Planning Commission Packet - 06/13/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ' „ ,, _ .A_.. ..,: w. . .... ..� � . . _ . �. �.. .�, , _ , _ , �:;. � ::. �r;:� � � ;:� �.:�_: _�. AGENDA �rTIGA�;D PLANNING� COII�IDQISSTON `� une �j'�j 1978 - 7: �0 PM Fowler Jun3.�ar High School - I�ecture Roonn '10865 SW Walnut - �'igard, l�regon , 1. Cal l �to O�c1ex , 2. Rol.l Call : ! 3• Approval of r�Iinut�s : 4 . Communications : ' E 5. Pub1i� Hearings : ' A. Staff Report B. Appli�ant ' s Pres�nta�i�n C. Public Testimoxry � � � a. Praponent ' s � b. Opponent ' s c, Cross-e��.min�.ti�n 1 D, Staf� Recommendatio� � E. Commissian Discussian andcAction 5. �, ZUNE CHANGE ZC 2?--77 �oax xili Investm�nt} NPO 3 A xequest by Ted Millar o� Oak Hill Inve�tment f�r a gez�e�al plan a�d pxo�ram review of P11ase IT o� a "Resident�.al;�ommercia�" F'b fo� �arc�ls tota.11ing 4 .�4 acres at �tite intexsec�ion o:� �W Pac�fic Hwy �.nd. Gaarde �'i (Wash. Coe Tax Map 2S1 �QA, Ta,x Lots 7UQ dnd 800, and Ta�c M�,p 2S1 3DD, � Tax lio�;s 800 and 1.1.00) . 6 . OTHER BU£�INESS ; i 7. .t�.DJOURN�EI�T: �� u 1 r � � . . . � . . . . . �}/ a'{ �.:�� . � . .. .A . (; • . . .. 1. (�INUTES TIGARp PLANNING COI�I�ISSTON J�.ir�� 13, 1978 F�w1�r Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Llalnut - Tigard, Oregon 1 . Call to Oider: �Ieeting was c�lled ta order at 7 ;35 P(� 2. Roll Ca].l ; Present: Wood, Sakata, Corli.ss, Quimby , Tepedino , Rossman, Popp Absent • Brian Staff: � Laws 3. Approval of I�inutes: None were presen'ted. 4. Communications „ popp si,ated the Rembald Bishop proposal woul.d hot be !-�eard tonight. 5o public Hoarings. � 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 27-77 (O�k Hi11 Tnv�st��ents) NP0 3 ,, A reques� by Ted f�illar of Oak Hill Investment for a general pl.an � and program review of Phase II af a '�Residential/Comm�raiaZ°1 PD `"` �'or parcels totalling 4. 24 acres at the intersection of SW Paoific Hwy and Gaarde (Wash. Co. Tax I�ap 2S1 �OA, Tax Lots 700 and 800, and Tax �1ap 2S1 3DD, Tay Lots 800 and 1100) . A. Staff Report ; Re�d by Laws. B. Applicant ' s presentation: �oe Van �Lom, ProjPCt Architect, stated the restaurant site had always beer includr�d even .in th� original propnsal; he pointed out the are�s they had cha�ged from the f'irst p1an; mor� greenery, twa access points instead of six, the highway d�pt. had found it to be adequate; ' px�oduces a report on the need for r.estaurants in Tigard. � Quimby asked about buffering the noise from the residential ;! property. I' � s Van Lom stated it would be done with berming and landscaping. i � Roger Staver pres�nted a slide show; stated it would be � easily accessible for Summerfield and King City residants; � many products a�td services would be offered, 7 C. Public Testimony : �� `I� Opposi�tion: Bibianne Scheckla, 1Oa90 ,SW Fairhaven Way, � ;� asked if the road thraugh the used car lot Was pla�nsd ar ohly '� proposed; sta�ed �he pl.�y area in �t�e duplex are� Was ih- ; adequa�e; the purpnse oF the NPU pla� wa� to maintain the f qtaali�y af the a�ea; a5ked if �he bui�:dings Wau].d be commercial ;'� or profes�inl�al,; t�as concerned about ].i�h�ing p�otection for �'� i � I�v _._ _ _ . . - ___. _ .. i , . I�INUTES TIGARD �LANNING C0�1�1ISSION June 13, 1978 Page 2 adjacent neighbors; stated Phase 2 is commercial and couldn ' t be developed separately. I�itch Ramsdale, 11635 SW Terrace Trails Dr, , � stated the accoss to Gaarde from the duplex area was a problem as well as access •to the used car lot. ' � � Richard Cooper, Tigard f�otors, questa.oned