Planning Commission Packet - 05/04/1982 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON May 4, 1982 -- 7:30 p.m. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 5W Walnut, Tigard AGENL�A l. Qp�n Meeting 2. Rol1 C�11 3. Ap:proval of ininutes from previous meeting 4. P.lanning Comtnission communication 5. PU]3LIC HEARING , 5.1 ZOA 1-82 Conditional Use Standards , 5.2 ZC 1-82/MLP 2-82 Michael A. Robuck/Kevin M. Forney �� NPO ��3 5.3 S 1-52 �ramble �end -- N?0 ��6 5.4 SDR 6-£32 GTE -- NP0 �kl 5.5 MLP 23-81 �turgis -- NPO �kl 5.6 V 3-$2 Miller -- NPO ��]: (POSTPQ�?ED) 5.'7 V 5-82/MLP 3-82 Storer Metro 6. Othen Business 7. Adjournment d I � � T I G A R D P L A N N I N G G 0 M M I S S I 0 N REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - MAY 4, 1982 1. President Tepedino called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. The meeting place was changed from Fowler Junior High School to the Tigard' Sr_hool Administrati�n Building, 13737 Paciiic Highway, Tiga�d, Oregono 2. ROLL CALL: Present: President Tepe�ino; Commissioners Speaker, Moen, Herron, Bonn„ Owens(arrived at 7:58 p.m. and 'left at 11:02 p.m.) . Absent: Commissioners Kolleas} Christen, and Helmer. 3. The minutes of April fi, 1.982 were considered. Attention was called to matty spelling and woxd usage errors and carrections were made. Commissioner Speaker felt the motion as recorded on '7he Meadows' hearing did not adequately express the xationale for the denia�. He stated ttxere would be a transcript from which the exact wordi•ng would be available to au►end �he statement of this motion. Gommissioner Speaker moveci, and Commissioner Moen second�d, for approval of the minutes based on the change� and on the review of the �ranscript regarding the mofi ion on 'The I�Padows' . M�tion approv�d by unanimous vote of Co�missian present. 4. COMNiISSION COMM[JNICATION - none at the present tzme. 5. Presicient Tepedino opened the Publ.ie Hearing bg reac�ing the usual statement of authority for the procedu.re to be followed ir. the meeting. 5.1 ZOA 1-�$2 CONDITIONAL USE STAiVDARDS A request Uy the City of Tigard to revise Chapter 18.72 af the Tigard Municipal Code ro include standards for review of Conditional UsE apPlications and to r�vise the use types that will be permitted and conditionally pe�mitted in e,ach zonir_.g district. I PUBLTC HEARING OPENED (a) Associate Planner, Jeremy Coursolle, e�cplained the staff proposal to update the Conditional Use Standards and Use Classificatior�sa Comrnissioner Qwens arrived: 7:58 p.m. (b) FUBT.IC TESTIMOY�TY a► David 3chlaht, Astro Sports, questioned why a video center could go in �he Tigard Plaza and Canterburq Square and not in the Greenway Towzi Center. He felt there was no difference in the shopping centers or. their intended use. He felt since there was a carnival allowed to aperate in the Greenway Town Center, he should be allow�d to have a business witih videp games there. The Commission's response was the carnival was temporary but his business would not be. The Tigard Plaza and Canterbury Square are zoned as C-3, General Commercial. The Greenway Town. Center is zoned as C-4, Residential Commercial. Commissioner Owens commented at the ti�e the Greenway Town Center was constructed, the intent was ta have _ __. -__: -----. --- _ _ - --- -� a small shapping center and the area was mainly residential. Commissinner Owens was working with NP0 ��7 afi the time. Preaident Tepedino felt this was the wrong time and fbrum for rhis matter to be discussed and suggested' Mr. Schlaht talk to staff at a latsr time. • Florence Rocks, 11564 S.W. Pacific Highway, stated she has property that is zoned as C-5. Her property is for sale and there is a possible buyer. She wanted to point out to the Commission it is hard for her to sell this property because it does not really Eit in the category of C-5. Allowed Uses of C-5 have been changed since the time her property was being designated as C-5. She was concerned about what was or not allowed on her property. PUBLIC HEARING GLOSEA (c) CJr1I�1iSSI0N DTSCUSSIUN AND ACTION • Commissioner Speaker liked the general criteria but felt there we.re sti11 problems. He had developed a matrix and was referring �o it when pointing out changes and erroxs he *aished to have correct_ed. ZengtYry conver.sation followed regarding suggested changes. 0 Commissianer Moen moved, and Commi.ssioner Speaker seconded, to refer this issue ?�ack to staff to reVie;� Comm.issicner S�eaker`s matrix and make the cltanges from it and bring bacic to a futuLe Commission meeting. , Appr.caved by unanimous vote of Commission presen:i. • It was sugg�sted that all �?lanning Cornmissioners receive a copy of the ma�trix in their n.ext packets a�d that staff prepare a new ane when the revisian i� pre5ented. 5.2 ZC 1-82/MLP 2-82 Michael A. Rohuck/Kevin Me Forne � NP0 ��3 A request for a Zone Claange for a portion of the praperty, f.rom Washington County RUd30 ta City �f Tigard R-10 and a r�quesfi .for a Minor Land �'artiti�n to create an additional 20,QOQ sq. ft. lot on the p-roperty located at �:1J4S 5W But1 Mountgin Road. �Washing�on Gouz�ty Tax Map 2S1 10BD, tax l.o� 900, part of) s Staff noter� this request was WITHDRAWN by the applicant on this date. 5.3 S 1-82_ Bramble �end NPO 4�6 .A request to subdivide .53 acres into �our lots of approximately 4,6Q0 squaxe feet each of property which has aYready been developed into two duplexes. The property is located at 14805 - 14817 SW 109th Avenue (Was�ington County Tax Mag 2S1 lOAD, Iots 8803 and 8�04). PAGE 2 - PLA�TNING COMMISSION MINUTES - ME1Y 4, 1982 l - _ - --_. PULBTC HEA&ING OPENED (a) Associate Planner, Elizabeth NPwton, made staff`s r�commendation for approval of S 1-82 based on the material submitted by the applicant, applicable goals and p:olicies and staff's field investigation. (b) PUBLIC TESTIMONY • Applicant's Presentation - Milton F�re11, JDG Development Company, requested he be allowed to sell units as individual units to be individually owned. Each unit has been separately sewered and there are one-hour fire walls between each half of each duplex. • Gilbert Rosendall, resident of Canterbury Heights had nn problem wi�h the subdivision as lan� as there are no other unzt5 construc�ed on Tax Lot 8$04. • Mr. Forell stated he has signed a legal document to the effect that Tax Lot 8804 shall remain vacant. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED (c) COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTTON • Commissioners Spcaker, Owens, and Moen felt there would be no problems in �pproving the sub�ivision as atta�hed single-family units ins�ead of �uplexes. • Comm�ssioner Speaker mnved, and Cammissioner Herran seconded, for the appra�al of Subdzvision 5 1-82 as attached szngle-famil,y units. Appraved by unanimous vote of Commission presentn 5.4 SAR 6-8`L GTE -- NPO ��l An appeal by NPO 1F1 of t�ie Planning Director's approval of a Si�e Design Review to an addition zo the GTE k�uilding located at 8840 SW Burnham (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 2DB, Tax Lat lOQ). PUBI,IC HEARING OFENED (a} AssociatQ Planner Newton made staff's recommendation tY►�tt the Planna.ng Commissiaz� require the dedication af lands within �l�e 10�-year flood- plaa,n/greenway prior to the issu.ance of Occupancy Permi.ts. (b) PUBLIC TESTIMONY • John Butler, NPO ��1 meu►ber, stated t�ie NPG had filed an appeal to the Planning Director's approval of a Site Design Review for an addition tr� the rTE building at 8$40 SW Burnham Street. The basis for the appeal is that the Planning Director did not require the dedication of land within the 100-year floadplain. A portion of the GTE site is within the lOQ-year floodplain and is designated greenway on the Ci.ty's Comprehensive Plan. PA�E 3 - PLANNING GOMMISSI01� MINUTES - MA.Y 4, 1.982 • Applicant's Presentation - Charles Wils�ri, representing GTE, asked tYie appeal be denied. He felt it wa� not the time to ask far a ded�catiuiz. The land that G�E is putting the addition on is not in the floodplain/greenway. He felt the proper amount of time was ' not given to the Head Office of �GTE to get papers signed before ocCUpancy should take place. He also felt since the Site Design Review was appxoved, the Occupanc.y Permit should be issued. Tt was questioned if GTE did not apply for the permit, how �r whe�. wou;ld the City request the dedicationa • Gommissioner Bonn rePlied it would be the same as requesting property dedication in street improvements, � IdPO ��1 -- John Butler felt tl�at since all other property owners had to dedicate the Z00-year tloodplain/greenway, so should GTE. � Staff admitted that an oversight had been made at the time GTE was goi�g through the Site Design Review process, 3-15-82, becaase GTE shou�ld have been required to dedic.ate the �roperty at that time. � Commissioner Owens questioned Wilson whether the letter to Molly Bjelke, GTE, Everett, Washington was accepted as a formal request. He did not know of the letter but felt there was not enough time fro� the date the Xetter was sent to th� present time to get anything processed. o President Tepedina questi�ned �rhether to table the app�al. d Plannin� Director stated GTE acquired a foundation permit early, approximately 2 years ag�. e President Tep�dino questioned Wilson if GTE would accept an Occupancy Permit with cand�.tianso � Mr. Wilson stated GTE would pr.obably appeal it. ! Commis�ioner Mr�en felt the condition, what is a reason�ble amount �f time, should be 3efined. • Planning Direc�or stated a g.rant will be issued for FanYio Creek Paric in 1983 or 1984� That should }ae the time set as the deasi�.ine for GTE to dedicate their property. PUBZIC HEARING CLOSEA (c} COMNIISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION � Commissioner Moen felt a condition of a x•easonable amount of time to dedicate the property should be �ut in with the terms of the Occupancy Permit. • Commissioner Bonn approved the appea? taken by NPO �kl. However, he felt staff should work wit� GTE ta obtain the floodplain/greenway property. PAGE 4 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTE& - MAY 4, 1982 s �ommissioners Herron, Owens and Speaker concurred with Commissionez BoRn. a Psesident Tepedino was opposed to denying the appeal. He felt the Pl.anning Commission should r_ecognize the appeal and direc� staff to work wi�h the applicant wit� the aoncern to work with the appeal. • Commissioner Bonn moved, and Commissioner Speaker .seconded, to recognize the appeal of NPO ��1, and address the greenway dedication issue by reQuesting skaff to work with GTE for the c�edication of the Fanno Creek/greenway. Motion approved by 5-1 majority vote of Commission present, Commissioner Moen voting Nay. RECESS - 9:�5 P'sM. REGONVENE - 10:00 P.M. 5.5 MLP 23-£il Stur�is -- IYPO 4�'1 Aii appeal by NPO �1�1 of the Planning Director's approval of a Minor i I,and Par�i.tion to part�.tion 4.8 acres, x4ned A7Q/80 Multi-Fa�ily Home for the Aged ineo 3 lots; 4.(3 acres, .3 acres and .5 acres respectively �n proper.ty located at 13055 SW Ha�.1 Blvd. (W�.shington County Tax Map 2S1 2AA, lot 400). Pt7BLTC �IE�RING UF'ENED (a) Associate Planner Newton made staff's xecommendation for approval of Minor Land Partition (MLP 23-81) with condition� to be acknowledged. (b) �'UBLIC TESTIMONX a� J�Yin Butler, NPO ��1 r,epresentative, stated the NPO filed an appeal on March 26, 19$2 of the Planning DirecCor's approwal of MLP 23-81. The basis for the a�peal was: (1) objection to Candition ��3 placed on the app�.ication appraval; and (2� objectian �o the Minor. Lanc�. Partition splitting the total property into 'less than 5 acre parcels without Planning Cammission action. • Applicant's PresentatioYi - Richard Sturgis represeiited his father I and mother. He stated �he convenience store that is to be put on I the land (s;n aceordance with Condition �r`3 reading, "The convenience I store shall be constructed to con,nect to the Uuilding. . .") will � have a covere$ walkway attached to �oth the store and living units. ' The store wouid not only be for the elderly people living in the units but also for the genexal public. He stated a store built i�►ternally would not be economically feasible without the patr�nage of the general public. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED (c) GOMMISSION DIS�USSION AND ACTIaN PAGE 5 - PI,E�.P7NIN� COMMISSTUN MINUTES -- MAY 4, 1982 i � • Commi.ssioner Moen commented he envi�ioned this property development to be one integra�ed unit. To divide the property would l.imit the intent of the Plan Development designati.on. • President Tepedino recoll.ects at the .Tanuary 6, 1982 meeti.ng, the store was to be construc�ed inside in a ma11 effect. li • Commissioner Owens visualized t�at it was i�n the one unit but faced outside £ar public use. s Comnnissioner Bonn thought it was not d separate structure, but agrees it needs to have outside cuskomers to make it successful. e Cornmzssioner He:�ron felt rhe tapes should be reviewed from the 3anuar.y 6y 19�2 7neeting to clarify the locat�ion af the convenience store. , • Commissioner Speaker felt the Planning Commission should approve the agpeal of the Minor Land Partitiqn, sinGe the PD would have to come before the C�mmission eventu�lly, and the number of owners ot parcels wi�hzn the PD is therefore arrelevan4:. • Sturgis was asked if the l.ocation had been changed from the beginning. He stated t�er� had bee�. no change. w Fresident Tepedino asked staff and Legal Caun�el to review the ordinance. • T�egal Gounsel, Ken E1Ziott, r.ecommended the hearing be continued to a Iater d:�t� to a1�.o� staff time to go back and rheck the January 6, 1982 taps�. s Fresident Tepedino recominended th� (:omma.ssion request City Council determina�ion as ta �caha�: is meant by "internally", the ward used in �MC 3.8.�5.020 to describe the location of a permitted use convenience retail facility. o Commissioner Maen moved9 and �ommissioner Herrr�n secondec�, for staff tQ research, clarify and cTefine intent and table this issue to continue at the June 8, 19$2 meetixrg. Approved Uq unanimous vote of Gommission present. 5.6 V '�-82 Miller -- NPO ��1 A reque�t by itichard Mi11er for a Variance to add on to an existing auto budy shog and maintain the 0' sideyard set --� back on the north grope�ty line on �ropertX located at 8970 SW Burnham Street (Washington County Tax Mag 2S1 2AD, lot 2700). 0 Staff noted this issue has been POSTPO�IED. PAGE 6 -- FLANNING COMMISSION MZN'UTES - MAY 4, 1982 5,7 V 5-82/MLP 3-82' Store.r Metro =- NP0 ��6 . The app'fica�t is req:uesting an apgroval of a 11,:500 square foot variance to allow for a Minor Land Partition on the existing parcel without the required lot size area of 40,OOC+ square feet (Wash. Cov Tax Map 2S1 14A, Tax Lot 1100). PUBLIC IiEARING OPENED (a) Associate Planner Newton made �taff's recommendations for denial of Vaxiance V 5-82 and of M�.nor Land Partition t�.�P 3-82 baseci on findings as follows: (1)` the applicant does not meet the four con3itions f�r grani_in�g a varianc� as re��ired in Code Section 18.76.02D; and (2) approval o£ the Minor Land Partition would be in vio?ati�n of Sec�ion 18452.030 (l)o (b) PUBLTC TESTIMONY • 'No representati;ve from NPO 4�6 was present. • Applicant's Eresentatzan - Attorney ite�ren Janick represente.