Planning Commission Packet - 01/20/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ., . , , �����n ��.��rtz�a� �Q��ssao�t .T�1.�I[JAR� �09 14�3 — ?03� F.Ma �t�t�I,�R �iY7NY0R IiI'�Ii S�P30�L = I,�CTURE �.�OI�! ' 10�65 S.W< 6d�lnut �tre��, Ti�ar+�, �J��gQn I e a a �.. Upen i�e��i.ng , ' 2o Roll Call 3. �'lanning �ommission Cc�manuc:icaz�.on 4, �'U'�3�.IC H�AR�1��S 401 CPA �2—�2 �CGI�P�ttEL�EN�I�iE P�AN R��OR�a Ht3L�SING 4 a 2 �P,E�. 1.3.$2 CGM�.'RE�IENSIFJ'E PLAN RE��RT: UR.��NI�ATIO�T 5� New Bu�iness b. Olci Bi4sin�ss 7. Adjourncn�nt � � � � � J • fdI S;� " 6�! .df . � � i I �IGARD �L,ANNIAI� C�JMI�ZS�IJid I Jsnuary 20, 1�83 I m Acti�.� P�esid�n� I��sen cal led th€� ffi���in�; �� ox�d�� a� 7 a�� �el�.o the � �eetira� �ra� �eld at �o�aler J�sxxiar Hi.�h School — i�cture l��o•m, LO$b5,� 3tJ I Walncxt, �agard, (�regan. 2. RO�.L CALL: Preaent: AcCing President kfoen, Cc�m�issians Edin, 7�e�ver�tt, Jordsn, S�r�ns and Bonno .�s�nt: Ps�eaa.dent Tep�clln4�y �onuuissianesa Speak�:r and Ct►rist�no ST�F'F: Dir•ector of Y'�.�nXiin$ z�xtd D�v��opm�nt Wil2iam A2e�natrsr��. Bi�e�tor o€ �o.�blic [�orlc �r�aa�k �u�riP; As$aci�.te Pbanner� ,3e�ey Cr�urao112 �.nd Eliza�et�a N�wton„ I,�eg�l �un��l .Asirittr�r�e Brock�mr�; o�' Secretary I7�.arae Jelc�erks. 3. Mi.nute� frnm the pre�rs.vu�� iuu�etin� were not available. 4. COP�id+1�SS lON COI�iMUNICA`�IlJPI o Cc�uimis�is�n Jogdan wa� �aelcbmed �o the P1ann�.ng Ctammzssion. o Camniission �onn staled �e h�d re�:eived a lette� frQCU Tigz��d Cl�nic, which pretains t� tixe meeting to b� k�eld on Saturday aild ta� wo�.ld �vait unt�� Satuzaiay to read ite Sa PUBLZC HEARIIVG 5.1 CPA I2-82 �10U sTNG LC13� Goa�. �F 10 ` �e o Associate Planner Caursoll�e reviewed the COTirPII2�8 of tt�z documetit. I io Discussivn followed segarding d�nsxty txansfar�. � IdP�7 CC'�II•1EN�S � o John Butlar, NI'0 �� 1 Ckiaarr,�an, stated hP did nat naye the Iatest copy of the document and requested 1:hat the palicres that have been changed to be read.. o �,ob Bl�dsoe, �TE'0 �� 3� 1180Q Sid Walnut, requ�sL•��3 staff �o re�d policy 6.3.2 ae ; As�r�ciate Planr.ter Casrsollz re�d wiCh correctionso �ir. Bledsoe �ugges�ed chang�s pxoposed by NPO � 3 �ex �heix rnPmo. . ��y alsu recounn�nde� ac�dfng poli.cy bd3.4 semti�mg that zn a��. ghnse� of th� dev�lopnient pr��es� in a resid�ntia�. established a.rea the p�iinary �:ansgderat�x.o� af the Cit� sh.al�. be ta preserv� anr� erat�an�� tF�e chara�ter of exi�tir�g neigl�bonc�sad�. Pe�G� l. ° P�,ANNING COMMIS�IOIB MINUTES �- J�.N�JAR� 20, 1983 / �I I � I �b��}�,�C; T��TTA�t��3�' o �`orre�t C.