Planning Commission Packet - 01/18/1983 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. PLA�NING COMMISSION MEETING January 18, 1983 1. President Tedpedino called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. . 'The meeting was held at Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room, 10865 S.W. Walnut, Tigard, Oregon. Z. ROLL CALL: Present; President Tepe�ino, Commissioners Speaker, Moen, Edin, Leverett, �onn. Excused: Commissioners Owens and Christen. Staff: William A. Monahan, Director of Planning & Development; Frank Currie, Public Works Direc�or; Jeremy Coursolle, Associate Planner; Elizabeth Newton, Associate Planner; Adr.ianne Brockmari, Legal Cr�unsel; Diane Jelderks, Secretary. 3. Minutes from ,Tanuary 4, 1983, were considerefl. Commissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner Maen seconded to apgroved the minutes as presented. 4. COMMISSION CONIMUNICATION o ➢irector of Pl.anning and Development informed the Commissioner that Ron Jor�lan, wh� has been the Chai.xperson far the Purlc Board was ap�ointed to the Planning Commission by City Council on January 17, i9s3. o Commissioner Speaker stated he had rzceived several pages of recommendations £rom NPO �k 3 and wanted to kx►ow if staff ar th� �CI had been given a cc�py to review. Director Monahan stated staff had received a copy th� Friday before t'he meeting and had reviewed it, but the CCI did not have an opp4rtunity to review. 5. PUB�IC HEARINGS o President Tepedino opened the Publir_ Hearings by reading the usual statement of authority for the procedure to be followed in the meeting. o President Tepedino requested staff to walk through the maps that had ��� been distributed. Associate Planner Coursolle reviewed the I floodplain map which are based on th� Corp of Engineers study and is ', fox illustrata.ve purposes only. 5.1 �PA 10-82 COMPR�HENSIVE PLAN REPORT: NATURAL FEATURES AND OPEN SPACE o Associate Flanner �Coursolle explained that this is the latest revision for Natural Features and Open Spaces, which includes LCDC goals number 3, which deals with agriculture landy ��a1 4, f.ar�sty lands; goal 5, natuxal and scenic resouces and open s�aace; gAaJ. 7, natural disasters and goal 8, recreation needs. This el,emen� looks at thF phyaical characteristics o� the Tigard area. �'.AGE 1 - PLANNTNG COM�1I55InN M�ETII�G � JANUARY 1�, 19$3 Section II of the document has the summary statements and various policies which have been discussed with the CCI, Park Board and the NPOs, as well as implementation strategies for each of the policies. Policy number 3.2.2.(c), says see buffering policy, this is now blank because language for a buffering policy has not been established. This will be done prior to the completion �f the Gomprehensive Plan. Staff's recommendation is to forward this element to the City Couneil. o John Butler, NPO �k 1 Chairperson commented on. policy 3.6.2, on page 47, that he thaught there was to be a change to reflect khe greenway acquisition development statement. o Vittz Ramsdell, NPO # 3 Representative, 11635 S.W. Terrace Trails, reviewed recommendations submitted by NPO �� 3 and the reason and concerns for their recommendations. ou sol le res onded to NPO �k 3`s recommendation for o Associate Planner C r P changes and noted which cilanges had been incorporated into the text. �Ie continued that on NPO �k 1 change had also been ir.rcorporated into the ele�nent. o Discussion regarding strategy for developing parks. o Discussion on density issue, how to trade off for unbuildable property within the floodplain. Commissioners Moen ard Speaker felt this shauld be a Houszn� issue. o Geraldine Ball, DJB Enterprise, submitted and read in to recards her concerns regarding her property �ein� in wetlands and floodplain.. o Fred Anderson, $865 S.W. Center, was concerned about the reliability of the maps being used. He stated that he had signed both as a proponent and oppnnent as he was not sure whicll he was. o Larry Saub, 13230 S.W. Burriham Court, exgressed concern for the density tr�de off. He a,s�Cecl if this m�ans that low density could change to medium density and medium deiisity could be changed to medium high density. He stated that he had submitted a petition with 160 signatures to keep the 0'Mara area as low density. I ' o Albert H. Erickson, 15200 S.W. 109th Ave. , wanted to know where tree ', cutting would fit into the Comprehensive Plan� Staff stated they would have to take this under advisement and contacC ZCDC to determine how to handle ir. They would keep Mr. Erickson advised. o Betty Cookson, 10520 S.W. North Dakota, stated that half of her property was in the floodplain and she was confused by tY►e density trade off. With regards to park lands, what size are you talking about. Also, what if a property owner wanted to have his property remain as farmland? o Mr. Gloria Johnson, 9300 �W Hill St. was also concerned about the density and dea�sity tradeoff. She asked how far could development go inta the greenway and how would zesidential propQrty be buffe�ed against the CBD. She asked if developers wou�d be putting commercial next ko single family xesidential. PAGE 2 - PLANNING COMMZSSIpN MEETTNG - JANUARY 18, 1983 �, ' o J B Bishop, 10505 S.W. Barbur Blvd. , noted that the floodwaq area for Fanno Creek has been changed, but the map does not reflect the change. He also felt there should be a £inding regarding site specific suxveys in determinining the floodplain. GROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTLE o Public Works Director, Frank Currie, responded to Mrs. Ball questinns, stating that generally the problem is of a private concern between, property owner, Metzger Water District and State Highway Division. There is sensitive lands on Mrs. Ball's property because of the Yratural water coursz and slope. Drainage problems can be handled easil}� and there are no majo� problems. Discussi.on followed regardin� sensitive lands. o Associate Planner Coursolle stated that the maps were for illustrative purposes only. The City has maps at City Hall which they use to determine if a px�gerty is in ar out of the floodplain. o lliscussion of density transfer when portion of property is i.n floodplain. o Director of Plannin� and Development cou�mented that the TURA Advisory Committee had met and discus5ed the CBD residential density along the southern baundary and preserving the parkland an.d Fanno Creek area. With regards to park the City does not have any funds at this time for additional parks, buL- would be willing to talk with property own�r� who z�anted to l;.ave their grope�ty designated for park land. o Leg,al Counsel clarifiPd that Mrs. Ball's propex°ty is neither d�signatea ►,I�tluai3 or Flc�adplaan, but is s�nsic.�.v� 2azds. Aiso the map in the elemea�ts are for i.11ustrative �urposes only. o Further discussion followed regardzrc� density tr�alsfer, community parks and master park plan. o �iscussion regarding medium de�sity along the CBD southern boundary and protectxng single—family residential area, o Mrs. Ba11 stated that the drainageway is n.ot on her property but on the Sl:ate klighway Department's property. She explained how the water drains onto her property and why she feels that it is the City's responsit�ility to correct part of the problem PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: o Commissioner pointed out changes and corrections. o Commissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner Edin seconded to approved (;PA 10-82 as submitted with modifications and claz�fication5 as diacussed with the P�.anning Commission including the tree farm issue and forward to City Council. Motion carried unanimously by those ' Planning Cammissioners present. Recess 9;24 P.M. Reconvene 9:32 P.M. PAGE 3 — PLANNING COt�1ISSI0N MEE7.'ING — JANUARY 18, 1983 � --- __ 5.2 COMPRETiENSIVE PLAN ,AMENDMENT CPA 11-82 Transportation o Associate Planner Goursolle explained that the Transportation document a�dresses LCDC goal number 12 and deals with various items related to transportation. The element includes a map which depicts existing streets and arterials, nodes showing where conneckions might occur and peak hour tr.affic projections. NPO COMMENTS o Eunice Day, 15940 SW Oak Meadow Lane, representin;g NPO �� 6 and approximately 2,1J00 people along Durham Road. The element shows Durham Road as a major collectox and the Regional Transportation Plan list Durham Road as a possible major arterial route. They do not want Durham Road to become a arterial. They want a load limit on truck trailer traffic. She also questioned on page i, unde.r item 5, wha.t does "minimize°' mean. Qn page four, seventh item down, believes "liability" should be livability; One l�age 6 item number 7, questioned again what minimizP means. o Dave Atkinson, 1046Q SW Century Oak Drive, NPO �k 6 member, also expressed his concern for the traffic on Durham Roacl and oppositian to make Durham Road an arterial.. o Herman Porter, 11875 SW Gaarde St. , NP� �� 3, felt there was veyy littl� consideration given to existing land uses and roads going through developed or undeveloped areas. He re�d portions of the NPO �k 3 �alan regarding traffic needs for *hat area� He also expressed his �oncern for the Murray Road connection �nd objected to it becoming an arterial. He su�ge5ted an alternative to the west of Bu11 Mountain. o Vittz Ramsdell, 11635 SW Terrace Trails, NPO # 3, added that under iFinding af Policy 8.1, (page 4) there should be a reference to the need for a systems of minor collectoxs. A.lso the finding should not reference specific areas which need to be connected with each other. They have added an additional section re£erencing the bypass from Murray Road to Pacific Highway. They also prepared a refer�nce to section l.l of the Comprehensive Plan, known as special areas of I concern. Primarily their area of concerns are all regarding transportation. They also suggested some alternatives for designate�3 ' widths which would allaw more flexibility. .Anotk►er concern was rights-of-ways don't have a d�stinction between what is specified for arterial and what is specified for major collectors. Also, two streets do not fit their Estimation as to what a major collector is, they are Gaarde and 121st. o Bob Bledsoe, 11800 SW Walnut, NPO �k 3, supported policy 8.1.3 with a change to item d. to emphasize the fact the situation needs to be addressed not only on site but also in the area surrounding it. TJnder the Implementation strategies, item 7, he suggested limiting loads to go through resiclential streets. Also, on page 22 iVPO �� 3's proposal is completely rla.fferent from staff's recommendation. PAGE 4 - PLANNING COMMISSIG:�1 ME�'iTNG - JANUARY 18, 1983 � _-_ _ _ PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Yvonne Larson, 10730 SW Noxth Dakota, former member of NPO �� 7 wanted to go on record opposing the extension of North Dakota to Scholls Ferry Rd. . Presenl-ly North Dakota is a minor collector and the extension would create a major collector. o Betty McCain, 13950 S.W. 121st StreeY., wanted to go on record opposing changing 12'lst and Gaarde streets to major collectors. The " roa�s are below standards, presently trucks are not allowed, if changed to major collector, kru�:ks would be back. Also, their neighborl�ood does not want to be the collector for Murra� Blvd.. She corttinued that there wa� not enough right-of-way available from the houses to construct a collector street with a bikepath. Presentl:,y there are accidents continually happenzng, these will only be incseased with the change to a four lane road. o Mrs. Geraldine Ball, DJB Znc. , 11518 SW 91st, read a letter into the record requesting a mapping error be corrected an the transportation map. o Mrs. Mildred Gloria Johnson, 9300 SW Hill Street, questioned if there would be any pratection for the neighborhood area from the Main Street Shopping Center, which will be constructed, o Kathy Hoober, 12350 SW Tiedernan, was concerned about the intersection of S.W, Tiedeman and [Jalx�ut, what type of traffic pattern would be established for car and school bus traffic. She did not support a four lax�e highway being so close to a elementry school (Charles F. Tigard). o Rot�ert Hoober, 12350 SW Tiedeman, was concerned that walnut deadends right into ha.s hause. T'here is no protection and a pedestria�i has already bsen hit at that intersection. He wanted to go on record stati�g that the intersection is dangerous and the danger will only be i.ncreased having Walnut a collector, o Steve Davison, 150�+0 SW 100kh, stat�d there was not wording in the document which says how his street wi11 be brought up to standard. It was annexed intc� the City, but not brought up to standard. Seconc�ly, 98th is alread� heavily travelad and he was concerned for the safe.ty of the sch.00l children who must walk to school. His final concern was for the lack of iraformation available and the amount of ' time available to review the documents before the public hearings. o �resident Tepedino commeated that various groups, such as the NPO`s and CCI have been working fox months with this plan. Mr. Davison interjected that even the NPO have nok had dacuments in time tio , review properly either. � , ' � o Jennie Thille, 9435 SW 0 Mara, would rather see 0 Mara as a local street instead of a minor collector, especially since tk�ey have the senior center on 0'Mara. o Bob Keraher, 1297Q SW 121st/Fonner, did not feel that 121st can be widen�d Co a major callector. PAGk� 5 - PLANNING COI�IIIISSION MEETING - JANUARY 1,8, 1983 r o Herman Porter, NPO ,�k 3, noted there was a finding in the plan for concern of. the community, however, there is no policy and suggested possible language sucli as "The City shall not plan transportation routes, so as to damage or destroy existing residenti.al neighborhoods of good quality, unless there is no reasonable alternative." Then under implementation, when improving all streets within developed areas that tlzey be developed within their current rightrof-way. He I also felt developed areas should have the streets designated as minor collectors, until it comes times that the streets have to be widen, then redesignate them to major collectors. � � o J B Bishop, 10505 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 303, raised an issue regarding the developers/property owner's cost obligation and responsibilities, in relationship t� tlie Finding �olicies and ImpLementation Strategies. He felt there was a lack of definition and suggested some languange for clean up. ', o John Gibbon, respxesenting the Washington County Home Builders, based his review on the October 1982 draft, which he understands is no ' longer an updated copy. The plan is marginally acceptabl�, More utiliz�tion of transit is critical and the City requires a five-fold � increase by the year 2000 to prevent the systezn from collapsing. '� Also, system development charges, related to transportation should be dedicated to the improvement of road system capacities and there should be languange stating how the money will be used. They would prefer that the pedestrian and bi.kepaths be in the public rightrof-way, or a clearing definition on the responsibilities of the ' 3eveloper for the greenway areas. They support the carrador study ', and major road improvemenrs to the south and west o£ Ti�ard. I CROSS EXAMIN�ITION AND REBUTTAL ' o Public Works Director Frank Currie, res�ponded to the concern of the II 80 ft. four lane road designation for major collector. The documents state �0 to 8� ft, rigY:t of way with two to four lanes which allows I� flexibilitq wh.