Planning Commission Packet - 06/07/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �... . . .. .. . . . . . . � .. � .. , .,..�..,�, . . .....i. M..-o..t,....-�. ... ....... � - �:.,:-,.. .w.' . ' '�• . . . . �� . . . , `� , AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �UDT'E 7, 19:83 - 7�30 P,M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 10865 S.W. Walnut St. Tigard, Or. 97223 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. A�proval of minutes from riay 24, 1983, Planning Commission Meeting. 4. Planni.ng Co�issi.on Cammunication 5. PUBLIC HEAR�NGS 5. 1 LONE CHANGE ZCA-3-83 McDONALI� and SW 97th Avenue NPO �� 6 5.2 COMPItEHFNSIVE FLAN AMENDNIENT CPA 3-8�3 UKBAN PLANNING �T.tEA AGREEMENT 6. STUllY SESSION 6. 1 ZONE ORDIANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 1-83 SENSITIVE LAND ORDINANCE 6.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 2-83 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE 7. Other Business 8. Adj�rnment _ - - - --- � T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C 0 M M I S S I 0 N REGULAR MEETING JuNE �, L9s3 1. President Tepedino called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. . The meetin� was he].d at Fowler Junior High School - In the Lecture Room, 10865 SI� Walnut St. , Tigard, Or. 2. ROLZ CALL: PRESENT: I'resid�ent Tepedino, Commissioners Vanderwood, Moen, Edin, Leverett and Jordan. ABSENT: Commissioners Bonn, Owens and Christen. STAFF: Director of Planning and Development William Monahaiz; Associate Planners Jeremy Coursolle and Elizabet'ti NewCon; 5ecretary Diane M. Jelderks. 3. Planreing Gommission minutes from May 24, 1983, were cons�.dered. Chairmen Tepedino noted that on page one, under item 4, needed to be ahanged to "He �was pleased"; also under item 5.1, it shuuld be the proposed UPAA agreement. . Commi,ssi�ner �din moved ax�d C�mmissioner Jordan seconded to approved the minutes as sinended. Mation carried by unanimous vote of Commissioners pr�sent. Comr.nissioner Moen arrived, I 4s PLANNING COMMISSTt7N COMMUNICATION: o ThPre was no communication. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CL�ANGE ZCA 3-83 McDONALD & SW y7th AVE, NPO �� 6 A reyuest by the City of Tigard for zone change from R--10 to R-7 on property located south of SW McDonald and west of SW 97th. The Campreh�nsive Plan Designation is Low density residential. (Wash. ' Go. Tax Map 251 11BA tax lot 300, 301, 302, 400, 500, 600, 601, 602, 700 and 901) I o Ass�aciate Planner Newton made staFf recommendation for approval , r.equesting that tax lot 100U, which is an approved R-7 Subdivision belonging to Mary Burtiham, to be included in this z�ne change. o NPO AND CCI COMMENTS - No one appeared Co speak. A citizen from the audience question what the NPO and CCI were. Staff exPlained inviting the people who were inte�ested to apply. PUBLIC TESTIMONY � _ _ o Ken Frazer 4764 Ray Bell, St Paul, Or. Owner of lot 301, staYed he had purchased his lot with the understanding that it was an R-7. Because of the size of his lot, he was being assessed for two buildable lots. If the Planni n Commissio� d' _ g n zd not approve the R 7 �oning he wuuld anly have one buildable lot. Iie asked if the City wauld compensate him for this luss. o Reg Justus, 14270 SW 100th, owner of lot 901, opposed changing the zoning to R-7, stating it would reduce the value of his property. o Judith Christensez�, 14170 SW 10Oth Ave. , stated her pro�erty was adjacent to the Janzen propeirty and requested property be zoned no less than Ei-10. o Bo� Steen, 14130 S.W. 1OOth Ave� , opposed changing zoning stating this would increase traffic problems, lower the value of their property and create a water run-off problem. o Joan Barker, 140�3U S.W. i00th, opposed changing zoning stating it � wauld change the quality of life as well as increase the impact o.f the traffi.c. CROSS EXAMINATLON AND REBUTTAL o Commissioner Moeri questioned if s�taff would be willi.ng to leave Mr. Justus 's lot 901 and ].ot 700 as R-10. Di�cussion followed. Staff stat�d they �aou�.d ha�e no problem with eliminating lot 901 from their reques�. o Mr. Justice questioaied how staff determined that 12-7 was comparable t� Wastiington County's �tU 4. Discussinn followed. Associate Planner Coursolle explained tl-iat after you dpduct the land needed for streets and public improvements that it wor.ked out to be the same number of units per acre. PUBLIC HEARING CLQSED o The cons�nsus of the Commissioners was that the lots thal' were approved as R-7 subdivision should h�ve the zoning change to R-7. o Cammissioner Moen �nd Edin favored leaving lot 907. as R-10. o Commissioner Leverett favored having lots 400 and 500 changed ta R-7. o Commissioner Moen moved and Commissioner Jordan seconded to approve ZCA 3-83 including tax loG 1000 and eliminated tax lat 901. Motion carri.ed unanimously by Commissioner present. City Counsel, Ed SuZlivan arrived. 5.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CPA 3-83 URBAN PLANDIING AREA AGItEEMENT I Planning Gommission Minutes June 7, 1983 - Page 2 II � _ __ ---- A request by the City of Tigard and Washington County to amend the existing Urban Planning Area Agreemento � Airector of Planning and Develo�ment gave an update on the process the UPAA. He stated there would be a hearing next Tuesday with Washington County Commissioners where staff would be presenting su�gestions. o Legal Counsel referenced his three page memo and reviewed the agreement noring his changes and suggestions. o Commissioner Edin questzoned if failure to come to an agreement would hold up the Comprehensiv� P3an acknowledgement from LCDC. Legal Counsel skated in the past it would have but now it would not. o Lengthy di,scussion followed. � o Associate Planner Coursolle explained that there i.s presently a working agreement, however it is inadequa�e. Discussion followed. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Geraldine Ball read a letter into the record stating the map did not accurately showing her property within the City of Tigard Lim�ts. Staff will try to rQCtzfy. o Discussion followed regarding the UPAA expanding the planning area and areas of interest. o Co�mission�r Moen moved and Commissioner Jordan seconded to forward the Urban Planning Area Agreement to City Council with recommendation for adopt-ion. Motion carried unanimously by members present. o President Tepedinn requested staff give a presentatian to the Planning Commissi.on and City Council explaining how the governing bodies interact with each other. OTHER BUSINESS 6.1 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZaA 1-83 SENSITIVE LAND ORDINANC� o Associate Planner Coursolle explained that staff wanted to �now if the Planning Commission wanted to pu11 the Sensitive Land section of the Community Development Code and handle it as a separate issue. o President �epedino expressed his concern for the number of changes and difference of opinions and felt that it would be advantageous to have a 'oint meetin with the City �ouncil to crystallize iaeas. J g o Commissioner Jairdan cancurred with Presi.dent Tepedino that there should be a joint meeting with GiGy Council. o Commissioner Edin recognized issues raisea, however felt there was also an economic issue. PLANNING COMMISS�ON MINUTES June 7, 1983 Page 3 � _ o Commissioner Moen stated this was also an issue he felt strongly about. He did not feel that the economic issue was a good enough reason to invade the floodplain. He felt a conservative approach would be to their advantage. o Commission Leverett was nei.ther pro ax ct�n. Iie felt each issue should be dealt with separately. o President Tepedino asked staff which way they preferred, Director of Planning and Development Monahan stated that because of the length of the code, they would prefe.r to divide it into sections and deal raith each section in the order that it comes. That way the Sensitive Lands section would nok be pulled out and dealk wxth as a separate issue but dealt with as a section. Discussion followed. o President Tepedino moved and Comzni.ssioner Edi.n seconded not to remove the Sensitive ].ands section from the code as � separate issue. Motion carried by majority of Coimnissioner present. Commissioners Vanderwood and Jordan abstaining. 