Planning Commission Packet - 04/03/1984 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TIGARD PLANNING CqMMISSION MEETING APRIL 3, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. � FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOGL - L�CTURE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut - Tig�rd, Oregon 1. Call to Order 2. RO�LL CALL 3. Approval of minutes from March 6, 1984. 4. Planning Coxnmission Gommunication 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 2°84 Annexations 5.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 3°84 Open Space Overlay 5.3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 4-84 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-$4 VARIANCE V 6-84 WGK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NPO �� 3 5.4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 12-84 and ZONE CHANGE ZC 8=84 LEE CUNNINGHAM NPO �� 7 5.5 SITE DEU�LOPMENT REVIEW SDR 17-83 BEDFORD PROPERTIES (Appeal) NPO ��3 5.6 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENAMENZ CPA 11-84 ZONE CHANGE 7-8�+ TIGARD WEST DEVELOP'MENT NPO �� 3 5.7 ZONE ORDTNANCE AMENPMENT ZOA 4-84 RESIDENTIAL HOMES 5.8 ZONE CHANGE ZG 5�84 CITY OF TIGARD Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12DC, Tax I,ot 900 NPO �k 5 5.9 CPA 5-84 CITY OF TIGARD CHA.PTER 18.114: SIGNS 5.10 CPA 6-84 CITY OF TIGARD CHAPTER 18.130 CONDITIONAL USFS 5.11 CPA 7-84 �ITY OF TIGARD VOLUME 1 and VOI�UME 2 DEQ 5.12 GPA 8-84 CITY OF TIGARD Policy 6.3.2 �b) 5.13 CPA 9-84 CITY OF TIGARD CHAPTER 18.26 COMMUNITY DEV�LOPMENT DEFINITIONS 5.14 CPA 10-84 CITY OF TIGARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS 5.15 ZONE CHANGE ZC 6-$4 CITY OF TIGARD Historic Overlay Districts 5.16 ZONE CHANGE ZC 9-84 RUSS KRUEGER NPO �� 7 , 6. Other Business o Election of Officers 7. Adjournmen.t � 03b5P �. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 3, 1984 1. President Tepedino called the meeting to ax•der at 7:35 PM. The meeting was held at Fowler Junior High School - LGI Room - 10865 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon. After calling the meeting to order, President Te�edino stated because of his work he would be resigning his position as Planning Commission Chai.rman and also would be resigning from the Planning Commission after the May 15th election. He then turned the meeting over to Vice Ghairman Moen, 2. RQLL CALL: YRESENT; President Tepedino; G�mmissioners Butler, Edin, Fyre, Moen, Uwens, and Peterson. ABSENT: Commissioner Vanderwaod, Leverett. STAFF: Director of Plannrng & Development Bill Monahan; Associate Planner Keith Liden; Associate Planner Elizabeth Newton; Secretary Diane M. Jelderks. 3. Mz.nutes fram March 6, 1984 were considered. Commissioner Edin noted on page 7 agenda item 5.2, that he had voted no. Commissioner Butler noted on page 9, conditions for 5.3, there should be a #11 condition the same as item 5.2. Also on page 10 Mr. Ludlum's name needed to be corrected. Commissioner Tepedino moved fo�r approval with corrections. Commissioner Butler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION • Agenda items 5.6 and 5.7 would not be heard tonight. 5.1 CPA 2-84 ANNEXATIONS A request by �the City of Tigard to add a policy to the City's Comprehensive Plan requiring that lands annexed tc� the City be given the City zoning designation which most closely conforms to the existing county designation for the property. The policy will bs add�d as 10.1.3 in the Comprehensive Plan. • Associate Planner Necatan, made staff°s recommendation to adopt policy 10.1.3. Discussion followed. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared tn speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION � Commissiuner Tepedino moved for approval per staff's findings and recommendations. Commissioner Owens seconded. • Motion carried unanimously. . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 1 ,� 5.2 CPA 3-$4 OPEN S1'ACE OVERLAY A request by the �,ity of Tigard to adoprc a site specific map designating floodplain ;.ireas within the City's Urban Growth Boundary with a floodplai,n �%strict nverly. • Associ��te Plan�:er Newkon made staff's recommendakion that thP Plannin� �;;�.W�.is<:ion approve a recommendation farwarding to City Council che nD�n space overl��y and land use designations to properties within the open space boundaries. Land use designations should be in conformance with existing znning designations on all propertites. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSEll COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION � Cammissioner Tepedino questioned why houses were allowed to be built in the floodplain. Discussion followed on how homes were built in greenway floodplain areas and whether this would encourage building in open space areas. • Commissioner Tepedino moved to table until staff could determine which lots are specifically aff�cted, what peramit�er was used to draw the greenway and contact Legal C�unsel on how ta deal with lot specifically affected. Commissioner Edin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. '� 5.3 COI�IPREH�NSIVE PLAN AMENVMENT CPA 4--84 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-84 VARIANCE V 6-84 WGK DEVELOFMENT CORPORATION NFO �� 3 A request for a Comprehensive Plan Change from Professional Office to High Density Residential and a Zone Change from C-P (Professiona�. I Commercial) to R-40 (Mu].tiple Family Residential, 40 units/acre) and to vary the Residential Density Transition rpquirements in Section 18.40.040 of the Community Development Code on the 4.33 acre, property II locat�d on the northwest corner of Beef Bend Road and SW Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOAC, Tax Lot 1000). • Associate P�anner Liden made staff's recommendation for approval. NPO COMMENTS ' s Bob �ledsoe, 11800 SW Walnut, NPO �k3, made recommendation that the Planning Commissian approve this application. APP'LIGANT'S PRESENTATION • Dale McCullough, 3'027 Watercrest Road, Forest Grove, explained the difficuLty they have been having txying to develop property as commercial. Now were requesting a change to hi,gh density residential. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 2 —� ' � Ryan 0'Brien, representing ths applicant, reviewed the tapography and _ shape of �roperty to support their request for a variance. He eX�11$1L1P_(� haw th�e owner realized it was a mistake to have the property zoned ccammerciaY and beaause of the NP0 1�3'a input, decided to request the change. PUBLIC TESTI'MONY • Fred A. Anderson, represented himself as a property owner, as well as being an atitorney for several other pxoperty owners. He did not oppose the application. He was concerned that the development would ba devela,ped in accordance with City code. He submitted a statement of Sewer Service availability from USA. His main concern was fo r proper sewex service and storm water drainoff. a Jean K. Young, Mayor of King City, 15390 SW 116th, was also concerned with s�me problems as Mr. Anderson. They want to be assured that the �sewer service and storm water drainage will be adequate to handle this develapment. Also wanted Beef Bend Road to be taken care of. o Dennis Bouman, City Administrator for King City, 11588 SW Royal Parkway, was concerned that access to the project be pxoperly constructed. o Beverly Frowde, 12200 SW Bui1 Mountain, CPO Chair erson. Ths were P y concern.ed about the condition of the traffic system. Does not oppose the plan. CROSS EXAMINATION & REBUTTAL s Vice President Moen asked staff how the public concerns would be addressed. � Associate Planner Liden explained how Site Development Review would addrsss these proY,lems. Discussion following regarding the process. e Bob Bledsoe stated he had contacted USA and since tYiey had talcen over sewer service from TDC there is adequate service available. Also City code would require street improvements to Gity standards. • Commissioner Edin felt he would rakher have Plannin� Commission review the Site Development Review. • Discussion regarding density transfer and open space recreational area. s Ryan 0'Brien stated they intended to request Planning Commission review the Site Development Review. �ie also explained how they would take care of sewer, storm water service and traffic circulatian. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSIONER DISCUSSIQN & ACTION • Consensus of Commission was to have the Site Development Review application come before them. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 3 � _ _ _ , • Cot►m�issioners Edin, �utler and Moen were concerned about the variance but felt th:ey could support as the neighbors did not oppose. • Commissioner Edin moved to forward recammendation of approval to City Counci� for CPA 4-84, and approve ZC 4-84 & V 6-84 with the condition that Planning Commission r�view the Site Development Review. Commissioner Owens seconded. • Commissioner Moen asked they add that staff a�dre�s problems of sewer, storm water and traffic. Motion carried unanimously. 5.4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 12-$4 and ZONE CHANGE ZC $-$4 LEE Ci7NNINGHAM NPO �� 7 A request for a zone change from R-7(PD) (Residential Single Family, 7 units/acre, Planned Development) to CP (Commercial Professional) and a Comprehensive Plan change from Medium Density Residential to Professional Office on property located at 12528 SW Scholls Fer.ry &oad, Tigard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2400) . • Associate Planner Liden made staff's recommendation for approval. NPO COMMENTS • Richard Boberg, NPO �k7 Chairman, submi.tted a letter supporting the application. APPLICANT'S PRE5ENTATION • Lee Cunningham, 1252f3 SW Scholls Ferry Road, explained why the property had not developed al.ready as CP and requested to regain �p zoning. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared to speak. CROSS EXAMTNAT'i0N AND REBUTTt1L • Commission�r Owens commented that she had mentioned this during the comprehensive plan hearing and had thought this Lnt was to be CP on the P1an. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION & ACTION • Commissioner Owens moved to forward CPA 12-84 to City Council with recomm�ndation of approval and to approve Zone Change ZC 8-84 per staff's recommendationse Commissioner Fyre seconded. Motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMTSSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 4 l - _ 5.5 SI.'�E DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SDR 17-83 BEllFORD PROPERTIES NPO �k 3 An appeal to the Planning Commission regarding the Planning Director's approval �f Site Development Review SDR 17-83 for establishing two retail shops, a convenience store, and a �ast food restaurant on property located at 13235 SW Pacific Highway, Tigard {Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 �CB, Tax Lot 300 and 301). • Associate Flanner Liden summarized a letter from the applicant cantending the appeal had been submitted inaccurately and that the appeal shoul� be considered invalid. • Discussion followed on whether they shou'ld hear the item if the appeal had been delivered to the inappropriate .authority. Consensus was to hear public testimony. NPO COMMENTS • Bob Bledsoe, NPO ��3, commented that the NPO had heard this item at one of their meetings and were not a part of the appeal. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • Jne Van Lom, 34 NW First Street, Suite 309, gave their reasons why they feel the appeal should be invalid. • Duane Meyer, 13210 SW Watkins, supporked hearing the appeal. • JB Bishop, 303, 10505 SW Barbur Blvd. , explained why he felt the appeals should be valid. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Commissioner T2pedino felt the statute of limitations had been passed and the Police Department is not the appropriate authority. • Consensus was that the Police Department was not the appropriate authority. � Commissioner Edin moved for denial of the appeal for SDR 17-84 based '� on the finding that the appeal was not delivered ta the proper 1, authority. Commissioner Owens seconded. Motion appxoved for denial by majority vote. Commissioner Moen voting no and Commissioner Butler abstaining. 5.6 COMPREHENSTUE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 11-84 ZONE CHANGE 7-84 TIGARD WEST AEVELOPMENT NPO �� 3 A request for a Comprehensive Plan Change from Low Density Residential to Commercial General and for a Zone Change from R-3.5 (Residential 3.5 units/acre) to CG (General Commercial) on property located at 10500, 13370, 13450 13490 and 13530 SW Watkins Ave. , Tigard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DA, tax lots 4700, 4800, 6100, ax�d b200 and 2S1 3DD, lot 200). PLANN'ING GOMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAiE 5 • Commissioner Tepedino m�ved to postpone hearing to May B, 1954. Commissioner Edin seconded. Motion carried unanimausly. 5.7 ZOA 4-84 - RESIDENTIAL HOMES A request by the City of Tigard for a zone ordinance amendment adding language to the coae eo clarify the definition of commercial activities in resideYitial zones and �raviding that commercial activities are prohibited in residential zones except for as allowed by the code, and further claxifying the definition of Home Occupations, Section 18.142 as a commercial activity in a residential zone. • This item was wikhdrawn per City Gouncil. 5.8 ZONE CHANGE ZC 9-84 RUSS KRUEGER NPO �� 7 Request for a Zone Change from R-7 (Residential 7 units/Acre) to R-1I (Residental 12 unitsJacre) on property located east of 135th Ave. approximately one-half male south of Scholls Ferry Road, in the southern portion of the Winterlake development. �Wash� Co. Tax Map 1S1 33➢C, Tax Lot 500). • Assoc�ate Planner Liden made staff's recommendation for approval. NPO COMMENTS • �ichard �oberg, NPO ��7 Chairman, submitted NPO ��7's recommendation for approval with concern for adequate hufferin.g. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION s Russ Krueger, 12225 SW Second, reviewed hi.stor.y of the praject and requested the Planning Commission to rezone his pr�perty back to what he had previousl.y had approved four years ago. PU�LIC TESTIMONY • Janet Hasty, 13065 SW Falcon Rise Drive, submztted petitian opposing the zone change. • Joan Abry, 11950 SW Morning Hi11 Drive, opposed the zone change. • Mark Bonebro��� 13265 SW Falcon Rise, oppased change because of length of time and increased density which would result in decreased value to their homes. CROSS EXAMINATION & REBUTTAL • Russ Krueger stated the change happened in November of 1983. Otherwise for the last four years they had the R-12 zoning. He also stated this would be a high quality project and would not decrease values of L-he surrounding homes. • Discussion followed regarding zoning on surrounding properties, policies which would apply and compatibility. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 6 _ _--- ' _ ,- , _--- ■ PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Commissioner Owens explained hnw she had been Chairperson of NPO ��7 when this application had originally been approved for high density (12 unit:s/acre) seven or eight yeaxs ago. e Consensus of the Commission was to approve the zone change, but would like to see the development to assure compatibility. • Discussi�n on how to process. • Commissioner Butler moved to approve ZC 9-84 with a PD overlay, from R-7 to R-12PD based on staff's and Planning Commission's findings. Commissioner Peterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. COMMISSIONER TEPEDINO LEFT MEETING AT 11:00 P.M, 5.9 ZONE CHA.NGE ZC 5-84 CITY OF TIGARD NPO �� 5 A request by the City of Tigard for a •zone change from Light Industrial (I-L) to Industrial Park (I-F) on property designated Light Industrial 've lan Ma . The ro ert is located on SW m ehensi P the ado ted Co r on p p P P P Y Upper Boones Ferry Road, Washington County Tax Map 2S1 12DC, Tax Lot 900. • A.ssociate Planner Newton made staff's recommenclation for approval, explaining how tkiis had been a mapping error. PUBLIC TESTIMONY ' • No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Commissioner Edin moved for approval of ZC 5-84 per staff's recommendatione Commissioner Butler seconded. . , Motion carried unanimousl}�. 5.10 CPA 5-84 CITY OF TIGARD CHAPTER 18e114: SIGNS A request hy the City of Tigard to amend Chapter 180114: SIGNS, of the Community Development Code to add standards fox� ap�roval of sign code exceptions and �criteria for approval of neon sigiys. • Associate Planner Newton reviewed approval criteria for sign code exceptions and requested the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to City Council. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared to speak. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUtES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 7 , ,,, _ _ __ __ � PUBLIC I?IEARING CLO�SED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Discussion followeci regaxding proposed criteria. • Commis5ioner Owens moved to forward a recommendation to the City Council to amend the Community Development Code adding Section 18.114.Y45, Approval Criteria for Exceptions to the Sign Gode, as listed below: 1. The proposed sign code exception is necessary because a conforming building or sign on an adjacent property would limit the view of a sign erected on the site in conformance with the sign code standards. 2. The proposed exception to the height limits in the sign code is nece:�saxy to make the sign visible from the street because of the topography of the site. 3. There is an access drive which services the business or service from a street �ther than the skreet the business �r service is located on. � ' Commissioner Peterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. , : 5.11 CPA 10--84 CITY OF TIGARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS A request by the City of Tigard to amend variaus sections of the Community Development Code. A complete list of the Sections t� be amended and the proposed language changes are available in the City's Planning Department. • Associate Planner Newton reviewed item III-162 regarding street trees, recommending changing from 3 to 2 inches. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • Ghris Freshly supported changing street trees from 3" to 2". • JB Bishop supported changing size of street trees and to delete 50 feet apart. � PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMTSSTON DISCUSSION & ACTION � Commissioner Edin moved to acaept staff's recommendation ta change three (3) inches to two (2) inches and delete "planted no more than ` 50 feet apart". Commissioner Owens seconded. Motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3y 1984 - PAGE 8 � _ , __ __ _ __ � Gommissioner Qwens moved to continae CPA 10-84 to April 17th meeting. G�mmissioner Ldin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5.12 CPA 6°84 CITY OF TZGAR� GHAPTER 18.130 CONDITIONAL USES A request by the City af Tigard to amend Chapter 18.130 of the Tigard Municipal Code, Conditional Uses, adding standards for approval of transient lodging; Wholesale, storage and distribution; Participation sports and recreatic�n - indoor and outdoor and Vehicle fuel sales with convenience sales. • Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation to forward recommendation of approval to City Council. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Commissioner Owens moved to forward � recommendation to the City Council of approval to include the Conditional Use Standards £or Transient Lodging/Restaurant (on same parcel) ; Wholesale, Storage and llistribution; Parl-icipation Sports and Recreation; and Vehicle Fuei Sales with convenience sales. Commissioner Edin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5.13 CP,A. 7-84 CTTY OF TIGARD VOLUME 1 and VOLtIME 2 DEQ A request by the City of Tigard to amend the Air, Water & I,and Resources Quality Comprehensive Plan Report, Volume 1 and to amend Volume 2, Fi�ndings Policies and Implementatian Strategies as recommended by the Department of Environmental Quality. • Associate Planner made staff's recommendation Lo forward to City Council with approval. PUBLIC TESTIMONY � Mrs. Ball requested that a capacity be placed upon USA to ensure that Durham Waste Treatment Plant will be able to handle City's needs sufficiently. � Discussion followed. PUB.LIC HEARING CL�SED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Comimissioner Edin move�3 to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the amendments to the Resource Document; the Findings, Policies and Implementation Strakegies Document; and the Gommunity Development Code as suggested by the letter from DEQ and PLANNING COMMISSION MINUIES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 9 � -- _ _ - __ I supported by staff. Also that staff forward to City Council a recommendation that something ve included in the plan regarding the c,apacity of the Durham Waste Treatment Plant. Commissioner Butler SeGOill'�6(1. Motion carried unanimouslya 5.1,4 CPA 8-84 CITY OF TIGARD Policy 6.3.2 (b) A request by the City of Tigard to amend policy 6.3.2 (b) to omit the examples listed under the policy. • Associate Planner Newton reviewed staff's recommendation, • Discussion followed. PUBLIC TESTIMONY � No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Vice-President Moen moved to forward a recommendation to City Councii amending policy 6.3.2(b) by deleting the examples contained in the policy. Also adding under definition in the Community Development , Code a definiti�n for Gompatibility as well as a Compatibility Matrixo Commissioner Edin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5.15 CPA 9-$4 CITY OF TIGARD/CHAPTER 18.26/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEFINITIONS A request by the City of Tigard to amend Chapter 18.26 of the Community Develapment Code adding definitions for "Home Occupations", "Remodel" and "Addition". • Commissioner Owens moved to conkinue to April 17, 1984, 1nd to inclu�le a definition for compatibility. Commi.ssioner Edin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 'I 5.16 ZONE CHANGE ZC 6-84 CITY OF TIGARD ' � A request by the City of Tigard to designate specific parcels of land as I, Historic Overlay Districts (HD) in conformance with the adopted I Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Properties are the Upshaw House/Seven Gables (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BD lot 1521), the Tigard Grange (Wash. Ga. Taac Map 2S1 3DD lot 600), the Tigard Farmhouse and Windmill (Wash. Co. Tax �Iap 1S1 34DD lot 100) and Tigard Feed and Seed (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2AB lot 54D0 A-1). � Associate Planner Newton reviewed sites which staff is recommending for Historic Overlay District. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared, to speak. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 10 � PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION & ACTION • Commissioner Edin was concerned taking action unless property owners were notified. Commission�r Edin moved to table CPA 9-84 and ZC 6-84 until the April 17th meeting to give staff time to notify property owners. Commi�sion�r Peterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. MEETING AD,�OURNED: 12:10 A.M. � � �/ 0 Diane M. .Je3.der Secretary ATTEST: �� c����%1��..- A. Donald Moen, Acting Chairman (DMJ;lw/0394P) . ; PLANNING COMMISSION MII�UTES - A.PRIL 3, 1984 - PAGE 11 • _ X�%��Z1�HXYX (� � �l PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL (�/ � Frank Tepedino � John Butler Phil Edin Milton Fyie � � Deane Leverett _� Donald Moen � Bonnie Ownes � Dava Peterson � Chris Vanderwood _� l' : --- TIMES PU�LISHIN(a COMPa4NY �e9ai P:O.80X 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 �IOtIC9 7-6 3 7� BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075 �����'��� ' Legal Not�ice Advertising /���� .� 2 ����� � • ❑ Tearsheet Notiee C�TY �F TfC�AR� . City af Tigard " P.`0 . B ox 2 3 3 9 7` •` ❑ Duplicate Affidavit Tigard, Oregbn 97223 • � AFFIDAVIT OF PUB�ICATION � STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, )sg' �, Susan Pinkl :y being first d�s�y sworn, depose and say that I am the Advertising Director, or his principal cierk, of the T i�ar d T im e s , a nawspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193A10 and 193.020; published at Tigard in fhe aforesaid county ancl state; that the Fub i H • i n g g a printed copy of which es hereto annexed, was publishecJ in the entire issue of said newspaper fior _ 1 successive and consecutive in the�oilowin$ is�ues: March 22, 19$�: � � �k:i r i':-.0 ti 'F" . . " x,, . r:'. - l k t` •. k ,Sub�cnbed,a`ntl iN rn to:before me a 2 9� �9 8 1 #, rtr:. - , Notary Public for nregon My Cammi��iqn Ez'i� � =�` ' 3l16/87 AIFFi�DAVIT . � . . . . � , g �. . ., � . . . . . . . . � . � . � � � � �iro f�, r w�i 4 t.,7` i 7 S;r�t �'�"`��ki+� �' � .�,. ��W r . ,a - ,c ;_ ���y a'J�pt�'.i�.�r a�ya�.: Fn� t�;,� � t � t ; �i1T� ,� "�`I�a�iD,��ORE60N, � ,,�.t � � �. f `:r �' �Pt7BLIC HF.AYtY�NGS ' �- ''��' 3�he foliowang wiD1 be eonsldered:�y the'1Ygerd.Planfili�,Cotnlmisaion�$in� ';3, IA64 ;;&t 7. ` M �k Forvl'er r�uN�r.Higlt Sclroa�l Ley�ure�tbo�,1'0��5= S�!.�i nut, TDgardz Qre8m4�`urther Ihfoi`n�At�on�tifiay be obfai�p�tl�,from:the Dti`�r,�or of Pl�nn�.and Developmeii�at 12'YS3�SW Ash�A�a„'Pigard,QR 97223� or�ry�±�al1�lg 6�9-�1ti1:; ��; ., , , ; �-; a . CO►'�PI�$HENSNE PX.AN`A1��ME�T�CPA 4•Sd�.ZO�iE G.HANC�; C:�-84 VARIANC��7'8�8�R`<;3K b�P14�JT CORFOR�TION NPO#3 :� A;re9�est�tbr"a C.�mp�nEhemslve.'��en Cqange hom 1"�roiessiQnal qM�e`to Hi,gtl�risliy,;�esideafial snd`/orr�Zot►e Ch�nge fiti�m'GP,(Profe�slonal C,�rri • mer!c1g1) to R=lO (11�i1l�iP1e�a�ti�Res�deptlei;40 unifs/aCre�.;and tp`�vary t11e Re�iden�ial,bensity'�`ra4s9td�in requtrem�afs!n Seekt�n 18.40.0+l0 oi'tli�Coeti- mu�1t�►Development�Gode ob.U►e!�3�a�r'�,proPet�Y ibcatedl on the.hoi�thwest� coruer of Heef Bend.,Ro�d and SW Pacific Hyyy (Wasli;Co Tax Ntep 2S1 lOAC; Tsx�I;ot��OOQ): CQMPREHENSIYE P.�:AN AI►4�NDMENI'CPA 11-$�l,ZOPIE'CHANGL�i�=8+1�'�'I;. GARD°WES'�.D�YEi:(?,F'MEN�NPb�#3 .. � "; � ,.°; �, A:req�f�ef,Ybr�Gi�ip�;c��aive Plan Change lrom'�Law Den�ty'R�esideatlal` to Co�it�raercisl Gepeira! and fof g Zone Change�trom, R 3.5:(ResideqUal,3.5 unifs/acre) td:-`EG (G�A��ral'Commerclal)on�propertY toceted�t,105i1�0;1'33'70, 13450'1'3490 and 13�30 SW Watic�ns A�e,TlBard(W�sh;Co Tax Mbp 25T 3 DA; taac.�ots�1700,l800��$I;Ob�gnd'6200 and';2S18DL�,lot�00� ,'. Yt,� 7 ,`. C011�.pIt�HE11T$I�tE PLtiP1 AM[,r,ND�IgN'1'`GpA 12-$4'�ttd,2UNE CHANC�ZC $-$4 IsEE�UNMI!T(3HAM N�PQ;3�#7 �A'requcst`for a�zone'ehar� tro�n R 7(PD) (�Residential Singte wFb�nilyY'7 uNts/�cre:'P1ennW�,Det!elopment} t� CP:(Commerclst lProfbssionel�,aild a �Compr,eheasl��Plan change;iroin Mediutn D��Aty�I�esidential:to profess�onal Oxtice on pnopte�tyr lo�teKi at 1�252$JS�Schotls Rerry:K�d,Tlgar� (Wash Co.: Taz M�Cp 15,1 3�,AD,'�'a�c Lot a4Q0) • - SI�'E DEYEI,.OPMENT RENIEW SDR:17�83 B�DF'ORD PROpERTIES.lYPO,�� 3 '? � ; ; �, ,_ An�'ePPe�1 .wl11 be;:teVt¢wed by the Plann�ag Commta�lon�regati}��thC Pienning Dicectqr's a�proWal,ot'Site D�`velopiqqnt R�vievq S`fk�3,�7-83 fd���- 1��8 �'Q;'��1„�Itup�, a convenience sCore."�nd g fsst looii"resta�iic8r/t'`on property tocaked at 13235 SW J�atcliic�igl�waY�•TiBard�(wash Co Tax,Map 2�1` 2C$,'fux Y:ot 300 and 301) . C��,��f C�'I'Y�O�'TIGARD CHAPI��R 1811�:$IGNS " � � �+9y� �y the �iky, bf'�',i�39t�d �-ame�d.;Cb�Ptec 18�i�:"S'IGIAIS;�oT�t�e; C�mtrri�ruf�l;���Na�pa��t a Cc�Ye 4� ��d'�tsndards tor�:appXn�al ot Qign code: �F�ePtl�b1�alid:cr�retia tor aPpf�va�of`neon�igos. ' � CPA 6�8!CITY OF T"xGMtD C�1FT�R`.18 t3Q,C.,OYVDIxItyN.AL�i)SES. . . � n�r�q�es� ny.'r��,,caty�ur:'�ts�ra,�a��a�ena.:ctia��er is i3o.or,me 2i�rd:: lKaniei�sal Code,;Conditlonal'Uses,adtling�§t$ndaMs'xor appro�ia;oi transienE lodgin� Wholesp�e, stciiage and diatr{bu�ion: Pazti�ip�tion sports a�}d re�r.�a-; �as�.}.�ndoor;sad�ut,�oor aad vehicle,fuet sates w�th�opventence'sale$..;'.;' ` CFA'7*8�CI'rX OF TIGAYtI>'VOLUME 1�snd VQIp�T�#E x IJEQ :; A�req�,e�!b'y fhe_Cit�sof Z'fgardtto ame�,th`,e Air,�Vater,&,Zend,2�esour�es, QueAiEy:Comprehe�nsive��Plan Reportr Volq�ne Y #►n¢to.a�mgnd''VQ1uci7ie,2R'.�nd- ings Policies�n� Impleme�tation Strategl�3ast�recomin�nd�ed t�y fhe�Depark.. �tent of EpVlmalanea�si Q`uality. ` �. , C�A 8�4 CI1'Y 4F TI�GARD PoUay 8;3�(b} ' `: �� A request by tbe City bf'Tlgartl to amend; policy 5.3.2' (b) to omit #lie �examples ti�ted�under`�the po9lcy � � � � � � � CPA!9$+GfYTY�UF TIIGAI�D��FIAPTER 18.26 CbMMiTMTY D��ELOPMEN�' DERINATIONS- A request by the City of Tigerd�to=ambatl.Chapter 18 Z6 oi the Cpmmuility, DAev�ap�men�C�ode adcli;ng definitlons for"�ome'Occ�oations•;°Remodel"an�' A L ;', 9 CI'f3�OF TZ(sARb G41N�MTJNIT'Y'I?E�ELOPMENT CODE A�ND= M�N7fS' ,_ � - � = ,. �, �. - A request bq;the City;oi� �a�;arei t�,�m�nc�vai�iouis�eecy�oaa of the Commu6ity �De�elopment Code A corn��..�e lt�� oII the 5ecttons to;f,►e �mended land the� P�P�d 1�8�ch,'�ar�tav�laki�la.the.Ci�y's Pl�niing��pa��nen�.,� 'I �ZON'�G��AI'�1G�;��� �CIR"Y QF TIG�lRD NF(�'#5 '� ; A request by',t�e C�ty oi'�igaril for a zone c4enge lrolt�Lig1�t Inqu��'(i-L�: to Indush�lsi P�rk(I P)o�P*o�ei't5►d�slgnafetl LiRri�Ind�strlal��a the�tldp�Qtl` Compr�h�rtaive Pla�A�[ap�Tlxe property�l�eat�d ou S�tUpper Bs�on���rry Roaa,�ae6ingtqn Cou�'ity'�ayc 'Ma' p 2�i;1�11�C,Taic Lo�900. ,; . �ZONE CBAI+T�E,�ZC 6�:�� ��O�'TIGARD = '� ' - �� � � ��t bJ! t4e Clty of Tigard to d ,eslg�,te SP��� parcela ot' i�f�as � �!y A�a.�`�,� .�al�Q t�nt� �; �;� Q ` ,�o �; ] 1 ���T , ;���2S1�B�'.l�I�Sx���i�±� �',�� ����� �� 3DD l�t'-8�lP).;the �'i�u�d Flu�dbti�e ,�ad�►�e�in�1 f , � Co:TaS��p 151� 34DD IOY tQ¢)�kt, �eC�d� �` �A 1� � �,�I'4'��.;:Co�T�c Map ZS1:�2AB lot'9�OQ ZONE CNAN�SE�'�8!'RUSS K��i�,�#�j ' �{ ; Re�u;� �ali';� ?�pne.Change,Y�m R-�' (�k+�Ie�►t1� 7`�unit��,�cre) 'to.R i�< �(�tt�111��ii���a'�)od DroJWi�1'lo�at$d l�et ot 1�A,ve,gp�}�ru�e: ►Y 4�h��n4Ua;�oufh ��$c�11�'�'+�rry R� i�i t�e���lp�arq�brtlea ot,the� i!�����•���I�i��.�1��►1��;���,'�'+�t Lbt lf�0� ; , ,� � <., , ,, �. .r��. .., .. r.r... _ . .. . F .1 ... _� �_� . - _ - . . . .. . .. . .. . � . L�L'\1L��'�� . .�.� . _ �� . . �L��. \�� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET NO'Y'ICr; A�L PERSONS DESIRING TO SPE'AK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN TE[ETEi NAhIF and note their address on this sheet. (�lease Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIP,TION: ��� o� —U T � �- �,1\�Cr�� L.L4��� PROPONENT (Eor) OPPONEI�T (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and A��iliation i . . , � :ti NOTICE: ALL PERSGNS DE:SIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THETR NAME and nate their address. ox� this sheet.. (p�,ease Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: ��� �J � �� �� � ,� 1� � L � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT {against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation � � , ; . � � � . � � . � . �i 1;•� ; o� � � V `�� _,-.•'— . . .. NC�'I'TCE: ALL PERSONS DESIRZNG TO SPEAK ON A,NY ITERt MUST SIGN TtiEIK N11PiF. and nate their address on this sheet. (please P.rint your name) ZTEM/bESGRIPTION: �• � ,/< �,� ��.,o��-�— � :�� ��`���� �!_��� �`��� . � PROPOt1ENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address and Af�iliation y' � � ,N / � C h � � � � , . � �L(,i,,,. _ f 2 .D S �v�r/��K�f✓S � , ;;� ; �� � �c: (� ��-r/ t.��" �--._ � G z� .. � s �, d .� � , � ,.,_,_ __�� �'� —------- TTGARn PLn,N'NING COMMISSION SIGN [JP SHEET � NOTICr : ALL, PEkSONS nESTRING TO SPEAK QN AN`C ITEM MUST SIGN THr:If: NAI�1, and note their address on this sheet. (�lease Prin� your name) ' ITEM�bESCRIPTION: � O'��_�_.. � ���� � e �IJI.n ! . — �d � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against� - Name, Address �and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation � .�;j, .� � ..�- -- � . ; NOTICE : ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON 1�1YdY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIf? NAMF and note their address on this sheet, (please Print your name) ITEr1`DESCRIPTION:� ���`�G ��� � � .r � ' � ..� .�... � � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) ' Name, Address and Affiliatio � Name, Address and Affiliation G��. � Gt�d o �'c-� C,�.CG� � �G� �.rl � �� ,�-�ec9dv�w�.e.� c2� ��� 5��. Q�c��=�L }� , � . �varv� y� � S�Gr,�?`/C�� t�s'�R-� ov.r r� ��tZ t �-�� �A�c`( �?��� ►v3CEs ��f-�- C�v��.ab��,.�.�. 5� P����<, G � _ �� � � . . � . � ✓.�1� - � �P _ . �� __��.�__ _� . TIG11Rn PLANNING COMMISSION STGN UP SHE�T N'OTIG� ; ALI� PEkSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM NUST SIGN TEi�;IN. NAbt� and note their address on this sheet. (pleas� Print your name) � ITEM�bESCRI PTION:-���` �� � � T �y ��� �� PROPONE�JT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliatian � Name, Address and Affiliation �'�.S � � . � , � � NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEPd biUST SIGN THEIF? NAME and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ZTEri�ESCRIPTION: �,�� � "' �� � �� • � � PFOPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation � �T�, f� n�a �..�.�.�--.� — . . • ��` ..�. _ z�3_�' ._,___ TIGARn PLANNING COMMISSIO N P EZ' ✓ � � N SIG U SHE NOTICr : ALL, FEkSONS DESIRING T.O SPE111C ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN TH�;IE; N�.t�lh , and note their address on this sheet. (�l�as� Print your name) � ITEM/bESCRIPTION: �_��''(�� _ � � PROPONENT (For) OPPDNEN- (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation . . �/S /j�-1.G�j��d�' I . NDTICE: ALL PER50NS DESIRING TO SPEAIC Gt�T ANY ITE1K MUST SIGN THEIN NAMF and note ttieir address on th�.s sheet. (please Print yaur name) ITEb1�bESCRIPTTUN: �"�� � � � . ► �J � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation i . . � ' . . . � . .. . . u�.� __��r_�����'_____ . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN U1' SEIE�T NQTTCr: ALT, :pEkSONS DESIRING TO 5PE�1K ON ANY ITEM hiUST SIGN TFIk:Ilt NR2�1� and not� their address on this sheet_ (p].ease Pxint your name) ITEM�t3ESCRIP.TION:___-+��� � — ��� � , • ./�� �a • PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation � _ � NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESTItING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM bSUST SIGN THEIE? NAMF and na�.e their address on this sheet. (pZease Print your name) ITEM/bESC�tIPTIQN: �� � �� . �' � � i�� u�_ � •�-�" I��� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation \ ��/S � , , .,... '�.�"� ' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET � NOTICr: ALL, PFkSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM NUST STGN TF[�;IN NAhtE and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM�bESCRIPTION:_ ��� � � �� ' �1 '� i . . �• � PROPONENT (For) QPPONENT (against� Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation , NOTiCE: ALL PERSOI35 DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEII? NAMF and note their address an this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTIt7N e__ ��� � "'� � �I� .i�� ' � . PROPOI�ENT (For) OPPONENT (against� Name, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address and Affiliation . . - .. . � .r �_ . . . � UCi 1 u_ .. . ��__'__"_ TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET NOTIGEs AI.L PERSONS DESIRING T� SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN 2'HEIK NANIE and note their addresa on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM ESCRIP.TION: �� �O' �� �� . � � � 1�YlAitit� PROPO.NENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliati.nn � l� . l0�-��! G�J2 ` .� �'���v� . , I3OTICE: AY�Ia PERSONS DESIRING TO SRE�►K ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAMF and note their address, on �his sheet.; (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCR][PTIbN: ��. �p ` �� � ' • � ` � � J PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) I�I _ . Name, AddrESS and Affiliation � . Name, Adc�ress and A�filiation . i + � � , • � � ., . � . . . � . . � . � . . � � .. � ..U;,i:. _ ���� _.�- ---- � . NOTIGE: ALL PER�ONS L3ES�RINC TQ SPEAK ON ANY :CfiE�i MUST SIGN THEIK NI,h1�i and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRI�?TION: Z,�_�—� � / � . I �/� / � � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation • �,�..-----�Name, Addres and Af�ilia n cJ �. f I-� SY` 12��'� � , �?� � . � �o�,s i � ;s� . . � . - ,- � �. - _ ,� 1�--� r . �, . � _ ����� � ���6 S�� „� ,�'i- �; , . .; ; � -- AGEND.A ITEM �� 5. 1 ' PLANNING COMMISSI01`T Agri1 3, 1984 CPA �-�� MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON Mareh 1, :1984 _ _ _, _ T0: Planning Coimnission FROM: Planning Staf:f �YY ' SUBJECT: Zoning Designations on 'New1y Annexed Parcels of Land During discussions with the Washington County Planning Staff regarding the City's Comprehensi.ve Plan, khe County staff raised the issue of zoning psoperties aewly annexed [o the City. The County has adopted zoning designations for areas within the City's Urban Growth Boundary. The City and the County Planning staffs agre�d that, ia order to accommodate existing development and neighborhoods as they are annexed to the City, the City should piace the City zoning designation on the property which most closeiy conforms to the County zoning designation. Therefore, staff is propasing that .a new policy be added to the annexation section of the Findings, Folicies and Implementation Strategies document, Staff proposes the new policy as follows: 10.1.3 Upon annexation of land into the City which carries a Washington Count,y zoning designation, the City of Tigard shall assign the City o£ Tigard zoning district designation which most closely confozcns to tke Gounty zoning designation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: a6��::Ef recommends that Ch.e Planning Commission approve a recommendation focwarding staff's proposad policy 10.1.3 to the City C�uncil for adoption. (EAN;pm/033kP) , � _ __ -- '" r AGENDA ITEM �� 5.2 PLANNING COMMISSTON � APRII� 3, 1984 MEMORANDUM �P� .3"�� CITY OF TIGARD, ORES�O'N ; Msrch 1, 19'84 ' TO: Planning Commission F[tOM: Planning Staf£ � SllBJECT: Floodplain Overlay CPA 3-84 _ _ The City of Tigard Gompreh�nsive Plan Land Use Map shows -areas designated as d i .nates each ro ert with a 'I , open space- ��JS3. The zunLng distrrct map es g p p Y zoning designation. There are- some properties within the City's planning area I which are designated for open space only. Probiems arixe .in those situations when a property owner wants to develop and the Land Use Map has all of the : �I property designated as open space. Staff feels that in ordez -to protect the open space araas and a11ow property owners some development rights to their land, an open space overlay designation along with tfie land� us'e designatio:n would be appropriate. A map showing the proposed land use designatbons in conformance with existing zoning will be presented at the March 6, 19$4 Planning Commission hearic�g. STAFF REG�2�AfENDArIONt Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a recommendation forwa-rdi�g to City Council the open space overlay and land use designations to prop�erties witk�in the open space boundaries. Land use designations should be in conformance with existing �oning designations or► all propertieso (EANsp�n/0334P) STAFF kEPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.3 Aprii 3, 1984 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FINDING OF FACT 1. General Information CASE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Variance CPA 4-84, zC 4-84, V 6-84 REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Professiona7. Office to High Density Residential, a ZAne Change from C-P (Commercial Professional to It-40 (Residential, 40+ units/acre), and a Variance to the Residential Density Transition requirements in Sec�.ion 18.40.040 of the Community DeveloPment Code. APPLICANT: WGK Development Corp. OWNER: same 1703 Pacific Ave. Forest Grove, OR 97116 LOCATION: Northwest corner of Beef Bend Road and SW Pacific Hwy. , Tigard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOAC, Tax Lot 1000) . LOT AREA: 4.33 acres NPO COMMENT: NPO �k3 recommends approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends approva� of the request. 2. Background The property was annexed to the City on February 8, 1978. A zone change , from the Washington County RU-20 to City C-P (Commercial Professional) was approved on June 12, 1978. A conditional use application to estab�.ish a 146 bed home for the aged was approved on July 25, 1978. 3. Vicinity Information Multiple family residences within King City are situated on the south side of Beef Bend Road. Large acreage homesites in Washington County lie to the west and northwest. These properties are designated in the Tigard Comprehensive Plan far Low Density Residential develo�ment (1 to 5 units/acre). Undeveloped land to the northeast is within the City and is zoned C-P. STAFF REPORT - CPA 4-84, ZC 4-$4, V 6-84 - PAGE 1 _ —- -- - -----J A frontage road for the Pacific Highway is immediately east of the praperty. 1fie parcels north of the subject property are identified in the Plan as an "Established Area" while the subject property and land to the east and west is considered as a "lleveloping Area". 4. Site Information and Proposal Description Except for one residence on the property which will be removed, the parcel is undeveloped. The property slopes downward from an elevation in the northwest corner of 310 feet to 242 feet in the southeast corner. The southwest section of the parcel as well as the northern and western property lines are wooded with a combination of coniferous and deciduous trees. The remainder of the property is cleared. The applicant is proposing to establish an 84 to 90 unit condominium project. A preliminary site plan has been submitted as part of the application, however, this will be evaluated during the Site Development Review process if the rezoning request is approved. A variance to the Residential Density Transition requirements (Section 18.40.040) is also requested to allow construction of more than 6.25 dwelling units per acre within 100 feet of the western two-thirds of the northern property line. The applicant contends that the variance is necessary for an efficient and attractive development of the property. A written statement addressing the variance criteria (Section 18.134.050) has been submitted. 5. A�ency Comments a. The State Hig,hway Division has no objection to the proposal. The Division notes that a traffic impact and drainage studies will be required as part of site development review. Also, any access onto the £rontage road will need to be as far north as possible. b. The Building Inspector and Engineering Divisions have no objection to the request. B. ANALYSIS ANn CONCLUSION I Comprehensive Plan Amendments should be evaluateel according to applicable Statewide Planning Goals and relevant Plan policies. Goal 10, which calls for provision of adequate housing for the needs of the community, region, and state and Goal 11 which calls for orderly and efficient provision of public facilities and services are the most relevant to this proposal. The Metropolitan Housing Rule, adopted by LCDC, states that Tigard must achieve an overall density of ten units per acre with at least 50 percent of the new construction consisting of single family attached or multiple family housing. The Comprehensive Plan shows only one area that is designated for High Density Residential development. In light STAFF REPORT - CPA 4-84, ZC 4-84, V 6-84 - PAGE 2 _ _ _ _ - _ - - � of the Hous°ing Goal and the Metropolitan Housing Rule, designa'ting additional land in suitable locations for High Density development would be appropriate. �'olicy 6.1.1 of Che Plan states that the City will provide a diversity of housing types and densities. The Plan has designated residsntial areas primarily for low and medium density development. Provision for additional high' density development would help mai.ntain this diversity. Policy 7.1.2 provides that new development shall coincide with the availability of adequate services and facilities. Based upon the comments received and th:e information available to the Planning staff, adequate services and faci.lities can be provided. Necessary on-site improvements including half-street construction and stoxm drainage facilities will be constructed as a condition of site development approval. Adequate access is provided by Beef Bend Road which is designated as a collector and Pacific Aighway which serves as an arterial. The Tigard Area Comprehensive Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway Plan has designated Beef Bend Road as a bicycle route. Chapter 12 of the Plan lists locational criteria on page 79 and 80 that should be considered in conjunction with this application. Medium-Hi.gh and High Density Residential A. The following facto.rs will re the determinants of the areas designated for high density on the plan map: (1) Areas which are not committed to 1ow density development. (2) Areas which can be buffered fram low density residential areas in order to maximize the privacy of estabYished low density residential areas. (3) Areas which have direct access from a major collector or arterial street. �4) Areas which are not subject to development rimitations. �5) Areas where the existing facilities have the capacity for additional development. (6) Areas within one quarter mile of public transit. (7) Areas within one quarter mile from neighborhood and general commercial shoppirig centers or business and office centers. (8) Areas adjacent to either private or public permanent open space. STAFF REPORT - GPA 4-8�+, ZC 4-84, V 6-84 - PAGE 3 The property is not cammitted to low density deveLopment and due to the terrain, natural vegetation, lack of nearby development, and landscaping requirements of Site Development Review, adequate buffering can be provided as this ar�a develops. The property has direct access to a collector and Pacific Highway and Tri-Met bus service is available at Ileef Bend Road and Pacific Highway. There are no apparent development limitations on the site that are sufficient to preclude high density development and adequate services appear to be available. The applicant submitted a written response dated March 15, i984 which addresses the five vara.ance criteria .