Planning Commission Packet - 02/20/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i AGENDA TIGARD PLANNIL3G COMMISSION February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room ' 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon i I 1. Open Meeting: � 2. Roll Call; , 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : 4. Planning Commission Communioation: 5. Public Hearings: I I A. Staff Report B. Applicant's Presentation C. Public Testiznony 1, Proponent's 2. Opponent's 3. Cross°Examination D. Staff Recommendations E. Commission Discussion & A,ction 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Estates Planned Developrnent) NPO #6 A request by William A. Godwin for a general plan and program review of a residential planned development and zone map amendment from R-7 "Single �y Family Residential" zane to R°7 PD on a 9.27 acre parcel, located at B.W. 5attler Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 11AD, Tax Lot 6500) . 5.2 ZONE CI�TANGE ZC 34-78 (Greenway Village Planned Development) NPO #1 A request by Sam Gotter and John Jaehrling for preliminary plan and proqram review of a residential planned development and zone map amendment frozn City R-7 to City of Tigard R-7 PD on a 3.09 acre pax�cel, located on S.W. O'Mara Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2DB, Tax Lot 600) , 5.3 CONDITION�L USE CU 3�-78 (Trend Leasa.ng Co. ) I�PO #2 A request by Trend Leasing Co. for a conditional use permit to operate an avis vehicle rental facility in a C-3 "GeneraZ Commercial" zone on a 1.31 acre parcel, located at S.W. Greenburg Road and Cascade Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lots 1300, 1303, 1.400 and 1500) . 5.4 CONDITIONAL USE CU 3-79 (Gerald C. Cach) NPO #5 A request by Gerald C. Cach for a condita.onal use permit ta construct two (2) duplexes in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone on a 1.65 acre parcel located at 8115 S.W. Bonita Road (W'ash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 700) . 5.5 CONDI�IONAL USE CU 2-79 (Jean Clark) NPO #4 � A request by Jean Clark for a coiiditional use germit to operate a florist shop in a C-3 "General Commercial'� zone on a .34 acre parcel, located at 1.1608 S.W. Yacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DB, Tax Lot 2601) . 6. 01d Business: ovex �`4� L', { f: � [,�I 7. New Businesa: �. `I'�, 8. Other Business: . , Review, comments and suggestions to the Cit Council Uf an Crdinance amendin � y g � Chapters 17.48 and 18.46, transferri.ng responsibility for certain varianaes i to the Planning Director. ; Proposed amendment to the City of Tigard Zoning Ordinance to include "Boat" � dealersh.ips in the C-3M "Main Street Commercial" zane under conditional �'' uses. ;� ; 9. Adjournment: i � � � , � 4 r ,,� � � C i ( � s a � � I i � � � l I h, .t '� I i � � '_ `MINUTES � � TIGA'RD PLANNINr COMM;I,SSION February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. I Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room , 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon l. Open Meeting: i The meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.M, by President Tepedino. 2. Roll Call: Present: Bonn, Funk, Kolleas, Smith, Speaker, Tepedino, Wood Absent: Helmer, Seeber Staff: Howard, Selby 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : il, There were no minutes of previous meetings submitted for approval. I 4. Planning Commission Communzcation: President T�pedin� stated he had received from LaVerne Sharp an applicati�n for a conditiona:t use� permit in a R-7 zone in connection with the Tigard House. He passed it on to staff for handling. He «lso reported he had been contacted by Mr. Cox, attorney for Kal]. Business Center, who suggested a study-session type of ineeting with his client be held, to be sure the concerns of the Commission w�re being propexl.y addressed. He was told this procedure was highly unusual and that he (Tepedino) felt it �= would be improper. Therefore, the appeal from the Planning Commission will . proceed to the City Council.. 5. Publxc Hearings: At 7:40 P.M. the President, for the benefit of the public in �he audience, made reference to the statutory basis of the public hearings and read a statement of procedures to be followed. 5.1 Zone Change ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Estates Planned Development) NPO #6 A request by Wi,lliam A. Godwin for a general plan and program review of a residential planned development and zone map amendment from R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone to R-7 PD on a 9.2.7 acre parcel, located at S.W. Sattler Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AD, Tax Lot 6500) . A. Staff Report: The staff report was read by Howard. Selby then read into the record a I.etter dated February 13 from Joseph A. Greulich, Fire Marshall, Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, expressing concerns on (a) the proposed 24-foot dead end street, ar►d (b) the proposed open space under the care of 37 pr.operty ov�mers ra�ther than as a city park; and a memorandum dated February 13 from Lt. Donald L. Rea, Operations Officer, Tigard Police Department, suggesting modifications to the proposed privat+e24-foot street calculated to alleviate problems in � parking, emerg�ncy vehi.cle access, and access to the open space. B. Applicant's Presentation: MINUTES , ' �TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P,M. Page 2 � � � B. Applicant's Presentation: i � Richard Drinkwater, 8095 S.W. Cirrus Drive, Beavertbn, the �ivil � engineer retained by the applicant to do the design work on the � project, made the applicant's presentation. He briefly outlined � the five prineipal goals so.ught foi this development: privacy, � auto circulation, pedestrian circulation, useable open space, and a variety of living units. He submitted a revised plan addressing the �' police and fire concerns on an overlay to a wall-mounted map, a prime assumption for this modification being that the open space would be dedicated to the city for park purposes. He suggested if �he common area beaame a public park the development would lose something af the privacy sought by common ownership of the open space, He stated the landscape architect for the project was present and would answer questions it desired. C. Public Testi.mony: Non e D. Staff Recommendations: H�ward read the staff recommendation, including a recommended Condition 10, a standard, °'no-changes-without-written-authorization" candition,. (5ee full text and discussion of under Item 8 0� the ac�enda) . �, �� The President ascer�ained through questioning that the recommendations were based on the proposa�. modified to address the objections voiced by public safety personnel. E. Commission Discussion & Action: o Discussion covered a variety of concerns a�d alternatives (a) whether the open space should become a city park; (b) access by fire equipW ment to the open space under possible alternative street arrangemen�ts; (c) parking for guests of thE residents; (d) setbacks for Units 19 and �0 in the revised plan sul�m.itted. It was s.tated b.y'staff:the city . has no funds to maintain the open area as a city park. �he applicant, William Godwin, in order to maintain the privacy goal for the develop- ment, offerred to instal7. a hydrant with a hose in the open space, and later suggested installation of a couple �of irrigation-type spxinkler heads to be operated by one valve, as an alternati�Ve to easy access by fire equ�ipment. By making a "hammerhead" streei:'end, possibly widening the private street, and eliminating the passiv� recr�ation area, space could be arranged for additional parkirig. It was the consensus that because of the number of variables cansidered and available, it was fruitless for the Commission to attempt a ' redesign of the