r•y Rraad (CF�A 4-85/ZC 4•-85), T'his request wi�.l. be cGnsidered by tMe Cr�urrci.). an April 22, 1985. �iince rpsiderrt3.a1 uses are nc�t permittPC� in fihe C--N zane, this request must b� a�prr�ved before the suk>di,visi.vn m�y be platted. 3. Vici- ni�y_�nfarmati.ar� E:xce.pt for sev�ral sca�tered hamESites, tP�e ar�a b�tween 135�h Auenue an� Schr�lls F�rry Fl�aci is wnc�euelapsd. The larid wesL•• r�f 135th Au�nue that abu�s thP prr�posed subdi.uisian s�,�te i.s a].so xoned R--25. A ma.xture �af 4'I�VP.ZO�SP.t� anc� uacar�t ].ai�d (i.ncluding Brittany Squre, Wir�ter i,.ake, and Morning Hi�.l), wi.th a variety of r�sidenti.al. xane d�signati.ans li.e to the �ast af 135th Auenue. S1"AFF R�F�ORI" - S 3--�85 -• PAGE 1 i 4. Site TnfArmation . Th� subject pruperty i� pr�s�ntly undeuel.apec�, The a�p].i.carr� is prapusing a 63 lUt s�abdivisa.an wxth •two strc�cats intersectii�g w�.tM 13ath Avenu�. One straet i.s 9.ntpnd�d to �xtend ta the west when the. r�m�i.nder af the pr��per•ty is dev�lope�d, 5, A��and NP(? Comments The Fngir►E�eri.ng I�iuisian has the fallawing cc�mments: a. Sani.tary sewage c:c�rinectian surcharg�!s far Wedgewaod-�.�AmEricai•i Cuararttre and I..eron Mpights Inter�Qp��r, Lnc. b, T'he strept desic�n shr��ld be macii,fiEd so fi:hat only one� stre�t intersects with 135�th Au�nup. - a e is c, A 1oc:a1 i,m rGVem�nt di.strict nan—remanstr nc� � r� .m�n�t I p � n�cess�r�y for s�r•Eaet and stor•m drain�ge imprr�uemcar�ts al+���g 1�5�th I Aver�ue. d, Tn ].i,eu af constructing I�a].�F--�s�re�t i.mpro�ements �l.c�nq tt��: y.�5�h Auenue frontage, the �pplicant sh�a�alc� prr�u:i.r�e �. 24 �fr�ot wi.de asphalt overlay fr•um �he sauthern boundary af th7� suk�da.vi.sion to SchaZls F�r�ry Roacl. Tf �th� subd9.visiun i,s pla��:t�d thiis summer, tl�ia.s impravement shuWld cammence ne, �.ater �han �ctab�r 1, 1985. e, l.ats abu�t:t:ing ].35th Auenue u�i11 r��� h�u� dir•ec�� acr�ss to �rhis stree�, f. Off--site dra9.nage. easem�nts showl.d be proui.ded as nec�ssary, g. I�arking shauld be proh�ibited at the subcJivasion ei�itrance. The Bui.l.ding �:nspecti.an office has na objecti.on ta tM� prapGSal., Washinc��tan Courity indicates i:h�at 1�5�th Auenue is a Coun�y Rc�ac� arrd an �CG�33 permi�t wi1], be required, No Uther written c�.�mments haue been rsceived. 8. F�:Np1NG�� ANL) CONGI,.US70N5 The rea.evant criteria in this cas� are Statewi.de Pl.�nni.ng Goa].s 1, 2, and 10, �'igard Cr�mpr�ehensive Plan poliries 2,1.1, 7.1.2, and 8.1.3; �nd Gommunity pev�l.r>pm�r�t Code Chapters 18,56, 18,16Q, and 18.16A. '1'he Pl.anning S��aFf concluc�es th�at the propasal. is c�nsis�hent with •the , ap�li,cable �tatewide planning Goals and Gui.de�.ines based upr,n �he , following findings: a. G�al #1 is met bc�eause the Gi.ty has adopted a Ca.tax.i�r�s x�nvoluem�nt progr•am inc�.uding revi�w o�f all deuQl�apmer�t a�pli.ca�ions by the Neighbarhuad Plarming Organixatian (Np0). Ir� additir�n, a11 publ.ic na�ice r�q�air��m�nt� were met, Sl"AF�' R�'PORI" — S 3--•8� -- PAGE 2 _--=_---------- , � � _. , b, Goal. #2 a,s me•t because th� Ci.ty ap�lied �la. applicable St�•tewide Planning G�aals, Ci�y C�inprehensa.ve Plan Polic:ies ai7d D�velopm�nt Code requa.r�m�:�;�:� t� tha� ���ali.cati.rarr. ' c, Goal #10 is sata.sfiQd I��Gb1�ASP, th� prapasal uiall. �araui.de for �I hausang as cantemplated k�y thE Ci.ty CompreMensive plan, I The Plannir�g Staff has de�ter�mined tP►at the pr�,pasal as swbmi��t�c�, nr I� with nririar mc�dific�tions, as consistent wa.th th�e rele�ar7t partior+s af •tMe Cr.ampreh�nsi.u� Rlan ba�ed upon �the firrdi�ngs ncated belaw: a, Pl�n E�r�].icy 2.�,.1 is sat�.sfi.ec� bc�caus� the Nei,ghbarhund Planriing Qrgar�i.xaaian aric� surrourrci:i��g prs,per•ty nwners w�r�e given r7u�ta.ce o�F � th� h��ri.rrg and an apportunity to camment on the app].i.carr�'s � prapasal. b, f�l�n Pc,Ii.cy 7, y..?.. i.s sati.sfied b�cause adpq�aate water, sewer, and star•m dr�inage far.iliti�s are auai,l.abt� �to tMe dev�l�a�m�r�t, 'The ap�ilic:ant dl.su indic�tes that thes� ��cili.ti,es wi.11. be proui,ded wi•thin �i:Me subdivisic,n as requirad by Cx�y sfi:aridards. r�. Plae7 Po].icy 8, ]..3 wi.11 b� satis•Fi�d when the canditi.ons �,f �r<,prc�aal rplai:ii�ic� ��o s��rr�t ;iaiprau�mer�ts fior 135•Gh Au�nue ars r4111�}],&!'�@{�, The Planning s��i f has determi.ned that the �ropasa]. i.s cr.,nsisten� wi.th tha r�leuarit par•tir�ns af the G�mmunity Deuel.opin�nt Cac�� basQd �ipan ��he� fin�iir�gs nated b�].aw: a. Chap�cr 18,56 ofi' tMe Cude i.s satisf9.ec� FJP„G�W38 th� �,rapasal. meets a11 �f �the r�quir�nrer�ts of �the �'-25 �one. b, Chapter 18,160 r�f the Co�e is sat;i.sfied b�cause th� pru�asal me�ts the requiremer�ts se�� fc�r•th f�ar �:h�? stak�missie�n �i•ic� appraval o•f a , preli.minary p],at, c. Chapter 18,164 of �tie Cr��l� wi].1 be sata.sfi�d durinc� tt�e �pproua]. prar•ess for �t:he fii�al pl�t. TMe prel.i,minary p�,a� it'I�I1Gcl'�P.S th�at all. Ci,ty standards can be met. C;. 12�d��NM1k:NDA'1"l:ON Based upan the findi.r�gs ar�d concl.usi.orrs abave, thE Planning staf�F recr�mm�rrds prelimir�ary pl:at ar�prraval raf S 3�-85 subject tra �the followi.ng condi,ti,ans; �., UNLESS OTHEFtWT�E NOl"ED, ALL. CONq�I"�',QNS SHAL.L. B�: ME�" pF2ZUR 1"0 RECORp;CNG THE F"TNAI_ P4.AT, 2. Seven (7) sets of plan�-•profi].e public �.m�rauemPnt construct�,nn plans amd une (1) i.temi;�ed cans�rucfi:a.on cnst es�imate, stam�ed by a F2egisterecl Prufessiona]. Ci.u9.]. Engineer, detailing all proposed publi.c impravem�nts shal.l lae submitted tra the Engine�rirrg SectiUn for appraval., STAFF R�PORT — S �•--85 �- PAIaF 3 , � 3. Sani.'�ary s�wer �l.�n--profile detai].s shall b� prr�vided as par� �f I ��he �aublic i.ntiprovement plar�s. 4, Canstrwcti.an a�F propaxed pub].i.c i.mprouements shall nat cammence ur�ti.l afi:er �:he Engineerir�g Sectian has i.ssuad appraued public impravEmer7t plans. T'he Section wi.la. r�quire pusting af a 100°6 Per�far•m�n�e 8ond, LMe �aaym�ri�: of a per•mit Fe� �rir,� a sign ��,5t��.a.�t���,igtr��ti��r�t �Fee. A].so, the execwt�.an of � construt�tion cr�mplian�e agr�empr�t sha7.1 occur pri.ar to, ��r cancurrently wi.th tMe 1SSU�!'1G�! af appraued pub].ic i.mprouem�nt pl�ns. 5. A ari� (1') foat reserve str•ip granted tr, th� "Ci,�y uf Tigard�� sh�11 b� prava.c��c� at the �ter�ma,nus of roarlways abut�tir►g ac�jac�ilt ownershaps. 6. Ad�iti.nn�1 right--af-+,�ay shall. kre dedicated ta the Pwbl.ic a.lang the SW 135�h f�venue frr�ntac�e t�a a:ncrease •L-he r•i.ght—of•�wway to 35 feast frnm cer���rli.ne. TMe descri�tiun far saa.d dedicatic�i7 shall. Fa� ta,�d t4 �Lhe exis�Ca.ng r•ight..�-nf•�-way centpr�.irip as es�abl.i,si7�d by Washinqtan Cour�ty, 1"he deda.c:ation dacument sMa�.l be on Ci.ty F'arms �nd ��apr�ved by the Enginc?er•ing 'Sectian. D�CO7.Cb'L'�7.Gi'1 shall fae r�acum�nted nn tF�e f inal plat. 7. S�tr�et Cen��rli.ne M�num�rr�atian s section 2 the i�h OFtS 97_.OfiO ub I accordanGe w , a, n � ) ceni:erlin�s of all street ar�d rr�adway r�gMts...�f�..-way shall be manum�nted befure �he Ci.ty sha11 acce��t a S't:C'p�?'� impr�o�oen�ent. b. All c�r�tQrlir�� munum�rets sMal.l lap pl.ac�d ir� � manumerit brax can�Firmi.ng tc� Ci.ty standards, �nd tt�e tc�p of a7.1 mon�m�rit boxes sha�.l be set at desi�n finish grade af said s�treet ur roadw� . � I r t: s 1 b� s� c. Th e follawii7 center].ine rn.,n�im�nts hia a, 9 1) A11 c�n�terline•-c�r�terline inters�ctions, Ir��ers�c�9.ans created wi.th "callec�nr" ar c►tt�er existing streets, shall be �e�t wt��i�r� �th7e c�rtterline i al.ignm�nt of sai:cl "cGl.lac�a►^" or atMer s•tr�eet has bc�en est�bli.shed by ar for the C::ity: 2) Cer�ter o�F a11 CU�.•-i�E!--Sa"lCS; 3) Curve paints. Poir�t af Xntersecta.r,n (P.�C.) wh�n tMei.r posa.ti�n fa11s insi.de the l.imits af th� �arem�nt n�herwi,se begi.nning and ending points (B.C, and F.C. ). 4) f�11, sanitary and starm locatiar�s sha11 be �laceci in positions ��hat do n�t inter�t�rs wi�M c�nter].ine manum�ntatian. i:.': til'AF"F i�ENt�i�T — S 3..-�5 — PA�iF 4 : ''' ;,;, {,; r`: .�- _ _ _ ,. 8. 1"hs "basi.s of k��ari.ngs" fur tN�e C�1a� or �uruey sha].]. be C.S, �19,947, which is a part �af �the 'Tigarc� Field Survey N�±twork. 9. An access p�rmit sMall k�� nha•t�ined fram WasMing��an Caurrty for �hp street errtrance ta 1�5th Avenue, 10, A Ci.•ty a�F Tigard a��roued non--remanstr�ance agre�m�nt far street and stur�m dr�inage imprnvemen�ts, shal], be suNamil:tec� ta �the Engi.neerin� Diuisian far reui.a�w and suk�sequerit Ga.ty Counci]. approval before the •Pina1 plat is recorded. �.1. A 2.Q--faot wide, 2 i.nch Clas� 9 as�Hialtic COi'1CY'E?'�E� over].ay shaa.]. be placpd r�n 135�h fiu�nur� b�twF�prr Scl7al.ls Ferry Rc,�;�c� �rrd �tl7p souttner�n baunc�ary r�f fi:he subdi,ua.sion. 1"he overl.ay shall. be cum�let�d by 4�tube�• �0, 1��5, (�rry extension ��F �his de�dline must be a�aprnued k�y the Ci.t,y engine�r. TMP City Enginee�^ shall a1.so haue t��e authori�y tn delete •this condition if �:Me cUnstructir�n uf ner.essary street im�rou�m�nts ar� 7.35th AvenuF a.s a�sured by ar� L,:C,n, ar similar arrangpment. 12, The sitreet design shall br madified sa •CN��t ar}� s�reet a�cess is pr�ovie�ed ar�to 1J''�th Avenue. The strc�et locata.on �ha11 bn a�a�ravr�d by the City Engi.neer. �.3. Af��r ra�ui�w �nd a�,�raua). by th� F�].anning Gi,rc�ctar aricl Publi,c Wr,r•ks Darec•tar, �nd af�ter the cans�truction ayr�emr�r�•t and perform�er�c� bonds are acG�pted by t�7� C;i.t�, or assurar7ce of ai•i impenc�ing I..,T.q, is secur•ed k�y r�rdinance creating saa.d i...I.D. , the Final Pl�t sh�ll. be r�carded witM Washingtori County. 14, i�r�ne nf tl�e s�al�divisir�n lryts shall h�ue da.rEa,r,t access to �.35�t1h �venu�, :15, Nra parki.ng �h�ll. be p�rrnitt�d �t tP7�.s 135th Av���we en�r�nce to the subda.vi.s�.on. 16, Thi.s a��r�nval. is ualid i�F ex�rcis�d wi.thi.n ane year af �he final r• c�ecision d��e. , C�� PHFI�t�RFU BY; Keith I_iden ��� ANpRl�VFI� 8Y: Wi.'�li�m A. Monahan Associate Planner �i.r�ctar af Planni,ng & Qeve l�rpm�r�t (].2U8P0) I �I � STAFF R�'PqRl" .