Planning Commission Packet - 07/06/1982 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. June 28, 19'82 -TIGP,Fti� PLANNING COTM'IISSION .7uly 6, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. Fowler Junior High School - "Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Stxeet, Tigard, Oregon i AGENDA _ 1. Open Meeting ; ' ; 2. Roll Call 3, :Approval o£ minutes fram previous meeta.ng 4. Planning Commiss,ion communication 5. Public Hearingsi 5.1 PD 2-�82 Centur�� 21 Homes -- NPO #2 5.2 CPR 13-81 The Meadows °- NPO #7 (REaET FUR ..JGUST 3RD) . M 1-82 6. New B�sin�ss 7. Other BusinESS; �. Sign. Code - Revisians to Title 16 (ZOA 3°82) 8. Adj ournmetzt � � _:: .. _.. , _ W� PLANNII�TG COMMISS�ON ROLL CALL ' MEF�T�NG Date �� �/ o p� , �'r:��k Te�nc�ina���i_��� Cl.i.fford S eake.r_�� _ � „ � � � � Don, Moen � �:�� � '� ih�l4.�� � ����`� „�,.+�+�� Mark �hx?st�n '°�"""'� �tt�an H�rrorY Ri�harr� H��n1er� Bonnie �w�ns �� ,� .Roy B or�z� .�'"�"" � � June 28, 1982. TIGARD PLANNING COMNIISSIO�t Jul:y 6, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. ' Fowler Junior High School - LecturP Raom 10865 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 PL�INNED DEVEI,OPN�TT PD 2-$'2 CENTURY 21 HONIES NPO #2 A request by Century 21 Homes, Inc. , for a preliminary and gen�ral plan review to allaw construr.tion of 39 single family detached units on 3.75 acres on prope�ty designated Urban High Density (A-20) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map. The property is located at 11820 and 1i900 SW 98th Rvenue (Washington County Tax Map 1S1 35CD, lots 22.00 & 2300) . 5.2 GII�iERAL F'LAN REVIEW CPR 13-$l�SE�IS3TIVE LANDS PERNITT M 1-$2 Tf-iE NIEADOfn1S NPO #7 A remand from the City Council requiring the Planning Commissi.o.n to review a revised site plan for the proposed Meadows �ubdivision and Sensitive Lands p�rmit, (Washington County Tax Map 1S1 34DA, tax lot 2600) (RESET FOR AUG. 3) I � ���.� � �� , �,�'.,� AFFIDaVIT 0� P��LICATIdN STATE OF OREGON, 1 r 5S. COUNT'Y OF I�ASHINGTON, � I John W. Marling _ _ _ _ ___ . _.._ being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the publisher _.____._..___ of The Tigard Times, a newspaper of general circulation, as defined by ORS 193.010 and 193.0'1.0, publisli�d at Tigard, in the aforesaici county and sfate; that the ]egal notice, a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for _ Orie successive and consecutive weeks in the toZluwing issue __ ,J.une 2�5� �9��- - � ;_ . .... _ ....._ _ _ _ .. _ ._ _ _ _ _..__� _ _ ____. _, � �:.°' (S�)gna ur ) � �� � Subscribed and swozn to bcfore me 2hi� __._._-1 __. day af '_ :-� ; � July is 82 �, / �f ---�:� •..�� �,� /l / 'Z +�/ 1� G iL�,�. .� /��r'�4 v.-,.'(•��/ �-•'/J ...._...... L/ . .. . . T"��J � N t ry Public �,f Oregon ltiYy commission ex��ires Feb. 24 19 86 _.._.._._..� -�_._��.� — - --- __ .�..s_.J .r.ma.�...••w.,o,a,...�.....e-�•--.� .����� � + �m. � ..� ' .. .--* e�#�a4�� f5 k3�R��' '. ta r+; s! � ,�' ;• a�� �, �r:� �� ' ������,�r ��� rs�k��t�k rs�t�'w�F�r s�g�� ' � �da� � r��at 9te��, °�'�p��a�, �tr��u�, oea Jt�By��,�.� Y„��,"'�.�`�ti�.�, ��`` �a t�;� It� tb�Y�tS`�t���II"S1���'i�.'��311�8&�tR���9`�f.'G`�$AD'Yd��°,��`.�3�.�9°�/�L.Wg$,�E�d183X�2.'p`I"���"�r����11$Y ��'2��e�Y�'3�y G°a61in���x�-�3g��. �����1,����+��€� �'��i�����,�1�,�2 � �'�`��������a�������'������D��5���:f���,��'�i�c���4����+°���'; �d�R�� ��. , � � ; , �� ,':, . ��-:, �,.�� � ��������������������������������������;; � . . �:���'��� ����� �a������,����r����►� ���,r���������a. ���������r�c����������m�a.y�����������<����:���. �a����?���,��t������������r��ty(���� s���������'r���������ff�� �r�;���`� �����������r�xs��Y������$���������p ����a�����''�����.��;��,�����������,�. , �,��������s���s����►� r�--�� �'���+���a� �1�� �a'�����a: �,���. �����. ���� > , � ���.����;���a�t t�n�:�'��r 2:t►rzs��.8������t��€����1�����,8������z► � ������Ya���a�����l��a��r;�e�������������i�R'�a�a��������1�� 1C�4�����^i�`, �'�'t��t������:�t��t�'�'�i�����d�����;���At3��6�P�. '1�"���Y�1�.a1�������a�Z�.��8� �� �. .�....� STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.L TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIOI� July 6, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School 10865 SW Walnut, Tigard, Oregon .7une 29, 1982 A. FACTS: 1, General Information Case: PD 2-82 Preliminary P1an Review Np0 ��2 Request: A request by Century 21 Homes, Inc., for a p.reliminary and I gen�eral plan review to allow construction of 39 single family detached units on 3.75 acres on property designated Urban High ISenist,y (A-20) on the City`s Comprehensive Pl�n Mape The property i.s located at 11820 and 11900 SW 98th Avenue (Wa.shington County Tax Map 1S1 35�D, Lots 2200 & 2300). Reeowoendation: Based an staff's analysis and information supplied by the app.licant, staff recommends the Planning Gommission deny the proposal as subm�.tted and request tYae applicant sutrmit a revised site plan. Applicant: Century 21 Hom�s, Znco Suite 1�.2, 7412 Beaverton Hillsdale �wy. Partland, Oregon 97225 Owner: same Location: 11820 & 11900 SW 98th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35CD Tax lots 220Q & 2300} Lot Area: 3.75 acres Comp�ehensive kla:n Desi�nation: High Density Residential Present Zoning Designation: A-20 (Multi-Family} NPO Comment: NPO ��2 is currently inactive and w�s not able ta comment on this ma�ter. Fubli.c Notices Mailed: 16 notices were mailed. No comments have been received at the writing af ttzis report. 2. �ackgraund On May 19, 1980, the Tigard City Coixncil approved a Comprehensive Plan Revisinn f�om R-7 Single Fam31y ResidFntial to A-20 PD "Multi Family Planned Dev�elopment" for. the sub�ect progerty. l _ - _- _----------- -=-- � STAFF REFORT PD 2-82 Page 2 3. Vieinity Infox�mation The surroundin� lan.d uses are as followst o Thxe land to the north is developed as single family residential. s The sub3ect site is bordered on the south by the Southern Pacific Railroad, s The area to tfie east is zoned as single family residential. • The area to the west is vacant and zoned for single family residential. 4. Sf�te Information tresently, there is a garage srructure on the site which will be removed. The sitQ s'lopes to the south and is grass covered with some pine and oak trees. b. APPLICABLT P�,ANNZNG GOALBt l. LCDC Statewide Planning Goals. a. Cit3zen Involvement; Goal ��1 - The intent of this goal is t¢a insure the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all pha5es of the planni,ng process. Notices were ser�t to all pr.operty owners of record within 250 feet of the site. A public notice was published in the Tigard Times on June 26, 1982. b. Land Use: Goal ��2 - All applicable LCD�C Goals and Guidelines, NPO ��2 policies and Tigard Municipal Cacie sections were considered in rev�ew of this applicai:ion. c. Recretional �Teeds: Goa3 ��$ - 7.'he intent of ti►is goal is to provide for the recreatj.onal needs of the citiz�ns of the communftq. I The app.licant h:as not prop�sed a�y cou►muni�y recre�tion are�s or facilities for the pro3ect. d� Hotasing: Goal ��10 - The intent af this goal is to provide for � th� housj.ng needs of the cit3�zens Qf th� state. The type of housing �� prapos�d on this site is unir�ue in that the �units will be detached un3ts in a multi�family zone. The 1,ot sizes proposed wi11 range from 2,162 sq. ft-. to 4,537 sq. ft. . This type of housing wi31 allow individaals ta �urch�se a d�tached unit on a smaller 1ot at less cost than a typical det.�ched un:Lt on a larger lot. e. PubXic Facilities; Goal ��11 - The intent of Ch3.s goal 3s tp insure that public fa�cilities including water and sewer are adequate. There is an 8'° sewer line �.n SW 98th. Water is available. � _ _ --- - -- ---_ _.-=-— STAFF REPORT PD 2-82 Pag e 3 F. Transportationt Goal ��12 - The intent o£ this goal is to pro�ide a safe, canvenient and econamic transportation systHm. The site would be accessible via 98th and an extension of the existing SW Gommercial Street. Staff w�u1a require the develo�er to extend Commercial Street in front of the site to connect to 98th Street to allow far �etter traffic circulation in the area. Full street improvements will be required on SW Commercial and half street improvements will be reqnired on SW 98th. Staff is concerned with the lack of interior circulation shown on the plan submitted by the applicant. 