Planning Commission Packet - 09/01/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. r STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPAR`1'MENT September l, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S .�Y. Main St . - Tigard, Oregon Docket : Minor Laizd Partition MLP 1.3-78 Pequest : To paxtition a .76 acre lot into a .53 acre ancl a .23 acre lot . Location : Southwest corner of S .W. Durham Road and S.W. 92nd Avenue (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 14A, Ta� Lot 304) Applicant : Kenneth Bouman I . Basic Facts: l . The site is designateci "Urban Low Density Resiclential" on NPO #6, and cllrrently z�ned R-7 "Single Family Residential" . 2 . Section 17 .24 . 030 of the T�gard Municipal Code authorizes the Planning Director to approve minor land partitions when consistent with the Com�hrehensive Development P1an . II . Findings of Fact : l . The site is generally flat with an existing residence on 9290 S .W. Durham Road and detac�ed garage shed. Access to the residence is via a gravel driveway from S.W. 92nd Avenue. Recent public improvements have resulted i.n a small barn being created along S.W. Durham Road. � 2 . The surrounding land uses are residences on large lots to the wes�t and sou.th, Tigard Senior High Schoo�. to the east and the Summerfield Planned Developme�t on the north. There are two adjacent lots to the east between SW 92nd Avenue and the parcel in questio:n. A residence exists on each of these lots . 3. Adequate right-of-way exists for S .W. Durham Road which is designated a residential arterial street . NPO #G states, � the purpose o� an arterial �treet is as foll.ows: "To + carry high voJ.�ume traffic �1ow and to cannect major trar�ic; � generating areas such as residential neighborhoods, commercial j centers, industrial areas, and nearby communities. " � I 4. Access to the p�oposed new lot would be via the 20 foot � gr�tivel, driveway, 5. Sewer is available from the 10 inch Durham �toad sewer line. � `� 6 . The applicant is requesting partitioning in accordance with Secti�n 17. 24 of the Tigard Municipal Code . r STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION d TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � September 1, 1978 Page 2 7 . The propos�d pa.rtitioning conforms to the requirements o�' an R-7 zone. 8 . A half street improvement was required along S .W. 92nd Avenue as one of the condi�Lions of the approval of ZC 7-77. It was to be provided within one year from the date of the zone change a,pproval . It has not been completed at this time . III , Staff Recommendation: Sta�f recommends a�proval subject to the following conditions : l . That a per.mit for a half street improvement built to City oF Tigard Standards and �,n access permit be obtained from Washington Co�anty Department of. Pt�blic Works for the land fronting S .W, 92nd �,venue on Ta,x Lots 302 ancl 303, Wa.shingtar� County Ta� Map 2S1 14A . 2 . .A building permit for the partitioned lots of this application wi.11 not be issued prior to completioii of �;hE half street inl�iovement. ��; /, i' � • ''� }.; . �WEAVE � Planning vi;r�ctor i �. ..� _ __._...- _._..w�.._ ___. _ . _ __.._.�,.. x_. ..._ _ _ _ i� I�: STAFF REPO.RT - FINAL ACTION �' TIGAE2D PLANIVING DEPARZ'P9ENT August 2., 1978 '' Tigard City Hall �� 12420 S.W. P�ain St. - Tigard, Oregon � Docket: Minor Land Partition D�LP 10-78 Request: To partition a 1.79 acre lot into one parcel (Parcel C 15,857 square feet) Parcels A & B have been approved. '�� i- Location: S.W. Gaarde Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lot 1500) . Applicant: The Robert Ranc�all C�mpany I. Findings of Fact: l. The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section 17. 24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code to divide the remaining of a 1. 79 acre parcel into a 15, 857 squa�°e foot parcel on S.T+I. Gaa�de Street in a A-2 "Multiple-Family" zone and a NPO #3 Plan designation of multi-fam�ly residential. 2. Surroundin.�� land use is multi-family and a church is on the north��ide of Gaarde Street. 3. In an A-2 zone the following lat requiremer�ts are applicable: { �„ . One unit 7000 square foot minimum lot size (Section 18. 24. 020 (1) ) e. �� . Setback shall be 20 feet in front, and 5 feet on the � side and rear lot lines (Section 1.8 .24. 040 (1,2,4) . I I 4. 5outhwest Gaarde Street is designated a collector s�reet � on the NPO #3 Plan requiring 5Q-60 feet of r.iqht-of.-way. There currently is 40 feet. Therefore an additional 10 ; feet will be necessary. The applicant has acknowledged ' the 10 feet on his site plan. Southwest C,aarde is in i substanc�ard condition (no curbs, sidewalks, street lights, etr.. ) . ' II. Final Action : Based an Findings of I'act �he �ropc,sed minor land partitioning is hereby approved subject �i:o the following conditions : 1. Ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated along the Gaarde Street frontage for street improvement purposes. 2e A half stree� improvem�nt to N'PO #3 collector street standards be provided along the Gaarde Street frontage. No building permits will be issued until construction darawings have been approved by the Public Works nepartment �;s� an�:� the necessary bond filed. � ��r�--C-t Aldie Howard Acting Planning Director � . '� r 9'�; ` STAFF REPORZ' - FINAL ACTIOEd TIGARD PLAiVNING DEPARTMEN'.0 July 17, 1978 ��ro;; Tigard City Hall r. 12420 S.W. Main St. - Tigard, Oregon Docl{et: Minor Lar�d Partition IuILP 9-7$ Request: To partition a . 55 acre l�t into two parcel.s (Parcel A 12333 square feet and Parcel B 11624 sc�uare feet) . Location: 8605 S.F1. Pinebrook Street (WaSh. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11AD, Tax Lot 400) . Applicant: City of Tigard I. Findinc�s of Fact: l. Thp applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal �oc�e to ` divide a .55 acre parael into two parcels (12333 square feet and 11624 square feet) on the n�rth side of S.W. Pinebronk Street. mhe site is currently zoned R-�7 "Single F�mily Resid�ntial'° and is designa�ted "TJrban Low Density" residen-�ial on th� NPO #6 P1aiz. 2 . The site was originally occupied by a �rivate sewer treatment plant for the Pinebr�ok subc?ivision. mhe siab- divisi.on has subsec�uently been connected to the City sewer line, the treatment plant has been removed and tk�e �� pr�perty was deeded to the City on N[ay 18 , 1965. The site is currently vacant anc� slopes into a relatively steep r�vene at the northeast corner o� the lot. Some fill has been pla.ced on �he site which is not refleetec� an the t�pography map. 5urrounaing land us�s are du�?lexes to the east, anci sinc�le family dw�llings to the north, south and west. 3. Tn an R-7 zone the following 1ot requirements are a��licable {Section 18.20. 03'0 Tigard Mu.nicipal. Cocie} : (1) ThE minimum lot area shall be ?500 squar� �eet, exc�pt .for du�iex use. (2) The minimum 1ot area for duplex use ,shall be 10,Of.10 square feet (duplexes are a conditional use in the :' - R--7 zone 1$. 20. 020 (l) Tigarc�: Municipal Code) . (3) The rninimum �ot coverage s��1:1 be (35) percen-� of.. the lot area. i u Setback requirements are as .follows (18. ?0. Q60) ; i � � (1) The front yard setback sha11 be a minimum of 20 .feet. � (2) The side yard setback shall k�� a minimum of_ 5 feet for � a orne stor buildin 6 fe f ' y g, et or one and one half_ � and 7 feet f_or a two stoxy building. d � � s � �� � � � �. � � _::::s 1', W, d ��, 4;, STAFF REPnR�' - FINAL ACTI:ODT TIGARD PLANNING DEP.AI�TPI�I�'�' � 4 . . July 17, 197F3 �' Page 2 �j ;''� (3� The rea,r yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet, 4I �I 4- LQt (B) is �eing �rppased �s a �1.a� �! g �;I l,�t with a 15 .�oot w�:de access (,existi�_q sanitary sewer/ ll storm d.rain ea�ement). , onto S,E�1, Pinebrook Street, �''I a�,onc{ �.lie westez�. p;�•-op�r�X• �,ine o.� T�ot (A) . This access wi.11, he �aved when �ev����mer�t occuxs and wi11 b� parallel to a 20 foot wide access s er�v. ing the two paz•cels i i�nznediately t.p �h.e. west of the su�ject site. .�ccess to Lot � �1 h�s not kieen s�e�i:�ied, It covli� be pxayided via a joirit �' aa�ess wi;t.h Lot F.3 �rr � se.�ar��e �vrb cut clirectly onto S,��7. `I Path�in�,er: i� �;I Because of �,fie con�igura�:i:qn of �he 1ot i�t is sta,ff' s �'{ opini�n th�t �t wou�.d be m�st c���irabl� to position the ;;i �,�cess, at ��,he time of c�e�relo�merrt,, in order ta allow �lignment basEd on the 1o�:a�,ion o� the buildinc�, This is �' pre�erabl� to cpmm3t�inc� the �,ot i�q a specific access ;I �qint prip� ta �i�:ing th� h��ld.in�,, �he m.inimum acccess xequirerr_tents (18. 6�.020) ��re: �ne, .�a foot access for one �welline� iini:t. �.. ; On� �0 foat or (?.) 7.0 foot for two units , and i"� ; �; i;! One 30 foot for thr�e to �'ive units. � �. 5. ��uthwest Pinebrook Street is desianated a loca.l street ��, on trre NPO �6 Plan and currently has su�.fic.ient righ�L- " of-way (50 fe�t) , Th� Pinebrook suk�division was apprav�d ' tirith reduced local street standards (curbs but no side- ��� walks) . ;.� ,� 6. Ad.ec�uate water serviCe is availa�le via a 3 inch line in '; S .W. �Pinek�raok Stre�t. �'�; Sanitary, sewer service is also availa}ale via a; 1.� inch 1i.ne cxossing through the center of the suk�j�ct property. � II. Conclusionary Finclings: �,`; y% 1,. The proposed partitioni�g confarms to the "Urban Lo�ta �.' Density Residential" designation of the PdPO �6 P.I.an, �`� in tha�t: ��: ;: a. Adequate water and sewer are available ta the site. `�; �.; k�. The pr�posed J ots exceed the 750(� squar.e foot ;�� �� minimum allowed in the �t-7 zone. ' �; ,,� c. Each lat wi].1 have �ccess to a public street. � t; z: � � � ;;:; ,;; . � . . . . . . . .. i�:�.,I � � . � �. � . . �� . . . . . . . � . �. . � . . . � . . . . . � .. � . . . � �. . �.�:�Y � . . � � . ��.:. . . . . . . . . �:..:� . .. . . � . . . . .. .. ' � � . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . _ .�r.... .. � .... . . . .. . ........ .�. ....... . ......... ...... ..-.�. ��'.. � ._ , _ N d ST�F'F R:EPORT � FINAL ACTION `�I��,;t2v PLANNI�JG pD�ARTMEN� Jul.y 17, 1978 � ��,. Page 3 IV. Final Action: Basea u�on the findings o� .fact and conclusionary fi.nclinc�s the proposed minor land partitioninc� is herehy approvec� with the followinc� condition: lo '�h�t prior to �ccupancy a minimum 1� foot wide paved �iriveway be provided to Lot (B) adjacent to thE �xistinc� surfaced: drive immec�iately west of Lot B; �.nd that a minimum 1� foot wide paved access drive be provided fox Lot A, ei�her �djacent to �.he access to � 3 or via a separate curb cut onto S.ta. Pine�irook S�treet. �+ Al:die Howard Actinc� Planning Direator �.. �_ , , , _ - _ _ , ��; . r�.. , �sl .. , 4� �tl'I STA�`FF',,F REP(�RT - FINAL ACTION F� '?'IGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � �''I June 29, 1978 ��, � Tigard City Hal.l ��,li 12420 S.W. Main St. - Tigard, Oregon �'i Docket: Subdivision � 6-78 "Garden Park Pl.ace" ;'I'I Request: To create a �4 1ot (67 unit) suk�division on 9 . 