Planning Commission Packet - 05/15/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � AGENDA TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION , May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.D4. � Fowler Junior High School - Incture Room 10865 S.i9. Walnu� Street - Tigard, Oregon l. Open Meeting: 2, Roll Call: 3. App roval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : 4. Planning Commission Communication: 5. Public Hearings: A. Staff Report B. Applicant's Presentation C. Public Testimony ' � l. Proponent"s 'L. Opponent's 3. Cross-Examination D. Staff Recomtnendations E. Commission Discussion & Action ZC 15-79 5.1a A request by the City of Tigard for zr�ne map amendment from 'dash. NPO #3,6,7 Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard Ft-7 "Single Family Residential° on the ,� followin g p arcels: Tax Map 2S1 11C, Tax Lot 1800; South of Sattler St. , east of 100th Ave. " " 2S1 11BD, " " 316-6; N. of S.W. Murdock, E. of 100th Ave, " " 2S1 11BC, " " 100Q & 17Q0; E. of 103rd, N & S of View Terrace Court " " 2S1 l0A " " 3100 3101 2501 2602 2201 and 2607; N � � . � � of Bu11 Mountain Road E & W of 114th Ave. " " 2S1 3BA, " " 140-30, 141-31, 139-29, 101-01, 102-02 , 103-03, 900, 7.Q02 & 1000; S of Katherine St, an d E af 121st St. " " 251 3BB, " " 6600 & 6700,; N of walnut St. and W of S.W. 121.st St. " " 2S1 12B� " " 2700� S of Bonita� E of 81st St NPO #5 ZC 16-79 5.1b A request by the City of Ti�ard for zone map amendment from Wash. NPO #3 Co. RS-1 to City of Tigard R-30 "Single Family Residential" on a 2.4Q acre parcel, located N of Bull Mt. Rc�ad & E of 5.'vV. McFarland Blvd (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 10�D, Tax Lot 1Q0} . ZC 17-79 5.1c A request by the City of Tigard for zone map amendment from Wash. NPO #3 I Co. R-30 to City of Tigard R-30 "Single Family Residential" , located S of S.W. Gaarde axid E of 125th 5t. (nlash. Co. Tax Map � � : .. ,. � . . . +!�.. � . � � . . � ��;,� AGENDA i: Tigard Planning Commission ;; May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Pag� 2 �, 2�1 IOBII, Tax Lots 700, 800, 9.00, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 14D0, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200 & 2300) A11 the for- mentioned lots are within the Hazeltree Subdivision Development: :i � ZC 18-79 5,1d A request by the City of Tigard for zone map amendment from �lash. NPO #3 Co. R-30 to City of Tigard R-20 "5inqle Family Residential", locat- ed N of Bull Mt. Rd and E of 117th Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBA, Tax Lots 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200 3300, 340U, 3500, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000, 4100, 4200, 4300, . 4400,_.4500, 4600, 4700, 4800, 4900, 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, 5600, 5700, and 5800) . Al1 the formentioned lots are within the Shadow Hills Subdivision Develo�ment. 5.2 COMPREI3�NSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 2-79 (The Robert Randall Co.) NPO #5 A request by the Robert Randall Co, to amend Neighborhood Planning Organization #S Plan as it is applied to a 9.16 acre parcel at 9755 S.t�T. Bonita Rd to change the need for a "5pine Road" to inter- sect S.vV. Bonita Rd at S.'vJ. 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 i2B, Tax Lot 401) . `; ZC 19-79 5.3 A request by the City of Ti ard o ame d borhood Planning NPO #3 Organization #3 Plan a it s ,p 'ed o a 3. 3 acre parcel from , "Retail Commercial" (C- ) o ' Sing e ami sidential" (R-7} , �' located at the corner o u11 o ai Ro and S.�V. 114th Street '' (:+Tash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1 A, Tax Lot 3600) . ;; ,< 5.4 CONDITIONAL USE CU 8-79 (Cambridge Internatzonal Corp.) NPO �6 k's j� A request by Cambr'dge I tei ion a Co for a Conditional Use Permit to c�nst c 12 upl x its n R-7 "Single Family =;� Residential" zone o .75 re ar 1 a 11 0 S.W. 98th Avenue (D,�ash. Co. Tax Map 1 35CD, ax L s 2 , 2300) i' 5.5 NON-CONFORMING U5E NCU 1-79 (Fred Meyers Home Improvement Center) NPO #4 A request by Jensen, Krause & Schoe�leber Architects & Planners to expand upon a non-conforming use in a C-3 "General Commercial" zone at 11565 5.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 36AC, ' Tax Lots 3400, 3401, & 3600; Tax Map 1S1 36DB, Tax Lots 102 & 201) . 'i D4 4-79 5.6 A request by the Summerfield Homeowners Association for a vaca- NPO #6 �` tion of o�mmon are a to divide ec�ually between the adjacent paroperty owners of tax lots 7600 (Lot 581) , 10101 (Lot 556) , � 10200 (Lot 555) and 9400 (Lot 582) . The two common areas are ''��� 10 ft wide each and are 52.42 and 69.10 fee�t lang (Wash. Co. Tax ;�;'i Map 2S1 11DC, tract Q) . �': �� 5.7 ZONE CHANGE ZC 14-79 (Dr. Alva Roberts & Lee Cunningham) NPO #7 I`; ��' A request by Dr. Alva Roberts and Mr. Lee Cunningham for a zone �; ii � , � � e:i r' � � �:�s ��.5� � � . . � � . .. . � , ��'.: _ . . . . . . .. . . . . � . .� , AGENDA Ti.gard Planning Commission � � May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. P�ge ,3 map amendment from Wash. Co. EL5-1 ta City of -Tigard C-P "Com- mercial--Professior�al" on a 1.38 acre parcel, located at 1253'0 S.W. Scholls Ferry Road., (Wash. Co, �ax Map 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2400) . 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: £3. Oth�r Business: ' a. 5ensitive Land Ordiance b. An Ordinance Amendinc� Chapter 18.56 rela�ting to Planned Develo�- ment `Districts 9, Adjournment . ; ._ � i f, -� , � r � ;; ,, j K . . � . � . . .. � . . . !:) �y. . . . � � , � �.�i '.� $7 - � � � . . . i,� . . . . . . . . �`� . ' . . � . .. .. I.`�. . . � � . . � .. . {'� . . . . . . . . ' . . � � � . t:�, . .. . . . .��.. . . � . � . . . � . . . . �� � � , � � � . . �` � . . . � . � . .. � . .. . . . .. [r�. . � � . . � � .. . � . . . � � . . .: C'�. . � � . . . . . . . �. � . . . . . � .1. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .�� � �..Y . '. . . . .. . . . . � f; ,: � �r � ,. , � ,: � .�{ , �I � � � �''� , � �,�i "ii � � � �� M"IIJTJ�TES� � I�'il TTGARD PLANNING COD'lMISSION ;;;',I � May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. ,' Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room ��I 1�J865 S.k7. *,�alnut Street - Tigar•d, Oregon ,,;I �; President Tepedino OPENED the meeting at 7:33 �.m. f�l �. ROLL CALL: � � ;:;; Present: Bonn, Funk, Kolleas, Herron, Smith, Speaker, Tepedino, Wood. Absent: Helmer Staff: Howard, Selby The idINCJTES of the May 1 meeting were considered, and corrected as follows: Page l, fifth paragraph, Iast sentence corrected to read: "It was agreed �. that Provision C as written duplicated Provision A as modified.