Planning Commission Packet - 07/19/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , AGENDA TIGAR� PLANNIMG COMMISSION TIDESDAY� 'JULY 19. 19'83 - 7:30 P.M. Tigard�School District - Bc�ard Room 13137 SW Pacific Highway - Tigard� Ur. 1. CALL 1b ORDER 2. ROLL CAY.4- : 3. Minutes from .Yuly 12, 1983 - Partial minutes will be pravided at the meeting cove'ring the Community Development Code. 4. Planning Coa�ission Communication I S. PUBLIC 1#EARINGS . S.1 CONPRENENSIVE PLAN /1lIENDMENT CPA 2-83 Community Ilevelo.pment Code 5.2 COlQ'�LHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CP'A . 6-�3 Dakota Greenaay Condominiums NPO # 7 S.� COMPREHESNIYE PI.AN A�fENUMENT CPA 7-�3 Commonwrealth Realtora Grou inc. NPO # 5 *(�his item 'Wi,ll be set over) p � ' 5.�i GOPIPREIiENSIVE, PLAN AAtE'NDMENT CPA 9-83 ZONE CNANGE ZC 8-83 Si1BIDIVISYON S 7-83 ` Gallo's Vinyard/Herb • Marissette �uilders NPO � 7 3.5 SUBDIViSION S 5-83 PD .. Planned D�velopment - Bond Park NP0 � 5 6. UTNElt `BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT � , � .. ... .. ... �..._.__.. ..._.. : __.�. � - 5. t CUMPREHENSIVE PLAtd AI�NDMENT CPA 2-83 Coffimunity Devel�pment Code 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ' ZC 7-83 CUMI'REHENSIVE PLAN AME�DI�NT CPl1 6-83 Dakota Greenway Condominiums NP0 � 7 A request by Alpha �roperties for a Comprehens.ive Plan Amendment from M�dium �e��ity to Medium High Density and a Zone Change from A-1? to A-20 - ' fMulti-Family Residentisl) on 6.38 acres of land. Located: 10485 S.W. INorth Dakota. (Wash. Co. �ax Map 131 34DA lot No. i001. 5.3 CUMPREHENSI�IE �LAN AI�NDMENT ' CPA 7-83'.Gommonwealth Realtors Group Inc. Np0 � 5 R'. 41 request by Commonwealth Realtors Group and Richard Fimmel for a Comprehensive � Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Commercial-Professional on two acrea of land. Locatedt D4600 S.W. Ha11 Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12BC tax lot ]600). � , � 5.4 COMPIrEHENSIVL PLAN AM�NllMENT CPA 9-83 ZO�iE CHANGE ZC $-$3 SUBDIVISION S 7-83 �alloos 'Vinyard/He,rb MorissetbeBuilders NPO # 7 A x�equest by Herb ;k3ori.ssette Builders 'for a Coffiprehensive Plan Amendment fram Low Dens�ty to Med�.um Density Residential arid Zone Change from R-Z (Single Fam�.ly Residential) to R-5 (Single Family Residentia�.). Also approval af a 22 lot Single `Family Resid�ntial Subdivision for 5',OUO �q. ft. "lats on 3.38 acres. Located: S.W. Tigard St. and �.W. 113th St. (Wash. Co. Taac Map 1S1 34DC tax lot 29QU). 5.5 SUBDIVISION S 5-83 PLAPiNED DEVELOPMENT Bond �ark NP0 # 5 A request frqm Waverly Constr.uction for $ Y'reli�im�ry and General Pl�n Review for a 24 lot subdivision on 3.76 acres of land. The property is designated Medium D�nsity and is zoned. A-12. Located 1588U SW 79th (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2Sf �2C lot 800 and 2000). ., i l - , a T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C 0 M M I S S Y 0 N REGULAR MEET.iNG July 19, 1983 1. President 2'epedino called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. , The meeting was held at Tigard School District - in the Board Room, 13137 S.W. Pacific Hwy. , Tigard, Or. 2. ROLL CALLt P12ESENT: President Tepedino, Commissioners Moen, Christen, Edin, Leverett, Butler, Owens. ABSFNT: Commissio�er Vanderwood. STAk'F: Director of P3.anning and Development William Monahan; Associate Planners Jeremy Couxsolle and Elizabeth Newton; Secretary Diane M. Jelderks 3. Planning Commission minutes for July 12, 1983, meeY.ing Frere incomplete and were not acted upon. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION: o Associate Pl�nner Newton informed the Commission that the Planning and Development Department had hired two part time irtterns to work a total of 60 hours a weelc. PUBZIC AEARING o President Tepedino opened the public hearings by reading the procedure to be followed during Lhe meeting. 5.1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 1-83 Communitp llevelopment Gode. p Associate Planner Coursolle made the staff presentation. Public Testzmony on Article I - INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS o No public testimony Public Testimony on Article II - FROCEDURES AND DECISION MAKING o Bob Bledsoe, 11800 S.W. Walnut, NPO �� 3 Chairperson suggested that Comprehensive P1an Amendments sh.ould be once a year, twice a year is too often. His second concern was regarding verbal recorded testimony which is not allowedo Public Testimony on L�rticle III - ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS o James Miller, �2918 SW 63rd P1ace, opposed the 25' setbacks in the Commercial Zone, he would support 15' . He also opposed the 9' 6" wide parking spaces and felt the percentage of compact car sp�ces should be carried across the board, � Carl Johnson, 6155 S.W. Bonita Rd. opposed the 25' �etbacks, he felt 15' was sufficient. He also supported having R ft parking spaces. o John Gibb�n, 9500 SW Barbur Blvd. , representing Robert Randall Company and Home Builders. The consensus of th� Home Builders is that the R-40 des:ignation �s unrealistic. Another cancern is the set hack requirements for the R-12 and R-20 zones. He felt there should be one number s:pecified and left at that. He questioned what had happened to the Linear Commercial zone? Discussi�n followe�, He did not support the residential over commercial as they had done market studies and discovered it was not feasible. He did not support the set backs proposed in the Commercial Professional zone. He questioned what had resulted from staff investigation into the Security Storage/CBD problem. Associate Planner Newton explained thi� had been turned over to the attorney for a decision. • Joe Van Lom, Architect, opposed the proposed setbacks for the Commexcial Frofessional zone. Hz supported a 10ft. sekback. Public Testimony on Article IV - OVERLAY DISTRICTS • Bob Bledsoe, NPO �� 3 Chairperson, made NPO �k 3 suggested changes and aaditions to sections 18.85.010 B, 18.86.020 A. 2. , and 18.86.030 to incorparate wording for the policies in the Findings, Policies and Implementation Strategies Document. o John Gibbon favored staff'� response to the Home Builder's suggestion regarding "eoncept" plans. He fel.t it was important to have a ' better definition of drainageways so they are not defined as sensitiv� lands or unbuildable. Under section 18.8�.03, he had a prob�em with the word "void". Of major concern was the �ike path I requiremen�s, he felt there should be a density transfer and that t h e y s h o u l d b e u s a b l e a f t e r c o n s t r u c t i o n. U n d e x s e c t i o n 1 8.8 4.0 4 0 D. 4, he had a question on interpretation. His last concern was the re uirement that d a in be ubmitted o q r w gs s n 18 x 24 paper. He felt there should be some latitude o President Tepedino noted on Section 18.84.010 D, that the paragraph was not worded according to previaus discussions. He also mentioned that Councilor Scheckla had requested that th� Master Drainage Plan reference to GH2M Hill be noted. � Comanissioner Edin suggested under Section 18.E4.020 F. 1. that the word "approved" by Director be r.eplaced wzth "acted on". � Bob Aingzr, 11302 SW Barl�ux stated that in€ormation he had received regarding opPn spaces was not clear. He felt there should be some compensation for land dedicaked to the City. President Tepedino suggested he conract NPO �� 5 and get inv�lved in the process. PLANNING COMMISSIONER MINUTES Jul.y 19, 1983 Page 2 Public Testimony Article V - SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS • John Gibbon did not support the density ealculati�n under section 1&092.020 A. 3. , opposed deducting sCreet for density transfer. Under landscapi�.g, he did not feel "being of �ood quality01 was a definable condition� He felt street trees should have a specified size stated, also with replacement of trees. He did not feel there ` was clear direction regarding buffering and landscaping. �acier section 18.11.020 G, Shared parking, he felt the language may restriet numbered parking s:paces. Under section '18.11.03Q A he was concerneci wit-h the gar�ge requirement. Section 18.11.040 A. 1. he s:uggested adding "whenever practicable10. lie also- wanted to know where he could obtain permanent paint as xequired by the eode on page V-37. Another concern was section 18.112.030, Joint Access, how this would ; work. His final concern for this article is section � 18.1T2.134 2. regarding showing intent to initiating constxuction. He � stated almost everyane intends to initiate canstruction. '' • Joe Uan Lom, Architect, opposed restri,cting the 25% compact car use only after 2q or more parking space, he felt this should be overall. He also supported a 9' parking space. s Commissioner Butler, questioned staff regarding the density transfer. Discussion followed. a RECESS 9s10 RECONVENE 9:22 Public testimony on Article VI - SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW • John Gibbon stated that the time frame for ph.asing development was bad and that the bonds required were too ha.gh. He felt if a building had to be relocated on a site, that this should be able to be written off at the staff level. He again objected that a required size of paper was specified. He did not feel it was warranted to have each site analqzed for noise, oniy if a problem is determiraed. He did not feel each structure should require a elevati�n drawi.ng i� structures were alike. He requested that sta�f keep an open mind regarding 'I : underground sprinkler systems, as th.ey have found above ground '� system worked well and they pravided a means for praperty owners to review the performance of their manager. He did not support a 60 sq. ft. standard for balconies as ' the can t al a s cc y w y a ammodate that size. � Joe Van Lom, Architect, did not support the noise portion of this article and it is difficult to handle, does not hav$ standarcls. P'ublic testimany section VII - DEVELOPMENT AND ADN11NiSTRATION • No public testimony Public testimon� secY.ion VIII - LAND DIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • Bob Bledsoe, NPO �k 3 Chairperson recammended that under street standards there shouTd be a provision for established or developed areas where street can not be lirought up to City standards a waiver shauld be given fram the standard. ' PLANNING COMMISSTON MINUTES July 19, 1983 Page 3 � _ -_ - , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ PIlBLIC HEARING CLOSED • PrPSident Tepedino requested staff to review public testimony an�l an Thursday, wa'lk the �ommissioners through the code. • Commissioner Owens moved and C�mmissioner Moen� secon�ied to set over the public hearings to Thursday, July 21, 1983 in the same location. Motion carried unanimousl.y by Commissioners present. 5.2 COMPRETiENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 6-$3 and ZONE CHANGE 7-83 Dakota Greenwa.y Condominiums NPO �� 7 A request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density to Medium High Density and a zone change from A-12 eo A-ZD (Multi-Family Itesidzntial) on 6.38 acres of land. Located: 10485 SW North Dakota (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34D tax lot 100). � Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. • Joe Van Lom, Architect, presented the applicant 's presentation for approval. The proposed cleve�opment would provide 10.03 units per acre with medium high density, otherwise they would only be able to have 6 units per acre if it remazn.s medium density. They would have 78% open space and 13% f�r parking. PUBLIC TESTIMONY • Mrs. Betty Cookson, 10520 SW North Dakota, opposed the zone change. The proposed development is across the street from her prop�rty and she felt the developtnent was too close ta the flaodplain. She had attended the NPO �k 7 meeting and they had recommended thaC two buildings be removed, providing 48 unit versus 64 uni�s. � Gommissioner Butler asked why there was no school impact report; staff ex p lain�d at issue P , is on1 a Com rehensi e v Plan Chan e a d Y n P g Zone Change, which does not require a school impact. One w�ould have to be submitted when the applicant proposed development. • Discussion followed regardin� density transfer from the floodplain. PTJBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION � Commissioner Leverett supported staff"s recommendation. � Commissioners Edin and Moen were not pursuaded this would be appropriate. • Commissioner Owerns was concern about the streets and the fact that the area was compr�sed of larger lots. Also, when she was on NPO �� 7 they had opposed medium high density in this area. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 19, 19$3 Page 4 � ' - _ _ _ _ I • Commissioner Moen moved and Cammissioner Edin seconded ko deny CPA 6-83 and ZC 7-83 based on concerns that factors A 2, A 5 and A 7 of the determinants for desi�nating property medium high density had not bL adequately addressed. Motion failed three to f�ur with Commissioners TepFdino, Christen, Leverett and Butler voting no. • Commi.ssioner Butler mov�d and Gommissianer Leverett seconded to forwar� a recommendation of approval to City Council of the Comprehensive Plan Amen�m�nt CPA 6-83 from Medium Density to Medium Hi h nensit and a - _ rove Zone C _ S y pp hange ZC 7 83 from A 12 to A 20 PD based on staff's findings and recommeiL4�tions. Motion carried four to three, Commissioners Owens, Edin and Moen voting no. 5.3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 7-83 Commonwealth Realtors Group Inc. NPO ,�� 5 • This item was set over to afford the applicant time to meet with the NPO �� 5 and 6 on July 20, 1983. 5.4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 9°83 ZONE CHANGE ZC 8-83 SUBDIVISION S 7-83 Gallo's Vin ard Herb Morissette � Bu' d Y il ers NPO 7 �k A request for a Coznprehensive I'lan Amendment from Low Density to Medium Density Residential and Zone change from R-7 (Single Family Residential) to R-5 (Single E'amily Residential). Also approval raf a 22 lot Singre Family Residential Subdzvision for 5,OQ0 sq. ft. l.ots on 3.38 acies. Located: SW Tigard St. and S.W. '113th St. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DC 1ot 2900). s Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation for approval. • Hans ;t. Vatheuei, Alpha Engineers, I750 S.W. Skyline, representing the applicant stated he was available to answer any questions. PUBLIC TESTIMQNY s No one appeared to speak. COMMISSION DISCFJSSION ANll ACTION • President �epedino questianed the condition of SW Tigard St; Associ�te Planner Newton stated khe street is scheduled for a overlay. Discussior� followed regarding the condition of SW 113th and SW Tigard St. � Commissioner Owens questioned why there were survey conditions on the staff r.eport; Associate Planner Newton explained this was being done at the request of the Public Works Director. � Comtnissioner Butler questioned why there was no School Impact report with the subdivision; Associate Planner stated there was one in the file and unless the Planning Commission requested a copy was not normally given to the Commissioners. PZANNING COIyYMISSTONER MINUTES July 19, 1983 Page 5 • Commission�er rioez moved and Gommissioner Owens SeCO��a�a to recomm�nd approval to the Gity Council of Coxnprehensi.ve Plan Amendment CPA 9-83 and approve Zane Change ZC 8-83 and Subdivision S 7-83 per staff's recommendation and conditions. Also, correct the spelling of the word "there" ta "their" in the survey conditions. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.5 SUBDIVISION S 5-�3 PD Bond Park NPO �� 5 o A requeat for a preliminary and general plan review of an approved 24 lots subdivision on 3.76 acres. • Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. • ApQlicant - Ken Waymire, 11903 Broadacres NE, Hubbard, Or, had no comments but was available for questions, PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one appeared to speak. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION • Gommissioner Owens questioned what the zoning is on the property to the south of the proposed development; staff responded A-12 • Commissioner Moen questioned why we didn't remain with the 5 it. and if we didn't would it cause a problem; Staff responded that the building code only requires 3 feet. • Commissioner Christen moved arid Commissioner Moen seconded to approve S 5-83 YD with reduced setbacks as requested by the applicant with the exception that setbacks from the garages to right-of-�;ays shall be 20 feet. Deny the request for deletion of sidewalks on the north side of SW Bond St. Motion carriec3 unanimously by Commissioners present. 6. OTH�R BUSINESS • Discussion regarding the Planning Commission making new findings when �' they to not agree with staf£'s recommendation. 7. Adjourned .10:30 P.M. , Diane M. Jel er s Secre�ary ATTEST: �rancis Tepedi,no, President PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Ju1y 19, 1983 Page 6 � _ _- - ------ i i PLANNING COMMISSION DATE �` � � 4'�.�.:..-�'''k ROLL CALL: Frank Tepedino � � Chris Vanderwood l�li(� �'t '� � , Don Moer► � � ,�,1- Bonnie Owens iv4� Mark Ctxristen� � Phil Edin� .-� Deane Leverett �"'oan � _ � � � T1'NlES �U'��L1,-�t��'Nt� COIIAPANY �.9�,� P.O.BOX 370 PHONE(5Q3}684-0360 �D��C� 7"613� BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075 Legai Notice Advertising : � • ❑ Tearsheer Notice �EC�,�ED City of Tigard � P"90. Box 23397 • ❑ D ' JU� 1 � 1983 ' upUca�e Affidavit T�gara, oregon 9�aa3 CI,Ty�F l'�GqR� . � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION :ST'ATE OF OREGON, ' COUNI'Y OF WASHINGTON, )$$' ' �, Susan Pinkley being first duly sworn, depose and say tl�t I am t Advertising Directqr, or his principal cle�k, of the igard �imes a newspaper' of general cicculatiort ea defined in ORS 193.010 �nd 193.020:published at - m;g-�r� in t�se �foresaid county and state; that the Compr�hensive Plan Amendment s printed copp of which is hereto arenexeci, was published in the �ntire issue of said newspaper for 1 succ;essive antf consecuti�r�in the following issues: July 7, 1983 �^�.� — �+ Subscrfli�d�rt�,' ",rn to'before one this u13. 13, 19 3 � �..f�'�"''"`,`_r. n�.�� Notary F'ub9�c for Oregon �'My Gorrmtr�is�ion�xp �j16/87 r- � � � � �� � � � � �,.,��'� A��IDA\I'IT ��w�s�s�r . �[C����Y���111� � �r�l°w°�..'°° 1 y ' H � . . �:v t"#�n1�r} F t r b i y x-fl fr;', � C, yt , . .� � L��� h j� '�r�,��i �si�'d'�'�.�J#� l�h� ��y� �' i G ��*�� . -� � tx� }r�' ��y �C��'< a ,�� � � v.f�. h ��� i t�' r Q �'x ' j �;9 �ta 2 t F. r r Ly�p{�°� . e ��' � , g $ 5 �� :. �� �� t.FY�r�, Y ,,,i t . v�l �' $ �; r - a n � t �'xs�' It + ' R f� ; � � - is�'� � �� �:'; . 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(please Print your na�e) . . � ' . _ ITEM/bESCEtIPTION t o 1�`11tC�S �'ZC . ..�-f 3 � crm�d_i_�,PA - � �� � � � � . . � . -,��, ,� �' . . PROPONENT': ,(For) �' �, • �'� OPPONEN� (agaiii�t) �> PT .e;'' Add=ess��'and`�Affi�3at3.'ori'�, . � � � ' '�Name,.�Address and �Af��i�liation.. � l� � S . � _ . :f . " � ..� . , , � : . . . �. . . ' • :r . ' . . . . . ,, . � . . ,. . .� . . �; ' , . . { . . .:t ' �j . 1 . . .i ,y i , t �, � i . . � , , � ' , { , � � -- - --��_�_�-- NOTICE: ALL �ERSO'NS D�SIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST , �IGN TH�I� NAME �nd�no�e thefr address. on this shee�.: (please Print your name) • .. . � � . I�'EM/bESC:RIP'TION: : D � . . •. ,�� ��;� PROPONENT (Fc�r) '�� � '� • .. , OPPONENT (aqainst) �;� ' ' .Name Address and AE��i�liation�: � � Name;���Aaaress-��and'�A€�il�iat'ion•, � � �; . . . � , � . . : .; . r . .j - '�. .�� . . . , . . , . . . . . . . .. . � • • .. . . ' .. • . . . , .. • r; • . , 'i . . �, •._ . 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(please �'r.in yota�r name); � ZT M/bESCRIPTION: . � � ' ` .. . .� � . 1 I . � r . . . . . . , - . � . . ...': . . pRp p EN� (For) ' : r � � OPPONENfi (aga�3nst) ��;•. � �" ,� Name Ac]dress a�� �if��lfation-: Naa�e ';;'Address and 'Affi�iati�on, '.• . . �. • .7'.s^O s'v //r�G , � , '� .n _ .; _ � . � �. , �. . • � ,• � .� � .. . � . .. . � :j. . � . . , , . . � . � .. . � . , . . • . , ,., - • .. .. � .. ,._ . .. , , �._. .'.. .�... . :� .. . . - . . �._: .� . . . �.,.._, � , ,.• .. �. . : .�., ��� ' . .. .. . .. .. .. �.: �...,: .. . . . .;.:. � .:. . . .� .. .�.. .._ . . . � � •� . . .� � ,- . . �,. . . . . . . . . . . ' 11 . . . '! ' . . � •1j . ( . : .� ..�...� - .� -- - ' : ? . f ' , + 1 , i � _ ' . ( . UtL11:. � � �� _ . NOTICE: ALL PERSOAIS DESIRZNG TO sPEAK ON �NY �'1P�M MUST , SIGN THEI6t NAME and'no�e their addre�s. on this sheet.� 1�ease Print �ur name) , .�-� � �� � ITEM ' ESCRIPTION: . J '� _ . .�� . ,�-- �r� . , , . . f . .__-_o: ` ,against) � � PR4PONEta',� ,(ForS, � �J � ' �, OPPOIdEN��s ( �'x;� ,�, � t, , ' `': .` ilia.tion... ' Nain�,'��Addres� and Aff��.iati�on' � �:: Name,��Address and ,Af�. , � � .. . . ; . , • . / 03 � . . (�'�- . .Q 10 3 � . .� r � . � . . :,. , . . . • � . . � ,: � . . i • . .:, . ;� � . . � ��i ,1 , t . . i . . . . . I. . ' . , 5 . . . . . . . . . � . . . . � ' . � � i . : � � I � Please bring your •copy o# the Community Development Code to the meeting. ;., , � � , , �, . r � Ite� S.1 COI�iiTNI2Y D8{dELeOPMEH2 CODE PIJBLIG HEABING � _ . _:. : _ t.� ZNZNG COliIiISSZON — pL�Sb��SIGN UP �a TESTZFY. = ADDRE�S � CHLCK I SUE YO �HISH TO TESTIFY ON G f A G' •� � � •p � � , . y c0 y 'vf � 6+ •r1 r� ::};� .,.� �q e'0 'i' U •� '� .� u ,,, � � }°, � �v c � OTHER (Please �pecify� a �+ a u e� •� a w e c a, �.+ �, w° ;i �►�.� '� ��.,� � a. �e •o o,"' -__. �, �o a� `a m �a o u u o u o v� � m m •�i �+ � � co .-+ � u a •.a C A C: a! a� �+ aJ d cl H � A O aJ 7 3 � a.� � � � . :� '� a. •rl � Q 41 41 �C. tA � . � � � . 'L� 'S9 •ri QO�lJ . cS! Qi� - Q •r� .O •r-i Q� �. . � . . . G C! N C7 � � r-1 � N p � u u •,� •� v �+ a a� a� v •� b c� �+ o u � •�+' a� a a� x � 6 � > G N G1 O w � •� � 'C �0 9J H aaN •� � vs. �n a � a � . . =-�=aasass:==saxa:s=aazasanassszaas:s=s=sx=:zzasisa=saaaa �::�. �:: sas �aai.a sss :zs_ =.a a:a.. .�.== � �sss:s��ssa:s:saa:a:=asszxaasvc= �:, � S . f�.t�2 E��I t�`S W ��20 �i,. X : � � �o'�'"� ! !` V� ��O-cC Cri/ GJ � J�Cfi� U�r`�l�� . �� �j����z. /�.'f G � �l�cc S 4, L ��� F ' %�� �� . , �' ' ��,. T ; � � � � � ', , � . = I ,, 'i I,: � - '�' . � Ht�iViE BlJ1Ll7E�i� ASSOCI{�7'I�.�N t�F' METR�POLITA�! PURTL.AI�D 85555 �.W. �3f-��3�h' �f�E��:�, �Ui"�'E. :-lb� �.�-e�c� c�sw�c�. r�r���ca� �r�:��� ���:�u��-���,� TH� HOIUSING CEN7�€� July i2, 1983 Mr. Frank T'epedino, President Tigard Planning Commission Ci#y of Ti�ard Dear AAr. Tepedino: As promissd, the Flotne Builders Association has reviewed the proposed conimunity development code. Our intention in recommending chanqes to the code is primarily to assure that it works as a practical document in the reai world. ��e do raise several policy issues but most of our comments a•re more in the mechanics area, asking such questions as what information is needed and when does the city really need it. 4Ye have met once with your staff to discuss the Planned Developr�ent secfiions and have agr�eed on a number of changes the Commission should adopt. Those comments ere included with our other comments, v+�hich are pr�sented in the order of the code sections. 18. 08(B), 18. 10 - Add language so that developments shall comply avith #h� comprehensive plan "as implemented by this code." This addresses ambic�uities raised by the Sup�reme Court°s ruiina in Philippi v. City of Sublimity. 18.22. 0�0(A) (3) - We are unable to locate in the p(an a requirement that quasi- judicial decisions �how a pflbqnc n�ed for change. This shoutd be delete�l. 18.24.050 - This approach is appropriate only if the nuisan�e orclinanc� requires fFndings showing a nuisance to exist, �rather �han automaticaliy declarina nonconforming uses to be nuisances. Definitions, Floor Area - We suggest that only the �pJtion of the !o# acttaally covered by a structure b� included in the floor° area. The area under over- hangs should not count as part of the floor area because it does not affect soil permeability or the mass of the building. 18. 30.020(A) (5) - Contract purchasers should also be per°mitted to apply for legislativ� changes , just as they are for quasi-judicial chang�s. 18. 30.050(D) (2) - If applications are accepted only tvvice each year, then all valid applications must be accepted and acted upon within the established timeline. If 60 days will not be sufficient, then set 90 days as the timeline and do away with the mandatory waiver. 18. 30. 140(A) (4) - The reference to the camprehensive plan is unnecessary. The code and other ardinances implement the plan a�/should be sufficient. � --- ------ � --- -___ - _ i Ffame BuFl+ders Comments July 12, 9�83 Page Two 18. 32.040�C) - We object to al1 mandatory waivers a�f deadlines and to provisions which a�bt rize the Director to refuse applicaitions which refus� to �rant the waiver. l8.32.200{A)(1) - Rather than "at least 5 days after", shouldn't this read "no more than 5 da_ys after"? 18.32.230 - The 12-month period should run from the date of #he final ci� action. 18.32.27U(B) (3) - Applicants should have #he option of presenti'ng oral argu- mer�ts an appeais. Writtien arquments do not allow for sufficient communication between :the council and the parties to the appeai, hindering the council in its decision making an�i seriously affecting the rights of �Che parties. 18.32.320{B) - 1VNandatory �retitions foa� reheari,ng are a waste of alf parties' timP, Each side has already presented its best case so the rehearinc� is � nothins more than a formality. 18. 50 - The R-4.5 zone��ShouFd allow lots of 7, 000 sq. ft. rather than 7,500. The additianal 5U0 sq. ft. adds virtuafly nothing ta the lot but it casts the developer approximately one lot for each two a�res developec4. That amounts to a substantial cost that mus# be spread amo�hg the remaininq fewer lats. 18e54.0S0(C)(5) - The 30-foot required setuack is e�cessive. V'�e suggest thas be changed to "tl�e lesser of twice the required set�ack of the ab�ttinq district or �U feet." 18.56 050. (C)(5j - same 18.58.050(E) - It is unclear if the lot coverage star+c�rd is in�tended to includ� parking areas. If so, this is too low. (The Home F3uilders continues to believe that the city relies too heavily in its plan on densities of 40 units per acre.) 18.80.Q30(B) - Extensions should be granted for 72-month periods, rather than six. 18.80.U60(A), (B) - V'ie do not believe that the existence �f planned developments should be the �maljor clic;tincteor� be#ween �sta�slished ane� developing area�. The function of those designations should be to provide a buffer between are�s that have developed over the years under the old standard lot size ar�d setbacks. and the areas which must develop more densely to reflect LCDC standards and shrinkiing land supplies. T'he ordinance provides a mechanism for aliowing PD's in estabFished areas, t�ut ha� no similar m�chanism for allowinc� standard subdivisioris in deve- loping areas. VYhiie I'D's t�ay be de�irabl� in many instances, they invoive much more work and aggravation for the developer and the city. It ws reasonable �o believe that standard subdivision� will be appropriate in many instances and they should be allowed if the meet the standards of the underfying z�ne. i8.80.080{A)(2) - The ref�rences to lot should read site. Home Builders Canments July 12, 1983 Page Three 18.80. 100(A) - Phasinn of PD's over onty 3 years in effect means no plhasing. The period should be extended to seven years, the same period allowec! by statute for condominiums. Many projects even have 15-20 years pha5ing plans. 18.80. 120(B) (3) - Notations should be added to clarify that "type"refers to single family vs. attached vs. apar#ment, etc. 18.EOo 12U(B)(9) - Clarify to show that the percenta�e reduction refers fio square feet or Iineal feet. 18.80.220(A) - In our discussions w9th staff, they said that while applicants are required to submit a1) revisions at teast 15 days before the hearing, there was a corresponding obligation on the city to notify the appicant of required revisions at Ieast 30 days before the hearing. We are unable to find support for that in the ordinance. If it is not in the ordinance, language to that effect shaufd be added. 98.80.230(B) (3)(a) - This section is unnecessary sinoe the subject is c�vered in 4(a}. 18.80.230(B) (5) (b) - Add "ab§ervable from the adjacent dweeling uni;ts." 18.80.23Q(B) (9) - The information requested regarding sigr�� is much more detailed thara the tleveloper cara be expected to have prepared at thds stage. Information on the proposed general location of �igis would be approporiate at this stage. 