Planning Commission Packet - 02/08/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N FEBRARY 8, 1983 - 1. President Tepedino cailed the meeting to order at 7:40 F.M.. 1'he meeting was held at Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room, 108b'S SW Walnut, Tigard, Qrelion. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: President Frank Tepedino, Commissioners Speaker, Bonn, Owens, Leverett. AI35ENT: Moen, Christen, Edin, Jordan 3. Ttaere were no minutes available for consideration. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION o Staff explained how they would like to both the Developm�nt Standards and the Int�rim Zoning Maps at the same time starting with NP0 �k 7 and working back to NPO �� 1. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MAP FOR NFO ��' 7 o Associate Planner Coursolle reviewed the map, indicating changes which had occurred 6ecause of public inPut. �II S - No e a eared o NPQ AND CCI CO2�NT on pp PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared ta speak PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED COMI�ISSIQN DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Commissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner Owens second ta move for approval of NPO �� 7 section of the Development Standards Map as lii outlined by �taff, including changings. I Motion carried unanimously by Commis�ioners present. 5.2 ZC 19-82 TNTERIM ZONING DISTRZCT MAP FOR NPO �� 7 o Associate Planner Coursolle no�ed that the Interim Zoning Map is differen� fzom the Comprehensive Plan in that it only includes properties within tiae city limits. Staff recommended the P�anning Commission approve the map as submitted by staff. a NPO - CCI GOMMEI�IS - No one appeared to speak. PAG� 1 - PLANNING COMMISSTON MTNUTES - FEBRi1ARX 8, 19£33 _ - --=---- -- . --� PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Mr,s. Gookson, 1D520 SW North Dakota, opposed having her 4.5 acres of land, which they use for farming, to be zoned for apartments. She felt this zoning would tax them off their property. Legal :Counsel asked Mrs. Cookson to talk with the City Attorney, possibly through City Council hearings, to see what farm tax deferrel programs are available. o Discus;sion followed on staff rationale' for �oning this property A-�2� o Associate Planner commented that the individuals, from NPO �� 7 who ' had requested their property be an established area, also requested � their property to be zoned R-20; staff had no problem with this change. PUBLIC HEARTNG CLOSEL CROSS EXAMINATION AND RLBUT7AL o Commissioner Leverett supp�rted staff's recommendation, as Mr�. Cookson should be able to qualify for a farm tax deferral. o C�mmissioner Speaker commented i�ac =rom a business point of view, Mrs. Cookson could sell her property fo� mu�h mor�, then purchase farm �and furth�r out. o Commissioner Bonn was concerned abou� the R-7 zonzng along North Uakota 3:�d ather areas where �xisting lots are large Eraough that they cauld ereaL�Q riumero�.a f�ag Zats. I?iscus5ion follc��aed, Commi,ssioner Ronn stated for the �ecord that he would discoura�e any attempt far flag ln't�, o Camiraissi�o�nsro- Bo�in movec� and Com�nissicsner Speaker seconded tn approved khe Inz�rim Zon.ing for NPO �k 7 area ger staff's recommendation. o Commissioner Owens expressed her concern for zoning Mrs. Cookson property A-12 without knowing if she could get a tax deferrel. Discussion followed on how to handle. Motion carried unanimously by Co�nissianer present. � 5.1 DEVELOPMENT STANbARDS MAP FO�t NPO �� 6 a Asaociate Planner Coursolle made staff's recommendation for apprc,val of map as submitted. o NPO - CCI COMMENTS - No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o John Gibbon, xepresenting the Home Builders and Robert Randall Camgany, asked what w�re the criteria for the definition fox established and developing areas. Lengthy discussion followed. PAGE 2 - PLAN�ING COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUAI7:Y 8, 1983 ' - -- - -- -_— —� �' -= __-- � . . ' �n.., . � • . � � . . . . . . �..:���� .. .. . ...... .. ..... ... . . . .. . . , .. . . . . . .. . I COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Commissioner Owens moved and Commissioner Bonn seconded to approve the NPO �k 6 portion of the Development Standards Map. Motion carried unanimously by Counnissianers present. 5.2 ZC 19-82 ?NTERIM ZONING DISTRICT MAP NPO �� 6 o Associate Planner Coursolle explained the numerious changes which occured in NP0 �� 6 because �f the changes to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, i.Yicluding an additional change to the area al.ong Sattler wl�aich shoul.d be I:.ow instead of Medium. NPO AND t,CI COMMENTS - No one appeared to speak PUBLIC TESTIMONY 0 3ahn Gibbon, iepresenting Home Builders and Robert Randall Company, referencing his letter, commented that it was their opinion t:iat R-5 should be low density not mediuin density. Lengthy discussion followed regarding having R-5 in Zow Density designation. o Bob Bi.edsoe, 11800 SW Walnut, representing NPO �� .3, opposes havin� R-5 zoning in Low Density. He feels it is totally inappropriate. CRQ�S EXAMINATION ANp R.EBUTTAL PUBLIC HFARIN� CLJSED C(3MM�S�I:QI�! DT;iC�JSS30N AND ACTIOIN o Commissioner Bonn stated that the issue regarding the R°-S zoning in a medium densiCy has been d.xscus5ed at l.engtkz at a prior meeting and did uot feel a eh�n�e sYs�uld be made. o Co�nission�r Leverett ar�ovsd �nd Couunissioner Speaker �econded ta approve the NPO �k 6 ortion of the Interi.m Zonin Ma as ro d P ose 1� g P P F Y the staff. � Motion carried unanimously by Commissioner present. I�i RE(;ESS 8:34 P.M. I RECQNVENE 8:4Q P.M. I 5.1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDB MA.P NPQ �� 5 I o A�sociate Planner Coursolle requested that the map be a�proved as submitted except for two changes by I-5 and Upper Boones Ferry Road, where �heir is a hotel and a mobile home park, these areas shotald be established areas. o NPO - CCI Co�ents - No one appeared to speak PAGE 3 - PLANNING COMMISSI0�1 MINUTES - F�BRiJ,ARY 8, 1983 � _ -- PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak COMMISSION llISCUSSION AND ACTION o Gommissioner Owens moved and Comm,issioner Speaker seconded to approve the Development Standards Map for NPO �� 5 per staff's changes and r�commendation. 5.2 ZC 19-82 INTERIM ZONING DISTRIC7 MAP FOR NP0 �� 5 o Associate Planner Coursolle noted chang�s which resulted from the Comprehensiv� Plan Land Use Map. Also, there were twa lette�s strbmitted, one from Art Lutz which refers to a lot which supports staf�'s rec�wmendaticsn for A-12 zonzng. The second letter, which concerns property ,just west of Hall Blvd. o�a Hunziker, is requesting a zone chan�e from M-3 to M-4 and he will let them speak to the specific of this issue. Two okher areas which he wanted to point out is an area at Sandburg and 72nd Ave. which siiould be CP, to conform with the Comprehensive Plan Map Land Use Map and the area on the southeast corner of Bonita and Hall which should be medium densit,y with R-5 zoning. CC7 - NPO COMMENTS - No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC TESTIMONX o George Penrose, 12575 SW Main, requested that the property on Hunziker be zoned M-4 to permit the use of an architect's officeo o Edna Axlnand, Rt 3 Box 283C, Sherwood, Oregon, made a request to have the property on Hunziker zoned 'M--4. She showed maps illustrating where the praperty is, and listed the arlvantages to having the property zoned M-4. CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTAL o Chris Vanderwood, NPO �� 5 Chairperson, stated that they opposPd taking that one area and spot zoning it M-4, they thought it would be mor•e approFriate to take the wliole corner. PUBI:.IC kIEAR�NG GLOSED COMI�IISSION DISCUSSION ANA ACTION I o Biscussion followed regardia�g spot zoning being a policy issue as well as the possibility of a architect being allawed as a conditxonal use in a M�-3 zone and also rezoxting the whole corner to M-4. o Legal Counsel di.d not see a problem with rezoning one loG as the designation stays the same. D�.scuss?on followed. P.AGE 4 - P;LANNING COMMISSTpN MZNUTES - FE$1tUARY $, 1983 o Commissioner Speaker mo�red and Commissioner Bonn seconded to change zoning on tax lot 2200, including the smaller square which fronts on Hall B1vd., (includes three lots) from M-3 to M-4. , o Gommissioner Owens questioned if they needed this as a separate motion or could it 'be included in the m�tion £or approval �f the zoning for the entire NPO area. She was also concerned with changing zoning on property without the property owner being aware of the change. o Staff explained t�at M-4 would give the property owner more flexibility. Mot�on carried by majority vote of Couunissianers present, President Tepedino voting no. o Commissioner �onn moved and Commissioner Owens seconded to approve the Tnterim Zoning MaF as moc�ified for NPO �� 5 area. Motioix carried unanimouslq. 5.1 DEVELOPNIENT STAND.ARDS MAP NPO �� 4 o Associate Planner Coursolle explained that two-thirds of NPO �� 4 is outside of the city l:imits and the majnrity of the land is vacant, which is why they have propoged it as a d•�veloping area. I' � a NPO - CCI COMMENT.S - No one appeared to speak. PUBI.,IC TESTIMONY o Geraldine Bal.l., 11515 S.W. 9�.st Av�e� , asked why the property along 66th is nat establisk�ed; Staff responded thak the area i� es�ablishede CItOSS EXAMINATIQN ANA REBUTTAL PTJBLIC HEARING CLOSED I COMMISSZONER DISCUSSTON AND ACTION ' o Goimni�sioner Leverett moved and Commxssioner Speaker seconded to approve the J)evelopment Standards Map for NPO �� 4. