Planning Commission Packet - 07/20/1982 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA 'TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION July 20, 1982 7�30' P.M. - Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 108�5 S.W. 'Walnut Street, Ti.gard, Oregon 97223 � 'I 1. Open Meeting: 2. Ro11 Ca1'1 3. Approval of minutes from grevious meeting 4. Planning Gommission commv.�.ication 5. PUBLIC �IE�IRINGS: ; 5.1 S 20-81 Gentury ,21 I�OMES 1dY0 �# 7 5.2 Appa�:nt�r�Pnt of m�unbers to NP0's �F 5, 6, an.d, 7. 5.3 PD 2--$2 Cex�tury 21 Homes - NPO �� � 5.4 ZOA 3-82 T'a,tl.e lb Sign �ode R,evision 6. �ew Business ?. Other Business $. !�d j ournlue�t T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N REGULAR MEETING - JULY 20, 1982 l. President Tepedino called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. The meeting was held at Fowler Junior High School, 10865 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL -- Present; President Frank Tepedino; Commissioners Clifford S ea ker Phil Edin P Mark C : ,hris n , te , Susan Herron, Richard I3elmer, Bonnie Owens. Absent: Roy Bonn Don Moen 'excused . , � ) STAFF - Planning Director Frank Currie; Associate Planner Jeremy Coursolle; City Attorney Ken Elliott; Clerk Typist Diane Jelderks. 3. The minutes of the 3une 22, 1982 Speeial Meeting were considerGd. Commissioner Speaker requ.ested in the future we state that we f�rwarded the names of three people, not three people. President Tepedino clarified his poin� on page 5 of the m3.nures �ahere h e feit there was a v 1 differenc� in the a , a id i ntent of th�. NP0 and t he interpretation of the records by the staff and �City Att4rney and that the intent of the concept was not evident in the writing. Commissioner Speaker moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, Commissioner Helmer seconded. Mo�ian approved by unanimous vote of Commi�sion present. 4. �OMMISSION COMMtTNICATION e President Tepedin� urelcomed Commiss3.oner Edin and requested staff to su�ply Commiss,ianer Edin w3th th� Tigard Municipal Code and NPO Plans� 5. PUBLxC I�EARINGS • �'resident Tepedinn opexted the Public Hearing by ree�ding �he usual statement of �uthority For tY►e pr�cedure to be follow�d in the � meeting. 5.1 SUBDIVISION S-10-81 C�N`PUitY 2I ��C���aS AtPU �f7 A request by Century 21 Hom.as for a slx--�month tirne e�tenston for approvals �ranted to Winterlak� Stzbdivisian a� Ju�y 17, 1981. Property is located between S.W, 130th & 135Ch, sauth of Scholls Ferry Rd. (W�TA4 2S1 33D lot 300, 500, 600, 60'l, 602) (a) PUBLIC HEARING QPENEI� • Associate Pla�nn.er Courscalle made staff's recommendation as per the memo to ttte Pianning Commission. Ttafs �.s a request �or an additional six months extension. The applicant is in the gr.oces� of working with the feasibility study on the tmprovemenGs of 13Sth and feel they need the additi:onal time. Staff fe�els their request has me.rit and would lika the Planning Commissicsn to �pprove the extension with the condition that no further approvals air permits sha11 be issued until a subdivision �pplicatian �s f��.ed with the City of Tigard Planning DepartmPnt. ; _ _ _ =--- __ - ----- • NPO Repoxt - No report was submitted by NPO ��7. e Applicant's Presentation - Robert Miller, Engineer for W3nterlake added that they have submitted public works imprave�ent plans to the City. Getting manpower on the �ob has been the ffiain cause for the request of the extension of time. (b) PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one spoke in favor or in opposition. (c) CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTAL • No comment. PUBLIC fIEARING CLOSED (d) COMMISSION DISCUSSTON ANI� ACTION • Commissioner Speaker questioned staff if there had been any changes in the area that would apply t� this application. � Associate Planner Coursolle stated the are3 was still undevelop�d. �lannin� Di,rectar noted ti�at there wa� a mix of zoning tn this approval' , but is still compatibl� with the Compxehensive Plan. � • Commissioner qwens wanted ta know ir the applic�nt wauld still have to ask .for an extension of time ifr the road study was completed. • Staff stated ttie �pplicant had other problems whieh xequlx°ed an ex�.�nsion on the time, su�h as the econor�y and availai�le manpower. e �ommissioner Ch�istexi moved and Commi�sioner Sgeak�r seconded for approval of the ��me ezct�nsian of six months on �:�an�xed Deve�opment S 10-$1 wi�h the conditi3n that n:o ftxrther apgrGUals or pe�mits shall be issued �n�il a subdivision applicati.on is f iZed with th�± City af �igard, Planning Department. Mmtian appr�oved by unanimous vote of Commission present. 5.2 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAIVNING ORGANIZATION ��'s 5, 6 and 7 APPOINTMENTS. A r�quest by various citizens w3.th the NFO 5, 6 and � areas to be appointerl as members. ' , � Associate Plann�r Couxsolle made the NP� Mernbership Interview �eam's � recommendat3on that the Planning Commis5ion forwarci the names nf the �even (7) people 3:isted be�.ow to €he City Council for me�abersh:ip approval. NPO �� 5 NPQ �� 6 NPO �f 7 John Sehwarts I,oren Tower Barbara Priest Craig Iiopkins �utxice Day I�ancy Re�bbins John. L��sdon PAGE 2 - PT�ANNIIVG GQMMTSST��1 MLNUTES - JULY 20, 1982 � __ _ ___ -- ---- • C�mmi�sioner Speaker commented he was delighted with the caliber of people coming forward and highly recommended the approval of the above individuals. Commissioner Speaker moved and Commissioner Herron seconded to forward the names of the above listed indivi�uals to the City Council for membership approval to the respective NPO's. Motion approved by unanimo�s vote of Commission present. 