„, S 3...g5 _.. FAG� ra � F � i Propo��l for preliminary plet wpprodel Winter Lake II loceted in the City of Tigerd March 15, 1985 The ��quests This is a request to s�bdivide a ia.7 acre ��rcei of land into b� ssngle f�mily latS with � minimum of S,OOU �quare feet in each lot. Ex��ting Condition�a Th� site is lacated on SW 135 the Street between SW Winter Lake Drfve and SW Morning Hil, Driv�. The �a�� hes good d�einage end the elevations vary from 230 feet to a low o# 218 f ee� near �he East boundry. Current Uses The property is vacant nnd until recently �es used as a field f or fa�m crops. �eget�tione The rntire parcel is a field with no veget�tio�. Surroundfng Land Usesn The Brittany Square Subdivision is aeros� the str�et and North �f the property. Mornang Hill 8ubdivisi�n is South �nd aeross the street from the prop�rty. The balance of the su�raundang property is scattered single f amily and some out buildings. It is our intention to constuct the �ubdivi�ion improvements to �eet or exc�ed the Public Work 8tanderd� f or the City of TigArd. We will provide all imp�ovements to e�ch lot so that this will be a "Full Service Subdiviaion". S W 135th �treet will require h�lf street improvements. It is not prac�.ical to do the helf street amprovements et this time becau$� af th� present �l�vetfon ofSW 1�5th Street. We propose that our ' Engineer estimat� the cost of the ha14 t�treet improvement end s band be posted f�r an amount su�ficient to pay fc�r the i�r+provements� To the beat of aur knowledge e]T r�equir�ments have b�en met far approval af this propsel end all required aubmission� have be�n included with thiffi application. Applieantse Krueger Dcvelopme�nt Company� an Oregon �orporation Russell A. KrueQer, President OR-AIf �orporation, an Oregon Cr�rporation Oordon Hobba. Prrai dent ____ . . . _.__ . . STAf'F REppR1" AGF�NpA Il"�M 5.2 T�e�c�ay, April 16, 1985 •- 7:90 p,M, TTGARU PL_ANNxNG C;C)NN`1x5SI:c�N �'QWLER JUNIOR N:CGN S�fi00L -- I..��I 1Q8�5 �.W. WAL.fl1UT' 'y"TGARQ, �7R�l;ON 91'x23 A, F'ACT� �.. G�neral Infarmaati.an CASE:: �ampreh�nsi.ue Pl�n Amendment (Cpt� 5�8�'�) and �onE Ch�cnge ("LC � �...�gg�, i R�QUES`f': Plan amendment frr,m Commerci.al Prafessian�l to L.ight Industrial ,�rid a xun� ch�i��g� f'rr�m C•.�p (Cr�mmPrcaal Professian��.) �c� I-�-P (Ii�rdu>tri.a�. Park) . '! APPt_TI�ANT: (�ity of Tigard t�n1N�t2: 5re k��low L.00Ai"TqN: Pt°r��os�]. i.nvolvES ?..]. tax lc,ts whi.ch uti.lzze 5andburg Stre��� fc�r acc�ss (WG:'t"M LS1 11)C, 1�.��ts 11�d, 3700. 370].r 37't7�, ��03, 38U0, �aq1., 39(70, 4�.OQ; WC�'�'i 2��. 1[?C�, lc�ts ip0, 2Q0, 1(!]., 300, 4nt�, 4p1, 4t]1A1, 50d, 6tJU, 7��7, 7Q1, 7tJ2). 2, E�c'1CI( 1"q1.11�1CI 1"he: P�.an far NPO # 5 wa� �drapted by tP7e Ci.ty Crauncil ran A�gu�� 2.?.., �.977, (Qr�d. 77•--69). Tf�e plan ���d crrr�resp�,ri�ia.ng zUr�e G�@31��'la"1�7.GMS w�rp Industr^ial. Park (M-•�A) an the north si.de r�fi' aandbwrg St;r��� ar�d Ne�uy Industri.al (M��-2) to �he sau�th. �3c�th of �h��� Z41911'it� dis�ricts al,lr,�wed fur• cammerci:�1 office ar�d i.ndustrial uses. Dur�ing �the City•-w�.c�e r�v�ew r�f �the t;umprehensive Plan i,n 19�:�, •�he zar�ing for ttr� SWk7�@G'� prap�r�a.es was chanqed ta G--•F� (Cummerci.al Pr�,fessian�l), wa.th �h:Me excep�:i�arr ��f tax lats 7Q0 and A10Q whach remai.ned We�auy Iwidiastria]. (T.-•H) . Alang with the chang� i.ri ��he m�p d�signati�,n, the las•t of permittr�d uses in �aah xonNCi w�s r�dwced and the �-•F� z�n� dr,�s nr�t a��.l:caw indus�trial, uses and I:-H zon� prahabats c�ffire uses, � 4n Octrrber 29, �,�84, tax ].r��s 7'OQ artd �100, �wned by Pacifi.c Western ' b�nk were r�x�nned �o C.��-R (CI�A 21.�-8A, LC 14-84. Ord. 84-6?). 1 i :i i I I j 1 i s� , STAF�' REpc7R�' --• GPA 5�-•85 � Z.� 6�-85 -• PAG� X �;'e 3. V�cinit,y,_Infarmatiun The parc�].s to the nr�r�h are xar�ed C-•P (Commercial Prc�fessiona].) and are c�euelu�ed wi.th rsffice buildings. Highway �,17 and 72nd Au�r�ue r�epres�nt tM� eas��r•n and wes�ern baund�ri.es of the ar�a wndsr cr�nsi.derati.on. The par�:�Ql.s imm�di�tel.y wesfi: ��f 72nd Aventa�� a�7d nortM af Saroc�h�urg Sfi>rr�� are alsa zuned C--P, The I--1� (I:ndustrial park) xan� a�apli.es ta tMe prr,,per~k:i.es l�r•a�t;e�ci �cr �:he snuthw�s�t �nd �t�he I--H (Fir�avy In�lustrial) zar�e 19.�s to tPie south. 4. Site Infarmatian The 2�. �arcel.s tha�t are und�r consid�rati.r�n have frarrt�ge and/or o1CC�33 �to Sandburg Stre�t. 'Th� parc�ls ar� cr,,mmitted tn office usP (9 �a�rc�ls totaling r).4, acr�), 1i.ght a.ndus�:r:ia]. use (5 �arc�ls tr�taling 9.3 acres), arrd vacant (6 parcels tat�li.ng 7.2 aer�s) , Ti7e o�ffi�.ce uses are locat�d �t the ��st�r�n and westerri ewid c�1' Sandburg Street wi.�h the irrdus�tr•9.a1 iases situa�Gec� in �Lhe middl.e. Vacarit �:r�tc:ts are randramly di,stri.but�d thiraughout �h� area. "fhe �1an �menc�mPrit anc� zonA rN�ang� �r•� �JJi^Q�D0�4;!G'I to elimin�;�e �he nore--�arti•For�minq status of the estab].i.sM�ed a.ndustr�i.al, uses, 1"he I-�-p xrane �.s tFr+� ur�ly <�istrict which �.11uws �f+�r ba��h oFfir•i� �nd 1ic�h� 9.�wdu��ri�1 �ctiui.ty. Additi.unal �flexa.bal.i.ty r�l�t�d tu commercial. �as�s in �:he I--P z�,r�� wil'!. la� passa.bl.� if T�A 3�-8� {Ac����tida Ti:em '"�.5) �.s ad�apted. :Cn �de�i.tian to th� change i.n the all.ow�d usrs, �th� I:�-�I� zane 9��s a marc stri�r��t�t ldrrciscaping r^ec�uir�em�r�i: r�f �59G o� �thp �.ot are�, r•a�t:her� tF7an 159& ir� the C_..p zone. 5, Aaer���nc� NPCD Camm�nts C;ity dep�t^�mei7ts have Y1G abject�.un tG th� pra�rr��:l. NPO � 5 Nrad thr�caP m�mbprs pres�rrl: at their mee�tir�g ai�d na objec:tions were ra�i.s�d. 8. f TNO�Nf.3S AND CQAfC�I.I.lSLc�N5 T'he rel,ev�rit criteria i,rr �:his case are Statewide planning Gc,al� ]., 2, and 9; anc� Tic��rd Cumprehen�iue P].an p�lic�.es 2.1. 1, 5.1,4, 7,1.2, arid 12,3,1 . T'he Planniric� s�t:�.fif eancl.udes that �t:hi� pr�pos�l i.� ec�nsist�nt with the a�plic�bl:e �#;atewide Pl�ni�a.ng G�aals �nd �uidela.i�es based u�on th� falluwi.r�g findings: a, Gr�al. # �. a.s m�t b�r:ause thP Gity has adc�pted a Gi.tizens Iriunl.u�m�nt �r�gr��m incl:uc�ii�ig reui�w of a11 deuelr��aen�r�t ' ap�lications by �pte Nei.ghbarhoud plann�.ng Orgar�ix�;�ion (NPO). Tr� addit:ian, all publiG nr��ieQ r�quirc�ments were met. STHF'F' RE;F►pRT -�• GpA 5-•85 & ZC 6--85 -� PAGE 2 b, Goa�. {� 2 is met becaus� the Ci�Ly appl.a,�c� all applic�ble S�a�ewi.de Planninc� Ge,al.s, City Com�reMensi.u� F�lan Palici.es and D�uQ'�opmen� Cad� re�7Wi.remen�s ta the appli.catir�n. c, Goal # 9 i.s m�1� b�cause i.�t wi].1 remr�ue �hc r�oi� c4rrforming st��us of s�ver��1 uiable est�bl.ish�c� . busii�ass �o al.law fnr �heir canta.nued use and expansian. 'The Plannin� s��ei'f has deter•mi.rieei tP��� ��he propU��l is cansas��:r�rrt us��Lh the r�levan�t pc�rti.ons af tF�e Comprehensive Pl�n based upan th� finda.ng:: nated bP1ow: (a) Palisy 2.1.1 is sati.sfied because tt�s N�i.ghborhGad Planning Qr�ganizati.on and s�arraundii�y praper�ty owr�ers w�re given ncrtice af th� hearing and an r�pPortuni.ty tc, cnmm�nt awo �k:he ap�'l.ia�nt's propasal. (b; Po19.cy 5.1.4 is sata,sfa.ed b�cause tNie sub�ect prop�rtie3 ar�e not adjacc�rst to a��y resider�ti.al ar•c�as �r�t� h►�u� larer� crrer�mi�F:t�ci to nan-re3idei�ti.a1 usES f'ar many years. (c) Palicy 7.1.2 �is satisfie� becaus� �deq4�ate serui.ces and facil.:itaes are av�.i].�lalc�. (cf) �olicy 17.3 .1 is satisfied be��use tM� subject prc�p�r�t�.es are s�p�ra��d Frtsm ��he r��id�nc;�s un �t�:he wa�st �ic�e �f 7'2r��i Av�nue, traffi.c sha7.l. no� b� ch�n»eled thr�a4igh residenti.al n�ighborhaods, �:he yrade xrf �k:he und�vela��d p�rc�ls is appropri.�t�e fr�r light industrial (ar commer�cial.) develc,pr�e�rrt, ar�ci devela{ament of •tN�e vac�rit parcel.s ►.�n�ier th� y�roui�icai7s r�� �tMe x•-P rr�ne sMnuld i1�t have an aduerse i,mpact upan adja�errt pr•a��rti.es. i C. FtFC()fWMkNDA'i"ION i � Based upan the firrdinc�s and CGI'1C�1A3].OI'1'3 r�otec� abr�ve, t�e Planni.ng st�.ff } re%�rmmends approua�l of CnA 5._85 ar�d ZC 5-d5, i � �� � ..w.....�___... �� .��= �-'������. PRkPARHD � Y: Kai h Li en APC�R�VED i�Y: William A. Mor��h�n 4 Associa�te Pl.anner ia7.6^E!G'ti4Y� of Planninq & i Qeuel�,�ment `_., k { nl (�zo2P�a�9) �� „ p: � � f. i': � STFiFF" REi���tT -- �PA 5--8� & �C: 6--85 -- pAGE 3 � ;: - ;; x � 1 �,.. ..... .... _.�_.-,.... .. �. .._ �_._.:, ,.,.._ - � '�) _� � !. .� � �_;�.� - - _ �a__� ❑ - � _., � � �--- - --_.� � __ - - - 36 31 tu� • T `" a .. .�\ , . . . 11 ST . 4 � r .t,j . �. s .! l��\ �r�i -. . . � :. .�-.'�'..�' �a:� .... � . . M ' �.-. " :,'r" :;..� � .��n,. : `�.,N�t. �.r..� � p . � � , `,. .__._—.--� — -^ � I I � . --I ___ . -- ._ � ., ' _ %n. -i � � � __ " �_ I i r - -- _ I °-� � I ,..; i -� , ._�. '-... _ o i _ � �• ME M _ . _ _ o '� �M � m �._. i a �. ���� 790 I , FNAN% 1 ST11 I�� � �/ SN B F AN aT E _ I_ p { / i F--(�-�- �__1 � - �� PHIL � e 'i '�, �2 / LEVriOS < . v ,' M� / S.W. G :a A ��.. %`j�'� K�" � ' L E�I�!1.� - T � ;' r < - _ , � � . � 1 6.W. HA VT N T m� . '�� '� EE STREET _ T . / _ I C — I ' T < , y� _\' � • 'YO � ���n S - M1 E � �� LL � __ '.'_ 7�. � �1 � t> �� ' ' _' y \ � >/ \ I \;� � � � . . ' / `, / , � � , v „ � _ � .�. � -- - \ �: 6W L � I VARNS �.. L.._. � �` ��,ik AY I_ � ��. � � � i T ; 4 -_ � � ` '_ _ 1'_ - � ' � c?i _.. _-—----- s , ^� I FI fl T i � ; c --..._.._.I � � � � � � i yi FIP L . . � .. _.-, ' f � I —i--1 �.__ .. � � � '� �n ^ .E R �TREE� I �� � � � �. •�� .-'�-'� SAN05UR � �.�I . .. . , , "_ _ ..1 �/ f S7REE "' . }... -/� l _ '._-f.,.., . . y ., ... . . ,. KR�J�.w�Y . _�. . . . ��...� . .r .. . . � -� . _ . ._ . _ . ��.� . _.......-... . .,,_.� ........ ...- -..,__ =� . .r. __ _. ... ._ ._ . ... ....._._.... .. .. . .� _ _ ._.:.: _ .. . ... .. .a � __ .-,..� . . . _.,. . .a--...: ___. .,• � .. . � _ - �-.. (� ���_ � :���. ` � � � :.�: . � t.'\ fiy�� i:;r 12 .7 T , t . .I . �/ �� 16W. Ad0 0.NK LN: r 1 �'} ~ ' �l �o � 'll' ( v ... 1 -�) i �� W: . ME _ � �: - ' i / . '. . f C I ( \� , , k . . � .s� �W � � �t - \ ■ � - , ' ,� � ��1 / \ .s i , ,� .._N LO � I � � � � '�/\ I _�" __ � � ' � \.... I ___ � . S:W. � �OONIT.� ( I ROAD � .. . ('W. IIAILL_ _ . , � � �-1�.� . ..1_ � � ��. , e ir�1\_._ ✓�/%' I ;- � a ... . �. � ; � _ - C � \ _ ` _ , , _ � u � . E � '.. �� � __'" .'-_ --�— �_'.'--_-"-'— — � �. ._.._.__� / ' . , .. �. /. 8 M � , � � — � ._� . .. ._ �. __.. .. �i-- � .�.. . , _ ,. ��.. - _: _ ___ __ . ,r- � ` - _, .. �..� u __.__. .. � ! . .. i�NN� ..__._. ..