Planning Commission Packet - 03/06/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA TIGARD PLANtJIi�iG CC1M��IISSION M.arch 6, I979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fowler Juni�r High School - Lecture Room a 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon ' �'. . 1. Open Meeting: 2. Roll Call: ' i i i 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : i �. Flanning Commission Communication: � i 5. Public Hearings: � i A. StafE Report ; B. Applican.t's Presentation C. Public Testimony l. Proponent's 2. Opponent's 3. Cross-Examination D. Staff Recommendations E, Commission Discussion & Action 5.1 ZONE CH�NGE ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Estates Planned Development) I�IPO #6 This item was tabled from the February 20, 1979 Planning Commissian meeting. A request by William A. Godwin for a yeneral p1an and program review of a �, residential pl�nned development and zone map amenc3ment from R--7 "5ingle Family Residenti.al" zone to R-7 PD on a 9.27 acre parcel, loc�.tecl at S,W. Sattler Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 11AD, Tax Lot 6500) . ' S.2 ZO E CHANGE ZC 25-78 (6Vinter Lake Planned Development p �{� NPO #7 , 4 aLU"' i This i�tem wa bled from the December 5, 1 anning Commi si n meeting. A r.equest by Krueger Deve Co. for a preliminary plan and pragram review of a resident' planne velopmen_t and zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RS- City of Tigard R7 d A2 PD an a 27.31 acre site; east o th, between Scholls F�rry Roa1 Walnut Street (Wash. Co. . ap 1S1 33D, Tax Lots 500, 600, 6q1 and 6G2 . 5.3 ZOiVE CHANGE ZC 30-78 (Sherwood Dnwn Planned Develapznent) NPO #5 City rouncil on January 22, 1979 remanded back to Planning Co�nission. A req�iest by Ginthex Engineera'ng, Inc, for a pre].iminary plan and proyram review of a residential planned development and zone map amendm�nt from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R7 PD on a 11.25 acre parcel, south of Bonita Road on S.W. 76th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lots 4600, 4700, 4701 arid 4800) . 5.4 CODIDT�IONAL USE CU 1-'79 (Michael D. Elton) NPO #6 ' I A request by Michael D. Elton for a conditional use permi.t to build duplexes � in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone on a 2.83 acre parcel at S.PT. 108th & Durham Roacl (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 15A, Tax Lot 1500) . over ---- .. � ._ ,�...�._....J 5.5 VART.ANCE V 3-79 (Ames Orchard #2) ,NPO.,#7 A request by Hazeltree Development for a street variance for improvemerit � of the approximately 200 feet of remaining S.C�J. Hazelhill (Wash. Co. �Tax Map 2S1 1O�B ��ax T�ot 6p0 . -� . ) , � 5.6 CONDITIONAL [JSE CU 5-79 (JUhn Z'igard Hone) NPO #6 A request by 'Pigard Area HisL-or.ical and Preservation Association to locate the Jc�hn Tiga.rd Hc�mE in an R-7 "Sing.lF Farnil� ftesi.de�ztia]." zo�e an a 5. 9 0 acre pa.rcel (portion of) at S,W, 103rd Avenue & S.W. Canterbur Y Lane (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11f3C, Tax Lat 2600) , 5.7 CONDITIONAL USF CU 4-79 (S.W. 110th Park) NFO #3 A reguest by E:ci Gaus� far a concli.tional use per�nit to bui.lcl du�lnxes in an R-lp "Single F'amily Resi_dential" zone on a 1.45 acre parcel, east of S.Wo 11O�.h Avenue, at west end of S.W. Gard�ii Park (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1301) . 6, 01d Business: 7. New Business: 8. Other Business: � 9. Adjournment: �� t}�; � ,�, �: >� ; ��' i ..,,.��_a. .�.. _..__ ..._ __.. _._ _ ._ ..,_, ' p�*tT��^P�,S; "�''I�-�:.� 1}��1VN�G CQhiMTSSION .�fiareh 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior Iiigh School - Lecture Room ��' 1d865 S.W, 6Valnut Street - Tigard, Oregon The meeting was OPENED at 7:37 P.M. by President Tepedino, ROLL CALL: Present: Helmer, Kolleas, Smith, Speaker, Tep�dino Present, but arriving late: Bonn Absent: Funk, aeeber, Wood The President asked for corrections to, or approval of the MINUTES of February 6 and Fehrua.ry 20. Speaker called attention to a typographical error in paragraph D, page 6 of the February 20 minutes; The word "addition" in the first li.ne should be "adding." With th.is correction, approval of the minu�:es of February 6 and February 20 was MOVED, seconded and carried, The only COMMUNICATION was a verbal report by Commissioner Kolleas on a ride in a City Police patrol car, which illustrated to her some good and bad features of city planning. She commended similar �trips by the other r.ommissioners. Staff stated arrangements should be made with the day staff police officer for scheduling such trips. A similar invitation was extended to the persons in the audience. President Tepedino read the usual notice to the audience giving authority for and procedure to be followed during the public hearing portions of the meeting, He thereupon apened the PUBLTC HEARING. , ��,, 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Estates Planned Development) A request by Wi.Zliam A, Godwin for a general plan and program review of a residentiaZ plann�d development and zone map amendment from R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone to R-7 PD on a 9.27 acre parcel, located at S.W. Sattler Street (Wash. Co. Tax �lap 2Sl Z.Z.ziD, Tax Lot 6500) . Since this item had been tablPd at the February 20 meeting, it was MOVED, seconded and carried that the item be raised from the table to an agenda item at this time. T'he STAFF REPORT was read by Howard. The APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION was made by R,ichard DY�inkwater, Ci.vi1 Engineer, 8095 S.W. Cirrus Drive, Beaverton, who acknowledged the commission's familiarity with the project and held himself available to answer questions. (Note: Commissioner Bonn arrived at •this point.) There was no PUBLIC TESTIlypl�y, � 'i�he STAFF RECOMMENDATIOA' was read by Howard. a COMMISSTON DISCUSSION AND ACTION: �� --------- ____ � • Smith asked if the ratio of dupl.exes to siz� le-�ami �' J .ly residences had been ;� ahan ged. Selby pointed out on the wall presentation of the project there was one moxe common-wa11 unit, one less single-family unit, with no change in over-all density'. ' G- -,'::, � � � � t;v ��,v' ,. MINUTES TIGARD PI,ANNING COMMISSION ' March 6, 1979 Page 2 � COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: Speaker verified with staff that the restriction in Condition 6 was really a prohibition of direct access of abutting lots to Sattler Street. It was agreed ,i the word "restrict" should be changed to "prohibit". �;;' Smith questioned adequacy of parking. Selby explained the emergency services i, people feel tl�e parking as now planned is adequate, and it does meet City Code. Smith also questioned the one-way designation of the loop street on the wall I presentation. '�his was a late addition to the plan, which staff and several commissioners highly approved. It wa� ascertai.ned that the dedication of the 3.5 acre open space had been discussed with the Park Board, and that the City had funds available for maintenance. Smith MOVED approval of Zone Change ZC 22--78 based on staff findings and recommendations, including a Condition 10 reading as follows: � � The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. 5,2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 25-78 (Winter Lake 1'lanned Deve.Zopment) This item was stricken from the agenda upon written request of Benkendorf & Associates dated February 22. :' !' 5.3 'LONE CHANGE 'LC 30-78 (Sherwood Downs Planned Development) ?':i i' This item kc�d been remanded back to the Planning Commission by the City Councii. However, staff reported that James Ginther of Ginther EngineerYng, Inc., had called at 3 o'clock in the afternoon requestirzg tabling for this item in order to allow additional consultation with si:aff on the density issue. The President inquired a�out notice to be given to surrounding grpper.ty owne-rs when this item would again be heard, stating he felt public notice and participation is very important. Staff assured the same notice would be given to immediate neighbors, and the official notice woulci also appear in thz Tigard Times. Thereupon Bonn M_OT1ED It�n! 5.3,. Shexwood Uowirs Planned l�evelopment, be tabled. The moti,on was seconded and aa,rri,ed unanimausly. ; 5.4 CONDITTONAL USE CU 1-79 (Michael D. E1ton) i � A request by MichaPl D. EZton for a conditiox�al use perm.i,t to bui.Zd duplexes in an R-7 "5ingle Family Residential" zone on a 2.83 acre �paxcel at S.W. lOBth & Durham �oad (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 15A, Tax Lot 15p0) . The STAFF REPORT was read by Howard. The APPLICANT'S PRESBNTATION was made by Michael D. Elton, 18Q1 S.W. Cloverleaf ; Road, Lake Oswego, owner and applicant. Mr. Elton acknowledged some confusion with the zon�ng xequixements, pxi.ginallX �, believing the same number of duplexes as single-family units would be permissible, � whereas he now recognizes the limitati,on is on the number of liying units. He ;' reviewed the passibilities under single-unit deVelopment, ut�li,zinq one cul-de-sac ,; off Durham and another off S.W. 108th, which would sacxi�ice desirable development of ! �TNUTES TIGARD PLI�NNING COMMISSION ' March 6, 1979 Page 3 .�-�• APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION CONTINUED: �` • �. the creek through the property,. He also stressed the economic impact of the requirement f.or half-street improvements along 500 f.eet of Durham and 300 feet of S.W. 108th, which he felt was unduly burdensome if development were to be limited to single-family units. He indicated a desire to explor.e with the Commission the best use of what he characterized as "a ehoice piece of property". He presented a location map showing neighboring property owners who favored and opposed this development, tog�ther with a petition favoring it, He xead into the record a letter received by him from Opal Labahn, 16190 S.W. 108th Avenue, expressing approval of the project. The President stated the Commission can act only on the proposition as put before them; that if the applicant felt it desirable to explore alternatives he should do so with staff. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: B`AVORING the plan as proposed were: Opal Labahn, 16190 S.W. 108th Avenue and C.E. Labahn, same address� and Ed Thoennes, 16450 S.W. 108th Avenue. It was pointed out there would probably be less traffic generai-:ed by sma11 duplexes than by large single-family units because of the absence of young peop.te with cars. IN OPPOSITTON to the proposal: Mrs. Grar�t A. Chamberlin, 16720 S.W. 108th, read a long prepared statement f" expressing conceYn for the safety at tl�e 108th and Durham intersection; opposing �.-_ the density propos�d, and the lack oi parking spaces. Elton C. Phillips, 16565 S.W. 108th, expressed conaerns for the slope; parking (which is in compliance with the Code) ; sewer (which is provided for properly) ; and building height (which is one story only) . Opal Labahn, 16190 S.W. 108th� opposed the density, terming the duplexes as actually apartments; that buffering is not necessary; that if the propex_ty is permitted � highex density, the whole area should be rezoned for higher c�ensities. � Walt Lissy, 16455 S.W. 108th; Lannes Baird, 16325 S.W. 108th; and Paul Arlauskas, i 16420 S.W. 108th, reiterated concerns previ.ously expressed. Mr. Arlauskas also � objected to the rental aspect as compared with the single ownership concept in the i NPO plan for the area. 1 Staff read a letter just received from Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Brewer, 16185 S.'W. 108th, zn opposition. � ; The STAFF RECOMMENDATTON was read by Haward, In DISCUSSION by commissioners, it was pointed out that buffering on this property was from Durham Road rather than Summerfield; that as proposed the develop- ment would be more accurately described as apaitments than duplexes; that a �lanned Devel�pment designation would be appropriate because of the sensitive character of the area; that the economic bu�`den of improving S00 feet of road was indeed a real �� one to be eonsidered in the development of this property; that we should support the NPO single-residence plan fcir this area. The propriety and legality of requiring a PD for this parcel was discussed. MINUTES � TIGARD PL'ANNTNG COMMISSION March 6, 1979 • Page 4 � Smith M OVED denial of Item 5.4, Conditional Use CU 1-79 requested by Michael �lton; and that this parCel be required to be developed in the Planned Development concept with a maximum density of 14 units. The m�tion was seconded and carried, with four ayes, two noes. At this time (9:08 P.M.) the President declared a 5 minute recess. 