Planning Commission Packet - 01/08/1985 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGk:NC}p T'T.GARU PLANNING COMP11:S5T.ON T'U�'�DAY, JANUf�RY 8, �.98# — b;8p P.M. �'UWI.E;�t 3UNI4Ft HTGhI SGHqOI.. 10865 iW WALNUT �- �GZ Ra�m i TI�ARC), OREGqIV !I 1. �a],L �o Or�.ier 2. l�u7.]. Ca11 3. WQRK��lOP FRQM 6:3q P.NI unti.l 8:00 p.M, 4, Fpparrrue min�ates frram f�ecember A, 198A. 5. PUflL.,�:G NEARxNCS �,'.l �:(�10IpR�:N�IVS7V� C�LAfV AME�:MDMENT' C;F�f� 27-�8A C7CT'Y 0�� 1":�:GF�RU/�9A�.LARp i�(�KES IJE�xCiVA'1":CNIy A�, WkTI�(�NDS ('rW:C:�i :C:'1"EM WTI,,.I_ Q� ..���:'1" t�VFt� �'C� 7'1°9� ��BRUARY !�, 198Q, PLANN:[:flIG CC3�`1.T.��;�0(�i MEEl":CN�.) 5.2 ��IVF �NAN�;1:: �!C �,2•�-84, PIwANNkI') I�HVEI_OpME:'!�'1' P!� A..-84, �UF3DIV:�S;�C��! S 9--g�i, VAR�ANC�: V 15_.�BQ -- �, FE:RD WAR�1:fll / MAL.L.ARC) I�.AKE. �lG�C3 # 6 5.3 PLAMNEp I�k.Vk.l_t�PMkN"!" PD 6�.-8A fl�lq SI.18G�I'U�S:1��;7N 5 it1�-g4 '�":�:"fAfli �►ROP�:.FIl":�:F�;� f�PO # 6 ' S.4 COMPRE:63��1SIVE PLAN AM�:NpME:NT' CPA 2�--84 C1T'Y 0�' '1":X:C(�Rf� F'i_Oc:)DPt�F�:CI� MAP � 5.5 C;C3fNPR�:H�NSxVE P�.filU AMEN�MENi" CPA 30--8Q Cl'1"Y (��' 1"�:�ARI� 5,6 Z(�IUE �?RI7:CNAN(:� A�1�NDM�NT ZOA 8�.-84 �;C:'1"Y dF' "1"�G(��tD 6. Qther Busi,ness o G�7.SCUSSIQYI -- S�L't1pC1 ].�i.�,14 �• speci.al rF�gul�ati�n �t� signs fa�^ G�s Statir�ns, Mot�:l/Hotels, and R��taurarets. 7. A�j r�urnmerit 08b7P ; i , � i TIGARD PLAN�TING COMMISSION REGULA.R MEETING - JANUAR.Y 8, 1985 1. Vice President Owens called the �ueeting to order at 8:05 PM. The meeting was held at the Fowler Jur�aor High - LGI Room - 10865 SW Walnut. 2. ROLL CAL�: PRESENT: Vice President fhaens; Commissipners Butler, Fyre, Leverett, PE���son, Vanderwood, Bergmann, and Caffipbell. ABSENT: President Moen. STAFFs Director of Cc�mmunity Development William A. Monahan; Assoc3ate Planners Liden and ATewton, anc� Secretary Diane M. yTelderks. 3. APPROVAZ OF MINUT�S * Commissioner Vanderwor�d moved and Commissioner Bergmann secanded to adnpt the minutes as s�a.bmitted e Motion carried by ma3ority vote of Co�xmi�sianers p�esent� Commiss�.oner Campbell abstxined. I 4. PLANNIIdG COMMISSIORI COMMIJNICATII�N Io The�e was no communication, 5. PU�ZIC HEARINGS ' 5.1 COI�I�'REHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 27-84 CITY OF 7�IGAEtD/MALL.AR.D LAKES A request by the City of Tigard to designgte �arnpe�cty �.nown as Mallard , I,akes as Wetlands. Located: North of SW Sattler St., B�tween Launalinda Park and Srh�ckla Park Subdivision (WCTpt 2S1 11AD lot 6500). * Commissioner Campbell moved and Commissionex Vanderwood seconded to set over CPA 27-84 �o the February 5, 7.985, P1ann3ng Commission Meeting. Motion carried unanimously by Cammissioners presant. 5.2 ZONE CHAATTGE ZC 1'l-fi4 PLANNED DE�IFLQIPMENT PA 4-84„ SUBDIVISIpN S 9-�4, VARIANCE V 15-84 - G. FERD WARDIN/�9ALLA.RD LAItES NPO # 6 A remand from City Council to Planning Commission for xeview of the above application wi.th additional and more deta:[led infor�.ation. Located North of SW Sattler St. , Between Launalinda Park and Scheekla Park Subdivisi:on (WCTM 2S1 iIAD lot 6500). Assoc�.ate lPlanner Liden reviewed proposed chan�es resulting fr.om the City Counc3l reffianded the Subdivision application back to Planning Cammission. He dic�tributed an addendum to page 6 and 7 of the staff report and made recommendation for approval with 18 conditions, adding that condition number 6 should be deleted if �he Varian�ce is approved. PLANNING COMhiISSYON MINUTES January 8, 1985 Page 1 APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION: o Bill McMonagle, Harris-McMonagle, 8905 SW Commercial Street, were cnncerned about canditions riumber 9 and 10. On con�ition number nine they uould like the words "at the time of approval, if applicable" a�ded. They request conditions number ten to be eliminated because the ponds are to be maintained by a Homeowners Association and they did not feel it was appropriate to have a bikepath which would a11ow the public to use a private common area. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Tom Arvidson, 8885 SW Scheckla, lot 23 east of the lower pond, opposed having a 50 foot road between the ponds as it would require to much filling of the ponds to accomplish. o Connie Smith, 88�0 SW Scheckla Drive, representing NPO �� 6, was eoncerned tha� the nPw plans had not been made available for the NPO ta review prior to the meeting. She did not feel the plan submitted reflected what the NPO and Developer had agreed to. Alsa, thexe was to be a landsc�pe plan submitted. o Iona Hansel, $880 SW Scheckla, recommended that the ponds be lceep in their n�tural state. She was cnncerned about the width of the road and that no landscaping plan had been submittede She favored a private drive, ta keep the road between the two ponds as narrow as possible. o Myron Recab, 8795 SW Reiling, opposed the deve'lopment b�cause the size of the lots would not blend in with the surrounding subdivisions. o John Hansel, �880 S�d Scheckla Drive, opposed the development as it is not in character with the surrounding properties. i o Kirk Smith, 8860 SW Scheckla Drive, opposed the development. He ! stated that their are two bedroom homes being proposed when all the surrounding home axe 3 bedrooms. He did not feel the proposal is consistent with the surrounding areas. REBUTTAL o Bill McMonagle, Harris McMonagle, did not feel that filling the ponds ko accommodate the road would be detrimental ta the ponds. He was coneerned that the NPO did not feel they had incorporated the changes they had agreed upon. He had not attended the NPO meeting but was sure all changes had been made as agreedo D3scussion followed regarding the 1ot sizes, landscaping, and �limination of one lot: PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Commissioner Peteraon, favored the pxoposal as submitted, nowever wuuld l�ke to see the road between the ponds narrowed and th� parking eliminated. PLANNTNG COMMISSION MINUTES January 8, 1985 Page 2 o Commissioner Bergmann, supported the proposal but was concerned about eliminating the parking, he favored give up one of the sidewalks. o Commissioner Butler., favored deletir_g the parkin� on th� �oad h�twe�n the ponds and deleting condition number 10 for the pedest�ian/bicycle path�aay. o C�,>mnnissioner Campbell supported the proposal eiiminating the parking. o C�mmi�sioner Fyre, generally was not in favor of the proposal. He was concerned about the difference in opinion o� the NPO and the developer. He felt a 25' road was a good compromise instead of the 50° road ariginally proposed. � Commissioner Owens favored the changes proposed with the r.oad width being decreased. * Com�vissioner Butler moved and Commissioner Bergmann �econ:ded to apprave ZC 12--84, PD 4-£34, S 9-84 and V 15-84 with tlae following changes from the staff report: a Change condition number 8. to sidewalks on both sides deleting parking (�ut up no parking signs) sub�act to the approval of the Engineering Division. Otherwise, eliminate sidewalk from one side. o Condition number 9. add, "at time of approval, if applicable. o Delete conditions number 10 for the pedestrlan/bicycle path. o Delete conditian number 6. (i/arriance approved)� o Lot number seven to �e moved to fit in with lots 8, 9, and 10, if possible. Motion carried by majority vote, Commissianers Owens, Vanderwood and Fyre voting no. Commissioner Leverett abstaining (abutting property ; owner). 5.3 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 6-84 AND SUEDIVISION S 11�84 TITAN PROPERTIEa � Y Request for preliminary plat and detailed planned development approval to ;� subdivide a 4.4 acre parcel into 15 lats between 4,400 and 10,875 square feet in size. The property is zoned R-7(PD) (Residenttal, 7 units/acre, ^ � planned development). Located: West of Waverly Meadows and north of SW ` Fanno Creek Drive (WCTM 2S1 12BB, lot 100) . ' i i Associate Planner Liden reviewed the history of the proposal and made � � staff's recommendation for approval wittx 16 conditions. ? � i � S P t � t Y PLANNING COI�dISSION MINUTES January 8, 19$5 Page 3 � � � � � � �d � x z r APPLICANT'S P1tESENTATION o Mel Stout, David Evans & Associates, 2526 SW Corbett, Portland, 97201, explained why the were proposing to rev3se Phase 4. They accepted all the conditions �n the staff report. o Stephen Bleek, 20945 SW TV Hwy. Aloha, st�ted they had met with the NP(? and the NPO was delighted with their proposal. PUBLIC TESTIMONY' o No one appeared to speak. J PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Consensus of the Gomm3ssioners was to support the proposal. * Commissioner Vanderwood moved and Commissioner Campbell seconded to approve PD 6-84 and S 11-84 based on staff's findings. Motion carri�d unanimously by Commissioners present. RECESS: 9:20 REGO�iVEI�TE; 9:32 5.4 COMPREIiBNSIVE PLAN AMENDMLNT CPA 29-8/+ CiTY OF TIGARD FLQOD PLAIN MAP A review o€ the F1ood plain Wetlands Map to cansider modifiGat�.ons to the wetlands designation. Associate Planner Newton reviewed the flood plain map and the areas they urere proposing to eliminat� frora the map. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Geraldine Ball, 11915 SW 91st, supported removing the wetlands designation from the area by Landmark Ford. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Discussion followed regardj.ng areas to be deleted from the aaetlands map. * Commissioner Peterson moved and Commissioner Campbell seconded to forward to City Council rscommend�.ng staff's changes as submitted. Motion carried unanimausly by Comanissionere present. 5.5 COM�'REHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMEN� CPA 30-84 CITY OF TIGARD Review Fimding, pol,icies, an,d Implementation Stxategies for Policies 3.1.1, 3.4.1, and 3.4.2. Associate Planner Newt�on reviewed the memo she had submitted to the Commission adding changes proposed by the Public Works Director. PLANNING COMNlTSSION MINUTES January 8, 19$5 Page 4 PUBLTC TESTIMONY o Geraldine Ba11 questioned the need for a field survey. Discussion followed. PUBLTC HEARTNG CLOSED o Vice President Owens moved and Commissioner Butler seconded to set CPA 30-84 over to the February 5, 1985, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioner pres�nt. FINAL ORDERS FOR ITEMS 5.2 and 5.3. Associate Planner Liden reviewed the final ordex• for PD 4-84, S 9-84, ZC 12-84, and V 15-84. * Commissioner Peterson moved and Commissioner Bergmann seconded to adopt the final order as proposed by staff and authorize Vice President Owens to sign the final order. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioner present. Associate Planner Liden reviewed the final order for PD 6-84 �nd S 11-�4. * Commissioner Peterson moved and Commission Butler seconded to adopt I, the final order as proposed by staff and authorize Vice Pr�aident �I Ow�ns to sign the final order. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.6 ZONE OR.DINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 8-84 CITY OF TIGElRD Review section 18.26, 1f3.94, 18.96, 18.98, and 18.144 of the Community Developffient Codev Director of Community Development Monahan reviewed his memo regarding Manufactured/Mobile Homes. He requested that the Commission give him some direction as to whether manufactured homes should be allowed on single family lots. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Don Halbrook, 1109 Sierra Vista, Newberg, supported staff's recommendation for the definition of manufactured homes. He supported allowing manufactured homes on single family lots. Mary Clinton, 9865 SW View Court, was concerned about the effect Manufactured homes would have on established homes if they were allowed an single family lots. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 8, 1985 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Comm�ssioner Fyre stated he was on NPO # 3 during the Comprehensive Plan and their intent was not to allow manufactured homes on siizgle family lots. o Commission Vanderwood stated :Lt was her understanding that manufactured homes were not to be allowed on single family lots. o Commissioner C�mpbell stated she was not present during the Comprehensive Plan proce�s, however, was concerned with treating manufactured homes as mobile homes. She felt that they should be cnnstdered dwelling units. o Commissioner Butler stated hs was on NPO 4� 1 during the process and they determined it was discriminatory not to allow them, however, the intent of tl�e plan was not to a11ow them on single family lots. o Commisbioner Peterson was not around during the Comprehensive Plan process but felt they should be allowed in subd3vision w3th convenants �nd on single fa�ily lots if standards were s�t. o Vice President Owens xecalled that it w�s NPO �� 7 intent to allow manufactured kiomes in manufactured home subdivisions. She felt there was a nee� for a defini�ion and supported staff°s recommendation. o Commissioner �.everett felt manufactured homes should be allowed as a matter of eeonamics. If they meet the building code they should. be allowed as a dwalling un3t. o Commission Butler commented that he felt allowing manufactured homes would help meet the LCDC goal. whick► xequires providir�g a diverse type of needed housing. Iie felt minimum standards could be established. � o Lengthy discussion fc�llowing regarding allowing manufactured homes. o Frank Johnson, 15685 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. commented that he lived in a mobile home and that their is a big difference between manufactured and mobile homes> H� added that ZaGrand allows manufactured homes in a specific ares. o Discussion followed on how to continue. Consensus was to go back through the NPO process. Na action was taken. Director of Community Monahan reviewed his memo on flag lots and height limitations. He explained the difficul�y of applying the restriction when flag lots are being developed. He then reviewed seven alternatives. PUBLIC TES3'IMONY o Mary Clinton, 9865 SW View C:t. , representing NPO �� 6 suggested not allowing flag lots to abut existing established areas. She felt flag lot should only be allowed on R 3.5 lots or larger. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 8, 1985 Page 6 _ � i o Discussion followed. Consensus of the Commission was to send this item b�ck through the NPO process. Commissioner Butler and Owens favored alternative number 5 and Comm3ssioner Peterson favored altern�tive nuanber 2o No action was taken. I i 6. OTH�R BiTSINESS o Director Monahan reviewed his memo regarding sign code exceptions for re��surants, motels, and gas stations. He asked the Commissioners for their input on whether these types of businesses should be allnw�d spe�isl exceptions. I o Consensus of the Commission wa� for limitations and not to a11ow ' speci�l except3ons. � 7 o ADJOURNM�IdT 11 t 0$ P.M. ' Diane Mo Jelder ecretary ATTEST: �� C�����-�---- Vice-President Bonz�ie Owens 0903P dm� PL�ANNING COI+�tISSION AfINUT�S January �, 1985 Page 7 _ � _ _. . _ ,_ ,. (, �: j � i 's' i ;' _ _ _ _ -, `7 i DATE /�� �� � � ROLL CALL: ' Don Moen � � Jbhn Butler � I t'� Mil?� Fyre _� � Deane� Leverett ! � Bonnie Ow�ns i (J�p Dave Peterson � o � S Ckiris Vanderwood � � Floyd Bergmann � � (),R,� Nancy Campbell -�o _ , .�. —-_ _ _ ��� �� �� �������E�� ������� �.���� 7_'0210 J��� P O BOX 370 i'NOPlE(5031 S8d-Q38t� ���s�� � ScAVEP.TO{V,OR=GOid 97075 ����� ���6�� ��l9��'�B�E�� � C i t y o f i i g a r d � �! ;earshe�p �4ct�c� P, O, Bo� 23397 � � T i g ar d, OR 9 7 2 2 3 � DL,a6i�:a�e f�ffidav�t g � `�'���s� �������� �! � ' ��`����-���� ����=���.���.�� ���������� ; . � . .� � ���.. .:��.� �a��; �'€��i,€�reg�re. �e<yia�c����a�r&e ts��L�t����°�. �tc��s�����g�����ia��€;r��t�d755�e�v���,�i�a°si,Qx°e�� 97��eaa°�r�asg�3�4F`Y1.. ���!��l�lT �� ���LdC��"4�Jd� P����..�.:��3�� �€3�i�����Z��2-84;���d��i3������1��T:�'����4,��3��I- S�,A�E OF Ot��CaQ4�4. 3 }I��s� � ��, �l��� e1 g�g� - 6.�. �$�y3 nJ�33"iI�,T/l1�1��� COl1��'Y �F ►l��SN3�6C��UN, )ss. 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(please Print your 23ame) ITEM/b�:SCRIPTTON: � i . � ' . 'Aw �Q��� �//l � s • '� Fr" IoYI pht I QroR, l..f�i� PROPONENT {For) • OPPONENT {against) Nam�, Adcl�ess and Affiliation � Name, Address and Af�iliation � � �'iS5•t�.�-Cc.s��' ._.�--�,n ' / �. �'�s'�'r?"." S C'/ -�,° 7 ,� /�'/��Y/7��G /Gi1��J r . � d /✓ t V � ��C..�Jv ` �C�/Z� � C� �'�,�1� �� G���%� "�.` � -�-�G ��17v,v ���cor � �ys . � ' ^ � ,-�_... — --_ _-- � v '`"'`� �...� �1��� ��'.�t���� � �� ;- c.��c:� , , ��ll�v ��..� � ���--� G � . ,, DATE � ` �'�� TIGARD PLANN2 NG CO _M_MI__S S I0N I30TICE: ALL PERSOPY5 DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY I'Y'EM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note� their adc3ress. on this sheet. lease Print �oa1r name) ITEM/bESCRI�TION: v��� � �/�,0�� , • � ` 5° � � • w � PROPONENT (ForJ - PONENT (against) Naane, Address and Affilia�i.on � Name, Address and Af�iliata.on , ., °7v�� ��.�, � I. � _:.:.. _._._:_ _...�.. w_.J Ue\':'i:;---�`�•—��..._____. TIGARD P.GANIVTNC COP�IMTSSION SIGN UP SFTEL'T' ` ,I hOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ODI ANY ITEyI riUST SICN THEIY NAI�IE 'I and note their addx.ess on this sn�et. (please Print your name) ITENI/bESCRIPTION:___�� � -1 � S�"� �� ~ '� PROPOiVENT (For) OPPONE�TT (against) Name, l�ddress and �ffiliation • Namee Address and Af�il�.a�ic�rx �d2�' � Z� C. � �-- ; � �� � �' era� 1 � �a. / , , I30TICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRIZJG TO SPEAK ON AI3Y ITERI DIUST SIGN T�IE:TR NA6fE and note th�ir address an this sheet. (please xint your name) 5°� IT�1�1 ESCRIPTION: ��m � _ . YROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Nanee Address and Af�iliation ' � �� .L � C`c�•.S o �� r�. ` L . `� . .,�.....r......_...._r _ ;; �� ,;;;, � � _,_ i:<=' -----.._ �'.:�. �.;, ---.____._ .�.�...�_ --------_ _, , .. _.�:.__._..�_ --�-•---- ---. � ----- _..__ _...-- �.. • • ��� �� ��11h1r1�, �W�IN1�S 3 I tM h �Y" � :,:. .. ____ .�'".�' S. q 1 . ____ . s-- NOTIC�: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEht MUST SIGN 'CNEIK NAPfE: and n�te their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPT'ION: ��V p °�G�� �I � ' . -- — PROPONENT (For} OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Addre�s and Af�il.iation � �, 1l- U � ' � t� , . �, , i . i �� , , . . � , ',I � �`,F , . . . . r�.Yl�,' _ . . . . . . ✓ '`. � � � . � . . . � . � . � . .. � � . �`�� . . ... . . . . . . . . i�� . . . . .... . .. . .. �,nt� � .� . . . .. . . . . . . LQ�! PL.ANNTNG CUMM�SSIt�N WORKSHQp 6:3n tn $:d0 P.M. TUESDAY --• TANUAFtY 8, 19E5 '1'he f�al.l�wing .tapics wer�e su�ggest�d for discussion at the wnrkshc�p: 1. Si.gn Gade �:xceptir_�n (see attached cF►art M1F1).CFl i�.],ustrates th� �om►n9.ssio�n's a��a.ons sirrce cr���tinr► r�f the excepti.on prac�ss). �. Uensity C�lculatian 3. Sandburg Street -- passi.bl� �ampreh�nsi.ve P].an Map r�visi.an. 4, U�her topics of a.ntere�s� to the Crrn�mi.�sian m�mbers. At �':3Q P.t�, we will b� joi.ned by Attc�r�rtey Adri.ar�ne HY'rJCICTit811'1 of the t:,i.ty A�t:tor•��y� �a��Fice. Ac�rianne wi�.l b� �uail.ak�le t�r di,scuKS �ny gen�r�]. �ue�ta.ons which yaw t��aue ar� pracedur�es conc:err�ing the wetlancis �r�d Mal].ard Lake c�uestiat��. Q881P _ _ . _. _ _,� ! REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION l2EQUEST — Applicant — Sign type PLRNN�NG C()P'r'1ISSI�N REAUESi" BY — Address — Size STA�F RECO{�'�1ENDA�'ION ACTIC�N S�E 1-83 Commerce Plaza Additional Free Starding ApproUal Withdrawn 5ign Graft 7100 S.W. Nampton 5ign 12'4" X 3' '� I SCE 2-83 Tigard Plaza Additional Free Staa�ding Denial Approval Vote 8-1 Luminite Hall St. Entrance Sign 8'Xla' 16 feet high Sign Co. SCE 3-83 Way 13. l.ee Additianal Free Standing A�proual w/canditions A pproved w/conditic�ns Security Wayside Inn Szgn 1a0 SF per face 1. 2 $ree s�anding signs 1j Remave 2 existirsg signs Sign Inc. 11410 SW Pacific Hwy 3d feet height to be rem4ved 2� Sign height not to 2. Height not to exceed exceQd 30 feet, �I 22 f�et �) Max. area r�f s igns wi 11 be 100 SF w/majar sign no more th�n 9(� SF Vote 5—Z 5CE 4-83 lst Inters�ate Bank Raise 6'X12' sign from Denial Denial — Unanimous Rams�y Sign 11760 S.W. Wall 26 feet to 34 or 36 feet Ir�c. SC� 5—�3 Chalet Restaurant Replace existing nr�n— Denial, however, A��ra�ed w/conditions tl�at Ramsey Sign 1ib80 SW Raeific Nwy conforming sign with 22 feet is PICKBUCD h�igP�t be 22 fee�t. Vote — unanimous SCE 1-84 St� 38th Ave & Pac Nwy Additional Free Stan�ii.r�g A�praval w/cond�tions �tppraved of sign $or Oak Hill sign fo�^ shappi.ng c�nte� 1. 2 freesfi:anding signs res�taurant only Dev. Corp. Sign tu �be in co�npliance will be allowed, Vote — llnanimous with coc�e includ�.nc� for �^estaurant 2. Rewies� m� signs by Planning Dir�c�tor � _ _ , _ E i � � � R£QtiEST FflR � EX�EI�T'�G{V R�QUEST — £1pp..kcant — Si�c� type PLANNIN� CCk`�tISSI(3�! �2£QUEST 8Y — �tddress — Size �7'A;�F RE�£N13�TI(3Rl AC�ION SCE 2--84 Texaca Replace 2 FrEQ Stanc�in� fl��tresval w/conc�ations ��proued — 47nanimously Richard 11534 SW Pacafic Hwy signs where rsne �.s 1. ��^�e�aay sa.gn not to 1. Freestanding sign 22 ft• , �i�bk� perrnit�ed, 4� fit. freeway exceed 35 ft. in high, max 15d SF � orien�ed 13' x 13' sigra— heighit o�/maximum area 2. �tighway oriented 48 �t. 169 5F — 24 ft. 17�d S� high with �rsax area of Total 81 SF 2. Freestanding S7.�P1 irr 340, 170 eac� side. c�mplian�e wlCode 3. Remave aIl ? �r 3. Rema�e alZ o�h�r signs bring into compliance. �rsd bring o�t�rers ir�to ' compliance. : SCE 3-84 Westwoad Gorp Additiona2 frees�tanding DEr►ial, �Qwever, wauld Rpproved as submitted Westwood 11705 SW Racific Hwy. sign w/165 SF pe�^ face �a sigt� which does not Gorp, 16' 9" high exceed 135 S� : 4-2 vote _ SGE 4-84 Shi].o Inn Seconcf f:�es��ndia�g si�n, Deni��. Approved a 48 ft. high sign lieenstre�t 1d830 SW Greer�burg Rc�. 21b S� at �L� �Ft h�a.�t�t 5-3 SCE a-84 Plain Pantry a� Frees�andan,g sigra D�ni.al Denial Martin Pacafic Crossroads 18 �t. high Br�s. 3.1705 SW Pacif ic Fiwy, Signs Unanimous (W�"1:pm/0850 ) � C7�'i"Y QF T:I:CAF2C) pL.ANNINC G(�'IMTS51;pM � F'INAL t712tJHR N0. 85�- 0/ PC ', �, ..�......,_.. i , A f��N�l_ dRp�:R INt;L.UDTNC F"TIUC�I�IGS ANIJ �qNCt_US�QIVS. WHT.CH APPitQVE:S AN �ll�Pt,.:CCA'i";CON 1=UR A �oN�: rfaf�tH�;E (LC 12..