project at this meeting. � o The effscts with respect to timing of tabling this matter to enable the applicant, s�aff and emergency serva.ces to work out details .were � explored, whereupon Smith moved and IColleas seconded that this item be tabled until the next regular meeting. {It was pointed .out that ixpon rehearing, the i�em should nat take long, since the commissi,oners MTNUTE5 � �TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , F�bruary 2Q, 1979 - 7;30 P,M,. , � Page 3 ' r o were familiar with the item, their concerns had been fu11y exprFSSed I' �'�. - , to the applicant, and he could work ou� modifications with tHe staff; and since the item was tabled, the usual two weeks publication of not.ice was unnecessary.) The motion carried unanimously. � 5.2 Zone Change ZC 34-78 (Greenway Village Planned Development) NPO #1 A request by Sam Gotter and John Jaehrling for preliminary plan and program I review of a residential planned development and zone map amendment f•rom City R-7 to City of Tigard R-7 PD on a 3.09 acre parcel, located on S.W. �'Mara Street (Wash, Co. Tax Map 2S1 2DB, Tax Lot 600) , � A. Staff Re,commendation: �i Howard of staff read a letter received this date on behalf of the , applicant asking indefinite tabling of the plan. The �roject will be "criticall.y reviewed by the developers after Tigard adopts its housing plan, and if it is found then still feasible, will be again I submitted to the Commission in some form." Staff recommended the , Commission ta.ble this item indefinitely, I� There was some discussion in the light of the pr�vious item on the I� notice to be given when the item is again heard. B. Commission Discussion & Action: I � o Speaker moved the item be tabled, with the usual published r�otice I , to be given if and when it is again to be heard, i o The motion was seconded by Smith and unanimously carried. i i '' o There was a question from the audience about the nature of the � � notice to be given when the item is again to be heard. 5taff �I assured that at least the same notice would be given: property ', owners within 300 feet of �he property to receive ma.iled ' notification, plus publication in the Tigard Times. Thereupon � about ten ersons in the audience left the hearing. P 5.3 Conditional Use CU 38-78 ;Trend Leasing Co. ) NPO #2 , A request by Trend Leasing Co, for a conditional use permit to opera�e �an II avis vehicle rental facility in a C-3 "General Commercial" zone on a 1.31 acre parcel, located at S.W. Greenburg Road and Cascade Avenue (Was'h. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lots 1300, 1303, 1400 and 1500) . A. Staff Report: Howard read the staff report. B. Applicant's Presentation: � Robert Gunn of Claussen & Gunn, P.C. , 2659 Commercial St. r S.E. , Salem, � Oregon, made the applicant's presentation. He con�irmed ttiat the Commissioners had received a copy of a 1et.ter dated December 14, 1978 outlining the proposal on behalf of the applicant. Trend Leasing; Inc. , , i; �: MINUTES � '� �TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION '1 , 1 February 20, 1979 - 7;30 P.M. Page 4 {, f: B. Applicant's Presentation conta:nued: `. whose President, Wes LawrenCe, was preseni� to answ�r questions, He � perceived as the principal prablem the drainage of the plot, which had been addressed by staff. C. P:ublic Testimony:. • None D. Staff Recommendations: Howard read the printed staff recommendations, adding as Condition No. 3 the starldard "no-cYianges-without-written-authorization° provision. E. Commission Discussion and Action: o Discussion centered on access: Staff felt two accesses were desirable--onto Cascade Avenue and Frontage Road. It was felt � dirECt access onto SeW. GrePnburg Road should be avaided if possible, o After discussion it was the consensus the common driveway through the Mobil Station on Greenburg should provide ingress only, to be . . . . ' ��'t . assurecl b si nin within the applicant s prup y Y g g �:u. o Smith moved apprnval, based on staff findings and recommendati�ns. � � � o Woad seaonded, and the motion carried unan?mously. � At. this point (8:55 P.M.) th� President deelared a five--minute recess. Upon reconvening the meeting the President announced t.he Police Department haci extended at� invitation to Planning Commission members to ride with the Police cruisers to see first�hand the problems created by dpad end streets and other aspects of city planning. He commended it ta the consideration of the' Cozmni.ssioners. � 5.4 Conditional Use CU 3-79 (Gerald C. Cach) NPO #5 A request by Gerald C. Cach for a can�.itional use permit to construct �� �� � ne an a 1.65 two (2) duplexes in an R 7 Single E`amily Residenti.al zo acre p��cel l�cated at 8115 S.W. Bonita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 ; 125, Ti�x Lot 700) . �, G A. Staff Report: � Howard read the staff xeport. �' � � � � � ;_ B. Applicant's Presentation. �' ;', ' k'red Cooper of Cqo�er & Associates, �7.675 5.W. 66th Avenue, Por�land, ,; �. m,ade the applicant"s presentation; He concurred with the staf�" findings and reaommendations and o��ered to answer any questions. �; C. Public Testimony: , � � � �. ; , � . '� � � MINUTES �I Z'TGARD PLANNING COMMISSION il �� February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � � Page 5 j f r• ! �' C. Public Testimony: � � ; None D. Staff Recommendations: ' Howard read the staff recommendations, adding as Condition No. 2 the standard "no-changes-without-written-authorization" provision. E. Commission Discussion and Action: o Smith expressed concern about the amount of land taken from Lot 1 by the proposed community driveway, and questioned the praatical necessity, because of low traffic volume, for requiring aliqnment of the driveway with S.W. 91st Avenue. It appeared this latter requirement was a condition of the previous minor land partition approved by the then Planning Director. o Wood asked the rationale for duplexes, even along a collector street, in what appears to be a single-family area. Speaker called attention to the apartment coznplex on the other side of the draw at the intersection of Bonita and Hall Boulevard, whiclz cauld justify these duplexes on the basis of step-down. o There was discussion about imposing conditions on access and possible � alternatives to the plan as submitted, but Commissioner Wood pointed out that iu7less we put a condition; on the loaatinn of the driveway we are voting on whether to permit duplexes. o Smith moved approval based on staff findings and recommendations, including Conditions 1 and 2, plus a Condition No. 3 as follows: '°That the community driveway be realigned proportionately on the panhandle portion of Lo�ts 2 and 3 and the east side af Lot 1, if permissible by City Code. o The motion was seconded by Bonn. o Wood again raised the qu�stion of why duple�res are permitted here, responded to by Smith on the basis of the size of the applicant's site and the stepdown effect from nearby apartments. o The motion carried unani.mousl . Y 5.5 Conditional Use CU 2-79 (Jean Clark) NPO #4 A request by Jean Clark for a conditional use perniit to operate a florist shop in a C-3 "General. Cortanercial" zone on a .34 ac.re parcel, ,� located at 11608 S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DB, Tax Lot 2601,) . �<� a;;i ���i ' ` MINUTES i ?, F � � TIGARI� PLANNING COMMISSION `i . February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 6 A. Staf f Re ort• p . Howard read the staff report. B. Applicant's Presentation; Mrs. Jean Clark, 12030 S.W. Settler Way, Beaverton, the applicant, questioned Condition No. 3 with respect to landscaping. Selby replied that as written it would be necessary to take up blacktop and install the landscaping, and that generally the obligation would have to be worked out between the owner of the property and the