Planning Commission Packet - 08/03/1982 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TIGARD PI,ANNTNG COMMISSION August 3, 1982 - 7e30 p.m. Fowler Junior Aigh w Lecture R.00m ' 10865 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon AGENDA 1 . Open. Meeting 2. Rol'1 Ga11 3. Approval of minutes from previous meeti.ng 4. Plannin.� Commiss.ion communications 5. PUBLIC HEARINGSt 5. 1 Appointment of Gareth Ott to NPt1 �E1. - 5.2 ZOA 4-F32 Zone Ordinance Amendment 5.3 ZC 15-82 Greenway Town Center NPO ��7 5.� M i-82 The r'ieadows NPQ ��7 6. Other Susines, a. Disscussian of Public Services anc� F'acilities Element - Comprhensive Plan b. Dzssr.ussion of �`�����'i=�:� Goxnprehensive P1��1- and 7on3�r,r�; 3:��ps 7. Adjournment I I T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C U M M I 5 S Z � N Regu�ar Meetiag �- August �, 1.�8'F � � 1. Pr.esident Tepedino called tlie meeting to order at 7:35 P.M, The meeting h�ld at �owler Junior High School - Le�ture Room, 10865 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, 2. ROLL CAL.L - Present: Presi.dent Frank Tepedino; Commissioners Clifford Speaker, Richard Helmer, Bonnie Owens, Roy Bonny Don Moen, Mark Christen {arriving 8:30 P.M.). Excused absence Phil Edin, Susan Herron. STAFF Bob Jean, City Administrator; Frank Curr.ie, Public Work Director; Bill Monahan Director Plann3.ng & Development; Elizabeth Newton, Associate Planner; Ken �lliott, City Attorney; Diane Jelderks, Clerk typist; Administrative Assistant, Linda Sargent; Buil�ling Officia3., Ed Walden arrived 8:00 P.M. 3. The minutes of the July 20, 1982 xegular meeting zaex'e cansiderede Commissioner Owens noied on page 3 that tt�e add�rP�� for PD 2-82 was incorrectly typed as 908th. This has been corrected to y8the Commissoner Speaker moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, Gomn2issianer Hel,mer sPCOnded the motion. The moti�n wa� approved by a �, unana_mous vote of tiiose Commissianers preseat. !� 4. COMMISSION COI+�IUNICATION I • City Administrator, Bob J�ar� introduced the Director of Plannin� and Develo ment Bi11 Monahan. e ex lained h�ra the Cit had combined H P � P Y th�e Building �r�� Planning Depart�nents and added Ecomonic �evelopment. Mr. Jean reviewed Mr. Monahan's qua�_ifications and what 1 is expected of him in this position. II � � Chairman Tepedino expressed the Commission's appreciation fox thP I wark Frank Currie has put in with the Commi.ssion, 5, PUBLIC HEARINGS • President Tepedino opened the Public Hearing by reading the usual statement of authority �or the procedure to be followed in the meeting. ', 5.1 NEIGH�ORHOOD PLA.NNI�TG ORGANTZATION ��1 APPOINTMENT A re�ues4- by Gaxeth Ott to be appminted to 1�P0 ��1, • Associate PZanner Newton made the NP0 membership selection commitCee's recommendation to forward Mr. (?tt's name ta City Council for ap�ointment to NPO ��1. Mro Ott lives within the City and NPS ��1 is in need of inembers. � • Commissioner Bonn mov'ed and Commiss�.oner Helmer seconded to Forward Mr. OCt's name to City Council for membership approval to NPO ��1. I _. _. . . . � Y Th� m�tion was approvea by unanimous vote of those Commissioners presents 5.2 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMEIVT ZDA 4-82 A request by the City of Tigard to amend Chapter 18.44, M-4 Industrial Park Zone, of the Tigard Muncipal Code, adopted June 21, 1982, to incl,uda Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Services as a .permitted use type. a. PUI3LIC HEA1tING OPENED • Aysociate Planner, Newton made the staff recommendation to amend the list of permitted uses in the M-4 Zone to include Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Services, This was an ovPrsight arid should not have been omitted as a permitted use. t�. PUBLIC TESTIMOIV"Y No one appeared to speak. c. C0�IMISSION DISCUSSION A.ND ACTIQN °' Cammissioner I3elmer moved and Commissioner (7wens seconded to approve the Zone Ordinance Amendment ZOA 4-$2 per Staff findings and recominendations. Motion was approved by � unanimous approval vote of the �ommissioners present. S.3 ZONE C�iANGE 'LC 15-82 NPQ ��`7 A requast by the city of Tigard to chan�e the z4ne on property located at Greenway Town Center, 121st ancl Scholls Ferry Rd. , from C-4PD to C-3PD (WCTAi 1S1 34BC lots 100, 101, 200, 300 & 390). a. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED • Associate Planner Newton made the staff recommendation to chazige the zona from C4-PD (Neighborhood Coffimeric�l) to C3-PD (Retail Comme�ical) as this property has actually dev�laped in a C3 fashion; and does not follow tk�� intent of the new Neighborhood' Commerical designation under the new pe�'mitted and conditional uses in the � zoning code. Also, the 1�7y, adopted NPO ��7 P1an has the property � designated as r�tail. commerica.l, which supersedes the plan designation approved by the City Council in 1977. Staff recommands that the Commission change the zoning to conform with the adopCed Comp�ehensive Plan. 1'AGE 2 PLAIVN�NG COMMISSTOPd MTNUTES August 3, 1982 _ . _ _ i I b. PUBLIC TESTIMONY i PROPCYNENTS: • Roger Belanich, 301 Skinner, Bldg., Seattle, Washington, one �' of the owners of the property statecl they have had probZems � with the i.nconsistency of the presen:t PD designation. He is in favor of adoption of the rezoning sa the plan and the zonin:g match. • Mark Zimel, Mercury Development, 33:8 N.W. ��th Ave,, Portland, Oreg�n, representing the other owner (Portland Fi�ture) stated they have run :into similiar prablems with the zoning . designation and request�d the Planning C�ucm.ission approve this request. OPPONEN'TS'; • Glif.ford �anCleef, 17025 S.W. Springwood Drive, opposed the z�ne change if it allbwed the use of c�mputer games. � Associate Planner Newton read into the record a pet3tion ` oppo�ing a electronic games room in the Greeway Town Centex. This petiCion was inittated by a r�qust for a Conditional Use, which has been withdxawn. If the Zone Change a�pplication is approved the electronics games would be allow�d as a permitted use. PUBLIG HEA.itING CLOSEU c. CR05S EXAMTNATION AI�TD REBUTTAL � ]toger BPlanich, Owner, stated they were only here ta discuss the issue of zone chan e and w�re not able ta co�nment on the � use of the electronic games. d. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION ° Comm�s�ioner Owens reviewed the groceiss she could recall from bsing a member of NPO ��7. The �IPO specifically designated as , tk►ey did because they wanted to see the types of business that axe a1low�d in Che C3 PD zoni.ng, devel�ped in this area. She asked skaf� r.o define "Business support services, Personnel I ; Services and General T�ans3.en.t habitatione" ' , ° Associate Planne_ N��aton sta�l-eci B�sine�s Sup�ort Services are copy centers, secretaria� service and offi,ce �achine outlets; PersonneT Serv�:ces would be 13ke tracle school.s and photography , skudi,os; and Transient Hab3.tation wQUld be hotel and temporary lodging. � Commissioner Owens stated tha� oLher �han the Transient Habitation, she was in favar of the zone change. � Di.scussion followed regarding electronic. games being allowed as a permitted �use wiCh Gh� changing of the zone. PAGE 3 PLANNY�G COMMISSYON I�YNUTES August 3, 19$2 , _; - -- • Gommissioner O�ens moved and Gommissioner Speaker seconded to approve the request by the City of Tigard to change the zone designation on the Greenway Town Center prop��ty from C 4PD to C 3PD per findings in the staf� report. The wotion was approved by a unanimous vote of Commissioners present. 5.4 SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT M 1-82 The Meadows NPO ��7 A remand by the Tigard City Council to the Planning Commission for further consideration of the Sensitive Lands Permit with a revised sub�ivisian layout. The property is located nortlzeast of S.W. �lack Diamond Way. (WCTM 1S1 3�+D lot 2600). av PUBLIC HEARING OPENED • Associate Planner Newton listed thP Hearings t�at this application has gone through. They are before the Commission again with a revised site plan and are asking far approval to cut and fi�l within the floodplain. The Public Works Airector has addressad i�sues regarding �he cut and fill. Tre intent of t�e greenway will not be violat�d and the bike path issue has been �ddressed, Staff has a list of conditions they would like to recommend shauld the application be approved. Staff, contends that the applicant has supplied enaugh technical data for staff to review and recommends that the Planning Commission approve ths S�nsitive Lands Permit allowing the cut and fill as praposed in t�e floodplain, ° Chairman Tepedino requested that the pertinent comments from the previous Planning Commission Meeting, where the application was denied, be xead into the records; Commissioner 5peaker reviFwed contents of the t�anscript from the April bth, Planning Couimissi�n Meeting. Associate �lanner Newton read City Council minutes from the May 24th, meeting into the recor�s. ° Apg1a_cant's Pres�ntation - William Clark, Oregon Realty, � Agent, sgeaki�g on behalf of Mr. Bxuca Ramhoot, Developer of i the project. He concurred with the staff report and stated that the project would provide affordable housing .for the Tigard area. • Greg Weston, the Engineer wha did the floodplain calculations, sta'ted that they had substantially decreased the am�unt of impact on the floodplain with 2S0 yards of fill and about 500 yards of cut. This would balance the volume allowed for : overflow in a flaoding situation. This is based on the 1981 CH2M Hil1 report, • Ed Writer, a ConsulCant w�th Bruce Kamhoot & Associates, ' explaine� how t�iey have changed all of their plats sn that khe plaL-s adhere to the contour of the 1and. They will no� be changing ChP direction of �1ow of the water or place homes on the fill area. P�GE 4 PI,ANNTNG COMt�ISSION MINUTES