�wgi11, &s�. +�, �x 354A, :�a�rwaaadp �7r�g,on, sup�sart��d �.�dium d��sity �� prropra��d b�* ��aff f�sr 10.�9 �xc��s l���ted at 1S1525 Sk] � Ti�gred S�r��t fl ' � �Ir�. 6er�ldime 8���, 115I r Ss� ��.st� r�sd �nd subu�z�tte� s let�er e�pr��si�g hE� c�e�.G�a�xa r�ga�di�ag resi.d�ca�ia�l uae ir� �h�* Txg�rd I rria��Zeo � �t�ve Davis��.r Y5(340 SW IOath, s�ked �t�x�€ to ex��.,�in under Poiicy i 60�..2, what arce a;spXicab�le si�v�lo�m�r►t �eandards an�d/�r �oea �hia ��quire ea�h subdiva�a.�an t� h�v+e �ut�sidi�ed hdusing? �i� also w�nted exp�anatinn of t�e den�ity �ransf�x, Bancrr�ftin�, tr�d.e �sffs fax fe�s aYid ho�r c�n l�e }aE prot�cte�T frc►m pl.r�ned ��velog���nts if he is in ars �sts3�Yisiied �re� (��C��l�i�h�d ar co�itted a��a� nQt defi�n�d)R He �lao ques�ia�x��i th� defa��.tion of a�ttac�aed �na�m�s �nd net acr�s. o Gl�ria Johnffia�n, 9300 S.W. Hir�, n�atc�d �he was in ��. ��Gablished �r�a �cras$ f�o� t�ae newiy f�r�ea�d CB1�a ��e w�nted to t�� ��su�e�4 0€ ad�quate tsuff��ing to pro�ec� the �a.ngl� ��mily resad�nt��l �harsct�� of t�ie a�es. o CoynmissfAner Mo��a q���tiar�ed sta€f if t�aere �aag som�tt�im� w�rxCten s.c� the alocrame�t tm proteck ti�� neigi�bc�rhoes�3�; As�c�ciat� k'�.�x�n�r Cour��le stated thgt �'olicy 6.3.2 covered �naC conerx�. o Mrs. BQtty C,�oksor�9 1052�Q S�td. North D�ateot� cras cancer.n.ed thst her ' propexty wz�s being ch.an�;ed fruu� low to m�dium der��i�y� Sh� w€�s alax-med that her ksxes �nay be inczeased ax►d queat�oned i€ h�er pxopesty cr�ubd b� rez�n�ed to �ither a f�mm c�r t�ur�ery use? � Joh:i Gibbon, rep�eaen�ting the �'ori:l.�n�i Ri�etxo IIume Builders I Associstio�.z st�ted their ogp�sicion to poli.cie� 6.1.2p 6n3.�., 6�.3.2 and fi,4 010 CIt(?S� EXAMINt1TZ�N AND RFBUTTAL o Assc�ciate Planner C;oursoPle �esponded to �questi��s asked by the public. � � �tECESS 9:Q5 �oM. RECQNVEfiIE 9018 PaM, o Tiob BZ�o3soe, 3VP4 �# 3, re�uested the Futablished �.nd I3evelaping be xncl�.�ding i.n €:h�e Community i?ewelopment C:ode; Staf� statec� it �ou1d b� defined both in the Cammunit� Us�e�apment rade and L-�e Gomprehensive �'lam. .l�engh�y dis��x�sapn followed r�garding e3t�ab1is12ed ar�d caanmitted areas versus nei;�borhooda. o Cvmmissa.onez Le�er�tt questi.a�ned wh� vne year wa� use ��r upd�te �i.me �or PoYi::y G.3o1; �egal C�u�ae� state3 these was no specxfic reasa�a, if x� �aas can€us�ng they cou�.d s�ri.ke �he ta.u�P. �7iscur�sioia fal7.aa�ed. � Ft��� 2 �^ P�4dNIId� GQ�S�SS70N MINU�'ES — ,7ANUA�tX Za, 19�3 � . _ . _ __ _ _ I e + I v Co!�niasioner Jox�3an qrx�atia�n if R dens�.t9.