Planning Commission Packet - 01/12/1982 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDib, TIGARD PI�ANNING COMMISSION JANLTARY l�, t982 ` 7e30 F.M, FOWI.ER"JLJNTOR HIGH SCHOCIL - �cture Room 10865 S.W. ' Walnut - Tigard, Ore�an 1. Open lyieeting 2. Roll Call ` 3. Approval of minutes frqm previous meeting. 4. Planning Commi.ssion Communication � 5. Public Hearings 5.1 CU 19-8� Judy's Treat 5liop NPO # 7 ' � 5.2 CU 20-81 Tire Systems Inc. NP� # 2 ' ! ; 5.3 V �-�1 Loui� J. 'Wkiitlatch Sr. NPO # 5 5.4 CPR 16-81 City o� Tic�axd 1�JP0 # 1 6. I�T�w Husiness 7. Other Business NPO # 3 �pplicatic�n� 8e Adjournment � � _ : 'PIC�ARD PLANNIPTG COMMISS30N REGULAR MEET:CNG MTNU'1'ES - January 12, Y982 Fowler Juna:or High �chool - �,ecture Room 10865 S.:Wo Wa1nu�. Street, T3gar�, O�egon ; 1. President Tepec'i.�i.no called meeting to c�rder at 7:30 �.M. 2. ROLL CAI,L: �pedino, Speaker, Herron, Helmer� CNaens, Bonn, Moen (arrived 7:3'5) {!I Koll�as and Christen excused. �'� STAFF: Assoeiate Planne-r, r�iz I3ewton; Pl�nning Director, Frank Currie; ;�'i Attorney, Tim Ramis; Sugport 5ervices, Diane Jelderks 3. The m3,rxutes of the December 8, 1981 meeting were considered. -Commissioner 'I Speaker il.lustrated several. typographical errors, miss.pellin�gs :�nd citation to be correeted. � Teped.ino MOUED for adoption of the minutes, v�ri�h exception for corrections, II seconded by Bonn. Motion carried unanimously. �. COMMUNICATION: Chairman Tepedino attended a meeting at �ity Hall, Thursday I Jaxivary 7, 1982 with a group call.ing t�emsel�es "Tigard Planning Steering Commi.ttee". The purpose of this group is to impra�ve c:ommunications between '� the NPO's, Chairman of the Planning Commission and ather boards. Suggested "i othez Commissioners attend these meetings, i£ possible. Next meeting sched�led for January 21, 1982 at City Hall, from 6r00 to 7:15 P.M. Also, be�ause of the concerns of NPO°s, beginning tonight, iaould.xn•o`dify pxocedure to have �th� IVPO Chairman ar. the NPO Repoxt be on the agenda hefore the pu�3ic testimony. �, Chaixman Tepedino opened the PUBLIC HEAR2NG by reading the usual statement of authority for an gro�edure to be foilowed in the meeting. 5.1 Condit,i.on Use, CU 19-81 (JLidy's Treat Sho�) - NPO # 7 'I A request by Mercury Aeve.lopment, Inc, for a Conditio�al Use in a C-4 PD ?, zone to operate a restaurant, selling hot dogs, ice cream and carmel corn. (a) �xvton reai3 the S:ta�f Report, I ($) NQO 1�EPORT - NPO # 7 Inactivew Nc� xeport submitt�d, I! (p') APPLICANT'S PRESENTATIOT�1: H.M, Gaunt, rep�°esenting Mercury Developmen.'t Inc. and Port3.anc7 Fixture Co, , 338' N.Wo 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. He introduced the tenants, Mr, and Mrs. Pitzer (Owner/Operators Judy's Treat S2iop} and Nan�y, who was rasponsible £�r secur�:ng permxts, etc. for this ten�:nt. Mr, Gaurit offer�d tn redd tkie narrative they had submitted and answer any �u�stions. He stated that the cand�.tions .placed upon them in the Staff Report were acceptable, (d) PUBLIC TESTIMONY: No one appeared to speak, (e) C:O'dMI5STON DISCUSSION AND ACTION; Moen commentec� th�t tYtis establishment �as in his neic�hk:orh.o�d anc� sirice th?y were alread� i�. p�.rtial c�peration, saw no reason not to let them operate the rest of thair business. Owens question�.d n,eed o� Szte Desig'n Revie�ui; Newton stated �asi�ally to insur,e parking need xequimeznents are met. '� MINUTES 1-12-82' , PLANNTNG COMMISSION PAG� 2 Moen MOVED for approval of Cnndi�ional Use CU 19-81 per Staff Fin.c3i.ngs and Recommendations, seoonc�ed by Owens. Motion carried unan.imously. '5.2 CONnITIONAL USE, CU 20-81 (Tire System, Inc.j NPO # 2 A request t� opera�e a tire warehouse and wholesale distribution center , in a M-4, Inr�ustrial Park zone. (aJ Newton read Staf� Report, (b) NP(� R�PORT - NPO # 2 ir►active. Nq re,port� was submitted, (c) APPLTCAnTTS �RESENTATION: �irk Van Stralen, Executive VP, Tire System, I�c., int�oduced Mike Cooper, Tire Syst�n, Inco Wholesaler/Member; Ed Maney, Macadam Forbes Representative; Lans Stout, Mackenzie/5aito Engineering, who were available to answer any questions the Commission might have. Mr. Van Stralen � explained their u�es for the facility and types o£ changes they planned. Lans Stout, Planning Prbject Manager, Mackenzie/Saito Engineering, explained his compan had re ared information re ent Y P P p s ed to Commission. He stated �, they represented Tire Systems Inc. and haue no realationship with the property o�aners. Mr. Stout, referencing conditi9n number one of the Staff Report, stated Tire Systems wauld not be making any surface changes that would affect the drainage problems and felt the majority of drainage problems were not on the site in question. Regarding condition number two, Tire Systems would not be makixi an outside r.han es exce g y g , pt paiiltin and felt since arkin was �, • .P 5 within code requir�ments a Szte Design Review shouldn't be necessary. cnnditions number tkiree and four were acceptabl� as written, (d) PUBL�C TESTIMGNY: John 5kour�es, member Narth Tigard Dusiness Association� questioned why �hey were not notified af a xe tail business wanting to ogerate in a M-4 zone. (Secretaary noted a public notice had been mailed. to the Association's Post Office Box.) Mr. Skourtes stated the applicant should be denied if they were going to be o,perating a retail outlet, 1�lso, wanted applicati.on to be continued sa North Tigard Business Assaciation could „r.eeview. Ed Maney, Macadam Forbes, Indust.rial Brokers, 5441 5.W. Macadam Ave. , Fortland. Mr. Maney informed Commission that Tire Systems Inc, had si.gned a �'ive year leas� at industrial prices and would show supporting documerits if necessary. Dirk Van Stralen, Executive VP, Tire Systems, Inc. , stated coxporate name is regi.stered with the corporate co�mmissiUners as Tire Systems, Snc:. Gr.o�ip Discount Wholes�,lers and solicit With Qutside saleamPn for wholesale and group whaiesale �u.siness only, Tir� Syst�ms also does warehousing tor ot�er whQlesale facilities, . DISCUSSION �ollowec� l�tw�en Commissioners and applicant regarciing defin�tion of group wholesale business and i� in xeality_this was a retail. business. Mike Coope�, Vice President, Tire Systems, expla�.ned how Tire Systems Inc. operated and the services they �rovide at their other facilxties ancl wha� they az��ici�ate doing through this facility. , ___ �' - __v -- - MINUTES 1-12-82 PLANNING CON1lKISSION PAGE 3 Tim Ramis, Attorney for City, quoted Section 18.52,020 Subsection l6: ",Re�tail sales, when a�at�iorized by the planning Cammiss�on, s�an,rle��;�ta1 �n, i,�-, conjuetion with, or part of any of the foregoing conditional uses". Whiah means retai�inc�, 'supplemental ta the who3�sale operation is permitted and Commission can authorize within their dis�retion, Further discussion regardirr�using .facility for retail and the use of other ou�`�1ets raithin the City. PUBLIC HEARING CLOS�D _ (e) COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: Helmer reg:ues�ted more in£ormation regarding draina e roblem ro , g P f m 5taff; Currie explained because of the definits drainage problems in the area tkiis was an oppoxtuni�y for an evaluation of th� problem. This is a major drainage problem and 5taff is only requesting a plan, not necessarily asking £or any impro�ements, which would depend on what was found out. Further discussion between Commissioners, Staff, Pr.esent tenant (Cliff Shirley, Universal Stove) and owner of property (Georqe Fourier) regarding drainage problem and who should be responsible for a drainage plan, Further discussion among Commissioner an8 Staff regarding retail sales, flooding pxoblems, necessity of drainage .pla�..and sui�ability of this type of business for this site, Moen MOVED 'for approval of Conditional Use CU 20-81 for Tire Systems, Tnc. , cvith Staff ,Recommendations and Conditions, a1so, includir.g section 18.52,020 sub section 16 with speaial reqard to re�:ail operation in conjur.tion with wholesal� business woulcl ,be a1..lowed in �he form o�' carr3 hol:ding grc�up cliseount sales. Secoiided by Helznex. Motion carried unanimously. Recess 8:50 PM. Commissioner Iierron excused to leave earZy Reconvene 8:58 P,Ms 5.3 Variance V 8-81 (T,ouis Whitlatch) NFO # 5 A request for a variance to the sideyard and front yard setbacks in an M-4, Industrial Park Zone �or a building already under construction. (a�) Newton read St�ff Report. (b) NPO Report - NPn # 2 i.nac�ive, No �report was submif.ted. {c) 1�,PP,LICANT'S PRESENTATTQN: Applicaz�t na� ,present. C�) PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Opponent - ,7ohn SkourtPS, �rope,rty c,wrxer on two sides o�' appli�ants site. Wanted. to appear on record as being againt the allowarice of this� va�iance. PiJBLTC E3F;ARTNG Q,OSED � _ MINUTE5 1--12-52 PLANNING COMt�iISSION ' 'PAGE. 4 (e) COMMISSTC�N DISCUSSTQN AND ACTION: Helmer vzas cancerned if applicant was filling in drainage di�ch; Currie stated applicant was being watch:ed to make sure thi's �aas not Yaeing done. Discussion followed regarding prab7.em of �uYldin� �1x�eady� canstructed anc� Planning Director inappropr,x.