18.80�240(A) (5) - Indicate that these are the hazard areaS as specified by the SCS. 78.�0.260 and foliowing - These sectians should refer to "concept plans" for the various areas, rather than to site plan�, grading plans, etc. As currently labeled they imply a greater le�,el of detail than is a�tually expected and will create unreal- istic expectations in those reviewing the p0anso 18.80.260(A) (fi) - Locations of proposed utilities should require only schematics. 18.8Q.260(A) (10). (11) - This information is not nece§sary at this stage of review. 18.80.270(A) (2) - This shoeald be clarified to state that retention is not required by implication. 18.8D.28U(A) (1), (3) - Regarding the irrigation systenn, only an indication of the type of system to be used shoutd be required. As to proposed landscaping, the conc�:pt plan shauld indicate the general location and fihe function if a specializec! function. 18.84.040(A)j9) - A performance bond should be permitted in lieu of a cash deposit. 18.84.080{A) (7) - Asbefore, schematics for proposed utilities locati�ons shou�ld be sufficier�t. 18.F3_4.090(A) (3)(d) - The cut and fili calculations call far too much detail for this stage of the review. Ceneral data from the engineer should suffice. Hc�me Builders Comments July 12, 1983 ,P'age Fou.r 18.90:D30(A) (3) - V'Jork sho.uld be allow►ed fio conti'nue �past 6 pm without a permit. Work often continues during the aonstructaon season til'1 8 pm and beyand. 18.90.070 - Tractor eq:ui�pment moving abowt the site vui11 transmit heat across the property line when it approaches the iine as it must. Such equipment should be exempt fram the rule:. 18.92.020(kj (T), (4) :- Removing sensitive lands and dedicated park lands from the net i site area before calculating the allowab;ie density in effect re�ults in no density transfer. The purpose of the transfew is to triove structures from iand that is unbuildable or should be �are§erved onto lands that are easily buildable w6thout reduction in 1he number of units allowed. These sections should Q�e deleted. 1'8.92.D30(A,) (2) - This should read "nofi exceed the maximum nwmber of units per �ross site acre.'� ' ` ' n1 to multifam'rl structures on ti�e same site. - th s a Iwes o 18. 104.040 Clarify ihat � , pp y y 18. 104, 100 - Is the 10 foot setback on fla�g iats consistent with the setback requirements in otl�er standard districts? 18. 1:11.020(K) (3) - This is an incc�mplete sentence. 18. 111. 130(A) (2) - One covered par{cing space pee- detach�ci or attaehed singl� family dwelling.'in addi�ion to the garrage is excessive. The requirement for a third covered spa'ce shou be de eted. 18. 120.060{A) (1) - Req€�cring a bond for 15U% of the estimated pr�ject cost is excessive. Most �urisdictian:s require only 1Q0 or 1100. 18. 120. y30(A) �3) (b) - Sho�ld read "problems wil�be m6tigat�d anc9 howr they will be miti:gated." 18. 156.030(E) - The right of way and roadway widths for locai streets are exc�ssi�re. People no (a�r�ger desire the wide boulev�ards thro.ugM their neighborhoods and the �� extra width creates unroecessarg� costs whic.h the�residents must pay. A 4U ft. ROW and 28 ft ra�advuay width should suffice. 18.�56 080(C) - Wh�re oversiaing is required, the developer should be reimbursed � by new develo�ments whi�h hook up to the system du'ring th� fol'lowing 10 years for #heir proportional share of the cost. This system work� qu.ite well in a number of other jurisdictions. We wi1J cantinu� to review the draft dqcument and v�rilB no�ify t�ae staff and Cornmi�sion at the �arli�st possible time of any changes we p:rQpose. Sincer ly, Wl Ke in anw�y Staff A�torney STAFF RESPONS� TO HOME BUILDERS COMMENTS 1. Suggestion: 18.08 (B) "as implemented by this Code. . ." Response-; Staff recommends that this phrase be includec�. � 2. Suggestions 18022.040(A)(3) ". . .public need" I' l�esponse: Staff agrees that this section should be deleted. 3-. Suggestion: 18.24.OS0 "nonconforming uses are public nui�ances. . ." Kesponses The phrase "and a public nuisance could be deleted without changing the intent of this section. 4. Suggestion: Definitions, Floor Area. 11Area under overhangs should not be counted as floor area" Responset Staff agrees with this suggestion and would suggest the following: F'loor Area. The gross horizontal area, under xoof, of all floUrs of a building, measured from the exterior wa11s, exclu�ling vent�, shafts, courrs, and space devoted to off-street parking. 5. Suggestion: 18.30.020(A)(5) Incl.ude contract purchases on list of �ossible applicants for legislative changes. Response: After revzewing this issue and the intent of legislative changes, staff believes it is more appropriate to Iimit legislative change requests to the Couneil, Commission, City staff and recognized City civic organizations. 6. Suggestion: 18.30.050(D)(2) Establish timeline and do away with waiver. Response: I�B 2295 which was passed by the Legislature dura.ng their recent session will require applications to be acted upon within 12Q days of submittal. Staff is now in the process of reworking its revaew time to comply with State law. 7. Suggestion: 18.30>140(A)(4) Delete reference to applicable comprehensive plan policies. Response: A Legislative change is usually based on a local jurisdiction plan policies in some way regardless of the type of change, therefore staff believes it zs important to include this language. 8. Suggestion: 18.32.040(C) Response; see ��6 above. 9. Suggestedc 18.32.200(A)(1) change "at least 5 days" to "No more than 5 days" Response: Staff agrees and has suggested language to say "within 3 days.. ." 10. Su�gestian: 18.32.200 "from date of Gaity final decision" Response; Staff would agree with this suggestion. 11. Suggestion; 18.32.270(B)(3) Include oral agreemerit. Response: Staff would agree with �his suggestion, d tor rehearin s 12. Su estion: 18.32.32Q(B) Delete man a y g gg Response: Staff agrees with this suggestion. 13. Suggestions 18.50 R-4.5 should allow lots of 7,000 square feet versus 7,500 sqizare feet Response: Staff has checked with various other jurisdictions in the metro area and tkiey do allow for 7,000 square foot lots versus 7,500 square feet. Staff does believe this size is appropriate and wo�ld support such a change, however, this may be a poli.cy question to be resolved at the Council lev�l. 14. Suggestion: 18.S4.OSD(C)(5) and 18,56.050�C�(5) Change language of r�quired setbacks �ahere mu:Ltiple family zones abut single famil.y zones. Response; The community has demanded a buffer area between these zones. 15. Sugge�tion: 60� of lot coverage is too 1ow, and City is relyi.ng too I, heavily on R-4Q Response: Staff would suggest this figure be changed to 80 percent and include parking areas as definition �f 1ot coverage suggests. There is only ane small area of ft-40 in the enrire planning area. The Home Builders have suggested more medium and low°u►edium density to airoW for more 5,000-7,000 �quare foot SF loCs which staff believes in appropriate if the City wants residential ownership versus renter�o Th� Cauncil, however, has rejected this concept zn order to retain larger lots. _ ------ - � 16. Suggesrion: 1�.80.030{B) Extension should be for 12 months vez�sus 6 months. Response: Staff agrees that 6 months often does not give builders a choice if 6 n►onths is in the middle of Januaxy: 12 months seems approFriate. r7. Suggestion: 18.80.060{A), (B) Allow PD's in Established Areas and disallow PD's in Developing Areas if standard subdrvision. Response: Staff agrees that not every proposal in a Developing Area need go through the PD �rocess if it meets standard requirements. The attempt by staff was to a11ow for more flexibility in Developing Areas, but also allow standard developing. Staff suggests the following: Section 18.88.030{C) c. If a development proposal within a Developing Area meets all of the standard criteria set foxth in Chapters 18.44 through 18a72 (zoning district classifications) then such a development nee� not be reviewed through the PD process; except those properties and including an area within 200 feet of an Established Area. 18. Suggestion: 18.�0.080(A)(2) Lot should read site. Response: Staff agre�s with this suggestion. 19. 8uggestion: 18.80.100(A) Phasing PD's over �0 years rather than i years. Respflnse: Staff agrees with thi� suggestion. 20. Suggestion: 1$.$Oe120(B)(3) Clarify "type" Response; Staff will include examples of residential types, i.e. si.ngle family, m�ltiple family 21. Suggest�on: 18.80.2'LO(A) Staff obligations to developers regarding review and exchange of informatian. ReSponse: In section 18.32.0�0 Pre-application conference, staff is required to su�ply information to each applicant regarding I policy and ordinance requirements. Staff is suggesting that ' the time period be shortened from 15 to 12 days before the public hearing. 22. Suggestion: 18a80.230(B)(3)(a) Zfiis section implies a duplication of private outdoor space. � _ : _ Response; Staff believes this section is somewhat redundant to section �4)�a). Perhaps (4)�a) could be expanded to in¢lude multiple family and single family attdched resideneial units with ground floor limits, this section (3)�a) could be deleted. 23. Suggestionc 1$.80.23O�B)(5)f6) add "observabl.e from adjacent dwelling uniCs" Response; Sta£f agrees to this change. 24. Suggestion: 18.8!0.230{B)(9) There is too much detail required for conceptual signso Response; Staff agrees and offers the following change; "Location of all signs with th� development site" The remaining language could be deleted except for �k�4). 25. Suggestion: �8.80.240�A)(5) Reference Soi1 Conservation SErvice maps for� tl�►ese hazards. Response: Staff agrees to this input. 26. Sug.gestion: 18.80.260 Indicate that the plans are conceptual only. Response: Staff agr�es to this input. 27. Sug,�estiont 18.$D.260(A)(6)�c) Recommend schematic locati.on of utilities Response: Staff agress that the words "schematic drawings of. . ." in form of suUseation (c) 28. Suggestion: 18080.260(A)(10)�11) Omit this subsection because they are not necessary at this level of review. Response: Staff agrees to this change 29> Suggestion: 18.80.270�A)(2) Not to imply retention of drainage watea. Response: Staff is in the process of clarifying this requirement with the Public Works Department. � 30. Suggeetion: 1�,80.280(A)(1),(3) This subseetian requires too much , i.nfo�nnation at this level of xeview. Response: St�£f agrees and otfers the following change: "(1) The conceptual location of required irrigation systems. (3) The loc�tion, size and �pecie� of existing plant maGerials and the general location of landscape areas; and" 31. Suggestion: 18.84.0��0{A)(9) A performance bond in lieu of cash. Respomse: Staff is in the process of reviewing this subsection with Public Works 32. Suggestion: 18.84.080{A)(7) Require only schematic location of utilities. Response: Staff agrees and suggests including the word "conceprual" before "location". 33. Suggestion: 18.84.090(A)(3)(d) Tob much detail required far cut & fill at this �evel of review. Response: Staff disagrees, and believes that it is imperative that the Hearings Officer or Directox have adequate information in which to review a Sensitive Lands proposal. 34. Suggestion: 18.90.030�A)�3) No permit required far construction after b pm. Respunse: Because it is often necessary to work until dark to camplete construction projects, staff suggests changing this section from 6 pm to "until daric". 35. Suggestion: 18.�0.070 Tractors also transmit heat across prop�rty lines and should lae exempted. Response: Staff suggests the following language: 2nd sentence . .."signs, floodlights of parking areas or construction equipment at the time of construction or excavation work. . ." In addition, the second and third sentences s.n this section should be reversed. 36. 5uggestion: 18.90.020(A)(1),(4) Remove private streets and park land from density calculationso Response: Staff offers the following change: (1) Keep subsectior� (A) as is and change Section 18.92,03� A. to read "Units per acre on land area(s) lisred in Sectiun � 18.92.020�A)(1)(4) may be transferrede , e" � 37. Suggestion: 18.92.030(A)(2) Change language to read "not exceed the maximum member of units per gross site acre." Resgonse: Staff agrees thak the language change states staff's original intent in a simpler way. 38. Suggestion: 18.1�4.040 Clarify that tt►is section applies to only multiple family structure on the same site. Response: This was staff's original intent and offers the following Yanguage tc the section title to clari£y this issue: 18.104.040 Distance Between Multiple Faraily Residential Structures. . . 39. Sug�es�ion: 18.104.100 10 foot setbacks as flag lots. Response: Ail side y�ras are 5' in residential zones, however, the Code is offering more structure placement flexibility in a flag lot initiatiox�. It could turn out that a side yard would abut a- , rear yard of an adjacent structure (not the norm in standard lot situation) and the additional 5' adds more privacy for both structures. 40. Sug�estion: 18.].11.020(K)(3) Incomplete sentence ' Response; It is a complete sentence if it is used with introduction phrase on page V-20 "Required parking space shall..." 41. Suggestian: 18.111.13D(A)(2) Requiring 3 parki.ng spaces for single family. Response: 'This secti�n only states that 2 spaces are required for each single family structure. One of those spaces tnust be covered. 42. Suggestion: 18.120aQ60(A)(1) 1.�0% bond is excessive rather than 100% or iio°� Response: Staff is reviewing this issue wzth the Public Works DepartmetYt. 43. Suggestion: 18.120.130(A)(3)(b) Missing wordii�g Response: Staff agrees with eomments; sentence shoisld read "problems wi11 be mitigated and how they will be mitigated 44. Suggestion: 18.156.030(E) Excessive local street width standards Itesponse: Staff is in the process of reviewing this issue with the Public Works Department. 45. Suggestion: 18.156.080(C) Oversizing reimbursement Response: Staff is in the process of reviewing this wi.th Public Works Degartment. � " _,=- ___, _.:__ . —__— -—_J _ _ _ _ y � Fyre/737t3E Minute3 of NPO 3 Regula[ Meeting at the H�nne c�f Michael Smith 11645 S.W. Cloud Ct. 7:30 pm July 5, 1983 1. Call to c�rder by chairpecsUn F3ledsae at 7:30 pm. 2. }2011 cal.l: Presr�nt were B]:edsoe, Ramsc�ell, Smith, Moztenson, and �orker(Ss00 pm) . Fxcused absent were Fyre and Maonier 3. Tne t3P0 -founnd one error and f�wr omi�sions in the minutes of June 20, ' 19;83. The eatrecte� minutes are as attached. 