�s ar� CI�EElII�d Spffi�W�1£*Y0� �se�ci��� II�l��nes Caourss��.lz st8��c1 th�y woaalai dr� d��bmmed i.n ��ie ��unity L�v�l�pm��a� ��ie an� is r�f���ne�� iaa t�ee �'ineiin��, Poli�ies �azrl Im�leu�e����ta.s�a� Strmx��sie� �ocu��nt. €� ��nna7.ssisz:a �c�i� �owm�x�[�d ti�€�t on ���� fi�� 4h� ��c�*�� fiaxdia�,� sa�� ���afusing, �P ixa� re�a�. it sever�l �im� anai ir die£ �aut �a�e seaas�. o Commissic�n Uw�ns ques�ia�eed som�e of ttce wa�ds and ph����s a.n t�t� pal�cae$ �r�icl� indi�c�t� tt►i��� catni�� wrill h�� �ane in ��a� i�e��.a�e futu�e� L7o�D�dn't th� �;ord�.s�g�, a,. s y�ar o� �o, b�sava� out m� da�e� � Ieeg�l �ou�sel �t�ated �k�� pAl,xcies �a+�u�d n�ed to be a�ended or �e�w pa�.ici�s �r�4p�.�c� a�ad i.t �aould be s �orstinucsu� g�;oce$s. d Ca�mmiasa�ner� Y�ex� que�tion�ci ear� page eig�t, re�a,r�i�g �hs 2 s% density tr��asfer, is this a autr��i�t ,�if� �or �omeox►e usang � �lanneai tJe�it YDeve�Apme�nt or i� tka�re a cea.Iin� ].�v�Z asx� zs at asp t� �h� di�c�eti�n I af ths P�an�in� �am��.ssioa�. I Ass+ac�at� Pla�x►er (:�u�$�Yle st�ted t�at khe �.axt�nt �nc� ;ahat theyr �re II dxre�ct�d �o do is �o come up wi�� ver}� �l�ar �nd con�ise standard� ss� � th$t discretic�n isn`t th�re. I,engthy dis�cus$ian fc��.lowed segaruing I the d�nsity trAa��f�r bei.ng �u�rigl�,t ar d:�s�re�ianr�rya II o Cauu!ni�si.aner 2�o�n �ugg�st�d clarificata.ot� to p��icy bn3.2. Al��r,, ia l th�re s def�.ni.tion ft�r natural b�rriers. Dis�us��on followresi �I r�g�rda.xx� n3t�r�1 barri�ssa ' a B�b �3IQd�oe, �IIPQ �� 3, commeaat�cl that policy 6.3<1 re�ers t� d��fin�.�g� ' e�talalish�d �reas hy �.es�igmations o�� � m�p. L� it po�sible tn defa�e , e�sts�blished and dew�l�ping ���as siu�g�Yy by cirawing the ri.n�� ax� �lns uiap �n a lat hgr lc�t Uas�.s? �x�gthy �i.scuasi.on goil���a. 4� �ommi�a�ioner ��nn. que�tioned, figur�s useci �ox° oc�;�agancy and va�anay , r�t�s ox� Page 9. S�aff wou�.cd recheck. tt��ir €iguxes. O ��a�. COt1L1S�'�. sia�ge�t�d th�� xeuAOV� �OI.iC}' upd�a�ing map anc3 �ut an a atr�Ceg�� tri�r ttt� City �hall ��in�:�in an upd�sted map slnawing axeas whach P�a�v� beex� developed artd 3reas c�hich �iave not be�iz developed. She also recorn�nendesd chang�.ng pnlicy 6.3.3 to 6.601 �:ith the til:1� a3.1 areas. In �ddition b pn the tc�� a£ pag� 7 nee�is cl�rifying as n' w�ll as kh�� would lil�e flexibility t€� relocate ixx rh�e �Ian. �' 13iscussb�an folloeae�i. F� � ,� FUi3L�C HEAI�I�G CLi7SE1� � �' COI�dM:1CS'S�OI�I �I.SGU�3$I0�1 I�Y�IT) �CTIC3N � � a �ma�issianer ti�taens c�mm�mt�d th.at she felt it wa� impoxta�t to 2e�v�e poi�.�y 6.3.i. (�sZ �.n orde� �:c+ keep a rsni.fied p1.ar►. o Commission I�o�:� camm+er�k�d hi� anly pr.