5.5 Variance V 3-79 (Ames Orchard #2 Subdi vision) A request by Hazeltree Development for a street variance for improvement of the approximately 200 feet of remaining S.W. HazelhilZ (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBB, Tax Lot 600) . The STAFF REPORT was read by Howard. The APPLICANT�S PRESENTATION was made by Bob Cruz of David Evans and Associates;;. engineer-planner for the owner-applicant. HA briefly restated the request and the reason therefor, and offered to answer any questions. PUBLIC TESTIMONY was confined to a question by Herbert Olson, an adjoining property owner for whom the development has r�ised run�-off water problems. Staff told him that issue would be addressed later. The STAFF RECOMMENDATION was read by Howard. Selby stated in answer to Mr. Olson's question that it is a condition on the zone change, and it will be a condition of the subciivision, that the applicant have site drainage plans approved �Y by the City prior to issuance of building permits. There is some difference in �.:: the County standards f.rom the �City standards, which require underground drainage � control. Mr. Ames, the applicant, who specifically disclainted being an engineer, explained some oF the problems in the first Ames subdivision which should not recur in this one. Mr. Speak.er aoznmented that apparently staff felt the four requirements for a vaxian�e wex�e met a,n this case; an� that it was rather unfortunate the applicant ' seemed to be caught by a conflict between County and City standards in his develop- ment. Thereupon he MOVED app•roval of Variance 3-79, based on staff findings and ' recommendations. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. 5.6 CONDITIONAL USE CU 5-79 (John Tigard Horne) Ref. TU 7-78 A request by Tigard Area Historical and Preservation Association III to Iocate the John Tigard Home (historical building} in an R-7 � "Single Family Residential" zone on a 5.09 acre parcel (portion of) ' at S.W. 103rd Avenue & S.W. Canterbur� Lane (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S.Z I' 11BC, Tax Lot 2600) . HoWard read the STAFF REPORT. The APPLICANT'S PRESFNTATION was made by Dave Bissett of the architectural ��"` firm of Griggs, Lee, Ruff Architects, 5920 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland, Oregon, I • who is the architectural. consultant for the Tigard Area Historical and Preservation �, i I �� :� , .�, : _ . MINUTES �PIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION ' �' Nlarah 6, 1979 I�age 5 Associati�n. He made three general comments: (1) there should be some special `''��' treatment for projects of this type which are aimed at preserviizg historical • � values and t . , he Cit s y ordinances do not really address projects of this type. (2) The intention of the group is to preserve and restore laridmarks in the community which have a significant historical nature. (3) That the building co�e requirements for a public building are not appropriate for such a historical land- mark. Mr. Bissett voiced objections to the requirement for minor land partition, because the Association is only a lessee from the Water District, a public body; that the required on�-site parking would destroy the proper phys�cal environment f'or this historical building, and he presented as a solution the offer of the Calvin Presbyterian Church (which would be reduced to writing on �March 27) ��f the use of their parking lot. He suggested painted cross walks would adeqtiately protect visitors to �he house; that if on-site parking is mandated, there be only orie ingress-egress and a maximum of five on-site parking spacas; that the requirement of insic�e rest- rooms would destroy the original nature of the house, and that the bathroom presently installed is expected to be taken out and the original pantry restored. He stated the church had offered its restroom facilities during visiting hours. He pointed out the Uniform Building Code recognizes this problem in historic buildings and does not require public restrooms. The interior doorways are not adequate to accomrnodate handicapped access, and to provide ramps, wide doorways, etc. , would destroy the histarical integrity of the building. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: J�hn Wilson, 8965 S.W. Edyewood, pointed out the TAHPA has been successful so far in getting funding f or this project, but that it i.s nevertheless a non-prafit organization and that requirements for sewers would be a burden 'to � the group, as well as being contrary to the historical aspects of the building. Bob Santee, Administrator of the Tigard Water Commission, commended the holding of this hearing, where the concerned citizens could be heard. He pointed out that two conditions were important: that the house be located on the original DT,C, and that the house face east. H� explained the acquisition of the site by the Water Di.strict in the absence of funding by the City to purchase it for gark pur�ose. He expressed a preference for not having a minor l.and partition; for having no p�rkinc� on the site; that the b�ater District would be glad to donate 5 feet all along 103rd, not just for the 70 feet involved in this request. It was stated the lease would be a permanent one for $1 per year, and that plans for future building of another water storage tank have not been considered and such an installation is rather unlikely, but that the site would still have room for one, � Mr. Bliss staGed it is estimated the house would be opened only once a month to begin with, and at full use only three times a week. He estimated 10 to 20 would be the maximum to be accommodated ai: one time. t Howard of staff expre�sed concerns with respect to permanent arrangements for parking, compliance with codPS, handicapped access, etc. He suggested possible modificat' . io ns to the various c on 't` di ions, but stated the final decision was the Commis s ion's. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: �� Staff and Mrs. �Iancy Stimler of the City Council and the Commissioners discussed ��� the ro osal and r`' p p problems at some length. The house was characteri.zed as less real estate than personal property, and it was reiterated the building codes applicable to 4 new construction are not appro�riate for this request. Tepedino discussed each s, �, ; —�-. ... -- . _ � • �� : ,, MINUTES � " TIGARD PT,ANNING COMMISSION iil March 6, 1979 �;j Page 6 i �' COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION CONTINUED: — i condition in turn, and modifications which are reasonable in terms of proposition's `'r unique character. He thereupon moved approval, based on staff findings and ,:� recommendations, with staff conditions modified during further discussion as follows: _'� #l. As stated, with addition of "if found to be applicable by the applicant's '� and land owner's attorneys". :I #2. That this be resolved between staff and the applicant so far as appropriate number of accesses--whatever is reasonably possible in view of the special nature of the building: #3. Unchanged. #4 Unchanged. (But the Water District will dedicate 5 feet without improve- ments along their additional frontage on 103rd Avenue) . #5, Unchanged. #�. Included, but with the words "sewer and other" stricken. #7. Unchanged. #(i. Modified to read, "That construction and drainage and sewage drainage plans be submitted . . . ° �% s i, #9. Unchanged. i' I:, �.. #10. Deleted on the basis of low traffic to the facility. #11. Deleted. The motion as finally reviseci was seconded by Speaker. Smith commented on the unique nature of the building, and that because of it's historic nature, the necessity of providing sewer and on-site parking is inappropriate. The motion then carried unanimously. 5.7 CONDITIONAL USE CU 4-79 (S.W. 1.ZOth Park) !: A request by Ed Gause :£or a conditional use permit to build four duplexes (consisting of eight dwslling units) in an R-10 "Single Family Residentia.Z" zone on a 1.�15 acre parceZ, located east of S.W. 110th Avenue, at west end of S.W. Garden Park (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2SI 3DD, Tax Lot 1301) . The STAFF REPORT was read by Howard. i:' �. Ed Gause, 14635 SW 133rd Avenue, the owner-�applicant, made the APPLICANT'S �'� PRESENTA.TION. He pointed out that in the area there are approximately 35 duplexes, on smaller lots than his, incluaing those �n Mr. Van Atta's land adjoining, �'. � permission f�r which was quite recently granted by the Commission. He was followed ; by Joe Walsh of Waker Associates, planning consultant representing Mr. Gause, who �` expressed the opinion sinqle-family residences would prove difficult to market in � that particular location. �'� �� r i' r � __ _ _ _ _ _ t� . . . � ., . . . . . .. .. ... . . . .. . ..... ' .. ' �41 , (.� MINUTES � • ' TIGARD PLANN2NG COMMTS5ION ��J - � � �March� 6, 1979 ;� Page 7 ,a � �`` PUBLIC TESTIMONY - OPPONENTS: Howard read into the record a letter expressing i opposition to the request by a dozen or more neighboring residents. Thereupon the � following expressed opposition on the basis of existing drainage problems, traffic !� on 110th, but primarily on the topic of the expectation when they pur.chased their homes �that the neighb�rhood would continue to be developed in accordance with the �� zoning for single-family residential, thereby assuring maintenance of value in their home investments: I Ronald D. Schmitz, 10950 S.W. Fairhaven Way Joyce Prince, 10920 S.W. Fairhaven Way � Bibianne Scheckla, 1089Q S.W. Fairhaven Way ; Lanore Van Kleek, 13745 S.W. 110th Avenue � Marylin Anderson, 13665 S.W. 110th Avenue Mrs. Scheckla pointed out that the NPO 3 Plan for tMis area was designed to �� protect and enhance the existing neighborhood, and urgently requested there be no ; further deviations from the Plan in order to accomplish the intent of the P1an. j Howard read the STAFF RECOMMENDATION. ! - ; In REBUTTAL Mr. Gause submitted that the logical place to stop duplexes isa 1:3,� is the 110th Avenue exit; that the drainage complained of will be taken care of. Selby requ�sted an additional Condition No. 6: "That a 5'S" sight-obscuring fence of the same type as the fence being emplaced on the Garden Park Place develop- � �,, ment be provided prior to issuance of the building permit." The reason, he explained, was that the fence would be the buffer between the multiple and single family � residences. � I ; Further discussion indicated this conditional use request is not in compliance i wi�h the NPO plan; that the applioant would, if his finances permitted, retain the duplexes for rentals; that Lot 4 is adjoi;ned by duplexes. ; Smi£h MOVED for approval of Conditional Use CU 4-79, based on staf.f findings and recommendations, including Conditions 1 through 6. The motion was seconded and e, carried, with Kolleas abstaining by reason of her residence in the immeeliate area. (�'or the benefit of the audience the �resident read the recommendations and � conditions as passed, and �he effect �f permitting one duplex and four single family � residences on the plot was explained, to the expressed satisfaction af several in the � audience) . � 1 1 The public hearing thereupon was closed at 11:].2 P.M. ; ! � Under OLD 73USINESS, Howard disoussed changes in the sensitive lands ordi;nance discussed in the study session last week� He asked that any further comments be given to him before presentation to the Ci,ty Council at a stur3y session on Monday, March 19. Under NEW BUSINESS, Howard explained a problem which had arisen with a deVeloper on Bonita Road who, due to approvals given by previous Planning Department staff members, had proceeded subs�antially in his development, but that a p��ka.ng area was in the flood plain. The developer has agreed �o maintain the �xeenWay for five years, and will work out an equalization plan to eliminate any reduction in ca,pacity �f the floodway. The consensus of the Commission was this is accept,able under tkte circumstances. � _ _ � _ •,� `� MINUTES , . TIGARD BLANNING COMMISSION March 6, 1979 , Page 8 3t' The length of the minutes was brought up and. discussed briefly. Howard explained the City�Gouncil's attitude on half-street improvements with respect to differences in size of developments. Fred Cooper, Chairman of the Park Board, and Jerry Dragoo, park architect, discussed two alternatives considered by �tlze Park Board for the development of Summer L�ake--an active and a passive alternative. They explained the alternatives with reference to large colored plans m4unted on the wall. Various aspects, inaluding financing and water levels under flooding conditions, were discussed. The consensus appeared to favor the active, more expensive, alternative if funds could be made available. The Presi_dent decl�red the meeting adjourned at 11:46 P.M, II .