�i fihe applicant. He" outlined what course hi.s client has 'taken concexning application o£ the varia.nce, staff's comments, previous Planning Caunnission actior� on the p��party, anci lie respanded ta the four criterza that must be m.et for approval of a v'ariance. 'This ciiscussion included the applicant's inability to adequately deve7.op the remaining va�azit portions of the site if additxonal Zot area was required fox S�orer Metxo; implied approval of ttne lot area b}r the Planning Com�ui�sioi� during the Conclitional Use hearing an March 2, 7.982; NPO ��6 apProeal; Y�nan.imous a�proval by the surr�unding property owners; and the torat suztability of th,e site for the development. Mr. Janick stated if this site is not available, Storer wauld put the faeility on a site in �ualatin, whose ordinances are less restrictive. PU�I,IG i3EARING CLOSEI2 ' � (c) COr3MISSION DISCUSSI0�1 ANB ACTION o All Gommxssionezs felt Storer Metrc� did not meet the four conditions for a variance and theretore they could not approve the request. A1], agreed it was a good site for t�►e develapment and �he High Schoo:� ;�I could advantageously use the Storer Metro facil.iti.es for educati.onal purposes, • There was Counnission discussion concerning the lack af latitude far the approvimg of varianc�s. A further aoncern was the difference between M-4 and M-3 zoning. s Gommissioner Speakex qu�;�tioned the possii�irity of forwarding this matter to the City Council because it appears to be a policy issue. a President Tepedino preferxed to talce a stand on the issue before sending it to the �ity Council. He and the Goromission agreed t.hat the use as requesteat would benefit Tigard residents. • Legal Counsel E11�.att �elt the Comma.ssian should make a decision on whether to: grant or deny the v�riance or refer an to tl�e City Council. PAGE 7 - PLANNING GOMMISSIQN MINUTES - MAY G, 1982 • There was additional discussion concerning the variance requirements. a Commissioner Moen moved, an.d Commissioner Speaker seconded, to refer ', item 5.7 V 5-$2/MLP 3-82, Storer Metro, to City Council with a record � of the Planning Commission's consensus that it is a good location ' but that it does no:t meet the very specific requirements af the ordinance. Mation approved by 4-1 majority vote of Commission present, President Tepe:dino voting Nay. 5 UTHER �U5IN�SS • Associate Planner Coursolle suggested having a second meeting in the month of May�. He felt i� should be a study session. President Tepedino recommended having tw� �Qetings every month. The regular meeting wi11 stay as every f.irst Tuesday of the month. A study session will tentatively be every third Tuesda� of the month. TentaCive dates sclne�u�:edc May 18, 19'$2 - Study Session June 8, ].982 - Regular Meeting June 22, 1982 - 5tudy Session Ju1y 6, '1982 �- Re��ulai Meeting Ju.ly 20, 1982 -- Stvdy Ses�ion o LouAnrie Mor�ensen,, Ghairperson for NPO ��3„ along witlz Bob Bledsae were present at tYee mee�in�, The P'tiblic Tiearing for approval of NP0 ��3 membera is set for May 18g 13�2, si:nce approval of NPO members must 'naw fo13.o�a the pub�.ic hearings process, ineluding advertising the hearing. 7. I�ETING AD.70lJRNED AT s 11:4U P,M. .��- /��-cr-�.•-� ____�- i'att Martin, Secretary � ATTEST: i � �� ��;,�,`��-�' � Clifford � p.ealcer, P'lanning Commission Vice-President PAGE 8 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - MAY 4 , 1982 ' 1 _ _ ' � P.Z.,ANN:CNG COM�ISSION ROLL C1�L]'.� _ ! � - MEET�I�TG ; Da�e.�.—�-� �� � ; ' Frank TeQedinc� ';-,�'... C].if�orci Sp�aker �""".'..-- � D�n �oen ��°`""'. . Geraldine Kaileas Niar.k Cl�:ris�ten ��_ Susan H�rrc�n �,�° Ri�h�rd H,�lmex� ; B�nni.e Owens �, J.,.����'°.' ' }2�y Bonn� �..,..-�._--° ; � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 4, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture R�om 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 CONDITIONAL USE STANDARDS ZOA 1-82 A request by the City of Tigard to revise Chapter 18.72 of the Tigard I Municipal Code to include standards for review of Conditional Use applications and to revise the use types that wi11 be permitted and conditionally permitted in each zoning district. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 1-82/MLP 2-82 Michael A: Rabuck/Kevin_ M. Forney -� NP0 �k3 A request for a Zone CYiange for a portion of the property, from Washington Coun�y RU-30 to City of Tigard R-l0 and a request for a Minor Land Partition to create an additional 20,000 sq. ft. lot on the property located at 11945 Sja Bull Mountain Road. (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 lOBD, tax lot 900, part of) '. 5.3 SUBDIVISION 5. 1-82 Bramble Bend - NPO #6 A request to subc]ivide .53 acres into four lots of approximately 4,600 square feet each of property which has already been developed into two duplexes. The �roperty is located at 14805 - 14817 SW 109th Avenue (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 lOAD, lots £3803 and 8804) . 5.4 STTE DESIGN REVIEW SDR 6-82 GTE - NPO akl An appeal by NPO �kl. of th� Planning Director's approval of a Site Design Review to an addition to the GTE building located at 8840 SW Burnham lWashington County Tax MaP 2S1 2DB, tax lot 100) . 5.5 MINOR LAND PARTITION MLP 23-81 Sturgis - NPO �F1 An appeal by NPO �kl of the Plannin� Director's approval of a Minor Land Partition to partitian 4.8 acres, zoned A70/80 Mu1ti-Family Home for the A�ed into 3 loLS; 4,0 acres, .3 acres and .5 acres respectively on property located at 13055 SW Hall Blvd. (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 2DA, lot 400) . 5.6 VARIANCE V 3-82 Richard Miller - NPO �kl (POSTPONED) A request by Richard Miller for a Variance to add on to an existing auto body shop and maintain the 0' sidayard set -- back on the north property line on property lo,cated at 8970 SW Burnham Street (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 2AD, lot 2700) . 5,7 VARIANCE/MINOR LAND PART:CTION V 5-82/MLP 3-82 STORER METRO 'The applicant is requesting an approval of a 11,500 square foot variance to a'llow for a Minor Land Partition on the existing parcel without the required lot size area of 40,000 square feet (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 14A, lot 1100) . _ _._. _._ _, ._.:__... . AGENDA ITEM-5.6 (V 3-82 MILLER) HAS BEEN POSTPONED INDEFINITELY . . . . i , :i � :� ; � I _ . �N�a oNl _ ,� ' �, N �y T I G A R D C I T Y C O U N C I L , � � _. _ � � _ . SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES - irIE1RCH 1, 1982 - 7a3'0 P.M. • 1. KOLL CA'LL: Present: i�ayor �Vilbur Bishop; Councilors John Cook & Kenneth Scheckl� � ' Director of Public Works/Planning Director, Frank Currie; Finance Director/City Recorder, Doris Hartig; City Administrator Bob Jean; Legal Counsel, Ed Sullivan (arxiving at J:46 P.M.); OfFice t!lanager, ' I,oreen Wilson. 2. CALL TO AUDIENCE, STAFF AND GOUNCIL FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS UI�TDER OPEN :1GE�DA � {a� Mayor �ishop advised audience, staff and CounciY that Councilor l3xian was sti�1 i11 and unable to attend the meeting and Councilor Stimler was out of state until the Y�Sarch 8, 1.9$2 meeting. . , (b) � City Administrator requested the following i�ems be placed und.er the apen agenda section of the meeting for eonsideration: .1 Repart on Senate Bill 978. .'2 Request from Councilor Bria� r��arding chaxter amendments. .3' Rep�rt an city-wide ne�wslet�er. (c) l�Iayox liishop reque�ted. the followi:�g items alsa be placed under open agenda: .�a . PoxiticaP sign requirements fox Scizoal Boarcl election .5 Tri-Met bus eomplasnt on Walnut & Fonner Streets . 3. GONSE33T �1GEHDA: These i.tems are considered. to b� routine and may be ena.cted in one mati�n withou� separ�tQ 3iscussion. �,nyone may req�aest that �n item be xe- moved far dis.cussion and segarate actio�. Moti.on t�: 3.1 �lpprove OLGC Application an�1 �orward to OLCC � Banning's Restaurant, 11477 S.W. Paca�fic H�ghway, Tigard, Oregon, Restaurant Sa1es I,icense 3:2 A�thorize payment of Lega� Counse�.'s suppl.em�ntal bill - $1,643.00 : 3,� Receive and. file memoranc3um xegarding copy maclzine lease ' (a) Moti.ozi by Councilor Coak, seconded b�y Councilor Scheckla to approve a11 consent agenda items. • Approved by unanimous vote of Gouncil present. . SPEGI�L MEETING OF TURA GONVENF.D , , . � G.,��DOWNTQW_N COMMITT�E��RLPOR'� �0 C]:TY C NCIL�TIIy� {a) Pat Furrer �nd ]Lou Krupnicic, membexs of the Aowntawn Committee, presetrtecl t�e Report, P1an and Summary oi the Downtov�n Study to �he Tig�urd Tlrban Renevaal Agencyo They re�uested t�at the Agency decide whsther ta continve the DatTntown Gommittee as it si�ancls and m<zke further appointments to that boara, ox disbarid the `Downtoran. Comimittee and fnrm a :�ew acivisor� cotnmi.�tee for '�U�2A. The}r stressed that the DowntoGm Consultants presented c7.ear and concise information and not�d �heir appreciation for that st�ppoxt. Y:egal Counsel arxived -- 7:46 P.�I. " ' � :��. �� .� .. ,.. _ � � � � � . . . � . � .. �. ..� _..:�. ._. . � � � . . � . _.';i . . . . . � � � . . � . k�� . {b) Mayor Bi�hop saggested that TURt1, meet once each month, possibly the first Mo.nday, to consider everything that as before themb He also expressed his appreciation to .the Downtown Committee For their work and ! a job 'we11 done'. Ne swggested, however, that the Downtown� Co�ittee's t:ask was completed in December with the presentation of.the Plan and Report and tha[ a new committee should be agpointed by� TURA to Serve � in.an adWisory capacity, 2�Ia�or Bishop expressed concern that Section 600 of the Plan and the criteria set forth in°Resolution NUe 81-106 for the creata.on of a Do�wr.i;own Committee or advisory cornma.ttee to TURA may show a ; conflict of interest and requested that Legai Counsel repoit back to ' , Cuuncil regarding this issue. ' . ' . (c) Motion by Councilar Cook, seconded by Councilor Scheckla to formally rec�iwe; and file the Dozantowi�. Repnrt, �lan a:nd �ummary. . � � An�xaved by unanimous vote� of Council members present. (d) �otion by C�tancil¢�x Co�k, secon�led by Cnun:�ilar Scheckla ta ca9.1 the next u►eeting �f TURA for Apri1 1'l, 1982, to make appaintments ot the advisory � � committee. PTote. The 5election Cammittes w,i7.1 con�act current eommitt�e • � . ' members to see if they are antexested in appoi.ntrnent and will regort t�� ' T�TR�1 a� tt��� time. . Approved by urnanimous �vot� of Council pxesent. • � . (�) Gity Adminis�r�tor r_ecommended the suggestion of a Rai:Ixoa�i Sub-Committee was goo�T and essent�.al to help facilit�te the Pl�.n and sugges�ed ttiat city staff could initiate contact with the railr.oa�ls re�arding ri,ght-of-way acquisition until an advisory cozamitCee would be appointed on Aprill D2, 1982. . � Conssnsus of Council was to approve s�aff initiate contact with the xailoads. • ' �f) After discus�iun with staff, consensus af Coua�ci.]. was to direct staff to b�gin addressin� the issue of caordinazing the Uowntown Plan S.uto the Gom- pre'hensi.�e I'lan. . Adjournment of the TURA SpPCial. Y�Ieeting - 8: 12 P.Y�I. 5. ADMII�TSTRA�ZOI3 DEPARTN�ENTAL ANNUAL R�PQRT I y.-�„`>" I (a) City A���, inistzator gave ov�erview o� rhe Adminisrra��ion Department and`� � �� ` discusse the managzment, ana�lel., decision mode�.'and work progxams t�sed by staffa He` tated,that th� purpose of hauing the Aduiiiiistration Depart- ment report�l�ast was to try arsd dxaw a11 the depaxtmenc:al presentatians togeth�r and: s`Ct�w how tYiey are integrati,ng into a cit-y-wide system and meeting City Coui�cil goals and .objectives. , °q�� `; - , • (b) Administr�rtive Assis't�ant, I�inda Sargent, 'discussecl with Gouncil. her work �rogram and areas of ui'terest. fihe major areas o� concern on h�i work .,; program ciealt with persb�►ne1. systen�s and �animuni�y dQVeloj�menfi suppart. a: ,,�` �.� PAGE 2 - SPEGIAL MEETING CQUNCIL MZNUTES�-� March 1> 1982 ' �. , y ` ,lk r , �a,.�'' ' �,� �'� �� /, . ,� � � . . � (m) Mayox Bishop expressed hzs coneerns that the developer should be xespansa.ble for the light on Durham and Upper Boones k'erry Road rather than tlte LTllo • Disr.ussion followed re�arding how assessment could be accomp].ished and if Council should or should not leave tr�affic signal:s in the bid. (n) Councilior Scheckla moved to amend priar mat��ori Ln eliminate traffic signals. Moti,on seconded. by Mayor..Bishop. Matfon to amencl. failed by a maj�rity Cwo �to thrae vote of Council. Mayor • . . Bishop and Counc:ilor Scheckla v�ting aye. (o) Ora.ginal mation was calJ:ed for. Motzon carried bJ a majority 4-0 vote of � Counca.l:. Counc.ilor Scheckla absta�nan�;. 13.4 72ND AVENUE LID SUMMARY (a) City Admini�trator explained the p�rc-assessment pracess, the fcila.n.g of liens and about September the City expects to sell the bonds on pre-assessment basis. ' Project wi11 nat be com�leted, but the Cit�� wia3: have a cap on the assessment and will go forward with b�nd sale and pay off the waxrants tr� m�.nimi:z� ��.e interim in,.teresC �ost. 14. FLQODPLAIN ORDINANCE REVISIONS - SENSITIVE L.ANDS - Section 18.57 � ZOA 2-£32 ; .�.....*.... , . . I . __.._ _. -- . _ __.._.._ _. , (a) T'ublic �iearing Opened ' ' (b) Public Warks Director explained �roposed rPVision rhanges the Sensitive Lands ' • portion of tl�e ordinance,basical.ly to �larify temporary and habitable stYuctures. , The char�ges wil.? enable the City to c��ialify for i:he flood insuranr_e. . (c) Public Testimonys No one appeared t�� speak. � � � (d) Public Works Directar recommended. Council adapt the ordinance. �e) Publ.ic �iearing C1o.:acl (f} ORDTNAI�iCE No. 82-I4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDII�G �IuARU M[JNICIPAL CODE CHAPTI'sR 18.57, SENSZTIVE LANllS, AND DECLA�ING AN EMERGENCY. (g) Motion by Gounci7.or S�imZer, seconded �y Councilor Cook to adopt. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. ' 15,. REVISIONS TO SPRIN�/FALL STREET 'It�PROVE2�IENT k'ROGRAM . �' (a) Due to lateness af ineeting, Gouncil c�nsensus was ta set over to April 22, 19$2. 16. �NNEXATION POLICY DISCUSSION AND CONSIllER.ATZ�iV OF r�AY.OR'S PROPOSED RESOLU'PIQN (a) Council and staff� di.scussed transcript of the Boundary Commission meeting. Couneil.or Stimler suggested sending mare Uackgr aund material with 2etter to Governor. Consensus of Caunci.l was to submit letter to Governor high�ighting transcripC illustrat.ing �ransgressions and include additi:onal background materi.al. , (b) Mayor Bishop requested �ounczl review and update Ordinance No. 79-26 some�ime in ,Apr:�.1. He also reyues�.ed a letter be sent to Washington County Commissioners regarding the improvemen� of coun ty streers iz► rhe WaZnut ar�a. tIc ��ould l.ike C11e Couz►ty to t�� ao7��re oE L11e Ci�y's concerns. � pAC�, 9 — �ov�vc�a, r�z2vUres — z�iicx 29, 1982 . - ,: (c� Cit��° Administrata� suggested Co.uncil discuss issue again on April 19 which would be after the Boundary Cammission ac�.i.on. ' �.�,. (?PEN AGEI�nA: • �7.1 'P(YLITrCAT, SIGNS � ��.) Cit}� Administratoz informed Coun�il ttiat political signs within the City lirnits tleat were in Ch� public right-of-wa�r, are being removed by r.he Police Uepartment. � , �h) Maya�r 33ishop cr�mmented everyone has besn inFormed pruperly and have posted the b4n�is ' . a�d signature� rPquired. Consensus of Gounci� was £or a11 pcilitical si.gns zr.