�blecu ��s wirh �he 25:6 d�rtaa.�y trr�nsfer rul�, be�aua� it t�kes �way th�e 1Pl�nning �.iuomia��,e�� c3iscxe�ion» E�A�� '� � PT�,t1.Y:NTN� GQMMIS�Iai� MINtJ'S�S — .,�AidUt1RY 20, 1;�$� a m �uu�i��i�n�x• ���ra �o��d �n� �ns�ui��im�e� �o�n second�d �a �c,cep� ��d re�ammenci to �City Gounc�.g s�r3sp�s.�ra �f �h� tia�sga.a�� �l�mz�nt w�t'� �a�� f�ll��ri�,� cr�r��c�i.refla�: 1� Pag� 7, :�ta�r:,�e �r�pl�men��tio� 3tr��egy Noe �.o 2. Re�ve tl�� wc�r�ls 0/ar a��*ur��. b�,rxa.�s" �.n bo 3.1 ri��►t ����� e�17.eet�a o� �.wts�xx�2. 3. Ia���u��.n� s�a��as ��o�r�c�ion ea� 5a4o1, �p����x�tats,ean � S�rategy No. 3� 4. Correct �res�di�� c�n p�age 5, se�s�s��i f�.m�:i.x��o Se �Co �.�c�.ud� carr�etzmM o� �spdati�x� ��p r�s �ug�e�t�d t�y I�g�� �rdsns�l a.� pc�3.icy 6.341 (b�. 5» P�licy 6.3.3. c�ill beco�e pc�lY�y fi.6.1 f�a� ��.1 a���so 7, Gia�°afy 6a3.2q (�� ��ac3 allow f�ex�.���i�.�y ta x�p��ate a.� �lae � pl.gn �s su��re���ci hy ����� �o�snsel. o I3is��ass�o�r .fr�llcaweai reg�rc�i�� remo�a.:�� t�e w�rds `dnatur�l b�sriers'� frmm ps�lacy 6�3�2 a. I�oxign ea�xied unanimou�ly b� ��ui.ssioner�s pr�ae�.�a 5 0 2 GOM�+RE�i�NSZ�T� �:��,N AP�YE�1Dh1ENT C�A 13°$3 i�t�B,A�II?.4.7CIt�tJ I.Cfi�� iGo�:i � 14 o A�aa�iate �la�a�zer G�urscalle reviewed th� �oa�ten�.s a� tt�� dmcum�axto o Cc�n�isszo��x �din Go��r����' tY►�t i� �eAm to '�i.m �hat we �re ta�.kiit� about �x�endz.ng sex�vice� on�tside �i��; Ca�y 1ima.�s� Isn't tlxi� � �!aj�r ctaang� frum wks�t our go�.AG� a� ncz�r? u As��exat� Pl�r�n�r Cour�oll� �espa�meded thai cae have to have �omQ way f�r tk�os�e are�s xased.�d s�ac:� thi�.gs a� �sewer sevxces, w�hca ar� in aur ilrban ��s��at�a �3aundar�*y but not in ttle Cit� limi.ts, to b� a�,�.e to �bta�.ii the�e ser�riGe.�. IdFQ COMMEN'�S o Vi ttz Ramsdell, AI�'0 �'� 3 regre�€�tat.�.�r�, llEa�� �W Tarsa�e Tzail�, I raxs�d �b�ecti.on reir�ti�re ta ci�izett ib�a�rolver�en�. `Thhe }r��icies tY��k are b€in� re�r�e�a�ci fc�r UrbanizEtfon were si�afted ar.e week �ga �I1t� have flot been resr3 by th�ir �1P0, whicl°� udak� iC cii€f:acult for citizen '�' involvemen�. He then sesgge�t�d wording eh$nge�s in th� findii�gt� anc� s � ad�3x�in�aal palicy �ha�cl� �.�ou�d dfscoura�� expa�e�iQa� 6f �h� Tzg�,rc� y�. U�-�ax� �rosa�� Bound�ry in a mann�r a.�a� wc�uZsi reguit in arc irr��gul.�r 1— F'lanni�t�; �r�m. Al.so r2�omw�nd�d ua�cier �.u►}ale�aea�.ts�ti.oat r�tra�egxes thaG '� -�R woald nflt �llcaw� annexaY_zan whi�ch would cre�.te r�n uxix�coxp�arated � i�landa ki� que�ta.