�t�1y au�ho�i,zing �ta�i:ance. Discussed alternati.ves for processing tha:s appli.cati.on. Speaker MO�IED £ox denial af S7ar9,ance V 8=81 base:d on Sta,ff Fa.ndings.,. Conclusions and Recommendations th.�t th:e ap;p�icant does not meet the criteria established for gxanting a tra�i:ance, in that � �uil.ding could be bui7.t on the site that woulc� h:ave met f:h:� requireci setbacks. Also, .requested re�erring this variance to City Council because of ex�eiauating �i.,r.c.�ms;tances. Bonn � seaondecl motion. Motioz� carried unanimously. 5,4 Comprehensive Plan Revision CPR 36-81 (ASh Aver�ue Extension} NPO # 1 A request by the City o£ Tigard to amend policy # 2f3 of the NPO # 1 Plan to include a time fra;me a�nd aircumsta:nces �:o a11ow for the extension of Ash Avenue from S,W. Hill Stree� to S,W. Burnham Stree�t. (a) Newton and Currie presented the Staff Repnrt. Using a map as a visual aid and ` a list of Staff and NPO # 1 mitigation measux�es for holding traffic volumes to the middle lim�ts of a minor coll,ectar. Currie nated the differences hetween Staffs and NFO # 1's proposals. (b) NPO # 1 ,REPORT: John Butler, Seeretary NPO # 1, read th.eir report in�o the record supporting the amendment to policy # 28 including their suggested mitigation measures. (Discussion followed between Commissioners, Butler and Staff on differences of options.) (c) APPLICAIQT'S PRESENTATION: Currie stated that the City Coimcil actually initiated this action and wan�ted it processe� through P���ning Commission. If at all possible the Planning C�mmission needed �o make a recommendation, if it is differen�, along wi±h the Staf� and NPO # l, ('cl) PIJJ�LSC TESTIMONY: Liz Newton read a letter �rom Phi,l Edin, which inaluded another Ze�•ter and proposal dated October 7, 1981 to City Counci3., o�£exir,g alternatives fox aontrolling traffic volumes in that area. Pat Hutchison, NPU # 1 C'h�irman, i.11ustrated main difference between Staff I arid NPO # 1's proposal was the inst�llation and removal of the barrier on ' Ash Avenue at S.W, Hill. (Discussion between Staff and NPO # 1 Chairman regarding co�rect wardage, priority of improvi:ng streets and removal of barricade,) J`e£f Gzaham, resident of tlie 1�sh Avenue area, eommented that one af the Cri�eria that Co�.uzcilman Brian asked .for was ta la�ve the extension of Omara �a Hi11 pri�r to the removal of �he Y�a.rricade. Secand].,y �he 5taff �2e,port does not reflect any timing, which i� necessa.ry. Discussion between Statf, NPO # I membe�s and Commissioners regarding timing, tra�'fic volumes, impraving st.reets and financin.g these improvements. �'urther discussion whether Commission should or shou7.d ;�ot adc� specific conc�itions or guidelines to policy #� 28. JB Ri�hop, Main Street Devel.apment, questioned i.f Ash Avenue was a minor colZector from Hill Street to Buirnham; Currie clarified it was c�esignated as � � Mzrrv�s i--i2-s2 PLANNING COMMISuION PAGE S eallector �rom f�ill to Bursiham, ha�wever, th.at was be:fore City :�ec:ogni,zed ,znajox and minor aollectars. Naw the wh.ole Ash Avenue is desiqnated as a �ninor eollector, b'ut only in. draft form, , FUBLIC'HEARING CLOSED: P�ANNING COMMISSION DISCiJSSTON AND ACTION: �e��s had reaZ concerns locking the Plannin� Commission doc�m ta specifics, Cammissioners discussed concern of not tieing the City doCan to hard and fast.rules,,. as not being.realistic, because of the City not having control or means to aceomplish a11 work necessary in a defin�te sequence. However they did feel a nEed for some type of guidelines or criteria but felt �this should be basically left bet'w�en Sta�'f and NP0 # 1. Speaker and Tepedino e�cpresse3 their opinions aga�.nst chang�ng Policy # 28. � Commissioner Moen felt �there should be some type of time table submitted to City Council as a reaommen�ation from the Planning Com¢nission. I , Moen MOVED for approval of Gomprelzensive Plan R�vision CPR 16-81 per Staff Recommendatioms on page 2 of the �taff Report then forward the remainder of page 3' as guidelines .under Policy # 2S, numbering th� conditioris for remaval of the barricade at•S.W. Hi11 and methods of mitigating the impact on the neighborhood as �n�lows; l. Tmproving S.W. McDonald 5treet to interim maintenance standards. 2. Improvements to the residential ,portian of Ash from Hill to Frewing. � 7"hese impravements to inclur3e limi.ted parking, delinea*'ion of traffic lanes and sz.dewalks on both sides o£ �the strPet. 3. Improve S.W. 0''Mara Street to interim mainte�an�ce standards �o encouzage alternate route. 4. Removing the barricade in p�.ace on Ash AveiZU� a� S�W. Hi11, 5. Install traffic inhibit�rs to the residential pro�fii.on of Ash if/when traffic exae�cls the middl� rar�ge (15(�U) far a zninor collector. Traf�'ic �;,; inhibitors include but are nat limited t� p3.anting islands, speed bumps, buttons, turning restrictions, load l.imits an d enforcement. � " 6. Recommend that Staff present to Planning Commission upon review of subject properties the extension of S.W. Hill to S.W. O'Mara and/or the improvement , af S.W. Ash from Frer,ving to Garre tt. , , Owerasseconded the motion, Speaker clarified. �resent traffic vc�lumes with Staff. Tepedino reiterated his opposition to modify Policy # 28 and would o.ffer an alternate motion if Moen's motion should fail. Further discussion among Commissioners axid Staff regarding a,ptions. �; � JB Bishop �sked to be put ori '-�.he record sta�.ing th.at the Planning Commission had noi: tiad oppartunity to hear what his development planne d for improvem�nt. of Ash A�enue. MOTIO�i £ai:l.ed, Moen voting a�e. Tepec�ii�o, Speakex, Hel�r, Owens«nd �onn votin,g na. TepGdino MOVED to Deny the requested moclification or amendmerzt to Pc�liey # 28, h:oweve�, to forxr+allX foxward to the City Counci� and Staff alorig with fl�nial, the concensus of_ Planning Commission that the considerations l.isted a.n Staff Recomm�ndations (as m�dified by Commissianer Nioen"s motion� be used as a majQr criteria to �e tollowed �cshenever p�actieable in the_ area af clev�elopznent. Seconded by Speaker. Motion carried unanimousYy, MINUTES 1-12-82 • PI�ANt�ITNG COMNIZSSTON PAGE 6 6. OTi3ER BUSINESS; (a) NPn # 3 applicationswe�: resubmitted by Liz Newtqn. Bonn MO'V�D to approve a17. applications, exaept 5'�u and Judy Moore for position:s availa.ble on NPO # 3.. Seconded by Speakex. Mo�tion carrried unanimously. (b) Discussion between CQmm�ssioner. Staff and Mr. Atkinsan xpgarding pxablems on Durham Road. Currxe assured Mr. Atkinson he would keep him inform�d of City's progress. ' {c) JB Bislzop, oric�in,ally was going to ask for. a study session with Planning Commission for late .i.n .7anua-�y. How�ver', after �eting with 5taff felt they couSd work togethex and wc�uld be suUmitting a le�tex tlie end o.� this week r.equesting to be a part of the February 2nd meeting. (d) Liz Newton in�ormed Commissioners that the special meeting was being rescheduled for Saturyday Mar.ch 13, 19�12. This wi].1 be a all day meeting. (e) Cuxrie stated City Council ap,proved Administr.ative Procedures aT1CI ��010 Ft. floodway ordinance_ i (f) Gommissioner Moen presen}ed an Articl� fram the 2'hursday, January 7, 19�32 Oregonian ,regarding Beaveri:on's d'e.cis.ion:�'-to lower floodplain with drainage ' improvementS. Discussion followed regarding effects this would have on City of Tigard, Conclusion was that the majority of drainage improvemen�s were in the North portion of Beaverton and would have little effect, 7. Meeti.ng adjourned 10;45 P.M. I � FLA.NNING COMMISSION RO�,L CALL � . ME�TIN� , Date��"�-�_,�_... �'rank Tep��ino___��__ ; �lifford Sgea3ter� I Don Moer� ��� '''. — Geraldi ne Kol leas � � Mark Christeil � " ,. _ � Susan FIerr.an � � m �°�"� . Richard Hel.mer_� Bannie O�v�rens Roy Bonn �, TIGARD>PLANNI`AiG COT�lMIS5ION ' 3�3?iN�JARY 12, 1982 7:30 P.M� F'owl�r Junior H;i:g1� School - Lec�ure Room 10865 S.W. Walntit Street - Tigard, Oregon PUBLIG HEARINGS ' 5,1 Conditianal Use CU 19-81 Judy's� Treat Shop NPO # 7 A request by Mercury Develupment to �pen a restaurant in a C-4 PD, Neighborhood Commercial �Planned Development Zone. Located in Greenway 'Town Center, Tax Map 1S1 3�BG lot 300. 5.2 Conditional Use CUi20-£31 Tire Systems Inc. NP� # 2 A request to open a Tire Sales and 5ervice facilit� in a M-4, Industrial Park Zoine. Located at 10655 S.W. Greenburg Rd. Taac Map 1Sl 35B lot 12Oi. , 5.3 Variance V t3-81 Lo ' uis J. Whi�latch Sr. NPO # 5 A request: far a vari:ance to the sicle and rear yard 'setbacks for constriactie�n of a 3,0U0 sq. ft. �iuilding lacated at 72nd and Bonita �toad. Tax Map 2S1 12A 1ot 2000„ 5.4 Coraprehensive P]:an Revision, CPR 16-81 City of Tigard NPO # 1 ` A ,reques•t for amer��nent to Policy N�unber 28 of the NPQ # 1 Plan to include a time fraane and c�rcustances to a11o�a for t�e e�tension of Ash Avenue from F'rewing Street to S,W. Burx�fiam Stseet. _ . _ _ _,._ . _ __ _ Ad to be placed under City of Tigard I,ogo PUBLIC HEARING NOTIGE Notice is hereby given that the Planning Com¢nission will con�:�:�.er the �c�llowing at Fowler Junior Hi.gh Schnol �Lecture� Room, 10865 S.W, Walnut 5treet, Tigard, on January 12, 198�.at 7:30p;m. Conditional Use CU 19=81(Judy's Treat shop),NPO # 7 • A request bX Mercury Development to open a restaurant im a C-4 PD, Ne.ighborhood Commer�ial:Planned Development Zone. Eocated in Greenway Town Center, Tax Map 1S1 34BC lot 300. , Conditi.onal Use Ct1 20-81 (Tire Systems Inc.) NPO # 2 A request to:�open a;Tire Sales & Service facility in a M-4, Industrial Park Zone. Located at 10655 S.W. Greenburg Rd. Tax Map 1S1 35B lot 1201. Var�.ance V 8--81 (Louis J. Whitlatch S'r..) NPO # 5 A request fo� a variance ta the 5ide and .