Planning Commission Packet - 06/20/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � - � . ,: . >; • , A:�FI�DA . • , . � . TIGAR.�J PLAN^II�tG CJ?`4M�SST,O�V � � • . .�une 20, 19?8 - 7; 30 1 M . ' Fowler Junior Hi�n 5:.hool ° LE:Ctllrc? Rc>c�a, � • �,08b5 5W G7alnut • `I'?g�rd� Or�gon � � i. Cal.1 to Orcler: • ' • 2.. Roll Cali ; , 3: A�Sproval oi �iznutes� �+. Cor:lr�luni_catian�: • . . 50 ' P�.��:�_. N�_a:�n;�: � , . . f�, Sta:cf Re ort . P :'3. �pplicant'� §'r�s�nta�iqn ' c:. Public Testimo�.y . . , a. Pro�oner�t's b, Oppone•�.t's c. Cro;�s-e:.amina�ion D. SII:afi Reco�uriendatio•n . E. C:oin�-ais�>io�n Discussion and Accion �. . 1 L0�lF �ri.:DTG� ZC 3h-%7 (Fa1e�,i.err P.ac�uat CLub) NPO 5 . A. r.ec;��e�t �4� F.resterxz Racquet C?..��i f_ar a genPral plan and program review for a C,om��:::rc.9.�I �n�lustxir��l Planned D ve1_opm:nt in a M-� Light Industrial and C�-3 Gcnera? Cer,�n�e�_cia7. Zor_e o� parcels �.otalling 20,75 acres at SW Garden plac� 3nd Pacizic I-.wy� (Wash. Co. Ta� M�p 2S2 1BB, Tax Lots 2U0, 300, 800, 11U0, ].101, 1200) , 5.2 ZUNE CH�.NGE 1C 9.3-78 (Eldon Ed.warcls j NPO 6 A requast b}' Eldon �dw7ards for a preliMina•ry plan and program review and zone mag amendrr��nt trom Washington Coun.ty AS�•1 to City R-7 PD;Single Fami.ly Residential Plznned Development for a 20,41 a�re prrcel at 11060 SW Durr�am (Wash: Co. Tax Map 2S1 14B, Tax Lot 400) , 5,3 ZONE CHANGE 2C 1�-78 (DerrHar.� Ass�ciates) NPO 5 'I II P, A rPquest by Der-�Hart. Assoc�ates Tor a P-relzminary Plan ar�d Progiam Review af a ' �! Residen�iaJ. 1�lanned Developme�.� and Zone Map Arnendment from R�7 to R�7 PD, fa7: a 15. 27 acre parcel_ at 14()70 SW Hal? Blvd (Wash. Co< Tax Map 2S]. 12B, `ta:c Lots � 600j 800, �.10U. 1101) � t � 5 4 CONDIT?'OrtA�, USE GIJ 15-�78 (�,�estexn Ore;on I�arine) Np0 4 � � ; ( A request o� 4�l�stern ba:e��r� Marizl� .Eo:r a Conditional Use Pcrrnit to operate a re:CaiL z bo.ak ��lws c.nd repa�r t�u.�in�sti anrl outsi�le storage in, a C-3 reneral. Com�nerr,;i�lzzone far � �� a 3.51 acrc p�rc:eJ. at 11552 5t+1 P�cifac I-[�ry(�Wash, Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DA, 'Tax La� 9007. j ��.�, a . 5 VA�tIANC� V, 5-78 (jVestern Qxegon Max�i.ne) ��Q 4 � � :A r�c�u�st by W�si;�rn Oxegon Marxn� :�or a variance �o �the Tigard Mun3.ci.�a�. � Codc (o:E�-stree� par�a.ng ana loadin�) x��uixem�n�s in a C-3 g�nera,�. � comm�rcx�.�. �one �ar a 3. 5Z acr� paxc�]. a�: 11.552 Sjy Pa�i,�a.c �Wy�. (Zyash� � Ca. Ta� Map J.S�. 36DA,, T�.x .�o� 9n0) < , 4v�� M�.NUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION I June 20, 1978 i Fowler Junzor High School - Lecture ltoom � E 10865 SW Walnut - Tigard, Oregon 1, Call to Order: � , � � Meetin� was called to order at 7;30 PM � �� �� 2. R�11 Cal1: " � :i Present; Wood, Corliss, Quimby, Brian, Rossman, Sakata �� Excused Absence: Tepedino, Popp 3, Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the June 6, 1978 and 3une 13, 197Ei meeting were approved. � s 4. Communications: None ;� �� 5� Public Hearings: 5.1 ZQN� CHANGE ZC 36-77 (Western Racquet C1ub) NPO 5 A request by Western Racyuet Club for a general plan and program review for a Camme�:cia1 Industrial Flanned Development in a M-3 Light Industrial and C-3 General Commercial Zone of parcels totalling 20.75 acres at SW GarBen P1ace and Pacific Hwy(Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1BB, 'P,�x Lots 200, 300, 800, 1100, 1101, 1200). c.' � �: �. Staff Repart Read by Laws :-`. ;., ;; B. Applicant's Presentati.on c, Ron Moore, Co-Applicant for the project stated the entire team wha.ch had ' woriced on the project was present. Don Stassney, Archa.tect, �13 S.W. Alder, presenY_ed a slide �show and explained a11 phases o.f the proposed development. C. Public Testimony: Nane ` D. Staff Recommendation: 1 Based an Findings of Fact and Goncluszonary Fiz�din gs staff recommends ' approval of the general platx arcd program subject to L-1�e fo1.l.owing conditions: 1. That aJ.1 buildirtgs, buil.ding loc�,tions, landscap�.ng, pedestrian access, vehicular access to parking are�s(to include dxiveway widths) and sign:in� 'be subjec� �'n design review. 2. That a dedicaked s�z'eeG� built ta commexc�.aJ. s�zeet standards wa.�h 36 feet o�' pavement, 5 fao� sidewalks on one side of the sGreet (loGation of sidewalks to be de�exmined c�uz�,ng design reva.e'w) be prova.dec� �hrough ,` � �he pxoperty fxom Hal]. Blvd, 'to Pac9.�ic Hightaay via Gaxden Place and �hat the applicant petiti.on to �he Ci�y Coun.cil ta v'�ca�e �he rema�.n.�.ng po��io•n of S.W. Gaxc�en P1ace. 3. Thah. a �.��� turn. r�e�uge l,ane, Co incxude str.i.ping 'be Qrovided along �he T�A7.1 B1�td. �rari�age an� �tia� a h��.;£ s��eet z�.provem,ez�� (to a.�nc].u�e cui:�is :' and sidet,�a].ks) aJ.so b� p��,�ideG a�.on.g �kie Hal]. ,�1vd, �rc�n.�aigew Ax.�, a.�t- , � � � �_�; � _ ,_ _ _ . : _ �. _ i ; MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 20s 1978 ` Page 2 provements to be subject to State Highway Department approval. 4. That no parking be allowed along Ha11 B1vd. from Pacific Hwy to 5.��7. Knoll Drive. This wi11 require a no parking ordinan�e via City Council action. 5. That n.o left turns occur from Garden Place int� the westbound Pacific Hwy traffic and that approach street improvements to Gard:en P1ace from Pacific Hwy be provided per State Highway Dept. requirements. � ` :'..ebut:tal: � Don Stassney, stated they would have a problem with Staff Rec. �k2 anel the width of the street with the parking backing into the right of way. Laws asked what would be the net loss of parking spaces if they wexe removed. Stassney state8 15 spaces. Bob Gardiner, Landscape Architect, stat.ed they had tried ta keep the c$xs from parlcing directly in front of the buildings. Woad asked about the safety implications and what if the street became a s�ortcut. Stassney stated the road now proposed was 30' . Quimby asked if tha fire marshall had been contacted. Buttke, Gonsulting Engineer for the project' stated they woul�n't be hi.gh ,�, volume streets. ' ��;, Corliss asked what sort of material the buildings would be constructed of. j Stassney responded board form tilt up of prP-cast conerete with tin roofs; be consistent throu hout the project. the materials wauld g proposed street � Sakata nskec� i£ the pxoperty own.ers had been �z�tified about the�acation. Laws stated they:?