Planning Commission Packet - 01/22/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. Tzgard Planning Commis�ion Meeting Minutes January 22, 1983 1. President Tepedino �a11ea the meeting to order at 7:35 P,M. . The meeting was hald at Fnwler Junior High Schooi - Lecture Room, 108b5 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon, 2. ROLL CALL: Present: President Frank Tep�dino, Commissioners Clifford Speaker, Roy Bonn, Don Moen, Bonnie Owens, Deane Leverett. Absent: Commissioner Edin and Christen. 5taff: William A. Manahan, Direr.t�r of Pl.anning & Development; Jeremy Coursolle, Associate Planner; �'lizabeth Newton, Associate Planner; Adrianne Brockman, Legal Cousel; Dzane 3elderks, Secretary. 3o PLAiVNING CUMMISSION COMMUNICATION o There was no communication. PUBLIG �EARINGS r+.5 CPA I5-S2 - (�OMPREHENSIVE PI.AN MA.P DESIGNATIONS NPO �� 1 � � 1. 0'Mara Triang�.e proposed medium density - numerous le�texs and petitions opposing medium density (R--12) - requested Low �ensity. Another cancerii was the a�ea south of Fanno C��ek which is in the CBL�, the TURt� Advisvey Committee would like this are.a kept r�sidenti,�1 with no cpmmerc�al use a1lo�ea along 0'Mara. I o John Butler, NPO �� 1, Chairman, �tated that NPO �k1 had voted ta+ II� maintain R-7 with a PD factor in the 0'Mara Triangle Area. , o Gary Ott, NPO �� 1, spoke concerning the CBD, that it should fit into I,I the overall plan of the City. He is specifically concerned with the ! a�rea south of Fanno Creek. At the NPO �� 1 December meeting thej� voted to recommend that the CBn district be moved up to the border �' of the open space area, since the GBD district allowed commercial uses. They have met with TURA and the Planning Staff and TURA. has recommended to put in a special residential zone. He feels that �he NFO wauld be satisfied and would support that effort. They wou�.d want any development there to go through a special design process. � _ _ _ ,_ _ o William Monahan explained TUItA and the TURA Advisory Committee� On January 13, the TURA Advisory Committee met and ar.e now recommending a medium density rather than high density. Tlaey huilt in conditions that there would be adequate buffering between any single family residence� which are adjacent to this area. o Discussion ensued between staff and the Planning Gommissian clarifying the CBD and uses that would be allowed. o JB Bishop, an active participant of the TURA Advisory Committee and NPO �� 1, but not a member. He requested that the area adjoining the Philadelphia Sqezaxe Apartments, off nf Ash, on the north side of Hill St. acros� from the re,nidential area be chang�ed to CP. He explained 'i his reasons for his request. ', o William Monahan, Director of Plann�ng & Development commented that he did not feel the Planning Co�rmnission shouJ.d deal with the zoning within the Central Business 1)istrict, these issues should be addressed through the TURA Advisory Conunittee. The Planning Commission needs to consider the CBD as a zone. o Gloria Johnson, 9300 S.W, Hill Street, represen*.ing herself anel �Larry Saub who submitted a �etition for Low Density in the Tigard Triangle. They want to be assured that the single family residential area is protected. They do not want the the CBD to a�low hi�h density in �heir area. They would like some wording that duplexes woulrl be used as buffering between the single family residentiai and the highex densities. o Discussion f�I1�wEd between Staff and the Planning Commissioners * Comma.ssioner S�ealcer maved and Commissioner Moen seconded to designate the 0'Mara Triangle Medium Densi.ty (R5PD) in support of staff recommendation. The motion car�ried unanimously by meznbers present, Garreth Ott, NPO �� 1 is concerned about the pratection of the existing residential area and how it interfaces with the CBD. He does not support a commercial zoning in those areas. * Commissioner Moen moved and Commissioner Bonn seconded to support the TU12A Advisory Committee's recommendatiorn ior medium clensity residential wiLh buffering and step down provisions to protect the single family area in the Central Business District zone and �ccepting the boundaries as is. The motion carried unanimously. 2» Van Camp letter requested that the Air I�ing site withi� the Central Business District be allowed to keep industrzal. zoning. He aL-tended the Jan. 13, TURA Advisory meeting and the Committee had vated to keep their posirion of not allowing Zndustrial use in the CBD, Staff supported this recommendation from TUKAe PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 22, 1983 Page 2. � _ _ -- - -- ._ _ _ . * Commissioner Speaker moved and �emmissioner Owens seconded to approve the staff's recommendation for not allowing Industrial tJse in rhe CBD. The motion carriPd unanimously by members present. NPO �� 2 1. I,ett�rs from H.M. Brazeil and Suburban Investoxs, west of Hall Blvd south of higtiway 217 requesting that the Commercial Prc�fessional use be maintained. Staff concurs with the request. {1S1 35DA lots 1400, 1800, 35U0, 3501.) * �ommissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner �haens seconded to accept the skaff's recommendatian for Commercial Profession�l zoning on the praperties requ�sted. The motian carried unanimously by members presenta 2. Three letters, two from Roger Belanzch and ane from Mo'bi1 Oil Co. requesting change from Indus�rial t� Highway Commercial, wh�ich had lbeen through the �omprehensive Plan Revisioxz process for this use. Staff supported the change ta I,inear Crimmercial. o Bill Monahan informed the Gommissioners that staff had met with the representative fr•om the NPO �k 2 and the North Tigard Buszness Association and they sui�ported this change. * Commi.ssioner tdoen muved anci Commissioner Speaker to ac�.ept the staff's recommendation far Commercial Linear along Greenburg across fro� Shady Lane. The mation casried unanimous vot� a�: members present. 3. A petita.on dated Deco 27, and letter from R.M. & Nellie Finl.ey requested that the property along Center St. be changed from medium density t� Commercial Professional. After reviewing the petition, staff feels �his was a mapping err.or and should be Commercial Profession�al. o Jim Akin, 15705 S.W. Alderbrook representing the nine parcel involved with this change. He also requested that two lots dowci Greenburg (Frahler Electric) also be changerl to CP. Staff concurrpd * Gommissioner Speaker moved and Commzssioner Bonn seconded to concur with the staff recommendation to include the area re�quested by Mr. Akin. The motion carried unanimously by members present. 4. Lettex from Mr. Ed Lilly concernzng property located at Tiedeman and. Greenburg and has 5 duplexes. staff had recommended residential, howe��er since discussion this with NPO �� 2 and the North Tigard � Busir�ess Associat•ion, staff felt a Commercial Professional zone might be appropriate. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 22, 1983 Page 2 � _ o JoseFh Hogan, 11090 S.Wo Allen Blvd. , partner of Ed Lilly rPquested that the zoning be Indu�txial Park which is compatible with the suriounding area. Also property was zoned Industrial with the Count y before annexation. o Associate Planner Coursoll,e stated staff hacl mixed feeiings, but woul.d support the Industrial Park designation. ThPir only concern was buffering between residenCial and Industrial use. . o Director Monahan stated that the North Tigard Business Association supportea the Industrial Park zone. i * Gommissioner Bonn u►oved and Commis�ioner Owens seconded to concur with staff to designate tl-ie property Industrial Park. Motion carried unanimously by members �resent. 5. Bruce Clark's letter requesting that the North Tigard Industrial area be retained as Industrial Park zoning designati��n. (Directoz Monahan stated that Mr. Clark's letter had requested that �ir. Zilly's property be CP, however, Mrs. Keski's letter daced two days after Mr. Clark's changes their p�sition.) The North Tigard Business association voted that the entire area except the Toy R Us site be zoned as Industrial �'ark. Staff concurred. (Not�e: The Times Buildings in the C�unty) * Commissianer Bonn moved an.d Comm�.ssioner Speaker seconded to concur wi�Y� staff's recoinbnendation for the entire area proposed to be Inc3ustrial Parko 6. 