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioner present. 5.2 ZG 19-83 INTERIM ZONTNG DISTRICT MAP NPO �� 4 o Assaciate Planner Coursalle noted changes created by changes on the Comprehenaive Plan Tand 'Use Map o NPO - CCI COMMENTS - No one appeared Co speak. PAGE 5 - PLANNTNG C(7MMISSTON MII�UTES - FEBRiIARX 8, 1983 PUBLIC TESTIt�iONY o Geraldine Ba11 submitted and read into the record a letter expressing her concern for the condztion of her property resulting from drainage problems and asked whether or not her property is or is not i.n the City or if there any possibility the City will: have it removed from the City She wanted to go on record opposing the location anrl size �f her lot on the Comprehensive Plan IN��p and Intexim Zoning Map. o Associate Planner exnlained that she is in the city limits and the �;ity has no intenkian of removing her property from the City. Also, ttie map is for illustrative purposes only. Discussion followed. o J' B Bishop, 10505 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite 303, was concerned with the upzoning of property north o£ 217, on the east side of 99W, where there is aax acces� and �levati�n problem as we11 as being heavily congested, He suggested this property should have a Planned Development o�erlay. o Jahn Gib2��n, repre5,�nting the Robert Randall Company agreed with JB regarding �he elevation and access problem, which wourd necessitate the extension of a road at the intersection. However, the traffic congestion would be as much if the property s�hers to be designation industrial. o Cammissioner Bann stated, according to his notes, in his motion the groperty was to have a PD overlaya PU�I.�IC 1�TEARING GLOSED o Commissioner Spearker c�mmented Lhat he had attended a meeting at Carty Hall r�egarding the Haines Itoad Interchange which shou�.d subst�r�tially rel�.eve the traffic pressure an 99W. Dis�ussion foilowed� u Commissioner Speaker moved and Chairman Tepedino seconded to app:r�ve the Interim Zoning Map as discussed and to have the Linear Commercial Zoning as a PD overlay. Motion carried unanimously by Commxssioners present. 5.1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MAP NPO �� 3 o Associate Planner Coursolle recommended the majority of the area be developing because of all the undeveloped area along the outskirts of NPO # 3's boundaries. o NPO COMMENTS - Bob Bledsoe, NPO �� 3, recommended �hat 2 or 3 parcels be redesignated (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 l0A loes 3800, 3$O1 and 3680). Sta�f stated they would have to check to see if they fit into the developing categories. Discussion followed. o CCI COMMENTS - No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC TESTIMONY - No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEaRING CLOSED PAG� 6 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUAR.Y $, 1983 � -_ ---. --_ COM�IISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION � Commissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner Bontt seconded for approval based on staff's findings, with the understanding that if NP0 �� 3 feels strongly enough about it, after discussing with legal eounsel, they can make a presentation to Gity Ceuncil. M�tion carried unanimously by Commissioner present. 5.2 ZC 19-83 INTERIM ZO�ING DISTRICT MAP NPO �� 3 o Associate Planner �oursolle sCated that fihere was one change from li P.�12 to A-12 on property just to the west of 121st and Gaarde. He I recommended the proposed zoning designation be forwarded to City Council. , o NPO COMMEN`PS - Bob Bledsoe, NPO �k 3, recommended that property ncxt to the Ci�;cle "K" store be changed from Commercial Linear t� either � Commercial Neigtzborhood or Commercial Professional� Also, they 'I recommended that th�e Bechtold property be R-5 instead of A-12, , because of increased traffic problems. I PUBLIC TESTIMON'Y - No on�e appeared to speak. PUBi,TC HEARING CLOSEID ; COMh"iISSION DISCTJSSION AND ACTION ' o Gommissianer Ow�ns moved and 4�omcnissioner Speaker seconded to recommen:d agproval and forward staff's rec4mmendation for NPO �k 3 InY.�rim Zaning District Map to City Council. 5,! BEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MAP NPO �� 2 o Associate Planner Coursolle made staff's recomendation for the entire NPO �k 2 area to be esCablished. NPO/C�I COMMENTS/PUBLIC tESTIMONY - No one appeared to speak. o Commissioner Owsns moved and Chairman Tepedino seconded for approval of the Development Standards MaP for NPO �� 2, per staff's recommendation. � Motion carried unanimously by Commissioner present. 5.2 ZC 19-83 INTERIM ZONING DISTRICT MAP NPO �� 2 o Associate Planner Gouxsolle noted two changes which had occurred dura.ng the Comprehensive Plan Map. Ona on the corner of Tiedeman and Greenburg Road which had been changed from medium density residential to Light Industrial, staff is rec4mmending M-4 Tndustrial Park zoning. Annther locaCion, south of Greenburg, west of pacific Highway was changed from medium density residential t� Commercial Professional and staff is recommending a Commercial Professional zoning. NPO/CCI COMMENTS/PTJBLTC TES'TTMONAY - No ane appeared to speak. PAGE 7 - PLANNING �OMMISSION MINUT�S - FE�KUARY 8, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING GLOSED COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION ANll ACTZUN o Commissioner Speakex moWed and' Commzssioner Bonn seconded for approval of the �1P0 �k 2 Interim Zoning Distriet Map as outlined by staff. Motion carried unanimously. 5.1 DEVEI.OPMENT STANDARDS MAP NF�O �� 1 o Associate Planner <;oursolle stated that the entire area af NP0 �'� 1 is shown as established, however there is a ne�d for further discussion regarding t�e CBD being a developing area, which may be better don.e in the City Council forum. o N�0/GCI CQMMENTS/PUBLIC TESTIMQNY - Na one appeared to speak. PUBI,IC HEARTNG CLOSED COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Commissioner Speaker moved and Chairman Tepedino seconded for appraval for the NPO �� 1 Development Standards Map as a�utline by staff. Motion carried unanimou;ly. 5.2 ZC 19-83 INTERIM ZONING UISTRICT MAF NPO �� 1 o Associate Planner Coursalle stated that th�re were no changes relative to the L�nd Use Designatian Map, �:here i.s d letter fram PB Transfer Sales Company requesting the car wash and Texaco statian acx�oss Pacifxc Highway fxom Walnut be zoned C-S. Sk:aff �s alsr, recommending C-5. o Commissio�er Bonn questioned about the Ash Av�nue extension affecting the C-3 zoning. Discussion followedo o NPO/CCI COMMENTS - �To one appeared to speak. PUBLIC TES�'IMONX o Marilyn Tarkiainen, 9475 5W Oak St. , owns property at 8935 SW Burnham Stseet. She apposed the CBD zoning which would elimi.na�� industrial uses. This change would make her property worthlessa She requested they be allowe.d ta retain their M-3 zoning, at least along the railroad tracks. o John Gibbon, Robert Randall Company, who owns the mini-storage and has similiar concerns for th� CBD. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSFD PRGE 8 - PZANNING G(7MMISSION MII�UT�S - FEBRUARY $, ].983 � . o Associate Planner Coursolle explained how the CBD came into existenee ' and suggested they attend the TUR:A Advisory Committee Meeting to discuss their concerns. o Discussion followed regarding TURA and the CBD. GOMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION o Commissioner Leverett moved and Commissioner Owens seconded for approval of the NP0 �� 1. Interim Zoning Map as xecammended by staff. Motion carried unanimously. 6. OTHER BUSINESS o Schedule for City Council was diacussed. o Next Planning Commissi.on Meeting will be February 22, 1983. a Elections of officer will be done at the next meeting. 7. o Meeking Adjourned 10:00 P.M. lliane M. 3elderks, Secretary �TTE�T: � I Francis J. Tepedina, Chairman O10$P PAGE 9 - PY,ANI�TNG COMMISSTON MINUIES - FEBRUARY 8, 19$3 _ . _ � i�����1l�l�Y'S7`�3E� � � I r W I � . . . �����.� � i � � � � ' 1 �I I - I � � II I I ,� � !I � � � , , � I � i � 'I`x(;}��2L1 &�LA�3NT[�G CC:d�A'lIS�IOL� ' I �'��RC11�.�`� 8 0 1983 �- 7 s 3(3 �.M. �OW��R J�iEV�01� E€I;�H �CHsJ(3L �° L,E�TURE RD�M � 1086a S .Vd. Walnut S�. °�• 7Cic�a�do Qrsc�c�r� � 1 � Op�n M��ti�t� I i � 2a Rall Ca11 , � 3 . P].anning Commis�ior� ��m�n�ani.ca�ion 4 . PUI�LIC EiEt'�RINC� ! 4 . 1 nevelc��a��n� �t�.aada�c�� �i�p 4 . 2 ZC 13°82 IN`��I:�M �i7I�t�iV� I��STRICT IKAP 5. New �usiness 6 . C�THE�2 BiJ�IN�S� P 7 . ADJQQRNM�NT . �• I � il � TIGARI➢ PLAN � ING � Q) i� �i i � � a. uri FEB�A.RY 8, Y983 '� li i I. Pr.esideEy� Tep�c�ina c��led tl�e m�eting to ord�:r at 7:4(� �<M., 1'he r���t�.n� ii �.aas held $� Fc+wles 3una.ar �Figt� Schocaz - Y.e�tuxe �oom, 10�65 S�1 &Ialcxut, �'zgar�l, Ur�gane 2e 120L� C�,Ls Pk��SEIVT: FTXesident �'a�snk ��pedicar�, Commissi�n+�r� Spea�.er, i3on�x, f)wei�rs, I.