Planning Commission Packet - 01/23/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ......,.__ . . . .. � .. . . . .. . . .. AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING CQMMISSTOr3 January 23, 1979 - �:30 P.M. E ' Fawler Junior High Sahool - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - T�gard, Oregon 1. Open Meeting (7:30 P.M.) : 2. Rol�. Ca11: 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : 4. Planning Commission Communiaation: 5. Public Hearings (8:00 P.M.) : A. Staff Report B. Applicant's Presentation C. Public Testimony 1. Proponent's 2. Opponent's 3. Cross-examination D. Staff Recommendation.s: E. Commission Discussion & Action 5.1 AI�PTII�N OF NEIGIiBORHOOD P7.,AN #7 A request by the City of Tigard and the Neighborhood Planning Organization #7 for amendment of Ta.gard Community Plan of 1971 by adoption of a � neighborhood plan for the 5ummer Creek neighbarhood (NPO #7) . ('I"his item was tabled from th.e November 21, 1978 Planning Commission Publ�.c Hearing M[eeting) . 5.2 MISCELLANEOUS MLP 1-78 (Mercury D�velopment Co<) NPp #7 A request by Ci.ty Planning Staff to amend Condition #2 of MLP 1-78 (approved 10/11/78) on a 28 acre site in a C-4 PD and Wash. �o� RU-4 zones on 5.W. 122nd and Schol.].s Ferry Road (Wash> Co. �ax Map 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 400) . (This item was tabled froan the January 9, 1979 PTanni.ng Commission Public Hearing Mee'ting) . 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE CU 35-78 (Stephen Spiegel) NPO #7 A reques� b.v Stephen Spiegel for a conditional use permit to coa�.struct two (2) single family attached units in an R-7 "Single F'amily R,esidential" zone on a 0.465 acre parcel at corner of S.W. 106th & North Dakota Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DA, Tax Lots 300 & 400) . ZThis it�m was tabled frcxn the January 16, 1979 Planning Commission Public Hearing Meeting) . 5.4 ZnNE CHANGE ZC 1-79 (Way W. I,ee Planned Development) NPO #4 A request by Way W. Lee for a preliminary plan and p�oc�ram review of a general commercial planne� development and a zone mag� amendmen�. fro�m City of Tigazd R-7 "Single Family Residential" to City ot Tigard C-3 PD zone � for a 5 acre parcel at S.W. 69th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36AD, Taac Lot 6502, southern portion) . 6. 01d Business: over , , : .�.,_ . 7. New Business: - 8. O�her Busiraess: �. 9. Adjournment; ;� ;� i y ! � i � � � � � 1 � E ; � i � � � � ��`�. � ��;. � j 7 � i i � . . . � � � �:i � � � � � .. _ ...... ..l , . _ � , � . PUBLTC NOTICE �p- T'IGARD PL,ANNING GO��1!�II5SIOlV January 23,, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High 5chool - Lecture Room 10865 5.W. Walnut Street - �"igard, Oregon b � , 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: '�� �; . � ;. 5.1 ADOP220N OF NEIGEIBORHOQD PI,AN t�7 � '�; , , '� i�� A request by the City of Tigard anc� the Neighborhood Pla.nning • � '' ��? Organization #7 Eor amendment of Tigard Coimnunity Plan of 1971 ; ��l by adoption of a neighborhood plan for the Summer Creek neighbor- i; hood (NPO �7) . (This item was tabled from the November 21, 1978 �� . ��i Planning Commission Public Hearing Meeting) . ; �#'s ;�, 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 1-79 (Way W. Iee .Planne�3 Development) NPO #4 • �'; . �; A request by Way W. Lee for a preliminasy plan and progracn review �: of a general commercial planned devel.opment and a zone map amsnd- , � s� ment from City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family R�sidential" to City s% af Tigard C-3 PD zone for a 5 acre parcel at S.W. 69�h Avenue � �' f (47ash. Co. Tax Map 151 36AD, Tax Lot 6502, southern goxtion) . r+ �:' Notee This hearing may be continued to a date set specific by the Planninq �: ,� Commission. ' � � �� Publ.ish TT 1-10-79 & 1-17-79 � �� . , � . ,:� �`'� #`� :+,,; �; . , ;;. j:': J`.i, €;i � ,�:: . `.�.:'� �. ,-i? � . ' , °;. i, �' ; ' '' � ���! '' ` =�• , ..t,� ' � . . " ert,:• 'y� . r7�' �a jX.. -i ���. �= r ����.. t�'���F �,�� ! i J � l ki F ♦r : + �_ � �. !�� v�t +� } � . .�, r41[,����1�� ..K �' 1j`4��`.t?`_Ry�;u .( �. �",j �( ��'• �-`w. � �I. � �! I� }�r' . � �.�*I � . � rY tJ� ��1 . 6 ,� � �.. � f 1�4�1 i h�±, �. � �i � . .�.— ;��M���}� (`�j,. �� �� {`��i t�. w� ' ' �`(�":j '9 r�^V� t. � �' t ,i;t.�, � ` , . ��4 N 'T ? (:. �� y 3 _�� p\��r� �� tf.r �,C��'t+�^ � jt�W ;,�: �'. . �1•. • �r ���. � �. • � J t`J.� {.•�1� �. ) ���� � ' 1% � �• M1 jy��` � . . a �.L y ���J` �t�'�,. . • s. ' a i}„�. :MI .}..�,� r i `� �`.. � ��. . „Z" .� } � � '" . :Y. 1. ��I F? , Y/�.+F+V�b � • ai l-.e-"'� . . ... . . .. . . , . . . .. w-... y. ... . _.... /'.,.aa.,.. � �.. � . .. . . .. .. :... ��: . . _.. . �� z 6 ��'.^. Minutes of NPO #7 Meeting Tigard City� Hall January 17, 19?q Members present: Bonnie Owens, Phil Mullard, Jim P�nick, Joann Grund, Joe Meets„ Belmon� Williams, Alan Paterson . . and Yvonne Larson � . Ken Selby -� City Planner Others present: Lee Cunningham, Tom Gessford, Steve Hankins, Dave Harper, Alfred Meets Al Roberts, Mrs. Al Roberts, Skip Roggenbihl, and Pam Bartley The meeting was opened by Ken Selby who discussed briefly the �problem of' strip zoning next to the shogping certter along Scholls Ferry Road and the zoning possibilities to make the area blend with the Mercury Development arid to offset peak traffic hours from the neighboring Commercial-Residentia�. areas. Tom Gessfbrd the Landscape Architect with the Meets pr�operty made a brief px�esent�.t3.on to change his previous zone request of� R�s�dential-commercial to Commsrcial-�rafessional exp"lairzing �he �' change was merely �n nacne on1y; as ��the NPO was previously given: �: �,� an incorrect dEfinition of these zones. � Skip Raggenbihl gave a presentation regard3ng a proposed at2al.etic club �long Scholls Ferry Road. Doctor A1 Roberts, �, veterin�.rian gave a pl�esentation ' promoting a veterinary clin.ic on the Cunningham property tU be �ncorporated into a professional center at said property. • Alan Paterson moved ta change the zone for the area west of the sh�pp:tng center to Commercial-Profess3onal; the area ta be included as follows Tax Lot 600. the Cunningham tract, Tax Lot 500 the OlseM trac� and Tax Lot 400 North of Springwood, the Meets tract. Phil M�llard • seconded the motion. Discussion followed. the motion passed unanimously. Discussion followed regarding the proposed Athletic C1ub. Since the tract involved 3.s presently in th� County, it was decided to leave the zone as it now stands. Discussion foll,owed regarding changing policy l� of our plan, Jim Penick znoved that Policy 18 be changed to read. "It is the intent that Commercial-Prafessional uses no� be extended any further to the West than the Westerly �� boundary of the Cunningham-Olsen property along Scholls Ferry Road so that there will not be any future strip development . " The mot3.on was seconded and passed unanimously . 4. i � „ : _` ,, , . _ _ _ _ _ : � . , , ,' , . . . �.'; i, . �,, ' ' TIGARD COMMUNTTX PLAIJ i'! NEIGfiBORfi00D PL�IPJNIVG ORGANIZATTOi`7 ��' �. 1:;; �,::� NPO #7 DRAFT Pr,AN � G' !i { �:;, I". • 1. i� (Submitted to the Tigard City Planning Commission on 11/21/7f3) �' This section describes the intentions of the Ne�.ghborhoad Planning Organizati.or. and the City of Tigard with respect to the future develop- ment of the r?eighborhood. It is a "policies plan°, providing quide- . lines for clevelopment in �he form of policy statements. These policies, the accompanying text, and the plan map are to be consulted jointly when evaluatir.g devF:Logment propasals_ Theae progasal� inc�ude zane change requests, subdivision proposals, changes in the street system, ' or any proNosal requiring public agency review. This plan is a means of guiding dev�lopment in order to achieve desired purposes or goals. This section therefore begins with the statement of . goals provided in the city-wide Tigard Community Plan . These gosls provic�e the basis and describe the broad gurposes of. the Neighbarhood planning effort ai:3 have been included in this plan in their entirety. ThP Neighborhood is a portion of the larger Tigard Community and these , goals serve ta relate this part ta th� wh.ole. � GOALS FROf� THE^TIGARD COP�IM.UVTTY PvAN �- F 1. The city intends to limit the ul�timate populatiori of the planning � ar.-ea. The comprehensi,ve plan provides for a m�ximum population nf j aroui�d 115, 000 people. There a�E four categories of residen�ia�, s d�nsityo ranging fror.m a suburb�n density of 2 families per acre to '� a hi h in selected areas of u to 4Q families � g p per acre. This rang� of i-esidential densities is inten3ed to provide a uar,ie�ty of living environments that wi11 accommodate the housinq neecls of different family size and income. The density of populatian infguences the � character of residential areas and determines the demand for public • facili�iE� and services in dif.ferent par�s of the city. fihe citizens . of the cammunity shoul.d knaw the density of �IevelQpment that is planned for different parts of the Gity as �.t affects their own ' ; neighborhoocls. City afficials need to know the demands for ' � different public facilities and serwices in different parts of the , city. _ ... , � � . . �+r7i�^._ � 2. The comprehens.ive plan recognizes the established character of '� � Existing neighborhoods and seeks to preserve and enhance existing . � . S neighborhood values. Future devel.opment proposals should be . , ' � i sensitive to the concern a� citi�ens for their own imm�diate ' � environment as well as to �he well being of the city as a whole. .. ; � � . , ; _1.- ' . � I, i ,' ,. _ _ _ ,: �^ ,� ; .� ` ' ��� . 3. The comprehensive plan takes advantage of the natural features that �j ' give Tigard a disti.nctive character and quality. These include Pa � topographic featu�'es such as Bull riountain, Little Bull Mountain ��'; and Farrno Creek. Fanno Creek anc� �ts tributary, streams provide i. �-�~� natural drainage ways and make �ossible a systern of greenways . ronnecting various parts of the city. The comprehensive plan �` reco�nizes the poten�ial of greenways in enhancing the livab9.lity F' of the aor�u«a:�ity. The iniplementation of a greenway system i.s a a major element of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. � � �,'� � ;� 4. Heavy traffic is noisy, smelly; and danc�erous. It conflicts wi�.h • � residential values a.nd wi�th many of the other. activities wiitha,n , the city. Therefore, major traffic routes need to be designec� ; and loca�.ed in a m�nner that will minimize these inherent conflicts � � at the same time al.lowing mo�orists to r�ach their destinations qui.ckly & ' s�fely. The comprehensive �lan provides for improvem�nts in the traffic systenle It c�esignates streets and highw�Is b1� category, and it sets standards for thei�° design. The major street paktern � indicated in the coniprehensive plan will gi�re noti.ce as ta how the city intend� to route majox traffic volumes in the future. , � - 5. Gonvenience is a major obje�tive in locating shopping �acilities . ancl other businesses. At the same time, their locatian should not aonfliat with residential areas or create unnecessary tra£fic corrgestion. Ti.ga�d dces not have a "central business dis�ric�." xn the sense th�t a very la.rge proportion 4f its stores and other businesses are concentrated in i:he central location. The compre� hens:�ve plan s�eks a di5•tra�but�.on of neighhorhood and communitv � sho�ping centers in locatio.ns that are easily accessibJ.e to the ' areas they s�rve. These shopping centers will be designed in a }{ manner that �wi11. minimize land use and traff ic �nnfliats. ` 6. 7'here i� sti11 an abundance of vacant land in �.h.e �igard area that � i,. . �.as potential for indus�r�.al development ancl the compr�hensive plan r`: is designed to �ncourage its use for this purpose, An obj�ctive af the plan is ta c�eate employment opportunities within the cammunity for th:nse persons who live ther�. The plan also r�cognizes �k.he importance of a balanced t�x base in supporta.ng necessary canmuni.ty facilities ana services. Regulations set for �.ndustrial development ` will ins:�re high s�L•anc�u�css that arE ir. th� inter�st c�� zr_�ustry and th� city as a whole. 7 . The lacation af schools and parks affects th� livability of Tigard's . resid�ntial neighborhoods. Youngsters in the elementary grades . , '.'', shoul.c� be able to walk to schoo�. and shUUld n�t have to cross busy . i; stree�.s. �+/l�ere possitle, parks ancl schools should k�e develop�d on , adjacent sites, tied ito the greenway system. Whil� the patterns of � existing ideal devel.opment and topography do n+�t always permi.� an •,.: �` ideal arrangement of schools and parks, the campreherasive plan wi11 : �t, assist the �ommunity to approach this objecta�ve. � i�. � ' � 1 � • �,: _2-� �. , ' l' . l' i' . �;� �. 4 .� • . � . � . . .� ` • , RESIDENTIAL �EVELOPbiENT ��Y Tne tJeichborhood Plan proposes two basic �ategora.es of residential ,� development: single family homes and apartments. In .addition, tn provide flexik�il.ity for innovative and/or efficiency resident�.al deV�].opmPnt an acco;nmocl�ting policy �rovision is in�ivaza. LIRBAN I,OW-DENSSTY RESTDENTIAL UEVEI�OPt�ENT . The area on the plan map designated Urban L�w�Density Residential is intencled for single f_amily resic�ential dev�lopment. This designati.an is . used in the Tigard Community Plan ancl the tirst .faur policies rei.,�ted .to this designatian are taken directly from this city--wide plan . These pol.icies establish density and im�rovement guidelines for the Neighborhood. POLICY 1. The maxi.mum overall density of development wi'll be four c�cvelling • unita of 12 p�rsons per gross acre. This amaunts to a standard of 7500 square feet of ].and per dwell.ling unit allowing far streets an.d a�her open space. Some areas u�ill have a lower density awing to topography, . existing development patterns, or the desire of individuals to own a larqer lot. ' POI,ICY 2. Residential subdivisions wi11 be develoged with paved streets, , c:urbs and gu�ters, street lights, and walkwaysr acco.rding �o city or county standards. A11 utilities w�.11 be placed underground. ' POLTCY 3. Dev�lopment wi11 coincide uTith tY�� provision of public streets, wa�er and sewerage faciliti�se Thsse faci.3ities sh�ll be (a) c�pab�.e k �` of adequately sArvi.ng all intervening properties �s well as the proposed development and (b) desi.gned to meet city or county standards. � POLICY 4. Planned una.t development wiI]. bE encouraged an trac�ts l.�rge � enough to accommodate ten or more �wellings. Planned unit development �� raill permit a degree o.i flex�.bili�y in design that will. enable � higher quaZitv of development in accordance with zoning standards. PROBLEri1: Should �.ny nlixing of housing types occur to in.clude dup].e�xes and apartments in the single family area? , . The �ig�rd Community Plan allows l.imited anixing of housing types i,n �he urban low density residenti.al areas. The committee concluded that some mixing which would permit limited amounts of efficiency housing was appropriate when sensitively dESi.gned into the larger residenti.a�. d�velop- . anenits �lanned for the area wes� af 121st ("ser�sitively designed inko" • means mixzng a varietyo uf housinq t�Tpes rather �han r._l�ste.ring o�� ��r��r � , ie. , duplexes or apar�tments inta an a.reaj . The area eas�t of 121s� and �� adjacent Dal�ota and Tigard Str�ets was viewed as having a large lot res-- idential character which would not be compati,ble with the mare ef�icient . land development techniques, "bu� should be de�eloped as existing minp� l�nd partitions; small acreage subdivision; buil.ding codes; and required access provisions will. allow" . . � -3- '. , } , • � ' � , �: �. .. ......_... -�� .