Planning Commission Packet - 03/06/1984 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. -�,� TIGARD PLRNNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, Mar.eh 6, 1984, 7;30 Y.kl. �OWLER JU�]IOR. HIGH SC1i00L - LGI ROOM 10865 SW Walnut �- Ti�ard, Or. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approve minutes from previaus meeting 4. Planning Gommission Communication o Walt Munhall concerning Space Needs III and the City Building Buard. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SUBDI�ISION S 4°84 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 1-84� Rosebud Enterprises N,PO �7 5.2 SUBDIVISION S 3-84 ZONE CHANGE ZC 3-84 Robert Randall Co, NPO # 6 5.3 SUBDIVISZON S 5-84 VARIANCE V 2-84 ZONE CEIANGE Hallberg Homes Inc. NPO # 6 5,4 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAPiNING ORGANIZAT-ION APPOINTMENTS FOR NPO'S 1, 5 & 6. 5.5 COMPREHENSIVE P�AN AiMENDMENT CPA 1-84 City of Tigard I�PO �k 3 Land Use Designations 5.6 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 2-84 City of Tigard Zoning on newly annexed property 5.7 GOMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENAMIENT CPA 3-84 City of Tigard Open Space Oveslay 5.8 SLiBDIYI$ION S 8-83 PD PARK PY.ACE (Century 21 Homes) NPO �� 3 5.9 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 4-84 City of Tigard/Residential Homes 6. Other Busin�ss 7. Adjourn Meeting 0288P ( - � �._ , i a TIGAILA PLANNIAI� C0�lISSION REGULAR !'I��TING — MARCH 6� 1984 1. President Tepedino c�ll�d t,he meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. The meeting was held at Fowler Junior tiigh Schonl - LGI Room - 10865 SW Walnut, Tig�rd, Oregan. 2. ROLL CALL: PRSSLNT: President Tepedino; Commissioners Butler, �di,n� Fyre, Leverett, �!ioen, Owens� and Peterson. ABSENT: Commissioner Vand�rwaod. STAFF: Director o£ Planning & Develo-pment $i�.1 Monahen (arrived S;AO P.M,) ; Associate Planner Keith Liden; Secretary Diane K. Jelderks; City Attorney Adrianne Brockman. 3. Minutes from February 21, Y984 were considered. Co�issioner Owens move,d fc�r approval as submitted. Com�missioner lioen seconded. Mol:ion carried �nanimously. 4. PLAAIEIING �COHMTSSION COI�Il�S[JNICATION • Assaaia�e Planner Keith Liden statefl Titan Properties had asked for a clarification of the motion fur Colony Creek II, III, IV. Was it the P.C.•s intent to delete lots bas�d on 6.3.2 only or was it to do with established areas. • Discussion followed. Consensus was deletion was for the e�tablis�ed area. • Wa7.t Munhall pres�nted Space I�eeds for Cit� of Tigard. Discixssion follawed. S. PUBT..IG HEl�RINGS 5.1 PL/4NNED DEVELOPMENT PD 1-84� SiIBDIVISI0A1 S 4-84 ROSFBUD ENTERPRIZES NPO #7. ! Request £or detailed plan approval o£ a PZanned Development and �'reliminary Plat Approval for a 32-1ot single Family residential deve�opment utilazing '•0" foot side y�rds. LOCATION: Northeast o£ the intersection of 105th Avenue and S.W. Diamond Way. • Associate Planr�e�s Liden made s�a£F's recommendation for approval with conditions noting changes applicant made to conform to Planning Commission anotiun from February 21st P.C, meeting. • Applicani�,•s Presentation, Iiel Stout rep. Ros�bud. Concurred with staff's recommendation. ' PAGS 1 - PI.ANNING GOM[iISSION MZNUTBS - IiARCH 6, 1984 � . PIJBT.IC TES'TI�inNY - No one appeared ta sgeak� • Commissioner B��t3:Qr que��ioned �1f �he flood level ha:d been resnl�ved. Discussion :follawed between applicant, staff and Commissioners. a Commissaoner Uwens questioned if the NP0 �7 concern for und�ercu�ting of stream bank had been addressed. Applicant stated it had. s Commissioner Edin asked if the street configuration had to be develoged as shown. Applicant stgted this was done this �ray� ��cau�� they did not own ad3oining property. • Discussion and comments on Connnissioner Butlec's issues which he 1►ad asked to be addressed. (see memo) PUBLIC HSARING GLOS6D C014�IISSTON CIISCUSSION AND ACTION • Commisainner Moen questi,oneci if it is normal proeedure to submit a sensitive lands permit application prior to submittal of a subdivision appl.ication, Discussion followed. • Commissioner Butler quest3oned if the greenway would be ded'xcated to City. Staff stated it wou13. • Commissioner Hoen moved for approval of the detailed plan (PD 1-84) and the preliminar� plat (S 4--84) subject to staff's conalitinns 1 thcu 13 and addi�io�.al conditions 14 and 15. 1. The fingl subdivision pla:t shal.l be submitted ta the Planning Director urithin one year of Planning Commission approval. 2. The final pint shall contain 32 lots as shown on the preliminary plat revised by the ap�pl.icant on February 26� 1984. 3. P1ans for a fence along the w►est side o� 106�h Avenue including written permission of the property owness 3nvolved in Black Bull Fark� sha11 1se provided in con�unction with the final plat. Tn � lieu of the fence, a plan for a landscaped buffer sha1Z be provided. 4. /! homeowners association or e uivalent a�surance shall be � q , provided� to the satisfaction of the Planning Uirectmr, for the m�intenance of the vegetiation on the west side of 106th Avenue. The City shall not be responsible for maintenance af landscaping W3thi,n the right-af-way, S. The sidew►alk may be deleted on the west side of 106tts Avenue ug �o the snuthwestern corner of Lot 32. Sidetrral.ks sha].1 be pcovided throughaut the remainder of the subdivision as per City �tandards. PAGS 2 - PLANNING C014lISSION MINUTES - I�!!l.RCH 6, 1984 _ � 6. �even (7) s�ts o£ plan-profi�e pub�.ic impce��ement cAnstrue�tion �lans and one ti) itemiz�d construction cost esti�nate, stamped by +a registered civil engine�r, detailing all proposed pubic ia�provements' shal� be s�bmitted to the City's Lngineerin� ' Division for review. 7, Construction of proposed public imp�ovements shall not commence un�il af'ter the Eng,ineeri�g Division has issued_approved pub].ic improv��ent plans. The Engineering DiYision will require posting of a ;10096 performance bond,� the payment of a permit fee and a sign i�stallation/streetlight deposit. Also� the execution of a street opening pecmit or co:nstruction complianee agreement 3ust prior to, or a� the time of, �t•s issuanee .of approved public improvement �plans. 8. The final subdivision' plat st►all be recorded with Washington County prior ;tio the issuanc� of any building permits. 9. No ch�nges �or moeiifications shall be made to approved plans wittrout writt�n appresval from the appropriate City department. 10. �urvey Conditions: a. Yertical Datum shall be City oE Tigard (N.C,S. 1929) . All existing and establis;hed {temporary) bench marks in the vicinity of the pro3ect shall be shown on the construction ° drawinR. b. Comp�.iance o�' 18.160.160 (all) with ths £ollowing excep�ions: 18.160.160 A.2 Capped 5/8" x 30t0 �ron Rods on surface of final lift will '�e acceptabl.e. I�10TE 18.160.1b0 B.]. City nf Tigard Primary Control Surve�s (CS. # 19,94? � 20,223) L,aca1-Ground coordinates exist fo� all sta'�ions. Stiate �Yan coardin�tes not reauired. Ci�y can make { �.ra.nsformation given io�si coordinetes. <I�, c. Compliance with Section 18.].60.190 (B): 18.160.190 Fi3.in� and Recording B: Upon €inal record'at�g rwith the County� the applicant shall submit to khe City � mylar copy o� the recorded final p1at. d. All sanitary and starm locati�ons sh�ll be placed in poeitio�ns that do no� intecfere with centerline monumentatiic�n. ; PAGS 3 - PLANNTNG CO!lMYSSTON MINUTBS - Y4l1RCH 6, 1984 11. Deed sestrietions sha11 be reeorded with �ashrMg�an Cuun�y �hi�h ass�r�e that: � a. The 10 feet separation be�ween th� resi�ential structures sk►s11 remain i�n perpetuity; b, The 10 £eet separation between the residential structures shall be maintained fre� fron� &ny obstructions other than: (1) The e�ves of the structure; (2) A chimney which may encroach into the setback area by not more than 3 feet; (3) A swimming poo1; (4) Norznal landseaping; or (5) A garden wall or fence equipped with a gate for emergency access and maintenance purposes; and 12. Sasements shall be granted where any portion of the s�.ructure or architectural feature projects over a property line. 13. The maximum lot coverage for zero-lot line shall not exceed the max3mum lot coverage for the base zone. ia, Floor levpl. af houses will be as stated in the approved sensitive lands permit. 15. Applicant wi11 prowide rip-rap along northwest pc�rtion of property. • Commissioner Edin seconded. o Motion carried unanimously. 5.2 20NE CHANGB ZC 3-84� SUBDIV�SION S 3-84 ROBERT RANDALL CO. NPO �6 Request for a zone ahange from R-12 (Residenti.al� 12 units/acre) to R-7 (Resid�ntialo 7 units/acre) and for preliminary plat approval for a 49 lot subdivision. LOCATION: Northwest corner of Hal.l blvd. and Durham Road, Tigard (Glash. Co. Tax tiap 2S1 11DD, Tax Lot 2U0) . I • Associate Planne� Liden made s�aff's recommendation for approval with ten conditions per staff report. He also stated that the State Highway had three conditions that staff would recommend be inaluded. • IdPO Comments, Dave Atkinson, NPO �6 concurred with staff on �he density. They did have a concern for a buffer, however, because : of lower density it isn't required. Another concern was the PAGB L� - PL.AI�iNING GQlQ!'ISSION MINUTBS - lIAQCH 6, �9$4 laek 'of m lo�d limit �n Aur�am. This �ould make it difficult to se11 the homes along Durham Roa�. A�PLICANT'S P�ESENTAT�ON • William Cox� 95U0 S� B�rbur BYvd. , representing Robert Randall Co., requested an interpcetation of the Conversion/Buffer factor. He did not £e�l it was applicab].e to their project and Would �reete a hardship. They have already ineluded the state ' H'ighway Departenent's conditions into their proposal. PUBLIC TESTIMONY - No one appeaced to speak. 1 CROSS EXAM ANU REBUTTAL • President Tepedino asked staff to comment on buffer faetor. • P]:anni,ng Director Monahan explained if the intent of the Code was anet, an sxception should be allowed. s Gommissioner But3er questiGned requiring signalization at Durham and Hall. Discussion followed. • Discussion followed regarding screening and buffering. PUBLIC HEARING GLOSED COlIl+IISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTTUN s Comnissioner Fyre moved for approval o£ Zone Change ZC 3-84 atid Subdivision S 3-84� sub�ect ta �taff's conditions, eliminating condition �2� r�garding density transi.tion. Conditions: 1. Tt►e applicaa►t obtain final plat appr�val prior to development of the property. 2. A school impact letter sha1.1 be submitted prior to final pl.at approval. 3. The small parcel soutt� of lOt 48 shall be included. 4. A 10-foot wide 7.andscaped screen shall be provided £or Lots 29, 30� 31, 48� and 49 as required in Chapter �.8.100 of the Code. 1 Plans for the landscaping shall be submitted as part of the final plat approval process. 5. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement constructzon pl�ns a,nd one (1) i�emized construction cost estimate� stamped by a regis-tered aivil engineer, detailing all proposed public improvement� shall be submitted to the Gity's Engineering div3sion £css� review. Said plans shall be consistent with Engineeri�g Divi�ion comments noted in A. 6. above. PAGB 5 - PLANNING COMMTSSION MINUT6S - MARCH 6, 1984 � • _ 6. Construction of proposed public impravem�nts s�all not commence untiY after the l:ngineerir�g D��risi�n h�s issued aggro�recl publi� improvement plans. The Engin�ering Uivisimn vrill require i poating o£ a 100'� perf4rmance bond, the payment o€ a permit fee and a sign ins�allution/street light depogit. Also� the executi�n of a street opening pecmit or comstruction corn�7.ignce agreem�nt 3ust prior to� or at the t'sm�s of, it's xssuane� of approved public improversent plan�. 1. The' final subd'avision plat shall be re�orded �rith Washington County prior to the issusnc.e of any building, p�rneits. 8. No changes or modifications sha11 be made to approved plans without frritten approval from the �ppropriate City department. 9. Survey Gonditions: a. Vertical Datum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929) . Al.l tem ocar ) bench marks in the established ( Y existing and P vicinity oE the pro3ect shall be shown on the conatruction drawinR. b. Compliance of 18.160.I60 (ell) with the following exceptions: 18.Y60.160 A.2 Capped 5/8" x 30" Iron Rods on surface of final_ lift will be acceptable. NOTE 18.160.160 B.1 City of Tigard Primary Con#rol Snrveys (CS. � 19,947 £� 2Q,223) Lc►ca1-Gr,aund coordinates exist for all stations. 5tate plan coardinates not required. �it�/ can make transformation given local coordinates. c. Comp3:iance with Section 18.16U.190 EB) : 1� 160 19U Filing gnd Recordiag B. Ugon final recording with the County� the applicant shall submit to the Ci.ty a mylac copy of the recorded final plat. d. AlI sanita�y and storm loaations sha�.l be placed in positions that do n�t interf�re with eenterline monumentation. 10. State Highway Canditions: a. Addition�l t.ight-of-way will be dedicated i£ le�s than 40 feet �rom centac3,ine. PAGS 6 - F�LANNING COliMISSTON !'IINUT6S �- l4�lRCH 6� 19�4 b. H�lf-s�reet improvement to State Highw�y standards includ�ng s b3,ke path. c. An a�ce�s permit £�om State Highway Division. 11. Staff and applicant and Washington County to meet to determine n�ed for signalization a� Hall and Durham. • Commissioner Peterson aeconded. • Commissioner Owens questioned the need for a wall along �urham. Diecussion followed between staf£, NPO, applicant and Commissioners. � Conunissioner Edin did not support having the applicant. pay for signalization at Hall and Durham. • Legal �ounsel advised the Commission that they could �ot requice applicant to pay foc signalization without including other developers or eonsulting other jurisd3ctions. • �otion approved by ma3ority vote. Comznission Edin voted NO. 5.3 SUBDIVISION S 5-84, VARIANCE V 2-84 HALBERG HOMES NPO #6 Request for preliminary plat approval o� a 51-lot subdivision, a variance to permit the setback requirernents of the K-7 zone, and to allow for '•0" foot side yard setbac�s within the subdivision. Also, the Planning Aepartment requests consideration of a xone change frn� R-12 to R-7 in lieu o£ the variance application. LOCATION: West side of Hall blvd. , 500 feet north of Durham �oad (�ax Map 2S1 ��DD, Tax Lot 100? . • Associate Planner Liden msde staf£°s recQmmendation far appraval with conditions. APPLIGANT'S PRESENTATION • David Ev�ns, con�urred with the staff recommendati�n. FUBLIC TESTI�ONY - No one appeared to speak. CROSS EXAHINATION lIND REBUTTAL • Discussion followed regarding revissd plan. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSSD COMliISSION p�SCUSSION AND ACTION • Co�nissinner Butler would like to se� same condition� �pplied ta this application as the previous application. PAGE 7 - PLANNING COt!lSISSIO� hINUTES - MA&CH 6, 1984 l _ , _ ------- � • Commissioner Autler moved to approve Snbdivi�ion S 5-84 with th� follo�ing comditions: Conditions: �.. The applicant obtain final plat approval prior to development of t:he property. 2. The proposed lat configuration sha11 be modi£ied in order to comply with the City's density transition provisions (18.4�.040) . 3. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost es�timat�� stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing all proposed public improv�ments sha11 be submitted to ttae City's Engineering division for review. Said plans shall be consistent with Engineering Division comments noted in A. 6. above. 4. Construction of proposed public im�,rovements sha11 not commence until after the Engineering Division has 3ssued appcoved pub].ic improvemen� plans. The Engineer.ing Divi:sic�n will r,�quire postin� of a 10076 performance bond� the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/street light deposit. ALso� the execution of a street �pening permit or construction compliance agreement 3ust prior to, or at the ti.me of, it's issuance of approved public improvement plans. 5. The £inal subdiuision plat shall be recorded with Washi,ngton County prior to the issuance of any bnilding permits. 6. No changes or modifications sh�ll be made to apE�roved glans without writtez► approtral from the appropriate City departm�nt. 7. Survey Conditions: a. Vertic�l Datum shall be Gity of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929) . A11 existing and establish�d (temporary) bench �.srks in the vicinity of the project sha�.l be sho�n on the constructiore dra�rint�. b. Compliance of 18.�60.�60 (all) with the following exceptions: 18.16U.160 A.2 Capped 5/8" x 3D" Tron Rods on sur£ace of final lift wi�l be accegtable. NOTE ' 18.160.160 B.1 City of Tigard Primary Contr.ol Surveys (CS. � 19�947 & 20.223) Local-Ground coordinates exist for all stations. State plan coordinates not required. �ity can make ' transformation given local coordina�es. PAGE S - PLANNING COMliISSI0D1 liINUTES � MARCH 6� 1g84 � _ - - ----- c. Cornplisnce with S�cti.an 18.�.60.190 (B) c 18.160.19D Filing and Re�ording B. Upon final secordi�g with the County� the appl�cant shall submit to the City a mylar copy of the recorded fin�l plat. d. A11 saniitary and storm locations shall be placed in q pos3tions that do not interfere wittr centerline monumentation. I 8. Deed restrictions sh�ll be recorded with Washington County which ass�ure tha�: a. The 10 feet separation betwreen the residential structures shall remain in per�etuity; t�. The 10 feek separ�tion between the residentiel structures shall be maintained free from any obstructions other th$n: (1) Tlhe eaves of the structure; (2) A ehimney which may �ncroach into the setback area by not more than 2 feet; (3) A swimming pool; (4) Normal 3.andscaping; or (5) A garden wall or fence equipped with a gate for em�rgency access �nd mai�tenance purposes; and 9. Easements shall tre grat�ted where any portian of the structure or architectural featuce projects over a property line. 10. The maximum ZQt coverage for zero-lot line shall not �xceed the maximum 1ot coverage for the base zone. 11. Staff and applicant and Washington County to me�et to determine need for signe�lization at Hall and Durham. • Coaunissia�ner Moen seconded. • Commissioner Owens questioned the a].ignment of the street. Discussion followed. • Motion carried unanimously. 5.4 NBIGHHORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION APPOINTKENTS -- NPO � 1, 5 S� 6 • Director Monahan made the Intecview Committee's recommendation for appointment. • Discussion on Mr. Wyffels running for Kayor. If he should win he would have to resign. PAGE 9 - PLANNING COMMISSIOAI MINUTES - tSARCH 6, 1984 � _ - ---- - � Connnission�r 4wens maved tn Forwa.rd recA�unendation tc� �ppoint epplicants to eppropr�.ate K�0's. Cb�i�sion�r l�din second�d. • t4o�ion caccied unanimously to appoint the £ollawing: Edaa�rd �. Duffield� 8�895 SW �d�ewovd� NPO �1 Robert C. Wyffels� 899'S SV Edgewood� Nl'0 �1 Harry Sporata, 7745 'SW Gentlewoods, NP0 #S ' Mueel Gillen, 14936 SW 109th, NPA i�6 5.5 COMPRBHStdSI1i6 PLAN AMENDKENT CPA 1-$4 CITY AF TIGARD NPO �3 Washington Connty Planning Sta£f recently completed a review of the City's Comprehensive P1an. One concern is that the:re are S lots witt►in the City's Urb:an Growth Boundary under County 3urisdiction which do not have City Compreheneive Plan Land Use Designa�ions on them. The lots {shown on the attached map Exhibit •'A") are Tax Lots 400A 500, 501, 502 and 503 on Washington County Tax hap 2S1 4. The City Staff and County Staff are in agreement that '�he low density plan alesignation would be appropriate for these lots. • Director Honahan rnade staff's recommendation for approval. NPO C014�SNT - Bob Bledsoe, NPO �3, supported staff's reco�►endation. PUBLIC TESTI4iONY • Robert Lndlum, currently has a forest land deferral and was concerned he would loose this designation. Discussion followed. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSSD PLANNTNG COt4lISSTON DISCUSSION AND ACTION • Disc�assion followed regarding protecting gorest �.and deferra].. • Com�nissioner !loen moved to for�rard a recommendation to the City Couneil approving the low density residential plan designation �or the properties located on Wa�h. Co. Tax Iiap 2S1 4� lat 400� 500, 501, 502 and 503. Nith respect to lot 500, he reque�ted staff to rese�rch tax deferra3 status and provide information to City Counc�l. � Commissioner Owens seconded. • Hotion aarried unanimously. P�esident Tepedino annaunced that� unless there i� any objection he was changing the order of the Public Hearing. Item 5.8 wrould become S.6 and 5.9 would become 5.7 hecause oti the number of individuals present who wanted �o spealc on th�se issues. PAGE 10 - PLANNING COl4lISSION MINUTES - i7!lRCH b, 1984 5.6 PLAIJNED DEVEL�PMENT S 8-83 PD (Park Place) NPO #3 The appiic�n� is re�uesting conceptual and detailed plan approval o€ a planned development and pr�liminary plat apprnval o£ Phase T, consi�t3.ng of 39 rsni�s. LOCATTON: 13900 SW 121st Avenue (Wash. Cn. TAx liap 2S1 3GC. Tax Lot 401 and 2S1 4 Tax Lot 14Q0) . • Associate Planner I.iden made staff's recommendation for appcoval with condition�. A�'PGICANT'S PRESENTAxION ' Mike Fain� Century 21 Properties� �eviewed hist.ory of the pro3ect and changes whieh had been incorporated and addressed. NPO COMMENTS Bob Bledsoe� 11800 SW Walnut� NPO �3� unanin�ously supported the application. He then addressed �ssues of coneern which had besn resolved. PUBLIC TESTIliONY • Betty McCaino 13950 SW Y21st, e�pposed the application. She felt the density violated the Established Area policy. Also opposed the "T" on Gaarde. • Ralph Flower, 1170A SW Gaarde, opposed the project because of street alignment. He submitted a June 6, 1978 Ietter £ro� Washington County concerning the future alignment of the extension of 135th and proposed assurances. • Kevin liartin� Washingtan County, opposed this development due to the, f.�ct that �he street design is inconsistent with the Yashington Connty Comprehensiv� Plan. CROSS EXAMYNATYON /WD REBI7TTAL • Discussion £ollowed regaxciing additional information submitted and City Council's direction. �, • Discussion followed on how to proc�ed with this apFlication. • Bob Bledsoe, Ni�O #3, reviewed Comprehensive Plan process and pointed out that t;his application was in conformance with the adopted Comprehensi�re Plan. • Commissioner Sdin questioned �f staf£ was requiring half-street improvenients on both sides of �21sL. Discussion followed. Streets would probably be 3/4 improved. � I.engthy discussion followed re�arding �he pcivat�e streets. PAGE 11 - PLANNING COMMISSION MIN(DTES - MARCH 6� 1984 • I�r:s. 14cCain asked if a guard rai.l. coulci be ins�:�l�:ed to replace �rees whic;h have been protecting he� house. a �urther disc�ssion on priva�e �treet comparisons were dune bet�►een Lond�on Sq. and proposed project. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSSD • Commissioner Butler asked that a condition be added regarding maintenance of the private street. • Comanissioner Moen had concerns regarding private streets. • Commissioner Fyre f�lt that the plan was a compromise. He wrag concerned with private streets. � Commissioner Peterson also was concerned ahout private streets. Also he :would like to see sidewalks. • Commissic�ner Edin was also concerned regacding private str�et. He w�s also concerned with Mr. Flower's' testimony and wanted to see it resolved. • Go�issioner Leverett favored. • Commissioner Owens felt the road issue must be resolved between the City and County. She was alsa concerned with private roads and had other cancerns she felt she was not afsle to address during cross exa�:ination and rebuttal. • D'iscu�sion followed regarding the private streel:s. • President Tepedino had numerous concerns regarding the roads and �raffic circulation. e Commissioner Leverett maved fo�° approval of S 8-i33 per staff•s c enda�ion and conditions. re omm � Commissioner Edin seconde�3. • Comnissioner Peterson stat�d he would like to see a condition inCluded for sidewalks and to include Mr. Butler's motion for me�ntenance of pulblic roads. • CA�mnissioner Levere�t agreed to add a condition for maintenance ' d Comnissioner Edin seconded. of riv�.�� roa s P , e Motion gailed with Gommissioners Peterson, Fyce} Tepedino, Hoen and Otven� voting NAY. • Gommi�si�ner Fyre moved for a,ppruv�l wi.th conditions (per taue) . • Commissioner Edin seconded. PAGB 12 •- PI.ANNING COlMISSTON IiINUTE5 - MARCH b, 1984 s Moti�n failed 4-4. Commissioner,s Leverett� �u�l,er� N��n an� Owens voting N�Y. • Cammissioner Owens moved £or denial becaus� of the p�riv�te street design, l�ek of sidewa�ks and lack of �n agreement between the City and County for the arterial. • Commi�s�onec Moen secunded. • Discussion followed cegarding street alignment. e Motion failed. Commissioner Leverett, Edin� Peterson, Fyre and Tepedino voting NAY. • Commissioner Butler moved f�r approval based on Homeowner's By Laws reflect maintenance requirements� tha� there is no previous formal agreempnt f.or the stre�t alignment� there be 34 ft. street, but no 50 ft. right-of-way, 12 ft. each lane and four ft. sidewalks. o Motion failed for laek of second. • Commissioner Moen moved £or approval of conceptual and detailed planned development approval and preliminary plat approval of Phase I of S 8-83 PD sub3ect to staff's conditions and the fnllowing conditions. Condi�ions: 1. The Homeowner Association By Laws wi71 reElect that maint�nance of private streets and dedicated open space, recreational areas ar private mini park be the sole responsibility of the Homeoumers Assoc. with no participation required or needed b� the City. 2. Streets will be 24 ft. wide, wit� four ft. sidewalks on both sides of tracks A & C� and sidewalks on on� side o£ track B. 3, Garages will be located 20' to outsade �dge of sidew�lk. • Commissioner Butler sec�nded. � Motion carried� Commissioner Qwens voting NAY. 5.7 RESIDENTTAL HOMES ZOA 4-84 • Director Monahan explained that cesidential homes £all under the home occupation gortion of the Code. Issu� to deal with is does the Planning Commission feel that the home occupation is a commercisl venture and if l�nguage in the Code is ad��uate to handle the issue. • Carolyn Eadon, representing NPO #1, supported sta£f°s recommendation. PAGE 13 - PLANNING COMMISSION MTNUTES - MARCM 6, 1984 • Bo� Bl�dsoe, NP4 �3 represeri�at4ve, said they voted unanimously , t� suQport the Planning Dicector's recommendation. a �lso requ�s#sd under criteria �o limit � of empl�yees not ' related by family. • Glen Haddock, 10495 SW Walnut, Consultant for Elderl� Care� reviewed Senate Bill 478, stating it is a residential use not a com�nercial use, and that City Code prohibits this type of use. � Ferd Moreno, 14430 SW McFaland� supported Mr. Hgddock's statements. • Roge� Anderson, ioizo SW Kabel St. , representing Jolene Carlson, reviewed City Gouncil action and request. He felt this hearing was premature. He did not su�port staff's recot�tendaEian that these fall under Home OcCUpation permits. Aaked the Commission to do nothing. • Bill 1lilam� 1737 SE 106th, Portland. opposed being a kTome OcCUpancy. • Darlene Ball did not feel this hearin re£lected what Cit S y Council wanted. Proposed postponement. • Commissioner Moen moved to continue Public Hearing tu April 3, 1984 and seques�ed staff to obtaxn from City Council specific direction as to what they want. • Commissioner Owens seconded. • Co�nissioner Edin commented he had attended the City Council meeting and the issue was not formulated. • Lengthy discussion followed. • Motion carried unanimously. • Gommissioner Iioen moved to continue 5.6 and 5.7 to April 3, 1984. • ComcnissiAner Owens seconded. • Motion carried unanimously. OTH�R BUSINIESS e Discuss3on on whether Planning Commission wants to go on record in support of new City He1.1. s Cansensus was that this was not appropciate to do a� a group. COMIiT8SI0AlER O�,TENS LEI�T AT 12;20 P.M. l�IEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:24 P.M. (DJ:pm/0362P) PAGE 14 - PLANNING CO!lEiISSTON liINUTES - MARCH 6, 1484 XS%44�Cg�AXYX � � � PLANNING £ONlMISSION ROLL CALL v —� Frank Tepedino �— _ Jol1n Butler � — I . . / Phil Edin !�" Milton Fyre � Deane Leverett � • Donald Moen � Bonnie O�wnes !/ Dave Peterson v Chris Vanderwood �a / � < . . � . � � uc��lu .. .� ` I--l���� � . �—'�''_ TIGAR�D PLA�INING CnMM7S5IC�N STC'�N UP SHEET NC3�IC�: �1LI, PERSONS DESIRTIVG TO SPE�1K ON ANY ITEM r2UST SIGN THEIR NANIF and note their addre thia sheet: (Please Print our name) r , ITEM/bE5'CF2IP.�TON:� � .7 ���� • ' +�. � �� � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address ancl Affiliation �1 �-T�u� ��c�t�cP(' , 2 s�r� - , ����r .. , , , ,, NOTICE: AL� PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON AN�I ZTEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAMF and note thei,r addzes t�'s shee ., (p se Print your name) . � ITEM/bESCRIPTTON: l . ;I PROPONENT (For) O�'PONENT . (against) ' II, Name, ,Address and Affiliation � . Name, Address a-nd Affiliation `' _ � . . ` .. . �.�. � . .�.1>nn�L. . ' . . . . �._.,. . . �. ��� . . r. :� u. ' � . . . . o � . .. . . . .. . .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . _ . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . ' , � t . ` . .. .. . . . 1JA 14+ �`�� �� TIGARD PLANN�:NG COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET NOTICE: ALI, PERSONa' DES"tRING 1'0 SPEAK ON AI�X ITEl�I MU'ST SIGN THk:II: NANIE � ar►d nofie their address. o t s sheet, lease Print o r name) ITEM/bE.S�CRIP'1'ION: �i �� � r 1 �r��� �_ I����' ���`� �� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against� Na�ne, Address and Affilia�ion • Name, Address and Af�iliation �� ' �'� I �I� � , . � �.� crn��c:..�'cT ��1��1 2c� .,� �� ,M ���� :f NOTICE o ALL PERSOI�TS DESIRINIG TO $PEAK. ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIFt NAMR and nate tY�ea,� �c3dress, on fihis sheet. (please Print yot�r name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION o � a �D�'/1►.��'`/�'l,�",/?T..S � ..__, . PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (againstj lVame, Address and Affil.ia.tion � . Name, Address and Af�iliation I' . � , , . �.- _ . . � � � _ _ ut�1�., �r� I ��-'--^ TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET NOTICE; ALL, PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON �1NY TTEM MUST SIGN THEJI� N�1NIE and note their address on this sheet. (�leas� Prin� your name) ITEM/bE:SCRIP.TION: ��L� � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affi.liation Name, Address and Af�iliation � , wt l 065���E?r-�,S-� ,�': , , � "; NOTICE: ALL P�RSONS DE��RING TO SPEAK ON ADiY IT]EM DiUST SIGN �'fiElFt AIAI�TF and note their address. on �his sheet.; (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: ,�,/�� � � '� r . PROPONENT (For) OpPONENT (against�. Name, Address and Affiliation . N�me, Address and Affiliation � . , , , , . ; - � __— . U.L'1.1 L���� _ � .. TI�ARD PLANNING COMMISSTON S3Gr7 UP SHEET NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK OI<1 ANY TTFM MUS;r SIGN THEIft NANIE i and note their address. c�n this sheet. (�l s� Print your name) TTEM ESCRIP.TION: �� /�. �-� � _,�� � I PROPONENT (For) OPP�NENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliata.on � Name, Address and A�filiation . � , '; NOTICE: �LLL PERSONS DESIRING TO SFEAK ON ANY TTEM MUST SIGN TFIEiR NAMF and note their address, on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/�ESCRIPTION: I PROPONENT (For) . OpPONENT (again�tj I Name, Address and Affilia�.ion � Name, Address and Affiliation . . .. . .. . . • I . