Planning Commission Packet - 08/09/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , . _ I J ,• .. ; , STAFF REP072T ( FINAL AC7?ION ; TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT j August 9, 1979 � Tigard City Hall b 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon r� � Dacket; Subdivision S 9-79 (McD�nald Acres) Reference: ZC 4-79 & GC 5-79 �� �. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. Janzen Owners: Same as applicants 9910' SW McDonald Tigard, Oregon ! Mr. & Mrs. Stack 10265 S.W. View Terrace Tigard, Oregon 97223 AppliCation Date: July 9, 1979 '; i Site T�ocations: Tax Lots 600 and 700 are located on S.W. Mr_Donald Street and the corner of S.W. O'Mara Street. Tax Lot 601 is adjacent south of Tax Lot 600 (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2�1 11HA, Tax Lots ; 600, 601 & 700) . ;:i ;' Request: T.o subdivide 5.17 acres into 21 lots in a R-7 "Single Family Residential" ; zone. 1 �` Previous Action: The sites received zone change apprnval from Washington County 'I �:�. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" by the r� � Tigard Planniizg Commission �n March 27, 1979, and adoption of �� the zone change ordinance by City Council on April 23, 1979. �� I. Firxdings o E Fact: 1. The si.tes are zoned and design ated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO ;' #6 Plan. 2. The applicants are requesting subdivision approval in accordanee with Section 17.16 of the Tigard Municipal Code. 3. Applicable NPO #6 Policies for residential development are as follows: "Density" - Policy #2 (page 3) �V "Streets° � Policy #3 (page 3) Gollector and local street standards "Other services" - Folicy #4 (page 3) "Site character" - Policy #6 (page 4:) ' 4. Sewer service will be provided to the subject site off S.W. McDo�aZd f Street. The applicants are members of the MeDonald Sewer Association consolidated to installing pressure line, gravity line and pump throughout seven property owner parcels. �. Water service is availab7.e to the site. i:.. , . . . . . . F'. � � �� f�`r� �.� { {+- �aa � STAFF REPORT °FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT August 9, 1979 ���_. S �-79_ � �, c`. Page 2 5. Southwest McDonald Street will serve as the major circulation facilities for the sites. It is designated "collector" street ' by the NPO #6 Plan. It is presently a county street and is in substandard condition having inadequate paving, rightof way ,' width and no curbs or sidewalks. 6, A letter of conc:ern by M: Everett Greer (home owner in the ad'acent Tn brand fIei hts subdivision re uests that the J ) 9e g q heic�hts of the buildings in the project not exceed one and a half stor_ies (to maintain the view from surroundin home owners) g and that the density be evaluated to determine if a study popula�ion problem for the local school will nat be overcapacitating (see attached letter dated 8/1/79) . 7. The applicants propose to subdivide the 5.17 acre area into 21, � 7,500 square foot lots. The total n.umber of lats is in keeping with the all�wabl.e dwelling units per gross acre (4 dwelling units as requi,re d iri the NPO #6 Plan) . 8. The Tualatin Rural Fire Proteation District Marshall has reviewed and approved the site plan for emergency vehicle access and fire apparatus facilities. • �� �;;: IT. Conclusionary Findings: 1. In discussion with Mr. Greenwood of the Tigard School District (on August 1, 1979) it was determined that all the schools in the project's area taave ample capacity. 2. Southwest McDonald Street is in need of ten (10) additional feet of right of way with half street improvements. 3. In so far as the applicants are members of the McDonald Sewer AssQCiation. They are two of seven members responsible f.or consolidating funds to cover a bond tha� will insure the construction of a pressure, gravity line and pum� (to be located. south of Mr. Marwither's property) . Outside of that responsibility the installation of sewer facility to their properties is independent. III. Final Action.: The subdivision request is approved subject to the following conditians: l. That ten (10) feet of right o£ way be dedieated to the City along the frontage of S.W. McI)onald Street with half street improvements to collector street standard prior to final p1:a� appraval. 2. That all houses not exceed one and a half stories above the ground �� 1e ve 1. jl I' x � � � � �N :':. .. �. . ...... .. . .. � . . . . .. .. ...: ::�.... ..._..._...:....... . .. _ � 5TAFF REPORT FINAL ACTION "TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT August 9, 1979 • S 9-79 �, Page 3 , 3. That the applicants pmrvicl� their share of funds to cover the expenses for the services outlined by the McDonald Sewer Association prior to issuanee of building permits. 4. Th�t the applicants submit site eonstruction and site drainage ; plans to the City Public Works and Building Departments for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 5. That sewer service be available to the site prior to issuance of building permits. 6o No chanqes will be made �.n app-roved plans o.r; specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate department and changes are approved by that department. Application tor changes will be made in writing and shall include applieable draWings, engineering specifications and ather details requested by the ' department. No construction sha1T take place in these instances until after the changes have been approved. Any de viation from , tha.s conclition will result in �the immediate posting of a stop work order on the project or any portion of the project. I�port written by: Ken Se1by Approved by: Aldie ard �, Associate City Planner Pla g Director � �I i ; i , �.