6� acre parcel �;I in an R-1Q Sing1P Family Residential/A-2 Multi-Family ' Residential/CP C�mmercial-P.rof_essional Planned Devela�ment :;li zone. Location: S.W. Gaarde Street and Pacific Highway at 110th Avenue '„; (6Vash. Co. Tax T4a� 2S1 3bD� Ta�, Lots 1400, 1500, west 1/2 of 900 and g01 (excepting the easternmost 50 x 320 feet) Applicant: 'red Millar (Oak Hills Investment) I . Findings of Facte '`''' 1.. The applicant is rPqueating preliminary plat approval in arcordance witYi 5ection 1'7. 16. 100 of th� Tigard Munici�al Code to suk�c�ivide a 9. 6Q acre parcel into 44 lots with a proposed minimLtm lot size of 3,000 square feet for the duplex lots anc� 5,000 square feet .for the attached sinc�le family lots on the northside of G�ard� Str�et between S.6�1. ,', 110th Avenu� and Pacifia Highway. , �; ?.. ThP site is designated Suburban Density/Multi-Family pensity/ �: Gommercial-°Praf�:s�ional on the N170 #3 Plan and currently �>; zoned R-10/A-2/C-3 Pl.anned Development. f� �::: 3. Apglicable policies Fram the NP0 #3 P1�n are as fol�.ows : �'� POLICY 4. Protect the existing suburban character of this portion of_ the Neighbarhood from encroachment k�y higher i.,. densii�y developments. The maximum overall density oF t: development will ,be 3 c�wellinc� units or 9 p�rsons per _qross acre, ti higner densi�y o.f � units or 12 persons pPr gross acre is a possihility within an approved planned un,it development. ,;`i POI,ICY 5. Resxdential subdivisions will b� developecl wit;h `� paved streets, curbs and qutters, street lights, ancl walkways, accordinc� to city or county standards. A11. �'' utilities will be �laced underc�ralznd. �:; POLICY 6. Development wiii coincide with the provision r,; . of Public streets, water and sewerage facilities. 7'hese � facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving ;';, a11 intervening properties as well as the proposecl develop- `� ment, anci (b) designed to meet city or count,y sta,ndard�. �;; tt �Y 4. Sectinn 17. 16. 10� states that: �� ; �� � � � "�No tentative plan for a pro�osed subdivision and no �� � � � � � �� t�ntative plan for a major partitian sha11 be approved �v; unless: �<: ��; _'�_ ��„�r� � �``������ . . ; �k � � , STAF�' REPORT - FINAI, ACTION ; TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTM�NT �, June 2� , 1978 b �`�r� Page 2� �:.,, a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conf�rm 'I� to the p�ats of subdivisic�n or maps of major partitions already approved for adjoininc� property as to width, general directi�.n, and in al.l other respECts unless the city deterznines it to be i.n the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. b. 5treets and raads held for private use are cZ�arly a.ndicated �n the tentative p1.an, and all reser-• vations ar restrictions relating ta suc:h private roads and streets are set forth thereon. c. The tent�tive plan complies �aith the comprehensive plan �nd applicabl.e zoning regulations of the city then in effect. d. No tentative t�lat o.f �. su�idivisian or map o.f a maj�r p�rtition sha].1 k�e approved unless there will �xist a�equate sewage di.sposal system to support th� �raposed use o� the land c�escribed in th.e proposed pl.at. " 5. C�n �ugust �2, 1977, the Tigard City Council approved a �. ' zone change (ZC 2H-77) reqtiest by the �pp19_c.ant for Tax Lots 1.4_00 and 150•0 s�bject to the foll.owinq eondition.s e 1. Five feet of right-o.f_-w�y k�e ded�icatec� al:ong S.W', Gaarde St.reet for street iznprovem�nt purposes . 2 s Seventeen feet of right-of_--way b� ded,icate� a'l�ncr ' S.W. 1.1,Oth Street f.or street improvemen�t pur�oses, 3.,� A half street improveznent for half of a 34 foot street section be mac�e :on the S.G�?. �aarcie Street frontage; No buil.ding permi�ts wi:ll be issu�ed until construction drawings have been a�prove� by the Public i�lorks Department and the n�cessary k�ond filed. 4� A half street improvement to loc�1 street standards {with ?.4 foot wide surface pavement) �e made on S.V�7. 110th Street frontage. No b�xi;Lding pP:rmits will }ae. issuec� until construction drawinqs have been approved k�y the Public Works Departrnent and the necessary �k�ond filed. 5. A covenant be attached ta the deed of 'any lats 'abut�ting S.Fl. (;aarde 5treet restrictinc� direct access to S.W. Gaard� :Street. �- 6. A.s part of the design review submission, consideratx�on : be given for a1.leviating the h�zaxdous curve an S.W'. Gaarde Street. ., : _ � � � �I STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGA:E2D PLANTIIZIG DEPARTM�;NT . , t�,,,. June 2 9, 19 7 8 � Page 3 6 . On March 13, 1978, the Tigarc� City rouncil approved a re[iden�tial/commer.cial/commercial professional. planned development for this site subject to the followinc� applicak�le conditions: (re : ZC 27-77) l. That .Lots 18 throuc�h 31 develc,p on a privatP drive (30 ' right-ot-way and 24 ' pavement) . 2. That Lots 36 and 3'7 be duplex lots. 3. That access .for Lats 1 through 4 be provided between Lots I and 3 and thE temporary emergencv access between Lot� 4 , 6, and 7 be daleted. 4. That the entir� development wi�hin Phase I be subject to design reviPw. 5e That the main str_eet withi.n the �.evelopment be con- struc�ed to local str�et standards (50 ' o.f ric�ht-of- way, curbs, a sinc�,rl.e meandering side�ralk, exact location to be r�etermined during aesign review) stre�t trees, and :,�treet lic�hts. 6. That cov�nants be attached ta the deEC�s �f Zots 7 �nd ��._ 8, 1.3 and 14, 23 and 2� restricting access from the private drives to properties in Pha�e IZ. 7. That a minimum setbacic of 15 feet k�e provided alonc7 a11 rear lot lines. 8. That a pedestrian access to Paci.f_ic Highway k�e � considered during the c�esian r�view process. 9e That mG-�intenance rPSponsibi�.ity be prescribed to � Hameowners Association far atl are�.s not withi::n �ubl.ic right-o.f-�aay. l�, 7'hat a 24. font p�ved street he �:xtended frorn thie I pres�nt paved end of S.W. 11Oth to S.FT. Gaarde �tre�t with no parking perm,itted on Pither side of the street, _ II. Staff Observa�:ions anc� Findings s � 1. The site is a gentl:y .,loping, relatively open field with � 'I the exception of an existing residenee (lot 4) which is to ' be retained and several. dela�idated builc�ings which are to ', be removed. , � Surroundirzer 1and. use to the north and south are single famiYy homes; on the west is tY�e Tigard First Aaptist Churck�; �nd to the east and across Pacific Hic�hway; are commetcial buildings,. ' ; , , , . , , �_�� �. . �, P 5TAFF' EZEPORT - FTNAL ACTION TTCAR?7 PLANNINr DEPARTP4ENT June 29, 1�7a �'" Paqe 4 , 2 . 5anitary sewer would have to be extenc�ed from an existing �en inch :Line appr�ximately 4(30 .feet west in Gaarde Streeto The line in S.W. Uaard� is of_ ad�quate ca�acity to facili- tate the pr�pnsed densit�a T�Vater service is available from the Tigard GVater Distri�t from �ithPr a six inch line in S.W. Gaarde or a 12 inch line in Pacific Highway, k�oth o.f wh.ich are adequate to sex•ve tne development. 3. `.Phe wes�tern :�50 feet of Tax Lot 9Q0 and all but t1�e nortrieastez•ri nlast portion (5� x 32.0 feet) o� Tax Lot 8�J1 ar� included in the prPliminary ��.at boundar_ies of the residential. subdivzsi�n. The remaining portion o£ these lots are part of Ph�se II of the r.ommercia�/commercial �r�fessional planned devel.�pznent.. The division of these separate land us�s t�ok plaee as a result of the planned development being ap�roved. �. No name has been provic�.�c3 .for th� �ropos�� "laop street" within �the developmen�:e S�Ction 17.16 .0'70 of the Ta.gard ��unic.ipal Co�.e r�quir�s '- � that str�et names be included on the pre�.iminary p].at. j � ZII. Gonclusionary Findinc�s; � �:x. l. The proposed preliminary plat �f "c�arden Park Plac�e" carif orins to the I�PO #3 P 1 an in that: �. Adequ�te water S�,rvic<e is av�ilak�le tc� the proposec� � subdivision. Sanitaxy sewer ser=rice will, be avail- 4 able through the extension of an e�,.ista.nc� sanitar_y � sewer line w�st af the site. 's b. Each 1.ot as proPosed wi3,l ha�re aCCess to a �ublia ' street. '� c. '�'he ].o�ting �attern a�d dimenaions af the l.ofis conforrns to the specif_ications appiov�d through the ��.annec� � deve9.o�ment ordinancea ��! .. , - . . . � . . � . . . � y l; IV. Final Acti�n: The p-reliminary �lat £or. '°Garden ParY P1ace" subdivisiori is ` herek�y ap�rovecl subject ta the .foll:ac��inq condition�: i i { l, Tha� priar,; to submission' for .Des�e�n Review .a complete storm w�t,er c�e�te�tion pl�n, :b.e su�bmitted f�r' bo;th� Qregon. State � H?,g;hway Division &' .�.ubl�:.c Works Dep�rtment ap�rovals. � i 2 . That fire hydrants be placed as �er Tigard Water Dis�rict 1 and City of Tigard regulatians. � i 3. That easemPnts be pr�vided accorc�ing to puhlic taorl�s �� c�epartment specific�tions for r�rain�.ge and utilii:y purpases, . ` _ . I; �r , ��, � , .. ' STAFF REPURT - FI21IiL ACTTON TTGARD PLANiQING DEPARTPrI.ENT �, �' June 29 , 1978 I' PagE� 5 �I I�� 4. That street �trees in accordance w.ith the Design P,eview � Board approved list be pl_aced along S.W. 110th Avenue and the unnamed "loop street " and S.W. G�.arde Str�et. 5. A name be provided for the "loop street" subject to public � works c�epartme:nt approval. 6. That permits be obtained .from Washinqtnn Cotznt1 for streets � improvement purpose� to �aarde Street anc�i 110th Avenue. 7� That a11 requirements of ZC 26-77 and th� planned develop- � ment ordinance (ZC 27-77) appl�ca.ble to the su�division be � adhered to prior to recording o.f the final plat. r G 8. That a street plug be provicled at the western end o�' the � "loop street. " ; � � 4 � . �� . .��`J��1jy��s '�I�Yf/W� • �i a;,rd Bolen. � �1ann�:n.g T�ixPCtQZ � � ' f� � � . � , � �, , � , ;; � i i; �i } z; �� i . . .. . . . . .. . . ,. .f: � .. . � . . . . . . . � � . � � K _ � . � . . � . . . t . , � . . . , . .. . � � � � . . � .� � . � . � . . � . . . . . � � . . . . �� . � . � . . � . . . �:. � STAFF REPOR'� - FINAL ACTTON T�GARD PLANNING DEPARTMEN�' June 23, 197� ' Tigard City Hall 12420 S.W. Main St. - Tigard, Or�gon Docket: Sttbdivision S 21-77 "Gal1a' s Vineyards°' Request: To create a 1.4 lot subclivision on a. 3. 3Ei acre �arcel in a R-7 "Single Family Residential" zone. Location: S.W. Tigard anc� 113th Avenue (taash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 3hDC, Tax Lot 2900) . �-ipplicant: Herbert E. Morisette, F3uilder I. I'indings of Fact: 1. T17e applicant is reguesting preliminary plat approval in accordance w.ith Sect'ion 17. 16 .100 of the Tigard Municipal Code to subdivide a 3. 38 acre parcel into 14 lotS with a minimum lot size of 75�0 squar.e feet on the scuthsic�e of S.F7, Tiga,rd at 113th. 7. T�ie site is designated Urk�an L�u� D�nsity Re sid�ntial (� units per acre) on the Tigarc� C�mmunity Plan, 1�71 and the r1P0 #7 Draft P7.an and currently zoned R-"7 . 3. Applicable policies from the Tigard Cammunity P1an, 1971 are �s follaws: �� 1. The maximum overall density of c�evel�pment will be four dwelling units or 12 per:;ons per gross a�re. This aznounts to a s�andard of 7500 square feet af lanc� per. dwel.ling unit � allowin� for streets anc� other open space. Some areas will � , have a lower density owing to topography, existing develop- � ment patterns, or the clesire of individuals t� own a larger � lot. a 2. Resi�.ential subdivisions wi11. b� dev�lo�ed with paved streets, ,' curbs and c�utt�rs, street :Liqhts, and walkways, according �o G city or cou,nty stanc�ards. A11 util.ities will. be placed i� unc�erground. ; � `,! 