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . % , i .: .. . . . . . . . . . . � . .. . ' .:. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . ._ U;, t.. _ . �-�._�._._��- --'-' � I NOTIC�: ALL PERSONS DESIRTNG TO SPEAK �N ANY ITEhi MUST SIGN THE�It NF�h1�1 and note their �aar�ss o is sheet. (please rint your �ame) I`TEM/bESCRIFTION: ♦ � � - � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation • Name, Address and Affiliatian . . �E b C��� �1�Cr �- l ' ��%G S c.,, � Tu,�-; ��"77�!' /�t���l!�J ,�,��� � E�.� /�.�`�� I�//v ��fl,�J W ' S/-�� C�. l l lGI-�/��L Gl.� F/-���c.� , � _. '��L� �� OG� ..�l,�/ �.����- C,��-/�U,�`� 2% f'f�P�I'Tt�� ��. �'ox I�c3 •-�7/�a S�t</, f/Q��� f���/ �� � TL1,���r�,�/ e��c�t/ j'�o�� �41-2762 � :� .. il:, t�. _._��...'.�,�.�.._ . NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING� TQ SPEAK ON ANY IT'Eti MUST SIGN THEIIL N1\ME and note their address on this she�t. (glease Print your name) ITEM�ESCRIPTION: �Q� � ° � . • PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation � ,�/ � � �y �;�C�c�c ,�"� ��..c.�E°,����� /' �sti�t�irc.t°"��e.�F" f�r� ,��Ar`�c�� Cm?/2�" �r''�',�:r�c1,�• , f �''i?:a�"`� .1 ...:�,°t'��°'a. '.r''r' !'�t ' C� � ��r•L'3t�C'�' � .,-,��°'..`.3"�CC9. �'GX�L�7" /�/�'/2 .._ �Jd� C�e,� e �� � �l�� S �'t/'C� ���� �� r �r �/ O� >�' � � � `-- S��� �' �l 3 � � � , �c 1�r �.�� _ , � ��-C�l G�p " '•' � c� -e`r' � v-S` " ✓'n . �� � d S r� �o� r �il .�,�� � � lzw----- - _ _ ____�. ___ -.__ _ ._ ___ --- ----- ' �� 7 � � /a� ��-�t,�, . , � � , � �� PFiC71�ERTIES CORPiDR�4'TiON T4arch 5, 1984 Tigarci Planning CommissiQn Re: Cclony Creek Estates Preliminary Plat D:ear Commissioners : We are attempting to understand the resolut.ion adc�pted t�y th:e , Commission regarding the requirement tQ reduce twa lot.s �r�m the proposed �lat of Colony CreeTc Estate� . In reviewing the Cnmprehensive P1an and the Devela�ment Cca�ea i.t appears that the plat, as presented tc� �he C�mmis5iana woulc�. allow the inclusion of the two lo�s �liat wexe d�leted fiy the r.esolution af the Commission.. � We res�ectfully request your reconsideratian o� th�s pc�rt:i.on o� the motion to allow the inclusa:o� o£ the two 1c�ts in ; question. Very truly your�, TT'�AN PROPERTIES CORPOItATION � � S ephen A. Bleak Presa.,dent SAB/plf � 209�15 S.W.TUALATIN-VALLEY HIGHWAY/ALOHA,OREGON'97006/TELEPHONE t5031 642-3093 1 - - - - - - - - - --;�.• _ - ._._;,__.____..._._ - �, , . . _ _ ._._._�..._. ' . , _; � _ J STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5. 1 MARCH 6, 19$4 - 7:3'0 P.M. TIGARn PLANNING COI�4IISSION FOWLER JUNIOR �IIGH SCHOOL - LGT 108$5 S�W. WAI,NUT TIGARD, OREGON 972�3 A. FTNDING OF FACT 1. General Information CASE: Planned Developmecit PD 1-84, Subdivision S 4-84 REQUEST; For detailed plan approval of a Planned Development and Preliminary ]Plat Approval for a 32--1ot single family residential de�elopment utilizing "0" foot side yards. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESTGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-7 (PD) RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to cond:�tions. APPLICANT: David Evans & Assoc. Inc. OWNER: Rosebud Enterprises,Inc, 2626 S.W. Corbett Ave. 4209 S.W. Westdale Dr. Portland, OR 97201 Portland, OR 97221 ZOCATIONt Noxtheast of the intersection of 106th Avenue and S.W. Diamond Way LUT AREA: 7.31 acres NPO COMMENT: NPO ,1�7 has submitted a response in favor of the application. 2. Background "The Meadows", a 24°unit manufactures home development was proposed on this property buk was denied by the City in 19$2 (Case N0. CPRPD 13-81). A sensitive lands application (M 1-84) for fill within the 100-year flaodplai.n of Fanno Creek was approved by the Hearing Officer on February 2, 1984 subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicanL sk�all submit an engineering plan to the City Engineer for approval prior to the issuance of any permits. 2. All unused lands remaining in the 100-yeas floodplain shall be dedicated to the public prior to the issuance of any permits. The dedication document shall be recorded with Washington County after it is approved by the City. 3. Positive footing drainage elevations to the 100-year floo�plain elevation wiZl be dPterm�ined by tYie building division at the tinre of the issuance of building permits. 4. The applicsnt shall construct a pedestrian/bxcycl.e pathway that meets Public Works Department approval prior to issuance of building permits. On February 21, 1y84, the Planning Commission granted conceptual ap�roval for a planned development subject to the following conditions; 1. The applicant obtai.n Detailed Plan approval and Preliminary and I Final Plat approval prior to developmeat o£ the property. I, 2. The proposed lot configuration shall be modified in order to comply with the City's density transition provisions. 3. Clear provisions shall be made prior to Detaa:led Plan and Subdivision approval to insure that the landscaped buffer along the west side of the property will be the respon�ibility of the residenCs of the dev l e opment and not the City. 4o The canditions of approval for Sensitive Lands Perznit M 1-84 shall be met. 3. Proposal DeseripGion The applicant is now requesting detailed plan and preliminary plat app�oval. In response to the comments made at the previous hearing and the con�3itions of approval for PD 1-84, the following modificati.ons and additions have been made: a. The number of lats along the southern boundary of the project was reduced from 1Q to 8. Also, the southeastern parcel (Lat 8) was enlarged to move the proposed buiiding site 15 feet back from the 100-year floodplain. b. To provide a buffer for the su�idivision west of 106th Avenue, the applicant is proposing to provide a 5-foot vegetative screen with ground �over within the right-of-way or a wood fence on the �lack Bull Park lots with ground cover in lieu of the landscaped buffer. The fence willbe built if all pro�erty owners are agreeable. A homeowners association or equivalent will be provided for maintenance of the vegetation placed in the right-of-way. Also, the applicant is proposing not to install a sidewalk along the west side of 106th Avenue. All other improvements are intended ta mePt City standards. 4. Agency Comments The Engineering Division has no objection to the proposed as long as the landscaping within the 106Ch Avenue right-of--way is not the maintenance responsibility of the City and the sidewalk an l0fith Avenue is provided in front of a]:1 lots that are part of this developmento STAFF REPORT - PD 1-84 & S 4-84 - PAGE 2 A *espanse has not been xeceived from the Washington County Fire Uistrict �k7.. B. ANALY'SIS AND CONCLUSION The densi�.y transition iequirement has been re-evaluated by staff in light of the revised proposal. It should be nated thzt the Code (Section 18.40.040) requixes calculations based upoil the maximum density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan rather than the applicable zone designation. As a result, a minor error was made in calculating an appropriate der►sity transition at the previous hearing. Based upon the revised site plan and thP allowable Plan density of 5 units/acre to the west and south; the proposed pl�nned development/subdivision is consistent with Section 18.40.040 of the Code. The maximum density within lOD feet of the west and south boundaries of the project will not exceed the allowable density of b.25 units/acre. The buffering alternatives proposed for landscaping and a fence appear to be appropriate. From a maintenance standpoint, a fence on the Black Bull Park properties with a low ground cover between the right-of-way line and the street improvements is �referable. Sidewalk requirements for subdivisions may be exempted by Planning Commission as provided in Section 18.164.A70 of the Codeo Since lots on the west side of 106th Avenue will not ixtilize this street, and it will not be extended, the deletion of the western sidewalk appears to be appropriate. C. RECOMMENDATION The Planning staff recommends apprnval of the detailed plan (PD 1-8�+) and the preliminary plat (S 4-84) subject to the f.ollowing conditions: 1. The final subdivision plat sha11 be submitted to the Planning Director within one year of Planning Commission approval. 2, The final plat shall contain 32 lots as shown on the preliminary plat revised by the applicant on February 26, 1984. 3. Plans for a fence along the west side of 106th Avenue including written permission of the pro�erty owners involved in Black Bull Park, shall be provided in conjunction with the final plat. Tn lieu of the fence, a plan for a landscaped buffer shall be '� provided. 4. A homeowners association or equivalenk as�urance shall be provided, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, £or khe maintenance of the vegetation on the west side of 106th Avenue. 'The City sha11 not be responsible for maintenance of landscaping within the right-of-way. 5. The sidewalk may be deleted on the west side of 106th Avenue up to the southwestern corner of Lot 32. Sidewalks shall be provided throughaut the remainder of the subdivision as per Ci�y standards. STAFF REPORT - PD 1-84 & S 4-84 - PAGE 3 6. Seven {7) sets of plan-profile puu�ic improvement can5truction plans a�d one (1) itemized construetion cost estimaCe, sLamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing a11 pro-posed public im�rovements sha11 be subm'itCed to the City's Engineering Div�ision for review. 7. Construction af proposed public improvements shall not eommence until after the Engineering Division has issued approveci public improvement plans. The Engineering Division wi11 require posting of a 100X performance bond, the payment of a perm�.t fee and a sign installation/streetlight deposit. Also., the execution of a street opening �ermit or construction compliance agreement just prior to, or at the time of, it's issuance of approeed public improvement plans. $. Z�e final subdivision plat shal�. be recorded with Washington County prior to the issuance o�f any huilding permits. 9. No changes or modifications shall be made to approved pla.ns without written approval from the appropriate City department. 10. Survey Conditions: . a. Vertical DaGum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929). Al1 existing and establ�ished (temporary) bench marks in the v�icinity of the project shall be shown on the construcGion drawing. b. Complianr.e of 18.160.160 (all) with the following exceptions: 18.160.1G0 A�2 Capped 5/8" x 30" Iron Rods on surtace of final lift wil.l be acceptable. � NOTE 18.160.160 B.1 City of Tigax`d �'rimary Control Surveys (CS. �k 19,9�+7 & 20,223) Local-Ground cnordinates exist for a11 stations. 3tate plane coordinates not requ�red. City can make transformation given local coordinates. c. Compliance with Section 18.160.L90 (B) ; I 18.160.190 Filing and Recording _ B. Upon final recording with the County, �the applicant sttall submit to the c�ry a mylar copy of the recorded final plat. d. All sanitary ancl storm locations shall be pl:aced in positions khat do not interfere with centerline moiYUmentation. STA�F REPORT - PD 1-84 & S 4-84 - PAGE 4 11. Deed restrictions sha�1 be recorded with Washington County which assure that• a. The i0 feet separation between ths residential stxuctures §hall remain i.n gerpetuity; b. The 10 feet separation between the residential structures shall be maintained free from any obstructions other than; (I) The eaves of the structure; (2) A chimney which may encroach into the setback area by not more than 2 feet; (3) A swimming pool; 4 N r � � o mal landscaping; or (5) A garden wall or fence equipped with a gate for emergency accPSS and maintenance purposes; and 12. Easements shall be granted where any portion of the structure or architectural feature projects over a property line. 13. The maximum lot coverage for zera lot line shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage far the base zone. ��-��-��-����_��_�_.___ PREPA D . eit iden APPROVED �Y: William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning & Development (KL:pm/0333P)) STAF� REPORT - PD 1-84 & 8 4-84 -- PAGE 5 __ _ __. _ _ ► - - — _, � MEMORANDUN! � CITY OF` TIGARD, OREGON MARCH 2, 1984 T0: Planning Commission FROM: Liz Newton, Associate Planner SUBJECTs Commissioner Butler's Letter of 2/23/84 Commissioner Butler has asked me to address 2 issues in his letGer wfiicti I have attached. The issues relate to the approval of a Sensitive Lands permit for an application known as "Rosebud." l. Commissioner Butler asks for a clarification on policies 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and, 3.2.3 of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. Those policies read as follows : 3.2.1 THE CITY SHALL PROHIBIT ANY LAND FORM ALTERATIONS OR DEVELOPMENTS IN THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN WHI'CH WOULD RESULT IN t1NY RISE IN ELEVATION QF THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN. 3.2.2 THE CITY SHAL�: a. PRO�IIBIT LAND FORM ALTERATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT ZN THE FLOODWAY*, E};.�EPT ALTERATIONS MAY BE ALLOWED WHICH PRESERVE OR ENtIAIdCE THE �'UNGTI01� AND MAINTENANCE OF THE ZERO-FOOT RISE FLOaD'�AY'�; AND 'b. PItOHIBTT LAND FORM ALTERATIONS OR DEVELOPMENT IN THE FLOODPLA�I3� OUTSIDE THE ZERO-FOOT RISE k'Z(�ODWAY* EXC�,PT AS FOLl.OWS t 1. LAND FORN'[ A.LTERATIONS SHALL �E ALI,OWED WHICH PRESERVE OR � ENHANCE THE FUNCTION OF THE ZERO-FOOT RISE FLOODWAY�. 2. LAND FORM ALTERATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT SIiALL BE ALLOWED WHERE BOTH SIDES OF THE FL(1QDPLAIN� ARE DESIGNATEL'1 AS '� EZTHER INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL ON TIiE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP, AND THE FACTORS SET FORT�i IN POLIGY 3,2.3 CAN BE SATiSFIED. 3. LAND FORiK ALTERATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED WHERF ONE SIDE OF TIiE FL04DPLAIN* IS PLANNED FOIt COA9MERGIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONSt (a) THE LAND FORM ALTERATION OR AEVELOPMENT IS ON LAND DESIGNATED ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP FOR CUMMERCIAL OR INDUST1tIAL USE; MEMO r�a�cx 2, 1�$4 PAGE 2 (b) THE APPLICANT CAN SHOW THAT ALTERATIQNS OR DEVELOPMENT INTO THE FLOODPLAIN* IS REASONABLE AND NECE55ARY TO BETTER ECONOMIC USE OF THE SITE; (c) THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN POLICY 3.2.2 CAN BE SATISFIEB. 3.2.3 WHERE LAND FORM ALTERATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT ARE ALLOWED WITHIN THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN� OUTSIDE THE ZERO-FOOT RISE FLOODWAY*, THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE: a. THE STREAMFL�DW CAPACITY OF THE ZERO-FOOT RISE FLOODWAY* BE MAINTAINED; b. ENGINEERED DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTATION SHOWING THAT THERE WILZ BE NO DETRIMENTAL UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM CHANG�ES IN THE FLOODPLAIN* AREA, AND THAT THE CRITERIA SET FORTH IN THE SEN$ITIVE LANDS SECTION OF THE CODE HAVE BEEN MET (See FIS September 1971) ; c. THE PLANTING OF AN EVERGREEN BUFFER ON THE COt�IMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL LAND ABUTTTNG RESIDENTIAL LAND WHICH SCREENS THE DEVELOpMENT FROI� VIEW BY TkiE ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL LAND, l�ND WAICH IS OF SUFFICIENT WIDTH TO BE �OISE ATTENUATING; AND d. THE DEDICATION �F SUFFICIENT OPEN LAND AREA FOR GREENWAY ADJOINING THE FLOODPLAIN* INCLUDING PURTIONS AT A SUITABLE �LEVATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN/BICYCZE PATHWAY * T E ADOPTED N E WTTH H T E FLOODPLAIN IN ACCORDA C WITHIN H L� ATHWAY PLAN. PEDESTRIAN BICYC P In relatian to the Rosebud Sensitive Lands approval, Policy 3.2.1 is interpreted to prohibit alterations or developments in the fioodplain wtiich raise the elevation of the 100-year floodplain. Any alterations or development in the 100°year floodpl.ain which don't raise the elevation o£ the 100-year floodplain, it is assumed, are allowed. The Rosebud proposal for Ialtering the 100-year floodplain would not raise the elevation of the 100-year , floodplain. I Policy 3.2.2 (a) prohibits land foxms alterations in the floodway except those which pre.serve or enhance the function and maintenance af the zero-foot rise floodway. It is assumed then, that any Ianc3 form alteration which preserves or enhances the function and maintenance of the zero-foot ri.se floodway is allowed. The Rosebud proposal enhances the function of the zero-foot rise floodway. Policy 3.2,2 �b) 1. allows land form alterati.ons or development outside the zero-foot rise floodway which preserve or enhance the function of the zer�-foot rise floodway. The Rosebud proposal will enhance the function of the zera--foot rise floodway. M�MO MA�iCH Z, 1984 PAGE 3 Policy 3.2.2 (b) 2. doQs not al�ply to Rosebud U�cause Ghe Rosebud site is designated fqr residential development. Policy 3.2.2 (�) 3. (a) allows land form alterations and development where one side of khe floodplain is planned for eommercial and industrial use �rovi.ded . that the land form alteration is on land desi.gnated for commercaal or industrial use, the applicant can show that alterations or deve7opment into the floodplain are necessary far better er_onomic use of the site and the factors a.n 3.2.3 can be satisfied. The alterations proposed for the Rosebud project �re on lands dssignated f�r residential use. Obviously, the alterations to the floodplain will enable the property owner to make betfier use of the site as more lots will be platted. Policy 3.2.3 sets forth specific requirements which must be met where land form alterations and development are allowed within the 100-year floodplain outside the zero-foot rise floodway. It is staff's opinion that policies 3�:2.1 and 3.2.2 �a) conflict with policy 3.2.2. the f.irst two basically allow any alterations or development in or outside of the 100-year floodplain which don°t result in any rise in elevation of the 100-year floodplain or which preserve or enhance the function and maintemance of the zero-foot rise floodway. Policy 3.2.2 sets li.mits and exceptio�s to development or alteration in the floodplain. The inkent of allowing alterakions and developments under policy 3e2.1 and 3.2.2 (a) was to gain a method whereby d�evelopers could be responsible for much needed improvements to the �'anno Creek water course. The intent of palicy 3.2.2 (b) was ta protect residentially designated properties from the effects nf encroachment into the floodp�lain and to protect the open space buffer along Fanno Creek. The approval standards in Section 18.84.040 of the Gommunity Development Code implement the intent of pUlicy 3.2.2 (b) and policies 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 (a) in that all of �he critpria must be met prior to issuance of a Sensi[iv� Lands Permit. On the ather hand, a proposal judged agai�5t the plan polici�s may me�t one, two or all three of the polici.es but �onformance with all three is nat required. snouLa the Planning Co�nmission wash to take this matter up for di�cussion, staff would be happy ta sche.dule it for the April Work Session. (EAN:pm/0334P) n � . . . . . . . . . . . . .� t7oYin. A. Bu�tler : �76 0 S;�i. �mara T.i�ard, OI�. g7223 23 Febriz�:ry 198� Liz N�wton � �ssociate Plann�r Ci�y o1' �.Ciga.rcl I �'igarc� Ci-ty Hall Ti�ard, OI� 97223 Re�ardin�. 1) Ti�arc� Comprehemsizre Plan(TCP) �TOl 2 Policy 3.z , 1 , 3. 2. 2, an.d 3, 2.3 2) '.t'igard Comprehensive P.lan Val 3 1.8.8�l�. 040 A, 3) Pn 1-8�(Ros�buc� En•ter�rises) 2/21,�8� Plannin� Commission A�enda 1'tem 5. 2 ��c'�,Y' Z1Z r I �'eel o�ar conversation o� 2/22/84- and your� resultinu r�search wouZd be vex�y lzelp:fu.l to the enti.re Pla.nn.ing Commission; therefore, I request �t;ha.t you please cleari.fy TCP �Tol 2 Poliries 3.2. 1. , 3. 2.2, and 3 . 2.3 and TCP Vo1 3 18.8�. O�O.A. conaernin�; .iilling i.n tlze floodpla�,n in a residential �one. :�l�ase, interpr��t these po�a.cies with re�;ard `to P1� 2--8?� and Sens;i.tive Zan,ds Perm:it Mi-8�1�. T:E' an,y ��> aetion shoulr� be -�aken by the �'1ann�.ng Commission, please, inForm us o_�' such. '�o rese.rv� any �osszble appea7_ ��[,atus, ir�clude 'you:c response in the March 6 r 198�I� Planning Commission packet unc�ex� Planning Commission CoYnmu�ica-tions, Your help in t;h�s mai;ter is dee�sly appreciated . Thank you. i�es�ectfully, ��` �����-+��� P�annzng`Comm�ss�.oner ,--� RECEIVEp � �:. F F�8 2 � 1 yr .34 CITY QF ����Ra Fe� . 27, 1g84 � Cit,y �f Tigard Po B�x 2?397 Tigard, Oregon 9722� Re : file number S 4-84 and PD 1-�34 Applicant: Rosebud Enterprises NP� 7 haa reviewed the PD an� preliminar.y plat . We support the applicant hecause we feel tha� this develop- ment is well planned and is perhaps the optimum use, �iven current zoni.ng. The developer has met with the nei�hbors to the west rer;ardin� screenin; the view fram the roadwa�r into the �ack wind.owa of the existing re�idences . The c�naensus at that ti.me was that a board on board fence erected at the devel- o�ers expense would provide the best �arrier. We als� felt that the fence should �e built or� the pr�perty �f the exis- tin� homea so that the homeowners would �e responsible f�r maintainence. . There is also an undercuttinv of the �ank at the rio�-±;r�vest corner of the property that should be addressed . NP0 7 Chairman � Richard Boberg 10650 SW N Dakota Ti�ard, Ore�,on 9722� 5�9-2?42 .. � � _ ; — __ - � �(o�B.2, .. ..�v�.. ,. .. �, L�, 35 '°` \ 0 1� �S• �,, � '" 3L�� ��. . � 23' �.�� �"- �� ,rw , � ' � .'��%,s . �� ;s, Z Y�y\ � �D� �: � ' �'y�, Z'i P� ,r � ` S � �.45� 45' �F r' \� � � � �� . >>��'� ,� J'�.. �� :o � \ �vi3�}.-�—:.. � Z,q Zr� 2 �p ,�;�,, � � � � � � rJ r��� �i',a1,o� yg, ��'t.1P �•. � ��, }�1lDUL �� �n�, \ � O m \. �`'.3CR�Gf. � •,/a' `t`, 1 ; � , y�p` "�` � � -40' -qo' �40' ?� ,2.� �• e� � a�` °m �' y�<• �-r 1� 1�0 t� 20 2 t 22 y �'° ' �. �, �, gb, g+'i' �� 'A� � ,�... , .._ .. .. .. ,�� '� ,,� � S� � .� � . l0 6 g :o '° � .� y� � Ib IS �4 � \� �1- �� �y �t=5a, � ho� y� .� � (�� �4c� qo� Ab� ,,4ey' q .. �, �� (�11a1.1G p �-_(�•� yp, � ��—�— ' �� sy • � �1ji. Yl' �c��' %°J' S'�� 9L' 3h .:o ;R .� $ � ,� :� � �;r I .�2 3 q ' ��o � 8 .. �' S9' S9' ��' 40' �lo' 40' S5' - � .. �� ,,�.2' .. � �� .. 3 �— � �J,�a;�L�� .. r f����� O O. : {'�II�iY� �Z�.UM1NPi�Z`�{ I�I.AT � � O �'�'4�I�i� ��2K �. ���oo� ..., N►.s� .. L/Zfol�4�.., M!5 , 1`�V �:1�1'�12F'Rb�rf..s ING. �-.--r- o�n�wo evm� .,e nsto�wrEa. .,� � ) .. _�i[11�i .�. IVL�b- .,.�..,..,.,�...�„�..�... "1lEiAF2D ��N _ : 1 rR _ _ , ,:: METLGER PROPERTY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DETAILED PLAN AND SUBT�IVISION` APPLTCATION FEBRUARY 1984 _ Prepared for the Applicant: ROSEBUD ENTERPRISES, INC. 4209 S.W. WESTDALE DRTVE PORT LA.�1b, ORE GON 9 7 2 21 6�03) 292-�726 P�eparec� by: DAVID EVANS AND A5SOCIATES, INC. 2626 S.W. CORBETT AVENUE PORTLAI�TD, OR�GON 97201 (503) 223-6663 TA�LE OE CONTENTS Pag� I. INTRODUCTION 1 NATURE OF THE REQUEST 1 SUPPORTING DATA AND DESCRIPTION OF �ROPO'SAL 1 NAME OF SUBDIUISION 1 NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW 1 SIDEWl�LK5 � II. A.PPENDIX GENERAL APPLTCATION FORM � LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION g LEGAL DESCRIPTION O�" SITE g IyEGAL DESCRIPTION QF SANITARY SETNER EASEMENT 10 ' , � -- - �= IN°rRODUCTION - Th� agplicant proposes to de.velop 34 single- family, zero lot line, detached dvJelling units on a site adjacent to Farino Creek with access off S.W. 106�h A�enue. The site contains 7. �1 acres. NATURE OF TAE REQUEST - The applicant has submitted applica- tion for and gained approval for a Sensiti�e Lands Permit for the proposal. The applicant has also applied for Conceptual Plan Approv�al. The applicant hereby requests the following: 1. Approval of application fox Detailed Plan Review. (De�ailed P1an Approval) . 2. Apgroval of application for the propossd subdivision (Subdivision Approval) , SUPPORTING DATA .�IVD DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSAL - The condition af the site and the development propos�l, is described in the ma�terials and narrative provided for the Sensitive Lands and Conceptual Plan Applications. NAME OF SUBDIVISIf3N - The proposed subdivision is to be named � Stephie ' s Park. The name was ch�cked and reserved with the Washington County Surveyor' s Office on February 9, 1984 by Glen McCurdy. NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW - The agplicant has presented the proposed project plan,s ta NPO#7 at one of their regular meetings at City Hall. NPO#7 voted unanimous approval af the applicant 's appli- cations for Sensitive Lands and Conceptual Plan Review. 1 , � _ ._ �, i : ,� ; I 'i 1�1EZGHBORHOOD R:EVIEFI, c�nt. Dn February 8th the applicant pres�nted tYle plan ta the resi- dential property owners adjacent and west of the site for- their review. Th� property owners supported the proposal. Some of I the prope�ty owners expressed interest in installation of a ; fence along their property lines betw�en their exi�ting lats and the proposed public street. For those who desire a fence, the applica.nt proposes to provide a wonden fence, �er City standards, along the property lgn� adjacent `to the proposed public street on the adjoining,, existing lots. Building the fence on the' adjoining lots rather than on 'the public street right-of-way. will better insure future maintenance of the fence. ; SIDEWALKS - The applicant proposes to construct sidewalks on both sides of streets, per City standards , as shown in the Typical-Local Street Sectipn on the accompanyi�ng Preliminary Plat. In ord�r to provide more "green" space between the ad- , joining lots west of �he sit�� the applicant prop�ses building a sidewalk anly on the east side of the extension of S.W. 106th ; Avenue.. i i i � i 2 � r+n 5r$ i.,� � i'} r.�. � . <�.> ���,.I._ .. . � ��� � � �F ���?�^,�rn� ��t��C M �x� ���. , � � j ��.,, .'� �r .; � ', ' i .. ', �rri� � �r . ...�«.� - � -sY «+.�_' x � ��+� 1,�,�.:. � � f� Yrr�. N ..i7 �� �M4 �rv.a.sA I `' ..M.re 4 . � �. �i. �+' 1 , �, > .� «. �. ' . . . � .f r ...r.- . . , .7::F . ., A , , . . _ Ls,.st. r_ �� � � , . ��r . � ~ �ENERALY A'�:P,LICt�T'ION F�RA'i r �;�;. �CASE No. s�� . -, ,. � - � ' '� '� � w . d ;t ',���� ' `. � r : yCITY OP.�TIGA�tD,'::12755 SW Ash, P0 Bax '233;97 ` REGEIPT.:No. ` r r � , �. T1g�rdss.a='egoci 97223 �503)639-41T1 r ":� � � {f �.`C� t � f� � r` , " ` d .t ,� r.'+` r� r, wt,�" t�4"4� 7�y� � n�� r '�5�� `' . � A :+� u,�}{{;��;,�Y�i � � k t . � �i54 ��:�, X�ai rv f..�._2�'`���r+,4'�1uNfg,a�rS�Yl'4-� t 4,�v:� 4 ��.,i�+? K • y 5,.. „ ��.4 �i �j i1` � Tr� t� �;4� ��i�Ltt�s �rtei i, ,,� . ,'� ��';,GENERAI���YNFORMATION':, •�° rt E�,,� �* �`��A ` :���� �`' �� a �.Y'����'' -���'�'�; � � FOR STAFF d7S� ONL.Y �� ,:, r�. ' ��+f�,F1T5 •,X �'!"'rrr,1C,;""i. ����,�,�,y�n+:1,"� r r;.`{ � ,�,�k��A�'�.Cf�s���''S�t�'SZ�y+�d��. ;�ati .rJ -�:;F�.t+M°��iti �s,�n�..-q�iy-., r!' M¢+z#` �� ° +a y 3 � �j�v�E`' i f�:" S-,.<,-�� ,��t` y'C'� 1, n'S���Yt � ti d z�°` .i"f t-,.. .�^.•+1`�'- e »t��,�,Y ��.' i F', � PRO;PBRTY"AbDRESS'*���W, ,O� f'VI� ,c7Ll�,�c�-'p�AN��1�W/�`�( � Associate�,�ases F� ,� • �� '�y it� ��.�-v ��" r�.��f�'v�r �j�.i C �� Y--:::p a ;>- i �.,:Y. ..a.�.:�ss� tw%."y' .i �, :t�'r`� ��'"��"��M�"� a�5 e:ka q`ne`GGr�.. .�- .��`,j} „K+'d .��'��,{�1�3.�',;�#'�."t��.4��x���Y�^t�d�.F � i', . `T.11�.t'e..<#� �+wn��..a � � xf�N �.A 1 w u ae a '..1',�i, �i,;?i �ss�'��'C£�'� .?.�a, �`�+. � :��Fi�.r�,����"t.f R� '� "�. �'� ry�.�- r mrt ,3 , .�t! t n:, ,a.,, �,�+ .L ). �i�i'�"� +.u,�,�`,�''.,, ttt .. �§, . ,�, ' = ' ������ �� � a�:,x�L��`t$1 2� i 1ti�'�\� d�r4� i S }'J� _ `�LEGALV •DESCRIPTION �, ' � �' �C:%" iN�;�";���.�'Z :; �.,. � �.s�r.��.� � :,,h, ,,� M�.��`� r.s; S $ � f'� t`i`.;��� t,'�{.t"' �., ou�r � �i�r�•"R ir�,�.,3:'� . . ... .. � �yM - YNTERNAL PROCE55ING � r '� � Accepted for' 'Pre`'App r---- �f�' .. w• "•� � >a�h s,F �.�, �:�"� �� ,,�+� ,, ��.�t�� � BYh�. �`{'-�'v*{ak�a�fsr j,,, ,w �TzSIT� SIZE � �� .��,��, '� :�1, ����.,�, ,� �.. � ,�k<< ��< ;.� � ��:- �.� r yr� k� �'ri�q ra .� �. ���!'� .. ' a 1 �`''r a^,t F�"�` � 4 "m . � �m'�PROPERTX.�OWNER/DEED xtiOLDER* UD ' ` „ �y R y ':v � �� 'ST r.. � i *ri". � 5. ` ` _ ..�.i� w r � ,i�«.'ka,fi f �� �� f��2a' M . . �. - : �� �. ., - �.nnDx�ss '` '`'` `a'� ;�"UJ ,�,�C-STfl�ctiE �b�iV�� �2 2�= _ z , K . . qrtE -�2(0 a, , a::. .... .. .,i, ..�. A�.... ��,`;_ � .,;, , ..d ,�� '^ . , ..,.:. ..��y i m 4�! ���.� •..�r. � . , � � Fs t �k .Pre App � s � �CITY � ��'"p w��,�'RX(N < ,s � + . 'IiZP ��7i[/' ' ''y � `'''� r•.' ��� p�T/���� .�,��,�'� ��, (�� �: �.t� a� �� � ;,� '�� Date � T�.me: ,� x �,,��: � �" u�C,L14[1l\� � e.4 x},,�/L�A:�� ., rSS. ?._ .s �" �t. t 7 '.r 5"�.., � . . ry... . , ._._ . M` .', y �, ' , �" a " , � � ��,� a. ,,... � S . : �. , ADDRESS�`� �,,� � �` • �' ' � PHONE ' ' �` � Accepted for Decision: 4' (' ��.:C�TY �� � . °ZIP� `; �-� ,,:`; � '" ., - . � '*Where :1�he towner'.and ..the=applicant �are :different peop'le, �'the G $y� . � , . ,appLicant must be .the <purchaser off r�cord or_a leasee_.in '� � _ Hearing Date: ,possession wri.tlh -wri'tten �authorizati�on from tkae iawner or an' � • , agent of the,awner .wi�th=written author'i�zal�ion, The written� � I�earing R�set To: . � ;suttlorization must,be :submit�ed -with tti'is ,ar�plication. ° ••� ' ' °x,. REQUIR�D��LETTER"'O.F'AiT1'HORIZATION .IS .ATTACHED � YES � NO., �Decision: filed & mailed . 3^f: fiHIS APPLTCATION INVULVES THE FOLI.OGIING: - , -APP. �;� " > ;FEE ' FZLED � `PAID Accepted for App�a : `Comprehensive Plan�Amendment �. . ' - .. . , _ ,. ' �:from ';'E - .• ,- ; � to � , � ''° By .�, :quasi-judic'ial .. . , .� ,, ... , , legislativer � , -- . • Date uf Hearing: Zone Ghange"�fr.am �o:; ' ,_�� ,�� � � 'quasi•=<jud'a.ci:a1 �.� . , � , . . , .� ; , � . ,� ' ,; .�, - ;-�:e�i�lative: . . : ... , ,, .; . . � DESCRIPTION: v :: � , t. � - � �lanned �Un'�:t��Development . . : �Comp. -:P1an":Designation: d' �� .xoncept ppl•an �detailed plan� "` ,_�-5ubdivi.sian � NP�J No. � • ,Majox _Par�tition ~:Minor 'Partition '° Zoning _District �Design -Reyiew . , � . �Condi�tional Use Zoning Map,:�No. =:Variance to Zoning Ordinanee ' Quarter Section No. ('Title; i8)�:. . .. �° ',Var,iance '�to:,Subdivision Ord. '� `.(�it1e 17.�' . ' , � � • � � ; ;:�ens;i`ti�ve L$nd'�Permit STAp'F 'NOTES ' �� �Floodp'�ai�s , '� � " tDrain�geways . --tiSteep 'Slope's ,� , ;. ' k Othex ' �,, �xF �.