� public right-of-way �e removed by tlie Tigard City �al.iee. �c) Y)iscussiryn f�l'lowed xegarding sign codta a.i�d possible s.ol�cti�n for problPms. �7 0 2 D�JIi�'lAM R�AB TRi7CK TRAFT'IC ' (a� �i�.y hdmbnistrator reported staff was workin�g •with P��blishers Paper Company a�;tempt�ing tc� re-route the log t:.uelcs that hay�e '�iPen using Durham Raad. 1.'14's t�lEa MYT.I,EI�I�E�K REQULS'P (a.) .Let��:er fr�acn WPS I�y�.lenbeek., ;andi,date for.� County Comm�.ssion Chairman, was . pre�•enLed i:o �ouncil, reque�`ir,.� time befUre them. Council cnnsens�.� was ft�at City Co�atiir.a_1 meetings wer.e not the �ropex f�rum for political cand.idat�s. �.7.4 k'�,�NNII�G GQI�MISSION MINUTES • (a) C�zanci7:4r Stimler z►oted �hat agenda i�.ems did no� givn the locat�on i.rc the minutes. Stairf :��kcnc�wledge they woulsl ixaaZude address into original . m1.�i�tes' of March �, 1982 and include location in al'1 future minutes. � 17.: T.I]3RARY LFASE Ca) Counei�or �e��eckla expressed h?s �onfusian with thp Li,brar;� 1eas�, & he wi.shec'l �o ass�.s� with sett�.ing this problern �1�) City Administr�t�r saici he appree.:iated C��unc%lox Schec�Cla's assistance aYad I expl.ained that he �aas requi:red tu send the �ormal letter per cont�cactual �greeuierct priar to Apri1. lst. � :��I �a) Counci-lor SchecicX.a ancl City AciminAStrator dec?ded to m�et informally with atto Sorg tG try and work out lease agreemenr. �3.6 �OWN'TOWi�' GOMi�ITTEE - i�RBAN [tENEWAL �GENCY ��t;? i�ayor Bishop izrquired if Chaniber of �ommerce had su�mit'ted recoaunetidation fax 5 meml�ers. The SeZection C;ommirtee is meeting on x�pril 6th and indxva:�ivals sliould be included. 2�Tayor Bi.shop also ezcpresse3 coneern for NPO �fi, c�a�:er cTistrict, schoal district and fire district rePresentatives. (b) Discussion followed regarding Cauncil appraval and selection of inembers. (r�� Cxt� Administratoa� saicl he csoulc't clo a follow--up on �his issue. 7.7.7 L�P�EA�. OF M 3--81 �JSE 5EtaER T1tUNK LINE � , (a)' :17iscussi.on amczng Council.ors as to ��xocedure �or a�pealitx� axld i� the Schoo.l � bistrict staauld be a1l�wed to �ppeal withc�u� a. �ee . � . _ -� -=== .,,�r�, �n xnta� -- TT�1.�TE�.,S° �° �� TTG.ARD PLI�NN�NG COIvIMIS�TON �I�N U'P SHEET �t,C7T10E: [�.LI� PERSQi�B UESIRING `1'n SPE�K ON 21N'.Y. ��'EM Ni�S�' ::�'GL3 TY3ETJEt NAME and no��� th�3.r address nn tYia.s sheet, (pleas� :17r_in�t �'�i�z�' T.��n�2 , ITENI/bESC12IFT�:ON:_� .�O�T j'�aZ .— _ .�._..__.._._��_D /fs�N.B� �SS, S�,4ird'c��a�.5' �_.,__ �T?'RQI��I�k:NT (�c�r) � �PPO�TENT (�gain:st;� ...r.• - �. � .:�;-,�,.r � ...� �Ta�er A�-�.�.rc�ss �.x�.d Aff�.1,�.a�:ion, ��. .� .am�� Address � ���'�i:Li:��.:��n .,�,_._., � ,., . . .�;�� _..��lal� ��►...�2�r��' _ f." nr �. � �o W� , ' 1�� �s �'�U C��aat� C7" � � �o�...c�'. � . '����� /l� d+.�� ' '� � y r �' l� �C'l� s L �"��__._.....�.. _ _. w., K � CC.Z�tC�L, ��aG��c�L� t,�s�4v S.vu. C,t,[��v� �''l. ..,.w a-,..e.�.�_. � ��r�y ���-�w�-� 5�r,v ����.���� ���...P..��,� � ..� , �._...�� _...�...�,.,��.�.._.__... � ..�.. �....�._ ._..�._�...�....� _.�._ .��.........�_._.p.�...�....�.�,.4��,..�,. � . � NOTICE: ALL Z,ER�UN5 D�SI�tING T4 SPEAK ON A't3Y ITEhi I+xL'IS7,' SZG1.� ��TEIF? NAM� and note t,h��ir address on this sh���� (F�eaS� �'�'int yot�7�' �.t��be� �� ,,;q�;, , I`7.'.EM�bESCRT�TIOlV: �j', .`� ,Z'�' /`�c`g ' � �O o�` � _� i��i,� � �. �n�i�e,�.�/�('e v'i�1.�.•_�.�p.�P�A1��c .._°'.�.A1�� �`�' � 1�) i.��/g�� - -- �:��,n�C�NENT (For) _ O�PC�t��tEENT (ac�a�ns�) .i4_..___.�.�.,�.._ L��?me, Adc�r�ss �T1$ A.f.�i.li iatiox� ?�a}-ne' l�ddress an� Af�'a.�.�.ation ��.. .�......�.,�.....,�.r� ---- ..---,-.--------.-.� � ,......,,.......�.�. - ..�.�...._.:,.,.�. ��o,..�....a.,... , � DATE , �S=y- �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET NOTTCE : ALI� PERSONS DESIR2NG TO SPEAK ON ANY TTEM r1US7.' SIGN THETY,, NAME and note theiz address on this sheet. (please Print y'our 1,7�me) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: ��3 s �- �a . � �L�� ��l.� �3 P N� -- _ NPo #�. . , � . . . , PROPONENT (For) OPPaNENT tagainst� Name, Address and Affiliatian � Name, Address and Af�iliation . - -�---.-�-�_ � . I30TZCE: ALL PERSODTS DESTRING TO SPEAIC ON ANY ITEbi biUST SIGN TFfETR NAbIE and note their address on thfs sheet. (please Print yaur name) ITEMr1?ESCRTPTION;_ � � �„D� � -�o� G 7��' ---~ �V�� �`� PROI'ONENT (For) O�PQNENT (against) Name, Address and Af'filia�tion � Name, Addr.ess and Affiliatian �-�,'�i L. � c� �1 �'.��"�'" ���,� ��.��:A�� � �� `� � tl.�i�� i���1z/ -.�/ �`Z� ' � . . .�.�.,._.�._.. � DATE cS' y��''�, TIGARD P]LANNING �OMMI5SION SSGN UP SHEET NOTIGF.: ALL PERSONS DESxRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THETY NAME � and note thPir address on this sheet. (Plea�e Print your name) rTE1�I/bESCRIP.TION: � S_____��� ,�3"'�� S'fu�q�'S -- N�.� -�/ . ; PRO�'ON�:N�' {For) Ok"PONENT (against� . � � ! Name, Address and Affi�.iation � `° Name, Addr�ss �nd Af�iliatiorz � �-.)c� �� � �_�l_� �'" �� ������ � , : /°4�% .L . �''�i 1�.� ;li NOTYCE: AL7� PERSONS DESTRING TO S1'EAK ON AY3Y ITEf•i riUST SIGN T�3�TF' DiAbiF and note �heir addz��ss. on t1zi� sheet. (Please �r1nt your name) ITEM/b��CRIP7'ION: �� _ Y��„7-�e� M,�r��� - ��1 � �� � _ PROP�NENT (Fox') O�PONENT (againstj Name, Address and Aff�.liati.on � Name, Adciress and Aftiliation DA��E . s..y-�� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION STGN UP SHEET .NtJTICE; ALL PERSONS DESZRING TO SPEAK QN RNY ITEM rius� SIGN THF:T�: NAtIE and nbte their �ddress on this sheet. {Pleas� Pririt your name) � I`TEtvI/bESCRIPTTON: �. 7 V S:�a� �M L � �7-t�e?� � 7�'0�P�,.P. �e�.�� � i _ . PRO��NENT (Far) OPPONENT (against) II^_ ..�..�._,__�_.� Name, Address and �.ffiliation Name, Address and A��ila.ation �' � ./II/ '� ��T'./.�,/Y�. ' . : . � d�..s.- �'v�r �`e..,.. � �.....� , � I�30TIC'r';: AI.,L' g'ERSC�NS DESIRTNG TA SPEAK ON ANY ITEPi biUST SIGN TFIETf� I3AME and �.ote th�ir address on this shee�_ (Please Print your name) T'1'Er1/b��CRIPTSON:� i �'I � �y� t/�( �vtJ_�4c1C�.�S �vY' ��� ���'I t��� � . - . - --I PRQPONENT (For) 0�'PO�IENT (against) Name, Address and Affiliation • Nam�, Address and Affi.liation , V� �c�� I 1��c�-c� �� ��h,�----- . �'y`�r,� ,� ..�� �...�. . ; , . _ _ I sTlv.�r �POx�r 7�GEND�1 ITEM 5.2 , TIGT�RD P�NING COrtMTSSION May 4, 1982 - 7:30 �.M. FOWL�R JUNIOR FiIGH SCHOOL - LECTURE I200M 10865 S.W, Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon A. GEIJERAL FAC�`S CASE: ZC 1-82 Zone Change Rob.uck/Forney �,g� y_gZ M:in�z 7,�nd Par�itian Robuck/Fo�ey ' AC�ION REQUESTED: Z'he applicant is requesting approval of a Zone Change .for a portian of ths �ubjec.t,property from County Zone RU-30 (Single Famil.y R,�sidentia�.) to R-10 (Single �'ami.ly Residential) . 2'he applicant is also reque�ta.nq approval of a i�iinor Land parti.tian to create a additional lot of approxi.mat�Ty 28,000 square feet. (se� attachment '°A") . �ECOb2MENDATIOIV: Bas�d �n the anfarmatian submitted by the applicant, staff's , fielcl inspections arcd •a11 applicable palicies and criteria, • s taft recommends that the proposed Zone Change and Minor Land Partition be approved ' subject to the canditions on page 4 of the staff report. P,PPT�ICANTS: kLi.tchell. A. Robuck C3Wt3ER: Ga�la McCr.eight-Teel Kevin M. Forney P.C�. Box 925 B 1.4405 S.W. Bull. riountain Rd. Beavsrton, Oregon 97005 Tigard., Oregon 97223 , IACATION: The subject property is general�y l.ocated or� the north side of S.W, Bul.7. Mountain Roaci. Washing�on County Tax Map 2�1 lOBD, Tax lot 900 (a partion thereof) (see Attachment "B") LOT AREA: Taac I,ot 900 - 10.02 aaxes � Porti.on proposed for pa.:r.titi�ning - 20,300 sq. ft.. ,. ' • li PUBLIC COMMEN�: Notices �rere rernailed . Two written comments have been recEived ��, since original notice was sent (see attached letters) . ' NPO COMME^]T: No written comments �rom NPO # � h�d been xeceived as of Marctz 25, 19f32. BACKGROUI�TC1: On September Z1, 1978, the area which includes the site was annexed to the City, however, no ?Ane Change from Courity RU-30 ta a City zone was made. On August 27, �.979 a Zone Change was approved from County RU-3A to City It-20 for most of the surrounding properties except the subje�t pzop�rty, tax lot 900. In July of 1980 a Minor Land Partition was approved fcr tax lot 900 creating an ac�ditional ],.5 acre lot, t�x l.ot 901. 1lccozcli�g fio S ta�f's records, no Zone Chan�e to a City zoning district was requested. . ST11L'F REPORT ZC 1-82 & MLP 2-$2 PAGE 2 Al2EA CHAFtACTERISTIC9 The surr�unding land uses (see attachment ��B�� ) are as follows; • The areas surrounding the site have. been devel.oped for single family residential. Those area� are zoned R-30 (Single Family Residential) to the west and R-70 (Single Family Residea�tial to the east. 'I'he area to the south is wit�hin the County and is not designa�ed on the Tigard Compzehensi�re Plan. The area to the north is withi,n trie County, as well as the City, and is designated Urban I,o�w Density Residential on the Gomprehensive Plan� and zoned R-7(Single Family Residential). ' SITE CHARACTERIS�.'ICS _ . Presently, there i.s a partia�ly reconst,ructed dw�elling anci a carport on the ere �rP �um raus e�rer re�.n trees a��.care the southexly �ortian o� 'tk►e si�te. 'xh � � g easterly� propex.ty line:. Z'he remaining portions of the site are gras� cover�d. ' anei the site ,slopes to the nortti. B. APFLIGABLE F'LANNIIJG CRZTERIA AND STAI+F AN�,YSIS - l. LCISC Statewide Planning Goal Y1 - Public Facili.ties and Servi�s: Sanitaxy 5ewer arad Water - Currently, thexe is a eight-inah sewer line �.n S.W. InTilde�tood 5treet arad �,Ga. Mck°arland Baulevazd, whicn� are adequate size �o serve the site. Additionally, there is a 12-inch water mazn line which ' is adequa�ely sized to serve the site. Drainage - AccUrding to the l�ngineering Division any ac�dita.anal de�=elopmen� on �the site would be required to connect ta the Shawdow Hills ,torm sewer • system. 2. LCT�C Statewide Pl.anning Goai 12 - Transportation: _.�.._____._. - - � . Z't�e site is accessible �r�am S.t�, Bull Mountaiiz FYsad which is currently 40 feeit in width. Southwest Bu:Yl, Mouretain Raad is pro�osed t� be a collector street, and therefor�, a minimum right-of-way wi;dth o£ 70 feet would be required. The City has requested an additzona], right-of�-way d�dication along S.W. Bull II Mountain Raad, adjacent to the site. Additionally, the ('ity is reguesting a 50-foot right-of-way dedication along the easterly portion of the site, the length of the proposed lot, which would , provide access to the remaining portion af tax lot 900 in. the futur�. " 1�ddi:tionally, the Engineering Divis.ian staff h�s reviewed the proposed in:tersection l�cati�n ana have stated that there will be adequate visual , clearance and stopping distance for vehicles travelinq along S.W. Bull Mourntain Road. � _ i. ST11FF REPOR'.� ZC 1-£i2 & MLL' 2-SZ Page 3 �. NPO # 3 Land Use P'lan. According ta the NPO # 3 Land Use Plan which was adapted by* the Council in December of 1�75 the site is appropriate for suburban 1ow density which includes the zoning designation R-10 (Single Fami.ly Residential) with a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. 4. NPO # 3 Pc�l i cy 6. . De`velopment wi11 coincide with the pxovision of publ.ic streets, water and sewage facilities, '�ese facil,iti�s shall be '(a) capable of aciequately serving development and {b) desig�ed to mee t City or County standa:rds, and LCpC Stat�wide Plann�:ng Goal 11 - Public Facili�.ies and Services. As stated earlier there a�e adequate public facilities and serwz,ces to 5erve the sate. 5. I.�DC 'Statewide Planninc� Goal 4 - Forest Lands. • • Z'he abjec�ive of this goa1. within urban are:as is to pxeserde and provide tr�:ecl areas. CurrentZy, along the easterly property �,ine of the sa.te, ' there is a windrow o� evergreen trees whi�h provide ari aesthe�i.. .�visual ameiyity to the area which is qenerally devoid of evergreen trees. Z'he City has stated t:hat in order to adequately se�ve the remaining portion oiE �ax lot 900 it wou�ld be necessaz-y� to provirle .another access point on�o Bull Mauntain Itoad. Given the loca�ion oF the exis�ing s�riac�ure this access point would be in the same location of the existing trees. Staff believe� ihat �he character of tlze si.�e will be dramatically altered once � � the trees are removed, yet staff also recagnizes the need to deve�lop the propexty and provide adequate vehicular circu].ation tli�t i,rould not adversely impac� the surrouzading resiclences. �'herefore, staff believes that a re- forestation or plan�ing plan shou].d be suk�mitted and approv�ed by staf£ once develapment �cctirs on tax lot 900 and the proposed partitianed lot. �6. L�DG S�atewid� Goal 10 � Housii�. . '1"he intent and objective a� this gaal is to provide adequate and d�for�lab2e housing for the citizens of Tigard, Ili Tn the past few years the P�rtland metropolxtan area has expera.enced a substantial dearease in housing construction. Z'his has primarily been I caus�d by sustantial cost increases in land, cons�.ruction and high mortyage percentage rates. Sta�ff be].ieveS 'tha�: zoning the site R 10 (Single Famil.y R�siderrtiaY) would still be com�atible with the surrounding areas and withiii the StabUrban Low Density Residential C�mprehensive Plan designati,on. Yet, ttie size of the lots would be deczeased in si.ze, thus r�ducing a por�ion af the cost . of hazne ownership. . � . _._ _ �' _ — _ --— r C. MINOR LAN1D PARTITION The application for a Minor Land Par.tition meets all of the submit�al requirements of �section 17.a7 of the Subdi:vision Urr"lin,ance. In order for this Mi.nor Land: Partita,on to be appr�ved the, p•roposed Zone Ghange must also be approved by the Planning Commission. , D. SUMMARY , ; In staff's review of the various pmZi�ies and cri�eria, the progosed Zone CY►axtge and Mirior Lanc3 Partition camplies wit.h the applicabZe zeqvirements� : E-. CONDITIONS OE' APERQVAL 1. The awner of the proposed lot shall dedicate an additional fift�een (15) feet of right-of-way tl�e entire leng'� of the proposeu lot that a:but S.W. Bull Mountain Roa�l. T'his dedicata.on shall 'be submitted to the City iox review and recc�rded by the owner grior to the recorcling of the Mi.nor Land Partition. 2. 2'he applicant/owner af tax lot 900 of map 257. lOBD shall dedicate a 50 iEoot right-�of�tvay £or street purposes from tt�e eaca.sta.ng ri.ght-af-way on S�,W. Ai�ll Mount�aa.n Road ta t:he,nox�therly most pro�erty line of the praposed Iat along ifie easterly property line of 1ot 900. '�his dedi.cation shall Y.,� submi�ted to ttne l�i.ty F�:ann.�ng Direator..for review; and A-ecorde�. by� th� ownex�, pxior to �the 'xecordiaag of the prapas�d Minor I,an� lPartition. 3, 2'he �wner of tax l�t 90t� (Map 2S].�lOBII) shall si.yn a non-remonstrance agr��- ment �cs� the- future impx•rsvement of S.W. Bu11 Mountaa.n Road prior to the recordi.ng of tYze praposed Miraor Land Partition. � �, � landscape p�an indicating where addxtional street tre�s maybe located on the si�e shall be su�mi�ted eoncurrent wi�th the required right-of-way dediaations. ' . I � . � . t .`:. . ' �• Prepare bye em ursolle, Assoicate Fl�n:ner s .. ,r c ,%' r,�'�.� ,,.�/.