Planning Commission Packet - 03/08/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA � i TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION MA�CH 8, 1933 -• 7:30 P.M. FOWI�ER JUNIOR HIGH `SCHOOL 10865 S.W. Walnut St., - LECTURE ROOM T.- OPEN MEETING _ 2. ROLL CALL 3. Approval of Minutes from. February 22, 1983. 4. Planning Commission Communicats.oni 5. PUBLIC HEA1tING5 5. l NETGHBORHOOD PLANNI�TG ORGAI�TIZ,ATIUN 5, F and 7 APPGINTMENTS. 5.2 S`UBI�IVTSION S 1-83 VL�RIA�ICE V-1-83 EiEI,DI P[�RR Mr. & Mrs. Gause� NPO 4� 3 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT T I G A S D P L A N N I � G C O H M T S S I O N REGULA& MEETING MARCH 8, 1983 1. Commissioner Koen called the meeting to order �t 7;40 P.M. The meeting was hsld at Fowl.er Junior High School - Lecture Room, 10865 S.W. Malnut St. , Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Co�issioners Moen, Jordan� Yanderwood, Edin and Leverett. Comnassioner Ow►ens arrived 7:45 P.M. 5ta�fc Eli�abeth Newton, Asaociate Planne�; Diane Jelderks, Clerk Typist. �. Cd�[TS�T�DN COk!!lUNZCl�TION o There aas no Planning Commissi�n communication. 4. Planning Commission minutes fram February 22, �983, were consider�d. Commissio�►er Jardan moved and Cs�mmissianer Edin seconded to a�proved minutes as submitted. tiotion carried unanimously by members present. Co�nissioner 9w�ns arritred. 5. PIDBL�C ttEART�IGS S.1 NEIGHBOxHOA� PI�.ANNIN� ORGIlNI2ATI0�1 S, 6 an�1 7 AP�OIN7'4iE1VTS o Ae�soci.ate Planner Newtan ree.d �e�4 ee�,R�pstiz�g t�� foS.3.owran; individuals be recoanmend�ed to City Cour�cil £or ap�ointment to the apprqg�Yat� t�eighborhood Planning Urganizatians. Je�ry T.insehoten 1fi120 S.i�l. Grimson Ct. NFO # 6 Yvonne La�son 10730 S.W. North Dakota NPO # 7 Howr��d �ornutt 'L1720 S.6+1. Lynn NPO i� 5 �ichard Baberg 10660 S.4i. North Dakota NPO # 7 PUBLIC �ESTIMONX -- No one appeared to speak PLANNING COI4SISSZOId DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Comma,s�ioner Edin stated he w�,s � member nf the team who inkerviewed the app�icants ,and concurred with the recomnendation �oc appaintments. o Co�a:�s�oner Owens nc�ted that Yvonne Larson hQd served as a meiaber of 1�P0 aR 7 greviously and supported her ap�ointc�ent, � Coaemiasione�c Edin moved and Commissioner Jocdan secc�nded ta accept s�nd foraard to City Council with recommendation �or appointment. Notion carried unanimously by Conuaiss3oners present. i � --� --- - _-- � 5.2 SUBDIVYSYON S 1-83 and VARIANCE Y 1-8'3 HEIDI PARK HPO � 3 A request by Mr. & 1�lrs. Ldwin Gause £or a prelimi�eary appro�r�l of a seven lot sut�division and a v�riance to �he minimum lot size of 7500 sq. ft. The proposed lots are one at 8,35(9 sq. £t. with an existing house; two lots with minimum of 7,428 sq, ft. and four lots with minimum of 6,368 sq. ft. . The property is -designated low density and is zoned R-7. Located at: S.ii. 110th Ave. and S.H. Garden Park ' Place. (�Iash. Co. Tgx Hap �Sl 3DD lots 13Q0 and 1301) o Associe�te Planner Newton mad� staff's �ecommendation for ap�roval II with cond�.tions. PUBLIC TESTIMOLiY o APPLICAI�IT - L�ei �muse requested the Plenning Commission accept x�af£'� recommendation for approval. He continued th:at the drainage probleca could be handled. o No AIPO or other public testimorey. PUAI.�TG ��AbtING CLUSED �LA�iNING COI4iISSION UISCUSSION AI�ID ACTION o Co�mnissioners favored the proposal, � Commissionec Levecett moved anci Commissiar�e� Edin s�condc�d to acce�at sta�f°s recomm�ndation for approval. tlotion carried un+�nimQUSly by Co�i�sianers presenk. S e �THER B1dSIAlFSS o Associat� 1Planner Nec�rtqn revaewred measto Erom Associate Pl�nn�r G�uraaslla regar�lin�g the Cc�r�uniLy Development Cade schedule. o Discussion an letter £rom Chairman Tepedino to �ity Council. Co�missianer Vanderwood gave update of the floodplain issue. o Discussion re�arding Hearin�s Officer approval for Sensitive Lands Permits. o ELECTII)N OF OFFICE�S o Gommissioner Owens nAminated Frank Tepedino for Chairman. Comm£ssioner Edin seconded. * Co�issioner Leverstt moved and Commissioner Edin secundedl to close nomin�tions. Motion earried urtanimously by Commissioners present. o Commissioner Owens nominated Don Moen �or Vice-Pr+esident. Commissioner va�derwood seconded. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - March 8� 1983 - Page 2 � _ _ __ - - ' * Commissioner Edin moved and Commissioner �ev8r�tt ssc�nded to close the nc�minations. hotion car�ied by ���ority of Co�issioners present. Commission Koen abataining. o Discussion followed concerning a second Vice President. * CotacnissiAner 1�loea� moved and Commissioner Edin seconded to elect Roy� Boa�c► as second 11ice President. Motioci carried by ungnimous vote of Cott�ni ss ioners resent. P Meetins adjnurned 8;1.m P.M. Diane M. Jelderlcs, Secretary A ST: ; �� i� ; Fr n Tepedino, President Planning �oamission Meeting Minutes - Mqrch 8, 1983 - Psge 3 � -_— ----- ---- -- ---- � Pi�ANN7NG COMMISS:I.ON DL�TL' � _� f20LL CALL; Fzank Tepedino �`� ' '���� r ,��R��Gf�T�e� Koy Bonn_ /( _ Uon Moen^_��� B'onnie Owens � - Mark Christen � Phi.l Edin_�'/� d��_ Deane Lever.ett-� Iton Jordan � i � _ DA'I'E_ '°--��G1' TIGARD PLRNNING COMMISSION SIG13 UP SHEET NOTICE: ALL P'ERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK O`N ANY ITEM MUS'T STGN THEIR NAME and'note their address. on this sheet.' (plAase Print your name) ITEM�bESCRIP.TION: r PROPONENT (Far) _ OPPONENT �against� Name, Addr�ss and Affiliation �,' Name, Address and .