Planning Commission Packet - 05/24/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA TI�ARD PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY , MAY 24 , t983 - 7 : 3Q P .M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL , LECTiJRE RQOM 10865 S .W. Wal.nut St . - Tigard , Or . 1 . Call to order 2 . Roll Call 3 . Approval of minutes from May 3 , 1983 . 4 . Plannin,� Commission Communicatian 5 . STUDY SESSSTUN ' S . 1 Urban Planning Area Agreement 5 .2 Tigard Community Development Code (This item has been postponed to June 21 , 1983 ) 6 . Other Business 7 . Adjournment T I G A R D P L A N N I N G G 0 M M I S S I 0 N STUDY SESSION May 24, 1983 1. President Tepedino called the meeting to ordex at 7:30 P.M. . The meeting was he�d at Fowler Junior High School - In the Lecture Room, 10865 SW Walziut St., Tiga�d, Or. 2, ROLL CALLt PRESENT: President Tepedino, Commissioners Bonn, Owens, Christen, Edin and Jordan. STAFF: Associate Planners Jeremy Coursolle and Elizabeth Newtan; Secretary, Diane M. Jelderks. 3. Planning Commission minutes from May 3, 1983, were considered. Chairman Tepedino noted that on page 3. paragraph 4 he favored removal of the mobile park sign but did not feel the Commission coulcl place such a cond`ition on th� applicanto Commissioner Bonn moved and Coum�issioner Christen seconded to approve minuGes a� amended. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 4. PLANNING COI�II.SSION CO�IMUNICATION: o Commission Box�n stated he had received an inivitation to Century 2I's open house for London Square and had at�ended. tie was pleased with the results. o Pre�ident Tepedino alsa receivecl ar► invit�ation and attended the open house. He was very impressed with th� setting a.nc1 c�ns�ru�tYOn of [he development and encouraged the other Commissioners to �top by to s�e the model Century 21 has set upa 5. STUD'Y SESSI4N 5.I URBAN PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT (UPAA) o Associate Planner Coursolle distributed an updated copy of the proposed UPAA agreement. He explained that this was an agreement between Washington Gounty and the Cities within the County. This agreement is a part of the Comprehensive Plan, LCAC Goal �k 2• Mr• Coursolle reviewed the document by �ection pointing out areas of concern. o President Tepedino stated he had chaired the CCI meeting with the NPO Chairpersons. He expressed same of the concerns of NPO �� 3 Chairperson, 8ob Bledsae regarding the language of the document and the time frames requia�ed for noti�ication as well �s who w�uld be no k,a.fied. o Associate Planne�r Coursolle reviewed the process tk►at the City and County had gone through to this point. The Planning Commi.ssion will hold their public hearing on June 7th, 1983 and the agreement would be heard by City Coun�il on June 13, 1983. � Discussion followed regarding annexation of the Washington Square, M�tzger and Progress areas. 5.2 COMMUNITX DEVELOPM�NT CODE • Associate Planner Coursolle distributed four section of the Community Development Code for the Planning Commissioners to review. He pointed out the major changes and additions that had been made to this portion of th� document. 6. OTHER BUSINESS • Chairman Tepedino requested the staff follow up on information he had received from th� Corp of Engineers. • Gommission Bonn informed the Commission that he would be retiring from the Planning Commission and that his last meeting wil� be 3une 7, 1983. • Staff.. asked for a volunteer from the Planning Commission to attend tke EcQnomi�c S�eering Committee, which meets once a month at Elmers Pancake house at 7:30 A.Mo . Commissioner Edin volunteered to attend. • Associate Planner i�ewtoa� asked Lhe Planning Convnission to clarify the inient af the motion mad� for Subdivision S 4-83 SUNNYSIllE ESTATE. 7'here was some ��nfusion as to whether a 22 lots subdivision had l�een approved or if the Plan�ning Commission, in fact, did intend ta limit the subdivxsion to 21 lots. • Cnnsensus of the Planniug Commission was that tt�e xnotion was m�de to take lats �ne, two, three, four and five and rnake eh�zn into iour lots. This would l�ave the applicant with a 21 lot subdivision. � CommissiQner (haens informed the Commis�ion she would nnt be able to attend the June 7th Plannin� Commissioner meeting. 