6.2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN .AMENAMENT GPA 2-�3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE o Associate Planner Coursolle reviewed proposed public hearing s�hedule £or Gommunity Development Code. Discu�sion regardi�g dates follow�ed. o Director of Planning and Development Monahan natecl that their were two letters distributed to the Commis�ianers, from interested parties, making recommendation for the Cormmunitp nevelopment Cade. o Discussion fo1l.o�zed regarding procerluYes. Associate Planner Geursolle noted er�sch Comma.s�a.o�er had been given a final copy of the Finding Policy and Implementation Strat�egies document. o Associate Planner Newton gave an update on the Jacico/Duncan Sensitive Land Permi,t Applicat�an �noting there would be a rehearing before the Hearings Offi.cer on June 23, 1983. MEETING ADJOURNED 9:28 P.M. Diane M. Je der , Secretary ' ATTEST: `� \ Fra cis Teped'no, Presiclent PLANNING GOMMISSIONER MINUTES June 7, 1983 Page 4 � — � � ���� �� 1(�'� " � • �- ' l-Vi � PLANNIN COMMISSIAN DATE c(^� . �v' � ROLL CALLa Frank Tepedino,�� Ghris Vanderwood•�� Roy Bonn � Uon Moen�__�.��� Bo�nie Qtir�T►� � Mark Christen� Phil Edin�_V� Aeane Lev'erett���� Ron Jordan�(�� � � � � E - _ �,n""`y°: . ,. _ ; _ __ <: _ �,. ..,.�.. AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 7, i983 - ' 7:30 P:M. FOWLER JUNYOR HIGH SCHOOL 1086� S.W. Walnut St. T'igard, Ur: 97223 PU�LIG HEARINGS � 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE ZCA 3-83 McDonald & SW 97th Ave. NPQ �� 6 ' A request by the City of Tigarsi €or a zone change fro� R-10 �o R-7 on praperty located south of SW McDonald and west of SW' 97th. The Comprehensive Plan Desigr►ation is low density residential. (Wash. Co. Tax Map �S1 11BA tax lot 30Q, 301, 302, 4Q0, 500, 600, 601, 6:02, 700 and 9Q1} 5.2 COMPREIHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 3-83 ZdPAA A rer�uegt by th.e �ity af Tigard and Washington Gouiity ro amend the existing U�ban Planning Area Agxeement (UPAA). P'lanning Coma�ission wi11 make a r�eommendation to the Ciky CounciL. STUDX SE�SION � 6',9 ZANE ORDI.AKGE AMEP�DMENT ZOt# 1-83 SENSITIVE LANDS ORD�NANCE A �eview of proposed changes to �he existing Sensitive Lands Ordinailce, Chapter 18.57 af �he Tigard Muni�ipal Gode. 6.2 C01�'REHENSIVE I'?aAN AMENDMENT CPA 2-83 COMM[1NITY DEVELOPMENT COD� Discussion �n the praposed Comm►unity Tiavelopment Code. i { : ; "� 4.. r� T111AES PUBLISHiNG COMPA'NY �.�a, 1.BOX 370 'PHONE(503)684-0360 NOZIC9 7-6860 �EAVERTON',OREGON 97075 Leg�1 No�ice Advertising �, � ❑ Tearsheet Notice ���/"'� City of�Tigard � Mp� ? 7 � P.O. Box 23397 ❑ Duplicate Affidavit 1'U�� Tigard, OR 97223 �'� r '' ' � � �� ;1�;'. J A�FIDAVIT OF PUEiLICATION STATE Q�OREGON, COUNTY t?F �l/ASHlNGTOt�, )�S' �r Susan Pinkley f being first duly �worn,, depd�e and say that i am the Advertising ���� � DirecYor,or his princip�f clerk, of the�.��r 'm � a newspaper of g�necai circulati�rr �s ddfi�eed in ORS t93.010 and 193.C120; �+ublish�d �t Tiqard, Oregon i�y the aforesa9ai eo�nty and st�te; tYaa�the PUBLIC HEAFiINGS _ a prirrted copy �f wrhich is hereto anr�exed, was pteblished '+�+ the entine issue of said newspaper for or�e successive and consecutiv� in the following issues: . I�ay 2f�� 1983 Subscribed and'swor efore me t M '��, 1983 Notary Public for�regon My CommiesKan Expiro�s: Feb. 24, 1986 AFFIDAVi'T i � �� � di : e� ;x �r �` a���,, �� �'t,.�. '"�.,'V� r " c -,.�-,.+wr�+e"""", �.;: �u rlk �f� �u � , ,{ Y� . ` �,��`�,`�$�m�tT�b�.��G�+ ? . ���� },�.�A�$ . ��� � '� ���rL vi'�� �.4� ;� ' � J1 k Jy ' � 1 ,f�. �?����"'��� � . 3� � .: '.81}� 4 I h I.r�t� �C .: ... .: . r� :. ,� +�,�,gri"'�.. .�s��W.,o.���s�� � ��i4t�',�3�'����i�w+��x�i � `�I�flyea�!'���i.OH ����,�,���a:;�t�t�.�;,�����`�a���������►��a�s ����r�i��� �.Wa;�W�i��tac,:�� ��`i."� �����k"►,��i�;C' f�rl�!�}�� �I��n���e!�GYd�t s3$,��l�r����.4��E��S�,�1$�►ibr����or i���.a��i�6�9. � ` � �j�1'�� �s�iq�• q A � � �.T � ! r n r � f`����°�7��7M�4R��. �. .:� � � T 4� au tt�y�. � .. �L� ` �'������' C��'f�'�`�u "��i�i�*,�����t0��� ", �r�������s� '�,�t.'��l�r�g���i�� 7 m�, ,y ` ���'�'��#�� ,'�'��'�:�,'F�Pf?�bs���td.��Yc�;�a`��'��t�1�#�.���Srim+- ��,��R�,���+�ii��������� ����1'������.�A�s1�.i� �� S�la � �Y '�4�t��it� �� � �'�� � y; '�, L►b�td�9�1) �� : �������,� � � � 7 � ,_ �� ;�,����'e�s#��' �t+����� ��°�'���tt1�4���fo��K�� �� � � n i�f �+?�'r�ls�ia� �y�g �y��y 4���y�.�y ����.��y���:,���[� :` �K1p ,�(� � ��c ��� � � �� f�7/l�f�#g?�F�1r'RM��WMa1����+�TM�`���4,7E��b.V����t 1 •� 1' ,..,:' �'� '�'��'������ a` ' �"` ,; ������` ���A�- , . ,. ��,��+�I�B����A�,���� �' < +` :. �T�l�� '��st �°������!���a�����,,"��3a��i���,��R��4� ���t�� � �;; �. �;�; -.` +�. ��.. _ �w �. � . � {.��.t- �n� R kr�i:-� r� ;.� �� - ' � ��� �tiac��at���a����r`��� `� a��t��e��������� 't�z�x��n;.; ".���4;=s���+�za� � ' ������:�����p��f���d�etor�� t��������r��,���s�������,' , , �r � ; . ������=�'��s�,��;:��� ��:° Lr�'1'L �:/ �/ �G� N�TIGE: ALL PERSOi�]S DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUS7.' , SI'GN THEIIt NAhiE and"note their �ddr�ss, on this sheet..` (please Print- your name) . „ ITEM ' ..�SCRIPTION: . �l�� / v w �r �� � . , . -- r� � ` �c��� h ` . . � .. ... 4 . �, ' �,�� },, �t � �:.t,�4 {rr,�� °+�: ��`4 � , ::, OPPONE°NT ('a ains�)� '��, _.; , . , ROPONENT.� (Fdr) � ... , t...4, .�., _ ,.,, .`.� 9 3 x � _ r ,,., � �.. .;, , . . ,. . . . _ . : ,;, . , . _ ,<„ . ., . ,;� � ������� ��� ��� r�y i � �. `..°.Naine,��,°Address«�nd,:`A£f�iliat�on :: i �� Name.,:'Address arid'�AiEiEiliation . . , _, >. , :. . . � . . . . ,_ .,, .,. . . . ,:; +' . ,,,,/'� c. �- �a'- -,; - , 'l � ,,: , �, : , �4�•vs t aT X3.� c �;,.; � . 7 y � 5 ' J � �� � ; . , . . . : . : . . �t . �.:} - �� , ; ,� ,� _ . ` . ; � :;,. � r Ut�'1''L'-- i` r/� �l/ � _ NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SQEAK ON ANY ZTEM MUST SZGN THEIIt NAhIE and note their address. on this sheet.' (please Print yaur name� ITEM/bESCRIPTION: �, � �=-�� - �y-�j , � C �`'�`'����.., � � PROPONENT (For) OPPODTEN� (against) . Name, Address and A£filiati:on �; Name, Address ancl Af£iliation �,y� 2��.' Li�(�� �, S'-��'�c� ` - , ,_, ' ' . . .i . . . . . . . . � �,�V����i) Q�L.+Ly,,.Y __ .�._ ..--.s.`..._"' � r ,����� �1 „_�(�lG� .i� ��A!Lt(�*t2,tllA(:1 ��--�---i6=- .. � � ��+� �>,7�Lla _..K:4 ''.�.., . / C ( � i C � C / 3u� /�JG� ���� r _w��:� �.�_ � � �� C, �\�,��� /��c'� _ 1 � " � '�� �, �,7"v�.�' �,��-� , � r� f� � ` �- ' � ,� '--- , �; � �-- v S �.; l t�� C:� � �--,.�.� v—�.L-�,. � w_.� ��. .. _. , �� ��I ���� ���j � 7 ' � :; �`.,� �st Y� � - --� :'�,,,�=r�'��-"_� ---s -_ � E �:.� � GL-4. �. . ,G--..----- : I . I ...e-- , ' i � w � � � ' � STAFF R�PORT AGENnA ITEM CITY OF TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 7, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street Tigard, Or. 97223 A. GENFRAL FACTS CASE; ZC 3-83 Zone Change City of tigaxd NPO �� 6 REQTJEST: For a zone change from R-10 to R-7 on property located south of SW McDonald and west of SW 97th. RECUMMENDATION: Based on staff's review and site inspection, staff r.ecommends that the Planning Commission approve the zone change requested subject to the conditions listed in this staff report. APPLICANT: City o£ Tigard 12755 S.iJ. Ash Ave. Tigard, Or. 97223 ` 0'WNERS: Deemie Janzen 9740 SW McDonald 7. S 9 9 � w rt� Dona lrl Ti ard Or. 97223 � : Tigard, Or. 97223 Frazer Stack 4764 Ray Bell Rd. NE 10265 SW View Terrace S�o Paul, 0�. 