�ear ya�d setbacks for construction af a 3;.000 sq, ft:. ;building located �ai: 72nd anc3 Banita Rd. Tax Map 2Sl 7.2A lot 2000 Coh�iprehensiv�e Plan Revision CPR 1.6-81 (City of Tigard) NPO # �. A xequest for amenci�nent ta Pplicy # 28 �f ttxe NPO # 1 Plan to include a time frame a• and aixcumstance tn a11ow for the extenszon of Ash Xw,..� from Frewing St. to S.W. Buxnham St.. I'T publish 12/31/81 & 1/7/82 �i i AFFIDAWIT OF PUBLICATION S�ATE OF OREGON, 1 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, J 55. \ JO�N W. MARLING ...•.............�-��-- i, ....._. . ...... ............. .........�--�----................................._........_..........._.._..._.._....... heing first dvly sworn, depose and say that I am the publisher ..._.............._.._..._... ... ...._._....... of The Tigard Times, a newspaper of general eirculation, as defined by 'ORS 193.010 and 193,020, published at Tigard, in the aforesaid county and I i state; tliat the legal notice, a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for _...__._2.._.......... successive and r2 consecut'tve weeks :n the folloWing is ue D.ec.,...3.1.,..19.81-.--...Jan...-7....,�98, ........._....._... •--- -°--. ._................. --°---.... --.... -.- � , ` . �i��! � ". . ._..:. .. .: ,.., .. , .... . .. ._ ._ ti,,� (Signature) .; _ :_ „t, ,�� n„ Subscri6ed and sworn to before e this ............._�� --..----. day of ........_... F;� . ',�('� ..... 19 �� � ^ (,}. ' " ' a. . ��� �...� � _ ,� . r . GL''G%4%C �!"' , . .. , , . ......... .. �. ..� .. ' . ... ........._.. . ......... ......._.._.... .._...." '., " rX F. •'. ...'........... . . . NoCar Public c�:f Oregon � . � :� di'1S1'r.�i.f � My commisainn expires ................�..'�"� 19. ...� r��. a�;��r r ti�v ��s° �r��� �r� `k � E��� ' ` y{ ' �t��4�a �d r"� �y a rsj r s f� 9�x; �h``tiN��`a�,n + ;.! � �k �e t.g �C i x, , � i ��" w � t a ,�qi�z+os'i a 'v �.1� �"' a�� r.; ''c i_,�,.•,�� 7� ��, .'�! �+ o u;� a .� ia�u���;��i'' � x � � +• r d `s: � '� .���k ��`' f ��,s � ��F � � ',s�r � � �. ` � �� � � �,,,,„� ..,� _ �:� , . .._ � � ,, _ ., , _. _.» . ., ,. , u < < , . ' ` �UBLIG�$AR�NG N+�TICE . ; _ ' . ' -; �totit�e �S t�ese�iY 6��'n thsf Ehe P1spN�g f.�mxnission wlU,caastder th� %��ving at �FO�r .riuni�,r �i�h scapp� t.etc��e Yto,�, to9�5,s,� �w�tn,�t , 5ta°�et.'l'�rq,oa.1�u4U+�Ty 1�,I�$�at�:�0 p m ''r �� ' _ ' ,��t�U��tJ,,�l',<Jt�dy°�;Trest sM�O�►)NFD�7 . ` _ A �atest�by �lf�r�u�y1 Dapeiqpineat'to a�sd a res�u�+ant I� a C-4'P�, ,: �+i�i�or3eai�1 Camm�t�l�1aa�d�'►�np�ent 7Aat l,o�a'ted i�a Greaenv��r Tow�i�phS�rP T�t I�P 1�D 84BG�lut 360�•i � C',oaAddEi�f i���CU.3AS'(�ire.Sy�tatq�c'Ip,�c.).NI�O#� � ' ' : ' �� ; �}�i+e�t#o opea."e�re•Shcip�{�5�i'iM�4.�Cility in a=��,toid�l"Pet'k!,; �pl�e..t�cJAted et�Y�S.W �'s�ra�+si`ffi R� Ta i�l�i 15�1,3S8 lot�1�Q1 �. Vsrf�ts�e�►$�81 (LewII�J.�if�ChSrr)NPO#� . ' , ; � r � A�for:a�arleiace te'��tde.�M re�e''Yard setdacks xo��bnsMi�etian. � at�,3.4�g9 �.,"bWldiaig l�o+�tred,'at 7�nd;aa�d Hc�ltts�td.:Ta:.M�p 2S1�1�A lot ; �1�P�k�b1��Q���n�'R�6�Bi'(�ity o��d)'I+iP�#1, ". ��r' �� #t�ot the� PQ-#1 Pl,an;to Unciude a �� �ru�' , ����� to� t�t�+�10� Ot,�1e61 A�v4. irarri :������� .��`'��j��•(w�"�!�,I�e�. � DAT�._ � .�-I �. ""�� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN UP SHEET IvOTTCr.: AL:E, PERSONS 'DESTATNG `I.'0 :iPEAh. �2�7 AbTY I`1'Ei�I rSC7S7.` SIGN THEII2 3dAZ�YE and note trieix address on this shee�. {Pleasa Prin�t yc�t7r n�me� :CTEM�DESCRT�?TION:__!�� _��'� °� 0 . �I�C� � � �i� s r� C��.K�t. '2.£�`n�a.KA-h-r 'rv 5�,..�u� �_a��-- PROPONENT (For) OPPONEN'T (againstj Name, Ad ss and Affiliation � Name, Address and Af£iliatzon �� (/�-, ' I 130TICE: ALT, PERSONS DESIRING TO SPk'.�1K ON ANY' ITF�bi riUST SIGN THEIY f3AbfE and note tr,�>ir address on this sneet. (please Pr1.nt your na.m�) ITEM/bESCRIPTION: �� � �� �� �� O ��� � � �C?.� S�... �"M n.� -� 1 C'�b�S°'�° ���!�a.�e�€n�k� �?� . . -_____, PROPONEI�IT (For) OPPVI�7ENT (agai_nst) � 1Vame, P,ddress and Affili�-t.i.oz� � 1Va.me� A�3.ress and Affiliation ' a�rk v�►��r►�t� � �-,� .� � ��,� s ��� �� �z��-j , �c M �i.. S ,t�+.t. , . _..�.�." �-�_ i r ------ -. . � _ _ _ ---— - --__ __ -----°---� I. .. ...: .._..,_�:';._ _ _ _ . _ �,. _ .�... ...__ ...__.. .. . .�...... _ ._�.... ... . . ;_,.,� _ . ...,.� . _ __.._. _ _ _ _. .. _. .... .w : .. ��_. . ... _ . ,. _ .., .: _.. . ; DATE '"- �� ^'� � �i � - TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION SIGN L"TP SHEET ' — :� � � NClTICE. ALL' PERSONS DESIRZNG TO SPEAK p;�T ANY ITEid riL?S':L� SXGN THETP NA2*IE . E, � and nn�e their address on this sr��etb (��ease Print your name) ; , - . , ITENI'bF�CRIl?TION:_ �.�����'��..r � 4� � �.�t�l� �I�t��"f'1"�°'Lf�'��t� SK. �. ...��h��. l�un r7�,q: , � .�.�i aswe�t...+'� '���1�� e�... �E.�L...t�lt..l� s+E.r��� � , i PROPONENT (For) _ OPPONF'�1T (aga�.nst?� � Nam�, Address and Affili�tion � ' Name, Address and Af�iliation %�f���- .S �=c=.r c�� ..J c���� _S o 1� � � �r r �' ; ; _ � . , , � . -- - � I3OTICE o ALL PERSOIVS �ESIRING TO SPEAIti ON ANY ITEfi MIJST SIGN THETF 2v'AbSF and note tt.�ir address on this sheet. (please Print �our nam�) : STEM�'bESCRIP�`20N: � . _ .___�. pROPONENT (E'or.) OxPOi�ENT (against� � -- ._._ Naxne, A.ddress and Affiliati.or. � I�tame, A3dress and Affiliatinn I . � .; I , .�_o�.__.___ : , I � � � i ' ; : �� �---- ` . ' � i �. ► _ _ _ DATE ? ' � ' . M" S�.P SIGN TFIETE2 NAME I NClTICE: AL� PERS�NS DESIRING TO 5PE1�K ON AT3� TT�M U � � i and note their address. on this sheet. (gleas� Print your nam;e) ITE�'i fbESCRIPTION: �1 � �P�,'_'��� � . . �� ,�,�� ..�. l���i-��► 1't�._.��l9±�� �����A�rb��. � ����wis���tc��„� � �w�„� -C�e �x~�cra���an, c�� A�h A� �.. PRO�ONENT {Pax) OPPONENT (against� Name, Address and Affilia�ion � Name, Address arid Af�iliation , '} �f � � . . . . . . . . . � ,' � . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ... . . _ . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . I � . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ' . . . . ... . .. . ... . . . . . . r , % l STAFF REPORT AGE[�DA 5.1 TIGAItD 1'LANNING COMMISSIOIV JANUARY I2, 1982 — 7:30 �.m. Ft)[+ILER .TUNTOR HIGH SCHOOZ 10£3F�5 SW Walnut St��et, Tigard IX)CKE'�: Conditional Use, CU 19-81 (Judy's Treat Shop) NP�J #7 PUBLIC NUTICE: Published under Public Hearin� Items for January 12, 19�2 ; , Planrtin� Ccxnnission meeting. Surrounding pro�ert� ownexs notified by mail on Dec�mber 20, 19�31. , Al'PLIC�IT: Mercury Development, Inc. OWNEIt; Portland Fixture Coe 33t3 NW Fifth Avenue 33$ NW Fifth Avenu� Portland, Oregon 9722�3 Portland, Oregnn APPLICATI�N DATE; D�c�mber 18, 1981 SITE L,OGATION: Greenway Town Center, ].21st and SW Scholls Ferry Road � (Washington Cou�ty Tax Map 1S1 34BC, Tax Lot 30U) REQUEST: For a Conditional Use in a C^4. PD to operate a restaurant, selling hot dogs, ice cream and carmel corn. PREVIOUS ACTION; (fi July 25, 1977, the Tigard City Council adogted Ordinance 77-62 which designated the site Neighborhood �cxnmercial, C-4 PI�. FINDINGS OF FACI': l� The applicant is doing business presently as a confectionary shop se].ling carmel com. Tn orcler to sell hot dogs a�.d ice crearn, the premises rnust be licensed by the Washington County Health Department as a restaurants 2, The site is zoned �'-4 PD and designated riteighbortiood Car�nercial on the r7P0 �7 Plan M�p and on. the City of Tigard Comprehensi.vP Plan. 3. ThE Tigard MuniciPal Code al�ows restaurants as a coriditional use in a C-4 Lone {Ref. Code Sect�on 18.32.QZ0(.�i)�. 4. Applicable �olicie� from the NP0 #a Plan arP as �ollows: ' Policy 17a De�relopment sha11 coincide with the provision of gublic streets, wat�r and sewerage facilities. `1'he�e f�cilities sha�.l. be (a.) capable of adequately serving al1 intervening pr�perties as well as the proposed d�velo}xnent, and (�) designeci to meet city or county s'randazds. Policy 1$. I1: is the intent that. carmerczal-professiona7. uses not be extend�d any further to the West than th� Westerly bounclary of the Cunningl�am-0lsan property alang Schol;ls Ferry Road so that there will not be any future strig dev�lo�xnent� STAFF REI-'OKT `,' CO�ITIONAL I�SE, CU 1q-81 � Iaab� z �i:� ' °a : ?i OON�LUSIONS: � l.. The proposed r�staur��t is allawed as � Conditional tJse in the C-4 � N��.ghborhood Coarnerci�.l ��ane. : " ? The request is i.n �:�►�f�rn�ance with appropriate NPO #7 Pol.icies; publl:c � facilities are availabl,e and the s�.te is located within the NPO;#7 '- designated camiercial area. STAFF RE,C�DATION: t S aff - r�ccMme d I . n s approval of Condi�ional U�e, CU 19 '81 based on findings as ;I follows: ; ; 1. The �'igard Manicipal Code allows rPStaurants in a C-4 NPighhorhood Can- • mercia? Zone (Reference Code Section 18.32;Q20(6)). ` Staff reconmends the foll�wing condi:tians be attached to approval of CU 19$l; � 1, The applicant sha11 apply fox Site Design Review. 