�f�ilia�ion . . . . . . 4 � � � � , . . . '' . . . i. ' S . 1 NOTICE: ALi. PERSONS T�ESIRYI�G TO SPEAIC �71�T ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NP,MF I and nate the�.r address. on �his sheet. (�lease Print yaur n�me) I I�`EM�bESCRIPTION:��_ �� � � — �� ..�--------� �� PROPONENT (For) O�PONENT (against) ._ i Namea Address and Affiliation � ` Name, Address and Af�iliatic�n ! , �. � _ ��, �� ��� ���- ; ����-�, ��� � _ _ - TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 8, 19`83 - 7:30 P.M. FOWI,ER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ' 10865 S.W. WLANU� STREET - LECTURE ROOM . i _ _ __ ; PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5 . 1 NEIGHBORHDOD PLANNTNG ORGANIZATTONS (NP0) APPOINTMENTS A request by various citiz�ns to be appointed to TVPO 5, d and 7 . 5.2 S�BDIVISION S--1-g3 � VARIANCE V 1°83 HEIDI PARK -� Edwin & Ethel Gause NPO # 3 A reque�� by �ir. & Mrs. Gause for a prelimi�ary approv�l af a seven �.at subdivision and a variance to the minimum lot size of ?500 sq . ft.. �'he proposed Iots axe one at $,3�5 sq . £t� with a� �xisting h�use ; two lots wi�� miilimum af 7 ,425 sq , ft, ; �nd iour lots with minimum af 6,368 sq. ft. . The praperty is designated low density and is zoned R-7. Located at . S .W. 110th Avenue az�d S.Tni. Gax�den Park Flace. (Wash. Co. T�x Map 2S1 3DD lots .13iDQ and 1301) � — , -- � _ _ ---- -— � , ..M ��- � , MEMORANDUM T0: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: William A. Monahan, Director of Planning & Development �- DAT�: F�bruary 15, 1983 ' SUBJECT: New NPO Members The follnwing individuals were interviewed on �hursday, �'ebruary 10, 1983 by the NPO Membership Interview Team: NPO , Jerry Linschoten 16120 SW Grimson Court 6 Yvonne M. L�rson 10730 SW North Dakota 7 - Howard L. C�rnutt 117�0 SW L}�nn 5 Richard W. Boberg 10660 SW North Dak�ta 7 Should each of these individuals be approved as membe�s, the new make up of the NF`0's will be as .fol.lows: N0, OF NPU MFMBERS 1 8 2 [� 3 8 4 11 5 8 6 8 7 8 Staff Recommendations 5taff recommends that the Plan;ning Commission recommend favorably the application of these four individuals to the NPO'S aggl.ied for. f z�-: ` Y �. 'y � � � �t`��15�I�'G��� � NP0 APPLI CATION J�,N 5 ?98z � QUESTTON: What are NPO's? CITY OF TiGAfitD ANSWER: The function of each NPO is tci be in�olved in all phases of p�q.NNING DEPT the Comp��ehensive Planning process and the implementatipn of those . plans; to review City plans; policies, projects or other actions affecting the livability of the neighborhoo:d, �including, but no;t limited yr �s to, land use, zoning, houszng, community, facilities, human resources, ��..� social and recreational pragrams, traffic an� transportation, environ- /�,.��(� p,,,j mental quality, open space and parks; to participate in the process s of determining City priorities for capital improvements and development of specific �roject plans; to keep the neighborhood informed; to seek neighborhood opinion on issues brou�ht be�ore them; to repres.ent the Views oY the neighborhood in matters of extra neighborhood importance. PZEASE COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS BELO�Y NAhIE.'�.�1�,;1��( ..�-C I'�C���,(�1,�-�-.. ADBRESS I�P I�►� .�L 7.. �Rtf�g p� �wT, --�- .� �� �� 9 , � �� � TELEPHONE NUhiBER (Bus.) r- '4 .' �9 ���S.) - �0 2.. 8 6 fp .'�_- �a 3 9 3'O�o PRESENT OCCUPEITION � �p�K.,�AN/� I�I Mr�)04�i L� FI Rhf NAME �_'�'����_�'^. }L i � HOFY LONG HAVE YOU BEEN E3IPLOY�D {VITH TFITS FIRM?_���� IS THIS COhiPANY LOCATED WITHiN YOUH NPf� AREA7 � � FIAVE YO[J BEEN IN'V07 VED WI�'H MUNICTPAL OPERATIONS BEFORE? �hd � s�_ �� IF XES, PLEASE EXPLFiIN YnU�. INVOLV ENT:_��_�� � �P..�w�:�..A O C-0Ar�'' i 1�.3 (,e,.., , .���_-.�_ 0� �..... � � �. .,��.. �' 'r?'K..r�s t��,v..� �o�t,,,e.-c,...��4,s�..�.� �4�•s�����,�`'�-�nP�° WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN OFFER AS A MEMBER OF AN NPO? �. $�T�..�� A _�dI'1 �� � 'S� �?J �d l�'�'M/l�Ll �-�rd ,I•i� t�?�LC�... /J�!�I�T"�,,.,� +Y 1� '�`7i��7 M� f'�-'9 ��,�=�1 ' ���� Ii,+� ��.`'�+V.� r$ I�,�� r L� ADDT�IONAL COh1MENTS: DAXTTNF T�LEPFIONF NUtitBEEt���' g��� �/7�Jgn � ___ . . _._ �' -- � : ._ . . . � �� �� � . �-��� �� �• • , d�JPO APPL � CA1' I ON � (2C�N.51'IO�I: �1'hzt 1re I�'�O's? � . A\54��I•:R: The �'unction o1' each NPO is ko be invol�•cd S.n all �hases o:f � �Le Com�rehensive P�annin�* px-ocess and the iinpl,ementati.on of those p11ns; to revxe« Czty pl,ans; po�ici.es, pro�ects or other actXOns aficcting the li:��ability of t1�e nei�I�l�oz•hoad, includzng•, but not ].i.m�ted to, lan�2 use, zoning, housino, commatifty� taeilitxes, human zesouraes, socxal and recreatio�a� gxoorams, traffic a.ncl transportlti.on, er�virott-- " . r.cc��ta,l c�uality, open space and parks; to parti�ipate xn the pxocess oY' elet'ermxnang City priorities for capiial improvements and cleve].opme�it � . o: specj�iic project p2ans; to'I:eep fihe neighborhoa�i informed; to seetc � • , uei�hbnrhood opini.on on issues brought beiore them; to represent Che ' � , vi�svs oi' the neighborhood in matters o# eatra neigtr"borhood importance. � � � PL�•P.SE• CAbSPT.IETE THE QUEST�OYS BET.OSY ' ' • ' • . , • • ti .. . • • .. • . • . • . - . . Y�'tl1LE ` , �1R�. ��_t��L�-Y+.... ` AbDRESS C� � � . . _�Cr�"1��3 �,�,cy � �.