Planning Commission Packet - 08/02/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . . � . . � . �. . � . . . . �. { � . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGEN:DA - TIGARD PI.ANNIN'G COMMISSION I� AUGUST 2 , 1983 - 7 :30 P.M. TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM ' 13137 S .W. PACIFIC HIGHWAY TI�GARD, OR. 1 . Call to Order 2 . Ro11 Call 3 . Appsove Planning Commission Minutes fram July 12 , and July 19 , 1983 . 4 . Plann.ing Commission Communication 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS 5 . 1 SITE DESIGN 1tEVIEW SDR 26-79 5ummerfzeld Sh�pping Center NPO �� 6 A request by Realtq Financial Services Co. for a modifica�ion to an approved �lanned development for the Summerfield Shopping Center. Locateds Gorner of Durham and 99W (Wash. Co. Tax Map (2S9 lOD Tax lots 1902, 19U6 and part 1910). 5 .2 GOMPREHENST.VE PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 12-83 ZONE CHANGE ZC 9-83 PCM Assoc . /�ortland , Chain NPO �� 2 A request for a Comprehensive Plan Change from Industrial to General Commercial and a Zone Change from Industrial-Light to C-3. Located: 9770 SW Scholls Ferry Itd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map iSl 27DD 1ot 1200) 6 . OTHER BUSINESS 7, ADJOURN w T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C 0 M I� I S S I 0 N REGULAR MEETING August 2, 1983 1. President Te�edino called the meetin� to order at 7:42 P.M. , The meeting was helcl at Tigard School Districc - in the Board Room, 13137 S.W. Pacific Hwy. , Tigard, Or. 2. ROT'L CALL: PRESENT� President Tepedino, Commissioners Vanderwood Moen, Edin., Butler. ABSENT; Commissioner Ghristen, Owens, Leverett. STAFF: Director of Planning and Development Wil.liam A. Monahan; Associate Planner Elizabeth. Newtan and Assi.stant Planner Hamid Pishvaie; Secretary Diane bi. Jelderks 3. The Planning Commission minutes for July 12, 1983 and July 19, 1983 were considered. Commission Butler noted that the Motion on ZC 7-83 was from A-12 to A-20 PD. President Tep�edino n�ted several spelling and grammar errors. ~ Commissioner Edin moved and President Tepedino seconded to approve mi.nutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously by Commi.ssioners present. 4. PLANNING CUMMISSION COMMUN7:CATION o Associate Planner Ne�raton informed the Camniissioners that CPA 8-83, Richard Sturgis; CPA 13-83, Carl Johnson; and ZC 10-83, Boberg/Chapelle/Sorenson/Larson/Sollars/2immerman/Patecky, which were advertised for a public hearing a.n the Tigard Times would not be heard until August 23, 1983, in order for the NPO's to revzew and comment. � Richard Boberg, representing NPO �k 7 stated they had not been notified of Che publzc hearing on July 19, 1983 for Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 6-83 and Zone Change ZC 7-83 for Dakota Greenway Condominiums. The NFO had exgected to meet with the applicant again before a public hearing was held.. Discussion followed. Staff would advise City Gouncil and they could determine whether to remand back to the 1'lanning Conunission or acce�t testimany from the NPO at the City Council public hearing. 5d PUBLIC HEARII�TGS i` o President Tepedino opeYred the public hearings by reading the procedure to be followed during the meeting. 5.1 SITE DESIGN REVIEW 5DR 26-79 - Summerfield Shopping Center NPO �� 6 A request by Realty Financial Services Co. for a modification ta an approved planned development for the Summerfield Shopping Center. I,ocated: Corner of Durham and 99W (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOD lot 1902, 1906 and part of 1910). o Assaciate Planner Newton made staff's recommendatiun for approval as requested by applicant. She also stated she had attended NPO �� 6's meeting where they had reviewed this application and the NPO supported the applicant's request. o APPLICANT'S PRSENTATION - Rick Lewis, Realty Financial Services Co. showe� pictures of the Summer.field Shopping Center and ask the Planning Commission to approve their request. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o J � Bishop, 10505 SW Barbur Blvd. 5-�00 supported the applicant's request citing it was a good location for general commercial use and the PD was an undue burdon. CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTAL o Commissioner Moen questioned why the restriction had been placed on the ro'ect in the first lace. President Te edino recolleted that P J P P it ha.d to do with the traffic and ser�ving the needs of Summerfield. COMMISSION DISCUSS AND ACTION o C�mmissioner Edin moved and Commissioner Moen seconded �o approve remova'1 of the PD from SDR 26-79 based on staff's findings and recommendations. Motion carried unanixuousiy by Commissioner present. 5.2 COI�IFREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 12-83 and ZONE CHANGE ZC 9-83 PCM Associates/Portland Chain NPO �� 2 • A request for a Comprehensive Plan Change from Industrial to General Commercial and a Zane Change from Industrial-Light to C-3. Located: 9770 SW 3cholls Ferry R.d. (Wash. co. Tax Map 181 27DD lot 1200). o Associate P3.anner Newton made staff's recomm�ndakion for denial to protect the industrial designation of tk�e Comprehensive Plan. o NPO COMMENTS ° No one agpeared to speak. ' o APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION - Mr. Michael McKinnon, 400 SW 6th Ave. , explained the difference between PCM Associates and Portland Chain. He reviewed the history of the szte and the zone changes which occurred. fIe said he was never notified of the North Tigard Businessman Association meeting, which discussed how the property would be designated. He stated that the whole surrounding area PLANNING COMMISSION MTNUTES August 2, 1983 Page 2 � ----------- ---- -- _ should be considered when evaluating the proposed request. This is a prime site for a retail outlet and would provide jobs as well as increase the value of the land. He felt Portland Chain was not compatible with su•rrounding land uses. o Lans Stout, Planner for MacKenzie/Saito Engineering addressed the following four �o:ints: 1. Portland Chain as a heavy iildustrial use is not compatible with surrounding uses. 2. The area . ha.s changed since Washington County orginially zoned the property. It has become a hub area which would make it a suitable site for Levitz. 