Planning Commission Packet - 01/09/1979 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. a ' AGENDA �.'TGAI�R PI,ANNING COMM.ISSION . January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler ,7unior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon l. Open Meeting (7:30 P.M.) : 2. Roll Ca11: 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s) : 4. Planning Commission Communication: 5. Public Iiearings (8:pQ P.M.) A. Staf� Report B. Applicant's Presentati.on C. Public Testimany a. Proponent's b. Opponent's c. Cross-examination D, Staff Recommendation �. Commission Discussion & Action 5.1 Zone Change ZC 26-78 (Mackenzie/Sai�L-o & Associates) NPU #2 A request by Mackenzic/Saito & Associates for a zone map amendment from GVash, Co. I�IA-1 "Limited Manufacturing/Production" District to City of Tigard M-4 "Industrial Park" zone for a 4•4 acre site, south ��. of SchoJ.ls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34P,�, Tax Lots 100,200, 300,400 & Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lot 1700) . 5.2 Conditional Use CU 33-78 (Mackenzie Saito & Associates NPO #2 / ) � A request by Mackenzie/Saito & Associates for a conditional use permit to develop an industrial complex, combining busin�ss offices, liqht manufacturing and war�housing facilities in a M-4 "Industrial Park" zone on a 44 acre site, south of Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34AA, Tax Lots 100,200,300,400 & Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lot 1700) . 5.3 Zone Change ZC 33-7£3 (4Villiam A. Godwin) NPO #2 A request by William A. Godw9.n for a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" for a .9 acrE site at 9325 5.W. N. Dakota Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 35AC, Tax Lot 500) . 5.4 Conditional Use CU 32-78 (Ted Vonada) NPO #3 A request by Tecl Vonada .for a conditional use permit to construct a duplex in a R-7 "Single Fatnily Residen�ial" zone on a .57 acre site at 13800 S.W. 1J.Oth (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251 3Dp, Tax Lot 7.300) . This item was tabl�d from the December 5, 1978 Planning Commission meeting. AGEND'A TIGARL PLANNING COMMISSI:ON January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 5.5 Miscellaneous MLP 14-78 (M.L. Clayton) NPO #1 An appeal by surrounding property owners of a decision by thE Tigard ; P1ann.ing Director (approved October 23, 1978) for a request by M,L. Claytori for a minor land partition to divide a .87 aere parcel. , into three {17,075, 5,412 and 8,925 squre foo�t-parcels) in an R-7 "Single Family 1Zesidential" zone (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lots 280'0 and �2804) . 5.6 Miscellaneous MLP 1-78 (MerCUry Devel�pment Co.) NPO #7 ' A request by City Planning Staff to amend Condition #2 of MLP I-78' (approved 10/11/78) on a 2S acre site in a C-4 PD and Wash. Co. RU°4 zones on S.W. 122nd and Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map � 1S'1 34B, Tax Lot 400) . 6. Old Business: 'I 'Letter from Plannin,g staff regarding the Army .Corps: of Engineexs decision £or flood plain study. 7. 1�Iew Business c �,,, E3. Other B�sin�ss: !� I�iseuss the appointment of a Planning Commissi�ner tn th� nesign Review Board. � 9. Adjournment: � � i I i. � ,� MTNUT�S � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Rc�om ' �' 1�$65 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon " l. Call to Order: �I Tkie meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by President Tepedino. � :?. Ro11 Call: ; Pxesen�: Bonn, Funk, Helmer, Seeber, Smith, 5peaker, Tepedino, and Wood A)�sent: Kolleas Staff: Howard and Selby a 3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of December 5, 1978, were considered, but several errors or ommissions S� were pointed out, and President Tepedino postponed approval so that staff can ;: research •the tape record and make necessary corrections at a later date. The minutes of December 12, 1978 were considered. Attention was called to page 2, Item E where it was stated: "Smith did not think th� City should become i.ndependent on federal funding." This should be ". , , depend�nt on federal funding." On page 4, E near the top of tlze page ii: was pointed out the second item �� should read: "Speaker withdrew the motion cvith consent of the second. " Z�lso �I that on page 6, Item 5.2E, seconcl item, the work "vegetative" shotzld be "vegetation". Thereupon i•t was mo-✓ed, seconded and unanimously carri�d the minutes of Uecember 12 i� ��` be approved as corrected. � �:. � 4. P.lanniny Commission Communicztion: ` There were no Planning Commission communications to b� considered at this time. � 5. Public Hearings: � Public hearings were opened after an announcement by Pr�sid�nt Tepedino as to the procedure to be followzd in this portion of the meeting. 5.1 Zone Change ZC 26-78 (Mack�nzie/Saito & Associztes) NPO #2 A requ�st by MaCk�nzie/Saito & Associates for a zon� map amendment from Wash. Co. MA-1 "Limited Manufacturing/Production" Distric�t to City of ; Tigard M-4 "Inc�ustrial Park" zone .for a 44.46 acre site, south of Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34AF1, Tax .Lots 100, 200, 300 & 400 & Tax Map ].S1 35�, Tax Lot 1700) . A. Staff Report: Selby of Staff. read the staff report. He also pointed out the area uilder consideration on a larg� wa11 map, and presented several slides ` of the property from various points around and on it, B. Applicani:'s Presentation: � Rodge.r I'ugerl�o7m of the TCo].1 Company, 8247 S.W. Cirrus Drive, Beav�r��on, opened with the sta�ement his company agreed wholly with the staff report •; � i� i. � • ; , _ �: �;� ��. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �`' I'+ January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � i, 3�age 2 � � � ,j and the recommendatians, which had not yet been presented. After calling � �� attention to the company's project in Beaverton as an example of what they contemplate in Tic�ard, he introduced Sanna I��xrdel of the Koll Company, ��� who presented a numb�r of slides on the Beave.rton project, explaining what � their company fclt to be important aspects o€ the development. Ms. �urdel �� told of tl�e meeting of CPO #2 held November 29, 1.978, with about l2 �� residents of the area pxesent. The traffic, pedest�ian walkways, the !i, flood plain and greenway, landscaping, building sizes and proximity to 1 Englewood residences were discussed. She stated those in attendance were j< supportive of the project. � � � � j`' �ric T. Saito of Mackenzie/Saito & Associa•tes, Architects, 0324 S.W. Aberi2ethy, Portland, stated this presentation was to show the general t�� character of the proposed development--that it was' not necessarily what the final development or design would be in exact siz� and placement of buildings. He indicated the three phases of the project, and pointed out that there wou'ld be appraximately 50O feet between any structure in the project and the residences in Englewood. He was explicit that any development within the greenway or �lood plain areas would be done onlg after obtaining approvals fr�m the Planning Cotnmission under the orc�inances applicabl�--th�t this is not an element in this zone ahange rec�ues�6 '; The firm of CH2M had been retainefl to aonduc;t stuc�ies leading up to �' approval, just received, of the parking cantemplatEd from the Dep�rtment of Tnvironmental Quality. Cki2M is also working with the Oregon Department of Transportation on the traffic situation. The time fr�tte for tliis traf�ic : ��,. study is beyond the control of Mr. Saito' s firm. �, Mr. David C. Leland, 677.5 S.W. Canyon Road, Pori.land, aonsulting economist, �' pres�nted an �conomic impact analysis of the project. �-Ie explained some �;. of. the basis used in the preparatinn. of the analysis. ,;s C. Public Testintony: '' Speaking briefly in favor were: �'' �.; ????????, 11395 S.W. Ironwood Loop, EnglPwood Don Jarman, ].1343 S.W. Zronwood I�oop Bi11 B�nnett, 11340 S.W. Tronwood Loop { William R. Fto�i.nson, 1.2000 S.W. Bull Mountain Road, Tigaxd, owner of the proper�ty. Ther� was no testimony in opposition to the propasaJ.. D. Si:aff Recommendation: Se].by read the staff recommendations: Cross-exama.nation: f 2n. cross-examina�tion �th� ques�ion was rais�d of �ht� a�proxima�e ta.me fzame �or maini:enance �y �he applicant o� �he gxeen�vay landscapa.ng. " , ��� �: I:. �'< ' MINUT�S TIGARD �LANNI.NG COMMISSION January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. .x. Page 3 Mr. Selby stated discussions svith tlzr applicant centered on approximately five years, subject to consideration by legal staff anc� action of the City Council when passing the zoning ordinanCes on the property. Mr. Leland stated in response to a question as how the park land was v�lued,that it was the proportionate eost of the land ini�e whole project. The questions o� the tax benef.it in view of the 6� limitation was rais�d. Mr. Leland statec� he had used as the assessment the average over the last five years. Conurrissioner Wood que�tioned whsther the tax re�enue would in fact raise total I;oca1 revenues, or whether they would not rather reduce the tax rate for everyone. (note: The impact on total municipal and other revenues is being researched.) . Commissioner Wood, after expressing much satisfaction with the develop- ment as presented, asked why this had not come in as a planned iJnit� Devel�pment? Mr. Fugerholm stated it was. because the concept behind most planned unit developments was a request of relief of some standard in exchange far giving more on another standards:. They, however, are not ' 'I asking for relief of �ny standard or any ordinances. He felt their -request as present�d would reduce time demands on the Planning Commission-and other muniaipal staf.fo � Coinmisszoner Wood called �ttention to Condition #3 ca.11ing f�r dedi.cation ? of grPenway to the City, whereas their preliminary plan showed driveway, �: � parking, and even some bui.ldings withiri the indicated 100 year flood � plain. He asker� if indeed the appl.icant ac�reed with a literal reading of � the condition calling for dedication of all greenway areas to the City, ; Mr. Fugerholm emphasized the tentative or preliminary nature of the plan presented, and stated that after their engineers had an opportunity to study the Corps of Engineers' forthcoming report, they would come back with a �> more nearly final requeat, incl,udi.ng requests under the flood p1a�n ordinances ��'� Consequently, it was not their intention to dedicate the presen�ly-shawn. green�aay areas at this time. 4I Mr. Fugerholm responded to three issues mention�d in testimony of � proponents: (1) D�nsity, which accQrd.zng �to Mr. Leland's Calcul.ation -�; i was 180 of tr�e gross land area, or �7� of the non-yreenway area. (2) Maintenance of the gre�nway: Because o� the importance of the greenway ' to the project, they wculd not permit the greenway to deteriorate, and if �� �he City were unable to maintain it properly �h,ey would do so--in perpetuity ! it necessary. 