�~� i �.., _ PUl3LIC NOT2CE TIGARD PLANNING COMNII�SION �p March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. 4 .„: Fowler Juinior High School-Lecture Room `` ", , 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 25-78 (Winter Lake Planned Development) NPO #7 (This item was tabled Erom 12/5/78 Planning Commission public hearing meeting.) A request by K�ueger Development Co. for a preli:minary pi.an ax�d �rogram review of a residential planned development and zone map amenc�znent from Wash. Co. RS-1 to City o£ Tigard R7 �D and A2 PD on a 27.31 acre site, east of 135th, between Scholls Ferry Road and Walnut Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 33D, Tax I�ots 500, 600, 601 and 602) . 5.2 ZONE �ANGE ZC 30-78 (Sherwood Downs Planxied Develapmen�) NPO #5 I � 1 (City Council. an January 22, 1979 remanded back to Planning Commission) . j A request by Ginther Engineering, Inc. �ar a preliminary glan and program I review of a �esidential planned developmen� and zone map amendment frnm � Was't1. Co. RU-4 ta City of Tir�axd R7 PD on a 11.25 acre p�rcel, south af j Boni�a Road on S.W. 76th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 128, Tax Lats 4600, 4?00, � 4701 an�d 4800) . { � 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE CU 1-79 (Michael D. Elton) NPO #6 f ��`Y" A request by Michael D. Eltar► for a conditional use psxmit to buil,d � du�lexes ir_ an R-7 "Single Fami.ly R�si.dential" zone an a 2.83 acre parcel at S.W. 108th & Durham Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 15P,, '�ax T.at 1500) . 5.4 VARIANCE V 3-79 (Ames Orchard #2) NPO #7 P f t A request by Haz�l��ee Develup�nen�t far a str.eet variance for i.mprovemen� � of the approxi.mately 200 feet of remaining S�W. Haze].hi:ll (Wash. Co. Tax �2ap 2S1 ].pBB, Ta,x Lot 600) . �� 5.5 CONDITTONAI, USE CU 5-79 �Jahn Ta.ga�cl Home) NPO #6 � i, A request by Tigard Area Fii.stori.cal and Preservation AsSOCiation to i; locate the John Tigard Eiome in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone �+ on a 5.05 acre parcel (portion of) , at 5.W. 103rd Avenue & S.W. . � Canterbury Lane (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11BC, Tax Lc�t 2600) . � 5.6 CONDITIONAL USE CU �-79 (S.W. 110th Park) �TPO #3 � , A request by Ed Gause for a conditional use permi� to build duplexes : ;t in an R-10 "Single Eamily Residential" zone on a 1.45 acre parcel, sast of S.W. 110th Avenue, at west end of S.W. Garden Park (Wash. Ga. � Tax Map 251 3DD, Tax I,ot 1301) . � Note: This hearing may be continued to a date set specific by the Pla�ning � � �� ` Commission. � � � Pu.blish TT 2-21-79 & 2-28-79 ' � , � i I a . . � . . .. , � . . � . � . . . . . � . . ... . . .. � � . � . . . . . . � . . . . � � .�t . . . .. � . . . �. . . . . .. .�� MEMORANDUM 4 � �'�,. � : i To: Planning Commissioners � E'rom: Ken Selby ,�C�r`z- li � � ' Subject: Review of Conc�pt of The Summerlake Park Located �t 130th �! � and South of Summ�rlake Planned Development Consisting ,; of Approximate'ly 23 Acres `� Date: March 2, 1979 ,. Under :New Business, the Park Architect and Fred Cooper of the Park Board ;. would appreciate the opportunity to present this proposed park site for =' your review. , � The presentation will take approxim�tely 15 minutes. �... ;. „ �ti �l. i;% }, k��, `;.:... . .. . . . . j:,. � � . �� � F:.. . . . . . . . . ;,i .. . . � . . . . � � . �. f;�. . � �� � . . � .. � }i . . . . . , . .� . . � . . � . � �7. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . f4 �. .. � .. � .. . . . �Y� � . . . � . � . . � �Id . � .. . � � � }3� . . . � � . � ��6� x STAFF' REPORT AGENLIA 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket; Zone Change ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Estates) Applicant: Wi7.liam Godwin Owner: same as applicant Site Locati�n: S.W. Sattler Street and S.W. 89th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AD, Tax Lot 6500) . Request; For a general development plan and program review of a residential planned d�°tYelopm�nt and zone map amendment from R-7 to R-7 Planned Development on I a 9,27 acre site, I. Findings of Fact: 1. This application was tabled from the February 20, 1979 Planning Commission meeting (see attached February 20, 1979 staff report) until the foJ.lowing concerns could be resolved between the City Staff and applicant: a. Setback dista.nce of the clustered units from the proposed private road. '; b. Adequate access through the private road that runs thraugh the clustered units up to the park area, c. Deterrnine if the 3.5 acre c�pen space area should beoome a city park. d. If the private drive shouZd be dec�icated as a public street, and to what width. e, Determine the development of adequate off-street improvements to serve the clustered units. 2. On February 26, 1979 the applicant and his engineer re�ras�n�ta�ive met with the City Planning Staff_� Poliae Department, Fire Marshall and Public Works Supervisor to r'�solve i:he issues raised at the February 20, 1979 Pl.anning Commission ��Ieeting. The Park Board recommended that the 3.5 acre open space be dedicated to the City and maintained as a natural open space greenway area for surface drainage retention use. II. Conclusionary Findings: l. The fol.loHriz�g mod,ifications to the a�plicant's original general plan I and program were agreed upon: '�� � I �,,.._ , 4 STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.1 T.I�ARD PLANNING COMMISSION Marah 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 � a. That the private drive (as shown dn t he original general plan) become a public street with no parkinc restriction, �4 feet of right-�f-way, 20 feet of paving, rolled curbing and sidewalk on one side. b. That the 24 feet of ��ublic right-of-way be designed to connect access points from two direations. c. That the 3.5 acre op�n sgace area �'e dedicated to .the Ci.ty •and .be maint'ained ' as a natural spill way drainage reten•tion area. d. That relocation of the clustered units be permitted to accommodate the extension of the puY�lic street access. That the setbacks for the unit be no less than 20 foot front and side yard when abutting a public street, ' II2. Staff R�ecommendation: Staff recommends approval of the General Pl.an and program with preliminary plat as shown subject to tlie following canditions: 1. That th� cul-de-sac radius be no less than 45 feet. 2. That the applicant submit construction and drainage plans wi;ch necessary bonds for approval by the City Engineer and Building � Department prior to issuance of building permits. + 3. That site design for the Iandscaping and site plan be approved prior to issuance of permits. 4. No subdivision plats will be approved until public sewer service is assured to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 5. That ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated along S.W. Sattler Street with half street improvements to collector street standards be made on S.W. Sattler Street frontage. No final plat will be r�cArded until constrizction drawings have been approved by the Public Works Depaitment and the necessary bond fil,ed. 6. That a covenant be attached to the deed of any lots abutting S.W. Sattler Street to restrict direct access to Sattler Street. 7. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and ahall include applicable drawings, engineering specifiCations and other details requested by the depari:ment. No construction shall take place in these instances until after the changes have been approved. Any deviation from this condition will result in the immediate posting of a stop work order on the project or any portion of the project. � I i I � I ' � f � STAFF REPORT t f AGENDA 5.1 ,; '�'IGARD PLANNING COMMISSION !'i March 6, .1979 - 7:30 P.M. �' Page 3 . � 8. That the 3.5 acre open spaCe be c7edicated to the City, improved with ,j landscaping and paved pedestrian path up to but not beyond the northern r: _ edge of the ponds. The entire open space area is prohibited from any f; ' cut or fill grading except in small propor'cions to develop the path. �' The intent af the open space (3.5 acres) is to maintain the surface j water wetlands retEntion capabilities in the area. i 9. That covenant and restrictions be placed on the final plat and other ; deed documents with posted signs on the public (20 foot wide pa:ved) � street prohibiting Narking at all times. � � ' Report prepared by: Ken 5elby Reviewed by: A1 Howard � �! Associate City Planner R1 ni Director March 1, 1979 � M rch , 1979 `;' � ��:, j . r i: �t (i �1 i. ♦II ;;'I I � ;7 j �; }q �; �; j� �; i: ;', b� u i: 1; � f f' t, I, ji � .. _�� .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . , .. .... . ... . . .. .... . . . . .. . . .... . .. t y � ' �, f� �_ . { . � ,. . STAPF REPORT �' �, �, �ac�rma 5.i ,, 'TIGr1RD PLAi�1NIvG COMMISSION � February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �'; Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room �" 10865 SSJ Walnut SC - Tigard, Oregnn ' �;: • - l. i' . j,. I;. Docket: Zone Change ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Estates) �` •- j: Site Location: S.W. 5attler S�reet a�nd SW �9th (Wagh. Co. Tax Map 291 ].IAA, �� Tax Lot 65a0)a ?j ApQlicant: TiJilliam Godwin Owner: Wi1.Li,au� Godwin �,; �° Request: Fos � general clevelopment plan and pzogram review o£ a reside��ial �;"; Planned Dewelopment and zone map amendmenC from 1�-7 fio R-7 Planned ;� Development on a 9.27 aare site. ?°�i ,< . +ii I. Findings of Fact: , � 1. The site is designa�ed °tUxban I�ow Density ResidenCial°' �' (maxirnum �+ units per acxe) on Che NPO #6 P2an and is presently zoned {! R-7 "Single Fami.ly Residen�ial." I�' ,. �:; 2. The applicant is requesting general. plan and �xogram xeview in '`' accardance with Section 18.56.030 of the Tigard Municipal C�de �� for a 9.27 acre (37 lot) residenCial plann�d deve.Iopment (See � � � at�ached Preliminary Flan and Program statf report �C 22-7� dated October 17, 1978) . �. On October 17, 1978, �he Tigard Planning Commission approved the p.reliminary plan and program review for this proposed development ; subject to the fol.lowing conditions: 4'� ' � A. That the gez�eral plan plat st►ow the following: � f: 1) Fifty �eet right-of-way plan st�ree� standard for the � � detached sa.ngle £amily cul-de-sac *�i�Yeaut the island '! _�nd one-way designa�ion. �� #! 2? That no lots in th� plan have direct access onto Sattler Street. . . t , , 3) That the private driveway onto Reil.in$ Street be re- , � � � designed ta enter onto Reiling Street to the staff�s ' � . satisfaction. ' �`'"�tY�a� ,r: ._� . ," `- ` f, ,'. �yr'< 4) That the detailed landscape plans show buf�exing type ' vegetation and berms along �he developmenC where staff indicates necessity. • � �'L� !