3. The site meets locational criteria for a Connmercial desigiiation. 4. Levits would be compatible with surrounding land uses. o Dave Larson, Tr�affic Engineer, MacKenzie/Saito Engineering had done a traffic stirvey and found the traffic created by Levitz would be equivalent to that created by Portland Chain. Also the nrajority of the traffi� wou:ld enter from Scholls Ferry Road. o John Skourtes, member of the North Tigard Businessmens Association did noC support the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. He stated that Mr. Mckenna had been notified of the North Tigard Businessmens Association meeting to discuss the Comprehensive Plan designaeions for Cascade Blvde Industrial area. Also there are numerious commercial sites available which would be suitable for �evitz needs. CROSS EXAMINATION ANI� REBUTTAL o I�Ir. McICenna responded that he had never received a letter from the North Tigard Businessmens Association. o Commisss.on Moen questioned if they had acted on both pieces of property during the Comprehensive Plan process; Statf responded they had only acted on khe "Toy I2 Us" site. o Terry liauck, Standard Plaza, (222-99$1), applicant's legal cr�un5e1, ' stated the ari,�inal Compreh�nsive Plan Amendment included the total site. Discussion followed. RECESSED 8:�F0 P.M. (To give staff opportunity to obtain. files from City Hall. ) REGdNVENED 9:06 P.M. o Commissioner M�en stated the issue is what is the best use of the property now, He felt this would be a good site because it was close to Hwy. 217 interchange. It has good access and contrfllled intersection. The site has access to an arterial and public transportati�n, high visability and is compatable with surrounding uses. He stated that whole area is going through a evolution and Levitz would be an appropriate use. PLANNIN� GOMM�SSION MINUTES August 2, 1983 Page 3 � - ----- -- missioners Edin and Vanderwood had mixed feelings. o Gommissioner Butler supported staff recommendation. Espeeially since all the industrial des'ignation had been lost in: the Tigard Triangle and the Central Business District: Aiso Cascade Blvd was not development to city standards. o President Tepedino was not pursuaded that changing to a commercial designation would be highest and :best use. o Commissioner Moen did not feel Portland Chain was an appropriate use for long term, nor was it appropriate to have Toys R Us isolated, Lenghty discussion followed. o Commissioner Moeii moved and President Tepedino seconded for approval of CPA 12-83 and ZC 9-83 b:ased on, reason as- previously stated. Motion failed four to one, Go�mnission Moen voting yes. o Commissioner Butler mc�ved and Commissioner Vanderwood seconded for denial of CPA 12-83 and ZC 9-53 based on staff's findings and reconunendations. Motion carried by unanimous vote of Commissioners present, Commissioner Moen voting no. 6. OTIHER BUSINESS o Staff stated because of the Labor Day holiday the September meeting would be scheduled for 5eptember 13, 1953. 7. MEETING AD.TqI7RNED 9:30 P.M. � . Diane M. Jelclerys Secretary , I '� �11'TEST�. � `� � Franci.s J. T pedino, President I PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 2, 1983 - Page 4 � PLl�,NNING COMMISSION DATE . � �� � 4 ROLL CALL: ' Frank Tepedino � Chris Vanderwood .;,�l,s�-�ww.�,,,o � ..� Don Moen_�� ����� Bonnie Owens__�� � Mark Chri.sten�� Phil Edin__�,/�� Deane Lever�t__��✓ :���� � =- -_-- ----- -- TIGARn PLANNING COMMISSION STGN UP SHEET hOTIC�: ALL PER�ONS DESIRING TO SF�AK ON ANY TTE24 �SUST SIGN ��EIK N�hi� and note their address on this sheet. (��eas� P�'ixat your a�ame) ITENI/bESCRIPTION: ��, � !� ��'" • ; t��a � � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT (against) Name, Addres:s and Affiliation �� Name, Aaar�ss and A.f�iliation •�(C� t,..!i S �j >� / .- s��" e ,5 a 3 �i�p lLr/ � � , i�w'� �i�Z�� �. . . . , ,. , I3C�'rICE: ALI� P�RSQNS AESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEt•i DtCIST SI�GN TI-bET]EZ �3AbiF ana note t3�►eir address on this sheet. (plea.e Print your name} � � �ITEM/bESCRIPTION: �� '� l,pl�"��_____ �,� —1 `r�� /' `.�.' r�t�� I��PD �. � PROPONEIVT (For) O�PONENT (against) . � Name, Address and Affilia�.i.on , � Name� Address and Affiliation ' �•�� � ra� �O •� (pr%' �:���• ✓ �����-I!2)c=t' �'7U �� SVa� i'��"Ji1 .,��„�m..�o.�.s,...� � C-�-S `5�� ob�0 �W �e+,�'t....P��. ��:. �M !♦ �� a� ...r._ .�_-_..___.__..__ � °SG41 �o'C' � _._._•�...._...�._ � � STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5=? August 2, 19:83 - 7;30 P.M. TIGL,RD PLANNING COMMIS�ION TIGARD SC�I�OL DIST}.tIC1 ADMIN. BLDG. BO[�.AD ROOM 13137 S.W, PACIFIC HWY. , TIGARD, OREGON A. FINDING OF FACT 1. Ge.neral Information C9SE: SDR 26-79 Summerfield Shopping Center REQUEST: Remove a tenant mix restriction for an approved planned development for Summerfield Shopping Center. COMPREHENSIVE FLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial-General - ZONING I�ESIGNATION: C-3 (PD) - kEQUIRED MODIFICATTON: Tenant mix - 13% financial, 24% office, 63% retail RECOMMENDATION: Based on information submitted by the applicant, Comprehensive Plan policies, staff'� review of applicable Municipal Code provisions and field investigatzon, staff recommends approval of the appl.icant's request f.or the elimination of a tenant mix restricti.ox� ta an approved planned developme�t for Summerfield Shoppii�g Center» APPLICANT: Rick E. Lewis, 1'�esident OWNER: Realty Financial Service Realty Financial Service Prestige Froperties Inc. 1800 SW First Ave. Tualati.ri: Development Co. 3-180 'tIarrison Square Partland, OR 97201 LOCATION: Corner of S.W. Durham and S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOD tax lots 1902 and 1906) NPO COMMENT; NPO #6 has not responded in w�iting to this ap�lication request. PUBLIC NOTICES MAILED; 9 notices were mail.ed. No written comments had been received at the writing of this report. 