Planning Commission Packet - 09/26/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut St. - Tigard, Oregon 11 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: �I 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ,I 4. COMMUNICATIONS: } 5. HEARING ITEMS: A. Staff Report rl B. Applicant's Presentation C. Public Testimony a. Proponent' s b. Opponent 's c. Cross-examination D. Staff Recommendation E. Commission Discussion and action 5. 1 VARIANCE V 9-78 (Southern Pacific Transportation Co. ) NPO #5 ti A request by Southern Pacific Transportation Company for a variance to cul-de-sac street length, at S.W. 72nd near S .W. Upper Boones Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, Tax Lots 3300 (lot #44 only) 3400 & 3401) . 5. 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISION - Annexation Plan Amendment to the Tigard Community Plan in the form of an Annexation Plan. 5. 3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISION - Economy Plan Amendment to the Tigard Community Plan in the form of an Economy Plan. 6 . OTHER BUSINESS: 7. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES I TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26 , 1978 - 7 :30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut St. - Tigard, Oregon 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7 :35 P .M. 2 . Roll Call : Present: Brian, Speaker, Corliss, Quimby, Tepedino, Smith & Funk Absent: Wood , Rossman, Staff: Svart, Selby, Mackenzie 3. Approval of Minutes : Postponed 4 . Communications : Two letters concerning the flood plain to and from the Army Corps of Engineers. z 5. Public Hearings : V.4 5 .1 Variance V 9-78 (Southern Pacific Transportation) NPO #5 A request by Southern Pacific Transportation Company for a variance to cul-de-sac street length, at S .W. 72nd near S .W. Upper Boones Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, Tax Lots 3300 (lot #44 only) , 3400 & 3401) . A. Staff Report: Read by Selby B. Applicant ' s Presentation: Mark Brown for Robert E. Meyer Engineering stated that request was the minimal to eleviate the problem of traffic difficulties. Described the plot plan and explained the need for a variance. C. Public Testimony: None D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended approval with the condition that condition #1 of the letter dated 8/9/78 be removed. The applicant had revised the subdivision plat to conform with the City Staff's concerns and therefore, the need for an emergency access road had been resolved. °MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 2 E. Commission Discussion: Speaker moved for approval with staff recommendation as removed. Quimby seconded the motion. • Motion passed unanimously. • Selby leaves 7: 50 P.M. Funk leaves 8 : 00 P.M. • 5 . 2 Comprehensive Plan Revision - Annexation Plan Amendment to the Tigard Community Plan in the form of an Annexation Plan. A. Svart presented material from Washington County as no staff member from Washington County was able to attend. Washington County had three (3) alternatives as drawn out on maps for the annexation of areas south of Spruce Street: 1. Tigard annexation line would follow the division of access south of Spruce Street between those properties that had access directly to Pfaffle and Pacific Highway and those properties that were enteredfrom the north. Properties fronting Pacific Highway and having access to Pacific Highway would be included in the proposed boundaries . 2. City of Tigard would withdraw its boundaries from south of 217 and north of Pfaffle Street. The parcels that front directly on Pacific Highway and that are currently in Washington County would be taken into the City of Tigard. 3. No withdrawals from City boundaries and a program to annex parcels directly fronting on Pacific Highway. Svart stated that the County recommendation with regard to the future boundary of Tigard was alternative #3 . Staff recommended a modification of alternative #1 as stated by Washington County. Tepedino suggested that the audience select six (6) individuals from among themselves to present separate views and to facilitate the public hearing. Pat Whiting asked if those opposed could stand and be • counted if they were not allowed to speak, Meeting recess 8 :10 P.M. Called to order to select representatives at 8 :25 P.M. • MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 3 Svart presented the three (3) alternatives from Washington County. B. Public Testimony: `' Pat Whiting,, 8121 S.W. Spruce Street, spoke in opposition to the annexation of any of the residential areas south of Spruce Street. Against the staff recommendation of alternative #1 and agreed with alternative #3 as long as no single family homes are annexed against their will. Stated many homes on south side of Spruce have no access to Pfaffle and do not want access to Pfaffle. Stated area was a unique one in that there were trees , ,dead. end streets, had open space, animals, room for private vegetable gardens and dirt roads . Area was condusive to family recreation. Wished area to remain as is. Thoughfannexation would increase density, open area to commercialization, put in roads which would be a burden on the home owners . Stated Metzger wished to remain as a community. Ms. Labert, 8080 S.W, Spruce, stated area was self contained had own sewer, water and county police. Did not need the City of Tigard. Submitted petition with