011ie Zimmerman letter. is in the wrong place, it should be moved to NPO �� 7 packe�so 7. Associate Planner Coursolle recoanmended that the T�ys R Us property be retained as Highway Commercial as approved by a previous Gomp•rehensive Plan Revision, but was not reflecteci on this Comp. P1an Designation map. '� Gommissioner Bonn moved and Commissioner Moen seconded to concur with staff on the Toys R Us site. Motion carried by unanimous vote of members present NPO �k 3 1. Two letters, one from Moellman & Banky; one from Robert Dalton, aoncerning the �roperty on the south side of Walnut, north of the Cixcle K reque�ting property be Commerci.aZ Linear (C—�). Staff concurs because it is surrounded by multi—family residential to the north and commercial to the south and has adequate parking. o Bob Bledsoe, NPO �k 3 reviewed this proposa� and recommended a lighter cammercial use such as CP or Commercial Neighborhood. * Commissioner Speaker moved and Cnmmissioner Bonn seconded for a Commercial Linear designatio�i as supported by staff. Motion carried unanimously by member� present. PLANNING COMMTSSION MINUTES January 22, 1983 Page 3 � __. _. 2. NP0 �k 3 ].ettex - Bob Bledsoe, 11800 S.W. Walnut, NPO �� 3 representativ� proposing an alternative for Medium density for the Bechtold area. He requested this property be low density. n Herman Porter, 11875 SoW. Gaarde, NPO �k 3 representative expressed his sugport for the alternative site propased by NP0 �� 3. o Vittz Ramsdell, 11635 S.W. Terrance Trails NPO �!� 3 representative summarized NP0 �k 3 discussion regarding the changes pr�posed. o Associate Planner Coursolle statsd he would li�Ce t� go over the calculatiozi and research the existing zoning map and files o Commissioner Mo�n guesti�ned if the property owner were made aware of the alternative proposal. Mr� �ledsoe stated that one of the owners had �een talked to �nd was in favor. o J��in Gibbon, Robert Randall Company, stated �e knows one of the other oxaners and would be contacting them. He reques`ted that the Commissio-� �orward the matter to the City Council and xf there is a problem he would raise again at the Ca.ty Council level. o The Planning Gommissioners were concerned about changin,g density on properties when the property owner where not present to comment. * Commissioner Speaker movecl a�d Gommissio•aer Owens sscor�ded to retain the medium density on the Becthold property; and nothing be done with the alternative praposal, because it has not been throughly Y•esearched, o �Commissioner Moen a�re�rl the ti.ming was carung tc� be �hanging now, however, he did not support the medium density on tlie Bechtald property. Di�cussion foYlowed among Commission.ers. L�gal Coun�el gavs ogtians to the Planning Commission o� how to haz�cile the issue. * "Tt►e motzon carried by majority vote af inembers present, Commi�sioner Moen voLing noa NPO �k 4 1. NinP letters frnm various property owners in the Tigard Triangle �'� requeating that their propert� be designated Cc>mmercial Lx.near. ' Staff recommended thak the property xemain designated Industrial Park, excepk for about 200 feet of the Randall property, which is Highway Commercial ana is presently designated that on rhe existing Comprehensive PXan Map. William Monahara, Dir�ctor of Planning and Development, stated he and Jr�remy conflicted, as he felt the Finke property merited a commercial zoning, i£ the Randall property was zone�i commercial PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ,January 22, 19$3 Page 4 o Gordon Martin, NP0 �� 4 Chairman, 12265 S�W. 72nd Ave. The NPO voted to recommend to the Planning Commission that the groposed Linear Commercial be accepted providing that the tatal area, of approxi.mately 68 acres is designated as Linear Gommercial and that spot changes would not be accepted. He would support the Randall property 200 feet fronting Pacific Highway being made Linear Commercial. o Lou ChxisGen, 17895 SW Shasta, T�alatin, also a member of NPO �k 4 requested that his property be designated Commercial Linear. a Doug Seely, representing the Robert Randall Company with 5.9 acres, at a minimum the Randall Company wanted to see Commercial on the 20'0 ft. strip indxcated. However, there is good reason to designated the Finke, Randall and the property fux�ther to the south as Commercial, because af the streets which arp being proposed. o Gordon Msrtin', 12265 S.W. �1nd, stated there are a number of residential areas centered around lhe triangle which the NP0 plan has �roject�d ��ul�t be justified to change iin the future froin resid+�Y�,tial uses to business. o Merrill Haddon, 13545 S.Td. Villa�e G7�en, ag�ees all the property �hould be designated Conamerczal, tiut did not support an all or nothing situation. He supported having the Randall and Finke property designaked as Commercial. He has purch�sed the Finke property on the condition that it will be designated Commerci.al. o Dave Sant, Ja°Sant Corp. , representing Mr. Hacldon and his partner, regarding the I'znke prn�exty. He l:i_sted hi.s ereditials re��rding Tndustrial praperties. He fett the Finke property was better used as Commercial rather than Industrial Parko o JB Bishop did nok su�poxt �lzanging the �roperty from Light industrial or Industriar Park to Comm�rcial Lin.ear, ke has reviewed the transportation system and the effects t�at ehanging the designation would have on tk�e trans�ortation sysC�m,� o Doug Seely stated that he was in strong agreement with Mr. Bishop, however, the raad that was heing proposed by the Randall Company would make the Randall property moxe feasible as a Commercial desi.gn�tion especial.ly with the first 200 ft. � Mer: � ll H4ddon, 13545 SW Village Glen, stated that the Oregonian had just published an article stating that the I-5 Haines Road Interchange iion�rovement would be beginning �hortly. o Mrs. Ball reinforced Mr. Haddons couunenrs. o Dave Sant, Ja-Saizt Corp. co�nented on �he topography of the land and h.ow it ie�as itself bettPr to a Commercial designation rathes than Industrial Par.k. pLANNTNG COMMISSI4N MZ�IUxES January 22, 1983 Page 5 i _ _ , o Gordon, Martin stated that there are hundreds of aeres along I-� whieh do not req:u�re a high'ly developed road system to service them. The Tigard Triangle is the most highly aacessable area which makes a Cammercial designation appropriate. o Mrs. Ba11 c�nfir.med th:e road map she has seen at Metro and Washington Gounty have the road going from Haii�es to Phaffle. o JB �ishop's finz�l cocnment was that there is interfacing with Indus'trial and retail already in the Ciky of Tigard and this works we110 Tigard does not have in its inventory what it should have for the s:hort term future, before these roads of the future are put in. o John Gibbon, Robert Randa'll Compa�xy did not want to see split zonin� an the Randall property and the Linear Gommercial would make the property easier to develop. PUBJ.�rC HEARING CLOSED o Lenghty discussion between Gommis�zoners and StafF. Staff was split on h�w the p�operties shcauld be designated. '� Commissioner Speaker moved that wikh the exception of the 200 ft. of the Randall Company, that they retain the Industrial Park designatian. 1'resident Tepedina �ecanded the mo�iond Furwi►er dis�ussion, Owens, Moen and Leverett werP not in sup�ort of the mation. * Commissioner Spe�ker amended his motaox� for Industrial Plar►n,ed Dev�l�pment o Additional Discussion o Commission Speaker with�rew motiono o Presielent Tepedino moved tha� we concur with staff recomane�dation to designate the first 200 ft of, the Randall property Commercial Linear, but tk►at the Planning Commission take no action on bala�►ce o� property. No one seeonded the motion. o Dixector Monahan stated that the staff recommendgtion before the Commissioner is an �ld recommendation and the recommenda�ion staff nora has is rhat an extension of the Comm2rcial designation hack to a porti.on of the Finke prop�rty and the Randall pxope.rty and a portion of the residential area which is adjacen[ to the higllway would be more likel.y. * Commissianer Bonn moved and Commissioner seconded that we designate the the three properties in question to be Commercial Aesignatioz� with a PD overlay. (Randall, Finke and _ properties) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 22, 1983 Page 6 � ___ _ __ o Director of Planning & Development classified which lots were to be inclu�ed. o Legal Gounsel reminded th� Co�missioners that they had not written their Community Development Code yet and �he uses wi.11 be allowed will be specified at that time. As a result, what is all�wed