access points to ' Pacific Hwy from his lot. Aldo Rossi, was not against the proposal but was concerned with the road; stated the development would be an asset to the commun;�;ty; questioned the straightening out of Gaarde, � � D. StafF Recommendation : k Based on findi.ngs of fact and conclusionary findings staffi` recommends approval subj�ct to the following conditions; 1e That prior to submi�sion for Qesign Review a c�mpl�e storm water detention plan, covering phase I & II be submitted for both Oregon State Highway Divi.sion and ��`'' Public Works Departm�nt approvals. `�:.r 2. That a minlmum 40 Poot radius curb be provided at the � corner (north side) of Gaarde and Pacif.ic Hwy a5 specified + by th� State Flighway Dept. ' :_ 3• Tha� '!0 feet �f right oi' way be dedicated along the , SoW. Gaarde Sto frontage and th�t a fialf s�reet improvemen'1: be made to collector street standards as specified in the NPO #3 pZan. 4. That the necessary right of way, as sp�cified by the 5ta�� Highway pepartment, be provided along the Pacif�,c Hwy, fr�ntage and that margin improvements be made including 8 foot sidewalks and curbs. 5. That proposed bui.lding locations, 1a�ndscapiny, parking requirements and pedestrian/vehicle access be subject to desi.gn reviewe 6• Thai; a 30 foot wide access drive be provided for Tax Lots 800 and �he eastern most portion of 801 and that �he de- velopor agree to provide joint access with Tax Lot 9D0 at such time as that lpt is developed. Landscaping would be placed within the area on TaX t_ots 800 and 801 where the ` access width is to occur; In order to assure fu�ure jaint � access a joint access agreement shall be recorded w.ith the � �� deeds of Tax Lnts 800 and the esternmost portion of BQ� , 7. Joiht access agreeme�t sha�.l be rQCOrc�ed wi�h �he deed oF ; Tax l.ot 800 (Tax �1ap 2S1 1Oq) Fo� �uture joint ac�essy/�ith � driVeway .a ' i, ,,. , : � �: �; " �IINUTES i TTGNRD P�LANNING COf��IZS5I0N � �� � June 13, 1978 ��: Pa9e 3 �;'' �, � ; Tax Lot 900, I�ap 2S1 10A) onto Gaarde Street at s�ueM k���n'e% as 'I�I that lot is deue:]:oRed. Rebuttal : ;; t Uan Lom stated the storm water detention plan had already been turned in with the initial subdivision proposal; #4 they would � prefer �to meet the State Hwy. Dept. requirements; #7 Gaarde site has mnre frontage and their own access point in the futur.e; ` the roadway as shown is only diagram'atic; the duplex play area is 10, OQ0 sq. ft. and also inc�.udes equipment; the street light ; prablem would be answered in Design Review; a traffic anal�sis ,': had been done; there was pedestrian access �Lhrough the park area `, past Elmers to pacific Hwy and also to the upper commercial area. ; � (�itch Ramsdale stated the trees as shown c�n the site plan along ' Pacific Hwy would not be planted due to State Hwy restrictions; `; questioned future access to Gaarde. Scheckla asked what if design review is done away with how would some of these questions be ansWe�ed.• Staver�> stated on NPO 3 an arterial is SO' to 100 ' af right-of�way and there is currently that much now so the drawing is correct. y� Laws ansWered the problem in Staff Rec. #7 concerning joint access. �._. E„ Commission Discussion: � Quimby stater� it was a much bettPr plan; sti11 needs more play area but the duplex lot size daesn ' t a�.low it and it shou.ld be the responsibility af developers in general ; still questioned the need for one �ore rest3urant. Sakata had access questions; stated Gaarde St. and Frontage Rd, were too close. Rossman felt it was a good plan and ma�e a motion for approval based on staff findings and tlie 7 staff recommendations. Papp seconded. Corliss was in favor of, the proposal .