� o � , � . •FOLICY 5. ' In recognition af the need to combat rising housing costs by • fac�lita�ing efficient developmeri�t patterns, "efficiency housing" � methods such as attached sinc�le f�mily homes and mininum Iat sizes of � S ,OOO square feet are deemed ap�ropriat� west of 121st when they arA `� included as a por�ion of a larger single famil.y development, T1ae 1` in'tent of tnis policy is to provide the opportunity for home ownershin n�t to expand the amount of rental housin� provide3 £ar in the t�rban medium densi�y areaso � POLTCY 6. The sinqle f�mily cha.racter �f the area designated on the plan. ma� as urban low-density �esiden�ial is viewed as � positive asset �o be retainedo Projects proposed 'for this area must b� judged ac�or�ing to affects upon this character. , POLICY 7. Within the urban I.otir-density residential are�, allow dup].exes . on lots less a�propriate for single family Yinmes to inc�.ue locati.ons � at s�reet intersec'tions, adjacent m�jar thoroughfares, and as b:uffers bet�aeen multi-f�-emily a:nd single fanily. areas. (1) � PROBT,Etii. The development of residential subdivisions often_xesult ir�. the loss of desirable natural amenities in order to provide tthe standardized plotting and s�reet patterns requ�red by the zoning and subidivision codes. �OLI�Y 8. ��'r�en developmenfs are prc�posed in tk�e urk�an loo-�-r��nsity area far sites w�hich include identified natural. £eatures �aorthy of preser- vation, t�e plann�d dzvelopment cc�ncept sk►all k�e utilized �.� tk�e , Plannin.g Commission d�termines it �the best method far pres�r�rati.on, � Th� plann�ed unit development (FeU.D.) allows deviation from the norma]. zotziny st�.ndards, when it can be dernonstrated a more desirable develop- ment wi.Il result. �n exannple i.s tr�e reduction of individual lot sa.ze. to eraable the creation of park ar�a, The P.LI.D., is often capabl.e of producing a mare desirable living environm�nt and it is therefc�re • recommencled that the larger vacant parcels be deve].o�ed as P .U.D. 's . � 'I ,� . i I � � �1� The Tigard Zoning Ordinance requi.res duplexes to be considared £or � r apprUVa�. by the Planning Conmission in a public .hearing. Conclitionv can bs plac�d upon the approval to insure compatibility with the surrounding ! hnmes and in addition, the ordinance requixes �hat landscape and i architectural plans be submittEd and apparaved by the Site Development Pl.an and Design Review Board. These approvals insure campatibil;ty with the � existin_q Neighborhood. . � . .� .,�. •'/� ir'�f:r. , .� . � . . �. .. ... . . . . . . . � . ^7 r . .a• . •��� a '5�:. � � . . -. ..,�..�}.>a- `�'�� "i;�«..f • ��r"1�tz�.'..-1}:�' _� '?�z _�_ ' ' ' - � ��I . , �� . ' , . . . . One P .L'.b. method emplayes a clustering of houses into groups of 3 to 7, • w.�th the land between �he clusters devoted to public ogen space. . Developing land with a P.U.D. eonc�pt is cane method of acquirin.g a park , site by allowincJ a higher density on the adjacent land. This me�hod of open-space acquisition is known as density trade-off and it is used as an incen�a.ve for clevelop�rs to donate park spac:e. The trade-off invo�����s allocving th�e number of dwelling units which could be constructed an th� park site to incre�ZSe the density on the remainder of the parcel. As an example, Yf 20 acres are to b� develaped in the urban law-density area tne total number of houses permitted is 80. If the developer a.S requesteci to donate 3 acres for a park, 80 houses crould still lae pezmitted, but on 17 acres. Although the density has been increased, recreation space h�s been provided and the publ.ic benefited. � � � It is important to not� this sytem works for propor�ionally smal.l trade-� offs, but creates prr�blems as the trade-offs get l.arger. For ins�anae, if the same 20 ac�es r�ere divicied in half �aith ter� �cres for park and �en acres for housi:ig, the de��elopment would no loiiger be single family but multi-family. The.refore, wnile �rade-offs can be usEd ta bPnefit the N�ighborhood, the in•tent of the plan must not be violated by p�rmitting multi-family d�nsities on parc�ls designated for single family use in ari effort to acquire public open space. URBAN I��IEDIUI�I-DENSITY RESIDENTI�IL This land use cateqory pravides far multi=family residential development. It corresponds to the same cztegory provided in the Ti��rd Communit� Plan and the followa.ng six policies are taken directty fram the Community P1an. T�ese policies est-ablish density and improvement guide- � � lines for the Neigl�.borho�de POLICY 9. ' The maximum overall density of development wi11 be 12 dwelling units o.r 29 persons per gross acre. This amounts to a standard. of � 2500 se�uare feet oi land per dwelling unit allowinc� for stree#:s and other �i apen space. Scame areas will have a lower densit,y ocaing to topography c�r existing developmen� pa-�terns. POLTC� 10. Llrban medium-density residential areas will be develop�d with paved streets, curbs and gutters, and walkways, according to city or county stand�rds. All utili•ties wi11 be placed underground. PQLIC3� I1. DevQlopment will coincide with the provision of publ.ic streets, water and sewerage facili�ies. These facilities sha11 be (a) capable of adequately serving al.l intervening propexties as well as the praposed development� and (b) designed to meet city or county stanr]arc1�. � � .� . , POLTCY 12 . Planned unit development will be encouraged on trac�s 1ar ,e . '., I�I g enough to accommodate ten or mare dv�ellings. Planned unit development . � • I will permit a degree o£ flexibility in d�sign that wil.l �enable a � ' hiyher quality of development in accordance with zoning stan�?ards. . i � • I � I � _5_ . � , • 1 . � , , - . �POLICY 13.� Site plans will prpvide for adequate open space to (a) . • prote�,ct adjacetit pro�erties, and (b) provide ample yard space fox • residents and play space for youngsters. �T'• POLICY 14. FligYi dESiga s�tanclards wi11 be e:�tablished fcar signing and appearance, including the landscaping of setback areas and the designation of access points. ��oaLECJI: Unfortunately, some apartments have had a detrimental affect � on the P1Eighborhood. Land not cove�ed by buildinq is given to �he " ',; automobile as parking, at the expense of landscapin� and usable open � space for r.esic�ents. i As provi�ed in Policy 9, the maxir,�um permitted density is 1.2 dwelling . �, � units per acre. This density is well below the 19 to 38 units per aCre � allawed when the Neighborhood' s e:�isting apartments were eonstructed. G The resu2t nf these higher der.sities was a site wi,th a twa or thr.ee st�ry buil�ing �urrotind�d by a p�rkincJ lot with little or no room left � for landsea�ing or on-site recreation space. To remedy this situat�on, � the Tigard Zoning Orda_nance has been amended to canfarm wi�h the T�.gard ` Community Plan. The A�-2 apartment zone now restricts density to a � . � maximum of 12 units per gross acre and requires landscaping and on-site � recreation space: PROBLE�I: Many existing apartments are poorly. sited in �elation to adjoining development.. In some cases a�artments �.ave been locatecl wheie they confli.ct with single family homes or where tkaey becom� ;' part of a cor,unercial development. j,j . i� � Multi--family development i.s a living environme.r�t and its "Livability" tl is a primary concern o.£ this plan. Apz��men� grojects offexing a (. desirablE living envi.ronment hav� the lawes� vacancy rates , the lawest � tur.n-over of tenants ar� capabTe o� higher r�tit schedules for their �;� own�rs. This type of apartment is c�esirable to the cor�muni�y because they can be �etter maintained, the residents are more permanent member of th� camrr�unity and the structures maintain a high�r taxable value over t��i.r lif� span. Therefore, each apartment project must be �valuated � ;: accoLding to the kind of living envi�anmEnt proc�uaed. . �:: Th� impacts upon surrout�ding land use, especially sing].e farnily homes, ;��st be considered. Large k;uildings should not tower aver single famil.y hc�mes, causir�g wi.ndows, bal.canies and patios to 100}� into the windo�as af a3jacent homes �r a�artments. . ., �'OLICY 15 . Aparitments should be ].ocated ta pro3uce an optimum 1.�.�r�.ng • � envixonment .for the occupants. Development criteria should inc�.ud�: � � .�'. F�. Bu�fering by means of landscaping, fencic�g and di.stance #rom :. r commerci.al areas anc� majar traffic carriers such as Pacific ' � � �Iighway. �. . � � ,,, . . -�� � . . �� � ,. _ ,. . t< v; �, �6 � � � {,; � �. 1' . I� , B. On-site recreation space as we11 as pedestrian a.nd bicycle • access to parks, schools, and convenience shoppi�g. � � C. The siting of buildings to minimize the visual �ffects of � �:`; $ parking areas and to increase the availability of pri�vacy. � � FOLICY l�. Apartments should be located to produce the least adverse �i affects upon single family areas. Development criteria should �� include: �I �I A. Buffering by means of landscapxng, fencing and d3stance. i�l B. Cumpatibility of design recognizing the conflicts of mass and �I height between apartment buildings and houses. i� i� COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT �I The Plan proposes two categories of commercial development for the Ne�ghborhood, all to be lacated along Scholls Ferry Road. These are Retail-Commercial and Commercial Professional . The Retail category is ,i intended. to accommodate a range o:f xetail and service commercial uses, and commercial professional uses. The �urban medium-density alYows o�fice type uses as a conditions use under the A-2 zome category that implecnents �i' that urban medium-density land use designation . POLICY 17. Development shall coincide with the provision. of public �W streets, water and sewerage facilities. These �acilities shall be (a) capable of adequately sexving all intervening properties as wel� �,s the proposed development , and (b) designed to meet city or county standards. The only area �alar�,ned for Retail-Connmerci�,l planned dev�lopment in �the ;� Neighb�rhood is at the intersection of 121st Avenue and Scholls Terry � Road. This nei.ghborhond shopping center is necessarq to meet the nesds ,, of the residentia.l community for basic goods and services such as ; as groceries, drugs, bankirig, etc. '',I The area west of the shopping cen�Cer and sauth of Scholls Ferry Road is designated for a mixture of apartments and c�mmercial-professia�nal uses. � These uses are generally cornpatible and permit the sharing of p�.rking "; and other facilities. This land is best developed as a Planned LTnit , Development but could also develop under the standards of the Multi- ; Family (A-2) Zone and Commercial-Pr��essional (C-P) Zone, or a Commercial-ftesidential Zone. ; � POLICY 18. It is the intent that Comrnercial-Professional uses not be i extended any �urther to the West than the Westerly boundary of the � Cunningham-Olsen pro�erty along Scholls Ferry Road so that there will j not be any future strip development . j � -?- �. a �, 1. I , • STFtEETS '" When the N,F.O. had c�mplet�d a preliminary land use plan it was �urned � over to a consulting �traffic engineer, Garl But�ke to test the street system to del:ermine if it could handle the proposed iand use and to propose appropriate improvement standards. In this report Cinc].uded as an a�a��au�,> , R�r. Buttke n�akes the �ollowing conclusions about future �treet improvements. It is concluded from tlae a�signment of future traffic that the proposed street system will be adequate to accommodate the proposed land uses and resulting traffic. The recommPnded number of traffic lanes on the proposed collector street system is also shown on Figure 3. Generally, all streets will function adequately as �two lane roadways with left turn lanes at major intersections or ma�or driveways at the cammercial area. The only except�on would be on 121st A,v�nue immed.iately sputh of Seholls Ferry Road. It is recommencied that 121st .Avenue be provided with two northbound lanes (one right turn and one left turn lane) and two southbour�d lanes to tl�e major east-west col- lector streEt on the south side �f the commercial area. The r3.ght sauthbound laa�e should l�e mar.ked as a right turn lane for the cammercial are�, access and the east-west collector street . It is not possible witYiin �the scape of thi� assignment to det�rmine the lane requirements :�or Scholls Ferry Road. However, xt will be necessary �� develop Scholls Ferry �toad ta at least , a four lane roadway with ].eft turn lanes in the median area. �,. The City of Beaverton had indicated a ne�d for a six-lane road- way with left turn. lanes. As the area develops, it will be necessary to install tra�fic signals at the following locat�.ons as indicated on Figure 3: Schalls Ferry Roa.d and 121st Avenue Scholls Ferry Road and 135th Avenue 121st Avenue and Walnut Street TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION POLICY 19. It is intended that the c;allector that extends NW from 121st and the� extension of N. Dakota Stxee�� that jo�ns with the ' extension of Spring-w�ood Drive, should not bP a major bypass that would ' car:ry cross community traffic across from Scholls to the Tigard �ommunity, ta the area of Greenburg Road. This should 'be implemented by st�p-signs ana the maintena�nce of existing aff-set intersection. ! . i -8- • , �,� � F ' POLICY 20. Access ontc Scholls Ferry Road shall be limited to the � major collectors indic�.ted on the approved NPO #7 Plan map with �-` an approved access far the commercial development to be located at T2:lst/Seholls Ferry Road, and the existing right-of-way at ta� Lots 60Q, 500, and 400. POLiCY 21 . New major subdivisions or planned unit development of 5 acres or 60 units or larger shall provide at least two {2) s:eparate aecesses �rom the development to collector streets, Those accesses shall be approved by the City Planning Commission so as to insure adequate ingress/egress to the subdivision for emergency service vehicles. , � i , �� �: �� ('; f' r; 4�: il }, -9- �' #;. � �' �< ; � � � f. , � � � � s C. � �� ry �I Il � i � STAFF RE.YORT � � �! AGENUA 5 .6 ' � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION j � January 9, 1979 - 7e30 P.M. . � , %�'„ � Fo�i�ler �Tunior Higl� School - Lecture Room �' �' 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon �' ;.� • � 4, Docket: Majar Land Partition MLP 1-78 �lil � Request: A request by City Planning Staff to amend Condition #2 of MLP 1-78 �. (approved October 11, 1978) on a 28 acre site in a C-4 PD 2one. � f Location: Southwest ,l22nd and Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 34B, E E Tax Lot 400} , ! ! Applicant: Mercury Devela�ment Inc. � i I. Findings of Fact: � 1. The major land partition was approved subject to compliance of., the � , following conditions: i 1. That 20 feet of right-of-way along Scholls Ferry Road be dedicated ; for public use subject ta State Highway Departtnent approval along ; � the length o£ the property, and that the ap.plicant fil.e an � ; agreement with the City to participate in the improvemen� of S.W. j Scholls ,Ferry Road to Oregon State Highway Department standards to ; include a Type I bike path. 1 pr 2. That 25 f.eet of_ right�-of�way l�e ded.icated -to the City a).onq S.W. i � 125th and a half s�.reeL- i.mpruvErnLnt be comple�ed before any �u-r.t�hcr develppment applications are accepted. 3. That S.W. Springsuood Drive be extended to S.W. 125th,improved to City Local Street Standards and dedicated to the City along with the appropriate right-of-way. � 4. That a copy of. the approved general plan and program, as de�.ined ; by Sec. 18.56.030 oP the Tigard Municipal Cade, be, submitted to the Planning Director_ with a site plan showing the extension of i S.W. Sgringwood Drive, be:Eore any furthex ciev�lopment on the property can take place {see �ttached staff report) . � 2. The need for condition #i2 is no longer valid due to the decision by the NPO #7 Plan to eliminatE� the continuation of 125th to Sr.holls Fer.ry Road. 3. Traffic flow for the propos�d commercial center and surrounc�ing neighborhood will be provided be•tween 12�.st off Scholls Ferry Road east of the subject property, and the loc�l street improvement �o the west constructed for the Summer Lake Planned vevelopmen� via Spri.ngwood Arive. Southwest Sprir�gwood Drive ��ill be improved as candition #3 of the major land partition. TT. Conclusionary Findings: � 1. Adequate traffic ci�c.ulation wi11 b� av�iJ.able without �he extensi.on af 125th to Scholls Fer'ry Road. � STAFF REPOFT � AGENDA 5.6 . �' TI�AE:D PLANI�ING COMMISSION January 9, 1979 - 7:30 F.M. � MI,Y 1-78 Page 2 ��. � 2. The applicant is rec�uired tr� develop portions af SCholls Ferry Road and S.W. Springwooc3 Drive to provide adequate traffia facility. 