�verett. I � ABSENT. P�o�n, �hgisten, �dlin, Jo�dan I � 3. The�e wrexe no minutes available for c�nszdpr�tiono � 4a P�Ai�IdIi3G COMMTSSIO�] COt�f�fUNLCAT_I�1iV o Staf� explained hoea �hey w4uld 3.g.ke �Q both. t'�e i3zvelapment �t�ndards and kt�e In�eriva �Qning hiaps �t the same time s�r�rting c�ith �dPO 4� 7 and working back to �PO �� lo ' 5. Pu�iLiG HEAR]LNGS � 501 DEVELC?PMEI�T STAiV�A.RDS MAP FOR I�PQ �'� 7 � �socia�� Ftannex Coursolle re+riew�d the m�p, iaadicatin� change, whisk► had ac.cuLr�d be��use o£ public inp�ut. � D o IVFO .AI�D t;�I C�IKMEN�'S - Na �ne ��rpeare� PUBLIC '�ES�'IM/J�VY � I o No ona a�p�ar�d to �peak PUB�.TC H�Al2.ING C��S�'�3 �CQMAIISSION DiSCUSSIO�I AI3I� ��TIt��T a Comm.i�si�ne� Sp�eaks� m�ved and Comrui�sioLies Odr�:�s seconci ¢cr mo�re E�ar approval of IVPU � 7 sec�ion csf th� Development Standards M�p as �utlined by skaffr zncluding ch�.ngings. Mo�iora ca�ried unaxiie�ously by Commission�rs p�es��t. 5.2 ZC 1�-82 �N�ER.IM ZOi�IHG i�ISTP.iCT MA,P FQR NPO �� 7 ` c� Assnc:iate �lanraer Coursolle noted that th� Interim �o�.ing �Iap �s di�ierent i�a�n th� ��c��rehex��ive Plan in that it anly includes properti.es E�rithin th� city limits. S�a�fC r�rc�mm�nded the pl�nning ' �om�ni�sion approve t�e map as subm�tt�:i txy staffa o N�'0 - CCI C(9M�E;NTS - No onP appes.r�d to spealc, , I',�G� 1 - PLAN�IING COMM�SSION MINL1'�'ES - FF�SRUARY 8, 198� '� tl PU$LIC ��STT��NY I fl F'IxEis CoakROn, 1OS2� 5W Noxth D��ota, �ppos�d h�ving �ner 4w.5 a�r�s af �I, Zand, wtti.�h Chey use cor f�nrmin�a ta 6�e zor.�d for apartmentso She II felt �hi� zoning u.You2c� t�x tt►em o£f Cheir g�apeuty. � I.egal Couns�l as�C�d Mrs. C�okson to ��1lc w��h tche �ity �3ttnr�ey, ps�ssibly �.hr�s�a�h �ity Counci3. heari.�a�s, Cn s�� .whaC �mrm �aae d�feerr��. i px°s�,�ra�ns are. availabl�. I a Dir�cussion follawed on st�ff ratiox�ale f�r �aning th�s �roperty d4°�-12. I a Assaciarce P3.anxeer caenment�d thaL the a.�divzd�x�.l.s a f�roen tVPO �k 7 wtio I had r�equested their �,roperty b� an es�ablished �rea, also rcequested thPir prc�perty �o be �orded R-24J; s�af�, huad r�o problem vaa.t� �has chang2. '3 �UI3L�G �iEARI�3G CLOSEU uP�QSS �Xt1MIN�'i'�ON AN[s �tFBUT7.AL a C�ornrnzss�ioner i.everett supported s�aff°s r�cc��u�r�r�atioe�, a� �Irso Gook�on should b� able ta �ual�fy fr�r a f�rm t�x defescxal„ a Commissionas S�eakser comm��t�� that frc�r:i a busAness pobaat o£ vi�wr I Mrs. Cooksos� could sell h��° pr�og��rty fmL muc� more, �he�. paarshase °"' farm land fur�her aut. � Cammissianer Bonn was corc�x�aed about tfae R�-7 zami�,� al.o�eg iVQr�h Uakota and c�t'he� adeas whe�e eacAstxng lo�.s are �.�rge enough ttrat they could ere��te n�aniexous fla.g lo�s. Discussion foila�r�d. Commi�sa.e�r�err I Ilonn sl-at�d fAr the �ecar.d that he would cii��our�ge �r�y ��tem�r f�� fl�g lotse a I o �mmissianer B�nn rnoved and Cae�unissf.aner_ Sp�alcer se�onded ta a�aprrovad th�: Int�rim Zana.z�g fo� idP'0 �� ? are� p�r staff`s �ecocmnend�txazZe o Comma.ssion.Er Owens �xprez�sed h�r �o�cerrc for. xanang Mrse Cookscsn pro��rty A—�2 �ai.�thoue [c�osairng if sh� coul.d �eC � tax d�f�rrei. Di�russion £ollowed csn i�G� to k�andle. g�, Motion car.r�.ed unanzuaa�asly by CommzssianPr gres�nt. � �" 5,1 DEVELaPt1EI�T STATVDA.f�pS 1�1AY FCI2 NPO �� b dA1 � o Assoca.a�� Flann�r C,caursc�I2e made staff`s recommenda�ion Eoc apprb�al '� of map as submi�ked. � &� � o NPO — C�I COMT1EIdTS ° No ane appea.�zd �o �P�a�e� �'UBLIC TESTIMOLV'Y o ,Ic,hc� Gi.bbon, repr�sen�ing the Home Bufl�ers ar�d Rflber� �z�ndali Company, ask�d what were the crit�ria for the ciefinaG�on For est�bL;s��d and developing are��. Len��§�y di�c�a��iom f�o?�a�recl. NA�� 2 — PLAtdNINr, COL�tdLSSiOn Pi�NUTES �• F�.�RL�,AF�Y �, 1983 � r 9 �nMriI�SION DIS�USSTON ANn AG�ION ,, � �i�aassaone� 4?w��� move� a�d Comanissia�e�c B�nn s��o�ded �o �pprov� C�a� t��t� ,1�' E+ ��o�tion aF �h� DeveP�dpmen� 5tandax�c�s �lap. A9otion caz•sned unani.mously bg� Gommissianers presQnC. 5m2 �C 19--$2 II�TE�tXM ZOAIING DISTRT�T MA� FVPf� �;k 6 o Associare Planner Coursol�.e explai.n�d the nur�exious chan�es whi.ch occured in NPO �� 6 b�cause of �he changes tq the Gompr.ehensive P�i�n Land Use Map, i.ce�Zudi�g att addit�anal change La tt�e�e axea along Sa�t�.er �ahich should b�: I.�w ix�stead ofE Medium. AI�O AN� CCI C0�'iVIE�1TiS - I�o ane appeared. ta �peak PUSLIC �'EuTIM�NX c� .�ohn GThbot�' rep�ssenting Hame auilders and RobarC �tand$lI Company, refer�ncin� hi;s le�t��, comanent�d that �t w�� tYieir apinion th�t R-S �hould be low density n�ot tnedaum densat}r, Lex��thy discu��ion followerl xegardirag ttaving; R-� s.r► T�w I��nsity desi.gx��tion. P o I�ob Blec{soe, 13.800 SW Walnut! xepresent�.ng PIPO � 3, aapp�s�s ha�ving R-5 zon.in.g a.tt� I.ow d3�n�i.�}�. Die feels bt is ro�all.y inapg����ri�te, • CROSS� �:�,MId3�TI0N .�13� REBUTTAL �Ut3LI� fi3EA�tI�1G CLOSEI2 ��J�1MY5SION DISCUSS�UN AND AC`�ION a C�mmissioner Bonn st��ed kha� tiie issue rega�°ding th� R-S zann.e�g i�3 a medium densi�*�y has been dis�.us��ed at I�ngt� a� a pxi�r meeting and clid. not feel a cY►ange sl�ouYd be made. o Comar�iss�one� I,�verett �oved and Gom��issioner 5peaker second�d ta �� a�prove khe NPQ �f 6 gcarti�n of �he Inte�im �o�a.ng Map �s pro�o�ed by rhe sta�fe Mo�ion carri.ed una.nzmoi�sly by Cammission�r presen�. RE�CESS $:34 P.I�1. RECONVIENE 8:40 �'.M. b 5 a 1 DEVELOPMENT ST.4NI3�,RDS MAP N�PO �'� 5 a �,ssociaCe Planner Coursalle requested rhat the maF be �ap�r�v�d as submitted except far tcao change� by I-S anai iipper Boones F'a�ry �taad, � wher�e the.ir is a hoL�eZ and � mob�.Ye hume park, these areas siamuld be Iestahlished arease o NP� - CCI C��ncn�nts -- No on� ap�eared to spea�C PAGE 3 - PLANNING COM.kl1�SSION MINdJTES mm FEBRUAItX g, 1�83 , �I . PJBLIC 7�ESTI�i�DNY � �To c�r�� �:�peared z� sgr��lc ' I GOMA2ISSI06� BIS�ITS�10�1 �N� �►CTIOIV !� ; A Coa�ma.�sion�� Owena movedl gnd C,o�runissiuner S�ae�lses s�econd�d to at�p�ave I the De��lcsp�ne�t S���nd�x�d� Ma� �o� NPO i� S pe: staffes� c'r.a.nges and '� reconumendata�n. I 5.2 ;GC k9—$2 T��T�ftFM ZO�II�VG DxS2'�IC'T MA.P �OR NPa �F S o A�soci�Le P1.ar►ner �iarsolle no�eds c�a�ges w�iich r�sultesi fsom the , �Com�re.hensivs Plxn Land Us� M�p. A�s�a, c:her� were two 1�:C��e�s se��a�i�t�ri, �xz� from Ax� Lutz which x�fers Co a �.cst wh�.ch supparks sGa�f°s recosnmendation fox A,-12 z�reing� T�e s�cQnd letE�ex�, wha.ct� � �oncerns prapese;� ju�C srest o.�. �1�aIZ �lvdla on Hucaziker, is requ�stxng II � zozr� �Yaan�e f�nm M�3 tt► M-4� ��� h� wi�.1 le�. ttie�m spealc ka the s�ecaific of khis �.ssue. Tw� �th�r areas u��aeYa he waxadpd t� pair►k out * e is ar� area at Sandburg and `T2nd Ave. which sl�aeal�i be GP, to caatfa�rm I wi.th �he �mpse�er.zs9.�►e plan �Ittp I�az�d Use M$g ai�d the �.Ae� mn tfie � southeast corner of IIm�ita anri �iall, wh�c� s�±duld b� medium d�;nsity with C'.--5 zcani�g. CCI �° NPO �Q�riiE�1TS °- N� or►e appeared to spe�ko �'i I �LiBLTC T3:51IMONY �I o G�ar�� �'��r�a�:, a.2575 �4d I�ai�,, reques�esl that ��►� presp�rty on � HunEbk�r ►�� zut��d l�°�a t;� Qerm�.t E:h� usa oE an �zcka�tect's office. 'I u Ed¢�a t�aa�-►sncf o Rk 3 �ox 2�'sC, Sh�rwc��d, Ore�an, n��cie a reqsae5� t� ��ve � the� �Sxop�rty �ii Nuna;iker �oned M°4. She ss�o�ted rnagv ill.u�tza�ing I I wl��re �he prc��€:rt� �$, asad l�.�t�s� �he �advae�tag�s to ha�rin.g the � I prop��ty zoned �1�4a �il I CR08S E?CA��N�TIC�N l�N� �t�BU7'TAL j I a �hri� '�anciez�rocsd, Npt3 �� 5 Chairp�rsor�, s��t�d �hat they Appc�s�d � C�ki,ng Chaf: ae�� �r�� ��►d a�at �onbng zt PY-4, CYaey t9�ou�;ta� it rae�ul� be mc�xe ����Y•�p����e to tak� th� whalp cor��s< PIIHLYC �iEAEiII�G CLQ��D ca�r�Tssxo�a n�:s�usszarr ��� �c�zor� o D�s��a�an.aea tol?aw�:c� r���rding s�ot �oni.rag bein� a palicy iss�� ag ��11 n� th� pa�saibility of � a�cha.��ct bei.rtg all�wed as � �c�ne�atiotzul use in � @9�°3 zone nnd al�o rexonzng the whole cQrner to M—$a � ?.���1 Cour�ael d�,d not �:�e � psablem wit� se�onir►g one lot ac t�►e d�aig��Gie�n s�aty� khe �a�e. 1?:;�c:�ss�io�. fallo�r�d� PAG�. G — PL.�NEVIfVG GOMMISSi�3N MINU7fES ° FEkiRlJ�E�'� 8, 1983 ' �' . ' I ' o Co►mnxgaic�eae�- Sp��k�r mav�� �nd t'.aa�na�a�.an�� Bon�a s���nded �o chmr�g� � xo�nzng on tax �.ot 220�, incl,udir�� tl�� ae►js�.l�� aquare w4�ich fro�ts on H,a14, �lvd. y (fnclaad�� th�re� lakr�) fram �R-3 tes �i�4A A �awnazsaioraer. C�w��n� quesk�one�i �.f they �eeded thi� a� a� s�parate ��Kaaca or cau�� it be imclu��rt i��a th� matzan fa� ap�sova�. a€ thP zaz�a�� fc�x Ghe �nC�.xe NPO ar��. 8h� wr�a� sYso uon�e�n�ed �r�.C� c.�isnging zr�ni�rg an: pxopErty witl�ouC th� pr�aper�y oea�er l�eie�� ��rare at thQ chang�. c� �t�ff eas�l�.in�d that 1��G wau�.d give t�.e p��op�er�y ownet moxe �1P�ibility� a �totior� carrieal by' majorit� vc+�e af Comma.s��oree�-s pue�er�r, Presidee�t � Tepedino vcstirig nv. o Cammnssione� I3oc►n mov�d anc� Carami�s�.on�r Ow�ns ��vandesi �a approv� the Interim Zoe�z�g M,ag� s� modifi.ed £nx NFO �� 5 �re�. Mo�ioaa carra.�e�i unaati.�►ausly. 5.1 DEV�LQ�MEIUT ST�NI9t�,itI3S AiElF NPO #� 4 o Associake �'lanner �our��lle explain�c� t�aat two-Ltxirc�� of tdPO �k 4 i� r�utside af the c�ty lim�.ts �nc3 th� majqrity af tite k�nd is vacan�y �rt�ich is �rhy they hav� prbposed i� r�s � dev�:lopin.g area. o NPO -• �CZ �OA124ENTS ° �1� aane appeared to speak. � � PUBLIC TESTIMONY � o Ger�ld�e�e Ball, 1.1�15 �.�'. �l�t t�ve. , ask�d wh.� t�e gra�per�.y aZa�� 65th is not eseat�l�.shed; St�ff sespoad�d khat the area as established. CItOS5 EX�AMIIV�,T�OtJ A.Idn R�BUTTQ.L PUBLIC kIE�AkZIN� CLOSIE� COb�1MISSIONER L�ISCUSSI��1 t1IVn �CTION o �ommi�sianer Leverett moved an:d Camm.�asian�r Sp�a�es seconded r� a�p�av� th� ���lopmenG Stan��rd$ I�1a� fsrx° I�PO � �. �ioeiara car�°x�d u�.�tnim�ou��,y b�r �ovnan9.sainne� px°esen�, S.2 2C 1�-83 INT'I;RY�1 ZOfvT:V� �?ISTRICI.' �'i�P NPt� �k 4 o Assaci.aks Plai�ia�s Coursolle nated ckasriges c�eat�d b;� changes oz� the C��pxehensxve Plan I.ancl IJse Map o NPO - CCI COt�OMENTa � P�o oe��e a��geszed tu �ges�e v �'AGE 5 - PLA�INING COMMISSItl�! MI�VU1'ES � FE�l�UAR�t $, I}8.