3. Developmen� will coincide witn the provision of public s�reets, � water. and sewerage facilities. These faciliti�s shall -he (a) i? . �apable of adequategy servin.q a1.1 intervening properties as' '" wc�I,l as the proposed clevelopment, and (b) desiqned to zneet , � city or county stanc�ards: €'. �: � 4, 5ection i7. 16. 1p0 states that: � r G "No ten�ative plan for a propos'ed subdivision and no r tentative plar� for a major partition shall bP approved � unless: �, �. ' � a. Streets and roads are l.aid out so as to conform to ' �he plats of �ubdivision or maps o.f. rnajor par�itioris �; �'. ��� � , _ , . _ . . , . � _.. _. -- - �� _ __ -= t J � STAF�' RFP0�2T - FTNAL ACTION June 23, 1978 Page 2 r already apprnved for adjaininc� property as to width, �: general c�irec�kion, and in all other respects unless thP city c�etermines it to be in the public interest to modify the street of road pattern. k�. Streets and roads held for private use are cl.e�.rly indicatec� .�ri the tentative p1an, and a11 rPServ�tions or restrictions relating to slz�n �rivate x`oads ancl streets are set fcirth thereon, � c. The tentative plan complies with the camprehensive � plan anc� ap�l,icable zoning regulations of the city a then in effect. ' i d. No tentative plat of a subdivision or map of a major # parti�tion sha1:1 be apprnved unless there will Pxist � adequate sPwage disposal svstem to support the ;" i proposed use of th� land describea in the proposecl ' plat. " ;: II. Staff Observations and Findings : l. The site is gently sloping from north to south with an �'i � I existing sing].e family residence located on the up�er portion , of the arrel alon the Tigard Street Frontage, the P g �r remaining portion of the site is an ap�n .f.ield. Surrounaing � �° 7_and use is sin.gle family dwellings and ui�developed 1and. 2. �he applic�nt had submitted a second preliminary plat that " reflected � relocatian of SW 1.13th East of the current riqht- � * of-way. ImpJ.icit in this proposal u�as the need ta vacate �; the exist.ing 20 feet of dedicated right�of--way. The �' applicant pursued this course in accord�nce with State f; statues but w�s �unsz�ccessful in obtaining the necessary �'`' � signatures because of_ the reluctanc� af one property owner i` to consent to the vacation. Therefo-re, the applicant has j; su�mz.tted a preliminary plat whi:ch incorporates the present �'J alignment of S.F7. 113th Avenue. 1 =;a >, 3. Water service is available fr�om the Tigard Water District' s °� eight inch l:ine in S .�V. Ti�ard StreEt. ' � .. . � . . . '�4 . � . � . . � � . � �f'.i Sani�axy sewer service is available via a 6 in�h line in `` � � ;, S.rn�. 11:3th Place west ot the sitP. 1! ' �; 4 . S.W, Ticxard S�reet i� designated as a loca�. str.eet on the Community Plan, 1971 and 'NP� #7 Dzaft 1'lan requiring 50 (' feet ot right-of-way, tk�ere currently exists 4h �eE�. '' �herefore, an additional.' 5 foot c�edication would be necessar_y. '` The applicant has made provision for the required additional �' right-of�-way on the plat. �: �. � t; S .W. Tigard is in substandard conc�ition (e.g. no curhs, �' sidewal.ks, etc.) Improvements have heen made to S.W. �=� �;; „ �;i '� r M � STAFF REPORT - �INAL ACTION June 23, 1978 Page 3 � Tig ard 100 feet west of the site (t�uttley' s Acic�ztion) a subdivision which the applicant also dEVeloped. There are two lots between Muttley' s Addition and the proposed plat which have frontage on S.W. '.Pigard Street but have been excluded from tlhe p1at. 5. �'he applicant' s preliminary pl�t reflects a series of f_lag lots along the eastside �f the parcel. Impl.icit in this proposal would 'be the need to provide individual curb cuts � for each of ihese parcels , resulting in the placement of a driveway apron every several. feet. This situation can be r�ctified by combining driveways with adj�ining parcels. 6. ."� stre�t p1uc� is nrdinarily placed at the terminus of streets that are intended to be continued through to adjacent parcels, thus precl.uding development from interfering with the logical extensic�n of the street. HowPVer, since the.re already exists 20 f_eet of rig?at-of-way beyond the southern end of the plat boundaries, the placement and purpose for a street plug on 113th Avenue at that 1.oc�tinn , could not be satisfied. i �, IIT. Gonclusionary Findings: � 1.. 2'hP proposed preliminary plat o.f "Gallo' s Vineyard" conforms ta the NPO 7 Draft Plan and Tigard Community Plan, 1971 in th.at: a. The proposed use is low density residential and the ' latting pattern con:�orms ta the 7500 square feet minimum dimensional requirements of the R-7 zone. ' i b. Adequate wat�r and sewer service are available to serve the proposed subdivisi�n. c. Each l.ot as proposec� wiY1. about a public street, � IV. Final Actian: �I i � � � � � � i; �kze preliminary plat for "Gallo' s Vineyard" subdivision is hereb,y I approved subject to the fo�.lowing con�.itions ; l. A half si:reet improvem�:nt to local street standards be made � along the S.W. Tigarcl Street f,ron-tage (fxom the te�rninus of improvements at Muttley's Ac�c�ition to the northeastern property line of the parc�l>) . Tf the n.ecessary right-of-way cannot b� obtained f_�om the property owners o.f Tax Lots 270f1 anc� 28Q0 (Tax R4ap 1S1 34DG) th.en sidewalks shall be deleted alonq �I that section o£ S.W. Tic�artl Stree�. No buildinc� permits wi1.1 : �, � be issued until c�nstruction drawinas have be�n aPproved by � the public works department and the necessary bond filed. � _ ; s � � �'�µ. .. . �� STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTIOT�T June 23, 1�78 Paqe � � 2. That five feet of right-of-way be r�er3icated along the SF�1 �'' Tigard Street frontaqe for street improvement purpoSes. 3. That a storm water plan be submitted for Public Works nepartment approval which meets the City' s interim storm water detention ordinance. 4, 7:'hat fir_e hydrants be placed as per Tigard Water bistrict � and City of Tigard regulations. 5. That easements k�e provided accordinq to public works j departrnent specifications for drai�.age an�. utility purposes. ; � 6 . �'hat street trees in accordance with the Design Review � E3oard approved list be plaaec� along S.W. 95th P_venue an� � the unnamed cul-de-sac stz•eet. i � � 7. That joint access anc� cross ea�ement agxeem�nts he attached i to the c�eeds of lots 6-7, 10-1�. anc� 13-14 . � r �� l � �� � � .�c� � .. i� chard Bo n ' 1e Planning nirector � � e � � � � � �, �; i;i i;;' �� �` r;; f!;, ,,. �,l I I �: I,i s;: ,., �: p„ � 4 �; � � � . . . � � . . � . . �� iti � . . . . - -. � . � . . . . ...�.�5; f:, � . . . � . . . . . . � � . .. � _��� r�. tz �'' � ,-: � � �� j' �; � i� , �'I , _ : _ _ : I �I II r � � � ST�FF REPORT - PINAL ACTTON ( TIGARD PLAIVNING DEPARTMENT � _ June. 13, 19'78 � Tigard City Hall r 12420 S .GV. l�a�in Street - Tigard, Oregon G � f � Docket : Minor Land Partition P/ILP 3-78 } � Request : To divide a . 36 acre parce7. into tt�vo (8050 R� 9840 ��I square foot) parcels in �. R-7 "Single Family ' Residential" zone. " ;II Location: S .W. 98th Street , east o� Scott Court (�Nash. Co. Tax r�[ap 1S1 35CD, Tax Lot 1.70(�) . t�pglicant : Bill Godwin �I I . Findings of Fact : li 1 . The applicant is requestin� permissic�n , in accordance with Section 17�24.030 of the Tig�.rd Municipal Code, to c�ivide a . 36 ar.re parcel into 8050 & 9840 square feet parcels on the eastside o� S .W. 98th, south of Greenburg I�aad. 2. The site and surrounding area is designated on the r N�0 #2 P].an as IJrban Low Density F�esidential and ' �,��, zoned R-7 which has the ,following applicable requirements . � l� 0 7,500 squaz•e foot rzlinimum lot size (18020.030(1) � 'rMC) . � 0 5 foot side yard setback for one story building � (18 .�0.060(2) T:MC) . . >`, 3. The site is that witYa an existing single story residenc;e in the western portion o.f the lot . The site is surrounded by single .family duplexes and multiple family units. 4. Soutiiwe�t ��th is designatecl �s a 7.oca7. street on the NPO #�2 Plan and i.s in su stanc� r � i ' b a d ,ond t ion e. ( �• no c�rbs, sidewalks etc. ) . Right-of-way �or a local i s�treet is 50 feet. There is currently su��icient `� right-o:f-way. '.;, �! 5. Water service is availa.ble� from a � inch line in S.W. 98th L�venue. ;`� i; � Sanitary sewer service is also available via an 8 inch line in S.W. 9€ith Avenue. ` � � �:: 6 . Lot two (2) is being ,�.roposed as a fla� lot with a 10 �' � :foot wide access, onto S.W. 98th Avenue, along the south � property line of lot one �1) . Th:is access will, be paved and parallel to a 20 foot wide access serving the ��'• two parcels to the east and behznd lot two {2} . _' j.;. �i' � � . _ �~ , _ . . . . -,,_.-�..-,,-�� � . . . .. . . „ � :�.: .�,..� , ._:�.. ._. . ,... . .. . ... . .. .,.. . .. . . _ :..... . -.. �... .�... � / � � ; STAFF REPORT - F'TNAL ACTTON TIGAI�D PLANNING DEPARTTdENT r., Page 2 ; �.. ' . TI . Conclusi.onary Findings : �; �, 1. . The p:ropose canforms to th� "Urban Lo�� Densi�y � Residential" designation of the NPO #,2 Plan in that : �, r: a. Adequate wat�r ancl sewer service are available }; to the site. �' Y�. The proposed lot sizes (805fJ ancl 984[) square feet) � exceed the minimum lot size required. �' � �,, i: 2. Southwe,st �.�f�th Avenue is in sub:��;andard condition ,� (e.g. , no curbs, sidewalks, li�hts, etc. ) , -! �: � � I�II . �ina1 Action: � �� ��� ,,',; Based upoiY the findings o� fact entimerated above, the � proposed minor land partitioning is hereby approved � with the follo��i.n� conc�itions : s,:' l . �'hat an a�reemen�; not to remonstrate a�ainst the formation of a local improveznen�: district for street improvements to S.W. �18th Avenue (to local ' street standards) be fil.ed with tYze City Recorder. t r:� 2. Tha-t prior to occupancy, a 10 f.00t wide p�ved �� �,, ' driveway be �rovic�ed adjacent to the existing sur�aced �; drive immEdiately south o� lot 2 and that the 10 fooi; `" wide p�.vEment be extended i;a th� eastern end of lot � . y �;. tiv ' '""� .�� ,j���� � 11 '� , fi�� �i L--�o-rl�r"dfL r.�'`A l r.^"C-�=�—• s i Richarci�Bo`7en ` ���, Planning birector �'`' x•.; �:.r �_�, 1=i! �r. ���! �.9 . ,:. �"� � ,� �� , ;;1 - . . � � . . . . . � . . ' ... � �k'��'�. .. . . . � � . . . . .. . . . . L�4.�." . . � . . . � . . � . . .. � . � . . . . .. . .. � �}'�:. . . . . . . ' � .. . . . . . � . . . .Yt . . . . . . . . . . . _����� . . . .. . � . � � � �� . .l��:� . . . . ... . . . . . . . � � � . �':.. , .. . . . . . � . . ...4y�. . . . . � . . .. . . " . � .� . {ti.. • � �' . . ' .' . . .. � � �� . . . . . . � . . . . ' . . .. .. �: �. �.. �'�.�,�. � .. . . .. . . . . . . � � .. . .. . . .... .�3 .. � . . . . . . . .. � . � �(,M� � . . .. �. .f}� . .. � . . . . {..+n (� . . .. . . . '�.:("� . . . n . .��.i:��-.-r� .. ..:.. ... �.....�'.n.�..,r...:'. . . . '. ... ..... . ... . .� . �'�� � �... n ��;� �... . . .. . .... " � . � STAFF I�EP4F�T - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTDZENT 1 ` y June 8, 1978 Tigarcl City Hall 12420 SoW. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket : Subdivision S 4-?8 "Angelynn" Request : To create a 8 lot �ubdivision on a 2.28 acre parcel in a �,-7 "Sin�le Fa.mily Residential" zone . I Location: S.jN. 95th Avenue, north of S .W. Commereial S'tre�t (W�.sh. Co . Tax A!iap lSl 35CD, Tax Lo1; 24Q0) . Applicant : 111ike Pdahon and Leon Bruneau I . �'indings of Pact : l. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval in accorc�ance with Section 17. 16 . 100 af the Tigard Municipal Code to subdivide a 2 .�£3 parcel into 8 lots wit11 a minimum lot size of 75b0 square �eet Qn the westside o:f S .W. 95th nortli of S.W. Commercial Street .. 2. The site is d�signated Urban Low T�ensi�t,y I�esideni;ia�. (4 units per acre) on the NPO #2 Plan and zoned R-7, ,�` 3. Applicable policies from the N1�0 #2 plan are as follows; �r Polic,y 5. N,esidential subdivisions will �e dev�loped ' w:ith �aved streets, curbs and gutters, street lig�hts and walk�n�ays aceorc�in� to city or county standar�ds. All utilities ��vi11 be placed under �round;. Policy 6 . Development will coincide with �the provision o:f public streets, water and sewage £acilities. The�e - fac,ilities sYzall be (a) capable of adequately servin� developrnent and (b) designed to meet city or county ; standards . ; �. w�:,�i:,r. 1?. l� . l��J s±�,±AC �ha+ • "No tentative plan :for a. proposed suY�d�;vision and no tent,ativ� plah for a majox• partition , . al r E s � ° �� sh 1 be a.pp oved un1 s . ' a.- utreets and roads are laid out' so as to co�- form to the p1a�s of subciivisi�n or maps of maj,or �artitions 'already approved for adjoining' property as to width, genexal direc�i,on, and in a11 other r,espects unless th-e cit,y deterrnines it to be in the ��•�blic interest to modYfy th.e street o� roaci pa�tern. I � , � ' ,I �...;:. .. . .. . . . ,, . ..; . . .. _:., Y�Y...�.��. ,:, - � S7'AFF R�PORT - FINAL ACT���N TIGARll PLANNING DEFARTMENT �T J.�u�e 8, 197�i ; Pa.ge 2 ; b. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicatec� on the tentative plan, and �,11 reservations or xestrictions relating to such private roads and streets ' are set forth thereon. c. The tentative plan complies with the comprehe.nsive plan and applicable zoning regulations o� �he �ity then in effec�t. d. No tentative pl�,�t of a subdivision or map of a maj�r partition shall be approved unless 'there will exist adequate sewage disppsal system to support the pr.oposed use o.f the land described iri the proposed plat. " 5. The site is curi�ntly occu�iecl by a singl.e family residence which is ?�cated in the north�astern most portion c�� the parcel . '1"his home �as be�n excluded as part o..f the �re7.iminary plat submission anc� a sepa?rate lot crea�ec�. A mixture of large deciduou� and conifer -treES a�e scatterec� throug�hout the r.�maining� `�i, � portion o�' the si�;� ��vhich is vacant and relatively I, �lat and surroundec� b� single :tamily dev�lopr�ent . I C�. Water Sexvice is available from the Tigard �Nater District ' s eight inc�i line in S.�!V. �5th Avenue. Sani.tarS� sewer ser�vice is available �ia. a eight in,ch line in S .W. 95th Street . 7. The �:�plicant; has inda_ca,te� on the pre.liminar.y plat that �inish �7.00x elevatioiis wi11 �ie at an �levaticn t;hat wi11 a11ow roo:f drains �or a11 lots �:o dra.in to I the pr.oposec� strnet . 8, S .W. 95�:Yi S�reet is desi�nated on the NP� #?. Plan as a 1oca1, street requixirig 50 feet o� rignt-ox-wa,y, th.ere currently exa_sts �the necessa�y rigk�tfo�-��va,y. So�thwFSt �5tki is in substandaxd condition (e. g. no curbs, siclewalks, street lights, etc.; ) , 9. 1`7a na�e h�,s been pro�vided �or the pro�osed cul-de-sac street w�.thi.n the de�velo,pment , Sectian 17. 16'.Q7Q o� the Tig�rd l�.�unicipal Code requ�.res' t;hat stx�eei; names be �,nclud�;ci on thE preli�nina,xy plat . � IIt Conclusipnary �'indings; �� l . The proposed pxe7.itnira�,�y ,p1at of "Angelynn" conforms to the NPO �2 P1an a:n that : P e STAFF I�EPORT - FINAL ACTION ,,,,� TIGARD PLANNING DEPAR,TA4ENT June 8, 7-978 Pa�e 3 a. The proposed use is low t�ensity residential and the lottin� �attern conforms to the dimensional requir�ements of. the R-7 zane. b. Adec�uate water and sewer facilities are available to serve the proposed subdivision. c. Each lot as proposed wi.11 abut a pu�blic street . III . Final Action: The prelimir�ary plat for "An�elynn" subdivisiori is hereby approved subject to the f.ollot�ving conditions : l. That a half stree� iinprovement to local �treet �tandards be made aloil� the S .W. 95t�i Avenue (:firom th� northea�t property line of Tax Lot 2400 ta the southeast property line of Tax Lot 2�01) . No building� permits will }�e issued until constructian drawin�s have laeen appro�ved by the public works de�artment and the nec�ss�.r,y bo�1d filed. � 2. That a storm water plan be submitted for Public �lVorks �.� bepa�tment approval which meets the City's interim storm �vater deten-�ion ordinance. 3. T.hat tir� h,yci.rants bP placed as per Ti�ard Wate.r ' District and Citv o� Tigarc3 re�ulatians, 4. That easements be provided according to publ.ic works � depa.rtment s�ecifications for �rainage and uti,lity y purposes . r. 5. That streEt trees in accordance wi�:h the Design Review Board approved list �ie p1�,c;ec1 al�n� S.W. 95th Aveziuc ;; and the unnamed cul-�de-sar. strePt . °; i� 6. A na.me be provided for the cu1-cie-sac s�;ree�t s�bjECt tc �� f' public works depar�ment appr�val , ; ; 7. The existin� residence (Gx�iffin} located in the northeast �'� coxner of Tax Lot 2��0 'be included within the Final ' Plat boundariES . i, z, I 8. Special design �consideration be �iven ta locating units r i.n ordex to protee� and retain the existing trees on � the site. r: {, . . . . . . �: .p, t. ��..�.� rN;,,,.....-�.�.) � �,...�—� . . �. � . . . : .....W..?: . '�� i � / lf f � . . . . . ! ,r'"'� �f`•''� � � . . . . �� �Y..�.r �y �.%`' ,r i icharc� Bo1:en - t , Planning Director �: � ,: �, , , ;� � . . . . .. .. . . . .. ..... . .. .. ... . . . ... . .. .. . .., _ . . . _ .... . . . . . ..... .. ... ... .. . � .. .. . .. . . ... �i i I i STAFF' REPQRT - rINAL ACTION `� TIGARD PLANNING DEPARrrP�IENT June 8, 1978 - Tigard City Ha11 124�0 SW Mazn St. - Tigard, Ore�on Docket : Minor Land Partition rrILP 7-?8 , Request : To par.tition 1 . 79 acre lot into two parcels (Parcel A 7912 square feet and Parcel B 1.61 acres) . Location: Southwest 110th and �aarde Street (�Vash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 101�, Tax Lot 1500) . Applicant : The Robert F�andall Company ; � I . Findings o� Fact : � � l . The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance � wi�;h Section 17. 24. �30 0:� the Tigard P�4unicipal Code to divide a 1 .79 acre parcel into two pa,rce7.s (7912 ' squax•e �eet and 1 .61 acres) on the southsic�e of SW Gaarde Street of S .W. 110th in a A-2 "Multiple- Family" zone and a NPO �3 Plan desi�nation of multi-- family residential . � i 2. The site is currently occupied by a single family � �, residence and garage (which is to be removed) situated � �. along the Caarde Street fronta�e. The remaining portian j of the propert,y is vac�.n-t ar�d relatively f1at. Surrounding land u�e is multi-�amily and a church is on the northsicle of Gaarde Street . 3. In an �-2 zone the following lot rec�uirements are applicable: � . One unit 7000 square foot minimum lot size (Section ; � 18.24.030(1) )e. ;� . SEtback sha11 be 20 feet in fr�nt, and 5 feet on trie r side and rear lot lines (Section 18.24.0�0 (1 ,2,4) . ; 4 . The applicant is proposing; to create an approxim�Ltely � 7912 square foot lot (�arcel A) which would contain a 'i sin�l� famil,y !�wel �.ing. The remaining anc� larger ; por�tion of the site is to be c�.eveloped as �. 19 unit � ap�.rtment comp�e:x (Parcel B) . Access to the a�artment development �vould be �rom two points on the west and ! eastside of Parce�. l� onto Gaarde Street.. No provision � has been ma.de on the site plan for combining dxiveways � bet;�veen Parcels 'A and B. � i 5. Southwest Gaarde Street is desi�nated a colYector street ( on the NPn #�3 Plan requiring 50-60 feet of ri�ht-o�-way, f �/` Tk�ere cu�rently is 40 �eet. Therefore an additional 10 ; � �eet will be necessary. The applicant has acknowledged � the 10 �eet on his site plan. Southwest Gaarde is in substandard conciita.on (no curbs, sidewalks, stxeet 1i�;hts, � etc. ) . � ' �,, .. _ _. _ _ i � , _ _ � STAFF' REPORT - FINAL ACTION " TIC,ARD P�,ANNINCr DEPARTPrIENT June 8, 1978 �� Page 2 6 . Sanitary sewer �s approximately 30p fee�: west of the site and will ha��e to be extended along Gaarde Street . Water service is availab].e from the Tigard Water. District 's six inch line in Gaarde Street . II . Conclusionary Findings: l . The proposed partitioning conforms to the requirements of the Tigard �1�unicipal Code in that : a. Lot A will be a minimum of 700� sqtiare feet. b. Water service is available to the site and sewer service will be available b,y means of the extension of a 10 inch line west of the parcel . .` �� I I I . Final. Action: • Bas�d on Findin�s of F'act and Conclusionary Finding;s the proposed minor l�.nd partitioning is hereby approved su�ject to the �ollowin� conditions : r l . Ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated along the Gaarde ��,: Stree�t fronta e �or stree�t im rovement g p purposes. 2. A half street improvement to NPO #, 3 collector street stan�.ards be provided along the CTaarde Street �ronta�P. No building perma.ts wi17. be issued until consi�rut;ti�n drawings have been approved by the Public rNor}�s Depax•tment and the necessary bond filed. 3. Cross easements and joint driveway access agx��ements k�e provicled between Parcels A and B. Actual �location of the driveway to be determined durin� the design review process for Parcel B. ��� .�� // � _,�L-r.-Z-,s,.. � � Richard Bolen i Planning 1�ix�ctor � '' � .__.... ...,� � i 1 _ ;�� STA�'F kEPORT - FINAL ACTION � �t; TIGAI�,D PLANNING I��PAFtT144ENT y June 7, 1�78 Tigard City Ha]_1 12�?0 S .W. Main St . - Tigar.d, Oregon Y Docket : Subdivision S 20-77 . R�quest : To create a 45 lot s�.bdivision on a 9.9� acre parcel in a R-7 Planned Development "Single �'amily ftesic�ential Planned Development" z�ne . Location : 8065 S .W. Boni�La Road (Wash. Co. T�,x P�Iap 2S1 11B, Tax Lot 500) . Applicant : Ken Waymire (Waverly Construction C�mp�,ny) I . 1�'indings of Fact : 1 . The applicant is requestin�; preliminary plat ap�roval in acc�rdance with �ectiozi 17. 16 . 1Q� of t�Ze Ti�arci Municipal Code to subcliviae a 9.�� acre parcel in�;o 45 lots on the northside o� Bonita Road between S .W. 79th and 81st Streets. ?. The site is designated eight dwelling units per acxe ,��*- on the north side of the spine road and si.x dr�e].ling units per acre on the southside of the spine road on the NPO #5 Plan and is cur.rently zc�ned I�-7, Planned Development "Single Family Residential Planned nevelo,pment" . 