� �, �� .. . , _.. . x � a ,� ta 'u_.: r t t}�Y.y �'+ � yy .�s: .���. �� N .. . +M ,� �.. 1 �.�wN � �i.,�� � r r,r +G ;• 3y�Cr Y#°�fi,�' `�.'V .,U �':^� � . k .:d� xt 's � , e-f ,'3; '�m� . 'k tr q.a[ �,w'�l .r.,kYe�j��4 � . .. ... `�•:^Y k � .r rt r �r� a �'t r w w� a t �� . ` �' � ,� .,.f *+ ,� , . �1�f a+`�' ��s ey g� M , y,Ta. {��_. y� a.' �. :� j� � ''.a , x y .: i c t ..1 ae ... . � 1 d eF. ✓n< T. ., . �y� A* . , c . x �.�✓ . ry� F � } ' �:;1 . IVTAL• � .�O !n ' .�S x M�. i -.1 �`V ;Y��V. � �'`�f S(s�'�! �� 74y�lf'.. 4 . .. ` :1 ts ... y m�'.�`� V 1.�.. � ... +k,s.rsr..tf:s�..i.��kY�:kaK'n.,K:.s:.ar..2+:u....',�.,.lau.i r�..,...3'vc�s. ..,.a..s....,,,�.... . .._ ..... . . .... . z., a« _ .'�:,.l.r.«rf..a,.....,..��«.� ...:ea...".z....... . { vu���i1t.�Y►L'"�i$•i+LYtLMl:i�rr�i�4�-�i.'bru�� �ti=X.v.i� .. . . �. ...�i .•..•Ws,a�s.+��- .. . ��:R� '�� .. � �CITY..OF.TIGARU, '12755 SW Ash, PO Bcroc 233�7 � �. .:, ...: Tfgard, Oregor� 97�23 =-(5d3�63y-417Y ' r `r .SUPPLEMEiNTAL 'II�FOI3M�TION :�(TO BE 'P�OVTDED BY APFLICANT) FOR STAFF USE ONL1� ' � �4. 'DISTRICTS � � � � { � Notice>of Respi�iase � � ' k ,. w . � � �' ,, � f rf r ,� � ,� �, ,; ° . ' , . ; , `' ,� ' e� o-�, es o ^� {� SCHOOL DISTRICT � ��(�4�t7. '�.}�001.���°e5�n °L�r� . f � � � . es 5`�`,ri'��v x�:tr� d � '.: Y�x .��'`+� t "�- i.�� �. . , h'+"`F, rY'�r.�ad �ay*�,..'t , ��. y y s� '�f�� � r.. -a m ��:+� y +�,� �a�` �F a`�*C��r�, t�kdx.,�� d.; t � � � ,� , ,� WATER DISTRICT ;���,;0 A�YL. I71S ��q������'�'�;'� z �, ���+ ��. '�' t � r � �M1 a� . .� ,,.�.... � � �� � �' r� � �"� s `�a � •.�F� �,�s ;. �u � � �' s'°' '�""� `p ,�.� � k A � e T t�'��k k ✓ T� k � - 'FY RE Di51 RICT��j .Y , .�:� .w�,� ,� '$ ;� ��°h����" ��.,,.,, �,;�'* � � PARK',AISTRICT r�. 1,,, ,,,- �```� *�.,�;`�-�e i �.�� ; 'v {:��' y;>` C �� "UNIFIED�SEWERAGE`AGENCY�� �Sewer=Available: 7CES �NO ` OTHER ��'n� ; x . a� �e: '� � �.�' ,�` �t� �l' h} — '�. _ �J�rv ' 0.1!'9 . 1 "� Yty�t '�r � Y: ry� . � Y li µ Tr 5.: PUBLIC UTIL'ITIES � , " -� •:5` "�' y'�'� y, Y ,ill ``` ,+° �' �.t� � '� � � , yj�E F a ELECTRICITY ��'� ` � .1` � :` ' ' '� � � �. � ,:< x� r NATURAL`GAS r �I�L� , `� :� `� '" '.� 4 , , � �� � � fi� � ; .a.. TELEPHONE 'r�� �—;'T'� . . �' ��H "� " q F OTHER ` �- ' - • 6. PUBLIC TRANSIT (TRI kiET). . „ ' `,: ' : ' x��sT svs xou� nran sTOr '`��-�-ME.T l.I N GS 4S�''�, � ; , � C�t �! 1�,�� :�u�1., ,��o - `7. OTHER INTEIEiESTED `AGENCZES (SPECIFX) " ., �.�� . $. ; CHARACTER OF :THE AREA `,: - y ,:::: ' , ; " .. ': .'.EXISTTNG LAND U�E PLAN DESIGNATION � ZONE � VERIFIED SY STAFF NO RTH C�;q�r_�-�a.1��t,t �.'r'„�� . ,,� ' . �•� �iGn V i� 1 � . ,; , � so�r� M� , _ ,,. _ � ;�, �5. � ,� , �.sT . V�,p,�,�T M�� D S ,, {-�?� !Cz-'12 ; , WEST %1 �;'!p-�5o _. � Lt,� �!�j""�o; - . r �� t .. . . • . �. .., k � yt . . , , 4 , ,�� �, � ' �. .,�, � �t� f .���Kt ` y( 2' �.*t�+� �4. x � .. 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Please Discuss �� . . � .,. ,�j'� �.� x� � : f. 1}x f �; iv�,X �ry�{ d �� z F �`;�f�j��aJ�.�atiy,� t .a e ' t t; k1 }���{ r`�i�� �.: t k fi z� - t .; � �; � � A��,,. �`� � w R ,� xrc, +' x �� 2 t ,� t �fiJ ,c C r i .�. s. t t Y- 5 ..Ji i� .1�r a t� ���J � �:1 x " ^,i t;. 4"k - i .:r � ' r f�.�'s r 5 t�i �F t:k, r���,,., ;�+�� � ''w� +,� ,n l�r` i�n�y`iz.:�l� ?'ti 4`4 C'4 ,s ���� b�r , f ,� y X � ;.*,: r rt.`w ,, r.• j� y'� ��T 4 �.v-Yr . f �46�j�'M,f1.#' 4"y� r�S;�rFptl4'�t yq� 1 � �{�tdYt,�)t�y� ,���y ��� , a ti 4s ��t t i� �n �yf..^ 1' � a ,?�%d.:. ,}Y�„r .;j Jh�}' Se .�r y"�'4.�t*�.�.p �'� ey, � ���� ���J��'Y1�'T'� t3�,c3)3�. 4,� p �i% �!t � �se < a ��, �tt Mil �''�+ y.. �r;'�e'S� }X•.i� r� r � yF t��r4�K�p�� ����r� �;�q�.+��aM�.,,t�,1.�"?,'ys�+�iY�� �.3?�� ky�r,';�i�,%'�s ��'uc ���,y R� :�, �r iz�l'�rt � . � ,' i . .tti W...� � �f� xi i,c�r�t : �t �m a t tS��,�s�y z���°xY�wr��.�rqk a `u { � ' � �... �;, y d �r.. is-� �1+r •� � y ✓� ac l r G y� k 3�w� '� i y .t dy ,: r ? i �� � T ,a - � [ �s j�m � ��'� t� � v, n � c. �' r�f^ �` � y#5� t x� ,;k ?a� { ,��x �•`�r'k� ,c4$�t� a �y� c� r.i � � F4 ' 4 '� r• '� r �.,,� '��� k r � +�*r�'�k�"�a�' s r e�' �� �,i s �- w��� 1 i^" � f ,.r�, �a�`�a a ka ,� M.�:� S��1na4F� F ...p}t �3'.,k{ ns s � {�' � . 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'x �f;' �F t 1 ..t'.,y ..xsd.r, . s.tn.Z . . . !, :.10:" `'DBSCRIPTION:�OF TEiE �SITE ' s ` . - ` ^ i ,'� " ; ` �`�. .:Lot :Area acre� °°t$ usre �`'�eet) A� � ��`�•J t� � ' � � + '` s y s �. / Q ��„ ��t,.7 r i,< ,: n ��r s s: r • . ,- . .,.�.,� .., ... .. � ��;� .a�,.'ra < ,... � .,. �: Y. . ,� g'i�'� f. ,11�,' ':SXISTING 'STRUCTiTRES'•'.ON'ZEIE SITE , :.. � ,. 3 . • F` :; quare Distance Fro�n Pro ert `Line _ �S U8� . � "Feet Nor.th South East W'est '+ �O'P `�,C�(�, 2�0`D �p2�� �� �. 2(�� � �S' :; . . ,. , _ _, . .��. .:� q ., � ... . .�. . ' . . .'� ��. y - ... . : . 1 1. �.�.... . : ' �, .. ,. �. ' . . . . . . ' . , ' '. . ' • .. � � ... .. . ' . ..� . NATURAL �GONDITIONS , ,' . :. . , :' � .:> �7. ..�Percent :S lope: d' ���IL�P�'� '.���il0t�l �1TG �' a l%'�"TG� ���A'��,...�� " '',13. �:Yegetation 'Type�: ' . : ,: .'�.; '�Average Diame ter �escent .Of 'Each �. , , Yes °Na 'Size :Of 'Trees . 'Per Size .. . ' . , "_ _ . Tree s: �l� :. �. -�' , �? :Brush: ' • .yc '�L,/�ct.1��ET2�,lE5' I, Grass•� ' x : - 14. Floodplains: k � ° I{aw much of the si.te is in .flc�odplain? �•�� �5. `�Olater 'Courses � : {,mat typey ��P'd�NO L�b�1�- �� 16M :;Rock Outcropp.i�ngs , �''' ` , , . .., � , � - . � . ,, �y17., iDther: y _. ; . , , .��� . � ,,_ , . :,. . Y A y� e. . . . . . : : �!' ..�: . � . . '. '.. . � . t � � 1 Y �` �� � "18 Proposed �Developwent A Please brie.fly �describe the proposed development: � , x�— . . �:,. , , � �+ ...1..�Z�- � `� � x.� �1.�PMEN.1 � "'� �I1�161.E*'�AMIL4' Z�e/ ��dTjU NC , j '+ 'i , ��./�-��+�}v �'��� t � 4Su �'j ' q x . ... . , -'- � . , 3 ':t k � / 4 � � � '� �,� ,�t, y Xkdb}�"q 4 T"' "�*� Ylf �5�� 59 y ^.D��13. �..t, �. � �, ,r , , , . . . � , , y,°`''3 F �; .�„x .. v � � ...! .., ���'.�s�M l,�r?',� y s �`q. . �,� .�.� ,*��,rx�:i ,,.Y ��q; 7. .�;,y, F .. -. ,�'�«, Q drw p.� 4 �.:x . •,.. . . . . �. : ..'� . ......«���d.i,.rt�:�,t�l'.�a3�0i�.ua...td.sv.w,aa.......�.`.�e;a;'�_3�..�.e •r�,�.d..i.�rE�.ri .. � ,..:� . i.ihf6i..�a-�.�.i'�wms..a.v....:....c�. ..... .'` ,. <.r..c.i........ ., , . ...�.�w�...s.�...w.n z-�..w�k�`x:,r..._ .�. .. . . . . . .. . . � _. � �. . �:.� . . . i . !n'� . � . � . � . � � . � .. � �}f} ,„ ;. . ,� . .. . , � . .. . .' . . f , �ENERAL APPI.ICATION FORM - PAGE 4 � CASE No. ' ` .�� �. .�. �,t� .,. .. . ,. . . . �.: � � ;� - �. � :. � .. . .• ��ITIt" OF `TIGAItD, I2755 SW Ash, PO Booc 233�7 ; '' � . �. � .rpTigard, Oregon ,97223 (503�rb39-4171 "f 1" 19} The follcxain�? .is � is� not ❑ a'; �L V*, ' �' r ' t� � . r , �, g i re quired r t � .. ;: , .:.. .. �x,i:,,.�. a� . . .�. d �� `' � r �. : .,� 3 ',20. Overall SiCe�Deve l�pment '" " � 'i � '� x � { Y� ° � ' 1� � .d }'4 74�I`+� d�$4 4 � . C {<�. r r � ir. � k f � i i 9 �.7 �4hfc ,w,�. � ,:a� �.�� a sr �r � .�r�`rfyMw�'� 1� �.�� �'� e t��r r r �- �' ry .�r tzr��f'« c� i -�r �' '�1 t .� .k (4y, d 'y .G, fa �� , � �J� t � -� �' >�,kr,7 �-:��� t� � 4¢'Ck'-.`:� f4���:�.,!e'`� r 7�qY:i � ,:R=�'� �� `�J' �4M't>�./ . Ja� Y� "�. 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' d , , w 2� "Type of Residential Use 8Ild C.118ISC�'Y18t'1(,'8 ��`'�� �'��, �?� rn�+'r� µ�`+s x,�>v'�'�'txey�v s °`v� r � "�<�, �a� ' 4 -rt _ e§� �a � � � t.v: t� � � j �, . �. t ^` �:: �F � � 1��(�'���'� i�� � s� n K , � 4„ z' '''1'� '` ., ,r 5 :� nf,;Bedraoms/Un�.t%��%� t�.�� � r i <;,_ � ,�� Y �•e`• :;1 +,� ` T of :Use� � �# �:of'Un'its EFF., 1 2 3� 4 �Pro osed "De�nsit j r � ����^ ��./�� �67 L%/l �1�� . � ' f "Ui � � �1y'y,� R�'-'�t4s�`,�r t +p'.. 4 . . S •.3� l } u' I / 4' , 1 �� � " . G- � i x j+�� S h --r�r•.� z .Y. �i � � � r. a � q�, . 3 �. �6 .��' l"� � s: y�'�t � 2r, e.: � ,�, '..il,�„z �`•�, �... w+:, , a <�. ... . . , ' ., , .. .. ,, ., :. . . �� ,. � .., . : ,' .. �,., u ,.: . . > 9 �' .. . �- . � .� . . e�.'' - a r '22.' Whe're applicable, please explain"haw �the' �pen sFa�e,, cammon.�areas .and :recreational . :facilities will be maintained. ' �; . � � � _ � - __ � . �;. ��'' � ��G �ptTt� �P�c.-� 1s�� �pos� � ��� ,�pca�c.�-!o� �����c.�-r;, �; . � � ri . . . � k 'F' , . . h �. . . ... . . � . , .. . � ... . .... ., . ,..,. ,-. �1 . ., . .�'. . � � ` . � � . . � . -:. .. , rs..: ;. . . � . � .. �. , . . . ._ . . : .. , . .. . ,:. . �� � . �r �. .�°� . � . . . !., .�. .._ . ��r .,.�;• . ':.�_,.... .. . . . . , .... . ., . . �- , ,.. :., „ . . . .._ . .� . .,,� , ,� ..: . •�'. .. •,-y .... �. .. . •�.�.�,. F � . :.�... �� �'.��.� . �..� .A Y .xy ' � .."t . .i: . ..: - . . . ... , , . F . � . . .. - . .:a F . . j.;: .. r y _ ,� �'�. , � ^� � � '� -.. � . � - �.:- - .. � , � .. � ' ,. � . ` ' � y , , .. � r y r... _ - �: - �,'. - ' �;:, ,. 4 i.': i � .+». � . .. . -4p��}� . a ' t .:p. �i . . . . >. &, t . � �, . . m � � �£� � . +�" : �h � . � . . . ' � ._ .� �7 S +Y. ' �.ae "��'� . i - .�,. . •, -" � . .' - n.. ' � .. .� ,�:! a� "�`. �. ,. � .a � a , .. . .. ' . ... . r. � . �.. , .� .� ;:� . - .,... . 1 :, ...�. . . . ',�3 ' "�If the �ro,ject .is to °be :completed .in phase�,� please describe each°:phase of �the ,pr;oject. . � ,, , , . <� _ � _ �� � , "' I � � � . �t� , . . L�S. " . �;� . � Please submit :the.following with this•app'lication: Y '1{ < „ � ., , , , ,Q � , 1. {�lritten General Narrative„ number as required bq P.lanning .Department � •� ;2. Proof of Owaezship ,� ° y ��� .3. Lettex of authorization �f applicant is not owner; ,; " ' � I � t ��• �� ��C k�F4 �a ✓ { #,'�y � p jip �j rt ey , . . �sr Y .:. . �tf l �t; t � , F 4 e+ ' �' � e x *�.p . �.� � G %��a nf �tti�rr � C J��;{1 5 � y °`• w ka r s'.< . _ . :1� 'S ", .r f ��tYa. f�flt i " �; ' �t# � ��t � . �4 y z'� a i � ? 1�1 _ Y }� ��^i, �,;f� �.ie��'� ��� ��� i� '.YM�r �i°�i �i � 3 � .. ! X w �, V ;� � . f}� k y' y '. .� {� . n �. r „�4 S � ._ �1' 'l: r /�' t{ P A � . .. . F L�[ 'ki 1 � t D� T�'S t x��� ,�� �. NA. . , � ' � :` . �. � i . . . �,, . . � t ' '1 . ,.. ' . .'" ..� px ,I �p�'� Staff will �den�tify for you, whether this{section is� Co be completed. � � s r `� s q� . . - �� . - �� s L$f� n.�3.t'. `� " �.'. a Y d 1� � ; �� ,� r. � : . *1 3�' ��+,k' <. ..,,«Kp. �...aW �� 'F ..i:�.. ,.. . . ....� � i�wr.�.�, . . ,. ,:. ��yk� p:wtt�" �,,�n . r�7^�t�Y �� •nSAs��p,•. . . A ' ' � �..C:fxs4'.w`q..�.w..J. . . . .».£til`wt.�l^L ...,.14...s .7 .. ... , v.... .u.,..u`W.rraw.Uv..1;.Ln+i,..+.:.��'�....+r �� d-idu+4s..rxliY:'+.d:.u4.a� s N__ ,i .._��d'...tu0.�2t�a �a».-.,.:>Gu��.:--- ; ., . , :" . t ? t �ENERAL APPLICATION FORM - PAGE '5 CASE No. �^ � � � � � " �'.CITY .OF TIGARD, '12755` SW Ash. PO Box '23393 } _ .. , „ � . Tigard_, Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171' : ' . : r ?'. �-" >' ;t�' t , + � �a..,.4 i ..��'r t�.. R' � . ... . . . ( T,HE FOLLOWII�G PEOPY.E, AS RFQUESTED BY ..THE APPLTCANT, SHALL,�3E NOxIFIED UF E[�CH HEARING. � �r�` g. Attor��ey, Surveyor, Engineer) � { ' .° ' ,' ' ' ' � 1 .�� y 4i'r �-, w}Hw � e .§.j. 4ry r. } ,r� .�' a � : y M '.., t Staff 4 ". ,.'. �. �N�CLC$ .��. 7 a �' �.p ;3c 4 .�'?'� * '�' `a .��•� J or. n .�}r.� a k� .r � *t.� � . �(�111�.�-° � � C. �'r sf ,;:� {�r� ?� 1 ._: R,a o Notice R� ort Decrsion of Review ��4�y}'l "; S �,r"' � �{� k– �`��� ���/� 7 a w+ � ` �Z�x+�v+Yr� t6yzf�?'� S�aE1�d�&57.rs�y� �,°� �S r �n �yi�M� �,�;�Lhztir, r . �K,�--+h�NSi11E� '�: � V V��S 1`'��� {s��'�1� :t5�,� �. ��'�t r : �r s fi3tz xPf tl � A� � a wlt k t �1 S. � `i" 't�'t��M ��� S� ,��:.""^C � .� � s•;.� ao .-��ir�r�l toa r��Ye�`�.°�* ����'�^�'rE e��` *�" x TWS:�n}.�,s°i�",�S ' `xr aw: �: �w �n Y- � N ' ,�,�r "��.�r. r�*6 � a 2 �' ..,r , ��.r ,y .: V � },�' �S tree r:, .�`,�J w- �Df l�r V�, ,�'i�i�V•h^�.":} 'b1`,k ���A,��..�� Y � M�� R � i w �r mY4 4 � . r �. � . 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Rosebud Enterprises is authorized to seek znning and subdivision approvals for the former Metzger Sewage Treatment Plant site � Sincerely , � �'� Gary��F�. �Crahmer General Manager � � : 8 � - _- -- r .:::� �,,,;�-�.a� ^ EXHIBIT "A" . Deed Description (���, The boundaries of a parcel of land lying within the south� east one-q�arter of the northeast one-quart�r of Section 34, � - Townshi 1 • Sou th Ra p , nge 1 West of .the Willamette Merid.ian . Washington Count Or� on are described . a 1' 4 s follows : Ee_qinning at the quarter corner between said Section 39 and Section 35; thence north along the section lfne betweer� S�ctions 34 and 35, 700 feet; thence west, para:llel to the south line of that paxcel of land deeded to Che:�tE+�r Robinson, et al, in Deed Volume 416, Page 957, Deed Reco.rds of said . County, 968. 2 feet; thence 'south paralle,l to the east line of Section 34, 700 feet, more or less to the northwest ' corner of a parcel of land deeded to Chester Robinson, et al, . in Deed Volume 471, Page 385, Deed Records of said County; � thence north 89°4'S ' east along the south line of the first mentioned Robinson parcel 468. 2 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNIN'G. Save and excegt that partion deeded t� the public in Book 1181, Page 160 Deed Records of said County. ' . . I . i 9 � _ — -- -- - !I , �,.,, , _ : _ _ ___ _ _ ,...M. ,� f ,.:, EXHIBIT ��B�� . METZGER TREATMENT FLANT SITE C� C:�2,. UN� �.SC�N�N�" �S1 34AD ��2600 . 1 .. . . . . , � � � � � . � . . 4 .. 1 4 , A strip of land 30 feet wide, 1� feet either side of the ` following described centerline: Be�inning at a point in the N'orth line of that certain tract �f land conveyed to the Metzger Sanitary District by deed recbrded in Book 519', Page 110, Deed Reo�rds , seid point being 23$ feet, more or less, Weat o� the �ortheast epmer of said � Metzger tract; th�nce S 38 15' E 75 feet, more or leas ; thence S 29 04' E to the East property line ; of the said Metzger tract, ; • ;; , � . . . ; � , ' i ' 10 3TAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.2 MARCH 6, 19$4 - 7:30 P.M. TiGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FOWLER JUNIOR HIG� SCHOOL - LGI 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FINDING OF EACT 1. General Information CASE; ZC 3--84, S 3-84 REQUEST: For a zone change from R-12 �Residential, 12 units/acre) to R-7 �Residential, 7 units/acre) and for preliminary plat approval for a 49 lot subdivision. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATTON: R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) RECOI�II�IENDATION: Approval subject to conditions APPLICANT: Robert Randall Co. OWNER: same 9500 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 LOCATION: Northwest cQrner of Hall Blvd. and Durham Road, '�igard (Wash. Co. Tax map 251 11DD, Tax Lot 200) LOT AREA: 7.9 acres NPO GOMMENT: No formal objection submitted by NPO �k6, however questions were raised regarding berming, open space, and bicycle path restrictions. 2. Backgronnd On June 1, 1983, a Site Developm�nt Permit was granted by the Planning Director subject to conditions to establish a 72-unit condominium , development. This project has not been initiated. � 3. Vicinity Information , '' The site is adjacent to Hall Blvd. on the east and Durham Road on the south with a canvenience stare located on the corner which i.s zoned C-N (Nea.ghborhood Commercial). Single family residential development in the R-4.� (Residential 4.5 units/acre) zone lies to the west. Vacant and partially c�eveloped land a�.so zoned R-12 is north and west of the property. Tigard High Schodl and the U.S.A. Treatment Plant are to the soutll and southeast across Durham Road. l _ 4. Site Information The property is vacant, relatively flat, and does not contain any significant vegetation. . 5. Proposal: Description The appJ.icant feels that market conditions have change<1, therefore a single family residential development consisting of 49 lots is now being proposed. The existing R-12 zone allows for the proposed dwelling type, � density, and lot sizes. The applicant contends that tihe setback requirements of the zone severely restrict the construction of single family units on 5,000 square foot lots. The subdivision hds one street intersection on both Durham Road and Hall Blvd. The street intersecting Durham Road is intended to extend north and continue into the abutting norther parcel. The proposed develapment on this adjacent parcel (Hallberg Homes S 5-84) is consistent with this street alignment. Proposed street intersections on Hall Blvd. for this proposal and Hallberg Homes to the north are 140 feet apart. Hall Blvd. is designated as an arterial which is under State juxisdiction and Durham Road is intended to function as a major collector. A small rectangular pareel (30' x 40' ) is shown south of Lot 48. It is not clear from the preliminary plat what the status of this parcel will be� The applicant is pr�posing to rezone the property from R-12 to R-7 because of tine less restrictive setback provisions in the R-7 zonee A Comprehensive Plan change is not required because both zone designations are consistent with the Medium Density Plan designation which calls for a density range of 6 to 12 units per acre. The applicant has addressed the relevant Plan policies and Code provisions (Chapter 18.22) as they relate to a zone change. 6. Agency Comments The Engineering Division has no objection to the proposal but makes the following observations: a. A State Highw�y Division permit for access and irnprovements on Hall Blvd. will be requiredo b. Full one-half streek improvements to arterial standards are required alon� the Hall Blvd. frontage. Tk►e same requirement to major collector standards will apply to the Durham R�ad frontage. c. Both Hall Blvd. and Durham Road are designated bicycle roukes in the adopted Tigard Area Comprehensive Pedestrian/Bicycle Fathway Plan. Additional pavement width may be required along Hall Blvd. and a separate 6-foot wide path should be installed along Durham Road. Plans for the bicycle routes shnuld be submitted as part o.f the half-street iraprovement plar.�. STAFF REPORT - ZC 3-84 & S 3-84 - PAGE 2 d, A temporary turnaround shouid be provided at the north end of the western street if it p-recedes development to the north. The Tualatin Rura1 Fire Pratecti�n District has no objection to he prop�sal. A response has not been obtained from the School District. B. ANALYSIS AND CONC.LUSION The proposed zone change has been adequately justnfied by the j applicant. The change will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation which calls for residential densities of 6 to 12 units per acre, The request will establish a less intensive zone that ia more consi.stent with the type of development proposed, especially in texms of setback requirements. Finally, a zone change is a more preferable approach than a variance request to the setback requirements for each lot in the subdivision. Variances should generally be applied to alleviate a spe¢ific hardshsp or circumstance rather than vary setback requirements for an entire subdivision. The location of the north-sauth street in the development should be cooxdinaEed with the development to the north (Hallmont Subdivision S 5-84). As ro osed there is a 10-foot offset bet P P , ween the street alignmex►t for the two pxojects. The required improvements along Hall Blvd. and Durham Road should be coor.dinated through the City Engineering Division. Access and street improvement on Ha11 Blvd. will ultimately require State Highway Division approval. An aecess permit will be •required from Washington County on Durham Road. The size and/or configuration of lots 12 through 21 should be modified to conform with the density transition provision in Section 18.40.040 of the �ode. The density within 1D0 feet of the western property line is 8.6 units/acre and the maximum allowable density is 6.25 units/acre. Chapter 18.100 of the Code requires that a 10-foot wide landscaped buffer plus screening be provided when an R-7 zone abuts a C-N zone. A plan. for the necessary landscapixrg and screening should be submitted as part of final plat approval. This provision applies to loCs 29, 30, 31, 48, and 49. Although not required by the Code, buffering should also be provided between the residences and Hall Blvd. and Durham Road. The sma11 parcel south of Lot 48 should be incorporated into one af. the adjoining lots in tha subdivision or sold through a lot line adjustment to the property to the south and east. A favorable school impact stakement be submitted prior to the final plat approval. C. RECOMMENDATIONS � The Planning staff recommends approval of ZC 3-84. It is xlso recommended that S 3-84 be approved subject to the following conditions: STAFF REPORT - ZC 3-84 & S 3-84 - PAGE 3 , 1. The appTic�nt obCain final pY�t approval prior to deve,lopenent of the -property. 2, The proposzd lot configuration shall be modified in order to comply with ttie City's densaty transition pravisions (�8.40.040). 3-� A schooi impact letter shall be submitted 'prior to fin�l plat '; ap.proval. 4. The small parcel south of Lot 48 shall be eliminated. 5. A 1D-foot wide landscaped screen shall be provided for lots 29, ' 30, 31, 48, and 49 as requixed in Chapter 18.100 of the Code. ' Plans for the landscaping shall be submitted as part of the final plat approvaT proeess, 6. Seven (7) set's of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemixed consfiruction cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements sha11 be submitted to the Ciky's Engineering Divisiun for review. Said plans shall be consistent with Engineering : Division' coznments noted in A. 4. above. 7� ' Construction ' of proposed public improvements sh:a11 not commence until after the Engineering Division has issued approved public impro�ement plans. The Engineering Division will require posting o� a lOQ�6 performance bond, the payment of a permit f'ee and a sign install�tt.ion/street light depcsi.t. Also, the execution of a stree:t openYng permit or construction compliance agreement just prior to, or at the time of, it's issuance of approved public improvement plans. $. The final subdivi�inn plat shall be recorded with Washington County prior to the issuance of any building permits. 90 No changes or modifications shall be made to appxoved plans without written approval from the appropriate City department. 10. Survey Conditions: a. Vertical Datum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929). A11 existing and established (temporary) bench m�arks in the vicinity of thE project shall be shown on the constrnction drawing. b. Compliance of 18.160.160 �all) with the following exceptions: 18.160.160 A.2 Capped 5/8" x 30" Iron Rods on surface of .final lift will be acceptable. STAFF REPO1tT - ZC 3-84 & S 3-�4 - PAGE 4 —� - NOTE 18.160.160 B.1 City of Tigard Primary Control Su-rveys (CS. �� 19,947 & 2U,223) Local-Ground coordinates exis� for all stations. State ' plane coordinates not zequired. City can make transformation given local coordinates. c, Campliance with Section 18.160.190 (B): 18.16fl.190 Filing and Recordin� B'. Upon final xecording with the County, the applicant shali submit to Ehe Gity a mylar copy of th� recorded final plat. d. All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. . f���� � - �. �� PREPARE B : Keith Liden APPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning & Develo ment P (KLtpm/0335P) . STAF� REPORT - ZC 3-84 & S 3-84 - PaGE 5 C : � NARRATIVE IN SUPPORT OF A ZONE GMANGE FROM R-12 TO R 7 AND SUBDIVISION PRE—PLAT f OR ; z THE ROBERT RANOALL COMPANY � � � � � s � � _:� � c j � � �: � � � � 3 _ �. � The following narrative will address the applicable critewi� of the Zoning Code with respect to a zone change from R-12 to R-7 and a subdivision pre-plat for the property. The site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection o� S:W. Durham Road and S.W. Hall Boulevard, and totals approximately 7,9 acres. HISTORY The owners of the site, The Robert Randa}1 Company, previously requested and obtained a zone change on the site from the historic commercial designation to Medium Density R�sidential. A development plan was approved which would have allowed 72 dwelling units. However, due to changing market conditions, this plan is no longer feasible, and a revised plan to provide 49 single family detacfied dwelling lots is proposed. PURPOSE The existing R-12 zoning would allow the proposed dwelling type, overall density, and minimum lot area per dwelling. However, the minimum building setback requirements ofi the R-12 zone do no� allow for a suitable building area on each lot, while the R-7 setbacks are appropriate. The standards of each zone are as follaws: � Lot Area Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard � � � i � � R-12 5000 sq. ft. 20 ft. 10 ft. 20 fto R-7 3050 sq. ft. 15 ft. 5 ft. 15 ft. � A A 50' x 100' lot in the R-12 zone would have a building area of 3Q' x 60' using the required setbacks. Although the 1,800 sq. ft, is probably sufficient, the 30 foot ` width is not appropriate for a reasonable design. Further, because of site constraints due to road location and resulting lot depths, the 50 x 100 lot must be � the basic shape for lots in this project. One option to address this problem which was considered would have requested an � overall variance to apply the� R-7 zone standards to this project. Nowever, it was f felt that it wowld be more appropriate to request a zone ehange to simply appiy the R- � 7 zone, which is also consistent with the comprefiensive plan, particularly since the density and other dimensional requirem�ents of both zones would be met by the pro�ect. ' Therefore, tfie purpose of the zone change request is not to .alter any basic planning standards for land use or density, but rather to apply the most appropriate development standards for the designated housing type. The xon� change and pre- pl�at approval will allow development of the site with single family detached dwellings. CRITERIA FQR APPROVAL OF A ZONE CHANGE The Tigard Community U�ve}opment Code (Section 18.22.040) provides four criteria for a decision on a quasi-�udicial change to the zoning map. Each of these will be addressed separately with respect to this �roposal: -1- � --- - --- - - ---- f Standard 1: °Comprehensive Plan policie� and map designation" Section b of t�e Compreh�nsive Plan (Vol . 2) provides a series of findings, policies, and strategies which are the basis for designating lands for one of the several housing density categories on the Comprehensive Plan Map. Since the Plan map designation will remain unchanged under this proposal, the application nf these policies is not altered by the request. However, it should be noted that one particulmr stra�egy dealing with the Me�ro Housing Rule (Implementation Strategy #2, p. 34) may arise as an issue. Implementation of this strategy will not be advexsely affected by the proposed zone change since: a) The proposed zone and resulting density of development are consistent with th� Medium Density Residential plan designation; and b) The reduuct�on in density from the approved plan to the �roposed plan for development (23 �nits) is insignificant when evaluated as a part of the total City development pattern. Section 12.1 of tfie Comprehensive Plan provides a series of locational criteria for the various land use types; Subsection 2(B) addresses the density ranges within the medium density designation. Each determinant is addressed as follows: (1) Histo+ric density patterns.o. The site was historically aoned cort�nercial, and was changed to Medium Density Residential at the request of the Owner. The density to be developed under the cur�ent proposal is the same as that which would be developed under the existing R-12 zoning, as described above. Further, the total number ef units is slightly less than that already approved by the City under the R-12 zone. (2) Natural features, buffering. .. Th� site is flat and exhibits no physical limitatiens nor attributes with respect ' to development. The single family area abutting the site on the north and west ; ' is fenced, but there is no topographic or vegetative buffering. { , (3) Capacity of services... , ! All services are prov3ded to the siie at adequate levels for the propos�d development. (4) Distance to public transit,.. Tri-Met line 43 provides transit service on Mall Boulevard and Durham Road. (5) Distance to comnercial .e. A conveniertce grocery store is ad�acent to the site within walking distance. ; However, access to ather comnercial services requires a vehicular trip. � � -2- � � (6) Distance from pubTic open space.. . Tigard High School and related facilitie� are aeross Durfi am Road from the site. These criteria substantiate the suitabil'ity� of th� site for the existing Medium Density Residential plan designation. Howevern since there is no direct c�rrelation between a site°s character and the criteria, une cannot establisfi a definite density based upon the site's "score". Further, the criteria are intended for� use as a general guideline for considering an increas� in density on a site; under these provisions it is not obligatory to assig—' n LTie maximum possible density to a site which meets the cr eria. The site clearly is ,appropriate for development based upon the cr i ter i a, and there i s no conf l i ct b�tween the proposed reduct i on i n dens i ty from R-12 to R-�' and the locational criteria of the Comprehensive Plan. Standard la: "Hea1th, Safety, and Welfare of the Com�nunity" The existing R-12 zoning, if developed to its maximum potential on the site, would necessarily have a greater impact on public health, safety and welfare than will the develapment of the proposed R�7 density simply due to the greater nur�er af d�elling units potentially allowabTe under the R-12. Standard 2: "Statewide Pianning Goals" ' The existing Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning have b�en design�d for " consistency with the statewide goals. S�ince the land use typ�s and densities facilitated by the R-7 zane are also allowed by the existing R-12 zone, there will be no effect on compliance with the �tat�wide gaals. � Standard 3: "Code and Ordinance Provisions" i' , a, The proposed z�ne chmnge is intended to assure campliance of the praject with code 1' provisions. Tfie existing R-12 zone building setback requiremerrts do not allow a � praCtical development of the land even though thie use and intensity are allow�d in both the R-12 and R-7 �ones. Implementation of the R-7 zone would assure consistency of the proj�ect with all code provisions. Standard 4: "Cfiange, mistake or inconsistency" The owners of the property have determined that current m�►rket conditions will not � allow development of the site under the higher density ranges allowed by the R-12 ` tone, although this would have been feasible when the R-12 zone was applied. Application of the R-7 zone, although not effecting tfie actual density of development, will apply appropriate development standards to altnw a pro�ect which can nQw be economically produced. This will take into account the changes in the �. community's housing needsy which are not the same as they were when the zoning was ' apPlied. �' � -3- � -_ > ° CRITERIA FOR qFPROVAL OF A SU6DIYISION The criteria for a�pprova1 of a preliminary plat (Section 18.160.06U) are ad�ressed as followse 1. °'...Comprehensive Plan and zoning..,� , The propased land use, single family dwellings, is allowed by the R-12 and R- 7 zones; the proposed minimum lot siz� (5,000 sq. ft.) meets the minir�m provided by both zones. Since the u:se and the density conform with the zoning, ahich conforms witfi the ' Comprehensive Plan, the proposed plat also conforms with the p]an designatipn. A review of Comprehensive Plan policies and strategies relating to housing indicates that mqst are procedural and code-related. However, the pro3ect does implement strategies inter�ded to provide a variety of hausing types with a range of costs, on land provided with_adequate urban -servi�es. Development of the site ir� conformance with the Cor�rehensive Plan riesignation and implementing zoning indirectly also implements these general policies. Public improvements necessitated by the pro3ect are included in the proposal in order to assure compliance w�th other City ordinances relating to streets and utilities. 