971�7 'Tigard, Or, 97223 Thompson �e�g 9760 SW McDonald 9850 SW McDonald Tigard, Or. 97223 Tigard, Or•, 97�23 Hunter/Sampie Justus 9780 SW McDonald Rd. 14270 SW 1QOth Tigard, Or• 9722 Tigard, Or. 97223 LOCATION: South c�f S1�J I�IcDonald and west af �W 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BA tax lots 300, 301, 302, 400, 500, 600, 601, 602, 700 and 9�1). LOT AREA: 13.17 acres PRESENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN D�,SIGNATION: Low Density Residential NPO COMMENT: No wriY.ren comments had been received from 1�Pfl �� 6 at the writing of this report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Notices were maited to 60 praperty owners in the surrounding area. No �aritten comments had been received at thp writing of this report. � � � � � � � � BACKGROUND/PRFUIOUS ACTION: Subdivision to the R-7 density and deve�opment standards have been approved �or the following: Tax lot 3Q0 & 302 S 2-83 approved April 5, 1983 by the Plznning Commission. Tax lot 700 S 7-82 apgxoved January 4, 1983 by the Planning Commission Tax lot 1000 S 6-80 approv�d June 29, 1980 by the Planning Director. Gone changes to R-7 have been approved as follows: Tax lot 601 ZC 4 79 approved April 23, 1979 by the City Council. Tax lot 1000 GC 7-79 approved April 23, 1979 by the City Council. VICINITY TNFORMATION: The surrounding property is all developed as single fa�nily residential. The properky to the north and east is zoned R-7. The property to the south and �aest is zoned 1t-10. B. APi'LIGABLE C4M'PREHENSIVE PI.AN POLICZES 2.1.1 'I'he City shall mairitain an o�x�oing citizen involvement program and sh�ll assure khat citizens will be provided an opportunity to be involved in a11 phases of the planning process. All property owners within 250 feet of the property were notified of this application. In addition, a notice was published an the 7.'igard Times on May 26, 19�3. NPO �� 6 was also notified of this application. '� 2.I.3 The city sh�11 ensure that infnrmation on tand use planning issues is available in an understandable form for all interested citizens. All interested �ersons are given at least 10 days to offer written, eomments on all plann.in� applicati�ns. Interested parties are also affo•rded an opportunity to speak at the public hearing on this mattex. The planning staff is available to answer any questions on planning appli.cations. 6.3.3 In a11 phases of the development appraval process in a residential "Established Area", a primary consideration af the city sha11 be to preserve and �nhance the r_haracter of the adjacent established areas. STAFF REPORT ZCA 3-83 Page 2 � m� The property urider considerati�n for this zone change lies within the "Established Area". The proposed R-7 zane designation is allowinb within the low density plan designakian and subdivisions are already under construction to R-J standards on the subject properties. 12.1.1 The City shall provide far housing densities a:n accordance witht a. The applicable plan policies. b. The applicable locational criteria. c. The applicable Community Development Cc�de provisions� This proposal is in- conformance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan Map and P1an Policies. The subdivisians under construction have been reviewed and approv�d as conforming to applicable R-7 development code provisions. C. TIGARI7 MUNICIPAL CODEs There are no �pecific criteria in the Tigard Municipal Code which address zone changes. Ttcerefore, staff relies on the adopted Comprehensive Plan - Policies. D. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDA.TION: Ttie proposed zone change proposal meets applicable planning palicies. Th� develo�ment of the site, with the exception of lot 901, has been reviewed and approveda Staff rec�unnends apgraval of ZC 3°$3. � i PREPARED BY: APPROVED �Y: � • /� ,� __.�- �(/� / . �' ���3 Eli eth A: Newtan William A. Mon an Associate Planner Director of Plar�ning and Development � STAFF REPORT ZCA 3-83 Page 3 �s; ' � F:��,� ��_ � , I q �-.� � `, . 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L .. ... . ... . .. . . . .. . ... � . . .... . �.� . �. , ' J�,.,- "', � , s MEMORANBUM JUNE 3, 1983 i T0: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Planning and Development SUBJECT: Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA) Since the Platining Commission's work �ession on May 24, ]983, and staff's discussion with the Cou.nty 13oard of Commissianers and Planning Commission on the Mag 19, l9$3 draft of the �Trban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA), the City's attorney, Ed Sullivan,has recommended additional changes to t'he pzoposed UPAA. The recommended chan ss are indicated on the Ma 1� 1483 d�;aft a co g Y � � PY � of �r. Sullivan s commsnts are attacheci to i�e ou a better understan '.n g y d� g of him comments. You wi11 note that the�e are sti11 one ox tw� areas of concern. yet to l�� resolved; and we anticipate additional languagP on those issues wi1.1 be pres�nted to the Plannixig Cammission during the �une 7, 1983 Public Hearing. . I - _-_ _ — _ ��N � O�DONNELL. � DATE May 31, 1983 ��``''' "'�BULiiVAN � RAMIS �,�, ` ' , ATTORNEYS AY lAW �', , To: r o rsolle ` .:. t' of T. ard 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET Je eI11�7 C U C1 y 1CJ PORTIAND, OREGON�7209 15031 222•4402 FROM: EC� 511111.VdIl �E: Draft Urban Planning Area Agreement I have re�iewed the l��est draft of this agreeme�t d�ted May 19, 1983 and have also met with Rick Daniels, Washa.ngton County Planning Director, on May 27, 1983, to review the commen�s'.b.efi.ow. M�. Daniels conceded a num��er of the chang�s and inda.cated that he was no� in agreement with others. I will attempt to �omment on those changes as we review the agreement. On p. 1, first paragraph, starike the wo�d "the° before "COLTNTY" and "CITY" . In the fou��h paragraph, last lirie, change "will" to "sha11" . On p. 2, Section II.A.4, has been deleted. If this deletion is to occur, the city shauld insist upon a separate Urban Planning I�; Area Agreement with the Unified Sewexage Agen.cy which contains the same language as that deleted. I underst�.nd from talkin� with tL�e DLCD staff that such an agreement would be requirPd if the cit� insists upon it. Mr. Daniels said that the Agency would be willing to sign such an agreem.ent. However, histvrically, the Ageney has been very slow ta sign an Urban Planni.n.g Area Agreement. I would �ike your' au�.horization to prepare such an agreement for submassion to the $aard o� Directors of the Unifa.ed Sewerag� Agency � ' (the County Cnmmissioners) . � zn Sec�i�n I"I.A,5, fir_st line, chanc�e "will" to "shall" and, an ths second l.ine, after the word "not" , eliminate "facili.ta�te" and �.dc� ��e Fol].owing: "*'**provide �or, x�or be conclitianed to provide for, an ; enforceable plan for red�velopment to urban d�nsiti�s consistent with CITY' s Comprehensive Plan***°' The ssntenc� should continue wi.� '°in the future. . . " � In Section II.A.7, the ci:ty should insist that �he development standards for ap�licati.on in the active planning area be agreed upon simultaneous with the signing of this agreement. Either the aity or the c�unty development standards should apply. My experience warking for pouglas County and being.' :involved in� �:h� City Roseburg agreement indica�es that this is a major issue and the city's siqning off an this agreement without having this major issue resolved would be a mistake. In Section II.A.9, Mr. Daniels agreed to changing the words "nat oppose" to '°encourage" . In Section II.A.8, Mrm Daniels agreed with �the need to adopt a comprehensive plan znutually agreeable to the ci�y and the county. � i EJS;mch ! 