lessee. C. Public Testimony: None D. 5taff Recommendation: Howard presented the staff recommendation, added condition No. 4, the standard "no-changes-without-written-authorization" provision. E. Commission Disaussion and Action: ;. �V i o Wood questioned the law traffic vol.ume, accoianted for by the � statement from the appliaant that 85 per cent of her business � comes by phone. He questioned the condition with xespect to the free-standing sign. o Staff stated L-her� are two signs now on the propexty, but only one is pe�itted under present City code. o Tepedino commented on the burden imposed by the Code in such a case. o Selby stated if the bl�rden were deemed greater than the bene,fit to be derived, the Commission could grant a variance on the basis of hardshi,p. � o Funk commented on xemodeling he did as owner of the Tigard P�.aza and the landscaping required o� him, including tearing up of blacktop. o Speaker raised the question ot' the propriety of requiring land- scaping in front of the flower shop, �nd not in front of the Plaid Pantxy next door, leased from the same owner. o Selby explained the Site Planner would require the whole frontage �`' be landscaped k�eaause it is "under common owner5hip. ' `�, , n j ° MINUTES , ' TTGARD PLANNZNC COMMISSION • February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M, Page 7 �` E. Commission Discussion anfl Action continued: o Howard explained the conditions--numerous throughout the City, especially among the warehouses--under which many applicants might have to seek Planning Commission approval because a : desired use was only permitted and not outright. o It was indicated in discussion that the variance procedure acts as a safety valve in what amounts to upgrading the City through enforcement of more-recently-enacted codes. o Smith moved approval based on staff findings and recommendations, including Conditiansl through 4. o Kolleas seconded, and the motion carried, with Funk voting naye. Thereupon, at 9:50 P.M. , the public hearing was closed. 6. Old Bus9ness: Howard questioned the receipt by the Commissioners of a capy for study of Chapter 18.57, Sensitive Land Considerations--Flood Ylain, Drainage Ways and Greenways. He requested careful study of this in preparation for the study session next wee3c. �„ 7. New Business: Smith inquired abou� a memo sent to the Site Design Review Board members and alternates. Howard stated it had not been sent to the Planning Commission yet because written comments were asked for through Friday, February 16, with more responses still expected. The Commission will Ireceive copies of the memo and the responses to it. Smith asked the f.un�tion aid; responsibilities of the Site Design Review Board be a topic of the study session of next week so the Con¢nission can take a position before the matter goes to the City Council. Wood felt it would be very helpful for the Commission to review any matters which appear to impact on general land planning before going to the City Council, so we could take a position if it is thought desirable. Howard assured this �rocedure would be followed in the future. 8. Other Business: Howard presented a request for approval of a street dedication for Picks Landing PUp, which appeared to staff to be in order for the signature of the President, which was affixed. Howard explained the reason for the "no-changes-without-written-autharization" added to several items at this meeting, and stated this provision will be added to all future items. The full statement reads as follows: �:� 4 � MINUTES • TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , � February 20, .1979 - 7:30 P.M. I Page 8 `� 8. Other Business continued: ,..<- `� "No changes will be made to appproved plans or specifications unless formal application is m�.de to the appropriate department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineerir�g specifications and other deta,ils requested by the department. No construction shall take place in these instances until after the changes have been approved. Any 8eviation from this condition will result in the iziunediate posting of a stop work order on the project or any portion of the projecte" The purpose is to develop what might be called a written "audit trail" of all ohanges in authorized projects. 5mith mentioned the matter of whether, on appeal of Planning Commission decisions to the City Cowzcil, there should be a member of the Planning Commission present. The President di.scussed the difficult position a Planning Commission member would be pizt in such a case. Wood expressed concern about such a representative becoming an advocate. Smith commented that the straight stenographic transcript of the Commission's proceedings fails to convey the full sense of the proceeding, and a Planning Commission.er present at Council hearings cauld determine whether any new information was being submitted to the Council, and would be available far clarifying but not for advocating a position. The President suggested this be discussed at a study session, possibly with tYie City Attorney present. � Smith asked whether the Commission should pass on the proposed ordinances submitted with the packets this week. Selby explained the rationale and the procedure. Discussion revealed a feeling by the commissioners that such proposals should be presented with what amounts to a staf.f report, and considered in a study session. ! Selby explained the status and urgency for actson on the amendment submitted to Ordinance 18.30.020, whereupon Wood moved the Planning Commission reoommend to the City Council approval of the amendment as drafted by staff. Kolleas seconded, and the motion passed unanimously, Fred Cooper., Presic�ent of the Park Board, reported on items �the Board will consider at their next meeting. He suggested a joint meeting at some time soon. President Tepedino agreed such a meeting would be beneficial, especi.ally in view of the recent substantial turnover of Commission members. Mr. Cooper questioned filling that has been taking place in the flood plain n�ar Cook Park. Tt appeared no fi11 permit has been issued. Staff agreed to contact the property owner, possibly via a lettex drafted by the City Attorney. 9. Adjournment: The President adjourned the meeting at 10:22 P.M. � L _ _ BUBLIC NOTICE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �� ' Fowler Junior High School. - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon , 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: " S.i ZONE CHANGE ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park Esta'tes) Planned Developm�nt NPO �kb �� A reques� by William A. Godwin for ageneral plan and program revi�w and zone map amendment from R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone to R-7 PD or� a 9.27 acre parcel, located at S.W. Sattler Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1lAU, Tax Lot 6500). - 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 34-78 (Greenway Village) Planned Development NPO ��1 A request by Sam � Gotter and John Jaehrling for preli.minary plan and . program review of a residex�tia'1 planned d'evelopment and zane map amemdment ; ,' from City R-7 to City of Tigard R-7 PA on a 3.09 •ac�re parcel, located on SoW. 0'Mara Street (Wash. Co. Z'ax Map 2S1 2DB Tax Lot 600). 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE CU 38-78 (Trend Leasing Co.) NPO ��Z A request by Trend Leasing Co. for a cnnditional use pexmz� to operate an avis v�hicle rental facility in a . C-3 "General Commerei.al" aone on a 1,31 acre parcel, loaated at S.W. �reenbuxg Ttoad and Cascade A.venue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 35B, Tax Lots 1300, 1303, 1400 and 1500). ! � NPO ��S 5.4 CONDITIONAL USE CU 3-79 (Gerald (:. Cach) A request t�y Gerald C. Cach for, a cond�.tional use permit to construct two (2) duplexes in an R�7 "Single �'amily Residential" zone an a 1.55 acre parcel located at 8115 S.W. Bonita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 700). 