-8A), �1:18p:[VL�:CpN( S �....Q�►), plw(�NNfD D�"Vk�L.pPME:NT �Pl� 4_..8q), AN[) VAR:I:ANCE� (V ].5--�8A} Rk:Q�UE.�l"�C) BY G. F'E:RC) WAHI�T:N. � ...,,�..,,�.�.._....�.._........,.,,.....,.�._�........,.w.,..,,....,........,....._..,..,..,_._................_...._......,,.,.,.....,.....,...,.,.�..,._..,.,_...,.,.,._.._.....��.._,,,...._�....,�.___..,.,,.,,,,....,..._...,..�..,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�...,. 1"he l"a.gard f�l�r��ninc� Gomrni.ssic�n r�ui.ewed th� abuve a�apl.i.ca�i.c,r7 ��� a publ.ic Mc�ar�irrg M�].ci e,n Januar•y 8, 1�f35, 'The rr�mm?ssiun h�asc�:d i�l: der�.siur, r,�n �:he facts, finda.ngs, and cr�r�clusi.r�ns natecl b�1aw; A. �'Al':TS 1. �eneral I:nfarmatic�n Gp�;E:: pJ,�nneci peuelr,,�m�r�t (i�C? 4-�84), �dabdivi.sa.on (S 9�-..84), �arr� Ch�nge (�C 12��..fI4) ar�d Var�iance (V 15...,8q) �tE.t�U�:ul": Requpst k�y G. F'erd Mlarda.rr far a r��;vninq fram Ft....A.�s (Rc�sid�ntial, 4.5 un:its/acre) �o R..-4.5 (F►Q) (R„_4.5 urr:i�ts��co^e, Planned �euelc�pmer�t) qe�:�i.l�d Pl.ar�inc�d peuc7.opm�r�t ap�,rQUa]. �nc� Prelimiriary Pl.at �p�r�r�v�I ra�F a 37 lc,��t, single �ami.ly res:ici�rrti.al deu�).ppmc�nt. A vari�ncg ta the m�.xim�sm cul.--cle_..sac ],engtF� of �iOQ �Pea��: t4 al.lnw a �►GU+ Fr�o� lr�rrg cial�..-de...�.s�ac i:r �lso r•c�t��ans�;cd. Th� prU�erty is lacat�d on �t;he nor�P:h si.d� af S,W. Sattl.er Stre�t � be�w,n„nn I..aunal,ii�rda Park and ScF�c�c6c1� nark subd:ivisi.rans, Tig�r�d (W��h. �o, T�x hlap ?S1 11.AD. T�x l.c�t 55t30) . CC�NPft!•wl��f�NSIV� PI_(�N qF�a:�;��I�A'1";Lc�Nt Iwow t�ensi�ty R��i�ler��:a.al 7.OIVXNG O�:S;I:GiUA'i"3:OiV: R-•4.5 (Resi�en�ia�l, 4.5 ur�its/ac�e) AI�PI..:�C�fV'T'; pavi.d I_. Farr t7WN�R: G. 1=�r•d War�iin Farr Q�uela�men�t Gn. 915 E, F`a.rst S�t. �a�0 SW 6eaver•�an Mwy, l��wb�r�, �R 97132 6eav�rtan, OR 97005 I_t�°,'A'f`CON: 2., eac__k�,,,round, 5a�ttl.�r� Park Estates re�si.ued pre].a.mi.nary ap�rrrval in �:979 (7..C; ''1..2.--78, Ord`, 7��-fi2). 4��weu�r, �Me projnc:t �lid nut pruc�ed. In 1981, a rQUi�c�c� �ar�ipasal featuri.ng 34 cumrnun wal.l. uni�:s, 3 singl.e fan�i.a.y re�i,denc�s, and a 3 ,7 �cre rap�n s�aace ar�na at �he r�or•t1��Nrn �nd �f i:he �ar�per•�ty was �ropax�d. 'rhi:s project�. alsu did nat materi�].ize. � �! ; i � �.� � ! � F';CNAL (�RI)k:R PO Q..�.�aa� S �..��84, 7C 12�-84, V 15�-a4 Page 1 i k � i _ ,��:<� :._�..�.. t Tha.s appl.ir:�ti,on was r�vi.ewed by planninc� Cammissir�n Un Septemtaer Ath ar�d Qr�r,�faer ?nd, �.984, On c���:c7ber 29, •�,984, the Comm9.ssion President sic�nsd � the F'irta]. �rder d�nying tPic ��ropasal, The Cl2Ga.37.q1`I was appeal.ed ta Ci.ty Courir„a.l, �tnd r.�n qp�:�mh��r 14, 198A, tMe rauricil re�Ferred thr4 i•�c�m ba�k ta the C�mmissi.an far �FurtMer car�si.derati.on. T'he Co�incil. indi.cated tMat th� appl.i.c�rit shr,ul,d p�r•�f�ar�m a mur•� �harraGi�h suruey r�f �he 1�i��ci #:a �1����^cna,rre th� sa.ze af the �ands anc� that a p],anr�c�d d�uel,opmers�t should be �tp�raved which is co�sist�i�rt wi��h the crrnstrairrts pres�rit�d by the punds. 3, Vicini�nform��iur� Si,ng.l� �Fami.l,y resi.denti.�a]. subdi.visi.ons xr�ned R-�A.S and R--A.5 (�q} ak�ut �he �aroper�ty �ar� the �ast, rior•�th, �r�d west. '1'he S��mmer•fiel.c� deuelr,,�m�n� wha.ch is xr�rrec�9 F2-•7 (F�p) i.s lc,c�ted tr� th� srau�F�west r,ri �he op�r,site si.ci� of Sai:t�.er Str�et. 'The r�maini.nc� �r•aa sr�u�h of ��he s�re�t i.s ur�dev��.ra�a�c� and zar��d R-•4,5. Exc�pt fc�r• th�is und�vElaped �,�r•cel, the surraunc�a.ng �r+:�per�ties are wi�Ma.n an Fs�t�ka7,i.si•�ed �ir•�<<a as a.der��tifi,ec� ii1 tl�e Com�reMi�rtsive Rlan, A waaded tract adjac�e�� •�a �tPi� n�rtheast corner uf �tt�e prGp�rty is uwn�d by i�he City �� ra�rk l�nd. ;C�t; cr,,r�fi:air�s th�± drain�tg�way fc�r• �:h� pr,rrci;� �nc� a k�icycl.�/pec�estrian �tath wh�ich COI'tl'1�L:'t5 89th Auenue with Scheck].a F�ark. 4, Si�e Informatian T'hr prupert_y a.s unc��ve].op�d, rela�i.v�l.,y flat, arir� i.� cr�nt�irrs �wn sma].l. mara.�...m«de pr�nds ri4aar� �th� r7r,r~tM �r�c� ��f' thp par•c�:l. Yh� �ai�tds ar�r� r�at adentified i.r� the Coniprehensive PJ,�n as a s�ns�.tiue l.ar�d are�e, si.gni�Ficar�t '� �_ wild].if� h�ba.tat, ar as r,pen ��ace. Al��h�uc�h nat sh�nwi7 r�rti tMe Pl.an � Wetl�nds Niap, the p�r�ds and the lar�d imn�ediately adj�cen� m�et tF�e Plar� ; r�efa.nxt:irrn of wr�tlands. � I Th� applicant has modi.fied the pr��a�7c,sn�1 �nd now plans �r� deu�lc�p a 37 lat, single �Family resa.deri�:i.al sG�{�divisa.c�n. I.,c�ts wa,ll u�7r�y b��w�en S,OQQ �nd ' ' ��,000 square f�et 7.t'1 sixe. "('wo ���,arate p�rcels a�F 1 .�. �a��! 0.�'� acres � wFaich include �Me twa pr�+�c�s ara prc�{�as�d to k�� main#:air��c� by a hameowner°s assaci.atiar�. The adcla.ta.or� af � f�lanned �}�ve�.apment zuriing designataon is r��:quws�k:ed �to �11ow frrr a plar7nec� d����rs�arner�t zns��ar� of a s�:�rec�t�t!^�d = subdivi.siun, TFiis develapmcnt wil.l. cc,nnect �;��.� two stub st:r�cY#;g whzck� �ar�spret�.y �er�miri�L� �t tMe rasl; and wQSt si�1�s �if th� pr�apr�����, 'Th� �a;^im�ary acress � ta the devel.apmcnt wil.l b�� pravided by w :E.��:�:a"s. strpQt ir���:^��c��±.n� with ; Sattler Str�eet wi�rd ter�minatirrg wi�:h �; �iat.-,�ie�.-sac r,r4�r� c:to� nc�r~ct�i�r�r� ��wc� �f the pruject. The cul-de--sac is praposed ��a �� �r�s�7 ���t ir� ].engih from the E int�rse�tion wi.�th �he s�abda.visir.,n cr�c��s..�-;�;,r�r�t, 3 1"he arew aruund �:h�� �ands 9,s to b� r:�.�ared selsc�tiuexy, huw�u�rr they �re � tc� be basi�:al.ly retair��ci irh the natural stat�. The r6.��.w.:��,.�.sac ��r�a�t wi.11 extend betweer� the �onds, � :� ,� ; � "� ;� ; F'�NAI� nRDER PD 4•-84. S 9-84, �C 12�-84, V 15,�M8A page 2 ,� ;� i i �' _ _. _.._ :. _� 5, A�e��_and Npa Comments � The F�hc�i.nnering qa.uisir�n has the Follawi.��g commpnts: a. Sat;�ler 5tr���t is a mi,nor cal,l.ec�ar street wh9.ch r�c�ua.res � riyht•-of•-�way wa.di�h caf &0 f��e�t. b. J'ai.nt use and nrai.ntenance agreemen•ts shr,uld k�e requi.red �F�ir �1.�. crsntmcsn driv�aiays. c. Th� (:ode r�quires that str�e�t i.r�t�s^secti,ans ar�c� r�ut l�ss tPian 40°. d. l"he s�r�e�t interser,ti.r�r� should be modifi�d �o b� consi.s�ent wi.th Sec�tion '18.�.64.�:�0(h)(].) rJr a uari�nce �t;ra thQ 25�-Fr����� t�ng�rrt requi.remen�s at 9.ntersecti.oris shr,�.i].d be ree���stecl. e. Sid�walks sF�uuld b� a f�et w3.c�e and �dj�r,;er�t �te� �1:h4� curb ex�.ept al.ong Fiei.li,n� Str�e�t b�tweer� 97.st Au�nu� ai�7c� �ch��ckl� Park �'s'�:��tes and alcrr�g 5��:�:�.er S��:r�ne� wF�ierE� 1:t�ey shr���.d be Ganste^ucted alor�g �he rigi�rt--�o�F-��►ay la.ne, f. :�nterior sLr•caets shal.l b� der�a.c�f:�<i ��a i:h� publi.c anci shal.]. be i,mproved to Ca.ty ].aca]. str�et star�d�ards (50 �F��t ri.gMt�-o�'-�-w�yb 34 f���� betW�aer� curbs), a.nrluc�a.r►g curb�, si�iewa�.ks, stre�tl.igh��ts, dra.uEw�y a�srar�s arrd whs�el.ch�ir ram�s, g. The s•trr,et s�c�ion which crasses �h� par�ci �aa^e� sha�alc� inc],u�ca a �,�,> 5...fno� wide sidewalk ar� Faoth side�s, wath th� are�� sidewal.k locat.c�� aa� �ap cr�F t;he west b�rm. Al�so� �:I�e si�r•c�c�4: sh4�l�i be rPC�uced tu � 2�-...faot wi.dth witFi p�ar~kir�g unly p�r�mi.tted ran th� �,�est si.de. i � M. A State �:ngi.nper�' s permi.t wi].1 be i7�cess�ry for the dam batw�Frr ! the pc,ric�s, i. S��arm draa.nage ar�c� sanitary sewer details shYr�uld b� pr�vi.c��d as 'i �art of �tMe publi,c impr•r.�u�ment plaris. j . An 8�,�.fnot sic�� ��ved pHd�strian/bi.cycl.e path sh�,ul.d be k�r•vvided frr�m i:he cdal�..�ie....s�c s•tr��t, south wf the �aS�Ler�n pond �:r, �he exi,sting pa�h on the Ci.�y park land to the east. ;; k. F ach �r�rid sMpuld be s�uck�c� with 1,000 ��r�rbus ia f a.sNt fUr masqua.tra cantrol, 1. Adjustable uufifal]. structur�s dc�signed fur a ].0-••year sturm shnuld be pr�vided. m A ph��ing plan should b� a�pr�ved by the Ca,�y En�a.neer°. n. Na abjec�iun to th� va�^ianr� request for a A6A�-�uat cu7.•-de.�..�ac ;; s�res�. >: � ` ,' �< k: . . . � . . . �. �'I I': � FTNAI., bRU�i2 PD 4--,8q� g g-,�BA, 7.0 12-�94, V 1��84 Page 3 �. � (; �; � NPO !�6 me�t wi�h i:he d�ve].��pr�r �rrc� the reuis�c� plan is int�ridPC� ta addr�sx •tl~ie reserua�ti.ons expressed by tFie NFfO. A form�l reui.ew uf � th:is r�vised plan has n�t b�pn cr,�nr�uetpd by NPO #6. B. F TNC)II�GS ANp CQIUCI.USIqNti T'he r�7.�!vant a�prov�]. Gri.teri.a in this ca�� ar� Statewide Planni.ng Go�'1.� 1, 2, 5 and 10; t.,oin�r�h�nsi�e Poli�a.es 3.1.�. �, ai�d 4. , 3.4,2,a. , fi,3 ,2, 6,3.3, anci 7.2.1,a, ; ai~�c� Communi.�y 17�vel,�pmei�t Code sec�t:ions 18,q2 (a), ia,�o.u4o, �e.ao. �.10(c){1) �LMrawgh {�), �a.eQ.c�ro (a), �e.�z,ozo(�) �na {�). ��d xa,x6o.�.zo(�) . 1"he Pla�r�ning Commi,ssa.an Cr,�1�C�.uCI�B that the �p�ali.cable Stat�wid� Plarrrr�.ng Ga�al.s r�l.at:�i�► �to �i:h� a��rpl,ira�tian� fc�r tMe �one �h�ng�, plar7n�d � Develo�mcryt, Suk�cli.visi€�n, ar�d Var�ia�nce ttiave k��erro adrquately adc�r�ssed bas�d up�,n �he fol.�.awi�ng findinc�s: 1. Stat�wid� Planna.ng G�aal. #�. i.s met bc�c�use �hE� Ci.�y h�s adupt�d a Citirens Inuol�c±m�nt Program S.rrcluc�inc� rc�vi,�w of al.'1 d�velc�pman� ap�al.ica�:ins by th� IU�i.gl7k�arhar�d �lann:ing Organa.zaticrr� (Np0). In �dditiun, all notice r�r�u:ir•em�r�ts w�r� m�t. 2, Statewide Pl�:nni.rtis� G�a1 #Z a.s m�� k��c�us� the C;ity ��apa.i.ec9 a].:l ��p1icM�b1� S�a1:��,►:ide Pl.�nna.ng Coals, C;i.ty Crr�nprehc�nsa.v� Pl.�n �r,l�i.ci.es. anci Dev�l.opment Cade r�quir�m�nts to �th� a��,l.icdti.ur�. ; ,:' Tt�e Plar�r�a.ng Commis�ic,n cranr.:�.��de� �ha�t: fi:he app].ir,:�ba,Q S�t:a�k;swic�� Planning i �. Go�a].s re�.a�9.ng to the �p�li.c�tic,ns far the Planrr�d p�ue�.apm�nt aryc� � S�abciiui�r�n h�ue k�e��n �+c��c�ua�k:�ly a��r�s��d h�.s�c� upr.,n �h� f�rllawing i �Findirogs: � � y.. Statewide F�lar�ni.ng Gaa]. �r.i i.s m��t because �he r�el.�uan•t wildl.ife and wet�.°nds iss�aes have tar;;,ran ac�c�ressed. 'Tfre rr�m�arehr�rysive P1�n R�sourre O�cum�rrt 7,1'1C�.UCI�3 � wil.dl.i,fe ar��a i.reuen•tory conducted by the �t<�tE fJivisa.an of Wil�a.ife ainc� a secunc� inti�r�tGry r�va.c�w�c.i k�y fih� (�u+d�abr�n Saciety. N�i�h�r s�udy ic�er��ifi�d Ma].].ard Pands as a sa.gni�F�.cant wildlif� habitat dr�a. Althuuc�t7 the (�ity (;oinpreh�nsi.u� pl.��� has nat bee�� a4knawl�dged, tti� Sta�e has a�pruued this prar�a.an a� �he Plan, The pands n�c��� t>he rity definiti.c�r7 o�F Wntl�nd and are beir�g r�uiewed accard ingl,y, 2.. Sta�ewi.dF� Pla►�nir►g �oal #].q i.s sat9.sfied iaer�.use the prupos�7. wi.a.'�. prova.dc� �r>r. a variety a� hausing types as er.�nt�mpl�ted by �;h� Qampr�her�isiv� Pl�n. 1"he P];ar�r�ir�g Camma.�s9,r�n cuncludes that �he �ppli.cabl.e Ccsmpreher�save Plan polici�s re].atinc� to thc� �pplica'�ir;,ns far �the Plar�ned pevelopmerrt �ncl Suk�diuisio� hav� beerr m�� ba4ed u�on the findi.ngs be].r�w; 1. P�rlicy 3 ,1. ], �, is sati���a.ad laeca►as� the o"l�J��.].C&ill'lt: has suk�mil�ted addi.tic,nal. a.n�ormati.�n r��.ative �cc� �:F�e pur�ds arrd it a.s the apin�,nr� r�f �: �he C:i�ty Engi;i�e�r• �h�at: the s�asr.�nal w�i:cr �able �.s nc��� a sa.gnifi�t�r�t � deuelr,pmet�fi: cr�ns�raa.nt and th� subdivisa.on is appro�,ri�,te. j: E';CNAL �Rq�:R I�D A...BA, S 9M-84, Z4 �.2--8A, V 15...,SA Page A ` i Sp P ; . :.__. .... :::. .. . ... . ... ..:. _ __ ..:< . .... _.::::. -�.,". ! _ _ _ _ ; �: i� ;! i: 2. Po7.i.cy 3 ,A.?, i.s me� because reui.ew �if the Cit�y Comprehensa.ue Plan i�rdicat�s LFi�t two i��ventori.�s o�F signific:ar�t wildlif� habit�t: �ar�as ( were crrr�ciucted and the por�ds wer� not defi�!rminpd ta b� si.g�ni,��i.can�, Also, the re�u9.sPd •si�e� plan mare clearly identiFie� i:h� �iar�ds and because the r�umber uf lats has b��n reduced, the f1Gt,ISE!S in �he c��uela�m�r�� can m�ir�1:��.i� gr�a�er ss�ba�ks From the parids. Se,�mp f�.11 wil.l be r•eqwi.red �Fur the pr�r�aased cul-de-sac, but it wil.l nut affect tM� i.n��gr•ity c�f i:he pands. � 3 . Pali,cy 6,3 .2 is met FJGCo"lUSp the revis�d �a�.an shows a r�d�cfi:ir�n frGm ' �.1 to 7 . lra�ts r,�n �l:he n�r�th side af �he prri�ds and �tMerefGre the reui.sion i.s cr�nsistPryt with the d�nsi.ty transi.tian secti.an c�f tM}p Cammunity D�vel�.�pmerrt coc�e. A. Pol.i.cy 6,3.3 i� sati.sfied becaus� ttiE densi,ty nf tMe reuised subclivi.sion plan cunfurms w�,i�L••a� th� ciensa.ty l.i.mifi:a�ions impased by the Commun;ity Developm�i~�t Cac�e. " r 5, pal.icy 7,2,'1 is satisfa.ed becaus� w�a�:er dr�inage iss+.i�s do na� �� repr•ASenfi: ariy signif�.can� prab].emg �a�at �an nv�l: w� �ddrpssed ciuring the �nc�i,ne�ri,ng d�sige•i �,hase c,f tMe �arajecf:. TM� rcvi,sed site �alan «�°ic� i:ha �rarr�i �r�d �^r��c�way det�il,�d plan i1lusLr•ate th�a�t the �stablished drainage o�F the ponds wil.l not b� irrhibi�ed. 'T'he P7,anning �rari111Y1SSi4n conc].ud�s that t:he ap�l.i�aable sectinns r�� the Comm�ir�ity DeuPlopment Crrde re).a�Ci.ng �:o tMe app1.i.ca�ir,ns �c�r �t�� Plario�eed j (��au�l�pm�nt su�d Sukx�i.ui.sa.un haue k�c�en met 1a��ed �apr�n the fallawa.r�g 'i � fi.ndi.r�gs; �... • �.. TF��: r��ri.sGd prr�pasal is c�nsisten� wi.th �ecti�on 18.02 (a) I�2CalW8� the ;? cle��sii:y af 1:h� ci�ue�.opm�nt is reciuceci ar�d is cansis�:�nt with the ph�s:i.c�l ch�a��ct�r� af �he pr•r.�perty. 2, l;ha�ter �.9.2�5 cr�n�air�s the �p�.lowing defini�ions r��.ating ta ws�lar�ds: W�etlands Lands �ransi.tianal. between t�rres�ria�]. and aquati.c systems whc�re �:he wa��er t:ab1P i� u�ually at ar r�ear (wi�hin �4°' af) th� surface of the ].and a.s cc�ver�d by sha],I.ow water. Far pur�pc,ses of �Lhi.s r,lassification, wet'larrds mu�t h�ve ane or more of �the fallnwi�ng 3 �ttr^ibutes: (7.) at ].east �eriadirally, �the �.and supp��r�fi:s predo�ninantl.y Myc�rophytes�; �: (7.) the subs�rate i,s �redr,minantl.y hyclric�� sr,�.l; (3) the subatr�te is nars--sail x..x-� and i�s satur•�t�xd w�.th wat�r OP° � �' couered k�y sh7allaw w�ter at �ume �imP during the gr�rwing af ' ea�h year. �. �Wydraphytes t� R pl.ant growi.ng in wa�er or in so�.l toa w�ter lagged for '' most plants ta survive. A list of hydrerphytes is j; mai,ntaa.n�d in �he Planni.rig pe�ar�men� fil�s. ;; °x�*W cir��,c Gant�inin aci:c�e h dre� em. s� y �3 y �J t,� � �l �� F�NA�. OFtl�ER Pp 4-�.8A, S 9.._gq, ZC 12-�84, V 15-8A Page 5 �� � T � . .._,. .. ... _ ., ._....., __. ._�,_.. _: ...._.�_ _. ...�� �x°x°x��r�n.._�sai.7. L..�cki�ng �the q�aala.ta.�s uf soil.._rrat firm, un�k�le �tr� sust�i.n plant l.ife. r • �` (�nly tMe panc�s wrrc� �Lhe �t�ore arra may be cc�nsic��rkaci �s a wetl.and under �hcs� defii7itioi-�s. 3. S�cti.�.�n �.B.Ap.040 3.s sata.sfie.d k,eca�ase the r�umber of lots nortti af �the �r�nds has k�r,.,an r�:da�r.t±c� t� crar�f�,rm wi�h �tha.s sectirzri. '1"he r,ri.gin�1 plat: requir��i th�t �t l��s�t on� lr•r�: ne�ded �t� be r�maued and •t:his has been ��ui�e. 4. S�r.�:ians].) tFeraugh (A) �re sa�:a,sfied I��r•i�4134 'r�l� r�evi.sed informati.ar� �rres�n�ed was cc•amplca�te exc�pt �`Ua^ Lh� l�ack r:y�F a ].andscapi.ng pl�.n f�r �:h��� cramnran x�arcel.s whi.ch cc,r�ta.a.n tF7� �onds. '1"his must be submittnd �rici a��arr��ec� prir.,r• �ta� recurc�i��y1 �th� fi�nal p�.at. . 5. Section �.8.8A.01q(a) dA�s nc,t a�ply b�c;ause a S�i�ai.�ti.u� l.�rrds Permit is not rr�quirFd fur wetlands �tr��as. 6. 5ecti�.►ri$ �,�.97.(7?.,0{a) and (b) �rc� sati.sfa,ed bccaug� tFi�: �rapr�sed r�ensa.�yt i.s wii:hin �tMe l.a.�r�it� i,mpused by l:hp C�nc�e. "fhe R-�..A.5 zune o�].l.r�ws far� a maxi.mum der�sa.ty u� 4."� units �er acr�. Cha�r'�er 1E�.92 af tl�e Cad� praua.<�FS a n�ethc,�c� For� r��1�:�a],ai:i,ng •l;he all.aw�k�le densi�y for � SrJ�!C1'F1C p�opa��l., l��rk land d�dica�i.ans arad publ�.c �Facili�ti.es ��,c�, s-�r�ets) �r� suk�tr�c�ted ��r�r.�m �he �tr,�t;al tn i produc� a rie� acr�age, T'he n�� �creage zs �hMicn diva.d�d k�y �:h�� { ��4.;, minamG►m lr,t ;aa.x.� (7,5Q0 sr��,�are •F�et) �ca establish �th� max:imum r�umber csf ur�i.ts al.law�d . 's ; l"he answer for th� der�sa.tiy c�].cu],�•tiran v�ri�s d��enda.rr_y ux�or� �he c�ispasit�.r,n �f th� ��sr�c�s. I�f thie p�:,i�ds ar� r�r�•� d�dira�:ed •�r� �he public, �#� lc�ts ar� perma.ssi.bl.E c,r� �h� �>r�perty. Whpn the pr.in�s are ' suwtr�,c�t�d fr�r•rm �CMe gr�r,,ss �r,r��ag�, 40 l�ts are �1l.ow�d. '.Cfi �hhe prapo�ec� �ar�k ].�.nci is .d��di.c�ted as �FiGwn, 38 l.r�ts ar� ��rmitte�l. R`garc�Less n�f t:he �v�r7�tua�. s�:atus ofi �the portc�s, ��h�� �'X lr,y�s prc�pospd wi],l. can�r,rm wa.th ccrde requi.rcm�nts, The Planning �ommissi.�n cc�ncl.�ac�es �L"hiat the appl.i.cable s��tions o�F the � Cammunity p�uelo�m�nt Ga�1� r�].ati:ng tu th�e Variar�cc� a��il.a.cdti,on Maue b�cn ac�cir�ss�d k�as�d �apan the �F�allc,w:ing �Finciir�gs: Sec�ian ].a,16q.12.Q(b) i.s sata.sfi.�d ���ed u�run tF�e d3.scussa.on b��.r�w; A variar�c�.= may b� ap�r�u�d, appr.raued wi�t{-� ec,nditic,rrs or dpna:ed provided �thc Pl.anni,ng Cc�mma.sgi.�rn finds; �; �, 'fhere are speci,al c�.rcumstarFC�s c,�r r,onclita.�ns a�Ffectirrg th�a pra�ert,y whi.cM arc unwsual an�i �aecwli.ar fiu �t�e Iand as �ampared to nther l�nds similarly situa��d; t b, The variance is �t±ces�ary for �he praper dr�sa.gn or 'FUI'1G'�7.U1"1 :,f �` �4he suiad�.vi,sion; ::. �: F'�I��il.. bRqER pU Q--.84, S 9-�8A, ZC lT.�-84, V 15-��8A Pa�ge 6 �r � � �� � � � q� �. j ��: _ . . ,....._..__ c, "fhe gr�ar�ta.i��g of a vara.ance wa.11 na� be c�etr�imer�tal to the �JtAk?�.1G h�al,th, saf�ty and w�l.fare ar ir��juriaus to t;he rights a�F other g rawners u�F praper•ty; �r�d d. 'T'hc vari.ai�re is n�c�ssary for •th� pres�rv���.on ar�d enj�rymer��: of � subs�ar�t:�.aa. pr�a�a�r•ty r:ight I�ec:ause af �n extr•�ar�.i�,nary Fr�r�shi.p wh�.r.h wuul.d res�il.t ��^�rn strict conrF�].i.�ncP wi.th the regtalatiuns af �his r,r�dirtanc�. 1"he appl.9.cant proposec� to haue a 46p foot lartg cul-de--•sac stre�t ar�d a s•Lr�net iriters�cfiion '�ant��nt wMa.ch k���th r�ec��aired uarianr�� ap�rr�ual th�t meet tPie above criteria. The abave cri.teria ar� m�t because: �. The preui�a�asly deter•min�d sfi;rrst s�t��braut 1r�ca�i�aris of S.W. Rei].irag 5tre�t c�et�±rmined thr snutherly i.n�:Qrsec•tian lacation �r�d canfigura•tian. '1'he �aosi.tiun of 1�he ctal�..de•�sac was p].acec� so as to pr�r�vide more us�ble graund adjacent ta t��e �ortc�s. 7Ct i� �el•t i;h�t a uari.anc� �f appruxima�Wly 60 f���k: in lenc��:M tends ta preseru� th� ar�� adjacer�� �:o the pr,rids. b. '1'h� vari.ance re<�uestac� as •�M� mir�imum reqiaired tr� se�^ve ��he ],and ac�ja�cent; t;a ttr� cul.-�d�--sac anc� �reserve �h� �AMCIS as op}�ased tu usirig the l,:ity s�ar�darc� of 4Q� fre� anci cau�a.r�g unn�cess�ry CO3'1S'�Y�uc�:ir�n dirc�c�ly �djaGen�t tr� the �ands. '1"he design �af ti�e str��et ir�terseci:a.on is th� masfi: a{�prapr;ia�te me�l�Moci ac�dresKing �he str�e� al i.gnm�nfi: prc�blem. �• c. Sur�passa.ng �Lh� 40� 'Foo�� cul••-d���_sac I�y ti0 ���t is nat sagnif9.r..ant ';... 9.n n�tur�e, and �d�qwate em�rgency access can be� �roui.ded, The ac�di.tiranal. ].c�riyl:h will nn� have any ��preca.�ble :impact ai�or� �he funr�ti.on of the strEe�: and adjacent praperty awi�ers wil.l. r�at be af�P��r.;•�t:PC! uy 1:his variance r�c�u�st. I�u+� �to fi:ha� 1c�w �r�ai'fic ual.um�s ar�ta.c9,�ated, th� streCt i.ntersecta.An wi,11 be appropriat:e. Id, H�cause this is �Gha last �aarc�l in th� arFaa tu c�ev�l.�p, no ather , al.ter�natives exist ta prouid� access �o the nar�thern �artian nf , i:he proper•�ty ��i�yc� tu crrr�nect Reiling S�rc�e�t. Denia]. o�F 1:his var�.ancE wi,],�. result i.n pcyor u�ti.li.zatir�n of tM� area nur�h of �he parids. C, �F'�::;[:S:�ON 8ased upr;,r� thc above finc�ing� arid cr,nclusi.ans, the Pl.anning Commiss9.an appraups ZC 12•--84 Based u��n the aboue findi.ngs and conclusians, tFr� Plar�ning Gommi.ssian a�►praues V 15•--84. eased upr,n the above find9.ngs �nd concl�usians, the Planning Commi.ssion i c�r��r�ts detai].ed �ppr�aval ��f pD 4•-84 and preliminary pl.at a�praval of S I g_..84, subjeGt �o the fol.lawing canditi.uns; i 1 � �� 1 .. � � � ; , � ; F'�CNAL UFtI��R Np 4.�-84, S 9�-84, ZC 12-84. V 15��-84 Page 7 ; _ _ _ _ _ __._.. __.._._ _ ...___ ._.._._.__ _ t 1, Star�dar�c� P7�].�F--stre�t 9.mprr�vernEnt ta mi.nar cal].ec�ar standards i.ncluda,��g sa.�lewalks, cwrbs, s��:r•ret ].igF�ts, �nd wh�elchair r�mpR shall � be prc�vided a].Qng tt�oc S.�i. S�ttJ.er street frantage ta m�tch th� . alic�nmen� r�f exa.sting impr�av�ments. . 2, Seven (7) sets r��F plan...prafi�.� �uk�li,c i.mpravem�nt construc�a.on pl.ans wrrc� r.y��e (�.) i�t�rn3.xed cGOns�ruc�Girrn c;r,st �stima'te, s��n���;d by a register�d civi.�. engine�r, de•t�i.].i.nq a].l. �rrrapased pu�].a.c im�rnuem�nts sha11 be s�,il�mi�L••Ged tc� the City' Engxn�:ering f�i.uisian fc�r a�prraval. 3 . Storm and s�nit�ry seaier det�ils and pond d��a�il.s shal.l. be �rr,aid�d �s �aar� o�F the public im�arUUC�mer�t p],arrs. Q. Canstruction r,f �rrraposed ��bli.c improvements staal.l not commence unti.]. a�PL-er the Eric�in�erii-�g �ivisi.an has issued ar��roved pe.rblic iinprav�m�nt plans {ttie pi.�isir�n wa.l.J. re�ui.re posta.ng ufi' � 100"� peri'or•m�n4� bor�d), thcY �aaym�rit ���F � p�rmi�l: �Pe� wnci a sic�� i.nsta�.latic�n/str�e�li�ht depasi.t, Al.sa, tFtic� execwti.on af 81 CQI'18'�Y"UG'�].4Y1 cr�►n�lianue �gre�ment shall occur prir�r to, or� c�n�urr��ritly w:ith the i.ssuar��:e of ap�arr�ued puk�l.ic im�r•GU�ment pl.ans. 5. Joir�� L�s� and m�i.r�it�nar�c:� agreem�nts sFial.l, be r�rcorded fur al.l cGmman dra.vew�ys and �apa.es of' �t1�i� re4r�rdec� dacumexit(s} shat.�, be submi�t�d �ta 'thE Planna.ng C?irectUr. 5. Acidztic�nal righ�t-�af—w�ry sha1�. be d�dic��t�d �:u th� pu�1.a.G alor�g t;h� SdLtler Str�r.ap�t frarrk:age �to irrcr�e��se ��he ri�,�Htit�-of�-��y �to 3q ���t �r��.�m c�nterl.i.n�. T'he 1F�c��1 c��scri.pti.or7 fr�r s�i.a� dec�a.cata.or7 sha].]. be on �t... (aa.ty f�arms �r�d apprr�v4ad k�y tMa Fr�gi�e�riric� Qavisiai�i arrd r�carc�ed wi.th Washi.r�gtc�n County. 7. T'he street sectian whi�ki crusses the pr�nd �r�c�a sFra].]. i.nclude a 5-•faat wa.�ie si.dewa�.k r�n k�r�th si.c��s, w:i�l•:i�i �h� west si���w�1k Xacated rsr� top of �he w�st b�rm, i'h� p�rki.ng �hal]. bp del,��ted ur� bc�t�� sid�s o� the :�tr�et rf �u�h � d�sign i.s accep�k;;x{a'l.�a �t:r.a �hhe t,ity Fr�gin�er. �:n li.�w uf the e].i.mi.n��ti.on c�f K�arki,ng, ane sidr�walk wi1l, b� a�Gept�bl� to the Grrmmission if ��praved by �the �ity �ngin�?er. 8. Th� a�,Kt19.c�nt sh�ll. abtain a State Engi.r��er's perm�.t at the time o� a�praual, i�F �ppli.cab�.e, 'Far �hp �1am �i�d rela�t:�d imprau�ments betwp�n the two ponds, � 9, Each prar�d shal.l be stucked wa.th x,dA4 G�mk�wsi.