5/31/83 - Page 1 i . �>,� • O'DONNELL, DATE May 31, 19$3 ! ° '� `Sl±LLIVAN A� R/AMIS �� � ,;ai� , ' /1TTORNEYS AT LAViI `t�'`� ro• Jexe�ny COUY'SOI.ZP 1727 N.W. H�DYT STREEY f � PfJRTL/eND, OREGON Q7209 15031 222-4402 FROM� ECI SLt1.YlVd11 RE� Draft Urban Planning Area Agreement It ap�ears to me that the county must adopt the city' s comprehen- sive pl.an or negotiate with thE city to change t•hat plan in a manner which satisfies both pa�ties. The present language, even as amended, does not do that jab. I would request that the county specifically adopt the city' s comprehensive plan, or indicate where that pl�n, in the county° s view is deficient. These issues should be resolved before �:h� �igning of an Urban Planning Area '. Agreement. , In Section IT.II.4.c, the paragraph appears to be superfluaus in view af the next paragraph and, therefore, it shou�.d be eliminated. In Section II�B. 4.d, third to 'last line, the words "to anne�°' should follnw the word "rights" . In Sectian II.C. 1, I recosnzrcend that the first sentence be elimina.ted. '�he effect of tha�t sentence would be eithe-r the city must change its comprehensive plan or it breaches the agreement, in view cif the �trong policy p�osition taken by the Council with � respect to Durham �oad and the Niurray Road extension. I sugge�t that in lieu of this language the followin�g language be employed: "The CITY and COUNTY are in disagreement an at least two major transpor�ation issues: (1) the classification and use. of Durham Road �etweem Pacific Hi.ghway and the Interstate 5 treeway� and (2) the lacation of �che extension .. of Murray B�ulevaxd to Pacific Highwaye Despite this disagreement, the parties have agre�3 to a process for resolutir�n of thea.r confl.icts and agree not to greclude potential tran�partation ogtions ar road system imp�ove- ments proposed in th�ir respeative comprehems�.v� plans, notwa.thstanding their disagreement. " In Section III.A.1M T would strilce the last sentcence ta �he definitions of Comprehensive P1an and Implementing Regulations, as these sentenees a.re not necessary for th� aqreement. In lieu thereof, I would add a phrase at tY�e beginziing of Sects.on �II.Ao2 to read "except as provided subsection �, below, . . . " . Tn Section IIT.A.2.d, on the next to the last :�ine, I w�ould substitute "review" for "appeal" and strike the word "appeals" on th� last line. This should also be done in Section III.C.I.c. In Sectian III.B.3.c, I would strike "If receiv�d i.n a timely . mannex" in that it appears that if the city a.s supplied �aith notices �f land use :�c�ions :onl��.•ten days pr�.or to hearing,w�:-opposing infUrmatic�n will almost never be "timely" . Additionally, at the end�of the secanc� 1in�, I would add the word "or supplemental thereto" . EJS;mch 5/31/83 - Page 2 ;,� o��oNNE��. o��rE May 31, 1983 '" �,� �� ` �SULLIVAN � RAMIS ^�`' �: , �,.'', �- ATTORNEYS AT LAViI: To: JergIT1�7 COLl'Y'SOl.�.e . 1727 N.W. HOYT STREET . PORTLANO, OREGON �720fi 15031 222-4402 FRUM: ECl $L111.1V3I1 RE; Draft Urban Plannircg Axea AgreemEnt In Section III.C. lab, I would strike the last sentenc�. It is almast impossible to �ive a written or oxal response if an agenda is sent out three days before the praposal is before the hearings officer, Planning Commission or Gaunty Commissioners. To do othe•rsaise waives the rights caf the city to challenge a land use action. Similarly, I would strike the words "'after such consi- deration" in the third line of 5ection TTI.C.l.c. In 5ection LV.A, I would strike the entire section, in that the right to enter into a memorandwm of understanding is alreac3y given the city in Sec�ion III.A.2.a. In Section IV.B, I would change "the Community Planning° to "their s ective reco nized Community Planning" . re p g In Sections IV.C. and U. , I wauld ch�nge the words "introduction" to "submission to the �ounty Planninc� Commission. I hope you find the above helpful. to the department and the city. cc: Bob Jean EJS:mch 5/31/83 - Page 3 � � �L .... `�, . ii, . � . ,'.•. . '.�_.. . . / . . , . ' . ... ._....�.. � � I . � � ��,y� 1 � :7_°,J�U".T. . . . � . ..7�,7_"/"���..._ WASNI N'GTON GOUNTY •- T 1 GARD �o— � �-�',-� URBAN PI_ANNING AREA AGREEMENT TNIS AGREEMENT� is entered into this day of . lg by WASHINGTON COUNTY, a pol�tical subdivision of the State of <Oregon. hereinafter refer�ed to as�� "COUNTY," and �he�'CITY OF TIGARD� an incorporated municS- paTity of the State of 0regon. hereinafter referred to as the "CITY." lJNEREAS� ORS 190.010 provides that vnits of local governments may enter into agreements for the perfarmance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agr�ement, its officers or agents, have authority to perfo�m; and WHEREAS, Statewide Planning Goal #2 (Land lJse Planning) reGuires that City, County, State and Federal age�cy and special district plans and actions shall be consistent with the compreflensive plans of the cit��s and covnties and regional plans adopted under ORS Chapter I97; and • WNEREAS, the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission requires each j�r�sdict�ion requ�sting acknowl�dg�ment caf compliance to submit an agreement setting focth the m�ans by which land use coordination in the unincorporated areas within t�e Regional Urban Growth Boundary � b� implemented; and , S 4�, . WHEREAS� the CaUNTY ard the CITY, to ensure coarQinate� a�d consistent compre- hensive plans, consider it mwtually advantageous to establish: 1, A site-speeific Urban Plann�ng A�ea W1'�F17f1 �he Regional Urban Growth Baundary within which both the COUNTY and the CITY maintain an interest � in compreh�nsive pl�nnira9: 2. P�lic�es regardiny eomprehensive planning and development in the Urban Pl anni rig Area; 3e A process for coordinating eompreh�nsive planning and development in the Urban Plarrning Area; and , 4. A process for' amending the Urban Planning Area Agreement. NOW TNlEREFORE, THE COUNTY ANO TN� CITY f�GREE AS FOLLOW�: � I. loc.ation of the Urban Planning Area The Urban Planning Area mutually defined by the COUNTY and th� CITY !'i inciudes the area designated on Exhibit '"A" to this agreement. . II. Comprehensive Plannir�c�and Qevelopment Polieies . q. Active Pl�nning A�ea �' I _ , ,. r .... , . _ ... .. Page 2 1. Definit�on �� Active IPlanning_ Area means the incorporated area and certain uni cn orporated areas contiguous to the incorporated area. for _ �w��F�i� he CITY conducts comprehensive planning and seeks to development act�vities to the greatest extent possible. The CITY Active Planning Area within the Urban Planning Area i� designated as Area A on Exhibit "A." - 2. The CITY shall be �esponsible for comprehensive planning within ' � the Acti ve P1 anr�i ng Area. 3. The CITY shall be responsible for coordinating an� planning for th� pr�ovision of urban services in the Active Pianning Area. Y . . .-t�rvv4—pr�r...1� (��ab��'Sh cl �i?t.'2'��C��r�� ��Ye.e vv�erl �:���n V,S, , � q 4�� ,6� The COUNTY shal l not approve 1 and di vi si ons withi n. the Acti ve � Pl a�nti ng Area whi ch wac�l d Gr�eate l ots l ess than 16 acr�s i r� si ze� unless public sewer and water service are available to the prnperty. 5�t� �ao � The COUtdTY �-noL approve a development proposal in the Active �� P1 a�n3 ng Area i f the �roposal woul d not €a��at� _._o. . - - . - . . o . - • �� ���.v�� _ . . ;p�o�'i t�,e+ �ar � Y�a�' �-�- cord���'ea��- '� p��o�!'�� --��c'� a� �� �rr-�arc�.bl.-e. �(�,� -�ar �-edevc.\dpm¢�' `� ��� de-v�s;-�-�s � �>��GVt� V�.3�1�iV� �� �S �rV���E'.hEY�51�1 Q ��WV1 . . . �{---{r,�- in the fiuture upan ann�xati�n to the (:ITY �s in�i- ��,,,�(�,s�-G7cated by the CITY Comp�ehensive Plan. G.,7� App�oval of development actions in the Active Planning Area shall be cot�tingent upon provision of adequate u�ban services ineluding sewer, water, starm drainage, streets, and police and fire protectyon. '7. � The COUNTY and the CITY after due consideration and negotiation shall adopt development sta�dards for applieation in the Aetive � �� P1 anni ng Area. �Q�.�n�-y �► � G� �e a5rcr.�l g ,g� Upon compl eti on and adopti on of the C ITY 'Compreher�si ve P1 arr by �,.-� � �,,n����e, neP�s �he CITY, the COUNTY sha1i , in accordanee with LCDC Statewide � „�p,,,ty- � ��,���4��►�s��e 9oa1s and guicSeli�es. adopt the CdTY land use designations, sup� �`""11" orti ve data and fi ndi n s. � ,,vin�t.k i�i w���v�-ll� F 9 � r�.,a.(o1�f. -4a:�� <..x.�u:��� 9.�. The COUNTY shall �aA�-ep�x annexation to the CITY within the G��� � -� �ITY'S Active Planning Area. • i Cavr-y-u. I i _ . � ._ �._. . -�• ' .. � . . � ( Page 3 B. Area of Interest 1. � Definition Area of Interest or �rimary Area of Interest means unineorporated , lands contiguous to the Active Planning Area in which the CITY does not co�duct comprehensive planning but in which th� CITY does maintain an interest in comprehensive planning and develop- ment actions by the COUNTY because of potential impacts on the ITY Active Planniog Area. The CITY Area of Interest within the C II � Urban Planning Area is designated as Area B on Exhibit "A." 2. The COUNTY shall be res�onsible for compreh�nsive planning and development actions within the Area of Interest. 