5.5 COI�AITIONAL USE CU 2-79 (Jean C�ark) N�'� ��� A request by J'ean Clark for a condi.tional use permit to op�rate� a flarist shop in a C-3 "General Commercial" zone� on a .34 ac•re par�cely l.cacated at ' 11608 S,W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 36DB,. Tax Lot 2fi01), Note: This hearing may be continued to a date set speci£ic by fihe �lan.ning � Commi.s s ion. Publish TT 2-7-79 & 2-14-79 � '�., i I f'. �`,. . j� C I'� 4;' �# STAFF REPORT r' �� AGENDA 5.1 �� ;:� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �j February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �I Fowler Junior High - Lec�ure Room ��II 10865 SW Walnut St - Tigard, Oregon ,I �; �:i Docket: Zone Change ZC 22-78 (Sattler Park F,states) I!�I, Site Location: S.W. Sattler Street and SW 89th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AD, ,;,I Tax Lot 6500). j:;� ,i Applicantc William Godwin Owner: William Godwin !''I i, Request: For a genera�l development plan and program review of a residential `I' F1annF ' Develapment and zone map amendment from R-7 to R-7 Planned Development on a 9.Z7 acre site. ''I �II ij I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated "Urban L�w Density Residential" (maximum 4 units per acre) on the NPO ��6 P1an and is presently zoned ' R�7 "Single Family Residential." ';;j 2o The applic.ant is r�questing general plan an.d program review in ;;�I accordance with Section 18.56,030 of th� �i ard. Munici al Code ;;' g P . G� � for a 9.27 acre (37 l.ot) residential pla•nned developme�nt (See al attached Preliminary P1an astd Program staff report �C 22-78 dated October 17, L978). 3. On October 17, 1978, the Tigard Planning Commissian apprnved the preliminary plan ared program review for this proposed development �� '! subject to the following conditions: � ':il ;,9 A. That the general plan plat show the follawing: �; i� 1) Fifty f�et right-of-way plan street standaxd for the ' detached single family cul-de-sac without the island and one-way designation. 2) That no lots in the plan have direct access onto Sattler Street. 3) That the private driveway ontu Reiling Street be re- �F ' il designed to enter anto Iteiling Street to the staff s i;, satisfaction. �Y i 4) That the detailed landscape plans show buffering type i. vegetation and berms along the development where staff }� indicates necessity. �i t� � 5) Plat indicating utiltiy service installation locations. � Fire plug every 250 feet, phone hook-ups, electricity, ,! natural gas, water, sewer, etc. � � � � � � , Page 2 STAFF REPORT AGENnA 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSZON ��� February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �... 6) Topographic �ap with site drainage and gsading alterations. B. That resume's of all design team members be submitted to the program narrati:ve. C. That the total unit per acre number be no mc�re than four (4). D. That the total density be limited to 37 units; total of which 14 would be sin�le family detached, 23 would be attached single family not to exceed four plexes in design. E. That a drainage plan be required as part of the application. F. That the apglicant provide an agreement for the upkeep of the open space in �he planned development. G. That the �ommoz� wa11 units not be arranged in rows, l�ut set � randomly. II 4. The applicant proposes to build �i attached single family units on the northern portion of the property separated by the extension af I Reiling Sfireet that will align with the single fauz�Iy unit� being II �`� developed on the west and east side of the subject property. The � ���° southern area fronting Sattler Street wi11 encompa�s 14 single family detached units of no less� than 7,000 square foot units. The subject � property is presently vacar�t agr.icultural land. , The surrounding land uses are single family units to the north and west. The southern property across from �he site and Sattler Stree� is a si.ngie family unit and agricultural land. The eastern area is presently being �eveloPed as R-7PD "Scheckla Park." IT. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The attached correspondence dated February 13, 1979 from Lte Rea of the Po�.ice Aepartment describe� a joint concern by the Palice and Fire Depart�ent for acces� arour�ci the eommon �ra11 units along the private drive and the need for cirnulation to the open space area. Staff agrees that the applicant should be required tra redesign the access to permit access to the open space area. 2. T�e applicant has complied with and Goaperated well with the staff in fina�.izing several concern� about this pxoject in preparation of the general pl.an and program stage. 3. Sattler 5treet is PLBSBilt�.'31 in-adequate having substandard right- of-way width with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. Sattler is designated �' as a col].ector street on the NPO 4�6 P1an having 60 feet of right- �;;� of-way and 44 feet of paving. Sattl�r is presently a CounCy Street. . .. . . _._ ,. . _ _ , , � k Page 3 STAFF REPORT - AGENI�A S.1 TIGARD PLANNING GOMMISSION � February 20, 1579 - 7:30 P.M. k �: �, l IIIe Staff Recommendation: �' Staff recornmends approval of the General P1an and program with preliminary i plat subject to the following conditi,ons: � � 1a That the cul-de-sac radius be no less than 45 feet. � 2. That the a licant submit construction and drainage plans with �. PP � necessary bonds for approval by the City Engineer and Building �; Department prior to issuance of Building P�rmits. � � 3. That appl.icant design the private driveway area large enough for � street parking (or provide sufficient off street parking i.n other i location) with a circulation pattern of two ingress/egress points that ; provide access between the open space area and the common wa11 units. r i 4e That site design for the landscaping and site plan be approved grior � to issuance of permits. k � � 5. That covenants and restrictions list obligation of maintenance to the � open space and other landscape areas; that the private drive area be cl.ear of obstruction at a11 times and that the easements be identified as to lncation, size and authority of use. 6. No subdivision plats wi11 be approved until public sewer �ervice is assured to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 7. That ten �eet of right-of�way be cfledicated along S.W. 5attl.er Street. i 8. That a hal.f street improvement to collector street standards be made on the SoW. Sattler Street frontage. No final plat will be recorded i until construction drawings have been epproved by the Public Works � Department and the necessary bond filed. 9. That a covenant be attached to the deed of any lots abutting S.W. Sattler Street be restricted direct access fio Sattler Street. , Report prepared by: Ken, Selby Reviewed by: Aldi? Howard Associgte City Planner Planning Director February 14, I979 February 14,1979 � �.: _. _ _ _ . _ _ � � � „ , � � C�� �-�--� J�:��F �Q�^.rr .L..- . I Ai_�c.�•i D.a 5 . 3 ��' i'iG:1RD PLAt�ti Ct�lG CGti1i�1TSSIO�i i •- �J��c�;er i7, 1973 - 7: 3� P .��t. i f��c•��er Junior Hic;h - Lectur'F P.�om . tOS» S .W. P;alnut St. - Tigard, C'e•t�gon � Go���:et : Zon� Change ZC 22-78 � , � Rec�u�stc . �''or a pzeliminary devE'lo�men�t plan an� px•�gram revieU: oF a resicl�ntial plannzc3 c�evelopment and zone map amendment from R-•7 to R-7 Planned Development on a . u 9 .27 acre site. •, y • I' Location : S.k'. Sattlez Street anc� S:W. 89th (Wash . Co. Tax Map �, 2S1 11AD, Ta;� Lot 6500) . � �I ; Appiicant: WTLLIAr4 GODWTi� � I i'� I, � Findings oF Fact: II . . . � l . T�e site is designated "Urk�an Lo��� Density Residential." tm�ximum 4 units per acre) or. the N�'O fi5 Plan and is presently zoned .R-7 "Single Fami,y Residential" . ;I 7. . S�ction 18 . 