�:::, i � 5) Plat indicating utiltiy service installation locati�ons. " ,' Eire plug every 250 feet, phone hook-ups, electrieity, . � natural gas, water, sewer, etc. : � ' � ;� . , ,�. , ' �;,r„ ,�;�;, Pa e 2 4 � . � STAFF REPORT � `� I • AGEND� 5.1 ,� �` TIGARD PLA?T�tING COi�I"tSS"LON �; February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. - �' ��� ,i� � t. i 6) Topographzc map with site dsainage and grad.ing a�.terations. t; Y'` B. That rest.ime's of aZl. design team, members be sub�itted Ca the j �, program narx�ative. C. That the Cotal unit per acx�e number be n� rawre than four (410 7 17. That tr�e t�tal density he Ii,mittd to 37 units; total of which . 14 woul.d be sin�le �'ausil.y det�ched, 2.3 c�ould be a�taehad siugle family noL to exceacl four. pl.exe5 in design� E e That a drainage plan be �•equired as par� of tt�e �ppl3.cat�.on. . Fe That ttse ap�licant provide an a�reemen� £or the upkee� of the open space in the p7.annecl �.evelopu�ent. . G. Tt�iat ttze cvwmon wall unies ao� be �rranged in rows, bu� set randoml.y. � �: 4. Th� ap�licar�t proposes ta bui�.d ?3 att�ched sin�7.e fami�,y uni.ts an � the nartherrs poztiioa of the prapertq separated by t�he extensi.on af Reil,i.x�� Stre�t tr�aC wi11 ali.gn with �Iie sin�gZe fami�� units bei�ng develu�ed on rhe west and east side of the subject property, 'i'he ,� southern area franting Sattl�r S�reet wi,Il enco�a�ass 14 single fac�ily detached units of no less that� 7,000 square foot units. 3'he subject property� is preseatl,y �rac�ant agricultural l�and. The surrr�ur�ding land uses are single family un�,ts to thz north and w��t. The southern prupert}r across from ttie site and Sattler Screet i.s a • sing3_e fawily unit and�a�ricultura], land. Th� eastera area is pzeseuLly }�ein� c�eveZopad as R-�7PD "ScheckZa 1'ark." . IT. Conclus�.on�,r.y �'indings: , , I. The attach.ed corresponden�� dated L'ebruar.y 13n �.979 fro¢tLt. Rea t of the Police Depaxt�r+en� des�r.ibes a joi�:� concern by t�e �ol.ice and Fire Lepart•ment for accESS araund tlie com�on wa11 una,ts alang '' i, . the pr.ivate drive an� tlie .zeec� fc►r cireulatiocz ta the open space atea. Staff agrees that tiie app2i.cant should b� required to redesign �' the access tio permit access to the open space area. � :` ;.. • �...�1�f,, .. t: . 2. The app�.icant has complied wiGh and cooperated well with the staff > • in finalizing several concerns about this project in prepara�ion �; `�". ��-t of the general plan and program stage. � -�� �. r��, '��.N.��.: • � .� 3. Sattler Street is presently in-adequate havi.ng substarcdard right- � af-way widtYx with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. Sattl�er �,s designated ��' as a collect�r street on the NPO �6 Pl�n having GO feet of right- �,:•' r', F,,: af-way and 44 feet of paving. SatGler is presex�tly a County Street. , . �<.` � ' �; . . . ' i . �.;:; G,,;, ' � , . � f,;,is. . , ;i:� . , .> � i \ � Pa�e 3 �>' ST�FF REPORT AGENDA S.1 �' TIGA.�.0 F'LANNING COtR�'ISSION f � February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. +`: F III. Staff Reeommen,dation.: Staff recommends approval oF the General. 1'lan and program with px�liminary plat subject to the following conditionsa 1. That the cul-de-sac radius be no less than 45 feet. 2. That the applicant submit construction and drainage plans with ' necessary bonds for approval by the Ci:ty Engineer aud �uilding Dep�r�ment pziar to issuance of Building Permits. 3. That applicant design the private driveway area large enough for I street parking (or provide sufficient off street parking i.n ather � location) with a citculation pattern of two ingress/egress points that proviele access betweerx the open space area and the common r�a11 units. s 4. Thzt site design for the Zandscaping and site �lan be apprcrved pri,oz ta issuance of persaits. � �; 5. That covenants and restrictions list obligation af mainCenanca Co the open space and other landscape areas; that the private drive area be Cleas of vbstruction at a11 tim�s and that the ease�ents be identified �; as to 1oca�ion, size and authority of use. 6. No subdivision plats wa.11 be approved until. p�.blic sewer sertrice is . assured to the satisf�action of the Plan�xing Director. 7. That ten �eet of right-of-way be dedicated along S.W. Sattler Strset. . 8. That a half street improvement to collector street standards be made on the S.W. Sattler Street fxontage. No final plat wi11 be recorded , I until consCruction drawings have been approved by the Publie Works Department and the necessary bond filed. . ; i 9. ThaC a covenant be attached to ihe deed of any lrrts abutting S.FT. Sattler 5treet be restricted direct access to 3attler Street. � ' • �, r-; Report prepared by: Ken Selby Reviewed by: A1die Howard ,;', Associ$te City Planner Planning Director " February 14, 1979 Februarp I4,197g . ''`" � � ,{��:, Y k':° t+ �:;i i !';.'I �;i I*+' � � n � i• . � � � , � / .. , �\ � -- � i _ � , . ......--� .,��.'.0 L� F4:.t�:�`C•"� _.. � � ' 'Li:1 7 . .3 '~,.�C-''��D °�=��'�i C:�!i� CC)'.I�.l.lSS CC_. - �,� .:��;,��r. �7 , i�7� - 7 . 30 P .2•f. �• ~L•;!�_r J�;nio= ;�i�.;h - L�ctuY F P,o^m 1�:5; � 5 .:�+. t�;zlnut S� . - T1c�.1r;.;, (�e•F��:j�t1 • Go�:;-:ec. . Z�z� CR�-lllrj�3 ZC 2?-78 R-�c�{._��st: F'or a �reliminar�r devtt'�opment pl�n z^d pL•ogram revie�a ' �P a resiclant�al plannzc? d�veloe�mex�� and zone map ;� ar�e�dment f�oin R-7 to �2-7 Planned De�;alr�pm�n�. �n a • ;� 9 .�27 acr� site. • I � . i'�� Lccation : S.tiJ. Sattlez: Street arld S.'W'. 89th (4v'ash. Co. Tax Map �, 2S1 11AD, Z'aY Lot 6500) , � � r'��iJ11Cd'[lt: WI�,.LZAlti1 �o���r��r �i , I . Findings af F�ct: �i' . . II 1. The sit� is design�ted "Urban Lo.r �ensitv R�sidenti�l_" `',I (m�xi.mum 4 units per acre) or. tne [�IP�� rr6 P1an and is !' pres�ntly zoned R-7 "Singl� Fami�y� Residential" . �', . � 2 . S�ctian Z8 . 5o . 010 oE the Tiqard �•_ur.icioal Code st3t�� . ii i � "The purpos� of �he ��.ann�cl d�veioom�n�t district is to i . p_ovid� op?o�rtunities to create L,ore dESi.rab.Le � enYrironments through the applicar_ion oi flexi�l.e and cliversi�iecl land devel,opnent standards under a campr.ehensive plan anc? progr4in p�o`essionally pre�are�. The plannec� deuelopm�nt district is in�er.d�d to be i used to encot�ragF the aoplicatior. o�' n��a techniques ancl neco t�chnolc�gy to cocununity development arranc�e- � men�s with lastin�g values . . It is further intended to i ach ieve economies �.n land development, ttiaintenance, , � street s stems and u�i1i� networl:s cti�hile C Y y providing � � building graupings for privacy, usable and attractive � � open s�ac�s , �afe circulatiori and the ger.era? we11-- E being o� the inhabitants. 3. Section I8 .S6 .020 provid�s �or prelininary plan and � program revie:•�� by the Pl.anning Commission and r.equires � �hat �uch reviec�r be based upan th�: compreh�nsive plan, k tne standards of this title, and oth�r regulations and f the suita}aility of the proposed development irt relation � � to the cha,ractEr oF tkle area . � .r 4 . Ap�licabin policies and objecti��e� fr�m the Caatp_Eheri- sive P1an: � "Ur�an Lo4: UGnsitY RFSidentiai° � t � a. Th� max.ir,t�_t!r. �t%�.r�ll CIE`T1Slt� oE developnen� witl � a . • � _, . ._ . , _ __ _ _ .: .. .� .. . .. . ...�� F„_'�._ _.....r__.. . . `'' r, _ � . �' , e. s ' �. . , � � . . ' . � � �...r:.�� � SZ`.a.EE r�.EF'aP!' ".� ',�C�a 5 . 3 <4..._i � 'Tt�'�F.0 �L�\��_�.I;vl' C041�•iISS CON �'`� 0�;��k��� 17 , 1a7� u;i; :, � b� cour Gc•,•�ilinc� �.�.:.ts o.r a I2 pe�-so.ns pe� g;:css � �cre. Thi.s ac,��uri�s to a s4an��ard a.f 7500 scu�;re fe4t oF lan3 ��� dc•,zlliny uni�. allocv�ng fo.r stre,ts ar.�; �ther o�?n sE�ac�. 5ome areas wi1Z hav� a .Lac�;cr density o��;ing to topog,r�phy, existi�g � �eveloonent pa�te�ns, or the ��esire af individua],s to oc�rn a la�c�tr��yl.at, - �. b. Residentia.l subdivi.�ions w�.Il. be develo�ed: �,�rith � pavea st:ree�.s, curbs an� gut�:�rs, str�et li.gh�sP . . and ��alkways , accordinq t� city or county standa�ds, fi.11 utilities will. be placed uric�ergraun3. c, Devel.�pme�t will cninai:c�e with the pr-evision c�:�' puhtYC s�Lree�s , ��ater and setaer�g� �aci�.ities . - Th�s� facil,ities sh�ll. be (a} ca�aia�e of. adequately sFrvi..nr� all, inter veninc� prop�rt��s as wel�. as �.he pr.aposed d�vElopm�nt, and (h) d��igned to m�et city or county stan�ards . � d. Pl�r�ned unit dev�l�pment wi7.1. be encouraged an `'��-'� . ' �rac ts larg� �nouc�h t �o accomnoda te ten c;r m�re dwe�.lings. �I.anned unit d�velopment will per_mit a degre� o.� flExibility in design that ��rz11 �nahle � hiqher qua].i�.y �f. deveiagc�en t in accorc�arcce with ,oninc� standards. � . . 5 . The app�a.icant proPase� to buil.d 28 at�.ached single ,. I f�mi].y units on t.he northe.rn g�r_tion .of the propez�y I • separated by the e,ct.ensic�n of Rea.ling Street. �that wi1T , �lign with ttie singl.e family uni�.s b�ing develope� on the west and tast �ide qf the subjec� property� �h� � � ' sou�he.rn area fronting Sattle� Stx•eet wi11 �nc�ompa��� . � 14 singl.e famil.y �detacYi�d units a1` no less than 7,000 . square faot units . '1'h� subje�t proper*y is gxesentl�r �racant agricultural land. 6 . The sur.rounding land uses are single family units to the north and west. The aouthern property across f�om the si te and Sattler Stree t is a single famil.y unit and. . �gricultL�ra1 land . The eastern area is presenfi�l.y being developed as R-7PD "Scheckla Park" . . , 7. There c_:isL-s ac�equate. taater anc' se���er service tha� wi�.�.�,,, �. be bro�ayht to the site from the wester.n residential E }�� dEVelopnten�.. The developer addr�ss�s a11, pl3�a el�m�nts required in the program from Section 18 . 56 .020 e.cce�t ' Fo.r Iighti�c� and waste disposal facilities. , ,._ _ _ _ . _, _ __. _ _ .. . w . , . � �w � � ' a ' � ��"�_�^ �a�;c+OFm � . i • �:�_.���a 5 . 3 � Ti���.�D PLA.`Sti.[>i� C��:•i.tiiLSS70V Cc�ob��r 17 , 1978 . �,., :,��� 3 � . �':.t to�ograoh.ic conditior_s o: the site are sabjG4� to 12 to 25 percent ��ca��.e diE.�e�:enti�l , c�zt l�nd and surface I' water retention witn t{�ro existing ponds . Tner� is na. ' evidenc� of a f1oo�l�I,ai,� ox signiiicant draina�away '� coridition oa tht subject site . � 9. . Sattler Street is pr�sently a substandard cqun�y� street with 40 feet righ�-of�-way. The Comprexiensive Plan . designates it to be 60 feet right-o£-way for a coZlector standard. • TI . Conclusionary Findings ; • 1. The applicant is �resposing some single family lot sizes to be less �han the 1VP016 Plan required 7,500 sq. ft. � . � 2 . The proposed number oE units are 6 oJer the NPO ��6 Plan requirEment or a_ units to th� acrE. The ap�I.icant states th�t these are 4.64 units �a the acre. 3 . The applicar,� must address in his pYograc?z propc�saL thE i:� � , availabiTity of all utility and public servicp fa�iZities. Also, written resume 's are requircd of the D�sign Team for the applicants fi1.e and pr�gram. � . Plans must be submitted indicating l�ndscaping, gradi:�g or chang�s to be rnade on the exzsti.n7 tcipogr�pl�y and ' utility l�cations. III . Staff Recommendations : • � Staff recommends appraval subject� to tne �olloc,=ing conditions to b� complied with and approved by the Planning Staff prior to public h�aring oF the General Plan and Program: � 1 . That the g�;n�ral pla.n plat shoU� th� �ollowing: a. 50 ft, right-oF-�way plan stre�� standard for the . ' • detached single family cul--de-sac c��ithout the island and one-way designation. • b. That no lots in the plan have di•rect� access or�to Sattler Stre�t. � c . That the private driveway onto Reiling Str�et be r�clesic�n�-_d ta Enter onto Reiling to the s��ff 's satisEaction. d . That the detaiLed landscape. �lans' sho��r hufFe;,inq • �.._ , . . � _ _ .;�r, � ; ,,� . .„ �`...; � �, . ., �'?'.�F�' �;u_�(J4." o ��:F�;LF? 5 ; 3 � �4C'�.�ZJ Pt,c:i•��3I�:G COi•IP��ISSI!��i c���o.y�� �.� , t�37a `�,,;' ��,�v � . ��l�i� v�y�tacion a:�c� bu.rTs �iong t�e dev�l.��-- n�n� c,�•nzr� :�taf` i,n�.:c�tes necess�ty. .. . e. Plat in�icating utili.ty s�rviee inst�Zla�.i.�n . 