43) Traffic; kie stated the residential demand a],o�ne will �:� �equire a four-lane road before their project is op�rative. They will ' con t.ribute what is necessary to handle the traffic from their development. �: Commission DisGussion & Action: o Commissianer Wood stated that in the past al1 suah larg� developments had c�me in as Planned Unit llevelopments. He mentioned several unresolved issues, such as traffic, gx�enway usage, and greenway dedication. Atter considerabl.e c�iscussion among the Commassion memb�rs, Wood moved as fo1].ows: ��;���'. ;:; �°� .. ; � ... , y { � �� � - MINUTES TTGARD P;LANNING COMMISSION January 9, 1979 - 7b30 P.M. Page 4 �; Based on sta,ff findings plus the findirig that this is a large, environmentally sensitive site which the comprehensive plan en.courages ue developed as a Planned Unit Development, the request for a zone change to M-4 Industrial Park be denied; but that the Planning Commission hereby grants the applicant preliminary plan approval as a Planned Unit Industrial Development (M-4 PD) with staff conditions l, 2, 4 and 5; and with the thir•d sentence of condition 3 modified to rcad: "ThP applicant shall dedicate ta the City that portion of the greenway not approved for p�.rking and driveway use at time of final plan a�proval, and submit ' an agreement to maintain the greenway for a term to be determined by th� City legal staff and applicant; and adding as conditi� 6: Preliminary plan approval does not constitute any final approval as to the amount of encroachment, if any, of driveway, parking and bu.ildings in the flood plain. Condition 7: Any �roposed Eill in the flood plain shall be offset with equal retention in oth�r areas. Also that the Planned Development fees be waiv�d to the extent of fees already paid for zone change application. � This motion was seconded by Smith and carried, with one negative vote. 5.2 Conditi.ona]_ Use CU 33-78 (Mackenzie/Saito & Associates) NPO #2 I A request by Macicenzi�/Saito & Associates for a condit:ional use permit to I develop an industrial complex, combining business offi.ces, light manufacturing I, and warel�ousing facilities in a M-4 "Industrial Park" zone �n a 44.46 acre I site, south of Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34AA, Tax Lots 100, ��., 2.00, 300, 400 & Tax Map 1S1 358, Tax Lot 1700) . I, A. Staff Report: Selby read the staff report B. Applicant's Presentation: Mr. Fugerholm read into the record seven specific uses detailed in the Mackenzie/Saito letter of Nov�mber 2, 1978, addressed •to �he Tigard Planning Commission as permitted under sel.eCted sections of 18.52.020 of the City's zoning ordinances, C. Public Testimony: Non e D. Sta�F Recommendation: Se1by read tl�e staff recommendation E. Commission DiscussYOn & Action: o Commissioner Wood questioned �he emissions or noise generated by manufactuxing o�erations contempl.ated. � Mx. Fugexho�.m exp].aizled their 1.ease �cond3tions,which pxecJ.ude any such obnoxious use to anyone ou�side �he building. r � MINUTES TzGARL� PI�INN2NG COMMISSION January 9, 1979 - 7,30 P.M. Page 5 o The commissioners discussed the wording of the appropriate motion in li.ght of the modification of the preuious request: o Thereupon . Wood moved to amencl tlze preliminary P1annPd Developmerit approval to incorporate the additional uses read into the r�cord by th� ap�licant. o The motion was seconded by Speaker and unanimously carried. President Tepedino called fos item 5.4 bECause of reschedulinc� from the December 5, 1.978 meeting. S,4 Conditional Use CU 32-78 (Ted Vonada) NPO #3 A request by Ted Vonada for a conditional use permit to construct a duplex in a R-7 "Single Family Residential° zone on a .57 acre site at 13800 S.W. 110th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1300) . This item was tabled from the December 5, 1978 Planning Commission meeting. A. ataff Report: The staff report was read by Se1by. B. Applicant's Pr.esentation: ��• The �pplicant's presentation was macle by David Vonacla, 19455 S.E, I Alexander, Aloha, son of �he applicant Ted Vonada. He briefly stated � the area zo,ne contemplates duplexes, and there are several duplexes ; existing or planned in the immediate area. , x C. Pub].ic Testimony: s I. There was no public testimony. �� D� Staff Recommendations: The staff recomm�ndation was read by Selb�. :� E. Conunissian Discussion & Action: ;�, :¢ o Speaker questioned whether the dedication of 25 feet for s�reet would not preclude locating •th� p.roposed addition to the present k�uil.ding. a � o Staff s�:ated this had been discussed with tht a�plicant, and that he would adcl the new construction to the south instead of north o:E t,lze �I present struature, which would still aZlow fr�x adequate setbacks. The participai:ion in construction of local improvements called �ar by condition 5 was questioned and �xgl�%jn,�c�: by Se1by by �eference to a wa11 map. It was stated th� drawing submi�tted did not accu.rately poxtray present plans.� �: _. _ . I: � l �:; ° MINU'PES �"� G, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION 't' �7anuary 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. i'I Page 6� !� �, �'� o Funk believed the applicant is sacrificing considerable property for �I this �roposal. j' i' o Smith expressed no concern abaut this particular proposal, but questioned � whether we want clusters of duplexes instead of having multiple-type housing dispersed throughout the City. f i o Based on staff findings, Smith moved for approva.l of Conditional Use CU 32-78 subject to the five conditions recommend�d by staff. o The motion was seconded by uVood and passed unanimously. i P.resident Tepedino at this time (9:56 P.M.) called for a recess until 10:05 P.M. � Upon reconvening the Presid�nt called for item 5.3 of William A. Godwin. Since no one present wished to testify on this item he postponed consicleration until after ! other items had been heard. ' i 5.5 Miscellaneous MLP 14-78 (M.L. Clayton) NPO #1 An appeal by surroundiny property owners of a decision by tl�e Tigard Planning Director (approv�d October 23, 1978) �o.r a request by M.L. Clayton for a minor land pax•tition �to divide a .87 acre parcel into three (17,075, 8,412 and 8,925 square foot parcels) in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" . zone (b�ash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lots 2800 and 2804) . �:,. A. Staff Report: Selby pointed out the location of the property on a 1ar.ge wall map and rt�ad �he staff report. Two letters �eferYed to in the findings of fact wer� not read into this record. He also read Section 17.12 of the Tigard Municipal Code concerning larger lot subdivisions, and showed three slides of the property. B. Applicant' s Presentation: The applicant's pr.esentation consisted of testimony from those who opposed the �taff report - Final Action, dated October 23, 1978 on Minor Land Partition 14-78, which approved the land partitioning subject to seven conditions, the fourth ot which called for dedication of 25 feet of right-of-•way for a new street from O'Mara to Ash Stre�ts. Andrew Spiak, 9825 S.W. 0'Mara Street, TL `1805, complained of lack of adequate notification, and objected strenuously to having a road put in front of his house. He called attention to the construction problems, because of the swale at the back of his property, in putting this road through as required by MLP 14-78. Kerry Thomas, 9845 S.W. O'Mara Street, TL 2802, has been planning for th� last six years to remodel his house, but has not received a building permit. Should the proposed street go through, h� would not be able to remodel (presumably because of setback requirements) . He, like Mx. Spiak, hac� no objection to the subdivision as c�riginally proposed, but ob���ted to tl�e pro,posed stree� xequired. , _ s i , � � � � � � � � � i s MINUTES t TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION �' ^ Januar.X �, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Page 7 � � � � � �� } k John Butler, 9760 S.W. O'Mara Street, did not object •to the subdivision � i but did object to the proposed street. He suggested if additional. �; streets are to be built �o relieve traffic cong�stion, it should be an `; extension of Ash S�reet over the greenway. i li ;, i Lionel Domreis, 13700 S.W. Ash Street, wh� owns or owned much �f the 1 p.r.�operty on Ash Street to be affected, detailed the topography of, �nd l'; fu;.ure building plans in, the immediate area. He pointed out that the pro�.�osed street would make a block on Ash Street with only three houses betwe�?n two 50-foot streets. i�like Kayatt, 9765 S.W. O'Mara Street, TL 2701, �xpressed concerns similar ; to those of previous speakers, emphasizing particularly the saFe play area afforded by the ��resent private roadway. M.L. Clayton, 12980 S.W. 132nd Avenue, Tigard, owner oi the property in question, detailed his original proposal, which he still favors; hence his status as a proponent in this ac:tion. There were no opponen�s of the appeal. D. Staff Recommendation: . Staff recommendation was read by Selby. � E. Commission Discussion & Acti�.>n: 3.; ;:� �:, o The Bresident observed that the adjoining property owners opposed the �:; road called for by the Plann�.ng s.taff in the October 23, 1�78, MLP 14-78 Final Actian. Alternai�ives were discussed by the �ommission. o Commissioner Wood expressed conc�rn that in the future, property owners should not have to help develop local stzeets, the pzimary purpose of which is toser.ve nearby local owners, without �roper compensation from the local owners or; developer. Thereupon he moved that the appeal be approved, but that conditions 4-7 be deleted, and that a new conditiori 4 b� added as follows: "The applicant shall provide an access easem�nt for the benefit of Lot #2 and construct a paved driveway to this lot sufficient to meet City Code. `' � o This motion was seconded by Smith and passed unanimously. 