56 . Oi0 of the Tigara �-tunicipal Code statES : I "Tne purpose of the pl�nned d�velopmen�t district is to �._ provide op�>ortuni�.ies to create more desirable environments through the application or flexik�le and diversifiecl land d��relopnent standards undex a comprehensive p�an and progrGm proEessionally �repared . Th� planned developm�nt district is inter_cled ta be used ta et�courag� thP application o:E new techniques and new technology to community development arranue- ments wi.th lasting vaI.ues . It is further intended to achieve economies in land develo�ment, main�:enan�e, street s�stems and uzility networks while providing building groupings €or privacy, usabl� and attractive open spaces, safe circulation and �he qer.eral. we11- being of the inhabitants. 3 . Section 18 .56 ,020 provides for preliminary plan and �Srogram revierf� by the Pla,nning Cc�mrnission and r.equires trtat such reviedv be based upon thE compreh�naive plan, ; th� stanclards of this tifile, and other regulati:Qns and the suitabilz•ty o£ the proposed development in relatian to the cha.rac�er oP the area. 4 . Applicable policies and objectives from the ComF�ehen- ' sive P:Lan: � � "Urban Lou� U�nsity Resident�iai" � a. The maxinium ocTt.rall densitX of devclopmenC wi11 , ; `_ . �.,.. . .. ,_ .- . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ „ , � 1���, ,: , . !c� • R.. . � j . � . ��`.�li �i i' �TAFF P,EPOP.`!' �;� �L�..•aoa 5 . 3 TLG�'�RD PLE\N�dIt�i(� CO�tt•IISSTON ; OctobFr 17, 1978 '"`° k . �'ar.r� 2 be �our dw��llin�7 un:.ts ar a 12 persons per. gross ` acre. This amaunts to a stan��ard of 7500 square � feet o� l�nd per dwelling unit allow�ng for streets and other open s�;ace. Some areas will. have a � lower density owirlg to topography, existing ! ; ' de���lopment pattern5� �r �.he d�sire of in3ivi3ua].s ta own a larc�ez lot. " b. Residential subdivisions will be developed with pavec� stre�:ts, curbs and qut�ers, str�et IigYlts, ' and 4ral.kways, aecorciing �o city or county standarc�s. All utilities will b� plaGed uriclerground. c. Develop�nent will coincicle with the prevision of public streets , water and seiaerage faci�ities , These facilitiPs sha11. be (a} capable o� aaequately servinc� a11 intervening properties as well as the proposed development, and (b) de�igned ` to m�et city or county standards . d. Planned uni� d�velopm�nt will b� encourag�d nr� . ,� �k.racts largE endught to acconmodat� �.en ar more - � dwellings. Planned unit developnent will �ermit s degr�z of flexibili,�y in design that wi1Z �nab.i.e a higher qu�lity of �evelopment in accordar�ce wi,'th zoning standards. ; i: S . The applicant proposes to build 28 attachr�d single � �'; family units on the northerri portion of th� property ;i separated by the Fxtension of Reiling Stre,et that wi1L ',� align with �.he single family units being devel.�ped arc the west and east �ide of th� subject property. Th,e sauthern �.rea fron�ing Sattler �treet will enc�mpass 14 sir►gle family �detaChed units of no less thaiz �,OOQ � � square fao�t uni�s . The subject property is presentl.y � vacant agricultural land. 6 . The surroundiny land uses are single family uni.ts to f �he north and west. The southern property across from ! the site and SattlEr Street is a singl.e family unit and agricultural land. The east�rn area is presently being developed as R-7PD "Scheckla Park" . 7 . There c�:ista adequate water and sewer service that wil1. be brought to the site from the westein residential development. TtYe developer addresses all plan elementr'�'`4� requirEd in the program from Section 18 . 56 .020 except ��'! for lighting and waste dispos�l facilities. . . , � � SmnFF PEoi.>E'.T , �G c;i�D�1 5 . 3 TI�sARD PLF,NtiI�lG Cn:�I�tiIISSIO�J � �� � Cctober 17, 1978 . Page 3 8 . T:�e topographic conditions of th� site are subje�:� to 12 to 25 Percen� yrade differential , ��et land and surface water retention with two e�cisting ponds . Ther� is no evidenc� of a floodplai� or significant drainagaway condition on thE subjec� site . 9. Sattler Street is presently a substandard county� .street with 40 feet right-of-way. ThP Comprehensive Plan designares it to be 60 feet right-of-way for a collector standard. II. Co.nclusionary Findings : � 1. The applicant is proposing some single family Iot . sizes to be ].ess than the NPOr6 Plan required 7 , 500 sq. ft. � 2 . The proposEd number o� units are 6 o��er the NPO �6 Plan requirenent� of 4_ units to the acre. The applicant states that these are 4. 64 i.t.nits to •the acre. ; 3 . The applicant must address in his program pro�>osal the ��- availability of a11 utili�ty and public service facilities. Rlso, written resume 's are r�quirECl of the Design Team far the applicands file and �ragram. 4 . Plans must b� submitted indicatzrzg landscaping, grading ! or Ghanges to be made on the existing topography and uti lity loca�tions . III . Staff Recammendations : • Staff recammends approval subject to the follnwxng conditians to be complied with and approved by the 1'Ianning Staff pxior to public hearinq of the General Plan anc� Pr�gram: I. Tlial: tf►e: general plan plat sho�� thE following: a. 50 ft. right-o.F-way plan street standard for the detach�cl si.ng].e family cul-de-sac without the �<<�'" island and one-way designation . � •.'�#, -. , ,:� b. That no lots in the plan have direct access oz3ta Sat�ler Street. � c. That thE� privat� driv�way onto Reiling Street be ' � redesigned to Enter onto Rezling to the s•taf;E 's satis.Eactio�. � d. That thE c�etailed lanclscape plans show buffP�ing I _ . _ , _ _ _ ,. . . _.. .... . . . ..M i � �. � . . � � �, _ Sm lFF REP�J 2'1� I AGEDtU�? 5 . 3 'I �'IGAZU PL���dNI:�:G C�NIP�iISSIO!V I `� I OctobPr 1.' , 1978 ° Page � i L. � Y I', � ,�p_ vec�etats.or_ and burms �long the a�v�la� , r.1�nt wher� staff in�.icates neces5.ity. � , e_ Plat isidicating utility service installatian locatians. � ,� � . Topoq�aphic map with site drainag� ancl gr��ding alterations . � , 2 . Tl,at resume's of ail �esign t�am mAmbers be suhmitt�c� ! �o thP progr,�m narrative. � . That all d�ta�,hecl single family lots �e no less tnan i 7, 5C0 sq. ft. 1. TPiat tne tvtal unit per acre number be no m�r� than �our (4) . 3�-�-`-5i^¢z"'�' �I ; � �. i i � i I . � , � . � . � ' � i , :�ia� iV�` ���t� :� � �� I j � , A;��.� �q .�.� . C. V 1 i i 1 i � f .;� � � MEt�10RAtV�Uf�i February 13, 1979 �.� �j� 1�! t��`o l.� TD: Cit 2lanning Staf� . Q '�"" Y FROP�[s Lt. Rea, Police Department f �� 1 � ��7� SUBJ�CT: Sattler Park Estates Plan C�.i.Y �� T�GAR� . p1.ANNiNG DEPT. In xeviewina the Sattler Park Estates preliminary p1an, I can see several proposals that would be a concern of both police a�nd £ire. 1. A private drive as shown would allow no street parking. Guests ; of these residents would tdave nowhere to park, and would eventu- ally paxk on the street. Poli.ce have no traffic jurisdiction on ' private drives, and would not be able to contro.l it. ffers no ttarn-around I er o _ 2. The private drive that ends in �hatimann j P ossibila.ties; cumbersome to police, and hazardous to �he larger i fire rigs, as they would have to back outm 3. There is no access to the upper portion of �he �ropert�y. Polic� �aould not be able to patrol for crime pxev.e�tior�. There �aould also � be no access fox the fire de.partment to fight a pos'sible gxass fire. �.. It would theref.ore be the r.ecomnendata�on of the police departtnent to place a wider roadway, beginning at the interseetion of Reiiing Street and 91st, circling kr�cts 20 through 27, and returning to Reiling Stteet. The driveways of tracts 20 through 23 taould face Reiling Street, and tracts 24 thrnuoh 27 would face north. The property lines of tracts 20 through 23 and 24 through 27 would then abut where the private dri.veway � is ntow proposed, This proposal would allow access into ttze common area� and possibly some on-street park3,ng, � _ 1 � i . , � , i � i �' �:J �O-�+� �"e�+ �,t. Donald L. Rea Operations Officer �':. DLR:�c _..