5.3 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 2-82 CENTURY 21 HOMES NPO ��2 A request by Century 21 Homes, Inc. for a preliminary and general plan review to allow construction of 39 single family detached units on 3.75 acres on property designated LTrban H�gh Density (A-20) on the City's Compr�hensive Plan Map. The property is located at 11820 and 11900 S.W. 908th Ave. (WCTM 1S1 35CD, lots 2200 & 2300) (a) PUBLIC HEAItING OPENED e Associate Planner Goursolle made staff's recommendation that the l�lanning Commission deny the preliminary and general plan review based on staff concerns regarding streets, traffic circulation, site �rainage anc� racreation.. He alsn stated the property is now designat�d Ur�an NTedium H.�.gh Densi*y on the Cc;mprehensive Plan. � Planning Director added that staff had m�t with th� applicaz�t on July 19, 19$2 and discussed concerns regardin� acc�ss and parking, priva.te versus public street, dr.ainage aRd traffic circulation. Basical.Zy, this is a prelimin�ry plan review9 w3th ti�e main, issue being single famil.y detach�d in a multi-fam3ly zoning. The �'lanning Director felt staff wauld be able to woa�k with the applicant on General Plan Revie��. Alsa, this wiZl be a phase project. a �IPQ Report - NPU ���2 3s inactive at the present time. • Applicant's Presentation - David Oringdulph, President of Century 21 Homes, In�c. , 7412 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Hw�y. stated they presentlq fiave app.roval for a 54 �nit attached con�iominium project. I1hat they are trying to do now is make th�m into cottages, caith the same square footage. Demographics �rom 1980 indicate that SO percent of the mar�.et will be single, married, married with one child or single with one child and rhese units will provide 3n �lternative to higher density living, as well a� providing affordable type h�using. They are trying to develo somethin the ma P g rket needs, they �teed anci the City of Tigard iteeds, �ie compared the streets they have praposed to the streets in Mounta�in Park, stating they have no complaints regarding the parking. He asked the Commissian to give them every consideration to th�ir staff repart. • Jim Palak, Architect, Century 21 Homes, 5256 Liberty Rd. S. , Sal.em, Oregon dist.ributed plans showing the concept o£ Phase I, which cansists of �ix units. He wax�ted to point out if S.W. Commercial was imp�cuved Chey would have to remove some of the old oak trees. Units are 1 1/2 stories, takittg up as little room on the lo� as possible, gi�ving a eottage feeling and saving as many trees as possible. All units have a single car garage. PAGE 3 - PLANNYNG CO2�SMTSSTON MINUTES - JUT,Y 20, 1982 � -__ — s Rohert Miller, Engineer, Century 21 Homes, stated they concurred with Frank Currie, that a Preliminary Plan Review is what they are really seeking and the G�neral Plan Review can .follow. He stated t�e problems they are having with streets are relative to Phase II and this can be worked out with the s�cond ,entrance. The drainage, he felt, could also be worked out with the General Plan Review along with street widths and parking. • David Oringdulph stated they needed a P�eliminary Plan Review primarily because of the time o� year and weather. In regards to open space, these are not family units; however, each lot has a minimum of 700 sq. ft. of rear yard. There is also a park 850 feet away for open space and play area. With regards to the parking requirements, they will restrict parking an one side on a one-way 24 � foot street and rai11 have adequate parking; two �arking spaces per unit. (b) PUBLIC TESTIMONY • No one spoke in favor. OPPOSITIOIrT o Edward Dawes, 11760 S.W. 9$th was not opposed to the buildin�; scheme. His main conce.rn taas drainage un Commercial where it runs alotig t;he side of th� railruad tracks. Iie stated �hPre is a manhole caver where the water comes up and stands abaut 6 to 12 in.ches deep. His second r_�ncern was traffic since 98�h Avenue is only 21 feeY wide. Iie �aas in favor ot op�ning up Commercial Street. � Reino iCo�ki, 11735 S.W. 98th, whi�:h is across from th� praposec3 development, does not ob3ect to the design of the homes Qr that this is a planned development. The primary �roblems is t�affic on 98th and he doesn't �ee much po3nt in having 36 ft roadways in. a development whieh empties onta an 18 to 20 ftm roari. Ha� feels traffic con.gestion shauld be �xamined very carefully. (c) CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBUTTAL • No comment. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED (d) COMMZSSTG?N DISCUSSIOI�' APTD ACTION • Commissioner Edin wanted to IC.11UW what khe City policy was whan streets gaing into a d�vslopment were nat up to C:Lty standards. • Planning D�.rector stated that �j�rst beaause srreets going into a development eaere not up to standard, daes not mea�2 the develapment streets do not h�.ve ta n�ee� standards. If tra£fic impact is too grea�, then a dev�loper may be required to mak� off site �.mpxavements. However, he d�!d not feel this was apprapri�te on this development. PAGE 4 - PLANNTNG GQMMZSSIO�T MI�ITJTES - JULY 20, 19$2 � _ _ • Al1 Commissioners wer.e concerned with the street wid�h, parking acr_ommodations and emergency vehicl'e access. Planning Director felt these issues could be handled under the General Plan Review when it is resubm3'tted. • Commissionex Herron eommented tliat the park which is available f�r open space use is across the rail�oad track and not eas�.ly accessible to from this location. • Both President Tepedino and Commissioner Speaker were concerned with the type of information that was submitted as a General Plan Review. They felt it might be better if the applicant resubmitted with more detailed intormation. s