Planning Commission Packet - 03/20/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. 1'{ �.A �;.i rF� ... . � i�:'.i / 1 Agenda Item 5.5 (Urbana & Caufield) �: .J Washington County is considering a roadway extension that will go through the center of Urbana and Caufield's lot. Therefore, they wish to postpone the hearing of their variance application until the roadway system ha�. been finalized. !' � (J'� � � � � �1 � � �, � � �' � , . � � , � � �J1�� � �� q " r � . � �.. � ,; �; , ,,. , i f. i: t� I. �, � f� ia �: i. I. � � '' �, , AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION ' March`ZO�, 1979 - 7:30 P.M� � � _ � Fowler Junior High School - Leature Room 10865 S:.W. Walnut Street. - Tigard, Oregon . ' � l. Open Meeting: + , : 2. Ro,I1 Call: _ , : i � 3. Appro�ral of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : ` . _ < , > �; t, , ��;,. .,� � ,;� ' . ,r : �, �,:. . �., ., t ,r ` r ` . -.�_ : �_ . . _. � „ _ ' •.s 4. P1a;nnir�g G�nuni:issic>r; Conan�nicatian: • 5. Public Hearings: . . . , , ., 1 ,,, ,. �:; 8t�3f£ Reporz B. ��?pliaant's Presentati.on C; Pu}-�lic Testimony 1. Propon;ent's ,, 2. op�onent!s 3; . CrQSS--�xaminat.i�n D. Staff Recomm�ndation� E. Commission Discussion & Action 5.1a ZONF CHANGE �C 3-79 ((;eorge & Aase Husvar) NPO #6 A request by •George & ;Aase Husvar for a zone map amendment from Was'h. Co: �RU-4tt� Ci�y of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone on a 0.91 acre parCel, l.neated at 14200 S.W. 97th (Wash, Co. Ta�t Map• 2S1 � ,{ 11BA, Tax Lot 100) . 5.1b Z�NE CHANGE ZC 4-79 (Richard & Judith Stack) NPO #6 A request by Richard & Juciith Stack for a zone map amendment from Wash. Co, RU-4 to City of .Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" on a .047 acre �arcel, located at 9840 S.W. McDonald Si:reet (Wash. Co. Tax Map , 2 Sl 11BA 7:ax Lot 6 , O1) . � 5.1c ZONE CHANGE ZC 5-79 (Peter & Carrie Janzen) NPO #6 A, request by Peter & Carrie Janzen for a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigar d R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone on a 4.43 acre parcel, located at 9910 S.W. McDonald Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BA, Tax Lots 600 & 700) . : 5.1d ZONE CHANGE ZC 6-79 (Ronald R. & Anna Lautt) NPO #6 � A request by Ronald R. & Anna Lautt for a zone map amendment from Wash, Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "5ingle Family Residential" zone on a 2.5 acre parcel, located at 14110 and 14140 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BA, Tax Lots 101 & 105) . 5.1e ZONE CHANGE ZC 7-79 (Billy & Mary Bu.�nam) NPO #6 A request by Billy & Ma,ry Burnham for a zone ma� amendment from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Famil,r Fesidential" zonE on a 2.09 acre parcel, located at 14235 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1].BA, Tax Lot 1000) . OVPR t�� �'. �,:. Y 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 2-79 (Lindal Cedar Homes) NPO #4 i A r�quest by Lindal Cedar Homes, Inc. for-a zone map amendm�n�t from �' Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard CP "Commercial-Professional" ,zone on a .344 acre Parcel, l.ocated corner of Gonzaga Street:& S.W: 66th �`" (Wash. Co. Tax Ma.p 2S1 lAA, Tax Lot 7200) . 5.3 CONDIT�3AT,8,,L USE CU 7-79 (Veterinary Medical Facility) NPO #'1 °°^�..".,�-..., • : � . -, "r A request by Alva L.Rc'3'�e���,,,,�or a�onal use'pe'rmit to opprate a veterinary medical fac' ' n a " mmercial-:Profession�l" zorie Q� '��on a .b4 acre �ec�"',""'Tlocated at 12530 S.Wo C�l.�,s Fer.ry Rc�ad !"' '�� a h . ���, (W S . C ax Map 1S1 33AD, portion of Tax Lot 240� 5.4 QONDITIONAL USE CU 37-78 (Kenneth V. Allison) NPO #�1 A request by Kenneth V. Allison for a condi'tional use permit to build a singl.e family residence and an 11 unit apartment coiriplek!in a C-3M "Main Street Commercial" zone on a 0.91 acre parcel., loce�ed 284 feet from Pacific Highway on Macken•zie Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax .Map'- 2S1 2AC, Tax Lot 2000) . AId'�.,� terprises) NPO #5 . . . . VARI V 2-79 Urbana & Caufield En ' ^,��� A request by Robez���& Jo . �a�ifield for a variance to side r.