{�_ \�d��1• � � � ' � � . . : � . ��_ . :. . -. � . � . �l � . ^' ~�-�� � - ��Y.�pxart� rru�m�x (�us.) � �^.� :,.•�� r� . . . . . � �--'J�tRes.)— ��,�'-�' _`7�'�pv . . . . . e ' A�2�SENT OCCIIPATION ,�.�;,�� ' •�c�S-�- � . ' -'. • . . ' . • Fx�a� x,�ri� ' � i ,� � • ' � � , . , . . �: . . . . . � ,� t� �� � � • , �,��� -.. . ' tIOb; LONG HAVE Y00. �EE�1 EbiPx.OYEI) 17X�'H THIS F�RLI? ll � . . � `�,. . � - _ � . . . .....:�.� ��� - � , .� xs ��cx� co�s�:nrrx �x.�cnT�z� ti'rJ(;ctTxI� 1'OUR l^IPO A�tEA� T � .. __""--_� -------__... � .. H1lV� YOU k3EEN.IIdYOLV�U 3t'I7('�I bTUNICTIF�AL OPERt1TIONS B��'ORE?_ ��C) =�.I (1 ��-r�,�.,� . TiF XES, PX.k.ASE EXPLAIN XQUA TNVOI,VEhI�NT:�_�>Q.� ��. ���t n. , �. . .�, ... ' , . ' ' � � . , . ti , . . .. . � . ------�----__�- . � kH�1T Dd ;YOC7 •�°E YOU CAN OI'Tr'�Fi AS A bl�tdD�P OF AN A'PO? �t '� • . ' d�� ' � �., 7 ,-- ' � �/ �,-"___.__' ' . . / � ' �a'.o • '�:� 67 - . � ' ' r ,t , . .�. � n ( l,'�.E'.yz..�-t ,�?''i�-----1"�� �.�r�'�P--.-�> ..�_ . " � U�� ��� M (l 1L.• i�� � . °—� �-� \ ,�{- ; . � ' � ��c(, � . . {:bn71�X0I�A�. Co;tb,•�'s�_ _` _ . . ' ..�(�-'7'r��:7��?;--� � p a � �� ' • � ~��� . (�'" .�L�:� rC,C.,t�(� r9 �� ,� . • �� `- ..._-- � �-C�:��� ..C,il� . . �,l '. � -� �(-�.�°eC__- . � -._., ----------_� ..�� � � ,C �.z1 � . ..... � . �. � • � . . �-�' �-- ' • _____._____., � � r . � • DA1"�'71tt; 1'E[,�GP110?;F: �U�1fEtF:2 • ��_ .___—,-_.. � . � _ _ ___-- --- , � � ` . NI' O APPLI C /1TIOtJ �� " � (�(%l:51'X(1Y: iChat 1re KPO�s, ' � ��� !/� ;.\Si•�J•:1:: 7Che Sunction of cacli NPO is to bc invol�cd �n a21 D)sasc:s af � . ' :hc ComPrehensive Planning process anc� the implcmcntation ai thosc plans; to revie�t City plans; paZiCkes, proje�ts or other actzons . 1f icctind the livability oi ttre nei�hti�rhood,. inc�ud�ino•, but not limited t�, land use, zoni.nb, housino, commutiity. xacilitxes, . human resourccs. _ social and recreatio.�al p'rosrams, traiiic and transportation, env�.roh— . r.:��nC.l c�uality, open space and parks; to participatc in the pracess . . of cict'ermining City priorities Sor capital impzovemznts and eleve2.oDme�it , , o� s��cAiic pxoject plans; to'lceep the neighborhoocl informed; •to seelt . • uci;i�vori�ood opxnion on issues brought belore them; to xepres�erat thc • . . ' � vic►vs oS the neighbnrhood in •maEters oi eatra nexghborhood importa,a�e_ ' PL�-P_SE• COkI�'L'ETE T.EfE QUESTiONS T�ET,OIY � . , . • ' , . . . . . ' r•A�tE ' HOWARD�.L: �CORNUTT � � • AIiDRESS 1�7�0� �SW LYNN � . . � �. � . • . . �, � � . .. , .. TIGARD; Qregon , . • • TEI,EPHOP7E NU�ISER (bus.) .641�614'`3 � • (Res.) 620-2180 � , • . . � : •� . • -----�— -,- ' . ' 3>RkSENT OCCIIPATZrJy CPA . � � , , � ° FI Rbi N1�D� � �: 'CORNUTT �&' STEA�i.NS. CPA' s P.C.� � � � � . ' _ +.� .+ � , � HO��� •LO�iG HAYE YOU. IIEEN EbfPLOXEIi YIIT�i T�I][S �IRLI? 5 years ° ' ,' �S THAS'CORIPANY 3ACATED S7ZTF[YN YOUR NPO �ffiEA? .NO • • • • � • • . 3HAVB XQTJ J3E�id .J[PIYUILVED 175�`I[ bfilNTCIPAL OP�RIlTIONS B�FO�tE? No • . ' xF YESb PLEAS� EXF'T:.ATN XOUR xNVOX.VELI�NT: ' � • ' � �d r ... , . � . • . • � • • . . . � . � • ' . ' ' � • . , . .. . • ' . , xHnT DO yoU •FEEL YoU CnN Ox'FER A5 A l�1EhID�I: oF AN A'PO? . � • T h �P beeri�'�, citizen a� `Pigard for nearly 15 years. Duri�g • . = _ this neri�od •of time my wife arid I have become we1� acquaintec� - ' , . �i�h__many Tig'ard .citizens, businesses arid institutions, and I feel that r understand their needs and concerns. ' 1:tin7��zot�nL co��nir:r�rs• Specifically, I feel that my communi.ty ' ,.._j,,�volvem�nts and business background can bl�nd the emotional . . • �.nd _practical aS�ee�ts of land use development. . . , . � • � ' � . �' � • � . D�ll"1'l�il: ;l'�t,�cp��U�;� tiUatoF:�t 641-6143 ' . -- . ' . • � , . / ' �.. . N � O APr� L I CATI ON ' ,�,�"G � ..� �°�� (a[%E:S1'TQ^I: 14hat ar� l�'F�O's? ' . �.''f ;+\51�+I•:h: The tunctiot► oi each NPQ is to ba invol�•eel �in a11 phases of - � ���e ComprehensAVe Plannin� pxocess and the implemc�tatzon of thosc platis; ta revi,e�r City ;plans; pulicies, pro�ects or other actzons af iccting the li��abi:lity oi t1►e neiglivorhood,. i.ncZudi.n�•� but not ].im�ited Uo, lanrt use, zoning, hausing� commuciity. Yacilitxes, human xesources, social and recrea.tiona� p'rograms� trafiic a:nd transportation, envirori-- , n:t�o t�1 e�uality, open space and-parl:s; to parti�ipatc fin th� nxocess � of clet'ermxning City pxioritfes tor capital impxovem�nts and cleveJ.opmei�t ' � � . o,' s�ec�iic project plans; to'I:eep thQ neighborhaocl informed; •to seelc � • , a�ei0hborhood opxnion on issues brought beiore the:n; to 7represent the ' � ', vi�ws o� the �eighborfiood in matters oi eatra neighborhood impoxxa,nce. • ', � . . �PL�A�E• �ObIPI,E7CE THE QU£STIO`IS �ES,�SY . • . . . • ' . • . . r•,�«e�f+�N�?-� ��� . �v���f�..cti' � nrinRESS('t�GG� �.� � �,�'�-i,��,:e;,� ' � . � . . . . • _ . ' . t�.��,� • . "�' ----.---.-. . /� 7 ,.. . . .�---.—_ . , • T�LEPHOfJE NU6T8ER.(Bus.) (c��:JC/,"'• '�-. ��tij 1...., '(Res.) � . . . . • ,• ' I ' . . , ., . }�RESENT C�CCIIPATION g��.