__ . .. � . ,. �_� i �_ � _ �_ ;.: _ r f" _ _ G:r��. v � _ ._ _. ' ..' ' '�"�...... , A J 'I /r �.. • ( I 1 ��� . ,� .,,;, �� t�-� �..,..JI_:[ �T «, - ' � �---r----. � - . City of Tigard Planning Commission Final Order No. 85-D 9 P� � A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS, WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE (V 8-85) REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD. The Tigard Planning Commission received the above application at a public hearing on April 16, 1985. The Commission based its decis�on on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Variance V 8-85 REQUEST: For a variance from Section 18.164.070 of the Community Development Code which requires that sidewalks be constructed �o � Ciky standards. The variance, if approved, wauld allow the requirement for sidewalks in front of lots 39, 40, and 41 on SW Novare Ct. to be waived. COMPREHENSIV'E PLAN DESIGNATION: Public Right-of-Way, Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: Public Right of Way, R-4.5 (Residential 4.5 C�, units/acre)e APPLICANT: City of Tigard OWNER: Same (Public Right-of-way) 12755 SW Ash Ave. Tigard, Oregnn 97223 LOCATION: SW Novare Court, public right-of-way in front of lots 39, 40, and 41, Washington County Tax Map 2S1 3DB 2. Background Public Improvement plans were issued for construction for Genesis II on September 6, 1978 subject to conditions. Sidewalk.s were required on the west side of Novare Court. Construction of the homes on SW Novare Court took place from April 1979 through 1982. Auring construction, the City allowed the homes to be built without sidewallcs. As a result residents have incorporated the portion of the public right°of--way designated for sidewalks into their yards. The three affected property owners have petit3oned the City to have the requirements for sidewalks in front of their homes waived. 3. Vicinity Information �; All of �he surrounding propertiPS are zoned R-4e5. A11 of the lots except , one on SW Novare Court have single family homes on them with landscaped yards. SW Novare Court is approximately 2SQ feet long and ends in a cul-de-sac. There are 12 lots with direct access onto SW Novare Court. ,; FINAL ORDER N0. 85-�PC - V 8-85 Page 1 � :;{ , � I ! I 4. Site Information :G� ; The ea�t side of SW Novare Court is too steep ta accommodate sidewalks so none were required on that side as a condition of development. The west s3de of SW Novare Court is less steep in front of lots 40 and 41, hora�ever, the grade is fairly steep at the corner of lot 39 and SW Genesis Loop. The residents of lots 39, 40, and 41 have landscaped to the curbs on SW Novare Court. 5. Agency and NPO Comments NPO 4f 3 reviewed the request at �their April 15, 1985, meeting. The Engineering Division supports the variance request. Comments were not received from the Building Division or the Tualat3n Rural Fire Protcction District. 1 � B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals l, 2, and I2; Tigard Comprehensive Plan I�olicies 2.1.1, 3.1.3; and Chapter 18.134 and 18a164 of the Community Development Code. The P:Lanning Gommission concludes that the propo�al is consistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines based upon th� following findings: a. Statewide Planning Goal �� 1 is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of all development applications by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO). In addition, a11 public notice requirements were mQt. b. Statewide Planning Goal �� 2 is met because the City applied a11 applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirements to the application. c. Statewide Planning Goa1 4� 12 is satisfied because the City has adopted policies and standards to ensure a safe and efficient street and roadway system. The Planning Commisssion has determined that the variance request is warranted in that it is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based on the fimdings noted belos�e ! (a) Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning I Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of i the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's � proposal. ;i � i ,� i � FINAL ORDER N0. 85-OQ PC - V $-85 Page 2 ; �' . „ r _ _ _ , . � .. .._.�_..::_? (b) Plan Policy 8.1.3. is not satisfie� because the condition to p construct sidewalks in front of lots 39, 40, and 41, of SW Novare Court has not been met. This condition may not have been practical however, in that the sidewalk would not complete an existing sidewalk system and the topography at the corner of SW Genesis Loop and SW Novare Court may be too steep to accommodate a sidewalk improvement. The Planning Gommission has determi.ned that the varis.nce request is , consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code I based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18.134 of the Code includes five criteria (Section 18.134.050) for granting a variance. Those r_riteria are as follows: (1) The proposed variance will not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this code, be in conflict with the policies of the comprehensive plan, to any other applicable poZicies and standards, and to other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity; 2 There ar ( ) e special circumstances that exist which are peculiar to the lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the �pplicant has no control, and which are not applicaL�le �o other properties in the same zoning f3istrict.; � (3) The use proposed will be the same as permitted under this code and cifiy stan.dazd� will be maintained to the greatest extent that is reasonably possible, while permitting some economic use of the land; (4) Existing physical and natural systems, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forms or parks wi11 not be adversely affected any more than would occur if the development were located as specified in the code; and (5) The hardship is not self-3mposed and the variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. (Ord. 83-52 Exhibit A(part), 1983). Since the proposed sidewalk improvement would not complete an existing sidewalk system, the intent of policy 8.1.3a requiring the construction of sidewalks is not violated. In addition, the topography of the area mighk make sidewalk construction difficult. The use of the land would not be altered in any way by granting this variance. Pedestrian traffic will not be further affected by granting this variance since construction of sidewalks in f ront of lots 39, 40, and 41 would only connect to sidewalks on Genesis Loop. The City allowed the homes to be con�tructed and occupied prior to construction of the sidewa'lks and residents have asked to have the condition waiv�d. � FINAL ORDER N0. 85-Qq PC - V 8-85 Page 3 �' C. DECISION Based upan the a�ove findings and conclusions the Planning Commission approves Vmriance V 8-85 subject to the following condition: 1. All land dedicated as public right°of-way shall remain as public right-of-way including that �ortian orig3nally intended for sidewalk improvements. It is further order that the applicant be nntified of the entry of this order. PASSED: This 6th day of May , 1985, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. � �u�c-a Bonnie Ow�ns, Vice PresYdent � Tigard Planning Co�mmission 1303P � t �. FINAL ORDER N0. 85-�PG - V 8-85 Page 4 , _ : . , � :� ., . `, 4I ;';� C�:1"Y OF 1"I:C,hRI� �� � F';CNAI.. vRnFR IVO. BA.�__..�..1...,.,,..._�d� A F'1:NAL.. 4RG?Eit !:N TFIE MHT"1"E:R Of' T't���: AI�PL_xCAT'T;ON FOR A 7..qNE �;FIANGL. �tF:QUf;:SI"EI� HY TH� �:;I'rY UF" 'T':CG(�RD, F:[:I..H NIJMF3Eh' '.7.CH� 17..-8A, I�PI�{�(7V;CIV�; "fHF� I'tF�c�tJFS'1', I;:N'1"kk;CNG FTN�ING�a ANC1 CONC;I,US�:bNS. '1"hP Tigarc� pl�enning �+�mmissir�n h�ar<i ��I�� �b��u�a �pplirati.r�n �t a h�ari��g Mpl.d an NravQmb�r �.3, 198Q. Th� Ci,t,y r�f 'f'i.gard was r���r�s�nt:�+d by E:],i.-r.abetM A, New�an. AssQriat� P],anner. "fi��� praper�ty awners, J�n and Judy Fessl�r spoke in supprrr� uf` �:F��� C�.u�'s ���er�u�st, ThQ t�anrmissian fincis tl��e fc�l].nwing {'AC't'S i.n ��his �riai:�w_r; 1, 1"he City rE�qu�sted tu a�id a Mistr�ric pistri.ct Ovcrl�y or�� prUp�r�y whirh is preserrtly znn�c� R,A-5, '1'he praper�ty is lrara�t:�c� at 11180 SW `' F�nnE�r (Washi.r�c�tr�n County "I"ax Map 251-�3AC 1"ax I..�at 1700) . '� 2, Th�e �itY� s Justi�a.ra�tion is praserit�d in tha m:in�atas �:�fi' Li�7� N�avt�mber 13, ].984, Pl.anning Cornmi.gsar�n FIE��r�iryg. :Cr�foi�mati.un suppc��r�tar�g th� rp<�u�s� is �fr.�iand in Planning O��aar���mr�ri�t f�.le number 7.ta4-I13 17...-8q, 'T'h� prup�rty r�wrr��rs su�pr�rt�d th��� Staff rccarnrnccr7d��ir�i�i, Nu oth�r ��rsons a�pearec� �t�� te�ti��y, Based u�r,n the r�c�rd Uf �ta�is c�sc�, thc� C�amma.ssi.r•,,n ma.l<c�s th� fra'1.�.r�wir►g � �,�.��.��ta5; 1, 1"h�i� r��l�vant d��ir�ava]. cr�.teria a.ri t�r9.s r,�s�� ar� �tatNwidc� Planr�ing Goals 1, 2 and 5, Campr�hensivp Pl,�n Polir_� 3.7, 1 ar7r� Cpmmuni�ey D�u�lra�,mcint Crad� S�C�:],rar"1 18,82..Oi.O and �.A ,82.030. 2, Sta�tewic�� Pl�nnirig t,r,��l #1 �is met beca�.�se k:he �;ity has ac�raptpc� � Gitir�ns I:r�vr�].uc�nrer��: �ar��gr�am i.ncluda,r�c� r��vi�w of a.l.l d�uc�lr�pmer�t applic��tir,,nx by �:Me Neic�hbr�rh�r,�d Plarmirtig 4rgana.xa�ti.�an (NPO) , In additihn, a].1 puk�l.i.c nr�ti.r�� requircmE�nts werc� m�t. 3. Sta�te�•ic�e Planning Go�.1 �#2 is mp�t �P.r'�IIASP, the Gity appl.i�d al.l appli.cablE� Statewidc Pl�nnirig Gc,a].s, Ci.ty Comprehensiv�a Plan F�uli,ci.es and D�v,a_1n�mrar�t c�rade r�+q�air•emen�s to �he �pplicatinrr. n. 5t�t�wi.d� P].an�nir7g Gaa1 #5 is m�t k>��r•au�c� �:h� Ca,t�� haa adupt�d a p�alicy �s �aar•�t of it's Cr�mprehpnsiue P1ar� tn prnm�tp the �rpserv�atir,ri � �nd pratecti.r.�n of histaricall,y signifi.cant structur�s. ; 5, Ci.ty o�F 'Tic�ar�d P1an Policy � .7, �. is met becausH thp City has id�n�i.fied hi.str�ri.sally signifi,car��: s�r�acturES ar��l has i.ncl.ud�d a Chapter in the Crammunity D�uQlapm�rrt f,;r�de ta preserv� ancJ pra��ar�t histaric structures in the City, � ; ;` � i � . 6 �: k . _ _ } I 6. Chapt�r x8.82 of" the C�ity's Cr,��r�muni�ty I��vel�,�amant Cuc1p is met becaus� the si.�e cur7f�rms to tl�i� ��rpraua�. cri�er•ia as s��:f�r�h in 1A.6�.03Q in � tMat the stru�:tur�p is id�n•tifi�:d w�ith t�harle4 Tigard, sran c�F the City's namesake and importa�n�: i.n N7is r,wr� ri.gMt �s a cnntra.buti.r�g m�mb�r of the r�r>��munity. ' `I"h� �;ammissa.rrn adup�s the fU1l,Uwi.1~�g CONCI.Ua�UIUS 0�' L.AW: a. , F3a��a� u�r.,n Findirrgs 2, 3 and 4, �thQ C�<�ir�missir�rr I•i�s c�etcar�mirrcyd th��L �he propasal m��tx th� app�.icatal.e 5tat�wid� pl�anni,r�g Gua],s. �, Das�d upUn Findxr�g 5, �:he C�ammissir•.,n h�s deter�mined �Lhia�t t:17e �r��prrsal is consister�t witi�� rc),�varrt Plan p�ili.c9.E�s. :3. 8ased u�aan �'indirig �, ��M� �raittimi�si<•.,t� h�s de•t�rmined th�at �th� prapnsal canfurnis tc, the ap�ruva�. cri�eri.� s�t�For�h i.ri Cha�,ter 16.82 Uf th� Camm�,inx�y Ia2V4�,f)�DIYIP.Y1� (.(J(�P_, 6asec� u�,c,n t;i�c �bUV� �inc�ir�c�s and cur�c:l,�asi��ns, the Cr,,ma�issi.an a��7rr�uF�s Z.GNU 17..�84. 