�nd ques�ioned the curb cut,s along Pacific Hwy; she trusi:ed these prob.lems would be. answered in design review. Wood stated the building pattern was a dirPat r�sult of the input of the planning Commissian and the developea�� had done a good job of integrating a1.1 the requests; he stated design review would be needed. � Sakata asked if Coope� woul.d b� allowed a sign at �he inter- section. 7epedino ca].1ed for the vote. Tho vote 6-0, Sakata abstained. .. ' , —..T , __ __ � MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � June 13, 1978 ���,., Page t4 �. 6, OTHER B�JSINESS: 6.1 Similar Use Interpretation (Herb Jundt) NPO 3 Jundt stated he would have no outside storage, on1,T a st�rage building. '�epedino stated in the original proposal Jundt was only going to be renting sports equipment. Popp suggested Ju�ndt apply for Public Hearing as a Conditi�onal Use. Laws asked if it would indeed be a Conditional. Use as it wasn't obviously any similax use; he needed a clear directive as to how to proceed. J'undt stated there would not be any outside storage ' Popp stated a more inclusive and cietailed 'list of the rental itetns was needed by the commissioners. Sakata made a motion to hear the item as Public Hearing. Quimby seconc3ed. i r i,aws asked what would the Public tlearing be on, ; ��.� i Popp stated Lhey would have to try to find a si.milar use, Sakata made a moti.on to hear the ite.m if sta.ff can find a use under the Gonditional Uses whi.ch is simiLar. i I The motion was passed unanimously, i Commissi�ners instructed staff ta determine if the pro�oseci use is similar to uses �ermitted either outright or conditionally in a C-4 zone and to so advise commissioners and they wi11 then make a• d�cision on staffs similar use interpretation. (if the applicant so requests.) i i 6.2 Popp stated there would be a meeting on the Proposed Park St. Realigziment � ar►d requested Saka'ta to atitPnd. 7, ADJOCJRNMENT: Meeting taas adjourn:ed ati 10:30 FM. ��. � h �`' PUBL.I:C NO'1�ICF �I TIGf�RD PLANNING G(�MMISSTON � � �� ����''� � June 13, '1978 - 7: 30 PM S�I Fowler Junior Higli School - Lecture Room ;;:. 10865 SW Walnu� - Tigard, Oregon �;J, 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ��', � � � � � P� 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 27-77 (Oak Hill Investment) NPO 3 fl ��.. . � � . . . . i�'ii A request by Ted Mill,�,r of Oak Hil1 Investment for a general t;l plan and program review of Phase II of a "Residential/Commercial r+j PD for parcels totalling 4.24 �.cres at the intersection of SW Pacific Hwy and Gaarde �W�.sh. Co. Tax Map 251. 10A, Tax Lots ` 700 and 80U, and Tax Map 2S1 3�DD, Tax Lots 800 and 1100) . ' kil P; �'i t-', r% t' [;'i , j � � }�. n i' .... 4':i'. � f�� • �i � 1 �`� All persons having an int�res�t in the hearing matter are invited to appear and submit oral �nd written testimony or submit written 1 testimony in advanc� o� the meeting. �;� Publish TT G-7--7$ ' i �� ,; � �11 !