7� MEETING ADJOURNED 8:50 P.M. , . Diane M. Jelder s Secretary ATTE�ST: � ancis ep ino, President Tigard Planning Commission � ra/Vj�.. YLANNIN COMMISSION DATE y 1`� ,�tiJ `{ �� ROLL CALL: � ' Frank Tepedino_� Chris Vanderwo�d• � ,� Re� Bonn � Y � Don Moen__� Bonnie Owens�i Mark Christen� . Phil �din� Deane Leverett� Ron Jordan _�U�,ly �-- �,, _ - - —-_ - -- Fp'�. . \.:.,.... , � TIMES �t,!'BLISHIN:G COMPANY �egao �-6841 }�, �,. P.O,BOX 370 PFVOiVE(503)684-0360 Notice �,\��' .f''� BEA�ERTON,OREGON 97075 �~� Legal No#ic� A�Ivertising ��C�'IVED � • ❑ Tearsheet Notice MAY c�ty of T�yard � '� lgg3 • P.O. Box 23397 • ❑ Duplicate AfficJavit �;�jY Qf Tigard, Oreg�n 9�a�3 TIGARD . o A�FIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION � ��,'" � �� � q �,�'� �'"�'��� �� � �� � ST/4TE QF OR�GON, � �,,� �p,F`"�,��`��„�'�a 5���� COUNTY �F WASHlNCTON, )gs. �'� �,+ ,"� _� � ��r,' , ' ' ��� � � h �< a a f, Susan Pinklev �,�, N, „ � ,�if° "� Y��, �� being first duly sworn, de�ose and ss�y the�) arn t��,d,Odvertising '; ��,s , " � '��,� �;` �r xi$ - D9rect�r, or his principal cl�rk, of the igar imes „p � , _ , a newspaper of general circulation �s defined in ORS 193.�1(7 '�� , r� �t ,' y w� i � ,a� r Lh and 193.020; published at Tigard in the �� 3�'� r�foresaid county and state; that the ` � � $ °F; r fr-; �, � � Lecral Notice ��, .;� � r�� a printed coPy of which is hereto annex�sd, was published in the � V. �` � �r 3 ` �' / �{ � F,� � rn� entire �ssue of said n�wspaper for 1 successive and ,� � � �� < ; consecutive in the following issues: �; � , 'k t j;s � k; { Y!{i ' FY� }�� May 12, 1983 }��;�� { � ;,y� � �i pq^. �� i�) J�y ;��� � � .� � � � � , ���� f � � ,, `�' � Subscribed and s to before me this_ a�6, 1983 � + �, a � , - � �� r, r ,�� I � � Notary Public for Oreyon ,l �; � �` '� ����� My Commission Expires: 3/16/87 , � a A� �` AFF1DAVfT i� ....'�4.�.. �r. MEMQRANDUM MAY 19, 1983 T'0: PLANNING COMMISSTON FROM: DEPARTMENT OF PI:.ANNING AND DEVFLOPMEN7��-. <J SUBJECT; Draft Urhan Pl.anning Area Agreement (U.P.A.A. ) BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY During the past year as part of our comprehensive planning efforts the cities of Washington County and the Gounty have been cooper�tively involved an dra�ting an urban Planning area agreement. T'he attached draft is the product of this cooperation. 1'his agreement is divided into two distinct areas which make up l-he five sections of the agreement:. The first area involves the processes by �cahich the t;ity ax1�i Cr�uaity wil'1 agree upon. These processes inciude coordination between the CiL-y and �ounty on comprehensive plan issues and the notification of those is�ues, and the mechanism to amend the agreement. Section Iy III, and V o£ the draft agreement address thase issues, and also r.ef3.ects the language that was a�reed upon by the cities and county during the past year. The remaining sections of the agraement address specific issues related to Tigard's planning Frocesses. Section II defines the two 1QVel planning areas for Tigard, of which a portion oE these areas are outside the city limits. 1. Active Planning Area — This area includes all of the city limits and an • area outside city limits which Che City has com�rehensive p1an��.ing resgonsibilities, yet khe County keeps jurisdiction over zaning and the issuance of permits. 2. Area of Interest — lfiese areas include Metzger and the Bull Mountain, The i Count,y retains al1 pianning jurisdiction over these areas until they are annexed. Yn our present agreement the City could not accept annexation applications from property owners in these areas. In addition, the City has agreed to ths County designation (low, med. , etc. ) adopted for those areas for a period of not less than a year after annexation. In other words the City will place a ciky designation on the property which most closely reflects the County designation. Section IV of the agreement, merely states th�t the County shall afford to the City inv�lvement in the C�unty Community Planning Organization (CPO) planning process. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Staff has submitted this draft document to Che Planning Commission Ior discussion only. On June 7, 1983, the Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Chis document and the Planning Commissions recommendation will be forward to the Jus�e 13, 1983, City Council meeting. l _ . _ _ .. . ., . ,. � - . . . ..� .,.� . . . ..._,,,, :�.. .. ...... . . . .. . ..,... ,a,a....