5.3 Zone Change ZC 33-78 (William A. Godwin) NPO #2 � A requ�st by William A. Godwin for a zone map amendment from Wash. Co. RCJ-4 to City ot Tigard R-7 "Single Family Resi.dential" for a .9 acre site at i 93?.5 S.W. N. Dakota Street (Wash. Ca. Tax Map 1S1 35AC, Tax Lot 500) . A. Staf� Report: I ,�r Zone Change ZC 33-�78 was charact�rized by the President as a �ousekeeping �.„, measure. Since xto one was present to tes�ify on it, the rEading of the sta�f repor� was dispensed with. '� Y'' � � � � � . � � .. .. ���.i � ,,, _ , m MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 8 B. A�plicant's Presentation: None C. Public Testimony: None D. Staff Recommendation: The staff recommendations w�re not r�ad into the minutes. E. Commission Discussion & Action: o Wood moved for approval of zone change request basea on staff findinys and recommendations. o The motion was seconc�ed and passecl unanimously. 5.6 Miscellaneous MLP 1-7£3�(Mercury Development Co.,l NPO #7 A request by City Planning Staff to amend condition #2 of MLP 1-78 (approved 10/11/78) on a 28 acre site in a C-4 PD and Wash. �'o. RU-4 zones on 5.W. 122nd and Scholls E'erry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Ma� 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 400} . �:- Staff explained that NPO #7 does not approve the extension of S.W. 122nd Avenue into :Scholls Ferry Road, hence Condition #2 of MLP 1-7$ shoul.d be repealed. Discussion revealed the NPO #7 Comprehensive Plan had not yet been approved, but was scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commis:�ion on Jarivary 23, 1979. It appeared the developer would not be inconvenienced by a modest delay.. Thereupon Wood moved to table this item until th� meeting of January 23, 1979. The motion ;aas seconded and carried unanimously. 6, Old Susiness, . Selby read the letter to the Corps of Engineers, signed by the Commission President, requesting a zero level floodway policy if their time permits. 7. New Business: Nane � 8. Other IItYSiness: I Se1by apologized for haviny seven items on the January 15 agenda, but pointed out tlze applicants had been warned that due to the volume of rec�uests to be heard it " was possible not al1 of them woula be actea upon at that time. The President oommen�:ed �hat we have been taking abatx� one }aoux for each item. Wood guestioned �he nec�ssity o� reading staff rnports in theix entixety in a].l cases, a sugges�i.on wha.ch r�ceivecl gene�a]. approval. �[*: _ _ _. _ � �� (; ` MINUTES �� TIGARD P;LANNING COMMISSIOV a�: � January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. x! ��`= Page 9 s'', �., f; �i. Other Business continued: ;! �, i.; The need for a site Design RPView Board member frgm the C�mmission was expressed. '`� C�mmissioner Smith volun�teered to serve, and will be nominated to the City Council �; for the pasition: ; ; � P'lanning Director, Aldie Howard listed items to com� before the Commis�iori in the �; ,a future, and some developments in equipment and staf,� work. He asked that any � questions or problems be pre:sented to him first hand, �' � The Presid�nt read a note from Tom Brian, formerly a Planning Commissione� and now R�, a City Councilman, expressing appreeiation for having worked with the Commissioners. �; ,; G; ,; Attention was called to the fact that because of reduction in Planning staff, �ackets would no longer be delivered to the Commissioners' homes, but would be `• available at the Police Station after 5 P.M. Fridays before meeting dates. t' 9. Adjournment: i On mation the meeting was adjourned at 11:?? �_ �:..,. ,, k.:; �; i'r j'`. �� t'' f` �: ':1 F', j' '. f- �,� ],i �� t:;i I'-,� � ,� � �' d.: }, . . � � . � 7:,.�. . � ,,_ � .. .__... . � :....... r��, . . . .. ..__. _ . i,'. �; a Pu�Lr.c NOTTCf: , TICARll F'LANI1tNG COMMISSION i J<�nuary 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. ��� Fawler Jianior High Sc.11ool - I,ectur� Room �{�' 10865 S.W. Wa.lnui: Street - Tigard, Oregon t' �� 5. PUBLIC Hi.AF2TNGS II r:� 5.1. LUNE: CHAPdGE ZC 26-78 (Mackenzie/Saito & Associates) NPO #2 �I �:,. A request by NlackEnzie/Saito & Associates for a zone rnap amendment from Was}i. �; Co. btA-1 "Limited Manufactur.ing/Production" Dist.rir.t to City of Tigard M-4 h; "Tndustrial Park" zone for a 44 acre site, south of Scholls F�rry Road 4 (Wash. Co. Tax. Map 151 34AA, Tax I.ots 100,200,300,400 & Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lot 17�0) . ;! � 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE CU 33-7£3 (Mackenzie/Saito & Associates} NPO �2 � a �, ,, A request by Mackenzie/Saito & Associates far a conditional use permit tc� �� develop an industrial complex, combining btisiness offices, light manufacturing !' and warehousi.ny facilities c,n a 44 acre site, south of Scholls Ferry koad [ s; (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34AA, Tax Lots 100,200,300,400 & Tax Map 1S1 358, Tax Lot 1700) . �,;, 5.3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 33-78 (William A. Godwin) NPO #2 A request by William A. Godwin for a zone map amenclment from Wash. Co. �' RU-4 to City of Tiga.rd R-7 "Single Family Resic�ential" for a .9 acre site `' at 9325 S.[9. N. Dakota Street (P7ash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35AC, Tax L�ot 500) . !' �. � 5.4 COND.LTIONI�L USE CU 32-78 (Tec1 Vonada) N�'0 #3 � F' �:. A request by Z'ed Von�da for a conditi�nal use r�ermit to construct a duplex in a F:7 "Single Family Resident:i.�l" zone on a .57 acre site at 13800 S.W. 110�h (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DU, Tax L,ot 1;00) . This item was tabled from the December 5, 1978 planniny comcnission meeting. t 5.5 MTSCELL11lVE0U5' i�1LP 14-78 ( M.L. Clayton) NPO #�1 � i An appeal by surrounding property owners of a decision by the Tigard Planning { a Director on Uctober 23, 1978 regard.ing a requ�:st by M.L. Clayton for a minor l,�nd partition to div:id� a .87 acre p�rcel into three (17,075, 8,412 and 8,925 5 ( square foot parcels) , in an R-7 "Single F'amily Resid�ntial" zone (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lots 2800 and 28U4) . } 5.6 MISCELL�INEOUS MLP 1-78 (Mercury Development Co.) NPO #7 A request by City Planning Staff to amend condition #2 o•F MLP 1-78 (approved � 10/11/78) on a 2,8 acre site in a C-4PD and Wash. Co. RU-4 zones on S.W. 122nd i & Scholls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 34B, Tax Lot 400) . , I Note: This hca-ring may be continued to 1 date set speci�ic by the Planning Commission. ' . ' Publish T'.0 12-27-78 & 1-2-79 i :� _ _ � : [ , j, T ��'�)RT � r � STAE�' AGENDA 5.1 �� TIGARD PI,ANNING COMMISSION �; January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fow]:er Junior High Scho�l - Lectuze Room „ 10865 S.W, Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon �: ii s Docket: Zane Change LC 26-78 �; Request; For a zone map ame�dment from Washington County 'MA-1 "Limited `j Manufacturing/Production" to City of T.igard M-4 "Industrial Park" ;� zone on a 44.96 acre parcel. '; Location: 5.W. Scholls Ferry Road next to Southern Paci�ric Railroad tracks (Wash. Co. Tax Maps 1S1 34AA, Tax Lots 100, 2OQ, 300 and 4D0; Tax Map 1S1 35B; Tax Lot ].700) . Applicant: Mackenzie/Saito � Associat�s I. Findir�gs of E'act: ,� 1. On October 17, 1978 the Planning Commission denied the applicant's request for a M-2 "General Tndustrial" based on staf.f .f.indi.ngs and staff recommendation that� since the development �ol,icies a.re directives to the Com rehensive Plan and onl,y "Tndustra;al Park" (M-�� designation 3? is stated, the sta.ff �e��:s that the �l,a.n is specific and legally bindinq to a11 9.nc�ustrial. develoX�mer�t in this axea to be of M^4 ,pexznittad or conditional us� standards. ��� 2. The site is designated t''Tn�7ustrial" on the NFO #2 P1an, �� i'; 3. The NPO #2. Plan for Tndustrial Deve�:c�pment Policies states: �,,' 1,; ppLZCY 25, The indus��rial area should be developeci to the highes�. ;�! standard provicled in the zoning ordiannce, the T�I�4 Zn�3us�rial. Park ": � catec�ory. '�� POLICY 26. Industrial development should conform to hiqh standards for building and site design. The Design Review Board wiZl xeview t rovided in the the site 1an a� each progosed deyelopmen , �s p P zoning ordinance, in order to evaludte the compati,bi]:ity o,f vehi,cular i access, signs, liqhting, bui,ldinc� pl.acement anc� designs, and land- 1 scapiny with adjoininq uses, both existing and proposed. The examples � of good design, alxeady present in the Neighborhood, should prov�.de I� the norm for the Design :Revi.ew Board when considexing new deVelo�p- '� ments and t'he expansion of existing ones, POLICX 27. 7.'he a.ndustrial uses now located iz� the Naighbo�hood are of the non-pal7.uting type. This is the only type which should be allowed to Zocate in i:he neighborhooc�, The clase int�x�ace of residences and industr� m�kes tha,s essential.. POLZCY 28. Development wi11 aoincic�e with the pxav�:s�ions af �ublic s�xee�s, watex and sewera,ge faci.lities. These faciliti;es sha11. be (a) ' � capabl.e of adequa�ely` serving all. i.ntervening properties, as we11 as � thE proposed c7�v�lopment; and (b) desi.qned to meet City ax county I stanc�axds. ` ,:�I ; 1 t� � � � � � � �� � � . . - . � � � � � �� �k .. � . � . . � . � . . i�, . r � � � .. . . � . . � � � � .. �. . � � .. �I � w . � � . � � �� � �� S'I`AE'F REPORT ±, � AGENDA 5.'1 ,' �,, ti J�nuary 9, 1979 � 7;3'0 P,M. j; �, ZC 26-78 ;; page 2 ' k,' �i 4. The applicants are pr�posin� to build some industrial units' in the ; identi�ied M-4 "Industrial Park° designaterl area with specific �:" � conditional uses. The a�plicants have expressec� the �u�ure possibility �;� of building on portions of the flood plain. The applicants will ¢a� submit the necessary application f�r development in the flood pl;azn �; and`comply with Section 18.57.Ob0 of the Tigard Municipal Code: `" Prohibited uses and activities. The following uses and activities are prohibited within the flood plain �d:istrict except pursuant to special permit granted by the planning commission based on findings ,' as by Section 18.57.060 pravided: _ ���� l. Filli:ng; 2. Permanent structures permitted in other zoned areas of the city; i1' 3. Any temporary structure which by its na�u:rc=_ cannot be readily � ' removed from the flood plain area during periods of flooding ��d which would signi�'icantly impec7e or interfexe with the flow :; of flood waters within the district. 5. Appl.icable policies from �the Environmental Design and Open 5p�ce Plan: POLICY 3. The City shall restrict alteration of natural drainage w�ys �,;� unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits ar� gr.eater than th� detrimental effects. Other jurisdictions in the Fanno Creek �asin shall be enc�uraged t� do the s�ame. t;.' �;� £;> �OI,zC'Y 5. 