° Page 2, last paragraph on Agenda Item 5.1, last sentence corrected to read: �:� "The motion was seconded and passed, with Smith and ;Jood voting no. " Page 4, fourth paragraph, second sentence, the word "negotiated" should be "negotiate." Page 5, Agenda Item 5.5, first paragraph, last sentence shou�ld read; "A � temporary use permit was previously gran-ted for 60 days from 3/19/79 - 5/17/79 �,�. by the Cit� Administrato�." (Underscore in dicates the correction.) The Presi- dent then entertained a motion for approval of these minutes as corrected, which was seconded and unanimously carried. f�y � r:!3 There were no COMMUNICATIONS to be heard at this time. �;;, ;,,., The President OFENED the public hearing by reading the usual notiae refer- ring to the Ordinance giving authority for the Procedure to be followed. �'E ,":. 5.1 Zone Changes 7,C 15-79, 16-79, 17-79� 18-79 NPO #3,6,7 '',';ti A request by the Citp oF Tigard for zone map amendment from �Vash. � � Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Ftesiden�:ial" on the ` ` „ following parcels: Tax Map 251 11C, �ax Lot 1800; South of aattl�r 5�, , east of 100th Ave " " 2S1 11BD, " " 316-6; N, of �.W. Murdock, E. of 100th Ave. " " 2S1 11BC, " " 1000 & 1700; E, of 103rd, N & S of View Terr. � ' Court " " 2S1 10A, " " 3100, 3101, 2501, 2602 , 2201 and 2607; N. of Bull Mountain Road E and W of 114th Ave. �:�:>' "' " 2S1 3BA, " " 140-30, 141-31, 139-29, 101-01, 102-02 , 103- ;;;; 03, 900, ],002 & 1000; S of Katherine Street and E of 121st 5treet. � � � � ;":t, , ' � � � �..' �,,y ;�,,� �<: �.�,� �;; � �� � � i��1 �`'t; ,,��, 1t, � �1�'..�,._ MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION + '`� May 15, 1979 - 7;30 Page 2 Tax Map 2S1 3BB, Tax Lot 6600 ar�d 6700; N of lr7alnut Street and 6� of S.�V. 121st Street. " " 2S1 12B, " " 2700; South of Bonita, East of 81st St NPO #5 5.1b A request by the City of Tigard for zone map amendment from Wash. NPO #3 Co. RS-1 to City of Tigard R-30 "Single Family Residential" on a 2.40 acre parcel, located N oi' Bu11 Mt. Road and E of S.W. MeFarland Blvd (i��ash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBD, �ax Lot 100) . 5.1c A request k,y the City of Tigard for zone map amenc3ment from Wash. NPO #3 Co. R-30 to City of Tigard R-30 "5ingle Family Residential", locat- ed S. of S.T�I. Gaarde ar�d E. of 125th Street (Wash. Co. Tax Ma.p 2S1 lOBb, Tax Lots 700, 800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600, 1700,1800,1900,2000,2100,2200 & 2300) All the formentioned lots are within the Hazeltree Subdivision Development. 5.1.d A re�uest by the City of Tiyard for zone map amendment from Wash. Nf�O #3 Co. R--30 to City of Tigard R-20 "Sin gle Family Residential", locat- ed N af Bull Mt. Rd and E of 117th Strezt (Wash Co Tax Map 281 lOBA, Tax Lots 24Q0,2500,2600,2700,2800,2900,3000,3100,3200,3300, 3400,3500,3600,3700,3800,3900,4000,41U0,4200,4300,4400,4500,4600, 4700�4800�4900�5000�5100�5200�5300�5400�5500�5600�5700� anCl 5800) . All the formentioned lots are within the Shadow Hills Subdivision Development. Iioward described these zone changes as a housekeeping measure , then read the STAI'F REPORT. There was no PUBLIC TESTIMONY. Howard then read the STAFF RE COMMEIJDATION. Commission Discussion: "v�ood MOVED and Speaker seconded approval of Zone Changes ZC 15-79, ZC 16-79, ZC-17-79, and ZC 18�-79 based on the Staff Report and Recommendation. Speaker asked for a map identification of certain tax lots not so labelled in. the reproduced maps supplied, res�onded to by Staff. He then g,uestioned the cost, if any, to the City by reason of the development of tYiese parcels to County standards, which do not include sidewalks and subsurface drainaqe. Staff responded that the cost of such improvements would not be borne by the City, Smith inquired whether any of these parcels might fall within sensitive lands. Howard replie d this had been considered, but that none so qualified. Thereupon the motion passed unanimously. �, 5.2 CPR 2-79 (ThE Robert Randall Co.) NPO #5 A request by the Robert Randall Co. to amend Neighborhood Plan- ning Organization #5 Plan as it is applied to a 9.16 acre parcel at 9755 5.��1. Bonita Rd to change the �eed for a "Spine Raad" to intersect S.'A. Bonita Rd at 5.6�. 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 401) . ��`.,, : �; �': i: MINUTES � TIGARD PLANNING COb'iMISSION May 15, 1979 - 7:30 � P�ge 3 r� rl f:' i. ' aelby indicated nn the wall ma� and an aerial view of the area the ;' location of the property, the present streets, surrounding land uses, general �' _ topo�raphy, development now taking place, and the pro�osals for the intersec- i; tion of the spine road with Bonita Road. He re�orted that Bonita is now carry- ing approximately 200 per cent of the traffic which its present condition warrants. He pointed out that the original NPC� Plan had the spine road connect ''! with Bonita thxou�h property tha�t is cuxrently being intensely developed. bVith the approval of the Pres�l.dent he then outlined the location mandated by the City Council, which is the Staff's recommendation, and the reasons therefor: (1) Bonita Road is already overloaded; (2) the most efficient entrazzce into an arterial is opposite ariother road; (3) the continuation of the spine road to Bonita as pro- " posed by the applicant is obviously several years away, since the owners of the �roperty over which it would pass have no intention of selling, thus enforcing use of a temporary entrance onto Bonita for an unduly prolonged period; (4) he cal- led attention to the mandate of the NPO #5 that development should not take place until public facilities are adequate to handle the burden imposed by development. 6Vood summarized the options discussed, to which Selby added as a possibility the re alignment of 79th in order to make it meet the spine road somewhere else. 2'he north end of 79th is currently vacant on both sides of its intersection with Bonita. � � S�encer Vail, Pla.nning Consultant, 4610 S.W. Belmont, Portland, gave tlze a APPLICANT�S PRESENTATION on behalf of Robert Randall Comp any. He reparted th at on APril 5 there was a meeting with NPO 5 at which no objection to �he applicant's concept was voiced. He dicussed a meeting in February with the City Engineering staff at which it was brought out a Tee intersection is acceptable to the City if # it is at least 150 feet away from another intersection. I3e stepped to the wall ,. maps and explained various alternatives, giving developers' appxoach to each, Fie outlineci the Randall Company's request on the map. , ��ood questioned the timing of the extension of the spine road to Bonita ' under the applicant's proposal. In extended discussion Vai1 did not give a direct answer, but felt the Randall concept tied in with the improv�ement of Bonita some years hence. Selby responded that the two parcels over whieh the Randall pro�osal for � the spine road would pass are not owned, as Mr. Vail inferred, by developers; at the present time they are owned, as Mr. Vail inferred, by developers; at the pre- i, serit time they are