�M.�.s'a.�. , . �.,. .�. .. _"r. „ . _ ..,..._ .�� . . ._.:,_.:,.�. ,_ . �k ,:.�+'. y 5 f • � �-�'-Y3 WASHINGTON COUNTY - TIGARO �--�---��' URBAN PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT TNIS AGREEMENT� is entere�d into this day of , 19 by WASHINGTON COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY." and the CITY OF TIGARD, an incorporated munici- pality of the State of Qregon. hereinafter referred to a� the "CITY." WHERfAS, ORS 190.O1U provides that wnits of local governments may enter into agreements for the Performance of any or all functions and activities that a pa�ty to the agr�e�ent, its of'fieers or agents, have authority to pe�form; and WHEREAS, Statewide Planning Goal #2 (Land Use Planning) requires that City, County, State and Federal agenty and special district plans and actions shall be consistent with the camprehensive plans of the cities and counties and r�gional p1ac�s adopted under ORS Chapter 191; and � WHEREAS, the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commissiore requi�es �ach juri�diction� �equesting acknowledgem�nt of complia�ce to submit an agreement setting forth the mesns by which land use coord�nation in the unincorporated a•reas within t'he Regional Urban Gr�wth Boundary will be im�lemented; and WH�REA'S, the +COUNTY anci �he C�TY, to ��sure coordinated and consi'�stent comPre- � hensive plans, c�nsider it mutually advantageows to es�tablish: 1. A site--speci�Fic flrban Plannin� Ar�� within the Regional Urban Growth Bov►�dar•y wi�h3 n vahi ch both the COUt�TY and the C ITY mai ntai n an i nt�rest in comprehe�siv� planraing; 2, Policies r�garding comprehensive planni�+g and d�velopment in the Urban P1 an�i ng Ar�a; 3. A pr+nc�e�3 for r�grdinating �e�mprehensive planning and development in the IJrban P1 anni ng /1rea; and ; 4. A process for� ame�ding the Urb:an Planning Area Agreement. MOW TNERE'FORE, THE COUNTY AIND THE CITY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: � I. Location of the Urban Planning Area I� . _ The Urban Planning Area �utuaily defined by the GOUNTY and the CITY ' he area desi nated on Exhibit "A°' to this ag�eeinen�. ' cludes t 9 in • II. Comprehensive Plant�ing and Dedelapment Polieies q. Active Planning Area � - , ., . _ . . .., . , _.. . .,. ,.:. .. _ �,,. . _ _ _ . .. ,: : .�•.. _ . .,. . .,- ; , , Page 2 1. Definition ���•Active Plannin�Area means the inco�porated area and certain unirtcorporate areas contiguous tq the incorparated area for which the CITY conduc�s comp:rehensive planning a�d s�eeks to �on rol development activities to the greatest extent Possible. Active Planning Area within the Urban Plan�ing Area is designated as Area-A on Exhibit "A.° , 2. The CITY shall be responsible for cc�mprehe�asive planning within � � t'he A�cti ve P1 anni ng Ar�a. 3. The CITY shall be �esponsible for coordinating and planning for the p'ravision of urban services in the Active {��anning A�ea. . � �, Y r �� ' 4, ,,f� The COUNTY shall �ot apprave land divisions within. the Active � Planning A.rea which would create lots less than 1O acres in size, unles� public sewer and water service �r� available to the pfoperty. � 5. /� The �;OqNTY will not approve a development pr�posal in the Active �0 Pla�ning Area if the propasal aa�uld not facilitate �������,�,�,�- -¢�, e€�-�e�e��� in the future upon annex�t�on to th� GITY a� indi- ��,�„�,,G��s+d����cated by the GITY �ompreh��asive Plan. (�•,7� Approoral of devel�r�ment acti ons i n the A�ti ve P1 arani ng Area shal l be contingent �pon pc°avisian o� adequate urban s�rWic�s including s�wer, water, storm dwainage, streets, and police and fire protection. � '�. Jd°. The COUNTY and �the CITY after due consideration and negotiation sh�ll adopt developm�nt standards for appli�ati�n i� the AcLive P1 anni ng Area. � P, ,A: Upon Gompletion and adoPtion of the CITY 'CamprehensiYe P1an� by the CITY, the COUNTY shall , in accordance with LCDC Statewide gaais and guidelines, adopt the CITY land use de�ignations, sup- portive data and findings. ' q�. The COUNTY shail not oppase annexation to the CITY within tfie CITY'S Acti�re Planning Area. • � _ _ . _ , r, .s.. � .;�.� .