1 lovaticns, , , � �. Topoc�W�phic cr�p`writ�l site drainage ancl gr�d.ing al�era�ior_s . ? . T'r:at resurne's a:E a.l�. �esign team mP�be�s be subntitted � � �:q thP Qr�gx�r� n�rra t'ive. . :; . Tha� alI d��ta:,hPCt sinJle £'ami,ly �lots, �'e no less tinan - 7, 5Q0 �r. �r. . . •! That tne total unit pEr acre number be zta :�c�re t�ar: _ aour (4) . . . .�►---�-�-��' . � -; .� - .�,� . � � . � , a � � . . . �; . _. . .. : : _ . � � � � . � � �� � : ' . .S� , .',.#; .,.� _.:� . . �-,, , . �:�; :.� _ � . � �.j'—;3: . • � , � . ' , •� - - , d"�µ�� . •�� F � � i , ., _ , , ��- _ . : y STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 TIGARD P�NI�NG COMMISSION March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.2�1. �,, Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room � 10865 S,W. Walnut Street -• Tigard, Oregon � Docket: Zone Change ZC 30-78 (Sherwood Downs) Ylanned Development Applicant: Uinther Engineering, Inc. Owner: Henry S, & Sheilah W. Hiebert z,�cation; South of Bonita Road; on S.W. 76th anc� �ronting �n the e�st side of 79th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lots 48OQ, 4701, 4700 and 4600) . Request; For a preliminary plan and program review of a residential planned development and zone map amenclment from Wash. Go. RU�4 to City of Tigard R-7 Planned Development on a 13.42 acre parGel. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated as Urban Low Density Residential on the NPO #5 Plan, and is presently zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential". 2. On DecembPr 5, 1978 the Planning Commission approved tlie applicant's .request far a prelirninary p1an.and program subject ,to the following conditions: , �' 1. That five (5) f�et of right-of-way be dedicated to the City with ` half street atandard improvements on S.W. 79th. ��„. ;, 2, That the presexit right-of-�way of S.W. 76th through the develop- ment be vacated and relocated. 3. That the street into the development off o� S.W. 79th be 5Q foot right-of-way with fu11 local �tandard improvements with a street plug until S.W. 79th is improved from Durham north to Bonita. 4. That the fi11 of the flood plain be allowed only to the 130 foot contaur. 'Phat construction in tlle fl�od plain will be accomplished in a manner not to reduce the total capacity of the flood plain. 5. That the total number of dwelling units be limited to 42 and that �� the make-up of the dwelling units be deeided at the general plan II review. 6. That the applicant submit an agreement of dedication to the City ; along the flood plain areas as a "Greenway" through applicant's !` property. �' 7. Tliat the applicant renew S.W. 79th after construction to the same �r � better condition as it is in presently, � � 3. On January 22, 1979 the City Council heard the appeal by the applicant � � for an amendmen� to the conditions on the project concerning densi�y, ; � �. 4 �. �' � _ _ _ _ � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 TIGARD FLANNING COMMISSION n,. Page 2 streets and flood plain. The City Council's action remanded the project back to the Planning Commzssion at the preliminary plan and program lev�l (see January 22, 1979 City Council minutes attached) . 4. The �resent application proposes to develop 14 single fami].y, two attached single family, four duplexes and 41 town'houses; for a total of 67 dwelling units. S. Section 18.56.110 of the Tigard Municipal Code provides the density factor calculation as follows: Gross acreage of site: 13.42 (total acreage of the subject site) minus non-residential -8.19 (rlood plain) acres: 5.23 Subtotal of net acreage Divide the above subtotal by 20�: 5.23 c 20% = 4.18 total net area Divide the total net area (in square feet), by the underlying zon� ; in square feet: 182,080.80 � 7,500 sq.ft. = 24.28 dwelling units �er net area Add a l0o increase by multiplying the dwelling unit number by 10�: 24.28 x 10% = 26,71 total dwelling units permitted on site. In accordance with this section, the subject site is allowed 26.71 dwelling units. The applicant is proposing 67 dwelling units. Theref�re, the proposed �`�,Y, number of units is 40.29 dwelling units above the maximum allowable. 6, The site is presently vacant with a combination of heavily grouped native scrub vegetation and pasture land. The site has a sloping elevation moving west to east with a severe drop along t.he flood �lain contour area. 7. The surrounding land uses are single family units to the west across 79th, south, east and northwest; with apartment units north along 76th. 8. The existing roads that will support the distribution of traffic circulation for this project are 79th & 76th, Bath streets are substandard with limited �aving, no curbs, sidewalks or improved surfaCe drainaye f�cility. 9. Sewer will be extended from the Fanno Creek interceptor line which runs along the eastern edge of the property. Water service will be suY�plied froin S.W. 76th & S.W. 79th by the Tigard Water District. 10. 8<19 acres of the subject site is within the Fanno Cxeek flood plain area and "Greenway" system. IT. Conclusionary Fi.ndings: 1. Both S.W. 79th & S.4d. 76th have site distance res�rictions due to tha swell and narrow st•reet configuration. Therefore, street improvement, traffic controlling markings and signs will be needecl to alleviate the pxoblem. 2. The Planning Commission shoulcl seriously considex �he policies and intent of the NPO #5 P1an in ralation to density and development r.haracter in �' this residential area. POLICY 3, Development will Coineide with the �rovision of public str.eets, water and sewerage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervenirig properties aa well as the proposed development and (b) designed. to meet ci.ty or county standards. � ! .. ' . . �. . .k;:e.� " STAFF RE�ORT F � AGENDA 5.3 } i TTGI�RD �T.ANNT,NG CQMI�ISSI.ON `', Page 3 �� POLICY 4. Planned unit development will be encouraged on tracts large ° enough to accommodate ten �r morQ� dwellings. Planned unit develop- ment will permit a degree of flexibilty in design that will enable a higher quality of development in accordance with zoning s�andards. PROBLEM: Should any mixinc� of housing types oecur to inClude duple�es and apartments in a single famil� area? The Tigard Community Plan allows limited mixing of hausing types in the urban low density residential areas. However, due to the limited size and location residential partions of the neighborhood, � the housing mix suggested in the Community Plan could erocle the existing single family character of the area das�.gnated for urban low density development. There was also concern that mi.xing of housing types could result in eventual encroachment by adjacent non-residential uses. The greatest pressure is for the developinent of apartments. The mixture of housing types therefore is to be limited to duplexes scattered among single family units. These units would be allowed at intersections, acljacent major thoroughfares, and as a transition betwe�n single and multi•�fami.ty residential tlses. The intent is not ta put more people in a less desirable location (two families rather than one) but to provide a location for this type of housing while acYiieving the most desirable deve�.Apm�nt, POLIC]' 9. When developmPnts are proposed in the urban low density area for sites which include identified natural features worthy of �1 preservation, the planz�ed development concept shall be utilized if the PC determines it the best method foY• preservation. 1. The Tigard Zoning Ordinance requires duplexes to be considered fox approval by the Planning Can¢nission in a public hearing. Conditians can be p].ar.Pd upon the approval to insure compatibility with the surrounding homes and in addition the orciinance requires a 10,000 sq.ft, lot size minimtun rather than a 7,500 sq. ft, lot and landscape and architectural plans to be approved by �he Design Review Board. These approvals are required in order to assure compatibil.ity witYi the existing neighborhood. The planned unit development concept sited in the above policy allows deviation from the normal zaning and subdivisions standards when it can be demonstrated that a more desirable development will !� result, An example is the reduction of indiva.dual lot size to enable the creation of usable common open ar�as. The planned unit develop= ment{PUI�) is often capable of producing a more desirable living environment and it is therefore recammended that the lar.ger vacant parcels having na,tural. amenties worthy of preservation he developed �„- as PLiDS. �ie such. method employ� a clustering �f houses into groups '' of thre� to seven, with the land between the clusters devoted to open spa�e. Deve;loping land as a PUD is a �ethq.d of retaining open space and irreplaceable natural features by allowing a higher density on the � ' adjacent land. This is known as density trade-off and is used as an �.,, incentive for developers to donate open space and natural amentieS: � �; �. ` 3. The enCroachment onto the flood plain Was previously conditioned to be restricted to the 130 foot eontour level, , �`, � , � . ,...;. � �, r�.r� ' STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 TI'GA,Rb 1'T,�NN'I,N� COMMTSS'�qN: Page 4 TII. Sta�f Recommenciations: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plan and program subjer.t to the follawing conditions: 1. That five (5) feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City with half street standard improvements on S.W. 79th. 2. That tk�e present right-of-way of S.W. 76th through the development be vacated and reloaated with improveznents tn local street city standards. 3. That t'he street into the devel:opment off of S.Wr 79th be 50 foot right-of-way with fu11 1oca1 standard improvemer�ts with a street plug until S.W. 79th is improved fram Durham north to Bonita. 4, That the fi11 of the fload plain be allowed only to the 130 foot contour. 5. That the total number of dwelling units be limited to 27 and that the make-up of the dwelling units be decided at the general plan review. 6. 'That the applicant :submit an agreement of dedication to the City along the flood plain area as a "Greenway" through applicant°s property. �, 7. That the applicant renew S.W. 79th after construction to the same or better condition as it is in presently. 8. That fire hydrants be placed 25Q feet apart. 9. That the gre�nway area especially in regards to the standing water pond be drained with a subsurtace retention system. 10. That the driveways abutting S.W. 76th be set back adequately to allow safe approach onto the street ,,,...w...,� Report prepared by: Ken Se y Reviewed by: e oward Associate City Planner anr g Director February 28, 1979 February 28, 1979 4'� ' �4. ` ,o ,'� • il . I (b) Fred Menzel, Chairman of Steering Coctanittee Tigard Loaves and Fishes, I r�viewed his involvempnt in the project stating that a11 of the other I Cities involved have �assed Resolutions to apply for the grant monies. � �. (c) Dick ldasterbrook, Executive Director Tigard Loaves and Fishes, stressed [he importance of the project, described past Loaves and Fishes activities ' in the community, and emphasized the strong cammunity support for this praject. . (d) Councilwoman Stimler expressed her support for the project and stressed ' the importance o£ taking immediate action (as the deadline fox funding requests is February 1, 1979) . (e) Councilman Brian srated that he supported the concept of the pro,ject, but ' wondered about future financial issues. Bob Tepper, Director ot Washington County Aging Program, reviewed the Loaves and Fishes budget, saying that it should be adequate ta cover ' aperating costs of the center. (f) RESOLUTTON N0. 