7t i.s furth�r ar�der�ec� t:Fia�t: th� aK���.a.c��x�t �nc� �ru�,c?rty awr7er b� nnti.fi.ed af �th�+. �r�try c�f thi� f�rder. PAS i�l); 1"h i,s � � ,W day af �!��s,�,,,��/s!, 198A, by th� �lar�ning Cc,mnrissi;c�r� r�f •the Gi�y nf 'Tigarc�. �,. _-�'�-��-�-_ . I��.,,�.,,.._ A. t�on�ld P1r;,en, Presa.dpnt .� Tigard P1ani�ri.►~ig Comn�issi.ran (08Q1P) i � ; i � ':i i,: � � 1;i r si ��._ � � � � ��� �:� �':r ��� f', r , �=9 � 4�� � � .. � . " . . t:�l . . � .. . . . _ . . . . R:� . . . . . . . .. . . � � . .. .. . �`�d� . . . . � .. . �.°f, , � . . - � � . . ._. . . . - i�. . .. ...... , ...... ,�� �. �;fi C7TY Of' 1"1:CARp PL.ANi��:NC; Cc�NINl75�7:(71V � �':CNAL t�t2qF.:l2 N0. 84 �- ,OZ PC A F'I:IVAI. f�RC3EFi IN T'NE:: MF�1.,7..E:�i OF' T'WFi: AF�G�L.ICAT:C:ON F'�t2 SI:'t"E; 17k::VEI,.qPME:NT' f't�:V�:�W AI�I�Rt�Vt�l. t2Ec�UFS'1"FD HY WE:�3TF'RN TIUT'E:RNA'�"It�N(�L pF2QPFItT:CE:S, �':Cl_F NUMI�FR �i�R 12•-84, AppROV�:fU� T'��IE:: AF�F�L..IC;AT'�c�N, EIVT'ER�:ri1G F�:NQINC;�.;, AN� G4NCL.USI;UNu. The Tigard Pl.�nning Cr,�mrni.ssi.r.�n hear~d tP7� ahar�ue �,�7�71.14�t�:7.ran an a�p�ember 4, I r 1984. (�l.lpn F�ax rppr�eserrt:�c� �thF appl.a.r,ar�t. Nea.yP�bGr•Mr,.�d Pl�nn�.»g prg�ni.z:�tic�i� ,�`�'a ��i���red i.i7 a�r�c,si.ti.on ta tFi� ap�:�].i.c�tirar�, Seu�ra]. ac�joi.r7irrg neigMbr�rs spake in a�posa.ti.�an �ta •the �}aplic;atir�n. Th� CommiSSi.can fii7ds tFre ful].�u�i.r�ig f"AC'TS in thi.s mat�er: 1. 'Thp ��p19.car�t, Wes�tern Internatirari�l., r�c�uest�ac� apprr�v�a. t;a partitir�n (MLP 'Z--�84) � 6,9 acr�� �arcel. i.r�to thr�� ].ats uf 2.5, 2.A, anc� 2..Q acres 4?�rM, `a1'l:N Dev�lr�pm�ant �eva.�w a�praval tr,� crrnstr�uct ane irtdustri.a7. raf��ic� k�G�a.l.da.ng r�r� e�r,h of �:he �rrapr,�s�d �rarr.�l.s was �].sra r�pq�.awsted. 'T'h7e pe�r.,per�ty i.s zr,,n�ci :C....P (�ndus�rr�i.al Park) anr� is lacated rai~� thic� r7r�r•ti°��as� cc�rr7nr af 72nc� Au�riu� anc� TecM Ccrrter Dri.ve (WasM. Co. "f�x Map 'l�� 1()C, 'Tax t_ctits 7t)t) �nd 80p). The infc,r•roafiirsn su�prarti.r�g this r�s�uc�� i.s fr�wnd ir7 ri,utr�ni.nq F'i,l.e Nr,as. SIJR 12...84 and M!_P ��µ84. ��. 2, The tw�., a�{�].a.c:ati.ons w�r�� approv�d by �i7� P].�nrii.ng G?i.rer.trrr rai7 �'uly 25, 1984, subj�cKt tn rf,��l<�1'�10T18. The ci�ri.sirarti for !�;I�R 1Z-•84 was �p�eal.ed k�y thyc� ap�,l.i.s:ant k�r:.Gaus� c,f �he r�7quir�m�n�:� autla.n�d i.r� Cr�i7c�i�:a.rar�s numk��r 1 arui 4 o�F th� Q:ir�ctor's approval. �'he r�qui.rc�m�rit for a si.�IFwal.k al.c,ng `I"ecM Cent�r f�ri.u� anc� the r�spnnsi.k�il�.��y o�f r�,�nstructinc� � pr�r�ta.can r.,�F �the prnp���d Tech �en�ter �ri.v� r�i.].r��ad crrassing �A)f4Y'E! thc� s��ci.•�i.c sut�je�ts cuntai.n�d i.i�r tl~ie � �ppeal. � An ac�j��.ninc� nc!i.ql•ibar al,su aK�pea7.c�c� tl~ie� �pR �,2-�84 decisi�ri un tl~i�� c�rounds th�t suffi,r,i�nt k�uffering h�d nc�t been prova.ded ; 9 3 , T'he rcl.eu�n�� ��prova]. cr�i.��ria i.r� �hi.s cas� arQ the S�atewi.d� Pla��r7a.i�g (�cat�ls 1,2,9, ar�d �.�., Ci.��y c�f Tigar�d Campr�hen�xve P].an Pr�l.i.c3.as 2.1.�. �c•ic� 1].,5.�; arrd Cc�mrnun;ity pe��l.r��;�ment Gr,,c��, ChaF7ter 18, ].2Q. `; k3axed w�r,�n th� r��card i.r� this case, tN�e Cr�rnma.ssir.�n m�;kes th� fallawing F':C:NIJ�Nca�: 1. Statewid� P].�nninq Cna]. #�. i,s m�t bccause tl��e Ci.�y has ada�t�d a l"ita.��n� ,Cl'IUfJ�,U�R1EyP�t �rr�gram inc�.uciiMg reui�w of �1]. cieuc�lrapm�nt a�p].i,<:ata,ans by thr� Nei.�hbarhuud 4�l.i�nning Qrgwni;ta�:ian (NC�t�) . In �ddi'ti.r�rt, all �ub�ic nr�tire r�quirements wer�e m�t. �µ 7_, S�a�ewi.c�c� F�).�nna.ng Gr�al #? i.s met b�cause tMe City a��li.�d �l.]. : app'licable St���wa.de Planning C�rals, �ity Gomprehensive plan Po�,i�a.es ; and DFUel,s�pmr•.nt �ud2 r�quirem�nts tu th�� app].acatiun. f'TNAi:. c��tqa R N0. 84 -._O„��,PC �- WEST'k RN TNT�:RIVA'1"�nNAL -- PAGE 1 _ : ._ ,:,, ■ _ -. ._.. ._. > .� ._.... . a 3 . 5t�t:ewi.de Grao�1 #l.]. a.s m�� b�ca�as� �iabli.c f'�Ci.l.i.#:ies are auail.�ble to �'� '�he s:ite. 4. �i�y Q�F 1"ig�rd Gamprehensive p1�r7 Pc,li.cy 2.1.1 is satis�Fa.ad b�c�us� �the Neic�hbr.,rhr.,od Planning Or�g�nizata.�n ar�d surrra�anding prr�perta.es w�re c�i.uen nr�ti.ce rrf the hpari.ng �nd an �,p�c�rtunity tc� cr�mm�:n�t oi� th� a�apl.i.carrts proposal. 5. Ci.ty uf 1"i.gard t;orn�7rehens3.v� Pl.an Pali.cy 1]..'S.1 i.g sati.sfi.ed by tMe conditi.ons attaehed �o thi.s appraval. b. Grrrnm�ana.ty I��uel.apmen�t Cade Ch��rter 18,1�Q i.s m�� by the condi.�i.ons at�:ar•h�d ta ��iis apprc�v�l. `I"he Crrmmissi.ran ada}ats th� fal.l.r�wi.nq CqN�:,i...U�,IUNS 0�' L.AW: 1. (�as�d upon F"i��rdir�gs 1, 2, �nc� 3 �basa�, �Nye (:c�mmissi.Gn has determi.ned �N��at tFrc� ��pli,c�rit's prr,pr,s�l. m�c�ts tM� appla,cab),� St�t�uiicle Pl.anni.nq Goals. 2, €ias�d upra�°� F'a,nding 5 th�� prra�usal shal.l k�e mr.�di.fa.�d as r��qui.r�d by the corida.��ions of apprnaal �a be cc�nsistpr�t w:i�th �Ehis l�alicy , 3 . Hased u�r.���i �"i.nda,r�g �i �:1�7� Camma.ssi.an h�ts c�€�t�►^nii.nc?d that thc� app�.i..r,ant' s �rapa�al, as It1r�Ci7.'F�.Nt� by �Gh� Ct)�I(�:L'�1G1'15 �a�f a�ayaraual is cans�.s��in�t wi.th CM�pter �.8,�.70 af th� Cod�. �. Based u�an ��he ala�.�ue �Pindings �i�<i cc�nr].usians, `iI�R 12..-fl4 is AP4�RQVf;:D subject tr, the candi.t:i.ans bel.r,w: 1. Standarc� hal.f-�stre�et im{�rauem�rits i.r�cl.udi.ng si.cicaial.ks, curC�s, stre�t l.ights, �rid c�riveway aprons sha�.l. I.�e prr�ui�ind �lonc� �k:h� l2.nc� Aue�hu� and 1'�ch Ceriter �riu� frontagc, A sid�wal.k sF7�el.1. na•t bc r�quired along the Tec•i� �enter qrive �Fron�r�g�, 2, Seven (7) sets a� plan--prafa.l� �ubl.iG i.m�rovemerit cc�nstrur:t�.r.�n �a7.�ris and rane (i) ;itemi.red car�s�ruction cr.,st ex•tima�te, st�m�a�c� b.y a re�a.stered ei.ui�, enqin�er, ci��:ai.l.a.ng a].], g>rrrp�,sEd �wk��.a.c i.mprr�u�merrts sM►all be submitted �a tMe Ci�y's Enyineer�.rog �iuisa.on far review. 3 . Cc�nstructi.r�n c,f �ra�,r,�sed p�abla.r.: improvem�nts sha),I, nat Gommencc unti]. aft�r the Fngirteering pivisir.,n h�s issu�d appreav�c� public a.mpr�v�m�rrt pl.��os (the l7i.va.sic,n wi].). rw_qui.r°� �asta:ng r.,f � 1009� p�rf�ir�m�nce b�.�nd), th� paym�n� c,>f a permit f�P �rrd a siyn a.nsta�.�.�tinn/s��r��tlight d�pasi.�:, Also, the exec�utican of a stre�t o��rring p�rmi,t ar-. CC�Yt3'�F"UC'�1r,�Y1 compliarrr� agr•�emerrt shal.l acr,:ur prior to, r,r cancurr•critly wi�h 1�he isswance of a�praued piabl.a.c i.mpruvarn�nt plans. 4. The railrr.�ad crossing �pplic:�ta,an wi�h the Publ;ic Uti�iti�s ' Camn�issi.rar� sMa1], k�� r�solved tr, the satisfa:ctiun Uf th� Ci.�y �r�gi.n�er� prinr to tha issuance r3f bu9.l.�a.ng �aerma,ts ran any r�f the thr�ee parcel.s. 1`he ���].i.can� sl�ia].1 nc�t bc� rr�spangibl� far crrnstrtactiart af s � any pr�r�tian of �he erossxng, �,` ,; � � � �i�; 4� F'xNAL. ORC�El� Nq. 8A --�0„7 pC �.. WESI"f'f2N �Nl'ERNAT'101UA1. -� (�AGF_ 7.. ;' i: ', S'' ,. ` _ _. . . . . �.._�_ . . _ :.:: .. ::.: _.._�.:: .,��- �.5 _ t • a J 5. Priar �tc� issu�rrre o�F building permi.ts, a reuis.a_d sitP pl�n far the � east�ri�r par•�c�]. (H�.iildi.r�g A), c�,ntai.ni.�ng tl'7� i.tems rio��d be].uw, sh�ll. be suk�mi�t�d for Planning Qirectar ap�arnval.: a, F��rkiny 'Fa1C].a,7,�:7.@8 and dri.veways cansist�nt wi.th Cha��:ers 18.106 and �.8. 1�8 of the Cade. b. Eiicycl.� raek placement arid d�si.gn. c. Prajec�r4ad iasa �af fi:h� la�ilding �i�c� a jus�ifica�i.rar7 c,f �:he number of �,arkin� sp�c�s. 6, pric,r tr,s issuing biaa.l.d•a.rrg permi.ts r�ri th� twr,, w�stern p�rc�].s (8uilding� El �nd C), �the fa�.lawing informa�:a.r�n shal]. hae sui�mi�t�d �r.,r Planna.ng �7i.r�ctrsr review a�, �l apprau�l: a. A r�uis�ed grading pl�n 1 <; b, A revis�:c� tati.li.tips plan c. A reui.sed S1't:P_ p�.�cr� wMi.ch i.nc�.uc�es: (�.) ��rka.ng faci.la,�ti�s aric� drivr�wa�ys cr,r�sa.s�:�nt r��i.�th Chapt�r 18.106 aild 18.1�8 of •�I�i� Cc�r�a inc•lo�da.ng a jus�ific���ian r.��f thp nun►k�er r.,f �,arking s�,�ces k�aseci upui� th�e wrr�ici.pw��d 4isc: of •the buil.dings � (7..) bi.cycl� rack luGati.an anc� desi,gr� (3) � minimum of �,ne, twa••��y dri.veway, 24 f��t :in w�.d�th . �ci landsca a.n l.an ir�cl.udi.rr ; d. An amer�d p g p 9 (1) lncatic�n of �the �r��s alcang �tMe nar�tl�i�rn pr�p�r�ty ],a.n�a i:Mat are nat showr� on �he "Exi.sting �i.�e Gc�ndi.ta.ons" sheet (2) preservation A•F •th:is �raup nf tr��s for buffering purpa�<�s (3) r�t�ntiorti �f as mucM as �assible r�f tFi�� nr�rth�rn landscap�d str�i.p that was origir�ally propc�s,a.d (A) screcn�.r�g a).ung the nr�rthcar�n prup�rty 1i.ne that is cr.�nsis��:nt with Ghapt�r 18,�.c�0 af the C:ade ` '; e, A la.gh�ting pl.ari wha.�h wil]. b� compati:ble w�.th tMre res�.dence� tr, the narth. `' 1, The si:te �].an for Bua.ldirr�s 8 ar�d C sha].l. can�Far�m wi.�th Cr�mpreh�n�i.v� Plan Palicy 11..5.1, 8. Prior tr� wccwpancy �,�F any bua.]:dir�g, plant mat�rials sMa].1 be install�c� as sMr,wn r�n �he approv�� landsc�pi.ng plan far the � cor�^es�ionda.n� la�, , �. FTIUAL ORpEft N0, aA —.:Q.','�...:PC -�. WHSTk�RN �NTERNAT'TQNAL ..- PA�E � ;.� li ._ _s . _ _ _. . . ..:.�. 9, l"his appraval is val.id i.f exercised w�th�n an� year af the. �in�l � deci.s:i�an c�at� natec� k�claw. The �hird phase mus•h be initi.a•tpd within three y�ar� c�r a ri�w Sa.te Dev�lr��rn�Mt ��ui�w a�pla,c��ion wi.].l. b� necess�ry. '�. �t i,s f�rth�r ard�red t{�at appl.a.s:ant b� nati.fi.ed r,f the entr•y of th3.s ard�r, PA�B�D: This 3 � c�ay �af �,i��Z�'�=S_..._.,,�.�.-.�,�, 1�84, by •�he Planning camma.q�iran af the City of T�.gard. C�/. �/�-L►c�,<i�%��s��c+-- AM..qonal.d Nlapn, President.�....�M Tigarc� P].ai��ning Gommissi.arr ',i (KSL;bs/Oti75P) �. i' � ';,, 4I �,. ;:!i � � � � ����.: F'�NAL ORqF:R Np. 84 —�Q,2.._.PC -- WESTE�RIU TNT�RNATTONAL -� PAG� A � ` f:,' �.�� i'. :, � - �r - CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �a��,, FINAL O�tDER N0. 84_ D� pC A FINAL ORDER IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR A PLADTNED DEVELtJPMENT REQUESTED BY TUALATIN DEVELOpMENT COM1'ANY, APPRO�ING THE ItEQUEST, ENTERING FINDINGS AND CONCLUBIONS. File No. PD 3-84. The Tigard Planning Commission heard the above ap�lication on August 7, 19$4 and September 4, 1984. Vlad Voytilla represented the applicant and Neighbonc��od Planning Organization No. 6 also appeared in su�port of the application. One letter was recei.ver�. in opposition. The Commiss3on finds the following FACTS in this matter: 1. The applicant, Tualatin Development Company, requested �pproval nf a Planned B�velopment consisting of 112 attached residential units. The prope•rty is zaned R-20 (PD) (Residential, 20 units/acre, planned development) and is located betwen S.W. Summerfield prive and Naeve Road �t the west end of the S�xmmerfield Development (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOD, Tax Lots 1100 and 2000). 