owned simply by landowners. Secondly, the NPO #5 meeting to which Mr. Vail refexred was attended by only one man, who lives near the south � end of the NPO, and he had little interest in the details of development along Bonita. i PUBLIC TESTIMONY in opposition was given by Pauline Weaver, 7865 S.6V. Bonita � A4INUTES TIGARD PLANNING CObIMISSION May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Page 4 Road, owne r of all tha p roperty over which the various alte rnative of the spine ' road as proposed woula pass. She objected on the grounds of destruction of large tir trees; leaving her with unbuildable land in the Eloodplain should she desire to develop in the £uture; adverse topography for an entrance onto Sonita. Besides� she does not want to sell. Lawrence '�leaver, same address, described the topography, which mades the ap�licant's and the City's proposal for entrance to Bonita impractical. He sug- gestd.d a road through the ap�licant's own property would ga.ve good access, with excellant visibility. The �resident called for the Staff Recommendation, even though the Staff Report had not been formally presented; it had, he felt, been ade�,uately covered in the preceding discussion. Howard read the STAFF RECOMMENDATION for denial of the ap�licant's request. In F2�BUTTAL Mr. Vail characterizecl his proposal as the most realistice approach to the problem. COMNiISSION DISCUSSION: Speaker asked why the spine road should not g� tlzrough the east side of the applxcant's p rope rty. Mr. Vail stated that would result in an intersection less than 100 feet away f.rom 79th, which would be un- acceptable from the City's standpoint, and would make the radius of the spine road �� too tight. Thern followed extensive discussion among T�Vood, Vail, Se1by and Smith on turning radius and entrance to Bonita, including the �ossibility of realigning the 79th Street entrance to meat the spine road. Smith suggested a 'L'ee off the spine road tc serve are as to the e ast. IColleas MOVED for denial, based on the Staff Findings and Staff Recommenda- tions. Speaker seconded. TnTood summarized reasons For denial of the proposal as submi.tted by the applicant--the only proposal on which the Commission L�roperly aould act. The motion for denial passed unanimously. 5.3 and 5.4 were withdrawn and removed from the agenda. 5.5 NCU 1-79 Fred Meyers Home Improvement Center NPO #4 A request by Jensen, Krause & Schoenleber Architects & Planners to expand upon a non-conforming use in a C-3 "General Commeraial" zone at 11565 S.rrl. Pacific Highway (6Vash. Co, Tax Map 1S1 36AC, Tax Lots 3400, 3401, & 3600; Tax Map 1S1 36DB, Tax Lots 102 & 201) Pdote: Commi.ssioner Wood withdrew from participation in the hearing of this agenda item because of what at some time in the future might be considered a conflict of interest. 'i �� Howard read the STAFF REPORT. � t { � J � i i, � �:•;,I . .� . . �:,:. � : + `j �r - MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �,i May 15, 1979-- 7e30 P.M. Page 5 The APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION was givan by Norman Drause of Jensen, Krause anci Schoenleber, Architects and Planners, o� Portland. He appro�ched directly the Staff Recom_*nendations: 1. He advocated trees b� placed 35 feet on center instead of 25 feet as � re commen de d. ; 2. He agr_eec� the landscape island on the south side of the main entrance might well be enlar.ged, but he urged retention of the more southerly right ttirn route through the island, stating t2iis scheme works well in other compl�xes of the company. 3. Maintenance of the �andseaping would be acaomplished through a l;and- scape maintenance company. 4. He saw no problem with the bus shelter at 71st Avenue and Pacific Hic�h- way. 5. I3e stated the ingress-egress at the southwes� carraer is shared with ' I a filling station. He felt prohibition o�' left turns from the parkirlg area waul,d be logical, but that left turns into the complax we� rela- tively nonhazard�us because of the platoon effect of the light at the �` main entranr.e, He felt to prevent lefthand turns into th� com lex would P be very hard to control, and could work a hardship on the service station. ::3 PUBLIC TESTIMONY i.n ap�osition was gresented by Helen Schubert, 7303 S.'�V. Spruce Street, who raised the question of why a parcel zoned R-7 should be used for parking and commeraial uses; there is no screening, as called for by Code, for residential areas; the intersection at 72nd and Spruce Street is the site of numer- ous near-accidents; employees in the complex park on residential streets rather than on-site, and block access to mailboxes, contrary to postal regulations. The STAFF R�COMMENDATION Was read by Howard. At the President's request he addrssed the objections raised by Mrs. Schubert: the screening will be handl- ed in site design review; the parking in R-7 zone can be correctec3 through a zone change; one stop sign may k,e placed at the i.nterseation of 72nd and S�ruce, but the property to the north is in the County, and the City has e�cperienced difficul- ty in working with them on such situations, but the City will try; employee park- ing spaces be designated for employees only; and the �ostal people and possibly the police will check on the obstruction of access to mailboxes, COMMISSION DISCUSSION; Smith raised the R-7 zoning issue: that Fred Meyer is essentially usir�g residential land for parking purposes. He also objected to the 7 per cent landscaping versus 15 per cent called for by presen�t ordinances, stating that if parking in acco.rdance with present code would reduce `; � � � ' �'��� 4' ;� t , f , �`i�`F ;' , '' MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 6 �arking to an inadequate level, the property is overdevelopecl. Bonn proposed grohibiting left turns from the eomplax at the southwest exit, and suggested more landscap.ing to relieve somewhat "the sea of asphalt". Funk believed, the right- hand turn at the main entrance should be permitted, contrary to Staff Recommenda- tion 2. Speaker favored this being permitted, but suggesi:ed the landscape island be enlarge d in a rectangle rather than a triangle. He expressed dismay that 60.2� of the site is covered with asphalt for parking, but r�cognized at times all of it is needed. On being asked by the President, Smith declined to make a mation, since the only one he would make would be for denial, which he felt would not be seriously considered. Bonn then MOVED for approval of NC 1-79 based on Staff Findings and Recommendations, l�ut with changes in the Recommendations as follows: l. That trees aYong Pacific Highway be placed 35 feet on center. 2. That the landscape island on the south side of the main entrance be en:larged, while stil.l retaining the right turn lane as proposed by the applicant. 3 and 4 as recommended by Staff. 