3. The COUNTY shall be �esponsible tio� coordinating and planning for the pr�vision of urban servic�s in the Area of Interest. • 4. The CITY may Consider requests for annexations in the Area of I�terest subject to the following: a. � . ) i �►e CITY shall nat requi�� � annexation af lands in the Ar�ea of Yntere�t as a conditzan tca �he provisian �f urban serviees for d�.velopmerot. �h�e°�fe-ed e �-{�r b. Ar���xations by the CITY within the Area af Interest shall not � create islands uniess the CITY d�clares its intent to ' complete the island anr�exation in a timely manner. .� � C,�,d'� The CITY agrees in principle to a plebiscite or other repre- sentative means fnr annezation in the Metzger/Progress Gortmunity Planning Area. whicfi includes Washington Square. ' within the CI7Y Area of Interest. Not cont�ar,y to�t�he ,• faregoing. the City reserves all of its ri9ht��'n�! • aeknowledges the rights of individual prope�ty owners to annex to the CITY pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes. . .. . ._ - - . �. :�::.....��_. .. .... . ._ .w_ � _ �..�...._, ,. . . , . .._.... . ._ Pa9e 4 , e. Upon annexation of land within the Area of Interest to the CITY, the CITY agrees to convert COUNTY p1an designations to � � CITY plan designations �rhich most closely approximate th� density, use provisions and standards of COUNTY designations. Furthermore� the CITY ag�ees to mai�tain this designation for one year after the effective date of annexation unless both tfie CITY a�d COUNTY Planning Directors agree at the time of j annexation that the COUNTY designation is outdated and should i ' be amended before �he one year period is �aver. • f: Shoulc� any land within tfie Rrea of Interest t�e annexed to the CITY, the area shall conti�u�,d'to be considered as part of the COUNTY Urban Planning Area for the purpose of calculating countywide new dwelling uni� mix and d:ensity as required by OAR 66'D-07-030 �nd 560-07-035. This pr�vision shall apply u�oti 1 tfie GITy and COIJ'NTY pl ans have been aGknow�l e�ged by the 'i.and Conservation and Development Commission. C. G�nera� PQlicies �'c al-f��rw.���e �C�.�-UC�.<<.3,2.��, nrLx-� ,�«�- • '2. . ° • ... �- - - r-- . _ � • e�-t-�n- o — � -1-- �'l7�iiiY���..�i��i � � � �l�i . 2. The CITY shall inc�ude all r�ght-of-way within and adjacent to property in cu�ren� and future an�exation proposals. In addi- tion, the CITY and the Ctll1NTY shall r�aeh agreeme�t upo� a schedule and process for the surrende� of jurisdiction of those COUNTY roads currentl within the cit limits and those COUNTY Y .Y roads that may be included in future ann�xatiions to the CITY if the COUNTY determines these roads are not necessary as part of ' the COUNTY road syst�me Such an agreement shall be reached wi�hin 60 days of the effective date of this Agreeme�t. 3. Annexations �o the CITY' outside the Urban Planning Area will �ot be supported by the COUNTY or the CITY. III. Coordinati;on of Comprehensive Planni�g and Development ,• A. Amendments to o� Adoption of a Comprehensive Pian or Implementing Regulation � _ ----_ - _ �� "The CITX and C�DUNTY are in disagreement on at least two major transportation issues: (1) the classif ication and use of Durham Road between Pacific Highway and the Intexstate 5 freeway; and {2) the loeation of the extension of Murray Boulevard to Pacific Highway. Despite this disagreement, the partie� have agree3 to a process for resolution of their conflicts and agree not to preclude potential transportation options or road system improve- ments proposed in their respective comprehensive plans, notwithsta�ding their disagreement. " � � l . � . .. .__ . . � _ Page 5 1. Definitions � � Comprehe�sive Plan, as defined by OAR 660-1$-01Q(5) , means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy stafi.Qment of the ' governing bodyr of a local government that inter�elates all func- tional and rtatural systems and ac:tivities relating to the use of lands. including� but not limited to� sewer and water systems � transportation systems, educational facilities, recreational f�cilities, and natural resources and air��and water quality - management programs. Implementing Re ulation means any �ocal government zoning ordinance� and division ordi�ance adopted under ORS 52,044 or 92.046 or simi�ar general ordinance establishing s�andarcls for implementing a comprehensive plan. -- , ►_ - - � . _� C�c-z�G�s re.�;�� j� hu1�,e�J�-',�r. ���, �z�°�� . � 2. nThe COUN�Y sha11 provide the CITY with the approp�iate appor-� tunity to participatey review and comment on proposed amendments to or adoption of the COUNTY comprehensive plan or implementing re9ulations. The CITY shall provide the CQl1NTY with the appropriate opportuni�ty to pa�tieipate, �evi�w and co�ment an propased amendments to or adoption of the CITY compreh�nsive plan ' or 7mplementing regulations. The follawing procedures shall be followed by the COUNTY and the CITY to notifiy and invoive one another in the pro�ess to ame�d or adopt a compreh�nsive plan or implementing regulation: a. �'he CITY or tihe COUNTY� whichever has jurisdiction over the p�oposal . hereinafter th� originating agency9� sha11 notify I the other agency, hereinafter the responding agency. of the I, proposed actic�n at the �ime su�:h planning efforts are ini- ', tiated. but in no case less than 45 days prior to the final ' hearing on adoRti�n. 7he specific method. and level of involvem�nt shall be fina1ized by "Memorandums of Understandi�g'° negotiated and signed by �he planning direc- tars of the CI1'Y arad the COUNTY, The '°Memorandums of tlnde�standing" shali c1early autline the process by which the responding agency shall participate in the adoption process. If, at the time of being notified of a p�aposed action. the respanding agency determi�es it daes not need to : participate in the adoption process, it may waive the � r�qui�ement t� negotiate and sign a "Memocandum of Understanding." . � _ r Page 6 b. Ti�e originating agency shall transmit draft recammend�tions on any proposed actions to the responding agency for its � review and comment before finalizing. Unless otherwise agreed to in a "Memorandum of Understanding�" th� responding agency sfiall have ten (lU) days after receipt of a draft to submit comments orally or in writing. Lack of response shall be considered "no abjection" to the draft. c. The origina:ting agency shall �espond to the commen�.s made by the responding agency either by a) revising the final rezam- � � • mendationsy or b) by letter to the responding agerrcy explaining why the comments cannot be addressed in the final r draft. d. C�mments from the respanding agerocy shali be given con- s�deration as a part of Che public record on the proposed action. If after such conside�ation, the originating agency acts cont�ary to the positiro,�eof the responding agency, the respond'i ng agency may see�c ap�re�h of the acti on through the appropri�te ap�ea�s body and procedures, e. Upon final adoption of tihe �roposed action by the ori�gy- nating agency. it shall trar�smit the adopting ordinance to the responding agency as soo� as publicly availnble, or if not adnpt�d by ordinance, whatever other writtien documen- tation is avai�able to p�ope�ly infnrm the responding agenc� o�' the fin�l actions taken. 8. Development bctions Requiring Individual Notice ta Praperty Owners 1. Definition Development Action Requiring Notice means an action by a locxl gnve�nment which requires notify�ng by mail the owners of property which could potentially be affected (usually specified as a distance measured in feet) by a proposed development action ` � which d�rectly affects and is applied to a specific parcel or �, parcels. Such develupment actions may include� but not be !