Planning Director expiained the applicant was actually looking for a Preliminary P1an Review on Phase I. If they receive approval then they eou?d return to the Planning Commission with a General Plan Rev3.ew to cover all items of cc�ncern. They t�asi.cally need Commission approval for this typs of hnusing In a multii--faan�.ly �one. • Commissionar Spe�ker asked staff what would be done to improve 98th Avenue. Planning Director felt the street was sufficient to handle devalapment. .Another possibility 3s to open Commercial from 95th Avenue to 9`8th Avenuea This would require getting easements from other propertq cawners. • Commissioner Helmer was cdneerned if we wa�ld h�ve any prc�blems with LCDC by decreasi.ng the numbex' of c�nit,; Associate Plar►ner Goursolle stated tliere would be no paoblems as they are proposing 9 e�nits to the acre. Pl�nning Director stated we are not changing the zon.ing, and are sti11 making it available, whicti is Cahat LCDG iequir.es. • Comm3ssioner Christen wanted to "Know �taff's Einal recommendat3on. Planning Direct:or stated the,y are a�king for 3pproval of a Preli.minary P�a.n Reviedr for Phasa I and II for the general conc�:pt of detached single �am�.iy units and that public imprnvemeczts .for Phase I �I woulc� come with the General. Plan Review, which would c�der all items in t�e Tigard Municipal Code. , e President Tepedino was concerned witt► the number of ch.anges that have I occurred with this appl.icatiort. Alse�, he do�s not want to get loc,ked ' into som.ething by approvin,� tl�e Preliminary P7.an Review. e Discus�tan fol.lowed amon� Commissioners, staff and the apgl�.cax�f. re�;a�din� contin�ing this item. az�d at'her possih�.e opttons for approvin� this �pplication. � Commissioner E?wens mo?cred and Commissioner 5peaker seconded to approve a Fre�.iminar.y Plan Review of PD 2-$2 Yhase I, with the sti�ulation that staff ancl a�p�icant wi11 worle tog�ther to addre�s and resolvs the issues of the code requir.ements on parking, emergency access, dratnage, street widtr. and cansideration given ta the interfaces associated with th� ].att�r phases of the development. The Commi�sion giv�s ten�ative approval of the general concept of cattage type housing in an A--20 Zone. I�Coti.on approved by unanim�ous vo�e of Comm:Css3on present. �'AGE 5 =- !?T�AI�NING COIrIk�YSSI01� I�XNUTES -� JULY 20, 1382 • City Attorney read Tigard Municipal Code 18.46.021b regarding Planned De�elopment. RECESS � 9:00 PeM. R�GONVENED - 9:15 P.M. 5.4 SIGN CODE REVISION - TITLE 16 ZOA 3-82 A request by the City of Tigard to revise the Sign Code, Title 16 of the T3gard Municipal Code. • St�ff requested this to be heard as a stuay item� • L3nda Sargent distributed the 71 drdinance, a matrix c�mparing the ordinances, a letter to tize Chamber of Commerce Sign Code Committee on concerns sta:ff has raised and a copy of a page that went out in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter regarding th:e revision of the Sign Code Ordinance. She stated that the members of the Sign Co�e Gommit�cee are Ch�ryl Kuhn, Ghaffiber of Commerce; Floyd �ergman; Allan Patterson; and 3erry Scott, S�gn Crafta �hey met on the 7th of July and will meet again Juty 28 at City Ha11. She then presented sli�les showing the t�pe of �igns in the Cityo e �iscussion followed regar3ing enforcement an� cc�mplianc�. � Ms. Saxgent reque$ted tirae for a iPuhlic Hearing ta review the revised ordinance. OTHER BUSTNESu , � There will be a special r�►eet3ng with the City Council, Planning Cozn�ission and Neighborhaod Planning Organization Chairpersons on, Au Aist lOth regarding the Comprehensive Plans � �s Commissioners requested status of house on McDonald Street. � Commissioners requested status of filling of floodplain on 74th and Durham. MEETTNG AD,JOURNED .A� 9:25 P.M. y , �---� Diane Jelderks ecretary � . �ti ��sx. . Tepedino, Planning Commission President PAGE 6 -- �LANNING COMMISSYON MINUTES - JUT�Y 20, �.98� �.l : .�-�,��� �. _ �'�.�--'�--°' f ' F'�ANNII�IG �OMM�SS�C�N RCJ3�I, C�1LL .. MF'FTTs�r, , D�.t� . � � �.,_ Fraz�k '.���a���.�?o� . � Clif�ord' Spea�C�r G�n n4�exY �,� ."".r ��i�t.c1�.l� �h,� . ,�..-- � ���� I�ark ��:�r�sten �u ran He��-nn • Ra_�Ina:rc� ���.,ixte:� .� Bc�r�a�ie C�u,�en� � Rc�y ��sxzz� ' � � , i TIGARD F'LANNING COMMISSTON July 20, 1982 - 7:30 p.M. Fdwler Jwnior High Sctaool - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Wa�.nut Streeta Tigard, -0re�on PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 �UBDIVISION S-10-$1 CENTURY 21 HOMES NP0 �� 7 A request by �entury 27: Homes for a six month time ex�ension for approvals granted to Winterlake Subdivxsion on July 17, 1981. Property is located between S.W. 13Qth & 135th, south of Scholls F�xry �td, (CTM 25� 33D �.ot 30Q, 500, 600, 60�., 502) 5.2 NE3GIiBORH00D PLANNTN� ORGANLZATZON ��'s 5, 6 and 7, APPaTN�MENTS A request by various citizens wathin tYae NPO ��`s 5, 6 �,ncl 7 areas to tne appointe.d as members. 5.3 PD 2-82 E'LANNED DEVELOPNIEN7' CENTURY 2Y. HUMES •- NPQ �� 2 I A request by Ceiztury 21 Hom�s, Inc., tor a re].iminar and $neral Ian P Y g F xe�iew to allaw con�tr.ucta.on of 39 �ingle faTnily detaehed units on 3.75 acres on prop�,rty designated Urban High Dex�sity {A-2Q) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map. The property is �.acated at 11820 cnd 11900 S.W. 98th A.v�nue (WCTM 1S'L 3.5CA, lots 2200 & 23!10� i � 5.4 ZOA 3-82 SIGN GQDE R�V�SIO�i - TITLE 16 II A request b�r the City of Ti�arcl to revise the Sign Gode, Title 16 of � the Ti ard Mun�ci al. Code. i � P � � � � ,� � � � � , A��IDAVBT OF ��1�L�CATION STRTE OF OR'EGON, � �OUNTY OF WASHINGTON, ss. I, :7ahn W e Mar1 ing _ _ _ __ _. -- -_.. _ .... __ . being first duly sworn, depose and say tlzet I am the publisher ..