2• The applicant°s justification for the project i� in Planning file PD 3-84 and the minutes of the August 7, 1984 hearinge 3. Relevant approval. criteria 3n this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1 and � 2, Comprehensive Plan Pol.icq 2.1.b, an.d Ctxapter 18.80 of tlxe Comm�nity Development Code. Based upon the record in this case, the Commission makes khe following FINnI2JG5: lo Statewide Planning Goal �fl is me�. because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of a11 development applicat:(.+�ns by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NP0). In addition, all public notice requirements were met. 2• Statewide Planning goal ��2 is met because the City applied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirements to the appl3.cation. 3. City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding properties were given not;tce of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's " proposal. � 5 4. Chapter 18080 of the Code is satisfied beeause the de�relopment is consistent with all applicable criteria conta3ned therein. The Commission adopts the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: �� ` � 1. Based on Findings 1 and 2 above, the Commission has determined that the applfcant's propasal meets applicable Statewide Planning Gqals. ; ;;': , ,'�: FINAL ORUER N0. 84- O( PC - TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT C0. - PAG� 1 . i, � 2. Based upon Finding 3 above, the Commission has determined that the � proposal is consistent with the rel�vant portions of Chapter 18.80 of the Code. Based upon the abave findings and conclusions, PD 3-84 3s APPROVED sub�ect to .j the following conditions: 1. Seven(7) sets of plan-profiJ.e public improvement cunstruction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailin� all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Division for review. 2. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after said Division has issued approved public improvement plans �the Division will require posting of a 100% performance bond), the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight deposit and also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur pr3or to the issuance of appruved public improvement plans. ;; �.�� 3. Vertical Datum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929). �.11 existing and established temporary bench marks in the vicinity of �he pro�ec� shall be shown on the construction drawing. 4o Compliance of 1$.160.160 tall) with the following exceptions: 18e160.160 A.2. �' � Capped 5/8°' X 30" T.R. 's on surface of final lift will be acceptable. 5. The on-site sanitary and storm system r�hall be maintained by th� homeowners associate except for the main sewer. line serving the pro�ect. ; All 8" publicly maintained line shall have corresponding easements that ; � are acceptable to the Engineering Division. 6. All sewer laterals serving more than one unit will require a �oint maintenance agreement to be approved by the Engineering Division and ; recorded with the plat. �' 7. The storm and sanitary manholes at the north end of 114th Avenue shall be e�compassed �y public easements. 8. The on-site drainage ditch(s) shall be constructed to provide for ease of maintenance (wide & shallow, grass lined) and public safety. 9. The detailed plan shall be submitted for the Planning Director's approva� prior to issuance of building permits. Said pl.an shall include the following modifications: a. Revised landscaping plan which is consistent w�.th the visual clearance Ghapter 18.102 of the Code. b. Buildings shall be r�located to meet ths setback pravi�ions of the � R-20 zone. FINAL ORDER N0. 84-�Fi PC - TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT C0. - PAGE 2 _ .,.......,.� ii i 10. The existing stub street off af 109th Avenue shall be vacated and � maint�ained by the Homeowners Association. 11. Additional requirement for 30 feet Right-of-Way from center lixae will be requir.ed fas Naeve Road, and shall have half-street improvements to a minor collector. Thi� requirement sha11 be fulfilled prior to establishing access to Naeve Raad. � ;: { 12. The pro�ect may be developed in phases for up to seven years from the date �'+ of deta�led approval. A new application shall be required after seven ;' year� have passed, or if ma3or mod3f;cations including a recreational � facility are proposed. ; �. 13. This approval is valid if Detailed Approval for at least one phase is ;; obtained within one year of this conceptual approval. �' r , :[t is fu�tk�er ordered that applicant be notified of the entry of this order. i` i;` PAS3ED: This � � day of a�� , 1984, by the P1�nning � Commiss�.or► of the City of Tigard. �'. i I i t � � j �,� �o.,/'° _ '9°•�`e�./% .� E.: 1- A. Donald Moen, �resident ; �_ Tigard Planming Commission �' i' (KSI�:pm/0677P� I: ;i �' tP �'� �,, 4,� 1 ;1 '� ;, T:.. �;: ip;' . . . . . . . }�" s � � . . . .. � . . .� �.•. . - . � � � . . . � �`�'. . �... ����� �:. . � � . . . �.. � � . �`,; � � � �:�. FiNAi, ORDER N0. 84- D6 PC �- �UALATIN DEVELOPMEN� C0. - PAGF 3' �� _ _ _ _ _�. ., ,, . .. v,- � _ CTTY OF' 1"T:Cf�Rp PLANNTNG (:;t?N�1T.�.;SSON '� F:CNRL.. t)R�F� M4. 8A �- OS{�t;, A FTNAL_ qRl7�R �:N T'WE: MA7"1"E R OF 1"H�: Af�F>L..ICAl"1:ON FOR uT'1"E: L)kVEI..QPMEIVT' F2�;VIEW AI�I�F7�7VAL RFQIJ�S'7"wl� HY PUc:aET C1�12POFtA'T':CON, F'�CI..F NUMF3FR SDR 8.._8A, Ai�p{�OV:[:IU� 'T'HE HRF�LT.C;ATT:qN, ��IT�ItIIVG F'�NG)�NG�, ANI� CONt",L.IJST�()N�, Th� Ti.garcl Planriing Cumrni.ssian h���rd tF��c� �harav� a�y�li.catiGn r,,rr Augtast 7, 7.�3�4, Jol��n Osbc,rn, C?erek Nr�gar�th, ��7d �ec�f�F I._pvE+ar represPntpc� �the applican�t. No anF �pg�eared in u�pr�siti.c,r7. Ti�e �r�mmissiun finds �the frallowing �'AC'T8 in �thi.s ma�tter: 1. l"he a�a�:>licarrt, Puget Cr.�r�araratir�r�i, rec�u�sted a��iroval. tu ex�,and ar� i existing inc�u��tr•:ial p].an r�i� prcappr�ty �ai��d I...-P (Inc��as��rial l�ar�k) and I.pC�'t2C) at 744(7 S,W, Br,�rii.t� �tu�d (W�sh. Ca. Tax M�� 25�. ].?..A, Tax t_�at 800) . :Cn�frarmation su�apr�r'ti��g 't;hP r•�c���st is f�.,�,in� in P1.anri�.��g File Nr�, SUR 8-..84�, 7... 'T'M� �arapr�sos], ai�.s a��proved k�y �Mc� Pl.�r�rii.nc� CJi,rectar an �'une 7.9, �.98h subj�rt tra cpndi•tians. The �p�alicarrt �ppe��.ed the decisi.�i� on �t:Me b�sis that pGik>].i.c i.m��rr�u�+.mc!rrts requ9.rEd a.n Cr,r7di.t:i.rans 1 ai�7c� 4 of tF��� i ci�r:�si�.,n were wnnecessary at tP�e prPSent time. � :3 , "f'he ��i��l.i.c•an•�:'s jus�3,fa.cata,r,�n for th�� a�,K>��al 9,s �rc�s�nt�r� a.n �:i•ie , Cranimission's ir��Far•m��tir�n park�t �rid �LPiF? ma.nu�t�s of •Lhe August 7, 198Q aicariing, h. "I"h� r�l.euar�i�: a�prova]. cr�i.t�ria i.n th�.s cas� are the S�:�tewid� Planna.ng l�oals ]. anc� 2, anc� Sectian 18, 164.030� of �:hP t�ommuna.ty Devel.opm�nt Cr,dP. �iased 41�,7ra1� the re�curd in tF7i.s C�l5E, tF7e Commi.ssi.un mak�s �h� fu],l.r.�wi,ng F':CNIJ:CN(���; 1. State�ide F�1anr�inc� Gr.id1 #1 i.s rnct k���ca�ws� the Ci.ty has adap�:ed a Ci�ir���s :Cnvolv�m�rr� program incluc�irig rava.�w �f �ll. deuplrapm�nt appl�.catiuns by tP�e Nea.ghburhoud pl.anning qrgariix�t�.ui7 (NPQ) . Irr �c�di.tian, all public n�rtir•e reqtairemen•rs were mpt, ��"� 2, St�t�wa.d�� f�J.anrri.nc� Graaa, �`2 i� rn�t b�caus� th�e Ci�y a��1a,�d al.]. ; ap�licabl.e Sta�te..�.wa.de Planning �oals, City Cramprehsnsive Plan ;i policies and U�v�lppmen�t Cade r�q�.iirements tc� thre appli.c�tion. 3 , 'T1�e dpc�.siun cnritai.ns no fincVings that street a.mpr�c,vements would be ti,mely rar that im�rr�uem�nt wr�uld b� suppUrt�d by siarroundi.ng prup�r�y owners. Gommunity i?eu�2�spmant Cor�e Section 18.16A,Q3Q.A.3. I � �` 4, Cr.,r�diti.ans 1 �thrawgh A uf th� ci�ci.sa.un requi.r� that Pwget Carporation '�`° m�ke unne��ssary imprt�v�ment� at this time. C�mmunity peue�opment �� Crade Se�tir,�n 18.�.64,Q�O, ;`I `i 1 t�`TNt�I� ORI��:R N0. £14 --OS PG -- W��TEFtI� �:Nl"F�tNA'�"�ONAL �-- PAGE 1 sl , � � q �'�. Satisfactcary gu�r�tnties by pug�t Cr.,r�pord�a.r,r� tt7at �Futur� imprUVem�rrts ��ti wi.l.l. be mac�e wh�r� n�eded are auai.l.able �nd shr�ulc� be a�cap•�ad in 1:��u of pr�sent stre�t impravem�n�ts, Camrnurri.ty qeuel.r.��men� C�de S��ct;i.on 1.8, 1ti.Q�0.A,3. The Cammi.ssi.on adapts th� fr�l].owing CONCI..US7pPd�a 0�' LAW: 1. 6asec� u�aon Finc�ings 1 �nd 2 abave, �t:hP Cnmmiss�.r�n has c���termir�ed th�t the a�F>].i.r:ants pra�os�l m��cts the a�pl.icable �t��e-..wide F�l.anr7a.t7g Gaals, �. E3ased �apon Finc�i.w�gs 3, 4, and 5 alaaue, tFrc� Cr.,mniissa.ran h�s d�ternra.n�d ��i���,t puk,la.c improvemen�s alr,i�c� •th� 13�ni•�� Rcz�d and "J4tM Straet �Frnn�ag� i.s urrnecess�ar� �t •th�is tim� ar�d th7��t a r�r.rn_..r�mc�nstranc� agr��m�rrt wa.�.l k�c� adequ�te ��o E?1'18LIY�p �the �.ns��ll.a•tir�i7 o•F �the r�c�a�ired i.m�rr�vem�nts at a futGir� date. t3as�d ��rc7n thp abov� finc�ings anr� conclGisir���s. '��R 8._.84A is AI�pRt�Vf�D s�abject �a th� fr�l.l.s,wi.ng candi.ti.ans: i.. A Ci.f:y caf 1"igarc� appraued nori.�..rc�mr�nstrai�r.E aqrr��mc�r�t sMaa.I lae r�c�cor�d�ci wi�h W�shingtrar� �,a�.in�y �r�c� a c:upy return�c� �trr th� City P7.�nnirrg DE��y�rtrnnnt b�far� 7.SSUa`U'1C� af t3u9.ldi.nq Pcr�ma.t:, rar� a chanc�� �a� property rrwnershi.p. 2, A str�et righ�_..Gf-�way d�di.ca�ti��n �,f 90 f�pt frram th� �3r.,r7i.�a Raad cc�nterli�re anc� a 25--fnot right--raf•-�.��y c�ec�icatian fram �Lhe 74th �v�nue � c�nter].i.ne sha11 be �rr�vid�d, 1°he CIC.-+SCY'i.p�7.�1'� fr,a�^ said r��dicati.on shal.l bp tiec� t�a �ti1e r:��terl.:iri�; as es�tablished by C�uri�y 5wruey #20,59� ar�d �7.,fJ,�87. The legal d�scri�ti.or�s st�a11 ia� a�,�rau�c� i�y �th� Engin��r�ing i�iuisian anc� r�ecar�c�ad wi.�rh 4JasYiinc��nn �ra�rr�t;y pric�r to assuar�c� af bui.l�li.ng ��rmi.ts. 3, Ra^iar �� i.ss�ance r�f �1al.�Cl7.l'I� permi.ts, a r�uis�c� landsc��a.ng sate plan stial.l. b� sul�mi�ted for Pl�nninq l7ir�ctrar's approu�l, sh��wing � minimum o�F �hr�e adc�itiarial wi1�.�aw tr��s �an �rhP w�st sic�� af •t;Me ' buil.ding lc,cated 9.n sucM a mann�r as to �ar�u�n� future prr�bl�ms u�ith the U�;A ��wer ].a.ne. �i. Ti�i.s approu�l shal.l b� val.id for th� pcaric�d �if or�� year �Frum thc " fin�l appraval date, T:t i.5 �urther urderec� tPaa�t applicant bc� nr,t7.�Fi.ed of thr entry af �hi,s arder. '�I ./LA� �y I�ASSFQ; This ,.3 . �iay �f (/,,,,���1��. 1984, by the P].anning cUmmissi.r�n af the City u�F Ti.gard, ;� ��r. �.��..� ..�.�.�.