+I � i 4 ii � r � !; t; � t j, , � �a 4 tj 1 �� ' PUBLIC NOTI�CE I TIGARD F.LA�I�ING C;�MM�SSION June 13, 1978 - 7:30 pM { Foxaler Junior High School - Lecture Room �.;{ 10865 SW Walnuit - Ti�ard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5,.1 ZONF CHANGE ZC 27-77 (Oak Hi11 Znvestment) NP0 3 , A reques�t by Ted Millar of Oak Hil.l Investment for a general plan and pragram review of Phase II of a "Residential/Commercial" ,PD for parcels totalling 4.2.4 acres at the intersection o.f SW Pacifie Hwy and Gaarde (Wash. Go. Tax 'Map 2S1 10A� Tax Lots 700.and 800, and Tax Map 2S1 3DD� Tax Lots 800 an.d 1.100:,)'. � ,, � ` 5.2 COP�PREHENSIVE PLAN REVZSION CPR. 4-78 (Rembold/Bishop) NPO 3 A`reque'st by Rembold/Bi.shop Properties to amend the Nei.ghb�i hood' Planning Org anization ��3 Plan as it is applied to a 7.8 acre parce�t�� .47. Park and S.Tn1. Watkins west of S.W. Paci�ic kiighwa`'y to change� i� f�.uEri e cial Prafessional to ; Retail Commercial (Wa h. C�o. Tax Ma"s 2�1 2G�B�° T�at� Lot 1 �0, 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot 700, ; 2S1 3DA� the eastern �ortii�n#���o'�f Taa��ot�4,7'�Q���1 � �a;, � ' i, �( � � , ; 4 ?� ~��.. ..ry`�� �,� �� �, �i � � 4 i� �� ��'3 `Fi� . . � .� 5.3 ZQNE CHA GE `l.�C 1w 7 8 '�,, (Re�lio 1 H,/.$,�s�b.p) s� � f � �'��( .� I3P0 3 � . . � �.4� V � ....- ♦�r! .... � i� � 1 A request �y4�Rembol.��/Bi�k►op for a: preliminary plan and program review of a � Retail Go �er�,?��1./Commercial Professional Planned Deuelopmen:t anc� a zone m�p � amendment om C-3ako C-3 PD on a 7.8 acre parcel at S.W. Park and S,W. Watkins ; west of S.W. Pacifxc Hwy (Wash. Co. Tax Maps 2S1 2CB, Tax Lot 1800, 2S1 2CC, Tax � Lot 700, 2S1 3�A, the eastern portion of Tax Lot 47Q0). � �. � ;c, � �', i, � , �', All person.s having an interest in the hearin� matter are invited to appear and submit ora.l and written testimony or submit written testimony in advance of the meet�.ng. a'! ;.' Pub�.ish TT 5-31-78 azxd 6-7-78 �`� �. '�:� ;^i ; �; t ;. s; � � � �� ,� p �. ;, �. , F � � P� 1 � . . . . .. � �;.�.. � f f j. ;� � � � � . STAF7! REPOP�T ACENDL� 5 .1 � TTGARD P-L�NNING COMnI[ISSION '� June 13, 1�7F3 Fowler Junior Hi�h School-Lecture Room 10865 �.�'V. Walnut Street - Ti�ard, Oregon Dacket : Zone Chang� 7C 27-77 Requesi; ; For general �lan and program review, a Phase II of a "Residential/Commercial/Comm�rcial Professional planned devel.opment f�r parcels totallin� 4 .24 acres . Locati.on: Intersection of S .L�J. Pacific FIighway and Gaarde Street (tiVash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10�, Tax Lots 700 ancl 8t70, and Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lots 80�J and 1140) . A��lica,nt : Ted Millar (Oak Hill InvestmPnts) I . Findin�s of Fact : l . The applicant is requesting genexal plan a;nd program review for Phas� II of a I�esid�ntial/Comme.rci.�,l Plann.ed ?�evelopment in accorda.nce with conciition �12 of Qrdinance 78-7 which states : "4Vhen Phase II developes, a gener�:l plan and pro�ram wi11 be submitted to the Planning Com:�ission for their approval" �_- 2. The site is prPSently zoned C-3 (General Commercia,l) anc� I desa.gnated Retail Commercial , and Commercial Praf essional on the NPO #3 P1an. Applicabl� policies from �the Plan �,re as :follows : Policy 1f3. Paci�ic Highway is dev�loping as a strip i commer.cial higYiway. The tr.a�fic-carrqing capacity o� this highway shouid k�ave the higl7est priority and adjacent commercial development shoulci be subardinated to this need. Policy 19 . In the interest oF safe�y and e�fici.Ency, the number of highway access points must be l�ept to a minimum. Wherever possible, busa.nesses on Paci:�ic Hi�hway sh�u7.d be clustEred and share common parking �acilities and drive-- ways . �s new dev�lapment occurs , the number of aacess points should not Exce�d the number necessary for �;rope.rty on-site trai'fic circula.tion anc�, where possibl.e, s�aoulc� be combined with access �o adjacent business�s , Policy 20. Busin�sses on Pacific �ii�;hway should he oriented to the existing tra�fic and rlot draw additional tra:��ic �ram tlze adjacen�t; coimmunity, An,y additianal. conveni�nce or neighborho�d cen�er. s shotz].d be centrally lacated �o the marke�t area i;k�ey serve . � T�olicy 21. Development wYll caincide wa.