79-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CTTY COUNCTL SUPPORT- � ING THE APPI�ICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSI3TANCE FOR �� THF DEV�LOPMENT OF TEIREE SENIOR CITIZEI� CENTERS �� TO f�RVE THE CITIES OF DURHAM, KING CITY, SHERWOOD, I TIGt�RD AND TUALATI�1, AND THE ADJACENT UINI�tCOR� PORATED AREAS> II k< Motion by Councilwoman Stimler, seconded by Cauncilman Cook to approve. � Approved by unanimous vote of Council. ' PUBLIC INFORt�lATION NLEETING CLOSED ' PUBLTC HEARTNG OPENED 21. APPEAL - ZONE CHANGE - The Planning Commission approval of a request by Ginther Engineering for a preliminary plan and program revzew of a residential planned development and zone map ammendment from Washingto.n County RU-4 to City o:E Tigard R-7 PA an a 13.42 acre parcel, south of Bonita Road on SW 76th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 7.2�, Tax Lots 4800, 4707. and 4700). ' (a) Planning Director reviewed the project stating that the three major issues are: floodplain, densfty, and streets. He went on t� des�- cribe these problems. (b} Gary Bullock, Attarney, 300 Standard Plaza, Portland 97204, stated ' that he had filed Che appeal for the developer. He went on to sap that the project has been redesigned to aleviate the floodplain . , prablem. He asked Council to either modify the decision of the Planning Commission or remand tha project to them. �� PAGE 5 - REGULAR COUNCIZ MINUTES - January 22, 1979 l . , _ _ _ J , _ _ .:,� ... . . ___. . , • , . . � Doug SmiCh, 12820 S.i+/. 1�7 Court, 7.'igard, Oregon, o�jected saying - that new material (i.e. - a change in the propased deveZopment may +�.�; nat be introduced) could not be introduced. He went ox� to say kk�at rhe appeal was the wrong process; the projec.t should t�e presented to the Planning Cammission again. , Gene Ginther, Developer, referred �0 1�. 37 of the transcript, stating �:hat the appeal procedure was correct. (c) Motion by Councilman Cook, �ecanded b�T Councilman �rian to remand to ' the Planning Commission. ��� Etemanded by �. to 1 vote, Councilman._;�ri.an voting Nay. (d) .Tohn. .Avery, a member, of NPO ��5, compl.ai.ned about the lack of noti£ica- tion tc� the NPO an this project. PUBLTC HEARING � 22a SELECTION OF CONSULTYNG ENGINEER TO CUNDUCT TREIFFTC SAFETY STUDY (a) Ca.�y Administrator said that the letter af in�ent had been sent to _ the Clregon Traffic Safety Commission and �unding posa.bilities l.00ked . favorable. He wen� on to say that the next s.tep was to select a con- sultin� engineer �nd make formal grant appli.cation. He recommended STRAANI Engineering tre engaged for the praject. Cb) RESC3LUTTON N0. 73-17 A RFSOLUTION AUT�iORI?ING TxE APPLTCATION FOP. �-� ' A TRAFFIC SAFFTY GRANT AND SELECTING �.'I�IE COP7- SULTING ENGINEER FOR A Tk2AFk'IC SAFETY PROJE�T. Mation i�y Councilman Brian, seconded by Counci7�man Cook to approve. A�proved by unanimaus vote of Council. � 23. S.W. KA.THERINE STREET SANTTARY SEtidER AND STORM DRA.IN L.I.D. I i i (a) City Administrator recottuaended i:hat it Counail was interes�ed in � pursuing the LeI.B. ,, the next step was to select an engineer and get ° �ixeliminar� cost esti.mateso Czfiy Adminis�rator reconnnended Harris ; & McMonagle, Consulting Engrs. (b) Motian by Councilman GQOk, seconded by Counca.l.woman Stimler to ' authorize seeking preliminary cost estimates from. Harris & McMonagle. �, Approved by unanimous vote of Council. !' 24. POLICE PATROL CAR BIDS � } �: (a) City Administrator reconunended acceptance of the Carlson bid. �i f r�n,, I� 4�' �i PAGE 6 - REGULAR COUNCI� MINUTES - January 22, 1979 �� �. ; .. _.., .....__ . ...._�...._.. ._ , . ST1�FF REPOFT AGENDA, 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION rr� March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.` ; �i� Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room � 108F,5 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon ; Docket: Conditional Use CU 1-79 (Cedar Green Vi1l.age Du�lex/Subdivision) ' Referenee: ZC 16-78 j I�pplicant: Michael D. E1ton Owner: Same as applicant Site Location: Corner of S.W. 1D8th and 5.W. Durham Road (Wash. Coo Tax Map 2S1 15A, Tax Lot 1500), Re est- � qu . Nor a conditional use ermit to build 12 du lex uizits for a tot P al of P 24 dwelling units in an R-7 "Single Fainily Residential" zone (four dwelling units per gross acre) on a 2.83 acre parcel. I. Findings of Facte 1. The site is designated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #6 Plan and is presently z�ned R-7 "Single E"amily Residential" zone. 2. The following are applicable policies of "Urban Low Density": Policy 2. The maximum overall density of development will be four :- dwelling units ar 12 persons per gross acre. This amounts to a ��,, standard of 7500 square feet of land per dwellinc� unit allr�wing for streets and other open space. Some areas will have a lower density owing to topography, existing devel.opment patterns, or the desire of individu�ls to own a larger 1ot. Policy 3. Residential subdivisions wi7.1 be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street Iights, and wal7cways, acaording to City or county standards. A11 utilitaes will be placed underground. Policy 4. Development will coinaide with the provision of publi.c streets, water and sewerage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all. intervening pr.operties as we11 as the proposed development, and (b) designed to meet city or county standards. 3. The applicant proposes to build 12 duplex units (consisting of 24 dwel�ing units) with a passive are.a, barbecue patio and natura� greenway through the site, 4. The underlying zone (R-7) permi�s 11.32 dwelling units on 2,83 acre site, Therefore, the project proposes 12.68 dwelling units above ! , the maximum permitted. � � 5. The foll.owing are applicable polici�s of the NPO #6 Plan in reference i � to duplex use on the subject site; t � k Policy 6. The single family character of the area designated on the % plan map as urban low-density residential is viewed as a positive � ,. � � � � � � � � �� x �� ! � . ; . _ ,, _ � � . �:� . �� � t; �, : ,. . , � STAFF' REPORT AGEI�1Da� 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , March 6, 1979 - 7:30 F.M. ��z Page 2 asset to be retained. Projects proposecl for this area must be judged according to affects upon this character. Policy 7. Within the urban low-density residential area, allow duplexes on lots less appropriate for single family h�mes to : include locations at street intersections, adjacent major thorough�ares, and as 3�u�fers between multi-iaznily and single family areas. 6, The site has a gently slope away from the road to the south as wel.l as a small creek through the center of the property. The banks for the c�eek are relative'ly steep 15�-25� grade and there are a number of large trees along the gully. 7. The surrounding land uses are Summerfield Development to the north, non-conforming mobile homes to the west, property to the east and south is farm and sinc�le family. Across Durham Road to the s�utheast are candominiums, tn the n�r�hwest are rental apartments, to the north lies the Summerfield golf course and clubhouse. 8. The site is served by an 8 inch pressure line and the Summerfield pump statian both of which are adequate for the proposed d�v�lopment. 9. Tnlater is supplied by an 8 inch Tigard Water District line alony S.W. r A; 108th and a 12 inch line on S.W. Durham Road to the east of 5.W. 108th. 10. Southwest Durham Road is designated a �esidential arterial road in the NPO ##6 plan, with a necessary xight-of-way 90 feet. The purpose of an arteria'1 street in NPO #6 plan is as follows: "To carry high volume traffic flow and to connect nnajor traffic generating areas such as resi.denti.al neighborhoods, commercial centers, industrial areas and nearby communities." 11.. 5outhwest 1.08th Street i.s desiqnated a local street in the NPCI #6 Plan. II, Conclusionary Findings: l. On October 23, 1979, the applicant's rPquest £or zone change to R-7 was approved by the City Council subject to the following conditions: 1. That 25 feet �f right-of-way along 5.W. Durham Road be dedicated to the City an�i the applicant file an agreement to participate in the i.mprovement of S.W. Durham Road. 2. That five feet of right-of-way along S.W. 108th be dedicated to the City and a half street improvemen.t be provided along S.W. 108th to the City of Tigard Standards be£ore a building permit is i;ssued for the lot. = 3. That the developer receive ap�roval from the City Engineer prior �o aonstruction, and espeoially in regard to building on a natural d,r�inageway and grade. 4, A11 utilities shall be subsurface installations. . . . � . . . . . .. . .. . � . . ��1 � • STAFF REPORT ,'ll AGJENDA 5.4 '!I '�IGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ;i March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. r�, Page 3 to date, the applicant is in compliance with the above required conditions: 2. The applicant's request is in keeping with Policy 6 and 7 of the NP0 #6 I Plan which provides a need for diverse housing with locatian that creates a buffer for the surrounding single family units. Iiowever, �he applicant is in violation of Policy #2 in that the project 'proposed 12 units above the then maximum. I 3. The applicant proposes to maintain the greenway ar�a as a natural drainage system. I�I � IITe Staff 12ecommendations: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit for duplexes subject to the fol.lowing conditions: 1. That the duplex units be limited to five. � � 2. That the greenway area (size and depth as shown on plan) be cleared of dead or dying debris and unnatural material and dedicated to the ' City, That the foot bridge (as shown) be permitted upon approval o:E its plans by the Planning Director. 3. That half street improvements be made along the frontage of S.W. Durham I� ��- Road t� COUIlty street standards prior to issuance of building permi.ts. ��. � 4. That all conditions of the zone change (see ZC 16-78) be met prior to a.ssuance of bui].dinq permits. 5. No changes will be made to approved p3.ans or specifications unless ' formal application is made to the appropriate department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in wri.ting and shall include applicable drawings, engineering specifications and other details requested by the department. No construction shall take place 9.n these instances until after the cha.riges have been approved. .Any deviation from �.his condition will result in the immediate posting of a stop work arder on the projeCt or any por�tion of the project. , Report prepazed by: Ken Selby Reviewed by; Ald oward Ass�ciate City Planner ng Director March 1, 1979 rc 1, 1979 � � _ _ : r • � �. � � Planning Director �`' The Placlning Commissian City of Tigard � Tigard, Oregon Re: Duple� planned unit development Durham Road at Southwest 108th Tigard, Oregon Dir Sir: The attached proposal for approval.,�app�rtains to a mt�di�ica- tion n.f �he plan adopted by annexatian into the City earli,er tY�is year wherein a pro�osal for a 100 bed convale�cent care center was px�oposed on ttie east side o� the c�eek and an 80 unit retiremen� center on the west side of the cr�eek of the subject property. The attached proposal for 12 duplex buildings and a PUD deveZopment is a modi.fication for the development of the sit� in comgliance with the neighborhood and Planning Commission review far lower density developm$nt �c�r the sub ject property in con�ormi.ty with tY�e apartmPnts and condominuim main developmen�t immeciiately to the nortla o� sui�ject proper�y (see a�tached map) . In xeview af the subject site p].an (duplexes low-density) is � in Gonformance wi.