2. "...n'ame. ..w The name of the pre-plat has not been used previously. 3. " ..streets.,." Streets for the pre-pTat have been designed to provide through circulation with one entrance on Hall �oulevard and one entrance on Durfiam Road. A conn��tion ' is provided to the north for future deveTapment of an ad�acent tract. 4. "...comnon impro�emen�s..." This does not apply; there are no common impraven�nts. -4- � - — _ -_- STAk'�' REPORT AGENAA ZTEM 5.3 MARCH 6, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD PLAN�IING G0�IMISSION FOWLER JUNTOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI 10865 S.W. WALI�UT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FINnING OF FAC'� l. General Information CASE: S 5-84, V 2-84 REQUEST: For prelirainary plat approval of a 51-lot subdivision, a variance to permit the setbaek requirements of the R-7 zone, and to allow for "0" foat side yard setbacks within the subdivision. Also, the Planning Department requests consideration of a zone change from R-12 ta R-7 in lieu nf the variance application. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION; Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to conditions APPLICANT: Hallberg H�mes, Ince �Ld1dER: same 1710 N.E. 82nd Portland, OR 97220 LOGATION: West side of 1Ha11 Bl�vd. , 6Q0 f2et north of Durham Road (Tax Map 2S1 11DD, Tax Lot lOQ). LOT AREA: 8.96 acres NPO COMMENT: NPO �k7 has no objection to the request. 2. Background N� previous applications have bePn reviewed by the City. 3. Vicinity Information The site is adjacent to Hall Blvd. on �he east. Single family resideintial developmenk in the R-4.5 (Residential 4.5 units/acre) lies to Che west. Vacant and partially developed land. also zoned R-12 is northg west, and south uf the property. 4. Site Informatian The property is vacanty relatively f1at, and does not contain any ' significant ve�etation. , � 5. Pro�osal Description A 51-lot subdivzsion is proposed. The lots are oriented around a street pattern which consists of a curvilinear extension of S.W. Hamlet Street on the western :property line to Hall Blvd. and a north-south street connecting the Hamlet Street extension with the development to the south (S 3-84). Two cul-de-sacs will come off of Hamlet Street. Except fox the corner lots, virtual.ly all of the arcels are ro 0 P sed to Utlll ze �� n P P a 0 fo ot side ard on ane 'd si e. The Y remaining setbacks are intended to meet the requiremei�ts of the R-7 z�ne. The variance application covers these two aspects of the proposal. 6. �ency Cojnments The Engineering Division has no objection to the proposal but makes the following observations: a. A State Highway Division permit for access and i�rnprovements on Hall Blvd. will be required. b. Full one-half street improvements to arterial standards are required along the Hall Blvd. frontage. c. Hall Blvd. is designated as a bicycle route in the adopted Tigard Area Compreheizsive Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway Plan. Additional pavement width may be required along Hall Blvd. to accommod�te bicycles. Plans for the bicycle routes should be submitted as part of the half-street improvement plans. d. A 15°foot wide public utility easement is required for the storm line between "C°' Street and Hall Blvd. e. A temporary turnaround should be provided at khe south end of "B" Street if it precedes development to the south. The Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District has no objection to the proposal. The District does recommend the relocation of the proposed hydrant at the corner of Hamlet Street and the cul-de-sac to the corner of Hamlet Street and Hall Blvd. The schools that will serve tlais develapment are listed below along with current enrollment and capacity figures. SCHOOL N1�ME EXISTING ENR. EST. CAPACITY Elementary Temp�eton 512 588 Intermediate Twality Jr. High 820 950 High Tigard Seni.or H�.gh 1358 1450 The School District indicates that sufficient capacity exists to accommodate the additional students generated by this development. STAFF REPORT - S 5-84 & V 2-84 - PAGE 2 � ' — --- -_- B. ANALYSIB AND GONCLUSION The Iocation of the nork�-south street in the development should be coordinaSed with he development to the south (Robert Randall 5 3°84). As prnposed, there is a 10-foot offset between the street alignment for the two projects. The required improvements along Hall Blvd. should be coordina�ed through the Gity Engineering Division. Aceess and street impravements on Hall Blvd. W�1r ultimately require State Highway Division approval. The size and/or configuration of lots 22 through 30 should be modified to conform with the density transition provision in Section 1�.40.040 of the Code. The density within 100 feet �f the wesGern property line is 7.92 units/acre and the maximum allowable density is 6.25 units/acre. The proposed development is consistemt with the overall density requirement of the R-7 zone. Only the minimum lot size standard of 5,000 square feet in the R-7 zone is not met by this proposal. I Because it appears that the current proposal is close to meeting the R-7 zone standards, the Planning staff is requesting consideration of a zone change from R-12 to R-7o Since the adoption of the new ordinance in November, several land use proposals have encountered setbsck , difficulties for single family residences in the R-12 zone which allows � both single and multipin family residential development. It is the � opinion of the staff that when variances are required throughout a ' development, a zone change is a more appropriate method for alleviating II the problem. If lesser setbacks for single family residences in the ' R-12 zone appear justified, the City should initiate a modification to I the Code rather than routinely requiring plan change or variance i applications to obtain the desired setbacks. li The chang� will be cansisCent with the Comprehensive Plan designation whic� c�lls for residential densities of 6 to l2 units per acre and the rezoning proposal on the property to the south (Robert Randall ZC 3-84). The request will establish a l�ss intensive zotie that is more consistent with the type of development proposed, especially in terms of setback requirements. C. RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning staff recommends denial of V 2-84 and ,approval of a z�ne change from R-12 to R-7 and to allow "0" foot side yard construction as I provided in. Chapter 18.148 of the Code. ��, The Planning staff recommends approval of S 5-84 subject to the Eollowing conditions: l. The applicant obtain final plat approval prior to development of the propertq. 2. The proposed lot configuration shall be modifie� in order to comply with the City's density transition provisions (18.40.040). STAFF REPORT - S 5-�4 & V 2-84 - PAGE 3 3. Sev�en (7} set�s of plan-profil� public improvem�nt canstzuCt�.�n plans and one (1) itemized- construction cost estimate, stamped &y � registered civil engineer, detailing a11 p�oposed p�blic imp;rovements sha11 be submi,tted to the City's 'Engineering Divasion for review. Said p�.ans shall be consist�n� with En,�ineering Division comments noted in A. 4. abo�ee 4. Construction of pzoposed �ublic improvements sha11 not commence until aftier the Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans, The Engineering Aivision will require posting of a 100� performance bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installati.on/street light deposit. Also, the execution of a street opening pe:rmit or construction compliance agreement just prior to, or` at the tame of, it's issuance of �pproved publin improvement plans'. 5. The final subdivision plat shall be recorded with Washingtan County prior to the issuance of any building permits. 6, No changes or modifications shall be made to approved plans without written approval from the a�propriate City department. 7. Survey Conditions;: a. Vertical Datwm shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929). All existing and established (temporary) bench marks in the vicini:ty of the project shall be shown on the eanstruetion � drawing. b. Compliance of 18.1fi0.160 (all) with the following exception�: 18.160.160 A.2 i Capped 5/8" x 30" Iron Roas on sur£ace of fanal lift will be acceptable. i NOTE 18.160.160 B.1 City of Tigard Primary Control Surveys (CS. �� 19,947 & 20,223) Local-Gronnd coordinates exist for alY stati ons. State plane coordinates not required. City can make transformation given local aoordinates. c. Gompliance wi'th Section 18.160.190 ($) : 18.160.190 Filing and Recording B. Ugon final recording with the Gounty, the applicant shall submit to the City a mylar copy of the recorded final p1at. , STAFF REPO�tT - S `5-84.& V 2-84 - PAGE 4 � -- - --- ---- - d. A11 sa�itar� and sfiorm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with c�nt�rline monunnentation. � � 8. Deed restrictions shall be recorded with Washington Gounty which assure that: a• Th� 10 feet separation between the residential structures shall remain in perpetuity; ` b• The 10 feet separation between the residential structures shall be maintained free from an obstructions othe Y r than: (1) The eaves of the structure; (2) A chimne which m a y y eneroach into, the setba:ck area by n ot more than 2 feet; (3) A swimming pool; �4) Normal landscaping; or �5) A garden wall or fence equipped with a gate for emergency aecess and maintenance purposes; and 9. Easements shall be granted where any portion of the praperty structure or architectural feature projects �ver a property line. 10. The maximum lot coverage for zero-lot line shall not exCeed the m�xa.mum lot c�verage fcr the �ase z�r�e. �� � �'��� PREP D BY: Keith i�ien APPRUVED B'Y; William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning & Development (KL:pm/0336P) STAFF REPORT - S 5-84 & V 2-84 - PA,GE 5 � _ ,- _. �t „ _ _ I HALLtQONT SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISIOI�t AI�TD VARIANCE APPLICATSOLJ ' FEB�2UARY 19 8 4 Prepared for the Applicant: HALLBERG iinME S, I�1C. ' 1710 r1.E, f3 2 ND PORTLP2v'D, OREGOrI 97220 . (503) 252-2456 Prep�red by: DA��ID E�rAt7S ArTD ASSOCIATES, IZ�C. 2626 5.��. CORBETT P.VENUE PORTLF.�7D, OfiECON 97201 (503) 223-6653 �� , TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 NATURE OF THE REQUEST 1 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE 1 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCF � II. EXTSTING CONfDITIONS 2 VICINITY 2 SITE CHARACTERI5TICS 2 SURROUNDING LAND U'SE 2 EXISTING COMPREHENSI�TE PLAI� DESIGNATION 2 EXI:STING ZONING 2 EXIST3NG SERVICES 2 III. SUBDIVI5ION PROPOSAL 3 PLAN DESCRIPTION 3 CONFORMANCE WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 3 HARMO�Y WITH SURROUNDING AREA • 4 �UBDIVISION NAME 4 VARIANCE REQUEST 4 IV. APPEI�IDIX � GENERAL APPLICATTON FORM 7 ,' LETTER OF AUTHORIZATZON 12 � LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF' PROPERTY 13 � , � T. INTRQDUCTION NATURE OF THE REQUEST - The applicant proposes to deve�.op 51 single-family detached� and single�family detach:ed ze�� lot line dwelling units on :8. 96 acres loaated near S.W. �iall. Bouleva�d and : S.W'.' Durham Road. Single-iamily detached resi- dential dwellings are a pPrmitted use in the City of Tigard' s R-12 zone. Zero l�t line dwelling units are allowed �.n the R-12 zone by variance to the setback standards. Consequently, the applicant req�zests the foll:owing. 1. Approval of application for the proposed subdivision (Subdivision Approval) . 2. Approval of application for variance from the R-12 setback ' standards to zero lot line setback standards to allow devel- � opment of ;proposed zero lot line units, and variance from the R-12 setback standards to R-7 setack standards to a11ow developznent of prop.osed single-family detached dwelling units, as shown on the accompanying Preliminary Plat drawing (Varianee Approval) . DEVELOPMENT SC'HEDULE - The applicant desires the reguested ap- provals in order to begin construction in the 1984 summer building season. Based upan current information, the applica.nt feels that the housing market beyond 1984 is unknown. Consequenfily, it is essential for suecess of the project that approvals for develop- ment be gained befoxe the summer building season. PRE-AFPLICATIOI�1 CONFERET7CE - � pre-application confer�nce was held with Steve Skorney on December 22 , 1983 regarding this proposal. . 1 � _ � - - --- -- — - - -- 1 TZ. EXISTITi'G COI*�LlITIO?3S '�TICIN:LTY - The site is lncated approximately 500 .fe��t north of S.W. Ha3�l Boulevard and S.W. Du.rham Road. It is comprised of TL 100 , Sec. 11, 251, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon. SITE CHARACTERISTICS - Tlae site consists of an oper., f].at grass field. Slope across the site is one percent. N� trees or structures exist on the site. See the accomp�nying aerial Site Conditions Nap. SURROi7I�,?DING LAIJD USE - Property north and scuth of the site is undeveloped. The Stratford subdivision exists adjacent to the site on the west. Large residenLial lots exist across S.W. �all Boulevard on the east. EXISTIrTG COMPREHENSIVE PLAL1 DESIGI�ATION - The property north and east of the site is designated �iedium. The subdivision area west of the site is designated Low. EXISTING ZOI�iIDIG - The areas north, south and east of the site are zoned R-12. The subdivision area west of the site is desig- nated R-4. 5. EXTSTING SERV7;CES - Al1 services are available to the site, either existing adjacent to the site or through short ex- tension to the site. See the accompanying prelimina•ry utility plans and porfiles. _ ; � �' • ; 2 S 0 IIZ. SURDIVISaON PROPOSP.L PLP.N DESCRIPTION - The proposal consists o� development of 51 single-family dw�lling units, most of which will be zero lot line. r>Iost corrier lots are proposed ta be developed with singl�-family dFtached units. See the accompanying Prelimi- nary Plat Pl�n indicatizrg propose� type and location. of dwell- ing units on each 1ot. Public streets are prop�s�d irl accordance with City of Tigard standards. All utilities are propose� to be underground. Access to the slxbdi�ision is proposed off S.W. Hall �oulevard. Connection will be provided to S.W. Hamlet Street to facilitate planned traific circulation in the a.rea. Future circulation •to the south is proposed to be provided by the street stub, as shown on the proposed plan. Lot layout and unit location have been des:�g:ed to p.ravide m�.xi- znum southern exposure. . COIJFORbiANCE WITH COMPREHEI�SIVE PT�At3 - The propos4l complies with. the purposes of the Subdivision Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. o The proposed development will help implement the Comprehensive Plan. o The proposal wi11 be developed in accardance with the rules, regulations a.nd standards governing the approval of piats o� subdivisions. o The proposed development will carry out the development pattern and plan of the City. o The proposal will promote- the public health, safety and general welf_are of the City standards and codes. o The street system designed for the proposal provides for initial and future deve�apment or a comprehensive neigh- borhood circulation system. 4�ith accompanying sanitary 3 � _ - . _ _ ITI. SUBDIVISION PR�PUSAL, cont. CONFORMANCE WITH COA'I;PREHENSIVE PLA:I�T, cont. and storm sewers these systems wil_1 alleviate potential congestion and provide safety from tire, fload, pollution �nd other dangers. ; o The aforementioned p_rovisions and the c7esign layout of the prnposal insure ��.equate l.ight and air, prevent over- crowding of land, �n.d provide facilities adequate for pro- vision of transportation, water supply, sewage disposal and drainage, o The proposed deve.lapment encourages conservation of energy resources while maximizing usable individual lot open space through development of zero lot line dwellina units. : HARMONY WITH SURROUrdDING AREA - The proposal is in harmony with the surrounding area and tre area' s potential L1S(�. The undeveloped site and adja�ent areas are designated for medium density resider- tial use. � . Proposed dwellings are single-family detached units with public streets, per City stax�dards. SUBDZVISION NAME - The subdivision �s proposed to be named Hallmont. The name was checked and reserved with the Washington County Surveyor' s office on February 9, 1984 for this site by David Evans �nd Associates, Inc. VARIANCE REQUEST - The following variances are requested for the proposed development. 1. Variance to the R-12 setback standards to zero lat line setback standards to allow development of proposed zero lot line dwelling units. 4 � III. SUBDIVISION FRdPOSAL, cont. VARIANCE REQUEST, cont. 2. Variance from the R-12 setback standards to �t�-7 setback standards to allow de�relopment of single-family dE,t�ched � dwelling units. Conditions satisfying the criteria for g?-antinc� both variances are presented as follows: l. The site (land) is very similar in character �nd topoqraphy - to that of the adjacent Stratford Subdivision which is de- veloped with single-famil.y detached dwelling units. Single- family c�etached dwell.ing units are a permitted use in the R-12 zone. Based upon these special circumstances of char- acter compatibility ard permitted use, the a .licant re uests PP q the variance to allow practic�� and complimentary development of the site. 2. The purpose of the zero lot line dwelling units is ta allow for maximum use of land and to accommod�te a varied building . layout pattern, while assur�.ng there will be adequ�te open snace, lic�ht and air, and adequate distar.ce betweez� buildings for safety purposes. Most �f the propased lo�s would be de- veloped with zero lot line units allowing maximum usable indiviclual open space. By nature of the requi.red layout pattern for_ zero lot line ur.its, some end units or corner units are not appropriate for zero l.ot line. On these lots standard single-family detached units and setbacks are appro- priate. Consequently, the variances are necessary f_or the proper design and f_unction. o.f the proposEd subdivisior.. 3, The granting of tre varianne will not be detrimental to the public health, sa�ety and welfare, or injurious to the rights of other owners of property. The proposed lots and dwelling units will be estab)_ished and �onstructed in accor- , dance with the zero lot line and R-7 setback standards 5 III. SUBDIVISIOI� PROpnSAL, cont. VARIAN'CE, cant. insuring proper building siting, separation, and maintenance, 4. Sa.ngle-family detaclled dwelling units are a permitted use in the R-12 zone. The prnposal allows best design and market-• ability for the development. Strict compliance with the regu- lation:s disallowing zero lot line and R-7 setback standards would cause extraordinary hardship to the applicant by limit- ing design compatibil.ity, efficient use of land, and antici- pated market demand. 6 � . � ci�roF n�.�� � . WASHINGT�N OOU'htTY�OREGON GL'NL1:AL Al'1'L1Cl11IUN FOIZA9 CASE Na. CI1Y OF TIGAIiU, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 RECEIPT No. Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171 1. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STAFF USE `ONLY: PROPERTY ADDRESS �jW �Al.l. ��d i�q QU�D� �-�� As s oc iated Cases: LEGAL DESCRIPTION �L I aD `j 2�7 � /� �� INTERNAL PROCESSiNGe � • Acce pted f or P.re-App. : SITE SIZE �PROPERTY OWNER/DEED HOLDER*1-(,q�,�e�� �01�t1� \K. By' � ADQRESS �✓I L D N�G� • � PHONE �jZ'' �10 Z�� Pre-App. . CITY I'�-'Ti�l�� —ZIP ��2.�i0 APPLICANT* •�`�� � �wNL� Date & Time s ADDRESS PHONE Aacepted for Decision: CITY ZIP By: *Where the owner and the applicant ar.e differea�t people , Che appY.icant must be the purchaser of record or a leasee in Hearing Date• possession with written authorization from the awner os an , � agent..of the owner with wriCten authorizatzon. The written Hearing Reset To• authorization must be submitted with this application. � 2. REQUIREll LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION IS ATTACHED � YES ❑ N0: I?�cision: filed & mailed 3. THIS APPLICATION INVOLVES THE FOLLOWING: A��• Accepted for Appea : FEE FILED PAID Camprehensive Plan Amendment -----°* fxom to � By: quasi�judicial __ legzslative ' Date of Hearing: Zone Change from to quasi-judicial legislative DESCRIPTION: Planned Unit Dev�lopment Comp. Plan Designatioei: ' concept plan detailed plan __ _ X Subdivision NPO Noa Major Partition -- — Minor Partition Zoning District ` Design Review Conditional Use Zoning Map No. � Variance to Zoning Ord inance (Title 18) ab Quarter Section No. Variance to Subdiv ision Ord. (Title 17) Sensitive Land Permit STAFF NOTES; Floodplains � Drainageways Steep Slopes ' 0 the r ' � TaTAL: �� GENEItAL APPLICATION rOEtM - ' PAGE 2 GASE No.� CITY OF TTGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 9?22� - (S03)639-4171 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (T0 BE PROVIDED 13Y APPI.,ICANT) Fc�R STAF, USE ONLY No:tice of Respons'e 4 . DISTRICTS • t �&�1.ved SCHOOL DISTRIGT �I�?�-9 �'�OOC.� �D�S"'T. Z�S < es o Yes WATER DIS'TRICT �I C�P'�� V�I D���YL- C�S�•- FIRE DISTRICT ' ��'�N +s'=�=-�^� ' . �81 . �Q��JT. • � PARK DISTRICT • UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY - Sewer Available: YES NO � OTHER' . • 5. PUBLIC UTILITIES , ELECTRICITY 1-�jL-�`:v �/�TLEYj-P�L� �'�.L��.T,�b> ' NATU RAL GA� ��U�.C�i 4,"r N AcT. P�p'�F� GO � ' TELEPHUNE L.'�r-���- �CL-r �.b • . OTHER ' 6. PUBLIC TRANSIT (TRI MET) NEAREST BUS RC►UTE AND STOp � -��" �OU�� �� �N��(,,(., �UIp 7. OTHER INTERESTED AGENCIES (SPECIFY) ` 8: CHARACTER QF THE AREA EXISTING LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION ZONE VERTFIED BY STAFF NORT[i ��'�,��� �� ,°'"I 2'- Y�v�+ SOUTH 'ji,�p�ii .�� l v�� �.-°I�► v1°� �ST. t�'� �� � MF,�p �_oz WE$T T• - � W��J �s��� . P�DIV�st,tll�l "" s GENERAT� APPLICATION FORM - PE1GE 3 CASE No. CITY OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash , PO Sox 23397 ' Tigard, �Dregon 97223 - (5A3)639-4171 . 9. CHANGES IN 3:kI� CHARACTER OF' THE AREA WHICH AF�'ECT THIS APPLICATIOI�. Please Discuss: � �,�� 1S �"�'I.A�i�t,N�P �o"�- '�,1fl�N°T11�.- '�V��'N!�'�" 10. DESCRIPTION OF TfiE SITE ' � Lot Area (acres, square feet) ���jp �.�ECj 11. EXISTZNG STRUCTURES ON TEIE SITE Square Dist�nce From Pro ert 'Line Use Feet North South East West ��� . NATtJRAL CONDITIONS ' 12. Percent Slope: ��p � 13. Vegetation Types: Average Diameter Percent Of Each ' Yes No � Size Of Trees Per Size Trees: � k Brush: �(' Grass: X ' 14 . Floodplains: x How much of the site is in floodplain? 15. Water Courses X What type? 16. Rock Outcroppings �.�C 17. Other: �( ��2�� '�(�p 18. Proposed Development: Please bsiefly describe the proposed development: "���_'r p�.Pa�__-__�`CZa-- ��p � I �N�L:E �AMic.Y �c.r�o c��i'�.t►vE ; C�C�TAct�.�-!�►���L1-n�n� �_`�_G,►—i'� l ___ - - . .. . { .. . . . � • GENERAL APPLICATION FOI�M - PAGE 4 CASE No. GI'fY OF TIGAKD, 12755 SW Ash, FO Box 23397 � Tigard, OLegon 97223 � �503)639-4I71 19. 'The following is ❑� is not � required.* 20. Overall Site pe�re lopment � • � . . Residential Comcnercial Industrial 0 en S ace Other • Roads � Total No, of �cres • ' . or square . fee t r use Percent of � site cwera e 21. Type of Residential Use and Characteristics . � # ofE Bedrooms/Unit • . T �e of Use � of Units EFF. 1 2 3 4 Pro osed �Densit . �}•IL�t,� �, P�P �j( X X �.�h�G�S� �JN�'T1t� �oNE. 22. Where applicable , please explain how the open space , common areas and recreational facilities will be maintained. • Yv/� � 23. If the projec[ is to be completed in phases , please describe each phase of the project. NJ�. Please submit the following with Lhis a�plication: . 1. Written General Narrative, number as required by Planning IDepartment. 2. Proof of Ownership • 3. �Letter of suthorization if applicant is not owner. 4. Tax Map . * Staff will iden•tify for you� whether this section is •to be completed. . Y. .. . . . . � . � � . � � � . .. � . .:. � � . � . � . . .. : . � . � . . .. . . �. . .. � . . -,� GENERAL APPLICATION FORM - PAG� 5 CASE No: _ CITY OF TIGARU, 12755 SW Ash, PO`Bax 23397 Ta.gard , Oregors 9�'223 - �503)639-4171 ' ' THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE, AS R�f�UES'lED BY THE APPLICANT,� SHALL BE NOTIFIE� OF EACH HEARING. I (e.g. Attorney� S�xrveyor, Engineer} Staff Notice Notice Re ort Decision � of Review I ��lAl!�i °/ � �am2 ' • i i - I , Streek 11�0 �,�i. �r.N� - )C x A �' Cit State Zi � ��'�n�v�� t1/D���,P�•---��� ` • Street '7��0� �l.t�. ('_13Y'��'J�'G'�. �c. 1� ?� k Cit (� State Zi �i0 N ame . . Stree t ' Cit State Zi ,- Name Street Cit . State Zi APPLIGANT ` DWNBR . ll N/�LLBERG N�MES, 1N�. 1710 N.E. 82nd AVENUf PORTLAND, OREGON 97220 PHONE 252-2456 February 8, 1984 City of Tigard Planning Department Post Office Box 23397 Tigard, Oregan 97223 Gentleme'n: Hallberg Homes, Inc. is the deed holder of the property identified as: Tax � lot 100, Section 11, Township 2 south, �ange l west, Willamet�e meridian, Washington County, Oregon. ry Tru y Yours, �� � Ray C. Hal erg � Hallberg Homes, Tnc. RCH/kld tnclosure 12 i , :J�.���,.� �C� � � ` "� , � ; DESCRIP�ION _ ' Real progerty situated in the County of Washington, State of Oregon, being a portion of the Southeast Quarter af Section 11, Township 2 South, Range l West of the Willamette Meridian, - described as fol`lowsz � BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly• right=of-way line of , ' uth ' STATE HIGHWAY NO. 217 (60 wide) , said point bears So 2189.26 and West 30 :00 feet. from the Nqrtheast corner of the Soloman Richardson D.L.C. No. 44 ; thence along 'said Westerly line South 0°56 ' West 549.99 feet; thence 'Nor�h 89°57 'We�t 754 . 87 feet; Noxth U°56 ' East 549. 99 feet• thence South 8�9°57 ' East 754.59 feet to the Point of Begi.nni:ng. � . � � �: :;' 13 � — , - ------=— _— —-J Agenda Item 5.4 MEM�RANDUM CfiTY OF TIGARD, OREGON MARCH 1, 1984 T0: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: �lilliam A. Monahan, Director `of Planning & Aevelopment V��"' SU:BJECT: NPO Appointments The NPO Interview Committee met and interviewed four potential NPO members. C�mmissioner Leverett and NPO �k3 Chairman Bob Bledsoe met with ias and the applicants on February 13 to review the applicants. The Committee recommended that all four applicants be referred to you for consideration. The only question raised by the Committee was whether or not a problem exists because the NP0 ��1 applicanCs are both from the same neighborhood as well as the NPO Chairman. The Committee felt that the issue was not a major one since the NPO is in ne�d of inembers. Although, ideally the NPO's would each be madE up of 12 ci.tizens representative of all areas of the community, until there is an abundance of citizen valunteers desi.ring to be members, a limitation on neighbors fr�m one area is not necessarya The applicants are: Edwrard D. Duffield, 8$95 SW Edgewood, NPO ��l Robert C. Wyffels, 8995 SW Edgewood, NPO ��l Harry Saporta, 7745 SW Gentlewoods, NPO �k5 Murel Gillen, 1493$ SW 109th, NPO ��6 Should the Gommission approve all four applicants, the repxesentation on the NPO's will be as follaws: NPO ��1 $ membsrs NPO #2 4 members � NPQ 3 6 members �� NPO ��4 9 members NPO �k5 8 m�mbers NPO �k6 8 members NPO ��7 8 members Please note, before your next meeting, th� Committee hopes to interview applicants for NPO #1 and ��2. The Gommittee recommends that the Commi.ssion recommend the four applicants for NPO membership. (WAM:pm/0334P) �,� � � ����`I��K� ,..�---,.�`: �fi� � ` . ,_._.._ _..i� � ��8'3 ������ �.���R� N P O A P P L I C A T T 0 N -. QUc�STION; W'hat are NPO's? �L ,L( � A\S�YER: The function of eacl� NPO is to be involved in all phases of the Comprehensive Planning process and the implementation of ttrose `�,. �' plan�; to review City plans; policies, {�ro,�ects or other actions affecting the 1'ivabili•ty of the neighborhood, inclu�iing, but no,t limited to, land use, zoniiag, housittg, community, facilities, human res�urces, social and recreational programs, traffic and transportation, environ- m�ntat quality, open space and parks; to participate�in the process of determining City priorities for capital improvements and development of specific pro,ject plans; to keep the caeighborhood informed; to seek neighborhood opinion on issues brought before them; to represent the views of the neighborhood in matters of e�tra nei�hborhood importance. PLERSE COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS BELOW NA?vtE ' ��/ L F� ADDRESS ��9.� � S.. Wt �U �/'7L h -��'�--�f TELEPHONE NUtitBER (Bus.) - (Res.)���- �7� `� !o PRESENT OCCUPATION _ /}�" ��%i iP F� FIR1f NAh1E HO{Y LONG HAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITH TIiIS FIRM? — IS THIS COD�ANY IACATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA? `-`�" HAVE YOU BEEN IN�OLVED WITH MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS aEFORE? �/ � IF YES," PLEASE EXPI,AIN YOUR INVOLVEh1ENT: , .. _ _ I �YHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN OFFER AS A MEMBER OF AN NPO?� �' �Q �S'�-/V i�G'� �,'�-;��,v , �s ��, � ,�" s H,�v,� .�'. �__-___�=��� 7� r','�/�_ �/(���l�7"�1 I�i�/ S t�''� �y� .�T,�a.v ( �Z� c; 2� 7-n �/--' ,�_ -��'-��'..�- �o�.�1 vn�,`':� �F�,�J;�s , M�G-1 � ,`.�l l'�!- rs Ta ��P, ADDI'PIOYAL COhiMFNTS: �f�]T/ ��f'/=�,j'/%%/% ����''I�A�N C� Td %/� ` s� ,�,� �� ,� � ��—r�,�r-��,�-.t N.O�-�F,��•�l L Sr/ r_ vF2�t 1 F�12�` .ci.�,'�d,s�'.��--,./�il'Vf ��,Pa v; o� � r.� �'r o� ,���1 c�� �' t,i� �� G�rri.v�' A<La n/G' J,r/,' i� ��r-'o/�LC .�IG Sv ���a r��,� s�T�,�s �L� s �v�x� �t�� � `r� r o G �/�'� !