signatures - "We the undersigned are opposed to the annexation of the areas ;! " south of S .W. Spruce Street and any areas adjacent to S.W. Spruce Street within the Metzger area. " r; Mike Mason, 11130 S .W. 78th Street, represented residents of S .W. 78th Street. Concurred with previous testimony against annexation. Stated that they had known nothing of County plans or City until this date . Bob Nuepel, stated Pfaffle was already congested, did not think more access would eleviate condition. Steven Botes was opposed to the increased-,taxes- and the resulting financial'pre's.sure on the elderly. Virginia Dunmagen presented testimony against annexation. Horace Zitwell stated he was in favor of the petition ;; against annexation. Ms . Colman concurred with the above testimony. Ruford Banch did not see how any area could possibly be it annexed if none of the residents of the area were if favor of the annexation. F Mabel Gorda was opposed to annexation. Oscar Zithrey was opposed to annexation. MINUTES i' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26 , 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 4 C. Staff Recommendations : Svart stated that staff was not recommending a new street connection between Spruce and Pfaffle . Stated that the residents of the area would have better control over their area if the jurisdiction was local. Stated that it was important to the City to have control over the areas adjacent to Hall Boulevard, Pacific Highway and Pfaffle Street. City was not interested in annexing areas where the residents were against being annexed. Staff was interested in rounding out of the boundaries and making provisions for the best possible services in the area. Cross Examination : Don Miller thought that the County could handle a water shed study. Don Alexander asked what Tigard had to offer? Quimby stated that the library was paid for with County taxes as well. a Luther Branch stated that services from the County had been provided in the past. Pat Whiting stated that the CPO & NPO overlap in their jurisdictions. Mike Mason asked why Highway 217 was not a natural boundary? Dale Ahes wanted to know if people did not want to be annexed would they be forcibly annexed? Cathy Chase, Lorie Hardly, Bud Spring, Don Alton, Brent Bishop asked about the possibility of being annexed by the City and questioned any possible improvements or ,benefits to their area. Tepedino counted 63-58 in the audience against annexation of the areas south of Spruce . D. Commission Discussion: Smith pointed out disadvantages of living in the County. Supported the idea that the areas south of Spruce Street should remain a part of the Metzger community but thought that the parcels along Pacific Highway ought to be within the City. Asked why the community of Metzger had not incorporated? ,' Corliss thought people of Metzger were doing all right without being part of the City. Did not think Sub Area #1 should be annexed, f Ai % MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 5 Speaker though residents were relying on Washington County too heavily. Thought Metzger should incorporate. Quimby opposed annexation. Tepedino thought the public was well represented at the hearing and that the concerns, opinions of the residents should be respected. Smith moved and amended his motion to read: not to annex the area outside of the City north of 217 or 99W with the exception of parcels in the north side of 99W that abut 99W. Corliss seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Subarea #2 Staff recommended that the City should vigourously encourage annexation of this action subarea. Speaker moved to adopt. Smith seconded amended motion striking "vigorously" to read: "The City should encourage annexation of this entire area subarea" . Motion passed unanimously. Subarea #3 Staff recommended that the City should vigorously pursue annexation of this entire subarea. Corliss moved for adoption of the staff recommendation with the deletion of "vigorously" . Quimby seconded the motion . Motion passed unanimously. Subarea #6 Svart points out a letter from the City of Tigard to the City of Durham and the reply of the City of Durham with regard to Subarea #6 . Svart reads one additional implementation policy into the minutes concerning subarea #6 and stating that the City of Tigard will give special consideration to the City of Durham's needs regarding the future planning of this area. ymmii b MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1978 - 7 :30 P .M. Page 6 Svart stated that parcels in the process of annexation along the southern boundary of subarea #6 were beginning to create another island of unincorporated land within the City of Tigard. Corliss asked what was the general sentiment of the people of subarea #6 towards annexation and if they were notified of Tigard' s plans? Thought there should be a public hearing for this area similar to the public hearing they had for Metzger area. Speaker moved for adoption of staff recommendation regarding subarea #6 with the deletion of "vigorously" . Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-l . Corliss against. Quimby abstains Speaker moved to amend and adopt the new implementation policy adding the words "solicit and" and having it read as follows: "For parcels within the presently unincorporated areas east of Hall Blvd. (85th Avenue) in NPO #6 which are south of Durham Road or a contiguous to Durham Road, the City of Tigard will solicit and give special consideration to the views of the City of Durham when "° decisions on development proposals are being made. " e Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried. Quimby abstains. Subarea #7 Svart reads the staff recommendation. Smith moved to adopt the staff recommendation replacing "eventually annex" with "encourage annexation of" . Speaker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Subarea #8 'Svart reads the staff recommendation„ Beverly Frouty, Co-chairman of CPO #4 spoke on subareas 4( #8, #9 , #12 recommended that no active annexation policy for these areas be approved until the community plan is ■ completed . `i 11 Svart stated that the concerns of CPO #4 were not very r{ relevant to the plan under consideration by the Planning Commissions 't 1 a MINUTES it TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26 , 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 7 Quimby was for annexation. Smith stated a need for annexation of this area. Speaker moved to pursue annexation of all of subarea #8 deleting "vigorously" . Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Subarea #9 Svart reads staff recommendation. Quimby moved not to annex subarea #9 . Corliss seconded the motion. 4 Motion fails 2-3 . Smith moved that "the City should not pursue annexation of M subarea #9 at this time." Speaker seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-1. Subarea #12 Svart reads the staff recommendation . Speaker moved to adopt the staff recommendation reworded as follows : "The City should not annex into this area at this time. A detailed examination of desirable "ultimate" boundaries for the City should be conducted prior to consideration of annexation of this area. Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Subarea #10 Smith moved to adopt staff recommendation. Speaker seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4! Subarea #11 Smith moved to adopt the staff recommendation. Corliss seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ,„a w MINUTES t: TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September. 26 , 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 8 Subarea #13 Speaker moved to adopt the staff recommendation reworded as 1 follows : G "The large lot residences outside the City by Englewood Subdivision should be annexed. " R. } Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Implementation Policies Svart stated the only modification of the implementation policies 1-4 was rewording of #4 to read: "The City will not approve the extension of City sewer lines beyond its municipal borders" Discussion followed concerning the legality of policy 4 . Smith moved to accept the implementation policies 1-4 . Speaker seconded. Quimby leaves 11: 07 P.M. Loss of quorum end of meeting. 4a j'. j. }ff PUBLIC NOTICE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION M September 26, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut St. - Tigard, Oregon 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS 5 .1 VARIANCE V 9-78 (Southern Pacific Transportation Co. ) NPO #5 A request by Southern Pacific Transportation Company for a variance to cul-de-sac street length, at S .W. 72nd near S .W. Upper Boones Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, Tax Lots 3300 (lot #44 only) 3400 & 3401) 5. 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISION - Annexation Plan Amendment to the Tigard Community Plan in the form of an Annexation Plan. 5. 3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISION - Economy Plan Amendment to the Tigard Community Plan in the form of an Economy Plan. All persons having an interest in the subject matter are invited , to attend and submit written and oral testimony or submit written testimony in advance of the meeting. Publish TT 9-15-78 & 9-20-78 STAFF... REPORT_. AGENDA 5 .1 '°, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26 , 1978 - 7: 30 P.M. Fowler Junior High Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut St. - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Variance V9-78 (Southern Pacific Transportation Co. ) Request: A request for variance to extend the length of a cul-de-sac to 65 feet ,beyond 400 foot limitation. Location: Southwest 72nd near S.W. Upper Boones Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, Tax Lots 3300 (Lot #44 only) 3400 & 3401) . Applicant: Southern Pacific Transportation Co. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is designated on the NPO #5 Plan as Industrial and zoned M-3 "Light Industrial" . 2 . Section 17. 28.110 of the Tigard Municipal Code requires that a cul-de-sac shall not extend more than 400 feet long. 3. The applicant is requesting the extension of the cul-de-sac to avoid the right-of-way radius area implacement on the railroad tracks. 4 . Section 18. 76 . 010 of the Tigard Municipal Code authorizes the Planning Commission to grant variances from the requirements of Title 18 , where it can be shown that, owing to special and unusual circumstances related to a specific piece of property, the literal interpretation of this title would cause an undue or unnecessary hardship. 5. Section 18.76 . 