Planning Commission Packet - 05/01/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � t AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING CONIMISSIODT May 1, 197'9 - 7:3D P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 1. Open Meeting: 2. Ro11 Ca11: 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting (s) : 4. Planning Commission Communication: 5. Public Hearings: A. Staff Report B. Applicant's Presentation. C. Public Testimony 1. Proponent's 2. Opponent's 3. Cross-Examination D. Staff Recommendations E. Commission Discussion & Action 5.1 ZONE CI�iANUE Z,C 3-79 (George P. and Aase B, Husvar) NPO �f6 A request by George P. and Aase B. Husvar For a. zone znap amendment f.rom Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" on 0.90 ; r acre and 0.69 acre parcels, located at 14200 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co. Tax P�Iap 2S1 11BA, Tax Lots 7_06 and 107) . 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 10-79 (Peter Hoffman) NPq ��6 l A request by Peter Hoffman for a zone map amendment from City R-7 PD to � i City of Tigard A-2 "Multifamily Residential" on a .35 acre parcel, locate�' ; at Canterbury and 109th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10AD, Tax Lot 8803) . _ '� 5.3 Z01�E CHANGE ZC 9-79 (Jack Annand) NPO �'�6 � A request by Jack Annand for a zone map amendment from City R-7 PP to City of Tigard A-2 "Multifamily Residential" on a. 1.04 acre parcel, located at SW 109th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 ].QAlly Tax Lot 8$00) . !i =z 5.4 CONDITIONAL USE CU 9-79 (Green Va11ey D<:velopment) NPO ��2 � A request by Green Valley Development �or a eonditional use permit to operate � the following: Paper product manufacture, Heating equipment manufacture and ='" Weaving of cotton, wool, tlax, and other fibxous products, in a M-4 "Industrial � Park" zone on a 2.34 acre parcel at 9540 S.W. Tigard Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 `' 2BA, Tax Lot 100U) . `;� ;". 5.5 TEMPORARY USE TU 3-79 (Russell Thor�las) NPO ��l ' t: - A request by Russell Thomas for a.n extension of a temporary use permit for }3: �f six (6) months to place a mobile home next to his existing residenee at, ' 9845 S.W. 0'Mara Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lot 2803). A ' f; {� ��� � � �� iN i:l _ � � � � � � k� _ _ � 7 � AG�NDA � Tigard Planning Commission May 1, 1979 � Page 2 ; � �mporary use permit was previously granted for 60 days from 3/19/?9 - 5/17/79. 5.6 ADOPTION OF THE HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A request by the City of Tigard for final adoption of the Housing Implemen- tation Plan to the Commprehensive Plan. 6. 01d Business: 7. New Business: 8. Other Business: Discuss and review ot Preliminary Draft Orclinance - MultiPurpose Warehouse Adopt Chapter 18.57 - Sensitive Land Considerations F1ood Plain, Drainageways and Greenways. � 9. Adjournment: '4., � � ��•' ;� : MINUTES TTGARD PLANNING COMMIS5ION �{ May 1, 1979 - 7;30 P.M. �.;,.. FoWler Junior High School - I,ecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon In the absence of President Tepedino, Vice-President Wood opened the meeting at 7;35 p.m. and served as President throughout. He introduced Susan Herron, serving at her first public hearing, as the member appoin�ed by the City Council to fill the vacanc:y on the Commission. ROLL CALL: Present: Bonn, Funk, Kolleas, Helmer, Herron, Smith, Speaker, Wood Absent• Tepedino Staff: Howard, Selby The minutes of April 17, 1979, meeting were considered. Speaker called attention to three typographical errors: (1) page 1, last full paragraph, the fourth line should read ". . .of four Commission members, pointing out that the subcommittee's revised draft might have an �ventual impact on the first item . . . ." (Underscore indicates addition, ) (2) Page 3, the word "it" should be !, added at the end of the tenth line ("He stated his belief it is contrary. . �) " i (3) on page 6, second and third lines in the New Business paragraph, the dup- lication of "the dra£ts of sensitive lands ordinan�es enclosed with the packets for" should be deleted. ,:- i ���- Commissioner Wood asked that i�he following be added to the Commission '! Discussion on page 4 ta explain the Commission's nondiscussion of the modifica- � tions of Staff recommendations requested by the applicant: "There was no reason � to discuss matters other than housing dens.ities because the applieant had assert- � ec1 thzt i� t1_ze Staff v?ew was aaoptec� on density, applic�*?t would not qo _forwarda" " In the middle of page 5 , adding to the Cross Exami.nation paragraph for clarification: "Because the other veterinarian might be his brother-in-law, Commissioner Funk stated he would abstain." And in the middle of page b, to `� clarify Commission intent, make provision (A) of the motion by Smith read as follows: "A. Provision that pedistrian and bike paths be constructed and set �' back from the curb. " Tt was agreed that Provision C was written duplicated Provision A as modified. ':!!a Thereupon it was moved, seconded and carried that the minutes of April 17 � be approved as amended. °� ,� There were no communications to be heard. ' ,� The President opened the public hearing by reading the usual notice referr- s in to the ordinance ivin authorit for the "' g g g y proaedure to be followed. ,.1 �� 5.1 Zone Change 3-79 (�orge P, and Aase B. Husvar) NPO #6 �� A request by Geor�e 1�, and Aa'se B. Husvar for' a zone� map. amen<�ment ` - P:�� �� from Wash: Co. RU-�4 to� Ci,ty of Tigard� R-7 "'5ingle''�amily Residential" � � �+e �;,� ,�� �,,, . �� , �.'; � �<: � � ��� , . �: ,,i �.