�.,. ,: _ _ . . , . .... , P a g,e 3 ; B. Area of Interest � ; 1. � '�Definition � Area of Inte�est or Primary Area of Interest means uninco�porated � lands contiguous to the Active P1ann�ng Area in which the CITY ; does not cor�duct comprehensive planning but in which the CITY ; does maintain a:n interest in comprehensive planniny and' develop- ! menz' actions by the COUNTY because of potential imPacts on the � CITY Active Planning Area. The CI`fY Area of Interest within the ; • � Urban Planning Area is designated as Area B on Exhibit "A." , 2. The COUNTY shall be responsible for comprehensive planning and . � development actions within the Area af Interest. 3: The C011t�TY shall 'b� responsible for coordinating and planning ; . for the provision of u�ban services in the Area caf Interest. • 4. The CITY may consider �equests for an�nexations in the :Area of Int,erest subject to the follawir�g; a. . `�`') , ., ..� wci ;a; �i t �..a _ � ����,�t,�,.�;.�;:.�:. -� � r��.�--�e CITY shall not require ' � arn�exati�an of lands in the Ao�ea sf Int�r�st as a condition to the provision a� urb�n services for dev�lapm�nt. �i�ed . • � �e rnneant nf �h; �'Mt�•��T b. Annexatians by the CTTY within the Area of Ynterest �'ha�11 no� � create islands un1�ss the CITY decla�e� its in�ent to ' complete the island annexation in a timely manner. c. The �ITY agrees tha� the portions of the Metzger/Progress Community Planning Area within the GITY Area of Interest should be annexed as a unit. d. The CITY agrees in principle to a plebiscite or other repre- sentative means for ann�xation in the Metzger/Progress Cortmunity Planning Area, which includes Washi�gton Square, i t e CITY Area of Intereste Not contrar t+� the with n h Y foregoing, 'the City reserv�es all of its rights and acknowledges the rights of individual property owners to annex to the CITY pu�suant ta Oregon Revised Statutes. . + 3K=:..25'�,e�. �..,... . � . . . . .' . .�,�,.J.. �� .. . . ' 'u . . .... ,_ . . G.,:�. .,,+..r.,,..., ...,.... . .,.. . .waw...,.C_.,.,,,_ . .. . -,.: ��,... ...... . .... ....,,. ... . ..:.:-... �..,:�m�.._�.:, . _. ..a e.i. ..... a.�.«d��' . , � . +fr�4'lu...:�,. Page 4 e. Upon annexatio� ofi land within the Area of Interest to the CITY, the GITY agrees to convert COUNTY plan designations to � � . CITY Plan designations whieh most closely approximate the density, use provisians and standards of COUMTY designations. ' Furthermo�e, the CITY agrees to maintain this designation for one year after the �ffective date of annexation unl'ess bo�h tfie CITY and COUNTY Plartning Directors agree at the �im� of annexation that ttr� COUNTY designation is outdated and should be amended befare the one year Period is over. _ � � f: Should any land within the A�ea of Interest be annexed to the �..— CITY, the area shall continue�d'to be considered as pa�t of the COUNTY tJrban Planning Area for the purpos� of calculating countywide new dwelling unit mix and -density as required by OAR 66U-07-U30 and 660-07-0.35. This pravision sha1T apply until the CYTY and COUNTY plans have been acknowledged by the Land Con$ervation and Development Commission. C. :�en�r�al Pal i ci es � 1. The comprehensive plans and d�velopment actions Af. � the CITY or COUNTY shall not p:reclude an� p�tential transpo�tation options o� road system improvements p�oposed in th� resp�ctive comprehe.nsiye plans. 1'he CI'fY and the CQUNTY sha11 work coopera- tively to �esolve �ny c9ifferer�c:es that may exist on �ranspar- . tation iss�eso including arterial road policies and location critePia. Final road policies and loeation cri��ria shall be determin�d An � ease-by�tase basis a�'ter c�mp�etion of all nec�ssary studies and analyses. 2, fihe GIT`l shall inzlude all righ�-af-way within �a�d adja�cen� to � prupe�ty in current and fu�ure annexa�ion proposals. In addi- 4 ticrn, th� CITY and th� COUNTY shall r�a�h agr�eement upe�ee a schedule and process for the surrender of �urisd�ction of those COUNTY roads currently within the city limits and tha�e COUNTY �oads that may be included in future annexatians to the CI7Y if the COUNTY determines these rqads are �ot necessary as part of � the COUNTY road system. Such an agreement shall be reacfied within 60 days of the effective date of this Agr�ement. 3. Annexations to the CITY outside the Urban P1anning Area will not be supported by the C`OUNTY or the CITY. III. Coordination of Comprehensive Plan�ing and Develmpment . A. Amendments to o� Adaption of a Compreh�nsive Plan or Implementing Regulation � _ _ . �.; .. _ ., . , .,,.w , . �.,. . . ...� ,,. ,.. . .. .k..L .,��. .