____ _.____.._.. __ of ThE: Tigard Times, a newspaper of general circulatiou, as defineci by OR5 193A10 and 193.020, published al 'Tigard, in the aforesaid county and state; khat the legal notice, a printe<i copy of which is hereta annexed, was pub:isFied in t,ie entire issue of said uewsp:�per foc __.�n� successive and eonsecuti+re weetcs in the tollowing i:su __. July L�, 1982 _ __.. -- — ---__ _ __ . - - _._..____ �. -- . _ _ _.. _____..._ . . �. , ..___ __.'°`� i • (S4gnature) S�ascrihed and swaza io before�-m-�e �h s _. �z_ _ _ _... day of _.. .. '� 1 � Ju1.y i���. � /�!' _ _ ,., ,. , y- � -- � �i> ��� �i ��� , �,., -� _1 . _.._ . 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G�i fy&Y6 ---- I ` 4a'ds�&'�I�i�'wy�w�r��bl��'ttla T % 9/8 2 � .;�Yb'��`����JI�3t�"''�s`t,'..t ' successiva� tin�i consecutive 1SSU� , t>n �hc loliuwinK daite:;. �_ / _"_ I ����;��3�tl �&f€tav€3SCn+i�•k � ..���'Lf a�eidSlt�l¢1�R f+k1,�t.={V��1:�'Yf@pF .'t �o.,.P_____ev_....._._.._._�.e.._._�__ . T_.__ _� _��.—__'�—.___�.�.— `�-�'-' ���- j � V V'('� ... �,Ld'���.� l/ --�Pnm'ipai i:lcrk UI Thc Yubl�shcr � �� /'J July 82 Subscribcd:sod sworn to bcfore mr this �.d��lu��ul �„—:•.�—�.— '9 -_ ,--��% � •�j i ._��G `—'t�'��`•c;�-!./�1'��r` ti` � fJol.iry Yu6Gr(or�r•�;on �+/ �o�nmi�siQn Ezpires Juip:�s.�,,�a NFv Commisniun cxp�irn�_ �..-. ���-- P-Y7�� i 3�P"1'E�—�°'2`(��- _--�--s�.+._._._� . `I'.E��32,'i:x ,PIs,�1NN2N� �:(a1`/l1+��SSIGI�T .�'.��ZGN T.��� S�3i`��T j . . 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Y�TAbiF ar�� na�e -thei� �addx�:ss. e�n ��:�s sh�et� �?'lease Pz:in� yc��a�: nas�1�) :�",�'F�M�fi�S�SCR:CPTZON� � ' _� �4.�`T'� �"°_,�„�,. , ``� 7 )�..__._._..�_.�..�..._...__,._..._ . � ,� ...,�} �v._ �.._..r.:'��...w.--.__ .�, ..____.. -. - t� :�4�NE Z�T'L` (�c-��:i xi s t��..._._______...�...._._....w._..._.___......� �. �'tiCC:t.��N�N'I' (i e,ax:) � a II, .�......�...�,..e.......,.__ ___.,._.>.._.�..,_._...�..��..�...�.� ...._._..._...� .,_.,� _.._.__......a..._...._.._�....._..a...�..�_,....�...,.��._._..., ,�.... , . .. i.�Y��rt�,, �y�t�c�x�:.s �.szd �f�:�1:ia�.ior � Nam�, l�r�,sze:,s a�:,r� �'��::�'i�.:i.�,•#„��n: � � .....a..r�.....�n�.r�w�.=nf+w��...:w��+�++V�r.+.�..0 .rr+�e..e+^a�..��+++. w.. . . . . u.rr. wam•.+nwur..+r+.L . x XfX:4�Yf�C�1rt:Mr^9�' �1�.`maVCt.4+c:Ar4w. e ' .�w+w+rn.�.�.�.�....n�..�w , u..r —— +r�+rw�e.u�.�.r�.raa�',w►rns��v�� , . . . c►r�wahr-l.t+ 1Rn�f�r . / -_ __—rwn.r�+�+�rr.�r���rr�uv�r.rs .. �..�rn�� , . .yr�+rw����nf.�'�fwwaw�w�rnr�.�.^`+r�a�� -iTrewrl�siwrws�yyy�ww�e�y � � . � ��.-��+�� . ��`��e��ir�w�i.vrr.nr� �+a�+a�r+�rt+l��.�+4tw . . . . . . . . ��+�.'s-tiw . . (ti�nY� . .. l . . . .. .wnww..+�+n.NYw+r��� ..`... . . . � . � MEMORANDUM: T0: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNTNG STAF� RE: W'interlake,: Subdivi�ion Time Eactension S 10-81 On June 23, 1980 the Gity Co.uncil approved a Planned Development for Flinter- lake Subdivision. On July 7, 1981, the Tigard, P1.anning G�mma.ss�.An �ranted a one year time e�tension to Century 21 Home.s for approval of th� P1an�ned Developme�t for Winte�lak� with new lotting and a minor. chan�ge. k'allowing that approval, the applicant was Y.o £ile an application rec�uestin� subdivis�,on apgraval. The �itq has no record of this application on fi1e. At t�iis time tt�e applti.cant is requesting a six month time extension for approv�:7L o� the Plannecl De��lopc�ent `S 1J-81, 'Winterla�.e in ord�r to de�ermine the � future of �ancr�f� improvements of 135th and coordinate �he engineering for gix�lic improvements. Tt�e applicant has indi�ated to staff that public improvement plans are to be submitted to the City°s Engii�eerin.g Division sc��ns Staff recommends the Plannin� Commiss�.on extend the approval for Winter�ake Planned Developme�� S-1Q-8Y for six months caith the fol�.awing c�ndition: Za Ido further approvals or permits sha11 be issued,until a su�idivision applicataan is filed with the City uf Tigard Plann.ing Department. MINUTES TTG�.RD PLANNING CQMMTSSTON �Tuly 7► �.g8�. Pa�� 2 citma an Item 5.5,has the same etsect. ' ' CO�IISSIONAISCIISSION A�1D .AC_,�,TIOI�: Herron questiAned the need Yar this tiype of bui�insse'"in� the a�cea: KoX].e�as agreed� but ackaowledged there is no-apparent opposition from the merchants in the P1�2a. Spaakc�r Yelt ff the applic�nt could satiefy the doctor above the business there could aot b� much eQrious ob�ection to its can�ia�uance, aabd MOVED approval of Conditional IIee CII 4-$�► b��� �� the eta�i re�ux°t and r��ommenda�.ions. Helmer sect���.ecl thc� m�t�ons �rh3.ch carried unaaimouely. _ . _ . . �; , , . 5.z st�BDivz�xort s io-81 wixTnt �nx�/c�xy zi , _ �pa *7 A requ��t by Pentury 21. for� a time exten�io�, n�rr lAtting ans3 a minor cha�;ge to YYinter I.ake Planne�d Diatrict Dewel- op�ent locat�rd at �he aast sid� qf 1,3�th and� t�►e:•west side � A� a.�o��. �va��. co. m�c M�:� i,sl 3��, �,ot� 3�� Soo> 6oi, 60�. Hoarard read a l.etter frclm J'o� INaleh� Plauning D�.rector of Weker Ae�ociates, Inc>, d��ed M�y 8 outll�ing r�a.sons fcrr, tha e�tension �� ' pex°missioaa ta pur�ue cl@v�lopmeat o�, ttxis eutadivieion by �ha nerr orrners. IIo�ar� pointed out tks�t on �h� a��nda thie es�en.ir�$ �s a requ��t by �he Un�.f:Led �ave�a,ge Jlgazacy Ior per�il.��ion �o in�tal.7L � lar$er line into thia a�°��.o asnsA that se�rer capaci,ti�r h�a �i:uaitq�...deve].opnaent he�retafore. F�� �epor�ted �hey a.r� aek�..ng for' a one uni� decrea+ge in the p�eviouely k be V�n ��rpraved densityr Staff�'� recamaendation is tha�t appa�ovmil. gi fa� � on�-year exten�ion of t1n� subdi'vi;�s3.on� and to t�he plat for one leaa unit than previou�sly �pproved. ! A�'PLIC.AI�T'.