-listed in Section 18.134.050 of the Code. Staff has review�d the applicant's justification for waiving the requirements of Section 18.40.040 which calls for a 100-fooC density ;j transition area between established and developing areas. The reasons presented appear to be justified. Also, the NPO and the one affected property owner have reviewed the variance request and have no objection. Based �pon the discussion above, the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change/Variance appears to be appropriate. Specific issues relating to the development of the project can be adequately evaluated during Site Development Revi,ew. C. RECOMMENDATION `rhe Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of CPA 4-84, ZC 4-84, and V 6-84 to the City Council. / -��`� . . PREP ED BY: Keit Liden APPROVED BY: �William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning & Development (KSL:pr�/0383P) STAFF REPORT - CPA 4-84, ZC 4-84, V 6-84 - PAGE 4 ` ` RECEIVE� _ � : � : RYAN OBRIEN �AN 2 3 �984 Planning Consultant � �� �� TIGARD 1134 S.E. 23rd Ave. • Hiiisboro, Oregon 97123 • (503) 648-4061 To c �,ga.rd Ci ty Coun:cil January 19, 19$�+ From s Ry�.n 0�Brien, Planning Consul�ant Subject: Initiation of Comprehensive Plan Amendment. On behal f o f Dal e M•�Cullo ch, the prop erty owner o f a 1�.3 5 a cre lo t identified as Tax Lot 3900, Map 251 -101�, we ar� requesting City Council � ini tiation o f a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Ci ty C-P to R-20 or R-l�0. The subj ect property is located c�n the northwest corner of Beef Bend Road and Highway 99. It is �mostly cleared land with 15� grades sloping up to the west from Highway 99. The property was ',I annexed into the City in 1978 and rezoned to Commercial Professional i in accordance with the Tiga:rd Comprehensive P1an (see attached report) . This property was purehased in 1971� by Dale McCulloch in order to ' construot an office complex. �1 development plan has been in process un ti�. i t fell throu gh las t month. During the Comprehen.sive Plan public hea.rings in January, 1983. the subj ect .property was proposed to be changed to R-20 or R-1�0 by the NPO. ' This suggesti�n was opposed b.y N�r. McCulloch, as the office complex was still pending (see attached letter) . Since the office proposal haa been discontinued Mr. McCulloch has considered the residential desig- nation and agrees �ith the NPO tha.t .it should be changed. This -Amend- men:t has been discussed with Lou Ann Martenson, the past president of the NPO, and Bob Bole'tzo, the current NPO president, and both agree that the NP0 would probably support su�h a change. We are scheduled for NPO revievr on February 13, 1981+. We request � �h�,t the City Council ini tiate this plan amendment since the NPO was previously in support of a residential design.ation on the subj ect property, and such a desi gnation would pxobably have been approved for the property if an active commercial de-vel.opment proposal was not in progress. Discussions with staff and the NPO in.dicate that a residential designation on -the property would help the density calcu- lations of the City. A review of the location and character of the property with qualified persons in the Real Estate field, shows that the subject pro�erty is well suited for high density condominiums. In conclusion we request that this plan amendment be sent to the Plan- , ning Commission for consideration at their March 13, 1981� meeting. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, r , i� /, i � I ��� � �� V Ryan O� Brien � • , , ,� ,' �h�' ' ��)�(� � � , R.E.BAN�I�FT� ����� R.E.6ANCROFT P.E..P.1.5. J.M.51GMUN0 P.I.S. K.R,KRIEGER P.E. 1 M t O R R O R A T E 9 R.M.O'BRIEN k.P.A. CIVII ENGINEERS. IAND SURVEVORS E�PIANNERS 9d0 N,E.iHIRD AVENUE ' HILL&BORO.OREGON 97123 5o3tcae•a�o� January 26� �9�3 City of Tigard Planain'g Cor.�mis'sion Y.O. Box 23557 : � . Tig�t�d, C�regon 97223 , 'Sub�ect: Comment of the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Aesr Planni.ng Cortimissfion kSembers; On behalf of Dale Mc Culloch of WGI;Development Corporation, w�e are requesting that Tax Lot 3900, Map 2S1-10A, <as shoi.�n on the attached map, retain its commercial office Comprehensive Plan land use designation. Da7.e Mc Culloch, the o�mer of the property, was eontacted by Lou Ann Martenson of the local NPO with a groposal to change the subject prorerty to h#gh density residential. Dale r4c Culloch strongly opposes sueh an action. He purchased,the property � about 10 years agowith a commercial designaticm ar►d with ttre desire and' plans to develop it wi.th a commercial use, Ai� plans have not changed and is c�efinitely planning to develop it with � cocm�erci�l use. We feel 2hat a change at this time would not be £air or logical. The property is in r� very good locntion �rith exrellent access to Aighway 99, and is idealy suited for co�mercial offices. Very few properti�es i� the City have these qualities, and theq should be preserved �ahen ever possible. We reali�e that the �itq needs adequate multiple family residential land to meet its houeing goal. However, when lthe housin� goal is compared to the economic goa1, the economic goal in this case is• a�re impartant. Eape�ielly since so many alternative housfng locations are available. Many more locations more remwed from the noise ar►d congestion of Highway 99 are �vailable in the City, compared to th�e subject propertq. Aowever, we do not opposed high density residential adjacent to thie property, Please review the information cnntafaed in this letter� and enter it into the record duria�g your deliberations on the Comprehensive Plan. If you have any questions or further clarification of our position, we will be available for comment. � Sincerely, � Ryan O�Brien cc: Dale Mc Culloch Urban Planner � /-.�.. . . . . ,, . . _ � . . � .. ��� . . . . � � ���; . . . STAFF REPORT • � • • • � . � �;,, AGENllA 5.3 � � . . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION . . � , April 18, 197� . • •' � Fowler Junior High School -� Lecture Room � , . . . 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard,• Oregou � . : • '. � • � �.,�•; . . ' • � . . _�.• Docket: Zone Change ZC 8-?8 . . . . ' . . , . . .:;:��' �Requpst: �or a zone map amendme:nt �rom County RU-20 to City C-P, .� • � : " '� : �s_ - "Commercial Professional"� for a 4,.35 acre parcel�. � . . . - _ � , . . _, ti . . . , . _. �Location: Nor�h side of S.W. Beef Bend Road at Paci�ic Highway ' � �- (Wash.• Co. Tax Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lot 3900) . ' � Applicant: C & C Construction Companq " I . Findings of �Fact : � � 1. The sits is designated "Commercial Professional" on the NPO #3 Pl�n and is currently zoned RU-20 (county . urb�n medium residential) . • • 2. The applicant is requesting the application of the City of Tigard zoning ordinance to a recently annexed (2/8/.?8) � .�. ... 4. 35 acre parcel. . 3. The •site is currently vacant, except for a single familp residence situated on the southwest corner of the property. Surrounding land uses are single fa.mily :to the west and ao�th • � and King Gity to the southe To the east the property abuts the frontage road and further east, across Pacific. Highway, are two single family homes. � 4. � The NP0 #3 Plan states as follows: � � "Development will coincide with the provisions of public , streets, water and sewerage facilitaes. These facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervening properties as well as the proposed development, and (b) designed to meet City or Cnunty standards". 5. Water service is available to the site frdm the Tigard � �i Water District via a 12 inch line in Pa�ific Highway and a 12 inch line in Beef Bend Road. 6. The existing hause is on� a septic t�,nk system. Sanitary sewer service is currently not available to the site. Sewer is available to the north, at Bull biountain Road, but due to the terrain, a pump station would be required. On previous occasions the Unified Sewerage Agency has not � approved pump stations for multiple unit developments. . Sewer service to the south could be provided by the King � City line, however, this system is currently over capacity and wi11 remain so until the lower Tualatin Interceptor has been constructed. � l ��� � ��:.. �►� � � . , � . �. �.<:; �� - � . � . ' � STAFF REPORT � ' �' :: � . . �� � �.. � AGENDA 5.,3 , . • � ' . , . � AP�`�1 18, 197�' . : • ' . � TIGARD P�ANNIN�G COI�ISSICYN � • � � Page 2 , , . . . . . . •., 7. SW Pa�ific Highway is designated an •arterial street �'• ' • � (NFO #3). requiring 80-120 �feet of right of aray.• �There r . ;,: �= is currently 270 .feet of �ight of way �on Pacific ' _ • . . Highway� includiag the frontage. road. . _ - �.:,. `:. . , . .. ��. ,. t�.•.. , SN Bee� Bend Road i� designated a collector stre�t ... � . •. (NPO #3) rcquiring 60 feet oi' right of way. Far `�.� ��� � . approximately the first 360 fee�, west of the frontage � road, there is currently 6Q feet of right af way on • � S�T Beef Bend Road. For the remaining 1�20 �eet (west) only 4D feet of right of way exiats. Therefore, an addi:tional 10 feet of right of way is required along • • the western portion o� �pa.rcel abutting Beef�Bend Road. II . Conclusionary Findings: � � � ; . 1. There exists a public need to apply City of Tigard zoning to all p;arcels of land in th8 Citp of Tigard in order to ease aad consistently administer land use re:gulations throu hout t • " • � g he ci t . Y• . • ' 2. The proposed C-p zoning is. compatible with the surround-� ing zoning and is consistemt with the NPO #3 Commercial� � Professional P1an designation. . . - . , � 3. At the ti�e af this writing the availability of adeguate � sanitary service has not been determined. . III. Staff Recoanmendatio�xs o � � �ased on the� Findings of F�.ct and Conclusionary Findings, - staff recommends appraval, subject to the following conditions: 1. That 10 feet of additional right o� way be dedicated ��ong S'� Beef Bead Roaci for the portion of the property where the . existing right of way is only 40 feet, and that the applicant file with the city recorder a non-remonstrance agreement. against a future Local Improvement District � , (LID� for stree� �improvements to S�V Beef Bend Road. � 2. That no development occur on the site until adequate sani�ary sewer service is available to the site. � . j , . _ _ . . . � ■ ��`' • p , ' ��� . �� � :�•','., '` STATEMENr OF S'EWER SER.VICE AVAYLABILITY '. This statem+ent is supplied at the requeet. of Bancroft. Peterson 6� Assoc• agcea Flbrtlsl"Y 27n �9�0 . 'A, cp;py, pf..tt►e reguest is attached. The psoperty here- inaf�er referred to is �the prop�rty sieacr3bed in the request. , � 1. Tlhe Unifted Sewerage_Agency has authoritq to and w311 aupply sa,nitary sewes service to the property subject to compliance by the property ownex, &is agents a�►d emploqees with all applicablc. rules, regulations and laws related to sanitary sewer service. If construction of sewer lines other than those designated for public con- � struction on the Washington County Master Pl.an for Sewerage Works •Ls aecessary, guch construction will be the responsibility•of the propertq owner except to the extent that the Agency may agree to participate in the cost. . � � 2. Treatment plant; c.apacit�► adequate for the proposed use of the property (is) (���) preseaCly available and::(�i.11). .(��) be available during a period of. . one .year following the date of this statement. If adequate capacity is not and/or ' will• not during the ensuing year be available, future capacity is projected as � ..•fallows: ' � .- , • � � � ` - 3. A sanitary sewer line(s) adequate for the proposed use. (�) (is not) avail- : : 'a'ble �o the prnperty. If the property is �.n a citq •that has immediate control of . loca3, collecti.an sewer lines;'no line information is available from the Agency. �f , �� �sa• adequate �anitary sewer line(s) is not avail�:ble, the taearest adequate 3.ine is � ' from the property. The property can b�e s�zved in the follawing ,manner: � �, Depending on bOpo9raptLY. tt►is.tot,un ba� served by constraction of pubitc sewer �,� gran the ex.isting a�e�hcle on �SW.116th Av erwe, 50 feet so�th of Beef �e�ad Road. . . ': . . - . � . � l�.. �e property (�7) (is,no;t)_presently connected to a public sewer. 5o Additional remarks: � The sewer lines 1n Ktnq City are public 11nes andl can � pe extended to serve area outiide Ktr►g C1ty. , The foregoing statement is furnished to the person zequestiag it with the under- standing of the said persori that it is based in part on ESTIMATES AND PROJECTIONS and ..DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A GUARANTEE OR CO�TMENT thst adequate sewer service will be ' available to the pr.operty at any specific time. ' UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON . _ COZJNTY + . � TAX� t� xo. ZSl lOJ1 3900 �': �enne • ' Date: Mar�h 3, 1980 � ;s . �• -- - - . , 75-52A ; , ___- ----- � �. ...w ,_. _...,_._ ..._.__ .. ._ _.. .._.�..,��_.....�.... _. ___._.._ _.__.._...__ . __w.w_.. �,__ _., _..__. .. � ..�_. __.._... . ........:..._....r,.�...�..�. � � � , RYAN O'BRIEN . , Planning Consultant 1134 S.E. 23rd Ave. • Hiilsboro,Oregon 97123 • (503) 648-4061 , March 15, 1984 REQUEST: Variance Request to Section 18.1�0. 01�0, Residential Density Trans fer, o f the Ci ty o f Ti gard Development Code. Applicantsc McCulloch, Herring, Ho�es. IN TRODUC TION The subj ect property, Tax Lot 1 000, Map 2S1 -1 OAC, contains l�. 33 acres and is proposed to be rezoned from C-P, Commerc�_al-Professional, to . . R-l�0, residential at 0 units e a r c e �+ r . The Com rehen i ve lan al o 0 0 P p s P is s r sed to be chan e d rom o P P f c mmercial to hi h d n ' g g e sity residentia,l. A ro val o f thi s va r' an i ce ' 11 PP wz accomoda _ te the develo ment o p f 90 condo minium units on the subject property. This variance application is a request to eliminate the 125� density l.imitation contained in Section 18. 1�0. 01�0 of the Development Code, for land withi.n 100 feet of an established area. Approval of this variance will help provide reasona�ble, economical, and logical use of the land. The property along the west half of the north property line is designated low density residential and is within an '�est,ablished" area. Approximately 18/ of the subject property, 0. 78 acres, is within 100 feet of the low � density property. Only 1�. 9 units are allowed within this set back area, even though it is prim�e land for view development. FINDING 1 The proposed variance wi11 not be materially detrimental to the purposes o f �Lhi s Code, be in confli et wi th the poli�i es o f the Comprehensi ve Plan, to any o•ther appli cabl e poli ci es and s tandards; and to o ther prop erti es in the same zoning district ox� vicinity. COMMENT This variance is in compliance with the purpose of the City De-velopment Code to protect livability, pro�vi.de adequate light and air in developments, and provide orderly dev�lopment of the City. The density limit within 100 feet of the property to the north will have limited effect on liva- bility of that property because no development has occured and no impact can be demonstrated. Further, significant natural vegetation is available 'i along the common property line. ' � � � ,{ The purpose of this code requirement is to protect low density development � from high density development in ��established�� areas. However, the �/ adjacent property to the north does not meet the definiti�n of an • � ___._ �.�,��.,..�.�...v..V..,�..W...�.....:..�..�._......._.,�..:..���.....:.�.. .::._._. .. .�a.. ._a.. ,__�...._._. _..,�...._.._._..,__..._.,� . �` _... ' 1 Pa ge 2 McCulloch, Herring, Ho mes, Variance �.eques� . . � �� established area as contained in Section 18�138.20 of the Development Code, and therefore should be changed to a developing area by �the City � when the Comprehensive Plan is opened for review and amendments. Strict t application of this 100 foot standard significaritly restricts logical, � functional and �con.omic development of the property. This restriction is in violation of the intent of the Development Cnde and the Policies of the Comprehensive I'lan. F"urther, retaining an established designation on the property to the north is less in compliance with this proposed �, varianee. , �--�� ? F'INDING 2 The-re are special circumstances that exist which are peculiar to the lot siz� or shapes topography or other circumstances over which the appli can t has no con trol, and whi ch are no t appli cabl e to o ther p rop erti es in the sam e zonin g di s tri ct; COMMEN T Tn this casr.�, topography is the special circumstance: , If the subject property wer�e completely flat�, then garages and parking spaces could be provided a1 �ng the no 'rth proper-ty line withou� affecting the development. Because of steep grades and the angle of the slopes in relation to property lines, parking and ga.rages can no�, be provided in those areas. Therefore, this -steep land becomes unuseable. However, this steep land can easily be used for housing units. Therefore, this code requirement definitely rQStricts logical development of the property without any -� reas�nable or 7_agical reason or pu°�pose. The applicant has no control over these circumstances. Also, this requirement only affects the subj ect property and does not affect any other properties in the area. FINDING 3 , The use proposed will be the same as permitted under this Code and City sta.ndards will be mainta�.ned to the greatest extent that is reasonably possible, while permitting some economic use of the land; COMMEN T This variance will allow economic development of the property with the maintainence of all other City development standards. For comparison purposes, a commercial building can be built on the property with only a 20 foot rear yard set back. This potential 20� set back is significantly 1 ess res tri cti ve than R-/�0 zonin g. However, a commercial buildin g can be more intensive and �create moxe impacts than �multiple family housing. � _ ' � , %�'��, P a e 3 , � g ' McCulloch, Herring, Homes, Variance Request � FINDING 4 , Existing physical and natural systems, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forms or parks will not be advers�:ly affected any more than would occur if the development were located as specified in the Code; GOMMEN T No effect on the environment, surrounding property and �he deliver� of public utilitie's and services are anticipated. I FTNDING 5 The hardship is not self-imposed and the variance requestecl is the min- imum va.riance which would alleviate the hardship. COMMEN T , This hardship is not sel.f-imposed as there is no way for the applicant/ property owner in tnis case to know .in advance that the Development Code waa goin g to change in 19 a3• When the appli cant bou ght the prop erty in 196� very few iestrictions existed. � � , � � o w - � , . y f� . � - �-��1,� �. � �.��� �� � � . �� �b � . �_. s , � � �� � , v . '. . ����� �� �°�� ��� �� s e9°z�'w , / .# . _ 2T7• -� �772.60� i � , � . 1 �� � ' �000 - � � � / " : ��:,. � 4.�3,ac.� _,,, ._,_ .�.. _... .--., � r _. s+�o � .54 At � � - ry J � p 3 . . . . 7oB _ � '°� . � „� •r� . , /.24 AC. . � �° z � � , " ' . � � ' �� � +.� � - ' � (C.S. 10057) � � I � . • � ' �. � • � ' 0 � S00 I � � . � o` �. �. �` o. • • —Q EG i` " Q G�V °-I�V�� .T6 AC. ' CENTER OF SECYION (CR. A"148) / . SEE MAP � � . 2S 1 !OG / � I . - T, � � , . � � o � . /�o �3� �ZO �� �� yAo � �1 � ' ��°� ��/ / � � ° / � , . � . 33° — —— - 3�° �--. ,, � . � 3 ti�� . 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STATEMENT OF SEGTER SERVICE AVATLABILITY This statem�nt is supplied at the request of FRED ANDERSON dated 3/30/84 , A copy of the request is attached. The property here- inafter xeferx^ed to is the property descr�bed in the request. 1. The Unified Sewerage Agency has suthority to and will supp9.y sanit�ry sewer service to the proper.ty sub,ject to compliance by the property owner, his agents and employees with' all' applicable rules, regulations and laws related to sanitary sewer service. If construction of sewYer lines other' than thase designated for public con- struction on the Washington County Master P1an tor Sewerage Woxks is necessary, auch constructioq will be �he xesgonsibility of Che property owner except to the extent that the I�gency may agree to ;participate in �:he• cost. 2. Treatment plant capacity adequate for the proposed use of the property (is) (7�76XDq�p7C� presently available and (will) (�1)IX�Nt�t) be available during a period of one year follnwing the date of this statement. If adequate capacity is nat and/or ' will not durin� the ensuing year� be avai�.able, future capacity is pro,jected aa followsi 3. A sanitary secaer line(s) adequate for the proposed use �) (is not) avail- able to the property. It the property is in a city that has immediate control of local colle�tion sewer lines, no line information is available from the Ageney. If an adequate sanitary sewer line(s) is not ava3lable, the nearest adequate line is fram th� property. The property can be serv�d in th� following manner: Depending on topo�raphy these iots can be served by construction of public __ � sewer from the exi�ting line located in S.W. 116th Ave approximately 50 feet __ �„outh of B�f Bend �ad — 4, �he prop.erty (�) (is not) presently connected to a public sewer. 5. Additional remarks: This manhole is approximate1�15 feet dee:p __________ The foregoing statemen� is fur►iia�ed to tlze person requesting it with the under- standing of the said persari that it is based in part on ESTIMATES AND PROJEGTIONS and DO�S NOT CONSTITUTE A GUARANTEE OR COMATITNIE�IT that adequat� sewer service will be , available to the property at any specific time. UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENGY 0� WASHINGTON , COUI�TTY . �� �p �p. 2S 1 lOAC 1000 B�'� �'' fANNE HEDRI K Da�e; 3/30/84 7�-52A . , __ __ . ._, . __... ,e, _ _ _ _ _ . � ; � _ � •; CiTY OF TIG'�4 R� , • WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGt�N N Q T I G E 0 F P U B L I C H E A R T N G • T, Notice is hereby given that -the Tigard Planning Commission, at its meeting on Tuesday, A�ril � 19�i4 at 7:�p P.Ma , in the lecture . room of Fowler Junior High School, 10865 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon, will consider Ghe following applicationt � FILE NUMBER: CFA 4-84, GC 4-84, V 6-84 APPLIGANT: WGK Development Co. OWNERs SAME . 