5. That left turns from the complex at the southwest exit onto the high- j way be prohibitec]. � 6. (added) That the applicant apply for and receive a zone change on the "f `;i R-7 lots within the complex before building permits are issued. ', Kolleas seconded, and the motian carried with Smith voting no and Wood abstaining. Z'he Presdient declare d a five-minute recess at 9:15 p.m. 5.6 M 4-79 A request by the Summerfield Homeowners Association for a vacation NPO #6 of common area to divide equally between the adjacent nroperty owizers of tax lots 7600 (Lot 581) , 10101 (Lot 556) , 10200 (Lot 555) d ,; and 9400 (Lot 582) . The two common areas are 10 ft wide each and are 52.42 and 69.10 feet long (�Vash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11DC, tract �) . Howard read the STAFF REPORT. John 1�r3ams of Tualatin Development Company made the APPLICANT'S PRESENTAT20N. He explained that the original layout did not show these ten--foot accesses to the golf course faizway; that through a mistake theX were included in the layout on the ground; that Tualatin Develop- ,� ment Company currently holds title to them, never having deeded them with other property to the Summerfield Civic Association; and that it was now their desire �L ;; t''; '.',i i,': ,`i I . . � .. . . �!i , � . . � � .� . . � � � �� �i. I� . .. . . . . ._... _ ... .. _ .. . . . . . . � . . . . ... .. . . . .�. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COA4MISSION May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 7 to give deeds for these two parcels to the four adjoining property owners. There was no PUBLIC TESTIMONY. Howard stated the STAFF RECOMM�NDS approval. COMP�ISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: :aood MOV�D for a��roval based on Stafi Findings and Recommendation, seconded by Kolleas. Several clarifications were made on questioning by Speaker: that the applicant is property Tualatin Develop- ment Company rather than the Summerfield Civic Association (listed in Staff Re- port as Summerfield Conference Association) ; that the request is not to divide these parcels equally between the adjacent property owners, as stated; and that it was the Board of Direct�rs of Summerfield Civic Association rather than the ; "Homeowners Association in Summerfield" which voted to vacate these parcels. Speaker also asked if it would be �ractical for TDC to restore corner stakes, which apparently were destoryed in the construction �?rocess. It was agreed this would require a survey, which is not inexpensive, and would be of no benefit to TbC. Mr. Adams pointed out that the description of the deeded parcels would be by metes and bounds� which should be adequate for p ractical purpuses, now that the property is fully aeveloped. After some further clarification of various points the motion passed unanimously. ' 5.7 ZONE CHANGE ZC 14-79 (Dr. Alva Roberts & Lee Curiningham) NPO #7 � A request by Dr. A1va Roberts and Mr. Lee Cunningham for a zone ' ma� amendment from Wash. Co. RS-1 to City of `i'igard C-P "C�m- � mercial-Professional" on a 1.38 acre parcel, located at 12530 �I S.oV. Scholls Ferry Road. (6Vash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2400) . i Howard read the STAFF R�PORT. Alva L. Roberts, Jr. , D.V.M. , in his APPLTCANT'S PRESENTATION gave the bacl�ground ot' the request (this action is in the nature of unfinished business) . Howard read the STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The only question raised concerned th�: sewer situation, which was answere d by Staff. Thereupon Wood P40VED for approval of ZC 14-79 based on Staff Findings and Recommendations. The motion was seconded by Kolleas and passed unanimously. ; Under OLD BUSINESS the President stated he had written a letter to individ- � uals and agencies concerning the authority for Unified Sewerage Agency to construct sewers, pump stations, etc. , in the floodplain. He believes even public agencies should come before the Commission for permission. He called attention to a sewer ' pipe on the Fowler School grounds across Summer Creek, laid in such a manner that the pipe is about a foot above the bottom of the creek and at xight angl.e to the creek bed. Examples of �oor workmanship on the part of USA were cited. Legal aspects were explored without resolution, the question being whether USA is sub- ject to the Tigard Municipal Code. The President urged an opinion on this be secured from the City Attorney. Howard agreed one would be requested by Staff. ` � r � i ' � , _ , D . 6 MINUTES TIGARD PI.rANNING COMMTSSION ,,.�� May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 8 Howard reported that a suit has been filed against the City and the developer on the deaision of the Site Design Review Board not to allow the move- � ment of the re creation building fr�m the interior to the �erimeter of the project. He reported on the action at the City Council on the Way Lee-Hi Hat R�staurant access-parking situation and the possibility of a suit against the City on that matter. The draft Seizsitive Lands Ordinanc� was discussed. Howard explained corrections of typographical errors to be made and relocations he had made, a,nd additions requi m d b�cause of inadvertently omitted material. Wood and Howard worked out a slight modification of the density provisions of the draft Planned Development ordinance. It was agreed the draft Sensitive Lands and Planned Development ordin ances as discussed should be sent to the City Council as the recommendation of the Planning Commission to the Council. Smith inquired what happened to the smaller-lot ordinance at the city Council, responded to by Howard and discussed in some depth among the Commissioners. NEW BUSINESS; The matter of the timing of the reading by Sta£f of the Staff Recommendations was brought up by "✓�ood. It was the consensus tYiat unless there where circumstances which wuld make the procedure appear unwise in a par- � ticuZar situation, S�aff would read the Recommendations immediately fo�.lo�saing ° the Staff Findings and before the applicant made his p resentation. The President cleclared the meeting adjouined at 10;20 p.m. � 1' ' . � � PUBLIC NOTTCE . ' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 1 10865 S.W. Wal,nut - Tigard, Orec�on 5. Public Hearings: • S.la A request by the City of Tigard for zone map amendment from taash. NPO #3,6,7 Co. RCT-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" on the following parcels: Tax Map 2S1 11C, Tax Lot 18Q0; South of SattleY• St. , east af � 100th Ave. � " " 2S1 11BD, " " 316-6; N. of S.W. Murdock, E. of 1OOth Ave. , " " 2S1 11BC, " " 1000 & I700; E. of 103rd, N & S of View � Terrace Cour� � � " " 2S1 10A, " " 3100, 3101, 2501, 2602, 2201 and 2607; N � � of Bu11 M�untain Road E & W of 114th Ave. k 1° " 2S1 3BA, " " 140-30, 141-31� 139-29, 101-01, 102-02, ' 103-03, 900, 1002 & 1000; S of Katherine � St. and E of 121st St: � " " 2S1 3BB, " " 66Q0 & 670Q; N of FTalnut St. and W of S.