�Sr�, j� � ' �-- • �� • : � , � • C • . �-` :"�' %'�'t l G�:M�-� � �.-d�.gr d'L- • ! • . . • -------..�-- • FXRbi Ir°A1ilE � � • ' • . � . • . '��� F° .�h> G��o• �c�� . . . . • — . . ,�. . �_ .. . . . �. . ' tYOti; �I,OYG HA�IE XQU. �3ELN EbiPI,OY£b �9I1'FI THIS X'x12L1? � :L , ' . .' IS iItIS COb4P!lY�tY LOCl1TED ti7x�#IIM XAUIt NPO AREA? . ��' "� , . . –,___.,________------. • . H�IYE YOU 8.��;N:x1SV.OLVED S;'I�'FI b4UNXt�IP�.AL OP�FIA7['IO�IS B�;F03tE? ..�_�//�33..:�_�___,.,,_Y , . ��' Y�5 A PI.E;ASE EXI�LAIPf XG1UR II�TYOI,V�GI�NT. . . .� � . , . . ,,�T`T'di-� r� e�L��-- � � - �'.�1'l iN`frti,S Ia V . . . �.;r,7'1f ' C�`.�t��t.-��' i • ' ' :. � . • ' _ I . � C�.�r�1�- ' . . � . . ; . ti . . . . . . fifiAT DO yp�r �gEgL XOU C,AN OFF�A AS A I�f�1,ID�it OF AN r�PO? " � � ^ .,_ . � .. .. , . . . _ i , . . ,. . .�;J . � � � c.L�f�'.¢.�'/ca t"3�'�..-� li7+�.: ` ^� �L �' i II . � . � . . . ' .�c...� �.�M���'ri' i � �L.�..`�"v�L.+'. t �.c/LCw� .c.�. b � (�LCru..�; ��..�"bC.C!'�Fi�G°�� +.,, � !/'. f . . ' • � ' . . .-_- . . ' .} . , , — .. .. . . . . „ . . . . i ��. , . , � . �!nn r z�tot�nL cotithtr::�s: . . ` • . . : „ ; .------ ...�._._._. • • / ' � . ' . .`- . .. . . . . • . • . � � . . .. . . ..���.��� • . ' . t "'�--"-�—�.� � . . : . nn�•�rxai►•. a��t,�p�ro�;�; tiu»�F�z .����, � ,�y� _."" _�_�__ � � MEMORANDUM AATE; February 28, 1983 T0: Planning Couunission FROMs Planning Staff 6�� W' SUBJECTe Heidi Park Subdivision S 1-83 and Variance V 1-83 On May 5, 1981, the Tigard Planning Commission 'r��iewed a�nd approved a Subdivision and Variance request for Heidi Park Subdivision consisting of seven single family building lots. 1he minutes and staf� report are attached for your review. The applicant's approval has expired therefore, his reque.st for a time extension must be considered as a new appLication. Statf has reviewed the information submitted and finds the iasues and circumstances present at the time of the initial approval to be substaritially the �ame. STAFF RE�ONlMENDA.TION: Staf� recommends approval af the requast for the Subdivision and Variance, S 1�83 ar►d V 1-83 with conditions as follows: 1. All conditions outli.ned in V 4-81 must be met. 2. The applicant shall submit a site drainage �1an to the City's Engi:neering 'Division for approval prior to issuance o� any Bui�ding Permits. 3. If, at the expiration of one year trom the date of agpro�val of the Variance, construction of the structure or initiation of the use giving rise to the need for the variance �:as not begun, the rights given by the variance approval shall texminate without further action by the City, the Planning Commission or the City Council. MINUTES TTGpRD P�,ANNING GOMMTSSION MaY 5. 1981 - 7:30 p.tn. Fowler Junior High - Lecture 800m l0$65 SW Walnut Street, Tigard, OR Vice President Speaker called the meeting to order at 7:35� ROT.L CALL: Present: Bonn, Funk, Helmer, Herron, Kolleas, Owens, Speaker; Moen F�ccused: Tepedino Absent: None Staff: Howard, Newton Since there were no additions or corrections to the MTNi7TES of the April i meeting, they were approved as submitted. CUI�SSMUNTCATION5: The president ackn�wledged receipt by planning comraiseion membgrs of a number of letters concerning two matters: the ��Dale�s Glen'� Subdivision an �4th Avenue� which will be heard as an appeal af the planning director's decision at the June 2 meeting of the eommis- sion; and several letters from residents of Ash Avenue protesting the extension of Ash Avenue. These xill be considered at an ap�ropria�� time. Commissi.oner Funk inquired about a prote�t a�ainst the "�penny arcade�" t�pe of business which has �n�ved �nto the Ti��ard Pl,aza� appar�n�ly w,�.thout �roper authnrity fram the city. Howard explained the situation, and stated the city is �ware of it and is arax•king ta g�t the owner in compZiance. (NUte; q conditiona'1 use r.equQst fo� this business will be on the �ixne z agenda o#` the commission.) The president .reaci the usual notice of authority for and procedure to be followed in the meeting. Fie then opened the m�eting fo�� PUBLIC HEARINGS, ------ 5•1 VARIANCE V 4-81 (HEIDI PARK SUBDIVISTON/�D GAUSE) PTI'0 #3 A request for a variance to mini.mum lot size of ?500 �quare feet per lot in an R-7 'Lone - "Single �'amily Residential'�. �Yashington Ccunty Tax Map 2S1 ��DD Lo� 1301. Howard read the STAFF REPQRT and REC�MMENDATTONS, The APPLICANT'S PRESENTATIOPI was made by Beth Blount, 2�37 pacific Avenue, Farost Grove, attorney for the applicant. She call.ed att�ntion ta the very small lots with common-wall homes direc�ly to the east, and dupl.exes on larger lots to the �outh. She took up th� four requirements for a variance in turn. She ch�ax�acteri�ed the extensive street impravemonts � _ _ . - _- -- --I MINUTES 'FIGARD PLANNZNG GOMMISSION �ay 5, 1981 Page 2. on two streets for a small development as "excepti.onal oz� extraordinary aonditions" which apply to this property. The ad�oining p�operties to the east a�d south are developed at substantially �igher densities. She felt the proposed single family res:idenceso even if on smaller lots, would be a $ood buffer for the single family resic�ences to the n�rth from the duplexes to the eouth. S'he pointed out tY�e request is for only nne