�re necessary. S�af.f a�rees �aith citizen concerns €or the Murray Road Fxtetasior. and. also feel the road should go further out te the west side o;E 7'iga��d. �Te felt a need �ad been identified for a major and minor col�.ector instead of just a collector st�reet. He noted that Mrs. Ball's mapping error has been corrected. I� Regardi..ng the traffic circulation near the Main Street Shopping Center, this is covered by the NPO �k 1 Plan and is incorporated into the document. The Walnut and Tiedeman intersection has an interim ! design and a ultimate design available for the public to see �at City Hall. With regard to 100th SY. between Murdock and Sattler, this is a local street and it is the responsbility of the adjacent property owners to form a local zmprovement district, otherwise the City maintains them as they are. The bus situation an 9£3th will be handled th.rough development. Under 8.1.1, where it says "the City I shall provide for", it was not their intention that "provide" would ��, mean pay for, instead he suggested they would change the language to read that "the City shal.l see that provisions are made" for these things to happen. PAGE 6 - PLANNl;NG COMMISSION MEETING - JANiJARX 18, 1983 _ _ _ _ ___ o Commissioner Speaker questioned who pays for upgrading a local street to a collector street; City policy now, wYeich may vary, is that the additional capacity fox a collector street could be paid for by the City out of a general systems development fund or otk�er sources that are identified for that purpose. o President Tepedino questioned if there were mechaniszns for resolving site specific problems. Staff commenteel tha� there is nothing in the document to cover site specific probiems. o Commission Edin asked about the problems with Durham Road. The Public Works Director s�ac�;d 'chat the main problem is jurisdication over Lt�e road. T.he CAUnty is not receptive to a 30,000 lb. load limit, Staff might support tt�is as interim or possibly permanent, however, na� outright. o Discussion followed how to handle voting on the proposed element and continu�i;ng the item to another date. o Commissioner Moen asked if the map is a forcast �f what it to come or a statemen� of fact of how the streets �,rP naw being used. o Public Works Director Currie, commented that the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) states that is will accept the local plan as it is adopted and as it is r�ferenced ta the RTP. What is here a.s a plan is what is projected to provide for the tran�portation systems as it will be in the year 2,000. Discussion fallowed. o Cnmmissioner Edin commented that he Yives on I2Ist and it does not have curbs. He asked who decides �ahen �he street will be upgraded ar�c� who pays for it. o Public Works Director Gurrie, stat�d that the Local l:mprovement District woul.d pay the cost aiicl would be fonneci through the public hearing process. If the improvsm�nts are necessary tv s�a�va. a healt� hazard problem a Local Impravement District could be required �ai�hout the support of the property owners. He explai�►ed processes available to he City. Discussion followed. o Commissioner Bonn asked if the problems of large trucks, which caused maintainance problems to occur, had been addressed in this document. Public Work.s Director Currie stated that this was not the place for this criteria to be addressed. Discussion followed regarding ! standards. o Commissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner Leverett secanded to continue discussion and action �f the Transportation element to Saturday, January 22, 19$3 at 9:00 A.M.. Motion carried unanimous].y by Commissioner present. PAGE 7 - PLANNING COMMIS3ION MEETING - JANUARY 18, 1983 l � � � � � � � � T'1l��� P11�3i�.l�I�IIVG C011AP�4N1�( �e�a� F.O. BOX 37Q PHONE(5C3)684-0360 NO$bC@ 7-6659 BEAVERTON, rJREGON 97075 L.egal �iot��e Acf��rtisir�g � ° ❑ YearsheeY Nofice City of Tigard � P.O. Box 2.334� � ❑ Duplica4c� Affidavi4 Ti_gard, OR 97223 s � AFFef1A!/!T OF F'l��LlCATiOlV �� � s�raTF �F ar���or�, CGIJtU7Y dF WASNIAlGTO�l, )�S' Susdn Pinkle� I,___ ---__.---—----— ------ ----- h�eing first duly se,�rorn, de�ose and say that i am the Adv�rB�sing Director, or his principal clerk, of 4he____T_igai-d 'I';mP� a ne�vspaper of general circ�latic�n �s rl�fined in ORS 193.010 and iJ3.020; pubaished at__T?�� Ore�on __�� the afaresaid ca�jnty and g4a4e; 4h�t tt�e -----------_t'_IIBLI� HFARTN(;._i�f2TI.C�_---- --- a printed copy af which is hereta a�rr��xed, was pvbli§h�cf in 4he en4ir� is:,��e �f ssi� �ie�sspaper far—�n� s�ar�,assiv� and r,onsecu4iv� in th�folYowing issuss: ----;Tanua� h., t983 ------- — --- ------- `�'��� �� �— —�.�-�------- - � --�`J� r- �-,��1-�'t L c�".a=� �_...�. i i, ` Sub�G�ib�d �nd sv>orn 4��e9ore me 4hi� - ��,��.983 � ---�=��°�'�„� ` —`-�'��G����� --- YVotary P��blic far Qr�gon !vEy Comr�ission Ex�i��s: Feb. ?_4, 1986 �4F�6f�A�'IT �"" �� � � n'„„^�,°^- ,x�,, a , m, �.�_,r�---- ���� i��t��'i� ll���F�� �`r��,�'f�� .� `i`��8i's� ]�T�ttt��� C'�d�i#�5�d�t�t�aiil c�nduc4�u4,lf�c�Iearings on'I'u�scfaY,$��.uary 18;T't�ur�d�y,�a�ea�nrg�20,��$E��t 7:3ti p.r�►.;and�r�.turc�mw,,)an�nry 22,1�8��st 9:�0�.x�.,to c�v�la��r�Yte�'ea�las�sits4�� : JANIJAEtX 18,14�3 5.i CPA 3SD•82 �f7141PR�,FIT.I�I5IVi.Fpfi.�A,N ItgY°Q�k'(°:.NA7'UR!#t.�l3- T[J�.�.S�ND QPEPd�PACI:: 5.2 C�':�1D�$2 f'+flI4iF➢R.��1�1VSgUJ� F'd.et�1�T �'t�:k'��3"!': '�12t�;�H�lPt9t3'�'�� Tdt1N';, JANU3IRY 20, 1983 5.l C1��t2�W �:f31���i�°�3E;�c�4"�PL.A�ttF�l3ic�C:HOL15TIV� 5.�CP�,3-8� �OMCPIRI?I#E.t�1SI1/L%��N I3EPC1�7,';LFYt;�FINd�,�'1`%AY�t J�PVUt1.R.Y'22; 1L��8 5.1 �.F�A 14�$2 �l,1�MIPI2�hiENaIV��'I,AI�1 II'tEPt)�t'�':1F'At���f's�,4��..- C�IFS ANF}IlYd�'�NiEIV`1CA1'ION�ST�tA'I'�€zYES 5.2 CPA� 15-82 f�Olt'I�'22EF�1tISIY�P�.r1E�t'��F' 5.3 C�'A �8•8� Q�I�IAL ll�19�LlDF�iVI�N'T DI5'C"itiG"T�s M�AP Ti�e d�c�.�io�a�.of 6he P�amal�y�Co�nr►�i�ton Yor�pi Itex�p(�c►we w�f! kze r��.o�z- m�ndmtf�r�flo th��ity tx►�ne�l. 1�t�rtD�er l�tarEre�t��n abovt t6i�'�►abllc h�aai°i[��rl�►t�a ob4�}��d f�s►na�,�� : 1Pi�a�nfng Direc:tar mt a2756�.W.�Lsh A,v�.;TZg�r+d.t2�°��0�97223, (;ap�� a! tti� C�MPR�I�ENSI"i�'E F'd.�N 1�I�Q�'� and �t��lrt��g�lacu�, ir►ea�t�are�it�►avr�,�lab�Q�r rev�����th�s�'��t°d�a��fc�.ibrpi°�. 1�le6ti�n ccsmam�r��s�re�e��ur�+�df.Iriert,s��o��zlnfi.c�rttite�c�saeamen8�c t�t�e ��setni�e�D1r�c3+�r�at tt��s��s�d�r�s E��zd��A1 t���public Faesram�det�, 7f�`Y'865€�--F'ubt4��Js��t�a�b.t9�3 ! � J � � I I I � I I I I w - - _ _ � TIGt�R�3 PY�AI3IdI�IG nQNi�[ISSIQ�� J?.�1TJARX 1�, 19�3 -� 7 0 3(� F.hS. �OWI,,ER JTJI�?'OR �IIG�I S�:Hi)QI.��Le CTURE ROOM 10$65 S.W. WAi�NUT S'�REET, TIGAk�D, �3.ItE��7�' ' ', i ,� � ' l �.. Qpez Meetzx�g I 2. �a�.l Ga12 3. A�proval c�f n►�.nutes from previous meet�.n� 4. PZanning Commission �Comm�nication 5. �k'U�LIC HFARING:i 5.1 CPA 10-82 C�MP�EHENSIi1E FLAN RFPORT o NATUF2�L FE.4TURE8 AND � • (JP�N S�AGE. 5�2 CPA 11—�2 COMi'RE�IENSTVE PL�AN F.E�ORT: TRANSPORTATZt7N. f�a N�w 33us iness 7, l�ld �usin�ss 8. Adjournment ,. w Y < � �1�„�- . � 1'LANfiING C�AlI+fISSI0IV M��TXE7� Jarnuary 18, 1983 I� i Il. P�esiden� Zedpeziino cglleri the en�eting to �sc�er �t 7:35 P.M.. . �'t��� c�ee�ir►g I vtas held ak ro�rl�x Junior liigh Schoo3 °- L2c�ur� ftooa�, I0865 S=F,'. Waln�t, '�iga.�j i�re�on. � 2. I�OLT �.AI.L: Pr�sent: �'�esid�nt Tep�dino, Cmrruni.�si�ne�s Spe�ker, rio��, I Edin, l.ev�sett, Bann. I �xcused. Commissa.oners �aerns and Ctnr�.sten. I Sta�f: kiilli�m A. hionahan, Dir�ctor �f 1'lancaic�g & D�velc�p�n�nt; Frazak Curx�i�, P�ehlic Wox•ks Directnr; Jeremy G�uss�lZe, Associ�te Planr►er; Eli�abeth �I idewCon., Asso�ast� P3.�i�ner; Adrianne Bracicman, I Legai Counsel; Diane Jelderks, Secr�t�ry. 3. Mi.ilutes ¢rom January �S, 1983P weFe cansider�.do �anrnzY�sioner S�eak�r moved ar�d Comn�issionex Mo�n sec��tcled to agproved the minutes as presented. 4a CC�MI�ISSIdN COMM►�NI�A�Y�N I o Dire�tox of Planrting and Developm�nt infs�sc�ed �lae Comm.issicaner thal: Iton Jord�n! who has b�e� ehe Chairpersoxe for the T'a�rk �ard was appointe�. to th� Plar�ning CQmcnissiron by City Ccauncil on J�nuary �7, � 19�3, " � � o C�namissioner Speak�r stat�d he had r��eived sev��al pag�s of r�comm�x�d�tions frnm �1PQ �� 3 �nd want�d to know if staE� or t�ae �CI had been given a G�py to review. Direetor Manahan stat�d staff had uecPived � copy the k'riciay befoxe the meetin� and had review��d i.�s �ut the CCI dz.d nat have an oppartunity ro reviewo 5. PU�3LIC HEARTNG� o �residen� Tepedino ap�erred the PubAic El��rings by re�dz�►g the usur�l ai ' sk��ement c�f aut'hoaity for the proc�dcare to be fe�Ilowed in th� mee�ing. o Pxeside�t Tepedino r�que�teci staff Ca saalk through eh� m�ps th�t ��d be�n distribu�tedv AssociaLe Pl�anx�er Cr�ursoll.e x�vYewred the flo�dplain map s�hich are based o�, the C��p o¢ Ectgi.neers study and is for z.11us�rat�ve purpce�es on7.yd 5.1 CPti In—�2 G�J2�PREHENSIVE RLAN EZEPO!tro �IA�URAL FEA.TURIES �1ND OP�N SPA�F. o �scciate Pl�nner Cou�°soll� �:xplained that t4�is i� th� �.�at�s� reirision f�r idatural Fe�.��ures atyd �ipen Spaces, �rlli.ch �.nclud�s IGCDG goa7.s nu�nbar 3, wh�ick► deals saith �gri�ultur� l:�n�; goal 4, foresty l�nnds; gt�al 5, natuxal and scenic resouces an�l open �pace; gcaai 7, natural disasters and goal �, recxe�atioz� needse �hz.a element looka at kh� physical c�ara�terx�tzcs �f the xigard ar+�a. �,AGE 1 -- PS�ANNING COM.�lISSTUN MEGxI�JG ° JAt�iJAR'� 1.�3, 1983 : I �� �, b � ' Sec�ion II a€ �h� d�acume�t �s�a �he se�numasy s��t�m�ctts and va�iA�as palici.�� whi.cfi h�ve been di�c�ass�d with t�� C�T, Park Board anci �hs NP�s, as w�ll ass imple�n�ntat�un �tra�egies foa each af the pali�ie�o Policy x�umb�r 3.2.2. (c�, says se� blA��eR'iR�; paYicy, this is xac�w b1a�aS: because l�x�g�.age for a bu€£�sing polgcy has nat bePn est�bl�,�hed. T'�a� wil.l b� rlone prior to the campl�etaon ai th� Cornprehe�asive lPl.z�n. ��a�f's recomm�nd�tian. is to fax�rard this element to khe �i�y Gr�uncfle u ,�ohn �LCli'.Ty i�aQ ��' 1"'Ch�i�pexson comment�� c�n policy 3e6.2, on page 47, that he thought �here was to be a change _,tn r�¢lect the gre�n�raq acquisi�i.an deve:topment staremente o Vittz �.amsde7.I, NPD # 3 Repr�sentati.�re, 11535 �.W> ��rra�e Trail�, reviewed r�c�mmendatio:�s �ubm�tked Uy TVPO 4f 3 and tt►e reason anr3 concerns fos t�eir recommer�d�tions. a Associate Plannex Coursalle resgcsnded �o NPO �� 3's recommendation £�x chan�e� aci�i nr,ted whieh changes had been incarpor�Ced intp tlhe texta He continu�d that on NPO �� 1 change k�ad �lsa been incoYpur�ted into the elementa �' o Di.scussian Xegardzn�Z strategy Eor develnpin� par�CS, o Di_sc�s�ion on densit� issue, ho�r to trade csif for unbdsiidabl� pr�perty wYChin th� fYoodpiain. �ommi�sioneza Moe� and Sp�eakex felt L•his shUUld be a li�usic�g issue. o Geral.dine �a11, D,�B Enterprise, �ubmitted and read in to recc�rds �ner ' concerns regaxdxng her }�roperty bei�.g in wetlands and fl�odp�.aia�. o Fred And.ers�n, 88fi5 S.We Centes, �ras concerx�,ed abou� the r�liability � of the maps being used. HP stated that he had siga�ed botk� as a proponent anci opgs�n�ntt as he �aas not sure which he was. o Larry Sauh, 1323(3 SoW. Busnham Cc�urt, expr�ssed can�erx► for Ehe dens�ky trada �off. He asked if �i�as means that low density could chan�e ta� medium density and m�edium �ensi.ty tould be changed ta I medi.un; high density. He si:atsd that he ha�i subma.tted a petita.an with � 1b0 signatures ko keep the 0'Mara area as �o�a densitya o Albest H. Erickson, Z520Q S.W. 109�h Ave., wanteci t� know where tr�e cutting would fit inCo the Ca�prehensive Pla.�t. Staff srated they would hav� to take Ghis under advisement and con�ac� LCDC to determine how to handle at. They +would tee�p h1s. Erickson advised. o Betty Cooksors, 1Q520 S,W. North Dak�ta, stated that f�al£ of he� properC�r wa� in the flaodplain and sh� was confused by the rlen�it3r trade off. �dith regards ta p�rk lands, what si�e are yau talk.xng about. �41so, what i.� a pra�errty owx�er wantec� to have his property remaizi as farrnZan�? o Mr. Gloria Johnson, 9300 SW t�ill SC� was also cance�°ned about the density �nci �iens�.ty txadeo�f. She asked how far cAUld deWelapm�nt go into the greenway ailtl how would residen��.�i praperty bs bu���red against the CBD. She asked if develop+�z�s woul�d be puCtzng coaum�raial next to single family r�si.denCial. PAGE 2 - PLAIVNING �OMMIS�ION MEETZNG - JANUEIR�' 18a 193� i . , : � i ,.. ` a� J B �i.sh�p, 1(3��� S.W. B�rb�r Blvci, , nated. di�at th� Elun��aay a�ea far �'anna Creek has been changed, but the m�p do�s no� refleet �he chan�e. ''�'H� also f�lt th�re skaould be a �indzng �egare�ixtg site spPCi�zc: ��crvey� in r�pte.x°minin�n� ti�e f3caodpla�n. C:ttC3SS EXE4AfINAT�QAI ANA t2E�IElTTL� d ', I o I'ub1iG 1Jarks Direcf:or, �rank �urrie, respaeided �o P4rs. Ba1L I qu�esCions, ��ai.ing that ��nex�ali}� khe pro6lem is �f a �s�ivate eon��rn � bet�een, pxoper�y awner, Metzger Water District and State Highwey Divisi�r�. Th�r� is sens�.ti�re lands on Mxso �ail's proper�y ka�c�use of the natura2 water cQUrse and slope. Drainage pxablems can be handied easily an� �here ar.e no major problem�. Discussion fo�Iowed regarding sei��itid�e l�nds. a Aass�ciat� Planaaea Couxso�le stat�d t4�at the maps w�x� fo� allexsk.�ative purposes onlyo The �i�y has mapv at Gity 1�I1 which Chey exse to determinr� if. a property is i�. or out of t�ae flaodpl�azc2, a L�i�cussio� uf �ensity transfer wit�n �ortian of pro��r�y �.s in floodplazn. o Birector of P7.anning and Deu�lo�cnenC co�pmer.ted that the TU�tA .Ad�is�gy Com�ittee tzad me` and discussed the CBD rPSxdential densi�y �lang the sauth�rn boundary and preservir�g the gaskland' and Fanno Cr�ek area. 6diCh re�ards to park the City d�es no� have any funds �.t C�Si� time for addiCional par�CS, but would be saillin� to talk with propsx��y owne�s r�ho wanted to h�ve thefr property de�ignated for park lande c L�gal Caunsel clarifxed that Mr�., Ball's property is xi�ith�r desi�nated Fletland ox� rlooci�lain, but is sensitive lands. Also the map in rhe e�.em�nts �i:e faz i1lusCs�ti.ve purposes anlye I o F'u:��►er discussion foilo�aed r�gardi.ng density transfe�, �0[[lIItUR7L�� paarks and master park pl�n. o Discussion regarding medium density along the CBD sc�uCh�rn bou�dary an�3 prc�tecting �ingle°fami�y residential area. o Mrs. Ba11 sCatad that th� drainageway is not an her propexky but an the",Sta�e tiighw�y Department`s property. She explainPd how th� water drains anro hex property a�d why stae feels ti�at it bs tt�� CY�y'� responsibi.lity tQ ccsrxeGt �ar.t of the problem PUBLIC HF.ARING CLOSED: a Co�missi�ner poinCed out �ch�nges and corr�cti�ns. o Corzunissioner Speakex moved and CommissioneY Ec�in s�eond�cl t�o appr,caved CPA 7.0—t32 as subr�itte.ci �itn mod.zfiGation$ and clarificmtipn� r�s cdiscus�ed �x�.h hhe P�annia�g C.anuniss�o� inc:audi�.g �iae �re� faz�n ass�ae and f.mrward La City Councils Motion carri.�d UT12Yii113011S�y by th�se PZanning Commissi.onera pxese�nt. Re��ss 9:24 P.�fe Reeonvene 9:32 P.M. PAGE 3 — �'LA.NNxiVG COMMTSSIOI3 MEL'�'ING — �7ANU�',KX 1t3, �583 a n B i S.2 C�JI�1'�tE�iE�1�iVE PL�N AL�II�;�13�A��zVT �P� 11-82 T'ra�rasp�;rtati�n q d�ss�►ci�te �'Yann�ex �iursolAe �x���ined th�� �he Tx�an��a���tian dw�uc�ent adsir�sse$ LrDG �0�3. ra�mb�� 12 �axtd ciesl� a�itka v�;riou� �.te�s xel�t�e! t� tr�r.�psrta�iot�a Tt.e �l�ru�at a.nclsde� ,� r�ap whACh ale�i.�tr� ' �x��ti�►� str��tg �.nd artera,�is, n�des s�a��aing wh�re eonnecCian� rn�.�t�� '� o�cur ancl pea�C t�ouse tsa£�ic p�oje�t�.nxis. II NPCa �;�Mki�t�T5 I'i o k;un��� D�y, 159�a0 SW Oak Me�dow I.ane, oe�n�esen�in� R1�'� �'� b �n� �ppr�x�r�aeel� �,Q�O peopl� alpng Durham Rtsas�. �e �:�.e�,Pn� sk�ows , �lu�•k►am Ra�� as a majoz� colle��ar and khe R�gional Tr.aa�spart�tio�a �Iaxa , lis� t'7urha� Idoacl a� a �ossible maj�r art�r?�1 �AUC�, T�aey dc� reot want ' Uu�Yaam Ro�ad to becc��e a art�xi�al. �'nzy wrant a �.oad li�it on kruck t�ail�r kraFfic. She also qL�e�vtion��f on page 1, und�x i.