�,_. ' and rear yard setback� a"'�"�ewx„Qom and warehouse in 'a M-3 "Light In�ustrial" �,�"�a 1.09 acre parce�';"'��a�„ed at 15895 S.W: 72nd. Aven � ash. Co. Tax Map 257. 12D, Tax.I�ot 2400�"�"�* . � � ~""'�,�"��� , 6. nl�c� �us ine s s: 7. New Business: E3. Qther Business:: i Review of Ordinance amending Chapters 17.48 and '18.46�T��a�,s,�e'r�ix�g, ' responsibility for certain variances to the Planning Director. � 9. Adjaurnment: � .. A _ PUBLIC NOTICE ' TIGARLI PLANNING COMMIS5ION March 2U, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler 47unior High School - Lecture Room '' 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1a ZONE CHANGE ZC 3-79 (George & Aase Husvar) NPO #6 A request by George & Ause Husvar for a zone map amendmen�C from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City o� Tigard R•-7 "5ingle Family Residentia'1" on a 0.91 acre _ parcel, located at 14200 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1. 11BA, Tax Lot ioo> . 5.1b ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-79 (Richard & Judith Stack;) NPo #6 A request by Richard & 3udith Stack far a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City af Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" on a 0.47 acre parcel, located at 9840 S.W. McDonalcl 5txeet {y�asha Co. Tax Map 2S1. �.1A1�. Tax Lot 601) . S.lc ZONE CAANGE ZC 5-79 (Peter & Carrie Janzen) NPO #6 A r�quest by Peter & Carrie Janzen for a zone m�p ameridment fram Wash. Co. . RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single L'amily Residential" on a 4.43 acre parcei, iacazed ar yJlU S.W. Mc:uonaid Hvenue �4vasn. c;o. Tax Map lsl 11�.A, Tax Lcts 60Q & 700) . 5.1d ZQNE �AANGE ZC 6-79 (Ronal.d R. & P.nna Lautt) NPO #6 t �z,, A xequest by Ronald R. & Anna Lautt far a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" on a 2.5 acre parcel, located at 141.10 and 14140 S.W. 97th (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2S1 11BA, Tax Lots 101 & 105) . S.le ZONE (;HANGE ZC 7-79 (Billy & Mary Burnham) NPO #6 A request by Hilly & Nlary Burnham for a zone map amendment frnm Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of 'I'igard R-7 °'Single Family Resider�tial" on a 2.09 acre parcel, located at 14235 S.W, 97th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11.BA, Tax Lot ' 1000) . 5.2 ZONE CFiANGE ZC 2-79 _(Lindal Cedar Homes) NPO �4 A request by Lindal Cadar Homes, Inc, for a zone map amendment from Wash. Ca. RU-4 �o Czty of Tigard CP °'Commercial-Professional" on a .344 acre parc�l, located corner of Gonzaga Street & S.W. 66th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lAA, Tax Lot 7200) . 5.3 COND�TTONAL USE CU 7-79 (Veterinary Medical Facility) NPO #7 A requPSt by Alva L. Rnberts for a conditional use permit to aperate a veterinary medical fa.cility in a CP "Commercial-Pro£essional° zone on a 0.4 acre �arcel, located at 12530 S.W. Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Go. Tax � Map 151. 33AD, portion of Tax Lot 2400) . AUBLIC NOTICE TIGARD PLANIJING CONI�KISSION ��� March 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �`��` Page 2 5.4 CONDITION�L US� CU 37-78 (Kenneth V. Allison) NPO #1 A request by Kenneth V. Alli�on for a conditional use permit to buxld a. single famil� residence and an 1.1 una.t apartmen� complex zn a C--3M '°Main _ _ Stree� Conanercial" zone on a 0.91 acre parce�., located 284 feet from Paai£ic Highway an Mackenzie Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2AC, Tax Lat 2000) . 5.5 VARTANCE V 2•�79 (Urbana 5 Caufield Enterpr.i:ses) NPC� #5 A r�quest by Robert Urbana & Joseph Caufiel.d for a vari.ance to side and rear yard setbacks �'or a showroom & warehouse in a M�3 "Light Indus�zial" zone on a 1.09 acre parcel, located at 1.5E395 S.W. 72nd Avenue (C4ash. Ca. Tax P1ap 251 1'lD, z'ax I,ot 2400) . Note: This hearing may k�e continued to a date set specific by the Planning Commissian. Publi.sh T7.' 