020 of the Tigard Municipal Code states that: "No variance shall be granted by the Planning Commission unless it can be shown, that all of the following conditions exist: (1) Exceptional or extraordinary conditions applying to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, which conditions are a result of lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control. (2) The variance is necessary for the preservation of a property right of the applicant substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity. E; STAFF REPORT REPORT AGENDA 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION September 26, 1978 Page 2 (3) The authorization of the variance shall not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this title, be injurious to property in the zone or rt is located or be vicinity in which the property 1 Y P P Y otherwise detrimental to the objectives of any city development plan or policy. (4) The variance requested is the minimum variance from the provisions and standards of this title which will alleviate the hardship. " II. Conclusionary Findings: 1. On August 9, 1978, Mr. Ken Weaver, Planning Director approved the preliminary plat industrial subdivision requested by the applicant pursuant to Section 17 . 12 .030 of the Tigard Municipal Code authorizing the Planning Director power and duty to approve subdivisions. 2 . Mr. Weavers approval of the preliminary plat was conditional based on five concerns (see attached letter addressed to Mr. Dwayne Moore) . 3. The applicant is requesting permission to fulfill condition #4 . f' 4 . The staff supports the need for the granting of this variance to avoid traffic hazards that would arise if a standard cul-de-sac length was required. g q 5. Shortening the cul-de-sac prior to its crossing of the railroad tracks would prohibit the turn around accessibility of the vehicles serving the southern proposed buildings. 6 . The applicant has widened the cul-de-sac radius from the standard 50 feet right-of-way to 58 feet, which will greatly accommodate easier turning for large vehicles serving the property. III. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval with the following recommendation: 1. That condition #1 be removed. The applicant has revised the subdivision plat to conform with the City Staffs concerns and therefore the need for an emergency access road has been resolved. it MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT: Hearing on September 26, 1978 DATE : September 21 , 1978 The agenda for the hearing on September 26, 1978 includes : 1. Draft Annexation Plan 2 . Draft Economy Plan Please bring copies of these two draft plans contained in earlier packets. Copies of the revisions suggested by the commission at its study sessions are enclosed, together with the minutes of the September 12 hearing, at which portions of the Draft An- nexation Plan were adopted. In view of the direction provided to staff with regard to annexation of Subarea #1 (south Metzger) , the following has been done: 1. Notice of this hearing was prominently posted throughout the area south of Spruce Street (see enclosed copy of notice) . 2 . Staff developed a more precise boundary proposal for the area south of Spruce Street , in consul- tation with the Washington County Planning Department . This boundary follows the break of access between Pacific-Pfaffle and also would include in the City the parcels currently petitioning for annexation there and others which are vacant . A map of this area with the proposed boundary will be presented at the hear- ing . With regard to Subarea #6 (southwest NPO #5 and southeast NPO #6) , the Planning Department has been contacted by the plan- ping consultant for the City of Durham since the Hearing of September 12 . Discussions with the consultant indicate that an- nexation of this entire subarea by the City of Tigard might be acceptable to the City of Durham if it had some assurance that it 's advice on subsequent development proposals would be seriously considered by Tigard in its deliberations. The Tigard Planning Department therefore proposes the following new Implementation Policy be added to the Annexation Plan : For parcels "within the presently unincorporated areas east of Hall Blvd. (85th Avenue) in NPO #5 which are south of Durham Road Ar or are contiguous to Durham Road, the City of Tigard will give . special consideration to the views of the City of Durham when decisions on development proposals are being made, " is IA August 9 , 1978 • Dwayne C. Moore Regional Manager Southern Pacific Industrial Development Co. 520 S .W. Yamhill Portland, Oregon 97204 Dear Mr. Moore: Staff has approved the preliminary plat for the 6 lot industrial subdivision between the Burlington Northern Railroad and the Southern Pacific Railroad subject to the following conditions: 1) That an emergency access road be provided and improved to the back of the buildings from the western side of the subdivision and that the railroad crossing off 74th be improved for emergency access. 2) That the above street be dedicated to the public. .:;, 3) That adequate fire protection be installed in accordance with the recommendations of the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District. 4) That a variance for increased cul-de-sac length be approved prior to Planning Commission approval of the final plat. 5) That a drainage plan be approved by Tigard Engineering Department prior to installation. We have reserved a place on the September 5, 1978 Planning Commission public hearing agenda for your variance application and final plat approval. An application for variance is enclosed. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Ken Weaver Planning Director Enc. ..STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 26, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon . Docket: Subdivision S 15-78 "Creek Side Park" Request: To subdivide a 5.20 acre parcel into 14 lots in a R-10, "Single Family • Residential" zone. Location: North of S.W. Gaarde Street and east of S.W. Rose Vista Drive (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3CD, Tax Lots 3700, 3900 and 4000) . Applicant: Ed Gause I. Findings of Fact: 1. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval in accordance with Section 17.16.100 of the Tigard Municipal Code to subdivide a 5.20 acre parcel into 14 lots with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet at S.W. Gaarde Street (east side of S.W. Rose Vista Drive) . 2. The site is designated Suburban Density Residential on the NPO #3 Plan and zoned R-10, •"Single Family Residential". 3. North Star was a previous subdivision application (S 22-77) which was proposed for tax lots 3700, 3900 & 4000 a year ago. The application was approved by staff but denied at the Planning Commission and City Council. North Star was proposed with a through street and no open space provisions. Creek Side Park is proposed with 12 of the 14 lots entering onto a cul- de-sac and the remaining two lots entering onto S.W. Terrace Trails Drive. Provision has been made for open space and storm water detention. 4. Applicable policies from the NPO #3 Plan are as follows: Policy 4. Protect the existing suburban character of this portion of the Neighborhood from encroachment by higher density developments. The Maximum overall density of development will be three dwelling units or nine persons per gross acre. A higher density of four units or twelve persons per gross acre is a possibility within an approved planned unit A development. Policy 5. Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights and walkways according to city or county standards. All utilities will be placed under ground. Policy 6. Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of 6'I adequately serving development and (b) designed to meet city or county standards. 5. Section 17.16.100 states that: "No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major partition shall be approved unless: 7. 1 .. r STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION ' TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 26, 1978 S 15-78 Page 2 F a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction, and all other respects unless the city determines it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. b. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the • tentative plan, and all reservations or restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon. `' c. The tentative plan complies with the comprehensive plan and applicable zoning regulations of the city then in effect. d. No tentative plat of a subdivision or map of a major partition shall be approved unless there will exist adequate sewage disposal system to support the proposed use of the land described in the proposed plat." 6. Cross Creek Court is shown as a 600 foot long cul-de-sac designed to serve lots 1-6 and lots 9-14. Lots 7 and 8 will front on S.W. Terrace Trails Drive and have no direct access to Cross Creek Court. Section 17.28.110 Cul-de-sac states that "a cul-de-sac shall be as short as possible and shall in no event be more than 400 feet long. 7. The site is covered with a mixture of conifers and deciduous trees. The elevation at S.W. Gaarde Street is 300 feet, then moving in a northerly direction, the property drops off sharply within an area containing a natural drainage swale (250 feet) which traverses the parcel in a northeast/ southwest direction. The elevation then rises again to 300 feet along the west side of the parcel at the north property line which abuts the Terrace Trails subdivision. 8. The parcel is surrounded on the northeast, east, south, and southwest by single family dwellings. Along the northwesterly side of the property, there are several large undeveloped parcels. 9. Sanitary sewer service is available on site from an 8-inch line that is located within the southern portion of the site. Water service is available from the Tigard Water District's 6-inch lines in S.W. Gaarde and S.W. Terrace Trails Drive. 10. The "typical street section" as illustrated on the preliminary plat indicates the sidewalk being adjacent to the curb. Section 17.44.040 Sidewalks of the Tigard Municipal Code requires that sidewalks be constructed adjacent to the property line. The applicant has shown the public utility easements (PUE) to be provided on 5-foot easements. Section 17.32.030 Easements (2) of the Tigard Municipal Code requires that utility line easements shall be a minimum of ten feet in width. '' STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 26, 1978 S 15-78 iitPage 3 11. To provide for the construction of Cross Creek Court from S.W. Gaarde Street, the applicant is proposing to traverse the drainage swale located in the southern portion of the site. The grade at this location is rather severe (over 15%) and will require fill to facilitate the construction of the street. No indication has been given on the plat as to what percent the street grade will be where the swale is to be traversed by the street. Section 