additional lot over which to spread the approx.ima�e].y 1�:45•�00 devel- opment cost, and opined we will $et raany more variance requests as "in-fill" eituati.ons are developed. The applicant agrees wit� the conditio;ns. There was no PUBLTC TESTIMONY. CROSS-EX_AMTNATION AND REBUTTAL� Speaker asked what the hardBhip is from r�hich the applicant seeks relief. M�. Bl.ount stated ii; is economic--he sv�sks the ability to spsead his deve�opmen� casts over an. additiot�al l.ot. Spealcer asked what is the property right to be preser�red h 'cinit . Blount re li.ed the b t t all t he �ame as owners in t o v�. y P susani Y � neighboring residenees ax•e built on substantial.ly smaller lots with coxrespondingly smaller dQVelopment costs per lot. Speaker asked what exceptional or extraordi,nary 4ax�ditions appliec? to thi� proper.ty. Blount list�d the �hape of �he property an.d the requireraent tk!at Garden Park Place �o through his property, since he could have served his �rap�rty very aclequately off 110th; he is inheritin� a situata.on c�alling f�r a certai.rl pat�orn of develnpm�nti because of pri�x ci'�y ap�rav�ls on �ur- � raiindi.ng properi:ye R�oen and �'unk laad qussti.ons about the developm�nt of the other half oT Gasden Park F'lace adjacent to �he undeveloped Wirth proper�y� �e�uon:aea to by Haward. COMMISSinId DISCU�SION l�.t�TU AC�TON: Bonn felt the condiGions applicabls at the time o� the previous hearin� on this parcel have nat materially changed. t�lnen reported talking v�ith some of the neighbors, who appeared to oppo�e th�e duplex or stngle family attac'�ed� but who seemod not to oppose single fanaily detached even on smalles� lots. Funk had no problems with th8 requast, stating he thinks the area showa compromisa� and he i� s,ympathetic to the eeonomic aspect. Owens had visited the property and rath�r agree�d with ataff, but felt the applicant had presented an excellont case for hi.s request. T12e other commissionere agreed with the app].ic ant. ' Funk MQVED approval o#' 1lariance V 4-81 on the findirig by �he commis-• sion that the conditions for the requested variance �re met in this c�se, and accordingly that the Heidi Park Subdivision c�nsist af seven lots as requested by the applicant; and that the eleven oor►ditione recnmmended by etaff app�.y. The motion was seconded by Fielmer and carried seven to ox�e, with Bonn voting no. STAk'F REPORT AGENDA NO. 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 5, 1981 - 7:30 p.m. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard N0 BUSMTSSION OF ADDITIONAL MATERIAL BY APPLICANT SHALL BE N1ADE AT TIiE PUBLIC �ARING LTNLE:SS THE APPLICANT IS REQi3E5TED TO DO SO. 5HOULD THI5 OCCU R, t7NREQLTESTED� THE ITEM WILL BE TABLED UNTIL THE FOLIAWING HEARING. DOCKET: VARIA;NCE V 4-•81 NPO # 3 Ed Gause on 110th and Garden Pa�k Place Heidi. Park Sulxiivision APPLICAI�IT: Ec7 Gause 14635 SW 133 Tigard, OR 97223 OWNER: Same �QT�%�T: A reque,st for a variancE from minimvm lot standards o,f seyenty five hundred ('7,500) square feet in an R-7 "Single Family Res3dential° zone. SIDTE LOCATION: SW� 110ti1 and Garden Park Place Washington County Tax Map 2S1 3DD Lot 1301 PREVIOU5 ACTIONe Reference; CU 4-79 Qn I�arch 6, 197� the Pl�nning Commissi.on approved a Coradit,ional Use fo� Mr. Gause to allow construction of one (,1) duplex and four (4) single family homes on 1,45 acres. On April 3, 1979; the Planning Commi.ssi.on �ppraved a zone ahangE fr.�m R-10 - "Single FammY..3.y Res�dential" to R-7 '°Single Family Residential". Referenoe: ZC &-79 and Ordinance 79-32 of April 23, 1979. A Preliminary Subdivision Plat was approved on .'�pril. 16, 1979 to allow four (4) single fami,ly lots an d one (1� duplexo Reference: V 7-79 Th3s• variance allowed the standards of a local street �o be reduced ta match Garden Park Place. I. �`II3DINGS OF F1�CT C�) The Tigard Municipal Code S�ction 18.76.02Q states that: STAFF REPORT AGENDA NO. 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 5, 1981 - 7:30 p.m. FOWZER J[JNIOR HIGH - LECTURE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard Page 2 18.76,20 Granting �- Conditions. No variance shall be granted by the Planning Comm3.ssion unless it can be shown that all of the following conditions exist: (1) Exaeptional or extc�raordi.nary conc�itions a�plying to the property that do r�at apply generally to otT�er properties in the same znne or vicinity, which conditions are a �.result of lot size or shape, toAOgx�phy� or othes� circumstances over whict� �:he apglicant has no control; (2) The variance is necessary� fax the pr.eservation of a property right of thie applxcant s�ubs•tantially the sam� as is possesse�. by owners nf other praperty in the s�ame zone or via3nsty; (3) The authorizatiaa o;f the variance shal"1 not be materially detrim�ntal to the pur•pose� of thi,s t%tle, be injurious to property in the zone or vica.nity in which. the prope.rtyis located, or be otherwise detr3mental to the objectives of any �sty development plan or policy; (4) Z'he �ariance rec�•uested is the minimum variance from th.e proviuians and standards of this• ti:tle r,ahich will alleviate i�he hard�hip, (Ord. 70-32 S 240-2, 1970) 2), Parcel i,s zoned R-7 "Sing2e Family Residez�tial" -- iK.a.nimum lcaf: size i;s 70500 squaxe f.eet. 3) Garden Park Place to 1lOth is unimpraved. 