Planning Commission Packet - 04/06/1982 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AG�NDA TIGARD PLANNrNG CONIMI5SION APRI7'� 6. 1982 - 7:30 p,m. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LECTURE ROOM 10865 S.W. Walnut, Ta.gard 1. Open Meetinq 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes from previous mee�cing 4, Plannang Commission Communi�atiQn 5. PUBLIC HEARING 5.1 CU 7-82 Shix�ley Bilbao/GSG of Oregon: - NPO # 6 I 5,2 ZG 1-E32 Michae�. A; Robuck/Kevi:n M. E'orne - NPO # 3 Y 5.� CPIt 13-81. The Meadows -� NPO # 7 M 1-82 The Meadows - NPO # 7 5.4 M 2-81 Main St�eet Develapment - NPO # 1 5.5 ZOA 1-82 �onditional Use Standards 5. Other Businass 7. Adjou�ment il � � ,�;, f .. . . . . � � ... ...��_I.1 . TIGARD PLAN'NING COMMISSION R�GULAR MEETING MINUTES - Apri1 6, 1982 FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LECTURE RO�M 10865 S.W. WALNUT STREET - TIGARU, OREGON l. President Tepedino called the meeting. to order at 7:30 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: T�pedino, Speaker, Kolleas, Christen, Herron, Helmer, Bonn, Owens, Moen (arrived 7:39 P.M.). ST�.FF: Pla.nning Director, Frank Currie; Associate Flanner, Elizabeth Newton; Associate Planner, Jeremy Caursolle; Legal Counsel, Ken Elliott; Suppor_t Services, Diane Jelderks. 3. The minutes of the March 2, 1982 meeting were considered. Support Services reported location of each public hearing item was inserted in original minutes per City Council's request. Commissioner Bonn moved £or approval of minutes, with corrections, seconded by Gommissioner Helmer. Motion carrisd unanimqusly. , 4. COMMYSSION COMMUNICATI�N � none at the present time. 5. President Tepedino opened the Public Hearing by reading the usual statement of authority for and proeedure to be followed in the meeting. 5.1 CONDITIONAT� USE CU 7-$2 Shirley Bil.bao/GSG of Oregon - NPO ��'6 � A request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a restaurant (Feeks & Stongs Potato Pub) located at 13620 S.W. Pacifi.c Highway. WCTM 251 2CC lot 900. (a) Associate Pl.ann�r Newton made staff's recommendation for approval with cortciition that applicant apply for a sign psrmit. (b) APP'LICANT'S PRESENTAT7CO�V - AppXicazxt had nothing tn add to staff report. (c) PUBZIC TESTIMONY � No one appeared to speak. YiJBI�TC HEARING CLOSEI7 (d) COMMISSION DISCUSSTON A1VD ACTION I, � • Commissioner Herron questzoned use of electronic games; staff advised , this was an amenity rather than actual use. ' �� • Commissioner K�lleas wanted to know if this was a restaurant or tavern; ' staff stated both are conditional uses in this zone, however, this is ' a restaurant which serves beer and wine. • Commissioner Kol.lea� was also conr_erned if signs were in violation of sign code; staff noted this was coveresi ux�der condition number one. • Comm�.s�ioner Speaker suggested changi.ng the wording in staff's recom- mendation to read: "Condi�ional Use rPquest to operate a restaurant at 13620 S.W. Pacific Hwy." , � � � • Discussion foTlowed whether to approve as a restaurant or a tavern. s Gommissioner Owens moved for approval of CU 7-82 as reCommendeds per Gommissioner Speaker�s-eorrection, with condition that applicant shall app1S* for a szgn permit. Commissioner Helmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. , 5.2 ZONE CH2,.NGE ZC 1-82 Michael A. Robuck/Kevin M. Forney - NPO ��3 ♦ This item was postponed until May 4, 1982, because of improper public. notification. 5.3 GENERAL PLAN REVIEW CPR 13-81 - SEN�ITIVE LAND PERM:CT M 1-£i2 The Meadows NPO 4�7 A request by Bruce Kamhoot for a General Plan Review of the Meadow�, a 27 1ot subdivision and xec�tiest for a Sensa.tive Lands Permit to excavate and fill within the 100-yea� floodplain. (WCZI�I 1S1 34DA, lot 2600) 106th and Black D'iamond Way. (a) A;ssociate Planner, Newton made staff's recommendation for appro�al with conditions. (b) APPLICANT'S FRESLNTATION - Edward Ma Writer, representing 13ruce Kam�ioot, cancurred wi.th sta£f report. Wanted to en�phasize, there wiZ1 be no change in flow nr depth of water. He stated there were coneerns of neighbors regarding wildlife inhabitants; so he walked through T_he prQject and did not see where there would be any effect on the wildlife. (c) PUBLIC TESTIMONY � Britt Weatherhead, 11005 S.W. 106th, Tigard, expressed his concern whether th�re is a need for this type of housing a� this time. Presently homes in tlais price range are not �elling. He had obtained vacaney rate figu.r.es fxom Metropolitan. Housing Authority, which showed Tigard haci the high�st vacancy rate in the six county areas. He was also concerned about the effects developu►ent would have on Fanno Creek. He stated there is a run-off problQm t�day; what will it be like G�ith future develapment. Also, recently the Ncrth Daka[a Brid�e was closed beeause af high water; wliat specific plans are being made to prevent this from happenirrg in the future. o Marian Maddox, 10800 S.W. 108th Ct. , stated this winter the water had flooded most of the area behznd her house, which is where this praject is to be placed. She wanted to know where the water will go whsn the development is put in. What kind of insurance can Che City give that she won't be flaoded after this project has been d�veloped? • Barbara Priest,10710 S.W. Ponderosa Place, stated her house .loaks out over the floodplain area and she has seen Blue I�Ierron in residence all along that area. 5he cantinued there is alr�ady a traffic and parking problem in the neighborhood. Presently, N'orth Dakota does not have room for bicycl2 or pedestrian traffic. Also, no provisions have been made for the razlroad crassing nc�r the cc�ngestion problem at Tiede�man and Greenburg Road iiltersection. With the addition �f another develop- ment these h�zards will only be increased. PT,,ANNZNG GOMMYSSION MTNUT.ES - APRIL 6� 19$2 Page 2 She also contacted CH2M Hill regarding their report, and was informed it is out of date. She was concerned about the erosion occurring along Fanno Creek and the filling into the creek by the Steel Company, which causes even more restrictions. � Bi11 Robinson, previous owrner of the property that is to be developed, was not opposed to the proyect, but just wanted flood problems clarified. He is also the owner of the property in which Koll Business Center is located. This project was supposed to have a retentiony how'every this has not occurred. He suggested putting a retention pond on the other side of the creek from the project. • Tim Roth, 10705 S.W. Ponderosa Place, was in favor of a retention pond, however, doesn't feel it will be adequate, especialYy with the run-off p.roblem created by Koll Business Center. He stated he sees the fl:ooding first, has used two feet of fill dirt and still has water. in his back ��rda He wanted to kn�w the type of fill dixt to be u�ect. s Barbara Priest a�ded she had contacted Ko11 Business Center and was infornted their parking lot was fiYled to 162 feet and they are also Pxperiencing prob�ems with flooding. She stated she had obtained her information on CH M H�.11s re�art from F.oger Sutherland, who suggested fi�1 be done to lb3 feet. • Discussion f_ollowed among Commissioners, staff and residents re�arding the retention pond, feasibility af this type of project, manufactured home standards and the Blue Herrons which inhabit the site. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED (d) COt+Il�TISSTON DISCUSSION AND ACTI�N • Commi.ssioner Moen felt that the lots should be locat�d further from Fanno Creek. e Comm' 'o _ rssi nPr Bo nn want�ed to no k w if Cit ha d tu Y P ic res. He was con cerned with ths projeet being so close to Fanno Creek. • Commissioner Christen commented that development now may be more �' feasible than later, because c�f the economy. o C�mmisszoner Owen's first reaction is the floodp'lain water goes beyond the lines shown an the map. She is in support of this type of develop- ma_nt, howevex, has a difficult time sup�arti_ng the Sensitive Lands Permit. s Commissioner Helmer wanted to know the height of the floodplain in that area; staff responded, 161 feet. Discu�sion fallowecd zegarding Co�r of En in�ers calculatio s r n ve sus the CH I�! I� 8 Hi3.l report. • Gommissioner Speaker wanted to know what we could tell these people so they would feel secu•re t11at their homes would not be f�.00ded witl� the addit�:on of this development. He felt the traffic and pedestrian problem c�uld be corrected if property owner� would form an L.I.D. He was also concerned about the type of filY dirt to be used; staff stated this was covered under condition numUer three. �LANNING COMMISSIOK MINUTES - APRIL 6, 1982 Page 3 � _ _ _ ------- ---= _ • Discussion followed between Gommissioners and staff as to what plax�s were bezng made to prevent flooding of Fanno Creek in the tuture. • Commissiorter Moen felt the two main issues are: (1) the impact this development would have on 'the neighborhood; and {2) the floodplain issue. In the past they have avoided letting residential' development in the floodplain, He was not in favor of the layout oE this project and was concerned if this is the best location for this type of develop- me�nt. He questioned if the covenants proposed would become a part of the PD or if the City had any control and if the neighborh.00d cnnditions, submitted by the locaJ. residents, should be made a part of tYie motion, , • President Tepedino requested Legal Counsel to address the issue ; regarding cov�nants. ! ; • Lega1 Counsel stated tie had no� reviewed the covenants, howe�ver, to Yzave the City as beneficiary of �he cov'ena.rits you would have to find samething in the :L'7.anned Development District, ev�idence in the code � or a special provision in the covenant itself� Otk�er than that, the covenants go w�th t1�e land and benefit everyone in the development. He did not believe L-here would be any problem, if it was agreed upon, to have �he Ci!ty be tfie beneficiary. w Cammissioner Kol_leas likes manufactured homes, but did not feel i.t � was fair to deliberately place them in the f2c�odplaina She felt we should w�ai� until tihe bridges and Fanno Creek cou.ld handle the water- flow before allowing development in the flaodplain. i • Gommi.ssianer Herr.an was not against the �roject, however, was concerned about the develapment being in the floodplain. • President Tepedino ob;�ected to the massive invasian of the floodplain. He felt the Gity has a moral obligation to pr.otect owners against �lnoding r�.sks. Iie questionecl the possibi�.ity of the ap�licant posting a bor�d, in the event any floczc�ing shoul.d take place, the home- awner would have some .kind of protection, � Commissioner Speaker favoxed this type of development, however, until. ttiere is a schedule of fareseeable mitigation to protect property owners from flooding, rn the event of upstream devel.o�ments over which the Commission has no control, this application should be denied. • Cammissioner Bonn did not fa�ror massive intxusi�n of the floodplain. He suggested this project �,ight be re-engineexed to rednce the number of lots that are in the floodplain. • Co�issionex Moen mave�i for denial of CPRPD 13-81, Planned Devel.opment General Review; ancd M 1-82 Sensiti.ve Lands Permit based on the lack of present or fo�eseeable action ta mitigate the adverse effects �n Fanna �re�k of upstream development. Motion seconded by Gommissioner Kolleas. Motion carried unanimously for denial. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - AP12II, 6, 1982 Page 4 � -- - --- —_-_==- _ _ _— - _- 5.4 PRELIMINARY & GENERAL PLAN REVIEW CPR 8-81 - CPR 9-81 SENSITIVE LANDS P�RMT.T. M 2-81 Main Street Land Corporation NPO ��1 A request for a Preliminary and General Plan Review for a sixteen acre commereial development and a Sensitive Lands Permit to fill within the 100-year floo�plain. Locatinn: 126b0 S.W. Main Street (WCTM 2S1 2AC lots 201, 120Q, 1300, 1400, 1500, 16U0, 2200, and 23�1) (a) Associate Planner N�wto*.� Ynade staff's recommendation for approval with conditions. Adding condition number 8. Per Chapter 1$.'S7.070 of the Tigard Municipal Code the applicant must obtain the permits required by the State of Oregon under ORS 541 for removal or filling of water ways or demonstrate that the provision of this statute do not apply. (b) NPO REPORT • John Butler, Secretary/Vice-President, NPO 4�1, still supports this project after three years. They feel this will make a nice an,chor for the south end of town. (c) APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION - JB Bishog, 10505 S.W. Barbur Blvd. , Suite 3Q3, was prasent with diagrams and a scale model flf the project. A"lso, in attendance with him was his Architectural Staff, who would he ma.king th� primary presentation; a hydrologist from McKenzie Engineer�ng, � . . . . the project s Civil Engineer, and Traffic Engineers f�.om CI�i2M Hill. Follawing JB°s introduction, he turned the presentation over to Dennis Brun, Architec�.. p Dennis Brun, Brun/Morelatid/Christopher Architects, 1020 S,W. Tenth Ave. , Partland, stated they had revzewed the staff report and in genera'1 agreed with the conditions that were set forth. He explai.ned the plan is essentially the same as was �rPSented at the previous study session. ThPy have put in a c�nsiderable amount of work to refine and define each and every eleznent of the overall cievelopment. They have been working with staff to reva.ew alY possi:ble considerations for publ�.c orientation anci accessibility. Mr. Brun expressed his interest and concern for the downtown revitalization. efforts, the development of the Ci�ric Center and the averall develrapment in ��iowntown Tigard. This i.s a unique site as the short side of the project faces the primary arterial and a portion of the property is located �rithin the sensitive lands area. This is a community shopping center, with 200,000 square feet, costing 12.8 million dollars plus, and wi.Il pz�ovide 240 regular jobs. They feel this develop- ment will form tha l�asis of the majar rPVitalization effort in the total downtawn area. Their concept was to try t� int�grate and develop the opportunities tY�at are availa.ble