17.32.030 (b) Watercourses of the Tigard Municipal Code states: Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or street, there will be provided a storm water easement or drainage right- of-way conforming substantially with the lines of the watercourse, and such further width as will be adequate for the purpose. • Section 17.28.130 Grades and CurVes of the Tigard Municipal Code states that grades shall not exceed 12 percent on local streets. In addition, Policy 3 of the Environmental Design and Open Space Plan states: The City shall restrict alteration of natural drainageways unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits are greater than the detrimental effects. Other jurisdictions in the Fanno Creek Basin shall be encouraged to do the tit , same. 12. The creek running through Tracts A & B is rapidly eroding the banks where vegetation has been removed. 13. There is currently n ly a street plug at the southern terminus of S.W. Terrace Trails Drive. 14. Staff is suspect that lots 11-14 located along the west side of the development fall within the septic systems of the homes adjacent to the west property line of the parcel. 15. S.W. Gaarde Street is designated as a collector street on the NPO #3 Plan. It is currently in substandard condition (e.g. no curbs, sidewalks, surface pavement is less than required by code) . The applicant is proposing to access/egress onto S.W. Gaarde Street on a 50-foot right-of-way from the development between Tax Lots 3600, 3701, and 3800. These three Tax Lots front on S.W. Gaarde Street and are adjacent to the south property line of the development, but will not be included within the plat. S.W. Gaarde Street is currently on a 40-foot right-of-way. An additional five feet of dedication will be necessary to develop the street to conform with the intent of the NPO #3 Plan. o STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT • December 26, 1978 S 15-78 Page 4 lit II. Conclusionary Findings: • 1. The proposed preliminary plat conforms to the NPO #3 Plan in that the proposed lotting pattern is for residential purposes and adheres to the dimensional requirements of the zoning code. 2. Adequate sewer and water service are available to the site. It is probable that lots 11-14 would lie in the drain field of the homes adjacent to the west property line of the plat. Tax Lot 3500 which abuts the site of the proposed subdivision on its eastern boundary is largely undeveloped. When developed the dwelling on Tax Lot 3500 will need access to sewer. 3. Access will be available to all lots within the development, and each lot as proposed will abut a public street. 4. Alteration of the natural drainage area should occur only to the extent to provide for the extension of S.W. Terrace Trails Drive out to S.W. Gaarde Street. 5. Southwest Terrace Trails drive as originally platted was intended to be a through street to Gaarde. (see letter 12/21/78 from the Fire Marshall) . Creek Side Park as platted does not align with S.W. Terrace Trails Drive and creates another non-conforming cul-de-sac in an area where there should be one through street. III. Final Action: Based on findings of fact, conclusionary findings, public concern, and the sensitive nature of the subject site, staff recommends denial of the subdivision application and that the application be heard by the Planning Commission as a public hearing item for a final decision. If the Planning Commission wishes to approve the subdivision application, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Five-foot dedication. of right-of-way along the S.W. Gaarde Street frontage. • 2. That a half street improvement for half of a 34-foot street section be made from the southwest corner of Tax Lot 3800 to the southeast corner of Tax Lot 3600 along the S.W. Gaarde Street frontage, deleting sidewalks for Tax Lots 3600, 3701 and 3800 if additional right-of-way cannot be obtained from the property owners of these parcels. No building permits will be issued until construction drawings have been approved by the public works department and the necessary bond filed. 3. That the street plug at the south terminus of S.W. Terrace Trails Drive be vacated. tit 4. That fire hydrants be placed as per Tigard Water District and City of Tigard regulations. -r ,.STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION tl TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 26, 1978 S 15-78 Page 5 5. That easements be provided according to public works department specifications for drainage and utility purposes. 6. That street trees in accordance with the Design Review Board approved list be placed along S.W. Gaarde Street and S.W. Terrace Trails Drive within the subdivision. 7. That a storm water plan be submitted for public works and building department approval which meets standards established by Washington County. 8. Permits be obtained from Washington County for street improvement purposes on S.W. Gaarde Street. 9. That street grades not exceed 12 per cent and that materials to be used in the traversing of the natural drainage swale be subject to public • works and planning department approvals. 10. Actual location of the septic tanks and drain field for lots adjacent to the west property line of the plat be determined. If any of those lot's drain fields lie within the subdivision plat, then no construction shall take place in that area of the plat until such time as those adjacent parcels are connected to public sewer. 