4. Chairperson f3ob Hledsae clistributed ccpies of- the latest Transpor,tatian Plan and Bull Mquntain Comrnunity Plan which he recieved upon request fr�m Wa�h. Ga. Planner, Rick Daniels. 5. Chairp�rson Bledsoe dist��ibu�ecl c3raft copies vf ti�� letter from t3P0 3 �� City Council. The NP� r�que�ted three corrections in the letter. Liledsoe saic7 hc had not bee» able to fincl �he l.anguage references al,out LhE tdurray Blvd. exten�i.on; these were mac3e in a motion adoptinq the transpocta�ion map. The riPO directed the Ctiair to :.•eguc�t this subject• lo ue� placed as an agenc3a it�m beL•ore c�uncil. 6. Communifi.y IIevelopmLnt Coclea ae Bledsoe reported that Jotan Gihbon, re�re�enting the H�mebuil�3er's Associati�n, requested hhat the lot size �or the R 4.5 be chang�d from 7500 sqt�are feet tn 7000 sc�, f` , l.iice m�sL- ather jurisdictions. NPO � �on��.ua�a tnat because of a�y ttte tine spent• by �ve�'yone involved, we sup�ork �he cam�romiscs tt�at have b��n made, ancl wc �pp�se this sugc�asted change. It would chan�e tl�e ovc�a?Z denszty caleul��ions. Herman Porter will r��are�enl L-hc NPO July 1?. beforc the Planna.ng Commission on �his issue. � b. In 18,30,040 A on page SZ-2, the NPO would 1ik� to suggest ehat t „r.W10Et per year" is too of�en and toc3 co�tly to be m�king legisl�itive changes to rh� camprehen�x.ve �1a�n. c. Sn 1�,32.090 in regarc] to 18.32.270 B & 1�.32.275 . e the �IPt� ' as��rt� �h�t �he notice Uhould include � sta�ement that any ap�eal to eounail ���ia. �E on the basis of written argument or cocres�a��dence onl.y - - ��nlESS our sugesti.on nf allowing rncorded verbal argument is accept�d. , � , . , , • ; � s ci, D (�stablish�d Areas)' Add the followinq: "A pri.mary � Considezation in the review process shall be to preserve and enhance ' the character of the �djacerrk established areas." , e, 18,86.020 A 2 (Established Areas) Dele�.e s�ntence in parenth;ises and add: " , or if not so devel,ope8a the parcel. is not contig��us with a = Uevel.oping Area." This is similar for criteria Eor develo�ing area, ia.ea.ozo. ' f. 1f3.�6.030 (Established Areas) adr3: " Within an Established l�r�a new � cleveiopment shall. lae af the same type and densi�y in orc�er to pro�ect the eharactec of existing n�ighharhoods. A primary consicieration in ; a11 phas�s af the deveopment appraval pr�r_ess shall be to preserve '; and enhance the charactex o€ the adjacent es�ablished areas, " 3 ;� 7o NEXT MEETTNG to be held at Fowler Jr. ,High July 1.II at 7:15 pm. , 8. Adjournec3 ak 10:10 pm. `r � . , ;:; � � i ryce/716 rE � Minutes of NRO 3 Special Meetiny b'owler Junior i�igh Sehool 7:15 pm in the Library ,7une Z0, 1583 �.. CaLled to ord�r t�y chair��rson IIledso� ak 7:22 pm. 2. Pre�ent wcres 131edsoe, Smith, Mortenson, P�rCer, Ramsdell, and ryre. � M�aonier absent exGU�e�3. � a tdinutes o; r.eyular meeting held June 13 were read and approved. 3. MIonahan's l�tt_ec of May 12 �o Wash. Go. I3i11 Monahan li.sL-ened t� members' concerns that his 1?tter did not re£leek the City C�uncil's stronc� position wi.th r•r_gaed to the Mur.ray Road issu�. Monahan responded by asserting that he chose, as a compromise aimed at presevring a good v�orking relationship with the County, not to vc�ice the Cowicil's str�ng positi.on bu� cathec L•o take a softer approach anci point out that t�hey, �he Cou7ty, wer.e r�ot f:ollowing their' own analysi.s. Q The issue of Go. riqh�-of-way (R06V) in the urban plannirig area was ' discu5s�d �nd Monahan m�nt�ian�c] Ghat no options are �o be preelucled, i.e. , � County ROW stanc3ards will not be �iecl�.�ded in usban planniny areas. Some general disr�us�ion f�llowed cancerniny traffic p1an� Eor the Becktold ` pro�erty. There seemed to be a general understandi.ng that in the Urban # Planni.ng Area even if the C�unty F20W stanclar.ds are applica5le the City r.etains zoute c�e�er.mination. Monak�an was thanked f�r taking time to repsc�nc] �he �he consrrns of ttze NPO. Tt�e NPO dir�cted the Chair to madify � 1ett:er to L•l�e ui.�y CounciL st��ting NPO 3's positian regardin� Monahan's lEtter ancl t� poznt aut that there is a g�owing perception that City staff �ctions ai:G often t:im�s inconsistant with �he positions taki.ng uy the Cit�� Council during Council meetings, 4, Cantinuatian of an op�n review of th� Communzty Dev�l.opment Code reyulted I in �he passage of the Eollwir.c� recommen�3ec� changes e a, Add "NPO" to the definition oF "p�rsc�n" in secL-ian Ln-03.U30 aa� Adcl NPO ta definitions. b. Drc�� "iz active" frorri A-I-G Sections. 1.8.37..080 � d and 1f3.32.100 A c and others. c. Add to 18.32.055 (pa�e TT-15 in the CDCp and 18. 3q.060, pag� II-3 an ifi:em A.4 "The Dirertc�r shal.l cite in the Staff rePort �he addztional in£ormatian required, the reasons Ear requirement, and L-he authocity far the zequiremc�nt. Add .i.tem "h" t� 1fl.30.07t� C2 and an item 5 to �t3.32.045 A3b: "A statemen� of additiona], information required, or. the waiver of zequired information, with reasans and authority for the action." �.......�:i� . . . . . � d. Mcxiify s�ctions 1�.94,02-0 & 030 to reflect the foll�wing: -Mobile hame packs and subdivision will nat exceed denaity limits of ,; the underlying zone, and, be conditional �se in a11 established 'j arPas, � ; .. j 18.y4.(�20 (Mobil� I3ome 5ubdivi�ions) (V-S of CDC) A.1 shaulc3 re�c� "PermzL-ted outright in developing R-7 and a11 � mul:tiple famil.y zoning clistricts" and A.2 �hould r�ad "A conditional u�e permitted in 3,5 and 4,5 resider�tial zoning districts°. ; � � I.a.94.030 (Mobile E7ome Parks) ;,� ;� �A.1 should read "PecmiXted outright in developang Fi-7 simgl.e ;; family distric�s and a11 multiple family distri.cts, and " +� A.2 ,hould read "A conditional us� permi.tted in R-4.5 �� ciis�ricts." ';� ;� e. 13.92.020 �ensi.ty Cac�ilations z j Suggest th� follwiny changes: �� 18,92.Q20 A.2. shou7.d become A.3 �+ A.4 should became A. 2 ', A.3 should b�come A. 4 ,;� ;j The nc�w A.3.a shauld read: Single family - allocat� ;� 208 of gross acres remaining aLt�z subtractzng ar�as ji refecenced in A�T&2, for �ublic facil.ities; I� �� The r�ew A.3.b shauld read: Multipl.e f�mily - allacate 158 of gross acres remaining arter �ubt_•ractin� ar�as �, referenced in A.�1&2.for. public facilitz�s; �° '' 18,92.030 Residential Density Trans�er shoulc� be ch�nged ta read j' as follows: , � ;�. ' Units pEr acr� on unbu.ildat�le l�nc� a=ea(s) listed in ��c�ian �; x 1E3.92.020 (A.1) �nd (A.2) rnay t�e . . fi ' ' ! And add Section A.2 No units may be transferred �rom land � dedicated to the public for gark pur�osed i� such dedication , was in lieu oE �aying the SD� foe parks. � � � f. It w�� mentioned that Transition Zanes and Road I�estriction are not in the GDC. � - . , �. �, A. g. Zoning distriet's In Y,8.48.40 (R 3.5) delete Mobi1 Home Park as conditional use In 1`8. 50.3U (R 4,5) de3.ete Mobil Home Park and Mobi1 Home Subdivision a� permitted use�. In 18. 50.40 (R4.5) allaw Mobil Home Subdivision as r_onc7itianal use, and a11ow Mobil Home Park as conditiorral use provirled the housing density is no� ther�by increased. �, i h. In 1F3.3Q.050 B 3, l£3.32.040 B3 and 18.32.275 D-C-D ,' , , Specify the waiver of fees and tx�anscript costs Eor an ap�lication �r appeal hy the Plannin� Commission, Parks '� Aoard, �r the-NF'O's, �� � � , . . . ; i. In 1a.32.270 B 2 "The review . . by Council shall be: The" subject o£ wrztten argument OR RECORDEn VERBAL ARGUMENT ' ionly . . �� _�_ i , � 5e Othex Busiries5 � j It was agreed to g�t the Urban Pl.anning Ar�a on th� City Counci.l's � November mee-ting agenda. 6. NEXT t+IEETING ta be held Tuesc3ay, Ju1y 5, 7:15 pm �� Mi4;e Smit�h's house. � i 7. Ad�ournec7 ,at 10 pm. I r I t�.. � � � �.i 1 t.:� .. . . :"...I i... .�... . . 7 ' I, . RESPONS� �0 NPO ��3 COMMENT'S AND GTHER COMMENTS ' ,1. Suggestion; Allow civic organivations to be exempt from appeal fees. ' Response: It would be more appropriate to separately list the fee� and as a tagger to fee statement, list khe those organizations that would be exempted from those fees. ' 2. Suggestion; Mobile Home parks R-3.5 in Single Family areas. Response: Mobile Home parks are listed as a Conditional Use in R-3.5 �, zones (R-10) which would require the review of the locatian of - any pzoposed park in a public hearing. In addition, it allows more alternatives for' mobile and manufactur.ed homes which are in demand. 3. Suggestion: Change minoir collector to only 2 moving lanes. Responset Staff agrees with this change since it would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, : 4. Suggestion: Exception �o stxeet widkhs is EstabLished Areas. tiesponse: Staff is now in the process of reviewing th:is issue wi.th the - Public Works Department. S. Suggestion: Allow ,restau•rants within hotel/motel complexes as separate structures. ltespanse; Staf£ believes this is an approprkate use provided the aomplex is one parcel of land. STA.FF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.2 JULY 19, 1933 - 7:30 P.M. TIGARD SGHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION SUILDING BOARD ROOM 13137 SW Pacifa:c Hwy., Tigard, Oregon A. FINDINGS OF FACT CASE: - CPA 6-83 Dakota Greenway Condominiums Np0 ��7, ; ZC 7-$3 I REQiJ•EST: For a Gomprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density to Mediurt}. High Density and a zone change from A-12 to ,A-20 (Multi-Family ; Residential) on 6,38 acres of Yand. RECOMMENDATIONs Based on staff's review of the information submitted by the applicant, site inspection and analysis of tYie Interim Zoning Map and applicable plan policies, staff recommends that the Planning Commissian recommend appr�val of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the City Council and ap:prove the zoxie change request. '� APPLICANT: Alpha Properkies OWNER: same - 17$90 SW Boones Ferry Rd. Lake Oswego, Qregon 97034 LOCA7.'ION: 10485 SW North Dakota (Wash. Coo Tax Map 1S1 34DA. Tax Lot No. 100) LOT AR.EA: 6.38 acres COMPREHENSIVE PL�N DESIGNATION; Mediuin Density i; � ZONE DESIGNATION: A-12 �; NPO COMMENT: No wr�tten comment had been reeeived at the writang of tk�is r�port. PUBLIC �OMMENT: Notices were mailed to 12 surraunding property owners. No written conunents had been received at the writing of this report. BACKGROUND/PREVIOUS AGTZQ�: Chn February 26, 1979, the Cit� Council adopted the NPO ��7 Plan by Ordinance 79-11 whicll designated the property Urban Low Density. On May 9, 1'383, the Tigarci City Council adopted the Comprehensive Plan Map by Ordinance 83-24 which designates the property Medium Density. VIGINIT� INFORMATION: The property ta the s�uth is developed as large lot single family residential. The property to the west is duplexes. The land to th� north is vacant. Fanno Creek forms tha r►o�theast and east boundaries of the propertye l -_ _ -- Staff Report CPA 6-83 zc 7-83 Page. 2 SITE INFORMATIONs Z`he property is vacant and slopes t�ward Fanno Creek. There are trees along the creek. The remainder of the site is field grass. B. APPLIGABLE COMPI2EHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES 2>1.1 THE CTTY SkIALL MAINTAIN AN ONGOTNG CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PROGRAIK AND SHALL ASSURE '1HAT GITIZENS WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF THE PLANNING PROCESS. All property owners within 250 feet of the property were notified of this applieation. In addition, a notice was published in the Tigard Times on July 7, 1983. NPO �k7 was also notified of this applicatian. 2.1.3 THE CITY SHALL ETVSURE THAT INFORMATION ON LAND USE PLANNING TSSUES IS AVAILABLE IN AN UNDER3TANDABLE FORM FOR ALL INTEItESTED GITIZENS. All interested persons are given at least 10 days to offer written commenCs on all planning applications. Interested parkies are also afforded an opportuni.ty to speak at the public hearing on this matter. �'he plannirig staff is available to answer any questions on planna.ng applica�ions. 12,1.1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE FOR HOUSING DENSITIFS II� ACCORDA.NCE WITH: a. THE APPLICA�LE PLAN POLICIES. b, THE APYLICAB.LE I�OCATIONAL CRITERIA. c. THE APPLICABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE PROVISIONS. The applicant's proposal has been revi.ewed by staff for conformance to all Comprel�ensive Plan policies and Municipal Code provisions. The specific policies that pertain to the land use desi�nation are found in the Locational Criteria, and are �s follows: Medium—fligh and High Density Residential A. The following factors will be the determinants af the areas designated for high density on the plan map: (1) Areas which are not committed to low density development. (2) Areas which can be buffered from low d�nsity residential areas in order to maximize the privacp of established low density residential areas. (3) .Areas which have direct access from a major collector or arterial street. � ,_ - — -- — - _ - Staff Report CPA 6-83 ZC 7-83 Page 3 : �4) Areas which are not subjest to development limitations. �5) Areas where the existing facilities have the capacity for additional development. �6) Areas within one quarter mile of public transit. �7) Areas within one quarter mile from neighborhood and generai commercial shopping centers �r business and office centers. (8) Areas adjacent to either private or public permanent operi space. The Medium High Deiisity development can be buffered from the Low Density development in the area. The property to the west is duplexes, to the north vacant and design�ted Medium Density. The creek to the east serves as a buffer from the industrial property further east. The property to the south is underdeveloped single family resid'ential and is designated Medium Density on the Comprehensive Plan. The criteria for Medium and Medium High Density residential areas generally speak to the capacity of public £acilities and services t� serve the area given to its more intensive use. Sanitary sewer servicP is available from the Fanno Creek interceptor which runs through the property. Water service is available from the Tigard Water District line in Sta North Aakota. The Tualatin Rural Fir.e Protection District Fire Marshall has reviewed the application for fire pxotection purposes and does not oppose increased density for this site. The property is served by 5W North Dal�ota Street which will need to be improved to City standards prior to developmpnt. Polire service, parks, library and generai administrakive services are available to the area. Tigard Munxcipal Code Comprehensive Plan Amendment - All of the requirements of- the Tigard Municipal Code have been considered in review af this application. C. CONCLUSIONS The propased Comprehensive Plan Amendment meets applicable planning policies. D. RECOMMENDATION Staf£ recommends approval of the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Medium Higti nensity, based on the following: The proposal conforms to existing plan policies and zoning code requirements. Sta€f Report CPA 6-83' ZG 7-83' Page 4 RECOMMENDED MOTTON't Should the Planning Commissio.n v�te to apgrov� this agplication as presented by staff, the following motion may be mad�e: Move to forward recommendation of approval. of CPA 6-83 from Medium Density to Mediuu� High Density plan designation to City Council and approval of ZC 7-83 from A-12 to A-70 zoning designation for the subject property. PREPARED BY; APPROVED BY: � i �` ��. -_ 7���,� Eliz� h A. Newton ' iam A. Monahan Associate Planner Director af Planning and Development NOTE. Should the Pl�x�ning Cnmmissian tak� action other than that recommended by s:taff, findings sha11 be adopted with the m�tion for decision. (EAN:pm/0107P} � � � _ , r' .., � . � . . . . . � �. . . . .. . � . . . . . � � .