� MTNUTES �`I TIGARD P�ANNING COMMIS5TON '��, �iay 1, 1979_' - 7>30 P.M. ,� Yage 2 . ,I on 0.90 acre and 0.69 acre parcels, located at 14200 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 11Ba, '.Cax I,ots 106 and 107) . ;:il The staff report was read by Howard. There was no applicant's presentation nor pub7.ic testimony. Howard read the Staff recommendation. In Commission disaussion the question was raised as to why these parcels had not been incl_uded in the same hearing with the applicant's other parcel. Staff stated it was due to oversight on their part. Smith inquired about the reason for Recommendation 3 r�estricting dead end streets and cul-de-sacs. Staff stated it was now the policy of the City Council to encourage connecting streets. Smith felt such a policy should be reilected in an ordinance. Staff stated the Commission's concerns in this respect would be �resented to the City Council. Selby called attention to the study session of the Commission with the C�.ty Council later this month, at which informal policies of the Coun- cil and the concerns of the Commission could be discussed. Thereupon Bann moved approval of Zone Change ZC 3-79 based on Staff .find- ings and recommendations. The motion was seconded ar�.d passed, with Smith vot- ing no. 5,2 ZC 10-'79 (Peter Hoffman) �� :� A request by Peter Ho£fman for a zone map amendment from City R-7 PD to City of Tigard A-2 "Multifamily Residential°` on a j'� .35 acre parcel, located at Canterbury and 109th Avenue (Wash. r; Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOAD, Tax Lot 8803) e � ri Selby indicated on the wall map and an aerial photo of the area the loca- tion, prospective streets, terrain and presen•t land uses for this application and that of John Annand, applicant on Agenda Item 5. 3. Howard then read the Staff report. The applicant's presentation was made by Joe Van Lom, architect for this applicant (and also Mr. Annand) . He related the need for multiple-family hous- ing and this site's excellent qualifications therefor. He stated the primary purpose of the request for zone change is to bring the zone into conformance ; with the r.omprehensive design plan. Public testimony was confined to that of Forrest G. Hall, 14911 S.W. 106th who objected to arlditional multiple-family housing in the area because of the tra�fic pxoblem generated on 109th. Howard read the S�taff recommendations. In rebuttal Mr. Van Lom questioned the requirement for half-street improve- ments pri.or to the issuance of building permits, since this wou].d presuppose substantial improvements before financing was arranqed. Selby explained the � reasoning and the policy for the requirement, with the assurance that all ':� , ii: �` �: �►"�' MINUT.ES TIGA�2D L�LANNING COMMISSION � May l, 1979 --7s30 P.M. Page 3 approval.s can be secured in advanee of any investment in street improvements. Commission discussion: C�uestions concerned standard practiae with respect to bonds and the extension of 109th. In responding to these, Staff inentioned that a sectian of 109th passes through territory under jurisdiction of the County, but that this is eXpected to come into the City in the foreseeable future. Smith moved for approval of Zone Change ZC 10-79 based on Staff findings and recommendations. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 5.3 ZC 9-79 (Jack Annand) NPO #6 A request by Jack Annand for a zone map amendment from City ' R-7 PD to City of Tigard A-2 "Multifamily Residential" on a 1.04 acre parcel, located at SW 109th Avenue (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2S1 lOAD, Tax Lot 8800) . The Staff report was read by Howard. In the applicant's presentation Joe Van Lom detailed the history of land ownership in the area, and the intention for eventual extension of the road across the parcel as shown. He acknowledged his participation in the property as the owner of an option on part of it. He referred to the offer of Mr. Annand to dedicate a street to the City-�an offer which has not yet been accepted. Public testimony was given by Forrest Hall, who reiterated his objections on the grouz�d o� ir�ac�equate st?-eets in the area. Selby th�n called attention to an old cemetary in the area. Howard read the Staff recommendation. In rebuttal Mr. Van Lom reported on the estimated traffic to be generatecl by �he two projeats. He also pointed out that moving the street as suggested , by Staff would deprive him access to his parcel, located at the north end of the 1 site. Commission discussion covered located of extension of 109th and possibility ; for streets on the slope to the west and south, and the location of the cemetary. j Speaker inquired whether it would be practical to have the Staff and the appli- cant work out the exact lacation of the road. Howard so affirmed, with the applicant having the right to appeal back to the Commissi�n. Wood commented on ;'i the approach the Staff could take on the location of the street acrass the proper- ty since, although it is or may be owned by two parties, at present it is legally "j one parcel: '] Speaker moved approval of ZC 9-79 based on Staff report and 5taff recommen- dations, with the amendment of Staff Recommendation 4 to the follawing: "That the Staff is directed to work with the applicant to find a mutually agreeable location for the road across the property to serve the area not yet developed." '� 1 The motion was seconded and carried, with one no vote. i k ����i C _. : �.�.. ., — MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMNITSSION �r,i. May 1, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �„ Page 4 5.4 CU 9-79 (Green Valley Development) NPO #2 A request by Green Valley Development for a conditional use per- mi.t to operate the following: Paper product manufacture, heating equipment manufacture and weavinq o£ cotton, wool, flax, and other fibrous products, in a M-4 "Indu.strial Park" zone on a 2.34 acre parcel at 9540 S.W. Tigard Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 2BA, Tax Lot 1000) . Mr. Helmer asked to be excused from the Commi.ssion for this item, and his request was gr�nted by the President. The Staff report was .read by Howard. Jim Schlauch of Bullier and Bullier gave the applicant's presentation. He commented on the diffieulty the ordinances present to those who negotiated leases for multiple-use properties such as this. There was no public testimony. Howard read the Staff recommendation. Tn rebuttal, Graig Helmer objected to the pY�ovision i'or 10 feet of street dedication, since this was accomplished in accardance with CU 28--79 some months ��� aga. At that time a nonremonstrance agreement for improvement of Tigard Avenue was signed, and about a morith ago the approaches to the building were completed and landscaping prepared for. He therefore felt that to require half-street improvements at this time in order to secure conditional uses was inappropriate. He �e�cri�aes3 th� building, its construction, its present tenants, and the sprinJcler system. Selby explained the state of the records of the County roads as the areason for apparently again requesting the 10-foot dedication. 