—�,-� , .. . _ � .• , a � r ��' � 1Ufl �flll � �l� �Rfl � � I �R� �P� 01� C�fiOfl DISI� IC1 '��� , � �'" �;� � P.A. B'OX 127 � TUAL�TIN, OREGON 97062 • PHONE 882-2601 • RUSSELL WASHB'URN, CHIEF �, Fek�ruary 13, 1579 t:��C�iVED FEa 15 i�79 CfTY QF T1GAR� 7igard Planning Commission Ci ty Hal l 7igard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Ken Selby, Planner Subjec�: Sattler Park Dear Ken: After reviewinq the preliminary plat for th� plan��d davelon- r�ent of Sa�t�ler Parle located at Satt1er �toad t�,est of Na11 Street, I �•laul d r�commend that the foi l o»�i n� be cl�anged: 1 . The 24' deaci end street be change� sn that thA street makes a fu11 1�Oa turn �nd comes back �in�:.°o +,h� full size s+reet. E Additionally, since this street is only 2a' wi:�e, no parkinn �;,� shall be allowed on the stree� and th� s�.ree� be posted and signed �For no parking, and off-streAi: parking be �ro- vided, �a that extra cars will h�v� a �ia;,e to park. 2. The prapased opQn space at t4�e north e�u of �he develo�- ment should be develaoed and become a cit� park to be maintained by the city. Having all ot�ners of �thA property in the ar4a jointly own this open �round, in my oninio��, Htill only create � a proble►� i� �eeping th�s area maintaire�. It is a reouirement of the Fire Code of Tualatin Fire Distric� th�t in builL-un areas, tall arass , combustible brush, e+c. , b� keP� c1eaned off the r�rooert,y, I can nnly see oroblems in trying to gnt I 37 pr�nerty owners to maintain this. , . � . � Tf you have any further questions , feel free to ca�l me. ; � �� �; Yours truly, . ; - r:. i `,.'� ���,�,�,i/t`�,�� . , ,�x �<i'4 { /:' \ '�r i 4 (���] Y� 1. Joseoh l�. Creul i ch ���! Fi re� Plarshal ��� ��! J11G;dm � � i � ! , 1 ; 3 � __ t . __.._ __.. -,:_:_ l i . , . , .:.. , : ., _ . . . ���. ..:�,,.:� ,......._: .. ..... ... .. . .. . . . . . . � r,�. . . � � � � . .�., .. � � . � . . � � �'�. . . . � , � A'�. V �a STAFF REPORT �� �� AGENDA 5.2 �� ' TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. �� Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut - Tigard, Oregon � ,� �� �. � �: � �t Docket: Zone Change ZC 34�78 PD (Greenway Village) Applicant: Sam Gotter, Inc. Owner: Owen & Lois Snyder K Site Location: S.W. 0'Mara Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1, 2DB, Tax Lot 600). Request: For preliminary plan and program review of a residential Planned :` Devel� ment and zone map amendment from City R�7 to Gity of Tigard �;, P R-7 Planned Development on a 3.09 acre parcel. ;i, �i r, I. Findings of Fact: ;-'� n 1. The site is designated "Urban Low Density Residential" on the NP0��1 P1an and is presently zoneci R-7 "Single Family Residential." ;! � 2. Sectian 18.56.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code states: j; `I "The purpose of the Planned Development District is to provide r� f5 � opportunities to create more desirable environments through the �; �"=�� application of flexible and diversified lana� develnpment standards � under a comprehensive plan and program professionally prepared. � Th� P�.anned Uevelopment District is intended to be used to encourage the application of new techniques and new technology ta community de�velopment arrangements witl� lasting values. It is furthez intended �� to achieve economies in land developmentt maintenance, �.treet i! systems and utility networks while providing bui�.ding groupings �; for privacy, usable and attractive open spaces, safe circulation and the general well-being of the inhabitants. �i 3. Section 18.56.020 provides for preliminary plan and pro�ram review �' by the Planning Gommission and requires that such review be based �i f upon the Gomprehensive P,lan, the standards of this title, and other t, regulatinns and the suitability of the proposed development in relation to the character of the area. � � 4. Applicable policies and objectives f�om the Comprehensive P1an: +; "U�ban Low Density Residen�ial" � i (a) The maximuui overall density of development will be four d�ae1- � 3.ing units or a 12 persons per gross acre. This amounts to a standard of 7500 square feet of land per dwelling unit allowing for streets and other open space� Some areas wi11 have a lower ,�r density owing to topography, existing development pattern�, or , � the desire of individuals to own a larger 1ot. � I i � � STAFF REPORT ' AGENDA 5.2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 20, 1:979 . Page 2 (b) Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and �utters, street lights, and walkways, according to City or Gounty standards. All utilities wi11 be placed under- ,, ground. (c) Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewerage facilitie�. These facilities shall be (1) capable of adequately serving all intervening properties as we11 as the proposed development, and (2) designed to meet City or County gtandards. (d) Planned unit development will be encouraged on tracts large enougY� to accommodate ten or more dwellings. Planned unit development will permit a degree of flexibility in d�sign that wi11 enable a higher quality of develapment in accordance with zoning standards. 5. The applicant propnses to build 24 dwelling units that are designed similar to duplex style on 13 lots. The lot sizes xange from 3,270 square feefi to 4,350 square feet. The lots will be located on fihe southern 1.61 acre area �of the total site. � 6. The site is presently vacant with trees and brush scattered throughout. The 146 foot contour marks the 100-year flood plain level run�xing ap- , proximately across the center of the propertyA Portions of the property has 12 to 257 grades, 7. Surrounding Iand uses are: The GTE storage and warehouse yard ta the north across the flood plain area, a church to the east, single family re�idences to the south and west. 8. Water sereice is available off S.W. 0'Mara Street with a three inch line from the Tigard Water l�istrict. Sanitation service is available off the Fanno Creek interceptor north of the property operated by Unified Sewer Agency. 9. The NPO Plan 4�1 has proposed a local street extension from S.W. Hi11 Street to S.W. 0'Mara that wi11 allow tsaffic to connect from Ash Avenue to Hall Blvd. This �project is and will be responsible for provid- ing the eastern connec.tion o£ the proposed street onto S.W. O�Mara. S.W. 0'Mara is presently a County street having inadequate right-of-way width and no curbs or gutters. 10. There has been recent fill on the property. The amount or grade o€ fi11 is not known since no fill permit for this site can be located. � . . . . .. � . � � � I STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2 � , TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 20, 1979 Page 3 II. Conclusionary Findings; 1. 16.45 dwelling un,its are permitted in accordance with the Tigard Municipal Code for this parcel. Therefore, the �.pplicant has 7.55 dwelling units above the permitted numbers. � � 2. This site has been identified by the Planning Staff as a possible area for the 5,000 sq. ft, lot �� 3. If. 5,000 sq. ft. lots and higher density use is adopted for this ° area, the subject praperty could accommodate 27 dwelling units. � �, t 4. On November 21, 1978 the Planning Commission moved to table approval of the 5,000 sq. ft. lot hUUSing plan until the NPO's have met to ' recommend areas (any parcels) for the higher density sites. �!