Planning Commission Packet - 04/05/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. 1�GENDA TIGARD PLANNIN'G `COMMTSSION APRIL 5� 1983 - 7:30 P.M, FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGI ROOM 10865 S.W. Walnut St. 1. OPEI� MEETING ' 2. ROLL GALL 3. APPROVAL O�� MTNUTES FROM MARCH 8, 1983 MEETING. 4 . YLANNING GUMI�ITSSION G�OMMUNICATION i 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. 1 SUBDIVISION S 2-83 P.�UL F� JCJDY DEEMIE - NPO # 6 5. 2 5IGN CODE EXCEPTION SGE 1-83 SIGN CRAFT 5. 3 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 2-83 LUMINITE SIGN CO. 'i 6 . OTHER B:USINESS 7. ADJOURNMEIVT � _ - -- --_— ----=.--. - T I G A R D P L A N N I N G G Q M M I S S I 0 N REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 1983 1. President Tepedino called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M.. The meeting was held at Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room, 10865 S.W. Walnut St. Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: President Tepedino, Commissioners Vanderwood, Bonn, Moen, Christen, Owens, Edin and Jordan. Absent: Commissioner Leverett Staff: Associate Planner Elizabeth Newton, Clerk Typist Diane Jelderks. 3. COI�MISSION COMMUNI�ATION o Associate Planner Newton noted that Director of Planning & Development had sent a letter of appreciation to Clifford Speaker, letter was enclosed in packet. 4. Planning Commissioner minutes from March 8, ]983, were considered. Commissioner Edin moved and Commissioner Jordan seconded to approve minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously by members present. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. 1 SUBDIVISION S 2-83 OMEGA SUBDIVISION NPO �� 6 A request by Paul and Judy Deemie to subdivide two lots totaling .71 acres inta four lots of approximatelq 7,500 sq. ft. each. o Associate Planner Newton made staff's rec.ommendation f_or �pproval with the following changes made to the conditions in tlie staff report. 2. All public improvements shali ?�>e bonded for ]00% of the cost thereof or to the satisfaction of the Public 4�arks Director. (add) 6, Survey requirements, Tigard "local grid" coordinates for a11 points established be submitted to the Engineering Department along with one mylar copy of the recorded plat. Commissioner Moen arrived. PUBLIG TESTIMONY o NPO - CCI comments - No one appeared to speak. � ' AT -ON - Jim Harris Harris-McMon 1e Assoc. re r.esentive o APPLTCANT S PRESENT I , g , , p for Mr. & Mrs. Deemie explained that they had discussed changing condition number two with Mr. Currie, which had brought about the change in that condition. A11 of the other eonditions were satisfactory to them. CR08S EXAMINATION AND REBUTTLE I� _ _ o Commissioners Chxisten and Owens q.uestioned the reason for not putting in the sidewalks. Discussion followed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Commissioner Moen moved and Couimissioner Jordan seconded to approve Subdivision S 2-83 per staff recommendation and changes to condition number 2 and the addition of condition number 6 to the staff report. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. S.2 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 1-83 - NPO ��' 4 A request for an additional sign to identify Cqmmerce Plaza at 7100 S.W. Hampton. o Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation far appxoval with one condition. o API'LIC�INT'S PRESENTATION - Gary Martin, Sign Craft explained they were going �o take the exzsting sign: a move it to a new l�cation. They would not n�ed the additiona7. sign - APPLICATION WITHDRA.WN. 5.3 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION �CE 2-83 - NPO ��' 2 A request for an additional sign on S.W. Ha11 Bl�d for Tigard Plaza� a Associate Planner Newton made staff's recommendation for denial. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak PUBLIC FiEARING GLOSED COMMISSION DIS�USSION ANB ACTZON o Commi�sioner Moen remarked that the praposed sign location would cause:people to enter behind the stores where the truck loading area is, which would not b� acceptable. o Commissioner Moen moved and Commissioner Bonn seconded for denial of Sign Code Exception SCE 2-83 per staff's recommendation and his comments. Motion carried unanimously by Commissionets present. 