3. Applicable policies from thP NPO #�5 Plan are �.s Follows : Pol.ic,y 5. Residential subdivisions wi11 be d�v�:l.c�ped with �aved streets, eurbs an.d gutters, street li�hts ana walkways according to city c�r count,y st�,ndax��is . Al1 utilities will (�e placed under g;round. Policy 6 . Development will coinci.de ���ith the provisa.on o�' pul�lic streets , r�ater and sewage fac9:7.it:i:es. ThesE i'acilities sha11 be (a) capal�le of adecxua�tely servin� developmeizt and (i�) clesigned i�o meet city or count,y standards. 4. Section 17.�:C . 1��" states that : "No tentative plan for a proposed subdivisinn and no tentative plan �or a major partit�.on sha7.]. b� approved unless: � a. Streets and roads are laid out so as �ta con�orm to tkae plats of subdivision oi maps of major partiti�ns already approved for • � STAF� REPORT - k'TNA�, �CTTQ1`7 TIGARD PLANNING DEPART�!�E1VT , ��,.w.. June 7 , :197E3 �'age 2 a.c�,�oini�n� �ro�ert,,y as �c? wa:c��l�,a ��ne��,l. dzrec�ti.on, a�d �.n al�� otki.ex �'esp�c�s unle�ss th.e Gi�,y: dete�'�in�s.:,,i:t tn b� ?:;n the puk�l�c i:nt�x�st tp �odi�y �h.e s��r�et p� ro�d �at�ern , b. Stre�ts a;n.d .xoads he.�ci ,fpx px�:'V�'t� us? I are �l�ax�y i,ndicd;t�d on t�� -�����.t�.,'V� , pla,n, a,nd a,�..�. rFSexy�;�i•o�s .Qx x•PS��i..��ions I r�1,a�i�� �p �uch pri;vat� x�ads �:nd s�r�„e-�s ar� . set �'prth tT1.��eon� � � c.. The tenta�ti.ve p7,az� com��..a:e�, .w�:�h �h.P com�rel�en,szye .�],�,n anci �.pp�,�;GaY�l,� zoni�� xe�ul.�ti�n,� c�;� the ci�y the� i:n P����� ., d. �Tp i:ent��ive. plat c�� a 'sub�div�:si,�n or rrtap of � m�,,�px pax�ti�tian sha,1�. b�; a,���ov�d u.�7�es� ther� �il�, ex�,st a.d�c�,�,�t� sewagP d 'isposa,l s�ster.� tp �upp�xt; ��P �;�o�osed use o;� the land descri:bed i:n �;Ize prpposed p,l at , ,, � �w. 5� On J�n.uary �3, 1,�.78 the �'i�axd Cifiy CQunr,�:1 ���ro'�Pd a x�quest by thP a;�plzc�.nt f��r �, x•�s��d,en�i;a,1 ��,�,nn�d development Qn this S�te< subjec� �c� the �o;l,a.oWi�ng condi�;i.ons: 1. Ten �eet; o:� ri�ht�o�-way �� aea����ea �,1.an� the S .�Y, �oil�:ta k�c�a,d. f'��nt�;ge to �xoVi;,de ;��� ,�uture ?.rn��,.rQVe,me.nt; 2,, An ei,gk�t foot w�c�e }�icy�c�le��pedes:trxan patl� be c4nstxu�cted �o px��on Sta�e �ia:�bwa,y A�;��i;��:.o�. statid�rds �.n.d a, �Q �y 335 fiq�t �}�i;k� �a�h e;�sement bP pxc�yi,dP�, ,i.� t;hP nU��:h.exmJqst �a��z_o�. of, th� site� Act'ua�. ��c:a.t�Qn o�' �h'P �tk�. ��i�1.� be � sub,j�c� tp �lan.ni:n� de��,rtmPn,t ap��oVa,�, � 3, Th.a,t m�;�:n�e�an�Q respo�si:t�.�lity F�e �.,�sa:.�ned tt� the fiom,�owne�s �,ssoc,3:at��� �or t�� �u�.-�r�e-sa.G iN�.a.r_� ;n #:hP n�rthearn paart�.an. Q� t.�.� �i_�e anc� "�'x�ct �.." �,�c� tla;�� thesP two ��xeas be desi�;�n�,ted a� commQn a�'ea. 4, That a streP� �xe� �l,a� be submi��ed wi�h. the :�ana7. �a.at � � �F Tliat �the cpr�bi;�.a,�ion. �.a�,dsc��P i:s;l,�;n.d anc� ,paxlri:�g ba�, tk�e dupJ,exPSr �:nd �,tt�.ch.�c� ��.���,e ��m�1y � � unit� lae sub,j��t �to d�si��: r�yi;eFV� i � ; I , i � _ - - = -- � - i STAI'I' REPORT - FINAL ACTInY1 � TIGA.RD P�,ANNING DEPARTMENT June 7, 1978 ; Page 3 6 . That a 30 �oot setl�ack from the property line along � the S�V Bonita Road frontage be pro�Tid�d and that z � the placement of accessory buildings, removal of ' trees, and construction of fences within this area � be subject to design review. � 7. No on-stree�t parking shall be permitted in the r�oition on the nori;h side of the spine road, except for the parking bays wi�i;hin the landscape island. ` 8. That the following conditions shall appl,y to the ry temporary access point (Tract A) between Bonita �,oad and the ���uthern end of the cul-de-sac: a. A 40 foot wide public easement for utility and traffic purposes shall be provided. b. A 24 foot wide asphalt surface shall be provir�ed �vi.i;hin this easement area as a temporarv acces� to Bonita Road. c. Closure of this temporar.y access shall occur ��vhen construction of the spine road to either F3a11 Blvd. or Bonita l�oad is completed; this closure ; W11�. require r.emoval of the ?� foot pav�ment �) �" section connecting the cul-de-sac to f3onita Road ` n n r � ��- and the li�t of as halt over tl�e curh. .�he � area betweeii the cul-de-sac and Bonit Roa,d will be landscapeci with sight-screenin� plant ma�erials. The cost of closure (all impravements req,u�.xed above) will be boxn k�y the develaper and a bond filed with the Cit,y in an am�unt twice the j estitnated cost o.f caxryin� the ahove-�s�ated chan�ES, 9. That meandering s�.dewalks be permitted to take advantage of natural veget�,tioi� suk�ject to staff approval . 6. The applicant has essentiall,y incorporated into the preliminary plat the conditions of general plan and p.r�gram approval . Iio`�ever, the �ollowing conditzans need �� documentation either on the �ina], plat o�° in -the �x•operty ;� owner� 's agreement to assure those conditions arc �ul�ill.ed. Condition 3 �; Maintcnwnce Y•es;aonsibi.l�ty :fox the cul--de�sac islancls y;: in the northern portion of the site anci Tr�,ct "A" be j E assi�ned to tY�e Hor�ec�wners As�ociation a.nd these areas �� be designat�ed as common area. � E� �s �; �; � � ��� �3 {. S. � . . � . . . .. . ._ .. .. .. . ... .... . . .. , .. ._. .. . . . . .. C • ' f t . „ ... ° ��:: ��;, � J;. s; � 1`i • STAFF REPORT' - ,PINAL A,CTI,Q� �' TI('sARD P�,ANNING :DEPARTMENT ` June 7 , 1978 - Page 4 " �''I _ Condition 7 (b R� c) �" �;. � G����� A 24. foot wide asphalt surface shall be provided in `'` Tr.act "A" ar�d this temporary access c.losed when construction of the spine road to either Hall Blvd. or Bonita Road is completed. Trie. method for landscaping this area once the closure has taken placE shall occur as stated in Conclition 7c of the genera:l plan and program as ap�roved. 7. Southwest Bonita Road is currently in substanc�ard condition. However, improving the street at this tirne may be impractical cio to the existing physical conditions o:f the roac�. The v�x�tical alignment is varied and it svould be ver,y difficult to assure a future match, if done peacemeal now. The �ngineering Department has reviewed the development proposal and have also found tha.t the horizontal ali�nment o� �he road could al.so present a problem and recommend thai; � "f�xture improvement" of Bonita Road should be flllZy Idesigned fr.om Hal1 IIlvd. to the bridge at Fanno Creek. Y � II . Conclusionary Tindin�s : '' � 1 . The pr�limiriary plat conforms �to the NPO #5 land use � designation of eight (�) units per acre nox•th of the spine road and six units per acs e south o�E tlie s�pine � road, 2. �Nith the att�,chment o:f appropz•iate conditions, access � wi11 be available to all lots. i 3. Sanitary sewer and water service are available �to tl-ie sit� to accommodate the proposed density. ; I I I . rina�. Action : i l . A non remonstrance agreement to participate in a loc�al improvement district for the improvement of SW Bonita Road }�e si�ned by the propert,y owner, a.nd be recorded ; and trans�erred to a,ll deeds for all new lots as the,y are sold. ; 2. That the spine road be developed qn a 50 right-�:�-way with 36 feet of pavement with a 5 foot wide planter strip a,nd 5 �eet wide meanc�ering side�valks to b� provided on 10 foot easements. ' STATF RFPO�T - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPAFtTr�ENT �"_, June 7, 1;�7F3 Page 5 3. Ten feet o� right-of-way be dedicated along the S�9 Bonita Road fronta�e �:o provide for �uture improwement , 4. An eight :�oot wide bicycle/pedestrian �ath be constxucted to Ore�on State Hi�hway Division standards and a 90 by 335 foot bike path easement be provided in the northermost port;�.on o� the site . Actual locatiora of the path shall � k�e subject to planning depa.rtment approval . 's 5. Th�.t a �10 foot easement k�e �rovided in the "Common Area" ; between lots 36, 37, 38, 40 and 7 and t3, connecting with � the 40 foot Easement to west ; and that a gravel foot �ath � be installed within this easement , ; 6 . That maintenanee responszbility �e assa.�ned �;o the Hor�eowners Associa�Lian for the cul-r�e-sac island in the northern portion of the site and "Tract A'' anci that these �:wo �.reas be desz.�nat�d as common �,rea. ?. That a street tree plan be submitt�d prior �to iinal ' plat a�proval . ;: 8, That thE combi.nation landscape isla�ld and park,ing 1�ay, ��. �� the du.plexes, and attached single �amily units be t, subject to desi�n revie�v. ;,: ;:,;. �,, 9. �'hat a 3Q f.aot setback from the property line al�ng f� the S'� Bonita Road frontage be provi.ded an.d that the placement of accessory buildin�s, r�moval o:f trees, � a,nd cpnstruct;ion of �fences wi.thi;n this �,rea be suk�ject i ; , to desi�n review. ,;i 1�. No on-s�;reet parl{itl� sha11 k�e pexmittecl in that sectzon '�+ on the north side of the spine road, exce��t _for the parkin� ba�s ��ithin tlle landscape islaiid. � � � i 11 . That the �ollowing conditions sha11 a,ppl,y to �the temporary access point (Tract �� k7etwePn �ona.ta :�o�;d � anc� i�he southern end o:� the cul-de--sac,, � ;�' a. A 40 :�oot wide puh].ic easement for utili.ty and tra�fic purnoses shall b� prov�ded, '� � b. A 24 foot wide asphalt sur�ace; wa_tk�. a commercial ,� driveway �,pron an a st�ndard street cross section a blendin� into Bonita Road with a ?t� foot ra�ius � .:� shall be provided Within this easernent ar�a as a z�i temporary access to Bonita �oad, �" 'i �. �� c. Closure o� t1�is �emporary access shall c�ccur, when ?�I const�uction of the spine road to either HaYl BYvcl. ar I3onita Road is completed; this closure wi11 rec�u�re k :3� rernoval of the 24 Poot pavement section connecting �l ::.'� ,. ;, , ,I � ; ; � � � � � ��1� � .Y � . �' � > ti w STAFF FtEPOP�T - FTNAL ACTIOP� i TIGARn PLANNINCx DEPARTMENT ,�., June 7, 1978 ��� Page 6 the cul-de-sac to Banita Road and the "lift" of � asphalt over the �urb. The ar�a between the � cul-de-sac and Bonita Road will be landscaped with � sight-screening plant materia7.s. The cost of Y closur.e (all improvements required above) will be 'i born by tYie c�eveloper and a bond filec� with the � City in an amount twice the estimated cost of +� carrying the above•-stated changes. �, 12. That meandering side�valks be permitte� to tal�e �zdvantage of natural vegetation suk�ject to staff approva:l. , i� �,, -,"`�7 � �` --' '""" % r,�� � ��__ ._ �.�. ._ Kichard Bo1en �---" Planning bi.rector '�� "t: �_ ,; t`.I ('� 4� �x �?. �'i � � +`�� +,'i ;,I ;il ,;,� ;;;,n ' 'e,%i i;: i: S,a . � � . � .. . � . . � � �. . . . . .. . . � -. . .. . . .1 . � . . . � � „�'. ' �����yyy''' . . . . . � . . i..:. ... . � . . � � . . . ,. .. . . ;: � � .. . . . . . - � . . . . . . . . . .. (,1 . . . . . ' . . �� � � , � �. . . � . . .. � �jl �'r� ��. - � � _ : . �. r. �� I.-: . i� ;: I STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �;i TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �; May 31, 1978 Tigard City Hall ;. 12420 S .W. Main Street - Tigard, Uregon 's,' k; Docket : Minor Land Partition 8-78 Request : To partition a 1 .65 acre parcel into three parcels . Location: 817.5 S.W. Eionita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, �' Tax Lot 7Q0) . Applicant : Gerald Cach I . Basic Findings of I'act : '� l . The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section 17.24 .030, Tigard r�Iunicipal Code, to C�1V1C�@ a 1 .65 acre parcel into three parcels of I f 10,000 sq. feet , 14,000 sq. feet and 23,�50 sq. Feet . 