� fi.sl~, far mosquito c�ar�•trol, i 1Q. Adjus�ab].� u����•�a11 structurES d�si,gn�d f�ir a 10 y��r �turm sha7,1 be ; �rrova.dEac� �Fr�r the pc►na�s. The design r��F 1:Nres� imprav�m�r�ts sha11 be ap�rUU�d by �he Ca.ty Engi.ne�r, j il. A landara�aing plan �Fur tr�aets A �x��rci e shall be submi.Lt�d ��r Rl;ai�ning f t)ir�c�ar apprc,ual., 17... Af�er review and ap�yrGVal. by the Plannxng pireetor ar�d Ca.ty �:ngineer, ' � the Fa.nal pl.at sha11 b� recard�d with Washingt�r� COUNI�:,� dti'1t� a my].ar ', capy c�•F th7at recarded plat shal.l. be submitted to �he Ci�Gy �r►gir�e�rxng ` Diui'sian w�.thin 15 �ays r�f recordir�g: � F'�:NAI� ORq�R Pp A�...84, S 9--84, Z.0 12�.gq, V 1�a-�8Q PaJe 8 � t �. i 13, 5uruey �andit��ns �p�ly as fa].l�ws: y� a. C�am�ali.anc� w�.�h S�r.t�.on 1A,y.60.160 (A7.].) wa.th �h�± fal].owa.rrg exce�atia��s and nat�s: Exc��ti.ons; (1) 18,16�.164 A.2. CapK�ed F.i/8°' x 3Q" �.R. 's ar� sur�fac� of f inal �sph�al.t ].a.ft wil.l f�e acc�pt�b1Q. Mates: ' � (1) 1g,16Q.160 9,].. � Pain�L numbc�rs fur al.l. po�.nts in C.S. 2Q,27.� ha�ca �een �.ncreas�d , tay one. Fx; pain�t �la. �6 i,s r�r.�w pairrt Nc�. 57. 'This w�s du� t� � imKyruper rJG7.Yi� numbering in S,C. 19.9A7, ! �� �a) ia,��a.��o a.2. � l.acal grid coarc�i.r�ates ar� acGe�tat�l.e. The Ci.�y wi].I make �ransfurma��ian to Stat� P'�an cranrciir�a�tes. � tian B�sis of 8eari.n Re uir�m�nt�_�nd 7.8,�.t5Q.160 Monumen a .�....,.�...._.......�.�.._...�......_.... ,. _.w... .. __.�..... �__.._ e af �m rovements � Acce �anc..._..M_..,.._...�...._._,_.....,,�......._._. _..__.....�....._,.._., A. Niar�um�nta�i.r�n � �,< 1. Irr acr,:rard�nce with UR�� 92.Q6p suk►s�rti.�rr (�), �:h� �,K, �er�•t�rlii7�s �f all strret �and r�ac�way rir�ht..,.�f.��,�ways :shall be mc,numented befure tp�� C;i.ty �t;�ii aac�p� � xtre�t imprautiam�nt, 2. A11. centerlir�e manum�nt sha]�1 be �,�.aced i.n � mcar���m�rrt b�x can'For�mkrig to Gi�ty x�:a+�dar�c�s, �s��c� �t:he ��p r�f a'�.1 munurnk�rit bax�s shd],J. bc s�t at d�si.gr� finish a�rade af sa9.d str�e�t ar rra�uiway. 3 . T'h� followang center7.a.ne monument� sh�].1 be set; a. l�1�. centerline�-cer�terlin� ir�tersec�ians, �:nt�rsecti.c�ns credted wi,th "callec��3r" or a�f�er exist�.ng s�r���ts, shal]. bc� set wher� �:h� cer�terl.�.ne , ala.c�nment af �aid "c�l].QC�ar" ar ather str�et has been ;' establ.ished by or �ar the C:ity; y'�' r' b. Center• of al�l cul--de—sacs: € �! c, Cwrv� poirtts. Paini: of inters��tian (P.T. ) when �tMeir �.' posi.ti.on fal.ls insi:de th� li.mxts ��F tFt� �aauemen� , o�h�rwa.se beginning ar�d endinaa� pe�irtits (B,C, and �.G. ), j d, All. sanitary ar�d s�orm lu��tions shall be pl�ce in % pasita:ons that do nat i.nter���re with centerl.ine � monum�ntati.on. � � � � � ��� � �: � � F";CNFiL QRpk:R P0 Q.�-84, S 9--84, ZC 12�-84, U 15„_aA Page 9 '_, �. � 14. A cauenant creat�ng a Mam�nwn�r's Assaci.ati�n sha�]. b� su�m�tted far ��, � Planning Dir•ector apprnv�l prior ta r�cur�ing w�tM Washirr�ton I � Cuunty , Sai.d Cr�V���n� shal.l pr�vide �For the ca�txnuing maxntenance I of Tracts A and B. �5, Lot 7 sha].1 be maued �;o the r�arth sid� of Reil3.ng Str�et i.f passibla. 16. 1'his approval is u�lic� if ex�rr.:isec� w:athin Gne y�ar of the fireal d�ca.siUn date. The fina]. pl�t mus� b� �Fil.ed witi�i.n thi.s time �aeriod or the apwrr��al sha11 �xpire. PASSED: Th�is ��n`cli�y r,�F , 198�'�, by tPie pl�nning �ornmi.ssis�n of the Ci�y nf Tig t�d. �.w.� t�!�.,t--rt.<—e� �iliC-�--a.G�C-_.__... 8rarrn�i� Owens, Vice nr�esider►t � Tigard planni.ng Cammissi.�n 4��6P clt�r j 4i� �.. I t, F'�RiF�L, ORQEt2 PU 4�-8A, S 9M-8Q, ZC X2-��84, V 15--84 Page 10 i � 51"F��F' RE�OF2'T' AC;E:NpA I:1"i::M 5.?_ ;T1��IUt�RY 8, 1985 B:qQ P,M. T;C�At2D I�L_t��iIU:CNG t,c)MM.T.S:;Tc�N FOWL.F:k JUIVIOf2 FITGFI SCMQbL. --• LGI 108�5 S,W. W(�I._NU'1' T'I���RC), ORE:CON 97?.7„� A. F'AU'1'S �.. General. 7nfr�rm�ti.ur7 CAS�:: Pl.arir��c� 4�Fruel.�pm�rtt (C�17 4_..84), Subdi.ui.si.ori (S 9...gq), 7_rane Ci�i�r7ge (ZC 12..-fl4) �nd Var�idnce (V 15....g4) REQUE�S'f': t�eq►,i�qt t�y G. Ferd Warda.r� fc,r a r�xani.ng frrsm R--�.S (Resi.derita.al, 4,5 units/acre) to R..�-A,5 (Pq) (R.,_A,5 uni,ts/acr�, planri�d L7FUe7.opm�nt) l7�tai.].ed P).anr��d ��velr,,�ai�nerrt: ayaprr�u�l and Pr'4�.1.111lri�ry P1at appr��val of � 37 1o•t, sing).e fanya.l.y r�sidenti.�l. cleu��].aprn�n��. A vari�nce to �t:h� max�:�ni�,im r.ul...-c�e.�_s�r lerrc��l� r,�F 400 �ct�L L-r,� �I.1r.�w a A6p•i- faat 1�.�nc� cul.._..d�_...�ac i.s also req�.i�stec�, Th� pro�r�rty is lr,c�ated �n �EMc� nr�rGh sic�e �f S.W. S�attler St:rn��t k�etw��n L.auna].i.nd� �ark arid 5check].a F��rk subdi.ui.sir�ns, T'i.gard (Wash, Co. 'T'ax Map ZS1 1y.(�D, Tax I_r�t 650q) . COP'I�Rk:;HIE"IV`>:I:VE F�L..AN DE.ST.GNAl":[:ON; Lr�w Uer�s9.ty Residrr�ti.a]. ZUN:CNt3 1:}F:S:[:t:;N(�'1":C:c.)N: R...-4.5 (RH�s9.d�ntial, 4,5 units/acra) AG>PL.TC;AN"I"; Q�u�.c� L., F'ar�r OWNE:F2: G. F'erd bJ�.rc�i.r�i �'arr I��uel�.��>m�rit t:.,r�, 915 �. Fir•s� St, 52Q SW 9��uc+rtnn Hwy , N�wbE�rq, OR 971�2 Hpauerton, OR 971�1�5 �� I..dCA'1"CON: Z. B�c�raur�d, Satt].�r Park Estat�s rc�c�iv�d �rrEl.i.mi,nary a�,pr�,va]. i.n �.979 (1:C 7.2-..75, �rd. 79-52), hr�weuer, 1:I��i� �,r�r�jec�t c�id n��� �,r�race�d. ��� 198�.� a revy.;��d propus�], fea�uring `s4 crarnrnar�� wa],]. ur��i,ts, 3 sa.nglE fami.l.y r�S7.CIs:1`ICE!S, and a 3 .7 acr�e r,�K��n s�ac:e ar��a. a�t t:1�i� r�r�r•ther�r7 eric� �f th�� �Y'�a��yi"�y was prapased. Thi.s prr�j�ct al.sa di.ci nr,t material.i.z�, 'This a�plicat:irrn was reuiewc�c� k�y Pl.a���n�ii7g Cammiss;ir•ar� c,n S��a�t�mber 4�th and October 2.nc�, 198d. On Or.�tnbcr 2,9, 1984, the Cammissinri presi.der�� �ic�r���d t:he Fin�1 pr•ci�r c�enyi��rg �I•i� pr��ap�s�l, The d���isa,r�n was ��:>pQal��i �a Ci,ty Cr�uricil., and an D�cember 1Q, 7.984, the Counci.l referred the it�a� k>ack t:ca the Cc,�mmi.ssiori for• �ur•�ti�er cansider•ation. The Counr.,i.l indi.cat;ed th�t the ap�r].9.c�nt shauld �erf�rm a mrrre th�.,ruugh surv�y of �h� l.and �a c�e�k:�r•minH the s�.xe uf tF►P p�.,nds and •tNtiat; a plarrriNd dev4lr,��amr�r�t �h��1d be a�pruved whi.ch i� cunsi.s�ent wi�h th� canstrai�nts present�d by the ponds. I s�r-����� �f�oKr F�0 4.�_84, S 9-84, ZC �,2--84, V 15--8Q — Page 1 . _ __ - -------- _ _ _...._ _ 3. Vicini.t Infarmatic,n Sa.nc�le family r�si.d�nfiia]. subdi.uisia�es �aned R--4.'.5 �nc� R.-.g.5 (Pp) abut tFte pr�pc�r•ty or1 �hp east, nc�r•th, ar�d west. 'T1h� Sunim�rfi.�ld dc�vel�apm�rr� which is zc,ned R_�.I �Pp) a.s 1o�ated tc� the sauthwest an the apposa.te side of S��;tler S�tr�et. The r��it�a;iniryc� are� snuth c��F �:he xtreet i.s und�ve�.c�ped and �:oned F2-•4.5. Exr.ept for thzs uns��v�l.apEd p�r•Ge]., th� c.currr�aridi��ig pruper�tie� �re wi�thin an Fsi�:ab].ishcd Aw��a as id�n�ifaed in the �oanpr�Frerisive Plan. A war,ded tr�ct �djaG�nt �r,, the northnas�t cr,rn,er bf ti�ie prr�wcrty ig owned kay �:hr� t�it,� as pa�l� l.and. It c��r��ains �Lhe ciraa.nageu��y firsr �t:F�ie pr�nc�s �r�d a �icycl�lpedestriarr p�th which GUI"tl'1@C'�S 89'�F� Avenue with Sch+��k].a F�ark, 4. Sit� Infarmati�an �`he �,�r�perty i� a�ndev�).c�p�d, rela�zu��i.y 'F1�t, a�nd i� cr,�ntai.ns twv sm�11 man..-made ponds r��ar� i:he nc�rth �+�7d of taie par°cel, TM� ��nc1s are r��t • he siere Pl�.ri as � sensi.t�.v�* la�nd are�a i.den�ifi�d i�n th� Coa��re n , signi�icarrt �aildlife habit�t, c�r as upEri spac�. Althr�ugh �o� shrawn an the Plan We�l�reds Niap, the par�d� �ncl th�e ].�r�d irnrnediat�ly adjacent m��t tl�e Pl.�n der9.nztic+n of wet2an�is. The ��pli.c;ar�t has �aadi�i�d the pr�r��us�l. �nd i�aw �lans ta deu��.op � 37 ].at, �ir3ga.e fi°�mily r�sid�r�k:zaa, sulacii.ua.saon, t.,�ts v�i'il. uary k�etw�en S,OOGI ar�r� ].2:.00tD sq+aar� f�et a.r� �i,z�. "i'wa sep�rat� parc�l� o� 1,i, and t3.5 acres which i.nc�.ude �:he tw� pr��7uis �r•� �r�raprased ��x �ae m�int�in�ad Yay � har�eawnet•�' s assaciat�.an. T'he adc�ition of � �1ar�r��ci l��u�].opri�erat •r.oning designati.�s� i.s r�ques�ted �� al,law fc�r• a p1��~u�7�d ��eu�l��x�n��r�� irastea�c� r��F a staradard sut�i.vxsion, l"h�s.s d�v�].apni�nt wi�.l. cunriect the twu stuk� s�rp�ts wha.r.h pr�s�nt],� fc�rmia�a�te �� �Ll�ie east and we�t s3.des af i:�r� �r�ap�r�tyt. TR�� �arirnar�y c�iCCf�38 to the de�elopmerot �i.l.l. be� proui.ded by � ].cacal str�s� ar►�iersecti.ng with a��tler Stree�� ar�d termir7atirig wxt4�� a cu��-�l�..�..sac r��?ar the narth�rri end af the prujec�:. 1"h� cul--de--�sac a.s propc��ed to b� 4fiq fe�t in l�ngth Frr�m the ir�tersecti.an wi�h �Lhe s�abc�i.vision crass,.-s��r�et, ThE ar�� around the punds is ta be cle�reel s�l.ec�i.vely, haweuer, they ar�e tr� be basically retain�d in �:he natural state. Ti�re cul��-�de—sac sicree� will, ex�end between tt��� pands. 5. Aaency and NPO Comments The En�ir�eering pi.visiar� has the fc�l.lawing ec,mments: a. Sa�tl�r Strr�et �.s a ma.i°�t�r cnl:'�ectar s�r�et wMi.ch reqtair�s a righfi--�of--�+�y wid�k<M af 60 feet. b. Jrain#: us� ai7d maint�r�ance agr�ements sh�u�.d be r�qu�red for al.]. camman driueways. c. 1"he Code r�quires '�h�t street int�rseetions are nu� le�s than b0�. 5'1'AF F I'tkRORT PD 4"�8`4, S 9'�-8A, �C 12..-84, V 15••-89 ,�- page 2 d, l"Me street i.nter��cti.on shou].d k�e mc,difi.ed t;o bE corrsis�ent with Sec�ti�n 18.1ti4,c��0(h)(1) ar• a vari.�nc� �Lc� the: 25••-fr��� tar��gerrt r�c�ui.r�ments at intersPCtions should be requ�st�d, e, ��.Ldpwalks shou]:d be 5 �r;�et widQ and adjac�rrt �a �hp curb except �l�,rig Rei].i.r�g Stre�t betweer•� 99.st Auenue ar��d Scheckla >I t�ark Esta�t;�� and along Satta.er S�r�et wMer� t:hey sh�auld be canstruct��! aJ.rar�c� the right_��af--way li.ne, f, Ir��eriur• �tr�e�s �ha11 b� dedi.cated tn the publar arid shal.l be i.mpruu�:d �o Ca.��y lacal s�r�e� star�dar�ds (5Q feet rigFit�.-of...�way, 34 f4�e� betwpen curbs), inc].uding curbs, sic�ewalks, streetlights, dri�ew�ay aprr�ns ar•id wh�elcF�ai.r� ramps. g. T'h� street Sk:G't:1C11'1 whi�h crr�sses the porrd area shuul:d irirl.�ar,i� a 5-�Fraa�t wa.dP si.dewalk on br�th szdes, wiL•h �tPrp west sidewaa,k l.oc�ted c,n tog> raf the wc�st berm. Also, tFa� str�et sh�aulc� be rpduced �n a 28�-faot widi:M w;ii:M r�ar•ici.ng only permitted av� th� west side, `i h. A SL�te Fngiri�er' s ��r•mit wil.l be n�cessar•y �Fc�r• th� �9am betw�en th� ponds. i.. S�:orrn dr�i.rr�gc arid sar�i.tary sewr;.r ��t�i.7,s �hn4il.d be pravi.cl�d as K�ar•'t n�P the p�.ilalic irnpr•ov�mpr�t plaris, j . Arr 8�..faat si,�ie paupd K�edestrianibS.cycl.F p�tM shc�u].c� be prr,uic�ec� froni the cul-�c.ie-sac �tree��, snuth of �thr:� aas�:c�rn pond to the exi.s�ing path an �he Ci.�y park l�nd to the e�st. k. Fa�h p�nd sho�a].d be st�c�t�c! with 1,�OD i,�ambus�.a fish fc�r mc,squitu cur�trul, 7.. Adjustak�l�� rawtfall. struct:ures dcgigr�ed for a y.q�--yEar s�r�rnr shauld bp provic�c�d, m A pi�asa.ng plari shr,�a],d be apprr�ur�d by the Ci.ty 6ngineer•. n, No r,�bj ec:t:iran to 1:he variar�ce request T�ar a 460•-fv�t cul-•�de--�ac street. 111pq #6 rnet wi.ttr the d�veloper and tMe reva.sed �l.an i.s i.ntended tc, �c�c�r�ss ti�e r�seruat�.oins ex�ressed by �tha NPQ. A ��r�m�l reuiew r�f this revised p1�n has nnt besrr candwcted by Npt� #6. 8. F':CNI):CNGS t�ND CC?NCI_U�TtJNS 1`he r•cl.�uant ap�r�uual cr�iteri.a in this case ar�e �t�tewi.de Planning ��,als 1, 2, 5 anc� 1Q: Cum�rEh�nsiue p�licies 3.1.1 a, �nd 4„ 3.4.2.a„ 6,3,2� 6.3 .3, and 7,�,�..a, ; ar�d Cam�nuni,ty Deu�lapment Cad� seGtic�r►s 18,02 (a). �a.�a.aQa, �a.ea. ��a��)(i� tMrauc�h (��. �s,aa.o�.o ta), �a.�z.02Q(a) �na (b), �r,d i.a.�60. ��p(b) . 1"he Pl.anning staff coricludes that the a�pla.cable 8tatewi.de Planninr� Gaals Mave b��n ac�equately at�dressed based upon �h� following findings: Sl"AFF' R�'�0�21" Pp 4--�84, S 9-.�8Q, ZC 1�--84, V 15--84 -� page 3 r �i -- - ---- -- _. t: 1, St�tewa.��e Pla�rir�i.ng G�ml #1 is m��k: bpcause the C:ity h�� acir�pt�.ad a Citi-r..ens Ir�ual.v�nrerit Praqram �.rocl.ud9.ng reui.ew ��F a].l. d�velupnrer�t appli.r:a�a.ns Yay �th� Naic�h�aarho�ci P�.�rinir�� Qr�ani.;�atic,n (N��3). In addit3.�an, �11. nrr•tir.e rcqwir�m�r�ts wer� met, 2. Stat�wid�� Plarinir�� Cnal #x i� met becaws� �;1�e �;i�y �ppli.�d a17. app],i.c�bl.c ��tatewic�e Plar�nir�g Gc�al.s, City Campr�her7si.v�� Fl�r� P�ali.ci.es, anc� i��vel.a�amer�t Cc�c�e rec�uirem�r�ts to L-he app].a.�atican. 3 . Sta�:�w9.r�� P��nning Cc,a], #�a is m�t bec��ise the r��].evan� wi.].da.i.�� and wetl.�nds issues have bcaran �dc�r�ssed. Th� Cr�mp�^�hensi��e Plan R@BGUY'C�! G)r,cument i.nc].udes a� wi.l.d�.i.fe area i.nvent�ary cc�i�duG�ed by �the S�t;ate I�ivi,si�.�r7 nf Wildlife ai�rd a se��nr� znuentury r�vi�wes,i by the Audubon Sc�Gi.�ty. . Nei�h�r s�uc�y i.s�entifir�d Ma].].ard i�unds �s a signifi<;an#: wi.ldl.ife habi�tat area. A1�:houc�h the Ci�;y Caneprehensi.u� Plan has 1'IG'� been acki�rawl.ed��d, th� Sta�te has appraved this p�,r�ti.c,n nf the Pl.an, 'Th� p�arr�ls m�e•� ti�e City d�fina.ti.ar� af We�land ar�d are b�a.r�g r�u9.ewed acc�ur�ia.rrg7.y. 4. �t�t�wa.r�Q F�l.anning Ga�l. #1� a.s s�t:isfi�d I�ecause �LN�e pr'r.ip�<,��1 wa.11. �ra�ide frar � var�ie�y of huusing ty�ss �s c�r�nfiemp].�ted by �he Campr�hensi.ue Plar�. The F�larn�7i.ng staff Gonclud�s �ha� •the a�a�,l.a.c�ble �.r,mpr�Mensive F�l.an pal•,iries haue b��n met k�ased upran the fire�linc�s beZow; 1. Pr,li.cy 3.1.1 a, i.s s�ti.sfic�d b�caus� the app�.ic�o�rt h�as s�.�bmitted a�dc�i.ti��na�. irifor•ir�ati.ori rel�tiue tr> •t:t�a panr.l:s and •a.t is fi:h�� c�F�i.na.r,�n r�f th� Cifi:y Engi.necar ti��iat �:F�e s�asrana7. wa�:er t�ha].� :i.s na� � sic�rrifi�:arit: c�euc�a.a�m�rit ccans�tr•aa.rit ���rc� �Lhe st,ikxii.va.sa.c�n is ap�r�,priatP, 2. Pali.cy 3 .Q,2 i.s m�t be��us� revi.ew af th� Ci.ty Con��rehensi.ve P�.an a.r�di.t�at�s �N►at tw�a ii�ueritr�ri,�� of xic�ni.fi'ic�.r��t wi�.dl,i�� ha�bifi:��t a�reas w�re crandwr,t�d and th� �r�r�ds were no�F� d��crmi.n�d fi� b� sign�.�Pa.car�t. Al.sc,�, the revise�i sit� �].an mvre �l.��r.ly a.cieri�ifa.es thE ponds ar��d beca�.ise th� r�umb�r uf l.ats has bc��n reduced, th� houses in tl��e deuelrapm�r�t ran maint�in gr�afi;er sHtbacks fr��:jm �:he poncls. Same fi].l. wi.l.l� be r�qua.red for� tFre propa��d cu].-�de--�ac, �aut it wa.l.t not af�Fect the �.ntegri:�y af the pr,nds. ; 3 . Puli.cy fi,3.2 is met because the r�vi.s�d pl.an sh�ws � reduction �Fr•r,�m 11 �to 7 lca�ts «ih ��he r7urth si.d� uf �the �ar:,r�cis �����c� th�r°��Fr�re �:he reva.siori is cr�nsi.stenf: wi.th th� dc�nsi.ty trar�si.t;ion secti.ori rrf tMe t (;c,n�munity D�u¢l�a�mer�t r,e,d�, s 4. Pali.�y fi,3 .3 is satis�Fied because ttr� d�nsi,ty of the reui.sed � subdi.vi.sirrr� plan curifr�r�ms witN� �1�i� c�ensit;y limit�tic�ns iinpose�i by the Camm�ina.ty Devel:o�arnen� C�,d�, 5. Pnlicy 7.2. 1 is s�ti.sfiad beGause wa�er� drain�ge �.ssues do nr,>t represerrt any signifa,cant problems that ean nat be ac�dressed : � c�urin� t1�� �ngi.n�erins� dpsign phas� nf •the project: 'The revisec� site �al.ar7 and tt�� por�d and ruac�w�►y d�tail:ed plan il.].ustrate tM�t -; fi:he HsCabl,ish�d �rainage of �he ponds wi11 nryt be inhibi��d, Sl"AF'F' Fl�:t�OR�" Pq A--BA, S 9-.8k�, 7..0 �.l-8p, V 15-84 -� P�age A , �' E, }, . . � . .. . . �t � � � . ., � � � (r . . . . . . ��.� . .. . �. . � � �! y., �. . ,... .. . .. . �. .,.. ...._ ,,, .... .: __ -_-,-- -:_�...�---. .... � � � � �. .... . . � . .. . . . . . . ._. . . .. � i�i I„ I. 7'fse Pl.anrring staff concludes tha� th� app'li,cable sec�ions af trie Cnmmunity Qevelopment C��c�e h�v,u•, bc�ein m�t b�sed upon t:he f�llowing findings: � 1. 1"he revised prapr,s�l i.s COI'1318'��1"i'C with Spcti,an 18.n2 (a) because thcx d�rysi��y o� the �ieuelra�amcr�t is rr��l�ar,ec� ai��d is cnnsis�:�nt wa.th the physical Cflo�ll"n"tGtHY• uf the pra�erty. 2. Cha�ter 18.26 cnntains �l:Mye follawii�ig c�ePiniti�ar�s rela�:ing ta wefi land s; We�l.ands Lands tr�ansitiur��]. betw��n ��rrestr�ial, and c�qUi�3'�7.G systems wh�re �the water• �abl,p is usually a� �o^ near� (wi.tni.rr 2A" af) the :�ur�face r,af the land i.s ca�����1 by shallow water, For �aurposes af this classification, wetlands must tra.�e orye �ar• mor•� c�f tt��e fallowir�g 3 attr�ibutes: (1) a�t �.east periodically, �:9�� land suppGr�s pr�edpmi.n�ntly Mydrr�phyt�s�; (2) the substra�e is predomi.nantly hyciric�x� soi�.; (3) Lhc� subs#:rate is non....suil �-x-� an�i is saturated a��th wat�r ur cover�ed kry shall�aw water at sr�mr� �:imr during t:he growi�ng o�f ���f� year. ��'Hyd rophyt�s t� plant gr�awing a.n watpr c►r in sai.l �aa wdter lQgged fc.�r mas�� �l.ants tr,� ��aruive. A ],is� r�f h�ydrr�phytps is mai.ntai.ned in the pl�anning pe�artmerrt fi.l.�s. x-�My�dric Containing ac•i.de hydragen. ��►�Nan--•soil. I.�acki.ng the qual9.ti.es o•F soil.-•not firm, unable to �us�ain plant �.ife. qnly th� punds �nd th� shore are�a may be can�id�r�d �s �a we�].and unc�er these c��finitians. �. 5er:tion 18.40.04D i.s sat9.sfi�d b�cause the number �r�F lats nartfi of 'I the pUnc�s has been r�duceci t4 con�ar•m w:ith �hi.s s�ctaan. '1'he � origina]. r��at requi.red that �t ].Fas� ur�e l.ot r�Qeded ta be remuved and this h<,►s k��an clane. 4. Sectians 18,a�, �.].Q(�)(1) tMr�ugh (4) ar� satisfied b�caus� the I revis�d irrforin�titan pr'�SL?Y1�:4?�i w�� 4r�tllp�.�'�4� exr,.�p�L �'rar �FrP ].ack o�F { a landscaping p7.�n for the c�mmorr �arc�l,s whi�ch ca�nt�in the '� �ands. TMis mus� be suk�mit�:t.c�d ar�c� appr�ovQd priur• tr� r�:s:�rding i:he final plat. , ;I 5, Secti.or� ].8.84.010(a) daes r�at app].y becauR� a S�r�si�iue t�ands `I Per•mit is not required fur wet],ar�c�s areas. � ; ;: r k Sl"AF'F" REPOFYT' PD 4--BA, S 9--84, ZC 12-g4, V 15-�84 - Page 5 � � f � , _,_ , _ � ,. : _. , 6. �S�cti�ns 18.92.020(a) and (b) are satisfiFd becaus� Lhe �rapased density is wi�h�n the limits impased by the Cade. 'rhe R•M4.5 c�ne allaws for a maximum density of 4.5 units per acre, Chapter 18,92 of tt�e �r�de prc�uide.s a me�hr�d for calculati.ng th4 allrawabl� density �Fcar o't S��C1'F1C �roposal. I�ark land dedicatians and p�abl,i,c facil.a.ties (e,g, streets) are subtracted fr�am 1;h� total tc� pr��d�ac:n a r��t acrPage. 'The ne�: a�creac�p i� then divided by th� mi.nimum ].at si.ze (7,500 gquar� fe�t) tG establixh the m�aximum nutnb�r uf units a�l,lawec�. ThP answ�r for fi:he c�c�nsity c�r�cul.ati.on varies d4penr�i.ng u�,r�n the I dispc,sita�n r�f �:he �o��cls. �f i:irie ponGis �re no-� dedi.cated to 1�Me ' pub].i.s, 44 7.at� arc� p�rmi,ssikr].e on th� K�ru�erty. When tM� pGnds a�^e sub�ra���d fr��m 1:he gross acr�age, A� lr�ta are allowed. 'Lf thF pr�pos�d park land i.s ded�.cated . as sFivwn, 38 lc�ts �re �aermitted. Regardless of the eventual status of tMe pc�nds, the :�1' luts �ropased wi.l.�. cunform with cude requi.r�msntx. 7. Section ].8.16Q.120(b) is sa�i.sfic�d based upan the �ii.s�;ussinr► below: A v�ri.anc� may b� appruv�d, a�praved wi.�:h candata.ans or deniec! provided the Plar�ning Commission �inc�s: a. 1"here �re spe�ial cir�Gimstances ar� CrJ1�Cl1'�1pr15 a�Ff�cti.nc� �he pr�oper•ty w0�ich �r� unusual ar�c� pQCUl.i.ar• �o thP lanc� �cs compared ta otl°�er� lands simi.l�rly si�:u�,�ed; b. 'T9�e var�i�ncp i� nec�ss�ry Fr,r� t1�ie �r�.��r�r desa.gn r�r �Fu�c�iar� of the suiadivisa.�n; c. 1"he gran•tir�g of � u�rf�rr��e wal.l nat k�� c�etri.men��l. �r� ti�� �a�,ab].ic I����1tM, ��f�ty �nci welfarr� or �.njaariaus �ra tF7e ric�h��s af uth�r a�+n�rs of prc�perty; and d. TFye u�riance is riecess�r•y for ti�re pre�ervat:�on ar7c� enjoymer�t a�F �a substanti.a]. pruperty right b�ca�ase of an extrac�rdi,nary . Niar�ds9�ip which wr,,uld res�lt 'from strict compli.ance wi�h the reg�al.��ti.ons of this arda.narrr:e, i � r I k � , I % � i ;I i; Y � ii �i � �n i> #' l, STAFF F�EP4RT PQ 4�.-8A, S 9�-84, ZC 12��.-84, V 15--84 �- Page 6 k� � 4: � � � � . . � 4;1 �[ .. . . � . . . .�'� � . . . _. . . _....... ...._...._.. . ... . . . . . . . � ... .... ., .. � . � a' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....,.,.. ...�.. ,.,s... ,......�.,� ..-.,...... . .._s� The abuve crit�ri� are met b�cause: a. TM� preuirausly d�ter�mi.ned s�r�cA�t s�wbr�ut lracations o�F S.W, Rei.l.i.ng street dr•�ter�mined th�e southerly a.nt�rsectaor� ].oc�ti�rn, The pos�i�ir�r� o�F •Eh� ria1.�.�e�,-sa�c w�s pl.�ced s�a as to provid� mr,�r� usabl� grn�anc� adjo�cer�t •�o tl�e p�nds. I� i.s f�l�t th��t a va►^iance of a�praxima�el.y �U �fe�� 9.n lenc�th ter��ds �a pres�rv� the a.r�� adj�c�n� tra th� pr,nds. , b. 7M��a uari.���ce rpques��ci is �h� �ninim�am r��r�uir�d to s�rue ��cF�e I�� 1�nd �d�acent ta �h�� CU1-...d4?-•a�C ai7d pr�servc� th� ponds �ts �,�ppr�s�ac� �ta using th� Ca.ty s�t�ntiar�d Uf 40� fr•.�.a�t: �nd r„ausing � unnec�ssary cr�nstruc�:i.orr dirQct'J.y adjacent ta thee por�cls. ' I c. Surpassi.��iy th� 4G10 fr.��t cu1....�Q.....sac by tit7 f��t is r��at ,' signi.fi.c�nt i.r� nature�. �nd adNquate em�r�ger►cy access can be provi�ad. 't'h� �c1di.•tirar�a�. .lenc��h wi�.1 n�� havcy ar�y apprEriab].� impact u��arr �M� functa.�r�� of �:h� �tr��� ar�d ,�dja�en� pruper��y ownars W7.1�. i'i0�: �P. dl'�'FP_C'�:ac� by �:his vari.ar7ce requep9:, c�, Ciec�u3� tt7i.;: is •thE �.ast parr.�e7. iri the ar��a tra d�uel.op, no ' r��tf�er a1�:err�a�tive� �xa,st �to �rc��ric�� access tra �N�i� ��rar�tha�n pos�taan raf �hc �,rupert;y, fJ�nia], uf ti�is ��ariar��ce wi.l.l. r�su].t in prsc.,r� aa�k:i�l�i.;r�,t:i,an of ��he are� nr�r�th c�f �the par�ds. C, t2FCCN�i�WN�lA'�"��N 6as�d wpari t}r�� �I�uv� �Fi�7dii��s �r7d c�r�icl,usi.rans, tMe Plar�rs:ing 5taff r•ecramm�ncis �letai7.�c� a�a�rra�ial. uf PD 4..�-�4, pr�Aima.nary plat �p�rnval. �rF 5 9--•84, a�r�d �pprava]. U�� ZC �.7..--84 anc! V 7.F,i-..n�i s��bject f:o the fc�I].awi.r�g Lc,r�dat:iur�s; 1. 5tandard ha1f-..�tre�t impruv�rn�nt to minar cc,l.l.�ctnr sfiandardR incluc�ing siciewall�s, ct�+r�k�s, str�et ].igh�ts, anci WI9@P.�.GI'1c�LY° r•aino�:� shall. k,�� �r�ovi.ded a�,rang the S.W. 5�.��1�r S�reet fr•r�rrCage tra m�tch the aligrtimerrt c�fr exi�ting irn�arr,,vamr�n�s, 2, Sever� (7) sets af p].�n--prufile puk�].i.c 9.m�arc�uement constr�octi.ran p],arrs anci r�ne (1) i�k:�mi;rec� coi�struc:tir,,n cr�s�t estiiria;�e, gt�tm�ed b� a regi.st�red c9.vil, �ng:ineer, detaiJ.ing a).], �r4�nsed puklic improu�in�nts shala, be sub►ni.LL�ci ta •tMp ��i�ty' F'nginc�eriinc� Qa.uisi�n for approval. 