'L. Back�round _ VZ�INITY INFOEtMATIQN: The surr4unding uses are as followsc ' The areas to the nort"h of the site are designated medium density residential and are within the City of Z'igard. �. _ — ---- The areas to the south of the site are designat�d high density residential and are within Washing�on County. The areas to the east of the site are designated medium-hagh density residential and are within the City of Tigard. The areas to the west of the site are designated commercial and are within King City. SITE INFORMATION: There are five buildings on the shopping center site, with a combined total of 52,200 square feet of gross leasable floor area. Over two-thirds of the gross leasable floor are presently vacant. PREVIOUS ACTIONS: The Tigard Planning J)irector approved the Summerfield Shopping Center �'reliminary Site and Design Plans on September 28, 1979 CReference SDR 26-79). The Tigard Planning Commission recommended appro�al of the development plan and program for the Summerfield Planned Development, in which the shopping center is to be located, on February 6, 1973 and the Council adopted the Commission's recommendation on February 12, 1973 (Reference: ZC 5-72, from Washington Gounty P-R Planned Residential to City of Tigard P-D Planned D�velopment. B. APPLICABLE LAND USE POLICIES �ND MfUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS Comprehensive Plan Policies: I 2.101 THE CITY SHALL MAIN�AIN AN ONC�OING CITIZFN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM AND SIiATL ASSURE THAT CITIZENS WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPORTIJNITY TO BE INVOLVED IN AL'L PHASES OF THE PLANNING PROCESS. All owners of record (9) within 25U feet of this site received notice of the hearing in the mail. A public notice was rinted in P the Tigard Times on July 21, 1983. In addition, NPO ��6 was notified of the application. 2.1.3 Z,'HE CITY ScIALL ENSURE THAT TNFORMATION ON ZAND USE PLANNING ISSUES IS AVAILABLE IN AN UNDERSTANDABLE FORM FOR ALL ITUTEREST�D CITTZENB. All interested parties are given 10 days at a minimum to comment on land use planning issues and are encouraged to do so. In I addition, the planning staff i.s available to answer specific concerns ar questians individuals may have concerning a land use application. 12.2.1 THE CITY SHA.LL: a. PROVTDE FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT BASED ON THE TYPE OF USE, IT5 SIZE AND REQUIRED TRADE AREA. STAFF REPORT - SDR 26-79 - PAGE 2 � ----- -- . _ b. APPLY ALL A.PPLTCABLE PLAN POLTGI�S. c. APPLY THE APPROPRIATE LOCATIONAL GRITERIA APPT�ICABLE TO THE SCALE OF THE PROJECT. 2. General Commercial General Commercial areas are intended to provide for major retail goods and serviees. The uses classified as general commercial may involve drive-in services, large space users, a combination of retail, servzce, wholesale and repair services or provide services to 'th:e traveling public. The uses range from automobile repair and service, supply an.d equipment stores, vehicle sales, drive-in restaurants to laundry establishments. It is intended that these uses be adjacent to an arterial ox major collector street. A. Sca3e . (1) Trade Area. Varies (2) Site Size. Depends on development (3) Gross Leasable Area. Varies B. Locational Criteria (1) Spacing and Location (a) The cammerci.al area is not surrounded by residential districts on more Chan two sides. (2) Access (a) The proposed area or expansion of an existing area shall not create traffic congestion or a traffzc safety problem. Suck► a determination shall be based on the street capacity existing and projected traffic volumes, the speed Iimit, number of turning movements and the traffic generating characteristics of the various types of uses. (b) The site shall have direct access from a major collector or arterial street. (c) Public transportation shall be available to the site or �;eneral axea. I (3) Sike Characteristics I (a) The site shall be of a size which can accommodate present and projected uses. (b) The site shall have high visibility. (4) Impact Assessment (a) The scale of khe project shall be compatible with the surrounding uses. (b) The site configurati.on and characteristics sha11 be such tY►at the privacy of adjacent non-commercial uses can be maintained, STAFF REPORT - SDR 26-79 •- PAGE 3 (c) It shall be possible to incorparate the uni�ue si�e features into the site design and devel�pment plan. (d) The associated lights, noise �nd activities shall not interfere with adjoining non-residentiai uses. Municipal Code Provisions: General C,ommercial C-3 Section 18.28.101 - Permitted Uses (1) Commercial 'Use Types -Amusement enterprises -Animal sales and services a. Grooming b. Veterinary �small animals) °Automo[ive and equipment a. Cleaning -Business supporG services -Convenient sales and personal services -Eating and drinking establishments -Financial, insurance and real estate sexvices -Food and beverage retail sales -Funeral and interment services, cremating & undertaking -Medical and dental services -Participation sports and recreatian a. Indoor -Personal services, general -Professional and administrative 5ervices -Repair services, consum.ex -Retail sales, general 18.5bo040 Action and findings. �a) 7'he Planning Commission, at a public heazing, may recommend approvaL of the planned development district and the general development plan and report with or without modifications ox condita.ons, or may deny the application. A de�cision tn approve a planned development district shall be based upon the following findi.ngs: (1) That the proposed development is in subseantial conformance with the comprehensive plan for the City; (2) That excepta.ons from the standards of the underlying district are warranted by the de�ign and ameniCies incorpoiated in the development plan and report; (3) That the F�roposal is in harmony with the surrounding area ar its potential future use; (4) That the approval will have a benefieial effect on the area which could not be achieved under othar zoning districts; STAFF REPORT - 5DR 26-79 - PAGE 4 �5) Tt►at each and every proposed devi�txon or varianee from staiidards, specifications and requirements grescribed by this title, and in particular with respect to such deviations or variance from the standard specification and requirements of Title 17 of tr�is code, a�-e fully justified