Planning Commission Packet - 08/29/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. MTNUTES STUDY SE55ION TTGAR.D PLANNING COMMI�SION August 29 , 1978 - 7: 30 P.M. ; Fow12x J'unior High -- Lecture Roorn 10865 S .6�1. Walnut St. - Tigard, Oregon l. Cal1 ta Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P .M. 2. Ro11 C�11: Presen�t: Gorliss, Quimby, Brian, :Smith, Speaker, Rossman, fnlood-Acting Chaixman, new member Funk Absent: Tepedino Staff: Selby, 4�leavez, Howard, Mackenzie 3. Presentation of Annexation Plan and Economy Plan. Con�ntissioners recommended modificatic�ns of Annexaf:ir�n P�.an and Economy Plan. i � ' I , MEMORANDUM � TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Departmerit SUBJECT: Study Session on Tuesday, August 29 DATE: August 25, 1978 The study session on Tuesday August 29 is for the purpose of reviewing the: 1 . Draft Annexation Plan (postponed from August 22) 2. Dra�t Economy Plan Annexation Plan You received a copy of the Dra.ft Annexation Plan las�t week, together with a memo from the �epart:ment on it (plea.se bring both to the meeting) . Since then. the department has receiv�d onP letter. (enclosed) on the draft . Staff has also communicated verbally with members of the Beaverton Planning Department rega�cding the general policy #9 (p. 20 of the draft) . In view of those conversations , the Tiga.rd Planrzing Department p.ropos�s the tollowing replacement policy : 9. The cities of Beaverton and Tigard should agree to the following policy: "If, at some future date, the City oF BEaverton contemplates annexation of. territory to the south of Old Scholls Ferry l�oad, it wi11 first not:�fy the City of Tigard so that potential boundaries can be negotiated. By the aame token, the City of Tigard will first notify the Czty of Beaverton iF and when it contemplates annexation of territory north of Scholls Ferry Road. " Economy Plan The dra�t Economy Plan is enclosed. This element of the comprehensive plan is the product o:f more than one year of staff work, much longer tr�an ani;icipated, primarily because of work with the citizen advisory c�ommit�tee and an e�fo.rt in the spring o:f 1977 to co�duct a de�tailed economic baue study o:f Tigard. That study required the close cooperation o� �the local bu�iness community, which wa.s not forthcoming �r.om most f irms , iricluding some o;f the largest in Tiga.rd. The Metro Southwes�t Chamber of Commer�e has reviewed �he dra�t plan and stibmitted the enclosECl letter regarding its recomm�nd�d po].a.c.ies. The department i� preparing a resp�nse to the letter. In response ta its policy suggestions, si:a�:� proposes the :following changes in the draFt policies : Policy 1 (This a.s a ziew policy preceding Policy 1 in the dra�t. Also � se� the chamb�r 's �c�comme��.ded pnlica.es 1 anc� 4) . �, , _ �: ' � � page 2 �' � �� � � The City of Tigard recognizes the importance of local � businesses to the community in the form of employment � and contribution. to a healthy tax base. It fully supports economic growth within the reascnable limits imposed by , � consideration of other �oals of the community, " � Policy 3 foriginally Policy 2) Correction: After "ensure" , '!� add "that facilities are improved before" �' r'� Policy 8 (Policy 7 in the draft) Staff proposes elimination of ��''� the second sentence. ;I i Sta�f will review these changes in the draft, and other changes proposed � by the ckiamber of commerce, at the Tuesday study session. � � i � � Commissioners are requested to return all of the file folders in wi�ich your materials have been delivered. Otherwise new file folders i must be used �or every meeting, ' � , i � ��. ' i � ; ; � DRAFT ECONOI�t1Y PLAi�T - �HANGES DISCUSSED BY THE PLANNIPIG COMMISSION AT STUDY SESSION The Planning Comrnission, at; its study session on August 29, �enerally agreed with the Dra�t Eco.nomy Plan as developed by staff, with the following excep�ions: policy #1 (new policy xecommended by staff in memorandum dated August 2� - attached) . Polic,y #2 (O�d #�l) : Delete "overall" from line 3 anci ''Development" fram line 4 . Po�icy #3 (Old. ;��� : Correction : A:fter "ensure" , add: "that �aci.lities are impraved be�ore" Policy #4 (dld #3) : Delete las-L s�ntence . ; Policy #5 (Old ,#4) : Replace "inptxt" in line 3 wi.th "involve- ment" . i (Old Policy #G) : Delete ; � Policy #7 (01d ,�7) : Delete last sen.tencE . '' i � Policy �8 (Old #8) : �dd after "C�.ty" on line 3 : " , in : c�njunction wittl tre business community, " � , j , ; i � � � , i � l �1 il i � f � � i s 1 ; s i i ..:�� ..;. �.. . .�,.._. ..�.... _ . . .. . ... . .. . . . . .., , .....-._ . . . ... . ., ... .. ..,�.� .... ,,.:.�. . ...ir:. . .......:.. . ... -._:: ::�. . .:��r.. - . I DRAFT ANPJEXATION PLAN CHANGES DISCUSSED �3Y THE PLANNING COb�i1IISSIOTI AT S'rUDY SE�SION �'�' The Flannin Commission at its Stud Session on Au ust 29 � , y g , genexa_lly agreed with thP Dra�t Annexation Plan as developed by �ta�ff , with the following exceptions: Sub-Area #1 (bottom of p. 5) I Re�vord to include area south of Spruce St . as a por.tion where tk�e City should "actively pursue" annsxation . The rest of �he sub-area north o.f Spruce St . w�uld be permitted to annex. Sub-Area �4 (p. 4) Add "at this time. " to fir.st sentence of sta.ff recommendation . Sub-Area #? (p. 13) Replace "eventually annex" with "encaurage annexation of" . Sub-Area #8 (p . 14) � � Replace "but the large-lot portion" with "of �this sub-area. " IA4�LEIVIENTATION Pt�LICIES �� . Delete: " . . .except where is a potential or imri�inent health h.azard. " t ;y #6 - rr10 . Delete . Sta:f f requests the Pl�.nning Cor�uni.ssion to reconsider deletion of polcies #6 - ,�10 . These policie� are intended to clari.:fy the relationships betw�en ttle City and other juY•isdictions wi�th intereUts in the areas under considex°ation, and thereby improve intergovernmental I coordination . Staf:� proposes �the �ollo�ving policy replace #8 : "The Ci�y of Tigard fully intends to provide public f acilities and services to all of sub-area #Fi (southeast NPO #6 �,nd southwes� NPQ #5) . " The staf.f inemorandum .for the August 29 St�idy Session (attachect) contained � a revis�d Policy #9 based on communications with members of the Beaverton Plann.ing Department . Draft Policy �10 would ensure that ann�xations beyond the a.rea analyzed in this plan �vould not be prFCinitous . �