�� � � STAFF REPORT FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT August 9, 1979 ,� Tigard City Hall 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket; Minor Land Partition MLp 18-79 RequESt; To partition a 39,158.30 square foot lot into three (3) parcels (16,410, 9,826 & 14,746 square foot parcels) iri a }2-7 "Single Family Residential" zane. Location: 11405 SW 90th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35DB, Tax Lot 2600) . Applican�t: Lyle V. Lilja and Georgia S. Li1ja 11405 5.W. 90th Tigard, Oregon Io Findings of Fact: 1. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with 5eetion 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code to divide a 39,158.30 square foot lot into three parcels (16,410, 9,826 & 14,746 sguare foot parcels) in a R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone at I1405 S.W. 90th, 2, The site and surrounding area is designated on the NPO #2 Plan as '°Urban Low Density Residential" and zoned R-7 which has the following applicable requirements: t o 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (18.20.030 Tigard Municipal �... code) . 0 5 foot side yard setback for one story buildi.ng (18.20.060 Tigard Municipal Code) . i 3. The site has an exist:ing hou:;e on the southern portion of the lot, � a garage on the southeast por.tion of the lot, and a shed on the northern portion of the lot. ; 4. The site is bounded by single family dwellings on all sides. ' 5. Southv�rest 90th Avenue is a local street as designated in the NPO #2 Plan. Right of way £ar a local stree� is 50 feet. � i 6. Water service is available from a 4 inCh line in S.W. 90th Avenue. � � Sanitary sewer service is available from an 8 inch line in a.W. 90th Av�nue at the northeast corner of the lot, however, due to the distance and elevati�n from the proposed house to the sewer connection, sewer hookup Tn.ay be limited. 7. Parcels I, II & TTI have adequate access to a public street. � F 8. There are a numbex of inop�rable cars located behind thP garage. y Y 9. It is questionable whether or not the shed on the proposed new f ��� parcel ma�.ntains a five foot setback from the rear lot line. � �i � � � � jl 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 4 ' . . � . . � �. . � . � . . . � . . t . 5TAFF REPORT � FINAL ACTTON � TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT i August 9, 1979 t .� ML� 18-79 � Page 2 � k II. Conclusionary Findings: � 1. The proposal conforms to the "Urban Low Density Residential° � designation of the NPO #2 Plan in t�lzat: A- a. Adeguate water service is available to the site. ' . f b. The proposed 1ot sizes (16,410, 9,826 & 14746 square feet) ' exceed the minimum lot size required in a R-7 zone. 4! F 2. Southwest 90th Avenue is in suk�standard con dition (no curbs or sidewalks) , i ti III. Fina1 Action: ; ' Based upon the findings an1 facts enumerated above, the proposed mi.nor land pa.rti�ioning is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. That an agreement not to remonstrate against the formatic�n of a local improvement district for street improvements to S.W. 90th Avenue (to local standards) be filec3 with the City Recorder. 2. That the inoperable cars be removed from the site (Tigard Municipal �. Code 7.40.050) . � 3. No building permi.ts will be issued until adequate sewer service is availabl,e to the proposed new parcel. 4. That the shed located on the proposed new parcel maintain a five , foot se�tback from the rear lot Zine. ';ry �I Report approved by: Ald e ward � P1 in Director ,� I 's ;{ 1 4 � f i f � 1 .�..._, . . , , x _ STAEF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Tigard City Ha11, 12420 S.W. Main St. 4 July 30 , 1979 DOCKET; Minor Land Partition MLP 17-79 (Mozafar Behrooznia) REQUEST: Lot line adjustment by the relocation of the c�mmon boundary. SITE LOCATION• 10050 S.W. Johnson Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BB, Tax Lots a00 and 1100) APPLICANT: �Moza.far Behrooznia 10050 S.W. Johnson Tigard, Oregon 97223 SIT.E DESIGNATION: R-7 "Single Family Residential" FINDINGS OF FACT: The applicant is requesting an adjustment of the lot Iine by the relocation of the common boundary between tax lots 800 and 1100 (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BB) No additional parcel(s) is (are) created and the lot line adjustment does not alter the minimum lot size established by the applicable zoning ordinance. The site is designated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #2 Plan and zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential". In an R-7 zone the minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred square feet. S.W. Johnson is c�esignated as a local residential street requiring a 50 ft � right-of-way. The Plan does not recommend the extension of S.W. Johnson to 100th 5treet. Water and sewer facilities are available a�long S.W. Johnson Street. Surrounding land uses include single fami.ly homes and a park across S.W. Johnson Street. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: The applicant's request conforms to the NPO #2 Plan and is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Adequate water and sewer facilities are available to the site. � The p roposed lot sizes excee d the minimum lot size requirements. � I � _ � � � . � ��� '.... . ... . . . . . _ . . . . ... . .. . . . � . �� . . . . . . .. �;` . . �. . . . . . . . . . �r� IJ , STAFF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � MLP ;17-79 (Mozafar Behrooznia) i' JulY 30 , 1979 4' Page 2 '� 41 F'I , FINAL ACTION: k'', Based upon the Findings of Fact as enumerated, the proposed lot line adjust- ment is hereb a roved sub'ect to the followin conditions : Y PP J J 1. That the applicant dedicate a 5 ft right-of-way along the frontage of vl the site on S.W. Johnson Street, with half-street improvements to local street standards prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. A direct connection shall be macle to the pul�lic sewer in full compliance with the rules and regulations of the Unified �ewerage Agency and the approval of the City Engineer. ;. 