Planning Commission Packet - 08/30/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. Tigard Plannin:g Commission August 30, 1�83 - I:30 P.M. 7'igard School Distriat - Board Room 13137 S.W. PaciFic Highway Tigard, Oregon 10 CALL TO ORDER 2. ROi,L CALL: 3. Approve Pi.anning Commission Minutes from .Tuly 'L6, and August 23, 1983. 4. Planning Commission Communication 5. PUBlIC HEARINGS 5.1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENnM�NT GPA 8-83 and� ZONE CHANGE ZC 11-83 Richard Sturgis NPO �� 1. 5.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 14-83 LCDC Goal �� 5 5.3 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZCPD 29-79 a & b Brittany Square NPO �k 7 5.4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 9-83 / ZONE CHANGE ZC $-83 / SUBDIVISION S 7-$3 Gallo's Vinyard/H�rb Morissett Builders NPO �� 7 5.5 LONE G��ANGE ZC 10-$3 Boberg/Ghapelle/Sorenson/Larson/Sollars/ Zimmermara/Pa�ecky NPO �� 7 6. OTI�ER l3USINES 7 v AD30[JRNMENT dmj(0076P) T T G A R D P L A N N I N G C Q M M I S S I 0 N REGULAR MEETTNG August 30, 1983 1. Prssident Tepedino called the meeting ta order at 7:40 P.M. , The meeting was held at Tigard School District - in the Boaxd Room, 1.3137 S.W. Pacific Hwy. , Tigard, Or. Z. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: President T�pedino, Commissioners Moen, Owens, Butler and Fyre. ABS�NT: Commissioner Edin, Christen, Leverett, Vanderwood. STAFF: Aixector of Planning and nevelopment William A. Monahan; Associate P�anner Elizabeth Newton and Assistant Planner Hamid Pishvaie; Secretary Diane M. Jelderks 3. Minutes fr�m August 2, 1983 were considered. Commissioner Moen moved and Commission Owens seconded to approve the minutes as submit-ted. 4o PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATTON s President Tepedino welcomed Milton Fyre, he had been appointed Monday night by City Council to the Planning Commission< 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 GONlPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 8-83 and ZONE CHANGF 11-83 Richard 5turgis - NPO �� 1 A request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from medium density to high density and a Zone Change from A-12 to A-4Q Multi-Fami.ly resi�ential �.ocated at 13335 SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2DA tax lot 702). • Assistant Pranner Pishvaie made staff's recomm�ndation for denial. s NPO COMMENTS - Gareth Ott, representing NPO �'� 1, stated they did not have a quorum to submit a official recommendata.on, Yiowever, the three members who did review the application opposed the incr�ase zn density for the site. • APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION - Richard Sturgis requested the Planning Commission approve his application citiizg that the criteria for medium hi�h and high density had been met. He showed pictures of the site. He explained how the site had been approved for a special zone which allowed a multi-unit home for the aged and how he intended to develop the site. � � -- . a Commissioner Owens nated that the staff report �oted that criteria nuniber six had not been met; this should be item number seven. Lengthy discussion tollowed regarding the criteria being met. PUBLIC 'TESTIMONY • Associate Planner Newton read Mrs. Gloria Johnson's and Commissioner Edin's letCers opposing the Comprehensive Plan Amendmen� and �one Change. • Gareth Otk, 9OSS SW Edgewood, opposed the Comprehensive Plan Amendm�nt and Zone Change. He showed a copy of the 1977, NPO �� 1 Plan and the now existing CBD zane. He urged the 1'lanning Commission to su�port the current plan, which had a�ready been through the publzc hearing process, and staff recommendation for denial. • P.ob Blakely, representing Tigarc� Christian Ghur.ch, opposed the application. He was concerned if the density was changed that apartmen:ts could be built if this applicant did not develop as he is proposing. CROSS EXAMINATION 1�,ND REBUTTAL o Commissioner Butler stated that he had been a member of NYO # 1, two years ago and they had opposed this application, however, they were overrul.ed by the Planning Commission and City Council at that tim�. s Discussion followed regarding the history of the applicati.on. s Mr. Sturgis stated that he had purchased the property conditioned an the approval ot the Comprehensive P1an A�uendment, which was approved. Also, since the property was in the Central Business District this application should be allowed. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the CBD and bu£fering» PIJBZIC HEARING CLOSED • Commissianer Moen expressed his concern for xhe elimination of the the special district for the aged. He did not support changing the density because anything could go if this project fe11 through. Commissioner Owens agreed. • C�mmissioner BuCler st�ted that there had been a lot of time and many ���a���auals who have faught to keep this area at medium density, • Preszdent Tepedino felt it was unfortunate that a previously approved �roject lost its approval. He felt this was a policy issue and that buffering was important. • Commiasioner Fyre did not support a higher density. This would be a si.gnificant change in the Gomprehensive �'lan and it would be devastating if a three story housing project would t�e built on this site. PLANNING CQMMISSTON MINUTES August 30, 1983 Page 2 -- ---- ---- � -- -- � ♦ �ommissioner Moen w3� �isappoint�d that they c�u1d not limi� th� site to a seni�r center development as it is so clase to the senior center. • Commissioner Moen moved and Commissioner Butler seconded to deny Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 8-83 and Zone Change 11-83 per _ sta:ff's findings and recommendations. Mo�io� car.ried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.2 CQMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 14-$3 LCDC Goal �� 5 A request by the City of Tigard to update the Comprehensive Plan to ¢omply with LCDC. Statewide Planning Goal �� 5 to consider an analysis of Economic, Social Environmental and Energy (ESEE) factors. • Associate Planner Newton reviewed the docuxi�ent. r Commissioner Owens questioned if Summer Creek near Bull Mountain was incorrect. Discussion followed regarding location of various sites. PUBLIC HEARTNG CLOSED - Action to be taken after the xecess. 5.3 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZC PD 29-79 a �& b - Brittany :�quare (Winter Lake) NPO �� 7. A request by Century 21 Development Campany for a modification of an approved planned development in order to allow five (5) foot yard setbacks on all 1ots. Property is located east of 135th Avenue between 5cholls Ferry Road and Walnut St. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33D lot 300 and Tax Map 1S1 33DC lot 100, 300 40'0 and 500). s Associate Plax-xner Newton made staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. • NPO or GCI COMMENTS - No one appeared to speak. � APPLICANT°S PRESENTATION - James Polok, Century 21 Homes stated they would be constructing the same type of units as they have at London Square. The purpose of this agplication ys to correct an oversi�ht PUBLIC TESTIMONY - No one appeared to speak CROSS EXAMINATION ANA ttEBUTTAL • Commissioner Owens askerl if these would be two story units. Mr. Palok stated they were actually 1 1/2 story. YLANNING COI�IISSTON AISCUSSION AND AGTION • Commissioner Owens moved and CommiSSioner Moen seconded to approve, with a candition, the applicants request for modification to an approved planne� development in order to allow five foot side yard setbacks on all lots. RECESS 8:55 P.M. RECONVENE 9:06 P.M. PZANNING COMMISSION MINUTE$ August 30, 1983 Page 3 � _ - -_ _� • Minutes from July 26, 19$3 were considered. Presxdent Tepedino moved and Commissioner Moen moved for appraval of July 26th minutes submitted. Motion carriecl unanimou.sly by Commissioners presenta • Associate Planner Newton suggeated the Coenmission continue the ESEE until September X3, 1983, to give staff an opportunity to make corrections, e President Tepedino moved and � Com�nissioner Butler seconded to continued Comprehensive Plan Anienciment CFA 14-$3, ZCDC Goal �� 5 to September 13, I983. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners Present. 5.4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Ap1ENDMENT CPA 9-$3 - ZONE CHA.NGE ZC 8-83 Galla's Vineyard/Her.b Morissette Builders NPO �,� 7 A •remand from City Council to allow for NPO �� 1 input for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low Density ta Medium Density Residential and Zone Change from R-7 (Single Famil:y Residential) to R-5 (Single Family Residential). • Assistant Planner Pishvaie ma�ie staff's recommendation for approval. • NPO COMMENTS - Aob Boberg, representing NPO 7, oppossed the a.ncrease in de 't nsi y. • APPI,I�ANT'S PRESENTATION: - Hans J. Vatheuer, Alpha Engineers, commented they had gone before the NPO, that staff had r.ecommended approval and that the Plazrning Commission had previously approved this application. He rec�ue�ted the Planning Comznissian again approve the request. PUBLIC Z'ESTIMONY � Leonard Scheckla, 10200 SW Durham Road, supported the Comprehensive Plan Amendment anei ,Zone Change. He also asked the Planning Commission to include his propertsr (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DC lot 2800) with this application. • Th�res� Hams-Ciapanno, 11660 SW 113th Place, opposed the ap�lication because of the drainage problems in the axeaa • Carol Hard�,e, 11800 SW 113th Place, submitted a �.etter opposing the application (staf� read). She gave additional testim�xty regarding the drainage problem. She felt increaszng the density would only increKSe the drainage problem. • Larry Jensen, 1163$ SW 113th, opposed the appZi.^_atian t�ecause of the draa.nage problem. Ae also did n�t want densiry increased tn allow frontage of property to be 33 feet as surrounding propertiPS frontage average 70 feet. PLANNING COMMZSSION MINUTES August 30, 1983 Page 4 � — ----— _ _ _ CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTT.AL • Commissioner Uwens question Alpha Engineering how th�� would deal wil-h tha drainage prob'lem. Mr. �atheuer said they would be submitting a drainage Flan for approval by the city engineer. • Lengthy discussion followed regarding the drainage problem which would be ereated with the increased density. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED • Cou►missianer Moen commented he had originally favored the change, however, since going ahead with the Comprehensive Plan process he did � not favor making the change, • Commissioner Fyre felt the applicant and NPO should work together to come up with an agreement. • Discussion followed whether or not the criteria had been met and if they shouYd give the applicant ba:ck what he had been previously agproved. Consensus of the Commission was that the Comprehensive Plan had been adopted and not enough of the determinants for density ranges had been met. • Commissioner Owens moved an� Cammissioner Fyre seconded to deny Comprehensive Plan Ame�dment CPA 9-83 and ZONE CHANGE ZC 8-83 based on policy 12.1.1 b, failure to ineet determinants A 3 and 5; and B 1, 2 4 and 5• and also based on the a�d' ' � itio�al i�format' 9 ion submitted b y i the public, the NPO, and the failure to meet the Current Gomprehensive Plan. Motion carried by majority of Commissioner present, President Tepedino voting no. - 5.5 ZONE CHANGE ZC 10-83 Boberg/Chagelle/Sorenson/Larson/Sollars/Zimmerman A request for a zone �hange From R�20 ta R-10 for the following properties: 10570, 10600, 1Q660, 10730, 10750, 10770 and 10800 SW North Dakota (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DA, tax lots 2300, 2�+00, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 310D and 3200). • Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendati.on for approval with conditions. • NPO COMMENTS - Mr. Boberg, representing NPO �k 7, supported the Zone Change s �I'PLICANT'S PRESENTATIUI�: Mr. Bobeig, 10660 North Dakota explained the history of the change, �xFlaining how they had acted i.n haste dur�ng the Comprehensive Plan hearing pracess and were now requesting R-�10 zoning instead of the R-20. PUBLIG HEAftING CLOSED PLANNING GOMMISSION MINUTES August 30, 1983 Page 5 l - •—----- ---_- _ CRUSS �XANIINATION AND REBUTTAZ • Commissianer Butler questioned staff why they were recommending R-10 instead of R-7; Staff replied they were only supporting the applicant's reques:t. • Discussion followed regarding the charactex <�f the land and the possibility of including lots 29Op and 3000 wit�► this applicati.on, � Assistant Planner Pishvaie stated that the owner of lots 290D and 3000 had called staff and had requeEted not to be included in the zon� change. • Gommission Moen moved and Commissioner �wens seconded to approve Zone Chang�e ZC 10-83 from R-20 to R-10 with conditions in L-he s:taff report • Motion carried by majority of Commissioners present, Commissioner Butler voting no. 6. OTHER BUSINESS � Distributed �ummary of the 1983 changes made in tha structure of Oregon's land use process submitted by the City Attorney. 7. Meeting Adjourned 10:15 P.M. , . . . Diane M. Je �ie , Secretary ATTEST: \ Fr ncis ,7. Te edino, President PLANNING CO1��MISSION MINUTES AUGUSZ' 30, 1983 Page 6 l _ _ - --=- -- PLANNING COM�IISSION MErTING AUGUST 30, 1983 - 7:30 P.M, 5.1. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 8-83 and ZONE CHANGE ZC 11-$3 Richard � Sturgis NPO �f 1 A r�equest fur a Comprehensive Flan Amendment from Medium Density to High Density and a Zone Change from A-12 to A-40 Mu1ti-Family residential located at 13335 SW Ha11 B1vd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2DA Tax Lot 702). _ 5.2 GOMPREHENS NE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 14-83 LCDC Goal �� 5 A request by the City of Tigard to update the Comprehensive Plan to comply with. LGDG Statewide Plannixig Goa1 �k 5 considering an analysis of Economic, Social Environmental and Energy (EESE) factors. Copies of the EESE Report are available for review at the Tigard Public Library, 12568 SW Main Street, Tigard, Oregon. 5.3 PLANNED DEVELOPM�;NT ZC PD 29-79a & b Brittany Square (Winter Lake) NPO �� 7 ^ A request 'b� Century 2� Development Company for a modification of an approved planned development in orcier to allow five (5) foot yard setbacks on all lots. Property is located east of 135th Avenue bekween Scholls Ferry Road and Walnut Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33D, lat 300 and Tax Map 1S1 33DC, lots 100, 300, 400 and S00). 5.4 COMPREHENSIC7E PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 9°83 - ZONE CHANGE ZC 8-83 - SUBDIVISION � S 7-83 Gallo's Vinyard/Herb Morissette Buxlders NPO �� 7 A remand from City Gouncil �o allow for NPO �k7 input for a Gomprehensive Plan Amendmenk from Low Density to Medium Density Residential and Zone Change from R-7 (Single Famzly Residential) to P�5 (Sxng1P Family Residential). A1so approval of a 22 1at Single Family R�:sidential Subdivision for 5,000 sq. ft. lots on. 3.38 acres located at SW Tigard Street and SW 113th Ave. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DC tax lot 29-01). 5�5 ZONF CHANGE ZC 10-83 Boberg/Chapelle/Sorenson/Larson/Sollars/Zimmerman/ � _ Patecky NPO �� 7 A r.e uest for a zone chan e from R-20 ta R-10 the ro ext is desi riated q g � P P Y g Low Densit lacat�d at 10570, 10660, 106�J0, 10630, 10750, 10770 and 10800 Y . DA T x ots SW North Dakota (Wash. Go Tax Map 1S1 34 , a 1 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, and 3200) dmj(0076P) �. . . . .. � Ltf�1L � ' V�1/ � �3 � � � T I G A R D P L A N Nf I N G C O M M I S S I O N — NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DES'IRIIVG TO SFEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIF2 NAME and no�e their address on this sheet, (please Print your name) I�EM/bESCRIP.'rION:_� 0 ���j �� � � z� l� -�� u �v �-/ PR�PONENT (For) OPPONENT (against)/ Name, Address and Affiliatiqn Na e, Address and Aff' liation ; �..w� �.�" l S O�P�S�►`� � �� T ' - , �� �. :� � r_____ �� . . . 5 .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . �. � ' _ _ � � � � � � �� UC�LL � ...�' s��"'�C�/ . T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S 5 -I O N NSJTICE: ALL l�E'RSObiS DESIRI1dG TU SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST STGN THEII2 NAME and reote thei.