�/f-%1�� Approved by: Frank A, Currie, P�anning Director � _ _ _ _ __ _ _ � , j � ' ; ZONE MAP AMENDMENT (2S1 lOBD, Parcel /�,, Tax Lot 900) 1. This request is to change the current zoning on a portion of ; T�x Lot-900 (Parcel`A) from CQUnty RU-30 to Ci�y R10. 7h� applicants � have resided in the single family dwelli.ng on the property for seven years. When they indicated interest in purchasing appraximately 20,000 � square feet of'the property and residence thereon, th�y v�ere granted i a building permit by Washington Cou�ty for remodeling the premises: The county recordls indicat�d a� th:'ts time that the prope�ty wvas zoned RU-20. S.ance -September .1981, the applicants have expended $12.,000 in remodeling expereses on �his house. Applicants are'finarecia,lly unable ta purchass �nit as prese�tly zoned (RlJ-30) and therefare, this request is ta �ezone the property so ��h�t th� applicants wa.11 be able to complete the remod�ling and p�rchase the property. " 2. The proposed zoning �har�ge is �,n conf'c�rm�nr.e �vith the Adap�.ed , Comprehensid� Plan. 5ince thYS area was not brought a.nto City Zoning after an�exation, this will not be inconsistent w�th the Plat� or with surraunding land uses. There are subdivisions east and �vest of the subject site which are zoned RZO a�d R30, ' AlI apprapriate set baak� and other cori� cnnditions are comp�.ied wi�h. 3. There is generally need fnr saleable smaller single family dwelling ! �nits as a result .of pr.esent economic conci�..�ions. ;, 4. This zon� Change wi�.l not result in any environmental, econonic.or , social condit�.ons �r in chanc�es in avail�bility of public surviceso The dw�lling in pres�ntly on si�e and occupied by �ppl�.cants, so non� QP �th� aksov� items wil.l be a�fected. Access f'c�r future community deve3oprneint (i:f desired) wnuld . be._._ enhanced by the ; dedicati.an of a right-of-way easemeni; as indicated on a�tached map. , sit� that is raetical for th� appl.icar�ts S. This proper�y is t�he only p berause �f th� p-r�vi�usly expended remodeling e�cpenses (s�e Item 1, abt�ve). , C. This propnsed rezonin� will have no imp�ct on adjacent sites, The usag� of this parcel will remair� tiie same as prev�ausly, wi�h no increase s.n traffic, s�hools, police ancJ fire proteGtion, etc, 7t-iis rec�uest wi11 have no iietrimental impacts on surroundi�r�. land vait�es. This aQp�ication is submitted concur�ently with application fc�r a Minor L�nci P��ti�ion on the subject Paxc�1. RECEIV�D !i��f� - 2 1982 � �► �����,I��'�I�N�� CITX OF T(GARD �� � MINOR LAND PARTITION APPLICATION (2S1 1OBD, Tax Lot 900) i. The purpose of this minor lan�i partitaon is i;o separate 20,000 sqw�re feet from the present Tax Lot 900 so that the present tenent can pUrchase the property and existing singl'e family dwelling thereot�. The applicants have resided in the single family dwe;ling on the property for seven years. When they indicated interest in purchasi�g approximately 2t1,000 square feet of the property and residence thereon, they were were granted a building permit by Washing�on County for remodel�ing the premisPS. The county records indicated at this time that the praperty was zoned:RU-20. �i�ce September 1981, the applican�s have expensed $12,:000 in rem�deling expenses on this hq�se. Appl:icants are financialZy un3ble to purchase unit as pr�sently zoned ((:ounty RU-30) and therefore, this request is to partita.an l'arcel A, 'along wzth a cor►current rezoning application for City of Tigard zoning R10, so-that the applicants will be able to complete t�he remode].ing and purchase the property. 2. The p�mposed partita.on is in conformance' with the Rdopted Cc►mpret�ensive Plan. 5ince this area was not brought into City Zoraing after annex- ation,. this will not be .inconsistent with the Plan c�r with sursoutiding land uses. There are subdivisions east and west �f the subject site which are zoned R20 and R30. A11 appropria�.e set backs and other � coc1� candit�.ons are complicd with in th� partition request< . � � i 3. Th�re �.s genera�lly neeci for saleable smaller single famil:y dwelling uni�s•as a result oF present ecanainic conditioc�s. 4. The prvposed par�i.tian will not �esul.t �.n any enviranmental, econimic nr �o,ci.al condii.�:on ehanges oi i� changes �.n avai.Iabili:ty or �ZUb19.c services. . The dwelling is presently an sa.ice arod ocaupied bq ap�licants, ' sc� t�ane of the abave items w�.11 be affected. Access for. future �ammun�.ty dev�elopment (if desir�d) would be enhanced by the dedication of a aragh�t-o�F--way �asement as indicated nn attached map. 5. Thi� pr�perty is the on.ly site �hat is pr.actxcal or ec�nomically feasib�.e because af the previously exPended remodeling °Xpenses (see Item l, above). ;' 6. _ Th.i� prapased partition wil.l have no impaet on adjaeen� sites. �'he usagp af this parcel wi.11 remain the same as previously, with rro increa�e in traffic, schools, police and fire protectinn requir�men�s. I TFr:is request will have no detrimental impac�s o� surrounding land values. � This ap�].aration is submitted concurrently with application for rezoning on the subject parceY. ' ' � ��cElv�a � , 1�1�R - � jq�� . . � cir� oF �r�;:;,,;� ��1��� � , f � � � SUpV[YED YYt �PI[LO CONINOL �� � A RESURV€Y OF A TR:�CT OF LAN'D ' ORINKNATEit ENG4NEERINCTINC. Eoutvncet ..7 Yu�:::..�. � T IOCA#E0. IN 1HE NN 1/� SECTION Y0,�T2S, R1K. N,M. )t03 54�BURNH�tl s�. �.aoos•;�c•t sr� � � � � .. NASH1NG10N COUNfY, OREGON� tic.ea; oaccoN f7xt7 . � �NONE: 67f-1A33 .COUt�tt[N(�: . . � . �. CNCTMEFPING-KANNIMG-fUPVEYIN� �C�LG10.�1IIO.NE� RLU� �� DPA4Nt FC� CNCCRCD:R40 .. . �L 300 fL 2200 � � � :liE{IIi n11GM[L �NOBULIt t . . . � � . F[V1N M fORNEY . ����,. 11e05 fu iVl;l:�ryWNFF1M p0 � fiG�PD. OPCGOM f7727 �� � , � , • 7uuEP� cAYI�ncCPEIGNf-.fEEI , .. 10 YOM ltSY� . _� ' � � lE��EPtON. DNECOM 97005 � I2) i LEGENR � � 4-MONUNF#!AS ICP FRE�i0U4�PECORDEO � • � . fUpVCT 01)057�7 Dp1NIlM�TEA�[f!CINEfRING � �tMa��u�[x+.ae�o.� � � � SN MaFARlAND"' •- ec1 s/r.teoN Roo ui�p I,retto4 qM � scrtam°DRINKM�T[I1 Mf�2P. G � BLVD. � � fCR1�ED�'OIIINIIM,tTEI1�PpAVERfE�°. �� � . < Vi • tY . S J . . . U �� - _� J . C �� � �+ NARRAiI�V[ � � o • i = iNiS SUP�F:Y NAS�11ADE f011 MINON ' � � ' ►Aplltl�N7NC�PURPOfCf fOR TNS� . SU4JE[!f(fE. tNE flAT Of- 411�OW � M1llY•-41:5 USEG FOR iMF i�Sis OF N OFApINC4. 60R DFPASLEO�IMFOAt1efSOH � • On fNf lOUnutnr SEE►PE�IOUSLY � • $� AECONDFO SUFVCY y�y65i 6Y PRINKMATER � . � EN6iNEEMYN:INC, OAiCO.NNi�1f.1�7P0. • � � 2l � ��� � 3 P�O'K%� . •• '(�{IS �S �loT Ta. BL W>C,D /.1 N W � O ?JaJLLDAiCY '�VRVEY. fPIL Mlalb'2 ' � � 0 rne�c��neu��t, r.,�.cs oN��c. . . C[8 16,�9�z. � s � N N W - _ __. — sW ui�ow000 � � _ — , � ��� ST. « .� �°��� V� � — _" L .._ � 20 �. �s; W " �M�C�-'��t�lG� � I w O 5C�ALE .t"=60' o 2 . �, � �P�I 1� __--- � — N it'16 N �n�i��� � �7.f1 ( 4/��� .. 3 ;,: ; so� , I • ,� �p� s��•,:�o�•N, i ,,.�� IL J00 T�300o i TL 3100 IL Y00 �:iis.t�h �� �M..0 � I °^ PARCEL I � A" „ rn,aoo• � ,5.., � ; so. f,s.es 1!'OC61C�170N 1AI1C�St)4.�51 ,y.'0 l24.)i s ���l�. 15.01 �- . 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'� ...r� �„ ..r 4 .,.." .� . � M . •`t � �J�' ,,., ." �� ;:', ..,, ' + '�' _ � . ,.� . � ., 1 ; .,. 2�-7$ �3 78 ; � � ;, i � 1 , , � � � _ 6 • ' '� _ ___ __ . _. _ Apri1 26, 1982 p�c E�v E� .. ���R �l � 1982 City of Tigard Tiga�d Ci:,ty Ha11 �,1'j`( (�� �b�� Tigard, Oregon Re: Mitchel Robuck/Kevin F�rney 14405 SW Bu11 Mt. Rd. Tigard, Oregon In response to a •request far a zone change ancl minor land' partition on the land in tiie above menCioned parcel,the Community Planning Organization ��4, Bu11 Mountain, is opposed to this zone change. I The snbdivision on ttie east is developed at 20,000 sq. ft� , and the subdivision on the west is dc�velo�ed at 30,000 sq� ft. The proposal to ereate an additianal 20,000 sq. ft. lot in the minor partition is within the sxisting zoning in the cammunity�, but the need for th.e reyuest to 10,000 sq, ft„ doesn't seem to be justif.iad in light of the request to remoclel the existing dwel�.�ng on the land. �h•e Community Pianning Organizati.on was involved in the planr�.ing of the existing sub�ivisions and we Uppose any c:hange to smaller lots a.�. this area as we believe the development of the neighborhood and larger community was established with the lot size of the tc�io existin� subdivisions aZready in place. Fux�:her, thexe is no apparent nePd far. any new road dedication in this applieati�n for this minor land partition use of �he existing d�Telling now on the sight. Fven witk� the eventu�l devel.opment of tax l.ot 900, there a:re existin� roa�ls that can be used which are aiready bui�t to the pro�er standard and will not make any rnore 13rge intersections into Bul1 Mountain Road in suclz close proximit� to one another neecied. Sincerely, Community Plann.ing OrganizaLa.on ��4 'II Bevcr]_y Froude, s�okesperson r ; i� � '��1 �,�� ��� �, ,t�, f,�� ( � `. 1 ';�Y;j�• �; ` �;� �, ��,). � } % � �,�;� �.�� ; ._J Ti�arci, Cregon e���ril 1, 1Q82 2���iyor :'�iibux� �ichop ar:d ��';ee��erR af TY.>.e Cousicil T`r�e City t�t' `i'iE�.�rd ' i C i ty i:��.l 1�75i �ot�, �eir ;:venue . Ti�::srcl, �:re�on �7��3 i P.e.z F1czUni��g �ir�shin�ton Gaucity xsx t�':�a 2S1 lOBD �,a#� fC�Q' � Ue�r �'rir�s. Tr, re3din� tt:e S�e:f'f r:�;:ort relt3ti�e to 'the r�ubj�ct re#�ter, und�r 4.t:e i��4din� t=�blic G�rnr,��nta ";>fotices a+erer r.•:a�,led �,� a� 4J��+rck! ?�;, :L`%°�► no �x�it�.r.n c�n,�,,c.rits }�c��3 b��r� r�cei��3". =''ir;�'�t J.a, OG`G:�:+$` �C) ;=+OLi t.'f:F3t, ClU CG'I.':.��Tl�ii h'c?Y� Y'G'C{?1'JE� �?�CE1UL'i° :'�0� :7Q�1G.`°B ���r� ��.:r:t?, I. c�nei F� r_uxb�x o� ot}-�er cc�nc�rn�d ueu;ic•. ieerc "�er�l�°.�aly c!- cnnv�nient2y" c�rcStfi�od f'rou� 'thie sr,�ilitY�; 1�sL. I X���rr.�d �z tl';e i�:..enr�in� c�;�in�,es :Pxcr� �:� e1�ct3:on of�icic�l ::r�en x �•aent. tt� vate. '1{ � St�sf I;e:crt zF��`�rti� onay� t� I��zoci;r;� ci b�� to F�?U. ki��r: e�3� t�<� xerox c:�t.>y 1 rsc�ivF� , ti�A�en i a.��eared at tr e Cit;� �,�11 in .:F.�`cnn, i,�t,�et}�e t:�� ci���.4:n�i+�icn Zit�c:.d �ut :�n�i srz i.10 u4•�s�i�;c�ati�n 1.[1 r:;'� ii7�• ' i dic'�.Y6 1.Ea 1,C�Ca �:T:iif,L f•iC :<�L"f, tC7:" t.�:C 3':�%1 Q6S1:�C7 `t.�U71?a N..vE �.11, in4.�^re�;t�ct a�a ta�s t�-en rotifi,d uf t.:i� �.e,.�kr�t `�Jis�.���" ?. �i'�iG ,jr.o�f-Y'^€iL� 'i.�:.`: CI:Y�,2.(:E.'ti';a l�Tl Et'.�.::G�7�i:E:22t.a��is� 7.`i.ErJ.� r3 G;�Jt'i 1;.�'fe�'�, tF':is r�q<<��t f�a:ll 'r.E:c�e nc �ctric�:nt�sl i�,r�Gt$ cr. oug-r���ic�:i:r� 1�:>.�d v�l�,c.s. '«i':r1t d;aes te�is �:e•a:n �ft:en t.k�� :��lsole re;?c�rt r��er� t,o � r�fru tU c�;1,.�::c� t.o isull : ot;::itF..in `r.c��.ci w�ill _;�sb °,�i�t'�in ��'� i'cse�t of �t:y �:�uec:'�, Cc.��,ld raiL �.t;i� be �el.� ��� CG17iW1���QCd r�t4�;�r tk.Hr� ccig of rasieri�n7. If 7 r€=d tE,is :•:i��r'. c�f i2�c�r:.netence �n i�;� ct.�;:ffr I wc�uld 'vt�;�l�:� "tivt.�F e T ?'�.==vc: to trint� t.h��t thia is oo��e kind af' "cna rur�''. It�U ���n �tri�d bef'�re. �'�r;r �ru1;y� ,ya�3rra, ..s�'�-t.'��-�"�"`�' t:t�lte.r (�, deicer , 11�25 ::.F., Bull �;t, f,und '�ipF�rci, Ur..���nn �7�4 j �.0 F1r�nning Comraia�ion : , ..•. , STA.FF REPORT : TIGARD PLANNING GOMMIS'SION AGENDA ITEM 5.3 May 4, 1982 Fowler Junior Ha�gh School - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut, 'Tigard Apri1 20, 1982 A. GENERAL''FACTS Case: Subdivision S 1-82 Bramble Bend NP0 ��6 Applicati_on Date: March 15, 1982 Requ�st c To' subdiv'ide appr�ximate].y .5�3 acres inL� (4) four lots of appro;c�.mately 4,600 squar� f�;et each zn an A-12 7one on �r�perty wriich has already been developed as two duplexes. Applicanf:: JDG Development Company P.O. Box 911 Lake Oswego, Oregon Owner• Same Site Locati�n; 14805 - 7_4817 SW 109th Avenue (Washingtan County Tax Map 2S1 lOAD, tax lots 8803 & $8�4) Lot Area: Tax lat 8803 - .�i'5; tax lot 8804 - .18 acres. , Recommendation: Based on the material submitted by the applicant, applicable goals and policies and staff's field investigation, staff ' recommends approval of S 1-$2. �P0 Comment: There has been no written commezat received from NPO ��b as of the date of this report. Baekground: Ordinance 79-42 changed the zoning from R-7 Single Family , Resielential to A-12 Mu1ti Family Residential on May 21, 1979 f'or tax lot 8803. Tax lot 8804 is zoned R-7PD and was ori�inall:,y included in the Canterbury Hei�hts Condominium pr�ject (Ref. I' ZCPD 4-74) . Jn June l, 1981, the �'lanning Director approved a Site Design Review with conditions, for construction of two (2) duplex units (4 living units) on tax lots 8804 and 8803. Area Characteris�ics-; The surrounding developed area is primaril,y at A-12 density. Canterbury Woods Condominiums lie to the south and east. The property to the north is vacant. Behind the duplexes, to the west, is woods. Site Characteristics: The site is fully developed. There are two duplexes on the property. Fu1l half street improvements have be�n made ta SW 109th in front nf both tax lots 8803 and 8�04. Each unit has been separately sewerecl and ' tihere are one.-hour fire walls between each half of _ . l s�i�yr�r• H�rux�i� . � S 1-82 Page 2 each du�;lex. The applicant wishes to subdivide the property in order to sell each of the four units separately. Each lot will abut a public street. B. APPLIC�IBLE GOALS A'ND P�OLICIES 1. LCDC Goa1s and Guidelines a� Citizen Involvement - The intent of this goal is to insure the oppor- tunity for citizens to be involved in al1 aspects of the planning process. In the case of this application, all property owners of xecorci within ?_50 were �iven written noti.ce of the date of the hearing. In addition, a • Publ.ic Notice was published in the Tigard Times on Thursday, April 22, and Thursday, April 29, 1g82, giving the time, date and location of the Public He3ring on this rn�tter. b. Land Use Planning - All applicable LCDC Statewide Goals and Guidelines, IVPO ��6 Plan Pol�cies and City of Tigard Municipal Code Provisions were con- sidered in review of this application. c. Housin� - The intent of this goal is to provide affordable housin� to the citizens of the state. The subdivision af these duplex l.ots should provide h�tzsing at less cost than standard sin�].e family lots. First, the 4,b00 sc�uare foot lots are smaller than the standard 7,500 squ�re foot ' ision lot and secondl t he du lex or attached unit construction is subdiv Y, P less cos�ly tU build and more efficient in terms of er�ergy consumptian. d. Public Facilities - The intent of this goal is to insure that public facilit,ies to the site are ac�e�uate. Each unit is separately sewer�ed to the main 8' line in SW 109th. Water and storm sewer is adequate to serve the site. 2. NPO ��6 Pl�n Policies Poli.cy 9. The maximum overall density of devel.oprnent will be 12 dwelling units or ?9 persons per gross acre. This amounts to a standard of. 2500 square feet of land pe�^ dwelling unit allowing for streets and other open space. Some areas will have a lower density owing to topography or exis�ing devel�pment patterns. Policy ]:U. Urban medium-density residential areas will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, and walkways, according to city or co�znty I standards. A11 utilities will be placed underground. � Policy 11. Developtnent will coincic{� with the provision of public streets, water and seweragE facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervenirig properties as well as i:he proposed develo�ment, and (b) desi�ned to meet city or county standards. 3. TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS 17.16.070 Proposed Plan c�f Land Partitioning. The followin� inf'ormation shall be included on the prelims.nary plat: (1) Streets; showing location, widths, names, ap�roxima�e grades, and approxi- m�,te ��^�des, and approximate rads.i af curves. The relatipn�hip of all streets s�i��aN�r� hr�rutt�i� _ s-182 Page 3 to any projected streets as shown on any development pl:an adopted by the Planning Comcnission; (2) Easements, showing the width and purpose; (3) Lots, showin� approxirnate dimensions, minimutn lot size, praposed lot and block rnumbers; (4) Sites, af any; allocat�d for multiple-family dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, schools, playgrounds, public or semi-public buildings or ather special use. (ORD. 68-48 §4(�) , 1968) 17.16.100 Tentative approval: . (a) W.ithin sixty days of the date of .submission of the nieliminary plat, tYie Plannin� Commission will review the plan reports of the agencies � listed'in Section 17.16.090 and may gi�ve tentative approval of the pre- liminary plat as submitted or may modify the pl.at or, if disapproved, shall express the E'lanning Gommission's disap:proval. and reasons thereFor. (b) No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major partition sha11 be approved unless: II (1) Streets and road� are ].aid out so as to conform to the lats of P subdivis�ons or maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining p.roperty as to width, general dir�ction and in all other r�speet,s, un-� less the city determines it to be in the public interest Lo modify r.he str^eet or r�ad pattern. (2? St.reets and road hel.d for private use are clearly indic�ted on the tentatirre plan and all reservations or restrictions rel.ating to such pzivate roads and streeLs are set forth thereon. (3} The tPntative plan co�n�l'ies with the comprehensive plan and appli- cable zoning regulations of the city then in effect. (4) 1Vo t�ntative plat of a subdivision or mar� of a major partiition shall be approved unless there will. exist adequate quantity and quality of water and �,n �dequate sPwa�e �lispasal system tc� support the propo5ed use of the latati descritieei in tne propased pl�t. �;. R�(:C1MMElV:DATION Staff rerommencls apprav�al of suk�divisi�n S 1-�$2. , , U��� � ��' /����/��� //D Prep�red by: � �J " '� � ��� Approved by; y��/C��'�C� Eliz het,h A. Nswton � Frank A. Currie As ciate Planner Director of Flanning .. .. . ..`.wP . . . . . . . � . . . � . . . . I . . . . . . � �T/AL PO/NT /�.� �'�° -s='!� Uc_��� � _. 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A. . , . �, ^Y� /� I i`��°/^, / ��Ct� „ rar •-� � � � i �► �'�'JJ ��. . <:a, �.. Jt`�'� ��.� K.�, ~ �/,r� ,� rJ ��J�b u�b^i:��.� , r � � � � t �� �� � •� o v, � � � �1'i�' ."��n^� �WAO v��'� ` '�� . `rC�juMv►. ` 4'+M/NQ �� I I <�♦ � 4'�� �nt�� � � . . � . � � ��� A~Nq�l . �, by `,•`• � ` '�P � ...�`r` ` , 4�C��`��� . . . � ' , .�'. . A . ��jq0�. h1'��//N � w!y�p.'1�/� Iti/C�r rM r T �( C�~ . h aw aj' �/C, j�`� ( � u �+rv'- �r„*�� + , � Z � V' .. � � ( �� � �'n� �� �1,o�� ��'� �v'�'��� ��'r *'c��e' � 4���` \ . . � � (��W . ' �C1 '•r O♦ . �� �� �LV`�v`�°1�ir �f�.~��> � �i✓i�l: � ♦,�, � l: �' o'�wq . (�o. �. �o , 4 .ti,,� �p�d � +�o� ' .,.'C y � ��• �f, ..� f.; � -..._ 1•.0 n ^tG� ��� I '�♦ M y f` � . ��r� � ��BU�Y �voo��, �,, ��-�. �,,. /-;- � .�s�r. ' , , _ - _ .:,_ . _ ,� j .. .. . .. .. . . . � � �I . : . � � . . � . . � � . � , . � ...�.1 . . . . . � � , . � . . . . � . . .. � � . . . � . � . A,pril 27, T982 , MEMORANDUM T0: Plannin� Commission FROM: Plannin$ Sta€f REs NP0 ��1. Appsal of SDR 6-82 Genera7_ Telephone N:PO 4�1 has filed an appeal to the Plan�ning Director's approval of a Site Design Review for an addition to the GTE building at 8840 Burrrham Street (see attached) . The baszs for� �he- appeal is that the Flanning D:irectox� did not rec�uire the dedi- cation of land within the 100-yPar floodplain. A portion of the CI'E site is within �he 100-:year floadplain and is designated greenway on the City's Compre- hensive Plan. (see attached map) The staff has contacted GTE of�'ieials in �verett by phone and letter. GTE officiaLs in Zi,oard feel that there won't be a prc�blem with the dedication and we have sent !^e u�sted information to GTE's land division in Everett (see 9 a.ttached) o After a field investigation, it is �pparent th�t GTE does not use the land within the 100-year floodplain/grPenway; it is separated frorn the rem3inder of the property by � fence. Staff re�ommends that the Planning Commission reqiaire the dedicaLion of lands within the 100-year fl_oodplain/greenway prior to the issuance of Occupancy Permits. \ ♦ ! '!;�.•�t' . � � �'j'- � , r" � �\�\ . � ' _. - r_• • . .l '\ —! . .= J ' ( — •.�T. ...,_�..a--q� C ' , • �� i�Crt _•i�_�-_.;t: -�---�� — -- '- .�. :����._— " ._�_� J � � . _ �. _ � : l r�a/ :�� /�' . . � � . � � � I c� • �y �, r i i _. _ , - - i � '�� , �� , � �OL10E � � _ _ - '•\ I � : ��� � . . '' � t .y� `� .-- _ -. ./ . 1C`B� L18fCARY' i � ` :� . .� y� � � — � I� � I i �!, ��°'� . �%�. �- : ,- ATURAL AREA ���3' __ — __ �. ! '' ` 1 � _ - " .��. • t �� MEAD6W 1�,'. � `' —_ i ' ' i I ��. } �� , . { ; - � �� � lf � � - f�f:t��- ,�,/�.� CITY yL, ; I , L^ ,,: y ; , � ', , . 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' •�'`.,r.` �— \\Ef" ir �j �� ��'' � ��- -.�.7'` �j 't'' . ����_�---_�� ` ' ,��. i �'• , . ��,.:' / , l` T . - s ��eaR � �>`. _ ' � y / '`,-: . ��, .�1 •�' • a� � _- � � t / ! .. � ai� � `�, � £ � �.��•� �' \ ��- - � �'�: 4 _ �� �` ' _ ' ! � , . � �j ■y1=^�1�' � R� . I�� l e�: ��(�.` . �! . . /`\ '' . / . .O.��� � �.L/�./_ ��■ , .. t t � � � �� . . _ � � t' � � . -RES_ 0 �: * . • .. /- ,_� 1 , . ' ,. MULTI- $E AR� � �� -- � -- - �7i. i - �' ,�''\ _ � . . , � - � PL/E�Y�'aR N . - - - �` . \ '� -/ - ` x'J` ,�,.��� - �.P,ICNiC S TfR. _. •�, . . i - - - a ,\ �i�,��' �_ _,�' �P1CNiC AF"F / . ___ n r •� � -; • � SC�C�CEr�ISd 9�- IE�D - l�_ � _ ` I _-- / ' '' `\ . I . . t ..- ,.. / . - �. �. t: , �. . - HILL STflEET: . , < � � r �. ''�� ' � � j .. ._� -r__. , �l '�-__ -_--_' , � I � , . " . . , �"�-�"�� 0 50 dQ0 200 300 � � � , i i ��.r� � CITYOF TIG'.�4RD WASHINGTON GOUNTY,OREGON April 26, 1982 Molly Bjelke �eneral Telephone Company P.O. Box 1003 DepartmEnt 2LB Everett, Washington 98206 Dear� Ms. F�jelkee On Mlarch 15, 19�2, the Planning Director for the City of Tigard approved a Site Design Review fnr an addition to the General Telephone Operation at 8840 SW L�urnham in Tigard, Oregon. The Site Desi�n Review was apprnved with condition� which General TeSephone acknowledged and agreed to on April 9, '1982. I havc enclosed a copy of the Site DPSign Review approval document for your information. On Nlarrh 26, 1982, Neighborhood Planning Or$anization Number One (NPO #1) filed an ap�eal to thE Planning Director's approval of the G'I'E I7esign Review. NP0 ��1 is one of seven Neighborhood Planning Organa.zations forcned �y City Ordinance as citizen's advisory groups to the Tigard City Council. The NPO memb�rs are appointec� by City Gounci.l up�n recommend�tion by the Gity's Planning Commission. I have enclosed the most recent City Ordinance re1�t%ng to the NF0's to give you a better idea of how the program works. � thP GTE site is designated as �reen- ' n of • The Nl'0 1�1 ap�eal. states �hat a portia „ t of F3nno Cre ek Parlt ori �ay on the City's �c�mprehensive Plan �ncl is shown as par wa in ' nated as reen y 1 nd desi � a the ORB Master Plan. Othsr property owner s with � the Fanno Creek Park area have been requirEd to d�dzcate the designated F�ortiion to the public as use for the park. I should expla�in also that land designated as greenwav in this area is within the 100-year floodplain and is unbuildable 1and. ;�i The NPO ��l has ask�d the City's Planning Commission to review this matter �at a ` n of whe ther or not GTE should be required Public Hearing to make a determinatio � ated reenwa to the publa.c for use in to make a dedication of �he land design g Y � Fanno Creek Park. The Public Heara.ng h�s been scheduled for May 4, 19�� ab 7:30 p.m. A copy of the NP0 ��1 appeal is included for your review. I have also encl.osed a copy of the ORB Park Master Plan which. outlines the GTE property, the new additian ancl the portion of property which fa,lls within the l0U-year flood- plain/greenway area. I am including other documents for your review. The NPO ��l Plan end Map were adopted by City Council Ordinance 74-25 and are the Comprehensive Planna.ng documents for the downtown areaa Yau will note th�t the NPO �kl P1an and Map designates a portian of the GTE site as �reenway. zn addition, pag�s 44 and 45 of th� NE?0 �kl Pl.an speak to the preservation of the Fanno Creek Greenway area. Chapter 18.57 of the Tigard Municipal Code details uses allowed in flo�dpl�ins and gre�nways. Please note the d�finitions c�f floodplain and greenway I have und�rlined on pages 292-3. The Environmenta.l Design and Open Space Plan adopted 12755 S.W, ASH P.O,BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH;639-4171 � : _ . _ s � 'i , , , ; ` t�ally B je7.ke � Apri1 2b, :1982 Page 2 � �� by Ordinanc'e 77°70 on AuguGi; 8, ;1977, speaics to 'floudplain, and greenway im- plementation policies ,(Reference pages 9-11, 13-14 and page 4U) . After 'a field investigation and discussions with Mike Fagan of GTE, the staff is �oin$ to recommenci 'to the Planning Commission that NO Occu}�a�ncy Permits be issued for 'the GTE acidition u�ti3 a dedication of the land within the 100--year flood�plain/greenway is ma.de to the public and filed with Washington Gounty and + the City of Ti�ard. I have attached a dedication document for review;and processing by your legal departm`ent. It �is; apparent, after our field' investi-- gat�,on,.that GTE does not use the` floodplain: portion of the property, a fence separat�s it from the remainder of the site. T woul;d appreciate a response in this cnatter by May 4th, if p�ossible, so that `the issue can be resolVed prior to the Planning Cammission hearing. ` ' If y�u have`any questions or require additional information, glease do not hesitate to contact. me' at 639-4171. Sincerely, � �� � F1 zaheCh A. New;:� Associate Planner cmv Attaehments _ , i , � � ' ` ` ' REC�'11i�=t� I'�1�C� `r.�fi 1982 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON CltY OF T�GAK� NOTICE OF APPEAL � File No. ��� � �--�i'� , N5 � � C�_ 1-.��r�, c� 'I�Cc��-,Yr�.-�j �r�o�Y,� ����i-� ��� 1. IV arn e : ��Y�vr 1� �...,.�� �_V �� ��.r iC��r�:l��n C�..,` v- e���.., 2. Address :��'j U �. �.---�JYr�v-C Sr_reet P:O. Box T��.. � �__ a� � �'..�_� �t;i� State � ��2ip Co�` 3. . Telep�one Noe :�'��--�� c� � 4. If sexving as a representatz�e of other person�, ,lis� their names and addresses : /\.� ��.7 � � ��- � `�'-� d�� �'1������ � . 5 � What is the decision you want the City Cauncii i.o ��view? ' ► n (Examples : denial of zone change; approval of variance. ) ��-F-� �-z.�s �� i�-e.`✓i �� �_�4 � � -- ��c� • i.V���_ v 6, TYae ciecision being ap ealed was annour�,ced by e Plannin �����° on �,_. . � S � ��^ .� (�-eL�.�i/�� t�^-e�;� � ' �-ti�'`�°t � � v a e �. �c._.rc.�� � � �-. �`1g� 7. On what grounds do you claim status as a p��rty? (See Section Z8. 92o02Q Tigard Municipal Code. ) �'-1f�.S��� � !� u--v1� ��-e�"iti c� ���`l `I 1..2� t'X- �S Cs� VrT�._�V �'`� !�-i �r--� _�° �b��'i� ����--____�__ 1�--e..o�.�v� �_ _ � $, Grounds for reversal of decisian. (Use additional sh�ets if nec�ssa�y. ) Your response shoul.d deal with the following: (a) Explain how your interest is damaged. (b) Identify any incorrect facts mistakenly rPlied on in the decis�.on or recommendation from wh�ch you agpeal . (c) Identify any part of t�ie zoning Gode ar OtY121 law which you rf claim has been vialated by the decision or recommendation ., from which you appeal . (d) Describe what decision you are asking the City Counci.l to mak�� I� ��� - P � Ci�..Y`� i' ���' �.C,�..� Si^O�rs J, �. Aor"''1o�1 ��` --�----- ��"�_�'�` ��, ��--��k j v.. P c�r�''� �O��.., . '�1--,-,J s i 5.S�e Ihe,� P��� i �f ? _ ; � y ya s ��Y'�-SS� �y �� � _�ca �f�•�-.� .. , /� :..� � . . . :�jL:�-`��;��^,�',��•�•�._� �es;�,,L� �, OQ e�',� .S{+"��.,��y P 1.�..1�. i ��i'�`/��• . e� �v� ��-- ' P...�v � ��V� oC� 1'�v.\r�o C�Qe rs: �1 � � �f't.--� �__:�. �P , � `�-�:,���'-i CS �a�.Q.. `�- 't�c�.`h v� ��v C'�V- � c��O�� �V''Q S-z Y t/�°- CI�-V"'��v�o-�,.�>. '�r...,�-e.e�vvr�r,-..� s�-�-�.� �D-e- �S�<<,��•�1 a-S �-� b«:�C. o S +..C.:e.. 1���.�� e�J�v-� o,,: �� ` � ~v'`-� ` �,! c`.C_.�.�.... o v-e�,� ��-�b� c �Y.�d; �4- c,�1ra�- d.e.r� i e , -E- t��cX.C�. �r�► 2.01 e. -�.. (r�r �w ��. � �-J'�1.� . ; ��-t-� �-- C 9. Estimate the amount of time youFwill nee� to prese�t your ar�um nt to tta� 6.a..t3L-��•r�cil. (The Ge��e-�i wi11 schedule more than' 15 minutes per side �nly in extraordinary circumstances . Each side will be , given the �ame len�th of tiane for its presenL-atian. ) (�.�ov�� lr��`�--+Y'� � !i ����er..-v��-i vv� �v� < �-�-c�: . ' II Si ned: " g I I D a t e: _�,� �''�-��r v..1� l, C7 C,l'� - ' I � : y.� ,�/. .µ� �.�/.,�/,.J/. �,� .µ ,J�.µ�J,,�J,�/. ./�.� ,µ,{{,�� ./�.��� ./�.y 1�.��.(/.,�,.y, ,�,�.�/,.�!..�t ,�j,�/. J�,a ,�,,µ,/J, .//,1�,J�.µ./�.�L 1�,, � ,/��..�.u.Jc� �, , �y!'�11'�'�7'��7f7t'Tr�7f'7�`fi�Yl'7f'7/"Ji'7f'���1'��7f'7f7Y��7fiJ'��7J'�7f'tif'i1'7T'��7Y7f71'�7f"I!'�if'�'Y71'7f��'77'!'7C7J'71'7I�71'��7YTT1'���7' � FOR USE BY CITY bate and time of filin�: �_..,, Date c>f �lannir►g, Commissi.on deea.sion: � � �a�e set foz �ouiacil consideration: Zime ali.owed �ux� argumer.ts � , per szde �:n�e�ed by:� _ '' �lmount pa;icl: � Receipt �: P�,�e 2 oc 2 �1c�tice of AppeaL - _ -=— ------ . ��i� ; I��hAR 2 G l�$� � C!t OE TI(�AR[�' � � � ✓ G—� � l V�C� �� � ��E'x_� E?H G—v—� ��Q L.'..S� �-' ! � � ��� � �lrr�..`ve,� . �.;is � v�� '� �. , o.�- Crlr�ee.�...J or�r-e� _. �,� G--T� . _ � _ .__ .__. LD_� �0.� a-���- � . d--S ...._�r=''�? ��-�P_y� ---�-!--^• ----_��� �1.. �`r'" .__. . . , ' l v�,�_.__, 1r_a. ."�'i.�3 0.�--�._ _ S _ �C.I ���-1 �.s. ---- - _ _ �. _ _.. __ . --- ___. _._�.L�-d�_ .: . _�-' �- - '.---_ --- .._. � , b e.e�-�. .____.c���-s��_ o�-- -`�"L--ey --. u.:,c��-�-- . ._ _._� _ �- .. � e � .. _ .. .. , _ � P- �.__� .)-__ -- - - __ _ ._.. .R�o�± _ R�,�1,�.�,�_ .8 q oo ��w ,_ ._Q_���ha�._. .,...s-�-�-�- __��.�o�--�-. . __. _ > , ,. o�-__. _. c:c��a-s:.��a . ..- M�'_--_�� _ _ ,.�..s���.��_�-_.,�-��-�9,s- ---P�,�,,.� -�-._.__.__ .�..._ �. . s�_�-.:_..�(?�.���_�_�r._��_---�.-�:.1.-�.�t.�___b-__y- _.__P_�..,,���;._,.-z-�_----_ __: _-__. _ ----... �__C��..,.�.'►_s�s_�:�___��:�_�,,.;�:�------_���-� ._ .�?ki�.;�.�,4> .__ -��d_�,�. _--_.. ._._ _ _ .. �-1.��._Qt:�,,�, . __G.-�.� _ �.�,� _ . 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C i_. : c�..�-�'4---o,r-: � _.ok,___�_�..� __.�_r__�_��w�,.�. ___ ___ _.._ � � � � � ^� w e.. � �-�u�+�►°�-s P�r���___.o�-_. _ �.d"�- t�o i �._..1!�-Qf'i � Q _ __ ' � _.__�.��� ��,.._�.-o a�r�-__ .�-e._ __ ._ _ . ....�s_ _.__ __ -- c�.��-. �-e._ 0 _____ . .... � � .__.� .__�_ __ d_...._. _.... ___ .._�., _ . __CL _ � ��,�� ��,r,.-�� s �y __�.� ��-�._..___�P._.. __ �_'�.��_�_ .__. _..____ ► �, -- -- _ __.__ _ ._ _A�--.._. _ . _ _ _ �- _ : . ._ ___ . _ _ __ .. __ _ _ __ _ ._ __ ._ . . . . �� ___ . _ _ , _��-�;.:, _ _ __ —�s'. ...�' � --- . . . _ . :_ __ _ _ . .��__. �`'"`�---,�.�';__ .