�, �I . � � .. I�! PU�LI� TES�IM��Y �'I r � ��s�1dx�� �at� a�bmiti:ed an� read in�o �he rec�rd a lett�s exp�ess�n� I ��r cancecn fur th� cbnd��AOn a£ ��r �xop�r�y �esul�i�g fro� �r�zilage �xoblems and 33��d whec�er or not hex pro�e�ty �� or i.� not i� �ns � Gity or i� there any [SA$31��iI.�� .CFi@ �City will lnave it r��nved £rotri I �he Cit� Sh� aaan�ed t�a ga �c� x�coral apposa.ng the �.�cation anrl size of h�� la�t on the ('sJmprehPr.sive PYan I�� and Tntexi�a Zonin$ ��o o Associate Planner explained tha� sh� i� in the city X�.nnits aY�d tk�� Cary has no n�,t��1�:zon af rsmovin� hex prap�rty fram the City. k�Xsuy tl�e map is for zllustr�tiv� pur}aos�es only. Dzscussion £o1Zc�wed, �o ,T �3 Bzshog, �.05�5 S&T 18arbur B�.v�. S��Ce 3fl3, was �ons;ern�cl �ith the upz�ning of prQpex�:y nor�k� of 217s ora the ��st side of 99�J, wher� there is an access and ,e3,eva�i�e� probl�m as s�etl as bei�g heaviLy con�es�ecl. He suggested tli�.s praperty �he�ulci hav� a Plannerl Develop�ent ove��.a�. o .7Qhn �ibboa�, �epr�sentxng th.� R�ber� Ranciall �ou�pany ag�eed with JB regar�dx�l� �he eLevat�.on and access pr�bl�m, whieh would necessit�te the extenszan a£ a road a� Che intersecta.on. How�ver, the traffxc congestion �rnuld be as much if th� pxo�erty wte�re to be design�tio� A�dustrial. a C�nunissioner B�nn sC:ated, acccsrdireg �o his n�te�, in has mc�tioxx th� � �ro�s�rty �as to h�v� a �A overZa�a P41��,�C HEA.RING CLflSBD � o �oanmiss��on�s S�SearkQr commentad that �� had �ttended a meet�.ng a[ City Ha�.� r�ga�d�ng tlhe Haines �oad In���c�.aatp� wh�.rh �haulc� i subsLantYally rei.ie�r� the traffic press�are can 99We Azscussio� followed. o �onuna.ssi.one� Sp�aker snaved an�i Chasirm�n �e�aeciinn secomdFd �o approve the Interira Zoning Ma�s as di�cussed and �p h��e tkae Linear Commercial Zonin� as a PD ovex•i�y. Motian �arried UC1�.n[S.lk1011SZ}7 b� �oa�.mz�sa.aners pxese�r., Fl,, 5�1 DEVGLOPMEIdT STA�Dl�I2DS M�iP NPfJ �,� 3 . r� As�aciate Planner Cour��lle reG�m�u�nded khe majority pf �he ar�a be developing b�cause of a?.1 the undevelopesi area al��g t�he autskirts of NPO �� 3's bouncf�riese o NPO �OI�EfVT.3 — Bob Bledso�, NPs� �k 3, recommenc�ed thaL- 2 os 3 parcels l�e rQdesi.gnated (Wash. Coo 7��x hiap 2S�. l0A lots 3f3J0, 38�1 and 36a0). S�aff stated tI-n�ey w�arll.d h�ave to c�eck t� se� iiE �the� fYt into the detrelopin,g cate�ori�s. Disc�ssion foll�we�. o �GI COMh1ENTS — No dil� a.ppea��d t� speaka DUS�I� TES`�IMON� � NQ on� appeared to sp�ak. F'U£ST.I� HL'A�tING CLt1SED PAGE 6 — P�,ANIV]:Nv �OMMISSTQN t�tli�l6TE5 -- FEBRTJAItY' $, 1983 I _ ! . I C(DI�M��SI�I� DLSCU�33�?@d ,�t�D �,�TIf1�l e �Comm�a�ac�e�es� �p��k�r mov��:� �n� Cosnmas�xo�ner Bor�ea $�co�ded Far ' �� aP��to�a� b�.s�d vr� ���€�'s �i�c3ar���, �►ith the r��d��s�and�a�� �hat if ' NPt� �'� 3 ��els s�xoeagly �neugli �b�ut a.t, �€ter d�.saus�in� rai.[k� ].egal � cous�m�t, tl�ey c�n m��Ce m px��sen��taoe� �a Crty Cuuncx:l. �, k�r,ta�n c�rr��d un��ti�mQUasl.y b� �omz¢sissio�es pr�sent. II 5.2 Z� 19°83 LNZ'ERI!� �ONTNG DI��RICT MAP �!PO �'� 3 o Astao�igt� pl�ixrex �u�so�li� stated that ttaere w,*as on.� ct��n�� f�om R°�12 to A-12 ab1 pz���er�ty jr��st to Ck.►� wQS� uf 123.st ae►d Ga�rd�. I�e re�aamnended khe �r�posed zaaaa.c�g desigx�aki�n be fa�rarderfl to City I �uouncil. o NPQ �GOA2ME[VTS — F3csb Bled�oe, 1�P0 �� 3, seco�nmended that �roperty next �ta� the �ix�cle "K'e �tore b� ch�ra�esi fxam Coin�.�rc�a� I�in.e�r t� �:i.ther Comm�rci�l Nei�E�borhoed �x° Cc�rrun�rca.aZ �r��essiana�. A�sa, they recs�mmet►ci�d tha� ��e Bech�old px�v�,�r�y be �f-�� inatead �f ,A--12, because of xncxe.ased Cra�fi� p��b,lP�ns. PU�LTC �ESTII�i?NX — �lo e�c�e ap�ear.eef to s�a�a�Cm PUI3T.�C HEARIN� �L�SED �ON11elZ��S10i� I3IS(:�355IQN A.P�� A�TI�i� o C�mznxssionex �res�s moved and Comcn�.�siox��r S�eaker second.ed « � recunm�t�nd ,�ppra�e�al and far�arc� sta�i°� re�nr.nme;nd�tion £ar iVP� �,� 3 I�nte�im �anie�g Ai.strict Mfap to C�t� Caunc�l, 5.i ��v�a.,aP[��[vT s2��ta�.a�.as rt�:� ��o �� 2 O ASSOCI,&k� �'Ianner Cou�so�.l�e enade �taff's x�cQm�ndatioac for tE�e en�:fre N'FO �� 2 �re� ts� be e�tablu,shed. NPO/CCI �QNiMECdTS/'�UBL�C TESTiMONY — IVo c�ne app+�axecl to sp�aEe. � Couuni�si.c�n�� Obu�na enoved and �h�zxman ���Oec�ino secorcc�ed for apgaruval c�f th� fD����lUpxner►t ��gns2axds Ma�p fa� NPO f� ?_, ��er staff°� recom4neet�➢at�.on. ' Motion c�ra��ed ua�a�sianou�ly by Cc��unisszoc�er pre�ent. 5.2 ZC 15�--�3 It3'11�R�Nd ZCINZNG D7�TRT��: ►�SAI� NPE� � 2 � Assc►ciate Plann�r Caux�o21� raot�d tc�o chan�es wrhict� had occurred durzng ths C,�+mpreh�tlsz�� k'lan Map� Q�xe oa� E;h�: corner. of Tied�man and G�eenburg R��d whxch had b��n �Ysanged from medicsm density r�side�tial to L7l$Bt� Ind�a�r�.alt st€�f� ia s�comm�:nding M•-�+ Zndus��nal P�sk ��pnin�re �lnoChar �.ocatxon, �auth Q� GrPenbu��, uaest o€ Pacifi� Hig�way �aag �h�nged �rom med�.�am d�nsit}� r�sid��tzsl �a Commexaial Fro�e�sian�A �nd st;aff i.s z��omm�nding � (�mm�rei�al Prof�ssianal �c,�in�. CdPQ/C�CI C�PlM�N`Ta/3,'UHLIC T�STIMOI�AY — Ncs ane ap��ared to ��,e�k. PAG� 7 � PLANNYN� CO'NMxSSx�N MINUT'�3 �- F��itUAkiY 8, 1983 �u��ac ������� �aAS�� , G�M�f�S�T���� �T.��USSYaN �ND �CTION o �anuni.ssxon�re 5�eaker maved at�d Cflmm�ssao�a�er �onn, secondesl f�r �ppxnval. t�£ fihe N�(3 �� 2 InC:�ri�a Zoning T��.��rict Ma�s �s out�in�d b� st�ff. A1�taor cars��d u��nir�ous�.yo �.� T7EVE�f3PI�P7T ST,A.�IDAI�DS MAI' NPO i� 1 o As�or:iake Pl�c�n�r Cou�so�le stated i.hat tk�e enti.�e ��°�� of I�PO ,�� Y is sho�rn �s �gtablished, lzo�rew�� there as a ne�d �or f�asth�r d.is��sss�.un �egardin� the CBL7 b�in� a d�velopi.a�g areaa �ahach nla� be b��#:�r c��an� i� the Ci�y �ureeil �orum. o NP�,/CCZ COd�k��IT�/�U�LTC TESTIt�Ofii�' — Ido one a�sp��rect �o spea4co PU�LI� �I1�AF��NG �LQSEi� COATI�ISSI�NBI� �+ZS�U53ION �IVD AC'TiOYd o �c�rsin��asiaeaer �p��k�r mov�d and Ch�zrman Te�e�iino secon�Ied �or appr�v�a�. far the I�PO �� I D�vel�p�nen� �tandards �a� as outtine by sta�ef. Motian carried itnar�imau�l3�. 5.2 ZC 1'�°-$3 INTE�tIM. `Ld�N7CiV,� I2IST�tICT M�1P �7P0 �� 2 a ,As�ociate �°lanea��° Caux�ol�e st�ted t&�s t ther� �rer.e �o ch�n��s , rel�ri��� tm *ke� L�nd Use D�sfgn�.ti�n Map. 'i'h�x�e �.� a �e�tes fanm �B i'ransE�r �al�s Campany requestizr� ��e �ar w�st� anc� TexacQ stati.on �'i acr�ss Pa�i��� Highway f�oza W'alx�ut be a.on�d C-5= 5taf£ is aLsc� ' rec�manend�n� C•-5. o Commi��i.onex 1Ba�ra quest��crneel a4�o�l ehe Asi�� f�rrenu� extensaan af_fect�.ng the �-3 �onbng. I3iseuss�,cazt fc��.�.�wed� � c� 1�P4/�CI f�(7N.Q�EN�S — IVo ocae app�ar�d tu sg�ak� PUBLTC TESTIMt?NX o I�a�zlyn '�arlki�a.nern, '9475 SW Qak 5t. , oc�ms property at 8935 SW Bura��aa�n Street. She appt�se�i ttx� C�D �oni.c�g wh�.eh would e.limi.rta�e �.ndustriaX �sses. 'Itiis c�a►��;e caould m3k.e tner proger�ty wortF���ss. 3�e r�qu�e�ted they be �ilusaed �n retai.n �th�e�ir Ai-3 zonin�, at least alcrn� the ran.�.road tracks, o .�ohn �ibbon, RoberC Raridall �ampany, wh� ozu�s the �a��.�nz°-�torag� �nd Izas s�.ani�zar cox►��r�ns iEor the CBD, �LJ�LI� k�Et�R�NG G�t?��A I R ' P�GE 8 -� PLANNINC� �OMI�4TSSIQN MINtJTE5 — FEBRU6►RY &, 3.98� �� i • � , � � � a As�e�cir�t� �lann�x �su�s�cs�.l� explsia�ed ho�r t�e C�Y� �;�en� �.�t�a �aca.stexa�€ rand �ugge,�ted �hey a�t�n�l �i�e 7�`�ttl� Ariviea�y Co�i�r�e Meeti�e�; to � aa�cuss �hea.r eAn�erna � �ascus,sion a�allc��u�ed r�g�rd�n�, TU�.�. and tta� CB�. Cf�kSMIS�I�N DrSC�JS�IOfiI AND A�'�ZQN o Gommis�ican�r I.e�rer�tt mov�d �*�d C�ina�a�ta�,�ane�r flcsena seccs��d.eci �a�r �pp�o��� of t3ne �1PQ # 1 Int�rim Zoni.aa� M�g as xecQm��nded b� staffa a ' I Motiaxz ca��ied unan�cnanxsl�q I � 5. O,�k��,R BUSI��ESS a Schedul,e far City C�auncil was d�.scussedm o �e�st k�lacxxazn� t.;omrnission �te�*bng wi.11 be �'�bra�aa�y 22, l�'�3n �ti o �lections of offic�n ws.l.l t�e dar�e at �Yae xte�:t meet3.ngn � 7. a �ieet:ing �cijo�axned 10.00 P.M. � I I i �I I �zarae �T. .�eld��ks, S��r�4:�z��r �I, I� � ' �.'�TF5T a � � £rancis 3', ���edz.no, �hairman � � � t33 I � I � � � � � a-� 010$P PAGE 9 — T'L�IdNING CO�fM�SSTQN MIN€D`FES — F�BRU,AR�I 8, I9�� ,) I .f i _....,....� i .:,.,,.:,.,.. .._. _ _,,._...�... � C C PLANNIN COMMI�SI6N BATE (�� ��� �, � KOL'L �:AL'L: I • � i 3+� Frank Tepedzna Clifford Speaker � Roy Bonn � Uon Moen E�� Bonnic Owens �` Mar(c Christen �� P,�i I Ed i n_� Deane Leverett � Ron �Jordan� �. � � P�! � ..,i � � il,B ..8 _ _ _ "" �., ......��4'.:��..._... ,_..,. ��__._ . �,.. ..�- � �itJ�JCCk; : �LI.� P�;Et,�C3NS S�E�IFt�NG '�C3 �PE�.TC tJ1V �AT's° ZTEM MC7��.' SxG�V '�'H�Ikt N�.P�1E �n� na�� ��eix �c�da:es� �n tha,s �hee�a (F],�a�e �?.�i.�t�t y'ot�r naane� � �`S° /b�SC�t�P.'�'YC��3 a e _____ - 1 �� �� � ��RC��OI��N� (�'��) �..�., O�PQDIE�dT (a�ainst) a --- - I IJam�, Addr��� ari� ?�ff.il.�.a�.�ot� , �am�:� A�dre�� axxc� A��i.l�.a�a.an li � � � J���4 �f�a...-r`xv .> ;�l� C;�' � �� � .�.: , �,., � �� .� ,..�..�,� � , c a i �`�, �-"�`,�.�-� e r a► I � � t�., . � �.�._. � °� r---- ` �`s�` ° ..,�,.. _m�, ' � � ' t �•�.�� ,�- � .._._.m._.�. , ' �- .� ��.� �°�,� r"��,.�.�� .�� � I � � 8 � � �"' � .. �...e.-�.....�..� .�.....� � � ._.�.��. . ..�., r�., � � .�....,m..��a.�,..,�-e..�.�e. . a..e....�a.y...... ��.�� _— ��� 1 _ : � ���� �3C)T�C�: AY,L P�Ft�C3N� I3�S7�2TNG `I'O SP�AK QN ,�N'`� �TE61 MUS� SIGI3 `SHLIFt Nllb1� aa�d a�ote �ixxax� a�.dress on thi,s �he�t. (P��a�e print y'otar xz�me) �TEM�7EBCR��?TION: �. �r� m"' � � �,, ��a.��. � �� - - - --- � PR(3PONEN� (Ft�r) OPPOiV�NT �a�ain�t) � �Tam�� Ac��ir��s and A�fi.