�lz �he provi�ions a� �u1�1ic stree�;s, �ua�er and sewErage :faci�.iti.es, These :�ac�.�ities sh�t�.1 b� (a} eapab].e c��: ad�qtia�t��.y sexving al�. ��-o , .. , - , STA�'F RFPORT AGENnA 5. l TIGARD PLANTIIPZG COPd14ITS�IQN June 13, lg7$ Page 2 intez�vening properties as we11 as the proposed development, and (Y�) designed to meet City or county sta.ndards, 3. Section 1$.56 . �1� (ri�;axd T�unzcipal (;ode) states; The purpose of the planned development d_istrict is to grovide opportunities t� create more desir.able environmPnts through the application o� flexible and c�iversi�ied land development st�.ndards unde,r a cornprehensive plan and progxam professionally pre�ared. The �lanned .devel�pment district is intended to be used to encourage the ap�lication o� neW technic�ues �.nd new technology to community developn�ent, whic:h wi].l result in superior living or develapmen� arrange- ments with lasting valuES. It i:s further in�tended to achieve econornies in land development, main�enance, streei; systems, anc� utility netwarlcs, while providing building g�ou�ings �or �rivacy, usable, and attracti�ve open spaces , safe circulation, anc� the �eneral ��ell-being oF thP � inhabitants. i 4 . Section I8. 56. �3� provic�es #or �eneral developmen� plan and ; pr�gram approval by the Plannin� �ommission a�ter re�eiv�.ng approval i.n principle o� the. preliminary plan and pro�ram � and the applicant has petil;ioned for an amenc�ment of the voning map in accorc�ance with Cha�ter 18. 88n 5. On March 13, ].978 the '�igard City Council ap�roved a residential/cornmercial Planned �evelc�prner�t for the site �tha� required the follo<<�ing; additiona7: cor�di�ions : � f� a. Prior to �l�e develo�ment af any �aart o�' Phase TT, a � deve],opment plan and a txa�,fic analysi,s sha11 be su�a- �' mitted to the city. r }�. That the secondary access to th� conimercial property i', in axea "A" : Phase TT a,s shown on the site �`la.n be c�eleted. Access i;o tlzese prc�perties tn b� cletexmined during the su�m�,ssi�n o� a deve:l.opment plan for Phase s�� II . � c. That a, pedestra�an access to �acifa.c Hight�vay be j° consic�exed duxing the desa:gn xeview .��ocess. j l ; fi a I e t . �x.� . . . . . �i . � . . � . . ' . . �� ' . . . . . ` . . � Y . . � � . � .. . .� � .. .�� . .. . .. . .. ..... .�. .. ... .. . �. � �.. � � , STAFF R�PORT AGENDA 5. ]_ TIrTARD `PLANNING COP4T,�ISSION June 13, I978 Page 3 7. On May 16, 1�78, the Tigard P1�.nnin� Corrim�_ssian denied a request by the appliran� for Phase II CTeneral Plan and Progr.am review based an his �ailure to �u�1�ill the the purpose of th� planned develo�rnPnt orclinance. ' The applicant has subseqtzently resubmiti;ed a site plan which he states "substantial.ly revisesth� pro�osal submitted on May 16, 197�3. " 8. Staf:� finds that the revised �ite plan does address the concerns raised by both �th� Planr�ing Commission and, staf� durin� the May 1F, 1�78 public hearing. P�!Iore s�ecifically : 1 . The �verall pl�.n represents a more inter�rated �xoject � by detailin� the 1oc�,tion of buildings on the site whi.le provi.din� a tra�ffic circula,ti.on plan that mor� c.losely adheres to t�e in�ent of the planned deuelopment ordinance. This has been accom�Iished by increasing landscape areas and deleting one duple� 1ot as