now in a Commercial may not be allowed in the future. * Commissioner Bonn added anothes pareel, which is directly east of proposed site. Commissioner Moen seconded. * Motion carried by majority vote of inembers present, President Teped�no and Commissioner Speaker voting no. 2� AssACiate Planner Coursolle explained that there are five areas in the Tigard Triangle, which are existing r�sidential areas, which would like to keep their residential area designation. He then pointed out each area. These are the former conversion units. * Commissioner Bonn moved and �ommissioner Moen seconded to accept tY�e staff's proposal for changes to residential desa.gnations. Motion carried unanimously. o Discussion followed regarding items to be covered. recess 5:10 reconvene 5:20 o Mrs. Geraldine Ba11 went on record as being opposad to her tax lot being shown incorrectly on the Comprehensive Plan Map. Associate Plann�r Coursolle stated that the map was not accurate because of tY►e overlay. * Cammis�ioner. Ourens moved and Commissioner Boi�n s�conded to carry ove� the meeting until Thursday January 27, 7:30 P.M. . Approved '� unanimously. * Commissiorner Speaker moved and Commissioner Owens seconded to approve NPU �� 1 with modificatians as is. Motion carried unanimously. * Commissioner Speaker mnved and Commissioner (?wens seconded to approve NPO �k 2 w�.th madification as is. Motion carried unanimously. ',I * Commissioner 5peaker moved and Commissioner Owens seconded to approve ' NPO �� 3 witti modification as is. Motion carried unanimously. '� Couimissioner Speaker moved land Comma.asioner Owens seconded to approve NPO �� 4 with inodificati�n as is. Ntotion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 6:00 PM. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 22, 1983 Page 7 , _ L����iL.�ST��� �.�..� 'I � i :� � � . '� � :� � il � , � AGENAp. , � `�IG�1R,D P�,,�l�7�d1C�1C �+�I+�NiI�SIC)I�T , ' a�c�cr�.�x �2, �g�� 9:oe �sM, . G le/-YVJI.JJ7.S 6u�'6,7AV��L` �1.d56d 07�.+SA�l±+7�J °� �5.11'JMA V�l� LtQ�l"A � . . 10��i� ��V�7. t�1a�.nu�t ����e�,, Tigar�,� ar�gan �� O�EN Mk;�TII�7C :� 2 w �t�LT, �A�� 3. PL.�.NNIN� �U�JMISSION COMMLTN��ATIQI�T � 4. �T.7�L�� k3�ARTi+1�S 4 e 1 CPA 1 1°��2 COMgt'2EHENSTVE PT�AN REPORT: TRAPdSPOR`�ATIQ�T ��e� ove� f�om �anuary 18e 158'�) 4 0 � C�'k� 'i 2°82 �°C)M�RLT�Ei�T�IVE PL.AsN REPQ�?T: HOC7�JNG (If neces5�ary) 4 . � CPA 'E 3—$2 C.OMPREHENSIVE PLAN KEP012`r t URF3ArIIZI��1'IOI� (If neLessaxy� �.4 CPI�, 14-82 COMPRE�TEN�IVE A�LAN REPORT: FINDING�, I'QLICg�:� 1�ND �M1�LEl�IENTATION STRAT�GIE� 4 . � CPA 'i5m82 COMPREHE�SZVE PLAN M,A� 4 . f� ZC 19�$2 INTERIM ZaN�N� DYSTRICT MAP � �o I�ew Busa.ness �� 6. Oth�r Eusi.n�ss I , � 7, Z�.�j ou.rnm�ni: � � � � � � C� � J m��� +, 's.i��x�cf �la�n�s�.ea� ��as�ian M��;�zn� kfie�aate� � .B��a��sy 22, �.��� 3.. Ps��adent Te��din�s �alled �ti� m�eta.s�g ta axder at T:3S P.I�.. The aaee�in� wa�s k��l.d at F�r�ler ��an�.ar Nfa.gh Sckaa�l. � I,e�tur� �toc�m, Za�65 S6J 41�litutca �i���d, preegc�no , �o ROk.X� CA�,L�: Prese�t. . Pr�:si,.c�er�t �rank �e�sedg�o, Cc��m��saoxaexs �l�.�fo�d I Sz��aker, �.oy �Jonn, ll�n �Ioen, 1Bannie Owe�s, �aane I.ever:ekt. Absent� �ammissic�n�r �d�n and Chsis�e�a. � i Staf�: Willaam A.a t�lonahaci, Aisectcar of P1.�nn�.n� � I D�velopmer►t; J��emy Coca�sull�, A�sociate I'la�nes; �lizabeth New�on, e�ssoeiate Plann�s; As�ri�ann� �x�oc��man, T.e�al Causel; �7i�c�e J'el�erl€�, �ecret�ry. 3. P�,�.NN�N� �:QMAiZSSIOt� COi��3iV��ATIO�] a There was no ccrmruunica�i.ane PUBLI� HEAIi.INGS 4.5 CPA 15�-$2 -- COi�i(PREH�Efii�IVE PLE4t� I�1P DESIGNA�7[�IV� �IPO �� 1. � 1. U°Mara TrA�n�l� p��oposed medi.u.m density ° x�umerous l�t��rs �nd �aetitiUfls ��ppos�n� �nediu� density (�-12) -- �eques��d I.ow Density. t�nother cancern s.as the area S6ldCtY of �'anr�� Grreek which is in �he �SD,, the i'URA �1dv�sary Comaei�tee would li.ke thxs a�ea keg�k sess.d�ntial wi�h iio c��uaer�ial use sr�.ow�d �long �°Mar�. o John Butler, N�'0 #� 3., Chai.x�man, st��ed thaL- NPO ��1 had vatad ta maintain R-7 �it�e � �'D factor in th� 0`�tar� �riaregl� Area. r , � o �ary Ott, 1�PD � l, spake canceraiix�g the C�DP �hat it she�exld fi� �,nto � th� ovrerall p�azr af the �ity. He is specific�lly concernerl wrAth t�ae � ax�ea gouth A� Faz�no Greek. At th� I��'iJ �� 1 �ecember �eetnaag th�y � vot�d to xecoan�e�s1 rhat �he CBI3 district b� zno�ed up �p �he barder of t�e o��a� space area, sixa�� the CBD distz��c.t a1l�wed cocnmerci.�l `°� use�. Th�y h�va mek wi.th 7['URA and rhe �'lann�ng Sta�f an�d �U�A has � re��mmencl�ci to pvC in. a �p��Ra� resi�enti.ai. zone. H� f�els that the � NPt� wuuld be satisfier3 and would support that ef£drt. Th�y wnubd -� want any develogrn�nt there to ga thx4ugh a speci,al desi�n psaces�. _ . � d 'I � ' o L�'�.11iarn Nfva��h�s� ��cpl�i�ed T�'�tA. and the T�IRA Advisor� �CSmnaitt�e. Oza , 3an�x�x�y 1�, �h� TUIt�. A�ivas��� �c�i.�C�� mek amd sr� ns��r ;���ommen�i�n� , s ��eciium d�eneity ra�i��� than �igh den�i�y. �ey t�uzBt in c�ndit�.oc�� I kha� �:k�ere wnuld �� �d�qu�te tau����xn� k+eC�e��e aa�y szng9.e �afna'Ly 'I ���adences sahbch are adj�c�nt t� this area. o Di�cussbon ensu�d bet�reen staff and th� �lannang �or.a.ni�s�.o:� I cLa�xfyang the C�I� and us�s tY�at wouYd �ie allowec�. ' I a .Tl� B�.�h�s�, an �ctive partici�aant of. �.he TUTtA ,�dviscs�y Co�i.t��e ae�si N�t� �k 1„ bue not � men�ber. �;e �:e��ues�ed that �he �a�ea adjaina.ng �.he Phi.ladelph;'�a Sqeaare Apartm�nts, of[ o£ Ask�, on �he �artti srd� of klx�.� 5te a��oss Ezo� �k►e resxcleaataal area b� ahaceg�d to CP, Hs �a�plai.ned �is reasc¢�s for his req�est. o Willi.am MonaFaan, IDir��.tor o� k'lanniazg & I3�velope��n� com�nented �ixat i�e d:id not feeA the i�A�n���g Conanissian sh�u.Id deal �it�t Ch� zona.ng � withxn the �en�r�l B�siness llist�ict, these �.ssues �hocald be a�dr�s�ed tE�r�ugh tlhe TidltA Ad�ri�ary Goanmittee. 'fhe Yla�nin� �ommi�sion needs to coi�sidPS the GBD as � zane. o Gl�+rx� J�hnson, 93QU S.4Je Eii.1i Srcre�et, repr�s�ntzng herself and I.�rry Saub who �ubmitted a pet�tn.oat fmr Low Iiens�.[y in the Ta.�;a�d Triang7.em �hey wank to b� a�sured tk�at ehe sin�I� famiiy r�sidential axea is pxat�cted. Th�y do nca� want the tti� C�p to a11ow Ysigh I de�lsity in thei� area� They w�uld �.ike some worcd.bno that duplexes � would be used as bufi-fea�za�g taetween the single fami�y rPSiaential ac2d the high�� aensiti€�sa o Discu,sio� fz��lowed �ekween Staff and the P1�nnitig Comr�r�5iox►ers * Commissioner 5peaker mc�ved and Ccammxssion�r I4Aen seconded to , i designate the Q'Mara Triangle Mediu►n Den�ity (RSPD) in sup�ort ot I �Caf.£ �°ecomraen.datiane ` I Z'1-�.� mataon caarr�.ed uraa.nimu�siy b� membexs presente �arr�th Ott, N�4� # 1 is c�oncerned about the p;rotection of the �� existing resrden�ial area �nd how it inte�rfaees wath the CBD. He does not suppork a com�n�s�i�.l zoning a.n thQSe �r�as e * Cs�m�►issionex° Moen �noved and Comanzssi.on�r Bonxa secanded to su�part the T�IRA Advasary Comm�tt��P's recotmne�aciata.on fox medi.um densiCy residenCial wit� bufferi�.g �nd step dpwn provisaQns ko protect the sze�gLe �amily are� iet tk►e C�neral �usifless Dis�sict zon�e �nd acce�tzng the houndaries a� is. The motion carried unanimouslye 2. Van Canip letter reque�ted that the Air Kin� site �aiL'hin the Cantral Business District b� allowed to ke�p industrial. zonxng. H� s�t��nd�a the Jan. 13, Ti13RA AdvisQry meeting and the Commitkee had voC�d to k��p their pasition, o� noc r�1law�z.n� Indus�r�xl ua� �r► �he CBI3. Ska�f �upp�rte�i this �ec�mmenc3atian from TURA. � I'L�N1�Zt�C COMMISSION MINUTES January 22, 1983 �age 2. e � . � C�mmi���.e�r�er �p��:���' �oved and Co�aa.$ssia��r. t1�i�ca� r��s;orsd�d Ca ���r.�►v� �he �t��f°� recor��e�sd�z�.ar� �or ►xcat �l.l�w��i.n� Ir��.u�t�i�l �3se in �he C8T1 a Th� �a�ticsEy c�rraed ���aacaa.mously by r��mberc� preaEa►t. N��3 � 2 1. i.�tter� frdm H.A�. ��°�z�il a�ad Sulau�ban Inv�s�ox�, sue�s� �f ki�Il ��.v�3 soe�th caf h�gl�w�y 217 req�ae��in� Ch� th� Ct��unercital �'rofessianal �ge b� an�int�inede S�af� can�urs wbth ��e ��que�t. ��.51 3517A Iots 14£DLl, 1800, �500, :i501. � * Commis�isane� SpQak�x� �o�r�d an� �mmissioner C3wens s�c�nd�d �� �ccey�t khe staf£'s recssnun�ndataar� Eax� ��as►��ca.al gr.cafessior.al �or��i� c�n rch�e pxr,perties reque�sred. �h�; motion e�xr�.e� uax�nYrnou�ly by �eemt��rs gr�sen�. 