�.i.ata.�n � i�7ame, .�.cicYress ��c1 �1f�i�.ia�a:c�n �""', r �.. 5'"�r '.��� c,�. �.�er k � �-~ ,,.., n ,F.. 7' .,--�. �v' ��'� f�� ���.S 11�. /�/��� � � �'1^�.y_� � t��t°-�a�� s�a'�`,���1 /\(^� �+^�d�' �r�y a �y./ �°- , (^y�p'��'(}'T�.'j?�,��C /M^` ��((}/��e ' � .✓'�C�Y�' ° Y I :l�r 4/ �1 � � t r^ F" 4 �b �!�.aor�.e.a�s�.�s�4r,^��� � � 6'��.�t f ��"��.��° ` � � � +�.. � � ��.�,o���.m.._,e,.,�......�._..�... J D Vk.M f, r�r� .��,�y �,"y� _��.._.�..�_ ��.�'.�''�"'""',,�-�.`� .�-�d��r��`��: r'��.J"�".�'�i�`'.�"�.� a��� ...� ._r.,._e.___. ..� � __.o....e... . .�..__.�..._,.e,..�.�_ .. � , ' � �..,. � � ..,�.�.s.�.._._ .___—"'°-"' ___. � ...1 � � � �..�._.�.�_�__�_..,.�..._... .�.�.....�..m.. 6Yd ' � � 6� ` �e�-r�`�. !� II . �:�� � ' � � ' {J� ,. i±�y � th� o�ert J R,N � '1 1:;��3 �� 11 �� ������ � �o�n��� ������� ����e Kristin Square•9500 S.W.Barbur�Ivd, � Su�te 300•Portland,Oregan 97214� (503}245�1131 Telea �360557 I Januar�y 3�., 1983 I Chairman T�pedi��c� a�d r4�mbers of t}�.e P�an�ing Comrnissios� �ITY OF TIGARD C/0 William Ao Monahanp Directo� Depte ,a� PJ.annirig a�.cl 17eve7apanen�t RE: IntPrim Zon�ng and New Compx�hensive Flan ��s�.gnatic�i�s Dear Mr, C1�airmala and Mem�ers n£ �he Commiss�one � As ydu move �� adop� interim zoning for the new3y deszgnated co�xehe�- �ive plan m�.p; i am wx°i�iYig 1�oth ir� rn�� capaci�y �.s a spokesman �'o� �the Ho�ebuilde,r.s as�d as tb.e cou.�s�r far �he Rand�.11 Carr�pany in orc�er t� address a concern whxch I �eliev� ne�ds to be �.i�cussed, given the way the pl.an i� cuxrently heimg adc�p•ced, 'I'his concern relate� to housing pol.i�y 6.�e 1 �lready adr�pt�d �y th� City Gounc3.1, as we11 as thn effect that this policy will have �r. the I City's �biii�ty to coanr+ly wa.th Sta4:ewide Goa? �.0 if the �ommun:��ty �e- I velopment Code i� aclop�ed as no�,� prpposeci. To illus`trate the ef�ect of�his pozicy, I �aill describe a.ts apparent effc�ct on propert� owrtsd by t�e Aandall Compaxay. That proper�y is Sunnysade EstateJ, alsa k�own as (:;olfsid� Esta�es �o- cated un the Jou�thea�texly side of tY►e a.n�ersection of Sa��].er and �.OGth. Appaz�ently on Thursday� ever�in� y�ou desi�nated �:fi� en�i�e parc�l (axgi��a.i1y indicated of �the S'�aT.�r S ma� �s M�di�am Dens�.�y) lLow Dens�.tcyo T� y�u da nnt see fi� to amend the Community Develo�ment Code in �he mann�r I re- commend in this �.e•tter, �T �vau13 r�sp�c�fully reque�t �2ia� yau xeconsider �that desi.giiation and at least designate the portion uf that prop�ri:� lo- ca�ed south of �he �roposed k�ab3e S�, as bi�dium IDensity. FUe are reluct�nfi to seek the Medi.�.vn Dan�ity desi�natior. h�wzvex, because we really belzev� that a Low Density d�signation i� ap�roprzat�e t� �Ghe basic sin�le-faanily charactex af �he area.. `rVe would pxefex that d��?�a.tiQn �.f at Hrou1� per- m}t single-f`amily d�v�lopment on 1o�ts af 5,000 square .feet o2 grea��r. 4 i , �Yiai�a� ��pedi�o �n� �em��r� �£ the Pla�ning G�s�n�ssion J�.ntzary 3�, :�J8 3 Pa�e 2 iJy�foxtuna���.y� 3'��ar. �ev��.o�ment Coc�� as pr��css�c4 p�aces S,U�C �qua�� �not sirnglc-�amiiy l��s zn�a a l�e�a.aa�n ���i�ity d�siganatnon. �rr �ny apiYiic�n fihis is s�.mply n�c��t a eo�x+��;t appro�.ch to ta.lce ir� ��e di�risiam o� densi��. Sinplea��m�1y �aomes bu31�. �� S=OQQ gc{�aa.z�e .focr� � �c�ts a�e o� a ch�.ra�,ter tP��y si:milax ta aa�y o�Cher �in�;le-�amily home. Plac�:ng them in �he same �a�egory as o�rex ft�z~�nns o� I����ing �ah3.�h can t�e �uxlt in c�ea�szti�s of up �o �we�.�r� uni�;� �to �he ac.re woulc�, I am afraid, result a.n a �a�sin� patterz� which def�ats yo�ar oth�r pol3cies rv�a�cling trar�si�ion and buffering. As T randersta�nd yrsu� c�x�x°ent Development Code, �. stabstan�ial division exists �Se��r�sxi your Laca Dez�sity des:i�natian which perma�s a maxianum o�' �.S trn:i� per acr� an� you� Medium A�n�i�y zonin� �rl�zc?� st�.rts at 7 units an acr�v. Wha� tha� mean� is t�a� no �lace in �}�� Ci�y o�' Ti�a�.d is a ��nsity af frcarn 4.S ta 7 ua�z� acre permi•ttc�d, T�e impact of Lh�s r�str:iGtio�n �n �he hobts�.ng �.ndustry, franlc3.y fac�.n� the "affcsrda.bila.tyt1 exi�is of �he 19S€�'�, cax� b�st be descx�ibe�t �hrnugh a.n anal�gy to th� auto ir�dus�r� w�h�n f�ced w�th the en�rgy erisis of t��e 197�'s. The c�zr�P:n� cPex��i�y spl:it ycau gropos�, �art�zunt� i.r� so�ne r���xlator tell�.n� the aix�a �aker� iz� the mid.-�197U��, �i�at �th� only autc�s th�y �au1�I pxad�xce t� solare the energy criGis wsr.e .fraTl sizeci cars for t3�o�s who czau:Lrl af£s�xd them arad vans aYYd buses for thase who couldn'�, Ubva.ou$l� thp mid-comp�.c� and subu��r��a�t au.tns were in lar�e part th� solu�tion, 5uch as it �.�, �o �I1e energy crisisa z stron�- ly b�:�iev�, based �n curre:�� t�en�3s in ho�xs�ing9 �ha�G den�sit;ies a� t}ae �°a�l�� o� 5 ta �.0 units to tl�e �.cxe �i�l �r�vid� th� fTexibali�ty in T:exm� bf ty�p� �ha� s��ill �.11ow �:h.e pr�dixc�ion c�f viable and c���zra�le o housing to so3ve the affo�dability crisis. '�he s�.atistics con��.ined I in the ho�zsing e:leniea�t sfi.ow tha�: t�� ,in�1e-family hame •remaAn� t}�e I preferred hausing style fo� �he Americ3n cansumex, tl�is ctemanstrates tnat if maxket pxefe��n�es are ac�om�od�.ted, the ma.jorit�� of the hQm�s buil�t �� that density shc�uid be of a single�f'�mily cha�ac::er.. LCDC has g�r�vaously re�ogniz�d �his �rend when. as part oF tY�e c�n�inu�nce � ordex i=ar �I��e City o� Beav�rton, th�y r�equire�, that 5,00�0 s�{uare �'oot � lc�ts lie a l��rma:��ted �g� is� �x�a�� c3.�s,�i��'�ed a� ?�ca i� �tie:��r cp�r�h�a�sa:ve � plan. Tkie City �f Ta:ga.rd is so si��i`la�:il� �i�tuated tfiaL• I �'e�1 sucfi a po�.icy slia�ald be adopted in tYiis commun�ty a1sc�. A.t lea.�� T ti�li:ev� y�au � must �arefully re�ex.�.mYne �:�ie �raladity o� t�he 5taf�'s assumpti�a� sa��n�te � �.ng i�ts vacan� builr�abl� 3aa�d i'n��n�a�ry tl�a� a3.1 �and desa:4;na�ed, medaum � w�.11 deve�c�p, at a.�.s maximum, 12 units �ta th�e ��re. If �he 5,000 squax�e � �oQt lot is anclu�decl i� tfie m�:d?•um designa��.an9 �arket fdree� wi�3. wo�°k � strongl� a�ain�� �.1i�:s �.sgumy�tiun. i , ' � i � , , iChai��.n 1'�pedino a�d A9����x°s of �la� Plar�na.n� Coim�ni���.on i J�a�r�a,r� �9., 71983 ��.�� 3 �ll�itnately I t�ia.nk �ha�t �he at�clishm�nt 4e5 �� 7 unit pe� �.cr� d�nsi�i�� ir� '�a:�ard is �3te �e�ul�t caf palicy 6.3.1 �i�at as��me� 3n es�ablzshec� a��as raevr d�v�Iopmen� m�st be P'e�f tli� same �yp� and densx�y aa� esrd�r to g�ro�tc;ct �he cTia.r�cte� af �he nei�h�i�rhood", If th� char�.c:ter �f a. neighbo�ho�d is real�.3r an nbjectiv� s�andaxd, rather than on�.y a mech�.�i��n �o �p:��verz� �.ny ck�an�e, a pxnposi�ian T ��n not ava.Tling to conc�d�, I t�aink th�.t i� � �a�a b� �.howi� ��at the 1ega1 premi�e �Sehiaad zc,ning �elated �c� t�se �x ,�typQ'� �io� densi�y p�r �e, hen�e I beli�tTe th� r.eference to densi.�y pxo��ct�ng 10r.liar�a��erP' sh�a�uld. iie r�moved unl��s facti� �ot opinions s�appo��. Irc �onclusion t}ien I� t�li'11 ��ay tl�e R�.nda3.1. Ca�paray f�.`rm3�r� lsel��re�, �.nc� �t�e evi'den�ce b�for� yo� sl�o�rs, tHat a�; lea�-t �o�° a po��tit�� a� it� ��anny- �ic�e-�o1�3ide pro�ser�ys 5,U00 s�uare foo� s�`���le-�a�tzZy� lc��s axe apT � prapriat�. On be�:alf o� tRe �omp�ny, I urge ya�.z tv tak� �.c�ac�rx to per4 i ma:t �liis, even �� it m�ans placi:ng ��ie an�di:� dc��i�a�i`o� of tFie c�m}srea 7iensiv� plan on p�r�� o� tHe si�e� As a rppr�se����ta.�ve �� bo�tli tTi� crYmr ��.s�y ar�c� ��ae }�o�neb�z�:lders y I �rc�u�.d u�rge y�o�a t� r�rredy �fii�s ��oblem a.nd o�}ie�� li'k:e at tha�C Y am �ure �aci�t �y �e3cmi��ir��; J,ODQ �quare fom� lot� in axe�.s desx�:����ed TUw d�nsi�ya 7 fix�9.� �elie�r� �h�.t an i:n�elligen�t . �pnlica4:ion of tli� �t�ans'i��:bn �nd �uf rexirag xequirement� €�� �h�; �Ir�asing �n3icy }�y the CprifIll:�3S141Y �.�� �3ie s��.�� wgi:� r�su3t z� �sore prc�tec�ic�n and vita�.ity f�t �ths estaBlis�ied n�i�hbarhoods �thar� polz�y 6.3.1 wl•ii�h �.rb�:trarily r�lxes c�n c�elxsity to do tT�is. L wan� to apal.ogize to �la� zneml�er� af ti�� Commissa'�n fo�° havs.ra� tm x�.i.se th�e issue as I �.m out o� order, af�her NP� �#6 decisic�ns we�e �m�.ci�, and c� fo� havia�� �a do i� liy l�ttex r�.tlh�.r t]zar► in persc�n. Un�a�°�una�:el�, �IZc �Srsss a£ bu�z�ess has forced rn� ta mi:�s the Wed���c�ay �duncil meetin� �.s well a� bozll your T?�ux�day and l�c�nday meetzn�s, at e�ch of which I }��d �lanned t� address t�ese is��xe�� It has b�en an h�no� and a p�ea,�are to part�:�ipate i:r� and observ� your de�liberati�ns on the com�sx°ehensiv�: plan. I am sure, bas�d ��n �he �x- peri�n�e, na ma���er what c�e�.��gon yc�v reacli on tli� 3s�ues y rai�e, i� , will �� ba�ed on a full, f�.ir anc� ca.re�u� consicierat�on of �fie f�cts , befaae you. Sincerely yesurs, ' � ��'r'G�.�� �,��.G�'"��,-�^'�/ John To GY�ilion � Secretary/Coun�el J'TG/cl , :. f ,. Y ii ��p . . . . . � � ��� i �l � d ' ( t��� �X�'�T. � �� f r�� � � • .$i , , � ,_r.+..._,__._ .. .. _�_____.._�--__.. -�— - . --- - � � � . � � �l.x ��r. ._.. �. .5� " ��-T�fi"��1�. �°�''! I • 4�b. _ ,,. ._ . � i , ' i • .. • • ' ' , `/ ��r�� I�� :A• ��� ,.._.�°_.___.�..._"�—— � - � ' • � I , � 'a� � - - _�_.__ ___ L'��' • , , , � •I 0 . - � . ��{7 � .' �- � � . �7�, �q ^� y� � n� �f"�'S�,'�GwL"r_ I . ... �� ..Lf! ..4� � Y 1�4'�- l ' :i � ' � • .' . t I I,-`q / _'._._ ' i•i�_�'.iJ V �C:. '� . ... . -•- 8, . 1 y�,.� ' I �I� .. v��� ' � . . � �` ' � , tnq � I _ � 8 ,"� � - � � � �Ey• , . . � � . �CJl7 �pL � � ' \ ... - ' ,� � �8+�'F+y�G�7F ��C.e�� v S:.A � • , .�K«-s...__ _.�L — . 