3. That construction and drainage plans be submitted and approved by the City Engineer and the Building Department prior to the issuance of building pe rmi ts. 4. That no structure shall be permitted to occupy two independent tax lots. Report prepared by: A m . Babar Report reviewed by: Ald ard � � C ity Design P].anner Pl n Director � s f ' i I � ! i � i I i �s �r-,.. _ -. _ _ _ _. „ J STAFF 1�PORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT . CITY HALL, 12420 S.W. Main SL ' July 17, 1979 DOCKET: Subdivision 6-79 (Golf Creek Estates) REQUEST: To subdivide a 2.83 acre parcel into eleven lots SITE LOCATTON: Southwest corner of S.W. Durham Road and S.W. 108th Street 1�1PPLICANT: Michael D. Elton 500 N.E. Multnomah Suite 380 Portland, Oregon 97232 SI`�� DESTGNATIC�I: R-7 Single Family Residential PREVIOUS ACTION: The Tigard Planning Commission on September 5, 1978 approved the applicant's request for a zone map amendment for a tract of lan d, depicted on Wash, Co. Tax Map 2S7_ 15A as Tax Lot 1500, from Wash. Co. "R5-1" to City of Tigard "R-7" Single Family Residential (Ref: ZC 16-78) . The Tigard Planning Commission at thei.r regular meeting of March 6, 1979 denie d the applicant's request for a conditional use permit in regards ; constructing duplex units on the subject site. t: FINDINGS OF FACT: The site is designated as "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #6 Plan and zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential". The applicant proposes to subdivide and construct eleven (11) single family units with the smallest lot size being 7,500 sq f_t and the largest 15,000 sq. ft. The site is split by a Creek which flows north to south through the area. A major portion of the property is in the natural drainage way. Water lines are adjacent to the site and the Summerfield Trunk Sewer line is being designed to pass through the site in the creek area. � S.W. Durham Road is designated as a residential arterial road in the NPO #6 Plan with the necessary right-of-way of 90 ft. S.W. 108th is designated a � local street, i CQNCLUSIONARY FINDTNGS: The applicant's request for a zone change, to City of Tigard R-7 Single Family Residential, was approved by the City Council October 23, 1978 subject to con- ditions as enumerated. '' � � � i , � STAFF RFPORT TTGARD PLANNING COMM2SSION - July 17, 1979 a page 2 A major portion of the subject site fal,ls within a natural drainage system � From the Pond across Durham Road in Summerfield. No buildings carz be plaeec7 on this portion of the property. .Acc�ss from the western por.tion of this site on to Durham Road is eontrary to Washington County Policy to limit access to Durham. Site has been designated for higher density development_, recently by the Tigard City Council on May 21, 1979, STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends denial of this proposal for the f.ollowing reasons: 1. Access/ingress to westei� portion of property is not appropriate, ' Durham Road' sh�ll reznair� a "Limited access road". 2, Spanning of this natural drainaye way is not appropriate to serve the western portion of the property. ;ie Area is now designated for apartment units. Single Family Residences are now not appropri_ate. GENERAL STA�'F COMMENTS: Ironically Mr. Elton's original proposal for a Senior Citizens Retirement Compl:ex may now be posszble for this site. If the app3.icant wished to reapply for a planned develo,pment retirement cent�r, staff would pr�cess same. In consideration of the number of times Mr. Elton i�as ap�fiied for applica�- tion to •this site, The �ee for the planned development will be waived. � Report prepared by: Ken e y Report review by: Aldi ard Asso ate City Planner Pl Director / ' � STAFF I2EPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ju1y 11, 1979 Tiyard City Hall, 1:2420 S.W. Main St ;�, DOCKET: Minor Land Partition MLP 16-79 (Ba.rbee Court) EtEQLTEST: To p artition a .45 acre parcel into two lots LOCATION: 11855 S.W. 91st Ave. (Wash. Co. 1S1 35DC, Tax Lot 2400) !� i APPLICANT: The Tiburon Company ; 267-A Avenue ' Lake Oswe go, Ore gon 9 70 34 i E S2TE DESIGNATION: R-7 Single Family Residential °; � � � � � � � FINDINGS OF FACT: ':i The applieant is requestinq permission in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to partition a .45 acre parcel into two lots of approximately .22 and .23 acres respective'ly. Parcel one (I) will con- tain tYxe single family residen ce and Parcel two (TI) will consit of a 10,107 � � , s� ft "flag" lot. �' The site is designated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #2 Plan and zoned R-7 °'Single Family Residential". ,; ' �: ` Water and sewer facilities are available along 91st street. �� S S.W. 91st street zs designated as a local street with 50 ft of right-of-way. ' ;,' Surrounding land uses �nclude the existing Villa La Paz apartment complex to '` the south, vacant land to the west, and single family homes in the vicinity. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: "; The applicant's request conforms to the applicable NPO #2 Plan policies and zoning requirements. � " Adequate sewer and water facilities are available to the subject site. ;; ;.:� The proposed lot sizes exceed the minimum lot size requirements. A 15' sanitary and storm sewer easement is proposed to l�e located along the northem property botxndary. This easement will provide for utilities servic- �''J ing the proposed subdivision of the tax lots 2800 and 2900 on Tax Map 1S1 35DC '1 whi�h axe adiacent and to the west of this site. �, ;;a {� ... i.'