20 �'hree letters p t�n �rc�i*� Ra�er Belanich and one from �i�bx3. +�il �. re�uesk�.ng chang� �rom Inclustria7. to Highs�ay C,�maaercial, wt�cic� had 'beexa thz�saugh the Cc�mprehensave Plan Revision process fr�r ��is u�e. , Staff sugpoxted� the ch�ng� i.a Line�r �eucn�rci31� o Bill Monaha� infcsrmed tk►� Commissioners thak staf� hari met with th� r:e}���esent�t�.ve fr�m the NPO �k 2 a�d the AVor�h Ti�ard �usi�les� Associatir�it aiid they sup�orted this c1lan�e. � Commissiozner Moen mc�ved and Gommissioner Spealcer �o accept t�e s�aff's reccsm�eradakida� for Csmmer�c�al Lineax a�ang G�eeYYburg a�r�ss ,�, fram Sh�d.}t Y�ne. , The moti.on carrY�d unanamous vc�te o� member� pres�nGo I �. A petitian �latsd D�c. �7, ar�d lette�r from It.t�. � t3e�3.xe Finl�y reques�ed that the p�operty along Center St. i�� chac���d frozcr medium siensity kc� Coromerc:ial P�°�fessional. Af�er reviewi�.g Ct�� �etition, ' �taff feels this �aas � mappia�g er�a� and s�oulc� be C4uun�a�caal Pr�fession�l. I o Jim Ak�n, IS705 5��ie Alder�ra�k repr�senting the rafne parcel i.nvr�lved � ,� a�itY� th,a.s chan�e. He also reqcaested ttaa� r�ra lo�s da�� Gre�nbnnrg � (FrahE�r �l.aetric� also be ct�anged to CP. Staff ccan�u�ged � * Cozflmassioner Speaker mo�ved �n+i Gcam�mission�x� Bnnn ��cand�� ts� cancu�• � wi�h • the staff recaznmen�3ation �o in�lude tt�e ax��a requasted �iy MrA e3 P.lcin. � � The motion �Mrried u�an�mausiy �y mambers present. �A � 4, 7..�tter from Mr. Ed Li.11y concerning property Iocgted at Tiedeman and Gr�enhu�r� and tna� � cluplaacPs. staff had rec�mnaendec3 resi�cntaal, haw�ver si�ce das�uss�on this with NPO � 2 axad the Nortt� Ti.gar� Business Associa�ian, st�ff felt a Gcarcnm��cial. Profea�ioteal z4n� �i�h� be appr�pri�te. pLA�IId7�NG CO�IMISSI��v AlINUTES Js�auary 22, 198� Fa�e 2 ___ . � , � Ja3�ph �gan, 1109q �m�i. �.Ilen B�.vd. , par�ner �,� ��i I.�.�.ly r��u����� ��ta't ehe xonirag b� Industrial �'ark wh�cin a� COip�Y�Clfil@ ra�.C3x tlh� a�a���u�ading ase�.. A�.�o psoperty �aas zc�rae� Inciust�i�.D. �a�.th Eh� �u�aty b�fare ar►nexaC�c��. � o Associ.ate Planne� �ourscalle sCaCed s�a£€ h�d �i�ed fpel'�a��s, but c��culci �upps�rC the I��csstr�.al �'�rk d¢�ign�taonm Tfa�ir esn1Y c6r�cerc� was buff�rz��; betw�Pn r�sidecn�ia� a�.�i 1�ndu�stx��1 us�,, o Di�eeeor Monanan �t�ted that C�Ce North Tigard Busi.ness .�,ssc,ciation ' supported �he Ig�dustrigl Par.k zon�. '� Commisgion�r Bc�n�. �ncved a�.d C;ommissioner �w�n� ��cond�ei �� ��ncur ' writt� st�ff ta des�ig�iate the p�operty Tnde�skxi.ai �'agk. Fiotion caz��ied I, unanimous�y by m�mbers �resenCo ' ' a 5. I�ruce Cl��k's letter requesting �hat �h� North Tig�rd In�lustrial �a�ea �il b� r�tained as I��ustx�aaT P�rk zo�ing dssa.g�naCz�n� CT�irect�ir Moz►aY�an � �tateci t'�aL- I�r. Cl.ark°s l.�ttex had r�que�sked tha� Mx« Li3.lY's �' �roperty be CP, h�w�v�r, k�rs. Keskz.'s l�ttex d�atec� twa ¢iays after Aira I Cl�rk°s changes �heir �asition.) Tne �to�t� Tig�rd �usi.n��s ii a�sc�c�ati�n voteci l�r�t �.��e enti.re area exce�t the Toy �t tJs site be zcarec�si as Is�dusLrial �'ark, SCaf� �concurx�ed. (I3c�te: �e Ti.me� I Bus.lciin�s in k�e County� I I � Gommissioner Bonn mo�rpd and Gnurmissioner Speaker seconded to concur I� �rith staff°s recommex*clati.on for th� entire �s�� pr�po�ed to be I Industrial P'�rk. 5. 011i� Zimmerman lette� is in th� wrvng place9 ,i�t shou�.d be mov�si to I I�PO � 7 �ackets. . � 7o Asso�iate Planner Coursoll� rec�mmend�e� that the Tey� It iXs properlc;� U� retained �s Hz�hway Cammercial as a�pprnv�d by a pr�vxous Compaeti�nsive Plan Revision, but was noC refl�cted on thi� C,flmpm Plaa� II Dasignaeion �nap. � �' Commi�sion�r Bonn �aaved and Co�aissioner t�oen x�conded to eoncur �a�.t�i staff on th� Tays R Us sitev P4otion carried by unanimoeas vote of m�mb�rs prese�at � N�fl �k 3 p..�.� 1, �`wo Zette�s, on� from Moellman & Bantcy; one from Robert Dal�an, � concer�.i�g the propert� �r� the south sid� 9f Walaau�., �nor�tn s�f th� � C;i�cl�e K rpquestin� pXOperty be Commerca�l Linear tC—S), Statf .� �o�c�ers b�cause it is saxrrounded by multi-�f�•mi,ly r�sid�n�ial �a �tie � north a,aid co�unerc�.al rr,o the so�ath anrl has adequ�C� p$rki�n�. � � � o Bab Bl��sae, %3P(? �� 3 reviewer� thi� propos�3. �n�d �reco�a�ended s. lig�ateY cc�t��rcial use such as C� ox Ccernn��cial Nei�hborhao�e * Co�unissian�r Speake� m�ved and �on�missi.oner �nn t�ecostdeci far a Camm�rex.al Linear d�si�nation �� supp�xted b� �t��fw Matic�xt carri�r� I ux►aznxmcaus 1sr by tnem�exs ��ese�C a pLAh1NZNG COMMISSTO�V �fINUT�S J�nuary 22.s �983 Page 3 Y ^ fi • �m ��� � 3 l���e� °° B�b R1ed���y I�$00 S.�. ���l�ut, N�� # � z�present�tiae prop��ing an �1t�rn�tive far �edY�� de�$a�� �o� the ����toLd �reaa �� �equ���ed t��s p�a���ty �.e law decisit�. � Fl�r�s� �orter, 11&75 S.Wn ���rd�, �PO �� 3 r�pr�sPnt�ti,ve �x�r���ed hi� �uppas[ f�r t�� altern��ive ai�e �ro�o�ed bl N�0 � 3. � VitCz �amsde�l, 11635 SsW� Terx�.nc� Trails NPO �� � r�pr�sent�tav� � su�mariz�d NP� �� 3 discussio� r��ax�i�� th� c�ang�s pro�aaed= � �ssoci�te �lanrer Caursolle s�ated he w�ul� like C� go �ver t�e i �aleulstzan �nd resesrch the �xisting zaning ��p �nd fil�s � a Gommx�szUnex �oen questi�n�d i£ t�e prope�ty o�ner wPre �ade aware af � the al.ternati�e pro�os�le Mr� B�eds�e st�te� �hati onP o£ th� ow�ex5 had been talked Co ��d w�s i� favar. o Joh� �ibba�} Robert Randall Com��n�, st�ted he knows �ne �f the other � awnexs �nd �ou�d be can�acting the�. H� reques�ed th�t th� �aanission f�axward tt�P matter tc� tk�e Citx �dUL1C11 and if thexe as � g�x�obZ�m he would �aise again. at ��e Cit}� �ouxxcil levela o Ttfle i'lanning Cammi.�sa.one�s were concerned aboa�t changa.xtg <1ens�.t� oc� p�oper��.es wrhen the property owc��s where not prese�.k tc� c�tn�ent� �' Can�unissioner Spe�ker movec3 and Ca�mmi�s:�ox�er G�e�s s�coi�d�d E:o r�t�an Che medium density on tt�e Bectholrl pres�erty; axxd nothing b� a�ne with ,I th� aL�er�atAVe proposal, because it has �.c�C been Chroughly res��z�ch�d. �I I o Cammissior��r MUen agreed t�e timin� was wro�g to be changing naw, �, , however, �e �id :�ot support ttae meali.um densiSy on the Be�htold prop�rty. I)Y5Clt5S1C>Il fallowec3 amo�ng f:oninissior�ers. Legal Cpun5el gave option� �o the �'l�nnin� Co�nission on i�ow to handlQ eh�e issu.�. * The motion carri�d by majority vote of inembess present, Comnsi�sioner Mo�n voting na. NPO ��' 4 lo Nine letters fra� various �rroger�y os�rce�� in the 7'igarci Trian�le �. reqLxesting tha� their p�o�esty be cies�.gn�.ted Commerc3.a1 Lin�ar. � Staff recomn!ended Ckiat the �rope�ty remsan d��ignaCed Indus�rial �g ��r.k, except f�� aboint 2�fJ f�et o� t�e �andall p�opKrty, wtxich i.s � Highw�y Comsuer�ial and is presentiy des�gnaeed that on �t�e �xisting � Coniprehens�.ve Fxan A!ap. � (} William Manahar�, i3i.r�ctor of Plannin� and �3evelopment, stated he and � 3eremy cmnflic���+, as he fel.� the �zr►1c� prop�rt� �aerit�d a comin�:rc�.al � zanirag, if the Aara�iall �rraperty �as zoned co�nmer�cr�l. PLEID3P��:bIG Ct�z"4Ai�SSI(3Id MINU��S „7ametsry 22' 1983 Page 4 . + a� �rdo� 1Martin�,:��d�� � ea �t��ir�aarn, 12��5 �o�d� 72nd Av�o Z'�� �PS� voted tp recor�end to C�ae �'I�aa�in� ��ission tke�.� ti�e propaad�d Lzea�aAr �rnmeraial b� ���ep[ed px�vir3ing rin�a� tl�� tot�l are�, of C Rl ap�roxi�nak�iy 68 aaxes �.$ des�.�nat�d a� Lanes� �omsn��az.a�. ��d ��xat �pot ch��rge3 waul�l xea�t b� a���ptedo �IIe woul�i support C�e Randall propzrty 200 feet fx�nting Paci.�ic Highwa�a being made Lir.�a� C�caune r e i s 1. Q Lou Christe�n, 17$gS SW Shasta, Tua�latir►, �L�o a snambex of NFO �� 4 ��queated that hi� pro�a���y be designata�d t;omsne���.al Linear. 0 33oug Seely, represenCing th� Robert Randall �ompany with 5.9 �cres, �C a minimum th� Randall Comp�xx� �✓anted t€� see Ccyrtunera�.a�. o�► �°n� 2Q0 ft. serip indic�t�ed. Hr�we�erc, Cinere is good reasan to slesigna�ed �11e � 1�inke, Ttanc�a�.l and. the properCy fur*_her to Che south as �om.mercir�l, b�cause �i .r.i�� streets cahzch are bein� prs�gosed. I , o Gordon �I�aCin, 12265 S.E�� 72nd, s�at�d there are a numl�er of r�sidential arPas cen.tered arour�d t'ne triangle whzch �h� PI�O plan has prajec�eei wo�l� be jus�ified to ch�nge in Lkze future from residen�ial �s�s ta business. ' � e Merrill Hadcion9 13545 �nF7. Vzllage Gl.en, �grees a�l th� p�operty should be desx�;nated �ommercia�y but did not suppart an 311 or nuthbng ss.tuatxon. He supp�xted havs.ng the Rand�ll And Fii�ke I propex�ty designakad as Commercial. He lzas purcltas�d tize Finke property on the conditian that it wi11� be designated C��mer�ial. o Dave Sant, Ja-Sant �r�. , xep�e�eneing Mr. Had�ion a�nd his partner, rega�dix�g t�e Fin�ke �property. He listed t�xs creclit$als �°egarding Ic�a�ustr�iai �r�ap�rti.es. He felt the Finke prUp�rty was better used �as Commercial rather than Induskrial Park. i � o � JB Bzsh�p did not support ch�a�ging the �sopesty £rom Li�ht Industrial or Industrial Park to Commercial Linear. He has revieweri the transportation system a�aa t�de effects that �h.7ngi�r�g the designatxon I wcauld ha�re ax� the tra�.