August 3, 1982 8:�G P.M. Commissioner Christen Arrived: • Comm.ission Speaker questioned if lot number 14 was placed on the fill area; Mr. Writer, stated, if necessary they wauld elimiante lot 14. b. PUBLIC TEST.IMONY PROPONENTS • No ,one appeared to speak. OPY�NENTS • Rod Steel, 11025 SaW. 106th, questione�l iF there would be - extra x�un off into Fanno Creek or would it go into the sewer system. • Barbara Pries�, 10710 S.W. Ponderosa Place, stated that the maps before the Planning Commission do not show the accurate ", location of the stream, the flow af tkie stream has changed since the CH2M Hill repor.ta She had �easured the stream and it was 25' from the back end of the furthest 1ot si_tting to�aards th.e creek. Curxently the bike path is five feet away from the cxeek, it was further away until undereutting aecurred. She requested that the staff check to see if the pr�perty owner_ directly acrflss Fanno Creek had been notified. She also contacted the Audubon Soc3:ety, whic.h �ent a ' repr�sentat3ve to wa].k thro�igta the area. He was concerned as ', to how cl�se the development was to the creek and to the ' wildlif.e he discovered. She also noted that Washi.ngton County I has been making changes in th� floodplain area which wi11 , in�crease the run off 5Q to 75 ercent. Re ardin the CH2M P b g Hill study, flooding in the Tigard area is poorly documented. I She had contacted CH2M Hi11 and they informed h��` that ths 1Q0 li year flood level which they est�blished was only an estim�te. I If we continued to develop without making stream improvements, �I to keep the �tream at a zero increase lev�l, we would only raise the flood level. CH2M Hill equated this ta sitting on a tzme bomb. Finally, Ko11 pevel�pment, which is upstream has contracted engineering services to help with their severe drainage proble�n. • Mari�.n Maddox, 1�800 S.W. 108th, did no� feel that the fill would help the floodi�ag problem. The bike path is close to being flaoded each year and the water comes np to within a few feet bQhind her housa. She stated that the elevation on her loi. is about the highst there 3.� otherwise she would be flo��i�d dur.ing the winter. She feels with the addition of the development it wi11 only mxke the :Elooding worse. I ' PAGE S YLANNING COMMTSS:LON I�INU�ES Augus� 3, 1982 � � _ _ _ c. CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTAL • Mr. Writer stated that run off from d�valopment wauld go into Lhe sewer system. � Commissioner �w�ns �uestioned if it woul.d be possible to develop the area without doing any cutting or filling. • Greg Weston, reviewed ��w they would be doing the cutting and filling. He stated that the flooding that the nei,ghboring praperty was concerned with is at an elevation of 158 feet, two feet below what the deveXopruent would be built. Homes would not be placed �n f_ill, foundation would be sat on rnatural ground. Kegarding the run off, it would be placed in storm sewers, which would end up in the kanno Creek Basin. � Further discussion followed regarding the amount of difference from this proposal to the present psoposal, the layout of the lots 13, 14 and 16 and the amount �f fill to be used. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: d. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION � CommiSSioner Owens was not against the devalopment except for the encroachment into the floodpl�ins. She felt at least lot 14 should �e eliminated but wauld prefer to see some other arrangement of the plots, so that no ].ats ar.e in the present floodplai.n. � Commissioner Speaker reqested that the proposed conditions be r ead• Associate Planner Newton read the followim : � g 1. A plan showing configu•ration of units on lots shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission with an application for subdivision approval. 2. The applicant sha11 propose an engineering plan to L-he engineer division to fil7. to lb2 feet. The plan shall propose appropriate excavation to offset the fi11 and shall be appraved prior to the issuance of any permit�. 3, A soils investigati�n �iy an approved sails engineer of the ! area to be filled shall be made before and after, the filling and excavation occurse 4. The material used for stream bank, proCectiail .:;ha11 be required as shown in the City of Ti.gaxd D�ainag� P1�i1. 5. A11 lands remaining in the .1��-yea� flooclplain shall be dedicated fi�o the public pri.or to the issuance of any permits. The dedicat3.on document sliall be recorded with Washington CounCy aft�r 3.t is appro�red by the City. PAGE 6 p�ANNTNG COMMZSSIQN MINUTES August 3y �.9$2 _. _ _ _ _ _ � 6. Pos;ti:ive faoti.ng dr�inage will be required 'to the 100-yeax fYoodplain level. 7. Floor elevations shall be at least 1 l/2 feeL above the floodplain elevatioil. A greenway bikeway path plan sha11 be submitted and approved; and included in the bond for public impro��ements. ! • The Public Works Director n.oted that if the applicant is buildi ng only on natural ground lots 13, 14 and 16 will neeci � to be looked at closely at foundation drainage, as these appear to be in the fill area. � Commissioizer Moen qu�stioned what had becomz of tiie convenant which the property owners`had requested to become a part of I the development. Pub'lic Works Director C�rxie responded they could be ,pr�t on at the subdivision staga. • Discussion followed regarding tlie Planning Commi�sion's ' authority 3nvolving changi:ng layout of the groject. Further discussion regarding the position of lot 13, 14 and 15 in relation ta the floodplain. e C�mmissioner Christen supported tYie �taff recomme�dation, � (:ommissioner Bonn felt that the issues csf massive intrusion inzo fl�adplain, except for un� exceptian, and pZacement af houses has been addressed by a.pplicant. Al�o lo�k�.ng at tkie cross sections for lots 17 and l�i the fills seem ta be :Less than a fooi:s I,ot 14, especially the lower east end, has several feet of fill. Lot 13, the extreine east end, has quite a hit af fi11. If these could be corrected, then that wauld resolve tlis concerns. • Chair�nan Tepedino felt there were several significan.tb substantial problems witl�. th3.s appZication. Ther� are several items in ttie Tigard Iriuntcipal God� 18057.070, which the applicant had not adciressed tn his sat�sfaction. He �trongly su�gested that the Cammission deny this application far 3 Sensitiae Lands permit based on in�ufftcient evidence of data submitted, espcially re�ardir►g raisir�g the elevation of the floodpXain, adversely affecti:ng flow �ates, adverse af_fect on flow direction creating potential hazards. He is not against the type �f housi.x�g on1y� inv�sion into the floodplain. • Commissioner Helmer was in :Eavor of this encroachment except for loC 14. • CommissYOn�er Speaker move�l for denial of th3.s request on the basis tha� 1ot 14 exceeds the C3.L-y Council requirewent of n� substantial fi11 in the floadplain. Seconded by Commissioner Owens. PAGE 7 PLANNZNG COMMISSZON MINUTES August 3, �.982 p _ ___ —_ • Commi�sioner Moen wanted to know if it was possbile to move for approval of the Sen�itive Land Permit subject to' the e'limi�ation of lots 13 and 14 and ap�ropriate red�ction of the modification o�f the floodplain. _ ; • Discussion followed re�arding the effects of appro�val and ' denial; the City Attorney was not com£ortable with a motian for denial as it is r►ot suppoxted by adequate findings. • Commissioner Speaker withdrew his motion; Gommissioner Owens then withdrew her second. •' Chairman Tepedino stepped down as chairman to mo�e for clenial of the Sensitive Lan.ds Permit M 1-82 based on the findings and evidence resented and o I p n the finding of tliis Commission and himself, that first, the a�plicant does not address the issues outline3 in Tigard Mucnicipa;l Code 18.57.07 specifica:lly the information concerning flood sur�ace elevatian, adverse effects on flaw rates, ad�erse effects on flow direction on upstream and downstream properties or the possibility of the creat�on of present and foreseeable hazards to �he pub�.ic. health safety and g�r�eral welfare. N'ot c.�ithstanding the engineering which has been prese�nted, tha issues are no�t addressed. Tn additiUn there is substantia� invasion Uf �he flood lai . P n � • Th� motion failed due to the lac�C of a second. • Gommissioner Maen moved and Con�anissioner $onn secanded for apprnva:t. �f t,l1e Sen�itive Lands Permit IyI 1-82 including staff conc�itions, �uodifying condition number seven frc�m T. lf 2 feet to two feet above floodplain. That lots 13 and 14 on the plat map be removed and the fi11 that was �o be used be eliminated, w�rking in conjuctip� with the staff. The f.il2 necessary for lots 17, 16 anc� ].5 to be used ax►d include th�e corresponding raising of the street surfaces. • Discussiox� followed regaxding appr�ving or denying this appl3.cation, the amount of f�.11 being used in lot Z6 and wh.at items will be covered wikh ganeral review and subdivision application. • Cowmissioner Moen modified his motion t'hat the C�mmission will see 'the layout af Che plan at the General Plan iteview, secon�ed by Commissioner Bonn, � Motion approved five to two, Chairman Tepedino and Commi.ssioner Owens vot3ng no. PACE $ PLAt�TNI1VG COMM�,SSIOPT MINCJT�S August 3, 1982 OTHER BUSINESS SIGN CODE/CODE ENFORCEMENT • Linda Sargant, Administrative Assistant responsible far sign code ordinance, introduced Ed WaldPn, Building �f�icial responsbile for Gode EnEorcement. • Mr, Walde�x stated that the Si�n Cod.e Ordinance now in force is not a bad instrument for enforcement and for bringing signs into conformity. However, the amendments that have been added have eontradictory wording. H� continued t�y �iving background on code enforcement and how it wor.ks. He listed the following items as bein,g a problemv l. Removing non°conforming signs (10 year time frame has elapsed). 