and that the public health, safety and welfare and general envirnnmental considerations will be best served by a�proval thereof. (Ord. 81-19 Section 1 (part), 1981; Ord $0-94 Section 1 (part}, 198'0). C. ST'AFF ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIQNS The request is in conformance with the Comprehc:nsive Plan and Municipal Zoning �Code. The site is designated- General Cammercial in the plan and Commercial-3 (Planned Development) in th� Zoning Code. Staff finds that the tenant mix restriction of 13% financial, 2/+% office, and 63% retail has created an undo hardship upon the owner of the Center.. Over two-thireis of the gr�ss leasable floor area is presently vacant. It is in the public's interest that the Center be fully utilized so as to pro:vide an opportunity for new commercial services. The owner of the site shouTd be allowed to promote the Center under any tenant use permitted in a G-3 (PD) zone. The a.nward orientation of the physica;t Iayout of the Center does not encourage heavy retail us�. By , removing the restrictions on teiiant mix, the market wi11 determine the appropriate mix. D. STAFF REGOMMENDA�ION Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request. RECOMMENDED MOTIQN: Shauld the Planning Commission adopt sta£f's recommendal-ion, the following u►otion may be made: �Iove to ���rove the applicant's request for modification to an approved PD eliminating the tenant mix requirements. PZtEPARED BY. APPROVk.D BX: ` I J���- `___ :-- , Steve�ne �/� � Y Wzlliam A. Manahan Assistant Planner Director of Planning aatd Development {SS:pm/0124P) � STAFF REPORT - SDR 2b-79 - PAGE .S � _ r f � �� � . .. . � . � �."_^* � . L::. � V'f . . "Ylu� . . � � � . . . .� . / � -� � F1llalliCia�St'1°Vl,CeS C:O. Mortgage Banking Properry Development Real Estate Equities Equipment Leasing Insurance Services June 28 , 1q83 � ���1�� r+q�� �'q � . Nlr. Bi11 Monahan ���"`l, �,.•y �.d �t»? { Director of Plannin ""� ���`�'�- ' �r g ��.�� �,�,.� andyDevelop�ment ;��� ���y f� '���� '�� Cit of Ti ard F P .O . I3ox 2`339'7 �� "�1��� Tigard , Oregon 97�23 �41���� ���'�. ��.A RE: SUMMERFIELD SHOPPING CENTER Dear Mr. Monahan: Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you today re�arding the Summerfield Shopping Center . As I indicated to ,you at our meeting, the Sumcnerfield complex has been burdened by the existing �enant mix . The existing mix allows for 13% financial , 24% office , and 63% retail . Under the existing Tigard Comprehensive Plan, this area is zoned CG. This particular project is further classified C-3 PD � Please eonsider this letter as a request ta remove t;he tenant mix restrictinns in order to enable the owner to promote the center under any tenant use permitted under Section 18. 28 of tY�e Municipal Code regar�ing permitted uses of a C-3 zone . The inurard ori�ntation of the physical layout of thE Summer- field Center does not encourage heavy retail use . By removing the restrictions on tenant mix, the market itself will determine the appropriate mix �ahich we believe will be biased in favor of ! office use. � We are also considering the �ossibility of "condominiumizing" the center subject to a. feasibility analysis to deterniine if there is a strong interest on the part of potential owner occupants . 1800 S,W, First Avenue Suite 180, Harrison Square Portiand, Uregon 97201 TelePhone: 503/295-7793 , c � _ _ - - ;___ __ i Mr . Monahan Summerfield Center Page 2 You indicated that the Plannin� Commission Meeting of August 2 would likely respond to this request . Please advise me if you require ac�ditional informat'ion and the steps , if any, I must take to further this requ-est. ' Thank you, Mr. Manahan . ' Very truly yo rs , �_--�.� „� , Vf�~ � Rick E . Lewis President RELast i _ _ _ ,� ' 3� � p `, r f � qM `; e'"800 r°0 � \`;� '2.3TAC. sD ,J '�r 1`� = 269 ♦!S� W�� S(i., � V � ��� F9OO269 45� Y i S 2 2 „y I.�OAc. s?e Q p8 �. � o - . '�f • \\\a� r- _ 2 9 4 7 3� _ o � �/�` '" \ 29�..7D' O yC \`\�\ o. o•o � C `\� = D21' � � � m � �OQ � ��\ .q ��� 321� W g W 673AC. � �L�.. p 'T � �\� i,.� /.6 B Ac .O O o �� � 349 67� n N � �r — - - - - - a \�a, o �o $ 1\� N B9°32�W 382.28� �O/�89°51�30"W 200� �� ��� a\ ��� S89°4s�W 62'� \ `� �.55 Ar. SEE MAP \``�� �~ _ON � 2 S � (W �,�1� N Y N � 702.9� �`, — — — -- — �2 . � ��\� t , /�, V �l ��� W��o �31.1� � ry n i � \�� N� Y.07 Aa p: Q \� �2 7 73.6� - Q ��\� ( � � {7�U � ;` 3.J/Ar. 1 �\a p \ ,�� � S89° SI W 8�2.4 i I 800 , . 2� ,\ 4.94 Ac � /.d9 Ac. \ b �� � r N N � 3 iu y\\\` � � / \� � Q \a\ y 9'2 1.9'6 Z �� � \��\ �906 262,05 N �ao'+d'e 1905 �os.�o ��� oQ�� � 20(Ji \\\\\, 3./OAC. _ ���� J.B9 4c. i �� J.06 Ac. u � � 15 i �� �, . � ,� 98 � h' Q�. � —�-— - .� ._ ._ _. — � w� — — — — —o � 45000 ^ ` � �"r' 1'��, � � � � 3 e96' .,w'�� �� �9�4 or�� o� � 3.�YAc. Syqq � O V h ^7/ � I � . `� ,�/ , .59 d2 Mq � 3 ,. .. '��.�9 y �• pq� � I Q� 23.76 � .(c �J � �''S ' , � �• 1902 -,s `� 2�wy eJ \�\ Cq V�67 93 � .JZ Aa CAN EL�.r� � S. �. I �39.36� � �. . \�� � .30.0 �� �C3� � TAx LOT 1907 � � 6� n r ry' . (3Qd.3o� ... .. Z . � . lv COMMON qREA 43D ��- N I+ I � �� "' 102.9� . .. .. .. 'ip . . N By J�,W 119.7 1 3 �+5�, .»e. 0�8E' ��/U/�%//./'r:9i%i, . //Y///51%�i.;9.n...//i. ///ii/ii:� . ... . _ . _.__. T — _ ��. :�,'t7�;,�.a�� . � . . . . .. . . . . �. q S�'AFF K�PORT AGENDA ITEM 5.2 TIG.ARV PL,ANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 1y83 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD SCHOOL DISTBIGT - BUARD ROOM A. FIIvDING OF FACT 1. General Infarmation CASE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 12-83 NPO �k 2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 9-83 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Compreliensive Plan Amendment from light industrial to general commercial, and zone change from M-4 to C-3. RE('OMMENDATION: Based on staff's analysis of applicable planning policies and existing land uses, staff recomrraends fihat the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council denial of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and deny the Zone Change from light industrial (M-4) to general commercial (C-3). APPLICt�NT: PCNI Associate OWNER: Same (Mike McKenna) P.O. Box 4162 Portland, Or. 97208 LOCATION: 9770 SW Scholls Ferry Aoad (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 27 llD lot 1200) LOT AREA: 3.71 Acres PRESENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNAT.ION: Light Industrial PRESENT ZONING DESIGNATION:" M-4 NPfJ COMMENT: NPO �� 2 is inactive at this timeo PUBLIC NOTICES MAILED: Ten notices were mailed. No written comments had been received at the �ariting of this report. 