�had be'en notafied `of the m`eeting. � � F. Commission Discussion: Brian was concerned with th.e traffic f1ow; wi.th �he truck and hours of ; operation. Buttke refezred to the traffia study he had done which was in the book each commissioner had. Brian stated the 72nd interchange was not yet firm and asked i£ they c�uld restrict truGks on Hall ? Buttke stated there were other indus�ries on Ha17. r�quiring truck access; � there would be very,very few trucks during peak hours, Qummby asked if the fire marshall had approved this p1an. for emergency access. La s stated the had reviewed it and had made ho comment. w Y Sakata wan�ed the fire department to approve of the plan; �e3.t two outbound lanes wexe needed. Buttke stated with these volumes it would on1.y xequa.re one lane. Rossman fe:lt staf£ had do2ie an .exce�tional job an.d �aa� in favor of the s�a�f r�commenclations:. Corliss stated iC was a fine pl.an. ; Wood quesryoined the parki.ng pxoblem on Ha1J.;Frante� the fire department approval; ! agreed �.har three exits v�buld pravide su��ici.en�:gress; asked if the paxk3.n.g ' �' sta;tLs �re�e 9�' wide; a�slced �f �he sa£e�y/�esthetic ��ade�a£� �ou�.d juski�y' more pax�Cing; wou�.d %t be �i�.anc�.a7.�.y feasible tio add 50% water xeten��,on.; �av:id Evans, �espanded it woul.d be £e�sa.ble to add the �a�er reten:�ian. taith the ro�aE �ap s��rage, B�ian �a� �oncerne� �sith the hi�tox� a� �a.�l ran �he s�.�e, NiIN'UTE S TIGARD PLANVING COMMISSION " June 20, 1978 Page '3 encroachment in the flood plain took place pr.ior to the Laws stated� �adoption of �he flood �plait� ordinance. Rossman made a motion for approval based on staff recomznez�dations; Brian seconded. Wood added two additional conditions; . 1) fire department approve all road widths and turns 2) the water retention be incre Pd by 50% Sakata asked' about making the parking stalls 92' Laws statec3 the additional cars could be scattered throughout the site as c�mpack spaces; thi.s would be aaswered during desi�gn review. The motion was unanimously passed. 5.3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 15-78 (Der - Hart Associates) NPO 5 A request by Der-Hart Associates for a Preliminary Plan and Program Revie�� of ; a Residential Planned Development and 'Zone Map Amendment from R-7 to R-7 PD, ; for a 15.27 acre parcel at 14070 SW Ha11 Blvd (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax i Lots 60U, 800, 1100, 1101). � A. Staff Report: Read by Laws. B. Applicant's Presentation: � Bill Svendsen, 1544 �S.W. Hawthorne, Portland, stated he agreed with the staff report and adc3ressed himself to the 3 points under Staff Rec. �k7 �� and clarified that there would not actually be 80' of asphalt bu� would he broken up with tandscaping and stxeet trees. �� �� He agreed to the points required in the letter from Joe Greulich, Fire Marshall. `' �. C. Public Testimony: None: ��, D. Staff Recommeixdatian; Staff recommends approval of the pxeliminary p'lan and program with the. following conditions. 1. Thai: the points of concern raised in findings of fac�: A, B, and C, be addre�sed in the gen.eral plan and program �ahen submitited. 2. In addition, the concerns raised by the Fire Marshal7. in his attached corresponden� should also be addressed. `; � E. Cammission Discussioin and Action: , ".; Rossman was._.,itx favor; o:E ;the proppsal. � Sakata strongly opposed �?�i56ing the proposal; the 1ot size at 1$50 sq, ft. `� was too sma11; tihere was no play area for the duplex lots. Quimby agreed �aith Sakata, `! Wood stated L•he streeC �esign woul.d invite trouble witheemergency v�ehiclPS; i the lats arrangements was an obvic�us attempt to maximize. '. i Corliss asked �he applicant about the lot size, Svendsen. pointed out the �.oti sizes; the density was 8 un�.ts/acre whi.ch was r� a.n conformxty with t�a Bonita plan Co provide a range o:E 1a.v'ing a�.tarnatives, �� �, Cnrl�.ss stated it �•ras in conformance with the p1an,. � Je£�' Hartl.e�, Aer-H�xt �.ssoc�.ates, sta�ed J.ats o£ rzme and care has beezi pt�� intcs tt�is pxoposaJ.; iG was � �eau�zfu�. site and �hey �ad al�tempted to p�es�:rve ' much a� is as well as p��va.de d�ffe�en,t Cypes an� sryl.es af hom�s; �hey met: , j. � � � � {�; � __ _. i ! „ �IINUTES � � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION . � , June 20, 1978 s Page 4 k �.` the code requirements; as the construction of the duplex lots was four years ; away it wa.s impossible to estimate the costs, Brian stated 8 units per useable acres would be better to figure density; �, asked what was the best way to proceed with this proposal which everyone ;; obviously had problems wi.th. �; Wood stated the childrens recreation center was too far away from the duplex } area; the density was okay considering the amount of open space; the fire marshall should definitely a;pprove it; Quimby made a motion for denial based an the lot size; failure to attain , fire department appr.oval; road system proble►ns. ` Sakata seconded. � Wood asked if they could give direction to the apglicant. The motion failed with a 4-2 vote; Quimby and Sakata voted yes. Brian �hade a motion for ap�roval based on staff recommendations and with two additional cor�ditions 3 no lot be less than 3500 s . ft. and 4 the ) ) 9 recrestion area be relocated to be more accessible. Corliss seconded and asked if it was fair to tie the developers down at � this time ; there was no designation of 3500 sq, ft. anywhere e1se. Brian stated it �aould be best to do nowo Laws stated it was an arbitxary lot size an.d the 1�P0 had never decided on a. minirnum lot size. Wood s�ated they would be undex separate parcel ownership. Brian withdrew lxis motion, Wood made a motion for a roval with the additions 3) the chiZdrei�s recreation PP �X�"' area be more appropriately located; 4)the developer site the attached �anits �:_. to pr�vide a better ratio of gree�n area to asphalt, Corliss seconded. i nrian disapproved of the motion. Carliss stated everyone had a right to decezzt housing; 10,000 sq.ft. lots �� are nice but if someone wanted to live on a sma11 1ot they should be allowed to do so. SakaLa asked if' there was a minimum lot size in Tigard. Laws staCed NPO 5 created higher d�nsities; the� would have to stay within the a rameters of that lan. P P The v�ote on the motion was tied.Rossman,CorliSS,Wo�d-ye�.Quimby,Bxian,Sakata,no. ' Brian slated the density here was i�.ot what the NPO wanted. Wood moved approval based an staff recommendations with the follotaing addition.al conditions 3) the chi7.drens recrat;ion area be more appropriately located 4} the minimum tot size be 3,000 sq, ft. Hartley stated many bu}T�rs would be elima.nated with a 3,OU0 sq. ft. minimum. S�vendsen stated the 8 units{acre was baseu on us�ab�.a lari�. � Wood asked who they wauld hurt with the incxeased densi�y. 5akata stated they would be setting a precede•:nt. : Wood withdrew his mnti.on; stated the more basic concern was whei:her ox not i to a11ow houses on thi� sma17. af 1ot. Qu�.tnby asked that the NPO 5 gzoup be contacted, Wood a�ked tliat �hey 7.eave the �.o� size an open qu�stion, and mac3e a tnotion foi appraval based on. sta�f recome�dations with the fo7.l.owing addi�io�aal � conditions 3� the relocation of the ahi cirens xecreata,on area tc� a more `� appropria�e place 4) the commission has not approved property J.o� sizes £or � �� at�ached unirs and d�sires �he ;inpu� o£ tlxe NPO before matcing a fir�al �I '� decision., ! Cox'J.