� DAYTIMF TELEPHONE NUMBER � � �I-��� :��i��gn � � � _ . ��� � ��>�� INUENTORY OF CITIZENS '`� Su�gested for _CommuniL-y S�rvice DATE_� -� - �y I ��AME�d���-� �� %�r.c_���/��/ ��s. PHONE �35- y �t KDDRESS� � �,�' �', �, �� �oo�� BUS . PH�NE LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD�� �� ,.r� SUGGESTED BY _ _ WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �'f������,� ED'UCATIONAL BACKGROUND ��r� � �� ��f..��`��'��' ����,�,���� �f-.•� � /�"�.-� . C'� ,-�- ► v� h'l �,a.� ,�� v,-, e,��_ „ a . ,�,� UCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND ,�'j�r�m qluve J X/ ,,� Wflv�c�rO 1 ,t S O�—`��_���.___�'�L�r.����'l,ul � P u�n B_IGI� � �O 51 �3 tE.�i G. "1'2�J���.tY.V� y 1 1 1 Q e(�Ct�N.1 ! ' tC✓ � . V "�. �`" _�_ ���._�... .�.,�,,:.�t- �P,����,-, a..�,�.� rt���l� d����;�, _ rREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY �'o.JL�- fjj J�,--}-� ����t �e t �e�(�,��, �, (' ^�- /� C ,p 1 O(f C_r �� n � � h4ir 1 i� ' /� t�0 C.L t f I�LfsS 21G �'�.���____. `'�^¢� W�- � � � Y►J'?�'�'�n'c.� ---�— 3�--- Q �' Cf�v�n �✓ ��r� �� '�'� � 1�Vl s �^ lq7� � (�r7? GRGANIZATIONS AND OFFICES _�,�r., �`,,t ��e �,� �/`f���� �'���,� �_� � 6 OTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS) �,�� �, �, �,t,�f u�f.��Ic��,-,� ������c:..�. 1t2�i�<JC���,! L.L 1 G �C!'.t vt 5 Z /�/1 t7�-C� /`1 �"`4if `"����—�',4''I L� �C�L-��-�r BOARDS OR COMMITTEES TNTERESTED N � p (� �� ���h��K.,��,�� _ Uate Rc�ceived at City Hall_ ^� �� Int;ei�viewed — -- Date llp�ointcd Board or Committ.�� iNSIDC CITY GUTSIDL CITY � � _ __ i �� INUENTORY OC' CITIZLNS Sugg�sted for Community S�rvice DATE � ' l'" d � PJAME_�6 K�G'Y � C; li{� .,S' _ RES. PHONE ���.5��� xDDRESS_ 0 �� S� S�. GV�� �dCi!-fu/U7� �__ BUS. PHONE C7o��V ���`� LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD �,3 y �drs SUGGESTED BY _��,(t'�y U� _ WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? � Y� Q�, _ L� _ ? �— EDUCAZ'IONAL BACKGR-0UNll J �2 ' �s,_�.a ,� �'�/� �...�,( .s��.� �� , UCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND _��G h lll�,�L , Cll�s�LT(Ci�-7�✓ , ,U(�/ i����✓� rREVIOUS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY ,` Iti�7�' Yl�% C--C�4j'1 ir � � � C� �7� �i G G +� �E'i�/�t C h �,�_. ������ �---��-- � ��► __�, r �s� a i�;� ��; � � �.( , � GRGANIZATTONS AND OFFICES O,�` G' �'� � �� ,{ir,-�- ,a,�' �Tfi'� e-,- vrti� G�-�,- �z� ��� a,f�rnr-eit � OTHER INI'ORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS) .. - F�OARDS OR COMMITTEES INTERESTED I[ , , Q, "�I """' � C(haN,. C-+� L� ___. 1)at� R�c�ived at City Hall_ _ Gate Tnter iew�d _ ___ __ Date �puoint�d Board or C ec ___ � �__ 1N�II)E CTTY GUT,',TI)L CITY � r� ��. � �� N P 0 A P P L I C A T I 0 N f�CtES1'ION: What are NPO's? A\`S1VER: The function of each NPO is to be involved in all phases of the Comprehensive Planning process and the implementation oi those - pla�s; to review City plans; policies, pro�eats or other actions affecting the livability of the neighborhood, including, but no,t li.mited to, land use, zoning; housing, comrtaunity, facilities, human resources, social and recreational programs, traffic and transportation, environ- mental quality, open space and parks; to parti:oipate"in the process of determining City priorities for capital improvements arcd development of specific pro�ect plans; tn keep the neighborhood inPormed; to seek neighborhood opinion on issues brought befare them; to represent the views oi the neighborhood in matters oE e:ctra neighborhooci impartance. PLEASE COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS BEL05Y NA5[�_1c,t,�22Y SA/�B�Z.�A ADDRESS '] 7�S SGt) G�'NTL�LVdG1�S' ,E�/L� ri6,aza �Z�.�3 TELEPIiONE NUhffiER (Bus.) �,,3� �4�� � (Res.)l�Q^ /2.�,3 PRESENT OCCUPATION `(',L���TY GOU/�.�DIN�AT� FI Rh1 NAb1E T/j,J '/»�� HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN EhlPLOYED {YITH THIS FIRM? / �f7 . IS THIS COA�ANY LOCATED WITHIN YOUR NPO AREA? �j/r'j HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED WITH MUNICIPAL OPERATLONS BEFORE? }%"S IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAYN YOUR INVOLVEd1ENT: .COSS �JNTJ�.n Z h?4N.4�(�F/2 �O/'L C�dI"t,�tC COV.�sa' Y /2.�'SPDlNS/�i � _...F��-_SA��'TY nF cn uiv�'Y �'€2 s o�vti�'� „4n�� l,4 �lTY TO Ti�� PUQLIG . �1'HAT DO YOU FEEL `:UU C�� CFrER nS A A!E"::EER CF AN t�'PO?���/,�?��?,�YJ�r�,�^ ?r� rE'�'V�r�/--c..,� �..f✓z.� c� ^f'� �'rz�..,��>�'.��,� �rd d_T'.�'c���' �',��,�J4�,� ,�,v�C/✓v�-'.t� ., i-�/,f� �dv e�t>�� ��.����' i��e �.4,�✓.���-'� ,�-��l.c` �-r� k�z�°f' ���'_' pU�%L.d.� G'�ini°l��"/�/�',-d/C/UF �.ldlsL.r'.�.L./��`'�'it.��'1 ADDITIONAL COI�1MrNTS:�_� Z.CJ.�� � .QS /��.�.�.�-��5��1� �"'s�'� —1l/�".�ZS S d,t� j�{lc� /V�,r'�r✓2Y��)O?_.i'vrd C7,�� _ � DAYTINE TELEPF[ONE NUbIBER_��`� "� /�� , ' ,�,; , :i/1�/4(1 Agenda No. 5.5 CPA 1-84 City of Tigard MEMORANDUM CITY OF T�GARD, OREGON March l, 1984 T0: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff �N�' ' SUBJECT; Designation of Landa within Urban Growth Boundary The Washington County Planning Staff has recently complet�d a review of the City`s Comprehensive Plan. One of the concerns that was raised by the Gounty Staff, is that there a-re 5 lots within the City's Urban Growth Boundary under County jurisdiction which do not have City Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designations on them. the lots (shown on the attached map Exhibit "A") are Tax Lots 4OU, 500, 501, 502, and 503 on Washington County Tax Map 2S1 4. The City Staff and County Staff are in agreement th�at the low density plan designation would be appropriate for these lots. The low density plan designation for these lots meet all of the locational criteria for low density residential as follows: The following criteria will apply to the four re�idential densities. 1. Low Density Residential. A. The follawing areas designated low density residential on the plan map. (1) Areas which are committed to low density development and not shown on the "buildabYe lands inventory" as vacant land. Exhibit "B" attached, shows that the properties in question are not shown as vacant land on the "buildable lands inventory". Obviously, since th.ese properties were not considered during the City's Planning process, they were not included in the vacant lands survey. In additxon, Exhibit "C" shows the surrounding � land within the City's Urban GrowCh Boundary with a low density I xesxdantial plan designatian. � (2) Areas where street facilities are limited to collectors and local streeCs. Exhibit "D" shows the transportation system in the area. There are no arterials in close proximity to the subject properties. �3) Areas having development limitations due to the tapography, soil characteristics, drainage, high water table or flooding. � _-: __ _-__ _ - Page 2 Exhibit "E" shaws the topography in the area which is characterized by steep slopesy and some wetlands. �4) Areas with lim�.ted capacity for development in terms of fa�ilities and services such as: Exhibit "F" illustrates sewer service in the area. There are no existing lines within 300 feet o£ the subject properties. STl�FF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward a reaommendation to the City Council approving the low density residential plan designation for the properties lacated on Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 4, Lots 400, 500, 501, 502 and 503. (EAN:pm/0332P) t _ _ _ _ . . ► ' ♦c // , 1 : ��N��►T � , , . � i � � . � �, . , � ., � ...- - , , � . �'fq SEE MAP � ;' , : MAP �v 2S• I. 48D i +i. 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I - — �1������ ■ __ �� • � ���� � n�. . �■..i���� �:■�.■��■� ■ • ■■■�� - � � �. � � .. i►�, ■� c -- .� � �� � � �■. �•!�!��,:�� �' �;`;;' ���� � � / ,���'�� A�enda Item 5.6 CPA 2-84 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON March 1, 1984 T0: Planning Commission FRUM: Plgnning Staff��J�� _ V SUBJECTs Zoning` Designations on Newiy Annexed Parcels of Land During discussions with the Washington C�unty Planning Staff regarding the City's Comprehensive Plan, the County staff rai'sed the issue of zoning properties newly annexed to the City. The County has adopted zoning designations for areas within the Gity's Urban Growth Boundary. The City and the County Planning staffs agreed that, in order to accommodate existing development and neighborhoods as they are annexed to the City, the City should place the City zoning designation on the properky which most closely conforms to the County zoning designation. Therefore, staff is proposing that a new policy be added to the annexation section of the Findings, Policies and Implementation Strategies document. Staff proposes the new policy as follows: 10.1.3 Upon annexation of land into the City which carries a Washington County zoning designation, the City of Tigard shall assign the City of Tigard zoning district designation wrhich most closely conforms to the County zoning designation. STA�F RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a recommendation forwarding staff's propased policy 10.1.3 to the Cizy Council for adoption. � (EAN:pm/0334P} I, - -- - -- Agenda Item 5.7 CPA 3-84 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGO'N March 1, 1984 T0: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff � SUBJECTt Floodplain Overlay CPA 3-8# The City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map shows areas designated as open space (OS). The zoning district map designat�es each property with a zoning designation. There are some propertsies within the City's planning area which are desig�ated for open space only. Problems arise in those situations when a property owner wants to develop and the Land Use Map has all of the property designated as open space. Staff feels that in order to protect the ' open space areas and allow property owners some developmFnt rights to their land, an open space overlay designation along with the land use designation would be appropriate. A map showing the proposed land use designations in conformanee with existing zoning will be presented at the March 6, 1984 Planning Commission hearing. STAFF RECQNIA�fENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a recommendatiun foxwarding to City Council the open space overlay and l�and use designations to pr�perties within the open space bounda=ies. Land use designations should be in conformance with existing zoning designations on all �roperties. (�AN:pm/0334P) d L Agenda ICem 5. 9 z0A 4-84 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGAt�D, OREGON MARCH 1, 1984 TQ: Members of the Planning Commission FROM; William A., Monahan, Director of Planning & Development SUBJECT: Residential Homes I would like to clarify what I see as the main issue revolving around the residential home question before you tonight. You are being asked to merely re�iew language whirh I am proposing which will clarify the Home Occupation provisians of khe present code, The clarification will make it clear that our home occupation permit process covers all commereial activities b:eyond the instance where one rents his property out to tenants who live in the property but are not provided wiCh services such as medieal care or food preparation. The issue before you is not whether or not residential homes as defined by the law should be allowed in TigaY�d. The issue is, they must comply with the home occupation section of the code. To comply, they �nust apply, pay a fee, be property noticed, and comply with the criteria established in the code. {WAM:pm/0334P) i � -- J Agenda Item 5.J CPA 3--84 MEi�tORANllUM CITY OF TZGARD, ORE'GON March 1, 1984 T0: Plann:ing Commissi.on FROM;' Planning Staff � SUBJECT: Floodplain Overlay CPA 3-84 The City of Tigard Comprehensive P1an Land Use Map shows areas designated as open space (OS). The zoning district map designates each property with a zoning designation. There are some properties within the City's planning area which are designated-for apen space only. Problems arise in those situations when a pro:perty owner wants to develop and the Land Use Map has all of the ra ert desi naCed a , P p y s o en `s ace. Staff f g P eels that in P order to rotect the P open space are�s and allow property ownexs some development rights to their land, an open space overlay designation along witfi the land use designation ' would be �ppropriat�. A map showing the p�oposed land use designations in confarmance with existing zoning will be presented at the March 6, 1984 Planning Cnmanis,sion hearing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recammends that the Planning Commission approve a recommendation forwarding to City Council the open space overlay and land use designations to properties within the open space boundaries. Land use designatioas should be in conformance with �xisting zoning designations on all properties. (EANspm/0334F) BTAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.8 MARCH 6, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI . 10865 S.W. WALNUT TIGARD, �REGON 97223 A. FINDING OF FA:CT 1. General Information CASE: PLANNEn DEVELOPMENT S 8-$3 PD (Park Place) NPO ��3 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting conceptual and detailed plan approval of a planned development and preliminary plar approval of Phase I, consisting of 3'9 units. GOMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION; R-4.5 (PD) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of S 8-83 PD, subject to the conditions listed in this staff report. APPLICANT: Century 21 Homes Inc. OWNER: same 7412 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. Portland, OR 97225 LOCATION: 1.3900 SW 121st Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3GC, Tax Lot 40I and 2S1 4 Tax Lot 1400). LOT AREA: 47.81 acres NPO CONIMENT: NPO �k3 has not responded in writing to this revised application requesk. 2. Background This application went before Planning Commission on December 6, 1983 for conceptual and detailed plan approval for a planned development and preliminary plat approval for a 43 unit development. The praposal was denied b� the Commission for the following reasons: a. Incomplete and inaccurate information; b. Private streets are inappropriate; and c. Insufficient information was available to approve the density transfer to Phase I. The decision was appealed tQ the Ci�y Council and on February 16, 1984, the Council decided to remand the application back to khe Commission with �he following directiont a. Gaarde Street should be designed to minor collector standards and that it be aLigned to provide a "T" intersecti.on. b. Gaarde Street also be developed in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. The street should be designed to discourage I the use of Gaarde Street and tlte development streets as an extension of Murray Blvd. c. The development be designed to meet the purpose of Section 18.8O.OlQ (A)(1) "To provide e means .for creating planned envixonments through the applic�tion of f.lexible standards which allow for the application of new techniques and new technology in community de�elopment which will result in a superior living environment." 3. Propo�al Descriptior► The applicant has submitted a revised plan fox Phase I of the development in response to the comnrents of the Commission and the Council. A narrative provided by the applicant outlines the changes that have been made to the earlie.r proposal, The major changes are: a. Expansion of Phase I from 8.6 gross acreage to 9.42 acres and reduction of the number of unitv from 43 to 49; b. Realigning Gaarde Street and modifying the location of intexsection at the west end of Pha�e I; c. Individual lots are shown to clarify ownership boundaries; and d, Private street locations have to be modified. In addition, the applicant has submi�ted the following comments regarding the development: a. Density is now at approximately 4.5 units per acre. b. Private drives remain at a 24-foot paved width; however, at NPO �#3's suggestion and our concurrence, the extruded curh on one side of the private drives shall be placed at four (4) feet from edge of pavement to better delineate and protect pedestrian traffic. The curb wi11 help discourage Parking on this side of private streets and can, for emergency vehicles, be straddled if need be. c. t� four (4) foot landscaped strip has been add�ed between the private roadway and south boundary line d. We propose "N0 PARKING THIS SIDE" signs on pedestrian side of private streets. STAFF REPORT - S 8-83 PD - PAGE 2 e. Angle parki�g has bePn added adjacent to lots 16 through 20. f. Lot di.mensions have been added. g. Sidewalk and curb is proposed to be continuous through the driveway apFroaches to pri�ate streets. h. It is clear intent of the Homeowners Association by-laws that maintenance of the private streets be td�e sole responsibility of the Homeowners Association with no �articipation required or needed by the City in this regard. Provision for funding street maintenance is made in Article IV, Seetion 4 of said by-laws. In view of the fact that some sites have direct access from Gaarde, the matter of annual assessment as well as the voting percentages required to effect maintenance wil.l be reviewed with our attoxney. In- this regard, items that will be considered include both life expectancy of pavement and x�placement costs. i. On the most southerly of private streets, catch basins have been added at some distance away f�o��i Gaarde to mitigate the surface runoff problems at the entrance and exit points. j. Although the plan indieates a twenty-five (25) foot setback on Gaarde, it is the intertt of Che plan to show a twenty (20) foot setback. 4. Agen:cy Com�ents The Engineering Division has the followir►g comments: a. The applicant must improve the 121st Avenue frontage and the intexsection of SW 121st and Gaarde tn City interim standards. b. Half^street improvements to collector standards shall be made to SW 121st Avenue where it fronts the applicant's project. c. All �n-site streets, curbs, a.nd siclewalks shall be constructed to City standards. d. If the 24°foot wide private streets are made one-way, parking will only be allowed on one side of the street. e. The applicant must provide bicycle lanes on the Gaarde Strset extension within the project boundaries and along the 121st Avenue �I frontage. f. Fifteen-foot wide public utility easements shall be provided for storm and sanitary sewer lines in the project. Where the lines are under the private streets (Tract "A" a.nd "C"), 2:he entire tract should be used to describe the easeme��.r. g. Provisions must be made for adequately handling off-site drainage to the west af Gaarde Street. Also, provision should be made for roof-top drainage on the northern lots. STAFF'REPORT - S $-83 PD - PAGE 3 �, _ ! h. The proposed alignment of Gaarde Street near the 121st Avenue intersection• will apparently necessitate right-of-way dedication fram the property to the south. A 60-foot wide rightrof-way will be required for the entire length of Gaarde Street. i. The western end of access Tract "B" should be redesigned to eliminate awkward left turn movements onto Gaarde Street. The Tualatin Rural Fize Protection District has no objection to the proposal. A school impact statement has not been received from the Sehool District. B. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION The provisions of the R-4.5 and Planned Developm.ent sections of the Code a1ioW for a maximum of 43 units on Phase I without transferring density from Phase II. The 39 uniCs requested conforms with the R-4.5 (PD) designation. The alignment of Gaarde Street has been mo�3ified and appears to successfull address r evious concerns re ardin it s 1 t' . Y p g g oca ion The applicant contends this alignment is satisfactory with NPO #3. The major features of the proposal ar.e properly designed and provided the conditions of approval below are met, Phase I of Park Place is in ' conformance with City policy and the Development Cade. C. RECOMMENDATION The Planning stafr recommends approval of the requesE for conceptual and detailed planned development approval and preliminary plat approval of Phase I of S 8-$3 PD subject to the following conditions: 1. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans anc3 one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the City's �ngineering Division far review. 2. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence �I until after the Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans. The Engineering Division will require posting of a 100X performance bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/street light deposit. A1so, the execution of a street opening parmit or construction compliance agreement just prior to, or at the time of, it's issuance of approved public improvement plans. 3. The final subdivision plat sha11 be recorded with Washington County prior to the issuance of any building permi.ts. 4. No changes or modifications shall be made to approved plans without written approval from the appropriate City department. ' STAFF REPORT - S 8-83 PD - PAGE 4 � 5. The applicant must improve the 121st Avenue frontage and khe intersection of SW 121st and G�arde to �ity interim standards. 6. Half-street improveme,nts to collector standards chali be made to SW 121st Avenue where it fronts the applicant's proj;ect. 7. A11 on-site streets; curbs, and sidewalks shall be constructed to City standards. 8. If the 24-foot wide private streets are made one-way, parking will only be allnwed on one side of the street. 9. The applicant must provide bicycle lanes on the Gaarde Street ; extension within Che project boundaries and 12Zst Avenue in accordance with City standards. 10. Fif:teen-foot wide public utility easemexits sha11 be provided for storm and sanitary sewer lines in the project. Where the lines are under the private streets (Tract "A" and "C"), the entire tract should be used to elescribe the easement. 11. Provisions must be made for adequately handling off-site drainage to the west of Gaarde Street. Also, provision should be made for roof-top drainage on the northern lot5, 12. A 60-foot wide rigtit-of-way will be required for the entire length of Gaarde Street. 13. The western end of access Tract "B" shall be redesigned to eliminate awkward left turn movements onto Gaarde Street. 14. Survey Gondit?ons: a. Vertical Datum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929)s All existing and established (temporary) bench marks in the vicinity of the project shall be shown on the construction drawin . b. Compliance of 18,16Q.160 (all) with the following exceptions: 18.160.160 A.2 Capped 5/8" x 30" Iron Rods on surface of final lift will be aeceptable. NOTE 18s160.16A B.1 city of Tigard Primary Control Surveys (CS. �k 19,947 & 20,2?.3) Local-Ground coordinates exist for all stations. State plane coordinates not required. City can make transformation given 1oca1 coordinates. STAFF REPORT - S 8-83 PD - PAGE 5 � J c. Compl.iance with Section 18'.160,190 (B) : Y�.160.190 Filint� and Recording B. Upon final re�ording _with the County, the applicant sha11 submi� to the City a mylar copy of the recorded final plat. 15. A School Zmpact Statement that laas been reviewed by the appropziate school district official mus•t be submitted prior to final plat approval. � /��%� PREPAR D BY: Keith Liden AFPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Associate T'lanner pirectoz of Planning & Dev�e lopment (KL:pm/0337P) II. � � STAFF REPORT - S 8-83 PD -^ PAGE 6 � � . _ _ _ � pt N �'� VV,�SI�INGT�Iv1 C(>[JNTY b � ; ADMfN'IS7RATION BUILDiNG — 150 N. FIRST AV£NUE HILLSBORQ,GREGON 97123 R BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' WES MYLLENBfCK, Chairman (503)64$•8761 BONNIE L. HAYS,Vice Chairman 1 EVA M. KIIL,PACK � i JOHN E. MEEK I LUClLLE WARRfN March fi, 1984 Tigard Planning Commission City of Tigard ' P.Q. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 • R€: EXTENSION OF GAARDE STREET THROUGH THE PROPOSED PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT Washington County staff has revie►,�ed the proposed Park Place Planned Develop- I ment to be considered by your Commission on March 6, 1984. Washington County , staff finds that the extension of SW Gaarde Street, as designed, is inconsistent with the �Jashington County Comprehensive Plan. ' The extension of SW Gaarde Street will ultimately become part of the P�lurray Blvd. Extension. The acknowledged Washington County Transportation Plan states: � Extension of Murray Boulevard: I Existing as well as proposed development within the Cities of Beaverton and Tigard will increase the need for improved access . between these municipalities. Lacking this interconnection, local , short distance t�rips wil� plague and cangest travel on Highway 217 and Scholls Ferry Road. County analysis indicate that a two to three lane minor arterial or major collector extension of Murray Boulevard south of Olci Scholls Ferry Road, preferably to Gaarde Road which connects to 99W (Pacific Nighway), will accommodate Year 2000 travel projectior�s. Assuming that an Aloha bypass is constructed wsst af Bull Mountain, the Murray Blvd. Extension could be designed and constructed as a major collector rather than a minor arterial . (The process used to determine the functional classi- fication of tfie Murray Blvd. Extension is cuntained in Attachment A. ) The County's Transportation Plan describes a major collector as follows: (3) ,Major Collectors: (Example, Rock Creek Blvd. and Parkway) Functional Purpose: In most instances Major Co1lectors are intended to carry traffic from Local Streets or Minor Collectors to Arterials and are public thoroughfares with a lesser degree of future traffic than an Arterial . � an cqual opportunity emplo��er Tigard Planning Commission March 6, 1984 Page 2 Design Considerations: A Major Collector will be two to three Tanes wide and designed to carry traffic at speeds of between 35 and 45 miles per haur. On-street parking will not be provided. Sidewalks will be provided and bicycle facilities are required by the Pedestrian-Bicycle portion of the Plan, A Major Collector will be designed to allow for the efficient movement of buses in mixed traffic. The design of a Major Collector will include a comprehensive land- scape plan including street trees (which do not impair transportation safety), ground cover, and provisions for minimizing the impact of overhead utilities and outdoor advertising. - Land lise Considerations: Developments likely to generate a high volume of traffic should be discouraged from locating on Major Col1ectors that also serve residential districts. Residential development adjoining a Major Collector will be carefully buffered from the right-of-way. County road design standards call for major collectors to have a paved width of 40' - 46' located within a 70' right-of-way. A road constructed to the preceeding . standards would adequately carry traffic between Beaverton and Tigard as well as providing good access to persons living in the vicinity of the Murray Blvd. Extension. In light of the preceeding discussion, Washington County staff finds it necessary to o6ject to the proposed Park Place Planned Develapment for the following reasons: 1 . �The proposed "T," in��rsection is inconsistent with Washington County design considerations for major collectors because it impedes the smooth flow of traffic through the area. 2.. The proposed 60' right--of-4�ay is inadequate for a major collector. 3. The proposed improvement width is inadequate for a major collector. 4. Direct access to the Gaarde/��urray Blvd. Extension is allowed for some of the dwelling units. This is inconsistent vrith County design considerations for major collectors. The City and the County have been aware of the inconsistent designation of the h1urray Blvd. Extension within their respective 7ransportation Plans for some time. This issue was specifically addressed in the Washington County-Tigard Urban Planning Area Agreement. The Urban Planning Area Ag�reement contained the following language: 4. Resolution of outstanding transportation issues between the parties ; including: [ .fii gard P1 anni ng Corr�ni ssi on March 6, 1984 Page 3 � a. consistent street classification standards; b. the status of Durham Road; and c, the need and location of the Murray Boulevard Extension and Scholls Ferry Road to Highway 994J. Until resolution of these transportation issues, the parties sha1T take no action to preclude alternative solutians to those issues. As of January T, 1984, this Ag're�ment shall lapse and the agreement currently in effect bet�ween the pa�ties shall revive, uniess: . 1 . The parties resolve the ��sues set fort� above; and 2. The parties extend the time in which to reach agreement. The purpose of this language was to indicate that an inconsistency existed and to assure that a solution would be achieved prior to any development taking place. For whatever reason, the City of Tigard has decided not to extend the Agreeme'nt. Washingto:n Coun�y 'is ready and willing to move toward resolving these issues. - Please enter this le���r into the hearing record. If you have further questions regarding this matter, please give me a ca11 . � GGt/ �' �'� � ard A. Daniels, Directo , Land Develapment and Transportation Division RAI�:KM:MBM c: Co�nissioner Wes Myllenbeck Commissioner Lucille Warren DonaTd D. Stilwell , Coun�y Administrator Brent Curtis, Planning P1anager Jerry Kammerman, Road Engineer Bob Jean, Tigard City Manager Frank Currie, Director of Public �Jorks, Tigard 'William Monahan, Planning Director, Tigard Andy Cotugno, METRO ' . � �YO �� ATTACHNf��J�" A � ��.