��5 PRESII�iTATION: Joe Wal�h of 6Yak�r uAssoci.a�e� sxp�ained that a boundmx�y' eurvey changed same caf the lc�ts. He S�3.t t��.� is a bettex� plaa ths�n the previons one. There rra� no PtfBLIC T�.STIMONY o�te�ed. COMMISSIQN DxSCUS I023 AND AC,,,,,,TI(7Ns Moon, whi.le feel�.ng �ho deneity is on the high��de, el� we ehould not change i� nox �.n mid:atreama especia2ly s�nce they at�e r�duain� the den��ity if axily s�i�b�ty. Owens �aaported car�sidera�ions o� NPO #? and st�ted while thay d�.d �pprove th� deneity, they may have $ome concerns on Phase T� when, it comes before the Commie�ion. Herron 1ROVED approxal af ea�teasion o!f SubdiYisien S �.0-81 for o�.e year, and approva� of the revised pla� sbowing ane �ewer uni.bs. Tha motion wa� second�d by He�.mer and unanimously app�raved« t , _. _ . � � ��A . : �IVT'ER TH� WORLD C)F CENTIJRY �1 �°�OMES June 30, 15�2 City af Tigard Tigard Planni:ng Commi:s.s�on P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 9722'3 RE: Winterlake Subdivision W.e request a time exten�i.crr af subdivisi.on S10��1 , Wi�nterlake. The reason for the extension is �o determine the future af Ban� croft improvemen�s a� 135ti� nou� in des�gn, and to coor°dinate the engineerirg don� by Waker Assoc7ates with what rema�ns for public improvements. 4laker Associates has advised us that their staff re- �I quirements will �rohi'6it the7r completian of engineering drawings '� on time: We hope to find staff to auqr�ent and actually complete ttr� drawings 'efore the �u1y 17th date, bu� will need the exten�ion shoul d �ae,f�� � < � Res"ec��fu ours, � y .� � , avi:d L» Qringdulph, Pre�ident ' Century 21 Homes., I�c. � � � �qLO/clp ---r— -- - CEN7'URY 21 HOM�S � 7412 S.W.BeavertoPi Hilfsdule HWy.�Suite t92 • Partland,Otego�I 97215 : (503)297=1493 , � it � � . � � . . ik' . . . .. . . . .. . . . . � . . � . . . �� �'� . . . .. . . �. . . . _ . . . � . . � � .. � � �.: � . . �t . . . . . � � . . . . : �� ' � �"• . � , � � . � � . . . .. . . . . � � . .. � � � . . . � . ��,� � .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . , . . ' � . . .. ,t�.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . �. . . . . �� � . . .. � .. . .. : � � � � .. .� . . . . . �. ���������� .� . Ju.ly 14 , 19 81 WASHING70N COUNTY,OR6Gat� Joe Walsh Pl,annin� Directar Waker Z�s�oc:�.a�es, Inc. 11080 SW A11eI1 Blvd� Suite 100 Beaverton, OregAn 97d05 Dear Mr. Walsh: 12e: Subdivisic�n S 10-81 Winter Lake Please be aav�s�a that the T�gard Planning Comznissiar� at their r�gul.ar aneeti.ng of July 7, 1981 appres�ea yaur request . �or a time exten�ion, new lotti.ng and a minor chang� to inTi,�ter Lake Plann�ed District D�velopment based on st��f fi�xdings and recommen,dat�'ons v Yau may nc�w file an applicatiQn reque�ting subdivision approval ,I�i from tY�e Planning I�epaxtment, A fee af $8�5.00 is r�quired ,I, ! �c�r this appl.a.ca��on. I� If we a� be of any fixrth�r assa.stanc�, ple�.se do not. h�sztate to �ontact this office at 63y-4171. Sin� , / • r' � , ..,..r lds.e H[ a� P1.ana�i arector � . I�Hsmr encl.. 12420 S,kV. MAIN P,O. BOX 23397 TIGAI2D{ OREGON 97223 PH: .b39-4171 ' _ � I �� July fr; 1982 ' . NIDNIORANDTJM TO� PXanning Commission ` FROM: Planning Department�`� SUB�7ECT: NPU Membership' AAi�ointments . The NPO MEmbership Interwiew Team recently interviewed seven (7) people for mernbership to NPO 's #5, 6 and 7, The seven ('7) peaple are: NPO #5 Npp #6 Np�p #7 ' ; 1. ,7ohn Schv�rartz l. Loren Tower 1. Bar�ara Priest 2. Craig Hopkins 2. Eunice Day 2. N�ncy Robbins ; 3. sohn I�ogsdon , ; All of these people live within the Tigard City limits. :; i i Recommended Action; `j The NPO Membership Interview Team r�coiT�nends that the Planning Commissi�n foxw�rd the names of these seven (7) ��ople �to tre City Council for membership appraval to each applicable NP�. ;, � � �� ,, � _ _ , , _ . ,, . . , ,. , . 't:�' °� . ��� �.r�, .�, � � � � � �-�-, �: N P O A P P L I C A T I O N � (�2GP.52'YON. Iti'§�at sere I�PO's? ' , . A\S1;L;K: The functi.on of eacl� NPO is to be invol've�I 3.n all pl�as�s of zhe Compr�hetasive Planning' process �.nd the impl.ementa�i.on of thos� • pla�is; to revi.eu C�.ty plans; policies, projects or other actS.ons af fectin� the livabil�ty oi the neiglil�arhood.. includa.ng�, but inot limited tn, lund use, zoningp housing, commuetity, flci].iities, human xesources, socf�l and recreational p'rograms, �raffic a:nd transportatzon, env�rat�- . r.:r:nt.2 quality, open space and par�:s; tn participate in the pxocess . . of �lotermining City priorities for cnpa,tal improvements and clevel.opment , oi s�ec3iic pra�eet plans; to keep the neighborhood infoxmed; to seek , neighborhood op�:nton on issues brought beioz�e them; �o xepresent the - , vi��vs of �he neightsorhood in mat�ers of extra neighborhooci importa;nee, PL�PSE CQb1PS�ETE T}tE QLTESTIUNS B�I.QtiY ' . � .. . , , ;� . . • . .' � , . .; ,� r. , / . 1�Ta�tE �d�KI ,Gv�ll�t /Zm... ADDRESS /S��U ��`+J� �� . , .. - • : �s'.O�t c� �i�' � . . . - -- . TkL1EF.HQIVE NUdII9ETi �Bus,.) .. Res. 1� o • . . e 3 c� _ ��� �-��l �- . . _..�.�.. . . . . / -._�t� �RESFNT OL"CUY'1lTI�Y . � ; , e ��/,e: . ' • � � d . -- /U S a6 71�� . • ��---�--�--�-� . , � • �`I Rbi Ir°A111E .�i�,�a L.d i'•� -,�-'i'•� � �r s�, ' � . � ' E�A{� I.ONC TI14�E YUU k1F,I:tV EbSPLOYED Z7ITFI `T.�IYS FIR61?�,�'�y/L3 .� , � , . . I� TkIIS COMPAI`�Y LUCtlY'�IA �YITHISt YOUE� IVPQ AREA? • C__=_j a/ T��"'� '. ' ' HAVE 7COU B]�EN.,INVOI�'ft'�A {VTTFi MUNTCIPAL OP�RFITJ[0_�RE? c�.�� 7CF YES, PLEAS� EXPY,AYId YOUR IIJVOIL'VEI�I�NT: LCE,. G��c�Q . • _._:Q.11 ��✓rlQ t I.c.. °!1'ar�.�'s C�" � ��K- __��`.S� �^ -, ti . . •: fi�fi�T DA YOii �'EEL �OU CAN 0F�'ER A, biEl�I��R A� AN Iv'Pi7? /,�� ���' _ . I __�.--��-�-�-.