�par[ation system. II o Boug See1y stmted rhat he was in strong agreement with I�r. �ish�ogH �iowever, the road that wa� being proposed by �he Randall Com�any �ould make th� RandaYl prep�erty more feasibie as a Cammerair�.l deszgnation esp�ci.alL�y wik'h the �irst 200 ft. o Merrill Hadclon, i3545 ��' Vi1Za�e Glen, sCat�d tha� the Oregonian h�ri just �ublished �n articie staking that the I-5 klaines Ro�d Tn�ercha�ge improdement would be �ie�znning shortZy. n Mrs. Ball reinforced Mr. Haddons coIIUnents. o Da�re Sane y Ja-Sant �'erp, comm�nC�� on th� �Qpcsp,;raphy �f th� l�nd �nd �oza it lend.s �.tself better t� � Cramme�ci�l designation rather than Industr.i�l Park. FLANNING CQMAiI�SI�N MINtJT�S January 22, I�'83 &'ag� 5 ' � � Gcs�dan Ma�tir� ���t�d �ha� eh�r� ��e h�ndre�s �� ��r�s �l��g �—� w�g�h da not require a �a��I� d���1�p�d �osd s���em t� s���i�� t�w�. �'h� Tig$rd Z���ngl� �s t�� �o�t �i�hlv �c��ssab�� �r�s w�iia� ��ke� � Camm�rci�i d��igaY�Cia� appxopri���. s � Mr�. 8�1� ���9:�rmed the roa� ma� ��� has s�en at Met�o and Wasfi���Lo� G�unty hav� �11e ���d going from Hai��s ta �h�ffl�� o JB �ishop's €ina� coar���t �as tha� th�r� i� z�t�rf��i�g �i�h ��dus�r�al a�d rer�A1 alr��dy �� t�e C�ty of �i�axd �r� t��s� �ark� w�ll. Tigard does n�t have �� it� inv�nt��; �hat zt s�oul� �ave for khe $ho�e t�r�m fut�r�, bef�xe �he�� �oads �� the futurs ase put in. o Jal�n 4�ibl�one P.o��rt Randall Ct>n����y d:.ci nat c��n� ta se� �pli.� zQ�a.�tg o� the R�r�da11 �ragerty ax�d �he Lie�ear Ca�merc�al wr�reld maice �he �r�-r�perty easi�r �n deveio�a. PUBLZC HEAR:CNG CLUSE� a I.engY�ty discussian betw�e�a Comr�is�ian�as a�ad �taff, S��.ft wa� �ys�it an how the propertir�s should be de�i�;n�ted. * Con�cnz.�sioxxer Speak�r maved l-hat �ith ehe exc�ptio�e of the 20fl fr. flf �he Randal� Casnpany, that �i��y reta�rtt �he :Cndu��ria�. Park desi�nati.oreo Presad.en�: Te�edi�xo secs�nded tYze �sotion, Furthe.� discussior�, �wens, Moe� and Le�rer�tt were n�h. in �uppert u�f the moCion. , * CnmYnissione� Speaker ame�cied tnis mioti.on fo�. Indu�tri�l Pl��nnad Uevelopment o Additxonal I31S^�-1I55�OR Q Commissgon. Spe�ker withdr�w mation. o Pr�sident Tepedi.nv mavsr� that we cc�ncur with staf£ xecommend�tian to cie��gnate rh� first 20C1 f� o£ the Randall graper�y �cimraere��l I,ine�r, but �i�at th� Plauning t�mmission e�.ke no �ctiQSa �n ba�.anc� of property. No one secanded t�e me�ti.cn. o Dire�tor Monat�an stated that �h� st�fc� recomcnenda�ti�sn before t�.� qL Cc�cr�i�saoner is �n old xecc�ca�enciaki�n and the r•ecom�►ei�.da�ion skaff � now h�s is that ari E.X��11S10L1 og Che C�m���cia1 cieeignatiran bacic �a a � portian �oE tF�e �inke property ara� ehe k�andall property a�d a portaon y.. af the residential �aea cahxe'h is adja�ent t� the ha.ghw�y wobi�ci be �'° more likely. � �] � * Com�nissir�ner �3ann mov�d ar�d Comma.ssioner sec.�nded that �� designate � the the thY�e g��opertiss in qu�sti�on ko be Com�ea►erci��. Besi�natxon ; wa.�h a Pv overl��. ��and�Zlp Fi�.k� �.rn�3 ��ope�tz��� Pi,r11�NTNG COI�fAiISSI�N MINU`TES January 22, X9�3 Page 6 � _ I IW * I � �iirecEor of Plannirig & �evelap�ment classafied wh�ch Io�g w�x�� to i�e i � �r�c lcxd�ai. o I�g�l �aaezxt�el seminded tl�e Gc�mmiasior+�ers tY:aG th.�y had n�t w+�°xtten � t�ea.r G�rnmu�.ity 15svel�pm�ret Crde yet mnd the u�es wri�.l be a�lawed I �r�.3�. L�e s��cafa.edl at that �i�nc�. .As a zesu�t, whrs� is �l�owed �Aw zn �i, � Cammercial may nat be a1l�wed in �h� future, �I * Goma�issioner lB�n�t z�dded a�aather paree�., r�hi�h i� directly e��t af II prop�sed site. Uom�ni.ssi�ner Mcs�a� �econd�cl. �, � * �iotion carsi.ed by ma.,jnri�y vot�n af inembers p�esent, Pre�id�at ��p�dino and �^smmissimaaer Speak�r vot3aag nde 2a Associate P1an�Qr. Cour�oile ex�a�.ai�,ed that tt�ere ar� �ive ax�eas in � �he Ti.gard Tria�.�Ie, wE��.cT� a�e �e�tistic�g r�siden�i�a]. sreas, which would lzks to keep their residentia�. �x�ea desigxa�tion. He then po�nted ou2 �ach are�e Thess are tt�e fnsmer c�nv�r�ion �z�ni�tsm � Commi.ssioner Bonn mov�d anc� Co�nmissaoner M�an seconded ta acce�t the �taf£°v progosal fnr changes to sesidea�r_ial desa.gnatinns. P�otion " carried unarrimous7.y. ` o �iscussinn followed regar.ding ztems to be cavered. � rece�s 5:10 r�.ce�nvene 5:20 � a Mrs. G�saZdine Ball went on recoral as bexng opgosed tp her tax I.ot I bei�ag shown incorsecc:ly on th� Ccamgrre�a�nsive Plan A4apo Associate Plannei► �o�srsalle stated that Che map �ras not accur�ate �ie���age of the owerl.ay o i � * Cammissiaz�er Owens moved and �ammissioner Bon�n second�d t� carry ovex th� meeting uxitil Thu�sday Janu�ry 27, 7:30 �eMa . �,.pproved unanimouslyo � * Commissioner Spea'�er mav�d and Comma�ssioreex Oweras secan�dec� �o ,�pprove ' NPO �k 1 �itt� mod�.fications as is. t�fo�ioR c.a��i��3 un.animously. * ��mmissaoc�er Sgeaker moved and Cou�rniss�oner Uwens seconded tn �ppro�re NF� � 2 with Ynodification as isa Motion carxied unani�xau�ly. * Commission�r Speaker m�ved anci Cc�mmissinr.er �haens seeon�erl tc� agprave NN(3 �k 3 *aa_t�n TIIOd�t�1C�CL�L1 a� i�. ki��i.at�, carri�d ux�t�r►iu;ou�lye ''� C�4nmi�sion�er 5�P�3�P�'K mc�v�d land Comm�.�sioc�er Qwens secdnded tc� appz•ove NPfl � 4. �aith maditicaeian a� is. Moti.on carrzpd una�nxmousl�r, Meeting ad�ourned 6:00 PMo PLANNING �aMMrSSION MI�IUT�;S Janusry 22, 3.983 Page 7 n . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . .. . . _ . . . u �, �����s' A 1D I� � R T 1d � � p N! �+4 I � � "'"""'—' t�t?�I��m HLL, P�RSt7Y�s D�5��3��1� 7i'C3 ���AEC �+�t s�IJ�' �`��N! ��1�a'�' �I�R� 'd'���� �i.�.i�� • �r�� ne��e �z�i� sa�r�s�, ��n ���.s ��x�e�, ���.�!��3� ���n� �c�ta� r��a��D �i I 1 T� E �F:��?'I'�() • I! � M� S I�. . � �, i �6��� �� ,� ��� ffi7'�°,�4�T`f�� . i ��_ I g�cs��r��r�� ��s�r) c��ga�E�v� ��, �.�z��) ��i I �1�.�n�� Add���� axad ��f�li���o�i lYa,m�, �,�dd���� �rrd �,£�a.li�tiox� I l.•'? ,�. t'"1�.+G-C._�t,i .� !'_..%!G�O r..S�. /�, � �C �, V� � �� S 3✓ �.��. ` � ��. a��,�� v��,y,�n�.�� �y�7.�s .��� ,�,v����� / ���a �t�.� ��.� )/�"'r� �'c-� �r � � ,- � �i a >.�-~..�, y��, �.�,�, �� o/ , �'-e r �I �...,�.,, � �C .`1�S �,f � .. ��,..1..�,.,c + �.� G��1 I /�.Zf.�.G�• � 7�,K . _ �G,�,��O�Wt�dl:�,� / 'r" ��{'� � ,`- -' I � �/tit,nSGlPlI � '�.: J J � ' I°P��{�?c� I��:�I If a � �,�..f'�i�"'.p'�"' �:�wP' � � � .-'� .�c�- , r� ��sT�., �� a cr �" t � ���,���l dt �" — �° � .S ,T ��,°Oo� �. ��----- - - : i y,� pq y� �a@ ^� pyi.! L . ����� � . J1� � 6A i �M �E Ltl l7 4 V ,•d A 1 i....�S t7 �!, ..3tl .__...- . .. �•,• ��,�� ' bl���fa!�s .2�I,L E�IEI��t:11�$ X9���ItI1�(i� '�'fJ ���;�I� OPt R�I°d �`A'�M I.'CJ��` ��("sI41 7'EE��ht ta]RA��, ���d �ca�,�a �h�i� �r3dr�ss c�� �i� �k��e�e (P��� ��'�.ii'� y'�u�" :1�1�a�)� I'T'�M��v�"��E?`��CQ�e �°�, � . �a ' �It��(�N�NT ��Qr) C)�POI�EI3�' (a��.�.g'a�t�a . �� N�za�, ,�d���ss �:ad, �,f��,?�.�t��n l�a��a Ade�rc�s� ar�d P,���.�.i�.�,a.9n ; � 9t9 �t..� �`!'w r��.�� � ,`��' I, � � � � � � �' ;�' �..��?,,�J iv sr.( �-�,�' /� � .�t G�• �� �/.i t��c� r e.� ����c:d C-z. L.�-r+�L�4�` ; �d°`°'��. l �r"� '� ,��, �� �-� �+ . � v-�-�.L'-�� G ' \J U t�'7!� ��,.,a_�..v� �� � � ���d ��[i ,CrP`�/ ,/C f"Za � � !1�-t-- � �_�*P �r�I`y�i� .�" �/'b',r'�J'aeP� � c.�' - f T "-��' � sJ .�`.��'.� '✓�a't,e.rt � 7C i � � G ,I 41•,, P � � rJJ .�,nl �v��c c4 �V, �f � ��! ' •1 f �"i�" S, t.�,�. �t l a, ���� .-.L-dt�. d� �''. � �-e �'a��.�-,,e � � i � � �, � �, rS�t �..� `�� e���...,� �� �..� � /�� �! _����—_______, d�7`f�'�t?v ' 1 ov.✓y-�✓ I �.�-,�' 2.1' 6 �-���. u� c� t '� � ��� � 5 �� ,' �� � ,�.S�D �.✓��i��-- r 1 ��` s � �� � , � L,t,� J ` /-e r�,ei'�/ ✓���°�o�.�,.J ni Po��. \ t t�r 2.c� J H.a �wc.-►�•t�' e.'f; 7!/ - 5�� J . V � t �.�.✓ '�.J� � - ���� � �-C2` 1�(� Y� �a✓( (J 'JCC'��dH/ �O�''�Y'Q//�✓f ry. .�+�J�L'�.,r � �%" >; ) � [ P�.) � S 0 � � r (f� r � F,�'., , �t 1 � � " &��''a�elavarl�- ��v'e�v� !�6 -� ��2 ��t�hAc,,[i�l�lo�/av� � � � c. � — � �i �s .,� �� �- '�' d c�3 o S S�+e.+ Se/t,.�r.a.F1 �'.Pt+I � ' � �� ��� ��'o�#b r, �� i�Q.� �; ,r.� �.! W ,...���».,��. ��.��.�'.��"—•---�- ����-�' �� � � t a�� �� .