�.ss seeondec�. � 'The mn t�a,on pass�d 4 �d �; Saka ta and Qtr�.mf�� �a re� na. � � � _.. � M�NUTE S ',�r; . TICA'RD PLANNING COMMISSION June 20, 1978 '�t;�• Page 5 5.4 CONDITIOINAL USE CU 15-78 (Western Oregon Marine) NP� �F A rec�uest by Western. Oregon Marine for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a retail boat sales and repair business and outsde storage ix� a C-3 General Commercial zone for a 3.53 acre parcel at 11552 SW Pacific Hw'jr f;Wash. Go. 'rax Map 1S�. 36DA, Tax Lot 90�). A. Staff Report Read by Laws. B. App3.icant's Presentation: �erry Houck , Attorney for Western Oregon Marine, stated they needed a place to move after the £ire; many other businesses were anxiovs to move into this site but this would be the best use without much traffic. C. P�hlic Testimony: None D. Staff Recommendation: Staff r_ecommends approva'1 of the conditional use request subject to the following condition: 1. That .a site plan (to incltxde landscaping, parking, architectural improvements. �`', to the office/shop building and signing program) be submitted to design "� review for approval. F. Commissian Discussion Sakata asked if both lots on Main Street were gone. Haughton answered only one� Brian stated this would be a low traffic generator. Wood moved for approval based on staff rE;commendations. Corliss seconded, Vote was unanimous. 5.5 VARIANCE V 5-78 (Wesl:ern Oregon Marine) NPO 4 A request by Western Oregon Marine fox a variance to tlze Tigaz�d Municipal Code (o�'�-street Qarking and loading) requirements zn a C-3 General Cammercial zone .for a 3.51 acre gaxcel at 11552 SW Pacifiic Hwy (tlash. Co, Tax Map 1S1 36DA, Tax Lot 900), �i. Staff Repor� Read by Laws. g, 4pplicant's Pr.es�ntati.on: "Tex�ry Houc3c , AL'�orne� for West�rn Oregon Marine, stated the Plateau on. Lhe 1.owe� level of tlze propert� would n.ot be used; they t�ere raquesting , postpanem�nt af th� paving so �hey woul.d be �bl.e to mov� into the si�e as soan � �s San.try vacai:ed. M�, Iteed, Y'��stexn Orego�n Maxa.ne, s�aCerl �he fire was cos�l.y an.d alJ. �li�a.� parGs had been bu�i�ed and �.t� wou�.d be a financia�, a�►npossibil3.ty for them. �:o pav� �he si�� �.t Chis �im�, Wood as�c�d �hen they� �rau�.d m��re a.n7 i M�NUTES ' ' TIGAIZll PLANNING COMMISSION June 20, 1978 J� Page 6 { I Reed stated as soon as Santry moved out. Brian askced if Design Review would not take care of it and did staff have a position on deferred �eevelopment? Wood stated it would not be :design revi�ew. Laws stated staff was eoncerned with the ad�ninis�rative enfo.rcement o� the limitation period. , Sakata asked about a bond. � Woo� stated it would be a violation of the city code if they failed to comply. Wood made a �otion for approval with the variance expiring May 31, 1979. ' Quimby second�ed. The vote was unanimous. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: Qus.mhy could see no reason why Sakata, Tepedir�o and P�pp would need another interview to retain their asitions. P W�od stated the P�anning Conunission was confident the members of City Council were informed of the performance of the Pla�ning Commission memUers and recommended addit3.ona1 in�erviews not be required with respect to the re- appointment of existing members of the Planning Commzssion; existing members should stand on their past pe;rformance. Corliss asked why they wauld .not wTant to ga for interviews; �� Quirnby stated if they were not looked at favorably by the City Gouncil they ��;; w�uld not be reappointed anyway. Sakata stated they could use the minutes of past Gommission m�etin,g to make a decision. Wood recommended it was not necessary, Quirnby stated pPrsonalities shoilld not enter into the decision. Sakata stated it was �urning intn a pol.itic�.�l decision. Wood suggested the Commissioners submit a formal recommendation to Cnuncil Corliss stated pQ.ople like the commissioners in question were needed on the Commiss'ion and they shauld go fox the interview to retain their st�'.U`j Wood proposed a letter be sent to the City Councilmembexs en�ouraging them to consider the question. of retaini.ng continuiY.y on i:he Commission: while recognizing their respon;�ibility to decide on Commissioners appointments and not seeking to interfere in any way wif:h their rigl�t to do so. �he commissaon unanimously agxeed with Wo�ds proposala 7. AllJOURNMENT; The m.eeting was acijourned at 11:00 PM. �. �' �.:. .° !';;; I:: �;;' PUBLIC NOTICE TIGARD PLANNING �COMMISSION , I �;,: Jur�e 20, 1978 - 7:30 PM ' Fowler Junir�r I;iqh Schcao�. � Lectur� Rac�m � 1A865 SW Walnut - Tigard, Oregan : 5. Pulalic Hearings: ";; _ �' 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 36�77 (Western Rac�uet C'lub) NPO 5 , ' A request by Western Racc�uet Club for a g�neral plan and r ' program revi�w '� for a Commercial Indus•�.rial P.�a�nned Develop- ment in a M-3 LigP�t Industria� and C-3 General Commercial Zone of parceYs totallinq 20.75 acres at SC� Garden Place and Pacific Hwy (Was2�►: Ca. Tax Map 2S1, lAB, Tax Lot� 2fJ0, 300, 8Q0, 1100, 1101 and 1�J0) � 5. 2 ZONE CHANGE ZC (Waymire) I�I�0 6 '� A request by Keraneth Waymire, Waverly Conatruc�ion, for a preiiminary plan and program review and zone map am+�ndme�nt from Washi,ngton County R�-1 to rity It-7 PD, Sia�gl� P'amily R�esi.d�ential Planned Development �or a 20.41, acre garcel a� 1�060 �W Durham (Washo Co. �ax Map 2S1 14B, Tax Lot 400) . 