3/7/79 & 3/19/79 i, i;� I �^i,v„�J' 1�Iarch 9, 1979 ��NA To: Mernbers oi �.'igard �1.anning Gommission t�rom: Cliff Sp�aker — �rNinuteman1e Subject: },�lanning Comma.ssion r�finu�tes purpose: T30be?^t�s F2ules of order say of the secretary: �'I3e should keep a recora of the pr�stedir��s, s�a4ing wl�at was done and not tivhat was said . 4 0�� In �art, the ess�ntial� of the mir.�utes are given as: ��(d) the fact of the presence of the �e�;ular chai�man and secre�ary, or in i;.heir absence the names of their substitutes; (e) tiv.hether the niinutes of thz �revious meeting were approved, or their reading dispensed wi'tYi . e .; (f) all th� main motions . . . and all other motions that were not lost or vtitihdratvn; (g) azld usually the hc�urs of r;ieeting and adjour:lment, when the rneeting �s solely for }�usine�s. Generally the namo is recorded of the member who in�roduced a maln motion, bui; .not of the �econd�r.�� Addi�ional purpoaeb for �the Plan.nirig ComrnissioYi: Sa.zzce our meetin�s are puY�lic and tlae decisions sub�ec� to appeal, T feel our minutes �hould be �adeq,u�te to protec�t us from accusAtion� of lack of consideratiou or '�railroading" on the part oz a disgruntled applicant or advacate, pro or con. Therefore in addition to the bare banes of - the Rules �F Qrcler I ieel tlaat �he information and apa.ni�ns exprsssed ��� by �ha a�plican�, and the public should be described suff:ic:iontl.y to indicatn the rationale for 4he dec9_sion by �he Coinmission. Parti.cularl5* if a xeQuest is denicd, there should be an ina�ca�ion to fu�;ure appli� eants for the pazcel the nature o.f' the corzcerns tlza Comrnission tiveighed in reachi�g it� decision. � `.Pwo things � believe should al.c�ay's be noted: (7.) any pertinent � information presented, either by appla.cant or �ho public, not cover�d � in the s�a:ff report and fiz�.dings. This mi�l�� cover a bxiof account 4 of the delibera�ions o:t' the af#'ected NPQ; thc� main o�jective sou�ht in � the development ?n this �'ashion. (Sai:tler Park �states 1'17); abil�.ty a of the C:i.�Sr to maintain open space or park areas, ete. (�) concernu r� of the publa_c and the Commissa.on; parking, density, tra£�'ic �robleras, pre�ervati.on of natural values, campliance tivith the ordinances, I1P0 �; p1.an, I,CbC goals s etc� �I il A questioi� u�?�iich probably should be discussed by t,he Comrnissioners '' is, how neceasary is it that individuals be i.dentified wi.th specific concerns, 1�Jould �h,e minute xecord be ,faul�i;ea, �'or i�etance, if i� ;; sta�ed sirnply tha�t unidentified members of the audi.erice expressea k, speci�ic concorn,� ar assert�d certain fac'�s or viat,� Or 3.f lc�cating �s du�lexes wero not �,dentii'ied wa.th Smith, que��ion �f legality �vith �'i ,Speaker, or groenway encroachmen,t witli Tepedino and 4�aod7 As your g,. ��m3.nuteman" T wi11 .fallow �he vrishee of the Commission in �his respecto � � � `' i; � ii �; R; �; �, �., � I�embere of 1�lanizing Commission -- 2. March 9, 1979 �.. �� �,,.- As a su�ge�tion toward shortenin� the ininutes and t.he time to type t.hem, ��h.y not use undersco.rin� or FULL C.�PS in�tead o:f numbered headings and re�ult�nt re�petitive verbia�e7 (�xatnpl.es: staff xepart� �pplicant,s testi,mony, oppon�nt�s, commission discussion Fznd action.) T would suggest al�o a dif�exent type face (easy to �et on modorn typowri�ers) and indenta�tion be used in stating the agenda item. As a long—time stenoox^agher I know tYie indented formai; presently used is expezxsive in �Germs ot tlze �ypistss time. If a narra�ive style i.� legal and accep�m ab1e, I feel much of t,ta� bene�i�t of the outline style can be attained ' with ;judicious use of undersooring and/or full caps to indicate the progr�ssion of t.he presentationa . Xour t,hou�ht on t.liese matters will be appreciatede l./IiL f'.�� ����� ��i��n � m��� << � �� .� i �. � � - _ oy � . . y � � . ,� , � � �,���. ��' ��'' � r ��i�'� �-�1� CIT3f OF TIGAT'.D, OREGON ORDINAivCL N0. 78°� ���..�'"°. � �: AI�J OiiDINA.NCE A.c�1E�IDIIVG CFL�E�TERS 17. 