�.�..�� i � � i . y L ... ��..__�..�__..�� �� � � A it L� � L Fi N G 4 C3 1�I iK � � � � C? N � ---. ,d.�..._ ._.._...�.�.,.�� ! b'2'J d.9.i.�,r i:i°a l'A dJ Ad 5'SJ 1�hT 4l i7 17 iJ FI e7 d d\.+L b`I'4} �V �.0�L]d4 �lY 3'\h\J. i d.C�l°� 1•i V�� �7 iL V S{' �L G1�l i ii L\C13•A I"J - '. i �n� na�� �eix a�dr���s on ��ass �heeto �Please �'��.2�� yo�x nam�� ` 'I � �TEM/b�a�]���P'�`�(a�J:�� . I _ , � II _..��,......m � � p���t����v�m {�o�°) c��PO�r�� (agai�as�t) � Nant�� �ddr��� and ���a.laatir�ri i�� � Adclr s� anc� ���ilia'cir�n y� � �A� /� .�S �,�5'.�.Ph��', I.���G.Rs'v'� / 9f� ,.5��,l� �s�',�✓ � / � r�"" / -- �� � � , �a,.` i" �,.�� / - 1�� r �-� � �� �..,�-�.. —- �.� �s 6 �e"�L lvri, �,i a z� ' Jvft� .c✓GOa,� � � � � e�� , � ��' � � �'a.��-�,-� ��� � � � /'�� C.� � � i� ���� � I � �o,� . -,� s ,�.����'�.�'�v� . r�c�..., T'ti c.-��' �"'33, �y,. �. �-- ' -- e ��� /'�.la s"w G-��- d L � 'f.S��( --�.t��� �' j `� ( � ITl'� ttir ,.'" t <' � � �,jJ .�.J', �r, , .��r ����d � � j )� i''3� $`S��.�3 +js'4Qr�lt ffi $R I .4 � e �`1 � t � �� t� !1'Y �„� . e I� �"Y'(�!�J� ��r�G�i f✓/!/Ci �'�/ e �. ar s" /� ,r tst /' ( .�C.�..��3�' i� sl/ �� � - _ � e � �0 �iga�;d ��a�ini�►g Co�reaassian k��e��.ng M�.nutes d1L6CJ�1 v�����y aL, 19�3 � "" � 4e S C�'A �5-82 - �c�MPR��iE�dSZ�iE P�A.IV MAP bk;SIGAIAiI0N8 i � N�'Q �� 1 la q`Mara T�iangle propor�ed mediuufl densitj� - nu�nerous ].��ter�c and i pe�btians ogp��a.i�g mecii.um den�i�y tR-12) - requested Ia�a D�nsity, Ar.other concer°n was a�ea south o€ Fanna Cre�k which is in the �BD, � TUP..A Adv�soxy �ommittee �roc�1�. 1a.ixe �h�.s �ires kegt re�identza�. wi.ch na commercia2 use a�.lowed alo�g 0`Mara. o John But1�x, �IPO ��' 1, ClZai�,an, ��atesl th�t NPt? �fl h�d voted to � maintain k-7 with Pll factar in the 0'Mara T�ian,gle Fsre�o i � o Gar� Oi�t, NPf7 ,�k 1 �pok� canc�ernir�g tk�� CFsT3, tt►at �t shnuld. f:�t i.nta � the over�ll plan of the Ci�ty. He ia specifa.cally coracz��ed �isth the ares sob�th of E'annc� Creeko At the NPO �� 1 T�cember vneeta.n� they ( vot�d to recueam�nd th�t ths �HD district be mowecl up to the bosder Iof th� opex� space �.rea, �i.nce the CBU district allowEd �oacunPrcial � u�es, �hey have me� wit� �'IJR:1 ar�� the Pl.anEiin� Staff �nd T�7RA, has � recocmaended to put in a s�scial reai�enta.�aZ zone. H� �ea�1s that the NPO would be satisfied arad wrsuld supgort th�� efifort. x'l�ey �aould want an}� c3evelopm��t there ta �o thro�a�;h a sp��ial. design pracess� o i�illiaru Monai�an exp�ai�ed TURA and the �'URA .�dvisary Co�uittee. On I ,Tanuar� 13, the Ti3F.�! .�dv�isoxy Cn�nunitte� met ax�d �are seow rec��mer.din� a medium densi�y rather �han lzigh density. They [suilt in condit3ons �hat there wnuld be �de�uate bu£f�riazg between a.ny si��l� fmru�.�.y res�.den�es which ar_e adjaeent ta t�is �.rea. o I�zscussion between st��f and klanniug Commbssic�n r.lari�fyin� CBD and uses that would �ae nllocaed, a JB Bishop, an active parti�ipany �f TUR.A Advi�mry Committee and NPO �� 3., but not a znember. He �eque�ted that the are� adjoinia�g, tt�e �hil.adelphia Square �partm�n�s, o�f of Ash, an th� north �id� of Hill St. across frc�m the resid.ential ar�a be chan�ed to CPo He expTair�ed hzs reason.s for his reques�. a� o Willia� �ionahan, Direct�r ca£ Flan�ning & Devel�p�aent co�nented �hat he did not fee� t�e Plan.ning Cozmni�sion shauld dea�l with the �arix�� withizl Che Ce�.tral Iiusiness I7istriez, these issues should be addressed tllrou�k► the TURA 4dv�.sary Comr�i�teed The Plannin� Commiss�.crn ne�ds to cnnsider the C�D as a zone� o Gioria 3ohnson, 4300 �.W. x�11 Street, repr�sentir�g h�r�elf and T.�rrj� Saula who submitted petitian for Z,ow Deitsity �.n the Tigard Triangle. Wants to b� ass�.�red th�t the single family residenti.�l. area a.g protected. Daes not want the the CB� to allow hi.gh density in Ltee�r a.reao WouTd Iike s�me wosding th�t duplexes wmul� �e usezl as 1�uffering between the sin�le fami.l,y rcesidentia� ax�d khe ha.gher densities� , f\ t u Discus�ian followed betu�een S�aff �and Pl.�r�ning Co�nmassion�ra * Comm�.��ioner Speak�r Anaved �nd f:oaumi��ie�nex. Mae� a�c�nded ta desi.�,at�d the 0`I+S,ara TriaragZe 3�I�diea� I�nsity (R.�PD) �.n arapp��t of istaft. x�coxr�n�ndai:ion. P��a�ion �arxied una�imo�zsly by �e�►bere �re���to f�arreti� Ut�, ?d]�0 �� 1 is c�n�cern�d �ba�az the �a;o�ec��.on of the ezcistin� re,�idential area �ancl haw it interfa�es with t�e C�B. �� does not sup�ort a co��rca.��. zoning an those �reas. � f;o�iss'�.oaze� A�oen� an.oved and ComEnissioner Boa�n �e�aaded to support �h� TTJRA adyisoxy ra�ommen�atii�n fax m�diu� �ien�z�y r�siaientia� �it� b�aff��xn.g and �tep dnw�. provbsions to p�rotect tl�e �ingle f�mipy area � I i�i th� Ca'ntrsl �u�iness District xoize a�d ac�ePti�g the ba�und�tri.e� r�s I � is. Motian crasra.ed unaniano�x�ly. � 2. Van �Camp l�tt�� requ�sted th�t �1ne Air X.ix�,� siCe within the �n�ral I Busi.n�ss Dis�riet be a�.loraed ro keep indu�tri��. zoninga H� atten�ded � the Jan. 13y �IIRA Advisory �eeting an.d the Camanitt�e h�d v+stec�. t�e I keep th�*br posz�iar� af not allowing Inc3ustgial use fn �he f;BD. Staff I suppr�rted r,his reGOmmendation fr�m TURA. * Commissioner Speaker e�ovecd �nd C4mmissi.oner Owens ss�andecl km app�o�.re staff r�commeudation far not allowing Indusfirial Ua�: in ti�e GBp. Motinn carxie�l un�.nx�ously hy membe�s gre�ent. . NPO �� 2 I i. Letter.� from H.M. Brazeii and Suburban Investc��s, wrest of Hall �lvd �outh of high�a�y 21i rcequ�sting t�at the f�o�rnereial Prafessional use be mainta�zned. S�<�ff cuncur� with reqaxest. (1S1 35D1, lots 14Q0, 18f7Qe 3S�Oq 350I. ) I * �AUmis�ioner Speaker moved an.d Commisszoner thaens se�onded to acce�t �I staff recotum�n�laeion for Coimamercaal Pxo£essior�al zoning on t�e i praperties requesked. Mation carried unanamously by merabers pxeserrt. � 2. �ireE letrers, two fram Roger Beiana�ch an.d an�e from Mobil Oal C�. re�ue�ting change from Industrial to Hi.gtiur�y Comzr�ercial, wk�a.ck► ha<�. I , be�n thrn�g� th� Cc>mpre�ensive Pla� Revisio� pracess for L•his u5�;. �� Staff supporeed the change te Linear Commercisl� !i i o Bil�. Monahan informed the Commzssioners that thay had met with the representative fz�on fihe, N�'0 ��' 2 and the North Tigard Busines�a I Associ.ation and L-h�y su�porte�3 rhzs change. I * Commissi�ner htoen mov�� and Ca�ai.ssioner 5p��k�r to aGCep� staff reco�z�iendation f�r Comme�Ga.al Linear aXoR� �re�n�urg a�.rosa f�aan Shady Lara. 3� PetiCion dated Dec. 27 and Z�tter fxom R,M. & tdellie Finl.ey requested tha�: the proper�y a�lang �ettCer 5t. Ue changed from �edium ciensztiy L•o �ommerc�.al Pro£essi.onale After revi.ewing staf€ feels this �iJ35 a mappir.g error and shoux�. ha Cc>mun�rcial Prof���zcnAl. M' d sa .7i�n A1e�n, �.5705 SoW. �.�.+ier�so�l� ��pres�:ntx�g t3x� nin� �a�ce1 in���.v�d with t��.� charage. H� a�.so reque�ted that ��Q l.o�� dQw�n �r�enb�exr�; CFr�Ys�.e�° ��.ec�xxc) al�a b� chax�gec� �� CP. �taff ro�acurred� * (:ommias�ione� Speakesc m�sr�d a�d i,o�sua.�sione�° Bann secar►de� to cn��ur �rith sta�f re�t��arnenda.ti.on t� inLlud� �rea x�e�ise�k�d by Mr, Altzn. Motion c�rxi.�� unanamnously '�y �te�nber� presente �� T�:�ter ��om �irs. Ed Li�l� grup�erty laca�ed �t Ti�de�an �snd ��eenbux� and ha� .� duglexe�. �ta��f h�d recomuaenc�ed xesieaential, lnowrever �ixxce dia�us�ion rha.s �a.�� NPD # 2 and tk�e �.tti TRg�rd I�u.szness Association� staff felt a Cn�ne�c��1 E'rof�ssi�nal zosae rnight be ap�a�apriate. o Jusegsh �ogany 11Q90 S.rr7. Ab1.e�x �31ede , p�rt�xer af Ed �,i.11y requeated that t�e zcsning b� Indbi�taia�I Par�. whactn ia comp�tible wit�x tt�� sux�oc�ncti�z,g are�a. Also grapezty �w�� zox�e�i Inc��n��rial wa.th the �Coun�y befare annea�atian� � A�soci�te P1a�nner Coursolle s�ated staff had mixeca fe�l3ng,s, �aut wou3d �uppo�t th� �ndustrial Park d�signatBOn. Z't-ie�.r o�1y �onc�xn was bufrering betvaeen r�sideiitial and Industraal u�e. e Q Di.r�ctox Mc�nahan stated �hat t�ee d�Iorth Tigard Busines� Assacia�xon supportied th� I�dustrial �'axk z�ne. '� Commissa.oner Bunn mu�vea� and Commissione� Owens secon�ed to c:oneur wx.th staff �o sie�i.