�_____... � �' X��.e�c e. � -_�---�_,'�� ' ._,_ ' .r�.�..�J ..s.�%� :rt��J . ,�-,. . . � /L.. ,� e Hs 1'� ,,■.. •L „�,,, • � .. [ '�,o.e cc...✓i'�-�, �:DT)71�iONI�L CoAfMriQT : � -.-_._ ._ — -- - ___--__-_.----_— � � ' . ' � ;, ' � " ' `.__._._ v ..._........,._..._.. DAt"I'71�E; 'I'EL��'}IO�.�'F, �iCJ��lEl�it 6 O ���� � � . _ . . _ _ _ _ � �_�.._.�..�_.�...:-�_..�__.,: ...: ._... ...,�..�� _ _ _ _ � � �'� , F � INVEiVTORX OF CITIZEi�S , � Su�„neested �or Community Service : i DATE �G'b Z ��18 2 ' I r . /� � , 1V1�.'�tE `Y�L�� ���tG I I�f.S __RE S. PHOr1E �3q��g 2 3 c�JDR�SS ��'���J 5G►� vc�Y'irl>S BUS. PHONE ��'�" G,�;S 3-GY�a ' LENGTH OF RF:SIDENCE IN TIGARD �� y� - SUGGES'.CED BY Ne(q11 ��YS `����v�, :- __ �IHERE DtD XOU- LIVE PREVIOUSLY? � ` AGE �S MARITAL STATI3S Iti/��4YYtec:Q � CHILDRE� �Wc� - EDf�CAT•ZaNAL BACKGROUIVD F�t� ►1 Sc�aO� �Vv,�• � I►11(ee '�'Yad(�. ,�����§ C/UT�R� �V�N�jct ����ST"( -, .��tt�C� ` ��,Ylot�.� �licy Gat�rsc� �k� �2�� c�t'���m(��ute�t� r�CCUP�TIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND Cc.l�(Ye�rl� � ��( � �q��'���'� �'''���1 (� • ( ..! -. �-��� r� w � CO �lN 4t� �1�!(c,� � �a'1.GtY� Oc.1LtGV�=►'!�t . �"4�1M��' �1�. !b� �� �� ��t���j4S �VLG � �'w �j�"�� cc�St� �/�'/N�i��YWi# �j.sle.� YG1�4. ��_ �,��i��l'.c��tc�al o e�ql�e�S �'► .. . y. . �^'1. . �-�--_�.. ` . ` �5 . ���v�ous ca�utiz.�rY .A.cTZV��r� �e���Cccc�t �Y'�� ��etv��� � '°� �t�t��r- �.� � lv�s . ��+���Y I��u��Y �� T�I��rL��� d ar l�l�.��b �� " �'a�r�u,. � 6a �Y ��' G�,� �"��I,�S sc�La�� �N �!�t*t C�VC �►'��I���G �t t��v�Pt�s 1 . ' RG4NIZ�TIOI�S AND �FFI�ES �t( ��GS .���J �•�. �f C'yYYe�,�q,"� �Ir`e� .-- �c1,�rlt�evQ� '�tt, �Yc G�c+.�� Gut�t Cfu,� � �.(�c�� �f �ay�� �-��� �"�► - C�.�:vY�w ��4��� ��-����;� ��� C�: - - - . . ,� v�' , T;iER INFO IATZt7N GENER.AL REMARKS � b2�(�ei� Y�eS dulSt��P �iTt2N: �t�.c60I��1M� R� ( � A � � � � ��c ��,�r�cess , �af �sh�,�-�.�te� Lc�e� � i� e�sc��rq�( � °f�,;r �e�� , o'� �! Ua(' ������ . OARDS 0� C:0�9MITTEES INTEREST�p Ir3 I� Pd �� • � � ate R�ceived at City Ha11 Date ZnCerviec�ed ' ate Apgoi.n�ed Board o•r Cc�c!�c�.a.kt�e � � IIV'S1:D� CxT�� OU`��IDE CiT`� Y \,ra {._ -1 i ` INVEi�TTQRY OF CTT7ZENS ° (� i t �� Sug�,ested for Communzty Service ' DATE- �ANL�f�I�Y ��,1�1�2 �va��r� � �c�1�,r�� `�. ���.�c�r�t x�s . Pxor,E__�C���i��t�`i t1DDRESS ~(S�C7 �� �., e*��' �� �C i e�. C`��� �US. PHONE _�j C9`�Z� ��-----._.�_._,._ LENGTEI -0F RESIDENC� IN TIG�r -5 SUGGESTED BY � ��—•--- , �nTHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? C��,�e��,�,�y � � - - L�GE �`�.... MARTTAL STATUS • . . ' �, �'Y�G.,�-r�,e c�. CHILDREN� '2., EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND : ['���`�'1�., j;�t.i,�v�,r�t�' c� �;I� �-�tu�c oys ' .�..�ee.'� � �`�lnri � '�` i -C-�,tCZ_ -- ' -�,e. r�� C�Cz.�.' i3CCUpATIQNAL STAT'US AND BACKGROUND �c �l �. �,� � �,, � ,�,� •� -�� `.�i�Q� � � . � C�.✓' t� e.e,�'' , L .es�.�'. �t � vv�euy-� t �e�u-t� � Dr (`Y7b-1 7� U.�it�t.. �d4cci,o� ' L�irc �i �-� �-s-v�`�..�: ! a �c�.v���� ��� � -j-�, -�- � ���a�,�,� �c� �w.����_e_v���U�v�,_v���� PREVIOU5 �OMtNNIT� ACTIG'ITY t�� �C.C�,c' C��.S�. "�i.� -�-r— ��r� `�"���:�-Z J:,,�,i . , '_,;— RG.4NIZATIJNS ANI3 QFFICES_ Mr�a•w'� �t�� ��,rti�,,�,� ��c.le-� � `�p�� �yt��^ � _� �, ���w�� ��OTHER IN�'ORI�iATIQN (GENERAL RE�KS) � .----� � o st::y� r �a t�;,v�.i � t t rc. �e ��-k �4� C,�..�....�-��:.�°`'�,� � . t "�� l.W�.E.�.��, 1����r-4�,�t�:1/ �' �t�.��... 4 � v.s� � �.�� G��.O����l.i'C ���.� ri 5 occ.�-� � � �'1��� �o c� ������a-� —�4 -..,�- C' S'P�.-�St)�� l`� �Cxh"'c�t u�cc.`�'�r.:,C/ ���,,: �L�-��, � ` o �. v.��-�..�.11�. -� � (�-� d �1 1 V+.�l.7CJ � 4�. G'�' �'�L� G ~ '`�_ + L t.�f�,.....`��"'�.�,_„V\.�W�2 u�c?, ��YSrV.�. l l�. Ctfc`�.1 1't �..,�,, � Q� { �Y�J �.�,��'^�� I m2._�i._� �,t � � � � . I BO:�DS OR G(�i1MITTEES INTERESTFD Il�I_ N�� �-� . . 7ate RecQZVed at CiCy HaZ�. DaCe Izzter�ri�c�red aa Ce Agpoi.�z�ed Boazci or Commi t tee tNS IDE C XT�' OU�'S ID:� C xT'Y . � _ _ — -=— � ��� TNVENTORY OF' CTTIZENS ' _Suggested for Commun�.ty Service TiATE - j�-� � �a ' ivAME L.-�J�E e✓ �d WEFt' RES.�PHQNE �39 a 5 ,� � ADDRESS�p,U '�/C.� �_�.�r _ /1'1 C' �oiYf�[.p BUS. PHONE LENGT�-T OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD 3� y�,�s SUGGESTED BY , WHERE 'DID XOU LSVE PREVIOUSLY? }��� � T L A ivD EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND �E��o,� /�y �-� .��e` J� ' � ��..L� - �.�i T!_i`?`N 77 5�� OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND ���-���-� J�,��L��D I�d.IC /nAiV j � �1L�S � SS'G� C/r�T�" �:1 . �. %�T'c%' S'0�1/ �F�1 L..'7""Y 1,_ I /.C/�'RfD rREVIC�US COMMUI�IITY ACTIVTTY �jL.�.rivT�E'2 �l 2 C,M!-�.�/ /9�5��7�� C� �.� S'��� J� � �`� r. v � :S � � "s k' ' . I . � GRGAI�IZATI(JNS AND QFF'ICES �2- . = U. R-s Gc,� �s'E � � OTH�R INk'URM4�IQN (GEN�RAL REMAF�KS} BOARDS OR �OMMIT'TEES INTEREST�D IIV ' NJ���� Date R�ceived at City HaJ,l �f�'��,, �iate Ztaterviewed Date Appoi.ra�ed Fsoard or Committee IN:ID� CTZ'Y GUTSIDE CTTX . . . �I ..,�� .,_��=:.t�-,..�-- �...,....:- � . _ -��r��:� G " �� , INVENTqRY OF CITIZEIJS ' Suggeste� for Communzt� Service April 14� 19$2 � UATE � t3AME �unice N. Day RES. PH�NE^620-0�i43 ADDRESS 15940 SW C�ak Meadow Lane' Tigard BUS. PHONE LENGTH OF' RESIDENCE IN TIGARD 3 years SUGGESTEn BY �ane Miller WHERE DID XQU LIVE PREVTOUSLY? Beavert on, Oregon EDUCATl'ONAL BACK'"�tOUND Three Years college, Majoring in Business Ed . at University of Idaho OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AtJp BACKGROUND Retired fram secretarial staff, Durham Plant, Unified Sewerage Agency rREVI0U5 COMMUi�TTY ACT�VTTY None � . GRGANI7ATIONS AND OFFICES ^ Summerfield Lzasson Committee Member � _.__I .___.____�. 