7.'he City shall adopt an ordinance to regulate the removal 4 and/or replacement of exi�ting natural vegetation in designated - areas (flood plains, drainage ways, areas of high visibility, unique habitats or rare species) . Significant trees or stands of timber shall also be protected. POLICY 6. Require a s�te development report (e.g. , hydrology, soils, geology) for inajor ,projects in designated areas and a statement reflectinc� methods to be used to minimize the run-off erosion impact of the development on the surrounding area and downstream ; properties. POZICY 7. Retain the 100 year flood plain af Fanno Creek, its � txibutaries, and the Tualatin River as an open prPServe (Greenway) . '�� The greenway shall be established as the backbone of the open � space network,. and when a dir�ct public benefit can be derived, i.e. , ; when adjacent residential development, the greenway should be ; developed fo�: passive xeCreation and pedestrian/bike travel. `i 6. The subject site is presently vacant with various types and sizes of .� Vege�ation on �he propertX. + .. 1 7. 'rhe property is surrounc�ed by single family �esi.dences to �.he west, i agricu7,tural and one single family ur�i.t to �he sou�h; 5oytherin Paci�ie: ' railroad traGks and Porttand Chain Ca, to the east. �I�e subject prop�rty � fr�nts Scholl.s E'exxy Roac� ('State jurisc�ietion) and propase� its on],y ; access/egress on�o it, � ' �. ,�i � � � �._ ��:,�: � _ _. _..,., ,_— -_ . ' . . . . .. . . . . .... . . ... . . . � . .... . ..,. . . . .. . ,.. .. ... . ....... .... .. . ., .. .....,,. . . ... . . .. .. . . . . , ,1 .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . , . . . ..} .. r � . . . � � . . . � . . . . � �� �1 . . . a� . . � . . . , . . .� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 STA�F �EPO�T R AGENDA 5.l 3 January 9, 1979 - 7:30 �.M. E ��t ZC 26-78 . ����� � Page 3 � �� , a 8, �ighteen one-story zndustrial (warehouse, shop and otfice) units are ? � proposed with square .foot ranges �rom 10�00� to 26,80Q square feet. � � ;� II. Conclusionary Findings; � u 1. The applieants axe proposing to establish i,ndustrial type uses that compl_v ;; with the NPO #2 P1an. � � �,, 2. Scholls Ferry :Road is State jurisdiction and presently has traf£'ic �' problems. Consultati,on from State. f3ic�hway Representative to express �' the problems and solu�ians this project may have on the road is ` desir.able. ; � 3. The applicants' tuture :pxoposal to 'encrpach onto the flood plain and i' greenway system needs astute obseryatiqn of facts anc3 qonsideration to �. future im�acts on downstream dra�.nage �reas with thP greenway system plans and palicies, ,.; III. Staf.f Recommendatians; Staff recammends approval subject to the followa:ng r_.onditions; 1. That tl�e applicants finance and implement any studies, construction or �'- ` � dedica�tian of prop2rty or funds necessary to comply with th� request ' of the State for improvements on Scholls Ferry Road to of�set tlze impact i�; the applicants' de�elopment may cause. The State Highway Department f` shall be responsible in depicting the "fair" amount evaluation of funds � and/or property the applicant will be required to participate in. The ap��licant sYiall meet the requirernents prior to issuance of k�uilding ��; permi•ts. 2. That the applicant appear before the �'lanz�ing Com►riission with a flood plai� fi:ll permit ap�licati�on when ,�ut�,�e building iievelopment is - 3esirable. 3. That the project development camply with the Environmental De�ign and Open Space Plan. The "Greenway" area sY��ll be d�termined by the natural clrainage and flood way terrain. The a���.icant shall dedicate the "Green- �� way" area to the City anc7 the applicant shall submit an agreement to � maintain the "Greenway" for a period to be determined by the City legal staff and appl,i.cant. } �:�i 4. That construction and drainage plans �nust be submitted: to City Er�gi;neer and Building Departments with agreement and bonds as neaessar� f�r approval prior to issuance of. permits. ;'i � 5. That the applicants submit Construction �lains wi�h timeline schedule :`j to the 1oca1 jurisdiction firP department a.nr� uti].ity companies '1 for approval prior to final. building inspection. j � � � , � R�port pzepared by: Ken Selby °I Associate �ity Planner „ January 5, 1979 ' Note: Applicant Was not ahle to submit �r�:sual plans for the ZC or CU at �lie �ime {„ of �his printing, however, plans wx11. be available at the meeting. � `�: , . � . . . . � . . ....A•. . . .. . . . . ,� 4� r ; ,i ,, : t, STAFF REPORT � a1r AGENDA 5.2 �;'!, s TIGARD PLANI�IING COMMIS5ION ., January 9, 197'9 - 7:30 P.M. �, � Fowler Junior Hic�h School - Lecture Room i,; 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon ,� �; Docket: Conditional Use CU 33-7$ C, �' Request: For a conditional use permit in a M-4 "Industrial Park" zone on a 44.46 �' � �, acre parcel. ,j Location: S.W. Scholls Perry Road next to Southern Pacific railroad tracks (Wash. " ;? Co. Tax Maps 151 34AA, Ta:c Lots 100, 2U0, 300 and 400; Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lot 1700) . � �I Applicant: Mackenzie/Saito and Associates I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated "Industrial" on the NPO #2 Plan. � 2. Please refer to ZC 26-78 for staff report describing site and surrounding land uses with other pertinent information. 3. The applicants are proposing to develop the site in an industrial campus like atmosphere offerinc� non-environmental polluting uses as described in attached narrative (see letter dated November 2, 1978) as permitted in zone text 18.52 of the Tigard Munir.ipal Code. � 4. All concerns to impact on the natural areas and public sexvice are addressed in ZC 26-78 Staff Report. r;; `"t II. Concl.usionary Findings: l. The conditional uses requested meet the intent a�d written po.licies of. the NPO #2 P1an (seE page 2 of the November 2nc1 narrative) . 2. There exists a need to develop this vacant parcel desig�nated as indust�ria�. { � in the compr�hensive p.lari. 3. The applicant has identified eight conditional uses in Section 1$.52 of the Tigard Municipal Code that will provide the industxial serviees desired by ; husin�sses in this area. �I _ '��t 2Tr. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends appxoval. Report prepar�d by: Ken Se1b� Associate City Planner January 4, 1979 r � ; ; . � � � fi���� i:, ��. � � :. ..._. ... . . .. . . �..�... . . . . .. . .. . ...... ... . ... .. ._. ... .. ... . � i Iv:iACKENZIE/SAITO & ,� =�OC�A"]['ES, P.C. � � � • � r�T _ _ _�� . � i . r �.��� November 2, 1978 � �� . ` `h ; � Tic�ard Planning Commission 12420 S.W. Main S'treet Tigard, Oregon , 97223 . . � Conditional Use Request, Scholls Ferry `� Road Site Study for The Koll Company - Job #78115 ; Dear Sirs: �, r ' Under the provision� of Chapter 18.52 of Titl.e 18 (Zonin:g i; Ordinance) , we hereby request condition�I use permi�s { for the subject prop�rty. The speci£ic uses are la.sted ; 'tted u�es under 18052 .020 of the Zoning Ordin.ance " as � ermi �� P and are as follows: 1. Item (5) 18 .52e020 � Machine ;�Y�op, welding shap, . Contractor's office (only the Contractor's offzce is reques�ted as a condi.tional use) . ' , . ; • ; 2. It�m (6) 18 .52 .020 - Pa�Er �roduct m�n:ufacture, but '' z�ot incl.udirig th.� znaxauf�ctur� ra:t° ����aer it�e�f. � � 3 . Item (i) 18.52. 020 - Railroac� traekage and rel.atec� facilities. 4 . It�m (9) 18 .52. 020 ° To^1 and Y��rdware man���ctuxe. ; 5. Ttem (11) 18.52.020 - Warehousing and wholesale distribution. 6 . Ttem (12) 18 .52.Q20 - Weavi,ng of cotton, wool, flax and other fibrous materials. 7 . Item (3�� 1� .52.020 - Any other use held similar to ', the above uses, as appraved by tk�e PZanning Cammission . ;i Specif ically: `� A. Service/Ind�ustrial -- Offices and service busi- • nesses related directly �o industrial and business >. equipment. (Example: Typewriter service.) , ; � � B. Clothing manufacture. �� � ' ' � We re�tzest that these used be approved for any building � � built on the proposed site. This re�uest is necessary } to a11ow The Ko11 Company to develop the site offering � the sapces constructed to the vari.ety of users who have � demonstrated interest i,z� �he park, (As evidenced b the Y ARCHITEG7S � brasinesses in the present Beaverton facil:ity.) This �NGINEERS PLANNER5 j . � i j # 032d S.W.ABERNETNY • PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 * PHDNE 503/224-9570 � � .,..._-: ; , ,, , ., , _. . -_ ..,:.:._...,�.....�,... MACKENL�E/SAITO $��A SSC7CIATES, P.C.� ���. , ' � , . , � � ..,° � Tigard Fla.nning Commission November 2, 1978 Page two � ov�rall use approvals wiX1. enable The Koll. Company to respond �di.rectly to the business neecls for space and eliminate n�uch time consuminr work far the planning staff and comrn;ission (�rocessing indiv�.dual condi�,ional use requests) . � ... The narra�ive belaw� is ,referenced to the appl.i:cation farm for a. c�ndi:tional use permit. D1. Nature, �� the prb�os�l and thE reason £or , x�eque.stxng the part.icul.ar action. The objective of The Ko1:I Companv i5 to dev�lop a new office industra.�l comp].ex, combining business Qft1GQSr Zight manu�'acturing and warehosuing �acil.ities on a 44 ac�e site baunded b� Schoil.s Fer�� Road, the Sauthern �acifi� Railroad and Fanno Cr.eek, The new pr_o�ec� wil�. me desigrn�d to grovide �lexi:ble ancl functional spa�e fQr 1 leas� in an. a�trac�ive, campus-like �nvirorurient w�.th '� ex-�ensiv� �.andscapiny. The commtlnity �f buildi.n.g� is � to be buil.t in three phases, �nrhile preserving �he natural � �haractera.stics af the site �o the l,arges�t pc-�ssihZe � cxf_erii:,r j ', This cc�nditivnal use toge�her wit�i the M--4 uses wi1J. aJ_1.ow � flexibility necessary to �rovide t�ie mixed use tyge a:� community tha� �r� �x� p�anning. D2 . How th� proposed use is in conforznance wi.t,h � T�.�ard' s ad�pted "C�amp�eh�ensive J?lan" . ° r . fi � An industrial co�plex o� the type we propase is in = stric� conform�ncF with Tigard' s Compr�h�nsiVe F�.an, ` and with the pol�cies c�f Neighborhr�od l�lar��in,q Or�anizar ` tion �2 . The NPO stat�.ng that t�e pl_annec� i.ndus�ri.al • � lands border the railrnad and �`anno CrFek, wha.ch �s used �; as a natur�l 15uffer betweEi� �h� adjac�nt �esidential � properti�s" . .