�nate the pre���r.ty Fr►dus�rial 1Par�. Motioaa carried uraanimously by meu►i�e�s �res�nt. 5. Bruce �larc�'s lekter a�equesti.ng that the Narth Ti�ard Industrisl �r�a t�e ratained as Induskrial Park zoning ��sign�ti.on� (Direetar I�c>n�han sta�ted th�t l�ir. Clark's let��er had r�que�k�d khat Mr. Lilly°s a prope�ty be ��9 howe�rer, Mrs� Keskz's le¢ter dakeci tw�� clay�s afte� Mr. �Iark's changes thea.r positi.on.) The l�reth �igard Business assaciati�rs voted thzt �he en�ire area e�€c�eg�: th� '�cry i� T�s sit� �� xoned as IndusCrial Park. Staff cancuzrredo ('limes �uildings gn the �C�unty) * Cammissi.oner �onn tuoved and �'omra�.ssionP� Speak�er s�conded L-o car�cur w�t� �taff's reco�enciati6n £ar ts�e �ntire ar�a pro�os�e� tu be Ind�astri�l gark. �t. � �i. 011ie Zi�rcne��nan l�t�er is in t�e wxc��ig places it shou�.d be moved tm � TdPO �k 7 packets. �° � 7. Associate Plann�r Coursold.e xeeaff�nen.ded �hat �kae Toys R �1s prQgerty � be z�t��.ned as fiig�►�aay �0�7FLP..L'CIHZ �s a�pro�.��d b� a �Srev�ious �' �ffiplehens�ve Pl�n �teviaa.c�n, but zvas not refle�t�d o� tk��.� �o��� Plan -�.A Designation tna�O. �' CQmmi.ssioner Iiai�n �naved ar�d C�mma.s�ione� Mo�n sec�xxd�3 to �ancur with �taff ora the �ay� R Us sit�. Mr�L-i.on �arra.ed by� un�nimo�s �tcste of �emi�ers present h . . . � . ' . .� + . a�c� � � la `I*wta 7.etter�, c,�� f�o��f MMoellr�an & �ankys on� frcam Robext I�altare bot� coa�eerr� ��� prc��+�:��ty a�n z?�� sout� ��.d� rsf b�alaa�a�, nax�h s�f tli� �i�c�.e K: reque�ti�tg px���er�y b� a�:r�a��cial L�x���a� �G°5�. Staff concurs 1�acau�e it i� susr�uxiai�d by tuul�i°�1�r�Yni3.�► x���ac3�anti��. �a �€�e n4rtkr anc� ca�merci�l Y:o th� s�z�th �nd t�as� �de�ua�e parlca.ng� o &sb �ledsoe, A7P0 �� 3 �e�rke�red t��.� p��gosal �nd reco��:nd�ed � Iiglatrr caY���eia1 u�e suctz as 4P o�° ��ex'�i��. N�ighb�rht��c�, � ��ramissioxae� Sgreak�x ��aved a�i� �mmi.���.oner 33onaY secunsied f�r a Cc�aama.ercial L�.near d��ign�ti�n as su@�porCed �� sta�fo Ma�ta.�x� car�i.ed unanimously by ne�be��.r pr.esex�t. 2� �IPO �k 3 1E:tte� - Bo3� �3le�soey 1180f� B.W. Walnut, N�� �E 3 re�pre�en�at:a.e�e prapaszx►g alte�n�tiv� for Aie�iiu� deng�:t� £or �h� ��c�i�o�.d �re�. Reques�ed thr� �raperty �a he low �ensityo g I���m�n k'c�rte�, 1�$7� SeWe t'.,ax�sde, I�i'0 �'k 3 re�rese�nta�a,ve es�gressecl his s�ppt�rt far. tt�ie alzernative si��e pro�p�ed by N�t? �� 3a o Vittz Raxz�sdeYl, �.16�5 So�l. Tegranc�e �x°ai.l� �PO �� 3 repa�ase�tative summ�ri�e�l NPO �f 3 �iscussion regardBn� the change, propcas�d. o r�ssociate P:lanner Cosarso�l� statad he �aauld l�.i�� to �o o�e�c the cal.cu�ation �nd r�seaxch the e:xist�ng zonimg m�p ax�d f3�.es o Co�mnissie�ner Moen que�[ionec3 �.f �he gro�erty aeviier werP made �asaare of the altercnakive p�oposal. Mr. �ledsoe stat�� th�t one of �he ownEe.rs had been ta�'ked to and was a.g� favor. u John G�.bbon, Rober� I�andall Com�any, stated h� lcnows c+ne o£ the other � oc,m.�ss �nd wauld be c.ontacting th�m� He r��uest�d that tlie Co�nission forware t� th� City Counci�. and if there is a problem i�e would xaise again at t�e City Caa�ncil levela o Planning �Com�issionex were concer�ieci 3bout changing d�nsa.�� �xx proger��.e� s�hen the property owner where no� present to comnnent. * Co�unissian�er Speaker mov�rl a��d Con�nissi.oner ��a� second�ed to •re�rain � the ��di�im c�ensi�y or the Be�cthc�ld p�op�xt�; axed �othin� b� �one with � the alternati�ae progo$al, be�caus� it has n�ot been through�.y � �3 researched. � � � t�1 o Conamissa.uner Ma�n �gx�e�i �khe ti�cii�� was wreseag to be c�aar���igg n�w, C3 however, he dzd �ot supgo�t the u�edium� density on �h� Becl�tald � pr�pertym D�.sc��s�an f�"11os�Qd amanb �oz�issidn�r.s and Ieg�,Z counsel I gave optiens ta t:he I'Zanning Gammis�ic,n �n k�ow Co ha�d1� t�e a.:�ue. I '� Moti�on carri.ed by majoritp vot�e o� msmbers �ar.�sent, Commiss2.one� A2o�n votzng no. - � : : , �. ', ��� � � la �'a.ne 1���e�� f�o� var�.Q�a� �ropaesty ��.x�rs �zs �k►e �igard ��i�t��;�,e sc�q��ae�t�c� �l��t t1ne�.� g�xop�r�� be d�sigaxx�t�� �n�a�rcia� Lin��r. St�?�f �ecc�ffiea�ci�tl tt�at the �S?-a�serty r�ffic���,i de�i.�gr.��ed 7'�duat�ial Pa�ic, �ac�ep� f�� ab��at 2�0 f�et a� th� ��ad�.],�. �raperzy, wt�i��. a� H�.,gt►wagr �trau�x�c�s�. and �a pr�s��t�.g� ciesa.,�xta��d 1ch�� on tiie ��a�rie�g �uffi��re�ens i�re PZ�Yl a�p. 'F7i11ia� Z�onat��r�g Z9i:rectc�r o� �lannimg and l���reiopment stated he and ,��re�ny con��i�t�d, as t��� ���.� t;he �'zn�C� �ro�er�y ��r�.t�� a ��m�escci.�1 �p�.�a.n�, if th.e Ra�dall p�roperty �aas zoxe�rl cQmmercia3 e faordon M�r�i�a, c'v'�&'� �k 4 C!lsir�nan, 12265 S.'W> 72nd Av�ee TE�a� N@� vo�ed to r�c�mmend to tihe P:�axt�x:ing �om�is�nox� th�� the ��t�pc�s�d �,ina�r ��ert�rci�i b� �ccepted pa°c�vidzng tha� t�ac� i�t��. area, e�fi appro�inYat��.y h$ xcres �.s �esngnated as F.inear C.cs�anerci�l axacc �2nat s���o� ch��iges woulri not be a�cep���do Iie �roa�l�i sa��a�asas� the ita�dal�. prope��y �(�0 fee� �ro�ting �a�ifi� �ig;�xway t�e 'LBZ���x° �ra�a�rcialo c, 7.��a C;hrisL-�n, 17$95 �W Shasta, �xa�,a�.a�x, al�o � m��b�r af N�'E3 �# 4 �equester� tlaat t�e wanted tais �rcags�r�:� t� b� r��si�nated. Ca�au�r�ial Linear. o Dai�� ��a�.�, re�res�nt�.ng t�e Ra�aert ��nd�,11 (;omgar�y �a�,��a 5.9 �cxe�f �� a �ei�a�ae�cs� �h� I2���'�11. Company s�a��tee� to s�� �Comme��ial �a� Lh� 2p� fto s�rip inda�ate�� �Io�a��rer ��er� is �;caod re�son �� c�esig�at�d rine �'in�C�, �ian�lall and tFte prope�ty €exr_tYaer t� t�ae so�:th as Comr�e�r�s.aZ, b�can5e �f the streets �ak�ich a�e ��ircg prag�c�sed. o Gcardorc �4a�tin„ �.27_65 S,Wa 72�zd, �t�t�d t�a��� ax°c� a nuauber of residen.ta.al ar�as centered araund �h� tsnan�le, anci �.t�� T��O plan prc�jec�.�:d tt��at in �he �ut�a°� there would �e ,�us��ficar�.ni� to �haa�ge �h� resicden�n�al u�es ta a bts�a.�es� typea o Merrztl H�ddo�., 13545 S.We �,7illags Glen, agr�ee� �il the prap�rty shauld be �e.sagn��ed Co�-�erciai., but dz.d ncat ��app��t an �11 ox� I nozh.bng situa�aori, He suptzortad iaavin� �he Ran�.all and Fi�zke �, property deszg�xateci as Co�ne�ciai. ]�e �aas purcha�ed the �'ix�ke ' �rop�r�y mc� th� conc3�tion that it will lse design�t�� �am►nerciala a � o Dave Sanr_, .3�—��nt Carp. , repre��nting �r» �taddcn a�ed hi� partrte�, � re�sxding �he Fanke pro��r�ym HP �ist�d i��_s c;�editials r�gard�.ng � Ixzdustria.l pzop�rties� He fe�.t t.he Fitzk� prap�r�y was �et�:er used a:� � Coizmier�i�I xather �fian Yndus�ri,al Par.k. � � � JB �asho� ds.d raot s�zpprart �ch�i�gax�g �h� pro�aerty from Li�ht anrlustrial � o.r Industrial P�rk to Gaum��a�ci,�1 Lan�aro H� i�as r�v�.��ed ttYe � transporkati.on syste� ar�d t�Z� effect� thaC chan�ing tfie d�e�a.gnatian � wauld �aave oaa the tx��s�rox�kati.oa� sy�t�me o Aoug Seely stated he was in s�rong agr.eE�ent �aztte �1ro �3zshop, hs�saever Che roa� bhAt waz� 4rea.rg prago�€:d by the EdSY3p�.?L�. Com�an�r raoulc� sn�k�: I �he Randall pr,opert,v mc�re f��ac�ible as a Cr��nznEraz�Z de$i�natxr�n especislly �ri�h Che fi.rsG 200 ft. II � � _ i - {F . . . ' . . . � � 1 � - � o I�e�,,il� �l�ddors, �35�,5 �i� V'ill�ge �Yexs, �tar�o� tia�t the (Dr�gons.an had juat ,�ub�.is��d �n art�c3.e �ta�im� th�t �h� �-5 �i�zr�es Raad Interchar�p�e ia��r��reffie�t �rauld be b��bnnin� s�a�rtly. � Mrs. B�1� �einforc�rl M�. �ad��sras e��rment�. o l�ave Saaa�, �a-Sant �car�a �a�arrmente� o�s, �he �op�g�caphy of the i�nd �it�d iaow it 1�nds �.�s�lf better ta � C;aa�er�ial ���i�n�a�iora r��t:er t��n Z�a+3u��xi�1 Pa�t<« o G�rdon Martin st��ed rhat there are h�a�n.�lreds �f acr�$ �1c�n� T-5 �ahi�h , doea r►ot requ�r� � l�i�h�.y develnp�d raaoY ��s�em to �erv�ee theffia Tta� , Ti�ard Traan�le is ttae mast higk��.� access�bie area r��ick� makes a I Coinsne�cial ��sa.gnat�.an app�opxi.�te. ' a Idlr�. ��11 coa�firmed the rc�ad ma� sh� �aas seen at FS�ts� aa�d tJ��ha.rngtan li Cc�xanty ha�r� the ru�d �aing f�o� �Iaitne� �� P�Z�ff�.�w '� I o JB �ishaP'E finaT �om�zent ��s tha� there ia in�erfaein,g r���h YndustAial �arid r�etai�. a�r�ady zn ti�� City ca� Tigar�i �nd th�s warks well. ligard c�o�s no� t�av� �.n i�s �n�rentory what �.t 5hould h�ve far i:he ��ort teran fut�are, befar� th�r�� r�ads oi� th� fufiur� a�°e put in. m John Gibbor,.,� Rober� Rat�da�]. Gompany did not w��►k: to �e� s�li.t �+�ning can the Randall prop�r�y �ncl the Linear Camnn�rcial wau�d m.ak� th�: prop�rty sasier. L-U deve��sp. FUBL1°C TtIEARII�G �LQSr U ' o Lec�ghty discussion between Co�zssianPr an�i Sta€f. S1:aff was spin.t on how the praperties at�c�uld be de�igna�ede * Commisszone.r Sp�alce� moved with the exceptiozz uf �h� 2�0 f�a oi the Randail Compa:�y �hat tfiey zetai�. the Tndustria� Farlc ciesign��iano Presiden� T�pedina s�co¢�ded the motiaiim Furttaer di��ussion, Gkaens, Mnen and Le�.