with the dev'elopment of the Down- tuwn Greenway Fark and the proposed Civic Center, which is located directl.y across the creek from this project. Using the aid of drawings and a scale mod�1 af the project, Mr. Brun reviewed the layout of the proj�ct. Iie proposed a series of pathways connecting the Mainstreet Shopping Centez to the downtown park to help accentuate pedestrian mavemenfi betwe�n the Civic Center, the downtown park and the shopping center. This scheme has been presented to several groups and individuals who ha�ve all endorsed the projecC. Their goal was to create an atmos- phere that is �nique, high qua].ity, and which will attract top retailers ta Tigard. They feel Tigard Yieeds this developmentr the revitalization PLANNING COMMISSION �IINUr�S - APR.II; 6, 1982 Page 5 plan says we need this development and there is no other property in the downt�wn area for this kind of shopping center. They have r�etailers who are ready to start final negotiations for leases. However, until they receive Planning Commission approva]., they are 'at a standstill. � JB Bishop informed the Commission thai the Department of Environmental Quality applicatian for an Indirect Source Permit has a proposed appxoval date of April 14, 1982, for 990 parking spaces, subject to any further public input. He questioned condition numbex �w� of the staff report requesting full-street improvemen.ts from Hill Street to Fanno Creek. In the past only half-street improvements have been requiredo He referenced the Ash Avenue Ordinancer which was approve� b� City Council on February 8, "1982, that adjoining property owners would pay their fair share of the road improvements. He requested the Commis�ion consider this and make their decision based on normal operating standards and polic?es. He stated they would be working with staff and the city attorney to document the donations of the streees, which wi11 be improved by Mainstreet Land Company to City standards and that the City Council would accept and approve this donation prio�r to the issuance of building permits. He then introduced Greg Vik, President, Vik Construction, wlio is his general contraator. • Greg Vik, Vik Construction Company, Eugene, Oregon, stated his interest in this project was not only economic, but they like to keep a port- �o1io of the best quality projects. They have done �ork for Hewlett- Packard, Tektr�nix Inc. (at Bea�erton Main Campus), Hilton Hote]., Weyerh.aeuser and they feel tfi is project is of that quality. PUBLIC TESTIMONY e, J. A11an Paterson, 11605 S.W. Manzanita, stated his main concern was answered in the staff report under condition number two for full street improvements. r John Sutler, 9760 S.W. 0'Mara - He referenced the ORB Fanno Creek park Plan showing how their study overlaps this development. He wanted to know who would be responszble f.or taking car.e of the lake, as only a portion wi11 be on JB�s property. Also since the restaurant, lalce and a portion of the parlcing wi17. be in the sensitive lands area, leaving v�ry little for Fanno Creek Park, what type of landscaping would be expected. Fiis final concern was buffering which he understood was to be between the sin.gle-family residences and the commercial development; and this does not appear to be there. He still supports the project, just wan.ted th�se issues c�.arif_ied. � � e Phi.l Edin,, 13110 S.W. Ash Drive, was unsure if he was pro or con, ,just ' wanted two issues raised. First, the fu11 str�et improvements; he feels this is grossly unfair to put on any development. Second, is buffering. As he recalls, they were shown designs with a lot of buffering and very little parking. Now it appears forty percent oi the parking is on thei.x side, with no buffering. This has been a majar issue and has been battled through this Commission as we11 as City Council. It was established to hold the traffic through this neighborhood as a minar collector. He felt the parlting area should be rearranged ta put more p�.rking on the opposite side of the project. PLANNING COMMISS;LON MTNUTES - APRIL 6, 1982 Page 6 _ CROSS EXAMINATION AND REBU�TAL • JB Bishop explained how the buffering is being provided by p.roperty that is zoried tor and will be developed as duplexes. This property is located between the single•-family residential. area and the commercial deveYopment. The property abutting the junior de�artment store and the back of Ash Aventxe is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hanneman, who were present (they made no opposition). The parking configuration chan es were g necessary because of the change i� the desi n of the _ g pxo'ect. Land sca in J p g is not re uired in a Q C3M PD, however, they have 13ndscaping pl�nned. The� would do excavating on the opposite side of the ereek to compensate fox the creation of the lake. They are conGtructing a circle turn-a-round, where Ash Avenue comes into the project, to �revent excessive traffic speeds. s Commissioner Owen questianed Yiow JB wauld improve half a circle� � JB responded by half-street improveuients by adjacent property owners, forming an T�.I.D. or. i.f t•he property is held by the City, the �ity wauld pay their share. s Discussion foZlowed regarding haw the boundaries or the ORB Park Plan and project overlap because of the outdated informational material. What type of excavating and filling work would be done. How wou��i Ash Avenue be constructed. What happens when the parkiizg lot flaods. What measur.es are being taken to insure the project would not cause flooda.ng. PUBLIC HEARING CLt75ED s �ommissioner Speaker wanted to k.now if the tower would require a height varianceo Mr. Bxun res�onded they woul.d be coming back for several varzances, including one for the tower. �'rank Cur.rie stated sectian 1$.12.110 c�vered �his variance. COMMTSSION DISCUSSION AND ACTTON • Commissioner Speaker wanted to know how would the lake be maintained. � P1aLlning Director stated that as far as it relates to the park, the QRB Plan states the City will maintain the lake. The lake will require dredging, probably annually, which should 'be some type of joint project between the City and the developer. . Commissioner Owen was concerned abaut condition numUer two; she did ! not want to see onlq half,.-street improvemen.ts. • Public Wor�CS Director stated normall.y in a half-street situation, y�u already have an existing 20-foot wide street. In the case of unimproved streets, the Cit}r would require a minimum of half-street improvements to include tl�e full 20--foot wid�h of road. h'ith Chis px•ojec�, they *aould require at least half--street imgrovernailts plus at least the additional. feet required for traffic to travel in both directipns. They would nof require curbs and sidewalks on the opposite side; it would improve wi�h Chc d�=TeZogment. (Property is in floodplain and will pro�ably Le improved by the City,) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES p APRIL 6, 1982 Page 7 � - --- --- _ _ _-- o Commissioner Moen was in favor of a fu11-street iniprovement. • Commi�sioner Owen moved for approval of the Preliminary and General Plan Review for a 16-acre commercial development and Sensitive Lands Permit to fill in the floodplain with conditions as present by staff, - including number eight. Adding to condition number three are the words "at depth" and "property to be dedicated prior to oceupancy permits". Motion is made under o].d rules. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moen. • .Commissinner Bonn questioned the need for condition numlaer five; Planning Director said this was a request of the building depaz•tment. Tt is also nece�saxy for tax purposes that each building be on its own tax lot. • JB was alloweci to co�nent. He stated that Main Street Land Corporation, which is the applicant, a�plied for th� Preliminary and General Plan Review after the new rules weze in effect. He feels this shnuld be heard und�r the new rules. • I�egal CounSel advised he had talked with.Ed Sullivan regarding this matter and it was his recommendation that the Planning Commission act as they wish on this matter. Even under the new rules the Gommission has the op�ion to refer a decision on to the City Council. • Discussion followed what the difference was in filing under the o7.d or new rules. • Motion carried unanimously for approval and �o forward to the City Council. S.5 GONDITIONAL USE STANDARDS • Jeremy Coursolle, Associate Plaaner, reviewed status of conditional use standards. He suggested time shoul.d be set aside to go over it piece by piece. Determination was made to handle this under a study session or when there were fewer i�ems on the agenda. OTHER BUSINESS o Commissioner Herron aslcecl for an update of the Planning Commission schedule. ' • President Tepedina aslced x;he Commi.ssioners' terms who are to expire be notified so �hey may reapply, if they wish. • GommiSsioner Speaker reminc3ed tkze Commissione�s te� b� sure �hey 'have filed with the E�hics Commission. s Legal Counsel advised tliat the ind�.vidual Commissioners are personally liable a.f �hey do not fTle. FLANNING COMMISSION MZNUTES - APRIL 6, 1982 Page $ 1 • Associate Flanner Coursolle informed the Commission that the housin;g element for the co�prehensa.ve plan, as a data base, and the information comp.iled fram citi,zens' involvement data wi11 be forwarded for the Commission's review`e _ - s Commissioner Herron; questioned wh:at was being- done with the house on McDonald Street. S:taff repli.ed they have been to court and hope fio have, the ;problem corrected soon. �� Commissioners requested staff to inYestigate if thF Stee1 Company on North pakota was filling into Fanno Creek. Meeting adjourned - 3:1:12 P.M. P PLANI�II�G COI�lMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 6 f 1982 pag� g I _ _ � � TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSIOAT APRIL 6, 1982 - 7a3- P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lec'ture Room 1,0865 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 CONDITIONAL USE CU 7-$2 - Shirley Bilbao/GSG of Oreqon - NPO # 6 A request for a Condita.onal Use Permit to conta.�ue to operate a xestaurant at 13620 5,W. ]Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 2CC, Lot 900) 502 ZONE CHANGE ZG 1-$2 Michael A. Robuck/Kevin M, k"�rney -� NPO # 3 - -- A xequ�st' for a Zone Ghange from Washington Count�r ItU�30 �to City of '�igard R-20 and a request for a M�.nor.. Land Partition to cre�te �n addi�i�na1 20,0(30 sq, ft. lot on property located at 1]:945 �,W. Bull Mountain Foad, {�ash. Ca. Tax Map �S1 IOBD Tax Lot 900) 5.3 GENE� PLI�I RE�IIEFI CPR 13-8J. The Meadc�ws - NPO # 7 SENSI'�IV`E I,ANDS �ERMIT M 1-82 The Meadows - NPO 7 A request by �ruce Kamhoot for a� G�n�ral P1an Review of �he Meadows, a 27 lot subciivision ar�d a request for a Sensitive Lands P�rmit to excavate aizd fi.13. withix� th� 100 year floodplain, (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DA, ].ot 2600) 5.4 S�rrsT�iv� z,�tns PERMT'P M 2-81 PRE�,IM7:IVAR�° AN1) GFPIERAY, PZAN FtEVTEW' Mai.n �treet Development - NPO # 1 , A request for JB �3ishop for a S��asitive Lanc�s Pe:rmit to �xcavate a.nd fill within fi:he 1,00 �rear floodplain and for Prelimiaary and General Plan Review of a Commercial T�evelc�pment orc 16 acres on �acific Hiqhway be�.w�en S.W. Main and S.W. Ash Aven�ae. (Wash �Co, Tax Map 251 2AC, lots 2010 1�00, 1300, 14.00� 1500, 1600, 2200 and 2301 Burnham trac�.) . 5.5 CONDI'�ION.�L USE STANDA,RDS ZOA 1-82 A request by the City of Tiyard to revise t�apter 18.72 o�E the Tigard Mtmicipal Corl� to include. stazidards for review of Conditional Use applicatinns. DA�� �-�� '�':�,�. , .r_ '�' I � I', RD PLAN �TI NG COMN'iI S S ION NC1�'TC'�: Al"�'L" PEFSt7NS 1�ESI17ING �0 ��EAK ON ANY I�T�.Ni D�UST STGN "rEiE.',:I-2 N�1.M� anc� note th�i�• ai3�ress on t�iiu shc�et. (��ease Pri�t yotxx' txa:�tte� IZ'EM/bESCk,Yp�'IC?N: �� ... . _....—._ ��.- �` �,�-�. .._._�.,_. �.�.��..__�,.�_����' �����..� �.�t�..r��- ...__r --�-� �� . � � r� _ , � � ;�X,..,�v �_ � �.�. �,�,�� ��-�� , �� f�.,� t�.���S�M� °-! '�`- ca..�"r�k�r�n..v'�, g_�-r�� `�''r"��T e'fi9� 6J .�—,��--�- � PROPONENT (For) OPPONENT {agai.ns�:} � �tame� Addr� � n A��ilaa�ion ' � Name, �4.c[dress �nd Affilia�ion >� 0' � / ' lE 2 �� / ��G��_,���GD!/D /7'IA�O•pl�i 9_ � � � .�;�`.�M � �� �' scv���� � �9r����'�vU-� ;�-T� �i��� �t . ; �<� ��; .,..,...��,�... �:.�.� ;� ,.r���_.��.;�..,�..._..__.r...._� ., _�. ��.�.._._. �...�...�.��._�.,�..... � ,..�,,. � �._.�...,..� ,�� ..�. .��r�- ...__.,._--- ._ ..� �:,,.o.�.....,- __._._._._______r _ �_.�.�.�._,�.._.�,..___�,_.._. �r��v��ror�so � . . . ' � 'a.ew' L�iE��:ar.r�.��Y� ' �-�us�o .. . aa . . �.s.iM.SV.-�'.Yw��Vt�l�wsmo�sYS�wYM�M'�YSts���s,� x������w��'�+. . , .�.�w�r.�u�.m�.. . ,�..�r�. � 1� . . . . . .. . . . . . w��r}�� . . . . �a�M�'srwa�a-� . • . . ..M. . .. . . . � .f��l� ��wa�bEMSM� �r� : UATE �""`-� -��:� T T G A R D P � A N N � N G r Q M M I S S I 0 N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING T� SPEA.K ON ANY IT�M A4UST SIGN THETR NAME anc9: no�� their address, on this �sheet. (please Print y�uY' name) 1�r_3�� , f�-� �, �T � /�, �. � I7'EM/bESCRIPTION:-�.�1 �� �.�� �+ � � '�c"�- ` �����-..�'�;,(„�� � i � �- ' ,$'h y ,�rl�tlR-�,,. r , II . �t�,��..� 1C7Z`� ' ���lta'n°'`_' PROPONENT (For) OPP0INENT (agains�) Na�t►eo Addres� and Aff.s.liation � Name, �iaar�ss and Af�iliati�n :��,..,. � � � . ' .. .. 6� ~ ... t� �� � .ti:. �.�^'�-�'�•4t�I..� �: ` �'`�' ��'c• �G�..� �t.{_,) .�t,(+ C ��✓�� � _ �s. -- _ � : . ,.� ,"Y'"�' r" � t 1 ���._,r r ,Q ,� . , , --------.._ 1 i�....�:.. -�-��, \�7C�.� -:5u..a �a����� •,� � . 1+ �` • c� � � � S c,..� � � a � e,,,�� - — ._-��-�. -�-=e�_ � w..- , � � , A I j : t.. . �� . .. .. � �. .. . . . . . . . ... ... .. .. .. .. _..:- . .... � :,w. :..W..�_ . .....::_.�.,..._., .: .. ._. , __._._...:...� ..w.:...,, . _...�..�..., �, .., _�...,._� ....__ . - ... �,.__. ... ..� - -- DATE C'�"^_�i�"9�' T I G A R D P L A N N I N G C O M M I 5 S I O N NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DE5IRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUS'T 5IGN THEI�t NAME and note thei� address. on this sheet.