� ,. � „ . ..._ . . , . ;. Page 5 1. Definitions �• Comprehensive Plan, as defined by QAR 660-18-010(5), meams a gene�alized, coordinated land us� map and poli;cy statement of the ' governing body of a local government that interrelates a11 func- tion:al and natural systems and activities relatiag to the use of lands, inciudiny, bnt not limited to, sewer and water systems, transportation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality - management programs. "Comprehensive Plan" amendments do not � include small tra�t comprehensive P1an map changes. implementin Regulation means any local government zoning or inanee, and division ordinance adopted under ORS 92.044 or 9.2.046 0� similar general ordinance establishing standards for im�leme�t�ing a comprehensive plan. "Implemsnting regulation° does not i�clude small tract zoning map amendmpnts, c�nditional use permits, individual subdivision, partitioning or planned unit dev�elopment approval o� denials, annexations, variances, building permitcs and similar administrative-type deiisior�s. � 2. The •COUNTY shall �rovide the �CITY wi�h the approp�iate oppor- tunity t4 participat�, review and comm�nt on propased amendments to or ad�ptiQn of the COUNTY com�rehensive plan or 'implementing re�ulations. The CITY shall pr�vide the COUNTY with the . apprc�p�iate oppa��a�nity to participa�e, review and comment on p��pos�d amendments to or adopt�ion of the CITY compreher�siv� plan or ir�plementing �egulations. The �oll�winc� procedures sh�ll be follcawed by the COUNTY a�d the GITY to r�otify and ind�lv� an� a�other in the process to amend or adopt a comprehensiv� plan or implementing regulatiun: ao The CI7Y or the COUN7Y, whichever has jurisdiction over the proposa1 , her�inafter the originating ageney.' shall notify the other agency, he�einafter the responding agency, of �he proposed action at the time such planning efforts are ini- tiated, but in no case less than 45 days prior to the final � hearing on adoption. The specific method. and level of involvement sha31 be finalized by "Memorandums of Understanding" negotiated and signed �by the planning direc- i, tors of the CiTY artd the CAUNTY. The '"Memo�andums of ' Understanding" shall clea�ly outline the process by which res ondin a enc shall partitipate in the adoption the p 9 9 Y pra�ess. If, at the time o f being no ti fie d o f a p r o p o s e d action, the �esponding agency determines it does not need to parti�ipate in the adoption process, it may waive ttie requirement to negotiate and sign a "Memorandum of Understanding.°' ...;i. , � . . . � Page 6 b. The originating agency shall transmit draft recommendations on any proposed actions to the responding ag:ency for its � � • review and comment before finalizing. Unless ot'herwise agreed to in a "Memorandum of Under•standin�g," the responding agency shall have ten (10) days after receipt of a draft to submit comments orally or in writing. Lack of resPonse shall be considered "no objection" to the draft. c. 7he originating agency shall respond to the comments made by � � the responding agency either by a) revising the final recnm- • • mendations, or b) by letter to the responding agency explaining why �he comments cannot be addressed in the final draft. d� romments fr4m the responding agency shall be given con- ''� si c�er�ati nn as a part of tfie publ i c recard on the proposed I action. If after such consideration, the originating agency acts contrary to the Position of the respnnding agenty, the i a ai of thE res'on�in� a�ency may seek '�e acti�n thr�u�h the appropriate appeals body and procedures. ee Upon final adoption of the pruposed action hy' the ari�gi- r�ating ageney, it sha31 transmit th� adoptgng ordinance ta the responding ag�ncy as soon as publicly available. or if not adopted by ordinance, whatever other written documen- tation is available to properly inform the respondyng agency of the fir�al actions taken. Be Development R�tions Reyu�ring Indivi�9�ai Noti�e to Property Owne�s 1. D�finition Devetopmer�t Ilction Requiring Notice m�ans an action by a local government which requires notifying by mail �i�e owners of � property which could pc�tentially be affected (usually specified as a distance measured in feet) by a proposed development action whicfi directly affects and is applied to a specific parcel or � parcels. Such development actions may include, but not be limited to small tract zaning or comprehensive plan map amendments, conditional or spezial use pe�mit., individual ,.