�..��?�� t�, br�r�ald Maen. Presidar�� � Tiq�rd Pldnrii.n� Ciommission (KSt.;bs/(D675P) F'�:IUAL. QRp�Ft N0. 84 --�OS�PC -- PUGE�" G,�KPt�RAT;�;ON --• P(�G� 2. �i � �. � �1"AF'F' R�:P�JRT AGE:NnA T:1"E:M 5.3 TIJE�DAY, APRTL 16, 1�3�5 •- 7:30 P,M. T'TGARQ PL.ANNI:NG CQNN1T:SSI:ON FOWI.�'R :TIJN:CUR M:CGH Sf,;}i00L �- I..;;�I 10865 S.W. WALNUT' '1'TG(�RO, c)R��)N 9'71z3 A, �'ACTS ]., Genera]. �nfar�matioro CA>F; Variance V 8•-85 REQUE�31": Fur a uari.anc� fr��,m S�ctaon 18,�.64.Q70 af th� Cammuni,ty I��velc��m�r�t Crade whi.ch requir•�s that sid�wa,lks be canstruc�ed to Caty stand�rds, Tha u�r�i�nce, if a�pruued, l wr.�aa�.d a11ow �Lt�e requ:ire?m�.ar�t Fc�r sxdewalks in fr�ant r�f l.�ats �9, 4Q, and 41 on 8W Navar� Ct, ta be wai.v�d, t;qMI�RL.i�IFNSTVE I�I..AM I��.S:CI�NA'1":CON: Public Righ��..�af.....W�y, l..aw IJ�nsity ResideM�a,al 7c�lU:CNG 17c5:Ct�NA'�":L"qN; Publ.ic Ric�hit of Way, R•••-4.5 (Resider�t'�al 4.5 uni.tslarr�). (��'NI..TCAfU"I°: t,ity af 'Tigard OWF��lt: Same (Pukslic R�.ght....r,�f��Pway) 127'�5 SW Ash Aue. 'rigar°d, Uregan 9722� L.00ATTt�N; SM! f��u�r� CaG�rt, pt�blic ri.ght--of-�+,�ay �,n fran�: af ].r�fis 39, 4�, arrd 4'1, Wash:inc��ton c�Awnty Tax Map 2�.i1 308 2. Backqround Publ.ic Im�r��uem�n�: K�lans wrre i.ssued fc�r� canstructa.on �Far G�r��si.s x1(: r.,r� Se�tember b, 1�78 subj�c:t to cr�rrdi�irrrrs. �id�w�lks werp rPquir��d an the w�st sic9e af Nuvare Cc,wrt, Const,ructian of thp hames on SW Nuuare Caur� tr,ok �Sl,a�e frr�m ppri�. x979 tkirraugh 1992, bur�ing cur�sfi;ructi�n, �t;he �ity � ' t w'thr�ut sa.clew�l.ks. As a reswlt resi.c�en ts a 9.1c,w�.c� ��re I�um�s tu b� bua,l a. ..-of•��wa d�s i. nat�d �Far ve i��crar� r�r•ated �th� or��inn r�f �I:he ub�.�.c ri het Y � ha p p P � sic�ewal.ks ir�to �hei:r yards. 1"h� thr�� a�Ffected praperty own�:rs h�ue re uar�arnerits for siciewa�:ks iri fr•�rnt of e�:itionec� �:he �:i�t: ta hau� 1:i�e q p +J their homes waa,ved. 3. Vicinit Infarmation .�.Y....... ,m.,...,..� ........�....�.�... _,_..,�.__._ . A1]. af the surrr.,ur7c�ang prr,p�rt�.ex are xc,ned R-��4.5. A�.l. of th� l,qts r on SW Nrau�rs Car�rt haue sir� le �amil. hnn�es on �hem w�.tM _ .� t un� Y �x p J - °t 2.50 feet 1on an ards. SW Nnuare C�aurt is a roxima �A c� landsca ec� pp � � p �J � W e.-- ac. Th�.re ar� �,2 1�-�s wi.tM di.rect access c�nto S '.n a �w1-�d s encis a Navar� Graurt. �TAFF Rk:ROltT ..- V 8..-85 — PA�;E 1 _ . �;� ■' . ._.�_::.. .. _:.. _. �;____.._.�:.,._�.. --:. 4. ��t� Infurmati.an 1"he ea�t side nf SW Nou�re Gaurt is tuo steep tr� aacomm�,date sa.dew�).ks sa rr�ne w�re requ�red c�r� tN�at si.de �x a canc�ition r�f ��vel.a�nient. 'The a►es� side uf SW Nou�re Caurt is ].�ss st��p in fr�ont of ].ats 40 and A1, O�awever, the graci� �.s �airly st��Qp at 1:Me corrr�r caf lc�t �9 �r�d `3W Genesis L.oap. 'T'he resa.c�ei°��s of lots 39, 40. and 41 h�ve ].andscaped to �the rurias �n SW Npuare Court. S, Agpnc��, and NPO Commen�:s NPp #� 3 wi.11. r�v�.ew the r�quest a� th�i.r Apr�i.�. ra, �.3AFi, m��tir�g, 1"he Engir�F�ring Da.vision sup�acrr•ts •the vari�nre requps•t. Caniments hav� r�ot be receiued �FrGm th�� E�ui.lding di.uisi.ran or th� Tual.�tin Rur�al �i.re Aru�ection I�istrict, H. �'1ND:[:IUG�� ANI� Ct�NCL.US7:ON"�� 1"he r�l.evant cri.�eria in th�is c�.s� ar� �tatewi.de P1ar�ning Ga�ls :L, 2, �nd 12; Tigard Coni�ar�el�ensa.ue Pl�n Poli�:ies 2.'L,1. 3.1.3; �arid Cha�a�er 18.1�4 a.nc� �.�3.1E�4 a�fi the C�mmuna.�y Q�uelr�pmc�nt Cade. "1"he Pl.anrta.ng S�t:�ff. cranc:l��cies �tN�at i:hie prc��,rasa�l i.s coi�sist�nt wi�th the a�plac�bl.e St�t:ewide Planning Gaa].s anc� Gua.dQl.i.nes b�sec� u��fan the ' �F�llowir�c� fa,rrdings; a. Statewide P).�r�ni.rag Goal � 1 i.s met Maecause tM� C9.ty has adapt�d � Citf.r�ns TnvolvAmerrt pragw•am i.r�cludir�c� r�uiew r.�¢ �,1I develo�ment �pplica�:�a.rms by �he N�aghbrarhaud Pl�i~�r�artg Org�r�ix�ti.�n (IVPO). 7Cn ac�dii:i�n, a11 p►�blic no�ice requir�me�ts were m�t. b, Statewi.de Pl.ar�ning Goa]. �¢ 2 i.s met because th� Ci.�ty �p�rli.ed all. ap�licabl.� �ta�te�aide Plann�.ng Goa��.s, �aity C�mprehensi.ve Plan Pulici�s and t?eu�lapmen� Cod� r�quirements tr� �he app].a.cati�n, c. Statewide Planning Graa1 # ].2 is �at9.s�:�r�d b�caus� tl�i� ci��y has adapted poJ.icies and standards ta ensure a safe and e�Fficien� street and roadway syst�m. T'h►e P].anni.ng St�ff has d�tsrmir��d thrat •thte uarianr.e r�quest a.s �►arrar�t�d in that i.t is cansis�L�r�t wi�h �Me r•el�v�tnt portixans �a�P ��he Gomprehiensiue Pl�n ka�s�d on the findi:ngs 1'IC1$E?CI I,7E�.4W: �a) Plan Pola.cy 2. 1.1 is sati.s�Fa.ed beGa�+se �he Neighborhr�ad P�anning ` 4rgar�i�a��i.on anc� surrr�unding �aroperty owners w�re giuen nr�tice �f ' the F��arir�g ai��r� an Gppur���aniLy to cc�mm�rr� an, '�he appl.ic�n�`s propos�l. '� �.� � `:1 �"TAF"F R�Pqi2T — V 8--85 ��- PAt�E 2 ;;�I, � � � � � � � � i k�� ��t.' ...._ . (k�j P].an Pa].i�y 8.1.3, is nat sati.sfi�d b�causE the CGI'ICI7.'�].S)1'1 to cans•Ertac:t sid�walks in frc,nt af l�ats 39, 4U, and 41, U� SW Novar�e I Cn�ar� ha5 nat haeer� m�t. 1"hi.s candit�.an m�y not have b��n � practa.cal. hawever, in that tMe sidewalk wr�uld nut c��mplet4a an exi.sting si.dawalk system and the to�agraphy at th�e cor�ner� af SW �i G�nesis i...a�yp ai�d �W Nr.�u�re Caur�t may be taa str�Ea� to arcr�mmUd�a�t:e a � si.dewal.k impr�avement. ' T'he P],anning staff h�as de•terrni.ned th�t thie ua�rianc� reqw�st i.s ' consist�nt with i:he relev�nl: pa�^tiuns o�F �thP Commuria.ty Dev�lr��m�rit Cc,de ! based upan the fi.rrd�.ngs nG�:ed below; , a. Cha�ater 18. �.3�i of the Crade inclucies fiue cr•iteri.a (Se��i�an II 18. ].34.05pj far gr�nting � ua�^ianc�, Those �ra.teria are as I �Frr'L l�ws: I (1) l"he �rupc,sEd variance wa.].1 nr�t be materi.�l.l.y d��ri.m�nt�l tc, �, �he purp�ses nf ��17is cuc�e, be in c�n�flic� w�.��h �r�� �JJU�.iC7.P.3 I uf the cam�ar�hFnsiv� pl�n, tU �ny a�Mer ap�li,cable �r,],ici.es �, aric� 8�o�1"ICIa�Y'C�3r aru� to ot:l��ier �r�perties :in �he s�me xpYl:i.11g � di.strirt ar vicinity; (2) 1"her� are s�eci�l. ci.rcwnsstancE�s th�t ex�i.�t which ar�� � peru],i�tr� �to •th� l��t siz� ar shape, tapagr���aMry or r��ther ci,rc�ms�rances r�uer whicF7 the ap�li.r��nt h�a na cnntral., and whi.ch �re r�ot �pplicabl.e �tn c�tM7�r �raperti�s in the s�me zr�ni.o�g da,stri.ct. ; (3� T'}�e wse �iruposed a�i.11. be th�! s�me as ��rmi�:tec� �an�l�r• tFris crac�� anci c�i�ty s�tandar�s wi.'l.l. be mairrhai.n�c� �ta �GI7� gr�a•rr�st extent that a.s reasonably passibl.�, while �ermi�ting sam� cc;onomic use of the land; {4) Exi.sting physical anc� na•tup•a]. systems, s��ch as b�at nrat ].:�mi�:ed ta �tr•a�Ffic, c�rainage, dr•ani�•tic ]�wnc� fnr•ins ar �aarks w9.l.l. not bE aduersel.y affected ariy mr.,r� than would r�ccur if ��he de�relQpment were locat�d as 5�7P_Cl'F1�CI in the cade; ar�d (5) l..he hardshi.p i.g nat sel.•F--•impas�d ar�d th� v�riance r�qu�st�d is •Ghe minim�am variai�ce whi.ch w�auld alleviate i:h�e har�dsha,p. (Ord, 83-•52 Exhik�i.t A(part), 1983) . SincP tMe }�ropusc�d sid�walk impi^oucam�r�t wn�ald r7r�� eni�pl�a•l:c� ar� �xisting sidewal.k sys�em, the i.i�tt�n� of pal.9.cy 8.�..3, r�quiring �tFr� cc�nstructi.ari of sidewalks i.s not viol��ed. In ac�di�ir,n, �Lhe ��.�pogra�hy r�f �the ar•ea ma.qh� make si,dewalk CralryStY'WG�:7.r�1� d9.ffi.cul.t, 1"he use �f thc� larrd wr.,�].d rio�t be alt�r4aci in �ny w�ty by granti.i7g �:h�.s uariance. W�d�st;r•ian traffic wi].1 nc�t bs further affected by gr�n�i.ng thi.s variance sin�e Cr��1��1^UCt1o�1 of sa.d�wa7.ks in •Fr�c�r�� o�F lars :�9, �4(J, �i°id 41 wr�ul.d r�nly cannect tc� si.c�ewalkx on G�r�esis i...aa�. T'he City �l.l.owed the hamas to b� cranstr�ct:�c� t�nd t)�Gtd�7�.P.CI priur �ta C(11'iS'�Y'UC�IUYI ��f •t:hp sa.d�walks �nd residents haue asked to haue tF�e cond9.ti.an w�i.ued, STAFF REP�RT - V 8•-85 -- PAGE 3 C. R�CdNI("I�N�ATI�N €3ased upon �he abav� findi.ngs and conslusinns th� Pl�nning Sta�f r��cr�mm�nds appraval Uf V 8-85 subjec� �o �he fallawi�hg car�diticrrt: 1. All 1ar�d dedic�to�d as publi.c right--of--way sMa].1 r•�m�i.n as public right•�-of•�-�way inclucii,ng �tPiat p4r•�a.nn ariginally ira�s�ri+��d for sidew�l.k S.mpravem�nts, L(� �/��..,�,� ��� V` � fI�' I( �•/ '( � � '� G i' `. V . �11 � �.... .� PR ARFa �3Y: �l a.xab� h A, hlswtan f�A QUk.Q �Y; Wx 11 a.am A. Mai�ahar� A550CI.��C? planner Da.rectar af Pl�nning & DEUel.�apm�rrt (1204P/dm�) �i I ; ;_ i�� ;' ,' ;I ;;;� ,, � � � -c�i � � i4{�� . . �� - � . � kl � � � . . . � . . . . . . . . .. ... . . ..� �. 'v� 9T'AF'F REPQRT -- V 8-.g5 --• PAG� 4 >, ,�, �:: i;' . . . .. . . . � . . . ., . 5 .. . .. . � . . . � .. � . . . � � . � . ..'f __ i. �I, 18 .1b� .u /u �' iI i+ i.'�, ( 18 .164a070 Sidewalks. (a,) S�,d�„alks--Re ui.red. Exce t ;;' wl�ere exempted by the commission, sidewalks s al �� forthrinted , re aire o city esign standards as se ,�I, rep ace or p the standard specifications manual and located as follows: (1) On both sides of arterial and collector streets to be bui�t at the time of street construction; _ e s �I�� (2) On both sides of a1.1 other streets and in ped ;, trian easements and riqhts-of-way, excep� as provided further �+ in this section, to be constructed alcng all portions of the `I property designated for pedestr.ian ways in conjunction with development of the property; ` (3) On one side of any industrial street to be con- i;l structed at the time of street construction or after determina- � tion of curb cut locations; �I (b) A planter strip separation of at least five feet between the curb and the sidewalk is required in the design �; of any arterial or collector street where parking is pro- hibited adjacent to the curb, except where the following condi- �tions exist: there is inadequate right-of-way; �he curbside € sidewalks already exist on predominant portions of the street; , or it would conflict with the utilities. � (c) In the cez�tral business district, sidewalks shall � be ten feet in width, and: C; (1) All sidewalks shall provi�e a continuous unob- i C structed path; f (2) The taidth of curbside sidewalks sha11 be measured fl from the back af the curb. k ' (d) Maintenance. Maintenanc� of. sidewalks , curbs and � planter strips is the continuing obl?