6. OTHER BUSINESS o Associ.ate Planner Newton reminded the Commissionet that there is going to �', be a study session o� the Community Development Code on April 19, 1983. ' o Mrs. Geraldine BalY read and submitted a letter, survey and tax maps to to made a part of the CiCy' records. Ghairman Tepedino recognized Mrs. Ball's stibmittal and stood corrected for his comments at the February 22, meeting. o Commissioner Jordan commented he reviewed the Tigard Muncipial Code and it ' requires the Planning Commission elect a Secretary who is not a member of the C�mmission. PLANNING COMMISSTON I�ETI:N'G MINUTE Apxil 5, 1983 Page 2 � II' _ o Commissioner fJwnes moved and Commissioner Christen secnnded to elect - Diane Jelderks as Secretary for the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. o Chairman Tepedino reminded Commzssioners to complete and return their Ethic' Committee forms:. MEETING ADJOURNEp 8:05 Diane M. Jelder s`' Secretary ATT� • �; / I � , , � , . .�n \ a � � • ��. ' ank T e o, P esi en - � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES April 5,; 19$3 - Page s ;�; PLANNIN COMMTSSTON DATE `i�.� �..� f �j ! V , -� � � ROLL CALL: Frank Tepedrno� �� Chris Vanderwood• � � Roy Bonn� �:�D, Don. Moen�►'t,(� 1����� � ' u �,3� Bonnie Owens � �L �,,y/ Y Mark Christen_r_�u� Pfii1 Edin � �'�� Deane LevereCt�� Ron Jardar► �_.:_1� � . _ --= TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 5e 19$3 - 7:30 P.M, FOWLER J'UNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LGZ ROOM 1Q865 S.W. Walnut Street PUBLTC HEARINGSz 5'. 1 SUBDIVISION 5 2-83 PAUL & JUDY DEEMIE - NPO # 6 A request to subdivide 0. 71 acres (30 ,790 sc�, ft, ) into four lots. 'I'he property is designated Urban Low Density and is zoned R-7. location: 9740 S.W. McDonald St. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AB lot �00 and 302) 5 .2 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 1 -°83 SIGN CRAFT A .request for an addition�l aign lorated at 7100 S.W, � Hamp�ton - Commerce Plaza. 5.3 SIGN C011E EXCEPTION SCE 2�°83 I,UMINITE SIGN CO. A r�quest far an ac�ditional sign located at Ti.gard Plaza, Hall S�treet entrance. � :- - - -- — • �" L� /�/p( Ut1'1'L'_ �/7J/� . .c--a...rr_ NOTICEs ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST STGi�I THEIR N�61E and note the.3r address:,on this sheet.: (�lease Print:' your name), ZTEM/bESCRIP,TION: . �•�.,` ���LB.;---�--1�,�.�--V, �Y� �I� ,�J PROPON�NT (For) OPPOL�NT (ag�inst) N:ame, Address and Affiliation Idam�, 1�cldress and A��iliation j.... �, ..f . � � (.,. � � . . f � e ^`� !� .S�` _ � � . I� ��� ;� ��1� P� . . . . . ! . .. ... . .�.�. .. � . . . .. . . .. . � � � . . � ' . , . .. . . . . `.,_ . . . . . � .. . � ';�.I . � � .. . . . . , . . . ... . . . . . . . � . . 'f , r' 1 I . .` .� ' �� ' I I j . � i 1 ! l _ • _ _ ; ' ------------------- TIGARD PLANNING COMMI5SION SIGN UP SHEET IdOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM DiUST SIGN THETFZ N}\NIE � and'note their address on this sheet_ (�lease Print your name) . • - ITEM/bESCRIPTTON:� , . . �C � I -� ? PRO�ONENT (For) � OPPONENT (against) . ..o.�.--�- Name, Address and Affiliati�n Name, Address and Af�iliation � NC)TICE� ALL PERSON5 DESaRI�3G �O SPEAK ON AN1' ITEM MUST S�GN THEIEt DIADIF anii note their address on this sheet. (please Frin� your_ name) . , . , � � ITEM,/bESCFtIPTION: . . /1 a. . , �' �' . ��� � '�,�� PROPONENT (For) O�PONENT (against) . ; ' I Name, Address and Affiliation � Name, Address and Affiliation � � � ; , � � STAFF &EPO�T � AGENDA ITElt S.Y TIGR�tD PLl1NNING COI4tISSIOti! AP�2IL 5, 1983 - 7:3t� P.M. FOMLEbt JUNIObt HTGH SCHOOL - LECTUBE HOOM _ -�---- _ ._ --__ _._ __ ___ 108b5 S,ii.� Walnut, Tigard, Oregon�y A. FI�IDINGS OF FACTS CA3E: S 2-83 Omega Subdivision NPO #� 6 SEQIY�ST: For approval to subdivide two lots totaling .71 acres into 4 lots of appcoxim�.telp 7,500 sq. ft. e�ch. CUliP6tEHENSZVE PLAN DESIGNATTOAIz �ingle Femily Sesidential. • ZONIAlG DESIGNATION: R-7 SECOlQlENDd�TIUN: Based on inf�ra►r�tion submitted by the applicanl:, ! Comprehansive Plaat Pnlicies and staf€'s field investigation� staFf recommends approval of S 2-83. APPLICANT: Paul � Judy Deemie 04iNEB: Same 9740 S.4F. McDc�nald St. Tigard, Oregon 9A223 �7 sir� �.c>cAaiorre 9aao s.v. esc�onai� st. caast�, co. �az Ka� 2si zis�. iots 300 and 302.