�h the adopted comprehensive plan and the r zoning Canditional Use permit for the R-7 zone as adopted for the subject property upon anne�ation in the City. The plan will pr�vid� for approximately 1 .93 residents per �welling. The site plan has be�n designed so as to allow a, ].00' green- belt along the creek that will be undisturbed and maintain the tree anci f�rn �oliage of the creek area. The buildings have been so desi,gned on layout of the site plan to pravide a view o� the golf course to the north and the �oliage and . • cr�ek scene along the greenb�lt o� the creek. E�,ch dwelling is adapted with the n�ed in mind of the midd�.e incom� r�siderat with the value in �he ra�ge af $4Q-50,000 per dwelling (each unit wi].1 have two bedrooms, fire place, storage p�,ntry, al.l electri,c kitchen, cax°pets and drapes, private yamd, pati.o and/or deck, and ma�y other amenities. This developmerit wi'll mee� the nee�d of those desiring a smaller dwelling t1L�an Suminerf ield, but still �.n the upp�r middle income r�.n�e. The q�a.ality of the dwellings wi11 be equal to the SummerfiPld development, both on the in�eriar anci the exter�.or, but a�t a, moxe affordable price range as .a rental or an owner. The duplex dwellings will be designed so as to enhance the beauty of the site (SEE ATTACHED ELEVATION� and i.n an economic � bracket of approximately $40-50,OOQ to meet the social and economic need �or this particular vi,cinity. A11 �ubli.c ,, _ � - .;.. � _ __ _ .. .: � � -2_ � ; i i services are available along Durham Road, including gas, �� �, water, electric, and sewer, e�c , l�ccess for vehicular � � ingress and egress wil� be at the Southeast carner of the I ' subject site and the northwe�t corner of the subject prapertye ;� Par�icular reference i� made to the vehicular acess alang �I Durham Road at the westerly extremity of the site so as tp i eliminate the risk for ingress and egress awaq from the � ve�aicle over the cxeek along Durh�.m Roaci, The Northeast ji carner of the subject site will be graded s� as to increase i� the va.sibility fo� any �vehicles proceeding r�nto Durham Road ',� fram Southwest 108th. The grading of that cnrner of th� +� site will also enhance the visibzlity af pedestrians or !I child:ren who wait at that corner for the school bu�. The � subject� buildings prop�sed for the development of the p.rop- il erty are designed with those xe�sidents approaching th� ! "empty nest" stage of their famil3r, or in other wor.ds, the � II, am�nitq, size. of the dwelling, etc, will. appeal to famiZie:s � wi�thout children or older children soon to leave home. We ': believe the design o� the development as set �orth wi11 be ;I in conformity with the develapment source (Summerfield) and i will be that stag� of resiclenti�,l development just priox to �� reti�ement. ! We i�elieve ou� development is highly suited far the subject � pro�erty because of the t�rrain and amer�ities of the creek � and maixitenance of the greez�belt along the cr.eek. By ,��ermi�t- "� �. ting duplex development of this subject propex°ty, rather than single family, we believe tha�t a greater percentage o� the land wi11 be maintained in landsca.�ing rathPr than streets and paving (se� attached plat plan indicatir�g appraxi- mately 75� of the site and landscapeci area) . In the even�t the subject property we.re developed subdivisian single-- �I farnily, R-7, there rvould be und.aub�tecil.y two large cul-d��- �i sacs into th� site, plus driveways, �idewalks, etc, Our �i plan main�tains bc�th natural landscaging as we11 as a maxiznum � of �.andsca�ing around �the c�well�.ngs and meandering pathways I; to enhanc� ths amenities of the subject prop�r�ty (see `i �.ttached photos} . `� � R�view af the surx�ounding proper�ties ta the subject, Sumrnex-- field to the North, incl.udirrg condominiums, apa�°tments, etc. and the mobile homes to the west and a.n olcier farm hous� to the south, that the �roposed subj�ct �.mprovements wi11 have no adverse a�fect upon the activities or amenity value o;f � the immediate nei.ghborho�d, nor any adverse affect tzpon publ3c services which are immediately available to the sub�ect property, � _ < � _ ,. �... _., ... _ ., ._. . , ,� . jy . . . .. , . . . � . . . . . .. ... • � . . � .. . l �3� �� ' r� . _� .� . � � . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . � . ' ��,. � � . � . � � � � � � � � . . . � For your �urther review, we have enclosed a site plan, indi.- � cating greenbelt area, landscape area, ingress and egress, as well as an elevation vi;ew of �he proposed buildin�s � indicating fireplaces, decks, private patio, meande�ing walks and paths, wilderness and landscape area as set forth. ..!c"�' �--�� ✓/� Y� < ���/ � � � � �: ?; � � � � � _ _, STZ�F'F REPORT AGENDA 5.5 TZGARD: pI,AIJNING CUMMISSION March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler. Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 5.W. `Walnut Street - 7.'igard, OrPgon Docket: Variance 3-79 (Ames Orchard #2 Subdivision) Reference: ZC 28-78 & S 12-78 Applicant: Robert Ames, Hazeltree I)evelopment Qwnerc Mrs. Elsie We �mes Site Location: 12235 S.W. Bull Mountain Road (north slope) and south of S.W. Gaarde Street at 121st (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 lOBB, Tax Lot 600) . Request; For a variance of street standard improvements for the remaining 2-00 feet of S.W. Hazelhill into the Ames Orchard #2 Subdivision that is a continuation of the �djacent subdivision built to County standards. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated "Suburban Low Density" on the NPO #3 Plan and is presently zoized R-30 "Single Family Residential". 2. The applicant intends to subdivide and develop 14 lots, each lot having b not less than 30,000 square feet (see attached Ames Orchard #2 narrata.ve) . 3. This pro�osed suhdivision (see attached plan) is an adjacent north�rn extension of a subdi•vision (same lot sizes) bizilt in the County (�o County standards and annexed to the City) . 4. The street standards of the County are different than the City of Tigard's. In tha� th� County required an ad.ditional ten feet of right-of-way, no � sidewalk and open drainage trenoh fox :a local street use. The City's � standard is 5O feet of right-�f-way, with curb, guttex, �and sidewalk. The y problem occurs when the cc�ntinuing of FIazelhill into Ames Orchard because ; the right-of-way, sidewalks aixci tlrainage system �will continue ,at the same width.; � 5. On January 16, 1979, the Flanning Commission approved the zone change for this site with the follawing conditions: ' i��i l. All streets withir� the subdivision are to be City of Tigard street �� standards. 2. That a letter from Cowzty of Washington be submitted verifying the � � alig:nment of the future 135th extension through the Ames Orchard ` �. �2 Subdivision. �' N; � 3. Street plugs must be emplaced for all subdivision streets that are �; •to align with future streets. � i: s}, Y. � � j; v � ;� �' I' r t .. � � . . . . ... ..� . . . . . . .. � . . . `...i . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . �:�f: � � � � � �� �.. .. . . . .. .. . � � .. . � � . , �.�. .,... .�:�"� _ — ��,,..... . . .. .. . .. . . _.. _ ---�� -- STAFF 12EPORT AGENDA 5.5 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March 6, 1979 � 7:30 P.M. �� Page 2 4. That ten feet of right-of-way along the adjacent lots ta S.W. Gaarde St�eet be C�eC�1.C3t2C� 't0 the City, and that the applicant sign an agreement not to remonstrate against the improveznents of S.W. Gaarde Street. i 5. That no lots shall have access dirPCtl;y onto S.W, Gaarde Street or 135th � f. That construction and drainage plans be submitted with necessary bonds to the Buildinc� and Engineering Departments pri�r to issuance of permits. 6, The problem af the conflicting street alignment was presented by staff and staff cautioned the Comm:ission that the applicant would be requiring a variance for Haze_thill. The Cammission in plaa:ing condztion #1 (approved by the Planning Commission on 1/16/79 for zone change) . r�alized thatt the applicant may return at a later date to request tl�:e the action needed to com�ly with the Tigard Municipal Code. 7. Section 18.76.020 of the Tigard Municipal ,::�de states that: "No varianee shall be granted by the Planning Commission unless it can be shown that all of the .following conditions exist: �, (1) Exoeptional or extraordinary conditions applying to the prop�rty that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, which concii.tions are a result of lot siz.E or shape, topography or. other circumstances aver which the applican�t has no control. (2) The variance is necessary for the preserva�tion of a property rxght of the applicant substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity. (3) The authorization of the variance sha11 not be materially detrimental to the pur�oses of this title, be injurious to property in the zone ar vicinity in which the pr�perty is located or be otherwise detrimental to the objectives of any city development plan or policy. (4) 'Phe variance requested is the mir�imum vax�iaizce from the provisions and standards of this title which will alleviate the hardship.° II. Conclusionary Findings: l. The applicant's request is in keeping with the four variance requirements of Section 18.76.020 for the foll,owing reasons: {1) The applicant built the street to county standards which to,no - � control of the applicant is different than the adjacent Ci�y jurisdiction standards. (2) The variance equalize the property rights of the applicant to the surrounding city limit properties. � � �� �� � • ; I � , STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.5 �, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ,' �- March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Page 3 � ' k : (3) The variance will prevent adverse af.fects to the surrounding � property and wi11 create a positive compromise to the policies � of this City in res�lving the inconsistent governmental standards� a � (4) The request is the minimum variance to allow �or correctinn to al.leviate possible traffic flow hazards. � (5) The applicant has applied fox subdi.vision approval and will be approved subject to developing the site to City code standards. III. Staff Recommendation: ; N�aff recomme:zds appr.oval subject to the following condition: 1. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless : formal application is made to the appropriate department anc� changes are approved by that department. Appla.oation for changes will be made in writing and shall inalude applicable drawings, en:gineering specifications and ather details requested by the department. No construc:tion shall take place in these instances until after the changes have been approved. Any deviation from this condition will result in the immediate posting of a stop work order on the project or any portion of the project. ��?: Report prepared by: Ken Se1b,y Reviewed by: Ald' rd Associate City �lanner Pl in Director March 1, 1979 M , 1979 , I • ( ( • ' ; ' 9 i �{'.'; .. . � l �', ;II� Ames Orchard # 2 �I Street Variance Narrative � i, � Nature of Proposal 'I�I '� This pr.oposed single-family residential subdivision of 12.5 !', acres is the second and final phase for the subdivisinn of �! a total of 35 .5 acres of land in�o 37 singlP-family lats. `, Fourteen lots, utilizing public sewer and water, are planned for development with an average siz� in excess of 31,000 square feet. �I ; , The first phase of Ames Orchard developed to the standards jl of Washington County. Since that approval,. however, the " 4� site has been annexed to the City of Tigard. Designed. and = � constructed to the rural st�reet standards af the County, '' the street sy�tem of the first phase does not conform to �' ' current City standards. � � f After meeting with the City on two separa-te occasions, staff f recnmmendec� that �he remaining portion of S.W. Hazelhill i ' Drive be im roved to the County standard now existing in j � ��f p G the initial phase. This section consists of appraximately �, 22U' feet of roadway. Granting this variance would a11ow a transition from the County Section to the City standard at an intersection rather than abruptly at a tangent section. The S.W. Hazelhill Drive right-of-way is sixty teet wide. i This wid�h r�nains constant regardl.ess of the st.reet stan-- � dard utilized. The variance would allow a total paved width ! of 42 feet with drainage ditches on each side, matching the ; existing street. The City standard includes vertical con- i. . crete curb, with � pavement width of 44 feet. Underground ' culvert wauld handle the runoff. Request i The applicant requests that a str,eet variance be granted � for improvement of the apprnximately 220 feet of remaining � S.W. Hazelhill for the following reasons. ; 1 . Granting this request allows Ames Orchard to develop , .Ii on a more uniform basis and provides aontinuity between !