� (p�ease Prixlt your' name) . � ITEM/bESCEtIPTTON t �t �����1�-� �'y► �'� ���� �� � � � �,_-� ` ',�Y14 C.:� �� -,'a � �F�'!yMp� ..-�°�� ����..�s��'3t^o:e��� PROPON�:NT (For) OFPONENT (agains.t) ' N�mer Address and Affili�tion �. Name, Addres� and Af�iliation _ �'! bCJ�.�'�'+Y.�1A.��/� !�/'�' q ���] r,7 � �--. �, . Y �. �� �l 1 a...S C�(� ..[ �. '^l/ . K�✓7 .7�. . I• . . �:. . . . . . . . . .. . _ . . . � Jc-i`i`t�� �«zi � �� ��`� �'t, r> �oa�� .�'c,� �frn.�,:�� /?i�.�l ���`1 L—�0��,�� �G,�,{�/ j��� �-z.J /�c9°Tr� /�,Ya�' 9`T��'3�'�� ��ti � ` ii � 'r ( � .. . . .. .. . . . � :�� . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . .. .. ..� . . . . . . . .. ... . .. ' f ' .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .« :..,,..,,�.,,�.;..x:::.. .: DATE �� ��� �I_ G A R D P Z A N N I N G � O M M I S S I O N � NOTICE; ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITE,�1 MUST SIGN THEII2 NAME. , and note their address an this sheet. (p�ease P�int your name) .,� . ` ' ITEM/bESCRIFTION:___����°���1'"�.�� (�,j��r"�' . ���-►'E��1��� � '� -� ��, � p ~-�� ,�v���" � �����-� .. ��.�� ,N �� ��. . PRO]PONENT (For) �PPONEN7.' (against�) Name, Address and Affilia:tion � Name, Address and Af�iliati�n i � � ^,( � . i } '; • � l � ,� � . i , � `- - _ ----- STAFF REPORT AC,ENDA 5.T TIGARD PLANN�NG COMMISSION April �, 19fi2 FOWLER JUN?COR HIGH - Lecture Roa�m I0865 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, Oreg�n No submission of addi.tianal material by applicant shall be mac�e at this Public I3earing unless �e applicant is requested to do so, Should t�i.s occur, iuzreques'ted, the item will be tabled until the fnllowa.ng hearing. GENERAL FACTS CASE: Candt'tional Use, CU 7-82 (Feeks and Stongs Potato Pub) NPO # 1 REQiJEST: ror a Candi�iona]. Use to contzri�ae operation of a restaurant on an existi:ng location, RECOM,.�iBNDATIONe Based on tIie material submitted by the aAplicant;: the applicable code provisions and plan po]_icies and staff's field investigatian, staff reco�nds apps�oval of the Conditional Use request to continue operation af a re�taurant at 13620 S.�V. Paciiic Ha.ghway. P]2EVIOUS ACTIONe On Juree 23, 1980, the City Council unanimously a�px�v�d a Z�ne Change on the prop�:r�y from �-3 General Commercial �o GP Cammex'cial Profe�ssional and a Conditional Use request for a professional office building on an appeal of the Planning Commi.ssinn's appr�val. �he Planning Cozrnmission had approved. the Zone Chan:ge and Cc�ndita.onal iJse request on May 20, 19�q. Al�hough the transcript is elear that the Planning Commission knew th� appli�ant i.ntenrleet to locate a restaurant on the property and the City"s Bui:l,d�g Depa�tment issued pez.�tnits for a restaurant, there is n� mention in the application, narra�ive or Planning ComQaission znation. of a resf;au�ant. For �thi,s r�ason, staFf feels that the records needs clarif�cation on this point and has re�uested this Conditional Use applicatian. APPLTCANTt Feeks and Stongs Potato Pub OWNERe Sherm Lee 13620 S.W. Pacific Hi�hway 1635 a.E. Ent�:x�rise Circle Tigaxel, Oregon 97223 x�,ai5bo�a, Oreg�z� 9'�123 APJP�,TCA.TION DATE: Nlarch 2, 1982 SITE IACATIQI3s 13620 S.W. P��i.fic Higk�way {Washington County Tax M�p 2S1 2C'.0 Tax i�ot 9�0) LOT AItEAc Tax Lot 900 - .91 �cre� I�O COMMENTe No written comments fram NP0 # l had been received as of the date of this report. _ _ _� STAFF REPORT CU 7-82' PAGE 2 AREA CHARACTERISTICS The surrounding properties a,re d'esignated commercial.. 7."he pxoperty to the north is an auto body shop and designated Commercial. Professional. Z'he Camlu Apartments are to` the south on property designated Commercial Professional and General tommercial on the Comprehensive P1an. �he properties across Pacific Highway are developed as Commercial. SITE CHARACTERTSTIC The site is fully developed for commercial use. There is an exa.stinq builda.ng ' wi�th two lease spaces. One ocaupied by a Miller Paint Store the other was 1:eased to a �eaL-x�dy's deli previausly and is now occupied by the �ew Feeks and Stongs Pub. The owners of Peabody's alsa oGrn Feeks arad Stonga. The site meets all applicable parking, lanc�scapinq and p�lic improvement requirements, Z'he builciing is served by public wat�r and sewer. �'he �vater �comes from a line in �.W: Pacific High�aay. 2'he sewer service is from an �ight inch line. 5ite drainage is adequate. APPLICABLE PI,1�L�NTNG .CRITERIT�1 AND ST�F'F AI�TALYSIS A. LCDC Goals and Guidelines �' ' 1. Citizen invcalvement - this goal provides for the opgo�tunity for citizens to be involved i.n all phases of the pl.anning process. In the case of this a lic tio a n a11 owne s f p p , r o r e c o r d w s.t h i n 2 5 0 f e e t o f t h e s ix b j e c� property were mailed notice of the heari�ng date of �his iss�e, a public notice oz� this applic.at�.oz� was .pub].ished twice in the Ti.gard Times within ten days o£ the hearing and NPO # 1, the affect�d Neighb�rhood Planning Oxganization was given an oppartunity to review �this ap,plice�ion. �. Land Use P].anning - The applicable LCDC goals, NPO # 1 palicies an:d Tigard Municipal Co� requir�ments have �a11 been consid�red in review af this appZxcai.ion. 3. Gpal. 9 = Ecanomy � It fs the intent of �.his goal tu en�ourage eCOnomic ae,tivity in areas that are less sua.table for apen space, natural resc�urce :areas or resirlential d�vel.opment, This prvnerty a•bu�ts a major highway, i.s sur:rcounrled by coieimercial�develapmen�. and is designated Commercial PofeSSional on the G.�y°s Ce»m,preh�nsive Plan. 4. Goal 11. Public facili.ties and �ervices. Publio facil.ities and services, incl:uc�ing sewer, water and dxainage are a11 adeq�uate to serve tkie prcaposed - use. B. NPO # 1 PoI.•ir.ies , '�e progosed use �onforms to NP0 # 1 policies as f.ollows� ; t: _ - . :STAF'F REPOR'r CU 7-82 'PAGE 3 l. Policy l9, In the interest of safety and efficiency, tkie number of hzg,hway access points must be kept to a min�imum. Wherever possible, businesses on Pacific Highwag should be clustereii<and share parkin,g facilities and driveways, As new developa;ent'occurs, the nUmber of access points should no£ exceed i:he �umber necessary fog property on-site traffic circula�ion and, where`possible, should be combined with acc�ss to adjacent br.�inesses. ' C. Tigard-rguna,cipal Cade Pravisions; i l. Title 18, Zoni.ng Chapter (6) allows restaurants as a con:ditional us� in� the CP, Com¢nercial Professional zone. S��aff recomQnends the following condition be attached to approva7. of CU 7-82, 1. Z'h� agplicant shall apply for a sign permit. � 0 r P z-ed by; �7Liz� A. Ne�rton p, r�ve :�,� F�an A. Curri:e ��°' �'" '� �.�`� , �• �� v �� , ' � o , � ,;� , �` _j S . �A � . \ �,� ' � '� S• W• L � l � � S . `� -.. i --�-� c�� ��' Scy . p t� . CO �T n c ��� ---- � `s s `Pl 1r ti �y i ; p � � ' Y Z � . ~ Si{ � � ' FP�RK , T CE �, ; .... � t aN � `� � i �\/� i V �..._�.. � . . . ��Y �A \ .--�-�� S COO6C L NE � � , _ a . � �. �' _ __. S�, O� N `�� y � � � . r 'T _ �.�0 � vr i, � ���� . �' �, " �--�- P ��� 0 . �A �� .�: � � , �� ,� . , � , , , ; ► 5 � . � � < i � � . � ' � , ' S W N! LV. �w' �r T i O N � 3 2 � S.„: c�rty o � -r't� P��.� � v���r� dT� tv�a�� � � � � � GON D tT'tORI ��. L�SE' �.`;� � I GU 7-?2- . - _.�, + , , u . _ i�. � � ,< 9 � {:, _ _ ____ � . m . -. . STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.2 TIGAI2D PLANNING COMMISSI(s:�T April 6, 1982 - '7:30 P.M. FOWI,ER JUNIOR IiIGH SGHOOL - LECTUE2E ROOM 108b5 S.W. Wa�.nut Street - Tigard, Oregon p�, GENERAL FACTS CASE: ZC 1-82 Zone Change Robuck/Forney - N1LP 2-82 Minor Land Partiti�on Robuck/Forney ACTIDN' REQUESTEDc TYae apglicar�t is zequesting apprnval of a Zc�ne Change for a portion of the subject prope•rty from Counity Zone RU-30 (Single Fazni].y� Residential) to R-YO (Single Faznily Itesidential) . The applicant is also requesting approval of a Minar Land Partition to create a additianal 1ot of appro�rimat.e7.y 20,000 square feet. (see attachment "A") RECQMMENDATION: Based on the informa�ion Submitted by the applicant, �taff°s fxel.d inspec�ians and all applicable policies and criteria, staf.f recommends that the proposed Zone Chanqe and Minor Land Partition be approved subject ta t1�.e aanditions un page 4 of the staff repart. AFPLICANTS: Mitchell A. Robuck OWNER: Gayla McCreight-Tesl Kevin M. Forney P.O. Bax 925 B 14405 S.W. Bu1.l Mountain Rd. Beaverton, Oregon y7005 Tigard, t7regon 97223 LOCATION: The subject proper•ty is genexally located an the n�rth side of 5,W. � Bull Mountain Road. Washington County Tax Map 2S1 IOBD, Tax lot 900 (a pc��tion thereof) (see Attachmer,t "B") LOT AREA: Tax Lat 900 - 10.02 aax�es Po�tion proposed f.or partitioning - 20,3q0 sq. ft. � PII23L�C COMMENT: Notiaes were mailed as of #he March 25, 1982, no raritten comm�nts had bpen receive d. NPO COMMENT: No written comments from NPO # 3 had been received as af March 25, 1982. BACKGROUND: On September 11, 1.978, �he area which i.ncl,udes the site was annexed to fi.he City, however, no Zone �anqe from County RU-30 to a City zone was made. On August 27, 1979 a Zane Cha,nge was apprnved from County ]R.U--30 to City R-20 £or most of the surrounding �raperties except tY�e subject property, tax lat 900. In ,Tu1.y of 15�0 a Minnr Laa�d Partition was approved fnr tax ].ot 900 crea�ing an additiozxal ld5 acre lot, tax lot 901. Aacording t� Staff's recorc7s, no Z�one Change to a City zoning district was requested. STAFF REPORT ZC 1-82 & MLP 2-82 PAGE 2 AREA CfiA.RACTERISTICS 2'he surro�nding land uses (see attachmeiat ��B�` ) are as follows: The areas sur�ounding the site havE been developed for single family residential, Those areas are zoned R-30 (Sin gle FamiTy R�Sidential) to the west and R-70 ' (S3ngle Family Reszdential to 'th,e east. �:'he 'azea to the south is within the County and is not designated on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. The area to the north is within the Coun�y, as well as the City, and is designated Urban Low Density Residential on the Comprehensi�ne Plan� and zoned R�7(Single Family Residential). S�'1'E CHARACTERIST'ICS Yresen�tly, there .is a partia"lly reconstructea dwelling and a• carport on the southerl.y portion of �the site. Ttiere are numerous evergresn trees along the easterly pxoper.ty line. �'he remaining portions of the site are grass covered and the si�� slopes ta the north, Be AI'PLICABLE PLANNTNG CRITERIA AND STAF'F IIINNALYSIS l, LCDC Statewide Planning GoaZ 11 - Public Facilities and Services: Sanitaxy Sewer and Wa�ex - Curr�n�tJ.y, there is a ei�ht-inch sewer line in S.W. Wilciwaod S�reet and S.W. McFarlax�d Boulevard, which are adequate size ta se�e the si.te, A�iditionally, the�e is a 12-inch �orater main line which is adequaicely sized to s�rve the site. Drainage - Accoxding to the Engineering Division any additional development on �Yr.e site would be required to connee� to the Shawdow F�ills storm sewer i sy�t.em. I 2. LGDC StatEwide Plarzning Goal 12 - Transgortation: 7Che site as accessi�le £rom S.W. Bull M�iu�.tain Pn�d which is currently 40 feet in taid�Yi. South�aest Bull Maunta,in Roac3 is pro��osed to be a t;ollector stree'�, aiiid therefore, a minimum r1g�t-of-way width o� 7D �eet would be z�quired. 2lne Ga.�ty l�as reques�ec� an �dd.i�ional r3.ght-of�-way dedication al.ong S.W e Bull Mo�antain Road, adjacent to the �i��, Additianally, the City is requesti.ng a 50•foot rxghtrof-wvay decliaation along th� easterly porta.on o� t�ie sitE, the 1.ength vf the pra�ZOSSC� lat, which w�uld provide acc�ss to �Y�e r�maining �oxtion of tax lo� 9A0 in the �uture. Additional�,y, the Engineerinc� Division sta�f h�s reviewed the proposed interseetion location and hav� stated t:hat �here will be adequate visual clearance and st�pping distance �Eor vehicYes travel.ing along S.W. Bull Mountain Road. � -- STAFF REPORT ZC 1-82 & MLP 2-82 Page 3 3. NPO # 3 Land Use P1an. According to the NPO # 3 Lan;d Use Plan which was adopted by the Council in i December of 1975 the site is apgropriate for suburban low density which � includes the zoning designation R-10 (Single Fami.ly Residential.) with a i minimum I.ot size of 10,00'0 sq, f,.t, 4. NPO # 3 Polir.y 6, Development will co:ineide with the provision of public streets, water and sewage facila.ties, These faeilities shall be (a) eapable af adequately serving development and (b) c3esigned to meet City or County standards, and LCDC Statewirle P].anni.ng Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services. A� stated earlier there are adequate public facilities and services to serve the site. 5, T,CDC Statew�.fl� Planning Goal 4 - Farest Lands. 7!he abjactive of this goal within urban areas is to preser�ve �,nd provide treed areas, Currently, along the easterly prope r�y line of the s�.te., there �.s a wi.ridrow of evergreen trees whi,ch provide ar�, aesthetic �visuaZ am�x�.aty to the axea which is yen�rally devoid of evergreen trecs. Th� City h;as stated that in nxder tc� adequat�ly serve the rem�.ininy pc�rtxon. a� �az� lot 90� it would be necessary to provic�e ano�thex access point anto 6u.1�. N�a•�ntain Roa�. Gi.ven the locati�n of tlZ� existing structure fiJ.zis access point would be in the same location of the existin� t,rees, S�aff believes that the character of th� site will be �amatically al�ered once the tre�s are removed, yet sta£f also recognizes the need to develap the property and px�ovide adequate vehicular circu].ation that would not adversely impact the �uxroundi.ng r.esidences. �erefore, staff believes that a re- fnrestati.on ox plar►ting plan should be submitted and approv�d by staff once developtnent occurs �n tax l.ot 900 and the proposed partitxoned lot. 6. LCDC Statewide Goal 10 - Housing. �'he intent and objective of this goal xs to provic3e adequa�e and affordable housing for the citizens of Tigard, In the past few ye�rs the Po.r�kland metropolitan axea has experienced a sukk�stantial d�crease in housing canstruction. 