�dditiona.Ily, our project confor_ms wi.th � th� policies for industrial development set farth i.n ' NPO �2 : , �" . � � Policy Z5 : The industrial area should be deve7.oped �' to the highest stan.dard provided in the � Zoning Ordinance, the M-4 industri.al . � j' parks category. Policy 26 : Zx�dustrial development should con�ori� to high standards for buil.di�g and site ' � °��� � design. � C • � PaJ.icy 27 : The industxial uses now located in the neighboz�hood aze of the non�po�lutin.g � ` � MACKEtvZIE/SAITO & �SSOCIATES, P.�. � � + � � ; � � ��` ' � ��i� , � . . ;� . � Tigard Planning Commission �November 2, 1978 � ,' �" Page three � 'i . type. This is the only type which should be allowed to Iocate in the ne.ighborhood. � The proposed uses meet all intents of the �]PO with regard to M-4 developm�nt. D3. Community need and/or publi� benefit derived from the proposed action. There are tw�+ iznmediate benefits that the community of � Tigard will derive from our proposed develoF�nent. First, the construction of the project will make a significant contributio� towards the realization of Goal #5 0€ �the Tigard Community Plan: • . Goal #6: "Th�re is 5ti�.1 an abundance of vacant land in th� '�'igard area that has patential for industri.al development and the �om- prehensive plan is designed to encourage � its use �or this purpose, .An objective of the plan is to create emploXzn�nt O��C�Y�l1I'1].'r1.@S �a.t}ii.n i:h� r..��rnrr�uriai�y� �"or_ �- thos� persc,ns who live tli�re. �l'IlE p1�r, also r�c�gnizes the impcartance of a balanced tax base in supporting necessary . community facilities and servic�s. ��- 4 gulatior�s set fox industx�.a1 development will insure high stan.dards that are zn the . � interest of industry and the city as a whole" . The proposed �ffice/industrial c:omplex wi11 provide both business ar�d employment opportun�.ta.es with.in the Tigard Cammunity. It will additionally provide support for . coznmunity faci.lities and services. Secondly, concur.rent with the develvpment of this parcel of land, tPie flood lands along Fanno Creek wi].1 be made available for public greenway use, in accordance with th� city's greenway pl.an� This is a direct recreational and environmental benefit to the eommunity at large. D4 . Any cha.nges in environmental, economic or social con.ditians and/or changes in availability of � public services, or access, and/or any other aspect o� community development directly affecting the subaect site that would justify � the requested action. � Permissi.on for the requested use is necessary only to pro�vicle �he type o� development which can ofter these . _ _ _ , � MACKENZ[E/SAITC7 & A SSC�CIATE5, P.C. , � � . . . r �..�..���, , . � �: . . ' � ` � . ` , • Tigard Planning Commission Noveznber 2, 1978 , ' Page fou.r benefits. D5. Why the proposec� location for your proposed , land use is more suitable than �ther locatians ' in th� City. zonecl to a11ow the proposed use? . I (not applicabl.� fo.r coridi.tianal. use permit. ) • �I D6. The impact ar� �f�ec� �he pr.oposed dev�el,opment, use, or activxty wi11 have on adjacent si.tes, �ccupan.ts ar activities and on the immeda,ate neighborhood. The anly �i.gnificant environmental impaat th�t the pro- posed d�velopment will have r�n the iznmediate neighborhood is a visual impact for some af the �esident.s o:E Erxglewood. , The visual impact will Iae ane af change from a natural enuiranmen� t�o a man mac�e enviranm�nt. This uisua7. change, due ta the �cale �f the k�uilding �nd a landscape design an harmony with the r�atural charact.c.�ristics of the sit� wi11 alter tRe view �rom �nc�t�w�c�d, Y,vt not de��i��+c:i� �.t:� Fc?c�at.ic�r,�itl.y� t.}��� 5C�0 f:'�;E��t: {�!' r.frt�.:s:;,a� v,c:h:.-- . lands sep�irating i�h� twp c�evc�laprnents will :�Grc��in ar��� „Y„ provide visual continuity as we11 as be�.ng a natural buf�er zane. Ar�y progosed future develapment witha.n the greenway or fload plain areas of the site �niould ' only be developed with fu�ux� apgrovals of the P1.anning � C�mmission as prescribe� by Title 1.8 . . D7. The types of public services necessitated by your proposed develo�ment and the imgact that you� �roject may have on these �ublic sexvices. (Examples of such publ.ic: service� znay be fir.e � ' • � . pratection, paYiae protectzori, water and sewer service, schools, pa.rks, strEets, zoads, publa.c ' transportation and/or utila.ties. ) No additiona]. publ�.c services are an�ticxpatPd to be ' required for these specitic uses. If the Commissian requires additional informatian, or i£ . ' any r�uestions ara.se concerning the above material, please � � contact me. � l 1 ..�` � :; , r � j � i 1�i1�CKENZIE/SAITC7 &�A SSOCXATES, P.C. �� ; . ; ,�� ' . . � �4. Tigard Planning Commission November 2, I978 Page five Respectfully submitted, , � i � � - � i . ,� -� �,� � � Eric T. Saito � President ' ETS/bjm ccs Rodger Fagerholm � Sonna Durdel . � T�Ti�.liam Ca� � file Enclosure ` �' . i � � � • • � . � _ _ �. s �' .. � . . . . � . . . . �1 ,s PAFF `t2EQGRT i AGENDA 5.3 �, .. . � . � . . � .. . . ��ii TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION " January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. ��, Fowler Junior High Schools - Lecture Room t; 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon } t: }; 3 Docket: Zone CYrange ZC 33-78 ` ��� � � Request: A reques�t �for a zone map �amendment from Washington County RU-4��to City �� � � y� of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" z�ne on a .96 acre parcel. � � tr e� Location: S.W. Dakota Stree�, east of 9Sth (WaSh. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35AC, Tax Lot 50D) . ` � � � ;-; Applicant: William A. Godwin `'�' I. Finclin.gs of Fact: � �:: 1. On October 23, 1978 i:he Planriing Staff Director approved the �pplicantos request for a minor �1a.nd �artition {see attached staff report) . €' 2. The site and surrounding area is desiqn�ted on tYie NPO #2 PZan as "Urban �r Low nensity" residential and zoned R-7 "Single Eamily Residential." which :� has the following applicable re�uirements: 0 7,500 square foot minimum 1ot size (18.20,030 Tigard MuiYici�al Code) . o Five font sid� yard sethack fOr one story bui.lding (18.20.06Q Tigaxd Municipal Code) . �' 3. The sit�e is bounded by single famil.y homes on the west and groves �f oak ry �'�,. trees to the east, narth and southeast. To the south anc� so��thc�est are + single family l�omes on large lots. There is an eYisting residence an the southern portion of the lot. �: 4. The izorthern 2/'3 of the property is a wetland area where qround water is seasonal.ly within l� feet of the sur�ace. 5. North Dakota Street is in substandard Condition, gravel surface, no curbs k' o� sidewalks. 6. North Dakota Street is designa�ted as a collector street with a right-of-way width of 60 feet and a pavement width of 44 feet in Che NPU #2. The current � riyht-of-way is 50 fee�. 7, Metzger �Tater District service is avai.lable to the site from � ��ur (4) inch line in Nox�h Dakota Stxeet, SanitarX sewer seryice is av�il;able ;, from an 8 inch li.ne in S.W. Dakota Stx���. ;; 8. Lots 1 and 2 are propos�d as �lag shaped l,ots w'th ten foot wide paral.lel } acCesses al.ong the western l�t la.ne o� Tax Lot 50Q. The existing rasa.dence � has access directly ontQ Dakota Street apprax�.matel� SO �eet to the east of � the proposed access dxives. F r � �Z. Conclus�.onary Findings: s ; . � � 1. The proposed �paxcels conform �o �he NQQ #2 �lan desa.gnation of "CJrban Zow ; T�ensa�ty" �nd �he currer�� R-7 zon.ing. �he 1.ots are sr�bstantially above the i minimutm 1.ot size �'ox s�,ngle �ami.7.� dwe�.�.ings. � ; � a � � � � � � r� � --��� , ._ _ �-- ST�Fk" RE�?OR� I AGENDA 5.3 TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �k� January 9, 19Z9 - 7: 3D IP.M. ZC 33--78 Page 2 2. Ad�quat� water and sewer are available to the s.ite. 3. The adequate right-of-way width on North Dakota Street has been made a condition of the minor land partition approval (see attached staff report MLP 12-78, da�ted October 23, 1978.) III. S�aff Recommendations: • Staff recommends approval baSed on conditions required for �he approval of ' applicant's minor 1an.d par.tition. _ Repart �repared by: Ken Selby Associate City Planner January 4, 1979 �. � . ' � . I! � ',. . �TAFF' REPORT - FIN11L ACTION ' Octoi�ex 23, 1978 'i TIGARQ PL,ANNI�G DEPIRTMEVT � I CITY HALL ' 12420 S .W. rlain St. - Tigard, Oregon Dock�t : Minar L,and Partition 12-78 F.�quest: To divide a .96 acr� parcel into three pa.rcels in a R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone. ' Location: S.W. Dakota• Street, east of 95th (FVash. Co. Tax Map � 1S1 35AC, Tax Lot 500} . � Applicant: Bill Godwin I. Findings of Fact: 1. The applicant is requesting permission in accardance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to divide a . 96 acre p�rcel into 11,750, 10,250 and 20 ,000 square foot parcels on the north side of Dakota Street, �ast of S.W. 95�.h. 2 . The site and surrounding area is designated or� the NPO #2 Plan as "Urban Low Density°' residentia.l and zoned R-7 which �as the foll.o�ving applicable requirements : gf o 7,S00 squa�E faotminimum ]_ot size (1_S .2.Q .030 Ti�ard �i,, l�Iur1 i c_i.}?a�. C:ocl�� ) o Five foot si.de yard setback for one story building (18 .20 . �60 Tigard Municipal Code) . 3. The site is bounded by sir�gle family homes on the west and groves of oak trees to the east, north and southeast. To the sou#:,h and sauthwest are single family homes on largP �j lots . There is an existing residence on the southern �; portian of th� lot. 'i i � �: 4. The nnrthern 2/3 af the property is a wetland area whe�e �'' ground water is seasonally within 1� feet of the surface. . i �. 5. North Dakota Street is in substandard condition, gravel � surfac�, no curbs or sid�walks. � 6. North Dakota Street is designated as a collector street with � a right-of-way width of 60 feet and a pavement width of { 44 feet in the NPO #� . The current ric�ht-of-way width is ' � SO feet. ., `` . • . � 7 . Water is available to the site from a four (4) inch line � in N. Dakota Street. Sanitary sewer service is available from an 8 inch line Metzge.r l.ine in S .W. Dakota Street. � 8 . Lots 2 ancl 1 are pxopdsed as flar �haped lots with 10 foot wide parallel aceesscs along the �estern lot .tine of Tax Lot 500 . ThE existing residencE has access directly onto • Dakota approxima�ely 50 feEt to th� east of the proposed access d.rives. . �� , �' � 1 �'. STEIFF RLPO�T - F�NAL A�:,.TI01V ' - h I October 23, 1978 I TIGARD YLANNING DEPARTP�IE:�NT ' I MLP ].2-78 ' ._r 'I Page 2 , � II . Conclusionary Findings: I 1� The proposed parceJ.s con��rm to �he NFO #2 P1an desigr►a�ion I c�f "'t7rban Low Der►sity" and thE currcnt R-7 zone. The Zots are substantially above the minimuin lot size far single � � family dwEllings. � . 