� NPU COL"Pkt�NT: NPO � 6 has no� responde�i '�o this app�.ic�tioc� requea��. BACKG6t0UND/P�GYIOUS ACT�ON: None d�GA CHASACTEbtISTYCS: The sucraunding prope�ty is alI designa�ed lat+ densi�y on the Comprehensive Plac�, zoned x-7 and is mostly developed as single fa�aily residences. SITE CHAx11CTERISTICS: The site slopes to the eouth. There is an existing house on the property which will xemain, The shed ancf fence which are currently on the property will be removed. There are socne tcees on the site tha,t are part of the landscaping around tihe existing house. The vacant portion of the property is covered witih grass and br�sh. APPLICABLE COMP6tEHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: 2.1.1 The Cit,y shall maintain an ongoing citizen involvement program and shall assuce that citizens will be provided an opportunity to be involved in all phases of the plannin6 process. l _ _- __ _ _ , Notiees were sent to all property owners within 250 feet o� this application. A notice was publi�hed in the Tigard Times on March 24� 1983. In addition� HPO � 6 has been notified of the ___ application. 2.1e3 The City shall: ensure tfiat information on land use pl�nning issues is available in an understandable form �or all interested citizens. All interested part�es are g3ven, �t a minimum, 10 days to c.espond in writing to the application aed request under consideration and are encouraged to do so. ah�a planning staff is available to address any spec3fic questlo�►s cancecning the application or the application proce$s. 6.1.1 The City shall pcovide an opportunity fnr div►ersity of housing densities and residential types at �rarious price and rent levels. The subdivision of this pcoperty will provide thcee additional sinsle family building lots in Tigard. 7.1.2 The City shall require as a precondition to development approval that: a. Development coincide with the arrailability of adequate servi,c� capacity includin,�: 1. Public Watecn 2. Public Sewer fNew dev�lo�aemt on septic tani�s sh�ll not be �11.oWed witt►ia the City); and 3. St�rta Draina��. �. �he faeili�ies ar�: 1. Capabl� of adeq�ately serein� all interv��ni�g progerti�:s and the proposed development; and 2. Desisned to Gity standards. c. All new development utilities to be piaced undergcound. The agplicant is pcoposing to install public facilities in accordance with plannfing policies and City ordinances. 7.4.4 The City �hall require that all new development be connected to a sanitary sewer service. The applicant proposes to connect to an 8" public sewer line in S.�l. 97�h Ave. ' 7.6.1 The City shall cequire as a pre-condition to development that: a. The development be served by a, water sxsteaa having adequate Staff bteport S 2-83 - Pa�e 2 � -— -=- ----- water pressure for fire protection purposes; b. The development shal�. not reduce the watsr pressure in the areas below a level adequa�e for €icg protection purposes; and __._ ___ _..._ ______ . __ _ .�.__._.-------- ------- _.. _ ___.__ �—..�_ _ —___-------_-__ c. The applicable fire distcic� review all applications. 'fhe Tualatin 8urs1 Fire Protectron Distcict has reviewed the pro3ect and told staff verbally that the developaent can be adequately served With �rater €or fire protectian purposes. 8.1.3 The City shall require as a preconditian to development appcaval that: ja. Development abut a publicly dedicatecY s�reet or have adequate � access �pproved by the s�pro�ariate e�pproval authcaritp, - b. Stceet right-o:f-way �se dedicated �rhere the street is substandard in w�idth`; c. `�he developer commit to the cor��trucicion Q� the streets� curbs �ad sidewalks to City standards within the developmenit; d. Individual developers participate An the impcovement of e�isting s�r�ets, �urbs and �3dewal�CS ta the extent of the dev�lopment'� impects; e. S�re�t improveueents be mad� and �tre�� signs or siga��l.s be provi,dcci r�hen the development is faund to create or inten�ify a t��;!�£ic hazRrd; f. Tra�sit Btogss bus tuca9ut lanee a�d she3.ters b� prorrided arhea� the praposed usc of a tyge wh'�ch ����rates trensit cidersk�ip; g. Far'�'irag spe�ce� be set a�fde a�.c4 �ark�d for c�rs npe�ra�ed by disebS.�ci �es�goc�e a�d tha� the spa�es !a� 'L�cated as +�los+e as po$sible tQ the entranc� design�d for d�t$abl.