'I'his has primarily been caused by sustanti�l. cost increases in I,and, constructa.on and, high moxtr�age pexcenta�ge rates. • Staff 1�.lieues, �at: zoning the site R-10 (Single Family Rasidential? would sti17. be compatible witfi the surrouriding areas and within the Suburban I,ow Dexi�ity Residential Comprehensivs P�an designation. Yet, t.he size of the lots woul.d be decreased in size, thus reducing a portion of �he cost of home own,ership, C, MINOR LAND PARTITION Z'he application for a Minor Land Partition meets all of the submittal requirements of section 17.07 of the Subdivision Ordinan:ce, Ir� order for this Minor Land Partition to be approved the proposed ,�ne Chanqe must also be approved by the P3.anning Commission. D. SUMMARY In staff's review of the various policies and criteria, the proposed Zone Change and Minor Land Partition camplies with the applicable requirements. , E, CONDITZONS OF AF?PROV�IL l, �I'he owner of t.he proposed lot sha11 decli,cate an afldati�nal fifteen ;15) feet af ri.ght-of way the en�:a.re length of the �roposed lot that abut S.W. Bu12 Mountain Road. This:declication shall be submitted ta the City for rev.�ew and recor3ed }�y� the owner prior to the recording o� the Minor Land Partition. 2. 2'he applicartt/owner af tax �.ot 900 of ma.p 251 lOBD shal� dedicate a 50 �'oot right-of way� for s�reet gur�poses fsom the exis�ing right-of-way on S,W. Bull i�iountain Road to th� nartherly most prope;rty line �� t.he proposed lot along tYae easterly property line of lot gpp, Tk�is a�aa,���;.Q� sha].I: be submitt�d tn the City Planning Dire�c�,or: .for review; and recorded by the owmer, priar to the recordinq of tkze �roposeci Mi:nor Latid Partition, 3. The awner of tax 1ot 900 (Map 251-10BD) shall si�n a non-remonstranee agree- men� for �hhe future improveanen� af S.W. Bull Mau�ntai.n Ttoad prior to �the recording of the proposed Mi.no� Land Pa,rtit,ion. 4. A landscape pl;an indi�ating where adc�itional, st�eet trees maybe located on the site shall. be submitted r,oncurrent with the requi.red right-of-way dedic�a�ions. •: Prepaxe by: .m ursc�lle, Assc>icate Planner � �� Approved by: Frank A. Currie, Planning Director - --- � _ ---- � �, , ' ',. .' Z�NE MA�P AMENDMENT (2S1 lOBD, Parcel A, Tax Lot "900) 1, This request is to change the current zoning on a portion of Tax Lot 900 (Parcel A� from County RU-30 to .City R10, The applicants � � have resided :in the single family dwelling ori the property for seven years. When they indicated interest in purchasang appraximately 20,0�0 s uare feet of t e h ro er , , t q p p y and residence th�reon, they were granted I a building permit `by Washington County :�'or remodeling the premises. - Th� county records-indicated at this time that the property was � zoned RU-20. Sii�ce September 1981, thP aRpli.cants have expe�ded $12,,000 it� remodeling expenses on thig house. Applicants are"financially unable to purchase unit as presently zoned (RU-30) and therefore, this request is to rezone the property so that the aPplicants will be able to comple�te the remodeling and purchase the property. 2. The proposed zoning cha�ge is in cpnformance with the qdopted Comprehensive P1an. Sir�ce thi.s area was not br.ought i.nta City " � Cpning after annexatimn, tFris will not be inconsistent with �he Plan a�r with suxrou�ding.. �and uses. There are subdivisions east and v�est of the sub ject site whiEh are znned R20 an�i i�30. <� All appropriate set b�eks and otF�er code aonditions are complied with. ` � . k 3. There is generally need for sa�.eable smaller single family dw�lli.ng ( units as a result :of preser�t economie canditi�ns. � 4. This �one change wi11 nat resuit in any �environmental, econonic or + sncial �onditions �or iry changes in avail.ability of' public survices. �, The' dwelling in presen�ly on site and occupied by applicants, so ;!, non� �f th� abov� items wi11 be affected. Access fbr future !! communi�y development (if desired) would ;;be._� enhanced by th� �' dedication of a right-of-way ease�ment. as indicated on attaehed map. f; 5, Thig ��operty is the n�Iy site that is practical for the app�.icants ;� because of the �revious.Iy exper�ded r�emodeli.ng expenseg (see Item 1, . i; above), 6. This proposecJ �ezoning wi11 have no impact o� adjacent sa.tes. Th� usage of this parcel will rem�in the s�me as previously, wi�h no '' increase in traffic, schools, p�li,ce and fire proteetion, �tc� This � reyuest wgll have no cJetr�,mental impacts on suxrounding l�nd va�.�aes. ;j This appliaatir�r� is submitted concurrently with appl�catia� for a Minor Land Partition on the subject parcel. . RECEII��I� ; � ' ��'��1Ii � 2 198� + c�rY o� ricA�� � ', ��'M�' /� ,� 'li �. _ . . ; � _ _ E , � _ ; MINOR LAND PARTITION APPLICATION (2S1 106D, i'ax tot 900) ; 1. The purpase of this minor land partition is to separate '20,000 square feet from the �resent Tax Lot 900 so that the present tenent can purchase th�e property and existing single family dwelling thereon. The ap�licants have resided in the single family dwelling on the property � for seven years. When they indicated int�rest in' purchasing approximately 20,000 square feet of the property and residence thereon, they were were granted a building permit by Washington County for remodelinq �he premises. The county rec�rds inr�icated at this time that the ' �roperty was zoned RU-20. Since September 1981, the applicants have expensed $12,000 in r.emodeling expenses on this house. Applicants are financa.ally unable to purehase unit as presently zoned (County RU-30) and therefore, this requect is to partition Parcel A, along with a concurrent rezoniny application for City ofi' Tigard zoning ; R10, so that the applicants will be able to complete the remode�.ing ' and purchase the �roperty. ; 2. The proposed partition is in conformance with the qdopted Comprehensive P1an. Since this area was not brc�ught into City Zoning after annex- ; ation, this will not k►e znc�nsistent with the Plan or with surrouhding land uses. There are subdivisa.ons east anrl west �f the subject site rvh;ich are zaned K[D and R:30.o A11 appropriate set backs and other � code cond:itions are cot�plzed with in the partitiQn requeste ; 3. T�ere is generally need for saleable smaller single family dwe�ling units as a result of present economic conditions. . ��, The propos�d partition wi.11 not result in any environmental, econimic or social candition cha es r ' n o in char� es in availabilit or ublic 9 9 Y P se�vices, The dwellin is resentl on site and occu ied b a licants I� 9 P Y P Y PP � � so none of the above items uri11 be affected. Access for future cammunity development (if desired.) would be enhanced by the ` d�da.cation of a r,ight-of-way easeme�t as i.ndicated on attached map, 5. This praperty is the only site that is practical or economically ;�i �easible because of the previously expe�nded remodeling ezpenses (s�e Item 1a above). 6. 7his propo5ed partition will have na impact an adjacent sates. The usage of tha.s pa�cel will remain th� same as previously, with na increase .in traffz.c, schoals, police and fi�e protection requirementse This reque�t wil�, have na detra.mental impaets on surroundin land valuss� 9 This application is submitt�d concurrently with application for rezoning on the subject parcel, �'�°��IV�[? �`,�� � �`� J�t�� �"E��' 0� Tf�,�;',�'t� �����'�" A _- __ — _ - i=_---=— s � � � � . SUpVEYED BY� � � F]ELO CONfpOI uD� A RESURVEY OF A TR�CT O� LAND DRINKHATER EN6INEERINGTINC. E°u�PnENt �6::��c, T � . �LOCATEA TN THE NfJ.1/1 SECTION 10,�T2S, R1V{� VJ,M, 9205 SH BUNNXAM�.SL ��RtlDb•;tEi BY: � �� . . � �� , . .� NASHINGTON.COUNTY, -0REGON �� � tts�po, oaeson rzz25 . . . � � � . PXONEI 63f.1135 EOUIVMENti � �- � . � . � � � . ENBINEEqSNG-P4ANNING- bUqVCY1NG LALCULAi70H5� RL� . ��� � � � � . � OpAMN�:RG CHECRED:PL�. . . � � � . � � TL S00 . iL 2200 � ' �Cl7ENI: n1TCNEL A P�9UCK.l � � � � � � RE�IN tl FOPNEP � � � � �� � � � �� �11105�SN BUL{.„pUNfA7N R� � � I� ' iIC�RD, OREGON�.f7223 � � � � oNNFPi GAYIA.NeCpE1GHT-TEEL 22 . ...,I � �PO BOM 9YSB � � � BEAVERiON, UpEGON� l7005� � t3' LEGENO . � O-MONUMENi A!PER PpEV3pUl�PECORDED � � SURVCy 117037 BY ORSNKMATER ENCINEEqINC . � ;wc. �ur+e x�,ifeo. . S4J H�FARLAND"' � � •-.fEi 5/B�SRON NOD YITH A YELLOM'CAP � — SCNiBEO"DRINkMAi[R PLf�f26°, �O p BLVD, m �. � . A-S/�• IRON ROO�MITN A�NED C�V � . 6 __.._. ��3CP311EQ"DIIINI:k�TER TMVERSE4 - � � � y 22 J U 2� J � �� � j � NARRATIVE '" o i = iMTS SURVL'Y NAS:fADE FON q7NUF � � PANlITiONING PUpPOSER FOR 1NE � SUB�Et�SIiF. THE PLAT OF"SMAOQM HYLlY�8�5 USfO FUN TNE�BA525 Of� z BEaNINCS. fOR OEiA14F0 1Niop AI'70N � � ON iNE�B0UN0ARY 5EE PNEYIOUSCY� PFGOROFD�xUpVEY���0l7�lY�9RtNN4ATEN fN6INEEAIHE INC-. 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FACTS General Information Case: CPRPD 13-81 (Planned Development General Plan Review) M 1-82 (Sensitive Lands Permit) The Meadows, 106th & SW Black Diamond Applicant: Bruce Kamhoot 20 Greenridge Court Lake O�wego, Oregon 97034 Owner: Unified Sewerage Agency County Court House Hillsboro, Oregon g7123 LocaLion: The subject property is generally located within NPO ��7 on the east side of. SW Diamond Way, just east of the Black Bull Park Subdivision, Washington County Assessor Map �k1S-1-34A.1�g Tax Lot 2600. (Attachment "A") Lot Area: 7.52 acres i PreUent Zone Designation: R-5 PD - Single Family Residential with a Planned Development overlay. Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a Planned Development Genera7. Plan Review of a 26 unit manufactured home subdivision and approval of a sensitive lands permit to fill within portions of the 100-year floodplain. NPO Corramment: NPO �k7 is inactive at this time. Background ', � On September 8, 7_981, the P.lanning Commission approvecl a Camprehensive Plan i Rev9.sion and Preliminar Plan Review af the site. The a licant a li�d for Y I�P PP General Plan Review on January 30, 1982. However, staff re�uested an appli- cation for a SensYtive Larids Permit to allow filling within the 100-year floodplain. Recommendation Based on the information submitted by tlze applicant, the applicable LCDC �oals and guidelines, NPO ��7 policies and app:ticable sections of the Tigard Municipal . Code, staff recommends approval of the G�neral Plan Review and Sensitive Lands Permi� subject to conditions �u�lined in this report. STAFF REPORT C�'RPD 13-81 & M 1-82 Page 2 Area Charac;tera.stics The area to the north of the site has been developed for commercial offices and industrial uses and is zoned M-4 (Industrial Park) . This area is separated from the site by floodplain/greenway. The area west of the site has been developed for single family residential uses and is zon:ed R-7. The area south of the site has also been developed for residential uses and is zoned R-7. The area to the east is designated greenway and is within the 100-ye�r floodplain. Site Characterisi;ics The propertv is owned by the Unified Sewerage agency and at one time, was the site of a sewer treatment plant. There is a brick building on the southern porti�n of the property which the applicant intends to remove. A portion of the site is within the 100-year floodplain. The land slopes to the northeast, towards Fanno Creek. Applica'ble Land IJse Policies and Analysis A. LCDC Goa1s and Guidelines: 1. Goal. 1 Citizen Involvement - The intent of this goal is to ensure the oppor- ' tunity for citizens of. Tigard to be involved in all aspects of the planning process. Owners of record within 250' of the site have been notified by mail. A pt�blic notice was published in the Tigard Times on two occasions prior to the public hearing. Anyone wishing to comment on the application „ will be iven an o ortunit to do so t e � PP Y a th scheduled ublic hearin or P g may submit written comments to the Planning Director. 2, Goal 2 Land Use_.�Planning -: A11 app.licable LCDC goals and guidelines, NPO �k7 policies and Tigard Municipal Code provisions have been consic�erec� in re-� view of this application. 3. Goal 5 Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Resources - The intent of this goal is to protect lands which have a value as ope�� space, histc�ric or natural resources areas. There are twelve resources to be considered in reviewing this goale The resources applicable to this application are as follows: ' (a) Land rieeded or desirable Tor open space; a portion of this site is already desi�nated as greenway on the Gomprel7ensive Plan and the applicant will be required to dedicate most of this land, to the public as required under Tigard Municipal Cocle Section 18.57 ,� (d) Fish and Wildlife Habitats, concerns have been raised as to whether or not this area shoLild be declared a wildlife habitat to protect the Blue Heron resieting and nesLing in the area. One of the reasons for designating areas as Greenway is to protect wildlife resources. (Re�'erenc� Tigard Mui�iclpal Code Section 18.57.03D(1) (B) . ) (g) Water areas, wetlands, watersheds and groundwater resources; Goncerns have also been raised relative to declara.ng this area a wet- ` lands area. Section 18.57.030 speaks to conservation of areas for water resources. The; �reenway c�.esignation has been placed on a portion of the property to protect the Fan�o Creek d.raina�e area. t '_ ' I _ . _ �� STAFF REPORT CP.RPD 13-81 & M 1-82 Page 3 4. Goal 7 Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards - 1'n the case of this site, f'looding is a concern. Again, a portion of the property will be dedicated to the public to al'low the City to control and manage flooding in the area. The excavation at�d fill proposed by the applicant will be done in such a manner as to meet the requirements of the City under Section 18.57.070 of the Tigard Municipal Code. This code requirement prohibits any fill or excavation which would reduce the capacity of the floodplain area or raise flood surface elevation or flow rates or adversely af'fect flow direction on upstream or d�wnstream properties. The Arm,y Corps of Engineers has reviewed the applicant's pro�osal for excavation and fill and the effect of the proposal upon water velocities. 5. Goal 10 Housing - The intent of this goal is to provide far a wide range of housing types at affordable costs to accommodate the housing needs qf citizens. The manufactured housing units proposed for this site will allow people to pur�chase a single family home for 15,000 tc� 10,000 less than the cost of purchasing a house built on site on the �ame property. 