3. Starm and sanitary sewer de�ai.l.s arrd ��,nd d�taa.lg shal:l. be �r�uic�ed as par•t 4F 'tI'1P_ public im�rovem�nt p�.ans. ' A. G�:,ns�ructi:ar� uf prapc�s�d publi.c i,m�ruvemerrts qM��al�. nrat cr,mmEnc� tarit�.1 after �t:he Fr�gin�era.rrg Qiuisir�n haR issupc� �p�r.avec� public ianpruv�ment �al.ans (the Qa.vi.si:r�n wa.l.], requi,re �r,sting uf a �.0076 per•furmar�ce brai�d). �tNye g>ayin�rrt r�fi a �aer��a�it fi��,��± an<i a sign instal.],ati.an/streetAi.grit dep�,si.t. Alscy, th� c�xecu�i.on af a con:ctruc�:i�,n cninpla.anck� �t,�r���m�ro�: s1�a11. r�r.�:ur �ariar• to, �yr concurrently wi.th �h� i:s���ari�� Gf appr�aued �uhli:c improvement �lans, STAF'F R�POFt�" Pp 4....8q, S g,._,84, ZC 12._.8�l� b 1�a....aq �. Pag� 7' 5, Joir�t us� anci maint�n�nc� agr�emerits shall be rec;ard�d �ar a11 camrnon dri.ueways and ec�pi.es of the record�d dc�cumen°t(s) sha].l. be suWiait#:e�l to the Planning (Ji.rectar, 6. The inters�ctiart af 91st Avenu� and F7�a,ling �tr•��� shal.l be �nra�Iifa.ed to Fae C91`18'1'3��Y1� with S�cti.an 18.154.p30(h)(1)r�f the code. 7. Addi.t�.un�l. r�.ght-�o�F-�way sha].l. be dedi.cated to the �au�l7.r: alr�r�g th� S��tt1e�^ S�t^4a�t fror�tage t�a incrQas� •L1tie right--af�-•way '�0 3Q f�e�t �Fa^am cer��erlirte. 1"he 7.r�ga1 dE�scr%pti,or� fr�r sa�.d dE!di.eatir�n sh�l.1 b� urr ^ity farm� arrd ap�rr,�u�c� by th�: kng�.ri�erir�g Da.visac+n and re�carded wi�t�i Washing�;dn County , e, 'TMe str�et sec�:�r,c� wh�,cFi cross�� ti�n X>r�nd ar�a shall. znclur�,a_ a 5--��0�: wide sid�walk or, br,•th s�.dES, with the west �i.c��w�l.k lrac�t��d un k:r��r c�f the w�s�t b�rm. Also, fi:h7e str��� sh�a].1 be r�r�uc�c� �:� � 28w�.foot w�.dth wa.th �arkir�g r�nl.y ��rm7.4:•t�d or+ th� w�st side. �. The appl�.ra.n�t sfiall �k�tain a St;a�p En��.n�er's p�rmit fiar� th� �i�m �nd rel.at�d �.enpruuem�nts betw�er� th� twe� �and�. �.b. An 8•�faQ�t w�.c1e �aaua� pec��stri,anBba.cycle �sa#:h sFi�1l. b� �r°�ui:d�� frum �:he c�7.--de-wsac str�et, sc�aatF� Uf •th� E�.s��rn pc�nd �a th� �xa.s�ing �ath c,r� the Cary p�rk l��rd �c,� �;h� ��st tF�� �»th des:ic�n sha].1 be ay�prGUed by th� Ci.�y E:ngin�er. �.1 , FaCh p�n<! shall be str�ck�'ed with 1,Q0+� t�aniF�us:ia �Fish 'Fur mrasqual;o �ontrul . � ],2, f�dju�tak�l� c�ut�fall s�rus:tures d��i�ne�i i�or^ � �,0 ye�r �tarm sh��.l � b� provide�.� fr�r 1:i�� �rond�. The c��sigry «�F thes� a.�n�r��auamerrt� shall � b� �pprr:,u�d by �he Ci�y Es�gi.rtir�r. �.� , A �.ali'iCIS4&tp7,19� plan �For �racts !� and e shall. Fa� submitt�d for Planning Qir�ect�r a�proval. 14. R�Ft:er revi�w �nci appr�UUal k�y �Lhe P�.anna.nc� Dir�n�:rar �rtid City ; Engine�r, the fi.nal pla� sF7aXl. b� r�ccrrded wi�th Washi.ng�on Coun�:y 'r.11'ICI a myl�ar ccspy oF �:Frat recarded p3.a�t sh�ll k�� suM�m:��L�eci ta �he Ci�y Eng3.ne�ri.ng Divi.si.an within 15 da�s af recorc�i:ng, :i 15. Surv�y C4i'1(�1�1pP1S app3.y as f�llc�ws: �; �; a. Compli.anc�e wi,�:h �ecti.raro ].8,y,60. 160 (Al,l) wi'�:h thQ �4�J.�.4W1i"1� ! � Qxr•r���ions ��ad �nates: � ; �i Exce�t ioris; �;i i� ,;! (1) 18,16U, 160 A.2, Gapped 5/8" x 3t7" I.K, 's on swr�Fa�� of •fina]. asph�].t �;i.ft �;' wi,1L !ae acr��aC�b1e, �:� =.``l z;;, _ i:; , i::i . . . . . .. . . . . i"p.. � . . . . . . .. '.!'a��.. . .. � . � . . . �". S�'AF'F" F7EPc�E2T' Pp 4-•8A, S 9....84, Z� 12--84, V ].5--•8Q ... pagQ 8 f.� � � � ��.1 �;� r•il i' �� �, . . ...._. _, ,.�i�, . . � ..,,.. ._ ..:�...._. ..... ,... .�.__.....:�_,_ Notes: (1) �8. ];�0. 16b 8.1. F�ai,nt r�umb�rs fi'ar� all prai.r�ts in C.S. 2t�,T..23 have baen i.n�:r��ased by one. Fx: �oirt�t Na. 56 is nc�w p�irtt No, 57. Thi s was due to impruper poi.nt numb�rir7g ir� S.G. 19.947. (2) 18.160.1b0 6.2. t,.ac�l grid coordinates are acceptab�.�. The City will make transfr�rmatian ir.a 5tate Plan cr�r�r�iinates, 18,16Q�1f,�„r0_ htanum�entatian��asix of ,�,Bear�.n�R, Eg„ui.remerets and. Acce�ance of ,Im�rovements A. Mor�um�ntati.r�r7 1., x:n accr�rdar7c� wa.�:Fi URu �2.tJ6p subs�c;tior� (2). �:hc� (A c�rrt�rlines c�F all strcaet and rvadwdy rir�ht_-nf..•+�ays shall. b� mar�uni�nt�d Faefar� �he Ci.ty sha'l.1 �cr.��t a s�r�et improv�ment, 2. A1]. c�o�terl.i.ne rnar�a�ment shal.l b� p].ac:�d i.n � rnr,rrum�ro�: bnx ronforn�:int� to �ity stanclards, �nc� �:i��r� �r�p of �l.l mrarsum�r7t baxes sha�.l. be s�t �� d�si.gr� fi.ni.sl� gt^ac�� �f Kai.d xtr��t r,r rraadwa�y. �. 7'F�E fallrawi.ny c�n��r�lan� mor�urn�nts sF��.l�. �e se�: a. All cen��r�.ine�centerli.r��: znt�r�ectian�. �:nt�rs�cti.aris cre��ed w3.th �s�CA�.J.E!G'�qY'11 or o�:her•. exi.sting str��ts, shal�.. be ��t wh�n i�:t�� cer�terli,ne ali,gr�men� �xf sai.d °'col].����r��� ar. p�her str���t Fi�s kyc�.�:n �st;�blishc�d by ur� fur •th� City; b. Cer�t�r uf al.l. cu�.--d�--•sacs; c, Curve p�in�ts, Poa.ri� n� interse��:�un (P.:�,) when �heir° �o�i;tion fall.s i.nsa.de tbe li.mi.ts af th� ya�vemer�t �th�rwisc� begi�n:inc� a�nd endir�g pnir�ts � (�.C. ahd �,C.) . � � k d. Al.l sanit�ry and st:arm locatir�r�s shall be �,�;acp :�n pr.�sita.ar►s '�hrat do n�t :iryt�r�er� wi�th � c�n�terlir�e marrum�n�tati�n, � ; 16. (� cnveriarrt creating a Mrame�wner' s Assas:ioti;inn shall be submi.tt�d ;i �Pr,r Plar�ning n�re�tar apprr,�val, priur to recurding wi:th Washi.r�g�r�n ;i ��aurity, :Said Gou�ri�rrt sha11 prvvicie for, .�he �on�:arruinc� ;'' mai.n�en�nce of 1"r�cts A and 8 and the ped�s�tr�.ar'�/bicycle �aath, k'. 4 � . . .. . . ...;f � �i �TAF"� FlEPUF2T PO 4.�-84, S 9�»84, ZC �.2--84, V 15..W8A — Page 9 '' � C; ; � �'' � r, 4 ... � � _ 1'7. 7'he x��,ni.ng map d�sign�tian sh�ll, b� charrged fr�m R..•A.5 ta R...,A.S (WD). i�9. 1"his appraval is val.i.d i.f �XEY'C].$�CI within �,ne year Gf the �inal decisi:�.�ri c�ate. '�'h� fin�l �a].at �us� be �i.led wi�thin this tim� period c,r the apprr�vaJ, shal]. expa.re. � � .,! r-` /�- � � .��.�. �j� .,......._._.,.�_ ��� _���%���.��-�;--�-�'�..='� PRF4�ARE� 9Y; Fteith t_a.d�n APPFt'�V�"�kJi'lli.am A. Mor7ah�r� Assa,r,iatQ Pl�rrry�r Directar caf Cr,�enm�araa,�y Dev e�.o�,rn�r�t {Kl.,:cimj/1��91P) Sl"AFF' REPORI" Pp 4�..8q, S g-,.BA, ZG 12-�.84, V �.5-��84 -w Pac�e ].0 . .. . �:: .:��:. .._.. 7. Sec4i.a� 1�,160.1�q(b3 �s s�tisfied b�s�d wpun the d�scuss�an bel4w: A var�anc� may be app��und, apprr�ued cui�h cunditinns or ��nied pravided the Planning Cammiss�an finds: a. Ther�� are sper.,ial circumstanc�s ar c�nditians �ffecting the �ro�er•ty which are u�usual and pec�laar tu the land as c�inpare� tA other �an�� sinri��rly situaY.ed; b. 1"Pr� uari�nce is nec:�ssary for �h� �rr�per ���agn ar fi��r�ctic�r� . U� �he �G�kx�iva.sa.r�n; c. 1"he gr�nti.r�g af a u�ra.anc� �si.l.l. r�o� b� de�r�im�ntal tc� �tie �►ctbl.ic h��J.�:h, s���'e�y �nd w�lf�r�e ca�^ anjur�inus •tc� th� rights r• of �ther awn�rs of property; ar�d d. '�`he +a��^iance is r�ece�s�r�y for the �rt�s�rvat:ic�n �.r�rd enjr�ym�nt a� a substar�tial �rroperty �^i.�ht becaus� af an �x�ra;or�dinary harcls�rip which wr�uld r^e��a�.� fr�rm �tr•�i.�� r.ompl�.�an�� wAth �the r�gulatiar�s af �hi.� ord9.nancr�. "fhap ,a,,,�„licant_,�.,ra�s,o,_sed,to have a 460 fa�t, larss�._cwl-de�-,sa���r�a�t�nd a s�re�� arrt�r��eet,�ion t�ng,,,,�n�_,�...wFtich ,both_ r� �ir�, Vara�nc��,,,,�p„�i,rau�1_tha� meet> th�, �bc�er�,�crit�a^a.a. 'Th� cr•i.�Pr:i� arp me�� k���:�usp; . �,...��..�.�..�..._ �. �'h� ps^�vabusly d�te►�ma.n�d s�:r�eet s�cubaut �.oc��taar�s oi� S.i�. f��i.lxng Si:r•�e�t cieterman�ci �h� sc�u�thi_=r•ly i.rs��rs�c�•s.c�n lac��ian and con�f�.,c�u,r�atinr�, 1"he positiara af �h+� cu�.�-�l�_.�sac was p'la��d s� �s tc� prr�ai�{e m�r� +»���ble c�raunc� adjat:er�t �tas the par►d�, I:� :�s fel�: thwt � ��erian�� a� �rppr�e�x�.n��'�e�.y b� f��t in 1�a�tia��:h terrds �rr �r�ser�ue the ar��� ac1j���r�t t�► �:h� �,and s. b. °C'h� v�rianae r�q�e�ted is �Mee minimum r�q�ir��e� �a s�rv� fih� ��nd aclj���r�i: tc� �he c�al�-�cle»..sac ar��i pr�s�rve �tht por�ds as appased to using �h� Ci�y stanci�rd c�f 400 feet �nd �:ausing ur�n,n•.�es�ary canstruction dir�ectly adjacr�n�: •�:o �he punds. The�desian wof the street intersec�a.on is the must ap,�„r,a�,riate metl�od addressin �he str�et alic�nment�„�,rablem�. c. Surpassanc� �the 4t3f� faut r.�a],�t�e--•sac by 6Q fe�� zs na� signific�n� in n�ture, ��nrd. ade�c�►,�at� �mevg�+re:y ac;c'es� can be � prrauid�d. 1"h� addi�t�.r�n�l ].er�c�th wi11 nc�t hav� any �:ppr��aabl.e ii���aact upon �h� �unc�:xat� raf �Ghe ��r���a�t and : �I adjacen� pr�aper��y awn�rs wil,l ncot bQ affec�ec� by �hi.s vari.ari,r,� t�c�ques�. Due tn_, the,�,�„�c�w tra�Ffic u�calumeg antici a�ed. th��street in�ersectian wi.11 b� appropriate„�,. � • d. Bec��rus� tha.a is Lh� ].�s'� parcel zn �l�� ar�ea tm c�avel.ap, na� u�her aa.t�rnati.ves exi.�t to prae►�:ds acce�s �a th� nar�hern prrr•t;i�n Uf �he �►rnper•�;y and to canr�ect Rei].i S�r��t. Qenial o� tF�i.s v�r°iant� wa.l:l resul�t in poor utal,izatian pF �he at�pa nur�ttr af th� pur�ds. ��91R(11) CIT'Y OF T'�C:I:�AftC) PLANNI:NG CO(WMI�SI:ON F°CNA� URI)F R h10. 85- D� PC � ..._,..,.,,,,._ A F'�C:NAI,. ORU�"R 1:IUCL..U47�:NG F:i:N[�I:�iC� ANC) C;UNCL.IJSTQIV`��, WFI1:Chi ApPRnVE!�; AN AF�Pt..�CA'1":Ct�N F�'OR A SIJ�31a:CU:CS:Ct�N (S 11�-84) taiVq PI.,ANNFI� �FUFLOpMF'NT tP0 6�-9A} REQUE�1"E:I� BY �"T"TAN pRUPEft`I":C:�',S, The 'Tic��rd Plannii�g Crymmissior� reviewcc� the �abc�vr� a�pli���t�.r,n at a �ubl.ic he�tring an J'anua.ry 8, 199�i, T'h� CamrnissiGn bas�d its cl�cisi.on c�n the facts, firidii�gs and cr,nrl�asiuns nat�c� k�Ql.aw; A. FACl"S 1 , ren�ra]. Tnforma�ion CpS�::: plannc�d p�v�±l��pmerit PC> G-...84. Subc�ivisian S 11--84 Rl�wIJF'S7': I���:ai.a.ed Pl�nn�c� D�u,n.lapm�r�t anc� Pr�limi.nary Pl�t a�a�raual far a l.5 ].r�t resider�ta.a], dc�uelapm�rit (:t�MF�I�FF�IEiVS�:VF PI_t�iU i)L'•:;;:CGNA'1":C:OIU: M�cii�.tm I��nsi��y Resa.c�a.,rr�ial ZON�:NG D�:ST:C;NAT'1:dN: R--7{p!?) (Res9.c�er�ti+�l., 7 ur�•i.ts/acr�, pl.�nn�d c�euQl,c���men•�) Al�F'I.�I:�.;ANT; 1"it:an Pru��rti�s qWN�:�i: SamF t: 2��1 Cr�r•nell Raac� Y� NX�.I.3�'10Y`G, 0�2 ��y.7� I_c�CA'i'°C�N: F�axt ��f N�11 Hlur1, ;xnd nrar•t;h rrf Far�n� Crr:�ek Or•iv� (Wash, Co. Tax Ma� 2S]. 1?.BR, �"ax Lot 7.00) 2. eackground Prel.imi.nary Plat anc� G)�tail�d Pl.ann�d l��u�l.��men� a��rova]. was grar�ted k�y �he p'lanning (;ammissior� in February, 1984, far Phases :CZ, :�:I:;C, anc� .LV af th� C�].rrny Cr�c�k dcauFl.�pment (PU T-83, S 1�.-••83, ZG 7--84, an�l V 6.�.,8�) . Phases :tI �nd ;C:CI were irit�n��c�c� t;a be pla�i:ted with sing],e �F�mily resi.denti.a], lats anci Phase 1V wa3 ap�rovEC1 fr�r tc�wnhaus� CIf!NE?�.Oj�iT1�1'1'�, Phase :CT h�s b�pn pl.�tt�d and �ar•tially devQlr,�ped. 3. Vici.nit„�_..T.nfarmation F�hase x �rrcl i:�: af ca].�ny Creek Esta�es li.�� t:� thc+ we�t anc� soufi:h. W�W�rl,y Mead�ws, a siingle fiamily residerit:a.al d�uelopment is inime�ii.atc�ly c�ast and tM� Fanre� Cr��k flood pla3.n accupi,es thyc nr�rthcrr� �ac,r�ti.an r��f �:Me swbject �roper�t;y as weL]. as �Lh� par�:el �:o �:M� nor•t:h. I�ccnss is �ravi.c�r��� f�y Fanna Creek prive whicM is li.nked ta Hal.l 81ud, and �onit� Road. �i:�� F;CNAL t7Ria�R Np. 85-O�pC Page 1 ! i 4. Site Info��mation � 1"he �aru�er�yF�consid�red in this aK>pl.i.r•�ta.an i.s Phase IV of Cal�.�r��.� Creek Es�Lates. Th� ��p'l,i.c;ar�t �rr,,p�.,ses �t:r� mac�ify Lhe or�igirral cui�►,r,e�rt fur �t:his segment of th� �rr,�ject �a sir�gl� f�.ma.a.y l�ts rath�r th�n tc�wnh�auses. Fi�ft��n lots r•anging f'rram p,400 ta 10,�I5 sq�aare �Feat are �arc,prrsed. l.ots 2 th�rr,�Gigh 9.T.., ].4, and 1� �re d��si.gned fi'or D �Fuot si.de yarc�s on anr•. s�.c�e. All of the �anits will be ��r�tached. 5. Ac�.en,c�,and 11l,PO,Comment s "The Fn�ii���ring �iuision �as the �Fa].lr�wii�g r�c�nrrn�nts: a, "i"he portior7 �af �he proper•ty wi,thi.n �h� 100 ye�r� flaud p�.aan �ho�.�ld be c��c�i�:�t�d ��, •�he nuk�lic a� gre�nway. b, 1"he ci�uel.oper sF:rau�.d cans3.der lc,cati.ng th�� sar��.tary ��a�er betw�aen I..r,�i:;; 6 arrc� 7 to �u�id �he flo�ar� plain ar►d 1:Pie r�c��ci fpr a sensi.tive lands revi.ew, c, pu� �tr.� �:hQ srnall ].ot fr•ontag�s on th� CW�.-CIE�-•5a"�lC, joi.nt c�ra.uc:w�ys are r�e�amm�nd�d. d , Lr,ts 2 anc� i.3 shau'ld h�v� �ri.u�ways ].ocatec� �t the nUrth enc� a� tl7u �aar•cpls tr,� Qli.mi.r���:e �:r•aFfi'ic c�,riflic�:s n�?ar the ir�ters���tiun r�f �annra Cre�k l7riu� and th� Gua.--�d�—s�c. A1sc,, a �amnior� � c�r•a.u�way �Pr,,r !_ots 1� anc� �.5 3.s a'l�.Sr,7 �c�ua.saksle �t�i mi.nimi.ze �Lhe numb�r of curb cuts, e. AJ.1. starm �r�c� sani.tary ].i.nes tha� ar� to k>F m�i.r����i.r��d k��� the p�.abl,a.c will r�c�uire a 15 fr�ot wid� �a�ablic e�.��mer��. ' 1"h� �ui.7.ding 1;rrspecti.ur� pffi.�� nat�s that ane huur fire wall.s are r�4Y��uired fr,,r a11 struc��ares wa.thin 3 f�et of a pr��per•ty 1 ine. The Tual.ati.n Rural f"i.re Protecti.ar� �i,strict nates �Mat a fi.r� hydrant •is rr�±�c�pd at the a.nt�rs�c:ti.on c,r� Fanna Crc�k Driue �nd 1�he r.ul��-de•��gac. NPQ #`r� r��ui.�w�d �trf� �ro�as�l a:nd �lthough a qurar�um was nat p�re��nfi: �c, �;�ake �F�,r�mal acti.r�n, i.t was vi�w��d it�var�bly b� t;he member�s �rr�sent. E3. F']CIV[7:cMG� AIVTJ C;t7NGL.USxt�NS 1"he rE].�uan�t �ra.t�ria i.n tMis c�se �r� Stat�wa.de Planning Gr��].s 1, 2, 5, �nd 10; Tic�ar�d t��amprehnnsivp P.l�n pa�.�.cies 2.9., 1, �.Z, 1 3 ,5.3, and 3.5.4; a�r�d Ghap��rs 18.5�, 18.80, and 18.�,60 c�f the Gommwriity p�velr�pment Cod�. ' The P].anrrir�g Cramm�.ss�.an cnncl�u�es �Lh��� �L17� p�rr�pasal is cr�nsisterr� w�.�Fr �he a�,�].icable Statewi.de P1anr�ing Gc,a]:s an� Gui.del.in�s bas�d upar� th� fnl.lawing finc�xngs: � FINF�L QRU�Ft N0, 85�..0�2 PG F�age Z ' I a. 5tat��wicie Plar�ria.ng Goa7. #1 i.s met k��cawse thc� Ca.ty has adopted a �:a.ti:•r.ens �nuc�l.v�ment prGgram including rc�vi,�w caf all devel:npment � app�,i.e�tians Fay the N�i.ghbs�rhond Pl�r�ni.ng Organi.xati.un (NPO) . .Ln ac�c��iti.on, al.l p�bla.c noti.ce requirem�nts wer� m�t. b. Sta�ewa.d� Plann9.ng Goal #7.. i.s m��h becaus� �h�� Caty a�p'li.ed al.l. �ppli.r�aA�.c� Statewid� Alar�ning Gr��ls, City f,;►ai��preher�siue Pl.an polici.es and peuel,�rpm�nt Cad� requ�.rem�nts �ha th� appl.ir,�tian. c, St:atewide Planni.r�� Grral #5 is m�t b�ea��s� deu�lr�pme��� wi�l,l a��oid the 1Q0 year fl.aud plain. d. S�atewi.d� plar�riing Gr�al #1Q i.s satisfied because the praposal will �r�ouide for M�usi.ng as CGY1'�E!I111�11v1�:�c� hJy �h� �ity Compr•�her�sive P1an. The Planhi,ng ��mmi,ssian {~��xs cletermi.n�d that �thye prrrposa]. as submi.t•ted, or wi�h minor� madi�Ficatiuns, is c��nsis�Y:ent wi�:h �he r�el.�uar�� pur°tic,ns rr�F �:he Cumprehensive Plan b�sed upc►ri th� �Fin�ii.ngs r�ot;�d belc�w; a. Pl.an Pnl.i.cy 2.1.�. is S8t'�7.x'F7.�!t,� bEr.cause �t1�e Neic�i��l�r�r�hr�c�c� Pl.arrn�.ng � Orgar�i-r..ata.on and surraundi.r�g pr�o�er�:y owriers were gi.e��r� naticP r�F 1:I�ie I�r�arinc� a�1c1 ar� r�ppur�una.ty tn r•�mm�rit arr thca ��apl.�.r.ar�t°s prvpr'ssal, b, Rlan Poli.cy 3.2,y. i,s sat�.sfied ber;�use the dev�:].r��m�nt sha�.1 nat inr.,luci� any �ur��hi.an of the Fanno Creek fload �►l�i.n. ��;s. c. P1an Po].a.cy 3 .�,3 is s�tisfi.ed b�c�us� ttrp 10t? y�ar �Fload p�.�i.n sha].1 b� c�r�di.c�t�c� as gr�enway, 'rhi� i.s cnnsS.��eri°� wi�h Lhe O�aen Spac� desigr�ati.ran fr�r the Far�no Cr�ek �F�.�c�d p�.aa.n th�t a.s shawn ��n the Cumpr•e�ensive Plar� Map. d . Th� �irc,posed si.tQ pl.an wi.].l. r•�qui.re a mi.nr�r �,djus�:men•t �!>o r:r�rifc�r•m witM nlan Po].icy 3 ,5.4. '1"he pel:ai�,ed Plcan which was appruved Fay Planning Cumnri.ssiran last year .i.ncluded an � fao� widp, �aave<� �ati� cnnnec:�ing Fanno Creek Driv� �nd 1:he fl.caad plai.n p�rcel. to be dedic.ated to th� Ca.�y. 1"P�is p�eth is to be l�acats.ci h�etwF��cn fi:his projecG �nd (;ralur►y �r��k � ans� :L�. A c:anditi.on af this previ.nus �p�rrrual. stated tMrat the path shaTl. b� ins�all.�ci arid bundeci alr�ng wiGh the r�•th�r �WFJ�.1C impruvem�nts , This patM shUUl,d k�� i.ncl.wded witM �h:is �ahas� af the ci�upl.��ment. '1"he P].arrning Can�rni.g�ian `�:as determa.ned that the prupusal i:s cr,nsi.s�en� +.�ith the relevarrt pGrtions ��F the Gonimuni�ty Qevr�la�m�r�t (�nc�c� b�scc� wpun thp findi.nqs r,utlin�d belaw: a. Chapters 18.80 and 18,i.60 af �:F�e Coc�e i.s sati.s�Fied b�caw�e tF�e prelimiriar•y plat/detai:].�ci plan mc�Qts the r�aquiremerits �et for•th i.rr the Gode b. The ped�stri.an/b:�cycle path shGwn on the �re��iaws; plan sh�a.l be �� ; install�d. f�TNEtI. QRDEF2 N0, 85--�d,2,_,„PC Page 3 A1t}yough nr.�� rec�wi.red i�y thE Cod�, the staff r�cammends that th� q �Foat � s�.c�� yards ran I..rrts 9 fi:Y�r�a4igh 12 be shi.�Ffiec� fc^�am the sou�hern lr�t ].ine to th� nurtti. T'his wi,].1 �tl.�.nW fur impru�e.d solar access sa.nce tF�e E3�ail,din�� Gc,de does ni��t �rer�mit windows fr�r wal.ls on the prraperty �.ine. C, pEC;x:STUN Hased upon the abc�ve findir7gs and cr�ncl.usi.ons, the F�l.�r�ni.ng Cummi.ss3.Un c�rants d��:aa,l�ci ap�rrraual af pD 6�-8�! anc� pre�.imiriary plat ��aprryval. of S 11--84 subject to the fall.nwi.rig candi�:i,ons. � 1, tJfUI...HSS �'1"}��RW;CSI:: NU'�"F.D, AI..L. C�iUI�;C:'1";CONS SHAI,,.I_ I��' M'k'1' F�k7TOR "fq R�:CARt)]':NG T'HE F':CNAI.. PL_AT'. T. Seven (7) sets of plar�-��prafil.e �JW�,7�.],G i.m�rov�ment 4Ul'iS�Y'4.lC'�I,C11't p].�ns arid one(1) itemi,zec� cunstr�actiuri GA'S� es�i.mate, stampe�i by � R�gistered F�rofessiana]. Ca.ui]. Engi.n��r, detai.l.i,ng all. prr��as�d �ruk�],i.c im�rav�m�ri�s sha),I. be suhami�h�d �tta �the �:i�gi.rieer•3.n� S�c�t:ian f��r ap�raval.. 3. Sanitary sewEr pl.�n._�prafi.l.� det�il.s shall be provided �.� p�xr�t c,f �:he �ub�.i.c irnprc�uemer�#: p].ans. '1"his shall. i.nc].ude r�c�cessar�y �s�'f-sa.te sanitary and s�tarm sew�r e�semarits, 4, Cc�n�tructir.,n ��f propUS�c� p�ablic im�rouem�rrts �Mall nc�t G�amm�nce �antil af�er the �:ngine�ri.ng Sec�iun has a.s�u�� ap�rov�d KiWI�a.7.G imp�^ua�m�n� plans. 'The Sect3.crn will r�quire pasti.n� c�F' � 1�J49G P�rfc�rmance FAGi'YS�, ��< th� paym�nt ofi a pc�rmi#: fi'ec arrd � si.gn i.nstal].�taon/s�tr•eetla.ght fc��, Alsa, �hn execu�irar� of a street op�rri.ng p�er�mit �:,r cr.�nsfi:ruc�ic�n cam�li.anc� agreemc�n� �hall c,ccur �ri.ar ta, ar cancurrei�t�.y wi.t:h the issu�nce of �ppr•ou�d publ.ic in��arr.�u�m�rit pl�ns. SEF. 1"WE �"IVCL.4S�fJ HANq(?UT' C;I:VZNC MORE S�'��.G�FT.0 I;NFt�RMATl;UIV RE::GARl7T.NG f"F E �GF���?t,ll...ES, F3t]Nn:CNG AND t�Gi�F".F Mk�'NT'S, 5. 3o�.nt uge anc� rn�i.n�:�r►ance agre�m�n�s sh�ll. ba �xccw�ed ar7d r�carded r�n C�ity standarci �Farms f�r� �11 cUmmr��� dri.veways. S�i.c� agr�±�m�nts shal.l b� ref�r�rrc�d ��ei and becum� par�: af al.l: appl,i.cable �ar+�e�. dceeds. S�ai,c� ac�rF�em�nts �h��ll b�a �pproued kry �M� E��ga.n�ering S�ction. JCIIIU"I" USE: ANC? MAxN�"�IUANC� ACFiEE.M�NT' F'QRMS ARE �NCL.OSEq. 6. Strr�t ��riterla.ne Mr,,nu�n�n�a�:ir.�n a. I:n accr�rdance wi�th QR; 92,06q 3WI�SE?G't141"1 ���, th� �er�terl,ines of i al.�. xfi;rr��fi and r�adway ric�ht�-of��-w�ys shal]. bc� mr,rrrum�rited kre�t�re ' the Ci,ty sh�l.l, �ccept a stre�t; i.mpravement. b. Al.l c�r�terl.ine mr�numer�i:s sF�al�. he plac�d in � munuinent bax cc�nfvrmi.ng ts, Ca,ty s�andards, and the top af �];]. manum�r�t bax�� shal.l be set a� design Finish gx•ade af said strt��t o�^ t�caaciway. � FI:IVAI. QRf1ER NQ. 8:5--•�,�02 PC Page A � i e. The fa�.lawi.ng c�nterl,ine m����rum4ants shall be set: � �`" ].). AI.]. centerlinew-c�nterli.ne int�rsectisrns. � In��rse�tiuns cr�atcMd with "cntl�ctnr•�� ur othet^ exis�inc� s streets, sha].l. be set whEn �th� c�nterline a].ignment af saa.d "c�llec�ar°' ar Ather s9:r����t �ras be�n estabiished by ar fcrr the Ci.�:y; 2) �er�ter o�F a11 c�al..-de.-•sacs; 3) Curve paints, t�oint 4f in�ers�c�ion (P.I.) when thei.r p�si#:ir�n f�'�].s insic�e fi>he �.imits ��F the ��vern�nt �.���herwis� bega.nnirag anc� �ndi.ng pai.rrts (F�.C. and E.,C.) . 4) ,A1'i 3anit:ar�y �nd str�rm lr,catir•.,ris sMa�.�, b� pla�ec� in pbsitians t{�a� do ,_nat in�srferQ wi,th centerline — :� mr�n�amentatian. � 7. T'he °'b�si.s of bearings" for the Plat c,r Surv�y sh��.]. b� C�aunty Survey #�0,387, w!°iich a.s a �drt af the 'Tigard Fi�],d �uru�y N�tws�rk. I 8 , An 8 �Foo�t w�idQ, paved tra9.1 shall. b� proui.d�d G,n T'r�ct ��H" a�fi Colany �r�ek f�s�a#:es ;C;;� anci 'Tr•act „��� af Phase :CV. 'Th� crsst c�f �L�i�_ �aath shall. be bor�dec� i.n canjunc•t:i.an u�i�th �he puk�).�.,r, imprc�vemer�it�. 9, Q��d r�s�cr�.ctir,ns shal�. bc� a��rnu�ad t�y �Lhe �l.�r�nirrc� Dar�c�no^ aa�d �}� record�d w�.th Washia.ngton Cau�-�ty which �ssurc th�t; �,. �, t� 10 1�r,ot sep�aratiar� k��twnery thic� rc�sa.der�tial s�tr•uctur�es shal]. rema�.n in ��rp��ui.ty; k�. The 10 faut �ep�rati.an b�tare�n thin resa,dcariti.a]. s�ructur�s si~ia].'l. k�e mair�L•�;i.ned �Free �rr�m any �abs�ructiu��s a�Lher �hav�; A) l"he eau�s of th� structurE; 2) A chims�ey whi�h may errcrrrach in�� �t;1�c� s��tback ar��:a by not mare than 2 fe�t; 3) A swimming p�ol; 4) f�urmal ].andscaping; ar � 5) A g�rden wall. or f�nce equi,�aped wi�h a gats for �iner�ency access an�t maint�nance �urpases, 1A. Easem�n�s shall. be granted where any purti.on of �:he structwra ar o�r��hi.teGtura�l f�ature pr�ojec�s over a pr�aperty line. 1].. 1"he maxi.mwm ].at couerage �'or xerc� lat ].a;ne sh�11 no� exce�d the maximum Iat cuuerage fr�r the bas� zr�nr�. �� FINAL ORDER Nq, 85-��a PC F�age 5 Y�= ; '; ;,}I � 12,. Tract ��C�� sttiall be dedicated •tr� the pwblic as greenway an the approved City farms (e��clased). � 13. Driv�wa�y access far Lots 2 and ].3 sMa11 ar�1y be ori the �ul--d�-�sac s�r�et at least 3U feet north of Fannn Creek Drive. 14, i� Sens�.tive l.ar��d Permit wi11 be re�quired for any iand al.�eratian ar �xcavatxc,n (e�. sanitary sewer line) with�in �he 100 y�ar floud plain, 15, Af�:er reua.ew and apprpval by the Planni.ng Di.rectar and Publi.c Warks D9,r�ectr,r, tMe Final Pl.at sFial.l be recurded with Washing�nn Courrty. 16, l"Mis approval. i.s uali,d if exerci.sed w�.thi.r� une year of �he fi.nal ' d�c i s it�n c�ate. PASSF'Q: T'his c��"�day of �f�!Y,�(, , 198�, by th� Planning Gnmmissir�n of the Ca.t� of Ta.gaatel. ��?`� .r��.�-2. ���-�--�� __... 9c,nnie Owens, Vice President Ti.gard Planniriq Camm�.ssi.on ti � (KSI,.{�:c�mj/Q921P) I � FINAL. ORpER N0. 85—Oa I�C potge 6 _ . _ , __ _. ..,. _ �_ _ _ . _. ._. _. _.. . . ST'AFF REPt�RT A��.NDA T."i"�M 5,� January 8, 1985 "I`IGARl7 pLANNTNG C�J("1MT:4;SIQN �QWI...kR TUNTOR H:��H SCNt)QI_ ��- I,,.t;T ].0865 S,W. WAI..NU`C' �T':C:r,ARD, 4R�'C.,�N 97223 A. F'ACTS 1. Genera]. Informati.an CASE: Plannec� Dev�l.o�mer�t PD 6-•84, Subdiuision S 1�.--84 RFQUF51'; I�efi:�i,l�d plani°�pc� Develr,�pm�ri�t ai�rd Prelimiriary Pl.at �pproual far a 15 ].ot reside�tial dev�la�ment COMPRFN�NS:CVE PI_�N I�F�;C(aNA1":CON: M�d9.