�._.----� subdi vi si ons, parti ti oni ngs or pl anned .+�ai.�devel o�ments. variances. and other similar actions requiring a hearings process which is quasi-judicial in nature. 2. The COUNTY will provide the CITY with the opportunity to review ; and cortment on proposed development actions requiring nutice ' ', within tfie designated Urban Plannirag Area. The CITY will provide ' the COUNTY with the opportunity to review and comm�nt an proposed development actions requiring notice within the CITY limits that may have an affec� on unincorporated portions of the designated U�ban Pianning Area. � i _ � . . .. . :... �, �...,.�»a�.... ,..... ., �.:::�,..»,. .:�:;.. . .....::... .... •:....._.�,.._�..,.....�:�� .,;� � .. � _ ...�.. . - . .. . ... . .. � Page 7 3. The following procedures shall be followed by the COUPiTY and the GITY to notify nne another of impending development actions: • a. The CiTY or the COUNTY, whichever h!as jurisdiction over the proposal , hereinaf�er the ariginating agency, shall send` by - first cl�ss mail a copy of the public hearing notice whieh id�r►tifies the proposed develo:pment action to the other ag�ncy, hereinafter the responding agency, at the earliest . oppartunity, but no less than te� (10) days prior ta the date �af the scheduled publit hearing< The failure �f the " ' responding agency to receiv� a notice shall not invalidate an action if a good faith attempt was made by the �rig�nating agency to notify th� responding agency. ba The agency receiving the notice may respond at its discre- tion. Commen�s may be submitted in written form or an oral respanse may be made at the public hearing. Lack o� written or oral resp�nse shall be considered "no objection" to the pro�osal. c. If received in a timely manner, the originating age�ney shall - include or attach the �omments to the wr`itite� staff report and respand �to any cancer°ns addressed by the respan�ding agency in such report or �rally �t the fiearing. d, Cpmmen�� from the responding agencg� shall be given con- g side�ation as � part of th� public rec�ard on the pe�op�sed ae�i on, If� after such consi derat�on; the� o�i-g�nati�g � agency acts contrary �a the position of the responding agency, t'he respondirtg agency m�y seek appeal �f the action thrmugh the approNr�ate appeals botly and pr�ocedures. � C. Addi ti onal Coord'i nati on Req�ui rement�s .� 1. The CI7Y anu the COUNTY shall d� tfi€ folldwirig to not�fy one another of proposed actions which may affect th� community, but are not subject to the notification and Rarticipation require- ments contained in subseetions A and B above: a. The CIYY or the COUNfiY, whichevEr h:as jurisdiction over the proposed actions, hereinafter the ariginating agency, shall ��i send by first class mail a copy of all public hearing agen- das which contain the propc�sed actions to the other agency, �' h�reinafter the responding agency, at the earliest opportunity, but no less than three (3) days prior to the dat� of the sche�uled public hea�ing. The failure of the ' responding agency ta receive an ag�nda s'hali not invalidate an action if a good faith attempt was made by the arigi- nating agency to nbtify the responding agency> r Page 8 b. The agency receiving the public hearing agenda may respond . , at its discretion. Comments may be submitted in written � form or an oral response may be made at the public heariny. Lack of written ar oral response sfiali be considered °no objection" to the propasal. c. Comments from the �esponding agency shall be gi�+en con- sideration as a part of the p�blic record �n the proposed _ action. If, after sueh consideration, the originating � agency acts contrary to the position of the responding � � ' agency, the responding agency may seek appeal of the action through the appropriate appea-ls body and procedures. I V. Speci al Pol i ci es A. The CITY shall be afforded the opportunity to ente� inta a Memorandum of Understand�ing with the COUNTY, as provideci for in Sec�ion IIIA2{a) of �his Agreeme�t, at the time the COUNTY begins the per�odic review and update of the Bull Mauntain and Metzger/Progress (CPd #4j Community Plans. B.. Th� CITY and the COUNTY shall provide information of compreh�n;�ive planning and development actions to the