110th S�r�et is sub- S�anaa.�a, a,butting this pr.oposed subdzvision, and ws1Z be brovght to local street standards with this deyelopment. 4) Surrounding land uses include single family t� the noxth, duplexes to the east and south., single family to the west across 110th. 5) Public services are available to this site. 6), Garden Park Place is narrow, Applicant has been granted variance to align his proposed street section with that whictr already exists. Staf� Co�qent: The applicant �;s requesting a variance to the minimum lot szze in a R-7 zone. Foux (;4) lots are ap�roxi�tely 6,368 squaxe feet each, two (2) lots are 7,428 sq�aare feet 'each, �nd one (1) 1ot upon which a house rests in 8,395 square fee�. Thxs house w�s moved onto the lot. No access was allowed off ' -= -- I STAFF REPORT AGENDA NO. 5,1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMI5SYON MAY 5, 1981 - 7:30 p.m. FOWLER J(TNIOR HTGH - LECTTJRE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard Page 3 off Garden Park Place due to t�ie fact that the public street improvements were never completed. It seems appropriate to Staff that the 7,500 square fee� 1ot si�es be honored in this case for the lots to the North. If th-is were done, only three (3) lots would be allowed of 8,489 square feet each. The variance �o the two (2) southern lots is minor and should be granted. Remember that had the local street been built to standa-rds, the square footage that the applicant is squeezing into one additional small. lot would have been used in stree� construction. Anothex issue is the Wirth pro�erty to the south. Mr. Wirth received approva3 for two (2) duplexes �n his parcel but never .:ould find the funds to kaui.ld. Th%s means that we wi11 not have a full strest impravement for approx3mately 100 feet on t�e south of Garden Park Place. If the Planning Comnu`,ssion agrees w�ith. Staff, we would eventually have six (6j singie fannily homes in this subdivi:sion: One existing hou5e on 8,395 sc�uaxe fcaat lot �aa sin le. fami:J1 � cie.ta�he3 on 7 428 s uare f�ot l���s III 1 Y e �I Three single fam�l� det;�c�Pd on 8,489 square �oot lots i �T:, CONCLUSIONARY FTNDIN�S � �� 1� The applicant cannot meet the requirements for a variance as outlined above. III. STAFF RECOMMEND,F�TION Sta�'f rncommends denial of this variance request for all lots except the two (2) 7,428 square foo� lots. Staff recommends approval of Heid3 Park Subdivision to consist af one (1) 8,395 square foot ].ot with an existing house, two (2) single family detached houses on 7,428 square foot lots and three (3) single family detached houses on 8,489 squaxe foot lots. This plat configuration would be subject to the £allowing conditions: 1) The fee for a subdi.vision xeview shall be paid. A public notification to surroun�,ing propexty owners will be sent out and Statf will �-acfivate � _ _ . 5TAFF REPORT AGENDA NO. 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � MAY 5, 1981, - 7:30 p.m. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH - LECTURE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard Page 4 the file as more than one (1) yeax has �lipsed without progress on the si te. 2) Adequate right-of-way� be dedieated on YlOth ��treet to thE City and necessary half-�street improvements be made to the satisfaction of the Public tNorks Director. 3) SW Garden Park Place to extend to 110th St.reet. 4) No qccupancy Pe rmits� shall be issue d until all conditions pL.aced upon �his developm�nt by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out be the app rapriate department, 5) No ot�anqes wi11 be made to approved plans or specifi.catio�s unless fortqal ap,plicat.ion is made ta the appropriate City department and ch�nges are �gpxoyed by th�t depaxtment, Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include appla.cable drawings. 6j Gzading and construetinn glans for all work in pub7.ic right�-of-way arid a11 othex publxc improvernents shall be preparecl by a registere d professional engineer i:n accordance wi,�h C3ty standards, and shall be su:bmi�'ted ta the Publi.c Works Department for review. All publi.c inupxoyements wall require a Campl�a�nce Agreement and must be (des�gn). �pproyed b� the Public Works Department, and must be either (1) fully and s�ati:sfactorily constructed prior to the recording of any Building Permits; or ('2) bc�nc�ed to the City for 100 � of the estimated cost thereof prior to the recording af any minor land partita.on, public de diration, final plat, or issua�ce of Building Permits. 7) AIl proposed utili,ties shall be placed ur�c�erg.round. ;>treet i.�ghtin,g installations shall be app roved by the Public Worl�s Department. £3) A �etes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedi,cation c?r public rights-of-way, parks, open sgace or flaodpZain areas and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyorer. 9) All street and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt. All sidewalks shall be concrete. 