2. Tem,p�rary signG, most are prohibited. 3. Non-conforming signs provided by National Company for 1oca1 use (Service Statians) not !�ealt with in the code. 4. lteader Baards. S. Real Estate sign or off premises signs using public ri�ht-of-way. • Discus�ion followed between staff and Commission regar�ling conforming and non-confoz�ming signs and Code Enforcement Officer. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SliRVICES DOCUMENT ° Associate Pl�anner Newtan stated: This is goal 11 of the LCDC goals and guid�lines and asked CQmmissioners t� be prepared to discuss thi� at the spECial Planning Commissi�n, City Council and NPO Workshop on August 10, 1�382., at Fowler Junior High Schoo�.. REVISED COMPREHEt3SIVF. PLA1� ZONING MAPS • Associate Plannex Newton stated khis is another item which will be disc,ussad in cietail. at tlie August lOth meeting. She eYplained how Associate Planner Coursolle had changed some of the titles and worcis for the pZan d�signations. Also, changes have been made on the zoning map to reflect the number of unirs per acre allowed rather than the size of the lot. i, CCI ME�TTNG • Chairman Tepedino announced Che CCI meeting would be August 129 '1982, 6:00 F.M. at City Hall. He encouraged the Commissioners to attend. Meeting Ad�ourned 10;33 P.M. � Diane ,Teldsrk , ecretarq ;t , A E S Trt`, `s '' -� F.,11 eped;Lno, I'�esident PAGE 9 P�ANNING CO2�MISSION MINUTES Aug�.�st 3, 19$2 , _ � �.�T'��7.'�I�iNr L(?MMtTS��.T�N RC)LL CALL ME�7`ING Ua�.� �6 �� _. :��,�______� �':��.nl�: Te� ixa;n _�1�--_ . �liff�rd Sp�aker , ' Don Mr�en � ���7, i Y Pe1S___� N1a.?"}� �k2�::i Stz11 � _. Susa��� Herl•on ''� � ----���— RicYaarc� Ii lrnc�r G� � c� • Bannie r.�c,,rens � Ra B�a�n ' G�� Y I I � - --- ---— _- -- TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION August 3, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. : Fowler .Tunior High - Lecture Room ]08b5 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5. 1 NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION �{'1 (NPO ��1) APPOINTMENTS A xequest by Gar.eth Ott, a resident of NP0 ��1, To be appoinfied as a member of NP0 ��1 , 5.2 ZONE ORDINANCE A.MENDMENT 20A 4-$2 A requesf by the Gity of Tigaxd to amend Chapter 18.44, M-4 Industrial Park Zone, of the Tigard Municipal Code; adopted June 21, 1982, to inc].ude Financial, Insurance and Rea1 �state Services as a pr�mitted use t�pe. 5.3 LANE CHANGE ZC 15-82 NPO �'�7 A request by the City of Tigard to change the z�ne on pro�erty locat�d at Greenway Tawn C�nter, 121st and Scholls Ferry Road, from C-4PD to (:-3PD. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34BC Lots ]00, 101, 2�J0, 300 & 39d) 5.4 SENSITIVF LANDS PETtMIT M 1-82 The Meadows NPO �� 7 A �remand by the Tigard City Council to the Planning Commission for further consideration of the Sensita.ve Lancis Permit with a revised subdivisi�n layo�c�. Froperty is lncated northeast of S.W. �Zack Diamond Way (Wash. Ca. Tax Map 1�Z 34AD 7.ot 2600) I � I I � i � i I � � � � ` I ' ���9�����' �E �U��.�C���Oi� ; STr;T� �F OREGOid, I "d � CO�NT`Y OF WASH3I�IGTON, � ss - $���s��I��'i�4� .,. � ' ����`-�����`���v�f�.����d���,�"��'� � d�� `� I John Marlin �.�°��2���c�������,.��`��?x=�fi�"�E���� � � I. ' �.�' ���_ � _ .... _____.._ ,' t�:=���:���;�� k ,������'�'�`�;� ����'��� ���,���`�� � � tiei;rg first du)y sworn, depQSe and s�.p that I am the ou�lisher __._. .__.._.____ . �.:: : , ���-:. ��� OI 1 F1 7'l Si� '�1. ' tt' r c , �"�, � ��2 " �� e g a � men, a ne spape_ of gener2? circulati�n, a_ �e£i�ed ���,�9���.�' "d�'���'�f�$a�����^c�'�� �" � � �����:���'����� '����.�;T�����`� ' t�} ORS 193 010 and 193 02U, gublished at Tigard, in the aforesaid �ounty attd p,�g� '��,�����*���� ,��_�(��j�{��;�1,p�°,��g��,r�� '��$t#� y state; thzi ti3e egal notice, a priated copy ot wh�ch is hzreto annexed, :�as ��' �� �������� ��� ! � ��4`�� ��� �"������t��''� A��#� � i �� �-����'��� ����a`��`���:��:�t , I puolishe� in Lhe eatire i��ue of said aews a�e: ;er 1 successive and ���,��y�����������#�,���`��`:�•�,��#g�+ „ ' p't� ��� ��.�5:���`������,��:��� � � ��� censecuLve weeks in .he follo��.<�r is�ues t�i _. ----.- ��� �°���s'����+r:��'���`$�'��,'����,�,"� ' , ' 7u 1 y 2 2, i 9 8 2 �'� � ,�� � ' �:� ' ��'��fi� tia� � t�-�tt�. - , . � _ _ _ ___ _ ��; _ ��`� ��;����������Y��c�t�31��if�°. $' � _ ��a � ��� ��'a��- �-�-�� ����� ��� ���� � r � ���;� ����.�` ° _ _ �s���,ac;,_e� ��;=� �� � " . � �. �� -�� � -��"�������,.�'-�t����1��-��.�'�:���,���� Subsctib:_� and sw�.n to b re � this 2� day of ,; ��'_ ; !F� �.���€�f����� ����a,a� �I��. _ � Ju 1� 1 8 ' � ��`✓ � ����3���'�.� _ - r��;�..����.�, �. �� � � � �, _ _ i f itiotary Pubiic of. Or?gen !�?y eomrtrssio� eApires L;-29 is$5. --- __� I DATE - TIGARD PLANNING C4MMISSION SIGN UP SHEET 13OTICE: ALT, PERSCIN5 DESIRING T0 SPEAK O`N ANY ITEP!4 MUST SIGN THEIN NANIE i and note i-�heir address on this shee�t. (plea�e Frirzt yc�ur nam,e) ITEM/bESCRIP�I01�1: Si� ��� ' Vy� �o ��L� PROPONENT (For) bPPO1V�NT �aga.inst? Name, Address and Affiliation �� Nameo Address and Af�iliata.on 7 :ti It'iOTICE; �LL P�RSONS I7�SIRING TO SPEAK R?I�I ANY ITEd•i riUST �IGN TFIEIR I3AME �nd note th�i� address, on tha.s sheet. (p�,ease Print youx' name) ITE1�1/DESCRIFTION:^��v�• . �-- Y`' _ ������ PRaPONENT (Far) 0�'POI�ENT (agains�) � I�Tame, Address and Affiliatipn � NamE, Address �and Affiliation � _ . _ ... 1 -------._..... i � � ' � � ' � • � � . f , _ ., l __ _ _ -- _ DATE�� '� � CJ� NOTICE: ALL P�RSONS DE5IRING TO S�EATC ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAhiE and note theix address, on this sheet. (please Print your name) ITEM/bES:CRIPTIONc_ �.� �� IS"� . .::��Z.��=,� `�� � ��--- PROPONEI�TT (For) OPPQNEN (against) me, 1�ddr�ss and Affiliation � Name, Address �nd Af�iliatian �`r �'" ` , a l �►� � .,! � � �l�`/lJ�' .; �i�',�, ��-�; �� �j �-�. 1 , ,A. � � ,i �e. --- - _,. �.�,�. J� � �-t..� . �'j � �� .�°X � �� � ,` �s ����� � . � � 'C�`1'c�.�� � — i � ' �I � � r , �' _ _ DATE �'� 3 ''fJ�( NOTICEF: ALL PERSON� I��S:�R�I�G 'Z'O SPEAK OI�I ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR. N�1ME and nate theiz address. on this sheet.: (plea5e Print your name). �TEivi/bESCRIPTION c `.J• � //1"-'I �Y� �� �� . (�- ' � _ � � � � �_��� � ,���� �ROPONEkVT (For) QPPONEI�T (against� -� Name, Address and Affiliation' Name, �lddress and Af�i�iation . / /�.�„�,_ 1. ♦ �.�___—.—_«..-... ` � �� (..Kl�'t,vl U /'�'�'� . � � : . �% Y.��. �°�.�� c1,"✓�'�P,,.� %�.' ��,. ;�_ � . . .. .��C``w. I'�.+'R^'Y�.e� .. . . . � ' . .:�, e . . .. . I//� . ,,.:,sr f. - -- , �?1,8�,,� 3�{�,�'by� �y�t,� �€��'"�°��: � 4 i � _ I } _ _ ' i . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � . . . � �I.i., ' : . . . . . . . , . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . ...� I C __ �, MEMORANDUM _ T0: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUB.7ECT': N�0 �� l' Membership Appointment On �hursday, July 15, 1982, the NPO membership selection committee in'terviewed Gareth (Jt,t for appointment to NP0 �}� 1; Recommended Action: 'Irie NFa membersha.� selection eo�anittee recammends approval of Mr. Garet�► Ott for member�hip to NPO �� ]. for a term to begin August 1, 1982 and expire Ju1y �1, 1986. Mx'. Ott Zives in the City of Tigard. i � ; i INZiENTORY OF CfiTIZFNS ' Su��ested for Community Service AATE_!Q..l���� ,_ t3AME� ����t"1 �. v� I RES. PHONE_-��--�✓ c�s27_....,_ HDDRESS �� �� S�A,�, (.�,�(�-��Q� BUS a PHONE �I 'I��`f' _ - � LEIVGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD ��ZS SUGGESTED BY�� �_� ,� GJHERE DID YOU LIVE PR'EVIOUSL'Y? , C�I��t,.l S , Ol2 ._ �,r.. EDU(;ATIONAL BACKGHOUND �_}�-��t'+��IC�L �������1�C� l/ dG (R �I��1;.,� �.S ���i����11�� ��J61�J �2,��C����i�J...e.��..�.��L..J,���2��.��___._�_._�...._.._.._ • O�CUPATIONAL 5TATUS AND BACKGRO�UND �I�ISI�L[I�(.? C��`���� ���� ���n`� O 1� �,�`y�"Z, ,C.4,1t a�, � P4�.`-�0 F��;�.�U .� �C? Y�5 �l�.��(�� ������ _ rREVIOtt� COMMUNITY ACTIVITY ��l�`��,(, 'CCr� ��C�U�,, ��..�L� ,.� (,1�.�t -� �'j �� --—____�------_ : p' �,.����� ' 1 uHC�AIVIZATIONS AND 0�'F'IGES .�``�C:�� J(�,�`.� �� ��'���t� ������ OTHFH IN'F`O1�MATION (�ENERA,L REMA�KS) _ ,. ��.I�'� �.Dl7�l '(((�b ,�lll.�'w'���LO���`'1�.� la� n�rCTx� ��UIT�S l�1����c� Sk l���� . �`��c�2.� ��-r� �t��►�c� �4�!..�'� ��1.�. �� .� � � _.��2��.� c �� � .�.�,��2 c� �i �I ►,.��rt�j - �I .���� -��. �Aw,�r�����c,���t�� c�. � tt�►� ��.��+�� �� c.,i v c�'i _, A���.�� � �n � BOARDS OR COMN'1ITiEEC I,NTERESTED TN ,�'( � D�I-���_����'��.?����.7IZ1�i i�}1J � Date R�cei.ved at C;ity Ha].1 �' Z� 'O�,i� �ate Tnterviewed 7 ' � ' ��i Date Appointed Board or Committee GUTS�]?E C2TX _ INSTDE CTTY � ..�..... MEM�ORANDUM �� Planning Commission � FROM: Planning Depaztment SU�JECT; Addition' of Financial, Insurance, and Real. �state services as a Permitted Use in an M-4, Industrial Park Zone: Attached is a copy o� the o1d list (prior to June 21, 1982), of permitted uses alio��a in an M-�, Industrial Park Zone. ' Please note number twelve (12), Office buildings, bamk; which includes any ty�pe of offices or fi.n�ncial services. Under th� new::Permitted Uises in an M-4 Zone (also attached), �adopted by C,ity Cauncil on June 21, 1982, �here are two of�ice uge types listed. Business support services and praf�ssional and administrative services are listed as offi.ce �use types. Financial, Tnsurance', and Rea1 Estate Services as a use type a.ncludes banks, insurance a�encies and real estate firms. Staff recommend� that the Planning Gommission amend the list of permitted uses in the M-4 Zone to, incl�de �'inanciaY,, In�urance and Rea1 Estat� Ser�ices. � - --- _ STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5:3 CITY OF TTGARD PLANNING COMMIS3ION August 3, 19.82 - 7:3'0 P.M, FOWL�R JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LECTUI2� ROOM 1086.5 S.W. Walnut, Tigard, Oregon A. FACTS l. G��ERAL I�TFOk�MATI0IY CASE: ZC 15-82 Zone Change REQUEST: A request by the City of Tigard to change the zoaze designation on the Greenway Town Center Property froxn G-4PD to G-3PD. RECOMMENUATION� Based on site inspection staff's review an,d support of the request by the groperty owners, staff �ecommends tnat the Planning Commissi�n approve the Zone Chan�e. APPLICANT: City of Tigard 12755 SoW. Ash Ave. Ti�ard, I�regorn 97?23 6WNER: Mercury Development �toger BelanicYi 338 N.W. 5th Ave. 3(31 Sk.inner Bldga Portland, Oregon 97228 Seatt�le, Washington LOCATION: Greenway Tawn Center, S.W. 121st and S.W� Scholls Ferry Road. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 3�+BC, lots 7:00, 1oz, 2UU, 300 and 390) . LOT AREA: 11.42 acres PRESENT NPO �� 7 PLAN DESIGNATI0IV: Retail Commercial NPQ C(�NJ�EIVT: NPO �� 7 r�viewed this proposal at th�ir me�ting of .7uly 14 r 1982. NPO �� 7 supports the Zone Change �rmm C-4PD to C-3 PD. PUBLIC NCITICES MAILED: 31 notices were mailed. Na comments had been xeceived at the writing of thxs report. II 2. BACKGROUND On ,Tuly 25, 1977, the 'Pigard Ca.ty Council adop�ed Ordi.nance 77-62 �� which designated the site Neighbarhnod Comme,rcia�., C-4PA. However, on February 26, 1979, the Tigard City C�uncil adopted ordinance 79-11. appxaving the NPQ �� 7 P1an which designated the �ite Itetail Com�2ercial. � _ _ _ --- STAFF REPORT ZC 15=&2 PAGE 'L 3. VICINITY INFORMATION The surroundzng land us.es are as follows: The area to the north, acxnss Scholls Ferry Road, is vacant and within the Gity of Beaverton, The property is designated .for residential develogment. The prop.erty to :the east and south is developed for multi--familq residential uses. The property to the west is `vacant and is designated residential connmercial on the NPU �� 7 P'1an Map. [�. S�TE INF"ORMATTQN The �ite is fu11y developed a.� a shopping cen,ter. A majority of the existing tenants would not be permitted under the existing C-4 zoni.n:g standards. However, a11 of the existing tenants would be permitteci uses under the �-3 standards. B. A�'PZIGABLE 1'LANN.LN� �OLICIES 1. ZONE GIiANGE The proposed Zone Change fxom C�4 (Neighborhood Commercial) to C-3 ercial wi,11 �xin the zonin on Greenwd Town Center (Retail Comm ) g $ Y . t d NPO 7 Plan Ma which desi nate s izito conform.a.nce with the adop e �� p g I' r General Cammerciale the prop�e ty 2. LCDC STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL5 a. Citizen Znvol�crement -� The intent of this goal is to insure the oppmrtunity for interested citizens to be involved i.n a11 phases of the planning process. Noti�ces were sent to a11 owner.s of r_ecord within 250 feet o� the subject �property. A pubZic notice was publislled in the Tigax'd Times on 3u1y 22, 1982. b. Land tTse - �11 applicable LCDC gaals and guid�lines, NPO �� 7 pl.an pol�cies and Tigard 'Municipal Code Sections were considerpd on revi.ew of this applicatian. c, Economy - The intent of this goal is to encourage diversity and improve the economy of tk�e State. As the center is presently developed, it provides a numbez of jobs for residents of the Tigaxd community, The property is in a prime commercial locati�n anci has no trouble attra,eting viabl.e cnmmercial tenants. The proposed Zone Change to refiail commercial wilX pertnit a wa.der range of retail services t� locate at Greenway Town Center which i1Z t�enefit the xesidents livin in the surrounding area. w � � ,; __ --=-- _ _ __._ --- ■ STAFF REPORT ZC I5-82 PAGE 3 d. Public Facilities - The purpose of this goal is to insure that p�blic facilities are available to fihe site. The property is already fully developed and services are available including sewer, water, storm drainage, f ire protection and public trans- portation. e. Transpoxtation - The purpose of this goal is to insure that trans- portation systems to the site are safe and adequate. The site is we11 served off of S.W. Scholls Ferry Road and S.W. 121st. In addition th:ere xs a Tri-Met bus stop ax. the norner of S.W. 121st providing public transportation to the site. f. Energy� Conservation - The purposed of this goal is to conserve a11 forms of ener:gy through sound eeanomic principles. The "one stiop" approach to shopping applies here. The C-3 Zone, allowin:g a wide ran�a o�f. ?-et3�.1 uses, wi].1 enable a cnstnmer to make numerous stops on the site rather than driving to a numbex of separate lacations. 3, NPO �� 7 FOLIGIES PO�ICY 17. D�velopment slzall �aincide with the gravision of public streegs, water and sew�rage fac�:lities. �hese facilities sha11 be (a) capa�le of adequately serving a11 intervening properti�� as we11 as the pro�posed development, and (b) designed ta meet city or county standairds. All public imysravements for the site have been made to City stan�lards with the exception of .the sidewalk along Scholls �`erry which a.s asphalt, not concxete. 4. TIGARD MtJNICIPAL CODE Th.ere are n,o specific criter�.a. in the Tigarrl Municipal Code which address Zane Changes. Therefore, staf� relies on �,CDC goals and guidelines and NPO p�alici�s. �. CONCLUSZOI� The prop�sed Zone Change prnposal meets appl.icable planning policies. a .��(f-� FR�R���z�h AT Newton APP OVED BY: Frank A. Currie Associate Planner Planning Directar SUGGESTED FINDTNGS A. That the praposed �omprehensive Plan Revision will benet'i�t the surrounding neighborhood as de�Prmined by the Tigard Pl.anning Commission. B. Tha� the proposed Comprehensive Plan Revision conforms to the adopted NP0 ��7 Plan Map. � _ _ �._._. i _ __ < , � � --- ----- o - (___ ��-� _ _.__ L- --- ~ 3 . . . 4r � '� �, � (f W 11]1k �VINU[ � . . . ..' � ' .__' ' '_.'_ ' �� r _ �_— ._...3 . �.W��p1i1i PL,� Q � ❑ r � S •JI f y 'P�s y,� N . �y'8 y . 0 0. , 7 < : • � . 1 , y . y . . • '.t! �. ` t' ; , . 1 » ` .' . . . , �i M � ' � +. z. I i / ► �. I . r III s .• y. -sssm� '� i !�� - il .t.. .'ii � � ___,_ av,[NuC � -� � '� i _ � i . - R � ' �. _ . _.. _'_"" . .. . - . - � t�i �I w�/ -,� � � b r � l. . n . �� � i s .i�n �- ._ '. n � , Mi A Y � _ � ^ ~� ~ �~ ! N n i � � . .� � � .� � . °s'- \ 1 :! � - �', . ... . � .. •. .. �. _ , _ _. ,... `, a ' � . .. N o . , .* » � �.Ot� lV[I " -� �1].el� A.—[�:!'4 . • � � �."" _... _ � -�.�� � , i � � I f O y ' f � � I�L I•��' . � .J___-- -r—`— � ___ � . i�:.. SEE MAP � IS ! 348 r D J _----- n '� 0 � �� r ° , ---_---- �' s -----------'—� m � cn 95� ,� � F E��Y „Z�� � �- � 5�N��� 2251 �6 79-44174 I I 557�62 S 84° 22� 22'� W I !oo '__�_,_ � I /.2/ Lj� , 390 I � � . .26 AC. � ,j,� 300 . I IO1 ` i� i'93 AG. g, � I I ` I �, � • � � I.�� 214.76 m �' I ~ ( N I � I ��Q ' � 2.28 AC, �; . 0 � I.. y N I20 � � � ' � o IM � � I � '` 4 \ m � I O � f� Yi m _ _ � I uJ . 4 �a • j I � �� . I 44� ,,, � I � I I m � I nl � d � O M m � � ( I I _ M f N 89°�-27'�E 555.02 � C (�037.9q) S.W. � SPRI NGWOOD 40 � . . . . 5 2 - 2 9 � 2�5 90022 �0024 I � 90021 � z 22 24 (,1� 90020 2( �� , �_/ � � �. 23 r/1' �V� ,.- y: \ �0 „ ''� 90023 25 ' �� •' s 90019 ,G`2, a0 9�0�� ��g 9� �G'��'� � �� rG'y.� v•�p� � �� ��,g t �G��y. � CJ � �4,i ;G'�+\��7 4�` � �cr 90016 4'� Oc�Q� ° � �.,'s ..���r: .�, l v ' Rcager M. Belanich o �����p�o���D� °�dIlo��n� 701 Skinner Building,Seattl�, 61Vashington 98101 (206)623-6230 — Jul.y 19, 1982 ' Plan�.ing Commission C ITY OF' �TG�RI3 P.O. Box 23357 Z'igard, Oregom 97223 Re'c Greenway Toran Center Cit�Council Resolution ��82-57 Gentlemen: As the o5aner of IS134BC, tax lots 1.00 and 200, (that axe�. of Greenway Towri Cent�r between Z'hriftway a�d f he r c�sect Com- 12�.s t d�,v�nue SW I am. in f�.var o_ t o ) , P P prehens�.ve Plan revi�ion ancl zone change �.s p�opose� by the �bove Reso�utio,n. The cla�sification of C-� (Genera.l Commercial) will allow tYie �enan� mix ta more precisexy conform to the services that we are �ro�viding to our communi�y trade area. Our primary trade area is essentially west af Highway 217, south of Al.len Aven�u.e, north of Pacific Highway and west (say) five to ten miles alon� Scholls Ferry Road access . Clearly the size �f Greenway Center, the trade �rea involved, and the tenan�ts within the cente-r should be interprete�i as defining a s�iopping center providing "conununity servraes ," as opposed to "neighborhood services ." There�ore, Greenway Town Center reasonably shauld be desig�.ated as Commercial Retail, Plan Map designation, and C-3 Zonix�g Map Desig- nation. � i �continued. . , ) k � �, ^ �"�9�8� A y� � ��� ���.� � � � �� � �1:,�,,�b� �����o . ���� � � � � �����i����i � � � PLANNlNG DEPT. . • : _ _ _ � P lanning Gommis s ion. City of Tigard J�ry �9, igs2 Pag� �Wo Oue�r the past four years , we- hatre been working within a C-4 classification wt�erein tenants are specified by P..D, d�s�.gnati�n of permitted tenant uses . This pro- cedure has been incor�gruou� and awkward, for oursElves as wel;l as �or �he City, In retrospect, the controls of Planned Developtnent aspects of zoning shou.ld have been incorporated in.itially und�r General Commercial. But at tha time this designation of permitted uses with Residentia.l-Cotnm�xcial was chosen �n�:..ord�.x, ap- �a�are�.t:�I.y to more precisely confo�rm to the Comprehen- siv� Pla�. Map c�esignation while sti_11 provic�ing General Comm,ercial under Pl:anned Uevel.opment controls . Sin�e ' in fac� what we h.ave is Gener�.1 Co�unercial �.t s�zould ` ha�re just bee�. reco,�nized as strch �'rom the�be�itining. These changes advocated by City Council Resolu�ion Number 82-5:7 wi11 a31ow 4�etter management �f the uses within Greenway Center by the Gity, while nat eompro- misi�ng the actU.al an:d existing land use of the community. ve�y t�uiy yo S, ,, �t �ger { lanich R,MB/sd ec: Louis Zime1 : M��cuzy Aevel�pmen� Company l _ : _ _ _ /�.