1MF'. '• ' . � . � _ . �� � � � . � o � ;, ►r� . . -�.t . — ,r��. � .. � � I . �Q _ � . ' 1 � - ex�<,,w� � � . � � � � ,q`�,A, i r _ ' 14 � � E �� �_. � �w�. , Zr'c'' ` .1 � � . � � , � � j . ' �� �'7 , ► _ � ' � 5.�1. K,��l�� � � __ � � - __ _� ' ' �z °�T � - =�`� . � ---- , S - — ...--- - :i ,�, .� _.�.4._._._._. 6 _____ � � I i --. � � i ( _ � a� , I � � i � �" � . } � I 1 ��� ' ��, i t� i �� � _3'� �-' } � I I f /� i ' � i� , � � - � � � � _ . � — ; a. -, ; ,Y .,, - I I � I o . � I F-;�;; '� �� ;r_r:� � , � � - , �I,,, � ,, � •--�--�--°-�—�------:--_._.:M.�.._:._____.f-------r.�_ �_...,_.._,._. � g/� � ��,�_ � _ _ i � I � i I � � ' � 8� _ y "� � � • � � � � - - - ----� . - �� � � '� � i � K�`a �'� I . �, � � � � l � , f � �� 7 m �✓ �9'��43'��..�,.�j...��.�. � � „t 1 c?t��.� � �� I y I .. � ti���. ,;� (.'�' C..s��wG�! oF TFI� 1..��-1°�r� I ` ' .—_ _ _ t _ _ . ., . . .. . .. . . . _. ..... . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .... . ... - i� . ei' , e ,II �3 � � �e� �� ' �'� � � �� � �� �� ��d#��� ��� ' � �� .F��b�u�,r�' 2 i �.98� �a��� a city c�,����i �i��r o�' �i��rd �'.Q. $p� 23397 �.'���x�� ��t 97�23 . �s Ch�ng� To :PYOpos�ii �mpxeY�en�°L�re P3.�.n I�ts Fi �a�d 7, �ha�aa A�x°es Tn a�ecent heariMgs, Canrad Spro�xl., �h.� own��r o� lots � and� ''d, Dexr'h�tn Acres� x�ec�u�st�d th��� 'bo�Yz of �these ��rcel� h�vP tt��* s�r�e �m��.�.c�rn dens3t� �.�s��nat3ar� c�n tk�e Gr�m��°�k�e�si�v� P���c, I�� is Gurx��a��7Ly- ca�.t o�° t;c�m bu.� has �sk�d �I��t � confirrn h�.s �°�qaz�st� t� g�ou fc�r y�wr ��b. 7 �ee���g on �he �rG�o�ala s�C�lemyi�-, 13e h�s �°��uested �hat �r�rcel �r, wY�ich wi�.]. �e bord�red on three sides '�� mediurr� densi�y �cres A 1�� �hr�n��d frc�zm Yow �to ra��.iuzn den�i�t�. `�hi� wi�T a�law f�x� c3e�r�].cspment o� the t�e•c l.o�s iaato on� II s•ubdivi yi�,�r� coz�si���n� �rith tl�e �urround.in� are�. I P�.�t maps af the parcel� invcs�.ve�. ar�d �he re�.e�r�nn�t Cc�mprehens�ve PZ�n Proposec� are ine�r�sed f'c�r yo�. x°efer.encea Sincere3�r, \1 �� I �� C��� Me`l G'hrartier py, Associate Brc��.er � 1935cJ SW �3oones Ferxy �id. � Z'ur�latin, OR 97062 � � �E 0�'i � 61� .� cc: Da�re St��tar't Car�xe�d Spz c�u1 � f�, �*,�; � .� t�' - . . ,�.'„ 1 '�; i �. �� � � � ����. � � .. , , ...., � Y..� �-' . _ .. , � _ . �,, .. . , . . . J. '3 � -. .. ..... .... .. .. ... .:; t` � ' .� �, ���.' F /i ��� '.f. .`��' . . . . � ....,. .... - �� .�'. tj _ � t J , .r i - , �!' i� =.� s ��"�!'�� �' - � �: : �� . , . . �. , � �: ' �� 4.� t i,, " �. '�! , . , . : :;� . ,, °, f. . ..� - , ����: ;: '., 'w;l.,,. � �: � � „ �: �' � ` �.�. f . ..:. ,,. . e.: � ' : ���' ...••,.. ' ' .: . ... _,. . ; �� ` :: . :, , �! � 'r .. �•": �` i � � . 111 :� y . ..- a �.' �:� �� t}'*'l��� �iil�I�ti ��� -� 4 . ��y ��;�J � , " ' �! ���, �"��`y� �i �, .,� `' i � : ��r+� f�( :R .` .► �rlllli�l�Nr. �w= ;, ��e`.: �! i�,.. '.� � ' R ' � � .�.�. • e,� r.. S 2" - ��r r � .:�y.. . ��� - Y. �v `�� � -ilw ��il.�i � w � ".'i s x� ' � '.,��' .���k il� - - .'.�� . „ � r .'. . .. .. ti ,�;. �A� �,. ti�� '��"�. J `� a r. , I ;i ��� i\��w1� �. F` ' � ♦ �'� 7� �. ��.: rA � � , ' � '�Y�r �•'�' � .� ,. ��., c- A .� ' '!,rr..�{ ' 1 ���ih � ''� �'`'5;+��� �� *�; I N _ ��� '';�� �� /,$' .��ii�Na,•,`��`• ' ++��j l; • ' , ,, �` ►� Ii� A�,�E.i .,,.... ...t � . . ' : �: � i /� '�1 66M�M � � ..'��-, ��r(w'r►t� i��.. ��r ' �� !A �� IM� .�, ^ ,y,,.. , ,, , >t �!� ,�� � ���y ii�� ■: ��;���' ` �� �� � ��� .�`� � � .• .!;,. "��_!_z__� ��. �-,/ �' ;, - �� .3 :=t��' �����.�. .u� ,:F ` • r��lr !_ r� �.�r;�, ��j�!'i}i � � 1 I,,*f 1�.1 4�� "� •�w�+� l?.�� r . �:. r •. ��I��t�►.y,: '�i . s �` G. �,. r �►�� � ., -���; :.� S�, ,� . �� ��'� ��i�,�i`�i!"'., ^ `i1' ��, �"_��` � �' ;��� � ���q�/t�'>: �' �� .. ./s ��. � '�.,r��r��M�1VtFI�//II�• � ,� 3 � !irt � f � ��:�; , . ,' - } :,:' i� :. .:: : , , . _ f . ... . . _ _ �. -� ��� / - ■ ., ;.; .. � • Fr ' � � '` ,. '� � ti t �� `� �� ' , �•.�.� ���. �''� ��`_ t ��� .i1 ..� �'��'� � _ ; � Il�it � /►� , . .� . �u� � .� � . . ��.,,, - - - _ . .... � . . . . : .. _ _ : a� � , _ . . . .. ,� - -..��. . . , ..: :r / � ✓ � \ � , � A � � , � i ni��re+5 tU•e::r�i:l:� I (�$�i1�yCU��.'�itd►4Yt�°Y3f�tlbtlC6 . t s9-�efa ard n'.har}�,��o!s. I ��`r�i'1PS;k;9t°s k�;t2�•fd t0 � lyr. x�r�et��;,�co:r,F:n�as�same� i no o�b,l�ty t�,:�ny lot�Cc,curing by'.��n, '�:T7n�t��on. �a��t�. � I.�, ��co nr�g�r��9� eat a:�.�r.avrE+•a�so.o�urr. ... _ , �rruuao.o�e� � �; t R I � � • . I m � � . � d I � 1 �� 32lf 9� � 589�1 � ��� 3�'9�5s � �Q �4 — _�.. i.ao�.,ec I��I i.�e,� z saag dLm�'�'!. � 6 � t� � �� p,� �� � ' , : o I � 9�� , _ � �. • � ., � � .�d� � s ao.aa' �" � ��o.oa' �sa.r�z' - �„ n sa.og' � �. � � � � ' !� 3'OO �� ` v � .AOd.�. . T� ACi !.!10 aC �/�eS6. .....,e1 �._ I h y��� / iv .. . �' . � _�Y7L� �tl ,. 1� ~ '� !�C?I 1� � :� �� � '� 1 �� �0 2a'�� � �.r�s.,�e. � � �a. � � ��'1 . l�f� ./� � �� � � � . -� � � - '` ��o.�o' ��r.�u'--� aaa.aa' � u �. ' _' "_ aso.�a,— —— �- ' ��- . �$�Ca—_.__-�_.__�... --- --- — �. � _ �.ee es. , , i ss .as - ~ --'��I � � � �U� — —. � � � ��'� s.��. � ,�9.• � �,� �. �.� ,,, , � . �a. : , -� ~ � - � ` ; a.rA •"�';. �� , _ _ � � W.iWrV��• R9 ' ,`M (I<D������.��� ,• �f��'�` I L.a3kY� . l ^LG.v'�/ �-y 1 � a �o ..r ?i" � .l� dC .�BE � .�R.e».` h Q� �►- 't a� j 4 '$ �.� .�{� �.� � . ��• 4, . . � . . eob � f 6f�R� r od � • . t f � .. . �.j°�.dlf. ,�. !7`a. • �� �.; � �. . �v 1 J 835.$�' � I .w 1�� �� � � � ' , .�, PftYi&!. P�fiff�?� � � . . ..1 P+ �. c.� T�� .ru . . ' � . . ..r. 'p a P", .'..�' ��l�� Ae .:.� • , .. � � ��`:,i•. _ '�"• , ' ,,�'�ca���•� . •_ � . r . :, t . . ] r+.y 4: ,•� , e f� , , . 'f'( ,� , ' y . "E - . �'. � ■ ` "y` � R, 'l' - ' � . . � ' 1 '�� •r'q,1`• R p`4 .. . . :��aG'p: . ,t.�C r� � � 1 , � •.t • `�• � . r'. '1r1..:4'f. �'� •�r . .r . . , .k� • '• �� .:agi,.' �� �...� � •y,... �; ! .'k �"/I�i3��1�t111if � � _ Q ���, � ��� : ����a��� � �r� �` �`�,. �E�' 4 1�$3 ��,��7a� � �!�'Y qF T��,�Rl� 12575 S.Vb.M�4;n St, GEQFiC.7�L. ��P7iii)S�,BRCIKEW �nn�g�g-�� Tlf.a�RD.QSd@CsOR6 97223 :E'e�. 4 p�9�3 Mr. Jere�r �oursol'ly P2ax��.r�° :Directo� Ci�y c�f �'i�a,xd Ti�a,rd, �xegon IDear 1�Zr« Ccaur�oll�, I aan sz� t�tle to �, ��o��. o� la.nd �Cnot� as 8�60 5.�� ��r�z�.k�x Ro�cL, Tax �,oic 210�J 2S 1 1�Ce We d�sire that �Che �on:3.n� �n this paxcel 'be ol�aragec� £�c��n �3 Imdu�tri�l to �Y4 �ndixstr�a'� �'��ka I�o �ak� .tlnrYaxid o� Sh�a°�rma�. haa aza �.nt�r��t i�n the �.rce� �hro�hh a� e�rae�t �or��y agx�eement. F€a �.avi.x�s tks�,t th� zoning t�� c�hanged to M4 i.n a�dex th�,�t he �e �.h�.e tA �sta,b?ish �,zi a�ek�zt��:ur�,l e�ti��: a� Nh�,°� �ncaicsn. '�he �axcel is �A�ft �y 140f�; �3d it i�s t�o srna3.1 ta accolnmc�date �. striei,ly man�xfactiix°in� ap�ra�tion. �e xes�.�.enc� p:��s�a��;l� +�sa �k�e p��e�. i� �.n ��x�:s�tx°�icturall;y so��. conclition �x3.d cou'ld �ae corz°���� '�� off�.c�� use �a��y rea.di3�yy i and cou �d be main.t�.ined a.n go�d. cr�nd.i��.c�r�. W� wi31. be present at �he Pla.r�ninG �ommissi�r� �c�'ea..�� �ebruary E3 axid �aould appr�ciate th�.s matt�r b�ira� �;i�en cor��xde:r�.•tioa� �.� �ha� ti��abl e I oril� be preroa,rea to answere qu�sti.oxis ��°om thP Commisr�ian �,t the rneet�.n�a � '�"h�k ynu ��...�-w'�J�- �-.�s�n.N�r''e�.5�-°---- � J ��;arge �'a Pen�oae � � � � J �� � , s_.—.,� _ - . __ � . � � .� , � PE� (�Ey � 472 - b f 3 �I � � � . s�, �, - .._ _. .__ �, ._.. nac�sio�a��a���, oa���s�sa �� ra�-- . PAKIff6.PEIflMWAY 9}EY AF 8�/6PSCR rR0f8KYYtBAU .._-- i✓ 1 . . . ' ._- . . �� � � � 9�;:,' �� .iS t it�l, ;�j[(�h�, . .'�.. . �t...��������� ����� ��Q . ?�'ebr.uar,y 7� �! 9�3 � �� , � ��������:� !=`�; �, 19g3 Jer�m,y c:,oizrsc�l.le • "�' Ti�ard Pl�nning Commi�si�n ���.�, �� .������ Tz.g�.rd, Ore�on ,�L���416�� ��PTa llpa,r l��ire Coursolle : T�ast �'r.i.d.ay I spnlce with T,iz �ram ��our depar�;raen�. ShE recammez�ided. that I c'l.�L�Y]CZ -;�our public hca�an� oz� rcuQSa�,�� L�ebruar,y- 8> .�uE to a deatla in the famil,y T vri7_1 1�e unable to a�tendm �"+`e want �a �et aur car wa�h property (T,ot 17QQ e�n map j c:hanged f'rom � 3 to C 5 . I understand -th�.t you have de�ao��d a good d�ea�. o� time and energy to the `Cigard ,�,Iaster �'lano �Ie wou�.d �ertainly apnrecizte •ro�.r help in this mattera I will be back in Tiga�d �rvithin �h� next �'e•�v days and will contact yo�a then. �gains. �h.anics _for everythin�;. ,�incerel,y, ��.����r.��--��'`�'E�� T'atrici�. {?hillips, �`o-(�wn�r i ne.�3.ve,y Qil ^a.�pan,y �a � � � t� i � I � � � � � � � I �i i __----- - , -. , �9 _ � PF-� � N � 472 - 61 3S � � � � a d ..__--.____.�------__.,.�_...__..._._ ,,� . --- .�.._.__.�._ ._.._� ._.__ .r ._ _. .__ PAClFIf. NIOOIW+IV •@W AT mAK[i! CREHN RAAD � � -\ R4 c Ea1 9 id N!��6 6 E� O R ff�O rd 4 Y 1 1 8 . � � ... , . . � . . . ` � :. ...�... .i"'f t�' �i�4(ty 't . . I� ■ ca`<i;.�:4,: g(::• �'� � 1 I i . F�brua:cy l, 19�33 ro � ��'���� �.����� � Tigard Pla.nnin�; Comrnissior� � �:^-_. � ���� �, i�.�t�r Hal1 • Ti�ard, Ore�on CI�("1� QF TIGAE�l� PI..A,iN�!lf�t� C�£�1��'. �ear Planning Corncr�issiori: Our compariy oevris 2 lcts in Tigar;io (S�e ericlos�d maps �� sites. ) �u.r. ��exaco service station hr�.� been closed .foz� t�,vo mont�s d�e to �hs campetitive p�troleum marltet in your �.r�a, P;o�v we have �n opnortunity ta l�ase our service station praperty , .for other usesa '"J� hesitat� to d� �his unti_1 we hav�� conta�ted you. � ' Sever3l years a�;o r�y1e t�vans, wvho leased �u� Tz��,r�l station, approached thE City of �'i�axd �boilt �ut�ing g._:salirie pum.ps on the car �vash siteo (I-?e .