2. ';The applicant shall apply for a sign permit. .-� �r������{. ✓�a��l����,,�r�c.� Prepared by Elizabeth A. Newton Approved by Frank A. Currie Associate Planxier Plannin� Directar l --- STAFF REPORT : AGENDA 5.2 'rIGARD PLANNING COMMZSSION JANUI�,RY 3.2, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JIIlVIOR HIGH 5CHOOT, ' 1pf365 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard ' No submission of additi�nal material by applicant sfiall be made at this Public Hearing unles� the appliaant is requested' to do so. Siiould this occur, unrequestpd, the item will be tabled until the following �iearinq. DOCKET; Conditional Use, CU 20-81 (Tire Systems) 'I APFLICANT: Tire systems Inc. OWNERe 'Madeline A Fourier 1701 3rd Street' 1Q70Q S.W. Highl.and Drive Sacramento, California 95814 Tigard, Oregs�n 97223 APPLICATION DATE: Decembe-r 18, 1981 NPO # 2 PUBI,IC NOTICE; Published under Planning Coimnissio� agenda in �the Tiga:rd Times on December' 31, 1981 anc� January� 7, 1982. Surrounding propert� owners natified by mail. on�Decembex 30', 1981. SITE LOCATION: 10655 a.W. Greenbrug Raad ('QTashi:ngton Co, Tax Map 1S1 35B 1ot 12�].) REQUEST; Eor a Con.di:tional Use �o operate a tire warefi.ouse and wholesale distribution cen�er: TFiere will be no retail s�ales on site. PREVIOUS AGTZON: None FINDTAIG OF E'ACTS; 1. �he site is zoned M-4 and is designated TndustriaY Park �n the NPO #.2 P1an Map a�d the City of Tigard C;omprehensive P1an Map. �. �he Tigard Munica.pal Code allows Warefiousing �nd who].esale distribution as a conditional use in �n M-4 Zone. (�teference Code Section 18.52.020(11) .) 3. Applicable policies from the t�0 # 2 Plan are as follows: Po3iey 25, The a:n:dustrial area stiould be c�eveloped to the highes� standard provided in the zoning orc3inance, tFie Nf--4 Industrial Fark c''ategory. Palicy 27. 2°he industrial uses now located i,n the n�ig�boxhood are of the non-polluting tyg�e. This is �he c�nly type which should be allowed to locate in tlie neighboriiood. 7'Fie close �n�er�ace of resi.dences and indus�ry makes t�iis essent�:al. Pelicy_ 28. Developmen�teaill c�incide with the prov.isions o� public ' stxeets, water and s�werage facilities. These �acilities sha11 b� (a,) capable of adequately serving a11 interveziing properties, as wall as the propc�sed. development; and Cb) designed ta mee� City or Counit� standaxds. l _ STAFF REPORT C!J 20-8]. Page 2 4. There are drainage �roblems in the Cascade Blvd. Industrial area. A drainage plan should be a conditian of any, City ap,provals �or sites in this area, 5. �'he site is served by a private paved frontage road. CONCLUSIUNS: 1. Zlie proposed warehouse distribution opex�ation•is allowed as a conditional use in an M-4 Tndustrial Park Zone. (Code Section . ' 20 �'he proposal is in conformance with. Policies 25, 27 and 28 of the Nl'�J # 2 Plan. 3. �'he drainac�e problems in the Ca�cade Blvd. Industrial �xea are a major concern to the City and the Cascade Blvd. Industrial Park area business community. Alterations to this site to help alleviate sozne of the drainage problems could be substantia'l, STAFF RECONL'KENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Conditiana Use CU 20-81 based on findings as follows: 1. Z'he Tigard Municipal Code allows warehouse and whalesale distribution o�aerations in an M-4 Industrial Park Zone. 2. 7'he proposed use conforms to Policies 25, 27, and 28 of the NPO # 2 plan. Staff recommends the following conditions be attached to approval of CU 20-81: l. A site drainage plan shall be sutamitted to the Engineeri.ng Department and approv�ed priar to the issuance of an occupancy permi�. 2. 2'he ag�alicant shall apply for Site Design Review. 3. Pl,ans for �enant modi�ications to the building sha1Z be submi.tt�d to the Ci,ty of Tigard Building Department and approved pi;ior to the issuance of acoupanc� pexmi.ts. 4. The applicant shall apply for a sigxi peranit. r ' � Prep ed by: Eliza A. Newton Approved by: Frank A. Currie " Assaaiate Planner , Planning Direato.� �: �TAFF 12�I'OIZT AGENDA 5.3 �I�� YI�/�i� TIG�RD PLA�INING ('i3OMMISSTON Wl�SHiNGTON C�JUNTY,S)REG�"rl � .TAIWARY 12, 19�2 -- 7:30 P.M. ` FOWI�2 JUNIOR HT(�i ZECTIJRE ROOM 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard No sutxnission of add�.tianal material by applicant shall be made at this �blie Hea.ring unless the applic3nt is requested to da so. Should this occur, un� - requested, the itezn c�ill be tabled un�i�. the follawing Hearing. ll0(�ET: Variance, V 8�-81 (Lc�uis C�Jhitlatch) NPO #5 PUBLIC NOTIk'ICATION: Published un.der Pub�ie Hearing. Items January i2, 1982 Planning Commission agenda in the Tigard Times on Decetmber 31, 1981 and January 7, 1982. Surrounding property owners were notified of the Publ�.c Hearing by U.S, mail on December 22, 1981. APPLICAN'�C; Louis J. Whitlatch OWi�TF',R: same � 2340 SW Park Road � Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 I REQUEST; For a variance to the sideyard an� front yard setbacks in an M 4, Industrial 1'ark Zone for a buildzng already under cor..struction. IAC�A�'TON: Southwest corner of SW 72nd and SW Bonita. (Washington County Tax ' rqap 2S1 12A, Tax I.ot 2000) PREVIOUS ACTION: On Ju1y 17, 1987., the applicant applied for a variance to the rear yard setback, At the same time, the applicant applied for a site design review for the buil.da.ng now under construction. The Planning Director requir�ed substantial land dPdication ulzder Site Design Review for the improve�nent of SW 72nd and SW Bonita. The Planriing Director waived the variance hearir�g and approved the variance. The largest �ariance the I'lanning Director can grant admi�istratively is 10%, The required rear yard setback in an M-4 Industrial Yark Zone is 20-feet so the Planning Director could grant a 2' variance administrativeZy. FINDINGS OF FACT': ].. The site is zoned M-4 and design,ated Industrial Park in conformance with the NFO #5 Plan Ma�p and the City of Tigard Canp�ehensiv� Flan Map. 2. The bui�.dixzg under construction on the site is xzeari�g canp�etzon. The hui�.ding dimensians are 50' x 60' . The sideyards meet rhe 20-foot setback requirement. The front j�ard setback requirement is 40-feet. 'ifie bu.i.ldizzg iunder const�°uction maintains an 85-foot setback. The rear yarci setback require�ent is 20-feet. The building maintains only a 10~foot rear yard setback. 3. The own�r P�as been required to make a 10-foot dedication for the �uture ` 12755 S.W.ASN P.O. BOX 23�J7 71C�ARb,OFiEG(?N 97223 PH;639-4171 STL�FF RCPORT VARIANCEy V 8-81 P�ge 2 unprovement of S�+l Bonita R�ad as a condition of Site Design Review (5DR 1 22-81). A dedica�:i:.on c�f_ .?_0-fe:et was al.so required for t;he irnprov�ment of SW 72nd. To da�e, the dedicati�r documents have not been recei��d by thE �C�ty o 4. Section 1$.70.02'0 of the Tigard Nlunicipal C:ode states: "No variance sha11 be granted by the Planning Co�miission unless it can ' be sYiown that all of the following conditions exist: (a) Exceptional or extra�rdinary canditions applying t� the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zc�e or vicinity, which conditions are a result �f lot size or shape, topography, or other circurnstances over which the applicant has no control; {b) The variance is necessary for the preservation of a property right of the applicant substantially the same as is possessed by owners of oCher property in the same zone or vzcinity;: (c) The authorization of the variance shall not be materially detrunental to the purposes of this title, be injurious to property in the zone Qr vicinity in which the property is located, or be otherwise detriimental to the objectives of any city development plan or polic�'; �d) The �variance reqvested is the minim�n varian:ce fran the provisions ax�d standards of this ti.tle which wi11 alleviate the hardshiP," S. The variar►ee requested here is an area vaxiance; to modify a dimensional requirement. The ORS does not set guidelines for granting varlances but leaves it ta the jurisdictian to provide far that in adoptir� ordznances. Histori.cally, the courts have been hostile towards the granting of waziances without dtie cause. The courts kiave weighed the following when considering area variances: (a) The Taking Issue — Are there no aiternatives availabl.e to the land owner �aking the property unusable without a variance. ; I (b) Does the property have physical limitations making the property un�iuil�ble T,ai.thout the variance. {c) �s �rl�e case unique in itself? If several variances are granted I, in one location or zone, perllaps the ordiilance should be revised. ' (d) Is the variance for rhe conven�e�ce, personal or econon►ic benefit of the awn�r2 (e) Has the owner taken action on the property to create a patential hardship? (f) The potent�:al harm creaY;ed by the vara.ance to the neighbors is weighed against the harm to �he land awner if the varrance is not granted. i �7'AFF REPOR.T VARIANCE, V 8-81 Page 3 CONCLUSIUNS:` 'I 1. The site` is zoned iri ccnfonnan:>� urith the NPO �5 Pl�n Map and the City of Ti�ard Comprehensive Plan rfap. 2. A Uuilding could have been constructed on the site that would meet the required'20-foat setback in an M-4 Industrial P�rk Zone, In fact, the existi�ng structure could have been positioned differently an the site and met tl7e required rear yard` setback. 