� the two phases. The logical point of transition is at S.W. 135th Avenue, already programmed far concr.e�e curbs and sidewalks. � � i �1 '; � � � � ' � ,: 2. Granfiinc� this request allows the storm drainage and � walk�cvay transitions to also occur at S.W. 135th Avenue. �' • il 3. Granting this request concurs with the City of Tigard !I st�ff recommendation> i � i � �.,', .i �.C,.:'�.. � � � � � . . � ,�, ' .,�!,.. ' � . � ; STAFF REPORT i AGENDA:5;6 � �r TIGARA PLANNING COMMISSION � - March 6, 1979 - 7;30 P.M. ; " Fow].er Junior Iiigh School - Lecture Room .. E ` 108G5 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon ; I Docket: Conditional Use CU 5-79 (John Tigard Home) Reference: TU 7-78 �I Applicant: Tigard Area Historical and Preservation Association !�i, Owner: Tigard Water District Site Location: S.W. Can•terbur Lane and 103rd Avenue Wash. Co. Tax Y � Map 2S1 11BC, T,ax Lot 2600) . Request: To locate the John Tigard Home (historical building) in an R-7 "Sin le Famil Residential" zone on a 5.09 acre arael anci � g Y . P operate the site and buildi.ng as a public museum. II I. Findings of Fact: li 1. The subject site is designated "Urban Low Density" on the NPO #6 Plan ' and is presently zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential". 2. Section 18.20.020(7) of the Tigard Municipal Code allows mus�zuns in a R-7 zone as a conditional use. 3. The applicant proposes to restore the House (see attached narrative dated Januar_y 29, 1979) and open it to the public �as a museum.. ; �... ; � 4. The site is presently owned by the Tigard Water District (see attached plan illustrating land use) . The surrounding properties consist of ' single family units to the west across S.W. 103rd and south across S.W. ; Murdoc3c. To the east is a vacant lot and to the nnrth is an existing church. 5. Sewer service is available to the site from the Unified Sewerage Agency trunk line approximately 560 feet north of the parcel along S.W. 103rd. Tigard water service is also available. 6. Southwest Canterbury and S.W. 103rd wi.11 be the two major streets utilized in serving this site. Southwest Canterbury has the required right-of-way, ' but lacks adequate impravements (street pav�ng, curb, gutter, sidewalk) . ' Southwest Canterbury is a City owned st.reet. Southwest 103rd is a county street lacking five feet of required right-of-way width and insufficient street improvements. II. Conclusionar� Findings: 1. The proposed use is a conditional use of the R-7 zone and is to be located on an existin ublic service facilit site. g P Y 2. Adequate transportation circulation and sanitation service is possible � with some improvements. � STAFF' REPORT , AGENDA 5.6 TIGARD PLANNING COMI�ISSION �' March 6, 1979 �- 7:30 P.M. Page 2 � 3. There exists a public desire to identify points of intexest and historical preservation throughout this communi�y . 4. A minor land partition is required to dividP the propertX ' into two (2) tax lots. III. Staff Recommendation; Staff recommends approval subject to the followinq conditions: �e Th�t tk�e approval of the conditie�nal use be subject to the approval of the minor land partition. 2. That the site have two i.ngress/egress accesses, one off S.W. Canterbury and one off S.W. 103rd of nat less than 30 �oot wide curb cuts. 3. Tha�t half street improvements be made along S.W. Canterbury Lane to City local street standards prior to final building inspection. 4. That five feet of right-of-way be dedicated with half street improvemetits to Ci•cy standards along S.W. 103rd prior to final building inspection. � 5. Th�t all uta.lities be subsurface and street lights provided. 6. That sewer and other utilities be installed Prior to final bui�lding inspection.. , . 7. Z'hat the �'ire Marshall approve site and building prior to final .buildin ins ection. '� P 8. That construction and drainage plans be submitted and approved by the City's building ancl engi.neering departmeaits with necessary bonds prior ta final building inspection. 9. Tha�t landscaping plan and emplacement be approved prior to final building inspection. 10. That the parking area have no less than 15 spaces. 11. That re�trooms, curbs, entry ways and parking spaces be constructed and designed to facilitate handicap occupancy. t e ed n e� Repor pr par by: Ke S y Reviewed by: i Howard Associate City Planner P1 i Director ', February 28, 1979 Feb uar 28, 1979 ' � _ i - � t, : � � �. . January 2�, 1979 r3 - �� �;: Ti;ar;.i i'la�zizi�z; Cociu�iission 1'?1��;:: S.i�. r.��.iii 5t. Tibar�t, Oregozi �7223 - ' ��ear T�tembers oi ti�e Yla7�ni�ig Coi�i�iissioxz: • ite: John Tioa.rcl ITous c . , i The purposc o� the Tigarcl Area FTisto�ieal anci Preser�cration �ssociati.on ' � is to retain �zis-toric�.l, cultitral aiz:� ec.uca,ti�nal ic'.tentity for tkie I col;uiiuiiities o:� Easterzi ��lasliingtoii County an;l 5outh�,rest Niultnomah Courxtys Oregon in.cluclin�; the coi?L,iuizities of Ti�;ara, Tualatin, Durl�aln, li Sliert�roocl, Tletzger ancl Gar�en �IazuP. T.4.TI.aP.�1. 11as Ueexi ;iven an iiis-torial hot;�e zv�icli was built ancl ori�i�na,lly occupie;d by Jolzn Tigard, son of t�.e �ounder o�' the City of Ti;arcl. Since th� horue taas loc�.�ted i� tlze patll o:f a �iigln�ray inter— clianoe expansiorz, it recently taas nioved to a te�upor�.ry locatioi� do— isa-t�c� �ay C�.lvin �'resbyter:i�n Churcli, Tibard, Oregoxi. T�ri.II.aP..r��. is al�plying �or a, coilt?ition.al use perv�it �Y'Oill the City o� li Ta.�arQ iii orcler t� peruianesi-tly loeate tliis ziistorieal fiause on property to be leased f.�om 1�Iie Ti�arci �+la,�er Dis�Cri.ct. Ta�z ni�.p a;ncl ta� lot clescriptioxl lis�tec� oz1 enclosec� ap1�iicat�.oiz, t;. - The Jol�n Ti�arci l�ouse i,�ill Ue resto�ecl to its original si;ate duriizg i���e perioc� o� 139� �er c��,yalificatioiis of tlie itiation�.l �.egis�er. The fuiids �or trle restor�-t:i.on o� -t��ze hoYise are i��in� ��rovi.dPCI by priv�,�e fauz����.t�oi� gr�.ia.ts , donatioxis af' ti:ne aizcl iiiaterials an;7. a fecleral grant ti�ru t:�e Stai;e :rese�°t�.tiori o:fiiceo This historic house �vould � 3�e o j�en to tlae publie �or sclzecluled -�ours, a�.ci oxi a volunteer basis a Dr. Cizarles i�ingston is plan�in; eciuca�io;zal Uene:fit prog�a�ns • for Tigar�l Schao]. �Jistric� 2j Jr. Beiizg �.ist�d on t',ie Na,�ional Historical iZegister, the John Ti�grd ' I�ouse i:ould protiricle a history o� t',ie �ouizuirig of Ti�ard �o�r touri.sts as we11 as citiz�ns o�P the aoLUninuty. � Tize �u.rposec: ].ocation is the original clonatioil lanc� cl�.ir� o� the iT�.lson 7.'igaie� l�uaily, TiZe i;lilson PIcC7.�izclon TY�arcl i�.�ily came to ���2� Ore�on across tl�e plains ira 18�2. �i site, pla�1 is enclosea �vith tlie a��plication. Sa.ncerely yours, G'�-��'�v�... �� � La Verne B. STzaY�p cc; R.R. I3arker, City Admini.strator Tigard City Council members � p' �STAE'F RE,�ART i' AGENDA 5.7 {' ` TIGARll PT�ANNING COMMISSION ! �+ March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room ' 10865 5.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Conditional Use CU 4-79 i;;i Reference: S 2-79 F.. 1;:; Applicant: Mr. Ed Gause Owner: Same as applicant Site Location: East of S.W. 110th Avenue, at west end of S.W. Garden Park (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1301) . Request: For a conditional use permit to build four duplexes (consisting of eight dwelling units) in an R-10 "Single Family Residential" zone on a 1.45 acre parcel. I. Findings of Fact: l. The site is designated 1°Urban Low Density Residential" on the NPO #3 �lan and is presentl.y zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential", 2. Section 18.20.U20(1) of the Tigard Municipal Code permits "Duplex Residential, with a minimum lot of 10,000 square feet: one duplex per lot or two single family attached units with a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet per unit", ` ,!� 3. The applicable policy from the Tigard Housing text is the following: '? -:i POLICY 15. Provide greater di�ersity of housing density (e.g. , duplexes, four-plex, attached single family units, etc. ) . 4, The applicant proposes to build four duplex lots (8 dwelling units) . The density calculation for this zone (R-10 = 10,000 square foot dwelling unit) is as follows: ! 1.45 gross acres (converted inLo sq.ft. ) x 43,560 sq. ft. = 63,16i sq. ft, of gross j area. ;1 Divide 63,162 sq. ft, by number of proposed units: `';�' 63,162 : 8 = 7,895�25 sq. ft, per dwelling uni�. ,� Therefore, the project's dwelling units per gross acre are below the requir.ed 10,000 square £'oot lots. 5. The site slopes from the southeast corner dropping approximately three percent diagonlly to the northwest corner. The surroundi,ng property uses are a residential unit to the west across S.W. 110th and single family units directly to the north. To the east and directly south are duplex units and the Garden Park Place duplex planned development, 4..':; j! �F�, ;,, �r�-� . . . . . ... . .. . ... __ . �TAF'�' REpORT �GENDA 5.7 i, f TIGARD P7�AlVN:LNG COMMISSION ! . ,,:� March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. i Page 2 i i � b. Southwest 110th is designated as a local street requiring 50 feet of � right-of-way. { � 7. A loeal standard street is being constructed within the Garden Park ; __ , Place development that when� continued will pass throughout lot 1301 and the subject site. i � i 8. Unified Sewerage Agency service and the Tigard Water facili.ty is available ! from the east approximately 140 feet and the nori:h along S.W. 110th approximately 150 feei�. II. Conclusionary Findings: �, 1. Southwest 110th is in substandard condition having inadeguate right-of way ;� or paving width, no curb, gutter or siciewalks and in its present condition i is over capacitated. � ; 2. This request does not conform to the density limitations o£ the R-10 � zone (Si.ngle Family Residential) . '�I 3. There is an identified publi.a need to provide a diversity of housing � type within the com¢ttunity, acco.rding to poliaies set out in the Housing Plan. � 'r.` �,, III. 5taff Recommendations: �; �:i Staff recommends approval of the conditional. use for duplexes subject to �, the following conditic�ns: �' <� 3. That the dizplex units be Zimited to ozie located on the southeastern portion of the site with the remaining site area being improved as ' subdivision lots not to exc�ed six dwelling units in tatal. �'" 2. That the applicant dedicate the adequate distance (as determined by City Engineer) of righ�t-of-way along S.W. 110th,.�.and construct half street imp�ovements to City Standards prior to issuance of building permits. 3. That the required construction and drainage plans be submitted and ;; approved with the necessary l�ond agreement to the Engineer and � Building DePartments for appxoval prior to issuance of permits. 4. No changes wi11 be made to approved plans or specifications unless farma� application is made to the app,ropriate �3epartment and changes ' are approved by that depar�ment-. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings; enginPering specifications and other details rec�uested by the department. No construction shall take place in these instances until after the changes have been approved, Any deviation from this condition will result in the immediate posting of a stop work order un the projeot or any portion of the project. ;. t�_ 1's ;_' �� i: �; � rSTAF'F REPORT AGENDA 5.7 A TTGARD PL'ANNING COI�IMISSION i, March 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. {� Page 3 5. Street improve�ment on S.W. 110th will include covered drainage tile the full length of subject property. Report prepared by: Ken Selby Reviewed by: A1 i oward Associate City Planner P1 n' Director March 2, 1979 a 2, 1979 ^�I F° � �... � � � � _ MEMORANDUM t t` To: Planning Commissioners From: Debbie Burgess Planning Secretary Subject: Correction to minutes of March 6, 1979 Date; March 20, 1979 On page 2, under Commission Discussion & Action, 5th paragraph - that paragraph was deleted from the minutes. S'- t��. I �