� � . . .. . �..., �. � �. . . . � . . � � � � � � �. . . � . . . . . Architec#s�°�,��i Lom A.I.A 34 N.W, First St. Suite'30�,,� �rtland�OR 97209 503/226-0590 k������' ��� t����'��' � � � � � j , ..ft"'i i /� � 1 �, �F�� . �t . .� �. . . . . 1•^ i� I(�n1 . r-., 1�1���..• 1 b..e�-, . . . . . `�� R^` V lr i�l t v�r 1.,....... May 25, 1983 �I�IY U�' Ti�I�F�� ('�/�N�Jli�t� DC�'�C, SUPPQRT DATA FOR COMPREIiENS2VE FLAN AMENDt�IENT ZONE CHANGE ' Alpha Properti�s-is proposing a condominium ;project consisting of 64' family units`located within eight, two story wood-framed buildings. These eight buildings are to be located on 2.35 acres, which is above the flood plain. The remainder of the'site, (4.03 acres below the flood plain) , will be devoted to open area, recreation such as' a jogging path, bicyc].e pathway, and tennis courts (if permitted in the flood p].ain) . There wilJ. be 32 one hedroom units of approximately 55D sq. ft. each, and 32 two bedroom units of approximatPly 765 sqa f.t. each. We feel this is an ideal site fox medium-high density housing because of the amount of "greenway" adjacent to the site; the location of the parcel near the major highway r,ollectors as well as Washington Square; and mass transo portation within walkzng distance of th.e site. If this site (�ota1 area 6.38 acres) were totally available for m�zltifamily use (A--12) , the site would house 76 units. Because two �thirds of the site iS below the flood plain, maxim�un unit count available to the site is now 40 units (as compute� per City of Tigard Policy 6.4.1), or 6.3 units per grass , acre. We don't feel that a�t is the intent ,af the City to reduce available �! � housing in sites •that axe as appropriate for higher density housing as this � on;e is. Zn our dealings with the City of Tigard, we know you are looking for opportunities to ].ogically ]:ocate higher density housing v�hich is appropriate, access�.ble, and will provide amenities for the peop].e who may occupy these housing developments. Aocording to the Vacant Land Study written in 1978 by a. � .,. y . � � .. . . . . � � .. � � � . . . ' ... �� � . . . � .. �� . . S*, t..�.. � . . . � � 1000 Friends �f Oregon, the tri-ar�unty area'has only 7.2� of vacant land zoned for multifamily. �Tf a11 of the land which is zoned for multifamiT� were built to its maximum capacity (n� deductions for flood plain,:greezzways,; s�treets and dedications) , this would accornmod'ate only 47� of the projected muZtifami'ly needs to the year 2000.' What ab�ut the remaining 53�? ' We' have deve]:oped a preliminary site plan of our proposed development to show how all housing can be located on 'the 2.35 acres a�bove the fYood plain.- We wanted to es�ablish building areas, parking and open space allocations. The 64 units wou7.d create an overall density of 10.03 units to the acreo Because of the c onfi uration of the units, 8.7� o£ the site wi11 be covered by build= g ings, l3� by`parking and the remaining 78.3� of the site will be open space, .recreation and walkso We think this is an excellent relatianship� Multi-unit projects are traditionall.y used as buffers betw�en lower density housing and other:uses, suah as commercial. This project would be no exception as it would provide a buffer betw�en single family neighborhoods and the manufacturing areasa The advantage to the potential tenants, however, is that they will have a very open site to enjoy-�a7.ose to shc�pin�, highways ; and mass transit.; Because o� the I.arge amoun� of flood plain �:rea wi�l�.in the site, we feel the s�te as dssignated is underzoned f�r its intended use. We are requesting the change 'of plan dssignata.on to medium-ha,gh density and zvning, to A-tO to bring this site inta the appropriate designation to more alosely :facilitatP the intended A-12 7one (78 unit count) . ARC TECTS VAN Nl A,,I.A. �p , . . . .. .. � . � . . . . . � . .. Josep ' M. Van m A.I.A. ch' ect . : _ _ -- � . , . . �70' �o4N � r .. O . � � . . . �. ,_ , , � � " � : . �; • �� o� '�► . . , ; , , ��,�. � � , < ' ;� v, , , . �� , ' �,- ,r� � r��( ! ���� " \\ I /—� , �.�-�/" , .� ��,�-��!•I� .�J� �._ \a v � �\%1'C I ,� \ � � , . ... y � _ � �- ~�� ._. � �b ! ',� b - ' � � �-�' , � 'So�� � �.rnl� � , .M«H�•.� '! ,_ T � �. r�1.�� .r� ,' . � �__ . / � � �..: � -' 1: '�� I . ! ' �.. �y_ _i-� i � �' ,\i- �. . � i `� .:� I � � , � . 1 � \ .•- � ��� ♦,. ' .. . !I � � � � � � �� � . - . rl� ���i... ♦Kn��.� 1 � . 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STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.4 July 19, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. ' TIGARD SCHOOL DZSTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDIN'G BOARD ROOM 13137 S.W. Facific Highway - �'igard, Or. A. FINDING OF FACT 1• General Information CASE: CPA 9-83 Gallo's Vinyard Comprehensive Plan Amendment ZC 8-$3 Gallo's Vinyard Zone Change S 7-83 Gallo's Vinyard subdivision NPO �� 7 REQUEST: For a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Law Density to Medium Density Residential and for a zone change from R-7 (8ingle Family Residential) to R-5 (Single Family Residential). Also approval of a 22 lot Single Family residential Subdivision for 5,000 sq. ft. lots on 3.38 acres. COMPREHEIVSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIQN: Low ZONING DESIGNATION: R-7 RECOMMENDATTON Based on staff's analysis of applicable planning policies, Municipal Code provisions, existing land uses and staff's field investigation, staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low Density to Medium Density. In addition, staff recommends approving the zone change request from R-7 to R-5 and approval of the 'l2 lot subdivisiono APPi�ICANT: Herb Mori.ssette Builders OWNER: Same 7470 S.W. 76th Ave. PortZand, Or. 97223 LOCATION: S.W. �igard Street and S.W. 113th St, (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DC tax lot 2900). LOT AREA: 3.3$ Acres NPO COMMENT: No written comments had been received from the NPO at the writing of this report. PUBLIC NOTICES MAILED 13 notices were mailed. No written comments had been received at the writing of this report. � _ _ -- _ _ 2. Background � June 23, 1978, the Planning Director appr.oved a preliminary plat for a 14 lot subdiv"rsaon with conditi�ns. On Nnvember 13, 1�T9, t�e Tigar.d Ylanning Co�ission granted an extension of the preliminary plat approval On Apri1 27, 1981, the Tigard Cify Council approved a Gomprehen�ive Plan Revision from R-7 to R-5 for the subject pro�e�ty. On May 9, 1983, the Tigard City Council adopted the Comprehensive Plan MaF design�ting the property low density and the Interim Zoning Map designating the property R-7. A public hearing has been set for August 8, 19839 fio vacate SW 113th through the property. A realigntnenfi of SW 113th would be ded�cated when the final plat �s recorded. 3. Vicinit� Informatian The surrounding land uses are as follows: The land to the north is designated low density, zoned R-7 and dPVeloped as large lot single family residences. The property west of t�e site is de�eloped as a single family subdivision at R-7 densities. To the south of the sxte is a sir►gle family residence on 5 acres. A portian of that land lies within the 100 year f.loodpiain. The land east of the site is vacant and is owned by the Tigard School District. 4. Site information The site is vacant, slopes 4% to the south and is covered with native brush and grasses. APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICTES: 2.Z.1 THE CITY SHALL MAINTAIN AN ONGOING CITIZEN INVOLVEML+'NT PROGRAM AND SHALL ASSURE THAT CITIZENS WILL BE PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BF INTIOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF THE PLANNING PROCESS. Notices were sent to all property owners within 250 feet of this application. A notice was published in the Tigard Time on July 7, 1983. In addi.tion, NPO �k 7 has been notified of this applica�ion. 2.1,3 THE CITX SHALL ENSURS THAT INFORMATION pN LANU USE PLANNING ISS'UES IS A'VAILABLE IN AN UNDERSTANAABLE FORM FOR ALL INTERESTED GZTIZENS. All interested parties are given, at a minimum, 10 days to respond in writing to the application and request under consideration and are encouraged to do so. The planning staff is available to address any specific questions �oncerning the application or the �pplicatinn process. STAFF REPORT GPA 9-83/'LC 8-83/S 7-83 - P�ge 2 6,1.1 THE GITY SHALL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DIVERSITI' CF HOUSING DENSITYES AND RESIDENTIAL TYPES AT VARTOUS PRICE AND RE�T LEVEL�. The subdivision of this �ropesty will provide 22 additiona.l single family building lots in Tigard available for ownership by individuals, 6.3.1 THE CITY SHALL DIRECT ITS LAND USE ACTIONS TOWARD THE MAINTENt�NCE AND IMPROVEMFNT OF ESTABLTSHED RESIDENTIAL AREAS BY: a. UESIGNATING ON THE OOMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP . THE "ESTABLISHEL� AREAS" COkIMITTED TO RESIDENTIAL �3EVELOPMENT WITHTN THE PLANNING AREA. WI2'HIN T�iE "ESTABLISHED AREAS" NEW DEUELOPrlENT WILL }3E OF THE SAME TYPE AND DENSITY IN ORDER T0 PROTECT THE CHARAC'PER OF EXISTING NEIGHBORHOODS. 6.3.2 IN THE TIGARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE A DENSITY TRANSITION WHEREBY INCREASED RESIDENTIt�L DENSITIES ARE ADJACENT TO ESTABLISHED AREAS IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: a. THE DENSITY WITHIN 100 FEET OF EACH PROPERTY LINE SHALL NOT EXCEED 25% OVER THE DENSITY SHOWN ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE ADJACFNT LAND UNLESS THERE IS AN INTERVENING RQ��D (MAJOR COLLECTOR OR ARTERIAL) IN WHICH CASE THIS PROVISION SHALL NOT APPLY. b. WIiERE THE PROPOSEb DEVE'LOPMENT ABUTS AN EXISTING fIOUSING DEVELOPMENT, THE HOUSING TYPES SHALL BE COMpATIBLE. F(7R EXAMPLE: 1. TiJO HOUSING UNITS WHICH ARE t�iTTACHED ARE CONSIDERED COMPATIBLE WITH A DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY UNIT; BUT 2. MORE THAN TWQ HOUSING UNIT5 WHICH ARE ATTACHED ARE NOT CONSIDERED COMPATIBLE WITH A SINGLE FAMILY DETACHFD UNIT. 6.3.3 IN ALL PkIASES OF THE llEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PROCESS IN A RESIDENTIAL "ESTABLISHED AREA", A PRIMARY CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY SHAZL BE TO PR�SERVE AND ENHANCE THE CHARACTER OF THE ADJAC�NT ESTABLISHED AREAS. The site is within an established area and abuts single family homes. The applicant is proposing to construct single family homes which will be of the same housing type as th� homes to the west. The applicant is proposing to construct 9 single family homes withYn 100 feet of the 8 existing single family homes, onl.y a 13X xncrease in density. 7.1.2 THE CIT'Y SHALL 12EQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: a. DEVELOPMENT COINCIDE �JITH THE AVATLABILITY OF ADEQUATE SERVICE GAPACITY INCLUDING: STAFF REPORT CPA 9-83/ZC 8-83/S 7-83 - Page 3 � _ - - . 1. PU�ZTC WATER: 2. PUBLIC SEWER (NEW DEVELOPMENT 0� SEPTIC TANKS SHAL'L N�T BE ALLO�EA WITHIN THE CITY); AND 3. STURM DRAINAGE b. THE FACILITIES AREs 1. GAPABLE OF AllEQUATELY SERVING ALL INTERS�ENING PROPERTIES AND THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: AND ?_, DESIGNED TO CrTY STANDARDS. c. ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT UTTLITIES TO BE PLACE UNDERGROUND. T'he applicax�t is proposing to install public facilities in accordance with planning policies and city ordinances. 7.4.4 THE CITY SHALL R�QUIRE THAT ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT BE CONNECTED TO I A SANITARY' SEWER SERVICE. The applicant proposed to connect to an 8" public sewer line ' just south of the property. 7.6.1 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A. PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT THATz a. THE DEVELOPMENT BE SERVED B'Y A WATER SYSTEM HAVING ADEQUATE WATER PRESSURE FOR FIRE PROTECTION PU�tPOSES; b. THE DEVELOPMENT Sk3ALL NOT REDLTCE THE WATER PRESSURE IN THE AREAS BELOW A LEVEL ADEQUATE, FOR FITtE PROTECTION PURPOSES: AND c. THE APPLICABLE FIRE DISTRICT KEVIEW ALL APPLICATIONS. The �al.atin Rural Fire Protection District has reviewed the project and approved it as acGeptable far fire protecti.on �nd access purpose�. 8.1..3 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: � a. D�VELOPMENT ABUT A YUBLICLY DEDICATED STREET OR HAVE ADEQUATE A'�GESS APPROVED BY THE APPROPRIATE APPROVAL AUTHO-RZTY; b, STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY BE DEDICATEI? WHERE THE STREET IS SUBSTANDARD IN WIDTH; c. THE DEVELOPETt COMI�IT TO THE QONSTRUCTION OF THE STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO CITY STANDARAS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT; d. INDTVIDUAL DEVELQPERS PARTICIPATE IN THE IMPROVEMFNT OF EXISTING STREETS, CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO THE EXTENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT'S IMPACTS; STAFF REPORT GPA 9-83/ZC 8-83/S -7-83 - Page 4 S.Wo Tigard Street h�s not been improved tn; ciCy stan�dards. In addition, additional right-af�way may be required. 