�ere�t �ae�e ncrot in s�ippoxf. c�� the ffiotion. * Comzni�sioner Speaker ar�ended his anc�tzc�n fcrr Zn�aastr.Yal Planned Dev�lopmen� � � o Additional Discussaon � � a Catmni.s�ion �pPaker �aa.thclrew gnotion, � , °� o �'reszdent `LPPP_CIZXIp mAVed tlaat we �oncur with �ta�f reco�nendat�an �o � designate the first 200 ft of L-he ��ncia.11 propex.tS� Commercial 3�inear, � but that the Plannin� Cnmxni.ssion take �aa acGian on balance c�f -� pro�erty. No on�e sec�nded the znariona a Direetor Monahan s��at;ed that th� sC,�ff ,:ecozms►�ndati�n befc�r� �h� Commi�sioner is �n a1d r�comut�z�datian anci the recommen.c�atia� s��tf n.ow ha� is Cha�: an extensio� of Lhe Commercial d�sign.atxon back tr� a parti.ax7 c�f th� E'iz�ke �rogerty at�d the I�andal3. proper�yr �nd a pox�ian o£ khe re$ic�entiaZ area whi.ch i.s ad j�een�: �fl the txig�,way wauid "be m�re likely. � _ _ . F � '� �a�rmai�sianer &ann move�€ s�xa�; �esm�is�i.oraer ��c�nd�d t�at w� d��ig��t� t�� ti�� thx�ee pr�p�e�tie� in q�se�ti�za ta be ���rcxal D��i�;n�€ti�n �s.th � PA aav�xls�. (�,n�i�Ll, �'i�te� and praper�ies) a Diree���r of �'la;nming & I��v��.o�+�ne�t classi.fxed �rhich lat� �a��e t� �bP �.�e 1.uded e a �gal C��sn��l r�x�in��ci tls� Comma.�ss.anex� thr�t ti�ey I��s� z�et c.9ritten their �csaa�unit�r Ue�el�opmen�� Cod� yet and �h� umes �aili Yse do�ie �t �i��� tiane. �n w�nat :�� al�ow�d n�w a.n a Car�ercci�l may not be i����n� , fu�ure. � !i * Cc,a�miras�.aYZ�r Bon� add�d anott�er p��cel, wh�ch i� a�.r���ay e�st trf 'I �xo�os�d siLe» �omanis�irae��r �Yo�n �e�o�nz�ed. � � * l�ofiiun casried by mrijcaii�y vote oi r��m�ex present, Pre��.d�nt Tepedina � a�d Cox�►i.s�ioner Speatcer ert�tin� na. 2e Asse�ciake Planner Gaursoll� e�c�rlain�d thex°e are five aseas �r► �lYe Tigard �xi.�ngle, whi�t� ax�e existan� se�id�nii�l area, whPCh s�auld like zcr ke�� th��.r residential a��a d�sigxiatidn. �Ie t4aen pvinYed dut �ach areas ihes� are tki� fo�mer ct�nv�nsi.oiz unit�. � '�' Canunissi�ner Bonn movec� a�i� Camm�.s�ianer Moen secand�d ta aceept staf� pr�posal fo�r ch.angas to resa�clexatis�l d�s�gnata.�n�» Motrorn carri�d unanimoRisly, � o Discu�sion follawed re�arda�a� items to be covesp�ia rec.��� 5:7.Q r�conven� 5:20 4 o �rs. Ge�aldine Bai1 went on record to b�eing opposecl ta her tax 1at being sha�wn� incarrectlp �n the G�mprehensive Pl�xa Mfap. As4oGYate Planner Couz�solle stated the map w�s nat accur�te b�cause. ot tk�e �ve�lay. * �on�nissione� Owens �uavect ai�.d Comma��si�ner BA�an sec�nded to carry Aver the zneeti�ng unr.il �'hux�day ,7anuary 27r 7:30 P,M. . Approved s�nani.rnous ly. � � �. * � CommissR�ner Sp�aaker maved and �mmissianer. Oraens secnndeci to � approved NPO �1k 1 with modi.f.i�aC:ions as i.s. A�ot�ion carri�d � un�nima�a5ly, e °a � Commassion�r Spea'�cer maved and Comm�.ssic��r Owens se�ans3eci to � apgr.oved I�Pa �k 2 �rith moc�ification as �s. 2�totior� carriec� ux�aniznausly. C7 � °� * CQmmzssioner �peaker moved and Connnis�ion.er Owens seconded to �agproved NPO 3F 3 with anodi�ication �as ise Motion caxri�ri unanz�:ausly, * Commzssioner Speaker mov6d J.an�i C��issianer Or��ns s�cc�s�dect to appraved NPO �k 4 with mvdificatiQn as 9.s. Moticsin carried unanxmoazslye I��eting adjourned 6:0� P2�o : : +9 � � � � � �i� 6 ' t� � . . , f � � y j: t� , �'� , � c� 44 t�ti� . ' • ..'{ fa��. � ..`'; i55'� ���.t��^L'i. � u � t� i':1 . ?�. , � , . .. . . . .. . . - . ;i�... i.j£, .. '(�. . . , , .. r,, , ��a������� I� �C1� �,�e � �"`"'° + � JA� 1 � 1��,� � ��� ,��' � ��� ti�AR� o ��"l°� / '���' ���m • . s�� � �� . � ,�n �, . ' ��� � � � � �� �� � � �� � �� � � .�� � . . . _ � B � e �,� �� �� �� � a � � � � r � s � � • �ke�:.. .. _ ., —. ' . -.� � �� _ d�,��, � I � . - � � � � . � � r � j � s i'l,,�G'� �i���'��� '°,/���-s�' ° ��..• ���Y .�.,�e�'� � r''9'- r.�--�,�r. s �..�� �` ��.������� .. ._.::, .,.,. .. .. .. . .... . . .. . . .. _./. . .. . . . . . . . .. . -. . . . . . - . I� �.. , + P�2+it�&�.A1�T�'(Ti�t T�: �dem�sers of the F�.ax�na.r�g Co�g��i�n i ��FO�: Wiliia� A. �ona�Zanri �ir��t�x of P�.a�.�ei�,�`� B�velcapm�n� ', S�'�J�C�: Yt�c�ent �'rc�po�ed i��evr�ic�xzs, TURA 3F'��IA�. A�IS�RI�?� 'I BATEe Js�u�x� 21, 1983 I ' � �I T�i� �.�T.�ta�4. Adva.�c��y �c�m�a:i�t�e ax� '�hur�d��, ,T�neaary 23p 198� pxopu�ec� I i �he f��.lo�wa.ng re�risi�ns to the condition� �a.t�ain �k�� T.YT>R�A. Smeczal ��I I I�gS�T7L�t� � j.p 10 ���.^.��� �h� bound�r� z� iraclud� az�a of rhe ToU'.RaA. Sg�e:��Z �istric�� i 2e 5peca.fy th.at dup7.eac ur.its be �xo�a.ded m�s the b��f�r �Se��a��n siY�gl� £��i.4�+ and �he ffiul�ifamily �re�. � 3. �t�duce �th.e denaity From higt� dez�si�y� tm ei�ta�r me�iuc� �ai�h or r�ediu�a � IJ.�a�in,� ttz� fin�l designatimn tQ str��f. Th�rg �va� � spli,t an th� �dns+e�asus but th� cor�►xtt�e does �ant �hp �trea� ��ot���*�c� with ��� �ug.l�x trs�ff�x betcae�n s�ngle fami].y and mu�.�:i�EausiYy. Th� revisians will b� far�a�xdsd ta T.U'.R.l�d at i�s ne�e�. m�e�in o �ha� w�.�.�. g �' be cansid�re� �or bncarpo�atimn iax�o the Tigar� Detr��,ogme�t C�de D9J?'y,[I,� re�i.e�a a.n Feb�u�r� a�►d �Sazch� � � :.�;. .,;- "'_`: - � �i .,yMa�A;�� '� ��,+� _i��ii � UEI��: � . « ++..�'�:� I ' � _. �•� -..�,�.--- � _ : : _..� - � _ �� ��, ;���r R :_ - �,;� �� �� - I ,. : ,.. ► . M''':, ,,0: . . � . � � : I . � °. .�..- '�S ; : � � � y. �. ?' � ., , :- ', y 1 ' . .. .' � � � � �- �� A��� ��� � '�� � 4 . ! . � T � .: �. R� � . ' ,�nM �. � �� .,. � .: . � �., x �. • ' .,. ",,� .� <�:; , ' ::...r-r:, .�.,,a►,�, ' ��`�1�t � .. � � �;t- - '�'r'�C �� . 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' : : . • , . .-. . �..-���+ ; .. .... ,. ., .� w..�.s�T+ � +i� ___�__i��d� .k ' , . ,.1\��� ��;'�� �i.�*� '. �� ,d,.i�/' 1�` Itirur•� :.L< � < " � ��AR� ��Ij����'_ �����ll���lU 3y��� i r _ _ !'• _... _ \. . . ,. �; ���C���±� ��: , .�-_ _ - � 1. - , �;, j �4�` .a S.� -.� ,. �-���, , �� ~ ������ �����,�-�a�v� �������� ���� �5g���.yy. :�� ST. �'CIG�RD, OREGOF6 97223-(5C13)620-554� Janua�°y 21� 1.��� `�n a PLAN1�I�i� DEPAI�'I�t�IEiV�', C�'1'1' �� '7`ZGARD i RE: 'I°�.��.�°Q� te�Y"f1I33�°�YlP,ri51�P'L �'�.a� Ma� � za��s 6 ar�d 7 rux�ham acr�s 2 S P �.I � 2 C T��c Lot� 2t�Q� and �00 The undersign�d, C�r�x�a�i S�ro�1, �.� awr�7�r ca$' �h� a.�o�'e twe� I lo�s� �vxti� a total ar�a of �.7& ac�e�o As sl�owra on th� att�.ched portio�a of' th� ���;�.rd Gc�mprehensive P�an M�pP Lo�t 6 is p���po��d ta '�� �an�d Ni�dium n�nsi$y s �.z�d I�c�� 7 is gr'csp�sed to be �t��ed �,c�v�� U�nsi�y. Tn vi�w� o�` the �°�.ct �that th� pare�ls icrarra�diately 'i adj�.cent �o th� �ast ari�3 �c�uth o�' ��� 7 �x'� a1.so zmr�ed l��diexm �3�nsi��o i-t w�uld seem that tYYe Plan cou.�ri be al.t�x°ed �ca includ� '� Lot 7 in the Plfedi.um 7e�sity zone to c�r�esponc� °�a �Y�e lots � i a.d�ar��x�r���, �n it nr� �he �outh o west az�d east P anr� �a keep two � la�s tander the same nxm�rship in; th� same Nf�ci:ium D�n�a.ty �orae. This will also faeilita�;� de�relo�acnen� o�' my pa�cel into I 1ar er �onsisterl-t, a.nd mox� �easilal� s�abdiv?sic�n. �'�, �. �j B � I hereby p�tition th� Planning De�aartment ta ��zone Zo� 7a � " �°` ('��x Lot 800} t� n2eaium D�nsity. � � ,. � R�.�?ec�t�ully s i�itted; m � � � c� � / � s���/ [-l'T�.�. / �!" t�� \� °-' �;OT1Y'SCl 5�1�'C91.1 1.��8c� Sr� ►�9� fiag�.rd, n� 97�2� " �a ,.� e�5 a l��� ' ' ' , , � • i ��i��¢�t bS}7�'�P�!R t{'� ,: 9a�i3a��,b�arr�nd rr+th r�9�r� ' e tQ strects�y:td e��aar�Sar�ls� 1�'i!r:ie fi,4is pl:,�t i�tFei�av�4a � '�oorr�ct�tho c¢p►n�a�y�ss�mas �►�6iabilttY{c�°�raY 1�S uc�u�`ii'r� �rsasc�� 1����tP�rear�. , �R�da. C� s��rretF av^�,�c��t d soii�,sv.eeru�.e�.fs�v: r� � - s�'sl�we>.C�e�s� - I , . � � . . ' I � � � ; � 1 . - y � ! ." ° j 'c4�U �s�o:; . 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T"hi.�s'� �'.e�s .ta .�fve r�.a.n. 2DLKl o .�.�rl o�s .in.�.�d.a r.,u.a:�rr.�2g. .u� ,7— and ��rtd.�zucd".i.a2 0� ,.t`J�e �YCZi�ed flt�,��a�zcza.�e G1f�a ocr✓c.crttovLn.e�, �ic.�d Razc��or�, cvxd ,7 cli�s.c:u.�.�� � ma.t�'.er� r�,cd.th Fi� Cr.�.�cr.e Iz� .atr�d .the �z.ar�r. .s:t ��a,'.t .i:tz .tfe.e. Ri'f' w� .P,.�.�tuc�� .a,.fi' wa� �r. .P,.cr.ca.2 �cr�.n� �dow �cru hruzr,f cuca' .7 hrr�lir .,i� .�.� cc�rn�a .o��' .dAS a.t .t':'s:d � g cci-ru,z .ta � a .�a.�E,' �r°o�.e�, i 2o N.aurh.e�.e .�n .tlz� C'om�z�eh�,ze.u,.e. %�eu�. R�rr� — 7'r�a,a.a�.zrr�.t�z.t,�arr. do.e� .�t .auc���s.t w.e .ahaec�d .pn.aawzac� .�Jze .7n.t��clzaru�.e, �.� da.ea .�a,te c,� x�c� ..�r .cn'r�z,�e.�e -the .c.a�2 .��.es��enz c�.c��tJun .tf�e Tn.r,czn.�,�e,o.cuzd .in .aor,�. �a.ea.c� ��z�'-an.� ,�,lic ,7—�' f(.�a� ��u�� � rta.t .fJz�. 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