<� �- u-�y M�� �v��RCURY D��1EL17�MENT, Inca �2 Develapment • 1Vlanagement 3 3 8 lel. W. St�i Avenue Phone(503) 223-2108 • F. O. Box 5487 • Portland, Otegon 9722E July 23, 1982 PtANNING COMMISSII�N City of Tigard ;'i P.O. Bo:x 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 ftE. Greenway Town Center City Cotancil Resolwtion #82-57 Gentlemen: � : As the owner of lot # IS134�C 00300, wizich is a portion of the Gr�enway Town Center. We have been ad�ised thaL the C��y of Tigard has ir�itia�ed a z�ne change which wouid remove the pres�nt zoning,; and perrnit a .re-zoning to C-3 General Corrrnercial . Ple�ase note this letter of approval for such a change. As your records will show there has been a number of very time oonsuming questions brought ta your attention concerning specific uses which C-3 would readily permit. It is regr�etab1e that we collectively did not work towards C-3 Zoning when we began this project five or six years ago. We certainly feel that this change would be to the advant�ge to the city, neighborhnod, retail community and the owners of the center. Sincerely, MERCURY DEVELOPM�NTy INC. ' �.,//�'7'`,� . ��� Cy enn ,? . CP;klr ' '� Member� International Coun�il of 5hopping Centers � __ _ STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.4 CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION AYJGUST 3, 1982 - 7;30 P,M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LECTURE ROOM ' 7.0865 S.W. Walnut, Tigard, Oregon A. FACTS 1. GEN�RAI, INFORMATION ' CASE: M 1�8'L Sensitive "Lands PPrmit REQUEST: A remand by the Tigard City Counc'il. to the Planning Commission foz further consideration of a Sensitive Zands Permit with a revised subdivision layout: k2FCQMMENDATION: BaSed �n staff's ana�.ysis of technical c�ata, review of infoxmation supplied by the applicant and site inspection, s�aff recommends that the Plan�ing Couunission approve the Sensitive T,ands Permit with conditions on page 5 of khe staff report, APPLTGANT: Bruce Kamhoot OWNER, Unifier� Sewerage Agency 20 Greenxidge Court Washington Caunty Court House Lake Oswego, Oregon 9703� Hillsbo�ro, Oregan 971.7.3 LOCATION: The subject property is generalZ� located within NPO 4�' 7 on the east sicie of S.W. Diamond Way, just east of the B1ack Bu11 Park Subdivision. (Wash Go. Tax Map 1S1. 34AU lat 26a0) . LOT AREA: 7.52 acres. PRES�NT ZONE DESIGNATIONa R-5 PD 5i;�gle Family Resic2ential with a PlannPd Developmei�.t overlaq. NPO COMI�NT: There have been n� written camments receS.ved from NFO �� 7 at the writing of this report. PUBLSC NOTICES MAILED: 4U notices were mailed. No co�mments had been re�eived at the writing of this report. 2. BACRGROUND On SepCeu►ber $, 19$1 the Planning Commission a�proved a Gomprehensive P13n Revision and Preliminary Plan Review Af the site. On .Apri1 6, 1982, the Tigard Pl�n.ni.ng Commission denied a Sensitive Lands Permit application. On April 2$, 1982, the applicant appealed the Planning C en'al ta t e C't Goun ' . 0 I ommissions d i h i y cil n May 24, 1982, the City Council. voted to rem�nd the app].ication back to the Planning Commission. ' � STAFF R�PDRT M 1-82 < Page 2 3. VICINITY INFO�iKTTON The area to the north of the si;te t►as been developed for commereial ' offices an.d industrial uses and is zor.�d M-4 (Industrial Park). This area is separated from the site by floodpl.ain/greenwayo i� The areas to the southwest of the site has been d.eveloped as single family residential and are zoned R-7. The area ta the east is designaCed greenway and is within the 100 year floodplain. 4. " SITE CHARACTERISTIC � The ,proper'ty is owned the -th� Unfiied Sewerage Agenr_y and at one time, was the site of a sewer treatment plant. T�.ere is a brick buildin� on the southern portion of the property which �he applicant intends to remove. A portion of the site is withi� the 100 ye.ar flaodplain. The land slopes ta ,the northeas't, towards Fanna Creek, B. APPLICABLE LAND USE`POLIGIES AND STAFF ANALYSIS 1. LCDC GOALS AN17 GUTDELINES a: Citizen Invalvem�nt �- The pur}�os� of this gc�al is to in:sure tt�� opportunilcy for any interested citizens �o be i�vol.ved in all aspects of the pla.nning process. dwners of record withiz� 250' of t:he s�.te have been noti£zed tsy mail. A public riatice was published in the Tigard Times on .Tuly 22, 1982. b. Land Use Plannzn� - A1.1 applicable LGDC gc�als and guidelines, NP0 �� 7 Policies and Tigard Munieipal Code se�tiaxis �ave bee�a considered in review of tfiis �pplicai:ian. c. Open Spaces, Scenic and Hzstoric Areas an�d Natural Resour.ce� - The purpose of �his goal is to �rotect land whi.ch may have a , value as open spac�, historic r�r na.tural resource areas, There I , : are twelve resources to be considered in reviewing this goal. The resources applicable to this praposal are as �ol�.ows: ' 1. Land xieeded or desirabl� for oPen space; a poxtzon of this site is designated a� greenway on Che Comprahensive PZan.. The applicant will b� requ.irec� to dedicate this land to the public as �equired under Tigard Muni�ipal Cade Sect�.on� 1$.57. 2. Fish and Wildlife Habitats; concerns have been raised as to whether or not this area should be declared a w3ldlife habitat tm protect the B1ue Heron residing an.d nestin� in the area. One of the purpos�s in desi.gnating areas as Greenway is to protect wildlife reEOUrces. (Refer.ence Tigard Municipal Code Section 18.57.030,1.B) STAFF REPORT M 1-82 Pdge 3 3. W�.ter Areas, wetlands , Watersheds and Groundwa�er �tesources, Cnncerns have also been raised relative to declaring this area a wetlands area. Section 18.57.030 speales to conservation of areas for water resources. The greenway d�signation has been placed on a portion of tkle property to protect the Fanno Creek drainage area. d. Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards - in the case af this site, flooding is a concera. Again, a portion of the property wi1.1 be dedicated to the public to all.ow the City to control and manage flooding in the area. �he excavation and fi11 proposed by the applicant will be don� to meet �he requirements of the City under Sec�ion 1Fs.57.070 of the Tigard Nuniciapl Code. This code requirement � prohibits any fill or excavation which wauld reduce the capacity of the floodplain area or raise flood surface elevation or flow rates or adversely affect flow direction on upstream or down�tream properLies. e. Housing - The purpose of this goal .is to provide for a wide range of hausing types at affordable costs t�o accomodate tha housing needs of citizens. The manufactured housing units pr�posed for this site will allow people to purGhase a single family home for less than the cost of purchasing a �UUSe built on site on the same property. f. Publzc Facilities and Service5 - The purpose of tr�is goal is to insurE the availability �f public services to dAv�laging areas. Sewer, water and storm drainage are available to service the site. Specific locations will be adc3ressed in the subdivision application. In additi�n, the Tigard 5rhool. District an.�:icipa�es na problem. in pro- vi.ding educational facilities for ti�e residants. 2. APPLIGAIiLE NPO �� 7 POLICIES Policy 2. Residentxal subdivisions will be deve�.oped *aith paved streets, curbs anc� gutters, srreet lights and wa.lkways, according t� city or county standa�ds. All utilities wi1l b� placed undetground. The applicant intends ta develo the subdivision to cit standards. P y ���'I Policy 3. Development will coii7cide wit&� the provision of pu�lic streets, water and sewerage facilities. These facilities sha1l be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervening properties as we1�. as the progased development and (b) designed to meet city or county standards. Pub'lic £acilities are adequate in the area to serve the proposed develop- '! ment. Location of facil,ities wi1l be addressed with the subdi�ision � application. Policy 4�. Planned Unit Development will be encouraged on tracts large enough ta accomodate ten or moxe dwellings, Plaixned Unit Development will �permit a degree of flexibility in design that wi11 enable a higher quality of develapm�nt in accordance with znning standards. Policy 6. The single family characrer o� the area designated an the plan map as urban low-density residential is viewed as a positive asset to be retained. Projects proposed for this area must be judged according to affects upon this character. The units proposed on this site are single �amily units. 1 _ _ - -=_ _- - : _- STAFF REPORT M �:�$2 Page 4 PoJ.icy 8. When developments are pxoFosed in the urban - law density area for sites which include identified natura7. Features worthy af preservation, the Plannad Uevelopment concept shall be utilized if the Planning Cqmmission dete�mines it the best method for preservation. 3, APpLICAB'LE POLICZES FROM ENVIRONM�NTAL DESIGN AND OPEN SP��E PLAN �'olicy 1. Desi�nate areas af physical :limitation {poorly drained, seasonally flooded, ground instability) a:nd incorporate these desig-- nations in the City Zoning Ord:i.nance and map, aind develop graduatec� development restrictions accor�ing to the distinct characteris�ics of the c�nstr:aints and antieipated limitations. A portiori .of the site is designated greenway/f�.00dplain and is subjact to requirements und;er Chap�Ger 18.57 of the Tigard Zani.ng Code. Policy S. The City shall adopt an. ordinance to 'regulate �he removal and/or replac�m�nt of existing natural vegetaltion in desi.gnatsci areas, e.g., floodpla�.ns, drainageways, areas of high visibility, unique habitats, or rare species. Significant trees or sta�ds of L-imber sha11 be protected. Chap�e�: 18.57 of the Tig3rd Municipa�. Code regulates activity within the flocdp].ain and unique habitat areas. �+e .APPLICABLE POLTCTES FROM THE TIGARD MUNTCIPAL C4�E C�apter 1$.57 Sensitive Lands �m 1�.57.010 S�atement of .intent. Sensitive lands are 1.ands po�entially unsuatable for development because of locatian within the one�-liiundied- ey ar floAdp].az.n, rai�hin a natural drainageraay, or on steep slopes. Sensitive land areas are ciesignatec� as such zn order ta give r.