�. � ���' VV A S I--�I 1'�I C�TO N CO LTN�Y r�,, �;' - ���� ADMINISTRATfQN BUtLUPNG — t50 N. FIFiST AVENUE �i'ILLSBORO,OREGON 97123 R N BOARD OF COMMiS5FONERS February 3, 198 3 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS � WES MYLLENBEGK, Chairman ROOM 201 � BONNIE L HAYS, Vice Chairmen (503)6q8$gg6 EVA M. KILLPACK JOHN E. MEEK LUCILLE WARREN Mayor, Council and City Manager City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Status of County Planning for Roads in Tigard Area Ladies and G�ntlemen: Washington County Commissioner Lucille Warren has asked that I prepare fc�r you a report of the County ' s recent efforts to � plan for County facilities in the Tigaxd area. Two reasons have generated this need: 1) Development of the CQUnty' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and 2) the feasibility analysis of a Local Improvement District in the 135th-W�lnut area. Commissioner Warren has also asked me to summarize this Department' s position on Durham Road in light of recent studies carried out on that roadway as we11 as in relation to our trans- portation planning efforts. Sincerely, O r . % Larry Rzce Director o ublic Works LR:MCN: ss Martin C. Niz ek, Attachment Transportation Manager CC: Board of County Comm. County .Administrator , Rick Daniels Frank Currie an equaJ oppor�unitr crnpbrer � _ _ _ _ (_ , . , , COUNTY RU,�D PLANNING In the spring of last year the County contracted with Metro and jointly developed an extensive upgrading of Met-ro' s computPr model used fnr analysis of roadsaay needs. This. model encompassed the entire urban area, including ttre �ity of Tigard, allowing a detail of traffic analysis to at least tl�e arterial and major collector system never available �to W�shington County jurisdictions previously. l In the late spring of l�st year the County Planning staff (assisted by Metro staff) collaborated with city staff s to establish concensus on population and employment projections for use in the transportati�n model. While staff representatives from Tigard were made aware of this effort at interagency coordinating meetirrgs (Planninq Directors' meetings) as well as through correspondence from Metro staff, no input was received from Tigard, Given the G'ity's non-response to requests to participate in reaching a mutually agreeable set of population and employment projections, Metro staff util�ized previously adoptea regional control totals to estimate Tigard' s share of future growth. Subsequently, the computer model was run to �nalyze road needs. � One readily apparent problem to the transportatian planning staff throug7�aut the anal�rsis prc�cess was the magnitude .of congestion t.o be witnessed along Highway 217 and sections of Scholl� Ferry Road and the increased encroachment this would generate to local Tigard streets such as Walnut. Given the fact that the Coux�ty functional classification plan as well as the Regional Transportation Plan have f or some �.ime called for the Murray extension, it was logical f or staff to, investigate this al-terna�ive. � I would note here, as I do under discussion of the 135th Lacal , Improvement District, that County staff has made every effort to respect the character of the land use and the ter�ain of t�his area. . In this respect efforts to minimize the size :of ariy extension of Murray were quite explicit and this was nne of the primary reasons � for looking into the Aloha bypass using Beef Bend ;and Reusser Roads. ' This brings us to the County 's evaluation of the traffic requirements in this area. Attached you will find diagrams which evaluate the following configurations: , 1. No new road extensions. 2. Murray extended to 99W. 3. Beef Bend-Reusser bypass. 9 . Beef Bend ancl Murray extension. • - � I would note that Metro staff has informed us that Tigard staff has made partial use of the inf ormation at Metro but has not used the model to evaluate its proposed transportation plan. � - — . �� r r County Road Planning Page 2 Not having ,bene�it of the City's transportatiun analysis efforts we� are not able to cantrast these values to the City ' s. We stand ready to do so, however. In viewing the alternatives shown in the referenced diagrams, staff noted the congestion on Highway 217; a facility which I 'm sure you will agree would be e�tremely costly to expand given the existing structures and land costs in the area. We fpel it is important, however, to recognize the regional significance of improving the accessibiiity in this area. Frankly, given the va:cant developable lands not only in Tigard, but in Beaverton arad other areas of the County, the only sound planning approach is to provide the urban services which wil.l be necessary to accommodate this growth. Finally, I would note that our plan recommendation (which has been available since mid-November of last year) embodies the objectives c�iscussed above. That is, improved Washington County accessibility to meet State planning guidelines are met while minim�.zing neighb�or- hood encroachment as well as potential costs to the public for new roads. 135TH-4�1ALNU'1' LOC:AL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT As you are most likely aware, the County and City staffs have been cooperating in establishing a Local Improvement District to place improvements on portions of these facilities. I would like to take this oppor�.unity to note to you two efforts which the County has absorbed to further this effort. First, in May of 1982 the County expended some $7000 for services by Metro to carry out a special t�affic analysis. The purpose of this study was to provide p�eliminary information to the Local Improvemen� District consultant on the traffic which a Murray extension would carry and, thus, the relief to 135th and Walnut. (This effort, of course, was superceded by the broader Metro modeling effort completed last September. ) The second effort whxch the County has supported to assure the � provision of appropriate urban services was � supplemental $6000 agreement with the Local Improvemer►t District consultant to evaluate ' alternative alignments for the Mu rra y extension, T��, , ( s process ls nearing completion and an alignment map wi11 be presented in discus- �ion with your Council. ) In summary, we feel our process has been open, cooperative and comprehensive as LCDC would require in meeting the intent of the goals. We hope, when briefed on these facts, you will realize our attempt to respect the neighborhood needs but, also, the n�ed to consider the broader travel needs of other County residents. ` r County Road Planning Page 3 . DURHAM ROAD In joint discussions with Tigard and Tualatin staff s last year, it was decided that a series �f stud�es be carried out to investigate the following: l. The need to restri�t truck traffic (over 30 ,000 pounds GVW) on Durham Road, and 2. the feasibility of using the Tualatin-Sherwood bypass as an alternate route. Several studies were car.ried aut in this regard and, while we have not been able to compile a final report �on these efforts, the f ollowing represent the major conclusions which can be drawn: 1. The averaQe (three axle +) truck traffic on Durham Road (99W to Hall Blvd. ) is 200 per day during weekdays and about ' 75 per day on weekends. . 2. Very few of these heavy truck movements occur between 10 : 00PM and 6 : 00 AM. An average of only about six per night was determined. . 3. Noise studies carried out by the USDOT over a one day period found only two violations, neither of which were heavy trucks. 4 . The Oregon Tr�cking Assoc�.ation looked into speeding on this �acility and �ounc� that smaller, step-type vans and delivery vehicles are responsible for speec3ing violations, not heavy truck s. 5 . The Oregon State Speed Control Board carriec3 out speed and accident studies and founc� the existing 4Q MPH limit to be appropriate. 6 . The proposal to route truck traffic to Tualatin Road and the Tualatin-Sherwood bypass cannot be enacted at this time because of the inability of a number of intersections to safely accom- modate trucks. I 7. Metro and ODOT will be conducting a travel survey in this area later this y�ear. Additional data could be developed from this • study (if appropriately structured) to determins if the proposed Tualatin truck route would divert a significant number of trucks to make this a viable option. In summary, I cannot recommend the limitation of truck traf�ic at this time on Durham Road. Further, the transportatinn modeling effort previously discussed indicates the need for Durham Roac� to function as an arterial street given projected development in the area. iSee previous figures in this report. ) -— -- � � � County koad Planning Page 4 It may be possible to improve Durham Road while protecting and b�iffering surrounding r�sidential neighborhoods. The County stands ready to di�cuss this o�tion with Tigard and, indeed, we need to move forward in thi� area c�iven new devel.opment that wi11 require County permits in order to access Durham Road. . Finally, it appears that both thP County and City transportation planning efforts have arrived at differinq conclusions as to the appropriate functional classification for Murray' s extension and for Durham Road. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity� to review the technical information supportinq the City ' s recommendation and the subsequent c�pportunity to work with yaur staff in resolving the differences. MCN:ss • I � _ -_- - - --- - - �'i`� '•.t�.�:"�r���� �'�Q %�o - i ' =<:: 4� s- 1 c�� °� - �,� � s�� � � � N :� . �: �':. . ��-� � � . i � s/s.. a—t � a �� .' """�+ t� .� ;:. 2�3 12t s� �/S ��: .. �3 � � ��s-� _ U � � � N I 3 5 i�, �/3 c�,- � H � � � Nt U Fz.tzAY � , � N Z�� � d' � ` . � � . LEGEMU �.1 �'� � � ' Lane Requi;ements �1 EXtSTtNG / YCAR 20G0 Congested Road Section •..•. ... . .... .. ..:(Level ef Service 'D') . .... . ... ������ (Level o! Service 'E' or YJerse) � / c� Sc�t'' rJ�f�G 2� ;�: . ... ............. �!3 2/3 �j:.... �� . •;ashington �...��� ��c� ��G �l�.f`�TS ount � �.g��,�R�S w i-�h �10 �a�:a ��T�t�lS tat�5 . . .-_ -- ---_ - � — __ i � x z z � � � s � a�� � � S N '31 �S :: � 66 . �Q� 3 � . � N S�s �:. 3 rs�. �, M��. .::: � �z�S� si$ . � �3 . � ►2.5-4►, _ v N � � N I 35 �► 2/3 e°l ti+u R�aY � � e K�, z/� � `� `� � � LEGEND � � � Lane Requireme�ts � EXISTING/ YEAR 20Gp Congeste�d Road SectSan • (Levei af Service 'D') .... ::.,.• ::_. i//� , (Leyel ot Servic� �E' or Worse) � // 8EE� BEN D i�� . ......... ......... zJ� ....� z13 . :�F:: .:: ashington ounty LAt�E lCEQV 1 itEM�NT5 �B�K,��RKS w��+ K�V55�1C- 8��� BEt1D IMPRpVED � l : : . _- -- s � • � 0 z � � `� � � !S% �.. ��6 . '��. � ` 701 4 � �'/ S ; �vW � C� � t21s� N '$S J'` � 2/3 �J3 . ° ���s-�, _ � . � , - � : � .. . . . ,. .- �� w • •• �• I 35�Fs+ .. �l3 ��w A ,� �� � � �� � i i . -� ��� . p�� 1-- Mi U tz�zAY ' � � .• 2�r �•• � � c`i' � � . ` LEGEND hj Lane RequirEments � � EXtSTING/ YEAR 20G0 � N �� Congested Road Section : CLevel of Service 'D°) ��Jf�/� (Level of Service 'E` ar Werse) '�' gEEF BEND �.D. N 2/3 , �/� . � ashington ! , � ��`������ ounty �� u� ��r��t Pl;6LIC�YORKS � ■V Y1Y �X 1 i����ON A a . i _ H Q • 0 r � # � .� � ; �: � �.. � . .. . . �..� -�� . �.�` � � �/ � • :; —. � �yj6,6`+S' . s .�{ v� � s/s , 7v1 �' � �� 3 . � � � 1 Zi sy� - S S . : +;. � .,.a �/'3 2.;/3 �: i t25-�. � r • � �w o R �i� �i t � •• � ��• q •�� �J��, .������OI� � ..•- 2,/�2 •• � .• � � .• '�r 2 '' 'o�M �.' � I M u fZRAY � ='' � N � a •• � Z�s '" ? N � � . � . � LEGEND � . � lane Requirement� CJ EXlSTMG/ YEAR 20170 Congested Road Section (Levei of Service 'D'� �/�//� (Levei of Service 'E` or worse) `�' g�EF �END R.P. N ..�.. 2/5 ,,,,.� . 2/S ":;,-� , � � . � ashington , r ; ounty _ .�.�1NG ����E'`�G��J WI}ti PUBUC V�ORKS M�R��Y �D ��� �►�D ; � } ./ � �� c� ENTER T�IE 11U�RLD OF CENTURY 21 PROPEl�TIES February 15, 1984 Mr. William A. Monahan Planning Director City of Tigard 12755 S.W. Ash Tiqard, OR 97223 RE: S 8-$3 PD (Subdivision) 139OD S.W. 121st Ave. Dear Mr. Monahan; For �he record, the subject project has been remanded to �the Planninq Commission for final disposition, by the City Council during their FebrGary 13, 1�84 hearing. This was done at the request of Century 21 Properties and wi�h concurrence of NPO #3. The reason for the request for remand being that we believed a compromise had been reached re4ardinq provision for the future a1iqnment of S,W. Gaarde St. that viould be acceptable �o all concerned (City Staff, NPO #3 and Century 2i Properties) . Additionally, it wa� our desire to examine our plan further in an at;ten�pt to better address old and new issues of concern to staff and the communit,y as well as to improve the livability and thus the marketability of the project. In this regard, our oreliminary plat has been modified slightl,y as follows : 1. The western boundary of Phase I has been shifted westerly in an attemnt to provide more land area per unit and to provide better traffic circulation. 2. A tee intersection has been provided within the rroject boundaries near the northwest corner of Phase I. This tee is as discussed with City Staff, NPO #3. It is mv understanding that this prnvision for S.l�l. Gaarde St.yand future road extension to the north is acceptable to and satisfactorily addresses the concerns of City Staff, NPO #3 and most members of the Planning Commission. ! cENTURV 21 HOMES . North Coast Plaza + P,O.Box 1408 . 7160 S:W.Hazel Fem Rd. . Tualatin,OR 97062 . (503)684-2762 I . . _ _ / y . �I � EIVTEFi THE WORLt� O� CENTIJRY 21 HOMES paq� 2 3. While the qross acreaqe of Phase I increases to 9.42 acres, the number of proposed units has decreased to 41 This reduces the required density transfer from Phase II to O and should eliminate this as an issue. 4. Individual lot lines have been added to show and clarify extent of proposed ownership. 5. Private streets and other common areas have been labeled as Tract "�", "B°, "C", etc. As you are aware, when the Gity Council remanded this matter back to the Planning Commission, it did so with direction to the Planninc� Commission to review the issues of: 1. Provision of a mini-park. 2. Off-street (public) parking and traffic circulation natterns as relates to access and fire protection. 3. Streets to conform with minor coilector standards. 4. Plan design to meet PD designation and to conform to the Community Development Code, Section 18.80.O10.A.1 . 5. Sidewalks. 6. Twerity-four foot non-curbed streets. 7. Alignment of S.W. G�arde St. Althoughth.e Council rriinutes are not available, these appear to be the issues by comparing our notes during our meetinq this date at City Hall . �'� Your staff has requested that we address these issues with this submittal . �I Accordingly, I offer the following as a narrative in this regard. NARRATIVE 1. Mini-Park - In view of the location of land available for this within Phase I, Century 21 Properties believes that to provide such an improvement would be irresponsible both from a planning standpoint and future maintenance liability. We believe the development of open space within the next phase will provide to the needs of the development's residents in a more than adequate fashion. 2. Off-Street Parking, Traffic Circulation Ever,y effort has been made, within the planning constraints the alignment of S,W. Gaarde has imposed on us, to minimize the number of access pnints to S.W. Gaarde, thus reducing ' CENTURY 2t HoMES • North Coast Plaza . PA.Box 1408 . 7960 S;W.Hazel Fern Rd. . Tualatin,OR 97062 . (503)684-2762 . ,� �� ENTER TH� WORLD OF CENTURY 21 PROPE�TIES ; Pa9e 3 potential for traffic conflict here. B,y maximizing one-H�ay interior traffic, potential for confl'icting turning movements at S.W. Gaarde St. is reduced to half of that which would result if two-way traffic were permitted. The proposal for twenty-fo�r foot one-way pr�vate streets has been previously documented and submitted, but perhaps not sufficientl.y clarified, Proposed, are some one-way traffic patterns allowinc� for parkinc� on one side. Assuming an eight foot wide parkinc� width on one side of the private street, this allows a sixteen foot width for vehicular traffic which also allows within that, a modest width fnr pedestrian traffic. l�e would expect traffic speeds within the orivate street areas on the order of 10 - 15 m h p which is more that suf-ficient to nrovide safe passag� for vehicular and pedestrian traffic alike. I find, in reviewing our file, that the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District finds no objection to the proposed plan. We believe, in view of the "land width" constraints im�osed by the Gaarde St. alignment that the plan as submi�ted represents a responsible, best pianninq effort resulting in an economical development which can contribute to our objective of t�rovidinq affordable, livable housing to the community. As you are aware, London Square is a nroject similar in concept and which, provides twenty-four foot streets. It appears to be functioning well and we v�ould anticipate no future problems. 3. Streets to Conform to Minor Collector Standards We shall , of course, design and construct S.41. �aarde St. and the intersections at the east and west ends of the project to current street standards as applied to the proposed development and off street parking. It is my understanding that most details in this regard have been reviewed with Staff and incorporated in previous submittals. 4. PD Desiqnation/Community Development Code ' Tt is a matter of record' that the subject proposal conforms to the requirements of the PD Designation. With regard to the Planned Development section of the Communit,y Deve}opment Code, specifically section 18.8O.Ol0.A.1, one purpose of the PD overlay zone is "7o provide a means for creatinq planned environments throuqh the application of flexible standards which allow for the application of new techniques and new technoloqy in communit,y development which will result in a superior livinq arranqement". � CENTURY 21 HOMES • North Coast Plaza • P,Q Box 14Q8 . 7160 S.W.Hazel fem Rd. . Tualatin,OR 97062 . (503)684-2762 � � . � � -- _ - --- � r ENT'ER TtiE aIVOR'LD �� CENTIlRY 21 PROPE��'IES page 4 We submit tPiat again, in view of the contraints imposed by , S.tl. Gaarde St. , to develop the property in a more conventional i manner would at best be a marqinal venture resulting in housin 9 costs beyond the reach of many potential consumers . The plan as submitted provides a far superior livinq arrangement than would otherwise be achieved throu h co nventional develo ment 9 P techniques. 5. Sidewalks - This issue was previously addressed within item 2, above with regard to room for and safety of nedestrian traffic. We propose that pedestiran traffic be accomodated within the 24 foot one-way streets (or wider as indicated) . As concern was mainly centered on passage from within the interior of Phase I to future open space in Phase II , it is reasonable that pedestrian traffic route to S.W. Gaarde, where sidewalks shall be provided, then to the west and Phase II open space. 6. Twenty-Four Foot Non-Curbed Streets - Our files indicate previous submittals to Staff of private street cross-sections indicating proposed extruded curbing. The private streets are nroposed with inverted crowns , slopinq up toward the lots, resulting ir� advantages relevant to landscaping and rainfall percolation from homesites to the streets as well as savings in construction costs associated with street excavation. 7. Alignment of S.W. Gaarde St. - We have adapted our plan to the several alignments of Gaarde, the last of which Staff and NPO #3 seem to feel most comfortable with. This includes a tee intersection at the west boundary of Phase I which Centur,y 21 agrees to build in this development phase. You and Liz Newton advised me this date that a subdivision aoplication would be required if we wanted detailed plan approval (this as a result of adding ownership lines) . This will confirm our intent to obtain subdivision -PD approval simultaneously. However, a search of our files reveals receipt of our application for "Subdivision S 8-83 PD", dated 9/1/83. Further, our application form states on its face that the application is for "Planned Unit Develonment" as well as "Subdivision". The application indicates fees for both have been paid. Accordingly, a check for a subdivision fee will not accompany this su6mittal . Also, since most of the relevant data for this submittal is shown on the preliminary plat, we will not �ie submitting any additional application form. If during your review of this submittal , you find that you require supplemental data, we shall supply it as needed. CENTURY 21 HOMES • North Coast Plaza • P.O.Box 1408 . 7160 S.W.Haz�l Fern Rd. . Tualatin,OR 97062 . (503)684-2762 . . I _ __- -- -- _ - ---J . Y � ( ENTER THE V�lC�1�LD O� C�NTl1RY 21 PROPEF�YIES pa9e 5 _ We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in allowinq us to mak� the March 6 Planning Commission agenda as every month lost now could put us in another construction season and unknown market conditions. Thanks again for your efforts. You will find 15 copies of the preliminary plat and supporting documents as reqwested. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please call . Sih erely , Michael W. Fain, P.E. V,ice President - General Manager Century 21 Properties, Inc. MWF/cmc CENTURY 21 HOMES • North Coast Plaza • P,O.Box 1408 . �160 S,W,Hazelfern Rd, . Tualatin,OR 97062 . (503)684-2762 . , ���. s : - �;' ' �: �- _ _ 3� _ �-- - _-_.. _ _ _ ', - ---- - 41 G --- ..31 � --- _ _ _ _ _ . - - �jpp<? Lver`� $rKFLr � . 3•- � • _ — — . ''N . . _' ^ � .� �. .� .� � -�..� � ��� '� ._" ^ �_ — � . 1 i n �- — .. .�-_.��._ ..._._ _�.�' _._"��_.�. �._._ ..� v �.'_�.'"____' ._.".___.�'_..��._ . �' '�`".� ...�__..__... _...... _._ .._.. ._ .. _ �7 ' .��.. .. .. .. ._. . ._._. . . . - _ -.... .------- --- - ' J7 G . . .r,�.: � � .� �, � I I I i I �` / ' %��! /: � �` \ � � f% ' -. ,� �� � � — � � � �— _� � \` . _. ' _ � -, ' . ... .. `\ . . . . . �. . . _ _ ��� _ _ L s'W ii: - - LseN " �.6Cr ��'/-�. _ . . _. _ . _ . . _ ` � ` _' ^.— ._ _ _ _ . _�_""_." '_ '.""'_ .. ._ . _ '_. . . ( � ' ��./`✓� GA't:�na SciiCs�j " - �-E �1r'� __ ----^� ____ -_ - __---`,— . �✓1.:. - - ----- - _. ____ __ : � �.�..�:�Y . � . • , - _ � ��:LL T. . . . � � � � �: �-� ,. i . �-i. . . . _ . . :� .. .. . . . . . . .:_..:.. . .. . . . . � . . . `_� 2� � � � � . , � f . , � �___�__� -�F�.u� s_.cr,�� � _._..^.._ _�_ �.. � — � $ _ � . 3� _._ _. —___.__�_ _.. � � �� ` - ' - - -- - _ _ _ 16 , G�A kD�- - ._ _ _ _ _ _ -- -- _ __ _ � - - - f � � _._ ------ --- - - - _ � ----- ---- --- , �, - � . , , F I ; PR .�.��C?�ED SITI��1G SE� T/�� t'�S F ; 7���CJ U f��=I T; � r`r: ;��%�;� ; �.._ ��- :; ' � � , � ..-,r ; , -- - --- - ` _ _._ _ _ —. - - �, f ' I -�--� � � � � �i / � %� � , ✓ ,`• I � ..f�V � ' �� ..... . .. . � � . - J2l `T . — :.e,,.r.: . ... _' _ :O�rf . . . . . . � . . . Er��r . � . � . .. � . . . � � __ . . . �� . � � . . . . � . . . . �� � . - -, l- . � � � . . � � . . � " . � . ; :. .. _.� ...:._.-.. _.. . . . . . . ��_,-_.�__._.. �..__.._-___.__"....._�- . ... .,_.,_.... _ ..__. . _.. __. . . - ._. . .. . . � . . . . . _ .. _ - �- ..iJ'... . � .. � . . . . �. . . . . �F CIl'Y�F TI�i4 RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON MEMORANDUIyI � CITY OF TIGARD, OREGQN February 28, 1984 TQ: Members of tt►e Planning Commission �- FROM; William A. Monahan, Director of Planning & Development ��� SUBJE'CT: Residential Homes Attached is a report which I made to Ehe City Counci� on February 27 concerning the need fox a clarification of Section 18.i42 of our Community Development Code. Although the Ci.ty Council did nat direct me to initiate this change, � am providing the language for your consideratio�.. The issue centers around Senate Bi.11 478 which requires al� cities in Oregon to allaw residentiaY: homes, as defined by the law, as permitted uses in all residential zones. The law prohibits the regulation of these facilities by zoning in any way that is not also impos�ed on all other resi.dential structures. Our home occupation section of the code relate� to all commercial activities which would take place lawfully in a residenceo The proposed . language which I am pre�enting to you for consideration clarifies that all commercial activities including residential homes run for profit are covered by Section 18.143. I recommend that the Commission conduct a public hearing on this proposed language ehange. (WAt�i s pm/0328P) 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGAf�D,OREGON 97223 PH:6�9-4171 . Agenda Item 5. 9 � ZOA 4-84 MEMORAND'UM ; CfiTY OF TIGARD, OE2EGON ; ', MARCH 1, 1984 T0; Members of the Planning Commission /�l�, , FROMc William A. Monahan, birector of Planning & Development �l;��' ' SUBJECT: Residential Homes I would like to clarify what I see as the main issue revolving around the residentisl home question before you tonight. You are being asked to merely review language which I am proposing which will clarify the Home Occupation ,provisions of the present code, The clarification will make it alear that our home occupation permit process covers all commercial activities beyond the instance where one rents his property out to tenants whc� live in the property but axe not provided with services such as medical care or food preparation. The issue before you is not whether or not residential homes as defined bq the law sllauld be allowed in Tigaxd. The issue is, they muse comply with the home occupation sec�ion of the code. To comply, they must apply, pay a fee, be pr�perty noticed, and comply with the criteria established in the code. (WAM:pm/0334P) � --- -- _ r, a, ; CITY UF 'I'It;A1tU, vOtEGQN COUNCTL AGENDA I7'EM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: Fehruaxy ?_7, 1984 ACENDA ITEM N: � DATE SUBMIT"TEO; F`ebruary 22, 1984 PR£VIOUS ACTION: ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Residential Home Report REQUESTED BY: DEE�ARTMENT H£AD OK: ���� CITY ADMINISTRATOR: --------------------------------------=---°______==___= --------------•---- - °_=____'-________- �. lNFORMATTON SUMMARY Senate Bill 478 was passed by the Legislature last summer establishing the rights of residential homes (as defined by the Bill). I have prepared a memo (attached) which outlines the changes which I and the City Attorney's office feel should be made to clarify the current language pertaining to Home Occupations in the Dvelopment Code. I propose to take the language to thp Planning Commission on March 6, 1984. i _ _ ! ALTERNATIVES GONSIDERED The Council may give the Planning Department direction to proceed with � clarifying the langua�e concerning Home Occupations or take no action. _____________________________________________________°_________-______-__________= I SUGGESTE� ACTION I sug�est that the Counca.l give direction the the Plannin� Director ta proceed ' to clarify khe Co�1e language concernin� Home Occupations. � _ ; , � � � � MEMOR.ANDUh9 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGQN � , � i February 22, 1984 � i T0; Members of the City Council FROM; Wi-lliam A. Monahan, Director of Planning and Development SUBJECTt Residential Home Recently I was asked to become involved in the growing controversy surrounding Senate Bill 478. T have responded by investigating specific questions concerning sites, providing information to property owners, 'and researching the bill. In addition� I have worked wi[h our City Attorney's affice to determine if our existing Home Orcupation provision of the code affords us some right Co regulate residentiai homes. Based on my discussions with the I City Attorn�ey's office, I am proposing that Section 18, 142 of the Couununity Development Code be modified slightly with clarifying language. The language does not change the intent of the provision but does make the definition of a commercial activity clearer. �ectian 18. 142 of the code requires that all proposed home occupations in I ( residential zones be approved by the City prior to initiation of activities. Approval is based upon compliance with a series of approval criteria listed � under 18.142.OSD of the code. In addition, nakure is given to surrounding : property owners. To clari£y the cade provisions, I am recommending that the Eollowing language dzafCed by the City Attorney's office be incorporated into the code: 18.142.010 A After "It is the purpose of this Chapter to regulate home --- • • occapaCions..0 add "/commercial activ�t-ie�.s" __.___ .---� �___.-- - . -- ----- — - --- --- ------ New Section 18. 142.025 Commercial Activity in a Residential Zone � � A. Definition of Commercial Activity in Residential Zon� 1. A commercial activity in a residenCially zoned dwelling unit is defined as any activity which involves the sale or contxacting for a good or service for present or future remuneration. 2. Ths rental of a house or the r.entai oE rooms in a house for a period of tiroe in excess a� 30 days is not a commercial aekivity provided the owner{s) (or lessor) of the house do not provide services for remuneration except for howse or yard maintenance. B. Commercial Activities Prahibited in Reside�tial Zones Commercial activities are prohibited in a residential zone except as sPecifically authorized by this Code. . l _ _ '° __ .. . . , i . .. . . . � � . . . . . . R'ESID�NTIAL NOME MEMO February 22, 1984 Page 2 C. Home Oceupation Defi�ned _ A home occupation exists when: a dwelling unit in a residential zone is used for a� cqmmerciai purpose. If the City Council desires, I will preaent this language t�: the Planning I Commission at its meeting on Marcfi 6 for consideration. The clarifying 'I language must go throwgh the Planning Commission and the City Council in order '1 that the Code may be modified. I am also maintaining contact with City residents and oCher concernec� citizens on Senate Bi11 478, I will be a61e to repoxt to you at your meeting on February 27 concerning the outcome of a special hearing which will be held by ' Washington County on this issue. (WAM:pm/0323P) . I�ll � • �� � �.?��.I l tHl?4�<�N t.l?f;Jtit.�'tivf.n`�I�:MJIi,Y i'1k^.{f�K�d:U tir�c�a�n rr�r�llccl Scnate �ill 478 S�xtnu�red by Sens�tc>r COHf:N, Rcprescn�:�Fives T1iK(X�t', 7.^1C)NC, 1C)IINSnN (al �f�c rcyr�c�t t�f I l��u�:.iati�n(��rRctarctc�Citiuns) ! � i c►��r�FR......�.93............................. , ! AN ACT Relating to ceruin rcsidenlial homcs. [ie[t F.nrcfzd by the l`rop{e�t the Stste of Or�cin: SEG'L10N 1.As used in secGo�s 1 to 3 0(this Act urticss the context rcquires otherwise: (1) '"H:uiCicapped person�� rncans an individual who has a physical or mental impairmc�t which fe�r the individual co�stitutes o�results in a functiocral limitation to one or mo�a major 1'►feactivilics. (2) "Major IJc acGvity" means self-care. unbulation, communication. transportacion, ccluc:uion, socialiutic>n,employment and the ability to acquire and maintain adequate,safe and dcccnl shcll.cr. (3) "Rcsideeetial home"means a residence for live or fewer unrclatcd physically or mentally h:mdic:�pred perso�s and for stalf persoos who noed not be rclated to each other or to any other homc residcnt. SECI'ION 2.'ifie L.egistative Assembly finds and declares that: (i) Tt is lho policy of ttus state that physically or mencaUy handicap�ed persons are cntitled eo livc as normally as�ossible within cammunities and should not be cxcludcd from communities becau�c tncir dis:ibility requires them lo(ive in groups; v' ualit carc and rotcction for physically c�r�ncnt:Jly win need for residcnees to pro �de q y p (2)'ificrc is a gro g hanGicappod pers�r.s and Yo Nrevent inappropriale placcment o( such persons in state instituti�ns xnd nursing .— ——_hnmss.--.._.. -------- �._._----�-—-- — - . . _-_ __ —__._.�.._._-- - . _ --__ _._ __ _ _ ..