2 . The site is located in �he "Boni�ta Trian le" which ''�, g is designated "Urban P,4edi.um Density Residential" on the NPO #b Plan. The Plan further designates the �':II specific area .for a densi�v oF six dwelling units per acre, and is currently zoned ft-?, "Single Family �;� Rcsidential. " �:;! �. i 3. The minimum lot size rec�uirements for this area are �' ba.sed on the underlying zone of R-7 which ar.e as � follows : . 7,50U square foot minimum lo�t si�e (Section ;;� ].8 .20.030(1) , Tigard Municipal Code) un.lsss submission is for a planned development . `'� j . The minimum lot area for duple� use shal"1. be '� 10,000 squ�,re feet (Seci;ion 18.20.030(2) ) . . 20 foot minimum :�ront yard setback , 5 foot sidey'ard ior one-story building, and 15 foc�t � rear yard (18. 30.06�(1) , (2) & (4) respectively} . 4 . Vehicular access and egress for single .family and � duplex resi_dential uses shall � nc�t be less than the fo�.lowing (18.64 .02,�(a) : i� T( � . One 10 foot �aved drive for a sin�le unit . i . Two 1Q foot or one 20 .foot paved drive for two units . �' . One 30 foot paved drive for three to five units. j;� . One 50 foot paved street for six ox more units . � � �:� �� �,r ;� �� __ _ _ _ . _., _...: _>: �' �: �t:' A (ri STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTIOIV �'� � TIGARD PLANNING DEPAI�TMENT �; May 31, I97Ei ; 4 Page 2 ,, r,I � 5. Section 17. 28 . OF0 (Ti�ard 1l4unicipal Code) states that } "all streets shall , as far as practicable, be in � alignment with existir�g streets by continuations of ;�' the centerlines thereo� . In no case shall the staggering of streets making a "T" intersection be . so designed to allow a dan�erous condition . Off-sets of less than one hundred feet will no�t; be allowed. " �' C. Applicable policies and objectives from NPO #5 Plan are as follows : A. Provide vehicular access which serves all properties while minimizing conflict points on Bonita. J B. Development will coincide with th� provisic�n of public streets, water and sewerage facili.ties . These �acilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervening properti�es as we11 as' the proposed development and (b) designed to meet City j.' or County standards. ,'j r;'. C. S.W. Bonita Road is designated a collectar street ;,�I ��� (NPO #5) requiring a 60 foot right-of-way and 36 I - feet of pavement . F`; ;:`; I I . �'indings of Fact : �'' �`;� l. The site slopes gradualZy uphill to the north from S .W. �+ Bonita Road to an existing single family residencP and �'� �� two accessory buil.dings. From the back of the house the pro�erty slopes steeply (24% - 35 �oo�t elevation dr�p) ;�I��, to Bonita Creek and z�ises again appr.oximately� 25 feet �I on the opposite bank. The bacl� o� the lot is t�.� heavily �vooded.. '' 2. The applicant proposes to retai:n the existirig single family residence (which is centered) on a 14,000 square foot lot (lot 2) , and create an 10,Q00 square ' �oot lot in front (south) of the existing structure ; (lot) . This wi11 Ieave a 23,200 square foot lot on the back (north) of the parcel (1��; 3) . Therefore, �; each l�t conforms to the 7500 square �oc��: minimum lot size, of the underlying R-? zone . �;: 3. The proposed partitioning con�orms to the minimum setback ,� requirements (18. �0.060, Tigard rlLunicipal Code) a,n that �,�; �the existiiig residen�e «�ill be 18 fee� :fxc�m the proposed ;;' new east property line of L�t 2 (side yard) that the ;,;�� � carport will be 20 �eet from the fr�nt property line of ��` Lot 2, and the accessory building will k�e l0 feet ,from r' the west property line (side yard) . ;,;'. � � �; � � � �'��� (, � i}� , �", , .. .. �t � STAFF REPORT - FINAL AC�'ION , TIG��D PLANNING �EPA�TMENT ��1, May �1 , 1978 Page 3 4. The applicant pro�oses to provide access on a 30 foot ! wide section which is presumably intended to k�e an ' easement. This 30 foot easement will then split into , a 20 foot easement to sErve Lot 3 and a 1Q foot easement 's to 'serve lots 1 and .2 . The 10 foot easenienl; to i serve lots 1 and 2 is deficient by 20 feet . ;. Y 5. The access is sl�own to align with S.W. 81st Avenue which intersects S.W. Bonita from the south . However, this ,i easement alignment is shown to be less than 9�° at its .�. interseetion with Bonita. The Tigard Code (Section �' 1'7.28.080) requires intersecting access to be at 90° ;, within 25 feet of the street righ-of-way. " 6. Se�er service i,s available fram a 10 inch line across tlae rear (north) c�� the ,site. Water service is available ! . from the Ti�ard Water llistrict ' s � inch and 1G inch high pxessure 7.ine in Bonita. 7. S.W. Bonita Road i,s currently cleveloped in a 4� foot rzght-of-way to mc.e� designated 60 foot right-of-way (NPO �j"` #5) . An ad�itional 10 feet is needed along the subject �,; �1 property . The applicant ' s .site pla.n reflects an F,� ac�ditional 1.0 foot setback along th� Bonita frontage, but E; doe� nc�t s�ecif.y dedication of right-of-way. � III . Conclusionary Findings : c'�� l . The proposed partitioning conforms to the requirements " of the Tigard Municipal Code in that : A. Each lot can be provided with minimurn legal ac<cess *' (18.6�.020) . B. The proposed lof;s wi11 exeeed the minimum lot size of 750Q square �ee�t C1$.20. �3Q(l) ) . i C. The pr.oposec� lotting pa,ttern pr�vides suf�iciPnt - �;� setbacks for the exi:sti.ng residenc�e and accessory � _ buildings. ,.;; D. Adeqt�ate se�ver a;nd wat�r are available to the site. ;,.:; TV. Final L�ction; ,� Ba.secl� upor� t<k�e above �ind�ngs of fact and c�nc�usion, the � `: pxoposed Minor L�.nd Partition is hereby approved su�jeet ' ""' to the �ol:lowing modifications and condit.ions: � �' r,;,; � < (�;,f ,;:; � ;; _ t� ; N - � � � . ��,��' ��� ' � . . . . ____ _- , .. . � � _ . .. . . ... . . . . .. . .. .... .... . .. ... .. . .. , ` . . �{ � . . . ..�� �i Li . STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �: TIGARD PLANNING D'EPARTMENT ;' �� May 31, 1978 �; : Page � f: l. A final plan be submitted, bearing the stamp : of. a �; regist�ered engineer or land surveyor whi.ch ; �� A. Clearly shows all property and easement lines. �i t' � � B, Access to lotu 1 �.nd 2, mepti,ng; City Code� � r'i� requirements, be clearly delineated. C. The access to Bonita Road be shown as interseci;ing at 90° within 25 feet of the right-of-way line. � D. The open space, dedication of land to the City ''' along the creek be designated as an easement �or pedestrian/bicycle use. 2. Constru�tion drawings for the proposed �rivate street ` }�e �ubmitted for r�view and agproval before any ` building permits are issued �or the subject lots . ', ; �� 3. That 1Q feet o.f right-of-way be dedicated .ta the ci�ty for �uture widening o� Bonita Road and the 40 foot pedestrian/bike path eas�ment be recorded before any �' �uilding permits are issued. ! � �. That an agreement not to remonstrate a�airist the �' formation of a �future local improvement: di.stric� for �� S.W. Bonita Road be recorded wi.th the dee�i of each �f of tile subject parcels. �! � � Ia� €%. �;, l' �� � ,'� ��� ;�,,.It��... ��'L (:; icha d Bolen �: P1�;nning Director �°: ,_ �� ri �-, � � � � ti�: � �'; �, F' . . . . . . . .. - � . � . �k;f k. .. . . . . .. . � . . . . . . . .�'��: . � . . � � ���� . � . . � .. � r; . . . . . . . . � . .. ��' �F ., . . � . . � . � � ' . . .. � . . . .. .7� 7 =.Y �... . . . . .. . . . . . ' . . .. . � . f•j, �-� . . . . � . . . . . . .. . . . .. .4',i �. .. . � . � . . . . . . � .. � . . . . - .�.. � � � li'�. . �� � .� � � . .. . � � � .. � .. . � . . . . �". � � � . .. � .. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . � � . � � . .. . . � . . � .. � . . . . . � . . . � � � . � . .� . ... . ... �. . � �".4F 11(y..,._ _, .. . . ._�.... ...,.... �.:..... . :......- __..,.....,..�. .M.. , � ..... �.� . _. _ .. . .... .. . . . . '.��� � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGAR� PLANNING DEPARTMENT � May 2, 1978 Tigard City Hall - 12420 S .W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket : Minor Land Partition MLP 6-78 Request : To readjust the property lines in the Lake Terrace subdivision to create an additional lot out of the or.iginal 3ots 8,9 and 10 . Location : 12350 �.W. 124th (Wash . Co. Tax Map ZS13BB, Lots 8000, 8100 and 8204) . Applicant : Arrow Heating Company I . Findings of Fact : l . The applicant is re�ues�ting, in accord�.nce with Sectian 17. 24,Q30 (Tigarcl Municipal Code) to create an addii;ional lot in the Lake Terrace subdivision by adjusting the bound�.ries of. lots 8, �J and 10 to create a fourth lot. 2 . All pr�posed lots exceed the 15,000 square foot � �, minimum lot size o� �h� underlying R-15 zone. � �� In order to maintain the 15,000 square foot � minimunn for lot #9 tl�e �.pplicant has included a trianglala.r shaped pisce of land which is part o.f the comnnon area (tract A) on the Lake Terrace Plat . � The applicant has slzpplied a Deed signed by the `' La2�e Terrace Homeowners Association con�eying the above referenced por�tion o:f the common area ;; to the a.pplicant; thEr�bq making it available � for inclusion in the new lottin� pati;ern. r` 3. Southwest 124th Avenue has been improved i;a lacal street standaxds, (s.n a 50 ��ot' right-of- way) with the exceptian of a sidewalk on the ` east side, the l�ngth o� the subjec� pr�perty. a ;,;I 4. Section 17. ;36.020 (Ti�ard Muinicipal Code) ;:; requires that each 1ot abut a publi.c street s� _,�`� each lot will have public �ccess. All proposed { lots wi11 abut S.W. 124th Avenue,; '' �. ,4°. 5 . Three single family homes have been constructed `.�I on the site leaving the new lot #1Q uacant . �;i � �� �_ �,,I �� �; �:; �� _. _,,. ; .... ., , ., �i . <. , , ..� :! '; . r STAFF REPORT - FINAU ACTION TIGARD PLANNING COTIIMISSION '� May 2, 1978 MLP 6-78 6. Adequ:ate water and sewer are available to the si�te dia existing l.ines ir� S .W. 124th Avenue. II , Conc;lusionary Finding: l . The proposed partitioning conforms to the requirements of the Tigard Municipal Code in that each lot will abut a public street and the proposed lots exceed the 15,��0 square foot minimum for the R-15 "Sing1E Family Residential 7�ne. " ITI . Final Action: Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusionary Findings the proposed minor land paY•titioning is hereby approved. f,��� ,�/��- � �� ��� � rf✓,�_(���. C�C..�' �2-E�'�'-`` �2 .-t.�' Eii D �-,.. Richard I3olen [� ��,�, Planning Dir€�ctor ; .� >, �> ,�� STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �"' TIGAIi,D PLANNIN�G DEP�f�.TMENT ���� �� A��ril 28, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12���0 S .W. A2ain Street - Tigard, Ore�on � � I Docket : MLP 10-77 { ; s Request : To partition a .38 acre parcel into two parcels of ; approximately 8, 19(� sc�uare feet in a C3M "Main Street ! Commercial" zone. Lacation: 8$40 S.F9. Comrrrercial Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S12AU, Lot 1200) . Ap�licant : Person & Person Homes, Inc. ' I . Findings of Fa�ct : l . The applicant is requesting permission, in accordance with Section 17 .24 .030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to divide a . 