�cognition ta the need ta protect the�ub7.ic health, �afety and we�lfare of the community. i:hrough the regulati.on and cantrol of lancis within floodpZains, _ drainag�ways, and steeply--sloping land areas, `and to thereby miti�ate 'na 1 ur ns t' in f m oo a a o s a d to otential fi ncia b de a is ro fl d d m e 1 s n P g g presexve natural clrainag�ways from encroaching uses whi�h threaten to affect adversely the property rights of the citizenry of the c�mmuni�y, �ublic safetyy and the pu?plic hea].th by natu�al conditions arising fXam upstream or downstreaun flood levels. City actions under this chapter will. recognize the rights o� riparian owners tc� be free ta act on the patt of the ci,ty, its commissions, repr.esentatives and agents, and landown�rs and occupiers. The f�.00dplain district has f4r its pur. o� se the preservation of natural water stor.age areas within the fl.00dplain �istrict by discou�aging or p�ohibiting incomnpatibl.e uses. b. 18.57.04� Uses �n.d Activzties allowed with a S�ecial L1se Pexmit. (2)(B) Any change in the tapogz�phy oz terrain whic� would change the ; fZow of waters during fl:ooding periods, or which wc��1d increase the £lood hazard oz alter the ditection or veloci�y of f].00dwater f1ow. The fi11 and excavation proposed by the applicant w�1i alter the topography of the site. � , _ _ 1 STti.FF REPORT M �.-82 , Page 5 c. 18.57.060 Special Use Permits - Tlze applicant has provi,ded the staff and commission adequate information to make a decisian on the proposal. d. 1$.�7.070 Standards - (a) appli.cation £or a special us� pez�mit in floodplain areas shall be granted or denied in aceordance .*aith the following standards: (1) No structure, £ill, excavation� storage or other use sha11 be permitted which alone ar in combination with e�isting or prdposed uses would reduce the capacity ofi the floodplain area or raise �ither tYae flood surface elevation or flow rates, or adversely affect Elow direction an upstream or downstream properti�s, or create a present or foreseeable hazard to public health, sa£ety and general welfare. The ap�licant°s proposal wi11 not reduce the capacity of the floodpl.ain area: or raise the flood surface elevation.. C. STAFF .4NALYSIS It is the opinion of staff, after reviewing the technical data submitted by th:e applicant, that the proposed cut and fi11 does not viola�e the intent or purpose af �.he floodplain district. Also, t'he applicant� proposa� will no� r,educe the ca�acity of i�he floodplain area or raise the flood sur.face el�v�tian. Staff r.ecommends approval af the Senstive Lands Permit to fill and excavate as �roposeds Staff wil.l present recommended conditions and sugge�ted findings at the Fublic He�aring on August 3, 1982. � o PREPA D BY: � izab A. Newton A ROVED Y: Frank A. C rrie n"n Director Plan i i Associate Planner g , , , _ __ — - ---- . t . Ju1y Zz, 19,82 � . MEMORANDUM � T0: PLANNING COMMISSION (��,� FRQM: Jeremy CoursoZle, Associa�e Planne X+�' SUB / JECT: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Future nd Use Map and Development Dist�rict k�p As part of the G�ty's ef�orts to complete nne C�mprehensive Plan, the City staff has drafted a pr�posed Comprehensive Plan Future Land Uss Map and an Oificial Development District Map. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map indicates general land use areas, i.e. residential or eummercial, and encompasses' all of Tigard's Urban Planning Area. 'The Of£icial Development District Map, on the other hand, specifically indicates the type of developmen� standards that will be used with those general compreh.ensive land us� areas, and includes only those praperties within the Tigard city limits. In many instances there is more th�n nne development district for each Compretrensive Plan Land Use map designation. The specifics �f each maP will be discussed later in this memorand.urn. At this time i� is imgortant to discuss the process that was u�ed during the mapptng process. The mapping process was initia�ed last summez with the formulation of an existing land use map. This map d�scribes, by color, those types of land use that currently exist on each lot of record within Tig�rd's Urban PlannYng Area as well as within the city limits. Since the formulation of the existing �and use map, staff took �txe following steps i.n the magping pracess. ', 1. Al1 of the seven (7) I3P0 plan map� wer� reviawed for consistency to each NPO plan map and to what actually exists in the field; 2. The exist3ng zoning map wa� reviewed for inconsistencies with the NPO �lan rnap� and exist�ng land uses in the fiPld; 3. All ordinances rela.ted to land use desi nation chan es were � B � reviewed; 4. The existing capacities and expansion capa'atlities of �11 public facilities and �ervices and transportation were reviewed through the Public Works Departmen�t; and 5. �'requent hours were spenL in the f3.eld aeviewing exist3.ng land u�es and the capa'bility of proposed changes with those exi3tixrg 1.and u�es. In most instances the propmsed general land use areas are not subst�ntia�.ly different fxom the existing ado�ted NPO plan map. Howewex, b�cause of Tigard's lack of diversittes in all density designatio�s, sta£f is proposing to upzon� a few areas or exposed ex�sting areas that allo�w for more �3versity in t►o�xsix�g tyj�es. I PAGE 2 - JULY 22, 19$2 MEM0 - COMP PLAN MAPS The City staff is equally concerned, as are the residents, that these proposed higher density areas will not adversely impact abutting established neighborhoods. Therefore, most �f the areas - that are proposed for an increased density abut, at l:east, a colYector street or have easy accsss tn a collector street. Staf£ .firmly believes that if. the proposed maps are adopted, the City of Tigard could be developed in accordance with the Statew�ide Planning Goals and regional housing needs without adversely affecting establ.ished neighborhoods. A brief note at�out LCDC..... ... As we all are aware the LCDC Statewide Planning Goal ��10 Housing states that the Ciky of Tigard must provide for a minimum af 10 dwellings per net acre or vacant k�uildable only, with a 50/50 mix of single family and multi,ple family unit�. The important word within this goal is "provide". The goal does not say that Tigard will be developed according to those standards; it merely says that Tigard must provide fQr it. If Tigard d�es continue to grow, it is very conceivabY.e that Tigard's P�.anning A;rea could be built aut by the year 2000. And, the staff believes it 3s safe to say, that without many of tne Statewide Goals and the Urban Growth Boundary, urban sprawl would not be ck�ecked with3n the Partlan� are� or sau�h through the W1.11amette Valley. Now on �o Che map�.e. . . Each map has a legend which 'briefly describ�s the land use designa�ion. Again, the Co�prahensive Plan Future Lane Use Map describes those lar►ds use area �hich are most a�prapriate dux�.ng �he plann3.ng period (1980�-20OU)a � The Offici�l pevelopme�xt District map indicates thase develnpment standards w�.th eac'h gensral 'land use area. As you can see, mo�t of the proposed zoning designations ar.e different from the existing designations. A comparison sheet showing the changes i is also attached to this memorandum. Briefly, all of the residential designations are based on th� number of units per area permitted in that par.ticular zaning distriat, and all of the commercial and industrial { desi�nations indicate �he type of commer_cial a�d industrial areas. ', On hoth maps, staff attempted ta simplify the land use designation process and shaw th�t both map� are consistent with one another. ' At this time, t�1P_5� maps �re being presented as information onlp. In less than a month the staff wi11 he submitting tt�e proposed Zand Aevelopment Code to �he Cauncil for review as well. At that time these maps shauld then be cansidered for adoption. To date, all af the NPO's have been gi�ren copies of the maps and th.e Planning Commis�ion will receive their copies August 3. During the August 10, 1982 �oint meet3ng with the Planning Commission and NPO, ttie �amprehensive Plan process and mapping will be further discussed �o ensure �hat everyone thoroughly understands the City'$ task. � _ —_ - -- � , , f i . , . �"!4 �s � ��, � : 9 � r TYGA�D ��ZANAIING ��t�[TSSION � Augu�$t ,�q 19�2 � 7.3q p,m> + Eos�ler .7unior Hbgh � L�Gte�re Rcsom H�$65 SW k'�ln�st, Tz,ga�cd, �xegon A�ENDA 6 . Op�n Me�ting 2. Ro1�. Ca21 .I 3. Approval. of minutes from previous meati�g � � 4, Planning Commisszon eommunicata.ons 1 5 e FUI�LIC HEARTNGS o 5. 1 Appointment of �areth Ott to I�P� ��4 v a � . $ ,� 5.2 ZQA 4°�2 Zone Ordinarace Amend�aex;� �.3 Z� 15�82 Greenway fiown Center A7F0 ��7 5.4 M 1-82 The Meadows NPO �R7 I 6. Other �usane�s �°a. Disscussion of Public. Serwices and F�cili�:ies Element -- Co�prhensive Plax� ,�b. Dis�cussion of i°<�'�-ic�:i Comprehensive Plx�ra and Zanixt.:, M�ps /` I 7. Ac�journ�ent W I � � _ : : ,� �a � TYGARB PL, ANI� ING CO �fkII S S IO2� I � � � — Regu�a� Meeting = August �,1T�8� — � � � � 1. President Tepedtno called the u��eting ta mrder at 7:35 P.�T. The mee�ing I held at Fow�er Junior High School — Lecture itaoas, 10865 S.W. Wa�nut Streeg, Tigard. > 2� Ft(�I,Y. CALL — Present. P�esident Frank T���dino; Camuaissioreexs Clifford Speatcex, dtichard Hfelm�a�} �annie Owens, Roy B�n�, Aon Mo�n, Nark K;hri�ten (a�divi�,g 8:3Q P.M.�. Exc:a�ed a�v�ree Phi..� Edin, S�san Herronv i STAkF �ob ,T�an, Cit3� Admiraisrrca��'ry Frank Curxie, Publ�c Work �ire��or, Bi11 trS�nahan Director Plannin� & D�velvpment; Elizabeth Newto�, ,�ssoeiate Flanner; I�en E1'liott, City Attor.ney; Diane Jelderks, Clerk typ�st; 1�dmin�stz�ative A�sa.s�ta.nt, Linda Sarg�nt; Building Official, Ed Wa1�en arriv�d 8:Q0 P.M. 3e The minutes of the .