3. The applicant does not meet all of the criteria established €o.r granting a variance. Specifically, the applicant does not rneet C�ndition Ni.�►ber 4. A �uilding which wo�:�ld meet a1l of the required setbacks could have been i constru�ted on the site. ,,, STAFF RF;�IIIATION: Staff reca►mends denial of Varia�nce V $°81 based on Findings a5 follaws: 1. The appli.cant does not meet the required criteria established for �ranting a variance in that a buildir�g could 'have been �constructed on the site which would meet the required setbacl�s. � ` �.:! � � a��'i� �j1�/� /1�S/',�i i✓%������`�� �;�` �_'� Prepared by E�zabeth New�on Approved by 'Frarik A. Currie Associate �lanner Planning Director ; , , �I l _ . _ _ -�- - ��- �-�- --- _. .__:.. . �._...�.i s�� �'�'AFF REPORT AGENDA 5,4 TIGARD PI,ANNTNG COMI�lISSION ,7ANUARY 3.2, 1982 - 7:30 �i,m. FOWLER JUNZOR FIIGI3 SCfi00L 10�65 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard N� submission of additional material by applicant shall be made at this Public Hearinq unless the applicant is requested to do so. Should this occur, unrequested, I' the item will be tabled until the following he�ring. DOC�CET: Comprehensive Plan Revision, CPR 16-81 (Ash Avenue Extension) PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Notice publis�ed under Planning Commission Public Hearing items in the Tigard Times on December 31, 1981, anci January 7, 1982. Surrounding property owners notified by mail on December 30, 1981. APPLICAN'T: Ci:ty of Tigard OWtVER: Public Riqht-o,f-Way 12755 S.W. Ash Tigard, Oregon 97223 APPLICATION DATE: December 18, 1981 SITE TACATION: Ash Avenue fram S.W, Hill Street to S,W. Burnham. REQUEST: �o amend policy # 28 of the NPO # 1 Plan to include a time frame and circumstances i:o allow for the extensxon of Ash Avenue from S.W. Hill Street to S.W. Burnham �treet. PRE4IOUS ACZ'ION: On June 2, 1981 the Planning Cammissinn voted to retain Policy # 28 of the NPO # 1 Plan. Z'he memb�rs of NPO # 1 appealed tY�e decision to the City CounciZ. On �7une 29, 1981 th� Tigard C:itX Council voted to uphold the decision of the Plann�ing Commission. Howe�rer, the Council reguested staff to .initiate a Comprehsnsive Plan Amendment to incorparate mitigation measures to lessen the impact of extensian of Ash Avenue on t-.he residential neighbo�rhood. FINAINGS C1F FACT: 1. Z'he existing Policy # 28 reads as follows: "Policy 23. Ash Avenue should be extenc3ed across Fanno Creek, enabling access to the Neighborhood"s Coimnercial area without using Pacific Highway. Desigrx features should be used to slow ta:affic and make the street as safe as possible." The intent of. this amendment to Po:Licy ?.8 is to i.nclude suggested mitigation feature� to reduce traffio volwmes and nnake the street safer for the residents living on Ash Avenue. 2, The proposed right-of-zaay for the extension of Ash Avenue has been declicated to a 40' width to the Public as identified on the Plan Map and on �he I�PO # 1 Plan Map. e STAFF REPORT - CPR 16-81 Page 2 3. St�tewide Plaaining Goa1 12 reads as follows: GOALt � provide and encoura�e a safe, Gonvenzent and economic trans- portation system. A transportation ;plan shall (Z) consider all modes of transportation ; including mass tran�it, �ir, water, pipeline, rail, highw�y, bicyale and pedestrial; (2) be based upon an inventory of local., region,al and state �ransportation needs; :(3) cansider the differences in �oaial consequences that would result from utiliaing di'ff�ring combinations o£ trarzspor�atian xnodes; (4) avoid principal relia.nce upon any one mode of transportation; (5) minimize ad�erSe social economic and F:: enviranmental impacts and costs; (6) conserve energy; (7) me�t the needs af the transpoxtation disavantaged by improving trans;portatic�n services; (8) facilitate the fl�w of goods and services so as to th a and re ional ec�nom • and (9) conform wifh local strerigthen e l,oc 1 g y', - _—_ and regional comprehensive land use plans. Each plan shal.l include a provi5ion for transportation as a key facility. Further, under Planning Guidelines for. the Transportata.on. Goal Number 2 st:ates that: "Transportation systems, to the fullest extent possible, should be planned to utilize eacising facilities and rights�of-way. . ." 4. NPO # 1 has reviewed �e amendment to Folicy #� 28 as pro,posed by 5t�.ff. NFO # 1 comments are recommenclatinns are attached. CONCLUSZONS: 1. The in��nt of �he proposec� amendment to Policy # 28 is ta establish mitigation features to protect the Ash Avenue resiciential neighborhood. 2. The �ropc�sed Ash Avenue extension is designated on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan and the NP0 # 1 Plan. 3. �'he proposed Ash Avenue extensioz� conforms to Statev�ida Goal # 12, ltranspartati.an. S`�AE'F RECOMMENDATI(�I�?: Staff recommends that Policy # 28 0£ the NPO # 1 Plan be amended as fallaws: Policy 28: Ash Avenaxe shoulc� be e�ctended acxoss Fanno Creek, enabling access to tt►e z�eighbnrhoods coimt�ereial area without using Pacific 1Highway. Design �eatures should be used to slow txaffi.c and make the street as safe as possible. Ash Avenue shnuld be designated a minor col.lectox in ' aonfmrmance with the Comprehensive Street �lan. Design features anc� tni�tigation m�asures should hold traffic volumes to the middle limits of a minar co7.Zector. 5TAk'F RE�?QI�T - CP�; 16-$1 Page 3 Improv�inc:nts 4u S'.W. Ash Avenue from S.W. Hill to Fanno Creek will be" constructed as a; portion of; the Main Street Developmen�. The s�treet � :e.mpra�rc�Pnts aZon� with the development of a major commercial site will incr��se traffic aa Ash. A :barricade shall be pYaced at Hill Street to protect the neighborhood residents from the com¢n�rcial traffic. The . extension of Ash Avenue from the creek to S.W. Burnham will further , increase tra,ffi� volumes. ' As a condition of removal of the barricade at S.W. Hill Street, suggested methQds of mitigating the impact on the neighbo�hood includec • Improving 5.W. McDonald 5treet to interim maintenaoe standards to encourage traffic fXOm, South of McDonald to use McDonald to exit to - Hal1 and/ar Pacific I3ighway. • Zmpro�emernts to the residential po�tion of Ash from Hill ta Frewing. These improvemen�ts could include limited parking, delineation of traffiC la�nes and sidewalks on one or: both sides of the street, • Removing the bar�icade in place on Ash Avenue at S.W. Hill {OR) • The extension of 3.W. Hill to S.W. Omara and/or the improvement - af S.W: Ash from Fxewing. to Garrett. • ri ade i ace,on Ash Avenue at S.W. fIilZ. Remo bax c n 1 we ,: P • Improve- S.W, Ornara Street to i,nterim maintenance standards to � encourage a altern:ate route. • Inst;all traffic inhi.bztors to the resi:dential por�ion of Ash if/when traff3c volumes exceed the aniddle range for a mxnar calle�tor. Traffie ir�t�ibitors include but: are not limited to planting is]_ands, speed bumps',button�s, tunn.ing xestrict;ions, ioaa ii�t5 �a enforcement. . �.�i� � � , �. Pxep�d by,' Elizabe Newrtan Approv�d by; Franlc A. Currie Associ�t.e Planner Planning Director � , PIPO # 1 REPbRT ea�nuary 6, 1982 ON AMENDMENT TO POLIGY # 28 of the N"�O # 1 PLkN Policy # 28 Ash Avenue should be extended Narth across Fanno Cre�k to Burnham. Design features should be used to slow �raffic, protecting the residential character and safety of not anly �he neighborhood but tTie pxoposed Greenway Park area. 1. Uesignated mi.nor collector traffic volumes not to exceed '150D trips per day. 2. Street constructed to ps:oposed minor collector standards per 1/1/82 Tigard Compreh��sive Street De�telopinent and Maintenance Program Draft Plan. Connection of the Ash' 5treet extension from Burnham to the Southerly neighborhood will not take place untile 1. McDonald improved to full major collector standards as defined by existing NPO # 1 Plan. 2, Improve Ash AvPnue by Main Street Developmen�t from Iii11 Street to E'anno Creek. 3. Bar�icade must be installed at Hi11 Street at thi.s time. 4. Improve Ash Ave across Fanno Creek to Burhham 5. Improve Omara to minor coilector standards. * 6. Ext�nd Omara from Frewinc� to Hi�l Street 'per attached map (# 6 on map) . * 7. Extend Hill Street to Omara ger attached map (# 7) . 8. Improve Ash Avenue from Frewi.ng to Garrett. 9. Barricade may be r�moved at this time. 10. Ins�all traffic inhibitors when traf£ic volumes exceed 1500 trips per day. A) Speed Gontrol B) Narrowinc� appearance of Ash Avenue (Plan�ers, trees etc.) C? Stop signs at lash and Hil.l D) Bumps E) Tx�ucks should not be permiLt��.. * Necessazy for �is,persing of the traffic load on Ash, Avenue and the nezghborhood as a whole. _ _ _ _ , . SECTEQ�! 2 T2� R�1�'1 r�M. � � W�SH�NGTON COUN7Y ORE��N w � \ \ \`\ SC'ALE� �„_400' � 35 ���\�'\�` �/ /P'" �, // / 35 , . .' � ..�. .. —Tr�— �. � � . �`'`,/� . - ... ♦ . . . f\' \ /�. �•.«4rr�VN� � �1�4. . . . . • :/� �. \;\ Yv�i .�P� i ,. .. 3 .2 .. . . . . � . . . �� . �. SEE MAP .