�a�ed wt�y r�e�d�r F'alicy 19.1e1, raer� �ch�a4ls � �liraiin�ted �rom xt�e �.ic�t e Witk� regard ta 1G8�..1 (b), �ad�at I � non—r�u�s�nstsxac� �gre��eents w�uld apply tt�, iie f�lt �t disc�s�a�$ged I inrAzvaduals fro� �nnExi�� ��s� �h� C�.ty. YJndex po�icy �0.�.3 h� fel� tl�ere w�xe a.tems left auk, sizc:h a� d��ti.crage. i P'AGE 4 — FZANNING CQ2�L?S���N MIrJ�)T�S — 3,��N1J,A��:' ?,U, 1��3� f _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ � Q Sab �I��lsa�8 1S.�0f� 5W �'��nu�a NPS� � 3 r�����s�*�a�iv� addQ� �►� supys�s�^��rl Atro A�m�c�ell eo��r�tt�a �.�so 1Y� did �xot suppork ��� r�quiremen� o� �on°remonstranee rag�����n��. PU�LTC T�STIM�?F�Y cs Nsr�. ��rala3ine B��Y, 1�.5A5 S.Wa 91�t ���s� �na �ukrcu�.tted i�t� �he xecoxcfl � �.etter ccaa���xx�.n� th� 1��gzQi��1 �'��nsparta�tz.mn I�1�n �at �ce�l���.oi� ta the Uxk��ani�,akn�ir� docu�uen� a�tci zoxtir►g c�� prape�cty �s u�b��l�dabl� �.a �e se� �s�.de fnr a p�x°k an� �id� p� li�Faz �axi s�,atir�nz v St��re d5av�.$os�, 15040 ��1 lOtith, an p�ge taa4 af the girec��.�g �s�r,a���p�u fivE, ��g�rsia.n� groperr�i.es nat �a�re�dy ci.�v�lag�c� t� ux��n i�t��a�ity wai1. be convert�d �o urt�an us�. Dca�s th�e propesey mcan�r h�vr a .` ch�ic�? �3e a1s� q�a��a�ione� i� �fl�e C��y eaule� re�t�:ie� $�xvi��� c�� �I�s iJ�:�f�.�d S�wera�e A,�ec��y? H� aTs� f�l� ,��hcaol ��r�r�.��s si��ul.d b, ' axacle��er2 on �a�ge 3 pasag�apt� �s �Ie did nat a�uppa�r� Che 1axi��aage �.*.a �i, �1n� �o�ica.es �os ann��ati�a�s. He r�ccsu►�nen�i�d tta�� t�� Pla�rnix�� ,, Ccasmnis�i�cn n.ot fo�amra3 this documenC to th� !�ity Cou:�cil �ecsuse of I ��e �ac�C �f svai.��ba,li.ty a� thz� publicr�t�.�no � o B�b �Ci�rchart 12970 S� 121�t, scxpporc:�d ti��e publi.� tPSC�m�ny prea�nted zl and £e�.� t�►e doeuu�ent �xeecleci a 3.ot �are wrc�rdc� i I o .3ohn Gib'bo��, rPpa�+esentin� th.e Hame Buildi�ag A�$c�Li�tns�n, �eZt t�nat �', .l�J.l xa not s fanr burdan �a place on a�a individual. H� did not ge�l schcol shc�uld be iib�l�ded as a servicejfsail.ity th�t � develop�er h�s to }�rove wil�. be �vai3.�t�T�. The a�oat—re��ms�ksanc� reqcair�su�nts fa� I s�rvi�es xs t�eo,.genPr�.l, however he did s�ppc�r�t n�n—��mox�s�r�anc� f�x �.ID and px�vi�ion �f �e�vicQS �tic�ex�.d ,aceaxr a� tta� t3m� c�f aa�ne�€�tiara, He ����n�ed o�a. �everaZ otfix$r i���.3 of �anc�rn, �ahicll h� £elt should be mox•e s�eei�ic, but caas pl��.s�d to s�� �his eZemsnt say� Tigard ile�ds tp get a gro�a�h man�gement s�stema PUBLIC �IEARING GLOSED ��tOSS EX.