apprt�ved undex- Phas� I �� and shifi;ing the park are�. into the southeastern most °�- portion of Phas� I . Althoug�h �the proposed revision results in a reduction oF one duplex lo�t and diminishing; tlie park area �rom 13,500 ta 10 ,200 square fee�t , a buffering eft�c� betw�en the comrnercial and residential properties and a more integrated xelationship �e�ween the comr��excial i buildings, to incl.ude driveway access and 1anc�scaping; � will 'be accomplished. j 9. The applicant Yaas .made provision :�or providing access to � Ta�� Lots 1.000 and the easterr� portior� o� Tax Lot 90�. � These two �ots are not included as part o� �he pl.annecl cievelopment . � As a condition of approv.al (CU 1-77) �or the used car � 1ot �n Tax Lot 1000 (the applicant Mr. Gooper) was rec�uired to do the fo].lowing: ' '� The saizthern access �o Paci�ic ��ighway �ae Per.manent;l,y '� closed, and thP r�maining access poa.nt on�o SW Paci;�ic 'j Iiiglzway be �ermanen��.y closed if �.n alternative means ' o� access (fronta�e road) is develo��ed. ' This app].�.�ant has there:P.ox� pxc�v�.ded the means (:�ronta�;e i raad) �or �he abc5v� sta�ed cor�da.�tion �o be reali�ed� ! 7.0. �.ecess �;o �o�t 80(� az�d a por�a.on c�� 801, h�,s a1.so la�;ez� p�ov�,c�ee� > via the e����nsa.o� o:� a s�ine roac� �:hrou�h Tax Lots 9�� and t �.qQO� FI�w���ar, due �a �he �ac� tha� �h� app�,�.ca�� doe� na� ; � � _ : _ ll �I . i �, . STAFF REPORT ;i AGENDA 5. 1 fl �T GARD PLANN I NCr COMr,4I SS I ON June l3, I978 l�l Page 4 � ii have coratrol over Tax Lot 900 he has provided access �or ;I, Tax Lot 8�0 and the eastern most portion of Tax Lot 801 J from Pacific Highway, allo�ving for a shared access to il exist with Tax Lot 900 when that parcel is deve�oped. 'ii There is eurrently a single famil,y residence on Tax Lot 'I 900. The proposed access width from Tax Lot 800 and 80I is shown as bein� l0 :feet, thirty feet is required by ', code. There:�ore an additional �0 feet �uill be required. ;� This access width could be reduced on site when Tax Lot 900 is develaped and a joint drivewa,y access provided between the properties. , 11 . An add�ndum to the traffic analysis presented by the ; applicant during the initial Phase TI application has ' been rEVie�ved by the State I-Iighway Department a.nd their � findings weie that the proposed �uses would represent "no problem and be compatible with the Transportation Systems Management (TSM) pr�ject cu.rrently under study for the signalization of Pacific Highway. " 1�. Tlle applicant is proposing to locate an E1mer' s Pancake House in the southeastern �ortion of Phase II (Gaarde and Pacific Highway) . A p.ri.ma,r,y (45 foot wide) access �� i� to be provided from a, controlled intersection at Pacific Highway a1.i�ned with S .W. McDonalc� Street . A secondar.y ( 30 foot wide) aceess is also prapos�d o�:f of S.�N. Gaarde, approximately 1FiC� feet west of PaciFic Highway. 13. The applicarit has not clesignated s�eci:�ic uses for the northern commercial and commercial/px•o:�essional areas, However, the narrative inaluc3es a .list o� possi'b1e uses Sor these two areas. The list includes both perrnitted and som� conditiona]. uses in the C-3 (General Corramcxcial) anrl CP (Commercial/Pro:fessional) zones. Staff �inds �hat these uses conform to the NPO #3 P].an and waulc� compZi.men� one another. Staf� �urther i'inds that the anticipa�ted txaffic from these uses can k�e adequa�tel,y control.led/ handled through pxnper site pl�.nning and the si.gnal:i�ation of th� n4cDonald Street intersection. l4. The NPO #3 Plan design�,tes S,�V. Pacific I�i�k�way �,s an arterial street requiriizg 8�J-12�J �eet o� ri�ht-c��-way . There is currently between 80-1.2Q :feet of ri�ht-o:P-��a,y at �his poin�i: . Sauthwes� Gaarde is desi�nated a collector street (NPn #3) requirin� a minimum 50 �eet o� ri�ht�-o�-�vay. Hotvever, � prEVious Planning Commission actions have x�qui.red a 6(? �oot righ�;-of-way on Gaaxde. The cu�ren� xi.ght-o�-tV�.y is �� feet. There�ore �a be consis��n� with ��evious d�cisxons an �.ddi.