`2S 1 2AE3 . . G� � . ��.' � �� �. � h\ � • . ��. . � '�� . �� �� � . . ; . SEE MAP /� �.� � �`J o //'/�\S{ SEEMA� i . . . 25-1 28B �:/ . +p� � � � / \ 2S 12AA I . . . . .. �� � . SEE N.A� I7 � \\� \/ . � . //�^^�. `� S�r/� � i . �. . � � (. � . 2S I 2�Ba�� �. � �� � � . \! / \ I I �:-- . .�.; � %` ti ���i� � � ///���` SK, S . . . . . .�.��� . . � .'.`�'�. . . . . . . �/� �� . .\; :. ♦ / '\�\\ / . � , �,'�}`y` 7�� ./.i j•'��`k\c�/ `�'�ry � � �I � � '�4� �&�. � t �. . . 'V l` /� �\ ` .��'tr f�' L. , `� ;�� `�� �'•! ` .% /�.v� �' ,�\`.,���; �� ��_._ �. ,\�, �`":, . � �.� �i .;i"^,:�... �,� F.�q. , �i �\ � -- � ,•� i`: ./� •-,.`\ � \ ,� ,/ +�� � \�� // '� \ �� \�s\ / • '^\\ �' . � // ' \ $EE M�l+�� `` ���'P� // . ` �� ,y+. ' . i• .\ 251 2Ad ��q� � \V � � k� � . . ,;.. � r'� � "�.\ . `�F ��SEE MaP h` 25E1 28?: � i/ � ' SEE Maa � 9'a�. �.`v'`J � 2S I����BC: \� .. /. S 1 2AG /�,\ .. . . ,/� '� ,�, / �,,` ' `' , , � � . .. ,, \\r.;;,i;� � ;. r \,` / � ,.. � � .. ./( . 1� �'P � // `� \ ` . ` / . �` �,+'/` � • �`',� . . o ' c+..�� . � � ..� /�% . .9\—. • `'\ `l '�, . � . � i�..� d`� � / . .. � � � . � � .'> . � . \ \�\ --i � - j 7�°d' `.� . �f� > . \�`,�\ wCU/ �. .h� � � \ ../ `.� ' � � .V � O•� �'�f/r •� •�/ �e�. � \'�, / �•� ��Y� ,\'�/ • �� . . � f .��\ � � % `�, l�4� �`u, � �'Fv`� / \ . �� T� / \� I . . . �°,s:�, ./ '! -\ \� �� � �� ,� �%`� '�' „ ry �SEE MAP � � ,: "` °.. .J,25 f .20A . �� �, � . Sa�MAP /� �\'�.� SfE MAP SEE4"'MP�P / , 2� i 248 � � • i.,• . •o . , 25Y�2CA ,:�� �� ,'LS : 2D6 ts c.{, ^.V'.FF '3CET �. t �� \ % I . . /`V / �.5. ���� �S � ,�: i / ;' \�� ,'i' �al �. t / �, . �./� . � � . � �£p„ � i � r `, �y � ;' � � � . ,p � J ,�. SiRE T . . -er�.cw.(n,� i' . / . . � . � ': / _ _a �t � - � / � :V'�F�6 ' ' _— �� _�,� ' .�. ... e ;«._ . ; '/ . _ . _. . , _ . , :�4 .. . ,- 6 � S, r� , . - :. _ . � . _/ . :� ,,:. .3/,: �.. . .I.:�. .. ..i / ii 1I — SEE MAP +!•�y� � , I . ''"��``�'�777 25�t 2CZ � y,�w��. ;��''. �� � i� 1 �SEE MAP �/. _ . �.3,,� . ;� SEE�MAP 25 i 20D� . '�� � .... „ �.. .. - - _ SEE M� 2S 1 2C0 2S I 2DC , % .. .w.__Nr�L V�EM��.__w[E�� ����. � ;�r—L�—i� � �,'M_�vi W.,^. �_�.�1 �' �� .%'� ^� • i , � - � I � : - . , ; , � � � � .� .MI ... .N .. � �.._ .. . . . . . . _. � . - —�-w--� 1'�__�. ... � . � - MtgLN9lD:... �---- . . � . � ' 1j f 6 c¢�wt►.� � �S�—�_— —.� _._.,- __..I;I----- � �.�cs,a� I5' � ; SEE MaV SEE M4V � 11 I i C" SEE MeP �.� 10 , �c) 1188 � �SEE �`••- " 2S I 1148 7S 1 UAA . . � . � 25'1�IIBA . . ' ��M ,� ... � . . � �. �..... .. ... �..... . _ _... ..... � ..._. � �..-_....__ � _.... . .. � �.�. ...... . � � � � . . 1�3110 S.W. Ash Dr. Tigard, Ore. 97223 Jan. 10, 19�t2 Memt�ers of Planning Cammission City of Tigard Dear Planning Commission Members: On Tuesday evening January 12, 1982, you wi11 be reviewing the impiementation ordnanca <con.cerning 'the extension o£ Ash Avenue and` the related erection of a barricade, Due to previous committments I am unable: ta t:estify; in person. Therefore I request that this letter and attachments be submitted as testimony. In late 1981 the City Council decid�d that Ash Avenue should be extended from Hil:l street to 8urnham street but that certain conditions be attached to the open- ing of th>rough -traffic. One of the concerns expressed by the Council was that the through traffie not seri�usly affect f:he quality of thc� neighborhood. The generally aceepted logic which has been expressed in numerou� public hearings has been that the traffic volumns need to be spread over as many sCreets as possible so as Co minimize the impact on any one stree:t. That logic needs to be dealt with in this Ash Avenue issue. I I am attacliing copies of a letter and maps which were presen.ted to the City Council and City AdministraCor :on Oct. 19th, 1981. The Letter deals with the concept of purposefvlly engineering the streets so that txaffic would be spread over both A.sh Avenue and 0'mara Street; rather than funneling a11 the neighborhaod and through txaffic down Ash Avenue taetween Frewing and Hi11 streets. At the October hearing, bo:th members of the Gouncii and Bob Jean indicated su�port for the idea of spreadin_g the trt;ffic load over more than one street. As was requested at the Council lzvel before, I would encourage the Planning Commzssion to make certain that the "Extension of 0'M�ra Street ta l�ill Street" be an integral part of the Policy ��2$ resalution. Sincerely, . . . . . . /� 1 � . . � � � � .. .. � � . . . � .�� � - � . ,� ��-."--_ Pt,zi Ea�n f;°°�' ,. • 1�110 W.W. Ash Drive Tigard, Oregon •97223 October 7, 1'991 _�<�.;.,z:, .-. _ - .. , _ , , Members of City Council City of Tigard D�a'r ��"o`iiriciT M;eiiiber: . . � .. ...._ _. . .. . On Monda.y evening, .Octobex �L9�th .at. tk�e-;:Gouncil study session, . . ... . •�-. . . ' you wil'Z �be 'reviewing 'the A�sh P,venue i5;sue: ' : � SpecificaZly you wil? be reviewing Frank Cu-rie's presentation and reeommendation concerning the �ime table for developmerit of Ash Avenue as well as design features , etc. In addition you will have communications from the affected neighborhood as we11 as the NPO. Much of what Frank presented is qood and is acceptable to i�e gersonally as we11 as to the other interested p�rties. How- ever, I would like to br�.ng �o your attention another proposal which I be��ieve is worthy of your consideratic�n:- That proposa7. would be �o e�tend O'Mara� Street directl;y north to connec� wsth tiill Street. (See attachEd maps showing two alternatives. ) The loqic is as follows: All the pro te.stimony to date from staff, planning commissioners and Council members has beeri that we need �o extend Ash Avenue for ttxe �enefit of the �entire city. Ash A�enue i:s seen as an altern�tive to people using Pacific Highw�.y or F�all Blvd. 'i The axgwnent is ov�r the f�uture proje�ction af traffic volumes. ', At this }�a�ir�t, �t�ff and the z�P�ghkiorhoad argue strenuously. If 0°Ma�ra �ti°eet (Whic�a is presently �sed by rouqhly one-half of the resicients) were extende� dir.ertly to il1 Street, there would be two dixect North E�st - �outr7 W�st al.ternatives to Pac.;<�ic Highway and HaI.I, Blvd. It xs presumed that people pre�ently �sing the O'Mara route , �. � : . . , 5 � �I would Gontinue to use it. The people closer to Ash Avenue � would choose to use Ash Avenue. ' The proposal then, would be to develop two residential routes ' (rather than one) with the expec�ation tha� �ach woulci carry � 50$ of the tra;ffic' volume. Attached are two maps showing alternative methods of ex�e:nding ' O'Mara Street. Alternative A would; be the most direct route, but would mast likely require System Development' Funds to pay for one- half af tY�e street extension. Staff opposes this, but I believe if we Gan s;pend Systems Development Funds to build a br�dgejculvert over F'anno Creek, or sidewalks along Ash Avenue, both for the benefit of the citv, we could c�rtainly justify assisting the development of this short extension. Alternative B would be to move the extension the width of one Iot ta the east. This would allow the developer to have the street serve lots on both sides of 0'Mara. By doing so the fu11 cost of the street extension wUUlr� be borne by the developer. Perhaps some' R5 and/or duplex zoning could b� a -trade-off to the developer for hi� cooperation. It is my t�ope that by having an oppgrtuna.ty to review this pro-- posa:l pr�pr to Mond�y evening the 19�th, you might be able to givP it tt�e r f_ ` ' : e lecti�e tho� ht tha 3es v g t it �r es: If yau ha�re questions, please caYl me. Sincerely, � Phi 1 Ediin . 13110 S.W. Ash Drive Tigard, Oregon 9'7223 639-9406 ; ; 1 , . _= - - = , _ SECT't01� 2 T2S R 11'V 4Y M; 1+�SM�NGTQN COUNTY OREGON ' � SC4`LE �.�°�00' / �.: 33� . . . � \ ` \� � •�'\" '. . � . . �/ � � iY, � %/ /� 35 .�.. � � . . . . ` ` � � ��:,'•���� I ' � +�.at�� . — } � �\. / � G�' /. � f � . /vy DV �(I� .I. � � . � � /� ���\�� � SEf MAP/�25 1 2AE]� `M . . . �� �2 , . �\ �(�'1 . :t 6. : .�� � � . . �. � � ,%� - � � . :i� r r . . . � , � .�,�. ' Y� ��� . . ' : //, . . � . . SEE .MaP . ;`' . . %.4. t �' yp�/`.�� SEE Mn.v . �I• .�/ �\�25 1 24A� . � 25 1 29B � � . � � \ .;� ,.5,� sEE w.ao j � 4� /. � (�; zs i rea,� ` . �� °O I � • I �. a""' '�, � `• �' - =:,` ' � s� \� ''; \, a� � �,\� �/I �;` '�\�j \''s� i �\ �. �� � .: ��I `\ y.(�4fl, ,1 � `�\a .��. �\..�( . . . . . ;�P� �,� /'��r . \ ��� e j� �\ \�.�\.,, ':;� ^j/. . )� `. . . . 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Iw•::..�.1., �� . . � . TA i [ fr. ' . . ' �_._ � . ._.��J. I . � _ i . ._... _ . -. I . . ._ '_��.:.,: . �� I . . ♦ . � ;.Iµ I � $EE MAP �' 'p / i ' I 25� YCC � ��� . f I 'SEE MpP � � �'�� ,�'I /3• .. . . SEi MAP 2S � 2DR 7 . _ � SEE MAP' 2S I 2CU 2S 1 20C ' � -�� . _ j� , 5e .�,_i.vrt+ ^'+[F' ` I ' ^� � �—� � > ?;_____.� . :��,� � � i I � ' �. � ���� i� .� ; , , � I � � �,� A ; �,� , _ � J� __.. ��.�,. ___ �r___ . � , _..._ -._--- �i-- .,:�N., --- ���- .�_�_.__ 1 i � �..l.l._--- ..,� S ; „ io . f i i� sce wu � ' scr MAV scE wP � � ' 2Sl �.IIBQ .. �SEE� +'�� � 25 1 IiAE �?S 1 IIOA 3s=t I�on _ • ���� ' ,_ ,. ,�,.. ' SE�TION 2 T2S R_��V W.M. W."�SM�NtiTON COUN7T OREGON $CALE �..>A00� .'/ �;i/��� /: ,. . �a ]5 . . . / . . /' .� .��/ �� � \,.