3. The elimination of the required 125th extension i.s in keeping with the NPO #7 Plan. III. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends appraval of the elin►ination of Condition #2 for reasons stated in conalusionary findings. Report prepar�d by: Ken Selby Associate City Planner January S, 1979 � � i . .�,�a.''1 r"'t C�v.,1 STA�F PEPORT - F� ,L ACTION �i�� �'� ?r�IG:�RD PLANNING DEPARTNIENT �'�' ��I ' ' 'Oc�ober I1, 1978 � . � T1CJ3rd City Hal.l , r.! - 0 12420 S .W. Main St . - Tigard, Oregon • �' ; f' �~` Docket: Major Land Partition MLP 1-78 �; Requ�st : To partition a 28 acre site into a 7.9 acre and a 2Q.1 acre { parcel. ParcEls are currently zoned C4-PD and RU-� �� respectively. �� i' Locatiozz: Southwest 122nd and Schalls Ferry Road (64ash. Co. Tax Map r 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 400) e k , � a��licant : Mercuzy Develo�ment InC. ._ � ,. . � I. Findings of Fact: � � 1. The applicant is requesting permissi�n to partition a 28 t acre parcel into a 7. 9 acre parcel and a 20 .1 acre parcel � in acccrdance with Section 17e24 .030 of the Tigard Muni�ipal E Code. . � E 4 2 . The 7� 9 acre parcel is zoned C4-PD. The remainxng 2Q . 1 � acres are zoned RU-�4 Washingtan Caunty. i �; � 3 . The smaller portion of �he praperty is �lesigna�ed retail/ , j commercial on the proposed NPC� #7 Plan. The r�maind�r is � ; designa�ted '°Urban Low Density" . . + � 4 . The general plan and program was ado�ted by CouriciZ on �''`" July 25 , 1977 (Ordinance No. 77-62) with the following applicable condition :. , Z� That S .W. Springwood Drive be improved to Ci�y Local Street Standards for a. distance of 270 fee�G west of � the intESSection of S .W. 122nd and S.W. Springwaoc3 ' Drive. . � . I 5. Staff had requested that a subdivision plat ar an MLP be submitted simultaneousl�r with the application far a zone change. The app�.icant' s reguest fnr a MLP wa� tabled by the Planning Directnr (May 1978j pending the � vacation of S.W. 122nd Avenue. Fi . Washingt�n County appraved the vacation of S.W. 122nd Avenae by minute order #78-447 on �ugus'c 15, ].978 . . . . - � ;:?� 7. The property is bounded by S .W. Scholls Ferry Road to 1� ���, the nor�h �nd S .W. 125th to the west. The adjacent � ':'`��` � '`�"'^°�'• •� "i�.�J+iJ� praperty �o the east is zoned C4-�PD. To �.he sQUth thE laz?d�°:'%�';�► is vacant and zc�ned tidashington County Suburban Resa.der,tia2. ='"�j :; 8. Southwest 125th is a d�ad end gravel drive with p, 20 fee�t h� .' ` { serving a few residences. �� � ` S�uthtuest Springwo�d Drive is an improved local street which extends 265 �eet o�f S.W. 121s� to the west. j t I . , , _ _ _ _ _ .,, . . _ . _... . � , ,�;, � ' .� - 'Y �.. F..l -... .+ . STAE'F REPORT - FIL�![��, ACTION ' � E TIG�RD PL�INNING D�.PARLNIENT . • � , October 11 , 1978 ' " 0 MLP 1_78 , � %' ti Page � � 1�;; Southc�rest Scholls Ferry Road is at capacity with a ric�ht�- of-way of 60 feet. 9. Sou�hwest Schools Ferry Road is designatPC� as a arterial street in the Tigard Cornmunity Plan with a min.i.mum �iqht--af�- way width oL �0 feet. Southwest 125th and S .W. Springwood Drive are desi.gnated as local streets wi�.h a minimt.�m right- af--way of 50 �feet. i � � � , � • � i lt) . The site is vacant wth the excEption o� an existing resic�'ence.. ? �i community sho�pi.ng cente� is propr�sed for the 7 .9 acze parcel � of the subjee�. property. ' � • � II . Conclusionary Findings : � l� To improve traffic circulation S .W.. Springwoad Drive should be Pxt�nded from its terminus at the eastern edge of the prop�rty to S .W. ].25th. 2 � Southwest Scholls �'erry Road i.s in substanc�ard condita.an, lacking adequate right-c�f--way curbs and sidewalks . Spukhwest 125th i.s in substandazd condi�ion needing an additional 30 �ee-t of right-of-way and pavingo �' I� 3 . �T'he C��y records con�.ain x�o apprc�vec� general plan �'ar th� ��� � zone change (C4-PD) that re�lects �.he conditions of apprc�val af th� tEnt�tive plan nor daes the �ity �ecord� contain a � fin.�l plan that reflects the conditi�ns or. approval �f the general �lan. Z'he plat p1�n submi�.ted as a part of the majox lar_d partition appl.ication should be in acc�ord with the appraved general plan. 4 . The praposed partitioning will create �wo lots with separate zc�ning. Pres�ntl.y one lot has �wo z�ning designations . . . III . Staff F�commezldatian� : ;; Staff recommends approval subaect ta the fol�.owing con�,itions : 1. That 20 feet of �ight--oE-way along Scholls Ferry Road be dedicated for public use subject ta State Highway Depa.rtment approval along the length of trie property, and �hat the � � •. applicant file an agreemerzt F�ith -�he City to parfiici�ate ir_ -, ' �,; the impravement of S.W. Scho7,ls F�rry Road to Oregon Sta�e , Highway Depaztmerzt staz�dards to �,ncl.ude a Type T bike pa�h. . Z . Th�t 25 teet of riyht--of-way be dedica�.ed to the Ci�y ala:ng • S .W, Y25th and a hal:� s�reet impravement be completed be�ore any fur�her deveJ.opment applications are accepted, ,- ' ; ``. ` 3 , That 5.6��. Springwood Dri�tre b� ex�en�led t� S .W. 125th improved, to City Loca1 Stree�. Stanc�ards at�d dEdica�.er� to the C.i�j� along �ai th �h� ap�ropria�,e righ�--o;��way. „ �, - -- 9`rA.E'P REPORT - Fl! .1L ACTIOLV te ' �TIc;ARp pl,pyNING DEPARTb1ENT ' Octc�ber L1 , 1978 � �ILP 1-78 ' x r aGe 3 � ��. • 4__ ,That a copy of the approved general plan and �rogram, as ciefined by Sec. 18. 56 .030 nf the Tic�arc� �Iunicipal Gode, be submitted to the Planning Director with a site pZan showing tha extension oE S .t�J. Springwood Drive, be�'ore any further development on the prop�erty can take place. �. �� ����� . . . � E1�;NETH L. WEAVER P�anning Director � § �. � � �I; '� :r. � . ;��_ . • • -:�;, I . ' ,':f � F � ' I � . . ' _ , l � r i �. 'r. — ---- -- �.�...: �_ � _ . �___ ��, _ �_� -..�. . ._.� � . . � � _. _.__ __ _ _ __ ., � � _ � � ' C.� " ,t :..�,.. „•. . • • , ��- . . . • � '� t =t . ' . � ' , � , . 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I . �f -�.� ' ' ,�� • r f a,','R !: 1� � . + t _.a u � i s i � N a � �.� - �: � � :� � �- O o N a ��� . . f N � Q h i . . . ���. c ! N .i �� o �� � .-:1 � � � <<t an� p � . �! � �_ 6 10 � � - �: , . t �;� 6b'BI2 ' 9B'S9Z � N �� :� � �- � � Y t.. � 1 N �.23 b O S `:�`�':�..�.M S -� �� � � � � ��t;,;�-; �_ ��i6�.���i�.I��i�E�L�.��S�a�B'�Di'�iRC81fi�6"'" SE�imC�i�iQQ�G:�'r'�� ,;.;��_, �.: � � �. : : � � � . , ' }:.- ; . SY<'ty�� � ' ' �ai� � �' ��y- �j � � '�.. � G . . � .. =�}: � , STAFF RE;PORT , �i`GE�7DA 5.7 , " TTGARD PLANNING COMMZSSZON ` January 16, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tiga.rd, Oregon Docket: Conditional Use CU 35-78 (Ref. S ].6-77 - Northern Pine Subdi.vision) Applicante Steven Spiegel Owner: Same as apglicant , Lcications Corner of S.W. 106th Street and north of S.W. N�rth Dakota Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DA, Tax Lot 300 and 400) . Request: For a conditional use �ermit to construct two (2) single family attached units iia an R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone on .465 acres of the total 2.75 acre subdivision parcel. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated "Urban Low Density Residential" on the Tigard Communi,ty 1971 Plan, and the preliminary NPO #7 Plaxi with a zoning of R-7. 2. Applicable p�licies from tYae Tigard Community Plan and the p.reliminary � NPO #7 Plan are �xs rollaws: �. a. The maximum overall density of development will be four dwelling units or 12 persons pe.r gross acre, This amoun-tsto a s�andard of 7,500 square feet of land per dwelling unit allc�wing for streei:s and other open space. Some areas will have a l�wer density owing to �opography, e:�isting develapment pattexns or the desire of andividuals to own a larger lot. I b. Residential subdi.visa.onswill be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and walkways, according to City ar County standards. All utilities will be p].aced underground. c. Uevelogment wil.l coincide with the �rovision of public stree�s, water, and sewerage facilities. These faciliti,es shall be (a) I capable of adequately serving a11 intervening properties as well as the propasec� de�vel.opment and (b) designed to meet City or County . '� standards. i 3. Secta.on 18.20.020 o:E the Tigard Municipal Code states: ' °In an R-�, R-1Q, R-].5, or R-30 zon�, the following uses and their , accessory uses m�y be permitt�d as conditional uses when in accordaince with. Chapters 18 7'L and 1.8.8�; ' (1.) Duplex resi.dential, with a minimum l�ot of ten tho�usand square feet, ane dupl.ex per lot; or two single fa�nily units with a minimum � lot area of five �housand square feet per unit. In the event it appears �hat it is not practical to divide a legal lot into two lots oE five thousarid square �ee� e�ch, the p7.annxng Director may , approve th4 divxsion notwi�hstancling the �act tha� one lot is less ' STAFF REPORT 4 , AGENDA 5.7 TTGARD PLA[VIV2IVG COMMISSION January 16, 1979 ` Page 2 �. ��,w , than five thousand square feet; provided, however, that no such - lot shall be smalle.r than four thousand two hundred and fifty square feet. " • 4. The applicant was granted permission by the Planninc� Direator to construct 13 single family detached residential units on August I5, �1977. The applicant has constructed x�esidential units on some of the lots. Lots �2. and 13 are present].y unimproved. , 5. The applicant progoses ta construct two sinqle family atta:ched units �n a realignec� subdivision plqt between lots 12 and 13 fihat together total, 20,D74.8 squa.�e feet. (Please refer to applicant's a:ttached narra�ive for purpose and intent.) 6. The site is surrounded by duplex lots to the east (county �erritozy) � and large lot single family uni.ts to the south. To the west is open space. The general character of the ar_ea is rural, undergoing change to urban with the constxuction uf Englewood and �lack Bull Subdivisions. 7� Water and sewer servic�s are available to the site. 8. Aecess tc� the site is off S.W. Nor�.h Dakota, which has been impr�ved to � collector street standards as a condi�ion af the subd.ivision approval. II. Conclusionary Findings: .� l. 'i'he existing lots in the subdivision are 8,OOrJsquare f'eet to 10,000 square feet. The lots upon wh9.ch single fami.l� attached units will be cotzstructed on a mina.mum nf 5,OOQ square feet will b� s�uth, north and west of large single family detached un9.ts. 2, �he applicants consideration o� correcting the 13nd us� probZem due to the County'G approval of duplex units to the east .i.s not shared by the NPO Committe� or the C;itl 7?3.anning Staff as a reasonab3:e concern. Adequat� si�e ohStruction materials such as landscaping can be plac�d on lots ].2 and 13 ta scxeen aEf the duplex residents to the east. Lots 11 and 6 will be r3irectly exposed as we11 as the ather lots in the Northern Pine Subdivisic�n to the praposed atta�hed single � family units. Therefore, a dichotomy in the general �haracter of the � subdivision wi].i occur. 3. l�eighborhooc Plan Organizatior_ #1 Plan is providing desic�nated �vacant parcels in the area to accommodate smaller lots to comply with diversxfi,ed � housing requirements. • ;.; .� ; � 4. The applicant sta�tes that, "A canda.tional use pex-mit would serve � community needs for diversa.fied housiny, w11i1e following land use gaals o� gradua�ing lot dex�sity away from th� industrial zone and busy i s�reets.° � � ' � � `��' i 1 i � � � � t � ' STAFF REPORT , AGENDA 5.7 , TIGR�RD PLANNING COMMISSTON January ].6, 1979 • ' �Y Page 3 � � � � � .Being effective in pxoviding diversi�ied housinq t.o accommodate �; economic housing commodity will not bF accomplished with the gzanting �� of thi�s conditional use. Tt is estimated that 20 units Qr more, ' �; subdivisions of smaller lot sizes (5,000 square feet) are necessary • '� to lower square footage costs to be passed on by deve3.op�r to buyer. j The applicant has not demonstrated the economic benefit his smaller r' lots will haye in the subdivision. � � III�. S�taff Rec�ammendation: � � � � � � ',i Staff has c3etermined that no community benefit will become of applicant's proposal and therefore, recommends denial of agplicant's conditional use request. ; c. p4;,. t �; Report prepared by: Ken Selby #,�'� Assaciate City Planner � January 12, 1979 r'._': . ;,;; • �; f �!:s �'s'a `;yJ� f[ . �4 \. G r kA� �r� �(±;;� [f<� t��:t�. p..:, � :r' t.:' 6,�r,' i ' � �_.�� �;,.1 �': �" E:':1,i ,:';' l. f,. : � s,;` �� � i ,'��wr �r .. � � * fi�..�. . ,. �....,,. . �'s �,'i �"< � #: �, ,� . y.r. i:` � ... . . .. ... . .. . . .. .. . . .... ...� .. . . �. � .. . .'.. . . . .. . . .... . .. : . .... . . . . 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Y � N N N � t r � � � . � . ;�... � � N ��+ �� ., �' � \ _ U 6T r- 124.9 � n � m a � '' 3�00 � ! l.00AC M�� t��� �� 1 k"� � � � � � � � ` � � n r; + A r�r N N N . . . . . . ». ..;�^,�.� �.;. .....«,.«.......,...«..,...a��;:.•«r.... ��... � .. . � . . .. . . ..... . . . � �f � �, ' ' :�L�U�sT Fo�-� �ci�iv:•::TIC�:'�ZaL tTS� ���r°rT r . + T�;y z�eq•,,est f�r �. c �:Zditio �a.1 �as� �A�rr�i�t is �.n rffort to � _ solve lan�; us,e nrob��n�� t:�.a�t t:7r ,��?tr�..��e of :dox�th�-�rn Pine ,���b- uivi:_ion facFd f?�o^ i '.-s forrr:ati�•n; lo�s 12 Jn� 13 c+�r�pri��� a 20�n�•0 sq���r� .faot i�r�l�zted 1=g of t"e subdivi:,,ion. r1n o1�er house ' on t:�x lot i600, ac_ross 106�n street, f�.ces ��lorth ���rcta Street. In ,��-�tFr�b��T, lq'7�� the pla�zin� cor:r.:isio� o�' 6�lasrin�to�z County �,ra.�.�=d a z�n� ch�_xn�e o � `T_'a.x Lo r 2C0 fro�1 �I�-�-F t0 iTT_1�• � Z, a site gal�.� r�vi�T�r district. ?'h.e at�tach�d a�nrosr-d rla� �r:�,�;s the shift of d��7�i�y to ���e sout� of tt�e 1ot a�d leav�s �50C ft.2 lo�s abut�ino r3orth�rn ?ine lots 7.2 �nd 13. �?'hus , I beliEVe that corner 1ot 13 ha� become a;1 ideal l.oc�.�ion for �wo sinmle fa�:;ily att�.ehcd ho�es. ?�To�tn Dakota Street 's aesi�nation as a collector stre��t f�arthar encoura�es 1c�U�Frii�� �:ie de:�sity of the cor�=r 10�. n � � ? nl 1: u h _e e is s�.,fficien f o a e in s �nd 1 t �: � t o g t_ r � o � g . lo t 12 3 ey �eet area x'eqt�i.i'e?r��rlts for fot�r sin�le f�ni.ly �.ttached har�es� �ti��o_ s.in�le fa.r;�i1y, at-tac��ad !lnits are r�ore co�natibl� �r�th t'�e , neighborhood. Th��s� 1ot 12� if red��ced to � �6 f�o� T�r�.dth, is a. le�;al lot in �he R-7 zone and c�zn s?rve to graduate dens3.ty fr::M the pror�osed sin�;le far�ily att�.ch:�d lo�s to the 1ar�er �.ots in th� interior o� the subdivision (see pioposed 1�nd p�rtiti.on) , t� dozen l�.rge nine trees along ��Torth D�.�:ota St,�eFt provicle a vis���al barrier bettirEE�n t}�e b�.l�.nce of the nei�;.:barhoad :�nd �he corner �ot. I do not �el.ieve tnat the best use of av:�ilable buildable ' r:,:C. a , t.;�'rd} 1a.�d is r.;ade by 1��.ving �+•50C� sq��.�.re foot lo�s a.buttin� 10y00 square r��� ;w� ..z,�, foot .lo�s. _1 c�nc�itinnal use tiFrw.i� vr�uld servs co�munity nEeds fo� �ovrer d�nsity ho�:s�.ng T�r:i.le follosaing 1 And use goals of ;raduatino � 10� dezsity x�T�*ay fror�i tre i�Zc;�.:st��i�.l ZO'_1P.,�,;�� busy strEets. r . r _ . _ _. . _. _ _ - . , ,<. . ti.,�. �. � STAFF REPORT AG�;NDA 5.