2. �dequate water and secver are �vailabl� to the site. . . � � 3. The r_ight-�f.--way wi�lth <m N. D�.ko�a Sfireet is in.adegua�e �f�or a coll.ector stree�. 4. TYie proposed lots m��t th� minimum access requirement for single family dwellings with 7.0 feefi af �.cc�ss for each of tche northerly lots. � � IIT. Final Action: ' �ased on the fi.n3ings of fact as statec1 ar�ove the pro�ased minoi- land par�ition is }-ier�by apprnved. with the foll.owin� conditi�ns : . . , J'.a {J'f�.at an �gi-r,,GYIT.l:'I1t. r�ot: �l c.. .e c�it�f����.,t r �:�l.r� �;���,a.r�s�: the fGrlti�.t��_cr� ,``"" c�f a loc�al irnprovemen�t district i:or :�treet improv�metzts ta Ne nakc�ta Street (to collc�ctar str�et standard) be fil�d �r�.t,h �:.I1E City Recorder . i i 2 . �'hat an additional 5 feet of ri�ht-of-�way be dedicated to the city an N. Dakvta. 3. That site drai.nag� plans be submi.�ted and approved by the City Engine�r and building department prior to the .issuance of any buiZding permits. ' • 4. That 25 teet of right-of--way aXong the w�st property li.ne af Tax Lot 500 from N. Dakota to th� rsorth eage af Tax Zot 500 be dedicated ta the City and improved to meet the minirnum . . access requirements for resi.dent�a 1 use (i,e. 10 teet � minimum accesswidth f�r each dwelling unit up to 3 and 30 faot minimum access width �aith paving over 80� of the � rec�uired width for 3-5 c�welli-nqs units) . � � - :-. :yr1` ��'�':.��i.l'�;�)�'^;''tM . 5. Tha�t the applicani: tilE an agreement no to remonstrate aqa�,ns.��t';` the future impravement of the above dedicated s��xeet - � ` �•:�rt�rj' in Condita_on �4 . • � ��: ����f ,/ /- '� , . '-<�:, '.�., ,.' " :/�'.•�;r i "f�J :,,• �ri ,f'� .�r 1;�.�.Yi�'� . � ' �..:������ j '� ' '�KF��NETE{yL. WE�1� " P'lanning Di.rec tor : � .. _..�.,�--..� , . . _ ':: , , , � � f i � �;: � S'TAFF RE�ORT � AGENDP. 5.4 r TIGARta PLANNING COMMISSION � � January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. � Fowler Junior High School ° Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � � Docket; Conditional Use CU 3Z^78 , �� 12esidential° zorre on � Reques�: To construct a du,plex unit in an R 10 Single F'amily � a .57 acre parcel. � ,:. Locatioia: 13800 S.[�. 110th CWash. C�. Tax Map 2S1 3Db, Tax-Lot 1300) . � � fi Applicant: Ted Vonada ' � I. E'indinqs of Fact: � � 1. This item was rescheduled frc�m the D�cember 5, 1978 Planning Commission 1, public hearinq meeting. � � 2, The site is designated "Urban Low Density Resic3ential" on the NPO #3 y Plan and zoned R-/ "Single Fami7.y Residez�tial. " � � 3. Section 18.20.020C1) o� the Tigard ;Municipal Code permits °'Duplex ry Residential, with a minimuxn lot of 1O,OU0 square feet� one du;plex � per lot or •two single family attached units with a minim'iun lot area of + 5,000 square f.eet per unit.° In the event it appears that it is not ; practical to divide a legal lot into two lots o�f 5,000 scruare feet �ach, � �� the Planning DireCtor may a�prove the division notwithstandi.ng the fact ��'•� that one lot is less that� 5,000 square .fee•t, provided, ho'wevex, that no such lot shall he smaller than 4,250 square feet. 4. The applicable policy from the Tigard FIousing }ext is the following: � Policy 15.. Provic�e g.r.ea�er diversity of housing densi.ty (e.g, , duplexes, four�pl�x, attached sinqle �amily units, etc.) . E 5. The site slopes .fxom the southeast cUrnex dr.opping appzoximately ! thr.e� percent diag�nally to t"he northwest corner. One rPS�,dential unit is existing on thP east side o� the lot. 7'he rem�ininq vacant area has grassy, scrub vegetation. The surrounding �ropertu uses are a residential unit to the west across S,W. �.1Qth, vacant �roper�y ;' to the north and immediately �ast �hieh is one t�x lot (1301? whose ; owner is preparing plans to devel�p c7uplexes. Continuing east and ° directly south is the present, construction of Gard:en Park Place dupl.ex �� - 6 plannec] develo�ment, , _ r 1 6. The app�.icant is Uroposing to construCt a dUplex una,t on the western � poxtion af the site with x�emodel�.n� the existinc� dwe.Lling into a �. dup�.ex and minor land pa�ti,tioni.ng the tax 1ot into two separate tax i { l.o�s. � 7. Sauthwest 110th i;s desic�nated as a loCal. stxeet xequiri.ng 5Q .�eet of j � �� i � right-o�-Way. � � � � � � 8. A 1oca1 s�andarc7 stxeet is being cons'tr'uctecl within the Gax�3en Par.k Place deve�,o��►lent t�xat when con�inued wa.'17. �ass th�oughout lot 1301 ' and the subjeat sate, . .. . .. ... _. .... _ ...., ... ... . . .... .. .. . . . . .... . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . ... ... . ,: . . .. . . . . . ._ _ ..(�. � � jt; � . . . � . . � '..�'�� � + STAFF REPORT 1� AGENDA 5:4 ; �A TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMTSSION r' Januar_y 9, 1y79 � 7c30 P.M. , ; CU 32-78 �-' Page 2 F, 9. Unified Sewer Agency 8ervice and the Tigard Water facility is available �' from the east approximately 140 feet and the north along S.W. 110th i' approximately 150 feet. II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. The s�uthern anc7 eastern vacant properties are under construction f�r ri the development of duplex units. The owner of the northern property "' from the subject site has expressed interes� in constructing higher ;, residential density units also. ;+ 2. Southwest 110th is in substandard condition having inadequate paving ,� width, no curb, gutter .or sidewalks. � 3. This request cox�forms to the density lizni�tations of the R�7 zone (Single Family Residential) and Urban Low Density Residential designation of the NPO #3 Pl.an. 4. There is an identified publi:c need to provide a divexsity of hausing types within the community, according to pc.�lzcies set aut in the Housing Plan. ;' �: �_ III. Staff Recommendations; p. k; Staff recommends approval sub�ect to the ,following c�nditions: � i: 1. That the a licant dedicate the ade �' �P c�uate d,istance (as det�:rmined by City Engineer) of ri,ght-of�waX along S,W. 110th, and aonstruct half street improvements to City Standards prior to issuance of building P ermits. ' 2. That tha required construction and c�rainage plans be submitted and a��praved with the necessary bond agreement to t1�e Engineer and Buildzng t�partments fox approval prior to issuance of permits, 3. That access to the duplexes be off S.W. 110th from the present � driveway until the local street north of the property is installed. The dri�veway access� will then be termina�ted, No access onto S.W. 110th directlX �rotn, the duplexes wi.11 be �permitted aftez the n�rther.n street is construated, 4. The applicant will install a minimum 3Q foot wide common driveway with a t minimum 24 feet of paving tc� building code standards of.f the northern local s�reet prior to approyal of fi:nal building inspection. i i ; � � �. i i, t i �.' _. . . _ .. _ ., � � � � SZ'AFk" �PQRT �� AGENDA 5.4 �i °' TIGARD' PI,�NNING COMMTSSION �� January 9; 1979 - 7:30 P.M; �� CU 32�7g E'; �; Pa e 3 t., g s� � � � I:' 5. The applicant will dedicate three feet from the northwest property !- line moving east 92.6 feet, and dedicate 25 feet from the northeast property line moving west 98.D feet. Tlie appliCant shall participate '! by contributing funds of cont;racting the construction of the ].00al �' � street improvements on the dedicated areas proportionally prior to �? final building inspectian. ;' r;, Report prPpared by: Ken Selby �' Associate City Planner f'i January 5, 1979 t'. ;:� £�:.' ,; , ;a ;,: ,`r ;:i ;> �.� ,� ; � ;( � �;i ,':i �:.,. ;�j � � � � � ;� E'I l °., � { a a . � . . . . . 4.i�.. l`, .. . . . . . . . . . . . � p.�.. . . . . � . � � . . . ((�; , STAFF REPORT AGEN'DA 5.5 TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION' January, 9, 1979 - 7;30 P-_M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut 5"t;reet - Tigard, Oregon Docketc Minor Land Z�artition MLP 14-7$ ' Request: An appeal by surrounding �roperty owners of a decision by the Tigard Planning ' Director (MLP,1;4-78 approved October 23, 1978) for a request by 1�I.L. Clayton for a minor land partition to divide a .87 acre parr.el into three (17,075, 5,412 and 8,9'l5 square foot parcels) .in an R-7 "Single Family Residential" z�ne, Lacation: S.W. O'Mara Street to the northeast of MeDonald Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lots 2800 & 2804) . Applicant: Martin L. Clayton I. Findings of Fact: 1. On October 23, 1978 the app].icant was granted the request to partition a .87 acre parcel into three Tax Lots with conditions (see staff report - final actian dated October 23, 1978) . 2. Prior to the expiration of the 20 day appeal period, two letters were received by the Planning Department from surrounding property owners 3�F protesting the action taken by the Planning Director in approving Mr. .- r Clayton s minor land partition (see attached letters) . 3. A member of the planning staff inet with Mr. J'ohn Butl.er, repa:esentative for the partitioners,- to discuss c7.early their concerns. The following is their concerns with staff's response to them; � A. "Destroy the rural nature of the area" s i Sta.f�'s response: According tc� the interview with Mr. �utler, it is realized that the applicant's actian is in compl,iance with �� the present zoning and compreh�nsive plan that permits small. sirigle family residences, that discontinues larger 1ot rural. ar�a character. B. "Be the begining of high density housing which would in the future 1 create impacts on street traftic, water availability, etc. Which ;� should be investigated." `i 1 Staf£'s res�onse: Staff report finds tha� S.W. O'Mara Stree� is �� designated a5 a local street on the NPO #1 Plan and is in Subs�andard �' Condition with no curbs, s�a�wai�s or require right-ofaway. Furthermore, �� the �uture �robability of the surroundi:ng larger lots (generally 10,000 �, square fe�t and larger) parti�ioning to create the zninimum lot size � of 7,50Q square feet will increase traffio flow and require better �� traf�ic �acilities. Due to the lack a£ existing 1oca�. streets, the ij �, int��sec�ion of S.W: 0'Mara and S.W. McI7onald Street are the focal � poin� for t�;affic distxibution of �he �esidences on 0'Mara, Hill.view Court, and S.W. Edgewood. This creates a traffic f1.ow probYem � (especial.l.y during peak hou� traf�iae) , Thexe�oxe, conc7ition #4 of �he t ...._ �ina� action requires the applicant to dediCate a 25 Foot �ight-of-way ; � �,. _ _ _. . .. . .. . . . . . .. _ . . .. . . . . . .. ,. . .. .. . .. . �i fl 1'I . STAFF REPORT • �i . AC�EN'DA 5.5 �I TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � �,'� � �� �. January 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. i MLP 1.4-78 � Page 2 il 4 along the southwest property line from S.W. O'Mara to the northwest � corner of Tax Lot 2800 (see attached map) for future local street � from S.W. O'Mara to S.W. Ash when necessity and ratification exists. ;; � s As to water availability - a three inch watex lins exists on S.Wo O'Mara �' sufficient to provide continuous water service. i � � � � � � � C. ��I�Tot meet legal requirements for waste disposal at this time. There is j no sewer in the area and, at present none is expected for at least several years. " i' ;, y Staff's response: A Zocal Tmprovement District for sewer installation (waster disposal) is being formed for this area. Sewer service is installed along S.W. Ash directly northwest of the subject property � approximately 270 feet from the site. Condition #3 requires that no building permits be issued for the site until sewer is available. The major purpose of minor land partitioning is to allaw a property owner to separate a tax lot(s) far possible sale when it is no longer desirable to pay taxes on the propertX. ; ; f 4. The secornd letter addressed to the Tigard Planning Commission {see attached) 4 ��.