11. That sidewalks be constructed adjacent to the property line. 12. That Cross Creek Court be extended and connected to S.W. Terrace Trails Drive and improved to city standards. 13. That Tracts A & B as shown on the preliminary plat be dedicated to the city. 14. That the stream banks be rip rapp along the length of the stream within the property lines of Tax Lot 4000. 15. That at least one week prior to the planning commission hearing the applicant shall submit a complete preliminary plat and subdivision application ac erdin•, to Sec. 17.16 of the Tigard Municipal Code. /4Y-- 402 ' NNET WE.VER Planning Director • IL • • rJ TULTL LRfiL fIR PRTECTIO i1TRICT Loo& P. O. BOX 127 B TUALATIN, OREGON 97062 0 PHONE 638-6861 0 RUSSELL WASHBURN, CHIEF December 21 , 1973 Ken Selby City of Tigard Planning Department City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Preliminary Plat, Creekside Park, S.W. Gaarde Dear Ken: After examining the preliminary plat for S.W. Creekside Park, the following additions should be added. The street should be extended through to connect to S.W. Terrace Trails. When S.W. Terrace Trails was originally preliminary platted, Tualatin Fire District's opinion at the time in agreeing with the city to allow the more than maximum length of dead-end street, was based on the fact that Terrace Trails street would eventually go through to Gaarde. Within this close proximity there are already three dead-end streets and a considerable number of dead-end streets in this entire neighbor- hood. Dead-end streets only add to confusion and time of response, to a response when inadequate, incorrect addresses are received. Secondly, Cross Creek Court, the street running north and south, should be renamed to be a number street, 119th. Thank you for allowing our input in this matter. Yours truly, Jos h A. Greulich Fire Marshal JAG:dm STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT • ' December 26, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon Docket: Minor Land Partition (MLP 20-78) Request: To alter the boundaries between Tax Lots 1000 and 1001. Location: 7000 S.W. Yarns Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1D, Tax Lots 1000, 1001) . ti Applicant: BPEEP Company i`. I. Findings of Fact: 1. The site is currently zoned M-4 "Industrial Park" and designated on the NPO #5 Plan as "Commercial-Professional". 2. The applicant is requesting a minor land partition in accordance with Tigard Municipal Code 17.24.020. 3. The applicant is requesting to enlarge Tax Lot 1000 and reduce the size of Tax Lot 1001 by moving the lot line between them to the north and west. Tax Lot 1000 is .72 acres in size and Tax Lot 1001 is 1.15 acres in size. The proposed new lot lines would leave Tax Lot 1001 at .976 acres and Tax Lot 1000 would be .96 acres. 4. There is a new office building located on Tax Lot 1001 and another office building under construction on Tax Lot 1000. 5. The site is bounded by Highway 217 on the east and surrounded by office and industrial development to the south and northwest, to the west the property is designated as office park but is currently undeveloped. 6. The existing buildingsare on septic systems in accordance with Washington County regulations. The building under construction will also be on a septic system and is in compliance with the Washington County regulations for septic systems. 7. Adequate water is available to the site. 8. Access to the site is inadequate and unimproved. The access drive is not paved and without curbs or sidewalks. The private access drive is approximately 600 feet in length. 9. The required minimum access width for commercial development with less than 100 parking spaces is 30 feet with hard surface paving over 80% of the required access width. 10. The proposed parking lot on the southern portion of the property is described as a gravel lot. II. Conclusionary Findings: 417 1. The lots of the subject site are nearly developed. 2. The access drive exceeds the maximum length for cul-de-sacs and there is and inadequate turn around at the end of the access drive (see letter 12/21/78 from the Fire Marshall) . ja STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT December 26, 1978 MLP 20-78 ,; Page 2 III. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval with the following condition: { 1. That the access drive be improved to City standards and that the gravel parking lot of Tax Lot 1000 be improved to City standards. f .x�/A� NETH . AV Planning Director V i'. y )1 • TULT- F f LAL fib. _ PI SHLT N TUALA TIN, OREGON 97062 A PHONE 638-6861 ca RUSSELL Y1ASH lU'RH, CHIEF . . [:t 6;Aitit P. BOX 12% December 21 , 1978 Ken Selby City of Tigard Planning Department City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Development, S.W. 72nd & Varns , B.P.E.E.P. Dear Ken: After examining the proposed site plan of the additional building to be built at this site, Tualatin Fire District up to now has had no input into driveway width, size, or access to any of those buildings. Any further expansion of this parking lot should meet the City stan- dards for parking lot width, including at least 24 ft. between parking places, with a provision for a turnaround at the end to meet ' the City street standards of at least 90 ft. in diameter. Yours truly,' C I) % } ) 4 r i I`�` j wtv.l fti, �, r.,N, Joseph A. Greulich Fire Marshal JAG:dm