�uly 20, 1982 regulas meeting were cons3,dere�. Cammissioner Owens �oted ocz page 3 that the adclress for PD 2-82 was incoxrectl}� typed as 908th. �his h�s been carrected ttr 98tho Commissoner Speaker maved that the �►inu�cs be a�pp�'oved as corrected-, � Comnaissioner E€e�.m.e� seconded the m.otion. The �atian was a�groved by a un�nim�us v��e o� those �offim3.ssioners present. 4. C�DP4MISS�ON COMriU�iI��4TI0N ° City Administrator, Bab Jean in�roduceci th� Director of Pla�nning and Dev�l.opmentr Aill Moz��hano He explained how� the Ci�y had combined the Building and P�.anning Departments and add�d Ec�monic � ' Devel4pmenC. Mro 3'ean review�d Mr. Mnnahan°s qualificaCion� and �ahat is expected of him in thi� positione I � Chairman Tepedinm exp�eessed tta� Commission's appa�eciation fos the work Frank Currie h�s put in with the Co►nmissinno 5. PUBLIG HEA1tING5 � ° President Tegedin� apened the Paxblic Hearin� by read3.ng th�. usuaY statem.ent of authority for the procedure to be £ol�owed in the meeting, 5.1 N�iGHBQRHQOD PLANNING ORGANZZ.�TION 4�1 APPOIh1TMENT A re�uest by Gareth Otr to be ap�ointed ep NPO ��1. • Associ.ate Pl.anner 1de�aton made the PIPQ membership seleetioca committee's recouimendation tQ forward Mr. Ott°s name to Ciry Council for. appointment to NP(? ��1. Mr� Ott lfve.s within the City �nd I�P3 #1 is in need of inembers� • Co�mis�ion�r Bonn moved anci Commissioner Helme� sec.onded �o faxward Mr. Ot�°s name to City Cou�xcil fcr membership �pprova]. to NPO #�1. a � 'The mction was app�oved by ur�animous vote of eho�e C�min�ssione�s presen�t. 5.2 ZONE 4RDIPIAl�C� AMENDME�IT �OA 4-82 �' � request by the City of Tigarci ta amend Ch�pter 1�.44, M-4 �� Ix�de�strial Park Zone, of c:he Tigard MunGipal C�de, adopteei Jun� 21, 19$2, �o include Financial, Insurance �nd Real E�ztat� Se�vices as a p�rmit�ed u�e type. e , �m P�7BI,TC HEARING OPENEU � Associ�te Pl�nner, Newton made th� staff recommen@atior� �o am�nd the list o£ permitted uses in the M-4 Zone ta ii�clude �isaancial, Insurance and Real Es�ate Serviceso This �a�s an ov�rsight and �hould Inot i�a�we been omitted as a permiCted us�. b o PIIBLIC �F�STIMQI�Y ,� No one appeared to speaka ce COMM�SSION DIS�CUSSION AN� ACTI.ON • Comm�ssaoner }lelmer moved aezd Cc�mm.issioner Owex�s s�con�ed to app�ovp the Zone �rdinance Amendment �llA 4�82 per Sta�� ficadings an� recommendations. Motion was approved by a unanimous appr�val vota c�f the Convaissioners present. S.3 ZONE CHANGE ZG 15-82 NPO 167 A �equest by the City of Tigard to change the zone on prcaperty located �at Gr�enway Town Center, 121st and Scholls Fe�'ry Rd. , fra�s C-4PI3 to C--3FD (WCTM ].S1 34BC 1Qts 100, 101, 20U, 3(�0 & 390). a. FU�LIC li�.ARING �PENED • Associate Planner Newton made the s�aff re�ommendation to chang�e the zon� fxom C4-PD (Neighborhood Co�merical) to C3-PD (Retail Commerical) as this prop�rtcy has actually developed in a C3 fashi.on, and doQS not follow the in�ent of the new IVeighborhood Coaemeric�I de�ignation under the naw permitted and canditional u�es in the zoning code. A.lso, �.he 1979, adc�pted NEO �F7 Plan has the progerty designated as retail commerical, which su��rsedes the plan designatien approvec! by che CiC�r Council in 1977. Staff recr�mmends that the Commission change ttle zoning to conforu� with the adopte� Comprehensive P1an. 9 a PAGE 2 PLANNING CONII�iISSION MINUTES August 3, 19$2 I � , - - I' v � b. I'iJ�LI+C T�STIAiONY I PROPOhi��TTS: ° Roger B�lan�ch, 301 3kinner, Bl.dg.�� Sea�ttle, Washin�ton, c�n� . of th� own�rs af the property stated �hey have t�ad problems wi.th tk►e incon�ist�ncg� af �he �reser�t PD desi�nation. He fs i�n favor of asidption of ��ne �exoning vo �he plan and t�ee �on.i�� match= a Ma�lc 2i�m�1, Aiercury Developr�ent, 338 1�a�'. 5th .Ave. , Pos�landf Q�s$on, representing the a�.her owner �Yortland �ixture) st�xed �hey have run i.nt:o siu�il:Lar prablems with th� zoxc�ng designation and requssted the Plann3.ng Comd�i�sioc► approve �t�ia reque§e� OP�ONENTS: ' � Clifford VanCleef, 17025 Se�Je �pringwood Dr3ve, onpas�d the II '� zane chan�� �.f it alrowec� th� rase �f c�ampuCer games a il • A.ssociate Plann�x Newtan read into �he recozd a petition �I opposing a electronic game� ro�m in the Greeway Town Centex. ! Tl�i.s p�tition wa.s initiated by a requst for a Conditional Zlse, I which has been. withairawn. If the Zone Change applicatio❑ is apg�aved the elec?'ronics �ames would b� allowed as a permit�ed �,e5e. I � PY3�LIC H�ARING CLOSED � c. �dtOSS ExAMTNATIUN AND REBUTTAL • itoger 13elanich, Uwner, stated they� �rere only here �o discuss I� the issue of zone chan�E and were reat at�l� ta comment n� the I us� of the elec�ranic ga�es, �. d. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AN'D ACTION • Commissiones 0*�en� reviewed the process she could r�ca11 fs�m b�ing a �n�mber of NPO 1�7. The IdPC� specificaL].y designated as they did beca�u�e rhey war�ted to ��e the typ�s of business tk►�t are allowed in th� C3 PD zoning, davelape� t�z this a�ea. She asked sCaff �o define "Business support servi�es, Per�on.nel S�rvice� and Genera� Tra�sient habitation." • Associate Planner Newtan s�ated Bu§iness Support Services ar� P copy �e.nt�x�s, secretaria]L 5ervice and office machine ou�lets; Persannel Services �aoulci be ].ik� trade schoals and phatography studios; and 7Cransient Habitation wou3.� be ho�e1 and temparary lodging. • Commissione� Owens stated that other than the lransient I3abitatic�n, shs was �n favas of the zane chan�e. ° Disciassion followed regardin� electronic games being allowed as a permitted use with the cha�sging of �he zone. PAG� 3 PGANNING COMMTSSIOI� MIIVUTES August 3y 1982 � ' � � � Ca►nmis�ion.�r Owet�s u�oved and Commissioner Speakex° seconded tr� app�ave the �cequest by th� Cf.ty of Tigard ta chan�e the zane designation act the C�reenway Tc,urn �enCer property from C 4PD to C 3PD p�r €is�dirag� in the staf� repottd T'he motion wa� appr�ved by a unanimous �vote of �ommis�ianers pr�sent. 504 6ENSITIVE LANDS P��MLT M 1-82 The Meado�rs NP0 ��7 , � .� A x'e�►and by tlxe 'Tigard City Cauncil to kh� Fla�ning Co�niss�on ° fo�' fur�he� consideratinn 6f the Sensitfve Lands Permit �rith a " revised subdivi�ic�� layou�. The prapertly is located nort�east of S.W. Bl��k Diam.onci �ayo (WCTM 1S1 3�a� lot 2600). ;� ' " a r PCJBLIC HEL�R.ING OPENED • Ass�cia�e Planr�er Ne�ton listed �he Hsarings tt►at ttiis application has gone through. They are before the Commiss3.on again with a revised sire �lan and are asking for apgroval to cut an�d fill within th� floodplain. The Public `Works Directvr has adclressed issues regarding ti�e cut and fill. The fntiet�t ` of the greenway will noC be violated and th� bilte p�th �§sue ° has been address�d. Staff has a list of conditions they wo�uld �.3.lce �o recommend �hould the application be apprc.rv�d. Staff, I contends that the applicant h4s �upplied enough techreical data gox staff to review and recouimenris that the PZannin� � Gommissior� apprave the Sensitive Lands Permit allowing the cut and filJ. as proposed in the flmodplain. • �hairman T�pedin� requeste� tharc th� pertinent commenks froua the previous Planning Commission M�eting, wher� the a��pJ.icati�n was denied, be read into tt�e records; Commissi�ner Speaker reviewed contents af the tra�script from the April 6th, Planning Commission Meeting. Associate lPlanner Neraton I read City Cauncil �inutes fram the May 24th, meeting into the �ecQrds. • AppliGant°s Presentation - Williaffi Clark, Oreg�xx �ealty�, Agent, spe�king on behalf of Mro Bruce Kamhoo�, �eeeloper of the pro�ect< He concurred with the staff r�port and stated that the project would provide affordable hausing for the Tigard area. • Greg Weston, Lhe Engineer who did �he �loodplain calculatio�s, stated that they iiad substantially decx'eased the amoun.t of impact an the floodplain witll 250 yards of f�,ll and abo�.�t Sd0 yards of cut. This would balance the volume allowed for overflow in a flooding situatf.on. This is based on the I981 C�i2M Hill report. • Ed 'Writer, a Consultant with Bruce Kamhoot & Associates, explained how they have changed all of their plats sa that the plats adhere te tt;e contour nf the land. They wi].1 not be changing the direction af flow of r.he water or place homes on the fill area. PAGE 4 PL.ANNING CQN4riISSION MINU'Y'ES August 3, ].9$2 „ � � �.3� P.M. Commissfoner Christen �,rrived: ' • Commission 5peaker questioned if lot number 14 was placed nn the fi�l area; Mr. Writer, stated, if necessary they woul.c3 elimiante lot 14e b. PUBLIG TESTIMONY PROPONENTS • No one agpeared k:°n speak. OPP�NEN�S • Rod Steel➢ 11025 �.W. lObkh, questioned i� ther� would be extra run off intc; Fanno Creek �r would it go into Che sewex' system. • Barhara Priest, 10710 S.W. Pondero�a P1aCe, stated that the ,. maps before the Planning Commission do not sk��w the accur�te ,.