� has tw� questions: � r A. MLP 14-78 III. Fina1 Action. #1 and #5 states that the present and/or future owners of the affected lots may not remonstrat� aqainst the formation of LID's for street improvement, sewPr service, or future r improvements of a future dedicated stre�t. It seems that your r�quest forces the present and any future owners to sign away their constitutional -: rights. Staff's response: The applicant was required to sign a non-rem�nstrance agreement against the formation of a LTD for street improvements. (One of the conditions for approval) . This ratification by the applicant is compensa�ion �or o�'fsetting impact the minor land par�ition will create with future traffic. There is no force to cause present or future owneY•s �he loss of their constitutional rights, in that ownership of the subject property is voluntary and a11 agreements are open public records. B. MT�P 14-78 III. Final Artion. #4 states that a 25' right-of-way b� � s' dedicated to the city for an implied fu�:ure 50 foot right-of-way local road thru tax lots 2800, 2803, 2804, 2805 and 2900 with the additional � 25' to come from tax lots 2803 and 2805 and the whole 50' to come from �' tax lot 2900. Public heaxings are the very least the city can do when adjacent neighbors are adversely a�fected by a future possible loss of � � land. Also, if a 50' local road does become fact, how are adjacent } frontal se�baCks �o be a�Eected? How is land to be acquired from '' adjacent pxoper�y owners? I3ow would traffic be aftected? I.,astly, if `° there is no road, how is �.o�t 2 and 11 to have adequate access to O'Mara? k` � � , , STAFk' REPOZ2T , + AGENDA' 5,5 ���� TTGARD- PLANNTNG COMMISSTON January 9, 19?9 - 7:3Q P.M. MLP 14-78 Page 3 Staff's response: All existiing houses and lots have' adeq•uate se�tback potential �:o pe.rmi� a f,uture 50 �oot local street standard xoad froxn S.W. O'Mara to S.W. Ash. The tuture street is proposed to assist in alleviating traffic congestion. Those individuals it wi11 benefit would probably ' warrant only a portion of general City street improvement funds when the need arises and full ratification is recei.ved. Condemriat.ion is a governmental right to acquire land needed at "fair market value" £or publza use, however, this right is seldom used. Tha City is projecting the extension of a local street �through tax lots 2800, 2804, 2£305, 2803, and 2900 with voluntary compliance at the time of development. The recorded tax lot separation will indir_ate joint acaess rights for all lots being created �rom the minor land partition action until the l,ocal street is improved and then a11 lots will have direct access onto th� street leading to S.W. O'Mara or S.W. Z�sh. II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. In consideration of the concerns expressed, the staff continues to support the canditions required of the applicant. . 2. It has been learned that tl.ze ownPr of tax lot 2803 has been granted a �.,, building permit to extend his building on the norfih sidP, . T�is may shorten the setk�ack potential for futnre street right�of-way. This may require that the right-of-way be reduced to some portion, and there£ore, a variance may be needed when the s�reet is install.ed. III. Staff Recommendations: S�aff recommends tl�at the Planning Commission u�hold the decision of the Planning Di.rector. Report prepared by: Aldie Howard Planning Director Ken Selby Associate City Planner January 4, 1979 � . _ . . , _ , . s, . . }; � ' ' �.., ' �� i. STE�1Fr REF�OR7C - FINAL ACTION _ } ` O�tober 23, I978 • � ; ; ' Z''iG1rZ� PLANivI�IG DEPARTi•iENT �'°' CLTY HALL ' ' } �!, �l 12420 S .W. Main St. - Tigard, Oreqon �� l';'; � ; Uocket: Ntinor Land Partition 14-78 �' ��i Rr��quest: To divide a . 87 acre parcel into three (17 �075 , 8 ,412 and , `• � 8,925 square foot parcels )in a Z-7 "Single Family Residential" � � zone. ; . - - � � _ Location: S .6�. O'Mara Street to the northeast of McDonald Street i ; (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lot 2800 and Tax Lot 2804) � �` Applicant: Martin L. Clayton " F ! I . Findings of Fact: � ;;; Io The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with �;:' Section 17. 24 .030 of the Tigard Municipal Code to divide ; ' a .87 acre parcel into 17,075, 8,412 and 8,925 square foot t'; parcels on ,the narthwest side of S.W. O'Mara Street. 2 . The site and surrc�unding arpa is desi.c,xn�ted on the NPO �l. Plan as "Urban Low Density'° residential and zoned R-7 which ; has the following �applicable requirements� . . i � 0 7,500 sguare foot zninimum lat size (18. 20 .030 (1) Tigard � � � Municip�l Code) Gs �., o Front yard setback pf twenty feet (18 .20 .060 (1) Tigard �. ,,�� Municipal Code) }� o Side yard setback of five (5) feet for a one story ���a �;,, building (18 .20 .060 (2) Tigard �'2unicipal Code) �:" o Rear yard s�tback of 15 feet (18 ,20 . 060 (3) Tigard �`:�� Municipal Code) i 3 . The parcel has an existing residence on the nor. thwestern !' portion of the site. The. property is surrounded by sing?e � famil.y homes with one vacant lot to the rear of the property. - 7 ' �'� 4. �outhwest O'Mara Street is designated as a local street on the f' . NPQ #1 Plan and is iz� substandard c�nc�ition (e.g, , no curbs, i, s�.dewalks, etc. ) The right-of-way for a local street is 50 ' ' feet. r � - �,': i:� 5 . Water service is available from a three (3) inch line in . ; ' ! 5.�9. O'Mara. . : t.. . . . . . , . - - � . :, � ^,�,�,�� ; . x���.� There is cu.rrently no sewer available to the site. The � '. ; Y�k,T��;! existing h��use is on a septic sXstem. � � w��w�,. • :� , �.�:� 6 . Lot 1 is being proposed as a flag lot with 20 fee�k of � h��� j fror�taye on S.W, O'Mara Street . Lot 2 as proposed has no � frontage on a public street. Lot 3 frants directly an S_W. ,��' � 0'Maxa. ` , ,.; I; . ,_ �,; ; �`; . �: , � � STAFF REPOR'1' - FINAI'� �CTION • Oc tai�er 2 3, 19 7 8 ' �' TI�ARD PLAN�IING D�PARZ'MFNT � rwP �4-7s Pag� 2 ; � � II. Conclusionary Findings: ;y�,.� : �.,�. ' ` � �- I. The proposed parcels confoarm to ��l�e NPO #1 P�lan des� c�nation . � � of "Urban Low Density" v " 2� The lots �re above the m:inimum 1at sizc� requirem�nts for an R--7 zon�. 3� Lots 1 and 3 meet thP acces� r�quirem�nts fox siriqle family dwellings. Lot 2 as�. proposec� d�es not. , 4 . Lots 1 and 2 ar� unbuildable until sewer is available to the . ' site. � 5. Th� right-of--�aay width for S .W, l�'r2ara 5treet is inadequate. III. Final Action» Based r�n the findings of fact as stated above the proposed min�r land partitiona.ng 15 hereby approved subject to the following , conditions: �. 1. That an a�reeme:nt not to re�nonstrate against the formation . of a 1oca1 im�rovement district for s•treet im,provem�nts along S .W. O'Mara (to local .street standards) and az� agree- anent not to remonstrate against th� formation of a l.ocal impro�rement dis±rict for sewer service be filed wi�h. the , City Recorders 2 . That an additional five (5) feet of right-of-way be dedicated along S.W_ O'A4ar�. 3. Ttzat no vuilding permits be .issued fnr the site until sew�r i� a�vail.able, 4. - That 25 ��et af right-of^-way alonc� the southwestern pro�erty line from S.W. O'Mara ta the nnrthwest corner o� Tax I�ot 2800 � be dedicated tc� the city and improved to meet tl�e minimum ' � access requirements �or r�sidential use (i .e. 10 foot minimum ! � access width f_or �ach dwellung unit up to 3, 30 foot minimum ac�ess width wi�tkz paving over 80� of the required width for 3-5 dwelling units) . 5. That th� ap�lican�: fil� an agreement not to remonstrat•e against the f�utur� improvem�nt of the auove c�edicated stze�t (conc�ition �4) • �� �. That lot 3 not hav� access di�ect].y �nto S .W� O'Mara . ' " f 7. That tne app_licant submit a sketch m�p dr�t�n accorc�a.ng to �� Tigard b9unicipal Code Sec. ].7 . 29s020 sl�owa.ng tl�e additional �• ' street d�' "�.cata.on. � . , • .� ,'r i�, J . . � � " � '' � ` i • �/' �/� L,l�'�'y`,�L� ,�i'1 �w .i'.' ,/ �'T"" '• ... �''/"/.�����. .�\ . .. . � . . _� . _ s , ... ..a. . . . .... .. . ,., . , � � : �� ��� � , , _�:. � '�,� . ��yy � n ,. �Y-..`.�y�� ��•( c�Jl..��Y}—i�.y-�,..� � . �, �✓C �'1---�- � • �-�--`L.�_.�: � '-3—� ,c._,"�\ ) Q-J�.'=-r,�t��y-� � ��� ' � . i5 � C7 � ,�,�< � ��-;ti� ,�.• �., s� . � ��2 y i �,i{n Q,� (� �' � �---F--�"�-.�.�. � t' � � �4 1 y'';rGJ'�[�� v �j-+.-t�.���''�,'_�;�--�c'v"� "'�'� � + u C l� b� S �.rtr t �:�. ('-�G j� 1 (� � ��QO C r [ � � I�C�^+c:.�Lt_/ .i`�ti'""L-t'� �,��Lt,•-�'�.',.-. 1 t' + �' ti / 1 Y F��• �„ S .�; o�,-�..�.. �.`4 �i g�-s �s,�, o��_ . �_T�.�_._ . _ � � �_ . .. � � � . c-L?z. �.-� -.�.�.,.,.-��e-..�,.-��r ��..� � -�Y�►�--��:-._ � {� . � (� � �* �t \.., ,��,.,�,��.�y,,.k-\ ✓�'-�-�-s'�`^'°rt"g��+�. 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G.. �i�r'.�G�`1 ._.._.,_,.. «--� ' ✓ � t " ' 3 l \ . . y � .. � .. . . .0 . . �_ . . � . . , . � �j �r �. Citp of 1'i��.ra . xi�;ard Pl�►nuiu� C�+nr+ia�►ion . g.0. Boz 23397 : . � ..._._..`�1�2t5 S.W. liain y �`-'x�ax-d� 4re�aa �7223 '�---___., �" , S��ject�: Tigard Plsaning De}�wrtweat St�irff keport �� 10�23�� NLP 14-78 1i�.rLin L. Clayton L�und Pa�ctition en t)maa'A+ �t.