12.1.1 T�IE CITY SHALL PROVIDE FOR HOUSII�G DE13S"LTIES- IN ACCO1tDANCE WITH: a. TH'E APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES. ' b. TH'E AP'PLTCABLE LOCATIONAL CRIT�RIA. c.. THE APPLICABLE COMMU�ILTY DEVELOI'MENT C;ODE PROVISIONS. All ap'plicable plan policies, locational criterias and Tigard Municipal coae provisians have been considered in review of this ` application. The locational criteria to #�e considered in determining a change to medium density are as follows: 2. Medium Density Residenti.al A. The following factors wi11 be detern►inants of the areas designated for medium density �on the plan map: (1) Areas which are not committed to low dsnsity development. (2) Areas which have direct access from eollector �r arterial streets. {3) Areas which are not subject to development limitations such as topography, flooding, poor drainage. (4) Areas where th� existing facilities have the capacity £or additional developm�nt. ' �5) Areas within one half of a miie of public transportation, (6) Areas which cau be buffered fro►n low density residential areas in order to maximize the privacy of established low density residential areas. B. The fol.lowing factors will be determinants o£ density ranges a1lo�caed through zoning a:n the medium density planned area: (1) The density of development in areas historically zoned for mediuni density development. (2) The topography and natural features of the areas and the degree of possible buffering from established low density residentzal areas. (3) The capacity of the services. (4) The distance to the publie transit. S7`AFF REPORT CPA 9-83/ZC 8-$3/ S 7-83 - Page 5 �5) T�e distance to neighborhood or general commercia'1 centers and office busin�ss centers. (6) The distance fram public open �pace. The property has access to a collector street. lfiere are no develnpm�nt limitati�ns on the groperty. Public faeilities Go tha site are more than adequate to serve the applicant's proposed development. There is public transit or► SW Walnut, SW 121st and SW Greenbur� Road. The Tigard School District owns the property east of the sits which is presently vacant but is a potPntial school site which will provide additional open space and recreation. Zoning District Map The proposed zoning district change is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation. TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS: 17.Q60.065 Cri.teria of Approval. No preliminary plat for a proposed subdivision and no ma or major. partition sha11 be approved unless the P Planning Director finds: (1) Streets and roads are Iaid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or maps �f major partitions already approved for �djoinin� property as to wid�h, general directian 3nd in all other respects, unless the City determines it to be in the public interest to modify t�e street or road pattern. (2) Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan and all reservatians or restrictions relating tn such private roads and streets are set forth thereon; (3) The preliminary plat complies with the Comprehensive Plan, the applicable zoning regulations, and the regulations within this title; �4) There will exist adequate quantity and quality of water and an adequate sewage disposal system to support the proposed uses of the land described in the proposed plat. (Ord. 79-96 Exhibit A (part) , 1979). 1$.20.030 Lot R-5 Zone. In an R.�S zone t�e lot size shall be as £ollows: 1. The minimum lot area sha11 be five thousand five hundred square feet, excepting for duplex use. STAFF REPORT CPA 9-$3/ZC 8-83/S 7-83 - Page 6 STAFF ANALYSIS: Staff finds that the prop�sed Comprehensive Plan change and Zone Change conforffi to applicable planning policies. In addition, staff has reviewed the subdivision plat, conducted a fieid investigation and finds that the subdivision proposal meets code requirements. Staff recommet�ds appr�val of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change request and Subciivision as proposed by the applicai►t if the stxeet vacation and rededication of SW I 113th occurs. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Should the Planning Commission decide to approve the request as presented, the follawing motion may be made: "Move to f�rward recommendation of approval to the City Council for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment from low density to medium density, approval of the Zone Change to become effective upon Council approval of the Comprehensive P(lan Amendment and approval of the Subdivision proposal �ith conditions after �he stxeet vacation of SW 113th is approved." RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: The following c�ndi�ions shall be attached to the Subdivision approval: 1. The sidewalk shall be l�ca�ed a�jacent to curbso 2R Fu11 street improvements shall be requir.ed from Tigard Street southerly to terminus of the plat (south boundary line). 3. Full half street improvements shall be required on Tigard Street. 4. A temporary, hard surface, turn-around sha11 be provided at the end of the new roadway (113th Ave.); If no further development is anticipated to the south, then said turn-araund shauld be a standard cul-de-sac. Provisions shall be made for access to Tax Lot 300 to the south of L-he property. 5. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized c.onstruckion cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing ail proposed public improvem�nts sha11 be submitted to the City°s Engitteering Division for review. , � 6. C�nstruction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the F.ngineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans (the Division will require posting of a 100% performanr_e bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight deposit and also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction c.ompliance agreement) just prior to, or at the time of, it's issuance of approved public improvement plans. S�AFF R�PORT CPA 9-83/ZC 8-83/S 7-83 - Page 7 7. No changes or modifzcations sh�11 be made to approved plans without wxitten approv�l from the a�p�ropriate �ity department. 8. N� Building Permit sha11 be issued unril 14 days aftex Planning Coum►ission approval. SURVEY CONDITIONS: 1. Basis of bearings to the County Survey 20.267 {Genter line survey of S.W. Tigard Street) 2. Dedication alignment on S.W. Tigard Street to conform to C.S. �k 20.267 alignment;. 3. Centerline ,monumentation required: P.I.'s of eurves when there position falls inside pavement limits, Utherwise B.C. :& E.C. Genter line inter. @ 113L-h and Tigard shal<l be set. NOTE: All Center :Line monuments shall be capped S/8" x 30" I.R's in Mone Box (Min. 6" opening) set at finish gracle, or capped S/$" x 30" I.R's set -on surface of final la.ft. 4. "Recorded" mylar copy of final plat to be submitte�i to city within 15 aays aftPr recorxding. r �^ �'"������%�r� �//s-/�,3 PRE AR : E izabeth , Newton APPROVED BYt William A. Monahan Associate Planner Director of Planning and Development NOTE: ShouZd the Planning Commission pass a motion other than that recommended by the staff, findings shall be adopted with the motion. STAFF �iEPORT CPA 9-83/ZC 8-83/S 7-$3 Page 8 t _ �,::y;;�..�i°t:�.t�>�.a(:7 x!�: �:���..,i�c�-ti.�a�...� ,.�y��. i,.i rtr::�c�c;a �.t��. �ar��:a�a4•a::a��.�scJ �a�.��! „�,�t.�,i� �-I��1�'�''G 'G E�l;:� �:�-�.�.�::��!�, r.y::7. �,i c:a ,r,:�.�i::�.�.�t:! n�t ra 4a ts� �5�:�u�:�:�,}c}r..a �-��a����.,� ���,�,�,-�.�; �.�:,�.•e r� �.�ca•��t�n::a<_�:;�r t� r�ui r:�;� _.i�:'�:�l-> "�'c���y,1�.t•t: .•a�:���� i.a ra�:�,•r:},w��1 ,�t.�:�. ;}r:��.���. �ca..a��na�:��.t:°► �"i L?R'1 i^'�t..� :�.L?1_�:;�. �"J�:•):.�.F?:;.1'C{")t.i'C C�,.,i G3j..� r:i ��.1i�?/l C)..t Ci Cj 1? �i 7;l.� :i'!=1 �+1"1:�.l"-!:}::� is")l.�:�, k.S fa U)7:l..j {:S 9G'1:/��»l1»' c�-.�. ��:�.:.p r,a::���,r..�i ra(.,1 �:�..�w�(.,.t �:a�:1.�:���°.�.i.:�c:�::� °.a G.t;� '�(:>t,��t.a��.a�:>E,i•c r'r t.a M� r't-f�'C l� L".i t..i�r r�.t.��t� �;•r�..t:�. .a�::�.1•3•tl „i•?i(::7 L•�!dl i=�f.� �i�1"1 C7 P,1 c��:71.1 t=!L.�:'.) ici'C L�':] ;�.1s14.�:j. �:a�:,�!�i'C.'1�J L•`•? a t'?I`•i ":�7 t_I�. 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(��.�tJE'�?�.(•'?�](f1��ll� (�;�!'1{�:3.I"14.tC�;� :1.S'l �:�'11. !:Ci i:�I'"f?e;l ���r..]..•�•�y��� LV7. �..�, <�(:� ,jl.t�:'�'.: ! t F��.r s:r�• r•n�..ri-���.; c.�r•��� �>{:;;I'1 S"`'i�t_l J,F? t;c=s m c����.S�:: fi:h�i a_r �:s i.t ks:I. i,t, r��c=ci� ;:a) "l''!_zr-� cJa.�t<i:ar•tr._•�� �k;c� r7c�+�.c,;�t�tkac7i"�"1C]C,3C:I c.7�� c�cyri��r•�;{J. r.;�mrr��ar�c:7.�a:l t°��:.���:�v-rs x�r�ir..l C7'�l�':L!:C-! E:11,.1 w:J.l'l E?�'?s C':E?i'1'�.!:!Y""�. "('F•i�t �ai•�t�� �::� a�:i t:!•7';i E�•f �;,r7c�m �:tr�ri c.~�c�tc� 17�:�;t�.•� rri:i 1.��:�> ca�fi� 44.l;��;I°�:G r'ic7t,c�n �:,c.-��.i�.�t�-�� �tr�c1 ����.•1.r� {=4`a CJ !Yl;L Z�:�:i Cl'�' t»�t;}bV(`I�'.I�3 VV I'i ,�..x t,�i 1 t"'Cj'y' c:s;3 r��;�:�c��.�f�+r�i��:;i y M �::�"1 f�a r;7.�:f=? �;I P"C7 V:!.!:�fc?�ii C'r?;•:f�C?.f.�:i��I'Y� ��P"C7.i:i.tfT:t�'»y' �".C7 f,,�E?!"YC-:Y"cl.�. G:�fT1iY1C�•'t'"C..:xc.=l�. C:�1"1'f°fz?!^._�-sk (:�'�'¢�'J,i::C-_t �.jl..t{31C1k.:'fcf"-s CGF?i'l�".C'!Y"�,"r,i <:.�C'3{:� ItY a.f'I(�)Y" L I"I C;{G.S?�'� �"•:L�:1.L ¢:'ITi�7.L U'�f)l(�?(1{". t.(�11 j:6i?P"�5,� f.-a? "1"i��� c:l:i�hc;ac•rr_:��.r ,�r�:arn t:Jt..l�1�.:1.i:� CJ�'J(�'Cl ��:�ae:�t.�au I�'�.�ka;t i,�. r_�ri:]�i•� ��KY���c.:� ��i°tic� r��r_r���r i r.art�1 �F,:�c,':i 1. �.t:�,F=c� �-:�i�•rw cai~� Wai.:L:I. k�� �ar-c:�v:i.c�<.�r.l I L•:r4' �:cwtzc�c3;t �i.�l.�.� �.r.,�.G�t�r� :lG.i�i:, s�c7��c�t�-1�� c�•1� �k:h�a !.i.•i;ta� C.��t°.hc;.���• ���tl:a:l:i c� ca���r�r ' ;n,�.�i-.l f:;;E? ci Pl C� t"E�i:�Y"ta r"_i.�:l t�]I�i3� '�'ct C:1,.�1'�:7.(�'�'s i;�N'f:•) 4+S I.'F:F'1:L I"i '�:f'i Y"t�f:? f fl.l Y C'r:E:i f.}'�' '�'��"t�! 4:s:l�.:;.?�, . - : , l -- - - -- ST;AFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.5' TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSTQ'N JUI,Y 19, I983 - 7:30 P.M. : TIGARD SCHOOL DIS2RI�T ADMINISTRATION BUTLDING BO.ARD RaOM I3137 S.W. PAGIFIG HWY, , TIGARY�, OREGOI� ' A. FINDIN� OF FAGT CASF; S 5-83PD Bond Park NPO ��5' REQUEST: Fox a Preliminary and General lPlan Review of an approved 24 lot subdivision on 3.76 acres. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESYGNATIONc A-12 REGOMMENDATIONt Ba�ed on infarmation submitted by the applicant, Comprehensive �lan Policies, Staff's review of applicable Municipal Code Provisions ar►d field investigation, Staff recommends approval of the Prel.iminary and General Plan with conditionso APPLICANTc Waverly Construction Co. UWNER; Conrad & Ethelyt. Sproul 17.303 Broadacres N.�. 15880 S.W. 79th Hubbard, Oregan 97Q32 Tigard, Oregon 97223 S YTE LOCATION: 15880 S,W. 79th Ave. , (Wash. Co. Tax Ma 2S1 12C 800 � 2000) P lots NPO COY�MENT: N�'0 ��5 has not respo�nded in writing to this application I request. PUT3LIC NOTICE MAILED: 18 notices were mailed. No wzitten comments had been received at the writing of this report. YICrNITY IIVFORMATION; The surxovnding area is developed as large lot single family residential. The Comprehensive Plan Aesign.ation is medium and the zoning designation is A-12. SITE INFORMATIQN: Therz is an exist'xng home on the site with a detached garage, The site is wooded with large fir t•rees and slopes ro the north-northeast. B. APPLI�ABLE LANll USE POLICIES �ND STAFF ANALYSIS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES; 2.1.1 THE CITY SHALL MAINTAIN AN ONGOING CITIZEN INVOL�EMFNT PROGRAM AND SHALL ASSURE THAT CITIZENS WILL �E PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE INVOLVFD IN ALL PHASES OF THE PLANNING PROCESS. All owners of record within 250 feet of this site received notice of the hearing in the mai1. A public notice was printed in the Tigard Times on July 7, 1983. In addition, �PO �k5 was notified of the application. 2.1.3 THE CITY SHALL E�iSURE THAT INFORMATION ON LAN17 USE PLANNING ISSUES IS AVAILABZE IN AN UNDERSTANDABLE FORBi FOR ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS. All interested parties are given 10 days at a minimum to comment on land use planning issues and are encouraged ta do so. In addition, the planning staff is available to answer specific concerns or questions �Y�a�v�auais may have cAncerning a land use application. 6.1.1 THE CITY SHALL PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DIVERSITY OF HOUSING DENSITIES AND RESIDEN7'IAL TYPES A.T VARIOUS PRICE AND RENT LEVELS. The subdivision of this property will provide 23 single family residential building loks. The smaller lots will provide an opportunity for home ownership to a wi.der section of the citizenry. 6.4.1 THE CITY SH.ALL DESIGNATE RESIDENTIAL "DEVELOPING AREAS," (WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED AS "ESTABLISHED AREAS") ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP, AND ENCOURAGE FLEXIBLE AND EFFICIEN'I' DEVEZOPMENT WITHIN THESE AREAS. The applicant is propc�si.ng to develop the subdivision as a Planned Deevel:opment with reducect setbac�CS and sidewalk� on on� side of S.W. Bond Streete This wi11 allow him to keep construction costs down which should keep the pric.e of ttie lots within reach of mo5t interested buyers. 7.1.2 THE CITY SHALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL THAT: a�. DEVELOPMENT COINCIDE WITH TIiE AVAILAPILITY OF ADEQUATF SERVICE , CAPACITY INCLUDINGt ' l. PUBLIC WATER; 2. PUBLIC SEWER �NEW DEVEI,OPMENT ON SEPTTC TANKS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHTN TIiE CITX); AND 3. STORM nRAINAGE. b. THE FACILITIES AREt 1. CAPABLE OF ADEQUATELX SERVINC• ALL INTERVENING PROPERTIES AND THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT; AND 2. DESIGNED TO CITY STA�NDARDS. STAFF REPORT S 5-83PD Page 2 c. ALL NFW �EVELOPMENT U�TLT�I�S TO SE PLACEU UNDERGROUND. The applicant is proposing ta install public facilities in accordance with planniug policies and City ordinances. 7.4.4 THE CITY SHALL RFQUIRE THAT A'LL NEW bEVELOPh1ENT �E CqNNECTED TO A SANITARY SEWER SERVIGE. 