�d persons; �nd h. Land be dedicated to impleenent the bicycle/�ed�estrian cqrridor in accordance with the ado�p�ted plan. The streets in front of the pcoposed developm�nt, S.W. McDonald St. and S.Y. 97th Ave�nue have been improved to C�.ty standards. This I development will not gen�rate enoug;h residents ti� require any additianal transft s�ops. 12.1.1 The City shall proeide for houeing densities in accordance with: a. The applicable �lan policies. b. The e►pplicable locational cciteria. c. The applicable com�aunity development code provisions. The denaity proposed in the development conforms to those set forth in the newly adopted Gomprehensive P1an policies� plan map snd interim zonin� map. Staff �tepoct S 2-83 - Pabe 3 _ ' -- -- --_ —-- _1 � i TIGARB MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONSt 17.16.100 Tentakive approval. __� ..._- -- __.--.— _____.._.____ _ __._.._.----__ ..____ -- _.__.__..___ _ __ —_ _— --_ ___.__.__— =- I (a) Within sixty days of the date of submission of the preliminaxy plat the Planning commission will review the plan reports of Ghe agencie� listed in Section 17.16.090 and may give tentative approval oE the preliminary plat as submitted or may modify the plat or, if disapproved, shall expxess the Planning Commission's disapproval and reasons therefor. (b) No tentative plan for a propased subdivision and no tentative pian far a maj�r part�tion shall be approved unless• (1) Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or maps of major partition already approved' for adjoining property as to width, general direction and in all other respects, unless the City determines it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. �23 Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indi.cated on the tentative plan and a2.1 reservations ox restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon. (3) Th� tentative plan complies with the Comprehensive P1an and applicable zoning regulations of the City theti in effect. f4) No tentative plat of a subdi�vision or map of a major partition sh�ll be approved unless th�re will exist adequate quanLxty and quality of water and an adequate sewage c�isposal system to suppost the prUposed use of the land descrxbed in the proposed pYat. 1�.20.D35 T,o� R-7 Zonev In an R—�' zone the lot size shall be as follows: (1) The minimum lot area shall be seven khotisand fiv� hundred square feet, excepting for dup?ex use. STAFF ANAI.YSiS AND RECOMMENDATION: After reviewing the proposed plat and conducting a fiPld investigation, staff recommends approval of S 2-83. Staff finds that th� proposed development conforms to applicable Comprehensive Plan palicies, Tigard Municip�l Cade provisions and is compatibie with the �urrounding land uses. Staff further recommends that the following conditions be attached to approval of S 3-83. 1. Plans for public facilities to �e installed in public rights of way shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate utility district. AI1 permits required for installation of public facilities in the public right of way shall be obtained prior to construction. Staff Report S 2-83 - Page 4 � _ _ _ —.— _ __ i � � 2. _ All pubZic improvements shall be b�onded for 100% of the cost thereof or c : . . rmy s. •_ � . � — .3.;��i�a1 $ubdiYig.ion. a sha __1LQ_ rPs.orded_wi.tlL_bld.5n.1t1�gtD�-Cs2un.ty_��, �rior to the issuance of any Building Permits. 4. No ehanges or modifications shall be made to approved plans without written approval from the appropriat�e City dep�rtment. 5. No Buildimg Permits shali be issued until 20 days after P;Lanning Commission approval. ► r � e j , I �Y i [� I PREPARED BY: (� � ApPROVED BY: � � � _ � ', ���,�-,��/,���-����z � iza t ` A. Newton' Wiliiam A. Monahan ; Asso iate Planner Director of Planning & Development ,��� � ✓ . � w `� �_� �.�, /� � `'�' ��� '� �� �� ' , ./� </ . � � � ���l•L I C� . ���� � � �, J �'� �� ���� ` C��°�°�- �� " oo6oP(3-�)am� Staff Report S 2-83 Page 5 , t -- - / ` ' � � � . � � f '-1-Mc, Assoc., In:� ,�r� CTTY OF TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTNIENT p�r'�'��/c►1 � ��� \/ �V � FC.E; � J ��jt;,? v / SCHOOL TMPACT STATENIENT F°OR RESbDEN`�IAI, DEVEIAPNlENTS OF 4 (JNITS OR MOR:E ` - ' Si.nce one aspect of development impact relates to schools, the foliowing informati�n , � � � �must be completed, and this sheet sabmitted to the Planning Department with the effected application. Please call 639-4171 if there are any questions. , � 1. TE1E FOLLQi�ING IS TO ;BE CO.