�n1. � 12Ist St. �, " " 2S1 ,2B, " " 2700o S of Bonita, E of 81st S�. NPO #5 �Y �, 5.1b A request by the City of Tigard for zone map amendmen�t fron� Wash. NPO #3 Co. RS-1 to City of Tigard R-30 "Single Family Residential" on a 2.40 acre parcel, located N of Bu11 Mt. Road & E of S.W. McFarland Blvd (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBD, Tax Lot 100) . 5.1c A request by the City of Tigard for zone map amendment from Wash. NPO #3 Co. R-30 to City of Tigard R-30 "Single Fami,Zy Rasic�ential.°', located S of S.W. Gaarde and E of 125th St. (Wash. Co. Tax Man ,� � 2S_l lOBB, Tax 7�ots 7U0, 800, 900, 1.000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400,� 1500, 1600, 1700, 180Q, 1900, 2000, 2T00, 2200 & 2300) . "All' �he for- mentioned lots are wi�hin the Hazel,tree Subdivision Development. � , 5.1d A rec�uest by the City of Tigard for zone map amendment from Wash. �IPO #3 � Co. R-30 to City of Tigard R-20 "Single Family Residential", 1oca�ed � N o£ Bull Mt. Road and E of 117th StreEt (�aash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBA, � Tax Lots 2400, 2500, 260Q, 2700, 2800, 290U, 3000, 3100, 3200, 330'0, 3400, 35Q0, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000, 4100, 42Q0, 4300, 4400, 4500, � 4600 4700 4800 4900 50�0 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5500 5700 y � � � � . � . , , , , � � and 5800) . All the formentioned lots are within the Shadow Hills Su�division Development. � . � S.2 COMPREHENSIVE PT�F1N AMENDM�NT CPA 2-79 (The Robert. Randall Co.) ' NPO #S � A request by the Robert Randall Co. �.o amend Neighborhond Plari.ning prganization #5 Plan as it is applied to a 9.16 acre pazcel at • � i 9755 S.W. Bonita Rd to change the need £or a "Spine Road" ta inter- ; � sect S.W., Honita Rd at S.W. 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2Sl 12B, Tax Lot 401� , : , , . . _ _ .� _ . :.. ... ,,. , � PUBLIC NOTICE �i TIGAFtD PLANNTNG CObu`�IISSION May 15, 1979 -• 7:3d P.M, Fawler Junior HigI� ScT�ool - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut - Tigard, Oregon 5.3 . A request by the City of Tigard to amend Neighborhood Planning NPO #3 � Organization #3 Plan as it is ap�lied to a 3.43 acre parcel �.3�� fror.t"Retail Commercial" (C-3) to "Single Family Residential" l} �I (R-7) , located at the corner of Bull Mt. Road and S.t9. 114th ���� Street (t0ash. Co. Ta;s P9ap 2S1 10A, Tax Lot 3600) � 5.4 CONDITI0�IAL USE CU 8-79 (Cambridge Intern ational �orp.) NPO #6 �A request by Cai;ib�_�jge International Corp. for .a Conditional ' ,j �� Use Permit to construct 12 duplex units in a R-7 "Sing],e ;1����� Family Residential" zone on 3.75 acre parcel at 11900 5.�7. '� 98th Avenue. (i�Tash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35CD, Tax Lots 2200, 2300} 5.5 NON-CONFORMING USE NCU 1--79 (E'red Meyers Home Improvement Center) NYO #4 A request by Jensen, Krause & Schoenleber Architects & Planners I to expand upon a non-conforming use in a C-3 "General Commercial" �, zone at 11565 S.rI. Pacific Hignway (Wash. Co. Tax Ma,p 1S1 36AC, � Tax Lots 3400, 3401, & 3600; 'Pax i�ap 1S1 36DB, Tax Lots 102 & 201.) . i �,�,,. 5.�b A request by the Summerfield Homeowners Association for a vaca- NPO #6 I tion of Common area to divide e.�ually between the adjacent � properi:y owners of tax lots 7600 (Lot S81? , 10101 (Lot 556) , 10200 (.Lot 555) and 9400. (Lot 582) . 'rhe two conunon areas are 10 ft wide �ach an d are 52.42 and 69.10 feet long (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11DC, tract 2) , ZONE C�iANGE ZC 14-79 (Dr. A1va Roberts & Lee Cunningham) 5.7 A request by Dr. 1�l.va Roberts and Mr. Lee C�uzningham for a zone� NPO �7 i map amendment from ?nlash. Co. RS-1 to City of Tigard C-P "Cotn- I mexcial-Professi�nal" on a 1.38 acre narcel., located at 12530 S.'�1. Scholls Fer.ry Road. (T�]ash. Co. Tax P•4ap 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2400) . Note: This hearing may be continued to a date set speci.fic by the Planning Com.•nission. Publish TT 5/2/79 & 5/9/79 � ' y � 5TAE'E' REPORT AGFNDA 5.1.a, 5.1b, 5.1c, and 5.1d �, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � May 7.5, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior Hic�h School - Lecture Room 7.0865 S.W. [aalnut Street �- Tigard, Orec�on Docketc Zone Change ZC 15-79, ZG 16-79, ZC17�-79, and ZC 18--79 Appiicant: City of Tigard A�plication nate: May 4, 1979 Site Locations: ZC 15-79 Tax Map 2S1 11C, Tax Lot 1800; South of Sattlex St. , east of 1OOth F1ve. " " 2S1 11BD, " " 316-6; N. of S.t�T. Murdock, E. of 100th Ave, " " �S1 11BC, " " 1000 & 1700; E, of 103rd, N & S of View Terrace Court " " 2S1 10A, " " 3100, 3101, 2501, 2602, 2201 and 2607; N of Bul1 Mt Road E & W of 114th Ave. " " ?.S]. 3BA, " " 140-30, 141-31, 139-29, 101-01, 102-02, 103-03, 900, 1002 & 1000; S of Katherine St, and E of 121st St. " " 2S1 3BB, " " 6600 & 6700; N of ;4alnut St, and W oF S.W. 121st St. " " 2S'1 12B, " " 2700:� � of Bonita, E of 81st St. ; ZC 16-79 � .Located N of Bull Mt. Road & E of S.'�1. McFarland Blvd (i�ash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBD, Tax Lot 100) . ZC 17-79 Located S of S.[a. Gaarde and E of 125th St. (''rJash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBB, Tax Lots 700, 800P 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, & 2300) . A11 the formentioned lots are within the Hazeltree Subdivision Development. ZC 18-79 N of Bull Mt. Road and E of 117th Street (`�Vash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBA, Tax Lots 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000, 410D, 4200, 4300, 4400, 4500, 4600, 4700, 4800, 490Q, 5000, 5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, 5600, 5700, and 5800) . All the £ormentioned l�ts are within the Shadow Hills Subdivision Develapment. Request: For a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. Ru-4, R5-1, and 12-30 to C,ity of Tigard R-7, R-20, and R-30, "5ingle Family Residenitial." ' Previous Action: The above referenced parcels have been annexed into the City � They were developed to County Standards and are considere d improved to their fulles�t use. ?� � STAFF R�PORT fi� AGENDA 5.1a, 5.1b, 5.1c, and 5.1d TIGARD PLANNING COMMIS5TON May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 I. Findings of L'act: 1. Tax Lots in item 5.1a are designated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO i #3, #5, #6, and #7 Plans which permit four dwelling units per gross acrP. Parcels in items 5.1b, 5.1c, and 5,1d are designated "Suburban Low Density" on the NPO #3 Plan, permitting one to two units per gross �i acre. 2. Z'he City is requesting zone changes for these parcels to bring them in � canformance with the Comprehensive Plan and to identify them with a City zone designation since they have been annexed from County juris- diction. Th.ese lots are fully improved and their volunteer zoning ! application is unlikely. 