1rt►e applicant is proposing to aonnect to the Fanno Creek interceptor sewer line. 7.6.1 THE CITY SHAL�L REQUIRE AS A PRECONll7CTIQN TO DEVELOPMENT THAT: a. '!''dE DEVELOPMENT BE SERVED BY A WATER SYSTEM HAVING ADEQUATE �TATER .PRESSURE FOR FIRE PROrECTION PHTRPOSES; b. THE AEVELOPMENT SHALL NOT REDUCE THE WATER PRESSURE IN THE AREA }3ELOW A LE�EL ADEQUAT� FOR FIRE FROTECTION PURPOSES; AND c. T'HE APPLICAI3LE FIRE DISTRICT REVIEW ALL APPLICATIONS. The 7�alatin Rural Fire Protection District has been notified of the project, but has not submitted any written comments. ; 8.1.3 THE CITY S�IALL REQUIRE AS A PRECONDITION TO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL � THAT: a. DEVELOPMENT ABUT A PUBI�ICLX ��DICATED STREET OR HAVE ADEQUATE ACCESS APPROVEA BY THE APPItOPRIATE A�PPROVAL AUTHORITY; b. STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY BE DED 'ATEA IG FTHBRE T E S R H T EET IS SUBSTANDARD IN WIDTH; c. TH�: DEVELOPER COMMIT TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STREETS, CURBS AND SILIEWALKS TO THE CITY STANDARDS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT; d. INDIVIDUEIL DEVELOPERS RARTICIPATE IN THE IMPROVEMENT QF EXISTING STREETS, CUR13S .�ND SIDEWALKS TO THE EXTENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT'S IMPACTS; e. TRANSIT STOPS, BUS TURNOUT LANES AND SHELTERS BE PROVIAED WHEN THE PROPOSED USE IS OF A TYPE WHICH GENERATES TRANSIT RIDEP.SHIE'; i f. PARKING SPACES BE SET ASIDE AN1J MARKED FOk GARS OPERATED BY 1 DISA33LED PFRSONS AND THAT THE SPACES BE LOCATED AS CLOSE AS P��uSIBLE T4 THE ENTRANCE DESIGNED FOR DISABLED PERSUNS; AND g. Lt�ND BE pEDICATED TO IMPLEME�VT THE BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR IN ACCOKDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED PLAN. The applicant is proposing to improve S.W. 76th and S.W. 79th Streets to approved City standarris. S.W. Bond Street will be constructed to City standa�rds. STAFF REPORT S 5-83PD Page 3 � _ _ 12,1.1 THE CITY �'iIALL FKOVIDE F�R HOUSING D�NSITiES IN ACt;ORDA�CE WI�Ht a. THE APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES. bv THE APPLIC�BLE LOCATIONAL CRITERIA, c. THE APPLICABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE PROVISIONS. The density proposed xn the development canforms ko those set in the newly adopted Gomprehensive Plan policies, plan map and interim zoning map. TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS 18.56.040 Action and fin�'a.ngs. �a) The Planning Commission, at a public hearing, may xecommend approval of the planned development district and the general development plan and report with or wiGhout modifications or conditions, or may deny the application. A decision to approve a on the followin findin s: e t district shall be based up g S planne�i developm n (1) That the proposed development is in substantial confoi-mance with the camprehensive plan for the city; (2) That exceptions from the standarcis of the underlying district are warranted by the design and amenities iticorporated in the dsvelopment plan and report; (3) That the proposal is in harmony with the surrounding area or its potential future use; (4) That the approvaZ will have a beneficial effect on the area which could not be achieve�i under other zoniYig districts; (5) That each and every proposed deviation or variance from standards, specifications and requirements prescribed by this title, and in particular with r�spect to such deviations or variance from Che standard speczfxcation and rer�uirements of Title l7 of this code, are fully justified and that the public health, safety and welfare and general environmental considerations will be best served by approval thereof. (Ord. 81-19 Section 1 (part), 1981; Ord. 80-94 Section � (part) , 1980). 18.56.14D Permitted uses--Regidential districts. Far residential are ermitted in a lanned development the followin uses p P districts, g district: (1) Housing coxxcepts may include, but are not limited to, single-family residence, duplexes, row houses, townhouses, cluster units, or multiple family dwellings; (2) Rela�ed commercial uses which are designed exclusively to serve the development, of which they are a part, when appxoved by the planning commissa:on. (Ord. 80-94 Section l, (part) , 1980). STAFF REPORT S 5-�3 PD Page 4 { 18,24.�30 Setback requirements. Except as may otherwise be provided in Section 18.12.100, the setbacks for uses in the A-12 zone shall be: (1) The front yard setback shal.l be a minimum of twenty feet; (2) The side ya�a st►all be a mina:m�am of ten feet; (3) The rear yard sha11 be ten feet; �4) On corner lots the setback shall be twenty feet on any side facing a street other than an al�;ey; �5) Where building are grouped as one project on one tract of land, the minimum distanc� between two building at any given point shall not be Iess than the sum of the required side yard sEtbacks computed separately for each buiiding at that point. (Ord. 80-90 Section 1 (gart), 1980). 17.09.040 Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shail be insballed along both sides of eaah street constructed in accordance ,with standards adopted by the city. Sidewalks may be located, as determined by the Planning Airector with advice of the City Engineer, either adjacent to the property 1_ine or adjacent to the curbline. Whenever sidewalks are located adjacent to Ghe curbline, provisions for installation of mailbox clusters shall be made at interval� terealong, without decreasing the width of the sidewalk section. No vaxiance From sidewalk installations shall be permitted. (Ord. 79-96 Exhibit A (part), 1979). The applicant's proposed development confarms to a11 applicable Comprehensive P1An Policies. It is staff's opinion that the 4 foot si.de yard setbacks, and 15 foot front y�rd setbacks are warranted, however, a 20 foot se;tback shall be maintained between tlle right of way and the garages. 7�he reduced setba�k will a11ow avexage size single family homes to be constructed on smaller lots. 1"he applicant has not presented convincing ar�uments for deletion of ths side�alk on the north side of SW Bond 5treet. D. STAFF ANALYSTS AND RECOr41ENDATION After revie.wing the information submitted by the applicant, the applicable planning policies and code provisions and conducting a field investigation II staff recommends approval of the 4 foot side yard and 15 fnot front yard setacks with 20 �eet to a11 garages. Staff recommends denial of the request to delete the sidewalks on SW Bond Street. Staff finds that th.e set'back reduction request meets the requirements set forth in section 18.56.040 of the Tigard Municipal Code. � , STAFF REPORT S 5-83PD Page 5 E. RECOMMENAF;D MOTIONc Should the Planning L'ommission decide ta adopt tiie staff's recommendation the following motion may be madec "Move to approve the reduced setbacks as requested by the applicant with the exception that setbacks from garages to rightrof-ways shall be 20 feet. Deny the request for deletion of sidewalks on �he nor�h side af SW Bond Street," , � �..�__--'-�-���"����--�,�--C._. �'/�s~�' PREP D BYz lizab t A. New on APPROVED BY: William A. Monahan � � Associate Planner Director of Planning and Development NOTE: Should the Planning Commission pass a motion other than that recommended by the staff, findings shall be adopted with the motion. STAFF REPORT S 5-83PD Page 6 � �. . .. . . . . � . . . . � .. � � . � . . . . . . � . . .I f �.. .. .. . � . � �� . . . . . � � � . T�,. . . . .. � . . . . . � . � . .. . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . � . . . . I M'EMORAND[TM .Iuly 18, 1983 _ 'i �0: :Members of the CCI and Planning Cormnission FROM. Frank Tepedino, Chairmara of CCI SUBJ�ECT: Eomp.rehensive Plan Status Now' t ths e w are nearin the com letion of I:he Develo ment Code d ' , _ g P P an putting the Einal touches on the comp�rehensive plan, I feel it is time to step back and appteciate where we have been and where we are headed with Tigard's citizem involvement process. I don't think anyone would disagree tt►at the proces,s leading to where we are today has been an easy one. After countless NPO, CCI, Planning Co�ission an� City Council sessions, we have a plan £or submittal to . I.CDG for review which is the handiwork of many concerned citizens and staff who have :at times been at oaa8 oa particular issues. Regardless of our individual biases, however, we have a pl�n which truly represents the needs and concerns of all Tigard citizens. I make these points as an introductian to my request th�t we recognize uur successes`and work tugether to insure that our success conti.nues. We now faee tk►e task af submitting the plan sometime in �August or Se,ptember to LCDC. 'The review which will be conducted will be lengthy and demanding, In order that we may continue to work toward our Gomanon goal of acknowledgment, we must �voxd the possibility of presen�in� a less than united front in support of the plan, Every resident of Tigard through the process has been afforded an apportunity to have his os her views heard'. The time and plaee for input has b�en available at the local level and will eontinue to be available up to submittal. Once submittal occurs, however, I urge you all to support f:he plan Chrough to acknowledgment. Agai.n, I comgratulete you for your inuoYvement an the formation of Tigasd's � plan. It is one we can be proud of and one we all can live with. Please assii�� me and the City sta:ff as we now present a plan for Tigard to LCAC. (WA�M:;pm/Ui l OP) . {�� � � � �1 CCI ME�TING MINUTES ,duly I3, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. - TIGEIRD CITY Nl1LL ROLL CALL: Frank Tepedino, Chairman; Gary Ott, NPO �1; NanGy Ttobbins, NPO �7; � Bob Jean, City Administrator; William �Ionahan, Director of PLanning and Devel:opment; Jeremy CflursalLe, Associate Planner. Minutes of May 1$, Y983, accepted minutes as written. Motion by Tepedino, seconded by Ott, voted unanimous. Acknowledgement Brocess Bob Jean presented upcoming acknowledgement process and the need for a united effort of the NP0 's and the City to support the plan through to approval. He stressed Chat the plan contains many compromises that reflects the input of money. Chairman Tepedino reques:ted that staff draf� a letter to the CCI and Planning Commission explaining the need for citizen support of the plan through the acknowledgment process. Jeremy mentioned that the CCI members will be reviewing an evaluation form concerning the ci.tizen involvement in the process. This will be circuiated in Ju1y. It then will be submitted to LCDC along with the Comprehensive Plan as part of the citizen involvement element. Bob discussed the recenG resignatiox� of Jeremy and the need to have a re laeement lanner. He urged the CCI to express their support of Ik P P this position should the issue come before the Council. The position is neeessary to continue the City's effort toward acknowledgment. Continuing Rule of the CCI Bob Jean a�s��8$�a nis thoughts about the role the NPO's wi.11 play in monitoring Che plan and suggesting revisions when they are needed. He related the proeess to one of nebghborhood councils which woulcd assist in developing a parks masCer plan and other community wid� prograue� such as the capital i�mprovements plan. The NPO's first step is to braaden the role of NP� to give advise to engineering staff, park board and eventually the budget eommittee. Goal �k5 - Resource In�entory Jerem.y introciueed �he rough draft of the Goal �S Resource Inventory. It will be presented to the Planning Commission as part of the Comprehensive Plan in August. It �s a summary of the inventory. ■ � � Staff reviewed each site a-nd detexmined: (1) To not include a resource in list; (2) Include in the lxst with information available; (3) Include in resource, buC delay submittal of specific information on , the siCe. lhat will be done at a later date upon completion of data. Jeremy asked for input on the plan prior to submittal to Che Planning Commission. Development Code Jeremy outl,ined the process that has been followed to date and the upcoming hearings. Alternates to Transportati.on Committee Bill requested that members of the CCI give thought to identifying I potential representatives of the NPO's who would be interested in acting as alternates to the various regional transportation committees. Martha Bishop Letter Bi.11 intr�duced a Zettes from Martha Bishop concerning accessory bailding stac�dards;. He noted that tt►is issue will be discussed duxing the development code hearan�s. There veing no other business, the meetY.ng adjourned at 8:40 P.M. I � PAGE 2 ° CCI MZNUTES - July 13, 1983 � 4 . $ � �a�qv W � � � � �y� W ��9@ M/ � � • � rQ.;�NDA � I I ' I I �'Iu�ti.� PY,,l�Nt�IN� �I�IS,I��7 I 'TiJ�SD�'�P .F(lI.�' 19A �963 — 7a3� A'.�4� '�ig�ard• S�taoaL 1�a8���.�� �- �3cr��rd lR�6� 13137 5� ����,1��� ldi�hway � `Tigard� �ro � � �I 1. ��LL � �t€�EFt . 2a ft�e�.� �Q%.i.e . a � 3. Mfaxu��� froea �e�l�► 1,�� I�'�3 �- Par�a.�l �ain�Ce� �raD.�. b� pxo�v���d �t �r�� m�eta.c�� c��eea°�.�g t�s� ��anss�c�at� �a�e�.a��sr���t � Coci�. 4� �l�ncaxng �a��g��o� �em��:c��.r.��ion 5. PE:BLI� Fd�A���i�� 5.� �t��t��I�T�l� A'�.,�N ��EVIf�� CF� 2°8� C'o�u�%t� P3�e����psrt�aat �c�� 5e� �MP�e��7���� F'�.ti �'I�NUM�AI'� Cl'� 5--�3 l��k�ta� �a�����y,�y �de�oc��.cc�.sa�ass �1�0 � ? Sm3 �t�'R�E�ESN��►!� �TY.�N �IlENU4?�N� 4:��3 7°�3 �o�o�xwe��.t� �€��lt�sr� ' ��ass�x �cnc m 8�� � g *('7.'�ir� �te�s �i11 6� ��C av�r) �.4 COk��,�[E�S�ii� I�L�L� �t�A3Dl�k:E�d' ��A. �°�� �O�aE Ckd4�.�iG� �� �m83 ` S�7�I��,V�S�4�A1 S 7°��3 G�LI�'� yf�a�ru�d/@iecb � Nkar�����t� i3cs�.Id�r� $d�f� � � � �" �•� ��IID�A�dASg�Ad a �°�� �� 1�lasened �erel�pc��cat � �Ec.i�a1 ��rlc f �€3 , � c�i�c� # S , � � �, b. �7`�H�� BUST�iESS • � � 7e AL,JQUiZNME[V�' - =---__�-�. --_�._---_ - --- , ♦ A , t' T I � A �t D P L A I� 1V � tV � � a A� M A S � T i3 I� RE�UI,!#I� ME�TIddG July l�, I9F�3 1. Pzesiden� T�pedAne� c�l.l.erl �l�e mee�an� tr� aardfPx� at 7:3�+ �'a�i. E 'Ch� �eetin� was �-i�1s1 a� �igazd Schoal Dbsk�z�� -- f� ��� �oard Room, 1.3137 �oWa �ac:ifi� Iis�yo , Tigax`d, C1r, ?. R�LL CALLa PRESEIdT: Pr��z.�lent T�pedino, Com�n�.ssioz�er� A�io�xty Chz•ist�n, �dina 3.everek�, �3utlere ihrens� AJ�SENT; �ommis�zone� Van�.exwm4c�o ST�F�: �is�e�tar af Pganning �nd Uew�la��na:nt idi.ili.am Manahany Hssaci.at� �'lann�rs ,Xe��m� Caursoil� a�d ,, E1�.�:abPth N€:wton; Secretary Aiar�� Mo �1el.dsrk� 3. i�l.