5.3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 2-78 (Der-Hart Associates) �'pp 5 � A request by Der-Hart Associates fnr a Preliminary P1an and Program Revie�s of a Resid�ntial Plann�d Deve��pmee�t ax�d Zone N1ap Amendment from R-7 to R-? PD, for a 15.27 acr� pareeY a� 14070 SW Hall BLva (Wash. Ca. Tax Map 2S1 12�, Tax I,o�.s i; 6�Ds BQOs 11��� �.1�1, t' 'tt, 5.4 COPiDxTIOL�L US� CU 15-78 (Western Oregon Marine) NFO 4 " A requ�st by Western Oregon Marine for a Conditional Use Permf� tb operat� a retail boat ,�ales and r�paiz business and Q�z�side storaqe in a C-3 General C�mmercial zone for a 3.51 acre paxcel at 1A5S2 �W PaGific Hwy (�f�Ta�sh. Co. Tax 1�lap �Sl 36DA� 'Tax L�t �00) . A11 gersnn� havinq an intezest in the hearinq matter are invited � to appear and submit oral anc3 w�itten tes�imony or �ubmit written � test#n�ny in advance ot the meeti nq. Publish TT �-�-76 TT 6-14-78 �� > ; �: 4. i.:. k � , �. � � � . t �..Y � � , !'.� STAFF REPOI�T � ' � � AG�NDA 5 .�1 � � f ��', � Tigard Planning Commission ;. June 20, 19'78 �; Fow]:er Junior I�igh - Lecture Room I08E5 S ,W. [�Valnut St . - Tigard, nregon � �,;. !i Docket: Zone Chan�e �C 36-?7 (�� , i � � � �Request : Fo�r a general plan and program reviev�� for a Co�mmercialJ � '��'� Industrial Planned Development in a C-3 "General Commercial" and M-3 "Light Industrial" zones of par�els totalling 20. 135 ' ` acres. Location : Southwest Garden Place and Paci:fic Highway between Hall Blvd. and Highway ?17 (4Vash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 1BB, Tax Lots 2�0, 3�0, 800, 11�0, 11�J1 and 1200) . Applicant : Western Racquet Clubs, Inc. I , Findings of I'act : 1 . The site is designated "Retail Commercial" in •the northern portion of the site and "light industrial" in the southern portion on the NPO #5 Plan a.nd currentl,y zoned C-3 Retail Commercial and M-3 Light Industrial . 2. The applicant is requesti.ng general plan and pragram review af a �wo p�ase commexcial/commercial professiona7_/inclustrial �; planned development on parcels totalling 20. 135 aca^es in accordance with Section 18. 56. 030 of the Tigard ll!iuniczpal Code. �` E<; 3. Section 1�. 56 . 010 of the Tigard 1!4unicipal Code states tha�: : r' � Purpose. The purpose of the pZanned deveZopmen� district is to provide opportun2ties to ereat� more desira7�Ze environmen�ts throuc�h the app Zication o f f Zexib Ze and diversi,fied Zand deveZopment standards under a comprehensive pZa.n and progr�am professionaZZy preparecl. The pZanned deveZopmen-� dis�rict is intende.d, to be used to eneourage the appZzca�;ion of new teehniques and neza tec�cnoZngy to community deveZopmeaat ZJ�22Cl2 wiZ2 resuZt in superior� Ziving or deveZopment arrangements � with Zasting vaZues . It is fztrther intended to aehi.eve economies in Zand deveZopment, main.tenance, street s,yste.ms, and utility networks whiZe providing buiZc�ing groupin,qs for � p��i2��ze�, usab'Le and attraetive open spaces, safe cireulation, and g�neraZ zveZZ-being of the inhabitants. �. �pplicab].e palici�s fram the NPO 5 P1an are as :Eo1`lows : � t �aZicz� 20: In the in.�erest of safet� and effieieney, the number o�' highway aecess points mus� be 7tept to a mintirnum. Wherever possible, businesses on Paeifie ; ; � r j 4. i..� _ _ _ _ _ _ , ` ` STAFF REPnRT � AGENDA 5. 1 .,, June 2�, 1978 Page ? Hzg�iwa� shou.Zd be cZustered and shczre common parking faeilities and dr�iveways. As raew cZe�eZopment oceurs, the numX�e� of access points shouZd not exceed the number �aecessary for proper on-s2te tnaffie eir�culation and, where possible, shouZd be combined wit7� aceess t� adaacent businesses. PoZicy 25: L2mit the amount of commer�eiaZ deveZo:pment to oceur in the industrzaZ area, ulZowing onZz� some growth of existing retaiZ and service eommercvaZ in the ccrea. 5. Applicable policies from thE Environmental Design and Open Space Plan: PoZiez� 3: The Cit;y shaZZ restrtict a"Lzeration of naturaZ draina�ewaz�s unZess it ean be demonstrated that the benef�ts are greater than the detr�imentaZ effects. Other �jurisdLCtions in the .Fanno Cnee�t F3cxsi�2 shaZl .be encaur�aged to do the same. PoZicy 5: The Citz� shaZZ adopt an ordinance to regulate. the removaZ and/or repZaeement of ex2sting naturaZ vegetation in designated areas (fZood pZains, dra�inage�aays, areas of nigh visibilitr�, unzque habitats or rare species) . �.. Significant trees or stands of timber sha"LZ also be protected. PoZi�y 6: Require a site dev�Zopment report (e. c�. , 72y�roZogy, soiZs, geoZoc�y) for ma�or pro�jeets in designated areas and a etatement r. efZecting rnet,hods to be used to minimize the .�un-off erosion impact of the deveZopmen•t on �the sur�ounding area and dowyastream properties. PoZic� 7: Retain t,he Z00 year f�ood pZain of £'anno Creek, its tributarzes,, and the TuaZatin .Rzver as an open preserve (G�eenwayJ . The greenway shaZZ be estab7,ished as tYte aackbone of the open space network and, zvher a direct pubZic benefit eczn be derived, i. e. , when ad�jacent ' r�es2dentiaZ elev�Zopmen�t, the greenway shouZd be deveZoped fo� passive rec�eation and pedestrian/bik,e t.raveZ. 6 . On November 1, I�77 the Tigard P:lanning Commissiqn approved a prelimina,ry plan and progr�:m :Eox �this site sub j ect to the :�allowing conditYOns : 1 , That preliminary approvaJ� only be given �o �he general con- cep� o;f th� PD. 2. Tha� appraval af loc�.ti.on and in�ensa.ty o;P use m�st a�yai� � submi.ssion a� mare detai.led p:l.ans to inc7.ude txa�fi� ancl � ��.�ocl plain si:udies. , '�:� . �� �� STA,FF R,EPOI�T = � .` � ArTENDA 5. 1 �� A June 20, 1978 41 Page 3 t� t3 :.:z 3. The applicant must be prepared to show that , by i� ,� encroaching into the flood plain, the fa.11 wi]:1 neither ;� decr.ease the amount of storage capacity nor increase the ; run-off from the site. �; F 4. A floocl plain fill permit application be suhrnitted. 5. A minor land partition application be made for Tax Lot 4�0 (Tax Map 2S1 1BB) . 6. That a diainage plan be submitted for approval (to pay particular attention to the e�fect on adjacent sites) . ;�, II . �taff Observations and Findings : ri 1 . The proposed development is being planned in two phases . The �: :first �hase wi11 consist o� ground preparation and the ` construction of 69, 232 square feet �f cammercial o.ffice and recx�eation facilities. Pha�e TI will b� the construction af a light industrial complex consisting o� eight (8) buildings totallirig 1.15, 200 square feet of gross floor ar�a. 2. The site slo,p�s from the north to the south, dropping :from approximately 210 feet 114SL at Pacific Highway to 150 feet � r�iSL at the south property line . Consiclerable earth fill has i: ta,ken place on the upper portion of th� site, resulting iiz a �; tier eff.ect . The applicant envisions locating the commercial oi'�ices and recreatiori facility on the newly created �ills . The sou.thern portion o� the si.te is r�lativel,y flat and contains a pond. l�ed Rock Creek, which �lows out o� the � northeast and passes under Highwa,y ?17, cantinues tlzrough the southeast portion of tl.ze parcel and serves as the pximar,y " source of water for the pond. Crystal Lal{e, which was ;, formerly in the soutlleas`tern corner o:f t.he site, has been graded over. 3. The site is surrounded on the east by Ha.