� TIGARD PLANL�tING COMMISSION Jar�uary 23, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fowler Juni.or High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walxiut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Zone Change ZC 1-79 (Ref. : ZC 17-78 - Way W. Lee) , ApPlicant: Way W. Lee �I Owner: Way W. Lee Location: Southwest 69th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 36AD, Tax Lot 6502Y southern portion) . Request: For a preliminary plan and program review of a general commercial planned development, and a zone map amenc3ment fram City of TigarB R-7 "SingYe . Family Residentzal" to City of Tigard C-3PD zone for a 5 acre parael. I. Findings of Fact: l. "�,'1ne five acre parcel is presen.tly zone8 R-7 °�ingZe Family Re�iclential" zone. 2. The NPO #4 Plan designates this area to b� "Office Park", with permitted uses to include professional/commercial office use. �_ 3. At a public hearinq on October 3, 1978, the Planning Commissions' decision to deny the 2one change request as presented was based on the mot.i.on by Commissianer Waod who stated� ". . . . . . applicant shall resubmit in place of "plan" make a planned unit development from the requested zone it wi11 mitigat� concerns." This statement was taken from the transcript af this meeting. 4. 0� Nnvember 27, 1978, the City C�ouncil approved the following action in response to an appeal by Mr. Way W. I.�ee af the action takeri by �he Planning Commission: Motion to rema.nd back to Planning Co�nis�ion as a Planned Development with ten (10) amended conditions approved by unanimous vote of Council. 5. The ten (10) amended conditions are as follows: 1. That applicant provide a soil analysis test by an independent company to identify any problems, and possible solutions ta be reported to the City Engineer and Building Department for approval prior to iasuance of permits. 2. That construction and drainage plans be submitted and approved by the City Engineer and Building Departments prior to issuance of permits. 3. That the site drainage system be subsurface (or other methad as � requested by the T3uilding Official) to the approval of the Building Department prior to final building inspection. � _ ; � ! STAFF R�PORT � AGENDA 5.4 � TIGARD PLANNIi�TG COMMISSION � i January 23, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. ;, ' Page 2 � a � 4. That a significant vegetation survey be submitted to the City : Community Design Planner for condi�ions to require landscaping � approval pri�r to issuance of build.ang permits. R 5. Should an ingress/egress be provided between the subject site and the �' Hi Hat Restaurant, a joint use agreement must be signed by both � property owners prior to final building inspection. ; 6. Lighting shall be provide3 on site to the satisfaction of �Lhe Building Department. Especially in regards to the vehicle access between the ' ; Hi Hat Restaurant and the subject site, if such an access as indicat�d ",i in Gondition #5 exists. . 7. Access from 69th onto the site will be the same as the existing access on the Plankhouse parking area (or as otherwise required to the ; satisfaction of the Engineering and Building Departments) . ii 8. No final building inspection approval �ill be given until a traffic light is ins�alled and operating at the .intersecta,on of 69�h and 99W Highway to the approval of Oregon Department of Transportation. � 'i 9� Alt on site vehicle passageway shall be no Xess than 50 fee�t x•adius. � 10. That ap,plicant subanit a bond agreement cover.ing complete public work � improvement on all portions of public right-of-way ta inc].ude �ull � street i.mprovement (to a�1lec�or street commercial s�anda�ds) on 63th extensian to subject projects prior to issuance of any �i�y pe.rmi.ts. 6. The staff has worked with the agplicant in preparing the necessary � preliminary pla.n and program with the incorPoration of some of the ten '� conditions to comply with the Planning Comirti.ssion, City Council. and the Tigard Municipal Code Booko Section 18.56, 7. Tlze surroun3ing land uses are restaurants to the north, a restaurant to the west, O.E.6. offices to the south, and single family units borderin the east side of the arcel> 9 P S. The si.te has 12-25� slope moving from west to east. There is an excess o£ 25� slope located on the eastern side of the pra�rty. 9. There exists some large mixture of evergreen �.rees along the southern and northern portian of the property, i ;i 1Q. The site is served by an 8 inch pressure sewer line provided by U.S.A. � and an .8 znr.h water line from the Metzger Water District, ;� �� 11. The proposed development will have access from the continuation of 69th which presently has a 60 foot xight-of-way to the subjsct site. � `I 12. Sixty-ninth feeds ox�to 99W which is pXesently being studied by Oregon `� Department of Transportation for improvements to enhance traffic £low and t� . safety. Improvements are tentatively saheduled to be financed and installed � , .� in approximai�ely two yeaxs or by the end of 1980» ,�, � ; STAFF RFPORT � �� AGENDA 5.4 . . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION January 2�, 1979 - 7;30 P.M. Page 3 �.. 13. The applicant proposes to build three office buildings. The buiZding to the south will be three stories with 29,400 square feet; the building in �he mi.ddle is two stories, 19,600 square t�et and the northern bui],din.g is two story, 19,000 square feet. TI. Conclusionary Fir.dinc�s; l. The Oi�egon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has identified the intersection of 69th & 99W as warranting a signal light. 2. The District Highway Engine�r has stated that the proposed development will generate appr.oxi.mately 568-1,420 average daily traffic (ADT) , pending on the type of office useo 3. This additinnal growth in traftic with the existing restaurant traffic coming off 99W onto 69th will increase the need for a traffic signal at the corner of 69th and 99W. 4, The Oregon Department of Transportatfon further stated tha� the traf£ic �pproaching from the north ta south along 99W has an existing traffi.a hazard of horizontal visibility to traffic turning onto 69th. Therefore, caution shotzld be cansidered in cantinuing to �n�.ensify ., de�relopntent in this area prior to proper traffic mana�emen�t improvements. � � � 5. The location and size of the proposed bui�.dings �nrill intens.ify the existing topography that will require excessive grading. 6. The site has poor �rainage capability that r.an be resolved with proper drainage d�velopment. 7. The applicarit has furnished gxading, drainage, building and site plans showing the additinnal conditions in narrative or illust.rative form as required by the Planning Commission, City Council and Plannir�g Staff. TII. Staff Recommendations; Staff recommends app�aval of the applicant's preliminary plari and program review subject to the following conditionse 1. That the ten conditions stated in the findings of fact be complied with as required. 2. That the lands�ape plan with vegetation survey narrative and illustration be completed prior to general plan and program review. 3. Under Findings of Fact 5(5) should be amended to read: That an ingress/egress be provided between the subject site and the Hi Hat Restaurant by a joint use agreement, which mus� be signed by both p.�operty owners prior to issuance of building permits. StafF report prepared byc Ken Selby Associate City Planner January 18, 1979 P _ � . � . y� MINUTES � TIGARD PLANNING CON�MISSI,QIJ Januaxy 23, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. FowZer Juniar High 5chool - Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon �. 1. Open Meeting: The meeting was called t� order at 7s35 P.M. by President Tepedino. 2. Roll Call: Present: Bonn, Funk, Kolleas, Seeber, Speaker, Tepedino, Wood Absent: Helmer, Smith Staff: Howard, Selby 3. Approval of minutes of previous meetings: , On motion duly made, second�d and carried ..e minutes of the January 9, 1979 � meeting were approved as submitted. The amendments to the minu�es of Deceznber 5, 1978 meeting were considered. , Commissioner Funk objected to the first amendment, since he was in favor of j the proposition. The portion of the minutes should read, "Funk thought part ; of the greenway area could be reclaimed." (omitting "for denial of the � request" as stated in th� minutes as originally su�.imitted) . With this correction to the amendments it was moved, seconded an3 carri�d �hat the � minutes of the December 5, I978 mee•ting be approved as submitted� amended � and coxrected. � � �, 4. Planning Commission Communicatian: � At 7:40 P.M. the President, for tkie benefit of the pub7.ic in the audience, made reference ta the statutory basi.s of the public hearings and read a statement of the proaedures to be followed. Sirice Agenda Item 5.1 had been tabled at the November 21, 197£i Planning � Commissian meeting, Wood mov�d the item be �raised from the table to the � agenda. The motion was seconded by Kolleas and passed unanimously. i; 5. Public Hearings: ' r 5.1 Adoption of Neighborhood Plan #7 f{ , ; A request by the City of Ti.gard and the Ne.a.ghborhood Planning Organization i #7 for amendment of Tigard Community Plan of 1971 by adoption o� a � neighborhood plan for the Summer Creek neighborhood (NPO #7) . (This ; item was tabled from the November 21, 1978 Planning Commissian Public ',. Hearing Meeting) . !. x i r A. Staff Report: . � ; Se1by of Staff made a few introductory remarks, pointed out the salient ? characteristics of tYie area on a wall map, and then introduced ; i Mrs. Bonnie Owens, Chairman of the NPO #7. ;. � Mrs. Owens told of the development in views and attitudes which took �, place among the members of the committee c�uring the course of their � E: �� , : � _ , , ,_: , _ ,;:, , , t ' ' ' MINUTES TTGARD PI,ANNING COMMISSION �� Januar� 23, 1979 - 7:30 P.M, Page 2 � deliberations, and presented the plan for adoption by the Com¢nission � as carefully considered product of a great deal of work aimed at � providing a viable, operable neighborhooc�. in the northwest corner of k the City. � � C. Publ.ic Testimony: � �j None �� D. Staff Recom¢nendations: �' �{ u S�lby recommended approval of the plan as submitted. I',';� �, E. Commission Discussion & Action: � o Wood questioned the location of a proposed athletic club. � 'efl < It was o Selby pointed out the location and described it bri y ascertained that such a facility was a permitted conditional use in the zoning of the area. o Bonn questioned the lack of provision for direct crossing of Scholls Ferry Road into the area> ��,, o Selby expl.ained it was the intention to minimize cross traffia into the collector stree�ts of the NPO, thence into the central Tigard area. o Speaker moved adoption of the NPO #7 Draft Plan as submitted. � E o Wood seconded the motion. '' �' o Fun}c questioned Policy 21, which was explained to his satisfaction s by Selby. �; o Thereupon the mo�ion carried unanimously. o The President commended Mrs. Owens and her committee for the woxk �; and dedication represented in this high quality draft plan, and ��� urged them to keep active in activiti.es of the City which require �N' this type Qf effort by dedicated volunteers. He told her she and �; her committ�e had done "a superb jab". '� � �. 5.2 Miscellaneous MLP 1-78 (Mercury Devel.opmen:t Co.) NPO #7 ( l k A request by City Planning Staff to amend Condition #2 of MLP 1-78 i (approved 10/11/78) on a 28 acre site in a C-4 PD and Wash. Co. RU-4 � zones on S.W. 122nd and 5cholls E'erry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Ma.p lal 34B, � Tax Lot 400) . (This item was tabled from the January 9, 1.973 Planning f � Commission Public Hearing Meeting) , j r 4 ( r f t 3 �( P, .�,�.-....� , . MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMIS5ION January 23, 197� - 7:30 P.M. Page 3 5,2 :Mercury nevelopmEnt continued: Sinoe this item had been t�abled at the January 9, 1979 meeting, it was moved, seconded �nd caYried to raise th:e item from the table to the agenda. A. Staff Report: Selby pointed out on the wall map the progerty involved �nd the situation calling fox this request. The ap�lieant in this case is the City of Tigard. Selby read the staff report, which �ecame the applicant's presentation. i , B. Applicant's Presentation: Gi�en by Selby in staff report. � t C. Public Tes�i.mony: � � There was no public testimony offered. + D. Staff Recomm�ndations: � i� � Se1by read the staff recommendations. � E. Commission Discussiori and Action: o �lood moved approval of the request based ori utaff findings and ' recommendations. ! `i; o Kolleas seconded the motion, which passed unaziimously. li�i 5.3 Conditional Use CU 35-78 (Stephen SpiegeZ) NPO #7 ' �' I�` A request by Stephen SpiegeZ for a conditional use permit to constr,uct E: a two (2) single family attached units in an 12-7 "Single Family kt° Residential" zone on a 0,�65 acre parcel at the coxner of S.W. 106th & I; North Dakota Stree�. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34DA, Tax Lots 300 6 400) . F'; ('I'his item was tabled from the January 16, 1979 Planning Coznmission Publa.c F�i Hearing Meeting) , �'� �J A. Sta£f Report: ��` �,`�. Selby pointed out the subject property on the wall map and exp].ained ?" zoning jurisdiction and land use of surrounding propertX. Thereupon {` he read the staff report. �! ,:: At this point there was question an the part nf the Commiss.i.Qn (not ' � settled at this time) �s to what the applicant was really aSking for, � �; �„ �: (;`: �.� �_ a r*; ��, � : � �.__�_w . __ � � � _ .-�,� , ' MINUTES TIGARD P?.�ANNING CON�M2SSION January 23, 1979 - 7cS0 P.M. Pa;ge 4 � B. Applicant's Presentation: The applicant''s presentation was given by Stephen Spiegel, 6515 SeW. Miles Court, Poxtland, the owner of the property, who passed out a sketch showing his proposer3 redivision of Lots 12 and i3 in the cantext of assumed development as zoned by Washington County on the east, and the present and in�process construction �n the west. It was apparent staff and th� applicant had not understood each other in the development of the staff rep�rt and consequent recommendatzon. Attention was drawn to the 39-foat frontage of the middle lot, an3 the failure (because of incorrect understanding of the praposal) to give neighboring landowners an opportuni.ty tn testify for or against xt. The applican� explained why he felt two large (over 10,000 square feet) lots at the corner of this subdivisaon were appropriate, especially� in view of the zoni.ng and assumed develapment of dupl:exes with minimum clearances to the east, and indus�Lrxal property �rery nearby. C. Public Testimonyc �- Proponent° s: '�here was no public testimony in favox° af the proposal. ppponent's: Robert D. .Ataderson, 10570 S.W. North Dakota Street (TL 3100) , favoring the NPO #7 c�esignation of the area as single faanily lots, although adjoining property i� zaned by Washington County fnr possible duple�es. Mrs. Betty Kirkl�xid, 1Q520 5.W. Nor�h Dakata Street (TL 3300) , opposed multiple housirig at this lacation. Selby explained his understanding of the applicant's proposal and the possibility that the owners of the property to the east of the subject property might ask for annexation to the City, in which case they would take the R-7 zoning specified in the NFO #7 Plan for the area, I i The appli�ant rei�erated points �reviaus�y made. D. Staff Recomm►endations: Se1�y read the staff recommendation for denial of the request. E. Commission DisGUSSion & Ac�ion: �.. o Wood explained why he opposed the request. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNII�TG COMMISSION January 23, 1979 •- 7:30 P,M. � Page 5 E. Commission Dzscussion & Action continuec3: o Speaker raised the question of how binding NPO #7's Plan is on Washington C�unty, who has jurisdiction of the adjacent property? o Plainning Director, Ho�ard explained steps that have been taken to improve liaison with Washington County and M5D. o Speaker m�ved the request be tabled, with ths suggestion that the applicant and staff mutually understand each other and that a new staff xeport be made on that basis. o The motion was seconded by IColleas. o Wood reiter.ated his total opposition. o There was discussion between Wood and staff about access and satbacks required, with Y•eference to pertinen�t sections of the City Code. o Tepedino emphasized tk�e Commission can base action orzly on the presentation as submitted; that we should not speculate what might happen in i:he future; that he has a natural objection to tab].ing because of the increased time demands on staff and. the Cammission, � especially where the presentatinn of the applicant is inadequate, o The question was put to a roll ca1l vote, with three yeas and four nayes for tabling. o Thereupan Wooc� moved f.or denial based on staff conclusionary findinr�s 1, 2 (excludia�g the last two sentences) , 3, oznit�ing 4 as writt�n, with a new finding #4 reading, "that the site daes nat require attached units for buffering; and if approved as requested, these multiple units would face single family units across 106th Av�nue. o The motion was seconded by Fiank and carried unanimously. At 9:19 PM the President called for a recess until 9;30 P.M. because i,t appeared from the nature af the request that Item 5.4 would prove time consuming. � 5.4 ZC 1-79 (Way W. Lee Planned bevelopment) NPO #4 � A request by Way W. Lee for a preliminary plan and program review of a general commercial plannsd development and a zone map amendment from City of Tigard R-7 "Single �amily Residential" to City of Tic�ard C-3 PD zone for a 5 acre parcel at S.W. 69th Avenup (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36AD, Tax Lc�t 6502, southern portion) . A. Staff Report: � The staft repor�. �ras read by Selby, followed by illustrating on wall maps the topography, wetland conc�itiona, and present use as a dumping gxound for fill. matexial„ �Se �1�en showed slicles of tk�e groperty. ��., _ „ MINUTES TIGA22D PLANNING COMMISSION January 23, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.. ��;� Page 6 B. Applicant's Presentation: The applicant's presentation was made by Ken Cole, Architect, 1900 C Street, Vancouver, Washington. He explained that buildi.ngs wauld cover about 13.5�, landscaping approximately 25.5�, and paving 61$ of the 5-acre site. He stated that because of the slope, the two- story buildings would have essentially ground level access to each floor, that the three-story building would have an elevator in it. The present p1an calls fox 313 parking spaces on site, whereas zoning ord'inances require only 221. Applicant has no ok�jection to the ten aonditions mandated by the City Council. The vegetation study has been completed but not aompletely written up yet. The City Engineer prefers underground drainage rather than panding, and that is probably th� way the applicant ill fill the low areas removin health will a roach it. They w , g PP hazards and probably eliminating problems of drainage for the surr�unding area. They may have to use some piling to get proper foundations. They expect to have wood-texture exteriors with qui�e a few t.xees in the landscaping. Screening will be maintained on the nor�h and west and installed on the ea.st. He acknowledgec3 th�re would be a lot of grading, but that is always necessary on a slopa.ng si.te. �� C. Public Testimony: Proponent's: None Opponent's: � C,erald Robinsori, Attorney, 300 S�andard Plaza, representing Hi Hat i Restaurant, discussed at length the Conditien #5 requiring executian of a join�. easement far access and egress through the Hi Hat Restaurant parking lot. Iie detailed the serious traffic problem recognized by the State faepartment of Transpartation on the portion of the Pacific Highway. He suggested that Condition #4, relating to ingress/egress throuqh the 1Hi fiat Restaurant, specify a szgned joint-use agreement prior to the issuing nf building permits x.ather than prior to final building inspection. � i D. Staff Recomanendations: � � Selby read the staff recommendations, callinc� attention to xecommendation � #3 per�ainning to the Finding o£ l�ac:t 5(5) . The first ward ��ouia � "should” rather than "that" as printed, and the easemen�t, if arranged, "mus�t be signed by both owners prior to a.ssuance vf building �ermits �� , (emptiasis added) . He stated the staff and the 'Praffic Engi,neer £elt � i� important to have two a�cesses to �.he property�, �d added �s a ' condition #4, "That the applicant will provide at least two accessas to the property priox to the issuance o� building pezmi:ts," . L.., -- MINUTES TIGARU PLANNING COMMISSION January 23, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 7 E, Conttnission Discussion & �iction: a There followed prolonged discussion of the access and traffic , probl�ms among the C�mmission, Messrs. Robinson, Way Lee, Ken Cole, and Steve i�ouie (part owner of the Hi Hat Res�tuarant) . Some of the facts as stated by the different individuals did not agree. o Wood moved for approval based on staff findings and recommendations, but omitting Condition #5 as recommended by the City Council and as amended by the staff, substituting in its place a condition, "That applicants demonstrate at the time of General Plan app�oval a mPthod of alleviating the adverse effects of traffic this development might have on the Hi Hat Restaurant traffic entering the Pacific Highway." o The motion fuiled for lack af a second. o Thereupan Tepedi.no moved for approval, based on staff findings and recommendations as amended; and "that the staff be directed to work with the Hi Hat Restaurant and the applicant to assure alleviation af any adverse effects occasioned by the development of the applicant's property u,pon access to the Pacific Highway from the restaurant, prior to General Plan Review. , o The motion was secanded by Bonn and carried unanimously. �'" 5. Old Business: l�irector Howard reported City Council action leading to reacti.vation of the NPO's and that Pete Green, Site Design Review staff inember, has quit very sudden�ly. Statf outZa.ned the woxk load on future me�tings through March 20. It was the sense of the Commission that a third meeting in February for a study session on The Open Space P1an be deferred to March 20. The Directo.r reported on contacts with the MSD and LCDC, and forecast the need for several study sessions to handle implementation of the Housing and other plans. 7. New Business: 8. Other Business: 9. Adjournment: On motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:53 P.M, � �.<. .. . . .. . .�. . . . .. . � . . .. . . . . . . . . ,... 1,.. ...�......._....,.... . ....._... . ., .......��_.�.-_ ...,._�:.,,.,. STAFF RE�'ORT - FTNAL ACTION 'Aprii 16, 1979 TIGARU PLANNING DEPARTMENT CI7'Y, i-�ALL . , '1242� S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon < Docket: Subdi.vision S 2-79 - S.W. 110th Park Request: To subdivide a 1.45 acre parcel into five lots in a R-7 115ingle Family Residential" zor�e. Loeation; East of S.W. 110th Avenue, at the west end of S.W. Garden Park Place (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2Sl 3DD, 7C'ax Lot 1301) . 1�,pplicant: Mr. Ed Gause Previous Actionc CU 4-79 - A conditional use permit was granted by the Planning Commission on March 6, 1979. ZC 8-79 - A zone change request w�s approved by the Planning Commission �n A ril 3 1979. P , 2_ Findings of Fact: l. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval in accordance with Section 17.16.100 of the Tigard Municipal Code fio subdivide a 1.45 acre parcel into five lots with a minimum lot size of 8,624 square feet. Four of the lots are for single �amily dwellings and one is f�r a duplex which was approved by the Planning Commissian ° as a conditional use on March 6, 1979. 2. The site is des.ignated "Urban Low Density Residential" on i:he NPO #3 �1an and is presently zonEd R-7 "�ingle Family Residential", 3. Applicable policies f�om the NPO #3 Plan are as fol].ows: a, The maximum averall density of the development will be 3 dwelling units or 9 persons per gross acre, A higher density of 4 units or ].2 persons per gross acre is a possibility within an approved plan.ned unit development. bn Residential subdivis�.ons will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights and walkways according to City or aounty standards. All u�tilities will be placed under- I ground. ' c. Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewage facilities shall be (a) capable of adeguately s�rving developznent and (.b) designed to me�t City or r.aunty standards. 4. Section 17.16.�.00 states that: No tentative plan for a proposed subdivisio� and no tentative plan r for a major partition shall be a;pproved unless: � STAFF .l2EPORT - FINAL ACTION April 16, 1979 S 2-79 - S.W. 110th Park � Page 2 ' i '� a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats or subdivision or maps or major partitions already approved for ; adjoining property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects, unless the City determines it to be in the public xnterest to modify the street or ro�d pattern. b. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan, and all reservation�s or restrictions relating to such private roads and 5treets are set forth thereon. c. The tentative plan complies with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations of the City then in effeet. d. No tentative plan of a subdivision or map af a major partition shall be approved unless there will exist adequate sewage disposal system to support the proposed use of the land described in the prqposed plat. 5, The site slopes from the southeast corner dropping approximately three percent diagonally to the nor�hwest corner. The s�xrrounding property uses are a residential unit to the west across S.W, 110th and sangle family i;nits dir•e�tly to �he nor.th. To the east and clirectl.y scauth are duplex uzzits and the Garden Park Place duplex planned devel�pment. 6. Southr,vest 110th Avenue is designatEd as a local �treet requiring 50 �' feet of right-of-way. ��, 7. A local standard street is being aonstructed within the �arclen Park Place development th�t �heri cantinuad wi11 pass throughout lot 1�01 q�n�. the subject site. 8. Unified Se��verage Agency service and the Ti.gard Water facility is available from the east approximately 140 feet and the north along S.W. 110th Av�nue approximately 150 feet. II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. Southwest ll.Uth A��enue is in substandard condition having inadequate right-of-way or pav.i.ng wid�.h, no curb, gutter or sidewalks and in its present condition a.s overcapacitated. 2. The .proposed pre.liminary plat conforms to the Tiqard Community Plan, 1971, in that the proposed lot�irig pattern is for residential purposes and conforms to the dimensional requirements of the zoning code. 3. With the attachment of appropriate conditions, access �i11 be available to �11 lots, and each lot as proposed will abut a public street. 4. Adequate sanitary sewer and water service are availablz �to service � the proposed subdivision. ; ;� TII. Final Action: F The preliminary plat for S.W, 11,Oth Park subdivision is hereby a�proved '' "subject to the tollowing conditions: � �1► _ r � STAFF REPORT - F1NAL ACTION ' April 16, 19'J9 S 2-19 - S.W. 110th Park Page 3 �°t� 1. That the applicant dedicafe the adequate distance tas determined by ; " City Engineer) of right-of-way along S.W. 110th, and construct half I street improvements to City Standards prior to issuance of building permits. 2. That the required construCtion and drainage plans be submitted anc3 i approved with the neaessary bond agreement to the Engin�er ar,d Building Departments for approval prior to i�suance of permits. 3. No changes will be made to approved plans or specifi�:ations unless formal appli�ation is made to the appropria�e department and changes are approved by that department: Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineering specifications and other details requeated by the department. No construction shall take place in these instances unt;a.l after the ehanges have been approved. Any deviation from this condition wi11 result in the imm�diate posting of a stop work order on the project l or any portion of the project. 4. 5treet improvement on S.W. 110th Avenue will includ� covered drainage tile the full length of subject property. 5. That street lights along S.W. 110th Avenue and throughout the subdivision be installed in accordance wi,th Cit�r s�tandards. �... Report prepared by: Lori Mastra;nt�ni.a-Meuser Approved by: Ald' H d P].anning Intern Plan , Dir.ector � i i _ __ � -_ . � __ , . . � . . .. � 9. �. . .� STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIG.�,RD PLANNING DEPARTMENT April 3, ].979 ���r Tigard City Hall ' 1242,0 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Minor Land Partition MLP 19-78 Applicant; Jozsef Sandor Owner: Same as applicant 'Location: 9135 S.W. North Dakota Street (W�sh. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35AC, Tax Lot 200) . Request; To partition a .62 acre lot into 9,050, 8,337.5 �nd 9,496 square foot parcels in a R-7 "Sinc�le Family Residential." zone. I. Findinys of Fact: 1, 7.'he applicant is reguesting permission, in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Gode, to di.vide a .62 acre parcel into 9,050, 8,337.5 and 9,496 square foot parcels in a R-7' zone at 9135 S.W. NQrtI�.L�a)cota Street. 2. ThE site and surrounding area is designated on the NPO #2 Plan as "Urban Low Density Residential" and is presently zoned R°7 "Singl� Famzly Residential" which has ths f.ollowing applicable requirements: 0 7,5p0 square foot minimum: ].at size (18.2U.030 Tigard Municipal Code) � `� 0 5 foot side yard setbark for one story building (18.20.060 Tigard ``° Municipal Code} 3. The site kias an existing ranch style single family unit wi'th a �3aylight basement and two vacant stora.ge sheds in the southwestern portion of the lot. Th� site has some significant evergzeen trees and shrub brush vegetation. The site elevation descerids from �he southern pro�erty line fronting S.W. North Dakota north approximately six percent. 4. The surrounding lan� uses are single fami.ly hoines to the e�st and west. South, across S.W. North Dakota Street is a vacant parcel and single farnily homes southeast and west. To the nazth is a vacant parcel heavily vegetated (owned by the State) and fiighway 217. 5. Sanitation servic�s are available off S.W. North �akot, by the Unifiec3 Sewerage Agency< However, due to the topography of the subject property sewer service is questionable. 6. Water from the Metzger Water District is avail.able from the existing line on S.W. No.rth Dakota Street. 7. Public �ccess from tht site wi11 be onto S.W. North Dakota. This Street i.s presently under aounty jurisdiction. 8. Southwest North Dakota Street is c�eSignated as a col.lector street in NPO #2 Plan, ha�ing 60 feet of right-o�-way, 44 feet of paving with curbs and sidewalks. The current righ�-of-way width is 50 feet. � . :� . � . . " � . . � . . . � . . . � . . . ;:�. . � � . � . . . . . . . . . . ;�I �. . . ... 1 . . � . � . . . . . � .�.� � . . . � .. . ..:�..�i . STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION j TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT April 3, 1979 MLP 19-78 � Page 2 2I. ConcluSion�ary Findings: l. The pronosPd conforms to the "fJr.ban Low Density Residential" d�signation of the NFO #2 Plan in that; a. Adequate water is available to thp site. b. The proposed lot sizes (9,050, 8,337.5 and 9,496 square foot parcels) exceed the minzmum lot size required. 2. The right-of-way on S.W. Nor�h Dakota Street is inadequate for a collector street. Ati additional f.ive feet is necessary alolZg-the site frontage. 3. Southwest North Dakota Street is in substandard condition (no curbs, sidewalks or paving) . IIT, Final Action: Based izpon the findings and facts enumerated ak�ove, the proposed minor land partitioning is hereby approved subject to the foll�wing conditions: l. That fa.ve feet of rigk�t-of-way alan:c� su�jeet pr�perty �rontiric3 S.NI. North Dakota.Street be dedieated to the City with half street improvements � prior to final building inspection approva).. �. 2. That the develo�er submit constructian and site drainage plans ta be approved by the City Enqineer and Building Departments and necessary bands prior t� issuance of pe:rmits. 