1703 Facific Ave. ' Forest Gr�ve, Or. 97116 R�QUEST: For a Comprehensive Plan Change from Professional Office to High Den.sity Residential and/or a Zone Change from CP (Commercial � Profess�ional) to R-40 (Multiple Family Residential, 40 uni.ts/acre) and to vary the Residential Densitp Transition requirernents in Section I$.40.040 of the Community Development Code. LOCATION: Northwest corner of Beef Bend Road and SW Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOAC tax lot 1000). (See map on zeverse side) Ttie public hearing on this matter will be canducted in accorcl�nce with the rulea uf Chapter 1$.32 of the Community D�velo,pmenC Code and rulea of procedur� of the Planning Commiesion. An;y persons having int�erest in this matter may attend and be heard, or testimnn}r may be submitted i.n writing to be entered into the record Qf the initial krearing. For further information please contact the Planni.ng Departm�nt at E�39-4171» TIGARD CITY HALL, 12755 S.W. Ash Avenue dCorn�r of Ash Avenue & Burnham Street), or cantact your Neighborhood Planning prganizaCion (NPO) � Chairperson R„�, u�o,���a Phone Number 639-8937 (pm/0257P) ' "'° 12755 S.W,ASN P.O, BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 9722� PH:639-4171 � � , .M .__....,-.._..,. _...�,. ._._. .�. � -. � � ' . "�. ' � '� ,_: '` / . . . $ ' - � ' � - , ` . � - �- , . . . I i .. . . . � . . . . . _ .. _ . - .. - . . . . . . . . . . �- . . _ . . . . . . . . . � . . a - s ee°2�'w �' - - ..,, _ � . ` z�T` —�J -�----�-. . 772.60� . � , / �000 � - . - -- _.. --� 4.33 AC. . .; - � ,.. - � �—, ; � ' , , . , '- ' �t : _ , . : _. / . , _. , _ : . ._ ' o . � % - nr . P ; �.� ' � (n 7V� ; ; N Q� _ ?� �Z - £ ! � L74. • � , � 9 - �' .�, � - � q� � � '� � (G.S. IOQ57} - x r-t f, � � � � 1 1 a , t" , � : , ' � � 8p. ��o I � �' o. • • (��"_ as,ac. CENTER OF SEG3i0k (�Ej_ �'148} � S�E MA� / �� 2S i lOC . : , , � � - ----- --- - _. .._..._.__. ..�_ . �,_ - . ._ - - . _-- - --- a � M �� � - i ;t � � , - -- - , , _ - w ` s t F �" ' ■ • � � � ��;� . r . . >>� ` - - � ::� � _ ������ �� :_ - , ��-� - f - � - o� � � =a - , .: _ , - � �� . . . _ i — �. ,: \ • ' �/ / ' _° a � '` e s � a,,•^,1� � • \ ��►`�'�, �' a : a s a � , •� . w - g •. ,rl •. �• a � : / � ��. � ; � i a '�� r `. � ' � i r - /\ �� � � \6::�' v , ,� s i /,/ �"s!e ` 4 �_ �. ' ' � � � :\ �-� . _ s � ��: � , ;� ��. �'� �� � �i _.�' '_�, '' E, ' -_ � /e��4� .. .. , . 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General Information GASE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 2°84 and Zane Chax�ge ZC 8-84 12ERUEST: For a Comprehensive Plan Amendmenk from Medium Density Residential to Pr�ofessional Office and a Zone Change from K-7 (PD) (Residential, 7 units/acre, planned development) to C-P (Commercial Professional). APFLICANT: Lee Cunningham OWNER: same 13385 SW 115th Ave. Tigard, OR 97223 LOCATION: 12528 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Tigard ( Wash. Go. Tax Map 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2400). NPO COMMENT: NPO ��7 recammends approval of the proposal. RECOMMFNDATION: The Planning staff recammends approval of the Plan Amendment and Zone Change request. 2. Background A Zone Change (LC 14-79) was granted by the City in 1979 on the subject property from Washington County R 5-1 to C-P (Commercial Professional). Additional approvals were granted to establish a veterinary clinic on the property (CU 7-79 and SDR 21-79)• 3. Uicinity Information The property is located on the south side of Scholls Ferry Road, immediately northeast of the Summer Lake development. An undeveloped pzoperty zoned C-P (Commercial Professional) lies to the east and the City of Beaverton is north �f the ro•ad. . 4. Site Information and Praposal Description The property contains several buildings and one is being used by the Sorrento Animal Hospital. The appLicant would like to continue with the renovation of the existi:n:g structures for office use or construct new build�ngs for the same purpose. A medical and dental office complex is the applicanr's long range development goal for the property. STAFF REPORT - CPA 12-84 & ZC 8-84 - PAGE 1 � , �.. ..'.... ._ . . . ... . _ . .. .. .. , . ... . _. .... . ... . .... . . . ..... . . . . .. ... ..... . .. .. . _ . . . . .....,,j 5. AgencY Comments The State Highway Division doe3 not object to the request. The Division n�tes that as a condition of further developmen[ on the properly, additionai right-of-way C10(11CStlOil and an approach road permit will be required. Other commenting agencies have no objection to the pr�posal. B. A�IALYSIS AND CONCLUSION I�n 1979, the City made a eorrunitment to allow Commercial Professional de�elopment on the subject property. During the later revision of the - Plan and Code which was finalized in November, 19$3, the property was rezoned to R-7 �PD) because o:f an aversight. It was not acknowledged that the applicant had actively requested and received the C-P zoning from the City approximately four y:ears earlier. Chapter 12 of the Comprehensive Plan lists a number �f locational cri:teria that should be applied to Commercial Professional develapment. '', Several of the criteria apply mainly to the review of a specific ' proposal and not a zone change. The relevant criteria from pages $2 and 83 of the Plan are nAted below: � Commercial Prof�ssional Commercial Profe�sional areas are intended for a diverse range of office uses and supportive uses; and to promote user convenience throughout the City. Aa Sca1e �- Trade area. Vaxies , (2) Site size. Varies �3) Gross leasable area. Varies B. Locational Criteria (1) Spacing and Location (a) The comprehensive Plan map fixes exacC boundaries af the commercial professional area. (b) The coimmercial professional area is not surroanded by residenti.al , districts on more than tw� sides. (2) Access (a) The proposed use or expansion of an existing area shall nat create traffic congesti�n. or a traffic safety problem. Such a determination shall be based on the street capacity, existing and projected tratfic STAFF REPORT - CPA 12-84 & ZC 8-84: - PAGE 2 volumes, the speed limit, n�mbe•r of - turning movements and the traffic generating characteristics of the various types of uses. The property will be adjacent to residential development on two sides. Scholls Ferry Road is designated as an arteri.al in the Comprehensive Plan and adequate access xs available. Also, the Stat:e Highway Division has no objection to Commercial Professional development on the property. Based upon the discussion above, the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change appears ta be appropriate. C. RECQMMENDATION The PLanning staff recommends approval of CPA 12-84 and ZC 8-84. PREPARE BY• Keith Liden APPROVE B ; William A. Monahan . Associate Planner Director of Planning & Development (KSL:p�/0380P) , STAFF REPORT - CPA 12-84 & ZC 8-84 - PAGE 3 i � , �t�Iarr,h �.9, 1984� z '� t�, �.: ,� In 1978 I bought property 1.ocated or� Scholls Ferry Ftoad. At that time the proper-ty had �'our older homes and one structure that could be described as an older two story barn, storage type t� facility that would accomodate a small wood shop that I had been previously operating out of my garage. Soon after moving it '� became apparent that my wood shop was not doin.g well and I real- i7e� that I needed to rethink my objectives . T started attending my local N.P.O. meetin�s, planning and t� thinking of ways that this property coul.d meet my �eeds and a.�.so the needs of the cornmuz�i�;y. With a lit�tl� tim� a �1an began to � emerge. It was sincerely felt that � change to C-�' zonir�g �nrould definately meet the needs o�' the commun.ity in s�;veral ways . Fa.rst, � my l.ong ran�e g�al was to develop a sma11 suburban medical./de�ztal comple�. This praperty then, as naw, abutts or�: the east and no,r�h with G-I' zoned property. It was felt that; this type of change would � also serv�e as a buffer ta the R7 (PD) to the west and south. The locatican of this property also being ideal for such a facility � as it is be�ween St. Vincent Hospital and A4eridian Park Hospital and would be service oriented to the residents of the area and be nan aperatin� durin; evenings and night when most residents would � � � �� i' be home. � xn �.979 I be�an to ini�iate the p�acedure of a zone change from residential to C-P, wYiich wauld also enable me to rent out �i: existing structu:res in a C-P capacity, as I reali,zad r would 'be in a holding pat�e�n � as f�,r as developing, until the seWer lines ;:�. are installed in correlation with the developement o� the Summer L'ake project. Receiving the full support of my N.P.O. I also found full support with. the planning commissio�i. The zone change � then went before the city council and was unaz�imouslv appraved. After considerable labor and expense my �'i�st C-� tenant, '� Sorrento Animal Hospa.tal l�ased the hom� I w�,s ac•tua�ly oecupying and I moved temporari.ly to DZilw�.ukie. Preoccupied and naive T con'�inued my endeaver of up-grading existing structures and con- � verting the large two stary building into a suitable facility for a small office or company� al.ways with the long range goal of � a msdical/dental building. Havir�g always been partial towa.rd Tigard I moved back inta the commi�nity in late 1982. I att�en.ded � an N.P.O. m�e�ing saan. after my return ar�d added my name to the � attendee li.s t �o be kept abreas t af aurren� isslze's , In Febuary o� this year I was zn#'ormed tha�t Tigard was having a meeting c�n-- � � � � rM1; ' � cerning health care facilities and I wen� into City Ha11 and was shockea �o �.earn tha�t a� some point my zonin� had been chanoed on the �L�rrent map ( a11. previous maps s�ow the correct C-�' zoning} C _ to Med.-Res, . A�ter meeting with Chief Planner BiJ.I Mozzahan, Assaciate �. Planner Ke�.th Lieden and other staf.f, and r�ceiving their suppart ar�d help with this matter I again respectivly submit my application for a zone change to C-P. C ' � �: I,ee R. Cunna:ngham '� i338� s.w. �i5�tn � � Tigard, Ore. 97z�3 i �39-69�ro ' � � �, To : 'Sigard Planning C�mmi�sion � :�'rom r Npo 7 Re : G�A 8-84 a,nd ZC 8-8� NPQ 7 met March 2.8, �98� f;o consider th`i� is�ue. We support the appli�ant �s request . The Iand is r�ow being i u�ed as CP and �e feel the c`1�ar, intent of action� ta.ken r b,y tt�e Commiss�on and City C,ouncil 3.n the last � ,years is that it should be CP. If i� is left �,s Iow density, - the transition problems w�.th .land to the south and west wi11 present �,`<sub�7_e but c�emanding argument. Do the hame- owners o�' the new ft-7 �o the west have protection of b�.lffer3_n �I �'rom the exist�.ng CF to th� ea�t, even when �he CP is � operat�.ng on R-7 zoned Yand? ' It would be much better ta zor�e the 1anc1 for its current use, whicY� 'may continue for many years . The resi- clent�.a1 lands to the south and west wi11 then be pra°tected � under �he �r�ns3.tion and bufferin�; requirementS of the code. - Rich�,rd B��erg N�0 � Gh�,irman i ;;: , F'< :i �., , ' ; � -- - — _ . _ ,..::._ : , � AGENDA TTEM 5.5 PLANI3ING COMMISSION ApriZ 3, 1984 1�iEM0 T0: Planning Commission FI20M; Keith Liden, Associate Planner � � RE� Appeal of SDR 17-83, Bedford Properties Two appeals were filed regarding the Planning Director's approval of Site Develo:pment Review SAR 17-$3. Bokh appeals are related to concexns over the service/fire access onto Grant Avenue and the customer access onto Park Street. No other objections are raised in conjunction with the appeals and therefore discussion should be limited to the appropriateness of the proposed driveways. , Enclosed are copies of the staff's decision, the appeal letters, and the proposed site plan far the d�velopment. 'li 0288P _ � � • Architects Van Lom A.I.A 3� N W F�rst St Suite 3<�9 Porflarid, UR 97209 5U3/226-0540 /,II't � ����� ;; � ; � , � � �PR 3 1984 � crry �F T�cA�o � PLANNING DE�. ,. April 2 , 1984 �-- . Tigard Planning Commission Tigard City Hall 12755 S.W. Ash Ave. Tigard, dregon 97223 REp SDR 17-83 - APPEAL OF SITE DESIGN REVIEW Dear Members of the Tigard Planning Commission : On March 16th at approximately 11 p.m, two Appeals were filed with the polzce department objecting to portions of the city's approval af �he site design review for the Park Street Square proj�ct at Park and Pacific Highway. We raise the question about the va].idity of the two appeals due to the me�hod of filing and the untim�:la.ness of �.he appeals. It is our understanding tha� business matters pertaining to planning uses are to be filed with the city recorder. This presumably means by the closing o£ city offices of the day of the appeal. Because the two appeals were filed with the wrong agency and at the 11th hour we feel they are invalid. You would not be allowed to £ile for public office after the closing hour, for in- stance, by filing with the city poliee department or the Tigard Water Bureau, nor do you pay your traffic tickets at the fire department just because the police department is closed. The same would be true of a matter dealing with planning. � i Whether specifically mentioned in the public announcement or not it zs proper to file with the appropriate body. The police department does not fulfill this filing location requirement. They could not take action on the matter, and therefare had to deliver the letter to the "APPROPRIATE APPROVAL AUTHORITY" before action could be taken. Itetn 18.32.3I0 (A) requires Appeals to be filed with the "Appropriate Approval Authority." The Approval ' Authority is that authority making tY�e decision according to this � _ _ _ __ _ definition. The police department only acc�pted a letteY it did not become an appeal until it was accepted by the city recorder. The city recorder did not receive the two appeals until Monday morning March 19th after the filing deadline. We wt�uld like to know how this fulfills the 1ega1 requirements for timely and appropriate filing. Secondly, Mr. Dennis Noonier stated that he was making his appeal as a member of N.P.0.3. I question whethero as a member, he can make an appeal which should have come from N.F.O.#3. The N.P.O. is established to deal with the concerns of the neighborhood and to avoid just what is now happening. If the N.P.O. does not fulfill this need then what is its purpase? Mr. Moonier and Mr. Bishop should first have made their concerns a part of the N.P.O. report. The appeal , if determined to be justifiable by the N.P.O., should have come from that group. Mr. Moonier and Mr. Bishop attended the N.P.O. meeting held on October 24th 1983 when th ' s i ro ' ect was .resen d � p � p te to that groug, Though they had nearly five months to take issue they did not go thr u o h t e ' r g h i re resentatives the N.P.O. but c P , , hose to proceed on their own. Mr. Bishop knew of the existence o.f the Grant street service drive in October but chose to wait beyond the final hour of the final day of the 10-day appeal period in March, nearly five months after he saw our proposal, to register his concern. During those five months Bishop could have contacted the N.P.O. or our firm about his concern, if it was genuinely felt, so that we could discuss the issues leading to our deci- sion. He chose in�tead the llth hour appeal. Can any ind,_vidual pop in and out of the N.P.O. to fit his or her needs ? Should the Planning Commission recognize those individuals who do not first take advantage of the pracesses available to them through the N.P.O.? If i.ndividuals can use the N.P.On at will but then take their own action to halt a project then the N.P.O. should not be asked to review further projects. Its voice is hollow. 18.32. 290 states that any person who is adversely affected or aggrieved by the Directors' decision may file an a�peal. This would apply to their legal right� in te.rms of a planning deci-- sion. Neither Mr. Bishop or Mr. Moonier have expressed in their appeal how they are adversely affected or how they are aggrieved by the decision. We request a ruling on the validity of the appeals filed relating to. 1. Submission to the "Appropriate Approval Authority' and subit�ission in a timely manner. � 2 . Proper procedure for N. P .O. members to follow. 3. Whether either party has stated how they were adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision . Yours very truZy, ARCH 'PECTS VAN OM, AeI. . ' /v( Jo p M. Van Lom, A.I.A. Archit�ct JMVL/bg (Au!). —w, An sdver�ative word or prol�alUw.—M•�M•GN- 1�r adv. v WwnM lbd.vfjn�; id�vOn;21, ad7 IOF.o!r� (r. L,odwr�u�, P�at Wrt.d adwtltn to turn lu See ApVR11T.J �. ACtGa{y�imt, or t6e like. a'in a conl{a ry d i r e c t i u�;�n l�w n i x l i c;u,a d n a��w 1�x 1�. i I a h w• . tikoppoa it F O D l0 Wle��IPllttYlS'YIIIMq�{�104��c�luwilow'�Rictive, WP�u�wr<•�rl,n. [L.7 Une w4o artresxr ny uwitant ae,oJo�ri�cJrcumstaaca. 9 l�Ikaio{�pua{te {, Bq. �['ursned to- R1��N(d.erev�),v.P. [H'ean UF.,Ir.4.upprauur��u mdee huvr. �rud the�te�e ar sau. CI.�vu¢c.—y.hn�ry�,�dv.—�•��ny �e�acuvnTr.] '1'0[ive u�la w wrrow to;to NBiet;h��w:e to lo{ure IwY,n. io ooc'� r i rhu;—a o w c o m m o a l y w e d i� t b e p a»I�n.—�l y�. 5 e� !{Yn.�dv�ew,uW�e4W�Nuawr�w�uNrwtlwr mran w uVlKnbd u WrONa. to cauu intarferenr,e �dMfN�yllild l0 Y(IY{tIFHoy�tlut M unt�vw. ✓ �Lr1„'W' tn.trZvd�) adj. Diatr� h�v�p���nrv►ncc:wa il., �ble,oltea tatd ia iu edreu tu anot6erye��ow tblus'�ot�nyW u�,�dvu�ely aDxteci in rexpect o(It�il ryhta, uw�11Y implla mutu�l wwa���i�aal eitha p Ity ar�qcomP�tibfl• �•r�t��p•/��V;U,adf. [UE.apsst,aua•f�d,wu pul.of apu.ls� Itr1�w�w w p l{a tq forc�comi�K fnua oPlw�le dumtww�nd in�u to tcrrJr J I'uri�al;atruck wit6 anwxmont. rnntut wit4 ach olhet,allh eitAn rnult�op coelict w umion(p, a['!1� (yl�li:•fb,adf IF.,(a L.uyili�,(r.oyn�to move.l Quicl, eounNr tyr enU la��lreuq d`ep Ntiwluu wdkluoolr,tht aouqf�r in. dttterow,ra1 ea�y�q�movinr;ad�4Y au.bk;al�o,meatdlv uukk.— a enca M l�ieedom�nA►uU�aity s6�e ehuktq'•»wwauw im- �l�Wl!,adr --a�4�.w�,N. acen. PI�an 000�odllou Letwcen two tAinr�ot o(ont t4n�to�auther Ihst ' oulllfia ot oeulrJluf the edpct d ach o�har w d ih otbu(ra the aounl�radir�cQecu u(ceruuii druR�•w dntror��Lo4ueuceby a reunbratlir�/Opd�pAUlIICC).—�tl�Ff/M111011�. IW���Mdd� (tld•v�rhf.lf).�.: y! -r�►a (-tial. 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" � � cr�'''E.�4 ��� � `�° /��� ,� � ! 2 � :f ASP�-+6,i�T �A�J�:� ;�,M ; � � t�1'� �! .� -�-�r''�`� �G/f/�SGd / �f� � P � N ��� - _ f}_ � . �C �� .,ts° ,� �'� ' , _ `- . . >�_, i ,�iL�J'�+�C� , �'�` . �1�: _ �L� , �1__ ` . �;� ��h �-c.-o5� � '0 �y i :.: ♦ � ;� �P1/lr- .�. r -- i�:< �� ! ry � � � . _ ; '7;' - r _..( j,� �'(, � � . ,- . . t. � . ...� . , � ; . ' . •�� � � �. a. ' 4 Er Pt�, z ��:�; � � ��. s��° : :/ , �i �p '?�, , . � .i �► �g �. � � �� � - � �� _ �r/i �' � � � , . - . � � ;>r t i / : � , , A1 O � - N � • � . � �j�_ �_ ��14 -G'_ 4. �:r _ --. _ _ ' _ ;00-C' } � 'G d �� II j __Q, ' ` � � • � �j'0 �i � '' � �� retail shops �� j :; 4„�.�P r,.,z,r.�, ry , � � s�� __ , = � � , � o � . :�� -c x c�-c r . U I' � R '�l0(0'1 `-� �� `': � � �. ; �} - � �` ! �/ � � , i✓__�d✓rQ �/ �% � % ry.� . ��'7` ry�� �/1� , _� � venience ��� ,�� _ -� . ,9� . � - _d _, . r�•i o� ,, � „ , � . yP� �� ' ' � " 5pU 71"�LAP+D f.d r�r. J � _. —ar— _ _�.c——� \�c VY- �' ;, �y_" ' � �,.. `r-�t,�t+f�' � t"tpp� loG�40 R /� 1G D.' i - " � � '' � , ° ' s, � � � � C 2�,p� ,_ a � f t � , � . . O ! �. j J � �—�:c�.a�s s.�----s�'+�w s��►.�__�...r11� �._� I'�' I �. �(/ �� T ' . C _ G✓. � G �� ��� l`'� ,�'� \�� '� C i � ,y�. N��: �r � p-,� � ,. � �' �Y� y � .�� ,_ �,, ► -'°:�.J °->` �c . o /�' .!' . AGENDA ITEM �� 5.7 PLANNING COMMISSION 4-3-84 � �-��: C11Y OF TI�"�RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGOM MEMORANDUM T0: Membera of the Planning Commission FROr�: William A. Monahan, Director of Planning & Development �� DAT�: March 28, 1984 SUBJEG�: Residential Homes T1�e City Counci]. at its meeting on Monday, March 26, 1984, directed me to continue enforcing the Iiome Occupation section of the Code without making those changes proposed to you at your last meeting. The Council direction is that residential homes are governed by this section of the code. The Council asked that no further public hearings be held on the residential home issue. The Council noted that the state and county wi11 be taking further steps to clari£y the problem, therefore, we should wait for their results prior to changing our cade. ' , 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. E30X 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH,639-4171 �------ - AGENDA ITEM �� 5.8 PLANNING CONIlVIISSION April 3, 1984 MEMORANDUM �� $'`.�� T0: Plantiing Commission FRC�M: Planning Staff �yVI � SUB.7EC�': Killian Property Zone Char►ge DATE: ' March 27, 1984 During the Comprehen5ive Plan process, the Planning Commission and the mm Ci:ty Council approved a number of changes to the Comprehensiv� P1an Map and Zonin Ma as ro o ed . . • s b staff. g P E uitie P P s Northwest Y Q submitted a r: e uest 4 to t he Gommission �or a zone change. One letter submitted by the applicant requested the zone change for lots 700, 800 and 1000 on Map 281 12DC. A second letter inc]:uded lot 900 wiCh the other three in the request. Th:e Planning Cammission approved the zone change request on Janu�ry 27, 1983 for all four lots. (minutes attached) It appears as though an error was made when the map was changed; and that a11 four lots shouZd hav� been designated Light Industxial. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: St�ff recommends that the Planning Comm�.ssion approve staff's xequest to modify the zoning map as approved by the Planning Comutission on January 27, 1983� i > � - - — - -- � � RECEIVED JAN ��1 1983 EQUITIES NC�RTH�/EST CITY OF TIGARD 4724 S.W.Macadam Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 Telephone (503) 227-0423 January 21 , 1983 City of Tigard Planning Commission ' 12755 S. W. Ash P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 ATTN: Jerr�r Coursolle Liz Newton RE: Township #2S112DC, Tax Lot 700, 800 & 1000 Fanno Creek Acre Tracts, Legal Description & Map attached, Snuthwest 72nd Ave. & Upper Boones Ferry ftoac� Dear Sirs; It is our understan.ding that there is a Planning Commission hearing on Satutrday, Janiiary 22, 1983, tk�at may affect the re- zoning and ultimate use of our property as described above. Since we had no formal notification of this proposed zoning change and only learned of i�t on January 20, 19�3, after Rick Tiland of our office chanced to have a meeti�lg with Liz Newton regarding allowable uses permitted under the current zoning, the purpose of this lettex is to outline some of the cnncerns that we have regarding the proposed change in zon�.ng. The property is currently zon�d M3; Light Industrial. The proposed zoning change would evidently change Tax Lot 700, 800 & 1000 to CN; Neighborhood Comme�cial , but leave Tax Lot 90� in the M3 Lone. The proposed re-zoning warald fragment this relatively sma11 two acre parcel and mak� future cohesive develapment oz� the entire site very difficult. We have been ytudyi.ng the potential use and development of this property for several years and have employed the local real estate firm of Cushman & Wakef ield to help in this research. We feel that this property offers the ideal location that makes it very appealing to se�cvice related businesses that could fill the needs of the existing and future adjacent deVelopments. This may include such uses as a deli/�restaurant , print shqp, srnall computer outlet, etc. We are also currently looking at the possibility that a hi-tech or research and development type organization would find this a very suitable location. To underscore our deep commitment to a project of this nature we have designed a building to fit the site that has the high quality design and integrity of materials that wi11 benefit this area along with the public improvements that are now under way. January 21, 1982 Page 2 Due to improving ece�raomic conditions a�nd resultin� deGrea.se in interest` rate>s, we are optimistic that t:his pro�ect will be' a . .. rea].ity in the very neax future, however, as you can a.ppreciate, we �annot gu�,rantee 'the exact timing of the project. At this time we are formally requesting that the entire property Tax Lots ?00, 800, 900 & 1000 be re-zoned to an. M4 Zone rather than the frag�nnented CN and M3 Zones. The M4 Zone would permit what we believe to be the highest and best use of this pacoperty, Very truly ,qours, �?. � a�.