�hway 217; to the south by industrial c�evelopment and single �amily residential (soutYiwest) ; to the west and across Hall Boulevard are ^ apar�:mexi�s ; and •i;o the north retail storzs, a servYCe station, � and Paci�ic Ha,ghway. ;`. 4 . The applicant has essentia].ly incorporated into his general F plan and pro�ram t}•r� conditions o:� prelimi.nar,y approval . ' ; Base�. on. the revised si�e plan, condi�ions 3, 4 and 5 have - becom� moot points �or the fol].awin� reasc,ns : � � a. .�lthough a �ortian o� the sa.te rloes :fa11. with the 10� yeax ; �lood plain (note : new elevations �or the 100 qear �lood i p].a�.n have be�n .recently ca�.cu7.ated by the U. S ; Axmy Corp , 1 �� o� En�ineers as o� April ].978) na bui�.da.n� encroachmen�t ; is bea.ng pxoposed wi�i;hin �t.he tlooc� plain and subsequen��,y � there would not be �, need :Cor a :C].ond p].aa.n �i].7. permi�. ; ;. � ,. I _ .. .M.. � . . .. . . .. . . .. . " STAFF REPOI�T • �: AGENUA 5;1 June 20, 1978 ���.�° Pa�e 4 `� b. `.t'ax Lot 4OC1 which was proposed to serve as an overflow parl�ing �ot for the recreational and commercial areas has been eliminated as pari� of the �otal project a.rea ' ' anel the parking demands �or these uses are tp be a,c.coz�odated on th� remaining �ortion of the site a� suk�mitted in the �eneral site �lan . 5. The z�evised site plan re�lect� a change in both the building dimensions and location o� the commercial {recreational facilities) and commercial professional offzces. The , applicant has grouped the recreational �acilit`ies a;nc� professiona offic�s by "stackin�" the office space (three storiesJ on top of the recreational facilities (racquetball and tennis courts) . . The result is a net increase of 822� square feet in office space but a reduction of ?�,60�J square feet of recreat�:on ' area �or a total reduction o� 1� , 380 square �eet in building area. The industrial buildin�s proposed in Phase ZI a�e the �ame in number (eight} proposed on the prelim�.nary pl.an, Y�u�t liave been clizs�tered and servic�d witi� a loop drivewa:�. No encroa,chrnen� into the flood plain would .r�sult based on tYze buildin� locations as submi�tecl. �.y G . A traif9.c impact study for the site has been conduc�tec� b,y Carl Buttke, P .E. Consul.�in� Engineer and reviewed k�y the S�;ate IIighway nepartmeni; . M.r. Buttke ' s conclusions were tYne �ollowing�: a. A left turn refu�e on Hall Blvd. sh.ould be provided (this wouia require no par.king on one sidc- of the street) and a restripin� of Fial.l Blvd. �he state conc�uxs with Mr. Buttke' s recc�mrr�endation but fee:l no parking should be provi�Ieci on �aath. sides o:� I�all k�lvd. frorn Pacific I3i�hway to Knoll Stree�. b . Tllat left turns be prohibited from CTarc�en I'lace t� the wes�bounc� Paca.�ic Highv�Jay tr�.fi�ic. c. That whzn Phase II is developed a third access be prUVidecl From the southeaste�rn corner� o� tk�e parcel on�to Hunziker S�Lree�t . An access a�reement between the subject parcel and the abu�ti.z�g paarcels �o th�e south �ar access/egress on'�o '� Hun�i�er Stree� is �ecoxded w�.th the deeds of �hose ! paxcels . �he a�xeemez�t pro�ric�.eS. �or a 60 :Coa�� easeznent � �' tha� wou�.d b� d�dicated �ox stxee� xi�ht-o:�-w�y' pt���oses , ' a� such txm� as it is deemed necessar� by� �he Caun�y or '� Ci�t;y. A �or�i;ion o� this easemen� between th� �i�ard Di.s�rx'b���.on Cen�ex and Pa�-te� ha� been pa�vecl 'bu� is wa,�liou� cuxbs and siclewa7.l�s, _ _ I � � � � � � i:� s , r; � d � . � ; � STAF�' �,EPORT , ACxENl7A 5. 1 4����, � �Y June 20, 1978 Pa�e 5 7. The �.pplirant is proposin� that Garden Place from Pacific E Highway to the south end of the recreational �acilities � remain as a dedicated right-of-way. But that the remaining � ;, portion of S.W. Garden Place be vacated and a.ccess frorrr Hall Blvci. anc� Hunziker Street servici,n;g the indu.strial properties be developed on easements. The Engineering D�partment has reviewed. this proposal and made thE following excepiton to the applicant ' s proposal : That a dedicated public street be developed to c'r�mmerca.al street standards (this could be 36 feet of pavement and a sidewalk on one side of the street) from the Hall Blvd. access along �the north property line to the Pa,cific Hwy . -•aee-e-s� access/egress (via CTarden Place) . This way there would be a continuous public street provided for access to the recreation facilities and commercial pro:fessional offices . �3. Code Deviations : The required total parking spaces for a]_1 uses in the develop- ment wou.ld be 31F . The applicant is providing :�ox 310, Since peak hours of the l�roposed uses do not coincide with � each other a shared parking arrang�ement is bein�; proposed. : �`` �� � The a licant has sta d pp te that the t�tal amount of spaces i is reduced but more e.fficiently utilired over the hours o.f �` „ � a day" . C� �1 Access to the parking lots are proposed to narrow to 20 feet . ; Code requirement is 30 :�eet with 2�: finot pav�ement sur:facing. The height of the combined of�ice and recreation area will k�e five stories, k�ut less than ?5 feet . Height maximum in a C-3 zone are 3 s�tories or 35 feet whi.ch ever is ��ss, However, the P1.anning Commission can grant appraval for structures up to a heights of ?5 feet . � � � The impacts of a building of this height on surrounding land uses should be negligible, in that the topography is such that the main exposure �liis complex wil7. liave will occur alon� only the Hi�h�vay 217 froz�tage. 9 . A metlzodo�y �or providing storm w�.ter detenta.on has been suhmitted with the appJ.i�ant ' s narrative pro�ram, 10. Fi�ty p�rcent o� the sa.te is t� be open space a.nd 1.andscapin{;; �he ligh� i�ldustrial bui].dings wi1.7. cover 7.3�0 o:P the si�e; ; and the recreation and o�fice buildi.ng 8°��. The remainin.� 29%v o:C the sitE wi1� b� used for si:reets , roads, paxka.ng and truck service ar.eas. � + �p , � ° � ' STAFF REPnRT AC�ENDA 5. 