���e'� _ _ . . t 1 / � r � 1 � ���� � . . � � �,�� FF REPORT �rI 1 i OF TI��� STA WASHINGTON COUN7Y,OREGON SITE DESIGN REVIEW TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 12755 SW Ash ' Ti$ard, Oregon 97223 � March 15, 1982 DOCKETr Site Design Review (SDR 6-82) General Telephone APPLICANT: General Telephone of Northwest, Inc. 8�40 S�J �urriham Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 OWNER: Same SITE LOCAZ'ION: $840 SW Burnham Road (Washington County Tax Map 2S2 2DB, lot 100) REQUEST: For design review of' a proposed additi�n to the existing General Telephone Central Of'fices. PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 4, 1979, the Planning Director approved a Site Design Review for an addition to the existing office. SITE PLAN/DESIGN ftEVIEW: The applicant is proposing an addition to the existi.n� 8,645 square foot office space. The proposed addit;ion is 9,027 square feet to include 840 square feet of office space, 6,983 square feet in equipment rooms and accessory uses. There are 124 parking spaces on the site. The maximum number of parking spaces needed for the total 17,763 square foot building is 51e The proposed addition does not extend into parking or landscaped �rease Access to the sa:te is off of SW Burnham Street. Burnhan� is designated a major collector in the City of' Ti�ard draft Compreherisive Plane At present, Surnham is not improved to major collector standards in front of the site. The right-of-wa,y requirement for a major collector is 30 feet from cen�er line. There is 30 feet from center line dedicated for right-of-way in front of the site. The site is presently landscaped and maintained in conformance with 5ecti�n 18.59•060(E? and Section 59•O�iO(iii) of the Tigard Municipal Gode. ACTION: The Planraing Director approves the Site Design P.lan for a 9,027 square foot addition to the existing GTE Building ai; 8840 SW 'Burnham with the following conditi.onse J 12755 S.W.ASH P.O.BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:633-4171 -- -----— , ' ' , � STAFF REPORT ; , " SDR 6-82 ( Pa�e 2 l. A non-remonstrance agreement for future storm drainage improvement and street improvements to major col].ector standards shall be signed and recorded with Washington County prior to the issuance of Occupancy Permits. ' 2. Any paved or landscap�d areas shall be returned to their original state after construction, prior *o issuance of an Occupancy Permit� , , ����� ����� ��� �� P�epared by: Elizabeth A. Newton Approved by. Fr�nk A. Currie Associate Plani�er Planning Director NOTE; Sign below to acknowledge conditions set forth for this project and return to the City of Tigard Plannirig Department. Fa?1�ar.e to a�knowledge will result in n� further action on this projact with regards to issUance ildin rmits or ersgineering approval. - , y. F' � Si$nature (gr ty Owner) �����l.a, -�-G�� Date ° Signature (Applicant if different) Date �, � April 28, 1982 MEMORANDUM TOs Planning Commission FRUMo Planning Staff��'� RE: NP� ��l Appeal of MLP 23-81 Richard Sturgis On March 9, 1g82, thc Planning Director approved a Minor Land Partition for the 4.8 �.cre site zon:ed A70/80 PD at 13055 SW Hall Blvd. A copy of the Staff Report is attached, On March' 26, 1982, NP0 �ki filed an appeal to the Planning Director's approval of MLP 23-81. A copy c,f the appeal. is also attached-. The basis for the appeal is primarily on two �.rounds;. First, NP0 ��l objects to Condition d�3 placed on the application a�proval by the Planning Directon. Secondly, NP0 �kl objects to a Minor Land Partition splitting the total property into less than 5 acre ��:rcels without Plan�ing Commission action. Canditi:an ��3 pYaced on this application reads as follows: "The convenience sto.re I' t t onneet to the builclin in which the livin units are shall be construc �d o c g g located. The convenience store shall be constructed to romply with all uniform building code requirements for fire, life an� saf'et,y." NPO ��3 contends that the intent of the Ordinance creating th� A70/80 zone was that the corisrenience center should be con�tructed internally for the use of tYie resident;s of the center and not encourage outside customers. The 5 acre lot area requir�ement in the �70/80 Ordinance reads "total land �rea is not less than five acres un:less approved by the Planning Commission." The total land area is 4.8 acres and staff has required t;hat the property be developed as ons project. (Conditian �k1 of �he attached Staff Repo�rt) Staff would like th� P'lanning Commission to clarify th� points raiseci by the NPO ��1 in their appeal, specifically on the minimum area rec�uirement and the intent of provisi.on in tlie ordinance requiring the convenience center to be located in- ternally. < . ; -- - --, . 6 RECEJV��j BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGONIG'aA1� ��j �9�� � � � � � �r�,��_�� �� �(� a � NOTICE OF APPEAL File No. � L�� --- , — c� 1 . Name:_��!e�V'\� �v.�:�� �'.� -��,}-)����� � ���..���✓>�� ;,��,L�,t `uyz �-.. _ ��,�.�.--., 2 . A,d d r e s s . ����� �'� �, �. v-z- �SCreet�0. Box�� _ �l � � � ����e�,� Ci y State Zip ;Co. e 3 . Telephone No. : ���1�r���� � 4:, If s�rving as a representative o£ other persons, li,st their names and addre5ses : � �J � � •J�- �� �'''��,a'�'_� y� c���_ - _� . , -�- .� . What is th� decision you warit� the City Cc�uncil to review? ' (Examples : denial of zone change ; approval of variance. ) k �` V`—QL/"' ��'� �'�-6�.� ��,�� �`_==____�_L__ � � 9 Y'f�'.C..- V 6, The decision bsin ap ealed was �nnounced by yt17e Planning �..��;�,:..s:�i:.en.t� on �°�cs...�e�,-`� � ��..�� ��C e��� &.� �-•r�..`e� �''4�-v�z.-�-,, c��° � "1��� Date -� 7. On what �rounds do you claim status as a party? (See Section 18, 92. 02� Tigard. Munici.pal Code. ) � ��,4 ��i'`�c�.�,��� � =�.: IO���Q,.�,_�___�_--____�� �':.�'"��� �'��.�' �--��,�- � V� �,-�— G7� _F� C,,�, �-��'�c°:� (� �r� . ' � ru V� Ltf°��'T!� '"t�° �+'�� �...i2 �. Grounds for reversa.l. of decision. (Use adclitional sheets if necessary. ) Your r�sponse should deal with the following: (a) �xplain hoca your interest is damaged< (b) Identify any incorrect �acts mistakenly relied on in the decision or recomm�ndation from which you appeal . (c) Identi Ey any pax•t of the zoning code or otizer law �uhich you claim has been violated by the deci;;ion or recommendation from whici� you a�peal . (d) Describe what decision you are asking the City Council to make. ���..__-__*,��.._�` .t`"1 r`�-,e ��'l csv,_: �� tr�a dntl"��h,j �'.6---�-2 �'T�a �n� 1 V'�`Ic:.=P�k' �"� ./ �� -.►..� �- C c�►'� 5 !Y"'�.�G� l_t�Vi i�.t.T ��-i.i t�c 10 � P��e I of 2 , ` .�-1 _ �n' ,� �r`� (h W��.0 Y� ' f Ir� �1 V i 1r-a 1'► • QY'r., • �'�a�s�-�—i�ra v h�.l � � l �� S'�T�1' r< �d�h v Q� i �..►�.�'.� _ V`�.�-��t�C+�G� �� ` QS_�2.r'��-Q�� �Q-v�+/��C'_��'b �C�? ��f��if:,`� � � �--�. �,� tr+ �t' �.� ��� '�.-�2- t�-t� t� e_ Cc�vr ' • V^�.5�i�..er C�s �� � i h - C.�►���e.�c: . �� �--Q- i�`�2.►-�„}-- cz.�" , �} 1� --r--- 'T 1 vr� � ,�c'� � �.�' i y-s.-�27 � C :. � ^' � ,� .-1--�,� ���, o.-�..a�..�s -�-� �--e s�-;�..--�°���.,.e.� p��i ��.: __.________�_ - t � -�,�.�� �-f►-�. �L �� � � Ca�-. e � r c�,1 �.�,.���,� . . s������� ' ►� .�� '��� �-- _6�-,�--�---.� 9, Estlmat` t.he arnount of -time _yfou wi1'1 ne�d to present yc�ur ar�utnent ta tlae Cxty Council. �' '(The Counail wi11 schedule more than 1S mixzutes . per side only in ex�xaordinary circumstances. Each side will be gxven,, �lY sam� �.ength�+ of time r its pres�nt tion. ) ►Jo�P_. 1��Y`� �' w�Y'� r -�. CF�''�'W^� �-��..- e-�'C.���-1�G`-��`�' r . . , � �� ; . Signed: �..�. I�a te . ._ �. � ���-� �"��° :r.s #�r��##�r###�#�##�����`���#��'�`,�'r#�##�'#�###{�#.�#�#��#�###�-�r�;#�###�####�####�####-��r## FDR U5E BY CZT� Da t� aa�d° t ime o f f i.1 ing..� �------.°- . ' �ate of Planni.i�g 'Cornmission d�cisii�n: Y _ . .. -a- Dare set £ox Council considerati�n: : ---- , Time allowed far arguments : per side v . � . ; Ent�r.e d b y: �, _.�_�_____----------,-------�--._._,.... 1�lznouGit gai:ci:° _ Rec�ipt� _�-: , , r , P�ge 2 0� 2 ' ; �Iotice 'of ApPea�.. - RECEIt/�C� f�i�1i� ,�� 1982 �.. G�TY 0� ���ARD __ ./-}���-�-�! .._ . � ___C�c�,�,�±:.� , __ _ _ :w __ _ __ �� I°'t t��'_ _ .���..�..��.� � I�:� t�.'�.,�;o�?�,..a�-�`t.-�..�...� _.�� �__ ,_� _ :�?v.� C��,'.C�._ . _.f?r�..C_�_sS_,,__.. _._. . .___ __. ___ __ __ � ._�_: ' � �' �.G!�..���.�_ .� _._ _ __ _.. . . .._ . --�,,.. ._ � �P I!�' . I � ._�� N � _� ��_�-� --___ �.�c_��w,_�-.� _ _ .___. . � � � -- __ _. . � � f� 1�"'l���`_ � 5�--�,,.�.�:� . _. v�-��,�-�.e�. _._�-�_�__ .._�����a_�_�.f-_.�r.���:._.. . __ . ! V'• '� 1 �__ ,'�-,°�...-Q v\e. . ._`'�"l-�•�i V'_. __.C r�v�►-,Y�.��°-�s .s�"�-`_� ___�'a-� ..._ ._ _ ._. t� __ia�r-1!:'-c�-�'.-�-__ �---__.f��-�r--F-- ___o .�`_. '�`i--�__ _ ��c�n_�r�... � _.'�"� �-.. _ �_�-�'._,.w_�_.... . _. _.:. � 1�l.�...� ._ _ _ _P�:.�.�.��r . _ � � ,��.�_�-�-�_ �-�.- .� ��. �_�-, .�w� _� . _ , . :�`►-�.�,��_ . a-c��{�;._�,.� _, C-�..��..� _.`-�—�.- __ �.�--� � s_�-�.-� __ �.� �.�:�_ _._. _. .._ ., �r`�� �.�._�.,._._._..� l..'^.,� �.�. ��e.7.�._... ,._�Y..�... �1s1�4 ���. Y"M1�li����, oZt����-.� --- ,- _ .__._. . _._ tG�-� ._..C?�.`1� �c�... �. S__ _ L^•.c�'� ��d",S ��, _3�V'�.., _ G`.�ir'�S_ ..-- ___ . - _. __ _-u--�'.,-�-�,�. �. G_.�_�G°r-r��..��t �.y, ...�_.._�' �tF.r�.i.V,�_____��:a�'_+,,��,�t �.�!'°��1_e���__._.__�.__._ _.'' . ..._ . d _ _ ......._.._ . . ....�_ !�±.�_. ._._��'^�� __ _ �-�''ti ��__ . _s��+--��1? �t�..5�}�. ____..`-,�.__ C�--�r"�,,, __ i_i�---�._. _._..__--- . . _. ��„� . f �e9�.V,. d'o !/ '�. r".r...Cir"`Q--.. __ �'�v'-�_.�?,_ ��S__ _ � � 1��:i�.s�-,'�.__ —.._..__.-� __�. ,_--..._.�t�l_`i'�i]__ _,.��.�'1.��_� _ r � cY"`i_.�S'S/�,...._...�^�-.�__.("�1.�.!u..._._ _. _�_�..�,.1�,_... �.:.�-'_zh_*.�.'�d�. . _. �"-�-..._ �_�-E��/_1,1._. _ _t._-x�.?`VY� _W�.�i_��� Y/�^._.__,.._. �Ci1^�� 1 �'C',.l�'_�____. ,__-__....' t� � ..n�..� ._:�'i 1--� _�-3--,_��_.,1_.�_._�.,--,�-.__ �-�-- __ ca��i�,-�..__�'�' v�_.__��.��►�� _. __...._.�_�.___�. .�._�w_..�.� � .�-�;�-..� �� _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ __. __ ___. __._______.--.___. ._._ __:. ..�._.,. �._.�.�___ ._.�__.�_ . .. .. �_ _ __ � . _ . w � � . . ___ �___ __ _. __. . .__ __.__. ___ . ____ _ _ __ ___ ____ ___-__.__ _.T__ _ ._____, _--___ __.__. ,___. __. 'I �.. _ �� _-_ . . __ .__. . .._� _ --._ _. _ ._. _. _ ��--�°. __ w _ __...___ _- -- ____. __ �S'� /��„,�.�� d�t,�'�.... � � ' '� ' � . . � Y-..._ , . . . . . . � . . .. �. . ./ IC d„f•.. � STAFF REPORT MINOR LAND PAR'I'ITION ���0� ����� City of Tigard - Planning Department 12755 SW Ash Street WASHINGTON�OUNTY,OREGON Tig�rd, Oregon 97223 ' , i�iarch 9, 1982 D+,aCECET: Minor Land Partition MLP 2.3-•81 APPI,ICANTs Richard N. Sturgis ' � tJPO ��1 ' 2216 SW Sunset Blvd. Portland,' Oregon 97201 OWNER: Same � APPLZCATION DATE: Navember 17, 1981 � SITE LOCATION: 13055 SW Hall B1vd. (Wash. GQa Tax Map 2S1 2DA, lot 400) REQUEaT: To partition 4.8 aeres, zoned A70/80 mL�lti-iam�.ly hcame fo�r the a�ed into 3 lots; 4�0 �cres, .3 acres and .�5 acres respectivel,y. SITE DESIGNATION: City af Tigard Comprehensi�re Plan designationa A70/80 multi-family home for the aged. ZONING DESIGNATION: A70/80 multi-family home for the aged. PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 26, 198�, the Tigard City Cauncil approved Ordinance 81-04 krhich established the A70/80 multi-unit home for the 'aged zone on this site. � FINDINGS: Y. Tlae site is desi�nated A70/80 multi-�unit hoxne for the aged �n the �igard Comp.rchen�iv� Plan Map. The property is zoried in conform�nce with the ComprFh�nsivs P1an. 2. The site is vacant. The property to the south 3.s vacant and designatec� open space. The property to the narth is devel�ped; Tigard Electri� a.s northeast of the site and a residence lies d9_rectly to the north. 3. ThEre i.s adequate sewer and water service available to the �ite. 4. Hall Houlevard is desi�nated an artsrial street in the City c>f Tigard Draft :Camprehensive Street Plan. At present, Hall Etoul.evard is nnt improved to acceptable standards in fron� of the property. 5. Acc�ss to the properties should be limited due to the volume of traf�"ic or� Ha11 �lvd. and the proximity of the pr�operty to the curve and inter�,ection at Ha11 and Burnham. 12755 SW.ASH P.O.BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH;639-4i71 � STAFF .REPORT r , :� , ; MLP 23-81 � : . � . .; . , , Page 2 ' � , b. The ordinance creating the A7'0/80 rnulti-unit home for the aged speci�'ically addresses uses allowed. A' medical clinic may be loc:ated in a bui�ding separate from the living units. Al1 other uses must be located in th� buildir�g with the living �anits, CONCLUSIONS: l. The proposed project site was approved by the Planning Commission far d:evelopment:under A70/80 zoning requirements. � 2. Adequate water and s�wer sPrvice are available to the site. Water pressure � a't this lo�ation is 102 psi. � 3. Hall Boulevard shoul.d be impr�ved to standards acceptable to the City of ' ligard and the Oregon Department of Transportation. ' 4. Access to the properties shal,l be limited. 5. The convenience sY.ore proposed for construction on Parcel ��3 (see attached map) should be coz�nected to the J.iving units on Parcel ��1• . PLANNING DlRECTOR FINAL ACTION; The P].anning Dixector approves this a�iplicatinn , far a minor land pac�ti�ian (MLF 21-£�1) � � " and attaches �he fal].�wi.ng conr�itions: I. A developm�nt plan for a1:i. three parcels shall be submitted and approveci by th� City of Tigard Planning Commission prior to 'the issuance of building permits. 2. Access to. the site sha11 be limited to two acess points. The (30) thirty foot.strip betweez� Par•ce1 2 a.nd Parcel 3 shall serve all �hree parcels. (See atta:ch�d map) Another access shall. be providecl from Hall Boulevard to Parcel �,�1 south of Parcel ��3. 3. The convenience stiare shall be constructed to connect to thp building in , whicla the .livin� units are located. The convenience store shall be con�tructed to �om�iy with all uniform t�ui.ld3_ng cade requirements for fire, life and saFety, 4. .A dedic�tion shall be made, as necessary, for the improvement of SW Hall � Blvd. 'to arterial street standarclso Half street improvements shall be mac�e to approved standards. 5• Gonstruction plans for public impravements for half street �mprovements to � Ha11 Blvd. sha].l be subma:tted to the City of Tigard Engineering Divzsion from � to the n�r°th ro ert line with taper to B�rnham. the Fanno Cree.s �r�.dge P P Y 6: Public impr�vemer�ts plans should include pedestrian facilities to Burnham to the narth end to the church property on the south. 7. Greenway impravements adjacent to the site shall be made according to the C3RB plan of 1980 (s�e attached park plan) . � , , .__ _ .,_ _ _ . __ ..._ ._. _.._. . _. �d �� , > ` � , �.�--'� � �EE MAP IOC �.2s � �A� �t7pS}.7}]�-�Jt_AV E.. � � � 3d0 , � 20� � I --.'�__'�.�°�°�� 3���,0� .�69'��. 119. o I .....r—�,�_ -�---s—– – � – – • � ' 1..�'r.�s��aT � + A�+�b"�ut�F��.7N� � � I qoo D e�j�FrC�.t�2 ,! - ! � i o�=fl.3��eRES s°o � ,��Rs��� • ~ ��S�'n�90�� � ! °I �up�-taN��-—=`- � . � � Q+ a�' �r--. . ; � � � �ES°.�'��ti-140.D� '�', Q � �i �- � °� � ���1E.���t==�.0 AcR�s > t� -� � -._. � ,a ��.RCEC#3 - - a� :.� .Nca LXt�Y a►-i G� ' . �v .. ;,.3 �`1, �� �-- �T'R.L.JC'TCl R�- - .' 'j �J��j��E"-�y � � �� '` /, � � , � o . / N � � o������:-��sc3� SC3 r � ,I J� I � t � : � �' I D , ,; � �,� .