�IINATION ANll REB�1T.Tt�.L o �egal Couns�el e�cpbazned the ��asor► �rhy �ch�ols we�re omitt�c� froim th� anne�ation reqeairemezit�, i� because th� sehc�al are nat a£f�ceed. Zhe annex�tion do�s not cr.eat� a ct►an�e in the sche�ol district� � � o SCaff responded to the cit:i zens input. Lecxg�hy �fi�cussion fcallawed. � PUBLIG HE��2ING CLUSED J � CS?MP�iT55I0�1 AIS�USSEOtd Ah1T3 :AGZ'IOYd � � a Commi�sian�x° Bonn co�amer�te� that tk�� City daes have ti�e c�bl%���s.�a�n �o �rQ�ridP $ervzce�, however, ts�e quest�.Q� a.n wd�st time fra��� I3e �lsa felk thaxe ahoul,� crn�ly be uxban grn�ath dane in th�e C�.ty Lin►itad Di�cuasi�n �o11owP�i. PA�� 5 — PL�.N�IING C0�1MT5SION M�NU�'ES ° 3,A,N�JA�bY ��, 1.��3 � � � b _ �a �m�ui�$ic�a��r Erl�n �w�s eane����ai �rt�i�k► tl�� t,��� fr��� ti��� �i�ve ha.r� �o �ev�iew �.ha.� �l�rm�nt saa3 ���s ��fi ����� trs �e� ��c:a�ase o€ ��aa �u��ie� o� g�li.�i�l isau�� a.nvc�l,ar�d. � ��c�x�ss��l iaz.� e�nG�rs� fd� �ey���I �.��u��> o C,e��iss�.c��a�� ����eCk �k�ted �n� w�s r��dy �� ����pt tl�e �l�meaxte c� �offimi���.cax�er �ens �ra� �osa�e�x��s� �ti�:�e ar� co�f].n.c��a�� ���nkem�r��� ��d ��ss npt co�fnrt��sl� aaa.tt� �h� claz�ity c�� ��ae �crrdin�. � Da,€�cus��otx f�i�.a��d �e��xd�.�g ro�a�ls,ct s.n po1>ici�za �a�cl ,�tx��.���i�sm ' o Co�nir�sic�s��� J��da�x fava��e� p�st�ar��m�n.fi. . a� CQmmg��s.an�r I�csen favosed �d�ipt�.a��x of ��e� ele�e�t s � o �a.sca�sion follawed on ho� �o handlQo � � i,�sm�i��ioca�r �x��a �uov��i �nd �uum�is�aax� ���i� s�comded �o forw�a�l to �ity ��x�cxl �vith r���mmen�a�ioxe of �r�o�ti�n i�.as�d �a� sk�£f'� fiaading ax�d cihang�� lis�ed ��low�. 1, Add lfl.3.g ��:r NP� � 3 reeo�nnsx�a3r�ta.an. 2e Gki�a�g� worrdi�g on pa�e trao. 3. Cha��e x��rcdxs�g acc pa�e thre�� 4o Adda�r�g af d�sin�xge un�e� lA�20� 5 a Chaztge 10.�.o� c 5 Prcapc�sed changir�g of w�a�ding of item 7 on pag� 6. 7. �orr�e�t f�.qex�xe� on chart. l�iaat�.mn carxied by �ea�ori�y w�t� of C.�mm�.s��.msxQr pxes�nt, Cam�issa.on.ex Edin and J�r�ian v�oGing no. 60 �OT'HE� �USINESS a The hearing ¢n Saturdsy wii� ��gin rtt 9o0d .�AQMo �t �`a�wl�r .Tuni��r �iigh. o Cc�mms.ssione� 13csnn r�t�t�d they s�pul� n�ed to elect �new o€�i���x�s gt c:h�re first mee�ang i.n �abrua�y, �. $. A�E�TING ADJ�UR�?E1D 12:f?�3 At�I � F� �/9 � � OQ Y� ' !JJ ' � i �I n108I� I I �I lP.��E 6 � t�LAdd2�IN� �QASMISSI(JN �fZNUT�S -� .7�i2�L€At?Y 2�, �.9�.� li I ' . ! � pLANNINC COMM����Q� FZpI,I, C.A,LL � ME�TTIVG Da�e ��-.��==1.!� aF�'�I�,� `.L't?,{��'d1110 � CAif�c�rd S�eaker� � XJt7ri MOPI2 � i �� �� � eas � Mark Chris��il �� a� � �� � � c� � �; ��.��" ��,,. ..___._..��- , Bca�x�:i.� C3�rens � �_�t� Roy �anr� .._.�— - �._._,-�, - ---- .....,. - ��� .�-.-..:�,,.>s�,,..� _ , _ ,,; � .� i'. �� � � I� ��� ,� � � _ _ I i _ �_ ._ . I � � _ _ � �� � � � :_ ��. _ I _.. .