1� Dif- ference in philosophy of the City Councils ovex th� past several months accounts for the present recommendation for half-s�reet improvements. Charles Schulz, Route 4, Box 394-C, Sherwood, objected to the requirement for half- street .improvements at this time, stating they had just completed the previous requirements. He favored the LID approach of completing such a street at one time, rather than the piecemeal approach of half-street improvements as parcels develop. He felt noise standards should be established by which to judge noise made by tenants. Selby responded that noise insulation called for in Recommen- dation 3 would be required anly if needed in a particular case. Commission discussion: Funk questioned the weaving operation and the potential for lint dispersal from such an operation. Mr. Schlauch explained no tenant presently under con,sideration is in this business (or for some of the other uses applied for) , but that this was included among the conditional uses applied for so that if such a tenant could be secured it would not be necessary to get separate permission from the Planning Commission for �this use. Howard explained the reasons for including what appear to be excessivly restric- tive conditions (i.e. noise insulation, Fire Marshall approval of each space) . Smith supported the Council's desire t'or half-street improvements even in .piecemeal fashion, but disagreed with the requirement at this time in view of the earlier requirement of a nonremonstrance agreement and the recently- com- pleted site construction on that basis. Wood joined in this view and offered , �< � MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION �; May 1, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 5 suggestions f.or clianges in the recommendations t� accommodate points dis- cussed. Selby stated it was intended that the inspections by the Building Department and the Fire Marshall shall be ongoing activities. Smith moved approval of Conditional Use CU 9-79 based on Staff findings and recommendations, with Recommendation 1 amended to delete the requirement for half-s�reet improvements (a period after "Tigard Street") , and with the insErtion of the worcls "'if needed" after the woxc� "installed" in Recommenda- tion 3. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. At this time Commissioner Helmer resumed his seat on the Commission. 5.5 TL1 3-79 (Russell Thomas) • A request by Russell Thomas for an extension of a temporary use permit for six (6) months to place a mobile home next to his . � existing residence at, 9845 S.W. 0 Mara Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lot 2803) . A temporary use permit was pre- viously granted for 60 days from 3/19/79 - 5/17/79, Howard read the Staff report. The applicant's presentation was made by • Russell Thomas, who described his family's living arrangements whi�.e remodel- �"' ing their house. He estimated it would take 3� ta 4 months to complete �he % remodeling. There was no public testimony. Howard stated Staff recommends approval. There were no questions or comments by the Commissioners. Approval of Tempor- ary Use TU 3-79 was therefore moved, seconded and unanimousTy carried. The. President then declared a short recess at 9:12 p.m. 5.6 ADOPTION OF THE HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A request by the City of Tigard for final adoption of the Hous- ing Implementation Plan to the Commprehensive Plan. At 9e20 the Commission commenced consideration of the housing implementa- tion plan to be recommended by the Commission to the City Council. The Pre- sident stated location of mobile homes was not a topic of discussion at this time, Selby then pointed out on the map the areas disrussed in his memos to the Planning Commi.ssion dated April 27, which included his comments on the ac- tion of the NPOs still operating. The President then opened ttre meeting to comments from the audience. Dale Role, a builder from T�Ii.lwaukie, �ave an. exposition. o� the econ.omi�cs of home building, especially the impaet of the land cost on less expensi�r� houses. He offered to show plans depelo�ed �or a parcel in Tic�ard to illus� trate the points he was tryin� to make. Howard adyised agai,nat xeviewi,nc� the plan at this time to eliminate any possibility of prejudging a, zr�atte� wh,ich may come before the Commission later.. �he �r.�S�,dent agreed. MINUTES TICARD PLANNING COMMISSION .. May l, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �� Page 6 Commission discussion: Kolleas questioned whether smaller lots would in fact resnit in lower-cost houses. Howard stated there is no control on . the price of houses built on smaller lots. Funk �uestioned the feasibility of having smaller lots come in under a Plannec� Develapment regulation, Howard felt this was a reasonable possibility. Selby pointed out the PD process adds to the cost, whereupon Howard suggested a one-step hearing process to reduee '- the in-built delay factor. Speaker inquired what the ob�ection to smaller lots really is. Staff stated the objections voiced to them are (1) from long-time residents who object to urban.ization in general; (2) fear of lessening of sur- rounding land values; (3) it is new to the xesidents in the area. 5mith objected to the picking of only s�ecific areas for sma11. 1ots on the basis that (1) such parcels would experience higher land costs in the same way as land sold for multiple housingo thereby reducing or eliminating the effect intended; (2) there is no assuranae the small�r lots would prompt builders to �ut smaller houses on them: a house which might be built on a 7500-foot lot is s�till emi.nently liveable on a 5,000--foot lot. Therefore he suggested rezoning a11 R--7 areas to R-5, recognizing there would be public opposition to this pro- cedure. He pointed out that to restrict development of small lots on the basis of price was impractical because of the current rate of inflation; that much better would be ta restrict the squar� footage in the house. An alternative to the politically undesirable reaoning of all R-7 t� R°5 w�uld be that any R-7 may r" be rezoned R-5 by going through the PD process. In response Howard agreed the ���: Staff's selected-parcel approach was indead a token approach that is pol:itically unacceptable. The Staff's approach is a strict following of LCDC standards, which is recognized as not in all