(-�'-� Georg H. Kil ian Proposeel builciing photo attached . . �� � ��r � . � � � . . . . � .. � � � � � . � � . . � . � . . . � � � � . . � . � . �� .. . , ��UIYIE� NORTHWEST � 4724 S.W.MacadamAvenue Porfland, Oregon 97201 Telephone (503) 227-0423 January 2?, 1983 City of Tigard D ���LS��,�� �` Planning Commission � 12755 S. W. Ash �AN' �7 �gB� �� P. O. Box 2339'T Tigard, Oregon 97223 GTY OF TIGAR'D PI.ANNING DEPT. ATTN: Jerem� Coursolle Liz Newtan - RE: Township �2S112DC, Tax Lots 700, 800, 900 & 1000 Fanno Creek Acre Tracts Southwest 72nd Ave. & Uppex Bor�nes Ferry Raad Dear Sirs; When the Planning Commisszon resch�duled the NP0-5 �art �f � the zone change hearing to Thursday, J'anuary 27, we were ga.ven the opportunity to review all of the zoning options within a less constrictive time frame. �e utilized this time to further review the needs of the area and how o�xr prv�eCt cotxTd more adequately address these needs. In meeting with our leasing agents at Cushman & Wake�ield, we bagan to more aceuratel.y focus in an our expected market range and found �hat our prev�iaus request of an M--4 zone might fall short of ful�illing these projected uses. Although limited ir� size, our property is ideally 1oc�.ted in terms of it 's surrounding "IL" Light Industrial zoning and area traffic patterns. For these reasons, this property would be excellen� for the kinds of businesses which would serve the dennands generated in the surrounding area. It is our desire to develop a high quality project which might not only cnntinue to serve the area with a canvenience ma�ket, but could also include a small restaurant, f itness center, branch bank, computer store, print shop and other business needs, As this area grows, so wi17, the dema.nd for such conveniently located service:s. We envision that this project will work to attract further developments into the area, by off�ring close and convenient services, not just for business needs, but also for the needs o� the employees. � January 27, 198� Pag� 2 In light of the haxd economic times being experienced today, it is necessary to hav� the zoning flexibility to make a pro�ect of this kind feasible. So that we might fulfill our goal of providing services for the present and future needs of this area,, we wish- to formaily request a "C-P'', CommercialiProfessional, zone for our property. I Very -truly yours, - � r ' .� � ; , i George . Killia � � � _ - ' , � - ' • TNIS IJIAP IS FURNISHEO AS A CONVEMIENCE IN LOCATING PROPERTY ANO THf COMPANY ASSUME5 NO LIABIIITY FOR ANY dARtAT10NS AS MAY BE UISCltlSEp BY 11CTUAl SURVEY � �t �►e���C . � '+ -� '1 First Ameri�an �Title Insurance Company of Ore�on . � �� . . L� � _ An-�qsum�ODufin�at���nr�.o/TiTIE�IN5Ui1ANCECOMPANYOfOqEGON i � . � •-' � . •. _.. •�.f� . . .. . , _. . .�....� ; r ` • 12012 °S�. W. Canyan Road � Beaverton, Oregnn 970m5 � . . � E503) b41-700d . , I �_; a ' ^ ' . ^_ ' SEE:�MAP �,� � ``�` ` ', t � ' I � Z �. ��� . . •"• � . 2S 1. IZ0 ,,�. ►ti'`�� r. , �� :, .. ' �. .. • : .. � . o 'i f• . . �}{ � P;4� �� '` .��r, � � L � �� '� . . 4 : � ' �" .,.� ' �- � , , . • , so � , . r;'���'..` .' ''' w � . . ,. sea•:o's�•w us ' . • � - ' , ���\ ! . • .�: `+ �,r . � .. .40�� d; , ' �' • � p 'b' ., .� 1 .. ��,. �•� � r � • .62Ac • ' " : ' _ �_ . .. , ' . . • '�.� � ; . � , . . , - • +' � ,g '►` . . i ; ; � �. .F � '��• �.' ' . . , . ' S4S. � ' .y .. , , •' , � , � �r� •�~ `t . � '�'�' ;�;�% } • n: � �� "� ' , ' . • ' � � .T,; �•� � t1 sr ' � � � ",� /.00AC .. � ' . . � �A ; .� � �'� r .•�•1 ' ��`;°.� : . ,rg . . • • � . � f l�p� � ^ � ,.t ' 'e , � '. .. * il.:� .... t.• ' . ,, V O . . f•�f K r �� � r.r'y. � � s�R�� ..• ' �V - ' N Q ' ' . • I, it , � � , . r� • . i . . . ` `" ` .�,�4 � .. a YQ Z • • r . �• . ' ' • .. .�. � . . � W 6OO 2�� ~;; , : � . • ;� , ti ; � t •, . , • . n /.09Ae. ' N � W O.r-r..""_ � . • ' • . �--'--------_, ' . . . " . ' - . • ' 0 Q,� . �, , . . . . !Q`Q,,,� � se�•ts'�s'w • iie a�. . . �ss _ Q�v • . "'` • :3��.Sb , . . . : 0� 20�6� , M 49� .1N9 � �� nn� ' ..� .. . . . � �� E s_ 200� �i ►. ���� . . , W !T 100 20l • :y• ', � . . , � .. . s ' , . . � ���� . a 7Q0 ' , .. . �..`• ' . . . o � .37AC. w . . � . � , � . . . � ,. • , N . , � . .. � . .+:. ' • N � . • ' ' �' � • � � . . . . , • CAST �SO � ' . a; e •4s'i `w 35 � ^ s • o Ne9�o9'xo"e zoo ` �• . • • 24i.07 + • �Q r�+' o. , -�� . � �. � r�- —-- W o �o� � N� � �, � aio�o °��" Q W �; •�� • • „•.. � .��a�: . , . . ,, � .. � . N . ( ..6C��tC;�, . . ' : • . . `-' .. C .� .. . 4� .. . . . . Y �-`, C.S.NoJ 4 , . 23 .. . . .. 7 , . �r• � . . �i � +) �� � IY y � , . � 11.90 . �v � . ,� + : � �,' M 'F : 'Y . . — �t.s� �'p� . N!1'W'zo"E '�, ° �' • ;• ,r t �v � � ; Y • O�r/ 1��<� .71.�0 t�i� p p � �• s� r�•t��' ,���t;�.' � . . �►.r �' 90� r.:? N � ; . . . � � : . ' � a.��;! ' . . � ° .43Ac. �^ .•'F to j so . t .. ,#'l , `'.,� , ..' _... _..� e . ---�-- .��''a . . • .. ri i�,3�i1 ;.. ;, ` �. '"�° ' � ; � , . . c,S.NO.16293 . ' {• r'_ • 1 . � , . , � .+1 ��� y �5 ' ```' a� �� . . ' � ' �. • .. • � ��. ` o,y� o i -'r. , .' . ' ' s ; `.1 OoPO .��� � . ' . � � � �.�Q���� � _ 4. Equities Northwest = Connie's Marke-t on the corner of S.W, 72nd and Upper Boones Ferry Rd. Letter requested change from CN to M-4 zonzng, amended the requ.est at the meeting for a CP, as they felt it would better fit the project they are proposing. The i Associate Planner stated for what us?es were being proposed a C-5 ; zone would be more applicable. Staff recommends a Light ! Industr.ial Plan designation with a zoning of Industrial Park � (M-4). Bob P. ,representing Equities Northwest, acaepted sta.ff's J recommendation.s after discussion. NPO favored. No public � testimony: � * Commissioner Edin moved and Couuaissioner Bonn seconded to change the � Map Designatic>�► to Light Industrial on tax lots 700, 800, 900 and 1000. ' The motion carried by unan.imous vote of the members pr�sent. 5. Sproul Excavating - requested that all properties he owns be designated inedium density instead of split designations. Staff concurred. NP0 concurred. No publi� testimony. * Commission Bonn moved and Commissioner Jordan seconded to change the designation, on the requested 1.8 acres to medium density to bring it into conformance with surrounding properties. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of inembers present. 6. NPO �� 5 Letter - requesting changes - All changes were incorporated ont� the map already except fox the S.E. Carner of Hall and Bonita Rd. The Current Plan designati.on is Neighborhood Gommercial, a�kin� to be changed ta medium density. o The NPO stated that the proposed zoning would conform to neighboring properties. They have the support o€ the neighbors as well as NPO �k 6 for this request. o Marvin Bowen, 11825 S.W. Greenburg Rd. representing the property owner, stated that this property has been zoned commercial since 1969 and the property awner has been paying commercial taxes on the property since 1969 and has been holding the property so that he caYr develop it as commercial prop�rty. He requested that the zone remain as proposed by staff o Robert Shannon, Real Estate Agent representing the property owner, submitted pictures of the proposed site and supported leaving the property designation as it i.s. o Bob Aur►gier, 11320 S.W. Barbur spoke in favor of leaving the zoning as is. , o Phil Yasterxs, NPO # 6 Chairman commented that he had suggested to the proge�t�� �owners representative, that they contact ths NPO �k 5 Chairperson to work out the zoning disagreement. He did not support the commercial designation on the property. PLANNING COh1MISSION MINUTES January 27, L983 Page 2 y AGENDA ITEM 5.9 I'LANNING COMMISSION APRIZ 3, 1984 C�� 5�`�� MEMORANDtIM CITY OF TIGAAD, OREGON T0: Planning Commission March 26, 1984 FROM: Planning Staff 4�c'V'' l SUBJECTc Sign Code Exception Approval Criteria Recenkly, the Planning Commission has held several public hearings in wfiich the applicant requested exceptions to the Sign Code Standards. The Gommission has commented that it has been difficult to reach d.ecisions on these applications because there are no clear and objectiv� standards for sign code exceptions. Staff agrees and is recommending the following approval criteria for sign code exceptians. 18.114.145 Approval Criteria for Exceptions ta the Sign Code The Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions or deny a request for an exception to the sign code based on finding that the following criteria are satisfied: 1. The proposed sign code exception is necessary to a11ow the sign to be visible from the street by traffic approaching the site. 2. The clientele to b� served by the business or service which the sign is identifying is pricnarily out of area traffic. 3. The proposed sign coae exception is necessary beca�se a conforming building or sign on an adjacent property wauld limit the view of a sign erected on the site in conformance with the sign code standards. 4. The proposed exception to the height limits in the sign code is necessary to make the sign visibie from the street because of the topography of the site. 5. There is an access dr�.ve which serves the business or service from a street other than the street the business or service is located on. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council to amend the Community Development Code adding Section 18.114.145, Approval Criteria for Exceptions to the Sign Code. (EAN:pm/0375P) AGENDA ITEM 5.10 PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 3, 19�4 eP� 6- �� MEMORANDUM GTTY OF TIGARD, OREGON T0: Planning Commis��.on March 26, 1984 FROM; Planning Staff ��. SUBJECT: Gonditional Use Standards ' During rhe Comprehensive Plan Hearing process, the Planning Commission �nd the City Council included certain use types as Gonditional Use� in various zones. Conditior�al Use Standards were already in effect for most of the use types. Four use types, however, are not referenced in the Conditional Use section of the Code and are listed as Conditional Uses in at least one zone. Those use types are: Transient Lodging/Restaurant (on same parcel) ; Wl�olesale, Storage and Distribution; Participakion Sports and Recreation, Indoor and Outdoor; and Vehicle Fuel Sales with Convenience Sales. Staff i_s recommending standards for those use types as follows: T.ra�sient Lodging/Restaurant (on same parcel) a. The lot area and dimensional requirements of the underlying zoning district shall apply. b. Arlditional requirements shall apply as re�uired by the underlying zoning district. Wholesale, Storage and Distribution a. The lot area and dimensional requirements of the underlying zoning di.strict shall apply. b. Additional requirements shall apply as required by the underlying zoning district. Participation Sports and Recreation Indoor Outdoor a. The lot area and dimensional requirements of the underlying zoning district shall apply. � - --_ _ - PLANNING t;OMMISSION �EMO MARCH 26, 1984 PAGE 2 b. Additional requirements shall apply as re�uired by the underlying zoning di.strict. Vehicle Fuel Sales with Convenience Sales a. The lot area and dimensi_onal requirements of the underlying zoning district shall apply, b. Additional requirements shall apply as required by the underlying zoning district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council of approval to include the Conditional Use Standards for Transient Lodging/Restaurant (on same parcel) ; Wholesale, Sto-rage and Distribution; Participation Sports and Recreation; and Vehicle Fuel Sales with convenience sales. (EAN:pm/0375P) AGENDA ITEM 5.11 PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 3, 1984 �� � -�� MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON T0: Planning Commission March 26, 1984 FROM; Planning Staff � SUBJ�CT: DEQ Comments on Comprehensive Plan Th:e Are�on State Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the City's Comprehensive Plan (letter attached). Although the letter is supportive of the City's Plan, there were se�er.al suggestions made to improve the plan. Staff supports many of those suggestions and reeommends t hat the f ollowin g chan es be mad . e to g the Reso urce Document, Findings, Policies and Implementation Strategies Document; and the Communit� Development Cade. INSERT ON PAGE I-123 The Department of �nvironmental Quality has instituted a new source review program. This program ensures that major new or modified industrial sources wi11 not violate ambienC air quality standards or Prevention of Significant Degradation (PSD) increments. Requirements are more stri•ngen� for sources located in or near nonattainment areas (such as Tigard). INSERT AS SECOND PARAGRAf�H UNDER JURISDICTION COORDINATION ON PAGE T-116 The Department af Environmental Quality issues Air Contaminant Discharge Permiks (ACDP) and Indirect Source Construction Permits (ISCP). The Department administers a new source review program for major industrial sources o£ aix pollution to ensure that air quality standards and PSD increments wi11 not be violated. Requirements are more string.ent for sources located in or near nonattainment areas. INSERT ON PAGE I-117 AIR QUALTTY* Tigard is within Portland's airshed described as the Portland Air Quality Maintenance Area (AQMA} which is a designated nonattainment area. In July, 1982, the Carbon Monoxide (C9) nonattainment area (NAA) boundaries were ', � - _ - . PLANNING COMMISSION MENiO (5.11) MARCH 26, 1984 PAGE 2 reduced sa that Tigard is no longer in the CO MAA. �igaxd is a7.so outsid8 the Tota1 Suspended Particulate (TSP) NAA. Within the Portland AQM�, the Metropoli'tan Service District (MDS) is the lead agency responsi.ble for pollution reduction pragrams aimed at carbon monoxide (C0) and photoc�iemical oxidants (Ox), of whieh the primary element of concern is ozone (03). Zfie responsibility of pollution redu�tion programs with total suspended particles ' (TSP) is the Department of Environmental Quality (pFQ). MSU and llEQ inventory pollutants and make recommendations £or contxols and strategies to the Air Qualihy Advis�ry Committee, composed of representatzves from the jurisdictions, interests groups and the public at largs within the AQMA. INSERT AT THE END OF THE SECOND PARAGRAPH ON PAGE I-120 The air quality trends represent statistically significant trends in measured air quality without regard to mi.tigating circumstances such as meteorology or economy. They are based on annual average data collected over the period 1977-$1 and are reported only if signifi�ant at the 90% confidence level. TSP and Ozone appear unchanged while CO appears to be increasing. ON PAGE I-121 DELETE: "At present, the DEQ is prohibited from regulating home heating devices, including wood stoves and fireplaces. However, the Departinent is considering several options to resolve the problem of growing emissions from household wood heating. These are: I 1. Conduct a statewide voluntar wood stove emission ratin and labelin Y g g program. This would provide the consumer with a me?ns of comparing appliances based on their actual test performance. 2. Provide a consumer pollution control tax credit for installing new or - u i . re lacement clean b rn n stoves P g 3. Conduct an Emission Performance Certification Program. This would a11ow only clean-burning appliances to be sold." Ad d: I Oregon HB 22a,5, authorizes a mandatory certification program for all new � waodstoves sold in the State after July 1, 1984. DEQ is now developing woodstove emission standards and test criteria. ON PAGE II-23 ADD: The City of Tigard lies within the Portland-Vancouver Interstate Air Quality Maintenance Area (AQMA) . This area is described in the °draft State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality, published jointly by the Department of Environmental Quality and the Metropolitan Service District in April, � _ . --- _ _ PLANNING COMMISSION ME;MO (5.11) r�RCx zb, 1984 PAGE 3 1379. The draft State Implementation Plan (SIP) show� that the entire AQMA is in nonaktainment fox meeting the recently revised federal ambient air quality standards for ozone and is predicted to remain in nonattainment to at least 1487 unless additional control measures are undertaken. The final ozone control. strategy for the Portland-Vancouver AQMA was adopted in July, 19$2, and is predicted to bring the area into attainment wiCh the standard by 1987. ON PAGE II-24 TOP OF PAGE ADD: The draft SIP also projects nonattainment in 1982 for CO (near Hi�hway 99W). The final carbon monoxide control strategy for the Portland-Vancouver AQMA was adopted in July, 19�2. While the area in Tigard near Highway 99W is still a problem, modeling predicted that the area will be in attainment. ON PAGE III-147 ADD: B. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Director may require submission of evidence demonstrating compliance with State, Federal and loc,al environmental regulations and receipt of necessary permits. (Air Contaminant Discharge Permits (ACDP) or Indirect Source Construction Permits (ISCP).) PAGE III-148 ADD: 18.90.040 Visual Emissions Within the �ommercial Zoning Districts and the Industrial Park Zoning District, there shall b� no use, operation, or activaty which results in a stack or other point source emission, other than an emission from space heata.ng, or the emission of pure uncombxned water (steam) which is visible from a p•raperty line. DEQ rules for visible emissions (340-21-015 and 340-28-070) appiy. l, � 18.90.060 Odors The emission af odo�cous gases or other matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable at any poi.nt beyond the propexty line of the use creating the odors is prohibited. DEQ rules for odnrs (340-028-090) apply. PAGE IIT-173 AT THE END OF 18.106.015A ADD: 18.L06.010 Purpose A. The pur.pose of these regulations is to establish parking areas having adequatP capacity and which are appropriaGely located and designed to � -- -= PLANNING GOMMISSION MEMO (5.11) MARCH 26, 1984 P6GE 4 minimize any hazardous conditions on site and at access points. An Indirect Source Construction Fermit is required for parking facilities having 250 or moxe parkin� spaces. STI�FF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Gommission forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve ths amendments to the Resaurce Document; the Findings, Policies and Implementation Strategies Document; and the Community Development Code as suggested by DEQ and su�ppoxted by staff. (�AN;pm/0375P) . l - - _ - Department of �nvirorrmental Quality VICTOR ATIYEH 622 S.W.FIFTH AVENUE,BOX 1760,PORTLAND,OREGON 97207 PHONE: (503)229-5696 Governor � ���N intergove��entul Coordina�ioza 229-6�08 TO: Plan Re�ri�er D�ATE: Febcuary 24, 1984 FROIKt Ma � o eY. DSQ S(�CT: Tigacd Caa�prehenstve Plan The D�parta�ent hae had nn opgortunity to review the Tiqard Canprehensive Plan. There ar� �arey portiong of the plan relatefl to Goala 6 and 11 which need impr ove�nant and Ne m ubmi.t the tallowinq r eoommenda t f ons f or i ncl us f on in the plan. Goal 6 Noise Contres:L Ttse plan include� an adeQua�e fn�ntory o� cmise �ourQas in th�e Tigarc3 arat►. The Depsrtment, hoaever, �u18 reao�mend that the City r�aommend th�a Noise Ordimm�ae �o a�ssure it�s vonei�tency �it�h State law. �'he D�pnrtment i� a,vailable to provid� �urther aasie��nce, it neGeesary. l. As writtQn, Tiga�rQ's ordinance �ails to delineate whether the standnrda in 9ect3on 7.40.07A(c) are app].icable to motor vehicle operated on the pub�.ic rightrof-way, otf the puW.ic riqht-of-way, or both. If the intent of the ordinance ie to regulate any �n8 all �notor vehiclea both on auid o�f the puhlic cight-nt�-way, the ordinance crer�tas ino�nsist�ncie� vritYa State laW and, if literally app�.ied, aaap prohibit ths operation ot notorcycle$, aars, trucks or buse� on the public ric�ht-o�-�y within many srens of th� City contiguoua with noisa eensitine properkiea. Hatever, these stanflards are reasonable for the c�ntrol of late niqht motor vehicle repai�s, unnecceasary rev�ving of Qnginea and th� operation of motor vehicles (e.g. , dirt bikea, ga kart$, etc.) ogt the pub�lic riqht�of-way for recreatio�nal purpcees. Thia aua�biguity can be cecti�ied by amendinq the ordinance so thet the stendards Sn Sect�on 7.40.070(c) ars dpglieable only to r�otor vehicled off the pubiic riqht-of-May an8 by incorporating, by reference, ORS 483.449 and OAR 340 35-030 tor motor vehiclea operdted oca the publ.ic right-of-way. o-z Plan ReviewRz TiqArd Cowpr�henslv� Pla�n aabruiary 24, 1981 Peq� 2 3. Seation 7.40.070(a), also, faile to provids !or circu�stano�s where ' th� r�c�eiwr prog�rty lin• is i�a ttyan tMenty�-giv� (2S) �a�t fxaq A rais� sa►�itiw rtructura. Tiqard �ay Nish to aa�en� this proaedur� by additry the lollowirtq lanqusqe� "...aus seasursd tM�nty�-!iw (25) f�et lrca� a noise , sQnsl�iv� structura towa�rd tha nuise eourae, or �t I the raaeiwr prop�rty line, wh�alz�veg is fa�xthar lrom the aoiae soure:," This �endmtnt Mou�].d sake the ordlinanoe consist�nt Mith th� state atandarda. 3. Section 7.40.070�b) �iso tail�s to d�lin�ate rhiah noise sourves ar� ob�iq�d to aa�ply Mith 8�ation� 7.�0.070(a). Tha� adopted st�ndasdn srs acc�►pta41• !or the wntral o� at�c�os• awical inst�e�aents, hitat puiapa, air aondition�ra and siailu a�vic�a, but ue l�sa r�atriakiv� than State �tandards for indu�trial ana co�ercial operations. Th� � or in n csn be ia� ovad b lawerin the ni httiae (10 .�. 7 a.'