6. Public Facilities and Services - The intent of this goal is to ensure the availability of public services to developing areas. Sewer, water and storm drainag� are all readily available to the site. Further, the Tigard School Districi� antici�ates no problem in providing educationa_l facilities to the residents. B. Applicable NPO ��7 Po].iciesc Policy 2. Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and taalkways, according to city or county standards. All utilities will be placed underground. The applicani, intends to develop the subdivision to city standards. Policy 3. Development will coincide with the provision of public str°eets, water and sewerage facili_ties. These facilities shall be (a) capable of adeqtzat�l,y serving all intervening properties as well as the proposed development and (b) designed to meei; city or county standards. Public facilities are adequate in the area to serve the �roposed develop- ment. Policy 4. Planned unit development will be encouraged �n tracts large enough to accommodate ten or mor� dwellings. Planned unit development will permit a degree of flexibility in design that wi11 enable a hi�her quality of development in accordance with zoning standards. Policy 6. The single family character of the area designated on the plan map as urban low-density residential is viewed as a positive asUet to be retained. Projects proi�osed for this area must be judged according to affects upon this character. The units proposed an this site are single family units. STAFF REPORT CPRPD 13-81 & M 1-82 � Page 4 � Policy 8. When deve]_opments are proposed in the urban - low density area for sites which include identified natural features wo�thy of preservation, the planned development concept shall be utilized if the Planning Gommis:sion determines it the best method for preservation. C. Applicable Policies from Environmental Design and Open Space Plan: Policy l. Designate areas of physical limitation (poorly drained, j seasonally flooded, ground instability) and incorporate these desig- � nations in' the City Zoning Ordinance and map, and develop graduated development resttrictions according to the distinct characteristics of the c�nstraints and anticipated limitations. A portion of the site is desi�nated greenway/floodplain and is subject to i^equirements under Chapter 18.'57 of the Tigard Zoning Code. Polic;y 5. The City shall ado�t an ordinance to regulate the removal and/or replacenrent of existing natural vegetation in designated areas, e.g. , floodplains, drainageways, areas of lzigh visibility, unique habitats, or rare species. Significant trees or stands of timber shall be protected. Chapter 18.57 of the Tigard Municip�l Code regulates activity within tlze floodplain and unique hak�itat �reas. D. Applicable Provisions from the Tigard Municipal Code: 1. 13.5(.030 GenEral Deve'lopment Plan and Report (b) states that the general development plan and report shall consisi; of final plans showin� the project as it will be constructed. Th� �pplicant has not submitted a plan to staff showing the placement of units on 1ots. Such a plan should be submitted and approved by the Planning Division prior to issua,nce of Building Permits. All other requirements for General Plan Review approval have been met. 2. 18.57 Sensit;ive L,ands Seetion� 1��.,57.040 :uses and act9_vities al�.owed with a special use permit: (2) (B) Any change in the topography or terrain which would change the flow of waters during flooding periods, or which would increase the flood hazard or alter the direction or velocity of floodwater flow. The fi11 and excavation pt°oposed by Lhe applicant will alter the i;opography of' the site. 18.57.060 Special Use Permits - The applicant has provided the staff and commission adequate information to make a decision on the proposale 18.57.U70 Standards - (a) applicati�n for a special use permit in flood-- plain �reas sha]_1 b� granted or denied in accordance with the following standards; (1) No structure, fill, excavation, storage or other use sha11 be permitted which alone or in combinatiorr with existing or proposed uses woul'd reduce the capacity of the floodplain area or rai.se either the flood surface elevation or t'low rates, or adversely affect flow dire'ction on upstream or downstream properties, or create a present STAFF REPORT CPRPD 13=81 & M 1-82 Page 5 or foreseeable hazard 'co public health, safety and general welfare. "'he applicant's proposal will not reduce the capacity of the flood- plain area or raise the flood surface elevation, Staff recommends the following conditions be attached to the approval of the General Plan Review and Sensitive Lands Permit; l. A plan- showing configuration of units on lots shall be submitted and , :approved by tk�e Planning Division with an application for subdivision aPProval, 2. The applicant shall propose an engix�eerin� plan to the engineering di�ision to fiTl to 162' . The plan shall propose appropriate excavation to offset the fill and sYrall be approved prior to the issuanee of any permits. 3. A soils investigation by an approved soil engineer of the area to be ' filled shall be made before and after the Filling and excavation occurs. 4. The material used for fill shall be as re,quired on attached plan from City of Tigard Drainage P1an. 5. No approval for a Sen:sitive Lands Permit sha].1 be final until written verif.ication of effects on water velocities is received b,y the City from the Army Corps of Engineers. 6. All lands remaining in the 100-year floodplain shall be dedicated to the public prior to the issuance of any permits, The dedication document sh�ll be recorded with Washingt�n Coi�nty after it. is a.pproved �y the Gity. I' III a I Prepared by t Approved b�-`����,,������ ` 'liz eth A. ewton Frank A. Currie Associate Planner Planning Director �� : _���- , _ , 2 6` __;�-.� � `35 �' � ; P \�` ':--- --- _:.. .-�'_"-'_�`` � l-� ._.,__ . _ ; � � . . . .. . . _�j ' . .. . . . . �..`, . . . j � . �. 11\.. . �� �� . . � � . �� � � . .. �. .� � ...� �. _.�1� �., .... .. C .� . . .tt \� � � , � � u - •- A `\� j • O � . �y `�._ i �•..•- A � . . . . . '.N ... .. . . � . . . . � �� �, � _ .. . . _. . .._i.�.. . �� . � . . � . . 0 � �� . G�`� . �. �.._-�' • . . � � � , a + . . . n ����^� � �� � � . � � � R' '� S„J � � g �_ • sv E aUE�' � 1 ' �` � A\ _ � �� e � f ��r�� �1 �, 9 �� 'r ,� � � C . o � � � - ''- � . 9 __;,1- _ _ ,`,l-. � \ �, , , � ��,! .� : �. ' I \ L �'� ¢ , � ,t �. � \�r-�/ S1 EEi ' ,� 0 D Y� ; T �-� � . -,-----c , . `.� �. , � � � '_---` � ' , : • u � . � � n � � I �,�° � _._,_ 4� i � � ' . � f TlGkit� STAF_�T 1 GI�Y. Q� ����1"�� .�- -- : % V IG l 1�( t`ry (1/1/�C� � � �, -r�i'E N1 �Pt l70 Vv 5 ; � � LP(�-�'� 13- � 1 M 1' 8Z : _1_ ' l �_ � , - � Y TH� �11�1�L)OWS 100 YE�11� [�'I�OOD PLAIN C(�NL�I?I:N� This projc�ct is locat�d witliin Cl�� CiCy of Tig��rd, Oie���n, an.'', a p�rtion oF tl�� i.ii�E�ravem�nts are c�rithin the 10� ��E���r E1c�uti ' plain, af T�'annn Cz•e'i.�l: . `l'he pro je�c�r i s soutk�, of S .fJ. 5r1'ic�l 1 ;� Ferry hoad, and NorL(� uf S .W. Not tfY l)akota. Kcaf�r�ilc�� will b� nl��ci� to' the Study m:ade by Cii2M Hill of l�)fi1 for the Ci ty c�t `I'igarcl , L�i- informatio�al pur.poses . The first referenn� i5 made t� Fage �-G, sk�owirig the widt:h of tlz� F1aad plain var�.,�s £nom 250 F��r tn 9Q0 feet, as shown in the aCtachments . Specifically this �it� is the abandoned M�C2�er S�wage Tre�tment facil.ity. A h�usin�; PrU�ect j�.zst ciownstz�eam c�r so�.atlz �f tlze�.p�opasal encr�ached into th� flr�adplain ar�a ap�r•�ximat�ly six times the arc�� .fa��or. ,a� sho�u�pan she�t Washzn�ton (�ounty Fl.00d Plai.n T��zp, Zone "}3'" a,s the encraachm.��t Ch.at is proposed . . Sc�me of the are�s�• tfiat will be add�PSSed ar.� as outlinPd on I gage 3�11 , Guidelines , as fallows . .� 1 . The awner accepts an�r and all liab�l.ity fc�r �emaval oE e�r�tl7 i as a part oF the constructian �ogether witt7 tti�� placemen� a� ripr�p in new ennbankment areas . 2. T�e Natura�. drainage area i.s not �o be substantial.ly altex-ed ho�aever, by the excavation oF som� earth tlte flow shoulcl l�� improv�d, as it will be r�mpvec� to tt�ake a 1�ss r�striC�ive . , chaiane3: . See the �ttach�d drawing showing the ciistances as t�arked. 3 . A velor:ity �£ 6 f .p,S , sl�uuld be antisipatFd if th� cur�.p��nt con5tricti�n� aze removed . l:iprap is d�si�;n�d for this L1���� velociCy, which requires � 5" size stone . See sh�et S�-1 � �,..� . �.... _ � �.,,,�.., ... ��,,,, .,,,,_•._ . .. . .. .�. : . � .�. ., , ...;� r� ..�-..-r.--�... �..4-.,..,�asnz�n�M+F�6�..---•—"-:"-�..+_ �� _•Ii1�iy1��1 .. . .. .. .,..._.. . . ... .. , , , . Ref�r�nce is mad� to Fi.gur_e 5 . 3 to show the m�ximum f�ow at North Dalcota of 27Q0 C .F.S . y Curz�ently and an ultim�te flow oE 3450 C.F. S . Therefor� , wh�re new embanlcments �re to be constructed will�in the floocl pla:in, bank protection w�ll be canstxucted as sllawn c�n Figure 6-� . My conclusion is after. readiil� Che study tllat brcause the �ncl j�r constrictions are loc�ted in r�lative sm�11 opennings both LapstL��ni and downstream, and if majox floads accur that water �ail1 i�ow ov�r the tops o� both r�ads, thar ti�� fill.ing of� :�r�a11 �are�1 sucl� as we discussing will have little or no effect to eitlzc�r_ vel.ocity or storage of water, as l�ng as the emk,ankment are�� quantity �.s not exceeded Uy the atnount of �xcavation taken from th� ilc�ar.I P1ain ui�.de3� Elevation 160 . I might add the removai oF constrictions �re r�commenc�ecl - d .scri�e d as '"c.r.�atin Tlooclin 1'roblems" �'a e 6 3 and are P g on g � � r . ^,.....__"`' 1 '+---,.o...........,... mcs F,,. Nims P .L , �� � ,.� ._.._ . .N._ _. ._ :�-. . ._ .._...�., -�-._�_.-...�... . _ . . _ ,_ � � �i;D��.��� �F� ' ' r � �����0�� ,t .x `� v�.r+�``�'"'!��`-r 4�i �y y� ' � �,rx_ � �•�� � �j fit Y�.'��:.. ��.r s ; ..'`a4�- 'r��r,�t�r,<���� �,.; 'P • „�T 4 w,�,• r�^". M ".� .: ''��� . f� „�^""'-w..-�� "_�`_ E�� , l ,t�r,�,v��wf�Y.�� y lT".+"��„ii �,f � � b� 2, ',� �i�t'�:t �'��`!�`�, � �, ! "°!� .s 'F ,,p��► C ..k '�`�:�� �,t ,h,..�, u�_' . '�k'S,..y a�. 5� "" �-� %� a� ,'�+����f � �•3�, ,.� � +"' rt�. -�� - y..,tL'��. � � }k. .� � Y ..�s t`�;'�' � `„ �` 's.. `�ij ��.. , .�g..:. �,, � � f ' 1Y'�r� t•t°�` _ ., ' y ,'�y ; N { 6,} t � �a s �: '�" �, � .v. �S".'����� 4 Zii�'�' �)"�xf J 1 +m� . ��.y� �yf �+ ��. 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M�.- � .',.� y �`"i.• t 'i��k* it+��� � � "�.L Z . :� � �.•� c1r w���•M,,{ d� �A � �, u e" r J 4 .1' r 1 '�'i �.,., � �`t1..� �,� ""r" �`/7/�/ v ���`i���'9 "�a'$ ' �, �6 3«'! '�.,"�"�;.� • �,..t .:.. .. r�i� sry� h4 . o Se�t � � � ,�a� �yg,� �;,� �14 „'t`,� �G.�dffV� �,r �% ��- � 33�����*ri � • t� 'K� �`i�IC'�� �. • .. ''���q 7�.� `} r +A ��y'�'�� ���r?�„E �; ,�. .a�' "��^tL� � ... . : , c ,: - ' . . '. ' - , , , ..k 'I:a� .�'' _ l ! �Jr� ' . �.. . '. . ., MY�.sc-• Jr .I. :..',h.�. ^ x '4� ,�. • =. ' �.tii._ � , � � � inundated with flaodwaters tip to 1 .8 feet deep . 'I'he Tigard St. bxidge is estimated to be under 3 .8 feet ot water duri.n� the 100-year Flood. T.he r:Lood �levat�.�n over the N�rth Dak�ta ,� St. bridge is px-ojected to be �.2 feet higher than the zoad surface, Both the Tigard St. and North Dakota St. bridges would have a high probability of lnsing their spails i.= a fl��d of this magnitude 3id occur. � I �� North Dakota S�t, �p Scholls Ferrv Rd. Th� floodin ��� g problems � along tZzis reaeh o.f Fanno Creek are .�elatively minor becausz development has be�n restrictPd i�n. the flood plain. A fe�w residentia.l structx�res on Ironwood Loop may experi�nce minor damage during the 100-year flood. The flood-plain width along � this reach of th.e s�ream vari.es £rom 250 to 950 feet. The flood el�vatian at the upstream face n.f the existi�g Scholls Ferry Rd. bridge is projected to be 0 . 7 foot lower than the road surface ovsr the bridge. However, floodwaters will be � � approximately 0 . 3 foot deep over a low spot on Schoils Ferry ' Rd. located about 125 f�Et no,rtheast or the eas�t bridge , abutment. The Scholls F'erry Rd. bridge is scY�eduled to be � replaced in the n�ar fu±�uxe b�r th� Oregon F�igl�.way Department, � The fl.00dmrelated ��fects of �he z�ew structure wi11, be i C�7.SG11S5�C� in Cha�at�r 5 of this xeport, i ' Scholl,s Fer�y Hd. to 200 Fe�t Downstream af Hall �31vd. � ($ea�r�x'�.on) . �'he flood:tng pra�al,.e�ns alonq th�s reach of Fanxao ! Creek ax� rela�ively minor. The flood-pl�in width varies � fra�n �00 tc� '1, 9Q0 feet. A �ew hous�s along both Settler Wav � and. P�rkview Loo� may e�cpe.riezsee minc�r damage during tk�� � 1c�0-year floado A potential r�f��line storage x��se.r:voir site � exists on tk�e east r�verbank of �"�rxnc� c:ze�k approximately p . g mile upstream o£ Gh� 5choylS ��xs�r Rd. b.�idye. 4�1 . 1 .2 Ash Cr�el� � As�i Creek is a rnajor tzibutary og Fanno Creek, and it enters � Fan:no frolri th� eas�t �pproxima�te�.y 40p ��et upstream ot Na�th E Dakota St. Ash Cr�e?� d�ains a 4.��square--mile are� that is � � predominantly res�.d�n.tia]. in land t�s�. �s part ��' the W�shinc�tan. County� FIS, the COE computed �lood elevatians alang a 1 . 5-mile reach af Ash Creek from its tnouth to Hemlock Stree�.. � F1ood-pia�.n m3ps were also drawri by th� COE for the 1d0-year fload along Ash Creek. The maps show that some .flood damage � waulcl occur along As�Y� Creek if the 1�J0-year tlo�ad accurred. � �hP :Eollowzng is a detailed d�scription. o� th� 1U�-yea•r flaoding probl�ms al,ong Ash Creek. ' Mouth to Hiqhwa�17. The flood-plai.n w:i�c�th along this r�ach of Ash Creek vari�s from i�0 to 9UQ .�eet ti�ith the greater widths occu-rring d,ownstxeam of Greenburg Rd. A.n, i,ndustrial � buildi.ng located on the sou�h�ast overbank af ��.he creek between the SoutY�exz� Pacific Railraad and Greei�ur� Rd. may suffex some min,or damage. Oz�e r�sidential structure appears to be within the 100-year flood pl,ain. T.t is located on. ��.1-�e � 2 74D ���'j � 4-6 _ � .� . _ _.._._.....�_ . .,_. . . ._.._.._ . ..._........� . _.,.� I � ' . _ -- _ J -�. . . . . .. . ' ... . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . ...z�• ... . . �� �: . , ' � � i I + j , � f . 