� addr�ss on this sheet. (Flease P'ri11� your r�am�� ITEM/bESCRIP.TION: �� CJ � • �T � . ��� �C,� � � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Add�ess and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation I _ ; �— 'i � ^ , ' , . . � -_— _ _ __- - � utali. � ��_� T T G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I 0 N � — NOTICE: AL� PERSONS DE�IRING TO SPEAK nN A'NY ITEM MUS�` SIGN THEI,12 NAME and note theix address on this sheet. (please Print you�' name) ITEM/bESCRIP`TION: �."�� ��' p� �y„�9 °� �b �'�'`r F �--L� � � `�—_� � PROPONENT (For) OPPONE,NT (a�ainst) Name, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation __�-, ��'�.��1 � , ��t��. �.-� �"✓�� � � � _�_ ,� , , � � : _ _ . . . . LY11 a:� �� �.�-T�-J�IL� ' � T I G A R D P L A N N I N G G O M M I S 5 I O N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRI�TG TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME and note their address, on tha.s sh�et. (please Print ,your name) , ITEM/bESCRIP.TI�N:������'�j � ��� � � /' �� t • � �nr 3 � PROFONENT (For) DP�OI�TENT (against)' Name, Addre:ss and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation /��� �, r ./,G-'1.�.-:t as...�.�/_-.�-'� ,��`� ��f� AT�;""'"'� �' Y.�r , ; , , � __:� . :, ; _ .,�-" r''R'�,, _.. �''' �.�r, � ^ '"� f"' ,� f ,. ._, , , . ..-_• , "' . ,.+'" .�'��^ .� r�' s p . � �� .�'` �r ��. �-�.�`'c:"���. �a �Y! �� ,t r^ � . . . v..� � . .. (t-r'/ ,,,.,'� _ �_ ��. . � .�i.� R..P f. � _�_ _ �", �j '"' ` / ,� «y� ✓ ...�r}+ /`e/ � /'�.;j✓`t°.,�'� �`�~`" ,f^��"'+.J, �a�'� ,y"'��,,.��,;'7,a��'.�?, ,r',�',;+�'�',,'t,1���� ,. �. '�`,`a �., /°°��'Y'1�`� `1'v s�.�:3 ��,�.�,�1(°'"k�l.:i (,,,, `"�� c. . . .. � � . " �`�� �i{»�t:�r 'FAr� z� ,s�f; E�1�, !�'_ ,c�>•C'� 1�G"��.1 a.1�"�.-L,� 1 S'-,���z.,l� t�• �. � : ; �� � II . � , _ , LC1tl. �r��� � . T I G A R D P L A N N Z N G C O M M T S S I 0 N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS .DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANX ITEM MCJST SIGN THEIE2 NAM:E and note their address on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bESCRIPTION:��� �,C I�•lJ� PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Na�e, Address and Affiliation Name, Address and Affiliation � l G l-�,�1,(�, V� �Cl��'11�-�`�°` ' �.J i�� ';� , � �i I � I I � � � i I � I Z'ig�a�d Pl�nni�g Commi�ssian . �al1�LA3G ��A �,9�3 "' �:�o ���e � .� �ngaxc� Sch�ol Diskrict — Baard k�cao� , 13i37 S.W. Pacifrc HA�hw�y ', fiig��d; Oregon ' �� Ga's"L,� �(? (}RDEEt ` � I 2. �?�LL CALL i� � i 3. Approve �2a�n�i�.ng Commissi.oz� Nixnuk�s fr.��. Jul,y �6, arad �Augaas� 23� I.9��. ' I , �S. ;l.anning Commiss�.on Ca�munic.��iox� ��, 5. �'U�LIC kIEARJ[NGS I �e 1 CaM1PR�H�NS]:CJE PL11I� e�I�lE2��)N1ERT CPA 8—�3 �n� Zt?N� CFiAIdGE 7.0 �.1--�33 II 1Richard StKirgis NPO �k 1 a ,I S,2 COhfPREH��ISIVE PLAN AMETVI3MENT ��A Z4�8� T.���JC Gaal �� S li � � 5e.3 ETLANNED DEV�LaPMENT. ZCPI3 �9-79 a & b Britkan.y Sqe��rE N�'tl �r� 7 5 0 4 COMP1t�HENS��JE PJ�1N AA4LPdAMENT CF'�1. 9-83 f ZOT�tE CHELI3�� :�C $--83 / �I SU�DIVISION u 7°°�3 G�l�o`s Viny��df�i�rb P�orzss�kt B�a.�.ders tVL�O �� 7 i So 5 �O�IF' CYi,A.NGk� ZC 10—�3 Bob�rg/�Yf�p�11�/SoxensoetJl.arsor�/�ol�.azs/ Z�.mmermax►/Pateck� N�'a� �� 7 � I I � 6, 4THER BllSId�ES � 7. AI➢,�OUR'xVME�1T � i � � � I � � .. � � � I � I J dmj(0�76P) , I � , � '!' I �CARll P LAAi �I I A� G COMHt I S S ID N REGUT,AR MEETIiVC August 30y 19$3 I I ' lo Presiden� Tepedino cal.l.ed the meeting to orde� at 7;46 P.M. , 7.'he me��xnb w�.s h�Yd a� 1'i�ard SchaoJ� DisCrict - rn Ghe Bo�rd t2caom, I313'7 Sa[�e k'�cifnc Hwy. , Ti�ard, Or. I 2a ROLd. �A1,L: PRESEI�7C: President Tepedino, Commissioners Moen, Ower�a, �utler and Fyre. A�fSENT� Co,mmissioner_Edin, Christen, L��rerett, �Iar.sie�+wood. ST�.1FF: Director of Planaaing and De�rel�pnaenC William Ao Monahan; Associ.ate Pl.anne� E1.fzabeCh Ne�atc�n and Assi�tant Pla�ner Hamid Pishvaie; Seesetary L�i�ne i�. Jelderks e � 3� t4inutes from AugusC 2, 19$3 were �onsidereda C�mmissione•,� Masn. moved and Commission (Jw�ns s���o�ided to approve the mnnut�s as submattedo /�. FLANNT�IG C�UMMISSION COMMUXVI:CA'TION , � �'bess.dent 7.'