�em g, wrhat ', does 11�inimiz�" m,ean. �m ��age fou�, seventh i.tern rtcewny belreve� ', 11laabiLity" sh�uld be livabilzty; Qne �ag� 6 �.tern numbe� 7y ' questioned a�ain wh�t minim�.ze means. o Dave �.tkinson, 1�ar�6Q SW �entury �a�. Arive a NP�D � 6 �ember, a2so expressed hzs con�.esn for th� tra€fi� on� nurharn itoad and �pposikion ta m�ke Durham l�.oad an ar�erral, � o Hexman �'ortez�, :1$7S SW Gaarc�� St. , AIPO �� 3, felt there was �rery liti:le cansider���.on gbve.n ta exa.sta.ng land uses and roa�ds goi�g thraugTm d.err�J.o��d or eandeveldp�d ar.easv Eie sead porti�n5 of the I1PCD # � pl.an regas�ing tx°a€fic ne�cis F�r tha� area. He also expr�ssed hzs conc�rn far the Murra� Road connectioxb and objected tca it be�omzng an arteri�.lm Fie suggest�d an alt�rnakiwe to the west of. �u11 Mo�ax�tai�. o Vittz RamsdeTl, ].1635 S[d T�rxa�ce Trails, NPQ �k 3, �dded that un�ler �i.ndi,n� of Policy $.1, (pagp �) there shouAd be a reference ta zhe nee�i fox a sy�tenis of �ninar call�clor�e A1so Che fin.ding ahould x�ot refesence specifa.c areas which need to be con�ected eai�.h each other. �'h�y �iave added an aciditiona�. sect�.an referencing the b�gass from � Mur�cay R�ad t�, P�ci�fic Haghway� Ti�ey a].s� pr�epared a reference tca v�ctioxl l.l of th� t'omp��hensiv� PX�n, knflwr�: as speci�I ar.eas of cor�cer�co Prina�rily their area of �on.cerns are sl� r�gardimg transportation. They �iso suggested some a1t��nativ�s for d���i.�t�ated wicir_h� �aha.cte would a11ow more flexibili��. ,A�no�hex canc��cn was xzghts-�f--c�rays dc�n't hdve a d�stinctiort between tahah zs specifi�d fa�� arGerial aeid wlaat i� specifie�i fc�r major colle�rorsr Also, r�ro streeC:� do not fit their es�imation zs to what s majmr c�1lecCor is, th�� axe G�arde and 121s�o o Bob Bledsr�e, Z18�0 SW l�al�ut, NP� ,�� 3, support•ec3 po�.acy ��1.3 �sith � chang� t� item d. Co emphasi.ze the �ac� tine G1�Ui1t1fl2E needs to t�e �dcixessed noC onJ.y on �ite but also in the area surrounding xt. Und�r tE�e l:mpl�mentati�n strate�i�5, it�m 7, h� s�a�g��i�d �,imx�ing J.o�d� �o go througiz resadential st�raaCs. AAsa, ott pag� 2Z NPO � 3's pxapa�ai is camp3.eu�ly �3iff�r�nt fram ,sta�f�'s re�r��nendataaaa. PL1.GE 4 � PLANNXEJG CUt•fMISSI(32r' NlF�TINC -- JA.NUARX l.$, 1.98� I � I � I �UBLIC 7'ESTFMONX 0 1's�onne L�rsc�ne �.0730 Sh1 1V�arth Aakota, fmr�aer �m�mbsr �� NAO � 7 w�nt�d '� tu go c�,� record capposAng the extensic�n �sf Atartti �akots �o S�ttall� �'esry Rdo . PreseraC.Xy [dorth Da�COt� as a �ainar �rs�l�cta� $a�� th� � ext�n��on would creake a major co1l�c�ara cs d��tty Mc�aira, 139�0 Soh►R 121st St�e�C f wa?�ted �a �o ocs L'�COFYI appcssing chax�gzng �21st and �aarde s��e�ts �.a ma,�og r_r�ll�:�Gors. 7['�e , roads age �e1Qw sta��dards, psesec��Iy trucks ar� not alk.aw�d, 3�x.f etnanged C� nna,�or cellc:cto�, �suGks �rncalsi be hack. ��,so, the�r nei��borhoQd does not wax:t to 6e th� �ollector fas l�lurray Bivcl.. Sh� coi��inued thak tftere wa� r�at enough right�og-w.�y �v�ilable from the houses t� constru�t � callector �txeet ssittt a t�ikepath. Presently ther� are ac,:i.d�nts co�atinu$�.ly hapgening, thes�e will only be ii�creaaed w3th the �hang� to �a four �.an� roa�i. o t4rso Geraldira� Bail, DJB Inc. , 11518 �W 9�.st, re�ri a 1et�.�u• into tne r�cord requesti�g � ma�pireg errc�r b� cr�rrected an th�e transp�rtat�.c�n ma�. o Mrs. Mi13r�d Gloria JohrtsGnx 93�J0 S5J kln11 Skreet, questioned if ttaere �ro41d be �ny prbtection Eor the r�ei.ghhox��od area from the Main Street Shvpping Genter, which w�il� i�e constructed� o Kathy ftoob�r, 12350 SW `Ta.�demans w�� conceXned abo9at the in�tersection �f S.W. Tiedr�max► and T�alnut, wh�at kype o€ traf€3.c pattern �ac�uld ve establist�ed for car and sch�ol bus rra€fi.�. ShF �id nat support a four lane hi�hw�y bein� so c1�s� to a �elemeretr� �chool (Cl�arles F'e Tigar.d). o Robert Hoobex, 1235� SW 'Tied�man� �aas caac�rned tha� waln.ut deadendv right into his house. Tt►ere is no pro�ec��on and a pedestrian has already been h�.t a[ tihat inter�ection. Ne w�.ted [o �o an, recozd � stati�ng that [he gnt�rseckion is da�gerous and the dang�r w�ll only � be a.ncr2ased having Walnut a collector. o S�eve D�vison, 15i�40 �W 10f7th, stak�d �her� wa� no� woXding in the documenC w�ticJn sayg �row his street wrzll be brought u.p to staridardo It e�as annexed into the (;ity, bu� no�. broeaght up to st��da�d. Secandly, 98th is aZready heavily trr�veled and he was co�x��rcled £or ttae safety of th� school chsldren who �nu�t wt�lk to scYrool. �iis final cgncern was for th� la�k of infom�ation �v�ilabl� and th� �ma�unt �f ' ti.me availabl� to seview the dacuments befnre 4:he pubLac hearxngs. y} o �r�sidenr TeFedino ce�nu�ented khat various groups, such as t�ie NPO°s and GCT hav�e b�en wor-tcing far months wit[� �his plan. Mr. Davison interjected t�aa� even thP NPO have naz had dr�cumcnts xn time t� review prmp�xly eith��. o Jennze 7`�i1Te� 9435 �W Q`Mara, would rather see 0'Mar.� as a 1r�cal street instead of a m�nUr col�ectar, especially since th�y have t�►Q s�niar cent�r on 0'Ma�cm. a Bol� Kercher, 1297Q SW 121st/Fonnsre did not feer Cfi�C L21st can be wxriened to a major col.IecCor. 1PAGE 5 -- FLANNING COI�fMISB�ON MEExI�IG - JANUAFtY 1S, I983 i A + o �i�rma� �'a�rt��, t�PC1 � 3, noteci �hsr� �ras �a findLr�g a.r_ �la� pX�n for cusac��n of the comin�r�iCys howeve�, t�esx� is no pcalicy ax�ci suggested possAbl� &.a�gu�y�� �uch� as 00�'h� �iGy sha�.l �eoC �a3an �ran�p�ortatz.on sout�s, s� as to d�mage or descray exi�tin� resi3ential neighborhaods of good quality, s�nless ti�er� i� nu reasonabl� alt�rna�iv�."1 �'[ien un�ier implecnea���t�.oxa, �ahea� ivaprovir►g �LX stree�s �r�thin dev�lap�d areas Chat they �e developed withit� their curr�n¢: ri�ht—of-�way. Ti� al.so �'eF.t d���loged areas �t�uuld ��vs t�E s�x°e�ks d�signate� as mxnur � collecEors, un�il it came� �imes khat th� streets �.ave ta be widen� ! then r�des�gnat� khem to major callec�:or�. ' o J B Bishop, 10505 SW Barbur �Zvd. , �uite 3U3, raised an issue I rega�dang th� de�rel�pers/�rope�rty owner's cost oh7.ip;a�z.cn arad i r�spc�nsibil.iti�s, in �ela�.i�nst�i� to the FAndi►�g Polici,as and TmplemenCation SL-rategiesa He fel.t khere was a la�ck of definiti�n I and su�g�ster3 same languange fox cl.ean +�p. o .7ak►n GYbban, respr�senting the 6daskna.ngton County Ha►�e Buil.cierx, based � h�.s review on the Qctober 1982 �rafk., which he under�tand� i� no lmngea an updated copy, �'he p1a�n. is margn.nally acc�pCnbi�. Tiore uti�izaeion of transi.t is cri.tic�l and th� �ity requires � �ive—fald incr�as� by the year 2Q00 t� prev�nt khe syst�em from �9118ps�.ng. A1sd, system rlevelc�pment rharges, relate� to �ra�asportatien sfinuld be dedicated to the improv�ment of road systec� capacities and tt�ere shauld be i�nguac�ge stati.n�; how the money wi11 be used. TlYey wouZd p�efer �hat th� pedsstrian ac�d Likepaths be in th� public rightrof—caay, or a clearing definiti�un on the respor�sibn.�i�.i�s flf the developes for ths gre�nway areas. T'kiey support the corridar skudy and major roacl improvemez�ts ta the south and west of Tigardo . ,� CR�SS E%AMXNATION A.ND REBUTTAL ' o Pub'lic Wosks Director Frarik Currie, res•por►ded to the concern of the ,� 80 ft. f�ur lane road designaCioa� fox maj+�r collector. The docurnents state 60 to $0 ft. rigl�t a� way witil �wo ta four lanes whi.c�i allows flexibiia.ty where necessary. Staff a�sees with citizeex concerns for the Murray Road exCension and also fe�el tt�e zoad shouid gca further out t� the west sicle of Ti.gard. I3e fe�.t a need had bee� idemtifi�d fcar a majc�s �nd manor collector instead of just a collector street. � He noted that Mrs. Ball°s mapping error h�s been corsectes�o � Regarding �he traffic czr�culati.�n near khe Main Street �hnpping Cen.ter, t[1is is covered by the 1�P0 � 1 Pl�n and is incorp4xa�ed a.nto the dociimec�C, Tt3e Walnut and Tiedema�i iz�tersection has an interim des�.gn and a ul�im�te design available for �he publi� ta se� ut Cit}� Hall. With regard to �OQth St. bei:w�en Murdock and Sattler, L-his is a local strect aczd it �s the zesponsbili�}� o� the acijacent �r4�e�ty oumers to foz-m a local im}aravem�nt distri�t, ort��rwise rhe City maintazns them as they aree �'he bus si�uatio�. an �3l-h will be han�tled thro�agh developmEttr. Under F3.1.�, where it �ays "the �ity shall provide for", it was not their inter.tian tna� °"provide" would mean pay for, instead he suggesCed they would change the lt�nguage �o read that "the �i.ty shall see tk►at provisions sre made" fox tliese th�n�s to happ�n. ! P�1GE 6 — PLf�l�PaING CQtiMISSION M�ETING °- �1ANU,ARY I8, I.983 � + 7 R � e Co�nissi�aaer Sp�ak�z quAstioned wh�a �ay� f�r ug��ading a local �r_x�ee� eo � callectcar �treeC; �;it� pvlicy now, wh�.cl� may var}�, ia Chat ti�e �dditi.onal �ap�ci�y €r,+�r a crs�le�t�o�° s�ree� �aux�3 be pa�id far� by rh� City aut of a gene�ral sy�t��.s ���relopment �und or ntiher so«rt:es that ar� ideneifi�si �ar tk�at puspoaeo c� P�eszrlent Tiegedina questa,on�d i£ tttere were m�ch�nisms £or resolviag �' si�e sp�ezfiC �ra�blemse Staff co�arnec�t�d th�t �here is nott�:ing i� t�e I docixrnent t4 �wv�s aite �p�ci£i.� �irsab�.em�. I a Con�mission �c�in asked about ��ie px�abl�ms �ritti T1ux•ham Rondo 1Tbe I Public �lorks I�r�ector sta�ed th�t tl�e main problem �.� ju;ri.sda.ca[�.on � ove� the goad. The Cc,unty is nAt receptiye to a 30 000 lb. load limit, St�f£ might suppor� this a� interim or possiFily perm�neiit, tiowever., xi�r ou�trigh�c. v �iscu�sion followecl how ta hand�,� voting an tt►e propo�ed elem�nt a�1d cantinui.ng Ct►� item to a��ther date. '" u Commis�iox►er Mcsen asked if the map is a forcast of wha� it to came or a �tat�ment of fact o;F how the streets are nnw bein� used. o Public T�ox�CS �irector Currze, ccammented tchat the �e�ional TaansporCation Flan �RTP) sk�tes that is wxll accept rlhe ler.aY plan as �t is adopted and as it is ref�renr_ed to the RTPe Wha�t is tAers as a plan is �ahat i.s pra�ected to proas.de for th� tratisport�txan s�stems �� it wili be xn Che year 2,000< Discussion followed. o Commissioner �di�, cc�mm�nted that he :Live� oa� 121st and Yt does not havQ curl�s. I�e asked who decides cahen th� �treet will b� upgraded and who pays �or it. o PuUlic 47arics Direckox Currie, skated that the Local Imprcvement Disericl wn�ld pay rhe cos� and wo�ai� be �Ecsrmed thraugh the publa.c h.earing proceas. If rhe improvements are necessary ta solv� �. heal�h hazarc� problem a T.oca1 Improv�ment Di�trict co�xld be required �rithout the support o� the px�apert�r awn�rs. He expZainec3 psocesses a�raila�bla to he City, Dascussion goliosae�l. � s� Coma�assion�r �ann asked if the problems �f barge truck�, which caused maintax�a;�nce ��s�bleie►s ta oc�ux, ha�3 been acfdre�sed in thbs document« Ptablic Warks Direct�ax Currie stated that thi� was not the place for this crit�eria ta be addxss�ed. dJisckxssior� followed regarding �[and��x-ds. � ('�omm�.ssioner Speaker moved ar►d Counnissianer �.ever�tt secanded to cantinue discu�sic�n �nd action r�f the Tratt�partaCio�a eleruent to SatardayA January 22, 1R�3 at 9:00 AeMa. Motion �arri�d unanimoualy by C�nmis�ioner presentrt a PAGE 7 — PI�ATdI�XNG CC1�IISSION Mr�ETING — J.�NUARY 18, Iy83 � _._ _._ __ ___ _ __._.._..:. _.,_.. _._ � t � . j / � i � � i PI�ly.N�I��TG COIKMTSi:IOl`d ROI'�I, C;.�.�L I�E;�TNG � Da�e � , � � �`a�_�an�C Teg�edina�� �? C��.f..f�xc� �pea.ker_ � �'� L�can, I+�o�n��.�T-�° � �. � (.� �`.���'~��tc�l.lsas � Marl�� Chra.st�n ', � �;�:.�LyG�rc�rt `��� R���r� He�.me�r ,� °°` - Bonnip Ct�v�ns Roy Bp�n � . . . .. ,. ..�-.:,.�.,. ...:�R..,.,�,.��*�..... I � � � , � v�� ������ �a��ac�� ��.� �E��o�as r��sg���� �a v����c �r� AtaY ���es ri�sx ���c� �r��xa taa�rs� , . , a�d a�ate �heir adrl��ss, ax� th3s �hee�c.: (P;l.�a�� IP�r�.rx.t y�u�' 1����) ��EI�f1�E�CRI�?'��ON: � �" ��� M.� � ' �----- I � � 1� � a , a s � . � l��a�.e, �cid��s� ��ne3 A��x�.a�a���� � filaan�, �deix���� anc3 F,��i�.ia�.��n t ��� . � .; �,�' 3-�? � G�f�`°�� ' . .. , . . � f f/�,//j , .,m � �Ye�f��5�u..�ll�:�i�:� p ' ,n.�.�.°" �� . �� �� ��,� � � C ���i r �,. �S � C�o• .�� � � � � .:t U � {'''�: .l��' C,L �� � �S �U (.� �'L.`��yb'v! �"t�fc-f�. � r�C�� �� t�✓ ' ` d 7�� � r��l���� I � II � � C.°+-� i 1-r �„u' `,� �, , � ��rt c� , � '! _ �� � � �.e ��� II �°�T" d� , �' �'l C� �. S��( /�.5��..�la .,�(�! �!> � �� /��� ,` ' �x.��° ''� ..���.�..�,� �.�-��� �.{ � �� � � ". . � �� vt �`� c9�. , U7 � � A r � � lii 7 , (� ,as�� �w � � � �' �'�''�l �' r�., (..���.. ���G �'� I' sm�euars�40Yl� ��ets�{��1�1 ' `^ �['�� ��2< y � ' � �r� .�c� o�o� 1'�.- ,�3,s�z.!� � ��� `?r�! o , � .�,�� �y�� � �� S I'�twace. ��°' ` �' cr � 1 �_.._.�-_--- � r ,� —. _____ � ' ' �_._L_��,�___.._. DI��'���;: .&!L� ����C��1'iS DE��R�I�G 'Jt't3 a�S�PiK �� ��T��' I`�`�E; d�3LI�'3` �'��Pi '.��&��� t�I�M� �r�e� na��: �n�i.x �s3c'i����. drn �3.s ��a��ta: jPl�a��� �ri:it yc�u� namea. � �'d'&;Nd�'��'aCt��L�`�`��9�s� ' �� � � ����,.._ �� ` . � . ll { ' L...•� �� �� � . ' . � � �' °� . � i��m�, .'�d�r�s� ��ac� 1Af��.l�.at��a� 4 Na�ne, ��dsix��s axac� �,���.l.�.a�ivn � ��-- � � � � �� � f � > f� ,; � . . � � � �t�! . Y � � � � � ��� �✓ �b � � � ° � ���;,.� i , � � ,; .����/� ��'�t,r _ s f �s�� �G�., ,�� s-� ��� -�- `. ,,�'-�,. .:; c,p�a-e r��, �' 7, � , ---� °�. � . .1 �a I i ���, � ( ��-.. � �. .���1 �� ��.� �� ���r— � ,� 'c,!� �, � � � e`���� ,� f�' _ �= v� � � � �.�' �� /�i/� � r�c�l ��r�. ' ,�o�Go �'r.� �,� � � r- ,,,,,�-- � � �� ,�,. ,�.��o ,� . �.t ,--, . /<��3a S(� �v. ��ai� r �� �l R_` ,��� � �a ���.,�c�n�.-- � �o �C�.� �95a � 0�/� �,2�'--, I ��o �� ��f°G- �� ��' � �'"... v"��G�,�� !���'J �J�.��'s'a� � ��.5� �4 S. c�f ��r.i�� �f � �..._ o, ..o�...... ,� l �.e r2'� � `� /l�7��,� �.�s-,��-�6-� � �r' � � GI'� , W d� i 4 �A� � ../-- ,_ /� G✓� G�'j--�f t c. .�t��lP .��0 /G�.�.�L✓/....5'�.s. �'(.� /�''� Or.�''. �`�21� . �R � 'L�/'�'� � ��` ��,w.,�,�r'¢,,,,S�h:l�.,�,�,_,���� � ✓?��.- r 1 ... . .... ,. . .. _ . , ' - . � � .T�x�u�ary 1%, �.9�3 �S�f�R��1D�J7Afl `��: a�,��xaaz�g C�s��.��ae�sx FI�OMt: IDep�rtmeri� €�f P��.nr�in� aa�d Tleve�.opme�at S�3��3���: D�a�� G��gr�k��n�av� �'ia�a Repm��s Fo� "Natur�l F�a�ture� �.nr� s�p��n �p�.���` ��ad /Qil�k�nspo�tmt�.on" Ira�ludesi iaa t�ia ga�tcet are Ch� d�aft cop�,�:e o� �ix� 06N�t�ts�r�� F���+.are� �x�d C3p�n � �gsce" ���i B1Z`���spo�°i:�tiea�`A C,��ayarehea��iw� Ylan Regor��a Theffi� r�pnr�s iasc�.w�� tiie 1���sL revies� a�d se�risia�►� di�cus��d �� t�e J�ncaary 13�, 19�3 CCI meetiatg. A��ng �itII� ttnes� a�e���t� �ill bc� ��o a�ap�s fbr yaur revi.�w. �e �irst map an�lud�s mx� uprlaCec3 fl.oae�pl�in/gg��nway �nd exa�txng gask Iand map, Thg s�c�rn�l ma� i� a cor�p����n�ive tx�ns�r,rt�tio�a ca�p �rfi,ich �.nda.e�tes: �17 �he zt��d�ei futur� tra�xspor���iwxa coll�ctor cor�nec�zons wgtih�.n t�e� Tig�rd Idrban Plannicng Area �d�e�iictec3 as g�c�exal nc�c3e$); �2) tt�e stx°�e�t e1�s�i€i�s�t�.an for sxistiz�g stxeets an� x�igk�t°�1E�rays; a�sl (3) the projecCed ���k naur �xmv�l tx°ip� and anost af CI�e �rteria2 a�.� coll��toa� streats. 3he �inaliz�d maps will be �nasle availa�le c�n T�Ionday morning, and �fll distrnb�t�d �� �lanni�ag �m�aiseion membe�s at ttt�x �im�o ,JC:lw C�3�3�) � � a� �I � � • �' c� , � � w � � . w� �:. ...�»m� _ � 4�` � � � '� � � . � . . JBnUary �.ly 1�83 ' F'I�C3P�; �Y@�.ghborh�od P].�.nz�ir�� Qrgr�.��.���ia� �hre� (N�f3 ,��) '�'Q: �a.�ax�d C�.��r Couz��i�. �iad Ta�ard !'�a�ning Cr,mmiss�.an � �SflB�TEC�m CFA �.�–�� Natux°a1. �e�i�ur�s �.nd c��en �p��e ` II �tte��'raed e�x�e cFaangee� z°e�a„tm��adeci b� I�PO #3 �o a �sa�'t ver�ion og tt��.,s eleen�nt �nf �he ca�preh��tsi�ve glan. �le have referenc�d 6�a� a�eccieamez�d�r3 , :i chaaages ta� th� most recen� dr�f� version _that we rec�ivec� prio.� i;o our . a . . ��n�idQra�idn. If, as in th� �ast, �taff r�numlbex�s the i.�ems in � �v�b��q�ae,nt ci�af"ts, ¢h�n t�u� referet�c�'s ma;�� aant ma�ch tYae dxaf� versiQn i pa���ente�l fnr yc�u�° cs�ns�daratba�, Th� v��°�ipre e�e� �aa�ee rewieweci an� ���'ereraced was x�s�eiv�d 'by us a�. No�r�ffiI�cr, �.9�2m � aur s��I� taas L��sr� t� cc,py stafL�s wording a.n low�r cas� let�esing�, as�d �ta inser� au.r progas�d :nadi�icatian� and addi.ti�ns in SQLTi� CAF'TT�.I,S. l+le use bracket� � � tt� in�icate proposed deletian Qf s�aff's wording� ans3 a�� use par�nt�ieses ( ) ta indicate our r��.atoyz.al c�oat�en.ts. I�e pl�n �o have reg�resenta�i�res from our N1'0 at the pui�lic �heari.ng i to fux°tt�e��° e�ep�.ain aur reasoning fox� the propos�ed ck±�nges �ram s�aff°s drafxed version of a x,;::� compa°ehensive �gsbs�n for Tigard. ble wi11 be � s��r�i.�.able to aaa�wks sQ� queation� you may tzav� at that time. . �" C ��— , � �c.�..�_ -�R-- ��L�-�-. L�au �ne ;!oxtens�n� Chair•persoa �� . ., • y � � � � � B NPO 3's rscamme��ati.ota.s re�ax�i�.g Natura� Featur�� & Opctz Spaces . �.la�, ��a� Gi�� �t�a�.�. des�.�n.ate �n � enap areas ha+ta.n� �hy'�ica�, l,i.mit�.tiaat (,pac�rly dx�aiu�d� se�son�.