�am Density R�sa.c�er�fii�1 ZONI;NG �[�IGIUAT':X:UN: R�•7(pD) (R�si.c��n�i.a]., 7 units/acr�, pl.anned c�evel�a�amerit) APNLI�ANT': Ti,tan prnperties OWNE'R: Same 22�1 �cyrrrpll Rr,ad Fli].l.sbc�rrr, pR 97123 I..t�CA"�'xt�N: Fast of Hal.l Blud, anc� nur•th raf Farino �;r�ek Drive (Wash, Co, T'ax Map ?_�1 ].28�, 1"ax L,a� 100) 2. Back�rc�und Pr��limi.nary F�l.at ancf Detai,l�d Planr�ed n�ucl.o�ament ���roval. w�s gran�ted by the Plannii�g Commi.ssian in F�haruary, x984, fur Phases ;�::L, :�';C.T., �i�� �CV �I of th� Craluny Creek deve].ra�mer�t (Pp 2--�83, S 1�.--83, 7..� 2-84, and V '� 6��-83) . Ph�;��s :L:C �rr�i :C.T.� were irit�rr�i��� ta kre pl.�t't;�c� wi�Lh sinc�le family resi.dential, ].ots �nd Pha.se SV was a�rprGV�d for tuwnhause d�u�l.crpment, Phase �:I has been p].atted and par•ti.ally c�euplr�ped. 3, Vicin�it�Infarmation Phase I and IZ; r�f Colany Creek F�s�ates l.i,e ta the west �nd sc�utf�. Waverly Meadaws, a singl.e fami.ly resid�rtiti.al �levelu�m�ryt is immediately east and tF7� Fannu Creek fl.�od plain occupi.es �:rie nurth�rrr �urtion ca�F �hp subj�ct prcrperty as we11 as th� �ar�el ta Lhe nowth. Acc�ss is prauided k�y Fanno Creek qrxve whi.cM i.s linked to HI�1]. �il.vd, and Bana.ta R�aad. 4. Site �nfor•matian "I"he �aruperty cansi,dered i,n this a��].i.cat9.an i.s pMase �:V c�f C�l.any Gre�k F�sl:ates. The appli�ar�t propas�s to madify tMe urigir�al r,pncept f�ir �ha�s segment af th�e prujec� t� s9.rig1� f�mi.ly luts rather than townhaus�s. Fifte�n lots r�anging frram 4,A00 to 1Q,875 square fe�t ar�e �rrnposed. Sl"AF� R�PORI" •�.. TT7'AN PROP�F21"Y WC1 6....8A & 5 1�.-8A -- pAG� 1 � 1_ryts 2 thraugh '�2, 14, and 15 are designed far 0 foot si.c�e yar�ds r�n one sa.de. Al.�. af tFic� wr�i.ts wi 11 be dpt�,ched, 5. Agenc�and N�0 Gamments Th� EngiMeeri.ng Di.uisi.rar� h�tq the fol].awang cr,mmen�s: �. The pr�r•ti.ar7 ��f th� praper•ty wi�thin the 104 ye�r fl�c,d pla�.n shau].d be dedicat�c� tc� the publi.e as greenway. b, 'T'he deu�loper sha�a�,d consider ],ocatinc� •thp .sanifi;ary sewer between Lats 6 and 7 �a �vair� tM7r f�.44CI �a].�i.n and tM�� n��ed far a sensitive �.ancis review. e. Que to tP�� srnal.�. ].rat fron•tac�es on tMr cul-�1�-•sac, jai.nt c�riueways ar�e reuramrr�end�d. d, Lats 2 and 13 shuuld haV� c�r°iuew�ys l.acatec� at tMe nr,rth end ufi �:hp �aarcels ta �limi.nafi;�.s tr•affic cun�licts �ear ��he intersecti.s�n of f'anr�o Cre�k pri.ve and �h� cu1�-�de-�sac, �lsa, a r_•rammun driueway far i..a�s 14 arrd 7.5 is ��.so a�luas�blt� ts� minimixe th� riumk�er of curb cuts. e. A11 starm and sana.tary lir2es fi:hat ar� tra b� main��.ir��d by the publi.c wi�'�1 requi.re �a 15 �Foo� wid� puk�].i.c e�sem����t. '1"Me 8ui�.r,�ing �n�p�cti.ran t�•ffa.re nc��h:es �tMiat or��e haur fi.rc� w�l,ls �re rec�ui.recS �or �].1 stru��:ur�s wa.thi.rr 3 fe�t a�F a proper�ty li.ne. "fhe "fuala�in Rural �ir� prUteeti.on t7astr�ict nc�tes �:Pi��h � fire hydrar��t is n��ded at th� i.nt;�rsaction. o�f F'anna Gr�ek Dri.u� �nd fi:h� cul--de�--sac. NPQ #Fa rEViewed the pr�r.,posal ar�d althou�h a quorum was nr�t presen� tu take �'r,rmal �ctiran, 'i.t w�s vi�wnd faunr•ably tay �Lhe member� presEnt. 8. F:LNDIIVGS ANq Cc�Mf�I..IJ�IO�IS 7"he r�],evae�it crit�r�ia in �his ca�e are Stat�wa�d� plannir�g Gcaa].s �., �, �, �rrd 1Q; Tigarc� Cum�ar�h�nsiue PI.ar7 p�alica,as 2.1,1, 3.2. �. 3.5.�, �ar►d 9,5.4; and Ch�pt�s^s 7,�.52, 1�.80, and 9.8.�.6q af the C�amm�inity p�ue]:r��a�reerit Car�e. l`he Wlanning staff GU1"IG�.UCI�+S that �:he �pra�osa). i.K consi.st�n� with th� �pp�.ic�lale �'ta�r�wic�e P�.ae�rning �oals and Cuidelines Faaq�d upc�r► tfie fall.owa:rrg findi.ngs; a, Statewi.d� Pl.�nni.n� Gr��1 #1 i,s m�t because �t�� Ga.�,� has adc;�p�te�i � Cit�,x�ns 7[nvalu�ment progr�m incl.uda:ng r�vi.nw af all dEVel.opment �ppli�:atiuns by the N�ighbarhqad Pl�nni,:rtq Organa.•a..atir.,r� (NPO). xn a�dit�.an, aa.l, pt�b]�ic rrn#:icQ requi.r�ments wer� mst, S'1"AF"F �Ik:Pt�ltT _ .7°:C�"AN I�Rc�P�R'1"Y PD 6,.-84 & S �.1..-8A -- PAf�E 2 b. Stat�wida Planning Goal #� is met be�ause th� Ca.ty �p�1;ed all appl.icabl� St:a�l:ewi.de Planning Gaals, ra.�ty �ompr�hens�.ve P1an Pal.i.cies aric� p�velopm�n� Code requi.rements �o the appli.ration, c, 5tatewid� P].anni.ng Goal. #�'a i.g m�t bc�cause d�usl.apment w�i,l.l avoi.d the 100 year flaad plai.n. d. 5tatewi.cle Pl.anning Goal. ,�y.p i.s sa�i.sfied because th� �roposal wi.l.l �rAVi.de for housinc� ax r.r.�r���n►pl.atQd by the City Camprehensiue Plan. The Plannirig staff has det:erminec� �Ltiat •�he pr�posal as s�abmifited, r�r with mi.nur mr,difica�:ions, is cr�nsi.gten�t witM tMe r�1�u�n� �nrti,ons of tl�►e taumpr�h�nsive Plan bas�:d upon •L-he findinc�s nat�d belaw: a. Plan Pal.icy 2.�,.1 is s�ti.sf9.�d bc�r•ause th� Neighborhoad Planriing Or�gani.ra�tir:+r� �ncl surres�aruiirig praper�ty r�wners were giuer7 r�otic� �f th� h�aring and ary op�ortur�ity to cumrnr:.r7t an �the appl:icarrt's pr�oposal. b. Plari Pulicy 3 ,2.�. is satisfied because th� deuel.opment si~�all n�t i.��r].ude ar�y pr�r#:ian of tF�e F�nno Creek f�.urad pl.ain. c. P].an Palicy 3 .!a.� i.s s�ti,sfi.ed b��:a�esr� tl~�e ].0� y�pir flaod � pla�,n shal.l be d�di�ated �s gre�nway. 'Tha.s is cansist�nt with th� Qp�n S�ace ci�!sagri�tiar� fr�r the F'anr�o C;reel� f7.c,ad plain �hat as shawrr an the �Qmpre�r�nsiue Plan Map. d. 1"he pr�,posed site plan uia.l.l. r�ec�uire � mi.nor adjust�ne��t ta cor��Pnr•m with I�a.ar� Policy �.5.4. The 1�k=.t�a.�.Qd Pl.an whi.�h was apprau�d by Plari��ing Con►missian l.�st ye�r includ��d �n 8 fa�ot wic�e, p�ued �aa�fi cunnQCting Fai°ino ,Cr���k Driu4a �rrd t:he flr►r�d plaa.n parcel to bF de�iicc�ted ta the City. 1"his path i.s to be locat�d �retw�eri thi.s prr�j�c� arrd Colrrny Crr:�Eak :L and :C:I. ' A cunditi.un r�f •tha,s previrrus apprau�]. st�ted �that� thye p�th ; sF��l.l b� ins�allec� a��d br,�nded along wi•th �:i�e r�•t17er �>ublic i.mprau�ments , T'his path shu�al.d be i.ncludEd w9,th tha.s ph�a�� � of the c�evel�rpment. � 1"he Planriing staff has d�termi.r�ec� tF�at thr� prapnsal is �nnsister�t w3.th th� releuarrt p��rti.r�ns of twip �'c>n�muri:�ty Qpvelaa�ament C�ac�4 baK�c� upc�n the findirigs outl�.nec� bEluw; a. Chapters 18.8p and ].8.160 af fit�e Cade is satisfied bec�use ' the �,rel.�imin�ry p�.at/c�etail�d plan m���ts �he requirempr��s set far�h in the Cncle. � b, T'he �ec�estrian/bicycle �ath shuwr� an the �reviaus pl.an sMal.]. k�e i.ns�alled, � Althaugh not requi.red by �he Cr�de, the s�:aff re�Ummends �hat the 0 f�ot 'll si.de yarc�s on I�ats 9 through �.? be shiffi:�d from the southern lot line ta il the �ar�M. 1"hi.s will. a7.1ow far impraved solar access since �he Building ,.I Coc�e dr,es nrrt permit windows far walls qn the prr�per•ty �.i.ne. ,; � a � STAFF REPORI" -- l"ITAN PROPERT'Y Pp b-••84 & S 11--84 -� PAG�' 3 " � . � � C. ����(N`�iENOAT'It�i� Based up4n. tPre ab�ue findings ar�c� conclusions, the F�l�r�ning staf�F rQCOinmends det�iled apprnval of p0 6�.w9A and prpliminary pl�t approua�. �f S 11-�84 SUbJC�C'� t4 the foll.awing conclitions. 1. IJNI..E�S 0'T'MF F2t�IS�: N�'1"ED, Ai,.,lw CONf7:C'TIOAIS St�Al.l,. �E M�T PR:Ct7R TO 12EC4RCl�:NG TN�: P'1NAt.. F�LA1". 2, S�ven (7) sets uf �l.�n-•profil� �ubli.c improvem�n� crangtructior� pl.ar�� and c�ne{1) i:t�mixed c�nstruction cast estimate, s#:���pt�� by a Register�d I�rufessian�l C;iuil �ng�,neer, detailing al.�. �raposed publi.c in�provem�rrts shall: be submit��<i to �h� �ngineerir�g Se4�ca.�an far app�aual, 3. Sani.tary s�wer p].an��.profi�.e det�a.ls shal.l. b� prr�vid+ed as part af ��i��� �ubl.ic imprr�u�m�ri�t plans. Thi,s shalX i.nc�.uc9e nere�sary �ff--si�e s�natary ar�d sturm �ewer eas�ment�, 4. �r�nstru4�:iun c�f props�g��� publ.i.c impr�vem�rits shaYl r�Qt cc��rimar�c� �r��i.1 �f�:�r the Engi.r�eer•ing Sez:ti.on has i.ssued aK>proued p�abli.c improu�mcrtt plans. Ti�e S�ctir�n will r+�quire pasting oF � �.l.?�96 Perfr,rmar7c� 8r,r�ci, the �aym�:nt af a pc�rmit fee ar�d � si.gn i.a�s�al.�.ati:r.�n/sfir��tlic�hi•t fQe. Alsr,, tl�ie sxecu�G:ir,n r�f a str��t ca�,�n�.r�c� ��rma.t or carrstr•uctian c�mpli�nc� �a�r�e�mer��� sMal.7. cxGCt�r <I �riur� tc�, �ar cor�s:urren�tly vai.thi th� a.ssuanc� uf ��aproti�� p►akrlic im�rovemer�t p],ans. SEE T'HE. EiVC;I,.ClS�'i� HANI?UUT �:I:V:�IV� P�R�' �PEC�;F'�C �:NF°ORMAT:T:(�IU RF�uARQ�NC 'h F� �CM�'q�ll..F�. 9qN13�I�G ANO At�RF:F MF NT�. 5, J'uint use and r��i.r�t�ri�an�� agreemerits �•ha�,�. be �x�r•uted �r�d rec��rc��c� an Gity s��nc�a�� •�rar�ms fr�r a11 crammnn driueways. ��id � - �� a�F all. I� �agrecm�nts shal.l. b� refe�^�riced ur� �nd 6aecr�m� par applicak►lc� p��cQl. s�c�eds. ��id agre�iner��s sha�Z b� a�;praued by th� E:ngineerir�� See�ior�. J'OINT U�E. AI�L? MF�xAd'�"�:NANCE: AGREk;MENl" �'qRMS R�� ��c�..�s�o. 5. S�r�et Centerli:r�e Mane��ien�atir.,n a, Tn acc�rc�anr�e wi�Gh 4RS 92.Q6�3 su�sQCtinn (Z), th� e�nterl.i.r,es o�P aa:�. street and raadway ri.gh�_.�of-,wdys �tral.l. be m��nument�d befare the �;i.�y shall acc��t � street impr4��merrt. b, Al.l. centerli:ne monum�nts sFr�11 �i� p1��ed in a mr,num�r�t box CC�CI�UY�m'ing t� c�ity stanc�ards, and �he t�rp af �'1�. mc�nurnent iaoxes shall. be set at desi�n finish grade r�f sai� s�r�eet ar ' raadway. c. 1"h� followi.n� c�nfi.�rline monument>s sh�l.l b� set, 1) . (�]:1 c�nterline—cen��r�.ine irtt�rse�tians. xnters�ct9.ons creat�d wi.th "col].ec�Qr" nr r�ther existirtg str�e�s, sha11 b� aet wh�r� �he �en��rline al.i.c�nn��nt af s�i.c� ��CU1�.@C'rUl"1� ar o�her street h�s been estabXished by ar for �he City; � STAF'F' R�.P(jRT' �• T'xl"FiN PROPE:FIT'Y Pp 6-�8A & S 11�84 -• PAGE 4 2) Cerrter of all cul--de--sacs; 3) Curve pr.�i.nts, poi.nt af ir�tersectior� (P.I.) wF�sn tF�ei.r posi�ion fa�.ls i�sic�� �l:he l.imil:s r�P th� p�ur�ment a�herwis� begi.nni.ng and ending poa.nts (B.C. and E.C.). 4) All sanitary and str,rm lc�ratir�ns shala. k�� pl.ac�c� a.n pasi.ti.ans tt�at da r�at interf�re wi.th centerlin� mor�um�r�t�tir,n. � 7. 7'he "basis af k�earings" far th�e Pl�t or Suru�y sFy�ll k�� County Survey #20,3g7, which is a part af the Tigard Fa,p].d Suruey Network. 8. An 8 fout widc�, p�UCCI 'tl"ol).�. 3I7o1�.�. I�2 provi.c�ed r�n •1"ract "FI" of ��lr,ny Cr�ek Fsta'tes :LI �rrd 'T'rart "C" of PhaqQ TV. TMe ccrst af the patPi sl��all. b� bunc�ed i.ri cr�r�junction with tH7e publ.ic :imprr�u�mei�►ts, 9, ti��d r��stri�:ti,Uns sha].l. b� appruu�d k�y thi� Planr7ing Di,r�ctor and I recor•ded wi�th Washingtr,n Cour�ty wha.ch �ssure that; a, A �.0 fac,t separati,an b�twcaen �:h7e r�sa.der�ti.al. s�rwctur�s sha].1 rpmair� in per�p�tuity; b. The 7.0 faa� sH��r�ti.an b�twe�n the r�sid�nti.a�. struc�ure� shall be main�:ained fr�e frr.�m any r,bstr•urtions cy�tMer �tha�n; 1) The eaves of th� struct�ar�; ?.) A chirni�ey uhi�h ►nay �r�cro�c�M irrto t:l��: sethsack arc,aa by nu•t mrare thari 7_ feet; 3) A sw:in�ming �aoal; 4} Narma]. lanc�s4�cpi�ng; or 5) A gar�c��n wall ar fence equi��aed wi�Lh a �ate f�r ' em�rg�r7cy access and main�enanr.� pur�Nc�ses. 10. Fas�men�s sh�'I.I, b� gr•ant�d wh�:re a�iny por�tion of tF�e s�ruGturP �r architec�ura�. feature prUje�ts ov�r a pro�er�:y ].i.ne, il. Th�� maxim�m l.at ��overage fc�r •x,era lot la,n� shal,l r�r,��; �x�•�ed •�he maximun� lnt caver�ge far the bas� zane. 12. Tract ��C" shall b� dedicatFd ta the ��k�].ic as gr�errway c,,n the appruued Ci.ty farms (encl.osed) . . 13 , l�ri.weway ac��ss for I�.ats 2 and 13 shall. only be an •�h� cu�,-d��•-sac s�reet at least 30 feet north af F'armu Creek (�riue, 14. A Sensi#:i,ve I,_���d Per•mit wil]. k�e rpquired for any ].and �].t�r�ta.an ar Excauation (eg. sanitary sewer l�.ne) withi.n the 100 year f].oqd plain. STAF'F' Fi�PORl" -- TITRN PFt�PEKl"Y Pp 6-.�8Q & S 11-�84 -.. PAGE 5 �.Fa. A�Fter rEUi.ew and appr�r�val by the P1anr7ing pirect�rr ar�d Public W�rks Qirector, �l:he Fa.i�a1 Pl.at sha�.]. be Y'PCpY'��CI W7.'�I'1 Wo"1tSF111"it�tGl'1 Cour�ty , 16. TFiis �pg�ruval a.s u�l.id if exerci.sed within one year of the final. decisian t�ate. ' � / ____..__---�— �+��-�-��-�,.-ic�.,Y `��'Y�...=���CW'�--�., PI��.I�A �.a gY: Kea.xh i..i.den ��BY: WiXXiam A, i�nMah�n �ssuci.�,te Planner° �irecl:r�r of Cammwr�xty D�u�l�pment (KI�;bs/Q8g6P) � STAFF R�POR`t" -- TxTAN pRqPERI"Y pq 6-"8q & S 1�.�-8Q �- PAGE: 6 �anuary 8, 19�5 Ag�nda �t�m �.4 CP� 29-��84 M�:NVO T0: pLANNTNC GUPIMT�;;T47N �'�r�u�r�y 3, ].98''� i FR(3M: pLANAV7CIUG 5"I"t�t"F � , �U�J'EC:"I": Fl�r�c�p].�in �nd Wetland� Map T6�F� �ur�r�se r�f the F],ca�ac�plaii.n �nd Wetl�rsds Map is �kc� ad�ntify �r.�tent�ial arc.?as whizh may be ►�i�hin �h� l.fJO year f�.ou�l�,l�a.r�, a significant natural r�esvur�ce or• withi.n a wetlandsldr�inageway. Th� dif•Ficul�ty with dQSigriatinc� th�sc� areas ran a map i� �h�t i:� 3.s �lma�t a.mpossi.k,�� to be pr�ci.se �r�augM at; st,ich a sc:al.e tq �aravide �x�ct b��anc�arie� fr�r �hese areas. �"h�: F'loadp�.a�ir� anci WEtl.�nds M�p shyould b� used �s � c��a.de wi.th �xac� ].ncati.ons �yf flr�racig�lain �r�d w�tlar�ds c���er�mi.r��d ksy a �Fi.eld surv�y. �:n �ddi�xraw�, srante areas desa.gr7�ted �s wetlarrds ar� tFie Fload�la3.n ar7c� W�tlands Map a�^e nr�t wa�tl�rad� are�as. Piar�y raf �thesr� �asi��ra�fi:�d �re�� m�y h�u� k��pry wetlands at r�r�e time, but toave s�.nc� beer� fi.].l.ec! �r•od c��v�l.oped, At ��►� January �, 1385, Plannii��c� Gr��t�miss3.r•rr� m��tiri�g, ��:�ff wi.'11 pr+���r�t a �n�p shaw�.rrg �r��s whi.ch shc�uld not tae d�ga�►n�ter� as wetl.and� �ri� r�c�,mmendirrg ar� adc�itic�ro t4 tF�� map which �ta�tes �th�t �x�r�it locati.�,ns r�P f1ur.���al�airr and wetl�r�ds sFoall. b� d���r°m3.ri�d tay an actu��. fi.eld sur��e,y. Th�se changes shra�al.�! make •l:l-ie Fl.or�dplain ai7d W��l.and� Ma�p mrar� us�'�ul to �the pub�ir and easier fr�r st��'f to G�se as a g�ai,c�� whert r•�ui.ew:inr� d�ve],apm�nt �ar�.rpasals. (Q887F�) Ag�nda Iten� 5.5 January 8, 1985 CPFi 30...84 MFMO T'i1: Plarini.nc� Commissi.an FROM: Pl�nning Staff ��� SUk�JEt;1"; We!�],�nds Pal.ici.�g �;n tMe past �F�w months, s�ueral 7.SSU�!8 hau� bc�r� rai.gE�d i.ra conr�ecti.ar� wi.tFy c�avelra�m�rtt wh��re •t:Me City' s w�tlar�c�s p�l.ici.es h�ue be�ri �p�alied, As '�he �lU�.I.C].�3 F�idvc� bE��n ap�,licc�, i.t F�as b�com� ap�aar•�nt to Staff tha�, �.n sume case, �t:he �lO�.1C1P.8, 'F1Yl(�7.1'4g3 arrc� i.m�l.pmc�nta�tipn s�rategi�s ar�� uac��.i,a. �rrc1 da nat stat� wha� st�fi' pc�rc�i,ues tc� bc the i.ritent af thE� Ci,ty C;ounci,�. �nc� P�.hli'11"Ili"I� C:t)itIP11133�.01'1 r,n wHtl.ands. Sta�ff h�s r��vi.ewcd �th� Fi.ndi.ngs, Pali.c�,�s, ar�d I:ni�lemei7��ta.�n stra�egi.Hs re].a�a.i�c� tra w�tlan<is �rrd wcs4ild ].ik� �Lhe Plar7ning Cammi.ssiar► tu revi�w �the ! I.anguaqF: �rr�a�os�d b,� staf�f a,ns1 i.r�cli�at� wheth�r• f:k�i� staff's langu�ge n�ar� � r.l�arly �tatps �L•he Gommissirrn's in�t�rit. F�a].i.�:y 3.].,1 (a) 1 Exi.stirag language ` i 3 .1. ]. TME C:I:i'Y SHALI.. NO1" AL.I._OW DFVEL..bpME:NT I:N AFt�;A� MAVT�IG 1"FIE: F�I...L(wJ;CP�t� I��.V�i..(.1PMH I�"1" I...IM:CTA'1°�CONS EXl';F W"T' WH��NE: �:'i" t�f�N F3E SF4QWIV T'1•IAT' E:�al`Ak�L.I;SHE,I� AIVU pROV�:N f:N�:C;Nk:�.�i1:NG 1"E:C;MN�QUE:� RFl_ATI:D TO A �3PH�;;:�F:C(; Sl'�'E PI.AN W:�i,..l.. MAK�: 'T'I�I� AI'tEA SU1:1"AE3l_E F'c7R 'T'HE pROPOSE'C) pEVEi..UpME�I�'1": a. AREAS F�t1UTIVt� A M;CGM �EASt�NAL WA'1°F't2 T'AFII._E W�'T'M;CiV q••-24 ; xNGHES OF' 1"HE 5UF2f�ACE: �'�Ft 1"HREk':: �R MUR� W�:EItS QF' �"HE: Yh(�R; Prap�sed i...an��uage 3 .1.].. T'NE CTTY SNIALL_ NQT' AI_.1,.4Mi I��V�I�.QPM�:N1" �:N AR�:AS HAVTf�G T'H�: Fql_L.QW:�N(a IJ�:V E I_OPME'�I"T Iw;CM�'rA'�"TONS �X�Fw'NT WNI:I�� :�'T CAN 8E SMt�JN 1"MAT' E:S'T'A�L.�C�HEC) AIVC) PF2tJV�lU E:NG�;IVF:�R7;IVG 7'�CMN��UFS �2FI...t�'1"F�:q T'4 A !al��t.",;C:i�"TC �a:�''f'F pI..,AN W,T,I..I. MAKE TI-1k AF7�fi � SU�:T'AF3L.E F'OR THE pROPOSE:C? C)E:VEI.,OPM�N1"; � a. F�I��AS MEETING TN� Q�F�CNIT�4N AF WETLANOS UI�DER CHApTER 18.26 OF 1"HE CO{"IMUN]Cl"Y DEVELt?PMENT' C�DE.�� 'T'h�.s ch�r7gs wi11 ac�dre�ss��Me concern o�F gi,uii�g cuns�d�r�atiur� tn �l.]. land �p wha,ch may m�et th� wetlands definiti�n, 9 GPA 3Q��-8A �- PAGE 1 .' � ;. TMPLEME�N'i"Al"IQN ST'FIAT'k:GI:E:S F'O�.L.OW�NC� Pt7t.�:CY 3 .1.1 ` Fxis�iny I,.anguage �MPL�Pl�NTATION STRATF'G:CES ]�. 1"he Ci.ty sMal.l desigr�ate on a n�ap dr�as M�virig phygi.c�l � limitati.an (pr�r�r cir•ainage, sea�rsnal flor,�di.ng, ur�s�able grc�unc�) �nd shal.l. i.r�cQr�orate these d�si,c�natiar�s in the � 'figard Cr�mmuni.ty Deue].��amen�L Coc��t �nd map, �nd �h�'ll i develo� grad�aa�:ed d�u�lopmerit r�stricti.ons arcorda.ng to ! � �th� di.s�irx:t cP�ar��Ct�ri,stir� o�F the cunstrai.nts �nd i anticipatea li.mitata,ons. ; 2. "fhe Ga.ty sMa�.l rpaise the sea�sa.#:iu� ],arids 8�'C��.41'1 af the � l"i,gard Cammuni,�y Deu�lopm�nt C�de tp a.der�ti,fy thus� ar��s r►auing �istir�ct cuns��:rairrts anc.i li.mit�:a�i.ons. � . Th� City sha7.a. cr�u�er�a�e with r�ther� a�er7ca.e� to he'l.p :ic��ntify th�se ar�as. 4. Th� City c��F 'I"a.ga�^c4 �h�a].1 �roui.s��e i.rr the C�ammur�aty pQVel�pm�nt �.".oci� a provisi�.,n far �trye Ci#:y tu requir�� ��.��e s�ecii�ic srai.l surv�ys �nd geolr�gi.r• s�ucai.es wh�re potenf:i.a]. hdxarcis ar� a.d�ritified bascsd �.tp�sn ��railabl� c,�„�alugic ai�+d soa.ls eva.derrce. �Jhen natura]. haz�rd� ��^e 9.den�tifi�d, �he C:ity wil.l rec�uire �t�iat special desiyr� crsr�sid�r�atiui��s and cons�ruction meas�ar��s b� t�ken to ��fs�•t the sui]. and g�alugic cr�rrstr•�i.rats prssQr�t iin �rr�er trr �arnt�ct li�� and �ro��rty, arid tr� prot�c� er�ua.rrrnrna�ritGa],7.� seri�9.�a.ue ar�as. 5. The Cr�mmur�ity Q�u�l�apm�rrt �t,c��e sh�ll no� g�ermit devElapm�r�ts to b� pl.ani�eci �r loc��ed in knuwn �r•eas af r7at�aral di.sasters wi�id ha:r�rds without �ppr•r�pri.ate safeguards. Prnpas�:d l.,ar�guaye I:MPLEMEN"fAl"�:ON STRATEGTES 1. Are�.s hav9.ng pMysi.cal. 19.mitations (pUar drainage, seasor�al fluuding, ur�s��ble gr�aun+�) may be 3UIa]E,'(:'� tn policy 3.1.�. of the Compr�hensi.ve f�lan. 2, The City sha11 revis� '�h�e sensi�ive larr�is sec.t�.on of tF�e 1"i:gard Cammuni�ty Q�uelnpmerrt Cade �o identify the staridards and d�fiin� tMc,se �reas hauirNg dis�in�t constraints and li.mi.tati.ans, Th�se cM�nges wi11 �aut prc�per�ty �wn�r�s rar� r�U�a,ce tl�at �ny land h�uiny physical. lianita�:ians may onl.y be dcu�:l�ped �.n cunformaMC� wxth �aali.cy 3. 1. �.. �n adc�ition, �ny ar�as with c�istin�ct c9euel��pment ].imi�atic�ns sMcrwld be �dentffied in the Cammunity Deuelopment Code. �:l�A 30.�_84 �- PA1�E 2 i I � Title far Secti�n 3 .2 I Existing t..ang�aage f'�.00p pL.p7NS AIVf� WE'T'L_F�ND� Prr��aosed I..angu�ge i F'L.UOp PL�A�N`3 II 1"hi.s change i.s pro�rosed because 5ecti.r,n 3.2 deals anly wath F1aad p�.ains F;[iVC?;�:N(�S in Secti�.�n � ,2 E'x�.gting l.angu�ge 3.2 �'I..O(?D PLATIUS ANp WET LANqS ._....._ ...�........._...._.�_...,_.�...._...�....._...._...,,,._ ' F:Ci�D:�IVGS o Th� abj�cti.ve 4f th� �i.��y is tr� use the d�t�9.].��ci i.nforrn��t;3.�,n c�a�herQd on f].c,r�d pl.azr7s �roiri �th� U.S. Ai^my �orps o� H nyi.in�ers, ar�d develop pr�].icies tU: 1. �on•tro7. dea�ln�men�:, as to nUt a,du�rsel.y a�F�Fect tr��e flaad p].�in arrd f].r�odway b11^4?a.'�S, 2. Mini.mix.� the runGff--erosi.on im�act c��F d�v�l,opment on th�� sur�rour�c�ing ar�a arrd e�own�'Gr�am prc�per�ties, airod 3 , E:mphasix.e thc� r�tE�ri�:ir,,n uf � v�g��:ati�e k>uffer� alrar�g strE�ms �nc� dr�a.ria��Qways, �:a re<i�ar.e r�.�r�ra'�'f a�r�c� flrar,�c� ci�mac�c� arrd �arovi,de err�sioin �nd sa.ltatiai� cantrul. �r :Cn addi.tir,,n, �:herp is �Lhe issue o�F the ctamul.�ti,u� ef�F�ct o� devel,�apmcnt u��str�cam Gf T'ig�rci, F1ood l.sucls i.n T'i.gard wil.1 b� stak�st:anti,ally c�eter�mir�i4aGi by the cuni:rols exercis�d auer c�euelapm�r�t 4U'r87.CI� th�e pl.an area. as wel.l. as insid� 1"igard's planni.ng Ar�a. o The Fo�r7i�o Cr��k c�rai.i�i�ge syst:�m in�],ud�s numprnus smal.]. w�tpr courses. Th� 9.nfiegrity G'F 'tI'iG�88 natwra]. dr�ir�ageways i,s ir�trinsi.,r,a17.y c�arinect�d �tc� thp system°s capacity �ta abs�ar•b ex,r,�ssa.ve runuff arid �n suk�sequent f1r,�r�d level,s. 4ften, haw�uer, w���r cr�ur�es �r�e al����d to prauic�e mr�re usable land. 'The result�rit adverse a.n��►�cts are detri.mEnta�. ��a the enti.re drai.nage sy��em, i,e. , the storage ca�aar.i.i:y a•f 1�h� water �aurse �.s lessen�d �nd f].aad a.r�g orcurs. i a 6��sict�s th� b�sic need to contral. dru�lapm�nt i.r� F].00d po^nnQ arpas, i1: was fc�u�i�id �Lhdfi pub],ic knQw�.�cige of f].c��d plain P�a�x,ar�cls w�s lackiny, Many of thQ abstruc�i.�r�s pr�vi.ously pl.�ced i.n �M� fla�ad pl.ain wer•e the result af ea.1:F��r ignr�ranc� r,r auarly r�pti.mistic � attstudes �k�aut pot�r7ti.�I fl.aac�ing prablems. 1"h�se c�bs�ruc�i.�n (e.9. Ma�in Str��et Bridge) hir�ci�r �the fl.r,,w of high w�t�r• ar�d tend ta � increas� fload levels. � @ GPA 30•-8A -� nA aE 3 _ _ __ _ _ _ 1 a Proper adrni.nis�:r�atio�� vf th7e flc.�ad pl�in �reas rel.i.�s heavi].y u�c�n �lhe avai,�.ability c��F ad�±quate inf��rma�tiUn �.i�r,�n wh�ich �ro ass�ss the �nuirai�m�rital. impacts o�F a pr�uject. The dev�].rapmer�t, u�h7ich cr•eat�s �the rreed, shr��le� be respor�sik�le fc�r �rr�uic�irrc� �hp C:i�L•y wa.th �the 1"IeC�33c�1^y dat� for� m�king sc�und dECisians. T'he laurden i.s ui� tNi� a�aplicarr� to �rpup tPia�t a prajpct wi11 nut aduersply a��Fect the enui.ranm�nt ar create uncl��e fu�:u�^� li.�bi].ities fnr tMe Ca.ty. c� 'Tha �ity a�F 'figar•d, with assis�tance �r�r�m 'T'he U.S. Ar�my Corps crf Engi.neers, has establ.i.sh�d dr� area designated wi.thin •the �.00�•year fl�and plain, o T'h� �i.ty a•f `I"i.gard M�.s k��c�n �CGE!�f'��f� as �ri el.9.gi.bl.e are� fr�r �N7� Na•tir�nal Flcaod :�nsur•an�e Progr•am, ar�d �s a res�,il�� flc,r,�c� insurar�Ge wil.l k�� avai.l.�k�l.e �:a praper�y 4wners i.n fl.�ud pror�e �r�:a. l"he fr�der��.l �r•ragr•a�m, however, rec��air�s the City ta adop�t �n r,t^c�inance whi.ch m�e�s ��r�ai.r� feder�]. stand�rds, j a 'Ti�� �a.ty nf �1"ic��rd rurr�ritly h�s car�dinancPS, pal.i,ci.�es ai��d ��ts�rrr.l�rds � withi.n the '�igard Cr.,mrnuni.ty peu�lc��m�r�t C�d� wl��i,r.:I�i �arc,u�i.cle �d�quate cnritrals �or deu�lc,�ment w:i��Min •fl�r�d pl�in ar•�a. p ACCUI"(�7.Y1� '�Q tl~i� 7.989. l7rdiriags M�s�:�r Plan StuGiy cu�•�duc�ted lay CN�P1 I Hill fc�r� the t�ity, �f'l��r�d lc�vels vf two �o �Fr,ur F��t �igt7er �1:1�ran the �xisting ].00-..y�ar f].nod pl.�ir� may !a� �xp��i:ed if ria cUrrec�i.u� measures �re �aken. Prapused Languac�e o T�r�: Far7na Crec�k dr��9.nag� sy��:em i.ncludes num�raus small wa�ter� ccaurses. 