respects workable in tYais community. There followed a wide-ranging discussion of the possible economic consequ- encas and politiaal practicality of the various alternatives. Staff urged a decision of some sort be made because of the LCDC deadline, even if what is adopt- ed is recognized as sulajeat to refinement after furth�r consideration in the future. Finally Speaker moved for recommendation by the Planning Commission of the housing plan with amendments as submitted by Staff for adoption by the City Council. Mrs. Kolleas seconded. The President called for a rol.l call vote because of the extended discussion, resulting in approval five to three, with i Commissioners Helmer, Funk and Smith voting no. The President then proceeded to OTHER BUSINESS -- consideration of the draft i � of Chapter 18.57, the Sensitive Lands ordinance. He op�ned with an explanation i of the handou� which represented further cansideration by Joe Eiailey (City At- � torney) and himself on the density issue. He then asked for cnmments by Staff. i � J � Howard commented that it is difficult for Sta�f, in its working with the � publie, to get clear understanding of anything written much above the 7th grade ` ; level; h�nee the acknowledged repretitive nature of the original staff dacumen�. �: � � � i I � � . I MINUTES � TIGARD PT,ANNTNG COMMISSION May l, 1979 - 7;30 P.M. Page 7 He felt it was necessary to have reference to specific maps for floodpla%n and other purposes, and felt that the removal of wetlands from the ordinance removed necessary guidelines for Staff. He offered to combine the Commis- sion's work with Staff concerns into one document to be given to the City . Council at its May 7 study session on this ordinance. He assured that changes af wording or additions would be nonsubstantive--that the conaerns and intent of the Commission as expressed in the revisions to date would be preserved, with additions Staff felt is necessary in order to have an ordinance with which they can work satisfactorily with the public. Discussion was wide-ranging. It was pointed out that the wetlands were taken out by the subcommittee because it was felt this is an engineering pro- bl�m and should be handled as such between the applicant and the City Engineer; and that the reference to specific maps could be detrimental if good evidence in aontrdiction to inclusion or noninclusion of parcels in the floodplain were presentad. It was generally agreed wetlands should be treated in a separate ordinance. Timing and possible review of a document to be submitted to the Council's Study Session was discussed at lengtho Finally, 5mith MOVED the Commission adopt the draft ordinance as modified to date as its recommendation to the City Council; that Staff add their modifi- cations and identify them as such; and that a member of the Commission sub- '*° c�mmittee be present at the City Council Study Session on May 7. The motian was seconded by Kolleas, and after further discussion, passed unanimously: As a final item under Other Business, Salby explained the situation with respect to Conditional Use CU 7-79, a veterinary medical facility of Alva Roberts, DVM, on S.W. Scholls Ferry Roade The 60--da.y Teznporary Us� fnx opera- tion of the facility granted by the City Administrator expired April 29; the ' required •r.one change by the property owner was not requested coincidentally � with the conditional use, but is schedul.ecl for May 1.5 hearing before the Com- � mission. Public notice is not required for an extension by the Commis�ion of a Temporary Use permi.t. Therefore it is the recommendation of the Staff that ; the Commission approve a six-months extension of the 60-day temporary use for ' this veterir�ary medic.al facility. Thereupon adoption of the Staff reeommenda- � �ion was moved. seconded and carried. The President decl�red the m+eeting adjourned at 11:03 p.m. z ; f i y r i s � �� �'I �� � ; �� ;a _ � ��, __ . .:�_ � �� _ _ ,. . � . , ' i t , �� � � PUBLIC�NOTICE TIGARD PL.�IJNTNG COMMISSION May 1, 1979 - 7:30 " Fowler J'unior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Or.egon , r.' '}y�� ,� ���' 5. Public Hearings: s � 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 3-79 (George P. and Aase B. Husvar) NPO #6 5 A ' � A request by George P. and Aase B. Ftusvar for a zone map amendment '� from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" on 0,90 acre and 0.69 acre parcels, 'located �t 14200 S,W. 97th (Wash. �' Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BA, Tax Lots 106 and 107) . ' S.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 10--7y (Peter Hoffman) NPO #6 A request by Peter Hoffman for a zone map amendmFnt from City R-7 Pb to City of Tigard A-2 "Multifamily Residential" on a .35 acre parcel, located at Canterbury and 109th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOAD, Tax Lot 8803) . E � 5.3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 9-79 (Jack Annand) NPO #6 A requESt by Jack Annand for a zone map amendment from City R-7 PD � �,'� to City of Tigard A-2 "Multif�mily Residential" on a 1.Q4 acre ,;;: parcel, located at 5W 109th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251. lOAD, Tax Lot 8800) . 5.4 CONDITIONAL USE CU 9-79 (Green Valley Development) NPO #2 A request by Green Valley Development for a conditional use permit II to operate the fallowing: Paper product manufacture, Heating equip- I� ment manufacture and Weaving of cotton, wool, f1ax, and other fibrous products, in a M-4 "Industrial Park" zone on a 2.34 acre parcel at 9540 S.W. Tigard Street (Wash. Co. 2S1 2BA, Tax Lot 1000) . i 5.5 TEMPORARY USE TU 3-79 (Russell Thomas) NP� #1 i A request by Russell Thomas for an extension of � tempora.ry usP per- mit for six (6) months to place a mobile home next to his existing residence at, 9845 S.W, O'Mara Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 2CD, � Tax Lot 2803) . A temporary use permit was previously granted for 60 days from 3/19/79 - 5/17/79. 5.6 ADOPTION OF TH� HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A request by the City of Tigard for final adoption of the Housinc� Implementation Plan to the Comprehensive Plan. � . Note: This hearing may be continued to a date set specific by �he Planning � Commission. Public TT 4/18/79 & 4/25/79 . ,.. . _ .�_ ... _. . __ _,_.......,..