�ly f�.aoded� ��ound �nstabi�i��T AI3T� �TM�:PLY' S�,�PED) sad s�a�.� incarpox°�te thes� desa.gn���.�+�s z.�a �t�� �'�.�a�� C�raan�rai�y Devei�apr��s�t God� and �Sap, �,nd st�all dewe�.s�� ANII� A.UO�"� �ra��saL�d ��e�el.�p- ment r�striction� aac�rdicag trs the c�istinct cria�ac�era.s�.i�cs r,�° tk:� Goras��rain�ts a�.d antica.pa�e�i �.�.mi��.tinnss ,� 3 m Z F'ioo�p?aias ar�d We tlands �'znd�ng� (addi,tiQnat) ��COLZDIIvG �o �x� z.g8i �'rFJ�J� �3V �Ii�M-FIILI� FOR fiIGAP.m, FLODU �E4JEL� nF T6+IG �U FQU� FE:r;� HI�HER T�iAld T�� 1�0-X�AR �'I�O�iAPLAIPJ MAX' BE EXPECT�D I� Na C�RxECfiI�JE ACTTOPrS AR� TAKEt�a � 3.2.1 '�h� Cit;� 6ha11. �r�tz�.b�.t deve�.opment i� �the ��oodway aad sha�l 3.�.mit de�r�lvpenent and land fa�m altera�ions ��ithin �Yte 1��-y�� �laosiplain izi a �anner that: a. hlinim�.�es �.�sses due to streara fZaoding arad �easonal gaonding9 b. Main�ain� �he Nrater str�ra�e capacity of the floadpl�i.x�9 �and� c. Maintains the stream ban� vegetata.�n; AND d. tiAINTAINS OR TMPRQVE5 STREAM FL04J I�1' A��QRD.ANCE 'vlITH �.'IGARD°� NASTER DRAIIdAG� PLkN. 3.6 P�rks� Recre�.tion and Gpert Space Policies 3.601 Th� City shall encc�urage private enterprise �nd intergoveramer.tal. ageements whicla wi�� proeide for open space , recr�ati�n l.an�is az�d fac�lities, and w�.l� preserve natur�I9 sce�nic, and hi.�to�ic areas> LAND PRQVIDtjD FOR SUC�i Gi��:N SPkCES SHiaLZ IiE COUN'I'�D AS F�e+F2T OF 'T'I��.' � B4SIS FOR G�lLCUL�ITING TETE TQTAL DE�vT�ITY `rRATdaF�,R AIaT�OYrEIJ QN TH� SItE. II �"' 3,6,2 ON ITS COMPREREI�ISIVx, FLAN hiAP, THc: CZTY SHALL I3E:�IGPIA.'Y'E A.S OFEI�T SFACc, � I � SUFFTCIEN� SITES �`�R CO;�II�t1NITY P�rIiS, TNCLUD7PrG SP�Gu F�t� R;CR..�A�IOI�TAL � N�EUS� bT�iICH �'lAl'' INCLU�E SOF"1`BAiGT�, AAiD SOC�ER �IEI�DS� S'v�1IMi�1TI�ICi PQJ.C,S 1 � AND 2'ENN'IS �OURTS. WIi,EN F65SIBLE, THESE SI�'ES S€i�ULI? BE SELE��E�3 °� CLOSE TO �iIi�HER DENSITY HOI7SING. The �ity shall coorda�n.a�e with the schoc�l distrxcts to elimina�e any UNN�CE�Si+IdY aupla.cation o� recace�t�.o��al. .��cili.ti�s. � un�.ess they ars needed.� 4dHFN RE��iES�TED BY �HE O�+INFR �F PROPERTY BE�SIGI�A`�ED ��iR COMI�tU'NI'TY �ARK� fiEiE CITY SfiALL EA��`E,E� IN�� A PUt�CHAS�i AGR�E�4�NT F(JR �TETE P,C�OP�,RT�. • - a ` , I b • � ` � Januax°y 119 19$3 FRUMs Nei�hboshonc: P�.anriing �x°��.n�r.atiar� Tt►a•e� (P�PO .r�3) `Y'0: �igard City Cousacil �nd '�ig�x•d P'lazanie�g Cosnm�.ssa.an ' StJBJ�u`�: �P,�. �.1�--$2 �'x�enbp�ax�ta�tii.zan � I � F�t�mc�i�el are ch�ngea r�comme�,de� �� �IF�� #i �o a �rafd; ves�r�ion �f �k�is I elemerat og tt�e compseher.sivL plan. 4►'e hav� ref�r�nced our reGemmendeci chaseg�s �o the �ast recer.� araft versi��r that are ra���.ved p��or tc� ca?xz° can�i��x�ata�c�n. If, aa iz� �k:�: �Sa�t, s�aff ,r�num�ers th� a.tems ir� � I sub��quent drafts, thea� �ur re�'erences may not match tk�e draft 'version I pre�erat�d for yo�ar �cons�.derati.o�,. Th.e vsrsioca we hav� reviewed ancl referen�ed was receivPd by u� an. D�cerabes° �, 1.'�82. ► I n t3se first twa pagesi for ��ndings, golici.es;, anc� itt�pl.sment�.tian, • Qur style has be�a ta copy sta£'P's warding in lowex case le�tt�ring, and ,, to insez•t our pe°aposed :aodifications and additions in SOT,ID CA1'T�"AT�S. 5�fe use brackets � ] �o in�icate prc�posed deletion of staff' s wordittg� ; and rre u�se garentheses (, ) 'ta indicate our ediCo�-ial cnm:��nt5, For th� t last twa pages, we ha�re �.�pJLy �sed l.ower c;asP. I 'r!e pLara �a :zave representa�ivss fram our IYPO x� th� public hearing �.o further e�epl�i.n our reasoair�g fox� the propo�ed chs,nge� ft°am s�:�.f f°s draf�ed version of a uea campreherasive plan far Ti.gard. Lde Will be available to a�sKer an�g que�ti.ons yoe� may haWe �t tha� �imeo � J ' / � ;7�-- �C�( %�i.� ty"t.c��I?t�.� Lau Ane ;!ort�n3�n, Cnairpersarx BD _ ,— . � � �_______ __ t � . 9 ' � II i �i.3. Ts°af�ie 6Ja,ys F°indingfs: I' �P(PO f�3 recmmmends the fol.]L��ita� s�abs��.tu�:a.oaa �oz� the �.C�th fa.n��n�> ) A neeci ex�.s�s `�0 COMpLE'�� � S��STEIh� ��' NI�FOFd Gf�LLr.C`�OR k?t718DS IN T�E 1�i��EV�SAPE� A�ZEA n1EST OF �2].ST AVEIVUE ANl� 13�T� A.VE?�1��, BQUMDFD ON �HE %�ORTH4�'S`� BY SCfiO�LS FERRY ROADa A.d�� E30UNDED OH THE SQUTH B'� BULL he0Ti3i�['1'AIId F�AAD. A. NEE� �}�IS'I'S DURI�'d�G THk. PLANNIid�i P�;RSJD 7C0 CON1F���TE A �YPA:aS AR'L'ERT/�.L RdADW��' � F3Ex�r1E�i N�URRAY' EiL1lD. AMD PA�%FIC KIGI�4��.X o AT2'r^.MP�S TO L'$E COLL��OR �T���S SUCEi �lS ��].s� �,iIENIT� QR 135�h A�N�I�; F0�2 ROU'.C%N� THI,S, TRA:�'FIC WTZi, R�ST9L� IN S�I��,RE AAIIERSE �MPACTS �0 EKZS°�iNG PJEIC�xBORHO�I�S Iri1 '�HE �vEST,�Rt+ F�R�' �F THL , d PLkTdNIN'G �REA. 41H�NE�/E� THE �OCATIOId 0�' THIS BYPASS C�NNECT�ON FRG�1 I�U'�RA'Y TO P.ACIFIC HTGHYdHY Hl�S BEEN CONSII�Ef2.i�:p BX THE �ITIZv'PiS QR BY T�� COtTNCTL, THE CONCLUSTON HAS Br�N THAT IT �I�OiJLD BE PL�aGED W:.ST 0�' BU�L rSOUNT.4IN, �An additiax�) Policies 8.I.1 The Cit,Y sha.l]. provide for � safe and efficiant street and roadway system that maetcs current needs and AI�LO�IS FOR �ntici�aated f�xture �ro�rtk� , and �d.evelopment. 8.1.3 -� (Pl.�ase refes �o our las� p�ge far our reaoni�neudations. ) Implementation Str•ategies : I '7. cr L:iraitiz�g residentim�. Ianc� uses a1.Qng major ta°a�fic w�.ys; and LIMITING MaJOR T.RAFFIC. WAYS �HROUGH �.KISTING R�,SIDEI�TI�.L AR�,A.S. R 10. UNT,r,�S SPECIF'ICALI�Y �XEM�`i`r,D BY N�.� ri� `i`I3IS C()MPRr.HENa11tE PLe�N� s.VERX CQLLr CTO� SZ'REE� SIiALI� IIV`I'ERS�G� 4�ITH ltNOTH�R COLLiC'1'UR t�R ARTERIAI.r �A STR�ET, AND SHALL �E FLANNED TO U�,7'INATEI�f END C71VLY AT AN INTER�:�CT�t7N � vJTTH �NO�ETER THROUGH STR�ET. IN C�MMERCIAL AND I�YDUSTRIkL HREAS. THIS I THROUGFi STR�ET MUST �E ANO�`E�EFt COLL�CTO� OR �RT�RTATa S`rF��T, QN� � II S:CREET 'v�IICf3 SH.A�LiL �E �3CEMPTE.D IS S.F'. 92NI� AVENUF,� 'e�1�iICH :I�TDS AT THF.� ' :�NTRANCE TO COOft PAR�C. (This i� an �cidi:tion ta pr.amote an effieient and safe network of streets. ) I . � 1 4w� Tr�f�3_c hla�s: I�pTe,m�re'��.ti�rs S�r�.t��a,e� �aontin�aed) ; t ].�.. �i2v' �4��tC�AL �� IY��YIST�dXA.� AFt�;dS 4 1�tE U�ZU.II�SC (1R ll�Y��3I'�N� 0� .l�k�OPEF{i'1 Sv�2`4/�sD B`I i4 CO�Y.�C'.L''OR ,�T��Z' SHAb�I� �� �UNTZ'N��id�.' fJ�d�J' '1`HE I3�V�LOI'ME�('� �F '��� COLI�EC�'6)k2 5�E2�ET.{�) A�CC1I2�?IN�'�� T�� F'C�I,T,C?i�il�G RE�UIF�MENfiS, �NLESS 'r'Ir A'J.' C�t�?,��C'x1�Ft �°�F'R��T IS SF���I�°'I�,R,�.L� �'.�CEb:P''�.'�Y7 13v1�NAMM�i: ZN 'i'�TS �QMk'�tEIi�1�T5IVE P�AN S $a `�(E �Ft�`IO�I �� TIiE CC���E��O� S�F��� S�'�a�d n��Ir�'A.T�D &� ��TE ��IM.ARY �b:It�IC� �� �HE k'l�x F�TX SfiAI.�, �E �°Id��X IMP�2C��►�1� �`A2�}T�i '1°EIE Pa�}PE�i`��'� ACG�SS P�It��' �O fi�� N��.��ST AF�'��R�.AIa S�'k2��°�. ta. 1�Q SEC�IO�I ��' A Gf�I.I�E(���R S�REE� ��i��L A� L7��`�'iED �'C}�2 SE�2VI�E UNTTT BQT�I Fi��5 AT�.k: ��t�t�E����. TO �I�`�E�S��TI(7E�S �tl��i OTHEi� C��L,EC�Oa� 0� A.R�'Efi�A.I� S'�R��T�a �'H�� PQRTICD�7 WIiTC$ �� I��� p�=Ft� �F �'KE k��tIP�1AF2Y Sk,�2V�CE SIi�LL .�ER.V� �S A ��C���3liR% SER�'ICE. �'T3� C��Y NtA3f �.LIAW �E�� SEC�:dLAR�` S�RVT��, �Q �3� i�T�`� r�1Z,L�' YY�iPR(3'VED; BU� T'� MUST B� �T' �,EAS`� �?TLED—�RA�I�ID� ��D CAF'A��� C�E° �AOVIS�IId� '1'WQ��fAY �'FtA..�'FIC. I (�k�is add�.ts.ara px��tnotes a�, ef�icient az�d safe netwar� of �txQets, and pro�ides far ord�xly e�ee��.apcnenti in Ga�n�ser��r�� ancl �ndu��rial areas9 ) $�2 Puhli� 'Trar��p+arta�ian Policiese '. 8a2.1 Ttz� G�.t� sh�.lZ �odr�.znat� w�.th TRI�MET +�o prc�v:�s1s fc�x° � putsla.c txansit s�st�m �ithax� the pl,�ani�� a�ea sr}ai�h» a. Meet� the CURE2EN� r����s of �bcatn the c�rren� and projected, fr�s� the Ta.gard Com�unit;*9 � 7 � ���, ac3c3i��.a�) I � b„ DESIGNRTES F.7TURE R6�JrES FQF2 PRaJECT�D NEFD v; � �'. �C�PT UN AR"�E�2IAL J�OI�DWt�Y�� tT��S 1�IdSES SA4�L��Fd �.N� �It��iT��t TFiAId • , � �.'Fi�S� �U�2RETdfiLY TN U��� p�' ELS� U��� �lAPd�y APfD (a�n �dditian) � � g� I�Rt�V'�TiES FOR �'I�E IN�ERS�G�ION OlF �.S P4A.NY 12(JIITE� A� Z'qSSIBi,� A,� �Fi� � ��td�'OS�D ''I'I{�.ARD TRA�iSF��7 S°�RT�ON. �an ad�.ition) � 'M ' ' , �rl� k'uan�tio�.a� �tree� C�e.�si£icati�rn �p�.�� 12,� , �. Ma�or Collectar�: , ? Stan��r��: ftight-+�f-bda� ��°�7� ���� ' �a�re�es�t Y3i.d�t�� 32�.�� �c��r ' Y,ane Wi.�tlass 12 �teet per �aowing l�,n� • �I 9 gect p�r p�rkin� l.az�� �I �a �e�t pgz� b�.���le 1az�� ����h w�,y� ', Momir�� �,anes 2 - 3 (►ni.ddl� ��a,�ai.ax� 1.�sa,e) I� tlo�.ix�nes �.�a�0 -� ]LG�,OC2Q ���icZ�� p�e� cia� <� Dri�r�.�g� Sp�ed. 3d-40 mil�s pe� Isa�.�° 9 I 3� I�iori[3Z'' (I(3].le�tU�: Stanclar�sa Fti.ght-of-b�fay� �+0-E4 fe�t I _� �'�veme�.t Widt�a+ 3�-48 fee� I�I Lane Wa�d�h.s a 11 fe�.� p�r movirxg 1snc� 9 feet gea° parking lmn� I 4 feet p�r �a�cycl.e l�ne (�a�h �ray) ' Movz.txg� Lanes � �� Volumes 500 �- j,000 vshic�.es per day Driv�.ug Speed 25�-�0 mi�.es pex° f�our 4. Local� .___s_� ¢ �tand�rd�; Rig�itpof-Way 4Q-�p t�et s Pav�rne�nt W�.d�h 30-34 feet �no other changes recs�m:ne�deci) . � t� � f0� �xis�ix�� Stre�ts Accord.:ing �o Eacts Cl�ssific€�txon (�ag�� 1iF�1$) la G�.arde S�ree� arid 121st AvEnue (from �a�rd� to W�lnut} staould be both x��mo�►ed � QO �'so� the �.i�t of Mm ja,: Cc�lleetors, a�d c�.a�s:�fied as Ma.n�r. �;ol.]_ector�. Se� � ouz° pr�a�nt��tio� und�r Cha�lter 11, ��ecial Areas of Concer�n Por the r�asans. � - ..��.�. * I�a '�dev�lapi.ug areae o:' ��i� brzrde� �a¢ proof shre�.l ba �n th� d�eelo�er to sho�u tha b lesa than tk�e r��xirn;zm �.e ��.equat�9 end i.n '0est�b�,.�akx�d areae�" the burdecx of �xr�oz �ha.3.1 ha oca �he City ta show thrat ��rx� than t�.e � min:�mum a.� necessary. �, ' • ` s :�a I � NPO #`� rec�omend� t�� fnl.lo�ring substitu�i�n fc�r +�h� se�ti.o�n an �a�a�e 21 I conc�rnic�� street im�.rov�men�ts in t�ie' NP� �3 �rea. � � °� I1�. �TRE3�:,T I�I1�E2U1C�tEN�S 1 �I PO #3: � �his �rea ix�+��rfa�es s�it� the u��unty's �PQ �4 �ull. Moutatain ��eae A r��.jor I �c�ncer�a w�.tiair� the� �r��.s is ��.e fu�ure cona�e��ion fresm I�ux°ra�r Blvd1. , no.r�E� , oi' S�hcalls Ferr3� F2cs�ai, �c� P�c�.�ic F€ighwaym �hP rout�r�g of this caxn��ctioa i h�s ts�e�. �liscu�:�e�. �m� aver �i7 �ea�s, wi.��n � divex�sity �a�' opa.nion; �.�wevero I the Cit� Cauncal and �itize�ns aza the planning ar+�a h�.ve censi.st�ntl.y coz�cludec� �i that the Nlurray Bou�.e�rarc� Ex�enaion shou�d b� pla�ed west of Bu1Y htoun�ain. �°h� a�t�rnativ� of pZacin� tha.s artex°ial to t�ae east uf Bul1 Mountaa.n is unwax°z�an�.ed gor three reasons. F'ir���,y, �r�s�nt developan�nt and road ccsns�r�xa- ,I -�iaxa c��es not allow far �he p:Lacearent of �uch a� road a�.l ��a� way �� Paci%ic I Highway�, Sec��+dJ.y, sra�h a cannec�ion would dump l.a.r�e volu�ne� ca� traffic rb'pa�. col.lec'�ax roads through existin� x°esidential. neightaox°hoods y r�sulting i� �he degradati�n or destruction nf th�se nea.ghbnrhandse And thi.rdl�, p����ment ' east o� Bul.� �iout�tair wr,uld resu�t in more ad�itiazaa��. t�caffic being �alaced • on Pacific Iiighway tt�an with tiae wes�erlx route. �Ixe con,clusion is tkaat it w�ul� be poor plan�ing �o connect P�turray $�.vd. �ast�rz�rd tss the collector� in , the NPO .�3 area. The c�nne�txoax sh�uld '�e to the w��t of �ull Mount�i.n. �ased an th� land use desi�nations on the �PO #�+ �ula. t�Ioun�ain plan map and , the land use designa�ions can ti�c; IdPO #3 plan maga thex°e �.s a ne�d to estab�ish a s�ries o�' minor coll.ectox� roads �o �tavQ tk�e �sti�na�e_d trips pex° clay' fx��m tt�e loca�. s+�ree�s ta arterial stix°eet connectians� Cau�io.n �hould be used in I the pl�cement and developmer�t of �hese �;ol�ectars, sa a� not to crea�e an �, � a�tractive thorou�hf�re for a�egional traffic. Wi�h �his caution in ma.nd, at � �east one c:ol.lector linkage� wi11 ne�d ta be eStabZished f'rQm Bul1 [�i4un�a�.n �; Road north�+ard ultimately to Walnut, so that P�cific Highwa,� is not used � � excessiuely �'or �ocai area traffic. Proposed conneetians and speci.fic proj�cte � �r�vel tri�s �or the az�ea ar�e shown on the Co►npxehensive Plan Transparta�iot� � Map. NPO �'J: � 4. The extensiar� of Murra� Doulevard �a PACZFIC HIGE€�lAY as p���idec3 i,n the N�'0 �3 sectio.a, 'I I I I , ' ' f ,. � ' . � ;4 �m�..�3 BdP� �3 tr��ea��erad� �d.r���iora �f �h� �cs���rsrixs� �nali,�y �pr��ea��ted ast t�� � ` �a��I. b� 1ldi'�,��e ���ck��o ��.tl� oaa�.° �c�aza��� �a��� �or p�a°t De � , i , �.1.�.3 �he �G��� �Fa�1�. r�qu�.�� ,�s � �x°,e�a��xds.ts�oa t� �e�el.op�e�t a��rov�.l: ���t�: Ae '�h� de�vre�o�ia�en"� �but � pi�lbl�3.���.1.y d�a�i�a��� sta���� �r ha�r� �����es m�p�ov�ed� by �he +�pg►x�pr3.ate apxvroera? au�:hori��; P�. atr�et right��f—w�.�r b� d;�ci�.�a��c�i w2aaa^� ��� stz�e�t �� �a�xb��a�,�d�r�. i.� �a�.d�k�q �o �t�e d�v���.o�sex° ec�ar�m�.� to tY�e cr�n,s�x�uctaLe�aa c�f �tz� ��tx��t, e:ur��s a�nd .�ide+�a�c� �o �it� st�a�adarci� wi�taira �he �ev�7�cs�aan�ra�; � D�. Tnda.v��l���. ri��e]�op�r� ,�Sa�tic�.p�a�� a.a�. �he. i�cpx°�v�m�nt of c�ci���.ag ��L�IEC�'(B�i AN➢� I.�CA�, �t�eetss cur�i� �xxc� �a�.aleara3.ks to tlne �x��a�� �f �h� dtevel,ogsc��zc��� i.r��a�t �N T�E sUR�3tJI�YY1TIdG ARE�; � Ea �tre�t i.�px�oveme�tt� �e ma.s�e s.nd stx°e�t ��gns �x� �ignm�.� b;� pre�sv�.ded �he�� �', � �h� devel,��sffient ie found �A c�e.a�e o.� inten�i�� a tz°affa.c h�.�a�d9 � , �. �r�ns'tit �t�ps, bus t�ux�nout l�nes a�nd she��er� �� pPO�l1.Q�!�C� wh�xa the �x�opdsed , �zse �.s Qf a type ah�.ch ger��arat�s transit ra.d�x°sh�p; � Go Pax°1cir�g a�aces b� se� a.si�g �nd mEs.rked �or cax�� o��x�a��d by disak�lecl� I gr�ra�aas, �nr� tla�t th� ��pac�s i�e located a� cYose �s per���b3Le to �he eia�Cratxc� I des�.gn�@ ffax� �a,�akaled gsersott�; and � , H. Land be dec3ic�teel �� 3.mpler�eat t�e 'ba.cyc�.e/per3e�tr�at� �coacxic�ur ixt acc�oa�ci�ses � � � witta �E�e �.do�ted g�3.ano I . � I a, ' � 0-� � � � � � � � , . , ' ' , '' . � -. �r�a�v.��.r�r 11„ 1,9�� ► '�, �°RC�Ms ldai.�hbos�hs�od �3.��ni,n� d�s�gata�.�e�ti�m Tkr�ee (NPO #9� ' I, � � i �°Os R'�g��°�€ �i�;� �e��aYicil �n.d '����a°d ���.��rzi�� Cosn�n►�.��ic�r� � 1 �� , SIJJBJE�To C�� 1���2 F�ott�sixa�; I I , A�'�actaed �a�e cha�ngea r�com��r,decl by� NI�O �3 �to r� dr��� v����.o� �P thi� i • e3.Pr��nt of the camp��h,ens3.�r� p�an. �le k��ve x°�t'��°�n��d o��° �eeo�mex�ded chara�ets t� the �ost �r��en� dr�►�t versi�n that we rec�ier�c� g,ra,�r to oe�.x� �oneid�r�t�.oa. Z�� t�s �n the pa�t� otaff renumb�rs t�a� �����s �.n ��xt�g�quent dra�'t�s �h�n osur r�ier�n��r� a�a3r sx�t mmt�&a t�e ci�a#'. v�z°s3c�� � pres�r�t�d far you� coasiderationo �he �r�r��ax� w� have revie�red �aad � re��rex�.ced rra� a�tached �c� �tta� �.ema �rom �ha &��.�z�ni,n� Degt. � c�,�,+�ecl 3,�j9/$�. , �. Qua° st�r�.e� h�.� t�een to eop� sta�f�os warding ia low�r case l��t�x°iag, and I to ins�rt aw.� pr�apns�d :nodifi.catione �and' ad�ditions i.n SOT,I�3 �API2�LS. ts►e use tsra�i��ts C � Lo in3icate pz�opo��ci deletian vf s�aff°�, ���re�ia��, and v�e us� �a�rent�e��� � ) to indic�.te c�u�c edit�rial ceam:n�nts. i � tnle pl.�ra to hav� r�pres�eut�ti.aes grom ouz° N�(3 at tk�e �o�blic hea�r�ag I to €urther �xpl.ain ou�° r�asvasin� f9r t2�� propgsed �ha�age� from �at���'°� dx�a�ted 9er�ion of a rnew coo��rehez��i�re p3.ae� �'or Tigarda L!'e �+�.�1 �e ( � avai.lablr: to c�n�w�r any queatiarse you caay k�av� 3t �P�at time. � I j � � �' � � � � �1R_. .�--� Lou Aae uartensecx� Chairperson • �B �, � , � , , Yd�T�2 �3°s 1�.EG�Jt�1�Ik:I3DED �HAT�ICa�S FUkd HOUaIN(`r ', �i�es� proga�als ar� sl.te�a��ti�►e� to �i�e k'i�xdings� F�a7,icf�a anc� Ira�leenen�atioxs ' 'i S1;xa��gies �'�r He�using, �.$ d.is�r�.bute� in tl�e m�mo fram the �la�.�aing I�ep��tm�rato d��ed d3ec�r�brs �� �q$2. Th�� sa� p�' ��c�ngeals �aapex°��d�s prev�.��s nnes fr�m , . ��o #3• � ' � . I 6.3 E�tab��s�ted lR�a�d.ea�tial A�eas ' P�li��.ec� • f�e3.2 I, a, T�Se den�i�y �i.thin 1UQ fe�t a� cact� prapert�r �ine shAl� �aot exce�d I �5� over tke� density shewn c�u �h� COfApP�P1GIlu�1V� gl�n for th� adja��iit I � l.attds �n�.ess th�re is an izatexvena.ng ARTE�IAT. O�i T�I�JOR COLLECTOF2 ROADo 5�304 IN ALL, k'HASES OF° �Fik� I�E;VEi.Jk�MEN� PROCESS IN A RESII7�NTI�T, "ES�b�I,ISHk:� � ARE.4,°1 '�'EiE �R�:M�RY CONS:CT?E�AZ'TON t3F THE CI`�Y SH�T�Z 9E �'Q PRE�EF2VE AND F.