� li�nited to small tract zoning or compr�hensive plan map amendments, conditional �r special use permits, individual �______--- subdi vi si ons. parti ti oni ngs or pl anned .u�+�i�devel opments, variances. and otfier similar aetions requiring a hearings process which is quasi�judicial in nature. 2. The COUNTY will provide the CITY with the oppo�tunity to review : and comrnent an proposed development actions requiring �otice with,in the designated Urban Planni�g Area. The CITY will provide the COUNTY with the oppoctunity to review a�d comment on proposed d�velopment actions requiring notice within the CITY limits that may have an affect on unirtcorporated portians of the designated U�ban Plannin9 Area. . . _ ... .... . ..._ . _._. . � . . . � . ..�.:.. _ Page 7 3. The following procedures sfiall be followed by the COUNTY and the . CITY to notify one another of impending development actions: ,I a. The CITY or the COUNTY, whichever has jurisdiction over tF�e Proposal . hereinafter the originatiny agenc,y. shall send by first c}ass mail a copy of the public hearing notice which identifies the proposed development action to the other agenty� hereinafter the responding agency, at the earliest oppo�tunity, but no less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the scheduled public hearing. The failure of the � responding agency to receive a notice shall not invalidate an actian if a good faith attempt was maGe by the originating agency to notify the responding agency. b. The agency receiving the notice may respond at its discre- tion. Camments may be submitted in written form or an oral �esponse may be made at the public hQaringe Lack of written or oral response shail be considered "no abjection" to the proposal . c. . . � �he o�iginating ag�ncy shall include or attach the comments td the w�itten st�aff report ��. � and respand to a�y concerns addressed by the responding �'P�'�`�"���� agenc,� in sueh report or� arally at the hearing. ����{�� d. Comments frnm th� respanding ageney shall be given con- sideration as a part of the public record on the praposed , �ction. If, aftier such consideration; the originating agency acts contrary to the position of the responding agency, the responding agency may seek appeal of the action through the appropriate appeals body and procedu�es. C. Addit�onal Coordination Requirements .• 1. The CITY a�nd the COUNTY shall do the following to notify one anotlher of proposed actions which may affect the community. but are not subject to the notification and participation �equire- ments contained in subsections A and B above: a. The CITY or the COUNTY, whichever has jurisdietion over the proposed actions. he�einafte� th� originating agency, shall send by first class mail a copy of all public hearing agen- das which cont��n the proposed actions to the otfier agency� hereinafter the responding agency. at the earliest opportunity. but no less than three (3) days prior to the ,• date of the scheduled publie hearing. The failure of the ' , �esponding agency to receive an agenda shall not invalidate an action if a good faith attempt was made by the origi- nating agency to notify the �esponding agenzy. __ __ t _ _-__ _ � , � . , ' � � Page S b. T�he agency receiving the public hearing agenda may respond at its discretion: Camments may be submitted in written � �� form or an oral �esponse may be made at the public fiearing. . ,, c. Comments from the �espo�di�g agency shall be given con-� sideration as a part of the public ►�ecord on the pro�osed _ action. If .. , the originating � agency acts contrary to the position of the responding � � ' agency, the responding agency may seek "`'`��ea-� of the action through the appropriate �e�-r body an�d procedures. IV. Special Policie5_ � , F , r • � �-- -- -- _ , . y-- Tans � ` The CITY and the GOUNTY shal 1 p�oyide� i nfQ�mat�i onti,af,�c�omprehensi ve � plani�ing and dev�lopment actions �o.�C�ommun�ty �`l�nning ._..._._� O�ganizations (CPO) th�ough the not�ce procedures outline� in Se�ction III of this Agreement. M C. At least one copy �f an,y COUNTY' ordina�ce which proposes to (lj �mend � the COUNTY comprehen�ive plan, (2� ado�t a new p•lan, or (3) amend the '. text af th� CqUNTY development code shal� be mailed to the �ITY within ' five (5)_days after 1ts .i•w��e�teiT. ������•`�S;c� -ti-b "S"�"Q- �v�n1-� 6'1cu.r��rJ G"�w�n-��`��i.b n D. At �east one copy of any COUNTY ordinance which proposes to rezone land within one (1) mile of the corparate limits of the CITY shall be mailed to the CITY within five (5) days afte� its ��Fedu�t.i��s�-. S�bm:s;;aV, -4-c ' -� �,�-.� p�b.,tvn'•v�y C�e-vrew�sS'�i nv� , V. Amendments to the Urban Planning A�ea A4reement , - ,A. The following procedures shall be followed by the CITY and the CQUNTY to amend the language af this agreement o� the Urban Planning Ar�a _ Baundary: o i i nates the rc� o- 'u i diction r 1. The CITY or COUNTY. whichever � � s y p P sal shall submit a fo�mal request for amendment to the respo�ding agency. 2, The fo�mal request shall contai� the following: ' a. A statement describing the amendment. b. A statement of findings indicating why the proposed amend- ment is necessa�y. � _ _ _ _ , , . . , , ' ; , ( ( Page 9 c. lf the request is to amend the planning area boun�iary, a map which clearly indicates tfie p�oposed change and surrounding area. 3. tlpon receipt of a request f'or amendment from the originating' ag�ncy, the responding agency shall sr.hedwle a review of the request before the appropriate reviewing body, with said review to be field` within 45 days of the date the request is received. 4� The CITY �nd the COUNTY shall make good faith efforts to resolve cequests to amend this agreement. Upon completion of the review, the reviewing body may appro�e the request. deny the request, or make a determination that the proposed amendment warrants addi- tional review. If it is determined that additional review is necessary, the foll owi ng procedures shal 1 be foll owed by the CITY and COUNTY: ao If inco�sistea�cies noted by both parties cannqt be resoived in the �eview p�ocess as outlined in �e�tion IV (3) , the � GI7Y and the COUNTY may agree to initiate a joint study. � Such a study shall commenc:e within 30 days of. the date it is '; d�ter�ni r�ed ti�at a p�oposed amendment creates 'an i ncon- sistency, and sha11 b� complet�d within 90 days of said date. hiethodologies and procedures regulating the conduct of the j�int study shall be mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the COUNTY priar to commencing the study. t�. Upon completion of the joint study, the study and the a°ecom- , mendations drawn from it shall be iacluded within the rec.ord of the �eview. The agency considering the proposed amendment ��z�� ' shall give careful eonside�ation to the study prior to o� ��,o m�ki ng a fi nal deci si on. o` t" �� �c� 6. The par�ies will joi�tly revie�r this Agreement every two (2) years�to ' 1 evaluate the effectivene'ss of the p�oeesses set fo�th he�ein and to make any nec�ssa�ry amendments. The �eview process shall cortanence two ;J (2) years fram the date of execution and shall be completed within 64 � 'il days> Both parti'es shall make a good faith effort to resolve any inconsistencies that may have developed since �he previous review. the 60� da review eriad inconsisteneies stiil . ion of P If. after complet Y remain. either pa�ty may terminate this Agreement. This Agreement commences on , 19 � � . ,, Ao- I f'age 10 �,. � - , IN WITNESS WNERfOF the parties have;executed this Urban Planning A.rea Agreement on the date set opposite their signatures. �IT7 OF TIGARD gY Date _ Mayor WASHINGTON COUNTY gy - — Date Chairman, Board of County Commissic�ners : , . ' i Date !I Recordir�g Secretary I � , � _ _ _ _ ___ , � C I T X O� �::ri�.�,"_jG�.� ) ,% �'-._�� ,__ a �'��(;r' �(���;"�,, , �� �� f. rt " ..�/�1�,'�u J ����_�j,(� _ . . T��A��� if� (��J.����.... p . c ( `�—�__'1 _ :L�v�•<�� t �' U�BAN ��.�����!G ���� ���� ���= � �_ �� � ����-� ,." - - _ . �, -� �XHIBlT A _ �'t��. - �� � , . . � � , � . ���o _ j WASHINCaTON COUNTY—TICiARD U�RBAN PLAtJNlI�6(� AR�A AC�REEMEFIT ��i. �'� � . �f �;• __.. _l ..