'fhr� iritegrity of �these n�tur•a]. drainagew�ys is intran�i.cally crar�r��ctFd ta tfie syst�ms ca�aci.ty tra a��sor�b exc�ssa.ve runo�f and on aubsequr�rrt fluod leupls. OPi;�n hawever, water c�rurses are a].tereci tc� proui.dF� mare useabl.e ].and. ;CF alter•ati�ns are d�ar�p incr�r•rectly, i�m�aa�..l:s c:�n k�� adverse. If the a.mpacts ar•e ad�ers�, they car� b� d�trirner�'tal 1:o thca �t��t:ire drainage syst�m i,e, , ��M�e s�tc�r•age r.,�;�ac�.ty r�f �the water cuurs� i.s ].essenec� ar7c� floading qGCWM`�. Ir� fact, a.n ].aw�r reaches, a.�: �i,s bc�ne�Fir,i.�l ta 1��ave mure w�afi:�r rriare tFrr•ou�gh at a f�ster rate, a Besides the basic nced tu cantrc�l d�ve7.apm�nfi: i.n flar�d prane areas, �it was fr�und 1:Fi�t public kn�w�.�dge cyf f].ra�ad pl.�in f�ax.ards w�s 1�cking many uf �he Qk�strur#;i,Qrtis pr�eui.UUS].y p].aced ii� �the flrar.ic� plain were ��t�ie resul.t r�� a la�k �f infc�r�matiur7 and adequate ruriaff predicti.ons �bs,ut puter�ti.al, flaodi.ng prr,blems. '1'h�se rabs�ructions te.g. Main Str�et 8ricige) hinder �he f1�w U�f high water and tend to incr�ase fload lr�vel.s o (ac�ded) . TU �r�tec:t; the int�rrt c�f tM� (:ity's Gr��enw�y pa�.�.cy, the Gr��nway is d�firier� wi,th the same �hysical br�Gir�daries as tMe 1q0,..-y�ar flaad pl.ain bc�unc�ary , 'i"h�se modifrca�ians �re prap�sed ta cl�arify the Gr�eriway d�fini�ian �nd to include findings an p�st�n�ial aduerse a.m�acts frum d�u�l�apmer�t. Cf�A 30�84 --• PAGE 4 , _---- --- __ N��zcy 3 .2,3 Existing Languag� � 3 .2..� WHEFtF: L..ANIJ F'012M AI...Tk.Rfil"�OIV� ANp D�VEI.,.OPME:N'C' ARE AI,_1,.4WEf) W:CTMTIV TNF �.00�-YE(�R �"l..001� PLAIN•� UU'1"S1CUk '1'HF' LF:RO�-•FOt�T i RI:SE F'LOOpWAY�. T'N�: CI:1"Y SHAI..I.. REQUI;�tE::: I a. '1"1-ik �1"t�F(�MSFI..QW CI�PAf,:C:'rY U� '1"NE �HRO--FOU�" I�TS� FL�UDWI�Y�� F�E: MA7CN1"A�N�I'1: b, 1":Nt:,;CNF,�.RE.Q l�Rt�WxIUU� (�N17 D�CUMhNTA'T'�ON SNOW�NG '1"HAT 1"NERE: W�:I,..l.. HF N� IJF;"1"k']�MEN�'1�1.� UPST'REAM OR Df)4JNST'kEAM CHI�N��HS :C:N 'THF FI,.�R PI..f��CN� (�RER, AiVIJ T'HA'1" 'T'HE CRT"1"EFi�:A Sf:l" �'Ofd'T'H 11V l"ME: SF'NSI:"f"iV�: LAIV05 Sk:CI"�'.OIV �F' THE CADF HflVE HF H iU NI�'T (See F IS S��atember 1971); c, T'HF..: PLANI"Y:NG t�F AIV F:U�:17GR�.�;IV E3UF'FEFt ON 1"FI�: I�OP'�i�:RC�AL OF� :iNDU�1"RTAI_ I..ANQ ABU,1...�':I:Nu I'tFS:�:qEN'1"�f�l. LF�PUD WH;CCN SCR��N.�'a 1'M� �F..:VF'L..QPME�NT F'R�Jd'1 VI;F:W L�Y THF' Ap�'07[111]fNG Ra S:LIJEiVl",TI.AL. I.,.AND, (iNQ WH;�;CH :CS nF �UF'F';���:[;4:;fl1'1" �4�;�7TFI 'T'�} �E NOISE Al�!"ENUAT'�:ltiG" Ai�Cl d. '7"�dk. f)F[?TGA'1":Ct71U UF SU�"f'�Ct:;lCF'iNT OP�N I.,.A1VQ ARk�Y i�"d)R r�2EE1�WAY ApJ'U]:IV7C6UG T'fi�: F't.00[� PLf�IN�� INCLUp:CfliG P(�R'1"xONS AT' �1 SU;C:'1'A81..E F LF1/A'T:CON F"012 TWE �.on�s�rauc:�rxca� t?F A PE�2E'S'TRIt�N/B1;(.;YC;G..F' PpTNWAY bJTT'H�CN TN� FL.,QpD I�l..AIN�� Ih! ACCORI�f�iV4a� �I:CTH �'HE AD01�'Tk.q PF dF::;'1"i2:Cfl�U � E3ICYCI�.F PAl"NWt�Y PLAN. � The fil.00d pl�:in anci F'lara�iway, as +��fa.���ci by �t17r� �lr�rad :�nsuranc� Study FGr the City of Tigard d�ted Sep�ternber 1, 1.98J., Prr�posed I,.aric�uage 3.2.3 b, EfUG�flIE'F REC) DF�A�iINGti ANI� IJQCUt1ENTA�"�:QIV �HOWING 1"EIAl" TMF RE WI�..i.. �3k N�D UF'TRINI�:NTAL_ UPS'1'�tEAM QR �t�4JNS'1"REAN9 EF'F ECl"S �IV �"HC �'LOQb pLA71lh� AKEA, ANp 1"NAT' 1"HE CF2�T'kI�:�A Sk:'1" 1="(712'1"H xi11 '1"HE ^.ik�:NaJC'1'�CVk. I..flND� SF::�'TxQ{V UF TME CUDE WAV� p�E:N t�El" (See F7CS September 1971); c, T'I�aH 8UF"FER, F:;C:'THkR �.X�S1":C;Ni� QR PI_ANT�D, QN THE CqNINiEftCTFiL 4R TIVpUST'hlAt. L„ANQ ABUl"T'�fliG R�SxC��NT�A�. IrA�IQ WN�CH flDEQUAi'F,LY SCRH f:NS 't"N� IJk.VFLQPMkN'�" F R4M VIEW 8Y 1"WE AQJ'OTNIN� F�ESIC)ENl"�A� t.AM1IQ, AND WH�GFI IS OF SUF"�"�C;IEAIT W�UTH '1'Q F�E NpZSE A,1...1"�.NUA'1"IIUG; AIVD d, TNE; p�qSCATION c�� ()PEN LANU AFt�A FOR GRE�NWAY Aq,7�ININI� TH� FL(D4u PLP►�N� TflI�I.UO�NG P4R�"IONS A'T A SU�TAf3LE �'I..�'VAT'7CfJN F'OR TNE C4N�uTRUC1"I4M OF A PEOES'TR�AN BI�YrI,.F PATMWAY W�T�i�M TNE F'LQQO PLAIAI�' IN ACCORpANCE W�TW T'ME ADQPT'�p PEpESTR7CAhl 9S�YCLE pATHWAY PLAN. �"h�se chang�s are pr�apased for clarifi.catiun. CPA ��--BA �- PAGE 5 T'i.�t].e �a Secti.on 3,p Fxista,rrg l.anguage 3 .A NA'1"UftAl.. flR�'AS Prr.rpc�sed 1._�ng�aage 3.A NAT'URAL. AitE:A� AN� WETL.ANq; TMis charrge is prc��,r���d ta include we��ands in the �itle. policy 3,4.]. �xisting I:..anc�uage 3.4.1 1"N�' CIi"Y �HAL.I,_ L7E5IGt�AT�. 1"ME F"Ol.I.�W�:NG A� AREAS OF S.T.(3N:�1=':Cl',ANT kNV:�ROf��Ik:NTfiL tat�N�,FRN. Prr�pased I..,an�uage 3.4.1 l"WE CxTY 5Nlt�Ll.. ��S�:C;NAT�', RY �EF'�N�1"�:4N NO'f' k�Y L.�CAI"101�, �`f�� �cJl...l_p411C�1i.� A a Ai�GA� (�F' �:Ct;iU:CF:[:CAIU'Y' k IVV:�Rf3M�l�N'1"�L CON�EFtiV. "C'hi� cManc��: i.s prapased to th�: ti,� �:ha.s pn�.a.cy tcr dQf�.n�i�irans �:r�d r�4t to sit� sp��ific �ar.��o�sc�ara.�s wh�i.�.•hi �r� �iiffiru�t tc� d��t�r��nine witFx�ut field surve,�s. S'f�F'F !tF�Wc?�9��I�A'r:L�7iU: Staff recamm�cnds ta�at th� Plar�m�ia.ng Gnmma.ss3.an kaal:d � �uk�l.i,�; Mcaarang on 1:i7e �ar�prrsQ� chanc�es to g�in publ.i.c iin�au� ar�d direc:�t ���ff as ta wtri�h cFaanges sho�ald be prepar�d far ac�ian �t th� �'ebrw�ry m��ti,ng. (EAN:bsto#�88P) CPp 30--84 -- PAG� 6 ACE:NpA Il"E;M 5,6 J�nuar�y 8, 19�5 ZOA 6-..84 (18,2.6 & 18,9h MFMU i I . �rs o t Planr�in Cr�mma.qsion II� ra: M�+mk� f he g FROM: Wi.l.liam A Mc>n�F►an, Direc�tr�r �f f.,;r;�n�munity p���lra�im�rrt�'�/�'' ' I?ATE: J'anuary 3, 198''a RE: ManufacturFd Hom�s Recentl.y a c�taesti.r.,n �trrrs� cancernirig th� st�ndarc�s wi•thi.n t;hE� �c,d� which il rplat� �r� Mr�k�il.e Nrames �r��� Mania�act�ar•�d Names. S�c.tir�n 1a.94 pres�r��s 1�he �I Manufactured/Mr,ba.l.� Flume Regua.at�.ans �r�cl 5P_��:7,U1'I i.9~�r.lud�s �h� def�.nitions r�f "narab•il� hame��, ��mrr�a.�.e hr,�m� �a�rk" arrd "mabil.e Mrame I subdi.ui.si.can" , 'C'he questi,r,,r7 whi.ch was pc7s�d i.s, wha�k �,ypes uf struc�;�,ir�s are �I irrrlud�� in i:Me c�efiniti.c,i� anci �thus r���ric�:�d sc� �tl�r�t �;h�y m�y r,nly be I lacateci wi.t{�iin mr�bil� Mc�me ��r�s ar�c� suk�cii.vi.sar�r�s. Ou�� rc,c�e c�ra�s nr�t �11aw il �na��ufactur�ci/mabi].e hr�mes on a.rid�.uic�ual la�:s unlc�ss rJar�•t �aF � st,rbdivi.si��n ii wh9.cF� is ].0076 camprised c�f c.�nits of tM�� typ�. �I It is nr,�t r].�ar fr�cam �1:i�ye c�e�inifi:�ion of "m��bi�.e home" i.�F #:h� ir��t�rt� was �to I incJ.ud� �l.]. dwel.].i.ng ur7its cr,�ns�ructed affi' si.te arfc� t.ra,nspar�ted to th� si.te ' f�,r irrstall�t-�ion. 1"he Pl,a��ining Sfi:afi�� rec.all.s �tt���t thp iret:r�rit c.�f the I� Cnmmissian and Cc,d,incil c�uri.r�q th�e Cr,mpr�h�nsi.ve: f�l�n �ar�par�.ti.on �rroce�s was ta grou� �11 mak�a.l.e 1°u>in�s �r�d fiact�ary fawail�t hr�mps �ar�der the c��nera�. ta.tl.e of li, mar�ufac�urec� hc�m�s arid r��trict thea.r �7.�cemer�t, Unf�rtuna��].y, the dpfini.'�a.on spc�ion ��f the cc,<�Q r,�n1y er,rytaa.ns � ci�fir�ition uf "mrr��.a,e h�sme�� whi.ch 9.s nc,t 3.nclusi.ue �,f a].l. marruf�ctureci �arrits, A s�parat� defini.tion a� manufac�tur�yd hume is n��c�ecS. Chapt�r 1fl.94 of 1:In� C�rd� a].�.ow� manufactur�ed/m�.rba.7.� h�am� subdiui.si�ans �nd parks. TMere i.q a c�ruuping c��F terms h�re which ac�ds t;o 1:he cr,rifusi.nn. :�t cr.,ulc� b� iriter��r�t�� tr� mean tt���t mar�rufactured Mum�s �r��d maba.l.� hames ar� s�p�ratc�, There ar�� s�pav�a#:e s'tanc�ards �or s�abc�ivasi�ans arrd r�arks. A reuiew u�f �he st�i��ciar�.is inda.�:at.es that the �ur�r,sc was to al.l.ow �a.�ther� m�nuf�ctur�d �r mubi,l:� hom�s 9.n a s�abdiui.sir�n whilca �rh� park s�t:ai�►c��sr�c�s ar� se�: �a��t spe,r,ifi:call.,� f�r �Yi� type �rf uni.t whi.ch i.s r.�mmanly ref�rred tr, as a mabi.l� ham�. `fhe standards cunt�a;n�d in Cha�al�s�r 18.94 sk:��m tra su�apr►r•1; th� arr�umr�r�°t �Lha�: Y:he ar�t>�rrt ��f �the �;�dp is ��a rEStri.ct any fac�ory bui.�.t units, '1'he fnl:lr�wa:ng �uestir,ns n�ed to be res�alved: 1. Ts the intent af thc� Commi�si,�an �nd C�aumcil. to only al.low ur�i.ts buil;t ��ff sits and trans�a��rted for a,ns�t;all��irar�i r,,� a prpper•t:y to b� :tvcai:�d in manufactur�dlmobil.� ham� subdi.vi.si.an and parks7 i 2, If t;h� �c�mmissa.r,�n and Cr�uncil frPl that manuFactur�d hames shc�uld be al].c�wed or� any buil.cii,ng �.r.�t a.n the C�.ty, are tP�ere any r�stricta.ans wh9.ch are nec:essary su�h as 1) M9.n3.mum sixe of tMe units 2) builda.ng ma�eri�.l restri.ctir�ris 3) d�si.qn af �h� structure ! 4) lai7c�sca��ing7 ', I Genera�.l.y, canu�n�rrts� �nd res�ri.ctions pr�epar�d by th� c��vclapEr c,f a s�.abdiu3.sian wi11 specify •�he s'�ar7r,��rds whicM cc�ulci be a�p�.apd tn a manufactwred unit if an� were a7.l.nR�ed r�n an indivi.dual lat. 0� caurse, rrot all ci�Ly Mousing loi:s �re g�au�rnc�c� by C� anc� R's, 1:her��or� i�F tMie c�ommi,ssion dcaes wisM ta al].�w i.ndi,ua.du�l. Wnits, same standards wi.11. be necessary. For yaur o^avi�w � havc� enclos¢d capies r�f same floor plans •fr�r manufactured wr�i.ts ��raa� �vai.labl.e. They w�re �ruvi.ded ta m� by P1r. Pe�� �'anxer� who wauld like to pl.ar-F a, �.ir�;�t fUr hi� Mr��n� ��t �t�re M�cqr�na�.d Acr•es Swbdivisior7, T hau� acivised him �tMat my ir7terpretati.on af �F�� Cod� is tF�at '�hp tanits are not naw allr�wc�d. T�F �Lhe Commissi.�n and C�uncil find r��her+�i.se, we wil.l need �c7 pre�rare ntrac�i.fi.cati.uns tG th� C4de ancl defi.na�ti.ans far �Iuur� r•QUa.Pw i.n F�abruary. I� you a�r�e wi 4M my ir�tc�r�rref:a�i�>rr, at l��st a d�fi.ni�irrr� nf manuf�ctured Mame i.s needed in th� Cod� while some l.arrguage r��uisxr�n r�ay alsa k�e n�ed�:d, A suggest�cl defirti.tiC�n of mai�ufactur�d hurnes i.s; A •�actar•y f�k�ric�ted trarrspczr�t�ble huilc�a.rig d�sic�ned to nzee� th� Ur►i.forro� fiui.l.�ia.ng Cacl� tc� be �.ised by a.�sel.f or in��,r•pQra�L�d with simi].ar struc:taares or uni�s at � buil.dirig site as a dw�l,l.ing unit. Th� ter•m i.s inten�ded ta app].y ta majur �ss{ambl,ies �nd da�s nt inc].ucit� hui.lc�a.r�c�s r:�rnstru�:'ted afi: a si.te fram prefabri.ca��d pane].s, tru;ssES aMd r��:Mer pre�fwbric.ated suppl.emen�s. (0890P) ,�J-�`(i h i-� �o h s lG`!�o y�, ( �c't � � � , O�U "Dwelling unit" means a single unit, excluding mobile homes, providing complete, independent living facilities for one oz� more perso�s including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanita�ion. See Mobile Home. "biobile home" as used in this code, me�ns a structu���aY transportabie in one or mo�e secti�ns , each built on a p nent chassis, which is designed to be used for permanent occu- pancy' as a dwelling and which is constructed �n a site other than its place of permanent use. "Mobile home �ark" means any place whPre four or more mobile hoznes are 1 ocated within five hundred feet of one anoth�r on a lot, tract or parcel of land under the same ownership, the primary purpose of which is to rent space or keep space for rent to any persc�n for a charge or fee paid or to be paid for the rental or use of facilities or to offer space free in connection with securinr� the trade or patronagE of such person. "Mo�i].e home subdivision" means a subdivision designed and approved for the sale of lots for residential occupancy in mobile homes only . ___ _, r... ._. ... ._.,, — __ . . _ . _ _ . Chapter 18. 94 MANUFACTURED/MOBr�,F HOME REGULATTOIVS Sections : __--- 18 . 94 .010 Purpose. ' 18 .94 < 020 Manufactured/mobile �ome subdiva.sion standards . 1$ .94 . 030 Man.ufactured/mobile hc�me park standards . 18 .94 .04Q Nonconforming mobile homes. . 18 .94 . 010 Purpose. The purgose of this chapt�er is to �st�blish criteria for the placement of manufactured/mobile homes in mobile ?�ome subdivisions and park developznents within , the city of Tigard. (Ord. 83-52 Exhibit A(part) , 1983) . , 18 .94 .020 Manufactured/mobil.e home subdivision standards . �i In addition to th� standards of �.he zoning district in which � the project is located and other standards of this code , a 1 manufactured/mobile home subdivision proposal shall: (1) Comply with all applicable sta.te standards and other � city standards for the subdivision (see Chapter 18 . 160) ; (2) Satisfy all the st.andards of the applicable zoning � district, and the provisions of Chapter 18 .92; and , (3) Be limiteci to manufactured/mabile home housing +, types . A1.1 ather types of residential units are not permitted. (Ord. 83-52 Exhibit A (part) , 19$3) . • � . 314-11 � (Tigard 4/84) . ..:. ��.,,,,,�, � _ .. ..�-. _ � _ . . . r , L a�9 a .0 3 n ,� 18.94.030 Manufactured/mobile home park standards. (a) The design of the proposed mobile home park shall be submitted to the planning department for review in accordance with Chapter 18. 120 , Site Development Review, and Chapter 18. 130, Conditional Use, where applicable. (b) The design for the manufactured mobile hacne park shall conform to all applicable state st�ndards established by �he state of Oregon, Department of Commerce mobile hnme park standards. (c) The manufactured/mobile home park shall: (1) I3ave a minimum lot �ross area of one acre; (2) Have a minimum frontage of one hundred feet; (3) Have a minimum depth of one hundred fifty .feet; (4) Have a front arid rear yard setback of twenty- five feet; (5) Have a side yard setback of ten fe�t, except on a corner lot the side yards shall be twenty°five teet; . (6) Have a minimum of sixty square feet o� outdoor recrPation area, suitably .�mpraved for recreational use, provided for each unit exclusive of required yards. Each. recreation. ar�a sha1.1 have a mir►imum size of 'two thousand five hundr�d square £eet; ercent (7) Have landscapix�g ec�ui.valent to �wen.ty P of tY�e manufactured/mobile home park ar.�a; (S) Be partially screened from the publ.ic x�ight-of-• 6eay and adjac�nt r��idential areas by a combination of a sight-obscuring fence, vegetation, berm o� any cambinatian of the above as approved by the agprova� authority; except, that within the required front yard, any fence shall not ' exce�d three feet in heighte (d) Evidenc:P sha11 be provi.ded that the park will be eligible for a certificate of sanita�ion required by state law. �blic (�) Each site shall be �.dequately serviced by p �acilities such as water supply, sewers, sidewalks and improved streets. ' (g) Each unit sha11 be �irovided with a water, sewer and electrical connection. The electrical connection shall pro- vide far 110 and 220 volt servi:ceo (g) N� mobile home, accessory building or o�her struc- ture shall be cLoser than ten feet from �nother mobile home, accessory bui.lding or other structure . (h) No structure sh.all exceed twenty-five feet in height. (i) Each mobile home placed in a mobile home park or �I subdivision sha11 meet the following standards and shall be � inspected by the building official, and: {1) A state insignia indicating compliance with i Oregon state mobile horne construction standards in effec.t at the time of manuEacture and including campliance for zeconstructinn of equipment installation made after manufacture : , shall be displayed on each mobile home ; \.. . 314-12 (Tigard 9/84) _ �._. ....,_ _.., � ,�.��_.>:,��.;. . _ . . .�.� ��..�...�,..,1,8 .9 4.0�Q.. .....-.. , , . . a � (2) Each mobile home shall be in good re�air, not- withstanding deterioration which may have occurred �ue to misuse, neglect, accident or other cause; (3) Each mobile home shall contain a water claset, lavatory, shower or tub, and a sink in a kitchen or other food preparation space; �nd (4) Each mobile home shall be installed under the provisions of the administrative rules adopted by the Director of Commerce and adminis�cered by the State Building Code Division. (j) Each vehicular way in a mabile home park shall be named and marked with signs which are similar in appearance to those useci to identify public stra_ets , and: (1) R map of the named vehicular ways shall be pro- vided to the applicable fire district, the police department and the public works department, (k) If a mobile home space or permanent structure in the park is more than five hundred feet from a public fire hydrazz�., the park shall pr�vide: (1) Water sup�Iy lin�s designed �aith fire hydrants which shall be provided wi�.ha.n five hundred feet of such space or structure; and (2) Each hydrant with.i.n the park shall be located on a vehicular way and shall conform in clesign and capacity to city ar�d the applicable water district s�.andards. (1) Each manufactured/mc�bile home in a mc�bi.le home park or subdivisian shall hav� a continuous periineter skir.ting i,nstalled pursuant to state regulations, whieh skiall be of the same material and finish as the exterior of th� mobile home. . (m) The wheels , tongue and �raveling lights of each manufactured/mobile home in a mobile home park or subdivision shall be removec3 upon installation of unit. (�n) There sha11 be no outdoor storage of furniture, tools, equipment, builda.ng materials or supplies k�elonging �a the occupants o� management yf the park• ii hted in accord- (o) Accesswa s or drivewa s shall be q ,i ance with city standards. (p) Prim�ry access to the manufactured/mobil� home park 1 shall be fiom a public street and shall be in accardance with Chapter 18 . 108 , Acc:ess and Egress, and: � (l) Where necessary, additional street right-of-w�y I, shall be dedicated to the city to maintain ad�quate traffic �' circulation; (2) Aceess driveways connecting units to a public � street shall have a width of not less �han thirty-szx feet, � of which not less than twenty £eet shall be paved; � (3) Driveways shall be designed to provide for all f maneuvering and Farking of units without encrna�hing on a � publ.ic street. � : � � i ' 314-13 (Tigard: 4/8�) � � 1 _ I ' � _ � _. :. ; � 1�. y4.U9U--l� .�u . u�v �w � ., .. . ..,- _ _ _ . . .. � . . , (q) The maximucn number of manufactured/mobile homes in f the park or subdivisian shal]. not exceed the amount calculated � in Chapter 18.92. (Ord. 84-29 §1 (Exhibit A(part) ) , 1984 ; Ord. 83-52 Exhi.bit A(part� , 1983) . 18 .94 .040 Nonconforming mobile homes. (a) Mobile home parks existing at the adoptiori of the ordin:ance codified in this title not meeting the standards set forth in this title shall be considered nonconforming and are subject to the standards set forth in Section 18 .132.040 (b) . � (b) Nonconforming mobile homes in such parks may be �, replaced with like mobile hames that meet the standards of I Section 18 .940030 when they are moved or destroyed. (Ord. I 83-52 Exhibit A(part) , 1983) . Chapter 1� .96 ADDITIONAL YARD SETBRCTC 12EQUIREMENTS AND E}CCEPTTONS Sections: 18.96.010 Purpose, 18 .96.020 Additional setback from centerline required. 18.96 .030 . Distance between multiple-£amily residentia�l„ structure and ather structures on the site. 18 .96 .040 Na yard required--Structure not on propert� line. 18 .96.050 Exceptions to yazd requirements. 18 .96.060 Storage in front yard. 18 . 96.070 .�Projectior�s into required yar�s. 18 .96 .080 T.,ot area for flag lots. 1a .96.090 Frant yard determination. 18 .96 .010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to permit or afford better light, air and vision clearance on more heavily traveled streets and on streets of substandard width, to make the location of structures compatible with the need for the eventual widening of streets by providing for additional yard setback distances, to assure there is adequate distancP between buildings on the site and to pro- vide standards for projections into yard areas. (Ord. 83-52 Exhibit A(part) , 1983) , 18 96 020 Additional setback from centerline required. -(a) To assure improved light, air and sight distance , and to protect the public health, safety and welfare, structures in any zoning district which abut certain arterial and collec- ' tor streets shall be set back a minimum distance from the centerline of the street. � , • 314-14 (Tigard 9/89) AG�:NL�A 1�'�"EM �a.6 '1°:�G(�RD PI_AMN;CNG la4MM;C!�S:C�)N J'anua�ry 8, 1984 TOA �.,-8A (18.96 & X8.��) 'T0: M�.ymk��rs of �he Pl.arir�a.ng Carnmissiran FROFI: Wi.l.l.i.�am A. Manahan, Uirectar uf Pl�nna.ng anci pevel.upm�nt G���� DA'1"�: Derember ��. 19A4 SUEi3'EC7'; F�.ag t�r��ts and �•fei,ght L.i.mits ; Tic�ar�d's �oi�nmuni�ty (J�velra�am�r�t C�c�e �:�r�l:ai.r�s a sp�r.ial, s�c�iUri r.•r�ncer•ni.�ng ; h�i.gh�: li.ma.ts whi.ch arc a�a�a].a��d •tr� fi'1aq lr.�ts. 1"hE S�C'F:7,GYS has b��n a�apl.i,ed �n a fPw occasirans wi�t:hi mix4�d resul�ts. :Ci� r.,r�cier• t:hra� tae m;ay a.ssess ti�i� a��i�quary of th�i� C4CIf! Ksruvi.siar7s, I: r.;OCiCIWG'�6!4� � s�.irucy raf Oregan GGCI1CI11dl"17.'F.:I.�S ta � ciet�rmi,ne iF �th�r� ar� �y�th�er way� �tu regul,��l:� flag ].ots wha.eh inay b�tter 3ldlt uur purpases. �"h� surv�y w�as s�i~�t tr� tw�n�:y fc,ur juri.sc�i.cta.oris wa,�:h four•tecn r�spwi7�ing. (S��e Flag I_�at Rec��a�.atian 5urv�y -� H�i:tar<�h�d) , t�l.�hn�,igh �the m�ac�r�ity c,f ci.ti.es dra nrat axy�l.y ar7y speci.al. st�nc��rc�s tr� fl�;q ].o�t�, sum� ira�:er�es#:i:r��g restrictions ar�ir� d�fir�itioi^�s wr�re prouid�c� �:n us. :C haue a�temK�t��d ta �nalyx� r��ar �c,c�� prr�vi.si.rans �r�d �K��ly tfee� ��.t�rnative q�ar►darc�s sa Lh�at y��.i rn�y re�ai.�w ��he c�ar•r��nt ].anguage �o c�etermine a.f any ftlG�lf7.Ciil�:].fJ11 S�'lC1UZQ� �E (tl�(��'. Present ,Code,�L.a,_n�u,ac�e Secti.on �.8.96.080, i.�.96.Q9p, a�rid 18.98,030 r�l,�t� tr,� f].ay ].ot�. I;n �ddi.�:i.r�r�, a Fl.ac� t...��t i.s c�efin�c� ii� s�c�irrn 18.?.6,t)3Q �s "a l�at ur parc��, whi�h includc�s a private a^1GCE�SSW�y �s p�rt �tF�i�reof" . T'he purp��s�� r�f cr�ati.rrg '�'�.alC� �.p'�3 i.s 1:r� ��,lc.�w fr.,r• i�i�ximiam uti.l.i.x�•ti�an ��f l�ar�d by cr�aal:iing ].r.�ts wa,'�I�a less �Fr�r�rtt��e th�n narmally requa.r�ed to accrrmmoc�a�� �n ar,c�>s �corr�idur tra 1r;�ts ni-i p�rcel,s wh�,ch arp ].acat:�c� beha.r�d l�:y�ts ar parcel.s w:i��h r�rrr�rn�7.1y r�c;c�ua.red strt}r�� fr�ontage. 1"he p�rti,cul�r car�c�rri wt�ia.ci~i 1`i.c��rd's pr��erit cud� dc�lx wi.th i,s th�� r��F �rivacy. F'�ch nfi' tt�re sp�cial cr,i�ditirans d��lar�ig with hp3.gt�t, s�tik�acks �Fr��m exi.sta.r�g r�si.dEntia�l strw��ures, regulataan c�f wi.ndaws, and tree pl,�r��ting w�r�e e:��Lablist°�ed fir�r 'Y:l�e pur�pose c�f pres�r•virtig pri.uacy r�n �c�ja��ri�t la�s. ;Ct is f�lt that a hum�� an � �f'lag lut t��s tl�e �nt�n�ti.a�. tra irrfri.rtg� ��i~i th� pr��.uacy of n�i.gMMauring lrats sinc� �tl�ie 1�nus� may fi'atC4? �I7e pr�ivate r�ar yar�ci ar��a af r�ne ur '' mare ].r�L•s , Whether or not thi� as ol CUI"IC�Y'i'1 whir,h justi,fa.es the cunti.n�ar�ce ' of tF7� preserrt c�aci� prouisicans sN��uld b� �val.u�ted. '1`I�e cur�r•erit langu�ge •is a� fa].J,aw�: "18.96.084 Lat ar�a fur�,fl;�_1ots. (a) T'h� lsr�: area far � �Flag lo� sMall cram�ly wi�th ��he �lr�t ar�a� r�aquir�ments �a�f �th� a�plicable �rrna.r►g c�i�trict, (b) T'he l.