�V�iAN�E '�HF �HARAC`�ER QE' TFiE EXISTIivG N�I(�Hd30�tHUQD(S�. (�n d�ditiaz�) ; �' Im�lemer,ta�ion S�rategies ' I �.. The Qf£ica�a� D�v�elopment Distxict P�a�r sh�l]. ALSi2 i�d�.cate thas� areas tha.t ' � �re alre�.dy 'r�atablz.sk�ed �reaa.19 Es�abla.shed areas SHAI�L IhC�UDE A� �EAST THOSE aa eas which h�ve be�n cietermined to be "co�mittec� arEas1P �n the tsBuildr�blLe T,and� Ma�" �°equired �ryr LGDC Gc�al #�Q• ��a�h 1°establish�d are�°1 shAUld be c�e,ignated so as to incZude ��.�. nf tP�e exi.st�.n�r neighborhoAd, incltxding �naev�x���a J.ots. ) � 5s WIT�IIN TEiE DES�GNATED "��TABLTSHED AREAS", fiHE CI"%'X SHALL ASiIGN `I'G • EAGH IDEN�IF�A�LY DZSTT�'C� AREA '.P�iE �7E�I��,OPi�ETIT DISTRI�� i�1�€�C13 MOST � CL05FL'Y CCJRR�SP�JP(D� ".CU �A� E�CISTING DEV�I�OPME�iT. Q4JNEF2S MA1" APPLY F�R i nIFFERE�TT DEVFLO�,*�(EN'T DISTl�I�TS APPT�IGA�LE, �0 THE I�AAT�ID U�� 1�E�Il�NATION, BU�' �'H� PRIt�ARY CONSIDER�I��ON F'QR ���RJVAV SHALL HE �qh1PA'TABILITY WI�Fi I SU�tOt1I�iDING UEVEZOPI�ENTo (an addition) 6. UNL�SS TFI� PLANNED USE TS A'].'IiEEBWIaEf `1`IiE PREE'EREZdG� UF `X°F3E CYTY IN' 1�13IIV'Ge AId AREA. OF UMCOAIMT��ED LOTS SURROUNDED �Y ESTABLISNFD AhL�AS S�i.�LL BE TO �HUOSE THE DEi/���M�N� DI sTRICT TEiAT S�.ARES Tfi�, GR�A��S'� FORTIQ�' ��' THE FER3:ME��1� (3�' �HE A�2EA zN Qu�STION. TH� CI�X PZA�C G�tQNT �'fiE REQ�IEST AF 'T�I� OWPTE�S TQ LESIG�IA TE ANQTFIER AE1lF.L(?PMENT DZS�RIGT THAT IS '�TfiIN TH� � PLt��iEl� U'S� D��SGI�;A�ION, JPRQVTi7�B 'i`H.A`� IT ZS COi4Pl�TAB�,E �llT�i `THE �{J�tR�U�tE?ING DE;VELQPMEi�I�, __ _ . _ _ . , e , , ' r •' ' � I , �Y�aauar� �.�.p 19�3 . � FRCM: Yd��.�hbsarY�oAd P3.anr�i.►a� O�e�an�.�e��iot� '�h��e� t�'l�� l��� , T�D a '�i���r� G�.ty� Cou��i�. aY�d 7Cig�nrd •�'].�nnirs� �:o�i�s�.ssax II SU�T�C�d �e���.eta�i�.� Es�a�blic�k���l �x�� A�ae�.u�p�.�i� A�e���.� � A�t�ch�� ar� �h�an�ea r�coanm�n�e� 3a� PiP� #3 t� a� d1�a.f t v�r�ior� gf �hi� e�e�aent csf ��e cus�pa�h�n�i�� pla,a�. 4�� hr�ve x���e�retce�d �ur x���am�eaad�� c?�ang�s �o t1�� �ost ���e�at dr�f� t��r�sioa� �hat w� s����iv�d grz.�a° tc� �aur �ocasic�er�tit�xaa �fi �.s a.a� �h� ��st, a�aff �remu�ebess ��e i�t�nns ira �ub�e�,u�nt cl�a�t�, theat our ��iere�s��.� me��r �nat �at�h tka� dz°a�ft v�z��3.a�ra �r��c�nted f�ax �aeax° cansi�er��ican. �'h� v��,ei�n �e k�a�� re�iewed and r�fereaced wsa z°�c�i���. by u$ �.x� De�cee�b��°, 1��,2. We kt�.e� mark�d �x� tta� ��p �ca�a� w�.t&� tka� fa:� cut�nge�• thai� ;�re fee�. ��^� ��p�r��sr��.��o S�a�'€ b��s rrest y,et i.xaali.�ated w3��re the�e seGtao�t� ar� �ts be �►la��cl, PJPU �3 c3�%ini.teZ�r sup�cax°�s the�e m��.�ures$ a.s mcadi�Fi�d, an�i w� aro�]tsi � �ike 4o haw� th�em �.n�l�zded �n tY�e co�pxeM�:n�i,�re pl��, o� �l.�e �.� p�r� � �f �he Coa�m�nity �esr��es�mea�t Gads. . ' , / � ������� �• . I Robert Bl.edaa�e , Secretar�' Pi�A �3 . , � . , • � 1� � . � � � � � �e��r�a3�.i����t� n�s�t���rv��s E. �;�v�Z�Ni�t�r�t WE2.lian s�n E:st<'�t)14hila�tl {)i�;�,ric� � �ca a� esta�lfshed �i�cricc` a parc:el e�[ i�rr�1 m�y ls:� ��e���lv�ed in aa :u.3nner • ess�i�CL�7.�y �i:��iiar to ,�nd comp�tib�.e t�ith existing +3eve�c.a�ment �n o�lier ��r�e�s in the vicinity and , i� �pprapK•'r��e, a conJitir�itst devel��pi��ne iaic+y b� p�rmitt�d subj��t C.A Pla�+s�.it�g Co�nmission �E�prmval.. A ��oposed ��v�lapnaent a� �i�ail�r to a�d c�wpatib]:� �ikh exist=c�p devclapmz��tt if iC �n�eets th� requ�i�erwents oE the Em1a'.owi�s� sectit�nsc TI. 4tesider�tia�1 k��rr;el ��.x� Consistency j (I} ��tcegt as pravid�d by ��bs�ction (2� �:o be co�u�atibie with �stabgished �°°"° development a propos�d resid�ntial dev�iopme�� stiall n�C cause the cr��tio� of a parc�l af 1�nd small�r than th� adjusted median af existing ��ssd�ncial palccals in th� area. Tt�� ad�usted median parc�A ax�a sha3.3. bz determiered a� Eallowss (a) List fn orc3�r af �ncre�sing si.ze t:�e area af each par�el,. any part caf s�hich lies within (ZSn) �eet �f a boundary o� ti�� s�bj�ct parcel. �n1y paccels w�thxn che ��cat�iashed district shall_ be li��ed. (b) The area �f che meciian parc�l is the ar�a of. the parce�. onP°half of the w�y dowri the lis�, oc in Gi�� case oF an zv�n nucnber of parcels, � the first of thz maddle two. � {c) The adjusted median area is t�e area calcuiated i�y di�riding by three the sum o� thz areas of rhe median �,arcel and the nexC pax',�el abCVe � 9;,,���a�.C , and b�l��r ��e mEdian on the list. . .�, . q e (2) A land parcel ssnaller than tl�ee adjusted median ca;Pa� rnay bc authorized under a ininisterial procedure wi.[h maxZed '�notice tca abuttie�g landowners upon d�terminatian by the Director that, for the ty�e of �develo�sment . prop�sed, pa�rcei area is nat i�portant to retaining com�atibility. The applicant shali �upply a lisC of the ownees of property to reeeive notice. i III. Siting Cor�sisCency ° (1) Uuid.ding setbacks from proper�.y lzn�s and lot caverage shall be consisCent witti those on a�jacent parcels but not less than those eantaxned in the Commurrity De�,�e�op�nenC Code. �2) In addiCion to Limi�.ic3g 5ui.ld3ng h�igt�C as determinnd by �l�e Cominunity Developmen�. Cod�, a building that the Con�inu�iS.ty DeveLopnient Coc4e would ��c�rmit ta Ue zn excess af ehi.rty-Eive Eeet in. �ieibltr. shall be ��o I�3�I1�L' tizan the avexage of ti7e heigh� of �ii� buildin�;s within (50) fee�. ', � , -t- . . IWe De�relw�?�Re��C;xYi>e �:�risiste�icy ; � (i) A ayraaposa�d devi i.opment shal i ei th�r Ise nt ch� saaa�� ty�e :is� is Eou��d nn abutt.ar�i� ��s�c;�is op �..rrid ear s6iak� be �v�liaated �vr curasts��ncy by t�t� PL�nnarsg Gc�n��fssion as si�s�Klb�s9 's.n ssjbs�ett«n (Z�. 1'o sl�teranirte saliere d�v�la�i��*rt �.s o�F Ghe sau�e Ky�e, �ta� li.�t fc��:nd unc��r �ermigt�d us�s i.n the �o�e►rnur�ily �evelop�ngat �ode shall be u�edo C��sly d�v�lopinerat on land ; p�rc.els �.i��t mee�� �11�f the f�llowing �condit3,ons shalL be incA�cied irt f p�a�9c�.�g co�n�aarisons Ear Cype c�nsi�Gsncye (a�) ihe par�el abe�ts t�re propms�d dev�lop�nenL or i� d'�r�ctly acrass � s�ree� E�ona th� pc��ased der�e3.opmecato � � �� F�� . � (b) Tl�� parc+�l h�s efCt�aer i��era �ev��.caQ�d subdivisiQn � ��' xs cau►mitted t� a ��ecfEic type of developme�ita (�) '�`h� parc�l 9.s wiChin th� establish�d disCx'icC. (d) 'Ph� dev��.opment oe► the pac+c�� �� cac�C a canc3it�.onal develapm��nc crr a nonconfnrn�ing d�velo,�ment 4 (2) If. the same eyp� ��' d�velopment doe� not �xist on each abutting paecel to be ccarasidere�, a dPVele,p�ei�t af the �aiu� [y�se �.� any abu�ticeg develc�pment6wk�ieR� �ay be allawed, subj�et csf �ppr�val after satisfac�ory fulfill�uent �f t�e ffsorxts foll_o�a�ng criteri�. Determination ha11 be made by the Planning ttp�n th�� Camsni�ssion with anail�d notice. The c�ailed notice �t��li in�Iude c�ailin� ��e tc� owners o� pcoperty within (?S(�) fe�t of a bo�sndary aE t�� propee°ty Ca st���e'� be develo�ede � ��� ' � I (a) New de�r�iopment '�had.l be acranged ac�d construeted ta pr�tect ad��cent develapwent that is oE a d•iEferent Gype frou� �etriinental ef.tects due t� nolse, odorf furt�es, dusc, glara� heat c°eElection, traffic, vibration� and canfiicting a�pearancP. (b) The scal� of tt�e development proposed shall not �cau�e detrimeni�l efFects on the genetal area out oE proportion to that due Co the existing developmc�.t og the s�me typea ' il I . _.�_ i - - - ; , � . _ _ ���JEI.OPFNG !?I5�'i�ICT I I. Development Wfrhi.� a p�veloping Uistrdct I E�ce�c as irrdicated 'by the compx�hsrisiwe pian, the ov�ra31 citi�x�..�ctex oE i3e�r lil dev�lopmenc witt�in a d��rela�ing distri�;t has etia�t bePr� prede�ern�.ie2ed; t6�us, each s��w d�v�lo�nr��nt prcaposai sh�li be, decided rzn :u:s anerits �EUCSIi�Rt Co sectia�xas IT & I�Le N�w d���laspme�C in a cfeve�.a�:tng di�kzict sE�all be appKOVecI oniy w�a�re neeessary and :�c9equa�e �ervi�es as�c! faei�ixiP� a�e avaiJ.abi� or �SEOVi��.e�ns hav� be�� m�de �o provdde these �ervfc�s and faaiAici�s. A I develo�ment and, its use lawfully existfng at the time this ordinanc� bei:c,mes �fEecti�r� is a con£ormin� �evelrapmec�t ue��.e:ss ic fs i�� ��r�flict wtth the c��pr�h`nsive pla�a. . �I� D�:'w�lopmenC in a� Ilrbar► D�v��.oping �fstr�.cC ' �xcept as �the�wi.se p�ov'id�d i�e� sc�ctbon III' in a d�eve��pi�g d���rict � develc�ps���C is �zerr��.Cted if auChariz�d pu�csuanC �c� Che P1a�c��.ng Ce��n�is�ion a�►zd ' d��erm3.nat�o� thac the develop�aent is c�ansistenG with ac�y e�ner�i�g pat��rns, og area dev�la�p��nt in adaiCioc� tc complfanc� with Che compt'ehe���.ae plany Qther ' requirea�e��ts a�f this c�rdicaance an�d applieable standard�, I3otiee aE th� Pla�nning C:ammi.ssion hearing sha�ll b� prov:�ded by mailed notice [o khe o�rners of �rop�r.ty sit�,ated within (250) fe�g of a boundary of the �ropert}� to be develaped. �0.0 IIIe EXceptions to Planning Commissian Appravad. �or a Developing District The Eollo�ing exceptions are macie to the reqviremen� oi section iY. � � (1) ►tesidential development withoue a subdivision request shall be appr.oved through site design review< ° (2) L�nd dxvision shall be approved und�r th� �and divisions �ections caf the Community Developcnent God�. � (3) Condi.C�onaZ dev�iopment shall be approved in accordance with che appli.cable section of the C�mmunity D�velopment Code. -3- A e �&fdU�.1"�► �.1.� 1.;Y$J F"�2�3t4a RYsi�l�i�oz�t�c�4ci Plar�eti�r� J�g��i�a�i�on �Ck�r�� (CdPO �$) �i T�« `�ig�.rd City �ouffi�a 1. eeed Tigaz°d Fli��z�eri�g �A��a�.a�sa.ora . I SU�J���': C�A 1�3�$2 �Ta°b�xaiz�t'�on �tt�.ch+�d �a°e ch�ra�et� r��n�s�eracied b� Nk't3 �3 ta �a c3rr�tt vea°��,�5► of' tlai� e�.eraer►� of the c�mpr�hensive pl.�xa� P�e have �efes°ea�ccd our r�ccsm�aendedt ��x�aa��� �� �h� s�ost rece�xt dra�� vez�sion th�t we �e��i.v�cn p�:iar t� oux� ' c�xn��.dera��.on. Tf, as in th� pa��,� s��f� r�n��k�ar� th� i�,ems i�ax � � � su�sequent dtr��'��, �l�en c�ur r�fese�ae�� �a�.3r ncat ���t�t� �Pae c�a°�ft �rex��a.aa� � p�es�s�t�d fr,x gaur c�tssicie�°ativa�. �hc v�x�i.ot� �s� ha�� r���.ewed �.nd re£esex�ced ��s xec��.a��. b�r u.� c,n De�emt�er �:, 1952. �?ur st�°le h�s been tra capgr sta�'fos wo��iin�g gra �.c�wer� case l.��teringb �rad to insert e�ur �arnpos�d :nodZ.gica.4ione� and ad��.t�.oa�� ir� �01.][D C�PT�'��,�. 6�p use �rack��� C � Gcs �u�ica�� propoaed d�l�tion o� sta�'g°� wo�dis�$� atid U�e us� �aren�hes�s � ) to indi���a our �di'�orial cQm:nent�d We plan ta, h.ave x�epresec�t�.�ivsg fros� our NPO a� the publa.a he��i.n� to fu�thex° explaiu our reasonir�g far the pro�osed chr�nge� frnm St3��aR draf���i ve�r,io�t o4` s ne�r compreh�nsiv� p�an for �igr�r�3. Wz wi�l be � ,��vailab�.� t� an3xer aa�� questione yau may ha✓e �� that time. � � �--__---..— �/� C.�/l1R.���f ��I"i��� � N�` / // / �. Lou Ane �?cartensen, (.nairpers�a �� ' n , ' , I��'� 7��'� x�ecr�mmende�ti�me re��.xc��Lng �rb��.�x���.��.: r, ].C�a�. IfR��T�C�,�TION �'iz�ci�ng�: �.E�tY� �e� e�rssf�� i� �h� f�.re�.n��.ng o� �f:ree� At�� PAEd.C� �aa�f,l.�.t��s atx� ��p.o���em��s �3.�ax°�i �a� 3.m�►o�se� � x��te�ms i7e�clopc��c�� �t��.r�� �:��� on sa��s l��eaa�.�;� �cv�].�pm�ra t o �2t�a W���� i�. the �i�a�e� �xea� i� ���vided b� the Metzger �nd Tigara� W�tes 33i.r�t�ic�s. °��.�+�as ai��tr��t� �a�°c� i.x� ts�rn �aserely �r�v�.��res� ?CF�+�1d�A�� �heir wa,�er �r��a �'or��.�n�. 7�e �awe�res, �.a�c3 ��hL�c�;��ux��es. F'c��.ici�s: �.(�.�.m1� �ta� C�.1ty �h��.� �r�ca�co�e ar� ��ard�rly �r��r�k� p��t���.. bm���A san: d.� �h� �.bi�.i�� q� t�xe Cft� �.l�TI? �E SL�2VYCIAI� IDISTRI��� tn pr�e�ide an c�r��rl� �nci e�asxor�i.� �r�ava.��oz� df ser�a.��� �nd �aci�,i��.e�; ��.1,� `�I�� C:�T� SETA�.� Y?I,S�OLYk?.�G� E�CPIII�SI�N U�' �'F�� Tx(�AR%S U�ATJ GRQe��H ��LT�IA.ARY ZN �. MA23'FI�� '�dHiCi$ �dUULD 1'Z�.."�U�T IN �YY IYaFdEG�T�A]R PLAI�YNING .l�R�t# AND I�TEE�`FIC�I�N'�' FR��iISION A� �tTB��C F,ACI7�T�IES ANA SEFdi�ICES. i I I��l�men�a.t�.as► �+txa�te�ies: 1 a ��IE Cx`��' a�l1LL E�I�OLTRA.�•E TEiAT .AL� THE URB,A.r1I�/1E3LE S,�i.%r'I� WIfiHa N��T�C�,�I2I3 i a � L�RB��F PL�1�RdANG AR�A B� WITHI�I �fiE CITY LIMITS. 3. `�i�.Q �it� rail�. phra.se �the� a.�xn��:�ltions �pragra�� ta a11o�r �o� . a . �+o a. LTa��a�n d�ve�opment znside ��g��c�. tTrb�an P�.�nn�.ng Ar�� (,�,U.F'.�. y w�.�.l t�e E�VCQ�T�t��,D �'0 BE anneaced to �che C:�ty af �i��r�.. 1�. THE CxTY SCiAS�JL NO`.� ASS�MBI,Ee NOFt PRES�NT TQ "�'H� MEfiRQP��,I��N �O�FPID�RY COMMISSLQId a APIY A,I�FI`IEXATIQId F'I:OPOS�AL inIHT��T. IIdCF.UI3ES ddOM—CONar.7`��'7Id.C`a L�tNT30WNERS .4.1V1D W�.IICH WOULI? �REA.TE AN °iUN'II��0�2PORA.`�ET1 I�LAI�II?,,� ' I � --- - -- _� . ' ,, ���u�x�y 11� 1g8� ` FRi�M: �I��.g2�b'orhaod Fl�n�aa,n� Organi.zatio.� �hre� ��d�Q �3) �0� Tigax�d C�.t� Coun�i� �nc� Ti.gs.�°d P1�tani�� ���rni�sion SiiBJE�To Le���tie�nal �;riteria Attaahed az�e ct��a��e� �ecc�r���a�de� b�r �tP� �� to a d.���'t v�rsa.ar: ��' tl�i.� �leme:�� of �h� �co��x°�4a�nsAV� ���xn. t�e k�aw� ���e�erxreci �ur r�ccammen3ed cta����,� �o tt�� ra�s� xe�cerat dx��ft �ex°si�n �h�� �r� a�ce�.ve.c� �s°iczr �o Quz� conaidex�atio�a. If, as �n tk�e �ast, s�a�ff z�enumb�x°� �txe i�e�r� xr► �ubs�qu�n.� d�°af�s, th�n �aar r�f�ren�es may san� �atch t�e dr�ft version pre�ented for your �on�idex°atf.an. Tkee v�rs�.�ar� we h�ve rer�i�ewet� �rad r�fere�a�ed +��s ��ce�v�� by �as �a� ��cemt�er 2A, 3.q��. �ur ��pl� h�� 4a��n ta aopy �t�a�ff°� warding �ars l.awer ��se le�t�ems��a�, axad �ca insert ous° propmseai :�odif3caticar�s and �siditians in 50LTID CAPI'�aL�. ti�e us� bsacket� � � �o indica,te psopo�ed d�l�ti,on of staff's wardingo and �,re vse� p�rentheses ( ) i:a inclicate oux� ed�toris�l acamm�n�s� ► W� plan �o ";ave represeatataves 3'rom oeas NPU at the paxblic h�arirg to fvrther �xp�ain our reasoaint§ for �h� pz�o��sed ch�.r�ges f��m ���ff°s �raf�ed wersion oS a ne�r co�tpreh�rsei�re plan �e�r 'l`i�axdw We will bc avail.abl� ta an3wea° au� questiona you ma�r hav� a�� th�.� �im�. C__- _._.�---�----' �rt`� _ � ��?`Zi1�'�.. � � Lc�u Ane �!ort,�ns�r�, Chaixg�rso� � � �H � � � � � ° I �I , i - . ..��� � x .� . .. �� . .. � .. .. . .I. i , . . _ .. � � ;� ' � . . � . ��'Q #�o s r�cor�ma�n�ed chang�s r��a�din� S�o�r3.ta.vn�3. ��'i�t��f�a: ,� � 1.2.�: Resid�txta.a�. I,oca�i�n�.l Grz.terxa le �oe� D�a��i.ti� RPsiu�ra'�ia�. Ae � The •fol�.o�r:irs�; factox�s w�.�.�. 4�� tkae de.�crr��.s�a��� ut' �he a�r�aa �e�a.�aaafiing for ].os� �'ensa.��' z°��ider�tia]� os� t�� pk�.r� enape (�,) "�STABLT,�i�D A�t�;t��i0 vahiela �.r� c�man�tted tca �.�w d�nsi��r �°e�i.�L�ac���:�1 ' d�v�].op�emte (��ai,s modifa,�ati�aax� i� ].�.�ce1�° to 1�e m�r� gte�eaaepa���3.��� eie�igx��'��n� nei�;}st�arhaod� rat�s�r �h�za �otsm ) , (5) AR��.S 'adHICI� CA%� �E BIPFF'�R�1� �R�M M�R� IF���I��x�►� I,/18J� td�ES� �an addi��.an) . �, ^�he fol��s�rin�g fac�ar� wi7.l t�e deter�tia��nt� c�f th� den�i.t� rax2.ges � �lla�wed in thc law r��ns�.#�Y' p�a�n�d mrea.� thrQU�k� �oning. (3) SM�,E.S�ER LOTS SHOiJLB B� '�tESTF.IC���? Tt? AREAS WITH�N WA.�KI�C� D��TAI�TCE i�F TR�AN��� ANDfOR COI�ME�tC�A� C��iT�.�?.S. (Thi� r�pla�ezs�e�at of �taf�'s (3y and (�+) c�nta�.z�s th� es�snce nf tkte�.a� �.ntent, withou4; being�s biasa�c3 toward highsr densatym ) �(4}� (dele�e) 0 �. 2. Mecf.ium �er_e,;i�y kteside�tial Ao The fol].owing factors will be tl�� determinant� of the ax°cas designa.te�3 for �nedium density on th� p�.an m�ps (2) AREAS WH�:RE ACCESS �� THE NEt�.�E�`� MAJOR COLLE��OEt QF2 AF��ER�.AI, �2'I�E�'r IS Idt)ri' BY Ma.A.idS QF' h'�AnS T%IROtTCYH :GOW A�:�v"aI`r�' RI:�SII)�ld°�'�AL AF�EAS, (a xe�lr�cement) 0. � �- � � J t�2 � � W I � � � � J�ntzar�r 11� �983 FROM: I�e3,ghborh��d P�.a�x�in� C�r�ar�iza�iatq Th��� (NPO �3) �0 e T�gard �it� C�ua�ci,l and �"igard F].anasi,ng Ccama��.e�io�a. � S11�E�T� 5pe��.a� Aseas of C��cera���NPO # 3 . . Attached i� a prnpo�ed.isect�.nn fox° tk�e chagteac Sp8cial Are�s c�f Concerno ��.3.s sact3.�n r�presea�ts �ge���]l concerns of I�Ff3 �`3 �rea th�t wi�.3. ].f.ke�y �u� be dealt wi�h adequa���.,y by tYze a�l�ex� ��Gta.c�n�. Mos� c�� tkxs a�at��i.a3 vr,a� ex�sr�s��rl in. the NPO �3 g,l�n �dopted b� �i�y Caun�il. in �.975* We� wi�.2, ret�er to this sect�.oga in the dis��,zasioxa of tr�nspcsrtatf.an �n.d hau��,ng, �ince tihe conc�rx�e are rel�tea3. I��pr�seatative� frQn� our NPO �u�Z]. lae m� the put�l�.e he�ria��c� to furtY�ex e�p3.�in �ur xeasc�ain� £or t�ie�e � parogo�al.�. 6J� �i�.�. ba �iva3.labl.e to an�w�r any e�ue�ti�ns y��. m�y h��� a� that time. ,� � ' ��� � U�'� � � Raber�t Bled�oe, Secretarg NPO �3 --•_____ ,--,. i , � � , � 11.