__ __._ —�3 t�s dfCicutC'�o 5itt'�z1-est�trtrsh-residcrttiaf-hon+�'_,-a ei.oL[hi:n_ti::�te::� - {d)Restrictions on the sicing o!such residcnccs have txcome a state-widc pr�blem. SECITON 3. (1) ^ residcntial home shall t�e considered a residcnUal use�f pr�perty f<�r �.ani���ur{��se<. Residcntial homes shall t�e a�crmitlod usc in all areas zoned (�r residcntiaJ or commcrci:J pt�r{�ses, ���������n6 araas z�ruxf for singlc-family dwcllings. No cicy or cc�unty shaJl cnact or cnforce zo�ing�rdinanccs�rwl�ihic�ns thc u�e of a rccictcntial clwellins, (ocatcd i� an �rea rc�ned for �esiAcntial �� cummcrci:il usc, :�< a residc�ti�l i home, (2) A city or eswnty may imrc►se r.o�ing c�ncfitions nn thc cstahlish�ncnl :ind maintcn:tncc i�( a� �csi�tcnli:�l ' hoene in an area z�ncd for residcntial or commcrcial usc,provicicd tf�at zuch eo�ditions�re n��nx�rc �cs�ri�tive than conditionc im(�c�sed�n o(hcr residential itwcllings i�[hc s�mc zc>nc. Ap�roved l�y tl�e Covernor Junc 30 , 19�33 . Filed in the aEfice of SecreCary �f State JuLy 1 , 19H'1 . I : _ _ . _ —- --- ,i 18 . 142 MOP'1E OCCUPATIOfVS 18. 142.010 Purpose � A, It is the purpose af this Chapter to reguLate home occupations ' in residential zones in a manner that will em ure that the use is� 1. A �secondary, lawful use ta the primary residential use of � the premis�es upon which they are found, and 2. Not disruptive ort the residential a�ea. B, The standards contai�ed in this Chapter are intended to assure that home occupations will be compatible a�i consistent with the residential uses and will not fiaive a detrimental effect on the neiqhboring properties. 18 142 02Q Exemptions Garage sales are exempt from the provisions of this Ghapter. 18 142 030 Ad'ministration and ApProval Process A. The applicant of a home occupation proposal shall be the oceupant of the prope�ty. g, A Pre-Application Conference with Gity staFf is required in accardance with Section 18.32.040. �; C. Oue to possible changes in 5tat� statutes, or regional or local policy, inforrt►ation given by staff to the a�plicant during the Pre-Applicatio� Conference is valid for not more than 6 months. 1. Another Pre-Application Conference is required if any variance application is submitted 6 months aFter the Pre-Application. --- — --_.—_— - - ----- -- _..---------------- -- 2. Failure of the Uirector to pravide any oF� e in orma�'io��— — required by this Chapter ahall� not constitute a waiver of the standard, criteria or requi�eme�ts of the application. D. The Oirector shall approve, approve with conditions or deny any application for a home occupation. The Oirector shall apply the standards set forth i� Sect-ia� 18. 142.050 of this Chapter when reviewing an application for a home occupation. E. Notice o� the Di�ector' s decision shall be qiven as provided by 18.32. 120. The decision of the Oirector may be appealed in accordance with Sectio� 18.32.310 (A) . `• ' III - 275 � P � 3 18 142 040 Expiration of Approval - Extension af Time Revocation � A. ApPr�val of a home occupation by the Director shall be effective for a one-year period. 8. The Uirector �hall renew the permit ��on: 1. Application and payment of a fee by the applica�t; 2. Finding that: a. Al1 of the conditions of approval have been satisfied; b. There has been no chanqe in the origi�al application approved by the Director; c. There have been no changee in the facts or applicable policies on which the approval was based; d, The a►pplicable approval criterid in 18.b42.050 a�e satisFied. C. The Director shall give notice of the renewal as provided by 18.32.120 and the decision may be appealed as provided by 18.32.310(A). 0. The Di�^ector may revoke a home occupation approval if the / conditions are not satisfied as provided by Section 18.32.250(F). t 10.142.050 Approval Criteria A. The use shall be a lawful use which shall be carried on by the occupants of the dwellings; B. The Nome Occupation shall be operated entirely within: . ---_ _ ---- - __—_ _ ___ _ --- ----- ___—.---- — ----- - - - ---�_J_��- ----• � 1 . ~ The dwelling unit and the use and the sto�age o ma-er—ial� --� and products shall not occupy more than 25X of the gross floor area. C. The wse shall be a seco�dary use to the primary use of the house as a dwelli�g; D. There ahall be no exterior indication of the home occupation; no exterior siqn� shall be used; no other on-site advertising visible from the exterior shall be used which informs the public of the �ase except af the address of the home occupation may be displayed; E. There shall be no outdoor storage of materials, vehicles or products on the premises. Indoor storage of materia�l or products shall not exceed the limitatio�s imposed by the provisio�s of �he Building, Fire, Nedlth a�d Housing Codes. \_: IIZ - 276 �� �,� �. . (..k . � . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . � . � . .. . . � . . � . . : F, The use shall not include any �etail sales other �han telephone sale�: G The use �hall �mt involve direct sales or service fr�m Che ( pro�erty necessitating customer trafPic to the reside�ce. H. The Nome Occupation shall not produte any noise or ob�oxiows odors, vibratio�s, glare, fwmes, vr electrical interference detectable to normai senaory perception outsi�ie the structure; I. There shalt be no other employees on the premises other than those who are permanent residents of the dwellinq; J. The use shall �ot require any additional parking other than that which is required for the reside�ce. 18 142 060 Approval and Compliance for a Business Lice�se No busi�ess license will, be issued Por a home occupatio� until the' home occupa.tio� ap�lication is approved a�d the applieant I� certifies that the home occupation will be operated in strict compliance with the provisions of this Chapter a�d th�e conditio�s of ;approval. 18.142.070 Time Limit and Revoeation A. The Di�ecta� may app�ove � home occupation application subject to a epecific time period at the termi�atio� of which there sha11 be a renewal application to determine if all of the � condikinns and pravisions of this Chapter have bee� satisfied. , The per+nit shall ue renewed if all of the conditions have been satisfi�d. B. The Oi�+�ctor may revoke a home occupation approval if the conditio�s are not satisfied as provided by Sectxon 18.32.250 `� (F). '�' —�-����--08���.,^_P—I'�l�dfa.a���h�L3�-L�Q-R-e-4urr'emEKt�-3--- A. A� appl,ication shall be made on forms prnvided by the Obrector . a�d' shall be accompa�ied by: 1. Three copies of the necessary data or narrative which explains how the proposal conforms to the standards in 1$:142.050, 2. A list o'f names and addresses of all pe�sons who are property owner� of record within 100 feet of the site. " 3. The required fee. ��� IIZ - 277 I MEMORANDUM I CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON February 28, 1984 �11Y4F�Ti�'�RD W.ASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON T0: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: William A, Monahan, Director of Planning & DevPlopment �Y ` SUBJECT: Planniag Comanission Workshop At Xhe meeting of February 21, the Commission decided to hold a workshop with the Planning Department on A�xil 2 at 7:00 P.M. � listed a number of possible topics in my February 16, 1984 memo. They are liste� again for your consideration. Please be prepared to finalize the agenda at our next meeting on March b. I am suggesting the following areas for discussion at the meeting: 1. Roles/working relationship - role of the Commission, role of staff. What each should expect of and reeeive from the other. . 2. Conduct a public hearing - format, staff presen�.ation, NPO input, application presentation. 3. Notice process and the way ta deal with citizens who contend that they have not been notified properly. 4. Graphics and presentations - Commission and staff desires versus staff capabilities. • 5. Tigard's comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code. Clarification of: a. Density transfer provisions/computations b. Buffer matrix c. Planned developments d. Sensitive lands , e. Density transition 6. Findings - what is requixed in them particularly if the CommissYOn rejects the staff recommendation. 7. Agenda limitations, that is, when should staff call a second monthly meeting if a large number af applications are pending? 8. How can staff reports be better prepared �'or Commission nse? {WAM;pm/0328P) 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 � - -- - ''�. � FORWAt2D I want to thank you for allowing me this opportunity to present you with this background material on what 0 feel is a very important and complex situation. Enclosed you wi11 find Senate Bill 478, Senate Bi11 22 and Multnomah County Ordinance 392• Senate Bi11 478 restricts lacal control over land use and limits local . zoning authorities. Section 3, subsection 2 of this Bill �also restricts cities and counties from imposing zoning cond,itions any more restrictive than those imposed on the other dwellings in the area. This is of concern to me because of the iss.ue of fire safety. The Bill has tied the hands of the local fire districts as far as reqwiring what I feel would be more adequate fire protecti�n in these facilities. Even though they are located in single family neighbor- hoods, their "residents'' are generally less mobile than a "normal" family unit and therefore, we should' be taking more stringent precautions to see that tfiey (the residents) could be removed safely in an emergency. However, due to the restrictive nature of the Bitl , we as a local body cannot impose fire satey measures. We agso loose our loca1 ability to control the density of these facilities in any one neighborhood or area. The impact on a residential area with several of these facilities must be addressed. I feet it would alter the very "character" a'nd intent of the single family residential neighborhood. Senate Bill 22 defines some terms and attempts to require registration state-wide of these facilities. I feel this bill has been less than effective because the Bill lacks any enforcement provisions. There is no penalty for ' failing to comply with registraticrn. The State admits that they have no idea where or how many of these facilities are presentty in operation. Multnomah County Ordinance 392 is the first example we have of a County attempting to address this issue from the health care standpoint. Some people feel that because it was first it will serve as a model for others. Washington County Commi$sioner Warren recently chaired a meeting on February 24th to determine the cancerns of interested parties. Gommissioner 4larren has decided to ask the Washington County Commissioners to establish a task force to further research what she feels are the two major areas of concern: (1) the land use issue and (2) the health care is,sue. The task�, force wilt , report their fi�indings and recommendatians to the, C�ounty Commissioners. In addition, RePresentative Phillips has called for interim committee hearings on March 6th to address these concerns on a state-wide level . At the local level l realize that you must deal with a specific aspect of this issue, but I have tried to give you some general information �on the entire situation. i !, a r"��.�;�" z., C�..C��'"� a����V��--��' E,C) i. , ;,_� , R2m1<>kf•:CiC)N LECi1SC.A7lVE ASSEM#FLY-•17N.1 Rc�td:v ticssicx� 1 EnPO01CC� � Senate Bi1147� Spc►nsored by Senator COHEN'; ReprescnWtives THROOP, ZAJONC, 10HNSON (at the rcyucx� of Association f�r Retarded Citiuns) cH�r�rER......2 9 3..... ......... ......... I I � AN/�GT � Retating to certain residcntial hom�s. Be It Enocted b�the Peopie d the St�te d(��on: S�C.'TION 1.As used in sections 1 to 3 of this Act unless the conteXt�Wuircs otherwise: (1) ••Haeselicapped person•• means an ie�dividual wfio h�s a physics�l or mental impairmeiat which for the iodiyidual�nstitutes or results in a[unctional limitation W oee a'more maJa li[e activities. .. tan, cducs�tion. � (2) Iv�ajor life activity• means sctf�. ambuiahon. comm�nic�tioa� transpo�ta . socialiration.emplayment and the ability to acquire ard mainta�n�uste,safe and dec�nt shclter. (3)••Residential Fwme°mesns a residena tor fivc or tewer unrelated physicatly or mcncally handic:n��ed persons snd(or staff penons who nood not be rclaled to each othe�'or to any other home residcnt. SECI1p(V 2,71x[..Ggislativo Assembly fir►ds and declarea that: s are entitled t� live u � (1) It is 11�e pol�cy of ttus state that phys'ocalty or mentaLy handicaPP°d P��'+ narmatly u possiblc within cortununities and sl►ould nat be excluded[rom comm�►nities t�ccausc thc:ir ciiG►biiity requires them to live in�ouPs; (Z)'if�ere is a�owing noed tor residences to provide quality car�and proe,octio�►tor physically or mcntally handic�pped�persons and to prevent inappr+opriate pla�ement of such persflns u�state institutions and nursing honxs; (3)It is�tifficult to site anA eseablish rasidenti:e:homes in t�e communities of this stace;and (4)Rcstrictions on the citing oP such resider►ces have bacome a statc-wide prc�bkm- �r � SF.CI'tON 3.(1)A rcsidential iwmd shali be co�sickre�a residtntia!use o[property tar �.c�n� ►� ��cs. Itesideotial Qx►rtKS shal)be a permi4ted use in al)areas Yrmed for residenlial or comnnercia)purjx��es, irx:liKiir� areas roned for single-famiiy dwellings. No city or cou�ty shall enaee o�r enf�ce t�o�inQ ordinxnres�x'�hit,iting Y1►c use of a residenti�!dwellin�,.bcated in an ares roi� for �es�dGntial or commercinl usc. as a residrntial � l+oane. (2)Atity or county mey"impose zoning conditions un the establishmee�t and maiotenancc of s+ rcsiAcntixl home in an arca zonod for rosidential or commercial use,Provide�t(hat su�ch condidons are n�mc�re restrictive than conditions im�sed�n other res°enti�l'dwellings in the same zot►a• Ap{�roved by the Governor June 30, 1983. Filed in :th-e office of Secretary of State July 1 , 1983 . ; , ; _�.�.— , �:,: - . ..: , . .. . . . _ _ , 5 � _ ��,:�.,w.�..:� ,._. : � , �, . . .��.. _ _ �.._ ..___ , . . ., ._. . . , , .� .,.. _. . - —t-- --..�._.__ � � � `�,_ - , 64 c . 629 4's2+�d OREGON I_EC1iSLA"f7VE AS5EI�BLY-i9M13 Re�ular�.essi<+�n Enrotled Senate Bi1122 ! � pRIMED pURSUAN'T 'PO ORS 171.130 by order ot the Presidcnt ot the Senate in confo � f ' presossion f7i nnance with � n� nrles, indicating neithec advocacy nor opposition on tF�e part of tFte President (aY the request o(Senior Services Division.Department o(Human Rosources) . 62� . CHAP'TER............. ............. . .......... . AN ACT Relatin�to adu)t[oster honxs. Se It F.ercted DY t!K AeoE+1e of thr Statc of Ore�ons SF-C770N 1.As useA in this Act: (1) "Adult(oster home"mearis any fam�y F�M or[acility in which 24-hour care is provided for tivc or fewer adWts who are not r+efatal to the prcyvider by bload or n�cria�e. L �2�������s��'O��°�r'O°f°�d b�ard+�nd seevices chat assist the resident in activities of daily � ��aut or recre.at�� with bathinQ. drcssireQ, �rv�rurys, eating, medication mana�cment, �y ( � (3) ••�P�'�+�ent" means,as ,�� �PP�'oPr��C. thc Senior Services Division or the M�ntal Nealth Division of #; the Dep�trnenr of Numan Resources, (4)••Director"means the Tai�nx+�r of the Departmene of Human Resources. ; ,('� ••�OV�•• �� �y I�� oPe�'+4n� an ad�lt [oster horeoe. for romp�nsation, en �dwelling uait o.wned,�se�.s��e�sea or�by��.. SEC.'T[ON 2.For purposes ot chis�'!lct� "a�ult toster homc"doGS not include: ' (I)My I�ouse,institutioe,hotel.or ocher similar plase ttiat supplies board apd room ontY.or roorn on1Y.or � bo�rd only,if no re�ident thereof requircs any ekment of care. (2)My spccialized living satuatan for physically harul�,capad�er�ns wherc the Senior Services p�vision Provides payment for personal care services other than co an adult(oster home provid�r. SEC170N 3. (1) Every provider�of aaiult fosea,r care shaU r�ister with the departrr�nt be{o� ��ra adult residents. !'roviden sAaEl have 90 diayc afeer the effective date of tfus Act to obtain a certiticxte o[ � rc�istration trom che departn,ent. CZD'�spplicacion for thr eertificate of registratio�shall co�tain a staternent�iving a description ot the Pr��Y a P�ace an or:upon w�hich tfx s►pplicant prupos�es to maentain or conduct an adult foster home; the number of resid�nts which can be taken care of,:chr nurr�ber of tloors ca be occuPied: the number of beds on , exh noo�;the°a�, address. telePhcme numbers, d�tc o(birth and social securit number of the +�Y P��r.corporate of�cer or otlier rsons havi Y aPP�+cant; ! P� n8 ar�Y incerest in the propercY:a+�d any other infa're�tan roquested by the departmene. (3)A provider must tive in the hane that is to be rc�iseercd or h've a rcgistened reside�t��� � SECI70N 4.(1)After rcceipt of the aPplication. the departtn�nt shaU issue a certificate uf registration to the provider. ' �� � i ,E •i � � �f • !' !� i; . i' ., _.._... __ __. _ _ ___:_.._ _ _ _.._ �: . _,._.:___ r i 65 c . 629 � (2) T?x issuancc of a ccrtiticate of re�s�ration under this Aca shall not mran ttoat the +Jepartmonl has ; inspected,appmved or m:k9e any reprrsentation regarding the quality c►f ae�adult fosten c�tm�e. j (3)A certilicate of re�str,ation enust be renewed biennialfy by thc provider. r SECTION S. (I) ,�A certificate qf r��stration may be suspend�ed or revoked upon a tinding by i6x � { department of any of the fdlowin�: ' {a)There exists a threat lo Ehe health,safery or wclfare of any resident. Y , .• (b)'iloere is retiable evicknce of abuu,�lect or ezptoitation ot a�ny resi�ient. (2)Suspension or revocation o[a ccrti(icate of rcgistration authorized by th3s section fo►any reascm other thart abuse,neglect or cxploitatiion af tho rcsident shall be preceded by a hearin�under ORS t$3.310to I$3.530 if roquestod by thc providor. (3)if the certiticate of registration is suspcnded or revaked for ehe rcason o!abuse,n�giect or exploitation � of a rcsident,t1►e providcr may roquest a teview in writinQ within Ib days atter the suspension oa revc�cation, lf ; a t�qutst is made, the d'vector shail review all maurial rclating to the allc�ation ot abuse, neglect or � ex;p{oitation and to the suspension or revocaeion within 10 days ai the roquest. 7?�c diroctor shatl deternune, based on review of tht material, whether or not to sustaen the decision to suspend or revoke. if the d'vector determints not to susEain thc decision,tfie liccnse shall be restored imnxdiately. T?►e decisio�of thr director is subject to judicial review as a contested case under ORS 183.310 to 1$3.55(1. (4) Irs the event the certificate of rcgistratiort to maintain an adult foster hort►e is orderod suspended or re�oked, the department may withhold service payments until the defective situation is corrected. For protection of residents,thc dep:►rtment may arrangc for them ro movc. SF.G'I'ION 6. (1)'�he department staff shall be pertnitted access to enter ar►d inspcct all rogistera! adult foster hornes. The department shall bc pern►itted access to enter and insPect any unregistered adult foster F home upon the rxeipt of an oral or written complaent,or in casc thc dcpartmcnt itsclf has causc to believe that k an adult foster fwrt�e is operating without a certificate of re�stration or thcrc exists a thrwt to the health, safety '� or welfarc ot any rcsident. The dopartment staft shall be permitted access to tho rcsid�nts of adult foster homes in ordcr to interview rcsidents,privately and to inspect residents'rccords. (2) 'i7�e state oc ioca) C�r inspoctors sP�all be permitted acces� tm enter and inspect adult foster homes rc�arding rre safcry upon request of the department. �lFC.TIOIY 7. (1)Complaints against adult foster hort�es may be filed with thc departmcnt by any person, whether nr not a resident of the home. 'iT►e department shall imestigate complaints re�arding adult foster homes. (2)'Il�t departmene shall prepare a,'notice which must be pasted in a canspicuous place in each adult foster hotlne statinQ t!►c tclephone number of the department and ehe procedurc for makir�g comptaints. ' (3)Tht departit�ent sF►all maintain a fik af aIP cattiplaints and thc action taken on the ccxreglaint,irtdexed by the nanx o[the owner or operator. 'Yt�e[ilod cornplairet torms shall protect the privacy of both the complainant '� and the rKSidcnt. � (I)My person has a right to inspect and phoiocopy the complaint Cles rtwintained by the departmen[. � (� No ovmer or operator of an adult fosttr home sha0 retaliatr against a resident by increasing charges, decreasin� scrvices, rtghes or privilcges, or threatening to increase charges or decrease services, rights or .� priviloges,by takin�or thr+r�teneng to take any action to ccerce or compel the r+esident to kave thc facility,or by abusing or threatcninQ to harass or to abuse a rosident in any maa►ner after the resident has tikd a complaint with th�department. (6)The provider shall�vt all reside�eks,u�on admissiort,a notice of tlx monehly rates and thc house rules. SE(.TION S. (1)T?�e department s0�a11 ado�t rules Qoverning adult fosecr ho�nes such as are necessary to protect tl�e health,sa[ety or wel[are o!the r�esidents but sFiall rat be irecansistent wi[h che rcsidential naeure of the Gvir�accottunodations and the family strtws�her+e ot the hort�e. (2)For adult(oster homes in which clients residc tor whom the dcpartment pays for care, inclusfin�homes in which thc provider and the rcsident are related, the department may rx��quirc sut>stanttat compliance with its rules rclatin�to standards for care ot the client as a condition for paying for care. (3) By otdcr the direetor may dekgatc authoriey u�der ehis section to other personnel of the Senior Services Division and Mental Healt�Division. - (1)'Ihe departtnent may commence a suit in equity to enjoin maintenance of an adult foster home if: � Enrolled Senatc BilF 22 � Page 2 ! i .. ..y� . . � .. .� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � � � . � �; . � . . ' . . � . . . � �. � . � . .. � �'q ��. 66 c . 629 (a)The honx is operated without a va]id certificate of rc�jstration under this section;ar (b)After the certificate ot re�pstration to maintain 4he hort�c is ordered suspee►deci or revoked.a rcasonabk time tos� placement of residenes in other facilibes has beon allowed but such placernenc hs�s rrot been � accomp6sM�d. ' � { Apprave� b'y the Governo'r July 2g, 1983. � Filed in the office of Secretaxy of State August 1, T383 . ; ' . ,� J • , Enroued senacc Bin n Page 3 _ i � 1 � , . _' __. _.. _.____ _ _ .. __ .�__�..___. __._ ._____ ___�---._._.w.� � " .� �EFORE `d'HE �QARD OF O4l�iISSYONERS M9ULTl1Ck�lAF3 CC>UTv"TY. ORE(�N Ordinance tia. 392 Ordinancr 2�b. 387, �'iCC 8.90.005 - 8.90.250 16 �menc3ed to tead: _ : l►r► �h`dinanc� providing for the reqictsation and inspectio� of edult care homes, tstablishi.ag fees for certificates of registretion, sequirinq the posting of the J�esident'� Bill of �qhts, establishing penalties, and authoriziag civil action. Multnomah Oounty ordains as follows: 8.90.005 Title j 11rea of l�pplication. Zhi.s ord.inance shall. be known as the I�L•2tz�o�ma:h Onunty l�dult Care Bomzs Aegistration C'�dinance, may be so pleaded and referred to end shall apply to the unincorporated areas ot t�iiltnomah Cbunty. 8.90.010 R�licy and Purpose. a. ZYie Baard of Or>unty aoaunissioners finds that: 1. Llnlcnawn n�abers of dependent adults, including tbe� elderly anci the ment.ally and physicallp disabled, liv� in a ed adult care haoes in Multnamah Count and e t unz , � Y 2. liiltnamah Q�unty historicall� has had a lazge nuu,ber of snch facilities, and. 3. I�evspaper and othez accouLts recently and in the past have dc�cu�ented blatant cases of abuse and �xploiLation occurring in unregulated facilities, and 4. StaCe regulations apply to only selected adult care hames. B. �e H�ar�? of ODUnty Cb�issioaers has the=efore de�ermined that as a result of t.he conditions stated above and in t.he interests of public health, safety, and velfere, theze is a need fos reqistzation and inspection of a�lt caze hcmes adnd it x� desirable to esLabli6h CY►apt�er 8.9D of a tle 8 of the �ultuomah , Cbunty nide to a8dress the proDlem aet farth above. It is the ' intent of this ordinance that iafozaa tion gained fzoa registzation and inspection s2�a11 be �ade available to the public to assist in its stlection of an adult care ha�e. , _ .. �� ___.._..._,:_ _ _.. -�-�-=----- - �,,; � � �� 8.90.015 Definition�. I�s used in this ordinance, unless the cc�ntext requires othervises )1. Adult Cese Home means any b�e or oLher fecility vhich provides r'oam and board for compensatian to ane or �oore eldezly, handica:pped oz de�enaent, pezsan(s) ovez the eq� af 18 not related tm t}r� owntr or operator by Dlood or marTiage. adult care hames include room and board Aomes w�here assistance with t►ajor life activities is .provided. Adu.lt care homes do aot include any� �a�ility already licensed by°a public agency es a Aesidential C�re P°acility oz a iong T�rm C�re FaciTity. H. Director means thr Directoz of the Aepart�ent of Iivaan �ervices of Multnomah �unty, Oreqon, oz 'his or her desicp�eea C. Eld'exl.y pereon means a.ny person ovez the age of 60 vho 3s Iimited in one or mc�re najor lif� activities. D, Bandicapped person means any person who has a physical oz sental impaf.rmen�:'v2�ich for the i�dividual constitutes or zesulta _in a funet,ianal limitation to one or mor� majoz life activities. L►. Depend�nt person means any person vho has a physical or mental cYependency which for. the ind:ividual constitutes or results in a functional lim.itati�n to one or more major life activities �'. Majoz Life l�ctivities means self-�care, ambulation, ca�unica�ion, transportatioa, education, socializetion, �mployment, and the ability ta acquire and maintain adequate, safe, and decent shelter. G. Operator aeans t�,e :�wner, Iessor, sublessar, manage'r, oz any other person.with the rigPYt or �wer of control over the opezations or physical structure of an adult care hame. H. R+ner mean� any g�zr�an rith eny 1ega1 or eqvitable interest in, and'with the �right or power of control over the operatioa� or physical structure of an edult care home. I. Person includes an individual, partnership, corporatioa, oz or g,ani za tion. J: Aesident ■�eans any elderly, h�nd.icapped or dependent perBOn not relate�i to the owner or operatoz by blood or oarriage who is ar vas ,at any relevant tise resid.ing in an adult care home. 2- � --- — ---- - .:.��� _ _.: � w, . �.<.• ��n--- _ _ _ ' � .� _ 8.9Q.020 �inistration and P]�forcem�nt; P�wers and W ties of �irectos. 7�. I.t ehall be the seeponsibilily af the Dizectoz to e3minister and enforce �his chapter and rules adopted under it. �e Diz�ctor �hall have the authazity to initiate en�'c�rcement proceedings. 1�bthing in tht provisions of this ordinance, howevez, shall be construed to create a cause or right of action against !►lultnomah Oouzaty, its agents or e�pl�yees for the fnilure to et�orce any provision of this ordinance. B. �e Director shall have the authority to promulgate euch rules as may be necessary foz the administration and enforcement of this chapter, pursuant to the procedures set forth in MCC 8.90.16Q th rough 8a90.260. C. Variances fram requizEments Of C.}'�16 chapter: 'zhe specific requir�ents of this ordinance oz �ules adopted under it may be varied by the Director upon good an d sufficient csuse shawn that this action is in keeping with the intent and purpose of this ordinance. When a vaziance is granted, the Directoz shall provide documentation of the reasons for it. D. Zhe Director ghall have t1�►e authority tA do the following: 1. l�inister oaths; 2. Rud.it records in arder to assure confor�ance With this ordinance; 3. Oertify afficial ects; 4. Subpor�sa and r�quire ettendance of ditnesses at meetinqs +�r heasings to detezmine compliance with this ordinance; 5. Aequire the production nf relevant documents; 6. S+ear vitnesses; 7. Zhke tes timony af vits�esses in pezson or by deposition; and 8. �Perfarm �11 other acts necx ssary to enforce the provision of this ordinance. 8.9Q.030 Iastitution of Iegal Ptoceed�'ngs. Upon r�ecomm�endati�n of the Ui.zector, t.he Oc�unty txittm�s�l, acting in the name of tAe Onunty, oay bsing ur, act�.an ox groceeding in a court of �mpetent juriadiction to eompe� crmmpliance vith or restrain by injunction any violations of Yhis chapter or th� rules adopted under it. -3- , r _ _ _ __ _ . � ��_�._._�— � _ .�,�����•�R�,+.k�a� °.,� .�.._�',�� l �:�,�....,. �.._.....o i""� � n, � ;q 8.90.040 Ae�a�tration Required t �Plication Fbrm. 3 �. It is unlawful, and it shall constitute an offense in vaolation of thia chaptez, for any person to establish, maintain or conduct �ln tl�It,noc►ah Gbunty any adult care hame without fir�t having registered with tt,e Director of the Department of I�uman Sez�iees. Owners or operators of adult care homes at the time this ordinance becames effective ehall epply for a certificate of registration no lnter than Sanuary 1, 198a. B. �ery pe:son desiring ta establish, maint�in, or conduet an adult cnre home in t�ltnamah Q�ur,ty t�hall make application to tegister ugon a form supplied by and addressed to the Dizec�or. '�,e applica:tion shall contain a statement gi�ing cleas and specific deseriptioa of t2�e property or place in or upon which the applicant proposes to main�tain or conduct an a,du.it caze home j the ntim�ber of residents whir.h can be taken care of; the n�.�mber of floozs to be occupied; the numDer of beds on each floaz; the name, address, teTephone nu�ers, date of birth, and Social Security number of the applicant; the ' name, address, txlephone ne�bers, date of bi rth ana Social Security nunk,er of the resideni manager, �:f other than Lhe applicant, who vill be livinq in the adult care home; the names, addresses and telepho�e n�bers of �11 oWners of the adult care hc�,e; And any oth�z i.nformation reqvested by the Di rectoz C. l�n nvner or operator must live in an adult care hame dhere assistance with major life activities ie proniaea on a 24 hour basis or hire a x�si3ent nanag�r in order for the adult caze hame to be z�eqistesed pursixa�t t� this section. 8,90.050 (�rtificate o� Aegistration. l►. �,fter receipt of tP�e application, subject to the prnvisions of 6.90.A80, th� Airector shall issue to the ovner ar operatoz, a certi�'icate of reqi,st.�ataon apon pa.yment �� ttxe prescribed fee. Oertificates of A�qistration shall be renewed annually on a date established by the Director. �e Dizector sha11 aaintain a segistry of adult care homes regi6�ered under this ordinance. B. �ie or�m�- or operator of the adult care home to vhom a certificate of registzation is issued ehall post the ceztif�cate of seqi.stration in a �onspicuous place oa the premises. C. �e certificete of zegistration shall state in bold type the telephone num..',ex and pzocedure for making oomplaints. D. �e issuance of a certificate of reqistration under this chaptez ahall aot aean that tbe Directar has inspected, � appzoved, or snde any re,presentation zegardinq the quality of an adult rare bome. �4- _ r... ._ _ __�:, ,, .�:, _ ��,r:;__ � . _ ,- .� ;, �`, �l �R .�/. . � . . -. . . .. ' . 8.90.060 Req3�trstion P1ee. Zheze shall be a registration fee of �15,00 per nnr�um, payable �o the Dega,rtment of' H�nnan Services. 8.90.070 Certificates Not �ansferaDle. tio Oertificate of registrati:on vhich has been issued for the opezation of an adult ca:re home to any person for a qiven location shall be valid foz use by any othez person or at any Yoca�tion ather than that for vhich is vas issuec�. 