�t �r��:a shall. k,r± �I"'qV7.CI@C) entirely witt�iin �h� bui.l.d�ng si,t� area �xelusive af any b'1CGC�SSUJi�1y (s�e figurn i.n 8�cti.r�� 18.96.t�90). (Ord. 83�!"a2 �.xhibi,t A (part), 19$3) . 1�8 96.0�0 Front ,,;,�ard_ dete�rmination._ 1`he awner vr c�ev�],ap�r of a f l.�g 1ra� may �i�t.erma,ne the lor.atiun of �tt7e 1=rc,r�t yard; prr�ui���d na �i.de yar�d se�b�ack - ar�a is ].�s� than t�r� f�e�, and prr�ui�ded �he requa.remen�s uf S�ctirrn �.8.98.Cf30, builc�ing h�ic�h�s �rrd flag lats, are �a�isfied. f pag� �. �, , r8.98.�030 , 8uildin„�_hei�hts„ and fla� lot�. (a) 'fh� maxim�ain h�igh�: �fr.,r a single-..fami.l.y, dwpl�x, attached ar mu].�i.�►].e-�..famil.y r�:si.+d�nti.�l. structure an � fl.ag l��t or• a �.ot hauii7g snle acress frr,�m �n acc�ssway, private dra.vc� r.,r Easemc�nt a.s one and un�-•h�].f s�ories Gr twerity-�five fe�t, wMi.chever is ].ess, exc��t �LPiat �t:i�� n�axi.mt,im Meigh�t may k�e fi:wr,� <and one�-M��lf stnra.�s ryr� Ghir�ty�•-fi,ve feefi, wh3.cheu�r is less, praui.decl; (1) T.he pro�iased dwcl.l.ing utt�erwise cr�rnplies with th� ap�li.c�k�l.e dimensir�nal r��c�uir�ments r�f �he zr,�ning dis�tr•ict; (2) A rESidenti.al. structure �an any abutti.rrg ].at ei.ther is located � �Fa.�ty �Fua�'t or mare frr,,rn �the nparest pairrt of �Che subjec�t dwelling, or �the I r�sa.d�nti.�l. structur� exceeds r�rie ar7c� r.�r�c�--•hal.f' stories or twenty-�.fi.ue fi'eet in heic�ht c�n any al�ta�t•ting lrat; �i�rd (3) Windc�ws fi.ftFen fe�t or mare akyr�u� grade :�M�11. r�r.,t ��ce c�we�.ling �ar�a.� windraws or pati.�as r,�r► any �but�l::i��g ].a� unless �thka pr�apa:s�l includes an �c�r�em�nt ta �larrt tr�es c��able of mi.ti.gating d�.rect views, or i�:a��t s�ach tre��s �xist ai�rd wil.1 be preserv�d. (b) Wh�re an agrecment i.s made to �rlant treE� capabl.e �af nii.ti.g�ti.ng dir•�ct views, �ti�� agr�wn��rit sh�ll. be <�e��rncsc� a t:ai�ditir�n of appr��ual ur��er� k:he pruvisi.orys of SF�taan 18,32,2Kig(f'). (c) The tr�e p].antirig agrecment shall. be a crrndi.ti.r.,n of C,h��p�t�r y,8.12U, Site i�evel��mc.�rit R�ui.�w, for• �Ghr�c�e oF iri�r� a�l;�:ach�d u�rit:s r�r � mul�ri{ale-fama.ly regidc�i��i.�). s�ructur�, c�r for sii�gl,� d�t:�ched ui�i.ts, un� c�G�pl�x ur �wu att�a�hed r�esa.��nr�ti.al units, «�t the issuance c�f k��ai.l.ding per•mi.ts.�� , Spc�cifi.caJ.l.y, Ta.gard's crad� provi.d�s fc�r s�eci.al h�igh�t 1i.mi.ts �ar� fl.ag ].c�ts un).ess �he prrapug�d hio�,ise cr.�mplies w.ii:h ��Mc� dimengir�nal r�q�ai�^�znyeritx Uf �l:he zarri.r�g district, a huuse ar�i any abuttang 1at is ei.t���er 50 fE�e�t rsr� mare frum 1:h4 �r��aposcc� clwel].ing r��^ �tHi�t existing Mause is gr•���er �tFian r�ne �rrd �rne�.-tialf ' stories c�r twGnty fiu� fe�t in hei.qht, an�1 wi.ndUws of th� haus� wMi.ch fac.N adjacerit dwel].ii�g unit windows wi7d patir�� �re r�ot more �tP��n fi��teein Peet abr,ve r�rade uriless tr•�e �lan�cing to mi.tigate dire�:t ui.Hws is �,rr�vided far�, i"hesE condi.��.r�ns �a1a�a a11 of l;Me rFSpansibi.l.ity Far pres�r�uing pr•a.v�cy oi� �the deuel.a�er c,f th�� flag lot, however, tMe condi.ta.ar�s f�ai1 to m��t: th�i,r• i.ntended pur�pose if all sur•rour�ciing 1�ts are nnt deve�.c�K�ed priGr� to cans•�r•uct•i.on af •�he ham� rar� •k:h�a flac� lat. In addi.tian. the CqGI� dr,�es nQt ap�ly pra��e^ly wa•i�re thye fl.�tg la� is t;Me ini.�t�,�1 ].ot �tr,� be devals,ped in an ar�a nar r�aes a.t praua.de far the privacy af tf�e resi.dents r,f the flac� ].at when f�a�:ure deue�.opment ori acij�.,ining 1r�ts talce place. i?ur,_pase aF Restrictions �d��l.ly tF�P cade proui,si,ans wi,1l. allaw �ach flag l.at tc� be d�vel.arr�d wi.thr�u� ur�c�uly adda.r7g to tMe cos� of c�evel�pment whi.le me�ting �:he iriteri� of ��he Gad�. 6ut, why pl�e� spccial condi•tirans an flag la�ts wM��n si.mi].�r rEas�r'iC�].r��1S �re rr�t plac�d on other sa.ngle fami,ly sfi:rtacl:�ar•�s which ma�1 si.mil.�rly in�Fringe an the pri.vacy a� ath�rs fur any Qf a rtumb�r c�f r�asons? Fxamples of c�nflic�s which are nr�t prever�teci by aur �ode an standard lots are: i, 'C'he thirty fi'iue foat haus� i.n an R-•••7 xc�n� surrr�undec� by un� ar une and urre��_h�lf stary hUmes. Page 7. 2. 'The 1�atase wa.th ser•r•�nd s1:r�ry windows which lr�r�k aut r,rrtn a n�a.ghbar' s �ati.r� (r�g�rd].�sK af wF�e�ther the �at�ic� pr��..,exa,stc��l tMe house). 3. Areas whc�r�e rar��.y tEn f��t s��arate Mam�s i.n ar� R-�•7 ar R--Q.5 zar�c c�ia7.d res�al.t in winc9ows direc��ly facir�g �ach c��Li�ier which 'lirnit privacy. d. 1"he or�ierrtatS.c�n r�f � hause r.�ri M9,ghrer gr�r��r7d a.s s�acM tF�stt eue:n thpugh i1: i.s only r,�ne st��ry, wiridr�ws fi�CE? dwellir�g unit wi.nciaws ar i laak dawn ari the pa•tio uf an �djai.r�i.rtg 1ut, I :Cri ter•ms oF the �areseruatic,n r�f pri.uacy, it is c�i�ffic�al�t ��:o aritici�a�te �he many circumstances wt�i,rh rr.�u].d �ccur wh�re privac;y w3.1.1 b�cUmF� ar� i.ss�e, 7fn most �f 'figarx�' s sulxli,visa.rrns i:he deuel�.��am�n� r�f an �raa is n�at Gr�mpl.�F4=c� in � sa c�),led p].�nnc�d forrnat as al.l. Mr��ises ta b� dpve],G�pECI ar�e not pl�r�n�d i.n acivance. Nr.�r�mally a deuplr�per� wi,a,l sutxi:iva.�a wn ar�Pa, �au�: ir� Lh� p�,iblic faciliti.caR, ar�d tf�cn raff�r the l.ots f�r s�7.e. As a result, the �.ots �re bought �rrd c�evelc,��caci iay btai].c��rs ei�L••M��r ran c�ri�r•�.cf: �to a bwy�r Gr built ran s�iecu].�ta.on. �r,t kr�awa.r�q wh�t typ� af hc,m� wi.7.l. b� bui.a.t on an �cijai.r7ing ].at r.:an rpsult �.n hr,m� r,ra.�ri�t:afi:a.r,n a��rd w:irai�aw placc�rn�n�t wha.nc �aiaup a confl.i.ct when l�t�r dF�v�].�{arn�r�t takes �alacE c�r r�sul.•ts i.r� d�s3.gr7 muc�ific�t3,nn by the la�er Faui,lder. Unl,�ss �t:he Ci�ty impr,ses speci�l �ondiri.r���s on iaui.ld�r-s r,n standard 7,c,ts tl�� �r•�c� rz�sult c.oul.d be ttr�t �:Fi�� 1ax�: hame bua.lt i.s �11ow� ar�1 d y li.mit.a_d v�iilclows �nd r��s�ricted pla.rr�m�r�t raf �the h��rame. I:nst�nces where Ti�arcl`,swCod� �lay..�iat �ccam�iisn zh� i�i���u�W_°�s�a:.� 'Tigar�d's rr,c�p pravisiun is geared �awar�ds •the fl�g l.�t b�ang �Me �.ast �.�rt d�veloped. When tha.s ra�curs, i.f all. ricamF�s s��rroui•�di.ng it �r�e r�ne� ur� ari� ar�d r,ne..�h��lf s��ary :in I121�I'1'� aric� tal.l. ;are k��a•i.l� less �tM�r� fifi'�y f�et: frc�m the •Fl.�g lo� home, sarne c�ar7ti.riui.ty and privacy car�� k�� achi.�ued WI'17.C{"I nray b�+. �r�ferabl� ��a that whicFi a t:wc, rar t;w�a ai°u� une•-ha].�P sl:r�ry 1'1r,71A8 wc���,t� al.law, faoweuer, wl�rcan th� flag lat is d�v�].oped early ir� tN�e campleti.4:,r�� a�P a sul�di.visi,an or :i� tF�er� :is � di.fi�f�r•�;rrre in tcapc,gr�{�My, �:he purg�r,s� of �l:Me r�r.�dc� �rnvis�i.�rn ntiay r�r�t be achiev�d (ur i.r�s4ired) ur applicati,on r�f thF cadE� may na�t b� t~�e�ded 'rr� �r�eservt� pr�iu�cy, 1, O�ue7.o�rnEr�t af the F'].ag l.ot is �arly in tM7� b�a�.l.d r�u`.� of �tpi�� subdiuision. :Cf 1:he fl.a� lat i.s c�P.UP_�.r.1j�4?c� �Fir•st, ;itHm 18.9a,t)30 (2) cai�ma� a�pply a� no structure i.s 5q fecat ar mare frum th�� s�ructur� ta be bui.].t un the ].ut, A].sa, 18,98.03Q(�) cari nn�t apply. As a resul�, the t;a,ty must de�er•min� c>f the lat can be c��uEl.aped at: tw� �nd c�rre h�).f stari.�s ar if i.t is res•trict�d tr, unly rane and rane P»lf sa.rrce �it�m (2) c•�n rua� be met. 'This i.sswe needs ta b� cl.ari.fi.ed. 2. F1 CI7.�'F�Y'GI'1C2 i.n ta�,agr��hy �xi.sts -.. th� f1a� lr��: co�il.d be s�.�uated i.n a subciiuisinn ei��F7pr' o1I�GVP_ r�r b�l,4w o•Ll�yer lats in th� subc,iivi�ion ar ran adjoini.ng lats. Tf a c�reat di,fF�rence i.n gr�ad� exists, �he purpuse o�F the cr,�c�e �rvvisi.r�ns may bp c�eferrc�d. F�rr instance, if the flag ].�t is substar�ti.ally bc�l.aw the grade raf an existing Monre an ar� adjacc�n� lo�, even a.� �t:i�r� c�xist;:ii•ig hr,m� is cr�F r,�ne stUry, secfii,on 18.98,t730 (3) ma�y na�� be appli.cak�le if tt�e w9.nduws "face" �h» ex3.st�.ng structure, but in fact ar� bc�].ow �th�m. Thi.s sit�.��t:a.r�n poir►fi:s r�ut �i;he prob].�m in d�'Fin9.ng wha�t ��sPra11 na�G far.e dw�].l.inq unit windaws or p�ttio�" msaris, Page 3 plternatiues tu Madify th� C�de Provisions to Meet tMs Intent raf pres�rui.ng Pra.v�►.�L_.._,,,�...... ....�...�._._... ..._... ._,.,,........._.�._..w_....._... ._._.._....__._._.�_...._._...__._...,..,,,._ Th�re ar� seu�ra]. ways to preserv� pri.vacy i.n tMuse i.nstarices wh�re a f].ag l�at is dQVelr,�pc�d: � 1, Maa.n�ai,n �he exi.s�:i.ng rc�gulations and �p�ly thcm ta al). �xa,sti.na� fl.ag ].ots I� �s well as thuse which wi19. be created in tMe fut;ure. 2. Garry c,ut th� Pl.�����ni.ng Cammissi.on rccammerydatian af May 8, 198A that �fi� Grade �,r•avisions an1,y be a�pliPd t� flag lots wMach are n�it in subc�ivi�a.r.,ns. � . Reduce the maxi,mum hei.g{�t af hticymes or� fl�g lats to �i,ther 3!J ar 2� f�c�t. NI�4 {�6 r�cr.,�rimer�c�Qd ir� May nf 1984 �Lhat Seci::ion 18.98.�:�0 b� r�pl�ced by the fal�.awi.ng: ��1..hc± n�axi.mum h�igt7t �For� az si,i•igle--�fami.ly, du�lex, attached r�r mu].ti.pl� Fami.ly r�sic��nti.�l struc#:ur•� an a f�.�g--l�yt or a ].ot h��v:�ng sole ar,cess frarn ari �ccessary pri.val:� dr•i.ue ar ea�ement sh�,].l. k�� ric, hic�Frer "cMran the �tal.lrst ho�.ise un an �djoini.ng ln�: o�^ twenty •�iue (2�a) feet, whi.ch�ver is less.�� 4. Utili�e �the heigMt limi.•ts regtala�t�d by l:Me standar�c9s �f the undprlying xor�e, Each� r�f •tF��� jurisd�.Gti.ans surveyed wMicF, al].r�w f].ag l.ots a].lr�w �:he hr�n�es b�ailt r�n L-h4�se l��ts �c� have a hc�ic�ht �qual ta i�r�n �Fl.ag lot l�amPS. The City af Eug�ne, Fiawever, daes requires that � structure tc� the. r��ar of anr,�E�,er be at l�a3t thir•ty (30) f'�et from thre stru�:tures r,�r� th� �F'r�Gnt lc�t. �i 5, Establi.�h � �,raceclure w se:� ���;�;,w�ment af � �flaq 1.r,t i,s a. �}2,Y'�?f"t'UI^1 S 9�er�,si.�.,n requirii�g notir�, but na hP�ring. Wt��E�n a per•mi� �pp�.ir��ian is pracESS�c� fnr� a flag lat the perm�.t would be subject �•o � revi�w sima.lar to tki��t Qf Washa.�yc�t:r,n Cra�ar7ty whicM eva�.u�fies cr•r���:a.r�n ra�' a Flac� lc�t subject tu; ti.. 8ui.lda.ngs on fl�g luts shall. bc r�riented •to pr•ava.de� the maximum privacy to surrounding pxisting and future residenti�l �tructures. 2. A�c�ss arrd dr�ai.nage are r�viewed, 3. I..ar�dscaping and fer�cing �t� insure that privacy af sxistii7g residential structures is mai.ntai.nec�, 4, The s�tbacks �and min�.mum lo� ar�a requxrc�mer�ts c�f �he primary dis�rxct shall, be maintai.ned, 5, Washinc�L��n County's procedure cra�,ilc� kre applieci ta exa.�•t;ing lrats r�f record in a mr�dified s9.te deue7,opmsr7t reui.�w. Many pr�t�r��i.a�l prablems coulci be auni.d iF at the ta,me r�f parcQXi.xation c�r subdi.ui.sa.on car�sider�t:ir�n is giueri ta the bui.l.ding 1ac��3.Un as wel.]. as �Ghe ar•cess and cxrcul,ati�an. Page 4 6. Praua.de sp�cial screeni�g r��ua.rements in a�di,ti.on to tMe current c�d� regul��i��s. T1np scr�ening cnulc� be pafi��r�nQd after �hase used �y th� Ca.ty of �uqene wh�ch prov� ar� op�ion t� an abWtti�g prap�r•ty ow��er to r�qu�st screenzng �1�r�g ��he �ccess driu� ar a five fau� h�.gh sight r�b�cdaring fence or wall, Qr l�ndsc��ri.ng that wi�.l. be five fi���t hac�Fr �o�rcl "/�X sight••-r�kt�curing within fiue ye�rs, Eugen� aK7�.��.i.es 3.ts requl�tiuns �t �tFie ta.me of I�r�d divisi,an revi��a. "fhie City of I�ur�tl�ri7d �.'�so h�a� a screening requ�ir�m�nt. Portlar�d requi.res sr.reening �l.r,,r�g aryy 1ot li,ne k�etwe�n a �flae� �.r�t ai�d �n abuti:i.ng �.Qt whc�r�? the abutting ]:Ut :�s in di�f�rent owner•ship thar� tF�� lut be�.reg par••ti,tiar�ed/swk�di.vided ta creat� �tt�c flag lU-�. Thus, �the burder► i� tota�.1,� �.rr� �the flag lat prap�r•�tY awner tr� �ravide a f�rtic� far� s�:re�r�i.nr� r•ec��rdles5 af whether• �t:h� �dj�iriir�c� prup�r•ta.es �aa^e dC�v�lrapec� fir�t. Partl�nd dc�es prova.cie �nr a wai.v�r i�F a9.3. awnc?rs �i.u� wr�i�:�r�n cur�ser�t, A fir��l �'lt;err�ative r��quires drast:ic st�ps: 7. F�r°ahi.k�it tM�e creati.an af •P1ag lc.,t:s. C�ios e�y taak tPri.s st�p ir� 19�28 hr�w+�ve�^, ga,v�n Tigard°s densi�y r•eqtsit�merrt�, this �r�,p��sal i wnul.d nra�; ag��l.y pr�up�rly. As la�nd is suk�livi.ded ar� pa.rtitior�e�, � �aar•ti.caal�r'!y wa.�thir� �l:h� �].t��r ssc:��icrns n� tf�� City, d�velopers wi11 ; find �h�t i.fi: :is n�c�s��ry �:o c�^ea�� �lag l.c,ts ta �n�ke tP7� Fe3.ghes�: � use of �hhe land, i � ! Recomm��rdatior� { P a I recr�mmend th�t �:he P1�r�na.ng Carnnii.ssior� revi�� tt��e uariau� al.�:�r�►7a�;a.v�s �c� � c�e�er•ma.n� a.f �r�y n�E thase r�r,�� �hUw a�pla.e�! woul.d b�fi:�t�r s�rve T'ic��ar�c! �tF»n �t:he ': c.� �xi,�txn� e�sde. � haue nca�t� rE�1i.�wrci �Frr� crrde rar� the sur��yed ja�r�.sdi.cta.s�ns �. � 1 ��1�tPS �� �:{�e corec��^r�irrr� sr�].ar accpss or ui.ew ric�Ni�ts. My rev3,�w str�.c� y af ri�aac �r�cl h�,w ra.ua� i.s im�acted by b��7.l.di.ng h�i.�h•t �nd windaw issue p y � .� 'Tic ard 1ar�s m�r� r��tric�iuns ar� eu�r�ytaay lac�merat. ;Lt: � ears �Gh��� � {� p �D� ot6��r 'u�^i.:�d icf:i.ons, We h�ue, «ppli.caticar� af fi:P7� Cod� or7 f l�r� ].�ts tl~�an � how�u�r, 1.��'t c��t the r�ppcsr•tunity far• fl,exibility. �2exa.�ra.].aty �:ar� be u�r�riced in i'� w� r�quire a ��ecia]. r��vi.�w of flag l.Gt d�vel:�pment undgr a �i.rec�qr's Decisinn, s��.mi.'lar �:o tP�at appli�d to acc�ssary uses. �� Pl.ease advi.se m� nf yowr c��si.r� tG l.�rr.ak further �t �this i.ssw�. S�9@C].'�1G cude languag� cQU1c� bQ �ar�pared far review at a ].ater• cia�te sM�auld the �ummissxr�n ; wish to ntodify tM� cade, please nut� that �M�.s issu� has nat b���n pr�sen��d ' tn �the (��:.I fnr IUI�A inptat as na mee•ting was hp'l.d a.n I�ec�mber c��ae to thr� i��Iic�ay scherlule. Cc��ies car� bE serr�t tc� the NF�O's fc,r tfici.r ir�put prior i:a ar�y f�iture ', P1anr�ing Crammi.ssinn da.s�ussir�n. 3. i. (U872p) '� t ; s � � � ¢ � r s: � i: Pag� 5 z'. � € F � � FLAG L.AI" RE:GULA"C':X:ONS SURVEY Pr�r•t',l�nd No sp�s:a.a,�. builc�ing height regul�tir�ns, r�gula�l;�d by pr�r�vi.s9.ons af unclerlying r�,rie. Cod� p].�.ces em�hasi.s r,�n acr.ess and impact r•ather �th�n heigMt. Tuala�in Nu sp�cia]. heigF�t limits, F3aauer•ton No sper.ial height ].im�.1:s. Eug�ne Maue ai� ordinan�e which al.l.aws � mr�d�.fi.ca•tion to mi.nimum l�t st�nd�r•ds. Hei.gh� maximum i,s d�terma,necl by z�n9.ng distr�.ct s�f �he deuelnprn�nt. Mir�imum r�f 10 fuat placemerit b��twe�n structures or a 5 foot setback Un ir�terior proper•ty lines. S�reer�i.��g rFqu�,renze:r�t giu�s �t�� ak�ia�t�ing �roper�ty owner the nptiorr ta rec�uest scr�ening �].orrg �h� c�ri.v� or � fi.v� foot ha.gh si�ht_�.obscwring fei7ce or wa],].. I..ake Osw�gc� No special height r�q�air�ment. Must have 2.5 fUat fran�age on street. Wa.lsonville �!o pravisipns far regulating flag lr�ts. Must comply wi.th requir�m�nts of tFr� 7c�n� 9.ri wha.eh •tFy�� are 7.oca•ted. Appc^oual k�y PC sa.nc� acc�s� drr�s nra�t CGI"1'FUY�ny �o tFi� cade fior m�.r�imum �"rr�urti��g�. Trc,utdale Uti.li.ze sam� h�i.ght stand�rds for al.l. types af lats. Medfr�rd No sp�c:�a.al r�c��.�irements n�th�er 1�P���h � min:im4im str4a�t� front�gE of T_0 f��t, Lat ran�e, s�tback, a�nc� hei.ght carrespc,nc� �ta •�F�e unc�erlyirrg ;caning. Cresham Nr.� da.f�Ference i.n r�gul�a�:ian �han a s�:andard ],at cr�nf iguY'at a.rin. Caas B�y �i,nce ].98T.., d�� nr�t a]�].aw cr��txon af ��'la.� lat�. Nr�w requir� a 4� fr�at �ron��ge r.�n a public;ly �P_G�lt,at�d right_.�o�--way, Ras�k�urg No special regulatian of fl.ag lots, � 8a],em No sp�ca.al. hei.ghfi: li.mits for f7.ag 1o�:s. ��eight de�erm_3.r��r� by uncierl.yi.ng xaning dis��rict. Washingtr�n Craunty SE'k:I��CIC8 af the pri,mary di.s�ra.ct are mai.ntained. Rec�uirc: landscaping anc� fencing �tMr�ouc�h Devela�meht R�vi�w tu insure mai,ntenance Uf privacy for �xi.sti.ng resi.d�nti.�l structures. F'arest Grov� Dra nut impase mare res�ructive heiqh� limits on flag lats. (0872P) . .t :1�� � ., ��, s �;� +�i���' `��- : � ', �'�� y � � Mi� � - 1�� � ���' . .� � � � �� t�r • vi .�� r • ,/� �� 1• ..,`^P� ', � � "�'�r., t{b � �y7'' '����� .. � � ^� � 1 � .�� �' � l 7 I� "I• I e . � �, ' �� •�_ I , �' ` �,r �h .�, � � � i��. � '� � �.���� �Tiw�M . Ij'� `' _�I� �, ;f-�'� . � =��,,�; �; ,� �r. .:: I�:� �� �...� � ; � ,,,,�j, _M . ...,. � t , , , ,.'�.�: , }' � ��:� i�;� �;`j � ,f�. r r,�'' .,� ,�!';�'�Il�i �'°� '"' �+�+ :� I�Itl 41.i :1� � ��� i � � -'�—�� �� ������ .' �, , ; ,�; , ^� ,� ���, f� �.._.,� ,�,� ; ±.l'� ��;�. � ��—+- ,S I � � � ,.��fjf;�, � �'` �, 1\ r ;��� �� < .:��....� ,; A �� ; .f��i�1 � � :�'`� � . 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'I• ///,,� �� ,�. i � ,- ,� , ,; l,�� t ' `���� ;�c � P lf � 1 �",'��r � ` s � .� �y�, • i ����� J �,"i� • r • • l..r ��. '�j>.. vr . • • f; �� ;•J; � • • � , . ' . '� .'1•,, _ • , . , � �'�L���. , �� . �. ��'' • . � ; ., AbbtywoodI ancl II Tri- �e:������T.Y���reP�oCUCStl or ua�tl for any�nstructan purPOS� ��� . ��� �� witfiout firS4 ob[aining wMtsn p�rm�sswn of M�coQyrigM own�r.The Baa�Company. �u�� ���� The���mW^Y�e�rws ths right to Wter sp�cificahona.oDtions avadaW�.tlppr ����n���'9�a�to atljust pnees wittq�t naip.Art�st's simpiifi�nppr 33' x 28' • 863 SC. FEET • MIDDLE AND UPPER l�VELS ��s�����s�R'��°s a g�neral guios ony ana snowd not o� Cor+sitl�*sd lecAnieNfy sxurat�.To aOwn benrnr�l accuney ana rpwr� 2 BEDROOMS • 1 BATH ar�+«+a;one.pNw mnwh aechitectural araw�ny�. ALL si1GHTS TO l�ND COPYRIGHT ASSIGNED TO THE BOISE COMPANY t g83 Th�s new Tri-Level is an outstanding choice foe the I small family that might be growing. Step save�ki�chen, dining room, living room, two bedrooms with large G & N ENTERPR!SES, 1��!C. wardrobes ar�d one bath provide comfortable living. °"` ° °"`"• The unfinished level gives you the option of tw� PORTLAND, OR 2ss bedrooms and a bath, one bedroom and a den or any �, (503} 771-5733 other two room comb�nation. Ii �ll adds up to more home for your money! �,�.,,.�,� � � �--� 00 � .E�: iYd a s't' - t�rMy�[p ���{ KITCKM O; q'O']t q�' u•�•:f•' - u'�-�.'Y - I� 0►TION�I ' I., rrMdlO�f Q�RJ4� � �--�. � � �� . . --� -- a f I i � � I °°c� �°' I � � r '� � III � ,urn � O O � � .t...�'�'� i u�I I � ��_-, ; '� ,i i � � ,�.�;.,i , I I 'L�=�=_�_� . L___ 4�11DI10i[ r-_',r_�O uviNO woor � v � � CWT3 �--e�� p� . 13'�°=11'i' _ EKII!► YIDROOY� q�0�2 t�0' UMiII<q�(p �YO�Z 1'� ■T00� 1�Cfw`p tl10011 L[Kl YM[R �� �� lfViL . UfdFlNISNED LOWEA LEVEL - 362 S�. FEET � _ __ _._ _ �_ . . . W/�YW'aOr�Y.rwryw �r�i.��aia�.. .__.a�rx�,.�.......r.....��. .' �. 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I�� �.. . �w. . . ��.. S 3 ,v , � i �Y'�`(,�' t � �:� Ir, � �s��, � �, �, A � ��A (��} Q ���y��}� F� I i r � rr jt�jl. � � C� � i� �\� ` N al � ,I f '� ;�1r, �� � (�1 , (n m ` s�3' � � i � � ��� '! '•4' � CV r W �,.,,�. , � � �< <�R;�`��'`�. W � , o ��` `r'', �,�" Q t �. _ a ,�, '- . �+� — Y���� t �s � f, ���� ,t ,� 11�" �q�v. + r �1'3 ' � '�+b�,��'.d�> ; i�. I,���„�;___,°� � `° � ; , > , � f _ � � � � ! � . . . . .. , , k � . . . . . . .. � . . � �" ' ._ ..�.� t+b�e:Thasa�rzn.�riqs maq r�oe reamucea or usea ta any castructm ar�oose w�man Lexu�gton — �our�t�yside Se�ies ��°°}�w°°°�°°�,d°��,��°�.�°����°s°�° . Company reservas eie rgnt to arm so9uhcacros.opUOns avaaade.tbcr.plar�s anC exlenor . . aesKy+s ana ro aop�s�o�ces w�enut roccei.P.rtsrss+*+oUheo tba P+�antl zx�ria a�LqrlS .I 24'1"x 44'•1060 S�. FEET•3 BEDROOMS•1 BATH �°����a�1°���i0°O^N��4^abe�nr's�0ereotectmieatWaocurate�o � oDbn fecntKal acturacy x�tl raa�ued tlrr+fltsions.D�ease co�pt arcMecwal arawwgs � � ALL RfGHTS TO ANO COPVFiGFlT aSS7GNED�TO?}�.P".,ISE COFAMNY 1981 � � � � -- --- -� . � � o w �� � ` � 1 I� � �I � UTILITY ��� . ' r�. �i � . �_"""_" _T ��s-a'z 6�z' KITCHEN ,� DINiNG '. I 'aG � � B'9�<�..a� L�� Ol'Y11-�" �s BATH�� . BEOROOM i ' �' O w=e'x�r-.. ^ �I � � KITCHEN /(�j �', ���� . ' PANTRY �aes -'� . . � .:1,�' :�,. - - . � �OOWN � ! ' \� �� / . . OPTION4L BASEMENT UVING ROOM _� BEDROOAi 3 � BEOROOM 2 � STAIR IOCATION �a-a't .� + 9-e�x u-a� �0-B x u-a io 0 i< '� � ;� �i . I� � I � All the necessities of comfort are yours with this , three bedroom one bath home. You and your family witl enjoy the compact kitchen arrangement with the adjoining laundry faci?iry and walk-in pantry.The generous wardrobes are exceptional as well as the very spacious dining and living rooms. G cc �'�f y"1�C�?'•�5���, l�j� � � � G4��J .�.�. �".J�JT=i� �U. �.,^,"; �,='���. '::; ?7266 ��'��j �T;�-5i33 _ � i �, � � � : �_lT-013'� �. � . . . . � . . . . . . . . � � 27-301�� �� . . 8 . � . � .. . . � � . - . . " , . _ - . . �.._. , . .___ . -�. . . . i � � t � 1 Y *• ' ����Y � ���+y,�N�- '��� f�.. t "Y v ��/�.eF������j��j°a 1 �.�'��� � ��.. K 4 j .��1� ��� ' �� "r` ' �.y � s.. ��i����p��� �r�. .. '�, ��y� �"'ab"M d���-...1 .T' �• . �� ' � "L�'�yt� I . Ti 3 t,�..,� . ` . ; i ~ F � . ,dZ, �>���Yt,'�- � . ,�lv � . .a{�11�M��P*.��t"����� �� . 3 ./ 42`'z,a.�.s�l.-.��+�rare:.A���;�.�lt��:y. � �,. I� �'� ` .�a'� ��f, '�'ip��`�y�; � � � '�, ;A��,� j R'E��`-i. t:-. � �,�,s _ � , ', . � �� ''� � � � ' � ' " - �, r�� '�,• .r 5/?�'�' � .7�c.f. �,- � J, �� : y_ ;. + `. � r �t ✓Jj �fraiy.�:�x CFe- '_"t __ /.. ,,`, � �`, V'!� �.r-;,t .s'�- �---r-�' - _ -, � _. _ �t. i ytM- f�3�i"�jd`.� — ".._---- 3y��� �� ,`�. .�.�y� .�'"�.'_--- t }t'',t Q �t T§s Yl3`'�� �-���':�`..� -.:1 , _ 3' — :�'��.�' — - - ��--- ;�� � {��,�..��t ,: , - �}� �-- �. - � s� \�.�.• �=�� ��n ��xlll0� � � �� ��.— �=-- - :'�'�'� �"�- �' � 5`i �.t+'f rgcs+ �9'4 9uicG�4.%SYSSSb 44f:;a�if . :'�o- ��.. � 33,'-� � >£ � -�� a . �;° � ¢�y+N, . a .J' <ry,i - s f 0 t'4a , , °' �Pi .�.r r�r iNrmnm�namniizai �2 1 '� : ��. � / � �N � � .-.. 1�-!. _ �p� ^c:b �P~� y y $�'} I�' � ; l£ � 't�'i ���y `€� �il ' r�� � 1'�'� jy[7�p�]p���p��,a`.�o�el��j,�y ���� _� � 1 i i,� �j�.'i�'��r�. � Ri I� 1��"-�k, � ^e�am!"'���- � I �;i ����p, :�, r+�M'�":11111n��l� - - ",•' " .,.'°��y„�!� �r ::?��"t'. ,.� _ — _ L __ ,.d,.. :r� �`.�1Ey��������'".y . � r.. .�r., y=�i�. �G..i - � "'"._-� .r�.i.a_ "�+� �`�w�- ✓lt� �''-'"'``�ir' � �� ��,� i�'r,�u'.+�A'7 ^s";r�;v,f`7a?�1.�'J�`.,r � �r'�tS�W!7 pw u� .M, -r��G 1� ,,r a� ;-,q�f.'