2. Background On August 5, 1980, the Planning Commission approved a Zone Change from Compreherasive P1an DESignation industrial "M-4" to general commercial "C-3". On March 5, 1981, the Portland Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary �ommission annexed this property into the City. I On April 24, 1981, the Tigard Planning Department approved a Minor Land Partition request by the applicant to partition an 8.29 acre parcel into two lots 3.71 acres and 4.58 acres each {MLP 3-83) On May 11, 1981, by ordinance 81-21, the City Council ratified the above named annexation. On July 13, 1981, vy ordinattce 81-58, the City Council approvEd Che applicant's request fo•r a Zone Change from light industrial "M-4'' to general commercial "C-3" (Toys "R" Us section, i.e. , the 4.58 acre sate). 3. Vicinity Information The surrounding land uses are as followsc The propertq to the west is developed as Koll Business Center» Highway 217 is to the east. S.W,. Cascade Avenue, SW Scholls Ferry Road and Tigard Times' building are to khe north, and Toys "R" Us is loeated south of the subject siCe. 4, Site Information There is an existin� building on this site which houses Portland Chain Manufacturing. B. APPLICABLE PI.ANNING PDLICIES 1� Comprehensive Plan Policies 2.1.1 T.HE CITY SHA.LL I�IAINTAIN AN ONGOII�G CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM AND SHALL ASSURE THAT CITIZENS TiJILL BE PRUVIDED AN QPPORTUNITY TO BE INVOI.VED IN ALL PI�IASES OF THE PI�ANNING PROCESS. , All owners of record within 2S0 feet were notified by mail of Lhzs appli.cati.on. A notice was published in the Tigard Times on ,ruiy zl, iQa�. 2.1.3 THE CITY SIITAALL ENSURE THAT INFORMATION ON LAND USE PLANNING ISSUES IS AVAILABLE IN AN UNDERSTANDABLE FORM EOR ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS. All interested parties are given a minimum of ten days to comm�nG on all land use applicataons and are encouraged to do '�i su. Staff is available to answer any question.s on applications or the application process. 12.4.1 THE CTTY SHALL RE�UIRE THAT: b. SITES FOR LIGH'C INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE: (1) BUFFERED FROM RESIDENTIAL AREAS TO ASSURE 1'1TAT PRIVACY AND THE RESZDENTIAL CHARACTER OF THE AREA. ARE PRESERVED. STAFF REPORT CPA 12-83 & ZC 9-83 Page 2 � -= --_ - (2) �OCATED ON AN ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR STREET AND THAT INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC SHAI,L NOT BE CHANNELED THROUGH 12ESIDENTIAL AREAS. c. THE SITE SHALL BE OF A SIZE AND SHAPE WHICH WILL PROVIDE ii FOR THE SHORT AND LONG RANGE NEEDS OF THE USE. 1 f. ALL OTHER APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES CAN BE MET. All applicable plan. policies, locational criteria and Tigard Municipal !� Code provisions have been considered in review of this application. The �ocational criteria to be considered in determi.ning a change to General Commercial are as follows: General Commercial fl) Spacing and location (a) The commercial area is not surrounded by residential districts 'i on more than two sides. (2) Access I�� (a) The proposed area or expansian of an existing ar.ea shall not II create traf£ic congestion or a traffic safety prublem. Sueh a i determination shall be based on the street capacity existing and �I projected traffic volumes, the speed limit, riumber of turning movements and the traffic generating characteristic of the various types af uses. (t�) �he site sha11 have direct access from a major collecCor or arterial street. (c) Public transportation shall be available to the site or genexal area. (3) Site Gharacteristics �a) The site shall be of a size which can accommodate present and pro jected ixses. (b) The site shall have hi.gh visibility. �4) Impact Assessment (a) Tt►e sca.le of the praject shall be cvmpatible with the surrounding uses. (b) The site configuratian and characteristics shall be such that the privacy of adjacent non-comnnercial uses can be maintained. (c) rt shall be possible t� incorporate the unique site features into the site design and develnpment plan. STAFF 1t��O1tT CPA 12-$3 & ZC 9-83 Page 3 (d) Zfie associaGed lights, noise and activities shall not int�rfpre with adjoining non-residential uses. The praperty is currently being used by the PorCland Chain Matzufacturing which complies with applicable �lanning policaes and locational criteria. The proposed commercial/retail use is not compatible with surrounding non-a.ndustrial use;s (except Toys "R" Us which is located to the south and in retrospect it seems inappropriate), which include Tigard Times to the nortln and Ko11 Business Center to the west, both of which are defined as office and business activities and are permitted in an zndustrial park zone, whereas the commercial/retail use is not allowed. Further, the applicant's argument on the ground that there is a need for additional commercial/retail space in that are due to its vicinity to the Washi.ngton Square Shopping C,enter is nat valid, since, Highway 217 separates and divides these two areas and tl7ere is no direct access from the shopping center to the site except a visual one. Also, the applicant's own traffic impact analysis shows that the numbers of total daily tri�s would inc•rease from 94 to 186 trips which puts additional burden on SW Casca�3e Blvd. , a substandard major collector. 