�LETED BY THE UEVEIAPER ' ° � - Name of person ox firm developing the pzoperty �°/�(/G G7�-E�/�' ; Pe rson to con t ac t J��A/g'/?/_T' — yA�/2!S—/���!�'J�/✓AG•��"' ' Phone numbe r.�� �— 34'-S3 � Mailing address 890��` S. Lt� �o�1/i�'E�PG/iQL �'�/G��P�� �� ,- - Leqal description of propert� being proposed fo�r development (map n umb�r ar�cl tax 1ot(s) numbe r ��L �S �00 �S''d�- a .2•� / /l B�4' - In orc3er to•expedite responses from the schoal distriat involved, please inidcate a gen�ral vicinity description of the prope�ty beinq proposed for ,� �6e ve lepme nt. _' a . � �/'�.��,��.i�-�-r r�.��✓E�' s c��: �`7 �-� „��oE. , . . �° � L�! �/°—��7'�+�i9'L�� .� �' , (�/a?'�tj� c,-°/a.'GIo_��d, ` - Does the proposed developmznt reqiaire a: (�lease aheck appropriate bax) . � ' plan Amenclment � �one, Ctiange � ,X 5ubdi�ision Vari an ce Cnndi t ion al Use Pe rmit ' - Zbtal number of dwelling units beang proposed �G7U/�C l '¢'� <3�v.o'iTio�Yf�< ) Pa,e 2 , f R \ 0 .. � � � �' � . . - Type of units being proposedc S,ingle Family Number of Units �- �3 Ro.t�yT�o/Yi9L, puplex Number of Units Multiplex Number of Units � � Multifamily Number of Units - How many bedrooms in each unit; , � ' Single Family �2 c�i2 3 Duple x Mul t�.ple x - Mu�.tipxe Eamily ' - How many acres are involved in this proposal p 7/ /Pe�E . - When xs construction likely to beqin: year f 9l�'3 mnnth „Ju✓YL�" • - Is tt�e development to be cotnplet�c7 in phases? _�/O If so, 4sow many and, aver what time period - Wlaen is �he las� �nr►b� acheduled to be c�mpleted: year/9ByCmvn�.h /I�O!/ ZI. SUADtIT Tf3E �OMPLEZ'ED FORM '1`a � BUSIAI�SS O�F"ICE OF TEiE SGGEi3001L DZSTRICT IN WH�Kgi 'PH� SITE BEIING P'ROE�OS�i� FOR DEVEIAPMEN� IS IsOCATEA ITI. Tl3E FOY,I.OWTI�IG IS TO BE GY3MPLETED BY APPFbOPRIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT O�'F°YCI�I, SCHOOL I�3AME . �7iISTING EtJR. E�T. �;i�.CZ7CY ELementary � Te�ple4;on � 549 . 588 I Zntermediate Twality Jr. High 788 � q50 � High Tigard Senior High, 1309 . 15�0 j Additional Comm�nts: No s�.gnzficant impact enrollment-wise. . � . Information provided bY: ��� ,d��,-e�__ Telephone No. ($4-2209 0 " Date: February 24, 1983 IV. RETURN TO DEVELOPER FOR SUHMISSION WITH APPLICATION (Name & address on page 1) i : _ — _ � a W � � �/ o �- ' � . pD�,� ' 7_"/0 SEE MAP "' ?� 2S i 2CD i���l�' �s - / r"l/.CJ� C. , , � _ .__.� •------ " . ,.. _T __ ... __ . _-._ _ -.�.- --�- ----- — - _ . .r. �. ; -��-�1A-� D�NAL�-- � T ,.o . T —.-:-�� � s.s9 ch. N ieesn. �13.91 —9 N I A � 0 500 400 300 , 'so . 2Q0 104 103 S6 4t. .5b�Oc. .36 Ac. � .32 Ac. �.74.4 c: � .7t7 Ac. • � • � '' o � � , a • _ ,°_. � � 1i6.04 i.� w z u I M •i�02 E ��! �. _ �� �' I � p .,36 Ac. ���° . � �' �^ a+ ' � � 1xo � 100 m �' • 220 � ��- 100 'cx,.qB • IV � i05N O� � . � . . �1f.� �; .. . . , ' tn _ �Ne�i�,S`, • .B.3AC �� t97.27 I Ii�:2T �.,. � 'a!_ _ ` V sii�3�':l/'-' 30� „) - . '� 3a� � �° , _ N _4� 252.19 � ,. " n .js AC. ,r.._,N e9°9 4'W � - _ _�.�i ++ r � - 200 ` v � u . A �Q� .� /.67Ac ' • �we,� i�.si 64 • Is . 9Si.3t ' . o ' n I�o0 2� - - �s, z�5� � 2 8 . � t�� 2.90 Ac. rr � � "� .' .. s• 's4'[� S s�t � '. . i k'•r � ��` . .�.� � . . �.+..� :�w�F.-�.� � � _. -r•�.?rs.c'�1�. � , . . � ..� .r�„�OS . . ' , .. ' � � - �. . , '� �►aac e 1�Q . • � � � \ . �t }r R � ., _ � �.�^ . f. ' � ,• R � q i �R.�!:. } : � .i' l� �:y" ` � 1 �t. � , . • . 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DOCKET: Sign Code Exception (SCE 1-83> HPQ �R 4 APPLICANT: Sign Craft 9033 S:1�i. Burnham Tibacd. Oregon 97223 SIGN I�CATIONt 7100 S.W. Hampton xEQUES�: For an additio�e�l sign to identify Commerce Plaza at 7100 s.W. Hampton. PSEVTOUS ACTZON: On November 3. 1975 a permit was issued far a 32 �q. ft. real estate sign on Septe�ber 23, '1976 a permit for a 12" x 26•' wall si�n was issued. STAFF tWAi.YSI�l��i/IEii: . The Ti�ard tiun3.cipal Code allows for exceptions to the sign code as follows: 16.34.04d EXCEPTIONS The Flanning Com�aission or� on review, the Caancil may gce�nt exceptions to the regui.rements of tt�is �itls, wQ►en the aFplLicant demonstrates that� nwing to special or unusual circumgtances relating to tine deaign� stru�ture, or p'lacea►ent of the �ign in relation to other s�euctur+�s or 4and uses oc the natuca� featureg of the land, the liter�l i�terpc�tatf�o�r of this title would interfere