10) No Building Permits shall }�e issuec� until tl�e expiratian of the twenty (20) day appeal period from the date of ap�roval. ST14FF REPORT AGENDA NO. ,5.1 TIGARD PLAII�INING CQMMISSION MAY 5; 1981 - 7;:30 p.m. FaNiLER JUNIOR HIGH -'LECTURE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut; Tigard Page 5 11) No minor land partitions shall be made in �r+eference to this project unless forma]. application is made to the City of Tigard Planning :Deg�artment and the Tn3nor land parfi.ition .is appro�ned and recorded. Alciie anning Direa�or i .— �V� ��0 �rN �4l�. � �i�t G�1?E�V P�RF� PLAC� . --��n. � . - ����� CIYlL iN1GiN�ERlO�tf� tLAN11W�id-SURVEYING ����C����� ���� ' ttQ�60�.�t.ALL@pl BLi/D:. Stfll'E 1p0 J pEAyE�tTON, OREGQIi 97005 / t30�)6i3-4110 - �NOCst�15TREET.l�.E.!SAL�IN.OREC,ON 4T30t /{SOJ)�62-8St4 .� _ -,� , � -o,� . _. ��� ��, - s� s- � - - 6�EN���JL NOTES � /) AG[ �'T�PEET, STO�M d�PA/N AND SAN/1,I.Pi' - ,�EIY�� G�/Y'�TRI/C''/aN Sfii�ILL CONFO�PM � 1'O C�TY �F P%6ARG ST�4N�,4,P� S�C/F/CAT/ONS � !d T '1r Z) L L S.4N! ��P!' 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"' : : ' '� S.W. GARDEN ' ° ' `s� � � �s 3!00 ',' �' 9� ` « �� �'� 70.3`2�20 �0 � �00 SO IQO ♦J2 6 R•20 � �. � . �p,� � �4 � p �'��.�� (�'�— • ^4E'iC0 2700 ��� • � „� R.a��� �t� � �2�� �t?� Y r ^ '� iou..es , - .» .� M. i� +. .., � _ ---- __ -- __ _ FRANCIS J, TEPEDINO c�-- ATTORNEY AT LAW UNiVEIt9ITY 9TATION�E'•�•B�X A8Q3 i PORTLAND.OREIGON 97207 OFFICE 1503/796-8893 RES.�g03)83N-7900 February 23, 1�83 � ��� ��.�lj�'� � D � 11 � The Mayor and Members of I� The City Council of Tigard �E(� 2,� I��3 1 � 12755 S.W• Ash Avenue Ti�ard, oregon 97223 CITY C)F TIGNRD PLANf�'ING DEPT. Dear Mayor And The City Council �Iembers: i I wr3.te to you in. my ca�acity as G�airman, Ci�y of. Tigard Planning Commission. On Feb�uary 22, 1983, The Plann�ng Commission unani���usly passed a Resolution which dir�cted The Flanning Commission Ghairman to communica�e a "Sex�se of The Commi�s3_on" to The City �ouncil. We understand that The City Council has requested that certain Flood Pl�in issues of The Camprehensive Plan be reviewed and commented an by a Sul�committeee Thi.s Subcomraittee, as we understand i.t, is to report directly ;, ,y? , ,,, , back to The c�tiy cou��li with it's recommendations and/or infor- .� . . . mation. I':: �5 ycrL U�low, Th� Planning Comm<issian has spent many �oa�� o�� � some lez�gth of Y_ime on the pr.oposed Campretzensive Plan, a p which are Flood P1ain issues. d ub�.ic hearings, gathe�'ed :input f�om v�r ious con- We have hel p , , , �it StaLf stituenc�.es, co�Yd�:flated wi.th t�ae NPa s and C.C. , Y and The City AttUrney'� p�tic�. efforts, we sent the result s of t hese labars Followin thes� 8 recamme ndaCions. to The C,ity Council with our All of the above was done in accordance with the applicable Proceduras, Codes and Ord3nances of the City and State. i , � , i __ - F�bruary 23, 1983 Page 2 L�e do not question the right o£ The City Council to request additional information. There is some concern, however, that the procedure used may violate the rules under which we have been functianing, or at the 7:east, raises issues that the efforts, dsl.iberations, recommendations and efficacg of The Pldnning Commission may be undermined. L1e respectiully r�equest Chat The Planning Commissioii be given an opportunity to review and comment upon an�.groposed chan�es to The GomprelzensivE �'1an. ! `_" , Yours`�tru ` � < < c.-.. Franci� J. epedino ,�_ ,.. � t. . u22'.;'�..�s� FJTskc , � . l _ : --_ --- MEMORAIVDUM Febru�ry 18, 1983 T0: Neighbarhood Planning Organization Chairpersons FROM: Jeremy Coursolle, Associate Planner Department of Planning and Developmen ' SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Revision Update 'Ihe following chart indicat�s wh.i.ch documents have be�n reviewed an�i a.dopted by the Planning Commission and Ci.ty Council. �.C. C.C. Ord. No. Citizen IYa�olvement 11- 9-82 11-22-82 82-77 Natural Features & Open Space 1-k8-83 1-24-83 83-03 Aix, Water and I,and Resources Quality 12- 7-82 12-13-82 82-79 Economy 12- 7-�2 12-13-8.? 82-80 Housang 1-?0-83 1-26--�83 83-OS Public Facilities and 5ervices 12°11-82 12-15-82 82-81 Transps�rtation 1-22-83 1-25°-83 83-04 Energy 11�23-82 12-15°82 $2-7� Finciings, Pol�.cnes & Implementation Strategies 1-22-�3 C;omprehQnsive Plan Land Use Map 1-27°83 I.nt�ri�s Z�Riing Distri.ct Map 2° 8-83 Camprehensive Plan Transportation Plan Map 1-�2�-83 1-25-�3 83-U4 Dev�lopment Standard Areas (Established/ lledel.o�a.ng �lreas) 2- 8-83 Community Develnpment Code Development Dis�rict Map On Wednesday, February 23, 1983 and Wednesday, March 2, 1983 the City Council will reconvene to initiate the review of the "Policy" dncument and the Compr.ehensive Plan and 7nterim zoning maps. Their review of the ma�pping issues wi11 be conducted in reverse order to the E'lannin� Commissi.on review, I NPO # 7 area firat and NPO �� 1 area last. The City Council is allowin.g for two evenings to complete their review of these issues. If more time is needed, the City Council will continue the public hearings to a date certain without further notice in the newspaper k�rior to submitting the final Com�rehensive Plan documents to LCDC far acknowledgement, staff will be completing some "housecleaning measures" for the entire plan to insure we have addressed all of the goals in a satisfactory manner. �.'his may mean that certain aspects of the plan will be reviewed again by the Planning Commission and City Council. !