2. TICARD MUNICIPAL CODE Comprehensive Plan Amendment - All of the requirements of the Tigard Municipal Code have been considered in review of this applica�ion. C. CONCLUSIONS The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment does not meet applicable planning policies. D. RECOMMENDATION Staff rec�mmends denial of the request for a Camprehensive P1an Amendment to general commercial, �ased on the following: 1. Intent of tlae Industri.al land use designation is to protect existing and patential lands suitable for industrial development from encroachment by non--industrial or incompatible uses. 2. There is ample supply of land suitable and zoned for commercial/retail use along Pacific Highway (99W}, which may prove to be more desirable for the proposed use. RECOMMENDED MOTION II Should the Planning Gommission agree witri staff's recommendation, the - following motion may be made: "Move for recomrnendation to City Council of denial of the applicant's request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Light Industrial to General Coimnercial and �or deniaZ of the 2one Change from M-4 to C-3. STAFF REPORT CPA 12°83 & ZC 9-83 Page 4 � _ _ _ --- - _ N(�TE: Should the Planning Commission not adupt staff's recommendation, , findings will have t�� be adopted with the motion. _ _ _ ,. _� _ _. _ _ _ _ ; PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: �g �._._-__ � � � , .___ S, Hamirl Pishvaie illiam A. Monahan " tlssistant Planner Director of Planning and Develogment STAFF REPORT CPA 12-83 & ZC' 9-F33 Page 5 ' . r � � 4 �dU:`'E,i�S �tt�� �-- ' COJ:1PAr+Y OF OREGON ' , The sketch below is mnde sole! (or the , ` Y purpose oi atin,sting in locotir,g soid premises ond thr C�tnpo��y cssume�., r.c< ' '�ity for vori�fions,.if ony, in dimensions ond'locotion ascertoined by octual survey. • � . , • �, �� �-: �..._.. �� _��. - -� , .�;," . . ,SEE''MA,P;.r � �, ` ,' w �,�,..�u;:� ' , �'„y�, iS 1 27D "`�,:... F�r.,::,�-.�• •� �,�.., ,,� . . �.�, �,,,.5..,w . . . . . � . . . , �. > `�•� . � . :. � . o'(`�— . . . , . , . , � � � . �./ °� -��s,R.� . � . � � . ��� � . . ""' }.. c+cs�anzast . . ' . - ss� s.�...ro Rr t,� .': , , _ �� 1 � � �i , . .. . � /, '• +A' .w � � ' , � � s � , . . : ,��� � � � � �,. ��- � . . ,, . ; �. e.s. �� �� � �' '�0 �,,;,�,,'.� . � . t�+r.� • � O,�- (� M,�,�ti��'1�' .� iy� , , , , . u, ��� -,. . � . . �. � .� , , � . : . 1� - . :. . � ,,� � . i: � � ,��c . . � .. (E.St�.U314) ;� � �- . ����� .. � 'r •' � .. '(j� .,. ' . . . N�IA�P �t 1�I;- tT b �,f o� �� r� � . ��, � .�� y . � , � � � � �� V ..! 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N / �-, _ -�' " �,�%� �,, fa�- �j � . ., �d�� -;" � � •J r ,\1= � •�- "�T'J, ��:i ���_ . _ , - ` \ .,\� � � �` . . :. . -� .. \ g� Pub/,•c s - -�� j - ` �\,�.Z \ '\1,� � �D� �` %%/� `� � �� 5ewcr N.LG I � / � :�: - _ � � i _ � � - . - �` , . � . � . _ _ ,�. \ ��`�,� � tw ��\ �ij-�' _� �� _ - _\� '---, . � . • � + . :�. - - _ . , . � � - _ _ . � � . `� �� r� . - . . � .i' - . J � , � , • 1"' \ � . , - -- ' - � . v`-�� / ` , - � -- _ � . � I.D • \ .. �� � . � " • 1 ..� ,` � \ % \ , � , � . �'� : �,-' � .7uly 18, 2983 PORTLANL� CHAIN MAN[JFAC'I'UR�NG 0utline of Additional Information to be Submitted to the City of Tigard Ie Introduction and History of Lanci Use Rctions On Site II. Description of Existing and Proposed Uses III. Changes in the Character of the area TV. Relationship to Tigard Comprehensive Plan V. Traffic Impact Analysis • ;'I i � F. i j` a Portland Chai� Manufacturing I. INTR�DUCTION AND HISTORY OF LAND t�SE The following brief narr�tive will ugdate and expand upon a document entitled "Comprehensive Plan and , Zone Change Request" , prepared by R.J. Frank & Associ,ates in 1980. The previous document shows consistency of the proposed plan/change with "Fasano" requiremen�s and LCDC Goals, and was accepted by the City Council in this light. A "Market Analysis" , also included in the 1980 dacument is still valid in its assumptions and findings. In order to expedite the cur�ent plan/ zone change process, an applxcati�n was submitted to the City of July 15, 1983, with the understanding that this additional information would be submitted as soon as possible. The land and buildings known as Portland Chain were acquired by PCM Associates, an Oregon general part- nership, in 1979. The pxoperty is now in the City � of Tigard and may be described a� being on the corner of Scholls Ferry Road and Cascade Boulevard; the aatual address is 9770 Scholls Ferry �oad, Tigard, Oregon. PCM Associates has a long term lease with Portland Chain & Manufacturing far 3.71 acres of land and the 40, 000 sq�are foot building which runs until De�ember 31 1989, hawev�r, the Lessor has 'th� right to ca�cel the lease on or after Decemb�r 31, 19�5, provided Lessor gives two y�ars' prior wxitten notice. O� August�, 1980, th� Tigard Plannii�g Commission approved a plan change an th� site .from "TndustriaZ Park'° to °'General Commercial" . Tlae site was sub- sequently annexed to th� City (March 1981) , and �he zaning was changed fr�m County industrial ta City "G-3" in April 1981. specif�.cally for a single larg� user. These actians were a prerequisite for PCM Associates to further its long term land use objectives for the site, notably cox�vers�.an of the facility to a more compatible retail activity. This intent was identified during the City groceedin�s (see staf£ report reference to "furniture store°') . Upon aom- pletion of the annexation/zoning processe negotia- tions were culminated with Toys 'R U� and an agreement reacned. -An agreement with Levitz Furniture was completed iz� the Sprinc� of 19�3. Unfortunately, the legislative plan/zoning adopti�n completed in 1983 reverted the site to industrial and negated the previous quasi-judicial actions. The necessity for Levitz to maintain the commercial designation precipitates the plan/zone ehange r�quest Portland Chain Manufacturing accompanying this narrative. II. DESCRIPTTON OF EXISTING AND PRQPOSED USES. , The existing Portland Chain Manufacturing facility would generally be categoxized as heavy industrial. The pr�imary produCt is heavy chain far the Iumber industry, produced with a variety of _fabrication �quipment incl�zding welders, presses, grinders, forges and miscellaneous drilling ar�d shaping tools. The workforce tat,als 7 in office/ administration and 34 in production. The opera- tion r��uires about� 6 truck trips per day for delivery of goods and removal of producfi:s. � i_, ; 'til The currer�t I-L zoning on the site would allow a I � variety af light