�nu�in� �onmra.ssinn mi�lutes for Jcal,y 12, 1983y mee�iaa� �r�re i�comp�.ete �nd wer� nol- acted upan, 4. PS.,ANNING C0�l�aSION C()r1MUNLCE',TION: c� l�ssociat� Plann�ex N�w�on imfortne�i the �omma�sion tFaa� Ch� �la��ing arecl �e�a�lr�pn��nt nepartment h�d hir�d �w� ga�t t3.m� inCeins ta wor[c a to�a� af 5G' l�purs a ��ek. PUBL�C H�ARTNC � I o Presidank �'e�e�Ptqa np�ne�a Che public h�asi.r�ps by read�tng tl�e I pracecl,u�e to tbe fc�A3�wed duxin� thP m�eti_ng. �.I COMF�tENk;NS�V� PI.,AN AME�DM��1�' GE'A I-83 ��ununxty Dev�lopmen�: Co��. �I I � A��cs�iat� Pla�ari�a i�ursoll� ma�cie t�e s��f£ �rc�se��:�Cxt�n. II t'u�3.ic T�stimany on Arkzcl� I — INTR�nUCTOiiY PROV�SI(3NS � Ido pub�.ic testimony � � f"` Publi.c 'Testimony on Arka.cD.e II. — PRO�EDURES AND DEG�SIC9iV 1�IN� � � � a �ob E���eisae, 11.80�i S=W, Waln,at, �PO �k 3 �1-�azrn�rsoz� �u�gestcd th�a� '� Compreh�r�sive P�Lc'iil Ampndm�rct5 shouYci l�e c�nce a y�a�, twice a �ear i.� � � � too o�te�.. His 5e�ond c�ncexn was regarding vprbal r�c�rded � test�.enony �sh�ch i� not al.lawed. �ublic Testi.c�on� on L�rticZ� IIT °- ZONTN� DiS'T�tIGT CL[�SSTFIC�TLOINS Atd� �:EQUIREriEI�TS I I I s� ,�ames Mi.11er, 1291€3 S�l 6�rcf Place, op�osed khe ?S' s�tbec�C� in tl�� CammerGiul �e�n�, he s��uld suPpa�t 15' . H� �lsa opposeci ttie 9' 6°' wide pa�rking spaaes and feLt the percen�age af �cSr�pacC caz° s�aces should be carried acxos� the baard,s �. _ I � I� � I�I ' I � ��rl ,�onns���, 6Z55 a,W. Bonit� Rd. oppa�e� th� 25` se�backs, h� felt I 15° was suf.EiGi.entm his also ss�pport�d l�arrin� 9 ft pa�kin� space�. ' ��I a Jo1in v1b�770t1� 950C? SW Bartiur Blvd. s rep��ser�ting R.ohert Randall I Company and dfome Buil�ers, � The cons��sus of th� liome Build�xs is that the R-40 de�ignazimx� is unreaListi�:. Anather cocac�rn is t�e set back requirements far ti�e R-I2 and R�20 zones. tte Eelk ther� sh��ld be on� number specifxed and left �t that:. �ie questa.oned r�h�k had I happened to the Linear Ccammercial zane? Dxscussion follawed. �ie da.d not suppar� the resi�iential over comenerczal as they had done market skuaies and d�.scover�ed it wa� not feasab2.e. He �id a�ot suppo�t tt►� 5et backs prAposed in the • Cbnamerci�mi Pro;fes�ional zone, HQ questioned what had result�d frrom staff i.nve,;t�gation 1[lC0 the S�c�rity Srarage/CB1� prob�em. Assaciate Plane�er New�ton e:cplained i 6:his had been rur�ed ovez to the attorney far a decisi<�n. , � �oe Van Lam, Aa�chitect, opposed the propo��:d ��:tbacks for th� �mmercia�. Profession3l zonee �ie :�uppprted a lOft, s��bac�C. � I P�sblxc Testimony on �.rtxcae IV ° flVERLAY DISTRICTS � Bob Bledsoet NPO �� 3 Chairp�rson, made �1PQ 4� 3 sug�ested ch�nges nr�d ad�itioits to sections 1�adi6�0�.0 B, 123.86.02Q A. 2. , and �8m86,03Q t4 I i.ncorporak� WOYC�II1,� for the polzcies in the �indings, I'olicies and Iin�l�m�nt,atiean 5trat�gzes Docum�nt, � ,Iohn GibbUn �avor�d stafE°s resgonse to the Home �3«��.cfPr';� su�;�es�ian regarding "conceFt'° �lans. �ie felt it i,,as impot�taret ta hav� a better d�finitxon of draina�eCaays s4 they ar� not de€a.ned as ser�s,itive. lands or unbuxldable. iJnder sec�ic�n I$.$4.()3a he 'haci a pxoblem with th� word °1i�ma�i". �Jf y major conc�rn was th� bike patn reqe�iremenrs, he fel.t Ghere shUUld be a densi.ty transf�r az�d tha� they should be usable after eon5truetion, Under sectian l.$,II4e040 D. �+.p he had a queseiox� on interpr�tatioaa His ].ast coz�cerx� was tl�� requi.rement tliar drawings be seibmit�:ed 4n. 13 x 24 �apera kie �£elt � there should be som� latitude o President T'epedi.na na�ed on Sec�ion 1$.84.010 D, Criat the paragxaph was n�t worded accordi�g t� previous discussions. He �lso cnentioneci � �hat CounciZor Schecicla l�ad requested tiiat the A�astec Drainage Plar� reference t�o CH2M Hiil �e noted. s �onunissaonex� E�in sugg�es�ed iln�ier iection liia��.iJ20 F, 7.. that Che word i0app�aved`" by �irector be replaeed with "a�ted ong'. � �ob Ainger, 11302 SW Baxvur stat�d Ch�.t i�a£ormation he had receiv�d segarding open spac�s wa� noe clear. 1He feTt thexe shoulcl be sc��re compens�tion �or land dedicated to the City. k�r�vicient Tepedie�o sugges�eci he coneact NPO 4� 5 and get invalveci in rhe process. Pi,ANNTNG COMAfIS5I0N�R MINi1T'E� ,;uly 19, ].9$3 Page 2 , + � � I,, Publ,xc �PStimony ArCz�le V — SiJPPLE�IEi�TRL PktOVFSIONS �i I� I � � John �ibbon did �ot se�p�msk the dezlsiCp calcula�ion unde�- secti.on 'I 18.42.Q20 t�. 3. , opposedp -deducting stx�et fus d�nsity �raras£er. I U�7der 1�a�dscapir�g, he did no[ fe�1 "bei�ag of good qeaaiity11 �aas a I de�i�abl� conditiono He f�lt s�reet trees sh��e�ld �ia�re a �p�cified size st��ed, also with replac�ment of ts�ees. He did n�t f�el thex�e I was clear da.rection re�ardi.xng buffering and l,andscaping. Und�r s�ction 1�.11.0?.0 G, Shared parkAng, he .fQlt tk►e ian�uage may restri�t reumbered parkan� spaces, ilndez secCzo�e 1�,1fla030 .A he w�as eoncerne� wi.th the �;azage �equiremenry Section 18.11.040 Ao l. he sugges2Qd addiaag °i�ahenev�r practicable11� kle also wan�ed to lcnaw i where i�e could ob�ain pexman�n� �aint as requirPd b� ths cnd� an page V-37� ,Anottner concern was sectioa� 18a�.I2.030, Join� Access;, h�w this wo�ald �aork. �izs final Gc�ncern for ttai� article a.s section 18.112,134 2. regardz�►g, showing intent to i�itiating consk�u�kian. He stated aZmost eve�ryaree intend� to ini.Ciate constructiano s+ Jae V3n Lom9 Ar�hitec.t, a�p}�ose�d restric�.in� l:h� 25%6 �omp�ct czr use �nly after. 20 or ma�e parking space, k�� �elt tilis shoc.►ld be overall. He also support�d a 9' par.king sg�ce, + Commissioner But�.er, questioned staff reg�rding the density trans£ero I�iscussian fo7.lowed� KECESS �:10 I RECON�IENE 9:22 y, i Fiablic keskimony an An-ti�l� �IZ ° SITF DGVE7�OPME�JT REVIEW +� .7ohn Gibban �tateci Chat th� time irame for ghasin� deve�.opmant was bacl and �hat th�e bonds �c�quirec! we�e toa highd �Ie �elt Af a �uilding had ta be rel�acated on a site, that rhis should be �ble to be wrritrexa �ff at the �t�zf leyel. He again objec�t�c3 th�� a required size d� , paper was s�ecified. He ciid ncst feel it was urar�anzed �to have each ' sit� analyzed for nai.�e, onl� i.f a p�nblem is siet�rmAned. 1ie did not feel each �tructur� shouid r�quire a elev�tion drawi��►g zf �Lr��et�res were alik�. He requested that staf.f keep an onen mind s�garating underg�ound �prinkler syste�n�, as tl�ey ts�ve faund above grounc� syst�Pn �rorked w�ll and they paovided a me�n.s for prog��ty �wx�.�rs to revieaa the perfarmance of their c�a�iagerr. �le did xar�¢: s�ippart a 6�i �qo fte standard for �u��.conz�s as they can't always accommodate th�t siae. er Joe Van 7am, Archzt�ct, did not suppes� the n.oxs� portxcsn e�f this arti.cle and it is ds.ffi�ult to handle➢ daes nnt har�e stand�rd�o Public teskim�ny secGiort VTT — DEVELOPMENT AIYp AUhlII�IST!?�±�'I�N s No public testimaczy Public tescimony section VIII ° L�ND DIVISION ANA DE'�ELOPI��IdT STe�NDt1R�� s E�ob B].edsoe, NPO �,� 3 ::hairp�rson rec�mmertd�d kha� unciec �kreet sta�dards there should be r� pravision for est�ablish�d or deve�oped are�s where stre�E: can na� be brought up ro Ci�y �tac�dard� a �w�it�Qr should be given €rom the standsrd. PL.ANNING COMtiISSZON �1INUTES July 19, i9�3 Page 3 � � � . � P�lBLI� �tE�Tt�idG �L(aSE� � Presicient 7epedin� �+equested sk�f� tx� re�riewr publa.c te���.rnony �rtci on �'taursci�y, �ralk Ch.e Coxnmi��ican�r� �heough the �od�e a Coee►aniesiane�• (�ure�►s maved and Co�un��sion�r Ma�n ae�octd�ed �o s�t a��r�x khe pub�ic �c.�x�.ngs to Thur�dmyr J'ul� 21, �.9�3 in th� �s�m� locatirsn. F1oti�n carr.isc� u�.nanzmously by Conuni�siQxt�re� p�es�nta . I 5.2 COMPT.tEH�NSI�E k�LA�I AM��VD�fENT CPA 6-83 and �fltd� CHAEVGE !—�3 Aa6�ot� Gre�nway Caradc�mzna,ums 1dI'i7 �` 7 A r�quesz f�� a Ccsmpr�:aea���v� 1PI��t .4mendmenr a�om �.�d�unn Der�sity to Medi�xm High �Den�ity �nd a �araP chg��e £�otn ��12 tt� A�2t3 (�4ul�i.vFamzl.y �.eside�pt�.a1) an f�.98 �eres o� land� I.,ocaCed: 1q��85 SW �rkl� 1Dekaka (Wash. Cflo Tax Map 1S1 34T2 tax �ot YOQ)� � Assoc�at�e P�.anner Newtto�a rnad� staf�°� �r��,r�ma�a�ndata,css� fox �ppravr�l wi�h co�dikion�. � J,oe Van Lamr ,Architect, pres���:ed the �a��al�.caz�k'� px�s�nt��z.on Eoz approvalm The ��flp�s�d de��ko�ment would Q��vide Ft�oO� uni�� p�s �cre with m�di�am l�i�h d�s2�i�ys ��:h��°+wisa kh�ey wau�d csr�l.,� b� �bl� to h��ve 5 uni�:s ��r �cxe if zG r�ttuma��z� sn�daca� den�iC�-0 �.'�ey evA�ld h�v� 78;� r�pen. sp�ce anci �,�% fnr pa��Ca.ng. PdJBLIC '�F.STIM(7NY • t�rs. �et�:y CooksonP 1.0�20 SW �Jcsx�Ys l3r�kcatr�, app���d ��i� �c��t� �has�gee Tk�e praposed deve�.apm�nt is �aez�os� the etree:� �xam �t�� ��°ap,��ty �n� she f�:it �he �aveZr,�cnent wa� E.c�� cZc�s�: ta� kh� £�,c�pdplaa�s. S�e h�c! attei�ded the I�k'0 ��� 7 meei:nng, ��ad �h�y t�md �€�c;���sa�€�d kh�t �wo buildzngs }ae r�r�ov�d, ��c��rs,din�, /�a9 ueai� vr�rc��aa 6�a �a��ts. � Commissioner ��rt;L�r at�ked �at��r ���:�� ur�� n+z ��Etr��l �.snpa��k regc+r�p staff explain�d, at iBSa�e i� at�1y � Csta��r�i�eca�a.we Plan Chamg� �nd Zone G��n��e, whic6x dr�es a�oC requir� � �ch�sal i���se�� C3k�� w�ssald hav� ro b� subma.tt�ed �h�dt th� appli.��nt p�a�po��d dev��a�a��n#:a � • 13��cusai.an �or�.ae��d reg�.�c3in� d�m�a,�;� �����f�r fxe�an che ���c�dpl�ie�e E9L � PUBLIC HFARING �I�OSED � � �OMt�Za�I��V DISCUSSION AN1,7 A�'1'S.t�N � � � Commission�r l,�v�re�t sup�ork.�ci ��.����s t�ec:a�r�tt€�eadraCXa�. � � � � Commissi.onera �dxn and �ioan w�x�� no� nu��r�aar��d �ha� wQUS.d b� appropr�.ate� � Garcimissioner (�werss was Cf111G�7Ct� abc��C kh�, ��r���� a�td �he ��c� t�at t�e ax�a was campx�ised of l�rg�� J,ata. l�laa, a�h�n a�h� �ras on NPO � 7 Che� had a�ppQa�d rnr�dauni hi.�;ty dei�tai�y z.n �ha.r� ax�a. PLAN�IT�IG �f3MMLS5Z�N DfINUT�5 �Tu3y 19, I9f33 2'�i�e � ' � ^ e C�mmissioner Moen moved and. C�emm�.�siogter ��i►�t e�cos�d�ed ta d��ty C�x1 6-�3 and 'LC 7�-�3 baseci on ��aac���s kl�gt £�ct�sr� �► 2, A 5 a�rt A 7 of the d�t�rmz.nants f�r deaign��in� p�op��'ty ��dium teigEa densi�y had ne�� be ad�quaf:ely add��$sed. Mat�ion failed Chree �a foux wi�ta Coa��s�,�e�.a�exs ��p�di.na, �hr�,st�e�y I.everet� anai kutl�� vohzc�g �,o. e Cammissi.c�ner �ukler� maved ar�<i Ca�qnm�gsa.c��ter Le�r�rekt a�eccr�dad tu f�rward a recomen�nda�i.on o� ap�ra���l tcs CiCy Ccrunc�.l di th� Comprekien�ivt� k'lan Aanenc�a�aea�t CP,e� Er-83 �ram M�dbum D�ns?��y to A��dgum Ha.�h Uensit� �nd appx�ve ��n� Cha:t�e ��C 7°�3 f�gm A-IZ �a e�°20 Pn bas�d an staff'� fanding� �nd ��comrn�exd��a.onse Mc�tion c�xxa.ed fQUx to Kh�ee, Cam�n�s�x�an.�r� l.kaens, Tsdi.iB �n.d Mo��. vptin� na. � n 'h 5m� COMPREEIE�iST�1E I'LA,N Ai��NPJt�FNT C�'A 7�$� Comme�e�we$l�h Realte�rs ��csu� �rac, iVl°f3 � 5 a, ''' Thiis it�m was s�t av�ar t� �fford t�e �pgla.r.ant Cime tU m�et �rs.th t3�e IdPa �� 5 ar�d 6 on .�ul� 20, 7.9€�3� ¢ 5.4 COMPREIiE�]SIVE ��,�N �rz�t�nr��r�z c�� 9m�3 ��r�� e1.�ta�� z� 5--�� �U'T3llIVI5IQN S 7--$3 ��llo°s �di.s�ya�•djki�rb �Ia�issekte 13aail�iers IVP� �� 7 A a�equest iEor a �om�,xeh���siv� �'lan �m�a�s�r�ent fr<�m I.aw A�ns��y to Medium Y3en�ity Reszrlential �nd 'G�n� eY�ang�e froen R°7 �5�.�.gAe Fama.�.v Resirlential.) to R--S ��:��g7.e xa�m�Ay �.�s�de�tial)a f�1sa approv�l c+f a 22 lot Single Family ktesadenkisl Sub���ria��n far .�,�1(Dt� sq. �t, 1o�s �n 3e�8 acr�s» Locat��i: SW '��ga�c� �t. a�nd S,Wm 1�.3th 5ta (W�.sh. Co� �'aa� Map 1S1 34I�C 7.ot 290a�. +� Assa�a.a�.e Flar�nex Newton maae ���nff's recoc�mex�c�at�.an �or r�}���ov�10 � Hans �a Vatk�eue�., Al.ph� Ectglaae2�3' 17�0 5,63. 5l�yline$ representiixg tkae appla.Gant �t��ed he was avaiAaksl� �a �s�swer �any �u�:�ti.on�. PUBLI� Tl�ST7.�f0I�Y �� � No one aFpeaa-ec� ka speak. � � COMM?"SSIOt� DISCCJSS�OIV AtVD A.�'�I�7N F- �k � y. � Pr�sident Tepe�i.no qu�stianerl the cor�dz,eic��x of SW Ti.g.��� St; b.� A.:asoc.iate fl'1a���r Newt�rt aCr�t�d th� �t��et i� ach�dvl�d far n "'� ov�zlay. Discus�io� fr�l�.�wed reg�xditxg ttre caa�di.tzan c�f SW li3t�t r�nd � � SW Tigard �C. W � � Commissian�r i�aens q+��stiun�c� �ahy th�re w�r� �c�rvey condxt�Qn� on tl�e staff repnr�; Associate E'�.�n�er ��t�t�ct eacplr�ined �has �'�s b�i.n$ doY-�� �t th� xeq�s��t nf ttie Futalic W�r�ts Da.rectQra I � �Comsnbss�.or�er B�crleg q�uest�i,r�ned �t�y Gi�sre �ra� no Schocal� �pact r�por� �i.th tl�e subdivisi��,; A,sc�c��ia�� Planner s�a�ed Chere �tas �ne i.n th� fxl� �.nd un1��a tl�e F�lrs��a.ng C�mmi��sa.rac� x�Pqu��t�d � csapy w�a noe I r�ozmalJ.y given to kh� Commxssian��ca. P7A.xd1��NG COMMZsSI�JNEC� MT.�IUfiES Jul.y 1,9y �.�$3 t�a�� 5 r • , ` II � (',omanbssioz��er Maaeee mor►ed and Camani�si�ne� Lhaens secand�cfl to r�commend , appxaval ta the Ci�y ��+ncil of Cs�mprehensive P�an f�meitcirnent CPA 9-E3 axcd approve 2c�cae �hat�.�� ZC £i°$3 and �ubdavi�ian S-7°t33 p�r sC�ff'� I ar��amme�cflatioc� �nd conditioc�s< Also, cors�ct tYee spel3.ing of the ward °1there" �a 11tc�eir" An kh� sur���y car�ditinnso �d�ti�n carr3.ed ur�aflimc�easZy by Cor2miss�c�n�rs pre�enr< I 50� SU�DIVISION S 5-$3 P� Isond �'axk I�TPO � 5 � a � requ��t �oz a prelima.nary �it1d g�cter�l p�.an �g�raew� of an approved 24 lors �ubdivisio:� on 3.76 �cr�s. � ,Associare k'iar�ner Newton ma�e s�aff's reconuneHidation for app�c�rval with condic:ions. � Applicant - Ker� �laymire, 11903 Broadac�es N1E, Hubba�cl, Or9 had � �o �cormmenLs but r�ay availabl� for queskians. i'UBI.IC TEST��90NX � Nn ox�� appeared to speake GOMMI.�'iSiaN DISCUSSTOI�I A[�D ACTIQN � �+ �omenr�ss.o��r Owens questioi�ned what td�� zi�nin� z.s on the prap�xty �c� I �he south ef Che pro��sed devela�xm�ent; st�£� responded A-�.2 � Co�nmissior�er Maen qu�stiatiied wtr,y �ae dicin`t r��nain wa.th th� 5 fke �nci i£ w� didz�'t s�ouici iC cause a �robLPm; SG�f� rcesponder3 tk�at the buildz,�g code qnly x�quir.es � Ee�ta � Ceamn�i.ss�.on�r Ghristen e�iaved a�d Cazz�miss�.oner Mo�m s�c�nded tc� �.ppa�ve S 5--�33 �D wa�h r�duced setbac�CS as re�uested by the �g�lica�t with ttae exceptia�n Lh�t s�:t}�ac:ks fre�m thE garages to �aghtTof�ways sha11 �ae 20 f�et. l��eny t�ie re�.�uest far d�ietian af sid��rall�s pn �h� n.��eh side of SW Bon�d St. � M�ti.on ��rried unanieno�asly b� Cam,mi.ssione�s gre�ente 6. OTHER gUSIIdESS e Discusszon regarda�xg tne Planning C�mmi.sszon �aFca.ng new fincEin�s wheta they to blot agree witl� staff's recomanend�tiax►. 7. Adjo�rnEd 10:30 P.M. , i � Diane id. ,Iel. er s Secretaxy ATTE�T: JFienczs Tepedirto, President FLA�iNI1VG �Ot�zSSZph] MINUTFS ,Iuly 19, �.983 Page b