38 acre parcel into two parcels of approximately 8190 square feet on tY�e southv�est side of S .W. Commeraial �treet (88�U S.W. Commercial Street) in a C--3M (�ain Street Cornmerc:ial) zone . �� 2 . The site and surrounding area to the east , we,5t a,nd �,: narth�cvest are design.ated "Retail Commercial" on the r' �,, NPO #1 P1an . The properties to the northeast are designated "urban medium density resi.d�ntial" and �s the properties to the so�th, across the ra:ilroad i' tracks, are designated (Commercial-lndustrial" (NPO #1) . � ���:I 3 . Southwest Commexcial Street is d�signa�ed a callectar ; st;reet (NP0 #1) requiring a 60 foot right;-of-wa�. ;; Su�ficient right-o�-way currently exists, however ' improvements are substandaxd, e .g. , 24 .f�et of �avement � (40 :�eet requixed) and no sidewalks. �'. Due to �hP l ac.k o� an es�abTished street pro�ile, previous ; developmen�ts on Commerc,ial have bePn �.pproved without � a requirement for a half streEt improvement . There�ore, .� improvements to full collector street ,standards will be accon�plished throu��i �ormation of a Local Improvement �.J ' Distri.ct (�,ID) . . �I , , ;:I 4 . The minimurrp lot s9;7e recYuirements �or the C-3M zone: ;° aare as f.ollows;'- !;: z: - 6000 squaxe �oot minimum 1.ot size (18. SC1.030)(1) ,` - �0 foc��t min�.mum lot width (18 s 30. 03�D(2) , � � N�a;Cil 1,(�T COII1Ui`Itl� (.0 L[1C i111111I111At11 iV t�. Si�c i ciqUi.i 2�i,�i��� �' stated above• ij,�, .,, � �jf . � � . . . p''� � . . � . . . . :�:,� .. �..P � ' � �� �. STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGAFtD PLANNII�TG DEPARTMEl>TT Apri1 28, 1978 � Page 2 5. S�ction 17. 36 .020 af the Tigard 14�unicipal Code requixes that eacYi lot abut a public street so each lot wiil have public access. Both lats, as �roposed, wi11 abut S.W. Comrnercial Street. 6. The site is vacant and generally flat , although some filling has occurxe:d leaving piles of fill dirt scattered over the parcel . The land slopes slightly to the southwest towards the xa.ilxoacl tracks. 7. Adequate water and sewer are aVailable to the site via existing lines in S .W. �ommercial Street . II . Conclusionary �'indings : l . The pr�posed paxtitioning conf.or.rns to the requirements of the �'igard �unici,pal. Code in tha� eacla l�t will abut a public stree-t and the proposed ].c�ts e�ceed tY�e l 6, Q00 square foot minimum for the C-3M ''Main Street i Commercial zone" . � S i III, . Final Action: ��;' Based on the Findings of �'aet and Conclusionary Findin�s the �roposed minox land pa.rtition is hereby approved, subject ta t;he �ollowing condition�: l . That i;he appl�.cant, ,fi1e with the City Recordex, an agxeement not to rem�nstrate against a Lt�cal ,1 T'm�r�v�ement Distr-ict _for future improvements t� S.W. }�, Commerc.ial Street. � d �� _ � �' � ��y���� � ��� ; l�ichard olen � �' Planning Direc�to�� ;- �� , � � 6:� E.� +� � � ..�J � r� ..�, � , :. . ._.. _. STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIQN April 27, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S .W. Main St . -- Tigard, Or.egon Docket : Niinor I�and Partition MLP 5-78 Request : To c�eate out of a portion o� the Southern Pacific ri��it-of-way a 1.28 a,c�e parcel in a M-3 "Light Industrial" zone, Location : Southwest Bonita Rd. eastsideof SW 7�th Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12A, Tax Lot 4000) . Applicant : National Safety Company I . Basic Facts: l . The applicant is reqrzesting permission in �.ccordance wi�th S�ction 17.24 .030 of the Tigard :IZunici��al Code, to create out of a portion of �the South�rn Paci�ic right-of-way a 1 .28 acre parcel in a ll4-�, Light Ind.ustrial z�one at SW Bonita Rd. , eastside of SW 74th �venue. Z. The site is a triangular shaped lot bordered o� F , two sides (east and west) by railroad lines. The � property is several feet be7.ow the grade of Sjv �on�ita Rd. which borders the parc�l to the z�arth. The southern po.rtion of the site lies within the 100 year flood plain� Surrounding land use is industrial ancl residential propexties. $. ,. 3. In the 114-3 zone the f.ollowing lot requirements are appli.cable: �' - 6,000 square foot minimum lot size (Section 18a48 .030 `; (1) ) - 60 .foot minimum lot width (Section 18 .48.030(2) ;, - Setbacks shall be 30 feet �ront, 20 feet side yard, 20 feet rear yard (Section 18.48.040(1 ,2, 3) - No setbacks required when side ox rear properties ; lines abut a railroad right-of-way (Sec�tion 18.4�.040 ' �4) ) '', 4. According to the applicant 's submitt�d site plan, the �; lot width along the north property line (Bonita Ra. ) ;! is approximatel,y 15 feet . As stated in finding #3 i; above, the minimum lot width in a M-3 zone shall be a �`; �., minimum o� 60 feet. �; �; 5. On ,�7arch 6, 1978, the City received a notification 7i � letter �rom the Washington County Department of ! �. �� �'�S r,:i . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . , � � . . � �. � . i'.�; . . . . .. . �,�: � � � � � . . � � . . . . . � . i�i - � � . � � � � � - . � � . . . . . . �.' . . � � �. . � . . . . . . . . . . .: .� . . . . �. . ��`...._.. . . . . .. . _ ._.. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . _ �.. STAF�' REPORT - �I:NAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION April 27, 1978 �-• Page 2 Assessment and Taxation tha.t a portion of the So�zthern Pacific Railroad ri�ht-of-way has been acquired bs� National ua�ety Co , resulting in the creation of a new lot (Tax Lot 4000} . The applicant had not filed with the City at that time an applicatioz� for a minor land partition. Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute 311.280(1) , the County cannot "divide the a.ssessment" unless evidence has been filed with the county that the City has appraved the clivision �f land, the divisioil should not be recorded on the tax map but was erroringly done so by the County office of Assessment anci Taxation . 6. The applicant has stated in llis letter of submission (dated March 3, 197�3) that a "3Q �oot road access" is available to serve the property. Based on the site plan as submitted, two 15 foot wide access points parallel to each other are i shown. Since th� property is �nly approximately 'i 15 f�et wide along the Bonita Pd. frontage, staff � is Ief.t to assume that the remaining 7.5 feet is to be provided on the Soutllern Pacific railroad �`. righ�;-of-way. No indication of an easernent or an ' agreement by the railxoad to permit access across their property has been submitted witY� the applieation. 7. The Tigard Building Of�icial has revi.ewed the � proposed partitioning (see attached memo) a,nd based on the proposed access and egress has � observed that the proposed vehicular access is r, "extremely hazardous, especially for largex f, i�rucks anc� semi-trailer ri�s" and has reco.mmended }� no business traffic be allowed in and out of the � property. Et! 11 .i Section 18.64 020 6 of the Ti ar M"nici al Gode �? • (. ) d u p r. g � states : �; Applications for building permits shall be referred i' � to the Planning Commissian for review when, in the opinion o� the building official , the access prop�sed ' would cause such hazardous traf�ic eonditions to � exist or would rovide such inade uate acce�s ft�r P �. < � emergency vehicles or 'would in any -other way cause , such hazardous conditions to exist ;as to constitute '� a clear and present danger to the public health, safety and gPn�ral wel�are. � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION April 27, 1978 �� Page 3 8. A memo�andum frorn the Ti�ard Police Department (see attached) to the Planning Department recommends that the subject parcel "not be used" to accommodate any type of �iusiness, as entry and exit would be very hazardous. " 9. The Tualatin Rural Fire Protecti�n District has also reviewed (see attached letter) the proposed partitioning and has maae the f.ollowing comments : "The access to thE building wou7_d have to �e a minimum of 2U feet wide. " "The turn ont� the access way from Eionita would have i�o meet the guidelines as z�equireci for emergency access for department vehicles . " "The prPSent driveway has twa sharp bends that would be di��ic;ult for �ire apparatus to negotiate. " 10. Staff has spoken with the Washington Caunty Public Works Department conc�x°ning issuance c�f street opening permits. Sinc� SW Bonita .Rd. is a county road, the county has jurisdiction. It is �the count,y 's opinion that acce�sing between tYie two �r�` railroads would result in an undes�.ra}�le situa�tion. �� However, this preliminary analysis suggests �that it may be possible "but e.x�ensive" to provide an engineered plan that would resul�� in a safe a.ccess egress , 11 . The Public Utility Commissioner has stated that they have no objection to a. driveway into �:his property and between the rail.roa�d tracks i:f a no left turn sign is install�d at the entrace. However, this remedy is not fool pro�f beeause thP PolicF. � have no authority to eilforce such a stipulatioil on � private prnperty. Therefore, pe�ple cou].d ignore i the sign with the City Police or County Sherfiff havitig no legal enforcement capabilii:y. ! , II . Concslu�i:onary Findings: � ', 1 . The proposed 15 foot wide frontage along the north ' property line (S .W. Bonita Koad) does not meet the � minimum lot width of 6U feet and is th�r�fore in ; violation of the zoning cade standards, ' i ; 2. The Tigard Wa�ter bistriet has stated that wate� , c.annot be ob�tained by connecting into either the F inch or 12 inch mains that are incased 'in a 36 inch steel casing on Bonita Rd. The applicant' would be requixec� to extend a line from SW Bonita Rd. . . : ;� + S�A�'� 1���QRT - FI.NAL ,AC�ION TIGARD PL,ANNING COMMISSION April 2`7, 1978 + Page 4 1 . ; west of the site, the length of his property . 3. Based on �he grade difference between the prop�rty and Bonita Road severe sigflt distance and access problems would .result . The Building Official and Tigard Police Departments have stated their opposition to all�win� any access/egress of business traffic to this site. The Washington County �ublic Works Department and Tualatin Rural Fir.e Prot�ction Distriet ha,ve both stated that the access onto Bonita is not desirable. ,' St�.ff therefore conclud.es that an industrial site should no�; be areat�d out of tlxe railroad right-of-way as proposed c�ue t� the hazardous access conciitions and the substanda.rd lot dimensions. 4. Staff is unabl� to administratively approve this request ��cause the Building Official. has exercised his authorii;y to envoke Section of the Tig�,rd rJlunicipal Code re.ferring the access questi�n to the Planning Commission. IIT . Sta�f Recammendation: �� Bas�d rn �indings of :faet� anc� conc;lusions, staff recommends den.ial . ,�'�'����- ; ��� _ _ Richard B�len Pl.annin� Director I �4�� � � �� � ' . .. . .. . . . . . � . � . —�-� , �— - x _ ._ _ , �;�. STAI+�F RE�'ORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARll PLANNING DEPAI3,TMENT . �=,.. April 13, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S .W. A![ain Stre�i. - Ti�ard, Oregon Docket : Subdivision S 1-78 "Hambach" Rec�uest : To create either a 28 or 30 lot subdivision on a 7.61 acre parcel in a 1�-7 o'Single Family I�esidential " Zone Location : ��;stside of Hall Blvd. approximately 300 feet south ot Bonita Road (Washington Cou:nty Tax M�,p 2S1 12F3, '�ax Lot 1800) Applicant : � .F. Construction, Inc . i I . Findings of Pac�t : i l . The applicant is requesting preliminary plat � a�proval in accordance �vith Section 17. 