3. That significarit vegetation be prese�ve:d. 4. No buildinc� permits wi1J. b� issued until adequate sewer service is provided on the subject property. Fteport prepared by: Lori Mastr.antc�nio-D4euser Approved b�; Al ' oward Planning Intern ann ng Director i � 1 (, 1 � � r �, �; � t, � �: � i' ; i' l< � � " ;. _--�--� , . _ __ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . ;; ,:� s� �r STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION ��` TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Tigard City Hall 12420 SW Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Minor Land Partition MC�P 1-79 (Revision to Original Staff Keport d,ated ZS14/79) Applicant: Marie B. Louis S.W. Garden Place & S.W. Pacific Highway _ , Owner: Same as applicant Site Location: S.W. Garden and S.Wo Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1BB, Tax Lot 400) . Request: To alter the boundary lines between Ta� Lots 400 and 401. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The sita is presently in a C-3 "General Gommercial" zone and is designated "Retail Commercial" on the NPO ��5 Plan. 2. The applicant is requesting to enlarge Tax Lot 401 and reduce the size of Tax Lot 400 by moving the lot line between them to the �� north and east. Tax Lot 400 is 1.20 acres in size and Tax Lot 401 is 2.85 acres in size. The proposed ne�a lot lanes would leave Tax Lot 401 at 3.43 acres and Tax Lat 400 would be .62 acres. Therefore, Knauss Chevrolet (owner of Tax Lot �+01) wi11 incorgorate .S8 acres of Tax Lot 400 within �is boundari.ea and Mara�e Louis (owner of Tax I.ot 400� will move up her boundary lines so that Lot 4fJ0 wi11 include just .62 acres. 3. The subject site has an existing structure on the northwest half and vacant area to the southeast with up to 30 feet of slope drop from northeast to s�utheast. The suxrounding u�es include Knauss Chevrolet dealership to the south, vacant parcel �o the east, the prnposed Park 217 Athletic C1ub to the north and vacant lot with a single family unit to the west. 4. The site fron�s on Pacific Highway (arterial stree-t) and S�W. Garden P1ace designated to be a collector street having 60 feet of rig'ht-af-�aay wifih 44 feet of paving. The current right- of-way width is 50 fee�. 5. Water service is presently available to the site. � I � 6. Sanitary sewer is possible for the �.owe.r elevation portion of the site when brought up along S.W. Garden Place. I �� � ; .. � t � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � March 20, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 II. Conc�.usionary Findings: 1. The right-of-way width on Garden Place is inadequate for a collector street. 2. The severe elevation of the site from the northeast ta the south- east pro.hibits the installation of a sewer lin,e. However, sewer . servic� is ossible alon S.W. Garden P1ace. P g IIT. Final Action: Based on the findings of facts as stated above the proposed minor land partition is hereby approved with the fnllowing conditions. L. That an additional 5 foot of rzght-of-way be dedicated to the City on Gardea� Place o �- 2. No building permits wi11 be issued until it can b� shown tha� � adeq�xate sewer service is available to ser�e this area. 3. The boundary lines of lats 400 and k�01 must be changed according to th� xequest, (i_n reference to Findings of Fact ��2) prior to issuance of any permi�s to improve the site. ' Prepared byt Lora. Mastrantonio-MeLiser Reviewed by: A1 ' oraard Planning Intezn Pla Director � STAFF REPORT - FINAL AGTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,r March 16, 1979 Tigard Gity Hall 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Ore�on Docket: Minor Land Partition MLP 7-79 Requests To partiti�n a 39,158.30 square foot lot into 19,587.12 anc3 19,571.18 sguare foot parcels in a R-7 "Si.ngle Family Residential" zone. Location: 11405 S.W. 90th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35DB, Tax Lot 2600) . Applicant: Lyle V. Lilja and Georgia S. Lilja 114U5 S.W. 90th Tigard, Oregon I. Findings of Fact: l. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tig•ard Municipal Code to divide a 39,158.30 square foot lot into 19,587.12 anc� 19,571.18 square foot parcels in a R-7 zone at 11405 S.W. 90th. 2. The site and surrounding �rea is designated on the NPO #2 Plan as '°Urban Low D�nsity Residential" and zoned R-7 which has the following applicable requirements: �„ 0 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (18.20.030 Tigard Municipal code) . 0 5 foot sicle yard setback for one story building (18.20.060 Tigarcl Municipal Code}, 3. The si.te has an existing house ori the southern p�rtion of the lot, a yarage on the southeast portion of the lot, and a shed on the northern port-ion of the lot. 4. The site is bounded by single family dwellings on all sides. 5. Southwest 90th Avenue is a local street as designatAd in the NPO #2 Plan. Right-o�-way for a local s'creet is 50 f_eet. 6. Water service is available from a 4 inch line in S.W. 90th Avenue. Sanitary sewer service is available from an 8 inch line in S.W� 90th Avenue at the northeast corner of the lot, however, due to the distance and elevation from the proposed house to the sewer connection, sewer hookup may be limited. 7. Parcels I & II have adeguate access to a �ublic street. 8. There are a number of inoper.able cars located behind �he garage. 9. It is questionable whether or not the sried on the proposed new parcel. �� maintains a five foot se�back from the rear lot line. _ . � , ._ _ , STAFF REPORT - FTNAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 16, 1979 MLP 7-79 Page 2 ' II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The proposal conforms to the "Urban Low Density Residential" designation of the NPO #2 Plan in that: a. Adequate water service is available to thE site. b. The proposed lot sizes (19,587.12 and 19,571.18 square feet) exceed the minimum lot size required in a R-7 zone. - 2. S.W. 9Oth Avenue is in substandard condition (no curbs or sidewalks) . III. Final Action: Based upan the findings and facts enumerated above, the proposed minor land partiti;onin_q is hereby appro�ed with the following conditions: l. That an agreement not to remon5trate against the formation of a local impravement district for street improvements t� S.W. 90�:h Avenue (to local. standards) be filed wi�h the Citl Recorder. 2. That �he inoperable cars be removed from the site (Tigard Municipal ? Cocie 7.40.050) . , 3. No buiZding permits will be issued unt?J. a�equate sewer service is available to the propased new parcel. 4. That the shed l�oaated on the proposed new parcel mainta,in a five foot setback from �he rear lot line. Report prepared by: 'Lori Mastranton.io-NTeuser Approved by: A1. ward Plaraning Intern P nin Director '� � � ,. � . ,,. . ,..__ �, , ,, ,.. . � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTTOI�I TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 7, 1979 Tigard City Hall "�? 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon �� Docket: Subdivision 12-78 (Ames Orchard #2) (Ref. ZC 28--78 & V 3-79) A�p7:icant: Mr. Robert Ames, 12500 S.W. Bull Mountain Road Tigard, Oregon 97223 Owner: Same as applicant ' Application Date: September 15, 1978 5ite Location: Southw�st corner of S.W. 121st and S.W. Gaarde (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2SI lOBB, Tax Lot 600) Request: Tn create a 14 lot subdivision on a ].2.54 acre parcel in a R-30 "Single Family Residential" zone. Previous Action: The subdivision application was acted upon October 3, 1978 (see attached letter) . The final action on the subdivisian request has been held in abeyanr.e until the subject parcel received the City R-30 zoning designation (approved by the Planning Commission on January 16, 1979) and a variance for the Hazel.hil'1 Drive street standard {approved by the Planning Commission on March 6, 1979) . � � General Planning Statement: The City P].anning Staff and other local government � �, agencies have had numerous meetings with the applicant to resolve the following concerns: Site plan (location of lots) . Street alignment (135th extension, Hazelhill Drive) . Zoning reconstruction and cleanup of the s�orm draix�age areas. Alignment of drainage channel along sewer install.ation line north of Gaarde and cleaning of dei�ris from area and replanting of area. i Tha applicant has addressed most of our conCerns. G7ith compliance to the conditions attached to the apprGVal of this subdivision applicatiorz. The applicant will have addressed all of our concerns. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated "Suburban Low Density Residential" - thre� dwelling units per acre on the Neighborhood Plan #3 and is p.resently zoned R-30 "Single Family Residential". 2. The applicant is requesting approval to create a subdivision in accordance with Title 17, Subclivisions and all relative chapters therein of the Tigard Municipal Code. 3. Applicable NPO #3 Policies are as tollows: "Density" - Policy #1 (page 12) . "Streets" - Policy #3 (page 13) , Poliay #5 (page 14) , az�d Po1ia� #6 (page l4) . ,� "Site Character" - Policy #4 (page 13) . . i . � ; STAE'F REFORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �., March 7, 19%9 S 12-78 Page 2 4. The site is vacant with differential terrain elevations ranging from 4-8 percent slopes that decends southeast and northeast creating a natural drainageway adjaeent to the subject site east. The surrounding land uses are singl.e family ; (large lots) to the south, north, east and agricultural open space areas with single famil.y units to the west, The proposed development will be a continuation of the Hazeltree Subdivision appraved by the County adjaaent to the south area which has now been annexed •to Tigard. 5. Sanitary sewer would have to be extended from an existing ten inch line approximately 400 feet west in Gaarde Street. The line in S.W. Gaarde is of adequatP capacity to facilitate the proposed density. Water servi.ce is available from the Tigard Water District from either a six inch line in J.W. Gaarde of a 12 inch line in Pacific Highway, both c�f whick� are adequate to serve the developm�ent. 6. The site will be in the path ancl intersected by the proposed 135th alignment to be canstructed as a collector street from the present northwest 135th to the southea�t connnection of Bull Mowltain Road. PoliCy 24. (page 26) : That th� collector streets within the Neic�hborhood (Gaarde, 121st, and Walnut and excluding Bull Mountain Road and Beef Bend Road) be developed as two land facilities with restrictea ,parking. In the process of improving these streets, every effort will be made to minimize the adverse �, im�acts of street widening on adjac�nt houses. II. Conr,lusionary Findings: ,i �; l. The follawing are conditions of the zone change for this par.cel: l. A.11 streets within the subdivision are to be City of Tigard street standards. 2. That a letter from County of Washington be submitted verifya,ng the alignment of the future 135th extension through the Ames Orchard #2 Subdivision. 3. Si:reet plugs must be emplaced for all subdivision streets that are to align with future streets. 4. That ten of right-of-way along the adjacent lots to S.W. Gaarde Street be ,� :� dedicated to the City, with half street improvem�nts prior to issuance of building permits. 5. That no lots �hall have access directly ontca S.W. Gaarde Street or S.W. 135th, 6. That c�nstruction and drainage plans �e s�bmitted with necessary bonds to the Builc�ing and Engineera.ng Depart�ents pxior to issuance o� permits. 2. The f'ollowing is the condition af the Variance: �' 1. No changes wi.l� be made to approved plans or speca.fications unless formal ; � application is made to the appropriate department and ch�nges are anproved by tha�t departm�n�. App].ication far changes will be made in writing and. sha11. include applicable drawings, eng,ineering specifica�ions and other details requesteci ksy the department, No constructioz� sha11 take pl,ace in these ; � � . f« . :�.. �, ... . .. ..� .. .. . .. .. ...... ..... ... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... ... . .. . .. . ..... . . . . f.: . . . . . � � �... � . �� � � . � . . � . .. � . � � . �;. ... ... � . � � �� . � . � � � � �. � N;: STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �'; TIGARD PLANNING I3EPARTMENT �; March 7, 1979 • }.; S� 12-78' Page 3 instances until after the changes have been ap;�roved. Any deviation from this condition will result in the immediate p�sting of a stop work order on the j; project or any portion of the project, ' a;' 3. The proposed preliminary plat conforms to the NPO #3 Plan` and Tigard Zoz�ing Ordinance in that: a. The proposed utse is suburban law density residential and •the lotting pattern confnrms to the 30,000 sc�uare feet minimum dimensional � requirements of the R-30 zone. b. Adequate water, sewer and street services are available to servie the proposed subdivision. c. Each lot as proposed will abut a public .streEt. III. Final Action: The preliminary pl.at for "Ames Orchard #2" Subdivision is hereby approved subject to the followiny conditions: 1. Thafi. all conditions placed on the zone change ZC 28-78 and the variance V 3-79 be met prior to issuance o.f buil�ing pe�znits. �' 2. That the proposed Hazel.hill Drive street standards be contiguaus �aith the �A;, existing Hazelhill. Road. �`; 3. That the applicant submit a performance bond with agreeman�. ta carrect the ; "�reen.way area drainage system" ciamas�ed by the development of Hazeltree Subdivision ,� priar t� issuance �f. building pErmits. # Fteport prepare d by: Ken Selby Apprnved by. A1 ' oward Associat�z Cit� Plann�x P1 � n Director :I � '•�t � ° t; 3 � _ . � . .. .. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , � ; 4---;—"• �� �' � �<.; � C�::��b�:w 3, 19?4 � i 'x':y4wiP��l-.�?'� D��,E�.��'/v�I�1'�.�. .L.�.1�'r ,. . . . . � . � K L.iTii. ��.f:.�.i.A fJ�T��.7i , . . . . . _ ' � ��� w � ca�..,�� ��-��,Yo:� 9�Ua� . . < . • � .. � R:�. S ].2—'� , ! x J��?' 1Is. Az�c��: . . ; ��.a�:i.:..+:. bf2: �9!S��l3,w„?i,i '�;.«)�1.'L: +_3"iE.l.:%.` �i���. b2? 71'J C�+3:.",1S?Q2; C?ll tiI'[1��:8 �,�L''.�13�'C� �+i I w 'a.=.'iY.7_��GI3 3.liy'G�'t �.��•� aL°.�+_J�?C:i XJit,�f'�•,�,z� j.g �;rL"3�'"�.:::C� a �,�2�? chang�. � , �"'� � > > u' � ri ' a � �. e ^i p y,,t �' � .�.}1�'a �r�.�.r.��.C'�'e �iA7t.. 4�-.��.. �...J.f��. :7C� 1. dv. �i>.,.Ce.a.e..�.�X. 17� C� x�.����ti�� fJ� 1�1� ��r. 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Y�?t7t�?.•r_^i? r� V�?"�.SII4@! i ,��:" �it? �t �.•3t"1«��.Xk� �..L'?:i:.�l..°.S:3�.OJ7� � , .: 2. ;�;�.1 �,���:: .�i�re�_�a 4�r';t.�tl].il �.:n� su�.?�;�i_�. a.,�.;.:�.�s a:c� t� b� +�ity c�� `�wc���:c' si.:.'�.�a��. ��:.�x�czar,�; ,, � 'a �h�.t� � �.�����- �;•�-�rn i�c�uz�tv� o� '�a�hi;�?Q�c��•� �� s�s���3tt�d � v�r.��:ys�r�,:r t��;�� �::t.ig±���TZ� �f �n� fu����� 13.��h ax�tensi+�n � �,?�rQU��;x k;;��� Ar;�:� J*���a�d ��2 S�1k�c��.v�.s:.:�zz, �. St�,:�T�:`,: pd.�gs ,7iia.;��, bf „e.;,p]yac;:�d fnz �S�. s�u2:div:t.s:i�n' s•�.r�3t� �.�a�� ��: tc a�:�.•:j d1 c��.�;h fu vux� stree�s, � � a it,�P4 cu�.x� :o :a w r��.a�.g,ra wd (l�c�l ,s�a:nd�,::c�� to crr�nec� wikh � rk'.� ��.���t:�.r�c� i�l.:��� , .. �' ��� � T�n z�.s� s��:�-��� 3�d°�rari�� az�d imgro=,�r•a�.i�s tcr Ci�y o� . � Ti�,�,�.�cl r��,l.vA::at�x ��ar�d�x�s. . , . � ' . � �":•;:� :��.�y ::�uz,��:�� a r�-v°a��d p?at ,w;�?� ��spo�s� tc� th� c�anverz�s statec�,., � t?i.��_�w:�.� ��c�;a�a� ���,�,1 k�� corat;in���l aft�r kh� z�an� c?��c��e tequest has � ����m� �s��:�s��:� �b:� �3��a�. �f•�t �n c�z�?���, � " � � � . ; . � • ; " . ; t�-. 