� 1V'E�G�BpF2ki0�DD PLANIvING �RGAi3L�A'L'SO�N` /!�3 t��ny o� the o7.der re�identi��. �e��.ghbaz�;aac�d� i�i S�F(3 ri�3 �+��'� de�relasp�c� r�loa�� c�rurtx�;y ���.�� �ha� wex°� Zi�E��1.y �z�atire],�.�d ti but V3IB�.CE3 �xe tx�w r��r�e�+�i�� !9 L� C@ � h����.;�,y trave�.l�c�e Som� of` thz� i.aacre�s�d tr��'�'�,c r�s�a�,�t� �'a°csm �.o�aZ de�relopw iwrnsr�e, bu� mQ�� c>i it �.� tts�ou�h tx^at�ic wt�s.�� m�tst aa�s �kae�e�:� ���.�� �i.t��e ma I �rte�ial has bee�. bua.l�. �urther inere���� in t�°��'�°ic g �nd canssc�uezx'� «ic�en�.�g pf th�:se ro�ds, wa.��. x°es�x�.t in the d�stru��ion �r d�graclati�s� �f Ini�k� quali�y resa.de�c�s al.�s:�g ���se x°�s�isa �ha�s x� paz°��tc��.e,�l� �tse �a�a� �ri'tk� ].2�.si: ,pv�nue �r,d Ga�rde ��x°ee�, wk�ick� kaav�z ri�ht—of—w��y� ts� �}� B�a 4� t��t t1ia� ax°� raf�s�t 'in. scarne �l��e�o � . Tks� e�mpr�h���iv� plaaa gc�s N�0 �3 s �d�1���� �5� th� �it;� �f �'a.�ard in ].975, supporter� a.nd �mpl��n�nted �h� �anC�us�.ons of ��.�°�. �3uttic�� the cor��ulting an�i�.eer r.9ho �e�forraed �he �r�ff'�� stud�.�s fr�° �2�� '�a�^iaus �1P0�. The�e con�lusion� rrere that 12�.s� Avenue az�ci �aarde Stx�e�t �sh�sa�.d Y�� deve�o-gs�d a.� �;�o lane x��.ds �.imited to a total csf jC f'��+c "tcr a�roid mot�ris�s ta^om faz�ma.r�g a th�.rc� Zane4 but provi.da.n� ��.�fici�n� xa�d�ay width fo� tu�niz�g a�hi.cZese,� '��e �975 p�-�n i..icluded �rovisaans f'� ��.ese roaci�s to h�v'e pedestx�i�n�b:i�yc�� pathU, r�nd to ha�e re,�`rictzoeis oai parYin�o Als�� �.c��a rlexrsi'ties were p].anned fa� Et�e neighbarhoods se�°viced b�� tihese stx°e�ts; one rea�cxti a�s� trs av�xd further overlo�zdin� of thsse s�xeet� witn a.dd�.t�pn�3. t�a.�fi.c re�ult�.rtg fram :��rher• densi�ies. I The City of Tigard, ir. tne 1'a7� plan f�r �3�a #�� Q��osed �a �ar�opoEe�i t�Ic°�ra,y �oul�vard Exter.sion thr�u�h iVk'Q #3� Tt t�a� k�e�n Lhe o�ai.ni�n of ba�h I � the Cit�• and the local resa.detats th.�t the� i�iux�re►� Baul�vax°ci ExtenEi.ora co I � Pmcific Hi�;�.w�y should be 1.oG�ted to th� w�st of Hul� MAUntaist. Gor�p�.etion I of this axt�rial 1ir.ka;e would rernave much of �Y�e th�augh �ra.i�fic frAra �ha� I should be neighborhood e�]_lectar st;t^eets� I FINI3INC S: Th.e development along mcs:�t of tkte eo�.lectcsr sta��c�+�s i.ra Y�t� #� �� pred�ma,r�ant�.y low density residences ��ria.ch ax°� i� good �ond�,ti.ar,. �t i,s the c��sir� of the Cit;,� to maintain �he livr��i]_i�,y af these ncz�,hk�arttoods. 11.r NEIG�IBO�H(70D PLANNTS�fG 0:2G�tNTZ;+TION �3 (caxtR;�.nuer�) � FI1dAT I1GS: I Tkr� prc���nt r?�ht-saY'-way al.ong much a�f S's1 121�t i,v�nue �exd SaJ Gaarde Stz�e�� i� c�n1y 40 to 4� g�e� wide� �rith c�fisets in sr�me pl.aces. 1�i.��ni.ng to ma�or collectar s�andax°e3s would �ev�x°�1y imp�.�� �h� �x?���in� hasne� o�. thes� x��ads. Much of the txa�fic no�a usin� SW' 121.st Avenue s�na SW Gaard�e S��eet i.� x��a�a�.�l throu�h traf�'�.c �hat could be much bett�:r provided for b� a properly ]..oGa��d �rt�ria�. connectie,n b�tween Murray �1va� aa�d P�c�.fic Higl�wa�r. Ia�creasing the planzxed den�iti,es an the undeve�.o�ec3 ].an� al.oaxg 1ZI.st ana� � . Gaarde waul.d eventually� z.dd. gie�.tly �a the traffic prnbl�m on those stree�s. SW��arde 5�reet and SW 12I.st Avenue soz�th of i�a�r!ut both have many uncantral.ied access goints; �his can�itiora is contrary to the x°equir�emen� fcr a r�ajaz• collector to have a ��.nimal numher of cc�ntroll.ed. access poin�so A connPCtion between Murray Blvd. and Gaarde S�. and/or 123.st f�ve.. , eith�r dir�ctly or. indirectly, has b�en �roposed many times i.n the past. Such a road would functinn as an arterial� and wou.ld be a.nconsi�tea�t with tk�.a p7.anned residentiab land us� - �his propnsal was consid�ered in detail �ta th.e 1975 NPO #3 Plan and was emphatically rejected by the City of Tigard. POLICIES: �.103.1 Sc, ?ong as a reasonable alternative exists, a3evel.opmerst shAYl no� be planned so as to r�sult in the destruction of quality� sin.gle fam�.ly residential neighborhoods. T�PI.���tEIdTATI0I1 SZ'RA`J.'r�GIES: 1. SW Gaarde Street and S'�l 121sx (between Gaa.rde and �d�lnut) �hr�ll be designated Minos Collectars� and be devel.oped �s t�o--�.ane ra�:ads w�.th �e�lestrian--bi.cycle �aths and restr�.cted parking� �'2ie actttal �idth of these stree�s sha1S. be determa..n.ed at the ti�ae n£ improv�ment, d�pe�nding on the right�-o�'-way available. d> s a � � . I.`'i.'s t�EI4�t3�0�t�[d�0I1 �T.AYdN�I�� 01�2(`xa�lUl�'.A�'IQI� �� (GS�n.t�z�uetJl) � Xl���,E1�tEK�d�2'24I�1 �T�A,�EGIES: . , e �?. The �zr�deu�Zop�e� �,azadt �lca�:� Si� �.�lst Avcnu� �sa�uth o�' i��1:t��xt� sha�l r���i� �lmn�;eel ��r Zoua dezasi.t� �EV�1.opsn�:�L�y �R��i�nxn and t��.�h:�x densi.t�,�s �h�.11 h� �a��;�t�� '�Ao�er �es a�t�ri�,l� i�ast��.do , 3. ��istin� an� n�w xnanos co�,iec�ors shall be d.ev'eln�a�d sa a� �a� r�isco�ax���e tt��ir° use far tf��o�gh t�af�ic (as �rte�ials3. s 4� i�� ��ty af Ti.gard stzall wa�lc witt� v�her ga�verzamenta3. �o�iies fo� th� de�s����men� of an al.tern�;ti.�re �actensi.on a� Murray' �1.vdr �cs k"��a.i�i� kia.gh�ay west of Bu�.� �oun�aiza, ox� �an. �+n.�athex° route which dn�s no� ut3.�i�e rt�ad� thz��aRagh �xistin� resi.denti�al neighbox°h�ods. . , � I I I --�., .. _� 1 � , ��^ ���, � r, � e ... ..:: ,...-.. : ' P�A1'fJ��L �E�T11REs AAlL1 Q�EAd��f�,�.��, _,. _.�� �- C0�l�ft�ii��I�IV� a�LAi� �i�P�FtT � '�IGARD PL�,P7PIING .�I�� i3EV�LOPtY[�IVT D�PAt3`!.'�IEIVT �p��1��I�� h'�'"� �� ��' �'��"��r�.�C:,� ����t c�+� �a�.,��c� ���9��.� ��t.�U�;.r�.� 1�i �`��`�. ocxa��� �.9�2 . �t��IS�D .7�NIJA�iY Y9$3 �o�� ��uM��� �� � l��� a �I�Y �OU2��I�. PLA��1iiV� �Oh4:�YSSI01d T��.3.bur �3ashap - May�r �'xank 1'epectir�o -� Presiden� .Tol�� �aok � Cl i f f Speaieex Tom Bxiar► Dnna�d �t��n tYancip Stiml�x Richard He3.m�r Kex� S�kzec�la Mark ��ri>ten FLay Bonn BonnAer Owens Dean� I,�vex'e�t Phi1 E�3era TiG�,R.D pA�t� Sc�t�tt? M�t�iBPR� Rana4d Jordon, Chairman �obe�t BeZlinger El�izabeth C�1.d�n e Plt i.l 1-i'1 Z'1 e Mary Axin McGinley Mary Payne Susan Sheriden Pat B��ggs Pz�OJE�T STL�FF B�b J�acn - Cxty ,Administx�tar t�il2iam A. Monahan - �ir�ctor af Pl�nning <znd Develapn�ent �° Jzreniy Coursoll� - AssnczatP Piann�� � }� Liz t�ewGo� - A.�socia�e Planner � �'xa�Yk Cuxrie - �'ubi:.c �iorics pirecCor � Adrienne 3rc�ckman - City Attorney'� Office � PatC M�rtin - Glo�d Processi�� �l � I � I � DRAFT: �or Discussi+�n �'urpo�es �nly ', i . . _ . ___,�.. � a `�i�ze Pl�ac r��a���i�P� �he v�lue c,f �h� n�t���l, e„?�d�.roa�mea�Gg �nd �bx�4��r� �n b�ls�c� b�te���n the broarl public interee� �n� C:k�e �ndi�vidual zi.ght�. 1Tni� i� ac�rra�p�a�h�c� k��ough a p�pc��s e�f crsin� �t�a�:�ax� a� �he m���� guid� k� ��t�d deirel.ap�a�a�t. Ire t�ee fall.owaxt� p�.aes., n�t�r�'s �S�oc�ss�� ase �a�eai �o det�x�i�a� pa1i�� dia°�etaan to a.�asux�e tha� co�t�.c�u��i �e:�✓�i�pe�ecxt aai�l be in ���uc�my sa�.th t�ae �ataar�l f�atur�s c�f the �ca�aunai�y a�d in tkt� �iest i�t����C �� ��1 �:o��ern�d e `"(�t� �"�� �'�°�c'�'� �� 1a°...3G..1.,�.��JF:� f I� 'f��� C�^�'fc��?-j � �°"�'`'w 11-�.��'T�'vy(�4'Jl::. `�(j�-�'�a3 �p''3~� �V '\-F'Sl�ih�(.`� Q�.)�='�iL"�".a�a, l,r,7►e5���-� �1r_��7{' -�'�".15�'� ��0°:a ir.>�'C�l.�l�1 " �4� �'"'�1���i;•r' L-+�t�(..�'�°' cJ�°i�i�.� f p��l a (�.1 '1�f1✓ �''/1"'���j" �t:. ���It�,G7 -rti�tU E�l�-:1.�t�'P�t�ti l�.! -�°'t-�t; '�lC--tl��-�-,, �t't`Y a-'r�l.�,.� � � E �. � � � �. � � � � � � , _�� � s . . � ... � � .. . � . . . . . .. ,,. .. . � � . .. � . . . i � . � . . � . � � . � � � . . o �rn�e� �eimir�ia��°ata.or� o£ ktn� floodp���as a�e�� ���.i�s t���.vil� upon �h� svai�.ab�ls.t� of r�dequ�t� i�,fr�a�nstita�a upon �a��.�c�i �rs; as�e�a �fl�� en•raronment�l i.m�ac�s of a pr�j�eC. The de�relo�s�ent, ta�ic�n creat�s �li� np�d, s�aauld b� resp�i�si.b1� fo� Fa�ovidi;xtg Gl�� Cit�a �ai�:h' tl�e neeegs�x�r d��� f�a mskin� �c�und decisi��s. '!!Ye buz�d�ec is r�� t�ee �ppYa.��nk ta pras�e that a p�G,jece w�.l;, rao� �clvex�sely sf�c�ct. t4a� env;,r�nnaae�nk or ca���t� ue�:du� fuf�u�€� , 4,ira�ilgti�s �ar ttae City. a L'h� City Qf Ti�ard, wit� �ssistance from �h� ZT.�. t��c�y Car�,s �f E��n.�eeers, h�.� est�bins��sd a� ar�a clesig�at�d withi� the 1�p°y��r flram�plaino o ��� �i�� of 'T�.g�xd k:�s bee� accept�� �� �r► �iiga�l� nre� f-�� tltie N�ta�nail"�� F1.�fldl Ins�rat�Ge Pr�gxa;n, a�.1ci r�� a ��sult fXaod insura�ce wulll be a�ail.a}�i� to pr��er�y ��an�rs ir� ¢Ioack ps�r�� ar��sa The f�der�X gsog��m, ho�a���r, re�uire� th� City to ada�t an ordinance wt�b�h �neet� ��rt��.n g�d��al s t��tcl�xds s . o Z''�e �iL-y of Txgarcl curxent�.y tia� ax�ina�ces, �SOli�i�� and s�a�darrd� withi� �he T�gard CoYnimuni�y �ievel.opm�nt �eie whi�h p��t�ide �d��uat� ce+ntra�ls f�or dev�elapmer►t ��zt�hin f�.OACip1Ei3.E2 ar�eas. �' �,�SYZ-�+.�G�t 1°� � ��1,�'al �N.r�N/aC.tt� r.�o��. t'l.�ar.s •sT�'lv`f c,u�ouc;"t:;u 13'� Gk-� �t�1�� PQL,IGX TI `• 'c'��, f%LCx>tJ t.�,.,'�t��.�"� a� 'Y'lnlO '� 'f c.�..)'t= t=C:t::;-�' 6'�iCatt:.`k�'...'�`1-'�� "Cyi�t,:� t�+dsj1 r.f(: -�-- ta l�N �i�:,��- �'-t,c�c��::�ti�c...�a r.r h.nA,-( �t: ��cr�.<'"t�..:� :'� �b �r�-7�vc:-; ta..,�s Uc�-a::!�-: ' - ��. . 3 0 2..1 ��lE CITY' ��i,AlLZ: a o PROHIBIT 3�A�1D FORt�f ALTERATItiNB �,ND �EVEI.OPMENT I:YJ 7fHE �Lt�OD�1A7t�; AIdIA b. PROkIIBIT LI�,N� FOR22 ALTEIZATIC7�IS AND �1EV�LqP�EEN'T '�N rHE �'LQ�OI�PLAIN EXCEPT AS F�LI.i�6dS: „ 1. LAND F(�ktM :9LT'ERA.TIQNS l�.IVD I�EVELflPMSNx �FI�L�Y� B� AL�,€DWED W4iERE BOTH �IDES 0�` TF3E FLfl�7DPLAIN ,41R� IDES�GF�,l1xEt� AS EITH�R INDUSTRIAL QR COP9MERCIAZ dhI �HE �OAIPAEHEi�Sr'JE PI.A�' A1AP AN� TI�E F�1�Ti.)�tS SET �OR1CIi IN POF.eICY 3.2.2 (;AN �E SATTSk°IED. 2. I.,AN� F(3�tNi 1�LTEk2ATI0N5 AND D�VEILC2�tyiEi�T S�IAAT�Y� B� R�,�,OW�D WhIERE l?NE SIDE Q� `T�i� FLfJQ�?p�.Alt� IS P�.Ad�NED FaR RES]CDF:N�'Il�l, US� A�3D T� 07.'HE�t .rs�I7E OF THE FLOODPLA,IN �S' I�L,A�INED �'OR COMMERCIElL AkV�I :CNDtTSTRI�L IJSI� SiJBJECT TO THF FOLTAidING LI�ITTA�TO�I'�: , � (a� �'HE LAND �'ORtd ALT�RAT�'ON OR DEVEL,bPMFY�`� IS ON I.p.NI7 DEST�IVAI�,D ON 7'HE CQ�SF'REHENSI`J� i'I.,�,N M�P F'OR COMMERCI�IL C�R � INDUSTR�.�� i3SE; I � �b) TH.Ef�E IS r�I3T'i1VG COMTiE�tCIQ�L �1A TNDL�.�`iTEtIAT.� tI�E ON TFIE S��'� � Ax T1�E T'TP� �1F THE AD(��'iLON (3F' mHIB 3'LAI�; � � (c) THE �FPLIC.4I�T CAN DEMONS�RATE TEI.�T l�UE T�J �XIS7.'ING SITI� -B S?EVELOFA�iENT THE�� ARE N� �T�€�:R ONSITE; ALTEkI�A�'INES BbJ1 TO , EXE�At�� It��O �kiE �Lc�ODPI�A�N; AND 'kZ1�e Floodp3.ain and flooeiwa,y as �efined by the Feder�l Flood Ix�suran�P ,Adniinbstrat�r, _g_ (d) ��� �AC�Q�S S�T��RT� I� F�LICX 3.2.2 �I�L �E S�TI��F��e 3.�03 �H�R� Z�NA F0�2M ���ERNATIVES �ND DE�ELOPMEN� �R� ��:�OWED WI�HT� T'H� 1Q���E� FLO�DFI���*, �'�� C�T� S�A�� ��QUIREt �c�sr,� '�"i '�v�� �'�f� (^�� `TR'�� �. `�`I$� Wl►°rER. ST�9Y2R�CsE Z°I9.PACI�"Y 4JZ' "Y'filS p'�.,AOd3PLAI13qE1D OI.�II�T�' 7'HE SC�',L�" $E MA1a��'AZ�i�I); �e b. E�]G�1�dFEiR�EA II3I�'iWI�RIGS� A13D 41€DC�LCI�1Z'ATI4�PI �'IFQVII�i� T�iERE �iiILI. �� Id0 Y3I'STA�A�R QR DOGItdST�t��l2�t C@iA:�iGES �3V T�E �T�CD�DPLl�I�3 l±,�.�.�.; � �. 7CA� F�.ti�i�.'ING �F A.�V �VER�R��IV B�3�FETt ON T�IE t�OA�iE��IAL �Yt � I�iJ���iIc�L 7��1A i��ilt;�i SC��EN� �HE DE�'EII.�PM�AtT F'I€d3M 91I3E� �Y °T�1� ��.�oi�a��a� ��s���t��z��. r.�ra� (��� �tr���� PoL�c� ) arm �dIiICH ZS� SUFFICIF�1�.' 4�I1D�'� 1'C1 �E h�OISE ATTENUA�'IN�; AZ�#Y?� '�t-4�.��aetc_,�s11�..s C�� " ci.�'�vE�F��IFNT O�EN LAND AREA t�DJOINING T�IE FI�pIJY9�'I.AItV AT t1 �TJ1[TABT.� ELEVAT'T�N �'�1� TH� Ct�I�S7CRUCTT�i� OF A PEDE3TR�AN/RTCXCL� PATIIiir'�,Y E�7LTHIN THE FLt70I�P7�,AYN. 9 h.) ACl•�r"'-���,��;Ct" 1,�!t'fik 'Y`[-�� /'�!'��"I1=':� I%L•`�X-.';;'���r'�.�� �3iG�`(G� p'�.r`�a.� *'T;�e F1ooc�plsAn and Flood�,,ay as defined �y the �'�debsl �lood Insu�axne� Adinanis trx�tor. IMPLE�IENTAT70N aT➢tA�E�I�S I 1. 1'he T'ig�ard Graman�.nity Developm�►�t Code for Ck�� City af Ti��sd �h�ll iderata.fy Cfi� 10�J year f�aodpT�in �czd shal�. litnit pand us�� �vtaa.ch wQU3.� ls� sub jecG to praperty f�oosi damage ox� people l.oss a 2. 'Ti�e Seri�i�ive I,ands section of t�e 2igard Cammunity Develap�en[ �ade sl�all idQntify those uses that are permi�ted 'wzwhin t�e LQ43��loadp�.�in and �he appr�val pxoress. ��'- 3o The Ci.�:y, as a part of the Communbt� Developcnent Cc�de, shall req,ui�e a I sita dev�lopm�nt r�port, e.b. , hydrology, soils, ��04.o�;y, for majox I prajects in designated f�oodplain arEa axi� a gtatement re�lectin� met�►od to be used ko mini.mxz� the runaff er.casian impact of the de��elopment on the surrounding �rea amd d�.���strPa�n praperties. � II� °�LL , � ' C� � 'I � � I W � I I ��a- I � 1. �'Ioodp3ain m�e�������e: �e�tzi.d�tinn� on the �nse oi� ��s+cl sral�,��c� t o I f�.ao�l i.ng d `'° �. W��ersk��d ma�xaagemen�: xL�t�z.cti�n o�. $�tivi.C�.e� �ith�x► the draxx�aga< �O�sie� �h�t �ort�ibuCe to flo�ding C�o�� iffip�r�yz�s�s a�ar���e eos��r��.s, w�t�and� p�'��e�ti.c�rt'ia �on�.x'o°I of er�si.n� dairxng c�nstr�ncti.or�, �gc. )s 3m itpliance nn n$tural �rc�ce�ts�s �ma.nim��. ciisrup�i�n o� p'h�s�.caa proe�sz�es): ��g. �rat;erce�u�s�s retaained �xn tkaeir x�atu��l stgt�e I� t�� �igarci a.rea, c��ly �ne mf tla�s� el�cn�ncs �s evrxenC�y b�in� �ul�y u�ili��do It is �.n ghe f�rna oi flaodpl�i��. ordie�anc� �overix�,g �I�e 1d��}�-y�ar fZa�cadp�.�i�i (�ee �'lo�d�laia� 24�g)� Tlzex°e �r� xiiffic�3t�.e�, hswevere wi.th the accurecy of the +�f¢i�ial m��s s�elimi�ing the €2ocrdpl.��.n., es��ci��.�� a1an� i Sunnraer Cr��k ancD �4e� Racic Creeky a� w�ll as �rrrnt�adickions �etw�en caZcul���d i��. f�.00d '"�le�ratzons and �Yaeir demarcation, but ttre�e problems can ?�e re:�olve�. � , • In additiaexs tt�►e f7v5, Arrny Cc�rps of En�it�e�rs has conduat�d � �de��al�� susv�y af the �laosi�alazn fas tta� insurance ratc� m�ps o� �h� �lo�d Ii�su�ran�e ! ', �d�airt�stratidn. 1tii� study incaude� a c�e�ar�ation af th� €�o�dw�y �- �.i�at � ,I pprtxc�c� of the flaod�la�n �rith si�nifi�an� deiocity of flood w�texs, ; '� Ac�da.�ion�tlly, t�►e impraved floodpl.R�.n ardi.flanc� in�lu�ies mox�e ��ric�gent ! ,'I c��t.rols in tt�e tZoadw2q. CurrE�atly, the CiCg of Tigard h�s ado�t�d � � I ��r�-fu�st �loadplaa.n �r.da.�a�nGe. O�stru�ts.ons a�n +ttee floo�w�y ���ga Maa.n Street t�rxdg� oyer Fac�no Ca��ek) caus� great�:� dsm�ge by zan.sing flo�ci 1�veYs. i Much nf eh� F'anno Creek ba�in femge east �xd� s�f G�apex� Pioun�tan.n) ha� rceat be urbaniz�d, and a� xt i.s developed floo�l elevatian� wiil �cise ��ee IDi.mgr�m z��= Incr��sEd runo�f �nd erosian r�i.11 ub�an that �reas n�k no�a ss�abj�ect tn a j la0•°ye�x fload will t�e a ras�C �n the futur�. Careful �aa�ershed aaar�agem�nt �i cou�.d minimzze th� a.ncsQxse, in flo�d he�.gtzta. Ir+ [�e abssx�ce of goad �iycirQlogs.c rlat�9 futu�e fTmod levels wi11 be dAfficult to predacke A, jaint i U�Sa c,�c��.ogicai Survey ° Army CorPs of Engi.neers rainfall-suno�f �tudy for the Port?and Mtetropoli.t�n srea t��s been d�v�lo�ed to add�r�ss this iasu�e. Lower _�_��--�- ra �sed flood Famno u.re�k and �h� `I1a��atin River wi.Il alsa be �- �1% F P control wox°ks Co control damages in �ala�icx. a-������G� F'lvod lev�ls in Tigard wi.5.1 be sub�Cantzall.�' determaned �y the cantro�.s ex�rci.secl over develapmeztt autside �he pl�n area. Urbaa�izatien af two areas �.n g�articul.�r, t1�e wes� sl�pe of Mt. Sylvania and th� eask s].ope of �ocap�r Maur►tain, wi11 ha�ve major imp��t �n Summer CrePk �nd �ia�i Cr�ek, � respectivelyo P'oxtland, �eaverton, Mvaltnrsm�h County, Wa�hi.ng�on ��nty, ��.� � � �. (3sca�go, anci Clackaynas Caunty all have jurisciiction ov�r q�ortians of the F�a1nb � �reek b�sixi ab�ve ��.gttrda � �3 � � � � , � I -i0° ,.,,. .,.: � ,.....�. '�4(�. . " ' . ........� ....:.�... . ._.... x . . . . "-, .,....... ....:.�. � .. � � •:.�' . ' ..:� ..'....� � ..� . . :.�...'. � . � 1 :... .. .,. .. . :�. . �.... ,...'. . ' \i��► �1 i,°.iii� ►:lr' ,.� * .;� �: .. � " ' �i�' �u � 'N�r °' i � � ::q � s�� � _,�. * .r� i�i��w�i.i�. � -x� � �►'. w .-. "w mr:��iinn t � � `� R �JI ■��S � � � -1/ll�� ���. . .:la . ,� '� "��� t�JiJi'h�1. � ��� *���I�, � .l ;il:• 1 11 � 1 1 rA1 � i '�i '� �,(,.�',` �.�a � �'�`Ilwl�i����' ►�7�._ +.,.r � !� , ,, 4:. '\., '�.i3;''w�i a ��% �.7 s � �J) '� p4 a �, � af ;`� E .�� -!� +-����e��..�,...--l+a.�.� .-,��`� u r�J�'.✓. 'l�aM �;�.�M�11 i/G i.� l.L`.•�.• J?�.�����'1���■. � �f��%�•' . � y�i f� 1. � -::� � .