1 -� June 20, 1978 �� Page 6 III . Conclusionary �indin�s: l. The general. plan submission has ineorporated the objectives of ` the planned development district by provic�ing for grouping of ' buildings intermix with "usak�le and a.ttractive" open space t�+hi�e providing for a traffic circulation p�;ttern designed to .mave efficiently and safEly both vehicular and pedestrian traffic;. 2. Tlzere will be no enroachment into the 1�0 ,year �lood plain. 3. Access has been ,pravided ontc� Hunziker Street for the . industrial traFfic anticipated to be generated b,y �t:his develo�ment . This third a.ccess/egress will help to lessen the traffic impacts on I�iall Blvd. and Paci:fic Hi h��a . H { � Y , owever staff concurs with the En in , g eering Department that a dedicated public ri�ht-of-way sholxld exist throu�;h the site from Hall Blvs�. to P�cii'ic Highway. IV. Stafi' Recommendations : Based on Findings of fa�t and conclusionary findings st�,ff recommends approval of the gener�.l plan and pro�rarri subject to � t2ie follc�wi.ng conditions : l . That all buildings, building locations , landscaping, pedestrian access, vehieular access to �a.rking areas (to include dr. ivewa,y �vidths) and si�ning be suk�ject to design r�view. 2. That a dedicated str�e�; , buia.t to c�cnmercial 5treet standards with 36 feet o:f pavement , 5 foot sidewalks on �ne side of thQ street (l.�cation o:f sidewalks to be deterrnined during c�esign review) be provided throu�h the property from Ha.11. Blvd. to Pacific Highway via Garden Place and that the appl,icant petition to the City Cotznci� to yac�te the remaining portion o� S.W. Garden F�1ace, 3. That a left turn r�fuge l.ane, to include striping be provided a:long tl�e I�Ia11. f31vd. frontage and that a hal� s�reet improvement (to include curbs and sidewa�ks) also be provided alang �he Iia7.1 Blvd. �rontage. A11 improvements to �e suk�ject to State Highway D�partment appraval . 4. That zao parking be a7.lowed along Ha11. Blvd. �rorn Paci�a.c Iii,ghway to S .ti4� Kno11 Drive. This wi11 x ec�uire a no p�,x�kirig ordinance via City Council; actxon . 5 . That no 1.eft turns occur �'rom Garden P1ace iz�to the w�s�bound Paci:Fa.c �ighway tra�:Cic aixd tha� ap�roach s�r��� im,�rovemen�s � �o Garden P7.ac� :f�om Paci�ic l�i�hway be ��ovidetl per S�a�:e H�.ghwa� Depar�met�t requiremen�s; � �,.I 1,:.', " � STA�'F 12EPORT A(�ENDA 5. 3 ��� TIGARD PLANNING COAUdISSION � June 20, 1978 �' �`^ �'owler Junior High - Lecture Room 10 8 6 5 S.W e GValnut St. -� Tigard, Oregon ;:;.' Docket: Zone Change ZC 15-78 �;� �: Request: For preliminary plan anc� program review o� a '�� lot �esidential Planned Development and Zone P�1ap Amendment from R-7 to R-7 Planned �evelopm.ent for a 15 .27 acre �arcel. Location: East side of Hall BiVa. an� north �� Bonita Road (Wash. Co. Tax �4ap 2S1 12B, Tax Lots 600 , 800 , 1101 and 1100) . Ap�licant: Der-I�ia.rt Associates I. Findings of_ Fact: l. The site is desi nated on the PO f g N #5 or ei ht dwellin g 5 units per acre on the east and north side of �the spi.ne road and six dwelline� units per acre on the west and north side of the spine road. Tt is currently zoned R-7, "Single Pamily Residential" . � 2. Applicable objectives f.rom the NPO #5 P1an far this area � (referred to in the NPO Plan as the "Bonita Tr.iangle") a�e �. the following: a. Establish an overall density v��hich can economically f'. support lower cost housing alternatives while not `� overtaxing the required public facilities and services. b. Maximize the benefits of the open spac� provid�d by the Fanno Creek flood plain and the buffering effects of its �reg�tative cover. c. Provide pedestrian linkac�es to the are�s of usable open space. d. Provide vehicular access which servES all properties �� while minimizing conflict points on Bonita and Ha11. ; e. Provide for a diversity of housing types and densities . 3 . Section 18. 56 . 01 of 0 the Ti ard Munici a s g p 1 Code tates : The purpose of the �al.anned c�eve7,opmen't district i:s to 1 provide opportuniti.es to create more desirable enviranments � through the application o£ tlexible and diversi�ied land development standards under a camprehensive plan and pro- gram professional.ly prepared. The Planned development ;� district is intended to be usea to encourage the application '� � i a � ,, , _ _ . � �. r. .. . - � . � � .. � - � . � � � . . - . . .. . . . ..�'� � . . . . . . � . . . . . . ��:: �� . . . .. . . . . . . . . � . . . � ... � . . .. �P ` STAFF REP�JRT f� A�ENDA 5 . _3 k� June 20, 1978 v' << Pac�e 2 �; 3; of new techniques and new technology to canimunity develop- �; rnent which will result in su�erior living ox d�velopment '' }� arrangernents with la�ting v�alues. Tt is further intended to achieve ecar_omies in land development, maintenance, �� street systems and utility networks while providinq building ;i ' groupings for pri�acy, usablP and attractive open spaces, � ' safe circulation and the general well-being of the in- r� habitants. 4. Section 18. 56 . 02� provides for preliminary plan and pro- gram review by the Planninq Commission and requires that a such revie�a be based ugon the comprehPnaive plan, the ' standards af this t; tle, and other r•egulations anc� the hl. suitability of �he rroposed developm�nt in r�lation to the �' character of 'the area. �' 5. The site gently slopes fr�m west to east with an elevati.on �f 174 feet at Hall Blvd. , dro�ping tc� 150 feet along the east �roperty line. �urrounding Iand uses are vacant parcels to the south and east, single family resid�nce and �arm land to the north, and ta the west and across Hall Blvd. residential homes. 6 . This project is an extension nf a Pl�nnec� Developr.lent ; �, approved earlier to the north ta be constructed by the " same developer. The develo�er narr�tive explains the �; number af units Y�einc� requested, density, etc. ;; �,r ,:� 7 . In reviewinct the submitted plan, staff wishes to make ; the followinc� comments regarding certain f�utures: � a. Th� derisity of thE multi-family area is r�ther high or the buildings could pc�ssibl.e be sited to diminish the amaunt of land devotPd to a�phalt. F.'or instanee, there is an expanse of asph�lt (street & driveway) 80 feet wide dotim the entrance drive. b. A private drive (street) intersects the S;aine Foad ' (Fanno Creek nrive) in the znidst of a curve .ac�ja�ent "�� �,,� � play� area where sight distance is someu;I�at poor. 2n additia7i, �he play area is nat in the best location, being adjacent the Spine Road. This lot is bette� suited � f for a dwelling. ,;' ; �. 