�p�dina w�lc�smed Ma.lt�aa� F'yre, he �►ad b�era �p�oia�kPd Mond�y nzght by City Coiincxl �r� �.k�.� Pl.an.ni�g Cormnissaona �. PUB]LI� HEAKZNGS 0 5.1 C��PIItEHENSIVE �LAtd ANi.�IdDMENT CPA �-$3 a.nd ZONE CE1�4NGE I1--83 Richard 5L-urgis �- �tPO �� 1 � �A rec�uest for � Coc�prehen�ive Plan �lmendment from medium d�n���y to high d�nsiLy an�i a Zone Criang� �zom A°°12 �o A-40 Multi-�ami�.y residential. 1ocaCeci at 133:35 SW M�t�l �lvci. �bda�ho Ca. 'rax Map 2S1 a 2AA rax Io� 7Q2)o • A.ssistant Pl�.nne� Pishvai� marle st�ff's recommendaCi.on f�x de�i��o � NFQ COMMEN�S - Garetka �tt, rsFresenkin.g �IP(i �� I, st���:d �h�y di.�l nc�� have a quorum ta submit a official recommPndatian, howevF�r, t�.e �hree mem�iers who did review �he appli.cation opposea� ehe inca�eas� in derASity £or the site. a RPFLIC�NT'S PRFSENTA�ION - Richard Sturgis requesCec3 the Pls�n�xing Commission approve his applicatiaia citing that � �he criteria for mediurn hi.gh and high derzsi.ty had bsen met. He showPd pictureQ of �h�e site. He expla;.ued how khe sit� had been �a�proved �or a spec�nl �on� wiiiGh allowed a multi-unit home for the ag�d ��d l�ow he interded Co develop the site. .. , a Cammnssi�oner !Owe��� nated that the s��ff report �aak�d tkaat crike�ri�a numbex six had not been mek; tdai� �h�uAd he ztem num�ex sevs►�o Len��h.y �lis�ussion followed re�arda�� th� criteri� b�i.n� me�, P[J��.7LC TE axlMf�id�' e+ As�ociate Plr�ainer Newtoi� rea�i M�s. Gloria Johnsnn's and Commissior�er li Edir�es letters a�p�o�i�ag the Comprehensive Plan �nendm��.t and Zone I�i Change e I e Gareth IJtt, 9f1S5 SW �dgewooda o�pased Che Gmmpreh�nsive �'lara Amendm�nt and �6RE C�eange. He showe�l a ces�ay of the 19�7, NPd �k ;. Plan and zhe nas� e�cisting �83� r.or�e. He urged tl�e �lai�nin� Connmi���o� Co �upport tlh� curres►� pl.an., which hari a�ready been tl�rough the j public hearing prQeess, �nd sCa�� �e�omm�na�aLi.on for denial. • R.db Blake'�y, repres�nting Tigaxd Chra.s�a.an �hutch, opposed �he application. �Te wa� �concsrn.ed if the densit�r w�, cnanged tfl�at apar�m�iYts eould be Y�uilt if this a�pli.cant did not develop as �xe is prc���s�ng. a CKOSS EXAMI�d64TI0N Addll KEBUTT.t3.L e C�nunissione�c Ba,itlez �tated tha� tne had bsen a memher nf NPU �� 1, tw�o years ago and �l1ey ha� c�}�pc��eci this appls.�cation, hnwe�re�, thryy �u�re ��er�uled by the Plarning Caa�ni�sion �nd C:ity Coua�cil at that time. I � �s.sr.ussio�n fc�llowe� r�garcii.��g the �ista�y o� the apg>'Lica�:z.an. �► hflr. S�ur�i� sta�_e�. that he had gur�ha e��i th.e p�operty cs�nditi�onad o�c CYie approval nf ttee Comprek��nsa.v� pl�n HauP�xrimea�t, which waE � ap�,roweda Also9 s:.nc� tk►� �.rm�erty ��s i.n. ���� Ce�tC:ra1 ��asiness j �istr:.ct this applis:�tion shauld be allo��ed. i.�ngthy� d�.scu:saon ifollo��d xegarding ChE C�D and b�f�e�ing. FI7BLIC HEARZN� �LOS�� � Comnzissianer Ma�n expsessed �eg� cax�c�rn for. t[�e eli�a.n.ata.ara of the �` pekie specia� d.istrict for th�e ag,ede �Ie did nc�t supp�art cha���in� �he ! density because arxyt�ing could g� a€ this �rc�jecL fe1l �hrough. Cr�ai�nissioner 0-wens agreed, � Cammiss�.aner BuM�1er st�t�cl that thPx�� had be�n a lat o€ time �nd m�ny i�dividuals who have FoughC ta keep thzs ax�a at medium den�zty� a Presi�enC Tepedino 1Ee1C it was un£ortunate tha� a previou�ly ap�rc�v�d pr��ect l�at its aQ�no�a1� H� felt this was a ��li�:y �,asu� an�3 khat b�ffering was importanCo � CQmmissioner Fyre di�1 not �uppc�rt a i�i�her densi�y, This wauld be a �igeaigicant chaitge in t1�e Ca�nprehez�si�v� PXan. and it wouZd be dev�s�nCin� if a thxee sCory hou�ing projeat woe�ld be buil� on this site. PL�.P�NZNG GON`,MISSION MINUTES August 3Q, i933 Page 2 . � i �I w �oimn�i.