�____ ..._._. .._.._,. ,._, _ --�� • , ,�y 1 _ _ � � i.. . _ i ; , � "PLANNID7G COMI�IISSION SIGN—UP SHEET" � \ . ��;>. �' .; NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESTRING TO SPEAK ON ANY XTEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME ON 7'HE APPROPRIATE SIGN—UP SHEET(S) , LOCATED AT THE' BACK OF THE ROOM. PERSONS DESIRING TO SPEAIC WTL�L THEN BE CALLED FORWARD BX THE CHAIR TO SPEAK O[�I INDICATED ITEM{S) . AGENDA ITEM:�/ �'�? _�.- 7� REFERENCE: �'�� y,[yjr�,�)��j DATE: ,,S'f`�,i� .7� NAME ADDRESS AGENDA ITEM: �_�����f�l_ �C� REP'EREI�tCE:��„���,L��� DATE: _y`�J//!� F....',^-- NAME p,DDRESS ! �� /� . �(/ / D c'�r..-- ' /y 9// ,.S'.c.� . ,��G� T�r,�.p � , ��--�. �y� ss � �s s U G �..�.� ' G�-�, � .�/zs s�� �� ��.�'�- �,`-� �.�� 6 y � 'fd�7�' . ��? L _ �.u-�,-.. ��----._ / � ��� � ���''� -�— AGENDA ITEM: �;�' �7� Q—?c� REFERENCE: �r►� �,..,..���.,!? D.ATE: �_ J �{«- -- —= / � NAME ADDRE5S l� ��.� �- /l s,c� . OdG � 77'�►.�.eJ� � _�..o.�-� �� �i s �/. 1d � ���/ � ^�� z s' S �1 C�.. �� �:I « , � f � "PLANNING CONA�I2SSION SIGN—pP SHEET" ; I • i I � NOTICE: ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO 5PEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST SIGN THEIR NAME ON TIiE f APPROPRIATE SIGN-UP SHEET(S) LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THE ROOM. PERSONS r DESIRING TO SPEAK WTLL THEN BE CALLED FORGJARD BY THE CHAIR TO SPEAK ON � � INDICATED TTEM(S) . I AGENDA ITEM: ,S".� �L_/ �—7p REFERENCE: ��DATE: � �j ��'9 �+ 7�'`"7`'"`_T'_'_ ; NAME ADDRESS i� � � \ I t / J � ' ' � . �� � ��� /`���C'a--- I , , � �� � i� � � i�� AGENDA ITEM: �'_r,�- �'�� ,�_�� REFERENCE: �i,/� j�lp-y�� DATE: s��� � � I NAME ADDRESS • ' � �'��s �-�v. o � . , � ��n`�`.�'� i AGENDA ITEM: „�, �, REFERENCE _ ATE: S`7LL�� ���� NAME ADDRESS �! ��., . �_ ,, . . ,. . . . . . ` _ , , : . ..,: . _�. ;. .. .. _ , ,. .,.:. ,� W_ _. �� . ��� , � ' CITY �F TiGARD � P.o. sox z33s� 12420 S.W. Main Tigard,Oregon 9722� IT � M - � aA��: � ��O 1 , I �IN� w ' . SECOND � � I . � . � . � . �, y.� up �� 8��- } � �2�4: �� P1DI�Jo �n` : w oc�b �' � � Kolt�.-a...s' ___��-__.._ � � � �V N �+ _ 4 S�Z.�.Y.eh� 4 ������ �� ___---- � ��V�� . . . .•... .7 St1t/�f'k __� . � �' i �wv/V�� . .. . -. � ��� 'f � ' � i .� I .I � ��.�:�� . . . . � �}i � ! � � � ' . . .:��. .� _. . .,..,.. ... ... . ...rT, ... ... . .. . .�. , , .._ . tir�....... .._ .,..�: ,r..._... }f- - •-,n.q . j. ._;.. •..w P. ;<'< .' �. o- � i STAFF REPORT "� ;, AGEIQDA 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 1, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. 5�^ Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � Docket: Zone Changes - ZC 3-79 Applicants: Mr. & Mrs. Husvar Owners : Same Application Date : February 2, 1979 Site Locations: ZC 3-79 - 14200 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BA, Tax Lots 106 and 107) Requests: For a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential'° on a total of].59 acre parcel. Previous Action: This applicant was one of seven who appeared before the Plannin Commission on March 20 1979 for zone chan es in g , � 5 the above discribed locati_on. The applicant had one parcel 'e n th a roved and is now re uestin two others which li or I q g PP and south of the previously adopted parcel. i I Findings of Pact: 1. The site is desi ated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #6 which allows � four dwelling units per gross acre. � 2. The owner. is requesting a zone change in order to comply with tlae :.�I Comprehensive Plan. „�I 3. Applicable NPO #6 policies for residential development are as follows� �� "Density" - Policy #2 (,�age 3) "Streets" - Policy #3 (page 3) collector � local street standards (page 1) 1; "Other service° - Policy #4 (page 3) "Site character"- Policy #6 (page 4) ,i 4. To the North, South and YJest are single family units. Lots 106 and 107 ,�� have frontage on 97th Avenue and open space to the east. The entire topography for this area slopes slightly from southwest tn the northeast. j ; 5. The surrounding land uses are designated "Urban Low Density" and are �' presently occupiec� with single family residences (some of which are in � the county). 6. The feasibility of installing a sanitary sewer line to se�vice the seven lots is questionakhle. Installation of the line is pending ap- proval based on aonnecting ability of a private line from the subject �' parcels south to 94th Court and S.W. Inez Street. Water service wilY be provided by the Tigard �Vater District. ,. ;' �_ !i ;:; tr �, i' k �' � �,: � , � . _ , t, � A I '� Y STAFF REPORT ' AGENDA 5.1 TIGZ�RD PLANNING COMMISSION ��;i May l, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 7. Southwest Mcnonald and S.F�J. 97th S�reet will serve as the major circulation facilities for the sites. They are designated "col- lector" streets by the NPO #6 Plan. Both are presently county streets and are in substandard conditon having inadequate paving, right-of-way width and no curbs ox sidewalks. II Conclusionary Findings: i 1. There e�ists a need to zone parcels that are within the city limits �� to the City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan designatian. 2. S.W. 97th nee.ds five additional feet or right-of-way. This street is ! substandard, therefore, half street improvements are necessary. 3. Sariitary sewer connection remains a concern due to the physical elevation of the land and the distance to the nearest line. A second a]_ternative to install sewer service would be to construc�t a pump station to 100th. III Si�af:E Recommendations: � Staff recommends approval subject to the followsing conditions: 1. That Ua^A sewer service be available for any parcel prior to issuance of building permits. 2. Th�t fivE feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City from lots i 106 and I07 alon g the frontage of S.;J. 97th with half street im- provements prior to issuance of building �exmits 3. That all streets created on any parcel when develo�ment occurs shall be designed to connect to existing streets an d will be prohibited from creating cul-de-sac or dead end streets unless the need can be justified. �. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the app ropriate department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will ba made in writing and shall include applicable dzawings, engineering specifioa�ions az'�d other d�tai•ls reque!sted by the .department. iVo construction shall take place in these instances until after the changes have been ap�roved. Any deviation from this condition will result in the immediate posting of a stop work or8er on the project or any portion of the project, Report prepared by: K�Selby Reviewed by: a d �, Associate City Planner P or STAFF' REPORT : �1GE'NDA 5.2 TIGAFtD PLHNNING COMMISSION May 1, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowle r ..Tunior I-ii gh - Le cture Room 10865 S.W. 'vValnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Doeket: Zone Change ZC 10 79 Applicant: Mr. Peter B. Hoffman Owner: Same 188£3 S.W. Madison Portland, Oregon 97214 Application Date: March 30, 1979 Location: West of S.W. 109th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Ma� 2S1 lOAD, Tax Lot 8803) Request: Far a zone map amendment from Gity of Tigard R-7 °Single Family Re— sidential" to City of Tigard A-2 "Multifamily Residential." on a .35 acre parcel. I. Findings of Fact: i 1. The subject site is presently zoned R-7 (7,500 square foot lots) i "Single Family Resic�ential" and is designated "Urban Medium DPnsity ; Residential" (12 dwelling units per acre) on the NPO #6 Plan. ; � � 2. Agplicable policies from the NPO #6 Plan are: ; , }, "Density" Policy 9 (Page 5) 11Utilities, streets, etc." Poli.cy 10 (Page 5) "Water and Sewer facilitres" - Polzcy lI (Page 5) "Buffering, open st ace, etc. " - Polioy 15 (Page 6 & 7) x he licant ro oses to cons'cruct four units which are antici ated � 3. T aPP P P P to generate a total of ten to twelve occupants. ''' ;i F Yi 4. The surrounding uses are a�artments to the south and east, open space �; to the west, and proposed apartmenis to th.e noxth. �:f 5. South�rest 109th Avenue is designated as a local streeY requiring 50 feet o� right-of-way with a p avement width of 34 feet. The current ' right-of-way width is 50 feet. ;�� a 6. San�itary sewer service is available otf of Canterbury Lane. r� � ,,, 7. Water is available from 8 inch lines off of Southwest 109th Avenue (' and Canterbury Larre�. � � � � � � �� 8. There is adequate public access off of Sot�thwest 109th Avenue. �; i � � � ;�, ,;� � ;;. i �, �� �:�1 _ I,;I �. �; - � . . � � � g�: . . . . ._ .. . . - 1 . . . . ���� .. . � fy �" . . . . ..y . . ,. _. . �_ . . , . .1� �L .. � . . . . . . . .. . . . . , ... ` . ,z , -- — , STAFF REPORT : AGENDA 5,2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , � May l, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowl�r Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. Southwest 109th Avenue is in substandard condition with no sidewalks 2. A need exists to zone parcels within the City Limits to comply with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The necessary utilities are available to the site. IIT. StafF Recommendation: Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. That half street im rovements alon the sub'ect ro ert frontin P 5 J P P Y g Southwest of 109th Avenue be e i t i mad pr or o ssuance of building permits. 2. That the developer submit construction and site drainage plans to be approved by the City Engineer and Building Department� with necessary bonds prior to issuance �f building permits. . That the a licant ecei e it e ' 'e i 3 r v s e d si revi w a roval for rad n PP � PP , g g landscaping and site plan design. ' 4. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifioations unless formal application is made to the appropriate department and changes are approved by �hat department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineering specifications and other details requested by the department. No construction shall take place in these instances until after the changes have been approved, Any deviation from this condition wi11 result in the immediate posting of a stop work order on the project or any portion of the project. � Reviewed: K Se1by Reviewed by: rd Associate Planner n .irectoz i V'►� _ . EXI3IBIT nIIn ✓ 5T2�F'F REPORT AGENDA 5.3 �-? TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 1, 1979 - 7;30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Ro�m 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigarcl, Qregon Docket: Zone Change ZC 9-79 Applicant: Mr. John Annand Owner: Same 14600 5.�I. Pacific Iiighway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Application Date: March 22, 1979 Location; West of S.W. 109t}� Avenue (i7ash. Co. Tax Map 251 lOAD, Tax Zot 88b0) Request: For z zone map amendment from City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Re- sidenti�.l" to City of Tigard A-2 "Mtzltifami.ly Resideiztial" on a 1.04 acre parcel. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The subject site is �resently zoned R-7 (7,500 square foat lots) "Single Family Residential" and is designated "Urban Medium Density Residential" (12 ciwelling units per acre) an the NPO #6 Plan. 2, Applicable policies from the NPO #6 Plan are: "Density" - �aolicy 9 (Page 5) "Utilities, streets, etc." - Policy 10 (Page 5) "Water and Sewer facilities" - Policy 1Z (Page 5) "Buffering, open space, etc. " - Policy 15 (Page 6 & 7) 3. The applicant proposes to oonstruct one four-plex apartment along the norther� partion of the property and one three-plex apartment in the center and one four-plex agartment .located at the southern �ortions of lot. 4. The surrounding uses are apartments to the north and east, a single family dwelling to the northwest, and a vacant pareel to the south. 5. Southwest 109th Avenue is designated as a local street requiring 50 feet of right-of-way with a pavement width o£ 34 feet. The current right-of-way width is 5Q feet. 6. Sanitary sewe r service is available off of Canterbury Lane. 7. Water is available from 8 inch lines off of Sauthwest 109th Avenue and Canterbury Lane. 8. There is adequate public acoess aff of Southwest 109th Avenue. ? � r STAFF R;EPORT AGENDA 5.3 �''>� TIGARD PZANNING COMMISSION fi7ay 1, 19 79 P age 2 9. �he proposed site plan includes a, road off of 109th Avenue across the rzorthern portion af the lot to the western property 1ine. II. Conclusionary Findinr�s: 1, Southwest 109th Avenue is in substandard condition with no sidewalks 2. A need exists to zone �arcels within the City Limits to comply with the �omprehensive Plan. 3. The road as shown on the site plan is not desirable due to its proximity to the exisiting residence to the west and the extreme c�rade in excess of 18�. Therefore, an alternative w�uld be to - locate the street to the south of the site to align with Murdock Place. III. Staff Recommendation: Staff rer,ommends approval subject to the following conditions: I. That half street improvements along the subject property fronting Southwest ot 109th Avenue be made prior to issuance of building � `"T" pe rmits. s w � 2. That the developer submit construction and site drainage plans to be approved by the City Engineer and Building Departments with necessary bonds prior to issuance of building permits. � r, b� 3. That tYie signif.icant vegetation be perserved. 