6,i.4 Storage Effect ' 4 " � j 4 Using the future 100�year flood hydrograph ju�t upstream of t Scholls Ferry Rd. obtained from the Fanno Creek model, tYxe ; f storage provided zn the detention facility described above ` could conceivably l,ower the future 100-year �lood peak from � 2, �80 to 2,ODO cfs . This represents a 29 percent reduction j in the �ea)� at the storage facility. The Fanno Creek hydro- ; logical model was then used to estimate the future 100-yeax peaks farther down�tream of the poten�ial storage facility. These ].owe� geak flows ware then added into the �anno Creek hydra�ulic mndel to estimate the reduction in £loodwater eZevations throughout Tigard that would result From the potential stoxage £acility. ' Figure 6.1 shows the future 100-year flood elevations alorig � Fanno Cr�ek, both with and without the storage facility. � ' All the bridges in Figure 6 .1 are existing �tructures except � th� �cholls Ferry Rd. L�ra.dge, which is the proposed stat� hzghway �tructure discussed in Chaptex 5. Figur� 6.1 shows that �,he flood s��.c�e reduction is appraxi- ma�eZy 2 feet just b�le�w the praposed facili�y �not shown but located b�tw�en. Sections 7 .81 and 8 .03 ) . Fiow�vex�, t1zP �losad s��ge r�duction d��reases to approximately 1 .5 feet jus� b�low �c.holls F�rry Rd. and t� approxianatel.y Oe5 foot belaw Tiga�cd St, and thrnughout mo�t ef dawntow�n Tigard: A1tY�ba�gh �he floa� peak reduction wa,s 29 percent at the I facil�ty, its �ffec� decreases subsfan�tially once AsYY� and� t the ot ent ial S ummer CrePks enter Fanno Greek. In �'ac , p storage facility will provide onZy a 5.4 p�rcen:t r�d�zction i in th� p�ak .flow at M�in �t. The pntential stor�ge facility does not ag�pear to lae an '� eEfectiue flood c.�ntrol alternativ� by itself, However, it may provi,de more benefit in conjunctian with the selecti�re remov�l an,d recozas�ruction. of bri.dges and othe� hydraulic � cons�.rictions farthex downstream. � . 6.2 CQNSTRICT�ON REMOVAL ( � Figure 6.1 shaws that sev�ral road crossings on Fannn Creek are creating florading probleans becaus� th.ey constri�t the � arnount of �'law area av�ilable to t.�.e f.loodwaters. '.�'hese I � structur�s includea �ona.ta Rd. , F�a17. Blvd. , Main St. , Grant Ave. , 2'ied�man Ave. , Tigazd 5t, , and. Ndrth Dakota St. In addition to �he constrictions created by these structures , chazznel canstrictions occur i.z� the vicini�y of the Main St. ; � b�idqe and the Grant I�ve. bridqe. Also, the stxeam��d pxofile shown on Figure 6.1 indicates that considerable scour and I depasition have accurzed in �he immediate vicinity of th�se two st�uctures. '� � 464CC 6-� � ' -- ,. �� �. _ a ' 6 . 1 .4 St�x'aqe Effect Usi.nq the future lOQ-year fload hyd�oqraph just upstream of Scholls F��cry Rd. obtained from the Fanno Creek moael., the storage provided in the detention £acility described above could conceivably lower the future 140-year flood peak from 2, 580 to 2, 000 cfs . This repres�nts a 29 percent reductian in the peak at the storage facility. The Fanno Creek hydro- loga.cal model was then used to estimate the future 190-�rear pea�C� farther downstream of the pote�tial storage facility. Th�se lowe�c peak flows were ther� added into the P�nno Crzek hydraulic m:�del to estimate the reduction in floodwater e1�va�ir�ns throughout Tigard that wOUld result from the potential storage facili�ty. Figur� G.1 shows tk�e �'utu�'e �00-year flood elevations along �'anno Creek, both wi�h and without ttae storage facility. H11 �h� b�idges in E'i.gu�e F� . 1 �xe existing stxuctur�s except the Scholl.s k'�rr� Rd. 3�ridg�, which is t�he prapnsed state highway 5tructure c3iscussed in Chaptex 5 . ' � , Fic�ur� 6 .1 shows th.at the flood s�age reduction is approxi- i mat;ely 2 �eet just below �he proposed �'acility (not shown ! but 1.ocat�d be�ween Sections 7 .81 and a .03 ) . Hawever, the I f1oQ�, atage red.uction decreases ta approximately 1 . 5 feet � just beJ,r�w Schall.� Ferry Rd. and to �ppraximately O . S foot belc��a Tigard St. and thxougheut, mo�� of d,ownta�an Tigard. Alth�ugh the gl,ciod peak reduction wa� 29 perce�it at the facil�ty, its effect decr�ase5 su�s�antaa.11y anc� Ash and , Summer Creeks enter Fanno Creek. In �act, the potential. storage facil�,ty will provid� onJ.y a 5 .4 p�.rcerxt r�duction i in the peak fldw a�. Ntain St. 1 i �h� potential stor�g�e facility do�� z�t�t �ppea� t� be �rz I e�fecti.ve flaod. control alterna�i�re �y atsel�. Howeve:c, i� � i may provide more bene£it in conjuz���i,�z� with th� selective i removal and reconstruction of bridqes azid ather iaydraulic: ' constrictians farther downstream. . ' , i 6 .2 CONSTRICTION REI�IOVP►I� ', Figure 6. 1 sh�ws that several raad crossings on Fanno Creek are creating £loc�ding p�oblems beca�u�� th,ey constrict the amount of flow ar�a available �to �he fl.aodw'aters . These ; structures include: Boriita Rd. , Fia7 1 Blvd. , Main St. , Grant � Av�. , Tied�man Ave. , Tiga�d St. , ara,d North Dakota 5t. Tn i addition to the con.strietions created by these structures, i channel constr,ictiox�s occuz in ��ie vicinity of the Main St. bridge and the Grant Ave. bridge. Also, the streambed profile shown on Fi.c�ure 6 .1, indicat�s trzat considerable scour and ; deposYtion have accurred in the immediate vicinity of these ; two structures. � 464CC 6-3 I r � . _,..;,� .�,_..._ ._.__..�,.. ....._ ,.�.__.._..__..____�.^,.�.._.w.__...,�..,��„..,,,,..,--, ,...�..� , .. .. _ . . , , _ _ . ., „. � -- ° ... � . CHANNEL BANK PRDTECTIDN 6,01 .00 General Ghannel bank protection is necessary when natural bank meterial � is unstable as s�iscussed in Section �. Riprap af rock, rubble nias��ry � witFi grout, sacked concrete, and brok,en concre�e slab are mast commonly used to pratect, embankmenC or channel sl-opes af unstable mat�rial , -.02.00 Rock Ri�rap ' � Rock riprap +s �ith�er t tght loose or ha�avy loose riprap. EiYher sh�u�d be placed on a one-foot thick fiiter material gr�ded from sand to 6 inch grave) to prot�ct Lh� original bank material from scour or s 1 ough i ny, The f i 1 ter shoul d be graded tn l�yer�s f F�,rr� r i��� �c� r�c��rse aut to 'thc riprap, R6prap thickness sho�atd be z feet thick f�r iiyht . loos� and 3 fe�� thick for heady laase riprap. The ,toe af tih� riprap . shautd b� piaced betow the ehannel b�d a depth equai to the thiekness _ � of �he rEprap. � �� � � OO � _ D 100 yr, f/aoa' a'e,afh _ � O * /.0 'rnin, � � � l/z �/ or Q f/aff�er ��,,� � �� C1 � �T...�.� _ . , 11 O � ; .��< <t o -% - � �` M.t,b. �� , , T ica/�R�c.k Ripra,� Fig. 6^1 . . ... . _ ._ . ,. _ . . h-� ,, _ _ � _ , _ _ �I""'e:. _ ; � p DF2AINAG� CRITEf2iA MANUAL MAJOR DR:4INAGE � 4 9 Hor� � � The r�pr�p sho�ld be composed of o s000 Well groded m�xture but most of the stones shouhd De of the size �nd�cated by the curve R�prop xhoulQ � be placed over o filter blonket o� `O00 aZ beddmg of qrodeQ gravel �n a layer ' _ 1.5 t�mes (or more) as thrck os tha �soo ^. � lorgest stone d�nmcter o 3000 0 � � � a6 � zsoa m � U 5 S z� ¢ ' I � � � ' � _ ' � ' o � ' 150tl � W 30 t � Q � � ' a 2 +S ut � � 2 S� i000 � � 900 ._„ � -r-*-- I 600 h� 2 4 � � � �v � � 700 � � Q �_ 600 � 0 2 S � �F a + ' SA 0 � _....� I€ 3 F ' a0o x o W w � � 1e ' � 3Q0 1-��. NOTES u' 250 � Curv� shows minimum size -� sfones necessaey to �oo � res�st rnovement �sn � w .3S gF Curve is tentotive ar�d z � ,z � �4p subJe�t to chonge os � �oa v°; resuft of Pu1h�r tests �s o � $n or operoting exper�ences. � _ F points ore prototype so r riprop installotions � which failed. 25 3 S paints ore satisfoctory � s � o instaliotions. ,o � 6F I i 5 ' r '� � ! i � � � � 0 0 5 l0 15 2p d � 23 BQTTOM VELOGI7Y IN FEET PER S�CONp From USBR � F'IGURE 5-l. RiPRAP SixfNG (13) � (2 - 15 - 69 D�nyer Ro�ionol Cour�cil of Gov�rnm�nfs _.._.-r ___.,._..._ .._ _-. . . . _ , _._._._._T... _ .�-,,_°-^•.T . . 1 _ ,.__ �� � . 4 � � � � , e . � ' � . . artificial channels will be useci with discretion and then only � to accammodate existing development for minimum reaches. Channel design criteria i.nclude: + Channel side sloges from 2 : 1 to l�: l may be zip- rapped, but steeper slopes must be solidly lined wit I � h an anchored wall. Ca re must be taken for �reeze, thaw, ground-water, and expansive soil effects. • The bottom of ahannels must genex�al'ly be .lined when the veZocity exce�ds 6 fps . � � The chan�el shoul.d k�ave a £reeboaz•d of 2 feet. � � Us� trickle channels fnr low flows with capacities o£ about 1 percent of design flow. Natural. Charinel� . Natural wa�.�rways in ur�banized and urk�an..�z- �' able areas that have mild slop�s, a:e�� reasonably stabilized, and obviously are not in a state o�' degrad�tion may no�, need �xt�nsiv� modific�tion for them tc� proviae aclequate servic� as part of �xxe dra�.raage system;. I� the c�ara,z�el is to �a� �.��eci �ox �a��ying staa;�m runo.ff �ram t�x� u.�banized area, xt can la� init�.ally a,stun�d th,at �he changed runo�f rsgime wi11 z�sult i� r�ew aa�d acti�re �ro�ian�l ten�3encies . In s�arn� cases, s1ic��� mod�.ficati�ns to �,2xe ct�anne.l will be requixed to areate a m4re stabil�.�ed condi�i�ri f�r °�hhe chann�l. B�ca�s� af the decided saciol�gical advantag�s af usi.ng natural waterways for urban storm drain�ge purposes, the c�esic�ner should qo�asult with �xpex"ts in related fi�lds abou�. �the mPthod of develvpme�at. Usual.ly, park and greerzb�lt are�s car� be incorpnzated a,nto the ekz�nnel works . In �.hese cases, criteria fr�r free�c�ard depth, curva�ture, and a�her desig�n a��aects applicable �o a�ti£icial Gh�nnels do n�t apply. For instance, there may b� signifi�ant �rlv�antac�es �a design�.ng ac3jacent areas £c�r la�c�.lized flopding G�UI'1T1CJ majo.r run,oft �eak5. In addz�tir�n, th� fl�od plaiz� �ust be defined so acieqtxate land use zoning will prr�'teat �he wa�t�rway £rom . encraachmen� and a].low it t.o maint�in its �apacity anr� n�tu.ral storage patentia�,r Channel. Ezasion �ontrol . Gras��lined chan,nels are eroc�ible ti� some de�gr�e. Experience has shown that aesigning a grass- lined chann��, compl�tely �rotected £rom erosion is uneconomi- cal. an.d cost�y. It is much bett�r �o provide a reasonable � design with plans for addi�ionaZ e�c�sion cantrol rneasures and corrective steps a�ter t}�e first ye�r of o�eration. Usi.ng erosion control cutoff walls will. safeguard a channel from � seriatzs erosion in case �f a �arg� runoff before the grass can develap a good root system. Suclz cutoff walls are also useful in contai,ni.ng the t�:ickle channel. � 27�E S_].� � < . _ _ t _ .— - , . , _ � ,.__ I P _ .�m..�,,,...,.��� � , � F_._.__ ,.��r+- MASTER L�FtAiNAG£ PLAN � '--y , , FIGURE 5.3 C1TY O� TIGARD --�--t-.*-t', , : : � � Fi.00�PROFILES � ;�� � � "�'� FANNO CREEK � I � 1 ��� UPPER PROFIt.E � STREAM �Eq ' � FUTURE 10@ � � YEAR FLOSNS � � � � � ---- t�OWER PROf t�LE SECTION NUMBER " _ EXISTING 100 � � � ; YEAR FLOWS �J�r� � � �" � ::HiLL � � � � � � . � � -�-r-i--�- _------T—_,._ � � � � ,,.�..�. � • - 18� , � . ' , , ' ' ' _ � , , � ; _ • ' � '-�- -�-�-�- +-�-;--r , �_ � � , ; , ' � � � : : , � � - �' 1 ' ' ` .;�;.� i _+_T_*__-T_-- .. , #. ' ' t I 1 i . ' ' � � . � ,. I . . . � �i _� �. � �i � I . I ,j�i�_,!-�___- �_` I ' .._...- j � 1 I �� . �1. .. -. � .�.. . ��"�'�j 1 , ` 97 ; � ' y--�---!� � � ' .:..�._ , ; -1-+.-1..-� � � i 1 i �-}r ..� i i i I � � ' � , , � i � � 1 i ��+�` _ ' . ; i 13' � +�"��"!,'.''_T�.�._L O:__..}_I._L � ._...._,__�_,_.._.•.-' -� _'_";�'7'�".r' ' t� q.��. , i � . � , . t . �-�-- ,�____.�_�. ---L- �,.'�.'r.�`� s.-._-�'�°.- � , , � R��� � � ' , � ' I � � 4 � �r��- .�.��-��a�---- � , , , � � � � � < < �� , , � , � . � � -r-,-j- � � �-� , � 9� - �� � r .-.-----�-�-, . , I � .�-fi-p._ _..,_ 2 ;;:-T-;--:- _� M ;--�-.-.--- ' ' , 1__r,.�°' .._..�-r-�-l---�-,-.-.- ---� i � �� 1-'!' � ..'7_` "F'. . . , � --} O � � '- ..}..w,,.-r-«- -•--r-i-.--" - . , �.j�.... ` �+ �..�;.. _,__t-_-�..._r I� --�-T-�-�--�'-,__. �1.. I � �V __ � . I � � � r , -�{�--p--:-+- i �-}-!Y -i'-' � I � ' ' �- ' �t� � . � ' . . � � t � . � 1 i i i I I +..' '�y_,.w-._ I W ; ' ' ' , ; � � _ , , , , . . 15 +; � , 1 ' �.,..}.��_�__!_��:_� � .�.� '-�--�-�....� .-,------�.� =-�-----� � -�-`�.�.' -__ ' . �--r-�?-- , , , � g . -�-'.--'-�--! a-�--=-?-- � _�---^ "- . � � 1 ' ��..... tt � . � ! i�_,-T--._.^..� �-J�i�, , . � . � �. � i � , � � � � (�y _. � ; n � , . � , . j 1_1_ � rV - . 1 1 . I I �t� f.i � �' I 1 I ' ; � � : , � 'Nr�*y � ' . . � _�.�'--a-�,ip. � � . . i , .it1: _ i , �� � . , i ��T . � � � � � i I '4000 &000 800� - - �OOQQ' . �2000 � 0 2�00 ,�. . -, p/57'a4 N�� /N FEE�T � � V „ � _..__.__ . . r,� _ , _ i _ l �_ . ;. �- � . r � , BRUCE KAMHOOT a� �58oC1�,'ES,iNC, K9X Z�3 LAK� O�W�00. Ol�t�QN ZI!'GODi o70�4 AREA COI,IC dOil °Si6'4900 tactolier 2L� 1981 � 1'tanni.n� 1>irec�tor City o� Tig�rci Tigaxd, t)r��gon RE: CPRFD -� TH� MEADOWS – NP0 �17 , Dear Sir. We herehy :;uUmi:C to the Fla��n�.ng G�:nm�i.ssi�n fc�r a Generr�.l. 1''Tan A��prov�il lhe following as pex yocrr letter of S��atemi�er I5, 19Ai. 18.56, 30 - (1) .A topogxaphic map is attached. (2� Tl�ere is r�a need for pe�estriul and velii.cul.ar c�! r��uJ �t�lon ��� e:h:IK i:� a puhlic street �aitli no cxoss streets or interse.rt'luns, P�f.�,N EIa�MFN"I'S (t1) A ge��eral d�velopment plan is attachedd (B) ��i.s�ing anc� pxopo�ed contour m�E� is attachs�cl. (C) Se� enclose� pla,� �or w�dth of s�reet� aa�d lrst� and names of. street�:. (ll) l�acisein� sewere�, wa�er m�ins, etc. will come with tl�e c.onatruction plan�c. (E) S�me as (D). (F) Prelieuin�ry subdivision p1.am attached. (G� I.and use is sel€ �xplanitory. (H) Areas ta be a�a�.Catga wi11 be so�.d on contract to the Gounty for the �um of $1.00 pe� year from nai� ta perpetuity. (I) Open space held by the owrters wfll be set aslde for the pre�sent, (�J) A krsffic flow raep is not nec�ssary aa there are ❑o tt�ru or conne�ti:ng a�.de street,8. (IC) The�re will be n�o trail.s and sidewelks are ehawn. (L) See attached p3.an �hawing 1.ots whicin wi.11 have one driveway for p�tking esct�. No other parking epaces will be made. CONSTRlKT10N PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT C�NSUITING � _ __— _ --— --, ---J � � . OctoUer 21, 1981 ; Planning Director Page 2 (M} No truck loading fsciliL-ies will be included: (N) No axchitectural plans are needed on Mobi�e Homes. _ (P) '1'he �ence ahall be cyclone type, 6 feet high suzrounc�ing the sul�d.ivision. (Q) No coz�sC�ixct�.oti sha11 la� ntade other than foundation's for mobile homes wh�:ch will be set flush ta the ground. PROGRAM ELEMENxS (A) The goal: of THE M�'�,AIiOWS is to 'produce lots reasonable enough that mobile hoan�s n�ay be'pZaced upon then with a tat�l co,t of under $50,004.00 incl�udi�►g land and house. (C) �ablea sln�w�n� number o� acxes are on the Pl.an. (�} Rest�c�.ctive covenanta ate encl.osed. ; � . � •.