��x.onar �faeit w�r� disa��pr��.x�ted thaL th�� �co�al.d �xot 1z�it tl�� ��.re to m senior cec�t�r developrn�nt as at is so close to the sei�io,r �c�ntere � " � �ommis�ionEr Mo�ei Eno�red ax�d Ca�n�is$ioner �ut].er secoca�eci to deny Cam�reli�nsive Pls�. �Amer►dment CPP, 8°83 and 7one� �}nan�P 11-83 per staf�f°s findings an�1 �ceconrm�ndaL-ions. � M�tian carrisd unanimously by Commissianer� presen�. I�, �i 5,2 COM3.'R�HLNS IVE 1'LAN AI�:EIVDM�N'T CPA 14-83 L�DC, �a 1 # 5 I I A z��equest by the Cil�y o� Tigard to update the Gom�r�hensive Plan to I com�iy with LCDC Statewzde Planizxng Goai �'k S to coe�sider an analysis I I of Economi�, �ocial Envirornmental and Energy (ESEE) f�ctoxso � Ass�cia�e Plar►ner Ne��ton reviewed the doc�ment. w C�mmissi.oner Oraen� que.stioned z.f Summer Cre�ek near Bull. Mount��in was incorr.ect, I1iscE�.ssion fo�.lou�ed regardi�� locatiatb �f various siCNS. PU�LI� HEARING �LC13�I3 - Action to be taken a€ter the rece�sa � I 5»3 A'LAZ�INED DEV�L9PM�1�� ZC PD 29-79 a & b - Brittac�y Squa�ce (WinY_er Y..ake� 1V.PO i'1' 7 m A r.equest by Ceyxt�ry 21 Developmerit Compsn� far a modi��.caticrn of an approaeri planned development xn o�-der to aYl.oca f�.ve (5) foc�r ysrd setbacks on all 1ots. Prop�xty is Iocated �easC af 135th Avenue betwean Scho�ls �erxy �toacP and Walnut St» (Wa�l10 Co. Tax Map 1S1 33D lot 300 and Tax N3ap 181 331�C lot 100, 30Q �+00 arad 5Q0). 4 �.ssociatE Planner �lewto� n�zade st�ff`s recommenci�t�on for app•roval' � with cornd.itions. P a NPC1 or (:CI COAII�3E�ITS - �Io one appeared Y:o spealc. � A�P�.ICAAIT'S Pfi�ESE��TATIDI� - J,ac�es Z'ol.od�y Centusy 21 flomes st�teci khey w�c,�ld be constreactang the s�m� type o� uni_�s as Cl��y �ave �at Y,ond�n I'�3 5qu�re. Ttae pur.�sose of thzs ap�l�,c�i.io�. is to ccarr,QCt an �avex�sa.�ht I PUFsLIC TESTIMOIdY - No on� appearec� to speak C�.OS� EXE1hII�lATION AN1D ttEBUT�Ad. a� Commissianer Owens aslced if t�ese would be two sGc�r� u�its. �1r. Polol� st�ted they were actu�'l1y 1 1/2 s�osy. PLANNIING COMMISSION DISCUSSZ(3N A.NI� ACTLON � Conuniss�.oner �aer�s movea and Cocr,mi�sianer. Moett se�ondLd ka appr�ve s c,aith a candition, the appii�ani:s a�eques� for modificatzoYt to �n approved �ianned de�elopment in order to allos� fxv� foot side y�ard setbacks on a11 lots. �C�,CESS 8:55 .PoM. RECONVEL�E 4:06 PQP4. , � Pb,ANI�ING C�t�XSaI�iN MINU7'ES 1�ugust 30, 19�3 Page 3 Y " , m Mi.nute� fs�m 3uly �6, 1983 were �r�ns�der�edo Px'e�ideret Z'e�edxxxo mov�rl and Cr�nuni€�sianer �faen mvvec� far ��,�roval c�f ,7uly 26��h maa►utes sutxmitt��i. �Iotnon car�ied unanimau�l;� by �'omr�assi.onexs present. � �sso�iat� P�.����e:. �I�wton su�g�st�d tixe Commissian cox�tnc�u� th� ES�E �sn�il Segkember 13, 19�3, to �i.�r� sta�£ an m�pax�.utzity �o �nake ' Gorrecti.o�ts. ', I � pz�sisien� T'epedina cnoved ar�s� C�m�nissAOner �3utler secax�ded ta �il ca�tn.nraed Comprel�ensive Pla�e 4lmendm�n@: �I'�, 14°83, LCDC Goal �,� � Co ; Septembe� t3, 19$3, Mot�an caxried unanimousl.y b� Gomcni�s�onexs pre�ent. i � I 5.� CUMl'REHEEVSIVE PLAN AMENI�t�1�N`T CPA ��°8:3 -° 2�NE �HAtd(�E �C 8-�3 � �aLlo's �Jine}�ard/Hexb Mor�ssette �uilde�s I�PO �'� 7 .� r�eman� from �it�! C'oe�nci.1 to �lloca fas NI�O # 7 ixep�st for a Ca�mprehensive Plan Amendmei�.t fzom I�o.a De��sA�y t�a M�dAUm D�nsi.ty F�e�i�ien�.zal and 'Lone Chang� trom R-7 (5xngle Famgly R.�sici�r��z.�a�) ta �--5 (Si�g1e Famz�.y Re�i.dential)a ,, � � Assist��.t PlanYler Pi.shvaie m�de ��aff°s re�nmm�aida�a.on far app���v�1, � IdP�D COMI�E;NTx - Bab Bab�rg, rep�e�e�t�.ng A7Pfl 7= �s�p�ssed khe i�n�;cease �n de�sit�o e .A]PPLl:GA1�T°i PRESE�Tt��'ION: ° �ans �4 Va�heener, A7.phe. Ei1g1:lteXS a I coxnan�n4:�€� they had �mn� be€o�e the NPQ, �hat s�a£f t�ad �ec�ma��x�d�ed I a.pprmva3. a�d tk�at the P.l.anneng Commassion h�.d pr�vivus➢�y ag�pr�,v�d t�iis apglication. He x•ec�tie�tecl L-t�e P1ann�n� Co��is�inn a�ain appacove the request, PUB�1C i'E�TIE1Qtd� � �,�oz�ard �Cfl7ECIC�.B' i!3?.�0 S41 I�urham Roacl, s3.�ppagted the Ccampreh�msa�� � Plan �snendment anc� Zone tfiangea He �i�sa ask�ct the F�.