�, '�\ \,+ � •.p�� LN /�?' /�`� k —. � �;/ ��\1•�\� /� ;�'o �•,/:�/� f I �� ` $EE MAP � 25 � 2A8� l �� / � 2 �.?J \ \ � � � :. � �i � J ..�'`\ � � ,�:'� . . . � � ,. �Fl ' SEE M.A�P � . � SEE M�a�v .. . ,�y"! ,. �� .\ ���, v �^\`'\ 15 I 2an . � � � 25 1 289 ��' �r, /� �' /' SEE w.ao �.�v� Sf�� i' . . �- 25 � 28a " '` ! , � ?' ���/ �r s�'�` �• . , \ �''9, ' . ,� - -: �. fl .� ,� �\\'- � ;�•� . . �"}• y ' ` � . 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'�-, � � c . .. , 5 ..il6 E. ^ MoP 2 �C.. . � Ca . , 5 E . . . 25 2 . . � -5� _,��--��, � '��, ��� ��I� .,I - i,��� ���� �.�, �,. . � \ f�� ��� � � ,�,�`; `�..1 ,�..- ; � ;:�, . ,�, ' j , ,� •',\�y��, ��~N ^�., '/ \ \ ' ' .J'�' � � 3 � �( \ ♦ \ ( /I / � \/ � ��� 1 Sf>FC' � ' ��� '�,\ `Y E--- � � � � -- ..1, "/ s. . � _�I�i';' � .r . . .��/, ��..... . .,MANA ..\�. .._..._._� �� //�. . � .,.. �_ . _'_'_� I � / C f�. \ •;� � . / \ ', \ YI /, � / � ��/ SEE N,AO �} 21rMq / y� � 25 1 2CC �.'�+ ! I SE�� II ��� ✓��, 3:�k _ SEc MAP -----� i � � 25 � �.li, •yr ��Z1Fl�Lr=�QIE__.----��.�"�— / � 5EE t�a��•2S 1 2CD 2S � 20C � I . r =�w� ._v�t. ' .�_.��( � — . '��` >~ —��i'� .. �/ .e•'s•i i �� � � 3 � �'� t . :' i:L—� JM�;�.. { . ...L .. ____'_ ___ . . . ____ —___ � . � ,5 W . -�Y➢W}S�p. .._.___... . ' '__ __ t , .._ ._.. �} ( ��__ � . ...._.. �,� 1�1 .. . .— -. .. —•' �I s a u.�ve. �I 1 �. � ...�I•.__ ; o:; N { � � �r SEE �44P 10 . 11 : SEE MaP SEE rMa ^ .^ 25 1 u.. 7S i um ?S I Ii�BB � 23 1 BBA� � ��� ,:..y..r _ _ _ ._ , ... ....._�.M_.......� .u_<_. -.. k.wierr.u.�.+..N....�.. . .� . .......v+.� . ...Y.-..nw.. ..n.�..•»_v.:Tt.......r.w.+.�.�t.Y�y:L'l+t�r'•�.r. ...�.it . .�.a....._+-.�-r..........VU n _ .r ... . . . j'::� . . . � .. � . � . . . . . . 7CNVENTORY OF CITIZENS � . - -- ,� .;>•--.'.." - Sug�,es ted for Community Service �°'"W �� �� DATE 1c� �� � �1�1�.�IE � T C7YGal,U RES. PHO�IE ���` ��Z�,� �.DD2E5S_/«�/`7.�_ S� �f'F-t�,� C��,`, BUS. PHONE `'-- C�_ -��E� �ENGTH 0'F RESIDENCE IN TIGARD � /y���,/� SUGGESTED BY � � �. � - ':-vHERE DID �OU LIVE PREUIOUSLY? '_ Lv D ' � � . �aG�� MAFZITAT, STAT€JS .�!�a�D CHILDREN �J�- Z�'.:P 1f..1�t �` •` .� . ,� � __�____.�....�.�-.,._... ,:DUC�T�01?4L BACKGt�0Ur1L ��C, -- � " � � o� c� , ,�, �^ �tn • . J, � • . . � u v-.� � S �..� �.��/,. ���� _.� . ..J: ._. ... . . . . .. . . . . . CCUPATIONAL S�ATiIS AND B��ICKGROUND n.: : � �. ,� �uJ :,? � n. � . � REVIOUS +�4MMUVITY ACTIVITY . . � ,� • � � 'RG_4riIZATIONS E1ND OFFI,CES r �,� THER INFOR�'KATION (GENEFt..AL REM�.RKS)� �� �� r.�2,�t/ ��� II � ��� � ,, � i � � � '�- � � w ��� l • � �J, , � � � �� � � .OARDS 4R CC7��ITTTEE5 INTERESTED IN��(.//�-- ~�,^ � � • av�ate Rec�i.v`d at City Hall Date InterviEwed " -ate AppointEd Board or Committee ' PiSYD� GITY , ` OUTSIDE CXTX __,.._,...r �.� • , INVENTORY OF CITIZENS �u�ested it�r Community BErvice , � DATE /��� %� �. ' , , c..�,_ � _ � �� � • RES. PHONE ..,,5 - /���. � � �- /,� ,�� �` 1 ; , . . �DDRE:�S �j �,�r��—�L�C / ����Q;��l, QJ� BUS . PHONE L�NGTH OF RESIDENCF. IIV TIGARD / a ���_s' SUGC�ESTED BY /� /' r �� [JHERE DID YOU T.IVE PFEVIOUSLY? ( �� ��y �?.�- r7 i�'� AGE`.�_! MARITAL STATUS CHILnREN � .. EDUCATION�.L BACKGROUND � • OCCUPATTONAL STATUS AND BACI�GROUr1D �..,�,� �� � P�2EVIOUS COMM[7NITY ACTIVITY �_ , \ � ....�...�...._��.... ORCANIZATIONS AND OFFIC�S � . OTHEI� INFORI�tATIQN (GEI��RAL REMA.RKS) , ,, -- _._., _ BOARDS �R CO�iMITTEES INTER�',STED IN Date Received at City Hall� Date Interviewed_ _ ^ _ I7ate Appointed Board or Committee INSID� GITX ' . OUTSII)Is CrTY . � _ .�..,,.�;,,,� . _ _ �.:�,.�.�...,.. . - . ..::,.�.._....��:.:.__...._ .:1. ..,.W._' ._ �,.,.:,.�..�, , _.. . ... . .., '. . . TNVEN'�ORY. OF CITIZEV;S , � Su�gesteci fQr Community 5erv�ice � DATE �,C'�LG`G�(.� (�. ���,L� Na��r���,�y1� �o Y��i�.,�,s��t..a xE s. �xorT� �',�Z C:�3���.. : ADDRE S S � L� 5 '' c.'�f'! I✓1� � �%��✓�L 1�j BUS: PHONE oc' �.�'�,�-S_.� ' l r �' � 1 LENGT�I OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD � SUGGESTED BY ��e.�nc1�- ..��u%m,� t��HERE DID YOU LIVE PR.EVIOUSLY? �(� s�"l.� �[�1"��'��/��d�ti �' s[�r� . ,� � � . � AGE� MARITAL ST�.TUS ; � rY'/ E'� CHILDREN�� / � ,�a � E�7UCAT IONAL BACKGROUND ��� � ad ,� ��a Sc..�2 � �7'r�zc���a � _� � °r�—/ �2�--�/� r�^� ,��� or�l�c h� -�,�� , � � , , O�CCUPATIONAL STATUS AND SACKGROi3ND�� /Y"�y�-1 �%Z���/^Cc .�'� �C/�!�/y�lS�/-,2�i-, , �? ��l S �" �-�f�� ��r1 � �G e/!�"�-�C Z Y' y`"�IR' : "� .l'c�°'�' , , , J"`�'e �'�e,Z� c- �� ctr �C � rL-Z'.s F�aEVIOUS COA4NIUNITx ACTIVITY ����j� � _ � . ._.. _ , ` , ' _ � . OR�Al�1IZATIONS• AND OFFICES �S7L .2 s �e y��^ �.���! � �' ��'/'i l 0 r-- C► T' C� �ct Y� c�/ �.s / � ��' �GCc r fGC✓�) � OTHER INFOR�iATTON (GETIERAL REMARKS)�� , �yl : : u „ � �� . • � ,- � � �Qn-� �!�� ��� �1 n t.�� h �Cr�. l,v e /!1/�.� , , : BOARDS OR COMMITT�ES InTERESTED IN����----�+� Date� R���iv�d a� City Ha11 Date Interviewed ' T�ate Appoin��.d Board or Commzttee INSIDE. C�TY OUTSIUE CITY __ -------�-�------ I?�VEr�TORY 0�' CITIZENS S�eyted for 'Camrnunity Service . _ . DATE /��1 � '` � ' RE S. PHONE (v9--5��v NAME ;�23.....�_,�.��— '� - '��!� �' ONE 3�-3 3�/ 4'4�yS aoD�ESS /�-7as �-G�-�• Bus. Px a LENGTH OF IZESIDENCE TN TIGARD� /2- SUGGESTED BY WHERE DID YOU L.IVE �REVIO'UiLY? -: -. A�E < MARITAL STATUS CHTLDREN . � . EUUCATIOi�AL BACKGROUND _ - OCCUPA�IONAL STc,TUS 'AND $E�CKGROUT�D ' PREVIQUS C�MMUNI�'Y ACTIVITY��_�, _ , .-\ , ORCANIZATIONS AND OFFIG�S . - OTHER INFORI�IATION (�Ei1E�.AL REMARKS) , � � �OARDS OR COi�1MITTEES INTERESTFD �N �.� � Date Receiv�d �t City �Iall Da�e Interviewe�i • � Date Appointed . Board or Committee I�tSTDE CITY � OUTSII)i, ��LTY M � .6�� . . . . � � . . � . . . . . . . . INVENTORY OF CI�IZENS Su�gested for Commun.ity Service , , DATE I/ —L,��-' 1 PJAME H� C�,�S �� �,, _7 i:�= r'� RBS. PHONE� �,._�GL- .J��,7 � .\�, �: . '.... . . Yl� . .. � ' . �.DDRE S S . ) ',� �, , � ,) " ?/� ��� dC� , BUS. PHONE , �.;�. LENGT� OF RESIDENCE IN TIG� D�� i� � SUGGESTED BY � WEIERE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? � i�-,�crL�L-�� . CHILDREN 4 � l=�n r��ZC � AGE��r_ MA.RITAL STATUS ly'7Ci r�� � �c� , .� - EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNi� , _ OCCUPATI�PJAL ST�TUS AND BA�I:GROUND ' � ,_� PREVIOUS COMMU�VITY ACTIVITY � �l �� ��,�/'%�'iJ.�-'r�.�-L� � ^ _.- � " „� �C,C`'�/ U* 7? ;>-� �.-�� / �r�!!� ,.i':,r c.' % �� .7 - - /� ,.:y7 (� '' >�i��� J /l .G-y� � c , , ,; , 01tGANIZATIONS AND OFFIC�S _ � - . � -;�.- �_., --------� OTHER INFORriATION (GEI�TER�1L REMARKS) �� � ..�-��1'L•�/�-� �1=�--� � -�%� �� J??�7�/s-�.i � 7 1� i1_ -f.r'_,c�.r� / .�Z-:,2'l'',�,� G',, _ ' i���/ :.�._ �y/�/��✓.•'�-�t':r��f���.�" f �..g/lL' / t,r' '� Gp �G"-/i'--'� C1�(�--.'G l /' r ��c�',�r.-G' (�� ✓ s��_�r,.._..--,� � �i� ^. !1 QQ...'-ct �� ,�9�" •/%� �^�'-r' �i `�� � � �.. _ _, - BOARDS Ol� COi�1��fI'TTEES INTERLSTED IN � Uat� Received at City Hall ____. Date 'Znterviewed � Uate Appointed Board or C;ommittee IIVSIDE CITY ` � OUTSIU� CrTX w��.,_n....�.._,...... ....,. . .. , � .. . . _,. .. w. .. . .. . . .._ . . ..,_......_ __.. .. ...W... „_.� .,__.._. . _,. . . � .. .. _ i � � , � + fi�VENTORY OF C�TI�ENS S�u s;es`t�d for �ornrnuriity ServLcQ � U GC��� DATE ��,-1�,/ / �� ��� � . �J�..-'� .. .�,, . ,,-••"'_"'� . . . � . . . NAltiiE �:..~-.� _ � _. �:. R�S. PH(�NE l� �� r->U �/�'.t�.� ' ADDRESS �� �C��) � �fJ i,�J,��a�'C(7` S�� �`.�PNONE � � L�.:—Q �2-� (�c� c� —��Ri .�ti� LENGTH OF RE5IDENCE IN TIGARD �J � SUGGESTED BY � WHERE DID YOU LIVE PREVI�USLY7 � r �" -'_/ �--� �-- ! AGE�,. � MA.RITAL STATUS : CAILDREN � �° ' EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND v ' �. �'E 2-�-dJZ � , —=---��--� . . I OCCUPAT.IONAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND /�z,�c£:, �� �,.-c,�., • ----,-- —� J / r •��- It e _._-_ - ' . PFEVIOUS CO��MUNITY ACTIVITY�,r��, �..�2�(�� �/ /�''� ;3 _ _ , ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICFS ..---�—��" � OTHE� INFOR�'�[ATION �GF.NERAL RE�1�.RK�) �OARDS OR C0�1�IITTEES INTERESTED IN � Date. Received at City �Iall Date Intervieta�d Date AppoinCed � Boa:rd or Committee TNSIDE CITY + OUTSIDE CXTX � � -, _,_ _.- .:. Y .:. .. ._._�:. ._.. _ _....;__.. ._, . ._,..�. . . �.�,...:.. , .._.... _ ; ,. ' � z�v�:�vTOxY o� cxzzz��s � . � S'u � ested Lor Communaty Service DATE // /,'�- �? 7 (' • , . �xt�'•:�.a�;,� NA��IE � , a - - ,~_ RES PHONE �JFit-i�� i ADDRESS /�/ 'r �', C�J (�J,-��,%�..L� BUS. PHONE ��9-- �/ l[ LENGTH OF� RESIDENCE IN TZGARn �°"� v�> ,� SUGGFSTED SY ---- � � WhE:RE DID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? � ,— x��,, � : AGE �[') rIARITr1L SZ'ATUS j�yy rr, r �� CHILDREN ,�,_jr� ,v � . . EDUCATIONAZ BAGKGROUN� ��;� ,C;�i-- .; .r'�`" .�� s'��-i >F '' �`r ,A r.� �t5 .t . OCCUP�T'iOVAL STATUS AND BACKGROUND ' o , � ; ' c<_ �,�� �P�• �-�- ,�� � . � ,� � � PREVIOLTS COMMUNITY ACTIV'ITY ORGAVIZ.ATIONS AND OFFICES aTHER INFORIKATION (GENERAL �REr'IA�KS) �-� : BOARDS OR �01��IITTEES INTERESZ'ED T�1 �?��� ` Da�� Rcc.eived at City �a11 Date In�erviewed � Date Appointed Board or Committe� INSIDE CzTX �• OUTSIDE CIT� ,�_ _ --- -- --- _J ...,..�..y�.�v..;....,.: _ _. ..wH:..:. ,... ...:. . .. yw...:...... ..Y _.. _:... ..�..�..�..:..__. :.. _ ..._..�.�._�.�...�,._.._ _ ..._.._.� ,_.�. .. . ._.�,.. ..,...�.