Community Planning _�_ O�ganizations (CPO) through the not�ce procedures outline� in Section I I I of thi s Agreemerot. ' f C. At leas� on� copy of any CUUNTY ordin�nce which proposes tn �1) amend the COUiVTY compr�h�nsive plan, (2) ad�pt a nPw p1an, or (�) amend the text of the C011NTY develop�ent cod� shall be mailed to the CITY within five (5) days af�te� its intrAduct�or�o Q. At least one copy nf any COEINTY ordinance whi�h p:roposes to rezone land within one {Y) mile of the corporate limits of the CITY shall be mailed to the CYTY within five (5) da�s after its �ntroduct�on. V, Amendments to the Urban Planning Area Agreement A. The following procedures shall be followed by the CITY and the CUUNTY to amend the language of this agreement or the Urban Planning Area - Boundary: - 1. The CITY or COUNTY, whichever jurisdictian originates the propo- sal . shall submit a formal request for amendment to the responding agency. 2. The fs�rmal �equest shall c�ntain the following: ' a. A statement de5cribing tt�e amendment. b. A statement of findings indicating why the proposed am�nd- � ment is necessa�y. I: � , , Page 9 c. If the req'uest is to amend the planning area boundary, a map , whicM clearly indicates the proposed change and surrounding • . area� ' 3. Up4n receipt of a request for amendment from the ariginating - agency, the responding agency shall schedule a review of� the ' request before the appropriate reviewing body, with said review to be held within 45 days of the date the request is received. � 4. The CITY and the COU'NTY shall make good faith efforts to resolve � requests to amend this agreement. Upon cempletion of the review, ithe reviewing body may approve the request, deny the request, or make a determination that the proposed amendment warrants addi- tional review: If it is determined that additional review is necessary, the following procedures shall be followed by t'he CITY and COUNTY: a. If inconsistencies n�oted by both pa�ties cannot be resolved in the �eview p�ocess as outlined in Section IY (3), the CITY a�id the COU�VTY may agree to initiate a joint stu�y. Such a study shall commence within 30 days of. �fie date it is de��r�ni ned that a Prc�posed ame�dment crea�es 'an i ncnn- sisten�y, and shall be campleted within 90 ciays of said � ciate. Methodol��ies a�od prmcedur�es r�gulating the conduct of the joint study shall be mu�ually agr��d upon b� the CITY and t.he COUNTY prior to Go�encing the study. ba Upon eompletiar� af �he �o�n� st�dy, the stud,y �nd th� recom- mendations d�a►vn from it shall be t�cluded within the record � �f the review. 7he agency cnnsid�rang th� proposed amendrtoe�t ��� shall give �areful consideration to the study prior to ��� � making a final decision. Mo� � p( � � �. The parties will jgintly review this Agreement every two (2) years�jto � � evaluate the pffectivene'ss of the processes set forth herein and to make any necessary amendments. The review p�ocess shali cammence two (2j years from the date af execution and shall be completed within 60 ' days, Both parties shall make a good faith effort to r•esolve any inco�sistencies that may have developed since the previous review. � If, after completion of the 6a day review period inconsistencies still remain, eithe� party may termina�te this Agreemen�. This Agreement commences on . 19 • '', � - _ --- --- - =- .. �� .A . ♦ ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Page 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Urban Planning Area Agreement on the date set opposite their signatures. CITY �F TI'GARD By Date Mayor - WqSHINGTON COUNTY i, By Date —�iai r a Boa�d o# Caunty Co�unissioners : Date Recordirrg Secreta�°y t �I �.,��3�l��'�1C�� -� ;� �. � � � I _ _ I ° _ � _ �i � � � � � --- --- � AG�NDA °TIG�1,RiD PI.�ltAI�dING COa�IP�IiSS�01�3 ��9�SIAA'Yy Md#Y" 2tt , 19b3 — 7e3� P .Nl. '���WT:ER JiJNIaR HIGti S�E�oOL P L�CTtDR� i��f��f 10�6� S ,W. 4Pal.��at 3t . Tzgarc3 , t7� m , � 1 , CaZl tc► ��der 2 o Ita11 C�.1X 3 . Ag�pr�val d� ��ia�iztes fra� Ma� 3 , l983 . 4 . Fl�nnzn� CammisGaon Commtx�ic�t�.n.� 5 . STUDY SES�ST.C�N n ' °'� 5 e 1 Urban Plannin� A�e��. Agreem��nt 5 .2 Ti�arci CQ[E!T[ildEllty Deve�.vpment Cc�de (Ttai.s bC�m has been postpaned �o ,�ume 2Y. , 1383) 6 . (y�her 8u�i�.ess k � � 7 , ?,djc►u�nmexYt I f/� � � ,..1 � ' � 1�1 ..1 . k __---- ., ---- , _ t �' � a� � . T � � A R � P I� � N �] I �I G� � � M �I � S S � � N STUI9Y SESSIOIJ F�ay 24, 1983 1. k'�c�s�.dent ��pe�ii.