�nmi�ag Co�runission to inclxide �is }�rogerty (Wa�h. Coo �ax rlap 1SZ �41?C lrat 2800,� witE► th,is �p�Lic3tian. �° a '1'Izeresa Hams�Ciapanno, 3.1660 S�1 �23�h P1ace, apposed tl�e �pp�gca[s.on � � because of the cir�iilag� pxo�l�ms in �he area. � � Cax°ol H,ardie, li8(JO SMI 113Ch Pl�c�, sub�niCted a 3.e��er a���os�ng Che � aPPli.caCion ;st��ff r�ad�e Stae g�ye add��ional testf�ony r�gardin� � ths drainag�e pzablean. She felt z.ncr�asirx$ t�ie c�ensity wou�d only � inczease Che dsainage probiama � � Larx�y Jensen, ].I538 SW I13th, opposed th� applicai:i.an b�cau�� at t�e drainagt� prablecn. He a1�a did not want r3ex�sity �.nczea�ec� �o �llAw frontage o:E pro�a�ert� tea !Se 33 €eet as surrr�undin� pzoperties f�•o�iCZt�� average 70 f�et. PLAN�IING COMh1ISSI0�1 MINUT�S August �4, 19e33 Page 4 . N �� �it(3SS ExAi•I�A]A7['IQN ANll R�BtJTT�T, � Cornma.ssia�r►es t��rect� GllII�5tiYOXY l�lpl�a Lnginee�a�ig t�as� ��e� wc�al.d deal a�xth tk�e dn-airbag� p�c�blesn. Mr. Vath�u�;r said they would be R�sbrs�itting a dxai�age plan for ��pso�al by ttse ci.ky en�a�aE��ro • L�ngth� discussxon fo�.Lc�wed r�gax°din,� the drai.n�ge problem which �oul�d be crea.ted with Che increased densit,ya I'U�LTC HEA�.ING CLOSE� ` o Cammissioi��r. Moes►. coasime.nt�d hr? had arigie�ally Fa�rorec� �h� chan�e, t-►c,wev�r, �znc� goixag ����d w�.t� t�e �mpsehensiv� Plan p�oce5s he �id na� fav�ar +m�ki�g th� ch�n�e. g Ca��missiona:r. Fy;�e feLt the appii�canC and NP'� sh��s�� woz�lc tagektier Ce� cs�me u� wi��t �c� a�re�ment. a� �3iscussiox� follo�apd �rhethex �r no� the �riter�.a r��a �b�ea� met �nd if they shoeald gxve the ap��acant bac�c �a�at he t�ad b�en �revi.ously app�ov��l, �on�eY�.sus of th.e Commzssic�r� was that the Co�nga��hensive Plan l�ad b�en �d�p�ed �e�d nok �nc�u�;h a� �:h� dete�rninaxxts for den�ity xan�es h��d been met. � �omrceisszoner (ha�ns mnv�ed and Cam�►issianer Fyre secorcdec€ c� d�n� CramPxeti�nszvaP P�an. Am�ndmen� CPA 9•~83 ��.d ��N� GE�L3,NGE ZC �-$� �a�ed on �al�cy l2�1.3. b t fazlu.re ta mec t de�c�rm�.nants t� 3 ai7d 5� ai�d I� 1, 2, 4 and 5; �nd aTs� l��ased on th�� ac3di.ti�nal in�o�m�tiaa� su'�m.�Cte�i by kt►� pubLic, t�►� �IP�J, a��d the �ail�;re t� ni�.e� t�e Cur.r��.t Compret��nszve PLacc. �to��.on car•ri�d by m�jorit� of Comrni�sioner pres�nt, �'re�i.dent 'Tepedi.no vA�z��ng no. 5.5 ZO'iVE CI�fsYdGE ZC 10-£33 �ob�rg/G[�apeYl�J�o�ensan./L,ars�n/�a�.l�ts/Zz.rrnm�rman : r A r�quest f�� a zone �h�n�e �rom R�-20 to R-1Q �or khe f�Ilawin� praperk%es: 1�'S7�y iQb00, Id660, T(�7aQ, 1075�, 1C177Q ac�d 1Q£�00 aW Norkta Dak.n�a {Wa��. �so Tax Nkap 3.51 34�fA, tax lor� 2��10, 24(30, �500, 26�?(3, 2700P 2P00� 31�30 a�ad 3200}. � � � Assaczate Plan�aer �e���on mad� s��fi�'� �°e�ammex�c�ation �o� �ppeoval � wi�h eondiCi�nsa 5�° �° � NP� �O1�I1�iFNTS - A9r. Bc�b�rg, repr�serntang �tPO ,�� 7, supported the �oras � � Che.x�ge i � � �► AP�'LICAP�T'S PR�SENTA7'I�N: P1r. Hobex�, l.OF�60 ��rth T�a�s��a �azplain�d t�a� hzstory of Che �l�ange, explaa��ai.c�� hc�w rhey had �c:ted a.ra haste duri.�g �he Campreh��sive �l�n hearing proc�ss and weze r�aw requesting R�LO xoi�xng instead o� Che R-'L(3. PUB1<TC HF��ilid� CLOSED PLAP�NING C�Af��I��SION M?NiJTES Augu�t 3Q, 1383 k'�$e 5 - -—- - _ . � „ � ��05 a LN"X�SI4�1l�TIC?i�i ATVD FtE1�0'T�'.�.L � Caroma�si�n�� BcatZ�r quest3.on�d �tac£ wi�y tt��y �rer� �ecommer��i.ca� It�IQ I i¢�st��d s�� R-7y Staff ��plied th�� w�s� on�.y �c�ppa�t�.ng Ch� �PPlicant°s sequesto . �+ ��.�c�assxon S:ollowed regardia�g L-h� chara��er of rh�e l�nd and t�e pa:�e��ba.li��r of i�►cZuding lr��s 290Q �nd 30Q(? u�ikh Ctai� �.�Spl.aica�ian, �► Assistar�C I'la�ne�r �'is�vaie stated thaG k.�re o�rner c�f lats 13t30 a�� 30QQ k�ad cal7.ed staff azn�i had gecguested not ta �e inelucied an tiae i �9xte cltan��, I I � t;om�ni.saion �1o�n �ioved an� C�mmi��im�er O�er�s secor►c�ed t� appra�v� Z�rie Ckzaa�g� Z� 1U--83 frcam �-2:a to R--�.Q wxth cancla.tions zn ti�e �ta�f r�paxt � Mo�ian carri�d by ma.�orz.ty of Commi�siona:r� �sesent,, Commission�r Bukler vo�gng nae 6a I�THk.R BUSx�IE�S � I ,� Y • D�.s�xibuted 's�anm��:y of the 1383 ���ang�s cna�ie iaa the sS:riacture af O�egon's �.�x�c� us� pxncess �u��m�Cted b� th�e CA.ty �ttorxa��. 7e I�eetxng t�.djou�n�d 10:15 P.M. �I i I d �I J I ��an� �1. J� de p Se�r�tar� � I ,�,TT�S'�': � ---- - I I � � I � I . \ ', � � 6Ci �,_ � Fs racis ,�o Te edino, 3're�ident ,�! � � � � E'I:ANNI'NG C(J.MMZSSION I�TNUTES 1�U(�UST 30, I9�i3 P�g� �