'r'he acc�ss drive to Ha11 Blvd. has a piece o.f 1.��nd acljacent to it (nor�h) which �:ou].d become a maintenance problem. There is a similaz "excess" parcel adjacent Hall behind lot 10 . Some appro�riate disposition ot these �arcels should he sought. �, XS. Gonclusionary Finr�i�gs; b i 1. The appl.ican�' s reques� co�nforms to the NPO ,�5 Pl.an and % the Planz�ed bevel.n�ement Ordinance. ; h � � . . � . � � �� . : . . . t� , � . ._ . ... .... .. ... � . .. . ... .._. _. . ..�. .. . . . . � _. - ._�._ ._ .... __-� _. , . . _ ,:. �;. � ,:> �.0 � ` ¢ ST�Fk' REPORT : �� �' AGENbA 5, 3 , t',; June 20, �.978 �. Pac�e 3 i, ( 2 . The development concept proposed is a sound one and aan �, -. be irnproved �*ith sorn� minor madifi,cation. ;,:i � � � � � � � � � �"; , III. Staff Recommendation: � ' �:.< � � � � � ' Staff recammends a�?proval of the preliminary plan and �rogram t ', with the .followinc� c'onditions : l. That the pointsof concern raised in findings of f_aet A, F3, and C' be addrecsed in the general Plan and prag:r�m when submitted. 2. In. addition, the concerns raised by the Fire P�arshall � in his attached correspondence shoulc� also be adclressed. �_ .'� �._a '. 9 � � �� ', : k � �:Y. _ i � � � R � . � � � � � � � � �. S`T1�FF REPORT AGENDA 5 . 4 TIG�,I2D PZANNIN� COr'�MISSION � �', June �0, 1978 " � Foua`ler Junior High - Lecture Room 108b5 S.W. Walnut S�t. - rnigard, Oregon � �� � 1 Docket: Connditioi�;al Use CL1 15°7R ; 4 Reqtrest: To operate a retai�. boat sales/repair busin�ss with ou�side ; st�rage in a C-3 General Comznercial zane for a 3, 51 acre f parcel . � E: Location : 11552 S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DA, � Tax Lot 9Q�) . z', i� Applicant: Western Oregon rqarine �� �': I. Findings of Fact: �, i` �: l. The site is designated an the NPO #� Plan as Highway Commercial and currently zoned C-:i General Comm�rcial. 2 . Section 1�.28 . 020 (5) (6) & (3&) of the Tiqar_d Muni.cipal Code provides tor "automobile, boat and trailPr sales, boat r repairs and paintinc� and any business , service, �rocessing, ` storac;e ox display essential or incidental �o any permitted '' use in the C-3 zone and not con c �u ted entirely within an enclosed building as a condition�l. use in the C-3 zoire. �w. i: 3. Section 1�. 12 . �g0 af the Tigar�c� Ntunicipal Coc�e states�: I; �; : a "Enclosure or s�reening r�guir�do (a) except as othPr- �, wise permitted under the conditional use provi5ions of " this ti�tle, a11 k�usiness , service , repair, processing, �a starage, or merchandise display shall be conducted v�holly C,rithin an enclosec� buildincx. (b) When permitted under the canditi.onal use prc�visions of this tit1�, all business , service, repair, p�ocessing, ;' storac�e or mexehandise display not conducted within an encl.ased building may be rec�uirec? ta be screened from the view of a11 adjacent propertie� by a fence obscurinq the sight of norma�. adjacent pedestrian anc? vehicular •traffic and/or by l.andscaging of stYeh a height and density as rnay ; be presCribed by the planning commission. " i , �- 4. On Spetember 6 , 1.977, the Tigarc� Pl�nning Lommissian a�proved , a .request to locate a retail sales ancl bo�.-tling facility (k'op Shoppe) on this sa.t�, The apglic�z�t dregon B�veraqe Services, ]:nc. chose not to �.oca�e their busi.ness at tha,s location. T�. 5ta��' Observations and Finc�ings; l� recreation�etua.smen�usa�.esgand�re��ion to ].acate a maxine >,I'' � � q p y g pa�.x serv�.c� wa.�Y� �utside ; i s�ora e an the Sar�t� '�ru�ka.n s�.�e, �' �'{ 1. ; i � _.__._ .. . _ ,. � _ _ __ _ I N ST�k'�' R,EPQI2T � . 1�GENDA 5 K 4 � June 20, 1978 i Page. 2 i �.. i � i The site is currentl.y occupied k�y two k�izildinqs totalling � approximately 9000 square feet. These l�uildings are to j k�e retained for of.fice, shop and parts storage. Tl�e i applicant °does not intent to make any major changes to the structures. " � The southernhalf of the l.ot c�rops off sharply and down into ' a. natural dY•ainage swale on the edge of Red '�Ro�'k Creek. A�k�oat di:spla,y:_ area is being: p�oposed in. this sou�hern .` � �ortion of the site. 2. Surroundin_q propErty to the west is Mark 50 Machinery; to the nc�rth and across Pacific Highway is the Fred Meyer ' Shoppinq Center; to the east RasmuSSen' � Chevron Service, and to the south the O.E.A. complex. � 3. Access to and from the site would be �c�n Villa Ridge (a frontaqe �oad that parallels�acific E3ighway) . The site is � approximately midway between the north and south egress of Villa Ridge with Pac.ific Highway, which lessens the iml�a.ct ; on traific entering the frontac�e road or attempting to merge ' into the Pacific Fiighway fl�u?. � � � ThE State Highway Departnent 1�as reviewed the ap�lication j (see attached letter) and st.ated that the traffic generated � by this use "woul.d probably not be a significant increase ' over what is existing now, " 4 . Over the last several years a transitior`?. has taken place � in the type of business that had previous.ly occupied ' sites along the frontage road. T�That before was essentially ' an industrially oriented mixture of uses is no�� underqoiz�g a chang� to commereial retail. The proposed use would be �� in keeping with this trend, as well �s meetina the objectives of the Coznmunity Plan as it pertains to site accessibility and minimizinc� the inherent conflict �etta�een the safe, rapid movement of through traffic and sh�pper traffic on major streets. 5 . Section 18. 60 . Z20 (4) (c) of the Tigard Municipal Code �� reauires one parkinc� space/1000 square £eet of gross floor area for retail stores handling bulky merchandisee The a site plan as submitted grovides for the necessar_y are� to ;i meet cod� requirements. However, the applicant is pra�osing � that the parking and display areas be c�tiavelec� as opposed ; to a pavecl surfaceo Since this would repres�nt a coc�e � deviation the applicant has app�ied for a variance tp the � off-street parking requirements w�hich wi11 be heard under � the next aqenda item 5 .5 . � � II2, Conclusionary Findings : ' i __ _ . �; �#�. } STAFk' �PQt'ZT 1.; AGEI�II�A 5. 