� r a'I�li� �1�1� .r'.. �1►11 ``��. ��t ��r _, ie \���}��✓ �4� Cr! 1'� 7 i:�� �� ����`'`�1 11��•1 1��11 ��t wrlll ��►\!\,�:�� � �,� `. �/ �� � rq� '�1 11 r-�� �iwr�. e ..�1�� � �y , Y. �_�, .� �it � (� ain,��TR 1�,� ..r.�:� �'�/••�� ����ri r^.'.�s��� ��'./.�t�� �nS?. tII'�:�'+ .�`�.��■��. �� - ��: �s�l�r''*' �'-1�?'-r."..".,` �` `� �1�41`,_' ,�� � tt-i�`\. ,�- ' .rt1:��■ ���;���� i�i��-i: j (� I � 1� �! y-.-:.: ::�1. .T� s.,,.l .�I �.r���� � � d� w ►_' ,-� � :�: �,,� �, �-1 1 4C.��� ��.11 (, r. �ri�,..�i 1 � �S f✓c ai�: ".�- �tf��_����� ...;, 11 !1► �.=:1� � ��M'+ iC� 4'.',i► ..r��s��.�/;;���1 '/;, ��r,/�" ,�`�w- F:c �1� R��I� .:ir�.,1Iil1 ��i � • : • • �L ���� w�`e!� sJ��� _ .�'�,�, ,��� � j'� jz Tn IS�Y r .�����������'��"��I�'� �� �. • � . l.��J � �. . ��i`! i r�e ri � f'7 � �: �, ./ , . .� i � 1 . 1:� fI�I ���I� �'. �� +�. ���ar.��'r.• %f s�,��l11� .����� _�� i �•... 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I . .� .� .. . �,� � . _ _ ,� ,�, .� � ► ,��� , ,,� 1 . _ 1� + ,�.'G��=a��'�,��,-'�� - . . . . u _ � �������N, � � �.���rt��„„ �:�►�� : ; .,_ , � _,���■ . _,.� ■ ■ *. f�« � . . : . _ . ... :� It�M���.i��/;r�r%-' .. ,.. : �_ . :r..- , . . ._ _ . .: ,. � .Q � �.� � �r . " ' " • i���a�aic���y u��r��I�9 esp�ci�lly w��� moia�, a�d tenda to los� it� s�sen��h wh�n $�rur�t��. It is not �� n�tor��u� ae th� losse�, �a��v��, be�au�� of its ��catia� at lo��r �Iev�ti��s whes� th�z� ��� ���er �te�p �Iope�a ���P �c��� eu�s�dene� is a pa�siba!i�y Calsa for Xau�g Alluviu�) follo�ing �e�e�e d�c13n� �� ��� ��oundws�er ��ble du� to masai�e wit�dr�wals, b�ct th� �ct��1 �mt�ntial f�r. thi� pr9ble� �s �ot known at C�is timem �n�ng �Z1u�i�im, �ou�d �l��g th� �ealogi�ally re�e�t fla�dplain of ��e �eala�in Y3i�v�e�, F�nno Creel�, 3umm�r �r�ele, and �heix majo� �ri.butasi�s, h�s v�ry ��v�re limitat�.on�e �side €xar� tt�e f�ct th�t ���t �f these �r��s ha�� ver� high wg��;c �o tables dr axe sea�s�raal.iy �looded, atr�amai.cle los��ior.� fa�e �he �ra�l+�an a� 3a�n� ernsion from und�xc�c+ttia�. 1tiz� un��ns�la�d��Qd fr�zmatioza �.� ��.�� �tta��c�erized by poAx �earia�g �tx��ngthm Iex a �najox �axthquake: 1Aquefactiara af t�e�.s �ine--�r�ined, water°satux•ated un.i� could me�x� total failure e�� strength and severe settling o€ sgri�ct�xr�s and �ther loads. (� Y� �7�d.��' y� . €}�j���'�, �-. s �i The sa:.1s af the TS_gaxd area (see Sails i�) cov�r tt�e geolagi��1 d��osits witfi mat�rial� �of di.verse �ccsce�tibility ta m�v�n�ent� �ever.al cc�aracte��.sta.as combine to de'termin� their poten�ial ix�s¢abzlityo le Slope 2. Per.�ched Grau�d�aater 3. 47e tnes� 4� Ero�ion Potr�n,tial 5.� Poc�r D�ainag� fi, I'kiickne�s � 7. Shrink°Swell Poten�ia�. 8. Slow Perm�abi.lity 9. I.ora Str�ng�h . A lands3ide ra�aing sy�tem b��ed c�n khese ct��racteri�tics �a�s d�veloped fox the � I�ake 0swego ax�a, by �n �ngineering geoir�gist� Appl}►ing thi� system tQ the � is�i�.s in TY�a�d �hmws kha� se�reral areas k►ave �evere landslide potEnti.al and seuQxal others have moderat� pot�ntia2 {aee Appenc3ix)� The �hara�c��rYStics �nd ctin.dition� an I..�ke Osauego ar� similar ta the conda�tions in Tigard. Slope The sail �.andslide potential rati�x�s reveal that �lope is genera�.l.y the critn.cal factor in al,l cases. Modesate lamdslide pot�ntial is commfln for sc��.l� with s7.�pe b�tween 7� and 1.2�, �e�d is �en�rally sFVer� for sc�i.T� with slnpe� exceedin� 1�Xo kield znve�tigations in �'igard ha�►e de�uo*tstrated the existence af soai creep (very gra�c�al. d�wnslope nzovement) o� u,nrlisturbe� s�t�s where th� slo�e exceeds 25X. I[ �hou�d be �ept in mind, howeve$, that �lat areas imme�iately adj�cenC �o a steQp slope, bo�:� above and belo�a, are suR�ject � to the effects of a �lo�e �ailur�� 1�►e Slape kYag of th� Taigard t�ea shaw� the I concentr�ta.an of steepes slopes in. the follawa.ng gexaeral. loc�ti.�n�s: � 1. Terrace e�carpments �bove the F�nno �reek and 3lialatin River � flo�dplain3. �I -1.9- '�ab�'.e ��� ��.AL,� Q�� �ARTHQ(J'�►KE xN��NSI?'Ti�S F1TT(3 APP�.JXIt�Et`T�I��t C�J€tliE��(8t3��NG NlAGNI�U��S Maxi��x�n R�gni.�aad� c�a�re�° �nten�it� �e��x�.p�is�� r�f ef�ents a�c�r�.er�tic��a s�o�ading �o t�i�taest etaar�ct�risC�� +�ffec�� o€ �.lae g�ra�and in�en�a���► resched ]I �ng�zum��x��i o det��ted ocnly be $e�.��ca�r�g� 7-n JoS �I F'eebl�� notic�d only by sQn�i�ive people 25 �� r�� Sight: l�.�e the vft��aticrn alase tc► a �assing l��r��•; felt b� peopl� at x�st, esp�ci�lly a� upp�� �»5 f�.a��� 54 TV MocS���at�: fe�t by peo�:l� wrtxil� walki��g; rca�k.ing c�f loa�se cab��cts, incluc�i�g star�ding ve3tic�.e� 10(� �a.3 V Rath�r Sere�ng: felt �;exc�rall�; most s�e�per� are � to w�aken�ci �nd b�:31s x�in,g 2S� 4.S �'I Strong: trees s�ray and all sus�ended ob�ects s�ri�.g; damage by �verturnin� and fall{ng of loos� 40'4-5.4 objecte �00 VII Vegy Strcang: �eneral �Iax�; wa11s cracic� plaster 5•�-�•� falls 1,00n . V7CIZ Destre�ctive: car drfvers seri.�usly d3sturb�d; masar�ry f�ssured$ chi�n�yr fa11; pomrly con-� 602 structed buildings daffiaged 2,Sp� CO bX R�inous: s+ame houses caXlaps� �rhere ground hegin.s ta c�ack, and �aip�e�''�reak o�a�n �,00� 6a9 X Disast�au�: gr�axnd cracics baei�y; aaany t�uilding� des° �r.oyed ��.d raiLway 1in�� be�t; landslides an �1"�b3 steep slapes 7,500� �. � XI Ver� Zli�as�rous� f�w Uc�i.ld�.x�gs remain �tanding; � bridge� d'�estroyed; a3.� se�°vices �railway�, 704-$01 pipes and cable� ou� of action; grea� land- � slidt�s atld floacis 9'80(� � � XXI �atastrophtc: total d�str�ctin�; c�bjects throwra �a� � � � into air; grounc� rise� and f�.�1s ir� wav�� knQ�rn�u8.9) � ��� I��. �AT�1�1� ���UURC�� FJith �.h�e ���ep�G�an a� a,��re���e re��i��c��� ��►ex� s�e �►� l�a��►wax► ���a���sZ �e,�our�c�s ox ener�� re�durc�s i��a �h� �i��xd �t�i�.�cl P��� �reao �a��ry �ock ��l,�ae�bia a��,v��x B���l.t aaad �r�ng Y�v�� a� fo+��arl herre, �uC as �� r�idel� �rr�ilat�be �1s�whe�re anc� pooxl.y �oc���� €�ag enis�iae� is� �a.��r��, +.�a� �.t cs�a�at ���sa�ng��.y b� �csaes�.�ereed a sc�urcce a� au��ly (�ee Geola�y �Ysp)a �'It��lING � ('u�x��.t1y, ther� ar� �.ctens�.ve s�ck and gra�rel �xea��t�.ezn ax�a� le���ted tc� gkn� r�o�th snd w��� o€ �'�.g��cd`s �lanrcing gr��. but wittxin Beawe�rton �nd� W��hir�gkor� �uun�ty, o T9i�re ar� no kno�n min��rs�. oar �ggx�gate rES��xce� wi�f�i�a tiae ligard Fl���ing ,€�rea. (See Wat�hi.n�t�n C,oun�y R���uxce �ocuinent, Vole�me I, 19�2. ) PU�.ICY ,. a__._�. � ��.m, —=_ 3.3,� TIi� CI'i'Y C�� TI��D S�)ALL S�JP��RT �� ��'k'OEtTS (�� �IASHIN�T�N C�UNTY, �EAYE�.T�Id 11I3D TI3� FIETROPOLTT�1 SE�ItVI�E I3Ts'�IiICT °lti) ENaU�bIIJG T�i� . . A�AILAB��ITY OF Tlir, �t��K Mli�i��� RE501UR�E�« IMPLEM�NT21��Q1� ���tAGEG`1 ��� 1. Ttbe City � e�c��ra�e �ha�p jurisdict�.c+ns regulat�.ng rock extr�ction to clo�e�y monit��° ti�� relationshig t�etween the deYna�ad fr�r t�M� Lesausc� and the amount of land pZar►ned fo� rock nnd ,gravel exta�c�bon and graGe�sang. Th� gz�avel deposx!' in the �out�a�a�t porta.on of kt�� pZan. �r�a n��r Aurhgnt t�as bee� c�uarxi�d by �Jashi:!�kAn Caunty. Th2 gravel was r�9.atively poor quality �c�d wa�, th�r�fore, taein�; used omly for sueh purposes s� gxave� roads and � s�caulders, oii �octc, sand, and rip-r�p. Moet of tl�� �ite lnas be�n exc�vated, and at tl�e p�esent extraetinn r�ter th�: s��m�ini.xag supply will last uxatil 2005-20].0. liowPVer, t�e nor�h�rn laound�a�y of the d�pos�.t ns ur.cext�zz�, sa its full patential is �anknow�n. ,� belt of potential fill sa�ad is fc�und in �he [arrace� �bowe t3��e T�alatin �8, Rivery soutta a� dharhax�e Road in the br4sdemang b�l� e�tending from 92nd c�z� the � east past Paczfic 1Highway on �h�e west. [�9 � Tl��e Portla�d �t�troFolitax� Ar�a fa��s futxbre dixfi�ulta.�s a�u� r�btaini�g sdequa�e I � supplae� of s�anrl �r�d gravel., sia�c� tt�� bu�.ky mr�tesial is ��cp�c�si.ve �o ' � transp�rt a�iy dist�nce ar�d �rbaa�iz�tic�n ha� fo�ecic�s�d cuini.�� depcssit� c�ose (;1 ta the Cs.ty. Wlzethe� gr�v�l eae�x���i�n shau�d be extended furthe� in thc� � Durharn area, and quarxi�� dev�lop�c� in he r��nd d�pasa.ts, �r� ques�i.o�as �hiGh � requixe more detailed info�aatian bpfore tk�ey can b2 answered. The Ore�Qn �epartmenk nf Geology and Miner��. Ixxeius�ra.es and tkee £oamer Col�ambi� Re�it�� �sncir��ion o£ Gov�rnm�nts cd�ducted studies Qf kka� p��ysica3. �nd ecoe�omi� �ape�ts af �and �nd gra�rel deposits in �t�� Poztla�ad a�e�. -�4- _ _ � . I 'I I c s AR�,AS �'AT��J��3 k't�Ft �'�IEIR F1EA�IZ.E CH�£fA�TE� AS IiA�3ITATS FS?R P?�I�S, AP7TASAL 0� AQUA�'�:� II�IIFE, Qit FL�.VYtd� EN1�AIdGER�D PLANT OYi ANIMAY. � SPE���S, OR SP�CTFiC IVAT'U�,3� �'�A1[I�ES, VAI�ii�ll Fi9R Tki� NEED T�1 I PY3C�T�C'� �IA�U�d. AREAS. 3.�+.2 TH� CI�'Y SHALL: � $. PROZ�CT �IS�1 AIU�J �7II,YlLI�'E i�YABYTAT tA�+�Y�� �TREAI� C�RBIDQR.S �X �fA��lGII�G �'�iE . R:CPE�iIA�V �SABI�AT A�d3 CQRT�ROI��.�NG ERQSI�Ne AND B�t I IiEQU�RZN� �'�T AREAS OF STANDT�d� T�EES ANU NATURAL VEGETATION AL�QDi3G �iA��FRt�a� UR�I�A.�E CCfit�S�S AIV� �J,�,�EC�WA'�S �3� 1��1.�FI�e�I1NE'1� T� �'diL k�klMU�t EXTEtVT P05SIBLF; ��sAt� ��'Se�'snu+'t'�(� �c�a�a� � C'� ba �.EQUItt� Tlic�T DEVEE.OPMEN��AI�'II���REI? OR TRL�E �►R�.�S �E �2,G;,�Jik;:4��C..,J �0 MfINIt�IZG TikIE NLiAiBEIt ��' TRE�S FcIIbiQ'�TE�; AN� -�1Czt-} ��� �. 'REQI3�RE CLiiST�R TYF� T7E�IFL(�;PMENT ZN A,REAS I�,VIN� II�flPt�.ra�A�iT �l�'�FJt•i�;.�b, FIILDL]tFF' I3�IT�T �'AL,U� A5 I5�1LZt+�A�EAQ ON T�T� AO�I�H .4ND WI�I.�LI�'E �I�:�LUC'M�'l �A.B�TAT MAl'" ON �TLE A.T. T}1E CxTY. p�,,,p�t.;:, IMPLEMF�IT.ATTGN STRATEGIES 14 �►e City shall consi.d�er the i�n�lusion of an adequate amaun� of Zan.d ad�acent to a floodpl�i�► or d�ai.�iage�.�ay for dedication to �kxe Git�y� natu�ral greenway system, w'hgch allowa the are� ta continue tc� eupport exa.stin� �abizats. 2. The Ci.ty shall, encourr�ge Ch�ough the P�.arined Development Pz•ocess, �he retentxon of ls�ge, va�ied habitat areas an pri�rate and public lands incluciing inyentoried plant and animal �ommunit;eso 03 �'he City shall review �11 developm�ent proposals adjac�nt to W111��.1f8 habitat areas to ensure that adverse impacts s�n �ny wi.ldlife� habitat areas axe minimized, an� af need be, request khat ott►er feder.��., � state, and l.ocal agencies �eview the si�velopment proposals. 4� Where there exist 1arg� or unxque s�ands n€ tre�s or cnajar vegeta�ion areas within the p�.anni�xg area or► undeveloped �arad a the Ci�y shall ensure that development proposals do na�t substan�ially alter. Che character of th� vegeta�ion areas through the Planned Aevela�pm�nt Process and tha "ar�e ��tang" se��ion c�f �he Community I�`�e].opme�at Code. Vepetation and �Jildli�e � �Tilcilife i$ dependent up�n n�tux��l �vegetatioz� far �ood and ah�lter, gnd i� some cases for prat�ection. �i�ce e�rch an��n�al species �as spe�cial. requirements, the greater the vari�ety of habitats (and natraraZ ve��tntzan, ) ttee more different kbncis of ac�i.ma�. life can be found a�i an aresa 'Itxer� are four ge�era�. ki.nd�s of habiCat which �r� �axticulaily important for � di.ver�ity of u�ildlife: � ,-27_ � .��,.... _-- —_-- -- _ _________ _ _ � �� �a S�e_, cs�ry ' Ara i��v�nt�� ��x�c�u�k�d bv tt�e Ci� of Ti �a �u���a� t�ae °0�r� a� II � � �'�'��v��� �d�l���� � � S��te �'ax�.� S,���� �1�n10) ��ve�l d thgr � ���i� v3�w�s �nd site� �r�d/c�� �� �►�t���ray�, �� c�efa.ned in �al �#S���isk :in tTh� �i$axd �l�s�n���g Are�.°i"�iea� �I a���'lud�m , ' ' , Yy �.�e $um�i.� �f ��tt'l� �u�3.�. Moun.�aiaa; . ' 2m �e suroa��� s�d e��!��rn� alop�s of Bu11 Mou�tsin! , �a �� va�ca o� tY�� T�.g��ci �r�s f�o� C,itt3.e �u1�. M�n�n�axn ax�ei �u1T �ir�r�s�tain., ea�i.ch i�acl�cie �i�eu�e mf AiC. �ad, 4o Ttx,e� vAeva a� MCQ �iaoti �ro�a the �lal.lvs.�wr area, �nd ' S. Tt►e vipw of t�x� Tig�rcfl ar�a� from the Tigz�rd Tri�ngl�, �o�ki.r�� ti� th� w���. !�. � � � � � � i� � � r��M ' I , i V. �G�Y�U�TU�►L �E�a����� �xicutt�a��l �esrs�xx��es �i.��xrd'� iaerg�a�ge a� Z�.ni�ed to i�� ��r�ara�xa �a��: 8nd �aicstain�ng �a�� �e�r�rrd �nd ��s�ig�s o� tiai.s cdi��pge��'ia$ �i$to��' +�h�ulu b� a �o�munx�y �aac��+���. In , �dsii�im�as fmrma l.�nd ta�s zcsto �Y�� �pstt�rn of ���n a��a+se set fot��i� ia� t�� �tsamnunit�A� d�si�n abjecti�v�s> t�ntnl t�� agrl}� 19.�0°�, Tag�r� �ari�amal�► r��nai��a� �ra agric�a��u�al �oc�u�,.at�r. Fia��ver, since the ers�zwer�iotx �o �rk�aax use€� �Se�axeA ian�x�ar�i�g �ma�cets �si ��a-� l�nd �►�v� lseen ca�ca��rt�d �a utl�er u��s. °�z�ard 1�,�s writhi�n �he dJrba�Y �rowth �ucaredr�ri�a esta�lish��i by �i��r�pola��n , 5��vi.ce D���rie�. Popu��tiop pr�ject icsxcs and l�rc� �u�� �a�ea�s sru�i�s �h��a tk�at , �A�. c�f the lar�d inside the T'ig�ar� �Jrbax� �la�nn�.n.� ,Ar�� wi.1l. b� n�eded for us��ax cie��l��r��nt wi.thxn t�� y��r 20�D� plax�ni�g p�riod. iJ►�derc ����e ci�cum�t�nces y , preaer�ring 1.�rg� trac�s �� �arm I�axd raauld p1�ce �n esnxcec�a�ary burd�r� on th� �, cor�muns.ty �o ix�creas� den$it�ee� el�ewhese �U comg��nsat� Po�� �he. loss af n��d�eel re�ici�n�i.al e��.c�. An additionsi considermtioa� is th�t s�ost o£ �he��e �°�m�ini.ng p�rcel$ are a�vt l�rge ��a�ugh ta b� ecc��as�ma.c�11�► vi�trle. .� TASL;E I YEA�. POP�3T A�ION N0. t�F' Tc��d�LOI'EI? E�I�RES NtS� (?lE PI�ED�;U ACI?�S 198� 14,2F6 4,8��ro.3S ltesiaienCisl — �A�M9s�$ �!�(a ��'a i 2aQ0 33,4�D0 �am�ecereial -- 195.3� '' . In�ustsia�. — �77.57 �I �OTA'L -° �� R��T�.Ib , i TJTl�,L AMQUIVT C31F �i2�]D W�.THIN 'T7CGARA Y,TR�3AI� FI.�i�1�1ING s�itEA - G393 0 6(9 l4�idE5 li �i F'ore�t Lands �h�re are e�o land.s �i�i�a.n the TigaXd U�ban Planaimg E1r�a cl�sa.gna�ted �ar �commeri�al f�ar��t 1nnd. 7lierefo�€, �,�D�C �taCewide Plac�na.�a� Goal ,�4: �oresC �, L�nnd� da�s not apply Co Tigr�rd's C�m�rehen�ive a�lan. � � � � � � t� U�i � + —35— •. I _ _ _ _ I � m �, . P��k L�YS� ,�c��q��i�i�a,�n g�nd �e�relo�men� Pxs��r�ra �►e ac�ui.sits.�az ��d d��r��.Qpm�nt r�f �.►�xk� ansl xecre0��i�x�a� fs�cglb�i�� � funal�:� by a Syste� ID�velopm�nt C��r�;e whieh � �ssesaed �n �acin new i�aider��:i�sl cau�it. �a� �taarg� �� �asae�se� $� �h� tim� or ���sx�n�� Q� t�.� bui�zling }�e�iitr Dedica�i.nn o� l��xd ►nay be acc�pCe� in lieu �f Ct�� fee px°ava.d�d t�.�� i.t e�eetr� the s�ear�dard� set �n Ch� pls� �cesc gm�k sites az�d �,� a�gr��eesl �by the P�t� B�oaz�d. �ca� ��'�• b���csP•�.�;�' I°J ��'�fa i� �.� ��'9�ra°1"x`: I � _ ,�'�°""�� . '�r�--.�e .�.i nn*nn�iL7L9 h na .t — ti+L.a 7.. a.f�x av n� nne•h az��•- :7 1_ . r �--TM--^-, . � , ����� « � � e +�e , °� . � � �n-rn�i����—�-- �esc.�'1.." �g- c"v�lR3'�TM't�9N� � � , p v i � d ' '�nrxm nf rha D,a,� i ..�mansx...Spio�:er as�—� � *7�t�"'q.� � 0 ^�` .. sY�ic���•g�ir"�- -1°-- - ��.1.��a�.�n��.in�n-��^..aa.c��� ' —4�i— �I�AT��� �� � m �esa°re�C��►, ktae�� �re 1��.�0 ��rea �f City p�sr�C l�x►d zn 'Tig�trd �nd 37.�30 �cre� e£ a�eeia+��t�d greP�e��y'. o �es� are ade�►�ed plar�� �gr ��.�S�t �� tlh� �a�.n� Ci.ty paxke. � o �1�tz�oa��t�' Sch�s.�Cla �as�C �a� s�o� b�en �c�.�pt�c� �Sy tl�e �'ark �ax�d, �he l�nd w�s �3�dicffited ta tlhe C�.ty for psaFs �asrpca�e�« o �� ta s�cenC cut-back� im rev��ues t� �he C�ty, the Cit� teag �ubstr�n�i�a�l� Zi�x!��c� ,��s p�xk a��xa���x��nc� p��g���. M � s� �� �zty'� P��� Syst�m &�v+elo�x��:n� ��x�e s.� acqvar�d tkexau�h new ����Lmp�a�t�t �nd i� uaed gole�.y fo�° p�rk acquisi�i��e a�ed dea�e�+�pmetit. Pm�1c m�antersancP i� ��i.a� far t�raugh tt�e :;ii:y's �en�ra� fund. �mT.�C�F� .�.�oo��«�.�.��,.� 3a6.1 I�T�JI�UAL P�iK SY��S, �.S DEF��D ��' TIi� �'A.It.KS AIdI➢ OPE�T SP�CE S�ANDARDS ANi) C�.A,�STFI�ATItiN :`YS�F•A�Y S1iAI�� �� �E'�'Ed�P��? ACCO�td�ING 7['U T� FOI.5��7CNG �ItIS�RTTIk�S: a. FA�x�.ITIES WIT�IIN A PARK WIb,�. �I� �U�tJ�`T1ED �0 l�i�lET THE ���� �+ND ��SII�E� C�� THE H�IS��ICT �LES�,AE'NT5 �N� �'Fi� CT�ARAC�ERIS7CT,CS (3F' �F9k SITE, �'AItI� AND/OR It��Et�ATIO�I�l, �'ACI�.:��IE� �H GR.�l�.T�ST D�i�►ND AYd1� bEASTi S�Pi�'% SH�ULU FtE�CEI�E �'EIE HIGi�ES'� D�VE�,�'�PME?�� t R�CSR�TI�S s b� �'AR.KS S�iO�iLD BE P�ANIVED TU I�1StJR� M�CI�fUrt BENE�'�'T Tt� �Y� G�A`TES� F�TJNIAER O;E �Ct�L R�Sa�EN1S. �AR T.HIS 1t�ASC��i, .P,CQUISITION APID DESTEI�Pt�I�1VT OF •COMMUt�ITX �.G'VEI, �ARTtS SiiQiiLA BE GI�EN �'HE EIIGHES�' PRI�II�I�Y a c. DE�'��.I�FMEId2 AF AD�ITI�NA� BaT�ZGH�BORH00�3 F�tKS 4�ILL HL�V� A YAWER k'FiI47RIT1� �'�R PI3B�.IC �'iF1�11IId�G A�ID �1RE EN�fDUitA��B 1� B� �'R�b�IDED BY TI,IE i'RIVA7C� �CTOR WIT�lIA I�I.A,NN�I2 C7N�T Y��VEiQD�A4�:id`TS. � c3. MINI PAF�KS �i�,VE THE dAWEST I3E��LOPME;�IT FRIORITY A,NI3 SgiOtJZ,13 B� SU1�lPLIEA AT i'TJBLIC EX�'�NS� OA1L5f IF AN �dEA Y� Dk�T��fINED T� BE ISOL[�.'