5'�AFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �, e TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTM(ENT March 7, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Tigard City Hall 1242D S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Minor Zand Partition MLP 6-79 Request: To divide a 2.97 acre lot into 69,900 and 63,300 square fo�t parcels ; in a C-P "Comnnercial-Professional" zone. ' Location: The northeast corner of the intersection of S.W. 72nd Avenue and S.W. ' Sandburg Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 1DC, Tax Lot 3700) . Applicant: Tom McAvoy I. Findings of Fact: l. The applicant is requesting pennission in accordance with Section 17.24.030 oE the Tigard MLm icipal Code, to divide a� 2.97 acre lot into 69,900 and 63,300 square foot �arcels in a C-P zone. 2. The site is designated on the NPO #5 Plan as "Industrial Park" and zonedC-P which has the following requirements: 0 6,000 square foat minimum lot siLe (18.40.040 Tigard Municzpal Code) . o Minimum lot width shall be 60 feet (18.40.040 Tigard Municipal Code) . 0 10 foot side yard setback (18.40.050 �rigard Municipal Code) . 3. A building is currently under construction in the northeastern portion , of the lot. � � 4. The surrounding area is currently zoned M-4 PD to the north, single fa�tily residential to the west and east and general inaustrial to the ?; south. �°� 5, The site is bounded by single family dwe115.nc�s on the west, trees on the north and industries on the south and east sides. 6. Southwest Sandburg Street is designated as a local street with a right- of-way of 50 feet and a pavement width of 34 feet in the IVPO #5 Plan. Southwest 72nd Avenue is designated as a collector street with a right- of-way width of 60 feet and a pavement width of 44 feet in the NPO #5 Plan. � 7. Water is available to the site from a 6 and 12 inah line in S.W. 72nd Avenue which is in thc Metzger water dxstrict. Sani�ary sewer service is available from an 8 inch line in the southwest r.ornex of S,W. 72nd Avenue and S.A'. Satidburg Street and the northwest corner of the lot on S.W. 72nd Avenue. �; II. �onclusi.on.ary Findings: r 1. The proposed confarms to the "Industrial Park" designation of the r NPO #5 Plan in that: � I i t � s, i S''.�AFE' REPOF2T - FINAL AC'.�ION , TIGARD PL.ANNING UEPARTMENT March 7, 1979 ' Page 2 MLP 6-%9 � a. Adequate water and sewer service is available to the site. b. The proposed 1ot sizes (69,900 and 6'3,300 square feet) exeeed ' the minimum 1ot size required. �� c. Office bsildings are permitted in the commercial-profess�onal ' zone as we11 as in the industrial park zone. � 2. Southwest Sandburg Street is in substandard condi.tion (no sidewalks) . � Southwest 72nd Avenue is in subs•tandard condition {no curbs or sidewalks) . � III. Final A;ction: i I i ' " t en erated above the ro osed minor � I Based up�n the findings and fac s um , p p ; ed with the followin con di tions: � land parti;tioning is hexeby appro� g � i l. That an agreement not to remonstrate against t;he formation of a local � improvemer�t district for street improvements to 5.W. 72nd Avenue (ta �. , collector street standards) be fi.led with the City Reeorder. � 2. That a half street ir�pr,ovement be done on S.W. Sandburg Street t� City of Tigard standarF3s for that portion of the street along the applicarit's property lin�. � � ,�� Report prepared by: Lorik.M�s 3/17�t���user Reviewed by: Aldie Howard ' Flar}Iii.n I7Y�te• � Pl�nning Director � 1�"' ��r s v � ;; , �; ti � ; c � � �. �: � � € � i � , ; ' 4i . . . . .. . � . . . ... . . .. . ���1 STAFF E2EPORT - FINAL ACTION - TI�ARD PLANNING DEPARTNT�NT March E, 1979 Tigard City Ha11 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket; Minor Land Partition MLP 2-79 � Reques�t: To partition a 9.31 acre lot inta 3.34 and 5.97 acre parcels in a R-7 "Single Family Residenti.al" zone. Location: On the corner of S.W. Hall Boulevard and Ross Street, north of Ross Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 12B, Tax Lot 1900) . Applicant: MeGehee Investments I. Findings of Fact: 1. The applicant is requesting permission in aceordan:ce with Section 17.24�.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to divide a 9.31 aere lot into 3.34 and 5.97 acre parcels in a R-7 zone. 2. The site and surrounding area is designated on the NYO #k5 Plan as "Urba,n Low Density Residential" and zoned R-7 wYiich has the following requirements: 0 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (18.20.03U Tigard Municipal C�c�e) , 0 5 foot side yard setback for one story building (18.20.060 Tigard Municig�l Code) . 3. The s�.te is bounded by Hall Boulevard on the wesi side, Ross Street on the south side and single family dwellings on the east and northeast sides, 4. Ross Street is a ].ocal street as designzted in the NPO #5 Plan. Right-of-way f,or a 1oca1 street is 50 feet. Hall Boulevard is ° an arterial street as designated in the NPO #5 Plan. Ri.ght--of-way for an arterial stree� is 65 feet. The current riyht-of-way width is 60 feet. 5. Water servzce is pr�esently not availabZe. Sewer service is prPSently not available. 6. Parcels I and II have adequate aacess to a public street. 7. Hall Baulevard is in substandard condition {no curbs or sidewalks) . � Ross Street is in substandard aondition (no curbs or sidewalks) , � r II. Conc:lusionary Findings: l. The proposed conforms to the "Urban Low Density Resic�ential" designation; of the NPO #5 Plan in that the pro�osed lot sizes (3.34 and 5,97 acres) e�Ce�d the minimum lot size required. ; , I � .. . -. � � _ —=- STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT MLP 2-79 March 6, 1979 Page 2 2. Adequate water and sewer are not available to the site. ��,. 3. The right-of-way width on Ha11 Bou].evard is �nadequa�:e for an arterial street. III. Final Action: Based upon the findings arid facts enumerated above, the proposed minor land partitioning is hereby approved subject to the following conditions; 1. That an additional 2� feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City on Hall Boulevard. 2. No building permits will, be i�sued unti'1 the parcels are provided with sewer service by the City/Unified Sewerage Agency �nd water service provided by the Tigard W'ater Distrir,t. 3. That an agreement not to remonstrate aga.inst the formation of a loaal improvement district for street improvements tv Ha11 ]3oulevard and Ross Street be fa,led with the Ca,ty Recorder. Report prepared by: Lori Mastrantonio-Nieuser �ceviawed by; Ald� ward Plar�ning Tntern P ' g Director i � ' I I I ��� I � F , _ � � , . ; . � � � .. � � � y � STAFF REPQRT - FINAL ACTION � TIGARD PLAbII3ING DEPARTMENT Y �,,, March 6, 1979 ! Tigard City Ha11 � 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Subdivision S 13-78 (La t��,ncha Estates, CU 30-78, MLP 2-79) ; � Applicant: McGehee Investments Owner: Mr. Jo�n E and Jane V. Schmidt � i Site Zocation: S.W. Hall Boulevard, Approximately 4 mile south of Bonita Road � (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, �ax Lot 19�0) (Portion of) I Request: To create a 14 lot Subdivision on 3.34 acre parcel izi a R-7 Zone, j "Single Family Residential". I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated "Urban Low Density" (4 dwelling units per gross acre) on the NPO 4f5 Plan and is presently zoned R-7 "3ingle F�mily R�sidential". 2. Applicable policies from the NPO ��5 Plan, are as �ollows: a. The maximum overal�. densit3r of development wi11 be four �` dwel�.ing ux�its or 12 persons per gross acre. This amounts �to a sta.ndard of 7,500 square feet of land per dwelling unit allowi�g for streets and other open space. Some areas will have a low*er density owing to topography, existing development patterns or the desire of indi�riduals to owz�, a larger lot. b. Residential subdivision wi11 be 3eveloped with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and walkways, according ta Gity �r County standards. All utilities wi11 be placed underground. c. Development wi11 coincide with the provisi.on of public streets, water, and sewrerage facilities. These facilities shall t�e (a} capable of adequately serving all intervening propexties as we11 as the proposed devel.opment and (b) designed to meet City or County standards. 3. Section 17.�.6.100 states that: , "No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a majar partitian sha11 ba approved un].ess« a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of the subdivision or maps of major partitions already approved for � adjoi.ning property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects, unless the City determines it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. �r- _ I t A � W t ti ; b ST�FF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPAR�MENT `J � b. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plar_, aald all reserv�ations or restrictions re- lating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon. c. The tentative plan complies wi.th the comprehensive plan arfd ; applicable zoning regulations of the City are then in effect. i d. Ho tentative plan Qf a subdivision or map of a major partition � sha11 be approved unless there will exist adequate 5ewage disposal system to su�port the proposed use of the land described � in the proposed plat. i ; 4. The site i.s �acant with relatively flat gently slopes moving west l to southwest. The surraunding uses consisting of: Agricultural ; open space to the snuth, single family residence to the northeast ; and west across Hall Blvd. 1 5. Sewer and water are accessible on Iiall Blvd. to the subj.ect site 1 I frcam the north o • � � 6. Hall Blvd. is designated by NPO 4�5 to be a major col�ector with 36 feet of paving, Ha11 Blvd. is presentlq in substandard eon- dition with adequate cledicated right-of-wa�. IZ. Conc�.usionary Findings: �,. The subject property is identified as a possil�le 5,000 square foot � lot area in accordance with the Housing Plan. 'I'Yterefore, should ' the Comprehensive P1an's final report designate this parcel as a � 5,000 square foot lo�t area. The ap•plicant, with permi�sion fram � the Planning Directo�, naay create the lot sizes from 7,50Q to � 5,000 square feet. � � ;. 2. On Jantaary 59 1974, the City Staff and the F`ire Marshall met to ;. discuss the propased subdivision. The following comments were � made: � a. That tha proposed street running north attaching to Hembach � Park Subdivision, should also continue south. �. , � b. That the entrance o£f Ha12 Blvd. should be cu�.-de-s�ced to �+. avoid adding to access points onto S.W. Hall Blvd. �' � r 3. A letter from the StaCe Highway Division (see attached) has in- I diaated tl�at the proposed approach off Hall Blvd. would not cause � adverse traffic conditions. The applicant wi11 need to prov�.de a 4 � left turn lane on Ha11 B1vd. � t , � t 4 1 ; � � � _ . � _ e .. .. . . . . . .. . . . , . . i i �TaFF aRLYCJRT -� � T�IGARD°PLANNING DEPARTMENT � Page 3 4e Improvements on Ha11 Blv3. wi11 be necessary when development occurs. �'� 5. The proposed preliminary plat conforms to the IJPO ��5 Plan, in that � ` the proposed lotting pattern is for residential. purposes, conforms � to the dimensional requirements of Title 18 of the Tigard Municipal I Code (Zoning). � 6. Both sanitaxq sewer and water lines are available to the site to , facilitate the proposed density. � . III. Final Action. The preliminary plat for the "La Mancha Estates" Subdivision is hereby approved as submitted subject to the following conditions: 1. EasemenC be provided according to Public Works Department specification for drainage and uti�.ity gurposes. 2. A half-street improvement to collector standards be made on S.W. Hall Blvd. frontage. No btailding permits will.be issued until construction dxawings have been approved by the Public Works Dept. , and the necessary bond filed. That " " • �I��GG"""� �'t a fy_____�_���•r�rnv�� �U V�Gl'.� !»�2r-.o'U-�r»�� vr�.e!txe�t..�.i.�� yv -y ,�..ulr �+� '�"k.r �'T�<� � H���� ,Qp�„� •� e.�a-c �ct-ecx.y, �-i�S�uJ N-�.-Gt Ft'Lei et .(Grnit-e:��r..�.��mr<PV.�'- 1y y rr..e �,. //�'4t.e.t�dc G� 15"79� ��i�S'-Lf'.�,s�) 3. A storm water drainage plan be submi.tted f.or Pub�.ic Works Depart- ment approval. � 4. kire hydrants be placed as per Tigard Water Disfrict and City of ` Tigaxd reguTations (250 ft. intervals). S. The al.ignment of the street be compatible with the access/agress improv'ements ad,jacent the north property line. 6. Permits be obtained from the State Highway Department far any streeta �ewer or storm sewer worlc on S.W. klall Bivd. 7. That a covenant restriction appear on the final plat prohibiting any lot having direct access onto Ha11 Blvde 8. No changes wi11 be made to agproved pl.ans or specifications unless formal application is made to the appropriate department and changes are approved by that departinent. Application for ch.anges wi11 be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings, engineering specification� and other datails requested by the department. No j construGtian shall take place in these instances until af�:er the � changes have been approved. Any deviation from this condition wi11 result in the i.mmediate posting of a stop work order on� the project I or any portion oE tk�e pro,�ect. i Reviewed by: Ken Selby � Reviewed by: A2 'e ard Associate P�.anner P1 ' n Director � Feb. 23, 1979 Jeb. 3, 1979 ... _ I _.—,-�--� , __ _ _ .:.. . ..� . . -�.�, . . ,...� , ._ ._ .� �..s..,, ...� . ....Ab, �`.. . . �A . � . . � . � . . I .._..�..�. .... � 1 �" �,'��J11�/N. � . .. . �'•^ . A� `. {,� • . \I% . .. . i,C.'�,. /� . � . . . . `....��� Orego� State Higfiw�ay Di�ision sw� .o • � �: DISTRICfi 2A ENGINEER �oeEar w srAA�e p.0. f30X 505, BEAVERTON, OA�GON 97005 PHOPJE 229-5002 . . ��„�, r In raspy w.ta ro . . Jarluary 2b, 1979 � ����t VED File No.: J,4i��� 31 i�79 McGehee Invest;�ents . ��TY OF TIGARD . 2375 S.W, Scenic Drive �. , � Portland, OR 97225 ' Attention: Dan Jones . ' . . � RE: Lan MancFra Estates � • . Beav�rton-Tualatin Hwy. ,�:: • Dear Mr. Jones: We have investigated the praposed access fcr the subject deveiopment. We also ser�t �the print to our Region Traffic En,gineer for his recammendati�n. � We prefer that the access �s shown to Nall Blvd, be elim�nated " �: and the property access by way of the subdivision which ad,�oins it to the north. If an access is granted to Hal1 Blvd. , i� would requir�e improvement as shown on the attached print. If ynu have any questians , giv� me a call at 229-5p02. Sincerely, �a?'� .n•'�z.� ,� �v � T�rr Flink Y Asst. Qistrict Engineer TF/cl ' , cc: City of Tigard, attention: K�n Selby . � + Fotm 7�f22 lRev 9oa7eJ ..,. ..., . .�. .,,,. , .�.., ... ,��v,.:..,,��,�:..�+,.»-- k k � Gt � y y STAFF REPORT " F'xNT�T� A:CTTON +u' � TZGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT (� February 28, 1979 �� + Tigard City Hall � 12420 S,W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon , II Docket; Minor 'Land Partition MLP 5-79 Request: To partition an 8.11 acre lot into one 107' x 100' parcel in a R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone according to NPO #7 Plan. Site Location: 5outhwest Summercrest Drive, west of 121st Avenue {Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34CB, �Pax Lot 200) . Applicant: William R. Halvorson and Jane L. Halvorson I. Findings of Fact: l. The applicant is requesting permissi�n in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tic�ard. Municipal Code, to partition off one (1) 10,700 square foot lot from the 8.11 acre total, northwest of Summercrest Drive and west of 121st Avenue. 2. The site and surrounding area is designated on the NPO #7 Plan as "Urbari Low Density Residez-►tial" and zoned R-7 which has the following appliaable requirements: 0 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (18.20.030 Tigarr7 Muz�icipal Code) . "y�? o Five foot side yard setk�ack fo.r one story building (18.20.060 4�' Tigard Municipal Code) , 3. The site is bounded by single family homes on the south and southeast �f and grass and trees to the nortti and n:ortheast. There are fihree existing residences on the southern, southeastern and northern portions of the lot. 4. Par.t af the property is a wetland and drainage area where ground water is seasonally within 1 1./2 �eet af the surface. 