4. That the extension of (Murdock Place) be improved prior to issue�nce i of buildirzg permits and that a street plug Y�e placed at its wes•�ern + te rmin us �a ';!.i 5, No chancJes will be made to approved plans or specificatians unless formal application is made to the apP�o�riate department and Changes `" are approved by that department. Application for changes wi11 be �}� made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineering � specifications and other details reqi:tQSted Uy the de�ar,�msatt. No construction shall take place in these instances until after the '; changes have been approved. Any deviation from this condi.tion wi].1 result in the immediate posting c�f a sto� work order on the ,�roject or an.y portion of the project. ;:,; :,, Reviewed byc n 5elby Reviewed b�; rd �, Associate Planner P Director ; r�. � ' �:; ' �., E � � �� �� ' ~ STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �"z May l, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Zone Change ZC 9--79 (Industrial Warehouse - CU 28-78 and T'U 4-79) I Applicant: Green Valley Development Owner: Same Mr. Garry L. Helmer 9Q95 S.W. Burriham St: Tigaril, Oregon 97223 Application Date: March 27, 1979 Site Location: 9540 S.W. Tigard Avenue (TAash. C:o. Tax Map 2S1 2BA, Tax I�ot 1000) Request: For conditional use �e rnit to operate the following: Furnit.ure, too1, hardware, paper procluct, anc� heating equipment manufacturing. Machine, �aelding shop, contractor's affice, warehousing and wholesale ciistri- bution. taeavina of cotton, wool, fla:c, anc1 other fibrous products. Retail sal�s in conjuction'with thE foregoing u�es, in a M=4 '�Indus- trial Park" zone on a 2.34 acre parcel. Previous Action: On November 7, 1.978, the Planning Commission approved a rec�uest for an outside storage yard. On April 9, 1979, the �;� City Administrator apnroved a Temporary Use Request to opezate furniture, tool and hardware manufacturing, ware- house wholesaZe distribution, contractor's offiee, machine shop, welding anrl retail sales for the period of April 15, 1979 to June 15, 1979. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The subject parcel is zoned P�-4 "Industrial Par}:" and is designated on the NPO #2 Plan as "Industrial Park". 2. The applicant is re:�uesting several conditional uses as are n�eded to permit the existiny businesses now operating on tempora,ry bas�s and for future clients. 3. Section 1i3.52.020 of the Ti�ard Municipal Code authorizes the Planning Commi.ssion to allow the requested uses on a conditionaT bases. 4. This site is relatively flat with a gentle slope north to south. The surrounding areas are all zoned M-4 and designated industrial park on the Comprehensive Plan. There now exists single family residences to the east aizd west, railroad tracks to the north across Tigard Street th�-st fronts the subject �roperty. To the south is Fanno Creek with apartments across the creek. � _ , .. r •;, , 5. Access to the site is off S.'vJ. Tigard Street. The present right- of-way is 40 feet with approximately 30 feet of paving. Thexe ' � are no curbs or sidewalks. However, there is a bilce path on the north side. ' I 6: Sewer and water are available on the site. ; II. Conclusionary Findings: 1_ Some of the requested uses, such as the machine shop and weaving operation, may cause noise and may areate a fire hazard. There- fore, insulatron and fire proofing materials should be required: ' 2. An additional ten (10) feet of right-of-way with sidewalk and curbs is required to bring thxs nortion of S.6V. Tigard up �to City collector street standards. III. Staff Recommcndations: Staff recommends ap�roval of the conditional uses requested subject to the following conditions: l. That the ap�licant dedicate ten (10) feet of right-of-way al.ong S.W. Tigard Street with half-street improvements to City collector standards along the frontage of the subject site, 2. That the Bui].ding Inspector and Fire Marshall inspect and approve the building prior to occupancy of ten�nts, 3. That insolation be installed to limit the noise potential. Install- ation to be approved by the Builda.ng Department. 4. That the Fire Marshall approve the use of each space prior to the issuance of a business license by the City of Tigard. � A 5. No changes will. be made to approved plans or specifications unless � <, formal application is made to the appropri.ate ciepartment and changes � are approved by that department. Application for changes will be ;k; made in writing ar�d shal]. include applicable drawings, engineering �k specifications and other details requested by the department. No construetion shall take place in these instances until after the ''� changes have been app roved. Any deviation from this condition will ' � result i.n the immediate posting of a stop work order on the projeCt �R or az�y portion o� the project. i`; � i; , -x, ,., �'. r., Y,� � � '�:� Reviewed: ICen Selby Reviewed by A1 oward ;� � Associate Planner P1 in Director �Y„ � � � � � � f. � � �� � � � G', �r � � � � � � � I�6 pr; � � � �� rv� � � � 4;„ �i ��' . . .. . . ..- . . --- � �� —._--� , .-. �c STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.5 � ` TIvARD PT�ANNTNG COI�MISSION �;, May 1, 1979 - 7:30 P,M. % i Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room i 108G5 S.�V. :�alnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � t � :� Doeket: Temporary, Use T[7 3-79 :, Ap�li.cant; P�r. �ussell A. 7.'homas Owner; Same 9845 S.5]. 0'Mara Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Application Date: Apr�,l 17, 1979 Sit�. Location: 9F345 S.W. O'Mara Street (6Vasn. Co_ Tax rilap ZSl 2CD, Tax Lot 2,803 Request: For an extension of a t�mporary use permit for six (6) montha to � place a mobile home ne�;t to t�.is existing residence on . 