�o::'� r qa�j4�•��' ��y�� , � i.,�{ i �I - li �is�en -- C��trysid� ��ies 24' 1" x 48' • 1120 S�. FEET•3 BEDROOMS•1 BATM � BEDit00N 1 BEDROOIJ 2 � . �f-ds de- if-�x io'-i ( . i I � , n _ � � � , � _ C - BATk ,w�� � � Q_i � C � O ` o� — ---- I f ' � I� _ = SE ^ ° ~L� � BEDROOAR 3 . if-i z v-i � 0_' � _' For those with narrow lots or for ppT�pMA1 BASEMEHT KI4CHEN sTa. STAiR LOCATION O d•Cxu:a _ those with landscaping � - preferences—this home wiil �a„ answer your needs.This design includes generous wardrobes, !I ample storage,conveniently „„„a I DINING LIVING ROOM located bath,three bedrooms,a `°`°`"`"s' `�:x°"°� "-°"x ZZ`°- : spacious living room,a most accessible kitchenJlaundry facility,and a singie car garage. E"TRY " � , GARAGE I i ' ' �tc� lv �N� ; �RPR�$F$, IRri:. . (1WtLR S'f JTMERSI , ��S•�• FOST��R�. �'ORTLAN�. o.�s7��� � . � I�b�r Thsr drawrys msy nol b�nP�o4rcetl o�usaC kx ery mru4uetlon r .. aOt�/wqrrrtYnp�miyaondM �"P°°°"""'°`��"� {��3) ?71-573;s ... �oPrwM w�„s.90,..casc�0e.Boy.e�catle��ar�n� y . � r�11 b 3Mlr S�jIiCY1QM.Op1i0nY wsiibl�.flOM pWls attl exW�Or tleSgro antl IO adlNSt RC6i w�o�i nooce.A�ra siraNi�o noor pt�n ana sxwia desqrn are pnverea as:par�rd guioe aitiy ana sa+aiC not w oon�idwed actntcaiy accura�e. .. COPYRiGMT�19EO�BY BO�SE CASC�DE CORPORATION.ALL RIGHTS f�SERVED. . � . � LIT�76 � � . .. . .. �- . � � . .. � � � � 21301fi ty$0 1. � r �� ����,�' �r, � r j 1`�, 1 �� , 'i,.1'� Y�``� �'�'�� ,i�';�•, ' •s�,� .,`, , ;.;'e�',y'► r ,� A f� ,',r,r� ; ► �:'(. � � ,y. . .< �I �i "�i "��� �I�;7 � , � � �A ,► �a, .,� ,''1�;1� � , •+ � ,� �� � �� � . '���i,� r" �; � '��I��pl I . o� ' ' ���,��I��; I -�;.�',�'� ;y�� �' l , d 0 .4 T, �,�;�; .�:�,5'� I;II+II��('I� , �� ��J� � � � ,�I'Ifll I1 `: i� r� '�� K MT �-��.� �' �11I' � a � � ., f,,�r, �� �: , ;;,� � i,l I *.Y 5� ,J �Il���l���:� $(! m r��'' �,. r,� .`.`��y� J,�i's�,'., ��r ��k , �. �,I��,�!,i'��� "'1•t` ' .s ��!( ��!.,.. hI M';�' %: �ir�3�' ]'1;'F�I J r;. �. �i '' F,y, Nt��� � � I �y�^' t. r�P �:�• ' •f , � I 1 1 �'' :3 . � ��; ( + �I� �� ,I' i � r ,� •♦ ��, � (^ I I ' I �� �. - - � `� l 6 ► _� � ��� �► rY• �, T--. .y i trti�� �;� �:1i�,�I f¢Y ��i�����`��� , ��i' 1. � �{�I�I �� _; 1 �. �I•, :,'. �'�,. 9�� � t` °<S � y� i �t :r :r, '� � �• � � �.�r � N � . I� ���{{{ppp �, ���� �'i el { ��� ►� yl -. I :� ` r '��y� 'ill� � � kt/�. �� � td ' ,� - �'v 9 �,�,� ;• �•(���i�A ;��� `� �1' 5::; ��. � �!'' � r.�► .M � �"N 1 � �a ��� F �� � � { �� � i .m��e 4���+�9�' yv �`. � ��•. � �(� ��. .�� �� 4( �!(+ �1.� "'�'��A. _ � I+ .:�: 1.;, r� w � W'f�: 1,,��.' ! Nae:These drawings may not De reproGuced or used br aM cor�tion O�DOSe wdhaA � Ponderos� ��t��,�,��,�,a����.���„�,,.�� � �� + C�mDersY reserees the nght ro aher sPec+fi�'..aooru,opbor�availabie.Iba pians antl exbrior � S`���£�r� �e���S desqr�and ao adjust prices witt�out no0ce.ArnsYs simdi�ed rioor Wen and exteriw des�pn are oreparad az a paneral guicie my ano s►+oufd rot be considerec tachrticalty accvrate.To 3 � 2�' S,, x c.�2, � 1261 &0. FEET • 3 BEDfi00MS • 1'1. �ATF#S °btB1itg�"'��'"�Y�req�,+read�me�sor�.weasea�,narcrmxwra�anW*pa. - I � ALL RIGHTS TD ANG COPYRIC�-(i A.SSlGNED TL�TFIE BOf�COMPMP�dY 1981 � � } � �s^ • ; � O _ r-------- ' 1 �� a � --i OINIHO �=Q � K1TCM£k i . � " ,i,tn_■ I O�� io-d: if0' '-'G •�r dd'x�x'-d' � . ' � � : OEDltOOY I "��0� �----------' wYt�d �� � i . I ;- � ��/ � � _i � � BREAI(FA$T o i GAR4GE � - coara I �uro�o�[ � ..�wooc SEDROOM 2 _BFDROOM 3 �IVING R001! Y Q io'-�C'a iS-i _io=�x K!-0' �Y-Y x �s� � i 0 s 0 ►A410 — --- � � � • CS7 OTMERSI _ — . This three-bedroom, bath and three-quarter home has the most to offer�customer looking for a narraw-{ot tissign.The G & N ENTERPRISES, IfVC. combination of 4he enaster bedroom, thr�c�uarter bath and 8405 S.E. FOSTER l�D. walk-in closet adds to your cor�fort in owning ihis home. PORTLAND, OR�?'=�6 Entertaining wi!{t>e a pleasure with the opennes�pf fhe dining- ���;1 �;�_5;�3 living areas. Notice that the kitchen plan includes the con- venience of laundry facilities yet offers �nough area for informal family c�ining. AN this — wiih a tw�-car aitactsed garage—for youl . � l ,, �.,, r �--;�_. , .� � _,. _._._ . - -- _ � ��� ; ��� ,r„ � t s �� �.' •���� ��r. ,;,�.,f. t� '� I ,� �� �1 ;�,,, `. � r' �� ,� ��.±ti ' �� � t '�k• �� �• ��w\� � , 3���+��,�� � y Y► `��/�. f i� � I ♦�> ,y�� �'+'- �'i�� •:� ���I 1�1'�. �;�i'4'.!"t;► ,� � v. � • .��.��.ui•,i� �. ��i� . t, . • •_ ��^�K:1� �V � 1 �L:j fl -d�O:';�•' , �, �,i�,s� ` �"'/`,i, . 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' 2T5"x 40'160'•1371 S�.FEET•3 BEDROOMS•2�ATFIS °"�""`0"0`"0"'°"""'p10i°"�tn°"'"1d/0'a��� ocw�le.To abhet rod+rind�earrY�r�C nquYb BRwyiar.PM�a aorriA�Rnl Orawrq�. � Alt RIOHTS TOIit�D G�YF�FiT,�81C�A1�TO AAEqG1N F10tmINCi SYBf9�MC 1�iI � ==-- C� C� ` ° �- -- � (� earN 2 BEOROOM �3 • ��OROOIM 2 = BATO� U� BEDROpN 1 ��'-e'x i3'-o' y-r:��-s' � � raE7+' _ia iP-s'x�.� r— —� CLOSET If � �'"Jy_J oECK COAf3 S� i WAR4qp8E I _ � �HrnY � �I I I I I I f - D�w� i► i I i� 11 - I I � � G & �`J Ei�TE��'ftiS�S, f�lG. __� i � I r n � � ^ --� I� ---.--� KETCNEN � DINiNCa II ( I I � E4L5 S.E. ��L;�.T:—_i t��. �t-Yzs`-d I �-�'zd.ar' � �� LNIN� R00�1st �� I �� £N7RY OECK _� ( �! �:-n�x�a�•o�l I �- I PORT�rh:�. �R 9�_06 ---- ll � ( , —_ J (5�3) 7�1-�733 ,, � �i II 1� �� ` SE aanow� ee�T sraR �ocamon i I I I f i DECIf . Enjoy this unique design in any �C�� setting,An optional recessed treflis o� entry is avaifable for this model. The � l�v�ng r6crm is high(ighted by a beamed cathedral ceifing and a rustic I l LIVING ROOMI� KITC�IEN i Di1VIP16 ! ENTitY ;� � paneled wall framing an end-wali � 9�-9•x:�-�r i �r-v � i �I a�.rx�s.w �� i� . wood burning fireplace.This ------� l �� i, 1� " , II ;I �! II three-bedroam,two-bath home is so r�, �, ,� weil planned—yau wili enjoy the i � �! ; � , � indoor/outdoor livis�g pos�ibilities. The ( �IT,„,„ �, � walk-in cioset and r ' � I � ( � ! , ���-���1������� dessingareaw�th I,�,i�Ii II,I , I f .iiIlillili vanity, ample wardrobe and storage space is just for you. � � ' - i _ _ , _ir_?_ � � � I ■ _ - . : : - _ t . :,=-,� :�- --.z.;:_ Ny ..;.�. '` r ;,;`,"" z -� �„ ''': . . " ar�..�•7,y '!''C* �,. '°ti-_'\ . . �-� Y�,S,,r��y� , �} . � � '—L^ �� � � � � _ • � . `-�'� � ��---V . 'i � 7 � � . -,;..1!!�^S �'�� ^ ti:='`�✓' :��� ~� '!' -. - • „ _ , ,N - � . ,..�,,- ` � ` . 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' � � _ . �ir -� �ti' � !j UNFINISHED � l , �'�,� =- .- _ . r , I. 23'-p x�2`4" 'a �� �,,,. - �' I�.. . :,� .•+ Ir .. v . ! � �-�� . . . =:t�:�'�,.n!`��Tr�i�����7.- 4 .1wL,`�'� ` � . �� _ ,Y\ y ��'� . � 'u'"� " .�y � � (' _ ..�-� , _°P- •� �F.-, ` .I �� `"`' _ ` ' : . .,, w , _ .: . _ , , . . .�, � 1 , � `. � � �.� � t' ` , r �'�:` ' � � � rron.ae '��'� `- ; .� s � ; ,,i �,. �. . ' � � ;� !171UTY .= 34TN. I �' , 1 �- •.�I� I ,� � �. I �� ', � " {UNFINISti£01 (�YFINI$FIEC)� � i I ��};¶' '0��� . �1 . . �1�. ��� ! �� �IL'_ I��. i ( � ' i^. ..:e'- I FURN� :MWNI .I W. :^ D __ . ' y' .� .. . '� . ' I I I � � ,���I y •� : .. : . . .��'� ^� , ' ' ' . �.... � �' .- �� �"' �� �.�1 �__"___ "' �_ '� �_�� -',��.c.��6"' .. 1 ;� ( �I, �_�_ _ . � ` ' � • - Y . � . .. . I�' I �_ �i,i . . ¢ ' ..:}.... ' � 4� me��,y�x . . � . , f; t -� ....,� '; •;��4+ YCG ft�`"+'. � ._._--�—� J , ' i--- _ - . :� � 1 ..� c-�,� - . -- - � . . JNFlNISMED �I� ��^vnC+�:Y'r ����, "' -.•�.� � ' . � 23":�'x9''9' �i� '�, ...�.�� . . � - DESiGt� 3600 , ' �G'�tiE� �_vEL+v�T=+u^uT ;aRnGE � � ...:, .� ,;. _,y - - = _ ° --- - ---- - Note:These drawings may no;be reprotluced or used for any construction purpose wi�out , /�-. first obtainmg written pertnission of ihe copyright owner.The Boise Company.Tne Boise Q�a���� �–���T�7�� �� ����� �,..�� Company reserves the nght ta aiter specifications.options available,flopr clans asd exierra i� a 5� $a designs and to adjust pnces without notice.Artist'ssimDlifiea fbor plan ar�e�aerqr designs are prepared as a general gu�fe only and should not be cons�tlered tecnn�calty accurate.i o 24'1"x 54' • 1426 SQ. FEET MIDDLE AND UPPER LEVEi.S �3 ��DROONlS•2 BATHcs obtaintechn�cala-,curacyandreqwreadimensans,pleaseconswtarcnitscturaioraw�ngs. � , ALL RIGHTS TO AND COPYRIGHT ASSIGNED TO THE BOISE COMPANY 1981 � I -- — "' FUTURE - ^�' � ' � � CPENING Tp . � �V• _^ � KI7CHEH �80VE __� . , i ¢ � ; ,�i BREdcFAST ��M�N� KRCHEM � � lEORO�M 3 UNFINISNEO � eFOttoor z � z�-o'xiz'-t .. . x�a•x.���' � IDG�XIIC6'I I �dxiz=s' � i�se•xias• . � u 3I• i � . � '_ __' D„ �_P \ ; n � C , �'� I I P I \ ','I STORAGE ,,J�'� . _•��y I ` @ATM 2 UTILITY "yTM ___ 4UNFlHISNEO) (UNFINISIIEQ71!� --�r-- �fURW 'M�W/II r W 'I O ' r"'_ .. . ENTII• im `� � �1 `__" �. ,` L__'�"' "' -, IIVING ROOM /� (� �BAYH 1 � �� � � s � � O � zt-e`zn-c' � a :3 . i � 'i�� . - BfDROOY I . I Ha1LK-IN ( �� 11=6'X 13=0' I 'GROROBE .�� . DRESSING \` ( ARE4 \ MIODIE LEvEL UPPER I.E�EL GAR�GE 23�p'X 2l=10� The upper Ievei of the Oakwood has three bedrooms plus two full G �� �� L;!TF?PR1ScS, INC. �aths.The master bath includes a dressing area and large walk-in �4�� � �. �u�i�A RD_ wardrobe.The main or middle level features a recessed traffic-free Pu^:�T�,-.ti�, OR 97266 Antry which leads past the spacious living room.The efficient {�u�} 771-5i33 U-shaped kitchen opens to a formal dining room on one side with a � breakfast area on the other.The unfinished lower level contains a • double garage plus a large area suitable for�inishing later at your �owER LEVEL WlTH GARAGE convenience.Additional unfinished space can be available if the al- terna;e side garage option is selected. UNF1NISfiED LOWER LEVEL WlTfi�ARAGE 468 SQ.�EET iJNFlNISHED LOWER LEVE'L. WlTBiOUT GARAGE 720 S�.FE�T. �LTERI�AT�E LOWEA LE1lEL F�OOR PU�N � AND C�ARAGE ON O�/ERLEAF. � . ' _ ; ���:tiT-029-�- . . ._ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . � � . . � . . � � � � � �� � � - . � . 2/-3029 :c c2 . .,, . _ . _.�,_ _ . . . ..-. .. . �- ._.� ,._: ._ _ _ . . _ _ .. � - - - -- _. - ._ . _ _...... . ...- - . � :. _. , - - - �,. . . _ _ �} • ��r*;�. ,'�r�'� ,.�_ ` ' — �, + x+ r_ �. -;��' � �,- `'z%��'% z. - *: ° �,v . ..� �,��J�'V.l '�` : S�".�'s.. .�se!� �Ijf, �3��'5�+�''s�. �._' ���� �����a ,,,r t . rr �� ���r' _ �' . ' sYi �c'` '�—,.y,a� � r:R4��1_��\� �f:'}j,,�•i�� �r - -+'"'r' ,I�,-"�', 'i� ':*�' 'y�•s-�, �-m:Cr 6,: �,�; r•�',�- � �_ , _ - y:' '- � ' �- �� ,.l < ��.. . t•�(� �L� •� �-� � ��'�O°- �i)'��.. . � ~' .. .� �-. . . ,. �.t_ T � � � . �r,. . , ,� , , -�irL.. .; :r.� - - - _ .��. _ i .;tf�i � y � - �,�•?.lr. t , �... - _ r_� � ,h•, � Cy�� / ..� . •' -•'ti` il'. �11'.-..1 i�J:✓(' T�t' 1 p���f� �. 7� ' .. . � j � :r` :��-r�'e'*N°1�1�..Yi.. _ �� ��.. �� �a�y�` s � ��i. '!�"S. ; ��.f�s = ��./v=•,'ri1s�.w.A,.2�ior'is� :��i,':�itry'� ��� �! .rN' �n �+i1!� � _ � �:�: i',j;'.:�. �S�i��!�� ► _ � rj � �;.. �„. s — - _ `�''�� - .'r,.- ?�>j s�i���t�� �I! _ �-��.'#_ �'=._.� �_ �'�' — ,� �� � -- --`�'c-���,• '��i.`?`'.i-YT�� _.y �i'� .�Y: _ .��' � y' � �- ..�ti�`'� 1..�����L�'A�� . -, =i�� � � •c•'�•. .�" j r a • �-j.py�� : �._�'- ;�+.�,��. . +. .:���'� ;+�, `tSL ,T�l� ,Y_ A �,�' ' ���� �. � ' ' x � � ��.:���� w�� �� '����r���r �, N, �� "• •* ti' M �; '�4� ��. a ,.^�C'�`�,�''i►' _ ' .. �_�+��'"�;'- ''�'" .�,,�s ��'�`��`• .r:��. �' �!� t.� ?y�,,.�;" „ "' �'" .;�� , , �aC���r� s� ��t. � �1� ' �� � �.�'�' �11��, � f:� � � ,--� �� �:._ ��'�,q `� - _ r,a - .�,�. _ s�.v -r.`•'$� .�� �y�'V4i-�.� _±�nc.= j_.�,; "*r .�� . � �'�" � - =--.!:•' - R -� . ,�� .s��, r�' , t =��: — `y�• �"'�. - � �,t.' • �rh, a� � ti wT �{'t i t.. � . , p� ""����' ;+ ,. .�- _ �.>:.� , jp� �'. � w : . . � �te t�Y: +i�.YY■= .�- - ' r'""� t �� F �-� i 1 i �'4�- �•�. �; f • 'k ".9"'�`+1'jw.'n�+� qT'�"%'Y". 'U�.yg '�� ��� , I.� 1 H .�. /�Y.�:4, .�•�'�� � ����.����• s_ -v�y��r� �_� _.�- F _ _ c,-.�-- �a�•= — �`"` ��. ��1Nj �O �'•� � ,!�!�}��txit�! �q �� - — /TyS. .;jR�. — _ --DX``'t •.�!..�.,f�,f.r3^�..'R�''—.:'"Y .'/^!".�`�� �T.. '1"+.�'`� � S �x� _` f .y. Pbez ThMS dn�wirps m�y nOt b!eaproQuad Or uMd tat anY cflnstrl�tlOn px�a�withOtt • nrai obtai�inp writ�n pemraion d r�s r.opyoiplx ownor,Th.Bal�.CamganK Ti�»8oW James�o�rn I� -- Split Ent� �t�on ��.�»����,.�..,,.�.a..��..�.,� . d�eiqrq aesd b aolu�c c�Ca.wiftbuc notlo..Artl�r,aYnpua.a nc�dan.nd wMrioadMiprr �ei �� ��r �� �a P'°a°�'ed a°a Or+sal Quids oNY�r+d aha�d not bs�sd 4dr�ic�Yy aoaxae�.To obmin�ectvrzai�ra'LY and r�qtirsd 6rtwtiia'r.P(Mrr canot�t aiehbe�d d�Nnps. Z7'S"x54°•1474 S�.FEE�•3 BEDROOMS•1�3/4 BATHS ,�a�r�,n.sm��c�r�tt�n����y�y�� � � . . � i _ _The spiit entry is only ihe beginning of 'o�'cK this three-bedroom,one and I � three-quarter bath home.The rnaster • � � - bedroom has an exceptionaily large � � m dressing area off the bath.The i � - 2 ��D�Q? I I KITCHEN ��Q� � : kitchen/utility area.offers you a sslection � I�s�+-� I . of.plans for you to incorporate yaur own � � • • living needs firom foRnal dining, pantry � , - ,,,�.„,g and utility inciucliny the conv�nience of � � . 160i1 ..� an additional 1/2 bath near the rear �� r � . � � - ' entry. � { FORMAL DINING ROOM OPTIp�I Tyyp BpTF� ppflON � ] DECK �� i � � r�-i �. r � � p �% � a4 �`' �KITCHEN � o�*i i SEWING RppM �K(fpf►dl - ;y-fxi0� � C-Ac1-� iY-+o'zf'� � �D�Ux�? ���d B+�TM�� Z I � � 1 sl � , Y � �---� o�cK �i Q . � -- �,� a �� �� �� � _ STORl9,C�E � � � I o - OPTIONAL KITCNEN � ��� - - . tI c � s� r��T�;���s�s, �tic. _ . -. $4u"5 S_F_ F�STcA Rt�. iNir�G stooa� 3� g� ee�aoo� a eeoaooM i P�;�TS P_,;+,�7, C�4 9726o z�-�x�3-r� . r,s�xe_a� . �.:eYar �. . . (S�i3) 771-r;33 - � , AGEIVf�A I:'1"l��M! 6. PI._(�NN�NG �;c�NIT�SIO�I 1��,•8.���.94 '1'0: M4�mbers nf th� Pl.anning �ni7�missa.�.,n F'FiOM: Wi.1la.am A. Munahar7. pirector af P].anning �nd �pvelopm�r�� ����� QA'T'F; �'anuary 2, 198�i RF'; L7i.scussaan I:tem _.. Sign C�de ' '' '1'igar�l's sic�r� cr,c�e aias �.d�L r�evis�c� i�7 cnnjunr.,t;i,on w:i�th r��Fa.n�mr�nt c�f •the Cummunit+� Deu�].aprnent Cr�de i.rt ].98�. On� ar�a af th��e c�ade whi.cl~i a�p�ears ta bc� in�c��q�atc� a.� �Ch�.� appl.icatic�s7 �i' �F:1•ie g�n�r�l sign c�rd�; �ravi;�i��ris ta the S�J�!C1f7.4 r7���c�s U'F �f1GS2 �Tl.golt"CI �WS7.1'1�?;�SG.'`i whicF� c��:er to tp�t� tr��uEl.ing puk�l.i.r:; res�aurar�ts, mot�ls/hvtels, �r7e� c,��s s�a�tions. Since cr�d�t:ir.rr� u�F �t;he si�n cc�de excepti.rar�, �r�ac�c��are w9.�Mi.n f:h�e c�,d� we t�au� F�ad a��li,ca�i.r,�ns far t�a.l.er arid lar�ger sa.gns fir�am c,�as ��tatic,,r,s ar��<i nratpls. '1'hr exc�yat•ic�n �arc���c�ure. haw�u�r, does nr,t c���,]. vii.t:h �11 of the �yc,tential. n��ds �rrc1 �7rablems pdrti.�ularl.y i.n th� �r���� r.�f t�mpa�•�t��y sigi�s. Th�r�f�rP. :C w�aa].c! ].ikEa to r�q�,i�s�t �t:F�a�t �:he P].ainreii7g Caaemi.ssion revi.�w tF�e� 3i.gn �uc�e �:>resvi.s9.c�ns �hi.r:h T M��.v� a.denti.fi.�d in tF}i.:� n7emo �nd r���:�r°min� if the �ign c:ocle is e;���:h�±r: 1. Adec�u�te far a].l, b�.isin�sse;�, i.rtr.�.d.edi.rr� �I°i�� s�,�c:i�l. types a.dEar�t�i��a.r�d. 2. Adcaqua�te fnr a11 busi.nE�s> i.n ��rast �r�as, b��t requi.ri.ng rcvi.ew o�P sr�m� r,r�r��ti.cialar areas r�� tMe r•ade fr�r possa.b�.e expansi.r,n. 3 , Ad�quatc fUr most k�usin�ss k�4�t r�c�ui.rii�g � se�arate s�r:tir�r� o� �hE si<�n cnc�� �tFi��t appl.a.es �tra �r.�mc� r�r all �a�F •t:ln� fal.lr�wing: r�staurar��:s, ma��ls/hr�tel.g, ar�d gas �tations. Are�s of ConcQr�n 1, 18,11�.Q/4 (f) af�F pr�mise si.gns .._ nr�ne ar�e �],lowed exc�p•t �autr�uor� ac�vr�rtxsing sic�r�s or �rMrnugh a�aprav�l of an P_xG4?���.UCt �hrougi� Sectiun 18 , ].].4,130. Uwr�ers r�f bwsa.ric:�sses �i~�gay�� i.ri r,r,e af thy� �Firee cr�t�r�ri.s�s may con��rid t:Piat �n r.�fi�f pr���ma.se sic�n is nc�edpc� �t;r.y aduer��se �th�iY^ k�usa.i��ss f�r in advancF raf a hi.ghw�y �xi.t. 1"h� use af k�:i.l.l,br�arc�s rar~ thr�s� s3.gi�r� i cc�r�trnll�d by the �aLate Mic�hway I)ivisi.r,n may nc�t s�rue �the�.r pur�aose. T... 18,i,y.4.1Q0 1"Empurar•y S9.gns -� tk�e �r�s�r�i: cude al.].aw� teatpral"i�Y�y sS;gns ta be I,' us�d fGr six��y days up�n issuance uT a perm:�.t. �ur�h sigi7s may be used to aduer�a.se a ���cial, ra�� ar s�rvi.c�. These are of�ten us�c! by 3f.Y'U7.G� stati.or�s, haweu�r, sign per�mit appli.ra4i,�n� ar� rr�rt; a�p]:i�c� fr,r aind �he City has nat errforced tFri.s �ode prraui.si.c,n. S�cti:�rn �.8.�.��4.�,q5 (Ci)(4)f A) ].9.mits �t>h� n�amb�r r�� t�mpc�rary signs to faur far any �yn� sa.te while (C)(4)(B) l.i.mits tota]. ar�a �ra �w�Ave sc�uare feet, The defini�i;an r�� �empr�r�ary sic�n f�unci in S��:tion 18.].1A.415 (c) (A2) inclwdes ��A�� b�aae^�I frame sigris. � ., � 5. �. . ... .. .:�_... . . ._.. . . .. .�.��.�. �� .. , . . . . . . . . . .. .. .._ .. .:: , .._..:.,.. .�:.,.,_� � �__... . _...:.,:.>...... ..��,.. .. ._..._..�......:.r. Perha�s a s�rvi.c� stata.a��7 sN�r,�ul.c� b� a],l.�awc�d ar7 ccx�rn��ti.c�n tr.� hav� 2 r.�r� A t�rnpur•at~y signs �t any ta.me wi�thaut a permit. ��Ea to �he �Frec�u�nt sales and s��eca.�l of'ferings whi.ch th7�s� businesses haue. ar�d since #:Pi� Ci.ty do�s rurt h�ue �Ine rpsnurces �� ei�frrr�ce fiMe �arQS�rit ,r,q(�P.. in tha.s ar�.a.a, sr,xme s���i�.]. cons9.der�ti.ons �cauld bF: gi,u�ri. In addi.ti.�an, perh�ps restatarar�ts crr�.i.l<� k�e giucan an ex�mp�i�an far• c,r�e ���mp��r�ary sic�n. S�acF� �xc�ni��t:�d siyns wn►al.d b�� r�gul.a�ted k�y thE�i.r lacati.an c�f cc,urs� to aur�id irnpa9.ri.ng vi.ew or� � cr�a��ting sic�n r•lu��t�r. I These �xem�►�a.r.,i~�s cc�u].d b� stated i.n 5ect9.an 1A.1�.4.13q (C) (3), �' 3. 18.114. 130 (C) rr,7nirn�rcial 7c,n�� .,. Wi.Gt�in •k:he C-G and f,,F�fJ ,zones •- LHie arkaa and h�igMt ].i.niits are ur�iiform wi.th nu special. consic��ratir,n gi.u�n ta husinesses whic•h r,,ri�r7�t thpir hausa.nass ta ��I�e •Gr•auPlir7g ��abla.c. 'TMe Camma.ssi.4i� may wi.sl� ta �v�l.u�te Fa�h sign l.i.r�►a.t tr, c�et�rmi.ne i.f sp�ci.�1 r.;irc�.im�tanc�s �xa.st WF17.CI'i ]lA�'�1'�y �i'•ea�er a�.l.rawancPS fr�r tM�se busiryesses. (C) (A) (1) _.. all.uws one free st�ndi.ng sigri W�'17.CI"1 m�y b� � reader bc)o�r'd. (8) �� allou►s 70 squ�re fnat per fac�+., (C) •-- all.nws ar�pa limit G�, b� in�r•��s�c� tu nu grr�a��r �Lh�an rii.nety square fr�ut a.f �h� sa.gr�°s mrav�ci b�r.k f'rr�y� �h� frr.�r�t �rc,p�r•�y li.ne prr�pc•�r'tirJrro��ely, (D) _.• th� he�i.ght ].i.mit i.s twen�ty f�ct al.�thiouqh tweri�y-•�two �� •Fc�4r.t: i.s �ll.awr��i iF tl�� sic�n is rnour�c� b�r�k twerrty f��t from thye pavern�rit. 'TI�p C�amm:issa.rar� i�iay Cra�15�.d�1^ 'tl'lr'�t nnarp than on� freesfi:ai7c�ing sign is justi.fi.ed i.f the g>rr��aerty fru�•it rnr,re than nn� street, Also, si.z� ar�cl hei.ght may be insu�ffici.�r�t c�iuen ��he us�. (C) (2) -• app].i.FS �tr� w�ta.l. sigrr wN��ich� �r�� al.lrrw�d u� ta fif�teen perr�rit c�•F �l:i��e hata�.ldii7g �Frr�rtta�c�Q �a�ct�pi�d hy tM� t�narrt. T'4 d�.t�, nu busi.nesses h�uc� express�d a n�E�d fr�r gr�aL-er ar�a, tI'ICY'f?'FGi"@, 1�: �p�ac�ar�s �l:ha�t: �l:he percentage dr�es nat; ca4ise a prub�.em. Wi.thin th� d�fi.ni.ti.r�n r�f �tem�rur•�r�y xigr�s, r,,i7e ty�aca cy�F sic�n i.;� p►^nhibit:�d .��_ an elec�rica]. si.gn nr an intsrnal.l.y ill.um�.nafi�d si.gn or nr�� wi.th r�•har�c��abl.e mr�ssa�e cN�ar•act�ristics. 'rh�is deFinitian c�escr•ib�s •l:h�e partak�l.� si,gr��s wh�iG.h�o ar�� nft�n us�.d wy new busin�sses r�r g�as st�tions. W� M�ue had s�.iccess cur��rna.l.ir�g these signs :in �triQ ��ast, how�uer, �ari thr�se ucc�si.oris wh�re �n i.l.l�gal. si,gi� uf thi.s typa P�e�s b�c�n bruugftt i.nta 1'a:gard, a gas st�tir�n is usual.ly the vi�lator, :C c�c, n�at rec�-�mmcYnd �h��: any excepti.c,ri b� mad� in this are�, hawev�r, when reu9.ewi.ny thi.s �r,r�tiran af t:he Crac�e, y�u ir►�y wisM� t:r� ex�min� the �ar~t9.cular prnbl,cams a��ci n�ecis r.>f service sta'ti.ons. 5, Secti,r�ri ].8,1�.4.�.30 (q) al].ows addi.ti.ar�a7. ar�� �rid hea.gt�t if under develr.,�r���r�t r•�view thre sfi:�Ff determir�es that �he a.r�ter�t crf �he Gradp wi,].1 be ma�.ritaa.ned while im�r•ovi.rig desi,gn quali�y. l"he la.mits a],low�d �re� �ri ac��ifiianal !at"a96 af ar�a and �596 raf hpiyht, how�ver, n�a copy i.s all.ow�c� i.n thE added area, T'he i.r7cr�ases all.nwed by this section must b� cnnsidered at �t:hp time af c��veln�am�e�i� revi�w. 1.1Mfur•tun�tely th7ey c�r�r7�rt N�e app�a.ed �4 exi.sti.ng bt�siness which s�ek to add sigr�age. 6. 18.114.140 prouides 'For exceptiu�s to �Me ccyde, An exc�pti.c,n may Qnly be granted when one of tMa± fall.owing is met: 18��.14,145 , Ap�„roval criteria far_exceptinn to, sia,n code. The planninc� cummissi.on shall apprnve, ��prc,va wa.th corrditiarrs, ar� cieny a r�eq►�est fr�r� �n exceptic�n tn the sic�n code k��sed on f�.ndir�g� tha� at least ane af th� fol.lawi.ng cri.ter�.a are �a�i.sfied: (x) T'he pra�aosed si.gn cr�c1� �xc��t9.on i.s necess�ry bec�►use a c�nformi,i�g haui].�inc� nr� sigr� on �r� �dj�cerzt �rc,per•ty would limit the vi.ew of a sa.gn ei^�ctec� orr the si.te in canfur�mance wi�th �he siyn c•ociQ standar��s; Z�) Th� praposec� �xce�tion �a tpie hc:ighit limi.ts in the sic�n cude is ne�essary tr� mak� th� sign vXSib],e fi��r,,m �he str�r�� bc�cawse of the tapugr��h�iy af the si.te; (3) Th�re is an �7,CCP..8S drive which seruire� �the busin�ss c�r �ervice from a sfi;reet �ther than •Ltre s�r�et whichi it is ].orated on. (4rd. 8�--�2 S�r�ioil 1, �.984). Wh�r� tF���� �xz���iQ�s� ��re ap�ar•ovec! by the Cr,mmissa.ar� a� �nurtFy pu�3ib1� �p�araual criter�.a was del.e�ec� whach woGilci I�aue a1lnw�c� an ex���t:�an xf th� t,y�,s of cl.i.err� which� t�re busi.ness serued was orie whi,ch w�ul.d nur•rnall.y be ur��amili�r witP� �t;he ar�aa, •tMa� a,;� �n nu� �f trawrt tr�auele�. P�r�Fi�y�s �th� Camnrissian wnu].d ].i.ke tc� d�.scuss this opti.a�� again, howev�r, wi.tFr mar� I restr•icti�e lang�aage �nd appl.ication. 'The r�sul�t c�rul.d be ta all.ow �XCLpJ'�a.(31"13 wi.l:huu� fc�rmul�ta.ng n�u� st�ndar�ds a�plicabl.e arily �:o these spc�c:i�l aas�s. i S ep cial. lY��dg The thr�e wse types i.denti-�S.ed in tl�is m�mnr�ridum ni�y ne�d s�eci.al signage stand�rds establisFred ei�ther �or adc�itional fr�est�r�ding sign�, incr�ased size, increased h�a,gfil:, ar outri.gh� permitt�d tempor�ry si.gn�. T� �i�� Cqmmissi.an bPllieues that sr�me madifa.ca�i.rans ar�e ju�tifa,t�d whi.le mai.n�aa,ni.ng tF�e in�er�t af the Gucie, i.t should sa indacate. S�a�f wowld then pr��pare �}9�C1�14 r�commenc�at�.r,�ns fi'or• the March meetinc� f411awing a survey af se�.ected business�s i.rti the cummunity whi�h prova.d�e ei,ther resfi�urant, matel, �r gas stati.�n ssrvic:�s. NP4 input wQU1d al,sq be requeste�i. plsase indica�� yawr pr�ferences sa that praper s�eps can be taken, (0881P) [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]