5. Summercrest Drive is in substandard condition (na curbs and sidewalks) . The street is outside city limits and in Washington County, 6. Summercrest Drive is designated as a local street with a right-of- way width of 50 feet and pavem�nt width of 34 feet in the NPO #7 Plan. Currently, Summercrest D.rive does not extend to �.he �art�.tioned lot nor is there any public access. 7. Water is available to the site fram an 8 inch line at 121St Avenua anc� a b inch line onto the pxopexty from Summercrest Drive. Sanitary sewer service is available at the west end of i:he property in a 27 inch line. The ex�.sting houses are on septic tanks and are not hooked up �o the sewer system. ; I �,. �;. � ; � �.� _ _ __._ s, STAFF R�PORT - FINAL �CTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT February 28, 1979 �;� Page 2 MLP 5-79 8. Access to the partitioned parcel is inadequate. The minimum access requirement for three dwelling units is 30 feet, II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The proposed parcel conforms to the NPO #7 Plan designation of "Urban Low Density" and the current R-7 zone. The lot is substantially above the minimum lot size for single family dwellings. 2. Adequate water and sewer are available to the site. 3. The proposed lot does not meet the minimum access requirement for single family dwellings. 4. According to the Environmental Design and Open Space Plan policy #3, the City shall restrict alteration of natural drainageways unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits are greater than the detrimental effects. TT:L. Final Action: Based on the findings of fact as stated above the proposed minor land partitic�n is hereby approved with the following condit.i,nns: �. 1. 'Shat an agreement r.ot to remonstrate against the formatian of a local improvement district for street impr.ovements to Sumanercrest Drive be filed with the City Rer.order prior to the issuance of a building perm.it. 2. I�iior to th,e issuan�:.e of a building permit, the applicant must submit documen�ation affirming that the proposed actions will not adversely impact runoff, erosi.on, ground stabil.ity, water guality, ground water level or flooding and that the site can support the proposed modi£ication, or str.ucture as designed without damage. 3. Th�t the own�r of the lot dedicate a 50 foot right-of-way from the most southern portion of the lot aligned with the existing stree�t to the most northern portion of the lot. �}. That the applicant improve the dedicatFd roadway to meet access requirements as stated by the Tigard Municipal Code. 5. No building permzts will be issued until the existi.ng houses are prnvided with sewer service by Tigard/U.nified 5ewerage Ageney and apprapriate easements ar� granted ta Tigaxd for maintenance of said installations. Report prepared by: I.,c�ri Mastrantonio-Meuser Reviewed by: A di r,,� 'ward Planning Intern P in Director � February 26, 1979 b ar 26, 1979 � , � �: _ _ � � , STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNTNG DEPARTMEN7.' February 27, 1979 Tigard City Hall f �� 12420 S:W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon � noGket: Minor Land Partition MLP 21-78 Request: To partition 2.Oh acres fram an 11.47 acre lo� in an A-2 "Multi- family RPSidential" zone and "Open 5pace" area. Site Location: Bonita Road - 74th & 75th {Wash. Co, Tax Map 251 �2A, Tax Lot 700) . i . ; Applicante L.R. Davis, R.M. Starkweather and I. Starkweather � i I. Findings of Fact: ; i le The applicants are reguesting permission in accordance with Sectzon �a 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to partition off a 2.06 acre j parce'1 from an 11.47 acre total on the nnrth side of Bonita Roac� and northy�est of 74th Avenue to provide a parking lot with 1� spaces per dwelling uniL- (50 times 1�) or 75 spaces. 2. The site and surrounding area is designated on the NPO #5 Pl�n as "Urban Meditun Density Residential" and "Open 5pace". The a�plicable requirements for "Urb�n Medium Density Residential" are the following: 0 7,000 square foot minimum lot size (18.24.030 Tigard Municipal Code) . o Five foot side yard setback for one story building (I8.24.040 Tigard {, Municipal Code) . '' . 3. The site is bounded by grass arid trees on the north, east and west. To t.he southeast is a house and to the northwest tl�ere are t�,ao (2) hous�s and a shed. To the northeast are some light industri�l businesses. � 4. Four-fifths of the proposed parcel ia in the lOQ year fl.00d plain. 5. Bonita Raad is in substandard condition (no cur.bs or sidewalks) . 6, I�onita Road is designated as a collector street with a right-of-way `� width of 65 feet and a ;�avement w�dth of 36 feet in the NPO #5 Plari. The current right-of-way width is 50 feet. 7. Water is available to the site from a 12 inch line in Bonita Road. Sanitary sewer service is available from a 1,0 inch line in trie n,ortheast and southeastern portions of the partitioned parcel. TI. Conclusionaxy Findingss 1. The proposed use af a parking lot does not comply to the intent and purposes ot the NPO #5 Plan. The proposed parcel is desigm,ated as an ; "Open Space and Greenway" area according to the NPO #5 P1� and it �.s ' in the 100 year flood plain. 1I �;� 2. Adequate water ari� sewer are avai].able to the site. I t lll � � � � � � ;�����I 3I k . � . .. � . . .. ����I .... .. . _.. _..�i ��� . . . . . .. .. . . . . _..._ ,_-- � . _ _ _ _ _ � � I. � 1 . STAFF RERORT - FINAL ACTION ( �'IGARD �?LANNTNG. DEPARTMENT (1 February 27, 1979 f� Page 2 i1 :4 r MLP 21-78 '� ,: �.. � e 3. The right-of-way width on Bonita Roa.d is inadeguate for a collector street. i III. Fina1 Action: Based on the findings of fact as stated above the proposed minor land partition is hereby approved with the following conditions; 1. That an agreement not to remonstrate against the formation of a local improvement district for street improvements to Bonita Road (to collector street starxdard) be fil.ed with the City Recorder. 2. That an additional 7� feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the City on Bonita Road. 3. That the proposed parcel be used only as a Greenway as designated in NPO #5 Plan >°"..'= because the majority of the created pareel lies within the 100 year flood plain. Re�urt prepared by: Lori Mastrantonio-Meuser Reviewed by: Al 'P ow��d.�•.•�• • � Planning Intern P i.n� Director � February 26, 1979 F 26, 1979 �: 1 I t �; . � fl ���� �I ; � ;; ;: �I f�� � � `� (;� �i �' f. ]. ,�.. �. 1, �. � . � . . . .. . ... . . . � . . �- .. � .. . � ..__._.._-� . � i ��; ' ` STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION M TIGARD PI.�ANNING DEPARTMENT I,�,, � FEBRUARY 20, 1979 !' � Tigard City I3a11 I � � 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon '� t i; Docket: Minor Land Partition MLP 4-79 �1 ,.� Applicant: Thomas W. Cox . i? Owner: Arthur Lehr t' ;; Site Location: 9495 5.W. SattZer Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AC, Tax Lot 3100) . Request: To divide a 87,121 square foot parcel into two parcels in a R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone. I. Fa.ndings of Fact: 1. The subject site is presently zoned R-7 "Single Family Residential" and is designated "Urban Lo�a Density" on the NPO #6 Plan. � 2. The site and surrounding area is designated on the NPO #6 Plan as Uxban Low Density Residential and zoned R-7 which has the following applicable requirements: 0 7,500 square foot, minimum lot size (18.20.030(1) TMG) . 0 5 foot side yard setback for one story building (18.20.060(2) TMC) . 3, The applicant is requesting permission to divide a parcel in accordance � with Section 17.24.030 ot the Tigard Municipal Code. i. 'r• 4. There presently exists residential units on the site to be partitioned. � Septia tank with dr�in field and easements for natural gas azid water �, wi11 k�e provided f�r in an agreement between the applicant and the ovmer. :;I � 5. Surroundiny land uses are single family units to the snuth across S.W. ' I Sattler, west and east. To the noxth is an elementary schoal. '; ; I t 6. Residences having septia tank sewers with drain field znust have a minimum ', , nf 20,000 square foot 1ots. k' � � 7. Water and other utilities are presently available. 8. Southwest Sattler is designated on the NPO #6 P1an as a collector street ji required to have a mini.mum o� 60 foot right-o.f�way. with 44 feet of paving. '' It is presently substandard having no curbs or sidewalks anci inadequate right-of-way width. ! t TI. Conclusinnary Findings: � 1. Sanitation sewer must be provided on the site by the USA/City of Tigard since thei land paxtition will not qualify for the required tot sa.ze to permit a septic � tank operation. � 2. Ten additi.onal feet is needed along the frontage of S.W. Sattler for the � required right-of-way width. Southwest Sattler is presently a Cawnty road. I s i � �;' ■1� . _ � ,:_ . .. .. ,�.� :: �..., . ,,:;.. _ _ . . , .. STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTIOI�7 TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 20, 1979 MLP 4-79 � Page 2 3 'r. III. Final Actions Based upon the findings of fa��t, the application for a minor land partiti.on is hereby approved with th�e following con3itionse 1. That an agreement not to r�monstr.ate against the formation of a local improvement district for street improvements to S.W. Sattler Street (to local street standards) be filed with the Cit.y Recorder, prior to issuance of building permits. 2. That an agreement of dedi.cation for ten feet along S.W. 5attler Street be x�ecorded with the Ci�L-y prior to issuance of building permits. 3. That no building permit be issued until sewer service fram USA/Czty of Tigard is ' installed on parti.tioned site. 4. That site cnnstruction and drainage plans be approved by the Oi,ty �ngineer and building departments with necessary Y�onds pr�.or to issuance of p�rmits, Report prepared by: Ken Se].by �eviewed by: d T3oward Associate City P�.ann�r 'ng Director �� I � V ! i � � ' I � i I ,�• , _.k — _ ...._.�� ....�_= �....__ ,..�._�.._. , �:,.w,�.:_.. , STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION .. TIGARD PLANNYNG DEPARTMENT FEBRUA�RY 15, 1979 CITY HALL �a` 12420 5.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket; Minor Land Partition MLP 3-79 Requests To par�i,tion a .85 acre parcel into .58 and .27 acre parcels in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone. Location: 14230 S.W. Hall Boulevard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax .Lot 1200) Applicant: Thomas M. O'Halloran T. Findings of Fact: ! I 1. The a�pliaant is requesting perm.ission, in accordance with Section � 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to divide a .85 acre parcel j inta 11,658 and 25,161 square foot parcels in a R-7 zone at 14230 S.W. { Hall Boulevard. � i 2. The site and s�uz'rounding area is designated on the NPO #5 Plan as � Urban Low Density Residential and zoned R-7 which has the followi.ng � applicable requirements: ; d 0 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (18.20.030(1D TMC) . � 0 5 faot side yard setbaCk .for one story buil.ding (18.20.060(2) � ' TMC) . , t 3. The site has an existing single story residence in the northwestern I p ortion of the lot and a 20° x 14' shed in the northeastern portion of the lot. 4. It is suspected that the existing �sptic tax�k's drain field is on the proposed adjacent lot. 5. Hall Boulevard is an arterial street as designated in the NFO #5 E P1an. Right-of-way for an arterial street is 65 feet, � � 6. Water servi.ce is available from a 6 inch line on the west side of Hall Boulevard� i Sewer service i.s presently not available. � �� � 7. Parcels T and II have adequate access tA a publ.ic street. ! ( II. Canclusionary Findings; k' 1. 1. The proposed canforms to the "Urban Low Densit� Residential" r designation of the NPO #5 Plan in that; !'. a. Adequate water service is available to the site. �. b. The pro,posed lots sizes (11,658 and 25,16�. square feet) ' 1! exceed the minimum lot size required, ' � � � t � f k � k . . . . . � . . . . � . .. 5TAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT - February 15, 1979 � MLP 3-79 Page 2 t 2. The right-of-way on Hall Boulevard exceeds the requirements for single family dwellings by approxi.mately 7� feet. 3. Hall Boulevard �s in substandard condition (e.g. no curbs, sidewalks, etc.) . III. Fiiial Action: Based. upon the findings and facts enumerated above, the proposed minor land partitioning is hereby approved with the following conditions: l. No building permits will be issued until the existing house is provided witl� sewer service by the City/Unified Sewerage Agency. 2. That an agreement not to remonstrate aqainst the formation of a local improvement district for street improvements to Hall Boulveard (to arterial street standards) be filed with the City Record�r. Staff report prepared by: Lori Mastrantonio-Meuser Planning �ntern February 15, 1979 Approved by: Howard ing Director F b ry 15, 1979 � I I � � � -- __ _ ___ _ _ , __�� . , _ _ _ � C� �9 ' STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �(' TIGAF2D PLANNING DEPAR.TMENT 1� " February 14, 1979 Tigard City Hall � I � 1242� S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon �j Docket: Minor Land Partiti.on MLP 1-79 �' fi Appliaant: Marie B. Louis � F Awner: Same as applicant � r Site Location: S.W. Garden Place and S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map � 2S1 1BB, Tax Lot 400) . �'. Request: To divide a 1.20 acre parcel into two parcels (.5$ acres & .62 acres) � in a C-3 "General Commiercial" zone. t [ I. Findings of Fact: � 1. The site is presently in a C-3 "General Commercial° zone and is } designated "Retail Commercial" on the NPO #5 Plan. i 3 2. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section � 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to subdivide a 1.20 acre i parael into .58 acres anfl .62 acre parcels on �he southeast side j of Garden Place and Paci�'ic Eiighway. j i 3. The subject site has an existing structure on the narthwest half � and vacant area to the sautheast with upt to 30 feet of s1opP drop � ;'�' from northeast to southeast. i The surrounding uses inalude Knauss Chevrolet c�ealership to the south, vacant paxcel to the east, the Park 217 Ai:hletic Club tA the north and vacant lot with a single family unit tn the west. 4. The entire surrounding a�ea (including the subject site) is designated "Retail Commercial" on the NPO #5 Plan. The �ollowing requirements apply: Section 18,28.030 lot requiremPnts (from the Tigard Municipal Code) - (1) Minimum lot area shall be thirty thousand square feet. 5. The sii:e fxonts on Pacific Highway (arterial street) and S.GV, Garden Place design.ated to be a co'1lector street having 60 feet of right-of- way with 44 feet of paving. 6. Water service is presently availabl� to the sitp. 7. Sanitar.y sewer is po�sible for the lower elevation portion of the site when b�ought up along S.W. Garden Place. � � .- r. .. _ _ _ __ __ _ _ . _ _. _ _ _ , _. �,; , �: STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTSON TTGARD PLANNTNG DE$A,RTMENT ,'. February 14, 1979• F, �'� MLP 1=79 i! Page 2 i; ;a s'. II. Conclusionary Findings: � l. The present total area at 1.20 acres when divided as shown will be below miniznum required by code. Adjustment of the plat line to create equal lot area will also be below minimum of buildable area when street width dedication is required along frontage of property on S.W. Garden P1ace (5 feet is needed) . 2. The severe elevation of the site fran the northeast to the southeast prohibits the alternative installations o� the sewer 1ine. However, sewer service is possible along S.W. Garden Flace. III. Final Action: This appli�cation is denied based on a.nadequate square footage distance required for the laiid use zoning when lo�.s are di.vided and the necessary street width is provided. Staff r�port prepared by. Ken Selby F�viewed by: d e ard � Assoc�ate City Planner P1 Directar � Februar 14 1979 e uar 14 1979 Y . Y . � i. : ; �. '} � ;i k t �, � � 't b i, N �i � � i i �n' 4 . .. ... ., .��.. .. .... .. ... . .. , . k�.a