4 l,: � � � � � � [�. d � �� June 2 0�, 1�9 7 a � �� r; Page 3 ,; �.:, !'I l. The proposed use would be compatible with surroundiric� �; land uses �nd not represent a significant increase over the traffic gener_ated by t.he previous business on the � site. ; �i 2 . A variance to the City' s parking stanr�ards would have to t- be made for �the proposed gravel parking and display areas. ; �` 3. The displaying of boats an the low�r portion of the site ;: wo�lci hav� "limited" impacts on adjacent parcels and to i asstzre that the visual effect is comnatible r,aith the �; adjacent parcels installation of landscaping materials � should be applied around this area. ; (: ; TV. Staf f Recommendation: i' Staff recommends approval af' the conditional use request subject : to the following condition; ` 1. That a site plan (to include landscaping, parkinc�, architect- ;; ur�l improvernents to the office/shop building and signing r. progr�m) be submitted to design review for• ��pproval. �; �. i t e I � I i t i , , i i i � � � � : STAFF REPORT , AGEND� 5. 5 °, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Jun� 20, 1978 FUw�ar Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 S .4V. Walnut St. - Tigard,, Oregon Docket: Variance V 5-78 �. Etequest: For a variance to the off`-street parking an;d loading requirements in a C-3 General Comr.nercia7. zone for a 3. 51 acre parce7.. , Location: 11552 S.T�V. Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Co. Tax Ma� 1S1 36DA, T�x ; Lot 9 OI7) . i ( Applicant; West�rn Oregon Marine ; � I . Findings of Fact: i . ... . � . . .. . .. . .. a i � . � . . . � . � � . . , t 1. The si'te is designated Highway Cnmmercial on the NFO �4 ; Plan and zoned C-3 General Commercial. ; � 2 . �ecti�n 1�. 60.1'70 Inlpr�v�ments a.f the migard Municipal ;� Cade rec�uired that a,ll areas used for the stanciinq or � maneuvering of vehicles shall be improvec� to 'thP same t s�eci:fscations 3s required for city srreets. 4 � 3, Th� applicant i.s reques�ing a deviation to the cod�e standard � � by providing a gravel stzrface in lieu of a. hard surface pavemen� fa.r on. site pa.rking and .a c?isplay ar�a for boats. 4. Section 18 . 760010' �f the Ti.�arc1 Municip�l C�de a;uthorizes the Planr�ing Commissian to grarit variances f�om the requireznents o� Title 18, where it can be shav,rn �hat, � ou�ing to sp�cial anc� unusual c,irctzms�ances r�lated to a f specific piece o� nro�ertX, i.he lit�ral intergretati�n z'', �f this titlp would cause an undue or unnec�ssary hardshi�: �' .. . .. . . . . r,� 5e Section 18 . 76 .02Q of th� Tigard Municipal Code states thata ; G "No variance shall bP granted by the Planning Comrnissio:n �? unless it can, be ahown that a11 of the follo�aing conditions �� :, exist: ;I � C1) Exception�l or extraord�.nary conc�itions apg�,yix�g to ;; the property that do no� appl.y �en��ally to ather ` gro�erties in �he same zone or viainity, which '� conditions are a reau,It of lot si.ze or sha�e, topagraphy or other circu.mstanc�s over which the applicant has '"� ,� no �ontxr�l,; (2) The �variance is neCessary �or �khe preservafi�ion of ' a: property' right of the appli.cant suhstan�ia�.ly th� i `: same as is possessed by own�xs af other property in r� the same zone ox vicinaty; � �� (3) The aiutho�a.za��.oza of the �rariance sha11 not be kna��ri° �� a�1.y det�cimental, �.o the ��ur��ses o� �his ti�1,e be I� �. _ - �.--� s e � b STAFF REPGRT C AG�NDA 5 . 5 a �, Jui1e 20, 1978 � Pag� 2 ,' }; .�nj�,�zrous to property in the �one or vicinity in �; which the property i� 1c?cated or be other�wise detrirnental � to the objectives of any city devel�pmPnt plan or �; � policy: � �'�, �`: (4) The variance requ�sted is the minimum variance from the i' provisions and standards of this title which �ail.l `'. alleviate th:e hardship. " �'i r, 5 . There �re presently two builciinc,s on the site H=hich are �'. beincx a regair shop and �ffices by the currenty propErty ?' � �� i^, owner. i:; �- �: 6. The applicant has stated that a large "sec�ment" o.f the site will be utilized in the operatiqn �f his k�usiness an�. that a financial hardship would be imposed u�on him i.f he.. �. were ta have to �ave all p�rkinq areas when �vi�ewed in respec�. to adjacent properties�. Staff conc:urs with the appliaant �that to im�rove th� entire parcel t� t�ity standards may cr�ate a economic har•dshi� a� this time, in that the lower portion of the site is n�c�,��planned for �mmediate use. The gravel that is beinc� �', �� � ,.,���"oposed fo� the�boat clispl�.y area shoulcl not adversely {� , �,�9� (,�impact adjacent parcels from either an aes�khe�;ic; or �,<! (��y °' � health stanci point in that this area would not :�e utiliz�d �,; °r ��'� as intensively as the p�rking area in the northern portion �_ `�S`� 4� �� of the site which is als� being g�roposed to be 'developed )� �� ,��°� on a gravel base. �' ����' �.,. �� � However, it is Sta�f' sopinion that employee and customer (� � parking on the upper plateau be paved because of the � anti�ipa�ted use that wi11 be generated by vehicular traffic � � r���A using this portion of the site. ��,�y� �til sr'� Cfi� II. Coizclusionary Fi.ndings: �� 1. The ro osed variance would riot have an ac�verse impact �� � P I� ,i �� � adjacent �arcel nor be mat�rially detrimental to this title. �� � �W 2 . �ince the uppe� tier nortion o� t�� lot will he more G heavily used by bath customer_ as well as �mpl.oyee activity a gravel parking area woul� resu�t in a less than desirable situation (�.g. c�ust resultinq from loo�� gravel, ar�c� unn��ked �' :- parking spaces) . Therefor�, a paved par�.ing sur�ace shou�.d ]a� provided in this area. ITI. Staf� Recommen�at�ion: �� ` �� Statt recommends a�p�oVal subject to tl�e followa.ng aonda.tio��; 1.. Th�� �he area i.den�i�ied �s parking on �he site p1.�n k�e paved and �hat at such time as �the ap�l.icant c�ooses to ; . devel.op �he 1.owe� porta,on of the site, a detail. ��;an �4x this ai:ea be �ubmi�ted �or design xevi�w a�ip�o�a7,. � . _ _ i� —�-_-�.... , .. _ , , �� .. � ,�� , - . cITY O�' T1G�RD �hfo�rp P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.V10. Main, Tigard, Oregon 97223 -MEMO- To: City Council From: Tigard Planning Gommission Subject: Reappointment of Plarining Comm:ission Members Aate: June 21, 1978 The Planning Commission, while recognizing the appointments to the Commission a.re the responsibility of the C�uncil and nat seeking in any way to interfere with the councils' recommendati�izs, would like to urge, among the items considered at the time of reappointment, the question of retaining continuity on our commission. Respectfully submittec�, members in attendance of Planning Commission � Meeting of June 21, 1978 Marcus Wood Joanne Corliss Edna Sakata Gene Rossman Eleanor Quimby Tom Brian � �