ir�d7a�trial activities, but pro- , , bably would precluc�e the existing Portland Chain Manufacturing business due to the pot�ntial for ' �, off-site impacts of noise, odor, etc. � i ' The proposed C-G designation would a].low a relatively � wide range of aommercial activities. However, the ' expre�sed intent �f this proposed chaz�ge is to facilitate conversion of the sa.te, to a Levitz Furnituxe showrs�om,,... It is expected that this will ix�volve a general upgxading of the site in terms � of lands�aping and overall appearanc�. It is � project�d �hat there will be approxima�ely 20-25 � erngloyees on-site, and appr�ximately 77 customers ; pex w�ek=day will .be accomadated. See additional � information following. � TII. CHANGES IN THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA ; I TT�e axea served by Cascade Avenue, and th� immediate � surroundinqs, have changed significantly in recent year�. The ariQinal industrial .zoni.ng, which was 1 '� resurrected in the adogtion af the new plan and i' zc�ninq, reflected an expeatati�n that the area would develop with predominantly light industrial businesses. How�ver, as an accompanyinQ land use map demonstrates, this ha5 not occured. The lancl uses in the area include: ; NAME CHAR�CTER ! Koll Business park Offic�:/�usiness � , Times Pub7.ications Af f ice 1 Toys °R Us R�tail � ' Doxol Retail/Wholesale � , Substation , Pawer Rents Retail/Wholesale j ; Portla>nr� Chain Manuf�cturing ��E CHARACTER Marx Office/ Office/L,ight Industrial , Industrial Building Siemens/Alla.s Office/Light Industrial As Cascade continues toward Greenburg Road th�re is also a mixture of warehouse/industrial (May:Elower) and retail business (Tire Systems, gas stations) . Althoug;h the I-L zoning allows most of these activities, it does not reflect the impact of Koll, Toys 'R Us, and the Times Building an the PCM site. These non-industrial businesses, p3.us the major barxier for�ed by Scholls Ferry Road, surround the PCM site and make it a non-compatible industrial isla�d„ ta the detri,ment of the other land uses. IV. RELATIONSHIP TO TIGARD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN � Ttiers �re man� issues addressed by the Tigard Compreheszsive PI�n which are not impacted by the � current �r proposed pZan/zor�e clesignatian, including � citizen involv�ment, public sFrvices, and economic t dev�lc>pment. AI.I af �these gene�aY areas of concern �. are met by procpdural or techn;iaal aspeats of th� ; plan and its ianplementatian. � , The issue to be addres�ed in this .proposal is � whether the site, and the existing and propased uses, are mare �onsistent with locational eriteria � for commercial or in.dustrial activities. � , � Ttn�refore, the cri���ia for ea�h will be a.ddressed f in detail. � I �ection 12.2 (2) pravides ariteria far "linea,r" � II (general) commercial areas: 11Linear Commercial areas ase intended to pravirle for m�jor retail goods and seXViceso The �ases classified as linear commercial may a ia�valve dxive-in services, large space users, � a combination af retail service, wholesale and � repair serviaes �r provid� services to the g traveling public. The uses range frc�m auto- � mobile repair and services, supply and equip- � ment stores, vehicle sales, drive-in restaurants , to laundry establishments. It is a�ntended � that these uses be adjacent to an arterial or anajor collector street." ; � � ; � __,_ Por�.land Chain Manufacturing Comment: The chaxacter of the Cascas3e Blvd. area, as described above, cledrly is consistent wi�h this de�inition, Although there may be an exception � (such as Siemens-Allis) , there are fewer "non- c�nforming" uses in this view then by applying the '. industrial definition to the area �see below) . "A. Sca1$ (1) Trade Area. Varies. �2) Sa.�e Size. Depends on .development. (.3) Grass Leasable Area. 'Varies. ; B. Locational Cri�eria (1) Spacing and Location � (a) The commercial area is not surr�unded by residential dis�kricts � an more than two sides." Comment: See abo�e. . " (a) TYie propos�d area of an existing area shall not cr�ate traffic cang��tion or a traffic problem. Such a determination shall be bas��. on the stree� capacity existing and proje�tec� t�caffic volumes, the speed limit, numbe:r of turning mov�ments and the traffa.c generatin.g characteristics of the v�rious types of uses. " Comment: See fol.lowing �ection. "' (b) Th� site shall have dixect access from a major co].lector ox arterial s�reet. (c) Public transportation sha11 be available t� the site or general area. " I Comment: Ba�� criteria are met by Scho].ls Fexry Raad access� , 01 (�) Site Characteristics (a) The site shall be of a size which can accomodate gresent and projected uses. (b) The site shall have high visibility. ° ; � _ _ ---.- - Portland Chain Manufacturing " (4) Impa.ct Assessment ��" (a) The scale af the project sha11 be , compatible witn the surrounding uses. Cb) T�e site configuration and chara�teris- tics shall be such that the privacy of adjacent non-conunercial uses can be maintained. (c) It shall be gossible to incorporate the unique site features into the site design and development plan. (d) The associated lights, noise and activities shall not interfere with , adjoining non�-residerstial uses. " Comment; The scale ot the p'lanned use of the site � is�consistent with the existing building's capa- bi�iti�s, and the existing Toys 'R Us and Time� Publica�ian� activities. There are no non-cornmercial businesses abutting the site which wauld be adversely affected, and there are no unique, site features. The � '; conversion of the sit� to commeraia�. use will lessen the impact of ligh�ts and noise. Section. 1.2.4 Qr�vides criteria for industrial uses: "1. Heavy Industrial ]�ands which are areas intended �.o pra�ride for manufacturing, processing and assembling activities. Uses within this classification are characterized by large buildings ar�d large storage areas and as having associated � external effects such as �moke, noise, � odar, oz visual pollution. " Gomment: The Portland Chain Manufacturing business � appears to fit this aategory, as it involves the i fabxication of heavy chain from dimensional stee]. with heavy equipment and tools. The 40, 000 + square faot building is �upported by a substantial outside area, and there are notable effects of noise and odor on adjacent proQerties. "2. Light Industrial ,Lands are areas intended . to provide for manufacturing, processinq, assembling and related office activities. � L'ses within this classification are of a size and scale which makes them qenerally compatible with other non-industrial uses . .