.) d d ce pt Y 9 9 P ' standard lra� SS to SO llH1► to proeide a qreater marqin of prot�ction during the sl.aep perioQ and by isoorpor�ting stru�datds tor industrial and �o�m►�rci� aakiviti� Mhich ar� sqaival�nt to D�Q's, or tyy addinq . an �xa�ptiion to �ction 7.40.070(!1) !or industrial and aa�wercial souroes. 4. l�asuremtent porAaedur�,� !os Sactinn 7.t0.070(b) �.].so do nat a].lorr �or ll�xfbilitg when a reoeiver property lin• ia leas thmn tMea��y�-�i�w (35) feet fraw a noi�e senaitiw struaturt. 5, S�ation 7.4Q.070(!1) �2) �hould be asend�d to inalucle all �otor vehial�• oparAt�d on a puba.ia riqht-of-aay Mhich are in vo�p].iana� Mith OitB 483.4�9 and OkR 340-�35-A30. 6. Add •zwapt,ion to Section 7.40.070(d) for all railroad activitiee �re- asapt�d hy tederal law. 'I. The City ot siqar�! ca:n prohibit thf soundiny ot train v�histles at lully protiectad railroad crnssi�y� by petitioning th� Pub�lic Ot�lity C�iseioner pu�rsuent to Wut 860-�2-330. 111r Quality Ov�rall, th� air quali�y inwntory is quite good. It �re�qssises the air quality status ot the area antl Che need for Stat� I�p�1r�nEation Plan (aIp) control strategies. It aontains sxaell�nt inp7.�wentsEion atrateqi�s. i ' Plan Ret►iawfr , 7�igurd Caiap��h�nsive pla� �"ebrua�ry 2#, 19�4 �sge 3 �t�e �ian la�ko a discussio� of � D�psrt�ront'r n�w souucce r�viev pcoqras. ��is proqraa� �euures Ghat �ajor na�a or �odilt�d indu�tsial soaraes �vill e�ot vi at o]. • a�bi�nt air it sean�rdo o r� o� 4ua1 y s p wntion 8lgniticant D�gxadation (�8D) inasw�nts. �Quisr�nts ar• s�or� strinq�nt !or sourc�r located in or near nan--attaina��t arear (such as Tiqard). Sp�cilia ao�anta lolloM. p. I-116 It �wu].d b� appropria�t� !or tk�a City to �isauas the typas ot peraita th� t� isse��a: Air c�nta�ainant Di�cbarge Persits '(]►C�p) and Ins]ir�ct Source Construatian P+'rai�s (ISC!). The D�psrta�ent ada�inister� a ner aource z�vieN proqra� !ar aajor f�dusttial wurces o! �ir pollution to �nsur• that air quali�y standards and PSD inarewtnts xiil not ,b� violnta�. lt�quir�s�nts ar• a�or� stxie�q�nt �or �oura�s loaatiny in or near nonattainwent areaa. p. I-118 in July, 19A2, tha Carbon Monuxi8� (CO) nona�tiai��t acee� (1f11A� bounaaries M�re s'�uv�d �� that Tiga►rd is no lon9�r in the 00 111u.. Tiqat9 ie also �utsids the Total Su�pend�d Partioutlate (TSP) t�►. p. I-120 S�oond paraqrapt► r�f�r�ves a tabila in �he 1951 anncwl . r�part !or Portland. TSP and Osone a�ppear unclungsA Nhi1� CO appsars ta be inccaasiny. p. I-127. Dp�a�e taa retarenca � Z335, whiah a�at,horisea a �andatory �rti�iaation progra�m !or al,l netir Moods�onss sald in the 8tat� a!'t�r Jt�i,y l, 19d�. D�Q i• nor� Qevelop�inq Moodstovt a�ission �t�tixd+msd� artid �est critari�. p. iI-Z3 tinding #3. The linal osone contral strat�qy !ox the Portland-Vanoouwr A�t11 �raa adopt�d in July, 1982, and is prel�icted �o bring the ar�a into attairr�ent rith the standnrd by 1987. p. ii-2! ainding �1. The final carbc�n �onozfde oontral strategy � . ��,r tb� portland-Venoouvar A�A Mas adopted in Julp, 1982. Nhil� the ar�a in Tig�►rd near HiqhNay 99N is still a problea, �wd�]:iny predict�d that the aree �eill bt in i wd attainw�nt. � � p. II-24 Iap�l.a�eentation strategier are e�ccellent. 1d.90.OZ0 ��ntioru the ns�d tor ptr�its but does n�� ep�aify ACaP or ISCP. , p� III-1�7 Ordinar�ces � , ' ' , � � 81an R�si�rer . Tiqard Caw�r�hensiw YTan rebruary ��, 1�A4 Pa9e � � . p. III-14A 1�.l0.040 Visibl• Esissions is.'90.050 Oaors �hrse osa�naete�u ar� va�. Klao Nill �ntorae tl�? niQ rnles for visibl� uia�ion�(3�0-31-015 and 340-Z8-070) aontain opaaity starQard�. and DS� rules �or o8ors (340-�8-090) �se a �afntawet�r �o ae►asuc� o8ora. Th�ss slaull� be am�nd� to b� coasistlnk r►ith D34 stan�rds. p. III-173 An =nAirrqt 8otara� Coaatruotion P�rMit is r�qvtirtd tAr parieinq txciliti�a havinq 3S0 or �tor• parkiny spao�s. Nat�s QnalltY T1� p�lan inal.ud�t am e�[tuwiw� di�aursion oi ratar qual ity prot�l.�s in lanno C��k anQ a liait�d dl.saussiore ot rat�r qual,ity iA �b� Taa].atin AiwQr. I►a xtu aat�r quality proble�s in ttis Tu�pl�tin &iwr at� quit� s�rious, tl�e plaa sbroulA be ��n�d to inalnd• an aaaitionaa� inv�ntory • o� wat�r qnal,itiy in to €1� s'e�alatin Riwx. Tb� E3SQ Mould b� gtad to provfd� suah inlo�cs�ation to th• City to 1�►�lud� in th� ptan. Gioal il S�xa�� 'l�t�t�tte �� . Th� g�.ac� inalud�s oe�ty a 1lait.�d discnueion af the Dwrba�a sawaq� �c�a��t �1aat, Mith no intor�tion rsl:ateid to tt�a plant's �xistinq sa►d p�o��ot�d tr�a�aent a�pacity. Thouph D3Q Iws no� icl�ntili�d the Durhaiw ��a�pR � treatai�nt plarst'• capacity u a prob].M►, tbis intorwation shfluld b� � inal��d in tt� plan ar it is integral.ly r�ataai t� t�lu Ci�y',s ability ; �o aaa+e�od�tte pro�:eated sroo�2�. ' �t j �'J�10 i � _ �. AGENDA ITEM 5.12 PLANNING COMMISSION April 3, 1984 MEMORANnUM CP� �- gc� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON T0: Planning Commission March 23, 1984 FROM: Planning Department �i.'V Y l S'UBJEGT: Policy 6.3.2(b) In their letter of objection to the Gity's Comprehensive Plan, 1000 Friends of ; Oregon raised an issue regarding policy 6.3.2 b. Their disc�ussion of this issue is as follows: "Plan Contains Unlawful Vague and Discretionary Housing Policy Prior to LGDC's implementation of Goal 10, needed housing often became excessively expenszve because clevelopers were forced to prove that their projects met vague and discretionary approval criteria. This often required money nutlays far Iawyers and interest. These costs were, of course, passed on to the housing consumer. Recognizing that vague approval standards interfere with the intent of Goal I0, LCDC adopted the following pol.icy (now codified as OAR 660-08-015) : Local approval standards, special conditions and procedures regulating the development of needed housing must be clear and ob�ective, and must not have the effect, either of themselves or cumulakively, of discouraging needed housing through unreasonable cost or delay� Tigard's comprehensive plan contains a policy which violates this standard. Policy 6.3.2 b (Plan, p. II-37) says, WHERE THE PROPOSED DEVEI,OPMENT ABUTS AN EXISTING HOUSING DEVELQPMENT, THE HOUSING TYPES SHAI�L BE GOMPATIBLE. FOR EXAMPLE: `� 1. TWO HOUSING UNITS WHICH ARE ATTACHED ARE CONSIDERED CQMPA,TIBLE WITH A DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY UNIT; BUT 2. MORE THAN TWO HCIUSING UNITS WHICH ARE ATTAGHED ARE NOT CONSIDERED COMPATIBLE WITH A SINGLE FAMIL,Y DETACHED UNIT , [emphasis added]. The policy's compatibility standard is vague, discretionary and open-ended. Though the "example" given in the policy is clear and objective (and hence � PLANNING COMMZSSION MEMO MARCH 23, 1984 PAGE 2 permissible), it is included in" the :policy ox�ly as an example< Housing providers are he�ce forced to play a guessi�.zg game regarding any other "examples" or instances of incompatibili�y which may exist. Policy 6.3.2 b: must eiGher be delet�d from- the plan o_r amended so that a11 requirements for development's abutting existing neighborhoods are spelled out � in a clear and objective manner.'` Staff agrees that the examples cited in the policy are not specific enough and make the policy confusing. Staff recommends that the policy be amended deleting' the worcis as unde'rlined belowc WHERE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPbiENT ABUTS AN EXISTING HOUSING DEVELOPMENT, THE; HOUSING TYPES SHALL BE COMPATIBLE. FOA � EXAMPLE'• 1. TWO IiQUSING UNITS W1�IICH ARE ATTACIiED ARE CONSIDERED COMPATIBLE WITH A DETACHEll SINGLE FAMILY UNIT; BUT 2. MORE 7'HAN TWO HOUSING UNITS WHICH ARE ATTACHED ARE NOT CONSIDERED COMPA�'IBLE WITH A SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNIT. STAFF RECOMMENDl�TION: Staff recommends that tt�e Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council amending �olicy 6.3.2 (b) by deleting the examples contained in the policy. (EAN:pm/0373P) AGENDA ITEM 5.13 PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 3; 1984 MEI�lORANDUM C�"/7 /"-�� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TOc Planning Commission March 23, 1984 FROM: Planning Staff �� SUBJECT: Community Development Code Defxnitions During the process of implementing the Community Development Code, it has become apparent that some items should be defined in th•e code to avoid confusion. Staff is, therefore, sug�esting the following terms and definitions be incorporated into the Community Development Code: Home Occu�ation. A home occupation exists when a dwelling unit in a residential zone is used for a commercial purpose. See Chapter 18.142. Story, Half. A stoxy under a gable, hip ox gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on ak least two opposite exterior walls are not more than two feet above the floor of such story. If the finished floor level directly above a basement or unused under-floor space is not more than 6 feet above grade as defineci herein for more than 50% of the total perimeter or is not more than 12 feet above grade as defined herein at any point, such basement or unused under-floar space shall be consid�red as a half story. Face. Direetly confronting Window. Any opening; constructed in a wall to admit light or aia-, framed and spanned with glass. Remodel. An internal modification to �n existing building or structure which do�s not increase the site coverage. I Addition. A modification to an existing building or structure which increases the site coverage, (EAN:pm/0373P) � Planning Commission Agenda Item 5.14 April 3, 1984 C' (�l-� l U• f'}c� MEMQRANDUM CITY OF TI�ARD, OREGON f � T0: Planning Commission � March 28, 1984 FROM; Planning Staff 4�'N� SUBJECT; Changes to th� Community Development Code� Attached is an e�craka sheet with proposed cha:nges to the Development Cod�a. Some of the changes were suggested by agencies which have reviewed the Comprehensive P1:arL. Mo'st of the changes, however, are recommended by staff as a re§uTt of having implemented the code for the last four monkhs. These changes are primaril}� for clarification of sections of the code which are vagu'e and difficult to ad�inister. STAFF RECqMMENDATIONs Staff rec,ommends khaC the Planning Commission review each item on the errata sheet and forward recommendation of approval or denial on each item to the City Council. (EAN;pm/0381P) � PAGE IIT-227 18.120.070 delete ��4 add "an increase in the height of Che building by more than 20% over that previously specifisd in the approved application." III-162 Change three (3) inches to two (2) inches and delete "planted no more than 50 feet apart, and located outside of the street right-of-way except in cases where there is designated planting area in the right-of-way, and" III-20 Tree. change 6 inchea to 2 inches III-288 18.150.020 add "E. For the purpose of this Chapter, Tree Removal �ermits shall be required for all trees having a trunk 6 inches or more in diameter, 4 feet above tlie ground level." III-86 18.54.040 C. change to read as follows: C, The minimum seCback requirements are as follows: 1. For multiple family dwellings, the front yard setback shall be a minimum of 20 feet. For single family dwellings, the fronC yard shall be a minimum of 15 feet. 2. For multiple family dwelling units on corner and through lots, the minimum setback for each side facing a street shall be 20 feet, however, the prov�sions of Chapter 18.102 (VISU�L CLFARANCE) must be satisfied. For single family dwelling units, the minimum setback for e�ch side facing a street shall be 10 feet, however, the provisions of Chapter 18.102 must be satisfied. 3. For multiple family dwellings, the side yard setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet. For single family dwellings, the side year setback shall be 5 feet except this shall not apply to attached units on the lot line on which the units are attached. 4. For multiple family dwellings, the rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 20 feet. For single family dwellings, the rear yard shall be a minimum of 15 feet. 5. �fiere the side yard or rear yard of attaclied, multiple I family or single family dwellings abut a more restrictive zoning district, such setbacks shall not be less than 30 feet. III-65 18.40.02Q C.6.c. add: c. Automotive and Equipment: Repairs, Heavy Equipment. Repdir of trucks, etc. , as well as the �ale, installation, or servicing of truck or automotive equipment and parts tog�ther with body repairs including weldin�, painting, and steam cleaning. Typical uses include truck transmission shops, body shops, or motor freight mainYenance groups. - 1 - . _-- -- _ _ ___ _ -- -- _.-� PAGE III-65 18.40,020 C.6.d. add: �la Automotive and Equipment: Repairs, Light Equipment, Repair of automobiles and the sale, installaGion, and servicing of automobile equipment and parts hut excluding body repairs and painting. Typical uses incLude muffler shops, auto or motorcycle repair garages, including welding, or auto glass shops. zzi-143 L8.84.040 D.4. delete: 4. The land 71/c�q�l��c�/on which the ��<�//��t� alteration is to take place will not be partitioned, subdivided or developed as a part of this application request. III-302 18.162 add LAND DIVISION - MAJOR AND MINOR LAND PARTITIONING, "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT" III-302 18.162.040 B. aeld: �l. Any applicaCion for a major or minor land partition or lot line adjustment shall be in conformity with all state regulations set forth in ORS Chapter 92 "Subdivision and Partitions". III-303 18.162�040 F. add: F. The Director shall mail notice of any land partition or lot line adjustment decision to the persons who are entitled to notice in a�ccordance with Section 18.32.120. III-306 18.162.080 A.1. cllange: "Six" to "Three" IIT-307 18.162,100 second line delete: "major" III-75 18.44.060 add: "J. Resid�ential Density Transition Section 18.40.040 III-77 18.46.060 add: "J> Residential Density Transition Section 18.40.040 III-79 18.48.060 add: "J. Residential Density Transition Section 18.40.040 III-81 1$.50.060 addt "J. Residential Density Transition Section 18.40.040 III-84 18.52.060 add: "J. Residential Density Transition Section Ls.4o.o40 III-$7 18.54.060 add: "J. Residential Density Transition Section 18.40.040 III-90 18.56.060 add: "J. Residential Density Transition Section 18.40.040 � 2 - PAGE ' III-93 18.5$.060 add: "J. Residential Density Transition Section 18.40.0/+0 III-�4 18.52.060 add: "K. Zero lot line setback standards Chapter 18.148 � III-81 18.50,060 add: "K. Zero lot Line setback standards Chapter I 18.148 , TII-87 18.54-060 add: "K. Zero lot line setback standards Chapter 18.148 III-101 18.64.030 C.1. add: C, Residential Use Types 1. Multiple family residential units as a mixed use in conjunction developed at R-40+ standards with a commercial development, onLy in the CP District within the Tigard Triangle and the Bull Mountain Road District, on or above the second floor of the structure. III-149 18.92.020 add "C. All density calculations shall comply with the provisions of Section 18.40.040 Residential Density Transition." ZII-151 18.G4.030 C.1. second line add " ross" before "area". III-175 18.106.020 G. add "Multiple Family" before "Residential" III-177 18.106.020 N. change: N. Designated Parking for the Handicapped. All parking areas which contain over 5 required spaces`///tjl��//1/�S/�/�/��b ��t�.�d�llk�&,�kk�ll,�l�kd,�//bkll�'bkl�k�l/l�a'�l�d lld��l//�f��������d ��tl��dg l l�t�a�d d/l l lE'a��d��(l/a�ala�sl l�hk�l/�kkl l�Y�k�il l�f�/l������ shall be provided with one handicapped parking space for evexy 50 standard parking spaces. The handi.capped parking symbol shall be painted on the parking space or a handicapped parking sign shall be placed in front of each space. Each handicapped parking space shall measure ,as required in the Uniform Building Code. III-177 18.106.020 P. change: Bicycle Parking• �bk//��di�/�h'�(Ch�//�t��(//dv��/���5�/lnbkk//�M�v� Y�llls�a�d�sl,l//k�kkkll/�k(�I�Y/l,�kJll�t�����1!la�►�dlll�k,�/���,Ek�/ll��� d46�b�'����k/,1//u����dl///a�i/d�//75l��y��.k/!/1��t{���g! At least one secured bicycle rack space shall be provided for each 15 parking spaces in any development. �1��!�7E¢}6¢X�//�yi�i Bicycle parking areas shall not be located within parking aisles, landscape areas, or pedestxian ways. III-184 18.106.050 B. third �.ine delete: "and diagram." III-184 1$.106.050 D. second line delete; "6 inches." III-192 18.108.080 undex Required Parking Spaces change: "1" to "0". - 3 - i 1 � � PAGE III-233 1$.120oI80 A.3.a. chan�e: 3a Exterior Elevations: a, Along the vertical face of �yl� "sin�le family attached and multiple family" structures, o-ffsets shall occur at a minimum of every 30 feet by providing any two of the following: ' III-233 18.120.180 A.3.b. omit entirely. III-23 18.30.Q30 E. add "4. Be accompanied by fifteen copies of a narratiue addressing the standards in Section 18.30,120." IIT-54 18.32.310 A.1. 3rd line insert "by 4:30 P.M." before "within 10 days". III-54 18.32.310 B.1. Znd line insert "by 4:30 P.M." before "within 10 d$y�". III-101 18.64.040 omit "D. Transient lodgiiig" III-101 18.64.040 change � E" to "D" III-158 18.98.030 4th line delete: "wirhout loss of solar access to any dwelling unit". III-185 18.106.050 G. 3rd line delete: "as shown in Figures 1 and 2 of , this Chapter". III-83 1$.52.050 C. change: "The maximum lot coverage shall be gp percent including all buildings and impervious surfaces." ' III-86 18.54.050 E. change: "The maximum lot coverage shall be 80 percent including buildings and impervious surfaces." � � III-89 18.56,050 E. change: "The maximum lot c�ve�age shall be 80 percent irecluding buildi�ugs and impervious surfaces." � III-92 1�3.58,(�50 E. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." III-96 1E�.60.050 E. aaa; "including buildings and impervi,ous surfaces." '� III-96 18�6Q.a50 add: "F. The minimum landscaping requirement sha11 be 15 percent." III-99 18.62,050 E. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." III-99 18.62.050 add: "F. The minimum landscaping requirement shall be 15 percent. III-102 18.E�2.050 E. aaa: "including bua:l,ding� and impervious surfaces." _ 4 _ , PAGE III-102 1$.62.Q50 add: "F, The minimum landscaping requiremet�t sha11 be 15 percent. III-104 18.66.050 F. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." III-104 18.66.050 add: "G. The minimum landscaping requirement shall be 15 percent." III-105 18.66.052 E. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." III-1'Ob 1$.66.054 E. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." . ILI-106 18.66.054 F. change" "15�" ta "20%". III-109 18.68.050 E. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." III-109 18.68.050 add: "F. The minimum landscaping requirement sha11 be 25 percent." III-112 18.70.050 E. add: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." ILI-112 18.70.050 add: "F. 'Phe minimum landscaping requirement shall be 15 percent." III-11.5 18.72.050 E. aaa: "including buildings and impervious surfaces." III-115 18.72.050 add: "F. The minimum landscaping reqvirement shall be 15 percent." FINDING�S, POLICIES & IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES DUCUMENT POLICY 6.1.2 Change: FOR PURPOSES OF THIS Y'OI,ICY, THE TERM 11SUBSIDIZED HOUSING'� SHALL MEAN ANY HOUSING DEVELOPED OR CONSTRUCTED WITH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF THE U,S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING OR URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND THE STATE OF OREGON OWNED AND MAINTAINED BX A j PRIVATE OR GOVERNMENT AGENCY. i (EAN:pm/0381P) - 5 - , ` AGENDA ITEM 5. 15 April 3, 1984 MEMORAt�DUM PC Mtg. CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON �� �ij • J�]' / T0: Planning Commission March 22, 1984 FROM: Planning Staff �� SUBJECT: Historic Overlay Designations At your regular meeting of February 6, 1984, you voted unanimously to p1acE the Historic nistrirt overlay on 3 parcels of property within the City of Tigard. Those properties were the John Tigard House, the Durham School site and the Windmill on SW 121st and Katherine. The EESE inventory done to meet LCDC Goal 5 requirements designated those sitr�s as historically significant sites within the City, The EESE in�entory identified four other sites as potential historic sites. The Washington County Historical Society is conducting research on these sites and supports a historic district overlay designa�ion. The four sites recommended for designation as Historic Districts are: the Upshaw liouse/Seven Gables, the Tigard Grange, the Tigar.d Farmhouse and Windmill and Tigard Feed and 5eed. Designation as a Historic District would require any development on those sites to conform to Chapter 18.81 of the Tigard l�funicipal Code. STAFr RECOMMENDATION: Staff rPCOmmends that the Planning Commission a�prove a zone ct►ange adding the HD overlay district designation to the Ugshaw House/Seven Gables, the Tigard Grange, the Tiga,rd Farmhouse and Windmill and Tigard Feed and Seed. (EAN:pmJ0372P) � : STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.16 TIGARD 3�Y�ANNING CO�IMISSION FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FINDING OF FACT 1. General Information - CA5E: Zone Change ZC 9-84 REQUEST: For a Zone Change from R-7 (Residential, 7 units/aere) to R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre). COMPREITENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential APPLICANT: Russell Kreuger OWNER: same 12225 SW 2:nd Beaverton, OR 97005 LOCATION: East side of SW 135th, one half mile south of Scholls Ferry Road, Tigard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33DC, Tax Lot 500) . LOT AREA: 15 aGres NPO COMMENT: NPO �k7 recommends approval of the requsst. RECOMMENDATION: 1fie Planning staff recommends approval of the Zone Ghange request. ?