16.10� i of the Ti ard Munici a�l Code to subdivide a � P 7.61 acre parcel into cither 28 lots or 3Q lots with a minimum lot size �f 750� square feet on the eastside of Hall I31vd. , 3�0 feet south of �,� Bonita Rd. ��'�'°� 2. The sit;e is designated Urban Low Density Residentia.l , 4 unil;s per acre an the NPO#5 Plan and Zonpd R--7. � 3. Applicak�3e �oliczes �rr,m the NPO�:i Plan are as follows: i; F Poliey 5. Residential subdivisions wi11 be ; devEToped with paved streets , curbs azid �utters, street lights and walkways according to city or county standards. A11 utilities wil"1` be �laced ; under ground, i, ;r Polic,y 6. DevelopYnent will eoincide with �he i' provision of publi.c streets, watex and sewa�e ' facilities. These facilities shall be (a) . ;;a �apable of adequately serving developmen't and (b) designed to meet �ity or county standards. f' I. , �; 4. Section 1?,16 . 100 states tY�a�-: ` � "No tenta�;ive plan for a pr�posed subdivision 4� and no tentative plan for :a rn�,j��x�pa�rti.ti.oxi sh,a11 �' I� be approved unless : � G; a. Streets and roads are la�,d out so- as to con- �`"� :form to the plats of subdivision or maps of ; major partitioYis already approved for ' � t � _ : i � � � . STAFF REPORT - FINAI� ACTION TI.GARD PLANNING DE�ARTMENT April 13, 1978 Page 2 ��3 � adjoining property as to wid�h, �eneral .F � direction , and in all other respects unless the city determines it to be in the public interest to modify the street of road pattern . � b , Streets and roads held for private use ! are clearly indieated on the tentative � plan, �nd all reservations or restrictions � relating to �uch private roads and streets are set forth thereon. ' � c . The tentative plan complies with the comprehensive plan and applicable zoning regulations of the city then in effect. � d. No tentative plat of a subdivision or map of a major partition shall be approved ! unl.ess there will exist adequate se�age dis�osal system to support the pro�osed u.se of -the land described in the proposed plat . " ;i 5 . On June 12, 1972 the Tigard City Council approved a request for a r�sidential planned development (��hich has sznce expir��d) on this site limiting the total �f, ` number o� units to 36, including na more than 5 '', ``{" duplexes to be locateci along Hall Elvd. The applicant ;; is proposing a 28 (Proposal B) or 30 (Proposal A) Iot { subdivision, 6 l.es� units then all�wed under the a�proved �`. planned development ordinance. �_ t„ 6. The applicant has submitted two prelimin�,ry plats, one reflecting a ?8 1ot subdivision with lots 1-13 J being ap�ro�imately 10,000 square feet . The intent is �� to provide sufFi�ient area to accommoda�te duplex lots in the event the applicant chooses to make application ' t� the Planning Commission for a conditional use permi:t ;� to locate duplexes on these lots. The secon�l plat submission is for a 30 lot subdivision. The access and lottin atterns are similar to the 28 lot � p i reliminar lat . ''.I P Y n 'r 7. The site is a gently sloping, vacant �arcel . Surrounding the subjeet parcel to the south, east and west is ,� residentiall;� zoned praperty . The abutting parcel to �the north is zoned C-5, Liniited Neighborhood Commercial and ; supports a singl:e faiiiily dwel.ling. Du�alexes are ].oca�ted �" to the west across Hall Blvci. on both sides of S.W. Pinebrook Street. An a�artment complex is located 400 �eet to the north , on the northeast corner of S .W. Bonita {{ and S .W. Hall Blvd. �; '`' �;I 8. Both p�eliminary plats have provided for �he extension of +i the eastern cul-de--sac street (unnamed) through to the �°� aaj;acent undeveloped parcel to t;he souf,h. This appears �°� i; ;; _ ;' t;: � .,, . . £ ,._..,, . _.._... , �., STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �.TIGARD PLANNING DEPART�4ENT April 13, 1978 Page 3 to be a lo�ical extension of a local street for this f,a'' ar.ea. No street plu� has been indicated on either plat �- where the street is to terminate at the soutll property line. 9. The applicant is pr�posing to dedicate 10 �eet of right- o�-way along the HalJ. Blvd. �rontage. The NPO #5 Plan designates Hall Blvd. as an arterial street requi.ring 90 feet of right-of-way. There currently exists 60 feet . Therefore a 15 feet dedication shall be necessa:ry as opposed to the 10 feet being proposed. 10. Sanitary sewer service is available from an 8 inch line in S .W. P�mbrook Street. Water service is availa,ble from the Tigax� Water District 's 12 inch line on Hall �.- Blvd. at Bonita Road. ' 11 . As a condita.on o� a�proval of the previous pl.anned development , an ea.rth berm was required a=long the Hall Blvd. frontage. The City's Envixonmental Design and Open Space Plan recommends �;hat visua,l corridors be established alon� major transportation routes . As a conditiali of approval �or the ''Greensward Park" subdivzs:i.an across Hall and north a� the subject parcel , a berm was required to fulfill the desigra and open space palicy. I F�� 12. Th.e site is served by Tri-Met b�us service. � � , 13. The NPO pla�z r�commends tha1; duplexes be placed at interse�ti�ns, adjacent major t;horoughfa,res, and as a. transition between �ing"le and mu7.ti--family residential uses, The P].a.nning Commission has approved the location of �iuplex�s within the vicinity of this parcel (Greensward subdivisian on Hall Blvd. and Getty Construction on S .W. `� Banita. Rd. ) based on this criteria and the City 's adopted Housing Plan policies. ' However, staff has noted that some of the lots (mor� speci�ically lots 1 ,2 ,9-].3) Propos�l "I3" that are being �roposEd as duplex lots are less than the 10,00U sc�uare feet as required by code and there�ore would have to be •: enlarged to meet the minimum lot dimension. This n�ay ;�� result in a nei; reduction in the number of total lots in � the subdivision . 14. The applicant ha.s submitted twa DraiY�age Plans for handling ., s•torm water runo�f. Th� fir�t plan indicates all lots ��i draining by contour into an enclosec� system in the stxeets . The applicant has inda.cated tha.t lots 1 ,17,18 may not be ,,ij abie to drain by coni;our and has therefore submitted an � "a,ltexnative drainage plan" whic,h p�oposes placing � � a storm drainage line along the rear lot lines o� lots , � ` 5,6, 7, 22 and 23 outfalling at Hall Blvd. in an open ditch. �'� The Engineering and Building Departmen�ts have reviewed both '` „ ,;: these drainage proposals and ha�re found that a combination (� of the two plails would be in ordex �o assure that all lots ` � will be dr.ained adec�uatel�� without adverNely �ff�cti�g ��.� adjacent parcels. ;,;. � _. �., �.- STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTInN TIG9RD PLANNINC, D�PARTMENT April 13, 1978 Page 4 ��- - II . Conclu�ionary Findings: l . The proposed preliminary plat of "Hambach Park" cbnforms to the NPO #5 Plan in that: a. The proposed use is low density residential and the lotting pattern conforms to the dimen�ional requirements of the R-7 Zone . b . Adequate water and sewer facilities are available �to serve the proposed subdivision. 2. The proposed street system i� designed and located in such a manner as to provide for a logical extension of the existing city street system. 3. Provision of a berm along the Hall Blvd. frontage wauld be in keeping with the Envzr�nmental Design and Open Space Plan �olicies. 4 . The preliminar.y plat specifies a 10 foot dedication along Ha11 Blvd. , where NPO #5 Plan requi.res 15 fe�t . Therefore, the plat must be modified t� refl�ct an additional 5 feet of dedication along the Hall �31vd. if. f�ont age. �,�. 5 . Several of the lots being proposed as duplex lots are deficient in the �rec�uire�. square faotage. This would necessitate a revision of the prPSent lotting pat;tet�n for preliminary pl�,t proposal "B" tq provide for minimum ciuplex lot size of 1Q,000 square f�et . 7. The provision of duplex T�ts (ProposaZ B) around the western cul-de--sac street and along the south property line (lats 2?-30) would be in keeping with the NPO #5 Plan and Ti�ard Housing policie�. IIT . Final Action: The preliminary p]:at for the ''Hambach Park'' subdivi.sion is hereby approved subject to the f�llowing conditic�n: - 1 . In the event the applicant is gra,nted conditioanal use i permit approval to locate duplPxes on lots 7.-13 i preliminary plat "'Proposal B" Zs approved, If the � , Planning Commission denies a conditional use permit ' to locate duplexes on these lots then Prelimin�;ry Plat � "Propasal A" is approved and further both Preliminary Plat Pr,oposal� A & B are � � subject to the foll,owing conditions: .s. 0 SZ'AFF REPORT -- FINAL ACTION TTGARD PLANNING DEPART114ENT April 13, 1.978 ��: Page 5 l . That a berm be provicled along the Hall Blvd. frontage and landscape islands be provi.dec� within the cul-de-sac streets and a landscape plan for tY�ie berm and cul-de-sac islands be submitted for design review approval prior to approval of the f.inal plat . 2 , Tha,t 15 feet of right-of-way kae dedicated along the Hall Blvd. frontage for street improvement purposes. 3. That street opening permits be obtained from II the Oxe��n State Highway Division. 4 , That the storm drainage plan as indicated on preliminary plat "Proposal A" be provided .a.nd in addition, a cominon building roof dr�.in line k�e provid�a alor�g the north praperty line of lots 5,6, 7, 17 RL 18 Proposal "A" �or 5,� ,20 & 21 Proposal 'B" and that this drainage line be priv�.tely maintained and that the ent�re drainage plan be subject to public works •d�partment and �regon x State Hi�hway Division approvals. 'li �~�� . 5. Cavena,nts be a.ttachpd to the deeds of lots 1-5 and 30 Proposal "A" or lots 1-5 and 1.1 Propasal. I "B" restricting direct acces� onta Ha11 Blvd. 6 .. Street trees in accordance with the Design Review Board approved list be placed along a,ll streets in the subciivisi�n and a street tree plan be submitted for Planning Department approva.l prior to approval af the final plat . 7, That ea,sements be provided according to public works department specifications fo1 dr:ainage and utility purposes, ' �. That fire hydrants be placed as per Tigard Water '� District and City of Tigard regulations . �• �, street plug be pro�ided at the southern terminus of the eastern street, 10. That street�. names be assigned all streets within the subdivision and appraved by the puk�l.ic works department . 11 . Deed covenants be at�tached to lots 3-9 and :l5-�l � �` Proposal "A" or lots 3-8 and 7,8-23 Proposal "B" '' prescribing maintenance responsibility fo.r the cul-de-sac islands. . , . ,,. . ..,_ �... .:.4.. .. .:Y._. .�.. ..:.. � , m a ST;�FF REPORT � k'INAL �CTION T�GARD PLANN�NG DEPARTMENT April 13, 1978 ' Page 6 I 12 . That the duplex 7.�ts being prqposed �n Proposal t`g" be a �inimur� qf 10,000 squa,re �eet . y� ��J�'� '-��'L? �t�:.��OG^.a� ►��,7�.t�°t/1 Rich rd Bol�n Pla ning Airector , ��'LL y � -.�.� _ _ , ,�t