3. All of the parcels have existing single fainily units, Shadow Hills and Hazeltree subdivi�ions were recentl develo ed t C nt st d , y p o au y andar s �I at�d then annexed to the City. County street standards are di,fferent from the City°s in that the paving width is 32 feet (the City requires 34 feet) , and the,re are no sidewalks or subsur.facP drainage re�uir�d. �` TI. Conclusionary Findings: �:�> - l. TY�ere exists a need to zone parcEls within the City to the City desic�na- tion outlinec� on the Comprehensive P�an. 2. Road and sanitary services exist to al:. parcels. 3. Proposed zoning will bring each parcel into conformance with the C'omprehensive Plan. III. StaFf Recommendation: Staff x•ecommends approval of the zone change request as submitted. Report prepared by Ke Selby Fteviewed by: A1 ' ard Ass ciate City Planner P1 in Director � �.: : �� _ STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May' 15, 1979 - 7:�0 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. ;Jalnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � Docket: Comprehensive Plan Revision CPR 2-79 (The Robert Randall Company, ZC 32-78) A�plicant: Robert Randall Co Owner; Mr. & L�rs. William Gill 9500 S.W. Barbur Blvd 795� S."vJ. Bonita Portland, Oregon 97219 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Application Date: March 26, 1979 Site Location; Intersection of S.W. 79th and Tax Lot 400 located at7955 S.W. Bonita Road (ATash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 400) . Re�uest: To amend Neighborhood Planning Organization #S Plan as it is applied to a 9.16 acre parcel at 79'55 S.W. Bonita Roarl to change the need for a "Spine Road" to intersect S.'�V. Bonita Road at S."vV. 79th. Previous Action: On August 8, 1977, the City Council adopted revisions �o ? NPD #5 Plan (see attached minutes) which specifically aligns ; the Fanno Creek Spine Road with the intersections of S.W. � Bonita and S.W. 79th .Avenue. � i i On March 26, 1979, the City Council approved thP zone change request by P�r. Robert Randall on Tax Lot 401 (see attached Tax M,ap) to allow multi-family dwellings. In an effort to � develop the site f�r the best use the applicant is request- ± in.c� a ehange in the proposed Spine Road alignment. � ¢ t I. Findin s of Fact: F � ,i ].. The Spine Road has been identi�ied in the NPO #5 Plan to be a fifty (50) foot right-of-way road running from the intersection of S.W. Hall and O'Mara Street southeast to intersect S.W. Bonita `' a; and S.W. 79th Avenue. ';� � ;� 2. The intent of the ;�iz�e Road is to provide access to the long and narrow lots frc�ni:inq Hall Blvd and S.vV. Bonita. The road will ;x limit the access points on Hall and .Bonita. The revision of the � ali�n�erzt to inte.rsect with 79th was established to be at the �' - e�owr�. �of ,•, � ' Bonita for the safest visibility. Also, effecient traffic flow is accomplished with four way intersecta.ons. �'. �; 3. The applicazit pro�oses to relocate the Spine Raad intersect,ion with �: S.Tn�, Bonita �.ast approximately 225 feet between tax lots 300 and `' y; � 200 (see attache,d narrative) . i; $, � ,; <<. 4 . . .. . . . . . . . � . � � . :.. '}i ��.��,- . . ...,. �. ... .. . . .... . .. . . .. . . � ..�. `;. ', �:... .�.. � . . . . . . . .. . . . . � �I�I STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.2 '' TIGARD PLANNING COMMTS5ION May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 i 4. S.W. Bonita Road is designated on the NPO #5 Plan as a collector � ; street with improvements as described in Policy 26: "Within the residential portions of the NPO, on Durham Road, Hall Boulevard, and Bonita Road, the City's arterial street standard shall, be re- ; duced to the f.ollowing standard: The improved pavement section .I shall consist•.of a two lane roadway with a center turn lane at intersections, a landsca�ed median strip where turn lanes are not necessary, a bikepath on one side and a sidewalk on the other; with all these improvements to take place within a 60 foot wide right-of� way section." 5. S.W. Bonita is presently county jurisdiction and is substandard con- dition having only forty (40) feet of right-of-way, eighteen (18) feet of paving with no bike paths or sidewalks. S.W. Bonita has verticle and horizontal demensions which create site distance obstruction. 6. S.W. Bonita between Hall Blvd and 76th has been identified on the County's ten year capitol improvement program to be improved with- I ., , in a period of six to ten years. ;a II. Conclusion.ary Findings: � 1. The existing proposed Spine Road alignment has been adopted by the � City Counail specifically to offs�t the site distant visual hazard � and to maintain better traffic flow control. ` 2. An alteration to the �roposed alignment would displace the inter- section off the crown point on S.rrT. Bonita and create offsetting accesses onto Bonita. 3. S.W. Bonita is not scheduled to be improvedfor six to ten years. Therefore, any housing development utalizing S.W. Bonita as its priinary traffic airculation will create an adverse trafiic impact. TII. Staif Recommendation: � Staff recommends that the request to alter the Spine Road intersection onto S.W. Bonita be denied for the reasons substantiated in the Find- ings of Fact and the conclusionary findings. 1 �i Rep�rt prepared by: Ken e y Reviewed by; Ald ard Asso i e City Planner P ni Director +' , il ;a S" ��� t: 1' + � � , � � � .. . ��' . . . .. .. . . . . .. ..... . .. .. . ..... � . . . � �. � �� � � . � � . . . .�'� S'TAFF R�PORT AGELdDA 5.5 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 15, 1979 Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Stx�eet - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Non�Confornu.ng Use NCU 1-79 (Fred Meyers Iiome Tmprovement Center} Applicant: Fred Meyer, Iz�c. Ap�lication Date: May 4, 1979 Site Location: 11565 S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DB Tax Lats 201, 102, 100, & Tax Map 1S1 36AC Tax Lots 3600 3500, 3400, 34Q1) Request: For planning �Commission authorization for a proposed addition to the Home Improvement Center. Frevious Action: The subject site was annexed to the City in three parcels. Z'he first parcel was annexed by the City Council on January 10, 1966, and consisted of lots 101, 100, 200, 300, �00, on Tax Map 1S1 36DB and lot 3401 on Tax P�lap 1S1 36AC. The second parcel was annexed on Dec..' 16, 1966, consisting of lot 3401 on •tar> ma� 1S1 36AC. The third parcel was approved ,, annexated on July 21, 1970 cunsisting of tax lots 3500 ar.d 3600 tax map 1S1 36AC. On March 16, 1966, Council approved a zone change to C-2 general comm�rcial for tax lots 100, 101, 200, 300, 400 tax map 1S1 36DB on February 13, 1967 Council approved on zone change to C-2 general Commercial for tax lot 3400 tax map 1S1 36AC. ; The 1966 zone change was prior to t:he development of the � shopping complex and was app�oved in or�er to facilitate ? that development. The 1967 zone change provided for the ; development of a garden shop. (note nrd. 70-32 re�ealed j sections of Ord. 67-21' changing C-2 areas to C-3) r ;I According to our records the Fre�i Meyer Complex was develop- '' ed uncler City of Tigard ordinances in ef•L-ect at that time. � The complex currently exists as a non-conformin g use as it ,q does not conforni to the re�uirements of the zone in which ;� it is lov^ated. (Sec. 18.08.