� . � __ __ . _ ' . \'Vt�l'� �°��,...rG[�'�I ( ���� � •� f��kucr ��'�r�� � �e ��. ! �� �. � C� �� a I ' 1 l .�'� a' �'', d,� �} I � � �'' ��'�-�.,�..1�.='.,�. �„�?�t,-tJr�;�Jti.1 ' ��'�'7 L.� �, 4� ( � F� .T,.�- �d� ��,��jrb�' !� 0 � � �` �r �� ��i!V"�!` t �(�."'ti,/�.- � .�ti ���a�s-��. ����v 5 u, '�'1. ,,,,,-- , , G j�Oz�,t i �`u--- '� //%Go �r� ���-��., f G�� .� �� 0 � � .��,�, ��-��� ._..i ,r��� .��. 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I�..uc%e S.'to�r::an .wa L..i.�l�•L• !?�i� S.f.�a.�i.cxrz.-� .cau.2a' ��..u.e.s.� ,�/,,� ,�1� �-,,,i,cyz,etitr� .�.e r..an.e.cl �sa .i� r� ur�.�.'u.i.2r(cz.�.L'..e czncl. .�'JLen.e.�� lr� � ��'/'�"-�� C1At.� .eSlGC�7. .�.lJ(LC.' CLd .�7.(�1� fl1.L��Z� 12.�GG� .L.�� �•� �1-1••,°`:•-,'rrrrrtnnf•? ...-.�'-°' l.Lrcclen. rl.�.fiu� i2.�r,t.�arur..� %nr.uza�z,a�a'tr.�t..�ar� %.L'an .tJ�ruy �hau.2d .�-e � ca�vr.�.cf.�:�aR. 1 u �.t�cz�c: .it .i..� .L��n Lrzn .c.�r!'�l�e.t.� �'�cx2 a:�i c7no /l��zP��� .i-t �rcza udoy�-t.�-c� .u�. � �LGG(�d 19$2s . , lJ.e a.�l� .�luzt .t�lu.� .�'.,e nu.zr� �za�r..t a� .f1v� %uG�.C`c /�,�.�ru� ��ccr�zcl a.eu! .�he G.i.t�s r� T.in,�rszd �n..c..cx�.c�� � t'L' h e� �.�, � w h e r�.. �� �,-s �'� � ;'� I�1 � r.,, a.f' � � �,�,� ' �a � u � P n l �'' J �V �i C �� dZ �, ! v �e �re ,r c��-,T'e f, � �U ��'� �G� �" 7G�� . !� � �. � �"d°.:l �� l� r � e ci. �' ��1 C �, . � ,� . c� A; 1 � , , `,.�I ���€l��il��'D�7 t� I 'r�z Ma��s'be�s Q� tE�e ��.snnf�� �,o�nm�.�sio�. . �m,� �'�tOYR t �I i �t �t.. I�c�rt h a� �' �" T� 1 � a �n a.�eegc�r of P�anc��.ng � D�velo�s��iat � T3AT� : 1�anu�.�;� 2L�, i 9�33 i �.E : �ot�p�ret��n�i.ve Pla�� t��.F � �oxrre��au�c�en�:� c�r����n.an� ;,� prQposed revisa.�ns . , r �� ���an sthe ��� �ev�r��. mo��hs za staff i�a� recei.ved �+xr�e�cous � � � req'uest� F�Qan �'�(� ' � , ��opsrety awar�rs and me�'b�rs nf� the �publf� �ezq�aestin� �ha� fu��hex cons�.d,e�ea�ion b� ��.vQn t� th� �crm�ar��exa�iv� � Pla.e� ��signation giverc �y� ��aff �a zndi'�ic�u�l por�ia�ns of th� Gouigre��:�s ive P1� aa� �Ya�d T� �o�e fn�+�an�es.. sta4� has faura�i thaE errors �.ere �aade9 a� a r�sult , w� �aaict�� �ai�h ttxe r��co�mendaCzmn P ut fortta . �n ar�.ier �nat �l�e �'lanning �omu�is�xon �nd City C�uncil are giver� the c�gport�xr_�.�� to r4vzew anc� consisier ea�c�n a�ad ��r�ry proposaZ , staff has �ssembl.:d the a+�tack�ecl list �af cor�r�espond�nee grouped by N�0 �.ffe���d . Staff propose$ �hat the i�sues tae �aken �.r� t.he order shown all�.owing �itize� inp�t ta salient �poinrN �here a�pr.upr�.at� , Sta�€ as pre��sed t�o xeacY. �a �a�h prroposax with a recommendatio�. � �