� � � ' � � .� � � �� � �� ,��' ,� -'-�,, �$•� , , � � � ( ,5� ��� �,$ -� ; O' � �_„_.`�.�-;e'"� �:?r, �rt�'�P� � o -� � .��,"..�P � Q��" �`t.J .'. - ..+ - _ � �' o= 1 . � �3�� fiiL`�'0'F.DEO OtVNER•/�I�Xv�J�1.�.N,�,L.fLAL.�7UCZG�fS ��L7F--{�fi.FZ.`-� �C-."6Ci;.1��7"IG7 . p,l GN P.P.� N .S�TLJ�G!S'�'K tJ'S �'= p p � �1 N O R ��.t--�D ��.�.T 1"T I O 1°� f-� I�F' L 1 C�`T ! 0►�.� �� �. � QT s :TA.X. LO"°°T"' _�UO . �G� P�� I AR–T'ITIQNE.-D 1N 'TO 3 �ARG�L..S E s =�0}�8�I N G �lJ�,�E t—#°r L.Y �70/ �S J S ��d l�F� C I'T'D �,�M� � --L�?-a�7�,f?S'��;..- _�'. 8_.�.GRF 8 _--- --•- ------�--•-•-- - • C : R . : , Pr�E���t� P�^t' �,IGH�,RO �N•�T�1 Ptio t5 ,I.h. - --- -�1ov,tS,��BI p STAFF` REPORT ,,. � MLP 23-8� • , Page 3 �'M1 � Prepared bys • �. Approved by: � . liz etk� A. Newt) nk A:' Currie ' ' Ass ciate Planner anning Di.rector " NOT�: Si�n- helow to acknowledge condi�ions.set for.th for t�hi.s �roj�ct and : reburn ta the City of Tigard Flannin� De�,artmen�. Failurp to acknow�- . ledge will result in no further action on �his'p.roject with� regards to issuanc� o�' building permits or engineering appro�val. • 'I Signature (Prpp�rty (J�tner) � Date . , , , . , ' Si�nature (Applicant if different) . Date ' �� • � . . � � � ; : . . . , . , _ ; :� � . � : . , . � �,;.. _ d � � •t�� �EE 1�AP 100 --29 l 2AD �317F_,N�-�7f�4A\!�. � � 300 _ � • � 200 • i � � ; - -��°�°_D� 3�D�Ca� - - -��9'OE 119. �'�-�-�-- ` ` � `�s{ ---- � � - i `.�.�0' "�iT � � ?'D�+�B"���� 1 � ' .� ��O° � �A1�CEt#°2, ��� . Sop � � �1_�.����.�s � ' � _ .'�o-'tr����Y — j�_�-�4v ° s ! � ��"�cc�Tlrt� �---- Mo������ . �) �E3YEFC�J'�IL`__.�_ "` ����— � — II P _ _ . ` � � � � ��'�i4Da' '°', Q ' � 'I � �. '� � ������s=�l:v Ac��� _� _ , � _ � _ ---- - - ,� �RC�c:�� � � '� ------�+e� .r_x��-r.Aw� � c�a �,��,�p,� t�, �� �� $T2�'TC7 R�- - - oI p— +� � �,+ .l _ , ..� � %N i s � ����-���� � z ,i " I , � / � � - � I � ��y p a , , ( ' .� - � � i ��� �� �, g,� ��°���,� � I r1��0. --�''� ' �}�'°1� , � ; .� I _ '19��"i�r1� N"�nt1, _,,�ii'f�'f�� _ � . ��,___.-� Q o��j'`� .'� � _ �� .�.sO, � �3 _— - t�taK��e-�oa�a!����,�xw�xe�. ��c.A�.sruQ�rs .�c��awr.�r.�Y 'D��cRiP�'"�c� . P+I GH N .�Tt�RG l'S'iK 6.T'S"�� _ - 1 =� � �1 F�O d?�W D ��.F�*T t'T 1 rJ t� �. P P L. 1 G�`T I O P—d �C7 �. -- - z . �`�'a.yc l.o-t' -���__.�o B� P,P.�►-r e-�r°� n ry �r� I � -ro 3 F�P.��E�.� � , . _ . . _ . �. _ . _ __ _ . . . -�e7 t-� I M G ��LJ�F`,E,i-4"T'l.°'� 1�70��SD ��N I�F� �I 71 �.�t�!� ; ,— _ .. _ _ _ � _�.�1-�T.��F.���=,�.B�GRES _ __- ___ _ -- --------- --- - --- c . . . , : PneP��.c, �l l,tGHAF�D ,N•S'cuP,c�19� ,i.i�. � �ov.t5,�981 i �'." � ' : - STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.7 TIGARD PLANNING GOMMISSION May 4, 1982 -- 7:30 p.m. - Fowler Junior High -- Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut, Tigard April 28, 1982 A. FACTS General Information: Case: Varzance (V 5-82) I�iPO ��6 Minor La�d Partition (MLP 3-82) l�pplicant: Saxon I Owner: Same l SW Colurribia �F1200 Portland, Oregan 97258 Locationc The site is generally located on the west side of SW 85th Av�riue, just south of SW Durham Iioad at 16285 SW 85th Avenue. (Washington Gounty T'ax Map 2S1 14A, tax lot 1100) Lot �rea: Tax 7.at, 1.1�0 is 4.39 acres. Lot to be partiti�nec� �s 28,125 sq. ft. Present Zoning Designation: M-4 (Industri:al Park) Request: The �pplicant is requesting a variance to the minimum lot siz2 of G0,000 �quar°e feet in the M-4 zone and a Minor Lanci Partition to create a 28,125 square foot parcel and a 3.62 arre parcel. Pu61ic Notices Mailcd: Three. All surrounding property owners suk�mitted waivers of public notice and acquiese in a variance r:rom the uode. Previvus Actione On March 2, 1982, the Tigard Plannin$ Commission approved a Gonditianal Use f'or construction of a rac.lio recei.ving tower on the site. On April 16, 1982, the owner applied f'or a Minor Land Partition t� create two lots; one Uf 28,125 square f�et and or�P 3.62 acres. It was brought to �taff's attention durin� the review of the 'c" tion that the lot size re uested ' Minor Land Partition appll a � zs less than allowed in the M-4 zone. Staff' asked the appli- V riance to the minimum lot size : nt to either a 1 for a a ca PP Y requireinent or change the Minor Lan�i Partition request to meet the minimum lot size r�equirement. The applicarat made an application for a Variance to the minimum lot size requirement on April 23, 1982• NPO Comment; NP0 ��6 has no nbjection to the Variance and Minor Land Partition. They feel that the 28,125 �quare foot lot is appropriate. NPO ��6 is concerned about the laneiscaping of �he p�^oject. .� `STAFF REPOR'1' `x' � V 5-82 J� MLP 3-82 Pa�;� 2 Vicinity Information The surrounding land uses are as follows: The areas directly north and west of the site have been developed for Tigard High School a�d are zoned R-30 (Single Family Residential) . The area to the south of the site has been partially developed for single famil,y rPSidential uses and is zoned kTashington County RU-4. The arza to the east of �he site has been developed as a public facility (Durham Treatment PJ_ant) and is zoned M-4 (Industrial Park) , Site Informati�n Pr�sently, the eastern portian of 'che 4.39 site is undeve_loped. The western portian of the site is developed as an Industrial-Office Park called the Durham Hall Business Center, There is approximately 64,625 square feet o:f undeveloped prnperty on the eastern portion of the site available for develop- ment. Develogment plans for the undeveloped portion have been approved but the Storer-Metro site davelopment proposal would not all�w the previously approved cievelnptnent to be constructed. B. APPLICABLE POLICI�S AND CRTTERIA 1. LCDC G�als and G�zideiines a. Citizen Involvement - The intent c�F this goal is to insure the oppor- tunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of 'the planning pr�cess. Notice was mai.led to all owners of record within 250-feet of tYie subject site giving the time and date of the Public Hearing. A Public Notice was ' published in the Ore�onian and Tigarc3 Times. In addition, NPO ��6 was given the opportunity to review and comment on the pr°oposal. b. Land Use Planning - All applicable LCDC goals and policies, NPO �k6 pol.icies and Tigard Municipal Code Sections were considerec� in review of this application. c. Public Facilities -- Public facilities including water, sewer ar�d storm drainage ane available to this site. The development af this site as proposed for the Storer-Metro cable studio and receiving towEr, pro- vid�s a puhlic service to the rest of the commt�nity. 2. NPO ��6 Pqlicies dpplicable to this applicati.on are as follows: Policy 19• Development shall coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewerage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable �f adequately serving all intervening properties as well as the propo~ed development, and (b? designed tio meet city or county standards. 3. Ti�ard Municipal Code Provisions: 18.76.fl20 Granting-=Gonditions. Na variance shall be granted by the Plan- nin� Commission unless it can be shawn that all af the following conditions� exist: � � � � �,'' � 5-82 & MLP 3-82 ,' Page 3 (1) Exceptional or extraordinary conditions applyirrg to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, which conditions are a result of lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control, (2) The variancE is necessary for the preservation of a property right of the applicant substantially the same as is possessed by owners of �ther p:roperty in the same zone or vicinity; � (3) The auti�orization of the variance shall not be materially detri- mental to the pu.rposes of this title, be injurious to pr�perty in the zone or vicinity in which the pr�perty is located, or be otherwise. detrimental _to the objectives of any city development plan or policy; ' (4) The variance requested is the minimum variance from the provisions and standards of this title which will alleviate the hardship. Staff feels that the a�plicant has not met the four conditions required to be met under 18.76.020 of the Tigard Municipal Code to grant a variance. The first condition is that there are extra�rdinary conditions applyi.n� to the site that do not apply to other properties in the same zone or vicinity over which the applicant has na control. The applicant has not substantiated that condition. The applciant contends that the City directed and requested Storer- Metro to locate iri close proximity to Tigard High. In fact, the City staff encouragecl Sto�er-Metro to locate near the high school but did not direct Storer to this particul�.r site nor to the lot size, The applicant also contends that the F'lanning Commission approved a Conditional Use for the lot size (28,125 sq. ft. ) on March 2, 1982. Conditional Uses do not approve lot dimensions; the Plannin� Commission approved the use only, not the lot dimensione � The second condition �n be met for granting of a varianre is that the .reqi.�est is necessary� for the preser�vation of a p�operty right. Staff feels that the ap�licant has not substantiated this condition either. The applicant contends that the 40,000 square foot lot s�.ze is arbitrary. In fact, the 40,000 square foot lat requirement is established as a minimum lot size 9_n the Tigard MLrnici- pal Code Section 18.52 - M-4 Industrial Park. The third candition to be met fbr the g.ranting of a variance is that the variance is not detrimental to the purposes of the code. Staff feels that the applicant has not met this c�ndition. The intent of the M-4 zone a.s to develop on 40,000 square foot parcels. Would changing the 40,000 square foot lot requirement be , detrimental to the intsnt of the Industrial Pari zone concept? Staf�' requests ' that the Planning Commission review the lat �ize requirements for Industrial l'ark zone as ta whether changing the lot size would be detrimental to the intent of the Industrial Park zone. Th� fourth requirement is that the request is the minimum variance which will alleviate the hardship. The applicant does not m�ef this condition in that there is vacant land available on the site to meet the 40,000 square foot mini- mum and staff has been informed that Ste,rer-Metro is willing to purchase more property. 17.16.100 Tentative approval. (a) Wit�in sixty days of the date of submissinn of the preliminary plat, the __ _ [ __- = — -- � „ �1Hrr n�runl , ,��'� �II 5-82 & MLP 3-II2 . �` !� Page 4 Planni.ng Commission will review the plan reports of the agencies listed in Section 17.16.090 and may give tentative ;approval of the preliminary plat as submitted or may modify the plat or, if disapproved, shall express the Planning Commission's disapproval and reason:s therefor. (b) No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major partition sh�ll be approved unlessc (l) Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivisions or maps c�f major partitions already aprpoved for adjoinin� property as to width, general' direction and in all other respects, un- less the city determines it to-•be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. (2) Streets and road held for privat� use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan and a].l reservations or restrietions relating to such private roads and str�eets are set forth thereon. (3) The tentative p'lan complies with the comprehensive plan and appli- cable zoning re�ulations of the city then in effect. (4) No tentztive plat �f a s�zbdivision or map of a major partition shall be approved unless there will exist adequate quantity and qualit;y of water and an a�iec�uate sewage disposal system to support tYie proposed use of the ],an�i described in the proposed plat. Recommendation: ,Staff recommends denial of Variance V 5-82 ancl of Minor Land Partition MLP 3-82 based on Findings as follows: ' 1. The applicant daes not meet the four� conditions for granting a variance as required in Code Section 18.76.020, 2. Approval of the Minor Land Partition would be in violation of Section 18.52.030(1) , I \�� Prepared by: 't� U�,?� � Agproved by: ��� � � _ - — �I E1i beth A. Newto �� Frank A. Gurrie CM+�✓ Assaciate Planner Planning Director � i _ _ � % . �..� VARSA�ICE .'�,PF�LICA'rICGN l, THERE ARE EX!�EPTIONAL OR EXTRAORDINARY CONDITIONS APFLYING TO YOUR PROPERTY` THAT DO NOT APPLY GENERALLY TO OTHER PROPFRTIES IN THE SAME ZONE OR VICINITY, WHYCH CONDITIONS ARE A RESULT OF LOT SIZE OR SHAPE, TOPOGRAPHY, OR OTHER -CIRCUM�TANCES OVER WHIGH YUU HAVE NO CONTROL. PLE7�SE DESCRIBE THE CONDITIONS WHICH APPLY TO YOUR PROPERTY. Storsr Cable Communication was rec�uested by the City of Tigard to co-locate with the Tigard High School� or in clase groximity to it. It provide� a service to the neighborhood and the educational system, Th e �n.l. y zoned and suitabl.e land is the exc ess ro er I at the Durham Ha11 Busin P p tY ess Ce nter. The ex' asting property has two existing buildings and approved pla,ns for two more on the excess portion. The entire complex was desa.gned and approved as an integrated Industrial Cam�usv �torer rommu- nications was asked to locate in the locatian �:o best serve the community of Tigarci> , A conditional u�e wa� r�ques�ed for trie Iot sizE and was approved b the Ti ar Y g d Pl�nnin Gomm�.ss ' 1982. g ion ar� A�arch 2, , The si.te provides public access and the abili�y to best serve the commu�ity. It meets a11 thnse requirements that a sotind business interest and a concerned comm�nity taould want. The siz� of the prr��osec� lot is the maximum economic use fo.r the approved �use. It also allows th� furthex� dev�l- opment of �Lhe remairzing portion raf Durham Ha11 Bu�ir�ess Center �o its h%ghest an,d best use as a �rell appointed a.nd�xstrial campus. Z'he City� of Tigara placed these parameters upon Storer. The canstructiora of their facility does not ��quire �0,000 square feet but they urere placed in a zoning tha�t re- quired it. The request in itself would be rea�:istic a,f it were not in a total. cam�us environment. In the specifi.c case it is a forced use and an ecoz�omically unsound one. In summa�y: Storer Cable Communication has an apprQVed conditional use for the Iot size de-scribed. --. Any furtner requiretnent would be economically unfeasible. -- Starer Cable Communicat�on was directed to this site by the City ot Tigard as the loeation best able to serve the community needs. -- Any further size required would preclude the �le- v�lo�ment of the remaining land to its highest a�d best use. - The s,it� is so situated as to provide the best aceess and l�ast impact on the existir�g use. 2. THIS VARIANCE REQUE�T IS NECESSARY FO� THF PRESERVATIQN OF A PROPFRTY RIGHT OF THE APPLICANT WHICH IS SU�ST�NfiIALLY THE SAME AS I8 POSSESSED BY OWNE�S OF OTHER PROPERTY TN THE SANiE ZONE OR VICINITY. PLEASE DESCRI�E. Durham HaZI Business Center was desigxzed and approved as an Industrial Park. Unless thi� variance is granted the arbitrary figure of 40,000 sq. �t. will preclude the devel- opment of the total site to its maximum potential and ser- vice capacity. The property is unique and cannot be compared ' to others in the area because of it'a proximity ta the surrounding neighbarhood, transit systems and edu�ati�nal facilities , Other zoning reguixements af smaller lats in adjacent munieipalities recagnizes the variables in this type of useageo The property owner is therefore arbitrarily denied the right af transfe�ral of a property right as although zoning useage and compataha.lity have been demonstrat�F�d. The 40,000 sq, ft, may we11 be realistic in the context of a single use property but in an integrated useage i� is unjustably de- priving m�ximum use of th� property and �orcing an unrealistic lot si�e that is only valid in the context of a free standing complex. ti Th� pr�perty owner is penalized in that failure to create the two tax lots of trie prc�posed partition �aill negate the economic use of the remaining lancl., 3. TI�E GRANTING OF THIS REqUEST WILL CARRY OTJT THE PURPOSES OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS FOLLQWS: A. THE GRANTING OP' THE VARTANCE WTLL NOT B� DETRIMFNTAL TO TYiE POLTCX OF PRC1M0'T'TNG THE MOST APPROPRIATE USE O� LAND BECAUSE: �.