- J � . .. . . � ���. . ..� � �� _'. .'...� . !- . \0��.. � . ... �'� � � . . , , - . .. . � ! ' ...�.. . �-� � � !� .. r� r. . i' . _...__� ..1 : ` - ' j , � / ...�...� . � ' . _ �...� • �. "—..._., Y �. � �� . � ` � � r ..�.� ��� • � . . . ...�� �I ; .�• ��� � � l � � � . � � ..! � �_ »J �� . li � �. . . �„ �. . J �' _/ �= � •:�'���Of � .t 1 t 1 .� �•'s r ��� [ � , 0 . s ,r_ 1� O , � �• ��: � i�i �� ,,� .� — .�,.� :}: — � — �����r � / •�� � p ; �_ _ � t � %� .e i � � �7 � � ':, i � �, �C( � �t ••il.�� -.� O�� �t i�"�' � , i '�. _ "J - �,�Q��/ +( `�.� ..i •,L �'j�. _ 3 �,,: _/ � � �, ��� �� � d , � , - 'a'-- T ;.,r � i � •� _' I — � �� � �� � �... ��� `•�_� -� S � ;d � �- ; 'C] Q.�, .��+ � � � � � " t � i � u �J �r , t ,. `+ . , . ��. �f- � _ t � , • �` �-•• ...,`'� s �':;1�'��.�` Pr� -` r4 � ' . �+ � '�� • ,. � - . _J-- ;---' .o o _ ',� ,' C� � . •. � � �� , � '-�. �-� . . . . � � �. _ ��:.�; --�,^= ��V - r ����� � / ' P-- � � . . � II e �� "�'` � _�.� -- ��' o � � � =� I � � e� � ' � `� — ; —. �I � ---��_''''= �'t•1° 0 � � m _ — � . ' �—, __ � h- i '�; ��"'�'� � ; I �� ," ;-� � U �. � Z '• , �, ` • ��t a% •j :i�� � I~G�'' �� � • .. �"1 � : � . . , ' QE rf,;�� � ��C��.o J `���f�•'- -,' � �� I . ��r �c;��I;__ - � `�� . �� � � •.�� ~ { .� ,\ ��J� . . . s. t`i,Ul ~�- � •- � ' �T'_. .�r�e _.� " ! I� i t t �iCF'rr.��- , - -. f'��� . . . :` , �_�-� �.�� `2i' JI� nr .t --- ' • � i '�-'�!j�(i � ' . ��t�-� � �_ .S} _ ( � � II ;.'1�1�_ti'��..JG`�� "`ainnj • � ;"'r• i �� � �- 19�3 11 r- '� ' nnnlJ�����'� 11JLUUr�i __i Lt � f;�� i�(: y:� .N I� � - . . ..� �.t___ � `..X ] '�� i � �.' �.y- ' . . � . . �� . , �� . F � ',.. _. �� i ' . � � �ti� �� � !� . .,. �t URBAN PLANNINf3 AREA ~�— � ` � D � '�--_. J^t �`c�'e�,�°fi/���: �y_ _ J__-- , !�1l�l�!!!1 BOl1I�IDARY — ___ . \, ��� _ -_ - �; ,�. : ., . r � � � f . 1� . 11 J'��� .7 �� !� . I II ��� � . � � A � � + �f .;!�. u; � . � �.v v '�� � {y _ � 1I� . � �>�� .._ ��,_ 4�j�_�;,�-s<<,,;,.�r� :, �: ___-__.►� � . , .w.�_ .,,_ ,; . ;.�, ;. �.�. . �t �: � � . -_- � � :, . ��l i� �, , � } __ ,�•�. . � ACTIVE PLANNIN� AREA \�� .I �t,. •�� _ �I �. _�� � .__ �, � �� `� 1 � , �. i�4• ,�`==�� �: _ �, 1 ;� �.;`" ,� TI� ;��� - � � -�.;� �' i� ! t�J�;> :.�� �:a. __ . A�� AREA aF �NTEREST �.�F �L . � ' : � • � � ��) MEMORANDIJM June 3, 1983 T0; PLANNING COMMTSSION � � FROM; DF,PARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEN�_��� SUBJECT: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, ZOA 1-83 Sensitive Lands With the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan the City must revise its Zoning Ordinance prior to LCD� submittal. The draft Community Development Code, after adopted, will replace tt►e zaning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Sign Ordinanee as separate documents into one document. Une of th� specific chapters of this Zoning Ordiance, Sen��tixre S�ands, will be : sut�stantially different because of the adopted policies 3.2.1 through 3.2.3. See Chapter 18.84 on ithe Community Develapment Code. Because of its cowplex nature, this chapCer has been singled out as needing more alter�tion from staff, Planning Commissi�n and City Council. At this time st�ff questions whether separating the discussion of thi� issue from the rest of the Commiinity Development Code will tract faster than the Code itsel_f, Staff also questi�ns whether it is appropriate to se�arate this issue given the interrated nature of ths Code. If the Planning Cammission believes it is appropriate to separate the discussion of this issue, staff would recc�mmend that the Planning commission and the �ity �ouncil condu�.t a joint work session kc� resol.ve the issue concexning Sensitive Lands. i � _ -_ _.- � ?'igard, Oregon. 97?23 . June 1, 1983, RE�EO�Ep Mr. �lilliam Monahan, T�gard Planning llir.ectnr & Staff �uN � 19�3 Tigard Planning Commission T�gard C'ity Council �J'� OF TIGARp Gity of Tigard � Tiga�rd, Oregon, 97223• Dear Mr. Monahan and Staff� 'We are writing this le�t�r in reference to �he Tigard Community Development Code which is to be discussed by you and your Staff and The Planning Commission at a meeting on June7 , 198:3, a�t Fowler Junior High School at 7: 30 P,M; We are requesting that D3y Care or Ghitd Care Centes natbe allowed in established low density single family residentia�. neig�borhaods. For the past three months , our neighborhood has bee� deprived of its serenity, quietness and character bzcause of such a Day Care facility operating out nf a rental house in our cul-de=sa,c. Th� owners of the property are incurring sevex�e damag� ta th�ir �'r�nt and b.ack yards and �h� inside of their house, Thi� incident has caused unnecessary noise with c�.rs coming and gning from early morning until ater 6 P.M. My husband a,nd i find it diffi�ult to sleep and I have had to purcha�e ear plugs to enjoy our backyard' becaus� af the excessive noise from all the children. Our neighbors and ourselves bought ou.r single family homes in a low density residential, area to getaway fxom the noise and conjestion of dPnsity livinge We are citizens and taxpaye�s..:in the City of Tigard and would appreciate your cor�sidera.tion to eliminate Dav Gare Centers or similar facili�ies w d nsit sir� le famil res.idex��ial nei hbor- from establisheci lo e g y g Y hoods in the n:ew Ti,�ard Community Deve�opment Code. � , .41so, nur property is adjacent or across the street from ttie Central Business Dis�rict within the T<U.R.A. boundary and we , under�tan.d that a s��p-down code wi].1 be used ta pro�ect our neighb.orhood f'rom high density development allowed withinn the C .B.D. and T.U.Ft.A. boundaries . If a 25� build-up is allowed when property i.s in tY�e Flood Plain, den�ity would be allowed to �he developer. We are requesting that the T�.g�rd Community Development Coc�e be specific and ��ate tha� onl duplex.es and/or sin�l.e familY at'�ached dwellin�s be allowed <3s a buff.er between law density single family h.omes in the establised neighborhoads adjacent the 'li T.U.R.A. Speci.al Zone within the Central Business I7istrict. Thar�k you for your consideration, Si cerely yo rs� ' CI,r-C� %'�v-��'J-�' �'�-- �,� t / ,/',/��.-c_c�. /'l ct?.•�[.t.�.�C_p'r�/ r� Paul and aria Johnsan 9300 S. W. Hill Street Tigard, Oregvn, 97223. . ii �` _ _ - :_ -e IL�fs��l�.i'!°l'�T��� _- . � 4� � � � � . � � g _ _ I �GENDE� I �YGaRI3 I'L,A,NI�ING CaNdrSISST�ON I .�CJt1� 7p 1�83 w 7a30 �'.Me F'tJWLER J'iJ'rIrOR t�]T4;H S�ki00L � 10�65 SrW. Walnut Sta • �igard, l�r> 9���3 ;L o Call to Order ' �.� � �. xoxi caii 3e Ap�roval o� u�inutes fram x4ay 24y 19tZ3, P�anning Gommission Me�eting� fFo P�.aaning C��misszon Cazr�nunication 5. P�U�Z�Ir HEA.RIN�S 5. i �OE3E ^F�4,�3CE �C��3-°83 �cD(3Pd1�T..D anc� SW }7�.h Ave.�ue I�1�0 �� 6 5a2 COI�P�.EHE�ISZVE FL�tPi t1MENDMF.i�T CPA 3-�i�� YTR�iA�1 P�1`��II�:�NG AREA E.GItrEI�£�T � i 6< ST.iJDY SF�S3gON 6. 4 ZONF' ORI3��.NCE AI�I�DMENT ZOA l-83 S��I�ITIV�, �ATdD i�KlllYdAt�C� � 6.2 C!]MF�ZEHE�TS'T'�IE P�,AN AMFNI�MEl3T CP� 2-8� C�3MMtl'rdl�I' D��PEI,O�'MEN� �OD'E I 7. Other Busine�s 8. Ad j ora�ment ,,�,' a �_. .it i., � I � �3 ° T3 P L t� I� N I N G C 0 M �i � � 5 I � N ��C�JL.t1R MEETING TUF�k 7, 198� 7,. Pr��iaient T��edina� �afl.l�ed th� 3a►eeti�xg a� o�el�x at a.35 �'oFia . �'kn� meE�tzn,g w�a he�.c� at FowAer Jean�.ea� Higki Scho�1 �° Zn ��ee T,��Cur� Rc�om, 1iD865 SW �la�.nu� Sto , T?�ard, 0�. 2� �(7L,L C,AI,L: Pk�SENT: Presid�nt T'ep�di�o, �ommis�ion��s Van.�nrwr�oc3, fiffl�n, E�tine I,evr��et� and ,J��°da�, t�SENTw Commi��acan�rs �ornc�9 Qs�r��.s �.nci G"hri.st�r►y STAF�: Dire�to� �f Pl�e�ning a,�c3 ��velopmern� WilYiam II Monahan; A.ssn�!i.ate Planai�rs 3er��u� Couxs�l�.� ane! �li�ab��h Newton� S�cr�ta�y Dfax�� �4� .I�ld�rkso 3. P��nning Com�nis�ion m3.nu�:es f�c�m d�ay 24, 1��3, �aer� GO11sYE��Yet�. �,�aaranen I fiepedana noteci t�at on. pag�e oxz�, ursc��r Rtem �-, n€eded ��n be cta�n��:d tr� ,_ "He was p7,Eas�d01; also uncEer kte� 5«1, �.t shc�t�2d be tti� �ros�ased UI'.AA II a��reem�nt. . �oAUnzs�ioner �dan move� and Ccsmm�s�iox�e� J�ra���a sPGOn�c�d �ai ajpg•r��r�d �h� mir�u�es as aenen�3��ia �To�ion �arx�iec3 b� uriaAt�.me�us vate a� �omz���sza�r�ers presento � G�mmassi€�aier �to�n �arra_vesi, I �a. PL�,NNING CQlv12s1]:SSLQN G�MkdUrIIGA'�IQN� � o Tfiere waa no a:t�mmunicat�mn. 5. PUI•3Z,IC HEARINGS Sa� Z(DN� C1iA.iv�E ZCA 3-83 t�cDONA�tA & �FF �7�:t� AVEa IdPC3 � 6 �'i �I �� �. r�qu�s� i�y the C�.ty of Ti�ax�d frc�r za�e ch�nge fs�e� �t�Ia to R-� �+r, �I �ro��rty� iacat�d south af �W NlcD�nald and we�t a� �W �7tha `Ttse � � Comprehensiv� Fl�n Des�.