48 AND 18. �6 r TRANSE'ERRI�7G RESPON5ICBILITY �'OR ^ERTAZN VARTA�vCES TO TH� PLANNING DTRECTOR. ' T.Ei� CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS �1a FOLLOfn1S : Section ?: � . rhe Ci�y Cou.�.ci:1. fiz�ds �ha� �here is a need for the �ransfex of �ome of the res�ansibility fnr c�ecision--making regardi�.g vaiz�nces fr.om th� Pl�.nning Comnissioz to the Planni.ng Director. This need arises aut ' of botn tl�e re�uiremen�ts vf bui�.cl��s azid develo�ers a£ ].and , �nd the needs � oz the Plaizning b��arf:men.t ar�d the ��.axining Comm�.ssion far gr.�atEr . �ffici�nay in th� adminis�r�tion o� �:h'e.ir work, The Gourlcil fux�ther �111f3� that in the limifi�d areas covered by� this ordinance the i.nterest u� the pu�:�lic are adequately protec;�ed by �he vesting of the authQr.ity and r��ponsi�ility foz these rle�cisioz�s �ri�th the Planning Director. • �Pction 2 : — - � Chap�er 17. 48 Variances of the Tigard i�iunicip�,t. Code (reldting •�o va�ia�c�s in subdivis�.ons) is her�by �.mer.ded in the follawing respects : � . A. Section 1.7. 48. O1.Q l�,pplicatian for Exception is a;-�°nded by the additian af the cvords "Except as grovided in Section ].8. 48. n15" before the beginning of I� the second paragraph of Sectinn 17.48. 010. � �. The . fnllawing language 3s aclded as a new . section, to be designatecl Secti�n 17.48.015 Planning Direct�r t� Act on Ce-ri.a:;.r� ����:ications : ' . Sectian 17�48.015 Plar�ni.ng Director to �ct on Certain� Abnlic�.tions�. If an aoQlication for variance �rom �etb�ack zequiremEnts asser�s that the vara.ance ' reguested would amount ta a departure' of:rsot more than . YS percent from the re��dant star�da�d, or if the ap�alication asserts tha� varianc�; from lot area, lot coverage, Zot depth, or lot wz.dt,h requirements would amaunt to not mc�re than 5 percent of the relevant standard, the Planning Director shall have th.e autc�Urity and the responsibi.lity to grant or deny the variance. Th� Planning Director sha1Z grant a varianaA uttder tfz�se circumstances if he:�finds the as�P�tions o� the application to be true, and if hz finds that the follawing circu.mstances exist: � ORDTNANCE NO. 78- ' I � . _ _ � , ; , �• ' , � I ' (a) The discrepancX be�ween the relevant ' " ; "standard and the proposal U�hi�� i.s the subject of �he � : � ii varianc� has arisen by mista;�e or excusable negl.e�t, and � f,, (b� Requiring that th4 builder ar developer `�... ;� eonform to �he relevant standard wauld cause expense., ;{ incenvenience, or loss af time substantially out of . . �Sronortion to the val.ue to� the publie nf the interest protected by r�igid insistence on comp�.iance with the standard. ; If �the Pl.anning Director denies the apglicati�n for va�iance und�r the p�ovision� of this �ection the appli.cant sha11 be entit],ed �o appeal �o the Planning Ce�mmission. Appeal. to �.ha Flanning Caznrniss.�on shal.l be taken by ��ri�ten nc�tice c�f apPeal - in l.et�er �or�r� faled with the city ��corder. Such a r�atice a� appeal shall. be f�.�.ed withir� ten c3ays afte-r ' mail.ing of notice of �he denial. O�. ap�ea]. the � � Planning Commission 5ha1.1 apply the standards of this section, and not the standaras s�t forth in Secti.an ' 17. 48. 020. Appea�. fram a deci.sion of the Planning Commission may be taken in �he same way other appeals � ar� taken £rom Flanning Commissian decisions regarding va�i�nces . C1n ap�peal �rorn the Planning Commission �he City Council. shal.l app�y th� standards set forth in this section. . . ��� Se�tian 3: ;� Chabter 18. 76 Va�iances af the �igar�. P�Iunicipal Code . (relating to variances in zoning matter� generally) is hereby amenc9.ed by � , th� addi.tion of Section 18. '76. Q35 Planning Direc�or ta Act on Certa�in ' AA�piications , to read as £ollowsc . �ection 18. 