�ional 10 �oo� dedYCatinn is needec� a�.ong S .jV, Ga��de S�ree'�. . .. y . . . � . . . . . • STAFF EZEPORT AGENDA 5. T � TIGARD PLANNING COTIIMISSION ��,, June 13, 197$ Page 5 15. L�dequate sanitary sewer and water servic� are availa?�le to the site via existing lines in S.W. Csaarde and are being ex'tended to the site in conjunction with Phase I development to the west . Th_e applica.nt 's narrative s�tates that starm water drainage will be handled as a singZe probl�m for both Phase I and Phase II . They intend to limit runoff to the ratE generated from the property prior to dev�lo:pment . The a�plicaiZt has stated that "Engineering is currently bein� conducted to determine the exact requirements and location for a retenti�ii system. " II . Conclusionary Findin�s : l . The pro�osed Phase II development , as revised, subst�.n�tiall,y conforms to the land use designations of the NF'O #�3 Plan ana the intent of the Planned Pevelopment district . 2. The revision in size and locati�n in the design�ted "Park Area" in Phase I will facilitate a better land use relationship 1�etween the c;ommercial and residential portions � of the planned development while providing a much improved •�• on site t.raffic circulation pattern . III . StafF Recommendation : Based on :fi�dings o�' �act and conclusionary findings s�aff recommends approval subject to the followin� conditions : 1 . Th�.t prior to submission for Desi�r� Revie��� a complete storm water detention plan , covering Phase I Rs ZI be submitted i'or both Oregon State Hi�hway Divisi�n and Public `Uorks DepartmEZ�t approvals. 2. Ti�at a minimum 40 �oot radius curb be provided at the corner (north side) of Gaarde and Paci�ic Highway as specified by �i:he State Highway Depar.tment . ' 3. Tha•t 1() feet of right-o�-way be ctedicated along the S .W. Craaxde Street frontage and -that a hal� stre�t improvement be made to col"lector street stanc�ards as speci:Eiecl in tlie NPO �`3 Plan . �. That the necessary righ�=o�-way, as sp�cified by the State Iiighway Depaxtment, be provided al.ong th� PaciFic Highway :frontage and tha�t margin improvements be made incl.uding �3 foot sidewa�.ks and curhs; �r�. 5. Tlia�: proposed bui7.ding 1oca�:ions, 7.an.dscapin�, pa,xki.ng .. . requiremen�� and pe�es�riar�/'vehicl.e access �be sub,�ec� to design x�eview. � M . . . . . . . . .. � � . . • STAT'F �EPORT _ AGLNDA 5. 1 TIGAEf,T] PLANN�NG C�M,��ISS�C?I�" June 13, 197�3 Pa�e � �i , �'ha<�t a 3q ;f,oat wi:,d:Q, �G�:ess dri:�� be pr4�r�;�;�t�. �ax T�� Lots 8Q�J �<nd the eas�ern mQ��� ,�Q���:�c�n. o� 8�� an.d th:at th.e d�ve].o,�e� �,g;r�� �o �xaVi::de ,�Q?:n.� �;c��e,s� wX�h �'�� ! Lot �:bQ at such. t%4me, �,� �tYi_�t �,�� �.°� d�:���,c��?ed., � Landsc�,�%n� would b� ,�a7;�;c�d Y�i„tYii� #ki� area, c�� �a�t ; , Lnt 80Q an.d 8C11; her� the �,c��;c�ss �Vid�:�i: ��s �Q o��'ur; ; S W � In Qrc��r �ka a��u�^e; �uttl�e ,joX�n.i; ��c�ss� a ,joi:�n�; d;G<;ess � a�r�Pme�t sha1,1, be r�cc�;rde.d; w2;�h �h.P d�e,c�s o� ��x Lqts � £3Q(� .and easternmQs�� �aor�;ic�n. p� S�l. .,r ° � � 4 �. Qy fi f,' ; �` � i `1! ;, �. 1 + �