(tax 1ote� 2t300 an �..:. D�ar 5ir�: - HaqinS receivod t�he Yiasil +s��,s�f report on MLP 1�-789 it a�ems +�rlvipable �that au :sppesl is in ordet so that public he�rin�s and furthe�r com�is+�ion in�e�ti��ti�a� asi► �ccura. IL r�s�y �em th�t this i• i► dimple ls�sud p�►rtiti�n . �.o ��e Ti��rd Plaaain� D�p+►r�ffient but L• the adj�cent prepertT a�nera it is their h�mes thst a�r'� beir� a.Pfected. The fell�win� wre several re�woas th�t �.I.p' 1�-•Z8 iea h�in�i sPPe�►Iads � 1) 1�LP 14-T8 I II. Fiu�l Acf.i�a. #7� �nd #b a��te thati the preffient �ad��.r ' fut-ure �rasra �f the �ffected l�t.,s ma� a�Z re��nstr�ate +►�sinet t�e forma.- , t.ien sf I,ID'S for a�reet i�►pr�tsm�nt� se�►er a�errico� �ar �uture i.�preTemenb� �i s. future dedica�ed �a�re�rt. It sooai,s t�hat Tour reqn�sZ farce� t2�e preser�t � ��d a.nny �utnre +�aer� to e�i�n sur�y tl�eir aonatitution�J. right�. . ' 21 3ti.;P 114—T8�YI�. Fin�rl A�t�ien. #4 +ertates �hat �r 25' rig�zt—of xwg b,e � :�e�i����ed to the �ity �'er au impliad fu,tears 80� ri�h�—�f�►ay locrl ydad �hru �,�uc lata�: 280002�3� 2t104� 280�� �:►d 2800 �i�h the sd�iitionr�l 25• �o I co�� f�om t.aac lot• 2803 an�i 2905 a�».d the *hwl• �� tw cem,� fron t�.x I�t � 2�J00. Publi�. h�aarin�a� +►re t�o �r�r� les�st tbe �it� c�n da when �ui�a�een�." � �e,i.;hbor� xre �dves�x��aly a�tfa�c�e�i �iT a: �.u#�rxr� g���il�l,� aa�s� o� �a.ndr .�.l.�o, �.� a �0' lo�:v.1 rc►ad dnae becoae �a�ct' 9�aMr �►r� sd jac�n� f rcant$1 4e�.b�:N'.cn �e � be a.ffected? �irar ig lwn�d to �s +srcqnired �rom adjace�at property •.:rer+�? A�r�v �r�u.1d traffi� b.e affe�ctad? �t�y' if th,ere is nn t°oad, hox is l+t, 2 �:3.� �+� have �clequ�te acce�� t• Ur.�:ra? �n c-.ssncls�xion, it ia 8elt t�►�►t �P 14-78 ix�v�lrers f�ct�ra th�►t at is 4el�L �er�uir� �Snblic hea�rinQs �aui fnll plaaninY ca�uia�+rion stu�y with local FLb�l.ic input. Tha+n3c gsu. . � l���ctfull�►� , , � , ,- .� � . ^� � �' ' 1E � r X�1 �- � lr"t . , f� , � 1 °-��� % .(� �' . -. � )`i„�,•.� � ,\��� J'n, �� � �r+�` -1:_J�� L,• ', 3 ,� . � '1 '1� . �, � ���/I��-` '�" . �j �� �� L'.. .G.�Y"'r� � �` wy !„� /�.,��� r,fr�,.i..�/�• . . � � . '��� ^C ` / ' ,,j �, �,J--'.l:- � �.:'�i', . . 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Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � , Docket: Maj;or Land Partition MLP 1-78 I Request: A request by City Planning Staf.f to amend Condition #�'. of MLk 1-78 � (ap,provec� October 11, 1978) on a ZS acre site a.n a C-4 PD zone. � Location: Southwest .122nci and Scholls Fe.rry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34B, ; � Tax Lot 400) . , a � Applicant: Mercury Development Inc. � � � 7. Findings of Fact> i r 1. The majox- land partition was approved subject to compliance of the �; following conditi�ns; ; � 1. That 2p feet of right-of-way alang Scholls �Prry Road Y�e dedicated ? for public use sub,ject to 5tate Highway De,partment appraval a].ong r the length of �he �roperty, and that the ap,pl.�cant ;Ei1e an `; a_qreement with the City to participate in the impr�vem�nt of S.W. '' Scholls Ferry Road to Oregon State Highway Department st.anc�ards to � inc3.ude a Type I bike path. � r � ��. 2. That 25 feet of right-of-way be dedzcated t� the City along S.W. 125th and a half street im�prpvement be c;ompleted k�e,£�re any �urther development applications are accnpted. 3.. That S.W. Springwood Drive be extended to S.W> 125th, improved to City Local Street Standarc7s and dedicated tn the City along with ° the appr�priate zight-of�-way. }' 5 � 4. That a copy of the approved general plan and program, as defined ,: by Sec. 18.56.030 of the Tigard Munici�al C'od�� be suk�nlitted to the Planning Di,rector with a site plan showing the extens.:.on of S.W� Sp�ingwood Drive, bafore any �urth�r development on the property c:an take place (see attached staf.f report) . ; �. 2. The need for condition #2 is no ].ong�r. val.id d�ue to th� deai;sion by the �i N�O #7 Plan to °elimanate the continuatxon �f 125�h �to Scholls Fer.r.y 'Y Roacl. " i 3. Txaffic �low for the pro,pos�d commercial. r.en�er and surrounding � neighborhood will be provided between 121.st of� Scholls Ferry Road � east nf the subject property, and the �.ocal street im�rov�ment, to �he � west constructed foz the 5umm�x Lake Planned Deve�,�pmen� v�.a S;pxingwood � ll�i,ve, Southwest Springwood nrive w�.11. be improved as condition #3 i o� the major I.and partition, t i TI, Concltzsionaxy �'indings: 3 , � 1., Adequat� �zaf�'ic ai�cu�.atian wi7.l be av�i:Lable �vi�:hout the extensi:on o� � 7.25t1i �a Sahalls Ferry Ftoad„ '; ; ; � � 9 � . . � � � � � � �r : _ . ; STT�1F'F REPORT AGENDA 5.6 TIGARD PT:ANNING COMMISSTON `� J'anuary 9,, 19 79 - 7:30 P.M. Q. �. MLP 1-7$ Page 2 2. The applicant is required to develop portions o� Scho115 Ferry Road and S.W'. Springwood Drive to provide ac�equate t�raf�ic facility. 3. The elimination of the r•equired 125th extension is in keeping with the NPO #7 Plan. _ III. 5taff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval �f the elimination o,f Condition #2 for reasons stated in conclusionary findings. Re��rt prepared ' 1 Ken Se�by Associate City Planner January 5, 1979 i � ; i � , , f �.w. � ;. s 4. � F.li k� �', I' '. �'i �� , ii i� '' . XI � � �� s i. i � �R, � } � � � . �. .. �. , .. S . � � � . . . . . �. � . � . . . � ... .� .�. . ...._..... . . ...._.. �k�� � . ... . _.._. ._. .. .. ........ ST�FF REPORT ° F�,L ACTION �i^" ' T'LG=�RD PL,ANNING DFPARTNIENT . � :)c�ober 11, 1978 � , Tigard City Ha11 . ���� 1?420 S .W. Main St . - Tigard, Oregon • Uocke�t: Major Land Partition MLP 1-78 � Request : To partition a 28 acre site into a 7.9 acre and a 20.I acre ( parcel. ParcEls are currently 2oned C4-PD and RU-4 ; respectively. Location. Sout�west 122nd and Scholl� Ferry Road (Wash_ Co. Tax Map 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 400� . � �pplicant: Mercury Development Inc. � ... J � Ii I . Findings of Fact: � �I . 1. The applicant is requesting pearmission to partition a 28 acre parcel into a 7. 9 acre parcel and a 2Q .1 acre parcel i in accordance with Section 17.24 .030 of the Tigard Mvnicipal � Code. • 2 . The 7. 9 acre parcel is zoned C4-PD. The remaini.ng 20 . 1 acres are zoned RU-°4 Was�la.ngton Caunty. I i 3. The smaller portion of the property i,s designated retail/ � . ; commerc�.al on th� proposed Np0 #7 Plan. The remainder is � ; designated "Urban Low Aensi.ty" . ! i(. 4. The g�n�ral plan and prc�gram c�as adop ted by Counci 1 an July 25, ].977 (Ordinance No. 77-62) with the foll.�wirig applicable condition; . 1. That S.W. Springwood Drive be improved to City Lacal.. Street Standards for a distance ot 270 feet west Qf � the intersection of S .W. 122nd and S.W. Springwood Driva. ! ; S. 5taff had requested tha� a subdivision plat or an MLE� lae submitted simultaneously with the application for a _ zone change. The applican�' s regues� for a MLP was tabled by the Planning Director (May 1978) pending the ` vacation of S.W. 122nd Av�enue. , 6 . Washington County approved the vacation o� S.W. 122nd Avenue by minute order #78-447 on August 15 , 1978 . � . ,� 7a The property is bounded by S .W. Scholls Ferry Road to�. '�°'��%'V��. the nor�th and S.W. 125th to the wes�. The adjacznt • ':.�".�,�`�'"'• ._. ,{.;� property to the east is zoned C4-PD. To the south the land.;:%',, is vacant and zoned 6�ashinqton County Suburban Resa.dential. ' 8 . Southwest 125th is a dead e.nd gr�vel dri.ve c�ith �, 20 �eet hi�" � � �� servinq a few residences. � Sou�hwest Springwood Drive is an iznproved local stxee� which extends 265 £ee� o�f S.W. 121st to the west. � � , ��. r �r� . . � _ . „.. �c-._ . .. . . .. ... . .. .. .... . .. . .. _.. ... . . . . . . . ... . . . ... � ,:. . . ��..- I _ J . �+�� i . E , � STAFF REPORT — FILVA� ArTIOP3 �� • � s TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTNlENT � i Octob�r 11 , ]�978 ' � ,� MLP 1-78 � � j Page 2 ,. `� Southwest Scholl.s Ferry Road is at capacity with a rigt,,t- ; of-way o� 60 feet. 9 . Southwest Schools Ferxy Rd�d is designatEd as a arterial street in the Tigard Community Plan with a minimu�-n right-of- . way width oi 80 feet. Southwest 125th and S .W� 5prinywood Drive are designated as local streets with a minim�.zm right- of-way of 50 feet. lt) m The site is vacan� wth the exc�ption af an existing resic�e�:ce. A community shopping cente� is pr�pos�d for the 7.9 a�re �arcel of the subject property. II . Canclusion�ry Findingse 1. To improve traP�ic circul�tion S .W.. Spring�aood Drive sh�uld be extended fram its terzninus at the eastern sdge of trie property to S .CnT. 125th. � o Southwest Scholls P'erry Rr�ad is i.n substandard condition, �.acking adec�uate r.`ight-of-way Guzbs and sidewalks . Southwest i 125�h is in stzbstandard condition needing an additi�nal 30 I f:eet o�" right--of�-way and paving. �� � . �rhe City records contain r�o approvec� general pian for the � zone change (C4-PD) tha� refle�t�s �the conditions of a�prov�.l ' of the t�:ntative plan nar does the City racords contain a fina]. glan that reflec�ts the conditions or approval o� the general p1�n. Tk�e plat plan submitted as a par,t af �he major ; lar_d partitiorx application should be in acaord with the approved general plan. 4 . The proposed par�itioning will create two lots with separate zor�ing. Presently one lot has �wo zoning designatians , III . Staf� Recommendationsm .; Staff recommends approval subject to the following canditions : 1 . That 20 feet o� right-oE-way along Scholls Ferry Roac� be dedicated for public use subject to State HighwaV Department appraval along the length of tne praperty, and that the � applicant file an agreement with the City to partici�ate ir_,. , •,t.;y• the improvtment of S .W. Scholls Ferry "Road to Oregan State � � '� Eiighway Department standazds ko include a Type I bike path� ,. �• � - • • � 2 . That 25 �eet of riyht-of-way be dedicated to the City along �i� � S .W. 125�h and a half street improvemen�t be comple�ed beEore ', • any �urther development applications are accepted. . : � ` 3 . Tha� 5 .L�1. S�ring�rood �.rive be �xtenclecl to S.W. 125th improved, to City Loca1 S�reet Stand�•rds and ded�.cated to the Ci�y along wi th th� appropriate r�.ght-of-�aay. � I� � N . . . . Ir ' ; � . . . .. STa.EF REPORT - Fl�. tI.� ACT:�ON `r. . " TIG�:i�D PLF�v�3ING DEPART��IENT ' � t�ctc�ber 11 , 1973 ' i�ILP 1-78 � �� � �age 3 � Y. � That a copy of the ap�raved general plan and program, as deFined by Sec. 18 . 56 . 030 of the Tiqard i4tunicipal CodP, be submitte�3 to the Plannzng Director with a site plan, showing the extension oF S .t�J. Springu;ood Drive, beFore any further dewelopment on the proparty can take place. . ...� . . ,� .- , .��.,��-�° : � � � ,, EriPJ�TH L. WEAVER Planni!�g Director 4` �. .w � I ` � � ! . 1 � ; . . ;