�ED FR�M ACC�S� TO t7Ti��R. �APKS, OI� WHEYtE SPACE IS LXTId.�AiELY I�IMITET3. �` ee PKOVISIAI� OF RE�IONAl, Pt1FtR �'ACYLITtE� (�LT�L, ONI,Y �E CO�ISID�R�D AS � �.N INTERJtJRZSDICTICIN� PE�O.T�CT.; .��Il� SHgULD kdAVE A �C1W Z'RIORYTX � UHT�ESS iIYViJS�J�.L CIItCUMS��4I3�ES ,A.RISE, � � «:f f. A�C��'7CANC� 0� :�I�1Y LANT3 DEDIC,AT'�D E'(B� P�K �'URPQS�S ST�AA�L �� �3AS�D � Y1�t�N I7CS �JSL�'C�L�T��S d:ND A��'TAF3I�IrY �J �'H� AD(J�'TEIS �'ARK .�4�� �I'��d � �Pt'��� ��.'ST�kd. W � 3.�.2 T� CIT� SIi.AI.L �COOId3.�INA�E 1�]Ti�Ei �T�HEit �'Y1�LIG � PR]C�'t�°L'� 4�I��E1tdlc A�'YCD�I'S t�P�19� �� I�d 0�3DER T�D �'ACILITAx� TH� IMPL�2�BVT�.TIOIV �k' Tf�E CTTY'S ��I'�I3 PARK ��� � P�A,1�3, ��,\��� 1'p.�,�� (���;a -47- .. . . .. . . . . . . . _ . . . .. ,�_ . . ... . .. - '. ... :- - .. . � - � . i�i�ri�fCii��B;!'�EA'A�89 e:7A8i4'�JL'.�9Xad� � � . . la �� �aty ai��1�Y aa�tir�ue 60 ��ek r���rts�� ec�urc�a to fa��l����e i�n tY�e< , f�pl�m�re���ian czf t�a� ��ap��d �aaca� pZ��a�o T14� �c�a,pte�d pa��. �],��a �xea , �aaxxaa� ����k F��:1c, �a�al� Paslc, i�oe�d�;rs� F'�a�k A ,�a�k P�xi�, S�a���l�k� ���k, E�.�1e�r�ac� Ps�°�C, ��b�z�ty F�rk= aancQ �f� O�d b��,ndmilZ F'a�k. 4 �ta �� ��.ty �tY�all cievelo�s � n�u�ur� gs�rk r�e��Ia g�����on��.to' �a det�a�na�n� the nu�ni��� o£ ����� sne�d�el �os f�ture p�,�ic �aeeso 1�e e�ie�en� ��r� �t�ixa��sd� �k��l�. b� u��si a� � ��.a�.ra f�r �t�i� �a��ssme�r�.°��'(t�� Q���"1� �;��4'T I �+�� ����4�•'� � �?t��9�.4�`i �'� P�l�� � �'' 30 .A� � gre�aae�i�acen to de�elo�ar��nt, t�ae �at�'� C,�cr�san�.�3� D�v�1,a�pa���t �d,�e , s�.�11 r�quise t�ee d�di���icax� �f �i�e ���enwa�r and park la��, a.f n�t �1r��dy i �de�iacaCe�� 4, �►e Ci�y st��l� �c��tiricae t� �mgsiement th� �s3��t�� p�destri��/��keps[� ��C���y �����. � x � I ��� � � 6 � � � 1� s HfY�T€�TtI��,� — �IJ1L�'ta1RAF� ����iRC�S '� Ia� ��r�ei�d�se�ng �lae �w�r�ll cte�sac�ere s�f the co�u�anr�y, a.t i$ i�aFast�n� �� la�ic to �k�e g���t. �,s a ca�mm,ua�aty rd�velops it m�tao��� a��t .dli�ca�d a,t� �5��� £ar .the s�ke s�f t1a� f�a�u��. , E°itt�d bn;�s . ' 0 1�ist�ric f���ur�m pr+���d� ,� ��.nk with th� p�a� mc��fi �sid sh�r��c��x� �x�ci � v�xie�� ta the �oe�rtauxai�y desig�. U��ortunately, much of Ta.g��d�s hesitage hs� alr���iy been 1c�st to u�mansged develop�ent weitflx c�n�?� a �ew d�,s�frt�t ., +�tr�tt�turea ���m�i.ning. �� a The c���i��a of dey�3��p��e�ta �ait'hiz� �h� aorrm�unit�r ��� be r�e�arci�c� fsc�m �e�o �iewr po�n��p th� d�e�gn af s�ructures �s th�y r�la�e �� site �xa� fur��&�ion (�re�ii�e��ural �1�si$n), a�nsd tl��ir rel��ionship to �t�e: eurresueael�an,g �r�� $aom�unit�r alesigx�). �sC1� ae�nect� a�e of eqeaal i�prer�anc�. c� �oc3 �r�hzt�cta�.xal c�eai.$ae i� xe�ce��aa-g► taa pgr��id� �►xsual �asrie�y �nd alAow �ar s.naii�►i.du�l �.ei�xnti��e At the �au�e tiame, �ood came�unity ciesign provid�� a s��s� of sxnAty wa.th nthex �e�vels�pme�C w��i1e c:lir�iitati�g caa►flic�ix�� �p�e��ac��e�. po�.r.ca�s 3.�,1 7'�iE CIT'Y 3�4I.T� :CD�N�CIFX lANA �R(3Mt?TE � �Id�SEE�i/A�I�N AbJI� PRO��CTF.(5N Q�� �� HT5T�RICAL�,X At+iD �tJLTUdt�iLL,� SIGNIFICAN� STFitJCTURIE�,, SIT�',�fBB.p1ECT5 A�'!A �ISTRICTS idITIiI�V TI�A�t3?. IM�'LEMEid�'A.TIOI� S�12A�EGIES 1. To preserve th� �ccnmunity°� hi�tory, sn indeac of tei�tosAC sz�eg shall be develoned an� n�ade availabl� to tne g�neral public.. A program �ha1� I�s de�v�loped to aa�uire a�nd/or restore a number �af histara� �tructur�s id���ifi�d �� signafican�. 7[l�e City sltould c�nsid�r th� renov�t�on o� � historic a�ructur� as an lai�toric r�us�u�n o� c�'i�ural center and mee�ia►g haAl sucib �s Durtaasn Schoola Xe Old 5difld�ill �erd , Johe� Ta�ard �Iame. � •�9— � r '1 .1�� :��: ` .9� I''�� t� ���,` �' r ~ IYl A ', .q °�1 �' �4� � v }� �(k'�!�'! F 'd� R •��,��Nh.� a'Y��h.� g` ` 'y,�6 � �� s1 ` `v�' •��fp �, I �T� � � 1 � � � D e � i 1 P `�' t �3 � 9�' � 1 ra � 1 �� •• ) � -�-�;, ��q.',; .t � ...�'-"' _,� �"" ' ,��� � sZ ' � �� 1� �I�i� 4 ., 1 }� * V c F �y � � -^(� � ..�. � �a. _ li up 1 �` �t �y � � � N ! ��� `�� S 9� 4 1 (� e �� v P \ � _,iy,AIO`•p�' 1 � `;,. �"'. '" 1�, T ,.'J�r ` * `�^ I yr `� � d•M e� ' � � �`2�-.io� y,�iMa" � (o � h , �1 1 , �� � 8 �'1 ` y �''d'&�s•.l5%3•� � 1 � F�. � '_��� �� �q'fl `G " `° �a � � .. / ! 1 1 ;���p� �' '' " 3 � � � ,.s'r" S 1 �•� .. I��Q �` �jki,n LoN"sleV°i, �o � \ 9 i l� �q , `ss 4 � !� � �y�en 1 \ � � �y � c.(p �y. ' . ' lQ rS2� 1�� �� s ��e�J Bly r� - . �� � � a�1'zt °: Ya � � � a(� �4 ` 9BS.��p, � 1r�A r =�s iY8� EJ�.. y -� �1 4` ��P ,!� �. AR ���R l7 �f�� 4, � �� M i � � �'.'^� a•e�P ,: � , .-S :. � 1\ \� . • 1 e.��i-}�� � ��wWN � a5- � t \ \ F"°� . , . 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A� "G• '^,� �1 1 '1����J � v, ;1 P� � .� ��, :.4�; � -�1 M x�1�•'" �._ �)•i••��.r �" T � II � , � p��e�`F•�- 7 �` �ti � u1 ��`�., � � ,� '�� �I � , , '4 V/_� I � - y � `S 1 4 \✓ a4 ,S ��. � � 1� - •d�, • }I ', 1 ' Z LP � �N� 1 - �� �'�. 0 � 1 ! ��� �(���— i�� �`'° � - 0 � , °r ��� �— ''--�` a � „ , ' , .�a, ,.— . • � 1 y � � � w�,$� ..e� • � - � ', � . �R � M • p �i�� �' 1 .. . ..'a . :n�- II �� 1 Vi� �� �� �� 1 �. w� � � ;a 1 • i` 6� � S � s! `e+ ,l� ro . '�. { �` . . �l F�• � ` .. �.. ., `.� ;1 !d'`� R' " ��•�` ��' � � �. ... S � � �� oi� �e � . � � :. :`, ��? , s ' � ;� �� !� �� .�'a � ��i� • y � � �� � � � � � R�� �` _-_ •� ' � �� � 1 �� - � � • • � `� , � �,� ` ��� '' m . � t M' ,� ��f s�!� �.�� � �� a • � ` � y4i�,�af�v!,. � 1 ts�•�_- . . . _ _. . . .- -- -- - , . : _ .� �. � � � . � ,,,�.;.;: ,�.��� ,wk�� ' , i'U�3�,;T C /l�1?�2JP,G � �.cuzcrrrara f ?ci, 1�u°,� P C!'i� 7a-��'2 C.t�n�z�dr,�➢n�s.�.LP.�.` l'.°�a�r. J?.��� ,- , A"Va.�ttn.a..� �.�a.,ttzn.�s cz�ze� d�.�'t S�ur..e.e l'1� rrQrne .i� C.�..n.a.�'cLu2e L6 vu2L cr.rza � anz .a�rr.e��i n�7.[�;��3, ,7n.c. r�ncl nu�..s.e'L� �Z.e�c.aana..�..��. a.t .t.lr..r� 1�zP.r'%�. lG�.-a�uru� C�J�/�. 70�82 CvriyvLelzen.�sa u�.e i'.Ccuz ��.e�w•zt: Nczz'wu�..0 F.ea..tuiz.e,a a,n�! O�.erc S�r,x.ce '� l?.�; GI�Tt'JllVu � m lJ.e �;-i.�h .� c�a an �er.a•ccL a..s ra.��,�.�ct�n,�r. .�'�,,�^ .tJ�.e F.�'.oad I.c�.cu.,n. a rzd �.�f,.Plzrui ��z .t.� .%..t .�lu�r�r.a � .a� �cr,.uz �z,wfa�r..�'.�� u.ci,t'Jz F.�oacl %'.�r,�.rc .ar�, GJ�'t�rzn.cl cC�.i�ar�.�ia�ao f1sz� wr.r.,�erz �rn �..�s�rt..�� cr,rste.r� .�� [��13, .7nc<., a�z Ga L.� ��.L'C .r.<s .�'.�.irc� cCesr�.�� -tJr.� �nare .f:lze lin2..��rc .ec.tm,i�zc� ��urna .�zE �i..b.� .�S.�Gt�..� o'� ,7"LJ�. Tfz.�.e .i.�s m..arz.e c�.7-C.eiz .c.anurzc�. .to� .1�Jz� iJe�.� S.iG�,e .Y� :l�-5 �zec,�P.�� .�ce l'�Ic�'n.arnna.hh (a�ua.t�� �� .�.•s fzr.t.�ti�z.� .uz �s.�etr.en� aatd. a�.aa .tl7.e�r.e .t`.s maize c�t.a.iaza� ��,a�n .tl� l�i.�P arlanrce .i.h� flt,n�futm.� ���• � � .eCcz�e �sa.t,.� a� t,r.e.�C' a,.s .z:lLe n�arznur..Q cfiui.irccz�_e. ;'�zc,r�a .fJze ' � - an�.cz aiul .tJ� a����-�.a�rz� r.l.�cz �zc.�.r:�n�.C'rj i�a�zJ�.� art �� .�/ie l(.ualwsa� %�.ur.l.�-L�a•rz. .S.e� �zh.�to �°� �� .ao.i.(! on !� .Ln. r�P.�'uni. �.t wac� a72�Z..ecvz .tJur..t .�rr,e Ci....t� oj T.�r,,ca�zc! .�Izau.�cz' �'� .uz.!'.��n�.�ed .u� �uz-e�.e�tuc',rac� ..tfze ar�z c7rx .tlze 1�,�.�.t .S.u� cr;�°_ .7p5 �z.cz.f:lu� .�luzn��t�i.n� .�onaean.e .ceirc� .uz a��.cl c�in�.t wrr�t. .t/vr.�u�zh mcLf�:t:rz� .t2aur,�.lvs arz n.cxu� an. S„ 'J. 68.t,1z,, .P�L�' �Jz�:rzJ c'�ur��,Q.n� .� .f�zcz iwn..�fa arzcl an .zf� �uu.3.� �ide o.;' S. lJ, �ci.7'Jz �o �C.0 .trLe wa.l.eia s,.c�.L�C �c� .i.rc .f'Ju cl.uzec�i.on .a� .f�ac-.. .�.� .cxzfa .fitee w'I�Jx �u dau.�.t .i.s a�i .�a.�s.t 6> � .a.C'c�» J nzade a ,��ri.� .e.���r�: .�cr �uzv.� .tlw .Giv..� rJ1� .tJz� /'zi�./w�z� l�.e�ue /uLCI .fJz.e /zaw,.e .w.tsua.ed,...�.��.c.e .fJ�f iLeu�'.ncl '1.0° on S. lJ6 S�'.Ua a.nr,.' a. �Zw -i.ru:lz.e..� a�! .tJzc laawsti �,r�� arz -the ,:�n.al�r,t�l .tlze;� czc�u.i�z.e��1. Qn. �cvz.e 1�r .79c42 .7 .carr..�a.c.�ed .�/� �arr�s .o�,_° �'izc�c,n° ..ee� .i�t. i�ai�rar..� euul a��iz .�'lze�� -C'o�a/;ecl a..� .t/ze.iaz nuzj-�✓ .fJze�,c �sa..i_cl. .i..� urouCcl .�.e /uur.�.� .trr luur.e cz cLzaz.�zae�7.e ��a.P�m .ifz�.tlze cv�ea .�r.r o�cv� �u����n�r� �'.e.tczu�s.e o-y�_' .tlz.e .eL'.eucc-t.i'..ar� ura.l!n�s�s .tlae t�r¢.t.erz c,rn.s P,.ei.ra� u.e..ce.unc�Qu�.d �.onzewh-n.ic.e. .e.�.e a.zcl .tJLen. nau.t�cl -ta .�lz.e f✓r.o��.vz.��. Tlu� -i� .��zc:'t.Q�� t�nc�� .�s hrs/-r�'�.r�� .�-ua�'.,.e .i,t -�..� .canunr� �lcanz .�:/ze �:c.��s.t ,�.i�Le .cx,.°. .7-5. T1ze C:i_..t� a�' T.�o_cvul luz� .uz -� ,��s.e.�,�sa:arr. . -tlae Ccr.z�� a.� �rzcr-r".�-u�.,ev �o�z �r.�l 9 1�1Q� 797� czizd .�.t �luxur� rio dn,di.ruza.e ,�vzaP,�.em � �n� /�rz°�.-e'L.�!� .awr��l .C.�� c�. 0� ,�✓o� o.c-calai.o�r� �urz a.�taruze�z� ��ecl r2rzc'�it.san, vazc' ,7 /uev.e -�Cl�.ed .ta Fn.aszla �i�z,z,.i..e �z,n.rl h.e luus czrl.v.i�.ccl cu� .tfzcLt .tJae lLi�,.frwa� l�.u�:1.s.i.crn. !L lirherz .fJzcr,L c,r-�deez .7�5. �' -3 -�a .�alze .c�rn,n_ o�' .th.e. w�'.�t,�z �1c.a.�.�P�c �C �� SO T11.�� (l(1��:.5'T,7n�;' .7S.. .IJl�r cl.�i.c� .tJu. CL�� �,l' �".i�;,a,rc.! .i�LSi.�t .an �Yu,t��i.az� .�.0 .art .11zc F-��acl �uz.d lJ.n,�r.vtcl ntcya? . �„� � � lJ.e cz�la -Gr'u-r_� :c�ct .eaoi� a_t .Clu� n�:nu�,z 1JlLG..CJL .L.S �c��'�- � �.t �cn�czcl � ��/'-�'aiza..'!'�z.�, cuzcl .�.tuc�� .�.:/Le invn� cl,o��z.e:.�erl 'r� ��' ' -t�v -�'a.� C1..;7 .£,�'�n.e nuzlz.�,z�z ,�.o,u�z rLe�r.`..�.i�n,. rt --- - ._ ___----_____ _, � ���„ ;�,r�r.�,�"��`� 1'U�?�..'l(.; ll�''l;,r�JIVYr �- ���oa�a�er�ttj, '��'�S'; � ��'a'.�� � �'�' � C�;� '1l1—rS'� C.�rlit��.+���./t.c��i.t�rs !l�'s ca����r..,(� . t� Ni/:t�.1/lffl_� �1't'I.l�l/Jf!`s3 !/„ftf� ���r'.•4^,I): ..e�?lP.C4'S � /.��/�g .�/Lt:� C"latl� �i• ;La ��(,G,{�.�(� , /c�.: ��'�Lt;X�j'. T'Ji.e C�.tt� a� T.u.cL+ul m.�zr .�It�ur� acui. a.n.eu a.e� l3arr.i,rua L.�urz. 7`�i.e .erzf..i.n.e �rti.et�z�.�'e. .i..d n.cxt l3arztr�t Z.�xrra. �l� .i.d [i�avu.rar�, Lrxr,�-c n.�r.v°,. ..fJte�aCZt� a�! .tdx� ��i.cr.rr.�.(?� �uzrl .tl� �`,zr,�u.t'd.a.<`�,e Faru�zrx�.:i.arzA 7'he .�rza�,ccrcc.e .o�.n -�',lr.� T�,ra�>!'� .i,.a lJ,�.�:P�rr.�n.et'..�e S..�P�m 7°laai..� .i.� .iez a-�ccz�c�z.ce�r,:rL'1.J� .Clae S.�r.�e. .c;l� On.e��an rur,z�r�l a� 19�?$ �'lze ll, S. .ia.i.L�d [�ec�r�czu. �evcrxe��a cr;'- iJcv/wu1-�rrz �crwiC��sg C�it.�;r.oa cl.vn.� .ia�z 19?� .alurr,p.e aurz e� er.� f�a.cczclu S.�.L't L.cra.�n cu��.<xi.rr.irui, t`d' '�.Le�a�ae�e ���acun. �'�, �ce>� .au.zu°.ea� .G.'� lJa,hl 'u.�uzl:an. Caurt�r� �faat�ce .tl�.e �a.i..F_' a.3 Crrt;�.e S.i.E'.tr� C/'..c��� .L'oam. ' li:a dd.zrruL'�.,� ..�'h.u, .a�s wfu� .t'h,e �n..eczarz [��t.. a� �'n�.n.c�rza.z.Gr.r.�crr.Qn.au.ct.JLt .t�a. C�'a�.c .scxl..E' �tec.t,�e,�z I ,i h.�n �:cr.�.t n.�nzacr.r_ru-. .fJu rYancsr�e �u.ruzez.ti_.art ..z.!'.a.G'� ar�d �z�s.�n�..i rzr�. .�ie .cr 'tr.u�v�cz�' .�a�.� . I a.szd v.e�.�`.a.�,%,�rz, Nae�r .fJae�� cr�ce ��.e�i�c�. .cL�au �cr.i� .�n. .C.fa.e f�i.c�.lutra� f�.alx.c��r.�:� art .t1ze I ' Fcr..s.� .�.i.c� .cr�? ,7�-� rzrz�-1 .L'e.tti.ru�. .<ILe. �z wcLmlt .�� daim .tl�e lad..L'.� c•umct .erL2�..� .�r,e c{rzcz.ir�.� j ��1.0��w..+.u�l'LC/J. a�t-l/4:I/Ml N N� �:.+'✓C.GWU// .(�l/ �K:. 4V J�(.. Rl�!/.;q 'I � I r2 .aa.�..� .��.�.t .�za.� cJ.� laa.a! clarzv �h.aur.s .tl�,e ar�,i,�z�o .�.ou.�' .�� .G��. ,i.i�t. .PA��. T/�,e .�s�rr_(� I! (2�.,zc�..� Glcz.�'.�.�z �7.�...s.t`iz.�a� �2u� ari ,�ora a? �;lz.n_ .tn..e�s�uu_� crst.c�,re c�.j�..�. n.e.nzar�r�u�. .tfte. cr.�,n�tcz..ti.o�rz I -�<s .?i..�1� �s.r C f'r r. 'r i� ,Cocuno ,�rz a.�l� �zcuz.� .�.,L' ,G ie .C�.a uc�.rx .�'1 ruU.i.-s �'_ie.G'�� I � � �.�.a.e. lJ.e �Iz .tJze.� �,att ..Laala a..� .fJze rJzo.Co.� c�rrcl .e���.�a.�L'�� n.,�.f,e rt/ze. d.a,r�la �a.�,�' r�.�nau•.ecl' �'.�� II ('I.c��..�r, lJ�.z.t;e2 v.i..��.f.zi.c.,t., .7n cuurz✓ze� �.i�,�euz.e r�o�u ur.i,.�'� ezcxte -tlf.�.s luu� .�'eera, .n.enzcv.e.c1 �i Qr� �u �.ee. CL'a.� .�.a.��. Fe.P.�so n.a��'..e -tJre .o�iz. .�2e.� ri.-ec� .�'J� �.�ic�;zrc.tt.� �z�a� 'I SO I il�'i�� cJ.J!_L t3� lt`0 l�IJSU�a`[�F?S%�'��r:i�.���;r. ?"lz.� rr.a.c.l�s .an ,�fu� i .�nla a��.n� .t,fze F.o.cc� �✓ra��-�z.��� .�:a .lize .a�r.v�.�LJ I7I2.�.A au� ��zo�zt.��C ��zan .tlu �.vclz.s ..tfuc� Fa�zd Lerzb.u�,.� a.rzd 7.eu�.�-�..m.cr�.t .'Wia«JLt .u-c .�cr .�cu.� .tlr,e c���lu� .aa. S.a rzan.e .a�' .�Ize. n,acl✓s �u �.e.e r�r.�r�e �a�z�. .�,.�Liarz�.ta .�Ize .�;c�.2d.�',rzn. o-;' .�1Le Fan,c� r.l�r_L'.��lu�, �.P.3.o� .tJze .Lcuu�.,e a.cxcla r�rt S. �Ja �u.�/t c�nz.� �;iuru .1L'C: .ua a.rxci ca�irus j'.Ju� .ear,u: �.aa::�' .fotf�e cr.� .tliaj` 12ciL aa �zn� cr�? .tlze 7n.��.� �,zr,.ra.o iJ� G�LL ��.D�� ��c`'�7,%:L A.TT�'ii'%:70i;' TO 7/I.c` i'JC%l�;�.5 .7��' �il.,`� �211?ll(l w�/u cJi .a/r.aur ul�.e.�e �so�ae�- .�1un �. e�.ra�,s �zu.� an c.i.,�r� cuzauazcl ;_auncl�u,�oia a-� a.L�cl ��a i�.v�u�.e .�o� inel:e .i.0 �oh,. pifae .�Lcz,rr tvh�et.�i .i h.e cLut.2`. urr,�.�znec�.Cla i✓cz:s S.i.Lt L.c.�z�rta �:�y��ut. �ta.t�. �„u tt�e .a.�.�'.. a:c�� � �JLO'U!2(� l�Iit,c;tr� ,¢„� JILOLI� .�LG' �1JfY .CC7,t.tas�„ l'J� /z�z.e .f.1Le CL.��� .c�;� �'.irn..u:! c�r-i� Iucvc .fJze.uc �r-ecazcl�s �z.e/'_�n�t .tJae -tn.u� .uz;��ru,�c�'.ioarz .G'..%Pan,e .�u,f'nz%�._.�t,i.,u• .�'u� cl�.cum.e�u tc� LCP7C. .0 � y �� , l�.C' r!/S�� .i./1717� .(l L!ii C?.�(f!;" li r'.ia' �.i�'� �.J Cj-U.C1lRLf'.f1.%i5 �; � ' �� .tlz.r`.� /�'t�P,-I'�c lLe.crsi.i.rzn aiu� � , 1'' - ' �%�.c..;:r, ,�.P/'i���� .u.e m.�„� .'L'1k. Ci.t�� a;�' T.ta,rr.�zec n�co�zele, �=�-t a� � � ' • ,. . _ , � _"� . ti^ . � . .. - . � . .�`��- � . , . . . ... .. �.� . i�llf.3�,IC 11,�1'li�'.'I�rYr — ;/.c�uir.�o�r,/ pu, 7�$� �i`'!!. 7`l--c`12 l.:�r»�rLCDlz�t,.6�.i.tr,� �'�':/_'a.s�2 o�'��zcrrr�G: lru,t���r��c.'L'rt,'L'i..�an, l�7� ruutz� .i.� G.e�r.e�P.d.i.n.e �.o /3a..A..(� cLrz.r.! .Y a.na ��x�.�.�r.�.fazn,. [);�a3j Jrzc. c�.ncl �n%�.et� r�.,c.�r:.saiu�L'.L� . �z.t .t'Jz:r� .i�atG.�'rl,.c: fLnr.rn,.i.�a�1� .t�n. C..!/G 1;-�$� �m�zn.�a,�z�.�ir,�y�.P.cuz l2,e�cs�s 7'ftczrus,n.az.,�`,cz•�i:csit � Scr�.�Ji.erz.e w.i,.2.L� .��.� ��a c,�.u�.3.�..vra ca.s .to .Clr.� .P..r,rc�.ti..arz a.,�' ,'1'.lu C��.t�.n..l� �.�°..�,Lc��a'u�cl ��, .�h.� I �1�arx i�.e�;<uztin�a:t .a.f? 1��zczn.e�a��,-�:r_an., IGi��lu�a� [�.i.vi.�.i.cxr�., ;!o�. .�:lt,e Sau.�'i'z �a�z.�a.odi .a� � N.aia..t{a T,u�..c�r.cz—,S.a crzJz T.i,n�arr.c�.�7n..�.Fncluuu�.e, iv�.� a.�e a.�t.,c�rlun� d :a/z�e a.;� mcz�� ��i.v.ecx'. .�� r�un �.zr��cg F�tec� /��ul�e�r�, �'�vna (I�t. �.cz.cJz S;rx£�'.<:.�s,� �'I.a.e.��.�r.r�� Ia�c�nar,e�.�� G.�.�a.eizr.c.l'.� rzP..aru� �.r.i.fla, .�'.e:�i� .a.f�cz.f�nc� .L�lzc�t .tJu.s .i� .tlr,.e 'i�ioalL�-a�'�lixzJ .7:luzt fzass .G'.�.eri cz.c.�,u�i:.n.�cl �� �u.�Jtr�rl.r� I .crz.tro.P.�r.ec�! arzcl�.i� .'C'1ae .�u�;�h.�maf'—w�� .�i�t w.i..e2 .�.e ctL,ecl' .�� .�Jr.e //.�.�faa�r.r�. t7.t,t�'.i.,d.r,c,r� .tff carr.8.tit� �, .tJ� ��r.a��j_ec.t, �'lr,�oe l�s .�.e,�n aiz .�tn.�ri. o�rz C.�.t,� o/° "!°.�.G arr� n�...a .i.,n .�z�zd .�a Tax L.o:� T��O, ('1cz�z � S l a' Al�. T� .�at nzu� �.vr.a.�J'.,��' uci��/�. S. lJ. 6G.t/z /�i.r.enuz u�z.�''.,a.�'. .a� rr.ear•,�.�,e V�xc<z.f�.d ,S. G�„ l.J�z.z.�wu.�h. S��a..t„ �'..�tuc ��.' 7".E_•:c�zc� n��s .s/ww .G.t: a.c�uurzta �zcrnr.��� .ta S, �rl, 6��.fJz .f_'a� a. .�h,c�n.� c�i.d— .f�r.c:e c��zcl, .�lu7ur .i� 2r.uz�urzr� lJ,e,.�,� .�.e�'.�rc.e. .L� �t.ea-cl� ?/�e.cl S. (Je L�rr.�zf�naer.2`'�, ulh.�ax .crt�ic. uf�to�zn.er,�, F� /l,rr,c1✓��cxa, a�tcl .7 .ccr-2.�'.�r.' an l�7nn F�cara,� Gtur�z.i.c: .ar� d7cerzua.2�f 10„ 19�Y� I�. ez.sb ccrze.d u.a .�Ji e rruz� r�rcrul'cl x_e .c:.o�n�t.e c�CCl an.�' .ffu�C .ar� .f.he. %2an.���.�,f.cz�icriz /�'lczrr. .e,.0 c�rau.L�l eh.aur .t/ze .co.v�c,t .�.c.czti_cr�a o,.L' 7"cz� �.�,� TOc�, (`7� 2 .� 1 7 1LR a.�z�' .t,'a.e a�rrzrre�r a,n .fh� �'�r.ra,�.�� f��..nn mcz/z urav.�°_�! �.e .�rc cu�..xrn.el,czr�cc� u.i�h. ,fh �l�-�w� °.cri'-rr.�u�cl .G.�'� .t17,e �i�e��.�rz l7.e�uz.c.tri�.e�r.t �� r��j�..arc-�'a.t.�.crrrt, ll.i.�Iz�� l�.�.v-i..�.i..arz, a� �fzvurii tJn .tla,e ,ouzn .�u�...Q.ie�l .G�.� .t/Le /d��.t.�s-t_aaz� /L.�ta�rze�� G�,rz�,�, l,�.e .t✓u.r�.t Jou w.t.oC' �s.ee .tluz.� .t`.Oze 7'�.n.�s f.,rxa-'f��i_o�rz cl.a-.cc.6a�r,esz.0 a.ru.� n�..�s .i.rz a.c�r��r_e w.e..�a .tJz.e rzG'-ov.e .�cP-orunati,aa, sN Y � � �+� v+ � � � � � � � [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]