�'elt it w:�s a'�more d�sira.ble :l.ocat�.on for t�afFic. ) il ,"le underst�r.a th�t this mov� 4vas approved b,y the Pi�nnin� Commi�sion a�t that �ime . Althougri �ve did nat �o ahead wi�th it then, we would. lilce to icnov� if this rulin� is sti.11 in effect. ':'de aren° t sur� of our futu�e plans. FIowever, it woulc� put c�Lir I minds at ease to a�.noav that wP cotz].d �ut r�umns on �;Yae car wash p�°opex�ty il i� ���e so d�cided at sor;�e future date� 'Chanks very much ior your kind a�i;entione 5�.ncerel;,�, - :;-1..�..�ir-GC.�.�L_.- �9r2.�..����c�.z2� I Patric;i�. nnillipso �'o-O�.vner I � ;aeave,y O:il Compacn,y I i I Ili . . � � � � i � 4+��'1; . . . . .. � �S. . � �� i . ''r'��( �� � . � ��� ' �� �� ":e���. .� `V � �y. � ?':r . � �aD O / � B' . . , ,`,;". �° �S. .� '4°�i� � �q,� '" J . tn�� � \ / •,,'��,r ��e • �� � � i��. °� . o?: � ��� ,, . �`, � � ..�. ��� C� � .,� �6 , f � �a � ��'�� �.� � �l �.,, �, � �; c� c� o s � '� c� .�. � n4� 0�� , � Q�` s'p; �� " r'=��� �' 'Qp� ��� . � , _ ,� � ,r�'� �°e 4�° `� � y�?.� � '�'4�i�Y U� TaCaHKB.� , ,. �b� � �`� ,:, �J�. �, � o ?,",. _ .�IIVi DEPT. ��,�z rk s�� � °d o n� — .,. ?' 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J.e�u:e.''cxzr,c�.n:� .st�zv.e�e r,u��z cuJ�.�cfz u�.�.�f:f'�` ,%� �s � a.�. ,� .n,�czi.n.�e.cl .ac�: .t.lt.e I V � � w.c�ru.L:s l�Trx�z �,�' F.i.C��` .�a ��cG. -/1�z�..�ra.�.�:�f, .aam�rn.e l�� .�.�r.ar�?.h�: .irz �r.�cla.a ,'L:cr �,z�uic. .0 .P.,aala � .P.i,�'��,e rl .cora�.�zn.�z„� .�c�.�i c�.�s �4.c� � cicrr-L: ar�. �:C,'�4 .L'�xc°�:�.cr�� an .r�r.e�c. �rv�.cr�n,�n.tL� t�.ar� .irz.�d�i.c� c. .tlze .f�.urr:.e �nC:'.'--t,.` ,:.o.c;`� arz Se .'l, ',tlz rze�.�z .t1Le .Zrt.�...8fzcr.�s�s r.z�P..e�z ,'u�s .�.k� .�n...r,�ze .t�;��.e �x,�' �s.rr.�.� a.a ,� .�Iae <:Ca.-� .�n.i.�� :�_ac�n.r'y� .r.ra. �."�r�, �7.��:r.er'� lJcr�.c� 1�,i���.it�.�..'1.' �uzc! �xLcz.cn_ci art r+,xu�: a;° .uiz� T.z.,e,�r��s aJr.c�r. i2.ed<s�` .c?rzu a,°_ F�ru.! L.n�cz.�.r�uz c4 i�.na.r.e�'.a,n,rre.rv� .�u,rur.u� r,�a�.n .i.�, r.z.��'ri.elzeci l�f.e .tl�..i.71a ur.e lz�aln ,�incz�';a�� �c�uunc� a�.� c�r`�G a .�a.� .a.�' .iJae. c�r�.�rL .i.� .cr�m.ilu..:,..�am 1,�.�.� cr;� .tl� � On �Z�rzccaJZr,c a0, 79c43 uri2erz .�i. c,xiz•s �L�rz� hasi.cl .7 t�erx� r� .tcr .iJze F.anr.� �:,'�.�.1v<sh.uz � P.nc! wlr.eii.e lu.rzdi;r.alzlz Forr.c�' Iw.c! n.er.zml.ec;! .��e .car�cr,.�.�e .cc�zw .�;�t.u.�ai. �� ,�� I...e.c�..s.uzr�; � � !�.c.�rr Crxor,zvz� ;z�z.a,°�..e,z,fa,: wzc� ;;lrs �C.o�..eiG`�,� .�i.a.ed �'lz.arn 17�7;3, .7rz.�„ .tJze.ze wu� r.c .�.f.,�e�ri a,r �aa.�.�:z .carzUZ�. o-n;_ .fJvY cr.�;ll�cz.C� Tlu.,s �.✓r�anL .c.�rz;.�c.rur,�.d .on dar;m .trz clt�clL� r��, .ut .tJze ��r.cuf.e.C' c�rac' c�1Jrz .cr� .t,fir lvzer��.�l�� r:�.�� a.;? .Jz� �..uac.e �.�r1;,:1c.e w.e hc�v.e .i.e�rc Izcr.u.t�r a, i:x�.i.�i I� u.cc.ur,zu('�!,vnp ;� .L�ext r,x.° ,i,'Le �m�.lc .ut .'f,fze �.�i��znt hr.�c� .ar'.L� .r�x. .i..t ur,'�cla �.�rt.G'.�r�y cz.cr..au�r�'4 ?o�rL .�.1�.� .�L:' �:'..�.i.rz•. .uz .f..l�e. diu�r�.e c�l� !,�.e�s.L .a;!' .t1r:: ;�..eru.e.' 1'I�ers.e dt..�rlr..e�,s r.v.e�e. rn,.2cl� .('�L �;7.�c`�:r.eir. :Jo..��c /�.i_�.uu.c.� r�rz.uz z`izc;-r. .�'ir,c,3 f�c.:a�.ec! orc acUC ��..�t cx��e.�� � lJc�r ;�n .�Ize c::u.�..�fi.c7n.�s r�.e �rxu�d .�u:e c�,+z.at�r.�z.ed. � ��„ 1, .7/S O'er/1. �n.lLa'�...G'u�� ..uz .uze Cr uL a.,.' l.i,'.G'�tcl a.L .yI7.G' ��.�s.:lr,C .z`.�nLe.� �.�3 aurL r,JU.xr,�'ULTa� � �'3/L.G'6{'l2-:'��i'.�G .�.0'/7.C'I_:.� .GJL :..lLL' �L�L 0-�'� T.11:CULCI QJd� lell&Q.� .d,�eS .LlLUrL <^..C7lt1J2Q� � �' J ��—, 2, /��r r�.�u r�+ul �ze Cacua.t�i �,zc,.` .z'lie li.�'iza,zr.�.n..rz ,�r�cuu:�ruc C�r,z,�aan �zl'nn ,t�rr �,.,�a cru,rL iaJ ���n.aV�,cfc.c;�l .in %lul �fst�i .o�? I�,r�� � • �a .7;� .J� c✓��r:r.es� .r.��'iz.a:►��3 .�t .tlzc �2n1..'!2 .i.� n..nrzo�s.� vun. �vLexr��uc. ��.�iz .tlze !'t..,�t ,�," � , T.ir..cz,•rd �xrz l�iar...e�L �„ 7 no3 .�it.acrria �.:'z.e Gourzc%cz,z.ri %..trr.t,�;u..3.8.i.rm. cz.� .�,i.e .�zr,ze arz.c.ca,'unn. ;'a•c a vauul<vc.0 �liarz�r.e c.r�c.' V � u�au ruuz.��zr: ,�,�/r,�.:L �,..�,..o;,�..e�c .irz� .th.c Ta.i.u,ru.:P..a .i.r�o .�lze��: .�;� � V ° � �sr�"." .�CU�'.Ln,� .aiuc ,�,e;,n d,or�.� ,�l�r� � �•��� farco;z�,�,� -�az .t1r.�. �uea.t� � • � ��`'.�"vrz 'o�r E�''4°Gdcvz d°' � � � �� °���x . � � .��a�A ��� � s r .�� v�, ,�� "� r t ! " < //"' �i711�rJ ^J . 9 ��3't CA C JC)� r�"L(di.�.d.r' �(�?.tJbf.. .:.� ( 1"°() 4 f(,d1«!��!t��.t./!dU" �5�..41..�tl f'!�'�d { � J d u i14�, � 1�6 11✓�S�1 +1 .�1� CLILbI•J•L!L ,�.d� "���a� .�:' tJe� �� ��1,1IL4�.� �'� �C� F.+1f".F.$ .d�.� L1�.tXIt.G.7 ��d :7;� w.e a.rte .�a. .�'r'Le C:i:�-�r; t�r��uc cea� .tJ� t�acr.n.�,;c hczar.e .o�a.t,rt. ,ran.o�,.taa�'..��L �t'e .��. �,a������:; :- !.�..o.rz �nr.z� a.� .�elna .i�z.V.�e �Cxee�z.�r�,, � e p . 5. Octa�. �n..,�z�r� ���rz 5. GJ� 66.th cr.�.r' Sm l,f. Ga..tJi .� a.d.a.e.�.e�ed cuul #aa.�-�l c�-� G�a f�`� �ar,+°.e .G.:er.� -.�..cz��. �°.zra�vneir.c°`.�' aur,.� %�a:�a xrrx ,tlu.ec �z��..en..�t. � � 1�t� .e,r� .�lrz 7�' c�.rr.1� crr.� h.:z;r.e lzacl .!:}� .�✓r.��.n.��� N�r a� rx�e .�'.��.' -u�L .fJ�,e. �iwz�. .�`'J� � ar crca✓r, ;�or..ex�.�t..t�� 6rc.� .�e�rz �.a.r.nr �y� � '°lxe�'a '.u..(�'�.,.�°A ��c:u,.�.e. .��rn.�r.� cr� rur.�; azun.�°� �'n. rr.�h� ur�z.cl.a, .,e..;" a�r.� ru� ;�cct .r`.rz .tizi: Crrc.rr.,�rs i�cs, r.�u2d r� �;,� ��.� �ara�'. .<Jx,:.� t�r.at� m.�r.cn .tJzczt .�he Jx�u�.� c�za �n,i .an Sa :J� �io.��i .ccxa.r,Pi�' n.� �n�z .� �r..er�ed crnd rz.�r� a;? .c�cc�z �vu�;n�- .e.ver.:'cc� �°.r� ��'.e�.�.eL��...ec� a.� a .C�aa�s .v,� �:rz.cam..� .t� cr.t,m �'.� .f�z� .thrz ze�.�r� .�'Jx.e G�� t�n.f,� . .�tue r,fza�a.�n.�c .Lri ,<.h.e Cacuz.�s.? On .i!' .�.t�rrz�.c7,ze :e2r� �;�,ra.� sxurt �;r,.�,z.u� .e.�z .�.�. �u�z,� w,=� lux.a rea.c� ,t'Le. n.e.^,�:.�s.�? �'. ,7.��. .�'���r �re .�'�ne crme .car,,,a.�r��� .�u�n tih.o��r� .�'he�� asc,� rrn.�'J_e .��, m�zy .r.'..a .�.t , .�r.t,.�'u'..L'.e .� !'].ef.�zo.n.ar�i.�z S.�r,u'.i..re �.i.a.i rr�..c�L ,t.o r,�eczi.r.�.a.� .�f��C .th.�. xo�r'a.� .�. .c�,,.a.rao� �'1�.c.�.r' � .�au..G,�zr; .�ie j�..n_nr�..,�z�c� .La �z ;-_'u,t�rsr� .tuf� a�rr'z,e,�z .�! �rzsq�`r,t r:.�rr..z �a �zt�:cz 4 � %r��i �ncl ��.i:.'ea L,:`.r.;u�: ;'�i..!� S��rcrn .cwz r2.e��' ii�ee xan .�ize. �rte��;•a��tu.? � r�d �.er,t � � (1.�tiLa�..a.�:i..��.��� 5.�zrf.i.�;.e [?.d..�s.Cru..c.l: r�.��:ru�. ,Cc�ti .�u.nr,�z tcf}lE%2.•G�. .LL� ZJCi� .�.f��...ecl .��zc�t �LCl: �� 1lU'�•i� �� .C.l.C"+JZC'..G .�i LCC. G.,.(7'f�. •O'Jt .c4.t71Tt•G' U�n �t7UlZ .2/LC772.G?/L.�.��o �' :�Juz.;:�:r-ru.z�..v�z c� -:vi� izru.e .an �rcrr� ,,�^,.a�t�;: ar� .���.: .�nt,�ir,un �'..�tz.inn. �.i�.�5�'iz.i.r�:t rtt�fz a..� .vir.i..� .�i�.z�' `Jrzrz.��a'.e.1..i.r�,xzn�vi.an cl.a ;s.a� f�,nt✓'.c csn .t'he C..orz,n..�Ju7ru.��%� (1cz�z c�� .tJi:%� ..�i„v�? f�lz�.i: c!�_,.s.irr��i..an r.;� :.:a�. 1�Gcraz.V.�cr �'u-r.ar� .arz c�un. ;zizan..�r�'.�,;� urherz .il� /7.et.rv�Z7zer� �ar!� .e..a �`�:ru�l�.eciV can. .i.8 .1.�'zc: Crrcui.�,�,1 �.a.arz� 1'�r /uzv.e ..�ze.�se��` .r�n .tl-a,�7 $. Pir��'.�c.��l .irz ZGw u—�7 �'tr.P.�."�� .tJz.e. r�.ex�`'�.e �`.�.cxr,z ���.%� l�u.�z�.� r�rr�ia�,� 1..r.zr..ls.a�n 7"�� L.u;: 5200 uu� .l,'LC ,�uau.9.i�2�"a �9cs 7 aruLe.�n..t:i.an a.�er,�7 i on. .to��z a�" ��.�cl�rz -� .�ar�. 1 i�.e �r.u,r� cLcxce.�rzn�z�'.r a����r..ecl �JZt,Cr�• ar� .�v�z .c�r .2:h.e. 766�' F.�P..� c� .<he �tz��z�,�. C:'a�a1.L;,��-�asz, _Jf�z w.�rLe .�`�.e�s.� c�c�eu;tc�� .�ttMrra.ii�Le.d ,� .�'ze [3autz !cc!�uc Gar�n.u.�s.�.r.c7n cu� c�rfuc i.�z.�s �`r,e .P,c u�.e.:� �'.:,.s.az.L,r�c�.�n.,Jzam ,Glu� /�euau.�s.L' �5� 1�ci 7 a��,e.�rz.uarz a.i,�`.er.r�r,�i� r�'h.�.c.Jz /�d ��e .trz,�.�r:.n_d .a;°_ i?.e.�n ci7�-1Uli�, a.��zaz.�u�.e� ;'�.rY Cacuz.e,i.� .r7ra S.n���.errcF.'.en �'4� �95� . tJfzi..�Jc cu���? �c.�•c L.a.� .5Z0�1 �'la.:. 1 a 1 3G J!� 1.�z.tcr� %.e (..�.t,.,.�:� v;!' �.u�.arzG�? .`�<: r�.�.��: ,f.cr �.a .an r,.�av�� cza .°�.rz� o;r�n�3,�._ei a.�s .�cr '� .�er.r�,f'.i.ran aru' �s.i.�,:..� v� aet�. L.cx�s .ara .��ze �a�,z�c'�rz�.i..u.c ;�.L'::n (`�rn cau.� .7r��r.uz ,?an..irar. f1a7�zo. O�a .���.e ���a �'�ur.rziash,e.cl ua�z i .rr'zc l�,.i�;�rn��c , r;^✓.:•ca.�.on .i�,.?. .� �rrti'�_,P.l.�r��°..e c.�s .�a !zor;r w•'��.u- .c:4azn..e,r�' .tlLe �s.isze,a o,D .aer� .�a.�,5 rznr' a.';:s.et a-� .�.2iu�..e.t,. �h.G.a .0 �z.o-.� .r'uz c�wrrco�rt.�.rz�, i,.ci.uz '�u..:yla.uz����csz Cawziu Sr.rr,.�.e���..s r��✓a i�.e�:•s.e na.�e :'a.;_.� .�..a.cn.,te crrz a;°_ :.'Iz.e .7n�ri�.szorz .%.n .canrn.e�ey� .lJze. l'Jd L, .�o�uz�i� o: F��.,:.' L,�.r_�.I,nr�. a.rza`. �.eu.e�v,��n,�t.i �z.zrr,n.�z:�s �cu*..ar.�c rru�z ��z .��ie F.irc..e l�,cvta.n„to � ;?.l��cx rur� .�uru�r_.�� �7.r.,.c:��uze,� .iJa ac".�ttr,z, � /' �'7 �}/ �,. J "7., ,,.� c:��� or- i�c � .��� � � � � ��, (�i iZlJ7':./�; �1C, .�... /e m s s,..JL .!r"-!.T l.iC��� /����f�+� �..���� ✓�� ��.'.L. � f41�� � F° �g ,`j.e 2Sra .i�:C(. .�r�Ll.� �-inU�ltr; LLLi.,1L .GCY+�L�� .0�� O�tlil �G✓LL�".e.��°� �31Za..t�l�'7lLC7LlLl.Gt;l..Lxft Cx!' -�i�1.C. �.C7�LC� � L..ec�.�n.� e.nr' �.er�.�n;��,z�z.����.ca,rz�s a:1' l�-r.snn c;1-10� cuul. .tJze fJzoct'�y��Jz �urc .G�.e. I � ru:de r�.uu rr-,' .�,.�,.i.3 i'cr,f'..L'i.c fLe���L.i.ruy. �.ec�� attc�! .f�ze Ci..tr� v-•'_' T.i�tcin.�.' iz�„ean.c�, , , � �� , � � � ,,�_,�„�,_._,�;_, _ ' --#°r ' . � � �Le� �� �����.: !n v �l ' � � � I� �l N!'� :.. .i. I�:�J '°'�" J���ar°� 1�, 1�83 �or� a� �r����� - ; �'iieAN�91�9G D�P�"v , M�°. ,)�i,�rny� C�u�so�1� �'i gard P1 anny�s� C�r�ni�si ar� Ci ty of Tiqa��d� P, �. B�x ��3�7 i T�gar�i, �r�g�r� �?22w � D��a� Mr� �aursoll�: Ir� r�f�rertce �o �the Com�r�eher�siv� P��n �ar �7g�a~�, I �upport �h� �xi s�i ng r��o�met�da�i ons �� �h� E�1 anni r�c� Carrm�s�iQn as t�r�� p�r����n �� �h� pr�per�y �nc�t�c1 �� 1Q525 S. W. Tigar� Str�et ��Washington C��s�ty T�x Map 1��. 