76, 035 Planning Director to Act an Certain ADplications. If an application, for variance �rom setback requir�ments asserts that the vari.ance . requested would amount to a departure o£ not more than 15 p�rcent trom the rel,evant standard, or if the � agplication asserts that variance �rom l.ot area, lot coverage, lat depth, ar lot width requirements would amou.nt to not more than 5 percent o£ the relevant . . stdndard, th� Planni.ng Director shal'1 have the � autharity and the respnnsibility to grant or deny the variancp. The �lanning Director shall grant a variance � under these circums�ances if he finds the assertions of the application to be true, and if he f_inds that the following circumstances exist: E: . � � H �P.DT�IANCE NO. 78- '� �, _.�-�..,_ , � , <: . � _ _,:.,. _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � , , ; - �► � (a) The discrepa.ncy be�ween the relevant " �tandard and the praposal �J'nich is the subject of the �., vari:ance has arzsen by mistake or excusable neglect, a,nd (b} R�quiring that tMe builder or d;eve3.o�er conform to the relevant standard wouZd eaixse expense, inconuenience, or loss of tim� substanta.ally out of � . pxoportion �o the value to the publie of the i.nterest protected by rigid insistence on compli.ance �vi�h th� standar3. If the Plannin.g Directox denies the applica�ion for variance under the pr4v�siozxs of this �ectian the applicant shall bE en�itlec3 to anpeal to th� Planning Commissiona Appeal to �he Pl.azzning Cammission shall be taken by writ-�en r�otiee ot appeal in letter form filed with the ci�y recordex. Such a notice of appeal shall be ta.lecl tivi:•���.n t�n days a�ter . maiiing flf notice o�' the dEnial. On appeal. the • � Planning Commission shall apply the s�andards of this sectian, and not the standarcls set for�h in Section � 17. 48. 020. Appeal from a clecision of the Planning Commission iziay be taken in the sarne way other appeals �re taken from Plann�,ng Cc�mmission d��isians regarding variances . On appeal from the P1.anning Cammissian the �ity C�uncil shall apply the starzclard� set for-�h in �I this sectipn. I . i � tiSSLD: By vote of a11 Council. members present, aft�r I� being read two times by number and titl.e only, this day , of , 1978. ' � ' RECORDER, C�TY OF TICARD � S2GNED: By the Mayor, this day of , 197£3. - MAYDP., CITY 0�' TIGARD � ' ORI?IN�3NCE NO. 78- , i MFatifORF1NDUM ��. To: Planning Commission From: t�ldie Howard Planning Director Subject: Request From Fred Nleyer to Alter and Improve the Home , Improvement Center - Ref. SDR 11-79 Date; I�arch 20, 1979 Applicant wishes to improve and expand the home center in the Fred Meyer . Complex on 99W. Staff has determined that this complex is "Non-Confoxming" with regards to landscaping, signs, parking screening and entrance require- . ments off 99W. Normally this would have to come before th� Planning Commission, however, I do not feel that the "Non-Conformance" is significant enough to warrant such � review which would cause unnecessary delay and expense to the applicant� Present signing regulati.ons will require that the large sign be removed by January ].1, 1981 per Sign Ordinance 16.24.010 Tigard Municipal Code. We I have required additional landscaping around the home center addition and , along 99W. We have suggested improvement of the access off 996�J with additional traffic restrictions. The installation of a bus shelter at the corner ot 99F1 �� �A, and 71st Avenue has been made a condition of this approval. Ili From a logical and realisi:ic standpoint we have im�roved the site considerably II � from what is existing now. I do not think that total conformance to City I �� codes is possible. Tn reviewing �this application staff considered total ' �! con�ormance and realized that "inaking the best out of what exists" was the I only realistic approach to take. Had this application been for construction ' of a totally new .building, then we could have required total conformance, I but where it was only for a sma11 addition to an existing structure we were ' able to improve a portion of the entire site, i Tf you wish to review the entire matter, we will report to the applicant and bring them before you. However, as I have stated, I think that a sitE design review at the staff level is sufficient under these circumstances. ALDIE HOLJARD � • Planning Director I� . I I I � � • I � � : _J