wtth the coma�unicative fun�ctiox� of ths sign wii:hout crsrrsspondin� publi� benefit in tez�as o€ the values set forth in th� TMC Section 18.59.010. The appli�ant coatends that the current signage is not adequate to identify the aite. Staff concurs, hoaever� after a field investigatic�n, staf£ finds that the eacisting �ign is visible from t�►e 21i - i�nd o=� ramp. �he ezis'ting sign is nu't visibi� s`��� 72nd and Hampton because there are small douglas fir trees which ` block oncocaing drivers view of the �ign. Staff would support the additional on site sign if the exi�ting sign wece moved �o be oriented toward S.1d. 72nd and S.W. tiampton. $eceuse of the size of the pro3ect and the size of the parcel� a second sign is justified to prov�.de adequate identification of the pro3ect location. Vlten moved. the �xistinb sign would not be visible from the 217/72n� off camp necessitating an additional sign at tk�e location proposed on the plan submitted. The Commission should �reigh the benefits to the coc�nunity from allowing the sdditianal sign against the efFect on the intont of Site Design �eview provisions listed here: �. 18.59.010 Purpose of provisions. The intent and purpo:se of design review is to promote the general welfare by encouraging attention to site planning and giving regard to the natural environment, creativ� pro3ect �iesign and the character of ti�e neighborhood or _._ _ _ - - ___ _----� - - --____-- __._ _ _-- _. . .- ___ � _ area. (a) It is in the public interest and necessary for the promotion of the saf�t convenience, comfort and prosperity of the Y� citizens of �t�e city of Tigard: 1. To pcesecve and �nhance the naPcural beauties of the l+and anc4 of the man-made environment, and en3o2naenti thereof; 2. To maintain and improve the qualities of and relationships between individusl buildings, structures, and the physical d.evelopnaents whiah best contribute to the amenities and attractiveness o£ an area or neighbochood; i 3. To �ro�ect and insur� the adequacy and use�ulness of public and private developments as they relate to each other �.nd to the neigtebochond or area; 4. To inaure that each �ndividual development provides for a quali�y envira�ament for ttne citizens utilizing that development a� well as the coaaaunity as a whole. b. In ord�r to pr�ven� the ero�ion of n�tur�l beauty, the decay of er�vironraente.l amer►ities �nd the disaipation of �oth usefulness an�1 fun�tion, it is dsclared necessary: 1. To st�ae�late creativ� d�sign for individual buildings. groups of bui.ldings �nd s+craGture�, and other physical develmpments; 2. To encourage the innovative aase of caaterials, methods and techr�iques; 3. To integrate the functions, appearances and locations o£ buildings and improvements so as to best achieve � balance between private pcerogatives and prefer�nces, and the public inter�st and rae5.tare. ive�. :;-�5 ��:.. I 10 tpart), 1477) . Staff feels that the benefits to the ovecall community !sy pcoviding the additional on site sign do not adversely aff�ct the intent and purposes of this design review criteria. STAFF &.ECOl4�LENDATION: Staff recomiaends that tihe Planninb Commission allow the additional on site sign at 7100 S.V. i�ampton in the location proposed on the plan with the followin6 conditioa: - _- __- � Y p r � 1. The existing sign shall be moved to be oriented tawards S.W. 72nd and Hampton. The specific locatimn of that sign sha1L be appcoved by the Planning Director. PbtEPAR�D 9�C: APP�OVED BYt Elizabeth A. Ne�on Yil7iam A. Manehan Associate Pl�n�e� Directar o€ t�lanning & Development ; 0060P C$-io) dmj ' . � '1z A b �, ��sr, �v. peoPc . . � 4�a. . �. . '�'�, ;..p� � ,�a, i ... �;{,. �k •y*. . � �i7 v.{.�,:�.., ... . ,`,1� `�T1 . �- S.1N. H8111p#001 __ . _._. sqs�._ _.__. _ i � . I �°� _4 �—!_ � � �c1��T1 A•�SY�A� \ � � � � '�. � . \ �fb5i:-���16°.� ' SID 6�� � �� - . �. � z t,� C N r �A�' y� �� � � �---- 195' N k �._- � w , ST�1FF REPO�iT AGENDA TTEM S.3 SIGN CODE E1CC�PTION TIGlILtD PLANNING �O!lMISSION 10865 S�i WALNUT TIGAbtD. U6tEGON 9 7 2 23 DOCKET: SI�N CODE EXCEPTION SCE 2-83 Tigard Plaza NPO �2 APPLICANT: Luminite Sign Comgan�/ 9350 SW Tigard Stceet Txgard� Oregon 97223 RLQUESTo For an additional sign on S�i t�all Blvd. for Tigard Plaza. P6tLVI0US ACTI�N': On November 16, �.9�2 a sign pe�it was issueci £oc a wall sfgn fox 1��ctocy Secnnd �eans. STAFF ANALa7CSIS/&Eti/IEW: �he fiigsrd tiunicipa�. Code a11oWS f�r exceptions to the sign code as follows: �b.34.