34� �e�t 34•00� �ontaia�ing a�prox��na��ly 1Q.89 �cres. �he "Not�ce of Fi�al C��c����r�'" fvr � mi n�� 1 an� par��i ii��� �'�r thi s par�el w�s �i 1 ed by th� P�anr�in�g f�irP��ar �n �1uc�ust �8, 198� un��er Case #��.� 5-�32. I sc��po�t �h� �x�s�ing plan, par�icul�r�y the higher density �s� of I the partion a�� this parcel lyinc� west of Fanroa Gr�ek �or the fe�ll���ny r��asores� �. The clas� prnximity of the buSinESS s�c�ion c��� T�g�r��9, th� , conc�r�tra�ir�n c��' �o�nme�^e�a� �s� prop�r°t�e� i n �he Was��nc�toh 'I Square �rea �r�d �he mare r���rt d�v��l�pm��� Qf the Schc�11� F�rry I, Si�app��g Cente�o ', 2. The �i ghf: �n�u���i a� use o� the ���op��t,� 1yi�g ��s��rly of thi s I�, par�cel and the sc���y di�tri�t`s own�r°sh�p �f t�� prop2rty 1ying ', south c�f �:hi s par•�:el . I 3. Th� �xi sten�� ar Far�r�� Cree1< whi ch runs rrvr•th and sauth �h�°Q�ac�h '�i th� eastern porti er� of �h�s �rc�p�rty cUr�si sti rg caf appwoximately I .3 acr�e� of fl oodpl a�n, creati ng a green�vay �dhi ch c�mpl�m�r�i;s �l�e l���her dens��y use of a;ij�ce�t praper~ty -� �tilizin� the land, � both the grcenway and tt�e multiple h�us��y �rea, for �ts high�st anci best use, ' G. The rnul t�pl e h�usi ng �a�i ts woul d b� � g�od t��nsi ii on�l �se �of' the Qrcap�rty9 sepa�atir�q the industri�l pr�operty �rr �h� east side from th� s�ngl� family resid�n��s on the we�t arrd northwesL ar�as. . _ _ _ . . !, '� Nt�. ��remy C�s��s�l�e -2� J�r�uary �7, 1��3 ' � � I 5 e T'he ��mb�r of acres �n thi s par��� �vs i 7 ���rera�� the ��gr^�e of �'� f1�xi bi 1 i t,y ��a desi�r� �8�at w�11 �nab�� � lh��h qu��i�y� �f I mult3pl� ����s�ng d��eic�pni�nt. �, 60 ��wer �nd �va�er �r�� �ubl�� f��i�iti�s �nd s�rvi��s a�� �v��i�ab�� ', wi th � �na�n s�wer 1 i n� �^u��i rag �hr��ugh �h� �rg¢ert�,�» Appr��xima�t��y �hre�dXe�a��hs r�� an a�r� �vall b� dedi��t�d f�r �he w�c��r��ng �� T'iga�°d S�a����. I Ni� �����es� i� tr i s pr�p�r�;� ��v�rs r��ny y�a�s �i�g�nni n� �r� �936 wher+ i � n»v�� �d thi s pr�p�r°�ty w��h o-�y na������ S3 r�c� m,� par�nts have bot� di�d, t��y� � '"� ��rtere�t �ae�ay i J as tr�astee for my m�th��r'a ��tia�e, r�pr�s�����a� �i x I b�nef i c��ri es i r�cl udz�g r�ys�*1 f wi th a an��t6���°d �r���r�s�o I ��+ae. ���n r�anys c�anges �� thi s ar�a dc�ri ng tEi�se 47 ye�a�s a�r�d t�dav, �� cor��•id�r���a� of th� abov� f�act�r� a�d th�: ch�nq�s T �ag� s�e �r� 'hh� fut�ares I ��r�� wi�tr th� �exi s�i c�y recomr!���cia�i o►�s �f �h� ��ar�¢�i r�� Co�ni ss�ora th�t �hi� p�°r���rty iyi r�g wes� c�f �ar+�o Cr�ek �e z�ned medi�m de��i�y for �as� �or ►nc�l t3 p�� 8��us�ng �cs��t�. Si�cer�ly� i � �i� � � °,r,,.-a=�,,.y,,.�.�/�,/�c;��..�� I Farres�, L. Cowgi�l � (�t. 49 Bnx 354A 5herwoo�i, Qrego� . i i i I I t �� � � � � � � � � � � �83 �d ' � I 1 � 1 _ w � � I i li � aY&83U,�'� ��ti .�''.��� I �@: 3��x�3,� �ar'���s �3�ax� ���� �decors�er � ���,�. �e���Px�� xi���kd ��.�.a�n�ng �i.re�toz° ��t�t�: �e�.��.�crk��o& P�mnstin� Or�ax�iz��t�.��s fit���� �I��2 �3) 3'�� ��,��� �����a� �e�rn��.�r��oa c�ae:ie��d f�� �ca��ain�a� �4�as puta�.�.c h���r3.n� a� �i CPA �.���3� �a °�Y���sd��q J'a�aa��.�� �7 s �.���� ���.� aa3.11 c�ax�e ��� ��t� ��wm�3,� ��a���.� h�rar�� �� �Esait ��ab�+���, w�a.�ah ia �Pa� �Qm�r�Y�,eat�i.�a �� l�agg �� I ha�ve �� �� ���c���t��� �rc�� �Tacss,�ac�r 2�, l�$3 �"c� a ]Hsdte� da���, pr�i��t�1,� � �eaesde.�9 �'�ba��s� 3.9 ��.�8�. �1ux°�.� �b.� gi��st �a�� of �h� p+a��.ie �.��s�� i �z� S��ur��g� ��axx��� ��e �,y8�g %iP� D�� Pr��c�a��i a �u°e�����r o� s��r��3.��/ II ���h�.n �.'�� a�a�e ��i� �as rs���t�cfl b� t�� �'Aa�ta���x� C��ni.asic��, �i�� +� �,���' I x°��e�a� �S.w�a ��fc th�s°e a+aa a ��ck �Y a��i��c�fi�i�r�� � 7Chc��Ta��, l�&� ,�� z��r�e��� �h�t ��x� p�ab����e�i ncatic� �� ��a ���.���uati.�x� f � �kae ������ �a� th� ��.�� ��J�nuar� 2`j� �9�� �.x�.d t�.n�° �a�b].�s�s�d nso�i�a �e�' � �P�e �ses���.sd�r�la�al ���liLc h�s.�ri�� s�f ��e Ci+�� ��rYa.a���1. o� G�.� :�S—�2, �����'�h�z��a.v� i P1�sa I�py���l.3,. i�a�Au�� gcxti�'���.���� o� ���i �ao�s�ilb�,x.�it� a� c3��xx�a� �.a� ]��c�. u�� I r���ign�ties�.� ���° �h� �rc��ex���,e� ra�a°�csr� w3.th ���. �� ��'��� �-� ��� ���g���ca��.x�� �a�o �'a�� �4se ��� ����. �siaa�sz�a.z►� c��a�� �e� ����dea��i�.� ks�,�� ��saa�.��r� w� � '���.i.��� t��• �rope���.e� ei'Y'a�i�Qdl �r� :�ca�s 3'��s 3$d0� �$�� 3`�A�, rant� ���� on W��hiza��a�� Couax��°a� �eac �a�a �uffilb�x � S 1 �.t� A. bfe d� r�o� }�a� t�ie� �ca� x�san����� e�' t�e ��s��a��ti�� ��x�ked �,�h �x�ee.� C�.ea���i.�u� c�aarg�s �o �e�aLd��.t�.�� �ediaam ' d.�x�s3.$g�� �a�at t�� �p+� �aa the s����.c� c� ��� �].�.�n��g ��.x°�c�or laz��� ��1.� �.nta�r��tis��� T��.k �'c',�r� �'or ��r�a� ���si���n��. � �� E` "� �'� ����'.-� 8��, �3.ed�oa�, ,e�x���� ��J #3 � t�' �P,i� ��� i:;�3 Cs i Y �1N�, ���'T. ��,ANIU . _ , .. � � ., ) `� • � � a�� ��.`�}�' �� TI��P.D, i�12F:��➢`i �S43T�t�TT�i��TO o .�t1 J t� � , �.GP,. 66�hjd.��s�an � A R��olu�ion �u�'th��ana at�aes���io�, �.o e�.a� �a.ty nf �i�arc� af �he �err�.�o�� de�cx�.bed a.n �xhi��� �►�1�� ����c�a��. � trIF�I�R.ti�.S "cons�n�s"' in �he �9r�xx �f_ a '}����-��.�n ���re b��z� p're��nt�d tt� the Ca�y of '�ig��� r�eq�xes�a.ng anr��x��ina� �� �er�axr� ��a��� �� �.�a�.d pr�sex►��.y �c�z�ti�.aUU� to tYeE e�x�orat� �l:��u�.�s of ��� �i�.y9 and , Y �'�:I;'R=:-S the cons?:�ts �� ti�e �orm o` �. p���.�ian rere sz�;:��d b� tha o:;;sQrs � ra� s��3 Cra��s �if land; aec� &lki��:�, 't�e City c�� i�.g��� �r�r�xe�a.7E �s�� xeview�d �hL COi1S21t1t5 a�.d s��. �1�� final �o�c�dar3* fss� the ar��exa�fa�rn �.s �equa.r�d te� ORS �.9�.49��2); ���. .� �ik�l�E�1S, �ubse��aent �.� tt�� �et3:7�.,� �� �h� fxnaA �ia�.�dar�r �Y-,e c�n�enes a�ar la��, �o���i�.��. ttaer�i�a �'��r�sent "�o�� t�a�a ka�3.� c�f �.�ne ��rn.�rs of �.�xid ix� �h� �.err:��a��, unc�� �.1�� s��r� na�aa� tl��r� h�l� o� tkae �.��ad ��e �he co�t�ig���ss ��rr�.�oxy� ��2r3 of xe�s1. ���i��r�� �h�r�i�a �Y�r�sen���a� ���e �:k��.�, k�aZ� �af �he � ��w��se�x v�3ue o� al? re�'1 prop�rty' �.n Ch� �csnfiagu�atxs �:err�,C�r�r9'° a:�d td€i�REAS, ��e pr�c�go�sd an���a�i�t� ��e�.r��ox�� xs a.x� ac:cc�rci��,�.� �a�.�h �3P.s 3.9�a��OC�� ar�d c�c��ti[utes � sc�—c�11�d a`I�ra,��.� rn�j�r��.��s` az�nexa*inn �nr� a "�ainc�r b��nd�.r�t �Ys�r��e�' ui��ler �oundar.y �cart�as.�s�..�n Iac�, C?�.S f.99.�Zt� �c� 199.�1�0 NOt�� TtFEREFQR,E y °.uI� Y`T R.E'�SU�Sf�L 8�'' TI�E Cs3�INICIN C�}I7IS�I�i.. t3L*" T�i� C:�SS' ��' TTG�4P•IJ' � a aa�xx�i�.xg�l �ca�prax�a�ic�n. Q� 3:h� St��e t�� �9reg�az�, a� a ���u�.�r s��ssion laeld on �l�a� �ti' d��r of ��e —--g 1� ,�/ , ��aat: ' S-.�c:�i.o;, 1.. ri�.� cauaci.t hnreby -pprc�vzs tne prop�s��< «�na::wt_o:-: a^.�t requests th� Coz�+.zssion to agprove i� ancl -ffect it as so�fl �s rassibl.�. .�.+.^.C�`.i.0il �. `L't?�? C7.�Z'1' F'�@'.CQrCl�r 1S �lE?ZG-`b� G:E.'C.'C�.t�Ca t0 T1�.E Ct?T:C��I.�Ct �.�:1]L?S or L}i�� st�teu.�nts oi �:onsent a�� c�f i.h� Resi�li.tt�!c�i1 �r:it�i. Cn� �u=�],ancl !•I�t�opo'lita� I�rea I�ocal Goverr_z���.t '�auntl�.ry Co:�v=.issiora a.0 c�zce. � � � C�e Ttie faregaing I�e�olc��a_on a.dc�gC�� tk�i� ��f d�� �� .�._,;_,.��--- --' ���''/ `� r-.,.�,,'� .,� ° � �� p� ....��.�-''��..r:�'���'"P^i'" �- ��'. g� �Ta�ta� � d.t AT'�F �T e • C i C y m�.���j - - ° ,�DAfi�SS� ,�� 12.�.SL.� ,td. hi�,.p..,--�-------- CiC�r P.ecoxd�r '�'3�s`�.'��x ��..�_•�� � . � L�� � - � . .,�.,�,� - ,_ _ __=-..,�.�.�.� --.�,:�, ��..�r.� �,�Gl��@�E�Y�T6�1� �aa�l��t_'�� -_ ' p � , ----� _,.A� ° - — ��y�'� � , �.��J, f��_ � �afl - -� �.���. �?���'. ����-�� ��� � _,,, r� I� y �;5,��=�� � ,:,-I'.ti:.r� :�r.,x,- :r�..�rcu ,..�.., �: ` -.._� O� ,� � . � G7 I�y`� ' �''� ����:.i.. � 1 4 8 �. .. a'.�tn�-�pZ7„F � � �� i � '�"i, � v f-- -- — (�F e_M�� _ � � _ � a a � ,, , t1} �; a I(� f ,. � ' i � S I ` o L_ (S3 i .�s ti �D � `'�� �� ' � '" i'v'�� I� �C '-` �i �� �� _ ,.,_. ^Cj � i,- • o �"•', —i !-� .o �.�¢ [� � Q ' �c �� � N � , r � � ' I � F_ �,�_ �'' r� � -- � ° � . �--�' � ► � � ,Q�. -- �- _� � � ''S C.PI 1 � �4�''��'-i'Sa, '��-I-- 6 Y __ i. .�,�_� '- ° � �� j !� � 1 � � � � � f -•- f7d pg°4 =- � __�_�_ � �� � _ � � '°'.� �y�'.,,35.26 - _ �. . ._,... �IJI-i� �"� e„ C� ,!5 � � � 'o � I � c�"j I I I i N - �..•.,� ---� {' �� \ ,� F �C'�' °� t� -.-A3 ,�� - ---�o o I �;��% . � � � — ��'���j� � �� ��� o I � I ► �� t� d i�_ --- �' �._ :,� — —��v rv r` i� 'eH ':,�r' ��, I�r, Ic;,� _ �t..�1/} �' '� �� � 1 �t ' ea r 1 �C,�j� --_ �. �' a� ,� � �/ i� � :V (� �� � — "�'•Wf— N 1�'� s_ vy � t i . . -�� ' �� � ��a J � I� Q� � �(� 1- � i� �(�' � P � ' -' •- -�- �'` � ^�-�-..;-.b...�.�;_ .�,,,t_n n �'� �'''� � � �� � ,� o �c" �r�v �r,�i� �.,�t� ,�,�,., j� — -- -� c o �� � o � �� ""�„"r�`"'��'�==��n.,s"`r�'•;1��.,,� �n u =° �. o • � -� _ � � � �A °'p � � �� . �� / _ � � ���� ��� �r � � • �o � e � �` � ; �, .�� � � � � � �� -� � � �� � �e�Y . �� �, � '� I�� � � � � � !, �'' � . � i � . � �, . � �'.. 7- � � � • �f i i�o .iiii/iiii�/i// .iiiii✓iiii�riiiiir�a� ii i si. ..� ...• , I � ���`r����"�'�"" � � ��!!✓.L1l,!lL,�/J�'Pi!///�IrYi%//f(/(////i'I//l�f/!/!./1/i'�//!/!�/J��////r'�/!^ YdiLi.t�M�TT� tdE€�IDi&W I� � . . . � — �� � � � ^ ' � ��i1 � � l� �`�� �: �� . � �°��J, �-� �-� �� � c `;� � � . � - �� � � . � o �� � � e p .^ r �� � . �.7 , � � , , . . • / i � ��;" ` _ � , ' � � �_.._._,s.4_...._.._�__._.___..._. .. . ............ . _. __.__.. .. --- ---_..___-----�..-----,._._ .... _..._._...___.___.._....�..___.____.__._.. ..._� .._..__._._ ....-----.....�..-- -.:.. ._.. .. ...._.._..._. . � � ---_ _ [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]