�."tl i' .� . �''��:�:1 � �:t .',� t � i S r, I },",'S y . . . . . �.5:.;.� . . . � . � . �:�i . . . ...z.:� . � . . . � `,j�!. . ' . �: �.:...� , . . . � . I,�i � � ; 0 , � � ST.AFF REPORT � TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I ,7uly 11, 1979 MLP 16-79 (Barbee Court) i � Page 2 � � � � � � � � � i F � FTNAL ACTION: �" Based upon. the findings of fact, as enumerated above, the proposed minor `; land partitioning is hereby approved subject to the following conditions : =' i 1. A direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in full compliance with the rules and regulations of the Unified 5ewerage Agency and the � City Engineer. I 2. That the applicant dedicate a five ft right-of-way far the improvement of � S.W. 91st to local street standards and also required to complete half- t street improvements on S.W. 91st prior to the issuance• of a building permit. Report prepared by: Babar Report approved by: A1 ' oward o ity Design planner P1 i Director �•' �� �; �' t x, c , t. �. 4, ':� �� t. �:� `�I �'�i �'"i � � I � F�I . . . . � � . . �'�,'{, (� �:1 . . . . � � . . . . � . . .. . �a�. �: : ; _ : _ _ _, . .. .,,._:,.�� �, r STAFF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � �7une 28, 1979 Tigar.d City Iiall 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: Minor Land Partition MLP 13-79 REQUEST: To partition a 6.53 acre parcel into three lots. LOCA7.'ION; North of 9110 S.W. Burnham Road {Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2AC, Tax Lat 200) APPLICANT: Page N. Stevens 17050 S.W. Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego, Oregon SITE DESIGNATION: C-3M Main Street Commercial PREVIOUS ACTION: 1. On February 26, 1979 the City Council app roved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment allowing boat sales on the subject property, and allowing boat sales to be conditional izse in C-3NT zone. 2. The Planning Director on April 9, 1979 approved with conditions the applicant's request for site plan and architectural review of a marine sales and service center (in reference to Stevens � Marine SDR 15-79 FINDINGS OF FACT: ,� i. 1�,: 1. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordanoe with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to partition a 6.53 ac�e parcel into three lots. The intention is to construct a marine sales and service center. 2. The site is designated "Commercial-Re.tail" on the NPO #1 Plan and zoned C-3M Main 5treet Commercial. 3. A substantial portion of the property lies within the 100 year flood plain zone. 4. Water and sewer facilities are available along Burnham, a designated collector street. 5. Surrounding land uses include the existing Tektronix Building to the southeast, vacant land and the Tigard Machine Shop across Burnham and to the northeast. Fanno Creek and the designated "Greenway" abutts the site directly to the south. � � �; {;; �:. � � .. . � . . . ,. , � . .. . . .� . . : -.�.i.: . ` ti,� � - , . . � . . . � � .. . � . ... . � .. � . �; } .. � . . � . . � � . � �� ;i STAFF REPORT j,� TTGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT June 2 8, 19 79 {; Page 2 � MLP 13--79 '; 'i i' �, CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: �:� 1, T.he applicant's request conforms to the zoning requirements and ;;; is in compliance with NPO #1 Plan. 2. A substantial portion of the property lies within the 100 year flood plain zone. s.i 3. The proposed lot sizes exceed the minimum lot requirements. 4. Adequate sewer and water faci_lities are available to the site. FINAL ACTION: Bassed upon the findings of fact, as enumerated above, the proposed minor lan d partitioning is hereby approved subject to the following conditions. 1. A direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance r'; with the rules and regulation.s of the Unified Sewerage Agency. 2. That the applicant dedicate a 10 ft, right-of-way for the improve- ment of Burnham to collector street standards and � complete half-street improvements on Burnham prior to the issuance �-; of a building permit. �,; r, F� �i 3. The lower porti.ons of any permitted structures shall be floodproofed or otherwise protected from significant damage by inundation to a minimum flood s rf ce e e t' e u a 1 a ion nn e- v and on hal f fee t above the surface elevation of the regulatory flood. � 4. That the applicant dedicate that portion of the property subject '` to periodic inundation, to be maintained as open space and part of the "Greenway". `? � Re ort re ared b �? p p p y: ar Approved by: Ald oward ,;� C uni y Design Planner Plan g Dix•ector '� ;� w,'� F'� ,;;J � 4� 1 � 1.:� 4� !'S ri �1� �r+ . .. . .. . .. �.,�1 1� ��i �ta i' f:: i � . . � � . � . .. . i, �� ,- ,.... . . . .. � .. . . . - . �..:.� ., ._,,.,,. :� . . . .. . � . � - .. . �... . . . . ... . � . . . � }.,! �' STAE'F REP02�T - FINAL ACTION �i ,� TIGARD PLANNI;L�IG DE�ARTMENT ;� May 9, 1979 �i Tigard City Hall F 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Or�gon ; Docket: Minor Land Partition MLP 10-79 (Ref: TU 5-79) A Applicant: Ken Bouman Owner: Melvin T. McBride 9290 S.W. Durham Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 Application date: April 19, 1979 Site Location: S.W. 92nd and Durham Road, approximately 300 feet south of Durham Road. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 14A, Tax Lot 400) Request: For a minor land partition to divide a 1.22 acre parcel into two lots. � Previous Action: A temporary use permit was administratively approved for 60 days on P,pri1 ?3, 1979. It wi11 expire June 23, 1979 at 12:00 midnight. ; I. Findings of Fact: � � ; � l. The app�.icant is requesting permission, in accordance with Sec- tion 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to divide a 1.22 acre parcel into 31,500 and 16,200 square foc>t parcels in a R-7 zone at 92nd and Durham Road, appro�cimate].y 300 feet south of Dur- ham Road. 2. The site is designated "Urban Low Density Residential" on the NPO #6 Plan and is presently zoried R-7 which has the following applicable requirements: 0 7500 square foot minimum 1ot size (18.20.030 (1) TMC) . 