�J�Q EaC�EPTI03IS Trie 1Pla�ning Cosaraission or� on e�view, the Council �sy grant exceptio�s to the requirements �f thf� title, wb,en the applicar�t d�taanstr�tes that� owing to sp�cial or unc�sual. ciccumsta�aceg re3atix�g tea �h� design� ffitruct;ure, or placeeaea� crf the si6r� �n rel�tion ta o�her ��ruc�u�reg nr 3.and uses or th� natuca�l festuces of t�Ce �.ac�d, th� literal �.ntierpretation a� this I kitl,e wuuld i.nt�rf�re �+ith the eo�unicativ� function of the sign �rithout corresponding public b�nefit in; teems mf th� v�.lu�es �et forth in the� TliC 8ec�tion 18.59.�810. Tl�e �,p�licant h�� not sup�lied any 3uetiEication For a thirei o�a site sagxa. Prese�ntZ�, there is a �ign at �he eorner of Hall and �acif�c +�nd a si�n at the corn�r of S�1 Center and SH 88th. The two sign$ a� tk�ese loca�ions adequately identify the tenants of the shopping center. The sign on Pacific and tiall is visible to appcoachfng vehicles from four clirections although placement of that sign closer to the intersection would probably allow the �ign to be seen from a greater diatance. The Coaamission should also weigh the benefits to the community from a1loWing the additional siga against the effect on the intent of the Site Desig� xevieW Provisions ligted here: 18.59.010 Purpose of provisions. �tae intent and purpose of desibn revievr is to promote the general Welfare b,y encouraging attention to site planning and givi:ng rebard t;o the nabucal �nvironment� creative project design and the character of the neighborhood or area. (s) It is the public interest and nec�seary for the promotion of the safety, convenience� comfort and pcospecity of the citizens of �he Gity of 7fibard: � --_ _- --- 1. To pceserve and enhance the natucal beauties of the land and of the man-made environment, and enjoyment therefor; 2. '�o maintain and improve the qualities of and relationshigs betw�een indlividual buildings, structuces, and the phyeical developments which best contcibute to the emenities and attractiveness of an acea or neighborhood; 3. To protect and insuce th�e adequscy and use£ulness of pub�.ic a�nd pcivate developments �s they relate to each other and to the neigtiborhood or area; 4. To insuce �hat each individual develapment prcavides for a quality envieonment for the citizens utiliz.ing that development as w�ll as the co�aunitiy as a whole. (b) In order to prevent the erosia�n of natural beassty, the aeGRy o£ �nvironmental ,am�nities and the dissipation. a� both usefulness and function, it is dec3.ared nece�sar�: 1. To stimulate creative design for individual buildiags, groups of buildings and etruc�ures, an� ottter physical develcrpmesets; 2. To encourag� the inno�a�ive use of materials� methods and techniques; 3. '�o �.c�tegrate the functiac�s, agpeaee,ncea and locat3.�n� of buildings and ieapeove�ents so e� to best achiev� a balahl�e be�w�en priva�e p�eeroge�tiv�s ar�ci pr�Eerence$, ��e1 the public �ntere�t and wel.fare. lOrd. 77-25 Soe, 1Q (pa�t) ► 197�) , Staff f�el� tha� �he applicant has not jusL•ifi�d the need for an additional sign and based on u field investig�tion staff feels that an edditiona]� si.gn is s��t warranted. In addition the applicant is proposing a sign wtrich is 16° hi.,gh with a 24 square £oot illuminated display area. The location of the proposed si�n ie ad3acent to a single family residence and a tcailer court. Staff feels that a sign of this size and type is not compatible ', with the ad�acent residentisl land uses� violating requirements � set focth in Section 18.59.010 (a) 2, 3� 4 of the Tigacd Municipal Code as outlined above. STAFF RECOi4[ENDATION: Staff cecommends denial of SCE 2-83 �RLPAbtED BY: APP�01/ED BY: ���1 '' � �� ,3 3/ F —_� � �s � � -� SLizab th A. �lewton liilli,aa A, lionahan Aasocinte Pla,nner Directorr of PLanning � Develop�ent _ _ , _ i . -._ . 1 _ -- :'i �o � �o � ,� ' I c��� 1 f.� ��\�� '` Z }_� I� �:r� '�\� � '�' O >°�^ 'I �' '\ ��\ �" � n ��-�\��-.. Cr y 6-- � � �_'___' ,_ I I I I I I �+�f � ��'7'-jT, m v QN �I � ...o n ...__; �,____ - ' `Y � �i '�I = °a� � \ i � � ;.,.I f` I ! �, .< < ' � ��I z� .� �_:. _ I � ' ••. � � ; �,{ ' ' (n K a� � . -- , em . if , �I Q yj(�� I _ . .� � ! - `� .