�he intent- of the policy is to put laxzd to it's �' highest anc� best use. The geographical prc�ximity to all servic�s, thE educational facil�fiies and the neighborh�od support already established promotes the ef£icient and intelligent use of the property. The existing use as an industrial. park will encompass in a pleasant supportive atmosphere the already approved pr_oposed structu-re. I� wi11 be an integrated use rather than �a separate one. Bo THE GRANTING OF THE VARIANCE Wri,L NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO �rFiE� C'.ONSERVATION AND STABILI7,ATION OF THE PFtOPERTY VALUES IN THE AItEA BECAUSE: It will Enhance the values in that the surrounding area. The property is best served bX use. Such use will p1acP an :increase in the stability of tlze area values. . � _- _, - - - - , . , _ , 3. C. ' THE GRAI>TTING OF THE V�IRIANCE WILL NOT BE DETR�MENTAL TO THE PFtOVISION OF FIR�' PROTECTION ZN THE AREA BE�AU5E: The fire protection is already in place and will r�a�. chamge th� requirement. ' D. TH� GRANTING OF THE VARYANCE WILL NUT BE DETRIMEr1TAL' TO THE PROVISION QF ADE�UATE OPEN SPACE FOR` LZGHT AND ARE BETWEEN STRUCTUI�S BECAUSE: The proposed :building will provide more space for light and air between struCtures beca,u�e the structure will, be smaller' than the �,uilding, al- I � ready appraved on' th� si�e. E. THE GRANTING OF THE VARIANCE WZLL NOT SE DETRIMENTAL TO THE b'LOW O;I' TRAF'FIG: ,IN THE AREA. -- IT WILL Y�IOT CAUSE 012 INCREASE CONGESTION BEGAUSE: ' '� The area: is already deaigned and approved fox� a valume of t�affic c�mmesuratP with a mr�re intense ' use. ' The four v�ay stap sign at 85th and Du,rham Road; prevent any backup. � �h� dist�nce from tlae intersection precludes any c�nges�ion. F R THE GRANTTNG -0F THE irAR�ANCE WILL I�TOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO DEVELOPMENZ' P,�.TTERN IN THF AR�A AIrtD 'l�ILL NOT LEAD TO UNDUE CONCENTRATIOIJ OF PGPLILATION BECAUS�c The total development plan wi11 n�t be increas�d intensely but' r�ther lessenedn it wil�. place complimentary uses a.n praximity to each other� G, THE GRANTING OF THIS VARIANCE GVTLL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TU TIiE PROVISION OF COMML7IVITY CJTILITIES AND FACiL7CTTES SUCH AS WATER, SEWERAGE, �LECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION� TR:ANS- POI2TA'I'ION, SCHOOLS, PARKS AND t�THER PUBLIC REQUIREMENT BECAU��: 7t� makes nca c�emands �hat have not already b�en �rovided fora H. THIS REQUEST WILL NOT BE IN3UR�OUS TO OTHER PROPERTY IN 2°HF ZONE IN W�SICH TFIIS PROPERTY �S I,OCATEll OR �N ;PF�€E ��CZNZTY C?F �HT� FF20PER�'Y �E�AUSE o T't�� u�� will xio� bP al.terecl from its gresent use. Surrounding owners are highly s'uppoartive o� the us�. The use has �lready been ;ap�r�vec?. . � -- _ _ ; -----=----- " ' 4. THE GRANTING OF THZS R:EQUEST WILL NOT BE INJURIOUS TO ' OTHER PRUPERTY IN THE ZONE IN WHICH TH�S PRQP�RTY IS LOCATED OR IN THE VI`CINITY OF THIS PROPERTY BFCAUSE: The use has been already approved- and is com- messurate with the existing zona.ng. Rather it is best located h�re because it is supportive of surrounding uses. 5. Z'HE GRANTING OF THIS REQUES'T WZLL NOT B� DETR7MENTAL TO ' TFiE OBJECTIONS OF TFiE CITY':S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN�. PLEASE DESCR3BE HOW THIS PROPOSAL COMPLIE� WITH THE ' COMPR��HENSISIE PLAN. This grc�posal does no� change the comprehensive plan but is in conformity with them. The isolated nature of the total business center complies with ithe co-location af the uses and the use of existing �ublic utilities. fi . .THE VARIANCE R�QUESTED IS THE MINIMUM VI�RIANCE E'ROM THE PROVISION:S OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE [VHICH ALLEVI�TE THE HARDSHIP, THIS CONDITION RE�UIRES THE APPLICANT TO LOOK A� THE APPLICABL� ZONING ORDINANCE STAI�?DARDS AND TO EX�'LAIN WHY TFiIS IS THE MTNIMUM VARIANCE THAT CAN BE REQUESTED. The constzuction of a stu�.:io facility does not require, the lot size that the zoning demands. An increase would be economicall unfeasible for Y Y both the a Iicant anc3 the intended user (Store�) . PP The proposed lot would be part of an inte- gxated campus atmosphere. The variance is re° quest�d ta allaw the deve�opment of the remaining parcel to its highest �nd best use consistent with the goals and plans alreaciy established. by Tigard. The proposed str�act�re would be architec- turall� appealing and 1.andseaped in coniormity with the already high �tanda�d of Durham Hall I, Business Center. Any further size requirement on �he lot woulcl ereate �n ecanoznic hardship tha� would sex�iously empeid the c�.pability to proceed. It must be poi.nted out again that the lo'� is �i to b� part of an established industr.ial campus. I Th� standards envi5ion a single parcel not an I integrated use. The standards are meant to be common sense guide�.ines designed ta promote healthy growth. The req.uiremPnt to go to a larqere site would necessitate a new site location by Storer. This zaoulri r�quire new surv�ys in a sin.gle free s�tand- ing parc�l. This minor partitian wi�h variance ta . permit a 29 , 125 sq. ft. lot would preclude that need and b� in line with the reguiremerits placed by �he City of Tigard. l <. ' l. Saxon I requests a minor partition of the above �aptioned property i�ito two distinct tax l�ts. The purpose for th�..s is to se11` one •of the proposed lots to the Storer Cable Company for �heir headquarters. 2. The propased use is not in contravention with Tigards Adopted CoLnprehensive Plan. 3. The public` bene�it deri�ed will be in the increased tax base , new jpbs created and incnme locally generated by the construction and continued operation. 4, There will be no changes in environmental conditions. The econom�c aspects will favorably affect the area. The publid service pr_ovided by the Storer CablP Company wi11 significantly enhance the sociat and educational c�.ima�e of the ;City of Tigard and adjacent a.reas. The educati.onal benefi.�s have been address�d separately by the Tigard School Dist�ict, �. The acceas e�i�ting use arad the pr.oximity to central �ervic�s m-ake this ideal for the proposec� use. �` 6. The impact wi11 be co�asi�t�nt w�th tlle prese;nt use and w.�.I3. z�o'� change th� ch�ra�ter or activity level to any � degre�. � 7. '�her� wi1.1 be no new ptzblic services required. AI1 services are now in place. . , l,2�s- ', i `. LL� l ' � c��+ccuco n►a wn � i�po-u,sa,soo,�a;w�; � :oe,aot,txoi,+w.soq . ,•i ; . � • 1 • SEE MAP ' ' ' ' � • 2S I I IDD ' 'j I2 . � , � ��iS � . � f ; . TERM CR. No 129� � � T . . � •��✓�1`-'��YS� �� .R�N..� � L.11.4!•�� o ��i'�� � w . E . ,c*:! . . - . . . � � �. . ��:.s a' . . . ` ' . . � � , I4 �3 S , I ' � � THIS M�1P IS FURNISH�fJ AS A� � • . ' . - CO�lVENIERCF_ QY: � ' '�-'`�� i��n"='��� � t �^L.� .9 ( _ , . � �: r�-�is Mr:r �s ran�r n ;;��rt�;�v an;o po�s tvor : � � . �_ • I • f Q SFIOW Tf-iE LO;;ATIC.*�!{)�qNy IRAI';?UVENENTS • I• � . THE COfviPAlVY ASS!1,YILS N0 LIAaIIITY FOR •� r _1 ANY ERRORS THEf,crl�. 1 �� � i ' ; 1 . i , . . � i . I . . . � . t �o . � . � 1 ,a i . ; 53 1/3, R�OS ,� . �. ',�'`_. � • � . 1 Eq0 . . . � . �.�r.�. . . , � � � ! . � � . t Q � � � . _. i . � � ' l 0 � � I ' Ie 1903 a ` p � i � .p.oa..�. �q . ( _ '� I 101 0 � '^ sJ ao. i) . � � o r ' o ,z�-j i, w w. ^r ..s' n. • �I N � N p �' W � __...._ s� �is A�os � � S'EE � MAP ' r� �� 2�a ! I3B � 12�0 � ass ��. � , �' , ♦� . ' , . . � � r� ' . . 40'� p o!� �� ��� � . s� 8�� �% , � � . . � . • ' . i : « rco •2.7 s' . � . � � F$EGEIVED t1�.6 cis.45 � � ' i�oo , � FEB 11 198? I _ /J./OAe. , ; Cl�lf OF TIGARD � . ..���� �� � ' � ' . �., `. .----. . �—�\ . � �w .. l ,'� , � �,, �.v�.o ���.�. 12 5' � ' � � (—.n_.J.;a�•�—�a �—��--.[_�/�_F--H�_F_�t X_F.__ .��_�_�K�Y_4_f_� I. � � .. Ii �6' FENCE (TYPa� i � � � � � I � ' � I I) � I'� �I : }J I � --- 1 � { 1 i i ! t � _. . ! ! - -- � I jm..�..�...�. �...�,._..�.. � �� ..� . ,I � i I STAT Oa EAR7H ' . I I � � f ... ro �\ —�— — —xd N I � �i � , ,, 1 I N i ��� �.. � ' �,�; . . \ I � � " t I �- � �' v �v �., t � ����'��` � � � I 100 TO:. � YS �� '3�ny .v a .i . � �:> ���j« A� C g C � ' I , ��� � , � �' ���f� � y��� �'. � . ' ,O--Y't—F;t—i—Y . ? ��� x �, .� '�D q� . �x�`..•Y 1 � �1! �D . . . � �....y �' � �, � �.�_-� , � ,�: ,�...,�._m...--- - ...��.,..Q . )�� l,.'ti`�� -�,'°r , ';:, �� �' a .�' C`�� '�,l 7 q � � i � •����.� . e �. :! :t • '} � �- --�- ' i� 85 th AVENUC , , 3 ' .� f �. . (, � STAFF REPORT' AGENDA ITEM 5,b • TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March 2, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. Fowrler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut, Ti�ard F�bruary 17, 1982 � . No subn�issi.on of ad�itional material by applicant sh�ll be made at this Public Hearini� �arrless tif�e applicant is requested to do so. Should this occur, un- requested, the item wil.l be tabled until the following hearing. • A. E'AGTS s ' General Informatiorz . � Case: Conditional Use (CU 5-82) Storet^ Metro NPO ��6 Applicante Storer Metro Owners 5axon I � � 7100 SW Hampton Str�eti 1 SW Columbia 4�1200 . Suite 23i Por�tland, Oregor� Ti�ard, Oregon 97223 �, . Location: The site is generally located on the west side af SW 85th Avenue; just sauth of SW Durham Road at 16285 85th Avenue. Washington County Assessar Map 2S-1-I4A, Tax Lot 1100. Lot Area: 28,125 square fee� Present Zonin� Designation: M-4 flndustrial Park Zone) � � Request: The appiic�nt is requESting approval for a Conditional Use permiY � to allc�w for construction of � radio receiving tower (�ttachmen't �►�n�, PGblic Noti.ces Mai].ed: �'1� � �revious Actior�sa no�ea �N�r'(.0 �,���wvv�e,f.;_;. Vic�.nity Information . The surroundir�g lands uses are as follows: � � The areasdirectly north and t,rest of the site have b�en developed for Tig�rd High School, uses and is zone R-30 (Single Famil�+ Residen,tial) . � � T�e a.re� to tYi� s�uth of the site has been �arti.ally developed far singl.e family� residential uses and i.s Coun'ty zoned RU-4. The area to the east of the site has been develraped as public facility (Durham Treatment Plant) and is zoned M-4 (Industirial Park} . Site Information Presentiy, the site is undeveloped and primarily grass covered. . , . S1'AFE REPORT • CU 5-82 � � Page 2 r � ��G'(...�i,���iV�i'1-� ����' , B. CRITERI'A AND STAFE' ANAT,YSIS - LA.ND USE ISSUES: 1. NPO 4�6 text: ' A�thou�h the"NPO ��6 `plan does not specifically state as policy that` the proposed use should be located within the vicinity of the site, iche tsxt of the NPO 4�6 plan narrative does s�dte that pu:blic utility use�s are conditionally permitted within the vicinity of the site. 2: Se�tions I8.52.020{8? and 18.�12.110(a) of the Zoning Ordinance are - . applicable to this case. ' ' 18.52,D20s Coraditional Uses (£3) Public Utilities (such as water towers and sub-- stations, etc. ) 18.12.7:10: (a) � The fc�llowing types af s-tructures or structural parts. are"not subj�ct t� the builc�ing height lima.tatio�s of . this title: chimneys, tanksr church spires, belfries, domes, monuments, fire �nd hase•towers, observation towers, masts, aer^ials, coolin� towers, elevator �h�fts, transmission towers, smoke stacks, flagpoles, radio and televis�..an towers, and other similar projections. The ordinance lists publi� utility uses as conditiorially pes�mitted in � a M-4 dsndustrial Park) �oney and �Section Z8.12.110(a) states �hat ra�3ia and TV towers which exceed the hei,ght requir�ments of ths zane can bP considered within any district. ' The proposed cable communications tower and studi� would be locatPd ad� jac:ent to the high schc�ol property, The applicaiYt has stated that the f�cilities would erah.ance� the high school.'s communic�tion Pducational activities. C. S3TE RELATED ISSUES: I. The proposed 40' x 50' structure on site meets all of the setback r�quirements nf the M-4 zo�e. . 2. The applicant is pr�oposing 15 p�rlcing �spaces which is one spa�e per �' 133 square feet. `This exceeds the r�quired one space per 35Q square Feet for office and/or studio space. 3o The applicant is pronosing to landscape and fence the sit� in �ccor- � dance with Sections 18.52.060 and .070 of the Zoning Ordinance. The actual details of tl�e landscape plan will he discussed wit� staff'�at� Site Design Review along with the location of the future earth station. D, RECOMMENDATIONc Based o� the anal�+sis above, staff recommends that the Plannirag Commission ' approve the proposed Conditional. U:e subject to the foll�wing con�iitians: .. .. . .. .. . . . .. � �`.iM� . �, � • ,� STAFF REPORT , ' , :. CU 5-82 �`� . f � Page 3, 4' � 1. A landsca�e plan sh'a11 be'submitted and� approved by the Planning Director prior-to the issuance of any building permit on the site. 2. The applicant shall apply for Site Design Review prior to the . ` ' , ` , issuance`�of any building>:permit�=on-:site. . Prepared �by: Appraved by: �'tiGSi�t%1/'���".._1G���� eremy oursolle �, , • � Frank A. Currie Associ te Planner Public Works Director , . ' • � , �o a = C ( NAR�TIVE l. Applic.ation is for` a C�oriditional�� Use'"Permit for the � erection on an _antenr�a tower for use in conjunction with the Head End and Fublic Access Studio to be , constructed on this site. A:ntenna tower wi�l. be used to mount antenna to recieve �bro�dcast signals��and possibly for future us� in micr�-°wave relay network. ` 2. T�ropased use is in conformance with Tigards Compre- hensiv'e Plan as it ''i� a 'necessary ancillary f_ac�.lity ta �he p�oposed Head End and Pub�.ic pccess Sttic�ic� � which is a" lan� use' contemplated by the Plan for �:his property. . 3. Availability of Cab�.e Commun�ications in general and the Pub1Y.c Accesy S�tudio in partfcular fulfill.� a demon- s tx�ted p�sbl ic raeed. , 4 . Hear3 End and Pulalie Access Studio is a �acili�.y requir�d by the �ranchise Agr�em�n� between th� City� of Tig�.rd and Stc�r�x Metra. �Availability of this facilit� wi17L greatlp enhanc� the communi.cations � �ap�.city of the public ag�ncies in the axea. ti 5. Nat applicable. 6e Progpsed stru�ture will have no discernib�e i.mpact or ' effect on ac�aacen� �it�s , occupants ox aetivities excep� that .the ability of the High School tn carry out its ec3ucata,onal activities will be enhanced. 7. Proposed develapm�n,t should have minimal imp�ct on public servi��s outside of a slight �(appraximately� , I00 tY ips p�i d�y) increase in traf f ic. 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