0 5 foot side yard setback for a one story building (18.20.060 (2) TMC) 3. The site has a house on it, with no ioundation, which was granted by the Temporary Use Permit, 4. The surrounding uses include: single family dwellings to the east, north and northwest and open fields to the west and south. 5. S.W. 92nd Avenue is designated in the NPO #6 Plan as a local street with a right-of-way width of 50 fEet and pavement width of 34 feet. The current right-o�-way width is 50-57 feet. 6, Water service is available from an 8 inch line off of 92nd Avenue. Sanitary sewer service is available aff of Durham Road. ;� �� � , �' - -_ . � ,.� ,,', ,.j ;i ',} .;1 ST�1b'F REB�O},2T - FINAL ACTION j TIG.ti,RD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ; :�t� May 9, 1979 � � �� � Pac�e 2 �,� MLP 10-79 7, L�t 400 has just �0 faet of access off of Durham Road. ''i II. C�nclusionary Findings; 1. The proposed conforms to thP "Urban Low Density Residential" desi • tion t 6 a of he NPO # Plan in th t• � a . a. Adequate water service is available to the site. b. �'he proposed lot si�es (31,500 and 16,200) square feet exceed the mi.nimum lot size required. 2. S.'vV. 92nd Avenue is in substandard condition with no curbs or side- i walks. 3. Lot 400 has 10 feet of acesss off of Durham Road. However, by partitioning this parcel the western portion will not be abut�ting a public street which is in violation of Section 17.36.020 of the Tigard Municipal Code which states that "the subdiv�iding of the land shall be such that each. lot shall abutt upon a public street:"' Also, section 17.24.030 of the Tigard rilunicipal Code which pertains to this subjeet states that "if i;he proposal inc].udes or should the l�lanninr� director require the dedication of land and easements for roads or streets, the proposal shall not be processed as a minor land partition but may be only resubmitted pursuant to the require- ments of this title with respect to maj�r land partition or sub- division, " Therefore, any action in this area in the future will be oonsidered under the conditi�ns of a major land partition ar sub- division. III. Final Action: Based upon the findinc�s and iacts enumerated above, the proposed minor land partition is hereby denied for the following reason: 1, The western �ortion of the proposed partitioned parcel (�pproximately 31,`+00 sc�uare feet) will not be ab�utting a �ublic street as r.equired by Section 17.36.020 of the Tigard Municipal Code. ', l Report prepared by: Lori ��inio-Meuser Approved by: a ; Plan i Intern i irector ° i r � � �i � (i � i �, , �I .. ' � . . . . .. . . . t.,�. . � � . . � . . � . {���: . � . . � . . � . . � . . . . . . � . .... .'t � . . . . � � ,. � .. � .. � � � % _ � � ', I � STAFF REPC�E2T - FINAL ACTION s. TIGARI� PLANNING DEPARMTI�TET E May 2, 1979 Tigard City I3a11 � 1242p �,w, Main Street - Tigard, Uregan fII Docket: Niinor Land Partition MLP 9-79 i Request; To divide a 23,025 square foot lot into two parcels (10,936 and �� 12,089 sguare feet) ' Location: West of Hall Boulevard and north of S.W. Pinebrn�lt St�•e�t. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AD, Tax Lot 400) (Paicel A: �i595 S.W. Pinebrook Street) � (Parcel B: 8605 5.W. Pinebrook Street) Applicant: Doris Hartig Owner: City of Tigard I. Findings of Fact: l. The site is designated "Urban Low Densi�cy" on the NPO �6 Plan �n�3 is presently zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential" which has the following applicable requirements: 0 7500 square foot minimu�-n 1ot size (18,20.030 TMC) 0 5 foot side yard setback for one stozy building (18.20.060 TP�C) 2. The applican� is requesting permi.ssion, in acoordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to sus�d.i�ide a 23,0?S square foot lot into 10,936 and 12 ,089 square ioot parcels west of Hall Boulevard and north of 5.�4. Pinebrook 5treet. 3. The site had no existing structures and some trees and shrubs. 4. 4/5 of the site is in a drainageway area. 5. The surrounding 1an d uses are du�lexes to the �ast, single family homes to the north, west and south. 6, The site and surroun ding area is designated as "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #6 Plan. 7. aanitaY•y sewer services are available off of the lot itself. I 8. r7ater is available from a 6 inch line in S.W. Pinebraok 5treet. 9. �ublic access to the site will be onto 5,6�. Pinebrook Street. 10. S.+V. Pinebrook Street is designated as a loaal street on the NPO i #6 Plan, having 50 feet of right-of-way and 34 feet of paving. The current right-of-way width is 50 feet. � I2. Conclusionary Findings: 1. This proposal conforms to the "Urban Low Density Resi.dential" � ; ; STAFF REPORT - FIN�I, ACTION ' TTGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT , D'!ay 2, '1979 (�"-. Page 2 MLP 9-79 designation of the NPO #6 Plan i,n �hat: a. Adequate water is available •to the site, b. The proposed lot sizes {10,936 and 12,089 square feet) exoeed the minimum lot size required. 2. S.W. Pinebrook is in substandard condi�ion (no sidewalks) III. Final Action: Based upon the findings and facts �nizmerated above, the pxoposed minor ' larxd partition is hereby approved. Subject to the following conditionc I. That a 2� foot strip on the western boundary of the property line of the lot be set aside for a landscaped isTand and that the owner of the property abuttir►g the western oroperty line set aside 2� feet for the landscaped island. This is in response to a request by the, abutting �roperty owner to eliminate a 35 foa� bare strip resulting from two driveways side by side. It is the intent of the Ci'ty of Tigard to declare this property "sur- � �lus" and to sell it. T Report prepared by: Ap�aroved by; Al oward ' Lori Mastrantonio-Meuser � ni g Dire:ctor Planning Intem ; � � 1 � ����I i �, . ,; --...