�ation of the adjacent � '� property owner. ` (e) • Application for Permit and :tnspection. If the con- � struction of a sidewalk is not included in �a performance bond of an approved subdivision or the perfarmance bond has lapsed, then every person, firm or corporatic�n desiring to construct i sidewalks as provided by this chapter, shall, before entering f upon the work or improvement, apply for a street opening permit y to the public works department to so .build or construct. (1) An occupancy permi�t shall no�t be issued for a � development until the provisions of this section are satisfiPd; � (2) The public works director or ciesignee may issue i a permit and certificate allowing temgorary noncon�pliance wit:h ; the provisions of this section to the owner, builder or con- i �ractor when, in his opinion, the canstruction of the sidewalk � is impractical for one or more of the following reasons : (A) Sidewalk grades have not and cannot be estab- Yished for the property in question within a reasonable length of time, (B) Forth�:oming installation of public utilities or street paving would be likely to cause severe damage to the new sidewalk, .�-�-. - t � 314-160 (Tigard 4/84) ���� -�,.�.,,ti„�.,,�,z,._...,-�..... ..,. / _. � - - Councilor Edin arrived at 8:03 P.M. � _: /�, � Councilor Edwards asked if the new ordinance would give the City inspection power to do work on sidewalks iF the owner does not and �hen Charge the property owner? He stated he �ould not want ta see this happen. ' City Engineer said no because standards would have to be set. ; City A�torney stated the Council would have to make a policy decision or� � who was going to maintain the sidewalks. Council consensus was to go with �he draft. � i �� 5. NOVARE STREET SIDEWALK VARIANC ad r�.-� Director af Community Development stated this is a uniqua cul-de-sac. The sidewalk would only. affect the adjacent property owners and it is a _, � shart cul-de-sac. Landscaping and undergroaand sprinkler systems have � been put in the lacation of �he proposed sidewalks. Since the Gity �i' iasued permits b�fore the sidewalks were constructed, the planning staff , • recomm�r9d� the variance be granted. � � Ge�uncilor Edin recommer►ded accept�.ng the vari�nce for the sidewalk on1y. Councilors Briar► and Edwards concurr�d. } �,ar�;.lor Brian moved, seconded by Councilnr Edir►, to gr�nt the sidewalk �`' variance �'or lots 39, 40, and 41 wi�h the cnrsdition i� will still ren►air� ` ublic right-of--way. � � Appraved by ur�animo�as vate of Council present. � 6. 108TH RAVTNE DTSCU;�SIUN Directar of Community Oevelopment stated E1ton, Phillips aoas present to • apeak to the Cour�r,il and ge� some guidance regarding his property. Ne said the ravine was a natural resource and to be preserved as per the Developme�t Code; there was no need for a greenway/dedicataon because no bike path was required. Elto� Phillips, 16565 SW 108th, Tigard talked af his concerns and that he felt he should not have to dedicate 1009G of the floadplain. City Engineer sho++�ed s].ides of the site and stated the Hearir�gs Officer has historically required 1Q�OX of the floodplain be dedicated. . Council consensus was that Mr. Phillips take his applicatio� to the :j Hearings Officer �and if dissatisfied with the decision appeal to the ; appropriate authority. ' ';i ;i ,, �i �. ri ;l � Paga 2 - OOUNCIL MIIYUTES - JANUARY 28, 1985 � f � _ - �, i' � CITY OF TI�A RD WASNIhIGTON COUNTY,OREGON February S, 1985 i. Charles and Neva Andrus � 11190 SW Novare Place Tigard, Oregon 97223 �' �� ;: ':i Dear [�r. aru! Mrs. Andrus: 0❑ Monday, January 28, 1985, the Tigard City Council voted to grant a variance �I to delete as a condition of develapment, the construction of a sidewalk along your property between S.Fd. Genesis Loop and the driveway �f 11150 S.Wo Novare. Please be advised that I have sent a letter to the other property owners along Novare Place to advise them of this action, and to give them an opportunity to ob�ect. I expect comments , to be submitted no Iater [h�n February 11, 19'85. i Please also note that the City Council did express concern tha� you be advised that the variance does not remove the land in qu�stion, which Would have been � � used fos the sidewalk, from the public right-of-way. Also, it i� nat � advisable to place any underground spinkler system into this area or constru�ct fencing which encloses the area. Any investment whict� you m�ke into the �,;j right-of-way is at your own risk should the City later need to u[111.ze this '� right-of-way. . Sincerely, . William A. Monahan, `` �� Director, Community Development (WAC:br/0983P) e k:;i `';i ii i ti: i Z' o:< h:'; 1! C' C-j1 � I,t 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PN:Ei3�a-��171 � �- �; „ � ��.� _ _._ __...._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � January 30, 19�5 ��Tl(OF T1��4 RD W�SNINGTON CAUNTY�OREC�,dN William and Victcaria Newkirk 17955 NW Bartley Ct. Aldhs�, Oregan 97006 Deaz Mr. and Mrs. E�ewkirk., The City of Tigard has received a reques� from p�a�s�rty osmers on the we�t s�de of Idovare Cou�t to eliminate �s a condition of c��velopment th� conetruction of a sidewalk running from SW Genesis I.00p alon$ �W Aiovare Place tc� lqt 42. The City Corancil has eot�d to approee thi� varianee. I am infoa�miag you as a pxoperky o�rner in the area to adeise you o€ �his action and give you aa opportunitg� to coffiment. Please forwagd �ny concerns tha� you have to we b� Febru�ry 11, 1985. Plesse note, bec�use af the request, there will be no �idewalk on either side of �Tovare Place. The attached map indicates where the sidewalk w�ould have been constructed. � Sincerely, �r.—/" �� �,�,°°i%'' ---- I .//�✓"" i�'l� I William A. Monahan: DireeCor of Planning and Development (WA1M;dm�/970P) 12755 S1N,ASH P:O, BOX 23397 TIGARn,OREG(ON 97223 PH:639-4171 , STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.4 �.PRI1L 16, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. TIGA,RD PLANNTNG COMMISSIQN F05�LER JUNIOR HIGH SCHUOL - LGI 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, OREGQN 97223 A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA 6-85) and Zone Change (7,C 7-85) REQUEST: For a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Lnw Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and a 7,one Change from R-4.5 (Residentialy 4.5 units/acre) to R--7 (Residential, 7 unita/acre). APPLICANT: City of Tigard OWNER: Jim Chatterly $25 Valley Vista Fillmore, CA 93015 LOC,ATiON: Southraest corner of Bonita Road and 79th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 12BD, TL 2900). 2. Background The City granted approval on June 8, 1981 for a Zone Change from R-7 [o R-5 (5,000 square foot lot) and a 10 unit subdivision on the sub�ect property (CPR 6-81). The subdivision was not developed and the approval i has expired. . a � On May 9, 1983, the City Council ratified a Comprehensive Plan Map ; � designating the subj�ct property for Medium Density Residential i development. On June 28, 19$3, Mr. Chatterly was assured by the � Planning staff that because of this action, the R-7 zone, which allows ` � . for 5,000 square foot lots, would apply to his property. The Plan map � was amended several months later and the property has been zoned R-4e5 ; since November, 1983. �� r„ € 3. Vicinity Information & s Except for the Bonita Firs development on the north side of Bonita Koad, the surrounding properties consist af small acreage homesites and vacant i parcels. The area to the north and east is zoned R-7 and R-12 ; (Residential 12 units/acre) and the properties south and west of Bonita ; Road and T9th Avenue are zoned R-4.5. ' I � � , i ; , ; J � STAF'F REPORT - CPA 6-$5 & 7C 7-85 - YAGE ]. ; � � 4. Site information The site is undevelaped and partially wood.ed. The property owner is interested in completing the subdivision thaC was approved in 1981. This would necessitate a new application, but this request should be in conformance with Code requirements of the R-7 zone. S. Agency and NPO Comments Only three members of NPO 4� 5 were available to review the propasal, however, no ob�ections were raised. City Departments have no objectiom to the request. B. FI��IN�S AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, and 10, and Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 201.1, 6.1e1, 7.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.2.2, and Chapter 12, Locational Criteria. The Planni�g staff concludes �hat the proposal is consistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines based �pon the fol7.owing findings: 1. Goal ��1 is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement prngram including review of all development Applications by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO). In addition, all publi� notice requirements are met. 2. Goa� 4�2 is m�t because the City applied all applicable Btatewid�e Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan. Policies and Developwent Code requirements to the application. 3. Goal ��10 is satisfied because the praposal wi11 provide for housing as contemplated by the City Comprehensive Plan. i The Planning staff has determined that the proposal is consistent with ' the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings ; noted below: � 1. Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighbarhood Planning i • Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of i� the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's � proposal. 2. Policy 6.1.1 is satisfied because the zone change will allow for a � higher density, single family development. The City of Tigard is � obligated through the Metropolitan Housing rule to provide for an j equal mix of single family and attached units with an overall � development density of 10 units per acre. The City must ensure j that sufficient higher density are.:s are available so the inkent � of the housing rule can be met. The proposed change is consistent � with the intent of this rule. � � i P i I � STAf+F LtEI'ORT - CPA 6-E35 & 'LC 7-$5 - FAGE 2 � � � � � r 3. Plan Policy 7.1.2 is satisfied because adequate service capacities are available in the immediate area. 4. Plan Policy 8.1.3 will be satisfied as s condition for development of the property. If a subdivision does materialize, it will first require City approval through the subdivision review process. The necessary right-of-way and street improvements will be required at that time. 5. Plan Policy 8.2.2 cannot be satisfied at this time because: Tri-Met does not offer bus service on Bonita Road or 79th Avenue. However, rush hour service is available appxoximately one-half mile away at Hall Blvd. and McDonald Street. 