�10) The shopping Center is '; , looated in an :Gt3 Zone wi.th 'soine:'of. the.paxk:ing 1'ocater� in 5i an R-7 zone (tax lot 3500 & 36D0 tax ;nap 36AC) 'i 18.28.060 Additional requirements: Additional requirerc�nts applicable to the � C-3 zone include but they .are::.no� limited to 'the �'ollowing; ` �;. � 1. Off street parking and loadinc�, see ehapter 18.60; �: 2. Access and egress, see chapter 18.64. � � � �; F;�'. y; " �_ :,� ` �;� STI�E'F Ft�PORT ��,. r�GENUA 5.5 ` � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 15, 1979 - 7:30 ' Page 2 3. Landscaping. A minimum of fifteen percent oi the total lot area shall be landscaped; in addition, see chapters 18.59, site develop- ment plan, architectural design review; 4, r^.nclosure and screening required, see section 18.12.080; The Fred Meyer complex speciiically daes not conform to the folYowing requirements: (see Sectioxi 18.59.060) (A) . . .�xovide a minimum onsite lanclscape area of ten percent in accardance with the following formula: Commeraial zones front ten (1D) feet _ (i) All areas not occupied by paved roadways or walkw�ys shall be landsca�ed an� maintained. (ii) Three and shrub plantings a minimum of eight in width within park- ing ai�-eas shall be �rovided and maintained at a�proximately seventy feet on center each way or an aggregate amount. � � (iii) A. minimum fiv� foot landscape strip along any lot boundary upan which a yard is required. i 1 (iv) All off street parking and lo�ding areas shall be effectively screened from view upon the public right-of-way. i `s 18.60.100 Landscapi.ng, sereening require ments: Required off street l�arking shall be allow�d in any yard setback, not re�:�uired by Cha�ter 18.59 or any other landscaping requirement of this coc�e; provided, that the first two feet in from the property line are maintained in � landscal ing; and provided, that any common k�oundary along which tl�is parking is allowed between a residential zone and any other zone is screened by a fence obscuring the sight af normal adjacent pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the erection o£ which shall be the responsibility of the ownership in the non- '� xesidential zone. ;� a , The applicant is proposing two additions to the existing Home Tmprave- � ment Center. One on the south building face will consist of 4500 sqif:t oE cover- �i eci' area and other 4000 sqft of opein court area enclosed but no covered pl.us a I lo adin g dock on the eastern end of the Y�uilding face. On the west face of the � Home Improvement Center the applicant is proposing ta cover and extend the exist- ; in g outside storage area. The new roof line would extend 20' beyond the exist- ing wall and the propo�ed wall would be 12i beyond the existing enclosure. !•I ; ,, i � �•.' � !i tY4 . STAE`F REPORT °�z;: AGENDA 5.5 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 15, 1979 - T:30 P.M. Page 3: � j __ � The existing landscaping covers 36,790 square feet of the totaT site area i with and additional 3290 square feet of iandscaping proposed. The ner cer�tage 'i of landscaping on the site is approximately 7� including the proposed addition. r To bring the landscaping u� to 15� of the total site area an additional 44,505 square feet o£ laridseaping would be necessary. �:. Considering the extent of the proposed additions staff feels it is un- re asonable to require full comformancE with the zoning ordinance at this �ime. Iiowever, we do feel that the applicant co.uld provide additional landscaping on the site. Beyond the proposed landscapinc�7 around the F3IC the applicant has }'� allowed for tl7e addition of street trees placed 50' on center frnnting Pacific F� Iiighway and two additional landscape islands near present site entrances. No `.; provision for maintainance as been mentioned. ' Staff Receommendations: Staff recommends a�proval of the ap��licants request with the following conditions: 1. The the number of street trees along Pacific Highway as shown k�e doubled. Trees sliould be plaCed 25' nn center. �,�� �� `�,. �, 2. That the combination landscape and parking island on the sauth G; side of the mair� entrance be converted to a sin le 1ar e landsda � G' �3 g P {; island eliminatinr� the four parking spaces and the right turn area. �) 3< That a. provis•.zor� For maintance of the landsaape areas be made. �; ,,S 4. That the applicant agree to allow the installation of a bus shelter � on the eastern most corner of their lroperty fronting Pacific High- way. ,.t �._, 5. That the southern most exit/entrance to the complex be modified to � elimi.nate entrance to the Complex from that point. Note: This does not constitute finalst�af� approval of the project. Tkie t applicant must still submit ,deLailed plans for design review approval :Y prior to the issuan.ce of a building permit. ;:'`. ti Report prepared by: Hi1 � ckenzie Reviewed by: A1 ' ward , :' Pl "` n Assistant Plan n Director !j; �" � � � ;��� �., � � � ; Y ; . . . . � .. . b�`. .. � . .. . . .. E-,v . . . .. �t•., . , , � � � .. .. � � l. .. . � � . . . ' . � � . . .. � k,. � .. . . . .. . � �'f: �. . . : � .. . � . � � �a� ' . .. � . . . : . � , . � . . . . _.� ":s MEMURANDUNi TO: Planning Commi.ssion � FROM; Iiil/�%' �Saekenzie, Planning Assistant � � SUBJECT: Fred Meyers I have received a eomplaint from a concerned neighbor of Fred Meyers. Einployees of the shoppinr� complex have been parking in the neighborhood to the nortn and blocking access to residential. mail bnxes. Fred Meyers has been notifiecl of this problem, however, nothing has been done. Perhaps if you menti�ied the problem to the a�plicant at the hearing we might get some resu�.ts. � �.., 1 � � ; �. r j': <r � i:` _� ,,, �. �`: �.� _ 's' �r: � . .. . . `.e'.i � � � Ys � � ir{ � . . . . . � � :.:V:�. � . . � . . . . . .��. � � � , . � . . . . . . �. i) F . � . � . . . . . � � � � r!, .. � . . � . . . : � . . . . � . . ..bf . � . � � . . . . . . : . . . . . ...���. . � . . � � . . ' . . . .. . .. . .�}t:�v � � . . � � . . ... � . . .. � :. 