2. 13P0 #2 Policies POLIGY 90 Urban medium denisty r�sidential areas will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, and walkways, according to City or county standards. A11 util�.�i�� will be placed underground. POLICY 10. Development will. coinc3de with the provision af public street�, wat�r and �ewerage faeilities. �hese f.acilities st�a�.l be (a) capable of adequately serving a11 intervening properties as well as the proposed development; and (b) designed to meek City or count,y standards. POLICY I1. Plan.neci unit developm�nt will be encouLagecl on tracts large e�ough to accoffiodate ten or more dwellings� Planned unit develo�ment ��11 permi� a degree nf f].exibility in design that will enable a� higher quality a�f deveZopment in accordan�e wikh zoning standards. P�JLICY 12. Site plans wi11 provide for adequate open space to (a) � protect adjacent properties; and (b) provide ample yard spa�e fr,r residents and play space for yaungsters. POLTGY 13. High design standards will be established for signing and appearanae, including the l�ndsc�ping of setback areas a�d the designation of access points. i � The applicar►t's dev�lopment will averag� 9 units gex acre. Staff , will requir� that the aite iffiprovements are cons�ruct�ed �� City standar.ds. The appl�.cant has not made adequate provi�3.ons £or recreatianal open opace fox th� rea�dents. Although. each unit has an � individual yard, the amount of land available for each unit i,s too small to be used far recregtional activities. Perhaps a large co�umon area would bQtter serve the residents. 3. Tigard Munici.pal Code Section 18.56.015 addresses preliminary pl.an xepor� preparation and submittal. The appl.ic�nt ha3 not submitted a11 of the information req�ired in this section for approval. Spc�cffi�cally, the applicant has not addre�sed parki�ng, site drainage or recreation in enough detail ta allow staff to ad.equately review this propos�l. In addition, the streets proposed �or this dev'elopment are we11 below the requtired 30' minimum required by the Tigard Municipal Code (Ref. STAFF RIEPORT PD 2°82 Page 4 S�ction 18a64.020). Although the Planned Development allows some flexibility, ax least 24' street width is neccassary to accomodate emergency vehicles. The applicant is proposing sa�^e 18' wide streets. 4. 5taff Analysis Staff is very coneerned with the circulation pattern proposed for ' th.is site. The streets pr.oposed are not wide enough to accomodate emergency ox service vehicles, or ba�l�ing or maneuvering of xesident's automobi7.ese The apglicant proposes the streers be private with no parking on eithpr side. If the streets are private, the C�ty cannot enforce the n� parking requirement. Staff has reviewed tfiis proposal with Joe l�ruelich of the Tualatin Rura]. Fir,e Protection District. Mro �ruelich in3icated that the fire vehicl.es would not be able to access tk�is s:Lte: Staff would propose that thfs site may be better s�rved with a loop street connecting Commercial to 98th with cu1-d�-sacs o.f.f the loop street. Streets s�auld be at least 24' wide whether public or pr�.v�te. Howev�er, a 24' wide �treet will not accamodate parking on either side so provisions would have to be made for o€f sfireet parking. In addition, staff would 1ik� the applicant to address site dr�inage and recreatie�n. C. CO�TCLUSION Staff recommends th� Planming Commigsion deny tlae preliminary plan as proposed and reque�t the �pplica�nt submit a revir�ed site pl.an. Prepared by� � ��a�� Reviewed bg�: Eli eth���on1 < erem M. y Co+ursolle Associate Planner Associate Planner � �t... June 29, 1982 ' MII�IORANDUM TO: Planniny Commission - FRONI: Planni�g Departcr�nt RE': Sign Cade - Revisions to Title 16 (ZOA 3-82) Although this w�as advertised as a public hearing, staff feels that another stuciy session wou�d be helpful: Please bring your sign code information �to the meeting. ; i ;