�xo ��Z1�d the m��t�.ng r� a�d�r at 7:343 P�t�o < �e m��tir�g ea�a ��1� ae I�'n��.�r ,�uniaz I�igYt Schoo� — Iaa �h� Lect�r� itoam, 1(3�65 �6d �►alnut S�, , ^�i.�a�ci, Oxa � �. R�LL CALL: P�t�S�NTo Pr���.den� ��;�esi�.n�, �onuni�sir�re��s B�tttt� �euPnsn Ci��ist��a, �din �n,d .Joxdan, ST.AkF: AssocAat� &'lann�rs 3ex�emy CAUxso11� and Elizabeth N�wCr�n; Secretarr�, Di.a�e M. ,��lderks, 3. Plan�niaag Goa�mi.��ior► raanute� �r�m �i�y 3, 1;'�3y wexe ccansideredo C�airma� Te���ina no�ed that oca g�s��� 3� para�ragh 4 he fa�ared gem�vt�Z csic t�� rnobile p�rk sign but cdic� nc�� f�el the Commi�sia.r► cc�ul.d pl.ac:e suc�i a condition on the appl%canC. �ocnmissic�n�r Aonz� mav�d and �c�m�as.issiuca�r Cl�r�.sCen ��:cvnd�d �ca �ppsasP� m�nukes as �mended. AYog�.or� �arr�.�� un�r�ie��susly �y C�nani��Y�Y►ers px°��ent. 4� PI�AI�I�ING �OI�1I5;L�N G�iII�MiIN��^A.7'IGI�o o C�mm�.���on �onn stmted he h�� �e�es.�aeci an �z�ivA�at�.on to Cen�.ur.y 21 's nr�ei-� i��us�^ fo� Lond�aEa. Squa.re aa�e1 h�d attend�ri� �e �aas g�.�ased wit� khe xesults. o President °Cepe�ine� �Yso reeeived. an in.vi�.atic�n ane� attend��I the open hou�e. He s�as v�x•�r �npr�ss�d �ai+th the s�tti�a� and cc�n�t�uctia�n o�E the dev�:Io�ment and ��coura�;ed th� othe�° Co�issioners Ca �tap b� to �ee th� e�ode). C�ntury 2�. [��s se� u�, S. �TUL1X uESSIOt� Sm�. U�t�lAN PLAN1VIIdG AREA AGE�EF.t��N� �UPt�1) o A�ssacir�te Flanr►er Caursmlle c3istribut�d �n upd���d ccapy a� Che pr�posed UP,AA agreeme:n.te He eaep�.aaned C�►at this was an agr�e�n�nt � b�twe�x� Washingtora �our�ty an�� the �iti�s wi�l�:i.�x L'kx� t;o�ntg�. �is � �gr�.am�nt i.s a par� oC th� Com�s����ensive ��.nn, L��1C Go�l �� 2� iNir. � C'..oursc�lle rewie�aed th� docuruec�t by sec�ion poi�ztiu�� aut �area� of i � r.o�c�rn. e '� o PrPSident 1e�.>er�ino sCa�ed h� h�cP c�3i��d th� C�I m��t�ng �ait� t�e I�PE3 � Ch�irpersc�asb H� �;xpx�ss�d som� af the cox�e�rres of N�'(3 � 3 � �ha�rper�on, Bob Bledsoe s�garding the langua�e �f �the do�umenC and � �}�� �i�� £ram�s required for n�tification as eve�.l �a� °�ho woul� b� notified� o Associat� P�aniaer :oursolle revie�red tE►e pxoc�s� that the City and C9unty had gor�e thso�sgh Co tha.� poAnt. `Tlle Planmins �mmi��i�o� w�.11 hc�ld thezr p�blic t�earn.ng on June 7tta, 19$� anc� kh� egreem�a�t w��uld t�e �leard by City C�ua�cil on June 13, 138�. . S .. . . , �. T .� �_ _____ _.. . . .. . .. . . .... . . ... ... �� . . .. . . . . . . . . . h� � ➢isau�siaaxa �ual.��red re�ma��.r�g a�nnexatic�n of �In� �ashiaegtan Sq�asg�, A3etz�ex ttnd Fragx�s� �r.�sa. S.2 �QM2�6UNITY' DEV��.Q�MFN`T CO�� � �hs�o�iate Plann�� CoursnllQ dist��.bu�ed �our sectYOn of tk�e �ammeanit� U�v�lapm�raC C��d� €o� �he P��n�aing �mmi4axaa��r� Co r�y�.e�.�. �� pointed aut khe m�jar change� an�i additiom� t�at� had be�n cnade t�a ei�is poz�kion o� the dc��ument< 6. d3THE� BU��CtVESS � �hairm�n 'Tep�dia�o r.eqi.►esi:ed t&ee �¢:�ff follow up on infarm��a�n lt�: haci received �xom �t�e Corp o£ Engi.n�ezs� • Ccsmrcias 9ir�r� Banc� angormed the Ca�nzniESion Ch�t he �ror�lc3 b� r�tiring fror� ttae I�lann�.ng <:on7mi.ssia�a and Chat i�i� Ias� me�tang wi�.l be �une 7, 1983a , w S�a�f ast��d for a volunte�r f�om �he E�annireg Cam�t►i.s�ion ko a.Ct�s�d t�he Econ�mAC St���ing GU9t.Te1tA��C�m �h�.eh �nee�s ance a geo�atta at �Zmegs Pancak� hc�u�e $t 7;30 A>Mo . �ommission�r Edin vo�ur►t��red to atC�ndm Q t�soc�.��� T'lann�r �'�wCarn �slc�d �he 2'l�e�nang �ommissio�. to ela.ri��r the I� in�ec�t �f ��ne �►atiorn as�acle £or Sub�dn.vas�.on S ��-83 �U�3�1`iSI�E �STAT�e `�ere was sc��►� c€�n�ucion as to wheth�r � 22 iots �s�bdivisian had b�e�► appra�ed nr if �t►� Planning Cornmzssiox�, in fact, dYC3 are��e��i t� �.i.tnit P.:he s�abdieri�si�n �.o Z1 l�kss � s� Cansen�us ot tixe Planning Cou�m�.ssiva� was t1�at rc�►e motion wa� m�cie to eaike lots �ra�, two, thrc�, �c�ur anci £g�e and �►ak� th�m fnta� ��aus laY.�, Tha� c�ould leave the ap;�xcan� wzth a 21 Ia�. s�bdivi�icsxca e+ CUmma�siz�ate� (3raer�� inform�� the Cc�xsnasissi.o� ��e �a�uld x�ot i�� abl� t� att�nd th� �Ica�i� 7�h �P�.Z'�L1T11TA}�T Cornrniss�.one� a�eeting. I il .. 7a PiE�,'�ING �1.DJ�UFt�dED 8:50 i'w�t, f , �° i3n.�.m� A�. .J�ld�r � �ecret�•r}� � E� 60d � ,�.-�� °°a A.TT��S T< � � • � ;� �\ ...�..s�� I __ an�is ep . iuo, Pxesid�nt �'ig�rd Pl�rening Cnmmission _ ---- -------