6",. �F� . . . .' . . ��,:■ , , � GTAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.6 r ' TIGARD PL11i�1NING COMMISSION �:� May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S.vV. '�Valnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Miscellaneous M 4-79 "Summerfield Flanned Development" (ZC 5-72) A�plicant: 5ummerfield Conference C)wner: Same (parcels in c�uestion are Association Commonly owned by all Summer- field residence) Ap�lication Date: Nay 1, ].979 Gite Zocation: The ttvo common areas are ten (10) feet widz each and are 5?..42 and 69.10 feet long (bVash. Coo Tax Map 2S1 11DC, tract Q) , and are located in the Summeriield Development. Re;�uest: For a vacation of Common area to c.li.vide equally between the adjacent property owners of tax lots 7600 (Lot 581) , 10101 (Lot 556) 10200 (Lot 555) and 9400 (I.At 532) , Previous Action: In 1972 , the Planning Conunission and City Council approved the zone chanc�e rec�uest by the Tualatin Develop�nent Corporation to create a Planned Developrient Subdvision. This project has � �>_ several phases o�E development. �' I. Findings of Fact: � � l. The Homeo�aners Association in Summerfield has voted to vacate the '? common tract of land ]cnown as tract "Q" to the ac�jacent parcel '1 owners. �� 2. The two tracts of land �resently serve as pec�.sL-rian paths to the Summerfield Golf Course. 3. '�he purpose of the request to vacate the paths are to avoid the possible danger of persons being struck by golf balls driven down the #5 fair*,vay on the golf course. A1so, the �aths serve no sub- stantial �urpose to the surrounding homeowners. 4. Section 18,56.160 of the Tigard Munici�al Code re:�uires that any ! chan•ge in use and location or amount of land devoted to specific land use be approved by the Planning Gommission. IT. Conclusionazy Findin gsp l. The applicants are in compliance with thea.r subdivision covenants to vote by majority the vacation of commonly owned tract of land. � 2. The re�uest is within compliance of the Municipal Code by a,�nroval �j , , � � ,.� ;,_:i ;;';: ; ( ,' h �.�n' �+�' �;...-�.-,.�� . . . . . � . . .. _ .. . . .. . . .. � . . . . . . . . � .. �� . .� .. � . � � . � � �. ).. - . . . .. . . . . . . . 4., `il �� y. STAFF REPORT �` � AGENDA 5,6 �, TIGARD PL.ANNING COMbIISSION ;`' May 15, 1979 - ?.;30 P.M. !; Page 2 � %; �� of the Planning Commi.ssion, �' �j TII. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. i RePort prepared 'by: Ken e by Reviewed by: Aldie Howard Asso i te City Planner Plan�.ing Director � � ;i :� >, ; � a ' 't :e , -i r :, ��� � � .� . . .... . . � . . . i I . .. � . � . , .� . . . � a� . � . � � . . . . . . . .. . � � . � �` , . . . � .. � � � . . . . . � . . � . . � � �F��. . � . . .. � ���.� . . . . . ... . �. � � . . . �.. `(s5�' �y�. .� � . .. .... . . .. . . . .� � .... .�,.. ,.:� . �.�_._ .,.:..,le.s. STAFF REPORT +�,,, AGENDA 5.7 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 15 , 1979 - 7;30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10805 S.W. ��Jalnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Zone Chanc�e ZC 14-79 (CU 7-79 and TU 1-79) A�plicant: Dr. Alva L. Robe:rts, Jr. , D,V.M. Owner: Lee Cunn.ingham 125 30 S.�n7. Scholls F'e rry Road 125 30 S.W. Scho�ls Fry Rd Tigard, Oregon 97223 Tigard, Oregon 9722.3 Appli.cation Date; May 1, 1979 Si�e .Location: 12530 S.W. Srholls Ferry Road (6Vash. Ca. Tax Mal� 1S1 33AD, Tax Lot 2400) Re�uest: For a zone map amendment from :4ash. Co. R�-1 to City of Tigard C-P "Commercial-Professional" on a 1.38 acre parcel. Previous Actian: On April 17, 1979, the Planning Commission approved the re- quest by Dr. Alva Roberts to operate a Veterinary hospital on a �ortion of tax lot 2400. On May 1, 1979, the Planning Commiss.a.on gr.anted Dr. Roberts a six month temporary use per- mit from May 1 to October 1, 1979. Dr. Roberts and P�r. a Cunningham are seeking a zone c}lange to conform in-pact with ' the conditions placed on the conditional use permit, � I. Fin dings of Fact; } I 1, The subject site is designated "Commercial-Professional" on the t NPO #7 Pl.an. r 2. Appli.cable policy's fxom, NPO r�7 Plan.: "Site ancl Supportive Services Improvements"-Policy 17(p.7) "Commercial-Prof.essiunal"Sites-Policy 18(p.7) 3. 7'he site is adjacen t south of Scholls Ferry Road. There are four ' structures an the site. Two of the structures nearest Scholls E�erry Road wi11 be used by the applicant. One structure wi�.l be ',; used for starage and the ather structure will be used for o�fice and hospital use. The site is relativ�ely flat. 'i j r 4. To the west and south of the subject site is the Summer Lake P2anned Development. To the east is open s�ace designated on the NPO #7 Plan as commercial-professional. To the north across � Scho�ls Ferry Road are single family units in� the City of Beaverton. 5. Sewer ar�d water servic�s are available to the site. The site �';{ presently operates on a septic tank ca�acity. �� 6. Southwest Scholls Ferry Road is a state highway and it will serve � as the primary traffic caz�ier to the sa.te. � ;�� !'.I Ew i`: ti:I F7 . � � � � � l``�� ..� � .. . . .. .. .. . . . . : ' .. . � � . . . �.� �;.i � -.�. . . . . . . � ..�, . . . :.,...� . ... , ,. �-- STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.7 `.PIGARD PLAN2IING COMMISSION �� May 15, 1979 - 7:30 P.t�. • Page 2 II. Conclusi�nary Finding5: l. The applicant's request is in keeping with the ciesignated NPO #7 Plan for coznmercial-professional use. 2. The Oregon Department �f Trans�ortation (ODOT) has stated that the � requested use will not create an adverse traffie problem to 5.�4. � Schol].s Ferry Road. 3. The builaings on the site ai^e presently served by a septic tank system. Therefore, an iizspection and testing of the system must be com�leted priar to issuancE of building permits. 1 III. Staff I.`ecommendations: Staff recommends apjaroval subject to the fol.lowing condit.ions; � 'i 1. That an acceptable sewerage system be provided conforming to state, county and city re gulations. <� 2. That construction and drainage plans be submitted and ap.�roved by ��:,,,, the City Engineer and Building Departments prior to issuanae of � building �ermits, k �� 3. That the applicant receive site design review approval for land- � scaping and site plan. 4. Ato changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless fonnal application is made to the apl ropriate department and chan�es are approved by that department. AppliCation for changes wi11 be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineering `i specifications and other details reguested by the department. No construction shall take place in fillese instances until after the changes have been approved. Any deviation from this condition will result in the immediate posting of a sto� work order on the project or any portion af the project. 5. That twenty-five feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the State along the frontac�e of 5.��. Sehol;ls Ferry Road. s'i::` Report prepared by: Keri elby Reviewed byc Ald'e ard Associate City Planner P n' ng Director � ��d h'1 , � � . . � . . . �y��^:� ' . .. . � � v.. . . . . . � . . S.�i�' . . . � . �. . � ��i . � . . . � .. . . � . �.K, .. . . .. . . . .. ., l�_s � � � � . . . . . .}.