\ � ��� 1, � � � �NQ .1� \�: ,`\ �� � � / �/ � �, � �_�� `,` � �\ � � �W Kf}� i � � , � � � . ,,•�i� `�\ _ ` .� ` �, ll I ..� \\�. 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' wwr�� x..w..��.��� 7-��a1��r.r�- - _ — � �t�._,.i4.�,.4��' +W �• - �_ x�S1CaiY41,._7.u.:,ri1P.tiRbi+�s�.'_ '*�Sf�c3wsCSUS�,Y��Ynpu�:nm!!�►*n� ql�'���� . . +r��.�^r �. ,._. . .�.�..... ;� D c�U C�(.E...FAC E �TNTL`7C''N A CLy ._... .. _---- . :.��%}�a.__ _,�"lt uM.�'MAT�D �'�t K 18.L?�:�5 -- . _ ,,..., '_ D��j pLAy S �.X.$.� `.�=_.D..F1��f��t.l'i1T,�C. �Clv� ��'=�,.xp;:y _ .... .: 1"EN.�V.�}:!�!�. . /��9Nc'L� � :.i' y' �:_._.. _ ._._ „ ,,;..,.,... � � � � � �� 31l3 � Xy ' � �� R,�,;?. � "s�Q 1,,,�- . P� „ . . ��,,�� . � r _ _ � � . .:.q . . . . . . . .� . � � . . � . . � . . � .. DJB ING. '11�15 S.1tF�. ��IST AVENUE POR7LAI19D,OREGON 97223 U.S.A. e503) 639-�900 � d Tiga�d I'lanning Commisaiota Meetin� April 5, 19�3 Mr. Preeid�nt ai+1d Planning Co�mission Memberas My name is Geral.d3.ne Ba11 ancl I am repreeenting DJ�, Inc. ar�d n�rscel.'f, G.L. Ba11 We �tould lik� to make part of the City of Tigs�,rd reaord 'the attached copy of sa�ra�y made by Anc(y'-�'aris and As�oa�atee for IDJB, Ine, which ahows where the �u��t@rt'�oe� ua7►de�'S. W, 66tI�-Avenue and depoaits water on the West side of S. t�. 66$h �.veraue on �3.gh�r�r property �.nd foz�ms a drain�gew�, For ea�e rea+son or ot�ear whe� T previouely gav� a copy of thia same eur�ray to Mir. Tepedino on �'ebruaxy 22, '9983 at the study me�ting when he ackzwwledged �ame at the Go�mis��.on meeting �e� stated i�t xas �urre�r at�wixag aome o�' Mrm. B�1'e �;�a er in 'he �1 of Pc� �.and cl ab u dra3 � ay ra em „ a ent d swrvey o �.��ped�no pr�� �o ��ie �m����'ng an� �hen wr���n t� a��en� th� ��� mee�in�. °�he in£ox�aation we have in wxit�i�ig from tkie �oundary Com�i.a�sion, Washington Cou�ty, �ept. of �evern�� and Gi�ty of R°ig�;rd �sta�tes tha�t we ar� in �he City of �'� �i,�a;rd, and w� woaa�ld "l;ike tc� ask Mr. Teped�.no from w17om he xeceived his infoxmation on vrhich he ��,sed hi.� rem��C. Ag �ar �s �he drainagewa�r is �oncer�sd we a�� xiappy where it is beeauae �.t i� I o#' no p�obl� to us �s3.nce �h� dra,iz�a�ewaa�rr ia znos�7y on �ighway propexty or awn�xshi:p athe� �han �ur�. �'taere h� b+�en �ome ��l.k cef�h� I�i�hw� D3.v�.sion dumping wa,ter on o� px�op�r�ty �c� as #,a g�t rid af �he �rat�r �he� �axe havin� a, problam with and they hav� a7.ready nta�t�c� tc� d�.vert water f�am the alc� dra,i:na�ewa�r on �he Ea►�t �ide of I-5 bu� i� �t;.l�� wai�ex a�me� 'to the Wes� �id.� of T-5 and ex�cis up on ou� property, F��d .A�d�rsr�r�, :�u� a�f�c►�cney, �rill ha��d7.� �ha� ��r u�. We are also attac'hir� copiee c�f 1Ka.p� 1 � 1 36 �D and 2 S 1 1 AA obtained fxom I Wash3n,�ton Co�unty Cartography I7ept. t�doy, .Apxil �, 1983, showing our p�opexty in the City of Tigard.. We al�o ask that these mapg bs made part af the City of Tiga�d recard. ii We ask that what � nave just read in•to the record as well as the Heco�d of Suxvey �o� A.TB, Inc. by A:x�.d„y Paris axid Asaociatea and tk�s Map 1 S 1 36 �D and Map 2 S 1 1 AA a]:1 be mad.e part af tixe City of Tigaxd record, l March :22, 1983 _ C���T'��� WASHINGiON COUNTY�OREGON Mx. Clifford Speaker 4003 Wauna S7�ista Drive Vancouver, '�ashington 9;$661 Dear C1�.ff, , On behalf c�f the Planning D�partr►�znt sta�f, I would like to extend deepest thanks to you for the siqnificant cantxibution that you have made ove� the yea�s to the planning effart in Tigerd. Youx terms on the Planning Commissiori, par:ticularl.y 3urinq the pa�s� severaJ: months, have been at a time -when a strang, knowledgeabl� ane� r�ell prep�red Commission �aas essential for succ�ss. You we�e Gertainly one of the driving forc�s that I ' made the Planning Cammission ��the respe��ed body that� it i�s. Cli�f�• dur.f.ng my short stay he�e T have thoroughly enjoyed my ass��iation wi.�th you, My .sta�f and T vrill aniss you at future � Gommission ��ssfons. As Z'v� �aid befor�, we are able to .find new members for the �ommissa.on, but we canr�ot replace you. L wish, ��u the best o:E luck i n you�c iEuture endeavors and gxeat hagpi�ess i.n yo�r rec�nt ma�riage. S i�n;�z��p - � Wil ian� A. Mon " an Director .of Planning & De�elopment WAM:dm`j 12755 S,W.A5H P.O.BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223' PH:fi39-4171 [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]