-.�.... . . . . � . .. . . . . � 7 t; � �'�. 4,�'��'.�.,, � . . STAFF REPQRT - FINAL ACTION I TIGARD PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT '1 �"` A�ri l 26, 19 79 l �� Tigard City 23a11 1242D S.W. Main Street - Tigarc3, Oregon Docket: Mi.nor Land Partition MLP 8-79 Request: To l�a.rtition a 30,000 square foot �arcel from a 10.70 acre l�t in a � C-3 "Gene�ra? Comnercial" zone. Location: 11676 S.W. Barbur Boulevard (�Vash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DC, Tax Lot 500) Applicant; Eastgate Theatres, Tnc. Owner: Thomas P. Nloyer 919 S.W. Taylor St. , Portland, Oregon 97205 ; I Findings of Faet: 1. The site is presently in a C-3 "General Commercial" zone and is des�_gnated "Industrial Park" and"Highway Commereial" on the NPU #4 ; Plan. 2. The applicant is rEquesting permission in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to partition a 30,000 square � ��.`�, foot parcel from a 10.70 acre lot at 11626 S.W. Barbur Boulevarde �"' 3. The subject site has two movie screens , restrooms, and a small build- ing at the entrance of the theatre. A nepartment of Fnvironmental Quality test center is located on this property and in use during the daytime hours. The surroundi:ng uses include: single family dwellings to the east and sauth, a �y�nn�,astic studio to the west and vacant land to the north. 4. The surroundi�zg area is designated "Highway Commercial" to the north and northwest, "Indus�rial Park" to the west, "Urban Low Density" to the south and "Urban Lc�w Density" and "Office Park" to tlz� east in the NPO #4 Plan. The following requirement is applicable. Section 18.28.030 lot require�nts (from the Tigard Muniaipal Code) (1) Minimum lot area sha11 be thirty thousand s�uare feet. 5. Approximately � of the subject site is in a drainageway area. 6. 72nd Av�enue is designated as a collector street with a right-of-way width of 6D feet> and a pavement width af 40 feet in the NPO #4 Plan. i The current right-of-way width is 40 feet. � 4 , 7, Pacific Highway is designated as an arterial street with a right-of- �; way width of 80-120 feet and a pavement width of 12 feet per lane in ; � ;, �; 1� �: � � � c i f � t: � «. �] , _ _ M' . :.�.. _..:-_ �-:�. . ,. . .. .. . . .. , ... ... . � . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . � .:, .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... . . . :���.�I ..A... � . . � � � . . . . .. Y�W.� .a . .. � �' STF,FF REPORT - FINAL ACTION ' TIGARD PLADTNING DEPARTMENT ,�. , April �6, 1979 Paqe 2 MLY 8-79 the NPO #4 Plan. 8. 72nd Avenue is in substandard condition (no curbs or sidewalks) 9. Water service is available from a 4 inch line in Pacific Highway and a 12 inch line in 72nd Avenue. 10. Sanitary sewer .service is available ofE of 72nd Avenue and across the northern boundary of the lot. Presently, the facility is �n septie tank. 11. There is adequate public access off of Pacific Highway. �I. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The proposal conforms to the NPO #4 Plan designation of "Highway Commercial" and "Industrial Park" and the current "General Commer- ; cial Zone" in that: ' ; i (a) Adequate water is availaY�le to the site. ! (b) The pxoposed lot size (30,000 s�uare feet) meets the minimum � ; �" lot size required. �:� 2. The right-of-way width on 72nd Avenue is inadequate for a collector s�treet. } TII Final Action g � Based on the findings of fact as stated above the proposed minor 1and ;� partition is hereby approved with the following conditions. ? l. That an agreement not to remonstrate against the for.mation of a local improvement district for street improvements to 72nd Avenue (to Col- °� � lector street standards) be filed with the Gity Recorder. ;; � 2. That an additional 10 feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City � on 72nd Avenue. '; 3. That a 30 foot wide strip 30 feet in depth abutting the present righ�- of-way of Pacific Highway be dedicated to the public as access for i� the buildings northeast of the entranee of the theatre. � Report prepared by: T�ori � �_ io-Meuser Approved by: A ward � Planr�'�n�at;e� Pl i g Direetor � i � i �. {` t I � � 1 1 ST.�'F REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3une 14, 1979 ' '�igard City Hall, 12420 S.W. Main Street Doaket: Minor Land Partition MLP 14-79 Request: To partition a .57 acre parcel into two lots. Site Location: 13800 S.W. 110th Avenue (Wash, Co. Tax Ntap 351 3DD, Tax Lot 1300) Applicant; Ronald K. tiVirth, 9430 S.W. 4th, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 Present Zoning: R-10 Single Fanu.ly Residential Previous Action: In reference to letter dated January 17, 1979, CU 32-78, the Tigard Planning Commi.ssion at their regular meeting of January 9, 1979 approved the applicant's (in this aase Mr. Ted Vonada) request for a conditional use permit to construct a duplex unit at 13800 S.Tn7. 110th (i9ash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1300) I. FTNDINGS OF. FACT• l. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section ].7.