�nation �.s 3ow d�nsit�� �°�sidenta��.» �W�cl�, �„ ' Coo Tax Map 2S1 11BA tax �.ot 304, 3�31., 302, 441Qy 5fl0, 6a0g Fs01, 60�= M- � 7(�� ai�d g01) �� � a ,Ass�ci.ate I'�.aa�ne� �ewtcars ►nade staEt r�co�mi�idd�ta.o� �ar appraval � x�equestzng t'hat ta�c 16t 100t1, whzch �s an a�p�ov�d R�-�' Si3�')t]�X.VdR520Y1 "� iael+onging tQ I��x°�' �ur�aham� tco be �inelud�ci ixe this zane Chang�. o Nl'0 �Nf� G�I COM1�f�NT� � ►�o an� appe�r�d �o speak4 E1. ciLa�en frt�m th�e audience questian w�a� the �t�'4 a�t1d CCI were. Sta�f exp�.ain�ri xnvita.ng the peog�le who w�re znt��ested �.o m�sp�.�. PU&L�C TESTIMONX 6 . . . . . . . . .. .- -. . . 4. e„ � I o K�n �`razer 47�i4 Ray �e1L, �t 1��auly Or. Qsvn�c• a�f 1ak 301, etated d�� had paurchased his iot +watti �tr� und�rat�r�dan� C�e�t it wa� se� Tt°7o II I3�c�us�e a€ t�x� si�� of �i� lcat, h� wva� bein� stsQSSed �er twrr� b�Ailciable lots. If ths Plattning �omcnission r�id nok apgrove �h�: �t�7 � zaning he w�ould oc�l� iaav�� ocn� buYlc�ab�e lat. �, �ie asiked �.f th� �n.t�r wouD.d compensate him fc�r [his lc►s�. o Rsg Juske�s, 14270 SiJ �.��khr swner o.� lr�t 9i31, apposed �na�gi�;g the I z�ti�in,g t�a R--7, sta�ica� i� would redrsc� t�e v�1u� nf hzs prQpe��yo I o Judzth �sistens��, ��a�.7(� �k] 14?Ot1� Av�o , B�at�d h�r grope�r�y �a�S �,c3jacee�t to Ch� Janzen prts��•rty axad reques�ed p�+��e�rt� b� zog�ed no less than R--10. o Bob S�.�eb1S 1413Q S.>�1. 1�U'th Av�ee Y oppo�sed ahan�aatg zoe�ing s�atic�g thas w�uld ie►�rcase traffic g��b3.erasp la��r th� v��.ue of t�►eir �ra�pexty �x�d c�ea�e a watax ru�i°aff pxobl�n�. o ,Ioan �ax•ker, 140�i0 SaF�. IQ(YL-h, appose� changx��g zoni�tg sta�'i.n� it e�ouZd chacz�e tt�e quality of liie as we�l as ic¢c•s�e�se th� xmpact 'o� th� Grafiico CR055 E�{A,�fIIdATi01�T A�ID ftEBU;C`TE�L o Commiss:.uner Moen quP�ta�ned if staff would be wa.11ing to lsa�ve Mr. ,7u,stus °s lot �01 ax�d L�t 70Q as R-3.0. Di.scus�a.on :EolYowed. Sta££ state�i they w�ould have no p�oblem wiR:h �liminating loC 901 €ram t��ix �equesl-. � o Mre .Fu�r_ic� quest�_anad h�w �ta�f dete�anine�i that ki-7 saas c�mgs�able C.o Washin��on Couaity`s AIJ 4y T�iscussic��n f�ll.vwed� ASSt��Ac3�� Planner i;auz-sol.A� �ac�,las.ned tl�at after you rleduct �n� ��nd �eecl�d fo�r s�re�ets an�i publ�� nmprovemenks tp1a�C it �aark��£ e�ut kca h� tt�� r��a� number of u.nits pez� a�r�e " PUI3LZC EIEARING CLQSEA 0 1fie conser��us of th� C�ammassznn�:a°s w�as tlha� �hp �.ca�� th�t: we�re a�proued a� R-7 sub�zvisia� shauld �aave �he zoni.ng charage [� �t-7. �, o Comini.ssionzr �io�n �r�d �dir� favor�d l�a�vin� let 9�1 ar� R-].Q. � � o Crsmmissioner T.ev�rett favared having tcsts �a00 �n� 5C10 �hang�c� Co R-7� � � o �omn�issi.on�r N9oen mover,i ,.an�i Commar�sian�ar ,3nrdan secan�ed kc� ap�xa-ove � 2CA 3-8� a.n��.usling t�x �.at �000 �nd el�.mi�atec� t�x lot 901� � Motiocl casried unanine�us�y by Cr�mmission�� yax�aeni:. City Couns+el, Ed Sullivan arri.veda 5.2 COAiPRE1HENSIVE PLAN CPA 3�i33 U1�BA1� PL�1,t�NTN� AREA A�REE�9ENT a Planni�ig CoQnmission Minutes June 7, 1983 - Pa�;e � b �; A A reque�C by tl�e City of T.a�a�d ana W�at�i.ngton !'�ounty tr� �amend �'he ea:iat�.ng tJrbac� glannir�g Area .�reements ` o llix��tor nf �'lr�nraing and Deve�.c�pmec�C g�v� ara updat� o�n �h� grc�c��� t�ee UPAA. I�� �tated t�ere wap�sld be a hearxng �ext T.uesd�yr writh I��I bJashangCn�n County �nmmissaonsrA where �t�ff u��suld be pxe€cex�tir�g � su��estion�. cc �.egal C;ounsel a�f��enc.nd his thre� page m�mo �nd reviewed the II agr�e�nen� ezotz.x�g has char�gea aatd sug�;�staons. , o GomYn�.ss�.ox�er E�i.n questio�aed �.f �ailur� ro cnme to �n agz�ement wou18 I he��.� up the Cou�apreh�emsi�e l�lan a,cicx�owl�d�em�nt �z�ca�n LCBC. I.�gal �oesnset stated in the past it vrc��lcl hav� but now iQ: woulsi nat� , o T�ngthy di.scu�si.a�a �olllowc�d. ' I o As�oci�te Planmer Cou�sc�l�.e �x,plained tha� ttaere is presently a � working ag�eement, haraewer it is a.nadequatea �i.5c�.ssion fa�lloweda FUk3�IC TES'�I�ION�.' N m �eral,dir�e Ball rPad a �.etteK i.nta the rec:orri sk��s.ng the map di� �tr�t accurately showir�g ��r. pxopexty within th� C�ty af Tiga�d Limits, Staf£ w�li try �o recti4ya o �i�cussi.an �nTlo�apd regarc�a.n� tEie UP�t�, expanding tfi� Alaalni�l� area �i a�d �reas af ir�tere�to o Co�rnn►ission�r �ioe�, mov�d and Comctai�si�nr�r Jordare s�cand�d to iorward I t:h� U�ban Fianxa9.ng� Are� �lgreement to C�t� Gour�ciZ �ca�th recommendation f�r adoptzan. . Motion �arr_ied unanimously by members px��eeat. � o President 7'e�edia►c� requested staff ga.ve � prasen�ataon to the iPlab�nir�� �oEmnission an�i Gity f.�ounGix ex�laa�a�z:�g �1�OW th� gov���xing b�di�s interr�ct zaa.�.T� each oti�er. O�HER �3USiN�SS 6.1 �P�NE 0[t�I�lA1V�E AMEt�T.)�1�NT Z(1A 1�-$3 SENSI'TIVE LAND O�DIN�1�Ii;� o A�saci�ete Pl�nc�e�: C',aursol.le �x�lain�dl that staff wanted Co know af L-t�e Pla�ning Commzssxor� wanted L-o pull the censazi.ve Land secCaon of tk�e CommuniCy neveiopment Cs�de anci hancile it as a se�arate issue. o Fresirient T�pedino ezcpres�ed his concern fox the number of chang�s anrl �i£feren�� c�f opinions and felt ttiat it wa�ul�l be �(jVc2LiCi;I�P_OL1S ko h3ve a join� meeting with �he City Counci� to cry�kall�.ze i�eas, o Commissioner Jordan co�xcuxred witEY �re�idee�t TQp�dino �'aat tcnere shauLd be a joint m�etiezg c�itia Ci.�y Coun�z.l. n Commisaionex� Edin recUgr►�.z�d assues rais�d, t�awever fe1C there w�s also an economi� xs3u�. FLANNI�1� COMMISSION MZAIfUT�S Jut1e 7, 14�3 �'ags 3 _ �, ' � '� i � �ucmn�,saiun�� kt��n s�ated ettis �ass slao an i.s$u� he �elt �t�ongly ', about. �ie did nat feel �&smt t1�e e�o►�cacai� i,��ua wss � g�od �na�gh I r������ t4 in�a�d�e Ghe fl.�sadpl�ian. Eie €r�l� a coz��esv�tive pP�P�oach '� we�u�� b� !:m t�ne�r adv�ntm��. I o Cosmna.s�ian ]Le�rerett was n�x.th�r pro dx con. �de �el� escn �.�rsue ° I staoul.d �� s�8alt wi?�h sepAra��lya � �'resi.dent° �'�p�di.r�o asked staff �hieh 'way they ��eefegred. l�irectos of P�.�nning and 1D�velogment Mon�tean sts�ed tha� bec�us�: nf �i�e Lec��th of I rh� cocie, Chey wro�ald pre��rc tca d.�.vi.de �.t anto a�ction� a�►d d�al wit�h I each section ir� the order ttezt it com��. That, way the SeH�siti�e Lands secti�n would ea�at be pullud ��at and dea�t wi.CY� ,�s a s�p�x�at� , issue but de�lt with �s a se�ti�ne �i$cussio� �'c�llowed. j o Fr�s�.slenr Tepedino xn�ved a.�.d C��naraiss�.aan��r �din sQ�nn�ded a�.ot to rema�� tl�e Sezasitive lands �eck�i.or► fr�om the co�i� as a sep�rate a.ss�se. I�otian carriec: by maaority af C:ov�mis�ianer �x�ser�t. Coanmassinne�� V�ndere�ood ax�d ,�ordan abstaining. P fi.? COMPREHENSI�f� �La4td �NI�IVI3L�TFIdT CFA 2-°�3 COMi�tUIVFTY Y7EVELQPMEtVT COD� a Associate Fl�aa�ner Coursoll� reviecaed p3oposed pcablz�; k►ear�mg schedul� �ox� Cammutniky Development Code. Biscussion segardi�xg daCes follawedo o I�irector of F'3.�na�ing �r�d I�eve�.oprnent �i�naha� n�ted that tl�eir v�r�re I ewo l�e�.�ers dis�ribu��d �d the Co�cnission��s, f.roa� int�r�st�d parti��, niaking g�ecc+asnnec�clai:ion fox thQ Gommuz�i��y ��v��.op��znt C�ade. i u Dascu��a�n fo�.lowed �eg�.rding proc�dures, I I �socz.�C� Plann�r Coursoll� n�oted ea�h Commi..ss.�.oner l��d be�n given a s �1Ii�I copy af the �'in�3��.g Pa�icy a�v�i Im�l�ene�tgtxon :S�x�Cega�s �ocume�t4 j � A.ssocim��; Planner Ne�aton ga�re �n upclate on �:tae .ladcod�czn�at� Sensi��.ve l[..a�a3 Per�►it .A.ppli�nti.on natis�g thexe wou1�3 b� a r�he€�ri.e�� b�for� �k►e He€�rangs C)fficer an 3uiY� 2.3, 19�3. [+�EETI�lG ADJl�URAIED 9:2F3 P.i�� � �,�_.� „ y�i�a.-�'" I�zan� 1M. .T� der , �ecre��ry _ � �TTEST: . �� s � Fra� c:is xeped'no, Presi�l�nt � PLA�YT�iING COMMZSSIONER MI�IUTES June 7, 19fi3 Pa�e 4