__.. „ ZNVE�I:TORY QF GITL?EiVS Su�ested for Community 5ervice DATE N � v�'�h�j�v� j� I��� T NA�.ti1E IJ a 1? l-� � ���5�' C._ . RES. P�iONE � fj � -- :� q j 7 A,D DRE S S � l �,'�:�l,� S 1.v l�v'�.P�U �" � __ BL�S. PHONE ? � � --" '".t" (� 7 � LE�GTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD �1��� - '���. SUGGES�'ED BY � , --------- � . W�IERE DID YOU LIV'E PREVIOUSLY? �S �I� S�/ �r'��J"�'�S . �/`�''1�1✓� , . . . � ,. . ., AGE 3 g MARTTAL STATt�S n�1� v-,e-�.�`,P� CHILUREN ,�j � EDUCAT�IONAL BACKGROUND� ic� �1�i���r-��.�,��t`c s � -�. 11. --------7------ OGCUPATIt��iAL STATUB AND BACKGRnUND �c.t �,��a,i-r" (� c I�v► 'c ' PKE,VIOUS CQMMU�I�TY :AGT�VITY , ` .� ORGANIZATTOiVS AND OFFICES QTH.ER INF�Ri�1ATI01V (GENERAL REriA�:IZS) � . . �� . � � - � , BOARDS OR CO�S�'iIITTEE5 INTERESTED IN. lV l°'1 C� � Date Received at City Hall Date Intervieca�d � Date A.ppointed Board or Comimit�ee INSI�JE GIT'� OUTSIDE Cr'�Y � , . TNVENTORY OF CITIZENS . Su�ested for Community Service r /' �/ �� ��� �; ���'��'' DATF /,7 / �i � � �i .-�' '.�,�`�ir/r"%:�� �� �1 ��� i2ES. PHONE �.�7/`�.����� Nt-1r1E �./.,� r; � r �J � � aI?DRE S S ��/r-�/'�', ) r � �/�J BUS. PHONE _--- _.. , `�..�.: , ,-. � LENGTH OF RESIbENCE IN TIGARD S � �' ` SITGGESTED BY � 4JH�RE nID YOU LIVE PREVIOUSLY? V � d'f�/ ��i�/./ �,";� � � � /j AGE_� MARITAL STATUS • /G/../ , CHILDREN -- �? r�� /��, _ : � � �� .. , `% � � I EDUCAT:IO�rr��: BACKGROUND .�,i/! ` cJ , �� � � • y �' ,z-;i'�`_- . � , OCCUPATIOTZAL STATUS AND �ACKGROUNA ./� �/_�" �� ,�j/ , �j�� " ' � � , 7---.— . T— . .. . /� w . . . . . ... �J . _ . PRE IC�US C0 MU IT CT V M N Y A IVIT� GG' �/l// -,� .� i`�`� //� �.. !f� .�f��Gc` r �// � /�U' D � i�/��_�- ORCANIZATIONS AND OFFiC�S -' \ � ' /�� ,�r�- . OTHER :INFOR.�tATION �GEt1ER�1L REMAftKS) B�AR`�5 OR �OT�i1ITTEES INTEFtFSTED �N �°�. ' Date Received at City Ha11, UaCe Tnterviewec! pate Appointed � Board or Committee INSi�E CTTY OUTSII)L� CXTY , � i INVENTORX OF CZTI:Z�:NS Su�ested fo� Communit��'erv�ice . DATE I� -I <<-�j � ��E V ' . �T-[-' �k , �„". '-�F� '! --- RES PHON� l�(�-;�1`7._2 ' ADDRESS J � (^'S. J �J, I^ - TE���; I, �r T';,�, :t (�;e BUS, PHONE ��i i) ��� �,.� r r � ''.,:c� �, - ._.r ..::.::.,� LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN T3GARD � % ,.,�,.r SUGGESTED RY � WHE:RE DID YOU LIVE PR�VIOUSLY'? ��,,,-�-I,?4,,.P �7 ,,�s . . � � , •• . • AGE �;Z MA,RITAL STATUS �ti,�i r�-i'e�� . CI-�ILDREN I a��e, �"� •' � :` " � EDUCATZOI�TAL BACKGROUND �.f�. ;-', ,,,,,� C',���F:,F�—C�a.���„v,-(- C.'f� � � OCC:UPATIONAL STr"iTUS AN� BAC�GROUTJD �i cF �e<-i �>., � e. � l C. �,^,�, ,j�� JV,��, i � �t r��a � I"�n n.• r,f�. , _ . r • � . �a�l!n:�.. 7�1:�� �IV", 1�;., 't �a� �� l�`F', . '"��i+�, t� G� �` e, .� � � (',1 �1 ' � � . :Jhn A ta?[. j> ,f`-^ i n r`rd ri^l'. �n�, �n tv (/. . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . . � . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . ���......� � _ PREVIOUS COMt�tUN�TY ACTIVITY �, � .� , ' I ` , 'i ORGANIZATIOIVS AND nFFIC�S I.���e ��c�s�rtt„�. 1 ,�-,,-,� �'{s�,� �� �, �=f�• • �a�•�-.� s•:.�.,���� � _ � SD.C{.e.�F• . (�� `. �Sh.��,l.'��f�Y '�`.jC%'� � 1-IDiif?l'Y' i�'�/Ic� l�� .t.... A0. JC:,r?S.j'S p'(� �rn%'Y�C�. OTHER IN�OIZ�'�iATION (GETIERAL REMA�:KS) BOA�tDS OR COti�tITTEES INTERESTED ZN____�I ��'� � • naCe Re�eived at Ci.ty Hall � Date Interviewed Dat� Appointed Board az Committee tNSTDE CzTI' QUTSIDE CTTY T�'7. ..... ��._ � .� . . . .. . . . .� � . . .... . .... .. ... � .. . .. . . . _,.�.�::,y::. ......,��...,...,.: ....,.,,.:..�.�.�._,. . '. , . . . ._w,�..��...�,.��.�...... .;.. ._.:��.,:_....�. :, . . s.,_ ,, . . _. _.,..., .,, ...... •� . . rQ �{°� � �a �J II�UEN�ORY OF C�'�'IZEL�S �� ,�,�''' � � Su�gested for Community Service C ~ DATE � , Lr.a.E.iy°�u . �� " � , p R�S. PHONE, G�9�..� � �pDRESS f�Jj,�' �t � - BUS. PHONE j.,E�VGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD SUGGESTED BY �JHERE DID YOU L3VE PREVI'OUSLY? ' At�E MARITAL STATUS CHILDREN � EDUCATTONAIJ BACKGROUND - . OCCUPATIONAL STr1TUS` AND BACI�GROUND i _...: PREVIOUS C�NIMUNITX ACTIUITY � -—-- .. � _.._ -- , . . \ � ,., QRCANYZATIONS �Np OFFICES � _ � '.� ' — - �--; OTHER INFOR.�tATION (GE°I�ERAL REMA.RKS) . � � ._...� .._..�......�.._....�...:.. BQAR.DS Oit CO���iIITTEES INTERES'TEU ZN��p�,7 ?� � Ua;t� Receiver� at City Hall , Date Inkerviewed • Date Appointed Board ar Committe� L�VSIDE CITY � OUTSIDL; CITY � ' '_:, �.. C2 4M-W THE OREGaNIAN,THURSDAY JANUHRY 7,1982 • ` . p . ���ver��� se��cs �� �o�er ��oo� I�en �o� dev��� rr��:nti p : p Br SG�R CRUMPAGKER Derelopment in the flood piain is ton County governments, creek �'Qa city's geuera!fund or have the Beaver= WeiL according to Glen Grant,engineer for �w�+�+Q.�aepa�n severeiy restrictad by the ciry to pre- property ewners and through the for- tor.UrUan Rxaewal P_geney nssume the • City Councilor and task force Chair- �amer,Chin and Mayo. BEAVERTON—Flat landr natural vent flooding and to preserve city eligi- maticn of local improvement disxricts. city's project responsibility. man Fonest Soth said the task force As recommended by the task force, sgriugs and creeks heiped make Beaver- b�lity for federal flood iasurance,disas- The task force recommended that The council,howevei,voted to re- oppe�ed any city s�bsidy"because this the development of a pazk along the ter loans and imp:ovemeat grants. federal, state an�counr overa,-nents tain *.he local improvement district would be giving nreference to one prop- �reek should not be considered part of fon a successfni agrar'san community �'g during the tirst half af the 20th century. The estimated cost of the projecu pick up a total of 5272,006;the city of `fund'w-g opHon. erry owner overanother." the drainage project,the c�uncil decid- Today,t6e same qualitles a*e hinderiag does not iaciude engineering or desiga �derton,$4d5,800;creek asea proner- "I agree with the recommendations City staff inembers, however,rec- ed.The counal�irected city staff inem- development ia Beaverton flood plain msts,which would add 2Q io 30 percent �3'owners,$4Q8,100;and local improve- as far as funding is concerned,but I ommeaded that the city subsidize the ben tp Snvestigate the matter sepatate- areas,and the City Councii is taking �o the total,according to City Engineer ment disiaicts,�i75,Q00. hesitate to elitninate LIDs (local im- projecf up io 539,550 as an`mcentive" ►y,howevar. steps to miniaiize theproblem.' Chris Bowles. • The task force cecommendation, Provement districts)," Councilor�:arry far timely installaAOn of t6e culveB sec- _ The 20-member task force should Cole said."I�we submit(dreinsge im- 2ian.�tJnlike other affected propertaes, Dec.2$,the munal voten to accept Broken iato th:ee general areas,ttie bas2d on a drainage sti:dy conducfed by provements)ta the voters as an{Beaver- the lend betweea Broadway and Can- zemain available for consultation on a city drainage improvement task force projects include lowering and enlazging consultants Kramer,Chin and Mayn Inc. ton Urban Renewal)agenc}�pmject,and yon Road+:s developed. fur,thec drainage issuas,and city staff recommendation to"recognize"il Bea- culverts under Murray Boulevard xnB i�1979,seeksto"achieve a lot of bene- it fails,we may nezd ttiat optioa." In'a letter to the counciL Weil s�id menbers should detemrine how the city verton Greek drainage i�provement the GenerBi Moters-Burliugtoe North- fit while hoIding.tfie price down," Accoiding to the eity charter, city he did not antici ate redeveIoping his could glay a Iaz'8er future role ia creek pmjects thai cotild yield up to S2l1 mi1- ern railroad spur,instailirtg a continu- Bowlas tola She counciL voters must approve urban rensivatpra ]and"for at]east 10 to 15 years,if at .maintenance,the council also decidea. , lioa in developable land for an estimated ous closed culvert ftom Golf Cceek to Eleven project altemafives oifered .jects before they may be added 2o ihe all,"snd"without some type of funding Noting the absence of access ease- i S1.Z million:nvestment. Brosdway a�3 excavating the open Bea- by Kramer,�hin and May.o ranged in agency's adopted plan. assistance,I canaot justify ftom an eco•' ments:along the creek,community de, 1'he drainage improvemeau,whieh verton Creek channel west to Murray cost from$2.fi im'llionto$20 million: -Also debated was whether whe city nomic standpoint the consfrucrion of velopment Administrator Lon Topaz' aie expected tv lower the city's_100- B°uie°ard• The task force recommendeu.that shoul�subsidize the$79,100 cost of im the culverts," ' said 1ie city has not maintained the year flood plain imm 1� to 5 feet, The;,ouncii alsc authorizeii ciry em- the councii not consider using local im- statling a section of culvert on private Until the culvert section is instalied, creek in the past because it"has no I woutd free upproaimately 1Q0 acres in ployees to pursue funding for the pro- pzovement districts to fund the,city's' land between Broadway and Canyon properGes norLh of Canyon Road would legai nght to go on the proper[y to do the flood plaie for development. jects from federal,state and Wasling- share o:the project but r2ther use the Road.,T(ie property is otyned by Bob realize no lowering of the fiood plain, ��� _ � .�. _ I _ �