�..�; .�.:..».�...�.......,T:. „ . . . .. . . ?�,. � � � �. ' �. . . . � � . ,. �. � . . .... .. �t . � � � � � � � � � � � . � . . �. THE MF.ADOWS A PLANNED DE'VELOPMENT ' THE MEAD�WS I:S A N•EW CONCEPT IN MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIOIVS. IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED-AND DEVELOPED TO MAINTAIN H2GTi STANDARD OF APPEARANCE ' T0 INSURE THE �EAUTY AND LIVABILITY OF OUR COMM[TNITY. AI�L UNITS MEET T.HESE STt�NDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS, BEFORE PURGHASING A IJEW HCl�iE, YOU SkIOULD DQ THE FOLLOWIPIG: (1) CAREk'ULLY EXAMINE THE .ARG�TiTECTURAL STANDARDS SET F/JRTH ON T�IE ATTACHED SHEE�'S. ' (2) INQUTRE OT Y�UI2 DEALE�d AS TO WHFTHER HE �AN MEET OR CAN ARRANG� Tt� M�ET AI�L QF mHE 5'�AI�DAIiIDS SET FO1tT�I. (�) SU�l�T YOiT�. YROPOSED PZ,ANS AI�D THE OTH�R TNFQRMATION �tEQiJTRED TQ �liE SU�ATVISION M�#N�GII+iENT FOIi PRTOR �PPItOV�L. ,� THE MEADOWS A PLANNED DEV�LO�'MENT ARCHITECTU�tAL STANDARDS AND RESTRICTIONS � INTRODUCTION Ideas, li:ke mosti other good things, change with ti�ne. One idea that has' undergone ,great change is tt►e cot�cept of a "mobile home°t. Mnst such homes are no longer mobile. Their size and the high cost af trans- portation has �esulted in such homes being mc�re permanent than ever befoxe. T�E MEADOWS x�ecogn�:zes th3t the hrime owner thus has a substantial `financial 3.nterest in mai�tai:ning the standards and livability of the area in which hi� ho�ne is located. 'Tt�e dev�lopers of THE MF�E1Dd?WS have p];anned to maintai�a the ih.ighest standards, thereby protecting your investment and i.nsurin� the maxi�um .atmospl�ere fnr the en�oymenC o� you� home. A�tCHITECTUItAL 5PECIF'ICA`TZfJNS 'rtie �oXlocaisa� specifieations must be met: (a) Mabile hame 'sizes. All homea p3aced in the Developmen� shall coinform iza stze tb �.he requir�ments of the �.ot on tahich they are pla��d, �s deteraai�ed by tihe u��k�le area, which is 3/k of the t��a�. Zot areaM No ha�e �hall t�e less than 24 feet wide 'by a length as det�ermined by the usable �rea of' the 1ot. ' Placem�nt of homes shall be determin�d iiy tth� Management. Home� will be p3.aced in exc�v�terl €o�ndations to provide a finished elevdL•ion at ground level. (b) Siding. All home�c muat have aluminum exrerioX sid�.ng, compat- abLe w3th ather mobiJ.e t�omes ir► the Deve�:apment. As►y otk►�r siding Tnust have I Management apgroval. -2_ (c) ��ofing. A1T homes shall have one of tne followin� types of roofs. (1) composition asphalt sh3ng�.es, (2) wooci shake shingles� or ' (3) ti1e. Mitnimum roof pitr,l� will be 2/12 witih at least 6�' eaves, gutters and down spouts. All vernts and roof jacks must be painted the color of the roo�. (d) Acanin�_ ,A,11 homes shall have alum�nu� patio �wningS �.nst�lled by deal.er and must be. fac�ory produced structuxes. Wi,ndow ac�mings Wil.l be allowed in compatible coloxs su�ject to prior �pproval liy the arcttitectural committee. (ea Gara�es. An aluminum si.ngle carpoxt is requ�:.red on eyery spac�, Any enclosed garage �usti be a�gx'ove.d by Mana�etnent �nd must h�ve aluminu� s3ding comgatitile wi�� the mob#�.1e &ome, � (�) Ai� Cond3��pzxers. �1�. homes w�th. air conditio�3',�g ec�uipment I installed st��11 have such equipmen,t insta].l.ed at g�otind J.ev�1� �rath�r. than roof � te�p units. Locat3.on of ext�rio� compxessors must have app�oval o� '�anage�nt� � QTH�R STRUG'PURES (a) Fence�. NU fenc.e can be over 5 feet t��.gh. �nd mu�t nofi co7me beyond the mobile h aae on �tre�t side. Irfa.��gemenr appr�val �u�t be x�ceived befare wor�. co�atences. PRIOR APPR.QVAI� �acY� prospective tenant �uus� subm�t to the ��n�tg��nent fo� px�.:P'r ap�xoval. (�) A bxa�hure or ot�ex representatiye picture q;e des�,r�:�t�;on �r.o� the manufac�urer of tk►e ho�qe t`a be placed on th� �,ot. (b) Color $�m�r?. �Y►owing the extexior coxox of the hopi�ee (c) A plot plan o° the 1ot �howtng how the �;nst���,ed li�te will be p l,ac ed. (d) 11 lan,dscap�:ng p�an dxawn o� a scale o� 1.�� = 1Q feet� -3- ' - -_----- _ : __ _ j The ten�ant should check with the mobile hame dealer to determine that the dea�er wi.'l1 be able to conform to a11 City of Tigard ordinances and Oregon State regulations, including obtainin,g the ne�essary building permits ar►d otller necessary aity and utility approvals, N� applications should be ' made to the city for building permit apProval ur►til all of the above items have been approved by Management. ARCI3ITECTURAL STANDAI3DS No tenant shall cox�sCraict or reconstruct any improvement or alter or refinish the exte�ior ot any improvement, make any change in the natural or surfaee drainage or make any significant changes in landscaping with�ut first �btaining the approval of the Management. CONSTRUCTIOH LIEN If any ten�n� fails or refuses to meet the archikectural standards after hav�ng r�ceived notice from the Managet�ent:, THE MEADOWS shall. have the option of p�e�fo�ming or ordering tha per�ormance of such wark as needs to he done to mePt the ars�itectura]. standards. Tf THE 'MEADOWS performs or causes an,y suci� wc�rk to be perfoxmed to correct such def�.ciency, THE MF,ADOWS shall be entit7.ed to cl�aim a co�,struetion lien upon the tenanr's property for the amount of khe c.ost of suctx worlc, including any mate�ials use.d, atici t1�e tenant shal.l, by virtue of theae �tandards�, �,� cleerae�l ta have agreed to such l�er� � and to pay for all such wark and mate�cials� USE RESTR:iCTI0N5 No part of this subdivisian shall be used f�r other than residential and rel�ted coanmon pux'poses for which it has been design�d. �ach �ome shall be used and occup3:ed as a residence for a aingle family and for no o�her gurpose, � (a) T,aLxdscaping axid Maintenance. A1.Z mo'bile hou�es must be kept clean a�ad lawns mawed a�d watered. Managemenrc, with five (5) day written notice, m�y ' remave offensive rubbish, mow 1a�ana �x�ci watex the space. A11 cost o� such woric shall be billed the owner. Due to underg�o�nd facilitiss, any extensive dig�ing must be cleaxed wi�h Management. 13o plants or �hzubs ahall �e p1aa�Ced in metal contsiners above the ground. W�ter, s�wer �nd norma� garbage (1) can required. _4.� ' � ._ ___._,...._.__. . _ _ , � ,,� , ; `� ; i {b) Remodelin� and Improvements. All building remodeling, alter- ations and improvements must have the �rior approval of the Managementm E'lease remember that local and: SLate laws must be complied with, ' ' (c); Visual Restrictions, All mobile hoine hitches shall be of khe r;Pmovable type a�d re�noved upor► inst�llation of the home in the suhdivision,. Garbage cans must be kep� out of sight from the street: Nothing shall be al'lowed on the patios except-,patio furniture, �lothes lines, or any authorized sfiorage must be kept directly behind garages or carports, and out of sight. Cab le telev�,s3on caollec'Cion is availabl� in the subdivision for appearance sake, which will bene�it alI Homeowners values. ' (d) PeGs. No animals vr b�xds of any kind stlall be rai:;ed, tired ar maintained in any unit. At��:mals must be maintained in -the t�ome ak al�. times. ' They ar+e not ,permi�.ted outs�de unle�s on a leash. Pet owners are respons;�ble for the xemoval of aZl: littex or �u rep'�i� any damage caused by the pet. Any p�t. ca-eat3.ng' a mui�anc� Ax disturbance shall be permanently removed fxom the ' s�bdi�r�:sia� upa� ke� ��;0) days writ�en no�ice frou► ttte Management:. Do�s or ��i _ ca�� r�rnning free ic� �he area wix.l b� picked up a�d �aken to the �umane Shel,tex. , MANAGEMENT �t Managemen� wi.11 r�main ir the hands �f the devel.oper ut-�ti�. 70Y of the lots are sold, after wh�:ch time it wi11 be turned over ta the 1�.ssaciation ;'I to be formed of the tlom�eowne�� in the subd:ivis�i�,�io Ea�h owner will �e ex�t:itle�i to one (1) vate and t�ey shall f.orm a board of seven (7) members L-o fiandle the man�g;em�nt nf the subdiv�t�iane e5�, „ .:.�. _.--:_.u,�.,.,_:_.,:�..�:..�:-�.,.�.-_..-.., ,..- ._ . .. . . . . . . . . ,:,' . . . . . . . � � � . . . . � .. . . � .� . � . '�, _.. � . :,. � . . � . � . . STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION April 6, 1982 Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10$65 SW Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon March 31, 19g2 i A. GENERAL FACTS: � ' Case: Preliminary and General Plan Review for a sixteen acre commercial dEVelopment and a sensitive lands permit to fill within the 100-year floodplain. (CPR 8-81, CPR 9-81; M 2-81) Request: For a Preliminary and General Plara Review for a sixteen acre commercial development and a sensitive lands permit to fill within the .100-year floodplain. Recommendation.: Based on the material submitted by the applicant, i;he applicant plan policies and LCDC goals and guidelines, staff recommends approval ot the Preliminary and General Plan Review and a Sensitive Lands Permit to fill within the 100-year floodplain. PrPVious Action: On December 8, 1981, the Planning Commission gave appr•oval for the applicant's Proposal for site accessa On June 22, 1981, the Tigard City Council approv�d a Comprehensive Plan Revision on this 16.6 acre site to the C-3MPD Main Street C�mmercial Planned llevelopment Designation. ili Applicant: Main Street Land Corporation/J,B. Bishop, Suite 303, 10505 SW Barbur Blvd. , Portland, Or�gon 97219 I` Owner: Same Application Date. March 2, 1982 Site Location� 12660 SW Main (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 2AC, Tax Lots 201, 1200y 1300, 1400, 1500, 1b00, 2200 and 2301) Lot Area: 16.6 acres IVPO Gomment: No written comment from NPO �kl had been received as of the date �f this report. Park Boa.r� Comment: The I'ark Board, at their meeting of March 25, 1982, v�ted unanimously to support the concept of i;he proposPd Main Street Development. (see attached Park Doard minutes) Area Characteristics� The property to the east of the site is designated Greenway on the City of Tigard Comprehensivc Plan and is the site of the proposed Dowrztown-Fanno Creek Park. The property west of the ,�ite is a mix of commercial and multi-family residential. The property along Pacific Highway and Main Street north of the site is general commercial with the excep�ion of St. Anthony's School on the corner of Pacific STAFF REPORT M 2-82 k Page 2 ' Highway and SW Johnson_ The property along SW Ash, at the southern end of the site is multi-family and single family residential with a portion of the property in the greenway. Site Characteristics The site is vacant except for a building in the northwest corner which is currently occu�ied by Northwest Marine. The applicant intends to remove the existing building. Fanno Creek runs alotlg the eastern edge of the property. Approximately, 1.8 acres in the southeast portion of the site is within the 100-year floodplain: Access to the site is from Main Stree� on the eastern edge, Pacific Highway on the western edge and Ash Avenue on the south. Water is available to the site from a line in SW Main. Sewer is available from an eight line which runs through the property. Applicable Planning Criteria and Staff Analysis A. LCDC Goal.s and Guidelinea: Goal 1: Citizen InvolvemEnt - The intent of this goal is to insure the opportunity of interested citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. In the case of this development, NPO �61 and the Park Board have had .mor�e than one opportunity to review and comment on va.ra.ous phases of this project. In addition, there have been several public hearings on this project at which all interested citizens have had the opportuna.ty to comment. Goal 2: Land Use Planning - All applicable LCDC goals, NPO ��l plarz policies anc� Tigard Municipal Code provisions have been considered in the review of this proposal. Goal 5: Open Spaces, Sceriic and Historic Areas and Natural Resources - The _ intent of this goal is to protect lands which have a value as open space9 historic or natural resc,LZrces areas, There are twelve resources to be considered in reviewing this goal. The resources applicable to Y,his appli- cation are as follows: a. Land neecled or desirable for open space; a portion of this sit� is designated greenway on th� Comprehensive Plan. The applicant intends to fill in this area to be used as a parking 1ot. However, the appli- i cant will excavate on his site and in the park area to the east to 1 form a lake for the park and a portion of the development. It is staff's feeling that the applicant should also grade the park area as a part of the excavation woi�k. Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards - In the case of this site, a poition of the property presently lies within the 100-year floodplain, approximately 1.8 acres. The excavation and fi11 proposed by the applicant wi11 be done in such a tnanner as to meet the requirements of the City under Section 18.57�070 of the Tigard Municipal Code. This code requirement prohibits any fill or excavation which would reduce the capaca.ty of the f].o�dplain area or raise f'looc� surface elevation or f'1ow rates or adversely af.fect flow direction on upstream or downstream propez^ties. ` --- ---- _ -- •- __ STAFF REPURT " M 2-82 Page 3 �' The applicant's engineer has provided staff.with information detailing ' mitigation measures and the effects and flooding. (see attachecl) Goal 8: Recreational Needs - The in'tent of this goal is to satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors. The City will k�enefit from this development in that the applicant wi11 be making im- provements to the Downtown-Fanno Creek Park area. The applicant wi11 be excavating a lake in the park and will grade the area around the lake to provide a transition from the higher groand down to the lake. The Downtown- Fanrro Creek Park has been planned for 3 years ancl staff feels that the improvements to the park proposed with this development will be important steps toward getting the park completed. Goal 9: Economy of ths State - The intent of this goal is to diversify and improve the economy of the state. The commercial center pr�posed on this site will be the largest in the City of Tigard. The applicant feels that the mix of general retail and office combined with the proximity of the site to the downtown and downtown park offers a uniqi�e character not shared by any other development of �his Lype in the City. G�al 11: Public Facilities and Services - Public facilities including sewer and wat�r are available. See recommendations and conditic�ns f�r design adequacy. BP APPLICABL� NPO �fl POLICTESs Policy 19• In the i.nterest of safety and efficiency, the number of highway access points must be lcept to a minimum. Wherever possible, businesses on Pacific HighTaay� should be clustered and share common park_ing facilities and driveways� As new development occurs, the number o.f access points should not exceed the number necessary fc�r proper on-site traffic circulation and where possible should be contained with access to adjacent businesses. The proposed development will be limit�d to one access on to Pacific Highway. Polic,y 23. The reaevelopment of downtown should be accomplished in order to ma1�e it complementary to newer shopping areas. Convenience, appearance and the needs of the shopping public should be primary considerationso The development pr�posed on this site should be an asset to Tigard's downtown and nlay encuurage other new development in the downtown area. Po.licy 28. Ash Averrue should l�e extended across Fanno Creek, enabling access to th� neighborY.iood's commercial area without usin� Paci:fic Highway. Design fEatures and mitigation measures shall hold traffic volumes to the middle limits of a minor collector. Im�rovements to SW Ash Avenue from SW Hill to Fanno Creek shall be cnnstructed as condition of development of adjacent properties. Policy 30. New streets will be constructed as devslopment occurs and new streets ar� necessary to carry traffic created by the new dev�lopment. Of the streets proposed by the plan, only Ash Avenue warrants construction at this time. All other streets should be constructed as the parce1.s they traverse are developed. � � _ _ - _ - _- --- STAFF REPORT M 2-82 t � , Page 4 ` C. APPLTCABLE PROVISIONS FO�M THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL C�DE; l. ' The requirements for a Preliminary Plan Review arE outlined in Chapter 18.56.020'of the Tigard Municipal Code. The applicant's proposal speaks to the requirements with the following exceptions. a. 'I'here is no mention in the application �f the number of parking spaces required or provided. Parking appears to be adequate. However, staff will review this closely at Site Design Review, ' b, Although the site plan submitt�d s.hows areas to be landscape'd, no specific landscape or irrigation plans were submitteci. That item will be addressed at Site Design Review. c. There is no mention of the total square footage property within th� 100-year floodplain. However, staff feels that the information provided is adequate for purposes of review. d. The applicatinn does not detail the square Pootage of land included in areas of public i.mprovements such as streets, utility easements and park land. 2. The Plannin� Comrnission may grant approval, approval with conditions, modif'y or� deny any Prelimiriary Plan Review based upon the. CompreYiensive Plan, the stan- dards of Title 1:8, and other regulations and the suitability r�f' the propased development in relatzon to tY�e existing character of the area. (see Code Section I 18.56.021) I 3. The applicant h�s met the requirements for General Plan Review under Section 1�3.56,030 of the Tigard Mun9_cipal Code. Further, the Plannin� Director has dete2�mined th�t the prelimii�ary and general plan reivew may be heard simul- taneously. (Reference Code Sect-ion '13.50.041) �E. Chap�er 18,57 - Sensitive 1�ands -- The int�nt of this chapter of the code is tc� prot�ct, regulate and control areas of lanc� within the f_loodplain and mitigate eff'ects of encroachment into the fl�odp].ain. Staff has reviewed the ' applicant's proposal to encroach into the flood�lain and greenway. Data sub- mitted b� the �pplicant appears to indicate that any adverse affects can be mi�i�atefl. ,� 5. The Sensitive Lands Secti.un of the Tigard Municipal Code address uses and activities allcwed' i:n the t'loodplain as tol�.ows: "18.57.040 Uses and activit?es allowed within a Speci3l Use Permit granted by the P1a.rining Commission and b�sed on the standards set farth in Sectlon 18.57.050: "(l) Witriin draina�eways/'�reenways and steeply sl�ping lands: (A) Fill, grading, excavatii�g; (Li) Structures; (C) Off`--street parking and maneuvering areas, accessways and service drives located on the grot�nd surface; (D) Roadways, bridges ar utility facilities; : _ --- ' „ -- ' _� STAFF R�PORT M 2-82 Page 5 b (E) Removing any live vegetation other than poison oak, tansy ragwort, blackberry or any other noxious vegetation. The grading and excavating proposed by the applicant will enhance the greenway by making the area usable. (2) Within the floodplain/greenways only: � i (A) "Any temporary structure which is no� habitable and t�y its nature, can be readily removed from the floodplain area during periods of. flooding, and which Would impede or interfere with the flow of waters within the district," (B) Any change in the topography or terrain which would change the flow of waters during flo�ding periods, or which would increase the flood hazard or alter the direction or velocity of the flood- water flow. The applicant's proposal will alter the topography of the site by taking the areas of fill out of the floodplain and excavating in areas to allow for ad- ditional water storage areas. The applicant's proposal may alter the direction I�l of the floodwater flow. 6. Section 18.57.070 of the Tigard Municipal Code dictates standards for approval or denial of a Special Use Permit in a floodplain as follows: °'18.57.070 Standards. (a) Application for a Special Use Permit in floodplain areas shall be granted or denied in accordance with the following standards: (1) No structure, fill excavation, storage or other use shall be permitted which alone or in combination with existing or proposed uses would reduce the capaci.ty of the floodplain area or ra.ise either the flood surface elevation ar flow rates, or adversely affect flow direction on upstream or downstream properties, or create a present or foreseeable hazard to public health, safety and general welfare. � The applicant's proposal will not reduce the capacity of the floodplain area or raise either the flood surface elevation or flow rates. Staff recommends the following conditions be attached to appraval of the pre- liminary and general plan and sensitive lands permit for Main Street: I l. The applicant shall apply for Site Design Review addressing the items set forth in Section _18.59.060 of the Tigard Municipal Code. 2. The applicant shall address the availability of public services to his site, specifically, sewer, water and storm drainage. A public facilities plan shall be submitted to the City ot' Tigard Engineering Division and approved prior to issuance of any Building Permits. Ash Avenue shall be improved with full street improvements from Hil1 Street to Fanno Creek to approve� Cit,y st,andards. 3. The street connec�ting Pacific Highway and Ash Avenue shall be a public street desi�ned to accommodate collector street loads, but not less than City of Tigard's collecto�� street standards for cross-section. STAFF RE:PORT M 2-82 Page 6 �«.._ -�,:..` r � 4. The applicarXt sY�a11 submit detailed engineering plans for fill and ex- cavatiori work to be d�ne on the site and in the park: The Army Corps of Engineers shall revi�w the detailed plans for 'effect of the proposal on'water velocities and ,direetion of floodwater flow. ' 5. No more than one` structure is allowed on any tax lot. The tax lots in- volved in this projeet should be consolidated into one tax lot, or lot line adjustments shaTl be filed with Washington County so that each structure occupies one tax lot. b. Specific plans for grading and the lake proposed in the Downtown--I+anno Creek Park shall be reviewed by the Park Board, Detailed enginee�r:ing plans ; for gradin� in the park area and excavation of the lake shall be submitted to' � :and approved by the City of Tiga.rd's Engineering Division, 7. The applicant �hall receive approval from the Building Department and Public ' Works Department confirming thab soils conditions are appropriate for construction prior to issuance of Building Permits. yL/`^y �' �V�"' "L� / Pre:pared 6y: Approved b . ,,,� .� _�f��� E1iza �h A. Newton e�"'� Frank A. Gurrie Associate Planner Planning Director � � � � , — ---- _ MEMORANDUM Ma�ch 25,1982 Tp; Planning Commissi�n FROM; Planning 'Department S�$�EG'�. Requested matrix for Use 'E;ypes Due to time, sta£'f was unable to setup an adequate matrix showing which Use Types will be included in eac�i zone, Staff suggests that the Planning Commission review each Use Type and place the anplicabl.e zone abbrerriations behind eacn [Jse Type. If it found that a Use Type i5 �tot l:isted in any zone� it may be approiate td eliminate that Use Type found the Use Classification list� or determine which appropriate :zo�.e. shoulL'd inelud� �hat Use Type. � � , 16 .12 .0�0---16 .12 . 050 . � �rea of Sign �`° In S�uare Fcet Permit Fec� • i:�]_ A.'�.�, ...a _.. 0--25 $a_o .00 25_-lpp 25. 00 '`� .. ... i,l lpp 25.00 plus $10 � 00 f�r. each acldec�. 100 square ,feet ax, . frac�ti�n tlierec�f" to' a 'ma�.i=' murn �i $100 . 00, � ,<�1F� . REP<�II2 PEFtMIT 1-1ND FEE . °W.henevei:;: it is px:�.pos��a,:t,a`',:��&�ove a sign fr�m its suppci_rting stxuctuxe far the pur�ose oi repair and mai_n-�enarice, an a��plication �or, r�pair pexmi-t sha1.I b� �'.; tiled •.�=��h �t:he }au.ildi,t�g��.o�fi�i°altlirz �prescr,a.b.e��-;fo�,iTi;.:�.raa t�.e bui`Id�:rig offi�i_�:1: ��Y�,�1:�7. �P�us� to :issue. suc;h pF�rm�.t if the��. `' app�:.icat��cih� ��r��t��:z�s'� tc� th�� canstruatio�ri, struc�ur.a,l a]_�er:a- p '" ' t�.'on �r �``rc��.o=cat.i��ri��of ��ny n�c�n.cc�r�fci:rrrti.ng_ sign. A's a� �cond.i�ion , . preceden;"t f��o `�the �.s�uance`'bf `sucY� pe.rzna.t, t�,:� <aP�:licax��•;.shall t�n�der"��h�r�with -th� sum of five dallars as a...p�rm�i�t. fee whieh shall. be r_efunded in �th� event that the p�rmi�t i.s nat issueda (nrd.75-•7 �1., 1975; Ord. 71-5 §202 (2) , 1971) . 16 .1� . 040 When null and voi.d---Reneural. Lxc�pt as pro- videc� in this sectioz�, i� work autha:cized uncler a sign �er_mit has not been complcted within ninet� days �ft�r the issuance � o� the permit, the pc�rmit sh�.11 become null and vaid. Such a permit may be renewecl for up to an additional ninety days and wythout char_c�e upon a�plication to the building official and a finding by him that the sign complies wi_th all regu]_�.tions in existenre ori �the date of renewal and which may becnme e:E- � fect.ive du:ring the reneVaal pEriod. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (3) , 1971) . 16 . 12 .-05� Exemp�tions . The fo1J_owing siqns arid opera- tic�ns sha11 not r�quire a sign permi.t but shall conform to all � f -his title: licable rovisions o t other ap�a p i_ ns not exceedin t��elve s u,are fcet � Real estat� s g g � � ) i.n area advertising exclusively the sale, r�nta]. o.r_ lease ot the premises upon which the signs ar_e located; � 1�5-1 (Tigar..d 1/1.5/78) . _-------_ � __ -- — -- � March 25, 1982 MEMORAIJDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJ�CT: Conditional Use Standards - Corrections to Proposed Text 7!he following corr_ections and additions need to be made to the Conditional Use ordinance tex�t and the proposed permitted and conditional uses lis�s: Cc�nditi.onal Use Ordinance: Section l'8.72.020 First 1ine: Correction: 18.84.030 (2) (b) parathesis around (2) rather than .02 Section 18.72.0�1 (j) Omit: in accordanee with Resolution # 79-7 Section ].8.72,t340 First Tine: include,. . or its designated Hearingsr���icer. . . between the worc7s "Commission" and "sha11" il Fourth li�e: Ch�nge Hearinc�Officer �o Approval. .Authority. 5ection 18.72,041 �'irst line: Ckzange Hear�.ngs Officer to A.pproval A�a�kzority. � Section 18.72.050 ��� , First line: Change Hearings Officer to Approval Authora.ty ', Section 18.72.060(b) (3) I Change 30 feet to 25 f:eet ' Seation 18.72-060(f) (5) , x'hi.rd line: Change compile to comply with Section Z8.72.071 Last linec ChangeHearings Officer to Appra�ral Authority. Section 18,72.090 First Line> c�ange h�aring to Approval Permitted & Cor�dit,ional Uses Section 18.20,020 Zncluded (see section 18,72 & 18.84j Omit: Railroad right�f-way OTtll't: GO�.f CO1�L'S@� CQUTTt� C�.Llb Omit: Children's day Care Includ�; Group care Children's c7ay care (50 or less) , _ _ _ ---- --- -------- ---- _---� Conditiona7. fiTse Standards memorandum P�.ge 2 Section 18.24,010 Ocait: Attached Include: Grou�i�residentia,l�Group care Section 18.24.020 Omit: Railroad right-of-way Omit: Gqlf course, countzy club Omito Childrens day care Incluc�e: Major impact utilities and services Tnclude: Group care Children's day care (50 or less) Section 18.28.010 Civic Use types shou.ld be listed first, then commercial use types. Section 18.28.020 Include: {See' Sections 18.'72 � X8,84) � SEGTION 18.32.02Q 7ncludec (See sections 18.72 F 18,84) SECTION Tzaclude: (See sectians 18.72 & 18,84) 5ection 18.44.020 ]:nclude: tSee sections 18.72 � I8.84) Sec��ion 18.48.020 Include: (See s�cta.on.s �.8.72 & 18.84) Section 18.52 Change: �.�.�8.010 to 18.52.O1U and 18.48.020 to 1�.5�.U�0 Section 18.52,020 Include: (See section 18,72 & 18.84) Use Classifa.cations Section 18.17.020(3) (k) Change: Eating establishanents to eating and drinking estalbl.ishments, �` _ _ _ [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]