39 acre � parcel. Mobile home ta be used only until present home on same 1ot is remodeled. Previous Action: On M�rch 20, 1979, t_he City Administrator granted a tem- porary Use permit to locate a mobile home on the subject site for the pe�iod o.f r�arch 19, 1979, to May 17, 1979. I. Findings of Fact � " ` l. The subject site is zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential" and is designated "Urban Low Density" (7,500 sq ft per lot) on the NPO 1 Plan. 2. The purpose of the re:�uest is to permit the use af a mobile home for residential use while the applicant is remodeling his ho�. 3. Section 18.£3�J.020 of' the Tigard Municipal Code authorizes the Planning Commission the right to grant temporary permits to terminate within six months from the date of issuance. II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The znobile liome will be utalized as a residential unit and therefore, i�s �n ]teeping with tYie residential.� character of the neighborhood. 2. The use nf the mobile home is to �rovide temporary housing whiYe, the permanent ho:ne is being remodeled. 3. The mobile home has self contained sewer, water and elee�.�-iE�,l° sys tem�, �w.. � . S'SAFF REPORT AGENDA 5�,5 ���"`' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Page 2 III. Staff 12ecomendation; Staff recommends approval. ',' ;,;; :;; ._,; `i�''. � i "; ,' � ! J � ! � Report prepared by: K i Sel.by Reviewed by; ward * � Associate City Planner P g Director �� � � � ,i � � � , � � � ,j �; ��. ,a ,., f' i�'. 4p (' �i . .. . � . .. - � .. . _ f. � , ,. _ _ t MEMORANDUM T0: PLANNING COMMISSION Ap.ril 27, 1979 FROMs KEN BY SUBJECT: C nts and notes from each of the NPO's on the Housing Plan as requested. Due to the NPO's comments a few corrections and additions were made this week. I shall discuss them in detail Tuesday. With the exception of NPO #5, a common ar.knowl�dgement to the Housing Plan ; has been reached between the other NPQ's and the Planning 8taff. i i i � ; , � , i � �_ � � �: �, :,, ;' � - � . .. �,�. l: v �� d;i �.a jj �' . . . . . � ._ ��� � � � �1 ;;1 �� � . , . �.:...'t.: � � . .. . . .��� � � � . � � . .:� �i . � � .� . . � .. : . � � . . . . �1 .. � . . . , . . . ..i., � . . � � . . . . . � . .. � �... t,�. � � . . � � � � �`. . , . . . ��:�t; . . .. . . . . . . ���. , �:., . . . � � . . .. . i � . . . . . . .. . � �.��fi � ;—; � . . . . . ' .. . . �;. . . � . . �.. �A .w ATTACfiMENT TO THE HOUSING PLAN Comments from the NPO's NPO #1 Since they only have seven active members and the Resolution requires twelve, they consider themselves to be an "Advisory Committee". After reviewing the Plan in detail they moved to deny the smal- ler lot size and �the Housing Implimentation Plan in general for the following reasons: "There is no control on developers to keep the housing costs down if smaller lots were granted. Therefore, the plan is not workable". � NPO #2 No active members, therefore, the staff has made recommendata.ons for smaller l.ots, higher density and a general Housing Plan as existing land owners in NPO #2 have requested. NPO #3 S�aff has reviewed the buildable lots in the are a and have found that the terrain and property costs prahibit a.ny feesible low cost Housing P1an. a• �u:y NPO #3 is presently non active. NPO #4 "Subject to all other Policies the NPO #4 will agree with the density portion of the Housing Plan in the identified area as revised." � - NPO #5 O.f the ten members notified of the meeting only one member atten de d. "Seven dwelling units to the acre is a mother" "Do not li.ke the 5,000 square foot plan" "As � NPO member, I won't go for the R-5. "I want it to remain as R-7". With regards to the NPO #5 Plan the staff still feels that low cost housing is necessary and since this area meets the criteria for such housing we continue to support the Housing Plan as shown in this area. NPO #6 Accept the Housing Plan with the revisian of location. "That the �maller lots be up to 8 dwelling units per acre along the south- ern portion of S.W. Durham from Pacific Highway to 92nd Avenue. �`� , � , , � _ : P� � . . . � � . ����I .1 � . � ..'�II Pa9e 2 � And on ths West side of Iia11 Blvd. from S.W. Durham to McDonald, ; The units maybe common wall in design and owned or rented. 2'he lots shall not exceed approximately 200 feet in depth from S.W. Durham or Hall Blvd." NPO #7 "Accept the ;�lan as presented in an effort to gain low cost Fious- �!�� i,nq. However, it is felt that due �o the economic conditions, low cost housing will not b� obtained by this method° � ;! i 1 i 1 � c i � � i � � a . � . , : . � . .. � ! �, . .. . . . . . .. � � � � �� � �� ��� � . � � . .. . .� � �l . � . .. . ... ..� � ' � � � - � � , . . �. �� �7 C .. .. . . . � . �� ;,.. . . . . .. ., . � � , � �.. . .� : : �:.,., . ,� ��.. .:. . . , .:..�,. ..,.:�,,, �� .�, . . . . . .. . . . . .... .Y. ...,.r .. ............... .�_- . . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . .. , .. .. . _ . .. ., .. , . �r i � EQ I � � � MEMORANDUM � i'� TO: PLANNING COMMISSION j�'I FROM; KEN SET� �, � � ���, SUBJECT: Ammendmen.t to the Housing Plan ; t�l DATE: April 27, 1979 ,;I ,II� ITEM #A SMAI:�LER LOT STZES r��l Page 3. Delete NPO #1 areas between Cresmer Drive and Ash Avenue and be�ween Edgewood and 0'Mara Street. �I Approximately 5 acres in total. �,, ;;. It has been found that the two parcels have been sold recently and are being constructed for housing at a cost ;�lii v per lot above the minimum prioe to accomodatE low cost `j housing. 'I Paqe 5, Delete all of NPO #3. Again, the cost of land prohibits the '' �ility to construct low cost housing in this area. ;'I Page 5 Delete NPO #4 area North of Pfaffle and F.ast of Hall. �;� The majority of this area is single family and, therefore, riigh density apartments would be adverse to the existinq neighborhood. There are other paraels within NPO #2 which are identified E� as high density to off set the apartment units deleted in '`' NPO #4. �" �i '�i NOTE: I shall have a visual aide exhibit illustrating the pro�osed locations �;' of the Housing Plan. All the corrections and additions to date have ;' been done with the acknowledgment (not necessarily approval as in N�O #5's case) of all NPO's , �^� k 'I � !:� �'�i � . . ��.�I.II �i j,! ':li i'I FI ��I �. i.�l . . . . . . � . . �t,�� . . . � . . .. . . � �� . � � � .. � . �I;I ��1 . . . . � . . ' . .�. . . .� ����. .... _ . � . . . . � . � . . . , . . . . � . - , .