6. The Locational Critexia in Chapter 12 of �he Plan are satisfied � for the following reasons: ; a. The property is within a "Developing Area" which is not committed to low density development. E a b. The parcel has direct accpss to 79th Avenue and Bonita Road, ' which is a major collector. a c. Development limitations are not evident and public facilities have adequate capacity to sexve the property. d. Pubic transit is n�t available presently, but Bonita Road is a logical route for future service. e. Depending upon the type development proposed, the Code may require sc.reening and buffering. This will be determined . during the subdivision review processo f. General commercial and business centers are �.5 to 1 mile away. g. Public open space will be available nearby at Fanno Creek. The Comprehensive Plan has designated the Fanno Creek flood • plain for ope�z space purposes. As c�evelopment occurs along the creek, dedicaCion of the �Flood plain area is required. . Also, the Tigard Area Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan calls for a bicycle lane on Bonita Road. C. RECOI�AiENDATION Based u�on the above findings and conclusions, the Planning staff recommencis approval of ZC 2-85. � � � � � „„.'�-? � .i 7 � , � �'/7�/�-��GL �'�� " . �,��(Gr��z"�.�L� i� �� PREP E B : Keit Liden APPROVEID BYo William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning & Devel�pment � (. ;, (KL:pm/1196P) i � � � i: STAFF I2�.PORT - CPA 6-85 & ZC 7--85 - PAGh 3 � � ��. ��,�rt � , � � M •` . , . �,.r� � ; , M , �► � �'- �°�+���''��� ~ • � � ,� � „�., � ,�1 ���I��1����j��,�,!�'!�,�� ' � , . �� � • ' ,,'*��h�. r � �� I �/ •:. � • y ,r �, �j� ►.��,,,�� ,* � � �� �� ; �r - ������� . ' 0♦'��� �,�� . ' � ' � �� ' ��� ��� ���''i���' � //��. ' ' �.: �.�•i r. e �� ����r . . , •, . . . -. . . . �� � .����+� �� � 1� �■■�INII " �► ., � � / ��, � � . v�, ` � � �, ` �/�� 'i�ll'�����1�� �� � ��� ` �� � � 1��, � , ,.�. .�� � � ,� .� :� � .�. 1 - ��� � � �� �� � `•�`i�� •� ' ��,����. * \�'�`���I�IA■ „ �������:����� , _� - . . . --- --- a - � � .,�� � „� .� I����■ , ��� � ' �� �j:��:�.`it LL'L'�//],. , ,����� ■� S � �1 A♦.a`�[pn�t��1 �. � •; � ��, ,~ ,,�, ��� �P,��� -, ��ii/ ■ :a�.1- ��Jl�� .,�� ;:,:��� , � �% �IS���� �-��+��r� � ,.. , � W�"�Y � �,I . ���' �_M. �'" �A��'.}��► ■t��� � �� � �►��r►�, � � r � �esi � ��'. � �� � .. ���� ��/�� � � � �� � � r � �� • ������;����� �I�'��11 r ■ �� � �� �1� oie��� �I�� � � �m ������ . �� . ��s���.d� ��.� b, . . . . _ . . . . ��a�� pp: � � . �r� ��!� ��� � � , � � � � � � ���� �►/��� . ' � �� ���.� �� �� �1�� . ,� _ . � , x.,.: � �� � � �� ,��� ,��, ��w��o� .s. -. . ����,� ` � ��I� e� _ � ri� .�1���s c�� ��► ��I �� �� �� � � ������_��. � i ■ �\��M� ���i� fa �1 • ���� i�.� ������.� ��� ��� -y' �..�. �. � '�� � �� �.•�, ���� �i>w!,u.:.tG� ���tsa:�� ��� ���pti' �r��' �� _ � I. y� :�4! � � � � !�k�'� ��� � � ��`�E' ri11111 �' � � � �-4� ,� � � �� ►� ����� y � � ■��� � ��! � �� , !� y1���IM�r �rr � - � i ���� �� � � � j;`NN,��''j � " � � ` �I -�� :��� �` , 'Q,j � ���,�•`�•�� ��• � .w� 'a • � �M. . �. � � '_1 �����1 ���� � �`� � ��?'�J�r���r�7�� � ��M���i ' _1L.. .�J' �� �' 1._. � - .f � • � � . �� ���'� ��.. •�� � oia�.a o�ww111�� � , :i �r�'�� ^° .�M��l�M L:..' �� � w r��"'""1 �1-,�Q` . ■ � � �ii caaa �A��� r � �y ,� � ' � �j'P +`ik,,�t -• -�u�c?�w�w"!(E� v + � ` 1 �1 �.��tr,eRf�: �,�t1� .�..� "�'�J �.Eif�t. �� � ►�'7����i1 •� _IN I� p6� ���,��t�b��od �E '. � ,�,�,: �= + ` r r �� ,J_ � \M � �'�� ��4a i�t�+ � . ' r � I ■ "`�f��0� i � �� � - • . . � • � M1M.�V����r •� .�. .� ., =: "� . ., . ��1 � � r . r , .Y-= ��!/ :;r��� � ��- �•� _ . ..... ........ a� �,� •%(::� = ;;•�r� ' - ��� e ' ... •r.r � � ,, r ,,. ��'����►�����, ' � ��� , �� �/ ����u`���� �+� � � ��■ %//y � a � ' �, �, �`' Qo� , . F..:.. . _ r� . � �_. ....:�� � . . - - . � AGEI�DA Il"�M 5.5 �1�MlORAflIqUh1 Cl:�l"Y OF' T7CGAR[), OREC',qN ; i �� � i i 'TQ: Pl�rinir�g Commissir�n Apri.1 7t1, 1985 ; , � F�i�t"1: Kei,th S. Li:den .� > ; i �tJ9�'�:�T: Z4A 3.--85 6 , � � The abauca os�s�in�r�ce am�ndment car��ains two sec�m�nts. T'he first at�m i� �. �� prr�pused cMang� tn �ti�e permit�red ��d GUi1CI1'�101'la"1�. use 3e�'�Yr,1Y1S ca� thr� I�-�► zcrne (�.8.68.Q30 and y,8.68.04q). 1"he basic i.nte97� of this revi.sian is to adc�pt; a mUr�e flexa.ble pal.icy reg�rding cammercial us�s whi].� main��in�.i�c� �Li�re b�sir pur^pase and integri.ty af the zc�ne, The prupassd ch�ng�s are s��awn wi.tt� �r7 �j �st�ri.sk (�). �,. T�e secand it�m is a prapc�sEd am�ndr��rit tr�� �h� defi:nitian �ar "Au�oma�i.ua� �e�uipmer�� «�i�d Rep�irs-l..ight" �o incluc�Q automobile paa.re��ing bui; �tn corr�irr�a�e the exclusirri7 af bc�dy re�ai.rs. sody re�air• waul�l cointznue ta bc� permi,��teel i.n i:he I-I.. �nd I.._H zcanes. "Autamo�iup F,c�uipm�n�t: �nd Repairs-La.<�h�t" i.� � permit��d use in the C-G, �-°p, I-i_, and I-�N xarres, i , '� 1203P `I, �'' ;:= #. ,°. �;: ;� �: �:, � k'`.i �. � � � � � � � � �� . .. . . � �. _ .. �.,.._ �... :_:: -- -_ _,.:,... _..:_.��. ._... .. ,,,... I:_..P ZONE: fi�'V�S�t�NS �8M68.,t�30 Permitted uses. Per•mitted usas in the I��.-P da.s��r9.ct are �s �Fral].ows; (1) Ciuic Use 1"yPes, (A) Publi.c suppart fa�il.ities; (�) Parking servic�s; (C) pastal ser�vices; (0) Public s�f�ty servi.ces, (2) Cammerczal iJse Types, (A) Ani.m�l sal.es and serui.c�s: (i) V��erinary, small and ].arge animals; (B) R�atomabi.l,e and equipment; {i) R�pairs, light, �ia.) Sa].es wnd rental., li.ght: eqwi�men�Z; (C) Buil:ding mair�'��r�ance s�rvices; (D) Busi.n��s ec�uipmen�: sales �nd S�Y'V],C�8; (E� �lusiness su�paa^t serv:ic:�s; (F) Cc,mniuni.�a�:i.nn sprvi.ces; {G� Crrnstr�,icti.an ��les a�7d SP_Y'V1Cf.+S; �(af) Financ�.�1, insur�.nc� and rea]. e�t�t� servi.ces; (I) I..aur�ciry seru�.�es; �(J') Medi.c�l �r►d den•t�1 servi.ces; {K) f�ar•ticipatinn spor�ts �nc� recre�ti�.�n: (i) Inc�aar, (i i) Outdor.�r�; (l..) Prc�f�gsa.anal �nd admi.n5.strative offic�s. (M) Hes��rch seruices; (N) Uehi.cle fuel sales; �(e�) The fr�llowing �ises, s��►aratel.y r,r iri c�mbina�a.Gn, shala. nr,t exc�kac� a to�al. o�f Lc�°� Uf �Ghe �ntir�e sc�u�tre fr��ytage �i.��hin the develc�pn��nt com�alex: (�.) Cnnvenience sa].es and p�►^sonal seruices, (ii.) t7ay care 'Fd1C�.�.7.'��,�3, (ii.i) �ati.nc� wnd drinking est�blisN�ments, (it►) C�ersori�T serua.ce f�ci,a.i.ta.es (v) Retail sales, general. (3) Industria]. Us� T;ype�, (A) Manu�acturing of finished �rc,ducts; (H) P�ck�c�ing and proc�ssinc�; (C) Wh�al�sale, str,rage ared dis��r•�.b�atio�: {i) Miniw�reMouse, (ii) I..ight, (Qrd. �3-52 Fxhibit A(�rar't), 198�) . (4) F'arming (Ord 9A-.-61) i 18,68.040.,�,Canditianal _use �Gha teo^ 18.].30�, Crrndiici,ona�, wses i:n �Me �--�C� das�ri.ct are �s fol.l.aws: i � (1) Heli.�ar�ts, i.r7 a"ICGOY'CIo`ll"IC� wi.th th� (��rc,nau�a.cs Ua.v�.sion (ODOI") and the � F�1A; i; (2) Util,itaes. (Ord. 83-_52. Exhibi.t A(part), 1983). } y �. � �' i� G� ��. � . . . . . . . .. . . . �. . . .. . � _ .__. :,_� �:..... ._.::c...... .-�,�, ...... .......... r: � 18 .42.020 � (B) Automotive and Equipment--Fleet Storage. Fleet storage of vehicles used regularly in business opera- tion and not available for sale or long-term storage of operating vehicles. Typical uses include taxi £leet, mobile-catering truck storage, or auto storage yarages. (C) Automotive and Equipment--Repairs, Heavy Equiprn�nt. Repair of trucks, etc . , as well as the sal.e, in$tallation or servicing of truck or automotive equipment and parts together with body repairs, including welding, painting and steam cleaning. Typical uses include truck transmission shops, body shops or motor freight mainte- nance groups. - A��`"��� ' (D) Automo�ive and Equipment--Repairs, Light taA1NP'r1i�� 3 the sale installation Equipment. Repair of automobiles an � and servicing of automobile equipment and �arts, ut exc u - i.ng body repairsa a�xl--��- Typical uses include muffler shops, auto or motorcycle repair garages , including welding, or auto glass shops. (E) Autnmotive and Equipment---Sales/Rentals , Farm Equipment. Sale, retail or whalesale, and/or rental from the premises of farm equipment together with incid�ntal maint�nance. Typical uses include farm equipment deal�rs � (F) Automotive and Equ.ipment---Sales/Rentals , Heavy Equipment. Sale, r.etail or wholesale, and/or rental f rom the . i i , . i i i I ; i , � � � � , t , - � : i I i { i � , , � � i , i � 253-1 (Tigard 9/84) ' � � , s � Ac�n��A r.����M i.� April 16, 1985 PLANNT.NG CON�'Ix�ST:ON M�ETI:NG P1H MqRANpUM CI:1"Y OF' T'�:GARp, QREGON � V I ; i I � 'TQ: Pl�nnin� Crammission April 12, 1+385 � FRt)M: Keith7 S. L_i.dea� .-�-�i- � ( SUB�'ECT: Ext+�nsian nf pr�liminary plat and dp�ailed i plan approva�. for Park Place Ph�s� T., (S A--•83 PL7) . � T'h� &irJ�lllGo�l11'� is r�qu�s��ing � six mr�r�th ex��rtisit:�n �>f ti�e Planning Cr�mmissir�n ;, approval grwn�:ed an March 9, 1954, and �I�� c��r;i.sa,on b�c�me effe�tiv� ao� M�rch �: �2, 1984. IVo charic�es �ta �1�� �pprr�ued p��n are prr,pas�d. �i�t:t•achpd i� a site map. 1'he s�aff recomm�nds a�praual af thre request far an pxtensi.�r� unta.l. Oc�nber 22, 19�l5. '��� i '� ''� (1203P) � � � � � `'� :� � � � � ��-I ��'i ��l . . . . � . . - �. � � . . .. �. � . � � k;� � . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . g:� �s� � :.� . .. .. , . . .. . . . . ... .. . ...., _ . ..:, ... :..... , .�.'., ,., ,��, !. . . . � � .. . .. .. ... . .. ...,...._..... ..........._...� ._..._........_ " _.;..�..._�.._.x.-.�..... .. 4:� _, . ,.is::.a..»...F��� �. �NT�R THE WORL,D OF �ENTURI( 21 PROPERTIES A ril 8 1985 P = Tigard Planning Commission City of Tigard P.Q. Box 23397 Tigard, Or. 97223 RE: Parkp1ace No. 1 Attn; Kei�th Liden We are requesting a 6 month extension of the planned development approval for Parkplace No. lo The approva1 date w�s Apr°i� 23, 1984. P1�ase be advised that we have rec�ntty secured a loan committment for the improvements and have enlis��d the se�vices of Kampe Associates to provide engineering plans. I� is our �ntention to begin improvements in mid - June of this year. If all goes well �he project will be complete and marketable by Octob�r 1 , 1985. Th� Zonirig ordinance makes pravisions f�r extensions of time if the delay is justifiable. Economic conditions and time constraints w�re such that we are only now able to prnceed. GVith this project. We hope that you agree that the delay is justifiable. Thank you for your cor�sideration irr this matter. Sincerely, �t JamP M. Po ak V' -President � Century 21 Properties, Tnc. JMP/dt CENTURY 21 PROPERTIES • North Coast Plaza • P.O.Box 1408 • 7180 ScW.Hezel Fern Rd. • Tuelatin,OR 97082 • (5(�)884-2782 [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]