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to partition a .57 acre parcel into two lots of 11,025 and 11,708 sq. ft, respectively. He is proposing to construct a duplex wzit on the western portion of the site and in addition, intends to sell and convert the home in the rear for duplex use. 2. The site is designated "5uburban Density Residential Development" on the , NPO #3 Plan and zoned R-10 "Single Family Residential" � 3. Section 18.20.020 (1) of the Tigard Municipal Code permits "Duplex Residen- tial, with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet: one duplex per lot or two single family attached units with a minimum lot are a of 5,000 sc�uare feet per unit." 4. The applicable policy from the Tigard Housing Plan is as follows: Policy 15, Provide greater diversity of housing density (e.g. , duplexes, i'our-plex, attached sinc�le family units etc.) 5. The proposed site slo�es from the southeast corner dropping approximately three percent diagonally to the northwest corner. One residential unit is existing on the east side of the lot. 7."he remaining vacant area has grassy and scrub vec�etation. The surrounding land uses include a residen- tial unit to the west and across S.W. 110th, vacant property to the north and immediatly east, which is a single tax lot (1301) whose owner intends to cons�ruet duplexes/single family units in the near future. Continuing east and directly south is the present construction of Garden Park Place. a planned duplex development. " ;� STAFF R�PORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT June 14, 1979 > � Page 2 MLP 14-79 6. S.W. 110th is designated as a local street requiring 50 ft. of right-of- way. The NPO #3 Plan Traffic Circulation Study also recommends extend- ing 110th Avenue southerly to form a connection between Fairhaven Way , and Gaarde Street. 7. A standard local street is being constructed within the Garden Park Place development, that when completed wi11 pass through lot 1301 and along the northern boundary of the subject site. a. Unified Sewer Agency service and Tigard T��ater facility are available from the east ap�roximately 140 ft. and the north alang S.W. 110th roughly 150 ft. II, CON(:LUSIONARY FINDINGS l. The applicants request conforms to the density limitations as expressed in the R-10 Single Family Residantail Zone and is in. compliance with the I Suburban Density designation of the NPO #3 Plan in that: a. Adequate water and s�wer service facilities are available to the subject site. b. The proposed lot sizes (11,025 and 11,708 sq. ft.) exceed the minimum lot size requirement for duplex construction. 2. S.W. 110th is in substandard condition having an inadequate pavement width, no curb, gutter or sidewalks. i 3. The request for duplex construction reflec�ts the vicinity's land use configuration in terms of higher density development. 4, There exists an identified public need to provide a diversity of housing types within the community as expressed in the Tigard Housing Plan. rTI. FIN.AL ACTION Based upon the Findings of Fact enumerated above, the proposed minor land partitioning is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant dedicate the adequate distance (as determined by the City Engineer? of right-of-way along S.W. 110th, and construct half street improvements to City standards prior to the issuance of building pe rmi.ts. 2. The applicant will dedicate three feet from the northwest property line �•,.. . . M' ., � . . . . . .. � . : � .. . . . . . . �... � . ...�,.� � � .. � .. . � � ' . � . . . .�:�.',. . . . . .. .. . . . � ..-_fl '' STAFF REPORT , ,, TIGARD PLANNTNG D�PARTMENT June 14, 1979 Page 3 MLP 14-79 moving east 92.6 feet, and dedicate 25.0 ft. from the northeast property line moving west 98.0 ft, with half street improvements prior ' to th� issuance of building permits. 3. Half-street improvements along the north�rnboundary of the subject site ed simultaneousl and or in 'con 'umetion with �the sub- struct / J shall be con Y division develonrient on the adjacent noxthem property (in reference to 5 2-79) . 4. That the required site, construction, anc� drainage plans be submitted ' and approved with the necessary bond agreement priox to the issuance of ! building �ermits. , 5. That access to the pxo�osed duplexes be off S.W. 110th, utilizing the existir�g driveway, un•til the local street north of the property is in- stalled. The driveway access will then be terminated. No access onto 5.+�. 110th directly from the site will be permi.tted after the completion of' the northern street. 6. The ap�licant shall submit plans for site design and architectural review. ,, 5taf f Repart Prepa By c A�?proved By: A]. ' oward Az. � Pl ni g Director Pi ng Tntern Jun� 1979 � � � ;i ,,. r 6� : STAFP' REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ��� � � � �une �.4, 19 79 � Tigard City Hall, 12420 S.W. Main St. y Docket: Minor Land Partition MLP 15-79 � � i Request: To partition a 14.59 acres parcel into two lots. , i Site Location: S.W. 72nd Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, Tax Lots 100 and 100-A1) . Applicant: 5outhern Pacific Transportation Company (Con voy Comp any) Present Zoning: M-3 "Light Industrial Zone" I. F3NDINGS OF FACT l. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section 17.2�.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to partition a 14.59 acre par- cel into two lots of 2.25 and 12.34 acres respectively. The applicant intends to lease the 2.25 acre lot to Convoy Company for their auto- mobile transport facility. 2. The site is designated "Light Industrial" on the NPO #5 Plan and zoned M-3 Light Industrial. ,.� 3. Water and sewer facilities are availak�le along S.W. 72nd Avenue. 4. S.W. 72nd Avenue is designated as a collector street and is intended to be developed as a three-lane road with a 60' right-of-way. 5. Surrounding land uses include a vacant parcel and mobile home park to the south and southwest respectively. Across 72nd Avenue an d to the west are the existing office complex and Simmons Company. II. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS 1. The applicants request conforms to the zoning requirements and is in compliance with the present NPO #5 Plan. 2. Although adequate sewer facilities are available to the subject site (along S.W. 72nd Avenue) , no connection has been provided as of yet. 3. The proposed lot sizes exceed the minimum lot size requirements. , 4. Pursuant to Section 17.24.040 of the Tigard Municipal Code, if the paroel of land to be partioned exceeds two acres and within a year is being partioned into more than two parcels, full compliance with all. requirements for subdivision may be required. ;� � _ __ ,�. � # � �� F; : : ii STAFF REPORT r TIGARD PLANNIN� DEPARTMENT 4 � :TUNE 14, 19 79 ;, � � MLP� ].5-79 �� � � � ��� �' Page 2 �', ;'; III<. FINt�L ACTION �:, �, Based upon the findings of fact, as errumerated above, the proposed minox :" land partitioning is hereby approved subject to the following conditions; • ;;,, l. That within thr.ee (3) years of such ti.me as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private sewage di,sposal. �ystem, '; a direct connection shall be made to the publi:c sewex in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Unified Sewerage Agency, and any septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage dis�osal �� � facilities shall be abandoned and filled wi:th suitable material as determined by 1aw. � , 2. That an agreement not to remonstrat€e against the formation of a local �' improvement district for s�reet improvements to S.W. 72nd Avenue (tQ co-1Tector street standards) be filed with the City Recorder. 3. In the inte-rest of safety and efficiency, the number of access points ' shall remain as they exist. ,' 1 4. In order to minimize or eliminate adverse� visual effects, all off- ;; street parking and loading/unloading areas shall be effectively ;�� Y screened from view from the public right-of-way (Section 18.59.Ob0 iv) . In this respect, the applicant shall submit a landscape plan [� for approval by the concerned staff inember. ;,`� � ' . . . . {�:i `t� � .. . . . . f��'I Prepared By: A Babar Approved By: d Howard � i, � ity Design Planner P n ng Director ' i ; J 8, 1979 ' ,:t ��� � � ,'�( k'9 � •:� � :.�� ,t a � . . :"�'.��.i ''I � ti id : . � � . � : . . . t:.i.! . . . . . . Y�;:. ��� . . . . � � .. � . ;. . . . . . � . ... F�� . � � . .. . . /�';: . . � . , � .. � . � . � �� . . . . .. . . . . .. � . . � � . . ' . .. .. . . . .. k,[ j i '. � .. . � . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ;_'. � � . � . � � � . ,j�� , �. .� ..:..� . .. . .. . . . . . . . ,, .:;.;v ,c -�'_ . ..F. _. ;. STAFF REPORT ,;,� TIGARD PLAN!NING DEPARTMENT � July i:l, 1979 { � Tigard City Hall, 12420 S.W. Main St, DQCKET: Minor Land Partiti�n MLP 12-79 (S�teven L. Jolivette) ', � R�QUEST: To partition a .93 acre parcel into two lots. �. LOCATION: 12800 S.W. Walnut Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 4AD, Tax Lot �500) ��! f APPLICANT: Steven L. Jolivette 8369 Cason Road Gladstone, Oregon 97027 SITE DESIGNATION: R-15 Single Family Residential PREVIOUS ACTION: �. A request by the applicant for a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RS-1 to City of Tigard R-15 "Single Family Residential" was approved by the Tigard Planning Commission on June 19, 1979 (Re: ZC 19-79) A conditiorial use permit was granted to the applicant to construct a �. duplex in an R-15 Single Family Residential zone (Re: CU 12-79) EINDINGS OF FACT: r: The .applicant is .re.c�uesting permission, in aoco�dance wi,th Section,17.24.030 of;tYie :Tigard Municipal Code.,, ,to partition:a ...9.3 acre parcel into 24.9�4 and 15..,3,9Q 'sq_ ft;,..lots:r �he intent is to constrtic�. a duplex' on the frontagP i P rope rty. The site is designated as "Suburban Low Density" on the NPO #3 Plan and is � currently zoned R-15 "Single Family Residential". i t Walnut is designated as a collector street, requi.ring a 60 ft, right-of-way The existing right-of-way on Walnut Street is only 50 ft. Sewer facilities are presently not availak�le. Adequate access to a public � street has b�en provided. � ; � ��� Surrounding land use include single-family dwellings to the east and south � an:d a vacant grassy field to the west. The subject site has two existing k'' single story xesidences in the southern portion of the parcel. �� �! CONCLUSIONARY E'INDINGS: ' �s 1. The proposal is in conformance with the NPO #3 Plan and is in com�liance ;'i with the present zoning. '' ;� x� t;l � t!� � � � � � � � � � � � 0 STAFF REPORT � TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � July 11, 1979 �=,4 MLP 12 79 F'` Page 2 2. Adequate water and sewer facilities are available to the site. 3. S.W. Walnut Street requires an additional 10 ft of right-of-way along the frontage of the subject site with half-street improvements to collector street standards. 4. The proposed lot sizes exceed the minimum lot size requirement. FINAL 'ACTION: Staff recommends approval subject to the follow:ing conditions: l. That the applicant dedicate five (5) ft. right-of-way along the frontage of the site on S.W. Walnut street, with half-street imp rovements to collector street standards prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. A direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in full compliance with the rules and re gulations of the Unified Sewerage Agency arc8 the approval of the City Engineering. 3. That construction and drainage plans be submitted and approved by the City Engineer and Building Departments prior to the issuance of build- ;� ing permits. 4. The applicant shall submit a site and landsaape plan for design ana architectural revi�ew�by the Planning Staff. Report prepared by: A, m . Babar Report approved by: Al� ward : �`C Design Planner P1 i Director „� i , ,r.,,,, „::, , � ..