� �� I 5. Since November, zhe Planning Commission has moved to table proposed �� developments whose projects are in the identified 5,000 sq. ft. l� areas until the Housing P1an is formarly adoptedo � � � SIT. Staff Recommendation Staff rECOmanends tabling of this preliminary plan and program until. the S,p00 sq. ft. areas with the Hc�using Plan is adopted f.ar the following reasons: � E> 1. Preliminary approval of this paln and �rogram wi11 adVance com- �� mitment to a plan that has several elements subject to change (due to the Housing Plan) such as: a a Lot size, density, set backs, unit types (as out right ` permitted uses) and marketing evaluatian. 2. The Housing Plan wi11 be adopted by the City C;ouncil by May, 1979. ` t; i: � i�, Report prepared by: Ken Se1by Reviewed by: Al.die Howard � Associate City Planner Planning I�irector � February 16, 1979 February l�i, 1979 �' � � � `�.. � { � f ! I C � , . � . . . : � .. ..� 4 1 � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 TTGARD PLADTNING COMMISSION February 20, 1979 - 7:3A P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon Docket: Conditional UsP CU 38-7$ (Avis Rental) RE: ZC 10-73 Applicantt Trend Leasing, Inc. Owner: Roger Belanich Site Location: S.W. Greenburg Ro3c� and Cascade Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lots 1300, 1303, 7.400 and 1500) . Request: For a Conditional Use permit to operate an avis vehicle rental facility in a C�-3 "General Commercial" zone on a lo�l acre parcel. I. Findings nf Fact: 1. The site is designated "Retail Commercial" on the NPO ��2 P1an Ma� and currently zoned C-3 "General Commercial." 2. Th� applicant requests a conditional use (see attached narrative) permit to operate an Avis VehicJ.e rental faci.lity in aecnrdance with Section 18.28.02D (5) of the Tigard Municipal Code Pez•mitting Automobile, boat and tx�ailer sales; and in accordance with 5ection 1$.22.030 Authorizatzon of Similar uses� ��- 3. The 5ite is relatively flat and below grade of S.W. Greenburg Road. Surrounding land uses are cQmmercial and industrial buildings to the west, east and §outh, Highwa}r 217 is located to the north. 4. Water service is available ta the site from the Tigard Water Districts eight inch line in S.W. Cascade Avenue. 5. Sanitary sewer is available from the Unified Sewerage Agency/ Tigard �rith an � eight inch line in S.W. Greenburg Road. ' I . � 6. Soutk�west Greenburg is designated as�an arterial street north of S,W. � North Dakota Street requiring 80-120 of right-of-way. 'rhere is currently adequate right-of-way to meet these standards. Southwest 4 Cascade Avenue is designated as a collector Street: There currentlry exista �� the necessary 60 feet of right-of--way. 7. On May 22,� 1978, the City Council aFproved the subject site zone i change from Washington County "General Extensive Commercial" � to the City of Tigard "General Commercial" wizh. the following ; conditions (the owner has complied) : } A. Five feet of ri�ht-of-way be provided ��ong the Cascade Avenue i frontage. � � B. The applicant file with the City Aecorder an agreement not to � remonstrate agaznst a Local Improvement District (LID) for street � t improvements to S.W. Cascade Avenue and the frontage road along ; the southeastern portion of the property. � � f � � ■�► � _ � .,.r: I � � STAFF REPORT AGENDR 5.3 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � Page 2 II. Conc�.v.sionary Findings: 1. The applicant has pointed out (Tn the narrative dated December 14, . 1978) and staff agrees that the subject property location ].ends � itself to this type of operation and it �ri11 n.ot adversely affect the traffic or propert� condition in the vicinity. 2. Proper Zandscaping will screen and pnhance the property. 3. The proposed use is in compliance with the land use designarion o£ the Comprehensive Plan and is a similar use to the Conditional Use all.owed in the C-3 zone. 4. The applicant �raposes to provide two accesses (see attached map) and hours of aperation that wi11 alleviate traffic flow problems. IIT. Staff Recommendations: Staff r.ecommends approval subject to the �ollowi.ng conditi�ns. 1.. Th�.t applicant receive site design approval for landscaping and �,, site p1an. � 2. That applicant submit construction and drarnage plans to the b�iilding and engineer departments with necessary bonds for approval prior to issuance of building perueits. �' t Report prepared by: Ken Selby Review�d by: Aldie Howard Associate City Planner Planning Director Febguary lb, 1979 Eebruary 16, 1979 � I � ___. __ . _ . � � �� r � � t ' STAFF 1tEPORT � AGENDA 5.4 �' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � February 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. f Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street, Tigard, Oregon � f Docket: Conditional Use CU 3-79 (Re: MLP 2-78 & MLP 8-78) r Applicant: Gerald C. Cash Owner: Same Site Locatian: 8115 S.W. Bonita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 700) . ;. Request: Ft�r a conditional use permit to construct two (2) duplexes in an i R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone on a 1.65 acre parcel. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is located in the "Bonita Triangle" which is designated "Urban Medium Density Residential" on the NPO ��5 Plan, The P1a.n further designates the specific area for a density of six dwelling units per acre, and is cur.rently zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential." 2. Section 18.20.020 (1) of the Tigard Municipal Code permits "Duplex �` Residential, with a minimum lot of 10,000 square feet; one duplex per lot or two single family attached units with a minimum 1ot area �� ��` of S,OOQ square feet per unit." In the event it appears that it is not practical to divide a 1ega1 lat into two lots af 5,000 square .feet each, the P1.anning Director may approve the division iiotwith- standing the fact that one 1ot is less than 5,000 square feet, provided, however, that no such lot shal.l be smaller than 4,250 `'f � ' square feet. t` F 3. The applicable policy from the Tigard Housing text is the following: ;_: Policy 15c Provide gr�ater diversity of housing density (eg., � duplexes, four-p1ex, attached single family units, etc.). 4. The applicant proposes to retain the existing single family ' residence (which is centered) on a 1,4,000 square foot lo� (lot 2), ; and create an 11,050 square foot lot in front (south) of the exist- ing structure (lot) . This will leave a 44,100 square foot 1ot F� on the back (north) of the parcel (lot 3). Therefoxe, each lot �; conforms to the minimum lot size of the underlying R-7 zone and h duplex 1ot size. � � F 5. The site slopes gradually uphill to the north from S.W. Bonita � Road to an existing single family residence and two accessory buildings. From the back of the house the property slopes � steeply (24% - 35 foot elevation drop) to Bonita Creek and rises � � again approximately 25 feet on the opposite bank. The back of �. the Lot is heavily wooded. _.... .� a i' � [: STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.4 �; TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ��� Februa�y 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room ; Page 2 's �' ' ; 6. Surrounding l,and uses are the Waverly Meadows Planned Development ta the east, open space and a single family residence to the west, open space area to the north and single family residences to the south across S.W. Bonita Road. 7. Sanitation and water services are available to the site off of the existing lines from the Bonita Creek easement running across the � property. 8. On May 31, 197$ the applicant was granted a Minor �.and Partition subject to the following conditions that the applicant has complied with: A. A final plan be submitted, bearing the stamp o� a registered engineer or land surveyor which: r , 1) Clearly shows a'11 property and easement lineso � 2) Access to lots 1 and 2, meeting City Code requirements, � be clearly del.ineated. 