_. Background Qn June 23, 1980, the Tigard City Council approved a Zone Change requ�st (ZC 29-79a and 'G'C 29-79b) to allow for a development consisting of single family residences (Phase I) and multiple family dwellings (Phase II). A 14 to 1S acre area in tlla southeast corner of the Winterlake development was rezoned to A°12 (R�12 replaced this zone) to accommodate Phase II of the project. Condition of that approval stated that "Phase II - ZC 29-79a (Apartment) shall be brought before the Planning Commission at a later date". Portions of Phase I have been completed. The area that had been zoned A-12 was rezoned to R-7 as part of the Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code revision process that was concluded in November, 1983. STAFF REPOItT - ZC 9-84 - PAGE 1 3. Vicinity Information The property involved in this rezoning request borders M�rning Hill subdivision on the south, undeveloped property zoned R-20 (Residential, 20 units/acre) to the west, Phase I of Winter Lake to the north, and undeveloped land zoned 4•5 �PD) (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) to the east. 4. Site Infarmation and Proposal Description Presently, only part of Winter Lake Drive is completed and the remainder of the property is undeveloped. The area proposed to be rezoned lies south of Lake Drive and the proposed lots on Pond Court. To provide better access to the multiple family development, Pond Court is proposed to be extended to 135th Avenue. The applicant states that due to poor economic conditions, the project has nat proceeded further. Tti:e original zoning designation is desired with one modification. The zone change to A-12 involved a 14.7 acre square at the southeast corner of the property. The acreage involved in this request is appruximately the same, but as noted above, the area involved is somewhat different. So Agency Comments No agency comments objecting to the proposal have been received. B. ANALYSIS AIVD CONCLUSION In 1980, the City made a commitment to allow medium density developarent not to exceed 12 units per acre. During the revision of khe Comprehensive Plan and DeveloPment Code, the property was rezoned to R-7 because final development approvals had not been granted. It was not noted that the applicant had rece�ived City approval of the change lhree years earlier. This proposal does not require a plan amendment because the existing R-7 zone and the proposed R-12 zone axe consistent with the Medium Density Residential designation in the Plan. the site design and the compatibility of the project with surrounding prvperties will be analyzed during the 5ite Development Review process which wouid follow an approval of the requested zone change. Chapter 12 of the Comprehensive Plan lists a riumber of locational ' criteria on Page T9 that should be applied to this proposal. The following factors will be determinants of density ranges allowed through zoning in the medium density planned area: (1) The density of development in areas historically zoned for medium density development. (2) The topography and natural features of the area and the degree of passible buffering from established low density r�esidential areas. STAFF REPORT - ZC 9-84 - PAGE 2 l3) The` capaci'ty of the services. �4) The distance to the public transit. (5) The distance to neighborhood or ,general commercial centers and office business centers. (6) The distance from public open space. The property has been intended for Medium Density Residential since the late '70's and a cammitment to a density of 12 units per acre since 198Q`. T.he proposed multiple family development is to b2 oriented around the small lake on the property and ample opportunities to provide buffering should be available during the develo:pment of the site design. An LID for improving 135th Avenue is intended to provide for necessary impzovements in conjunction with this development. Based upon previous reviews of the project, adequate services are available to the site. Public transit is provided on Scholls Ferry Road. A Neighborhood Commercial area has been designaGed nearby o.n the west side of 13Sth Avenue and park land will be available to the northeast as gart of the Winter Lake and Summer Lake developments. The proposed rezoning appears to be consistent with previous land use decisions made by the Gity and the relevant Comprehensive Plan policies. C. RECOI�Il�iENDATION The Planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend a�proval of Zone Change Z'C 9-84 to the Tigaxd City Counca.l. � PREPARE BY: I:eith LZden A RO D BY: illiam A. M�nahan Associate Planr►er Airector of Planning & Development (KSL:pm/0379P)) , uTAF'F R�PORT - ZC 9-84 - PAGE 3 a '��o..,��k� 2C , 1 G��� � � � �Q� ���rm�� �o�� ''�r1:�.����.��R..>c�t,.�. ; 4 �� ��:r°�.o. c�,d ��c�.2�<� � ��,�. C3,Y��:. �������,� `c�cv�.,� cs.�2��c�:.,^�� '� Q- �L�.�,,: ����.� Q��„�� 1s. � r,� � 1 ��. -� �.�����. �-����.� ���� �G��. ������ ��c�. �.,v� `� c��. �.o��c�c�,��` `�4��� ���..o�v,c,, �--� �c� CZ-- �� � � � n _r. �� �C�u �7.9,,�J�,�1,� `_�� �s����'�v �.}�.lJ �.�C7 L� I�.�; ��,�- C��.Q�.. �51.9�V..) �� �C�!�,C��� I�L� ���Gl� �``19..�... � �� �2 , ��...�-.�. a \�; �.�� � �.Q�� ��.; �.s��,��,� U�����n � � �,�`�. �19�vJ C�'�r�� �►��C���'''C����J��, � �Gs� `C14.�U ��,I�:�J C��:� ���� '�?.� �G �WY1 � � �� ��`C�.,� ���1� ��� �19�C��C'��.�,� �,�'J�(1�..��C� � ��'�. `��'� �a n <� J n ��'�. 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C 7 i . h• '/ / � ` �.�_� / \ � I ..i' � "'.a �`' /AG /O� JA3��� �pt ��� ` \� �, /' ��- _ � �� I , '', �� ` \ ! � ` , ! � � // ��� -� / � ; .:�y\' w, ,,.I\ i -,-`.---� \ e.l4' / . / � TO B� � 1 � ' 1 i �' i `-� �� i i' i ' i �', ' i\ � � / � i � i i � i i � i i � ; t � � \t \ i. � !/ i i I i i / � i i i / I � � i i i i f' i i i i � � . � � � f � � ' ' i i � /� i � � i 1 ' / . _1__.� I � � '� / . \ i~ � � . ��. .SW. MORN/N6 �//LL FA� ON\�� � ORlV6 ---7---'_'r--1'—�--� p4iv �'�, � R/SE �, I F � i i I � � � �� � I � � i � � � . ; I I 1 i � i � � � I i I �---- �. I I I � I I I � i � i � � � � i r'----�'-J ----JtJ�'+JU�1�J�,�°�UV ` D��Q �,^.\ ���.P��.�---�--'�-_i__�__ y__� ; � r \ �,'� '� � � � , � ` � � ' ` •. � f , March 19, 1984 Mr. Itobert Jean Tigard City Manager . . 1�755 S.W, Ash Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: WINTERLAKE RE-ZON'ING Deaz Eobt L have a serious .problem and seek your assistance. As per encloaed exhibits, I received May 20, 1980, from the Tigard Planning Coc�a- isaion plat approval with conditions on Winterlake. On June 25,, 1980, City Council endorsed Wintexlake: At that time I intended to be-gin phased development of Winterlake, but due to market � conditiona was prevented Chia endeavor. The ssme problem confronted me in 1981 and 1982. During t3�e late fall caf 1982, Century 21 Homes offered on 26 lots on a noreherly por- tion of Winterlake and closed with me in December. Thereafter they re-named their ' develapment Brittany Square. This initial purchase helped me temporarily solve cash flow problems I had �ncurred. ` Last yeag, October, 1983, Century 21 Homes default�d on their aecond phaae pur.chase, � RecenCl�► I have been negotiating with West Johnson ConstruCtion regarding the 12 acre multi-£ami.ly "pond �ite" for a joint venture. Last Wedneaday I met with Keith Lider, of Tigard Planning staff regarding this plan and learned of our new l✓ 9 198 .a 3 revised November 1983 Ti ard Com rehensi e Plan Y Y . . . � S P v Map. I was shocked ta le�.rn the mu1Ci-family site had been re-zoned to R-7. If I had known of this r�-zoning prior to the new City plan I would have poas Lb1�► been able to have lobbied to prevent what oecurred. After more than four continuous down marleet years I aum ready to begin developing and just'learn of this r�-zone. I urgently seek your help in regaining the previous zoning for me through the Tigard City Council. . I I am meeting with Keith Liden Monday, Merch 19, to hopefully be on the April 3� 19$3, � Planning Commission agends for re-zoning to R-12, I would appreciate it if you could at the March 26, 19$3, City CounciY hearing refm- imburse me for whet will be my sec�nd aoning application fee on Winterlake. Thia l expect Co be $1,635,00, � _ .� _ � , I look forward to your March 26�h meeting and HELP:' Very .truly youra,: � � �C��.��. �,a - � � �:���� � � Russell A. Krueger I2235 S.W, 2nd Beaverton, Oregon 97U05 626-7515 ttnx/jb . P . �� . . . . . �:.. �'.., � . � . . � . . . � .. . . . . . . C�1Y0�'TIG"�RD : WASWINGTON COUNTY,OREGON June 25, 1980 Mr. Russell K.rueger 4320 S.W. 110th Avenue Beaverton, Oregon 97005 REF'ERENCE: ZC 29-79a/ZC 29-79b Location: East of 135th Avenue beeween Schoils Ferry Road and Walnut Street Dear Mr. Rrueger: . � Enclosed is a copq of Ordinance No. 80-56 which was approved by the Tigard City Council at their ragular meeting of June 23, 1980. You� re4uest was approved with the following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance. 1. Phase II - ZC 29-79a (apar _ 2. ase Z - - C 29 79b� R-5 sha3. � ) 1 com l with the p y requirements of the Tigard Municipal Gode, Chapter 17 Land Partition Ordinan . � ce. 3. Actual construction on each sn.ngle family or duplex (attached single ��iiy> lot shall be resolved relative to configuration, zero lot ' line, and setbaek sequirements on the Preliminary Plat P1an. This Plan shall be cleared with the Building Department and Public Works Department prior to cousideration of the Final Plat. It shall be clearly aoted wha� is to be con�tructed on each/every lot in Phase T to avoid differences at the construction stage. c�lso zero l.ot line on each/every lot would conflict with requirement for easements. 4. A Homeowner's Agreement, if one should be adopt�d, §hall be reviewed by Staff and may be reviewsd by the City Council. A21 Conditions, Cov�znants and Restrs,ctions (CCR's) shall be submitted to the Staff for review and co�ent prior to� recording of th� k'inal Pl.at. 5. Phase I shall be sulaject to Site Design Review by Staff prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 6. Necessary right--of-way dedication on 135th Avenue shall be made as � directed by the Public Works Director. Half-street imgrovem�nts ta Collector Street Stanaards shall be made for the full 2ength of front- age on Z'ax Lots 200, 300, and 4�0 on Map 15I 33DC. A Local Impiovesent District may be considered for this installation initiated by the developer and supervised by the City of Tigard. All construction in the public right-of'-way shall be approved by the City prior to commencement of work. : � 12420 S.W. N1AIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARU, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 � . � — . . . , � � � _ sT�F ;��oRT AGE"IDA 5.5 • TIG.=u'ZD PL1�'3NING CO[�L`4IS5ION . M�� 20� 1980 - 7:30 p.m. E'ow].e� Juniar E�igh - Lecture Room , 10865 Sv� Wa.Inut Street, Tigard DOGTC�T:. ZOiVe, CIiaNC�, 2C 29-79a (apart�nts) - ZC �9-79b (R-S) (FRi.nte.r Lake pl3nned Unit Devel.opr�nt) APPLICANT: RUSSELL KctUEGER QWNER: Map 1S3 33D, Lot 100 and 4320 SW 110th Avenue Map 15I 33DG, Lot 500 ' Beaverton, Oregon 97005 RUSSET.�L K,pUE�R . ' Saa:e Addzess . '. Map IS1 33�C, Lot 300 a�nd a00 GEORGE �C^vii . . 11640 SW 135th Tigard, Oregon 97223 APPLTCATION DATE: May 5, 1980 , . REQULST: For a 2one Map Amendment (ZC 29-79b) from Washingtan County RS-1 tfl Cit ^SingZ 'I- Resident' i" far ac area designated cn Exizibit 2, page 3 af Wi.nter Lake Single Family R-SPD Multifanily A-12PD of ,Tul.y 1979 an� 2one M.� A�ndment ZC 29-�79a from Washin ton � - P ( ) Co . . g �,�= Rs t tca_C;`y of T�a d'A-12 "Multifami.ly Residential" f4r that a,rea on�e saa�e E�.i.bit, sa� page of same docuaent. Area,s . so designat�d Hrill be cleariy de�ined on the recarding of �he final plats. Applicant is also requesting a Genezal Pla.n Review for Phase I -� 89 Single Family Units on 5,000 squ�,-e foot lots (38 duplex o� atta�hed single fa�ily ct�rellings) . SITE ' � . LOCATION: Phase I and Phase II: East of 135-th Avenue between Scholls Fezry Road and Walnut Street (Wash. Ca. Tax Map 1.51 33D, � Tax Lot 300 and Tax Map 1S1 33DC, Tax Lots 1QQ; 300, 400, � and 500) . ' PREVIOUS ACTION: ' On December 5, 1978, the applica.zt's request for a Zone M�r A_*^°�z�m^r.i- ;;_�'_ °. Preliminary P1an Develop:nent Review approv�al was TaYiled for two reasQns: (1) The apFlicant was finalizi.ng a puchase af land adjacent north of the subject site that he want,ed to include i.n the total plan. (2) ThE C.ity oi Tigard and the Neig'nbornood Plan Organization �7 were stall considerzzzg t,,�c � • land u.se and zoninq d�signation for this area. � Un June 19, 1979, the Planning Commission Denied the agplicant's Planned Development �nd stated the following for the applicant to resolve in new . application: " , . -- -� � .' ' � . � ` , ST�:FF REPCIRT ` . AGEri,�.� 5.5/ZC 29-79a and b TIGr`�P.D PLANNING COifi?ISSION May 20, 1980 Page 2� l. Calculatibns should �e speca.fic regarding density in relation to PD and Sensiti.ve Lands. 2. Informati;on on the schools in the Tigard Sch�ol District should be cbYained. I 3. 5ensitive Land a�as within this project should be ac3dressed. A draizr,ags way axea in the eastern portion o£ ta`�e project needs to be consi8e�d. 4. Park and Racreat.ional issues shouZd be resolvzd with the Park Board. On August 21, 1979, the Planni.ng Commissior. approv�d Zone Change, ZC 29-79a and ZC 39-79b and directed the applicant to address the following issues - Ea�e�gency trehicle access, the drainage way issues and the floodplain issues. . A re--examination of th� floodplain was requested. . , On February 5, 1980, the Planning Comraission cansids�ze8 the Staff Report on Special U�e Permit, M 1-8b which a8dres�e8 the floadplain, dzainae}e way, and emergency access issues raised at a previous meetinq. M 1-80 was Approved with the followi.ng conditions: ' l. That the question of emerqency vehicle access be resolved at the Generai. Plan and Program Hearing. 2. That site and public drainage construction plans be approved by the � Huilding and Public Works Department prior•to issuance of Building ' Permits or B�onds. . . 3. No charsges will be made to approvad plans or specifications uziless £oxzaal application is ma,cle to the appropria�e City departmeiztand changes a;se approved by that department. Application for changes w.ill be made in ' ' writing and shall incl.ude applicable drawings. 4_ That th� Fr:.p�s�d �r;:�r.�g� sy��eW �I:��,•n on this appli.cati.on be added td the General Plan. • I. FIi�tDINGS OF FACT: Se� atta��ad S*?f` .Rc�,c� ot August �:L, 1�79. Ei.ndi.r.y� ha� not changed �ubstantiaJ..ly. Apolicant has addressed all coneerns of Staff and the Flanning Cor,ttnission in Narzative dated May 8, 1980 and made a part of the record� : -- - _ - ---------------- _ -� �, + ` � a v . STAFF REPOF�T . aGE^iDA 5,5/�C 29-79a and 'b TIG�PD PL�^INING CO6L�IT_SSZON C�tay 20� 1980 Page 3 . II, mNCliTS IOl`I��RY FINT�INGS: F�ferenc� Stalf I�port oE August 21, 1979. ConcZusionary E'indings hava nat . changed suY�sta,ritiall.y. � Applicant has �aare55ea �.z concarns� of Staff and the Plannin� �o�aission in N�xsative dated M�y 8, 1980 and made a part of the record. Rieference Sta€f Report, Docket M 1-80 of Febrciaxxy 5, 1980 a.nd the subsequeat ac�ion o� tne Piannin�, Cor�ssion. TII. 5���' RECOb1MEI3��.TION: , . • Staff reco�nen.ds a�proval su�ject to the following conditions: 1, Phase II - ZC 29�-79a (apartaents) shall be brought before the Plannizaq �'"�-='===^� a} a la}_r �.�*_�. . 2. Phase I - ZC 29-79b (R-5? shall comply with the requiremen�s of the � Tigard blcuiicipal Gdle, Chapter 17, Lan3 partitiflr► Oxdinance. ' 3. Actual construction on each single fami.Iy ar du�lex (attached si.ngl� fami.ly) lat shall be resolved relative to cnnfiguration, zesea lot Line, and , setback requirements on the Preliminary Plat Plan. This Plan sha11 be cleared with the Builcling• Department and Pubiic Works Depaz�eat prior to conside:a�ion of �he Einal. Plat_ It shall be cleaxly noted what is to be cons�ructed on, each/every lot in Phase I to avoid dif�erences at th� const�u�tion stage_ Also zero lo� Iine on each/every lot wauld . aonflict c�ith �equi.rea�nt for easea�nts. 4. A Homevwner's 74greement, if ane should be adcspted, sha11 be reviewed by Staff and may be reviewed by the City Council. AI.I Conditi.ons, Covenarzts, at�d Rest..rictions (CCR's) shal.l be sutamitted to the Sta£t for review anci eoc�ent prior to recording of the Final Pl.at. 5� Phas� I shall be subject to Site Desic�sn Review by Staff prior �n .tt�P- issvance o�' B�_;��;^_� p°�"=,;*s. 6. Necessary right-of°way dedi.cation on 135th Aver�ue shall � made as d3.rected by the Public Works Directar. Half--street im�rovements to Collector Street Standards shall be made for the full. 1,engt.,}� �f� f'rnn�a.�= • � on 135th Avenuz. These improvements shal�. be �ad� in�lu3.i.ng z�P .rr�,;<_r::,_ � an Tax Lots 200, 30Q, and 400 on Ma.p 1S1 33DC. A I.ocal Tmprove�n� J District may be considered for this installatian initiated by the daveloper a*�d supervised by the City of Tigard. All construction in the publi.c right-of-way shall be approved by the City prior to coruaencement of work. , ' . , . •� � ' , STAFF REPORT AGE1VpA 5.5/ZC 29-79a and b • TIGAFZD PLt�!VNI�1G CQMi�II5SIaN May �0, 1980 . Page 4 7. A Variance fram the IO',0�0 square foo� req,ii.rement far duplexes in a R-S Zone is hereby qr.anted by the Planning Comx�.ssic�n. Minimura duplex �.ot sizes in this develo.pm�nt znay not be less than 8,000 square feet. Refer to Condit3on #3 cn the preceding page for further clarificatian. 8. Dedicatian of 3.4 acres to the City of Tigard shall be made for City Park pusposes. A mezts and bounds leqal descri.ption for thi.s property �hatl be prvvi3ed at the time. of submission af the Yrelimi.nary Plat. 9. Em�rq�n�y vehicle zccess to the ap�.r��rr.t uni�s will be r�solve� when Pnase II is presented to fihe Planning Comm�.ssion. 10. Consideration sh.a17, be given to Tax Lots 400 and 401 ta the east of � proposed "A" Street off-site, Temporary driveways or sqme altexzzate meazzs of service should be considered. . : , 11. ,All pvblic local streets shall be fifty (5Q') foot dedi.cated right-o�- ways with thirty-four (34') feet of paved surface. AI.1 collector stteets� shall be sixty (60!) foot dedicated right-oi-ways with minimum fort-�-four (44') feet paved surface, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. Actual placement of sidewalJcs shall be resolved through Site Design n Review with the Public Works i�irector. - . ' . 12.. No Occupancy�Perm.its shall be issued until all con3itions piaced upan ' this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections . . . . verifying this have baen carried out hy the appropriate department. . 13. No minor land partitions shall be made in zeference to this project unless formal application�is mads to the City of Tigard Planning Depart-� ment and the minor l�nd partiti� is agproved and recorded. 14. No ehanges wi2l be made to appsoved plans or specifications unless formal ` applicatian is mad� to the appropriate City depart�ent and chaages are aporr�ved by that deoartr,�ent. Application for changes wili be made in I, �vriting and shall include applicable drawings. � . ' 15, GxPl�•4A� t,.'..��r.:� _ 3 . ;���;a�:.iva �xarts oa al.l �uU3ic right-of-wags shal.],. be submitted and approv�d by the Public Works Director prior to ca�nceu�nt of work. 1Ej� D�rh].i.r-r cr=_�-�+r �ar-:rirc _:r? _�-�itar�� anrc�i�a rh?i.�, hF in�fialled.to thLS � - --••. si�e pr:�o� �v �x� :;,s:�uance of a Building Permit_ . 17. . All existing or preposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street � lighting installations shall be approved by the Put�Iic ��7orks Dixzctor. � _ , C �� _ • STr�.F'r REPORT AGEClD4 5.5/ZC 29-79a and b • TIG R PLr1��t�7ING COtTi�LIS'SION Ma.y 20, 19'80 Page 5 18. No Suildi.ng Perma,t shall be issued until the ex�iration of the twenty , (20) t3a.y appeal period froat the d:te of aparoval.. • 19, : Imgrovements may be h�drd prior to issu�ce of Building Pezmits.- 2p, That street iag�zovea:ents be con�tructed ta the approval of the Public Works Director pri:or to the recor�ing of the Final Plat ar issuance of a Hvi.ldi.ng Peaait. . 21_ On-si.t� cL�i*�ac° 'pi'-^-s for drair_age dur�-nq constructian s:�a?I ba annro�ad , by the Public Works D�partment prior to eo�encement of any constxuctiono . � � •;� p i o , Pla3uiing Directar . . ,' • � ` s � ST�FF REPORT 'AC��DA 5.2 • ,• TIC3RD PLAaY:�1I�1G COt�•lISSYO!1 ` August 21, 1979 - ':30 P.M. 105'v5 S.W. :�alnut � Tigard, Oregon 97223 , DockeC: Zone Change ZC 29-79a and ZG 24-79b PD{Winter Lake P12nne�. Development Re: 2C 25 78PD S ZC 24-79 PD) ' _ Apolicaat: Mr. Russell A. Krueger Owner: Same " • 2Q41 SW 58th Avenue . Portiand, Oregon 97221 . . � Apptic�tion Date: July Z7, 1979 ' Site Locatian: East of 135th, between Scholls Ferry Road and �dalnut Street � (Glash. Go. Tazs Map 1S1 33D, Tax Lots 300, SOD, 600, 601, 6Q2 & 6Q3) Request: For a preliminary plan �.nd program revie*a for a multi-fami,Iy pla�na3 developcaent zone (A-2PD) on a 12.0 acze site. Also, for a zone change . from Wash. Co. RS-1 to City of Tigard R-5 on a 24.8 acre parcel with a � tentative subdivision plan.. Pievious Action: On December 5, 1978, the applicant'� request far a zone map amct�dnierit witl7 �-teliminary plan development review approval . . was tabled for two reasons: (.1) The applicant was finalizing s purchase of Iand adjacent north of the subject site that he wanted to include in the total plan. (2) The City of Tigard - and the Neiohborhood Plan Organization �7 were still considering the land use and zoning designation for this area. ' On June 19, T979 the Planning Coa�ission denied the appli.cant's _ p2anned developussnt and st.ated the following as consideration foz Che applicaut to resolve in aew application: 1. Calculations s�ould be specific regarding density in relation Co PD and sensitive 2ands. • 2. Informa.tion on the schools in the Tigard School District should be obtai.ned. � 3. Sensitive land areas withi� this project sh�uld be addressed. - A drainageway area in the eastern portion of the project needs ' Co be considered. 4, park anci r.ecreationa? issues should be resolved with the � Park Board. . The applicant was also requ�,red to apply for separate zoRe chana�s for the sinole famil� and apartment parcels. The multi-fa�il� plan is to include the proposed site layout. , ; - , :� � ' ` . , STAFr REPORT � AGEi��A 5.2 , � TZGARD FL:�IV'�(I�iG COru•:ISSIO�i August 21, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. 10�65 S�d Walnut Tigard, Oregon 97223 Page 2 . ZC 29-79a and 2C 29-79b I. Findinos of Fact: � . I. The site is designated R-S "Sinole Family ResidenGial" on the north, west � and easC. On the southeast, the site id desigriated A-2 "Multi-fa�ily" _ tw��ve a���eiling units per gros•s area. The site is �resentlq zoned Wash. Co. RS-1. The Iand use is designated by the `IPO �7 Plan. 2. Tne applicant's r�guesC is in accordance with Section 18.56.020 an�i 17.16.D10 of the Tigzrd Municipzl Code. � . 3. The applicant propos�s to construcr 95 single family'dwell.ing units. 16 duplex units and 13$ apartments. 4. Section 1$.56.110 of the Tigard r?unicipal Code provides the density factor calculation for the Planned Development as folZows: � 24ulti-family acrea;Q site: 12.0 ;�.; : Minus gublic improvement Z07 r. � Buildable net acres: 9.b � Divide the total net area (in square feet) by the underiying znne (a�n sc�uare feet)s 4I8,176.00 divide 3,630 sq. ft. - 1I5.20 dwell�ng . un�ts. Adsiitiona3. 20� may be permitted for the dedication of open space etca (the pox�d 3.67 ac.) 115.20 x 207 = 138.24 the applicant is • .24 dwalliag untis under the maXi�um allowed dwellino un,its in the ' A-2 zone. The Housing ImpleQentation Plan adopted by the City Council on i�ay 21, 1979 pezmits si.x dwelling uaits per gros� acre an the subdivision , postian oF th� subject 5ite. Therefore, 6 dwelling units x 21.4 = � 128.4 allowable d*ael7.ing units. The appLicant's propased density is I7 dwelling units below tt!e maximua. .S. Appticable �olicies of the Conpzehensive PZan for development in the ftPfl . i #�7 area: Public improvements: Poli.cies 2 and 10 = page 3 and 5. Planned Unit Developments; Po2icy 4 and 11 - paGe 3 an.d 5• Si.te and Open Space �Improvements: Policy 8 and 13 - page 4.