�n example of needed "housecleaning" is the designated wildlife habitat areas and the conflicts between those �reas and Qxisting and proposed development. These f l _-._ —�. __ _ "housecle�ning,measures" wi13 also be forwarded to the NPO°s and CCI for their review. Tn addition, all of tl�e report elements will -be collated into one resource docunnent f�r ease of uee. x4►e final Cc�mprehensive Plan document will include three volumes; The Resource Document, the Findings and Policy Document and the Cgmmu�nity Development Cade. On �esa�y, Fe�ruary 22, 19$3, the Plannin� Commisaion will begin their review of the outline for the Gommuni'ty Development Code, Although many of t�e same sec.tions of the current draft of Community Development Code will be included in the �econd draft, many ' �hanges will occur based on the adopted ; Comprehensive Plan reports, The revised drsft (Draft No. 2) will be mad'e available, hopefully, by the first week in March. At thia time, staff anticipates that the City Council review of the CommuniCy ; Development �de will be completed by mi.d-Apri1. If you have any questions, pleas:e contact ffie. We si.ncerely appreciate the time and effort that all of you have given to thi$ �tmpartant procersa. � I February 22, 1983 MEMORANDUM` T0; Planning Commission FROM: Department' of Planning and Development SUBJECT: Cou�unity 'Develapmen� Code Since the initial draft of the Cnmmunity Aevelopment Code and th� adoptio�, a¢ the Comprehensi�e Plan,: the Commissian and the City Council made various changes to the elements reports and policies of the Comprehensive Plan that dire�tly affect the content of the Community Development Code. As naw drafted, the Community Development Code could not be used a� an �mplementing ordinance .of the Comprehensxve Plan. 7he ttktached outTine indicates Lhe form�t and ct�an es �a the Go�unit 8 Y Uevelopment Gode that stsff i,� propo�ing to ,us� �h�� waul:d �a�rallel the Code with [he Comprehensive Plan as it is adapted. Many of th�e sections within the existing draft will be directl}� imsested intca th�e s�cs�cnd c�r�ft for �raur review, f�cali:tating our writing of the spcond dx�af't. Staff antica�ates that the first draft wzL� be submitte� to the P3annxng � Co�ission by II�Iaarch 15, 1983 and the Eirst put�lie hearing on the Code wi�:l accur Apri1 5, 1983. Betwee�a these dates st�ff will seek input fr�m th� a�ev�lopment industry, the NP4's and the C.C.I. February 22, 1983 POSSIBLE OUTLINE FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPk1ENT CODE i. PROCEDURES A. Legislative * - B. Quasi-judlicial C. Fac� finding * (nonconf. uses) D. �nnexations * II CODE A. Ad�inistration (int�rpreCations) B. Zones 1. Residential 2. Commercial 3. Tndustrial �I I. OVEI2:LAY A. Planaied. Development * B. Hist�ric Preservation * C. Senxitive Lands 1. Floodplain j1 2. Steep slopes 3, Geo7,ogical Unstable * �+. Draina.gewaya� D. Established/Developing Areas* *Sections needing major revieions or sec�ions that are not addressed in existing draft of the Co�e, � _ , -.- -- IV. SU�''PLEMENTAL F'ROVIS'IONS A. Density Computations * B. Temparary Uses C. I�lome Occupation D. Mobile Homes E. Accessory Structure-s F. Additional yard, �torage G. Building Heigh� Limitations and ExceFtions H. Building Projections I. Fuel Tank Installations J. Fences K. Landscapix►g and Screening I�. Visual Clearance Areas M. parking and Loading N. Arcess 0. Storm Water Detention (Interim) P. Szgns �, � V. DEVELOPMENT A. Review * VI. ADMTNTSTRATION 'I A. Conditional Use I 1 _ B. Nonconforming Uses * G. Nnnconfoacming Structures * D. Nonconformi�ng Uses of Land * E. Nonconforming Lots * F. Variance �. Unlisted Uses and Similar Use� H, d Amen ment to de d Co an Ma P �. Enf�rcemenk 3'o Validity VII. LAND DEVELOPMENT A. I.and Dzvixig�n * B, Street an�1 Ut�.lity :�tand�ad� ` � � .� � - . -_ _ _— _ - . �, _ . r MEMORANDUM T0: Planning ComLaission FROM; Department of Planning and Development DATE: March 8, 19$3 SUBJECT: Community Development Code Timetable The Ci.ty Council review af-the Comprehensive Plan has been continued thraugh mid-March. Conse�uer�tly9 the second draft of the �ropose3 Cammunity Development Code (CDC) wi�.l nat be availaYsle until March 29, 1983. At th;at time, a11 0£ the NP�D's, �the Gity Council, the Pl.anning Commission and interested parties will receive copies. Since staff's February 23 mema was sent out to the '�lanning Commission requesting their involvement with tlte CDG Subcomaiittee, it has become evident that Planning Commissioner's time is limited. Sta�'fc th�re�ore bpZi.eve� that the subcommittee will not function as originally conceived. If the commission caould like to cnnduct s.tudy. .sessions. after t:hey have received the CDC, these sessions can be in�lucled into the fallowing timetab'le: DATE ACT��N March 29 All parta.es receive�d Gomuaunity Development � coa� (cnc> Apri1 5 Regula� Planning Cou�mission meeting GDC cauld be discus�ed � CCI meeting on CDC 12 Pl.anning Cammissi,on on CDC 19 First Planning Cc�mmission Public Hearing on CDC 25 City Council study session on CDC May 2 First City Council Publie I�earing on CDC If the Commissioners have any questions regarding the review process for Che CDC please contact the Planning Department. I _. _ �