8090.80 Revocation, Slrspension, or Denial of Oertificates. ' A. Rt�e Director ahall have the authority to rewke, suspend, or deny oz attach conditions to any certificate of registration for an adult caze home under the follo�wing cisc�stances: � 1. Mfien the cert�ific�te was issued upon fraudulent or untrue repzesentation. 2. Where there exl.sts a threat to the life, health, or safety of a.n;� cesident. 3. iifien ther� ia reliable evi�ence of ab�se, n�qlect or e�cploitation of aay resident 4. �Then tbe owner oz operator has substantially failed to comply with City aazd Cbunty codes and ordinances; vith the rule-s and atandards duly promulgated by the Director f�r an adult care t�amej o= any other State or P+ederal law or zule applicable or relevan: to the Lealtb or safety of a resident, B. Denial, suspe.nsion or revocaeioa of a c,ertificate of zegistra�ion by the Director shall be preeeeded by a he�zing undPr lICC �.90.090 if xequested by the avaer or opesatar, urlless the oertificate of reqistratinn is denied, susgended oz revoked for the zeason of abuse, neglect or exploitation of a resident in vhich case the denial, suspension or revocation sha11 De effective upon order ot the Dir�ctoz. (bqditions attached to a certificate of reqistration shall be effective upon ord�z of t1�e IDirectoz. C, Jlny owaer or opezator of an adult caze bame vhose oertificate of' reqistration has b�een zevoked� auspended or denied two times , within one y►eaz, oz vho has had a total of four deaials or revocations in any thrQe yeaz peraod, chall De disqualified from applying fos a oertificate of regist=ation for a period of two yeais from the date o,f the last Ruspeasion, denial or r�vocation. _S_ r _:__ - -- _ _ _ __ , J, , �' f��."..` .. plik .... stvsl u'.�'�JG'k'�!�t.x�a:NsEi?.g'VV s•'x:Fr,'ra nT,*T°s'g?'. r-sr.,n���ro.-�;��rnai-��.�m�w-s?:,�r•+. �.ry �.. �.- y--,,.'ir�•: �.TC�R�M1 �����- -�- , .,,�"��k�ARTFiS'T�--�,.. 'N�'A•�.'t�, f�l ) '., , • � �e'."�#cl3Y`J�.D1..:a3:.4a1'-�fwt..�..11+u.w.+a.,,�-..�..r..,..r.. .... , .. .�� ... .. ._. ... / . }: . ' . .. . .... .. . ��� . . � ��. .. . � � . � .. � . . r . � �. � . .�. . � . . . . . ��.:.,�, . . . . . . , f ' . . . . . . . . 8.90.090 A�Pee;ls nnd ;Heering�s: Review. 11. J1r�y nwner nz operator a9grieved by any decieion of the nirector rlth regard to its application for regictration, �r a violatiom of thia ordinance, may ze�uest a heazing by filing a writtea ' r�equest vith the Mzector. '�e zequest for a heari.ng shall lae filed within ten days of seceipt of written notice of the D�irector 's action and ahall set forth reasons fo= the hearing and issues to be heard. �e Director may prescribe forms for the filing of an appeal,. 8. Upon receipt of a 2imely request for a hearing, the Director thall desi�mte �nnd promptly not3fy the hearinqs officer, who shall set a tiare and place foz a hearing. Z�g hearing sha12 aot be scheduled more than 3O days from the date of the receipt of zequest for heazing. �e hearinqs officer shall give the party requestinq a hea:ris�g not less tha:n 10 c1:r,ys written notice of the time and place of hearing and post such notice in a oonspicuous place at the edult care home. C. �e hearing �hall be conducted by the heazings officer in accordance vith the �►t.torney General's Model Rules c�f Procedure, F�le 137.03.005 and 137.03.030 through 137.03.050 (t�bvember 17, 1981) unless auperceded by rules adopted by the Di�ector. D. Party means a pezsors who is a party to the proceeding or �earing and, unless such ziqhts are raived, is entitled to participate in th�e manner• or area(s) specified by the Flearings Officer according to rule duly promulqated pursuant to l9CC 8.90.160 - 8.90.260. �rties include: 1' kuitnomah muntY. through the initiating bureau or depart�eat; Z• Ztie numed respondants 3. Residents of the inv�olved adult ca=e home where vacation, closute, demolition, or relocation of zesidents is a reasonable possi:ble outoome of the proceeding or hearing. E. Disclosure of ex part;e cacmmunications shall be made by the hearinqs offices, Lhrcctor, or the Board of Cbunty Ou�aissionexs in accordanc�e with t�e AttornFy General's Model �les of Frovedure. Riles 137.03.Ob2 through 137.03.064 f'bbvember 17. 1981). -6- � __ - ,__- r /` �''� / t. �fie heazinqs nffiarz ,shnll ieeue a propos�d final order as soon as is p�racticable but in no event later then 45 day6 after the termir�etion of the heazing and shall mail a oopy of the or3er to the parties. �e order shall include an c,pinion containing finc'lings of fect and eonclusions of' law �xplafninq t3�e reasons and rational� adopted !ry the hearings ogficer in arriving at h.ie or her oanclusions: G. Rhe hearinqs officer shnll notify the parties of the date vhen written exceptions to the proposed order must be filed to be considered:by the Board of Qaunty Cbmmissioners. 8, Upon receipt of the proposed final oz�er and after reviewinq the record nf the praceed.inqs and written exceptions filed by t2�e parties, the B�ard of Qounty Cammiesioners may accept, modify oz reject the proposed final order or may remand the matter to the heasings offioer. Nothing in this section shall prevent t?'re Hoard of Cbw'�ty Namissioners from condueting a hearinq or scheduling ozal azguments if it 6ha11 not be required to do so Defore issuing a final ozder. Zhe Board's ection shall be taken at a regular meeting of the Hoard and shall be taken in the fo� of a Boazd ozder. Rt�e final ardez sha11 be filed with the Clerk of the Hoard and the Directo� and mailed to the parties. I. Aeview of the final order of the Board of County CbauA�.ssionazs shall be taken soley an�d exclusively by �.*z�it of review in the mann�er set forth in ORS 34.010 to OR5 34.100. 8.90.100 Inspections. �,. �he Directnr oz an authozized representative of the Directoz, including but not limited to Oc>unty, Ci.ty, an� State officials, shall have full authority to and may enter, at any zeasonable time, any adult care hame registered pursuant to this chapter or any unregistered edult care bome vhich the Director has aause to believe is �perating vithout a vertificate of regis2ration and inspect the entire premises for the purposes of ascertaining the safe, sanitary and habitable oondition the�eof and the physival and mental oondition of the residents. Zt�e Director or the Direetor's authozized representative 6ha11 have tull authority to and may privately interview �.ny se-sir3ent and inspect any reoords oonaerning residents mainteined by the adult care hame. B. In the event that th� Directoz or his or hez aut?�orized representative is denied acc�ess to any adult care home for the p�rpose of making an inspeetion in the a�]mi.nistration of this ordzmm�ce, the Director or his or her authorized represenLative s�all not inspect vitLout a 6earch warzan�, or its equivalent. -7- � . ,.. :;; ,��1�[:.pey�,u�,K•,^mrs,.,..,r..,�i^,,�.,.�,-..-��. . .-._...--�•r,.;.....�,m�r�r. � . - ._ �` ��[.L`�R�kSay�+S2Ai»r�r�..r+�rt.wa_ix. . '� .. .. \,. . .� � . ' . t . � .. .. . . . �.Y .: .. � .. . . .. . . . . . �. . � . �. . � . . C. 7tie Direc�tor cmay procee0 ex pazte ta seek a warrant or its equivalent. 1�pplic,ation for a search razrant �:o inspect khe premises eha13 be mede to any magistrate authorized to is�ue a warrsnt of azrest. The app3icatior, �ust be eupported by an affidavit filed with t1�� magietrate steting the purpose and extent af th� pzoposed inspection, ,whether it is a routine or periodia inspection or an inbpection iaetituted by complaint an8 other epecific-oz general information concerning the pre�nises. � resentative shall o 'zed ze ' ector s auth zi ` or or the Di.z P D . Z1� e Direct report observatians of os evidence of substandard conditions os ' ,poor care to the D.irectoz and s2�a11 zeport observations or c ive services d fo r rote t ' ndicatin a tential nee p evidence i g Po includiny abuse, neglect, or e�cploitatio n o f a res ident t o the approprinte agency. �e Director may make zecammendations for corrective actioa, 8.'90.110 Oomplaints. A. Cbaplaints against register�d pr unregistered adult care homes may De filed with: the Di^ectc,y by �e�ny ,pezson, whether oz aot a r��i�ent of the h�e. �e Director shall investigate and respond, prcu►ptly to each complaint �ubject to the resources of the Depattment of Human Sersices. �; Zhe Director shall oai.ntain a file of sll compleints and the action Laken on the campinint if any, indexed by the naa�e of the owner or operator and the address of the adult care home. �he filed camplaint forms shali prot�c� the privacy of both the camplainarxt and the resident. C. It is the inteat �f this ordin�nce that informatfon shall be made available to the public e+taich v�ould assist the public in its �selection of an adult care home. Tb this end, the Di.rector may make avaalable t2se rel�vant inforoation in the complai,nt files for inspection and cop,ying by the public. 'fie Director may, howevez, in accordance vi�h the pzovisions of OIiS 410`.610 - 410.690 (19'81 Aeplacement Part) or according to rule duly promulgated pursuant to MCC 8.90.160 - 8.90.260, classify � certain files ns oonfid�ntial. -,8- � +��yY .,. .,c"li ��" _ , ,. «+a: , �y. , a F , �, :''�t5'.�F�s�'��w:.-..w'��.........�...,..,.� .a..� .�,.,......., x r. «� , . .«.., . ..<<,..,_, �...,. �� .r' � .. ..�. � .. ..,.,.. , �, /� D. tr, awner ar operator of nn adult care ho�me 6ha11 retaliete aqainst a zesident by inczeas3.ng charges; derreasing services, rights or pr�vileqesj oz threatening to increase charge6 or decrease services, xiqh4.s ox privi2eges; by taking or thzeatening to take any acLion to ooerce or oamp�el the zesi�en� " to leave the facility, including brinqing or threatening to bring an action for possessiont oz by abusing nr threateninq to harass or to abuse e resident in any manner efter the resident or any person acting on behalf of the resident has filed a camplaint with the Director. 8.90.120 Aesident's Bill of Rights. l�, F.�ch owner and ap�rator of an adult care home Bha21 comply with the Residents' Sill of Rights. Fach owner and operator ehall post in a conspicuous place on the premises the Residents• Bill of Rights, monthly rates and house rules. �e Directos shall provide owners and operators vith copies of the FOesidents' Bi11 of Rights. B. Zhe Residents' Bill of Rights shall read as follows: Zhe ResiBents' Bill of Rights Zb quarantee that each resident is treated with respect and d.ignity, �ach resident has the right: 1. Not to be denied his �z her constitutional and legal rights, including but not limited to the ric,�hte a. to vote; b. to practice the religion of his or her choice; c. to freednm of move�ent; d-. to privacy. 2. Zb a Fafe and sanitazy environment. 3. Tb be free from ch�ical or physical restsaints except as '� ordered by a phpsician. 4. Zb talk privately wfth aay doctor, nur�e, attorney, family �ember, casevorker, and/or otber person of choice. 5. Zb receive O1S'St.OZ6 free from arbitrazy �nd unreasonable restrictians, including representatives of co�unity and advocacy organizations. Er. Zb send and zeceive mnil unop�ned, unless medically contra-indicated and doc�aaented by a physician. � -�9- � _ __ , _ � ",y�" . ` , i�. . � �...:-�a, ..,-•-:..M �w.,. .a.a. . �., .,, . . .�. . .. .....�.�—__.___. . .- .�dr.::m�:..,..aw�.. ,. �e,......,.... :. . . . . ",.�� . ,... , . . ._ . . . _. � 7. 3b manacpe hie or hez own financial affairs unless a guardian or e_uthozited zepzesentative requires in writing , tha2 the provider asaume this responsf.bility. 8. Ztr� keep and use reasonable personal belongings andl to heve pzivate, aecure storage space. 9. Nat to be forced to vork against his or her will. 10. Zta be paid for egreed upon wzk done. � 11. Zt� daily adeqvate and nutritious meals. 12. Tb clean bedd.ing. 13. Zb receive w*z�itten notice 30 days prioz to a rate increase and 30 days prior to eviction. 14. Zb prompt return of security depc�sits and advance payments of rent. 15. Tb a written statement si�ed lby the owner/operator reqardinq the services to be provided and the rates, and, if requested, countersigned by the resident. �.9-0.125 Civil Ch use of Action. m violation of any of the riqhts set forth in MCC 8,90.120 or the rules adapted in connection vit.h 11CC g.90.120 creates a �ivil claim by �the resident against the owner oa operator of the adult ce�re home. ZY�e resident may bzinq aa individual action in an appropriate court for injunctive relief and/or to recover actual dama ges oz ;1,000, vhichever is qreater. Zhe court may provide �uch equitable relief as it deems proper, and aay aw�ard, in addition to relief provided in this section, reasonable attoraey fees, nt trial and on appeal, and costs. Zf the defendant prevails, the court may award zeasonable attorney fees at trial and on appesl, and costs if it finds the action to be frivolous. � 8.90.130 Penalty; 14dditional Aemedies. I �. ]�y person who violates a provision of this chap�ter or the rvles promulgated thezeundez nay be punisbed bSr a fine in aa amount to be fued by the Director, not to exoeed �l,000. In additioa, a coatinuing violation will subject the owner oz operator to an action for injunctive relief. B. 72�e provisions of this ordinance are in addition to and not in lieu of other �rocedures and remedies provided by lav. ' -10- � _. - � . f . .__.....�. . . . �.....�.�_ . �,-...�..�...� . . � � �5.. � . . 8.90.140 Savinqs Clause. Zn t?�e event any subsection, �ubdivi6ion, phrase, clause, 6entence oz vozd in this Ardinance i6 for any reason held invelid or unconstitutional by a court of campeten2 jurisd.ic.tion� �ucta hold.inq ehall not invelidate the zemaindez of tl:is ordinance, b�t shall be conf ined to such subsection, subdivision, phrase, clause, sentence or vord.. 8:9-0.150 Int�.rgovernmental Agreements. 7�e C�iurity may enter into agree�ents vith municipa3 corporations �n the Cbunty permitting enforcement of this ordinance wit2iin those . municipal cozporatioas. In addi�ion, the Cbunty �ay entex into �uch • agreements with the State as aze necessary to perrait a�ain�stzatian end enforcement of thie ozdinance within kultnomah Oounty� �DOPTION OF RtTLF� 8.900160 Eaitxation of Faile l�doption. �e L3rector or any member of the Board of Oaunty Cr.�issioners may propose adogtion, amen�,ent or repeal of a rule under this cha�ter. 8.90.165 l��ao�►a1 of 1�1e Ibrm; PYlinq. ]► proposed rule shall be approved as to form by the Qounty Oounsel and filed rith the Darec�or and the Clezk of the Board of Oounty Cbmmissioner�s. 6.90.170 Contents of Notice of Intent to Adopt. tbtice of intent to �dopt a proposed rule ehnll oontain the following information: A. Description of the proposed action, i.e., adoption, repeal, or amendment. B. !� stimmmary of the intent, subject and content of t2�e pzoposed rule. C. Complete text of the proposed rule vAere practicable, or t.he locaticrn, Lime and aontact pezson foz obtaining a copy of the camplet� text of the proposed rule. D. ZY�e t:�ee lfnit, location, contact person and format foz submitting , views and ca�ents on the propc�sed rule. E. �e tiae lim.it, lxation, format and contact person foz requesting postpoa�ement of the $ction on the proposed rule. -11- , �,�. ...... ,.�.. ...... . ....... ... . . ..... - h'... .. .. ...�i/n�'� ..�`"'""""'" �....-.....-..-:...,....«c,.,.:n.�r'p�-�-�,"T'"s,�vu..r-:.•-..>,.z�:-vFr:.,�.�„av�•. �uuca:�,c--,s.a.;x._....H:. III ..k`� . .. � ..-.. ' . . . ��' � . � ate:.a.ti.i.�u,o-JtMi �-.�...,.,.....,...-..._...,_.. .. ........ ... . _... .. . 4�- g.90.175 'Notice Publicat.on. In addition to s�ch. notice e►e may be required by Iaw, notice of intent to adopt • x�xle sha11 be made in �.tae following mariner: l�. Public��ion in a newspnper of general circulatinn at least 15 dnys before the close of the review peziod. H. �stinq in n �rc�ainent locntion in �Y►e Cc>unt�► (burtl�ouse �t least 15 day's before �he clase of the review period, 8.90.180 Aeview and Cbmment Period. Notice of intent to adopt a proposed rule sh�.'1 be made after the notice fs filed with the clerk of tT�e Board uf COunty m�nissioners. 'TS�e review period for submitting co�ents shall be i5 days and shall co�ez,ce vith publication of notice of intent to �dopt a pzopased zule. 8.90.185 Rule Adoption. If at the close of tlae resiew period theze have been no sequests for a postponement oz a public heasiag, t.he Dmrector shall, within 10 i days fxom the close of the review �ZYpt'�� consider the review � camments and either adopt or reject the proposed rule or adopt the x�ule �rith modifications. If a proposed rule �s to be eubstantial.ly am�aea as a result af review ecmments, it must be considered as a newly 1proposed rule. 'Ihe adopted rule shall be filed with the Dizectoz a►nd ttae Clerk of the Aoard of Q�unty Oar�issianers within 10 days fram the cl�ase of the reviev peziod. 8.90.i90 Fbstponement of }�le Action. If within the review period an interested person requests postpo�em�nt of the intended action, the Directc�z, if the grounds are judged to De �ufficient, shall postpone the intended actfon no le�s than 10 days nor more than 60 days to allow the zequest�nq person an opportunity to submit data, vievs or arquments. a sequest for postponement must be �ade in writing to the Director and must include e stat�ent of the identity and interest of the requestinq ' pe�son and af the grounds for zequesting postponement. 6.90.195 Aequest for Public Beazin�. Zf within the review period 10 or aoze persons, or an associatfon with 10 or sore aembeiB or a cnrpozation requests, in vriting, a public bearing on t2ie proposed rule, the Director shall announce and � conduct a public hearing. -12- , ; 'I '�,'s.r C'`��'r ��Iai,�-�.� 'T " °'"",P A�R�'�4�'�"�_'����._q�,3,.:.�-,--'=�.4� a��-z-.._�__._.�._ ..�,�.,��-...u._ ..,..t ._.�.._._._.-.,.._— .....,. _ . .� _ . . � � �� ,.�, � W:.dd.Jd76WS�+1[d'r�..k�.� ,E�: .,.... . .. . ....... �� / � �.90.200 Public Hearing Notice OontentQ. Nctiae goz a public heaz•ing on e pro,poged ru1� shall contr�i.n the �ollawing ixaformation: a. Description of the propc�sed action, i.e. , adoption, repeal or amendment. B. 1! s�ary of �he intent, subject and content of the proposed ruJ.e. C. The date, time, place ar►d presiding officer of the public hearing and �he mannes ir� which interested persons msy p'resent their views. D. Cbmplete text of the propased rule if practicable or the location, time nna contact person for obtaining a oapy of �he camplete text of the pzoposed rule. �. �e time limit, location, format a.nd oontact person for appealing t�e decision of the Director to the board of County Cb�anissioners. 8.90.205 Publication of P)ntice of Public Beazing. 'Tbe n4tice of a puY�lic hearing ahnYl be published in � newspapex of general circulation within I�ltnamah Oour,ty and pos2ed praminently in the Opunty O�urthouse at 2east 10 days before the hearing. tb tioe af the public hearing skiall also be qiven by mail to a21 pnzties who have submitted ccmments and to the mailinq 2�st of the interested parties. 8.90.210 Public Seazing; Action on Rule; Filing. Zhe Director shall aonduct the public hearing. Af the close of the hearin� the Director ehall adopt, reject or amend the proposed rule, tso fusthez notice ie aequired for continuation of a hearing to a cer4:ain date. '�ie Directoz shall file notioe of the action take� vith re gard to the proposecl edoption, amen�ment or repeal of a rule vith the Clerk of the Baard of O�imty (b�issioners rithin fxve dnys of the puDlic hearinq. Filing of the notice of action with the Clcsk of th� eoard of O�unty Oo�nissioners initiates a 10-3ay appeal period. If no appeal is made, the action by the Director in reqard j to the rule eha11 take effect at t2re end of x.he appenl period, ualess a later effective date is specified. 8.90.315 l�ppeal t�o the Boazd nf O�unty Ormmissioners. 1lny interested person may appeal the action of the Director on a rule af ter a public hearing on the �atter. ]►ny member of the &�ard of Oounty Lb�issioner6 �ay also r�quest reviev of the action. ' ll,ppeal �ust be aade in vzitinq and filed vith the Directoz vithin 10 deys of the f iling of the notice of action vith the Clerk of the Hoazd of (bunty Oomoaiesion�ezs. l�bezs of the Boazd of lbunty Oommissioners must request review vithin the same period. ' � ,�:�,�,�,�;�,;-.�,.,.,�.----_ : _--. . ...._ l,p F. .. . . . ... . . . .. � . .. . , . :1 . � .. ,� , �,..� . a _ 8,90.220 l��eel a*rd �view Re�uest Gbnten2s. �e appeal reque�t sha3.1 contain the following infarmetion: 7�. ]�n identiffcatian of the decision or actian being app��led, including its date. B. X s�tate.nsent of the ldentity interest of the person makinq the appeal. C. 2he apecific qzounds for the eppeal. 8.90.225 Oc�aissioner Reqeust for Review. A membex o# the eoard of Cbunty Oa�aissionezs may initiate review by requesting that the matter De placed on the agenda far the Board's next re9ular meeting. 8.90.230 Iaate of Bearin�. Upo,n receipt of an appeal request in confazmance With the sequirement of !!CC 8.90.220, the IIirector shall scbedule a hearing by the Br>ard of �unty Dommissioner6 at lthe Board'6 next r�gular meeting for vnich the agenda has not alosed and the date of which permits 10 days to publish notice in a a�wspaper of gen�eral cisculation. 8.90.235 Natice of Appeal Hearin . �e Qounty shall prepare notice for appeal of heazi.nqs. �e aotice ahall contafn th@ inf ormation 8escribed in subsections D ana E of MCC 8.90.200. tiotice eh811 be published in a newspaper of qeneral circulation in the �.bun�y and posted prominently in the Oounty �u.rt.haua� at least 10 days priar to the hearinq. �e Qounty �shall also notity by mail persons r+ho have suhmitted co�ents on the proposed x°ule and to the mailing list of interested parties. 8.90.240 annduct of llppeal Heazing. �e appeaY hearing shall be conducted as a regular meeting of the Hoard of cbunty Oommissionere. Zhe Boazd's action shall take the fozm of e Board order. 8.90.2d5 Teaporary l�les. �e Di.zector nay be confzonted ritb a situation wbere it ie necessary to put a rule ilnto i�ediate effect in ozder to protect the public or the interest� af particulaz parties. In that case, and vhere there is not sufficieat ti�e to follow Lhe procedure requi�rements set forth in MCC 8.90.160 to 8.90.240, the Dizectoz is authosized to use temporafy rules. -14- ` : ,.}� .. �e���.e:�.K�,; ... �. � �. �f..� � � . i �� 8.90.250 AequizementB fos Effrctive 3rr�mporazy F�le. 'lhe Director may proceed without prior notice or hearinq thbt he or stae finde pr�cticable, to adopi a av.le rri�hout the notice otherwise required by this ordinancee In that ease, the Di.rector shalls 11. PYle a certified copy of the rule with the Clerk of the Board of (bunty commissaoners. B, File with the rul<e the Directoz's fi�dinq that failure of the Director to act pzomptly will result in serious prejuclice to the public interest or to the interest of the parties concerned. Findinqs �hall be supported by a state�nent of sp�cific facts and reasons. C. Z�ke apprapziate measures to make the tempc,rary rule known to the persons �rho may be affected by the t+einporary rule, inc2uding publfcation in a newspaper of general circul.ation in the O�unty, as promptly after filing the rule as precticable and giving notice of the rule by mail to persons who may be affected by it. 8.90.255 Effective Date of Z�emporary l�le. a temporary rule a3opted in cc�mpliance vith MCC 8.90.250 and this section becomes effective i�ediately u�on filing wath the Clerk of the �oard of Dounty �issioners oz at A later time vhich may be desicF,at+eC by the rule itself. 8.90.260 Duratioa o� T�esa�orary Rule. A temporary rule may be effective foz� a period of not longer than 120 days. 't�b temporary rule may be renewed after it has been in �ffect 120 days. `�e Director nay, ho�ever, ac3opt an identical rule � on notice in acc�ordance vith the pzocedures set forth in this chapter. �� • :� -15- : I ' I , � ' , . . ' . . • i ; ,, ----- ----�__:�_._.:. . .. ,��� � --- ...,_...� • From League of Orebon Cities Le�islative I3ulletin June 3, 19g3 .�c:�SG� � �-' / � •Senate Bi11 478, the measur,e which overrides local zonin te ulations applicable to t►oueing fmr handicap�red, pasaed ou� of House Environment an ' nergy o�rn�.ttee to the floar Wednesd�y with a �• : "da pass ' recotmnendr.:tien. Under the provi�ton� of Ch� bi�l, five or fewer unrelated mental.ly � or physically handicapped (wittr whatever. seaff invali�ating�eurrenticonditiona� useiprocedures. or commerciall}r zoned area as a permitted use, Testimony emphasized thaz certain nei�thborhoods are alr�ady nignificantly impscted by vazious types of special needs housing and that those are th� same neighborhooda that have been mosC helpful in providing assistance to special needs housing. This bi11 will not aasist such neighborhaods and can exacerbate the situation. Additionally, the passage af the bill removes the most viabLe tool the city has for controlling unscrupulous operetors. � � l .�' -- . : i � ; �= ` . � , _ , -s- � - --_-- _ —� --._._._.._..._�------._..__,_. _ . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . ;_. ,,- fi - ' . � . . � .u1�.er� s Y��s �,v�c�nc �a1 ���r��i�, � . . . , . � . � � E6 -•4M•MW ��� � �THE OREQON!AN,FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 2d,1984 �:- • , � ' ' ��:' i � .. '��.� - ' - � i . ' . ��Y _;1 � � � '. �� W. . ..., . , � �� �- �� .t� T t. 1 � �I� f . , . . -.__ _ H K � � :;1 l' � t t .. . • L � ). . ' i- ~ , •• i �' Fz `. ` � S; �C' „ ... . + ' 'y `1 �1: . ' `yk-�+ _ ' 1 • _ � ..t• :I �t� ik4 ' �.�iil W�i ' �� '11 ' 'S� .. . �" . . , - • . � , . � • � :5':' ' . " � �f � ' F.' - - � _ . : . ..�s�' _ , ! ;� � r f :i„ � �_kl 't �. . a . . � , s,• ': �y .Fi,f.,'Ji . `� + � +�� �. � ,! ' . .■, ■' .` {ra . � , - 4 . . i . ��f• _ -' , •� . • . �. , .'�. � �'. .. - . � _ ,*: ��n�f�ed �e�or�.,� � �om���d�;�����re�s�lv� w.�a�e : h�r���. �s��e� .;._ N t� • • ; ; . �;.� �r _ . � � . �.• •.. ay FtMAT RODINE . � � ' , : �united'eftycounty•state approach to�codcema���•csie faellltie� } .-'.4 � �'.,�� rti� J . ''�ese,-aepecta�of,car��,Centeraala2s[nglerfatl�l$'' '�b800 t6 51,000 a month;"tlVecali prbvide care at-�'' drn.a.�rwn `�, .."r .. ,. ` �.�. 1t a�.person�wenta toplace e•paEeet In B'�reetdentlelxrecseuoh-asaHyland-Hllt�t�Bet��''ono-hntt tii one-ttilM thc'coet"o!instltutlonal • �.isa0R0. .SUte.ctcy ind couacy o�n.``f6�Abo�i#5Q pltede9 gnthered in the.eor6mis�' home:the i.eglblatui�e le reluctant��ldt�rtere.�soeTaKer�'ena'ttve�R"e�Pt1H'g��'e'8`mt��P' ;CU'e�Balladded, ` "`. - • _ rials piedgeQ Thatfd�y to�aorktogetha b re� ;etoners'.hearfng mom tn Hlilaboro Taureday tb� 'wlth th'�indtvtdual'g ilght.to make�8��holce,;,�pee�tloaer7tudrey�i�I3asbait�*a�ndghbec�atd .', Respbndf6g to:ti�mplelefs ffiat expensiv� : wlve Iaun orc:�C�+v[e�idatt(tl tan homea fot conatder thoee concerne in whet Warren ldught ;:Cohen estd.•� • �` � •;�^ �# '��' '.' �1'�?'��"��+P���Slb,D00sreav�aaap� �homee ia�gatd`B ShedOtt!Filtle e[ed end neatby ': ;�e eidali ind,EuadlaPped. • =., • , .' to t�ep n"itctual�Hon-emotlonal"menner. . ;' �ir6ming:;tor�qc�ppy�;6o.I t�. d A 1 d�h�.�'homrta�ommodate.elderlyuidfieadh�pped '�B4!l:Mo ri aie being.converted eo privnte" '-' ,�r��Q � Rt the outeet,��9fill�t��ethlef�-raertice�,pyegon rnedabo •���E�r:the:chen : wqi�• care centeae; tormer Thalstld Mayoe Lee R:' ��'.; � eacoxiaa+sht8mf�?BeMcea Df�iaioorael� a�rboine�, , ., , � „ �►In�"g�71 i�rta�ydaii�, �Gensman posed a question:' . • . ' .-�.�., tt aaenq�_ �io�osol9op�+a�t� .�S�. p� . � ..: � •�,• ot[ri that he owde a�t*•bedtoom heme on..�'.; Partfa;bqfo[med,, tb:two:m�locxiYCn .�eidentlal;homma�nY7torrPetien4;flnanced= eiN+mi�rllelbY.R��d�+nh�iW9��B , 8 y;,gt- �nrytb,nyte•hqp�tnnV•bt�:certt[ted',�,;,—„wltiry�rCouaty�irp�lsi;ic . _ ' Operatbrs of't6e�a:e centers'who altended ,an acre in Tualatin,Genamne,who 1e ln the rea1;�:�, ,��s � a,�.� �il�oede�min�ylaepesqo�e+�,m�d� �t6e;�coya;ty�ha� „ . :the Thursday meetlhg o+�Jected vlgorousiy�:to :eatate busineas,sald hE had trled to sell Uie placc�_� 4���� �qdrQqu;rementrm� � . , ' = �xap�a�lr�4 . • , . ,, °government[ntAtventlon id their buetnesees , tor two yexre vilthout autcess. ' . . �,� ;� � ; „ .., , pyyswotr�tt.,home�„�a;lAg�loz;five.or.lecaeta +hItt�RarA�qe['�ep1e�0�iD0�'�etrsoi� �erleneu^:Mr�aBap,�fa�Tedep,Mw � c With t6e average femtly elze in Tun� �,:; a�' � ",��y oi„hnndi.r,appts�,periona,w6o•Pay�ithdt �bttt+pf�yntntng)�otu�6�1320��.�l1f.'tUd,.�w�ich;operates.tour-home8�Qr��h�� : today 2 6 peoPlc end a laCk ot demaod[ar homes�l�'� -1V �eclnd�AwP':WaY A�?o4cei�ltied,andrin�cied�6ins�.�SU�tit�*�bhiadt�daV,t�eb;.-�oha;udwomBBid:.P.eaW7sa��.the county;(an :'; ee large as hia�C�etlsmeri eaked�"W6et do you do r •� �side�600ttbRlmp�Ct�pyrPwltts.:J��y������tt�'Saaloiyy;. . _ KA9-�aats cittes)should not enter lnto s rbgulattir,y.fiel s K[thlt? `; - � '�� ;� �S e r,�cea D tv i e io n,.bu i.cu[;en t l y�c d e y r a c a s n o�'_�s te f y,�u l e te t h a C;t h e i:d x L s�ti l l�-b a L:e l r e e d y a s s u m e d b y_t h e s t a t e�I t i h E y d o th e y€ T h e f n s w e i t o r G e n s m e tl w e 9 t o t o n v e r E t h P��'= �, , .�;: � ,::t : ? '. �Pecke�in�$re�i,.aub�c�i.,Ua.peoal�,►' �uthc�rltytoetifilTTCA'tfi�tCfi`'Dill6�i�x'_ wilicauseunneCesaryexpenee;tothets�tpayere roperty:tntoe,carehomA. .� : ��� , C. �' _ i _ �_ .. � a r�� r�,toi.gi ;.Ae, e� .. . � rt t •1A�b1`-�d �"and lnake the coet of care to the�IdeYly prohlbl � �Blehop sUd the:Tiget�Gfy Countii la eched��� T'igard blaqi�t Wflba[BI�1iad and�5�a�e Sen.� However,ehe ndded;Ne etate dgency 1a d� ��Of�egme;gldeclyk�pcoPka�e�wbd�xOs.Nye,Ball sald. ' ,:: � % : '•uled tO.hear legal advlCe fram th�dtq attome�H-�. It loyce Co6ea D�Llcb Oewego,�ponlor bt i 1883'.��'powerr.�to nnswv eoafQldinta and ultlaitEely`t�;;tiyci�loor�;,e►lth=only:onq,�exl�iouter�ieatolQ- � 5peektng tcor.t the etandpotnt oi 2�yeare et 'on the eesfdedtlal�care lasue at lts Feb.27 meet•:t�' �ill Uut ptvhlbiti,dtleJ`and batntleY Stbtlt pUt��:�home mey be cloeed it the Compieinta Sre�alld,'n"QWauens;tte�t�li�lsAOld�=experlence in the health-care�field,tnclud;ng 10 Ing.�SlitEA�P�tl1�H�li1�`�BEFwid�thg���� in8 6Pcd�1 mNni te�rlctl4iii on 6omei tlrfnQ•:. .�Anrwerfng a queatlon;Cohee ealdrtheLegld�;5�hdp�: .. - •Yeare in geriatrlc cate�Ball 9ald_„6ome��:envl .:fHolfll3FIB Ioa�►�Lrxai -�. II for ftve or itwer_pEqA�ity'tufidit�ped'oc�hlar�re waa canLemed ebont Imptnging'oa pri ;,-�uq�iitas�etble':'o9ut�e9j�1i�OAi9. :•'. , .,�renmettU for the etdesly a;e•Bett�r ioi;'t6eiN�'�171 �ts'•l�Efti�46e�,`, mentellY��P���PtTion!:�8r�d:to Jdn In sN�nte rlghte In.ngulatlaq tLe prlvate17-�1nenceAx:.�i r �t6ea IrieUt�tlonal settiega,At fees raaging`tioht� _,_.,,, .,,,,.... � . . - � , - } „-t,: �. . . , , , • , ,r. ,�� � a, ` rt'�t,i•� -- �-- — - , ,- . ,..._� .... , .. . t _� . ..._. . . .. .. __. '�,- ; ' � . . . ;Y..t. - ---— - .. _ _ _. _ .._ . � '...._. �.---��. 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