0'�HER ]:NFORMATION (f�ENERAL REMARKS) ... —� Interest�d in Planning BOARDS QR Ct7l�MITTE�S INTERESTED IN NPO '�/�, • Date R�ceiv�e�, at City Hall � I �_ Dat� Interviewed _ _ Date Appointed � Board or Commi.ttee INSZDE CITY � GUTSTDE CTTY I� , � � �, �d �. INVENTORY OF C�'�'I'LENS � Su��ested for C�mmunity Service UAT.E a-�f(o �g,�, t3�1ME ��i�2c�.,�./� �.P-��sT RES. PHQNE 1�.�� Sc?�1'�� i�DDRESS IC�`7l� <.�ul ,��r�;�.t�1��3 ��/-� � BUS. PHONE I7P� --��?�Q LENGTH OF RESIDF.NCE IN TIGARD .���,�, SUGGESTED BY r���� N�-t-�d�r� � WFiERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? �,�-i�>�(�(��� - EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Jm c: S� �u✓1 / ✓���a�.r�.� _ -,�,�..�.w.__� ��� , OCCUPATIONAL STATUS A�ID BACFCGROUND ��,t� l,,cY1��t��"�t r�"(>'s���t�-r�" G-�ura� 7�.�=.-!�f' .�i , - " `' � � �-z,� �/ ,- a, r .�1„GL- (/ I � � YREVTOUS CCJMMUNITY ACTIVTTY :; . :�✓� � -�-a. � �' . n � . _��'�.�.�.. ���7'1"S^�,�,es'v�i /?'L.B�.��Z ri�r� °�--- c GRGANIZATIOI�JS AND OF'F'ICES �; -��� ,�;������..t�v�1 r,L ('�.,��,r.c�q�_�ct�c:���� �%9.�_..�' '�Gr�"' !? r :,, r � �' .- i ¢ .� qT�ER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKSa � � — $OARDS OR COMMIZ'T�ES INTERESTED IN _�./.�� � �f�.��P.�.a� �.t�����.i: C�r?�rr�2ut.i���.�1�..� Date Re ceived at City Hall ��� ' -' �iate Interviewed Date Appoitited __ Board or Gommittee INSIDE CITY � CiUTSI�E CITY _ _ � . •.. . . �" ��� p _ `•, ` . _ ' ,. A. . . � N � O A P P L I C A T Y O N QUt;SZ'7fON: 1Yhat arc rP0�5y , . , , ;.iS1�iI:R: Th,e afunctio�► of each NPO is to �c znvol�ecl a.n a1J. Pbases of t1�c Comprehensive Planning process and' the ,implementation of those pl:ecis• to revie�i� City pXans; poXicaes,' pxo3ects or other act3.ons affectzng the livabi.lit�+ ot the neighbarhood.. i.nclucling, but not Izmited . to, land use, zonino, housing. comrouni'Ly, facili.t'i.es, human resources, social and recreational pirogra•ms, traific and transportation, env�.roh- • n:cmt�l qua].ity, open space and parks„ to participate in th� pxocess • . , ,of determin3�n� City pri.ox'ities for ca�ital �.�provements and clevelopmei�t oi ��ecific pro3ect plans; to keep the neighborhpod f,nformed; to seelc . • neighborhood opinion on 3ssues brought 'before them; to represent Lhe • wi�svs of the neighborhaod in matters of extra neighborhood impoxta;nce. ' � PL��SE COb4P'LETE THJE (�UESTIDNS BELOW ` • , . . Ka�� . ' �nxESS i c�l �'-� 5�.�,.l� �1.�v�rrzrrrt..e�'c� � . . � � . . . . , ,. � x..c�..� � : , . ' . . -- T�L�pxorrs xuuB��a (�.:) (��t� V�1���,I �, � .) _ . . . e ' f>RESENT OCCIIPATZON `, :1r�1 p t I�„�'j ,.3,. . � �._ • Fx Rht NAbiE °�."""""._-' .. - ----- - - ._._... � ' �i0�5 LONG HA'YE YOU �EEN Eb1PI,0YED WITH TIiIB FTRd�i?^ - ' � . Y5 iHYS CObiPAI�7C LO�AT�D bYTTELIN XOtIR NPO AR�F1? .•—p-°°---_ • • • � ' RAVE YOT! ��EN.%NITOLVED S1'ITH DSUNICYPAL OPERfiT7Lt1N5 BE7FpR�?�V��) - a�' YF YES, PT,EAS� EXPLAIP� YG�UR xNVOY,VEbI�NT: (b�-� :ti � � • _.__._.— -_--_._.*,.�._..:_._,_.�__;_, {;'FIAT AC7 'YOU FETL `XOU CAN OFFER AS A bfEMIEiLiZ OF AN 23PA?_� ��!lYV�.. . .. �..�-_�`a.�.-���,_�.�3�._.�:�5.��.. �� C�-. . �� ���.s��..�—�s�.,�^`� . _ _.-� _.� �..�.. . '.f.-_-�� . . .�._____ �:�rr,r�.�rot1��, cQti��tr�wrs: .. — ._._._ � __ r , . ' . _.- - � .__._.__.._. _ � DAY'1'X 1�F: �'�L�PFIO`lF NUJ1DEii c�d '"".Z'f'� —. � STAEF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.3 TIGARA, PLANNING COMMISSION July 20, 1982 - 7s30 P.M. �owler Junior High School 10865 S,W. Walnut, Tigard, Oregon July 15, 1982 A. FACTS• 1. General. Information Case: PD 2-82 Preliminairy Plan Review NPO �� 2 Request: A request by Century 21 Homes, Tnc., fox a preliminary and general pJ_an reviPw to a2�:ow construction of 39 single fami2y d:etached units on �.75 a,crss on proper�y designated Urban High Bensity (A-20) on the City`s Comprehensive Plan. Map. Th� property i is 1oc.ated at 1:1�2� and 11900 S.W. 9$th Ave. (WGTM 15�. 35CD,, Lots 2200 & 2300) Recommendatio�: Based on staff's analysis and information suppli.ed by the applicant, staff recommen�ls the Planning Cotmnission. deny tl�e p�roposal as submitted and request the applicaYxt su�mit a revised site plani. Applicant; Century 'L1 Homes, Inc. 7412 S.W. ,Beaverton Hillsdale I�wy. S-1�.2 Portland, Oregon 97225 Owner: Same Locatioxi� 11$20 & 11900 S.W. 98th Avenue (WCTM 1S:L 35CD lot 2200 & 23v0) Lot �.rea: �•75 acres Camprehensive Plan �esi�gnation: High Den.sit�: Residential Pr�sent Zoning Designation: A--20 Multi-Family NPO Gomment: 1VP0 4� 2 is currentZy i.�zactive and was noL abl.e to comment on this matter. l�ublic Notices Mailed: 16 notices �iere mailede Na counnents have been zeceived at �he writi�.g of this repoxt. 2, 1'',ack rouncl Qn �Iay 19, 1980, th.e Tigard City Council appravec� a Camprehe�xsive P1an Revxsion frnm R-7 Single Familq Residential to A-20 PD "Multi-Eamily Planned Development" faz the subject praperty. , --- I STAFF REPORT PA Z-82 Pa�e 2 3. Vicinity Intormation The surronndinig land uses are as follows; � The land to the north is developed as single family residentia].. i The subject �ite is bordered on the south by the Soiithern Pacific Railroad. � The are� to the east is �oned as singl.e family residential. • The arPa [o the �rest is vacant and zoned for si.ngle fama,ly residentia�.o 4� Site Tnformatiora Presently, thexe is a garage stxuctur� on the site wh�.ch wi11 be removed. The site slo.pes tc� the south and is gzass cuvered with some �ine �nd nak �rees. B. APPI.ICABLE PL.ANN]�NG GOALS: 1. LCD� Sta�tewide Plannin� �oal,s. a. Citizen Involvement: Goa1 �1� 1 - the in�ent of tYri.s gnal is t� in.sure tt�e opportunity for c:itizens to be in�ro'lved in all phases of the planning gracess. Notices wer� sent to all �roper�y owne.r� of record within 250 feet o£ the site. A public notice