� � 1 .. . . . . � .. . . � � . � . � . � . . � .�I . � � . . . � . . . . . � . . .. . . . . . . ..:I Portla�d Chain Manufacturing and which have no off-site effects," Commentc Altho�xgh some of the actiyities in the � Gascade Blvd. area are consisten�t with this defini- tion, Ppr�land Chain Manufac�uring is not. "12.4�1 The City 5ha1;1 Require That: a. Site for h�avy industrial develop- ment shal•1 be; (.1) Separ�ted by topography established buffers, trans- portation or other non-residen- tial land uses from resid�n- ` tiall� developed area5. �.2) Located in areas having rail service, arterial or major ' collector access. b. Sites for ligh�t industrial d�evelop- ment shall be: � (1) Buf£ered f�o� xesident�al areas . to assure that privacy and the residential character of �he area are pre�erved. (:2) Located ozx an arterial or collector street and that industrial txaffic shall not - be channeled through residen- tial areas. c. The site shall be of a size which I Wi11 provide for the short and long range ne�ds of the use. d. The land intended f_or development shall have ar� averaqe site tiopo- grap�� af less than 6� grade, or that it can be demonstrated that through �Engin�ering techniques all limita�ions t� development and the provision of services c:an be mitigated. e. It be demonstrated that associated lights, noise an o�her external effects will not interfere with the activities and uses on surrounding � - - -- --- -- - - — � Portland Chain Manufacturing Fraperties. fe All other applic�ble plan policies � can be met. " Commerat: The site charac�eris�.ics are generally cons tent with these criteria. However, the use characteristics of Portland Chain do include a�f-site i.mpacts of noise and odor. This review of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan, and, specifically the use characteristic sections and locational criteria, leads to th� follnwing con- clu�ions: 1. The larger Cascade Blvd. area could be designated "Linear Commercial" , rather than "Light Industrial", with no increase in non-conforming uses. ' 2e The FCM site meets �he general locational csiteria for Linear Commercial and Industrial. 3. Commercial use of the site would be more compatible with adjac�nt uses, and therefore more co.r�siatent with specific locational and p�rformax�ce ariteria �han the existing heavy inclustrial use. 4. If PCM vacates th� building, it is canceivable that a compatible light industxxal u�e might occupy the site. However, given the character �of the adjacent uses, it is clear that the range of commercial u�es (and specif ically th� intended occupantj present a mor� compatib�.e land use patt�xn. . V. TRAFI'IC INlPACT ANALYSIS The following discussia� will compare the existing land use candition (P.C�M. ) with th� propased Levitz Furniture facility which would be allowed under the C-G zonea This analysis taill offer a realistic evaluation of before/after condition�; althouqh it is understood that the I-L and C-G zones could potentially allow a wider range of act�.vities, the eomm�ittment made by I,evitz give� credibility to the likelihood of their occugaracy of the site. � _ _ y EXISTING CONDITIONS (P.C.M,) 4T emplo:yees. . .�2 vehicle trips/day, 6 trucks (pick up products) . . .12 vehi�le trips/day (8-10 trucks per month to deliver raw materials not incivaea� tatal trips per dayc 94 . . Characteristics: .�,side from tlie pickup%delivery trips, these 94 are all peak hour, at the mornin 9 and even'ing rush` periods (i� is currently a oize-- shift operation) . Nearly all of the PCM employees live in the �eaverton/Hillsboro area, so access is concentrated on the Scholls Ferry Road intersection. I PROJECTE'D CONDTTIONS ('LEVITZ) Hours of operation: Nionday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 9: 00 p.m. , Saturday 10:00 a.m, ta 6e00 p.m. , Sunday 12: OU p.m. to 6e00 p.m. Employees: Monday through Friday, 7 sales plus 8 office personnel. Saturday and Sunday, 14 sales personnel. � Customers: One customer/hour/salesperson x 7 = 7 customexs/hour (wee�days) . One customer/hour/salesperson x 14 = 1.4 customers/ hour, (�e�kend) , � Sever� customers/hour x 11 hours (weekday) = 77 eustomers�day. 14 Cu�tomers/hour x 8 haurs (weekendj = 112 customer�/ aay. Trip Gsne�ation: Employees. . .1S x 2 trips = 30 trips/day. Customezs. . .7'7 x 2 •krips = 154 trips/day. Delivery Truck. . ,l x 2 trips = 2 trips/day. TOTI�L: 186 trips/day. Char�cteristic�. The pe�.k houx� traffic by Levitz will be limited ta �mployees, since the highe�t customer valumes are during naxmally non-workiang hour�. Tr.uck traffic will be limited to about one Levitz delivery truck per day ta exchang� shawroom merchandise (there will be no warehause on this site) . The weekend volumes are inconsequential since they do z�ot coincide with any other peaks. j � , l DISCUS�ION �;' Most tra��ic far PCM and �Levitz depends upon the LCascade/Saholls Ferry Road intexsection. This is sign�liz:ed witY� left turn movements off Sch,olls ``" Ferry. If tl�e volumes for Levitz are not signifi� ; cantly hi.gher than PCM' s, ; no adverse impact on this `�,intersection would be expected. Levitz will utilize this facility for showroom only, with no warehouse and no deliveries originating from the' site. Therefore, the main traffic volumes will -' be customers, which will peak at off rush hour timesm Weekend valumes are relatively high, b�ut again wi].1 utilize th� faci]:ity at off�-peak hours. ' The total Levitz daily traffic is about twice that generated by PCM. However, employee trip� are less than half of PCM's and they do not occur at narmal rush hours. Since the peak hour loading is the main concern, it is cpncluded that traffic condition � with Levitz will be impxoved campared to those with . PCM,