- L4cation oE High Density Residznces: Policy 5 - page 4. Density for multi-Fa�.ily: Policy 9 - page S . \ • , � . STArF REPORT � AG�?VD� 5.2 . TIG�I:.D PL�vvING COt�sISSIOY Au�us�. 21, 1979 - 7:30 P.t1. � 1D�5� SW �Jalnut ' � Tigard, Orz�on 9'223 , ZC 29 79a an� ZC 29-79b � . Page 3 � . 6. A description oE the site area is explained on page 4 of the applicznC�s attached narrative. . 7. The surrounding land uses are si:ngle Family un�� to the south (Morning � �� Hill Planned DeveLopment), east (Su�ner Lake Plann�d Developmeat and proposed Se�+�r� Lat:.a Park) to the north and *�r�st acr�ss S.S•7. 135th is vacant lazd designated for sesidential use (see vicinity skeCCh on page 7 of the applicant's aarrative). � _ . � 8. Sewer and wzter sernices as well as other util.ities are.explained starting on page 19 of the applicant's narrative). . . 9. Southwest 13Sth Avenue and� S.W. 130th Avenue will serve Che traffic needs in t'his development. Southwest 135th Avenue is presently a caunty road .and is designated as a coZlectoi street on Che NPO �7 Plan. South�a.est � 135th Avenue is in siibstandard eondifiion having ina�equate paviag width �� . � and right-oF-way with no side�aa�ks or curbs. 5auth;aes� 13Oth Aveaue ` is presently a priva�e road. Su:�er Lake Plaaned Development is ' impraving it up to the northeast eorner of the subject site. Southraest 130th Avenue is desi;nated as a eollector street and will serve the ` ptoperty from the east moving from north to south. The street geeds � to be realigned and dedicated witk► full ctreet improvements (see plan). 10. �he gark Board has requested Chat the applic�nt dedicate a 3.4 acre parcel (see plan) adjacent to the Su�r Lake ��rk area� to the City. Tt�e appli�ant is considering. the request. • II. Conclusionary Findings: � � 1. The applicant has demonstrated throudh the site p2an and narr�tive � ' Chat he is conform:ing to the concept of a �lanned develo��ent in the thzee parcais as require� by the Tigard Municipal Code and the � Compr�ne�zsive P1.an�.. . � - . 2� '•�Th� appZicant� is wel7. within the density pec-�uitted Por single fami,ly and ` "multi-family. ' • . 3. The p*�?n st�c�wa a� 3..! �cre �arce� of l�r.d for park use which i,s called � • for on Che 5uu�aez Zake Fark Plan. � . 4. Conce ms expressed by the Planning Co�mission for d2nsity c�l.culations, drainaoeway activities and schools have been addressed (see attached schqol letter and paoe 20 of the narrative for c�escriptioa oF the drainageway contour) . � ' r . '� � STAFr REP02T � AGE�fDA 5.2 TIGARD PLANYZYG COt��fLS5I0ti' • . � ZC 29-79a ar.d ZC 29 79b PaQe 4 5. The park and recreational issues have been resolved. TEze 3.4 acre atea will be planted in grass and �aintain�d by the Ci.t�. Recreational facilities (such as tennis courts and softball field) are projected to � be installed withia Four years. IIS. StaFF Recom�ndations: . - . Sta.ff r�ca�en�s a�vrovzl of the p�z�.iuzir_ary plan atzd pro�ra_m. fo� ttze milti-fami.Iy units SuojeeC L� ti�e 1011o:�icz� c���ditiaas: � ' 1. That Section 18.$6.030 (General� of the Ti.gard Municipal Code be conplied raith prior to applicant's presentation of the general p2an� and program. . . . , 2. That site constxuction and drainage plzns be revie*aed and approved by the City Engine�r and Building DepartmPnts prior to issuance of building permits with any bonds or ather agreements as. r�quired. 3. ' fto chanoes will be made to approved plans or s�eciFications unless °'`'''' For�al apptication is made �o the appropciate department azd chanoes � are approve3 by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineering � specificata.ons and other detai3s requested by the depa�rt�ent. No construction shs11 t�ke place in these instances until after the ehana�s � �ave been apprnve�. Aay deviation from this conditi,on wriZl xesul� in Che i�aediate posting of a stop work ordes on the project ar any . pOrt iQLI o f the pro j eet. 4. That the ingress/egress to the A-2 areas be 30 feet wide� S. That the northern access to the A-2 areas be r,zoved eastYaard ta approximately 32 Feer. _ . Staff reco�nends approval of the R-5 zone change and tentat�.ve (pre�ims.na:�) subdsvision plat subject to the folloc•ring conditions: . 1. That the applicant. dedicate the adequate distance (as de�PZlnlA@a by the City Engirceer) oF right-ot-way alonp S.W. 135th Avenue, and • � Construct half streeL improvements to colleetor st�ee#;...stan,��,T�t� prior to approval •of final p�at. . : 2. That the appticant provide �he S.W. 13Oth Avenue extension as shown on the plan pri.or to approvai of the final glat, That 5ection 1�.Sc.03(? (General) of the Tioard Municipal Code be complied wi�h prior to applican['s presentation oF the general plan proaram. ��� �� . • . , . � ( . . .. . . . .. . � . . .. � . -. �' . .. . 0 , STaEF REPORT _ AGE.IDA 5.2 , � TIG�RD PL:�id�ili`3G COi�1LISSIOY ZC 29-79a and ZC 29-�9b page ' 5 . . 3e That site construcCion aud drainage ptans be reviewed and approved by " � �b� Citg Engineer and Buildino Departments pxior to issuance of � building per�iCs wi'th ax►y bonds or ather aoreements as required. 4. No changes will be made to app:roved plans or sp�cifications uniess � formal agglication is mz�ie ta the appropriate department and ct�anoes � ' ' � are approved by �hat department. App2icaCiore for changes will be made in writing and shail incluc3e applicabie dra�ainos, engineeriao SpeciE'tcat�oZS z-td other 3ztails requested by thn depart��nt.. ho construction s'aall tak� place in these in$tances uatil at"tzr the - changes have 'aeen a�proved. Any .deviation from this eor�dition will result in the im:nedizCe posting of a stop work arder on the groject or any portion of the project. 5. ThaC the in�ress/egress to the A-2 areas be 30 fe�t wide. b. That the norChern access ta the A-2 areas �e m�ved eastward to � approximately 32 feet. . 7. Thzt the basketball� pale, backboard ana all other structures in the � �Y"` � cul-de-sac islands be prohibited. However, the �ainted palg area is permitted. � Pre�ared by: Ren �1S�y Reviewed b�: Alclie Howazd . , Asso � te Planner Plannina Director � " . � � . . . . - . . .r , n , ,. � � C �� , . 5i.�.�'F REP�'RT , � aG_v�.� s.z � �rr��� pt.a.wxrr� ca��;•+isszo►v ' . P�bruar,� 5, I98'0 - 7:30 pm . - Eowler Junior Hiqh - Lecture Roo:n . 10865 SW Walnut Street, TiSard �T: SPEC?AL USE PEIZ�IIT, M 1-80 (Winter Lake) Ref.. ZC 25-78, ZC' 24 79J APPLICe�.'VT; Mr: Russell A. Icrt:eger � '. OWtrr P.: Mr. R. Rrv.�3er � 9320 SW 210th . Tax I,ots 3a4/So0/6oQ Heaverton, Orec,�n 970n5 Mr. G:. Scatt �� . , . 'Tax Lo�s 60],/fiQZ. • ' I1640 SW L3Sth . � . - . • � Tigazd. Orz�n 97�23 , AP9ZICATIQN ' • • • . ' � DATB� Januar� 23, 1980 . . . SITy' � � . . LOC.�TION: Adjo.inin3 t�e east side of I35th, 4D0' t�orth of Morniag Hs,li Dziv�, 5,40A' south af Schclls Ferry Road a.nd adjoirzi,ng the �,rest sic�e of . 130th (4lash. Co. Tax r2ap Isi 33n, Tzx Lots 30�� 500� 6�0� 601� a,tlat - 602) . . _ . . ' •, `REQtTLST; Far Special Use P�z�i.t to loca�e street and privata dzivaways i.� � " the drainageway on poztions o= the Winter Lake Fl�nis.ed Devela��;�r+t �� and Su.a►division. . • , . � . PP�VI�US ACTIQIV: . . , Qn August 21, '�979, the Pla.*z.ning Ccam.�.i.ssion ap�rove� the requnst by a�olicant for a su�divisicn and Pre].imin�.z�I Planned Development with conditions. (See the la�t �a.ge of. the apniicant's Sensitive Lan�. Pexai.t Repvrt.) . . . I. PINDINGS OF'FACT: � . , . - . l. The applicant's report addresses t�'�e issu?s of floa�plain, drzin.�_,�w-ay i�act and e�e=qency vehicle access. � . � 2. The study (see att�ched boa}:� i.ndicates thzt the drai.nage�aay � will be incorporated with the su�s�ged stoz-m� ct..�3nag� , . . .--..-_.. _ . syst�m. The reques� to place streets •and pr?�ate drive over the c�aina5e;�ay � I is permS.tted with certain re.c�,uire�nts as stated in Section I8.57.p4p ofi the � Tigard Municipal Co�e, . ' 3. The report calcula.tes the estimated zuno£f pe�k pc?-:�.,:�.:i� i::.._: _ _.,,_,_ ._ . � .Y��.. �.J 4 . �sins. Both areas wiI'1 not be adversely aftac:ed with the x�oad f.�arovs;;�n�s._ ' , ' ^ C � . .,+�� _. � � • Si.�sF'r RrPORT • . AG:�1DA 5.1 . TIG�..�^ PL.�N�IING CG'�L�LI5SI0[V Fe�iruarj 5, 1980 � � M 1-•80 Pac�e 2 . 4. Page 14 of the report addresses the�es�ergency vehi.cZ� access. Sowever, since • response by the Trl�shin,.�`�on `County Fire Depar`.r�ent Distxict 1 was not : . recei�-ed prior to this staff report, thi.s issue sha1l be addresse� as past cf the qenzral p1�n r�view. . 5. Paqe 10 (Conclusions) states the adjustments to the prelir,v.nary pZa.n y�,hat w�=e �made to accon�oda,ts the sensitiva Iands areas. - 6. T'ne let�r {pace 5) from the Cnrps cF �ng�.nears is si:�ficent data to dispell the concern that any o� the sul�ject site (oCher than the gond area) is in the fioodplaia. . . � II. COhCLIISIO�I.�:Y F�t�LDiCS s � ' . l. See the public Wvrks Director's b?e�e L.*pC1 t+?T11?�, ?ae Iagn wr ro���_v� � • the applicant's SpAcia3 Use Permit. ' � J 2. The request and supportive r?�ta sLbai.tted by the applicazt have a�a�,�tn1,y �.� met the Sensitive Lar.�s Qr3ina.nce. . . III. ST.�.FF RECON1t�NDATIOr1: � Sta=t seccrosends aperoval o£ th.e Snecial Use Per�it s�ject to the following conditions• 1. Z'hat t�e question of e�rgzncy y�h.�.cle access �e zeso�.vec� at the Ceneza.2, plan and Proqrara tiea�3,n�. • � . 2. T'hat site and public dra�.nag� ccrs:�truction plzns � anproved by the Bui.l3inq ancl FubZic Works Depaz�s�:��s pz3or to issuance of BuiZding Pe...*�i,ts or 3�ncs. 3. Na chariges will be �a�3e to aparoved plans or specifications unless fort�l application is made to the app.�opriats City depart�uent and ch�nges are app�nyza by �hat departmen�t. P��+?icati.an for changes w�..11 tae �!zde itz ri,�riti.ag'�*�a sha?I i.L1CZuL�. L�l.�`'+?�.�G:J.LC W..C1W�lg$. • . 4. That the propose3 drai.nage syste� shown on this ap�l,ication be ad�d to t2�e qener.at. p7an. _ • - ` � . Prepand by Ken' el/b� A,proved by Ai . '� ���,rz�3 Ass��=�t� City Planner lann n� Dir=ct,or �/(� �� V � ...I ... .. .. . . . .... . . . . ...... ., ..�.._ &� . . .. ' . .,. . . . . .. . ., . . . . .. r • . � . . .. •':y � i b � I J.., , i . . . \ ... �� � � � . . • . . . . . . . . . .�i'l0 � � � . . TOe • iCEN SEI�BY Januar� 24, 1980 FROM: F_�11�TC CLT?�IE SLTB�T£CT: WIiVTErZL�� - Sr.��5'ITIVE Le�;rIDS P£�•IIT . �' ICen s . ' . . ,Z t2�.'!? 2'E`i lH:vv�Ct: �.'C'i'd SSlr�7i'L:3.t7.C:; Sii�L???��2a �7�7 D:?ZT?C� �c/?-is Znr3 �f.SSQ^lZ"��s -an:n 3enT:°n�a�, Eva..�� L��, Prom a gractical point o� view, I woul:d agree with the aFolicant tnat no fl,00�lain e�cists an the site based on info.c��ti,en fro� the Cor�s. af �ngizeers relating tc► � Su.a^..-aer Creek in that. the St��:.er Creek floodpiain is nct on �he sitQ. &c.�zvzr, there are;soae Iands im,:�dizt�iy azound the s,nal.l ].ake and just up s�ream fzors r t�e Iake which would be inundated duri.rir� a 100 year stor,� deFending cn the d�si� of the coiitrolled vut fall. structure. In my opi.n�.vn, this is an insigai�ir.�n�. probl.ecu which can easily be addressecl d�:ng the desi� stage. ' � . �e hydraulics of the c'�ainagawavs a�e wzll th�ougn� ou�, accurately co�uted, ar.d ttse.n �,ppa;rentl� ;parti,alZy eaclosz� �ithin a stor.a �ain co�auit. � � Tt�e la'te offers an exceilent opoortL:nity to accomodate stormwater runo�� ��� �� • : pr�posed sub�ivision i,n accordance with our star� watzr �e�ention �rdina.*s�e„ . . . _ . , . . i . ,.._..�;�.._.,., . . ,- __ , _.,:.: .,.,,,�._._. , . ...... . .. -�,..,- .<,�,_ , . _..� .,.,. . ., . ..,_ ..,�. � ..<.; .__. __ r � , , . � . :� ,.. _ . �., :;�_ � r. . _ . ,..rt,;� .,.._ ,.. . � _ �'�����'� WASHINGIC�1 COUNTY,OREC',ON N O T I C E O F P U B L I C H E A R I N G f' , : . . liotice is hereby given that the xigard Planning Commission. at its meeting on Tueaday, _ April 3_._ 1984 et 7:30 P.M., in the lecture room of Fowler Junior 8igh School. 10865 S:W. Walnut Street. Tigard, Oregon, will consider the following applications �' . � - . FILE NUliBEB: zC 9-84 APPLICAldT: Russell A. Krueger OWNE&c Same ' 12225 SW 2nd Ave. : :._. : _. � Beaverton, Oregon 97005 REQUEST: For a Zone Change from R-7 (Residential 7 units/Acre) to R-12 (Reside�ztial 12 unitsJacre) LOCATION: East of 135th Ave. approximately one-half mile south of Scholls I�erry . . _ xoad, in the southern portion of the Winterlake Development. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33DC, lot 500) (See map on reverse side) � The public hearing on this matter will be conducted in accordance �rith the rules of Chapter 18.32 of the Co�unity Development Code and rulea of procedure of the Planning Comauission, Any persona having intereat in this ratter may attend and be heard, or testimony say be aubmitted in writing to be ' entered into the r�cord of the initial hearing. For further information please contact the Planning Department at 639-4171. TIGARD CITY NALL, 12755 S.W. Ash Avenue �Corner of Aah Avenue 6 Burnham Street), or contact your Neighborhood Planning Organiza;tion (�1PU) � 7 Chairperaon Richard Boberr� Phone Number 639-2342 626 - a�sy (pm/0257p) ' 12755 S.W.ASH P.O.BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 - _ _ _. x , . r ., �..f t �. (� , { %.#'r/L���� jp°�� ■ ��.� `.;�^ . ,_. . • �.J� ��L � �.�_/"�:� � . ° f.�,+` y� � C�PD� .'� � , '� �� �-P � — --- - -� � , - �� . .. /i � . . �� w ,. . ./ �� ' ~ �-�-� •. - ` ^ �:j l�;�'' ���o � . � .� s������ ���/� �. . �,•• � •yo V� .� r � � .... . � . .: C . ' �' . . . s�, . I, � < ���' '�.� �� .�: ..1 � ' �� I k r R-i2 -- �� �� 7 ,. ,• � � f tPD) �«���. �P�� �-�. , . I � �4�rr.� . � /� � i�rs'rii ���a ' - �Z:. s�����.� i � � � . � _ , -. , , ,, . , . � ., ��,,;��, �.____- - — � .� ' ,��t�;�EP D) ; - , _ . _ . , . . . . :. . ,. . � � � � �� � � 3J Nl f,� t . . � _ �• � �� � ' . .. _ ����� i R - �� .-; ��'� - ----:� ..� ,� ., ��" ---- �-1 �.� — � •''./ o /• � '`�i�E�1 � . ��q.,5 -� � � tPb' , aa� R 4. 5 I » ' , r- i I �, � - � �— • � 3 w � [ � I � ,�_ � � « .� ' � ..i _ p . . . . I' �.�� I .'_ � � �.I .. . : R- - , � � � 20 ``� • -� �� � , » , - � . . �N'� ,.`l�1;�-� -,.r, . « �� ";.�_. Q' d �.: �° � ��� � .� .�,,�•.V �� ��!e����s �� !)�'T• ,r'� '-1, , ��i�O� ' , � :,_ R � ) � . ' � . �!�'i�'T���w��► �� '.� f- ' �• . . , _� J. �°�0 �� ' ,� _. , . � . � .. -, , . ' � I�� � � r .. .. . �y� C �+ ��� �'(Iy . - �� ` i"_� s r,+" .�. .T �- f1M1_....[ �._: .� 1. I �j. . .�� _,s �...'�.�...� �. . _ . �,� � . I� . . .. . 1. � —�. i � . � _ ,, 1. _ i ; , ,_ � . � 1 I .„' , _. . M+� ' Ji i, . R-4: � s` . �-t� . .. 'i � � J . ...' .. . .�. J i I , . . �: � , � -- � _ . _ ; � ' _ ��AUNT. , , . . .. . I � . � �!�. 1 . . . . . . "' _ . . . . . � . 1 �.t . �r . . � _ . . . . � . � . . . . ti. . t . . .. . .. . I. � a 1..r.T�.� i � � . "�.i � __ . i . � 1 � � � _� . _ . � � , � /��`�s.aa .. ., � , ,•�: �'t � _ � 1 �; •�� � � �;�� .i i � -- - - --- _- n .� f We, th� undersigned members of the Morningh111 Homeowners Associatlon are opposed to the zone cfiange request. If granted, the R-12 zone would allow for a housing density 240% gr�ater than the 5 units per acre allowe� in Morninghill. This would undoubtedly decrease property values of existing homes in the Morninghili area. Further, fiigher dertsity would also cause a loss of privacy to ad�acent homeowners. This 1s particularly true since most of the rear yard setbacks are only 15 - 25 ft. For �hese reasons we ask the Tigard Planning Conmission to DENY the znne change request. � , ��=-' ►3��s � �=Ac.�.o� e�s�' ���F�e.� �z��3. . , ,�. , rL� � ��.Z 3 2. � - �GCr �-9�CL� 3 \ ," %6"1� � i C % (.�= �-' ' �; 3. � �us � z� � 4. ' � ��: -.;`� � � �/�; ,;, ��,� �# ..�. � 5. I' � �v � 'j f ����d ����.� , r--, . ,_-- 6. °� ���vc�.� l 7��o `Sl�i = `��,;-��.��, �7z�.� ,, j �-�' c> '� '/ 7. C �° �/�-.'-,' �.`.�=,;_.-�.���%�G� �,� ,-� `:�.� � ` ~��-.� r c 7� �?� s. �. ..�� ��� , � � C� l� ���►/l ��� ���,�i�� �f�1�Z....� 9. ,� ,�l�` .��y '��.._.__ � .� 1 r o�"����2o�L ��� � .�` � �..� �� �`� � 1 U.� 1 �~ � 7 !'J .J'� y � 1,�..� ,'' (��) ' . �a�l�'",�ryt:s ,� f � � �,�� .•~ i .- 11 . ' � 1' r � .� -��-t.�.�.� �:°�.., �- ,, , "'� � � 1_ .�..��� 12, '-�.�.�.t�� �'�.���ti�,-�:/ it�ZtcJ �;-x.���.c����i-���.i �.'-, �`irs��?� ��'���.:� 13. 14. 15. lb. li. _ 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. ,� ' •� Morninghill Homeowners' Petition continued. 24. 25. 26. ,_ 27. . 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32, 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. _ 45. 46. 47. 48. , 49. 50. - -- _ --_- — � �� � . 4 . � � � . r' .,. . . . . � . . .. - � . � . . Y � . . . . . . . Morninghill Homeowners' Petltlon continued. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. f�0. bl . � 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. I ' 70. 71. � 72. 73. ' 74. ' 75. , l . .. §., .. Yu . . . . .-. . � .. � .- ._.,�.. . � �. . � . . .. .. .. . . . . ... � «. . .. . . . � . �. . . .. . �������-� � .. VV/1SHINIC�N GOIJIJTY�OtdEGON NOTICE 0F PU ,BLIC HEARING t � Notice is her�by given that the Tigard Planning Commission, at ita aeeting on Tuesday, _ A�ril 3. 1984 dt 7:30 P.M,, in the lecfiure room of Fowler Junior High School, 10$65 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon, vill consider the following application; FILE NUNBER: ZC 9-�k APPLICANT: Russell A. Krueger OWNER: Same 12225 SW 2nd Ave. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 REQUESTe For a Zone Change from R-7 (Residentfal 7 uraits/Acse) t� R-12 (Residential 12 units/acre) LOGATIOAI: East of D35th Ave. appror.imately ane--half mile soutte of Scholls Ferry .. , Road, in the southem porCion of the Winterlake Development. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33DC, lot 500) (See map on reverse side) � The public heasing on thia matter aill be conducted in accordance with the rules of Chapter 18.32 of the Community Development Code and rules of �k�' pracedure of' the Planning Commission. Any peraons having iaterest in thia �atter oay attead and be h�ard, or testimony may be su6�mitted in vriting to be entered into the record of the initial hearing. For further information please conta�t the Planning Department at 639-4171. TIGAItD CITY HALY.� 12755 S.W. Ash Atrenue (Corner of Aah Avenue b Burnham Street)� or contact your Neighborhood Planning Osganization (NPO) � 7 Chairperson _ Richard BoberQ , Phane Number 639-2342 C 26 - d 8S�/ (pm/0257P) 12755 S.W.ASH P.O.BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 . r � � � . . �� �p•D �� .. � � � ; _ �\ �,,• � C_� . . . � . .. O . . . . . + 1� . - . . . . . . . ..w� S, . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . � . . b � P :° � Cp � ( D� � . - -- -- - ' ;%. �� � �� i; ����� . - /� �� . . . ,✓ ��,. . ' � . R°-2� - ����`- rCOU N T Y �� � ' � � r f • .. ., , ,, •r � . 1 � � , .�1 '`^- �s I • �' � ��12 -�w' �_ � . � f�PD) ; � � • L - ' . ' � �fidrtl`►K"v.�c..i� i � � o , Pp r-�-- � , �-" - � ���:r,.,,,: �.� : � , , , Z�-- s������ � � r-.- � , s , , r - l . . . �y� � . T-r'� . ll ' �7f1�![t � —_ _ _ r. J ' —��,�����P D� ; _ : . . . _ . . . � �i•�d . .�/� / f Mk�f,11 t . � . . � .. �r• ' ��� `\ . � R I � , . l�' `��I// .• , _ �� � . r '. ��... -_'___�`6�\i`�O� f S� _ f ;.� � ,' �. .�n-E,��. � � R—4. 5 .� . ����1� a tPD) � o a�..� R 4. 5 �3 , r- � s�•. . . ,4. . '.♦ . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . R— ' ° ' � " � � � �.,. . . , : y. , ..;- ?• r, � � .� � • + � ; ' ±. �_ �O � ��( j,��* v�' 1 � , . _ � s. y, ' �r �. . '�-+-. . r� �r' �„ 1_. � C� ' '� .. , � , � —:.- :.. o - — --—--—-�— - • F�=4. �..-,�- �, � � � � ,.�,�.,, , 'r '_.. - ' � �. ,.: . �0�r,�� j - R — I2 - — ..��..-.s'-N..��...�.. ..*.. , .:l 7_ o' ' ' ...:.0 —:J R-20 - � �.� " ,' , � � � . .. , , _ ' -�— < �y� ti I � ��. . .. •• 'Sw�, • ^< 1 �•._ ;.�.}�. ' t }.. ��_.�.v._Y . 1 \`. � •IM��i _ - If 1� I . � � . � , _ r, . ��; ; .y' ll�i t 1 '_� � ; I , • �'_ � � �.' a � ' r . � �_ -; ' � ..� . � . rr = �, R-4. . '' ;. , , + ,� a �, - i � a f l , � � ; � . i. I � --.. ._� . _�.-� � � � -� � � - - � - ,��+Q�IJNT. ' , , . . ' � . � r'-- - i - r. .. .. . .. ( ._ . . . ..� . . . � . . . . y . .��.. , I �.�._ _1 1. .� 1 � _ �.,._ � . . .... .. . � � . . . .� �I , •r �' . � � . . � • i_i.1 i�. �� ' �; - l ' :� .� . . i � ' 1 '��a.av.a�.a� ' ' ' , � ; .. . . . � �'I �i 1 � . . � ' � " � '�� �� � , •� .�y, , � �M I -'A�'' ? � ` �.:�-�.. ,.' . r _ . . ,,.: . � .�..... �_�_ .. .. . �� . . ... ��.: � � � * � We� the u�derslgned members of the Morninghill Homenrmers Assoclatlon are opposed to the zone cfiange request. Zf granted, the R-12 zone �ould allow for a housing densit�► 240'K grea#er than the 5 units 'per a�cre allow�d in Morninghill. This would undoubtedly decrease property values of existing homes in the Morninghill area. Further. higher density would also cause a loss of priva � to ad3acent homeowners. T�Ois is particularly true since most of the rear a d setbacks are only 15 �- 25 ft. For these r s ns we ask the Tigard Planni'ng Comnission to DENY the zone chan�e requ . 1 . � �� 2. � 32�b'J�,.W C�'�i�-,,ri� 1C'�a _��= , I�rr�, � ,� �� s. .y �. 3. 4. � . � �`��70 ..�.� � ` 5 a o� ��Zzo � ~� ^ , 6, ���D� �' � � � � � 3�� S'�.v �'N, ��,.,� �_�,� � �.� 7 J3 � � , 8. � h �� � 9. �.�5.s �' � �o. ' ` /�. s s� �.s i,. 1� . ` ��, �r � �' � 12. I( S S w /� �ni. t+-zc. 13. l 1 c� c� �c tc.s.. E; �4. � //9�� �. � . 15. ��� c5 /�Gk-°/>;� �j�� ��� �6. �id.�' s ` ~ >>. a� ��'d�.s y�`; l�..� � /��e� � ���n /� 18e � 19. 20. 21 . ' 22. 23. � � , ; r, Morninghill Homeorners' Petition continued. 24. — 25. 26, 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . - 32. 33. ' 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4u. 41 . 42. �3. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. � ' � t r � Morn9nghili Homeowr9ers' Pe#ltior� continued. 51 . 52. � 53. 54. 55. 56. _ 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . � 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71 . 72. 73. � 74. 75. 4 . _: _ _ - ---=---_- ------- ---- "ro : Ti�arc� P�.annin� Commiss�:on From: NP0 '7 �E' ZC 9--31-� NP0 7 met Ma.rch 2�3, 1984 to consic�er �h3:s app�.icati�n. We support this applica'��on< The 1.and has been prev�.�us'ly zoc�ed medium,� and was changed during the' comp plan process . The plan map Show� th�s' as medivm density. This r�equest is to bring the zone map and the plan �:nto agr�ement� We d� hav� reservat�.orls, however, on the so�athe�n boundary. TYae e�is�3.n� hom�sites �,re low density residential t'o the south of �his property. We have recommendecl tc� the �• devel.o;per that he construct 7.ower density in the tran�:ttion � ' area, and include a diffe�ent access at the southwest co.rner ' 3.nside the tranaition area. We do not �upport a road f,ha't would isol.ate the existin� single row of: homes b,y having a street in front and b�.nind � 'I'he location of thi.s aceess should take the 7_oca�ion of�he nearby' NC and possible a13.�nrnent. of future connections �o Scho<� F ' 11s er.r� and Murray 3:nto considera�Lion, Richard Bober� NPO 7 Cha_trTman [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]