was publistYed in the Oregonian on July 9, 19$2. b. Land Use: Goal � 2 - All applicable LGDG Goal� and Guideline, NPQ �� 2 policies and Tigard Municipal Code sections were considered in reyiew o£ this application. c. Recreational Neecis: Goal �� 8 - The intent of the goal is to provide far the recreational needs of the citizetes of the community. The applicant h�s not praposed alay community re�creation areas or facilities far the project. d. Housing: Goal �� 1.0 - The intent c�f this goal is to provide foa� Che housing needs of the citizens of the state. The type of housing proposed c►n thzs site is ixnique in that the units wi11 be detached units in a multi-family zone. ThP 1ot s�.zes proposed wi11 range from 2,162 �q. ft. to 4,537 sq. ft. . Ttiis type of h�using will a11ow individuals to purchase a detached unit on a smaller J.ot at 1.ess cost than a typical detached unit on a larger 1ot, e. Public Facili�ies: Goal �� 11 - Tl�e a.nten.t �f this goa1. is to insuxe that public facilities including water and sewer are adequate. There is an 8" sewer line in S,W. 98th. Water is availa�le. � _ _ _... STAFF REPORT PD 2-82 Page 3 f. Transportation: Goal �� 12 - The intent of this goal is to provide a safp, convenient and ec�nomic transportation sysEem. The site wou`ld be accessible via 98th and an extension of the e�isting S.W� Commercial Street. Staff would requixe the developer to extertd Cammexcial Street in front of the site to connect 98th Street to 95th Street to al�ow for better traffic circulation in the area. Full street improvements will be required on S.W. Commerci.al in front o£ the site with a twenty fooC wide travel lane to S.W. 95th and half street impxovements will be required on S.W. 98th. Staff is concerned with the interior circulation pattern shown �n �he �1an sub�itted by the applicant. 2. NPO �� 2 Policies POLICY 9« Urban medium density residential areas will be developed �ith paved stre�tsy curbs and gutters, and wa�kways, according to City or county standards. All utilities wi1Z be ptaae� underground. POLICY 1.0. Development will coincide with the �rovision 4f public streeL-s, watet and sewerage facilities. These facilities sha11 �e (a) capable of adequately serving alI intervening properties as well as the proposed development; and (b) desig�ed to meet City or county standa�ds. POLICY 11. Planned unit development wiYl be encouraged on tracts lar�e enough ta accomodate ten or more dwelZings. F1a�ned unit deve�opment wi�1 permit a degree of fle�ibility in design that wi11 enable a high quality of development in acaorciance with zoning standards� POLIC� �2. Site pl,ans wi11 provide for adequate open space ta (a) protect adjacenk proper�ies; and (b) provide ample yard space for residents and play spaae for youngsters. POLICY 13. High design standards will be established for signing and appearance, including the landscaging af setback areas and the designation of access points. The ap�licant°s development wil� average 9 units per acre. Staff will , require that the site improvements are consti•ucted to City standards. ', The applicant has not made adequate provisions for recreational ; ope� space for the residents. Although eacl� unit has a.n individual y�rd, the aniount of land available far each unit is too sffial1 ta be used far recreational activi�ies, Pexhaps a large common area would better serve the residents. 3. Ti.gard Municipal Code Section 18.56.015 addresses preliminary plan report preparation and su�mittal. The applicant has nat s�bmitted all of the infarmation =equixed in this ssc�ion faz approval. Specifically, the applicant has no� addressed parking, sitie drainage or recrea�ion in enough �etail to a�low staff to adequately zeview this proposal, Some of the drive- ways in t•he proposal axe no� long enough to accomodate e�en one car, l' _ _ �`�AFF REPORT PD 2-82 k"age 4 �.one of the drives are wide enough to accomodate two cars side by side. The applicant has not propased stozm retention ponds. It is dou�tful thati Southern Pacifi;c would allow ,the ditch between the railroad tracks and ` Commercial Street to be used, for storm water retention; ;��< addition the loop street system concerns staff fox two reasons. First, the a:pplicant is proposing the 24' street be private which wi11 not enable th� City to en£orce no parking regul.ations. 5econdly, the turning radius are not wide enough to accomo�ate large emergency a�d service vehicles. 4 o Sta�f Analysis Staff is very co.ncerned wit� the circulation pattern proposed for this site. The cuxve radius an the 24 fooic p,rivate street are not wide enough ta accomodate. emerg�ncy �r service vehicles. The appl.icant propases the �treet be privaCe with no park�:ng on either side. If the streets are priwate, �he City cannot, enfo�ce the no parking require- . ments. Staff has reviewed this progosal with Joe Gruel.ich of the 7:'ualatin RuraL Fire I'roL-ec�ion District. Mre Grueli.ch indicated that �he fire vehicles wotald have difficulty in aceessing rasid�nts on the 1�op street. Staff woul.d propose �hat this site may be better s�erved w9.th a loap street cannectian C�mmercial to 98th with cuZ--de-sacs o�f the l.aop street. The major lc�op stre�t should be at leas�t 32° wide. The planned development designation might a11ow the cul-c�e-sacs ta be narrawer t�ia.n the City standard of 32 feet. In additioz�, sta£f would li.ke the applicant �o furt��r addr.ess site drain�ge and reerea�ion. C. GONCLUS�ON: S�aff recommends the Planning Eommission deny �he prelimi.n�ry plan as proposed and request t�nat �.;plicant submit a revised �itepl.an. A a - . .. �LJ'�'4 Yre :ed by: liz A. Ner,rton Approved b : rank A. �Gurrie Assocxdte Planzxer Planning Dir.ec�or I�I