• location of the stream, the flow of the strea� has �hanged � s�nce the CH2M Iii11 report. She ha� measured tha stream and it was 25` from the back enci of the furth�st l.ot sitting to�aards the cree'�o Currentlq the bike pa�h is fi�e feet away from the creek, it was f.urther away until undercut�ing occurred. She requested that the staff check to se� i� the proper�y ownEr directly acrass Fanno CrePlc had been notified. She also concacted tha Ausiubor� Society, which sent a representative to walk through the ar�ad Iie wa5 ��ncernaei as to how close Che de�'e3.opment was to the creek and to tYie wil�lif� he cfiscovered. She also not�d ttnat Washington Cc�unty ha�� be�n making changes in the floodpiain area sahich will incr�ase �he run o€f 50 to 75 percent. Kegarding the CH2M Rill study, floacling in the Tigard area is poorl}r documenterl. She had cor.tacted GH2M Hill and they informed her rhaC the 100 year fload level which they est�abl:t�hed wzs only an est�mate. If we �ontinued to develop �ri�.hc�ut making strea�n improveme�ts, tc� keep tk�e stream at a zerQ incx'�ase level, we would only raise the flood level. CH2M Hill equat�d this to sitting on a time bomb. Finally, 'K�11 Developu�en[, whi.ch is upstream has con[racted �ngineering services to help with their severe �� drainage pzoblem. , • Mara.an rfaddox, 10800 S.W. 108rh, d.id not feel that the fi11 would help the Flooding problem. The bik� path is clos� to bei.ng flooded each year and the water. comes up to within � few feet behind her house. She stated that the elavaCion on her 1ot is about the highst th�re is otherwise she would 1�e f�.00ded during the caintere She feals wit�4 the addition. of tYte deyelopment it will only make the flooding worse. PAGE 5 FLANNING CCMMISSION' MINUTES August 3, 1982 � � ` r c. �RQSS EXAMINATZON �ND REBUTTAL � ��. Writer staked th�C run otf �rum develapm�nt wo�ld go into the sewer system. � Commissi�ner Owens qu�stioned if it �ou1d be possib�e t� � develop the area without d�ing any cutting or filLi�g. � Greg We�ton, reviewed how th�y �ould be doing the cuttin� and I �illinge He stated �hat the f'lood�ng t�at the neig�b�ring property �as eoncerne� with is at an e�evation �f 158 feet, two fe�t ��low w�ak the �eve�mpment would be b�ilt. �omes would nor be placed on fi11, foundatfon would be set on natural gxounde �e�ard�ng the run off, it wo�Zd be placed in storm sewer�y whieh would end up in the Fanno Creek B�sin, �. �' Further discussion zollo��ed regarding the amo�nt o.f diff�rence fram this propnsal to the present proposal, tt�e layout oE the lots 13, X4 a�d 16 and the amoun� of fill to be �s�c�. PUBLIC �iEARING CLOSEll: �► d. COMMISSION nISCUSSION ANI3 ACTTON �1 Cowinissioner Owens was nat �.�a�nst the d�v�lopmenk except for ttte encroachment into �he tlnodpl�ains� She felt aC leasC �.ot 14 should be eliminated but would pr�fer Xc� see so�ne other arran�ement of the plots, so that no .�ots are in tl�e pr�sen.t fl�odplaan. • Comffiis�ioner Speaker re��sted that the proposed conditions be read; Assnciate Pianner Newton read the follcawing; 1. A plan showing canfiguration of units on lots shall be submitted and app�aved b� the P�anning Commissiotz with an application for subdivision approval. � 2. The applicant shall �rropos� an eng�neering plaat to the ° • � engineer division to �ill to 162 feet. The plan sh.all pxopose appropriate �xcavat3on to csffse�. ttze fill and shall be approved prior to the issuaz�c� of any permi.ts. 3. A soils inv�stigation i�y an approvecl soils �ngineer of the area tfl be filled sha11 be made before anc� aFtex the �illing and excavat�an occurse 4e Tha material used for stream bandc protect�.on shall be required a� shown i� the C3tq of Tigard Drainage Plan. 5. A.11 lands remaining in the lU0-year flopdglain sh�11 b� dedicated to th� public prior to the issuance pf any permits. The d�d�.caCior� documenB: shall be rec�arc3ed wi6h �dashington County after it i� appraved by the City. PAGE f� PLANNI�iG CGtiMISSION MiINUTES August 3, J,�82 t, 1 � 6. Posi�ive footing dra��age will be requixed �o the 100-year . ' �loadplain levsl. 7. F�oor elevations shaYl be at least 1 1/B fe�t ab��e the � floo�glain elevat�Qn. � $reenway bfk�way pat� �lan sh�11 be submit�ed and appraved; and includ,�d in the bond for public improvem�nts. • The Public Works �ix��ctor no��d th�t if the �pplican� is building on1� �n na�ural ground l�ts 13, 24 and 16 will �eed to be 1QOked at clos�ly at foundation draina�e, as the$e appear to b� in th� fill area. „ � � Commissioner Moen questinned wriat had b�cmme af the can�enant which the proper�y �wners had requested �a beco�� a pa�t of �he de�elapmento Public Works �irecCor C�xrie xesponded they �ould be put o� at th� subdivision seagee � * Discussion followed r�gatcd3.ng the Plannin� Cammis�ion's authority involving changing Zayout o� �tie project. �urther � discussian regaxding the position af lo�r 13, 1�4 and ].6 in r�Iation to the floodplai�n. I � Commissioner CE►rcisten supporte.� the staff recouuuendation. • Camffiissinner. Bonn f��t that tk�e issues of ffia�sive intrus{�n into floodplain, sxcept for one excep�.ion, and placeffi��t of houses has been addressed t�y applicant. A1�o lookCing at the Lross sections for lots 17 a�d 16 the fill� ��e�u to be less than a fo�ta Lot 14, especially the lower east end, has sev�ral feet of fill. Lot 13' the exCreme easC �nd, has qu�.t,e a bit of r.�i�. If thase co�ld be carrected, the� that would resolve his conc�rns. � Chairman Tepedi�xo €elt there were s�veral s3.gnificant, substantiaZ prn�lems wit� this applica�inno �here are seve�al ;�' items in tt�e T�gard Munfcipal Code 1.8.570070� which t�e applicant had nnt �ddreased to his satisfaction. He strongly suggested that Che Comm�ss�on deny this appli�cation f�r a Sensitive Lands perm�t based on insuffic:Lent �vicienee of daCa submitted, espcially regarding raisixxg the elevat�.on of the £loodp�a:�n, adverselq affecting flaw rates, advesse affe�t on flow direction �cseating pot�ntial hazardse lie i.s not against . �he type of �housing only invasian ix��o the fAa�odplain. d Commissioner Helmer was in favor of this encroachm�nt exeept far lot 14. " Commissioner Speaker maved for d�nial ox this req�est an the basis tha� lot 14 �x�ezds the City �Council require�ent of n,o s�bstantial fiAJ. in ttie floodplmin. � Seconded by Commissioner Owe�ns. � PAGE I PLANNING COMMISSI�N MINUT�S August 3, 1582 + R • Commissio�ex Mo�n �ant�d to know if it �as poss�ilE to mawe �ox approval of tha Se�sitive L�nd Permit sub�eGk to the �Iimfnatian oE lots 1� and 14 an� appropriat� r�ducCio� of the modification o� yth� f�oodplaino • Df�c�ssion follawed �egarding the e¢fects of approvaX and � denial; the City �ttorney wa� not comf�xtable wi�h a mo�inn for denial as �t is �ot supp�rted by ad�qu�te fi�dingsa � Co�issione� Spea�ez -�i�h�r�w his motion; Com�issioner Owe�s � then withdxew her secand. � I � Chairman Tepedino �teppe� dowit as chairman t� �ov� for denial �I �� the Sensiti�e I.ands ��rmi� M 1�$2 based an the finaings and �I evid�n.ce presQnted and �n the fin�in� of Chis Co�mi�sion and I himself, that first, the applicant does not addr�ss tihe issLes ouklined in Tigard Mun�c�pa1 Gode 18.57.07 �p�c�fic�1Z� the ro �nfarmation concerning flood surface elevation, ��ver�e effects �n flow rates, mdvers� eff�cts on flow direction on upstream and dow�strea� prope��i�s or the �os�ibiliey of t�e creation of present a�d foreseeabZe �axa�ds t�� the �ublic � health safety and ge�eral we1f���. Not w3thstanding the engineering whic� has been g�esenteda C1�� iss�es are not addsessed. In addition there �s substantiar invasian of g'he ' floo�plain. • Th� �n��o� failed due to the lack o£ a second. a • Commi.ss:�oner �ioen mov�d and Com�issioner Eo�n seconded for approval of Che S�nsitive Lands Per�ait M 1-82 includiz�g sta�f conditiar�s, modifying cdnditican nu�ber s�yen from � lf 2 f.eet to two fe�et above flocad�lain. Tliat lats 13 and 14 on the plat map be remuvecl and th�. �i�.1 that was Co b� used be e1�:minated, wo�k�.ng in conjuction wit� the staf.f. �h� fill necessar.y for iots i7, 16 and 15 to be used and include the eorresp�ndirig raising of the s�reet surfaces. ' Discussion fol�owect r�egarding apprc�ving or denying this application, the amount caf fi1T being aas��i in 1at 16 �nd what � items will b� c�vered with �en�ral revie�w and subdivision ag�li�atic�n. r �owmissioner hi��n modif�ed his motion �ltat the Commiss�.�n wi1T s�� khe layout of the plan at the General Plan Kevfe�s, secUn�ed by Commissioner Bonn. �' Motion a�proved �irre Ca two, Chairman Tepedino atid � Comrnissioner Owens voting no. PA.G� 8 PLANNING COAQiISSION MxNUT1ES Auga�st 3, 1982 n ,� ` �, 0'��ER BUSItdESS S IG�T COD�/COI7E ENFOR�EAI�NT � Linda 5�rgent, t�dministrative Assi�tant respcansibl� fror sig�n COd@ axdinance, in�roduce� E�d �alden, Bui�.ding affici�L � resp�nsbile for Ca�le Enfnrcem�nt. � Mr.,Walden stated thak tt►� Sign Cade O�c�in�a��e �iow in force �s nat a bad in,trument for enfnrcement actd far briraginb �i$�is into conformity. I�owever, the amendL��,nts that have been addeci have conCradictoxy wording. He continued by giving backgroun.�i on code enfarcement and how i.t wor�s. He Zisteci thP folZo�rin$ items as being a problema L. Remo�ving non—eor►fa�-�nirng sfgr�s (10 y.ear time frcame has el�psed)e �. T�M�parary signs, at�st are prohiUited. 3. Non—confcarmic�g signs pravided b�y National Compaaay fo� local use (Servic� Sta�ions) noL dea2z with ia the codes 4v lieader �oards. S. Real Est�E�e si�ra a� off premises signs us3ng pu`blic ri�ht—af�-c�=ay�, '� Discrassion followed between sxa�f and Co�mission regarding cnnformi.ng and non°�onforming sigxts a�d Cade Enforcem�nt � � Off icer. PUgLIC FACII,ITIES AI3�3 SEt2VICE5 DOCUNbENT � Associate Planne� Newton stat�cio This �s goal l� of the LCAC goals �nd guidelines and asked Con�mission�rs to be prepared to d�s�us5 this aC the special Planni�g Comm�ission, City Council �nd NPn (�oricshop on Au�gust It?, 1982, at Fo�aler Ju�ior High Schoc�l. REVISED COMPREHFNSIVE PLAId Z��iING �PS � A�sociat� P.�annex Newton vCated this i5 �no�herc item which ' wil.1 �e dis�us�ed in detail �� the Aa�g+�st lOth me��in�. Sh� �xplained tnaw As�ociaCe Platzner Co�irS011e had changed sam.e af the [itles anc! wozd� f�r. 4:he plan �esi�n�timn�r Als�, change� have i�een mac�� on Ghe z�ning map Lo a�fl�ct th.e nu���r of , units pear acre a�lowed rather Lk�a�x t�i� s�,z� a� �he loto ' CCI MEETING v Chairmaii Tepedino announ�ed th� GCT meeting would be August 12, 19�32, 6;00 PoMe at Cit�y E�all. He encouraged the Conamissioz�ers to aktend. Meeting .�d�au�ned 1Q;33 i'.M. �_.���._..\ � , Diane Jeldeik , ecr�tary . , A' EST,' I F.� epedino, Pr�sident PAC�E 9 PLANIvI[�G COMMiSSION 2�INUTES Auguat 3� 7.982 