3) The access to Bonita Raad be shown as intersecting at 90° within 25 feet of the ri$ht-of-way line. � 4) The open space, dedication of land to the City along the creek be designa�ed as an easement for pedestrian/bicycle use. B. C�nstruction dra�aings for the proposed private street be submitted for review and approval before any building permits are issued for tlze subject 2ots. C, That 10 feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City for future ' 1 widening of Bonita Road and the 40 foot pedestrian/bikepath ' easement be recorded before any building permits are issued. ''. i D. That an agreement not to remonstrate against the formation of a future local improvement district for S.W. Bonita be recorded wi�:h the deed of each of the subject parcels. � II. Conclusionary Findings: r ' � 1. This request con£orms to the density limitations of the R-7 zone (Single family Residential) and Urban Zow Aensity Residential ,: designation of the NPO ��5 Plan. i H �. �� 2. There is an identified public need to pro�ide a diversity of housing r � , types within the community, according to policies set out in the F Housing P1an. p � f � ! � r I� . �♦ . . � ��.''.. I;. li: I STAFF REPORT AG�NDA 5.4 :I �"` TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION Page 3 I �'� ir �� , `'�',' 3. Street d�dica,tion on S.W. Bonita and the a1i nment with 81st E" g I Street W�i1 enhance traffic flow in the area. All public services �' are available and sufficient for this project. �' �' �: I l III. Staff Reaoumaendations: �: Staff rec;ommends approval of the (2) duplex project subject to ths �I following conditions: w ,. 1. That the required eon��ruction and drainage plans be submitted �; and approved with the necessary bond agreements tQ the Engineering y and Building Departnnents prior to building permits. l, � s � t 6 i � � � ��^ Report prepared by: Ken� Reviewed by: Aldie Howard Associate City Planner Planning Dir. February 14, 1979 Feb. 14, 1979 � ., :_ _ _. _ _ _ _� �: S' � � � STAFF REPORT i� �i " AGENDA 5.5 �, � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION k� Februar}r 20, 1979 ''' Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon ��' (j il fl i Dacket: Conditional Use CU 2-79 (Ite: CU 16-78 Baskins-Robbins) i; Applicant: Mrs. Jean Clark Owner: Mr. Carl Cadonau Jr. �� Site Location: 11606 S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DB, � Tax Lot 260�) . � i Request: To operate a florist shop in the current C-3 "General Comffiercial" � zone on a .34 acre parcel. � I. Findings of Fact: � , 1. The site is designated "Highway Cammercial" on the NPO 4�4 P1an � and is curr�ntly zaned C-3 "General Comm��rcial". 2. Section 18.28.020 Tigard Municipal Code allows any conditianal ; or permitted use in a C-4 zone and (Section ].8.32.010)permits j florist shops as an out right use. � � 3. There is currently an existing building on the site occupied by a Plaid Pantry grocery store and previously occupied by the A-1 appliance store. Surrounding uses are a Firestone store to the east; the Pop Shoppe, Avis Truck Rental, Mr. Steak Restaurant, mote7. and auto �arts store to the north; Dunkin Donuts and Taco Be11 to the west and the . Family Drive-In to the south. 4. The applicant is requesting permission to operate a florist shop in the vacant portion of the existing building, previously occupied by the A-1 Appliance store (approximately 1000 �q. ft.). The proposed hours of operation are from 10 a.mo to 5:30 p.m. 5. Section 18.60.060 (4) Tigard Municipal Cade requir:es the following: (a) One (1) parking space for each 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area, but not less than four (4) spaces for each establish- ment for retail uses, or a minimum of (6) spaces for the I P1aid Pantry. The applicant's site plan reflects 10 existing parking spaces. The applicant's parking area is 5.5 parking spaces above the minimum � off street parking spaces required. I __.__. _ _ � I I i . . _ _ F'I �. " i ° STAFF REPORT �� ��.� AGENDA 5.5 j'; t, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �; February 20, 1979 �!; ° Page 2 i, ; ''i �� 6. Section 18.28.040 Tigard Municipal Code requires the following �' setbacks in the C-3 zone: (a) The minimum front yard shall be ten feet, landscaped and i� maintained. �j (b) No side yard setback shall be required. i; r: (c) No rear yard setback shall be required. G' In addition, persuant to Section 18.28.060 (3) Tigard Municipal �'. Code, "a minimum of fifteen percent of the total lot area sha11 j' be lanclscaped. There is current�.y no landscaping or sidewalks on s the subject site. ; i 7. There are currently twa freestanding signs on the site. �ne identifies the Pl.aid Pantry store and the other being the A-1 j- Appliance store sign. ` ti 4' , �, (a) One multifaced freestax►ding sign identifying the principal ! goods, products, facilities or services available on the ; , �,_, premises sha11 be permitted on any premises. ; E tandin si ns shall be ermitted on ro erties zoned (b) rees g g p p p commercial or industrial and fronting on arteriaY streets subject to the following conditions and limitations: � I' E 1) AREA LIMIT. The maximum square footage of sign allowable `+ shall be seventy square feet per face ar a total of one � hundred-forty square feet for a12 sign faces. ; r� 2) HEIGHT. No freestanding sign located at th� right-of-way ?' ,� edge shall exceed twenty feet. �{ I'. 8. The subject site is located at one of the most hazardous intersections � in the Citv. The site is located at the inter.sec�ion of Vill.a Ridge �i Way, PaciFic Highway and the signalized access road to the Family � Drive-In. This in conjunction with the convergence of. S.W. Pfaffle Street and the access/egress to the Fred Meyer parking to the north- �� east of the site lot make this area of Pacific Highway extremely � awkward and dangerous in terms of access and egress ta. adjacent land � uses. The Tigard Police Department has reviewed the site and recommends � the following: � � STAFF REPORT � a AGENDA 5.5 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � FebLUary 20, 1979 Page 3 (a) That the northeast corner af the parcel could be built-up to a common curb standard that wi11 prohibit fast moving ankle approaches on to Villa Ridge. The area to be reconstructed is in the 5tate Highway right- of-way. The Planning Staff is working with the 5tate Transportation Department to correct this problem. The Police Department and Che Planning Staff agrees that this problem is independent af the florist shop and should not prevent the operation of the Gonditional Use at this time. II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The estimated traffic gerieration far the florist shop is eight to ten vehicles a day. This number will �ot create an adv'erse traffic safety situation. 2. The hours of operation will not conflict with peak hour movement on Pacific Highway and vezy little ingress/egress is expected. 3. The florist shop operation conforms with the permitted use in a C-4 zone which is a conditi�onal use of the designated C-3 P1General ti� ��- Commercial" zone for the site location. III. Staff Recomanendation: Staff recommends approval subject to the foll�wing conditions: 1. That the mast southerly driveway access from Pacific Highway onto the property be closed off a�d tk�at the applicant and/or owner request (from the property awner of the drive-in theater) the creation of one access from the drive-in right-of- way on the subject property. 2. That the a�plicant receive approval necessary for the free-standing sign. 3. That the applicant and/or owner receive approval for the plans and installation of landscaping on the subject site by the Site Design P1.anner prior to continuation of aperation past three month� fr�m February 21, 1979. Report prepared by: Ken Se1b1� Approved by: Aldie Howard Associate City Planner Planning D�.rector � February 16, 1979 February lb, 1979